Get In The Groove

News from the sector formerly known as Trumplandia, now the exiled Alt-Reich — The extreme corner of the Land of the Happy Negro

"It is now life and not art that requires the willing suspension of disbelief." — Lionel Trilling

This site may contain profanity. It also may contain ranting, strong opinions, misspellings, humor, and music references. If that bothers you, look away now.





Land of the Happy Negro

When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it—always.”
—Mahatma Gandhi

Forgiving those who show no remorse is injustice. There will be no meeting Nazis halfway in the name of "unity."

When I press alt-right on the keyboard my screen goes white.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." — Edmund Burke

“We don’t take an oath to a king, or queen, or a tyrant or a dictator. And we don’t take an oath to a wannabe dictator… we take an oath to the Constitution… and we’re willing to die to protect it.”
— Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Mark Milley, at his retirement ceremony.

A Manifesto

Making America Great Again
"Making America Great Again."
Back in 2005 Lost Country recorded a song that was issued on their CD Long Gone Thrill. It was a song written by Jeff Gutcheon that was originally titled Land of the Happy Negro, subtitled Battle Hymn of the Republicans. We thought that no one would “get it.” It would be misunderstood; it might be construed as racist on our part. Of course, it was far from that. We changed the title and some of the lyrics. But today I realize that Jeff was on the money and that now everyone should recognize that he was. The teahadists, around 2011, demanded that the school textbooks in Tennessee overlook certain facts and look at the “sunny side of slavery.” So, now these “Ministry of Truth” protectors can take their proper context with the song that had them pegged from our earlier years when we tried to be kind. Now, we know they are not kind people. Now, you can hear the original track—unedited, unoverdubbed, with the original lyrics sung as a pilot vocal so we could work on the track that later became the issued recording of a kinder version, Land of the Happy People.

Land of the Happy Negro — copyright Jeff Gutcheon, 2005.

Randy Newman is in on this issue as well with an offering for you titled I'm Dreaming.
Get it while you can.

Dedicated to the Republican Teahadistas in the Senate and the House. How they long to return to the past.

For more on the Teahadistas: Americans Against The Tea Party

P.S. : It was rewarding to see The Daily Show using the title Battle Hymn of the Republicans for one of their segments. Great minds think alike. Except the greatest think of them first.

On page 97 in Jill Lepore’s book The Whites of their Eyes (2010, Princeton University Press) she states, “There was though, something heartbreaking in all this. Behind the Tea Party’s Revolution lay nostalgia for an imagined time—the 1950s, maybe, or the 1940s—less riven by strife, less troubled by race. In that nostalgia was the remembrance of childhood, a yearning for a common past, bulwark against a divided present, comfort against an uncertain future....”

As if anyone needed more proof of this retro-lunacy just look at our latest "sunny slaver" Cliven Bundy and his quotes on "happy negros." I quote Maureen Dowd in her Times column Sunday, April 27, 2014: "It’s a measure of how hallucinogenic conservatives are that they are trying to re-litigate slavery during the second term of the first African-American president." Jeff’s song could very aptly be subtitled Battle Hymn of Cliven Bundy.

Need more? Take a look at an Esquire article written by Charles P. Pierce dated April 25, 2014, Mike Pence Joins A Bad Parade.

"In downtown Indianapolis, there's this massive monument to the people from Indiana who have died in our various wars, particularly the nearly 25,000 Hoosiers who died in the War of Southern Sedition. I mention this only to point out that the National Rifle Association is meeting in Indianapolis at the moment, and Indiana Governor Mike Pence made them welcome by edging right up to being on the wrong side of the dispute that cost so many Hoosiers their lives. This, of course, is the on-ramp to the expressway to Bundyville, although Pence would be horrified if you pointed that out to him."

Governor Pence:    "Washington is not only broke, it’s broken. The cure for what ails this country will come more from our state capitals than it ever will from our national capital. Despite what some may think in Washington, our state governments are not territorial outposts of the national government. The states are the wellspring of the American experiment. It will not be enough to cut federal spending; the next generation of leaders must permanently reduce the size and scope of the federal government by returning to the states the rights, resources, and responsibilities that are rightfully theirs!"

"This view of things was litigated at the Constitutional Convention. It failed. It was litigated over the tariff. It failed. It was litigated at Cemetery Ridge. It failed. It was litigated prior to the passage of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution. It failed. It was litigated at Central High in Little Rock. It failed. It was litigated on the campus at Ole Miss in 1962. It failed. It was litigated at the Edmund Pettus Bridge. It failed. It is the connective tissue that binds modern conservativism inextricably to the remnants of American apartheid because this view of the nature of the nation always was the expression of threat that the slaveholder felt about his way of life. It camouflaged itself in a number of ways involving a number of different issues, but always it was about the fear that, sooner or later, the federal government was going to come and take away the chattel from which you derived your personal economy, and so even what might be beneficial to the nation as a whole must be resisted on the pretext of sovereign states...."

Not enough yet? Here you go. Dated July 21, 2014.
Top Anti-Immigrant ‘Expert’ Says ‘Being Hung, Drawn And Quartered’ Is ‘Too Good’ For Obama.
A senior policy analyst for the Center for Immigration Studies, which bills itself as the think tank of the anti-immigrant Right, told a Florida-based Tea Party group last week that President Obama not only deserves impeachment, but that “being hung, drawn and quartered is probably too good for him.” The Center for New Community’s Imagine 2050 blog first reported on Stephen Steinlight’s remarks. Steinlight also said that John Boehner’s lawsuit against the president is a ‘political loser’ and claimed that while Obama deserves to be impeached, such an effort would backfire on Republicans.

CIS describes Steinlight as “one of the nation’s most insightful voices on immigration” who provides “expert testimony” for government panels.

"A rash of opinion polls which have come out, not push polls, real polls, including one by Gallup that showed that 65 percent of the American people don’t want any part of an Obama-style immigration reform. But the idea of this [lawsuit] is vintage Boehner, it’s a political loser. There is no court that is going to stop Obama from doing anything. We all know, if there ever was a president that deserved to be impeached, it’s this guy. Alright? I mean, I wouldn’t stop. I would think being hung, drawn, and quartered is probably too good for him."

While it’s my opinion this would be “cruel and unusual punishment” I’m sure it’s merely a figure of speech the gentleman is using and doesn't seriously want lynching to return. But on the other hand, we could just ‘Blame It On Obama” as Andre Williams says.

Not enough for rational human beings? Ok:
A while back Mr. Cruz stated: “I think the reason so many Americans are upset about the Obama presidency is that they realize this wasn’t possible before, and they wanted his presidency to be bigger than it is, you know, to do bigger things. And then you have others that appreciate history. If the slaves were never freed in the Civil War, you have to wonder, where would Obama be today? Certainly not the White House, not in the capacity he’s in. And you have some in America that think that might not be a bad thing. That he not be in office, I mean.”

Another Happy Negro kind of guy! Ya gotta love the pursed eyebrow schtick!
Ted Cruz displays his acting skills.

Ah, but it goes on:
Ann Coulter is up front with her racism when in response to Michelle Obama’s commencement speech at Tuskegee University, May 2015, proudly stated on Sean Hannity’s show — "I think she’s just letting out her Reverend Wright now.” The pundit proceeded to denounce the "predator class” in the black community and deny the existence of "peaceful protesters” in Baltimore...."Oh my gosh, this nonsense about, oh, so many blacks are in prison, well how did they get there?” Coulter asked later. "In addition to the peaceful Baltimore protester I want to put on a milk carton, — have you seen this? — I want to see the innocent person in prison.”
(Note: While people of color make up about 30 percent of the United States' population, they account for 60 percent of those imprisoned. The prison population grew by 700 percent from 1970 to 2005, a rate that is outpacing crime and population rates. March 13, 2012.)
Glenn Beck stated in response to the same speech she gave with "White people in droves went out to vote for you,” he said. "You were somehow invisible so much that you became the President and First Lady of the United States of America? Tell me about the troubles that you have seen!.” Beck then argued that conservatives and Christians were the real victims of bigotry: "The conservatives have never felt it! The jobs we are suddenly bypassed for because we’re conservative, because of our viewpoint. The religious that are mocked on a daily basis and belittled. Yeah, we’ve never felt that. We don’t know what it’s like.”

An excellent playing of the "Victim Card” the Republicans do over and over as well.
76% of Americans consider themselves "Christian” yet the Republicans consider them victims?

“Yes, the long war on Christianity. I pray that one day we may live in an America where Christians can worship freely! In broad daylight! Openly wearing the symbols of their religion... perhaps around their necks? And maybe – dare I dream it? – maybe one day there can be an openly Christian President. Or, perhaps, 43 of them. Consecutively.”—Jon Stewart

Maybe Ann and Glen should read the article in the Times Magazine from Sunday, May 10, 2015, "Our Demand Is Simple: Stop Killing Us.”. Would (did) they miss the killing part or are they really that clueless?

And continues:
In the June 19, 2015 article titled Why Conservatives Still Won't Admit That Charleston Was A Racist Crime,” Aurin Squire makes several points on the sad excuses that Republicans used on the murders by Dylann Roof in Charleston, South Carolina. “Given the history of the South, along the rise of both active shooters and gun access, we can't call what happened Wednesday night a ‘senseless tragedy.’ In fact, the Charleston church shooting is full of savage sense. Thanks to complicity at best, and outright racist at worst, the ‘inconceivable’ is still feasible. The fear tactics that were once localized in the dark backwoods of our political landscape now reach every phone and laptop. Today, xenophobia and bigotry are the daily platforms from which many conservatives speak to their shrinking base. The Charleston shooting is not a random act of violence, but part of a long litany of history culminating in a painful present.”

From Mr. Roof’s Manifesto (as originally stated on Tumblr) :
Mr. Roof’s Tumblr had contained photos that matched his Facebook page, but both were taken down after the killings.
The essay uses defamatory terms for blacks, whom he accused of being “stupid and violent” with “the capacity to be very slick.” It laments white flight, and suggested that the whites should instead stay behind in cities and fight.
Criticisms are levied at Hispanics and Jews, but Asians are praised for being racists and potential allies. Whites are unfairly portrayed as all having been slave owners, the essay says. In reality, the author wrote, slavery was not that bad.
(Note: Charleston, SC is racially two-thirds white, up from 1980 when it was 50%)

And, on the Stars and Bars (their “Battle Flag” and not the first Confederate “national flag”) front (didn’t the Confederacy lose the war? Guess they never got over it and are still pissed).
Outrage vs. Tradition, Wrapped in a High-Flying Flag of Dixie
Supporters of the Confederate battle flag display signaled Friday that their position had not changed. In a commentary on Friday, Michael Hill, the president of the League of the South, which the Southern Poverty Law Center has listed as a hate group, said that the Confederate battle flag should remain at the State House but that the American flag should be removed.

The American flag, Mr. Hill wrote, “now stands for multiculturalism, tolerance and diversity — the left’s unholy trinity.” In “sharp contrast,” he wrote, the Confederate battle flag “stands for the heroic effort our people made 150 years ago to avoid the fate” of contemporary America.

In the same article, Senator Lindsey Graham (a Republican candidate for President of the United States) told CNN that he would support a move to “revisit” the flag’s status, but he added that the flag was part of the state’s identity.
(Identity? Guess he means Land of the Happy Negro.)

Seditious Oklahoma asshats are grabbing their share of “The Land of the Happy Negro.” “President Obama greeted by Confederate flags in Oklahoma” show these people are too ignorant to know what racism is. Only 80 of these asshats showed up but they still display their ignorance very well. Or was it only 10? Another link to the story is here. The asshat that drove up from Texas is talking to himself I suppose.

Then we have the good ol’ boys from the remnants of the KKK demanding their share of “The Land of the Happy Negro.” at the Statehouse in South Carolina. These fascists crawled out of the sewers to parade their little battle flags on Saturday, July 18, 2015. Oh, sorry, they weren’t protesting the uppity negroes, they were protesting the uppity immigrants. Old, sad, diminished, disgruntled white men and some younger skin heads were, indeed, demanding their share of the sweet sunny heritage (white supremacy) of the Confederacy. Ooops! Is that a swastika on that black T-shirt? Such class.

Book About George Washington’s ‘Happy’ Slaves Shelved - Yet another wistful yearner for the Land of the Happy Negro!

Don't overlook Land of the Happy Negro's Corey Stewart’s Confederate antics. LaCivita said. "Let the idiot be the idiot." Always the best strategy.

Virginia Lawmakers Pass Bill Allowing Confederate Monument Removals
Land of the Happy Negro stronghold joins 21st Century.

Donald Trump openly joined “The Land of the Happy Negro” on August 15, 2017. He confirmed that he is a white supremacist supporter. He wants to blame resistance to it. You cannot serve Nazis and liberty at the same time. His attempts at being the leader of the free world have failed miserably. The events in Charlottesville have unmasked him forever as the bigoted demagogue he is. “The Land of the Happy Negro” has, in a not-so-subtle way, declared war on the United States. We should acknowledge this war exists, the enemy is among us, and fight it with all the heart and soul of those who fought and died stamping out this very same fascism in World War II. That is now our task as we have a president that is so mindless and tyrannical that he doesn't know the difference between Thomas Jefferson and Robert E. Lee. That same civil war is upon us once again. Lest our nation collapse, let us not fail to settle it once and for all this time.

Worse Than Treason
No amount of rationalizing can change the fact that the majority of the Republican Party is advocating for the overthrow of an American election.

American Amnesia  
Russian Roulette
Exceptional America

Southern Poverty Law Center

Affordable College - College Degrees for Social Justice

The Second Coming of the KKK

Dark Money

An Extraordinary Time

The Road to UnfreedomFascism: A WarningTailspinThe Plot to Destroy Democracy
Everything Trump Touches DiesFear: Trump in the White HouseHouse of Trump House of PutinUnhinged
The Fifth RiskThe Corrosion of ConservatismEnemy of the PeopleThe Age of Surveillance Capitalism
American CarnageRule and RuinThe SecondA Warning
A Very Stable Genius: Donald J. Trump's Testing of AmericaWhy Are They Back?Power WorshippersCrowds and Power
Black Lives MatterRageCompromised: Counterintelligence and the Threat of Donald J. TrumpDisloyal
Authoritarian NightmareHoaxAll a LieUseful Idiot
Lying in StateRiggedHow Fascism WorksThe Anatomy of Fascism
Traitor: A History of American Betrayal from Benedict Arnold to Donald TrumpRichard Hofstadter: Anti-Intellectualism in American LifeStrongmen: Mussolini to the PresentReconsidering Reagan
The Sum of UsMission EconomyNightmare ScenarioPreventable
Forget the Alamo: The Rise and Fall of an American MythHatchet Man: How Bill Barr Broke the Prosecutor's Code and Corrupted the Justice DepartmentIt Can Happen HereI Alone Can Fix It
PerilBetrayalHere, Right MattersLessons From the Edge
A Sacred Oath: Memoirs of a Secretary of Defense During Extraordinary TimesUnthinkableMidnight in WashingtonThe Storm Is Here
The Big Truth: Upholding Democracy in the Age of “The Big Lie”The Big LieThe DividerThe Destructionists
Confidence ManAmerican PsychosisHolding the LineServants of the Damned
UncheckedMSW OnlineWeapons of Mass DelusionThe Trump Tapes
It's OK to be Angry About CapitalismPoverty, by AmericaThe Shadow DocketPrequel
A Fever in the HeartlandBlowbackEnough Enough
A ReckoningTrump IndictmentsOath and HonorSapiens: A Brief History of Humankind
Dying of WhitenessWhite Rural RageTyranny of the MinorityThe Wannabe Fascists

Not Voting For Joe Biden Isn’t Penalizing Joe Biden

For those who have no idea what World War II has to do with anything:

The Chaplain's Speech to the troops in the 1949 WWII film Battleground

"Now it’s nearly Christmas, and here we are in beautiful Bastogne enjoying the winter sports. And the $64 dollar question is: ‘Was this trip necessary?’ I’ll try to answer that, but my sermons, like everything else in the Army, depend on the situation and the terrain. So I assure you this is gonna be a quickie! ‘Was this trip necessary?’ Well, let’s look at the facts. Nobody wanted this war but the Nazis. A great many people tried to deal with them, and a lot of ’em are dead. Millions have died for no other reason except that the Nazis wanted ’em dead. So, in the final showdown, there was nothing left to do except fight. There’s a great lesson in this. And those of us who’ve learned it the hard way aren’t gonna forget it. We must never again let any force dedicated to a super-race, or a super-idea, or super-anything become strong enough to impose itself upon a free world. We must be smart enough and tough enough in the beginning to put out the fire before it starts spreading. My answer to the $64 dollar question is, yes. This trip was necessary. As the years go by, a lot of people are gonna forget, but you won’t. And don’t ever let anybody tell you you were a sucker to fight in the war against fascism. And now, Jerry permitting, let us pray. Let us pray for this fog to lift. Almighty God. The organist is hitting those bass notes a little too loud for me to be heard. So let us each pray in his own way, to his own God."

As Gregg Popovich declared, "We are Rome."

From "The Holocaust Explained": Between 1929 and 1932, support for the Communist and Nazi parties increased. The less extreme parties were blamed for causing Germany's problems. As these parties had been unable to work together to solve country's problems, people became more afraid that the Communists may take over. The moderate parties turned to the Nazis to keep the Communists out.

President Obama said, "We are not Democrats first, we are not Republicans first, we are Americans."
Mr. President, from your first day they never gave you that courtesy so they will not get it from me.
We oppose everything
"EVERYTHING that goes wrong, from here on out, is owned by Trump and the Republicans."

When you have elected representatives stating that Trump is unqualified, bad for the country, ignorant of the issues, and other harsh criticisms also stating that they will back him as the Republican nominee, you have clear evidence of the rot that permeates the party. They are as corrupt and power-mad as their putative candidate. They—McCain, Ryan, McConnell and the rest of the toadies—demonstrate their hypocrisy and the fact that they put party power over the good of the nation.

D.L. Hughley put it in clear words, voting for Trump means "voting for a racist over a liberal." That is it, succinctly put. If you voted for Trump you have made a statement for racism, hatred, intolerance, bigotry, falsity, xenophobia, gynophobia, scapegoating and fraud. Refusal to vote for HRC does not absolve you from participation, because no vote as well as a third party vote is a vote for Trump in effect.

Let me get this straight. The "angry" American people want government out of their lives. Yet, they blame the government for forgetting about them for all the jobs that the middle-class has lost over the years. Huh? Their solution is to elect a fascist to office of POTUS. In this exchange you get a dictatorship. This has historically worked out well for how many countries? And the left get criticized for calling these people idiots? Many of these people vote against their best interest every time. What else can you call them when it is the truth?

End the Electoral College

National Popular Vote Interstate Compact
Why the hell should Florida, Ohio and a few other swing states rule our election process? We have not been 13 colonies for some time now.

I am not mad at you that Clinton lost. I am unconcerned that we have different politics. And I don't think less of you because you vote one way and I vote another.

No... I think less of you because you watched an adult mock a disabled person in front of a crowd and still supported him. I think less of you because you saw a man spouting clear racism and backed him. I think less of you because you listened to him advocate for war crimes, and still thought he should run this country. I think less of you because you watched him equate a woman's worth to her appearance and got on board.

It isn't your politics that I find repulsive. It is your personal willingness to support racism, sexism, and cruelty. You sided with a bully when it mattered and that is something I will never forget.

So, no... you and I won't be "coming together" to move forward or whatever. Trump disgusts me, but it is the fact that he doesn't disgust you that will stick with me long after this election.

—Sparrow R. Jones

You watched Trump live his entire life as a millionaire or billionaire and never earn an honest nickle in his life; you watched the man send ALL of his manufacturing overseas; you watched him rail against the auto industry bail out; you watched him hire illegal immigrants for his businesses and for his homes here in America; you watched him scam and bankrupt countless family owned businesses by not paying his bills; you watched him declare bankruptcy countless times and walk away with hundreds of millions of dollars; you then watched him not pay one dime of taxes on that ill gotten gain and brag about it to the middle class who had to pick up his slack on their taxes and you STILL thought that Donald Trump understands you and the working class and that he and he alone could "save our economy" and bring jobs back to "Murka".

And since you also believe that Bush left us with a strong and sound economy that Obama destroyed, I dislike you because you are a willful idiot.


Gaslighting: Know It and Identify It to Protect Yourself

Gaslighting is a manipulation tactic used to gain power. And it works too well.

"You have attracted people who are determined that ideology is more important than facts." — Ted Koppel to Sean Hannity 3/26/2017

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” — Upton Sinclair

(Why do certain people vote against their best interest?):
"The masses revolt of their own accord, and they never revolt merely because they are oppressed. Indeed, so long as they are not permitted to have standards of comparison, they never even become aware that they are oppressed." — George Orwell, 1984

"We're closer to a nuclear war than we've been in 55 years because "someone" wanted to jail a woman for using email." — LOLGOP

"Fuck Trump.
Fuck his faux concern.
Fuck his half-assed apologies.
And fuck every POS who voted for this degenerate to lead our county."
—Caroline O. (@RVAwonk) tweeted at 5:52 PM on Sat, Aug 12, 2017

"Nazis are murdering people, farmers are going broke and the arctic is fucking melting. Maybe next time let's not hand the world's most difficult job to a toxic moron lost and wandering in a haze of dementia and untreated tertiary syphilis who can't even spell his own fucking name."
—Jeff Tiedrich@itsJeffTiedrich
Tweeted on Tue., Aug 6, 2019

"White people have nearly completely gone mad. Think about it. The people of VA voted for a republican candidate who's only platform is that he would save them from CRT and or the teaching of American History. CRT is a university level curriculum and is not taught on grade school levels. American history is impossible to teach without discussing slavery, the massacre and land theft of the first Nations. Since slavery starts with the country's formation, how do you teach American history without it? Do you start at the civil war? How do you explain why Americans were killing each other over "state's rights"? Rights to do what? Ok, maybe we teach the bible. But the setting of the Bible is in Africa and the middle east and slavery is discussed all through it. See what I mean. The battle against truth is the path to self termination on a macro scale."
— Real Truth stings 11/3/2021,

We Don't Need This Fascist Groove Thang

Vicente Fox for U. S. President!

Follow Gollum J. Trump! He know all the Best Words!

"Morality is doing right, no matter what you are told. Religion is doing what you are told, no matter what is right."
—H. L. Menken (1880 - 1956)

Directed to the asshats (and their species) who wear the "Makes A Great Asshat" at public places:
Scholar Matt Sears: Someday MAGA hats will be shameful secrets, like Klan robes (and swastikas)
Scholar and Washington Post columnist says those who wear MAGA hats are "morally accountable" for Trump's actions

Red Hat of the Red Death
"And Darkness and Decay and the Red Death held illimitable dominion over all."
"In October, 25 out of every 100,000 residents of heavily Trump counties died from Covid, more than three times higher than the rate in heavily Biden counties (7.8 per 100,000). October was the fifth consecutive month that the percentage gap between the death rates in Trump counties and Biden counties widened." — NYT article by David Leonhardt
The Covid cull is doing as it is allowed to do.

“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.”
—Ronald Wright, A Short History of Progress

"It's odd. The same people who declare that wearing a mask is a 'personal choice,' are the SAME people who want to take away a woman's right to choose."
—E. Jean Carroll (@ejeancarroll)

Captain Beatty’s Speech
(For the 21st century book burners who think they make some sort of statement.)

"With school turning out more runners, jumpers, racers, tinkerers, grabbers, snatchers, fliers, and swimmers instead of examiners, critics, knowers, and imaginative creators, the word `intellectual,' of course, became the swear word it deserved to be. You always dread the unfamiliar. Surely you remember the boy in your own school class who was exceptionally 'bright,' did most of the reciting and answering while the others sat like so many leaden idols, hating him. And wasn't it this bright boy you selected for beatings and tortures after hours? Of course it was. We must all be alike. Not everyone born free and equal, as the Constitution says, but everyone made equal. Each man the image of every other; then all are happy, for there are no mountains to make them cower, to judge themselves against.

So! A book is a loaded gun in the house next door. Burn it. Take the shot from the weapon. Breach man's mind. Who knows who might be the target of the well-read man? Me? I won't stomach them for a minute...

You must understand that our civilization is so vast that we can't have our minorities upset and stirred. Ask yourself, What do we want in this country, above all? People want to be happy, isn't that right? Haven't you heard it all your life? I want to be happy, people say. Well, aren't they? Don't we keep them moving, don't we give them fun? That's all we live for, isn't it? For pleasure, for titillation? And you must admit our culture provides plenty of these ...

Coloured people don't like Little Black Sambo. Burn it. White people don't feel good about Uncle Tom's Cabin. Burn it. Someone's written a book on tobacco and cancer of the lungs? The cigarette people are weeping? Burn the book. Serenity, Montag. Peace, Montag. Take your fight outside. Better yet, into the incinerator. Funerals are unhappy and pagan? Eliminate them, too. Five minutes after a person is dead he's on his way to the Big Flue, the Incinerators serviced by helicopters all over the country. Ten minutes after death a man's a speck of black dust. Let's not quibble over individuals with memoriams. Forget them. Burn them all, burn everything. Fire is bright and fire is clean ...

Luckily, queer ones like her don't happen, often. We know how to nip most of them in the bud, early. You can't build a house without nails and wood. If you don't want a house built, hide the nails and wood. If you don't want a man unhappy politically, don't give him two sides to a question to worry him; give him one. Better yet, give him none. Let him forget there is such a thing as war. If the Government is inefficient, top-heavy, and tax-mad, better it be all those than that people worry over it...

Give the people contests they win by remembering the words to more popular songs or the names of state capitals or how much corn Iowa grew last year. Cram them full of non-combustible data, chock them so damned full of 'facts' they feel stuffed, but absolutely `brilliant' with information. Then they'll feel they're thinking, they'll get a sense of motion without moving. And they'll be happy, because facts of that sort don't change. Don't give them any slippery stuff like philosophy or sociology to tie things up with. That way lies melancholy. Any man who can take a TV wall apart and put it back together again, and most men can nowadays, is happier than any man who tries to slide-rule, measure, and equate the universe, which just won't be measured or equated without making man feel bestial and lonely. I know, I've tried it; to hell with it. So bring on your clubs and parties, your acrobats and magicians, your dare-devils, jet cars, motor-cycle helicopters, your sex and heroin, more of everything to do with automatic reflex. If the drama is bad, if the film says nothing, if the play is hollow, sting me with the theremin, loudly. I'll think I'm responding to the play, when it's only a tactile reaction to vibration. But I don't care. I just like solid entertainment."
Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury, 1953

The Future is Here


A State-by-State Guide to Mail-in Voting and Changing Your Voter Registration Address

A Princeton sociologist spent 8 years asking rural Americans why they’re so pissed off

It's a conspiracy theory that they believe. What else?

Refuse Fascism

Top Ten Immigration Myths and Facts

Covid Worldometer Fox
Trump TV. American Fascism Caught in the Act!!


The 14 Defining Characteristics Of Fascism

John Pavlovitz Blog

Records Show Where Trump Plans to Build Texas Border Wall

Trump fascism will destroy south Texas and begin the destruction of the U.S..

Amend the 13th Amendment.
End Institutionalized Slavery in Amerika.

Ready, Set, Vote: A College Student’s Guide to First- Time Voting
& First Time Voters

A Beginners Guide to Election Rights, Rules and Regulations

Social Work Degrees

Online MSW Degree Guide

Calling Bullshit

A course most Americans should take.

The Ongoing History of Musicians Saying ‘Hell No’ to Donald Trump Using Their Songs

Endnote 2: White Fascism

Field Negro Blogspot

The Gods that the "Christian" God displaced in America.

"God ordained our great nation"? Upon reading a remark that was stated on Face Book that "America was ordained by God." I couldn't help but wonder which 'God' as there are so many. Of course, I knew to which "God" this person was referring. But the case of this country being ordained by "God" is a case that is wide open as you can see for yourself. The statement itself is not based on Biblical history as this is unprovable by actual historical events. It is, more likely, based on "educators" such as Rush Limbaugh or his like. Biblical history that is taught by accredited institutions will not dabble in "miracles" or claims which have no evidence.

The Discovery

In 1492 the natives discovered they were indians,
they discovered they lived in America,
they discovered they were naked,
they discovered there was sin,
they discovered they owed obedience to a king and queen
from another world and a god from some other heaven,
and this God had invented guilt and clothing,
and had ordered burned alive all who worshipped the sun and
the moon the earth and the rain that moistens it.

—Eduardo Galeano, from Children of the Days: A Calendar of Human History, 2013

“Slavery was never abolished, it was only extended to include all the colors.” — Charles Bukowski

Forgiving those who show no remorse is injustice. There will be no meeting Nazis halfway in the name of "unity."

"We are in the beginning of a mass extinction, and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. How dare you!" — Greta Thunberg

"Maybe it's time for women to go on strike and stop having sex with men until this is straightened out. There are many other ways of enjoying your body, women, than sex with men. Who is willing to take the chance of getting pregnant and having a daughter to be abused by self-professed owners and handlers of her body? " — Luisa

"Atheisim is to religion as sobriety is to drunkeness" — unknown

"Faith is like fire. It can cook your dinner or it can burn down your home." — unknown

On September 17th, FBI director Christopher Wray testified in front of the House Committee on Homeland Security. At that time, he stated that the biggest domestic terror threat the U.S. currently faces is from white supremacists. During his testimony, Wray never once mentioned Antifa or Black Lives Matter. Why? Because unlike the ignorant of this world, Wray knows the difference between hard facts and partisan propaganda.
Granted, the director of the FBI isn't nearly as credible a source as Tucker Carlson or Sean Hannity. Just ask any plumbing-supply salesman. Presenting certain people with facts is like giving medicine to a corpse.

During a recent pro-Trump demonstration in Washington, D.C., four members of the so-called "Proud Boys" ganged up on a Black man, who defended himself by pulling out a knife and stabbing his attackers. The right-wing media ran with the story, claiming this was a prime example of how Black Lives Matter is a violent terrorist network. Never mind that the man in question never claimed to support, much less belong to, BLM. Never mind also that conservatives claim to fully support the right to defend yourself. Clearly, they only extend that right to their brother and sister fascists.

Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies

Godwin's Law is fellacious. It is said to end all discussions when Hitler arrives. It denies Hitler as having any valid reality—it's just too simple to use, is what it implies. You only have to look at Hitler's atrocities to understand his reality. The idea that there could not be anything comparible or greater to Hitler is what I call "The Great Denial." We all know that is a river in Egypt. If you swim in it, you just get all wet.
I hereby invoke "The Law of Law." Nothing can be denied that is real. Reality isn't what you make of it. It is what reality makes of it and you.
I will now use the "Atilla the Hun" analogy and see if some egghead will declare that a law. As I have been told so many times by right-wingers, "I'm a little to the right of Atilla the Hun." So much for theories. "What is reality?" Let that be the wall.

Trump's drive to the Hamptons is over and there is no house there (Seinfeld fans will understand). It cost us a lot of money. It took a lot of time. But the son of a bitch is a walking dead man now. Many, many of us knew how this would end—not pretty—and it has not been. But this is the bitter end of the con man, the flim flam man, the megalomaniac that is Donald J. Trump. What happens to him next will be interesting to see. He cannot go without serious punishment. He must pay and pay dearly for his insurrection.

"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge." — Isaac Asimov

‘This was intentional’: AOC blasts Republicans on IVF ruling

"But I want to be very clear that this was intentional and that this is exactly what Republicans have been going for. We've seen it. You have the Heritage Foundation, you have lots of folks who are on record saying, you know, not only do they want to go after abortion, not only do they want to go after reproductive freedom, they're going after IVF. They're going after contraception. And we have the mifepristone ruling that is coming down from the Supreme Court, and Clarence Thomas, enriching himself from the same folks who are saying that they are trying to control women's bodies quite explicitly.
And going beyond that, they also want to control recreation--what they call recreational sex. This is so clearly a patriarchal theocracy that has embodied itself in the DNA of an entire political party in the United States of America. And as women, and as any nonbinary and queer person in this country—they must be defeated. There should never be room for this kind of control by force over another person's body in this country.
And they can walk it back as much as they want. They have done this. Who put those judges there? Not Democrats, not independents. Republicans put those judges in there. Republicans are taking women's bodies by force and we cannot let them do it. It has to come to an end."
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Reading the numbers: 130 million American adults have low literacy skills,
but funding differs drastically by state

Shocking Online Manifesto Reveals Project 2025’s Link to a Coordinated ‘Christian Nationalism Project’

The Glorious Cause of America

Listen to or read who we are, America.
Remember, Trump doesn't like this sort of soldiering
This is required reading for a Nation in distress.

Music of the Resistance


Going Down to Sing in Texas - Iris DeMent (Official Lyric Video)

All You Fascists Bound To Lose - Resistance Revival Chorus with Rhiannon Giddens

The Revolution Starts Now - Steve Earle

Trump Can't Have That - Greg Brown

Sand in the Gears - Frank Turner

Pussy Grabbin' Man - Men of Extinction

FDT (Fuck Donald Trump) - YG & Nipsey Hussle

No TRUMP! No KKK! No FASCIST USA!! - Green Day

Troubled Times - Green Day

Erupt & Matter - Moby & The Void Pacific Choir

Not Gonna Say Your Name - ENTRANCE

We The People - A Tribe Called Quest

Where's The Revolution - Depeche Mode

Interesting Drug - OK Go

Million Dollar Loan - Death Cab For Cutie

Viva Presidente Trump - Brujeria

Impeachable - Noel Paul Stookey

Can't You Tell? - Aimee Mann

Tin Foil Hat - Todd Rundgren/Donald Fagen

In This Cold Place - Moby & The Void Pacific Choir

Are You Lost In The World Like Me? - Moby & The Void Pacific Choir

Eminem Rips Fake Blonde Rat - Eminem

Tiny Hands - Women's March Chant (featuring Fiona Apple)

Land of the Free - JoeyBada$$

Locker Room Talk - Cold War Kids

Demagogue - Franz Ferdinand

Going To A Town - Lily Allen

If You Ever Got Impeached - A Randy Rainbow Song Parody

One Small Voice - Carole King

I Had a Dream - Louden Wainwright III

Impeach Trump Anthem - Haile Unlikely

Camp America - Vic Mensa

Russia Ties - Randy Rainbow

Cheeto Christ Stupid Csar - Randy Rainbow

There Stands the Tower - Men of Extinction

The Day Democracy Died - The Founding Fathers

No Rules for Donald - Randy Rainbow

American Idiot - Green Day

Wasteland - Iris Dement

Fuck These Fucking Fascists - The Muslims

In Your Path - War On Women

You Better Not Fuck in Texas - Jill Sobule

Rising Seas - Midnight Oil

Evolution's Not Fast Enough For Me - Men of Extinction

Found - Fucked Up

Donald In The John With Boxes- Randy Rainbow

Land of the Happy Negro Newsfeeds

Trump has aspired to and achieved the ultimate luxury – an existence unmolested by the rumbling of a soul.
Mark Singer, Trump and Me

“We don’t take an oath to a king, or queen, or a tyrant or a dictator. And we don’t take an oath to a wannabe dictator… we take an oath to the Constitution… and we’re willing to die to protect it.”
— Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Mark Milley, at his retirement ceremony.

Capitalist Pig Larry Kudlow Attacks Unions Because Of Course
Union now, Unions forever.

AWESOME: Pathetic JD Vance ABSOLUTELY Humiliates Himself AND Trump
Beavis and Butthead suggested him. What did you expect?

Barack and Michelle Obama endorse Kamala Harris for president
Tell Trump that Obama is no longer the president of the US and he is not who he is running against.

How Authoritarians Like Trump, Orbán, & Putin Take Down a Free Press
Trump is right now following a road blazed before him by multiple authoritarians and dictators who took over democracies in recent years.
"Stephanopoulos had asked Republican Representative Nancy Mace how she could continue to support Trump when he had been “found liable for rape.” Trump is claiming that question libeled him and asking for damages that could run into the tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars."
Saying sonething that is 100% truth can get you accused of libel? A total failure of law in America.
"Nonetheless, Judge Altonaga is letting Trump’s lawsuit against the reporter and news organization go forward. This is a very, very big deal that could signal the beginning of the end for a free and open press in America."
Elections have consequences, America.

Best Not to Mess With the "Crazy Cat Ladies," You Dumb Bastards
"Lots of writers I’ve admired and hoped to emulate were cat guys. Hemingway was one, and Twain another. Neither of them studied law, nor did either attend Harvard and Yale.
But as tough talk on the streets and in the honky tonks used to have it, if you're talkin' trash about the cat ladies, you're gettin' on the fightin' side of me.
I do hope none of that seemed rude or crude. If so, you'll have to excuse me. I've been living in Trump's America for about a decade now and classy it ain't."

House GOP Jets Off on Early Vacation Instead of Funding Government
Did anyone expect fascist traitors to do anything less?

“License To Steal”: Donald Trump’s History of Fraud Emerges as a New Threat With SCOTUS Decision
"Donald Trump is a fraud and a con artist. This isn't an opinion, but adjudicated fact, proved by a New York court that found Trump liable for nearly half a billion dollars for his decades of business fraud. Or another court, which accepted Trump's settlement of $25 million for years of defrauding customers of his fake "Trump University." Or the jury in Trump's criminal case, which convicted him on 34 felony charges for defrauding voters by paying hush money to an adult film actress."
"What can still be hard to wrap one's mind around, however, is how a man so shamelessly criminal, who openly treats his supporters like wallets to be picked, is the GOP nominee for the third presidential election in a row."
There are many members in the Trump Crime Syndicate. And they are all permitted to vote.

Trump Officially Pulls Out Of Deba-WK BAWK BAWK BAWK BAWK BAWK BAWK!
Ever the chicken shit.

Kim Davis Is BACK Y'all And She's Coming For Your Marriage And Maybe Your Sex!
Other people having sex and birth control violate her religious liberties too!
"Yes, it’s THAT lady again, the one the hair who’s been pitching one long legal fit since 2015, starting when she refused to sign marriage certificates for gay couples after Obergefell v. Hodges made same-sex marriage the law of the land, moaning that it would violate her right to religious expression to have her Godly Christian signature on such sinful paperwork."
"Nevertheless, Justice Clarence “RV” Thomas took the opportunity to write a whole unsolicited statement about how the victim here wasn’t nice couples in love trying to get married like they were legally allowed to do, but poor Kim Davis, because now everybody thinks she’s a bigot instead of decent, good, and honorable, and that makes her sad. How dare Obergefell have not considered the right of Christian moral scolds to butt into everybody’s private life and make scenes, the way God intended?"
Clarence, the Rat Fucker?

For Some Reason, CNN Only Now Saying Economic Recovery Is 'Historic'
"CNN noted the news with the very clickbaity headline “The US economy is pulling off something historic,” and aren’t you just itching to know more about the weird trick the economy is doing? If you’ve been following this stuff with the rapt but very casual attention that Yr Wonkette has been, you’d almost certainly be able to guess: The vaunted “soft landing” of the economy from the post-pandemic inflationary spiral of two years ago is just about complete. Unlike actual landings made by aeroplanes, we won’t know for sure whether it’s truly a soft landing for a few more months, while economists look at all the data, which would be a real headache for anyone working ground control at an airport. Sorry, please wait to taxi to the gate while we go over the numbers. (Haha, that is also a joke about the massive airline computer fuckup we got caught up in while trying to get home from the RNC!)"

NY DA: Covering Up Boning A Porn Star Not An Official Presidential Act, ACTUALLY
"The very day that Jonald T. Drump got his sparklemagic immunity for official presidential acts from the Supreme Court, July 1, his crying little shit of a lawyer Todd Blanche sent a letter to Justice Juan Merchan in New York to wah wah wah that the New York 34-election-fraud-felonies verdict should be set aside, because Trump did some of his coverup-scheming from the Oval Office, therefore the judge has gotta overturn the verdict, or at least gut the case like a fish and stuff it with old newspapers and then try it again, wah wah wah!"

House Democrat Proposes Amendment to Overturn SCOTUS Immunity Ruling
"The top Democrat of the Committee on House Administration on Wednesday proposed an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would reverse the Supreme Court’s recent decision to grant presidents “absolute immunity” from criminal prosecution for “official acts.”
Good luck with trying to stop the Nazi dictators.

US Corporations Pump Aquifers Dry as Police Kill Water Defenders in Rural Mexico
"On June 20, more than 200 angry farmers pulled their tractors into the highway outside the Carroll Farms feed plant in the Mexican town of Totalco, Veracruz, blocking traffic. Highway blockades are a traditional form of protest in Mexico. Every year, poor communities mount dozens, seeing them as their only way to get powerful elites to hear their demands."
We really are in a war with the new US "Gilded Age" Nazis attepting to take over our country.

Elena Kagan: Supreme Court Should Have Enforcement Mechanism for Ethics Rules
"On Thursday, Supreme Court Associate Justice Elena Kagan signaled support for the creation of an independent body to oversee the High Court’s ethics rules. Currently, the Court’s rules, which were established last year, are only enforced by the justices themselves."

Sanders Rebukes Billionaire Effort to Get Harris to Dump Antitrust Champion Khan
We've had just about enough from billionaires attempting to run our country. They are all as bad as Trumpers.

'Dystopia scary': Senator joins alarmed internet over apparent J.D. Vance leaked audio
Hillbilly hell!

'Under his skin': Trump busted for reason he's 'rage-tweeting at 2:00AM'
According to former Republican National Committee chair Michael Steele, Vice President Kamala Harris' campaign's rapid response efforts and their "flexibility" is driving Donald Trump nuts, which is leading to a frenzy of late-night Truth Social "rage-tweeting."
It's always a good show watching Michael Steele kick Trump's ass.

'Scared little punk': CNN panel slams 'big, strong man' Trump after he backs out of debate
"I would like him to say that to her face, right?" said an emphatic Mystal. "But he won't because he's a little punk! Right? And that's what you always have to remember about Donald Trump. He's a scared little punk."
Elie Mystal is one great American.

Trump is scrambling to find his religion again
When appeals to religion and “God” are added to Trump's desperation, the challenge to democracy is even greater
The swine.

Trump Screams: It Was So A “Bullet That Hit My Ear”
We will find out, Donnie. We will find out. Whiney bitch.

AL Youth Pastor Hit With More Child Rape Charges
You really have to say these "Pastors" are giving "Christians" a bad rap.

Dozens Of Cultists Get Cars Towed From Trump Rally
"While the drivers were inside the rally, tow trucks showed up and began hooking up vehicles. To get their cars back, people who parked at Dunkin’ have to pay hundreds of dollars to the towing company."
Typical intellect level of MAGAt dimwits.

Arson attacks paralyze French high-speed rail network hours before start of Olympics
Nazis, no doubt.

FBI Seeks To Interview Trump About Shooting Injury
As they should do.

Scaramucci: Trump May Dump Vance From Ticket
“He is not doing well on the stump for Donald Trump. He’s hurting him, the memes on social media are killing him, the net negatives are terrible for the vice president.
The vice president on the Trump campaign is supposed to get out of the way, and he has become an issue for Donald Trump."

Trump chickens out and refuses to debate Harris
On Thursday night, Trump made it official: He’s too afraid to debate Harris.
And the reason is the biggest pile of bullshit yet from the Trump Crime Syndicate.

KJP Left Peter Doocy Flatfooted Over Kamala Harris And The Border
Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre had the perfect response to Peter Doocy’s concern trolling about the border.
When will Doochy realize this is not the career path for him?
The Nazi Party lacks intellect and is plain stupid.

Vance VP - A Parody
Another Marsh Family from Kent, England parody adaptation, this time of "Dancing Queen" by ABBA. Enjoy!

'Got a lot harder': House Republicans privately fear JD Vance 'doesn’t add much' to Trump ticket
Can you believe it? They can see it like everyone else does.

"Bless Donald Trump’s heart, it may not have sunk into his rodent brain yet that Joe Biden is not running for re-election. Indeed, this might be the case for his entire team.
Last night, President Biden, who is the president, addressed the nation. President Biden is the president of the United States, which means he gets to live in the White House and work in the Oval Office. President Biden got to be the president because in 2020, millions more Americans voted for him to be president than voted for his opponent, because his opponent is the most hated, mocked man in human history.
And when he — the president — decides it’s appropriate that he address the nation, he might do it from his office, the Oval Office, so named because of its distinctive oval shape. (Can Trump draw an OVAL?)"

'Smug' J.D. Vance skewered for resurfaced speech about parents getting extra votes
"JD Vance's statement is inherently undemocratic," added X user Eva P. "Democracy is fundamentally about equal representation and the principle of 'one person, one vote.' Proposing that some citizens should have more influence than others go against the essence of a fair and equal democratic process."

Economy Grew At “Robust” 2.8% In Second Quarter
"The US economy grew at a faster than expected pace in the second quarter. The Bureau of Economic Analysis’s advance estimate of first quarter US gross domestic product (GDP) showed the economy grew at an annualized pace of 2.8% during the period, well above the 2% growth expected by economists."

Fox News Cuts Off Kamala's Speech Because Of Course They Did
"A roaring crowd of Wisconsin voters greeted Vice President Kamala Harris yesterday as she opened her public case against Donald Trump by declaring November’s election will be 'a choice between freedom and chaos.'"

Jailed clerk Kim Davis’ lawyers cite SCOTUS Dobbs ruling in push to overturn marriage equality
If any religion can challenge law and get it overturned then we become a theocracy. Fuck that shit. Religions do NOT govern us!

'Depths of depravity': Experts sound alarm about 'corruption' on grand scale if Trump wins
"The 2024 election, Harris and her supporters argue, is a choice between the United States continuing as a democratic republic under a Democratic administration in 2025 or sliding into authoritarianism under a second Trump presidency."

Jamie Raskin Pwned James Comer And Fox News In One Fell Swoop
If the public wants any shit from Comer they can scrape it off his teeth.

JD Vance is a huge drag on the GOP ticket—and it's only going to get worse
Kamala should jump on this like a frog on a June bug.

Nazi Gets Two Years For Antisemitic Death Threats
So two years of relief against the swine? That's it?

“Bear Spray” Capitol Rioter Sentenced To Three Years
The least they could do.

Megachurch Discloses Over $100M In Annual Tithes
The worship of Mammon.

New Voter Registrations Spike 700% Since Sunday
"In the two days since Biden dropped out, saw its highest levels of new voter registrations of the whole cycle: 38,500 people signed up, a 700 percent spike and higher even than when TAYLOR SWIFT made an Instagram post. Most were 34 and under."

RFK Jr. Wants to Send People on Antidepressants to Government “Wellness Farms"
He must go there first.

'Hitler had the same idea': Latest Trump accusations spur fury
"A disturbing new expose from Donald Trump's nephew Fred drew comparisons between the former president's views and Nazi Dictator Adolf Hitler's wave of mass murder."
"Time Magazine published Wednesday an excerpt from Fred Trump III's forthcoming book "All in the Family: The Trumps and How We Got This Way" that includes a strange White House conversation with his uncle, then U.S. president."
“Those people . . . ” Trump reportedly told his nephew. “The shape they’re in, all the expenses, maybe those kinds of people should just die.”
Fred Trump also recounted a call about his disabled son William's mounting medical bills during which he said Trump replied, "Maybe you should just let him die and move down to Florida.”
"Hitler had the same idea," wrote X user Ben Schaeffer. He shared an article about how the Nazi program of mass murdering physically and mentally disabled children began.
Schaeffer was not alone in drawing the comparison.
"I recall this being a popular opinion in 1930s-40s Germany," wrote Brian O'Malley.
"Adolph [sic] had the same idea," wrote Neil Kornfein. "Same diagnosis."

JD Vance's Audacious Attack: Demands Kamala Harris 'Show Gratitude' to White Male Power?
Vance is apparently offended that ungrateful American women like Kamala Harris demand not just birth control and abortion but also the right to divorce
We now understand from hin that he has a severe hearing disorder.

Some Loser MAGA Rep Impeaching Kamala Harris, Wanking Motion Dot Gif
"This one MAGA cumsock in Congress is going to impeach Vice President Kamala Harris, for reasons!
Cease all excitement and joy, ye Democrats, and recommence weeping! This dumb yokel from the seventh pigfuck holler in hell is standing athwart Kamala Harris’s historic candidacy and saying “Not on mah watch!”
For what is she being impeached? Uhhhhh, “border” or something. And for failing to do the 25th Amendment to Joe Biden, and lying to Americans and concealing how senile and scientifically dead Biden is.
As Olivia Beavers from Politico explains, these are updated articles of impeachment from the ones Ogles did against Harris last year, which obviously went places.
What kind of a winner is Tennessee Republican Rep. Andy Ogles? Let us tick through his list of accomplishments!br>

Everybody Hates JD Vance And His Stupid Butthair Face
"What have we been saying?
That JD Vance is an unlikeable pile of human butthair and mendacity, a fundamentally unrelatable, off-putting, and repellent man who’s likely to bring nothing to the Trump/Vance ticket? That normal people see him and they’re like “EW MORE LIKE HILLBILLY SMELLEGY”?
That all this data was readily available, and that all one had to do was look at Vance’s 2022 election to the Senate to see that Ohio Republican Governor Mike DeWine ran 10 points ahead of him in his own re-election race, which suggests there’s a whole group of Ohioans who fucking haaaaaaaate that bastard? (Maybe some of these voters from Appalachia! Which JD Vance doesn’t pronounce like an actual person from Appalachia.)"

Christian nationalism is a 'perversion of Christianity' — and tightening its grip on GOP: conservative
"Christian nationalism is a perversion of Christianity," Last argues. "But it's more than that. It's a perversion so deep that its adherents seem happy to cut themselves off from the root of their faith. They are seeking first the Kingdom of Don."

Fox disputes 'massively racist' host’s comment about Harris addressing 'colored' sorority
"Kilmeade's remark drew widespread criticism from journalists, commentators and others on X (formerly Twitter). Former Pennsylvania Democratic state lawmaker Brian Sims encouraged his followers to "call out this kind of racism every single time you hear it."
"The word 'colored' is a massively racist Jim Crow relic that has no business in anyone’s mouth, especially a white person’s," he tweeted. "Every single time you hear it, it’s wrong. Say so."
"Are there non-college sororities? There would be no need for him to clarify college sorority as opposed to non-college sorority. I heard colored," Touré wrote. "But either he's a moron who says racist things (Fox) or he's a marble-mouthed word garbler which is unacceptable in a broadcaster."
"He said 'colored.' 'College sorority' is redundant and them trying to save face," Reign tweeted. "No need to belabor it."
This is the sort of racist trash that fox deals in every day and has been for years.

Young voter registration spikes to record numbers in 48 hours after Harris takes helm
And they ain't doin' that because of the Nazis.

Kamala Harris makes Donald Trump do the one thing he fears most: Get up and get out
With Kamala Harris running, Donald Trump needs to actively campaign — and not just in MAGA country

McCarthy Blasts DEI Attacks On Harris: “Stupid, Dumb”
He said, describing his entire fascist party.

Buttigieg Roasts Vance’s Attack On “Childless” Dems
Vacne is one thoughtless trash asswipe.

Jesse Watters Mocked For Dumbest Ever Attack On Kamala Harris
Jesse, sit in the corner and think about that dumb thing you just said.
Dumb shit? Always!

GOP rep suggests delaying August recess because 'we need to impeach the vice president'
If anything shows how lowdown and dirty these Nazi swine are this is it. Cowardly Shitbags.
Scared as hell and want to disrupt the convention. If anything was ever a crime sundicate the NAZI MAGAts ARE!

'Voters simply don't like him': Ex-GOP pollster has crushing news for J.D. Vance
What's to like about a piece of shit. Good for fertilizer?

Top Sinclair anchor resigns after being forced to push MAGA propaganda: report
Some people just won't work for Nazi lying.

The simple reason why Kamala Harris has Donald Trump running scared
Trump is terrified of Kamala Harris because she will put his violent misogyny in the spotlight
Any legal action against her will fail because the party has yet to certify its candidate. They do that at their convention. So do the MAGAts. If anyone is illegal it's Trump being a convicted felon.

Kamala Harris Secures Enough Delegate Support To Become Nominee
Vice President Kamala Harris has secured enough pledged delegates to become the presumptive Democratic nominee for president.

$30 Million Donated To Fund SCOTUS Reform Push
Hopefully, this will do some good to remove the power of the fascists on the court.

No one should forget what Joe Biden has done for America
Biden is simply the greatest progressive president of our lifetimes. Full stop.

Sean Hannity's Meltdown Over Kamala Harris Hits Peak Stupid
He's mad that she's a happy person. That's kind of a weird flex.
Hannity: "She wants to ban plastic straws. I love my plastic straws. I hate paper straws."
Go suck on one, loser.

Harris Has Expressed Being “Open” to Supreme Court Expansion
"Vice President Kamala Harris, who will likely be the Democratic presidential nominee following President Joe Biden’s departure from the race, has expressed a willingness to consider expanding the size of the U.S. Supreme Court in order to combat the institution’s right-wing tilt in recent years."

J.D. Vance Is Using Lies About the Overdose Crisis to Justify State Violence
"Listen to a J.D. Vance speech long enough, and you’ll hear him mention drugs."

Far-Right Trolls Have Launched a Racist Crusade Against Kamala Harris
Welcome back to the same racist horse manure tossed by the Nazi SOBs against Obama. Get fucked, you motherfucking shit bags.

Trump Delusions, Part Infinity: Build An Iron Dome Over US
If he wants to be even paler that death and use heavier make up that's his problem, not the rest of America. Building one over him would be a much better idea.

MAGA conspiracy theorists go into overdrive over Biden announcement: 'It’s a coup'
Great illustration of their retarded brains.

Expert zeroes in on Kellyanne Conway as anti-Harris propaganda begins
You mean the crash test dummy in the photo?

Ohio GOP state senator: 'It’s going to take a civil war to save the country’ if Dems win
America won't be saved by the likes of this swine like this guy and his MAGAt punks.

Where Kamala Harris stands on securing Dem endorsements and cash after Biden announcement
Political commentator and writer Keith Boykin at 10:05 AM Monday, citing data from ActBlue says, “Democrats have now raised $75 million since Vice President Kamala Harris announced her campaign for president yesterday.” Clymer commented, “Vice President Kamala Harris may very well raise $100M in a 24-hour period. Flat-out bonkers sum.”
ActBlue declared Sunday, “the biggest fundraising day of the 2024 cycle.”

'Stick around for the laugh': Vance mocked after Diet Mountain Dew joke falls flat at hometown rally
Does he still have teeth? Mountain Dew melt then.
As the old joke goes, that was so funny I forgot to laugh.
And what's the MAGAts excuse for pretending Trump isn't daft. You can't hide that!

Cultist Pastor Blames Texas Megachurch Fire On Satan
Of course. Their favorite whipping boy. Church Lady: "Perhaps SATAN?"

DC Regulators Are Welcoming Indigenous Knowledge—and the Right is Freaking Out
They should.

Biden’s Departure Sends Trump Into Conspiracy Theory Meltdown
The brainless tend to do this.

'You babbling baboon': Nonsensical Trump post spurs Truth Social taunts
Trump took to Truth Social about 6:25 a.m. Monday to rail against President Joe Biden, whom he suggested was involved in the start of an imminent world war.
"It’s a new day and Joe Biden doesn’t remember quitting the race yesterday!" Trump wrote. "He is demanding his campaign schedule and arranging talks with Presidents Xi of China, and Putin of Russia, concerning the possible start of World War 3."
Trump then appeared to support his former rival in the upcoming election by declaring "Biden is 'sharp, decisive, energetic, angry, and ready to go!'"
Why the latter portion of his statement was in quotations is unclear as Raw Story was unable to locate any such comment.
His mental decline will now show its hand.

Morning Joe mocks Trump for 'freaking out and going crazy' after Biden drops out
MSNBC's Joe Scarborough ridiculed Donald Trump and other Republicans for "freaking out" about the prospect of facing Vice President Kamala Harris instead of President Joe Biden.

'I finally agree': Mary Trump throws epic burn at uncle after Biden drops out of campaign
"After Biden dropped out Sunday, Trump, 78, becomes the oldest candidate to stand for president of the U.S.
In 2020, when Biden was 77 — a year younger than Trump is now — many Republicans expressed concern that he was too old to do the job."
Mary Trump, a highly vocal opponent of her uncle, said after the debate that Trump was, "The worst, weakest, most traitorous candidate for the presidency in this country's history."
Most Americans know this and will see to it he is eliminated.

Shapiro already being vetted as Harris' running mate: report
Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro and Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear are already being vetted to become Vice President Kamala Harris’ running mate, according to “two people close to the vice-president” quoted in a report Sunday night in the Financial Times.

MSNBC's John Heilemann gives alarming reason why Trump chose J.D. Vance as running mate
Did Mr. "I know it all" make a mistake?

Joe Biden demonstrates the meaning of unity: The president drops out so Kamala Harris can step up
Democrats shake up the 2024 election to end a historic week — and the person most frightened is Donald Trump

Trump: GOP Should Be Reimbursed For Biden’s “Fraud”
Do us all a favor and drop dead you fucking OLD MAN Nazi criminal rapist!

Mace: Harris Should 25th Biden And Be President
She's not the treasonous bitch you are, asswipe.
These people are the worst swine shit eaters on the planet.

Johnson Threatens Lawsuits To Keep Biden On Ballot
Fuck off you little treasonous cunt.

Breaking News: Submitted without Comment
"Fuck everyone who did this. I believe you’ve handed the election to trump. And doing this to the best President in my lifetime.
I’ll be taking a long break from here because there is no way, with this news I’ll feel like any respite or even climate news is worth my time.
Hopefully, we can save the country. But I have serious doubts now. I will not forget, or forgive those who forced him out, no matter the results in November. Fuck them all.
((I just realized I titled this submitted without comment and then went on to comment anyway…that’s how stressed I am))" — Balloon Juice|TaMara
Goes double fuck for me. They can all take slow stomach cancer.

Top Biden Loyalists FUME After President’s Exit: ‘I Hope the Geniuses’ Who Pushed Him Out ‘Have a Plan!’
What genius thought there would be no fallout?
"Meanwhile, Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) took to her account to blame her party for Biden’s decision to exit the race. Crockett wrote: Well I hope the geniuses that pushed the most consequential President of our lifetime out, have a plan. WHO in the hell couldn’t sell the MF Accomplishments & win over a 34 time convicted Felon who isn’t even allowed to operate businesses in the state of NY (and therefore should automatically be disallowed from say running the country) & his ENTIRE team IS project 2025?!
Joe wasn’t the problem… dems were. I know one thing, I will only work for @KamalaHarris! If it’s anyone OTHER than her, enjoy campaign season. I hope all of my disenchanted colleagues are able to find some walking shoes and get to work because I WILL NOT! FULL [STOP]."
"Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) also directed ire toward his fellow Democrats for succeeding in their pressure campaign to force Biden out:
Sen. John Fetterman: People pushed out an honorable man, loving father and a great president before an absolute sleazeball like Menendez. Congratulations.”
Good luck uniting a party that has been scorned.

Joe Biden Drops Out of Presidential Race
Democrats turn their backs on his primary voters. They have surrended their party to Donald Trump. Sad day for America or what's left of it.

What’s Worse Than a Devouring, Criminal President? A Deified, Crazed, Raging Outlaw Fueling Violence
"What unites the right isn’t philosophy, values, specified goals or principles: it’s that Trumpists are convinced that what they believe, thanks to magical inner compasses, make them not just right but absolutely right, with permission to domineer. That cultist absolutism is what allows them to force unpopular preferences on everyone else – law, tradition and the Constitution be damned. No democracy survives when enough in bad faith agree to, say, play baseball, then bolt halfway through because they can’t bat twice in a row – or three outs per half inning all of a sudden is a tyrannical imposition by some covert, nefarious, invisible cabal."

RNC Was ‘Searing Reminder’ That Trump Has ‘Obvious Mental Deficits’: Former Republican
"In his latest essay for the Atlantic, U.S. Naval War College professor emeritus Tom Nichols — who was a Republican until 2016 — voiced his concerns about the mental fortitude of the 45th president of the United States. He opined that Trump's rambling, 93-minute speech on Thursday night demonstrated what he believes is evidence of rapid, ongoing mental decline."
"I do not have the space (or the endurance) to relive those moments with you, but they were the ramblings of a man who has serious psychological problems. All of it was on display last night: rage, paranoia, pettiness, desolating selfishness," he wrote.

'A big question about experience': Red flag raised over Vance's ability to serve as VP
Of course. That should be true of any MAGAt candidate. They are all Nazi traitors.

Cops: FL Felon Pastor Drugged And Assaulted Teen Girl
Another one bites the dust. So, good that he was a "Christian" man?
"A convicted felon-turned-pastor in central Florida is accused of supplying a teenage girl with an alcohol-infused slurpee and marijuana-laced gummy, while he repeatedly sexually assaulted her."
Putrid swine as usual.

It’s Time For The Media To Investigate Whether Trump Was Really Shot
But will they work FOR America any longer?

'I’m scared about Project 2025': Fox News host’s daughter faces fears of Trump-linked plan
Millions of us are, dear.

Fake tweet about 'superhuman' Trump 'growing back' ear goes viral
Trump bullshit jumps the shark with this pile.

GOP Rep. Chip Roy: We Must Defund Secret Service
Oh, sure. That will really make our politicians safe, you fucking Nazi shithead. When will you be held accountable? Typical Texas Nazi speaking.

Buttigieg Warns Vance May Meet Same Fate As Pence
“I think it’s actually we’ve made it way too complicated. It’s super simple. These are very rich men who have decided to back the Republican Party that tends to do good things for very rich men."
“But behind the scenes, apparently, is actually calling him Hitler, right? Seriously, five years later, the way he gets ahead is that he’s the greatest guy since sliced bread."
“I actually watched this exact same process with somebody else I got to know in my days in the Midwest, which was, my former governor, Mike Pence, who I watched start out as an evangelical Christian who cared about rectitude and family values and then get on board with a guy who was mixed up with a porn star, make excuses for him so that he could have power."
Remember Wilbur Mills and Fanne Fox? Of course you don't. "In October of 1974, Foxe — called the “Argentine Firecracker” by her promoters — was rescued from the icy waters of the Tidal Basin, into which she had plunged to evade photographers who found her escort for the evening, Arkansas congressman Wilbur Mills, nearby in a car that had been stopped by the police for driving without headlights" -- NY Magazine.

Trump At MI Rally: “I Took A Bullet For Democracy”
He wouldn't know a bullet from a glass shard.
The stupidest "human" to ever draw breath on this planet.

Vance: Harris Has Done Nothing But “Collect A Check”
She's convicted swine filth like you time after time.

Texas’ Christian-influenced curriculum spurs concerns
Forcing religion on people is Satan's work. Here's a photo of him at work.

When the GOP forces religion into schools, the Satanic Temple complies
“You have theocrats pushing further and further, signing unconstitutional bills into law, and they realize there’s no consequence,” Lucien Graves, co-founder of The Satanic Temple, told The Guardian. “And they also realize that when people see these laws passed, and the outrage comes, they’re not even necessarily going to recognize or realize when those laws are later overturned by the courts."
“They’re giving everybody the impression that these types of things are legal, this is just the environment we’re living in,” Graves said. “And in that way they’re really numbing people to when these things actually do take effect, or when they are upheld by a corrupt judge who’s just playing partisan politics.”

Ron Johnson: Attack On Trump Caused By Public Education
Sen. Ron Johnson, speaking at a Moms for Taking Liberties, said that large public schools led to attempt on Trump's life.
This is what shit-fer-brains does to a human. Don't die laughing at the fool.

Hey Media, What The F*ck Are You Doing Normalizing The Sh*tshow At The RNC
"So there was a Republican National Convention this week. You may have heard about it? If not, it was in Milwaukee, Donald Trump was the headliner, and it was a very strange and surreal thing. That’s what I was told anyway because I decided I would rather eat a lightbulb and a handful of rusty screws than watch that shitshow."
"What. the fuck. is wrong with these people."
This is, of course, the unanswerable question to an alledgedely intelligent nation.

Enough With the Arrogant Attitudes Towards Extreme Heat
In so many aspects of our culture, we view severe heat as something that should be willingly embraced, bravely endured, or blithely ignored.
The very same as our attitude toward fascism. Slow and painful death awaits us.

How America Changes If Trump Wins
They don’t want to tweak government; they want to burn it down and start over from scratch
"These men (they’re nearly all men) are revolutionaries with little regard for political history or norms. Think Mao, Lenin, Pol Pot, or Mussolini. They don’t want to tweak government; they want to burn it down and start it over from scratch. Rebuild it as a completely different system of governance."

Biden Signals He’s Staying In White House Race As Yet More Democrats Defect
In a statement, the president said he looks forward to getting back on the campaign trail, an unwelcome prospect for a growing number in his party.
Joe Biden believes in the American people. His party does not. It's really that simple, you swine traitors.

'Something stinks': Questions raised over timing of Judge Cannon's pro-Trump ruling
Oh, my! Someone smells a rotting rat! Ya really think? LMAO!
"But the reality is once [Supreme Court Justice] Clarence Thomas gave her the green light to file her dismissal, that is when she did it," she added. "And for her to drop that on the first day of the RNC stinks. Something is rotten in Denmark, and I'm going to say it is Aileen Cannon."
Host Steele agreed, interjecting, "I am with you on that one because the timing and the process, the level of, you know, coordination is the only word that comes to mind."

The Country’s Most Conservative Court Just Reinstated a Jim Crow-Era Voter Suppression Law
Dear ole Dixie kills voting rights for its Negroes. Now they can be happy they don't have to worry about voting any longer. Just like the dear old way.

RNC speakers insist life was better 4 years ago. It wasn’t
How would these walking dead know?
Fact is, it was not.

CNN Validates Trump's 'Divine Intervention' Nonsense
CNN is in the act of committing suicide on TV.

Too old to work? Some Americans on the job late in life bristle at calls for Biden to step aside
Some? They all should. It's discrimination.
"A swath of Americans watching President Joe Biden is seeing something beyond debate-stage stumbles and prime-time miscues: Themselves.
Debate about the 81-year-old Democrat’s fitness for another term is especially resonating with other older Americans who, like him, want to stay on the job."
“People were telling me I should retire too,” says 89-year-old D’yan Forest, a New York comedian. “But you’ve got to keep working, no matter what.”

The political media’s fantasy of an “unified” America defies reality
"And the result is that some of the coverage of the fire-and-brimstone Republican National Convention has been perverse. News anchors, in particular, are trying desperately to show that the GOP is moderating itself, when what’s happening is the exact opposite.
In the wake of the shooting, the phrase of choice in the media – even after Trump’s would-be assassin was identified as a conservative – was that both sides needed to “lower the temperature”. As if that had anything to do with it."

'Please pray for our church': MAGA pastor's Texas megachurch goes up in flames
Like Franklin Ghraham, this asshat made his church a political haven for Nazis. So why should anyone care if his hate palace goes back to hell?
He was warned in the song "The Message" by Men of Extinction.

Trump's GOP is no country for MAGA women
At the Republican National Convention, MAGA women learn there's no place for them in Trump's GOP

Baptist Site Calls Franklin Graham “Christian Nationalist Liar” Who Only Believes In “Liberty For Evangelicals”
He's a fascist con man pretending he gives a shit.

Hakeem Jeffries Reasserts Full Support For President Biden
An American hero.

Several 'leading conservative partners' who contributed to Project 2025 now running from it
Of course. No one wants any part of it except the Talibastards.

Trump now bleeding support in GOP-dominated state as more women voters gravitate to Biden
"Newsweek recently reported that in Florida, the election may start to shift in President Joe Biden's favor, who now enjoys a plurality of women voters' support in the Sunshine State. A FOX 13/Insider Advantage poll of 800 Floridians between July 15 and July 16 found that 47% of female respondents preferred Biden, while 44% preferred Trump."
Why don't you morons have the election in November and see what America says?

Dems telling Biden to step aside must show their demands are based on more than just vibes
"You can say Biden should step aside because polls are showing he should. But polls are not monolithic. You can find one to support pretty much whatever argument you want. So the question isn’t whether Pelosi is making a data-driven case. It’s what data she’s using to make it. Given the enormity of the stakes, I don’t think it’s enough for even the 21st century’s greatest House speaker to say, 'trust me. It’s real bad.' If you’re going to ask the most transformational president of our lifetimes to step aside, base it on something more than a guess.
Only one poll counts, morons. Cut your stupid bullshit.

RNC was 'searing reminder' that Trump has 'obvious mental deficits': former Republican
We are in a burning oil field in America.

Revealed: Expert discloses what ’chaos’ could ensue if Joe Biden exits presidential race
"It really is a function of what the delegates decide," he said. "And they would be free to choose a candidate of their choice." This shows how stupid the Democrats are. America has never been more stupid than it is now between this and the MAGAts.
How about letting the Americans that voted their primary vote decide our candidtate. Or are you Demorcrats trying to kill democracy too?

Trump Supporters Seen Falling Asleep During Rambling, Incoherent Speech
"I know this will shock you, but the felon's rambling, crazy-time 90-minute speech at the Republican National Convention, where he accepted the GOP nomination to be King, put quite a few of his supporters to sleep. Trump's RNC speech was just a rehash of every rally he has subjected us to. He spoke of the "China virus" just after calling for unity the previous day, then gave the leader of the Taliban a shoutout for complimenting him by calling him 'Your Excellency.'
Trump hasn't changed. A narcissist is incapable of that, but the media previously fawned over the twice-impeached President's toned-down rhetoric that wasn't toned down. It was so repetitious that some of his supporters were seen dozing off."

George Conway's New PAC Highlights Trump's Mental Illness
"In an interview last week, George Conway said he realized something was not right with Trump after an unsettling encounter with the then-president at then-Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin’s 2017 wedding. And by 2019, he said he’d become “thoroughly convinced” that Trump “was out of his f**king mind.”

Joy Reid: Rambling Vaudevillian Speech Shows Trump In 'Decline'
Of course he is. Just as his slobbering sychophants are.

MAGA meltdown hits Bernie Sanders after searing takedown on 'The Late Show'
Bernie is cheered by sane people. The repulsive retarded fools spread usual poison.

Trump’s ‘chart that saved my life’ is a lie: policy expert
Yet again, this lying motherfucker throws a ton of his bullshit on Americans.

'Vote this guy out': Hot mic leak lands Republican in trouble
"On Democracy podcaster Fred Wellman referenced findings that show more than 64,000 women have become pregnant by rapists in states with total abortion bans since the Supreme Court ruled against the procedure in 2022.
Minnesota is not among states with such bans — it guarantees women the right to abortion under its constitution.
"This misogynist POS can f--- off into the sun," Wellman wrote.
"Last I checked, men have something to do with pregnancy," wrote political scientist Miranda Yaver. "But it's not like his party preaches about personal responsibility, right?"

'He's not going to be constrained': Bush's attorney general issues urgent warning
"Former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales is worried about what will happen to the rule of law if former President Donald Trump is given a second term."
That we ALL aren't is what is so goddamn worrisome.

S.E. Cupp: Grieving the Insanity
"Republicans wanted a 'do no harm' convention, but it was too corporate and lacked any joie de vivre. And then they ended the affair with grievance, fasci Tucker, and 96 minutes of weird incoherence from Trump. Meanwhile, AOC gives a peak behind the scenes of what's going on with Democrats trying to push Biden out. S.E. Cupp joins Tim Miller for the weekend pod."

After Trump’s Speech, It’s Absurd to Suggest He Can’t Be Beaten
Trump’s surreal, subdued, and unfocused address gave Democrats an opening to turn the tide of this campaign.

From Oaths to Lies: The GOP's Supreme Court Coup
Sworn to uphold the law, Republican justices have twisted legal precedents to serve a radical agenda. This betrayal threatens the very fabric of American democracy
"Every one of those Republican justices on the Supreme Court, when questioned about the topic during their Senate confirmation hearings, promised to respect the text and meaning of the Constitution, previous Courts’ precedents or stare decisis, and legal history.
Each of them lied about these things under oath."
America has never seen the like of the assaults on its freedom as we are living with now.

Texas’ Christian-influenced curriculum spurs worries about bullying, church-state separation
"Some secular groups and members of other faiths say the curriculum could give schools too much control over how children are taught religion."
The Christo-fascists are also planning a coup on America. As I say, America has never been in greater danger of losing its freedom.

'None of this is in any way conservative': Republicans grumble about MAGA takeover of party
This week's Republican National Convention (RNC) suggests the transition of the Republican Party from the party of Ronald Reagan to the party of Donald Trump is officially complete. And some Republicans are bemoaning the GOP's MAGA makeover.
Make no mistake. The MAGAt Psarty is the party of fascism.

House Dem leader Hakeem Jeffries and Hispanic Caucus campaign arm rally behind Biden
It's more than obvious they are fighting an internal coup by the wealthy arm of their party.
America has never been in greater danger.

'Removing the whole ticket': AOC warns 'elites' will try to bypass Harris if Biden steps aside
"AOC told fellow Democrats, "If you think there is a consensus among the people who want Joe Biden to leave, that they will support Vice President Harris, you would be mistaken. I'm in these rooms; I see what they say in conversations. A lot of them are not just interested in removing the president, they are interested in removing the whole ticket." I have suspected this all along. The fascist wing of the Democrats are planning this coup. Fuck them.

'$1800 tax increase': Why Trump’s new proposal will hit tipped workers especially hard
Duke tweeted, "This doesn't even include the effects of Trump's tariff. Some quick math: I think many tipped workers would face a ~$1,800 tax increase from Trump's taxes on imports. So the zero or minimal tax cut from Cruz bill is more than offset by paying more for food and groceries."

'Largest IT outage in history' sparks global chaos
This update has been tested and nothing can go wrong....go wrong...go wrong...go wrong...go wrong...go wrong...

"Unity" broke down at the Republican National Convention long before Donald Trump took the stage
Like Trump, delegates at the RNC weren't feeling all the "unity" talk
Totally a Nazi movement — anti-America.

Kid Rock Bombs Before Bored Convention Crowd
Hulk Hogan, Kid Rock, Donald Trump: all a credit to the Land of the Happy Negro. And that is abominable, detestable, loathsome, and execrable. Yet ugly racists will give Trump their vote. Shame and disgrace to America.

Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: The Republican National Convention was as expected. Dark, and boring.
America will never be the same after Milwaukee’s tent revival for the cult of Donald Trump

'Stop the attacks': 1400 Black women leaders demand DNC support Biden and Harris
Good for them and thanks, ladies.
I am surprised at how stupid the king makers of the party are. They aren't worth their salt.

Wednesday Was 'Mass Deportation Now!' Night At The RNC, Everything Totally Excellent For Sure
"During coverage of the Republican National Convention Wednesday night, MSNBC talking heads pointed out that most of the speakers had “toned down” the usual GOP rhetoric, with little talk of the “stolen” 2020 election, weaponized government, and praise for the January 6 insurrectionists as “patriots” or “hostages.” The shift in tone — at least in primetime — was allegedly reflective of some imaginary desire to reach beyond the hardcore rightwing base and attract voters who aren’t stewing in MAGA rhetoric and conspiracy thinking.
It sounded like bullshit to us, especially since down on the convention floor, convention organizers had supplied the crowd with great big RNC-printed signs that demanded one of the few things the 2024 GOP platform is at all specific about: “MASS DEPORTATION NOW!” Inspired by an an appearance by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, any time a speaker mentioned “illegal aliens,” the crowd chanted “Send them back! Send them back!”
Action at the temporary Lost Marbles Factory.

Presidential Immunity Ruling and Project 2025 Pave Way for Trump’s Fascist State
Of course. And the end of America.

'Journalism at its worst': Washington Post columnist blasts CNN's 'fawning' RNC coverage
I was way ahead of them on this. Totally weak-kneed whiney bastards.
""CNN and other broadcasts have reached a new low in RNC coverage, fawning over 'unity' and 'young Vance' - ignoring we are seeing a fascist party overflowing with criminals plot the downfall of America, a VP who is the single most radical and unqualified in history," Rubin wrote."
They don't give a fuck about who runs America or how. They will always have their jobs as news whores.

‘She’s got balls’: Republican delegates gush over Marjorie Taylor Greene’s extremism
"... has balls?" People, testicles are the most tender, weakest part of a male's anatomy. Just kick a man suare and solid in his balls and he falls over forward in pain like a ton of lead. Isn't it time to put that stupid axiom to bed for good.
Only thing that will prevent that is a good cup in a jock strap.

'Hit Chris at his home': Georgia man arrested for death threats against FBI director
Georgia Trump Nazi gets taken down.

Mark this article readPolling shows both Harris and Biden tied with Trump
And biden will win if the Democrats don't slice off their nose to spite their face.

Liberty Counsel Blames SPLC For Trump Rally Shooting
Posted to the Liberty Counsel’s website:
"On July 14, 2024, an attempt was made on President Trump's life. While we do not yet know much about the shooter, we do know the SPLC has regularly castigated President Trump as a white nationalist, a liar, a conspiracy theorist who poses a threat to democracy, and a violent authoritarian."
Everything theSPLC said or say about him is true. You know it, I know it, and the whole world knows it.

Television Comedy Icon Bob Newhart Dies At Age 94
Bob Newhart, the genteel but sharply satirical comic whose TV series "The Bob Newhart Show" and "Newhart" were huge hits throughout the 1970s and '80s, died Thursday in Los Angeles. He was 94. Newhart’s publicist Jerry Digney said he died after a series of short illnesses.
The great "Button-down Mind" is gone.

Cultist Lying Ex-Fox Host Lou Dobbs Dies At Age 78
Bob Newhart has also died.
"Bob Newhart showed how to live a life and be beloved by millions. Lou Dobbs showed how to be remembered by one traitorous jerk."

Cultists Pressure John Deere Into Ending Pride Support
Fuck the Nazi cult bastards and shame on John Deere for caving.

Libs of TikTok Is Getting People Fired for Joking About Trump’s Assassination Attempt
Proving Nazis have no sense of humor.

Federal appeals court blocks remainder of Biden’s student debt relief plan
"A federal appeals court blocked the implementation of the Biden administration's student debt relief plan, which would have lowered monthly payments for millions of borrowers.
In a ruling Thursday, the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals granted a motion for an administrative stay filed by a group of Republican-led states seeking to invalidate the administration's entire student loan forgiveness program. The court's order prohibits the administration from implementing the parts of the SAVE plan that were not already blocked by lower court rulings."
Penny pinching bastards.

Vance Glorifies Grandma's 19 Loaded Guns At Home
How can anyone be proud of that?
And just where did Grandma live? Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria? Russia

Willie Geist FAIL: 'Everyone At My Dry Cleaner Wants Biden Out'
"Well, Willie, you may not know this, but most ordinary people don't go to dry cleaners anymore. That's why so many of them have gone out of business.
Now, you live in tony Westchester County, in a neighborhood filled with media types, lawyers, ad execs, and political staffers. People who probably use dry cleaners, because they wear suits.
But that ain't most of us. We toss our clothes in the wash.
You keep bringing this up to rationalize the pile-on against Joe Biden. As if insiders sharing gossip in your expensive neighborhood actually reflects the will of the people. It doesn't.
And let's compare this with the other guy. Is he a national crisis? Are you all gossiping and planning how to get the Republican party to dump the convicted felon/rapist/tax fraud/serial liar?
Of course you aren't. Can you tell us why?
Didn't think so.."
The dry-cleaning industry is slowly dying — and this chart makes it crystal clear

RNC Speaker Accidentally Gives Biden A Ringing Endorsement
"A President's job is to keep Americans safe. That means they aren't supposed to incite an insurrection that results in deaths and destruction. But to Trump supporters, it's OK because their hero is beyond criticism of any sort. Whatever he does gets a pass. And the fact that the Trump administration failed to stop terrorists from wreaking havoc seems like it's not a winning issue for Trump. But thanks for the Biden endorsement, Thomas, you dumb motherfucker."
I couldn't have said it better. Thank you, Conover Kennard!

Does NBC Want Trump To Win?
"It's no wonder that the ratings for the Republican National Convention shitfest were terrible. Maybe the only people watching are the Beltway media and blogsters here at C&L. The media, though, seems to want to pick our candidate for us even though we already chose old Joe Biden. That's not how this is supposed to work. Joe gave a disastrous debate performance, but he's made up for that by giving riveting speeches afterward. And the President has a stellar record of achievements in office."
"We have not heard this whole week all the rally favorites, the greatest hits about the 2020 election being stolen," Guthrie said. No one's mentioning political grievances, weaponizing government, nobody's mentioning it, nobody's calling the January 6th rioters patriots or hostages."
"Note: Well, fuck. That's not exactly something they should be praising." They are some dumb shits.
Kristen Welker has proven this time and time again.

Southern Policymakers Have Left Workers With Lower wages and Job Quality
"For at least the last 40 years, pay and job quality for workers across the South has been inferior compared with other regions, according to a new Economic Policy Institute report.
These are deliberate outcomes of the Southern economic development model, which is characterized by low wages, limited regulations on businesses, a regressive tax system, subsidies that funnel tax dollars to the wealthy and corporations, a weak safety net, and staunchly anti-union policies and practices."
Swindlers in the Land of the Happy Negro make certain that they keep robbbing the people blind.

'Democratic machine' strategists behind move to oust Biden: ex-congressman
The American people want to re-elect Joe Biden. The machine is not America.

'They’re a pain': Trump senior adviser trashes Project 2025
Tell it to the suckers.

The GOP's Secret Agenda for America’s Future
"It’s the second-most ancient form of governance humanity knows, described in detail in works both modern and ancient, dating all the way back to ancient Sumeria, China, Mesoamerica & Europe"
They don't have a clue what those words mean so they want to elect him again to find out what they missed the first time around.

Is It Just Me…?
"And finally, is it just me, or is anyone else wondering if it's even possible to be any crazier than we all are now, though we all started wondering about that way back in the summer of 2015?"

Would J.D. Vance Join a UAW Picket Line Outside a Tesla Factory?
If you believe that, I got this bridge I need to unload.

'It’s bizarre': Doctor questions nature of injuries Trump suffered in shooting
In a Thursday post on X, Dr. Jonathan Reiner — a professor of medicine at George Washington University in Washington, D.C. — writes, "It's an understatement to say that it's bizarre that a presidential candidate has sustained an injury from an attempted assassination and no medical report is issued to describe his evaluation and the extent of his injury."
Journalist Brian Beutler, in response, tweeted, "My read: If the medical evaluation matched Trump's description, he would have OK'd its release. He wants the cred of having been shot; being shot *at* and lightly injured incidentally isn't good enough for him. So as always he chose a lie and a coverup."
The Never Trump conservative tweeted, "Outside of Trump telling us he's 'fine,' how severe was the wound? Did he loose part of his ear (bullets do terrible things to flesh)? How long for recovery? Will the wound require cosmetic surgery? What about reports that it may not have been a bullet which wounded him but glass from the shattered teleprompter?"

Here’s the Latest Example of How Conservatives Have Gamed State Supreme Courts to Restrict Abortion
“The only female lives that this statute treats with any meaningful regard and dignity are the unborn lives of female fetuses,” Christensen wrote. “After that, this statute forces pregnant women (and young girls) to endure and suffer through life-altering health complications that range from severe sepsis requiring limb amputation to a hysterectomy so long as those women are not at death’s door. All in the name of promoting unborn life—or, more accurately, birth.”
This is not an American position to take. It's hell on earth for women.

Todd Starnes: WI Subway Refused To Serve Christians
If sex is sin, then so is getting pregnant, you fucking morons.

Congressman Van Orden’s False Battery Accusations against CODEPINK Member Leads to Death Threat
Two hours after his post on X, we received a death threat, saying: "The next Palestinian protest in the street. I'm going to get my semi truck and run over you f*****g f*gg*ts and make road pancake out of you you f*****g c**t. I hope you all die b***h."
Great, stupd. Then Van Ordenwill be charged with murder when he performs this barbaric act.

People For the American Way Applauds Biden Support for Court Reform
“It’s painfully obvious that this scandal-ridden, right-wing-dominated, partisan Supreme Court can’t police itself and is in dire need of reform on multiple levels. We’re thrilled that President Biden plans to step up and propose changes to fix the problem, including an enforceable code of ethics and term limits. People For the American Way has been calling for reform for years and we’re excited to see what the president’s proposals will be. One thing’s for certain: the Court’s downward spiral has to stop before it does more damage not just to our confidence in it, but to all our rights and freedoms.”

'You better start packing': Trump’s former ICE chief at RNC vows to deport 'millions'
These MAGAt Nazis will murder the American dream for all of us. They have ho idea of what they are going to cause.

Veteran GOP strategist slams 'first VP candidate to sanction coup-plotting'
"In a biting article published by The Atlantic after Vance's acceptance speech, The Lincoln Project's Stuart Stevens — a veteran conservative consultant — laments that Vance's speech was unrecognizable from the Republican Party he spent decades promoting."
"What happened to the Ohio GOP?" Stevens writes. "For generations, it was the epitome of a sane, high-functioning party with a boringly predictable pro-business sentiment that seemed to perfectly fit the state. Today, it has been remade in the image of native son J. D. Vance, the first vice-presidential candidate to sanction coup-plotting against the U.S. government."

'Will be horrendous': Senior Republican shares secret fears over second Trump term
"The attendee, whom Reuters described as a "senior Republican from a southern state," said they worried Trump would be a lawless president who stuffed government bureaucracies with yes men and would go after his political enemies."
"That effort will be horrendous," this Republican said.

At GOP convention, Republicans are unified by one thing: debasing themselves for Donald Trump
Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis, and JD Vance line up to kiss the ring of a man they recently tried to topple

Senators Harass Secret Service Director In RNC Suite
If not perfection it must be considered failure. That is MAGA.

Secret Service Condemns Attacks On Female Agents
"The U.S. Secret Service said Wednesday that it stood by its female agents and was appalled by some of the criticism they’ve received on conservative social media since Saturday’s attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump."

The RNC Has Been A Big Ratings Flop
Lawrence O’Donnell twisted the knife.
People do not want the Nazi Felon Party around.

J.D. Vance: `We're effectively run in this country ... by childless cat ladies who are miserable
"Apparently Don Jr. and Eric pushed their father to make Sen. J.D. Vance his vice presidential pick over North Dakota Gov. Doug Bergum. And now that the Ohio Senator is the GOP’s vice presidential nominee, they’re stuck with a nominee who’s so misogynistic, he’ll drive female voters away in droves."
Another self-loathing, patriarchal misogynist ruler that is an educated fool. Garbage trash just like Trump.

MIT economist: Trump was 'already a threat to democracy' — and will be 'much worse' after shooting
"When former President Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt at a campaign rally in Western Pennsylvania on Saturday, July 13, Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) — now Trump's running mate — and other far-right MAGA Republicans were quick to blame President Joe Biden. But in fact, Biden, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-California) and a long list of other prominent Democrats wholeheartedly condemned the attack."
We still do not know if Crooks' intention was to kill Trump.

LGBTQ activists call out Tucker Carlson’s 'ridiculous' claim Buttigieg isn't really gay
Tucker doesn't have a great deal of sense.

'Make them whole': Senators promise back pay to military after Tuberville held up promotions
“We have a responsibility in Congress to make them whole,” Manchin said. “I will continue doing everything in my power to ensure the passage of our bill to compensate our troops and strengthen America’s national security.”

Laura Loomer Angrily Agrees Wonkette Very Nicely Asked Her How Her Dogs Were
"I asked because during the Trump trial in Manhattan, Loomer (who is for the record batshit) was super pissed because nobody was out there protesting with her — I reckon this was before all the white Republican congressmen started to show up to taint-slobber for the King — and she made these tweets like (paraphrase) GODDAMMIT WHY Y’ALL FUCKERS NOT HERE, I GOTTA GO BACK TO FLORIDA TO LET MY DOGS OUT, SHIT GODDAMN MOTHERFUCKER SHIT, PROBABLY NEED TO BUY SOME MILK TOO, FUCK."

Trump Sounds the GOP's Death Knell: The End of the Old Republican Order
JD Vance, now the Republican candidate for vice president, is fully supportive of every aspect of Donald Trump’s cons and nakedly anti-American and pro-dictator policies.

The Supreme Court’s License for Presidential Vengeance
"The Court’s ruling on presidential immunity makes us all vulnerable."
Hitler would be so proud of them.

'Scared to death': Many Republicans are silently shuddering at Trump's VP pick
"Many powerful Republicans are horrified and frustrated by Donald Trump's choice of running mate in the upcoming presidential election, according to a new report.
Sen. J.D. Vance's isolationist views both alarm and infuriate hawkish Republicans who fear the 39-year-old will destroy the Republican Party's longtime foreign policy consensus, Politico reported Wednesday."

GOP vows to make America safe again. Statistics contradict their growing crime claims
"At the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee Tuesday night, Republicans promised to “make America safe once again.” They say crime is up nationwide. Is it?"
Just another lie from the Pinocchio Party.

Trump Invites China to Invade Taiwan If He Returns to Office
If there were a Satan this guy would be him.

Opposing Both Authoritarianism and Assassination Is Not Hypocritical
"If conservatives are unable to understand how anybody can oppose an authoritarian politician without resorting to violence, that says more about their inability to grasp democracy than it does about the objects of their mockery."

Gun Group Sells Murder Insurance At GOP Convention
"U.S. Concealed Carry Association, founded in 2003, is based in Wisconsin and claims a membership of 800,000. USCCA pitches itself as a concealed carry advocacy group, encouraging self-defense with firearms. The gun violence publication The Trace has highlighted USCCA as one of many groups 'scrambling to fill the NRA's void', with that beleaguered gun rights group raising less money than in years past."
Murder, Inc.

DOJ: Nazi Charged With Plotting NYC Terror Attack
"Chkhikvishvili is alleged to be a leader of the Maniac Murder Cult, also known as Maniacs Murder Cult, Maniacs: Cult of Killing, MKY, MMC and MKU, an international racially or ethnically motivated violent extremist group."
Another of Trump's Nazi band of terrorists.

Newsom Roasts Musk Over Claim Of Moving HQs
"California Governor Gavin Newsom showed his willingness to hit back at political foes, which has long endeared him to Democrats. He used an old insult from Trump to mock billionaire Elon Musk."

Vaseline Woman: Dems Just Voted To Let “Illegals” Vote
This woman will do or say anything to get her nose into a power position. A total prostitute for power.
"'It was a made-for-MAGA moment' certainly not the stuff of a candidate who desperately needs to figure out a way to appeal to those McCain Republicans and independents she spent three years savaging.
Instead, she began with her signature attack on the media then segued over to Rep. Ruben Gallego, falsely claiming that he 'voted to let millions of people who poured into our country illegally cast a ballot in this upcoming election'. Never mentioning, of course, that it's already against federal law for non-citizens to vote."

Catholic Priest Arrested On Child Porn Charges [VIDEO]
Make that child porn. Another one bites the dust. Prayer didn't work for him.

Hate Group: Trump’s Close Call Proves Prayer Works
In no way. Absolute horseshit. How do we even know if his target was Trump. The kid could have just been shooting at a crowd to hit whomever he could like the Las Vegas shooter.
And we don't know for certain that a bullet was what hit Trump's ear.

It’s official: GOP will accept election results only if Trump wins
The swine Nazis dictators come out and tell us who they are. The most frightening thing is Americans don't seem to give a fuck.

YouTubers Furious After Apple and Anthropic Steal Their Data to Train AI
Itellectual rights and copyrights are being violated at will. This must be stopped by any means necessary.
The crooks remain at large.

FBI Cracks Phone of Man Who Shot Trump
Who is this "reporter"? He doesn't have facts either.
Hacking cellphones is done all the time by the FBI, dude.
You can vote at 18. Crooks was 20.
Legal Voting Age in the United States As to the donation to ActBlue, it has been claimed a 69-year-old Pittsburgh man with the same name as Trump's would-be assassin — Thomas Crooks — had actually made that donation.

Why Judge Cannon will be removed from Trump case after 'horrific' ruling: legal expert
Kick her out and Trump will put her in a job to continue working for him.

Editorial rips 'aggressive judicial activism' in Judge Cannon’s dismissal of Trump docs case
The unqualified should be removed from the case.
"Cannon's ruling has drawn vehement condemnation from Trump's critics, who are arguing that she was oblivious to legal precedent when she agreed with Trump's legal team that Smith's appointment as special counsel was illegitimate. The former president's attorneys claimed that U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland had no business appointing Smith without him being confirmed in a U.S. Senate vote."
Tell Judgie Wudgie: 28 CFR § 600.1 - Grounds for appointing a Special Counsel.

Biden seriously considering proposals on Supreme Court term limits, ethics code, AP sources say
President Biden is reportedly eyeing the plans amid growing concerns that high court justices are not held accountable.

Not your average Morning Joe: hosts upset over not being on the air
‘Next time we’re told there’s going to be a news feed replacing us, we will be in our chairs … or they can get somebody else to host the show.’
Fascism at work in a America.

How Many Americans Died in WW2? – Estimates
"Nobody has exact figures, but it is estimated that around the U.S. counted around 407,000 military deaths and around 12,000 civilian deaths (due to crimes of war and military activity such as bombings.) The total death count for all Americans amounted up to 420,000.
My question is why do so many Americans want us to turn our backs on our people who gave their lives fighting fascism which is now MAGAism? They should take a good look at themselves.

J.D. Vance Reveals He Wants To Help Enact Project 2025
"J.D. Vance didn’t have the guts or the integrity to admit that he plans to help pass the fascist extremism known as Project 2025. But his remarks to Sean Hannity made it perfectly clear that’s the plan."

Libraries Are Cornerstones of Our Communities — And They Need Our Help
Public libraries promote literacy, fight poverty, and enrich our lives. It’s up to us to protect them from political attacks.

J.D. Vance's college roommate busts him over why he flipped on Trump
"Here's what I think," he began. "I don't buy his explanation the way that he says it. I think his instincts told him what Americans see for themselves: that Trump has a narcissistic style personality, cared about attention and fame, wants to be the showrunner who picks among people in dramatic fashion thank doing an Apprentice-style VP selection process — that's Trump."

'All wearing maxi pads on their ear': RNC's bizarre new Trump prop spurs hilarity
"And the internet couldn't stop laughing, relentlessly mocking MAGA supporters on X."
The stupidity is strong here.

Marsha Blackburn Blames 'DEI Requirements' For Small Businesses Going Bankrupt
Here we go again with the racist attacks on diversity, equity and inclusion during the 2024 Republican National Convention. I can just hear the airhead saying "If you didn't have to hire so many negras it wouldn't be so bad.

No Morals: Fox Business Credits Trump VP Pick With Stock Market Gains
Facts and figures are useless on this Business program
Another example of American stupidity.
"Republicans take credit for Democratic successes and blame the Democrats for Republican failures."
U.S. History has proven this.

As the stock market reaches record highs, Fox Business Network claims it was due to Trump picking extremist JD Vance as his VP.
"President Biden's economy has been rocking for a long time now with the stock market hitting all-time highs, record jobs creation, and middle class growth, but viewers of the professional Wall Street news services, (CNBC included) rarely credit the president."
"MAGAs want to claim President Biden was responsible for worldwide post-covid inflation.
But now that inflation drops to zero, and the stock market has been soaring, MAGAs want to claim it's due to Trump." -- Broken (Comments)

RNC Won't Allow Entrance To Disability Rights Advocacy Group
"Abortion is one of the defining issues of the 2024 election. Now, Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio), the GOP's presumptive vice presidential nominee, is trying to conceal his past opposition for the procedure in all cases."
RNC refused passes to the American Association for People with Disabilities
Trump can't stand the disabled.

JD Vance caught quietly deleting '100% pro-life' position from his website
Just who is the real JD Vance?

'A corporate CEO’s dream': Labor unions blast Trump-Vance ticket
"A Trump-Vance White House," she added, "is a corporate CEO's dream and a worker's nightmare."
Service Employees International Union president April Verrett offered a similar assessment of the Trump-Vance ticket, saying that while Vance "may portray himself as a working-class hero," his "record tells another story."

Was Trump hit by a bullet or not? Calls mount for campaign to release medical records
The alleged "bullet" photograph is total bullshit until the medical evidence is out. Photographing a bullet in flight would have to be taken by an extremely high speed camera. What the photo looks like is a piece of glass or plastic which would show up on fast film.

Experts reveal how Jack Smith’s Trump indictment can survive Judge Cannon’s 'bonkers' ruling
"DOJ must appeal right away... This finally gives Jack Smith an opportunity to seek her removal from the case," Harvard University law professor emeritus Laurence Tribe tweeted. "I think the case for doing so is very strong."

Trump Picked JD Vance Because Junior And Eric Begged
"Much will be said in the coming days about Donald Trump’s decision to pass over all the other contenders to choose as his running mate a man made entirely of long-ago shedded butthair and blue eyes named JD Vance."

Border Patrol agents recorded the fewest monthly migrant apprehensions since 2021 on southern border
"Migrant apprehensions in Texas decreased by nearly one-third in June, the first month of a new order by President Joe Biden that widely limited asylum claims."
Sorry, Nazis. Joe is way ahead of you.

J.D. Vance Is Unqualified
That makes a super unqualified ticket. Will anyone realize this?

How Trump and His Band of Fascists Will Exploit Assassination Attempt to Silence, Demonize Their Critics
Trump will kill us all.

Alyssa Farah Griffin: National Unity Is Not Where the GOP Is
"J.D. Vance is an incredibly polarizing figure, and his addition to the ticket signals a complete realignment of the Republican Party. Plus, he gave the single-worst response to the assassination attempt on Trump."

Would-be assassin had been tagged by Trump campaign as MAGA fan: report
"Donald Trump's 2016 campaign collected data that identified would-be assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks as a likely MAGA supporter and among those who were avid hunters and enjoyed " gun-related lifestyle indicators."
And they were correct. He just didn't suspect he would be hunting him.

