News from the sector formerly known as Trumplandia, now the exiled Alt-Reich — The extreme corner of the Land of the Happy Negro
"It is now life and not art that requires the willing suspension of
disbelief." — Lionel Trilling
This site may contain profanity. It also may contain ranting, strong opinions, misspellings, humor, and music references. If that bothers you, look away now. "This Machine Kills Fascists" — Woody Guthrie.

“When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it—always.”
—Mahatma Gandhi
Welcome to "The Great Enshittocene." You are living in it now!
Forgiving those who show no remorse is injustice. There will be no meeting Nazis halfway in the name of "unity."
When I press alt-right on the keyboard my screen goes white.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." — Edmund Burke
“We don’t take an oath to a king, or queen, or a tyrant or a dictator. And we don’t take an oath to a wannabe dictator… we take an oath to the Constitution… and we’re willing to die to protect it.”
— Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Mark Milley, at his retirement ceremony.
A Manifesto
"Making America Great Again." |
Back in 2005 Lost Country recorded a song that was issued on their CD Long Gone Thrill. It was a song written by Jeff Gutcheon that was originally titled Land of the Happy Negro, subtitled Battle Hymn of the Republicans. We thought that no one would “get it.” It would be misunderstood; it might be construed as racist on our part. Of course, it was far from that. We changed the title and some of the lyrics. But today I realize that Jeff was on the money and that now everyone should recognize that he was. The teahadists, around 2011, demanded that the school textbooks in Tennessee overlook certain facts and look at the “sunny side of slavery.” So, now these “Ministry of Truth” protectors can take their proper context with the song that had them pegged from our earlier years when we tried to be kind. Now, we know they are not kind people. Now, you can hear the original track—unedited, unoverdubbed, with the original lyrics sung as a pilot vocal so we could work on the track that later became the issued recording of a kinder version, Land of the Happy People.
Land of the Happy Negro — copyright Jeff Gutcheon, 2005.
Randy Newman is in on this issue as well with an offering for you titled I'm Dreaming.
Get it while you can.
Dedicated to the Republican Teahadistas in the Senate and the House. How they long to return to the past.
For more on the Teahadistas: Americans Against The Tea Party
P.S. : It was rewarding to see
The Daily Show
using the title Battle Hymn of the Republicans for one of their segments. Great minds think alike. Except the greatest think of them first.
On page 97 in Jill Lepore’s book The Whites of their Eyes (2010, Princeton University Press) she states, “There was though, something heartbreaking in all this. Behind the Tea Party’s Revolution lay nostalgia for an imagined time—the 1950s, maybe, or the 1940s—less riven by strife, less troubled by race. In that nostalgia was the remembrance of childhood, a yearning for a common past, bulwark against a divided present, comfort against an uncertain future....”
As if anyone needed more proof of this retro-lunacy just look at our latest "sunny slaver" Cliven Bundy and his quotes on "happy negros." I quote Maureen Dowd in her Times column Sunday, April 27, 2014: "It’s a measure of how hallucinogenic conservatives are that they are trying to re-litigate slavery during the second term of the first African-American president." Jeff’s song could very aptly be subtitled Battle Hymn of Cliven Bundy.
Need more? Take a look at an Esquire article written by Charles P. Pierce dated April 25, 2014, Mike Pence Joins A Bad Parade.
"In downtown Indianapolis, there's this massive monument to the people from Indiana who have died in our various wars, particularly the nearly 25,000 Hoosiers who died in the War of Southern Sedition. I mention this only to point out that the National Rifle Association is meeting in Indianapolis at the moment, and Indiana Governor Mike Pence made them welcome by edging right up to being on the wrong side of the dispute that cost so many Hoosiers their lives. This, of course, is the on-ramp to the expressway to Bundyville, although Pence would be horrified if you pointed that out to him."
Governor Pence: "Washington is not only broke, it’s broken. The cure for what ails this country will come more from our state capitals than it ever will from our national capital. Despite what some may think in Washington, our state governments are not territorial outposts of the national government. The states are the wellspring of the American experiment. It will not be enough to cut federal spending; the next generation of leaders must permanently reduce the size and scope of the federal government by returning to the states the rights, resources, and responsibilities that are rightfully theirs!"
"This view of things was litigated at the Constitutional Convention. It failed. It was litigated over the tariff. It failed. It was litigated at Cemetery Ridge. It failed. It was litigated prior to the passage of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution. It failed. It was litigated at Central High in Little Rock. It failed. It was litigated on the campus at Ole Miss in 1962. It failed. It was litigated at the Edmund Pettus Bridge. It failed. It is the connective tissue that binds modern conservativism inextricably to the remnants of American apartheid because this view of the nature of the nation always was the expression of threat that the slaveholder felt about his way of life. It camouflaged itself in a number of ways involving a number of different issues, but always it was about the fear that, sooner or later, the federal government was going to come and take away the chattel from which you derived your personal economy, and so even what might be beneficial to the nation as a whole must be resisted on the pretext of sovereign states...."
Not enough yet? Here you go. Dated July 21, 2014.
Top Anti-Immigrant ‘Expert’ Says ‘Being Hung, Drawn And Quartered’ Is ‘Too Good’ For Obama.
A senior policy analyst for the Center for Immigration Studies, which bills itself as the think tank of the anti-immigrant Right, told a Florida-based Tea Party group last week that President Obama not only deserves impeachment, but that “being hung, drawn and quartered is probably too good for him.”
The Center for New Community’s Imagine 2050 blog first reported on Stephen Steinlight’s remarks.
Steinlight also said that John Boehner’s lawsuit against the president is a ‘political loser’ and claimed that while Obama deserves to be impeached, such an effort would backfire on Republicans.
CIS describes Steinlight as “one of the nation’s most insightful voices on immigration” who provides “expert testimony” for government panels.
"A rash of opinion polls which have come out, not push polls, real polls, including one by Gallup that showed that 65 percent of the American people don’t want any part of an Obama-style immigration reform. But the idea of this [lawsuit] is vintage Boehner, it’s a political loser. There is no court that is going to stop Obama from doing anything. We all know, if there ever was a president that deserved to be impeached, it’s this guy. Alright? I mean, I wouldn’t stop. I would think being hung, drawn, and quartered is probably too good for him."
While it’s my opinion this would be “cruel and unusual punishment” I’m sure it’s merely a figure of speech the gentleman is using and doesn't seriously want lynching to return. But on the other hand, we could just
‘Blame It On Obama” as Andre Williams says.
Not enough for rational human beings? Ok:
A while back Mr. Cruz stated: “I think the reason so many Americans are upset about the Obama presidency is that they realize this wasn’t possible before, and they wanted his presidency to be bigger than it is, you know, to do bigger things. And then you have others that appreciate history. If the slaves were never freed in the Civil War, you have to wonder, where would Obama be today? Certainly not the White House, not in the capacity he’s in. And you have some in America that think that might not be a bad thing. That he not be in office, I mean.”
Another Happy Negro kind of guy! Ya gotta love the pursed eyebrow schtick!
Ted Cruz displays his acting skills.
Ah, but it goes on:
Ann Coulter is up front with her racism when in response to Michelle Obama’s commencement speech at Tuskegee University, May 2015, proudly stated on Sean Hannity’s show — "I think she’s just letting out her Reverend Wright now.” The pundit proceeded to denounce the "predator class” in the black community and deny the existence of "peaceful protesters” in Baltimore...."Oh my gosh, this nonsense about, oh, so many blacks are in prison, well how did they get there?” Coulter asked later. "In addition to the peaceful Baltimore protester I want to put on a milk carton, — have you seen this? — I want to see the innocent person in prison.”
(Note: While people of color make up about 30 percent of the United States' population, they account for 60 percent of those imprisoned. The prison population grew by 700 percent from 1970 to 2005, a rate that is outpacing crime and population rates. March 13, 2012.)
Glenn Beck stated in response to the same speech she gave with "White people in droves went out to vote for you,” he said. "You were somehow invisible so much that you became the President and First Lady of the United States of America? Tell me about the troubles that you have seen!.” Beck then argued that conservatives and Christians were the real victims of bigotry: "The conservatives have never felt it! The jobs we are suddenly bypassed for because we’re conservative, because of our viewpoint. The religious that are mocked on a daily basis and belittled. Yeah, we’ve never felt that. We don’t know what it’s like.”
An excellent playing of the "Victim Card” the Republicans do over and over as well. 76% of Americans consider themselves "Christian” yet the Republicans consider them victims?
“Yes, the long war on Christianity. I pray that one day we may live in an America where Christians can worship freely! In broad daylight! Openly wearing the symbols of their religion... perhaps around their necks? And maybe – dare I dream it? – maybe one day there can be an openly Christian President. Or, perhaps, 43 of them. Consecutively.”—Jon Stewart
Maybe Ann and Glen should read the article in the Times Magazine from Sunday, May 10, 2015,
"Our Demand Is Simple: Stop Killing Us.”.
Would (did) they miss the killing part or are they really that clueless?
And continues:
In the June 19, 2015 article titled
“Why Conservatives Still Won't Admit That Charleston Was A Racist Crime,”
Aurin Squire makes several points on the sad excuses that Republicans used on the murders by Dylann Roof in Charleston, South Carolina. “Given the history of the South, along the rise of both active shooters and gun access, we can't call what happened Wednesday night a ‘senseless tragedy.’ In fact, the Charleston church shooting is full of savage sense. Thanks to complicity at best, and outright racist at worst, the ‘inconceivable’ is still feasible. The fear tactics that were once localized in the dark backwoods of our political landscape now reach every phone and laptop. Today, xenophobia and bigotry are the daily platforms from which many conservatives speak to their shrinking base. The Charleston shooting is not a random act of violence, but part of a long litany of history culminating in a painful present.”
From Mr. Roof’s Manifesto (as originally stated on Tumblr) :
Mr. Roof’s Tumblr had contained photos that matched his Facebook page, but both were taken down after the killings.
The essay uses defamatory terms for blacks, whom he accused of being “stupid and violent” with “the capacity to be very slick.” It laments white flight, and suggested that the whites should instead stay behind in cities and fight.
Criticisms are levied at Hispanics and Jews, but Asians are praised for being racists and potential allies. Whites are unfairly portrayed as all having been slave owners, the essay says. In reality, the author wrote, slavery was not that bad.
(Note: Charleston, SC is racially two-thirds white, up from 1980 when it was 50%)
And, on the Stars and Bars (their “Battle Flag” and not the first Confederate “national flag”) front (didn’t the Confederacy lose the war? Guess they never got over it and are still pissed).
Outrage vs. Tradition, Wrapped in a High-Flying Flag of Dixie
Supporters of the Confederate battle flag display signaled Friday that their position had not changed. In a commentary on Friday, Michael Hill, the president of the League of the South, which the Southern Poverty Law Center has listed as a hate group, said that the Confederate battle flag should remain at the State House but that the American flag should be removed.
The American flag, Mr. Hill wrote, “now stands for multiculturalism, tolerance and diversity — the left’s unholy trinity.” In “sharp contrast,” he wrote, the Confederate battle flag “stands for the heroic effort our people made 150 years ago to avoid the fate” of contemporary America.
In the same article, Senator Lindsey Graham (a Republican candidate for President of the United States) told CNN that he would support a move to “revisit” the flag’s status, but he added that the flag was part of the state’s identity.
(Identity? Guess he means Land of the Happy Negro.)
Seditious Oklahoma asshats are grabbing their share of “The Land of the Happy Negro.” “President Obama greeted by Confederate flags in Oklahoma” show these people are too ignorant to know what racism is. Only 80 of these asshats showed up but they still display their ignorance very well. Or was it only 10? Another link to the story is here. The asshat that drove up from Texas is talking to himself I suppose.
Then we have the good ol’ boys from the remnants of the KKK demanding their share of “The Land of the Happy Negro.” at the Statehouse in South Carolina. These fascists crawled out of the sewers to parade their little battle flags on Saturday, July 18, 2015. Oh, sorry, they weren’t protesting the uppity negroes, they were protesting the uppity immigrants. Old, sad, diminished, disgruntled white men and some younger skin heads were, indeed, demanding their share of the sweet sunny heritage (white supremacy) of the Confederacy. Ooops! Is that a swastika on that black T-shirt? Such class.
Book About George Washington’s ‘Happy’ Slaves Shelved - Yet another wistful yearner for the Land of the Happy Negro!
Don't overlook Land of the Happy Negro's Corey Stewart’s Confederate antics. LaCivita said. "Let the idiot be the idiot." Always the best strategy.
Virginia Lawmakers Pass Bill Allowing Confederate Monument Removals
Land of the Happy Negro stronghold joins 21st Century.
Donald Trump openly joined “The Land of the Happy Negro” on August 15, 2017. He confirmed that he is a white supremacist supporter. He wants to blame resistance to it. You cannot serve Nazis and liberty at the same time. His attempts at being the leader of the free world have failed miserably.
The events in Charlottesville
have unmasked him forever as the bigoted demagogue he is. “The Land of the Happy Negro” has, in a not-so-subtle way, declared war on the United States. We should acknowledge this war exists, the enemy is among us, and fight it with all the heart and soul of those who fought and died stamping out this very same fascism in World War II. That is now our task as we have a president that is so mindless and tyrannical that he doesn't know the difference between Thomas Jefferson and Robert E. Lee. That same civil war is upon us once again. Lest our nation collapse, let us not fail to settle it once and for all this time.
Worse Than Treason
No amount of rationalizing can change the fact that the majority of the Republican Party is advocating for the overthrow of an American election.
For those who have no idea what World War II has to do with anything:
The Chaplain's Speech to the troops in the 1949 WWII film Battleground
"Now it’s nearly Christmas, and here we are in beautiful Bastogne enjoying the winter sports. And the $64 dollar question is: ‘Was this trip necessary?’ I’ll try to answer that, but my sermons, like everything else in the Army, depend on the situation and the terrain. So I assure you this is gonna be a quickie! ‘Was this trip necessary?’ Well, let’s look at the facts. Nobody wanted this war but the Nazis. A great many people tried to deal with them, and a lot of ’em are dead. Millions have died for no other reason except that the Nazis wanted ’em dead. So, in the final showdown, there was nothing left to do except fight. There’s a great lesson in this. And those of us who’ve learned it the hard way aren’t gonna forget it. We must never again let any force dedicated to a super-race, or a super-idea, or super-anything become strong enough to impose itself upon a free world. We must be smart enough and tough enough in the beginning to put out the fire before it starts spreading. My answer to the $64 dollar question is, yes. This trip was necessary. As the years go by, a lot of people are gonna forget, but you won’t. And don’t ever let anybody tell you you were a sucker to fight in the war against fascism. And now, Jerry permitting, let us pray. Let us pray for this fog to lift. Almighty God. The organist is hitting those bass notes a little too loud for me to be heard. So let us each pray in his own way, to his own God."
As Gregg Popovich declared, "We are Rome."
From "The Holocaust Explained": Between 1929 and 1932, support for the Communist and Nazi parties increased. The less extreme parties were blamed for causing Germany's problems. As these parties had been unable to work together to solve country's problems, people became more afraid that the Communists may take over. The moderate parties turned to the Nazis to keep the Communists out.
President Obama said, "We are not Democrats first, we are not Republicans first, we are Americans."
Mr. President, from your first day they never gave you that courtesy so they will not get it from me.
We oppose everything
"EVERYTHING that goes wrong, from here on out, is owned by Trump and the Republicans."
When you have elected representatives stating that Trump is unqualified, bad for the country, ignorant of the issues, and other harsh criticisms also stating that they will back him as the Republican nominee, you have clear evidence of the rot that permeates the party. They are as corrupt and power-mad as their putative candidate. They—McCain, Ryan, McConnell and the rest of the toadies—demonstrate their hypocrisy and the fact that they put party power over the good of the nation.
D.L. Hughley put it in clear words, voting for Trump means "voting for a racist over a liberal." That is it, succinctly put. If you voted for Trump you have made a statement for racism, hatred, intolerance, bigotry, falsity, xenophobia, gynophobia, scapegoating and fraud. Refusal to vote for HRC does not absolve you from participation, because no vote as well as a third party vote is a vote for Trump in effect.
Let me get this straight. The "angry" American people want government out of their lives. Yet, they blame the government for forgetting about them for all the jobs that the middle-class has lost over the years. Huh? Their solution is to elect a fascist to office of POTUS. In this exchange you get a dictatorship. This has historically worked out well for how many countries? And the left get criticized for calling these people idiots? Many of these people vote against their best interest every time. What else can you call them when it is the truth?
End the Electoral College
National Popular Vote Interstate Compact
Why the hell should Florida, Ohio and a few other swing states rule our election process? We have not been 13 colonies for some time now.
I am not mad at you that Clinton lost. I am unconcerned that we have different politics. And I don't think less of you because you vote one way and I vote another.
No... I think less of you because you watched an adult mock a disabled person in front of a crowd and still supported him. I think less of you because you saw a man spouting clear racism and backed him. I think less of you because you listened to him advocate for war crimes, and still thought he should run this country. I think less of you because you watched him equate a woman's worth to her appearance and got on board.
It isn't your politics that I find repulsive. It is your personal willingness to support racism, sexism, and cruelty. You sided with a bully when it mattered and that is something I will never forget.
So, no... you and I won't be "coming together" to move forward or whatever. Trump disgusts me, but it is the fact that he doesn't disgust you that will stick with me long after this election.
—Sparrow R. Jones
You watched Trump live his entire life as a millionaire or billionaire and never earn an honest nickle in his life; you watched the man send ALL of his manufacturing overseas; you watched him rail against the auto industry bail out; you watched him hire illegal immigrants for his businesses and for his homes here in America; you watched him scam and bankrupt countless family owned businesses by not paying his bills; you watched him declare bankruptcy countless times and walk away with hundreds of millions of dollars; you then watched him not pay one dime of taxes on that ill gotten gain and brag about it to the middle class who had to pick up his slack on their taxes and you STILL thought that Donald Trump understands you and the working class and that he and he alone could "save our economy" and bring jobs back to "Murka".
And since you also believe that Bush left us with a strong and sound economy that Obama destroyed, I dislike you because you are a willful idiot.
Gaslighting: Know It and Identify It to Protect Yourself
Gaslighting is a manipulation tactic used to gain power. And it works too well.
"You have attracted people who are determined that ideology is more important than facts." — Ted Koppel to Sean Hannity 3/26/2017
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” — Upton Sinclair
(Why do certain people vote against their best interest?):
"The masses revolt of their own accord, and they never revolt merely because they are oppressed. Indeed, so long as they are not permitted to have standards of comparison, they never even become aware that they are oppressed." — George Orwell, 1984
"We're closer to a nuclear war than we've been in 55 years because "someone" wanted to jail a woman for using email." — LOLGOP
"Fuck Trump.
Fuck his faux concern.
Fuck his half-assed apologies.
And fuck every POS who voted for this degenerate to lead our county."
—Caroline O. (@RVAwonk) tweeted at 5:52 PM on Sat, Aug 12, 2017
"Nazis are murdering people, farmers are going broke and the arctic is fucking melting. Maybe next time let's not hand the world's most difficult job to a toxic moron lost and wandering in a haze of dementia and untreated tertiary syphilis who can't even spell his own fucking name."
—Jeff Tiedrich@itsJeffTiedrich
Tweeted on Tue., Aug 6, 2019
"White people have nearly completely gone mad. Think about it. The people of VA voted for a republican candidate who's only platform is that he would save them from CRT and or the teaching of American History. CRT is a university level curriculum and is not taught on grade school levels. American history is impossible to teach without discussing slavery, the massacre and land theft of the first Nations. Since slavery starts with the country's formation, how do you teach American history without it? Do you start at the civil war? How do you explain why Americans were killing each other over "state's rights"? Rights to do what? Ok, maybe we teach the bible. But the setting of the Bible is in Africa and the middle east and slavery is discussed all through it. See what I mean. The battle against truth is the path to self termination on a macro scale."
— Real Truth stings 11/3/2021,
"Morality is doing right, no matter what you are told. Religion is doing what you are told, no matter what is right."
—H. L. Menken (1880 - 1956)
Directed to the asshats (and their species) who wear the "Makes A Great Asshat" at public places:
Scholar Matt Sears: Someday MAGA hats will be shameful secrets, like Klan robes (and swastikas)
Scholar and Washington Post columnist says those who wear MAGA hats are "morally accountable" for Trump's actions
Red Hat of the Red Death
"And Darkness and Decay and the Red Death held illimitable dominion over all."
"In October, 25 out of every 100,000 residents of heavily Trump counties died from Covid, more than three times higher than the rate in heavily Biden counties (7.8 per 100,000). October was the fifth consecutive month that the percentage gap between the death rates in Trump counties and Biden counties widened."
— NYT article by David Leonhardt
The Covid cull is doing as it is allowed to do.
“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.”
—Ronald Wright, A Short History of Progress
"It's odd. The same people who declare that wearing a mask is a 'personal choice,' are the SAME people who want to take away a woman's right to choose."
—E. Jean Carroll (@ejeancarroll)
Captain Beatty’s Speech
(For the 21st century book burners who think they make some sort of statement.)
"With school turning out more runners, jumpers, racers, tinkerers, grabbers, snatchers, fliers, and swimmers instead of examiners, critics, knowers, and imaginative creators, the word `intellectual,' of course, became the swear word it deserved to be. You always dread the unfamiliar. Surely you remember the boy in your own school class who was exceptionally 'bright,' did most of the reciting and answering while the others sat like so many leaden idols, hating him. And wasn't it this bright boy you selected for beatings and tortures after hours? Of course it was. We must all be alike. Not everyone born free and equal, as the Constitution says, but everyone made equal. Each man the image of every other; then all are happy, for there are no mountains to make them cower, to judge themselves against.
So! A book is a loaded gun in the house next door. Burn it. Take the shot from the weapon. Breach man's mind. Who knows who might be the target of the well-read man? Me? I won't stomach them for a minute...
You must understand that our civilization is so vast that we can't have our minorities upset and stirred. Ask yourself, What do we want in this country, above all? People want to be happy, isn't that right? Haven't you heard it all your life? I want to be happy, people say. Well, aren't they? Don't we keep them moving, don't we give them fun? That's all we live for, isn't it? For pleasure, for titillation? And you must admit our culture provides plenty of these ...
Coloured people don't like Little Black Sambo. Burn it. White people don't feel good about Uncle Tom's Cabin. Burn it. Someone's written a book on tobacco and cancer of the lungs? The cigarette people are weeping? Burn the book. Serenity, Montag. Peace, Montag. Take your fight outside. Better yet, into the incinerator. Funerals are unhappy and pagan? Eliminate them, too. Five minutes after a person is dead he's on his way to the Big Flue, the Incinerators serviced by helicopters all over the country. Ten minutes after death a man's a speck of black dust. Let's not quibble over individuals with memoriams. Forget them. Burn them all, burn everything. Fire is bright and fire is clean ...
Luckily, queer ones like her don't happen, often. We know how to nip most of them in the bud, early. You can't build a house without nails and wood. If you don't want a house built, hide the nails and wood. If you don't want a man unhappy politically, don't give him two sides to a question to worry him; give him one. Better yet, give him none. Let him forget there is such a thing as war. If the Government is inefficient, top-heavy, and tax-mad, better it be all those than that people worry over it...
Give the people contests they win by remembering the words to more popular songs or the names of state capitals or how much corn Iowa grew last year. Cram them full of non-combustible data, chock them so damned full of 'facts' they feel stuffed, but absolutely `brilliant' with information. Then they'll feel they're thinking, they'll get a sense of motion without moving. And they'll be happy, because facts of that sort don't change. Don't give them any slippery stuff like philosophy or sociology to tie things up with. That way lies melancholy. Any man who can take a TV wall apart and put it back together again, and most men can nowadays, is happier than any man who tries to slide-rule, measure, and equate the universe, which just won't be measured or equated without making man feel bestial and lonely. I know, I've tried it; to hell with it. So bring on your clubs and parties, your acrobats and magicians, your dare-devils, jet cars, motor-cycle helicopters, your sex and heroin, more of everything to do with automatic reflex. If the drama is bad, if the film says nothing, if the play is hollow, sting me with the theremin, loudly. I'll think I'm responding to the play, when it's only a tactile reaction to vibration. But I don't care. I just like solid entertainment."
— Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury, 1953

It's a conspiracy theory that they believe. What else?
Trump fascism will destroy south Texas and begin the destruction of the U.S..
A course most Americans should take.
The Gods that the "Christian" God displaced in America.
"God ordained our great nation"?
Upon reading a remark that was stated on Face Book that "America was ordained by God." I couldn't help but wonder which 'God' as there are so many. Of course, I knew to which "God" this person was referring. But the case of this country being ordained by "God" is a case that is wide open as you can see for yourself. The statement itself is not based on Biblical history as this is unprovable by actual historical events. It is, more likely, based on "educators" such as Rush Limbaugh or his like. Biblical history that is taught by accredited institutions will not dabble in "miracles" or claims which have no evidence.
The Discovery
In 1492 the natives discovered they were indians,
they discovered they lived in America,
they discovered they were naked,
they discovered there was sin,
they discovered they owed obedience to a king and queen
from another world and a god from some other heaven,
and this God had invented guilt and clothing,
and had ordered burned alive all who worshipped the sun and
the moon the earth and the rain that moistens it.
—Eduardo Galeano, from Children of the Days: A Calendar of Human History, 2013
“Slavery was never abolished, it was only extended to include all the colors.” — Charles Bukowski
Forgiving those who show no remorse is injustice. There will be no meeting Nazis halfway in the name of "unity."
"We are in the beginning of a mass extinction, and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. How dare you!" — Greta Thunberg
"Maybe it's time for women to go on strike and stop having sex with men until this is straightened out. There are many other ways of enjoying your body, women, than sex with men. Who is willing to take the chance of getting pregnant and having a daughter to be abused by self-professed owners and handlers of her body? " — Luisa
"Atheisim is to religion as sobriety is to drunkeness" — unknown
"Faith is like fire. It can cook your dinner or it can burn down your home." — unknown
"R.I.P. America.
It was fun while it lasted.
1776-2024" —America, 2024
"So, the worst ranked US President, in American history, has been re-elected to the Presidency.
A man who murdered over 250,000 Americans, because he 'didn't want to panic them'.
A racist, a fascist, a misogynist, a sex offender, a multiple felon, and a Russian agent
This is straight out of the 'Twilight Zone'." —America 2024
"As Franklin said, 'It's a republic. If you can keep it'. We surrendered it." —America 2024.
On September 17th, FBI director Christopher Wray testified in front of the House Committee on Homeland Security. At that time, he stated that the biggest domestic terror threat the U.S. currently faces is from white supremacists. During his testimony, Wray never once mentioned Antifa or Black Lives Matter. Why? Because unlike the ignorant of this world, Wray knows the difference between hard facts and partisan propaganda.
Granted, the director of the FBI isn't nearly as credible a source as Tucker Carlson or Sean Hannity. Just ask any plumbing-supply salesman. Presenting certain people with facts is like giving medicine to a corpse.
During a recent pro-Trump demonstration in Washington, D.C., four members of the so-called "Proud Boys" ganged up on a Black man, who defended himself by pulling out a knife and stabbing his attackers. The right-wing media ran with the story, claiming this was a prime example of how Black Lives Matter is a violent terrorist network. Never mind that the man in question never claimed to support, much less belong to, BLM. Never mind also that conservatives claim to fully support the right to defend yourself. Clearly, they only extend that right to their brother and sister fascists.
Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies
Godwin's Law is fellacious. It is said to end all discussions when Hitler arrives. It denies Hitler as having any valid reality—it's just too simple to use, is what it implies. You only have to look at Hitler's atrocities to understand his reality. The idea that there could not be anything comparible or greater to Hitler is what I call "The Great Denial." We all know that is a river in Egypt. If you swim in it, you just get all wet.