School Vouchers Were Supposed to Save Taxpayer Money. Instead They Blew a Massive Hole in Arizona’s Budget
Who's fault is that? They were all warned.

In Private Speech, J.D. Vance Said the “Devil Is Real” and Praised Alex Jones as a Truth-Teller
Do we need to say more about this idiot's brain?

‘Wild to Hear’: MSNBC Anchor Stunned As Chuck Todd Says J.D. Vance ‘Ideology’ Belongs in Democratic Party of 1984
How defective Todd's mind is.

Vivek Ramaswamy Wants Vance’s Ohio Senate Seat
Another power man Nazi. Who's asking him?

GOP Bill Defunds Salary Of Secret Service Director
What happens when Nazis govern. Chaos.

Ohio Pastor Arrested On Multiple Child Sex Charges
Another one bites the dust. Must have been trained in Oklahoma.

Kinzinger: “Moscow Is Celebrating” Selection Of Vance
Why wouldn't they?

Kirk: Men Who Don’t Vote Trump After Shooting Have “Something Deeply Disturbing And Wrong” With Them
The brain damaged idiot has become a psychiatrist.

Gunmaker Stocks Soar After Trump Rally Shooting
Look for more shootings and murders in our future.

Twenty SpaceX Satellites Fall From Space After Falcon 9 Explodes
And this Nazi junk dealer is sending millions of government dollars to Trump everyday.

Biden is a decent human. Trump is not
But even that isn’t the real headline. This is:
“She said the family has not heard from Trump.”
Anyone surprised?

JD Vance's Chilling Prediction For Women
"So Gilead Vance is Donny's pick. Not surprising, as billionaire asshole & James Bond villain, Peter Thiel, is obsessed with living forever, and he may need government funds for the science he wants done so he can reach Count-Dracula age. So first Thiel sent his venture-capital errand boy, JD Vance, to the Senate."

Teamster President Sells His Members Out To Republicans
So, turns out he's a seditious Nazi.

Oklahoma's Ryan Walters: Not Teaching The Bible In History Class Is 'Insane'
We know who the insane one is, dipshit.
You can study Bible history in college, did you know that, moron?
You should go to the University of North Carolina and take a class from Bart Erhman
The Bart Ehrman Blog: The History & Literature of Early Christianity

Groundwork’s Dr. Rakeen Mabud on Biden Admin’s Housing Actions: “An important step to check the greed of landlords”
“Across the country, tenants are being gouged by landlords who are exploiting a housing shortage to profit off of families' basic need for shelter. With today's announcement, the Biden Administration has answered the call from tenants and taken an important step to check the greed of landlords and give families some breathing room.”

People For the American Way Blasts Dismissal of Trump Documents Case
“Judge Aileen Cannon has proven time and again that her partisan impulses continue to override her ability to act according to the facts and the law. Her ruling to spare Donald Trump from facing this criminal case is highly suspicious and wholly unjustified. We’re confident that Special Counsel Jack Smith will appeal this fundamentally unsound opinion to the Eleventh Circuit, which has overturned Judge Cannon twice before. Meanwhile, the delay in the case is extremely unfortunate and may become permanent if Trump is elected. This is why it’s so important that we vote the courts this fall. We need a president and Senate that will nominate and confirm impartial judges who will uphold rights for all of us, not just the wealthy and powerful.”

Why you shouldn't vote for Trump, according to JD Vance
"Donald Trump announced Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance as his vice presidential running mate on Monday. The following article is composed of direct quotes from Vance about Trump, given in interviews, op-eds, tweets, and text messages. I’m a “never Trump” guy. I never liked him."

'Chaos and cruelty': GOP economist takes a hatchet to Trump's RNC platform
The horror that is Trump continues.

The Supreme Court’s immunity decision is the gift that keeps giving to Donald Trump
Judge Aileen Cannon’s stunning dismissal of Trump’s classified documents case burnishes her MAGA credentials
"As the New York Times notes, Judge Cannon “ruled that the entire case should be thrown out because the appointment of the special counsel who brought the case, Jack Smith, had violated the Constitution.” To do so, she twisted or ignored precedent, misconstrued statutes and cast into the dustbin of history decades of practice.... But whether the decision is idiosyncratic and arbitrary or not, it is clearly another step toward a kind of “presidential dictatorship” in which the president, during and after his term of office, is insulated from any form of legal accountability, other than impeachment."
We knew she was a Nazi from the start.

Trump Makes Convention Entrance With Bandaged Ear
P.T. Barnum would roll over in his grave at this bullshit.

Trump Camp Refuses To Pay Green Bay For 2024 Rally
This isn't the first time he's stiffed someone. So, America wants a two-bit chiseler felon to run it. Sad day for us.

'Stop it': Ex-GOP staffer questions whether 'CNN officially jumped the shark' over hosts’ Trump comments
Like the MAGAts these so-called media tramps have no moral values and they don't care if they show it.
They'll pay for their transgressions to our country just as the Nazis will.

The stunning reason journalists are so obsessed with Biden’s age: expert
"People who detect political bias in the news assume journalists are trying to push an unsuspecting public to embrace certain political views and reject others. Those who detect sensationalism in the news assume journalists – and news organization owners – care more about making money from audience attention than the accuracy or quality of their reporting."
There you have your media tramps. Guilty as charged.

JD Vance, Trump’s VP pick, once called him a ‘moral disaster,’ and possibly ‘America’s Hitler
Donald Trump’s vice presidential pick Ohio Sen. JD Vance was once a fervent critic of the former president. In private messages, he wondered ahead of Trump’s election whether he was “America’s Hitler” and in 2017 said the then-president was a “moral disaster.” In public, he agreed Trump was a “total fraud” who didn’t care about regular people and called him “reprehensible.”
Like Trump, this man has no sense of moral values and appears to be proud of it.

'Didn't think they were doing anything illegal': GOP leader defends fake electors at RNC
I guess he's never heard judges say "not knowing the law is no excuse."
This is the sort of "leaders" they have.

Marjorie Taylor Greene called on to 'resign in disgrace' after 'reprehensible' statement
The absolute deplorable.

An instinct to incite: The challenge to tamp down political rhetoric in the wake of Trump's shooting
The most incendiary rhetoric came from Trump himself when he raised his fist and pumped it angrily yelling "fight!"
Fascists are not people of peace.

Nazi Group Demonstrates In Downtown Nashville
Why do we put up with Nazis in America? We never signed a peace treaty with Nazis, only the nation of Germany. In fact we had a trial against Nazis and condemned them all at Neuremberg.
Terrorism is not free speech.

Nazi Group Demonstrates In Downtown Nashville
Tell these shit bags to get the fuck out of our country.

Tucker Carlson: Pete Buttigieg Is “Faking” Being Gay
One of the worst lowdown statements I've ever heard. Tucker is faking being a straight human.
He shows us he knows nothing about gay people or anything else for that matter.

OK, I'll Say It
"The political consequences of this unpatriotic act of political violence are still being decided. However, it serves more than anything to draw a contrast between the two candidates as to how they handle acts of political violence. The contrast is striking. It is impossible to deny. One of these men is a President. One is simply not. Look at how each of these two candidates for office reacted in the face of political violence against the opposition party."
You can read the rest of this accurate statement via the link.

Inside Ziklag, The Secret Organization Of Wealthy Christians
The group is trying to sway the election and change the country.
They should read what Jesus said about money.

White supremacy with a law degree: How do we escape "The Originalism Trap"?
Legal scholar Madiba K. Dennie on how the right twisted the Constitution — and how ordinary citizens can fight back

Scott: Biden And “Radical Left” Inspired The Shooter
More bullshit from one of our top bullshitters. Trump is the #1 reason for violence in the United States and Rick Scott is backing him up on it. The chickens came home to roost on you Nazis and you know it.
How stupid is Rick Scott: "Of note, Scott is mischaracterizing a Democrat’s resolution that would only remove Trump’s Secret Service protection if he were imprisoned."

Secret Service: We Didn’t Turn Down Trump’s Extra Security Request
There is “an untrue assertion that a member of the former President’s team requested additional security resources & that those were rebuffed,” Secret Service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi wrote on X, the site formerly known as Twitter. “This is absolutely false. In fact, we added protective resources & technology & capabilities as part of the increased campaign travel tempo.”

Attempted Trump Assassination Triggers a Flood of MAGA BS
We live in the age of bullshit. And suckers are too stupid to recognize it.

Kristen Welker Delivers Incredible Self-Own While Attacking Biden
There's a lot of hatred and stupidity in this one.

Marge Blames Democrats For Registered Republican Shooting Trump
Marge would make a great private dick.
"While disregarding the fact that Trump mocked Nancy Pelosi's husband, Paul Pelosi, while he was in ICU from a vicious hammer attack in his home by a Trump supporter and all of the calls for violence from the right, Marge quickly blamed Democrats and the media."

Milwaukee: Republicans Are Not Gracious Guests
"...we learned that Fascist Fest is not meeting its expectations and that a lot of business were actually be hurt by their presence instead of getting a windfall."

False Equivalency Bullshit
"As of this moment, we still don’t know what motivated the gunman who opened fire at the ex-president’s rally last night. But within minutes of the incident, Republican politicians rushed every microphone and social media platform in sight to blame Democrats."
"This self-serving bilge was served up without a trace of self-awareness, as is typical of the GOP tribe’s “every accusation is a confession” pattern, the party whose innocent victim said this before the 2016 election
Trump: '2nd Amendment people' could stop Clinton'"
"Maybe the editorial writers should have waited for the cold light of dawn because yes, it goddamn well is up to politicians, who should not incite gun nut goobers to commit violence against political rivals or gin up a mob to attack the U.S. Capitol when they lose an election."

CNN host forced to calm panel after conservative blames Biden for Trump shooting.
The MAGAts only have to look at themselves to see who is to blame. You will reap just what you sow.

FBI: Shooter Was 20-Year-Old Registered Republican
"Overnight, cultists created fake social media profiles for Brooks, claiming, among other things, that he was a member of antifa. They’ve also posted many photos of young men other than Brooks."

Republican Congressman Claims Biden Put A Hit On Trump
These creeps, and Mike Collins in particular, are worse than you thought.
They are exactly what I think they are, pal. This guy should resign right now.
"What a heinous prick."
Your toxic leader is the cause of violence. He preaches it.
You will reap just what you sow.

Vance: Biden Incited Trump’s Attempted Assassination
Another heinous prick. The incitement comes from your party, you swine. You support guns, so think about it.
Your stupid leader is the violence proponent.

President Biden: 'No Place In America' For Political Violence
President Biden addressed the nation shortly after the shooting at the Trump rally.

Biden is an 'effective' POTUS and Dems need to end 'circular firing squad': Bernie Sanders
"In a recent op-ed for the New York Times, Sanders praised Biden as "the most effective president in the modern history of our country" despite his many disagreements with his 2020 Democratic primary rival. He added that Trump — who he referred to as a "demagogue and pathological liar" — was too great of a threat for Democrats to remain divided about the incumbent president."
A Dem finally talks sense.

'What about Project 25?' Fetterman turns the table on Fox News over Biden questions
Rips 'em a new asshole.

Where’s Trump’s Hour-Long Press Conference With Policy Questions From Reporters?
"Semafor’s David Weigel argues, “A lot of the ‘whatabout Trump’ stuff is cope, but he really is getting an easy ride with interviewers compared to 2016 or 2020.”
“Most of his interviews are softball-fests. When he did All-In the campaign had to clean up his green card/diploma answer.”

Biden’s Performance Has Been Exceptional Where It Matters: It’s the Economy
"If we were living in a normal world this would be more important than any other issue in this election. Joe Biden's administration has been incredibly successful at steering the economy away from recession, and into prosperity the likes of which we haven't seen in half a century. And Trump is planning to destroy it..."

Misery Continues For Houston Residents: Hospitals Overwhelmed, Long Lines For Food And Water [VIDEO]
The disaster here is that Texas will keep re-electing these incompetent fools to fuck things up like this.

Ordinary People Are Absolutely Repulsed by AI-Powered Customer Service
"But over half — 53 percent — took an even harder line: they'd consider switching to a competitor if they learned a company was using AI in a customer service role — a staunch rebuttal to employers trying to automate this sector."
"But if customers aren’t repelled by AI agents from the outset, they might be by the time they actually interact with one. When McDonald’s experimented with an AI drive-thru this year, the out-of-its-depth AI kept screwing up orders so frequently that the fast food giant was forced to dump it. It's as they say: hell hath no fury like a customer scorned."
When it comes to customer service they can stick AI up their asses.

I'd Like To Report A Murder: Biden Took A Sledgehammer To Trump At Rally
President Joe Biden stood before enthusiastic supporters in Detroit on Friday night and took a sledgehammer to Donald Trump. For sure, the felon must have been hate-watching the President, who, no matter which side of the aisle you're on, was on fire, delivering rapid-fire burns to his thin-skinned predecessor. Biden mocked Trump's fear of sharks and his insane rants about electrocutions. "Poor Donald," Biden said, "he can't even watch TV this week because it's shark week."

'Breached his terms of release': How Trump may violate law by 'running his mouth' at RNC
"When former President Donald Trump comes to Milwaukee, Wisconsin for next week's Republican National Convention (RNC), he may come in contact with several criminal defendants tied to alleged crimes he has yet to stand trial for. Legal experts are now saying the ex-president could run afoul of the law if he has encounters with them at the RNC."
The moron will cut his own throat.

'Made violence his brand': Scholar warns of 'uniquely dangerous' Trump second term
"A leading expert on far-right, oppressive governments around the world is warning that former President Donald Trump would usher in fascism in the United States if he wins a second term this fall."
"Authoritarianism is about replacing the rule of law with rule by the lawless."
"Ben-Ghiat's assessment is not hyperbolic. In her dissent, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor said the Court's six conservative appointees effectively legalized extrajudicial murders so long as a president declared it to be an official act."
And to that I say "Give me Biden or give me death!"

'Wrong': Trump panned for angry Truth Social screeds after poll finds voters reject liars
And this raises the question: How do morons get behind liars like Trump? Sheer stupidity.

'What do they think happens next?' Michael Steele puts Biden-dumping Dems on the spot
"I was talking to a couple of Democrats who were saying that chatter was, 'Well, we can probably-- we will negotiate that later.' Negotiate what?" he exclaimed. "How do you negotiate that later? There is no later in this thing."
Again, how did these people ever get into politics? They are so damned stupid.

Climate change could return us to the pre-antibiotic era
We are in a race with ever-evolving bacteria — and we are losing. Climate change is making the battle much harder

Tuberville Takes Credit For Bridge He Voted Against
A perfect MAGAt turd.

Six Republican Senators To Skip GOP Convention
These people know what Trump represents. Unless they are lying. It's disgraceful that the rest of them are such toadies.

Georgia Meloni's Look When She Saw Orbán Breaks The Internet
The Italian Prime Minister's scowl when she saw Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.
"Viktor Orbán is on his whirlwind tour of the worst dictators in the world, with stops in Beijing to meet Xi Jinping, Moscow to meet Vladimir Putin, and Mar-a-Lago yesterday to meet with Donald Trump."
And Trump strokes him like he worships the bully he is.

GOP Rep Misses The Good Old Days Of The 1960s
I don't think Glenn Grothman was a hippie back then...
Why does he hate America's children so much?

Trump rips 6 House Republicans by name for 'stupidly' failing to pass controversial amendment
Republicans are not men when they put up with this shitbag filthy motherfucking Nazi.

How many 'tests' does Biden have to pass before we acknowledge that he passed them?
"My absolute favorite version of this manufactured standard of excellence centers on the word 'test' – as in, if Biden fails the “test,” whatever that “test” may be, he must vacate his party’s nomination. I have seen this word used in this context many times since June 27, but its use peaked this week as the White House prepared to host the NATO summit in celebration of the 75th anniversary of the alliance."
That peak also had a peak. It came when the press corps built up anticipation of Biden’s solo press conference, part of the NATO conference. By facing reporters for the first time since the disaster debate, the president, we were told, would face 'a crucial test' in the form of an opportunity to demonstrate his 'stamina' and 'mental acuity,' and prove why he should remain at the top of the Democratic ticket, even as some in his own party are encouraging him to leave.
Guess what?
Biden passed."

Texas Federal Judges Block LGBTQ Student Protections
"Two conservative federal judges in Texas have blocked President Joe Biden’s administration from enforcing new anti-discrimination protections for LGBTQ students, preventing the rule from taking effect in the Republican-led state and a school district represented by a Christian legal rights group."
Nazis going about their job of being destroyers of rights.
They're theocrats imposing their religious beliefs on everyone. Already following Project 2025.

AOC Introduced Articles Of Impeachment Against Thomas And Alito
Keeping Justices Thomas' and Alito’s corruption under a harsh glare is exactly what is needed.

Inflation Is Whipped. Someone Wake Up Jerome Powell.
Time for the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates.
"It’s time for Jerome Powell and the Fed to declare victory. They did it—maybe somewhat by accident, given how many price increases were due to one-off pandemic disruptions not related to interest rates—but it’s still a win. We got the soft landing. America’s economic airplane is on the ground. Let’s not now crash it into the terminal."
I have read elsewhere that they plan to do this by September as it will not damgage employment and wages now.

'Keep better company': McConnell vows to 'stamp out' Trumpian 'America First' policies
McConnell comes out of a bag on Trump.
“The language they used in the ‘20s and ‘30s are similar to what you hear today — ‘America First,’” McConnell reportedly said.
McConnell also slammed Trump for meeting with Orbán.
“I’m hoping [conservatives] might decide they better keep better company," said McConnell. "This guy’s completely in bed with the Chinese and the Russians."

It’s Too Hot to Fly Helicopters and That’s Killing People
Climate change is taking its toll on a greedy and lazy world.

DNC Chair Gives Master Class On Responding To Concerns Over Biden's Age
"Some of DNC Chair Jaime Harrison's Democratic colleagues in Congress could take a few pointers from him on how to respond to the constant concern trolling over Biden's age from the press. Following Biden's press conference at the end of the NATO summit, in which Biden did well overall but still made a few gaffes, Harrison was asked to respond to how he thought it went."
Read it, America.

Heritage Foundation: The 2024 Election Is Already Illegitimate
Of course a Fascist organization would go there. Dictators don't give a fuck about facts. They make up their own.
"Here are some of the right wing fever dreams they're using to rouse their army: "Barbra Streisand kidnapped by Hamas. Antifa-BLM protesters taking over a migrant detention facility. The FBI arresting Donald Trump two days after winning the election." Oh my, what a world the wingers are creating."

'Another loss' for ex-DOJ official who pushed Trump’s 'big lie'
Another Trump traitor tossed on his ass.

‘Dead Heat’: Biden Ahead or Tied With Trump in Two New Post-Debate Polls
Take it for what it's worth.

Critics: Where’s Trump’s hour-long press conference with policy questions from reporters?
"Following President Joe Biden’s 58-minute long unscripted, solo press conference without a teleprompter, fielding questions from reporters and responding with nuance and depth on a range of issues including foreign and domestic policy, some critics are calling on his opponent, ex-president Donald Trump, to do the same.
It’s been a long time since Trump has held an actual unscripted, lengthy, solo press conference, with questions from reporters, and well-over a year since he did one that wasn’t centered on his legal crises."
That's due to the fact Trump is a criminal and will be convicted of more crimes when he loses to Biden.

DOJ: Nazi Plotted Terror Attack On Energy Facilities
“Andrew Takhistov was allegedly on his way to Ukraine to join the Russian Volunteer Corps when we arrested him on charges of recruiting an individual to destroy an electrical substation here in the United States in order to advance his white supremacist ideology,” said Attorney General Merrick B. Garland. “I am grateful to the FBI and the Joint Terrorism Task Force for their exceptional work disrupting this dangerous plot.”

EU Leaders Slam Orban After He Visits Trump In Florida
Crap like this can start a war.
Two "Royal Criminals" who should both be behind bars.
A direct line to Putin. The MAGAts should be ashamed of this treason.

Donald Trump is dangerous. The media is finally talking about it
On Thursday, The New York Times published an editorial accurately noting that Donald Trump is "dangerous" and "unqualified" to be president.
“[Trump] has demonstrated an utter lack of respect for the Constitution, the rule of law and the American people,” the Times’ editorial board wrote. He is “animated by a thirst for political power: to use the levers of government to advance his interests, satisfy his impulses and exact retribution against those who he thinks have wronged him.”

Long Island Trump ally sparks outcry after announcing plan to train 75-member 'militia'
"Critics have accused (Blakeman) of creating, with little notice or explanation, an unsanctioned militia answering only to him," Kilgannon reports in an article published on July 11. "They called the move especially dangerous amid heightened fears of political violence, and as Mr. Trump promulgates plans for mass deportations and quashing dissent."
DeRiggi-Whitton told the Times, "It's the opposite way we want to be going, a private militia with guns. We're trying to work on gun control, rather than promote them."
This is Trump Fascism. Nazi swine.

'Betrayal': Trump hosts 'Russian puppet' Viktor Orbán as Biden hosts NATO leaders
Nice photo of Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin.

'What we need in a president': Biden lauded for 'sharp' answers to questions despite gaffe
"Various journalists, commentators and experts are praising President Joe Biden's most recent live press conference, and his command of complex domestic and international issues."
You mean someone can write a true assessment on Joe Biden?

Would Somebody Let This Poor Republican Congressman Watch Some Dove Soap Commercials?
"This was one of Jordan’s hearings about the whole world conspiring to laugh at white conservatives and refuse to sit with them at the lunch table, which is illegal and unconstitutional and 'anti-trust' probably. 'Collusion in the Global Alliance for Responsible Media,' Jordan called it, like a real congressman.
That’s why you had Actual Ben Shapiro in the House, being his regular old charming self and telling Eric Swalwell which activities of the weenus are sins. But that wasn’t that interesting, and frankly, Shapiro’s pocket protector was ready for that exchange. He’s used to talking about how all sex is icky and forbidden."

Joe Biden Was Ready To Send FEMA Aid After Beryl Hit Texas, First Had To Play 'Where's Dan Patrick?'
Probably playing with his "How to Become World Emperor" board game with Greg Abbott.

Project 2025 Wants Its Hands On Your Porn (To Outlaw It And Imprison Its Makers)
And so it can use it themselves. Lazy bastards.
"Again with the creepy fixation on trans people. This time it’s more explicit, though: “Pornography should be outlawed.” And people who make it “should be imprisoned.” And “educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders.” Etc.
"You notice how they seem to be talking about two entirely separate things at the same time? That’s not an accident."
They were studying "How To Be In Two Places at the Same Time (And Still Be Nowhere)>
"...some of it is just that they’re fascist Christian Nazi moral scolds who think all sex is icky, who are ashamed of their own bodies, who fear their own sexual desires and who they might really be inside if they were allowed to explore them fully.
But it also is useful to Google things like “porn+masculinity+crisis” to get a sense of what strain of conservative man-thought this is, the one that’s related to MAGA men’s ever-present and foundational masculine insecurity crisis."
You can't lose sight of how disturbed these morons are.
That's due to logic being lost on them.

'Jets need to be cooled': Clerk praised for sharing 'serious issues' with ditching Biden
Another extremely important issue the media has been delinquent on for America.
"So Democrats need to understand the ramifications of the actions that some are talking about," she said. "This may extend far beyond the choice for President and put a cloud over the election."
The Nazis love this.They have fallen into the Zen trap they set for themselves.
"You'd think the national press would know these things. But they just don't care," said @temple_winds.

Trump Plans To Cut Intelligence Sharing With NATO
This is an enemy of the free world talking. How can an American support this disaster?

NYT Editorial Board: Trump Is “Simply Unfit To Lead”
Have they finally come to their senses or are they just acting out?

AR Sec Of State Tosses Abortion Rights Ballot Measure
Arkansas Nazis deny American rights by conning them. The old bait and switch. This is the same treatment we'll get from any Nazi Party including Trump's MAGAt Party. There will be law suits filed.
This is the constant election rigging they talk about. They are the ones that are doing the rigging and doing it in plain sight.

'Pathetic': House GOP shredded for 'waste of time' ploy to undermine trust in elections
Well they aren't any worse than the spinless Biden detractors that used to be Democrats.

Five Dems Vote With GOP To Make Illegal Voting Illegal
These people have completely gone over the cliff in absolute extreme stupidity to make it harder for citizens to vote. They are all fucking MAGAts! Shame on your souls if you have one.
And here are their names:
1. Henry Cuellar (Texas)
2. Jared Golden (Maine)
3. Vicente Gonzalez (Texas)
4. Mary Peltola (Alaska)
5. Mike Thompson (California)

Biden Delivers Barn-Burner NATO Speech, Doesn't Even Threaten To Quit Alliance And Marry Putin
"Trump has always seemed to believe there’s a NATO checking account somewhere, that only America pays into. (NATO funding is an agreement among member nations to each spend two percent of GDP on their own defense.)
He also told his followers that he told NATO allies that he wouldn’t defend them against Russia, if they didn’t 'pay.' (He told it as a 'sir' story, so it’s almost certainly a lie that he was such a tough guy with NATO allies in private. He’s not known for being a really tough guy, in private.)
Meanwhile, there is a real NATO summit of the real NATO alliance happening in Washington DC, hosted by President Joe Biden, who gave a barn-burner of a speech last night to welcome NATO leaders."
Read it and see how strong Joe Biden is. He's far stronger than the weak-kneed Democrats trying to push him out of the race.
"Biden’s schedule for this NATO week is bugfuck by anyone’s standards, and that’s after his past week full of events. (Trump, comparatively, spent the week with his thumbs up his ass before he reappeared for his rally last night. You would too if the American media was dutifully doing your job of taking down your opponent for you.)"

The Supreme Court Is Demolishing Decades of Precedent on Workers’ Rights
Welcome back to the mines and chain gangs, America.

'Thought it was a joke': Bullets now for sale in vending machines in 3 GOP-led states
How our country has devolved in the last several decades.

JD Vance Said He Believes Trump’s Sexual Assault Accuser in Unearthed Interview
Let's talk One-Eyed Jacks:
"Senator JD Vance (R-OH) is a leading candidate to be running mate for former President Donald Trump, a selection the former president is expected to make in the coming days. Yet back in 2016, when Trump was running for president for the first time, and Vance was just the author of Hillbilly Elegy, he suggested he believed one of the women accusing Trump of sexual assault."
Many words have been written about Vance’s past comments about Trump, which include him declaring him an 'idiot' and comparing him to Adolf Hitler. In a comment that has yet to be unearthed, Vance went so far as to signal on MSNBC that he believed the story of Jessica Leeds, who claimed Trump groped her."

AOC Files To Impeach Justices Alito And Thomas
“The Constitution of the United States explicitly outlines a higher standard of conduct for the judiciary to meet, far surpassing its existing bars on treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors for all civil officers: the standard of Good Behavior."
Why dosn't Biden just have them assassinated?

KY Pastor and Wife Gets Years In COVID Fraud Scheme
A double bite the dust.
"A Lexington man, Neal Harris, 57, was sentenced on Monday, by U.S. District Judge Robert Wier, to 37 months in prison, for eight counts of wire fraud, for obtaining Economic Injury Disaster Loans under false pretenses.
His co-defendant, Kelly Harris, 64, was sentenced on July 2, 2024, to 46 months in prison, also for eight counts of wire fraud."

'We don't eat bacon anymore': Rally witness claims Trump rants are getting more 'surreal'
This man doesn't even know he's lying any longer. He lives in a fantasy world he has created.

'Off the chard!' Trump mocked for garbled post bragging about rally crowds
His crowd has noticeably diminished.

A death knell for NATO: Project 2025 calls for Trump to "restructure" US foreign policy
The plan is for Donald Trump to "reset the nation’s role in the world"
"He admitted that when he became president he didn't even know what NATO was before he launched into his tiresome rant about making the alliance countries pay their dues (they don't have dues) and reiterating that he told some unnamed foreign leader that he wouldn't defend them against Russian aggression if they were 'delinquent.'" Trump is an enemy of America and the free world. A formula for barbarism.

Trump Advisor Gorka: Kamala Harris Is A “DEI Hire”
These are some ugly lying motherfuckers. DEI is what American stands for. They are the trash heap that Fatso has created.

US Intel: Putin Aims To Undermine Biden In Election
Biden can always assassinate him. Perfectly fine to do so.

Trump: Nobody Eats Bacon Anymore Thanks To Biden
He may not eat bacon but everyone else does. Who believes the really stupid lies he pukes out? Morons who don't look at facts or pay attention. The price got out of control due to the Covid pandemic that Trump ignored.
Read this article from 2021 to understand why it did. Have we forgotten facts that quickly?

Biden is in. Critics are keeping quiet(er)
"It's a binary choice in November, but it's not binary coverage right now. That's a media failing."

Drunky Ronny Jackson Launches Misogynistic Attack On Karine Jean-Pierre
The only box of rocks is this drunken idiot.
"Former White House doctor Ronny Jackson, who the Inspector General said engaged in inappropriate conduct, including berating staff, sexual harassment, handing out Ambien like candy and drinking on the job – went all in a misogynistic attack against the White House Press secretary on Fox News."

GOP Plan Is Fascism No Matter What The Name Is
The Trump's Project 2025 is a fascist plan on the Heritage Foundation website. On Trump's campaign website the same plan is named Agenda 47. No matter what Republicans call it, they want to implement fascism and take away American rights.
The destruction of America is at hand when you pull the lever for Trump. Remember that.
Germany didn't listen in 1933 either.

Congressman shames media for ignoring Trump's name in newly released Epstein documents
"House Democrats met Tuesday to discuss President Joe Biden's candidacy, but one lawmaker wanted to know why the press has spent a second week on that story instead of looking at recently released Florida court documents in the Jeffrey Epstein case."
"It's easy to see where Trump fits into them," Insider said. "They are all transcripts of depositions from Ransome, Giuffre, and Epstein's Palm Beach housekeeper Juan Alessi, all of whom were asked about Epstein's relationships with celebrities and other powerful people."

Horror As Russia Bombs Children's Hospitals In Kyiv
Deliberate acts, targeting children's hospitals for maximum terror. There really are no words for why this sort of thing is allowed to happen in the modern world.
Sure there is. Atrocity, for one. Genocide, for two. Trump's pal for three. Unmitigated terrorism for extra.
Missile attacks on Ukraine's children's cancer treatment hospital have revulsed the world.

‘That’s Voter Fraud, My Friends’: McGovern Throws Trump’s Fake Electors Scheme in GOP’s Face During Debate on Republican Election Bill
“And if you want to talk about protecting elections, maybe my Republican friends ought to start telling the truth about the last election. And let me remind them, that, the leader of their party tried to submit fraudulent slates of electors to steal the last election. That’s voter fraud, my friends,” jabbed McGovern referring to Donald Trump’s efforts to retain power in 2020, adding: That’s what voter fraud looks like. And my friends on the other side of the aisle said not a thing. Not a thing. After court, after court after court upheld the fact that we had a free and fair election, but the former president actually submitted fraudulent slates of electors to try to change the result of the of the last election."
America wants a Nazi dictator president? They are acting like it.

POLL: National Majority Now Support Abortion Rights
"A solid majority of Americans oppose a federal abortion ban as a rising number support access to abortions for any reason, a new poll finds, highlighting a politically perilous situation for candidates who oppose abortion rights as the November election draws closer."
You won't get any rights from the Nazi Party.

'Joke of a state': Texans resorting to fast food app to track outages slam utility company
"After the devastation left in the wake of Hurricane Beryl, millions of Texans were left without power. And once again, residents of the Lone Star State were unable to count on Texas' flagship utility company for either prompt service restoration or even reliable communication."
"Whataburger has been more helpful in tracking outages than CENTERPOINT ENERGY," tweeted Texas-based progressive activist Olivia Julianna. "This is ridiculous. What a joke of a company and joke of a state to continue to let these major outages happen without investments into burying power lines or upgrading electric infrastructure."

'Wildly irresponsible': NY Times blasted over debunked Parkinson’s doctor 'innuendo'
"The New York Times is under fire after publishing a report Monday critics call 'wildly irresponsible' and 'not journalism,' which – at least in its headlines – implies President Biden has Parkinson’s, or might have Parkinson’s, despite the White House and the White House Physician point-blank stating he does not."
Listen, if Joe Biden shit his pants every day of the week, and wet the bed every fucking night. I would vote for him against a Nazi Dictator lying swine, which is what Trump is. We'll be ight years better off.

Politico Kidnaps Hillary Clinton From Chappaqua, Puts Her In Dumb Presidential Poll
"Why is Hillary Clinton in there? Because these are not serious people. Because of all the people involved in this discussion right now, 80 percent are media hacks, 80 percent are unserious shit-stirring chaos agents from Twitter, and another 80 percent are some combination of both. (Margin of error of suck my balls.)"
"Eyes on the ball. Defeat fascism in November.
Everything else is fuckallthatnoise."

Millions of Texans still lack power as temperatures climb
When will Texans finally get a brain and toss the Greg Abbott 18th Century thinking out.

‘Where’s Trump?’: Ex-President Hasn’t Held Any Public Events Since Day After Debate
By contrast, President Biden has made 18 “post-debate appearances,” according to The Independent, which slammed Trump for being “in hiding for 10 days.”

Why the Bid to Push Out Biden Is Losing
It’s perceived, rather correctly, as coming from an out-of-touch elite donor class without public legitimacy.

How States Can Undo One of This Supreme Court Term’s Most Egregious Decisions
"The lesson is clear. If the Supreme Court’s latest narrowing of Eighth Amendment and other fundamental rights feels enraging, or perhaps even hopeless, remember the power of state constitutions and the courts that interpret them."

Don’t Be Fooled—the GOP’s New Abortion Platform Is Not “Softened” or “Scaled Back”
Of course it's not. Only the suckers believe that bullshit.

'Genuinely shocked': Josh Hawley's own constituents outraged by latest comments
LOL! More proof that these shit-fer-brains don't have a clue about their own candidates.

Perkins: GOP Platform “Compromises Biblical Truth”
Ooops! This should disilluison Xianists about the Trump Nazi Party.
"I cannot compromise biblical truth to advance a temporal political objective. I won’t do it,” he insisted. “I just can’t do it," Family Reasearch Council’s president insisted.

Lawyer For Oath Keepers Pleads Guilty To J6 Charges
"A week after a judge deemed Kellye SoRelle mentally competent to stand trial, the former Oath Keepers attorney and onetime girlfriend to convicted seditionist and Oath Keepers leader Elmer Stewart Rhodes has pleaded guilty to conspiring to obstruct the certification of the 2020 election."
Trump crime machine keeps getting exposed.

No 'high-fiving' or 'champagne-popping': Milwaukee CEO slams GOP convention as economic 'failure'
"Republicans have been touting the convention as a major economic boost for Milwaukee. But according to Newsweek's Kate Plummer, some local business owners are expressing their disappointment."
Just like Fatso, the Crime Clown.

Senate Dems Working To Strip Trump Of Immunity Protection
"Schumer, invoking Congress’s powers to regulate the courts, said Democrats are working on legislation to classify Trump’s efforts to subvert the results of the 2020 election as “unofficial acts” so they do not merit immunity from criminal prosecution under the high court’s recent 6-3 decision."
That should be a no-brainer to do his stinking ass in.

RNC Member Shocked At Lack Of Democracy On Platform Committee
Amazing that a member of the Neo-Fascist Party just realizes who she's with.

Pathetic Kevin McCarthy Projects His Own Failure Onto Hakeem Jeffries
"The worst House Speaker in 140 years, Kevin McCarthy attacked Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries with a bizarre analogy that applies more to himself that anyone else."

'The Matter Is Closed': AOC Perfectly Shuts Down Reporters On Biden
"Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) reaffirmed her support for President Biden on Monday amid the media frenzy. Reporters have been putting democracy on the brink for clicks and airtime while the same reporters do not question the unhinged felon's fitness. Trump has been displaying his unfitness for the highest office in the land for years. He's a raving lunatic."
Very good. Whores for press clicks!

475 Poison Pills in House Republican Draft Spending Bills
“475 poison pills is already similar in scale to what House Republicans proposed last year,” said Lisa Gilbert, executive vice president of Public Citizen and co-chair of the Clean Budget Coalition. “Once the July markups and floor amendments are complete, it’s likely we’ll be facing an unprecedented number of these toxic measures. None of these attacks on abortion rights, climate, our democracy, and more belong in spending bills, and all of them must be removed before any final spending package is passed and signed into law.”

'Drunk on power': Expert warns there’s 'only 2 ways to deal with' SCOTUS — and 1 'leads to civil war'
Mystal adds, "Democracy cannot long exist if laws have meaning only when the president decides to enforce them at the point of a gun. The second option, court expansion, is the normal, peaceful, constitutional solution to a court that no longer believes it can be checked by other institutions."
“The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all.” – John F. Kennedy

Trump makes last-ditch push to halt damaging 'mini-trial' in Jan. 6 case
"Once again, Trump’s plan is election interference," posted national security attorney Bradley Moss in response to the reporting. "He wants to ensure the voters never learn the full details of how he tried to overthrow the 2020 election and nullify their votes."
Stop this Nazi in his tracks.

Josh Hawley makes it clear: 'I’m advocating Christian nationalism'
Fuck the little bastard. He hasn't a clue what democracy is.

Inside the 'Nightmare' Health Crisis of a Texas Bitcoin Town
Bitcoin is destroying lives.

"Don't discount what he's telling you," Cohen says of Trump's threats. "He's already done it to me"
Michael Cohen says his federal conviction should serve as the crux of Joe Biden’s campaign against Trump
It's as if this has to be explained to the average citizen. Why do they not understand this without a show and tell? We've already had it.

Trump-Appointed Federal Judge Resigns In Sex Scandal
"Joshua Kindred, who resigned as a U.S. District Court judge for Alaska last week, had an 'inappropriately sexualized relationship' with one of his law clerks, engaged in 'unwanted' sexual conduct and then lied about it to the chief judge, according to the Judicial Council of the Ninth Circuit."
Trump disciple and toadie.

TEMU sued for being “dangerous malware” by Arkansas Attorney General
"Chinese online shopping giant Temu is facing a lawsuit filed by State of Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin, alleging that the retailer’s mobile app spies on users."
"According to Baclinko statistics, Temu was the most downloaded shopping app worldwide in 2023, with 337.2 million downloads, 1.8x more than Amazon Shopping, and according to TechCrunch, Temu was the most downloaded free iPhone app in the US for 2023."

Trump Faces Renewed Scrutiny Over Allegations of Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl
Former President Donald Trump finds himself thrust back into the spotlight amidst resurfaced allegations of sexual misconduct involving minors. These accusations stem from a 2016 lawsuit filed by an anonymous plaintiff known as “Katie Johnson,” alleging that Trump and the late Jeffrey Epstein engaged in severe acts of abuse and exploitation." "Epstein’s mysterious demise occurred during Trump’s presidency under the watchful eyes of his attorney General Bill Barr, prompting widespread speculation that Trump himself could be linked to his death. Many have questioned the circumstances surrounding Epstein’s apparent suicide, particularly the malfunction of surveillance cameras at the time, adding to the intrigue and conspiracy theories surrounding the event."

Defiant Biden tells donors: 'We're done talking about the debate'
I can tell you what will happen if the Democrats change horses in the middle of the stream.
We'll see a rise in Independents and an a abandonment of the Democratic Party.
And, sorry to say, a victory for Fascism.

Fox News suffers body blow as billionaire spends millions to bolster defamation lawsuit
"Any hope that executives at Fox News could stiff-arm and drag out the defamation lawsuit filed against them by voting technology company Smartmatic following the 2020 presidential election took a serious hit after a billionaire investor came to their rescue."
Looks good on 'em.

'Sounds strong!' Biden's surprise MSNBC appearance rallies Dems but earns MAGA scorn
"Biden spoke for 18 minutes on the MSNBC morning talk show during which he defended the work he does in Washington D.C. while former President Donald Trump was "riding around in a golf cart" at Mar-a-Lago.
Viewers included Hollywood actor and director Rob Reiner, who backtracked on demands made over the weekend that Biden should end his campaign to ensure the 'convicted felon' didn't win."
"If we see the Joe Biden that appeared on Morning Joe today every day until Nov.5, he’ll be able to shut up people like me who think he should step aside," said Reiner.
Tell MAGAt Nazis to drop dead.

Yellow Journalism Exposed: The Unfair Targeting of Biden's Flaws vs Trump's Crimes!
So, to answer the question about why Trump is polling better than Biden regardless of the realities in the fact-based world: “It’s the media, stupid.”
Also they think that the number of Republicans opposing Trump and wanting his removal is "old news." They are intellectually void. "Yellow jpurnalism."
"It's time to raise some hell!"

Project 2025 Is Bad, But Trump’s Agenda 47 Is Worse
Garbage. These people are garbage.

'Harmless error': Inside the legal doctrine that all but guarantees Trump's sentencing
Sentenced for life will be appropriate.

'Why are they hiding him?': Morning Joe points to bad news for Trump
"After sharing clips of an invigorated President Joe Biden hitting the campaign trail over the weekend, "Morning Joe," host Joe Scarborough kicked off Monday morning's show by pouncing on the fact that the embattled president isn't afraid to get out in front of crowds while Donald Trump has been nowhere to be seen."

Trump accused of swindling millions from his fans for a bogus 'election defense fund'
Trump? Embezzle funds? This is only more proof of the filthy swine he is.

"Some folks need killing!": It's time to take MAGA threats of violence literally and seriously
A leader of Project 2025 declares the authoritarian "revolution" will be "bloodless" only "if the left allows it"
These Nazi bastards are the ones talking about doing the killing. They bleed the same. I'd think twice if I were them. We won't be taken alive, you motherfuckers.

US Cultists Claim French Election Was “Rigged”
Nazis are losers and bad losers. All they can do is cry "rigged." They are worthless and have nothing to offer humanity.

Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?
"Trump is showing growing signs of dementia, but isn’t facing nearly the same scrutiny as is Joe Biden."
"Trump has confused Biden with Obama so often that he’s had to put out a statement that the slips have been intentional."
The excuse of Trump's dementia is "old news" is pure irresponsibility by the press.It's never that.

'The call was recorded': Brutal fact check decimates new Marjorie Taylor Greene Trump claim
Let's not forget the call was recorded for a reason. They knew he was a crook and they wanted proof that he was to avoid any liabilty.

I’m a doctor. Biden’s debate performance led me to a very different takeaway.
Aging is inescapable, yet as a society we portray it as something to be feared and avoided

Patriot Front Marches Through Downtown Nashville
"Tennessee Democrats are speaking out after Patriot Front held its annual Independence Day March in downtown Nashville on Saturday. The group posted videos of the march, including “activists” entering downtown, crossing the Cumberland River, marching down Broadway and giving a speech at Legislative Plaza across from the Tennessee State Capitol.
Democrats denounced the protests, calling the group “white supremacists.” “Just two days after celebrating the independence of our nation, white supremacists have taken to the streets of Nashville carrying Confederate flags and chanting ‘deportation saves the nation’ and “Seig Heil,’” the Tennessee Democratic Party said in a statement.
Hitler's children champing at the bit.

Philly Paper: Focus On Trump Lies, Not Biden’s Gaffes
It's so stunning that this has to be told to people. They can't see past the smoke and can't hear past the noise.
"Little attention has been paid to Trump’s incoherent debate performance because he is often incoherent. Trump told more than 30 lies in 90 minutes during the debate like it was another day at the office. In discussing abortion, he falsely claimed Democrats want to execute babies in the ninth month of pregnancy. Trump also claimed migrants were taking 'Black jobs' and 'Hispanic jobs' — whatever that means."
I call it the race card. The suckers always bite on it.

Rubio Shrugs At Project 2025 Leader’s Suggestion Of Political Violence: “He’s Not Running For President”
That's because you're a fascist coward but still find violence on others attractive. And you're not much of a man.

Rate of young women getting sterilized doubled after Roe was overturned
We've heard this in other articles on the subject. Nice going, Trump Nazis. So much for your goddamned ideas.

Trump Explodes After Hate-Watching President Biden's Interview
God, how I wish he would in reality. Blood and guts all over the auditorium.
"Biden did well in the interview, and the felon was hate-watching it, so he unleashed a post on Truth Social to weigh in on the few naysaying Democrats, who, I'm noticing, appear to be in swing states."

Sen. John Fetterman Helps The Media With Some Questions For Trump
Sen. John Fetterman, who has put up with a similar media frenzy to what Joe Biden is going through now, questioning whether he was fit to serve in the Senate, offered some helpful suggestions for the media with some questions they should start asking Trump.
1) Ever bang a porn star?
2) Ever bribe one?
3) Been impeached?
4) Consumed by revenge?
5) Vow to pardon Jan. 6th insurrectionists?
6) Pay a $25M fine for some shitty college?
7) Promise to be a dictator?
8) Ever destroy Roe?
9) Ever beat Trump?
— John Fetterman (@JohnFetterman) July 5, 2024
Gotta' love this follow up:
10) Ever been found liable of sexual abuse?
11) Ever been found liable of business fraud?
12) Do you have a mugshot?
13) Have you ever stolen from a charity?
14) Ever said you’d be dating your daughter if she wasn’t your daughter?
15) Ever call our fallen of war suckers and… more on the site link.

Why Trump Spent Years Trying To Destroy Joe Biden
It's just the same pundits doing the same thing they did to Hillary in 2026. The asswipes!
"The Republicans want us to replace Biden because: A: They can't beat him. B: They'll make sure any other Democrat can't get on all the ballots. C: Only Biden or Harris has access to the Democratic war chest. Any other Dem would be starting from scratch financially."
"If the pundits stop their 24/7 bashing of Biden, they might realize there's a reason Trump and the GOP have invested millions trying to stop Joe Biden from becoming president. Here are a handful of tactics the GOP used to stop Joe from Scranton."

Tuberville Opens His Mouth, And Stupid Just Falls Out From It
It's a thankless job, Tubby, but if someone has to do it the right people are!
Thanks to Joe, we are doing well in America and none to your fascist fuckstick mob.
I know that both of these mental morons on Fox are not and never will.

Time to fight a lawless Supreme Court
Ya think?

Trump's far-right army is threatening bloodshed — believe them
Go ahead and make our day. They will get what they are asking for.

Cartoon: Trump tests Supreme Court opinion

Hurricane Beryl's Category 5 winds are alarming — here's why tropical storms are exploding
More evidence for climate change deniers.

'In shambles': Far-right Freedom Caucus group reportedly losing donations after big loss
Oh. that's just so sad. LMAO!

NEW POLL: Biden Regains Some Ground Lost To Trump After Debate, Including in Swing States
"On Saturday, Bloomberg/Morning Consult released a new poll showing Biden regaining against Trump in Michigan and Wisconsin. Moreover, Biden appeared to narrow Trump’s lead in Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, and North Carolina.
The survey also indicated Trump’s lead over Biden has shrunk to 2% across seven essential states with a lead of 47% to 45%. Per Bloomberg, this is the closest margin Biden has gained to overtaking Trump since October of last year, showing not only regaining lost ground but exceeding some pre-debate polling."
C'mon Pennsylvania. We have two candidates. One supports democracy, one does not. If Biden gets elected he can always be removed. Then Harris would become president. Try to grow up and be an American state.
And since our election is not one person, one vote, it matters not what the "National" polls say.

Michigan Gov Gets Bill Banning “Gay Panic” Defense
"It would no longer be legal to argue that someone’s sexual orientation justified assaulting them under a proposed law headed to the governor’s desk.
If signed into law by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, a person charged with a violent crime couldn’t seek to reduce or evade criminal liability on claims that they lost control and reacted violently because of the victim’s sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.
Michigan would be the 20th state in the U.S. to pass such a law banning the defense, according to the National LGBTQ+ Bar Association. The defense is commonly referred to as 'gay panic' or 'LGBTQ+ panic.'"

Judge Gives Trump Another Delay In Stolen Docs Case
President Biden can take care of that as well. Remove her and appoint an honest justice.

Dems Want To Codify Chevron After 'Dangerous' Supreme Court Ruling
Easy enough to do. All Joe Biden has to do is issue a Presidential order decaring it so. He's in charge of anything official.

Ranking the Presidents of the United States: A Historical Overview
Published at Sunday, February 25, 2024 at 8:28 PM CD
"A survey of historians and presidential experts ranks President Biden in 14th place all-time, just ahead of Woodrow Wilson and Ronald Reagan. This ranking takes into account factors such as leadership, accomplishments, and overall impact on the nation. The list provides a fascinating glimpse into how each president is viewed by those who study American history.
Presidential historians in a new survey rank President Biden as the 14th best president in U.S. history — and put former President Trump near the bottom of the list. This ranking reflects the diversity of opinions and perspectives on each president's legacy. It also highlights the ongoing debate over what makes a president truly great.
According to a recent survey ranking “Presidential greatness” of the 45 Presidents of the United States, President Joe Biden emerged as the 14th best president in history. This ranking sheds light on the complexities of presidential leadership and the challenges each president faces during their time in office."
"It also underscores the importance of leadership qualities that transcend age." President Trump was near the bottom of the list.
Published only 5 months ago. How quickly America forgets its bearings.

Former Trump Staffer Reveals New Texts Alleging More Secret Payoffs and Settlements – Report
A former staffer on Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign revealed bombshell texts claiming that the former president’s 2020 campaign “settled multiple suits” related to gender discrimination and sexual harassment.

Amid allegations of Biden’s decline, no one can point to one mistake
"Ageism seems to be the root of most of the reaction to the president’s performance."
"If Biden is too old – that is, if his “\'mental acuity' is so compromised – how do we explain everything he’s accomplished, including Friday’s job report, according to which the economy added 206,000 jobs? The Post reported that 'even as interest rates remain high, weighing on some parts of the economy, the labor market continues to buoy workers, wages and consumer spending, preventing a broader downturn.'
How do we explain this achievement?
You can’t. And because we can’t, we must conclude that the president’s campaign is now in peril, not because of substance, but because of vibes. The downside is that he might lose because of them. The upside, however, is that you can turn some of these vibes around. You can regain your balance and your confidence, and you can fight like hell."
Any denials to this only serve to illustrate just how true this essay is.

Tribe: We cannot ‘roll over and play dead’ in face of ‘astonishing’ immunity ruling
Harvard Law School Constitutional Law Professor Laurence Tribe speaks to MSNBC's Ali Velshi about concrete steps Americans can take to push back against the Supreme Court decision granting Donald Trump immunity for official acts while in office. “We now have an imperial judiciary walking arm in arm with an imperial executive," Tribe warns. "And we need to take these things not as given just because the highest court in the land has said so, but as inconsistent with our aspirations to democracy."

'Don't want Trump to win': Security expert pinpoints origin of ex-president's victim gripe
...And Trump, according to Wheeler, believes the FBI's focus on these contacts was aimed at hurting him. "And that is the birth of Trump's victimization. That is the birth of something Trump needed to be true from that point forward," said Wheeler.
"And he found ways to make it true two or three times down the road. That is the birth of Trump's claim, which most MAGAs believe as if it's the Ten Commandments. That the deep state went out after Trump in 2016, that the deep state wiretapped Donald Trump in 2016 and tried to take him down That's where this assault on the deep state really comes from."
In other words, America, he created his own "victimization." The swine.

'What the hell are these people thinking?': Michael Steele rips Dems' plans for Biden
After proclaiming, "I just have never seen such an absolute creation of a wasteland around a candidate by his own people," Steele took aim at Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) for leading the charge against Biden.
Speaking about Warner and Democratic powerbrokers, he explained, "You trashed Kamala Harris for the last three years, right? So a lot of folks out there in the electorate and certainly within the party say 'I don't think I want to do that.' Now you are trashing the president and you're going to have another meeting with senators."
"What the hell are these people thinking?" he exclaimed before adding, " [What] is going to happen when you turn to September and whether it is Kamala Harris at the top of the ticket, or Joe Biden, or, I don't know, pick a random Democrat and make them the nominee?"
"What do you think Republicans are going to do with that? The only commercial that they have to do is run the stupid things that are being said now," he warned.
Yes. It is incredible to see them create the ads that will be used against them. This makes it very clear they are not thinking but knee-jerking and losing all control of themselves instead of standing and fighting like men.

Dems attacking Biden are 'doing more damage' than the debate: analyst
"I would suggest that the response of that very small number of Democrats that have really come out after the president, and some of the media folks that have really come down on him since the election have done more damage and more harm than the president himself did during that debate."
"For me, and millions of Americans like me, this election is about the future of our country. It is about democracy, it is about getting away from the imperialistic, criminal presidency of Donald Trump and making sure that our children have a future that we can feel good about and be proud of," she explained.
Said Jennifer Horn — now an independent working with the anti-Trump Lincoln Project.

MSNBC host admits the media is going overboard on Biden while ignoring Trump
"Let me be clear, and I am probably making a lot of people angry right now, they're telling me I need to wrap , but here is the deal" Phang replied before pausing and adding, "Because we talk about it, and I want to be clear, I am talking about it on my show because I think it is an important thing to acknowledge why it's been a disservice but I agree with you, Danielle [Moody] and Susan Del Percio, that we need to move on from it and focus on the critical issues like Project 2025." "And the last thing I will do is this, President Biden said in the interview last night, it is about the character of the president, the character of the president will determine if the Constitution is employed in the right way. If you believe in that, that is not Donald Trump," she added.
She is so right. Let's focus on saving America from fascism. We are the last best hope.

GOP Sen. Mike Lee facing furious backlash after spreading 'malicious lies' about Biden
"On Friday, Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) amplified a baseless, debunked claim that President Joe Biden was experiencing a medical episode on board Air Force One. Now, the senator is getting roasted for his tweet by both journalists and commentators."
This is what Nazis do. It's not news. It's not surprising.

Women Under Fire: The GOP's Radical Agenda to Penalize "Sinners"
That’s what’s really going on here: for the zealots in the most extreme parts of the forced birth movement — which has taken control of the GOP — it’s all about the punishment of women.

The Pile-On
"Joe Biden is being treated far worse than Donald Trump by the two institutions critical for deciding the outcome of the 2024 election: the political parties and the media."
"All of this demonstrates the discipline of authoritarianism and the messiness of democracy. But that’s the nature of these two systems. Authoritarian fascism, such as Trump and his coterie are now peddling, is even more disciplined.
All over the world (except in the UK), voters are choosing discipline over messiness, authoritarianism over democracy.
To restate the obvious, we are living in dangerous times."
The Democrats themselves have created a self-defeating monster.
History will not be kind to them.

Kansas Supreme Court Strikes Down Second-Trimester Abortion Ban
In a 5-1 ruling striking down two laws, the court found that the state constitution protects the right to abortion
"In a set of opinions penned by Democratic Governor-appointed justices Eric Rosen and Melissa Standridge, the court found that the Kansas constitution protected the right to an abortion, striking down the pair of laws."
Guess who's going to Kansas?

NC Gov Nominee Ran Shady Child Care Center
Never seen a POS? Now you have.

'Going To Win Again!': Joe Is Back, And He's Not Backing Down
This is the Joe Biden we know and love.
Anyone that isn't a Trump Nazi, or an enabler, knows this.

Biden, still very much running, jokes "whether Trump has it all together"
"Cool Joe" energy was in full force in Wisconsin, during a rally that underlined Biden has no plans to back out
"The Friday rally in Madison came after public appearances in New York City and North Carolina, in which he seemed much more invigorated than some media narratives suggest."
"'I'm not letting one 90-minute debate wipe out 3.5 years of work,' the president said, addressing the party insiders who want to remove him from the ticket."
If it only took 90 minutes to make cowards of the Democrats, what does that say about their backbones?

Pete Buttigieg Attack Leaves GOP Speechless
Buttigieg is smart as a whip, quick as hell with facts & wit and knows so much more than they do.

Trump hopes you won’t notice 'close partnership' with Project 2025: former Labor Secretary
"In case there’s any doubt that Trump and the Heritage Foundation are working in close partnership, Trump can be seen in this video praising the Heritage Foundation and saying he 'needs' them to 'achieve' his goals,"
Organized crime has taken over the GOP.

Historian warns Trump 'imperial presidency' will be 'huge shock' to Americans: 'Never been here before'
If they don't wake up that will be our fate. The blood will never wash off their hands.
"My brave fellows, you have done all I asked you to do, and more than could be reasonably expected, but your country is at stake, your wives, your houses, and all that you hold dear. You have worn yourselves out with fatigues and hardships, but we know not how to spare you. If you will consent to stay one month longer, you will render that service to the cause of liberty, and to your country, which you can probably never do under any other circumstance." — General George Washington to his troops, his band of brothers, on their final day of their enlistment on December 31 1776, before the war had been won.
Our Army of the Revolution went on to win America that day.

MAGA fumes over report 4th of July gas prices lowest in 3 years: 'Why is CBS campaigning for Biden?'
Because he's the man and you aren't, asswipes.

In first post-debate interview Biden calls Trump a 'felon' and strongly defends his record
Biden kicks ass and takes names of cowards, so called Democrats, who are on the run.
Listen to the full Biden WURD interview below or at this link.

MAGA 'freak out' starts as Trump game plan threatens to 'backfire': analyst
"A controversial campaign tactic is backfiring on former President Donald Trump as powerful celebrities warn of an imminent authoritarian regime that could put an end to "recreational sex" as part of a "fascistic game plan," according to a new political analysis."
"Project 2025 — a platform crafted by the Heritage Foundation whose president this week delivered veiled threats of bloody revolution — is described by Marcotte as "a laundry list of the far-right's most politically toxic ideas" that includes a nationwide abortion ban, mass federal firings and the dismantling of the Education department."
Of course, Lumpy plays the "I know nothing about it" card. What a pile of shit.
Fact is, it isn't hidden. It's in plain sight and has been a good while. That reports aren't everywhere on it exposes the lameness of the press.
Project 2025 has been referred to multiple times by The Land of the Happy Negro in the past. So readers of this site have known what it is for some time. Look for yourselves.

'Myth of institutionalism': John Roberts lays out blueprint for dictatorship
"Apart from Roberts’ lack of fidelity to constitutional text, history and precedent, his opinion is conceptually sloppy, poorly organized and incomplete."
"Roberts has spent his legal career as a right-wing political operative, dating back to his stint as a clerk for the late Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist, continuing in his work for the Reagan and Bush administrations, and into his role as a behind-the-scenes GOP 'consultant, lawsuit editor, and prep coach for arguments before the Supreme Court' in the run-up to Bush v. Gore, the case that decided the 2000 presidential election."
An inside job from the start.

We Appear to Have a Deal! Hamas Has Indicated They Accept the Terms of the Truce/Ceasefire Proposal
"Hamas informs Hezbollah they accept latest Gaza truce for hostage deal, per @Reuters. Former war cabinet member Benny Gantz joins Israeli Opposition Leader Yair Lapid in assuring Netanyahu of Knesset support in case deal is nixed by extremist cabinet ministers."

Barbara Boxer Lets Former Colleagues Have It Over Biden Attacks
"Former California Sen. Barbara Boxer yesterday bashed her former colleagues who have called for Joe Biden to drop out of the race after last week’s presidential debate against former President Trump."
"“I disagree with these members who are coming on TV for their five minutes of fame and pushing out a man who has been one of the greatest presidents since FDR,” Boxer said during an interview on CNN.
She means their five minutes of history in infamy.

Donald Trump Appears In Epstein Document Dump
"Another great voice from the Meidas Touch team, Politics Girl tweeted about the lack of media coverage on the Trump-Epstein story. It's worth checking out!"
The swine will be exposed as the garbage he is with his antics with Epstein.

Joe Biden Talked About Democracy. Trump Talked About Himself
"Starting off by writing, 'Happy Fourth of July to all, including our highly incapable president who uses prosecutors to go after political opponents. USA.' In total, Trump mentioned America just one time in his Fourth of July posts -- and I know this will shock you -- saying, 'Make America Great Again.'"
If, in its infinite wisdom, the Democratic Party forces Biden off their ticket, they should be sued by everyone in America that donated money to them for the Biden campaign under false pretenses and fraud.
The party will die along with the Republican Party.

The Supreme Court just limited federal power. Health care is feeling the shockwaves
This is a coup in plain sight. SCOTUS now runs the United States.
If anything ever called for a civil war, this does.

'Some folks need killing': MAGA candidate praises violence in unhinged church rant
He can see the first one by looking in a mirror.
"According to Sargent, "He has linked homosexuality to pedophilia, called for the arrest of trans women, pushed hallucinogenic antisemitic conspiracy theories, endorsed the vile 'birther' conspiracy about Barack Obama, described Michelle Obama as a man, hinted at the need to violently oppose federal law enforcement and the government, and posted memes mocking and denying the brutal, violent assault on Nancy Pelosi's husband, among many other things."
Sargent adds, "His latest rant is yet another example of an ugly game widely played on the MAGA right, one supercharged by Donald Trump. It entails hinting that right-wing political violence is necessary and justified because a ubiquitous, all-seeing, all-powerful leftist threat — one that is pure invention — is already supposedly attacking and persecuting conservatives on a mass scale."

The Supreme Court is protecting the president from you. It should be the other way around
It's what a mob boss gang of wise guys do? This is what American stands for? Examine your souls.

The Dismantling of Democracy: A Grim Projection of American Fascism Under Trump
"The guardrails of democracy have been blasted into dust. The Supreme Court’s ruling on presidential immunity grants presidents carte blanche to commit crimes as long as they act within their “constitutional authority.” Welcome to gangster capitalism."

Old pipes cause Texas cities to lose tens of billions of gallons of water each year
The lost water costs the cities millions and heightens the state’s water supply challenges.
This should outrage everyone. Texas government is retarded MAGAt flatheads when it comes to infrastructure.

"Biden is aging, but so is Trump, and one of those guys has been stuffing his maw with hamberders and never ridden a bike in his life. As hard as we fixate on the horror that would come with a Biden stroke or funeral, we could be daydreaming about Trump dropping dead with no named vice presidential candidate, and that chaos. So why prematurely weaken one’s position by switching nags mid-stream?"br> Most people don’t vote at all. Maybe they don’t give enough of a shit, and take everything for granted like teenagers on summer break believing that the refrigerator stocks itself. Or they don’t believe that it really makes a difference. Or they’re simply huge idiots, like this Matthew Walther guy. And most people do not want to live in a country where smog chokes the air, birth control is illegal, pregnant women die of sepsis, Aunt Lydia runs the library, and enemies of the state get dragged away and executed. America is going out of business, and on sale now is perhaps the last chance to vote in a free or fair election ever. Is there really no way to get those millions of nonvoting fellow citizens some kind of message?
We have to believe we can figure out a way! Joe Biden is the candidate, and everything is at stake, here.
To turn your back on Biden is turning your back on your country. And only traitors and greedy cowards do that.

Conservative New York Times Choad Proud To Not Vote, Please Don't Notice All The Times He Voted
This is the same douchebag I read about yesterday.The moron doesn't know the power in numbers. Where do these flathead numbskulls get their education? The fucking Times had to edit the moronic article several times!
"Maybe the Times piece should have been titled “Why I’m Totally Voting But Would Prefer It If the Mostly Liberal Readership of the Times Did Not Vote,” which seems to us to be much more telling about what is going on here."

US inflation easing, job market similar to pre-pandemic conditions -Fed report
Fed rate cut debate in view as U.S. job market cools

After the debate, plenty of insider texts but little transparency among political reporters
Journalists could be more transparent. News consumers deserve to see the fullest version possible of the evidence

Trump flings ugly insults at Biden in July Fourth message
On Independence Day, Trump shows us he is not an American. Just a common crminal threat to the U.S.,br>

'Sick and tired of people like you': Morning Joe rips Trump ally for violence threat
"Morning Joe" co-host Joe Scarborough pounced on the Heritage Foundation president Kevin Roberts Friday for threatening violence if Donald Trump doesn't win re-election in November.
Only thing to do with totalitarian bullies is to reject them. Kick him out.

Project 2025 was supposed to boost Donald Trump's campaign — but it may be backfiring instead
Trump's authoritarian game plan is breaking through the post-debate noise and it's starting to scare people
They should be scared as hell. Dump Trump in his Nazi shitter.

Keir Starmer To Become UK PM In Labour Landslide
"Sir Keir Starmer is set to become the UK’s first Labour prime minister since 2010 after his party’s landslide general election victory. Labour is returning to power with a huge parliamentary majority of 174, following a collapse in support for the Conservatives."

Remember When The Press Warned Us That Hillary Clinton Was At Death's Door?
Are you serious? Some Americans couldn't remember their butt if it wasn't already attached.
"Biden's made multiple appearances since the debate. He's been on the campaign trail plenty before then, too—more so than the sluggish Trump. And we haven't seen a return of this supposed incoherence. There's been no evidence for it. Our objective and neutral press, however, has continued to push these same sensationalist stories while ignoring, as with their attempted sabotage of the Clinton campaign eight years ago, that their original premise now appears to have been false."

'Republicans cannot win without lies': Scholar argues mass protest can and will foil Trump
"Bubbling rage against Donald Trump and the political elite who protect him from criminal prosecution has the power to topple the former president's campaign, an American historian and scholar argued Thursday.
"Ruth Ben-Ghiat spoke with the Guardian's Margaret Sullivan about what they described as the media's false equivalency fallacy equating President Joe Biden's poor debate performance with Trumps' four criminal cases, authoritarian rhetoric and campaign agenda, and problematic first presidency.
"Mass protest movements had electoral consequences in the 2018 and 2022 midterm elections,” Ben-Ghiat said. Sullivan notes the scholar "is convinced that we are ripe for another round – and the stakes are higher than ever."
Ben-Ghiat argued Thursday that Republican aggression is not a sign of strength but their inability to fight an increasingly liberal sentiment among American citizens."

‘We Must Not Fail’: Cheney Offers Stark 4th of July Warning About Trump And His Threats to ‘Unravel Our Republic’
“Take a few minutes today to read David McCullough’s speech: ‘The Glorious Cause of America,’” Cheney wrote on X, sharing a link to the renowned historian’s speech.
For 248 years, our freedom has survived. Now, its defense is up to us. We must defeat the former president who threatens to unravel our Republic. We must not fail,” Cheney added. Earlier in the week, Cheney raised the alarm over Trump calling for her to face a “televised military tribunal” for treason — yet again promising to use the power of government to punish his critics should he be reelected.”

‘Choked Like a Dog’: Trump Skips Celebrating America in 4th of July Message, Rants Against Biden Instead
Spoken exactly like the criminal Nazi traitor he is.

Biden And Netanyahu Hold Call On Ceasefire Deal
"President Biden on Thursday spoke with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and discussed developments in the negotiations for a hostage and ceasefire deal in Gaza.
Biden has pushed for a deal for months. White House officials said they want to take advantage of Hamas’ positive response to the latest proposal in order to close the remaining gaps and reach an agreement."
Why in the hell does he spend time with major world problems constantly? /S

'Just what the autocracy doctor ordered': Expert rips NY Times for running anti-voting op-ed
Journalist Stephen Wolf posted an excerpt of the essay to his X/Twitter account with the text: "This is what the New York Times chose to publish on Independence Day just one week after the Supreme Court ruled that Republican presidents are above the law." "This is just very sad and frankly just what the Autocracy Doctor ordered," she tweeted. "Not voting is a vote to let others decide your fate, and we know that many elections are decided by relatively few votes. The goal of many autocracies is 'demobilization': people detaching from politics so they don't resist."
The headline to my op-ed is "Why I Vote. And How the Nazis Have Made You A Coward."

'Beyond tasteless': The Economist slammed for 'disrespectful' anti-Biden cover
The Economist is the crippled party here. Who's the convicted criminal being inored in this scenario?
Journalist Itamar Montalvão was highly critical of the cover, tweeting, "Terrible cover. I'd like to remember that Roosevelt led the United States during WWII - and saved the United Kingdom - in a wheelchair."
Similarly, Globo News journalist Marta Grace posted, "Your choice of cover was beyond tasteless and disrespectful. My goodness, how could you?"
Journalist James Blitz, formerly of Financial Times, wrote, "I don't like this cover. There is nothing wrong with a person who uses a walking frame or a wheelchair. Nothing."
Trump opponent Luís Carvalho tweeted a parody image of the cover that kept the headline "No Way to Run a Country" but tweeted a depiction of Trump in handcuffs.

CNN Poll: 77% Say Trump Won’t Concede If He Loses
And he will lose.

The Supreme Court Has Murdered the Constitution
America’s founding document is now an all-but-meaningless scrap of paper. Happy Fourth!
The very thing that the Republicans were always against they now embrace: "Legislation from the Bench."

The John Roberts Blueprint for Dictatorship
"The exchange with Trump bolstered Roberts’ image as an institutionalist committed to the fair and impartial administration of justice. But that image was and always has been a chimera."
The tyranny of King George III has been returned to us.

The New America 2.0 is Not a Democracy; it’s an Oligarchy
The only remedy at this late stage in this 50+ yearlong campaign to remake America is a massive revolt this fall at the ballot box, turning Congress over to Democrats while holding the White House.

'It will get bloody': Expert raises alarm over Project 2025 architect's election threat
Then let it be the blood of these traitors.
"According to former U.S. Attorney Joyce Vance, there is not enough attention being paid to an ominous threat made by the Heritage Foundation's Kevin Roberts when he hinted at violence if Donald Trump is not reelected."

A eulogy for the United States on its birthday
Let’s celebrate a democracy that once was – but not what it now is
"If we are to ever move forward, we must at least acknowledge this simple fact: The United States of our forefathers is gone. Justice John Roberts wrote the majority opinion of the Supreme Court that acted as the final bullet to the country’s head. That’s right. John Roberts is the equivalent of John Wilkes Booth."
Infamy lasts forever, John Roberts.

McCarthy Complains That Biden Offered Him Cookies
Here's another witless MAGAt person that shows us his naivety. Did he ever offer someone who came to his office anything?
Maybe some jelly beans? (Reagan kept a bowl in his office at all times.)
President's favorites.
I'd see Biden every day for some reason, you stupid idiot!

Candace Owens Abandons 'Science': It's A 'Pagan Faith'
What the f**k does it mean when MAGA says they are not 'round earthers?'
Science does human sacrifices? Then step right up, Candy. You're next on our drawn and quartered list.
That poor woman.
"WTF is a "round earther?"
That's a new one on me. What does Owens observe when she sees pictures of the earth? Science is not anti-religion. Many of the great scientific minds that had momentous breakthroughs had some sort of religious faith, including Einstein.
What Owens spews is more of the MAGA Crackpot theory. Most Christians fully embrace science. Christian Nationalists, on the other hand, do not."

Why these 2 Trump convictions 'will not be disturbed' by immunity ruling: legal expert
Norman Eisen — a former White House ethics lawyer — argues, "Trump is not immune in his 34 felony convictions in Manhattan or the Georgia prosecution, and his current and coming efforts to invoke the Supreme Court’s recent opinion in both places will surely fail."

The imperial presidency: Republicans just pulled off their longest con
Supreme Court weaponizes the presidency knowing what criminals like Richard Nixon and Donald Trump are capable of
"Nixon infamously replied, "well, when the president does it … that means that it is not illegal."
"That answer caused a national uproar. The mere idea of a president being above the law, especially one who had been driven from office and then pardoned for his crimes by his successor, was outrageous."
This is a personal grudge by three Justices and their accomplices.

Protestors vow to march on Trump at RNC despite pushback from judge ex-president appointed
"U.S. District Judge Brett Ludwig — a Trump appointee — saw his Milwaukee courthouse packed Wednesday as the coalition defended its First Amendment right to protest."
“I think that’s wrong,” Ludwig reportedly said. He argued the First Amendment does not protect the right to speak directly to those "they want to hector.”
Look like he doesn't understand what a protest is. But that isn't a surprise from a fascist.
Expect Trump's bloodbath to start here.

The Paradox of Public Health Solutions That Worsen Climate Change
The unanticipated environmental effects of inhalers underscore the contradictions of piecemeal climate solutions.

Extreme Inequality is a Threat to Free Speech
If money is speech, then speech isn’t free.

Corporate America’s New Euphemisms for Gouging
Corporations are now perfecting what they call "price pack architecture": that is, selling you less stuff for the same price.

Here Is THE PRESIDENT Doing A Medal Of Honor Ceremony For UNION SOLDIERS, Time To Watch THE PRESIDENT
"But yes, the day before Independence Day, Biden is giving the Medal of Honor posthumously to two men who fought to fuck up the Confederacy. Pretty much the same thing today’s American heroes are doing."
That includes Joe, fighting a failed American press.

Judge Rejects Paxton’s Bid To Shutter Migrant Shelter
"A Texas judge on Tuesday ruled in favor of a migrant shelter in El Paso, once again blocking state Attorney General Ken Paxton’s efforts to shut it down."

Kentucky Megachurch Pastor Charged With Child Rape
Another one bites the dust.

What should King Joe do with his new power from the Supreme Court?
"The Supreme Court didn’t give the presidency any new powers. It only shielded the president from being prosecuted for almost anything that could be construed as related to their official duties. On the other hand, if that freedom from prosecution extends to assassinating your opponents, and you control the most powerful government on the planet, then what isn’t possible?<
Here are a few suggestions for Biden. Please add to the list."

Everyone Needs To CHILL OUT
Cowards will be cowards.

Biden defiant as calls grow to exit race: 'I’m not leaving'
Tell the quitters to grow a set.

Fact-checker dispels claims of Trump 'discipline' in barrage of furious posts
Americans and America don't vote for Nazi dictaotor shits.

'Inappropriate': Press sec, WHCA scold reporter for saying Biden can talk to media 'if he’s awake'
Trump's the one who slept through his trial. Funny you don't notice that, assholes.

Here’s why Trump has been 'so quiet' about Biden’s health: analyst
Why don't the motherfuckers whining about Biden whine about Trump. They are pure Chicken Shits!

The Supreme Court Just Deregulated America
"The Supreme Court doesn’t want you to have clean water, safe air, or the guarantee of uncontaminated foods."
America has now lost its moorings.

Turns Constitution 'inside out and upside down': Yale scholar shreds 'convoluted' immunity ruling
"Forget Donald Trump," Amar writes. "Forget Joe Biden. Think instead about the Constitution. What does this document, the supreme law of our land, actually say about lawsuits against ex-presidents? Nothing remotely resembling what Chief Justice John Roberts and five associate justices declared in yesterday's disappointing Trump v. United States decision."
There it is. These "justices" have nothing to stand on with their barbaric decision regarding this issue. It is, very simply, against the Constitution as we have heard them use this excuse against abortion. They are using situational ethics and that's disasterous and that's what we now have — a disaster. It's the criticism we've been hearing from the right-wing for decades — "litigating from the bench." How is it not?

'Scheming witches': Analyst sickened by Justice John Roberts' putdown of female colleagues
The deluded old world thinking is destroying our free society. These Nazi pigs were appointed by a Nazi pig. All freedom loving people expected this. Still, we allowed it to happen.
In the end it will depend on which side our military is on — a free America or a Nazi dictatorship.

The Supreme Court Is Out of Control. This Is Our Best Hope.
Right now, we have a Supreme Court that acts as a power-hungry, partisan policymaker. But things do not have to be this way.
"The court’s right-wing supermajority also decreed that courts can ignore federal agencies’ reasonable interpretations of the laws they’re charged with administering, substituting judges’ own views instead, and that businesses can challenge regulations years or decades after they went into effect. Together, these decisions will destabilize the government, leaving rules on everything from clean water and air to safe food and drugs and to climate change subject to second-guessing by judges."
What this is telling us is that established law is not law unless the proper judges agree on it.
How long does a society, or even a world, exist under that equation? Not very long and completly in chaos and instability.

SCOTUS Furthers Right-Wing Agenda of Deconstruction of the Administrative State
In “one fell swoop,” the court gave “itself exclusive power over every open issue — no matter how expertise-driven or policy-laden — involving the meaning of regulatory law,” Kagan penned. “Agencies report to a President, who in turn answers to the public for his policy calls; courts have no such accountability and no proper basis for making policy.”

The Supreme Court just did Biden a huge favor by giving Trump immunity
America does not want to be ruled by a fascist Royal Family.
I don't know anyone who does.

Reuters National Poll Shows Biden And Trump Tied
Nobody except a nitwit wants an American Royal Family that our Presidency will never be the will of the people.
Biden will win in November if Americans vote.
Apparently, in this poll 20% of voters are not American.

Italian PM Tells Her Party To Expunge Its Fascists
Let's see them do it. Tell the United States Nazi Party to do the same! Someone needs the spine to do so.
“There is no room in Brothers of Italy for racism or antisemitism, nor is there space for those who are nostalgic for the totalitarian regimes of the 20th century or for any manifestation of foolish folklore,” she wrote.
Good luck with that with all the Nazis that surround you.

Trump: Evil Doesn’t Matter If It Gets Good Ratings
The moral fiber of the cancer that is Trump.
Put his rancid ass to bed for eternity.

Texas Gov’s Border Wall Will Take 30 Years To Complete
In the meantime the power grid is falling to ruin.
This wall is a total waste of money. It's what fascists do.
Meanwhille, Texas power grid stays at the same unreliable state.

Eric Swalwell Leaves Republicans Sputtering & Crying
This has been a tough week. The unbelievable ass-kicking Congressman Eric Swalwell delivered to numerous Republicans made it a bit brighter
"Those who get politics is psychological warfare, always be on offense, control the narrative, hit back harder, and, yes, if it's legal, I don't care if it's been done before: DO IT. The time for not using every ounce of power b/c it "makes us uncomfortable" should've been over w/ Gingrich. But, today? Are you kidding me??
Yes. It is high time to take off the gloves.
Cliffs Edge is here.

A 'ruse': Legal expert busts conservative claims of 'originalism'
Back in the 1950s America would have referred to the behavior of SCOTUS as Communist.

'Lack of transparency unwelcome' as RNC privately decides platform: report
Common Americans are no loger allowed in this process. The Nazi Party won't have any back talk. You vill follow orders!

How Is Joe Biden's Big Effing Climate Bill Already Helping?
"For starters, let’s just repost our overview of the biggest parts of Biden’s more than 300 climate actions during his presidency so far, especially as they’re grouped into laws and regulations from executive branch agencies:"
(listed in article)

The Assassination Hypothetical Isn’t Even the Scariest Part of the Supreme Court Immunity Ruling
"The Supreme Court’s decision on presidential immunity is a catastrophe for American constitutional order."
Who knew that our court would make up law out of whole cloth that will destroy our Constitution? That's why we have a seperation of powers. The Founders never saw that shitball coming. Our Constitution was designed to prevent it. But we have damaged a great country that will never be great again if America turns their backs on our Nation and elects the fascist crmiinal, Trump.

New presidential immunity ruling goes against what founders intended, scholar says
Of course it does. If presidents had that sort of immunity Ford would never have had to pardon Nixon.

With immunity, another Trump administration would be a surveillance nightmare
"The Supreme Court's granting of broad presidential immunity could lead to serious infringements on civil rights in a second Trump administration."

Trump Says ‘You Can Be Evil’ Because ‘There’s Only One Thing That Matters, and That’s Ratings’
Proving what trash network TV produces.

Biden To Sit With ABC For First Post-Debate Interview<br> President Joe Biden will sit down with ABC News on Friday for his first television interview since last week’s presidential debate. The president’s poor performance in the debate has garnered calls for him to drop out of the race by politicians on both sides of the aisle.
Biden will speak to “Good Morning America” and “This Week” anchor George Stephanopoulos for the interview. A first look will air on the Friday, July 5, edition of “World News Tonight with David Muir” with portions airing on Saturday and Sunday on “Good Morning America.”
The extended interview will air Sunday, July 7, on “This Week” and Monday’s episode of “Good Morning America.”

Dem Rep. Jared Golden: Trump Is Going To Win But Stop Worrying Because “Democracy Will Be Just Fine”
Good photo of a world class moron.

'You didn’t answer my question': CNN grills Bible-pushing lawmaker about school teachings
A real scumbag. Zealot Nazi.

'Collective amnesia' of SCOTUS’ conservative majority exposed: report
What a group of shit bags.

Ralph Nader Can Eat America's Entire Ass
"Glad he signed that drivel with the “R” at the end. Wouldn’t want to think it was some snot-nosed intern whose balls haven’t dropped, who wasn’t personally alive to witness their boss’s role in destroying America."
“Thank you Hillary Clinton,” said one of the least necessary white men ever to be expelled out of God’s loins and delivered unto Connecticut, “whose blundering campaign let the dictatorial Trump become president and led to a rightwing dictatorial majority on the Supreme Court.”
It's the same as the "world-historical confluence of weirdness" that's happening now.
"Of course, if just a tiny fraction of the 97,488 people who voted for Ralph Nader in Florida in 2000 had voted differently that year, none of this would have happened. Samuel Alito wouldn’t have happened either, during the second term George W. Bush won, which was directly related to his winning a first term."
"Other people replied to Nader, saying things like 'Fuck you' and 'Ralph, kindly excuse yourself from this discussion. You and your ilk are forever the election spoilers who helped make this possible' and 'Mr. Nader, you really just need to sit this one out and let the adults work. Thanks.'" -- Evan Hurst (via his article)

“If you're 42 years old or older, the most important election of your lifetime was 2000. If you're 26-42, the most important election of your lifetime was 2016. If you're under 26, but old enough to vote, you haven't fucked up yet, but are about to.” — Elie Mystal (via social media).

Are Trump's Porn Peener Payoffs An Official Presidential Act? Better Delay Sentencing While We Find Out!
Rape, plunder, pillage and storm. Murder too. It's all OK here in the land of the free.

Joe Biden, Still Flying Flag Right Side Up, Rips Supreme Court Immunity Decision
"Biden reminded Americans that the United States was:
founded on the principle that there are no kings in America. Each, each of us is equal before the law. No one, no one is above the law. Not even the president of the United States"

The Supreme Court's Imperial Presidency is Now Here, Not Just Rhetorically but in Fact
Six Republicans on the Supreme Court just gave Trump — should he become president again — Putin-like powers.
"The six Republicans on this Court have essentially declared that they and Trump are so far above the law that the entire concept this nation was founded on — that “no person is above the law” — is null and void."
Hitler is reborn.
"If Biden is smart (and if he can depend on his Cabinet), he simply has to convene a Cabinet Meeting where he makes the case that the Supreme Court has been acting in ways antithetical to the Constitution and its separation of powers, and that it must be prevented from doing any further damage to the rule of law. The Cabinet's agreement would make ANY action Biden takes an official act.
He should then place Thomas, Alito and Roberts under house arrest, informing them that -- based on their recent decision --they have just confirmed his ability to do so.
They can either issue a retraction, and fix the bloody mess, or they can remain incarcerated until after the election." — Smoking Man (comments)

'Repugnant political attack': Texas AG gets blistering takedown for taking aim at charity
Texas mongrels are the worst. This shows it.

Fetterman On Replacing Biden: 'That's The Dumbest Sh*t I've Ever Heard'
Well, since the last time Trump opened his dumb nouth.
Some of the "replacing Biden" horseshit does come from nitwitted nutsacks.

DeSantis: State Can Remove School Library Books They Don't Like
They can also remove Governors they don't like. He can't be removed fast enough.
This keeps the lower class in his state as stupid as he is.

BBC Host: Biden Should Hurry Up And Have Trump 'Murdered'</a>
The sooner he gets that done the sooner he can start on SCOTUS dicks.
/S (for the morons).

President Biden Proposes Rule to Protect Workers from Extreme Heat
Biden working for Americans. Don't expect to get this sort of help from MAGAts from Texas.

The Myth of the Apolitical Supremes
"I wonder how much tax Clarence Thomas paid on his various bribes, as well as the bribes paid to Ginny? I sure don’t expect Biden to tell Garland to investigate Thomas, but maybe Biden’s next AG will do it."
"My point is simply that Democrats should put the court front-and-center in our current campaign, and banish any silly talk about the apolitical nature of this political institution. AOC’s move to impeach some of the justices is a good start."

Biden rushes to avert labor shortage with CHIPS act funding for workers
Biden works for America. Trump fails America.

Trump Cancels Interview With Military Reporter After Campaign Demands To Know Questions In Advance
Captain Chickenshit in action. ROTHFLMAO!

Candace Owens: “The Cult Of Science Is A Pagan Faith”
Fuck you and the crock of shit you rode in on!

Heritage Foundation President: The Supreme Court’s Immunity Ruling Starts “Second American Revolution”
And you'll lose this one just as you did the last time. fuckstick.
Who started the violence you asshole?

Justice Roberts buried for smug 'sit down, little ladies' smear of liberal colleagues
But nowhere deep enough.

This is how Joe Biden can beat Donald Trump like a drum
This election is between those who love America and those who are told every day how and why to hate their home

Biden Campaign Reports $127 Million Raised In June
$38 miliion after debate.

Experts Renew Alarm Over Trump’s Foreign Income
"If former President Donald Trump wins a second term in November, his personal and family business interests could pose even bigger ethical problems and national security risks than they did during his first term - when he exploited the presidency to financially benefit himself in unprecedented ways, ethics experts warn."
The crook's crime sydicate just grows larger every day. America has some incredibly stupid and crooked people who hate America.

Lawsuit Filed Over Counterfeit Trump Sneakers
Can anyone be that fucking stupid as to give cons money for fake garbage? There's more than one sucker born every minute.

New Docs Expose Deal Granted Epstein By Trump Ally
"Florida prosecutors knew the late millionaire and financier Jeffrey Epstein sexually assaulted teenage girls two years before they cut a plea deal that has long been criticized as too lenient and a missed opportunity to imprison him a decade earlier, according to transcripts released Monday."
"President Donald Trump and numerous others of wealth and influence who have denied doing anything criminal or improper and not been charged."
More that won't bother the MAGAt Trump fascists a bit.

New DNC Ad Calls Trump “Threat To Our Democracy”
The Democratic National Committee is rolling out a new ad campaign against former president Donald Trump in major swing state newspapers on Tuesday, labeling him as a “fraud,” “liar,” denier,” and “a threat to our democracy.”
They left out convicted criminal felon and proven sex molester. In other words a slimey POS.

2024 Election Is The End Game For Democracy
If you want to live in a free country, you must vote for Biden and elect Democrats to the House and Senate. The choice is simple. Biden will protect democracy while Trump rule as a Christian Nationalist dictator, thanks to the corrupt Supreme Court.

Ralph Nader just tried to pin blame for SCOTUS ruling on Hillary Clinton. It did not go well
Dear Ralph,
If we go back a little farther we would be ahead on climate change if some motherfucker hadn't been a spoiler when Al Gore ran for president. I'm looking at you, Ralph. Fuck all the way off!

Steve Bannon Heckled 'Lock Him Up' As He Goes To Jail

There he goes
Straight back to jail
Every con that he's pulled
Has ended with fail
He's where he belongs
He's run out of luck
I wish he would stay
We're out of fucks
There he goes

Media Pundits: Grow A Spine And Get To Work
Or go straight back to hell where you came from.

Biden Has Record Fundraising Haul Following Debate With Trump
"$26 million from grassroots donations, half of which were from first-time donors. Looks like the base isn't too concerned with all of that beltway pearl clutching demanding Joe Biden step down following the debate.
The official said they have more recurring donations at this point in the 2024 cycle than at the same time in 2020, which they said is “a major indicator of grassroots support and fundraising sustainability.”

SCOTUS ruling means judge can hold J6 'trial before the trial': ex-Trump prosecutor
“Donald Trump needs to be careful what he wished for — the Supreme Court’s decision now means Judge Chutkan will hold proceedings on whether Trump’s actions were ‘official acts’ of the presidency,” Snell wrote Monday afternoon.
“This could be a trial before the trial, potentially RUINING Trump politically.”

AOC to file articles of impeachment against SCOTUS justices
Good. Betrayal of America should not stand.
Earlier on Monday Georgetown Law professor of law Josh Chafetz had said, “Democrats should go to war with the Court. The public is on their side on the issues—including abortion, immunity, environmental regulations, etc. They should make opposition to the Republican Court the organizing theme of the November election.”

'Court in chaos': Experts warn of massive impact from under-the-radar Supreme Court ruling
In turn our Nation is in chaos.
"It's a really big deal," wrote Slate senior writer Mark Joseph Stern. "Today's outcome in Corner Post will be so destabilizing to the administrative state — it means that agency actions are never really safe from legal assault, even decades after they're finalized."
"This court is in the chaos," Rubin wrote of the nation's highest court. "Like a bull in a china shop of our democracy."
Open sewage really is a danger to a stable society.

'Take some drastic action': Liberals urge Biden to use new presidential powers
Let's put this "official act" bullshit to the test.
"Seriously, Pres. Biden needs to take this little 'immunity for official acts' protection out for a little spin," said writer Charlotte Clymer.
Most of us knew this would be challenged in the worst way for Trump.
This is what happens when morons open Pandora's Box.
Biden can "create four new seats on the Supreme Court, by executive order. He can add a binding ethics code as well. And a special counsel to investigate corruption on SCOTUS while he's at it."

'This is not a Trump victory': Eric Swalwell says Jack Smith can skirt immunity ruling
Biden can now issue a proclamation that Jack Smith has the power to prosecute as he sees fit. SCOTUS said all it has to be is an offical act.

'Sophomoric and foolish': Harvard Law professor rips into Chief Justice's immunity logic
This is what we get for hiring a bunch a amateurs.

Ketanji Brown Jackson warns of 'tsunami of lawsuits' after Supreme Court ruling
"The U.S. Supreme Court has opened the floodgates to legal challenges to years-old regulations in a new ruling, according to a justice."

'Lay off the drugs': Lauren Boebert's opinion on Trump immunity ruling goes sideways
Sorry, Lady BoBo. Trump's in deeper than ever. (Photo is of her telling the crowd "They used to be this big before the reduction.")

'Expect a visit': Chilling words from Trump rep raise specter of political assassination
"A young activist interpreted Justice Sonia Sotomayor's chilling warning that the Supreme Court just authorized presidents to conduct political assassinations on social media — and received an equally chilling reply from former President Donald Trump's spokesperson.
"According to the Supreme Court, Biden could now send in Seal Team 6 to take all of them out," wrote Harry Sisson. "He could send in the military to take out Trump."

'Not entitled to protection': Amy Coney Barrett says no reason Trump should avoid trial
"Conservative U.S. Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett made clear Monday that she believes Donald Trump was acting outside his official duties when he sought out phony electors."
"Sorting private from official conduct sometimes will be difficult — but not always," Barrett wrote in a footnote. "Take the President’s alleged attempt to organize alternative slates of electors. In my view, that conduct is private and therefore not entitled to protection."
Of course she's correct.
"The Constitution vests power to appoint Presidential electors in the States," Barrett wrote. "And while Congress has a limited role in that process, see Art. II, §1, cls. 3–4, the President has none. In short, a President has no legal authority — and thus no official capacity — to influence how the States appoint their electors. I see no plausible argument for barring prosecution of that alleged conduct."
America has some hope. But the best is simply "DO NOT VOTE FOR TRUMP!"

Trump's immunity win will 'backfire' on him in November: CNN analyst
And not only the Democrats. Democracy advocates of all political colors and shades. This will include Republicans as well. "In some instances here, particularly what it ruled out going forward, and let me just read the citation ... courts may not inquire into the president's motives, so motivation here is no longer on the table at all," said co-panelist John Berman.
"The more you look at it, the worse it looks," said Jones. "When you put it all together, basically, the Supreme Court said in the past week, no rules for the powerful, no rights for the powerless. So if you're homeless, you can be thrown in jail for the crime of not having enough money to get a hotel room, but if you're the President of the United States, you can commit an undetermined number of crimes under color of law and get away with it. This is not good."

SCOTUS Rules Trump Has Immunity For “Official Acts”
SCOTUS makes treason by our president and any members of his mob, legal. "Land of the Free," my ass!
Goodbye, America. It was nice knowing you.

Trump’s 'blizzard of deception' will 'only grow uglier': analysis
SCOTUS has made this a possibity. But only if we are stupid enough to elect the disaster.

'Paid in blood': How the loss of Supreme Court legitimacy can lead to political violence
And with their latest decision they have declared themselves illegitmate and we will have what's left of a former decent country that will descend into fascist chaos and violence will now reign.

'Hold on!' CNN host confronts GOP insider with poll suggesting Trump should drop out
Looks like we'll have to have a vote on this subject. Let's do it, say November?
Trump will lose, whine "rigged" again and keep running, losing, and repeating it until he dies.

'Remarkable': Stunned columnist adds Steve Bannon to Trump's growing 'team of felons'
The fact that Trump has any support shows just how far our country has decayed.

Dana bashed: CNN host called to 'resign' after letting Lindsey Graham steamroll her on air
But don't let Jake Tapper get a pass either. Both of them were flattened by Trump lies.

Donald Trump wants more political violence — the Supreme Court just handed MAGA one excuse
Fear of prosecution was holding back right-wing extremists after January 6. Now they'll feel less constrained
SCOTUS would have been perfect for Hitler. Not that he needed them.

Trump Calls For “Treason Tribunal” For Liz Cheney
The Nazi swine, Trump, needs to be put away for life
“Donald – This is the type of thing that demonstrates yet again that you are not a stable adult—and are not fit for office,” she wrote as she shared the image, which Trump has reposted on his Truth Social website.

Oklahoma Schools Superintendent: Teachers Who Refuse To Teach From Bible Will Lose Their License
Nope. They will leave your shithole state.
This is the intolerance of fascism. It has nothing to do with religion but only weaponizes it against humanity.
This is just what the founders came here for, to escape forced religion. Oklahoma is completely un-American.
This man is unfit for anything except being a Nazi bully.

Critics slam DeSantis’ latest 'unprecedented' move: 'You can’t do anything he considers woke'
Thee POS has reuind the arts in Floriday. He's a dull, ignorant fool. But we all know that by now.

'Admission of guilt': Expert flags 'sirens-blaring signal' of Trump confession at debate
And he doesn't have an asshole either. All his shit comes from his mouth.

'Buy a island': MAGA melt down after Barbra Streisand tackles Supreme Court case
"The Supreme Court overruled 40 years of precedent and overturned the Chevron decision," wrote Streisand. "It makes judges and the Supreme Court the regulators of laws passed by Congress rather than the scientific expertise at federal agencies. This is not democracy but rule by judicial order. The only beneficiaries are big business and polluters."
Vote Biden/Harris. The only way America can prevent fascism taking us down.

The cynicism of the Supreme Court: Helping Trump kill the American experiment
A guideline to explain SCOTUS’ end-of-term decisions
Voting for Trump will aid and abet the death of America.

Biden Campaign Raises $27 Million After Debate
America recognizes a load of lying bullshit when it sees it.
There are spinning liars on the right and there are equally spinning liars on the left. Read the comments and see if you can tell who's who.

Trump: Nobody Is Talking About How Great I Was At Debate, Which Was CNN’s Highest Rated Show Ever
Perfect example of the lying capacity of this failed criminal traitor.
The audience was much lower than the first one they had four years ago. Anyone that has the brain and the ability to read knows this. Otherwise, they simly are stupider than the POS swine.

To serve his country, Donald Trump should leave the race | Editorial
"Biden had a horrible night Thursday. But the debate about the debate is misplaced. The only person who should withdraw from the race is Trump."
"Supporters say they like Trump because he says whatever he thinks. But he mainly spews raw sewage."
This is most disturbing fact about America. These people are the racist, hateful rabble rousers, uneducated, who refuse to see see the disgusting bastard that their un-American god criminal, the real man behind the curtain, actually is.
"There was only one person at the debate who does not deserve to be running for president. The sooner Trump exits the stage, the better off the country will be."

Ukraine Destroys Russia's Much-Vaunted S-500 Missile Defense System
Russia's newest S-500 'Prometheus' SAM system was supposed to be the answer for American-made ATACMS. It wasn't.
Tell it to our American traitor, Donald Trump.

SCOTUS 'staged a coup' and will resemble Russian courts if Trump wins: conservative expert
"On Saturday, Norman Ornstein — who is an emeritus scholar at the Koch-funded American Enterprise Institute — offered a frank and stunning condemnation of SCOTUS in a post to X (formerly Twitter). After a wave of controversial rulings in the final week of its 2023-2024 term, Ornstein opined that the Supreme Court is rapidly transforming into courts seen in authoritarian governments seen in other parts of the world."
"I wonder how long it will take before Americans wake up to the brutal reality that the US Supreme Court has staged a coup, brazenly seizing power from the other two branches in a way that is utterly contrary to the framers vision of the role of a court and a judiciary," he tweeted. "And it is crystal clear that if [former President] Donald Trump wins, the Supreme Court will be much closer to the Russian or Hungarian courts than the one in our constitution."

Who’s Gonna Check the Supreme Court?
It won't be Donald Trump since SCOTUS will make him our King when they grant him immunity.

Kinzinger Shuts Down Dunk Attempt by Ex-Trump Adviser Who Mocked Biden Endorsement: You’re ‘Supporting a Man Who’s a Habitual Liar’
Two assholes showing just how big their assholes are: David Urban and Anderson Cooper.
"Elsewhere during the show, Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) ripped CNN moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash for not fact-checking Trump."
They could just as easily be working at Fox.

Donald Trump Should Not Have Been on That Stage
Plus: What would you have done if confronted with Trump’s galloping lies?
"Donald Trump won the first presidential debate the minute he walked onstage. His win was cemented a few minutes later, when the moderators addressed him as Mr. President. He had no business being there and his presence was stark evidence that our system is not only dysfunctional, it is impotent when we need it most."

'Hey, What's All This Lying Around Sh*t?
When things get tough, the tough get going. Wake up Dem slugs or die!

Supreme Court Ruling LIMITS Ability To Charge Jan 6 Defendants With Obstruction
America's Supreme Court sides with fascism. Say hello to mob rule.

Sierra Club Condemns U.S. Supreme Court Decision to Overturn Fundamental Precedent in Chevron
SCOTUS has shown us all what they are. Nazi fascists.
History will not be kind to them. Infamy lasts far longer than fame.

Gutting Chevron Deference Harms the Public
When will America realize these fascists don't give a shit about the public?

America Jumps the Shark
"This was not a debate," wrote Heather Cox Richardson, but an exercise in gaslighting known as the Gish gallop, a rhetorical technique natural to huckster Trump whereby someone throws out a flood of lies and bullshit that can overwhelm an opponent, especially a stutterer, when there's no fact-checking mechanism in place. Biden, she notes, needed to prove to the 70% of voters who think he's too old that he isn't, that he has the mental acuity to do the job. That he did, sometimes listing facts, numbers, accomplishments so fast it was hard to catch it all. But because our politics have become a showboat of shallow, grandstanding, performative crap, of theater over truth, a craven media again fell for the Trump narrative of strutting dominance, accompanied by a deluge of lies and criminal feints they barely mentioned, over a quiet, raspy guy who sometimes mumbled. Biden can do the job, many argue; he just doesn't always look or sound like he can - sorrowful evidence, writes Richardson, that "stage performance has trumped substance in (our) political coverage."

Who called on Trump to drop out when he was convicted of 34 felonies? Or found liable for rape? Or covered up stealing classified documents, declined to say he'd accept election results, threatened judges, dined and wined Nazis, befriended insurrectionists, spewed gibberish, lied about....everything? "Don't day trade politics - it's a sucker's game," says former GOP operative Stuart Stevens. "A guy from Queens out on bail bragged about overturning Roe v. Wade, said in public he didn’t have sex with a porn star, defended tax cuts for billionaires, defended Jan. 6 and called America the worst country in the world. That guy isn’t going to win this race.”

Why I'm sticking with Joe Biden
"On a day that the Radical-Right, 6-3 Supreme Court is using a flamethrower to do some very real and long-lasting damage to our vulnerable country, our national newspapers of record have decided to marshal their editorial forces to obliterate Joe Biden for his inability to crack through the barrage of steady lies that came at the American public from all directions last night by the sociopathic fascist the Republicans are running as their best bet to wreck this country for good."
"Now you can say that Pelosi and Clyburn are old, and you’d be right, but if that is your reason for doubting their judgment, then maybe there is something else at play here, and if that’s the case, that is an ugly indictment on you, and not them or Joe Biden."
And it makes you look like a chicken shit coward.

Lone dissenter calls Texas Supreme Court transgender ruling ‘cruel, unconstitutional’
It's quite amazing how retarded these people are.

'Shut the hell up': Michael Steele blisters Trump over his latest racist attack
"What black jobs are you talking about, Mr. Trump?" Steele asked. "I mean, you want to make a play to Black folks, you can't even show up at a [Black] barbershop?"
"You call into a barbershop, and you're going to talk to us about Black jobs? Shut the hell up," he added. " You know, why do we even entertain this crazy from this fool?"

MSNBC host buries Democrats over their 'big freakout' immediately after Biden stumble
This is what I mean by "bunch of chicken Democrats."

REPORT: Bannon Dreading His Stint In Federal Prison
Monday is his day to go to prison. The chicken comes home to roost.

New Jersey Won’t Renew Trump’s Liquor Licenses
No license for convicted felons.

Trump Warns Against Electric Planes: “What Happens If The Sun Isn’t Shining While You’re In The Air?”
Why is this man even getting any sane person interested in making him leader of the free world?
He's obviously playing everyone for morons or he's really mentally fucked up--or both. What a fucking idiot!
This numbskull is a dangerous psychopath. Vote Biden/Harris.

“Spear-Throwing” J6 Rioter Sentenced To Five Years
Another Trump MAGAt traitor bites the dust.

'Why not answer the question?' CNN host hits Nancy Mace with fierce pushback
Why is this woman in our American government? She's as a big a POS as Trump is.
The perfidious CNN owes us this bitch slapping of Mace.

'A dumpster fire': CNN hosts face blowback for letting Trump lie throughout debate
They are now complicit with the traitor. A disgrace to their mission.

"Narrow ruling": Legal scholar says Supreme Court Jan. 6 decision won't save Trump
Many Jan. 6 rioters could still face obstruction charges after Fischer ruling — as could the former president
More than likely serving 6 to 10 years in the pen.

Biden Delivers Rousing Rally Speech In Raleigh
"“I know I’m not a young man, to state the obvious,” he said, to a crowd of people cheering. “I don’t walk as easy as I used to. I don’t speak as smoothly as I used to. I don’t debate as well as I used to.
“But I know what I do know: I know how to tell the truth. I know right from wrong. And I know how to do this job. I know how to get things done. And I know like millions of Americans know, when you get knocked down you get back up.” — Smokin' Joe Biden. Kickin' quitters asses and taking names!
I am so fucking pissed at the chicken shittery going on with cowardly flaccid democrats and scared debate moderators from a source trying hard to become Fox News. Same goes for chicken shit "editorial boards." Looking at both those CNN "moderators."
Oh, and fuck Steve Kornacki and his phony rolled up sleeves and paper props too!

PA Gov Chastises CNN For Lack Of Debate Fact-Checks
He means Fox News wannabes!
Technology has made it possible to fact check in real time. CNN failed like a big dog on this.
"CNN is one of the worse "horse race" networks out there and have been for decades. While you are correct there is no reason they couldnt if they wanted too, the point is, they dont want to.
And our party, somehow thought they would suddenly decide to change? No way. CNN did exactly what CNN has been doing, its on us to assume they'd correct trump when they've failed to do so before." — Jack Frost (comments)

Florida Pastor Charged With 18 Child Sex Felonies, Police Say He Filmed Himself Abusing Two-Year-Old
Another one bites the dust. Something that Trump voters can be so proud of.
“I can’t stress this enough, this is a monster,” Sheriff Rick Wells said during a press conference.
“He went into that church professing to be a man of God. But really, he is nothing more than a liar and a sexual predator.”

Did Donald Trump Murder A Newborn Baby? Is That Why He Keeps Claiming It's Legal?
"Now, I get it. Donald Trump is not a smart man. Unlike former Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, he is not a pediatric neurologist. If you asked him to explain what should happen if a child is born with no chance of survival, he would not be able to tell you. After all, according to Ivana Trump, he was not even remotely involved with his own children until they were in college, so it’s hard to imagine that he would have been involved with any tough pregnancy-related questions or issues.
That being said, it is hard to imagine that even he does not know that it is illegal to kill a newborn baby. Has he just been going his whole life believing this is legal? If he thinks that is legal, what else does he think is legal? Imagine all the crimes he could be committing day in and day out with this kind of understanding of the laws in this country!
My running theory right now — and the only one I believe truly makes any sense — is that Trump himself is a big fan of killing babies just as they are born and is setting up a defense for himself down the line. After all, if he gets caught, he can always say, 'How was I to know it wasn’t legal? I kept saying it was legal and no one ever told me it wasn’t!'”

SCOTUS Was NEVER Meant to Be Kings & Queens
This lawlessness has gone way too far: the Senate needs to intervene and reassert its authority over the Supreme Court. And they need to do it now

'If only Americans understood how bad': Experts appalled at Friday Supreme Court ruling
It's become more than obvious that more American's judgement is failing their country.
SCOTUS is destroying the country and we allow it to go on by electing Nazis to appoint them to do their dirty work.
The evidence is more than convicting.

Supreme Court delivers win to MAGA rioters charged with obstructing an official proceeding
As anyone can see, destrucion of our administative departments.
May they rot in hell. Sorry that one doesn't exist for them.

Supreme Court strips federal agencies of decades-old power in new ruling
Just more destruction of our nation by a gang of Nazis.

Pastor Robert Morris Asked His Accuser How Much Her Silence Would Cost
Dude, she called your bluff. She won't accept your disgusting bribe offer. Unlike you, she has a sense of morality.

Biden Lays Into The Felon: 'You Have The Morals Of An Alley Cat'
The morals of a pussy-grabber rapist he meant.
"The Felon and President Joe Biden's debate highlighted, with no fact-checking allowed, the former President's penchant for lying. At the same time, he avoided answering questions and refused to say (3 times!) whether he would accept the 2024 election results. Meanwhile, Biden had a cold and stumbled occasionally, but I'm giving him a pass because his performance showed he's a decent guy. He did not go over to Lumpy's podium and smack him upside his head, so I'm giving him kudos for that."
I would have broken the motherfucking lying swine's nose.

Supreme Court Strikes Down Long-Standing Precedent Protecting Americans' Health and Safety in Giveway to Corporate Billionaires
Yet another reason why Biden should be re-elected. No more Nazis on SCOTUS please!

Barrett accuses SCOTUS of 'textual backflips' in obstruction case: 'Win for Jan. 6 defendants'
“The Court does not dispute that Congress’s joint session qualifies as an ‘official proceeding’; that rioters delayed the proceeding; or even that Fischer’s alleged conduct was part of a successful effort to forcibly halt the certification of the election results,” Barrett wrote.
“[S]tatutes often go further than the problem that inspired them, and ... we stick to the text anyway,” Barrett added. “The Court, abandoning that approach, does textual backflips to [narrow the law].”
Barett has started to look like she's not the MAGAt Nazi she was thought to be.

Judge Blocks Sandy Hook Families From Jones’ Money
Judge Christopher Lopez is the one to kick off of his high throne for this atrocity.

Biden Reacts To Criticism: “It’s Hard To Debate A Liar”
“No. It’s hard to debate a liar. The New York Times pointed out he lied 26 times.”
Trump lied every time his mouth opened. A very desperate wounded animal.
"The press will continue to treat the insurrectionist as 'normal' and one of the the most successful POTUS as 'too old'." — Max-1 (comments)
"From the first question, the "moderators" were obviously going after Joe. CNN is just trash. The on air version of Politico." — coozledad (cmments)
"I'm still at:
An office from which he organized fraud electoral ballots and rig an election he lost...
An office from which he assembled an armed militia to raid the US Capitol to foist this fraud from...
An office from which he smiled at the prospect of assassinating his VP. from...
HOW IS HE QUALIFIED?" — Max 1 (comments)
"Convicted felons can't get a security clearance
A person with bankruptcy or other financial problems can't get a security clearance.
A person who steals classified documents can't get a security clearance.
and of course a person who runs a coup to overthrow the country should be sitting in prison and not given the nuclear launch codes.
This traitor belongs in a cell or grave and not in the oval office."
All of these facts serve to illustrate just how the moral character of Americans has vanished. Moron stupidity reigns.

You Can't Debate A Liar And Biden Shouldn't Have Tried
Trump just spouted his lies from his rallies and Biden tried to give facts. It was destined to fail, especially when there's no fact-checking.
Biden started slow but was landing punch after punch at the end. Trump was on the canvas.
Both of the "moderators" were absoltely useless. They could have use AI to ask those questions and ignore Trump's damnable and constant lies. The results would be the same.

'Bragg will get assassinated': Jack Smith displays MAGA threats in new filing to Judge Cannon
Past time for this woman to get her act straight and do the right thing.
"And let's face it, the American public collectively are monumental idiots. Tens of millions of people are stupid enough to vote for the deranged orange fasc*st no matter how many felonies or treasonous acts he commits in full view, and tens of millions of people on the left don't have the brains or maturity to vote against him." — THE Fred (comments)

'Biden is getting pissed and I’m here for it': Veteran swiftly fact-checks Trump’s military claims
Trump lied like a rug in the debate. But that's all he can do because Biden nailed him with facts left and right.

GOP Moves To Hold Biden’s Ghostwriter In Contempt
Jim "Jackit Off" Jordan — a low down dirty swine. The SOB has never responded to his contempt of his own subpoena.
Lock him up!

CSpan MAGA Caller: Biden Will Wear An AI Mask During The Debate
On CSPAN's Washington Journal, a caller claimed that the real President Joe Biden would not be participating in tonight's CNN debate; an AI mask will.
And Trump won't be there either. He'll be playing with his dick backstage getting a brain transplant while his AI moron does all the duplicity.
Great TV, huh?

CNN's Jim Acosta Abruptly Cuts Off Anti-Abortion Zealot
There is no better illustration of why the "both sides need a voice" approach is a lie and does a disservice to viewers than this one.
Don't entertain morons. Cut them seriously.

How Biden’s campaign is linking abortion and Trump’s felony convictions
Abortion didn’t feature prominently in the 2020 presidential debates. That’s likely to be different this year.

“Enormous implications”: Legal experts say Alito’s abortion dissent signals a “gathering storm”
As Justice Jackson noted, the court kicked the can down the road because it's currently "politically inconvenient"
He flies the flag of distress because he's the threat.

What Fascism Really Is — And What It Isn’t
"An understanding of what fascism is, as is offered to us by Dr. Griffin’s definition, can help us preserve our democracy. It will also be, undoubtedly, of great use when you are forced into a discussion with somebody who tosses around the word “fascism” loosely when they want to win an argument."

'Black Americans for Trump' event a 'major bust' that featured 'a sea of white people'
How fucking sick can these asswipes get?

'He's crazier now': Debate could blow up Fox's effort to hide 'unhinged' Trump from voters
How many degrees of crazy are there? He's been in all of them and has now run out of degrees.

'Makes my blood boil': Justice Samuel Alito's cancer comment leaves doctor furious
In the dissent, Justice Samuel Alito compared an abortion to having an experimental cancer treatment that hasn't been cleared by the Food and Drug Administration."
""It is incredibly out of step with American public opinion and it is incredibly out of step with anything that happens in a doctor's office. Between a patient and a doctor."
We have the worst SCOTUS in our history. They don't know medicine should be left to actual doctors. Thanks, Lumpy.

'Watching too much Fast and Furious': Gorsuch accused of 'yikes' moment with major error
"Justice Gorsuch's opinion refers five times to 'nitrous oxide' (aka laughing gas) rather than the entirely different chemical compound — smog-causing "nitrogen oxides"
Inhalation of nitrogen oxides in its pure gas form "is rapidly f
But nitrous oxide, also known as "laughing gas," is the "least potent inhalational anesthetic."
"It also buoys steel and fossil fuel companies who convinced the majority to pause the plan instituted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) calling it unfeasible and potentially illegal as it would force them to upgrade their infrastructure to the tune of billions to cut pollution."

Florida Proud Boy Arrested, Charged With J6 Felonies
Another one bites the dust.

Federalist: Quoting Trump Is “Election Interference”
Allowing him to have anything to do with our election is a crime. He's a convicted felon.

Christian Nationalist Oklahoma Schools Chief: From Now On Teachers Will Lecture Students From The Bible
Earth to dumb shit. Unconstitutional. Public schools are not churches and they are NOT religious schools. Get over your mad, hateful fascism before it's too late. Oh, and get fucked you seditious Talibastard!

Trump Drools Over 'Very Beautiful' Taylor Swift
Trump is a creepy Swifty.
No doubt,the drooler wants to tool'er.
Watch out Taylor we know he rapist deluxe. At least in what's left of his mind.

'Not going to happen': Senator explains why Trump’s entreaties to Black voters won’t work
"Health policy may come up in tonight's debate in Atlanta, Georgia, which will be the first between President Joe Biden and his predecessor of the general election season. Warnock said he was 'looking forward' to the event because 'it’s going to be a good reminder for people of what they had in Donald Trump.'

GOP Rep Touts His “No Juice Joe” Bill That Would Require Biden To “Divulge Mind-Altering Stimulants”
Then that jackwad has to test first! Then Trump gets tested next.
"Shortly after he was elected, Ogles was found to have lied about his education and background, drawing comparisons to George Santos." No cred asshole.

One Million Moms Vs “Foul” Bounce Dryer Sheets
The winner of the twisted brain award. She sees "shit" everywhere she looks.

MTG Calls For Ousting “Election Meddlers”
Wow! She wants Trump removed along with herself!
"Greene: A person who abuses her position in government to meddle in democratic elections should be nowhere near public office." -- Acyn, X

Want Your MTV? Sorry, Paramount Erased The Archives.
The internet is NOT forever.
Hopefully they have removed digital dupes. If they destroyed masters they're criminals.
It's like wiping out American history if that's the case.

The Debate Watcher
People who can't seem to distinguish between Biden and Trump, alas, also vote.
Yes. Blind morons.

Alito’s latest Supreme Court dissent 'written from another planet': ex-prosecutor
"Writing for MSNBC on Wednesday, former Manhattan prosecutor Jordan Rubin said it appeared Alito's dissenting opinion was "seemingly written from another planet."
Yes. Your anus.

Nobel laureate Maria Ressa tells tech companies: Now is the time to ‘do something
Philippine journalist calls on sponsors of GlobalFact 11 fact-checking summit to protect democracy, stop spread of misinformation

RNC’s economic impact on Milwaukee deemed a 'failure': report
"Despite hosting the 2024 Republican National Convention (RNC) in just a matter of weeks, the City of Milwaukee isn't expected to see any significant benefit to its local economy."
Who wants to go to shit show featuring as a main attraction a convicted felon?

T-Minus 33 Hours Until Tomorrow's Debate And MAGA World Is Sh*tting Bricks
"Does one need notes to shit one’s pants about sharks, say a bunch of Nazi shit about migrant fight club, and make the same stupid joke about Hannibal Lecter that doesn’t land no matter how many times he tells it?"
"You might not be surprised to learn that, during the Trump years, one of the pills that was just fucking flying around the White House was Provigil. (Along with ketamine and morphine and tramadol)."

Are Republicans Starting To Notice They've Hitched Wagon To Complete Loser?
For sure. It's other folks you think would know better but are not paying attention to what's happening.
"Joe Biden is up in 538’s national polling average. Fox News has Biden up. Republicans keep underperforming in special elections, because America hates them. Most of Donald Trump’s chosen candidates got their boners handed to them in the primaries last night and they had to carry their boners home in little boner satchels."

'Throwing great shade!' MTG gets slapped down by drag queen she tried to shame
Morons are easy to shade.

Trump Is Inciting Violence as the Election Approaches
"... research shows it’s the result of a strategy utilized by autocrats. Ever since Trump was president, his approach to messaging has included a method of incitement known as stochastic terrorism. He frequently uses inflammatory and dehumanizing language that elicits rage against political “enemies” among his extremist supporters—yet his rhetoric is always deliberately ambiguous enough to deny that he inspired any subsequent acts of violence."

Huckabee: Biden Will Come Across As Crazy At Debate
You're in fear of the tone of Joe's authoritative voice. That's rich from a fascist like you.
Dude, Trump slept through seven weeks of a trial.
Trump's been talking to cheering crowds that grow smaller every time.
The world already knows which one the crazy one is, Hucksterbee.

Biden Admin To Hit Drugmakers With Inflation Penalties
"The Biden administration on Wednesday said it will impose inflation penalties on 64 prescription drugs for the third quarter of this year, lowering costs for certain older Americans enrolled in Medicare."

TN Gov Signs Bill Calling For 31 Days Of Fasting, Prayer
And this is enforceable how?
More interference in American freedom by Christo-Fascists.

Analysis: Elected LGBTQ Officials Up 200% Since 2017
Smell the coffee, assholes above and assholes below.

Hate Group Leader Drafts Model Legislation Enabling Lawsuits If Anyone Mentions LGBTQ Issues To Students
Violation of the First Amendment. Next whine, please? Alphabet? How about FUCKYOU!
Many of your pedophiles are "Pastors." They get popped all the time. You can read about them here, dear.

Guess how much border crossing numbers plummeted after Biden put in a new policy
"The number of migrants illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico border has plummeted 40 percent since President Joe Biden clamped down on asylum earlier this month, administration officials said Wednesday."

The Felon Appears To Have Fallen Asleep During Newsmax Interview
"There was a long silence — which is unusual for Trump -- before Lewandowski jumped in to throw his former boss a lifeline."

Trump suffers 'rough primary night' as MAGA candidates rack up defeats
Keep up your traditional failure, whiney boy.

'Loss of trust': Growing chorus of federal judges speak out against 'out of step' SCOTUS
"Federal judges appointed by both Democratic and Republican presidents are becoming increasingly more vocal in their opposition to the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS)."
And why wouldn't they?
"The court is out of step with public opinion in a variety of ways—especially abortion [and] gun rights—and this term, we might see the justices tack back to the middle on these issues, [like] mifepristone and keeping dangerous people from possessing weapons," he said.
But largely in step with Trump fascism.

‘It’s Horrifying’: West Virginia Judge Revokes Bond of White Couple Who Reportedly Kept Their Black Adopted Children Locked In Shed In ‘Despicable’ Conditions with No Water, Lights and Little Food
"A white couple from rural West Virginia is back behind bars after a judge revoked the initial bond and raised it to $500,000 apiece — more than double the amount they faced last year when police arrested the pair on charges of locking their adopted Black children in a barn and forcing them to work as 'slaves.'”

"Whitefeather returned home and guided deputies to another 6-year-old girl who was visiting with another couple from their church." From their church? What kind of a church do these human turds attend? Shows us what bullshit comes out of the church. No one had any idea of how they were treating these children? Bullshit.
Their list of charges must be as long as Trump's. Of course he's the one that opened the gates for this sort of sub-human behavior to be carried out.
Does anyone still question the toxic poison that exists in sub-humans?

'Horrible scenarios': Report details MAGA scheme to block election results in 5 key swing states
It's high time to level these Nazi motherfucker's karma.

Charter School Status for Religious School Is Unconstitutional, OK Court Rules
Of course it is most certainly unconstitutional for Louisiana public schools!

Trump Was Scared Of Catching Charges If He Returned Stolen Docs, Is That Consciousness Of Guilt?
Sure. He's the biggest coward on the planet, swing states.

All The CEOs And Economists Hate Trump And Think He's An Idiot
"And little indicators keep showing up to help remind us that Donald Trump would be an absolute wrecking ball for the economy."
"For instance, Felix Salmon is reporting at Axios that out of all the Fortune 100 CEOs — AKA people who are as rich as they say they are — not a one of them has donated to Trump this cycle. This is significantly down from past presidential cycles, where some Fortune 100 CEOs would donate to the Republican presidential candidate. In 2004, over 40 of them! In 2008 and 2012? Almost 30 each time!"

Mask Bans? In Red States And ... New YORK? F*ck It, Jake, It's Crazy Town
Stupid with Covid is, apparently, still with us. This will get many more of us murdered by politicians like Trump.

This Too Shall Pass
Today's sermon from American sense.

How the Trump & Rightwing-Media "Hate Virus" Spreads
While hate has always been a part of the American landscape, the entrance of Trump onto the American political scene has led to an explosion of hate crimes against racial and religious minorities.
"While hate has always been a part of the American landscape, the entrance of Donald Trump onto the American political scene has led to an explosion of hate crimes against racial and religious minorities."

'Scared out of his mind!' Morning Joe shreds Trump for 'whimpering' instead of prepping
"MSNBC's Joe Scarborough called out Donald Trump for running a public relations campaign for the first presidential debate instead of preparing."

Suffer the Little Children: I Was Hungry, and You Refused Me Free Lunch and Ignored My Fainting
In truth, advocates argue Landry's unholy gambit is part of a nationwide effort by right-wingers to violate a principle 'core to this country’s founding, that everyone should be free to live as themselves' - and, presumably, not be used as an unknowing political pawn in a propaganda campaign of others' making, especially if it entails hitting the dirt as the cameras rolled."
“One good schoolmaster is of more use than a hundred priests.” - Thomas Paine

How a 'baseless' Biden conspiracy theory took off in right-wing media
"'Real Time' host Bill Maher recently noted that when Republicans and right-wing media outlets find a new talking point, they work it to death regardless of its merits. And he cited the claim that President Joe Biden is using some type of drug or stimulant ahead of his first 2024 debate with presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump as a prime example." Do these losers realize how weak this makes them look. There is no such thing as losing for them. If they don't win it's rigged, whatever it is. Like spoiled and entitled brats.

'Cocktail of drugs': Trump makes wild new claims in email begging supporters for cash
See what I mean about making excuses for being a loser? Lumpy is a lost soul.
"The Big Whine" should be the title of his biography.

'Dubious': Legal expert slams Justice Thomas’ 'partisan historical revisionism'
Stern argues that Thomas "simply does not grant constitutional amendments the same respect that he gives to the original Constitution."

The Supreme Court Is Separating American Families With Phony Originalism
"The conservative supermajority’s focus on history allows it to rely on sexist and racist traditions to uphold all kinds of oppressive legal regimes."

'Whiny weak victim': Adam Kinzinger crushes Trump as he crosses the aisle to back Biden
" of the most prominent Republican politicians to have crossed the aisle so far in this way."
"...because he's such a whiny weak victim that he's scared to death of anybody that says anything mean about him, like Donald Trump does."

Trump's claim that Biden is "jacked up" on drugs is more than projection — it's cult conditioning
Parroting Trump's obvious lies creates the groupthink that keeps followers from asking too many questions

“Death To LGBTQs” Pastor Loses GOP House Runoff
Another one bites the dust.

We Knew This Was Coming. GOPers Want To Ban No-Fault Divorce
Republican lawmakers in Louisiana, Oklahoma, Nebraska and Texas have discussed eliminating or increasing restrictions on no-fault marriage laws.
Let's divorce these arrogant morons.

Who Else Is Counting The Days Until Steve Bannon Is Finally Jailed?
Count me among the masses who believe Steve Bannon's day to report to prison can't come soon enough. Felon45's criminal BFF was busy debasing MSNBC contributor John Heilemann this week, saying he "hasn’t worked hard enough" to be jailed by Trump in a second term.

Facts GOP gov 'should’ve looked up' before signing Ten Commandments bill: constitutional lawyer
Facts? Why does anyone think facts would slow down fascist zealots?
If their bullshit was to be adopted, stoning to death would be become the common way to execute anyone they wanted.
These terrorists are members of the "Church of the Presumptuous Assumption."

'I would lynch him': Arizona GOP leader threatened to murder top election official
Another dumb shit stating they would result to violent murder. This is a terrorist threat. What has our country come to?

Hannity: Biden’s Handlers Are “Experimenting With Just The Right Dose Of Red Bull, Caffeine Pills, Or Whatever”
You have no idea what that combo does to an elderly person, you fucking Nazi sympathizer
Joe Biden could chew you up and spit you straight into the shitter without chemical help. You are projecting again. And we all know it.

Teens Charged For Stealing And Burning Pride Flag
"Hitler Youth" terorists at it again, eh?
Reform school for them. Stop coddling terrorists of any age.

VIRAL VIDEO: Moms For Liberty Leader Has Screaming Meltdown Over Group Of Drag Queens In Hawaii Hotel
Goodness. Tell her the 21st century is about a quarter of the way over. The poor woman.
"With its mainstream success, some may be surprised to learn that the history of drag as a form of entertainment dates back to Shakespearean times and for more utilitarian purposes. Indeed, the history of drag seems to be one inextricably tied to the theater, and before the theater of Shakespeare's time, the stage was used for religious purposes." Get educated or shut the fuck up!

Bartiromo Claims Biden Is 'Test Dosing Drugs' For Debate
How desperate is the MAGA cult?
Trump doesn't need it as he is already wired as hell. And could croak any day, at any time.
You aren't suggesting the elderly should snort a few lines of methamphetamine, are you? If so you are asking for them to die of a stroke or heart attack. It looks like that's what you want, you brainless bitch.
Get a fucking life, your worthlessness.

Heritage Foundation Tries To Sell Project 2025 To America
The Heritage Foundation and partners who created Project 2025 are trying to sell their nightmare plan to Americans.
This swine asswipe get his stinking Nazi ass handed to him. Fuck him to the ends of the universe.
Another "Contract on America." These shitasses can't be kicked enough!

'Strong chance' Trump 'chickens out' of debate with Biden to do a rally instead: columnist
Steve Bannon told him to do it. So, it was announced already.

Even Republicans are growing weary of 'toxic' Charlie Kirk’s extreme tactics
"But in an article published on June 25, The Guardian's Ed Pilkington reports that a growing number of Republicans are worried about Kirk's in-your-face tactics and inflammatory comments and fear that he could be a liability for their party this election year."
Sounds like some of the choads are getting wise to the bullshit.

Trump Rejects Franklin Graham’s Plea To Stop Cursing
Trump replied, "Fuck you, Frankie!"

Texas' Abortion Ban Sure Is Killing A Whole Lot Of Babies
"A study published Monday in JAMA Pediatrics found that Texas’s terrible anti-abortion law has led directly to a 13 percent increase in infant and newborn deaths. Why? Well, partly because SB8, the “Texas Heartbeat Act” passed in 2021, does not include exceptions for conditions “incompatible with life.”

A Secret Trump Trip To Mar-A-Lago Just Before The FBI Knocked On The Door? Probably Nothing
"The hits just keep coming in the case of Donald Trump’s stolen classified secrets. While the world’s most unqualified judge entertains every moronic thing Trump’s lawyers throw at her, even arguments questioning the constitutionality of Special Counsel Jack Smith’s appointment, we keep learning more and more little details about just how bad Trump’s crimes against the Republic really were in this case."

The GOP's Post-Constitutional Future: A New Gilded Age?
A middle class is not a normal thing, and if a country wants one it must be created by direct government intervention in the marketplace.

The taxing difference
Trump’s and Biden’s tax policies need more coverage because they’re opposites. Biden’s is progressive. Trump’s is regressive.

'Looks like an episode of Hoarders': Messy Mar-a-Lago pics spur onslaught of laughter
The felon is so poor he can't hire a housekeeper.

Hate Group Declares Victory Over Pride Month: It’s Been A Long Time Since Straights Could “Enjoy June”
It's the old Vietnam plan: Leave and say you won the war.

House GOP Drops Plan To Defund Trump Prosecutors
Stupid in the first place.

Trump will 'reignite' inflation with 'fiscally irresponsible' policy: Nobel economists
"A coalition of the world's top economists are sounding the alarm over a potential second wave of massive inflation if former President Donald Trump is elected to a second term in the White House."
Most Americans know this. His MAGAts don't give a fuck.

More incriminating evidence against Trump exposed in lawyer Corcoran's notes: report
"ABC News reports that former Trump lawyer Evan Corcoran's private notes about his interactions with the former president contain even more incriminating information than has been previously revealed.

Pirro: Migrants Should Be Presumed To Be Pedophiles
Fox News spouters should all be considered lying nitwits.

GOP Rep Wants To “Ethnic Cleanse” Progressives
Careful what you wish for, Nazi. Some of us are pretty good shots.
These idiots always go back to the old saw of “Sharia Law.” LMAO!
We don't like you either "Chip."

MAGA Pastor: Execute Women Who Have Abortions
Try it, motherfucker!
There'll be another "pastor" that bites the dust.

Hot MAGA On MAGA Action As Felon45 Faces Opposition From The Right
Donald Trump’s presidential campaign reached a deal last week to put down a secret rebellion within the ranks. On the right.
"One Republican told the Post they believe some of the rebels want to lose because losing is great marketing for their real hustle: Grifting petulant MAGA donors. And that won’t stand because that’s Trump’s job."

Felon45 Shocked About 'Thou Shalt Not Steal' In The 10 Commandments
The man knows nothing.
And, "You shall not covet."
Trump was convicted on 34 counts over that one.

"He's F-ing Weird." MUST SEE Montage Of Creepiest Crap Trump's Said!
I mean, sure, Trump's an idiot, going thru dementia, ignorant, cruel, uncouth, a criminal, a rapist, a traitor, a felon...but we really need to also talk about how weird he is.

'There weren’t even that many ovens': Trump co-defendant's stunning comments on Holocaust
Be careful what truth you deny. This will really piss off a load of people that takes this very seriously, moron. No one but her has ever claimed that many bodies were cremated after they were gassed. Many of the bodies were buried in mass graves. She hasn't read much and comprehends nothing.
We don't get many Black Nazis. But it doesn't surprise me she's a Trump ally. This is what they are.

CBS News Poll: Biden +23 Among Voters Under 30
He's also underwater with independents and adults over 65.

Bannon Calls On Trump To Cancel Debate After CNN Host Boots Trump’s Spox From Combative Interview
This was predicted. It's Trump's "get of of the debate free card." Thanks, Steve. He was waiting for you to deliver his excuse.

“Death To LGBTQs” House Candidate: “Satanic Forces Are Taking Over Schools With Drag Queen Story Hours”
One more "pastor" to soon bite the dust. Dysfunctional brain disease. A straitjacket awaits the blind man.

Arizona Republican Says She Would “Lynch” County GOP Official Who Says 2020 Election Was Not Stolen
Better get your mob together because you ain't gonna do that alone.
Lynch? That's murder. You're a typical criminal that worships lying criminals like Trump.

Trump allies already making 'truly horrifying' list of federal employees to target
How can anyone think this asshole is capable of leading our country?

Ex-Trump doctor Ronny Jackson may have broke federal law by spending campaign funds on a dining club
“Texans for Ronny Jackson” made payments with campaign money to a private dining club.
Most of it a bar tab?

"Months she wasted": National security lawyer says Judge Cannon's "hubris" turned case into a "mess"
Trump judge already made "egregiously flawed ruling" and appears to be "in over her head," Bradley Moss told Salon

'Don’t interrupt me': Judge Cannon scolds prosecutor at hearing to defund Jack Smith
Even Trump's shill thinks Emil Bove is a load of it.

Mississippi Goddamn: You Were Definitely Involved In This
Honoring "a story of absolute moral and physical courage," we mark the 60th anniversary of the murder of young civil rights workers James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner by white supremacists for the crime of working to register black voters, end apartheid in the Jim Crow South, and make a better, fairer world. Amidst right-wing assaults on our rights and history, many deem it vital we remember those who confronted America's brutal racist legacy and declared, "We are not afraid."

Trump Implies He Has Wounds Like Jesus To Faith Conference
The most convincing evidence of his madness to date. The man is insane and will stoop to any stunt inluding portraying the anti-christ to dupe the unknowing and uncaring Cristo-Fascists.

Overturning Roe Didn’t Just Cut Off Access. It Sabotaged Science, Too.
"Abortion is health care, and the government has 'an obligation,' she insists, “to study it the way they study any other major public health issue in the United States.”

“The Dire Threat of Trump’s Ongoing Assault on Women’s Fundamental Freedoms
How stupid are Americans? "The Supreme Court was blamed by the largest number of respondents—50 percent—who apparently do not realize that Trump is responsible for its conservative supermajority. And remarkably, more recent New York Times polling found that nearly a fifth of voters blame Biden for the fall of Roe." Pretty damned stupid.

'It is hurting him': Strategist shows how Trump's latest move is a 'sign of desperation'
"Democratic political strategist Simon Rosenberg, who recently analyzed the state of the presidential race and concluded that 'Trump is not winning' the contest against President Joe Biden, recently published a blog post in which he argues that Trump's bid for new states is different from a similar push by Biden."

Melania 'distancing herself' from Trump and probably won't return to White House: report
Melania Trump won't likely spend much time in Washington, D.C., if her husband gets re-elected to a second term, according to those who follow her activities.
Trump zombies don't give a fuck about her anyway.

Trump ran up national debt twice as much as Biden: new analysis
Most of us know this but, to our shame, a bunch doesn't

Nine More Things About Louisiana's '10 Commandments' BS
Here are 9 outrageous facts about Louisiana’s Ten Commandments law.
Stupid ignorance x 9.

Ronny Jackson Demands Biden Take Drug Test Before Debating Trump
Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX) said he would "demand" that President Joe Biden take a test for performance-enhancing drugs before the debate on Thursday.
The President doesn't take demands from boozer loser jerkwards. LOL!
"So tomorrow, I'm sending a letter to President Biden, to his physician, Dr. O'Connor, and I'm CCing his entire cabinet," Jackson explained. "And it's embarrassing that I have to do this."
It's embarrasing that you're willing to do it for Lumpy, who is a known drug user and you're a known drunk.

'He is a convicted felon': Fox News host loses control after Dem lists Trump's crimes
Talk about snowflakes.

'Zero attendees in the upper bowl': Trump mocked for 'half empty' swing state speech
"Trump, who during his speech in Philadelphia had several verbal "misfires" that caused social media users to question the former president's mental acuity, has in the past heavily emphasized the numbers at his politically charged rallies as an indication of popularity."
"Look at all those empty seats in Philadelphia," Jackson said. "Old man can't even fill a high school gym fill anymore. Sad."
"He hasn’t done hardly any indoor venues because he still owes $500,000 each the venues he didn’t pay as far back as 2019 so he’s been doing them in fields next to firehouses and beaches that are free. It’s a lot easier to hide small crowd in those venues but this you can see it’s brutal."

Trump Repeats Bizarre Story About Boats And Sharks
How did America get so fucking stupid as to think this wacko was sane?

Trump: I’ve Chosen My Running Mate “In My Mind”
That means nothing as he has no mind. Look at the photo of the decrepit old man in the photo.

Police Name Suspect In Arkansas Mass Shooting
There are so many damned shootings now that one can't keep track of them anymore.
All for one simple reason: bullets! Stop allowing ammo to be legally sold without rigorous background checks.

Trump: Flight Delays Are Now So Bad That People Are “Pitching Tents” In Our “Third World” Airport Terminals
Story telling to children. Anyone that believes this bullshit is a child like the liar who tells it.
If our elections are third world then why is he running in it?

Vaseline Woman: God Told Me I’ll Win My Senate Race
Who knew God was so weak that he had to be brought back by this trash heap?
Talk about using the Bible for interpreting complete fallacies.

Codifying Those Commandments — 2025
Read it. Especially the Governor of Louisiana.

The Founder's Fury: Ten Commandments Invade Our Schools
It is utter BS to justify imposing religious doctrine on impressionable youth: there isn’t that much overlap between the Ten Commandments and American or Louisiana law.

Donald Trump: A Profound Threat to Social Security, Medicare, and Seniors
What will he do instead? Put us in concentration camps?
Senoirs will never vote for Fatso.
"For the sake of all of our economic security, it is essential that the American people, and seniors in particular, understand this fundamental difference between the two parties and vote accordingly."

Broken records: How WaPo and the NYT are recklessly spinning false political narratives
Two formerly great newspapers have been lost to fascism.

Justice Alito singled out as roadblock to stalled Trump criminal immunity ruling
Why do we get fascists in these positions? By sticking fascists like Lumpy in our government.

'We do really want to burn it all down': Trumpworld says it isn’t 'bluffing' on 2nd term
It's kill or be killed, America.

Michael Steele snaps at Project 2025 architect over threat to gut government for Trump
Kevin Roberts needs to be fired immediately. He shows us he's a fascist executing a nefarious agenda. He's a subversive threat to America. He would have been a great Nazi for Hitler.

Trump’s latest flip-flop shows his propensity to bend to 'views of wealthy donors': report
Once a whore, always a whore?

Steve Bannon and the culture of impunity
"But there is a peculiar aspect to the outpouring of support for Bannon on the right. Whether he goes to prison next month or not, he will soon face state charges of fraud, money laundering and conspiracy, in the same New York courtroom where Trump was convicted on 34 felony counts last month.
What makes this scandal so compelling is that the victims defrauded in the swindle allegedly perpetrated by Bannon and his three confederates were all devoted followers of Trump."

Ten Commandments governor declares no church-state separation in rough Fox News interview
You want to make religion secular? Then Congress will make laws on you and can tax you. I know you will love that tradeoff, you stupid moron.

Ben Carson put on the spot on CNN over Louisiana's Ten Commandments school mandate
"But are you saying that the Ten Commandments are a religion?"
They are printed in a religious tome that has been re-inerpreted from the first edition, dear doctor. And re-read the First Amendment.
If they want to advertise in public schools they must be taxed.

'Gutter trash': Trump fans revolt after ex-president endorses 'disgraceful' Lauren Boebert
"Donald Trump's own fans stood up to the ex-president on Friday, voicing their disapproval when he endorsed a woman known for appearing to perform adult acts during a Beetlejuice musical."
Is that true, Clark?

'We have to stop it a second time': Trump accused of invoking Jan 6. attack in interview
We have to stop the traitor Trump the second time.

Two Dead, Eight Wounded In Arkansas Mass Shooting
Land of the Happy Negro setting an example of the gun thugs at large.

Elise Stefanik Rages: “It Is Illegal” To Prosecute Trump
Said one of the most corrupt politicians next to Trump.
Joe Bden was not on trial. She doesn't seem to know that. She's unfit to serve in our government
With conservatives, every accusation is a confession.

Ex-Trump Official Praises McCarthyism, Claims “Same Deep State” That Took Out Nixon Is Now After Trump
Nixon took his own criminal ass out, honey. Try not to make the same mistake.
You realize you are using nothing but tired old saws that have been pissed on by intelligent people.

LA Gov Mocks Outrage Over Ten Commandments Law
Total bullshit. Like the rest of America, we have all been suckered by "the Church."

Federal Appeals Court Issues Mixed Ruling On Christian Challenge To Insurance Coverage For PrEP Medications
It was Hotze who bankrolled the successful campaign to repeal Houston’s “wicked, evil, Satanic” LGBT rights ordinance, during which he compared gays to rapists and murderers.
Ignorant swine Christo-fascists.

Gutfeld: Democrats Are Working On Their Next Hoax
Get a life, shit-fer-brains.

'We will kill you all': Trump supporters send 'upsetting' death threats to Manhattan DA
You won't do it by bragging about it with cowardly threats, retards.

Have You Heard About Joe Biden's Greatest Achievement?
One of Biden's greatest achievements may be the one no one knows about.

Fox News Attacks Biden For Being 'In The Bunker' For Debate Prep
Fox's Jesse Watters once again working the refs for Trump ahead of next week's debate, accusing Biden of being "in a bunker," because heaven forbid he went to Camp David to prep.
Why don't you take some time off, Jesse? You really appear to be losing your mind. Stop wasting your life.

As Expected, Louisiana Gets Sued For Ten Commandments Stunt
"Our public schools are not Sunday schools," the groups said, "and students of all faiths, or no faith, should feel welcome in them."
The tyrant is too retarded to understand his tyranny.
Was that fast enough for your stupid ass?

Biden attorney warns America will be in 'sorry state' if 'democratic norms' collapse
It will be far more than "sorry."

Trump: “I Love Ten Commandments In Public Schools”
Do we protect relgious freedom in America? If so, then he does not understand that these signs will offend some, perhaps all, of the religious.
He's a stupid fuck.

Commentary: Why the posting of the Ten Commandments is wrong and should offend all religions
How could a rabbi criticize this move? Just watch me.

EU To Begin Accession Talks With Ukraine Next Week
"It will likely be years before Ukraine is approved"
Sure. They'll all be dead by then.

Mystery surrounds Sam Alito's 2-day Supreme Court absence as opinions handed down
I think he's waiting for his wife's decisions.

Biden Is the Candidate Who Stands for Change in This Election
"The oldest-ever President has been a groundbreaking leader. The debate gives him a chance to get that message across."

Details revealed of terrifying new threats hurled at Trump prosecutors
Threats? They never hurt anyone. It's their action that does. When they act again they will be elminated.

'Look at this live': CNN interrupts broadcast to show Trump Media stock in 'freefall mode'
No wonder his suckers have to bail him out constantly.

MAGA granny admits to grooming teen grandson to believe Democrats worship Satan
Without Satan as their whipping boy these MAGAt myth believers are lost.

‘Ominous opinion’: Same-sex marriage targeted again in latest SCOTUS ruling, expert warns
All the Nazi pricks do is deny Americans their rights.

Trump lawyer dodges as Aileen Cannon grills him over 'very ominous' claims: report
"Bove did not directly answer the judge's question but repeated his argument that Smith was not lawfully appointed and asked for an additional hearing that would include testimony about the relationship between Smith and Attorney General Merrick Garland to determine whether the special counsel was acting independently or under the direction of the official who appointed him."
The low-down dirty dog.

'Break glass' moment: Judge Cannon info leaks 'almost as big as the news itself'
The corruption is thick here.

Woman Whose Son Was Charged With Stealing: The Left Hates Commandments Because It Says Don’t Steal
"...though shall not steal”? Typo or moron?
"Boebert, whose son is facing 22 theft related charges after breaking into cars and stealing credit cards, says the Left opposes putting the 10 Commandments in school because they don’t want children to be taught that it’s bad to steal things."

There are so many awful Republicans it's hard to keep track of 'em all. But don't go to sleep on Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana (who should literally be forced to change his name)

Project 2025 Director Calls Biden An “Authoritarian”
LOL! LMAO! ROTFLMAO!! ROTFFLMAO!!! What a fucking clown!

Pastor Backs Death Penalty For Gays As “Deterrent”
We know who we need to deter, Christian nationalist pastor Joel Webbon.

Shrieking Louisiana Rep Defends Ten Commandments In Schools: If You Don’t Like It, Then “Don’t Look At It”
It's against the Constitution. It's from a Judaic tome. Are you that ignorant? Apparently. We don't treat Americans like Nazis treat them by flipping them off as you do. If you don't like it you can stick it up your ass.

Cruz Accused Of Illegally Funneling Podcast Money
Oh, this is soooo sudden and unexpected.

Damning 'pro-Democracy' supercut underscores Trump’s dramatic cognitive decline: 'Betanyahu'
Lumpy has reached the point of dementia damage. This is turning even his own supporters away.

Donald Trump's Cognitive Issues Mean He Can NEVER Have Nuclear Codes
"Donald Trump appears to be in cognitive decline, and this is not just my opinion. It is also the opinion of author Ramin Setoodeh, who interviewed Donald Trump numerous times for his new book about Donald Trump, called 'Apprentice In Wonderland.'"

Legal experts skewer Cannon’s 'remarkable' defiance against federal judges’ request
People, she's a Trump shill. Get rid of her. Now!

Cannon refusing judges’ requests to hand off Trump case is a 'break-glass situation': expert
It's quite obvious she is predudiced for Trump and is paying him favors. This isn't illegal as all hell?

America's Darkest Hour: Battling the Second Great Insurrection
The new GOP motto might as well be, “We don’t need no stinkin’ issues; we just want power and revenge for the heroes of the Old South and the New Insurrection.”

Florida Republicans Terrorized a Teacher Because of a Black Lives Matter Flag. She Hit Back and Won.
Terrorism will not be accepted in America.

GOP Gov’s Ten Commandments Bill Flagrantly Violates First Amendment: Legal Expert
CNN host Kaitlan Collins asked the legal analyst whether these requirements violate the First Amendment.
"Yes, flagrantly, in my view," Honig replied. "If you wanted a perfect example of what the First Amendment prohibits, I think this is it. The First Amendment says, Congress, government, shall make no law respecting establishment of religion, meaning state entities can't do things that endorse any particular religion or religiosity in general."
"So it's an inherently religious document. I should add this came up before in 1980, there was a case out of kentucky — almost exact same facts — and the Supreme Court said 'unconstitutional.'"
Some should go for the majority of America in that it is abuse of power.

Trump's 'factually false and perniciously racist' attacks could land him in jail: expert
Lock him up!

"Trump’s emails transform him into a persecuted martyr": Daily messages prime MAGA for post-election
"Trump is priming the Christian/MAGA base to violently contest a “rigged” 2024 presidential election"
I pity these fools.

Ron DeSantis Vetoes All State Funding For The Arts
What a cretin throwback.
Money is only for the backward and illiterate?
"Art is an essential aspect of any civilization. Once the basic human needs have been taken care of such as food, shelter, some form of community law, and a religious belief, cultures begin producing artwork, and often all of these developments occur more or less simultaneously." — Joshua J. Mark

Dangerous Groups Out There
There are those who feel laws don't apply to them. Some wear ballcaps, some wear robes. Or as Woody Guthrie wrote in Pretty Boy Floyd: "Some will rob you with a six-gun, And some with a fountain pen."
Maybe he should have made that second one a judge's gavel.

'Something’s rotten': Ex-Supreme Court clerk goes public with criticism of justices
You just now figuring that out?
"There are, of course, explanations that have nothing to do with politics for why a ruling still hasn’t been issued (on Lumpy's immunity). But the reasons to think something is rotten at the court are impossible to ignore."

'I can’t wait to be sued': GOP gov brags over Ten Commandments bill – rights groups vow to oblige
He can't help that he's a few cards short of a full deck. Or maybe a lot more than that.
This is what happens when you mix "religion" with politics. He should have some conversations with Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin.
"Louisiana is the first state in the nation to require the bible’s laws to be posted."
It should be the last.

Texas Ethics Commission will require influencers to disclose when they’re paid for advertisement
The action comes after The Texas Tribune reported that influencers were being paid to defend impeached Attorney General Ken Paxton.
Influencers Were Secretly Paid For Posts Defending Paxton, TX Ethics Panel Says That Will Now Be Illegal
This man is nothing but trash. Why must we have this sort in our government?

Burgum: “We’re Living Under Biden’s Dictatorship”
If we want any shit from a lying bootlicker like Burgem we'll scrape it of his teeth.
"Oh for fuck's sake. When the House refused to take up the bipartisan immigration bill passed by the Senate (because Trump ordered them not to so that he could try to keep it as a campaign issue), Speaker Johnson's justification was that everything in the bill was something President Biden could do by executive order.
Fuck these lying assholes." -- Royal Scribe (comments) At least if not more.

Miami Cubans Threaten To Blockade Major Highway Until Billboard Comparing Trump To Castro Is Removed
Hey, guess what? Ever heard of the First Amendment? This is protected like Nazi shit is.
"NO TO DICTATORS, NO TO TRUMP." This is politcal speech. Protected by the First Amendment. Now block the highway like the airheads you are. You always loved a dictator! We know who you are!
Maybe they really miss Fidel? (Two faced), Or they love Lumpy (brainless).

Grocery chains rolling out new system that could let them change prices 'every 10 seconds'
Here we go. Food is going to be harder to get. But this is goddamn bloody robbery. Will my dollar change value at the same time?
Robbery is legal by the grocery chains? This will lead to total chaos. Raise your price and watch people walk out the doors, you greedy motherfuckers. You will not lower a price for something anyone wants. Here, this shit is still really good!

Press Watch mission statement: Political journalism needs a reset
"No one can possibly argue that modern political journalism has fulfilled its essential mission of creating an informed electorate."

Trump inadvertently highlights report questioning his mental fitness
Trump doesn't know a turd from a candy bar.

The shocking truth behind the GOP's MAGA lie machine
Just how scummy are these scumbags? Pretty stinking scummy.

ABC News: Ethics Witness Says Gaetz Paid Her For Sex
Apprarently, we love having sex crimnals in our government.

Cultist Pleads Guilty To Threatening GA DA Fani Willis
In one message, Hanson warned Willis: “When you charge Trump on that fourth indictment, anytime you’re alone, be looking over your shoulder.”
I guess he was looking over his wrong shoulder.

Trump Claims Biden Will Be On Cocaine At Debate
He makes an excuse for getting his ass kicked. And how does he know what a "bag of cocaine" costs?

Putin And Kim Jong-Un Sign Mutual Defense Pact
Indeed, they appear to be seated at a pair of caskets.
"I just can't stand another cold, cold war with you." -- Floyd Tillman.

Cartoon: Are you experienced?
How many "soulless corporate euphemisms" make you sick?

GOP Senators Block Attempt To Ban Bump Stocks
Record their names. Next time a bump stock is used in a mass murder charge them all as accessories.
Put Pete Ricketts at the top of the list.

Cultists Lie About Barricades Around Supreme Court
More bullshit from the morons.

TX MAGA Megachurch Pastor Resigns Amid Accusations He Molested Girl For Years Starting When She Was 12
Another one bites the dust.

GOP gubernatorial candidate called Harvey Weinstein a 'sacrificial lamb' and defended Cosby
In which house of ill repute DID they find this excrement?
What pussy has he been twiddlin' without permission?
The world is watching you, doncha know?

Orange Is The New Steve Bannon
"Bannon thought, and his lawyers thought, that he would get to go to the fun jail, with stuffed animals and other toys to play with, and a happy hour every day from four to seven. 'Club Fed,' they call it.
Instead he’s going to Club Ass where his nickname will be 'Odor Father,' and they will call him that because he’ll be the very stinky dad of the Nazi gang. Or maybe he’ll join a different gang, we guess anything is possible"

The Top 10 Crafts Steve Bannon Will Make In Prison (Number 5 Is 'Hello Kitty Cigarette Case'). Tabs, Tues., June 18, 2024
"Steve Bannon is not eligible to go to Martha Stewart funtimes prison, has to go to prison where his new nickname is “\'Grease Smells' and they call him that because he smells bad and looks greasy even after a shower. It is because he has ANOTHER criminal case pending against him. Ha ha. [CNN]"

Poll Says Independents Less Likely To Vote For Felon Trump, MAGA Voters Still Total Idiots
"The poll also tried to get a sense of how Americans are feeling about the justice system and courts in America right now, in general. You’ll never guess which institution Americans trust LEAST, but you might figure it out if we said one of their wives wants to fly shaaaaaaaaaaame flags to trigger the gays on the other side of the lagoooooooooooooon."

The American Zeitgeist Now
"One last WTF for today: 26% of his voters say that his conviction made them even more determined to vote for him."
WTF? None of those voters are Americans.

The Dark Side of Politics: The GOP's MAGA Lie Machine
Trump’s Legacy and the Weaponization of Lies in the 2024 Election

'Totally normal for a dictator': Trump stuns with latest demand for punishment
Trump can shit, fall back in it and roll around. It will become the fascist bastard.

What 'praying judge' Alito gets fundamentally wrong about faith and the First Amendment: analysis
"Americans who reject "MAGA nationalism," Johnson writes, are "justified in asking where Alito sees the line between religion and state."

'Disaster' scenario as areas reach tipping point of 'zero' harvests left: 'Going to be like Mad Max'
"The 'most-deprived' areas across the planet are in facing a land crisis, BBC reports, according to the World Food Programme.
Due to droughts and flooding, the organization's global office director Martin Frick told BBC, that because 'the land can no longer sustain crops' in some places, there are 'zero' harvests left as a result.
Furthermore, Frick warns that 'that without efforts to reverse land degradation globally, richer countries would also begin to suffer crop failures' as well."

But his emails: Trump’s increasingly unhinged calls for violence
Trump claims he may face death sentence, threatens Joe Biden with "DAY OF RECKONING." This really isn't normal
Of course not. Lumpy is a lost soul that has no moral center. The world wil be better off with him in jail.

Internet can't get enough of Republican senator's flub on tax-free tipping
This dick should get a comedy sitcom.

'This is Soviet’: Matt Gaetz cries foul over 'new frivolous' ethics probes
"So Viet-nam"? Perhaps. A no-win situation.

'Civil War primary': Rift over controversial Trump snub threatens to tear MAGA apart
No one has accused these comedians as ever having brains.
The time for bullshit passing is over for Nazis.

Court Blocks Iowa Law Letting Cops Arrest Migrants
"A new Iowa law imposing state criminal penalties on undocumented immigrants is unconstitutional and cannot be enforced, a federal judge ruled Monday."
The shitbags don't mind breaking the law themselves.

LOCK HIM UP: After Guilty Verdicts, Poll Finds that More Americans Say Trump Should Go To Prison
"Uh-oh! A plurality of the American people think that Trump should be sent to the Big House, not the White House. And it’s even worse than it seems. While the 43-40 split may not appear to be a significant difference, many of the 40% who did not agree that Trump should go to prison still believe that he committed a serious crime, that he should be held accountable, and that the verdict was fair."
That's because it was.

Newsmax Host Berates Jurors for Not Exposing Themselves to Deadly Threats From the Trump Cult
ROTFLMAO until I have to puke my guts out at the stupidy of the dumbest shit on the planet!
Look at that ugly monster in the photo and laugh your ass off!

MD Governor Issues Mass Pardons For Marijuana Convictions Today
The pardons will forgive low-level marijuana possession charges for an estimated 100,000 people in what the Democratic governor said is a step to heal decades of social and economic injustice.
"The pardons will forgive low-level marijuana possession charges for an estimated 100,000 people in what the Democratic governor said is a step to heal decades of social and economic injustice that disproportionately harms Black and Brown people."
We thank the Governor for the sensible action.

Global poll busts 'rhetorical staple' of Trump’s reelection campaign: analysis
Stinky doesn't come clean in a global wash.
"Revisiting our earlier coverage," Benen explains, "a Gallup report in 2021 found that approval ratings of U.S. leadership around the world had 'largely rebounded from the record-low ratings observed during the Trump Administration.' Around the same time, the Pew Research Center released a related report documenting 'dramatic' improvements in the United States' international stature once Biden replaced Trump in the Oval Office."
"He's going to lose big." — George Conway.

Paul Krugman: Trump’s dangerous instability is growing even worse
In his New York Times column, liberal economist Paul Krugman has been arguing that voters who are feeling nostalgic for the Trump years are forgetting just how chaotic Donald Trump's presidency was.

Post-conviction polling 'should be worrying for Trump': Politico
"New polling raises fresh concerns for Donald Trump following his recent felony convictions."

21% Of Independents Now Less Likely To Vote Trump
And in the photos of this article and the next, we can see just how aged and decrepit this POS is now.

Quislings To Help Trump Outreach To LGBTQ Voters

Bannon Issues MAGA Battle Cry: “Victory Or Death”
That's an easy choice for us Steve. Thanks for the suggestion.
“We’ve seen what a feckless hapless old man can do.”
Yes. He can be convicted on 34 charges! Now it's your turn!

Dr. Stabby: Democrats Are Plotting To Replace Biden
The idiots will keep saying this right up to the day of his inauguration.
Talk about projection. This fraud is one of the best at it.

Morning Digest: Wisconsin GOP advances little-noticed measures to strip Democratic governor's power
Then go ahead and put your shitbag dictator in office you Nazis fucks!

New Poll Confirms Republicans Under Water Over Abortion
New Gallup polling shows just how much the GOP needs to worry about abortion.
MAGAts are losing bigly! As it should be.

The Trump Republican Party has given way to organized treason
On another Sunday show, South Carolina Republican Senator Tim Scott, also on Trump’s short list, asserted that a number of the rioters were people who “came into the Capitol because the doors were open.”
The doors were open because the motherfuckers broke them down, genius.

More Americans 'view Christianity negatively' — and it may be Trump's fault
Partly. But Xianists are a cult of arrogant assholes for the most part and want to rule the world.

93 Countries Back ICC Probe Into Israeli War Crimes in Gaza
"Ninety-three nations on Friday, all them state parties to the Rome Statute that created the International Criminal Court, reiterated their support for the ICC as it assesses an application for arrest warrants of high level Israeli government officials accused of perpetrating war crimes in Gaza."

After Supreme Court’s Abortion Pill Decision, Donald Trump Is Even More Likely To Ban Abortion
"He will be even more beholden to them next time around. After all, he's indicated in multiple ways he does not intend to leave office at the end of a second term. As we learned from the January 6 insurrection, Christian nationalists are his main source of fanatics who will break the law and commit violence on his behalf. To keep those people in his thrall, he has to deliver for them. And there is nothing more important to the Christian right than banning abortion nationwide."

De-Programming MAGA Cultists For a Better America
I've heard the old double tap works.

MAGA Youth Activist Charlie Kirk’s Big Conservative Shindig Is Full of Old Folks
The dupes that consistantly vote against their best interests.

ABC host embarrasses Tim Scott because violent crime 'actually down' under Biden
"ABC host embarrasses Tim Scott because violent crime 'actually down' under Biden"
The South Carolina electorate is obviously so retarded they are unable to send anyone with a lick of sense to represent them in our Senate.
The poor man is irresponsible and embarrassingly stupid.

Trump's latest pitch to GOP lawmakers would plunge the country into 'chaos': experts
"According to reports about Donald Trump's closed-door meeting with Republican lawmakers this past week, the former president proposed an "unfathomably radical" change to the tax system that would benefit the super-rich while causing irreparable damage to the average taxpayer and the U.S. economy."
Don't worry. Most of us will already be dead from the coming bird flu pandemic.

‘Everything is a scam!’ Trump ridiculed after pics of Black church event show white crowd
"The evangelical church is in the heart of Detroit’s west side and has a mainly Black congregation.
But photos caught by the media, and shared widely online, showed a lot of white people in the audience."
"“It’s all lies, smoke, and mirrors,” wrote Jeff Timmer a Republican and senior adviser at the anti-Trump Lincoln Project, on X."
Why would Black people attend a Trump rally that took over their church? Did Trump expect to connect with Blacks in that manner. What a thoughtless idiot!

Nine Injured In Michigan “Random” Mass Shooting
"Among the injured were an 8-year-old boy who was shot in the head and a 39-year-old woman who was shot in the abdomen and leg. Both were in critical condition. Those two people, along with a 4-year-old boy who was shot in the thigh, were from one family, he said."
Remember "Before They Shot Kids"?

Trump Brags About Acing Dementia Test And Then Confuses Name Of GOP Rep Who Administered Test
"Mr. I am so stupid I brag about it." Then calls Jackson, "Johnson." Brilliantly displaying his broken brain.

Contagious Sociopathy?
Few dispute that Trump and his enablers are sociopaths...

Donalds Invites Taylor Swift To Join Trump Campaign has no clue as to what truth is. He just opens his mouth and words come out. I've yet to see such a removed from reality, naive liar as he (nudge, nudge, wink, wink).

Miami Herald: DeSantis To Restore Trump’s Right To Vote While “Slow-Walking” FL Law For Other Felons
More proof we are living in an insane asylum and DipShit is a Nazi.

MTG: Imprison Fauci For “Crimes Against Humanity”
A perfect example of what kind of lying traitor shit comes out of the Dear Ole Dixie lunatics. Lock her up!

GOP Attempts To Restore Confederate Memorial
The traitors lost the war they started, motherfucker. What are you? An apologist for treason?
"The latest vote is also significant because of who voted in favor of the Confederate symbol: Republican leaders."
Piss on the slave driver Land of the Happy Negro. The North won the Civil War.
If they can't accept this, the same as Trump "stop the steal" losers, it appears there is a longing to fight that war again. I guess the traitors want to try it again?. Want to?

MAGA Megachurch Pastor Admits To “Moral Failure” After Woman Says He First Began Molesting Her At 12
Another one bites the dust.
"Robert Morris, founding pastor of Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas, which attracts an estimated 100,000 worshipers weekly, has confessed to “inappropriate sexual behavior with a young lady” more than 35 years ago while he was a young pastor after a woman accused him of sexually abusing her over multiple years beginning when she was 12."
Take that, Dan Patrick!

GOPer Mocked Over Bill To Rename Coastal Waters After Trump
Another cake winner! It's way too late for any of these Trump morons to get a brain.

You Guys, Don't Drink 'Raw Milk,' Even If Republicans Tell You To
It's the same as telling them to not get a Covid vaccination. They'll drink it.

Brain Addled Trump Confuses Ratings With Poll Numbers
Brain rot has set into this Lumpy Gravy.
No matter how much you try to polish a turd it's still a turd.

How do brainless creatures control their appetites?
Apparently, this is an article on MAGAts.

Lara Trump Vows To Prosecute “Election Cheaters”
Then start with yourself.

One Million Moms Vs “Sexually Perverse” Ms. Rachel
Pride month is for everyone to show their pride in something. Why do you have nothing to be proud of, Monica? Do you hate yourself that much? Because that's the reason you hate the rest of us.

RNC Kicks Off Drive To Recruit 100,000 “Poll Watchers”
None of these people have any authority to fuck with polling sites and poll workers. They are more likely "Lumpy's Poll Riggers."
It will be interesting to watch them get arrested.

Marco Rubio: “Poisoning The Blood” Isn’t About Race
Shorty, immigrants built this country. They still continue to do so.
Our population is our country, in case you don't realize that. Stop "lying for Lumpy."
Our immigration dropped to its lowest during the Obama administration.
The U.S. Government’s 2018 Border Data Clearly Shows Why the Trump Administration is on the Wrong Track

Speakers Bail On Texas “War On White America” Event
"Since then, at least three of the 12 listed speakers have said they will no longer partake in the event, two of whom said they were unaware of the themes and lineup when they agreed to participate."
These people still live in the 18th century. The 21st century confounds them.

‘That’s A Zombie Lie!’ Bill Maher Stunned When Charlemagne Says Black People Still Have To Be 5 Times Better
Once again a white man, has to tell a Black man how it is to be Black in America in 2024.
We are so lucky to have white men like this.

Citing Health Concerns, Some Jewish New Yorkers Push Back Against Proposed Mask Ban
Since when do Nazis care about some Jews?

Oklahoma's Kevin Stitt Just A Gov. Who Cain't Say No (To Chicken Sh*t In Rivers)
"Once upon a time, about 20 years ago, the attorney general of Oklahoma sued Tyson Chicken and 10 other chicken farms for filling the Illinois River with so much chicken shit that it actually smelled, the fish were asphyxiated, and it started to affect drinking water in the area. How much chicken shit you ask? An estimated 354,000 to 528,000 tons of chicken shit, per year. If you are as bad at conceptualizing measurements as I am, that is 13 Statues of Liberty of chicken shit to 19 and a half Statues of Liberty of chicken shit. Or 55,000 to 80,000 elephants worth of chicken shit."

The GOP's Unrelenting Attacks on Women's Rights: This is Just the Beginning
Don't be fooled by the cheese on their trap.

Supreme Court overturns federal bump stock ban, siding with Austin gun dealer
We are so elated that one greedy asshat got more death weaponry he can sell for profit.
The next murder that uses one of these tools of death must include him in its indictment as well as the 6 justices that allowed it as co-conspirators. Pro-life, One-Eyed Jacks!

'800 rounds in a minute, Clarence Thomas': Michael Steele rips judge over gun ruling
"Folks really don't give a damn about the life of people when your court says, 'Yeah, you can just take this piece of equipment and latches onto your gun and just pull the trigger and have 800 rounds, 800 rounds in a minute be dispensed from that weapon.'"
Impeach the moron that allowed this insanity to happen.

Plan to fast-track allowing convicted felon Trump to vote bashed by leading Florida paper
Fast track him to prison first!

New York Gov May Ban Wearing Masks On Subway
Another dumb shit. "Ban"? Why not ban dumb shits first? That's like banning a hat!

Kristi Noem: Pick Up Your Rifles This Election Cycle
She apparently doesn't mind random killing of the public.
What a real modern urban fighter will need are shotguns. All fighting will be close range and we don't want stray bullets traveling blocks to kill someone not near the battle sight. We'll be prepared to take the Nazis out. We've done it before.

Trump Pretends He Didn’t Issue Ban On Bump Stocks
The amazing brainless Lumpy.

Donald Trump Thinks Sharknado Is Coming
We're Back w/ Our Favorite Recurring Segment: WTF Did Trump Just Say?!?
"Donald Trump is not well." Tell me something I don't know.

Jesse Watters Tries Explaining Trump's Incoherent Ramblings
Hey Donald, it must be nice to have a cadre of MAGA minions at the ready to clean up your mental deficiencies.
Why can't this poor man get the help he needs?

'Kings ruling from above': Reining in 'too powerful' SCOTUS has 'broad bipartisan consensus'
Acting like idiots has not impressed America.

Supreme Court Reaffirms That Guns Have More Rights Than People
In a not at all surprising move, the Supreme Court has ruled that the Trump-era ban on bump stocks is wrong.
So we can all have machine guns just like the mob during prohibiton. Swine!

'Insane': Horrified critics blast Fox News host for suggesting 50-year MAGA rule possible
Just keep casting your bullshit and it will be returned tenfold.

'Scrambled brain' Trump served notice that Taylor Swift will never ever endorse him
Lumpy is left out again.

Cultist Charged With Threat To “Slaughter’ FBI Agents
Texas be crazy.

House Votes To Overturn Pentagon Abortion Policy
These people are the terrorists that Speaker Johnson is talking about!

American Legion Condemns Upside-Down US Flags
"Seehafer goes on to note that the American Legion helped write the US Flag Code, which stipulates that flying the flag upside-down should be limited to instances of extreme imminent danger."
Well, we do have a serious threat from Lumpy and his terrorist bastards mob!

Speaker Johnson Hopes For Terrorist Cells In The US Waiting To Attack
Republican leaders in Congress are all rooting for terrorist attacks on US soil.
Where I come from this is considered treason. Of course, is anyone surprised at this irresponsible idiot?

MAGA GOP Lawmaker Gets Fact-Checked To Death
Representative Tom Tiffany gets brutally fact-checked to a pulp by CNN host.
Brutal is what America must be with the lying fascist threats from these bastards.

Trump’s newest policy proposal would be 'huge tax increase' for the middle class: analysis
Do any of his zombies care?

Dems Give Felon 45 A Reality Check As He Returns To Scene Of The Crime
Republicans really want us to forget about January 6th.
"And it was a crime against Members, heroic police officers and staff, that resulted in death, injury, and trauma that endure to this day.," she added. "With his pledges to be a dictator on day one and seek revenge against his political opponents, Donald Trump comes to Capitol Hill today with the same mission of dismantling our democracy. But make no mistake — Trump has already cemented his legacy of shame in our hallowed halls.”

Why Was Ketanji Brown Jackson Made to Stand Alone for the Rights of Starbucks Workers?
"In the end, the Starbucks ruling is unsurprising, since it involves two things the court’s far-right supermajority can’t stand: workers’ rights and a government agency that protects them. The majority’s pattern of ruling for corporate interests and disdain for administrative agencies made the outcome here—if not the acquiescence of two progressive justices—feel foreordained, but it’s terrible for workers nonetheless."

Trump At Capitol Begging Mike Johnson To Overturn His Felonies, Probably Planning Some New Ones
Shameless pandering fool. How can he lead any nation that hope to remain a free nation?

BOOKBANCEPTION! Florida School District Bans Book About Book Banning
Well, then. Guess Mark Twain was right when he said, in Pudd'nhead Wilson's New Calendar, “In the first place God made idiots. This was for practice. Then he made School Boards.”
Smuggling should become a large activity on their border.

Starbucks Workers Union Slams SCOTUS Decision for Weakening Labor Protections
"Labor advocates decried Thursday’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling in favor of Starbucks in a labor dispute between the international coffee giant and seven of its employees who were terminated for leading a unionization campaign at their Memphis store."
SCOTUS hates it when workers get a break. They take it out on the people in the worst ways.

U.S. Supreme Court allows access to abortion pill, unanimously rejecting Texas challenge
"In the high court’s first abortion-related ruling since it overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022, the justices ruled unanimously to change nothing about mifepristone’s legal status."

Supreme Court Still Has Abortion Case To Rule On, And It Probably Won't Be So Awesome!
Don't feel like you've won any freedom from these Nazi dicks.

Alito, Thomas & Trump: A Betrayal of the Founders’ & Framers’ Ideals
No matter how hard Republicans try to reinvent the Founders & Framers in the image of their libertarian billionaire patrons, the reality is that America was history’s first great liberal experiment.
"Today’s Republicans (and Sam Alito) claim that America was founded as a Christian nation; the truth is that one of the most unique things about the 'American experiment' was that we were the first explicitly secular nation in the history of the world." So true and so simple to understand.

Death By Both Sides-ism
"At this point it’s clear that if we want better media, we have to build it ourselves. Which is what we’re trying to do, right here."

'A huge crook': Conservative claims of Trump persecution shredded in new op-ed
Trump is hugest. All the gangs behind him are even smaller.
See what I did there?

'Guilty, guilty, guilty': Adam Schiff roasts GOP by quoting Trump's Manhattan verdict
"He then continued, "This was what the jury pronounced. Unanimously on every count. My Republican colleagues don't really contest Donald Trump's guilt. This is the fascinating thing; their argument has been he should never have been prosecuted. Where they falsely claim it was a political prosecution. They falsely claim it should have been a misdemeanor, not a felony."
The MAGAts are totally throwbacks of humanity.

U.S. Supreme Court rejects bid to trademark ‘Trump too small’
Maybe I will give "SCOTUS even smaller" a try.
This is perfectly obvious putting meaning to a phrase that they are projecting there own meaning to.
Trump so happens to be a word. If a trump is too small it loses in card games you morons.
" Playing the first trump to an already-started trick is known as trumping or ruffing; if another player were to play a higher trump, that would be an overruff or overtrump."
That means "trump too small."
The trump has been overtrumped. SCOTUS lost the trick and appear too intellectually void to admit it.
Satire is protected by the First Amendment but they are too far gone to see that.
Elster’s attorney had argued that the “Trump too small” phrase was “political commentary” and was meant to convey “the smallness of Donald Trump’s overall approach to governing as president of the United States.”
Therefore "Don too tiny. Court even tinier."

'Back at ya buddy': Milwaukee mayor slaps back at Trump's historic 'horrible' gaffe
Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson had a succinct response to former President Donald Trump who was caught criticizing the most populous city in the key swing state of Wisconsin as "horrible."
"Donald Trump wants to talk about things that he thinks are horrible," Johnson said. "All of us lived through his presidency so, right back at you, buddy."
Cavalier's remarks came hours after Punchbowl News' Jake Sherman reported Trump had said of the city hosting the Republican National Convention in June, "Milwaukee, where we are having our convention, is a horrible city."
What a stupid douchebag. Run him the hell off the planet.

GOP lawmakers are asking how do we make Trump 'go away' as he heads to Capitol Hill: CNN
Prison is good for starters.

Trump Shifts $5M In Donor Funds To His Businesses
The felon keeps on with his crimes.

Alabama AG Shrugs Off State GOP Chairman Using Homemade ID To Vote Because “Mark Of The Beast”
Another Nazi nitwit.

Italian Lawmakers Brawl On Parliament Floor
America will have to fight fascism again so get ready.

What Is Fascism?
Yale Professor Jason Stanley, a renowned authority on Fascism and the author of 'How Fascism Works,' offers insights. Watch his video and read on to see if you recognize any of these tactics.
No question what Trump is with this.

Trump bleeding support among key GOP demographic
"According to Newsweek's Kate Plummer, presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump appears to be losing support among older voters."
"Everything he touches dies."

Why Republicans are left disappointed by Hunter Biden's conviction
The Trump campaign reportedly thought it would be a fundraising bonanza for them if Hunter Biden was acquitted
Showing that decency is not in his vocabulary.

When "abortion travel" becomes a nightmare: A tale of no good choices
She wanted a baby — but her fetus had no chance of survival. How Idaho's abortion laws led to devastating trauma
These "holier than thou" asswipes never think of anyone but themselves.

The Ohio Republican Victory That’s Scaring the Sh*t Out Of Republicans This Morning
"Michael Rulli, whose victory in the OH-06 special election last night was very weak and sad. Hey look, it’s the morning after yet another election night in America where Democrats wildly overperformed expectations, leading pollsters and pundits alike to say “WHUT? But I had it on good authority that Joe Biden is old and that according to the conventional wisdom written on the thumb I keep permanently affixed inside my ass,” etc., and so forth"

Laura Ingraham BIG MAD At Lauren Windsor Over These Alito Tapes! Wanna Hear The New One?
"Why, that Laura Ingraham seems like she’d be just as much fun at a dinner party as Martha-Ann “I AM IMAGINING NEW FLAG DESIGNS TO OFFEND THE HOMOSEXUALS ACROSS THE LAGOOOOOOOON!” Alito.
Seriously, nothing will ever beat Martha-Ann Alito making up imaginary flags OF SHAME in her head and fantasizing about how she’s going to plant them to upset the Pride-flag-flying gays across the lagoon. You thought you knew what horrid garbage this woman was. Then you heard her talking with her face sounds.
But anyway, there’s a new tape of Martha-Ann’s whiny prissy ass husband Samuel, the one who lied his way onto the Supreme Court and has been issuing his little airheaded Christian fascist rulings from upon that pissy perch ever since."
"Oh man, how white conservatives hate it when fellow white people reveal how they really talk behind closed doors, when they think they’re safe with just us white folks. (Reckon that’s one of the deeper emotions behind Laura Ingraham’s seething and scoffing up there.)"

Economists reveal why 'remarkable' US economy has 'diverged so fundamentally from its peers'
"Under President Joe Biden, the United States has enjoyed some of its lowest unemployment rates in more than half a century."
We know why the whiners whine. The traitor Trump tells them to.

Imprisoned Jan. 6 rioter leading 'network of armed militias in all 50 states': report
Who in hell is failing to control our prison system? None of this commumication between traitors should be happening. Prisons should learn to spell the word "security" and insulate these traiotrs. They have forfeited their rights completely.

Cognitive psychologist explains what actually matters when performing complex leadership jobs
You'll never convince a Nazi deplorable dumb shit this is true. Most of this is way to heavy for most of them to understand and none of them will read it anyway. Attention spans are way too short. I can see their eyes glassing over now.

Buttigieg on Martha-Ann Alito: Flags symbolizing love vs. insurrection are different
You can't tell that to a Nazi.

Kirk: Stoning Gays To Death Is “God’s Perfect Law”
I guess that mean's he's entitled to throwing the first stone?
This is extrememly dangerous language. He'd better be prepared.
Self-loathing haters still can't see how evil the fucking Bible is.
"The bible also calls for stoning adulterers. That would mean the orange felon.} — omi-alone (comments)
Situational ethics. These deplorables have no moral ground to defend. They use hate language instead.

Alito Blasts Outlet’s Probe Into Supreme Court Ethics
Yes, most Americans don't care for Nazi racism. And you didn't realize that, you Lumpy sock puppet.

Inflation eases in May as consumer prices rise at slower than expected pace
Just keep whining about it as prices drop.

North Carolina's Mark Robinson Claimed The U.S. Behind Pearl Harbor Attack
Newly uncovered audio has the Republican gubernatorial candidate speculating that the U.S. was behind the attack on Pearl Harbor and the death of General George Patton.
This nitwit swine pig is lucky to still be in America when he insults our troops like another POS we know. And like him he's a traitor as well.

Alito Attacks ProPublica For Investigating Thomas In New Leaked Audio
The latest leaked audio of slimy-Sammy Alito to drop from The Undercurrent this week tells you all you need to know about just how unhinged Alito is when he believes ProPublica's funding is a bigger problem than his cohort's blatant corruption.
This is what you get when a Nazi puts a Nazi in a seat of power.

GOP Rep Demands VA Hospitals Remove Pride Flags, VA Says Suck It, Flags Are A “Tribute To LGBTQ Veterans”
That is to say, "the big hairy one!"
"Remember, every Pride flag sends a message: Martha-Ann Alito is a Nazi Cunt." -- xzargo

Texas And Montana Sue Feds Over LGBTQ Protections
Nazi terrorists. What else?

Paul Ryan Trashes “Unfit Narcissist” Trump On Fox
And does anyone really remember Paul? Asking for a friend.

GOP rep accused of billing taxpayers $12,000 for renting out her $1.6M DC town house
One would think that by now everyone knows the toxicity of this idiot.

George Conway smacks down Stephen Miller’s 'psychotic' take on Hunter Biden conviction
Was Josef Mengele pyschotic? Easy to see what Miller is.

Many Republicans don’t believe Trump was indicted or aren’t sure – but say he’s not guilty
Denying naked crimes. Overwhelming evidence of their irresponsible retardedness.

'Waste of taxpayer dollars': Hunter Biden jurors question if case should’ve even been brought
"Jurors told CNN that while Biden was clearly guilty given the rules governing firearm purchases, some felt that prosecuting him over it was excessive."

Joe Biden “I Accept And Respect The Judicial Process”
The manner in which a sane human reacts.

Judge Strikes Down FL Ban On Trans Youth Healthcare
Sanity wins again.

‘6 People Were Sent To The Hospital’: CNN’s Abby Phillip Roasts Sweltering Trump Rally — Speech ‘Veered Wildly’ In The Heat
"DONALD TRUMP (R), FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT: I don’t want anybody going on me. We need every voter. I don’t care about you. I just want your vote. I don’t care.
He’s a deranged, dumb guy. He’s a dumb son of a bitch.
He’s a corrupt, very dumb person. He’s a low I.Q. individual.
There’s just something missing, and there always has been.

Trump's 'ludicrous' attacks on law enforcement laid bare: 'Not only dangerous — dumb'
Why do MAGAts insist on worshipping such a dumb shit?

'Death grip': Trump hold over GOP likened to 'Jonestown suicide' by ex-RNC member
Lumpy could drink the kool-aid first and save us all a the horror he would otherwise bring.

Elise Stefanik shamed for 'despicable tactic' in stance against antisemitism
The list of moron MAGAts grows longer every day.

Trump hits out at on-the-record report that he could make military service mandatory
Another suicidal idea from the dumbest shit that exists.

The Federalist, Dolly, Trump, and the Gays
Understanding the order of operations for hatred.

Secret Recordings Of Alitos Reveal They Are Nuttier Than A Forest Of Acorn Trees
"There is a new controversy surrounding Supreme Court puke goblin Samuel Alito and his bugfuck insane wife Martha-Ann which we are now compelled to, ahem, flag for your attention. (We see what we did there!)
A week ago, the Alitos attended the Supreme Court Historical Society’s annual dinner, an otherwise-quotidian DC. event that wingnut activists have long used to lobby justices to check off items on the wingnut wishlist. Items like end legalized abortion and outlaw Democrats and install Donald Trump as the Most Holy and Blessed Sun-God King of America Forever, or whatever crazy shit they have been thinking about during the Republican party’s decades-long mass psychosis."

The 10 Gayest Flags To Fly Right Where Martha-Ann Alito Can See 'Em. Tabs, Tues., June 11, 2024
"All kinds of new audio of the Alitos has come out! Our favorite: Martha-Ann Alito made a “shame” flag in her mind, because she’s upset about Pride flags.
And with those new recordings shoving the Alitos back into the headlines, I should note that over at my new side project newsletter, on Friday I discussed how Samuel Alito is the most tiresome Disney princess of all time. Which I guess makes Martha-Ann history’s least charming-est Prince Charming. By the way, now would be a good time to subscribe to the new newsletter, because I hear this Friday we’ll be talking about Dolly Parton.
Sean Hannity: Maybe Trump shouldn’t debate Joe Biden after all! And if he’s saying it, that means it’s coming directly from the shitter at Mar-a-Lago. What’s that smell? It’s farts. But it’s also fear."

PA Governor To Trump: “Stop Shit-Talking America”
“So, I got a message to Donald Trump and all of his negativity and whining: stop shit-talking America! This is the greatest country on Earth and it’s time that we all start acting like it. The good people of Pennsylvania understand that this is a great country, understand that we got a whole lot going for us."
Lumpy won't as long as his deplorables keep being his shit eaters.

Secret Recording Reveals Martha Ann Alito's Fascist Frustrations
I can honestly say that I did not have Alito's wife being more unhinged than Ginni Thomas on my Bingo card, but here we are. Her frank rants during this conversation with Windsor are a window into the contempt with which she and other justices on the court view the American public. And make no mistake, if she could wave a wand and burn the media, liberals and Democrats to a crisp, she would. It's not hard at all to imagine where Alito will come down on the question of absolute immunity when you hear her authoritarian rants about everything from New York TImes reporters and their fashion choices to her own desire to shove as many of her imagined flags in the face of people daring to fly a pride flag."
Supreme trash.

Judge Cannon hits Trump with major loss in classified docs case
Oh, dear. Lumpy has to have another trial.

"False gospel": The new GOP attack on Dolly Parton is a tactic borrowed from the Christian right
Fundamentalists disparage mainstream culture as "demonic" — Republicans just substitute the word "woke"
Folks, these snoid shit piles of MAGAts show just how devoid of brains they really are with this.

Hannity Suggests Trump Back Out Of First Debate
Hannity is scared shitless that Lumpy will collapse entirely!

Bannon Vows Trump Will Target “Fascist” Journalists
Said the goddamned fascist. He can die soon.

Hamas says it accepts UN-backed Gaza truce plan, US cites 'hopeful sign'
"On Tuesday, however, senior Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri, who is based outside Gaza, said it accepted the ceasefire resolution and was ready to negotiate over the details. It was up to Washington to ensure that Israel abides by it, he added.
He said Hamas accepted the formula stipulating the withdrawal of Israeli troops from Gaza and a swap of hostages held in Gaza for Palestinian prisoners jailed in Israel."

Matt Gaetz Wants Congress To Approve Killing A Rare Whale
He wants to kill Trump?

Trump Solution To Alcoholism: Just Don't Take Anything
Trump's response to alcoholism, drug addiction, and cigarettes is even more lamebrain than Nancy Reagan's "Just Say No" campaign.
Says Lumpy, the drug addict, as he swallows four more Adderall.

Had enough? From Reagan’s promise to Trump’s MAGA chaos
Donald Trump tells us we are experiencing “American carnage” and the solution is to round up and put into concentration camps 11 million immigrants; imprison prosecutors, judges, Democrats, and reporters he says criticized him; and replace the FBI and our court systems with his own armed cadre that is loyal to him. The Proud Boys are stepping up again, and he is embracing them.
Says the Nazi scumbag traitor. Please return to your place in hell.

'Absurd and dangerous': AG Garland blasts ' baseless, personal and dangerous' attacks in scathing op-ed
"In a blistering op-ed published by the Washington Post on June 11, Garland calls out far-right conspiracy theorists who have been threatening or openly advocating violence against the DOJ and the FBI."
Deport the Lumpy traitors.

Did Fauci say he ‘made up’ COVID-19 rules on social distancing, masks? Let’s look at the transcript.
Headlines have distorted what the transcript shows Fauci telling members of the House in a January meeting
Inept Nazis do this shit constanly. They are too stupid to know there is history. They are not the only ones.
They don't need to hear anyway. Like Lumpy, they make propaganda as retarded as they are.

Red Flags Over the Supreme Court
At the very least, Justice Alito should recuse himself from cases involving the 2020 election.

Justice Alito Caught on Tape Discussing How Battle for America ‘Can’t Be Compromised’
In a new, secret recording, the Supreme Court justice says he “agrees” that the U.S. should return to a place of godliness
Kick the traitor out. There are grounds for impeachment on him.

Judge Cannon hits Trump with major loss in classified docs case
Oh, dear. Lumpy has to have another trial.

"False gospel": The new GOP attack on Dolly Parton is a tactic borrowed from the Christian right
Fundamentalists disparage mainstream culture as "demonic" — Republicans just substitute the word "woke"
Folks, these snoid shit piles of MAGAts show just how devoid of brains they really are with this.

Hannity Suggests Trump Back Out Of First Debate
Hannity is scared shitless that Lumpy will collapse entirely!

Bannon Vows Trump Will Target “Fascist” Journalists
Said the goddamned fascist. He can die soon.

Hamas says it accepts UN-backed Gaza truce plan, US cites 'hopeful sign'
"On Tuesday, however, senior Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri, who is based outside Gaza, said it accepted the ceasefire resolution and was ready to negotiate over the details. It was up to Washington to ensure that Israel abides by it, he added.
He said Hamas accepted the formula stipulating the withdrawal of Israeli troops from Gaza and a swap of hostages held in Gaza for Palestinian prisoners jailed in Israel."

Matt Gaetz Wants Congress To Approve Killing A Rare Whale
He wants to kill Trump?

Trump Solution To Alcoholism: Just Don't Take Anything
Trump's response to alcoholism, drug addiction, and cigarettes is even more lamebrain than Nancy Reagan's "Just Say No" campaign.
Says Lumpy, the drug addict, as he swallows four more Adderall.

Had enough? From Reagan’s promise to Trump’s MAGA chaos
Donald Trump tells us we are experiencing “American carnage” and the solution is to round up and put into concentration camps 11 million immigrants; imprison prosecutors, judges, Democrats, and reporters he says criticized him; and replace the FBI and our court systems with his own armed cadre that is loyal to him. The Proud Boys are stepping up again, and he is embracing them.
Says the Nazi scumbag traitor. Please return to your place in hell.

'Absurd and dangerous': AG Garland blasts ' baseless, personal and dangerous' attacks in scathing op-ed
"In a blistering op-ed published by the Washington Post on June 11, Garland calls out far-right conspiracy theorists who have been threatening or openly advocating violence against the DOJ and the FBI."
Deport the Lumpy traitors.

Did Fauci say he ‘made up’ COVID-19 rules on social distancing, masks? Let’s look at the transcript.
Headlines have distorted what the transcript shows Fauci telling members of the House in a January meeting
Inept Nazis do this shit constanly. They are too stupid to know there is history. They are not the only ones.
They don't need to hear anyway. Like Lumpy, they make propaganda as retarded as they are.

Red Flags Over the Supreme Court
At the very least, Justice Alito should recuse himself from cases involving the 2020 election.

Justice Alito Caught on Tape Discussing How Battle for America ‘Can’t Be Compromised’
In a new, secret recording, the Supreme Court justice says he “agrees” that the U.S. should return to a place of godliness
Kick the traitor out. There are grounds for impeachment on him.

Just Released 2021 Video Depicts Schumer And Pelosi Demanding Help From National Guard During Jan 6 Riot
More proof that Lumpy is guilty of treason.

New Polls Show Potential for a Sane Majority
It's always there. Think of it — always.

Bill Kristol: Tuberville's Policy Is the Same as Trump's
He finally caught on to him? Nice going, Bill.
"Tommy Tuberville's know-nothing appeasement of Putin lines up exactly with where the ex-POTUS is—Biden should be making Trumpworld squirm over that fact."
Is it possible to make them squirm? They could get good at it.

Uvalde shooting survivors’ families sue UPS, FedEx for shipping weapon used by gunman in school massacre
The lawsuit claims the companies shipped an enhanced trigger system that allowed the gunman to convert a firearm into a fully automatic or semi-automatic weapon.

To fight poverty, some Texas cities gave aid with no strings attached. Conservatives are pushing back.
Guaranteed income programs let participants use funds however they see fit. Critics argue they're not a good use of taxpayer dollars.
These scumbags are just plain mean motherfuckers.

Poll Shows Most South Dakota Voters Back Abortion Rights Ballot Amendment
"New polling out of South Dakota indicates that a majority of residents in the deeply conservative, Republican-controlled state are supportive of protecting abortion rights."
Then show it in November.

European Parliament Elections Verdict: Democracy Still In Charge, Just
Good enough. As long as the scumbags stays underwater there's a chance they will all drown.
Send the 101st into France to take care of Sailor Pencil Neck and her Nazis as they did before.

Republican NC Gov Wannabe Mark Robinson Tells Women To Keep Their Skirts Down
"Hoo boy, the hits just keep on coming from GOP gubernatorial candidate Mark Robinson, the foulest thing in North Carolina since a possum crawled up and died on Papaw’s engine block."
Don't tell me. It's because he's so "highly sexed." His dick is constantly erect! Just another whiner than can't get any pussy. That and he's a fucking idiot. Sorry, a woman's body is hers and doesn't belong to a fetus that it took a "higly sexed" moron to help create.

Julia Louis-Dreyfus Throws Bucket Of Cold Water On 'Woke Is Killing Comedy!' Hysteria
Giving a good hard slap to Seinfeld might do him a world of good.
"He’s out here complaining about how he misses “dominant masculinity” and the concept of “a real man,” when he was never “even that guy” to begin with."
"There has literally never been a time when men were not endlessly complaining about the loss of masculinity."
"It seems like the biggest, most glaring difference between the comedians who complain about “political correctness” and the ones who don’t is that the ones who do are still trying to do the same bits they did 30 years ago. They don’t evolve, they don’t try new things, and they’re not excited about learning. Then, they wake up one day to find that the world has passed them by and their immediate take on that is that it must be because the young people are “too woke” and just don’t like comedy anymore. Not, you know, because they stopped being aware of and curious about the world around them — and also stopped being funny at around that exact point."
Real men are awake, therefore woke.

CNN Anchors Have Field Day With Details of Trump’s First Probationary Meeting: ‘Just As the Founders Intended
But so convenient for Lumpy to do it over the internet.

Marge Goes Full Cringe At Trump Rally, Compares Felon 45 To Jesus
Isn't American grand. You can be batshit crazy and still be a part of a seditious politcal movement to destroy our U.S. Constitution all in the name of their "god."
Dear girl, your Trump is not Jesus but Barabbas. Barabbas, the bad guy, was much better known by the crowd. You want the felon released. You are the same Barabbas voter.

Trump defied 'any sense of reality' in Vegas rally speech: MSNBC analyst
"It's just as if the videotape never existed as if we never saw the footage," he continued. "It's just amazing how he can defy any sense of reality, and his followers believe it."
"Lumpy, the loser" has been light years from reality since he was born.

Donald Trump’s Last (We Hope) Grift
The man has been running scams for decades. But now, with either the White House or the Big House beckoning, he’s kicked it into overdrive.
"Trump Baja is a classic Trumpian swindle: grandiose promises that shatter like cheap glass against the hard, unyielding edges of reality. For a man who became famous for his forays into the brick-and-mortar business of real estate, Trump has thrived and survived by jumping from one lily pad of fantasy to another, saved at critical moments during his career by bankruptcies and loans, not to mention ordinary Americans willing to hand him their money and their trust."
In other words the usual "Lumpy the Loser" con.

Trump Demands Biden Delete “Losers, Suckers” Ad
"Lumpy, the Loser" hates the truth stated about him.

Alex Jones: There Were Multiple Sandy Hook Shooters
"Alex Jones." Another definiton to be added to the dictionary for "moron."

'Have You No Decency, Sir?'
McCarthy's tactics are being employed by the MAGA cult in the US Congress as we speak.
Do they not know how that worked out for him? Saying they are dumb shits is giving them credit.

Lindsey Graham: D-Day Was A Failure
MAGA has eaten Senator Graham's brain.
Then why are we not speaking German, numbskull?
This is Senator Graham's worm-eaten brain on MAGA.
These lying tyrants are worse than Hitler. It’s Time To Stop Calling Trump’s Dangerous Plans ‘Retribution’
We need to emphasize that Trump’s plan to prosecute his enemies is much worse than revenge or retribution.

Trump Claims Credit For Biden’s $35 Cap On Insulin
Lumpy also takes credit for creating the heavens and the earth.

Ken Paxton campaign ad mistakenly implicates Donald Trump
"It turns out, however, according to a Raw Story analysis, that the news footage used to show a “dangerous open border,” as the video called it, was actually from November 2018 — during the middle of Republican Donald Trump’s presidency."
The failed Republican Donald Trump, that is.
The ad is a total fraud. LMAO!

'Grave': Justice Alito put on notice that he might have committed an 'impeachable offense'
"If it's the case, I am not saying it's the case, but if it is that Justice Alito sent a letter to the congress and didn't tell the truth in it. That is exceptionally grave. I think that would be an impeachable offense."
Of course it is. Alito is a liar like the rest of the Nazis.

What a fool believes: Donald Trump and America's bogus respect for "faith"
How religious "freedom" has been twisted into an all-out attack on critical thinking and the rule of law

Country Of Georgia Moves To Criminalize All LGBTQ Events, Ban All LGBTQ Rights, Erase LGBTQs In Media
Erase fascism for eternity by any means necessary.

Trump In Breach Of £300,000 Owed To Ex-British Spy
He never pays his debts. It's time for us to collect.

Nazis Rally On Steps On South Dakota State Capitol
They'd make good target practice for the coming blood conflict.
"whenever the right wing is in charge everything goes to shit...just look to history." — Thewolflam (comments)
This is, of course, the problem. No one gets their history lessons any longer.
"If you're young and gay or really any minority .. read your history. Prepare. Don't be surprised when the Nazis are in the streets... the world seems to want them back with open arms" -- TnCTampa (comments)
"The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi." — Christopher (comments)

EU Parliament Likely To Shift Right In Today’s Election
Apparently these people are nostalgic and are looking for WWIII.

Former Trump Spox Does Cleanup For Trump On His Revenge Threats
Former Trump spokes-liar Kayleigh McEnany continues her work for her former boss, even though she's no longer on his payroll, with this gaslighting about the dangerous rhetoric we've all heard come out of his mouth.
That poor little liar girl.

Federal Judge Strikes Down North Carolina Abortion Pill Restrictions
A federal judge blocked parts of North Carolina’s law on medication abortions.
Knock down the deplorables hard and heavy.

'Fear is not freedom': Centenarian shreds Florida book bans as Nazi behavior
The Nazis are afraid of their own shandows. Fear rules them. America will not permit it to rule us.

Appeals court rules Texas can’t ban books just because they mention 'butts and farts'
The picture is of a big "butt fart."

'We need to be radical': Trump’s potential chief of staff wants 'post-Constitutional' gov’t
These toxic sick tyrants must be eliminated as we eliminated fascism in WWII.

'How can you live with yourself?' Al Sharpton calls out visibly frustrated Byron Donalds
But Sharpton had tough words for Donalds, at one point asking him, "How can you even live with yourself?"
It's apparent he hasn't the sense to realize he said what he has been shown to have said. Pity.
The Nazis are growing desperate and collapsing.

Trump team 'scrambling' before outdoor rally to be held in 104-degree heat: report
"The Trump campaign said it will have thousands of bottles of water on hand in Las Vegas to offer to people in line and to those already inside the security perimeter. It will put up tents around the park so that people can get out of the sun, and there will be at least one tent with air-conditioning," the report states. "Campaign staff will set up a number of misting fans to help cool off attendees."
LMAO! What about if they were in line to vote in Georgia? NO WATER FOR YOU!

Idaho Bar Celebrates “Hetero Awesomeness Month”
“Each Monday will be Hetero Male Monday and any heterosexual male dressed like a heterosexual male will receive a free draft beer.” Do you have many gay men or gay couples coming in for a beer? Asking for a friend.
Don't be bashful. Go ahead and celebrate "White Male Hetero Awesomeness Month."
Oh, and have a pissing contest out back. Spell your names! Or have a "Longest Phrase Contest!"
"The reason heterosexuals don’t need a Pride is the same reason there aren’t soup kitchens for the rich."
These insecure haters are falling apart at the seams.

Brett Kavanaugh Has A Book Deal
Justice Beery McRaperstein is writing a memoir that will soon be at a remainder table near you.
"These clowns just cannot give it a rest; they all want to tell their stories of martyrdom."
More Trump trash.