I hereby invoke "The Law of Law." Nothing can be denied that is real. Reality isn't what you make of it. It is what reality makes of it and you.
I will now use the "Atilla the Hun" analogy and see if some egghead will declare that a law. As I have been told so many times by right-wingers, "I'm a little to the right of Atilla the Hun." So much for theories. "What is reality?" Let that be the wall.
Trump's drive to the Hamptons is over and there is no house there (Seinfeld fans will understand). It cost us a lot of money. It took a lot of time. But the son of a bitch is a walking dead man now. Many, many of us knew how this would end—not pretty—and it has not been. But this is the bitter end of the con man, the flim flam man, the megalomaniac that is Donald J. Trump. What happens to him next will be interesting to see. He cannot go without serious punishment. He must pay and pay dearly for his insurrection.
"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge." — Isaac Asimov
‘This was intentional’: AOC blasts Republicans on IVF ruling
"But I want to be very clear that this was intentional and that this is exactly what Republicans have been going for. We've seen it. You have the Heritage Foundation, you have lots of folks who are on record saying, you know, not only do they want to go after abortion, not only do they want to go after reproductive freedom, they're going after IVF. They're going after contraception. And we have the mifepristone ruling that is coming down from the Supreme Court, and Clarence Thomas, enriching himself from the same folks who are saying that they are trying to control women's bodies quite explicitly.
And going beyond that, they also want to control recreation--what they call recreational sex. This is so clearly a patriarchal theocracy that has embodied itself in the DNA of an entire political party in the United States of America. And as women, and as any nonbinary and queer person in this country—they must be defeated. There should never be room for this kind of control by force over another person's body in this country.
And they can walk it back as much as they want. They have done this. Who put those judges there? Not Democrats, not independents. Republicans put those judges in there. Republicans are taking women's bodies by force and we cannot let them do it. It has to come to an end."
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Listen to or read who we are, America.
Remember, Trump doesn't like this sort of soldiering
This is required reading for a Nation in distress.
The Republican nominee’s preoccupation with dictators, and his disdain for the American military, is deepening.
This is Donald Trump, the Nazi traitor. Our country must reject him to survive the holocaust he will bring.
We can still throw the motherfuckers out!
You will see you're too stupid to realize it.
Liz Cheney to Donald Trump:
"Donald, this is not the Soviet Union. You can’t change the truth and you cannot silence us. Remember all your lies about the voting machines, the election workers, your countless allegations of fraud that never happened? Many of your lawyers have been sanctioned, disciplined or disbarred, the courts ruled against you, and dozens of your own White House, administration, and campaign aides testified against you. Remember how you sent a mob to our Capitol and then watched the violence on television and refused for hours to instruct the mob to leave? Remember how your former Vice President prevented you from overturning our Republic? We remember. And now, as you take office again, the American people need to reject your latest malicious falsehoods and stand as the guardrails of our Constitutional Republic — to protect the America we love from you." — Liz Cheney posted on Call to Activism.
“Trump has aspired to and achieved the ultimate luxury – an existence unmolested by the rumbling of a soul.” — Mark Singer, Trump and Me
“We don’t take an oath to a king, or queen, or a tyrant or a dictator. And we don’t take an oath to a wannabe dictator… we take an oath to the Constitution… and we’re willing to die to protect it.”
— Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Mark Milley, at his retirement ceremony.
'I'm 100% certain' Musk 'looking for excuse to cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid': Top Dem
This will make the Great Depression look like child's play.
"When we think about the servants who stand in this building and buildings all across our country, these are men and women who come to work every day—and these are not Democratic jobs or Republican jobs, these are American jobs," she continued. "It is also the case that those who have served in this building do so no matter who the president is. Many of them have served for decades, under Republican presidents, under Democratic presidents—again, because they serve the people."
"When you target civil servants, you also target the people they serve," Alsobrooks stressed. "They serve our grandmothers, our grandfathers, our mothers and fathers—like mine—our friends, our neighbors, and family members with disabilities who rely on Social Security."
Insiders at Tesla Concerned That Musk's Madness Is Damaging Company, Saying It Would Be Better If He Just Resigned
He could also come to a sudden end.
MD National Guard Drops Frederick Douglass Event
Retarded. Black History is American History. Get a fucking brain.
PolitiFact: Trump Lied About US Education Rankings
Oh, dear! The career liar did a lie?
"The piece notes that when PolitiFact asked the White House for evidence, 'they pointed us to data on a U.S. educational assessment that provided no international comparison supporting Trump’s claim.'”
They’re not just suing to stop DOGE. They’re suing Elon Musk himself.
"Elon Musk’s efforts to disrupt and dismantle the federal government at the behest of Donald Trump have already sparked a legion of lawsuits. Now the legal challengers are setting their sights on a new target: Musk himself.
Two new cases accuse the ultra-wealthy CEO of illegally amassing too much government power without the accountability typically required of high-level executive branch officials. They are seeking court orders that would force Musk to halt the cost-cutting and information-gathering activities he has been spearheading through his U.S. DOGE Service.
The lawsuits rest on a provision of the Constitution that says powerful federal officers must be “established by law,” must be formally appointed by the president and must be confirmed by the Senate. Musk, of course, has not been confirmed by the Senate, and his role is amorphous and ill-defined. He has been operating out of the White House as the head of the newly created DOGE enterprise, which stands for Department of Government Efficiency but is not a formal government department. It was established by a Trump executive order, not by Congress.
Do we still have law enforcement in this country or have we surrendered to the enemy?
'Are your grocery bills lower?' Ad targets soaring price of eggs under Trump
Of course not. But it's OK now. We don't care anymore.
'Sometimes it does take a threat': Canada’s Conservative leader puts Trump on notice
"The leader of Canada's Conservative Party has drawn a line in the sand for Donald Trump that, if he wins his country's next federal election, he has no intention of entertaining a plan for Canada to become part of the U.S.
According to a report from Politico, Pierre Poilievre gave a rousing speech in Ottawa on Saturday where he told a crowd, 'Let me be clear: We will never be the 51st state. We will bear any burden and pay any price to protect the sovereignty and independence of our country.'
Eat it, Trump.
The GOP Taliban to Women: Shut Up, Sit Down, and Stay Home on Election Days
The SAVE Act is the most dangerous voter suppression bill in modern history
"About two-thirds of all female state legislators serve in Blue states; for example, Nevada (61.9%), New Mexico (53.6%), and Colorado (51%) — all Democratic-leaning states — rank as the top three for women's representation in 2025.
By contrast, Republican-dominated states are consistently at the bottom of the rankings for women's representation. For instance, West Virginia (11.2%), South Carolina (12.9%), and Mississippi (14.9%) — all Republican-controlled — have the lowest percentages of women in their legislatures."
Fascist supression never sleeps.
The Ball’s in Our Court
"But do we have the balls to run with it? It’s clear that the game is pretty much fixed against us now, that big money and all three branches of government are not on the side of us 'little people.' That was the name a horrible old rich bitch gave us when she said 'only little people pay taxes.'...
Meanwhile, as some of us have become even more paranoid about what the fascists MIGHT do to us watch in dread at what they ARE doing to us, we are hearing that there isn’t really much that can be done to stop the tyranny of the Technocrats now that rich the own everything, right down to our Social Security numbers.
So, you’ll pardon me all to hell if it gets a wee bit tiresome to hear spokespeople for the Dems sheepishly confess that there’s really nothing they can do now and that it’s up to us, that we, the people, will not have to bring our game against the rampaging right. But also send money, please....
You want the scratch, you gotta attend to the itch. You know, like making the younger and less male progressives feel a bit more welcome at the congressional old folk’s home that is overly represented by guys who look and often sound too damn much like Republicans. You know, like Joe Manchin or that junkyard rat, John Fetterman."
Frederick Douglass’s Words Ring True: “Power Concedes Nothing Without a Demand”
Let’s draw on the defiant wisdom of Frederick Douglass as Trump carries out a blitzkrieg against democracy in the US.
As I was reflecting on Frederick Douglass this Black History Month, I thought about the blitz of executive orders coming from Donald Trump. The term “blitz” is apropos as it comes from the German Blitzkrieg, meaning “rapid attack” or “lightning war.” Hence, as Trump targets and attacks this fragile experiment called democracy, it is important that we heed Douglass’s defiant wisdom: “Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will,” Douglass said in an 1857 speech. Moreover, the abolitionist stated, “The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.”
Advocates Celebrate as Missouri Judge Blocks State Abortion Restrictions
"Reproductive rights groups celebrated on Friday after a Missouri judge temporarily blocked significant abortion restrictions that were kept in place despite voters’ approval of a constitutional amendment guaranteeing the right to the procedure."
The bastards that keep trying to kill our democracy.
House Dems Want To End Citizens United So We Never Get Musked Again
“Corporations are not people and money is not speech,” said Rep. Pramila Jayapal, who introduced the We The People Amendment in the House. “In every election cycle since the disastrous Citizens United decision, we have seen more and more special interest dark money poured into campaigns across the country — this year, with a billionaire paying millions to buy a seat as Shadow President. My We the People Amendment hands power back to the people by finally ending corporate constitutional rights, reversing Citizens United, and ensuring that our democracy is truly of the people, by the people, and for the people — not corporations.”
How the White House press corps should respond to the banning of the Associated Press
Stop treating Trump with kid gloves. Remove them and put on the brass knuckles.
Two states are coming after a New York doctor for mailing abortion pills. Here’s what’s next
States rights only apply to states that decide they have them but others do not! LMAO!
"The cases represent a remarkable evolution from less than three years ago, when, soon before Roe’s overturn, Republicans argued that they would not support policies that could put doctors in prison."
Anti-abortion centers face little regulation. The SAD Act could change that.
The bill, introduced by Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Rep. Suzanne Bonamici, would empower the Federal Trade Commission to regulate these often religiously affiliated centers.
“Fighting back against misinformation and deceptive practices is an important tool to protect access to safe and reliable reproductive care. Reproductive rights are under attack in our country. This bill will help us push back against crisis pregnancy centers’ attempts to undermine a woman’s right to choose,” Warren said.
'Quoting Napoleon': Critics rage as Trump makes 'most un-American statement ever uttered'
Who thinks Trump is an American except morons?
If the ultra-rich want to escape from reality — good riddance
Billionaires are building luxury getaways to hide from civilization’s collapse. Cool. We’re better off without them
The sooner the better. Be sure to take the Orange Gibbon with you.
GOP Bill: Make Trump’s Birthday A Federal Holiday
Arrogant Nazis.
Cruz On Greenland: “Everything Is For Sale”
If you are a common streetwalking whore. But this one has no soul.
Trump: Saving The County Does Not Violate Any Law
As for those who destroy their country the following applies:
"Depart from Me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. These will pay the penalty of eternal destruction, AWAY FROM THE PRESENCE OF THE LORD AND FROM THE GLORY OF HIS MIGHT." —Matthew 25:41
"And the devil who had deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur, into which the beast and the false prophet had already been thrown. There they will be tormented day and night forever and ever." —Revelation 20:10
Canada-USA Match Opens With Fistfights And Booing
Such a surprise. It's all Trump's doing. Failure.
Report: Trump Wants To Pave Over The White House Rose Garden
He plans to rip up the grass and replace it with a hard surface to resemble a patio like the one he has at Mar-a-Lago.
Simply because he's an asswipe!
What A $2 Million Per Dose Gene Therapy Reveals About Drug Pricing
While taxpayers and small charities funded the drug’s early development, executives, venture-capital backers and a pharma giant have reaped the profits.
Greed is an ugly thing.
Worry about 'job security' puts deep red state on edge as Trump slashes federal workforce
Things are not looking up for our American working class.
Most of the world has long feared US power — now its allies do too
"Your enemies cannot harm you, but watch your close friend," —Rev. Edward Clayborn, 1922
Here's what happens when you put a conspiracy theorist in charge
Here are just some of the false claims he has made over the years:
Kennedy has suggested Lyme disease is likely to be an engineered bioweapon
He reportedly said 99% of COVID deaths occurred in people with vitamin D deficiencies
He has questioned the role of HIV in causing AIDS.
'Gall': Senator descends into expletive-laden rant after Lara Trump threat
"It takes some f---ing gall to have Vance lecturing Europe on 'free speech' when at the exact same time the Trump regime is threatening Democrats back home with arrest if they even explain people’s rights to them," retorted Murphy.
This is what a Nazi regime does. Are we still sleeping, America?
'Utter vandalism': Critics seethe at 'truly disheartening' effect of DOGE's $900M cut
"Penny-wise but pound-foolish. They have unwittingly canceled some of the best education research out there, along with major national surveys and tests that are crucial to tracking America’s educational performance," he lamented.
"This is absolutely ridiculous," replied Adam Ozimek, chief economist at Economic Innovation Group. "And it is what happens when you judge a program in 15 seconds with zero content knowledge based on a description in a single database. This is not government reform."
The failure of the American voter takes its toll.
'Utter vandalism': Critics seethe at 'truly disheartening' effect of DOGE's $900M cut
Uttlerly despotic.
Trump, sensing a lack of solidarity, pushes the press down a slippery slope
Donald Trump demands the Associated Press bend a knee — while the rest of the media falls back
Welcome to your dystopian nightmare, suckers!
Professor Suspended For Mocking Louisiana Governor
The Nazis have killed the First Amendment? Fuck them to hell as well as the Governor.
"Fuck that snowflake student, too."
Amazon Delays AI Alexa Due To “Incorrect Answers”
I see. A tool for the Nazi propaganda machine.
Kennedy Targets Antidepressants In New Statement
He's already overdosed. Baseless bullshit from a fucking dysfunctional idiot.
Funding Cuts And Firings Hobble Bird Flu Response
"As avian flu drives egg prices to record levels and increasingly poses a risk to humans, moves by the White House to cut spending and restrict communications have hobbled public health officials’ response, with the new administration yet to outline a clear strategy on how it plans to stem the spread of the virus."
More failure.
White House mum after classified info reportedly appears on Musk’s DOGE website
Nothing but treason. Reason escapes these creeps.
JD Vance's pathetic joke about Musk's chaos bombs in Munich
More on the "Hillbilly Chipmunk."
JD Vance Compares Musk's Reign Of Terror To Greta Thunberg
JD Vance is a horrible human being, but you knew that.
What did you expect from a retarded hater?
Mapquest Launches A 'Name The Gulf' Generator
Attach your own name to the actual Gulf of Mexico, just like Trump did.
"Gulf of Perfidy."
Sounds Like Secretary Sh*tfaced Needs To Come On Home And Resign
"We don’t know how to tell you this, but Pete Hegseth isn’t doing a very good job as secretary of Defense. We know! We are shocked and surprised too. We thought all those Saturday mornings rolling into “Fox & Friends Weekend” (reportedly!) still drunk would have prepared him for this, because aren’t all white conservative men qualified to do all jobs?
The other day, Hegseth opened his beerhole in a meeting at NATO HQ in Brussels and shared all his personal beliefs about Ukraine, specifically saying there was no reason to think about going back to Ukraine’s “pre-2014 borders” (AKA Ukraine’s actual borders) and that the United States definitely doesn’t think Ukraine should be in NATO. So don’t you worry about that, Putin, do you like it when Hegseth strokes you fast or slow, Mr. Putin, or is he doing it Goldilocks juuuuuuust right?
Unfortunately those remarks got Hegseth into a wee bit of trouble! Turns out he was kinda talking out of his ass, as they say. What a stupid, stupid boy.
Good thing this doesn’t affect anything important like national security! Oh wait...."
Park Service Goes Full Stalin, Literally Takes The 'T' Out Of sTonewall
"The changed header photos for the Park Service’s Stonewall National Monument webpage. TOP: As it appeared before the changes. Note the drag performer and trans-inclusive Pride flags. Bottom: the new photo, conveniently devoid of living, breathing, complicated, diverse human beings."
Consequences will be forthcoming.
Bowing to the Butcher: Trump Grovels to Putin and Promises to Abandon Ukraine
No American leader has ever pledged loyalty to a foreign dictator — until now
America sold out to a con artist.
"The betrayal of our Democratic allies has begun.
It’s treason: there is no other way to describe the statements made yesterday by Trump and Hegseth after Trump called Putin to kiss his ass and beg for his approval.
Putin the butcher played Trump like a fiddle at a country fair.
He even fed him his own words: “Common sense.” Read Trump’s comments; he is groveling.
Let’s be clear: Russia invaded Ukraine. Just like Hitler invaded Poland. And Japan invaded China. Which led to millions of deaths, a world war, and ultimately — to prevent a repeat — the creation of NATO.
And now Trump and Hegseth are saying right out loud that they’re going to give Putin — who’s losing the war and has sustained massive expense and casualties, leading him to look for an out — exactly what he wants...."
How God-damned Un-American Can We Get…
Electing Nazis to office for starters.
"...Was George McGovern, a true American patriot who flew more than 40 bombing missions over Germany, less American than Nixon, the slimy red-baiter who had to insist the he was not a crook, or Ronald Reagan, whose service during WWII was confined to making little training films teaching young men going off to die the intricacies of condom usage before so many of those kids would ever have use for such knowledge.
Was Barack Obama on his worst day ever more “anti-American” than Donald Trump, or JD Vance, or even the almost always dim-witted George W. Bush who took us into a disastrous and completely unnecessary war with the wrong enemy, running up a big tab in our national debt, shortening countless lives, and increasing instability in the Middle East before declaring a “victory,” and losing all interest in capturing Osama bin Laden, which he considered “no longer a priority,” then joking about the lies he had used about weapons of mass destruction to talk us into that goddamn war with Iraq, a boon to Haliburton, arms manufacturers, and flag waving faux patriots who rarely ever met a swarthy person they didn’t hate, Kash Patel being a slight exception.
But I’ll say and continue to say that if you’re looking for who the fuck is anti-American in this god-forsaken country, check the record and then look to your right.
It sure as hell wasn't people like my long-gone friend and mentor, Aram Attarian. I really wish we had a a few million more Americans like him now.
Fucking A.
Yes, the Price of Eggs Matters
Consumer sentiment is falling off a cliff in the early Trump period.
"The time will come when people, fed up with a weaker economy and higher prices, start to wonder why this unelected billionaire they don’t like has all this authority, and what a new name for the Gulf of Mexico is doing for their lives, and maybe even why the president is seizing Congress’s spending power. Keep watching that consumer sentiment line as it plunges down, at the same pace as the emperor’s clothes start to fall to the wayside."
If we are able to survive until then.
German president says Trump team ignoring 'established rules'
German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier on Friday said the Trump administration "has no regard for established rules" as he opened the Munich Security Conference.
"The new American administration has a very different world view to ours," Steinmeier said. "One that has no regard for established rules, partnership and established trust."
Nothing good will come of this.
'It's nonsense': German diplomat blows off Trump's Ukraine war plans
"We're all puzzled, Ana," he stated. "It's a messaging that changes almost on an hourly basis. In the last few days we have been surprised by the call that the president had. with Vladimir Putin and then especially by the fact. That his newly appointed secretary of defense is obviously taking negotiation tokens off the table."
"So and all of these things without without having the European allies and partners somehow included," he continued. "So there is confusion –– probably the mildest word I can find for that."
It's tyranny taking over without a shot being fired.
The Dire Consequences of Science Without DEI
This kind of halt to the review of scientific proposals has never before happened,” an NSF employee who spoke on the condition of anonymity told Mother Jones.
If left unchecked, Trump’s unprecedented crackdown on anything considered DEI, scientists worry, will reshape who can participate in science for years to come, drain creativity and fresh ideas, limit the scope of projects, and by extension, lead to worse research. And that’s not just bad for scientists; it’s bad for the health and safety of the rest of us. “It is just common sense that in order to have the best science, we need the broadest, most inclusive environment for scientists,” says Jacob Hoover Vigly, a postdoctoral fellow at MIT. As Warren warns, “We are very much at risk of losing an entire generation of researchers, and that will negatively affect us for generations.”
The dystopia just keeps coming.
Trump Prepares to Wipe Out Years of Progress on Gun Violence
“Trump’s priorities couldn’t be more clear. Spoiler: it’s not protecting kids. Gun deaths finally went down last year, and Trump just moved to undo the rules and laws that helped make that happen,” said Natalie Fall, Executive Director of March For Our Lives, in a statement. “He is going to get Americans killed in his thirst for vengeance and eagerness to please the gun lobby and rally armed extremists. Remember the next time that a mass shooting happens, Trump did everything in his power to enable it, not prevent it.”
DOGE Targets Freedom Of Information Act Requests
Now they want us to be denied acess to any truth or evidence that could be used against them. Lawlessness and tyranny in the first degree.
Wait, Was Elon's Son Just Caught on Camera Telling Trump What Musk Really Thinks of Him?
"Little X" is just mimicking his old man but it's still amusing.
"There's been ample reason to believe that Musk is the real power behind the throne. That conceit has only grown more believable since January 20, when the South African-born billionaire and his Department of Government Efficiency began its dubious work of dismantling federal institutions from the inside.
So prevalent is this perception that Time magazine recently issued a controversial "President Musk" cover featuring the unelected official sitting behind the Oval Office desk instead of Trump."
Nothing but failure.
The Revolving Door Project Publishes List Tracking Reports Elon Musk and His Companies Flout the Law and Regulations
“Lawmakers cannot be surprised at the wanton disregard Elon Musk now shows for the law when he has spent decades ignoring it. Billionaires like Musk and Donald Trump have been enabled at every turn by a judiciary in the pocket of big business, legislators beholden to corporate interests, and law enforcement officials too cowardly to prosecute powerful people for their misconduct.”
“What Musk is doing now is horrifying to anyone invested in stable governance, effective regulation and the well being of American democracy. But we cannot ignore the fact that this behavior is not new. Musk, like countless other oligarchs, has been enabled at every turn by weak enforcement of federal laws and regulations. On the rare occasion that he or his companies do face penalties for flouting the rules, it is almost always a slap on the wrist – teaching him that he is above the dominion of our nation’s laws.”
“Lawmakers and law enforcement officials must learn that weak enforcement of corporate crime begets further erosion of the rule of law. We at The Revolving Door Project have long called upon attorneys general and regulators to properly enforce the law. We now do so again, with this existential crisis standing as an example of what will happen when billionaires are empowered to disregard the law. We hope this tracker will help reporters, legislators and the public understand how weak enforcement of rules led to Musk’s sense of total impunity, and his hatred of the administrative state.”
Union leader calls mass firings "reckless" and will fight for all impacted employees
"This administration has abused the probationary period to conduct a politically driven mass firing spree, targeting employees not because of performance, but because they were hired before Trump took office."
"These firings are not about poor performance -- there is no evidence these employees were anything but dedicated public servants. They are about power. They are about gutting the federal government, silencing workers, and forcing agencies into submission to a radical agenda that prioritizes cronyism over competence."
Tomorrow Belongs To Me: On Boogers and Bullshit
In a freakish snapshot of the GOP's descent into brutal, gonzo nihilism, this week saw the brash Nazi-Oligarch-in-Chief helming an Oval Office presser to hype his political, economic, cultural demolition of democracy "in compliance with the President’s executive orders" - no more health care or feeding hungry kids, lots of Kid Rock - as his four-year-old son wiped boogers on the Resolute desk where an impassive, discomfited Trump sat in the "most powerless image of a President ever." Nothing to see here.
Confused Senator Rages That Self-Driving Cars Are Woke
This also indicates that the term "woke" is not only overused it is also misused, a misnomer.
The DOGE website is seemingly so insecure it can be edited by anyone
According to researchers, anyone who knows where to look can spray digital graffiti on the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) website. Two web development experts said the site doesn’t seem to be hosted on government servers and that the database it pulls from can be modified by those who locate it. At the time of writing, a message reading “these ‘experts’ left their database open - roro” is still visible on the DOGE site.
'Unthinkable': 'Massive layoffs at VA' as Trump tries to balance 'the budget on the back of veterans'
So now we know Trump cares nothing for America's troops. Traitor, indeed!
'Completely slapped together': Musk’s DOGE mocked after members 'left their database open'
The biggest gap in sec_rity is "you."
Incompetent IT Guru Is THIS CLOSE To Stealing Our Social Security
He is so fucking stupid, this so-called genius doesn't even understand how a relational database works in SQL. He thinks it means the same Social Security number is being used by numerous people.
"For anyone in IT, understanding relational databases should be a given. But Mr. White 'South Afrikaners Rule!' Nationalist Musk, whose mother claims he's a genius, is SO WRONG."
For the record: Yours truly designed multiple relational databases during my IT days.
Geezer Trump Can’t Remember Sen. McConnell Had Polio
Yes, Trump is a compulsive liar. But let’s not overlook the real possibility that he is also seriously senile.
"...But that was just a fraction of Trump’s lost grip on reality. He repeated the falsehood that he won the youth vote by 36 points over Kamala Harris. Dale correctly added that Trump did not win the youth vote at all, much less by 36 points.
The old guy still can’t accept that he lost the 2020 election,'fair and square, legitimately,' as Dale put it."
RFK: We Don’t Have Good Safety Studies On Vaccines
The perfect crackpot.
Open Letter II: President Levin, There Are Now 160 Million Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Have Censored We Want Them Infected Doctors
Why Kennedy is a liar or a moron, or both. He's living in an alternate reality. That's mental illness.
Kelly: Trump May Have No Choice But To Defy Courts
Another perfect example of stinkin' thinkin'. Does she realize what she's saying? Ending law and order for all but the powerful. Does she realize that these lawsuits exist for a reason? The illegality of her dear leader's actions? The people have no rights? Totalitarianism!
Utah GOP Bill: Ban Pride Flags, But Allow Nazi Flags
Fuck Utah and the dumb ass they rode in on.
"What the Lord established": Elon Musk is camouflaging a Christian nationalist takeover
Project 2025 was clear: First, purge federal workers. Then replace them with theocrats and fanatics
"...As he ransacks the federal government, trying to push out federal employees and lay waste to the ability of regulatory agencies to do their work, the last thing most people will assume motivates him is Christian fervor."
The new Crusades. Sounds as dumb as it gets.
GOP got an 'alarming glimpse at the future' as it eyes massive cut: report
The stupid is strong in this one.
"House Republicans have made slashing hundreds of billions of dollars from Medicaid, the federal-state partnership of public health insurance for lower-income people, a core part of their plan to pay for new tax cuts for the rich — but making such cuts could be much harder than they anticipate, health reporter Joanne Kenen wrote for Politico on Thursday.
The fact is, she wrote, Medicaid "has evolved and expanded significantly over the years — and its constituency has expanded along with it. Some 80 million people now get health care from Medicaid, including many working-class voters in the president’s base."
'Playing with fire': Trump warned new plan could spark crash that 'rages out of control'
"In his latest analysis, Dayen talks to experts who believe that a mass selloff of government real estate at the moment is like 'playing with fire' and could be a domino that sends the market for commercial real estate into a downward spiral."
So he's also a know-nothing about real estate.
Senate confirms Tulsi Gabbard as Trump’s top intelligence official
Sen. Mitch McConnell broke with Republicans in what was otherwise a party-line vote, making Gabbard the new director of national intelligence.
The fox is now in charge of the hen house. What could go wrong?
Hey Hey He’s Matt Schlapp-ey! People Say He Schlapp-eys Around!
"The country is crumbling to death, the almost-250-year-old American experiment is likely over, but CPAC’s married heterosexual vagina-lover and chief Matt Schlapp can’t even enjoy it, and why?
Because people are saying (AGAIN) that Schlapp, the head of the American Conservative Union (ACU), which throws CPAC, touched a man on the penis (AGAIN) right there where people could see it!
This is just like last time, except it’s nothing like last time, because that guy — a former Herschel Walker staffer — made it ALL UP, he said so, but him saying so had absolutely nothing to do with him getting paid off to say he made it up."