Conservative admits Trump’s policies 'would result in price spikes' for most Americans
"I think we can say with a lot of confidence that President Trump’s trade policies and immigration policies would result in price spikes," Strain said.
Trump's a loser.

'More confirmation of how unfit he is': Moderates turned off by Trump’s felony convictions
"[A] lot of these sort of suburban swing voters will look at Trump and say ‘I can’t do it.’ Especially with the conviction — and not just the conviction, but January 6," she said. Longwell added that the focus group saw the 34 felony convictions handed down by a New York jury last week "as just more confirmation of how unfit he is."

A Far-Right Militia Is Recruiting Openly On Instagram
Some of the Nazi traitors that are part of the plot to destroy our country.

Have the Marketers of Hate Ruined America?
The GOP and rightwing hate media have turned racism into both a political weapon and a machine to generate billions in annual profits.
It's not because they haven't tried. They have forfeited their birthright trying.

Trump fan's attempt to explain what happened in Nazi Germany leaves historian stunned
The perfect example of MAGAt shit fer brains.

Trump plans to 'double down' on war against Judge Merchan if he gets jail time: insiders
Sorry Lumpy. There is no legal recourse for your endorsment of violence against the law. It will only backfire on you.

Trump to be greeted with 'crook' billboard in Las Vegas before first post-verdict rally
Whatever happens in Las Vegas won't stay in Las Vegas with the felon traitor entering.

‘That Is A Fact!’ CNN Anchor Laughs In Pro-Trump Guest’s Face When She Complains About Biden ‘Labeling Trump A Convicted Felon’
Trump traitors shit their pants daily.

‘We Won’t Stop’: President Biden Praises IDF Rescue of Israeli Hostages In Gaza During Joint Presser in Paris
“We won’t stop working until all the hostages come home,” said President President Joe Biden Saturday at a joint international press conference with French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris, during which the leaders focused on cooperation between the two nations.

Fox Host: “Patriots” Won’t Join Our “Garbage” Military
Of course not. Nazis won't defend America. They support a Nazi government of hate. That's what makes them Nazis.

Church Does Mass Checkout Of Library’s LGBTQ Books
Bible beaters have no authority. They are the perfect example of fascism.
They are violating the rights of every non-believer. They are thieves if they don't return the books and pay late fees. Pure and simple.

Rick Scott: I Will Vote Against Florida’s Legal Weed Ballot Measure Because My Brother Was An Addict
Sure, but not to weed, dude.
What we know and don’t know about pot

Eric Swalwell Posts Skit On Countries That Ban Felons
It is impossible for Felon Trump to become president and perform the duties of same.
List of countries he cannot enter:
Argentina; Australia; Brazil; Cambodia; Canada; Chile; China; Cuba; Dominican Republic; Egypt; Ethiopia; Hong Kong; India; Indonesia; Iran; Ireland; Israel; Japan; Kenya; Macau; Malaysia; Mexico; Morocco; Nepal; New Zealand; Peru; Philippines; Singapore; South Africa; South Korea; Taiwan; Tanzania; Tunisia; Turkey; Ukraine; United Arab Emirates; United Kingdom; United States.
Then kick his ass outta our country!

AI Appears to Rapidly Be Approaching Brick Wall Where It Can't Get Smarter
The same happened to Lumpy and his mob.

AI Systems Are Learning to Lie and Deceive, Scientists Find
Following in the footsteps of Lumpy and his mob.

Alex Jones May “Relaunch” Infowars As New Entity
But all his bags of shit have been confiscated.

Trump Vows To Seize Spending Power From Congress
Lumpy continues to tell us he is a vile, stinking Nazi motherfucker. Believe him.

Christian Nationalist Ex-Trump Admin Official Draws Plans For “Radical” Expansion Of Presidential Powers
Does anyone still deny these asswipes are Nazis?

Fox News Inadvertently Proves Joy Reid Correct On Byron Donalds' Jim Crow Remarks
Rep. Donalds is trying to gaslight — they always project.
Byron is singing "Take me to the Land of the Happy Negro" loud and proud without a doubt!

'Resign or be removed': CO Republicans give GOP chair an ultimatum after anti-LGBTQ+ email
“He’s incompetent and he should step down,” Holtorf said. “He’s done so many destructive things in Colorado to not promote unity and [done] things that are outside the boundary and the scope of his role and responsibility as the state party chair.”
And here I thought your god was love. Boy, was I wrong.

FL Supreme Ct Gives DeSantis ‘All But Unfettered’ Power To Purge Local Prosecutors
A Nazi state, with a Nazi court and Nazi dictator.

George Conway Calls For Criminal Investigation After Thomas Disclosure
Things aren't looking good for the abuser.

Fox News Eats Humble Pie After Great May Jobs Report
Is that what it was? I heard from someone it was a sack of dicks.
"The May jobs report came in very hot with 272,000 new jobs created which once again outperformed the Street's predictions, much to the chagrin of Fox Business."
"Creating US jobs is Biden's forte."

Trump 'glitch' said to show his 'neurological deterioration is worsening'
He appears to have aged badly and seems decrepit since his criminal convictions.
He grows mentally void with each passing day as he sails from reality.

'Absurd' Cannon ruling has Trump supporters demanding the right to testify on his behalf
This woman should be indicted for perversion of the law.

Everybody In This Post Completely Over Rep. Byron Donalds's Bullsh*
The Congressional Black Caucus had this to say this week about Republican Rep. Byron Donalds of Florida, who is Black:
“This is a pattern of embracing racist ideologies that we see time and again within the MAGA Republican Party. Rep. Donalds is playing his role as the mouthpiece who will say the quiet parts out loud that many will not say themselves. His comments were shameful and beneath the dignity of a member of the House of Representatives. He should immediately offer an apology to Black Americans for misrepresenting one of the darkest chapters in our history for his own political gain.”
"... In other words, if we’re interpreting them correctly, they’re saying Donalds is helpful to MAGA because he puts a Black face on white supremacy."
That's what the racist party always does.
"Donalds is all over Twitter and TV scuh-reaming about DON’T CLIP MY WORDS! and YOU TOOK ME OUT OF CONTEXT! and GASLIGHTING!
But if you watch his full comments, all it proves is that Donalds knows exactly how to spout white supremacist talking points."
"She asked if there was a “specific period between 1867 after the Civil War, to 1968, is there a specific period between 1867 and 1968 that you thought was this golden era for Black families, or a time that you thought was good for Black families?” He started yelling that he never said that, but she was like nope, MFer, gonna play the tape now. And she dd."

'Won't do apology tour': Trump VP contender doubles down after Jim Crow outcry
He should lay low as long as possible. Joy Reid tore him a new asshole when he appeared with her on her show.
"The Congressman's decision to double down — rather than back down — didn't go over well on social media."
"There’s a difference between correlation and causation, so just because the marriage rate went down is not an excuse for criticism of the Great Society policies," one user wrote on X in response to the clip. "When reviewing the pros and cons of that program, divorce was not cited as one the negative consequences!"
"If you’re still explaining you’re losing," another user wrote.
BIG loser.

Trump's 'intellectual capacity' questioned after comparison to interview with Biden
Compare him to anyone and you still get "What a dumb shit he is!"
Biden is light years away from Lumpy's cesspool.

Trump rails about zombies and 'the Chosen One' in rapid-fire rampage
Lumpy, the court jester, just keeps showing us how batshit crazy the old fool is and the crazy fool fucks he associates with.

‘People keep getting jobs’: Economists impressed by latest jobs report as wages grow
Don't tell the MAGAt idiots but America is doing very, very well with Biden as our leader.

Retired judge whacks MAGA Supreme Court: 'I barely recognize' the institution
Specifically, the 81-year-old Tatel says that he had grown tired of having his work reviewed "by a Supreme Court that seemed to hold in such low regard the principles to which I’ve dedicated my life."
He's talking about the Trump Nazis!

Charlie Kirk buried for 'idiotic' comments about Normandy soldiers on D-Day anniversary
The pipsqueak is talking about his own totalitarian Nazi MAGAt Parrty. Yes, they are here in our country and they are the assholes he is a part of. Drop dead.
"What utter and complete nonsense," Roberts concluded. "And on the 80th anniversary of D-Day, no less."
He is the treasonous son-of-a-bitch!

'Donald Trump doesn't like America': Ex-GOP pollster writes MAGA movement's obituary
Trump has lost the war.

Republicans want Hunter Biden's trial to distract from Trump's crimes — but, so far, it's backfiring
It illustrates instead how Democrats aren't lying, getting defensive, or pushing conspiracy theories
The stupid is strong in them.

Trump To Speak To “Biblical Law” Christian Nationalists
Earth to insane Trump Nazi idiots in outer space. You're fired!

Trump Boasts About Bonkers New Song Claiming ‘God Has Chosen President Trump’ To Fight ‘Evil’
"Former President Donald Trump boasted that a new Natasha Owens song has proclaimed him “The Chosen One” — that “God has chosen President Trump to push back against the evil in our country.”
Chosen for toilet cleaner. The fuck can't even hold a Bible correctly.
"As you can see below, the song was co-written by Wayne Allen Root, who is best known here for selling fake COVID cures and for telling a Trump rally audience to fantasize about Hillary Clinton dying in car crash. It’s all what Jesus would want." ROTFLMAO! Christo-fascist phonies.

CO Pride Flags Stolen After GOP Call To “Burn Them All”
The Nazi scum must go or hell won't have them.
The motherfuckers will shit and fall back in it.

Racist Dad Disrupts Graduation By Attacking Black Official
Racist father Matt Eddy disrupted his daughter's graduation by attacking a black school official to keep him from shaking her hand. The school has a long history of racism and bigotry
He's still living in the age of Jim Crow, I see.

June 6th, 1944: The Normandy Landing
The invasion of Normandy was a pivotal moment in the history of WWII
The reason we aren't speaking German today.

'Opting out': Major retailer refuses to sponsor GOP convention to nominate Trump
The first of many rejections by America.
"Good for Kohl’s," he wrote on X. "No self-respecting business should support the cultish and mendacious idolation of a depraved sociopath and convicted felon." — George Conway

'Self own': Trump mocked after suggesting there's a 'criminal' hiding out at his town hall
"Former President Donald Trump made a bizarre remark at his rally with the far-right student group Turning Point USA in Arizona on Thursday, seeming to imply during a rant about border security that he thinks there's probably a criminal from Venezuela hiding somewhere in that very room."
This is a typical paranoid reaction. We don't think Lumpy is paranoid, do we?

Black NFL Doctor Files Suit Alleging Racial Discrimination
Things were so much better under Jim Crow.

Many Hospitalized Due To Heat At Trump’s AZ Rally
Trump puts us all in danger.
"Phoenix Fire officials say 11 people have been taken to hospitals complaining of heat-related symptoms. Many attendees had been waiting outside the event since the early morning hours, long before Phoenix hit 110 degrees around 1:30 p.m. Thursday afternoon.
Trump is speaking at a town hall in Phoenix organized by Turning Point, a conservative youth organization that has seen its influence rise alongside Trump's takeover of the GOP."
His Hitler Youth.
Lumpy looks like he's at death's door since his trial.

'Voters expect better': Most Arizona sheriffs condemn Kari Lake as she attends Trump event
"Republican Senate candidate Kari Lake was condemned by nine of Arizona's 14 sheriffs Thursday as she attended an event for Donald Trump."
Only nine? Disgraceful.

Trump brags in new book he caused MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell to cry on air
Blithering madmen can't be educated. But they can be removed.

Trump Reacts to Steve Bannon Being Ordered To Prison With Unhinged Rant Calling to Indict Liz Cheney
What a madman looks and acts like.

'He looked in command': George W. Bush speechwriter praises Biden D-Day speech
He is.
"A veteran speechwriter who worked in former President George W. Bush's White House recently admitted on Fox News that President Joe Biden's speech on the 80th anniversary of D-Day was memorable and well-done."

'You’re going to jail': Protestor cheers after Bannon ordered to prison by July 1
Get up out of the pile of shit you made and fell back into and get thee to the lockup!

'MAGA imperial presidency': Analysis reveals the radical 'theocracy' central to Project 2025
We do not want a dictator. Stop him at any cost.

Trump’s 'next crime' will put US democracy in 'far more danger' than 2020: election lawyer
MAGA is not America. It never has been.

'We’re not going to help': GOP sheriff candidates in Trump’s state reject his mass deportation plan
"Local law enforcement candidates — both Democratic and GOP candidates backed by Trump — in Miami-Dade County, Florida, told Miami Herald in a recent interview that they don't plan to assist the former president with this plan."
"As far as I’m concerned, if the law stays the way it is, immigration stays in their lane and I stay in mine," Republican sheriff candidate and veteran police union boss John Rivera told the Florida newspaper."
Looks like Lumpy is all alone here.

Trump: Too Stupid To Pay Off Porn Stars Without Getting Caught, Too Stupid To Have Nukes
"Ever since Donald Trump was convicted of his first 34 felonies — not the first 34 he’s ever committed, just the first 34 he’s been held responsible for — there have been idiots in the mainstream media (and of course in delusional MAGA land) insisting that maybe it won’t matter to voters. Maybe the one thing voters have been saying consistently in pretty much every reputable poll, about how they’re less likely to vote for Trump if he’s convicted of crimes, is a big lie.
The Beltway media needs to believe that because HORSE RACE! HORSE RAAAAAACE!
MAGA idiots need to believe it because of their feelings.
Of course, one of the first post-conviction polls came from Reuters/Ipsos, and it found that one in 10 self-identified Republicans is less likely to vote for Trump now."
By my math that's 10% for starters.

GOPers Who Voted Against Contraception Bill *Appalled* Anyone Would Think They Are Against Contraceptives!
Logic is far beyond their so-called brains.
They aren't humans thats certain.

Johnson Appoints Election Deniers To Intel Committee
That souse again? Mike does know his shit, doesn't he?

Biden Warns Of Threats To Democracy In D-Day Speech
Thanks, Joe. Some of us would have never guessed traitor Trump's voilent army of sedition would ever threaten us!

Newsmax Guest: Trump Has “Not Been Convicted
Another stupid moron. They should be made to take a class.
New York State Supreme Court judges are elected. Making contributions to political campaigns is not prohibited.
Of course he's been convicted. Of 34 felonies! That's why he is appealing his convictions! He has no stay! Appeals are for the convicted! Please!

Katie Britt was so outraged over Democrats’ contraception bill she didn’t even vote
This is one stupid fuckhead. No one is demanding children buy condoms. Contraception is a human right. Let her go back to the place in hell she came from.

'He calls fallen heroes suckers': Trump's D-Day tribute does not go according to plan
He will get what he deserves for being a traitor to our country.
And so will the fools that kiss his ass.
"President Biden & Jill are visiting Normandy on this anniversary of D-Day," wrote X user BlueDream. "Meanwhile Convicted felon Trump is in San Francisco viewing a blowup chicken as it circles Alcatraz. Trump couldn’t go to Normandy because felons can’t travel out of the country."

Trump allies plotting to overturn Biden win with bogus voter fraud claims: columnist
The Nazi mobsters he means. Because the traitor Trump is their golden calf.

Are We All Bozos On this Giant Experimental Bus?
"This fall may well be the first big national test of this “new internet,” and, like the Internet Research Agency’s interventions in 2016, could well lead to a disaster, including Trump’s election.
Republicans in the House and Senate are committed to preventing any legislative action around this issue, so we’ll all be Bozos on this giant experimental bus.
Forewarned is forearmed."

Judge Cannon Slammed for Expanding Absurd Hearing on Smith Removal Request
Trump's "Queen of Stalls" Nazi judge should remove herself from this case.
"The Constitution protects against undue delay in criminal prosecution through a series of component measures rather than through one overarching requirement of timely prosecution"
"The Speedy Trial Act, in contrast, sets forth two clear time limits: an information or indictment must follow within 30 days of arrest, and a trial must begin within 70 days of indictment or arraignment."
She's the real disgrace to American justice. What happened to our speedy trial here? She appears to have never read the law.

'Deflated buffoon' Trump is 'psychologically' damaged by his felony convictions: expert
He was insane long before he was a convicted felon.

Republicans hide their war on contraception in plain sight
Democrats call out the Trump-levels of lying by forcing Republicans to once again vote against birth control rights

Black Caucus Blasts Donalds For Jim Crow Remarks
“How dare you make such an ignorant observation? You better check yourself before you wreck yourself!" -— Hakeem Jeffries
A whole lotta stupid overflows from this one.

Loomer Calls For Deporting Hispanic Trump Judge
Her time will come as will every other Trump Nazi's time.

Lara Trump: Dems Are Trying To Rig Every Single State
This is what the Nazis are calling exercising our right to vote in America. Swine is exactly what they are!
"The document pictured was not produced in 1776. It was produced in 1787 and took effect in 1789.
Do they teach American History in school anymore?" — Tulle (comments)
Apparantly some just don't care and only use it to spread sedition.
"80 years ago today the greatest generation stormed the beaches at Normandy to fight the fascist across Europe. Now we have to fight the fascist here and their name is Trump and the current Republican party." — Thewwolflam (comments)

America Is Under Assault by a Cancerous Mind Virus the Founders Warned Against
Religious evangelism can be a deadly thought virus. It explicitly posits that, “There is only one right way to live and we know what it is” along with, “There is only one true God."
Bullshit. Learn to recognize it.

Donalds: Blacks Were Better Off Under Jim Crow Laws
Richard Pryor had an LP once that had a title that describes this guy to a T.

Rep. Lieu Reminds Us Trump Surrounds Himself With Crooks
"LIEU: Trump’s campaign manager: felon; Trump's deputy campaign manager: felon; Trump's foreign policy adviser: felon; Trump's lawyer: felon; Trump's political adviser: felon; Trump's fundraiser: felon." Counting Trump there are at least 13.

'Insane': Rambling Trump interview stuns experts who say he was playing with legal fire
"I’ve seen this before in folks who OD on Adderall," wrote national security attorney Bradley Moss.
We all know that Lumpy is a junkie just as Hitler was.

Trump unleashes epic whining tirade as stunned Newsmax host watches interview derail
Former President and convicted felon Donald Trump went off the rails rapidly in a rambling interview delivered on the far-right cable network Newsmax on Tuesday night, threatening to throw former Secretary of State and 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in jail.
He said he never said that so he'll say it now! ROTFLMAO! What a sick, sick creature!

'Apocalyptic' Trump allies want no 'decency or restraint' in going after Democrats: report
America doesn't want any with him either. Fire will be met with fire.

Trump's conviction and a course correction for the GOP
"This high-profile moment of accountability was critically important"
We must and will have to eliminate the domestic terrorist by any means necessary.

Gay Republicans revolt after Colorado GOP sends out 'God Hates Pride' email
"That email was blatantly hateful," he told Westword. "There's really no condoning it in any way. We need new leadership, and we need to start looking for new leadership now."
They know the Nazis must be stopped.

Trump Whines That NYC Jurors Never Smiled At Him
That's because they recognized you are a swine!
Hey, you stupid shit! Smiling at you is not in their job description.

Hunter Biden's Wife Unloads On 'Nazi Piece Of Sh*t' Trump Ally
It's past time that everyone starts calling them what they are — NAZIS!

'Weakness': Felon 45 Lashes Out Over Biden's EO To Secure The Border
It's more than clear our border "problem" was created and pereptuated by the felon traitor Trump and his MAGAt Nazis.
These shit hooks don't want a solution because it's a big political issue for them to maintain. Otherwise, they haven't a leg to stand on. Nothing. Nil. Nada.

Republicans have invented these 5 reasons to 'reject any verdict against Trump': conservative
In short "We are not a crook" x 5.

Republican Party uses pic of Ho Chi Minh City for GOP convention in Milwaukee
The town that made Milwaukee famous?

Judge Cannon got so many complaints an appeals court cut them off
Both are corrupt as they come. "Stop the Stall!"

Sedition scorecard: Watchdog group exposes 'anti-democracy' companies bankrolling election lies
"Four years after the United States' 2020 presidential race, former President Donald Trump and many of allies continue to make the false, repeatedly debunked claim that the election was stolen from him. And prominent GOP members of Congress, including Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-New York), will not commit to accepting the 2024 election results if President Joe Biden is reelected in November."
Then she can go to prison with her hero.

12 Rainbows That Were Too Gay For Pride Month. Tabs, Tues., June 4, 2024
"WHAT? A bunch of witnesses in Trump’s criminal trials have gotten really sweet financial reacharounds from Trump’s businesses or his campaign, WHAT?"

Distributor Of Dinesh D'Souza's '2000 Mules' Very Sorry For All Of The Lies
"Salem Media Group (little on the nose there, no?), the right-wing Christian media company that produced Dinesh D’Souza’s 2022 documentary 2000 Mules, has issued an apology for all of the lies pushed in it and pulled it from all platforms. So, if you haven’t seen 2000 Mules yet and really want to, you’ll probably have to pry it out of your great uncle’s cold, dead VCR."
When will the rest of the Trump Nazis apologize? Please don't make me laugh.

House Republicans Advance Bill to Sanction the International Criminal Court
Further proof that Trump's Republicans are Nazi criminal supporters.

The Party of Huge Nothingburgers
"...But Trump Republicans are busy denying or worsening all of these. With just five months to go before the 2024 election, they’re diverting the public’s attention to manufactured crises. They’re intent on whipping Americans into a fury about giant nothingburgers, such as:..."

How Fascist Leaders are Using "Irregular Warfare" Against America
Irregular warfare involves the use of propaganda, proxies, or people willing to betray their own country.

Biden Twists the ‘Convicted Felon’ Knife
Oh, I get so tired of him telling us the truth!
"The Trump campaign just can’t believe a U.S. president would say something so low-down and mean."

Talking Points
Tom Tomorrow brings you This Modern World
Says it all.

'Fox in a henhouse': Watchdogs warn election denier already disrupting Georgia voting
"A Georgia election official who refused to certify last month's primary results is a member of an election denial network founded by MAGA activist Cleta Mitchell, who tried to help Donald Trump overturn his loss in multiple states."
Why isn't she in jail like the other Trump criminals?

Judge warned Trump will 'take a wrecking ball' to democracy if he's not imprisoned
No matter. His bloody minions will execute his wishes.

‘I worship God!’ Greene melts down again in profane rant after attacking Fauci in Congress
Really? Which one? The one with the skull and crossbones, I think.
Why Do Humans Keep Inventing Gods to Worship?
A recent study points to the role of a specific brain region.
"If historical precedent holds, many of the gods worshipped today will be forgotten and quickly replaced by others."

Perkins: Ten Commandants Belong In Schools Because All The “Other Religious Ethical Statements Are Myths”
There is a second version of the Ten Commandments that’s different from the first. Which set is to be anoited? Which one is the myth here or is it all hogwash? They all sound pretty Jewish to me from a picky and weird "god."

Wisconsin AG Charges Chesebro In Fake Electors Plot
"Wisconsin’s attorney general filed charges Tuesday against an aide and two attorneys who advised Donald Trump over a meeting of Republicans who claimed to be the state’s 2020 presidential electors even though Trump had lost the state."

'Full on dictatorship!' MTG demands GOP sabotage Trump prosecutions in new tantrum
This Nazi needs to be removed from government.

Don't let MAGA theatrics fool you: Donald Trump's 34 felony convictions are not helping him
If guilty verdicts are so great for Trump, why are Republicans cheering the delay of his other three trials?
Because logic is too long for them to spell.

LA Approves Surgical Castration For Sex Offenders
This is a crime of violence and has no effect on the perpetrator doing it again.
Of course it would occur in Darwin's Waiting Room.

Judge Sets June 14 Hearing On Liquidating Infowars
One of the worlds's greatest bullshit artists next to Lumpy.

Fauci Blames Death Threats On Fox News And MTG
And this is what you get from the brainless. Can anyone tell the difference?

Ex-GOP Rep: I Quit Because I Couldn’t Tell MAGA Lies
He has a brain and a conscience after all.

Killer Kyle Gets 'Killed' On X For His Hypocrisy
Kyle Rittenhouse gets burned on Xitter for his hypocrisy towards the judicial system.
"The Whining Boy" is a hypocrite! The same system that found you innocent found him guilty. You can’t have it both ways ways!
Oh but they all think they can.

Who Let The Domestic Terrorists Into The Fauci Hearing?
Someone needs to explain why a couple of J6 nutters were allowed into the hearing room so they could sit behind Anthony Fauci and make faces during this Monday's House hearing.
The brainless are there for "fairness and balance." ROTFLMAO!

US allies suffering 'massive anxiety' over fears of second Trump term: 'A very precarious place'
And this is something the free world needs? The MAGAt Nazis don't care about Europe.

Fox Host: People Who Say That Trump Did Say “Lock Her Up” Have “Single-Cell Amoeba-Level Intelligence
Trump Denies Saying ‘Lock Her Up,’ So Ignore All This Video Proof
Lock Will Cain, the "Single-Cell Amoeba-Level Intelligence" stooge, the fuck up!

Guess What TV Show Episode *Actually* Couldn't Be Made Today?
Misanthropy will eventually kill us all.
" It’s always pure speculation. It’s a thing they say in hopes of scaring people into going “Wow! Maybe we have gone too far!” and subsequently being more tolerant of things like racism, sexism, homophobia and transphobia (and rape jokes, natch), so that grown ass men don’t have to worry that college students might not laugh at their jokes."

One Does Not Simply Ignore 34 Felonies
"Everyone took the verdict like normal humans and even celebrated our legal system’s demonstration that no one is above the law.
Did we say normal? We mean the GOP lost their collective shits."
The misanthropy is strong in them if you are not exact replicas of them.
"He (Trump) only sees a constitutional crisis if he is the one facing consequences."

Texas Supreme Court Provides Cover For State's Dangerous Abortion Laws
"Just look at these assholes.
On Friday, the Texas state supreme court — made up entirely of Republicans — unanimously rejected a challenge to the state’s terrible abortion ban, finding against a group of doctors and patients who say the law is too vague and thus puts pregnant people in danger."
"This is the problem with people writing laws about things they don’t know the first thing about. This is why the state should stay out of our private medical decisions, full-stop."
Texass. It's a dry stupidity.

Trump Guilty Verdict Shifts Voters’ Preferences Toward Biden, Latest Polls Show
One survey found that one in two voters believe Trump should drop out of the presidential race due to the verdict.
We don't elect felons president in America.

‘You Don’t!’ Fauci Flat Out Tells House Republican She’s Full of It After She Claims to Have Emails Proving He Lied Under Oath
The MAGAs have nothing but lies on an American hero. They are all traitors as is their leader, Trump.

Trump Goes QAnon On US Federal Government
The demented old disconnected one.
"Evil is Vladimir Putin, who allegedly murders his detractors while starting a horrific war against Ukraine and killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people."
Since he was convicted, Vonshitzhispants now throws bouquets of love at China's human rights violations and Vladimir Putin's murderous rampage against the people of Ukraine.
The real 'problem from within' is…Felon45 and his cult."

Jamie Raskin Slayed Republicans At Fauci Hearing
As they should be.

Trump Hoping For 'Diabolical' Reaction From MAGA If Jailed
Covict 45 acts as a dispicable traitor would.

Ex-federal prosecutor slams Mar-a-Lago docs judge’s 'dangerous and disingenuous' claims
This woman is an accident looking for a place to happen. A mistake about to take place.

SCOTUS rejects Alex Jones ally’s request to overturn federal Jan. 6 charge
Tbe same Alex Jones that is an associate of the chump Russian arms dealer.
Just another traitor.

'Two days and it's over': Russian arms dealer endorses Trump amid call for U.S. civil war
Listen you filthy cocksucker. We'll take you, Putin, and all your goddamn killers with us if you get nosy, motherfucker. The fucking joke will be on you. We'll hit you so hard it'll hurt your whole family. You and the motherfucker you're shitting in with. FAFO!

Multiple Trump Witnesses Have Received Significant Financial Benefits From His Businesses, Campaign
Nine witnesses in the criminal cases against former President Donald Trump have received significant financial benefits, including large raises from his campaign, severance packages, new jobs, and a grant of shares and cash from Trump’s media company.
When something smells rotton it's almost certain to be the criminal Trump. This is a very well known fact now.

Polls Sink As Trump Keeps Babbling Conspiracies
Uh-oh! Golden diaper boy needs a change!

Trump Got Due Process and Then Some
The whining does not become you.

Trump’s Packed Legal Calendar Suggests NY Guilty Verdict May Be the Least of His Problems
Justice runs slower than criminals that violate it. "Justice delayed is justice denied."

'Trump is getting even crazier' – and people inside his campaign know it: Morning Joe
The fact that America still has to deal with this domestic terrorist traitor nothing short of a pile of dumb fascist shits.

TX Professors Sue To Flunk Women Who Get Abortions
Two Talibastards. Same as the Taliban. They have no say in women's bodies. Fuck 'em.

Biden goes all-in on calling Trump a "convicted felon"
As he should. As all America should.

Schumer: Senate to vote on "Right to Contraception" this Wednesday
"Keeping the issue front and center could boost support for President Biden in swing states likely to decide the presidential election, including Pennsylvania, Arizona and Nevada, notes Kight, who first reported on Democrats' plans to zero in on reproductive rights this month."

Fox News Host: Democrats Are The “New Confederacy”
And Mark Levin is a confused fascist.

The Heritage Foundation Officially Joins The Terrorists
The activist conservative think tank recently tweeted the American flag upside down.
That's it. There are Americans and there are the domestic terrorists. MAGA terrosism and America. This is all very clear now. Rid us of the terrorists forever.
"... I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same..." I still stand by this oath I took some years ago. And don't bullshit me about who's who here.

The GOP has chosen hell over America — and there should be no coming back from it
"The Republican Party is done, and the only people who don’t seem to realize that are the carnival-barkers who run their rightwing crime ring, and the corporate media who somehow think it is their job to legitimize this unholy mess by looking for the other side of the story behind the GOP’s shit-splattered wall."
"Howling like spoiled toddlers with a bad case of diaper rash that America was somehow victimized when their career crook was finally held accountable for one of his many crimes is absolutely pathetic."

'I'll take up arms if he asks': Violent supporters rush to defend the traitor Trump
Here come the killers to do us in. Won't they be surprised?

Jacksonville Residents Defy DeSantis’s Ban On Rainbow Lights On State’s Bridges By Using Flashlights
Seventy people held flashlights of the six different colors of pride to illuminate rainbow on the Main Street Bridge. “This is an awesome experience,” participant Rebecca Thacker-Sanchez said. “It feels really fun actually, I feel like we’re writing history today,” participant Andres Santandreu said.
Hooray, Florida! Beat the DeSantis Nazis!

Schiff: If You Don’t Want To Be Tried Before A NY Jury, Then Maybe Don’t Commit So Many Crimes In New York
But criminals have to crime! And it is Pride Month.

Adele Claps Back at Fan Who Yelled ‘Pride Sucks’: ‘Are You F—–g Stupid?
“Did you come to my fucking show to say pride sucks? Are you fucking stupid?” Adele admonished the concertgoer. “Don’t be so fucking ridiculous. If you have nothing nice to say, shut up, alright?”

The treachery of Alito’s vexing icons
"In 1929, the Belgian surrealist painter René Magritte gave us “The Treachery of Images.” The work is probably better known as 'This is Not a Pipe,' because that’s what it says in French beneath the depiction, against a neutral background, of the kind of smoking pipe ubiquitous in the early half of the last century. It’s an image that will be recognized by even the most casual student of modern art or popular culture. The painting is part of the permanent collection at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, which tells us the work is 'a treatise on the impossibility of reconciling word, image, and object.'"
“My wife is fond of flying flags,” he wrote. “I am not.”
Particularly the American flag.

Rubio gets blowback for comparing Trump trial to Cuban 'show trials,' executions
An expert on political rhetoric and a former Republican congressman whose father was a victim of a Cuban trial warn that delegitimizing the justice system is itself authoritarian.
"Comparing it to countries where folks were killed for their politics? That’s just insulting," the commenter stated.
Cruz said the guilty verdict is "the kind of thing you see in banana republics." He claimed in an interview that he is "heartbroken for the rule of law."
Total horseshit by potential totalitarians themselves.

“Unprecedented in the History of American Republicanism”: Historian on Trump Verdict & GOP Extremism
“One of the most dangerous things about Trump is that he’s not a one-man show,” says Sinha. “He’s the presumptive nominee of a political party in a two-party system. That in itself poses an immense danger to American democracy.”

Trump’s attorneys’ ‘absolute immunity’ bromide is worthy of disbarment
SCOTUS conservatives aid and abet this absurdity.
"Adolph Hitler demanded and received the kind of unlimited power that Trump’s team is attempting to weasel. Hitler achieved this abuse of power by pushing passage of the Enabling Act of 1933. This piece of legislation served as the cornerstone to Hitler’s dictatorship, granting him unlimited power. It granted Hitler the power to unilaterally enact laws which directly violated the Weimar Constitution, without a vote of the parliament or Reich President von Hindenburg."

We need to talk more about Trump’s misogyny
Stormy Daniels reminded us that it matters.
"But according to Daniels, Trump was not merely a married man cheating on his wife, he was a TV and real-estate tycoon using his celebrity and wealth to maneuver a woman into having sex with him, and then into keeping quiet about it. Remember when the American public used to care about that kind of thing?"

The Texas Supreme Court Tells Women They Can Go Die
The court rejected a lawsuit challenging the state’s abortion ban.
"The Texas Supreme Court unanimously rejected a challenge to the state’s abortion laws Friday, overturning a lower court’s decision that would have allowed women within Texas to actually access abortions granted within the confines of the state’s ban."
Texas. The backward state.

Ex-Trump Attorney Rips Tim Scott's 'Ridiculous' Biden Claim: 'We Know That's Not The Case'
Joe Tacopina said he "used to respect" Scott before the South Carolina senator claimed the president made an "un-American" move.
You can see the strings move when Scott speaks.
The former "law and order" party has fallen to fascism.

Jamie Raskin Hits Trump With Menacing 'Mob' Comparison: 'Whole World Is Friend Or Foe'
The Maryland Democrat ripped the former president for his takes on judges, calling them a "fascist way of looking at things."
Fascist and mob boss.

Trump guilty on all counts: breaking down the media coverage of the historic trial
Despite the lack of cameras in the courtroom, the on-screen guilty counters and reports from the trial painted a vivid picture of a historic moment.
"But, lo and behold, it was Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg who indicted Trump first and it ended up being Bragg who took him to trial first. And when we redirected our attention to this trial, and the prosecution’s theory better crystalized, we were able to see that Trump very well could have lost the 2016 election if this negative information had been revealed. But for the conspiracy he entered into with David Pecker and Michael Cohen to hide this info from the voting public, Trump might not have been the 45th president of the United States. It’s a pretty heady thought and that’s why this case is so important."

'Uncomfortable': Expert says Trump will 'fail' upcoming court mental health questions
"Donald Trump is about to be put even more out of his comfort zone as the legal system continues to put its weight upon him now that he's been convicted of 34 felonies."

An appeal to heaven: Find Sam Alito another job
Alito and Clarence Thomas have been exposed as shameless partisan hacks. But the high court's rot goes much deeper
How about cleaning toilets?

WA State Has Law Against Felons Running For Office
Oh, it's not in the U.S. Constitution? So, like Abortion, it can be left to the states to decide? Except when it's not because it incoveniences fascist criminals? Situtational ethics exposed. Eat shit and die, MAGAt Nazis!

Study: Same-sex marriage in 20 years had no negative effects
"The U.S. has not seen any negative effects on marriage, divorce or living arrangements among all couples since Massachusetts issued the first state-sanctioned, same-sex marriage licenses 20 years ago, a new analysis says.
Why it matters: Two decades after that historic moment — and nine years after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled state-level same-sex marriage bans were unconstitutional — advocates worry that marriage equity is vulnerable despite its wide acceptance today."
Only because some bitterly, abused, blockheads have scrambled hatred in their blood and have never experienced love. Why deny love?

Carlson: Verdict Shows Democrats Would Execute Me
ROTFLMAO!! Do you think that anyone gives that much of a shit about a lame, pouty, megalomaniac like you?
You're a candidate for suicide.

Eight GOP Senators Say They’ll Block Major Legislation And Biden’s Nominees Over Trump Being Found Guilty
What does this have to do with Biden? It has only to do with the criminal that you support.
You slugs are showing your stupid shit again. You are doing the same crap you'd be doing anyway..
The failed American shit list: Signatories of the letter include Lee and fellow Republicans J.D. Vance (Ohio), Tommy Tuberville (Ala.), Eric Schmitt (Mo.), Marsha Blackburn (Tenn.), Rick Scott (Fla.), Roger Marshall (Kan.) and Marco Rubio (Fla.).
Thesy have no intention of governing. Only supporting crime. The Trump Crime Syndicate at work.

Lara Trump Threatens Jurors: ‘What Happens To Them?’
Newmax host makes sure people will search out the twelve jurors who convicted Trump.
Fuck around and find out, meatheads.

'Old and decrepit' Trump rant exposed him as 'a shadow of what he was four years ago'
"He is digging himself into a deeper hole," she explained. "He is showing a lack of remorse that the judge will take into account when he is deciding what to do for the sentence."
"The fact that there was the defiance of the gag order yesterday, he violated it during deliberations, during opening arguments," she elaborated. "Just because you didn't see the DA's office file a motion doesn't mean it didn't happen."
His mental state shows it's weakening day by day.

‘Race War’: Bill Maher Says If Trump Gets Prison MAGA Nation Will ‘Go Nuts’ In Shocking Prediction
Oh, he thinks they aren't already nuts? Then he's a nut, of course he is.
Plus he must live in constant fear.

Ingraham: Dems Want To Provoke Verdict Violence
The only provocateurs are scumbags like you and your terrorist followers.

Laura Loomer Calls For Executing Democrats
This person is talking as a totalitarian does. She's talking about the death penalty for treason. It could very well backfire on her. Only four Americans have been executed for treason in U.S. history.

49% Of Independents Say Trump Should Drop Out
The real Republican Party would drop him out if it was an American party.

South Carolina's supreme court will soon have no Black justices
Land of the Happy Negro problem state will soon have slavery back in place.

Medical residents are increasingly avoiding states with abortion restrictions
This will put Nazi run states in a very weakened position with their health care.

JD Vance To Wolf Blitzer: 'Trump Supporters Are Not Violent People'
A more than obvious dirty rotten lie. And he's a big fat liar on the rest of his Nazi puke.

TX Lt. Gov.: 'I'm Not A Judge Or A Lawyer' But I Played One When I Let Paxton Off The Hook
He doesn't know what he's talking about. He's hardly a man.
"What puts 'America at risk' is people like you putting party over country and allowing people you know are crooks to get off scot-free, and attacking the judge in the trial in the hopes one of Trump's MAGA followers will act out violently in response."

Born in the USA turns 40 - and still remains one of Springsteen’s most misunderstood songs
More evidence of the stupidity of Americans.

No, Donald Trump. You're not a 'political prisoner'
"No, You're Not a 'Political Prisoner'
"I am a political prisoner," declared former President Donald Trump the day after his 34-count felony conviction.
If we were to take that remark seriously, it would quickly become obvious that Trump is not, in fact, a political prisoner but merely a remorseless criminal. Unlike actual political prisoners, who never hesitate to take the witness stand in their own defense, Trump made the cowardly decision to avoid testifying, despite his blustering promises to do so."

Sports commentator rips 'felon' Trump: 'Trying to sell me an America that doesn’t exist'
"“He’s trying to sell me an America that doesn’t exist,” Cowherd said on Friday. “I don’t see crime, I’m not stumbling over homeless people. I see happy people. Dodger Stadium is full, leads Major League Baseball in attendance. Laker games are full. NFL games are full. People have money in their pocket. LAX is packed, I just saw record airline revenue over the weekend."
He'd sell you a used bag of shit to bathe with if you're a big enough sucker. Too many are that fucking dumb.

First post-verdict poll confirms independents are now distancing themselves from Trump
All the opposition to America's law and order comes from Trump's criminal base. They are hopelessly lost in his fetid untruthful dogma!

Trump’s packed legal calendar suggests NY guilty verdict may be the least of his problems
The felon has more to answer for. He will slowly fall into hell and take his terrorist mob with him as they will surely be exposed then act on their threats of violence.

'His legacy is just beyond trash': New Yorkers pile on Trump after crushing conviction
That is the turd pile.

'That's not true': CNN host catches Trump ally Kristi Noem in lie about N.Y. trial
OMG! She lied?

Distributor Yanks Dinesh D’Souza’s “Election Fraud” Movie, Apologizes And Settles Defamation Lawsuit
Great! This asswipe is a con man from way back. The swine should have been removed long ago. It proves the old adage "a sucker is born every minute."
"The publisher of '2000 Mules' issued a statement Friday apologizing to a Georgia man who was shown in the film and falsely accused of ballot fraud during the 2020 election."

10% Of GOP Voters Now Less Likely To Vote For Trump
Will someone please tell Steve "Sleeves" Kornacki? He was a bit anxious to call "no change" in voters the minute the virdict came in.

'May God strike them dead': Trump supporters vow to dox jurors and make them 'miserable'
Trying to make the jurors the bad guys here shows just how toxic the Trump Nazis are. The jurors did their jobs you shitbag trash! Fucking terrorist swine!
May these traitors all get what's coming to them. They have no idea what awaits them for their dispicable treason. Mark my words.

Guilty Trump's press conference was a disaster. Republicans need to replace him – fast.
Republicans really need to consider their options. Trump is a wreck.
Sorry. They are nowhere near smart enough to figure that out.
"Trump is a convicted felon who does nothing but angrily gripe about grievance after grievance in a way only the most loyal MAGA believers could possibly understand. He’s spiraling like a real-life Gollum from 'Lord of the Rings,' obsessed with precious vengeance the way Gollum slimily hungered for the One Ring.
So where are the calls on the right to replace the 77-year-old felon who can’t talk straight with a newer, less legally encumbered version?"

Robert De Niro Is Stripped Of Award After Trump Takedown At Courthouse
The National Association of Broadcasters’ Leadership Foundation rescinded a “Service to America Award” it was to give the actor next week after he stumped for President Joe Biden outside of Donald Trump’s trial, The Hill reported on Thursday.
Bullshit. They are not bipartisan. You can't compromise with Nazis. Take gas, motherfuckers.

Strict rules over delta-8 and delta-9 likely for Texas’ booming hemp industry
They need to give up their 18th century attitudes on THC and make it legal before they are left with the seeds and stems.

Trump’s Conviction Clarifies Things
"IT’S WORTH NOTING what didn’t happen."
"The trial didn’t generate big protests, despite Trump’s calls."
"The charges may have helped Trump in the Republican primary, giving wavering partisans a reason to rally to his defense by playing into his and their victimhood complex. But the theory that the indictments secured Trump the nomination is based on an implausible assumption: that Ron DeSantis was such an appealing candidate that his decline in the polls, which started with the formal launch of his campaign—before Trump’s indictments—must have been due to an outside cause, and not because his candidacy was a political bubble inflated by conservative media, especially anti-anti-Trumpers.
Nope. Guilty on all counts. Unanimous conviction, including a juror who said he gets his news from X and Truth Social—and they didn’t even need much deliberation."

Alvin Bragg Was Right, His Critics Were Wrong
"A jury of his peers agreed that Donald Trump deserved to be prosecuted in the Stormy Daniels case."

'I'll take up arms if he asks': Violent supporters line up behind Trump
And the next Trump coup begins. This time they won't be so lucky.

Trump's 'state of mind' questioned after 'incoherent' felony conviction speech
What mind would that be?
Trump is now so much older than his years.

E. Jean Carroll could be the nail in Trump's coffin at sentencing: ex-judge
Sexual assault, rape or attempted rape could be the fuse breaker on it.

'Mockery of the rule of law': GOP senators vow to stonewall Dems after Trump conviction
Then stop complaining about a political circus since you assholes are the ringmaster.

Lawyers demand Freedom Caucus chair stop putting Trump's name on yard signs
Just stop putting the yard signs anywhere with his name on it. They should replace him as a candidate as he is a convicted felon.
"There are a lot of unscrupulous people and groups who seek to make money off President Trump's name and Campaign."
The hell you say?

'We could do terrible things to you': Alito neighbor says his security detail stalked her
Typical Nazi behavior. This is the shit that SCOTUS justices pedal in the U.S.?
“When it comes to justices at the Supreme Court, they make the laws, but the laws don’t apply to them,” Baden told the Guardian. “The message was, we could do terrible things to you, and nobody would be able to do anything about it.”
Turn your cell phone audio recorder on next time the Nazi thugs threaten you, ask questions and get them recorded.
Photo is of "The Unholy Three."

'Sleaze bag' rant against trial witness makes jail even more likely for Trump: analyst
By now everyone should know Trump is his own worst enemy.

Eight Senate Republicans vow to oppose all Biden nominees, Democratic legislation
"Signatories of the letter include Lee and fellow Republicans J.D. Vance (Ohio), Tommy Tuberville (Ala.), Eric Schmitt (Mo.), Marsha Blackburn (Tenn.), Rick Scott (Fla.), Roger Marshall (Kan.) and Marco Rubio (Fla.). Both Vance and Rubio are thought to be on Trump's running mate short-list.Signatories of the letter include Lee and fellow Republicans J.D. Vance (Ohio), Tommy Tuberville (Ala.), Eric Schmitt (Mo.), Marsha Blackburn (Tenn.), Rick Scott (Fla.), Roger Marshall (Kan.) and Marco Rubio (Fla.). Both Vance and Rubio are thought to be on Trump's running mate short-list."
The usual assholes. Nazi traitors at work. Run them out of office.

Biden Announces New Ceasefire Proposal, Urges Israel to “Step Back”
President Biden on Friday announced a new three-stage deal to end Israel’s military operations in Gaza, adding that it was “time for the suffering to stop.”
“At this point, Hamas is no longer capable of carrying out another Oct. 7,” Biden said in a televised address. “It’s time for this war to end, for the day after to begin.”

Biden Calls Out ‘Reckless’ and ‘Irresponsible’ Trump for Claiming His Trial Was ‘Rigged’
Anyone that considers themselves an American realizes Joe Biden is correct. Those in denial don't.

The View’s Sunny Hostin Rejects Feeling ‘Somber’ About Trump Conviction: ‘I Felt Like America Won!
We did. The fascists can't possible see it. It betrays their big lie.

Mournful Jonathan Turley Says Democrats Are ‘Dehumanizing’ Trump: They ‘No Longer View This as a Human Being’ It's same lame excuse used every time a bully gets his come-uppance.
The law was followed with Trump. Saying it was not is a goddamn lie.

‘That Was Really Brutal! I HATED That Line!’ CNN’s Wolf Blitzer Disgusted by What Trump Called America at Press Rant
That's because he's a brute and attracts the same.

Complicit John Roberts Sides With Alito, Refuses Meeting With Judiciary Senators
Once America gets rid of these bastard dictators we'll again be a free country.

'Shame on him': Trial consultant slams JD Vance for attacking Trump jurors
What else do you expect from a Nazi bully?

Jim Jordan summons Alvin Bragg to congressional hearing over Trump's criminal conviction
A reprobate grandstander who refuses to accept his golden idol is a crook.

Steve Bannon Hates When Libs Do 'Handmaid's Tale' To Martha-Ann Alito By Telling Her To STFU
"Steve Bannon is very upset. (About everything, we are sure. He’s probably going to find out when he is personally going to prison very, very soon! Wonder which prison gang COUGH THE NAZIS he’ll join.)
But in the clip below, which happened before a New York jury did their good deed for all eternity by convicting Donald Trump on all 34 felony counts, Steve Bannon is bitching about the stigmata of St. Martha-Ann Of Alito, she who is being sorely mistreated by the neighbors and can only retaliate by overthrowing the country, but in that tacky Live, Laugh, Love “Let’s put a cute flag up that looks like an evergreen buttplug!” basic-ass Karen kind of way."

Texas Supreme Court rejects challenge to abortion laws
These people are misogynists. They should not be on any bench in a free country.

'Reality sank in' for MAGA fans who were fed 'stream of garbage' about Trump trial: expert
GIGO. Garbage In, Garbage Out! Same as with computers.
"Reality sank in yesterday afternoon and they don’t know how to process it," he argued. "It’s like Election Day 2020 all over again."

College Republicans slapped down by MAGA bigwigs for suggesting Trump trial wasn't rigged
Showing us all the MAGAts are the lawless Nazi bastards we think they are.

'They wronged our Donald!' Russian state TV holds pity party for Trump

Trump repeats claims — without evidence — that his trial was rigged
Evidence, facts and truth are things that Trump ignores. This is what got him convicted in the first place. He will likely be convicted again before he's through for good.

Convicted Felon Rambles Through Greatest Hits of Grievances, Falsehoods, and Legal Nonsense
“We’re living in a fascist state,” he said at one point.
This is, of course, naked projection. It shows us who he is. He is the fascist and so are his supporters.

Megyn Kelly Calls For “Reviving Laws On Dead Crimes” To Prosecute Obama, Hillary Clinton, And The Bidens
Showing the world she knows nothing about law or what the word "dead" means.
Like her golden god she pisses on our constitution.
"JMG: Regarding Kelly’s lie about E. Jean Carroll, New York’s 2022 Adult Survivors Act was certainly not passed with her in mind and in fact resulted in lawsuits against former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, NYC Mayor Eric Adams, and rapper Sean Combs. In total, nearly 3000 suits were filed before the law expired in 2023."

Texas To Teach “Bible Stories” To Elementary Students
Even the one about Lot's incest with his daughters?
Intelligent children see the illogical and inconsistent "teachings" in the Bible.
Especially children from other religions. They haven't a clue with that.
It's such a losing idea and against the constitution. But zealots have no brains.

Newsmax Guest Warns Trump Jurors: “Be Very Careful”
MAGAt threatens jurors who followed the law.

Sen. Joe Manchin Switches From Dem To Independent
Now he can grift on everybody!

Democrats Can’t Wash the Political Stink Off the Trump Conviction
"The first conviction of a former president in American history will forever be defined by the political stink around it."

Fox News 'feast of disinformation' on Trump trial will come back to bite GOP: Morning Joe
It's like the old joke on the Lone Ranger. "The Lone Ranger says: "Tonto! There's Indians to the North! And Indians to the West, Indians to the East and Indians to the South! What are we going to do?"
And Tonto says: "What you mean we, white man?"
Fox has always been a propaganda source for fascism.
A convicted criminal president will not be accepted by our allies, the free nations of the world.

Former top Trump White House official urges GOP to dump 'convicted felon' ex-president.
"Former Donald Trump National Security John Bolton took to CNN on Friday morning to urge the Republican Party to abandon him as their 2024 presidential candidate after he was convicted on 34 felony charges in a Manhattan courtroom on Thursday."
They should but they won't because they have no pride in themselves as they are the certifed enemy of democracy. MAGA = Fascist Nazi.

Trump is no outlaw, just a grubby, sad criminal
Trump wants to be Jesse James. His felony conviction exposes him as a weak fraud desperate to hide his real face

Watters: Investigate Soros’s Role In Trump’s Conviction
Did we have any idea how much power Geroge Soros has? I guess Rupert Murdoch is a cheap imitation and can't be considered in the same catagory? Watters is such a sad, sad and unintelligent creature.

Musk: Faith In US Legal System Is Now Damaged
Sore Nazi loser. No thanks to you, our faith is restored, wise guy.

Trump Is Losing Every One Of His Sh*ts Over Guilty Verdict
Trump was found guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, and guilty on all 34 charges.
Well said.

The Unraveling
After being found guilty on 34 counts, the Big Orange is fully unraveled.
A wounded animal becomes even more deadly. Be on your toes and return fire when fired upon.

Stew Peters Demands Executions For Opposing Christian Nationalism Takeover
When will Trump be on Peter's show?
Fuck the Nazi. It should be the reverse. Stop anyone calling for executions of opposition to their Nazi facism!

Inside the dangerous anti-democracy coalition forming to help Trump
"Since January, Musk has posted about Biden at least seven times a month, attacking the president for everything from his age to his policies on immigration and health. Last month, Musk posted on X that Biden 'obviously barely knows what’s going on' and that 'He is just a tragic front for a far left political machine.'”
LMAO! I hear people say Musk is a genius. He's anything but. Biden knows far more about our country's government than the blowhard Musk. All he does is ruin his companies. And that's being kind to the Musk-Rat Nazi.
"Musk, Thiel, Murdoch, and other billionaires now backing the anti-democracy movement don’t want to conserve much of anything — at least not anything that occurred after the 1920s, including Social Security, civil rights, and even women’s right to vote." The very definition of retarded.

Don Jr. Calls the United States a ‘Third-World Sh*thole’ After Jury Convicts Father
If it is, it's because he and his dad and their toadies made it that way.
And a felon should not be the candidate for president of a ligit political party. The Repubician Party is such a party.

‘Boot licker brigade’: Former GOP congressman says Trump cult will only grow
"In the wake of former President Donald Trump’s guilty verdict, America’s about to see GOP unity like never before.
Only this time, Republicans will be unifying around a convicted felon, which should terrify us all, a former Republican congressman tells Raw Story."
“He's a coward. And the guy doesn't like to defend himself. He wants other people to do it for him, just like we saw on January 6,” former Rep. Denver Riggleman (R-VA) told Raw Story. “The base instinct of Donald Trump is to hide behind the walls of Mar-a-Lago or wherever his homes are and let the sycophants go out there and actually do the battle. So he's scared. He's a bit of a little boy right now.”

The Greatest Liar of All Time Gets a Criminal Conviction
All of Trump’s—and his lawyer’s—projection failed, and he was convicted of all 34 felony counts.
"In closing arguments in a New York courtroom on Tuesday, Trump attorney Todd Blanche called the chief witness against him, former Trump toady Michael Cohen, the 'GLOAT'—as in Greatest Liar Of All Time. Cohen is a piker next to his former employer. It was just more Trumpian projection."

Convicted Felon Donald Trump Guilty On All 34 Counts. That’s The Headline, MFers.
"Holyshitdamn, the jury came back this afternoon in Donald Trump’s criminal trial in Manhattan for falsifying business records related to his porn peener payoffs, and here is your late breaking post on the late breaking news, with very little analysis:
That’ll be the first time Trump got all the votes in his entire life, or ever will. He can appeal, but fuck that motherfucking felon.
A jury of Donald Trump’s peers — including that one the MAGA idiots were hanging their stupid sad hopes on — found him GUILTY."
Franklin Graham's prayer was answered and God's will was done.
"Prayer answered, motherfucker!"

'Lock him up!' NYC jeers at Trump motorcade speeding away after guilty verdict
"Former President Donald Trump's notorious jab at Hillary Clinton came back to bite him on a historic Thursday that saw him convicted on felony charges in New York City."
"Trump's sentencing is scheduled for July 11 at 10 a.m. ET. One legal expert predicts jail is 'likely.'"
Looks good on him.

Trump found guilty on all counts in first-ever criminal trial of a former president
"The historic decision represents the first time a panel of jurors determined the guilt of a former president on criminal charges."
Lumpy and his Nazi toadies should be so proud.

'Then take the freakin' stand!' 'Worked up' analyst destroys Trump's rigged trial claim
"He said that Trump never testified in either impeachment or the E. Jean Carroll case. The only time he testified was in the sentencing hearing of Carroll. Each of them he called a 'rigged process.'" A helpless idiot.
MAGAts worship a coward which makes them cowards. As we always knew.
. "Trump railed against the jurors, implying that they were incapable of rendering a legitimate verdict because they weren't his supporters."
Trump is a demented fool and so are his toadie followers. They haven't a clue about the American justice system because they are all Nazis.

Courthouse Cultists Scream Abuse At British Tourists
Furious protesters, sporting Trump apparel and waving MAGA flags, yelled “fuck the queen” and “fuck the king” as the couple tried to leave the park. One demonstrator, as she was held back by an officer, branded the woman a “fucking cunt” and told her to “burn in hell you liberal fuck.”
They don't want Trump to be their King? They really are retarded!
"I believe that the woman in the back shouting 'fuck the king and the queen' is the same one seen below bouncing her enormous bare tits earlier today." American trash on display. And they ain't enormous.

Pirro Rages: “America Has Just Gone Over A Cliff”
Nope. You and your Nazis have. Something is very right here you idiot.

Newsmax Host: We’re Going To Out Names Of Jurors
Now you know what a real piece of shit looks like.
Get ready to be sued out of existence if you follow up on your cowardly threat.

Chief Justice John Roberts tells Senate Democrats to pound sand
"...Roberts makes clear he’s as much a partisan hack as his buddy Alito."
And he can fuck all the way off.

He’s guilty: Donald Trump is a convicted felon 34 times over
"Hallelujah! A Manhattan jury has found Donald Trump guilty of 34 counts of falsifying business records to protect his 2016 campaign for the White House."

There is no bottom to the MAGAt barrel, yesterday they defamed Fanone, today his mother, if he has any children they will go after them next.
“ ... this sort of thing will continue to happen until Trumpism fades away.”
Somehow, slime can never be entirely eliminated. Too bad.

Fanone's Mother Swatted After He Said Trump Has A 'Violence Fetish'
She is 78 years old. Way to prove his point, Trumpers.
"Former DC Metropolitan police officer Michael Fanone, who was nearly killed by a massive, unruly mob trying to upset the peaceful transition of power at the U.S. Capitol, called Donald Trump 'an authoritarian' who has a 'violence fetish' outside of the former President's hush money/election interference trial on Tuesday."
These cowards are the worst shitpile trash motherfuckers in the universe. They have no respect for humanity and haven't a clue about how a human behaves.
"Trumpism needs to die." It's well on its way.
"There is no bottom to the MAGAt barrel, yesterday they defamed Fanone, today his mother, if he has any children they will go after them next.
' ... this sort of thing will continue to happen until Trumpism fades away.'
Fascism never fades, it goes into hibernation until another insane megalomaniac is excreted from the cracks, that's why it must be destroyed with extreme prejudice as soon as it emerges." -- Spain62 (comments)

'The law finally caught up to him': Experts react to Trump being convicted of 34 felonies
No one deserves it more.
"Former President Donald Trump is now officially a convicted felon after a 12-person Manhattan jury returned a unanimous guilty verdict on all 34 counts in the indictment. He will be sentenced on July 11 at 10 AM."

Trump found guilty on all counts in first-ever criminal trial of a former president
"A New York City jury found former President Donald Trump guilty on several counts of falsifying business records to conceal hush money payments ahead of the 2016 presidential records, according to breaking reports."
America has found the criminal swine guilty on 34 fucking counts!

Neo-Nazi who targeted drag queen story hours accused of child porn possession: report
Because of course he was.
Forever the Nazi swine.

'She's a hammer': Steve Bannon puts Samuel Alito's wife on his Trump VP 'shortlist'
Check him out for child porn too.

This Supreme Court ruling is a ‘get-out-of-jail’ card for racial discrimination
"The Supreme Court, in a 6-3 ruling in a South Carolina redistricting case, made it easier to attack the voting strength of Black communities."
The state that has been a dagger in our side from the beggining

Poll: Majority of American Voters Favor Climate Litigation Against Big Oil
They're getting tired of being screwed constantly.

QAnon CO Ex-Clerk Loses Bid To End Federal Probe
"A federal judge on Monday threw out an attempt by former Mesa County clerk Tina Peters to end an alleged criminal investigation of her for conduct related to election equipment tampering."

Oh, Look: More People Are Now Leaving Florida Than Moving In
Bye-bye Naziland. And fuck yourselves.

'Apprentice' producer spills appalling secrets about Trump after NDA expires
"According to one of the original producers of Donald Trump's "The Apprentice" reality show, the first two years starting back in 2008 exposed him to the now-former president where he stood back and watched Trump's causal racism, his demeaning treatment of women, and complaints that the former president was lousy at paying his debts."
Total Trump scumbaggery.

Bannon: “We Will Purge Institutions Of Pencil Necks”
Who's he? The reincarnation of Fred Blassie?
He will shit and fall back in it.

Every American Needs To Know These Six Things About Trump
When it comes to Trump, piling on is a civic duty.
He's everything in the list and more. May he rot in prison.

'Did you fall on your head?' Biden gives snarky response to question about his age
Proving, at the very least, that the press has lost its mind and may be the one that is "too old."

Here’s how the DOJ can force Alito and Thomas to recuse themselves: Jamie Raskin
"The Justice Department and Attorney General Merrick Garland can invoke two powerful textual authorities for this motion: the Constitution of the United States, specifically the due process clause, and the federal statute mandating judicial disqualification for questionable impartiality," Raskin wrote, naming the specific statute in federal code. "The Constitution has come into play in several recent Supreme Court decisions striking down rulings by stubborn judges in lower courts whose political impartiality has been reasonably questioned but who threw caution to the wind to hear a case anyway."
Kick ass.

Time For Another Episode Of ¡Martha-Ann No Está Contenta!
"What’s the latest in the saga of Martha-Ann Alito and her precious treason flags? Did she put them up, or is this just her Supreme Court justice husband blaming the wife like mediocre conservative white guys like him always do?
Who called blessed Saint Martha-Ann a cunt, and when did they do the calling? And does the the timeline even work out for the original story about how she hoisted the flag because the neighbors called her a cunt, or is that just more of her lies?"

The Press: What Has Happened to the Lifeblood of our Democracy?
How did America reach this point where about half our country thinks up is down, black is white, and Republicans are best trusted with our money and national security?
They have forsaken their position like the rest of the traitors. But they won't like fascism because fascism don't like them!

'Confused' Judge Cannon needed concept explained 'slowly' to her in court by lawyers: NYT
She has to go home and stay there. Obviously she's not qualified.

United States and Iran help China push global executions to 10-year high
"The number of executions worldwide hit a nearly 10-year high in 2023 thanks to a surge in state killings by Iran, Saudi Arabia, China, and the United States."
"This is the list you don't want your country to be on." —Amnesty International "In the United States, said Amnesty, the number of executions—all which took place in just five states across the south—rose 30% last year. The executions that took place were in Texas (8), Florida (6) Oklahoma (4), Missouri (4), and Alabama (2)."
Ahh, the Land of the Happy Negro.

Ex-DC cop says his 78-year-old mom's home was swatted after he publicly bashed Trump
Trump Nazis are getting bolder. We know what to do with them.

'Take these guys out': Ken Paxton and Steve Bannon call for action against 'Gestapo' FBI
Do these asshats project much? They describe themselves to a T.

A New Documentary Goes Behind the Scenes of Christian Nationalism
Missing this qualifies you as an "I don't care about the death of the U.S." kind of shit fer brains.

Bad Faith: Documentary On Christian Nationalism Is Nightmare Fuel
"Bad Faith" is a documentary on Christian Nationalism that is nightmare fuel. Every American needs to watch this doc to understand the dangerous extremism coming from within our country.

Witness: Trump Bragged About Sex With 'Porn Star' At Tahoe
"And because he's such a misfit with an adolescent view of sex, he went on to ramp up his bragging:"
“He’d say all these things like, ‘You’ve gotta bang a porn star, it’s incredible,’ and, ‘It added 20 yards to my drive today,’” the athlete told The Daily Beast.

'Liar': Critics question Alito’s integrity after his insurrection flag story disintegrates
No need to question it. We already have its answers.

Trump says he won’t ‘ban’ birth control. Here’s what he may do instead.
Ruin it for every American.
“If Trump returns to the White House, he’s going to make things even worse. He has made that crystal clear.” -- Mitch Landrieu, Biden national campaign co-chair

Trump allies get defensive when questioned on 'Project 2025' birth control plans
"Conservatives are looking to limit access to contraception if Donald Trump wins a second term as president and allow more employers to opt out of birth control coverage."
More control over Americans personal lives. The swine.

Cultists Rage After Walmart Unveils Pride Month Merch
These clueless poisoned idiots are high on religion.
"Yes, everyone has a right to choose how you live but why does it have to be glorified for a month???"
Oh, dear. This one is so upset over the 30 day attention. They want it for being pricks 365 days a year!

'I was wrong to be involved': Ex-Trump lawyer Jenna Ellis' license suspended
"Former President Donald Trump's onetime lawyer Jenna Ellis can't practice law for three years, according to a new report."
I submit she never has practiced law.

'Wildly lawless': Judge Cannon’s removal predicted by top legal scholar
"U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon will be removed from overseeing the trial in Special Counsel Jack Smith’s Espionage Act case against Donald Trump, predicts a top constitutional scholar who is calling her rejection of an urgent request from federal prosecutors to place additional restrictions on the ex-president 'wildly lawless,' and a 'smoking gun.'"

Kennedy: The Confederacy Should Be “Celebrated”
"Yeah let's celebrate the people who literally started a war against this country because they wanted to own black people.
Fuck ALL THE WAY OFF, you greasy old cracker" -- Woke AF (comments)
"Traitors should not be celebrated. Lee and others may have been heroes to their fellow traitors, but they are the dishonored vanquished to us. No one is rewriting the history books by pulling down statues." -- Lestat cinq (comments)
"They're also ignoring the history of these statues, which by and large were put up long after the civil war, and obstinately erected during the civil rights era to remind uppity folks about their place. Many of them weren't even erected in former Confederate states." -- kelven (comments)
And this is why there will be no statues of traitor Trump. Unless they're are used for golden idol worship by traitors like the ones that erected the previous lot.

GOP Georgia Official Won’t Certify Primary Election
This Julie Adams screwball doesn't have a voice in the matter.
We'll see who survives the American Holocaust.

New Buzzfeed Stakeholder Ramaswamy Tells Site To Hire Extremists Candace Owens, Tucker Carlson, Others
Look who the Swami put on the liars' list. ROTFLMAO! Another poor liar.

Catholic Hate Group Announces “Ex-Gay Visibility Day”
Just like "Ex-human Visibility Day" like these pricks? They do things to be asswipes.
"Catholic priest" is a contradiction in terms.
"As you surely know, virtually every so-called “ex-gay” group has collapsed in scandal, either after their leaders were busting trolling on gay hook-up sites or when they finally admitted publicly that not one of their members ever because heterosexual."
The Modern Greeks Who Still Worship Zeus (for Tom Furgas-comments)

Fox Helps Peggy Noonan Long For The Good Old Days Of 1900
Nothing like using a column by Nooners heaping praise on a book published back in 1900 as an excuse for some hippie punching on the topic of patriotism by the hacks on Fox on Memorial Day.
Do all of these people carry cards that say "I'm not a dumb shit, I only sound that way."?

'Falling off the cliff': Dementia expert shows 4 ways Trump is exhibiting 'shocking decline'
"One prominent psychologist and psychotherapist is warning that former President Donald Trump is deep in the throes of cognitive decline, and that his dementia is only worsening by the day."
"Falling off the cliff"? Shit, he dove off it years ago!
But that's what the Nazi stiffs want -- chaos!

Trump To Megadonors: Donate To Keep Your Tax Cuts
The criminal and traitor Trump keeps commiting crimes in full daylight.
Throw his felon ass in stir!

‘You have my taser’: Proud Boys-trailing Miami Young Republicans director with ties to Rubio, DeSantis, indicted for Jan. 6
"Barbara 'Barby' Balmaseda, 23, once a reported intern for Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., and a campaign organizer for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, was arrested last December. She was charged with felony obstruction of justice/threat of physical force for reporting crimes, entering or remaining in a restricted building or grounds without lawful authority, and two disorderly and disruptful conduct charges — one for being in a restricted area, the other for being in the Capitol — and parading, demonstrating or picketing in a Capitol building. Her indictment was entered onto the docket on May 22."

Company Gets Fined For 'Whites Only' Job Listing
It was nothing more than a wrist slap for doing it.
“It is shameful that in the 21st century, we continue to see employers using ‘whites only’ and ‘only US born’ job postings to lock out otherwise eligible job candidates of color,” said Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, which announced the agreements.

RNC Attacks Biden For Honoring His Late Son Beau On Memorial Day
This is normal behavior for mind-fucked idiot swine and normal behavior for fathers of American heros.

Dumb Old Trump Was Yesterday-Years-Old When He Found Out Prosecutors Get Last Word In Trials
"Panic clearly began to set in last night for Trump."
"It’s one of those moments where you wonder whether he’s really so stupid that he doesn’t know the prosecution always has the last word, since they’re the ones with the burden of proof, or whether he’s just playing on the stupidity of the people who love him. Has he never seen one single episode of 'Law & Order'?
Yes, he is that stupid. Yes, his followers are that stupid. No reason to parse where one ends and the other begins."

Trump Lawyer Closes Trial by Scorching Michael Cohen
Criminal defense lawyers always put a prosecution witness on trial. It's all they ever have.
Just look at the E. Jean Carroll trial.

The Impartial Jurist
Tom Tomorrow brings you This Modern World

A Voting Disinformation Snapshot
House Republicans dial up nonexistent voting threats to undermine the National Voter Registration Act.

How the Hell Can People Be Nostalgic for Donald Trump? Yet—They Are
Joe Biden’s real opponent isn’t inflation or Gaza or even Trump himself. It’s nostalgia bias vs. negativity bias.
"56 percent of Americans think the country is in a recession, 49 percent believe the stock market is down, and 49 percent also believe unemployment is at an all-time high."
These retards don't live in America or they are lying scum like their god, Lumpy.

This Supreme Court Term, Health and Safety Are on the Line
Much of America can't see it and won't until it kicks them in the teeth.

Donald Trump Says He'll Stop All Electric Car Sales
And the U.S. will fall farther behind in the real world thanks to the retard.

Trump Opens Himself Up To Yet Another Defamation Suit From E. Jean Carroll
The hopeless fool can't keep his mouth shut. Lying loses.

Trump’s 'dangerous threats' against the media are only growing worse: analysis
He's completely lost what mind he had left. Too little sleep, too many drugs.

'Silent and tired Trump' is 'barely a witness to his own trial': reporter
Aged "Dozing Don" should try to get some sleep at night. He can take more drugs for that.

Texas’ first-ever statewide flood plan estimates 5 million live in flood-prone areas
"The state’s flood plan shows which Texans are most at risk of flooding and suggests billions of dollars more are needed for flood mitigation projects."
Building in flood zones is a good example of Texas politics — shameless.

650,000 Without Power In Texas After Severe Storms
"More than 650,000 customers in Texas were without power and that number continued to climb, according to More than half of the outages were in Dallas County."
But Texas governor says power grid fixed; experts cite problems

Trump and RFK Jr. 'made complete asses of themselves' at Libertarian event: MSNBC analyst
This isn't news. They consistantly do this as they are misfits for humanity.

Trump taking 'unthinkable' risks palling around with criminals: Ex-GOP insider
What else would criminals like Lumpy do but hang with their pals?

Florida Educators Train To Teach Christian Nationalism
These people are as batshit crazy as they come.
Crisis of faith: Christian nationalism and the threat to U.S. democracy
"“If democracy is supposed to represent the interests of all of the governed, including people of different religious faiths and people with no religious affiliation, the political rise of Christian nationalism and the success in implementing certain laws … is corrosive of democracy.”

Trump Vows To Give “Local Police” Immunity For Any Abuses Committed During Rounding Up Of Migrants
His own personl Gestapo. This won't work well for him. The cowardly shit bag knows nothing about American law. Lying, as uaual

Man Who Destroyed Iowa Satanic Temple Statue Pleads Guilty To “Mischief,” Dodges Felony Hate Crime Charge
He hasn't dodged anything. Wait and see.

'Human Scum': Trump Makes Memorial Day All About Him Because Of Course
This isn't normal, but it is if you're a rancid piece of excrement.
Fuck Trump.

'Criminal intent': Legal expert maps out Manhattan DA's path to nailing Trump
"Whatever the ultimate outcome, this will mark the first time in the United States' 248-year history that jurors have evaluated a criminal case against a former president."

Experts erupt with mockery over Trump's 'Kafkaesque' statement showing trial 'ignorance'
"WITCH HUNT!" cried the man in the black pointed hat.

Questions of federal law violation raised as Trump flag removed from N.Y. post office
Trump Nazi flag removed from federal property.

Draft Dodger: “Happy Memorial Day To Human Scum”
"First thank you to all that served, including my hubby and his 20 years. Now, go fuck yourself Donald that message is the bullshit that rips this country apart on a day when we should all be together thanking our military and those that gave the ultimate sacrifice. Fuck him with 5000 flag poles." -- Anastasia Baverhousen (comments) "The ravings of a mad man. May he drop dead." — Lakeside (comments)
"The only people more insane are his voters." — fuow (comments)

GOP Senators: Presidents Shouldn’t Have Immunity
GOP senators disagree with Trump claim he has “absolute immunity.”
No one does.

Oh Lord It Might Be Tom Cotton For Trump's Veep
‘Little maggot-infested man’ Tom Cotton rises to top of Trump VP list.
Which is the bigger pile of shit? How happy Hitler would be!

'What a sad way to dishonor our nation’s fallen heroes': Trump blasted over Memorial Day post
What does one expect from a treasonus bastard loser?

“A Formula for Civil War”: Second Flag Flown by Supreme Court Justice Alito Dire Sign for Democracy
Fascists have been asking for it for some time now. Time to let them have it.
The Talibastards must and will get what they deserve.

Trump Attacks Judge Merchan Just Before Closing Arguments: ‘UNAMERICAN AND UNCONSTITUTIONAL’
Exactly what Trump is. He's projecting himself on others as usual.

Former President Donald Trump shared a unique message designed specifically for what he called “the Human Scum that is working so hard to destroy our Once Great Country” — Happy Memorial Day!
As the swine creature looks in a mirror.

Human Rights Watch Founder — and Holocaust Survivor — Accuses Israel of Genocide on CNN
They must answer for their crimes against humanity.

Shameless Hypocrites for Trump
Some of the former President’s supporters are deluded; others are not. It’s worth remembering what they once had to say.
Examples of One-Eyed Jacks.

Donald Trump's son, Eric, is catching some heat this Memorial Day weekend after a "particularly disgusting" statement he posted on social media.
"The family that gave up everything to Save America," the caption reads. "Thank You!" -- Eric Trump.
"You’ll do what again? Steal from children with cancer? Sell top secret classified documents? Incite an insurrection? Get your followers to smear shit on the walls? Bury your mom on a golf course? Ignore your father’s list for your sister? Commit fraud? Run a scam university? Bankrupt casinos?"

Family Reveals PGA Tour Champion Died By Suicide After Cultists Spread Lies Blaming COVID Vaccination
These cultists are unhuman swine. Shit fer brains' morons that are devoid of reason.

Far-Right Activist Elected Chairman Of Texas GOP
Of course. It's a Nazi state with Nazi government, elected by Nazis.

Libertarian Party Rules Trump Ineligible For Nomination
"Ineligible" is the word for Lumpy.
Except for the shitpile.

Tim Scott Dodges On Trump “Assassination” Claims
"Stop putting these lying motherfuckers on TV" — Ross (comments)

Trump: I Would Have “Absolutely Gotten” Libertarian Party’s Nomination If I Wanted It (He Did Ask For It)
That fact that that Trump is so obviously a liar and fraud and that people support him tells us a lot about the character of some Americans.
Every criticism that comes from his stinking mouth are about himself. He projects constantly.

Americans are in denial about Trump’s 'dictator threats' and 'fascist language': historian
We've been telling you deniers this for years.

Ex-Rep. Patrick Kennedy Backs Biden Over Cousin RFK
As any American with a brain will do.

Proposed Texas GOP platform calls for the Bible in schools, electoral changes that would lock Democrats out of statewide office
"The platform was voted on Saturday, with tallies expected next week. Other planks call abortion homicide and gender-transition care 'child abuse.'” The Nazi state of Texas. May they all "die in their footsteps."

NFL Kicker: My Speech Against Working Women And Sinful LGBTQs “Glorified God” And I Have No Regrets
Asswipes seldom do.

South Dakota University Employees Face Termination For Stating Tribal Affiliations In Official Correspondence
Nazi racists run the state. May they all drop dead.

Marjorie Taylor Greene has 'descended into a sad clown party of one': columnist
A personification of self-destruction.

'You keep answering about Joe Biden': CNN host nails Tim Scott for dodging on Trump
"CNN host Dana Bash confronted Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) after he tried to flip every question about Donald Trump into an attack on President Joe Biden."
Why would anyone believe this poorly programmed automaton?

Trump suffered a 'stunning rebuke' in disastrous Saturday night speech: analyst
"Donald Trump's attempt to reach out to Libertarian voters could hardly have gone worse after he was chased from the stage 34 minutes into his speech, exiting to boos and jeering."
"Trump’s rocky ride at a Washington hotel on Saturday night, including cries of 'B------t!' and 'F--- you!', underlined the challenge that the Republican presidential nominee faces to broaden his appeal both left and right on the political spectrum," he wrote before adding, "It was a stunning rebuke for a man who has become accustomed to cult-like rallies where his every word is cheered to the echo."
Another added, "He’s full of s--t.” And he's been that way since he was born.

Latest 'bad financial news for Trump' could cause ex-president 'tremendous damage'
We can only hope this will be the end of the scumbag.

'Liberaee': Social media mocks Trump for 'misfiring in-between all the boos' at event br> The fact that this lunatic is even allowed to run for president shows how far some Americans have fallen.

Trump Brags That He Can Put His Pants On All By Himself
He's a big boy!
Over his diapers. A total piece of shit.

What I learned from writing a book about mental health for journalists
It publishes at a time when the levels of stress and pressure faced by many of our colleagues need to be taken far more seriously than they have been

Trump brutally demolished for latest 'BS answer' demonstrating his ignorance
This is news?

Chaos at Trump event as crowd member yells that ex-president 'should have taken a bullet'
It's not too late.

Libertarian Party's delegates 'keep booing Donald Trump' ahead of ex-president's address
One of the lowest political gangs in the country boos the mental case zombie.

Expert says SCOTUS ruling subjects Black voters to "abuse." Clarence Thomas wants to go even further
"It's just kind of staggering that he would openly take such an anti-democratic position," Harvard professor says
See? We just go "Oh, my!" and do absolutely nothing but whine. We can't just talk the Nazis away.
Who is in charge here? The MAGAt Nazi cocksuckers or Americans?

Pro-Hitler Podcaster Has Screaming Meltdown After Casino Cancels His Anti-LGBTQ Book Burning Event
At least this motherfucking Nazi got his. Whine your stinking Nazi ass off, you retard.
Fully illustrating the sick level of the mindfucks that sucked up his shit.

GOP Staffers: Grenell Knowingly Lied About Voter Fraud
Put his crooked ass in stir.

Alex Jones To Sell $2.8M Ranch In Sandy Hook Case
Was it worth it, you stupid shit?

Politico: Trump Has “Very Solid Shot” At Hung Jury
This will prove justice is not blind and our sytem of justice is a fraud. This will be a dark day for what used to be America.

AG Garland Did Not Call Trump A Lying A-Hole, But It Was Implied
Attorney general slams Trump’s ‘extremely dangerous’ lies about deadly force.
What's wrong with telling the truth? We need more of it but so many are afraid for some reason.

And You Thought Rudy Farting On Jenna Ellis Was Gross?
Giuliani leaves his Zoom mic on and goes to the urinal, part one!
Too bad he didn't take the computer with him.

US government is of the wealthy, by the wealthy and for the wealthy
And it's a goddamn shame and disgrace.

'There! Is that better?' Martha-Ann Alito reportedly had a meltdown when asked about flag
What a pair of MAGAts.
"Sens. Dick Durbin (D-Illinois) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-Rhode Island), who chair the Senate Judiciary Committee and the Judiciary Subcommittee on Federal Courts, respectively, have called for Alito to recuse himself from all cases currently before the Court pertaining to the 2020 presidential election and the January 6 insurrection."
There is no question about this. Recusal is his only way.If he doesn't he proves to America he's prejudiced. Same goes for "Doubting" Thomas.

“Deny, denounce, delay”: The battle over the risk of ultra-processed foods
"When the Brazilian nutritional scientist Carlos Monteiro coined the term “ultra-processed foods” 15 years ago, he established what he calls a 'new paradigm' for assessing the impact of diet on health.
Monteiro had noticed that although Brazilian households were spending less on sugar and oil, obesity rates were going up. The paradox could be explained by increased consumption of food that had undergone high levels of processing, such as the addition of preservatives and flavorings or the removal or addition of nutrients.
But health authorities and food companies resisted the link, Monteiro tells the FT. '[These are] people who spent their whole life thinking that the only link between diet and health is the nutrient content of foods ... Food is more than nutrients.'”

C-Span Caller Says Trump’s Father ‘Really A Fan Of Hitler'
Thankfully, both of these Nazis are dead. That's what we call a good Nazi.

New study finds one-third of Congress is now iffy on democracy
Terminate them all or they will terminate you.

Google’s AI Is Churning Out a Deluge of Completely Inaccurate, Totally Confident Garbage
It has the knowledge equivalent of most of the MAGAt and Qanon morons. That is, the ones on the high IQ end.

Hair Furor Rages: They Want To “Jail Me For 150 Years”
Does the moron actually think he can do that time? LMAO!
He so spoiled. That's exactly what he received and he's still upset like a the little snot-nosed brat he is.

CNBC: Truth Social Traffic Down 39% Over Last Year
"Nearly two-and-a-half years after its launch, Truth Social is struggling to hang onto its small U.S. user base, according to new data on the microblogging platform."

“Antifa Did It” Proud Boys Rioter Sentenced To 12 Years
Another one bites the dust.

Jack Smith Destroys Trump Assassination Fantasy Brick-By-Brick In Blistering Filing That Reveals Damning New Facts
"Trump has been fundraising on the increasingly fantastical scenario, which originated from a filing by Trump attorneys Todd Blanche and Chris Kise that contains a key misquote of the guidance in the operation order."
"In a new filing demanding Trump be gagged from making such statements, Smith knocked down the lie point-by-point, citing that key misquote and revealing that Trump and his team have had that operation order for almost a year, as well as the fact that Trump’s team and the Secret Service coordinated with the FBI before and during the raid:"
His entire life is based on lies. Everything he touches dies.

Ana Navarro Claims Some Latinos Support Trump’s Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric To ‘Pass As More American’
No mas macho. It will not work for them.

CNN’s Chris Wallace Straight-Up Asks ‘What Is Trump’s Beef With Hispanic Judges?’ After New Attack
And still Latinos support his racism. This is a poor reflection of them.

New: Wapo Reporter Got in Screaming Confrontation with Alito’s Wife Over Flag – But Didn’t Report It
Dereliction of duty. So fuck Wapo.

Louisiana Classifies Two Abortion Drugs as Controlled Dangerous Substances
They will find they will have less doctors - less health care in their Nazi state.

'About as dishonest as it gets': Alito slammed by neighbors over 'really bad' flag display
"The Daily Beast recently reported that several of Alito's neighbors in the Long Beach Township community are both dismayed and alarmed about his display of the 'Appeal to Heaven' flag (also known as the Pine Tree flag) between July and September of last year. The Beast's Justin Rohrlich interviewed neighbors of Alito on all sides of the political spectrum, and found there was almost universal disgust with both his brazen display of a far-right symbol and its reflection on the judiciary as a whole. One local resident the Beast referred to as 'Stan' said the display of the Pine Tree flag was 'about as dishonest as it gets.'
So then, he compared him to the traitor Trump with that last phrase.

Inside the GOP plan to destroy social mobility in America
Ugly as it gets.

'Things grew very mad': Designer of template for Trump’s 'unified Reich' video speaks out
"Parroting Mein Kampf while you warn of a bloodbath if you lose is the type of unhinged behavior you get from a guy who knows that democracy continues to reject his extreme vision of chaos, division and violence," Singer said.

Biden is saying what Democrats want him to say
Once again, they can't hear it because they are too brick-headed to get it or are MAGAts at heart.

Trump 'facing a hostile crowd' in address to Libertarian National Convention: report
Brainless party invites a toxic disease to their clambake. Who is the idiot?

Trump brutally demolished for latest 'BS answer' demonstrating his ignorance
'Well we were looking into that," Trump replied before continuing, "And I'm going to have a policy into that very shortly. And I think it is something you will find interesting."
That led the "Weekend" co-host to immediately jump in with, "Okay, that is Donald Trump's BS answer to pretty much everything he knows absolutely nothing about."
'He is insisting, 'Oh, we're going to have a policy on that very shortly and it's going to be fantabulous," he continued by lapsing into an impression of Trump's delivery. "'You are going to love it! It's going to wake you up like coffee in the morning. And it is going to put you to bed at night too."
"That's the kind of policies I make, I'm Donald Trump: Buy my bible!" he continued his impression of the former president.

Trump put on notice he could be jailed for 'inciting violence' at his Bronx 'hate rally'
He incites violence just existing.

Cotton Posts Christian Nationalist Flag Outside Office
Hermann Goering would be so proud.

Libertarians Brawl Over Trump’s Convention Invite: “I Would Like To Propose We Tell Trump To Fuck Himself”
And drop dead. He forgot that part.
What in the hell are they doing inviting that pile of dog shit? Fuck Libertarians.

Trump Rallygoer Threatens 'Civil War' If Biden Wins
One supporter of Donald Trump warned Thursday that President Joe Biden's re-election could result in a new civil war.
Conradson asked. "Do you think it's going to be fair?" How dare that asshole ask that question? His sort is one of the problems we have.
The threat comes from the MAGAts who are doing their best to destroy democracy you stupid fuck. Ex-Marines don't threaten sedition. But it will be a pleasure to take another Nazi down.

Louisiana Gov Signs Bill Criminalizing Abortion Pills
I love Louisiana music. But I have no love for misogynists with no brains. Ever young person should leave Louisiana. It's gone to shit. See how he likes not having tourism any longer or a future generation.

Kennedy: I’d Rather Die Of COVID Than Wear A Mask Because That Would Be Like Living As A Slave
Careful what you wish wish for. It should happen to him and fast.
This is such total ignorance. People have been wearing masks as hygienical protection for many years in many countries. Not only for the wearer but for humanity besides yourself. He's such a dumb fuck stupid ignorant coward.
"White guys really need to stop comparing their experience to slavery." — Eliot (comments)

GOP Rep’s Hemp Bill Could Imperial Legal Weed Push
These people are just plain evil and mean. What in hell do they think they're doing?
Mindless zombies. Useless to humanity.
"Eight facts about hemp-hating, Hitler-heiling MAGA weirdo Mary Miller: The controversial white nationalist is coming for your stoner snacks. Rep. Miller's new bill would snuff out the legal cannabis delta-8 THC market." -- JPNWMN (commenter on X)
We must use any legal device or weapon to put an end to them.

The Late Show Shreds Haley For Her Endorsement Of Trump
The Late Show did what they do best with this mash-up using Haley's own words to make a mockery of her recent flip-flop saying she'll vote for Trump after months on end of criticizing him during the primary.
Perhaps she's the worst of the Nazi MAGAts.

Tuberville Lies: Unemployment Rates Were Not Better Under Trump
Lying is all they can do.
And all we can do is point it out. This has to come to a head. We should prepare for what's coming down.
It doesn't matter if Biden wins the election by a million votes. We will still have to find the cure for this generation of MAGAt bastards.

Trump quietly working with Republicans on bill making it impossible for him to be prosecuted
This is every bit insane as the German Nazi Party could imagine.
America should put a stop to this by any means.
"I think it’s common sense that you can’t have the president sitting in the Oval Office worried about whether some lawyer or some local DA somewhere is going to go after him," Johnson said.
Oh, of course, because this has happened how many times, you fucking twat MAGAt swine?
"He's a criminal doing crimes - not "dems coming at him". He'll be beaten and he'll be jailed. He's a filthy POS, supported by debased people." — appliance5000 (comments)

'Fresh from the Liberace discount bin': Melania's Memorial Day medallions roasted
Selling junk to the suckers is a grifter's stock in trade. These bums have to keep it up because they know how fucking stupid their fans are.

Gloria Johnson Is Smart, Cool, Talks About Abortion Out Loud. Doth Tennessee Dare Make This Non-Lunatic A Senator?
"Tennessee state Rep. Gloria Johnson became famous last year as one of the so-called “Tennessee Three,” Democratic members of the Legislature who committed the unspeakable crime of inadequately curtsying to the white Republican lawmakin’ men who were hard at work preserving the constitutional rights of guns to kill people, and for people to kill people — adults, children, babies, whatever — with guns. Tennessee’s elected Republicans will side with the gun every time."

Why is the Guy Who Told Us to Drink Bleach a Step Away from Being President?
Trump's political Teflon coating is at least a hundred times more effective than Reagan’s was in his wildest dreams. Why?
Due to the intellect of the electorate and the duplictnous of our "anything for a buck" press in today's stupid and greedy world.
Now, pour yourself a shot of "Memory Loss" 100 proof Clorox.

Trump Doubles Down, Seeking Fossil Fuel Cash at Private Houston Lunch
The criminal goes about with his bribes.

This Supreme Court Term Was All About Undoing Democracy
As every forthcoming term will be.

Google Search Is Now a Giant Hallucination
Of course it is. Like the rest of stupid trending.

The Reason That Google's AI Suggests Using Glue on Pizza Shows a Deep Flaw With Tech Companies' AI Obsession
The trend in making stupid fasionable.

Family Research Council: 'IVF Is Pornographic'
Sanity is under seige by perverted lunatics.

Tuberville Lies: Unemployment Rates Were Not Better Under Trump
"Since February of 2022, the unemployment rates have been under 4% under President Biden.
Liars gotta lie."

Tuberville Opens His Mouth, Starts Talking Like A Racist Potato
"Oh, Alabama, you could have had Doug Jones instead of this potato, but here we are. GOP Sen. Tommy Tuberville talked to Fox Business's Maria Bartiromo about that plan started by sneaky Barack Obama regarding migrants entering the country to become 'like-minded Democrats,' and if this sounds crazy to you, it's because it is. This is the Great Replacement Theory that fuels paranoia so badly on the right that it's caused racial violence."

Supreme Court Greenlights South Carolina's Gerrymandered Maps, Undermining Black Voters' Voices
More playing the cards under the table. Swine is all they are.

How the Supreme Court is waging an all-out assault on democracy: analysis
"...When choosing between democracy and Trump, a majority of the justices look to be seriously considering picking Trump."
More traitors in our midst? Then say goodbye to America.

Judicial analyst explains why SCOTUS will struggle to reach 'unanimity' in Trump immunity case
"In 1999, Gallup found that 80 percent of respondents either had either "a great deal" or a "fair amount" of "trust and confidence" in the High Court. But in recent months, according to Gallup, public approval of the Roberts Court has been around 41 or 42 percent — an historic low."
How does this stat jibe with the "zombie Trump effect?"

Trump’s Bronx rally attendance claim mocked as aerial images show a different story
U.S. Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-NY), who represents the South Bronx, was also at the park and told ABC 7, “If you did a poll about who’s more popular, Donald Trump or lead paint. I suspect lead is more popular than Donald Trump in the Bronx.” And twice as toxic. 'Steady stream of people leaving' Trump's Bronx rally while he was still talking: reporter
The bullshit is starting to disgust even them.

The zombie Trump effect.
The facts on the stupidity that sweeps our stupid society.
"This week The Guardian released a new poll by Harris that surveys people's attitudes about the economy. It suggests that well over half the country is delusional. Polling showed that 55% of Americans believe the economy is shrinking, and 56% think we are in a recession. Neither of those things are remotely true, however. 49% believe the stock market is down for the year even though it's at a record high. Even more bizarre, 49% believe that unemployment is at a 50-year high, though the unemployment rate has been under 4%, a near 50-year low."
MAGAt lies are destroying our intellect at an alarming rate. They have sucessfully convinced a large segment of America reality is not reality.
" It's not "the economy, stupid." It's Trump. I don't think this will turn around for most of us until he is out of politics. We have to make sure that happens sooner rather than later."

DeSantis: Founding Fathers Would Hate Sociology
Example of stupidity. It should be required. Why are we afraid of education?
Do the idiots think sociology is socialism? Extreme Stupid.
And they get pissed off because we point this out? Stupid.

Trump Welcomes Accused Killers To Bronx Rally Stage
"Trump complimented Sheff G on his gold teeth and remarked that he wished he had the same teeth."
Too bad he's broke or he could get them. They thought they might extract them later to help with his debt.
"Adolf Hitler wanted people's gold teeth too..." — Stogiebear (comments)
He's all in on law and order. LMAO!
"It really is a movement of the stupidest fucking people in America." -- From Trump’s Bronx Rally.
So, according to someone, this sort of comment makes the stupid angry? It should serve to make them take a look at themselves. Only shows the opinion about them is correct. And it has nothing to do with "advanced degrees." They all are "masterates and doctorals?" Absurd.
"Loved the dancing wino, and the tattooed witch doctors, and the nine months pregnant Kitara. The two murderers were just icing on the cake." — Jay Silversmith (comments)

NOPE: Trump Claims 25,000 Attended Bronx Rally
I've played in front of larger crowds many times.
The Nazi is already working on the false narrative of another "stolen election."

Militia Members Move To Take Over Oregon State GOP
Nazi shitbags. Remove them from the planet.
"local election by local election the fascism creeps. Our people better learn to put the bullshit aside and vote in every election. Showing up every 4 years don't cut it" -- TnCTampa (comments)
Describes our sleepy electorate. Voting doesn't interest them in many cases. They can say goodbye to their rights.

Morning Digest: How the Supreme Court's new ruling shreds voting rights—again
"The Supreme Court's right-wing majority upheld South Carolina's congressional map in a 6-3 decision along ideological lines issued Thursday, reversing a lower court ruling that found Republicans had violated the Constitution by racially gerrymandering the 1st District to protect Rep. Nancy Mace, a white Republican."
SCOTUS says it's fine to fuck the Constitution. May they drop dead.

Mike DeWine Calls Special Session To Get Biden On Ohio Ballot
He called the attempt by the state house radicals to keep Biden off the ballot "absurd."
We live in absurd MAGAt world, of course. At least, Mike knows it.
The Nazis aren't just trying to beat Biden. They are trying to end democracy as fascism always does.

Nicolle Wallace On Nikki Haley: We Need Shrinks And Cult Experts To Explain This
Haley's endorsement of Trump left the MSNBC host puzzled when she really should not have been.
The mindless lust for power destroys the intellect.

The Art Of The Climate-Destroying Deal
Trump's brazen solicitation of a billion dollars may be good for Big Oil, but horrid for the world.
Some of us deserve this end. Most of us do not. It will at least be a fitting end for their mindless greed.

“Compromised beyond measure”: Experts urge Senate to pass SCOTUS ethics code amid Alito flag debacle
Justice Alito "and Justice Thomas at some level have only themselves to blame” if Congress cracks down, expert says
Some level? How about go home? ROTFLMAO!

Why Do Americans Believe We're In A Recession?
Steve Ratner is puzzled. We're not.
If they live long enough, I'm certain they will make it so.

Ohio GOP Elections Official Moves To Take Biden Off Ballot
Cheating again, eh?
Don't forget, they are Hitler's Children.
Sue these Nazis to their end.

Buttigieg Calls Out Boebert In The Most Buttigieg Way Possible
Ooof. Cue Pete Buttigieg, who asked her in the nicest possible way where the fuck she thought that money came from. "Congresswoman, in what way do you believe that your support helped this project?" he asked. "We chose it because it's a good project and funded it using President Biden's infrastructure package, which you voted against."
"The people screaming about fake news for years are the ones living in a bubble created by fake news. Voting against the Infrastructure project is voting against America."
Some strategy. Vote against it and take credit for it when it passes.

The 'lie' that keeps evangelicals 'praising Trump with faint damnation': columnist
Smith noted, "Many of the T-shirts and hats that were worn and sold at the rally in March proclaimed religious slogans such as 'Jesus is my savior, Trump is my president' and 'God, Guns & Trump.' One man’s shirt declared, 'Make America Godly Again,' with the image of a luminous Jesus putting his supportive hands on Trump’s shoulders."
The perfect delusion.

'We’ve never seen anything like this': Expert says 'splintered' GOP is bad news for Trump
Most Americans over 40 that are paying attening can testify to this.

Trump vows to "NEVER" take away birth control — except he spent four years doing just that<rb> Trump's attacks on contraception were unrelenting. He even asked the Supreme Court to block women's access

New Far-Right Film: Capitol Was Built By Literal Giants
"Batshit Story Time."
Correct liars by any means necessary.

CNN Debunks Batshit Claims About FBI “Deadly Force”
Standard Operating Procedure. The stupid fuck doesn't know what SOP is and he's running for preisdent? America should reject him with a resounding landslide against him.

Justice Sam Alito's Newest Reason To Recuse And Resign: New Flag Flying
Justice Sam Alito flew the "Appeal to Heaven" flag over his beach house. That flag was a symbol of insurrectionists and Christian nationalists.
The leader of the faux moralists. Flush this barbaric turd.
We will see what the Chief Justice is made of when the time comes for the traitors to recuse.

Women-Hating Republicans Make Abortion Pills Controlled Substances
Louisiana is about to become the first state to ban abortion medications as controlled substances, marking a stunning reversal from Louisiana’s history of being last in everything else, such as maternal health.
Photo is of two Russian oligarchs.
These people have no conscience and no soul. They are the most hateful people on the planet. "Lord, forgive them for they no not what they do," said their alleged moral leader.

'Biden planned to assassinate himself!' MAGA fans mocked after Fox News reporter’s FBI fact-check
A great photo of two idiots both who should be in straitjackets.
"A person familiar with the Hur investigation confirms that the standard Department of Justice policy statement regarding the use of deadly force was also included in the operations order for the searches at President Biden’s residences in Delaware." No one said any assassination attempt would be done on Biden. Why? Because he follows the law. Trump does not.

This SCOTUS case could 'hobble a whole range' of federal government agencies
Next thing these Nazi swine will do is say they're taking charge of the Executive Branch of our government. They must be made gone.

'Last free election': These 'undecided' voters fear Trump will never leave office if he wins
Are they so confused they don't realize they can vote against him? Most Americans will.

Mexico Getting So Hot That Monkeys Are Falling Dead From Trees
Here comes the cull.

RNC’s ‘election integrity’ lawyer arraigned, charged with election crimes
In March, the RNC hired two lawyers to oversee its election-year legal efforts. One was pushed out, and the other was arraigned on election-related charges.

Supreme Court delay on Trump’s immunity claim gets more outrageous by the day
Each day without a ruling on immunity from the justices is an intentional delay.
And each day they slide lower in their bullshit position.

The Governor of Texas Nods to White Supremacist Violence
Greg Abbott’s pardon is an attack on multiracial democracy.
"American conservatives and right-wingers have a long history of excusing plainly criminal and racist vigilante violence."
Sure, but what about fascists like Abbott?

Trump Tries Out New Tactic Against New York Judge, It Is Racism
Dumbo shows again he doesn't know shit from Shinola.

Israel seizes and then returns Associated Press broadcasting equipment
Though the Israeli government reversed its brazen display of media suppression after worldwide pressure, the controversy remains.

Pull your kids out of public schools or they'll 'turn trans': Colorado GOP
ROTFLMAO! These creeps will try any sort of bullshit to try to pass on the populace. Why put up with their bullshit. Throw them out of office forever.

Scenes from a MAGA meltdown: Inside the 'America First' movement’s war over democracy
Fallacious and illogical:
"Today’s Republican insurgents believe democracy has been stolen, and they don’t trust the ability of democratic processes to restore it."
The statement implies that the MAGAt movement will do better at it since it is the one that is destroying it?
No critical thinking is going on here.

How Trump's hidden Nazi messages help conceal his open antisemitism
Now that Trump is finally facing legal consequences for his actions he's amplifying his Hitlerian language
He'll commit suicide like his hero before it's over.

Pirro: DOJ Wanted To Use “Deadly Force” Against Trump
Again, the Idiot Party has forgotten that they want immunity for Trump so he can murder at will. What fucking morons.

Louisiana House Votes To Criminalize Abortion Pills
The retarded state shows what it is.
All of them are "dangerous substances." Uneducated (which reflects on TCU) and spitefully mean creatures.
As someone referred to, banning boner pills will never cross their prescious male minds.
They have no concept of the uses of birth medications.

Four More Staffers For Mike Johnson To Hit The Exit
The rats leave the ship.

'Blatant racism': Joe Scarborough calls out 'bigot, fascist' Trump’s attack on hush money judge
Trump, outside a Lower Manhattan courthouse, said of Merchan, "The judge hates Donald Trump. Just take a look. Take a look at him. Take a look at where he comes from. He can't stand Donald Trump."
Who can except lost racists?
Scarborough continued, "Donald Trump speaks in code because he wants people to see the judge as another. Everybody is another unless their immigrant parents were from Scotland and Germany."
"'The "Morning Joe' host stressed, however, that while Trump's comments on Merchan's Colombian background are deeply offensive, they aren't out of character for someone who has a long history of making racist comments about non-Anglo Americans."

'FBI issues rare statement' to fact-check MAGA reps’ claim that 'Biden ordered the hit on Trump'
These MAGAt idiots were told not to go there with Trump's immunity. Now they've eaten their cake and they want it too.
"ABC News Justice Department reporter Alex Mallon reported via X/Twitter, "FBI issues rare statement directly responding to this attack from Trump and his allies. Says 'standard protocol' was followed - 'No one ordered additional steps to be taken and there was no departure from the norm in this matter."
The MAGAt moron is as stupid as a human can be. Where's Gosar's straitjacket?

Trump's 'defense ended on a horrible note' as witness 'insulted the jury': CNN experts
"Former President Donald Trump's defense team completely dropped the ball by calling Michael Cohen's former legal adviser Robert Costello to the witness stand, where he proceeded to cause courtroom chaos and get completely impeached by his own emails, former federal prosecutor Gene Rossi explained on a CNN panel on Tuesday morning."
Who's sorry now? They shit all over the courtroom.

Dan Patrick shouts down journalist at trial: 'Donald Trump is not the ruling class!'
And neither is this turd. Throw them both in the toilet where they belong.
I see he's in the self-loathing sycophant uniform reading the script he was handed. Close to Trump in the bullshit spreading projection contest.

Trump's MAGA rallies are getting an inflated boost from the press
Trump's recent mega rally in Wildwood now looks more like a mirage
Is the press that covers the traitor just a bunch of MAGAt Nazis?

German Extremists Go On Trial Over QAnon Coup Plot
German Nazis get their just deserts.
Most of them are charged with belonging to a terrorist organization that was founded in July 2021 with the aim of “doing away by force with the existing state order in Germany,” and also with “preparation of high treasonous undertaking.”

Trump Again Lies About Courthouse Protesters Zone: “Only Radical Left Lunatics Are Allowed To Be There”
A total lying chickenshit. You had plenty of your self-loathing sycophants there to read your scripts.

Trump Chickens Out On Testifying As Defense Rests
Because of course he would. But we will miss watching him commit perjury.
Now he'll just claim the gag order prevented him and his cult of stupid shits will believe him! LMAO!

Johnson: “Trump Is Targeted Because Of Who He Is”
And that would be a criminal traitor. Johnson is as dumb as he looks.
He must think the traitor Trump broke no law and is being torched by a fake court. This is solopsism at its most damaging level. He's the one that doesn't accept the law. Demand his resignation.
"FunFact: We target criminals for who they are. How sad that the Speaker of the House seems surprised by this." "Our side targets criminals. Their side targets political opponents, then accuses us of doing what they are doing." — SkokieDaddy (comments)
That is called "hoodwinking."

Israeli Officials Seize AP Equipment, Cut Gaza Live Feed
If this is fact, Netanyahu should be arrested immediately and charged with another war crime.
Israel is no longer a democracy. Just another barbaric state.

In Rare Interview, Fani Willis Says She Won't Be Intimidated
She describes how Georgia Republicans wanted to micromanage DAs after so many Black Democrats got elected.
Georgia was exposed in the 2020 elcetion. It is filled with racist Nazis just like the traitors of the Confederacy.
The creeps have been saving their Confederate money.

Supreme Court's Samuel Alito problem compounded by Donald Trump's immunity case
By dragging out a case they shouldn't have even taken, the conservative majority tacitly endorses January 6
Not so tacitly, I say. They are naked with their fascism.

Evangelicals Attack “Satanic Heretic” Pope For Telling “60 Minutes” That Humans Are “Fundamentally Good”
Evangelicals are lost in dogma or dogshit, whichever you prefer.

Marco Rubio joins list of VP hopefuls who won't accept election results
Little Marco reveals he's a fucking liar of the first magnitude. Every Democrat Presidential candidate that lost conceded the election. He's full of shit.
"Contesting the results is normal as far as legal processes are followed and honored. Failing to accept the results is something else. An election stands on the successes of the previous elections. Its integrity is being besmirched for no reason other than press coverage.
Rubio has one answer that he always must give. “Yes”, he will accept the results and if legal issues arise, they will be taken up in court as appropriate. Elections are not open for political speech. If he doesn’t want to accept the results (including court decisions) then he should leave public service." — Wynter (comments)

Hovde: Women's Rights Should Be Decided By The Community
Eric Hovde thinks that the community should have a say on what a woman can do with her body and make her medical choices for her.
"News flash for Pornstache: Women's bodies are not communal property. The community has no more say to what a women chooses to do with her body than any individual, other than the woman herself. It doesn't matter if you or anyone else disapproves because it's not your body."

'Unified Reich': Biden campaign slams Trump for German ?slogan embedded in campaign video
"While seeking to portray President Joe Biden as soft on antisemitism, [Trump] has himself repeatedly faced criticism for using language and rhetoric associated with Nazi Germany," the Associated Press reports.
He's a Nazi. That's what you get from the fraud.

'Grifters got grifted': Eric Trump post on Michael Cohen money theft blows up in his face
Kid Charlemagne asked, "The Trump Organization’s business model was stealing from customers, contractors, vendors, charities, and governments. Why would you expect your accomplices to be honest?" Indeed. These questions are all rhetorical as we already know the answers.

Indiana Tells Schools To Ignore LGBTQ Protections
Indiana has long been a Land of the Happy Negro racist gang.

Hecklers Drown Out “Bootlickers” Outside Courthouse
"Bootlicker" is way too kind a word for what these ass bleeders are in fact.

JD Vance: Viktor Orban Has Made 'Some Smart Decisions' The US Could Learn From
Fascist promotes fascist and his fascism.
I guess Vance has never seen any Bela Tarr films. LOL!

'How Rome lost their republic': Francis Ford Coppola warns America could suffer same fate
"Some prominent figures in Hollywood, from actor Robert De Niro to actor/director Rob Reiner, have been sounding the alarm about what is at stake for the United States in its 2024 presidential election. De Niro said that he believes presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump will pursue some type of retaliation against him if he returns to the White House, and Reiner argued that Trump's agenda is that of a 'fascist.'"
Most of us know this. It's the brain dead and the useless citizens who don't bother to pay attention that causes this disaterous possibilty. And the MAGAt Nazis are making it harder for new voters to register to vote.

'It’s huge': Experts stunned by photo proving Cohen testimony about Trump phone call
""Woah, prosecution has a photo that shows on 10/24 Trump WAS INDEED with Schiller just minutes before the call Cohen said he had with both of them!" posted former federal prosecutor Andrew Weissmann on X. "Which Blanche had sought to refute."

Inside Judge Cannon’s 'particularly problematic' exception in latest ruling: ex-US attorney
Trump shill should go to prison with him.

Trump says he’d consider Texas AG Paxton for US attorney general
No surprise. He loves a shady lawyer. And Paxton fits that bill.

Law 'requires' Alito and Thomas to recuse: ex-federal prosecutor
Let's make them enforce it.

Biden warns ‘unhinged’ Trump is looking for ‘revenge’ in 2024
This should be pretty obvious to even the dumbest of us. Trump must be rejected.

Republicans Against the Rule of Law
Exactly what Trumpism is. Most of us know this.

Enough Already: It’s Time to Reform the Supreme Court
It won't get done if Lumpy is elected. It will just get worse.

'Feeble and sleepy': Biden campaign pounces on latest Trump courtroom rant
Photo of a haggard, sleepy old man playing his air accordion.

How Trump Judges Are Helping Him Escape Accountability and Return to Power
"Trump is escaping accountability thanks to judges he installed."
He's a criminal of the highest magnitude.

Trump Doubles Down On “Death To LGBTQs” Pastor
More Christ-fascist trouble being exploited by Lunpy.

Benny Johnson’s claim that Joe Biden set up Donald Trump with classified documents is false
The conservative podcaster claimed the Biden administration framed former President Donald Trump by shipping boxes of classified documents to his home

MAGA-loving Kid Rock spews N-word and waves gun at Rolling Stone journalist: report
The Nazi remembered his gun but forgot what's left of his brain.
Paranoid trash.

There's no fraud': Here's why a GOP election skeptic changed his mind
The moron's sign is perfect. "Run from Trunp!"

NJ Town Retracts Claim Of Trump Rally Attendance
No one is surprised that it was just a few thousand.
This fraud can't draw flies.

International Court Seeks Arrest Warrant For Netanyahu
The International Criminal Court prosecutor said Monday that he has requested arrest warrants for the leaders of Hamas and for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel.
Good luck with that.

Trump Brags At NRA Event That He Did 'Nothing' About Gun Violence
"We did nothing," Lumpy said.
As usual. And in doing nothing Americans were murdered.

How the 'virus of Trumpism' is corrupting the Supreme Court and Congress: analysis
"Trumpism" is an illness that will kill many of us. It already has.

Trump Claims He's 'A Better Physical Specimen Than Obama'
Then let's see a one-on-one game between them. That should take care of the Trump problem.
He's referring to a drunk's comment on his health. ROTFLMAO!

Extraordinary Delusions and the Madness of Crowds
"The harm Trump and his followers have done and are still hard at work to do will take a long time to set right even if we manage to avoid seeing the son of a bitch re-elected with the support of re-invigorated fascist throngs seeking preferment in all branches of government, most frighteningly in the military and in the halls of justice.
At this juncture, it seems the last best hope left to us is to ensure Trump’s defeat. We’d do well to take that option rather than dither. It’s hard, and yet not excessively hard, to imagine anything worse."

Marco Rubio shouts over Kristen Welker in cringeworthy interview about election fraud
Another declared Nazi loser.

'This is cray-cray town': Insider stunned by Republicans humiliating themselves for Trump
The whores line up.

Elise Stefanik goes berserk on Fox News host for noting she called Trump a 'whack job'
Not only is he a whack job but so is Stefanik. Double duty warped fascist.

'Confused Trump' ridiculed by Biden for 'glitches' in his 'bizarre slur-filled NRA speech'
Trump is fading away both mentally and with his support.

'Glitched out': Internet erupts as Trump 'blacks out for a beautiful 2 minutes' at event
Trump over the weekend gave a speech for the National Rifle Association in Texas, and was criticized for appearing to mess up his words as well as some key facts.
It was at the end of the speech, though, that something strange appeared to happen that made Trump completely stop speaking.
He's merely attempting to be dramatic with the background music. He's a fool playing the suckers for the fools they are.

Don't fall for MAGA's "election integrity" con job
Journalists — and the rest of us — need to quit parroting Republicans' transparent lies about voting

Fellow Republicans Mock Carpetbagger Eric Hovde
Former Sheriff David Clarke openly laughs at Eric Hovde for his many blunders.
When you have the "Badge King" dog barking about one of his own team's candidates you've got a real problem.

How 'Trump’s effort to delegitimize' NY trial 'leans heavily' on Fox News: columnist
Of course. Fox News is fascist propaganda.

No Wonder Republicans Are Afraid of a Debate — Donald Trump Is Barely Holding It Together at Trial
Trump is far worse now, even to the point where he forgets what he's talking about halfway through sentences and literally babbles to fill the time.
Why in the name of all that exists why is this fucking failed creature held in exhaltation by so many ignorant creatures like himself?
Into retirement with him if not jailed for life.

70 years ago, many believed school integration could happen. It hasn’t
"Seventy years ago this week, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled separating children in schools by race was unconstitutional. On paper, that decision—the fabled Brown v. Board of Education, taught in most every U.S. classroom—still stands.
But for decades, U.S. schools have been re-segregating. The country is more diverse than it ever has been, with students more exposed to classmates from different backgrounds. Still, around four out of 10 Black and Hispanic students attend schools where almost every one of their classmates is another student of color."
It's hard to teach an old racist dog new tricks.
"The arc of the moral universe, in this case, does not seem to be bending toward justice."
In fact, America is a corrupt wasteland that works to undermine our democracy.

VA Gov Vetoes End To Tax Break for Confederacy Group
Land of the Happy Negro Governor Jackass wants them to save their Confederate money.

Dems: MI Senate Candidates Faked Ballot Signatures
Dimwit Fascists at work in Michigan.

Anti-abortion group is behind ‘scam’ calls, South Dakota election official says
Fascists fucking around.

Ungaggable: Costumed Clowns and Lickspittle Surrogates 'R Us
"This week saw a seedy, craven parade of MAGA stooges trooping into court to pay fealty to their two-bit mob-boss on trial for cooking the books to hide hush money payments to a porn star so he could get elected to a job he was stupefyingly unfit for, and still is. Then 'God's most pathetic Republicans' - from Mike Handmaid’s Tale to the Beetlejuice Lady - brazenly violated his gag order for him to declare the rule of law "a sham." Nope, nothing to see here."

GOP candidate for governor exposed in KKK cross-burning photos can stay on ballot: judge
More proof the MAGAt Party has abandoned law and order in our country.

'A bad sign': Trump is openly embracing 'convicted criminals' and 'conspiracy theorists
He's been doing that his entire life.

Trump 'surrendered his leverage and made a bad deal' in agreeing to Biden debate: analysis
The fart of the deal.

Samuel Alito's snide denial of his Jan. 6 flag is just as ugly as flying it in the first place
The Supreme Court justice views his fellow Americans with contempt, and not as citizens he's serving
Both Alito and Thomas must go.

GOP Bill Would Ban Gag Orders Against Defendants
A bare naked corruption bill to help criminals out. These frauds constantly attempt to kill law and order!
Kid, Trump has broken the "gag order" at least 10 times. You can't shut the motherfucker up! He pisses on law and order in our country. Wake up, you shady sleezeball! Fascists don't defend America!

Missouri Democrats score major win to clear path for abortion amendment
"The victory paves the way for a ballot measure that would restore abortion rights to pass with just a simple majority this fall."

It’s time for the Senate to do something about Supreme Court corruption
The fascists on SCOTUS must be removed.

Scott Accuses Biden Of Enabling Fentanyl Smuggling After Voting Against Two Anti-Fentanyl Smuggling Bills
America has to stop enabling frauds in our government.

Desperate House Republicans Want To Give Trump A Medal
They can't fund their re-election campaigns without him, but he's already stolen so much!
How about a golden ball and chain?

The 'Court Of Public Opinion' Isn't Going For Trump
New poll shows Trump is losing in the court of public opinion.

'Partygoers started screaming': Giuliani served with indictment during his birthday party
You can run but you can't hide.

Are Our Oligarchs Going to Drag Us Into Civil War?
The billionaires who own the GOP are now actively promoting the same sort of revisionist history the Confederacy did. That did not go very well.
Leave it to the Land of the Happy Negro.

Greg Abbott Wants To Live In A World Where Killing Black Lives Matter Protestors Is Acceptable
"I don’t think, if pressed, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott would be able to imagine a scenario in which he would have a problem with a far-right white supremacist killing a left-wing protester."

Durbin Calls On Alito To Recuse From Trump Cases
His resignation is preferred.

Man Who Attacked Paul Pelosi With a Hammer Sentenced to 30 Years in Prison
"In addition to the 30-year sentence doled out in federal court, DePape also faces state charges in California that include attempted murder. He could face a life sentence if convicted."

Dobbs Had the Opposite Effect Conservatives Intended
"Something curious has happened since the Supreme Court handed down the Dobbs decision in June 2022: More people have obtained abortions, despite increasing barriers to access."
Fuck fascist dictators on SCOTUS.

'This is where GOP chaos matters': AOC sets record straight on MTG House turmoil
MTG isn't fit to wipe the floor with. She's not fit for American government.

'Admit you're a coward': Trump taunted as new viral ad drops
“Take the stand, Donald, or admit you’re a coward,” says the new ad, pointing toTrump’s past comment that “if you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?”
“He has talked tough for years about how only guilty people and mobsters take the Fifth...”

Far Right Billionaires Are Waging a War to Capture State Courts
Aristocrats, remember the late 18th century in France.
"The revolution abolished entrenched privileges based on birth, imposed equality before the law and opened the door to emerging forms of democratic involvement for everyday citizens."

Video Shows California Cops Violently Attack Black Man Who Was Filming Them
"In the nearly four years since Minneapolis police choked George Floyd to death as he begged for his life, police brutality appears to have increased.
These "protectors" are in reality provocateurs.

Why are Republicans Quicker to Steal Our Votes than to Take Our Guns?
“Both Texas and Georgia are actually Blue states; the only reason Republicans have as much power as they do in each is because of massive voter roll purges and voter suppression laws.”
Add corrupt kickbacks.

It Could Happen Here Too
"Trump’s depredations have driven many otherwise smart, even-keeled people to the point of irrationality if not insanity. Is it a stretch to imagine that a victory for Trump in November—or a repetition of his election-denialism from 2020 and 2021—would push some Americans with access to guns right over the edge?"

'Just horrible': Shocking stories emerge from Sarah Huckabee Sanders-run Arkansas
Giving Texas a run for their money on the descent to hell.
Said state Rep. Jim Wooten, "I don’t know how many people I’ve had say to me, had I known what [state government] was going to look like under Gov. Sanders, I wouldn’t have voted for her." How many have said the same about "Agent Orange?"

Greg Abbott's Favorite Murderer
"But can you imagine Gov. Abbott coming to his defense? Issuing him a pardon? A Black Lives Matter marcher? Not in a million years. For way, way too many Republicans, political violence has become a matter of shirts and skins."
This explains why what is coming down will come down hard on the nation.

‘Horrible’ and ‘beyond F'd up’: Texas Democratic lawmakers outraged by Abbott pardon of Daniel Perry
But mostly human beings with a conscience.
“'Texas is leading the way in the [descent] to hell,' said Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-Texas)".
Well, after all, it was the alternate choice of one David Crockett.

Greg Abbott Declares Open Season on Protesters in Texas
"But this is not just about Daniel Perry. Abbott’s pardon and its accompanying rhetoric fits into a pattern of sanctioned violence or threatened violence against undesirables. In this case, it was an Air Force veteran protesting police brutality—there is not even a cursory mention in Abbott’s statement of Foster, the victim. In January, it was migrants. 'The only thing that we are not doing is we’re not shooting people who come across the border,' Abbott told former NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch, “because, of course, the Biden administration would charge us with murder.” And he would be correct. But that's the only reason Texas isn't doing it — yet.

Justice Alito Claims His Wife Hung Coup Flag Because Neighbor Called Her a C***
Well, are they right?

Fox's Ingraham Finds Religion On Athletes Having Political Opinions
Is it "Shut up and dribble" or "God bless kickers speaking out"?
He was OK until he got to the " in vitro fertilization, surrogacy, gay pride marches, 'degenerate cultural values,' abortion, and President Joe Biden..." part. He removed all doubt that he might have been thought a fool prior to that.
On the other hand, Laura removed all doubt the first time she opened her trap on the "Nazi Lies Channel."

Greg Abbott Pardons Man Found Guilty Of Killing BLM Protester
Abbott is an evil, evil man.
I find it odd that "common-law wife" had to be cited here, as if it is a stigmatized institution. The law still reqires a divorce to end it. I've never heard of a "common-law divorce" cited.
Take the pardon power away from state and federal leaders and end the death penalty. Reducing sentences in extreme cases should be the only allowance but no pardons.

Reporter Spots Trump Editing Comments For His Surrogates
All of them, swine.

Mark this article readSam Alito Flew Reversed 'Stop The Steal' Flag After Biden Won
A tale of despicable Nazi swine.

'Partisan insurrectionist': Calls mount for Alito's ouster after 'Stop the Steal' scandal
Kick the bastards to the alley.

The Alito flag controversy 'makes an ugly situation worse': analysis
Yes. Nazis make everything worse.

Trump’s game plan for 2nd term would make DOJ an 'attack dog for conservative causes': report
Noem has shown us how to handle an attack dog.

Ex-prosecutor explains one 'big problem' for Trump's defense team in criminal case
"Donald Trump's defense will likely have to come up with an alternate scenario if the former president is going to escape conviction in his hush money cover-up case, a former federal prosecutor said on Thursday."
"Does it really matter? The fucking Speaker, officially if not in fact the most powerful member of the GOP, has publicly taken the position that the law and the concept of justice is illegitimate, by definition, if a member of his party commits a crime. That's an attitude, and it is the core of the GOP, that can't be fixed.
I hate to think it, much less say it, but the Patriots of this country are going to have to execute a bunch of these muther-fuckers. Hanged or shot on the Capitol steps seems appropriate. The question is, who will prosecute the members of the judiciary that are part of the cult? They have to be the first on the docket." — LHbalderguy ( comments ).

MAGA symbol was visible on Samuel Alito's property as Supreme Court weighed election case
And he blamed it on his wife? Take him out and horse whip the tar out of him

"'Do it properly': Judge orders Trump lawyer to clean up mess left by questioning
Blanche professed himself willing to clarify any misconception, but Merchan seemed unwilling to take Blanche's capacity on trust.
'Why don’t we see if you’re able to address it,' Merchan told Blanche. 'If you’re unable to do it properly, the prosecution can do it on readdress.'
When prosecutors again raised concerns about the misleading nature of Blanche's questions, Merchan added to Blanche, 'Try to clean it up yourself.'

House Committee Votes To Hold Garland In Contempt
One step closer to a bloody civil war.
"Also, I’m so sick of this moron refusing to wear a suit jacket. It’s disrespectful to his position, to his colleagues and to the entire US government. The entire right wing establishment gave President Obama such shit for daring to wear a light colored summer suit during the dog days of August 2014. Jordon wears no suit jacket at all, not even when running congressional hearings, yet we hear not a peep from these hypocrites." — DevilDog ( comments )

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Pardons “White Power” Killer
A killer is free to kill again. I suppose this means all the MAGAt Land of the Happy Negro afflicted can stand up and cheer for their fascist leader. Texas is a Nazi controlled territory.
Excuse me while I vomit.

PA Man Charged With Threat To Decapitate Biden
In those videos, Gee made several threats to the President and others, including, “Joe Biden: I’m going to kill you and your whole cabinet,” and, “If you come to my city in Scranton, Pennsylvania, I’m cutting your f**king head off in front of everybody; I promise.”
Jordan Gee, a name that will live in infamy.
Let the punishment for him be the same.

Newsom: Trump’s Big Oil Offer Is “Open Corruption”
"He's literally selling off our planet to the highest bidder."
Yes. The biggest crook America has ever seen polluting our government.

House Votes To Force Weapons Shipments To Israel
So direct you protests toward the real enemy of America: MAGA!

"I wonder whether the jury is getting bored": Expert blasts Trump lawyer's "meaningless" questions
“The defense is engaged in a theatrical play that has little bearing on the facts,” says law Prof. Bennett Gershman

By asking if Biden is responsible for Roe’s fall, the Times misinforms the public
They are no longer an American newspaper because 'No news fit to print" is their new motto.
They may as well be pubilished in Moscow.

GOPers 'emasculating' themselves for Trump 'might as well be carrying pitch forks': ex-Republican rep
"I don't think that anything could animate the phrase 'do-nothing Congress' more than missing votes and cancelling hearings to go up and be a spectator at your cult leader's trial," he added. "That is the very definition of 'do-nothing Congress.'"
"No one defended Trump's conduct," Wallace said, "and now they're defending the crimes he committed to cover up the conduct."
And for a "done nothing" failed ex-presdent.

'Hangable offense': MAGA fans inspired by Trump’s 'rhetoric' call for judges to be 'executed'
Tottaly inappropriate. A double insane madman. If this POS has supporters they all need to go down with him.

Robert Reich: Hush money trial exposes Trumpworld’s depravity and 'ethical loathsomeness'
"I am not naive about how the world works," Reich writes. "I've spent years in Washington, many of them around powerful people. I have seen the seamy side of U.S. politics and business. But the people who inhabit Trump World live in a more extreme place, where there are no norms, no standards of decency, no common good."
Reich continues, "There are only opportunities to make money and the dangers of being ripped off. It's a place where there are no relationships, only transactions."

Hey MTG, You Can Have Mike Johnson Now. Pretty Sure Democrats Aren't Saving Him Again
"Uh oh, maybe hanging-by-a-thread House Speaker Mike Johnson shouldn’t have gone up to New York to diddle Donald Trump with his tongue, by trying to violate Trump’s gag order on his behalf and babbling Republican conspiracy theories about the judge’s daughter."
"Multiple senior House Democrats. Not a couple of aides or “people familiar with the thinking of Democratic leadership.” They’re all tripping over themselves to tell Axios that they hate Mike Johnson and next time MTG is free to fuck him however she wants. Womp womp."

Supreme Court Threatens Access to Mailed Abortion Pills Used by 8,000 Per Month
Terminate the obviously guilty rogues of SCOTUS.

Bribery Unleashed: The Supreme Court's Wealth-Driven Corruption Crisis
Congress must stand up for what’s right and consistent with American values: Legally bribed politicians and judges isn’t that.

Republicans Audition To Become Donald Trump’s Next Michael Cohen
"Perhaps the most shocking performance of the group so far was Speaker Johnson, the man who is second in line to the presidency, who called the trial a sham and, like most of the others, even lied about the judge's daughter putting her in the cross hairs of the crazy MAGA followers in defiance of the gag order. What a low, low moment for American politics."

GOP 'cult members' prove Michael Cohen's point by 'debasing' themselves at court: analyst
Behold. The Trump Chorus.
This is the audition, right?

The way we talk about immigrants has changed. Now the country could too.
The myth that immigrants, documented or otherwise, drive wages lower and crime higher thankfully seems to be petering out. That's not enough.

Former WH Official: J6 Rioters Came 'That Close' To Killing Pence
"In an interview with ABC News, former White House Situation Room officer Mike Stiegler revealed that Jan. rioters “came that close” to murdering Mike Pence."

"Trump derangement syndrome": Hush-money trial suggests it was MAGA projection all along
Michael Cohen testifies about "the cult of Donald Trump" — while Republicans in matching outfits flock to the court
And every one reading a script that Trump wrote for them. Repulsive swine.

NFL Disavows Kicker’s Anti-LGBTQ, Sexist Speech
"The NFL wants to make it clear that, unlike a certain Kansas City Chiefs kicker, they do not believe that women belong solely as homemakers, nor that LGBTQ+ people constitute 'the deadly sins.'"
"A black man, Kapernick took a knee for injustice and he was run out of the NFL. This white man a-hole spouts nonstop hatred and the NFL says we agree to disagree." -— architect_tim ( comments ).
The No Football League pisses again.

Hannity Demands No Fact-Checks During Debates
Who died and put this shitbag toadie coward in charge? I demand he go jump in the Grand Canyon!

Laura Ingraham Complains About Trump Courtroom Odor
"The air is musty," Ingraham said.
She smells herself.

George Conway speaking directly in camera to Trump: 'You are a wuss'
"You, Donald — and I hope you're listening to me — you are a wuss. You are scared of actually doing what Stormy Daniels had to do. and what Michael Cohen had to do and what every other person who is called -- you know, you can't call these people liars, Donald, unless you go on the stand and tell your truth. Let's hear it. Are you afraid, Donald? I think you are."
The leading chickenshit in the universe!

God's Most Pathetic Republicans Spend Week Taking Fluffer Shifts Outside Trump's NY Trial
"Every day this week, there’s been a small parade of MAGA idiots showing up outside the Trump trial in New York to pay their respects and worship their god, and for no other discernible purpose. On Monday, it was Republican Senators JD Vance and Tommy Tuberville. Vance didn’t say anything of substance, as piles of shedded human butthair rarely do. Tuberville bitched and moaned that it was too depressing inside the courtroom, and nobody would call Donald Trump 'Former President Trump.'"
"It was exactly the kind of impotent whining we’ve come to expect from MAGA men in the year of our Lord 2024."
One thing Evan points out here that is overlooked is this: "Every time Cohen has lied to the authorities, he did it at the direction of the defendant."
This means that everytime the defense says Cohen is a liar they are saying Donald Trump also is a liar. He's the puppet master.

Former far-right hard-liner says pro-voucher billionaires are using school board races to sow distrust in public education
Until such time as we kill the fascist cancer that has infected America at its core there will be no real Democracy for us.

Which "Nobody Knew at the Time" Will it be This November?
The GOP has gotten really good at stealing the White House.
It's the only way they can get in.
"Which is why the GOP will again count on getting away with their crimes against electoral democracy this fall. The big question for America will be, 'What did we miss that we should have known at the time?'”
The fact is we all KNOW now. We have no excuses this time.

Republicans Ready for a Trump Loss
"The sad reality is that the worst of all possible worlds is that Trump wins the election in November. But Trump won't go quietly into this good night if he loses and neither will his followers. Either way, the election itself is just the beginning."
The saddest reality is there is no co-existing with Nazis.
And from the comment block there's this jewel:
"Or, and this is what I think Trump will do if there's any way he thinks he can pull it off, passports be damned, Mr. Trump makes sure his jet has full fuel tanks and a pilot that'll point her toward Dubai when ordered to do so." — Madhoosier

'Hinky septic tank' of 'skeezeballs': Devastating NY Times attack skewers Trump hangers-on
"Today, we know too much about what we would be getting ourselves into by putting Mr. Trump back in charge. He and his rotating rogues’ gallery should not be anywhere near the levers of power."
"In other words, she said, 'This time, we have no excuse.'"

'One-man crime wave': Jamie Raskin demands Trump be held accountable for oil baron grift
"We know that the ex-president pocketed nearly $8 million from foreign governments, including China, Saudi Arabia, and other autocratic regimes in violations of the Foreign Emoluments Clause when he was president," he said.
"But now, amazingly, he goes to the CEOs and executives of gas and oil companies and says, you guys should raise me $1 billion because you're gonna get a lot more back from me in everything that I'm going to give to you in terms drilling rights, and changing the pro-environment policies of the Biden administration."
"Raskin asked for an investigation, calling it, 'Very clearly a quid pro quo arrangement that was advanced by Donald Trump, who remains a one-man crime wave. We will follow the investigation and see where it goes.'"
Bribery. Charge. Arrest. Convict. Sentence. Jail.

Dr. Stabby: Communists Have Taken Over Teachers Unions And Are Indoctrinating Students “Under Cover”
Things must be getting slow for the old stabber. Education is now referred to as "indoctrination."
Must be time to promote a book that someone gave him a pile of cash for.

Drug Overdose Deaths in America Have Finally Stopped Climbing
"For the first time in a long while, America’s drug overdose crisis has not gotten worse. New preliminary data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that total overdose deaths took a slight dip in 2023, including deaths tied to fentanyl and other synthetic opioids."

Louis DeJoy backs down from plan to consolidate USPS facilities after national backlash
But don't count on it being settled.

5 reasons why Tuesday’s primaries were a 'warning sign' for Trump
Of course. Just where will these votes go by November? No shows? 3rd Party? Biden? Anyway you look at it, it spells a world of shit for "Agent Orange."

'This isn’t a joke to us': Far-right evangelicals aim to enlist Trump in 'censorship regime'
"One of the pet projects of the Christian right has been total prohibition of online pornography. And evangelicals are hoping to get former President Donald Trump on board despite his record of cavorting with sex workers and Playboy models."
These delusionals remind me of Holden Caulfield trying to erase every "Fuck You" from every wall. He ended up in a mental institution. That's where these assholes belong. They aren't a joke to many people. If any of you who can read think votes will settle all of this you have a another think coming.
"Fuck You."
"It may sound good to create age-verification laws, but what these people are really trying to do is create a larger censorship regime so that you have to show who you are to access sensitive content," Stabile said.

'Why attract attention?' Expert shares surprising reason Republicans stormed Trump's trial
"New developments in former President Donald Trump's criminal hush money trial have far-right commentators leaping to cover the case they once treated only as a joke, spurring a mass migration of Republican lawmakers from Washington to New York City, a media analyst says."
The sensationaliists must stop referring to the trial as a "hush money" trial. It is an "Election Interference" trial.

Trump seen editing angry speeches before allies gave them outside court: reporter
Bullshit by proxy.

Fox News’ Laura Ingraham scolded as she breaks rules in Trump trial courtroom
What else would one expect from a klutz?
"Legal analyst Bradley Moss shared a clip of Ingraham's remarks via X, writing, 'Wait, is Ingraham admitting that Trump had the affair? Because Trump certainly hasn't admitted that.'"

“Zombie” Haley Takes 18% From Trump In NE Primary
He shouldn't be running for this job.
"This should spell disaster for Dump in November. I guess we'll see if America wants Freedom and Democracy or Trumpublican fascism." — Dave B (comments)
Yes. The idiotic view: "Trump is an agent for change." So was Hitler. Or is he "Agent Orange."

Tuberville Admits Republicans Are Showing Up At Trump’s Trial To Violate The Gag Order On His Behalf
" Couldn't this be RICO charges of witness tampering and / or to influence an election?" -- SkokieDaddy - wiener dog dad (comments). Hell, yes. They all need to spend a night in jail for starters.
Everyone a Nazi cutthroat. The mythical "Law and order Party."

Bad Faith: Documentary On Christian Nationalism Is Nightmare Fuel
"Bad Faith" is a documentary on Christian Nationalism that is nightmare fuel. Every American needs to watch this doc to understand the dangerous extremism coming from within our country.

'Clownish': Trump allies mocked for donning matching suits for court
"They were dressing to impress an audience of one."
These idiots have no souls.

'Did not happen': GOP release of new Jan. 6 footage blows up their 'biggest lie': reporter
"Yet another false claim by Trump supporters in defense of the January 6 rioters has been blown to pieces after House Republicans released their latest batch of footage of the attack on the U.S. Capitol, according to longtime congressional reporter Jamie Dupree."
"Courtesy of House Republicans, I went to watch 3 more hours of Jan. 6 security tapes from the Capitol today," wrote Dupree in a post on X. "The tapes show the biggest lie about Jan. 6 is that the cops 'opened the doors' to let Trump supporters in. That did not happen."

Swing Voters Prefer Democrats. Just Not Joe Biden.
Today on TAP: The party’s message wins strong support. Not so its top messenger.
Let me get this straight. They love Democrats but not the one that is now one of the best Presidents this country has ever had.
Should we just go ahead and call them misinformed or just fucking stupid uneducated idiots?
Oh, dear. He hasn't spoken any elequent lines that they can remember. Maybe that's because they haven't listened! They prefer the Trump inspirational intellect do they? LMAO!
Trump will have no mercy on them. So, they may deserve him. But America doesn't you ools.
Biden's up to it, Harold. You seem to be up to it in bullshit. Did you forget the last SOTU speech and the 1964 election?

Poor Dumb Eric Trump Thinks Daddy Is Bigger Star Than Bruce Springsteen
"Poor Eric Trump. As the well-documented stupidest of all the Trump spawn, it’s natural that he makes us worry about him. Like for instance, we worry that when his dad is lying and saying 100,000 PEOPLE came to see him speak on the boardwalk in New Jersey, Eric actually believes it.
He thinks dad is more popular than Springsteen, because we guess that’s what his dad told him."
He's broken the stupid gauge.

Video Trump Lawyers Hammered Cohen For — Saying Trump Belongs in a ‘F*cking Cage’
He already is in one. One that he made himself.

Christians Blame Madonna For Fatal Flood In Brazil
"Evangelical Christian pastors and digital influencers with ties to former President Jair Bolsonaro have attacked the concert and posted dozens of videos on social media with analysis pointing out purported diabolical behavior and attacks on the Christian faith. They have connected the concert’s licentiousness with unprecedented floods that have devastated cities in Rio Grande do Sul state and killed 147 people."
Cristo-Nazis have no reason so they have to manufacture one every time.
Fuck Bolsonaro Nazis.

Economic experts 'confident' a key component of Trump’s platform could spark a recession
This is a dangerous probable felon not only to America but to the free world.

‘Did Trump ask you?’ CNN host puts Trump ally on spot as he attacks judge’s daughter
What's Burgum doing but masking witches himself? Pot meet kettle.

Biden Claps Back At Trump Criticism After Leveling Sweeping New Tariffs On China
“Today I’m announcing new tariffs on key sectors of the economy that are to ensure that our workers are not held back by unfair trade practices,” Biden declared at the White House...
After his remarks, a reporter yelled toward Biden, “Trump said today, ‘China is eating our lunch.’ What do you say in response? He said, ‘China is eating our lunch.’ That’s what Trump said that today.”
"Biden quipped back, 'He’s been feeding them a long time' and walked off stage."
Feeding shovels of his "Golden Calf" diaper shit.

Jurors 'can absolutely see' Trump 'dozing peacefully' at trial: courtroom reporters
"Former President Donald Trump reportedly can't keep his eyes open during his criminal trial proceedings in Manhattan, even with his former personal attorney taking the witness stand to testify against him."
Appears to be a decrepit old fart.

Alina Habba brings up Michael Cohen during Fox News interview despite gag order
Trump trash have no respect for the law.

Trump Meets Three of the Four Criteria for Fascism
Don't give him the chance for that last one. Or you will be very sorry.

Donald Trump’s Obsession With Control Is Backfiring on His Lawyers in Court
"This stuff matters outside of the realm of this sordid court case, as well. Trump is both cowardly and controlling, a toxic combination that leads to his authoritarian politics. He's someone who wants to hide in a bunker while sending out minions to force his will by fiat, which is exactly what happened on January 6, 2021. These kinds of leaders are misleadingly called 'strongmen,' when in reality, they tend to be weak people who use fascism to hide their own frailty. And, as Trump's management of his defense shows, their egos tend to cause incompetence. Hopefully voters will grasp that a man who can't even understand how to defend himself has no business running the nation."

Trump campaign allegedly took ‘excessive’ contributions by the nickel and dime
Trump is deadlier than cancer to our country.

We're Detecting No Alien Civilizations Because They Were Destroyed by AI, Astrophysicist Proposes
This could explain a lot about our own intellect.

Wisconsin Supreme Court Leans Toward Democracy In Dropbox Case
"Ballot drop boxes have been popular in Wisconsin for decades. And like every other state, there was a tremendous surge in their popularity in 2020 during the COVID pandemic. Then Trump came along with his Big Lie and tried to cast dispersion and doubt on drop boxes, saying they allowed tremendous amounts of fraud...."

Absurd Conspiracy Theory Claims HAARP Science Experiment Triggered Global Auroras
Perfect examples of dumb stooges that missed out on critical thinking class.
But isn't that what makes America so exceptional? /s

Judge may hold hearing on whether Trump is directing officials to break gag order: expert
Throw everyone of his filthy stinking mob in jail.

'Mouths of Sauron': Observers blast 'mobster tactic' of Trump surrogates 'violating' gag order
All criminals. I see "Smriky" showed for his photo op.
None of these scum suckers give a shit for the law. Fuck Trump.

Mike Johnson skips out on getting must-pass bill through House to praise Trump in Manhattan
Serving his "Golden Calf" instead of his country.

Tuberville Whines Prosecutors Are Causing Trump 'Mental Anguish'
MAGAts are certainly whiney bitches.
Did anyone think that Tubby would be anything but whiney with the Trump trial?
"When was a criminal trial ever an uplifting experience for the defendant? Maybe, just maybe, he shouldn't have tried to conceal his payoff to a porn star and a Playboy model so he could interfere with the election and get elected in 2020."
Fuck Trump and fuck the Tub of Shit, too.

Massive Campaign Will Connect GOP To Right-Wing SCOTUS Tilt
"Here's some good news! United For Democracy is gearing up to launch a $10 million campaign centered on “the MAGA Supreme Court.” They plan to spend $1 million on ads in Arizona and Pennsylvania, as well as in the Washington, D.C., area."

Late Night Schadenfreude Open Thread: Clarence Thomas Is Not Happy
"And you know ‘Just Us’ Thomas really means it, because the original AP story was printed by both Politico and NBC News."

'Wannabe fascist': How Trump’s campaign meets the 4 'primary characteristics' of fascism
"As Finchelstein ably argues, it's only in properly defining Trump — and properly understanding his historical context, American and otherwise — that we can truly understand the threat he poses and navigate the world he’s ushered in," Michel explains. "Indeed, much of the book is devoted to definitions, and to identifying where the lines between populism and fascism truly lie."

Eric Trump Flouts Order On Phone Use During Trial
J.D. Vance did the same. These MAGAt crooks get away with murder.

Eric Trump: Daddy Is More Popular Than Springsteen
Shall we put that to the test, nitwit?

Elie Mystal exposes the 'incredibly well-funded' GOP group 'lying' about states’ rights
Protecting the Constitution is a big fat lie.

JD Vance days after Trump misstated Barron’s age: 'Cohen can’t remember how old his son is'
I didn't realize a human could be this stupid and live.
He's broken the scale.

Tuberville slammed for berating 'supposedly American citizens' in Trump hush money courtroom
Giving Vance a run for his money on breaking the stupid scale.
And what is Tubby's Super Bowl record?

Louisiana likely to keep unconstitutional definition of marriage
Goddammit, if we're in a war here, occupy the state with federal troops and set up a provisional government.
This is treason.

Trump Wants to Deport Pro-Palestine Protesters—and GOP Lawmakers Are Filing Bills to Make It Happen
You see? They want a Nazi dictattorship. All of you. Drop dead.

Eric Trump breaks judge's rules by attacking witness Michael Cohen from courtroom
Blood will tell. And he's tired of being thought the dimwit. He's out to remove all doubtt!

Clarence Thomas put on the spot over which corruption allegations are 'lies'
It appears the shady members of SCOTUS are getting bright lights shined upon them.

Aileen Cannon's 'judicial malpractice' puts national security at risk: columnist
Trump and his Toadies are putting us on the brink of destruction.

J.D. Vance attacks judge's daughter while attending hush money trial to support Trump
Both Vance and Tuberville are sickening and reprehensible.

Alito leaves Supreme Court 'out on limb' with 'puzzling' judicial approach: legal experts
Girgis describes Alito as "the most MAGA Republican justice," adding, "and that is a horrible, horrible thing to say about any jurist."

'Morally deformed': Conservative slams top evangelist for excusing Trump's 'lawlessness'
What else would one expect from a scamvangelist like him.

A New Georgia Law Makes It Easier to Challenge Voter Registration
"Ten months after Georgia officials said they would take steps to ensure that counties were correctly handling massive numbers of challenges to voter registrations, neither the secretary of state’s office nor the State Election Board has done so."
More MAGAt retardedness.

Guy On Boardwalk In Jersey Babbling About Hannibal Lecter Says He's Running For President
"Normally the appearance of a ranting lunatic on a boardwalk in New Jersey would not be worthy of comment. Everyone just gives him a wide berth and goes about their day eating cotton candy and buying cheap t-shirts. Eventually the lunatic maybe wanders onto the sand and passes out in the shade of the boardwalk, or he gets in his car and drives home to Philadelphia to resume his daily life of drinking and yammering incessantly about the Eagles."
Another of his heavier dumb shit rants.

Louisiana Law To Rank Abortion Pills Right Up There With Opioids
Reason vanishes in a fascist America.

America’s second civil war? It’s already begun
It's time to put it where it belongs. In the trash with the MAGAt treason.

New Ad Eviscerates “Shapeshifter” Rick Scott [VIDEO]
You mean he has guts to remove?
“For over a decade, Rick Scott has made it clear that there is no plan too extreme for him to support, or favor for the wealthy corporate elite too shameful for him to do, at the expense of Florida’s working families and seniors. Whether it is ending Social Security and Medicare as we know it, slashing funding for public education, the environment, and health care, or supporting a national abortion ban, Floridians deserve to know that Rick Scott has a long history of attacking their freedom to be healthy, prosperous, and safe.”

'Bordeninriviv': Conservative George Conway calls out media for ignoring Trump's 'aphasia'
" Conway shared that quote, suggesting the media isn't treating the two presidential candidates the same way.
"More aphasia every day, as many mental health professionals have continually been pointing out. But hey, MSM, let’s talk about Robert Hur’s report some more," he wrote on Sunday. "C’mon guys, do you really think this is normal? And how much coverage would you be giving to Joe Biden if he slurred gibberish like this?"
Journalism has been set back centuries by the current class.

Secret Service notified as Trump aide brags about 'causing innocent people to be arrested'
Typical mob tactics. All Trump's hoods should get what's coming to them soon.

Banks Move On WV Gov For $300M In Defaulted Loans
Between Justice and Manchin it's no wonder the state suffers so.

Public School Tried To Ban A Kid's Painting Because It Was Mean About Christians Being Mean
Don't expect a Christo-facist to understand it.

'He can't help himself': Trump under fire for bringing 'registered sex offender on stage'
A mind is a terrible thing to see wasting away.

'His deterioration is accelerating': Psychologists express alarm at latest Trump gaffes
"Two professional psychologists this weekend explained why they are growing increasingly alarmed at what they say is former President Donald Trump's 'deteriorating' mental state."

Roger Corman, the B-movie legend who launched A-list careers, dies at 98
"Over some five decades, Corman filled America's drive-ins with hundreds of low-budget movies. Many of Hollywood's most respected directors have at least one Corman picture buried in their resumes."
An American motion picture legend.

'Reagan did the same thing': Fox News host corners Rick Scott on Biden's Israel policy
"As Scott was criticizing Biden for not providing enough support to Israel, Hall noted that he was not the first president to withhold arms from Israel."
Scott is either as dumb as he looks or he knew it and figured everyone else was the numb skull.

'Trump Theory of Electoral Savings': Columnist lays out 'a cheapskate’s plot to destroy faith in democracy'
"What we’re seeing play out is a cheapskate’s plot to destroy faith in democracy for no better reason than to save a few bucks (although, in fairness, it’s not just a few)," Brown adds.
A two-bit swine.

'Carry-dite-bye-raye-sigh-en': Trump mocked as rally shows his 'slurring is getting worse'
The man is destitute and without a functioning brain. Why is he allowed to continue running his ugly and fetid shit show? The fools that support him should be deeply ashamed.

Trump Rants That Biden Is “Surrounded By Fascists”
Projected the man who is the head of the fascist party.
The retard tells you who he is with every breath.

Trump Celebrates “The Wonderful Hannibal Lecter”
Why is this insane shit still walking around in our country? This is as abnormal as it gets for humans.

Every Trump 'Prediction' About Biden Was Wrong
Hey gang, let's see just how wrong Trump's predictions about Biden have been!
A brain would help.

'Who's going to tell him?' Trump mocked online after appearing to say O.J. is at his rally
It wouldn't do any good. Trump is long gone from reality. A rest home is waiting somewhere.
As the meme says, "Now we have two presidential candidates with brain damage."

'His cult followers are nuts': Eruption after fact-check confirms Trump rally diaper story
Only his "Golden Calf" brand diapers will do. They may be worshipped after use!

Ingraham Producer Posts Racist Rant About Police
"Clegg appears on a Turning Point USA show to rant about Sodom and Gomorrah. Just before that is a 2018 report on his ouster as student body president at Texas State."

Giuliani Goes On Wild Rant About Being Fired From Radio Show, Blames “Trailer Trash Little Creep” Biden
Here's Rudy attemping Fritz Von Erich's famous "Claw."

Kennedy: I Offered My Children Fake Vaccination Cards And Martin Luther King Jr. Would Have Done The Same
Another one that was close friends of MLK and can tell you everything about him.
Dude, it's not your place to say what MLK would have done.
Calling bullshit.
"Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last?" -- Joseph Welch (to Joe McCarthy, 1954).
"We are living in an era when a candidate for President can admit to a crime and people will still vote for him." -- Joe in NM (comments)

Giuliani’s Radio Show Canceled For Spreading Election Disinformation
You’d think Rudy Giuliani would have learned his lesson by now.
Trump is the cause of his insanity as well as the rest of the fascist pricks.

'Mighty damn corrupt': Senate likely to investigate Trump’s 'quid pro quo' with oil lobbyists
"The phrase that instantly came to mind as I was reading the story was ‘quid pro quo,’" Whitehouse said, adding that he was also concerned about a series of proposed executive orders oil lobbyists drafted for Trump and to have ready to sign on day one should he win a second term in November. "Put those things together and it starts to look mighty damn corrupt."
"Mighty Damn Corrupt" is D. Trump! Only fit to shovel shit!

How is this not soliciting a bribe?
It is a bribe. Any fucking idiot can tell that except the Trump idiots. They are special idiots.

Intuitively Shredding Democracy
"Because it's an election year and lying white guys gonna lie, Repubs are feverishly working to cheat their way to power by getting rid of all the pesky 'voters,' real or imaginary, who don't like them. In their demented campaign for 'election integrity,' they're hounding 'illegals' - who already can't vote and aren't - 'busting' Biden for trying to 'rig' the election by registering voters, shrieking we're 'devolving' into a democracy and otherwise, per Jamie Raskin, mindlessly, scarily 'fingerpainting on the Constitution.'"

‘THAT’S What Pisses Me Off!’ Chris Wallace Gets Earful When He Asks Whoopi Goldberg Why She Rejects ‘African-American’
"But we have fought against this institution of racism, only to find ourselves back in the same trick bag where we’re saying, wait a minute. What do you mean you’re not going to teach Asian history or Black history? What do you mean 'woke?' What does that mean?"
"You know, and whether it’s with women or people of color, it’s all of these adjustments we all decided to make as Americans to each other. And now I see that being eroded and it– doesn’t scare me, it– That’s what pisses me off!"

Trump is Willing to Trade Our Children’s Future for a Billion Dollars
The willingness to destroy our collective home in exchange for riches is one of the most extreme examples of greed run amok.
“Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed…” – Jesus (Luke 12:15)
“My whole life I’ve been greedy, greedy, greedy. I’ve grabbed all the money I could get. I’m so greedy.” – Donald Trump

'Scammers gonna scam’: Social media melts down at news of latest Trump scandal
"In 2010, the report states, Trump moved the company that owned the tower into a new partnership — which was still controlled by him — and made another claim."
“Because he controlled both companies, it was like moving coins from one pocket to another,” according to the Times.
This criminal should be put away for life. He is not fit for anything but a prisoner.
He is indefensible. Do not permit his campaign for president.

A Kansas Republican voted for a gender-affirming care ban. But then she flipped
"For changing her vote and halting a gender-affirming care ban from taking effect in Kansas, Concannon has received messages and emails accusing her of being 'despicable,' 'evil' and 'sick.' She has spent her legislative career trying to make kids safer, working to overhaul the state’s foster care system. The accusations that she’s somehow harming kids have been hard for her to read. They’ve also made her think about the youth who would have been most hurt by the legislation."
Her humanity woke up. The moron messages she's been getting are from the dregs of humanity.

In-depth CNN review casts doubt on big Trump trial gripe
"But, CNN found that, on almost all of the 12 court-free days he’s had since the trial started in April, he's spent his time on his golf resorts spent his time on his golf resorts in New Jersey, New York and Florida.
Barely any time has been given to campaign events or travel, the review showed."
And the suckers buy his bullshit and eat it.

Katie Britt shredded for 'Handmaid's Tale'-type proposal to 'register' pregnant women
Straight from Hitler's cabinent.

Alina Habba: It’s Unconstitutional To Make Me Nervous
We are knee-deep in insanity. All Trump does is "speak."
The stupid is overwhelming in these morons.

Trump Accused Of More Secret Payoffs To Women
"... Delgado also claimed to have “information and reason to believe” that other campaign payments have hidden settlements with women “who raised complaints of gender discrimination, pregnancy discrimination, and sexual harassment.”
So surprising!

Thomas Bemoans Washington DC As A “Hideous Place”
And he makes it worse for all of us. He can always leave and go back home to hell.
Once he's impeached it will be a much nicer place.

Meanwhile, Michigan Sues Big Oil
While Trump tries for a billion-dollar bribe to keep big oil destroying the planet, Climate Movement Cheers Michigan AG's Plans to Sue.

Mind-blowing corruption — with more to come
A front man for the aristocracy.

Prosecutors unearth Trump tweet from 2018 that contradicts the core of defense’s argument
"On Friday, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's team entered a years-old tweet from former President Donald Trump into evidence, which appears to both confirm the facts of the indictment and undermine the core of defense lawyers' main argument."
So surprising that Loudmouth Bullshit would leave a major confession.

'Playing with a loaded gun': Democrat calls out Mike Johnson's election fraud lies
"A Democratic lawmaker called out House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) for spreading baseless claims of election fraud just days after helping to save his job.
Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA) Friday shamed Johnson — who claimed this week he knew "intuitively" that undocumented immigrants vote illegally — for parroting election lies similar to those made before the attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.
'These false claims of widespread election fraud echo the Big Lie that inspired the January 6th attack,' Beyer said. 'Repeating them on the Capitol steps - where that attack unfolded - as we head into the 2024 election is like playing with a loaded gun.'"

Laura Ingraham Calls Stormy Daniels 'Angry Shrew.' That's It, That's The Joke.
"We feel like there is a word for the thing Ingraham is doing, and we invite every psychologist and mental health professional who ever lived to identify it."
"We only wrote this post so we could repost our picture of that time we met Stormy Daniels 100 years ago at an event for the fabulous Abortion Access Front. She was as kind and funny as she could be, and Laura Ingraham can go fuck herself while we all try to remember the word for that thing she was doing when she called Daniels an 'angry shrew.'”

Presidential Morality at Stake: Is Trump America’s Political Harvey Weinstein?
Even if Trump isn’t put back into the White House this fall, the damage he’s done to our nation’s moral fabric will take at least a generation to heal.
And that's all the people need to know.

Mar-a-Lago is now Trump's safe space as he's 'ridiculed wherever he goes': MAGA fan
"...he whined 'no one is defending me' and pouted over the fact that there wasn't a big crowd of protesters outside. He lied about that, of course, and said on camera that there were hundreds of people blocked from protesting."
No one's coming meathead except the chickens coming home to roost.
He deserves ridicule and so do his MAGAt toadies.

More Than a Million Adults Have Legal Guardians. Seven States Won’t Let Them Vote
These would be the fascist states who don't know shit from applebutter.

Dobbs Has Created a Health Care Apocalypse
Is someone actually surprised at this? Only the clueless.

POLL: 61% Back Florida Abortion Rights Ballot Measure
Only the DipShitus' fascists oppose.

Trump To Oil Tycoons: Give Me A Billion, I'll Give You Everything
Still in the bribery buisness we see. And threatening our ecology at the same time.
Lock him up.

Arizona Fake Elector In Trouble For Going On Nazi Podcast
Make hime watch Drag Queen Story Hour for months.

Bannon will be 'going to prison' after criminal contempt conviction upheld: experts
"A federal appeals court panel of three judges has upheld the criminal contempt of Congress conviction of Steve Bannon, the far-right provocateur and former Trump chief strategist and senior White House advisor. Legal experts say he can appeal but ultimately he will he headed to prison."
Have a good time, asshole.

'I would have given her an F': Trump lawyer's 'rookie mistake' singled out by expert
And Trump looks like he spent the night sleeping on the street.

Lara Trump: It’s Obvious Trump Accepts Election Results
And that's the reason he's been saying the election was rigged for the last four years, right moron?
The only people who don't have trust in our elections is your fascist MAGAt party. Go back to hell.

DOJ Sues Over Iowa Law Letting Cops Arrest Migrants
The stupid is strong in this backward nut house.

Hillary Clinton Makes An Urgent Plea To The Media About Trump Coverage
“The world has been here before,” Mrs. Clinton warned, when journalists and the public did not take Hitler’s threats seriously enough.
The stupid is strong in journalists and other media pretenders.

Medicare Fraud Fungus Rick Scott Joins Trump At The Trial
Another corrupt MAGA creep who is afraid of his reelection chances shows up hoping for an endorsement.
Low down and dirty grifter.

Guess What Happened When Utah Opened An Anti-Trans 'Tip Line'
Many, many people called in to give "tips" to anti-trans homophobes looking for tattletales.
"Go fuck yourselves." would be the best advice they could get.

'Why would we stop that?' Missouri Republicans oppose bill to end child marriage
Because a civilized society doesn't support raping children.

Economist Paul Krugman: War on 'woke washing machines' shows America’s 'political sickness'
"In a biting New York Times column, liberal economist Paul Krugman slams Lesko's Hands Off Our Home Appliances Act as performative nonsense — stressing that GOP lawmakers' crusade against "woke washing machines" shows how devoid of substance their party has become."
"...But the silliness is a symptom of political sickness that isn’t funny at all."
Pity the fools.

How Trump’s ongoing feuds with GOP governors could throw a massive wrench in his campaign
It's getting messy for him now.

They Walk Among Us: Mississippi Goddamn, Still
The Land of the Happy Negro.

Jamie Raskin Schools Glenn Grothman On American History
As was stated in a previous article, the Republicans don't us their best. Grothman continutes to prove it.

Voters credit Biden and Trump equally on infrastructure. Only one got it done
"Donald Trump's administration became infamous for routinely declaring it was 'Infrastructure Week,' only to make exactly zero progress on his pledge to 'put millions of our people to work' rebuilding highways, bridges, tunnels, airports, schools, and hospitals. In political circles, mentioning 'Infrastructure Week' not only drew surefire laughs, it also became synonymous with Trump's pervasive governing incompetence. In the end, Trump and his alliesnever even got around to unveiling a bill on the matter."
Biden got it all done. Again, where do our morons come from?

RFK Junior Threatens to Eat "Five More Brain Worms"
"I offer to eat five more brain worms and still beat President [Donad] Trump and President [Joe] Biden in a debate," the son of the late Robert "Bobby" Kennedy posted on X-formerly-Twitter. "I feel confident of the result even with a six-worm handicap."
"I have cognitive problems, clearly," Kennedy said in the 2012 divorce deposition, which involved him arguing that his earning potential had been impacted by his strange brain issues and that he should therefore pay less alimony to his second wife, Mary Richardson Kennedy. "I have short-term memory loss, and I have longer-term memory loss that affects me."
Yep. And he seems to be looking for more. Do it, you fruitcake.

Judge Aileen Cannon set herself up for failure
"To say that Cannon finds herself in an entirely avoidable situation is an understatement. The primary speed bump preventing a swift speedy resolution of the issues she cites in explaining her delay is none other than Cannon herself....What is clear though is that Cannon has made what should have been one of the most straightforward cases against Trump into a quagmire of her own creation."

The New York Jail Cells Trump Could Soon Call Home
At least it's not "The Tombs."

Medical residents are starting to avoid states with abortion bans, data shows
Let's see how the mental morons sustain their health care as this tragedy continues.

'Failing act of political theater': Greene ostracized after Johnson ouster push
The end is coming for this clown.

'Best point she scored': Experts hail Stormy Daniels' reply to 'ludicrous' Trump questions
"Trump attorney Susan Necheles hammered Daniels with repeated questions trying to disprove one small detail of the adult film star's account of her sexual encounter with Trump in 2006: that she never ate dinner."
"I didn't think I'd ever say this sentence, but they're actually arguing over who the orange turd is," Cooper informed viewers. "She has said, 'Oh, I absolutely meant Mr. Trump,' so Stormy Daniels has now clarified that is who she was in fact talking about... flushing down the toilet."

Trump attorney's dogged pursuit of Stormy Daniels is blowing up in her face: experts
As it should go.

Kristi Noem Can't Be On Your Show Today, Stuck In Terrible Blizzard With Kim Jong-Un!
"If you haven’t seen our piece from yesterday about how even such hallowed journalistic institutions as Newsmax and Fox Business are taking Noem to the gravel pit — over her ridiculous lies about meeting Kim Jong-Un, and also for her grotesque truths about killing God’s furry friends — you need to read that one for context.
Then you can catch up on how Fox News’s Greg Gutfeld — another hard-hitter journalism man! — wanted Noem to come on the other night, and she declined because “snowstorm.” Yes, in May.
She could have said the dog ate her homework, we guess, but uh-oh, what dog?"

Pardon Me, Boys? Is That The Chattanooga Choo Choo? Tabs, Thurs., May 9, 2024
"What if Democrats stopped talking about the 'broken border' scaring all the MAGAs, and started shouting, like me, YAY IMMIGRATION WE NEED MORE IMMIGRANTS, WILLKOMMEN BIENVENUE WALLCOME! That’d be cool. Or even if they didn’t do that, but stopped calling the border 'broken' because it isn’t. There are border patrol officers catching the people all day every day." (Oliver Willis)

“He Was Bigger and Blocking the Way”: Stormy Daniels Takes the Stand and Reminds People Who Trump Is
"Mostly, however, Daniels matters for reasons outside of the courtroom and the specifics of this hush-money trial. Daniels' story is yet another reminder of what may prove to be Trump's electoral downfall: His bottomless misogyny."

Why America Needs to Know about Trump Getting Spanked in Silk Pajamas
When it comes to seizing power, Republicans apparently believe the rule of law, and thus our democracy, is merely an inconvenient impediment to be brushed aside.
Mike Johnson can kiss my ass.

'Humiliating details' from Stormy Daniels are physically 'impacting' Trump: reporter
We can only hope so.

'Not just bad but vile’: Expert warns Trump’s coded campaign tactic is about to turn ugly
"The Times Thursday exposed what they describe as the coded anti-Semitic messaging Trump uses to quietly signal his support to White nationalists nationwide."

Stormy Daniels testimony reveals the triumph of #MeToo
The media's coverage of a key witness against Donald Trump has been surprisingly nuanced and thoughtful
Anything would be beat the moron white male comments.

Fox Host Greg Gutfeld: Trump “Screwed The Brains Out” Of Stormy And “That Makes Him A Sex God”
Great meme, Greg. Be sure to have them use this on the campaign, you stupid fuck.

Biden: I'll Cut Off Arms Shipments If Israel Invades Rafah
Biden said while the US would continue to provide defensive weapons to Israel, including for its Iron Dome air defense system, other shipments would end.
“But it’s, it’s just wrong. We’re not going to – we’re not going to supply the weapons and artillery shells.”

In Former Confederacy, GOP Wasn't Careful What They Wished For
Republican women get abortions, too.
And in the Land of the Happy Negro!
"From South Carolina to Texas, the South is now a virtual abortion care desert—a once unthinkable reality that could sway votes this November."

Violent arrest of Emory professor spotlights brutality of police crackdown on campus protests
Cracker cops use Nazi tactics. May I remind you that these fascists are not in Democrat states when one tries to pin this on them. It's the Land of the Happy Negro.

Judge said he won’t tolerate Trump’s cursing and headshaking during Daniels’ testimony, transcript shows
“I understand that your client is upset at this point, but he is cursing audibly, and he is shaking his head visually and that’s contemptuous,” Judge Juan Merchan said to Trump’s defense attorney Todd Blanche during a mid morning break. “It has the potential to intimidate the witness and the jury can see that.”

Ex-DOJ Official Stunned By Trump Hand Gesture In Court: ‘Can’t Begin To Fathom’
“Yeah, I can’t begin to fathom what that fist pump is doing,” said Katyal. “I mean, McConney was very bad for Trump.”

'Something I said?' Lawrence O'Donnell laughs after Trump profanely trashes him
"I spotted Ratings Challenged Lawrence O'Donnell, of MSDNC, in the Courthouse today," reads Trump's post on TruthSocial. "I haven't seen him in years. He looked like s---, a real loser."
Once again, the boob projects. ROTFLMAO!

RFK Jr: A worm ate part of my brain and then died
Well, we knew that something was askew with him.

Trump's trial paints him as a clown — but MAGA sees a boss
Donald Trump contains multitudes and none of them are good

"He was bigger and blocking the way": Stormy Daniels takes the stand and reminds people who Trump is
Daniels tells a story that echoes what E. Jean Carroll told the jury in Trump's sexual assault trial

GOP Rep Rants That Sharia Law Is Coming To America
This asshat should pay greater attention to the threat of MAGAt fascism that is more of a danger to us.

No One Wants To Talk About Cannon's Husband's Mob Connections
Maybe it's time to connect some dots.
"Can we start connecting some dots here? What if Aileen Cannon was put on the bench for a specific reason -- namely, her husband's mob connections? In what planet should this woman even be a federal judge? I know: Planet Florida!"
Welcome to the fetid stench of Trump's putrid world.

Trump appointee Judge Cannon’s latest move amounts to an 'indefinite trial delay': expert
The fix is in, apparently.
"He is close to pushing the nuclear button," Palm Beach County state attorney David Aronberg told MSNBC. "Cannon seems to be daring (Jack) Smith."

'Bizarre timeline': Columnist laments 'political madness' of Stormy Daniels’ lurid testimony
...He (Benen)commented on a New York Times report in which young voters who will be casting their first ballots in 2024 (an 18-year-old today would have been nine when Trump first announced his presidential campaign in 2015) can't remember politics without Trump, and lamented that "folly has become normal."
"Many have gotten so used to Trumpified politics that it becomes easy to lose sight of the fact that we’re confronted, on a daily basis, with insanity that would’ve been unthinkable in the recent past."

'How mortifying': CNN's Gloria Borger says lurid testimony must have Trump cringing
But it was what everyone was waiting for. Admit it.

Far-Right Arizona Senator Banned From Using State Broadcast Studio After Appearance On Pro-Hitler Show
"A Glendale Republican lawmaker is no longer allowed to access legislative broadcast equipment after the Arizona Mirror reported on May 3 that he used the Senate’s broadcast studio to appear on a far-right talk show last week with a host who has declared Adolf Hitler a “hero.”
Forever a hero to Nazis.

Judge Tosses New York Abortion Rights Ballot Measure
Oh, dear. Don't tell me someone is attempting democracy in New York? How dare they?

Elise Stefanik Bravely Protects Our Gas Stoves From President Biden
"Republicans are good at doing nothing. They've been outraged for months since a Biden administration official suggested the Consumer Product Safety Commission could ban gas stoves because they have been linked to childhood asthma. However, the Biden administration made it clear in January that our gas stoves are safe. But they chose to disregard that."
Take gas, Elise.

'Weak, sleepy and docile': Conservative says Trump sleeping in court tarnishes his image
"On Monday, April 15 — the day Donald Trump's hush money/falsifying business records trial got underway in Lower Manhattan — the New York Times' Maggie Haberman reported that he was falling asleep in the courtroom."

The Great GOP Purge Continues Apace
1. Three Little Purges

Elizabeth Neumann and Geoff Duncan: Republican Voters Against Trump
"Two conservatives describe their break with Trump. Former DHS official Elizabeth Neumann saw both the mafia culture up close and Trump's disinterest in doing the work of being president."

Letitia James Sues Crisis Pregnancy Centers For Being Weird Liars
"James alleges that “making false and misleading claims about APR to convince pregnant people to get the treatment constitutes fraud, deceptive business practices, and false advertising under New York law,” all of which is very literally true."

Donald Trump Threatens Us With A Good Time
Oh, yes. Please do it!
"Donald may want to be tossed in jail to grift off it. It's hard to say, but it's hilarious that he thinks that anyone will believe that he's ever glanced at the Constitution."
"Can you imagine former President McHamberders eating jailhouse food?"
They'll order delivery for him.

Watters: 'Trump Is Going To Come Out With A Prison Body'
I hate to break it to Jesse Watters, but no amount of time in jail is ever going to give his buddy Trump a "prison body."
Sure. You can tell that right away with just one look, Einstein. He can just will the cholesterol and artery plaque away!

The number of religious ‘nones’ has soared — but not the number of atheists
Anyone whom they refer to as 'nones' being separated from atheists indicate they are still religious. They are just undecided about who their God is and how they will serve it.

FACT: Democrats restore economies that Republicans wreck
"Democrats have been bailing out these obnoxious loudmouths for going on a century, and it’s about time they at least had the decency to say, thank you."

Conservative States Say They Won’t Comply With Rule Against Trans Discrimination
The Nazi States of America. We know how it ends. We've heard about it the last time.

'I thought they were finished!' Trump complains hush money trial is taking too long
Sleepy Don. Doesn't know what time it is!

Axios: Noem Offered To Resign To Get Top NRA Job

Poll: Rise of fascism and extremism is voters’ top concern
Do we think this is true?
If so, Trump is a pimple in history — IF these people happen to be voters.

Grumpy Trump Cries About Threat Of Jail
Whiney little coward. He doesn't know anything of Constitutional rights. Disgrace to America and humanity.

Noem Whines About Being 'Interrupted' During Disastrous CBS Interview
The whiner's ditto.

Four Years Ago Today: Trump Acts Like A Jerk To Medical Professionals
Need we be reminded of what an asshole this fuckwad is?

The 2024 Trustees Report Shows that Social Security is Benefiting From a Strong Economy
But the Nazis want to kill it — and us as well.

Legal expert offers 'most recent evidence' hush money trial 'isn’t the witch hunt Trump paints it as'
Of course not. But it is a SCUMBAG TRAITOR HUNT!

'Corrupt': Trump post highlights Dick Van Dyke slamming him on video
This suports my next entry. Van Dyke added, "I'm beginning to feel a little manipulated."
One viewer appeared to agree.
"There is no Justice anymore since 45 (Trump) broke all kinds of laws and split this country apart," replied elida_7. "Our Justices are his puppets and it really saddens me." Perhaps not all of us know but most of us know where this is going.

Trump threatens to violate gag order and go to jail: 'I’ll do that sacrifice any day'
Will he even die for his country?
Read all the articles being published. They are nothing but an endless tape loop.
History tells us what the solution is. The U.S. doesn't have the stomach for it. We keep thinking our law will solve it. Take a look at Trump's SCOTUS and you will see the answer.

The stunning reason Donald Trump thinks he’s going to win
This is one sick motherfucker.

WaPo Board Calls For Trump-Proofing Insurrection Act
"Having gone unused since 1992, the Insurrection Act is perhaps obscure to the public today. It deserves more attention, given that there could be a second term for former president Donald Trump, who not only lacks respect for democratic norms but also actively encouraged a mob to descend on the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.
The law grants a president the power to “take such measures as he considers necessary” to suppress “any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy.” It does not define those terms. Nor does it require the president to get permission from state leaders.
The best vehicle would be an amendment to the must-pass national defense reauthorization bill, as Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) and Rep. Jamie B. Raskin (D-Md.) have discussed. It would be wise to modernize this law even if there were no chance of Mr. Trump’s election. Since there is a chance, it seems essential."

Bill Kristol and Andrew Egger: Lying Is the Price of Admission
"Any apprentice who wants to join Trump's ticket has to prove they won't accept the election results unless Trump wins—and Tim Scott shows he is a willing collaborator. Plus, most students aren't on the side of the protesters, the threat to Biden from the sense of disorder, and the pathology of Kristi Noem. Bill Kristol and Andrew Egger join Tim Miller."

Trump Tells 40 Percent Of America To F*ck Off, You Dang Moochers
The biggest known whiner in the universe.

Judge Merchan Finds Trump In Contempt — Says He Will Jail Him Next Time In Blistering Ruling
Here comes the lock-up.

Judge Finds Trump In Criminal Contempt For 10th Time
Lock him up.

'Slash and burn': A 'grim mood' hovers over DC as insiders fear Trump 2.0
"De Niro and Milley, unlike Cohen, haven't talked about seeking political asylum in another country. But the New York Times' Peter Baker, in an article published on May 5, reports that some Washington, D.C. insiders are flirting with the idea of leaving the United States if Trump defeats incumbent President Joe Biden in November."
Like Nazi Germany, many will leave our country if we stupidly put the traitor back in office.

Trump says GOP is the ‘party of fertilization’ — seems unaware of MI abortion amendment
He has lost all sense of reality.

Tim Scott Repeats Infanticide Smears Against Democrats
This man is spouting a lie.
Here is his source.
Lies are their stock in trade.

Ole Miss Student Kicked Out Of His Frat For Racist Heckling
May it always be.

Trump's bid to bolster 'softening support' among voters 'a head-scratcher': analyst
"In his column, Aleem called the move "a bit of a head-scratcher," adding that it is odd for a nominee of a major party to waste time catering to fringe voters "who in most states will rack up only tiny percentages of the vote."
Internals are showing that he's in trouble.

'Double-edged sword': Expert shows how Trump's own request led to 'gems' for prosecutors
A showcase of Trump stupidity and mindlessness.

Trump's lawyers are trying to use his trial to generate conspiracy theories — but it's not working
Even the most MAGA-deluded voters struggle to pretend Trump is the victim in the Stormy Daniels plot
Fuck Trump.

White House Condemns Trump’s “Gestapo” Comment
That anyone in the U.S. would support this sort of Nazi scum is an admission of treason to their birthright.

Axios: 6% Of Voters In Six States Will Decide Election
Total disgrace. This is what's wrong with the Electoral College and the lack of sense with the American voter.
That anyone is willing to "sit this one out" is what put the Nazi in office the first time. Installing another Hitler as our leader raises the question: Is this country even worth saving?
The Electoral College must go. By any means necessary.

Trump’s 2024 campaign is his most 'extremist and authoritarian' yet: analysis
America degrades itself by even considering such Nazi trash.

Reproductive Rights Advocates Close in on Abortion Ballot Measures in Missouri and South Dakota
"Reproductive rights organizers in two states with near-total abortion bans, Missouri and South Dakota, submitted roughly double the signatures needed to allow ballot measures that would put abortion before voters."

Tim Scott Refuses SIX TIMES to Commit to Accepting Results of the 2024 Election in Utterly Surreal Exchange With NBC’s Kristen Welker
“I expect President Trump to win the next election. Listen, I’m not going to ask to answer your hypothetical question,” Scott said — leaving unclear which part of Welker’s question he viewed as a hypothetical.
A perfect example of insanity. There is no "if" in the question. There will be an election. Will the declared winner be accepted by him? The answer is binary. Affirmed or denied? Nothing hypothetical exists here.

RNC co-chair Lara Trump: 'You cannot have ballots counted after elections are over'
That must be what Tim Scott is thinking.
Duhh. Elections aren't over UNTIL ALL BALLOTS ARE COUNTED! Sometimes not until YOUR party recounts them time after time. Another damaged brain.

Gov. Burgum’s Interview With Jake Tapper Goes Sideways After He Bizarrely Claims CNN ‘Challenged’ the Results of the 2016 Election
A good example of the use of the hypothetical and the wonderland to which it can lead.
And, yes, Nixon challenged the election.
"The result of all the Republican lawyering and politicking had been a net loss of three electoral votes. 'The recount in the one state the Democrats asked for turned from Republican to Democrat,' Kennedy press secretary Pierre Salinger noted dryly, as if suppressing the temptation to gloat, 'and nothing happened at all in the 11 states that they were going to seek recounts in.'”

Trump Lies That Democrats “Get Welfare To Vote”
Wounded animals can be dangerous. This one is suffering from "panic projection."

Vegan Cafe Owner Appears With Trump, Lies About Business Doing Worse Under Biden
What rocks does he have to turn over to find the idiots that shill for him?
"On Wednesday, vegan restaurant owner Shana Gray joined former President Donald Trump on stage for his rally in Waukesha, Wis., where they claimed that her restaurant, which opened in 2023, did better when Trump was in office."
OK, class: What makes this statement a lie?

Lawrence O'Donnell Takes Hope Hicks To The Woodshed And Shreds Her
What's so amazing is this: Someone has to explain it to them.

Can You Believe This Smug Asshole? I Mean, Really, Can You?
"It's a Foxy oversimplification to argue that being against the war is synonymous with being against American servicemen or our very country. Equally so, it's just plain stupid to assume that anyone who hates what Netanyahu has done, ipso facto, hates Jews."

Trump WILL be convicted in the New York Case
"Sarah Longwell and George Conway take on Trump's New York criminal trial: Hope Hicks' testimony and a story about Trump glaring at George across the courtroom. Don't worry — George explains it all."

Progressives decry repression of student protests on Kent State massacre anniversary
An all too strong memory for me.

Fifth 'God's Misfit' accused of murdering KS women declared extremist beliefs last year
More idiots in the news. Religion can be deadly.

ABC host confronts Tom Cotton after he says rioters were 'just wandering' on Jan 6
This man should have nothing to do with American government.

ADL warns of global surge in anti-Semitism
Too many Nazis at large.

New Trump Ad Praises Campus Counterprotesters
Watching the sewers back up. Sadly, many of us have seen this all before.

Trump Compares Biden To “Gestapo” At Donor Event
“Once I got indicted, I said well, now the gloves have to come off,” Trump said.
What a fucking idiot. His critical analysis of Joe are all projections of himself. He's a filthy SOB and this is more proof of his wasted, failed life — a fart maniac shitting his pants. Repulsive, disgusting and vapid.

Driver Dead After High Speed Crash Into WH Gate
Suicide by White House gate. The results of stupid.

The Republicans Are Not Giving Us Their Best
Wisconsin Republican college kids threw a party but it was really dead.
Exploitation of zombies in America.

Greg Abbott Won't Implement Title IX Protections
Gov. Greg Abbott orders Texas to ignore Biden administration’s new federal protections of LGBTQ+ students.
A very hateful man that, obviously, hates himself.

'Needs the hammer': Fox News host laughs about attack on Nancy Pelosi’s husband
These twisted asshat's sense of humor is pretty morbid. But that reflects their so-called "morality."

Donald Trump: Drenched in tabloid sleaze
That's what he is.

"More credible": Legal experts say Hope Hicks' testimony "ties everything more closely to Trump"
"The DA’s office is going to argue that all of these puzzle pieces add up to a crime," law professor says

Don't like this economy? OK, just wait for Trump and the GOP to ruin it
Authoritarians always screw up the economy — come to think of it, GOP presidents have done that for decades
Many voters are too stupid to know this. Therein lies the problem. In fact, too many are illiterate.

Cultist Indicted For Death Threats About Fani Willis
"“Sending death threats to a public official is a criminal offense that will not be tolerated,” said U.S. Attorney Ryan K. Buchanan."
Life behind bars for him then.

Alabama Supreme Court Refuses To Rehear IVF Ruling
Proud Retards of the Land of the Happy Negro.

Fox anchor pushes back on Mace’s claim of George Soros funding student protests
One would think the old saw of making George Soros responsible for anything abd everything would be a mark of ignorance and laziness in our culture by now. It should be the mark of the irresponsible lout.
“I want firings. I want people to be expelled...." That's exactly what she deserves.

Congressman pummeled for praising students mocking Black protester with monkey sounds.
Sounds like these racist Nazi punks need to attend class once in a while to learn to act in a decent manner.
I guess that's asking too much of Darwin's Waiting Room.
As for the dumb shit that sets bad examples let him tell us about the dear traditions of lynching in your state.
Mississippi Lynching Victims Memorial

Biden Bestows Medal Of Freedom Honors
President Joe Biden will honor 19 people with the Presidential Medal of Freedom on Friday, the nation’s highest civilian honor.
The diverse group of names from politics to activists and entertainment include Biden’s 2020 Democratic primary opponents and former NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg, former Vice President Al Gore, former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Rep. Jim Clyburn, Elizabeth Dole and recent Biden Climate Envoy and former Sec. of State John Kerry.
The “grandmother of Juneteenth,” Opal Lee, and Judy Shepard, the mother of Matthew Shepard who was abducted and brutally killed in 1998 because he was gay will also be honored.
Thank you, President Biden.

NH Rep Objects To Child Marriage Law Because “Ripe And Fertile” Underage Girls Might Opt For Abortions
Really? He thinks that deeply? All the way to the end of his nose? A BY GAWD GENIUS!
"This is the frickin’ mentality that we have to deal with in New Hampshire. Children (girls) should be allowed to get married because they are “ripe and fertile.”
"Looking for groomers? Look no further."
— NH State Rep. Wendy E. N Thomas (@WendyENThomas) May 3, 2024
Or dumb as a sack of hammers' morons. Really, you can't make this dumb shit up.

Why Project 2025 Will Ruin Your Life
Andra Watkins discussed her Substack newsletter, "How Project 2025 Will Ruin Your Life," on Rick Wilson's podcast on April 22. The growing threat of the Republican Party's ties to Christian Nationalism and Project 2025 is terrifying.
Except for ones whomTrump has already ruined.

'Perry Mason moment': Hope Hicks 'broke down crying' after realizing she may have 'sunk' Trump
"Hope Hicks realized after she said all that that she had just likely sunk [Trump], made this case stronger for the prosecution, and that is when she broke down crying," Reed recounted. "This source inside, one of our colleagues said this is the closest thing to a Perry Mason moment there is in a white-collar case."
Poor Hamilton Berger.

Trump Supporters Show Their Love: 'Real Men Wear Diapers'
MAGA is just as bad as we always knew, as supporters at a Pennsylvania rally pay tribute to #VonShitzInPantz.
But only if they are authentic "Golden Calf Diapers." They can be worshipped after use!

NC Republican Drops Out Of Runoff After Trump Endorses Her Opponent
Wow! Does he shit his diapers and pass wind constantly like his leader does?

SC GOPer: Trump Trial Is 'Just Absolutely A Crucifixion'
"Way to go, Chuck! Beautiful classic mixed metaphor of Jesus, war, football and America! Fuck, yeah!"
Do these sort of mouth runners have any idea how they sound to normal humans?

Quelle Surprise!: Gov Puppy Killer's Book Contains Big Fat Lies
Her story's a work of fiction and her 15 minutes are now up.

Donald Trump Appears To Reveal His Plan If He Loses Election To Joe Biden
He'll commit the same treason as he did the last time. America will be ready to take him down this time.

'Just not accurate': Trump's latest falsehood about gag order shut down by CNN reporter
"Yeah, that's just not accurate," she replied. "The gag order does not say he cannot testify at all. Also, remember, Donald Trump just last week was saying, 'I want to testify' and he knew he had a gag order then."
Bullshitting as he usually does.

Trump’s Big Lie is hurting Republicans' efforts to get out the vote
Mail-in-ballots used to be the GOP's best election weapon. Trump's lies have Republicans now second-guessing voting
Bury Trump in his own lies.

Truth Social keeps shrinking despite the Trump trial and looming election
User growth is failing and so is the traitor Trump.

Man who bragged that he ‘fed’ an officer to the mob of Capitol rioters gets nearly 5 years in prison
Jack Whitton expressed remorse for his ‘horrible’ actions.
Another of Trump's traitors bites the dust.

Megachurch Pastor: No Such Thing As Mental Illness
Then what's your excuse? Religion is mental illness.
He'll use this toxic bullshit to make money.

Cowboy Eric Hovde Keeps Shooting Himself In The Foot
Eric "Choade" is struggling with an ongoing unforced error in his campaign.
There's a danger he could get it mixed up with his head

Pillow Salesman Says All Biden Democrats He Knows Are Voting For Trump
No one believes this.
Does he actually know a Democrat?
Does he actually know anything?

Kim Guilfoyle's Kristi Noem Conspiracy: Someone Slipped It In Her Book
Sure, we believe you
Yes. The truth slipped it in. Ask Freud.

Economist Paul Krugman: 'Trump-stalgia' is a 'powerful force'— but painfully short on facts
"Soaring deaths aside, four years ago, more than 20 million Americans were unemployed; Trump left office with the worst job record of any president since Herbert Hoover. Also, the country was in the grip of a violent crime wave, with murders soaring. Today, by contrast, we've just experienced the longest stretch of unemployment below 4 percent since the 1960s, and the violent crime wave — Trump didn't cause it, but it did happen on his watch — has been rapidly receding."
Want to see headlines from 2020 to remind you of the shitshow?
How about that Great Covid Failure?

Trump team's latest defense dismantled by Stormy Daniels' lawyer's timeline: legal experts
Bullshit story short: "So, Cohen couldn't have orchestrated the whole ordeal out of anger for not getting a White House job. The election hadn't even happened when the documents were signed and notarized."
These asswipes are using the "Racehorse" Haynes defense: Put witnesses for the prosecution on trial.

Arizona House Speaker Rages Over “Deceptive” Drag Story Hour Held For Adults In Capitol Meeting Room
Another one that has no knowledge of American history and art. Arizona, close the hell portal!
I continue to wonder if any of these stooges grew up in America?
Do I have to list films and shows that have drag being presented without comment in the U.S. for the last 120 years?

Blake Masters Attacks Opponent For Being Unmarried
Another one squeezed through their portal from hell.
Anyone who is an American has skin in the game you fuckstick! Read the Constitution if you are literate. We don't need assats like you!

Arizona Gov Signs Repeal Of 1864 Ban On Abortion
This motherfucker didn't get away.
"The Arizona Republic reports: Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs on Thursday signed into law a repeal of the state’s 160-year-old abortion ban, rescinding one of the nation’s most restrictive abortion laws after weeks of hard-fought political negotiation at the state capitol."

Arizona Rep Rages About “Pedophiles” In State Capitol During Appearance On Podcast Of Holocaust Denier
Where in hell do the vile and disgusting Nazi shits in Arizona come from? Please shut that portal!

Trump Lies That He’s “Not Allowed To Testify”
"The world’s most famous liar, backing down on his vow to testify for the umpteenth time."
Can this cowardly shit be any less of a man?
A total disgrace to America and the American way. Putid puke.

Raskin Warns 'Industry Deceit' Delayed Climate Progress
Big Oil knew since 1959 what they were doing to the climate, according to a new report.
Crooks and liars. Why do we put up with the scum eaters?

UN Summit Looks To Form International Tax On The Rich
UN Tax Convention Presents Historic 'Opportunity to Create Well-Being for All'
This will really piss the goddamned Nazis off.

Noem sparks new backlash by insisting 14-month-old dog she shot was 'not a puppy'
"... appeared on Fox News Wednesday night and blamed the “fake news” for publishing excerpts from her book, which she has not claimed were inaccurate."
Now how many chances do you get? You're 52 years old and there are newer models with less miles.

'Definition of fascist': Yale historian details how SCOTUS is 'flirting with' the 'Nazi tradition'
Since when is coitus referred to as "flirting"?

Trump's brain exposed as a 'series of hazy corridors filled with dead ends': analysis
"Reading the whole interview, though, it’s clear that Trump does not know anything about anything," he contends. "His mind is a series of hazy orange corridors filled with dead ends, open pits, and trip wires. He stumbles through the maze, thunking gently off the walls, every so often belching forth a random quasi-anecdote or catch phrase."

Donald 'Von ShitzInPantz' has now formally been entered into the public record at Trump's hush money trial
A good chance to watch him play air accordion.

Red States Sue To Protect God-Given Right To Harass, Discriminate Against Trans Kids
Stop using "God" as an excuse to be a hateful son-of-a-bitch!

Kristi Noem Clarifies: That Dog Was Just The Hired Help, And Then I Killed It With A Gun
Hannity is a disgrace to humanity one-hundred times over.

Two (2) AZ Republicans Help Repeal Terrible 1864 Abortion Ban, Leaving Only *Normal* Terrible Abortion Ban!
"You know what’s really not a great idea? Taking any medical advice from a time period in which people put up arsenic wallpaper, treated tuberculosis (sorry, consumption) with strychnine, and huffed formaldehyde when they had a cold."
There are too manu stupid shits in the world.

House Passes Bill That Defines Criticism of Israel as “Antisemitism”
Jewish-led groups slammed the legislation as a tool for silencing the movement for Palestinian rights.
"Today the House votes on the gag legislation they're calling the 'Antisemitism Awareness Act'.
"Antisemitism is a serious problem, but codifying a legal definition could have dangerous implications for free speech."
People are really, really stupid. Hating Jews is Antisemitic. But a manic dictator that happens to be a Jew should be criticized, you morons.

Trump-Appointed Judges Grant DOJ Request to Toss Landmark Youth Climate Case
Tyrant "judges," appointed by fascists, should be criticized as well. To the point of removal.

Ex-Trump official shut down by CNN hosts for defense of J6 rioters as 'patriots'
Both Donald Trump and his seditionists are traitors. That goes for anyone that supports the traitor Trump. These people are NOT PATRIOTS!

Trump ridiculed for having 'complete meltdown' over malfunctioning rally teleprompter
The man has batshit for brains.
People either know this or are in denial.

Conservative judge with record of knowing what's next predicts Trump Supreme Court verdict
The retired judge said that listening to the analysis from "court watchers that the Court will remand the case to the trial court for determination."
"That means that the Supreme Court will rule that the lower court must decide which of Trump's decisions were 'official' acts as president and which were personal ones. The lower court has already dismissed Trump's demand for immunity, which is why the appeal has gone all the way to the top."
"If I receive that remand, I wouldn't have a clue where even to begin in distinguishing between these acts, which were taken in an official capacity, and which were taken in the former president's private or personal capacity," Luttig confessed.
This is why SCOTUS has a few stalling cowards in it.

"Losing all credibility": Trump's hush money lawyer the latest to torch his reputation for nothing
Todd Blanche was once regarded as a great lawyer, but now he's making embarrassing arguments to please his client
Everything Trump touches dies.

CNN Anchor Gloriously Busts Vance On J6 Hypocrisy
“OK. So you agree that people who break in and vandalize the building should be prosecuted?” Collins countered, to which Vance replied: “Exactly.” Collins then brought up Vance’s past support for the pro-Trump rioters who did just that on Jan. 6, 2021.
The stupid is thick in this one.

Would "Dictator" Trump Kill his Rivals?
Trump has unleashed his inner psychopath and if he wins this election it’s going to get uglier here in America than most people today can imagine.
An ugly killer looking for a place to kill again.

Five Red States Sue Over “Tyrannical” Move To Require Background Checks When Guns Are Sold At Gun Shows
Why did I know stinking Texas would be one of them. Sell as many as you want to felons and killers. Wall-Eyed Warren had to be a rep.

DeSantis Signs Bill Banning Sales Of Lab-Grown Meat, Claims Leftists Are Plotting To Make Everyone Eat Bugs

I Do Not Say That Lightly’: CNN’s Dana Bash Warns Rising Anti-Semitism Is ‘Hearkening Back to the 1930s in Europe’
Another pile of shit you can lay on Lumpy.

Anchor Confronts Trump On Abortion — Brings Up ‘Pro-Choice’ Past: ‘Are You Following Your Convictions’ Or Polls?
Does he even have that much sense?

Steve Bannon Appearing Before Juan Merchan Ahead of Trial for Allegedly Defrauding Trump Voters
I heard he even bathed before this act of treason.
"While Bannon continues to profit off of Trump’s supporters and present himself as their hero, he stands accused of defrauding them. He has been charged with committing two counts of money laundering in the second degree, two counts of conspiracy in the fourth degree, one count of scheme to defraud in the first degree, and one count of conspiracy in the fifth degree for raising money to build a wall at the southern border in 2019, but then using the funds raised to enrich himself and others involved in the scheme.
Trump pardoned Bannon, who was indicted on federal charges over the matter in August 2020, on his last day in office, but the pardon does not apply to state charges."

United Methodist Church repeals ban on gay clergy, same-sex marriage
If such a thing exists this church, or crutch if you will, is the best of them all.

'In Jesus' name': Trump rally speaker demands God punish 'those subverting justice'
Doe she know that Gawd will send Lumpy to hell for this? Because subverting justice should be the story of his miserable life.

'Trump glitches': Internet scorches ex-president for failed attempt at four-syllable word
"Former President Donald Trump's decision to attempt a four-syllable word during his Wisconsin campaign address Wednesday did not go according to plan.
Trump tried to deride the bipartisan $1.2 trillion infrastructure legislation passed under President Joe Biden's administration but video shows he said something rather different.
"[It didn't] work out too well—$1.2 trillion for their fake infra-trucker-sher bill," Trump declared
Why does the fried and demented brain of this freak even try to speak?

Trump Hates His Lawyer Now, So That's Right On Schedule
"Well, not Alina Habba. She’s great, obviously, a veritable genius "But he hates his lead lawyer Todd Blanche, the one who’s supposed to get him out of this porn peener payoff stick-’em-up witch hunt once and for all, the one who stands in the background while a haggard-looking Trump shows reporters the stacks of Fox News articles the blonde lady prints out to make him feel better."
Sit fer brains is the problem.

Kansas Bigots Succeed At Bigotry, Fail At Veto Override
Hell attemps to manifest in Kansas but gets told to go fuck itself.

Mitt Romney's Car Roof Dog Transporting NOTHING Like Kristi Noem's Dog Face Shooting, Says Romney
For one thing, he wasn't taking his dog to the gravel pit.

The Supreme Court Justices Colluding With Trump to 'Catch and Kill' Insurrection Case
"They haven’t gotten there yet. Democracy can prevail in the coming election, and Trump may yet face jury verdicts on the full range of crimes with which he has been charged. But in their nonsensical efforts to help Trump escape judgment, the corrupt rightists of our Supreme Court have confirmed the need to end their suzerainty."

The Crabbed Smallness of American (and Australian) Fascists
"As ugly as it is for those of us anywhere on the spectrum of the left, we must pay attention. We can’t look away. Fascism grows faster in darkness."

The Supreme Court Is Ready to Look Past the January 6th Attack
The conservative justices in the Trump immunity case declined to consider the actual charges against him. The Nazis they mean.

Trump's plans for women 'right out of Handmaid's Tale': Morning Joe guest
America losing rights. This is a signal we could be approaching our end. Stop it now.

White-majority parish secedes from predominantly Black Louisiana capital
America has lost any semblemce of intellect. It will be our udoing. Stop lunatics now.

Trump's 'ridiculous' argument shredded by woman who was nearly killed by abortion laws
He doesn't care who lives or dies.

U.S. private sector job growth higher than expected: ADP

Another FL College Forced To Shutter Its LGBTQ Center
It appears to me that we already have fascist states in our country. This points to no good for the future.

'Outrageous' Jack Smith ethics complaint shows how 'low' Elise Stefanik will 'stoop' for Trump: analysis'Outrageous' Jack Smith ethics complaint shows how 'low' Elise Stefanik will 'stoop' for Trump: analysis
"To sum up her latest bonkers move," Rashid argues, "Stefanik simply wants attention — probably from Trump himself."
We know what she is.

Amid Columbia protests, Speaker Mike Johnson is wrong that hybrid class plan tells Jewish students to stay home
Virtual access to classes was offered as an option for any student who felt uncomfortable with the continuing protests
Lying prick.

'Irreparable breakdown': Trump campaign law firm suddenly retreats from years-long case
Rats leave sinking ship.

"The Bible is one of the worst books ever," says Brian Cox because "it is not the truth"
In a podcast interview, the "Succession" star discussed how the Bible is written as propaganda for the patriarchy
He's right about most of it but parts of it are ancient folk tales and parts of the new testament weren't Saul/Paul but forgers and counterfeiters.

Appeals Court Refuses To Pause Trump’s NYC Trial
This prick thinks his shit doesn't stink. It stinks the most.

Commission Rejects Trump’s Call For Earlier Debates
Lumpy is at the end of his rope.

Famous Liar Lies That Crime In Venezuela Is Down 72% Because They “Moved All Their Criminals Into The US”
Trump is so full of shit it's draining out of his eyes.

A supreme failure: How the most corrupt high court ever is getting cover from the press
"The morally busted majority on this court is now using its unbridled power with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer as it swings hard to nail the door shut on 248 years of an evolving Democracy, while pushing us back to a hopeless time when crooked kings ruled with impunity and were above it all."
"Everybody who truly loves this country and what she stands for should be absolutely terrified, because we simply cannot continue to sustain this punishing attack and expect to survive."
There is only one thing we can do here.

'Terrifying but so important': GOP strategist raises alarm over new Trump policy report
Most Americans know what has to be done with Trump.