Pam Bondi ARRESTS NEW YORK WITH LAWSUITS For Failure To Nazi Cheerfully
Yesterday, Justice Department Nazi Barbie, AKA Attorney General Pam Bondi, got on her best mad face and convened a press conference to announce she had “filed charges against the state of New York, we have filed charges against Kathy Hochul, we have filed charges against Letitia James and Mark Schroeder, who is from DMV.”
No. Pam Bondi has sued the state of New York, Hochul, James and Schroeder, which is different. You don’t say “filed charges” when you are talking about “filed a lawsuit.” There are two options here: 1) Pam Bondi totally knows this, but she was trying to sound big and scary and Ford Tough about it. Or 2) Pam Bondi does not know this, and we must now reconsider every time we’ve ever referred to Pam Bondi in these pages as “a real lawyer.”
Pointing out the stupidity in Trump's appointments.
RFK Jr. Confirmed By Senate To Make Polio Great Again
"Anti-vaccine, anti-science, pro-brainworm, acknowledged heroin user Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was confirmed today to be the Secretary of Health and Human Services, despite having no qualifications for the job other than being popular with similarly delusional Trump cultists who think modern medicine is a racket that should be replaced with quack cures and herbs.
Yes, the United States Senate, and yes, the United States Health and Human Services Department, which is not only in charge of the nation’s public health and health research institutions but is also responsible for running Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, assuming any of those are still around in a few years.
Because the US health system comprises so very many huge organizations, there will be additional Trump-appointed quacks working below Kennedy, like TV diet-pill merchant Dr. Mehmet Oz at the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), former Republican congressman and current antivaxxer Dave Weldon at the CDC, and Actual Doctor But Fox News Weirdo Marty Makary at the Food and Drug Administration. If the Senate was willing to confirm Kennedy, none of those three has any worries, not even if one or more turns out to be a cannibal alien shapeshifter bent on extracting all Americans’ cerebrospinal fluid for export to another galaxy."
Park Service Axes “T” From Stonewall Monument Site
There will be blood.
Conservative Radio Host Absolutely Destroys RFK Jr. — and the GOP: ‘Provoked His Wife to Kill Herself’ Then ‘Dug Up Her Body’
"I appreciate @SenMcConnell being the only Republican brave enough to reject a man who provoked his wife to kill herself before having a showy funeral for her, then digging up her body and moving it out of the family plot once the cameras were gone—a metaphor for the GOP."
Ghouls on parade.
AGAIN: Man Accuses Matt Schlapp Of Sexual Assault
"Matt Schlapp, the Chairman of the American Conservative Union, which hosts the CPAC convention, allegedly engaged in lewd conduct and allegedly sexually assaulted a man at a restaurant and bar in Virginia on Saturday night, six witnesses and the man who alleges he was assaulted tell me."
When law fails we end up with chaos.
WSJ Roasts Trump’s “Layers Of Intellectual Confusion”
“Interest Rates should be lowered, something which would go hand in hand with upcoming Tariffs!!!” Mr. Trump posted on his social-media site. The layers of intellectual confusion here are hard to parse, especially since higher tariffs will mean higher prices on the affected goods. But perhaps the President wants the public to look elsewhere when assigning blame for rising prices.
Addled beyond all hope.
Youth Pastor Charged With Child Porn Dies By Suicide
Another one, literally, bites the dust in the Land of the Happy Negro.
McMahon: Teaching Black History Might Be Illegal
Welcome to Wonderland. And we thought this retarded takeover could never happen.
State Department Says Contract for $400 Million of "Armored Teslas" on Hold After Explosive Outcry
The boondoggle got caught in the act?
"According to the US State Department's procurements forecast for this year,
The country exploded in fury last night when it emerged that the US State Department was planning to purchase $400 million worth of "armored Teslas."
"Critics raged at Musk's massive conflict of interest, charging that he was locking down a huge government contract while acting as hatchet man for the federal budget."
Someone had a brain?
House speaker proud of budget that rips away health care for millions
"House Republicans on Thursday plan to advance their budget proposal that would decimate Medicaid and slash food stamp benefits all to pay for tax cuts for the richest Americans."
Oh, the humanity. These monsters are heartless, cruel and evil.
‘The Daily Show’ skewers Trump and Musk’s obscene Oval Office presser
“We're not going to buy anything,” Trump blathered in one such incoherent message after being asked about his unpopular plan to take over Gaza. “We're going to have it and we're going to keep it, and we're going to make sure that there's going to be peace, and there's not going to be any problem, and nobody's going to question it.”
“Trump is like a Jedi who doesn't have the force,” Klepper joked. “One thing I find weird about Donald Trump saying he wants to run Gaza is that from what we've seen so far, he barely wants to run the United States.”
'Huge bills': Trump’s mass deportations are 'stretching government resources' to the limit
"President Donald Trump's mass deportations of unauthorized immigrants are sucking up public funds and stretching the limits of government resources, according to reports….. To deport just one million illegal 'aliens' would mean that Trump's Administration would need to repatriate some 2700 individuals daily for a full year. And reports suggest that Immigration and Customs Enforcement are nowhere near that figure due to a cocktail of dwindling funds, huge bills and there being no space to hold individuals."
'Palpable harm': Hegseth slammed for 'screwup' of 'biggest foreign policy issue'
This is par for the Trump course.
NBC also called Hegseth’s remarks “the clearest indication yet that the United States will support negotiations between Ukraine and Russia in which Ukraine cedes territory that’s already been seized by the Kremlin.”
Former Obama National Security Spokesperson Tommy Vietor blasted the Secretary of Defense.
“Pete Hegseth f***ed up the biggest foreign policy issue on his plate on his first foreign trip. Tell me again how this cabinet is a meritocracy?” he asked, appearing to cite President Donald Trump’s attacks against DEI and vow to only install people in his government via merit.
“This was a huge f****p by Hegseth,” Vietor continued. “There’s no walking back his initial comments that Ukraine won’t join NATO or gain back all the territory lost since 2014. He wrote Putin a big check that has already been cashed. Maybe don’t make an unqualified Fox News host @SecDef?”
“Hegseth’s lack of experience is already showing. Publicly makes a series of pre-emptive concessions prior to the most important negotiations in many years, and then has to publicly explain that he had no authority to say any of those things,” observed Shashank Joshi, the defense editor for The Economist.
Trump fails again.
Putin Dead At 72 From All The Orgasms Trump And Pete Hegseth Gave him Yesterday
Who wants to bet Trump gives him a state dinner and all these MAGA Republican Nazi traitor whores in Congress show up with bells on?
“We have also agreed to have our respective teams start negotiations immediately, and we will begin by calling President Zelenskyy, of Ukraine, to inform him of the conversation, something which I will be doing right now. I have asked Secretary of State Marco Rubio, Director of the CIA John Ratcliffe, National Security Advisor Michael Waltz, and Ambassador and Special Envoy Steve Witkoff, to lead the negotiations which, I feel strongly, will be successful. Millions of people have died in a War that would not have happened if I were President, but it did happen, so it must end. No more lives should be lost! I want to thank President Putin for his time and effort with respect to this call, and for the release, yesterday, of Marc Fogel, a wonderful man that I personally greeted last night at the White House. I believe this effort will lead to a successful conclusion, hopefully soon!”
And thus Trump’s self-established goalposts of ending the Ukraine war on day one keep getting moved back, and back, and back, and back …
Dear Republicans: Will You Salute the Tyrant or Save the Republic?
History will remember the cowards — will you be one of them?
"Trump and a handful of white supremacist rightwing billionaires have turned GOP into a death cult that resembles the old Dixiecrats, embracing racism and oligarchy while only giving lip service to working class people and the poor."
Trump has put own 'personal safety in danger' by giving away so much power: analysis
"The leader of the Republican Party and nominal president, Donald Trump, is 78 years old and plainly in steep mental decline," Cooper wrote. "That much is demonstrated by his signing this order granting Musk so much power in the first place (also by his increasingly incoherent speech patterns). Any developing authoritarian regime with a power-sharing agreement almost invariably ends with the aspiring autocrats turning on each other, in which only one person can be triumphant. It’s not only Russian history that demonstrates that. Trump may well be putting his power or even personal safety in danger."
Senate Confirms Anti-Vax Lunatic In 52-48 Vote
Let's see how this cluster fuck turns out.
One of Elon Musk's DOGE Boys Reportedly Ran a Disgusting Image Hosting Site Linked to Domains About Child Sexual Abuse
Go home you asshole!
SC Lawsuit: Doctors Demand Religious Right To Perform Abortions
Fuck the Talibastards!
Dem Rep Won't Be Tone Policed By CNN: Elon Musk Is A Dick
"Rep Garcia called Elon Musk a dick on CNN after he had earlier attacked Marjorie Taylor Greene for being classless and showing dick pics of Hunter Biden who is now leading a House committee.
Elon Musk refuses to be transparent about his business dealings and finances tied to the federal government, yet demanding that the entire federal government be bowed down to his will is ludicrous and immoral.
At the same time, Rep Garcia is calling out the Georgia Klan mom for being one of the most uncouth, uncivil, unserious, and deluded persons to be running any Committee in the House of Representatives."
Don't let a dick do your thinking.
A Turd Was Revealed In All Its Stinky Glory
The Republican budget is a document that worships tax-cut Jesus while cutting programs for the dirty poors:
"WASHINGTON (AP) — House Republicans released a budget plan Wednesday that sets the stage for advancing many of President Donald Trump’s top domestic priorities, providing for up to $4.5 trillion in tax cuts and a $4 trillion increase in the debt limit so the U.S. can continue financing its bills.
The budget plan also directs a variety of House committees to cut spending by at least $1.5 trillion while stating that the goal is to reduce spending by $2 trillion over 10 years.
Budget resolutions are often considered statements of priorities. But the 45-page plan is more than just a policy blueprint as it provides specific directions to House committees to rearrange the federal money flow. GOP leaders are eyeing cuts to social services, and particularly Medicaid, as they seek massive savings."
MAGA’s 'chaotic attempt to shut down' USAID put $?500? million of food supplies at risk — and more
"President Donald Trump and Musk are criticizing USAID as wasteful. But according to Bloomberg News reporter Iain Marlow, millions of dollars of food may go to waste because of their attacks on USAID."
Starving is now an option for humanity.
'Un-Christian': Student 'nearly ruined' by evangelical education sounds alarm on public school trend
The religious right is pushing Christianity into schools, and that can have serious repercussions -- journalist Josiah Hesse knows firsthand. In a piece at the Guardian published Wednesday, Hesse writes that “Trump’s promise to ‘bring back prayer to our schools,’ shut down the Department of Education and embrace ‘school choice’ fulfills an evangelical wishlist I’d heard about throughout my childhood.”
He attended Christian schools growing up. “The longer I stayed at the school,” he writes of the evangelical school he attended junior year, “the deeper I fell into a malaise of depression and self-harm. In addition to the stress of bullies, I had trouble getting my mind around the logic of these classes, and knew that if I didn’t understand it, and believe it, eternal torture awaited me.”
Besides, “the apocalypse was at hand, so who had time for algebra?”
'Just ethics': Alabama threatens funding for schools that don’t say Pledge of Allegiance and prayer
We don't need no education. State of the Morons.
“It’s just ethics and the basics of what our country is built on,” said Republican Rep. Reed Ingram, the bill’s sponsor.
Another load of bullshit. Our country was built on freedom of worship. Mandating it is not who we are.
"Lands asked Ingram if a silent prayer would be allowed. Ingram responded that the focus was on reciting a Judeo-Christian prayer, comparing the public displays within the legislation to the nation’s motto, ‘In God We Trust.’ The motto was added to government buildings throughout the state eight years ago under the influence of conservative activists,”’s John Sharp reported. Students would not be required to take part in the prayer, Ingram said."
The nation's motto doesn't say which God. Try to use a little logic and reason.
Trump tariffs will 'blow a hole' in auto industry like 'we've never seen': Ford CEO
The destruction of our economy is at hand. America, as we've known it, will vanish.
Trump dictates. Musk desiccates
Both have an insatiable appetite for destruction
Trump Lied About “Unanimous” Kennedy Center Vote
It seems to fall on deaf ears. The man is nothing but a lying bullshitter.
Fox Host To Elon Musk: “Open Up Your Own Books”
“The real issue here is that he’s talking a big game about transparency, but he’s not being transparent himself. This idea that Elon Musk shouldn’t have to do financial disclosures like everybody else who’s working in the government is ludicrous...."
Musk: “We Need To Delete Entire Agencies”
Then start with your own gang of Nazis.
Bedfellows? The American Bar Association Joins The Resistance
No one has ever accused the American Bar Association of being anti-Republican...
"No one has ever accused the American Bar Association of being anti-Republican, so imagine our surprise to learn that they are screaming like Bolsheviks at the gate coming for the czar. We live in strange times:"
Musk To Get $400 Million Govt. Handout For ‘Armored Teslas’
Musk will rake in hundreds of millions in taxpayer dough while swinging a DOGE axe at government services for the rest of us.
"So while Musk and his DOGE bags work at destroying our federal government in the name of 'efficiency,' you can best believe they’ll be lining their pockets with whatever they can smash and grab from everyday Americans."
And these con men want to cut the budget? LMAO! Fraud.
Total fuckery!
What is white victimhood and how is it linked to white supremacy? A South African explains
"This is by no means particular to South Africa; we see it wherever whiteness is predominant. Indeed, ideas about white victimhood play a significant role in the popularity of Trump, whose call to “make America great again” harks back to an idealised past where white people (particularly men) could easily dominate the nation, the workplace and the home."
White Patriarchy. The same affliction as the Land of the Happy Negro suffers from.
'Does he understand money?' WSJ calls out Trump’s 'layers of intellectual confusion'
Only when he makes it his own.
Supreme Court justice sounds alarm over Trump’s executive power grab
“Our founders were hellbent on ensuring that we didn’t have a monarchy and the first way they thought of that was to give Congress the power of the purse,” she said.
Elon Musk’s Dystopian Attacks on Federal Workplaces are Also “Incredibly Stupid”
“We’re getting paid but just sitting here.”
Federal watchdogs fired by Trump urge court to reinstate
As should be done.
"Eight federal watchdogs, abruptly fired last month by President Donald Trump, are suing to get their jobs back, saying Trump broke the law by failing to give Congress a 30-day heads up and concrete explanation for the dismissals."
Trump furiously spins to blame Joe Biden after bad new inflation data
Nothing is ever his fault to hear him tell it. He's such a failure to humanity.
We Served in the Military. Trump Has No Idea How Much Damage He’s Just Done to It.
The trans ban isn’t just immoral. It’s logistical nonsense.
UN Experts Warn Trump Plan to “Own” Gaza Would “Shatter” International Order
Dozens of UN human rights experts are warning that President Donald Trump’s plan for ethnic cleansing and U.S. control over Gaza would have horrific consequences if implemented, threatening to regress the world to the “dark days of colonial conquest.”
They Think They Are Free — But For How Long?
How authoritarian regimes fool their supporters — until the cost comes due.
"A new poll from CBS News finds that most Americans agree with Trump’s policies of gutting protections for women and Black people while arresting and deporting Brown people here without documentation. Roughly two-thirds of respondents called him 'tough,' 'energetic,' 'focused' and 'effective.'
They think they are free.
White people approving of Trump’s actions believe marginalizing minorities, gutting the federal government, and attacking (and suing) media outlets and reporters will help them, and some of them probably will. A return of white supremacy and the marginalization of women in the workplace and politics, for example, may produce some small benefits for a few white men.
But there’s a price to be paid in what Americans like to refer to as freedom."
Cap'n Dan Sends Reinforcement, Again
Here's Dan's Current Letter to Trump:
Good advice that even Fatso will ignore -- or maybe not in this case.
When President Musk Speaks, Donald Trump Listens
"After five years in a Russian prison, American Marc Fogel is finally back home. The White House and the State Department are both adamant that Fogel’s release was not part of an exchange. But all signs point to Russian money launderer Alexander Vinnik being released from custody in California, and the Kremlin said there was an exchange.
We don’t know what we don’t know. But it’s never a good sign when the American leadership is less truthful than Vladimir Putin."
Journalists have a ‘messaging problem’ when it comes to defending fact-based media
At a time when trust in the media is low, journalists must be more transparent about their work, experts say
“How do you fight propaganda? Maybe part of it is just calling it what it is and facing it as a messaging problem,” Deggans said. “The people who have advanced these false narratives are very astute about sensing the weaknesses in traditional media and attacking them.”
Step One: Acknowledge the constitutional crisis. What’s Step Two?
"There will come a time, maybe even in the next few days, when at least some of our top newsroom leaders will acknowledge the growing mountain of evidence before them and reach the obvious conclusion that Donald Trump’s actions have precipitated a full-fledged constitutional crisis."
The 19th Explains: Can Trump eliminate the Department of Education?
The president can’t eliminate a federal agency with an executive order lawfully. But he can undermine its functions and redistribute duties.
In other words, he can still fuck it up beyond all functional ability.
The same as he's doing to America in general.
'Pulling things out of thin air': Legal expert calls out Mike Johnson's new Trump comments
Why are alledgedly educated people so ignorant when it comes to the obvious?
They aren't. They are running a Nazi con.
'Drunk talentless advance man': Roger Stone is no fan of fellow Trump ally's new gig
"Proving that even a drunk talentless advance man with a long history of sexual assault can make it under DHS secretary Kristi Noem," he raged on X.
Lewandowski has been accused of sexual misconduct multiple times, allegations he has denied.
Pot, meet kettle.
"Let the scams roll": Elon Musk exploits culture wars to turn MAGA against consumer protections
How to sell MAGA men a pro-scam agenda? Tell them a woman founded the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Gullible is not a strong enough term for them.
Red County To Trump: Save Our Penny-Making Jobs
"They're taking our jabs!"
State Department Official: Sterilize “Low-IQ Trash”
Then start with Darren.
Ford CEO: Tariffs Will “Blow A Hole” In Auto Industry
Collapse is headed for Trump's economy.
Democrats Accuse Patel Of Perjury Over Firings At FBI
Shocking, I say! Shocking!
Trump targets FEMA, federal judges, and voters in unhinged 5-hour rant
Der Führer would be so proud!
Judge Flat-Out Says It: Trump Is Breaking The Law
Some Republicans are agreeing without, y'know, actually doing anything about it.
What the hell else did anyone expect from a convicted criminal?
More Than Fine
Wrong. Where are the swastikas?
He Doesn't Give A Chicken's Butt About 'Egg-Flation'
Trump makes it clear he doesn’t care about ‘eggflation’, and never did.
Wouldn't you think that by now everyone knows Trump, the con man, doesn't give a good goddamn about Americans?
Wholesale Eggs Blows Way Past Record Prices
It's Trump's America and everywhere is going haywire - again
"Oh, so when J.D. Vance was grandstanding in a grocery store about $4 eggs under Kamala Harris, it was a national crisis—but now that eggs are hitting $15 under Trump and Vance, suddenly it’s crickets?"
But why worry? Obviously, the genius has things in hand! LMAO!
At least under Biden we could still buy eggs.
'A complete takeover': New Trump order entrenches Musk-led 'shadow government': analysis
Trump's Nazi enforcer, like Trump himself, is a fraud bully.
'Hard prosperity gospel': Christians outraged over Trump’s appointment of ‘heretic’ pastor
“White-Cain has long held that Trump was divinely chosen to lead the nation and that he is engaged in an ongoing battle against demonic forces,” Gullotta writes. In 2019, she said that Christians who voted against Trump would have to “stand accountable before God one day.” In 2020, she said "demonic confederacies" were trying to steal the election.
Total pandering bullshit.
Don't forget: "For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many."
Judge orders restoration of federal health websites
Well, duh!
Trump Lets Elon Musk Take the Reins in Surreal Joint Oval Office Appearance, Billionaire Awkwardly Defends DOGE Cuts
Ok. Can we imagine what the reaction would be if it was a woman coming in the Oval Office, with her child accompanying her, to make a whiny baby political speech? I'll bet you can.
27 Religious Groups Sue Over ICE Raids At Churches
"More than two-dozen Christian and Jewish groups representing millions of Americans — ranging from the Episcopal Church and the Union for Reform Judaism to the Mennonites and Unitarian Universalists — filed a federal court lawsuit Tuesday challenging a Trump administration move giving immigration agents more leeway to make arrests at houses of worship."
Apparently, they don't believe he's the second coming.
SC Christian School Staff Charged With Child Abuse
Whoa! A whole school of them bite the dust!
Boyce is accused of “repeatedly slamming the head of a child into a crib” and of dropping another kid “from waist height onto the child’s head.” There’s more at the link. It’s what Jesus would want.
Associated Press: We’ve Been Banned From White House Until We Use “Gulf Of America” In Our Reports
Fascism at work. Boycott Google.
AFSCME's Saunders: Workers and Communities Are Paying the Price of the Administration Dismantling Federal Agencies
“Federal workers and America’s communities are starting to pay the price of Elon Musk and his cronies’ unlawful efforts to dismantle essential public services. AFSCME members within the Department of Agriculture were notified that they will be furloughed since the administration has illegally eliminated the USAID, which funds the work they do. Because of these extremist actions, not only will people abroad go hungry, but American farmers will be left high and dry with no one to buy their crops. This is only the beginning of billionaires’ campaign to gut public services so they can hand over trillions in tax cuts to their wealthiest friends. It is shameful, and we will consider all our options to stop these actions.”
'Yup': JD Vance exposed as key architect of effort to 'entirely upend' checks and balances
Who will investigante The Crime?
Newsmax Idiot Still Not Over Seeing Black People On TV At Super Bowl
"Now, lest you think they’re being dramatic, remember that many white conservative people are highly uneducated, they don’t understand what they saw on the TV that night, it scared them, Black people scare them, and Black men really scare them.
Also Serena Williams did a funny dance and ain’t none of them never done a dance like that, must be the DEI dance.
Rob Schmitt, a white man pointless and interchangeable enough to be hired as a host on Newsmax, had a funny little rant last night, let us poke him and laugh at him and berate him in front of the girls in his class."
There's more.
Trump Letting America Roll Around In All The Bribes Like Pigs In Sh*t
Welp, wheel-greasing sure is having a great run! Mister Art O’Deal has pardoned dirty-dealing former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich, and the DOJ has ordered charges dropped against New York Mayor Eric Adams. Trump also 'paused' enforcement of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, sort of like when the Grinch paused Christmas so he could fix a light on the tree."
Sen. Katie Britt: Yeah, Cut Those Federal Grants. Also Katie Britt: Wait, Not To MY State
"As awful as the first three weeks of Donald Trump’s second befouling of the Oval Office have been, we have to admit, we are grimly entertained by the thought of so many conservatives who have spent years screaming about cutting wasteful and fraudulent government spending, people who have been cheering on Elon Musk’s frontal and illegal assault on the Treasury of the United States, suddenly discovering that not a dollar of that spending in their states is either wasteful or fraudulent. In fact, all the spending in their states is crucial to the continued functioning of the Republic!
Case in point: breathy-voiced trad wife Sen. Katie Britt of Alabama, who should wake up every morning thanking her Lord and Savior for Tommy Tuberville, because as long as Tubs is around, Britt will only be the second-dumbest senator from Alabama. Maybe."
The Supreme Court is Corrupt, Congress is a Rubber Stamp, & the President is Lawless—What Happens Next?
Welcome to James Madison’s nightmare: “The very definition of Tyranny”
So, JD Vance is now saying that he and Trump don’t have to obey federal judges, tweeting, “judges aren’t allowed to control the executive’s legitimate power.” This is how autocrats run things; it’s an extraordinarily dangerous moment.
Canned tuna sold at Costco, Trader Joe's recalled over botulism risk
"The voluntary recall covers 13 products sold at major grocery stores in 26 states and the District of Columbia. It was triggered by defective packaging that poses the risk of food poisoning."
Our food supply will only grow worse if we deregulate everything like Trump wants to do. Moron.
Trump says 'we're going back to plastic straws.' Is the paper straw dead?
Plastic is already in our bodies from drinking from plastic containers. Does this idiot not know anything at all?
Rhetorical question. We already know the answer.
Everything Elon Musk Touches Is a Conflict of Interest
"...For that matter, does Musk want the government to replace its workers with artificial intelligence because it will improve service or because he’s in the AI business? Does he think that “regulations, basically, should be gone” because of some fine-tuned understanding of bureaucratic machinery or because regulators have penalized him and his companies for improperly transporting hazardous materials; improperly managing hazardous waste; violating the Clean Air Act; failing to control erosion; illegal dumping; pumping wastewater into wetlands; exaggerating the range estimates on his cars; refusing to cooperate with an anti-child-abuse law; securities fraud; failing to comply with safety regulations on a rocket launch (which SpaceX has appealed); improperly operating a conveyor belt, leading to a worker getting pinned to a car (which Tesla has appealed); forcing workers to walk through muck filled with chemical accelerants (which the Boring Company has appealed); and securities fraud (which Musk and Tesla settled with no admission of wrongdoing in 2018).
For years, Musk has paired an extraordinary degree of international influence with a defiance bordering on arrogance in the face of civil authorities. He once said that regulators who complain about Starlink operating in their country “can shake their fist at the sky.” These days, anyone who’s upset with Washington can shake their fist at him. When Trump briefly imposed tariffs on Canada last week, Ontario premier Doug Ford added his own addendum to the national government’s retaliatory actions. The province would be “ripping up” its $100 million deal with Starlink, Ford announced, if the Trump and Musk administration went through with its threat. If operating from outer space gave him a sense of being untouchable, operating from inside the White House, as a shadow secretary-of-state and everything-czar, has heightened both his power and his exposure: Musk is the state now, and L’État, c’est Musk."
Talk about a cluster fuck.
'Will end badly': Pope Francis gives a major warning to Trump
Many of us already know this.
Elon Musk built his wealth from taxpayer-funded research — now he's trying to destroy future science
The billionaire should be writing a thank you note to Al Gore, not wrecking burgeoning developments
Pentagon Ends Recruiting At Prestigious Black Event
The racism is strong in this one.
Actual Two-Tiered Justice System: Trump Commits Crimes, Walks Away Scot-Free
When Trump stops being a criminal and taking unconstitutional actions, the justice system under Pam Bondi will leave him alone
"WTF is she talking about? A judge can halt any action they feel breaks the law. It's called the justice system."
"Elon Musk is an entitled white supremacist authoritarian who has no idea what government funding entails. Any asshole can look at a line-by-line budget and claim something is wasteful. Musk is clueless.
Now, the wealthiest man in the world wants the judge who halted his criminality impeached for denying him power he doesn't have."
This is fascism at work. Are we learing yet?
MAGA Farmer Shocked He Was Screwed Over By Trump
Adam Mockler with MeidasTouch Network breaks down Donald Trump's voters FAFO'ing.
"Missouri cattle producer Skylar Holden posted a series of videos on TikTok this week, saying he had signed a contract with USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service for $240,000 for improved water lines, fences and a well.
But USDA officials called him recently to tell him his contract with NRCS's Environmental Quality Incentives Program, or EQIP, was frozen, he said. It's not clear when the funds will be released, Holden said in his video."
"I've already done a bunch of the work, already paid for the material and the labor, so I'm out all that cost," Holden said in one video, adding, "We are possibly going to lose our farm if NRCS doesn't hold up their contract with us."
'Guardrails are gone': Historians reveal 'pattern' Trump is following as he becomes 'more out of touch'
“What has changed is his administration — that is, the people around him. The guardrails are gone and the adults have left the room. We are now seeing a much purer version of Trump, less filtered by traditional advisers and the institutions of U.S. governance.”
'Alarming': Democrats aren't the only ones concerned about Musk
Members of Congress have been flooded with calls from concerned constituents about Musk. “It is a deluge on DOGE,” Sen. Tina Smith (D-Minnesota) told the Washington Post. “Truly our office has gotten more phone calls on Elon Musk and what the heck he’s doing mucking around in federal government than I think anything we’ve gotten in years… People are really angry.”
Polls Keep Showing Americans Want Elon Musk and DOGE Out of Government
Trump is responsible for it. It's his Albatross.
Oxford Scientists Say They've Achieved Quantum Teleportation
Teleport Trump to the Twilight Zone.
Jamie Raskin Proposes Class Action Suit Against Yam Man, Musk
Good luck using the law against the lawless.
'Yale Law School should be embarrassed': Vance slammed for latest legal blunder
#1 on the idiot graduate list?
Federal assessments show reading and math performance drop in Florida, nation
Florida leads the way. I know teachers from Florida. They will back me up.
The U.S. is rapidly turning into the stupidist and backward country on the planet.
"Florida middle schoolers’ math and reading scores continue a decline that preceded the COVID-19 pandemic, U.S. Department of Education data released in January show. The data are not a fluke, as Education Commissioner Manny Diaz suggests, according to test administrators."
'Stepping very close to dangerous ground': J.D. Vance triggers alarm for CNN legal expert
We are surrounded by assassins. Hope for our future is fading.
Trump removes appointees overseeing service academies: 'Infiltrated by Woke Leftists'
Turn them all into Nazis is his idea.
Marjorie Taylor Greene fears future Dem president will 'wipe out' Gulf of America name
Because that's not it's name, asshole. And your name is MUD!
Gov. Pritzker Trolls Yambo By Changing Name Of Lake Michigan
Tit for tat. Anyone can now do this!
'We need protection': Pastor slams Trump's 'grotesque' attack on Christianity
"President Donald Trump and Attorney General Pam Bondi have kicked off an investigation to root out "anti-Christian" bias within the federal government — but they should look no further than a mirror if they want to find state attacks on Christians for their faith, Rev. Paul Brandeis Rausenbush of the Interfaith Coalition told CNN's John Berman on Monday."
Total hypocrites.
'All kinds of dumb outcomes' likely from Trump's latest education policy: expert
"President Donald Trump required Department of Education employees to attend "diversity training" during his first term. Now, he's suspending them as he seeks to root out Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) from the federal government."
How did someone this stupid ever get out of school without quitting or getting tossed out?
Farmers facing economic ruin after Trump backs away from grant 'guarantees': report
House Democrats have sounded the alarm, stating in a letter to the Department of Agriculture, “Pulling the rug out from these recipients runs counter to the mission of the USDA and will quickly and significantly cripple economic development in rural America.”
As America collapses.
'Congress has collapsed': Ex-GOP insider says Republicans have no fix for next big problem
Who would have thought we'd live to see the collapse of America?
"'Women' is a banned word": Trump uses trans panic to strip rights from all women
Under the guise of "protecting women," the military, schools and labs are forced to take women's safety away
Trump Changes Subject When Asked About Prices
He has no logic skills.
Union Sues Over Shutdown Of Banking Oversight
If only the courts and law could work faster.
DOGE Plan: Boost Attrition By Making Things “Suck”
Destroying our military will render us helpless as a nation.
This is insanity.
Here's how Republicans defended Trump's lawless actions this week
"This week, Trump imposed tariffs on the United States' biggest trading partners, unilaterally shuttered the U.S. Agency for International Development. He also said he wants to expel Palestinians from the Gaza strip so he can turn it into a resort.
Additionally, Trump let co-President Elon Musk and his crew of racist and unqualified DOGE minions have access to the Treasury Department's payment system that disburses trillions of dollars and contains Americans' sensitive personal data.
If you thought that any of those insane actions would draw criticism from Republicans, well, you'd be wrong."
Venezuelans Backed Trump... Now He May Deport Them
The leopards are feasting on Venezuelans who backed Trump.
Typical suckers.
Hundreds Of Thousands Protest Germany’s AfD Party
“Racism and hatred is not an alternative.”
The neo-Nazis have given them the sadz.
In Breaking USAID, the Trump Administration May Have Broken the Law
And just how many times does he have to break the law to be made to pay for his crimes? Still counting, are we?
Trump Cancels Health, Environment, Puppies, Springtime, And Smiling
"What havoc is being planned next by Presidents Elon Musk and Donald Trump? All of it, Katie! Courts have been ordering the Trump administration and Elon’s Musketeens to stop illegally dismantling government agencies and snooping around in Americans’ data in lord knows how many federal databases, although who knows whether Trump and the teens are actually complying with those orders. After all, Trump is King, and therefore any judge ruling against him is obviously not legitimate."
Trump DOJ Deleted January 6 Database in Latest Attempt to Make History Vanish
On Jan. 10, the U.S. Department of Justice released a 123-page report on the 1921 racial massacre in Tulsa, Oklahoma, which claimed several hundred lives and left the thriving Black neighborhood of Greenwood in smoldering ruins. The department’s investigation determined that the attack was “so systematic and coordinated that it transcended mere mob violence.”
Orwell's "The Ministry of Truth" works over America.
Where We Are Now: A Review
“...And there’s more, ever so much more, and all of it done in less than a month. There’s so much, in fact, that no mere mortal man or woman can remember it all. We're all in the same boat, unless you have a fleet of private jets, a couple of islands and plans of escape. Except for them, we're almost all on a very big ship, most of us in steerage, steaming through a cold and deep ocean with a mega iceberg appearing in the rough and dark seas ahead. But I suppose we can take heart in the good old Republican words of wisdom from oh-so-bright Republicans like former VP Dan Quayle who once said: 'I believe we are on a irreversible trend toward more freedom and democracy…but that could change.'”
Vought Stops CFPB From Functioning with Illegal Order
The budget director and acting head of CFPB also tried to defund the agency, but found it was already funded through the fiscal year.
The Trump clueless.
'Unconstitutional!' Stephen Miller melts down after judge blocks Elon Musk at Treasury
Voldemort opines. Who cares?
'Come on!' CNN conservative buried after insisting voters put their 'faith' in Elon Musk
Dude, no one mandated Apartheid Leon to do anything. Our Congress has never authorized his position as a Federal Department.
Trump fired him (Shermichael Singleton) from his job as Deputy Chief of Staff at the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
First Came the Warning Signs. Then a Teen Opened Fire on a Nashville School.
More failure in the Land of the Happy Negro.
Oklahoma Moms Locked Up for Their Abusers’ Violence Might Finally Get a Break
Oklahoma really is not just "OK."
Cultists Have Lost Billions On Trump’s “Meme Coin”
And the scam has revealed it's true lesson.
Physicists Find That the Universe Could "Collapse Like a House of Cards"
"With that in mind, have you considered that our entire universe may actually be suspended in a 'false vacuum,' or in a state of faux-stability, and is merely waiting to collapse into a more stable state?
Because scientists studying quantum field theory — a framework that combines quantum mechanics, relativity, and basically all of physics — definitely have. And in a new study published in the journal Nature, researchers have simulated the processes behind this phenomenon, perhaps giving us a glimpse at how the world could dramatically end."
The state of gimbal lock?
Feds putting the kibosh on national EV charging program
Backward we go.
Trump Administration Illegally Freezes Billions in Funding For Electric Vehicle Charging
“Freezing these EV charging funds is yet another one of the Trump administration’s unsound and illegal moves. This is an attack on bipartisan funding that Congress approved years ago and is driving investment and innovation in every state, with Texas as the largest beneficiary. Throwing out states’ plans, which were carefully built together with business, utilities, and communities, only hurts America’s growing clean energy economy."
“The NEVI Program has helped the U.S. build out the infrastructure needed to support our nation’s necessary transition to pollution-free vehicles. More electric vehicle charging means better public health, reduced climate emissions, good-paying green jobs, and healthier communities.”
A darkness has descended on America
"As a nation, we have never healed from the Civil War, never achieved the reconciliation between race and rage, never fulfilled in good faith the guarantees of birthright citizenship and Black suffrage. We have made advances and experienced setbacks, in a tragic never-ending cycle that plays out over the course of about a human lifetime, from the end of slavery in 1865 to the Klan marches of the 1920s, from the Civil Rights Movement to the final gutting of the Voting Rights Act in 2023....
We can no longer wait for someone to lead us; we must lead ourselves through this darkness without a name. We must engage in peaceful protest, reasoned argument, and effective resistance. We must be civil evangels of democracy. We must come together not under the banner of any particular party, but for the “common right of humanity” as Americans. A new Abraham or Martin or John may yet emerge to guide us, but until then we must use our voices, our bodies, and our souls to preserve the tools which might someday make America truly great. To shy away from the eternal struggle is to embrace the darkness."
The Land of the Happy Negro described here.
It’s comforting that the whole world isn’t getting stupid — it’s just us
Maybe. But the whole world could decide to put an end to us as well.
Evangelical leaders turn on Trump over 'damaging and wasteful' foreign aid cuts
“This is damaging and wasteful," Carey said. "Some of our members and partners are experiencing crippling cashflow crises, necessitating mass layoffs and abrupt termination of services with no time for responsible transitions."
Carey, urged Trump “to rethink the assumption that effective international assistance does not benefit our national security, peace and prosperity.”
'You are the government': Dana Bash calls out Kristi Noem's excuses
CNN’s Dana Bash on Sunday delivered a succinct retort to United States Secretary of Homeland Security Kristi Noem after the Trump Cabinet member said, "you can't trust the government anymore."
As Bash correctly put it, "you are the government."
Correct! And we can't trust these Trump bastards.
Richard Gere calls Trump a 'bully' at Spain's top film awards
"We're in a very dark place in America, where we have a bully, a thug, who's the president of the United States. But it's not just in the US, it's everywhere," he said. "Authoritarianism takes us all over."
A criminal in fact. The U.S. will never live this down.
During his speech, Gere warned of the "dark marriage" of power and money "like we've never seen before."
"The fact that these irresponsible and perhaps dangerously corrosive billionaires are running everything in America right now is a danger for everyone on this planet," he said.
'Visceral fury': Trump 'hitting a wall' as judges rush to block his executive orders
Longtime U.S. District Judge John Coughenour, a Ronald Reagan appointee, took umbrage at a plan to undermine birthright citizenship and pointedly wrote in his ruling, "It has become ever more apparent that to our president, the rule of law is but an impediment to his policy goals. The rule of law is, according to him, something to navigate around or simply ignore.”
Criminals usually ignore the law.
Megadonor To SCOTUS: Overturn Press Protections
America sells out!
Ohio City Sues Nazi Group Under KKK Act Of 1871
"The lawsuit, sadly, does not name Trump or Vance, both of whom spread the insane 'eating cats and dogs' lie. Blood Tribe, which is apparently based in Florida, has appeared here multiple times for harassment campaigns in other states."
If there is no law there is no enforcement and the scum will skate.
Springfield voted for Trump. They get what they deserve.
Project 2025 Kingpin Ends Oversight Of Big Banks
Let the raping and plunder begin.
Checking in on some key voters who swung for Trump—and the regret is real
"Aside from her wanting tariffs on New Mexico for some reason, this is beyond insane. Trump lied. She is now seeing the real-life impact of that lie, validating everything Democrats and economists and reasonable people warned would happen, and she’s … doubling down on her love for Trump.
Stupid is as stupid does.
'Hitler been dead!' Crowd runs off armed neo-Nazis and burns their swastika flags
Dead as Nazis should be in a sane world.
"Burn that b---- up," one member of the crowd is heard saying. "Get the f--- out of here ... Hitler been dead! Y'all living in the forties!"
The way we should expect Americans to react against fascism!
Not So Super Bowl
A cartoon for February 9, 2025
Only one thing will 'save us' from Trump — and it's not the courts: legal expert
"There is little reason to believe that Trump will enforce an adverse court ruling against himself."
This is what happens when we shove a criminal into our presidency. Law breaks down.
'A surprise to most': Nobel Prize-winning economist warns US of 'unexpected decline' under Trump
Nobel Prize-winning economist Daron Acemoglu — who’s studied long-term “growth and stagnation” throughout his career — on Sunday offered “creative” insight into the “consequences” of the 2024 presidential election, writing in the Financial Times that the United States’ “decline” over the next two decades could come “as a surprise to most.”
Surprise to some I suppose.
Federal Office on Violence Against Women removes funding opportunities from website
The office, part of the Justice Department, is a key source of grants for nonprofits that work to help victims of domestic violence.
Our criminal president hates women.
'Not what we signed up for': Trump voter seethes over 3 weeks of 'chaos'
"Just days before Donald Trump celebrates three weeks back in the Oval Office, his tariff threats and his decision to let Elon Musk and his DOGE staffers disrupt the flow of cash from the U.S. Treasury is having an immediate impact on voters.
And it is not a good one, reports the Wall Street Journal.
On the same day the government reported job growth was weaker than expected, the Journal's Rachel Wolfe and Joel Pinsker are reporting that consumer confidence is 'souring' as prices remain high — or are going up — meaning Trump's honeymoon is swiftly coming to an end."
'People are really angry': Lawmakers facing voter blowback over Elon Musk's chaos
Then get off your asses and put a stop to the invasion of our country by these sick fucks!
And that means the damn Democrats too! Being ignorant is no way to go through life!
How a once-fringe theory of presidential power is upending American government
Now the Supreme Court is all that stands in the way of a “unitary executive”
Hitler tried this. Look at what he gave us. Trump is the same thing.
LGBTQ Victims Erased From Human Trafficking Report
Meet the new perscuted mules of the world.
Trump: I’m Naming Myself Kennedy Center Chairman
The Kennedy Center doesn't need his dum direction. He has no talent in that area. Not even as much as a dog.
"We can expect future Kennedy Center honorees to be Kid Rock, Ted Nugent, Lee Greenwood, and Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty." Putrid puke.
Every time Trump hears the word culture he reaches for Lee Greenwood.
Measles Outbreak Hits Low-Vaxxed Texas County
"Gaines County has one of the lowest vaccination rates in the state of Texas and has among the highest rates of children with “conscientious exemptions” to school vaccination requirements. Nearly 18 percent of kindergarteners in Gaines have conscientious exemptions."
It's one thing to wipe out low-brain function idiots but they can pass it on to other unsuspecting with impunity.
Blue States Win Block On DOGE Accessing Treasury
The criminal Trump has no authority. Just say no.
Hitler Fan Rep Intros McBride As “The Gentleman”
"In 2023, Miller, whose husband is reportedly affiliated with the far-right 'Three Percenters' militia, formed the 'Congressional Family Caucus' to battle against 'the LGBTQ agenda, atheism, and the radical left.' The caucus launched with a column Miller co-wrote for the Family Research Council. As you can see below, the Kremlin is applauding Miller’s assholery."
Mary is such a special throwback square.
Republicans somehow stoop even lower to bring back racist DOGE dork
These morons must all be former class clowns.
Fuck Elon Mask and his Apratheid cohorts.
Trump Creates Bogus Task Force To 'Protect Christians'
Trump has made it clear Blacks, minorities, women, and the LGBTQ+ community are not being discriminated against, only Christians.
Like the clueless idiot racist he is.
Progressive Democrats Say It's Time To 'Fire Elon Musk'
The left wing of Congressional Democrats is not afraid of Elmo.
"We're here to say with one voice: Fire Elon Musk," said Rep. Greg Casar of Texas, kicking off a Congressional Progressive Caucus press conference on Thursday which brought some of the fighting spirit that Democrats have been accused of lacking in recent weeks.
And fire the asswipe that "hired" him!
'Not changing': Top elections chair refuses firing attempt by Trump — calling it illegal
"Federal Elections Commission Commissioner and Chair Ellen Weintraub said Thursday that U.S. President Donald Trump moved to fire her from the commission, but indicated she won't comply and called the directive legally invalid."
Tell Trump to get bent and just say "NO"!
There Is No Context In Which Trump's Attacks On 'DEI' Are A Good Thing
"Before we jump into this ourselves, allow me to note that the reason this is an absurd argument is because the two concepts are so deeply entwined that they are more or less the same thing. One cannot exist in any meaningful way without the other. This is why “socially liberal, fiscally conservative” was never a real thing — because it’s not 'socially liberal' to be cool with people starving to death and it never will be."
Erasing History, Erasing Democracy: Trump’s Authoritarian Assault on Education
"This executive order is not just an attack on critical race theory or teachings about systemic racism — it is a cornerstone of an authoritarian ideology designed to eliminate critical thought, suppress historical truth and strip educators of their autonomy. Under the guise of combating “divisiveness,” it advances a broader war on education as a democratizing force, turning schools into dead zones of the imagination. By threatening to strip federal funding from institutions that refuse to conform, this policy functions as an instrument of ideological indoctrination, enforcing a sanitized, nationalistic narrative that erases histories of oppression and resistance while deepening a culture of ignorance and compliance."
Last Chance to Stop a Dictatorship — and Trump Knows It
He’s firing the FBI, silencing the press, and dismantling Democracy: The window to fight back Is closing quickly.
"Let’s be very clear: this is how dictatorships start.
A guy who wants to be a dictator always begins by changing how the government works. Even though the majority of the nation had agreed previously that the government should do certain things in certain ways, he reassures everybody he’s got a better way and it’ll all work out.
In the process, he breaks a bunch of laws, but people mostly shrug because they don’t directly affect them. Pastor Niemöller wrote about this in 1930s Germany; to paraphrase: First they came for the government workers…
Trump’s Deportation Dragnet Widens and Puerto Ricans Are Getting Caught in It
"What was never part of the deal was U.S. citizens being swept up in ICE raids. But less than three weeks into the Trump administration, that’s exactly what’s happening. And the Puerto Rican population on the mainland is bearing the brunt of it."
They hate all of us.
Trump Wants to Write a New Chapter in Guantánamo’s Shameful History
An American president is once again using the facility to go around the law.
"Amid the blitzkrieg of executive actions President Donald Trump has taken over the past two weeks, it should be no surprise that the administration aims to exploit and expand what is perhaps the 21st century’s greatest symbol of lawlessness: Guantánamo. In so doing, he is carrying forward the shameful history paved by his predecessors."
Bondi To Illegally Target DEI Policies In Private Companies
"Trump's newly appointed Attorney General Pam Bondi is attacking private companies as if they are government institutions by trying to make it illegal for them to use any form of diversity in their hiring practices.
Bondi is instructing the DOJ to be on the lookout for any inclusive hiring practices and make it a criminal offense."
Another member of the Trump Criminal Sydicate doing his bidding.
Red is for Ketchup — Evaluating President Musk — 18 Days In
"It would be a terrible shame if Trump were to stroke out.
I still have no words for all the destruction going on around us, so it’s a good thing that mistermix and Rose and others do.
For some people, anger is their go-to emotion, but not for me. In a crisis, I tend to go quiet, and words escape me. Until they don’t.
If the past is any predictor, my rare “I have no words” phase will eventually followed by a white-hot anger and lots of words, with a strong correlation between the length of the “no words” phase and the amount of anger that follows."
30,000 tons of food 'going to waste' in Houston after Trump halted aid
More Trump failure. Simply a disaster.
IT experts: MAGA risking 'fatal compromise' and 'largest data breach' in US history
This is inexcusable and criminal in fact. Why are we putting up with this shit even for a minute?
Florida Man Found Not Guilty In Killing Of Gay Man He’d Tormented At City Dog Park With Anti-Gay Slurs
It appears fine to kill gay people if you taunt and torment them long enough. Taunting is even against the rules in NFL and college football. Why not in a civil society? Spinelessness.
Betsy DeVos: “Shut Down The Education Department”
"DeVos, should you have forgotten, is an ardent Christian nationalist whose family is worth nearly $6 billion through its ownership of the pyramid scheme outfit Amway, which has faced countless lawsuits for its predatory practices and scams. Remember the claim that Procter & Gamble’s logo is satanic and that the company’s then-CEO was a 'practicing Satanist'? That idiocy was spawned by their competitor, Amway. The DeVos Foundation has donated tens of millions to anti-LGBTQ, far-right, and Christian organizations. DeVos has also funded school voucher campaigns, saying that the primary purpose of education should be to 'advance God’s kingdom.' She wants to do that by defunding public schools."
More Xianist totalitarianism bullshit.
FCC Investigates SF Radio Station Over ICE Reporting
Since becoming FCC chair, Carr has launched investigations into NPR, PBS, and the east coast flagship broadcast affiliates of ABC, CBS, and NBC.
Fascist commissioners can go stright to hell.
‘Trump Brazenly Defies Laws’ is not an A17 story
"Donald Trump has repeatedly and flagrantly broken the law since reassuming the presidency. But the national media – whose mission is ostensibly to hold the powerful accountable – is treating it like the new normal.
I’m not saying our top journalists are ignoring the story – we know about it, after all, thanks to their reporting. They are dutifully and diligently giving us daily updates on the law-breaking, with the occasional news analysis reminding us that a lot of law-breaking is taking place.
But they’re not treating it like a national emergency – with banner headlines, non-stop coverage, and front-page editorials.
They’re not labeling it a constitutional crisis.
They’re not writing about how to stop it.
They’re not sounding the alarm."
‘You’re talking to a public health physician’: Expert smacks down ex-RNC official on CNN
“We had a then-Trump administration that fomented anti-science, fomented misinformation and disinformation, and flatly, we were not prepared,” Pernell said, adding that looking back, “it looks like we haven’t learned our lessons.”
“It doesn't make sense,” she said of the reports that federal employees at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services were facing an imminent purge. “It's actually, frankly, stupid.”
Exactly! Stupid is Trump and his retarded, dumbass policies.
Legal scholar shares 'doomsday scenario' with Trump that has lawyers 'worried'
"This is going to take Republican legislators holding this man accountable to actually follow the law and do what it is the country has been set up to do," he concluded.
"The Atlantic's" Tom Nichols said if empty positions cause problems, Trump has blocked himself from fixing them. most Americans simply don't fully understand how government works, he added.
The last statement is our real problem.
Reject the criminal as America has always done.
Kanye: “I Don’t Like Jews, I’m A Nazi And I Love Hitler”
He's also an abuser of women and a total bag of uslessness.
Clinical Trials Abandoned In USAID Funding Freeze, Thousands Have Experimental Drugs In Their Bodies
Human health project abandoned by the Trump Death Squads.
Cartoon: Like taking orders from a baby
Jasmine Crockett EXPLODES On LIVE TV Over Musk Lies
With surgical precision, Crockett laid out how Elon Musk—poster boy for Jim Crow wealth and erratic decision-making—was attempting an illegal financial maneuver to dodge DOGE oversight.
Kick ass, Jasmine!
Jamie Raskin Takes On Elon Musk And DOGE In Fiery Speech
Elon Musk, the billionaire who bought the Presidency, may have finally met his match.
KIck ass, Jaime!
Musk DOGE Minion Resigns After WSJ Finds Racist Social Media
The Journal said it had established links between 25-year-old Elez and a social media account on Musk’s platform, X, that was deleted in December.
Please to the same, Elon.
Bird Flu Mutates Again In Cows, But It's All Going To Be Fine!
With our newly staffed CDC and Bob Kennedy at the helm of national health, we have nothing at all to worry about. Ha ha, just kidding, we should be terrified!
People have to have a brain function before terror sets in.
'Now the harder test': Experts cautiously celebrate as Musk locked out of Treasury systems
Deporting him?
Right-wing writer who called drag queens groomers arrested for child molestation
Another one bites the dust!
"According to a local news site, he taught Bible at Rocky Bayou Christian School, which has two campuses in Florida," the news outlet reports.
'I call this virus a terrorist': Egg farmers say they’re losing the battle against bird flu
Say goodbye to eggs in your diet. Sad.
Confirmation of Trump nominee expected to fuel lawless rampage
"Lawmakers and progressive activists echoed those warnings in the wake of his confirmation. Alex Jacquez, chief of policy and advocacy at the Groundwork Collaborative, said in a statement that "Vought's fingerprints are all over last week's illegal funding freeze."
No shocker. Lawless ramgpage is Trump's raison d'etre.
Even Russian Media Can't Tell Trump's '$50 Million For Bomb Condoms For Hamas!' Lie Without Laughing
"One of our favorite (current) Trump/MAGA lies is the one that Elon Musk’s DOGE has discovered that “We’re sending $50 MILLION! Worth of CONDOMS! To HAMAS! To MAKE BOMBS!” You almost don’t care the exact derivation of the lie, what line item Fox News and the rest of the the MAGA media are purposefully lying about, which is then downloaded into Donald Trump’s mangled dementia brain for him to hallucinate about all by his lonesome.
The other day he turned it into $100 million. Why? Because he’s a liar, and because he gets confused easily.
By the way, he’s getting confused more and more easily these days, and it’s getting more and more embarrassing. That whole thing about the tariffs, when he humiliated himself by immediately backing down and letting Mexico and Canada regift presents they gave Joe Biden and calling it “victory”? The whole thing where he started babbling about developing Gaza like it was one of his roach motels in Atlantic City, only to have even his buttsniffing Republicans in Congress be (mostly) like “Oh noooooo, Grandpa, let’s put you back on top of your bedpan” and his own White House officials have spent the time ever since trying to walk it back?
Is there any way the rumor about Trump’s Cabinet getting together to Article 25 the old bitch just as soon as the last member is confirmed is not true? Lord, at least President JD Vance can mentally grasp the details of the terrorist attack Apartheid bin Laden is currently carrying out against the United States. Trump? All he knows is that it involves these newfangled computers all the kids are asking Santa to bring them."
Living in the dumbest times we are.
Trump Has No Right to Move Us to Oligarchy, Authoritarianism, and Kleptocracy
"Under President Donald Trump we are not seeing a “government of the people, by the people, for the people.” Quite the contrary.
We are seeing a government of the billionaire class, by the billionaire class, for the billionaire class. And it’s not being done secretly. It’s right out there for all to see."
No right. None whatsover!
Disaster Porn: By Idiots, For Idiots Or for No One at All
"News flash: When people lose people who are close to them, how they feel is none of our concern. Nor is it yours, Jake. Nor do we need Wolf Blitzer’s generic show-closing wish that “their memories be a blessing." Shut the fuck up with those blessings, that bullshit blather, and fake sorrow for people you don’t know. Leave grieving people the hell alone, you damn ghouls.
How does it feel? How devastated were you? Good questions, but if you assholes and overpaid idiots haven't figured it out yet, most everyone else has. Go to a few funerals and talk to the strangers there if you want to get your jollies. Just don't come with cameras and lights and mics.
Memory is fallible, but I don't recall Walter Cronkite performing this nauseating death ritual for viewers."
The Billionaire Coup is Almost Complete and No One Stopped It — Can We Return to Democracy?
How America’s ultra-rich dismantled democracy, one Supreme Court ruling at a time.
"There is one thread that ties together Trump’s destruction of American government agencies, his offer to take the Gaza crisis off Israel’s hands and dump it on our military, and senators’ and representatives’ failure to challenge him: This is how kingdoms operate. Rule by decree."
"But American democracy was kneecapped by five Republicans on the Supreme Court years ago when they ruled that money was the same thing as “free speech”; that corporations are “persons” with rights under the Bill of [Human] Rights; and that political operatives can engage in virtually unlimited purges of voting rolls, accompanied by racial- and gender-targeted laws to make it harder to vote."
Trump's USAID gambit backfires as American farms now threatened: report
But they would vote for him again.
'People are dying': Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez blames Elon Musk's cuts for fentanyl deaths
Which is why he is the Minister of Death.
‘Pathetic Fart’ of a Bill That Bans Kids from Social Media Moves Forward
Nazis cease freedom. This is what you asked for America and this is what you're getting.
There's Actually an Incredibly Easy Way for Elon Musk to Trim $2 Trillion of Government Spending: Cut Funding for Nuclear Weapons
He must own stock in the product. The Minister of Death.