Historian says Trump lawyer "deliberatively misleading" SCOTUS: Ben Franklin "would be horrified"
Franklin's actual speech cited at immunity hearing "says exactly the opposite of what John Sauer was implying"
Who in heaven's name knows who Ben Frankin was? But he ain't the only one horrified with the POS that work for The Orange POS.

FL Cops Seek Teen Boaters After Viral Video Showing Them Gleefully Dumping Trash Into Sea Spurs Outrage
Must be real top of their class and volunteers for Hitler Youth. Legal experts shocked by Supreme Court’s 'inconceivable' arguments in Trump immunity case
It would be laughable if it weren't such a disgrace to our country. Fuck these lickspittles. We know which ones are Nazis. You will never hide. Eventually, justice will find you.

The Wyoming Republican Party was having a hard time having its precinct committeemen and women actually show up for meetings — but its new solution is likely to be thrown out in court.
Anything the Trump Nazi Party does is illegal.

'Freezing' Trump Lies About His Both Sides Charlottesville Comments
"One has to be a sociopath of the highest order to lie like that. A few minutes later, Traitor Trump whined about the freezing courtroom.
So I'm going to go into this trial. I'm going to sit in a freezing cold ice box for Eight hours, nine hours or so, they took me off the case.
Here's a hint ole' diminished one, you can dress accordingly if you are cold.
Whiners gotta whine, and liars gotta lie.
Here's the video of Trump defending white supremacists."

DeSantis Claims NYC, LA, Denver “Reek Of Marijuana"
And he reeks of stupidity.

Save the Puppies: Democrat Degenerates for Doggos.
"Which brings us to this bitch below, another heartless Republican who can be utterly callous even when it came to killing her own little doggy, Cricket, a 14-month-old pup the Governor of South Dakota said she "hated." I repeat, "hated." Her word, not mine."

79 arrested amid second crackdown on UT-Austin campus
Abbott is to blame with his Nazi tactics.

Trump Slapped With Fines, Warning of Jail Time If He Keeps Violating Gag Order
He can go back to the sewers he came from.

Trump Says He Would Let States Prosecute Anyone Who Violates an Abortion Ban
Fuck Trump.

The Biden Administration Is Reportedly Moving to Reclassify Marijuana
The proposed reclassification would recognize that cannabis has medical uses and less potential for abuse.
It's was past time. Let's get this done.

Newsmax Saw Joe Biden Eating Salad, And They Are MAD
"But Bolling was begging, pleading with Comer to produce SOMETHING those goatfuckers who watch Newsmax could hang their hopes on. These MAGA idiots have been waiting for a miracle! They want to see Democrats rounded up and put in camps! They want to see all the pronouns confiscated, and the only vaccine they want is one that’ll kill the Woke Mind Virus!"

Sounds Like Trump Prefers Running Mates Who Didn't Shoot Their Puppies In The Face
'Here is Judge Jeanine “Boxwine” Pirro on Fox News, History’s Sloshiest Monster, explaining what kind of political feat Noem has really pulled off here, the one where we all lay down our swords at least long enough to agree that Kristi Noem is a piece of shit:
Boxwine said:
“I have four rescues, and I have a puppy. I gotta tell you, you know what she’s done is, she’s sabotaged herself, whether or not it was to, you know, buttress what was coming down the road. She also managed to unite the Right and the Left. Because America — if nothing else, we are dog lovers.
And don’t tell me you shot a puppy because it wasn’t used to hunting. You know, maybe you’re not a good teacher. Maybe there’s a problem. And this whole thing with the chickens, you know, were the chickens dead?"
“Was your dog on their property? Should you have had your dog on a leash? Should your farm have been fenced? I could go on and on because I love dogs.”

What's That? You Say That Crime Is Actually Going Down *Dramatically* And Republicans Are *Lying*?
Yes, for some time now.
The only criminal we know of at this time is being tried in court.

Shut Out: A guide to help the owner — the public — have access to open records
Part Two of a report from a Poynter ethics symposium explores increasing public records denials and how journalists can push back

Supreme Court justice said 'quiet part out loud' at Trump immunity hearing: analyst
These fascists should be made to go to law school — again.

Appeals Court Hears West Texas A&M’s Drag Show Ban
Being offended is not protected by our Constitution.
As a commenter says, "Let's ask Geraldine!"

Yes, Indeed, You Can Indict The President
Maybe one of these days we'll end up thanking Ken Starr for something after all.
“It is proper, constitutional, and legal for a federal grand jury to indict a sitting president for serious criminal acts that are not part of, and are contrary to, the president’s official duties,” the Starr office memo concludes. “In this country, no one, even President Clinton, is above the law.” — Ken Starr

James Carville: Young People Need To Vote Democrat Like Your Entire Future Depends On It
"We're going to sit here and make a historical distinction as John Roberts wants you to do between private and public acts? Are you kidding me? Is this the United States of America, the nation that was founded on the principle that no person is above the law? And then you tell these young people if you don't get involved right now in this election, they're going to be involved in your life for the rest of your life."
A lost generation. A gap in the tape. MIA. They won't have any issues to think about when they have no rights. And that's heading at them like a getaway train.

Arizona Republicans Select Indicted Fake Elector to Represent Them at RNC
Crooks will always be crooks and so will Nazis.

Gov. Greg Abbott orders Texas to ignore Biden administration’s new federal protections of LGBTQ+ students
This man is a fascist and dictator to boot. Right out of office.

Supreme Court justice said 'quiet part out loud' at Trump immunity hearing: analyst
It appears that more than a few of these "lawmen" get easily confused. Is that a requirement to be in their mob?

Governor Puppy Killer's Book Is 'Team Trump Approved'
I figured the puppy killing manual was already included in the Gilded Lily Bible.
Trump still wants to filch $35 from his suckers.

Dark Brandon MOCKS The Living S*t Outta Trump, Everyone Piles On
Lumpy will have a psychic break. That is if he hasn't already.

Every report on Trump’s trial requires this basic explanation of the charges
“...a crime for a candidate for elected office to pay someone to remain silent about an issue that may affect the outcome of an election.”

'His argument is absurd': Experts shred Trump attorney's 'poison pill' immunity claim
Tell it to the Nazis on SCOTUS.

'Trump appears to be dementing' as court naps raise new concerns with psychologist
According to the psychologist, it is fairly common for dementia patients to "pass out" and explained, "... this may be the first criminal trial I’ve been aware of where the defendant appears, in my opinion, to have dementia. Is it a coincidence that it’s also the only one I’ve ever known where the defendant can’t remain awake most days? Trump appears to be losing control of his basic biological functions. One is sleep-wake."

RFK is now openly gunning for Trump voters — and Republicans are starting to worry
Kennedy wants more marks for his anti-vaccination grift — he'll find way more of them by marketing to MAGA
Brain damaged.

International Court May Issues Charges Over Gaza War
"The Israeli officials, who are worried about the potential fallout from such a case, said they believe that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is among those who might be named in a warrant."

BLOCKED: Cruz Loses Bid For Airport Police Escorts
It's a good start. Now let's lose him.

WHO: Measles Cases Nearly Doubled Globally In 2023
Stupidity rules when it comes to disease prevention.

Eric Trump Talks Of The Great 'Stamina' His Sleep-Fartin' Dad Has
Gee, I wonder if he said this because President Biden called his father 'Sleepy Don'?
"Well, as for his bodega visit in Harlem, it was found out to be organized by a pro-Trump Republican group. The Black people attending his visit to a Chick-fil-A were arranged beforehand. It was not a spontaneous as Trump would like you to believe. I've changed my mind. I hope he's farting on all of his Mar-a-Lago guests."

Trump Jurors Are Being Stalked & Threatened
What are these fascist stalkers afraid of? Fear itself?

MSNBC Gushes About Biden’s WHCD Performance: ‘Proves That He’s Sharp, And Gets it’
“I think that he showed that he was the adult in the room,” said Zerlina Maxwell — a host on SiriusXM’s Progress channel. “That age is not something that is hurting him. That it is actually one of his assets because of the experience that he has.”

Law professor reams SCOTUS for moving to 'protect Donald Trump' with immunity ruling
"If the court chooses to create one in this case, it really does sound as though they will be creating it in order to protect Donald Trump rather than because anything in a text or structure or history of the Constitution supports that kind of doctrine."
Thus proving SCOTUS is as big a traitor to America as Trump is. If so, they need to be removed.

'A criminal enterprise': Former David Pecker exec blows whistle on covering up for Trump
"During an appearance on MSNBC's 'The Weekend,' the former executive editor of the National Enquirer admitted that during his tenure his boss was running the organization like a 'criminal enterprise" while working hand-in-hand with Donald Trump."

Trump’s Isolation Deepens After His Coup Crew Is Hit With Arizona Criminal Indictments
"Are Republicans finally starting to learn that Trump will never return the loyalty he's shown? His loneliness at trial is a promising hint that they may, finally, be starting to get it."

The Disgraceful Supremes: Wankers, Hairsplitters, and Angels on Pins
"What we witnessed this week was an obscene defiling of the very meaning of the rule of law as Clarence Thomas, a man who clearly has no legal justification to sit in judgment on a case in which his wife is clearly involved, did that very thing. If there has ever been a judicial proceeding that demanded a judge recuse himself, it would be this one. Conflict of interest doesn’t get any clearer than this."
"Must we shut down the grinding gears to stop what is being done? Alternatives are being stripped away as we bear witness to the unfolding overthrow of our system of government in favor of absolute tyranny of, by, and for the venal and amoral rich."

“Chaos” As Michigan Christians Attempt To Drown Out Satanic Temple’s County Meeting Invocation
Clearly illustrating that religion destroys the brain.
Talk about yanking a moron's chain.

Indicted Lawyer To Keep RNC “Election Integrity” Job
Talk about corruption. Here it is in spades.

Viral Video: Pastor Blasts Trump’s “Blasphemous” Bible
"Some of you bring politics into the Church," he lamented. "You think that politics is spiritual stuff."
They don't think. They simply react like Pavlov's dog.

Self-Proclaimed Prophet: Angels With Battering Rams Will Break Satan’s “Protective Barriers” Around The WH
Just another way to proclaim he supports treason.
Fuck these grifters.

White supremacist group Patriot Front marches in Charleston, West Virginia
What is it about this hillbilly state that produces so many racist Nazis?
Evidently, Manchin either supports them or has no control over them.

Comer and GOP 'delivered what Zelenskyy refused to' — and 'hoping you forget all about it': columnist
"You might recall that [former President Donald] Trump was first impeached for pressuring Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to open a sham investigation of Biden in order to discredit him ahead of the 2020 election," Weldman writes."Comer and House Republicans delivered what Zelenskyy refused to."
This is the sort of scum that gives politicians a bad rep.

Campuses across Texas had pro-Palestinian demonstrations. Why did only UT-Austin crack down?
Because it's a facist state with a personal government Gestapo?
Asking for a friend.

Are Presidents Above the Law?
The short answer is "NO!" Otherwise we are a totalitarian nation.

Is SCOTUS in on the Coup and Trying to End American Democracy?
The simple reality is that conservatives throughout modern history have viewed democracy with a jaundiced eye, and the Supreme Court’s Republican appointees are no exception.

Dark shift in Trump’s tone is 'how fascists campaign': expert
Only the blind cannot see Trump's fascisim.

Cultist Insists God Is Named In Constitution
Another "deep thinker" from beyond the pale.

Judge Tosses Flynn Family’s QAnon Suit Against CNN
Toss Flynn along with it.

Bill Barr Is Happy to Debase Himself for Donald Trump Again
"Once again, there’s not much love lost between Bill Barr and the man he accused of betraying the Oval Office, Donald Trump. When the former attorney general confirmed this week that he would support the Republican presidential ticket in November, his former boss took the opportunity to mock Barr as “slow-moving” and “lazy.”
A swine describes a swine.

Barr: Trump Sometimes Ranted About Executing Rivals
Certifiably a moron.

Tag Team: Raskin & Moskowitz Humiliate CLUELESS LIAR Comer
"James Comer's so pathetic, so easily owned by Jared Moskowitz & Jamie Raskin, it really makes you wonder if he has an actual fetish for rhetorically getting his ass kicked."

These Moves By Biden Administration May Make You More Money
"Under the new rule, employers will be required to pay overtime premiums to salaried workers who work more than standard full-time hours if they earn less than $1,128 per week, or about $58,600 per year."

'A national disgrace': Ex-DOJ prosecutor goes off on the Supreme Court's immunity hearing
"But you know, I want to talk about the American people very briefly here," he continued. "At Politico we polled people's opinions on this question. headed into the argument. 70 percent of Americans said that they reject the position that U.S. presidents should be criminally immune for conduct while in office. 70 percent. That's like Beyoncé levels of approval."

Trump Allies Plan To Dismantle Science Agency NOAA
Lumpy's morons keep wanting to return to the mistakes of the past. They are fools. Truly ignorant and dangerous.

LOL Polls Show Americans Hate The Republican House
Welp, there's a solution for that, and it's voting them out.

Republican Senators Are Delusional, Part Infinity
Delusional Senate Republicans still believe they can control Trump.

'In bed together': How Christian nationalists and big donors are 'demolishing democracy'
"The ideology of Christian nationalism is centered around the erroneous belief that the United States was founded as a Christian nation (many of the framers were actually Deists). Its proponents want to elect explicitly Christian conservative leaders to firmly establish a government that establishes a hierarchy in which white, Christian men are at the top, with women, minorities, the LGBTQ+ community and practitioners of other faiths forced to live under their rule."

New York Times Not Biden-Hating Petty Twinks, They Are VRY SRS JOURNALISTS
Man, every time the New York Times disappoints you, it’s like “HOLD MY BEER, I’LL SHOW YOU DISAPPOINTMENT,” and you’re like “you just did,” and they’re like “I’LL SHOW YOU AGAIN,” and you’re like “I believed you the first time,” and they’re like “I SAID HOLD MY BEER.”
"The Times comes off like a brat throughout, but they’re like NUH UH, the Biden White House is the real brat! They seem to have amnesia about the previous administration they spent four years sniffing the pantlegs of for access. Or rather, they’re still sniffing those pantlegs and fucking that chicken, like nothing has changed from one administration to the next. Meanwhile, the White House is — shockingly! — perturbed that the Times is like this."
"... their asses are sore about that. Wait, did we say their asses? We mean publisher AG Sulzberger’s delicate ass:..."

Poll Shows Majority of Americans Would Back Federal Abortion Rights Protections
Then you know who to vote for. No excuses, please.

Alabama House Passes Bill That Could Be Used to Criminalize Librarians
An act that should be considered a crime in itself.

Southern Autoworkers aren’t Listening to the GOP’s BS Any More
The problem for Republicans is that unions are “democracy in the workplace,” and the GOP hates democracy as a matter of principle.

Managing Our Monsters: Name That Republican!
Who dat say who dat when I say who dat?

Framers Would Be Rolling Over: Historian Explains Absurdity of Trump’s Immunity Claim
Lumpy isn't very smart and never has been.

The Supreme Court’s Farce and Ruse
"Yesterday’s oral argument before the Supreme Court about Trump’s claim of immunity from prosecution for inciting an insurrection was a farce and a ruse."
Reich agrees with my analysis on Alito.

Investors admit shorting Truth Social stock to crash Trump's dream of cashing in
Speaking to AP's Bernard Condon, Idaho ad executive Elle Stange claimed she has already made $1,300 betting against the company and stated, "This company makes no money. ... It makes no sense. He’s not as great a businessman as he thinks. A lot of his businesses go belly up, quickly.”

'They have no idea': Trump insiders say his advisers rocked by 'salacious' trial details
They didn't realize they were defending filth? How enlightening on the lawyers.

On targeting Hillary Clinton, Trump rewrites recent history
Donald Trump now says it would’ve been “terrible” if he’d tried to prosecute Hillary Clinton after the 2016 election. But that's exactly what he did.
"To the extent that reality still has any meaning, let’s review the receipts. In Trump’s first year in the White House — after the 2016 election was over and Clinton largely withdrew from public view — the then-president publicly pleaded with the Justice Department to go after Clinton."
"The problem, of course, is that Trump targeted Clinton after the 2016 election and tried to have her prosecuted. It’s not a matter of opinion; it’s simply what happened, whether the Republican assumes we’ve forgotten or not."

Jesse Watters Vows He’ll Tell Fox News Viewers Biden Won in November ‘If He Wins Fair and Square’
All this means is he will say Biden stole the election. Get ready.

Judge Upholds $360,000 Judgment Against Kim Davis
Dude, she wasn't exercising religion. She was exercising hate for people that aren't like her.

Christians Rage Over Taylor Swift’s “Hateful” New Album
Sounds to me like she's telling it like it is.
And if kids today are anything like kids were when I was one they will listen to whatever the hell they want to one way or another.
Some people smashed rock 'n' roll records, some people burned Beatles records. That did nothing to stop the listening.
“Life in Lubbock, Texas taught me two things: One is that God loves you and you're going to burn in hell. The other is that sex is the most awful, filthy thing on earth, and you should save it for someone you love.” - Butch Hancock

Democratic grassroots fired up and ready to give a lot of money
"President Joe Biden's fundraising has also roundly eclipsed that of Donald Trump's, who has fallen $75 million behind Biden, according to analysis by the Financial Times."

Kavanaugh Bizarrely Praised Nixon Pardon As Great Moment In History
"During the Supreme Court hearing that will likely determine whether or not Donald Trump is tried before the next presidential election over his attempt to steal the last one, Justice Brett Kavanaugh asked a question that should alarm everybody.
Speaking of President Gerald Ford’s pardon of Richard Nixon, Kavanaugh correctly noted that it was 'very controversial in the moment' and probably why Ford lost the 1976 presidential election. Then Kavanaugh claimed that the pardon is 'Now looked upon as one of the better decisions in presidential history, I think by most people.'"
(Some people would be closer to reality. If he was immune why did he have to be pardoned?)
"Actually, there’s a good argument that it was one of the worst. If nothing else, it has allowed Trump and the MAGA Supreme Court to stall the prosecution of his coup attempt and gotten us into the exact pickle we are in today."

Jamie Raskin: Move Supreme Court Over To RNC Headquarters
They certainly are beholden to Trump and his motley traitors.

Nixon White House lawyer flags case that proves Trump has 'no criminal immunity'
John Dean: "To do so, they must get around Nixon v Fitzgerald (1982), which clearly states there is no criminal immunity for presidents."
But that's the reasonable answer. Opposite answers come from the mindless.

Trump's isolation deepens after his coup crew is hit with Arizona criminal indictments
The January 6 co-conspirators are likely too wrapped up in their criminal cases to help Trump with another coup

TN Gov To Sign Bill Allowing Teachers To Carry Guns
The fascist answer to the gun problem is always more guns.

Noem: I Had To Shoot My “Untrainable” Hunting Dog
Is there a race to win the "Most Disgusting Dumbass" award.
Talk about insane.

Super-patriotic GOP candidate forgets words to the Pledge of Allegiance
And this shitbag attempts to portray a patriot?

Republican Gov Defends Bill That Denies Access To Information
The Louisiana bill would allow governments to withhold records on how they make decisions, including texts, e-mails, and calendars.
Please return to Russia, you asshat.

Why Do My Groceries Cost So Much?
Giant corporations want to keep their taxes low and the prices we pay high. We can’t let them win.
These corporations are practicing fascism.

Elena Kagan Asks If POTUS Could Stage A Coup. Guess What Trump Lawyer Said?
"I think it would depend on the circumstances whether it was an official act," Sauer said cautiously. "If it were an official act, again, he would have to be impeached...stage a coup, and you're saying that's an official act."
Mr. Brilliant, coups ain't no legal act!

Samuel Alito Has a Very Strange Theory for How to Protect Democracy
"I’m sure you would agree with me that a stable democratic society requires that a candidate who loses an election, even a close one, even a hotly contested one, leave office peacefully, if that candidate is an incumbent? All right. Now if an incumbent who loses a very close, hotly contested election knows that a real possibility after leaving office is not that the president is going to be able to go off into a peaceful retirement, but that the president may be criminally prosecuted by a bitter political opponent, will that not lead us into a cycle that destabilizes the functioning of our country as a democracy? And we can look around the world and find countries where we have seen this process where the loser gets thrown in jail."
The logic in this statement works against Trump. It removes power from the "candidate," as he puts it, to prevent the president from going after the ex-president on some sort of whim vendetta. Putting this in place actually creates the situation that Trump deosn't want. He wants power ad infinitum. If you give Trump the power of immunity you get what he describes. Reverse the situation: Trump is president, Biden the ex. Besides, we aren't other countries.

Emergency flights for pregnant patients up sharply in Idaho under strict abortion law
Escape from Idaho!

Conservative judge scolds SCOTUS for missing the 'only question' on Trump that matters
Please. The Trump sock puppets can't help being ignorant and messy.

Arizona House Repeals 1864 Abortion Ban, Almost Joins Current Century
"Congratulations Arizona, and welcome to 1944."

Supreme Court Just Asking: If You Prosecute Presidents For Violent Coups, Won't They Do More Violent Coups-er?
"Today, the Supreme Court heard arguments in the case of “Donald Trump may be ugly, but he’s Jesus, therefore you can’t hold him accountable for anything he does ever,” vs. “No.” Because the current Supreme Court is largely made up of unqualified partisan Republican hacks sitting in stolen seats, Trump’s lawyers didn’t get laughed out of the Court and sent down the stairs on their asses as dramatically as any patriotic American would have preferred."
Never heard it put any better or honest and true.
Trump's lawyer thinks he should be immune from selling nuclear secrets, employing the U.S. military to assassinate a political rival, and launching a coup.
Sounds like he believes Lumpy should be declared a dear dictator.

All Trump’s Crime Friends Just Got Indicted For Trying To Steal 2020 Election. Again! In Arizona This Time
"A grand jury in Arizona just indicted 18 people — 11 fake electors and seven Trump associates — for their efforts to overturn and steal the 2020 election in that state from its rightful winner Joseph Robinette Biden, the Democrat. Donald Trump is not indicted, not yet anyway, though he is referred to throughout as an unindicted co-conspirator. He could always be indicted later. We imagine he might be."
String 'em up alongside Lumpy Yellowstain.

Legal Experts: Expect More Delays Following SCOTUS Hearing on Trump’s Immunity
The Supreme Court may delay rendering an opinion in the case until as late as July 3.
Sounds like they support coups and acts of treason.

Sanders Sharply Rebukes Netanyahu’s Claim That Campus Protests Are Antisemitic
"Jewish U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders issued a scathing statement Thursday pushing back against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s characterization of burgeoning protests on American university campuses as “antisemitic,” declaring, “It is not antisemitic to hold you accountable for your actions.”

Judge Upholds Trump’s $83 Million Defamation Verdict
"A federal judge in New York upheld a defamation verdict against Donald Trump, keeping him on the hook for the $83 million he owes E. Jean Carroll, the writer who accused him of sexual assault.
Trump had motioned to receive a new trial, but Judge Lewis Kaplan rebuffed that effort, determining nothing was wrong with the first one that ruled against him."
The hook will stay set.

Trump demands Jack Smith turn over 'functional video' of FBI's Mar-a-Lago raid
In other words: "Turn over the evidence that will convict me." LMAO!

Alito complains 'special' Trump shouldn't be 'subject to criminal laws like anybody else'
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito complained Thursday that a "special" former officeholder like Donald Trump could be expected to be "subject to the criminal laws just like anybody else."
Of course.

MAGA faithful starts to doubt Trump's ability to serve another term: columnist
"Donald Trump has seemingly locked up the Republican Party's presidential nomination, but a veteran White House reporter said some of his allies are growing concerned that he's incapable of serving another term."

How Trump Lit Up a Fascination with Fascism
Trump's vision of fascism, supported by the neofascist ideologues behind Project 2025 and Project 47, is claiming the Democratic Party is so extreme it’s a threat and needs to done away with.

Trump Lawyer: Trump Has Right To Create Fake Electors
Only crooks would claim it so.
< Fraud is illegal and if "Fake Electors" ain't fraud "GRITS AIN'T GROCERIES, EGGS AIN'T POULTRIES, and MONA LISA WAS A MAN!"

Pecker Testifies To Knowingly Breaking Campaign Laws
"Pecker reiterated that he never intended to publish Karen McDougal’s story, rather, he was motivated by a desire to prevent the story from getting out and influence the 2016 presidential election."

'Fundamentally evil': Sotomayor rips attorney who says Trump could assassinate rivals
There it is! If so, Biden can legally assassinate Trump.

'Insane': Trump lawyer's SCOTUS argument leaves legal experts amazed
"Faced with withering questions from both conservatives and liberal members of the Supreme Court, Donald Trump's lawyer went so far as to suggest that a president could have a political rival killed or order a coup as long as it was an "official act".
In one exchange, attorney John Sauer was asked if a president felt his rival was "corrupt," would it be allowable for him to order the military to kill the opponent.
Sauer replied, "That could well be an official act."
Getting closer to Trump, Sauer was asked by Justice Elena Kagan if a president "staging a coup" to remain in office by using the military would deserve immunity, the ex-president's attorney replied, "It depends on the circumstances," and then added, "It could well be.”
Looks like Biden will get the drones ready.

'It makes no sense': Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson loses patience with Trump lawyer
He's promoting the idea we are a dictatorship!

The GOP’s “Election Integrity” Lawyer Was Just Indicted for Election Subversion
"The attorney running the Republican National Committee’s 'election integrity' effort has been criminally charged by the state of Arizona for her efforts to help Donald Trump steal the 2020 election. This turn of events highlights the Orwellian meaning of the phrase 'election integrity,'” as used by Trump and the Republican Party: An effort to win at all costs."
The Trump dominoes continue to fall.

Bannon Just Named Co-Conspirator In Fraud, Racketeering Case
Nail him to ten walls.
"In a little-noticed court filing recently, feds described sleazy former Trump advisor Steve Bannon as a “co-conspirator” in a massive criminal fraud and racketeering case against a flamboyant, far-right Chinese fugitive — you know, the guy with the yacht where Bannon was hiding out?"

Alina Habba: Trial Not Looking Good For Trump
"Trump attorney Alina Habba told Newsmax Trump devotee host Greg Kelly that the signs don't look too good for Trump's acquittal."

Gag order breach? Trump targeted Cohen in taped interview hours before contempt hearing
Let him spend a night in stir.

'To do God knows what': Local elections official reads Lara Trump the Riot Act
"The county clerk for Ingham County, Michigan blasted Republican National Committee co-chair Lara Trump after the ex-president's daughter-in-law bragged the RNC will have people to “physically handle†voters' ballots in polling locations across the country this November."
"“Poll observers are NEVER permitted to touch ballots. She is suggesting the RNC will infiltrate election offices,” Elias warned on Wednesday.
It's the way all Nazis work. They all fuck the law.

Supreme Court Hears Immunity Case
"If they rule in his favor, Biden could immediately have his vehicle targeted by one of those spinning blades Hellfires, save the country and declare immunity." — Wintercat (comments)
Yes. Biden becomes 007 with a license to kill.

‘I’m kind of shocked’: Amy Coney Barrett backs up Sonia Sotomayor in abortion case
Well, well, well. Someone is shocked on SCOTUS.

Unveiling the Actual, Shocking Driver of Crime in America
Our entire popular understanding of the cause of much crime — enough to “tipping point” a society into crisis — is usually wrong.
"As usual, Trump doesn’t know what he’s talking about."

'So hot you can't breathe': Extreme heat hits the Philippines
Something for us to look forward to, eh?

Recycled 'zombie' misinformation targets U.S. voters
Dumbells can't remember the lies they've digested were all bullshit.
The depth of their stupidity runs deep.

Iran sentences popular rapper to death for supporting Mahsa Amini protests
Their religion is murderous. These people are dangerous totalitarian zealots.
Iranian leaders live in the stone age. All of them should be run off the planet.

No more noncompetes, FTC says; Tenessee bill would allow teachers to carry guns
This is a mistake looking to take place.

Churches Don’t Have to Be Accessible. That’s Bad News For Voters
"...religious entities are exempt from the Americans with Disabilities Act, key civil rights legislation that helped establish that protection."
More church bullshit. It's time to tax the pricks.

FBI Director Wray Refutes Trump on January 6 Rioters: ‘Criminal Defendants Who Are Being Charged With Federal Crimes’
NBC News’s Lester Holt conducted a one-on-one interview with FBI Director Christopher Wray on Tuesday in a wide-ranging conversation that included his disagreement with former President Donald Trump on those arrested for their actions on January 6 were “hostages.”

Ex-Trump Attorney Tells CNN New Trump Rant To Local News ‘A Direct Violation’ Of Gag Order
"Former Trump attorney Tim Parlatore told CNN’s Kate Bolduan that former President Donald Trump’s rant about key trial witness Michael Cohen in a local news interview is a “direct violation” of the gag order and a problem for Trump’s legal team."

Supreme Court to Determine Whether Politicians Can Deny Emergency Medical Care to Pregnant People
How did we sink this low? Lumpy MAGAts, of course.

Tesla profits drop 55% as Elon Musk dodges cheap car questions
"Tesla had a terrible first quarter of 2024, according to its financial results, posted yesterday. We already knew that it was a bad three months in terms of delivering cars—the automaker built tens of thousands of cars it couldn't sell as deliveries dropped by 8.5 percent, year on year. If anything, the quarterly results paint an even worse picture."

DeSantis slams Republicans for 'capitulating' to Biden on foreign aid: 'He got everything he wants'
Another big pissy snit by the MAGAts of Florida and their Führer.

Nikki Haley Got 16.5% Of GOP Primary Vote In PA
"Donald Trump took another hit to the ego in the PA primary on Tuesday, as tens of thousands of Republicans voted for Nikki Haley instead."
"More to the point, are Republicans feeling a need to hedge their bets? They have to wonder if Trump will be in jail by November."
This is a whopping tell on the candidate Trump.

'His colorful personality turned gray': MSNBC's Mika sees 'subdued' Trump draining away
Just like the Wicked Witch of the West.

Donald Trump has neutered Republicans' power to sabotage Joe Biden
It also doesn't hurt that Democrats in Congress have held unprecedentedly united

Biden administration makes it easier for flyers to get refunds
The rule comes after more than a year of promises by the administration to shore up protections for air passengers.
"Passengers whose flights are canceled or “significantly” delayed won’t have to fight to get a cash refund from the airline under a new Biden administration rule issued Wednesday."

Trump Laughably Lies That “Thousands Of People Were Turned Away From Courthouse In Lower Manhattan”
Lumpy the Whiner, leader of the coup on America, can always make up something his creep mob will believe.

Sen. Thom Tillis: MTG Is “Dragging Our Brand Down”
“I think she is uninformed, she is a total waste of time, and I’m embarrassed to have actually lived geographically in her district at one time before she was there. She is a horrible leader. She is dragging our brand down. She, not the Democrats, are the biggest risk to us getting back to a majority.”
True, but she's not the only one. Your ex-party has too much trash that took it over.

Biden Lands Endorsement Of Major Trade Union
"In making one of their earliest ever presidential endorsements, NABTU leaders are kickstarting an eight-figure organizing program to try to deliver their 250,000 members in the battlegrounds of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin for Biden."

Aussie Senator Accuses Musk Of Encouraging Terrorism
Musk encourages stupidity.

Texas congressman openly blasts fellow Republicans as 'scumbags' and klansmen
“These people used to walk around with white hoods at night. Now they're walking around with white hoods in the daytime...”

BFD: The FTC Just Banned Non-Compete Clauses
Lina Khan's FTC has done it again!
Good for them and us.

How 'nihilist' House Republicans 'castrated their own power': analysis
These assholes are just plain dumb. Open your eyes.

Ex-federal prosecutor compares Trump’s hush money case to a 'mafia trial'
Trump and his close allies are known for making "Godfather" references. And in an MSNBC opinion column published on April 23, former federal prosecutor Joyce White Vance argues that Trump's hush money/falsifying business records trial has, in fact, resembled a "mafia trial" — especially when it comes to the fears of some of the jurors.
"The idea that a former president and his followers could pose a threat to Americans performing their civic duty is something we must not forget amid the chaos," Vance warns.
If he's that big of a threat to private citizens he deserves to be locked up.
Joyce is right. But Trump is all bark and a coward at heart.

Louisiana Vows to Defy New Pro-LGBTQ Title IX Rules
Nazi traitors at work.

McConnell Mocks Tucker Carlson After Senate Breaks Republican Filibuster On Foreign Aid With 80-19 Vote
"The Senate voted Tuesday to advance the $95 billion aid package to provide critical aid to Ukraine and a provision that could lead to a nationwide ban on TikTok."

New U.S. home sales pick up in March
A good sign.

'Logistical nightmare': NY Times reveals Secret Service is planning for Trump to be jailed
Tell it to "Newt the Fruit."

'Goading the judge': Expert thinks Trump is trying to distract from David Pecker testimony
Ya think? How in the world did he figure this out? LMAO!

'It was really funny!' Teens who sat in on Trump trial decimate lawyer's performance
The world is laughing at these clowns.

Biden mocks Trump's Bible money grab: 'What the hell is in it?
"Biden explained why the decision to overturn abortion rights was 'no miracle.'
'It was a political deal to get rid of Roe,' Biden said. 'A political deal he made with the evangelical base of the Republican Party to look past his moral and character flaws in exchange for his commitment to appoint justices to the Supreme Court who would overturn Roe.'"
"Don't think he's making a deal right now with MAGA extremists to ban nationwide abortion in every single state because he's making it."

'Can't look weak': Expert says Trump lawyer stuck between a 'crazy' rock and a hard place
"Former president Donald Trump's attorney Todd Blanche is stuck between a rock and a hard place in the form of a "crazy, unreasonable client," according to former federal prosecutor Harry Litman."

Why Homelessness Stalks America Like the Grim Reaper
Both homelessness & inflation are the result of America allowing housing to become a commodity that can be traded & speculated in by financial markets & overseas investors.

Texas Supreme Court temporarily blocks Harris County’s guaranteed income pilot program
Nazis hate helping poor people.

More Than 20 Anti-LGBTQ+ Bills Die in Iowa as Legislature Adjourns
"In the latest in a series of victories for trans and queer people in statehouses across the United States, Iowa’s legislature has adjourned sine die without passing a single piece of explicitly anti-LGBTQ+ legislation. This is despite more than 20 bills being introduced targeting LGBTQ+ individuals, including some introduced and prioritized by the governor herself."

Can Someone Please Explain To Tommy Tuberville That Killing A Newborn Baby Is Homicide?
Forget opinions of idiots. It's one reason they are idiots.

AZ Gov. Katie Hobbs Vetoes Actual Buttload Of Bad Republican Bills
Puglickin' aka Fascist MAGAt tripe-faced.

Read This Delicious Newly Unsealed Evidence In Jack Smith's Stolen Documents Case Against Trump
"But now we can read some newly unsealed filings from Special Counsel Jack Smith, to get more of an idea exactly what kind of evidence Judge Aileen Cannon has in front of her. It’s the kind of stuff that, in a reasonable world, would make it very hard for even a shitty judge like Cannon to choose to be derelict in her duty."

Newt Gingrich Worried Judge Gonna Jail Trump, Just Like One Of Those 1960s Civil Rights Workers
"But leaking colostomy bag Newt Gingrich was terrified on a whole different level for Trump last night on Fox News. He’s just really scared Merchan is going to put Trump in jail, like a civil rights worker in Mississippi in the 1960s! Isn’t Trump always reminding you of one of them?"

Jesse Watters Says Trump Much Too OLD For Criminal Trials. Much Too Who What Now? OLD, He Said OLD
And both he and Trump are still at large.

Biden administration issues new rule to protect privacy of those seeking reproductive health care: ‘No one should have to live in fear’
"Patients have a right to privacy when it comes to their medical information, even when they travel to another state for an abortion, IVF, birth control or other types of reproductive health care, federal officials declared in a new rule."

Trump Suffers a Major Loss Just Minutes into Hush-Money Trial
"Donald Trump won’t be getting his way in his New York hush money trial—at least, not without consequences."

Marjorie Taylor Greene's 'goldfish' brain is incapable of strategic thinking: conservative
"Conservative Jonah Goldberg dumped all over Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's (R-GA) crusade to oust Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) during a Monday appearance on CNN."

'That's not it': Maggie Haberman shreds Trump's excuse for absent hush money protesters
"Former President Donald Trump's most recent excuse about why hell has yet to break loose outside his criminal hush money trial was shredded Monday night by the New York Times reporter covering the case."

Trump's humiliation deepens: In court, he can't hide from his tabloid roots
If there was a hell, Trump's punishment would be a trial where people tell the truth about him all day

NH GOP Moves To Erode Polio And Measles Vax Law
Live Free and Die.
Polio. "Yes, polio is highly contagious. It spreads easily from person to person."

No, Really, Trump Has A PLAN To Cut Social Security
It's called "Starve the Beast."
Let him rot.

Trump in a 'tenuous' psychological place as his 'alternate reality' crumbles: expert
"With the 77-year-old former president confronting the first trial in his life that could lead to prison, ex-prosecutor Kenneth McCallion told Salon's Chauncey DeVega that 'the alternate reality Trump lives in is crumbling.'"

Europe is warming up faster than any other continent, and the heat is deadly
"The number of heat-related deaths in Europe increased 30% in the last 20 years. Climate change is to blame."

Oncologists' meetings with drug reps don't help cancer patients live longer
"Drug company reps commonly visit doctors to talk about new medications. A team of economists wanted to know if that helps patients live longer. They found that for cancer patients, the answer is no."
More conning of America.

With This Week’s Abortion Case, Supreme Court Faces Grim Reality of Overturning Roe
Welcome back to our old dystopian world.

'This guy couldn't get a job at the local mall': Brutal new ad shows Trump's unfitness
Not even with the custodial department?

Trump: My Payoff To Stormy Was A “Legal Expense”
Sure. Bribes are always legal. And Alvin Bragg, who has totally lost control of Violent Crime in New York."
NYPD Announces January 2024 Citywide Crime Statistics
Someone tell Trump he's bullshitting us — as usual.

SF Sues Oakland Over Proposed Airport Name Change
Who is so stupid that they don't know where Oakkand is?
“The feedback we get [from airlines] … is, because there is lack of name recognition … it is hard to sell tickets inbound,” said Danny Wan, executive director for the Port of Oakland. “People do not know that Oakland is by the San Francisco Bay. That has been one of the Achilles’ heels of our marketing.”

Women Miscarried, Babies Died Because Post-Roe ERs Refused Treatment
Pregnant patients are now ‘radioactive’ to hospitals in states with extreme abortion bans.
There are scumbags at work here.

The stunning rebirth of the American labor movement
"We are witnessing a historic rebirth of the labor union movement in America. Labor unions are not just an interest group. They are gaining the heft, solidarity, and passion to become what they once were — a movement.
And it’s about time."

'He's a liar': Governor Gavin Newsom blasts Trump over abortion stance
California Governor Gavin Newsom joins Jen Psaki for an exclusive interview to discuss the rollback of reproductive rights, the start of Dona'd Trump's criminal trial, and the state of the 2024 race. Governor Newsom's PAC new abortion ad that will air in Alabama as part of their effort to raise awareness of their "extreme" abortion laws, debuted exclusively on "Inside with Psaki."

Excused Trump jurors point the finger at his lawyer as a problem
Hmmm, well the newspaper editor, Major Rufus Cobb, said it all about lawyers in the 1939 film Jesse James

'They want him killed': Alan Dershowitz says Trump would be murdered in prison
Al, are you keeping up with anything? He'll be serving his time in a country club getting his smallest whims seen to with an order of steak with ketchup.
"People like you" are typical Trump fascists.

Letitia James may start 'seizing Trump's properties' as he sits in criminal trial: expert
And she may not. Lots of "seizing talk" but, so far, all talkie talk.

Students Sue Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders for Silencing Black History
But she's big on the "Hillbilly Hatred History."
Keep the Land of the Happy Negro history quiet, please.

Experts Call for Community-Based Health Care to Raise Indigenous Life Expectancy
"Katherine Goodlow is only 20, but she has experienced enough to know that people around her are dying too young...."

Bill Maher Reheats Beef With Barbie
He's been taking wayyyy too many "Get Rich and Belligerent" pills.

Poll: Growing majority of Americans want Congress to restore Roe v. Wade protections nationwide
Trump and the fascist MAGAts put the goons on SCOUTS that killed our rights. Trump should be punished for that. Vote against him and clean out SCOTUS.

Poll: Growing majority of Americans want Congress to restore Roe v. Wade protections nationwide
'I'm dying, you're not': Terminally ill ask states to legalize physician-assisted death
The U.S. can be a very cruel country.

Pessimism growing in Trump's inner circle that a hush money guilty verdict is inevitable
"In a deep dive into how the Manhattan hush money trial is affecting Donald Trump emotionally, the New York Times' Maggie Haberman is reporting that members of Trump's inner circle are starting to accept that he will be found guilty."

Idaho doctor who worked at closed maternity ward says abortion ban harmed recruiting
"A hospital in a rural area outside of Idaho’s capital city of Boise closed its labor and delivery and neonatal intensive care units April 1, citing declining birth rates and staffing issues."
We are now seeing the damge being done to America by the SCOTUS morons.

Civil rights attorney: Action to ‘hollow out’ Brown v. Board moves at deliberate speed
"Ifill, speaking to a diverse audience Friday at the University of Kansas, warned the upcoming May 17 anniversary of the decision declaring racial segregation in public education to be unconstitutional would be celebrated during an era in which forces dedicated to derailing growth of multiracial democracy and citizenship were gaining ground."
The racist movement will destory all human advancement if they can.

'The devil himself': Trump high-rise residents call for building name change
The news outlet reports the 40-story building owners "are in the middle of a vote which would further erase Trump’s name – something which would not just have implications for the people who live in the building," but also for the "residents and workers in" the "racially diverse city" of New Rochelle.

‘I Serve With Some Real Scumbags!’ GOP Rep. Goes SCORCHED EARTH on Far-Right Colleagues, Claims Gaetz ‘Paid Minors To Have Sex With Him At Drug Parties’
Yes, it is a pain-in-the-ass job but someone has to do it, Tony.

Vaseline Woman Rages Over Dems Waving Ukrainian Flags: I Don’t Even Know What Country I’m In Anymore
She should find one she likes better and emigrate to it.

Where's George Orwell today? Texas!
"If you think the GOP's Congress of Clowns represents the fringiest, freakiest pack of politicos that MAGA-world can hurl at us — you haven't been to Texas."

Trump’s Save America PAC hits cash crunch while backing ex-president’s legal fees: report
Financial idiots as well.

Cops: FL GOP Official Had Child Porn On “Patriot” USB
"Lake Alfred City Commissioner Charles Lake has been arrested on charges of possessing child pornography."
"The Lake Alfred Republican now faces 300 counts of possessing child pornography. The 90-year-old possessed pictures, based on the charges, of children between the ages 2 and 12 engaged in sex acts."
Dang it! But it won't disturb the MAGAts. They will still vote for 'em. Besides, it was only 300 photos.

”Confederate Heritage? Really?’ Former Mississippi Gov Slams State’s Plan to ‘Celebrate’ Confederacy
There's nothing to celebrate about treason and slavery.
"The Mississippi Delta is where I want to be." — Land of the Happy Negro, Jeff Gutcheon

In Eagle Pass, Fewer Migrant Crossings Leave Law Enforcement Idle
"...experts and US government officials say the changes have less to do with Texas than with seasonal migratory patterns and more stricter crackdowns from Mexico."

New Hampshire’s GOP Is Taking a Stand—Against the Polio Vaccine
When did New Hampshire decide to return to the Dark Ages of health care? We will ALL pay for their retardedness.

Biden administration restricts oil and gas leasing in Alaska's petroleum reserve
"The administration said it will restrict new oil and gas leasing on 13 million acres in Alaska to help protect wildlife such as caribou and polar bears as the Arctic continues to warm"
Thanks, President Biden.

Senate passes surveillance law renewal right at deadline
The Senate extended an expiring foreign surveillance law early Saturday morning, an last-minute breakthrough that avoided a weekend expiration of a key program.
Good for America.

'He's going to pop': Warning given about Trump's age and stress during hush money trial
"He is going to violate the gag order in grand fashion in front of the media and I think it will come sooner rather than later because it is not a position he is used to being in," he added before suggesting, "If I'm the prosecutor in this case, I'm going to sit back and let it happen."

Trump on the verge of handing Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg a big 'win': former prosecutor
"As much as I’d like to see this, it’s a sure thing Trump’s lawyers will do everything they can to keep him off the stand," she wrote. "But the decision about whether to testify belongs to the client, and Trump has proven to be a client who is uniquely incapable of listening to the advice of his lawyers."
Trump (like his supporters) is his own worst enemy.

Trump demands removal of Judge Merchan in meltdown before contempt hearing
It's very clear this man has no concept of the American justice system and the deep hole he is in. He is deeply mentally disturbed.
He's redundant statement "I did nothing wrong" is what is being determined in the courtroom.
And these trials he must face are only beginning. This is a person that has lost control.

Want to Die Young? Bathe Yourself in Right-Wing Media & Vote Republican
We should have known, but, still, the science is shocking: when conservatives run governments, suicides and homicides go up; when liberals run governments, suicides and homicides go down.

O' the Troubles He's Seen. He's Cold. Give Now!
"Don’t delay, order today. Order online from FART (Free America Right Today). Keep Trump warm, and yourself, too. Just $99.99, plus shipping and handling."

Trump has 'finally met his match' after Judge Merchan put him on a 'short leash': experts
"Attempts by Donald Trump to derail and create chaos at his Manhattan hush money trial have been promptly shut down by Judge Juan Merchan who is earning praise from legal experts."

A prehistory of MAGA: "Mainstream" conservatives never really purged the fascists
Author David Austin Walsh says "respectable" conservatives have tolerated racists and neo-Nazis all along
From hell it came.

Catholic League: No Institution Has A Better Record On Combating Child Sex Abuse Than The Catholic Church
Because that's what happened to him.
And water is not wet.

Posobiec Calls On Cultist Jurors To “Sabotage” Trial
Nazi scum at work attempting to destroy our system of law and order where freedom's just another word for permission to sabatoge. Saboteurs should be arrested and charged.

Man Who Voted Against Infrastructure Repairs Attacks Biden For Letting “Our Roads And Bridges Fall Apart”
Here's a Nazi moron that doesn't know infrastructure from voting to fix it.

Video: GOPs Project 2025 Is Real And It's Terrifying
The comparison between the GOP's Project 2025 and "The Handmaid's Tale" may seem far-fetched, but it's not. Project 2025 is a terrifying blueprint for Donald Trump's second administration. Even former GOP Rep. Liz Chaney warns that America is "sleepwalking into a dictatorship."
Christo-fascism no idea how much resistance they will meet.

AZ Republican Who Cried About Election Fraud Drops Out Of Race
...after committing election fraud.

Trump was 'fuming' after Judge Merchan made him sit 'like a man addressing his dog': report
Lumpy has no idea about court etiquette.

Jesse Watters Continues Personal Attacks On Trump Jurors
Arrest this man for jury tampering and intimidation.

Tax Evasion May Be Trump’s Next Criminal Charges
So many charges, so many to come.

HORROR: Man Set Himself On Fire Outside Of New York Courthouse
"The last reports we have are that this man is in critical condition. It's a wonder he survived at all. There have been some tweets with suggestions that this man wrote a manifesto that is, frankly, derived from the deepest conspiratorial corners of the internet, if in fact he wrote it, something that is unconfirmed. I'm not going to post it here because it looks to me like the ravings of someone who has been misled and is suggestible."
Apparently not a Buddhist Monk.

‘Our future is on the ballot’: A bunch of Kennedys cut a new ad for Biden
"On the heels of more than a dozen Kennedy family members’ endorsement, the Biden campaign released a new ad Friday featuring a handful of the most prominent descendants of Camelot sharing their endorsement of President Joe Biden over their own relative, Robert F. Kennedy Jr."

New FL Law Lets “Patriotic” Groups Recruit In Schools
The Nazi state of Florida and their "Minstry of Truth."

Trump Money Beg: “I Could Be Locked Up For Life”
We can only hope.

Megachurch To Shutter Amid Sexual Abuse Scandal
"The International House of Prayer-Kansas City, plagued for months by sexual abuse allegations against its founder Mike Bickle, plans to close its doors and open a new, smaller organization."

Trump Co-Defendants Lose Bid To Dismiss Docs Case
"U.S. District Judge Aileen M. Cannon rejected arguments in an order filed Thursday from Trump’s co-defendants seeking to dismiss their charges in the classified documents case."

Newt Gingrich Perfectly Describes How Everything Is His Fault
Do you ever look at the House and think, “If I was speaker, I could get these knuckleheads in line?”
"You can’t keep them in line, because the technology’s changed. They have the ability to make noise, they have the ability to go on television, and they have an ability to use the internet to raise money from [people] who only know who they are because they saw them on television, so what do they care?"

Judge urged by prosecutors to reject Trump's civil fraud bond as lacking 'trustworthiness'
He certainly lacks that.

Trump’s covid response was even worse than you remember
In a sane country, it would disqualify him from ever again holding office.
That's if you have a memory at all.

ANARCHY NOW! Republicans From Lincoln to Greene
From this ... to this.

Hospitals 'so scared' of GOP abortion laws that they're turning away pregnant patients
We have Trump's SCOTUS to thank for this.

Donald Trump turns the GOP into a protection racket — and demands Republican candidates pay up
To "be seen favorably," the Trump campaign threatens, Republicans must give 5 percent — or more — to the boss
Now everyone can see the grifter at work. Or they are blind as Ray Charles?

Jesse Watters Again Attacks Prospective Trump Jurors
Again — Jury tampering. Arrest and charge him.

Lara Trump: Don’t Buy The Lie Biden Got 81M Votes
Queen of the Tropes. Failed Frump.

Matt Gaetz attended 2017 party where minor and drugs were present, woman's sworn statement obtained by Congress claims
Ethics Panel Investigates Gaetz For “Illicit” Drug Use
Ethics panel? Better get the FBI involved.

Trump campaign says it will deploy thousands of election workers to monitor poll sites
The program underscores Trump’s fixation with election security, which he deployed in an effort to undermine results of the 2020 election.
Which means the con man will attempt intmidation of American rights — again.

'Can't fault them for that': Judge backs DA's refusal to give Trump lawyer witness list
Let's all watch Lumpy play Air Accordion! TA-DA!

Jury selected in Trump hush money trial
And away we go!

'Twisting my words': GOP Senate candidate denies saying elderly people shouldn't vote
This is what he said:

'It's in print so believe it!' Internet roasts Trump after rambling paper-clutching rant
He's so mockable and a huge loser.

Trump awkwardly brandishes printed news stories after full day of criminal trial
"Look Over Here!" the new Donald Trump Show!
Throw him in a cell and stop fearing the lying, insane criminal.

China's cities are sinking, putting tens of millions at risk
"Nearly a third of China's urban population lives in areas that are subsiding, according to a sweeping national survey of 82 major Chinese cities. In coastal areas, that makes sea level rise worse."

Dismissed Trump Juror Had Been Targeted By Watters, Judge Tells Reporters To Stop Publicizing Jurors’ Jobs
And arrest Watters for jury tampering.

“Constitutional Sheriffs” Hold Conference On Using Militias And “Citizen Armies” To Stop Migrant “Voters”
“Constitutional Sheriffs.” Now there's a contradiction in terms.

Louisiana Panel Repeals Lunch Breaks For Child Workers
Might as well call them the "Oliver Twist Swine Party."

Once again, Arizona Republicans block efforts to repeal the 1864 abortion ban
A full Nazi state. Stop any federal funding to them.

Joe Scarborough To Trump: Stop Trashing America
"Where are you from? Because you may claim to be from where I'm from, but you were not raised by the same teachers I was raised by, and you don't read… I'm getting tired of saying this to people who claim to be patriotic but hate America because they're always running America down," Scarborough said. They're always trashing America. They're always saying America is horrible, its democracy doesn't work, we need a dictatorship if Donald Trump doesn't win."

NY Times Reverses Stance: Biden NOT Losing Latino Voters
"A newly released New York Times/Siena poll shows a wholesale reversal from its previous February poll that suggested President Joe Biden wasbleeding support among Latino voters.
The Times/Siena poll released Saturday showed Biden gaining significant ground with minority voters, including opening up a 9-point lead over Trump with Latinos, 50% - 41%. That's a 15-point turnaround since February, when theTimes/Siena survey gave Trump a 6-point advantage among Latino voters, winning 46% of the group to Biden's 40%."

Yet another House Republican announces retirement — and says 'dysfunction' has 'taken a toll'
No one in their right mind would stay in the madhouse that the House has been turned to by fascists.

'They want Russia to win so badly': GOP congressman blasts far-right House Republicans
Snake Plisken tears out the cassette tape.

GOP Candidates Now Have To Pay To Use Trump's Name, Image
Just say no. He's a grifting loser.

Tesla Moves Employee Across Country, Then Fires Them
Not a nice thing to do.

U.S. Produce Still Contains Unsafe Levels of Pesticides, Consumer Reports Analysis Finds
Organic is the only way to go.

Biden to receive Kennedy family backing against RFK threat
"The legendary Kennedy clan will endorse U.S. President Joe Biden during a campaign trip to Philadelphia Thursday — underscoring the election threat posed by family black sheep and independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr."

Biden Rent Increase Cap Shows the Tenant Union Movement Can Win Nationally
"Winning these conditions and ensuring that the new rent cap is fully enforced are the next steps for the tenant union movement looking to build on the momentum of this win."

Raging Against White Rural Rage
"I don’t like to slam books, especially those ahead of mine on the best seller list. It might seem like petty jealousy. But one recent release, White Rural Rage by Tom Schaller and Paul Waldman, is seriously flawed."

Mindfucking for Fun and Profit: A Chronology
"Mindfucking, also known as gaslighting, also known as lying, is so ubiquitous now that it could be seen as just another word for nothing left to lose, a synonym for how we live now in the age of social media, a source for things people would prefer we believed that most often just ain’t so. Hell, perhaps the most watched news outlet in the country is FOX, fucking our brains out since Reagan promised that if we gave all the money to the rich, we'd be rewarded when they trickled some of it down on the rest of us."

The Party’s Over
"The death of the Republican Party is not to be celebrated. It is a tragedy. It is testament to how fragile our democracy has become. It illustrates what happens when presidents are not held accountable. It is evidence of what occurs when decades of economic gains go mainly to the top. It shows that many Americans have lost sight of our history and ideals, or have become so cynical and hopeless that they are willing to chuck it all in favor of an atrocious human being who claims to be on their side."

How Many Times Does Trump Get To Violate His Gag Order Before Judge Merchan Jails Him?
How many times does he get to break any of our laws and go unpunished?
"Of course, Jesse Watters is lying, because Jesse Watters is a liar. He stared at the camera yesterday and said, “they are trying to rig this jury,” followed by the part Trump quoted about liberal activists trying to sneak onto the jury. Of course, Watters conceded that prospective jurors are getting tossed when defense attorneys find (and read out loud in front of Trump) their hilarious memes about how Trump should die in prison."

A one-shot vaccine for COVID, flu and future viruses? Researchers say it's coming
New RNA-based vaccine strategy could be a breakthrough: No boosters, no needles and far more rapid effects
The brainless need not bother to read this.

MTG Bill Would Fund “Space Lasers” To Stop Migrants
"They're coming to take her away today!"

Trump Defies Gag Order In Attack On Prospective Jurors
How many lwas does this asshat get to break before he's jailed for life?
Liar Watters isn't any better.

Criminal tax evasion complaint filed as Trump heads back to court
"The FBI and the Department of Justice should investigate and, if the facts support it, act to ensure accountability for this lawlessness. Donald Trump’s habit of lying and placing himself above the law has no place in a republic governed by the rule of law."

'We got you': AZ Republicans mock activists after voting down repeal of controversial 1864 law
This is what a totalitiarian system looks like.

'Coming for them': Ex-prosecutor says Trump is promoting 'fake allegations about jurors'
Pay no attention to that failed man behind the curtain.

Nugent: “Anyone Against Trump Is Against America”
Dude, can you still bend a G-string?

Kirk: Trump Should “Defy The Judge And Get Arrested”
The elte brilliance.

Bragg Wants To Cross-Examine Trump On Civil Lawsuits
The man he refers to "wants the most powerful position in the country, but cannot take the stand because he will relentlessly lie and self-incriminate." — Darrel Cj (comments)

RFK Jr.’s Running Mate Posts Batshit Anti-Vax Claims
It attracts its own.

MTG’s Boyfriend Is Disappointed NYC Isn’t “Chaotic”
Village idiot has the sadz.
It's the Hispanic males. Dude, they've been there like for ages. Get out of town once in awhile and see the world, hillican. Almost 9 million living there and they ain't all white.

George Santos Wants More Liars And Frauds In Congress
Hey George there are too many like you in the Republican party already.
"Let George do it!" Or is it Jack? Or is it "Shit fer Brains"?

PowerPoint 'accidentally sent to Dem lawmakers' reveals Arizona GOP strategy to 'dilute votes'
Well, they'll just settle it with "Strap on a Glock" that will be provided by the Vaseline Woman. ROTFLMAO!

Mayorkas impeachment trial ends before senators even voted for acquittal or conviction
Send out the clowns. Don't bother they've left!

Poor Idiot Trump Thought He Could Just Veto Jurors Forever And Ever
Trump truly believes he knows it all. Sad.
"Also sounds like he’s harboring the same delusions his dumbest lawyer Alina Habba is harboring, that the trial is being held in New York because it is RIGGED AND STOLLEN, and not because that’s where Alvin Bragg is the DA and where Trump committed the crimes."

Fox News Calls Marjorie Taylor Greene Idiot As Mike Johnson At Last Moves Ass On Ukraine
"Well, they’re not wrong! Except one thing: the GOP is wrecked and done for already. It’s nothing but a permanent parasite inside Donald Trump’s anal cavity, the exact kind of insurgent, insurrectionist domestic threat officials’ oaths of office speak of."

Former D.C guard leaders testify that Trump could have stopped Jan. 6 — and chose not to
"The testimony came from Michael Brooks, the senior enlisted leader of the D.C. guard on Jan. 6, and Brigadier Gen. Aaron Dean, the adjutant general of the D.C. guard during that same time."

‘Big journalism fail’: Mainstream media blasted over coverage of historic Trump trial
I believe this has been more than obvious for a very long time now.

'Hitler was influential': Elise Stefanik buried after being named to Time's top 100 list
So was Pol Pot. And cancer still is.

Oklahoma county GOP chair arrested in alleged murder-kidnap plot
It appears Oklahoma is definitely not OK.

Conservatives Suddenly Realize Tucker Carlson Is a Lying Russia Dupe
Conservatives are suddenly realizing a load of things.

‘Someone Needs Therapy!’ House Oversight Hearing ERUPTS When Comer and Raskin Unleash Hell On Each Other
In the form of a brain transplant!

Trump Promises Big Oil Donors He’ll Stop Wind Power
This will really benefit humanity in what way, you asshat? You are a huge threat, not only to America, but to the planet earth and it's inhabitants.
“I hate wind,” said Trump. Then stop breaking it.

Plasma Physicist Warns That Elon Musk's Disposable Satellites May Be Damaging the Earth's Magnetic Field
Then we should dispose of him. It's only more space junk.

'Did You Get My Letter?': Jon Ossoff Hands Louis DeJoy His A**
"Postmaster General Louis DeJoy did not have prior experience in his job. Still, he was appointed by former President Donald Trump anyway, maybe because he was a major Republican Party donor and Trump fundraiser. But he can't do the job. Again, DeJoy was the first postmaster general in two decades without prior USPS experience, and it shows!"

AG Garland Smacks Down MAGA ‘Biden Impairment’ Smear
MAGAt gamesmanship is lousy.

A chunk of metal that tore through a Florida home definitely came from the ISS
Space junk can be a risk to us.

'Disastrous consequences': Columnist warns this 'destructive' Trump plan could tank economy
If you don't like inflation and taxes going up you will reject this disasterous clown.

'Unprecedented' chaos in House GOP if Johnson gets the boot: CNN data reporter
The MAGAts have effectively murdered the Republican Party.

Trump showing jurors 'he's a bad guy who doesn't respect anything': George Conway
"That's one of the reasons why I think he was hit with the $83.3 million verdict during the second E. Jean Carroll trial," Conway added. "He sat in front of the jury and showed contempt for the entire process and contempt for the jury, which dovetailed nicely that the other side was trying to prove: This is a bad guy who doesn't respect anything."

Trump just 'touched the third rail' in hush money trial: former prosecutor
Mr. Loudmouth will only convict himself.

Sleepy Don's dilemma: Napping in court could help Trump win the case, but it hurts him with his base
Trump trial tantrums get MAGA wallets to open, but could turn a jury against him

Texas Putin Fan Reportedly Arrested As Spy By Russia
Have we ever seen the likes of the bullshitters we are seeing these days?

New Docs Contradict Senate Candidate’s Gunshot Story
More on the fruit cake.

Trump attorney said judge won’t allow jurors time off for religious holiday — which isn’t true
They are all liars. Trump will be allowed to go to his son's graduation if things don't get bogged down and stslled by this lawyers. Fox makes all this shit up because the bosses tell them to spew it for their suckers.

Does Trump Want To Kill Schoolchildren?
Trump should make RFK Jr., his running mate.
"During his rally in Schnecksville, PA Trump told his cult members he will cut all funds to schools which implement a vaccine and or mask mandate to protect students from other diseases.
When will Diminished Don start selling MAGA crystal balls that can predict when a new epidemic might appear?"
He probably doesn't want to but he doesn't give a damn if he does.

What A Big Difference: The Bidens Release Their Tax Returns
And no one had to pressure them. Imagine that.

'Keep confessing': Trump appears to corroborate allegations against him in impromptu remarks
"Trump's impromptu remarks appear to be a tacit admission to the precise allegations against him described in the indictment."
Was it he that marked it down or an unknown accountant?

'Something’s fishy here': Trump’s latest $175 million bond filings questioned by experts
Just more tomfoolery from Trump's shady doings.

Supreme Court takes its deepest plunge into Jan. 6, with possible implications for Trump
This should show us if SCOTUS is honest or not.

Alvin Bragg formally asks for Trump to be held in contempt for violating gag order
It's interesting that whatever gets requested gets put off until next week.

Trump is paying ex-accountant hush money to avoid aiding prosecutors: report
Pretty sure there are laws against bribery.

'Take off the Gag Order!' Trump spits hot rage at Judge Merchan in early morning rant
Dude, if your lawyers aren't good mouthpieces then you are hopelessy lost. Shut the fuck up!

Morning Joe disgusted by Tom Cotton for advocating torture and murder of protesters
Cotton's the one to be thrown off the bridge.

US Infrastructure Is Broken. Here’s an $830 Million Plan to Fix It
WIRED spoke with US transportation secretary Pete Buttigieg about recent grants to fix ancient roads, bridges, and other critical infrastructure before it’s too late.

Audit says Arkansas governor’s office potentially violated laws with $19,000 lectern purchase
Oh, so sad. Wherever will she prop her elbows?

Maine To Join Multi-State Popular Vote Compact
It's past time for the U.S. to get this done.

No One Is Pushing Bill Maher Right, He Got There All On His Own
"The main ways we are being horribly extreme this time are “wokeness” (just in general), pushing for rights for trans people, immigrants, and, now, universal healthcare, which he claimed has been a disaster in Canada.
Why has it been a disaster? Well, one of the reasons he cites is that Canadians now spend 13 percent of their GDP on healthcare. That’s a pretty big number! You know what’s a bigger number? 17.3 percent. You know who spends 17.3 percent? That would be the United States."
Smart guy, eh? LMAO!

Collapse of White Nationalist Party Offers Lessons for Anti-Fascist Strategy
They always bring about their own end. Think of it — always.

Sterilization Procedures Have Surged Among Young People Following “Dobbs"
And you thought we already had a newborn problem? The genius of Nazi swine!

Biden administration agrees to provide $6.4 billion to Samsung for making computer chips in Texas
"The planned manufacturing and research cluster is expected to create at least 17,000 construction jobs and more than 4,500 manufacturing jobs."
Guess who'll take credit for that? Right.

Chris Sununu Is Either a Mountebank, a Coward, or a Fool
Or all three!

'Audacious': Expert stunned by Trump's latest SCOTUS argument for presidential immunity
"In this new filing, Trump's attorneys build their case on the experiences of two other former presidents: Richard Nixon and the man who pardoned him, Gerald Ford."
"Gerstein's analysis of Trump's claim frustrated several of his readers who argued there was a gaping hole in his case."
As X user @RationalLeft replied, "Um... if Nixon had been immune from prosecution, why would he have needed a pardon?" Duh.
This has been said many times. Why is there any doubt about it to anyone?
Conversley, if he is deemed immune then the current president can have him legally assassinated.
The problem is settled either way.

Elise Stefanik's brag about humble origins busted by new investigation
OMG! She's a liar too? What a shocker!

Iran's leaders insist the attack against Israel was a 'victory'
Using the old Vietnam stratagy. Leave and say we won.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Attempts Trump Legal Defense, Fails Very Badly
"Yes, there is a signed statement by Stormy Daniels denying that she had an affair with Trump. Trump paid her to make the statement. The payments for that statement is what the case is about."
She's just not cogent enough to understand this.

Eric Swalwell Accuses Fox Host Of Jury Tampering
Another sucker bucking for jail time.

Kirk: It’s Time To Put Dems In Handcuffs And Leg Irons
Charlie, the wagon is going to roll up on you in your dreams and you will never tell another joke again!
You don't understand a major losing factor of your political gang. But you will.

Trump Orders His Poll Watchers To Get Violent On Election Day 2024
Already admitting to the crime of voter suppression. What a Nazi POS. Rotting before our very eyes.

Trump Whines That His Criminality Is 'An Assault On America'
The old man looks like he's had the shit kicked out of him.
What a whiney dork.

Judge halts Texas probe into Media Matters’ reporting on X
Foiled again.

'Sit': Animated Trump lawyer ordered to take seat by hush money judge
Good doggie.

'There will be an arrest': Trump gets stark warning from hush money judge
"If you deliberately fail to appear in court when required, then any proceeding in your case, including hearing, trial and, if you are convicted, sentence, can and will continue in your absence," Merchan told him, according to a court transcript.

Maggie Haberman: Trump 'appears to be sleeping' in courtroom
Seves him right for posting all night long. Doing it in All Caps makes it easier to not have to hit shift for one. And he loves yellling.

Clarence Thomas missing from Supreme Court during oral arguments — with no explanation
Playing hookey or simply ill.

Tesla to lay off more than 10 percent of its workers as sales slow
The "genius" makes lemons.

Cybertruck owners allege pedal problem as Tesla suspends deliveries
Cyberlemon is a bit problematic.

'Scared to death': GOP ex-congressman brings hammer down on 'weak' Trump
“It’s really easy not to get in a war, if you just surrender everything,” Kinzinger said Sunday evening in what he called an “emergency” video (below). He called the ex-president now on day one of the first criminal trial of any former U.S. president, “the worst foreign policy president of my generation,” and “a week, small, tiny man who was scared to death.”

Why has America tolerated 6 illegitimate Republican presidents?
Only 6?

Trump's lifetime of 'debauchery' has put him in 'peril' — and he knows it: biographer
"Donald Trump's lifetime of "debauchery" might be finally catching up with him, according to his biographer, and the former president seems to know it."

GOP blasted by conservative for refusing to admit 'elderly buffoon' Trump is unfit to run
But he's a really great at buffoonery!

Trump Media Stock Plummets In Pre-Market Trading

Ouch: Whitmer Calmly Takes Welker To The Woodshed And Clobbers Her
She said what all of us are thinking.
Kristen Welker may as well be wearing her MAGAt "Vote Trump" button. If anyone is offering "false hope" she is.

How Republicans are ramping up for mass voter challenges ahead of the 2024 election<vbr> They can't win honest elections so they've decided to fuck them up as much as possible for everyone.

'Sad little man': Trump mocked online for response to Iran attack on Israel
"He’s such an ignorant, pathetic narcissist," he wrote. "He makes everything about him. What a sad little man he is." — Joe Walsh
"Fun Fact: Iran attacked U.S. military sites in Iraq while Trump was president," Timmer wrote.
A mind is a terrible thing to waste. But he has been mindless most of his life.

Can't we get a nationwide gag order against Trump's violent threats?
The First Amendment wasn't meant to cover a public figure's dangerous, damaging lies. But there's an answer
We all know what it is too.

Kentucky Republicans Override Dem Gov’s Veto Of Bill Removing Him From Role In Filling Senate Vacancies
Nazis overthrow Kentucky democracy.

Turns Out Voters Actually Care About Porn Star Hush Money
Pundits might be dismissing Trump’s hush-money case, but voters aren’t.
Who said pundits had a brain?

Jesse Watters Very Upset CA Fast Food Workers Earn $20 An Hour
It’s not even a living wage but the multimillionaire is 'very unhappy' the pay hike might raise the price of his Happy Meal.
Looks like he's upset that they make more than he does.
He had a hard time trying to get a six-figure income out of it. Math is not a strong point here.
No one told him there would be math on this test.

53% Say Trump Committed “Serious Federal Crimes”
"A majority of voters believe former President Donald Trump has committed “serious federal crimes,” according to the latest New York Times/Siena College poll.
Fifty-three percent of likely voters said they believe this, while 39 percent of those surveyed said they did not believe that Trump committed serious crimes. Nine percent said they didn’t know or didn’t answer the question.
The numbers broken down by party affiliation show that 90 percent of Democrats believe he has committed serious crimes, while 17 percent of Republicans fall in this category. Forty-nine percent of independents shared this sentiment."

'Doomed': Republicans 'smoking themselves out' in upcoming vote to raise credit card fees
The bastards love to fuck the American people.

We Need a Democratic Revolution to Overcome the Rightwing Media Machine!
Autocrats & fascists, know the importance of media ownership (Hitler &Mussolini also took over radio & newspapers during their time). Why this simple lesson is lost on progressives is confounding.

Trump is barrelling towards the 'worst day in his public life': former prosecutor
You mean so far.

Donald Trump: Scandals And Controversies
Wins scumbag of the century award.

Kamala Harris Isn’t Letting Trump Dodge on Abortion
Kick the liar's butt!

Texas Republicans Form New Group After Nazi Scandal
"Months after a scandal over his ties to white supremacists, far-right political operative and former state lawmaker Jonathan Stickland has created a new group — with help from outgoing Texas GOP Chair Matt Rinaldi."

Late Night Open Thread: In Case You Missed Lawrence O’Donnell’s Latest…
The five-minute clip is all over twitter, but of course some of you don’t read twitter… Lawrence O'Donnell may have just delivered the most brutal and humiliating takedown of Donald Trump ever aired on national television
— MeidasTouch (@MeidasTouch) April 12, 2024

Bonus goon content: Kevin McCarthy feels confident enough about his party’s current disarray to publicly threaten Matt Gaetz. Interesting to wonder what favors Kevin is looking for…

Kevin McCarthy refers to Matt Gaetz:
"I'll give you the truth why I'm not speaker. It's because one person, a member of Congress, wanted me to stop an ethics complaint because he slept with a 17-year-old … Did he do it or not? I don't know."
– via @MoElleithee @GUPolitics

— Howard Mortman (@HowardMortman) April 10, 2024
… and what's stopping Mr. McCarthy from naming them now?
— Andy (@trtx84) April 10, 2024

Let’s Flush the Rural ‘Resentment’ About Immigration
"In November, millions of rural voters will mark their ballot for a man who has pledged to “close the borders”. In interviews and in rallies, this group of white voters will pretend that they don’t need immigration, yet the evidence of their deep need of immigrants to work on rural farms is all over the heartland."

Pro-Trump media landscape 'utterly collapsing' compared to last election cycle: report
"In the run-up to the 2016 presidential election, a slew of far-right websites popped up and cashed in on content propping up then-candidate Donald Trump. And those sites continued to rake in millions of dollars during Trump's time in the White House. But since 2020, the right-wing media cash spigot has effectively slowed to a trickle."

'He's not even clear on what he's doing': New Trump stumble draws mental acuity concerns
When, in heaven's name, has he ever known what he is doing?

Trump mocked after insider admits ex-president 'couldn't get his head around' basic fact
Former President Donald Trump was ridiculed Friday after his former adviser admitted he "could not get his head around" a basic fact.

"Key player": Legal scholar says Hope Hicks' hush-money testimony could be "devastating" for Trump
"If the jury believes her, it would be devastating evidence against Trump and make a conviction much more certain"

Florida Bans Police Misconduct Oversight Boards
The state of Florida is a disgrace to humanity.
Fascism is king and DeSantis is the Nazi that worships it.

Judge Blocks Texas AG’s Probe Into Media Matters
Texas dirt bag gets emptied.

One Million Moms Vs “Sin-Glorifying” Hill’s Dog Food
There they go again, meddling with marketing. No dog food for you homos and your homo dogs!
If God thinks homsexuality is wrong why has he tolerated it since time immemorial? Sounds like someone bought a bag of bullshit on this.

'The Family' Forces Zelenskyy To Cut Deal For Aid From U.S.
If you see evangelical House Republicans softening their opposition to military aid for Ukraine, don’t assume it’s divine intervention.
Here is some really stinking bullshit from "religious" asshats trying their best to grab power they have no right to.

Newsmax Host Attacks Biden For Not ‘Knowing’ Africa Is A Country
It was another embarrassing bellyflop for the never-ending MAGA effort to smear Biden as mentally impaired. This is what you get when you install morons to pretend to be "newscasters."

New 'red flags' raised over Trump’s bond money after link to Grand Caymans revealed
“This just stinks to high heaven."
"That is the opinion of one former insurance expert when shown documentation showing that the company that is backing Donald Trump's $175 million appeal bond has backed their own bet with funds supposedly held in the secretive tax haven of the Grand Caymans."
Another Trump scam.

Busted: GOP Senate candidate running on rural roots grew up 'three miles from a Trader Joe’s'
Another slime creature from the MAGAt sewer.

Biden Administration Rule Improves Accountability For Big Oil Corporations That Profit From Public Lands
“The Biden administration deserves our thanks for holding accountable the companies who have gotten a sweetheart deal to drill public property for far too long. Anyone who wants to profit from resources that belong to all American taxpayers should pay their fair share. This is an important step toward fixing a wildly irresponsible system that has given so much to massive corporations at the expense of everyone who enjoys the great outdoors.” —Chris Marshall spokesperson for Accountable.US

Maine Republicans Censured After Blaming Lewiston Shootings On Abortion Access
Don't stop with Maine.

Swalwell Compares Standing With Trump To Standing With Terrorists
Don't forget traitors as well.

Meet The Men Behind Arizona's 1864 Abortion Ban
These the scumbags that robbed our rights? I got this for them. And I guarantee I wipe my ass with this hand.

Morning Joe On New Polls: Trump May Want To Jump Off The Brooklyn Bridge
No harm to hope.

Marjorie Taylor Greene: I'm Not Full Of Sh*t, You're Full Of Sh*t
I know you are but what am I?
Where's Pee Wee now that we could turn him loose on her.

Trump’s Viral Chick-Fil-A Scene Was Staged Photo-Op
Incredibly shocking!
Hitler's children at work. They are devils for certain.

'She's so good at this': Stormy Daniels issues Trump burn on eve of hush money trial
Nut cuttin' and bitch slappin'!
"I love this woman," replied X user Leon Kings. "Say it how it is! No-one would peddle a bible, gold sneakers, bits of an old suit, playing cards, unless they're desperate. Yet, here we are, the man is running for President ! Billionaire, my a--- !"br>

'Pathetic and unAmerican': Liz Cheney goes on attack against 'Moscow Marge' Taylor Greene
Thanks, Liz. She deverves it.

'Sounds like a veiled threat': Jim Acosta highlights troubling part of recent Trump tirade
"Remember... he tweeted [about the January 6th 'Stop the Steal' rally], 'Will be wild!'" Eisen recalled. "In that context, with the repeated history of his words leading to risk and danger and violence, that's why this gag order is in place. Contrary to what he said, it's not unusual. And when he says his people get angry, that should be a flashing red light."
Referring to his terrorist traitors, no doubt.

'Kill case with kindness': Expert suspects motive behind Aileen Cannon's pro-Smith rulings
"In his column for the Bulwark, Rotner suggested Cannon is all too aware that her "bizarre rulings" — predominately in favor of the embattled Trump — have not only been the subject of ridicule but also have been piling up in such a way that the sheer volume could lead to her forced recusal by the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals."
She can read the handwriting on the wall.

Trump shares post slamming stock market for not getting his 'Michelangelo'-level genius
"Former President Donald Trump Friday made a new addition to his list of institutions that are conspiring against him: the stock market."

Truth Social shares hit grim milestone as price sinks again
Trump junk.

Lauren Boebert: Scandals And Controversies
Tracking scandals and controversies involving Rep. Lauren Boebert, Republican congresswoman from Colorado.

Leonard Leo: Scandals And Controversies
Tracking scandals and controversies involving Leonard Leo, a conservative judicial activist and major donor to conservative right-wing causes.

Kristi Noem: Scandals And Controversies
Tracking scandals and controversies involving South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem. Noem Claimed Native American Tribal Leaders Have An Alliance With Drug Cartels.

Supreme Court: Scandals And Controversies
Tracking scandals and controversies involving the US Supreme Court. Justices Samuel Alito And Clarence Thomas Accepted Gifts From Conservative Donors.

Why a Porn Star-Payoff Is Exactly the Right First Criminal Trial for Donald Trump
"This caper did not arise from an abuse of power; it did not concern a serious governmental matter. But it casts a light on an important slice of Trump’s origin story: his cultivation of a sordid and crude celebrity infused with misogyny. Trump’s fame—which led him to his reality TV gig with The Apprentice which led to his political career—was a product of schlock media that fed on his well-orchestrated bad-boy behavior and sexism. The jury’s job will be to decide whether Trump violated New York State law by attempting to hide the payment to Daniels as a business expense. But the trial will mean more than that and put on the witness stand the trashy world of Donald Trump."

Fox News, Far-Right Podcasters Sued For Linking Wrong Man To Neo-Nazi Shooting
Podcasters Tim Pool and Steven Crowder and Infowars host Owen Shroyer are listed as defendants, among others.
Why are these Fox idiots still allowed to broadcasting?

O’Donnell Tees Off On Trump’s “Horror Movie” Makeup
Trump can't seem to find a good makeup artist. His ears and the area around his eyes are always white as snow while the rest of his face looks like a dead banana slug.
It's very surprising that all men that think he's the tits don't wear the same clown face that Trump does. Says a lot about them.

Ohio Church Sues “White Lives Matter” Nazi Group Over 2023 Firebomb Attack After Hosting Drag Show
"A church in Ohio that suffered an arson attack last year after it agreed to host drag shows has sued the guilty party and members of the extremist group he is affiliated with for damages."

Trump Lawyer Leaves Team, Expected To Testify For Prosecutors
Donnie can't seem to win for losing. Yes, he is a loser.

Shame Shame Shame: On the Hovering Glory Of A Forced-Birth God Almighty
The definition of retarded.
"Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past." - George Orwell.

Nice Old Joe Biden Announces Even More Student Debt Forgiveness
"The same people who loved the $14 trillion in tax cuts from Bush and Trump are having conniptions. They didn't mind that particular kind of public spending, did they?"

The Not-So-Hidden Reason For Republicans’ Student Loan Anger
"We mustn’t underestimate that a good portion of the white tears shed after Biden’s historic announcement also came from the jealousy of not being given another tax break. Because Republicans actually love welfare - as long as it favors them. They enjoyed four years of handouts under Trump and never complained. Hell, why would they? They were winning."
“I don’t hear any of these Republicans squawking when we give massive tax breaks to billionaires,” Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), told George Stephanopoulos, on ABC’s “This Week” Sunday morning program.

Conservative ex-governor slams bombshell Arizona Supreme Court decision — from justices he appointed
"Passed when Abraham Lincoln was president and Arizona was still a territory, the law was rendered unenforceable by the U.S. Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade ruling 109 years later. But with Roe having been overturned in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization in 2022, the Arizona Supreme Court ruled, 4-2, that the 1864 law is enforceable once again."

MAGA fan tells CNN: 'Trump is so doggone close' to Jesus
These people are so small minded. They don't seem to realize is that anyone can pray anytime and anywhere they want.
What was removed from their "prayer memories" is the organized practice of any sort of religion in public school--it is unconstitutional. Would they like it if organized Muslim service was held in public school? Or Judaism service was held? None of that in a public school. Go to your church, temple or mosque to do it. You are free to do so. The fact is if you want to pray, pray.
The fact is Trump is nothing like Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus was a Jewish zealot. Trump is a criminal con man.

'Gibberish': Trump's rant about 'Letitia Jones' causes 'mental decline' uproar
"...It was a veritable showcase of the three 'D's' - desperation, delusion, and dementia."
He has become an embarrassment to America.

Latest "masculinity influencer": Another dudebro guiding followers into deeper loneliness
Self-described "alpha male" Nick Adams is offering young men "advice" that will only alienate them even further

CO GOP Rep Leaves Loaded Gun In Capitol Restroom
What on earth did he think he needed a gun for in the latrine of the state capitol?
These gun nuts are the defectives of our world.

US Embassy Warns Of Possible Iranian Strike On Israel
This could start the big one.

Leonard Leo Rejects Subpoena On Gifts To Justices
This is what Trump fascism has led us to: rejection of law and order. Nazi despotism.

Senate Republicans furious over Trump trying to derail FISA bill
The moron keeps sticking his stupid nose into places he has no business.
And the only reason is to show power. He doen't care about anyone or anything but himself.

British Writer Pens The Best Description Of Trump I’ve Read
"If being a twat was a TV show, Trump would be the boxed set."

Watch Seth Meyers drag Trump's desperate lies about his abortion policies
"Donald Trump is desperately trying to convince people that he's not an extremist on abortion, after proudly taking credit for overturning Roe v. Wade,” he said, “which has now led to a horrendous ruling in Arizona outlawing almost all abortions in the state based on a Civil War-era law."
The definition of "Shit For Brains!"

Trumpworld allies oppose threats to oust 'MAGA' Mike Johnson: report
It doesn't take a pschyiatrist to know these people are mentally ill.
How many laws must they make on top of the same law to believe in law?
They waste America's time and take our tax money because of it.

GOP lawmaker: Maine mass shooting 'consequences' from God for allowing reproductive rights
I don't know why anyone with a heart and soul would follow that "God."
A pile of garbage is more useful than these lame idiots.

Joe Biden 2024 Accomplishments
Tracking accomplishments made in 2024 by President Joe Biden.
In PDF document you may download freely.

'A new level': Trump mocked for pushing law to ban something 'already against the law'
Stupidity personified.

Ex-prosecutor reveals the 'most devastating witness' to Trump's hush money defense
"Former federal prosecutor Harry Litman, who now serves as a legal analyst for the Los Angeles Times, pinpointed one witness he believes will be the 'most devastating' in Donald Trump's hush money criminal case."

'Scared' Trump has 'something deep to lose' at hush money trial: ex-president's biographer
"O'Brien went on to say that he thinks the fact that Trump can't use this case to his benefit is only now dawning on him."

Americans Have Enjoyed Imagining Civil War for a Long, Long Time
The “What if we had a big ol’ fight?” genre is back, this time on the big screen.

The GOP Is the Party of Putin
Of this there is no doubt. Few Americans can be counted among this cult.
"The Republican party is now poised to let a brave, democratic ally be defeated by the power that the last GOP presidential nominee save one called “without question, our number one greatest geopolitical foe.” One member of Congress has sworn to introduce a resolution to vacate the speaker’s chair if Johnson puts aid for Ukraine on the floor. And the entertainment wing of conservatism—most egregiously Tucker Carlson—has gone into full truckling mode toward the ex-KGB colonel in the Kremlin."

Is the Anti-Democracy Movement Reaching a Tipping Point in the US & Around the World?
The real question at the core of the Ukraine conflict, is simple &straightforward: “What’s the best way for humans to govern themselves?”
Then let's go ahead and push the motherfuckers right over the side of the tip they've created.

Pastors respond after Trump says Christianity is under attack
Real Pastors set the record straight for a change.
Trump is a Christo-fascist taking advantage of the same Nazis and should be shunned by Christians.
"When I was young we were allowed to break laws by praticing only our real religion in a public school." sez an ignorant fascist.
Fascist Mega-preachers will get what they deserve.

Missouri Republican: What If You Had To Have A Unanimous Jury To Kill Someone?
Why does it matter in a shithole state like Missouri where a judge could have anyone he wants murdered?
More vicious than a Hitler Nazi?

Biden Campaign Getting Good At Tweeting Like Common A-Hole Liberal Viral Video Guy
"No sooner had we hit “publish” than the Biden campaign tweeted another fun video, this time of that creeper bigot Michael Knowles from Ben Shapiro’s wife-drying operation The Daily Wire, reminding us all EXACTLY who to thank for the overturning of Roe v. Wade."
“Donald Trump did it. He gets the credit for it!”
Nicely done, stupid. We hope this gets your boy stomped to death at the polls.

Biden to close ‘gun-show loophole’ and expand background checks for firearms
"The Biden administration is moving to expand background checks for gun purchases, fulfilling a key demand of advocates following the deadly shooting at a school in Uvalde, Texas."
It's time to get this done.

Ohio police release body camera video of officer shooting 15-year-old boy who family says had toy gun
We'd have all been shot to death when we were kids. We played with cap guns all the time. No one cared. I even had a facsimile of a Russian pistol. But I am white.
Racist cops are a threat to the Black race.

FBI concerned about possible coordinated attack in US after Russia massacre
In the crosshairs.

'The best people': Trump drowned in mockery after his lawyers subpoena the wrong person
"Former President Donald Trump's efforts to prepare for his New York hush money trial in a few days have hit a humiliating snag, as his attorneys tried to subpoena former D.A. investigator Jeremy Rosenberg — and accidentally brought in a different person with the same name."

CDC Reports Recent Doubling In New Mpox Cases
Does it infect Orange Shit Gibbons?

Trump: I Know The Chick-Fil-A Menu Better Than Staff
Something that we look for in a president? I'm sure he gets a salad every time.
The Lord eats chicken on Sundays? What dumbass! ROTFLMAO!

Iowa Gov Signs Bill Allowing Cops To Arrest Migrants
Migrants have been performing labor for America forever and getting screwed for doing it.

Cartoon: Tom the Dancing Bug presents Trump's Illustrated Bible
Says it all.

Why are we still suffering inflation? Monopoly power!
When there's no competition they can can rob us blind. Take them down by changing the laws that allow it.
"Corporate profits reached a record high in the fourth quarter of last year. And they’re keeping their prices sky-high."
These are the crooks we should ALL be angry with! "The only thing that’s popular these days seems to be corporate price gouging."
"Just four companies now control processing of 80 percent of beef, nearly 70 percent of pork, and almost 60 percent of poultry. So of course it’s easy for them to coordinate price increases."
"Kudos to the Biden administration for enforcing antitrust more aggressively than any administration in the last 40 years. It’s taken action against alleged price fixing in the meat industry — which has been a problem for decades." Screw these corpratons.

'Alarmed': Legal expert says ex-president is showing 'desperation' over criminal case
Criminals are always desperate.

'No way that is happening now': Judge Cannon effectively eliminates July trial schedule
This fascist must be removed from the bench.

"They're still playing games": Ex-prosecutor warns Trump may face asset seizure over invalid bond
Judge Arthur Engoron is "going to have very little patience here," predicts ex-assistant NY AG Adam Pollock
Throw him and his Nazis in jail.

RNC Robocalls Claim “Massive Fraud” In 2020 Election
Totally top notch humor! We know who the fucking frauds are. They can't hide their fraud because they are so proud they can do SOMETHING!
And Lara keep your mouth shut! It's only a photo.

Johnson To Hold “Election Integrity” Event With Trump

Trump Loses Third Attempt To Delay NYC Criminal Trial
And you'll have to be there every day, Shit Gibbon.

Lawsuit Claims Truth Social Director Hacked Investors
I'm guessing that's a crime.

Tuberville: Ukraine Takes US$ And Buys 'Beach Houses All Over The World’
"These people can't buy any more houses than what they've bought. They've got beach houses all over the world," said Tuberville on Newsmax.
He couldn't have said it any better than Valdimir Putin. What a Russian asset piece of shit.

'Open season to kill': GOP leader wants to 'deputize' civilians with guns in case of emergencies
Careful what you want, Nazis. You might get it.

Maine GOP lawmaker doubles down on comments defending Nazis
"Let’s talk about the Nazis," Libby said. "I would like to know what they did that was illegal...."
Can she be that fucking stupid? Many of us find the genocide of the Jews pretty fucking awful. Did you forget that one? You won't equivocate that will you? These fucking bastards are the same scum. You're as deluded and stupid as Hitler. Nazis should never have any Constitutional rights IMO. They

New York Times Couldn't Possibly Guess How Voters Will React To Arizona Abortion Ruling, It's A Mystery
"This week, Arizona’s extremist partisan hack state supreme court ruled that the state’s batshit 1864 total abortion ban, which was passed long before Arizona was even a state, can be enforced.
And the New York Times just doesn’t have a darn clue what voters are going to do about that, in this extremely swingy/trending blue state. It’s a shame we don’t have any data to look at to light our path of understanding. You know, except for all this data."

Will the Congressional Putin Caucus Give Ally Ukraine to a Bloodthirsty Dictator?
If we fail to aid Ukraine and Russia succeeds in overwhelming that country, expect Putin to head to Moldova and Poland or the Baltic states next: his generals and his #2, Dmitry Medvedev have said so.

Do the Right-Wing Grifters Ever Actually Pay?
A reckoning is coming for them.

The Future of the Federal Judiciary Is on the Ballot This November, Too
"Who is on the bench matters in a major way for the life of our nation. Republicans know this—which is why the Federalist Society and the broader decades-long conservative legal movement exist, and why Mitch McConnell has long been focused above all else on remaking the judiciary. When Americans go to the polls this November, they should remember that they’re voting not just for a president but for the direction the federal judiciary will take long into the future.
Take a moment to share this article with your friends and acquaintances on social media."

Fascist State
There are degrees of political insanity. After its recent Republican primary elections, Texas approaches a psychotic break.
We knew it would happen.

So, Fake Images of Trump With Black Voters Are a Thing Now
And this is just the beginning.
"What is reality?" We can now all begin to wonder if we haven't already.

Trump camp dismayed as RFK Jr. starts aggressively courting MAGA voters: report
There's a new Nazi in town.

'Cowardice': Foundation accused of snubbing Liz Cheney because it's terrified of Trump
"Presidential scholar and former White House photographer David Hume Kennerly issued a scathing letter of resignation criticizing the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation after it repeatedly refused to give Liz Cheney its annual award, he says, because the trustees are afraid of possible retribution if Donald Trump wins the presidential election."
None of these idiots deserve to leaders if they are all cowards, which they are.

Arizona Senator Mocks “God-Haters” Over Criticism After Leading “Tongues Prayer” Against Abortion Ruling
Dear boy, no one hates God. But he has a knack for pissing people off with his arrogant complex.

Trump Rages That DOJ “Animals” May Get Him Jailed
Whiney baby! He looks better in this alternate mug shot.

GA Dildo Shop Replaces RNC Minority Outreach Center
What a bunch of dicks!
Will she please keep her mouth closed?

Ohio Republican Accused In Massive Bribery Scandal Dies By Suicide, Second Republican To Do So In Case
Setting the example for the remainder of the MAGAt crooks.

Biden Announces New Student Debt Plan, Of Course GOP States Sue
The only way stupid can get government funds it appears since they refuse it honestly.

Clueless FBN Guest: 'Not The Worst Thing In The World' Women Forced To Travel For An Abortion
"What if he had to travel to get a prescription for erection drugs?
Gloria Steinem had it right. 'If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament.' Someone needs to tell these clueless sexist idiots that if they remain this out of touch with most of the country on abortion and women's reproductive health, a storm is coming for them in November."

Fox Guest: Arizona Abortion Ruling 'Almost Seems Scripted'
"The law — which was codified in 1901, and again in 1913 — outlaws abortion from the moment of conception but includes an exception to save the woman’s life."
That Civil War-era law — enacted a half-century before Arizona even gained statehood — was never repealed and an appellate court ruled last year that it could remain on the books as long as it was “harmonized” with a 2022 law, leading to substantial confusion in Arizona regarding exactly when during a pregnancy abortion was outlawed."
Again — retards.

Speed of AI development is outpacing risk assessment
Matrix, here we come!

GOP senator gloats: 'Republicans and Trump worked hard to overturn Roe v. Wade'
There's no escape for Trump here.

Trump legal news brief: Trump motion to delay hush money trial rejected by second appeals court judge in two days
See you in court, Donnie.

TX Gov. Abbott Claims Credit For Strong U.S. Jobs Numbers
Abbott is the definition of a classic shameless liar.
It's all about Texas according to him. Sorry, but I have been a Texas resident for half a century. Bullshit is what Abbott shamelessly deals in. He's emulating the King of Lies, Trump.

Newsrooms should treat the electorate like the hiring committee it actually is
At its core, the electorate is a hiring committee for public servants. Yet very few of the best practices for hiring are followed in the process.
"At its core, the electorate is the hiring committee for the public servants who hold some of the most important offices locally, regionally and nationally. Yet very few of the best practices for hiring are followed in this process."

Trump bumped from Bloomberg's list of billionaires as Truth Social stocks plummet
Trump was never fit to be a leader of our country.

Trump's GOP is 'actively pro-Russian': Financial Times columnist
He's actively in it for himself, the worst creature walking.

Trump busts the myth behind the MAGA rich
Trump's "nice countries" comment proves rich MAGA voters share the prejudices of the cheap seats
Just say no to these miscreant swine.

GOP Michigan Senate Candidate Busted Living In Florida
Another one fails his country.

Top RFK Official Attended J6 Rally, Posed With Kraken
Shame, shame. Kennedy is a Trump supporter wearing his brother's clothes.

TODAY: Ex-Trump Org CFO Gets Sentenced For Perjury
The end is nigh.

McCarthy: Gaetz Ousted Me To Stop Sex/Ethics Probe
Only 17? Really? Why stop there?
Gaetz is just another scumbag. Throw them all out with the trash.

Biden Ad Goes For The Gut: This Is Trump's Fault
Biden's new ad on abortion reveals horror of 'letting the states decide'.
Trump is a swine and the world knows it.

Gingrich Lies To Justify Trump's Hackneyed Abortion Policy
There is no bottom for bottom-feeder Newt Gingrich, who lied on air about Ruth Bader Ginsburg's comments regarding Roe v. Wade.
Nice try, you lying prick.
Trump and RBG are not on the same side and never were.

Judge Cannon 'resents' having to protect witnesses against Trump: Former prosecutor
This should show everyone how much of a Nazi this woman is. She should be disbarred.
"Judge Aileen Cannon appears to "resent" having to take steps to protect witnesses against former President Donald Trump from threats in his Mar-a-Lago classified documents case, former federal prosecutor Joyce Vance told MSNBC's Joy Reid on Tuesday.
This comes after Cannon, a South Florida judge appointed by Trump himself, agreed to protect the names of certain government witnesses against Trump — after special counsel Jack Smith demanding protection for several witnesses he warned would be vulnerable."

The Republican plan for US workers
"The last time the right wing was this organized was probably back in 1994, when Newt Gingrich published his 'Contract with America.' Some of us were so appalled by its contents that we referred to it as a plan for a gangster hit, a 'Contract on America.'
This year, they’re back with a vengeance. All of which is to say that if you work for a living, or if you know and love people who do, there’s a lot on the line in this year’s election. We can’t sit this one out."

Florida Christian School Cancels “Demonic” Autism Awareness Week Because It Doesn’t Acknowledge Jesus
A Nation of clueless fools wil lead us to our downfall.

Poll: 44% Of Recent Gun Buyers Back Political Violence
What's the polling on their casualty list?
"About 42% of owners of assault-type rifles said political violence could be justified, rising to 44% of recent gun purchasers, and a staggering 56% of those who always or nearly always carry loaded guns in public."
That means that 58% don't and only the ones that admit they carry are in this polling. The smart ones keep their mouths tight. No one knows for sure about them, eh?

'Incredible showdown' as ex-military leaders warn SCOTUS Trump 'immunity' threatens national security
Finally. An ultimatum. We know what this will lead to.

Ted Cruz slapped with campaign finance laws violation complaint
The fascists are getting what they deserve, finally.

Courts are losing patience with 'dead loser' Trump’s 'flailing' delay tactics: legal experts
Then try him regardless of any attempted stall tactics.

'Arming up for anticipated civil conflict': Study says gun buyers prone to 'political violence'
Generals, here are your domestic enemies now.

Trump’s Legal Argument Threatens Constitutional Democracy
Of course it does. He's bound and determined to take this country down or die trying.
Which would you prefer?

Trump Voter Claims 'Putin Wants To Go Back To Good Morality'
Back when? I'll wait for the answer but will not hold my breath.

Jack Smith Urges SCOTUS To Reject Trump's Absurd Immunity Claim
I just heard our former Generals do too. I would say that also means current miltary leaders. That doesn't look good for the Nazi future.
Looks like our final war will begin sometime in July. Get your affairs in order. Helter Skelter will come down fast.

Georgia Woman Shoots Florida Drivers Because God Told Her To
Now, now. Which was it? Because of the solar eclipse or because God threw the moon in front of it?
His choice of sharpshooters was a little off the mark.

The Top 12 Signs God Is Raining Down Judgment On Us All (One Is Just Some Purring Cat!) Tabs, Tues., April 9, 2024
"Donald Trump begged the appeals court to stay/delay his criminal trial coming up in New York, starting April 15. They told him to fuck off.