Public Support for Elon Musk's Government Rampage Is Falling Catastrophically, Even Among Trump Voters
"But public opinion polling shows that support for Musk's rampage is falling at an astonishing rate, with even Trump's most ardent supporters now turning on him in incredible numbers."
Of course. A free people will always reject tyranny. Think of it, always.
Labor giant trolls Musk with excellent mockery of DOGE
"Hell hath no fury like the largest federation of unions in America scorned.
In response to “Nazi nepo baby” Elon Musk, AFL-CIO launched a campaign on Wednesday called the “Department of People Who Work for a Living,” or DPWL. The organization plans to hold Musk accountable for his illegal takeover of the federal government through the Department of Government Efficiency and to “make sure the federal government is responsive to working people and not just to the whims of an unelected CEO like Musk.”
White House Press Secretary: Elon Musk Will Police Himself
"During a White House briefing, A.I. bot Karoline Leavitt told the media that Elon Musk would have no oversight and would recuse himself whenever HE feels a conflict of interest.
Transparency is dead.
Long Live President Musk!
Musk is an altruistic bon vivant who will police himself with rigorous honesty and hates white supremacy, racism, and homophobia.
The Kewpie doll has spoken."
I'm sure. LOL!
Christian columnist raises alarm over Trump and Musk defunding evangelical ministries
Pardon me. What's all this? Hypocrisy at its highest!
Trump vows to eradicate 'anti-Christian bias,' says 'we have to bring religion back'
First of all, religion is still with us, so stop that absolute bullshit. Anti-Christian bias is hypocrisy from bullsnitters like the Mango. The false prophet is upon us.
When their hypocrisy stops so will any criticism and child abuse which are absolute facts.
"Two beasts are described in chapter 13, one from the sea (vs. 1) and one from the land (vs. 11). With the beast out of the sea, we come to that one who, regardless of his claims as the white horse rider or peace maker, comes as a great source of darkness into the world. He comes not to save the world, but to damn the world. In essence, what we have in this chapter in the rise of the beast and the false prophet is nothing short of the ‘trinity from hell’ in that both are the product of the machinations of that old serpent, the devil or Satan."
"The beast, therefore, set before us in Revelation 13, is the dragon’s masterpiece of delusion, leading to worship of himself (Revelation 13:4)." -—
SWAT Team Kills ME Man During Live-Stream Against Gay Rights: “I Had To Stand My Ground For Christ”
The insane hypocrisy of religion.
'Read the fine print': Officials call out 'misleading' Trump buyout offer to federal workers
“For those considering the buyout, read the fine print before signing and be cautious, as certain benefits may not be guaranteed," Nessel stated. "Employees who are represented by a union should work with their labor representatives before entering into any contract changes.”
In other words you're dealing with the mob.
'McCarthy era 2.0': Lawmaker describes Trump’s 'very chilling' threats to federal workers
Connolly wrote: "This is a shock and awe playbook. Trump and his acolytes are flooding the zone with one outrageous plan after another in the hopes we will balk at the sheer size and scope of their efforts. But we will not relent now. This is the time for all of us who have chosen federal service to fight back. We cannot let these attacks on our democracy go unchallenged."
Connolly continued, "This is very chilling. It really is sort of like the McCarthy era 2.0 for a lot of federal employees and for all of us as well ... But they're standing up, and they're being heard. And I think that's a hopeful sign that, you know, Elon Musk and Donald Trump aren't going to, with impunity, simply have their way with the federal workforce and federal employees."
America is under attack by an internal fascist enemy that has no regard for the law. We must resist at all costs.
Elon Musk's war on Head Start childhood education exposes how "pro-natalists" are really anti-woman
“You do not want to give money to women," declared one leader of the movement to make more babies
DOGE Accesses “Highly Restricted” Personnel Records
"The incursion at the Treasury Department gave Musk’s lackeys access to Social Security numbers and Medicare payments."
Grandma will be pissed if she misses her check, little boy.
We're all well and truly fucked.
Thieves and robbers at work. They have no legality.
Cartoon: Tom the Dancing Bug implores you not to call them N@zis
Across 50 States, Patriots Turned Out To Say No To Yambo, Elmo
Protesters waved signs denouncing Trump; Elmo Musk, the leader of Trump’s new Department of Government Efficiency; and Project 2025.
Yeah, World Leaders HATE Trump's Ethnic Cleansing 'Idea'
World leaders blast Trump's absurd plan to displace Palestinians.
Closely followd by his guts.
Next DOGE Roadkill: The Department Of Education
DOGE's Tentacles Aim to Squeeze Department of Education
Keep 'em stupid is their mantra.
Trump mocked after he 'made up an entire conversation' about Patrick Mahomes and Tommy Tuberville
How can a sane person support a lying crook?
How Trump’s EPA threatens efforts to clean areas affected most by dangerous air pollution
"Smoke and exhaust fumes have been found to be beneficial to human health."
Sean Duffy: “DOGE Will Upgrade Our Aviation System”
"We're putting the bi-planes back in service. With the .50 calibers installed, of course."
Ex-Coast Guard Leader Evicted Without Belongings
"Trump’s administration evicted former Coast Guard Commandant Linda Fagan from her home with three hours of notice on Tuesday — not even enough time to gather her personal effects — according to two people familiar with the incident. Fagan, a four-star admiral and the first woman to lead a branch of the military, was removed from her post as the Coast Guard’s top officer on Trump’s second day in office."
He's searching for the bottom. He won't stop until he finds it.
'In over her head': Critics mock Karoline Leavitt after latest press conference flub
"Within just 15 minutes of her flub, someone had created an account on Blue Sky for the "Grocery Pump." According to its biography, it's concerned eggs are reaching $500 a gallon."
It pumps only hi-octane premium grade A!
This child is in waaaay over her head.
Pastor Charged With Child Rape, Five Alleged Victims
Oh, dear. We have yet another one who bites the dust.
"Suttles had been pastor of Liberty Baptist Church on Wears Valley Road since Jan. 4, 2009. The indictment indicates that the incidents with Suttles happened between 2017 and 2023 and involved five different victims, all younger than 13 at the time."
WH: Musk Will Self-Police On Conflicts Of Interest
And he also promised he wouldn't ejaculate in an oral cavity.
Felon Signs Order Banning Trans Women From Sports
Praising Tuberville for something he never did. What a fucking genius.
Cultists Keep Getting Arrested For Impersonating ICE
Why not? They have a criminal posing as president of the U.S.
Musk Lie Fuels Stupid MAGA Outrage About Politico
Stupid is as Elon does.
Millions Without HIV Treatment Due To Trump Admin
Here comes the first of the Trump murders.
FAFO: Arab MAGA Group Drops “Trump” From Name
Drop his name all you want, you voted for the scumbag. Eat the shit he's feeding you.
Zelensky Calls For Tucker Carlson To 'Stop Licking [Putin's] Ass'
“It seems to me he needs to more deeply understand what's happening in Ukraine, to stop working for Putin, to stop licking his ass,” Zelensky said bluntly to Piers Morgan.
Hell, yes!
The Child's Garden Of GOP Excuses For Trump's Failures So Far
Here's a rundown of Republican excuses for Trump's disastrous week.
It's only getting started.
So Much Winning From Trump White House The Media Can’t Keep Up
"That’s right, there is so much good news, so much winning out of the Trump White House right now that the mainstream legacy media can’t keep up with it all," Karoline Leavitt said.
Smells like...Behold the bags of bullshit!
Teslas turn toxic as sales crash in Europe and the UK
Dealing junk gets more payback.
“Unlawful and corrupt empowerment and enrichment of Elon Musk” Impeach Trump Again Campaign Adds New Grounds for Impeachment Investigation
Impeach this criminal as many times as it takes!
Christian Group Cheers End To US Food Aid: It’s What They Get For Spreading “Radical LGBTQ Propaganda”
Inhuman Talibastards.
New Democratic bill targets Elon Musk
Trump's Nazi Party will block it.
'Face of this administration': CNN analysis shows 'king' Musk is losing popularity
This guy was popular once? When? I guess it was the myth that he was a fucking "genius." LMAO!
Foreign dictators rejoice as Elon Musk takes wrecking ball to U.S. foreign aid: report
He's one of their own!
'Dastardly deeds': Dem introduces impeachment effort against Trump after Gaza threat
Impeach the cancer until he's gone for good!
Democrats Officially Activated Against Trump And His 'Nazi Nepo Baby.' Are You?
"For those (us!) who have been yelling “WHERE ARE THE DEMOCRATS?!” an answer came yesterday. As Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez explained on Intsagram Live the other night, it’s no coincidence that Donald Trump’s and Elon Musks’s Nazi terrorist torching of the United States commenced the day after Congress adjourned and members went back to their districts. But as of yesterday, they were back, and hundreds showed up at the United States Treasury for a fiery rally against what Musk and his team of technovirgins were up to inside."
Why Elon Will Be Trump’s Undoing
"It’s grim out there. Limiting the damage done by Donald Trump and the Trumpists to our government and the rule of law, and reversing the momentum of Trumpism politically and culturally—all of this seems difficult and daunting.
Let’s be honest: It doesn’t just seem difficult and daunting. It is difficult and daunting.
It’s also as important a task as any in my political lifetime. And the good news is that difficult doesn’t mean impossible. Daunting needn’t be frightening.
Even critics must concede that the Trump blitzkrieg has been impressive. Many of our laws, norms, and procedures designed to provide guardrails against arbitrary, reckless, and lawless actions have proven ineffective.
But defensive lines can fall and the forces of freedom can still ultimately prevail. And vulnerabilities in the apparently formidable Trumpist movement have already begun to appear. Here’s one vulnerability: Elon Musk."
Families sue after losing access to gender-affirming care under Trump’s executive order
The lawsuit announced by LGBTQ+ advocates Tuesday was filed on behalf of transgender people under the age of 19 in Maryland, New York and Massachusetts.
"The lawsuit announced Tuesday is on behalf of transgender people under the age of 19 who had been 'thriving' after accessing gender-affirming care to treat their gender dysphoria — and who have all now been cut off from treatment following Trump’s executive order. The plaintiffs and their families live in Maryland, New York, Massachusetts and Virginia."
'Moving the goalposts of crazy': Trump adviser astonished by president's message
"He's moving the goalposts of crazy," the adviser told Axios. "This time around, he's not intimidated by headlines or pundits: He's gonna throw out there whatever he feels like throwing out there."
Surviving Trump will be a challange for humanity.
Republicans usher in an "unleash the plague" era with RFK and Elon Musk's attacks on public health
"Eugenics is the Rosetta Stone for so much of Trump’s agenda"
The death squad has arrived.
GOP Rep. Andy Biggs Files Bill To Abolish OSHA
Why do they hate America so?
Fox Hosts Hail Trump’s Call For US To “Own” Gaza Strip
Trump is looking for WWIII. He and his sycophants may just get it.
Saudis Blast Trump’s Call For US To Seize Gaza Strip
"President Trump’s stunning declaration that the U.S. could “take over” Gaza surprised many of his own advisers, thrilled right-wing Israelis, and deeply alarmed the governments in Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan. Trump’s plan to displace two million Palestinians came at a very sensitive point of the Israel-Hamas ceasefire and hostage deal. It could even embolden both Hamas and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to resume the war."
This could ignite more bloodshed.
USPS Reverses, Will Still Accept Packages From China
Someone smelled the Trump bullshit here.
Russian State TV Fact-Checks Alina Habba After She Repeats Stupid “$50M In Condoms Sent To Gaza” Lie
Lap dogs.
Why is Trump trying to ship US citizens and immigrants to El Salvador?
"But immigration experts have been pointing to the illegality of shipping U.S. citizens and immigrants to another country."
“The U.S. is absolutely prohibited from deporting U.S. citizens, whether they are incarcerated or not,” Leti Volpp, a law professor at the University of California, Berkeley, who specializes in immigration law and citizenship theory, told CNN.
The tyrant dictator doesn't care about human rights. Nazi bastard!
Lawsuit: Remove Musk Dudebros From Social Security System NOW
Unions Sue to Revoke Musk Cronies' Access to Critical Payment System
"The scale of the intrusion into individuals' privacy is massive and unprecedented," the complaint states. "Millions of people cannot avoid engaging in financial transactions with the federal government and, therefore, cannot avoid having their sensitive personal and financial information maintained in government records."
Get the illegal meddler out by any means necessary!
President Musk's Poll Numbers Are Almost As Bad As Yambo's
A foul Musk is starting to irritate voters.
Deport him.
'Unreasonable suppression': Here’s why your online order is going to be late — and expensive
This is what the Nazis call progress. LOL!
'Fight is not over': Baptist pastor ousted following anti-Trump comments
Can you imagine how MLK would be treated by the fascists today?
Boswell compared Trump's victory to the "gathering dark of Hitler's rule," warning that immigrant families would suffer and telling attendees, "But our faith also teaches us.… that every crucifixion needs a witness. The fight is not over, it's just beginning."
'Boohoo you got a ticket': Trump-backed Arizona senator calls for legislative immunity for speeding
Nazi arrogance. Fuck 'em.
Against the Bullshit Machines
"As for me, I don’t want to be some ketamine-addicted tech guy’s stenographer, and I want my students to have better options as well. The 'AI' policy on which I finally landed was thus an outright ban of ChatGPT and similar programs for any purposes other than copyediting. I justified it with these words: “The point of this class is to equip you to write better than a robot.” I enforce it—in the absence of any remotely reliable “AI writing detector”—by giving failing grades to bullshit." —Paul Cristman
Detect and wipe out all bullshit.
You’ll never guess who now controls the Proud Boys brand
"The racist Proud Boys militia grouphas lost control of its trademarked name following a federal judge’s decision, resulting in the group being prohibited from selling merchandise with its name or logo without consent from Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church, a Black church."
"The humiliating decision is a result of a default judgement from a 2020 attack against the church following a pro-Trump rally, during which Proud Boys membersdestroyed a “Black Lives Matter” sign posted in front of the church."
"Now you don't talk so loud,
Now you don't seem so PROUD!" —Bob Dylan, Like a Rolling Stone
Trump 'Is A Vile, Racist Piece Of Garbage'
Finally. Someone gets it correct.
RFK Jr. Supporters Bolster His Nomination With Letter Signed By Crackpots And Quacks
"Oh boy, Senator Mike Crapo (yes, that’s his real name) says the Senate Finance Committee is going to vote today on if they want to advance the guy who ran over Gentle Ben and put baby birds in a blender to be head of the Department of Health and Human Services. If you were planning to call your senator and tell them VOTE HELL FUCKING NO ON OLD WHALE JUICE, now would be a good time to remind them not to vote for that fucko if he makes it!"
We are so fucking fucked!
Opposition Leader AOC: 'You Can Take The Boy Out Of Apartheid, But You Can't Take The Apartheid Out Of The Boy'
"We don’t even know where to start, and neither do you, so we all have that in common. The Senate Finance Committee advanced Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s nomination this morning, which is fine, because everything is fine. Ed Martin, Donald Trump’s huffy puffy thug US attorney for DC, is threatening to prosecute anybody who says the names of Elon bin Laden’s troupe of unfuckable 19-year-old nation-destroyers out loud, because everybody knows you’re not allowed to bother the hijackers on the morning of September 11.
You’ll want to click that link under 'says the names' to learn all about these guys, who are … my God, just read it after you’re done here. Bless their hearts."
Unions Sue to Halt Musk Team’s Access to Critical Treasury Payment System
We'd better hope the courts are still on the side of the people.
Could the Democrats' Lack of Resistance Be a Green Light for Tyranny?
The inaction of high profile and leadership Democrats is not just weakness — it's a betrayal of Democratic principles and thus our nation
"Under the guise of a 44-year campaign to reverse the middle-class advances of the New Deal and Great Society, rightwing billionaires and the Republicans they own have pushed a fundamentally fascist agenda that is now openly at war with America. They are engaging in a coup, finishing the work Trump started on January 6, 2021.
Trump is nakedly breaking the law right in front of the entire country, just as progressive Democrats have been predicting. Not a single elected Republican has had the courage to try to stop him or even speak out against his lawlessness, and only a handful of Democrats have found that fearlessness. That has to change."
Musk's DOGE Blitzkrieg Should Infuriate the Nation
It should. Will it? It should scare the shit out of our allies and partners in the sane world.
The Great American Freak-Out 0f 2025
"...the freak-out dial has been cranked up to 11."
"Back then, it was the fear of getting drafted and sent to Vietnam, plus our residual fears of getting nuked that were the main reasons for freaking out. Now, however, less than a month after a vindictive and quite nasty man was installed as our titular leader by a bunch of freaked out fascistic Americans who couldn't figure out whether to shit or go blind, and by insurrectionists who think themselves to be “patriots,” and by very rich nihilists who have decided that what we need to do is burn everything down and start over with them in charge, and everyone all along the watchtower is freaking out. From Wall Street to Lonely Street, from Fire Island to the Farallon Islands, from so far right to so far left that we're all meeting on the other side of that arch that bends toward madness, we're FUCKING FREAKED Out. And not in a good way."
How the Muskrat Is Messing With Your Social Security, Your Religion, and Everything Else
"But Musk hasn’t been confirmed by Congress. His “department” was never authorized by Congress. No one other than Trump has given Musk any authority. No one knows exactly who Musk’s goons are; they have not been vetted yet are handling some of the most sensitive personal information in the government."
This is mobster tactics and illegal as all get out!
We Did This to Ourselves
"Because even if we turn away for a minute from all these less-than-pleasant features of the current moment, we can’t really turn away from the situation we face. Nor can we properly grapple with this hard truth: We Americans are responsible for our situation. Trump and Musk were not imposed on us from abroad. We brought about the crisis we now confront.
And it is a crisis. It’s a crisis that threatens our political and civic well-being. It’s a crisis that threatens the future of the republic.
This was not supposed to happen in the twenty-first century.
'Of course, we twenty-first-century Americans were aware of Hamilton’s assertion in Federalist No. 1:
It has been frequently remarked that it seems to have been reserved to the people of this country, by their conduct and example, to decide the important question, whether societies of men are really capable or not of establishing good government from reflection and choice, or whether they are forever destined to depend for their political constitutions on accident and force.'
But we thought this question had been decided."
Apparently, fascism doesn't agree. But I've told you that. You just don't listen.
Musk’s USAID Shutdown: ‘This Is What the Beginning of Dictatorship Looks Like’
“We are witnessing a constitutional crisis,” said Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), speaking to reporters outside USAID. “We talked about Trump wanting to be a dictator on day one, and here we are. This is what the beginning of dictatorship looks like—when you gut the Constitution and you install yourself as the sole power. That is how dictators are made.”
“What Trump and Elon and all of their [deputies] are trying to do is take away the constitutional power of Congress,” Omar added. “We get to decide. We have the power of the purse. We get to decide where money is allocated, and it’s the executive’s power to make sure that that money gets to where it needs to get.”
Many Americans will not survive the Trump holocaust.
'Sheer malevolence': Analyst says Trump's first weeks 'worse than you could have imagined'
Satan himself couldn't do a better job.
RFK Jr. appears on his way to being Trump's health secretary after a party-line vote
We really are such fools.
Death will become us.
Trump’s Claim of Routing Water to Los Angeles Is Hogwash. It All Goes to Central Valley Megafarms
Trump’s order is “unrecognizable as anything that anybody who knows anything about California water would write.”
Impeach him.
‘What Is His Job?’ Jim Acosta Lashes Out at Trump and Musk in First Show Since Leaving CNN
His job is to fuck us all. That seems obvious. What isn't is why hasn't someone put a stop to him?
Science Agency Scours Sites To Delete Banned Words
Newspeak is in. Thought Police are on the job. The Ministry of Truth is now in charge.
Elon Musk Says It’s Time to Get Rid of All Regulations
All regulations he doesn't like. How about murder? Hmmmm?
He can't grasp the reason for regulation which is his error in logical thought.
US adversaries are loving Musk’s hostile takeover of aid agency
This is a surprise? We all know he's one of their own. Just look at his devestation to us.
How Does President Musk Know Good Government Spending From Bad?
How about shit from applebutter?
Senate Finance Committee Should Not Have Advanced Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Nomination
"At the hearings, Kennedy showed nothing but disdain for the intelligence of the American people. He misrepresented his previous positions on numerous issues while continuing to endorse anti-science conspiracies, showed profound ignorance on basic facts and functions of HHS, and repeatedly said he would carry out President Trump’s chaotic and dysfunctional orders.
This is a man who, if confirmed, will do devastating damage to public health institutions and the health of the American people. The members of the Senate Finance Committee know this, as does the full Senate. It’s time for senators to stand up to billionaire threats and exercise their constitutional duties responsibly."
Spineless crustaceans only care about their own existence.
Don't mistake them for someone who cares.
'Why on Earth should we believe that?' Top Dem doubts Musk claim
Do we not believe security clearances are necessary any longer? WTF?
'Immediate danger': FBI agents sue Trump DOJ to stop purge of Jan. 6 investigators
The real FBI vs. Trump's fake FBI.
'Barbaric act': Trump slammed for sending immigrants to 'black hole' facility at Guantánamo
Of course. He's not someone who gives a shit about humanity.
'They used us:' Trump-backing Venezuelan immigrants furious at deportations
Let America understand: Trump is using all of us in his sick game. Do not trust.
'Bad people who are stunningly ignorant': Nobel winner hits 'catastrophe' of Trump allies
"the federal government has been taken over by bad people who are also stunningly ignorant."
"Apartheid Leon" leads the pack.
Musk says he 'deleted' IRS easy filing team that let Americans file taxes for free online
This is a very mean and merciless man. Amoral.
"Hitler actually had some good ideas": Musk's covert coup is guided by internet trolls
Musk's illegal government takeover is scary on its own — but the people he's bringing along make it even worse
His best idea was when he commited suicide. He should have done it first thing. Take the hint.
Zeldin Sends Firing Threat To Over 1100 EPA Workers
Trump is a running a retarded government. These people are all insane.
Donalds: Drug Cartels Control The Canadian Border
And they are all aliens from the planet Cartels-R-Us.
"The number one cause of death between the ages of 18 and 45." he says. He wouldn't lie would he?
The Leading Causes of Death for Every Age Group in America
Nazi Leader Convicted In Baltimore Power Grid Plot
"The founder of a Florida-based neo-Nazi group was convicted Monday of conspiring with his former girlfriend to plan an attack on Maryland’s power grid in furtherance of their shared racist beliefs."
Another Nazi goes down before the Nazis in charge can save him. Hooray!
Trump White House Spox Labels Tim Walz A “Cuck”
"Elon Musk is a terrible president" says Tim Walz.
"White House communications director Steven Cheung fired back, “Tim Walz is a cuck.” The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the term “cuck” as “a man whose wife is unfaithful” or a “weak or submissive man.”
I guess that makes Cheung a "cuck-sucker" which is what our government is.
'Call somebody who cares': GOP senator slammed over response to 'friends who are upset'
One thing we should all know by now, this motherfucker does not care.
Trump DOJ says 'ambiguous' federal court order doesn’t invalidate funding freeze
In other words, "We are the law of this country now! And don't forget it!"
'Too much wackiness': Conservative newspaper slams key Trump nom as 'absolutely unfit'
"But there's too much wackiness in his background to trust America's health to such a figure," the editorial writers warn. "Senators need to block RFK Jr.'s nomination — and keep America healthy again."
REPORT: Kennedy Paid $1M To Settle Sex Lawsuit
"In recent days, Kennedy admitted under questioning from Senate Democrats to two misconduct claims against him, which he kept quiet through confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements. He declined to inform the Senate of the details of these agreements, including how much he paid to his accusers and what he was accused of."
We Must Create a Broad Anti-Fascist Movement to Fight Back Against Trump 2.0
“A few years ago, Noam Chomsky warned about the return of fascism in contemporary capitalist societies. He pointed out that 40 years of neoliberal policies—a one-sided class war launched by the business class and its allies against the working people, the poor, the minorities, the young, and the old—had produced massive levels of inequality and increased social tension, 'yielding a breeding ground for extremism, violence, hatred, search for scapegoats—and fertile terrain for authoritarian figures who can posture as the savior.' Thus, as he put it, 'We’re on the road to a form of neofascism.'”
'Craziness broke loose': Teacher put on leave over lesson that challenged Trump order
There are no shades of gray in the Trump galaxy. Reality is only what he thinks and says. This is, of course, insane.
Joe Scarborough Warns ‘Big Winners’ Of FBI, USAID Cuts Are ‘Enemies’ Who ‘Want To Kill Americans’
"When you’ve got USAID and, this is a truth every president has known, you are actually taking comfort away from the poorest and the most disadvantaged people on the face of the Earth. And you are providing comfort to our enemies, whether it’s Al Qaeda that’s trying to make gains across Africa, going south of Sudan, trying to spread their hateful ideology, whether it is ISIS who also is moving aggressively to try to foothold across Africa, whether we’re talking about throughout the Middle East, wherever we’re talking about and the big winners: big winners are China, the big winners are Russia, the big winners are Al Qaeda. The big winners are ISIS, the big winners of the United States doing this are all the people who wish us ill."
Trump is the enemy of the U.S.
Canada Hits Trump Allies With List Of 1256 Tariff Items
"The list includes oranges and fruit from Florida, home to Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort; household appliances from South Carolina and Ohio, states to Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Vice President J.D. Vance; and motorcycles and coffee from southern Pennsylvania, which helped return Trump to the White House.
The full list contains food and agriculture products, textiles and furniture. Energy and tech products were not included in the first round of tariffs. A second list will be published in the coming days."
So oh too bad.
How Trump is making the government worse at what it does well
He does so by his mere existence.
'A callous, destructive political power play': Oxfam blasts Elon Musk's latest move
In addition to the grave political implications of Musk's maneuvers—which one observer described as a "textbook coup"—humanitarian
"Any attempt by President Trump to dissolve or merge USAID with the State Department would be legally dubious and must be swiftly challenged in court," Maxman added.
"If this were Pakistan, Chad, or Venezuela, the headlines wouldn't hedge: A billionaire oligarch seizes control, dismantling democracy in real time."
Insanity is at our helm.
'Horrible' ways Americans were 'sleep-marched into fascism' detailed by scholars
"President Trump's first weeks back in office have been a whirlwind of chaos and political destruction," DeVega warns. "This is by design, and one of the central features of the 'shock and awe' strategy that Trump and his allies have been planning for years, as detailed in Project 2025 and Agenda 47, to undermine American democracy and replace it with a form of autocracy, if not outright authoritarianism."
'This is a five-alarm fire': Experts pounce on Musk's new 'grave national security threat'
Like the rest of our tragedy, this will also be ignored by the hoi palloi.
Trump: “Canada Has Been Very Abusive Of The US”
“Canada has been very abusive of the United States for many years. They don’t allow our banks. And you know that Canada does not allow banks to go in, if you think about it. That’s pretty amazing."
It's also a bald-faced lie!
There are plenty of our banks in Canada.
Trump: Panama Better Hand Over The Canal Or Else “Something Very Powerful Is Going To Happen”
Who else brought us world fascism? Remember the results. Or you'd best learn it pretty fast.
Trump is a typical crime boss.
Vance: We’re Taking Greenland, Let Europe “Scream”
Fascism will destroy us. It will happen unless we find the spine to stop it.
Global Stock Markets Drop Due To Trump’s Trade War
The Trump Depression is well on its way.
Gasoline is up 4%. Trump voters must be shocked.
Pastor Arrested For Fourth Time On Child Sex Charges
Gluttons for child rape!
Apparently, they can't get "Christian pastors" to bite the dust!
"Not a drag queen, a trans person, or an immigrant."
Musk: I’m Blocking Payments To Federal Contractors
Another Trump stiff. What a chisler. Ruining us appears to be his job.
Americans overstate Trump’s win. Plus, is Christian nationalism popular?
The great uninformed:
"Nearly half of Americans (49%) incorrectly think Trump scored a wider popular-vote margin last year than Biden did in 2020, according to new polling from YouGov. Only 28% correctly think Biden won by a larger margin. Wilder yet, one in four Democrats (26%) and nearly one-half of independents (46%) wrongly think Trump’s popular-vote margin was larger in 2024 than Biden’s in 2020."
When will we stop being STUPID and start getting smart? Trump has no mandate. Wake the fuck up!
Kentucky is about to get screwed by Trump—again
So oh too bad! They still love him anyway, right?
USAID Security Officials Put On Leave And Faced Arrest After Refusing Access For Elon Musk
Two senior security officials at the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) were threatened with arrest and then put on leave after refusing to let Elon Musk's Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) access systems at the agency.
We are following Hitler's path and it will result in doom.
'Donald Trump's promised revenge tour is likely just getting started': military analyst
Of this there is no doubt. He's well on his way to bringing the U.S. to its knees.
"This isn’t about the rule of law," Eddington warns. "It's about the law of the jungle and political score-settling. Donald Trump's promised 'revenge tour' is likely just getting started."
Truly, a fucking nightmare.
This Fu*king Nightmare
"There will be a reckoning.
As bad as this “fucking nightmare” gets, it will awaken Americans to the truth about what has happened to this country — and what we must do to get it back on the track toward social justice, democracy, and widespread prosperity."
Yes, our country is suffering in a deeply depressed state. But if it is to recover its sanity and lead the world again we must come to our senses sooner than later and do that which must be done.
'Always wrong': Trump freaks out on Wall Street Journal over brutal tariff criticism
The madman pukes.
WATCH: Canadian Hockey Fans Boo US National Anthem After Trump Slaps Tariffs on the Country
Who wouldn't?
Trump Rages At WSJ for Blasting His Tariff Policy — Before Stunning Admission It May Bring ‘PAIN’ to Americans
The masochists asked for it.
'Liberal nightmares and MAGA dreams': Why Americans shouldn’t dismiss idea of third Trump term
We should all know by now that Trump only follows his own dictatorial methods. This is what criminals always do until they are stopped by force.
‘There will be many casualties’: Panama girds for war as Rubio opens talks
This lunacy will have tragic consequences.
'This is not right': Outrage as major government agency accused of 'breaking the law'
What did they expect from a Nazi crime sydicate? LOTHN has been warning us for years about this.
Igonoring us results in this. TERMINAL CANCER!
Photo Shows FBI Literally Painting Over “Constitution”
And you said America would always stand.
Mexico Hits Back With Retaliatory Tariffs
America is on its way to total Trump collapse as predicted.
Orange Felon Wants To Privatize The Government
The Mango Moron told reporters his goal is to push federal workers into the private sector. What could possibly go wrong?
In case you STILL don't think this brain-addled criminal is a certified moron this shold end your thought.
If it doesn't then it's time for you to seek help.
Pardoned Jan 6th Insurrectionist Charged With Child Pornography And Exploitation
North Carolina man who was pardoned on Donald Trump's first day in office is charged with child pornography and exploitation.
Putrid failure of our system.
'Shell shock': One group 'didn’t think it was going to be this bad' under second Trump admin
Makes you wonder what reality do they live in?
Why the Right Is Wrong About Critical Race Theory
"Clearly, many of the field’s current critics have no idea, no clue, about the true meaning of CRT, which consists of indispensable scholarship produced to rigorously conceptualize and fight against systemic forms of racism. Indeed, CRT is absolutely necessary to heal this fragile democracy."
“A lot of fear going on”: Texas immigrant community on edge during Trump’s first weeks
Yes. When a malignant force is turned loose on society it gets this way.
The GOP’s 60-Year Conspiracy to Kill Our Democracy: None Dare Call It Treason—But I Will
It all traces back to billionaire-backed fearmongering in the 1960s—weaponizing panic around socialism and communism to crush unions, cut taxes, and hoard profits
"Ironically, Stormer’s book and the movement it ignited within the GOP is largely responsible for that party today standing on the precipice of fully endorsing fascism as an alternative to democracy in the US.
And it was started by morbidly rich men (it was all men back then) who wanted to use the threat of a “communist menace” to gut the union movement to increase their own corporate profits and CEO pay."
Ironically, Stormer’s book and the movement it ignited within the GOP is largely responsible for that party today standing on the precipice of fully endorsing fascism as an alternative to democracy in the US.
And it was started by morbidly rich men (it was all men back then) who wanted to use the threat of a “communist menace” to gut the union movement to increase their own corporate profits and CEO pay."
There's an echo in here, Thom.
'You are making it hard for us!' Black Americans for Trump member rips president on CNN
He's not happy with the devil he supported? So oh too bad.
Trump Approval Rating Looks Fragile at Start of Second Term
"One of the great anomalies of American politics is that Donald Trump, who has been elected to the presidency twice and came very close to victory a third time, has been pretty regularly unpopular since he first came down that New York escalator in 2015. The day he was elected in 2016, his personal net favorability ratio per FiveThirtyEight was minus 24 percent, lower than any major-party presidential nominee dating back at least to the 1970s. For a moment during his first term as president, he had a positive job-approval ratio, but it went south by February 3, 2017, and never recovered. On Election Day 2020, his job-approval numbers were 44.6 percent positive, 52.6 percent negative. And he left office after the January 6 Capitol Riot with a 38.6 percent/57.9 percent ratio."
Oh my! The failure is becoming to the turd.
‘Can We Just Cut the Crap?’ Michael Steele Rips Trump Claiming He Was Not Involved In FBI Friday Night Purge
Apparently not. All Trump does is shit his pants.
Trump Fires Head Of Consumer Protection Agency
Addled old man loses bowel control.
14 Faith-Healing Sect Members Guilty In Child’s Death
"Elizabeth Struhs lived and died suffering a deadly disease, but ultimately it was her parents’ dangerous views that ended her life. For days, as the eight-year-old lay dying, more than a dozen adults — her mother and father among them — prayed and sang songs instead of seeking life-saving medical treatment. In January 2022, she took her last breath, but they kept singing and praying, waiting for a miracle that would never arrive."
The Church of No Return?
More Murders Possibly Tied to Bizarre Techno-Cult Members
The supremely bizarre criminal case continues to expand in scope.
"They have been called a “death cult” and a “murder gang” and, supposedly, their bizarre beliefs were influenced by ideas that sprang up on a popular online tech forum. Little is otherwise known about the “Zizians” other than that the body count allegedly connected to the group only continues to grow.
So far, at least two murders have been tied to people allegedly connected to the group. Curtis Lind, an 82-year-old landlord was stabbed to death in Vallejo, California, on January 17th and, not long afterward, a Border Patrol agent, David Maland, was shot to death during a traffic stop in Vermont."
Are we now living in a Firesign Theatre dystopia?
'YESSSS! Regulate Men Like They Do Women!': Millions Of People Are Saying Men Are Getting The Irony They Deserve After Seeing This Newly Proposed Bill That Would Ban Male Autonomy
The proposed bill — called the "Contraception Begins at Erection Act" — would fine men up to $10,000 for ejaculating.
Where are Ralph Spoilsport and Nick Danger now that we need them?
'Hit Them Back': Canadian Politician Suggests 100% Tariffs On Teslas
"And Leon Musk has it coming as he's attempting a hostile takeover of the federal government."
And our new war begins.
'There Is No Oversight': Musk Aides Lock Gov't Workers Out Of Computer Systems
"Aides to the unelected dipshit billionaire somehow charged with running the U.S. government human resources agency have locked career civil servants out of computer systems that contain the personal data of millions of federal employees. It appears that Donald and his shadow president, Elon Musk, are embarking on a hostile takeover of the federal government."
Our country has been turned over to rogues who are now screwing ux. Idiots.
Slander and Racists and Unholy Rescindments Oh My
"WTF. In just ten dystopian days, in the name of restoring America to a mythical white guy greatness, a blundering, vengeful, rabidly unfit oompa-loompa has tried to shut down the government, strong-arm the economy, whitewash culture, roll back civil rights, and in a ghastly flourish pass the buck on a fatal crash by luridly scapegoating imagined 'others': Look! Over there! A blind, black, dwarf female air traffic controller! Grim fact: 'What a horrible, pathetic little man.'
Musk’s Junta Takes Over
"WASHINGTON, D.C. — What started Thursday as a political purge of the internal security services accelerated Friday into a full-blown coup, as elite technical units aligned with media oligarch Elon Musk moved to seize key systems at the national treasury, block outside access to federal personnel records, and take offline governmental communication networks.
With rapidity that has stunned even longtime political observers, forces loyal to Musk’s junta have established him as the all-but undisputed unelected head of government in just a matter of days, unwinding the longtime democracy’s constitutional system and its proud nearly 250-year-old tradition of the rule of law. Having secured themselves in key ministries and in a building adjacent to the presidential office complex, Musk’s forces have begun issuing directives to civil service workers and forcing the resignation of officials deemed insufficiently loyal, like the head of the country’s aviation authority."
"Musk has an almost complete disregard for law, unlike even the last Trump administration."
Just what is behind the legality of this seditious action?
Incompetence and chaos as Trump 2.0 crashes and burns
"Donald Trump claimed the Colombian president had caved in as Trump ramped up the threat of tariffs last weekend after President Gustavo Petro spoke out about the terrible treatment of deported migrants and turned away two planes.
In actuality, Petro got the world stage and made a mockery of Trump in a long statement he posted—a world leader finally slamming Trump—even if much of the American media bought the White House’s line."
The Great Trump Failure is upon us.
Political reporters are actively covering up Trump’s racism
"Even as bodies were still being fished out of the Potomac River, Donald Trump went on a racist, partisan, and dishonest rant on Thursday, blaming diversity hires and Democrats for Wednesday’s calamitous nighttime collision between a passenger jet and a military aircraft outside Washington’s Reagan National Airport.
Then the traditional media covered up for his racism.
They even made excuses for him."
Trump’s education department says book bans are a ‘hoax.’ Teachers disagree.
In South Carolina and nationally, the push against censorship continues under a Trump administration that denies reading restrictions are happening.
“There is no way to deny that our state and school districts have thwarted mine and my colleagues’ efforts to provide the highest quality education to our students without blatantly calling us liars,” Mayes said. “We have experienced what we say we have experienced. We have witnessed what we say we have witnessed.”
The criminal in charge is thwarting the U.S. Constitution.
Universities Shutter DEI Programs in Climate of Fear
Many universities are embracing excessive caution and abandoning DEI programs out of fear of the Trump administration.
“I think you’ll see professors investigated and terminated,” said Creeley. “I think you’re going to see students punished, and I think you’re going to see a preemptive action on those fronts.”
Since when was America a country filled with fear and dread and hoplessness? Since Trump.
MAGA's revenge of the mediocre: Trump's war on federal workers targets the meritorious
"I will not be pushed out by two billionaire trust fund babies"
"The hatred of federal workers is part of the larger MAGA antagonism towards scientists, academics, artists, journalists, or anyone who has developed expertise in any field but con artistry."
Putin, via Trump, has effectively taken over our country.
How economics wrecked the world — and how we can escape from "Ricardo's Dream"
Writer Nat Dyer on how David Ricardo's abstract models pushed economics into fantasy — and we all paid the price
White House Video Attacks Actress Selena Gomez
Trump stigmatized the hate phrase "Angel Mom." Racist swine.
New York doctor indicted for prescribing abortion pill in Louisiana
The case appears to be the first instance of criminal charges against a doctor accused of sending abortion pills to another state since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022.
Trump totalitarianism sweeps over the country. Aren't we happy now?
The Recap: DOGE is a dumpster fire, plus Hegseth’s willing to invade Mexico
America is now a threat to world peace. You call this great?
Trump DOJ Likely To Drop Investigation Into Ogles’ Very Suspicious Finances
By wild coincidence, the Santos-like Rep. Ogles just came up with a bill allowing his fave felon to hold an unconstitutional third term.
The descent to hell continues.
Revealed: Feds didn’t turn over Trump’s DOJ file for Michigan’s fake elector case
Trump Nazis are in charge now.
'We are the marks': Some Trump fans feel they've been had after 'Ponzi' meme coin release
"Many MAGA fans on the subreddit believed that Trump's meme coin was a quick cash-grab at the expense of his fans, many of whom may have plugged significant chunks of cash into it early on, only to see its value quickly evaporate."
So oh too bad!
Air Traffic Controllers Urged To Take Buyouts And Quit
Fly the endangered skies of America and take your diminshed chances.
'There's no bottom': Internet hammers Trump after another plane crashes in Philadelphia
"There’s no bottom. Less than two hours after the plane crash in Philadelphia—and just 48 hours after the deadly midair collision in D.C.—the Grifter-in-Chief took to Truth Social to pump his shitcoin scam. Absolutely disgusting," the anti-Trump account Republicans against Trump wrote on X.
Correct. There is no bottom as long as he's in charge.
Justice Dept Fires Dozens Of January 6 Prosecutors
Trump rigs American's law system.
CNN's Aviation Analyst Says It: 'Trump Was Unhinged'
Pete Muntean: “What he has said is not only unprofessional, unpresidential, inconsiderate of the status of this investigation, but frankly, it is just unhinged”
'Very dangerous': Trump dumps billions of gallons of water farmers were counting on for summer
"A decision to take summer water from local farmers and dump it out of these reservoirs shows a complete lack of understanding of how the system works and sets a very dangerous precedent," Vink said. "This decision was clearly made by someone with no understanding of the system or the impacts that come from knee-jerk political actions."
Climate scientist Peter Gleick — who specializes in water issues — lamented on Bluesky that water resources farmers had been "relying on" was effectively "thrown away" by the Trump administration all for the sale of "a photo op & a bragging media post."
"This water will not be captured, will not be useful for cities or farms or firefighting," Gleick wrote. "It is now lost."
Talk about playing games with human life.
Guess Who Gutted The Aviation Safety Committee Ten Days Ago
"President Donald Trump scrapped an aviation safety committee that had been in place for more than three decades, just a few days before a deadly airplane crash at Ronald Reagan National Airport in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday night."
If Obama Had Sent a Mob to Kill a Cop, Republicans Would Never Let You Forget It
The GOP would be screaming “Cop Killer” every single day — so why aren’t Democrats holding Trump to the same standard?
"If Barack Obama had sent a murderous mob against the Capitol and they had beaten and pepper-sprayed Officer Brian Sicknick so badly he suffered two strokes and died the next day, how would Republicans refer to the so-called 'J6 rioters'? Is there any doubt in your mind that they’d be calling them 'Cop killers'? Every day, day after day, in every venue possible? And if Obama pardoned them, they’d be demanding impeachment right now"?
Rat populations surge as cities heat up
And they are all MAGAts
Trump’s War on Medicaid Will Institutionalize Millions of People
Of course you've never heard this here before.
Trump WH Announcing Imminent Tariffs Causes Immediate Market Drop
Hell is only just getting the windows open.
Peggy Noonan Declares Republicans ‘Are Beside Themselves With Anxiety’ Over Trump 2.0 — Even Those ‘Most Supportive’ of Him
Oh, that can't be possible from all the propaganda I've read lately. LOL!
Trudeau Vows “Forceful” Retaliation To Trump’s Tariffs
This is only getting started. Retaliation will become a way of life here.
Fox: Tariffs Could Immediately Hike Gas And Car Prices
Welcome to hell, Trump voters!
Trump threatens 100% tariff against these 10 countries
Dictator of the World! This won't end well.
The Revolving Door Project Condemns Trump Administration’s Illegal Firings, Implores Congress To Conduct Oversight
Destroying the Republic one executive order at a time.
Over 100,000 People Urge Congress to Begin Impeachment Investigation Against President Trump
That's like asking the J6 criminals to watch the hen house. LMAO!
'Concentrated power': Robert Reich details Trump’s scheme to 'replace American democracy'
Reich, formerly secretary of labor in the Clinton Administration, explains, "That Monday-night order had caused wild confusion across America. Hospitals, schools, nonprofits, research organizations, pre-school programs and police departments wondered if they lost federal financial support. The Medicaid system that provides healthcare to millions of low-income Americans was interrupted."
Top Treasury official quits as Musk allies seek to control Social Security, Medicare payments
Here they come. After our Social Security and Medicare. They hate us and will try to kill us.
If their grandmas take to the streets in protest they will all be arrested and shipped to Guantanamo.
Trump nominee forced to update ethics pledge as 'conflict of interest' endangers confirmation
Warren, in an official statement reported by the Washington Post, said, "RFK Jr.'s nomination must not move forward to any Senate vote until the details of his revised ethics agreement can be thoroughly reviewed."
'This is bad': MAGA voters slam Trump-themed coins as 'pump-and-dump scam'
"According to The Guardian's J. Oliver Conroy, some criticism is also coming from hardcore MAGA voters."
Then why are we accepting this tripe from the press that the felon is so "popular" with the voters? They are all racist Nazis now?
'She would be dangerous': Conservative WSJ urges GOP to 'reject' Trump nominee
Gabbard refused constitutional pledge.
Trump's underlings inadvertently undermine his return
A well-oiled, systematic, authoritarian machine they aren't — but they can still do a whole lot of damage
Utter incompetence and failure.
Rioter: No Regrets For Sitting At “Bitch” Pelosi’s Desk
The moron speaks. "Notorious rioter Richard Barnett, boasting last night to Newsmax host Greg Kelly.
Zuck Orders Staff To Embrace Trump “Partnership”
"Mr. Zuckerberg’s remarks signaled his tightened grip over Meta as he has remade the company for the Trump era, to the consternation of some of his employees. At Meta, Mr. Zuckerberg has clamped down on employee dissent in recent years, including by banning workplace discussions around certain contentious social and political issues."
Seig Heil!
13,000 Feds Get Hacked Vulgar Email About Trump
Trump's failure record is unblemished.
Pro-Hitler Podcaster: Patel Lied About Not Knowing Me, He Was Even Helping Me Sue Rolling Stone
“So he absolutely knows who I am. If I go on a show eight times, I’m not gonna deny knowing the person.” – Self-avowed Hitler fan Stew “Execute Democrats” Peters, after Patel told the US Senate that he was “not familiar” with Stew Peters.
GOP Rep Threatens GOP Senator After RFK Hearing
Nazi Senator issues ultimatum.
May they all drop dead.
Trump’s grift grows as his shady empire expands into finance
Our convicted felon expands his crime syndicate.
Welp, Here Comes The Nationwide Abortion Ban
It's the new "repeal Obamacare": House Republicans propose bill to restrict abortion nationwide.
More death will be dealt to American women by these useless old chicken shits.
Trump Desperately Trying To Shirk Blame For Air Disaster
Trump’s meaningless airline safety memorandum shows how terrified he is by his own incompetence.
"t’s a mark of how cowardly and utterly unfit Donald Trump or puppet master Elon Musk is for the job of running this country that at the first crisis under their watch, Trump threw a shitshow of a presser, then signed a meaningless memorandum declaring the tragic collision other people's fault and pretending to prioritize competence over everything."
Once a failure, always a failure.
Why CA farmers who backed Trump are 'reckoning with an uncomfortable contradiction'
Chris Reardon, vice president of policy advocacy for the California Farm Bureau Federation, told Politico, "To say it would have an impact on California would be an understatement. We just don't know yet."
They asked for it.
'Puts us in limbo': All air traffic controllers resign at 'hugely important' airport
"One California airport is now without any air traffic controllers, and it's unclear when the airport will be able to replace them."
Did someone think Trump gives a fuck?
'Offensive': Senator issues searing takedown of GOP myth in confirmation hearing
The lunatic bin has been unlocked in our former intelligent country.
"AI nurses" as "good as any doctor": RFK Jr. confirms he wants to take away people's health care
Kennedy's plan to "make America healthy": Replace real medical care with robots and lectures about diet
America decides morons are the best we can offer.
"But as the hearing went on, it became clear that "prevention" was just an RFK code word for victim-blaming."
Tesla Reports Fourth Quarter Net Income Fell By 71%
Someone needs to be fired!
Tennessee Senate Approves Bill Creating Felony Charge For Any Elected Officials Who Adopt Pro-Migrant Policies
Dixie Nazis show us their swastikas.
Deportation Flight Cost 5X First Class Ticket Each
Spending like a drunken sailor.
Officials Say “No Survivors” In DC Midair Collision
The buck stops at the oval office.
U.S. Dictator Announces Plans For Immigrant Concentration Camp At Guantánamo
Donald Trump intends to shovel the rounded up immigrants and migrants and send them to Guantánamo, hoping they'll be out of sight and out of mind.
U.S. Dictator Announces Plans For Immigrant Concentration Camp At Guantánamo
Donald Trump intends to shovel the rounded up immigrants and migrants and send them to Guantánamo, hoping they'll be out of sight and out of mind.
Just like his hero, Hitler, he's building concentration camps outside the country.
Danish Bakery Makes 'Moron' Cakes In Honor Of Trump
The Kvage Kage (stupid person) sells for 25 kroner, or about $3.50.
Buffoon gets baked. The symbol of American stupidity.
Republicans float plan to slash benefits for working class to pay for Trump tax cuts
Fucking Americans andyway and everyway he can!
Second federal judge preparing to slam the door on Trump’s 'hugely ambiguous' funding freeze
In his fat rat face.
'Screwed up bigly': Stephen Miller slammed after calling OMB funding freeze a 'dumb media hoax'
Voldemort and his whitewash bullshit.
LIVE: Some Guy Burping At The Senate About How Sautéed Whale Semen Cures Loneliness?
Sick of your shit."
Risky Raw Milk Farms Poised to Gain Federal Certification Under an RFK HHS
Backward, ever backward into a failed past is nothing but doom.
Crashing the Economy: Trump’s Blueprint for Power and Profit
A collapsing America is a billionaire’s paradise, and Trump’s all in
Protecting Us From History: Trump Cleans Out That "D.E.I. Crap”
"...Those who hate the idea of D.E.I., so far as they know what the hell it is, are aggrieved white people, goddamnit. They emerged from frat houses, from prep schools, and from privilege, cocooned from the people from 'shithole' countries, or neighborhoods where their kind or color were seldom seen. Those are the ones who mostly turn up down in Mar a Lago, or got invited to inside at the inaugural.
Outside the inaugural all those crackers, rednecks, yahoos, and trailer park trash huddled in the cold, as worshipful of Trump as ever. They traded in their distrust of the rich assholes for a sense of kinship with them, mostly based on their shared antipathy for (and you probably guessed it) diversity, equality, and inclusion.
Obviously, prejudice and xenophobia are holding this coalition of crooks and cretins together, and we shouldn’t forget that. From the exclusive golf clubs to the boardrooms right on down to the shantiest of shacks, it's all bound up with ignorant right-wing hatred of racial, cultural, or faith-based differences.
Fascism always floats on a rising tide of that sewage. Target a group of people, most any group, then define them as inferior, less than human, maybe, and voila, you got yourself the minimum qualifications for beating people in the streets who differ from you. Or cheering those you see that way. Or for your generous support for those who told you that disdain for difference was a swell way to be while asking for your donations...."
It’s not business. It’s personal.
"We are in the early stages of a constitutional crisis.
Last night the Trump administration’s Office of Personnel and Management sent a 'buyout' offer to 2 million government employees. The email appears to have been ghost written by either Elon Musk or his young lackeys, who now occupy places of power in the federal government.
This 'buy out' offer is not legal. It instructs employees to respond with “resign” in the subject line—as if that is a legally-binding document."
Trump Almost Deleted Medicaid
These are not bright guys, and things got out of hand.
"Donald Trump’s most extreme attack so far on America’s basic constitutional structure, as my colleague David Dayen explains, is his recent attempt to halt some portion of the federal loans and grants that Congress has legally obliged to be spent. An order from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), first reported by independent journalist Marisa Kabas, demanded a halt to all grants and loans throughout the government, supposedly pending some McCarthyite purge of Marxism, 'transgenderism,' and climate policy.
This is illegal. As Article I of the Constitution states, 'All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives,' and what’s more, the Impoundment Control Act of 1974 specifically forbids what Trump is trying to do. He is attempting, like the English King Charles I before him, to seize the power of the purse for himself."
Democrat Grills RFK Jr. in Heated Battle Over Vaccines: ‘Are You Lying to Congress Today…Or Did You Lie on All Those Podcasts?!
Lying is their stock in trade.
RFK Jr. Confronted With Barrage of His Bonkers Claims, Including Covid Being Targeted to Avoid Jews: ‘I Want All of Our Colleagues to Hear It!’
"As he continued, however, the senator attacked Kennedy’s record, accusing him of having 'spent 50 years of his life… peddling in half truths, peddling in false statements, peddling in theories that create doubt about whether or not things that we know are safe are unsafe.'"
“Not that every vaccine in America is unsafe, not that you can’t possibly have an adverse reaction, but that parents and children in my old school district and school districts all over this country would be better off not getting vaccinated than getting vaccinated,” he said. “Unlike his own children who are vaccinated. Unlike the people he invited to his house in Los Angeles for their party who were vaccinated. For everybody else, it’s about peddling these half truths. And he says it with such conviction that you want to believe him.”
The hypocrisy is exposed!
The Madness of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
"The media has failed the public on a crucial matter: the derangement of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Often he is described in news reports as a vaccine skeptic, when he is far more than that. He is an extreme vaccine opponent. And he has lied about this, saying he has 'never been anti-vaxx,' though he recently declared, 'There’s no vaccine that is safe and effective.' He still promotes the debunked notion that vaccines cause autism. In May 2021, he petitioned the Food and Drug Administration to stop the use of all Covid vaccines. He proclaimed it 'the deadliest vaccine ever made'—though these vaccines were estimated to have saved 20 million lives globally in the first year of their use. His anti-vaccine advocacy also played a role in a deadly measles outbreak in Samoa in 2019 that killed scores of children, and this, too, he has lied about."
'No I am not!' Elizabeth Warren yells at RFK Jr. as he dodges questions on self-dealing
"You're asking me to not sue drug companies. And I'm not going to agree to that," Kennedy said.
Warren shouted over him, "No, I am not!"
"So, let's do a quick count here of how, as secretary of HHS, if you get confirmed, you could influence every one of those lawsuits," Warren, a former Harvard professor and lawyer, continued. "Well, let me start the list. You could publish your anti-vaccine conspiracies, but this time on us government letterhead, something a jury might be impressed by."
"I don't understand," Kennedy fumbled.
"You could appoint that vaccine panel who share your anti-vax views and let them do your dirty work," Warren continued. "You could tell the CDC vaccine panel to remove a particular vaccine from the vaccine schedule. You could remove vaccines from special compensation programs, which would open up manufacturers to mass torts. You could make more injuries eligible for compensation, even if there is no causal evidence. You could change vaccine court processes to make it easier to bring junk lawsuits. You could turn over FDA data to your friends at the law firm and they could use it however, it benefited them. You could change vaccine labeling. You could change vaccine information rules. You could change which claims are compensated in the vaccine injury compensation program."
Drag this failed ass out to the alley.
German Chancellor Slams “Disgusting” Musk [VIDEO]
"German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has again criticised billionaire Elon Musk, calling the tech mogul’s latest show of support for the German far right 'disgusting.'
Speaking to CNN Tuesday, Scholz slammed Musk’s involvement in Germany’s upcoming February election and weighed in on the billionaire’s plea for Germans to 'move beyond' the guilt of the Holocaust during a rally over the weekend.
'I disagree completely with Elon Musk and what he is doing,' Scholz said. 'What is new is that he is intervening in favor of right-wing politicians all over Europe. And this is really disgusting,' Scholz explained. 'It is not good for the democratic development in all the European Union.'
Creeping U.S. fascisim will result in WWIII.