Arizona’s Abortion Ban and 10 Commandments Bill Are Peak MAGA Madness.
These people don't live in the 21st Century. What esle do we expect irresponsible Sahelanthropus tchadensis to do?

‘It’s Crap. Pure Crap’: Senators Look To Quickly Dismiss Mayorkas Impeachment
If it comes from MAGAts it is the worst form of it that can be found in our universe.

White Rural Rage: The Secret Political Force Shaping America's Future
Is the GOP’s cynical manipulation of religion, gender, and race enough to keep them voting to hurt themselves and enrich Republican fat-cats?
"The astonishing paradox, though, is how Republican politicians regularly crap on their own voters in rural America. Instead of offering help or solutions to rural problems, the GOP and conservative media instead feed them a steady diet of xenophobic and racist fear and hate."

Thoughts for the Day After the Apocalipsical Rapturing
"I put these thoughts through the keyboard to anyone still on this planet tomorrow, the day so many were raptured off and are now looking back at us poor souls still marooned here trying to make sense of our earthly existence. With so many gone who had it all figured out, the sun might just rise on a brighter day for those of us left behind."

'He's just so stupid': Morning Joe panel can't hide disgust with latest Trump 'crazy lies'
Very true. But what is stupider is the idiots that can't see through the filthy lies the trashman perpetuates.

'Judges didn't have time to stop laughing': Trump's failed hush money trial bid mocked
"Former President Donald Trump was dealt a humiliating blow on Monday when a judge immediately dismissed his push to delay the April 15 date of his Manhattan hush money trial."

Are you finally with her? The Hillary Clinton paradox
Ignore Hillary Clinton at your own peril
Yes, Hiil. People are really that stupid.

Senate Candidate Eric Hovde: Nursing Home Residents Shouldn’t Vote Because They Are Too Close To Death
This whining little shitstack can fuck off. Why do these cowards want to stop people from voting? Because the swine bastards can't win elections otherwise! He's too stupid to run for office or vote!

Fox's Tarlov Hits Trump For Trying To 'Have It Both Ways' On Abortion Issue
"He wants to be responsible for getting rid of Roe v. Wade and then he also wants to be able to say it isn't me, right?"
The cowardly traitor is never guilty of anything according to him. Swine.

'Disinformation': Greene pushes pro-Putin propaganda in 'war on Christianity' rant
No love of country here. Total love of self. She lies like a rug.

The End of “Curb Your Enthusiasm” Marks the End of an Era
"But David is not only the last of the 'Jewish comedians'; he is also one of the last comedians whose work defies Hollywood’s increasingly awkward embrace of 'wokeness.' Awkward not because endorsing racial and gender diversity is an unworthy goal, but because the entertainment industry seems to believe wokeness is primarily about avoiding offense."
Great essay. But the author is wrong in his opinion of Larry's conclusion with "betrays the humanistic elements." He amplifies them.

Anti-MAGA Republicans urged to form 'GOP in exile' to overthrow Trump from outside party
"Constitutional expert Jonathan Rauch and Peter Wehner, who served in the administrations of Ronald Reagan and the governments of both Bushes, wrote if Trump wins, Republicans who oppose him need to learn from Charles De Gaulle’s Free France government that operated from London after the nation fell to the Germans in World War II."

Trump’s 'baffling' bond with evangelicals reaches 'level we haven’t seen before': expert
The false institution of religion at work.

MAGA groups plot new campaign to 'intimidate and harass voters and election officials'
In other words so they can rig the vote. The swine.

This Land Is My Land: Inside the Growing Movement to Fight Conservation
"Google “America’s Best Idea” and you’ll find there’s a clear frontrunner: our national parks. The United States has 63 now, including southern swamps and deep mountain canyons and forests of saguaro cacti, a collection of beloved landscapes that stretches, to quote the familiar song, “from sea to shining sea.”

Fox & Friends Amplifies — And Fails to Fact Check — Trump’s False Claim That Democrats Want to Execute Babies
All are certifiably insane.

Fox News Anchor Shakes Her Head as Republican Refuses to Commit to Accepting 2024 Election: ‘If Trump Wins, It’s Fair. If Biden Wins, It’s Not Fair?
The same response you'd get from spoiled kids: "It's my ball, therefore my rules." Fuck the Nazis.

Trump: I Only Want Immigrants Coming From “Nice” Countries Such As Denmark, Norway, And Switzerland
White only need apply sez the asswipe.

'Set things straight': Chilling poll shows how far Republicans are willing to go
This shows just how dispicably diseased these zombies are even if it's made up.

Trump Claims Biden Defecated On Oval Office Desk
Trump's forgotten he did that himself. He's so demented.

Trump’s $175 Million Fraud Bond Has Shady Loophole
"The little-known insurance company that rescued Donald Trump by providing a last-minute $175 million bank fraud bond isn’t just unlicensed in New York; it hasn’t even been vetted by a voluntary state entity that would verify it meets minimum “eligibility standards” to prove financial stability."
Back alley Don.

Feds Nab Suspect In Arson At Bernie Sanders’ Office
Throw the book at him.

Abbott Blames Biden For His Own Shipping Of Migrants
Ever the irresponsible coward.

'I must disagree': Trump's own fans reject his latest GOP endorsement on Truth Social
Donald Trump took to Truth Social on Sunday to endorse a Republican lawmaker, but the former president's own fans rejected the suggestion.
They're bigger Nazis than he is.

'Confidence trick': Internet calls out Trump over unverified $50 million fundraising night
His lies are catching him.

Big Oil Ignores Millions of Climate Deaths When Billions in Profit Are at Stake
"Human activity in a profit-driven world divided by nation-states and those who have rights and those who don’t is the primary driver of climate change. Burning fossil fuels and destroying forests have caused inestimable environmental harm by producing a warming effect through the artificial concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere."

Tennessee GOP Wants to Ban Reparations. Black Tennesseans Are Fighting Back
Land of the Happy Negro is upset that their Negroes are so uppity.

'That bank has problems': New questions raised about Trump appeals bond insurer
"Questions raised by New York Attorney General Letitia James about the man who stepped in to finance Donald Trump's $175 million appeals bond took center stage on MSNBC's "The Weekend" on Sunday morning with even more questions being raised."

‘Mischief and problems’: rightwing activists ramp up drive to hand-count ballots
MAGAt Nazis fucking around.
Retarded hand count recalls 19th Century Luddites. This is anti-democratic larceny in action.

'It gets worse': Former prosecutor slams Trump's newest 'utterly astonishing message'
The nitwit is behaving like a wounded animal.

'Trump is threatening violence on Americans': Internet pounces on ex-president's new video
Attorney Daniel Miller said, "Trump is threatening violence on Americans."
He has no other recourse. This is the naked truth on a mentally ill failed brain.

'Put his behind in jail': MSNBC host pounces on Trump after new 'unhinged' judge attack
He's not alone. We all want to know why the former president hasn't been jailed for making threats.
We are either a country of law or a country of crime.

WaPo: GOP Senate Candidate Lied About War Wound
If you won't believe their first lie they will try another one.

CO GOP Chair Ejects “Unfair” Reporter From Event
"A Colorado Sun politics reporter was escorted out of the state GOP assembly by a sheriff’s deputy Saturday after being told that party Chairman Dave Williams found her “current reporting to be very unfair.”
MAGAt Nazi trash ejects veteran reporter because she knows he's a liar. In America. How did we get this low-down?

Fox Biz Claims Trump Lead In Early Polls Explains Great Jobs Report
It's never Trump's fault when things are bad and always attributed to him when Bidenomics rock
This is how we know Trump is losing and losing badly.
Don't forget, this is from the "Great Horseshit Channel."

Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry Threatens Female Athletes Because Did You Think He Wouldn't?
"Don’t criticize Mr. Landry for rushing to condemn a protest that didn’t happen, just because the thing that didn’t happen involved Black women who bounce balls! He has seen Black girls bounce a basketball once or twice, back in the day. His mother even let one use the locker room once!"
How ignorant can a human be?
Government has never been worth a fuck in this backward state.

So, What Can We Do About the Naked Corruption of the Supreme Court?
Replacing Thomas, Alito, and Kavanaugh would take the balance of the Court back to where it was in 1973, before Nixon decided to drive Fortas out with bogus charges. There may be a way.

"Locker Room Talk" and Unquestioned Loyalty to Trump
Is it any wonder that Trump has said “I love the poorly educated.”
"Something is wrong with people so resistant to even the evidence of things they saw with their own eyes or heard with their own ears. We may not be able to persuade them with enough evidence to change their minds, but we can’t pretend they aren’t there. We can’t shrink from speaking out against their willed ignorance. We can't afford such airy dismissal of the clear and present danger these fascists and their friends at Fox represent to democracy, to the rule of law, and to the U.S. Constitution."

RFK Jr. Statement Claims Rioters “Carried No Weapons”
Yet another lying shitbag defending treason.

Biden Campaign Reports Record $90M Raised In March
The Biden campaign on Saturday announced a staggering haul of $90 million in the month of March, buoyed by a major New York City fundraiser and another strong month of grassroots donations.

March fundraising numbers show Biden significantly outpacing Trump
The Biden reelection campaign and Democratic National Committee significantly outraised former President Donald Trump and the Republican Party last month, new fundraising numbers show.

Biden-Harris campaign raised historic $187 million in first quarter of fundraising

Giuliani: God Sends “Communist States” Earthquakes
He also sends subpoenas to persons of interest and sticks some of them in a courtroom and jail.

Trump's health questioned by expert after his latest doctor refuses to reveal details
I'll bet his doc doesn't want his health report made public.

Trump's 'rambling incoherence' sets off alarms as his rally 'craziness' ramps up: analyst
But, but his doc says he's fit as a fiddle with a broken string.

'Dumpster fire': Experts predict swing state ballot chaos due to DeJoy’s USPS overhau
Then throw the fascist bastard DeJoy into it.

Trump’s bizarre, vindictive incoherence has to be heard in full to be believed
Not for people who are as crazy as he is.
What's left of his mind is barely working.

'You're ignorant': Joe Biden's granddaughter 'curb stomps' billionaire investor's claims
She's being nice about it.

Fox Host: “If Trumpism Is A Cult, So Is Oktoberfest”
Said one of the many cult leaders. They've not learned how to make an argument. Rather, they are an example of Palov's Dog routine and are not under conscious control.

TX Supreme Court Justice: Dems Will Cheat In Election
MAGAt using more Trump tactics. Trump has made crooks of all his worshippers.

Rioters Claim They’ve Sued Cops For Excessive Force
Now the traitors are using Trump publicity tactics. Disgusting trash.

Alabama GOP Arresting...Librarians
Alabama Republicans Try to 'Criminalize Librarians Simply for Doing Their Jobs'
Land of the Happy Negro retards at work.

A Karen Loses It In Kansas City Airport Over Gender-Neutral Bathroom
Imagine getting upset over this. This poor little punkin:(
I guess she's never been out of her house before. Completely unaware and clueless.

'The worst flop ever': How Texas’ MAGA governor ruined Eagle Pass’ solar eclipse weekend
It's time to show this creep the door.

Indigenous reservation bans Kristi Noem after accusing her of spreading 'gossip and lies'
This is a good start. Keep it up America!

Sacramento Diocese Files For Bankruptcy Amid Lawsuits
"The Diocese of Sacramento announced that they had officially filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. It comes months after the diocese announced its intentions to file for bankruptcy in the wake of more than 250 lawsuits claiming sexual abuse by clergy and other staff."
Anoher one bites the dust.

Televangelist: Pray In Tongues To Stop Witch Attacks
“Let me give you three primary signs that either you’re operating in witchcraft or the spirit of witchcraft is operating against you. Number one, manipulation, number two, intimidation and number three, domination."
He's describing Trump. Trump is a Warlock!

RFK Jr. Fundraisers Tied to J6ers, QAnoners, Christian Nationalists, and Far-Right Extremists
Really bright move, Jr.

'You are well aware': CNN host debunks ex-Trump lawyer's docs argument live on air
What Trusty (some name) means is it all depends on what "WTF" means.

RFK Jr. sugar daddies exposed as MAGA-loving anti-vax extremists
Bamboozler and Hoodwinker. Go home, Jr.

'Girl you are insane': MTG slammed for claiming earthquake was sign from God
We all know it was the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Maybe Marge is the one that should pay attention.

Worried about threats to workers and voters, states move to restrict guns at voting sites
At least a half-dozen states have introduced legislation this year that would either explicitly ban firearms at polling locations or expand existing restrictions.
No gunfighters. Only voters needed.

No, crime has not ‘skyrocketed’ under Joe Biden, as Rep. Nancy Mace claimed
Overall violent crime and homicides are down during Biden’s presidency. Some property crimes are also down, though motor vehicle theft notably rose
The people that claim crime has ‘skyrocketed’ under Joe Biden are cowards.

Judge Aileen Cannon Files Her Dumb Response To Jack Smith, It’s Super Dumb
"Wednesday, we discussed Special Counsel Jack Smith putting federal judge/MAGA den mother Aileen Cannon on notice that he was getting to the end of his rope with her judicial idiocy."
This wild Cannon cannot be trusted.

What if the Person the Majority of Americans Voted for Became President?
Yesterday, the State of Maine took America one giant step closer to ending the antidemocratic grip the GOP’s had on our presidential elections.
It's the way we should be — one person, one vote. End the goddamn rigged Electoral College.

Dirty Rotten Bastards and Bimbos: Why I Have No Friends at Fox
"So on it goes, with Republicans installed in strategic positions of power throughout the land, and Fox made that possible. Which is why I can find no friends at Fox.
Nor should you, unless you want people like them to be writing the history of these times a century or so further down the drain, explaining to us all how America was saved from collapse, chaos, and carnage by Trump-following Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, patriots and patriarchs willing to shit on congressional desks, not to mention the U.S. Constitution."

'There will be a civil war': Trump fans rage after Georgia judge orders trial to proceed
And it will be their undoing.

"Screws up female brains": MAGA leaders are conditioning Republicans to back birth control bans
Charlie Kirk says the pill causes "angry, bitter young ladies" who vote for Democrats to get "free stuff"
These people are all sick traitors to the U.S.

Kennedy Money Beg Calls Capitol Rioters “Activists”
So, he's joined the traitors. A total hypocrite. He and Trump are two of a kind. A disgrace to the Kennedy family and America.

Florida Man Carrying Bible Climbs And Trashes 150-Foot Cell Tower, Causes Up To $500,000 In Damage
Need we speak any more about the reason a disclaimer should be at the front of the book he carries?

Israel agrees to increase humanitarian aid delivery to Gaza under U.S. pressure
"Why it matters: The U.S. had asked Israel to implement those steps months ago but Netanyahu, who is in a tenuous political position in Israel, has been under pressure from his political base and ultranationalist members of his coalition to limit aid into Gaza."

Labor Dept Reports 303,000 New Jobs In March
"The unemployment rate edged lower to 3.8%, as expected. In the key average hourly earnings measure, wages rose 0.3% for the month and 4.1% from a year ago, both in line with Wall Street estimates."

The Bible - The Donald J Trump Version
Not just your average, run of the mill Bible.
I wonder just where did this rube attend an education course of any sort. Must be that Butthurt U. he refers to?
He pays $60 for a book that's free in any hotel room and seems proud he did.
And he's still hiding behind it down to the "lie berry."
It's got the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the Pledge of Allegiance, none of which he probably has ever read due to illiteracy. Plus he says the book is "easily avoidable"! And how, brother! ROTFLMAO!
If this is best endorsement Trump can get he's also "easily avoidable" this fall.
Top notch moron humor!

Trump’s Bond Insurer Doesn’t Seem To Have The $175M It’s Guaranteeing
It sure looks like Team Trump tried – and failed – to pull a fast one on NY Attorney General Letitia James and the courts.
The usual con from a con. Jail will be the only solution for the traitor.

'Cannon caves': Legal experts say Judge Cannon’s latest ruling is 'a big loss for Trump'
I heard Lawrence Tribe saying she's playing a dangerous game with her gambit.

'I want a drug test': Trump floats idea President Biden is using cocaine
Why? The whole world knows Trump is a drug abuser. It's been exposed time after time. At his age he could drop dead at any time due to his abuse.
Trump administration was ‘awash with speed’ and prescription drugs, says report
Drugs including Ambien and Provigil were dished out without verifying the identities of patients, according to a report from the Defense Department’s (DoD) inspector general.
Tom Arnold Claims Donald Trump Snorted Adderall on 'The Apprentice' Set
"Donald Trump abused Adderall on the set & it made him crazy. He even snorted Adderall. Mark Burnett knew it. It's scary," he wrote in a tweet, accusing The Apprentice creator of knowing that the president took the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder drug.
Trump’s White House Was ‘Awash in Speed’ — and Xanax
Under Trump, the White House Medical Unit was “like the Wild West,” and staffers had easy access to powerful stimulants and sedatives, sources tell Rolling Stone

'Apocalyptic bloodlust': Conspiracy theorists push misinformation 'onslaught' over eclipse
"Our knowledge of eclipses predates our knowledge of gravity, algebra and toilet paper," Dickson explains. "We are well aware of their existence, and we are well aware of what causes them…. What the ancient Assyrians could not have possibly predicted, however, was the singular stupidity of the current incarnation of the American right.""
Alex Jones has been exposed as the fraud he is by the documentary "The Truth vs. Alex Jones." It is more than apparent he hasn't a clue about how guilty and stupid he looks. He's a pitiful excuse for a human being. How can idiots like him exist?
Answer: A steady stream of uneducated inbred nitwits.

'Democrats are coming after me': Ted Cruz reportedly 'getting nervous' about Senate seat
America is coming after you, you jerk.

'Positively pummeled': Cannon allows constitutional lawyers to trash Trump in new brief
Stick a fork in the scumbag.

Legal experts: DA can now use "highly relevant" evidence after judge rejects Trump's "absurd" motion
The immunity motion shows Trump legal team's "incompetence," law professor says
The dumbass and his shills are going down.

Ron DeSantis predicts Florida voters will reject ‘radical’ ballot measures to protect abortion rights, legalize recreational weed<br> Amen. Reject this jackwad and make him get a legitimate line of work.

Pastor Accused Of Drugging/Raping Teen Goes On Lam
We have a Christo-rapist runner. A bonefide groomer. Send out the robot hounds.
"I do not EVER want to hear some Jesus-bot lecturing me about morality. If you can't - or won't - police your own, you sure as hell don't have the moral authority to tell the rest of us what to do. That goes double for those in political office."— Ann Kah (comments)

Trump Rages As Truth Social Stock Continues To Slide
Mr. Zero kills everything he touches.

DC Bar review finds Jeffrey Clark broke ethics rules in helping Trump
All the Trump Crooks!

Delicate Little Manlet Donald Trump Lashes Out Over Criticism Of Truth Social<
The site has lost billions.
A sound investment for him.

Family of Hamas captive says Trump calling Jan. 6 defendants 'hostages' is 'painful'
These people are all thugs as Carl Rove called them.
Trump has no human empathy. He's a cipher of the worst kind.

New Rule Protects Civil Servants, Keeps Federal Workforce Independent
Our great President supports and protects American workers.

'Stupid': Billionaire investor says people buying 'scam' Trump media stock are 'dopes'
The tresonous confidence man created these suckers. They deserve skinning.

Trump's Lawyers Flunk Constitutional Law, Part Infinity
"But as a constitutional law scholar, I know that those writings, in fact, say the opposite. They say U.S. presidents are not absolutely immune from criminal prosecution.
If a student of mine had submitted a brief making the arguments that Trump and his lawyers assert in their Supreme Court filing, I would have given them an F."
We all know this. And therein lies the rub. Are these "judges" honest law-people or dispicable Nazis?

Trump Explodes As Jack Smith Calls Out Aileen Cannon
Has he had the deadly stroke yet?

The Orange Aberration Is Now Targeting The Judge's Wife
"Trump is trying to claim that Merchan's wife is biased, which he believes would disqualify Merchan. OK, so to put this in perspective, I'm the only Democrat in my family, so since there is a MAGA side of my family, that means that I'm a Trump supporter. I can't stop laughing. I fucking hate that delicate manlet. His thinking to disqualify the Judge is flawed, and attacking a man's wife and daughter isn't going to help Trump's case."
Haven't we had enough of the social cancer that he's spreading into our nation's lifebood?

Gosar And Biggs Subpoenaed In AZ Fake Electors Probe
Couldn't happen to a couple of crazier asshats.

Texas Gov. Abbott Says Americans Killed By Migrants Are Being Murdered ‘By Government Policy’
Greg Abbott is a dangerous liar. He's put America at risk with his fascist propraganda.
Read the next article below, please.

The truth about illegal immigration and crime
"Never mind that violent crime rates, especially for homicide in large cities, have fallen sharply during Biden’s presidency, after a surge during the pandemic. Trump, as he often did during his presidency, is using anecdotal evidence to make an emotional case against undocumented immigrants."
Greg Abbott is a dangerous liar.

Roseanne Barr: Drop Out Of College, It’s Nothing But “Devil-Worshiping Blood-Drinking Democrat Donors
"Madam Queen" calls for students to be a drop-out. Just emulate her path to successful loudmouth. She wants to corner the baby blood for herself!
"Sure, the college students I teach are eager to take advice from a drunk, washed up has-been. Hell, they'd have to ask their grandparents who she even is." — Ryan in Illinois (comments)

Biden Calls For “Immediate Ceasefire” In Gaza, Warns Netanyahu To Better Protect Gazan Civilians Or Else
Your time is up Bibi. No more malarkey!

No Labels Drops Plan For 2024 Presidential Ticket
Now they've come to their senses.

Judge Rejects Trump’s Bid To Dismiss Docs Charges
Wow! An honest judge.

Audience Laughs At LibsofTikTok Lady: She Can't Define 'Woke'
Is there anything she can define?

South Carolina Coach Dawn Staley Not Apologizing for Saying ‘Something’s Wrong With You’ to Those Who Don’t Believe in God
She's the perfect example of a brainwashed idiot.

Roseanne Goes Full QAnon in Deranged Rant About ‘Baby Blood-Drinking’ Democrats At Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Party For Kari Lake
Yet another example of defective DNA in humans.

Academic freedom declining globally, index finds
Retardation is a world illness. No wonder we are so infected in the U.S.

Burger King diner pulls gun on worker because he didn't believe food was so cheap: report
Another zombie that's pissed off he has to pay too little. Ahh, the brillant MAGAt mind.

Trump Has Now Lost to Biden in Wisconsin... Twice
"While Biden faced organized opposition in the Democratic primary, Trump did not. Yet, Biden got more votes and a higher percentage of the total."
Trump is the biggest loser in human history.

‘1984’ in 2024? Trump Is What George Orwell Warned Us About
George Orwell wrote 1984, but his words are a warning for 2024: “All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force.”

QAnon Believer Who Crashed SUV Into FBI Building Wrote ‘I Love You’ to Trump
"Earlier this week, Navy veteran Ervin Lee Bolling rammed his SUV into a barrier outside the FBI headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia. The alleged perpetrator of the attack's motivation have not yet been publicly revealed, but a deep dive into his social media history suggests he was a strong believer in numerous far-right fringe conspiracy theories."
The world will be a better place when these terrorists are gone from the planet.

Donald Trump Jr. Says The Bank Is Tracking Your Bible Purchases For The FBI, Is That True?
"Uh oh, Junior’s brain is deteriorating in the same pattern as Father’s. The idiot right-wing conspiracy theory propagated by seditionist trash like Senator Josh Hawley about Joe Biden going after Catholics — LOUD WHISPER: Joe Biden is Catholic — has been defined down in Junior’s confused, easily panicked skull to “If you were a practicing Catholic, you were a domestic terrorist!” Sure thing, Junior. Hugs not drugs, OK?"
The Trump DNA is dysfunctional.

Only 57 companies produced 80 percent of global carbon dioxide
Humans don't care about abuse of our planet. The planet will strike back in a very deadly manner.

On Easter, Florida Man Strikes Walgreen Manager With Bible
I've always contended that there should be a disclaimer printed at the front of each copy.
"Warning: Reading this book could lead to brain fuck and violent reactions."

Grifter Bannon: Trump Is 'An Instrument Of Divine Providence'
How would this fuckbrain know? He can fuck all the way off with his broadcast to his incels.

How Trump is following Hitler’s playbook
"Within a democracy, we may often have leaders we don’t like. But we have the power to change them — at the ballot box and through public pressure. Once fascism takes hold, those freedoms are gone and can’t easily be won back.
We must recognize the threat of fascism when it appears, and do everything in our power to stop it."

Karl Rove is calling out the Trump’s campaign 'critical mistakes' — and telling Biden how to exploit them
During an early April interview appearance on MSNBC, Rove told host Ari Melber and former Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Illinois), "I worked in that building as a young man. To me, the Congress of the United States is one of the great examples of the strength of our democracy and a jewel of the Constitution. And what those people did when they violently attacked the Capitol in order to stop a constitutionally mandated meeting of the Congress to accept the results of the Electoral College is a stain on our history. And every one of those sons of b*****s who did that, we ought to find them, try them and send them to jail."
Damn right, Carl.

Judge denies Trump's 'presidential immunity' claim in criminal hush-money case
"That failed," Rubin said. "The judge saying that was laughable. So, he's known, at least with respect to that case, that the argument's been dead for a long time, nevertheless, trying to delay the inevitable, as you said."
Trump is nothing but a failure.

'Clown': Trump supporters melt down after judge tells ex-president he can't claim immunity
"Aside from the fact that the alleged offenses happened before he even became president, Merchan found Trump had exhausted the window of time when he could even raise such objections. This comes as Trump has launched a volley of attacks against Merchan and his family."
What a moron.

FRC: We’re At War Against Satan’s Religion Of Leftism
Prove it. You whiining idiots have been accusing a myth for centuries and have never offered any evidence except your own delusions. You are a bad joke. Grow up!
"There is no hate quite like Christian love." — Sashineb (comments)

Ty Cobb Believes 11th Circuit Will Boot Judge Aileen Cannon
From your lips to God's ears, Ty!

Arizona Legal Analyst Compares Kari Lake's IQ To An Empty Beer Can
Kari Lake is in a lot of trouble.

Trump Still Losing Heckuva Lot Of Primary Votes For Guy Running Unopposed
"Wow! That is a lot of Republicans coming out to vote for candidates with zero chance of winning, long after the party has thrown in its lot with the loser with the million indictments and the liability for rape.
Know what we see? We see a 'winner' who can’t keep his dick hard past around 80 percent or so."
Obviously, someone isn't counting votes that are rightfully his. BECAUSE WHO WANTS TO VOTE FOR AN IGNORANT NAZI WHINE-TURD?

RFK Jr. Gets VERY ANGRY! When You Remind Him Of Every Wackjob Thing He's Ever Said
"Independent presidential candidate, Kennedy family reject, and bona fide wackjob Robert F. Kennedy Jr. hates getting called on his delusional, deranged, bugfuck shit. His sideways face and unnaturally dead eyes scrunch up and seethe and rage. He gets so mad. It is hilarious."
"How, praytell, did Kennedy get taken out of context there? Did the media neglect to mention Kennedy setting up the bit, saying something like, 'OK, here is my impression of a brain that has hemorrhoids'? And then he said the thing about Joe Biden?"

Bookselling While Black Latest Danger Occupation In North Carolina
"The first Black-owned children’s bookstore in North Carolina will be shutting down this month after the owner received anonymous death threats aimed at the shop and her family. Victoria Scott-Miller and her family opened Liberation Station bookstore in downtown Raleigh just before Juneteenth last year, after selling kids’ books out of their car at pop-up events around the Raleigh-Durham area for several years."
This Land of the Happy Negro state must have been upset about this Negro of theirs upsetting their happiness. Simply racist morons. When will the world be rid of their low-life ilk?
"Unfortunately, that seems to be the platform of one of our major political parties."

Rehab for Hypocrites
It begins when you say “Hello, my name is (your name here) and I’m a hypocrite, powerless over hypocrisy, my own, and that of others.”

‘More Con Artistry’: Experts Mock Trump’s Claim America Will ‘Cease To Exist’ if He’s Not Re-Elected
Of course, that's exactly what will happen if this pile of fascist shit is elected.

Jack Smith’s ‘blistering’ response to Judge Cannon may ‘remove her from the case’: experts
Blow her ass off the bench.

'Daisy chain of innuendo': Alvin Bragg slaps back against Trump's recusal demand
"This daisy chain of innuendos is a far cry from evidence," Bragg's assistant district attorneys wrote. "There is simply nothing new here."
Same old Trump horseshit.

'Sit this one out': Blowback hits Elise Stefanik after she demands Trump judge's recusal
"Pissing in the wind" example.

Trump's own argument used against him as Bragg trashes claim trial should be dismissed
"D.A. Bragg slams Trump's constant delay efforts in this filing. It’s so obvious! Trump is getting more & more desperate because he knows he's likely going to be convicted and sentenced to JAIL," Eisen wrote on the social media site X.

Judge shoots down MAGA rioter's leniency bid after he makes bragging call to podcast
"To Lamberth, this suggested that Johntakis was willing to change his story "based on his audience," thus undermining any pleas for leniency based on the fact that he regrets his actions and had no criminal record prior to violently storming the United States Capitol on behalf of the one-time host of "Celebrity Apprentice."

POLL: 20% Say Violence May Be Necessary To Fix USA
This is the Trump Nazi Party.

Investor Predicts Tesla Could "Go Bust"
You know who will make off with the cash.

The FCC will vote to restore net neutrality later this month
Let's get it done!

Voters Oust Nazi From Their City Council In Enid, OK
"He might be a Nazi but he's not wrong either about the connection with Trump."
Of course. Both he and Trump are Nazis.

George Conway Donates Nearly One Million Dollars to Biden Campaign
Conway regularly appears on cable news as a critic of Trump, during which he has referred to Trump as a “psychopath,” “morally obscene,” and “sadistic.” He has also stated that he wants to “make amends” for his past support of Trump, saying, “I am ashamed that I supported him in 2016. It was a mistake of judgment. It was just to make a moral judgment. It was an intellectual mistake.”

Trump's 'Harebrained' move in hush money case proves he's 'running scared': legal expert
"Trump is running scared," Bennett Gershman, a Pace University law professor and ex-New York prosecutor told Salon. "He faces four major criminal trials that threaten his liberty, just as the last two recent civil trials inflicted a huge cost on him."
A reckoning is awaiting him.

Why the police are providing Trump cover for Jan. 6
Trump is running on a platform that says both he and law enforcement across the land should be immune from the law
I hope we can now all agree this man is a fascist Nazi threat to our country. He shows it day after day. A thief and a coward.
Donald Trump, who is currently facing 88 felony charges: “We have to get law and order back.”

Trump Lied About Speaking To Killed Woman’s Family
Trump? Lied?
The men that stand behind him can't be considered honest either. Especially with that garbage sign in front of them.

RFK Denies His History Of 9/11 Trutherism Claims
Using fear has been a poliical tool since the first crook tried to steal power. Bobby you're just the latest threat. And a binary choice does not include a third choice. I guess you were absent that day in school.
Prepare to hear all the lies he's left in his wake.

Franklin Graham Declares RFK Is “Biblically Honest”
WTF does that mean? This grifter isn't even fit for pig food.
America, federal agencies have been weapons against crime since their inception! Come up with something original.
Biden censored his opponent? Censored Trump? Don't make me laugh! Even Trump believes in "total immunity." If you buy Trump with that bullshit you have to acceot Biden can't commit a crime. Can't you see how fucked your logic is?

Trump: Election Day Will Be “Christian Visibility Day”
Oh, good, because "Christianity" has never been visible in this country. Did you khow we used to make us salute the "Christian Flag" in summer Bible school?

Exclusive: Trump Media saved in 2022 by Russian-American under criminal investigation
Trump’s social media company went public relying partly on loans from trust managed by person of interest to prosecutors
"Donald Trump’s social media company Trump Media managed to go public last week only after it had been kept afloat in 2022 by emergency loans provided in part by a Russian-American businessman under scrutiny in a federal insider-trading and money-laundering investigation."
The swine.

Christian Fascist Lunatics Will Never Stop Saying Biden Literally Canceled Easter To Appease Big Trans
"Easter canceler.
Right-wing Christian nationalist fascist scumbags — whose ongoing tantrum over their loss of cultural supremacy and relevance we all have to live within — have decided that Joe Biden spent Easter Sunday personally stuffing Jesus back in His holy tomb and forcing the savior to adopt They/Them pronouns. This because, after Biden made his Happy Easter declaration, he also issued a proclamation for the Trans Day of Visibility, which happened to fall on the same day as Easter this year. (Trans Day doesn’t move around, obviously. Easter does.)
They are never, ever letting this one go. It’s an election year, after all, and these people are remarkably lazy. This is too easy for them."

Man behind Dobbs decision now complains women being left to 'back-alley abortion butchers'
Here's a really deep genius. What the fuck was he thinking?

'I will kill you': Trump supporter arrested as Letitia James and judge get death threats
One member of the "Trump Incel Assassin Squad." The maniac moron doesn't get that he could kill many and there would still be a plethora of judges left to put Lumpy in prison. Besides, he won't kill anyone using text messages. But he should get his ass shoved in stir.

'Incredibly unpopular': Strategist says Trump talking point is digging his political grave
Dig it deep and wide so it fits him properly.

‘Shortage of cash flow’: Arizona GOP admits financial disaster
They can always call a "Trump Chump" for a quick buck.

'Find a federal prison': GOP ruthlessly mocked for plan to rename Dulles airport for Trump
"Trump Federal Prison." The place where all demented, disillusional, dummies spend to mend.

Daily Caller retracts Biden 'War on Easter' story that sent MAGA into meltdown
Grown-ups in charge, I see. As opposed to the little snot-nosed brat that is Lumpy.

'If Trump was a toddler this is the kind of discipline you'd use': Expert on gag order
"If Trump was a toddler, and I think we all often have suggested he behaves like one, this would be the sort of progressive discipline you would use to try to contain a toddler's misbehavior," said Vance.
He's a good way on the too large size to be acting like a toddler. This should suggest he's got toys in the attic.

Ivy League psychologist warns Trump's late-night rants suggest serious health issue
He MAY be sundowning? Cut with the pussyfooting.
We don't need a psychologist to know Trump's mind is on vacation.

Tesla's "Nightmare" Year Off to a Horrible Start: "Only One Person Responsible For This
Tesla has posted its first-quarter earnings — and the numbers are even worse than analysts predicted.

Fringe Republicans Want To Rename Dulles Airport For Trump
And this is what the dump will look like after it fails.

Trump Has Gone Way Too Far, and He Needs to be Stopped
The only way Trump will stop this shit is if his bail is revoked. And of course, he thinks he wants that, too, because he gets to play the victim.
To normal people, someone playing the victim is both unattractive and unappealing. What is wrong with these people who look at Trump and think he’s strong?
It seems that the judges are ready to say “I’ve seen enough."

How Republicans Screw Workers
Efforts by Obama and Biden to enforce labor laws have been systematically undermined by right-wing courts and legislators. This should be a prime election theme.

Trump’s Threats Against Opponents Are Getting Increasingly Violent
The former president’s rhetoric is characteristically over the top. But his agenda for a second presidential term targets an array of personal enemies.

Trump Already Owed the Billionaire Who Just Helped Him Post Fraud Case Bond
"One month after Judge Arthur Engoron ordered Donald Trump to pay $464 million at the conclusion of his New York civil fraud trial, a panel of New York Appellate Division judges last week granted the MAGA hopeful ten days to post a $175 million bond instead.
Trump attorneys previously claimed it would be "impossible" for Trump to put up the half-billion judgement."

1.7 million Texas households are set to lose monthly internet subsidy
The Affordable Connectivity Program provides a $30 monthly subsidy to help low-income households pay for internet service. The program is slated to run out of money at the end of the month.
Not a good idea.

Let’s say it plainly: Fact-checking is not censorship
Fact-checking adds to the public debate; it doesn’t suppress it

House Republicans push to name major D.C. airport after Trump
These people really are crazy. Can you imagine? Welcome to "Shit Pile International Airport"?
Notice the AI generated images here? What's up with that?
This is just more evidence of the MAGAt fascist party replacing their former savior, Reagan, with Trump.

'I can't talk about them???' Trump rages at strengthened gag order
He's such a cowardly chicken shit. Maybe this will cause him to have a stroke?

Fake right-wing panic about "trans" Easter is part of Trump's push for Christian nationalism
Phony claims that Democrats “mock your faith” are a cynical excuse to strip Americans of religious freedom

Trump’s net worth drops $1 billion after Truth Social stock plummets: report
Trump's stake in the company is worth a lot less now than it did just last week
It's easy to see this fraud has hoodwinked his way through life.

RFK: Biden Is The Bigger Threat To Democracy [VIDEO]
The Kennedy family must be sad they've lost another child. He's become the threat to demoncracy.

Jenner Spreads Debunked Lie About WH Easter Event
Bunk is all this person has ever been and has no idea WTF it's talking about — ever.
Try to learn some facts about a subject before you open your mouth and show the world you are a certified dumbass! How stupid do these idiots have to prove they are before they are laughed off the planet?

Trump Rages At NYC Judge For Expanding Gag Order
Keep raging, you asswipe. We can't wait to see you in prison, crying like the little baby you are.

Steve Bannon: There Is “Empirical Evidence” Proving Trump Is “An Instrument Of Divine Providence” [VIDEO]
Nope. None. Nada. There is evidence everywhere that you are a pile of talking shit.

NCAA Coach Credits God For Team’s Win: “If You Don’t Believe In God, Something’s Wrong With You”
Physician, heal thyself.

Florida voters will decide whether to protect abortion rights and legalize pot in November
Only if their Nazi government decides it's OK wth them.

World Central Kitchen Workers Killed In Gaza Airstrike
Chef Jose Andrés said he was “heartbroken and grieving” to learn about the tragic loss of several colleagues
It's time to arrest Netanyahu for war crimes. There's nothing lower than these murders.

Watch Bible Salesman Donald Trump Try To Say The Lord's Prayer
You will be shocked to learn that he doesn't know the words.
If this sack of shit is a Christian, I am the Pope.

Fox News Edited Clip Of WH Press Secretary's Remarks To Stoke Fauxtrage
What a shocker, huh?
What else would one expect from a sewer?

Did Trump go to church on Easter Sunday?
Trump: “All Americans need a Bible in their home and I have many. It’s my favourite book,” he claimed. “It’s a lot of people’s favourite book, I’m proud to endorse and encourage you to get this Bible, we must make America pray again.”"
Does he know how many were burned in the trailer fire in front of the church Easter morning?
"Make America Pray Again"? With all the scumbag shit he's done, does he really have to go there? America prays for his demise every day at least once!

Trump-loving Roseanne Barr hints at violent revolution if he loses 2024 election
Everyone of you will lose. In fact your Vaseline Woman already is a loser.
The army you will go against won't be coming from across the Atlantic or from Canada. They already have you surrounded. I suppose you don't realize that.

Neo-Nazi leader charged with child abuse, domestic violence
And he's not a "Pastor"?

Trump fan says his golden sneakers pushed her over the edge: 'I'm not voting for him'
But, according to Barbara, it was Trump's $399 golden sneakers that he marketed as a fundraiser that pushed her over the edge. “I ain’t voting for him. That’s the Golden Calf right there as golden sneakers," she said.
Oh, my! You don't want your very own golden sneakers to walk around Trump heaven all day?
He's like "Seminole Sam," from Walt Kelly's comic strip "Pogo," selling life-sustaining "Genuine H20" to the suckers.

J.D. Vance Mocks Report Tying Russia to Havana Syndrome in Bizarre Rant: ‘Putler Working with Drumpf… Attacking with Invisible Lasers
Sounds like J.D. has already been zapped by something. He makes lots of people sick.

Major-Market Newspaper Editor Publishes Stunning Rebuke of Trump: ‘The North Star Here is Truth’
“The truth is that Donald Trump undermined faith in our elections in his false bid to retain the presidency. He sparked an insurrection intended to overthrow our government and keep himself in power. No president in our history has done worse,” Quinn argued, defending the need for the press to remain highly critical of Trump."

‘It Pains Me To Come Out Against Him’: RFK Jr.’s Sister Tells MSNBC Why She Can’t Support Her Brother in 2024
When asked why she’s not backing her brother, Rory Kennedy said, “I’m a huge fan of President Biden’s. I think he’s done fantastic job and doesn’t quite get the credit he deserves over the last four years in terms of policies that he’s enacted and changes that he’s made that I think have been enormously impactful and positive.”
Also too, her brother is brain-challenged.

Rick Scott Attacks Biden Over Lack Of Military Service
Evidently, Rick doesn't mind showing the world just how fucking dumb he really is. Apparently, Rick's miitary carrer was peelimg potatoes while in the Navy. Also too, Scott was pressured to resign as chief executive of Columbia/HCA in 1997. During his tenure as chief executive, the company defrauded Medicare, Medicaid, and other federal programs. (Sources: Wikipedia)

Trump's "Truth Social" Stock Is Already Crashing
"As we drafted this story, we kept having to update just now much its stock had crashed: 9 percent, then 15 percent, then 18 percent, then 22 percent, then 24. Overall, shares are down almost 34 percent over the last five days, dipping to below $50 after rallying to over $66 following the merger.
The crash, which was widely predicted by experts, highlights a massive discrepancy between Trump Media's considerable $7.5 billion valuation and Truth Social's inability to generate pretty much any kind of meaningful revenue, hence why TMTG shares are being referred to as "meme stocks."
Anything that Trump touches, dies.

Fox News Host Slams Network's Easter Coverage Of Biden
Again, turnng the lights on low-level and shallow thinkers that can't tell shit from applebutter.

Lee Greenwood Turns The Bible Into A Right Wing Political Manifesto
"Greenwood's "Bible" is so immoral and toxic that he lost Harper Collins, who were to originally publish it. The current desecration is still shrouded in mystery since the publisher is not known at this time, but Greenwood defended it on Easter Sunday.
"I have to mention the fact that people have gotten on us and Donald Trump about the God Bless USA Bible," Greenwood said. "I have here right in front of me, and this one is signed by the former president Donald Trump."
(The holy book to millions of people just took a back seat to Traitor Trump.)
Do you really expect him to understand this?

Republican BS Has Risen!
Happy Belated Transgender Day of Visibility! Oh and Easter, I guess. Huh. This year that happened on the same day. I’m sure nobody made a big deal out of that.
But as we suffer the first April Fools’ Day with people having widespread use of AI, let’s take a look at Easter Day’s fools.

Heathen President Biden Acknowledges Both Easter AND Trans Visibility Day, Wingnuts Flip Out
A day for people to mark the resurrection of the Savior after his crucifixion. A day to dress in bright gay-in-the-not-referring-to-homosexuals-definition-of-the-word colors, to attend church, to get together with family for a nice meal; for the kids to run around the house seeking the painted eggs you have not-so-carefully hidden; to frighten small children by dressing up in a demented bunny costume and shouting “Someone bring Uncle George a beer, it’s hot as fuck in this goddamned thing” or whatever Uncle George shouts when he’s stuffed into a suit of fur on a hot day and Aunt Margaret has hidden all the booze so he won’t get drunk and embarrass her in front of her family."
"This year March 31 also happened to fall on Easter Sunday. Which meant that in addition to Easter greetings to the nation, President Joe Biden on Friday also released a proclamation reiterating that Sunday was Trans Visibility Day, as he has done every year of his presidency."
"This gave all the conservatives an excuse to cry like a bunch of whiny titty-babies about how they were being persecuted worse than Jesus Christ, the man who spent the first Easter putting Bactine on his still-fresh puncture wounds."
April Ghoul School Grads.

Will Voters Hear About Donald Trump’s Deranged Health Care Agenda?
"A second Trump term means tens of millions of people losing insurance and chaos in the hospitals."
Only the mentally ill will vote for America's death.

Republicans Attempt to Invalidate Democratic Policy Because It’s Democratic
"The latest student debt lawsuit targets a program that’s been in place for over 30 years and is mandated by statute. It would effectively make it illegal to implement a law as a Democrat."

Clinical social worker: "With the Trump Bible, one must consider dementia"
"A person who isn't cognitively impaired should be doing a cost-benefit analysis"
"Replacing the real Bible with Trump Bibles is a too-perfect symbol of what has happened to evangelical Christianity. The mistake is in believing Trump's followers are confused or ashamed about their devotion to a godless creep who laughs at true believers. In Trump's hands, the Bible is not a text for prayer and reflection, it's just a weapon. It's much easier to beat people down with a book if it's closed."
And if you think this is demented what about the "gold" sneakers? ROTFLMAO!

'Anti-woke not especially lucrative’: Filing shows Truth Social lost millions last yea
It's where the mental defects find a home.

'Carnivalesque grift': Trump blasted for campaign's hijack of religion over Easter holiday
The swine and spawn of Satan. A common criminal.

Gov. Larry Hogan Was Warned About Dangers Of Megaships In Harbor
"Unlike the media talking heads, I assumed there was more to the Key Bridge collapse than "an accident." Well, turns out that former Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, who's now running as the Republican candidate for the Senate, was a significant factor. The Lever has done a remarkable job putting together the background on this disaster, go read the whole thing!"

Trump has already laid out his 5-step Fascist plan
Another Hitler we must stop dead in his tracks. This one is a domestic terrorist.

MAGA Pastor Says ‘200 Bibles’ Set Ablaze Outside His Church on Easter Morning
It's not like they didn't bring this on themselves.
These people are conning Christo-fascists and get pissed when someone dumps on their psychotic babble.

MAGA Christians are following Trump on 'a miserable march to hell': MSNBC's Mika
The only hell is the one they create for us.

'Bring your toothbrush': Ex-judge puts Trump on notice that he will 'sit in a jail ell'
I look forward to the day.

Germans Celebrate Legal Weed With Smoke-In [VIDEO]

"Stand where he tells you to stand": Why the GOP is doubling down on misogyny in 2024
Republicans placate an evangelical base that's getting nastier with sexism — even if costs the party women's votes
Handing out more throat-cutting, single edge blade razor blades for their suicides? Why would anyone support such hatred?

Axios: Trump Allies Plot Laws On “Anti-White Racism”
Raise your hand if you've expereienced “Anti-White Racism.” Oh, I see one. It's the Nazi, Stephen Miller.

'Land of the stupid': Ex-Trump campaign adviser debunks MAGA's Biden Easter 'lies'
Remove him.

Fox News hosts claim Biden turning U.S. 'pagan' after hyping Easter with bunnies and eggs
The White House has been doing Easter celebrations for half a century, you lying bastard.

'They must be stopped': MAGA outrage erupts over Biden Easter Egg Roll
More clueless misfits who aren't conscious entities. Disgraceful and contriving.

MAGA Influencers Falsely Claim Trump Paid Mortgage for Slain NYPD Officer's Family
MAGA misinformation takes flight following Trump's photo op at NYPD officer's wake
These creatures are the scum of the earth.
Trump never pays anything.

Michigan Congressman Calls For Nuking Gaza
"It should be like Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Get it over quick."
Why do we continue to put clueless morons in office?

Killer Kyle Visits Another Campus, Gets The Same Results
Killer Kyle Rittenhouse can't figure out that people don't warm up to cold blooded killers very well.

'Trump in 2028': GOP-aligned organization calls for abolition of presidential term limits
This is a declaration of war on the United States of America.
Don't you think we should put a stop to these mindless motherfuckers?
Because if we don't they will kill everyone of us who won't salute them.

How Fascism Typically Takes Over a Nation by Rhetoric…
Words. Speeches. News conferences. Rallies. Media. Money. And they all point in one direction: violence in service of the fascist leader.

'You're a liar': Nancy Mace brutally fact-checked for crime spree claim
Just what we need: Another psychopathic liar!
And morons are born every minute, apparently.

Christian Site: Bridge Collapse Is Warning From God
Self-proclaimed prophet Joseph Z, quoted by Charisma News. Z is for Zealot.
You wouldn't believe how high I am right now, Joe.

Woman: Starbucks Fired Me For Being Anti-LGBTQ
You mean it wasn't for being an asshole? The Devil made them do it? Get thee to a nunnery! ROTFLMAO!

Former Trump Lawyer Accuses Biden Of Coordinating To Prosecute Trump
Sorry dear. It's the shitbag you defended that threw you under the bus.

Alina Habba Hit With Humiliating Allegations In Lawsuit
Habba's now being sued for fraud. And she's in, to use a technical term, serious sh*t.

This Is a Felony: Experts Call on Secret Service To Arrest Trump Over Kidnapped Biden Post
"The Secret Service (not Trump's protection detail but criminal investigative agents) should be knocking on Trump's door with a complaint and arrest warrant," she tweeted. Philadelphia Inquirer columnist Will Bunch called on judges to "revoke his bail."
"Trump incited AT LEAST 2 mass shootings, an El Paso Walmart and a Pittsburg synagogue resulting in the murders of 33 innocent people AND incited the deadly Jan. 6th Insurrection. Unlike Charles Manson who also inspired killings, THIS criminal has yet to serve ONE day in prison," Amato wrote.
Put him in prison now and throw away the key.

Will the Law Enforcement or the Secret Service Investigate This As They Would If Anyone Else Did It?
"I won’t link to the post or even put up a screen capture of the photo, but if anyone else posted an image of any elected official tied up in a truck let alone the President of the United States – law enforcement would be on it in a hot minute.  This is so far over the line that you can’t even see the line from there.
Trump is a menace. If Trump isn’t above the law, he will receive a law enforcement visit in response to this."
The guy that owns the truck should get the visit. But the scumbag Trump posted it.
"And if any judge in any Trump case doesn’t think they will be the next person in a similar image, they aren’t good at connecting dots."
We Need to Talk About This
Joyce Vance tells it like it is about the criminal, Trump. Stop the talking. Time to put a full stop to Trump and his stooges for good.

'We are in danger as a nation': House and Senate aides consider leaving 'broken' Congress
The Democrats are fighting fascism touted by the Trump Nazi MAGAt party.
Trump Nazis are responsible for this disaster. America has been warned of this again and again since 2016.

'They’ll never vote for Trump again': Voters in GOP strongholds souring on ex-president
Why would an American vote for misfit, crook and menace to our country?

'Ghosts' from Trump's past 'are coming back to haunt him' as lawsuit gets new life: report
"With that finding made and their lawsuits at a seeming standstill, the Buchanan plaintiffs had one avenue left: A new amended complaint approved by a judge," Law&Crime's report stated. "And that is exactly what’s unfolded quietly in the background of Trump’s many other pressing legal dramas in recent weeks and months. Though the merits of the plaintiff’s amended claims have yet to be decided, a judge has granted the parties the right to serve Trump."
More laws broken by Trump the traitor.

Trump Posts Image Of Biden Bound And Kidnapped
Disgusting Nazi swine.
So does this mean the images of the Trump suicide bleeding out in the gutter can be published now?

Tommy Tuberville: “The Democrats Are A Satanic Cult”
Ignorant and stupid people's garbage. The moron goof-balls eat this shit for breakfast.
Was there a bunny at the crucifixtion that laid eggs everwhere that the crowd found?
The Easter Bunny started in Germany.

Fox Host: “We’ve Always Seen Honesty With Trump”
"Homocon Tammy Bruce, speaking on the network that had to pay $787 million for promoting Trump’s lies."
If there was ever a lie, here it is! Direct from the Whopping Lies Department.
She must live in an alternate universe. It's crazy for someone to say this stinking bullshit and a disgrace.

Steve Bannon Demands Democrats Be Put In Prison Post-Election
Fascists do what fascists say.
The swine will meet with a dire end.

Trump Has A 'Foreign Envoy' In Richard Grenell
This is a violation of the Logan Act but apparently there are never any consequences for you-know-who.
We will see.

'Malicious': Columnist reveals how bridge collapse exposes this 'feature of MAGA politics'
"espite the Biden administration's push to quickly rebuild the bridge and get Baltimore's port reopened as soon as possible, some hard-right Republicans are threatening to hold bridge repair funding hostage and are turning it into a hot-button culture war wedge issue."
This is the Nazi response, "Fuck the people unless we get our way." This is totalitarianism in spades.

'Going backwards': Tennessee gov signs bill blocking police reform passed after Tyre Nichols death
Retardation is the hallmark of Tennessee, the heart of the Land of the Happy Negro. They mock the law as badly as Trump does.

Nicolle Wallace Throws Out Script In Disgust After Trump Attacks ‘Judges and Their Kids’ Don't blame her. It's high time to put Trump in prison. He mocks law and order and is a danger to anyone that doesn't see the world as he does.
"And Judge Luttig, I think it’s time…Donald Trump broke the rule of law. We should cover a broken judiciary in this country. Donald Trump managed to delay every federal criminal trial based on facts that he barely denies. Donald Trump managed to enlist the Supreme Court in a delay process, the highest court in the land.
Donald Trump brazenly and repeatedly attacks not just judges. I’ve had the privilege of sitting across not just from you, Judge Luttig, but from Judge Esther Salas, whose son was assassinated by a crazy person. Judges don’t have Secret Service protecting them. They don’t even always have — I mean her child answered the door. What are we going to do different, because Donald Trump sure as hell isn’t changing."
“Acquiesce, meaning no one, not a single person in a position of responsibility to address this issue, has done so for want of courage and want of will. And until or unless we as a nation address this issue, then we’re careening toward the effective end of the rule of law in America,” Judge Luttig said.
Put him away now. Before he gets someone in your family is killed. Before America is destroyed beyond the damage he's done to us so far.

Evangelical Halts Sermon On “Eclipse Prophecy” After “Evil Spirit Manifests” In Screaming Woman [VIDEO]
I think this was one of the MAGAt vampires. That or a Trump worshiper. Or MTG.

Trump Hosts Screening Of QAnon/Pizzagate Films That Claim Democrats Kidnap Children And Drink Their Blood
The MAGAt vampires sound like they are upset someone has "stollen" their feeding source.

Footage Shows Whales Fighting Off Orcas Using Explosive Diarrhea
Sounds like a weapon that could be used on Alito and Thomas.

Alito and Thomas nudge abortion foes to lean on law from 1873
They should fall on their swords.

Watch TX GOPers Discuss Death Penalty For Women Who Have Abortions
Wallowing in the garbage like the radical swine they are.
Worse than the Taliban or Isis.

Newsmax Host: Many Workers 'Probably Aren't Worth $20 An Hour'
This is good. These late-arrivals to the 21st Century assholes can do the jobs themselves and the wokers they're laying off will get better jobs. Works for all of us.

Biden Administration Finalizes Long-Term Truck Pollution Standards
“Despite the truck and oil industries’ relentless lobbying to weaken and delay these life-saving standards, the Biden Administration’s new emissions standards for heavy-duty trucks and buses are an important step to address this harmful pollution. In combination with the recently announced federal charging investments in trucking and the clean transportation investments in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the Inflation Reduction Act, these standards will help to move the needle on electrifying our biggest, dirtiest vehicles."

RNC weighs restricting NBC’s convention access following McDaniel firing
Good. They'll both get what they deserve — no viewers.

USA Bible founder says Trump endorsement means he believes 'same thing' as every American
Lee finally admits what we all thought of him. He's a opportunistic, hack song writer.
"Greenwood, speaking on the far-right media outlet Real America’s Voice, also says that Trump’s endorsement merely telegraphs that he believes the “same thing” that every other American believes."
Wishful thinking, Lee. You must believe the last election was "stollen."

'I didn’t think he would do it': Trump may have quietly put Jeffrey Clark in charge of DOJ
Corrupt to the core.

'Hillary was right': Lifelong 'straight-ticket Republican' lays out reasons for leaving GOP
Of course she was. And she still is.

Leslie Jones Begs America Not To Vote For Trump Again
“Do you really not remember?” the former “Saturday Night Live” cast member asked. “I know we don’t have the attention spans anymore but how can you forget the man who wanted to nuke a hurricane?”

Last Night's Biden Fundraiser Topped $26 Million In Donations
"Three presidents... and none of them are here [in New York] to go to court," joked comedian Stephen Colbert, alluding to Mr Trump's legal troubles.

Texas Republicans Meet With Extremist Group To Plot Murder Charge For Women Who Have IVF Or Abortion
Their day will come too. Think of it— always.

‘Wow! Amazing!’ Daniel Dale Stuns Anderson Cooper With Quick Fact-Check Of Pro-Trump Republican’s ‘Illegal Invaders’ Attack
Yes, indeed. That bus was filled with invaders, most certainly.

Tensions rising in Congress over how to fund rebuilding of Baltimore's collapsed bridge
Yet another example of the MAGAt fascist short-sightedness and stupidity.
When shortages start popping up you'll know who aided and abetted them.

Judge: Kari Lake has lost all rights to litigate defamation case
They found the witch.
Now do the same to Fatso.

Why Are the People Brave Enough to Hold Trump to Account Mostly Black & Brown?
There is no movement advocating political violence on the American left. It is entirely confined to the American right & the media needs to admit that, and the FBI needs to recalibrate their efforts.

James Comer Gonna Make Joe Biden Sit In This Chair ‘Til He Tells Congress What He Did!
"Rep. James Comer has invited President Joe Biden to testify in Congress about, um, whatever it is that Rep. James Comer has been hallucinating that Joe Biden did. Nobody knows. It’s not like he has any actual evidence of literally anything. Nobody’s really sure what the allegation even is.
Just look at the last hearing. And the ones before that. And every Fox News appearance he’s made. And every time he’s stapled his own dick to the wall trying to make “impeachment” happen, because we guess that is his kink.
We are physically unable to compile all the important James Comer Shits The Bed stories we’ve written, here is a sampling and just hit that search bar above if you need more Comer crack."

Liz Cheney slams 'depraved' Trump for encouraging violence against judge's daughter
“Trump is repeatedly and maliciously attacking a judge’s daughter on social media,” Cheney wrote on X. “He knows this will bring threats of violence against her and the judge. Trump is depraved and unstable. This unconscionable behavior shows yet again why he is unfit for any office.”
How right she is.

Lara Trump's Big Lie hiring: Republicans stick with loser strategy that failed them in 2020 and 2022
Election denial doesn't impress voters, but it sure attracts massive defamation lawsuits
And also too, what the hell is that on Fatso's head? A "hair rat"? A "Victory Roll"? LMAO!br>

Virginia Gov Vetoes Bill Allowing Retail Weed Sales he took a long hit on a doob.
Looks like some people aren't paying attention.
"Nobody can seriously argue that the widespread legalization of marijuana has had a positive impact on society." — Matt Walsh
Let's see. No more young black slaves going to prison? No more people's lives being ruined by pompous racist white dicks? Tax revenue? Have another shot of bourbon, asswipe.

State-Level Marijuana Legalization Has Been a Stunning Success
"It’s been over a decade since Colorado and Washington became the first two states to legalize marijuana for adults. With the benefit of hindsight, it’s fair to ask: Has this policy been successful?
Absolutely. A policy of legalization, regulation, and education is preferable to a policy of criminalization, stigmatization, and incarceration.
Let’s be clear. Legalization didn’t create or normalize the marijuana market in the United States. The market was already here."

RFK’s Running Mate Calls IVF “Big Lie,” Says Women Can Improve Their Fertility By “Exposure To Sunlight”
Like the idiot tanning his family jewels? Don't make me laugh. Here I grew up thinking we had adults leading our country. Crackpots attract crackpots.

Texas Woman Acquitted After Serving 5 Years For Voting Error
This conviction was really a brutal application of the law.
This is the Nazi idea of "election fraud" in Texas--deeply shameful and dispicable.

Trump Lashes Out At Judge's Daughter Again, Takes It A Step Further
He called her out by name because, of course.
This ball of used toilet paper should be busting rock in prison.

James Comer accuses the media of conspiring with the 'deep state' to protect Joe Biden
This is one stupid motherfucker that is a glutton for being a dumbass.

'Spectacular stupidity': MAGA lawmaker thrashed for accusing NCAA team of being migrants
Wait! This asshat is from Shitbackistan and was smuggled into the country by the Trump mob. This is commonly known as "Shit, Back and Fall in It!"
The man is covered in merde!

"He's worried": Expert says Trump attacks on judge's daughter shows he's "running a bit scared"
"You don't have to attack a judge if you're confident in your case," legal scholar says
"Stupid" doesn't know that. He gets off being a shit bag. He knows nothing. Backward mental defective.

MTG: I’ll Soon Provide Proof 2020 Election Was Stolen
The most backwardly defective woman in the history our planet.

South Carolina To Use US House Map Ruled Racist
Land of the Happy Negro defies anyone telling them this isn't normal in their sector.
"The panel of three judges last year concluded that South Carolina’s Republican-led legislature “exiled” 30,000 Black voters from the district to make it safer for a White GOP incumbent, Rep. Nancy Mace."
Oh, yes, please make it safer for the defective bot.

Cultist Suspected In Random Assaults On NYC Women
Sad to say, the moron is BLACK!!!!! He deserves a broken nose for his effort.

Kentucky Lawmakers Approve Bill Stripping Democrat Gov Of Power To Appoint US Senators During Vacancy
Briarhoppers at work trying to be Nazis. They've been that way forever.
Most have nothing going for them except tooth decay. Always have been slack-jawed fools.

RNC May Restrict NBC’s Access At GOP Convention
Good. We hope they won't even show your dog and pony show.

California is preparing to defend itself — and the nation — against Trump 2.0
And always remember, don't forget to FUCK TRUMP!

In Attack On Voting, 3rd Circuit Says Pennsylvania Undated Ballots Don't Count
In a tight race, this could make a big difference.
Nazis don't play by rules. This just proves it.

'Hater': Trump attacks Judge Merchan’s daughter again — this time by name
This POS is going to get his nose broken if he keeps up his chicken shit bully con. He ain't tough, baby.
Each and everyday he proves to us he's a criminal mobster.

'Nazi judges!' Trump's Georgia hearing triggers heated meltdown from right-wingers
The ones crying are the damned Nazis. Run their swine asses out of the country.
Nothing in the First Amendment gives anyone the right to commit treason, including you, Bannon!

Biden To Raise Record $25 Million In NYC Fundraiser
Kick ass, Joe!

March 27, 2024 - Baltimore Key Bridge collapse
Some joker didn't do his job of inspecting it. If he did it should never have left port.

WaPo: How Grenell Is Undermining Biden Overseas
Another Trump Nazi traitor at work.

Catholic League: New York Wants To Erase “Christian Heritage” By Striking Down Law Criminalizing Adultery
Jerkwad, your Bible doesn't overrule our Constitution. Go back to hell where you came from.

Ted Cruz wants taxpayers to fund airport escorts for top officials like him
And he wants it soon, otherwise he'll never get to enjoy the luxury he lusts over.

Paul Ryan Warns GOP They Will Lose With Trump Topping Ticket
They don't know who in hell Paul Ryan is. Disjointed brains can't fuction.

3rd Circuit Upholds PA's Dated Ballot Requirement
Arbitrary and totally guess work. Just another brick in the wall. Put it in the cylindrical file.

Charlie Kirk's Quirky Priorities: Embryos Over Living Children
This asshat should be named "Lout of the Century."

Georgia Republican Party’s Vice Chairman Guilty Of Voting Illegally
Oh, my! And they chastise anyone doing such a thing!

A criminologist explains why Judge Cannon must step away from Trump trial immediately
She's nothing but a useful idiot.

Trump Bibles make a mockery of Christianity — and that's exactly why MAGA will eat them up
Faith without morality or theology, much less that "soyboy" Jesus? Sign MAGA Republicans up!
" Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves."
“...many false prophets will appear and deceive many people”
“Then the Lord said to me, ‘The prophets are prophesying lies in my name. I have not sent them or appointed them or spoken to them. They are prophesying to you false visions, divinations, idolatries and the delusions of their own minds’” — Jesus of Nazareth, the zealot carpenter
This is one of the most revealing acts that the pitifully insecure crackpot has ever done. He is so extremely insecure he has to "endorse" the words of Jesus first. This is a sick joke played on his worshipers.

QAnon NC Schools Nominee Was Spox For Extremist Group That Claims Obama Has A “Hitler Bloodline”
Get the fuckin' straitjacket and get it on her,NOW!
Allegedly, I am the Queen of fucking Siam! Now fuck off as I am in charge here!

Trump tells Judge Cannon 'he’s got scheduling conflicts now': report
A huge load of horse manure is his cnnflict. A snotty child with a group of failed parents.
These "conflicts are his own making and nothing but stall tactics..

An *Alabama* Democrat Just Won Election By Running On Abortion, Let's All Be Shocked Again Like Goldfish
"On the same day Republican Senator Josh Hawley’s wife Erin Hawley stood in front of the extremist hacks Donald Trump appointed to the Supreme Court and explained why fascist Christians’ put-upon feelings and irrelevant religious beliefs should trump pregnant people’s ability to access abortion pills; and in Alabama, the state whose supreme court literally just tried to take fucking in vitro fertilization away from people, a truly shocking thing happened: A Democrat flipped a Republican state legislature seat, and bigly."

Single-Payer Healthcare Would Save Money and Lives
"Healthcare could be established as a basic human right, the way it is in every other developed country, by replacing our for-profit system with a single-payer system, which would both dramatically reduce costs and save tens of thousands of lives per year. Our current way of doing things is inhumane and unsustainable, and it is essential that we transition to a system which prioritizes patient care over profit. The cost of not doing this is other people’s pain and lives."

How Billionaire's Privilege is Taking Down Our Republic
Hundreds of working class people who answered Donald Trump’s call on January 6th are sitting in prison today, but the ringleader, the guy without whom those people would not be in jail, walks free.

Trump Loves To Play the Victim — NY Appeals Court Bailout Shows He’s the Most Coddled Person Alive
Until he's not. Which is coming soon.
"Trump's privilege is a social construct, not a law of nature. All it takes is a willingness to buck the pressure to give him the red carpet treatment. Hell, you don't even have to treat him fairly. As the original fraud trial showed, even when Trump is given lots of handicaps and perks, his guilt is so immense that it overwhelms his protective bubble. But it clearly takes courage to hold the line against this baffling assumption that Trump should be able to do whatever he wants. Too bad this appeals court didn't have the spine, but there are still plenty of people in the mix who aren't getting wobbly."

Trump's 'knee-jerk reaction' to fight court orders has him 'backed into corner': columnist
We should all know by now his arrogance and ego have wiped out any logic ability he's never had.

Donald Trump Is Not the Victim of ‘Lawfare.’ He’s a Crook. Republicans used to be very aware of this.
They did until they became fascist crooks themselves.

View Hosts Taken Aback By Trump Selling Bibles: ‘It’s Blasphemous
The former president announced this week that he’s selling the God Bless the U.S.A. Bible in partnership with musician Lee Greenwood in an effort to “make America pray again.”
He has no idea how many of us have been praying constantly and he's always in those prayers! :)

Axios: Truth Social Is Doomed To Become Penny Stock
"Truth Social — the Trump-owned social media platform that started trading yesterday — currently has far fewer users and less income than any social network that has gone public before. While the app does sell some ads, its business is practically non-existent."
"For now, Truth is trading like a meme stock, meaning its market value is completely divorced from its financial reality. But once retail investors tire of the penny stock, its fate will be left to institutional investors who want to see high-growth opportunities and profit margins. Meme stocks like GameStop and AMC that soared during the pandemic-era retail investor bump have since crashed."

Gallup: US Church Attendance Continues To Decline
"New from Gallup: only 3 in 10 Americans say they attend religious services every week (21%) or almost every week (9%)."
How often does the #1 Christian quoter of Biblical scripture, Donald Trump, attend?
21% of a cult group is influencing our laws in the U.S.? How long do we put up with that crap?

Christian Site: Eclipse May Bring “Massive” Earthquake
Why not the Rapture? Go all the way, man.
Just to be safe get out the pots and pans to scare the evil dark spirit away by beating on them loudly. It always works.

The 7 Dumbest Conspiracy Theories About the Baltimore Bridge Collapse
"When the Key Bridge in Baltimore collapsed in the early morning hours of Tuesday, there was almost immediately chatter on social media about potential conspiracy theories. In reality, the bridge collapsed because a container ship lost power and crashed into a column, causing it to tumble into the river below. "
Who could have ever guessed conspiracy theories would arise? Here are some of the dumbest.

Trump is snubbing Haley voters—and it could cost him the election
Just one of many things that add up to a LOSER!

Morning Digest: Democratic landslide in Alabama is massive warning for GOP on IVF
Here's another thing.

No Place For Bad Actors, Thanks
"This isn't about red versus blue. This is about truth versus lies."

Alabama Special Election Flips Seat To Abortion Rights Dem
Not much surprise here. The MAGAt fascists are all losers.

Jon Stewart Explains Why Trump Crimes Aren't 'Victimless'
Fatso always needs something explained to him as he has no control over his blabbermouth.

Judge In Trump's NY Criminal Trial Issues Gag Order - ONLY Gagging Trump
His biggest problem is his mouth that has a mind of its own. It consistantly shows how mentally challenged he is.

Justice KBJ Smacks Down Alito's 'Scientific Knowledge' Of Abortion Drugs
Alito is a puckered-ass creep.

'A lifelong crook': Columnist takes a hatchet to GOP claims of Trump victimization
"Before he won the Republican nomination the first time, Republicans were perfectly aware that his decades of bilking customers and counterparties, lying to everybody, and surrounding himself with known criminals posed a series legal risk," he said. "Now that that risk has gone from theoretical to actual, and it is being shared by the Republican Party, they seem to believe it’s not fair to hold him legally accountable."
The swine.

'Not the actions' of a wealthy man: CNN panel roasts Trump for Bible-hawking stunt
"After watching video of Trump pushing his own brand of Bibles, Frum argued that the former president would have spent the last decade selling "reverse mortgages and dietary supplements" had he lost the 2016 presidential election."
If you've haven't seen it, see the documentary movie "Salesman." It's Trump to a T.
Typiclal dead-beat chisleler that he has always been. And he's not finished being indicted yet.

Hugh Hewitt Pretends Ronna McDaniel Has Grounds To Sue NBC
Hugh Hewitt continues to prove that his law degree hasn't done him an ounce of good.
Maybe he could chase ambulances?

Nancy Mace blames Biden’s infrastructure law after ship strike collapses Baltimore bridge
What happened to this woman's infrastructure? She needs a brain replacement ASAP as she's in crtical condition.
"Mace later touted funding in her district provided by the infrastructure bill." ROTFLMAO!

The Mainstream Media Is Burying Trump's Very Evil Project 25
Bury it deep and do the same with Stephen Miller attempt to take over every aspect of both the Federal Government and also our personal lives. Lots of potential Nazis and traitors listed in this piece of shit.

Justice Samuel Alito Falsely Implies Mifepristone Could Cause “Very Serious Harm
HE already has caused serious harm. He has no justification in saying that.
Plus the fact that there are possible bad side effects from many prescription medications, up to and including "sudden death." Hemakes a fool of hiimself which is pretty easy to do in his case

Fox News Host Claims Trump Does Not 'Disrespect' The Court
Emily Compagno twisted herself into a pretzel to make this claim.
Wow! Just got up off the floor from laughing my ass off at this!

'Absurd & dangerous'?: Truth Social made Donald Trump billions today
Absolute Bullshit, Horseshit, and Goddamn lies. He about to swindle a shitload of suckers.
If that's the case fork over the cash you owe, you chiseling motherfucker!

Will the GOP's Ukraine Aid Block Kick-Off Another Worldwide War?
Putin's language of escalation highlights the danger that the GOP’s embrace of Trump and Trump’s ties to Putin have put the US and the entire democratic world in.

How Did Everything Get This Fucked Up?
"I am desperate to believe I'm not at all rare as an American citizen who asks himself that title's question damn near every day. It's truly not a rhetorical question. I truly can't make head nor tail of how this country could have wound up with a guy like Trump monopolizing our attention so consistently and abusively for so long now, saying stupid shit, racist shit, misogynistic shit, arrogant and ignorant shit, and every category of shit from chickenshit, to horseshit, to bullshit. We've been unable to avoid this sludge at least since he rode down that escalator with his Eurotrash bimbo on the way to defiling the dignity of the White House with their presence for four pretty damn miserable years."
Trump brought out all of the worst traits of America.
The song that is censored here is "Bourgeois Blues" by Odetta. Typical racism to block it.

Trump Spox: We’ll Have “Soldiers” At Polling Places
Sure YOU would, you Nazi swine. Those you refer to are not soldiers. They are voter suppressors.

Ooof!: Former President Big Brain Tries To Say Words
Hello, 911. I'd like to report a murder. Yes, the Stable Genius murdered the English language:(
This is a very sick person. He's always the most hilarious when he starts talking about the Constitition.

Why the RNC’s 'dire financial straits' are 'even worse' than you think
"Interviewed on condition of anonymity, a GOP source close to the RNC fears that the organization's financial woes will only get worse as the organization tries to please Donald Trump in 2024."

‘Inexplicable': Rachel Maddow Goes On 29-Minute Tear After NBC Hires Ronna McDaniel
“I want to associate myself with all my colleagues, both at MSNBC and NBC News, who have voiced loud and principled objections to our company putting on the payroll someone who has not just attacked us as journalists, but is part of an ongoing project to get rid of our system of government,” Maddow said during an impassioned 29-minute monologue Monday night."
Fair and balanced is it?

Which Side Are ‘We the People’ on—Democracy or Fascism?
It occurs to me that many of us don't know the difference — or even care.

Who Owns Donald Trump?
The former president’s financial troubles open up rich opportunities for political attack.
"I got debts that no honest man can pay." — Bruce Springsteen, Atlantic City

Georgia judge sets hearing to consider dismissing Trump case on free speech grounds
Our laws appear to be failing to do their job. There is only one alternative and we all know what it is.
More failure by the United States of America to defend herself.

Trump slammed after claiming FBI search of Mar-a-Lago was illegal
What a thug usually claims.

‘Travesty of justice’: Legal experts stunned over unexplained ruling helping Trump
Justice can't handle the extortion that Trump is threatening. Apparently nothing more than chickenshits.

'White wealthy privilege': Trump's lowered bond 'bail out' spurs widespread outrage
There's that plus the out-and-out failure of our Republic to defend itself against organized crime.

Chick-Fil-A Reverses, Will Allow Antibiotics In Chicken
It's what Jesus would do and will personally heal all sick chicks.

More and More People Leaving Twitter as Elon Musk Ruins It
No surprise this is happening. He'll be messaging himself before it ends.

Six Mississippi “goon squad” cops get lengthy prison sentences for torturing Black men
"In Mississippi, six former sheriff’s deputies have been sentenced to between 10 and 40 years in prison for raiding a home and torturing, shooting and sexually abusing two Black men, Michael Jenkins and Eddie Parker, in January 2023. The six former deputies, all of whom are white, called themselves the “Goon Squad” and have been linked to at least four violent attacks on Black men since 2019."
Land of the Happy Negro Cops get to meditate on their acts for some time.

Trump’s Truth Social posts 'beautiful' comparison to Jesus during court hearing
One hundred Psalms identify their author with an introduction along the lines of 'A prayer of Moses the man of God' (Psalm 90). Of these, 73 name David as the writer. Fifty of the Psalms do not mention their author, but many scholars believe David may have written some of these as well."
Jesus did not write one of them. He did say many would come in his name.

Economist Paul Krugman: How Trump will make life worse for his own voters
Krugman told Sargent, "I get really annoyed at the way everybody now calls Trump a populist. Because he hasn't actually done anything you would call populist in the normal sense…. He basically outsourced actual policy to ideological hardline right-wing Republicans in Congress. So, what you actually got from the Trump Administration might as well have been a Paul Ryan Administration plus tariffs."

A running list of RFK Jr.'s controversies
The 2024 presidential candidate has had no shortage of scandals over the years
This guy is at least as sick as Trump. There's no place to hide with this jerk as your candidate.

Forensic psychiatrist fears Trump’s 'changes in gait' may signal a form of 'dementia'
"Salon's Chauncy DeVega has written a series of articles on Trump's mental state, and some of the medical professionals he has interviewed have even alleged that he is showing signs of dementia.

Trump Gets 'Good' News And Very Bad News
Trump's Bond Cut To $175 Million If He Pays Up Now — He's got ten days to come up with $175 million. Meanwhile, Stormy trial is set for April 15.
It's like giving Hitler the Sudetenland.

Stormy Daniels: Trump Thinks He's Samson, Power In His Hair
This makes a lot of sense when you remember Trump is an egomaniacal infant.
Hopefully, he'll take his temple down on top of him.

What are ‘sex’ and ‘gender’? How these terms have changed and why states now want to define them
Although they’re sometimes used synonymously, ‘sex’ and ‘gender’ have different meanings to medical professionals.

Newly released transcripts reveal a MAGA betrayal: Donald Trump never cared about Ashli Babbitt
Trump now hypes her as a January 6 martyr, but when he was told of Babbitt's death, there was "no, like, reaction"

RFK’s Nevada Ballot Petition Void Without VP’s Name
His dad must be rolling over in his grave at his idiot son.
And this is more proof that some American voters cannot tell shit from applebutter. A vote for this fool is a vote for Trump.

QAnon Mastriano Proposes Bill To Outlaw “Chemtrails”
Did any of these shit for brains ever take a class in science? Dumbnation!
"Chemtrails in the moonlight."
Great Googa Mooga! This is one stupid motherfucker!

Trump appears to undercut his own defense in new rant: 'So you don't want full immunity?'
Stupid gets torn apart for showing he doesn't know what the word 'logic' means.
Fatso reveals to all of us just how fucked up his sense of reason is. Get rid of him.

PA Drag Story Hour Canceled After Emailed Threats, Two City Blocks Evacuated Over “Suspicious Package”
And the motherfucking Nazi MAGAts get pissed when their events get cancelled or moved. Their knowledge of American history leaves a lot to be desired.

The Evolution Of The Art Of Drag In 33 Stunning, Historical Images
Dressing in drag was once just a means of fulfilling female parts in plays — and now it's become a worldwide phenomenon.
As American as apple pie and hot dogs.

Fani Willis: “The Train Is Coming” For Trump
"Come on, Jack, that son of a bitch is comin' — Guy Clark, Desperados Waiting For A Train

Murkowski Won’t Rule Out Leaving Republican Party
“I just regret that our party is seemingly becoming a party of Donald Trump. I wish that as Republicans, we had … a nominee that I could get behind. I certainly can’t get behind Donald Trump.”

Kimberly Guilfoyle Displays Her GOP Family Values
Actually, she was flaunting something quite different, two somethings, to be precise.
The Christo-fascists support this sort of gallivanting?

'He perjured himself': Trump biographer says ex-president just did 'the dumbest thing'
That's because he's never aware of his lies. He's badly demented.
"And then he takes to social media a day or two ago and says, 'I have $500 million. I am really rich.' From a legal standpoint, it is about the dumbest thing he could've done. Because the court now has to wonder about his truthfulness and his track record of statements he has made about the money. I think they will scrutinize it and hold him and his lawyers accountable for all of the variations of what he has been saying about what he has."

Senate Candidate: Charge Obese More For Healthcare
Tell him that that's exactly what they are going to do and charge fatheads like him more. "The Fathead Health Care Tax."
We didn't have to deal with the nutball Palin, but what she says is exactly what the fascists are doing to women right now.

Fox Host: Trump’s Out Of Luck Even If He Wins Appeal
Trump is done. Stick a fork in him.
Absolutely no one is afraid of retribution because he's broke. It's a myth he has any power for anything else than attempting to assemble dysfunctional mobster gangs.

Axios: Republicans Are “Livid” Over US House Chaos
"Republicans were left fuming over the early resignations of Gallagher and Buck, with some suggesting it’s now within the realm of possibility for the House majority to flip to Democrats mid-Congress. Everyone should be that is an American.

'Three strikes': Ex-prosecutor wants Cannon removed from Trump case over 'unusual' filings
"You generally deal with pretrial motions first and jury instructions were later. Her instructions are based on this faulty premise that Donald Trump's designation of records under the Presidential Records Act matters. It doesn't. He is charged with violating the Espionage Act. The Espionage Act applies regardless whether the records he had were categorized as personal or presidential."
She's got her nailed.

'It's not worth anything': Former Trump lawyer blows a hole in 'hype' over Truth Social
'Most of us that aren't ignortant media propagandists know this.

Gingrich: “The Freedom Caucus Has Been A Disaster”
He (Newt) taught them everything they know. He wrote the "Contract on America."

Biden Admin Changing 'Cruel' Policy On Social Security Overpayments
Per SSA Commissioner Martin O'Malley, the agency will limit the clawback to 10% of an overpaid beneficiary's monthly benefit.
If they were overpaid it wasn't their fault. That money is already spent. Clawing it back was mercenary meaness.

'Carry that with me for the rest of my life': PA election worker lives under constant threat
"It would be lying if I said I didn’t take it personally," Cook said. "I know exactly who made those comments and I will carry that with me for the rest of my life."
"[Cook has] been through some s---," Luzerne County Controller Walter Griffith told the Guardian. "Some serious s---."
All because of the traitor Trump and his Nazi follwers. Put him in prison where scumbags belong.

The End of Anti-Woke Politics?
It turns out most Americans are "woke," with even Republicans rejecting Ron DeSantis's efforts to "Floridize" the country.
Of course. That's what the lame asses don't get.

More for Them, Less for Us
Tesla, Ford, Netflix, and T-Mobile are among scores of profitable U.S. firms that pay their top executives more than they pay in federal taxes.
One of America's biggest problems.

Lev Parnas: Sean Hannity And Fox News Are Acting As Russian Assets
"Then, after specifically calling out Rep. Pete Sessions, former Rep. Devin Nunes and Sen. Ron Johnson as culprits, Parnas said, 'The same goes for John Solomon, Sean Hannity, and media personnel, particularly at Fox News, who used this narrative to manipulate the public ahead of the 2020 elections.'”
These bastards are traitors along with Trump. All certifialble POS.

Trump ally’s stunning request: ‘If this election doesn’t go our way the next day we fight’
The little Nazi prick is not bullet proof. But none of them are.

"He'll never leave": Why Trump's dynasty, built on corruption and violence, won't end with him
Fascism expert Ruth Ben-Ghiat says MAGA violence is a grave danger — no matter how the 2024 election turns out
Trump will certainly come to an end. It's the MAGAt terrorists that Trump created that will linger until they all are eliminated. And they will be.

ISIS claims responsibility for attack in busy Moscow-area concert venue that left at least 40 dead
Surely, you don't mean that terrorist gang that Trump said he'd eliminated?

Biden Targets Latinos With Trump’s “Poisoning” Claims
The motherfucker is poisoning us all. It doesn't take much to see this.

Even George Santos Is Leaving The 'Embarrassing' Republican Party
Well, this is different.
Nope. A "fabulist" is just another lying bastard.

Johnson loses top committee chair after far-right budget bill outrage
The fascists are fading away. Their control is melting. Think of it, always. Ghandi told us.

'Handmaid of American fascism': Ronna McDaniel’s new NBC News gig sparks fury
Remember when no one was calling the fascists a fascist except yours truly?

Humiliated Comer: 'Criminal Referrals' Instead Of Impeachment
Making criminal referrals is a joke, but Comer and Jordan are trying to save face to the MAGA cult. Chairman Comer and Jordan are only working for one narcissistic traitor and not the US."
"MAGA Republicans are so desperate to try and soil President Biden with the same feces-laden rag that Trump has bathed himself in, they've spent millions of taxpayer dollars and spent months and years trying to do Trump's dirty work."
"If anyone should be impeached it's the Republican clown car Congress."

Joe Biden Isn’t Just a Good President, He’s Good People
On the other hand, Trump is the lowest life form that exists on our planet.

CDC Report Underscores Need for Medicare For All
Wise up, and let's get it done.

Women Ditching The Pill Over Social Media Misinformation
"Physicians say they’re seeing an explosion of birth-control misinformation online targeting a vulnerable demographic: people in their teens and early 20s who are more likely to believe what they see on their phones because of algorithms that feed them a stream of videos reinforcing messages often divorced from scientific evidence. While doctors say hormonal contraception — which includes birth-control pills and intrauterine devices (IUDs) — is safe and effective, they worry the profession’s long-standing lack of transparency about some of the serious but rare side effects has left many patients seeking information from unqualified online communities."
The misinforming swine will pay dearly for this.

AOC and Bernie Sanders Aim to Tackle Housing and Climate Change in One Bill
The retards will prevent it. But not forever.

It’s a Good Time to Start Worrying About Christian Nation
There's never a bad time. Wipe it off the face of the earth by any means necessary.

Biden has an answer to the ‘better off four years ago’ question
Donald Trump wants voters to ask, "Are you better off today than you were four years ago?” Oddly enough, Joe Biden is focused on the same question.
"Reality leaves little doubt that the country is better off than it was four years ago by practically every relevant metric. The Democratic president has 227 days to refresh voters’ memories and bring this truth into focus."
Of this there is NO DOUBT!

'Republicans are so stupid': Josh Hawley attacks his own party over Social Security
This guy seems to be drifting toward awareness of his own gang of grifters.

'The dumbest thing he could have done': Ex-prosecutor laughs at Trump's new cash boast
It won't be the last dumb thing he does.

'One of them is lying': Experts warn Trump his $500M claim directly contradicts lawyers
I couldn't possibly guess which one. Or could I?

Judge Cannon hands Jack Smith a victory in Trump's classified document case
"Upon review of the Motion, relevant filings, arguments raised during hearings, and the full record," writes Cannon, "the Court GRANTS the Special Counsel’s Motion as to Categories 3 and 4 in their entirety, as well as most of the Category 2 requests as set forth in the Court’s Classified Order."
"Cannon's concession to Smith's demand comes as she faces mounting criticism over a perceived bias toward the former president responsible for her appointment to Florida's Southern District court."

How Republicans Caused "Missing Americans"
Welcome to the 2024 GOP and their plans to “deconstruct the administrative state” and drag America back to the 19th century.
Outrageous. We shall not be moved.

Supreme Court Grants Gov. Greg Abbott’s Wish To Turn Texas Into a Far-Right Dictatorship
Alito is the leader of the Nazi coterie in the Super Supremes.
"Late last week, the Supreme Court allowed West Texas A&M University to proceed with its ban of drag shows hosted by on-campus groups, even though the school's censorship violate decades of First Amendment precedence. This week, the Supreme Court did it again, allowing Texas to temporarily go forward with a clearly unconstitutional claim that state law supersedes federal jurisdiction when it comes to immigration. Neither decision constitutes the final word on whether Texas can flout the constitutional order so openly, to be clear. But even letting it get this far represents the Supreme Court's eagerness to bless Gov. Greg Abbott, R-Tex., in his quest to turn his state into a far-right dictatorship."
And it's all so ignorant and stupid of these apes. Drag has been aroung since humans started walking the planet. Absolute proof they are fascist Nazis. They have made some serious mistakes that will be their undoing.

How plans for a West Texas drag show turned into a war over the First Amendment
Classic example of fascism denying human rights. Texas is overflowing with these Nazis.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Files a Motion to Oust House Speaker Mike Johnson
No one can be Speaker in this cluster fuck.

Trump canceled a rally in Arizona because his campaign was too broke: report
Nobody wants to see this asswipe traitor anywhere.

'Can you believe this guy?' Wall Street insider claims bankers are laughing at Trump
He's a laugh, alright. On the other hand, he's as bad as terminal cancer.

Martyrs to the MAGA cause: Trump follows Hitler's steps with glorification of Jan. 6
Making martyrs out of red hat rioters is a well laid out plan
Send the traitor to prison.

Republicans Object To IVF Services For LGBTQ Veterans
This is just pure meaness from the holier-than-thou turds.

MO GOP Sues To Block KKK-Linked Man From Ballot
They want to block one of their own? LMAO!

MTG: “Our Republican Majority Is A Complete Failure”
And it can no longer stand.

DeSantis Denies Having Criminalized Homelessness
One of the whiniest little jerkwads the country has ever had to endure.

Trump: “I Currently Have Almost $500 Million In Cash”
Then fork it over, you stupid, fucking asswipe!

Lewis Black's Wit Versus Artificial Intelligence
The only thing that can stop artificial intelligence is super intelligence, but we got Lewis Black instead.
Top notch, Lewis!

It Looks Like Letitia James Has Already Started Putting Liens On Trump Properties
If reporting is correct, Letitia James has already started to place liens on Trump properties in Westchester County, NY
All of his properties must have liens on them. He would have no way to sell them and dead in the water.

'Work until you drop dead': House GOP plan takes axe to Social Security, healthcare and civil rights
They really think Americans will vote for this disaterous walk off a cliff proposal?
They may as well take a bullet to the head. Fuck around and find out you bags of shit!

Problems pile up for Trump as Biden team preps 'avalanche' of attacks: report
"After making marginal gains with Latino voters, Trump on Saturday said some migrants were 'not people,'" they write. "His campaign scrambled over the weekend to push back on coverage of his remarks predicting a 'bloodbath' if he loses in November, explaining that he was only talking about the auto industry. And then Trump ignited another controversy, saying Jews who vote for Democrats 'hate everything about Israel' and their religion."
A loser is what the traitor is.

We have met the enemy and he is us
And with no sense of humor, the joke is on us
"America has lost its collective mind."
At least a portion of us.

REPORT: Spending Deal Bans Pride Flags At Embassies
Fuck off, asswipe.

Conway: Whites Won’t Say “Thoughts And Prayers,” They’re Jogging And Having Brunch Instead Of Church
Who put this obnoxious idiot in charge of Americans church attendance?

Fox Host Reads Prayer Sponsored By Christian App
Is Fox turning into a church now that they have failed at being a news source?
Put your hand on the TV. LMAO!

Rittenhouse Flees The Stage Amid Protests
"The event was sponsored by Charlie Kirk’s Turning Point USA and he is extremely upset."
Do we Charlie will blow up? We cah hope.
I see Kyle was wearing the Nazi hat.

Nebraska Republican Inserts Colleague's Name While Reading A Rape Scene
"Nebraska State Sen. Steve Halloran (R-Hastings) is facing bipartisan calls to resign after he interjected a colleague's name into a reading of a graphic rape scene multiple times."
Back to hell with him.

Profiles In Courage: Wisconsin Speaker Robin Vos
Wisconsin Speaker Robin Vos doesn't have the spinal fortitude of even Mike Pence
Lots of Nazis fucking around in Wisconsin.

'Wrong you idiot': The judge Jonathan Turley claims just 'slammed Michael Cohen' died in 2021
Additionally, Michael Cohen himself reacted to Turley's comment, writing, "Wrong you idiot (@JonathanTurley). Judge Pauley didn’t make the statement, Judge Jesse Furman did. Pauley is deceased. You’re as sloppy as the corrupt SDNY and MAGA morons. Read the decision of Judge Engoron (pg 43) that emphatically stated Michael Cohen Told The Truth. #PUTZ"

X Suspends Journalists For Exposing Nazi Cartoonist
Anyone doubt this prick is a Nazi? Send him to Gitmo.

Trump Asks Court To Pause Capitol Riot Civil Lawsuits
The King traitor should just be thrown in prison. Who gives a fuck about the loser?

GOP Calls For Rise In Social Security Retirement Age
America: Work until you DIE!

Freedom Caucus Votes To Eject Retiring Rep. Ken Buck
They are real sweethearts, eh? What a bunch of dicks.

Selling Mar-a-Lago is Trump's best hope of meeting $464M bond deadline: real estate expert
Who would be the chump?

Judge Cannon could be 'removed from the case altogether' after latest stunt: report
Don't hold your breath.

These 9 House Republicans voted against a resolution condemning the Russian abduction of Ukrainian children
The House passed a resolution on Tuesday condemning the Russian abduction of Ukrainian children.
Nine Republicans voted against it.
It comes as a majority of the party has firmly turned against providing further US aid to Ukraine. Scumbag Nazis.

Zieglers sue to stop release of rape investigation records
"Former Florida GOP chairman Christian Ziegler and his wife Bridget Ziegler, a Sarasota School Board Member and cofounder of the conservative group Moms for Liberty, have filed a lawsuit seeking to bar the release of records involved in the husband’s criminal rape investigation."

Trump Asks Supreme Court For “Absolute Immunity”
If that's the case then our current President will have him assassinated. Game Over, chump!
"He's not king. He's not even holding an office right now. This is how stupid this nation has allowed itself to become." — Chicago Dyke (Comments).

CNN: “Panicked” Trump Is Trying To Sell His Assets
This is what happens with your reputation of not repaying your debts, chisiler. No cash for you!

19% Of FL Republicans Vote Against Trump In Primary
This is happening in primaries across America. Trump is going to be buried in a landslide in November.

Scott: Canadian Politicians Are Not Welcome In Florida
Who wants to go to your shitty fascist state? Let me see your papers, Nazi!
"And lest we forget, Scott, himself, is a criminal, having stolen millions of dollars from Medicare." — barryearle (comments) Arizona State Senator Needs An Abortion; Calls Out Colleagues
Eva Burch sadly has a non-viable pregnancy. Republicans in her legislative body get an earful.
Give them an earful that won't clean out.The men (and women?) who make these thought laws need to get a brain.

Texas Law Blocked After Surprise 5th Circuit Decision — For Now
No one will blame you if you're confused.
Texas will do it anyway. They don't consider themselves a part of the U.S.

Trump’s 'astounding' SCOTUS Jan. 6 immunity brief blasted by legal experts
Don Demented keeps opening his stupid mouth and planting his foot in it.

New docs shed light on 'inner workings' of 'shadowy' far-right Christian nationalist group
"The documents, Wilson reports in an article published on March 19, address "methods for judging the beliefs of potential members on topics such as Christian nationalism, and indications that its founders sought inspiration in an apartheid-era South African white men-only group, the Afrikaner-Broederbond."
Super Nazi Christo-fascist group can go back to hell where they came from.

There Goes Trump, Seething At American Jews Again
The One-Eyed Jack revealed. Get rid of him.

What Americans and the Media are Missing About the TikTok Crisis
It’s time for “truth in labeling” laws like the processed food industry complies with to apply to social media. The life — and democracy — that gets saved could be your own.

Christian Nationalists’ Using Goebbels-esque Tactics to Brand Critics
In doing so they brand themseves Nazis.

Liz Cheney: This story of Trump's Jan. 6 'depravity' shows why he must be defeated
"He was not only sitting in the dining room next to the Oval Office watching the attack on television, we know he was doing that because of the testimony of individuals inside the White House who were with him," she said. "We also know that, while that attack was happening and he was continuing to refuse to tell the mob to leave, we know that he knew the mob was armed when he sent them to the Capitol, and we also know that, while the attack was happening, he was handed a note. And the note said on it that a civilian had been shot at the entrance to the chamber of the House of Representatives."

Tommy Tuberville calls liberalism 'a satanic cult' that has 'ruined' American schools
Don't point that finger at me, Daddio!
He's just jealous because he never got any when he was in school. We know why.

Trump’s warnings of violence must not be ignored
The most certainly won't by his base of gun thugs.

Jair Bolsonaro Indicted On COVID Vax Fraud Charges
Another fascist bites the dust. Think of it, always!

DeSantis: I Will Send Haitians To Martha’s Vineyard
Why doesn't he just move to Martha's Vineyard and leave the Haitians alone. Let's see if he can even buy a home there. Who will protect Florida from the swine DeSantis?

Wisconsin Republicans Want Voters To Vote Against Democracy
Nazis at work in America. Get rid of them ASAP.

Trump Threw Alina Habba Under The Bus In Sexual Harassment Deal
He's very good at that. That and being the stupidest asshole alive.

State senators demand Republican’s resignation for inserting Dem names into violent book scene
Time for this scumbag Bozo to bottle up and go.

Trump slammed for 'completely wacko' suit against ABC News and George Stephanopoulos
What else would you expect from the demented cluster-fucked brain of his?

Supreme Court Allows Anti-Immigrant Texas Law to Go into Effect
There's a target on the back of every brown person': SCOTUS slammed for 'show me your papers' ruling
"The legislation is one of the most extreme anti-immigrant laws ever passed by any state legislature in the country and would permit local and state law enforcement to arrest, detain, and remove people they suspect to have entered Texas from another country without federal authorization. The law’s implementation would lead to racial profiling, separate families, and harm Black and Brown communities across the state. The American Civil Liberties Union, ACLU of Texas, and Texas Civil Rights Project (TCRP) filed a lawsuit on behalf of Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center, American Gateways, and El Paso County, arguing that S.B. 4 violates the supremacy clause of the U.S. Constitution and is preempted by federal law."
Take your papers and wipe your ass with them, Nazi pigs. Hitler's concentration camps are closer than ever.

Trump uncorks multi-post early-morning meltdown on 'Crazed, Trump Hating, Rogue Judge'
Perfect example of "Crimnally Insane."
"In fact, people who lose civil lawsuits are routinely asked to post bond as a condition for their ability to appeal."

Trump blows the MAGA whistle — and his signal is heard loud and clear
Trump is escalating his rhetoric. How far will he take it?
All the way to life in prison.

Trump: Bonding Companies “Never Heard Of Such A Bond” And Couldn’t Help Me “Even If They Wanted To”
Looks like he's broke and has no money of this own. Such a lying bastard. Put him behind bars.

Jewish Groups Blast Trump’s Latest Antisemitic Rant
Run this shit bag back to hell where he came from. He should not be a presidential candidate.

Court: Pharmacist Illegally Refused To Sell Birth Control
Does the moron fill prescriptions for Viagra?
"Again, if your personal choice to join a religion conflicts with your other personal choice of how you'd like to earn a living, it's on you to reconcile your conflicting life choices... it's simply not our problem." — Buford (comments)

Incompetent Judge Aileen Cannon Tries To Give Trump A Lifeline
She's basically saying she wants the jury to excuse Trump if he really, really, truly believed the records were his. I guess "Ignorantia juris non excusat" is not recognized by the judge. She's as corrupt as Trump.