23 Democratic attorneys general sue Trump over chaotic funding shutdown
"The Trump administration’s unprecedented, sweeping freeze on $3 trillion in federal grants and aid sent shockwaves through vulnerable communities and every level of government on Tuesday, but Democratic attorneys general quickly banded together to fight back. Twenty-three states filed a lawsuit just minutes after U.S. District Judge Loren L. AliKhan blocked the freeze Tuesday afternoon."
Giant Yam Sics His Violent, Drunken Lapdog On Gen. Mark Milley
"Pistol Pete Hegseth must have done a couple of shots before he decided to remove retired Gen. Mark A. Milley’s security detail, revoke his security clearance, and order an inspector general inquiry into his behavior as the Pentagon’s top officer, a senior defense official said Tuesday, taking shameful action against the frequent target of Mad King Don."
Insanity reigns.
Leavitt: Birthright Citizenship Unconstitutional Because Trump Says So!
The fool shows her failure to comprehend. A perfect reflection of the idiot in charge.
USA: States throughout the Americas must not play a part in President Trump’s harmful policies against people seeking safety
The world must not allow it.
Sean Duffy Seeks to Make Vehicles Less Efficient, More Expensive
Do we understand we have retarded leaders yet? What will it take for us to get there?
Trump supporters finally finding out why you shouldn't vote for a criminal corporate raider
"Yesterday, the Medicaid payment portal was shut down in all 50 states; they came back up when a federal judge put Trump’s illegal impoundment of federal funds on hold until February 3rd.
And it wasn’t just Medicaid. The Trump administration shut down Pell grants, federally supported student loans, veterans homeless shelters, veterans suicide prevention programs, school meals, home heating assistance, housing assistance, food stamps, food for women and infants, childcare, Headstart, child abuse investigations, rape crisis centers, and hundreds of other programs."
This should let America know we have a cancer infection capable of killing us all.
'Musk lackeys' have seized control of key federal office: report
"The unglamorous but key federal office that sent out a mass "deferred resignation" offer to federal employees on Tuesday has reportedly been taken over by people with ties to Elon Musk, the world's richest man and a close confidant of U.S. President Donald Trump.
Citing unnamed sources, Wired reported Tuesday that "the highest ranks of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM)—essentially the human resources function for the entire federal government—are now controlled by people with connections to Musk and to the tech industry." Musk reportedly visited OPM headquarters late last week."
The corruption has reached flood level.
Trump could 'completely upend' disaster relief in red states: 'Absolutely no rebuilding'
They voted for him. They deserve it.
"Trump is trying to collapse our economy": War on "woke" revealed as a war on all Americans
Christian nationalists behind the spending shutdown aim to punish everyone, not just imaginary Marxists
Leavitt Lied That Biden Sent $50M In Condoms To Gaza
And the lies just keep getting regurgitated.
"In fact, the accounting shows, there were no condoms sent to any part of the Middle East."
The dick heads wanted to keep them all to continue fucking us.
Musk Lies That Biden “Stranded” NASA Astronauts
More lies for us. What a deluxe piece of shit.
REPORT: RFK Secretly Recorded Talks With Late Wife
Our honorable leaders! LMAO!
MTG Lies That Dems Are Pushing California To Secede
More Nazi lies to confuse an already confused country.
Colombia: Zero Criminals On First Planes Of Deportees
After taking office, Trump said he would remove violent criminals quickly, and he has enlisted the military, the FBI and other agencies to aid his deportation effort. “These are murderers. These are people that have been as bad as you get. As bad as anybody you’ve seen,” he told reporters Friday. “We’re taking them out first.”
The liar-in-chief pukes his lies constantly.
‘See you in court’: Civil rights groups challenge Trump’s trans military ban
“[The executive order] will harm readiness because it will remove servicemembers that the military has invested millions of dollars in training,” Lambda Legal Counsel and Nonbinary and Transgender Rights Project Director Sasha Buchert told Daily Kos."
“Thousands of transgender troops are combat-tested, having been deployed to war zones and executed missions with distinction, many of whom are senior personnel with decades of experience. It will hurt unit cohesion because it will discriminate against otherwise qualified service members, sending the message that identity rather than merit is what is important and that some discrimination is acceptable,” Buchert added.
Buh Bye, Legacy Media; Here's What To Consume Instead
It’s hard to overstate the irony contained in the slogan that the Washington Post persists in printing beneath its gothic logo: “Democracy Dies in Darkness.”
"The legacy media are either woefully naïve about their own prospects in this new reality, or they’re caving in advance." Or both.
'Dangerous precedent': Bill criminalizing local votes draws outrage – even from Republicans
" The felony charge, punishable by up to six years in prison and a $3,000 fine, would apply to any public official who votes in favor of a sanctuary law, policy or on non-binding resolutions.
Sen. Todd Gardenhire, the Republican chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, blasted the provision Tuesday as a “dangerous precedent.”
“We are a Republic, and a Republic is one that we elect people to vote the way they feel like is best for the district, the city, county or the state,” he said."
Trump totalitarianism. How ya like it so far?
'Technofascism': Why Silicon Valley’s 'reputation for liberalism' is 'often undeserved'
"Last week," Lewis observes, "Mark Zuckerberg announced that Meta was ending its DEI programs and changing its platform policies to allow more discriminatory and harassing posts…. Elon Musk has reshaped Twitter into X, a platform in large part operating as a response to claims of a 'woke mind virus' — the newest iteration of 'political correctness.'"
Jewish collaborators also worked with Hitler's Nazis too.
Why is Trump coverage so feeble?
"You simply cannot cover Trump’s second term accurately and responsibly if you are not willing to situate his acts as part of a terrifying descent into authoritarianism, racism, and cruelty.
And the mainstream political media – for a variety of reasons — is not willing to do anything of the kind.
Instead of explaining what’s really going on, therefore, they are just telling you what happened – and with Trump, that’s really only a small part of the picture.
Rather than speaking truth to power, they have become stenographers with amnesia, hiding the truth through the use of anodyne adjectives, convoluted phrasing and buried leads."
We are entering very dangerous territory.
Selena Gomez trolled by Trump allies after speaking out on deportations
Gomez is defending her advocacy after posting an emotional video condemning recent deportation raids
The hateful bastards.
Caroline Kennedy: My Cousin RFK Is A “Predator”
“His basement, his garage, and his dorm room were the centers of the action where drugs were available, and he enjoyed showing off how he put baby chickens and mice in the blender to feed his hawks,” Ms. Kennedy wrote. “It was often a perverse scene of despair and violence.” “Bobby preys on the desperation of parents of sick children — vaccinating his own children while building a following by hypocritically discouraging other parents from vaccinating theirs,” she wrote.
Someone had to call the zombie out.
VA Cancels Suicide Prevention Training Over LGBTQs
Hate prevails in Trump's America.
Medicaid Payment Portals Now Down In All States
The death camps are being planned.
Doomsday Clock Now Closer Than Ever To Midnight
As long as it takes the cancer with it. The incompetentcy will be ended at least.
Judge Blocks Trump’s Freeze On Federal Grants/Loans
Trump will have him whacked.
House Republicans propose bill to restrict abortion nationwide
Nazi myisogynist swine.
How Trump’s illegal shutdown screws veterans, seniors, and kids
"Donald Trump's illegal Monday night order to freeze the disbursement of all congressionally appropriated federal funds will have sweeping negative consequences for millions of Americans, including unhoused veterans, seniors, and children."
You got kids? They will get left behind by Trump.
Doctors Are Panicking Over Fascist Takeover Of Healthcare
Trump's public health gag order is causing doctors to panic.
Every American should be. If there are any of us left.
"Similarly, doctors, scientists, and drug researchers reported that the government is canceling medical conferences and grant review panels, which could mean that they’ll lose progress on cancer research to vaccine development."
How many of us will Trump murder before he's stopped?
Hey Greg Gutfeld: Shut Your Whore Mouth About Rape
We said what we said.
"Greg Gutfeld Is An Idiot." Amen.
Oh Look, Another Pardoned January 6th Insurrectionist Wanted For More Crimes
This time it is for online solicitation.
All a part of the Trump Crime Syndicate supported by your very own SCOTUS.
'Gotten out of hand': GOP rep rebels against Trump after he withholds money for his district
"The Atlantic reported Tuesday that Trump is now apparently violating Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution with an executive order pausing the disbursement of federal funds already appropriated by Congress. On January 20 — the same day Trump pardoned January 6 insurrectionists and attempted to repeal birthright citizenship — Trump issued an executive order entitled "Unleashing American Energy."
Destroying American freedom drop by drop. A slow death.
'Hostage note': Trump’s funding freeze will deliver 'greatest harm' says OMB veteran
"While the freeze was directed to begin at 5:00 PM Tuesday, U.S. Senator Brian Schatz (D-HI) announced late Tuesday morning, 'Multiple states locked out of Medicaid portal. This is a Trump shutdown, except this time it’s unlawful.'”
Always the digrace of the felon.
Moms to Trump: We want relief on child care costs
A new ad campaign by the organization Moms First comes as House Republicans consider gutting a tax credit that has long helped parents with child care expenses.
It's all about Trump first, ladies. Get used to being left behind.
FBI officials 'livid' after Kash Patel risked 'tragic results' by leaking hostage rescue
Just one more Trump traitor in our midst.
Pardoned Jan. 6 rioter now at large over allegation of soliciting a minor: report
Here's another dust biting candidate that Trump turned loose on society.
Pardoned Jan. 6 rioter shot dead while resisting arrest during traffic stop: police
Another one bites the dust. Doubt it will be the last.
What "law and order"? Trump's first week will only unleash more crime
Our felonious president can only benefit from a climate of fear and chaos — that's why he's eager for more
The Trump Crime Syndicate!
NY Post: “No Senator Should Vote For Lunatic” RFK
19 Red States Threaten Costco Over Diversity Policies
"Earlier this month Costco shareholders voted to reject an end to diversity policies upon the recommendation of the company’s board of directors."
Tell these racist Red Nazi dictators to go back to hell where they came from.
Google Maps Caves To Trump On “Gulf Of America”
Then just call Mexico, South Texas, assholes. You can't just rename everything on a fucking whim!
Sen. Mike Lee: Abolish TSA, “Let Airlines Do Screening”
Because it failed us before, dumbass. Remember 9/11?
Trump: Let’s Pay Other Countries To Jail US Criminals
Start with Trump.
Let's pay them to put his ass in stir.
Johnson Backs Trump On Disaster Aid For California: We Lost Three House Seats Due To “Lack Of Voter Security”
Fuck these swine Trump Nazis!
Trump Suspends GWB’s Anti-HIV PEPFAR Program
Trump's death count will be even higher this time. Consider the lost humanity he will cost the world.
Pure evil.
Here’s the insane reason Boebert thinks young people can’t get jobs
"The federal minimum wage has remained at $7.25 an hour since 2009. If someone worked 40 hours a week for all 52 weeks in the year and took no days off, they would only earn $15,080—a salary below the poverty line and impossible for anyone to live on. In Boebert's state of Colorado, the minimum wage is $14.81."
None dare call her insane? LMAO!
Northern Ontario MP Has Had It With Elon's Sh*t, Calls For Investigation
He's not too happy about Leon interfering in their elections.
Our allies must join our resistance.
How To Join The Resistance: 2025 Edition
"First, you’re never going to win a head on battle with an adversary that’s got you outgunned. That’s not the point of the Resistance. The point is to create friction, make it hard for your adversary to operate, to increase transaction costs.
Second, resistance doesn’t have to be a dramatic act. It can be a small act, like losing a sheet of paper, taking your time processing something, not serving someone in a restaurant. Small acts taken by thousands have big effects.
Third, use your privilege and access if you’ve got it. He and his buddies stole weapons from the Nazis by driving up with a truck to the weapons depot, speaking German, acting like it was a routine pick up, and driving away."
GOPer wants to reduce the penalty for cockfighting — and allow the birds to fight robots
Depravity takes over.
Apocalypse Now: Extreme interpretation of Christian nationalism now guides Pentagon policy
What other interpretation is possible other than "extreme"?
The failure continues.
Trump’s Second Term Spells Disaster for Endangered Ocean and Coastal Animals
"The re-election of Donald Trump has scientists and conservationists like me worried about the wildlife and wild places we’ve dedicated our lives to protecting. This is especially true for ocean and coastal natural resource management and endangered species conservation, given Trump’s ongoing rhetoric."
We All Lose in Trump’s War Against Trans Americans
"As McBride put it, Trump “just declared everyone a woman.” While such jests alone cannot contravene the flood of transphobia now spewing from the White House, it can be a spirit-lifting spark of resistance; laughing in the face of evil can have a powerful effect. And it’s surely much better than supine silence or trying to out-hate the haters."
The Only ‘American President’ Trump Resembles Is Jefferson Davis
"Like the Confederacy’s leader, Trump’s agenda is civil war."
'Follow the money': Analyst connects the dots on Trump's 'radical' new foreign policy
Dear leader and his greed at work.
Dozens of People Died in Arizona Sober Living Homes as State Officials Fumbled Medicaid Fraud Response
"At least 40 Native American residents of sober living homes and treatment facilities in the Phoenix area died as state Medicaid officials struggled to respond to a massive fraud scheme that targeted Indigenous people with addictions.
The deaths, almost all from drug and alcohol use, span from the spring of 2022 to the summer of 2024, according to a review of records from the Maricopa County Office of the Medical Examiner. Over half died as officials ignored calls to address lax oversight later shown to have contributed to thousands of patients being recruited into sham treatment programs.
Patients continued to die even after Arizona officials in May 2023 announced a sweeping investigation of hundreds of facilities. By then, the fraud was so widespread that officials spent the next year seeking to halt Medicaid reimbursements to behavioral health businesses accused of wrongdoing."
What Other Nations Have to Say About Trump’s Paris Withdrawal
"The US now joins only a handful of failed or war-torn states, including Libya, Iran and Yemen, in rejecting the 2015 accord. While the US has long been one of the world’s top two biggest sources of greenhouse gas emissions—along with China—its significance has diminished as developing countries rapidly increase their share of global carbon output."
'Delusional mythology': Hard lessons ahead for Trump supporters because they don’t understand capitalism
"One delusional mythology about American capitalism that has been instilled in We the People is that we somehow have a guaranteed right to prosperity," Logis writes. "This imaginary right has been deployed by politicians who are afraid of educating their constituents about how our model of commerce actually works…. With due respect to the many Americans who voted for Donald Trump, their overwhelming sense of entitlement dwarfs that of the hard-working immigrants who cut their grass, scrub pots and pans in the restaurants they frequent, and care for their kids and elderly loved ones."
Confusing the educated with the morons?
The terrifying signs of 'collective stress' in Trump’s America
"Most people who voted for Trump under the mistaken belief that he would improve their lives and 'restore' the nation have no experience living under autocratic or authoritarian regimes. They perhaps voted to 'shake things up' and believed they were supporting a leader who will 'break the rules' to 'get things done.' That will turn out to be a Faustian bargain. While the MAGA are likely to feast on the proverbial fat of the land, the rank and file will be feasted upon like everyone else."
No shit, Dick Tracy?
'Buyer's remorse': Working-class Latinos who backed Trump risk punch in the pocketbook
Oh, so sorry. You were warned.
'Trump taxes Americans to retaliate': Outrage as President makes Americans 'pay even more'
He's one pouty little bastard.
Labor Dept Ends Job Discrimination Investigations
More Trump failure.
Kansas Sees Largest Tuberculosis Outbreak In History
"An ongoing tuberculosis outbreak in Kansas has become the largest in recorded history in the United States."
Trump's failure is just getting started, Amerika.
PA Official Resigns After Copying Musk’s Nazi Salute
Nazis? Just say nein!
Texas Teacher Invites ICE To Raid His High School
Turncoats in Texas.
Try teaching them to speak and comprehend English.
WSJ Board: Kennedy Is “Dangerous To Public Health”
Kennedy = cancer.
Brazil Furious After Deportees Arrive Handcuffed
More disdainful disgrace of America as Trump remains clueless and careless.
Bill Gates says he thinks it's 'insane' that Elon Musk is allowed to 'destabilize' politics in other countries
OMG! He used the "insane" word! Isn't it forbidden to say now?
Cartoon: The mad king's court
Is America great yet?
'It's So Obvious What He Was Doing': Fox's Kilmeade Carries Water For Musk's Nazi Salute
Fox's Brian Kilmeade and Charly Arnolt served up a big heaping helping of whataboutism and false equivalences while lying about Musk's multiple Nazi salutes at Trump's inauguration last week.
None dare call it treason. Don't forget it.
Trump in for rude awakening as some Republicans less than enthusiastic about his agenda: report
Sure. They will still fall into line as they are minus a spine.
The Men Who Would Be Kings: Truth by Decree, Lies Beyond Counting, Reality by Fiat.
"Hey friends and neighbors, ladies and germs, have you heard the latest? Drunken sub-mediocrity in as Secretary of Defense. ICE on the march. No more money to Ukraine. North Dakota puppy killer as head of Homeland Security. And the beat goes on. It can be hard to keep up, but President Trump has been busy signing a big stack of presidential orders or decrees. Among his imperial proclamations, he’s corrected a longstanding misunderstanding. To wit: there are only two genders. Period. And if you have to ask just what those genders are, you’re obviously one of the problems he’s just fixed. But will you thank him for clearing things up for ya? Chubby chance of that."
'So, grocery prices aren't going to come down?' CBS host busts J.D. Vance on the economy
ROTFLMAO! How many fools thought that would happen?
'Not really worried': Lindsey Graham admits Trump broke law to hire 'loyalists' watchdogs
"We are all crooks," says Lindsey. "And proud of it!"
Air Force Axes Lessons About Tuskegee Airmen
"Lesson plans about the Tuskegee Airmen, groundbreaking Black pilots known for their service during World War II, and the Women Airforce Service Pilots, or WASPs, the female World War II pilots who were vital in ferrying warplanes for the military, have been removed from the U.S. Air Force curriculum, a U.S. official confirmed on Saturday to CBS News."
The Ministry of Truth takes over. Happy now, Amerika?
The swine.
We Aren't Being Told the Real Extent of AI Datacenter Emissions
And why would they want anyone to know?
The stunning real story behind Trump's first week
"The New York Times describes Trump as leading “a global wave of hard-line conservative populism.”
What Trump is undertaking has nothing whatever to do with conservatism, which is about conserving institutions and shrinking the size of government. And it has nothing to do with populism, which is about confronting elites.
Trump is leading a move to replace democracy with oligarchy.
He’s implementing a plan to make the wealthiest people in America far wealthier and more powerful, including Trump himself, and to turn American democracy into a giant corporation run by a handful of absurdly rich men.
He thinks he can accomplish this by getting the rest of us so angry at one another — over immigration, LGBTQ+ rights, abortion, diversity, and the like — that we don’t look upward and see where most of the wealth and power have gone.
Trump’s divisive policies will cause great harm, to be sure, and we must do everything we can to protect those who are vulnerable to them. But his cruel divisiveness is deflecting attention from the main event...."
Happy crap coming at us from people on the Left who should know better isn't helping
"So let me get at the nut of what is frying my ass this afternoon in the wake of that piece, and the bloody hell that has in fact been coming at us in a torrent the past 48 hours:
All of this complete horses---I am seeing from many people I respect telling us to stay calm — that all this was to be expected.
While I believe this is coming from a genuine place of goodness, it is bordering on gaslighting.
So let me tell you something, dammit: Anybody telling you to stay calm just because 'all this was to be expected' is either a damn fool, or lying to themselves and you, because NONE of them have been through a transition like this in America.
All this 'stay calm, all this was to be expected' stuff might be easy on the ears, but it is impossible to digest.
We are in deep, deep trouble right now, patriots, and it is not only OK to say that, it is paramount we do. We might yet get through all of this, but that won’t mitigate for one damn minute all the trouble and pain people are in RIGHT NOW."
Voters reveal 'giant divide' over Trump’s early moves: 'I wish he would use more discernment'
Six days into Donald Trump's second presidency, his voters are displaying "a giant divide" when it comes to how swiftly the MAGA leader is working to bring his campaign promises to life, according to CNN.
The news outlet is making efforts to follow the nearly 100 voters who agreed to be a part of CNN's "'All Over The Map' project, an effort to track the 2024 campaign through the eyes and experiences of voters who live in swing states or are part of critical voting constituencies."
CNN's goal, according to the report, is to gauge whether the MAGA administration loses or gains support over the next few monthsfrom both Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris voters.
They've got the sadz?
Newly discovered photos of Nazi deportations show Jewish victims as they were last seen alive
"The Holocaust was the first mass atrocity to be heavily photographed.
The mass production and distribution of cameras in the 1930s and 1940s enabled Nazi officials and ordinary people to widely document Germany’s persecution of Jews and other religious and ethnic minorities."
'They’re lying': MSNBC host grills senator on Dems’ struggle to resist Trump nominees
Speaking with Senator Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-DE) on Sunday morning, Steele said, "From my perspective, senator, the three nominees are up this week are wholly unqualified.The reality that we have now in front of us is someone who is a threat to our national security, in Tulsi Gabbard, someone who's a threat to our homeland security, in Kash Patel, and someone who's a threat to our health, in RFK Jr."
"Some have said, 'Oh, yes, I will speak up. I will follow the law," the senator replied.
"They're lying," Steele shot back.
Damn straight.
We’ve built a collective of newsrooms you can trust
In one year, The 19th News Network has grown from 25 members to 102. And we’re just getting started.
'Killed an American': Expert puts Trump on notice over President causing 'serious damage'
Trump's atrocities will continue until the world puts an end to him.
Trump's opening assault shows that Republicans want trans people "out of public life entirely"
Republicans in Washington are a following a playbook for "anti-trans extremism," advocates say
The death camps aren't far behind.
WHO To Slash Health Programs Due To US Withdrawal
Our future and our children's future are now far less secure with this Trump blunder.
Musk Addresses AfD Rally: “Multiculturalism Dilutes Everything, Move Beyond Past Guilt” About The Nazis
Nazi addresses Nazis to tell them they are fine with their legacy of atrocious murdering.
The day we disregard the sins of our fathers is the day we die.
One Million Moms Vs “Destructive, Damaging” Dunkin’
These "Xianaist" assholes hate themselves so much.
"By my count, this this Monica’s 16th fucking rant about implied fucking profanity in the last fucking year and the minute I fucking saw Dunkin’s fucking commercial, I knew Monica would fucking scream."
What the fuck?
DeSantis Seeks To Effectively Ban Ballot Initiatives
Another cheap Nazi dictator violating Americans rights. Tar and feather him and ride him out of town on a rail!
DeSantis: Framers Of The 14th Amendment Didn’t Intend To Grant Citizenship To Children Of “Illegals”
DipShitus can get fucked!
Christian Nationalism In Power
A cartoon for January 26, 2025
Petty Little Whiny Titty Baby Yanks Fauci's Security Detail
It's almost as if he's putting a hit out on Fauci.
Donald Is A Petty, Classless, Inferior, Damaged Old Man>
A disgusting chicken shit.
“We Don’t Fret, We Fight,” Immigrant Rights Activists Say After ICE Raid in NJ
Federal agents with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement carried out a warrantless raid on Thursday targeting a local establishment in Newark, New Jersey, according to Newark Mayor Ras Baraka — who decried the move as an “an egregious act” in violation of the of the U.S. constitution.
Federal agents detained both undocumented residents and citizens, including a U.S. military veteran, Baraka said in a statement Thursday.
The local outlet PIX11 reported that ICE agents targeted the Ocean Seafood Depot, a wholesale seafood distributor. Store owner Luis Janota told the outlet that three people were taken into custody, including a Puerto Rican employee who is a military veteran. People from Puerto Rico have U.S. citizenship.
'We don’t fret, we fight,' wrote the New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice, which is distributing materials to inform community members about their rights."
By Dehumanizing Others, Trump Makes Sure We Remain Our Own Worst Enemies
"Trump is claiming the power and authority to dehumanize whom he wants, e.g., the country’s 11 million 'illegals,' whom he wants to turn into deportees. In the process, he is making sure that we remain our own worst enemies. If Americans hate most of the planet beyond their borders—and go to war with it—they are creating the very reality they fear. They are creating, or continuing to create, hell on Earth. Those who see the irony in this—linking, for instance, 'Christian' with 'white' and 'nationalist'—must once again take that first step, beyond the worst of who we are, into a future that values all of us."
Ridin' With Kerry: A Letter to the Editor In a Red State
"Two friends I've picked up through the Chimp are a couple in Indiana, not necessarily the most comfortable place for non-Trump people to express their opinions. And it's not only red states. Fear is palpable now most everywhere. Times like these tend to shut down all kinds of freedoms. Trump and his posse of oligarchs and January 6 thugs are attempting to intimidate and suppress free speech. We can't let that happen."
'This is what they voted for': Red state voters mocked on MSNBC after new Trump proposal
"All of those states." Steele agreed. "Then we get into tornado alley. Those states: Ohio, Iowa ––so y'all going to be prepared to just have the federal government just go away in terms of its response and leave it to you? I just want to know how they're going to pay for it."
"How are they going to pay for it?" his co-host repeated. "Well, you know, Michael, you know, they say this is what this is what they voted for."
"This is what they voted for," repeated her colleague.
Dystopian disaster is what they voted for.
'Hit him back twice as hard': Canadian leader puts Trump on notice over threats
With a brickbat.
'Let them choke on that': Michael Steele delivers blunt game-plan to derail the GOP
"Congresswoman, I know we're getting ready to let you go, but I just want to say this: y'all need to chill on this, all this kumbaya partisan bi-partisan crap," Steele told the laughing McBride.
Reading from an NBC report, he continued, "Because at the end of the day, here's your headline: 'Republicans shoot down Democratic requests to ditch party line immigration, push and write a bipartisan bill instead. Senate Republicans are making it clear they will pursue a border package without Democratic input.'"
"They don't want to work with you, they're not going to work with you," he lectured. "They have the House, the Senate and the White House. Let them choke on that."
'Stupid': Trump's team warned they are about to make a 'massive mistake'
A mistake about to take place. That is Trump and his crime gang.
'Enemy of the people!' Trump rages at Rachel Maddow in middle of the night attack
When a cancer shows up it must be eliminated.
Over 100,000 pounds of frozen chicken products have been recalled due to undeclared allergens
Pouches of Yats Drunken Chicken were distributed to 11 Yats restaurants in Indiana
Our failing world.
Trump Illegally Fires Overseers Of 12 Major Agencies
The Trump Crime Syndicate at work, fucking over Americans.
'Despicable': Trump’s 'extremist rightward fascist march' condemned by ex-Republican staffer
"Folks better make a decision whether or not they’re committed to stopping this extremist rightward fascist march the country is on under Donald Trump and who he’s surrounded by," Setmayer told the Guardian.
It appears Amerika has chosen to become a Nazi nation.
'So little planning': Experts mock Trump after Mexico refuses to let deportation flight land
"And as the Washington Post reported in December, countries refusing to cooperate with Trump could throw a wrench in the gears of his mass deportation plans."
The world hates Trump. It will be a rough period for us all to survive the mean motherfuckers.
'Stupid': Trump's team warned they are about to make a 'massive mistake'
A mistake about to take place. That is Trump and his crime gang.
'Enemy of the people!' Trump rages at Rachel Maddow in middle of the night attack
When cancer shows up it must be eliminated.
Over 100,000 pounds of frozen chicken products have been recalled due to undeclared allergens
Pouches of Yats Drunken Chicken were distributed to 11 Yats restaurants in Indiana
Our failing world.
Trump Illegally Fires Overseers Of 12 Major Agencies
The Trump Crime Syndicate at work, fucking over Americans.
'Despicable': Trump’s 'extremist rightward fascist march' condemned by ex-Republican staffer
"Folks better make a decision whether or not they’re committed to stopping this extremist rightward fascist march the country is on under Donald Trump and who he’s surrounded by," Setmayer told the Guardian.
It appears Amerika has chosen to become a Nazi nation.
'So little planning': Experts mock Trump after Mexico refuses to let deportation flight land
"And as the Washington Post reported in December, countries refusing to cooperate with Trump could throw a wrench in the gears of his mass deportation plans."
The world hates Trump. It will be a rough period for us all to survive the mean motherfuckers.
'We Have Seen a Lot More Hate’: Trans People Are Already Terrified
"After Trump signed a sweeping executive order directed against trans people this week, trans and nonbinary people are scared of what happens next."
And they are not alone in that respect.
The Great Revenge: Trump’s Orwellian America Takes Shape
Get ready for investigations, arrests, and show trials of the people who’ve tried to hold Trump accountable for his crimes and traitorous behavior
Tidbits and Factoids from the Current Issue of Harper’s Magazine
There’s a Chinese proverb that says “it’s a curse to live in interesting times.”
Times rarely get more interesting than these.
And what a curse these times are.
Too dark? Cheer up. As an old history teacher colleague of mine used to say, "it's always darkest just before it goes totally black."
Republicans (Fascists) have discovered 'the easiest way to unravel democracy': analysis
"First up is House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), who simply said that Trump made a decision and that he stood by whatever decision Trump makes.
"That’s the authoritarian spirit," comments Saletan. "No matter what the leader does, his allies fall in line."
Trump’s War on DEI Opens the Door to Jim Crow’s Return
"It’s bad enough that Trump and his advisers believe the official discrimination against Black people that characterized U.S. laws and politics from the founding of the Republic until the 1960s is not a problem worth addressing anymore. It’s even worse to claim that the only way to prevent discrimination is to get rid of any effort to address it. That way lies a return to white supremacy in the guise of color-blind “meritocracy.” And it’s also a terrible trend for the women and LGBTQ+ folk who have benefited from the same laws and policies as they were extended into the 21st century."
Welcome to The Land of the Happy Negro!
Donald Trump and the Return of Ransom-Note Politics
"For Trump, this simple power dynamic is built into his central policy proposal this year: crippling tariffs against Canada, China, Mexico, and any other country that crosses him. For rank-and-file citizens, tariffs represent a threat to their cost of living, by potentially jacking up the price of just about everything. But to large corporations, the arrangement is more straightforward: It’s basically a ransom demand. In theory, tariffs apply to everyone in a given sector, but the government can issue exemptions. Who gets exemptions? Who do you think? A recent study in the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis found a correlation between political support and the granting of tariff exemptions—and conversely, that companies that had politically opposed the administration were more likely to have their requests denied."
Prosecutor Who Jailed Capitol Rioters Warns Trump Pardons Unleashed a Loyal Militia: ‘They Have Never Been More Dangerous’
Trump and his private militia is a threat to our country. Never before have we permitted a threat like this to exist in a free democracy.
Maggie Haberman Says Trump ‘Clearly Targeting People’ He Sees ‘As Enemies’ In First Days Of New Term
Which is anyone that refuses to kiss his ass.
‘New Low!’ WSJ Editorial Board Slams Trump For Stripping Security Protection For Bolton, Pompeo
"Wall Street Journal editorial board slammed President Donald Trump’s decision to revoke Secret Service protection for several former aides as a “vindictive whim” that constituted a “new low” – arguing that the officials face documented threats from Iran."
In America’s news deserts, Meta’s retreat from fact-checking severs a last link to fact-based news
Meta's policy reversal and increase in political content could mean more misinformation for communities lacking local news
The destruction that comes with fascism.
‘I’m just trying to be good at my job’: Transgender troops brace for decision on military ban
West Point graduate Alivia Stehlik is one of thousands whose military careers are in jeopardy.
The damage of hate from the Trump tyranny.
Hapless' Trump has 'gone all 19th century on us' — and he'll fail: conservative
But not before he takes America down with him.
Trump press secretary hid over $300k in debt tied to 'inappropriate donations': report
The corruption of the crime syndicate now in charge.
'Trump wants you to die': Nobel Prize-winning economist makes prediction about what's next
The feeling is mutual I can assure him.
"So my prediction — which I hope proves false — is that when NIH and other health agencies emerge from the current freeze they will have been emasculated and politicized, prohibited from releasing information and research whose implications the Trump administration doesn’t like, banned from making policy recommendations that are inconvenient for Trump or at odds with the prejudices of the MAGA base," he warned. "And many Americans will die as a result."
Donald Trump is not waiting for RFK Jr. — he has already started his war on public health
RFK's hearing hasn't even started yet and the White House has already attacked vaccines, birth control and the WHO
"All this might seem like esoteric policy to most Americans, but it's tied to an anti-health agenda that could dramatically impact millions of people's ability to get even basic health care."
"The talk about healthy eating will almost certainly not translate into helping people access better food. It'll just be an excuse to blame people's "lifestyles" when public health declines on Kennedy's watch."
The Grim Reaper is coming for all of us, sooner not later, with "Dr. Death" Kennedy.
GOP Resolution Would Allow Trump A Third Term
Trump “has proven himself to be the only figure in modern history capable of reversing our nation’s decay and restoring America to greatness, and he must be given the time necessary to accomplish that goal,” said Rep. Andy Ogles of Tennessee, who proposed extending the current maximum of two elected terms.
What drug is he on? Deluded. That's a bad one.
Watters: What Kind Of Husband Shops With His Wife?
The idiot has lived a sheltered life. He should get away from his mommy once in a while.
Meta Suspends Accounts Of Abortion Pill Providers
Screw META!
Boebert And Mace Stormed US Capitol Ladies Room To “Catch” Sarah McBride Inside But It Was Someone Else
Busybody prudes should tend to real problems and stop making trouble.
Sooner or later the Nazis will use violence as a solution on anyone they suspect is "gay."
Natl Construction Industry Trade Group Raises Alarm
Trump is so smart that he will cost Americans beaucoups of bucks.
Kook who said there are too many gays on TV will lead government agency
One gay is too many, right you jerk?
MAGAts Ready To Slash Safety Net To Make Orange Daddy Love Them
They'll fight to the death to give households making $450,000 those extended tax cuts. To pay for that, they want to tax scholarships!
Here comes the big Trump fucking, America!
GOP rep proposes 'third term' constitutional amendment for Trump: report
Of course the Nazi Party will get to a life appointment before this all comes to a bitter ending.
'Disaster': Experts warn Trump milking the presidency 'on the backs of the American taxpayer'
In his second and final term, President Donald Trump is still carrying on his multiple money-making ventures while occupying the White House. Now, ethics experts are warning that the second Trump administration could be rife with corruption."
“Trump is taking on new conflicts in real time,” former Obama White House ethics attorney Norm Eisen told CNN. “It’s a recipe for an ethics disaster."
Antisemitism 'Foe' Elise Stefanik Insists Musk Didn’t Use Nazi Salute
"Sorry, hon, but you sound like a bank robber’s pal saying he couldn’t have robbed a bank because you’ve seen him at many banks he didn’t rob."
CBS58 Fires Meterologist After She Criticizes Elon's Salute
As fascism takes over America.
"Look, a private business such as a tv station can fire someone for breaching the terms of their contract, in this case, posting something controversial on her own Instagram page. But it's a very bad look for CBS58, to say the least, to fire someone immediately for criticizing Elon Musk's nazi salute. A suspension might have been more appropriate with a stern letter of warning.
This is the era we live in though, where nazi gestures are accepted unequivocally and those who speak out risk their livelihoods."
The dystopia descends. Tribulation has arrived.
Fascist: “MSNBC Shouldn’t Have Right To Broadcast”
Only a Nazi would attempt to end our free press. Stop his fascism now.
STUDY: 266,000 Young LGBTQs Have Fled Red States
"A new report estimates that roughly 266,000 LGBTQ+ young people and their families have uprooted their lives and left a state because of anti-LGBTQ politics or laws. It is also detailing in stark relief the positive outcomes on the health and wellbeing of LGBTQ youth that state lawmakers can have when enacting policy."
Trump’s Definitions of “Male” and “Female” Are Nonsense Science With Staggering Ramifications
Who expects a blithering idiot to know shit from applebutter?
Hang the J6 Pardons Around Trump’s Neck
And stretch it.
"The size and speed of the Trump ocean liner is impressive. But it seems to me to be barreling towards some icebergs. The loudspeakers aboard are boasting at top volume of all that is being accomplished. But one wonders whether, below the surface, Trump’s ship isn’t beginning to take on some water."
Let it sink and stay there for eternities.
Presidential Payola: The Evolution of Political Bribery
How $TRUMP coins create a cash funnel for influence and foreign meddling.
"But for some people there’s just never enough money."
A Few Profiles in Courage: Notice a Pattern?
"But maybe this example provided by a courageous woman will inspire people who wish to think themselves Christians, and lots of men who would like to think they have conscience and conviction, to stand up, too. Nancy Pelosi (see picture above) stood up in a roomful of men during Trump’s first term, rising to speak truth to power, chastising Trump in a room packed with silent men. She was the only person in the room with the balls to do so. Cecil Richards and her mom showed much same courage and character down in Texas where too few men rise up in opposition to creeps like Gregg Abbott, Ted Cruz or so many other cowards who do a sorry-ass imitation of courage by bullying desperate young pregnant women or little Mexican kids, modeling to other Americans how they think real men ought to behave.
What they do instead is go disgrace Americans, and the meaning of manhood in general."
Trump Budget Nominee Says He’s Proud of Legislation That Doubled Extreme Poverty
"President Donald Trump’s pick to lead the Office of Management and Budget told lawmakers Wednesday that he’s “proud” of the impacts of Clinton-era welfare reform, a Republican-backed legislative change that doubled extreme poverty by stripping government support from some of the nation’s most vulnerable people — including children with disabilities."
Swine pride.
Opposition Leader Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: 'In This Country We Hate Nazis.'
"You know, because some Democrats think they can Work Together with Republicans on Common Sense Solutions facing All Americans, even while keeping their hands clean from the more unsavory things the Nazis are doing.
Ooh! Ooh! Maybe this time the Republicans will let a Democrat pick which white woman to name the bill after! Or maybe they can each name one of the buildings in the first concentration camp!
These useless motherfuckers."
And don't forget it!
Ha Ha. We're In Danger! Tabs, Thurs., Jan. 23, 2025
"House Speaker Mike Johnson says you can’t “look backwards” at who attacked whom on January 6. Then he orders up an investigation into the congressional committee that investigated January 6. (Politico) Trump probably shouldn’t have pardoned this Idaho woman who says she is sorry she was in his 'cult' and thankful that the Capitol Police protected her from her fellow tourists that day. (Idaho Statesman) Even Trump’s Washington field office is arresting this pardoned J6er who threw an explosive into a tunnel of cops? Woke. (Politico)"
This and more comments on swine here.
Nashville School Shooter: “Candace Owens Influenced Me Above All On Violence Over The Jewish Question”
If we want to deport someone let's start with this trash.
Trump's 'Honeymoon' Is OVER
Trump seems hellbent on jamming through some wildly unpopular promises. Huh.
The perfect asshole. A bad example of a so-called human.
Danish EU MP Has Blunt Message For Trump
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, fuck off!”
Thanks. I couldn't have said it better!
Jan 6th Insurrectionist Pardoned By Trump Rearrested Less Than 1 Day Later
This won't be the last insurrectionist rearrested.
Only an idiot traitor would pardon terrorists.
Is Pete Hegseth’s Nomination In Danger Again, Or Are These Latest Allegations Also Totally Fine?
Absolutely. With the Trump trash piles.
"If you watched Pete Hegseth’s confirmation hearing, you saw a bunch of Republican senators fawning all over the creeper with the Crusades tattoos who gives all the white supremacist Christian extremists little stiffies underneath their little LARPing outfits."
The Plantation Politics of MAGA America: Is This the Future We Want?
Restoring power to the richest, whitest men in the room. How long can democracy survive under Trump’s iron grip?
"Welcome to your first full day in the new Confederate States of America."
Many of us wish to live in The Land of the Happy Negro. Thanks for the nod, Thom.
The Day of the Locusts: Just Another Monday in America
"You don’t have to be a cynic to arrive at the conclusion that bullshit and money are both pretty damn powerful. If you watched any of the folderol yesterday, you saw rich, powerful, and almost exclusively white folk celebrating Trump, themselves, and the triumph of money and bullshit, all on full and naked display. The power increases exponentially when money and bullshit throw in together to form an alliance. And there it was, gloating, preening, fawning, and genuflecting.
A skip and a hop through history provides ample evidence of how the money/bullshit alliance has served to keep the powerless quiescent. It has consistently made serfs and peasants of most of us, turning far too many into frightened people who support their oppressors as bullshit does so much to maintain wealth and power for the many, and misery for the masses."
Where the Right-Wing Campaign Against Birthright Citizenship Comes From—and Why It’s Wrong
"EASTMAN AND HIS COMRADES at the Claremont Institute base their theory upon an interpretation of a particular phrase in the Fourteenth Amendment: 'All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.' The claim is that the word 'jurisdiction' really means 'allegiance'; children born to illegal aliens here in the United States owe their allegiance to whatever country their parents are from.
But America has never recognized the doctrine of enforced allegiance. We actually went to war with Great Britain over this. In the 1790s, British warships began boarding American vessels and impressing Americans into the Royal Navy. Britain did not recognize American naturalization. Once an Englishman, always an Englishman.
America rejected Britain’s claim."
GOP serving 'broligarchs' and doing 'nothing to bring down grocery prices': Jamie Raskin
"Rep Jamie Raskin (D-MD) unleashed on the GOP for pandering to tech 'broligarchs' and using immigration as a smokescreen to distract from President Trump's actions since he took the oath of office Monday.
In his statement during Wednesday's hearing on immigration enforcement, Raskin slammed the House GOP for enabling Trump's stunts by promoting 'tiny little messaging bills' that accomplished nothing."
What esle can we expect from a dumb criminal but nothing? Someone missed the meaning did they?
'Blood, feces, and terror': Judge Chutkan buries Trump-pardoned Capitol rioters
American patriot exposes Trump crimes.
DOJ To Prosecute Officials Who Resist Deportations
The dictator continues to dictate.
Homocon Dave Rubin Rages At “Retarded” Podcaster For Pointing Out That Rubin Was Paid By The Kremlin
The state of communication levels in the good ol' USA.
Trump Revokes LBJ’s Landmark 1965 Civil Rights Order
Revoke Trump. Resist Trump. Stop racism. Stop Trump.
We are living in a tinder box.
Christian School Teacher Jailed On Child Sex Charges
Another one bites the dust.
Michele Bachmann: There Was No Violence On Jan 6
In fact there was no January 6 that year. It was pre-empted.
Newly Freed Rioter Rearrested On Federal Gun Charge
Shocking! I say, absolutely shocking.
Trump's private militia trash.
Two Students Dead In Nashville School Shooting
So many of us love the solution of the gun.
Pro-Hitler Host: Execute Those Who “Set Up Jan 6”
The Nazis out to kill us.
Politico: Violent Rioters Will Commit More Violence
All in the name of a crooked con man.
Trump world and conservative media continue to rewrite Jan. 6 history
Conservative commentators who previously denounced that day’s violence are suddenly singing a different tune
Hypocrite swine.
All the President’s Lies
"Traditional media coverage of Donald Trump‘s second inauguration was so obsequious and so normalizing that the average news consumer could easily have missed the essential fact that almost everything he said was a lie.
His inaugural address was full of lies, from beginning to end, based on the false premise that the country is in a shambles and needs to be rescued.
Then impeach him now. He's the shambles.
What a new ICE directive on ‘sensitive zones’ could mean for domestic violence victims
Trump's Department of Homeland Security removed its policy on places protected from deportation, including women's shelters, schools and churches.
I heard ICE raided Mar-a-Lago and sent 90% of the staff back to Mexico.
Trump's "shock and awe" campaign hits the wrong targets
Republicans scramble to defend Donald Trump's shocking decision to pardon nearly 1,500 Jan. 6 rioters
The human waste brought it on themselves.
Elise Stefanik: Israel Has “Biblical Right” To West Bank
Another zealot fascist that believes horse shit.
Trump Moves To Terminate All Federal Diversity Staff
Racist Nazi will terminate all human rights.
Trump Apparently Shutters WH Gun Violence Office
Dispicable and irresponsible evil.
Trump Slips In Dangerous Anti-Abortion Language Into Executive Order
...Monday night included one that cemented language at the executive level to delegitimize transgender identities. But within the fold of that order, titled "Defending Women From Gender Ideology Extremism And Restoring Biological Truth To The Federal Government," lay another damaging detail: the elevation of fetal personhood to the national stage.
"'Female' means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the large reproductive cell," the order reads in part. "'Male' means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the small reproductive cell."
"Unfortunately, there seems to be a misunderstanding by the authors of the executive order: all fetuses have phenotypically female genitalia until they reach six to seven weeks of gestation, at which point some fetuses can start to be visually differentiated as male, according to the National Institute of Health."
Evil incarnate has been granted power to pervert. Resist it.
'God have mercy on us': GOP rep slammed over 'dangerous' response to bishop’s plea to Trump
"The person giving this sermon should be added to the deportation list." —Rep. Mike Collins (R-GA)
As they all do, this Nazi will reap what he's sown.
Major police unions that backed Trump 'deeply discouraged' by Jan. 6 pardons
The end of "law and order Reupublicans." This is now the Nazi Party.
Donald Trump's Inauguration TV Ratings Compared to Joe Biden's
"On Monday, 24.6 million viewers tuned in to watch Donald Trump being sworn into office, estimates from the data analytics company Nielsen showed, which was lower than the viewership Joe Biden's inauguration received four years earlier.
Newsweek contacted Trump's team for comment by email on Wednesday outside standard working hours."
Of course the idiot will deny it. The rest have forgotten we defeated both the Nazis and the treason of the Confederacy. We will continue to resist these miscreants.
However, there were still those who were willing to freeze their dumb asses outside to see a fascist criminal take power.
Dear Elected Democrats: Are You Collaborator Or Are You Opposition? Make Your Choice
"We think we speak for most informed Democrats and leftists and left-leaning voters and progressives and liberals — yep, the whole spectrum! — when we say 'OK boys and girls, get the collegiality circle jerk out of your system now, because the time for fucking around ended yesterday.'
And yes, working together in any way with the Trump administration — AKA collaborating with Nazis and fascists and terrorist-sympathizers and traitors and perverts and sex pests and sometimes all of the above — is fucking around.
You’re either a collaborator, or you’re part of the opposition."
Trump Rescinds Biden’s Order Aimed At Lowering Costs of Prescription Drugs
Why is anyone so deluded about Trump helping the common man? Stupidity deluxe!
The Morbidly Rich: A New Name for an Old Problem
We need a new phrase to identify these oligarchs who are reaching out to seize control of our government, our economy, and our culture.
Donald Trump Is at War with America
Return fire.
Panama president hits back at Trump and 'rejects' inaugural speech 'in its entirety'
As he should.
Trump Cancels John Bolton’s Secret Service Protection Despite Threats From Iranian Regime
Traitor refuses to protect an American. You could be next.
Hegseth Hit With New Domestic Abuse Allegations
But it's OK because Trump doesn't give a shit.
Trump Admin Accused of Using AI to Draft Executive Orders
"Mere hours after being sworn in as the 47th president of the United States on Monday, returning President Donald Trump got to work signing dozens — and counting — of executive orders, which range from commands for the US to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement and the World Health Organization to ordering an end to birthright citizenship and renaming the Gulf of Mexico to the 'Gulf of America.'
But while the executive actions range in scope, legal experts have called attention to some curious common threads: bizarre typos, formatting errors and oddities, and stilted language — familiar artifacts that have led to speculation that those who penned them might have turned to AI for help."
A person as stupid as he is must have some sort of help to get out of bed let alone write anything literate.
Trump's speech raises the old question: Is he evil or merely stupid?
"In Donald Trump’s new conceit, America was a hellhole in 2016, he made it great, then former President Joe Biden broke everything, but thanks to Trump’s 2024 election win, everything will be great again. Or, as he said in his inaugural address on Monday, 'The golden age of America begins right now.'
You know he is full of shit. I know he’s full of shit. We’d like to think everyone around him knows so as well, but does he? It’s the age-old question: Is Trump evil or merely stupid?
If his inaugural speech says anything, it’s that he is delusional in what he thinks he can accomplish."
The stupid one is the one who can't admit he's both.
Trump Creating Private Militia With J6 Pardons
Private militias will lead to chaos. The chaos of Trump.
Fanone Lays Into Trump, MAGA, After Pardon Of Insurrectionists
"COOPER: I'm wondering when you heard the news and what what's going through your mind tonight?
FANONE: I just heard the news from your producers a few moments ago, and the only thing that is going through my mind right now is that, this is what the American people voted for.
Donald Trump has been promising these pardons ever since he announced his candidacy in Waco, Texas, the scene of one of the most notorious battles between American law enforcement and the American extremist extremist movement that resulted in the death of numerous law enforcement officers.
Thanks America
COOPER: This feels like a betrayal to you.
FANONE: Oh I have been betrayed by my country. Rest assured, I have been betrayed by my country and I've been betrayed by those that supported Donald Trump.
Whether you voted for him because he promised these pardons or for some other reason, you knew that this was coming, and here we are."
Betrayed. Yes. There will more of it.
Bored German Translator Calls Trump's Speech 'Shit' On Live Mic
This person knows his shit.
Trump ushers in 'whole new era of scamminess' now that 'the mask is fully off': analysis
"The farcical nature of the inauguration was a fitting reminder that everything about the MAGA movement is a scam," Marcotte writes. "The weekend before the inauguration, Trump cashed in on his cultists' faith with a grift so obvious it would make Jim Bakker blush: releasing meme coins named after himself and his wife. Judd Legum of Popular Info summed up the move with, 'Trump has turned the inauguration itself into a brazen grift, launching a meme coin hours before being sworn in.'"
Giving arrogance a whole new meaning!
Cannon blocks classified docs report as Trump targets ex-officials over 'sensitive' info
Crime Inc. at work, working over and mugging America.
Pro-Trump police union shrugs off Trump’s pardon of 'violent felons who assaulted cops'
Gestapo Junior Patrol shows off their fascism.
'No one should excuse violence': Top Senate Republican rips Trump’s pardons of Jan. 6 rioters
No American, he means. Nazis don't give a fuck when it comes to violence.
'QAnon Shaman' vows to 'buy some guns' after Trump’s Jan. 6 pardons
This 'genius' won't be so lucky the next time.
Rubio sidesteps J6 pardons by declaring 'I work for Donald J. Trump'
That's akin to saying "I'm as guilty as my Nazi leader. I only follow orders like the rest of the Nazis."
Trump expected to grant clemency to almost all J6 criminals — including violent felons
No more laws in America except Trump law. Impeach him now.
Maddow Rips Trump: Birthright Citizenship Cannot Be Undone By Executive Order
"That is a provision that is explicitly in the Constitution in the plain language of the 14th Amendment, but Trump today will reportedly try to abolish it, with an executive order, even though executive orders can't override the Constitution. Just as executive orders cannot override the law."
Convicted criminals don't follow law. Duh!
Musk Gives Nazi Salute At Trump Inauguration Rally
Of course. This is what Nazis do.
Felon To End All Trans Rights And Diversity Policies
And he can call anyone a "trans" should he choose to do so.
"Trump on Monday plans to sign executive orders proclaiming that the U.S. government will recognize only two sexes, male and female, and ending “radical and wasteful” diversity, equity and inclusion programs inside federal agencies, according to senior White House officials. The officials grouped both orders under the incoming Trump administration’s wider “restoring sanity” agenda."
As un-American as it can get. Impeach him now.
Felon: “We’re Taking Back The Panama Canal”
Lying criminal releases his cascade of untruths.
Felon Fails To Place Hand On Bible During Oath
"Rather than place his left hand on the two Bibles, Trump kept it to his side as he he raised his right. Footage from CNN, Fox News, Fox Business, and MSNBC shows his left hand remained at his side throughout his reciting the oath."
"If Harris had done this, right now X would be flooded with posts declaring that she was signaling her allegiance to Satan."
ABC: Felon To Commute Sentences Of Violent Rioters
Crime is legal now in U.S.
Trump Admin Cancels Flights For Afghan Refugees
Our Nazi in action.
ACLU to Sue Trump Administration Over Birthright Citizenship
"ONE OF THE LEADING CIVIL RIGHTS ORGANIZATIONS in the country is set to sue the Trump administration over the president’s pending executive order to end birthright citizenship, according to three senior immigration leaders."
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is preparing the lawsuit in anticipation of Trump moving to end the practice enshrined in the Constitution’s Fourteenth Amendment, which states that “all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States.”
A Cold and Dark Day in America
"Countless people living and dead have borne more sorrows than we may have yet known, but we have known our share of sadness, too. No one gets through this vale without tears.
But I can think of no sadder day than this one, January 20, 2025, a day that will live in infamy no matter how much effort and expense goes into prewriting history and sugarcoating this bitter pill. We are destined to be fed more lies more steadily by even more sources of fascist re-fashioning of reality. History shows little hope that the richest people will ever show mercy to those who are not rich. The weight of darkness descending on us is palpable. The sense of powerlessness is hard to bear. Hope is hard to muster. We know bad things are coming; we take refuge in a desperate desire that the future will be less bad than we imagine. We steel ourselves."
Takeover by Rogue Secessionists From Within — Fortress America Nibbled to Death by Ruthless Ducks
"Setting internal explosives amped by oligarchic betrayals, MAGA doesn’t need open violence to enforce its anti-democratic coup d'etat
Not every defiant U.S. secession comes with cannon shots targeting the Union, echoing the unprovoked attack on Ft. Sumter. History speaks to open, violent secession, but far more common: betrayal from within. At least the elitist, anti-democratic Confederacy served up to the Union a visible rebellion spouting states' rights’ excesses the North could not abide. The scorching of the Old South then triggered a serial, historic array of human, citizen, and voting advances true to the best of America, fortified (until now) by Constitutional amendments. That could happen again, with a potent response to the inevitable Trumpist glut of excesses."
Welcome To Wonkette's NO-NAUG MONDAY Dance Party!
"Hello hello! Today is going to be a good day FOR US because we ain’t watching that shit! Instead, we’re celebrating the real holiday, Martin Luther King Day, with a dance party consisting of a playlist I made (I made a playlist!) of every Black artist I love plus the Bee Gees and Dr. John, who can pass. At 3 p.m., your friend Ziggywiggy will have a matinee movie showing of Selma. Moral arc of the universe, etc., etc. We can hope. Maybe some day.
We’re gearing up for a hard four years. We’ll need dancing and music and days off from the fuckstorm. Please don’t comment about the inauguration if you’re silly or a glutton enough to be watching it. This is a naug-free zone."
Trump Just Inherited Sole Authority to Launch Nuclear Weapons on a Whim
"The global security landscape has changed dramatically since Donald Trump’s first term, but one thing that remains constant is U.S. presidential authority to use nuclear weapons. From the moment he takes the oath of office until the moment his successor assumes the presidency, Trump has the authority and the means to order a nuclear attack at any moment and for any reason if he chooses to do so."
Trump Makes Frightening Far Right Promises in Inauguration Speech
"Donald Trump has officially been sworn in as the 47th president of the United States.
The quadrennial ceremony was moved inside due to cold weather, held in the rotunda of the U.S. Capitol building — the very place where, four years earlier, hundreds of Trump loyalists violently disrupted the certification of the 2020 election after Trump lost the race to Joe Biden, an event that led to hundreds of participants being charged and convicted."
A convicted and sentenced criminal is now the leader of our country? Shame and disgrace has been created by America.
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