'I am phoning a friend': Legal experts slam Cannon’s new Trump order as 'unclear' and 'utterly nuts'
Conservative lawyer and analyst George Conway chimed in, writing, "Okay, I’ve seen enough. Not only should Aileen Cannon not be sitting on this case, but she should not be sitting on the federal bench at all. This is utterly nuts."
The fix is in here. Talk about a rig.

Pro-Trump lawyer arrested after DC hearing about her leaking Dominion Voting Systems emails: report
They're all crooks.

A Trump Manhattan hush money conviction would punch a hole in his election hopes: report
Prepare his cell.

Menacing MAGA outburst at Arizona government meeting 'a dress rehearsal for the election'
Hot lead is the only thing Nazis understand. Give it to them. Let the swine have it.
When they announce they are an "insurrection" they should take fire because it's more Trump treason.

Adult MAGA rage is making schools more dangerous for students
Despite the Ethan Crumbley and Nex Benedict cases, a GOP nominee to run schools wants a "firing squad" for liberals
Firing squads work both ways. Nazis usully get hanged. A reckoning is coming.

Cheney Hits Back At Trump’s Call To Prosecute Her
Get bent, you lying old man. Your 15 minutes are just about up. Your con has run out and you are dead meat.

Russia Complains About “Traitors” Protesting In DC
Who is this guy? Some cheap hood? Tell him to get fucked.
His foot don't fit no limb in the USA.

Biden Order To Bolster Women’s Health Research
American women knows Biden is on America's side.

Infamous Liar Busted Lying About Zelensky “Tape”
Demented Liar. With insane and dangerous gangs that back him up. Time to eliminate them all.

Trump May Bring Back Manafort As Campaign Advisor
Fatso reassembling his mob of crooks for his next mugging of America.
Show these assholes the way back to prison.

Jen Psaki Drops A Truth Bomb On Trump Defenders Over 'Bloodbath' Remark
There is no excuse for his violent rhetoric, but Trump defenders are giving him a pass.
These dumb shits will never learn. Don't expect them to, ever.

'Why are these three Republican senators so upset?' Expert slams GOP’s defiance of new judicial rule
The Nazis don't like it. They can't rig so eaasily if it's in place.

Hilarity Ensues As RNC Labels MAGA Mike Johnson As A Biden 'Handler'
And the winner of "The Stupidist Fuckheads of the World Award" is the RNC Research morons!

Climate-Science Deniers, Right-Wing Think Tanks, and Fossil Fuel Shills Are Plotting Against the Clean Energy Transition
Inside the conspiracy to take down wind and solar power
More scare tactics and flat-out lies against energy transition by the fascists.
Stop the bastards.

Trump: You Can’t Use Public Airwaves To Criticize Me
Another demented comment from the world's worst.

Trump Calls for Liz Cheney and the Entire Jan. 6 Committee to Be Jailed
A brain is a terrible thing to waste. He'll be serving time in psyche ward first.

Why the Big Lie Is Still Dominating Wisconsin Politics
Because the state is full of Nazis.

Trump's struggle to finish sentences at Ohio rally 'raises a number of flags': MSNBC host
When has he ever been able to finish a complete sentence? He's on brain-dead alert now.

Fox News issues correction after Trump claims Dems perform abortions after birth
Well, well, well. I bet that retraction hurt. But what about the rest of them?

These Companies Pay Their Executives More Than They Pay in Taxes
Tesla, Ford, Netflix and T-Mobile are among scores of U.S. firms that pay their top execs more than they pay the IRS.

Rural America Is in the Midst of an Eviction Crisis
New research found that Black rural households have eviction rates four times higher than white households.
Return with us now to the Land of the Happy Negro where slaveowners are now mercenary landlords.

Trump Is out of His Mind and Desperate
Of this we can be certain.

Voters now 'questioning Trump's sanity': conservative pollster
Of course he's insane. But so are the people that are supporting him.

Fox News introduces sponsored prayers to Jesus: 'Thank you again for this partnership'
Fox Christo-Fascist News. They are offending many people with this fake religion sham.

Internet shreds Trump after ex-president warns of 'bloodbath' if he loses election
"Trump just threatened a 'bloodbath for the country' if he’s not elected," Li wrote. "Let’s be VERY clear what this thug is doing — Inciting stochastic terrorism against the United States He is issuing marching orders for his MAGA terrorists This is 'Proud Boys, stand back & stand by' redux."
The whiny, cowardly, terrorist shit bag should be tarred, feathered and rode out of the country on a rail. He's threatening our country the same as any foreign invader. We've had enough of this son-of-a-bitch. There's only one solution for that.

Republicans are worried as the Ohio Senate primary breaks out into an all-out brawl
The three-way race has turned brutal in the final stretch.
Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney speak truth to this Nazi sham.
The Nazi death party may just kill itself. We can hope.

Cultist Senate Candidate: In Heaven You’ll Meet All Signers Of Declaration Of Independence Like Lincoln
They will all be in for a big surprise, dude. And the demented Trump salutes his mob of violent traitors
"This guy calls the rioters who beat up cops in an attempt to overturn a legitimate election “unbelievable patriots.” That this doesn’t disqualify him within the GOP or among the tens of millions of voters who have voted for him shows how deep the rot goes." — David Corn

Trump Threatens A 'Bloodbath' If He Loses In November
During a rally in Ohio on Saturday night, Trump threatened a BLOODBATH if he loses in November. "Donald Trump cannot get anywhere near the Oval Office again. He continues to get closer to an insanity defense after every rally, with a true display of mental illness taking hold during a Saturday afternoon rally in Ohio. He cursed, threatened immigrants, ranted about Biden beating Obama in an election and then, and most frighteningly, threatened a BLOODBATH if he loses in November."
Guess what, Fatso. It will all be yours. American Republicans must vote against this maniac criminal to save the Republic. I know it will be hard but THEY MUST!

Oops: RNC Chair Says We’re “Better Off” Under Biden
America agrees he was right with the first answer.
And they say Biden is slow.

Don’t give Trump a 2nd chance to destroy American democracy
"Recently my partner and I had brunch with some old comrades, folks I first met in the 1996 fight to stop the state of California from outlawing affirmative action. Sadly, we lost that one and, almost three decades later, we continue to lose affirmative action programs thanks to a Supreme Court rearranged or, more accurately, deranged by one Donald J. Trump."
This is what a mentally impaired racist President can do to a free country.

Trump fanning flames of Jan. 6 could be 'a real problem' for Republicans in 2024: analysis
It's as if he wants to keep it in front of America's eyes because he thinks it's a winner. He's totally clueless about his precarious legal position which clearly shows his mental state. Demented, addled, confused, and evil as all hell. Not fit to be dogcatcher.

Abbott’s Migrant Busing Stunt Cost TX Taxpayers Approx $150 Million
"That means that taxpayers have paid close to $150 million to “own the libs,” or about $1,500 per bused migrant, CNN estimated. If right-wing donors don’t want to cough up the money, I’d love to see a poll showing how everyday Texans feel about being stuck with the bills."
Most Texans don't even know busing ever happened let alone cost them money.

RBG’s Family Furious Over Namesake Award For Musk
"The family of the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg and some of the Supreme Court justice’s former colleagues have denounced this year’s slate of honorees for an award that a philanthropic foundation bestows in the name of the liberal icon." The award is disingenuous and the family should do something about the fraud being perpetrated upon them by fascists.

NYT: Trump Is Scrambling To Raise Campaign Money
His crooked lawyers are bleeding him dry. Keep up the good work you're doing for America. LOL!
“But some top donors remain hesitant. Among their privately expressed concerns is a fear that large donations could wind up covering Mr. Trump’s legal fees, even as his advisers have publicly said the R.N.C. won’t do so.”
Probably not paying his mouthpieces. Is that why Habba is so pissed off?

The GOP Is Too Scared to Let South Dakota Vote on Abortion
They can blame Trump for that.
"As they’ve done in other states, Republicans are trying to stop the amendment from going before voters: On Friday, Republican Gov. Krisiti Noem signed a bill to allow people to revoke their signatures from ballot initiative petitions."
Nazis at work in our America. Shame!

It’s Not Just Sandy Hook. Aaron Rodgers Has Some Very Strange Thoughts About…Buildings
"This is just kind of who Aaron Rodgers is: An incurious person’s idea of a curious person. And it seems to be a terminal condition."
He's either an ego maniac playing word games or he's batshit crazy — or both.
He and Kennedy appear to be very much the same mental cases.

Bolsonaro presented plan to reverse 2022 election, Brazilian military leaders say
More proof Nazis love to fuck with elections.

'Working-class people aren't lazy, they're fed up,' UAW leader tells Senate
"United Auto Workers president Shawn Fain on Thursday made clear to a key U.S. Senate panel that working-class people nationwide are deeply frustrated with the "epidemic of lives dominated by work" and the fight for livable wages while executive compensation continues to climb."
"Donald Trump is a scab," Fain declared in January when the UAW officially backed Biden—who, during the union's walkouts, became the first sitting president to join striking workers on the picket line. "Donald Trump is a billionaire, and that's who he represents... Donald Trump stands against everything we stand for as a union, as a society."

Trump cutting back on rallies to save money as cash shortfall hobbles campaign: report
No money, no TV, no fans. Life is hell for the fascist fuck. May it be so eternally.

Peter Navarro Files Emergency Supreme Court Appeal in Last-Minute Attempt to Avoid Prison
Trump Crime Syndicate member appeals to the SCOTUS arm of the gang to get let off the hook.
Peter, watch the the movie Hunger. That's prison. You get to go to a country club for a few months compared to that, you wuss.

Why Trust is the Thing Enemies of Democracies Always Target First
Trust is the single most important thing any government has; it is truly what makes a nation viable.
"In 2016, Russian intelligence hacked both the RNC and the DNC. They never revealed the dirt they got on the RNC, but, at Donald Trump’s request, they handed off DNC data including Hillary’s emails to the media with the (successful) goal of destroying America’s trust in her.
Yesterday, we learned from reporting by The Guardian that Alexander Smirnov, the Russian agent who began peddling lies about Hunter and Joe Biden and Ukraine in time for the 2020 election and was recently arrested for lying about that to the FBI, was paid $600,000 by people affiliated with Donald Trump. All to destroy our trust in the Bidens."
Indeed. Trump and his Organized Crime Syndicate has sucessfully destroyed trust in our system which ialways has been the goal of totalitarianists. Is Merrick Garland a wolf in sheep's clothingt?

Marjorie Taylor Greene Wants To Talk To You About The Black Market Of Baby Organ Harvesting
We can't wait for this. Should be very enlightening and even illuminating. So much one can see right through it.

Tuberville: “We Are Losing Our Kids To A Satanic Cult”
What ancient universe does this dumbass live in? He has no morals to lose. Fuck him.

Vaseline Woman Asks SCOTUS To Ban Voting Machines
Send this scatter-brained power addict straight back to hell where she came from.

Noem: Native SD Tribes Are In Cahoots With Cartels
Looking for new ways to eliminate Native Americans, you numbskull?

NYT: Trump Is Scrambling To Raise Campaign Money
When he should be in prison for treason.

Corporations Paid Execs More Than They Paid In Taxes
"Both kinds of corporate misbehavior—underpaying taxes and overpaying executives—ultimately make working families the victim through smaller paychecks and diminished public services."

Inside the constitutional apocalypse on the horizon
"And now we have what might be the most important Supreme Court term in American history. The justices have to decide cases concerning presidential immunity (which might be directly relevant to the next presidential election and the very existence of our democracy), gun control, abortion, state regulation of social media, administrative law and the death penalty, among other important cases. (Obviously, a ruling granting Trump immunity would be catastrophic for the country and the court. I do not expect that to happen.)"
Don't count on it with the gang of Nazi cut-throats that we now have.

'We have to worry about physical violence': AZ elections chief preps for threats from MAGA
Nazis have a tendency for violence. History says so.

All 119 Teachers In Flint, Michigan, Called In Sick This Week And The Reason Will Devastate You!
But only if you're human.
"On Wednesday, 119 teachers in Flint, Michigan (which is all of the teachers in Flint, Michigan), called in sick. Was there a mass food poisoning situation? Another deadly Legionnaires outbreak? Nope. The teachers called in sick to protest the Flint Board of Education rejecting the agreement teachers and administrators had come to that would have raised wages for teachers in Flint, which boasts some of the lowest teachers salaries in Michigan."

Weird How Katie Britt Turns Off Her Fundie Baby Voice When She's Just Blabbing On Ted Cruz's Podcast
"You’ve heard it, whether or not you grew up in conservative Christian weirdoland. It’s the voice Michelle Duggar speaks in, which she teaches her daughters to use. It’s meek and mild and submissive to husbands and all other men, and all the other things extreme right-wing Christians believe women should be."
"Piper notes in her post and in the video she referenced that psycho cult Christian House Speaker Mike Johnson’s psycho cult Christian wife uses the voice. Yes, the person with the Christian counseling service that compares being gay to bestiality, or did until people started digging into who she was and they deleted that from the website. She, like Katie Britt, is a serious professional! But yet, there is that baby voice when she’s being interviewed with her husband."
"Weird, then, how in the immediate aftermath, the only people we saw who were really into it were creepy conservative white men. Or maybe that’s not weird, when you think about it for four seconds."
"Love how Clay Travis conservative dude-splains how Britt’s presentation wasn’t for dudes, even as he’s the one leaving dude-stains on his pantleg.
Because if there’s one thing conservative white MAGA guys understand, it’s what appeals to women voters."

Social Security Chief Martin O'Malley Decides To Get Agency Out Of The Life-Ruining Business
"Here, have another case in point: Former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, who was sworn in in December as the new head of the Social Security Administration, pledged this week that he will put an end to the agency’s practice of trying to “claw back” money that it says was incorrectly sent to beneficiaries (sometimes because of SSA’s errors), because it 'just doesn’t seem right or fair.'
"So yes, that’s a lot of costly errors, but if vulnerable people are being thrown out on the streets in the effort to get the money back, we say the hell with it. Do partial payments, or just write the overpayments off and cover it by eliminating oil subsidies."
Hell, yes!

Bernie Sanders Wants 32-Hour Work Week So We Can Become France.
“The sad reality is that Americans now work more hours than the people of any other wealthy nation,” he said, citing statistics that workers in the U.S. on average work for hundreds of hours longer each week than their counterparts in Japan, Britain and Germany.
"When adjusted for inflation, a fact sheet on the proposal notes, Americans are in fact making far less per hour than we were 60 years ago, although CEOs are now making about 400 times more than the average worker. It’s pretty unlikely the CEOs are working 400 times the hours, either, what with your laws of physics and all."
To Hillary Vaughn: Without a problem! Let's get this done!

New Far-Right Conspiracy Claims Boeing's Accidents Are Intentional
This bullshit takes the MAGAt shit cake and then some.

Rent Increases Are Driving Inflation — and Pessimism About Economy Under Biden
A MAGAt landlord tactic that might be working on some. Do you really believe that Trump is the cure for this? Then welcome to the crowd in America's Great Wastland of thinking. (See below)

No more 6%? Home buyers and sellers will soon negotiate their own commissions with agents.
Then maybe it's best time for you renters to buy a home?

Attempted Book Bans Last Year Targeted More Than 4,240 Titles, an All-Time High
Books to Nitwits, Nutballs, Batshit crazies, Idiots, Lamebrains, and Morons are as mirrors are to vampires.
These creatures are our Great Wasteland.

COVID: This Month 4 Years Ago Trump & Kushner Put Together a Deadly, Evil Plan
Their diabolical plan, for purely political purposes, was virtually ignored by the American mainstream media.

Judge Scott McAfee mulls gagging Fani Willis after 'legally improper' speech at church
Trump shill throws more shit to stall for his master.
"Judge Scott McAfee is considering issuing an order effectively gagging Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis' office from talking publicly about her case against Donald Trump — and the idea left a legal expert shocked."
Why is shilling for a traitor a shock from a Georgia MAGAt?
"In fact, Atlanta defense lawyer Andrew Fleischman said of the suggestion, 'I've never seen that before.'"
The Land of the Happy Negro shouldn't surprise anyone by their "legal" charades. I'd be surprised if lynching her isn't an option.

Gov. Ron DeSantis' war on 'woke' appears to be losing steam in Florida
It is. It and the Trump con on America. Too many holes in it now and America is tired of the bullshit it spits at them.

The Christian Right’s Imaginary Nation
"The left can offer a stronger vision of what America could be. It offers more than fantasy, more than hope. It promises justice. The Christian right would deny us that. In its pursuit of the imaginary, it sacrifices real people and causes real harm. The country it’s building isn’t real yet, but with the help of the Supreme Court it soon could be. To save our reality — and improve it, for all — the people will have to fight.
Fight we will. Most of us have been fighting these brain-washed tyrants for decades.

Tesla Is Getting Absolutely Destroyed
"The Elon Musk-led company's future is uncertain as ever, CNN reports. As we approach the end of Q1, Tesla has remained the worst-performing stock on the S&P 500 for over a month now.
The company is down almost 32 percent since January, hitting a ten-month low — and the forecast for the rest of the year isn't looking much better. According to a scathing new report by Wells Fargo analyst Colin Langan, Tesla is a "growth company with no growth."

New Federal Lawsuit Challenges Use of Artificial Intelligence in U.S. Elections to Undermine Voting Rights
It will continue to exploit people's stupidity which has become prevelent in our society.

Economist Paul Krugman: Trump will 'wreck' Social Security and Medicare if he wins
That's not all he'll wreck.

'Pay-per-view in front of firing squad': GOP candidate called for Obama's public execution
And we can't even put Trump shit bags like this behind bars? They consider this an "empty threat"?
And you want this garbage heap near your kids? You are nuts!
Talk about murdering people in public media, even in America, is dangerous. Someone might hear it and do it even if the speaker does not. A reckoning is coming.

Is it a crime to threaten someone in North Carolina?
"Often, people are under the impression that their online behavior carries no consequences in the offline realm. However, this is not the case. Making threats to another person online is taken very seriously in North Carolina. In fact, if threats are made to a person in another state, this can even be treated as a federal offense."
Loophole: However, it only applies if the alleged victim believes the threat would be followed through. Tell that to the unbelieving dead victim.

'$200,000 gone to waste' as Arizona county buys unusable 'fraud-proof' ballot paper: CNN
"...this is taxpayer dollars down the drain based on lies." That's lies that people believe. That's our real problem. Trump is to blame for this stupidity.
Who put the inmates in charge of the asylum?

Millions of Americans overseas can vote — but few do.
For the paranoiacs in Arizona.
"For the 2.8 million who are eligible voters, the right to vote is protected by the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act of 1986, which requires that states allow military service members, their eligible family, and other overseas Americans to vote absentee in federal elections."

Ingraham: Biden Will Allow In “Unvetted Haitians” And “Cancel Out Native-Born Americans With Newcomers”
How dare this white supremacist, gob of spit?

Franklin Graham: God Will Punish France For Abortion
What is it about ‘My Body My Choice' that you don't understand?
And just because you say it definitely doesn't make it right.

Russians Vote In Election To Give Putin Six More Years
"Moscow authorities have threatened to criminally prosecute those who take part in election-day rallies aimed at expressing opposition to President Vladimir Putin."
Shall we talk about rigged elections, MAGAts?

Georgia Judge Rules Against Disqualifying Fani Willis
This was mere stalling tactics by Trump sychophants.

Trump sneakers and the MAGA uniform: Merchandising fascism to the mainstream
MAGA merchandise is a way of creating meaning among the faithful just as the walls close in on Donald Trump
His suckers love to give him cash for his bags of shit.

Trump’s RNC Looks Like A ‘Massive’ Election-Rigging Operation
The Trump RNC has begun what it promises is an aggressive effort to purge voter rolls in swing states.
This is why "Justice Delayed is Justice Denied."

Fox News Suddenly Worried About Foreign Propaganda
This is pretty rich given who controls Fox “news.”

Morning Digest: New scandal engulfs GOP Senate candidate Democrats already hoped to face
Where shit backs up happens you will find Trump.

'Just put the damn terrorist on trial': Social media enraged after Bragg delays Trump trial
America has had enough with this kid glove treatment of a traitor.

'Constitutionally unforgivable': Ex-federal judge rips SCOTUS’ Trump disqualification ruling
"They argued that the nation's highest court 'dramatically and dangerously betrayed its obligation to enforce what once was the Constitution’s safety net for America’s democracy,' adding that SCOTUS 'has now rendered that safety net a dead letter, effectively rescinding it as if it had never been enacted.'
"If the Court upholds the state’s disqualification decision, then it will be binding nationwide, in the manner and to the extent decided by the Court. If the state’s disqualification is held to be invalid, then it will be invalid in that state, as well as nationwide. It’s as simple as that," they argued. 'From the outset, the hand-wringing about how no state should be empowered to rule over its sister states on the national question as to who might run for president was all smoke and mirrors, manifestly predicated on a demonstrably false premise about the way our judicial system works.'"
"In doing so, all nine justices denied 'We the People' the very power that those who wrote and ratified the Fourteenth Amendment presciently secured to us to save the republic from future insurrectionists—reflecting a lesson hard-learned from the devastation wrought by the Civil War," they added. Situational ethics by fasicsts appointed by a fascist. They forgot how they held "states rights" holy. If they think they won't pay for this they are sadly mistaken.

Kevin Sorbo ‘Read On The Internet’ 800,000 Terrorists Entered US Last 3 Yrs
Yes. And they are all Republicans! I read on the internet that Kevin is a fucking idiot!

OK Rep: Federal Regulations Are Against God’s Law
Fuck off, Christo-fascist!

REPORT: Trump Associates Paid Lying FBI Informant
"Back in 2020, Alexander Smirnov was paid $600,000 by a company called Educational Transformation Technologies (ETT), prosecutors said. That same year, Smirnov began lying to the FBI about the Bidens, according to his indictment. ETT Investment Holding Limited was registered in the UK on 6 March 2020.
Shah Khan, an investor who purchased the Plaza Hotel in 2018 has ties to Donald Trump through Trump associates and Damac, a major Middle East developer that has partnered with Trump for a decade.
Former Damac chairman Hussain Sajwani is also close to Trump and has been described as his friend in multiple news reports. Trump has called the billionaire a 'friend' and a 'great man,' and his family 'the most beautiful people'."

Aaron Rodgers Is Thinking About Becoming a Full-Time Conspiracist
Injury prone A. Aron Rodgers "has gotten used to getting pummeled on the field and in the media, but over the past 48 hours, he has been hit in a way that would shake even a quarterback with 19 seasons in the NFL."

Trump campaign blames faulty 'algorithms' for placing ads on Nazi videos
How can you elect a man who ALWAYS blames someone else for fucking up?

Fani Willis 'has a habit of swinging back hard' and will refile Trump charges: professor
Kick McAffee's ass hard for me.

“How Come Everything the Republican Party Stands for Involves Other People Dying?”
Is there something in the GOP’s core beliefs and strategies that just inevitably leads to these outcomes?

Does Anyone Care What Boomers Think Anymore?
"The world isn’t at all what so many of us dreamt it would be by the time we got old. Maybe tie-dye and weed just weren't ever going to "get 'er done." We were Hippies, Yippees, and Yuppies, Students for a Democratic Society and Young Republicans, but I never imagined so many of us were likely to become fascists."
Who could have? Many of our elder family members fought and died to defeat the them. Otherwise the wise-asses would be speaking German now.

Neglected and exposed: Toxic air lingers in a Texas Latino community, revealing failures in state’s air monitoring system
This is the reward they get for voting for fascists.

Expuestos y en el olvido: El aire tóxico en una comunidad latina de Texas revela los fallos del sistema estatal de control de calidad del aire
"Los datos públicos de una red de monitores de la calidad del aire alrededor del Canal de Navegación de Houston son difíciles de interpretar y a menudo son insuficientes, dejando a vecindarios de mayoría latina, como Cloverleaf, sin saber si el aire que respiran es seguro."

How Is Trump Playing Tickle Monster With Dictators This Week?
"There’s been a lot of news this week, so it’s easy to forget that it was just this past weekend that Donald Trump and Hungarian fascist dictator Viktor Orbán had their playdate at Mar-a-Lago, where they braided each other’s ass hair and talked about which other world dictator they’d love to get stuck in an elevator with. (Putin. For both of them.)
Here are a few things that have happened since then:"

Newt Gingrich Likes Presidents Who KNOW They're Stealing America's Secrets, Unlike Senile Old Joe Biden Ha Ha!
"Last seen on Wonkette declaring that the conspiracy theories Fox News has been making up about Michelle Obama becoming the Democratic nominee are crazy because she’s too “racially intense” for the position, Gingrich weighed in this week on Joe Biden and his mental fitness, and oh boy.
See if you can identify the wee problem with Newt Gingrich’s “defense” of why what Donald Trump did with classified documents is OK, whereas what Biden did is not:"

Trump's MAGA movement is causing Republicans in Congress to hate each other
Fewer than half of House Republicans bothered to attend Speaker Mike Johnson's retreat

Musk “Could Care Less” About Hate Speech Criticisms
Another malaprop by "the genius." When one uses the phrase using "Could" it means they still have some care. Take a course in language, numbskull.

RFK Hails Anti-Vax Aaron Rodgers As “Critical Thinker”
That'll be the day. Get off the steroids, dude.

RFK’s Potential Running Mate Spread Sandy Hook Lies
Junior seems out of touch. When did A.Aron become "critical" with his "thinking"?

Senate Dems put Postmaster General Louis DeJoy on notice
"Shit fer brains" is finally getting put on the carpet.

Seriously, how dumb is Trump?
"I don’t mean just run-of-the-mill stupid. I mean extraordinarily, off-the-charts, stupifyingly stupid."
So dumb he thinks he's untouchable.

Far-right commentator says President Biden should be executed
Well then, that means I can fairly say I hope you get if first.

'Jealousy of Biden': How Trump showed his insecurity during conversation with Putin
Sure. He was and is a cowardly little shit.

'Serial liar': Stefanik roasted after taking credit for federal money she voted against
Stinking. But that's your MAGAt traitor party.

Creepy Texas Father Wins Right To Deny His Daughters Birth Control
"Though he’s won for now, Deanda should probably be aware that while the state of Texas may now force his daughters to get his permission before getting on birth control, that doesn’t mean they’re actually going to wait until they’re married to have sex. It doesn’t even mean that they won’t have sex as teenagers. All it means is that, if they do have sex, they will be more likely to get knocked up."
If that's not a picture of dumbass, egotistic stupidity none exists.

Robert Hur's Testimony Did Not Exonerate Him From Charges He's A Slimy Partisan Hack
"Hur, if he were truly evenhanded, could have just nipped all that in the bud with a prosecutorial explanation of why prosecutors don’t like to use the word “exonerated.” Because certainly, in layman’s terms, he exonerated Biden, by saying explicitly from literally the first line in his report that “We conclude that no criminal charges are warranted in this matter.” (Compare that to the weak-ass shit Robert Mueller did in his report, when he pointedly failed to conclude Donald Trump obstructed justice, but failed to not conclude it either!)"

Lincoln Left Us Warnings: Here's an Early Example
"Whatever he (Trump) meant, whatever he now means as he babbles on, it is the duty of real lovers of this country to oppose him and his benighted followers in every way we can. To quote the Insurrectionist-in-Chief, 'if we don't, we won't have a country anymore.'"

Why Trump's Backtrack on the TikTok Ban is Deadly to Democracy
With TikTok, he is bowing to president Xi. With Ukraine, he is bowing to President Putin. And in both cases, he and the GOP are bowing to big money.

Republican Women Don’t Care About Rape Victims
" It's rare for a male journalist to handle himself as Stephanopoulos did. He held a Republican woman to account for her misogynist views. But as this past week reminded us, Republican women can be just as cruel to women as the men can be, even if they deliver the hateful message from their kitchens."

Tesla paid no federal income taxes while paying executives $2.5 billion over five years
Robbing with a fountain pen.

Ben Shapiro: 'Retirement Itself Is A Stupid Idea'
Then work until you die, asshole. Some of us have another life.

The science behind why people hate Daylight Saving Time so much
Can we use research and policy to change (or not change) the clocks for the last time?
All I can say is I wait out the winter watching the eastern skies when I'm having coffee in the morning. By CMT when the first of March hits we have beautiful sunlight on the sunny mornings. As soon as DST hits and we fall back, its like a dark winter morning again when you roll out of bed for nearly the rest of the month.
Standard time should be our starndard time.

Judge McAfee just dealt a blow to the Fulton County Trump indictment
Georgia starts fucking around. More stall tactics.

'Deep trouble': Mary Trump says Jim Jordan and James Comer could face 'criminal charges'
More MAGAt Nazis doing dirty work.
"Donald Trump's niece is convinced Reps. James Comer (R-KY) and Jim Jordan (R-OH) are in "deep s---" and could be investigated for peddling fictitious FBI witness testimony to sully President Joe Biden and his son Hunter as a basis for impeachment."

'Judge Cannon has a lot to answer for': Expert furious Trump witness wasn't heard in court
"That's sort of my main reaction to this, you know, Judge Cannon has a lot to answer for."
This Trump defender may yet be removed from the bench.

The pure emptiness of Katie Britt
The Republican way of life has emptied her of anything even marginally recognizable as real
A Land of the Happy Negro story.

Trump's new "Honest Don" nickname can't distract from his obvious decline
We're entering a new phase in the dishonesty and corruption of "Honest Don" Trump

Trump Now Claiming ‘Artificial Intelligence’ Was Used By House Dems in ‘Cognitive Decline’ Gaffe Supercut
It's all AI's fault! You can't believe anything anymore! Especially, the TRAITOR TRUMP MORON!
AI is light years ahead of Trump's low IQ.

QAnon/OAN Host To Run RNC “Election Integrity” Unit
More on the traitor Trump's destruction of the Republican Party.

Secret Service Told Trump That Rioters Were Armed
The traitor didn't care. He wanted them to use those weapons on Americans.

'Trump’s toilet and slush fund': Ex-GOP rep says RNC deserves to lose for 'capitulating'
Is Trump's hand in the till or is America shutting them down?

'Minority outreach' will be casualty of the RNC’s 'full-on MAGA makeover': report
"An RNC source, interviewed on condition of anonymity, told the Beast that the RNC's new slogan might as well be "Make the RNC white again."

'There’s going to be a criminal conviction': Ex-Trump attorney predicts guilty verdict in NY
"Former President Donald Trump's first criminal trial is due to begin in less than two weeks, and one GOP-aligned attorney doesn't think Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg will have a difficult time securing a guilty verdict against his former client."

Hate Pastor: My Critics Are “Literal Cancers” Like Hitler
“They’re doing exactly the playbook of Karl Marx: Label your enemy by intimidation and cause them to become embarrassed so they’ll be silent.” — Hate pastor Jack Hibbs.
Brother, that'll be the day when you motherfuckers go silent. It could happen.

GOP Seeks Wage Freeze For Visa Agriculture Workers
Aka: The Geeks Of Pussy-grabbers.
U.S. Sen. Rick Scott is among the 15 signatories to a U.S. Sen. Mike Crapo letter seeking a “freeze” to the Adverse Effect Wage Rate (AEWR). This rate applies to “temporary nonimmigrant workers under the H-2A visa classification,” according to the federal Department of Labor.
While Florida’s $14.77 compensation rate for these field workers is among the lowest in the country, Scott and the other Republicans on the letter seek a moratorium.
The Labor Department justifies that nominal salary escalation on the grounds that “agricultural employers play a vital role in our nation’s economy and that obtaining a reliable workforce is critical to producing the U.S. food supply.”
Let's get rid of these mindless assholes.

Weird How It's Always The Young Republicans Getting Arrested For Murder And 'Sexual Torture'
"For the last few years, faced with a significant dearth of actual, real things to get mad about, the Right has been all a-tither over the horrific crimes they believe LGBTQ+ people and prominent Democratic politicians and celebrities must be doing. Not to mention all the baby-eating. (So much baby-eating!)
And yet! Here we are again with yet another wholesome, god-fearing Young Republican getting arrested for sexual torture and murder, just like Ted Bundy before him.
Kyle Lewter, 36, was arrested last week for having allegedly killed an acquaintance, Derek Franklin Walls, 54, during a physical altercation that, at some point included an element of 'sexual torture.'”

Republicans Still Unable To Sell Women On Upside Of Losing Their Reproductive Rights
"Over the last year and a half, the American people have made it abundantly clear at the ballot box that they very much do not want abortion to be illegal. Every time they’ve been offered the opportunity, they’ve chosen to keep it legal or elected those who would. So now, Republicans are starting to get real worried that those people might not want to elect one of them to lead the country if abortion is on the table — which it very obviously is."

UCLA Republicans Go Batsh*t Racist, Sure To Be Condemned By GOP Any Minute Now
"The group, which bills itself as the “premiere right wing political organization on campus,” says it prides itself on “offering conservative students an outlet for their opinions and a niche for their values.” What values? According to recent posts, that appears to be normal conservative values like rejecting the First Amendment and democracy itself, because the most important value of all for these creeps can be stated with 14 words."
"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."

House GOP Prepares To Embarrass Itself With More Biden Impeachment Nonsense
These people are not helping America by doing this crazy horseshit.
"House Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan has grasped at every straw in his quest to avenge Donald Trump and impeach President Joe Biden, including the one straw held out to him by an alleged Russian mole. That having blown up embarrassingly in his face, Jordan appears to be leading his committee into another fiasco."

'Not a smart man': Ex-Trump aide warns of 'civic tragedy' if he returns to power
"On a more simple level, Donald Trump has apparent repeated memory lapses, difficulty synthesizing complex information, disinterest in nuance, and an obviously low IQ. He’s not a smart man, and some would say he shows clear signs of decline. If it were a screenplay, a wannabe gangster with dementia might be an oddball comedy. But on the national stage, it’s a civic tragedy."

Nancy Mace calls on Donald Trump to sue ABC host for 'rape-shaming' her
Did her case ever go to trial? Nope.
If he does, he'll have to borrow more money and go deeper in debt. Good idea, Nancy.

We Must Now Wonder: Is Nancy Mace Right in the Head?
The Republican representative is pretending she’s being shamed as a rape victim, just because she was asked about her support for Donald Trump.
"Obviously, survivors of sexual assault should never be shamed for the attack. But Mace’s mental gymnastics here are just the latest demonstration of the congresswoman’s stunning hypocrisy.
According to Mace, it only counts as rape if the attacker is found guilty in a criminal court, not a civil court as Trump was. By this logic, sexual assault isn’t such a big deal, because out of every 1,000 instances of rape, only 13 get referred to a prosecutor. Only seven actually result in a felony conviction.
In fact, by her own logic, was Mace even attacked? Because she did not report the assault to the police. Again, that is her completely within her right, but she can’t then argue that being found liable for rape doesn’t count."

Trump campaign hit with new warning about taking illegal donations
The reprobate doesn't care about warnings. He's a criminal.

Former Texas GOP official sentenced to 4 centuries in prison for child sex abuse
Well, at least he didn't get life.

OpenAI Ridicules Elon Musk's "Incoherent" Lawsuit
Oops! Now what?

Jamie Raskin Takes Republicans To School In Biden Documents Hearing
"The desperate quest to invent an issue is a distraction from the 91 federal and state federal charges that Donald Trump faces now, his staggering civil court losses in New York now totaling more than a half a billion dollars, and his full-blown embrace and romance with authoritarian dictators and communist tyrants all over the world, from Viktor Orban in Hungary to Vladimir Putin in Russia, the former head of the KGB, to the communist dictator of North Korea."
"This, my friends, this is a memory test, but it's not a memory test for President Biden," he added. "It's a memory test for all of America."
Trump represents the tyrants of the world, indeed!

'Wholly unfit for office': House Dem plays montage of Trump’s gaffes during Hur hearing
It's obvious what Trump is. It's a shame that any one that calls themselves an America doesn't realize what he is.

'A disgrace': Reporters and experts say transcript reveals Hur 'lied' about Biden
Par for the fascist course.

‘Like the Nazis did’: Critic slams Trump plans to remake U.S. education system
"Trump claimed colleges and universities are "turning our students into communists, terrorists, and sympathizers of many, many different dimensions."
He'll make sure they are all brainless Nazis like him.

Trump's brain can no longer construct a sentence - even to lie
"The dotard’s brain has given up on syntax, grammar, and sentence structure."

'Incomprehensible': Trump decimated for 'word salad on crucially important policy question'
This person couldn't state an honest fact if his life depended on it. And it does.
The man is a mental defective as are the mental defectives that support him.

How Trump has once again 'exposed' himself as a 'small minded bully': analysis
"Hendrickson continues, "He mocks Biden’s disability because he believes the voters will reward him for it — that there is more to be gained than lost by dehumanizing his rival and the millions of other Americans who stutter, or who go through life managing other disorders and disabilities. I would like to believe that more people are repulsed than entertained, and that Trump has made a grave miscalculation. We have eight more months of this until we find out."

Biden Says Debate With Trump Will Depend on the GOP Nominee’s “Behavior
Biden should not debate with Trump. American doesn't want it. He's an illegitimate candidate.

Cities Are Quietly Waging War on Marginalized Food Truck and Street Vendors
City leaders are clamping down on small entrepreneurs to protect the profits of their wealthy business allies.
Leaders? Is that what they call racist Nazis in Parksley, Virginia?
"The official returned the next day and interfered with grocery deliveries. He said he had authority to enter the property and take “remedial action” because his council duties included oversight of the town’s public works department. Yet law enforcement is a job for code enforcement officers or the police, not policymakers."
Sounds like a bully MAGAt Nazi to me. But it's the Land of the Happy Negro so that's routine.
A level playing field is not something you'll get in traitor land.

'Moral squalor': Conservative blasts GOP for missing its last chance to dump Trump
MAGAt Nazis lack any moral authority and Amercans know that.

The MAGA Aesthetic Is Beginning to Rot
Yes. Americans have grown weary of the rotting stench of a dying fascism. This will bring them and their con man leader to his bitter end.
It all now looks like the childish moron screaming about nothing but the idiot that it, in fact, has always been.

Newt Gingrich Hangs Up on Reporter Asking About Katie Britt — After Hyping Her as Trump’s Potential VP Prior to SOTU
ROTFLMAO! How fucking stupid can Newt the Snoot get?

QAnon Extremist Wins Nomination To Run NC Schools
These Dear Ole Land of the Happy Negro morons are promoting their treasonous legacy.

Fox News Gives Voting Machine Companies More Ammo For Lawsuits
The talking heads on Fox & Friends apparently have learned nothing from the Dominion lawsuit as they continue to push Trump's Big Lie about the voting machines supposedly being rigged for Biden.
The morons can't help their inability to do anything positive for their untenable positions. They will continue to slit their own throats.

Polls Show Huge Jump For Biden After State Of The Union
This trend is just getting started.

Trump yet again opens door to new E. Jean Carroll lawsuit during Monday interview: expert
He's the gift that keeps on giving to E. Jean Carroll.

Jamie Raskin trashes GOP's new impeachment strategy: 'Star witnesses' are all criminals
What else would a mob boss have around him?

For Ukraine, Oscar victory shows 'Russian terrorism' to the world
"They were smuggled out — along with 30 hours of mostly unseen video footage — by Ukrainian soldiers in mid-March 2022, crossing 15 Russian checkpoints before arriving in Ukrainian-held territory, Chernov said."

How Trump has once again 'exposed' himself as a 'small-minded bully': analysis
And raw sewage.

Trump puts GOP on the 'pathway to loserdom': Morning Joe
"This is the pathway to loserdom," Scarborough said. "We've been seeing that over the weekend. You've been seeing the reaction to [president Joe] Biden's State of the Union address. You've been seeing really stupid reactions from people who said he was going to be asleep. Now, it's like, he's too jacked up. Oh, like, that's all certain networks had."

Trump Calls For Cuts To Social Security And Medicare
This man is out to kill Americans.
May he die soon and rid us of his poisonous existence.

Apocalypse Now: They Are Coming For Our Books, Kitchens and Children, Especially the Ones Not Wearing Pants
"With a shambolic GOP House flopping at everything - no evidence of a "Biden crime family," Hunter's laptop info came from a Russian spy, they can barely manage to fund the government - zealous patriots and lawmakers in multiple states have eagerly taken up the ugly task of stripping someone's rights somewhere in the name of "freedom." In don't-say-woke Florida, a handful of enthused cranks, bigots and "Moms For Liberty" have challenged hundreds of books - including almost anything with an LGBTQ character and dictionaries, though DeSantis denies it. A recent, witless target was Maurice Sendak's classic In The Night Kitchen, which they dubbed "pornographic" because little Mickey is naked as he bakes a cake."
Lots more to read here.

John Oliver smacks down Holocaust-denying GOP candidate and 'racist' Trump
All Nazis should be smacked down and very hard. Especially one that's as dumb as Robinson.

Biden beaten in effigy at Kansas GOP fundraiserr
Nazis in Kansas show mindless hate to the world.
"On Saturday, former GOP chairman Mike Kuckelman condemned the Biden bashing in a post on Kuckelman’s personal Facebook page. Other Republicans joined him in comments on the post.
Kuckelman said guests at the event were invited to beat the Biden effigy in exchange for a donation. He called for the resignations of Brown and Johnson County Republican Party chairwoman Maria Holiday."

'Like an 8th grader': Nancy Mace scorched on MSNBC for her 'shameless' Trump rape defense
8th grader? That's giving her too much credit.

John Kelly: Trump Said Hitler “Did Some Good Things”
He means like setting the genocide record.
Also suicide was his best moment.
Fuck the Nazi traitor Trump. The slug must be stopped forever.

Multiple States Set To Place Chaplains In Public Schools
Stupid rears its head again in "Stupidville." More potential rapists in schools isn't progress.
"Church attendance is falling off, so they want to expand preying to public schools." — ScottC (comments)
No damned religion in public schools!

Trafficking Victim Blasts Britt For Twisting Her Story
Here come the MAGAts with their cowardly death threats.

Youth activist groups jointly endorse Biden. They say his achievements matter more than his age
Fifteen youth activist groups have announced that they are jointly endorsing President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign, backing the oldest president in U.S. history despite polls consistently showing voter concerns about his advanced age

Mike Johnson Hits All-Time Low in Stupidity With Latest IVF Comments
The House speaker is doing some serious mental gymnastics to explain why Republicans are doing nothing to protect IVF.
The poor boob is so out of it. He shouldn't hold the position he's in. They need to remove this stupidness.

'Ugliest thing you can do': MSNBC host emphasizes 'real danger' in Katie Britt's SOTU response
Menendez continued, "It is unfair to the survivor who has been brave enough to come forward to share the story. Because the reason you sit on a panel with lawmakers is so that they can do something about it. So that they can understand the root cause of what it is that you have suffered, so they can then go back to their jobs and create legislation that will stop it from happening."
The MSNBC host emphasized, "Not so that your story can be weaponized on the national stage to the opposite effect. So, to me, I'm so grateful for this fact check. I'm so grateful that we are talking about this. Because here is real danger in what Katie Britt did. And I want to take a moment and sit in the danger and talk about the fact that she weaponized someone's story, not to actually get something done, not to make someone's life better, but to score political points. It's just about the ugliest thing you can do in American politics."

Former Sexual Predator-In-Chief Proclaims He 'Protects Women'
I'm not sure just how stupid his voters have to be to fall for something like this, but I'm guessing somewhere between brain dead and comatose, or you spend your entire day watching either Fox, OANN, or Newsmax, which amounts to the same thing.
At least as addled as the brainless fool that utters it.

‘Modern Day Hitler’: Experts Sound Alarm Over Trump Heaping Praise on Autocrat Orbán
"Hungarians of my generation fled for the US and Canada to get the hell away from authoritarianism," Adler said. "Now this decaying Mar-A-Lago conman is huckstering Hungarian authoritarianism. It's as if [Russian President Vladimir] Putin is producing this s---show."

Will the Supreme Court Now Review More Constitutional Amendments?
Who knows what this "Court" will do.

'Get her before a grand jury!' Did Trump's daughter-in-law just destroy 'immunity' claim?
"Lara Trump called the effort to register voters "unbelievable."
"Imagine Donald Trump using taxpayer money to influence the outcome of an election when he was president," she said. "People would have gone berserk over it. But this is very, very problematic."
The former president has claimed immunity from prosecution for an insurrection because his actions on Jan. 6, 2021, allegedly were on the outer perimeter of the scope of his official duties. "Legal expert Marcy Wheeler pointed out that Lara Trump's admission could be problematic for her father-in-law."
"Lara Trump offers to be a witness attesting that none of Trump's actions in the January 6 indictment — not a single one — is an official act," she wrote on X (formerly Twitter). "Glad this is on video. Now get her before a grand jury!"
Please do. We need the mental defective in a mental institution as soon as possible. Do your duty, America.

Britt Defends Sex Tracking Lies To Fox News
"And here's why my lying is OK," she seems to be saying.
She's far more pitiful than was first thought.

Nancy Mace explodes at ABC host for rape 'shaming' her for supporting rapist Donald Trump
"Rape shaming"? Funny, her knee jerked so hard when she was alledgely an sexually abused claimer.
"Women won't come forward because they're defamed by those who perpetrate rape," Stephanopoulos remarked.
"It was not a criminal court case, number one," Mace fired back. "Number two, I live with shame. And you're asking me a question about my political choices, trying to shame me as a rape victim. And I find it disgusting." This is weak tea, kid. You seem to be equating your alleged shame with Trump's liability of it. Unequivalent.
So go ahead and get in bed with Trump. Nothing more shameful than that. And that goes for the rest of your jackwagons too.

Trump’s E. Jean Carroll bond in danger after he hands her lawyers new ammo: expert
The snotty little shit can't keep his cretin mouth under control.

Judge could 'be looking to toss' Trump’s docs case: legal expert
Cannon is another traitor to our country. This is obvious.

Buttigieg Knocks Britt For Sex Trafficking “Falsehoods"
“I’ll leave it to her to explain the falsehoods, but I think it illustrates the bigger issue. She’s a United States senator and the United States Senate right now could be acting to help secure the southern border.
“We have a very clear choice between congressional Republicans who seem to prefer that this issue remain bad so that they can attack the president over it and those who would actually like to solve it or at least improve it and address it.
“Will 2024 go down in history is yet another failed attempt with bipartisan compromise or will congressional Republicans follow the lead of their own negotiators and the President of the United States and actually do something about it?” – Sec. Pete Buttigieg, speaking on ABC This Week.

Legal expert says Trump 'certainly' just welcomed a new defamation suit at Georgia rally
The stupidity displayed by Lumpy illustrates just how mentally damaged he is.

'GOP has no bottom': Internet erupts after Trump starts rally by mocking Biden's stutter
Nazis never have.

Trump Mocks Biden’s Stutter At Georgia Rally
We expect this rotting shit bag to say mentally impaired words. But what about his worshippers applauding him? They are worse than Hitler's children. America will never surrender to these animals.

Pope Francis Calls On Ukraine To Negotiate End To War
Tell the cult leader "Nuts." Drop dead. Death before dishonor. And shut that Nazi child rapist cult down.
Same goes for our own Trump Nazi enemies.

2024 House Republicans Create 'Death Panel' For Social Security
No, Really! It's like they want a death panel for their re-elections, too!
Do these people, Does anyone, know what this would do to the people of our country?
If we don't stop these idiots people will suffer perhaps starve.
"We saw just how willing Republicans are to sell out American families in order to continue giving trillions in tax cuts to price-gouging corporations and the ultrarich," Boyle said. "And we saw just how hellbent they are on gutting critical programs—raising the cost of living and pushing the middle class out of reach for hardworking families." American's paychecks paid for the programs by their hard work. These motherfucking Nazis want to rob American workers. I say get rid of these rats first.
Death will run rampant as many people live on very small checks. These shit piles want us to starve to death. "Backward" doesn't touch what these Nazis are. They are as evil as Hitler's death camps.

Biden Took In Record $10M In First Day After SOTU
Our President is fighting for America. His opponents are fighting to kill us.

'Matter of national security': Mysterious entity that guaranteed Trump’s $91M bond questioned
"But one thing’s sure: Trump is beholden to someone for a lot of money," Weissmann wrote.
More corruption on courruption. How did America fall so low?

'It happened under George W. Bush': Katie Britt shamed by MSNBC guest over ugly Biden lie
The bottom might just have been found by this lying trash fascist.
"However an alert Jonathan Katz busted the freshman senator by pointing out 'These events didn't happen in the United States. These crimes didn't take place in the United States. Or even near the border. They took place in Mexico,' before noting they also took place under President George W. Bush."
This shows everyone how dispicable liars the Trump Nazis are. These people all must be taken to the woodshed.

If Trump Denies Election Results Again, It Will Be Harder to Fight Back in Key States
Since he already knows the election will be rigged against him, he'll be working hard against this. "Keep the Steal!"
He's got a big whine working for him now with the cretins that follow him.

QAnon/GOP Arizona Rep: If Slutty Women Want Birth Control, They Should Put Aspirin Between Their Knees
An idiot incel that never got laid in his miserable existence? Then just keep masterbating and leave women alone as you always have because none of them will put up with your whiny bullshit. Stick a bottle of aspirin up your QAnazi ass.

Secret Male Christian Group Plots “National Divorce
Talking Points Memo reports:
A secret, men-only right-wing society with members in influential positions around the country is on a crusade: to recruit a Christian government that will form after the right achieves regime change in the United States, potentially via a “national divorce.”
It sounds like the stuff of fantasy, but it’s real. The group is called the Society for American Civic Renewal (the acronym is pronounced “sacker” by its members). Sackers and looters and Nazi supporters. Fuck'em.
It is open to new recruits, provided you meet a few criteria: you are male, a “trinitarian” Christian, heterosexual, an “un-hyphenated American,” and can answer questions about Trump, the Republican Party, and Christian Nationalism in the right way.
That's far-r-r-r-r right. Nazis for Christ. A contradiction in terms.

Let’s Not Take Over-the-Counter Birth Control Pills for Granted
The Nazi pigs are coming for it. They are hungry to be in control of the world.

This Week’s Episode of Reveal: Catholic Hospitals Are Thwarting Access to Abortion—Even in Blue States
Is someone surprised by this? Is ANYONE shocked by this? These cultists have treated women like dirt for centuries.

Dem lawmaker who sat next to MTG dishes on her 'muttering' during Biden address
Marge was wearing her "I Kiss Trump's Ass" outfit. It's against the rules. Why do we let these bastards get away with breaking rules and law?

Trump warned by pollster that wavering voters 'hate him a little bit more'
They can't hate him enough. He is deadly cancer to all of us.

Voters now 'questioning Trump's sanity': conservative pollster
This is good news for our country. But let us follow through and eliminate any chance for the Nazi to kill us.

'Stop donating': Ex-Trump White House official urges RNC boycott after family takeover
Anyone with a working brain and the power of reason should work to stop Trump!

Trump Embraced an Authoritarian the Day After Biden Fiercely Defended Democracy
The 2024 campaign began this week with a frightening distinction between the president’s promise to fight for fundamental American values and the ex-president’s villain worship.
"Then, late Friday, Donald Trump hosted Hungary’s authoritarian ruler, Viktor Orban, in the kind of pro-Putin, anti-democracy summit that perfectly captured the true nature of today’s MAGA Republican Party."
The Nazi loving, democracy hating, would-be dictator, traitor Trump must be stopped for good

Hate-Filled Republican Pathologies: No New Thing
"On Thursday night, Joe Biden took off the gloves, took the fucking Republicans to the woodshed and whupped their sorry asses to a fare thee well. It was long overdue, but it was well-timed, a stern reminder of just how fucked up those ill-disguised fascists have become."
"From Nixon to Trump, we've obviously gone from bad to even worse; we're long overdue to repudiate the pathology and begin the process of getting healthy again. Fight the sickness before it swallows the whole damn country. And if you can't tell the difference between the Republicans and the Democrats by now, you may be needing a checkup yourself."

Supreme Court's Trump Ruling Reveals a Deep Weakness in Our Constitutional Democracy
"For this week the Supreme Court chose unanimously, via the logic supplied by Elena Kagan, to both promote a fiction about the Constitution and, in so doing, to empower MAGA Republicans to continue the lie that their assaults on democracy are done in the name of “election integrity” and the return of democratic sovereignty to “the people.”

Voters are 'questioning Trump's sanity': conservative pollster
"Look, whether it is fair or not, voters don't question Trump's mental capacity, they are questioning his sanity," she replied. "They question whether he is fit enough to be commander in chief from a moral and ethical standpoint."
MAGAts are all sick fucks. An insane person created them.

Carlson: Democrats Are Plotting To “Steal The Election”
"Frowny Boy" runs to the old saw because the losers have nothing to present other than old news.
If anything, these asshats have done all they can do to rig it for the idiot bastard.

Watters: Biden Was On “Speed Or Something” At SOTU
ROTFLMAO! We know who the drug users are. There is a ton of proof!
Isn't America great? A stupid fuck can still make a living by showing his illiteracy on TV ervery day.
What a mindless turd this flatliner is. Keep underestimating our great Presdent.

Ron Johnson: Most Inept Traitor In American History
Newly released documents show that Senator Ron Johnson knew for a fact that the papers he was trying to pass were fake elector slates. They also show he might have foiled their fake elector plot inadvertantly.
A dumb Nazi traitor? They all are.

'What a piece of work': Marjorie Greene's 'childish' SOTU response trashed by Senate Dems
“My head got to hurting,” Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) told Raw Story after the president wrapped his speech.
“You guys didn’t even stand up at all,” Raw Story asked of Biden’s calls to increase teacher pay, defend democracy, and protect American allies. “None of that was worth it?”
“No,” Tuberville replied. “Hell no.”
Get the fuck out, you shitbag. No one gives a shit what you think.
Apparently, these Nazis have hearing problems. That's no surprise. They never know what's going on.

'Where do I begin?' Another GOP senator now refusing to endorse Trump
"There are now three Senate Republicans who are declining to endorse former President Donald Trump's candidacy in the 2024 election, and that number may grow larger over the next eight months."
I suspect it will.

Joe Biden Smacked Down the Supreme Court at His State of the Union
"On Thursday evening, President Joe Biden delivered the final State of the Union address of his first term, and he used the occasion to administer what could only be read as a pointed rebuke to the Supreme Court justices—assembled in all their black-robed glory, sitting stone-faced in front of him. Biden said plainly that the upcoming election will see payback for the court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade, paraphrasing Dobbs’ claim that “women are not without electoral or political power.” (Justice Samuel Alito, who wrote that line, did not attend the speech because he’s still all in his sad feelings about another presidential rebuke from years earlier.) Then, looking straight at the justices, the president declared: “You’re about to realize just how much you got right about that.”

Biden Calls Out SCOTUS To Their Faces: Women Have Political Power
Old Joe also took on the Supreme Court last night during his barnburner.
"In his third State of the Union address Thursday, Joe Biden did what was once unthinkable: directly challenge Supreme Court justices about one of their opinions, addressing them personally.
Biden brought up the conservative majority’s landmark reversal of Roe v. Wade. He had begun to read an excerpt of the decision when he began a brief aside, looking right at the justices sitting in the front row.
“With all due respect, justices, women are not without ... electoral or political power," he said.
Then, in what appeared to be an ad-libbed moment, he added, "You’re about to realize just how much …” before Democrats in the chamber jumped to their feet and cheered.

ITEP Statement & Resources: Tax Fairness and The State of the Union
“When it comes to tax fairness, President Biden has a clear and compelling vision. Make large, profitable corporations and the wealthy pay their share, reduce taxes on low-income and working families with robust refundable tax credits, and use the trillions of dollars in new resources to create the kind of America we all want to see. As the President’s tax agenda makes clear, we can strengthen this country’s communities, care for all our people, and restore balance to our tax system. Our lawmakers just need to find the will to do it.”

Biden’s State of the Union ‘Illegal’ Comment Deserves to Be Seen in Context
OK. Here's a little context for you.
Laken Riley’s suspected killer Jose Ibarra illegally entered US in 2022 — and was cut loose due to lack of detention space: report
Suspect in murder of Georgia nursing student entered U.S. illegally, ICE says
I was taught to believe that anything opposed to our law was considered illegal.

Marjorie Taylor Greene 'in direct violation of the rules of the House' at State of Union
"MTG in direct violation of the rules of the House by wearing campaign insignia on the House floor," Rep. Jamie Raskin, a Democrat, wrote.
"I'm really surprised that she is not being asked to remove that hat," said Claire McCaskill. "It makes me think that Speaker Johnson is really afraid of her."
MSNBC anchor Joy Reid agreed with McCaskill:
"The hat is an incredibly tacky choice, by somebody who, it shouldn't be surprising at this point, there's nothing that she does that is surprising but it's open me for the dignity of the office that she holds, regardless of you know, the QAnon stuff, she's a member of the United States Congress, at some point, one would think you would aspire to have a minimal amount of dignity in your presentation, and she has no such aspiration."
We've come to expect her disregard for rules and decency with anything. This is why America should never elect alley trash to any office.

‘A Complete Embarrassment!’ Hakeem Jeffries Presents Show-and-Tell of GOP’s Lack of ‘Decorum’ at SOTU
“Marjorie Taylor Greene, who’s basically running the House Republican Conference, shows up in campaign paraphernalia. And then these people want to lecture Joe Biden because he delivered a strong and forceful speech that made them uncomfortable because they exposed their lies and shamelessness? We have one message for extreme MAGA Republicans who want to lecture us about decorum: Get lost! You’re a joke,” he said.

The State of 'Shrinkflation': Why Biden called out skimpy bags of potato chips
Most of us beyond the age of 40 can testify to the smaller portions in bags of the same sizes fro just about anything. Less for more, the American rip off.

RNC member who nominated Lara Trump as co-chair appears to cast doubt on qualifications
Just like the rest of the family.

Trump posts $92 million to appeal E. Jean Carroll verdict
He had to borrow it. What a shithook.

'Don't repeat this': Biden caught on hot mic after SOTU
Video shows the president saying, "I told him, Bibi, and don't repeat this, but you and I are going to have a ‘come to Jesus’ meeting."
After his bodyguard stopped Biden, the president said, “I’m on a hot mic here. Good. That’s good.”
Bibi better watch his ass.

Judge Cannon 'on thin ice' after latest ruling in Mar-a-Lago case: expert
Be a shame if she fell through it and got all wet.

Ex-Trump aide says GOP women disgusted that Katie Britt was put in the kitchen
No shit?

Trump's $91M E. Jean Carroll bond was put up by company linked to fraud trial
"The company underwriting the $91.6 million bond former President Donald Trump paid Friday in his civil defamation case is part of the insurance group whose appraisal of Trump’s triplex in 2010 was foiled because “Mrs. Trump was sleeping,” court and federal records show."
Doesn't that emit a fowl odor?

2023-24 winter warmest on record for mainland US
What are the odds on the coming summer being hotter than 2023?
Get your AC inspected now. Or plenty of fans and a good ice house then pray for the power to hold up to the stress on it.

At the State of the Union, Joe Biden Brings It and Bests Another GOP Speaker
"In a high-energy address, Biden championed his record and defended himself against claims he’s too old for the job. It was just the speech he needed to give."

The Vile & Un-American Reason Viktor Orbán is Manipulating US Politics
If you want to see Trump’s and the GOP’s vision of America’s future, just visit Hungary.
No thanks. Why doesn't Trump move there so he can be with his Nazi pal and closer to his master, Pootin?

Nikki Haley Never Had a Chance — As Republicans’ Bonkers Candidate for North Carolina Governor Shows
Regarding the two fat Nazis in the photo:
"The relentless whining doesn't reflect reality, of course. In real America, crime is low, employment is high, and the world's respect was restored when Biden was elected. (Though we could lose that respect if Trump wins, bringing shame upon us once again.) Trump is a liar, of course. But his lies resonate with his audience not because they feel the U.S. is losing, but because he speaks to their more personal fears of being unable to keep up in a society where the boot on the neck of women and minorities is ever so slowly being lifted. Projecting their own anxieties onto the country also creates the rationale for what they ultimately want, which is to tear democracy down to the ground and replace it with a MAGA dictatorship that will restore their unearned privileges by fiat."
And that says nothing about the empty headed self-loathing racist misogynist that's next to him in the photo.

‘Unqualified Twerp’: Experts Mock Mike Johnson’s Constant Pained Expression During SOTU
"During President Joe Biden's State of the Union address Thursday night, Republican lawmakers either remained silent or boo'd the president's comments a few times, as several political experts and journalists pointed out that House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) managed to remain unmoved while wearing the same "smirk" nearly the entire hour."
Yes, she's referring to "Smirky."
"MSNBC legal analyst Andrew Weissmann wrote, "Mike Johnson needs an expression other than a smirk."
USA Today columnist Rex Hippie said, "Mike Johnson, with his facial expressions, is perfectly encapsulating the d—ck-ish, smug, unjustified sense of superiority of the Trumpian right. An unqualified twerp thrust into a position of power."

My Name Is Katie Britt, And I Am Singing ‘Tomorrow’ From ‘Annie’ In The Style Of ‘Birth Of A Nation’
"OK was that good enough or should I do it again? I can do it again! Should I cry more? When are callbacks? Are we going to get a call back either way? I can do a different song! Why are you asking me to leave? No! My mother is going to call the director and he is never going to work in this town again! Do you know who I am? DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?"
ROTFLMAO! Read the entire essay.

GOP candidate: 'I don't know the facts' about Biden infrastructure law I want to repeal
"A Republican Senate candidate called to repeal President Joe Biden's infrastructure law but admits he doesn't actually know much about it."
Admitting MAGAt stupidity 1.

Laughter erupts in House when Trump-tied lawyer declares 'I have no awareness of anything'
"Rep. Jerry Nadler burst out into laughter Thursday when a legal group leader with close political ties to former President Donald Trump testified to complete ignorance on all matters."
Admitting MAGAt stupidity 2.

Joe Biden's State of the Union shocked and delivered
Biden came out swinging and knocked the Republicans so far back on their heels

Trump Claims Biden Was On “Drugs” During SOTU
Major drug addict projects, of course.
We all know how drugs were pervasive in the Trump clusterfuck adminstrtion.

Johnson Rolls His Eyes At Biden’s J6 Mentions
Co-conspirator in insurrection seems upset about the mention of Jan. 6 Trump's attack on America.
"Skippy" is just another traitor.

Labor Dept Reports 275,000 New Jobs In February
"Someone was asking if anyone actually uses that kitchen; not even a toaster, coffeemaker, or even a hand towel in sight." — Uncle Mark (comments)

Lankford Mouths ‘That’s True’ As Biden SOTU Talks Of Border Deal
It was a refreshing change from a Republican heckling a Democratic president during a State of the Union address.
In his feisty and energetic State of the Union address Thursday night, President Biden called out Republicans and “my predecessor” for tanking the bipartisan border bill. Biden called it “the toughest set of border security reforms we’ve ever seen in this country." He added that it would have provided 1,500 more border security agents and officers, 100 more immigration judges, 4,300 more asylum officers and new policies “so they resolve cases in six months instead of six years.”
Lankford also knows that it's all Trump's fault that his stooges refused to vote for the border bill.

Trump Lawyer Begs For Mercy Over Paying E. Jean Carroll
Who knew that Alina Habba was still employed by Trump after all of the money she cost him. More stalling and delays from team Trump trying to avoid having to come up with the money in the two civil cases he just lost. The man is broke--must be as poor as a church mouse. Pay up, chiseler! Or be tarred and feathered! He can do the crime but can't do the time. He's selling trash to come up with cash. Huge loser!

Even Republicans are slamming GOP senator’s SOTU response: 'One of our biggest disasters ever'
"...her speech’s intense tone — with an over-the-top dramatic cadence that was delivered in a kitchen — left political operatives and observers struggling to make sense of it. In particular, some Republicans watched the high-profile speech with a grimace."
They want women to stay in the kitchen? So why did they pick her? The usual poor judgement with MAGAt mentality. At least they didn't put her in a "Handmaid's Tale" outfit! LOL!

Mike Johnson Told Republicans Not To Act Like Pigs During Tonight’s SOTU. Good Luck.
"Ineffective loser Christian extremist shitbag House Speaker Mike Johnson told his caucus Wednesday to try not to act like total fucking livestock during tonight’s State of the Union address. So we bet they’ll get right on that, because of how they respect Johnson so much."

'Let’s do this': Ex-Republican calls Elise Stefanik's bluff on 'are you better off today?
Let's show just how fucked up a human you really are, Stuffanik. You've got a whole lotta bullshit running out the cracks in your person. You and Comer should start a bullshit duet.

'Upset Trump' fumes over steamy details in criminal case he 'really hates': report
More on the traitor Trump. He so hates his criminal escapades being revealed in public.

'Toxic at the ballot box': Conservative shows why 'Trump is in for a major defeat'
"The GOP will come to regret those failures when Trump loses in 2024, according to conservative columnist Reed Galen, in "what is likely to be a devastating electoral defeat."
MAGAts are who he means. The GOP was murdered by Trump and his gangster mob.

Trump denied stay on E. Jean Carroll verdict — judge cites 'his own dilatory actions'
"Former President Donald Trump has lost his bid to get another extension on having to pay the judgment in the E. Jean Carroll verdict."
This is what an asshole loser gets, Lumpy. Learn to behave like a human being.

Judge Shields Info On Trump’s NYC Jurors Due To The “Likelihood Of Bribery, Tampering, Or Physical Injuries
This is what happens when mob bosses get popped.

Trump-Backed Murder Suspect Surrenders To Police
One of lame-brains endorsements

Trump Hit With Huge Bill In Failed Steele Dossier Suit
"The High Court was told last year that Mr Trump was bringing a data protection claim over two memos in the dossier which claimed he had taken part in "sex parties" in St Petersburg and engaged in "golden showers" with prostitutes in Moscow.
Mrs Justice Steyn said Orbis has estimated its costs to be more than £600,000."
That's over $768,000.
This ignorant dumbass is trying to set a new personal debt record.

Trump has a problem with 'country club Republicans' who 'aren’t sold on him'
And that's just for starters.

Trump’s former White House doctor caught lying about military rank — and he’s still doing it
Too much speed can make you a megalomaniac.
Anyone that's been into that could tell the first time you saw him.

Stephen Colbert Gives Flawed NYT's Poll The Treatment It Deserves
"...It’s another grab from the New York Times/Siena College poll they published on Saturday that is so outrageously flawed, a cottage industry has sprung up to pick apart its methodology and point out its glaring contradictions and straight-up bias."
Most of us can understand horseshit when smell it and read it.

Biden: US To Build Port On Gaza Shore For Aid Delivery
"US forces will build a temporary port on the Gaza shoreline in the next few weeks to allow delivery of humanitarian aid on a large scale, Joe Biden will announce in the State of the Union speech."

Voldemort Sues VA Schools Over Pro-Trans Policies
"A right-wing legal group led by Stephen Miller, a former advisor to Donald Trump when he was president, is challenging Fairfax County Public Schools over its policies supporting transgender students."
Hitler's student opens his Nazi mouth.

Sweden officially joins NATO as worries grow over Russian aggression in Europe
"Sweden on Thursday formally joined NATO as the 32nd member of the transatlantic military alliance, ending decades of post-World War II neutrality as concerns about Russian aggression in Europe have spiked following Russia's 2022 invasion of Ukraine."
Welcome to the team.

The View Hosts Declare Biden Shouldn’t ‘Lower’ Himself to Debate with Trump Because ‘He Is an Illegitimate Candidate’
Of course. He shouldn't even be on ANY ballot. SCOTUS proved they aren't interested in law and order. They are a fraud.

Ageism in health care is more common than you might think, and it can harm people
"Assumptions that older people are one big, frail, homogenous group can lead to problems, says the author of Elderhood."

'They're criminals!' Dem explodes at Jim Jordan for hearing she says whitewashes Jan. 6
"So basically, he's trying to tell us that everyone who's been indicted and prosecuted for January 6th did not engage in criminal conduct," she continued. "That's the logic of what he's saying, and we've just come so low in this House."
"They're not! They're criminals!" Plaskett exclaimed. "And a jury of their peers found that when so many of them have been prosecuted in our court of law, not by brown shirts, not by Nancy Pelosi, not by Biden's Justice Department, by a jury of their peers."
Fuckin' A. Treat them as such.

The Great 2024 Voting Purge Has Begun - Can Anything Be Done?
Using arcane laws & loopholes, GOP affiliated groups are challenging the right to vote of thousands of democratic voters across the states most likely to determine the outcome of the 2024 election.
Yes. Purge the goddamned Nazis that are responsible for it.

Trump Is Degenerating Before Our Eyes — MAGA Voters Don’t Notice or Don’t Care
"Despite the best efforts of the Beltway press to present him as a spry young man next to 81-year-old Joe Biden, it's getting harder by the day to ignore that 77-year-old Donald Trump is decompensating rapidly. He wasn't all that healthy or coherent to begin with but, lately, watching him speak has the feel of getting cornered by the weird creep at the nursing home. "

Hunter Biden Might Get To Watch James Comer Staple His Donger To The Wall In A Public Hearing!
"Yesterday, House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer — AKA what we imagine it would sound like if a banjo had late-stage syphilis — sent invitations to Hunter Biden, plus his former business associates Tony Bobulinski (you have to shriek his name like a Fox host on bath salts), Devon Archer, and Jason Galanis, to testify in public on March 20.
Comer says they want to "examine inconsistencies among the witnesses’ testimonies in order to get the truth for the American people.” Hunter Biden’s closed-door testimony was such a hickory smoked fail-turd for Comer, we guess he wants to eat his next serving more loudly, in public next time.
The hearing will be called “Influence Peddling: Examining Joe Biden’s Abuse of Public Office,” because James Comer is not mentally capable of understanding when he is embarrassing himself."

Elon Musk Went To Mar-A-Lago, Let Trump Sniff Around His Butt For Spare Change
"Immediately we notice the weasel words. He didn’t say he wouldn’t be donating gabillions to a PAC working on behalf of one of the candidates, and he hasn’t replied to an email asking that very question, says CNBC."
"So up there, are those weasel words? Or is that Elon flexing his muscles and reminding Trump who’s the billionaire here? As we’ve all seen from his Twitter, Elon seems closer and closer every day to quitting the pussyfooting and just openly declaring himself an white supremacist incel. Could that make him more likely to give alms to poor Trump? We’ll see!"

I’m a climate scientist. If you knew what I know, you’d be terrified too
2024 has already set heat records in it's first two months.

A Texas petition that outlaws ‘aerosolized spraying’ doesn’t prove chemtrails are real
The conspiracy theory claims that condensation trails behind aircraft are part of a secret program to poison the atmosphere with toxic chemicals.
Can Texas elected officials outlaw something that doesn’t exist? Social media users baselessly claim Texas might be the first state to get rid of so-called “chemtrails.”
Real enough for ignorant Americans who love to fight dragons that don't exist.

Steve Bannon’s Refusal to Pay His Bills Is Costing Him Big
Bannon has refused to pay his legal bills for two years. Now he and his current lawyer are facing fines over Bannon’s refusal to make good on his debts.
I see a pattern here, don't you?

Dr. John Gartner: The world is watching "a fundamental breakdown in Trump’s ability to use language"
Experts say Trump's decline may be "caused by his incapacity to manage the stress caused by multiple indictments"
Why don't we just come right out and say the man has always been insane and untreated?

FL Senate Passes Bill Banning Worker Heat Protections
What happens when asswipes run things. May they all drop dead in the fire next time.

Kennedy Group Claims Polio Vaccine “Doesn’t Work”
Why does this man get pleasure from being a crackpot? He's a disgrace to humanity.

Pro-Haley PAC Relaunches As “Haley Voters For Biden”
“This is an effort from people who have actually supported Nikki Haley to try to guide as many of them as possible toward the candidate that respects democracy, even if they may disagree with him politically,” said Primary Pivot co-founder Robert Schwartz.
Srategic voting. America will see a lot of that in November.

Ramaswamy: Trump Doesn’t Need My Money [VIDEO]
He doesn't trust him either! ROTFLMAO!

LOL: When A Texas County Counted All Votes By Hand
Attention: Geniuses at work. Their time machine only goes backward.

'Trump could be having difficulty' as Alina Habba begs judge for 'mercy' on payout: expert
"Mr. Magnificent" can't come up with the cash. He's broke and broken.

Elise Stefanik's Magnificent Self-Own
Seriously, what kind of response do you suppose this question would spark?
A lesson in what stupid looks and sounds like.

GOP Candidate Says To MAGA, Women Shouldn't Have The Right To Vote
This guy is a real piece of work.
He hates himself and I don't blame him for that.

"Irresponsible": Rachel Maddow slams MSNBC for airing Trump's Super Tuesday victory speech "lies"
Fact-checking Trump "does not fix the fact that we broadcast it, honestly," Maddow said after cutting away
Most news outlets do the same these days. It's as if "It doesn't matter to us who wins, we'll still be making up news the same ways. We'll still have a job." Don't be too sure, slugs.

New York Times comes out swinging at Trump amid accusations of favoring him
Do they land any of those "punches"?
"Neurophysiologist and science writer Barbara Tokay pointed out that the Times should look closer at itself if it wants to find solutions for those glorifying Trump."
"In which the @nytimes Editorial Board sees the dangers Trump poses while the @nytimes news reporting continues to glorify Trump's destructive power," she posted on the social media site X.

'Bad night for Trump': Experts say Super Tuesday signaled election night trouble ahead
The cold daylight reality shows he needs to be working day and night on his "Save the Steal" plan because that's the only way the traitor can win. Throw his ass in the clink.

Cultist Rep Defeats Cultist Rep In US House Race
This happened where? In "Darwin's Waiting Room."

Florida Approves Kindergarten Classes On Communism
No fascism? Better include it so the kids can understand your non-government.

Pitchfork-Wielding Rioter Sentenced To 70 Months
Now jail the traitor Trump.

CA City’s Voters Ban Pride Flags On Public Property
A little Nazi burg shows their ugly rectums. Black Swatikas on red fields OK with you?

Karl Rove Infuriates Diminished Donald
If any right-winger is not kissing the ring, then you're not allowed to exist in Trump world.
Fuck Trump.

You'll Never Guess: Democrats Like Old Joe Biden After All
"If Trump has a 96% approval rating in the Republican Party and MAGA is now 100% of the party like he claims, why did 25-40% of the people in virtually every Republican primary vote against him?" — Ron Filipkowski
“Trump has been losing roughly a third of Republican voters in all the early primary states to Haley….[and] many Haley supporters said that if she isn’t the nominee they will either vote for Biden or just stay home.” — Tim O'Brien
And you can add a large percentage of real Republicans will not vote for the traitor.

Did The Russian Army Just Attack In Golf Carts? Why Yes They Did
This really doesn't look good on dickhead Pootin's so-called "greatness."

France Adds Abortion Rights To Their Constitution
“We’re sending a message to all women: Your body belongs to you, and no one can decide for you,” Prime Minister Gabriel Attal told lawmakers assembled in Versailles.
"The amendment referring to abortion as a “guaranteed freedom” passed by a vote of 780 in favor and 72 against, far above the required threshold of support from three-fifths of lawmakers, or 512 votes."
"Well done France, I wish we were so lucky to have that kind of support, instead of having fetus-fondlers arguing that Zygotes are people."
France will inherit those who are fed up with the Nazi SCOTUS.

Biden is right: The US generally pays double that of other countries for Rx drugs.
“If I put you on Air Force One with me, and you have a prescription — no matter what it’s for, minor or major — and I flew you to Toronto or flew to London or flew you to Brazil or flew you anywhere in the world, I can get you that prescription filled for somewhere between 40 to 60% less than it costs here,” Biden said Feb. 22 at a campaign reception in California.
Of course he means civilized countries.

Trump is sounding like the 'weird creep at the nursing home': analysis
"Despite the best efforts of the Beltway press to present him as a spry young man next to 81-year-old Joe Biden," the liberal journalist explains, "it's getting harder by the day to ignore that 77-year-old Donald Trump is decompensating rapidly. He wasn't all that healthy or coherent to begin with, but lately, watching him speak has the feel of getting cornered by the weird creep at the nursing home."

'There's not a big enough shower' to wash out the stench of Trump: Ex-GOP Lt. Governor
Nor enough soap and deodorant.

Texas GOP sounds alarm after voter roll purge hits Republicans on Super Tuesday
The Nazis in Texas slice their own throat. Keep it up.

MAGA groups lit millions on fire failing to find voter fraud: report
And they wonder why they are starved for cash.

Trump's big con is a flop
Trump's only legislative accomplishment was a massive tax cut for the rich — and the results are now in
Biden's economy has rubbed Trump's nose in his own conniving piss.

Holocaust Denier Wins NC GOP Gubernatorial Primary
How far American has fallen. Certifiable Nazi turd.

RNC Rejects Vote To Ban Paying Trump’s Legal Bills
Confirmed: Republican Party is dead. MAGAt has replaced it officially. The new American Fascist Party.
And now Trump drains the same party of all its funding. These are some real brains at work.

Fox Analyst: Presidents Deserve “Absolute Immunity”
Just as long as they don't have you assassinated, right? You deserve a bowl of brains.
Biden can have Trump assassinated immmediately according to your logic. Also he can have SCOTUS removed and your studio bombed out of existence.

MTG To British Reporter: “Why Don’t You Fuck Off?”
Marge, white trash personified, continues her journey to nowhere.

MAGA Texans Working To Sabotage Abortion In NM And Everywhere Else
Texans are literally dictating anti-abortion measures in NM localities, with the likely goal of getting SCOTUS to outlaw abortion pills under the old Comstock Act.
This is what Nazis do. They can all drop dead.

Fox News Panel Has North Korean News Lady Contest For Trump, Everybody Wins
"But this post isn’t about that. This post is about the people below receiving Trump’s holy spirit like Pentecostals, bibbity-bobbity-boo-ing and rolling around on the floor in worship like goddamned lunatics."

Study of Human Placenta Samples Found Microplastics in Every Single One of Them
It's a plastic world all the way to the placenta.

Federal Appeals Court Calls Florida’s “Stop WOKE Act” a “First Amendment Sin”
"A three-judge panel of the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals — including two Donald Trump appointees — voted Monday to block a key portion of Florida’s controversial 2022 “Stop WOKE Act” from going into effect. In doing so, the panel upheld a previous lower court ruling that prevented the law from going into effect in 2022. "
Nazis at work in your so-called "free country."

Today's Dastardly Ruling by the Supreme Court
"Recall that these Fourteenth Amendment provisions have been bulwarks against states that have discriminated against Black people, against LGBTQ people, and against women. The due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment was the foundation for Roe v. Wade."
In other words, these fascist bastards don't give a fuck about America. They only care about how the crooks can get away with murder.

Revealed: Trump Co-Defendant’s Texts and Emails Show Plans To Overturn Election After Jan. 6
He can try because he's going to go down under a Biden landslide. Let him try from his prison cell.

The Corrupt Supreme Court Bails Out Trump Once More
America does not have to be ruled by an unelected council of high priests.

NOAA warns world's coral on verge of 'worst bleaching event in history of the planet'
"Driven by sustained climate-fueled oceanic heating, the planet is on the brink of another mass coral bleaching event that marine biologists warn could kill large swaths of tropical reefs including significant areas of Australia's Great Barrier Reef."
Scientists are sounding the alarm following months of record ocean temperatures exacerbated by the planetary emergency and the El Niño climate pattern in the Pacific Ocean."
Humanity will not take well to this.

Millions of Americans Will Soon Lose Internet Access. That’s a Disaster For Rural Health
Yet another chance for Republicans to commit suicide.
Will all those rural MAGAts get their internet or will the MAGAts in DC decide they don't need it anymore.

House Republican Says He’s Retiring So He Doesn’t Have to ‘Lie on Behalf’ of Trump and the GOP
An honest man. Shocking.

Super Tuesday Voter Lets Loose with NBC About Why He’s Not Voting Haley: She ‘Doesn’t Have No Balls to Scratch’
Emmett Martin of Graham, North Carolina. One of the many wasted minds of MAGAtry.
“Let me hear it!” Brewster replied only to seconds later be listening to Martin describe why Haley would not make a good president because she doesn’t have “balls to scratch.”
Neither does Trump.
"Things were a whole lot better when he was our president,” he said.
Name one, I would ask.

Mark Cuban Blasts “Snake Oil Salesman” Trump
Tell it, Mark. That's exactly what he is and his suckers love his snake oil.
Nice Republican Lady Explains Why She Would Never Vote For A Woman
She must hate herself. Thanks for the news flash that Michelle isn't on the ticket.

Diminished Donald Can't Answer A Simple Policy Question
"Earlier this morning on Fox and Friends, traitor Trump was unable to explain to viewers what policies or actions he would use to help fight inflationary costs on food and energy instead focusing on MAGA supporters at an Allen, Texas diner broadcast before the interview."
He had no answer because our President has little to do with controlling inflation.
Which is, as most of us know, is now slow and steady.
His answer is to glorify himself.

In Major Setback for Democracy, Insurrectionist is Allowed to Stay on Ballot
"This decision sets a dangerous precedent for the permissible conduct of future presidents. By allowing Donald Trump to put himself above the law, this ruling declares that the Constitution of the United States can be selectively enforced. In failing to hold the former President accountable for attempting to destroy a 200-year history of a peaceful transfer of power, SCOTUS puts the survival of our democracy at risk."

Watchdog: Final Biden Credit Card Late Fee Rule Will Lower Costs for Americans Over Industry Objections
“The Biden administration’s latest crackdown on needless junk fees won’t just lower costs for millions of Americans, it will put billions back into the economy to be spent on goods and services instead of padding profits of greedy banks.” Thanks, Joe.

Amy Coney Barrett: Tone Police
"All nine Justices agree on the outcome of this case," Barrett wrote. "That is the message Americans should take home."
In other words, don’t worry your pretty little heads about the fine print, even if it leverages congressional dysfunction to shield Trump from any conceivable electoral consequences for the coup attempt, and even as the same court’s decision to slow-walk the immunity case will effectively exempt him from timely criminal liability.
Barrett also had the nerve to admonish Justices Kagan, Sotomayor and Jackson to watch their tone:
"In my judgment, this is not the time to amplify disagreement with stridency,z" Barrett wrote. "The Court has settled a politically charged issue in the volatile season of a Presidential election. Particularly in this circumstance, writings on the Court should turn the national temperature down, not up."
Shrill. She means the liberal justices were being shrill about their disagreement with the corrupt majority’s overreach in the opinion. It’s grotesque enough that we’re expected to pretend this preening fraud has shreds of integrity and legitimacy she definitely doesn’t possess. Now she wants to be the tone police too. It’s too much. Fuck her and the high horse she rode in on.

Staffers behind Mayorkas impeachment outed as veterans of Christian nationalist groups
The assholes HAVE to impeach somebody, for God's sake.

Trump has just one answer when asked how he will bring food prices down
And it's the wrong one.
"... groceries got slightly more expensive last year, with particularly sharp jumps for beef, sugar and juice, among other items.”
Beef: Contributes to heart disease which causes heart attacks. Sugar and juice: All sugar. Contributes to obesity which contributes to type 2 diabetes. It has been said in the United States, the average adult consumes an estimated 17 teaspoons of added sugar each day. That accounts for 14% of total calorie intake in adults following a 2,000-calorie diet. Don't we think it's time to modify our diet?
Shit just rolls out of this SOB's mouth.

Former Trump White House deputy press secretary: 'I don’t think we can survive a second term'
"But that was already after much of the violence had already happened and the Capitol Police had already regained control of the building…. I think he didn't speak up because he enjoyed what was happened."
Don't worry. He won't get elected to rain death on Americans again.

'Laugh behind their backs': How 'performative' Republicans insult rural voters
"Much of Trump's hardcore support comes from rural areas, especially rural areas that are predominantly white."
"n their new book, "White Rural Rage: The Threat to American Democracy," authors Tom Schaller and Paul Waldman describe the link between MAGA authoritarianism and the economic and health problems plaguing rural areas. But unlike others who have written on that subject, Schaller and Waldman hold white rural voters accountable for their actions and do not pretend that rural Americans are somehow morally superior to urban Americans."

Trump warns he could be open to blackmail if U.S. Supreme Court doesn't grant immunity
Not if he's in prison where he should be.

Ingraham: Dems Plan To Use Mail-In Ballots To Cheat
Sure. Push lies and fear on America. How can you sleep at night?
Drug or booze overdosing, obviously.

Employers Beg For Help: We Need 9 Million Workers
Still need proof that American people are uneducated?

Trump: I’ll Give Cops Immunity To Rough Up Migrants
This will come back on the Nazi traitor in spades. Seriously impaired. He should be treated as the mad dog he is.

George Conway: SCOTUS Opinion Doesn't Even Make Sense
"The plain text of the Constitution from here says that Donald Trump is disqualified. So, you know, that was the real problem with today's decision," he said.
Every one of them is a cowardly traitor just as Trump is. Political capital does not exist for someone appointed for life, sorry dude.
Their decision means every president, that's EVERY PRESIDENT can commit treason and get away with it!
This is your so-called "nation" as of now. Indeed a lost country.

Ex-Trump White House Doc Lashes Out Over Report On Drug Abuse
So it's true then, eh, Ronny Jackson?
Looks like he's been kicked in the nuts.

Harris calls for Gaza cease-fire; France to constitutionally enshrine abortion rights
Time to apply for citizenship in France.

First over-the-counter birth control pill heads to stores
Unitl the Nazi pigs put a stop to it.

Trump Promises To Turn America's Schools Into Old-Timey Sanatoriums
It is so sad to watch this maniac destroy our country and no one can lift a hand to stop him.

Supreme Court shoots down Colorado bid to keep Trump off ballot
SCOTUS ignores our Constitution. They are now traitors like Trump.

A fraction of Texans will vote in Tuesday’s primary. They’ll decide who runs the state
The Nazis in Texas figured out a way to depress the populace so badly that no one has the will to vote any longer.

Psychologist breaks down 'neurological smoking gun' of Trump's 'cognitive decline'
Will someone please put this sick person in a hospital? He's a threat to the world and should be taken out of our lives.

NYT: Cultists Target Dem Voter Rolls In Multiple States
High time to take these MAGAt Trump Nazis out for good.

Trump: I Lost DC Primary To Nikki Haley On Purpose
GOOD GOD! ROTFLMAO! What a complete fuckhead!
So he's admitting he didn't drain the swamp. What a failed criminal.

Biden: Trump Won’t Concede, Losers Aren’t Graceful
Losers like Trump are worse than the average loser. Trump's a danger to the planet.

Ex-Trump Org CFO To Plead Guilty To Perjury Today
And speaking of Trump losers.

REPORT: Trump’s White House Was “Awash In Speed”
As one of the former officials tells Rolling Stone, the White House at that time was “awash in speed.”
I have been (snuff) waiting for this shoe to drop (snuff) ever since I first saw Ronnie Jackson speak to a news camera (snuff).
Your hero is a speed addict.
This should be no surprise to anyone that is experienced.

Trump: Hateful NC Gov Candidate Is “MLK On Steroids”
Naturally, Trump would say that. Because Mark Robinson is 100% Nazi just like Trump.
Both of them must go if America is to have a future.

Today's Supreme Court is a threat to democracy — but activists plan to fight back
After Dobbs, many Americans woke up to the Roberts court's dangerous power. But history offers lessons — and hope
The Supreme Court is a supreme threat to American democracy.

Psychologist breaks down 'neurological smoking gun' of Trump's 'cognitive decline'
Donald Trump is slipping into dementia and experts in the field are unable to sound their alarm for fear of their jobs, according to one psychologist.
The "neurological smoking gun," he said, is the "phonemic paraphasia" Trump experiences.
Why would anyone be afraid of this peckerwood?

Dozens of 'licensed professionals' sign petition diagnosing Trump with dementia
I can hear the Trump Nazis now, "They aren't experts, let's see their license. Show us the proof. And we don't care anyway!"

NBC host accused of 'jeopardizing democracy' with Trump election subversion coverage
More failure of a free press that won't be free if Trump grabs the reins.

Sandra Day O’Connor is too ‘undistinguished’ to warrant a statue, Arizona Republicans say
Conservatives saying that the idea of honoring O’Connor, a moderate Republican and the first woman to serve on the Supreme Court, was offensive.
"The statue would not have been placed at the Arizona Capitol, but instead inside Statuary Hall in the nation’s Capitol in Washington, D.C."
Not enough of a Nazi for them, I see.
Proving for all-time these dysfunctionals aren't fit for manure.

Welcome to Willy’s AI catastrophe
Many are worried about drastic societal changes brought about by AI, but the misuse of Willy Wonka and Selena Gomez showed other terrible use cases
P.T. Barnum was right about suckers. He's even more correct with today's world with it's mental failures and swindling con artists.

'Really unusual' Supreme Court notice raises questions about Trump case
"If it turns out to be true that the court is issuing the 14A opinion tomorrow—& [Vladeck] is a guru here—it's completely inappropriate."
"Why pick the day before Super Tuesday to give Trump a likely big judicial win?" he asked. "It's like an in-kind campaign contribution!"

A Large Percentage of Republican Primary Voters Can’t Stomach Trump
The AP reported on Sunday that even though a huge majority of Republicans appear to be enthusiastically on board with Trump, a significant fraction of those who voted in the first three GOP nominating contests say they will never vote for him in the general election.
Same thing happened in the previous Presidential election. Just no one talked so much about it. But now it's even larger than it was then.

It's A Cult: Kid At Trump Rally Wants 'Fani And Nikki In Jail'
If that's the best they can do they'd better get smarter liars so their kids can tell better bullshit. Neither of the women the kid threw up is guilty of a crime. These people are so fucking stupid — all the shit they make up is fool's pap.
They could ruin a child's life this way. They don't know, don't care, or both.

'Not the same RNC': Nikki Haley ditches GOP presidential pledge after Trump takes over
She finally gets it. No, they are not the same as my parents were part of. Not the same as the party I was in when I was young. They have become the party of the oppresser.

'Crowd goes silent' as Trump again confuses Biden and Obama at Virginia rally
"And Putin has such little respect for Obama that he's starting to throw around the 'nuclear' word. You heard that, nuclear. He's starting to talk nuclear weapons today," Trump said Saturday. "I was waiting for that to happen. But we have a fool as a president."
Demented for sure. He wanted so to run against Obama. Why? He would have been beaten 10 times as bad.

Trump served notice he has a 'helluva math problem' after latest primary results
"That is a helluva math problem for Donald Trump, especially when you look back in 2020 it was only 5 percent of Republican voters who said they were never going to vote for Donald Trump — he has a real math problem here," he continued. "He has a ceiling that keeps coming down every week when he shows us and reminds us who he is. Every day that Nikki Haley stays in this race, it shows Joe Biden who the voters are that are gettable for him in the campaign."

The vasectomy boom: After Dobbs, younger men are stepping up
Planned Parenthood clinics in some states are providing vasectomies — and plenty of younger men want them
And the idiots will continue to wonder why our population is shrinking.

Habba: Biden Will Let In 10 Million “Illegals” To Vote
Already working on their bullshit story when Biden wins by a landslide.

WaPo: NC Gov Candidate Is Most Vicious Of Cultists
Mark Robinson is vying for the most "Ignorant Scumbag in the World" award against Pootin and Trump in (where else) the Land of the Happy Negro!

Anthem And Pledge Botched At Trump Rally [VIDEO]
Crackers on Trump.
They really have to keep showing how fucking dumb and illiterate they are to the world.

Georgia GOP Bill Allows Arrests Of “Suspected Illegals”
The MAGAt Gestapo and Secret Police. Concentration Camps? This is what our country wants? It will fail and fall. Of that you may be certain.

The artist formerly known as Previous Guy continues his descent into disorder
We used to help the mentally ill. Now we glorify one and think he should lead us. How did we fall so far?

New Missouri Bill Makes Teachers Who Use Pronouns Into Felons
If passed, it would put teachers on the sex offense registry if they “contribute to social transition” of a trans youth- including pronouns, haircuts, information, and more Missori lives in the 19th Century. What else would an intelligent person expect from them?
What's next you bastard? Concentration camps? Rot in hell.
If the Red states had their own country. They would go on foreign aid in the first week.

Feds Investigating OK School’s Treatment Of Nex Benedict
The U.S. Department of Education is looking into the role of the Oklahoma school where nonbinary Nex Benedict was reportedly bullied and assaulted, before dying the next day.
Turn the light on them. Nazis and motherfuckers galore will be uncovered in this territory.

'Venezwheregullah': Trump's most ridiculed 'short circuits' from North Carolina rally
A popular account called Spiro's Ghost wrote, "Wow. Seriously folks. I am not being mean here. This man has a rapidly deteriorating brain."

More than 75% of AZ voters use early ballots — and every House Republican just voted to take that away
Caution: Nazis at work.

Trump Throws A Fit After Hate-Watching This Clip Of Bill Maher's Show
Don't forget: Fuck Traitor Trump!

It Can Happen Here
A new project tracking creeping authoritarianism.
Pay attention? Hell, if people had been paying attention we wouldn't be in this Nazi shitpile that is Trump. He would have been run out of the country or locked up for life years ago.

Beware: Trump supporters getting conned with worthless currency
I feel badly for the man who lost $2,200 on a Trump con. Maybe it was all the money he had but I doubt it. The really sad thing is it won't stop the suckers that worship the con man. They'll still swallow the swill he pukes out on them. I still believe that Ghandi was right and we will see the snake oil man fall to his end. Think of it .-—.always.

Trump Justice Delayed Is Democracy Denied
With grifters in charge of justice it's not a surprise.

Grasping At the Last Straw
Maybe the last straw's the one we've been looking for.

Tom Joad, the Voice of a Better America, Has Been Silenced
"If this country is to regain some of its old Colossus footing we need a little less Trump and a bit more Debs, a lot less Tucker Carlson and a lot more Tom Joad. We have precedent. Debs and Steinbeck are as American as Lazarus. A resurrection would be nice. Not having to believe in the impossible would be better."
I sometimes wonder if anyone does still remember Tom Joad.

Is It Time to Hold Possible Co-Conspirator Ginni Thomas Accountable?
Will Jack Smith & the Department of Justice do battle against Ginni Thomas & a group of people who are openly working to manipulate our system to the benefit of Trump and his fascist cronies?
Why use "possible"?

Jordan Peterson Whines Over ‘Woke’ Report on Drop in Traffic Deaths
To the culture warrior, limiting parking spaces are considered a dire infringement of individual liberties, and not worth the obvious benefit to public safety and human life.
"On Saturday, the Associated Press reported that since implementing “daylighting,” the removal of parking spaces near intersections seven years ago, the city had seen zero traffic deaths. The news incensed the conservative psychologist, and he took to X to slam the outlet for reporting the story. “You have become pathetic beyond comprehension @AP and the woke death will soon visit you,” he wrote."
Anyone have a clue as to WTF he's talking about? Oh, but he does have a nice clown suit.

Far-right group seeks to raise $108M to 'clean house' of swing state election officials
"Turning Point USA (TPUSA) — a youth-focused group led by far-right activist Charlie Kirk — isn't just hoping to elect more Republicans to office. The group is specifically hoping to replace the public employees in charge with overseeing elections in hotly contested battleground states with MAGA acolytes."
Rigging the system is what Trump Nazis have been working on for years. They are failures at it because we watch them and prevent them from doing it.
Having worked as an election presiding judgel along with others of same or different political persuations I found them all to be serious at the job they were working at and working honestly. The fact that these creeps from the Nazi farm thinks getting their fascists to control election boards proves they are totally un-american and must be stopped immediately if not sooner.

'Stop lying!': Kari Lake buried by Michael Steele over latest flip-flop
"But here's my point on all of this: you already told us who you are, Kari, stop lying," he continued. "We know if you go to the Senate, we know what you're voting for. So, come on, just be honest, what changed? What changed? Because you weren't in this space when [Republican Sen. Lindsey] Graham was out there, 'now it's like we're gonna do a national ban. While the states were pushing and moving in that direction."
"So yeah, campaigns are campaigns, but you know, at least be honest with Arizona and let them know where you really stand," he advised. "Don't be like some of those Supreme Court justices on this issue who tell the hearings folks one thing and then do something else, a little bit later on."
This is the problem with MAGAts.

Trump's claims of being a 'prophet' appears to be a sign of his 'mental disorder': experts
"As part of a survey by experts on the crossover between religion and politics, the question was asked about how Donald Trump went from TV pitchman to president and now, in the eyes of some of his followers, to a "messiah" who is battling for the soul of America came about."
In her interview with DeVega, she explained, "As for Trump’s claims about being a prophet or some type of messiah, I think we have here a convergence between what appears to be Trump’s mental disorder and the needs of a base that has been primed for fascism. The only surprising thing about Trump’s claims is he has not yet said he is better than Jesus. That is sure to come! "
Matthew 24:11
"...and many false prophets will arise and mislead many."
Matthew 24:24
"For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders that would deceive even the elect, if that were possible."

Jack Smith 'visibly shocked' as Aileen Cannon doubles down on order he calls 'clear error'
Clearly she's been caught with her hand in the Trump cookie jar. Trump corruption runs deep.
"Smith argued Cannon's ruling — ordering unredacted documents to appear on the public docket — not only defied an 11th Circuit Court precedent, but put people's safety at risk.
As evidence, Smith pointed to the onslaught of threats that have slammed court officials involved in cases involving Trump."

LOL: Comer Says Biden Investigation Is “Huge Success”
He's using the Vietnam strategy, "leave it and say you won!"
Fuck Comer and his MAGAt SOBs. ROTFLMAO!!

Manchin Nearly Comes To Blows With Climate Activist
Joe's a little long in the tooth for fisticuffs.
But he is a sick fuck. It's too bad one gets manually assaulted for saying words in this country. Why not just escort him out as usual?
All Manchin does is exploit his state of West Virginia and do his best to fuck with our government.

A Very Confused Donald Trump Mumbles Something About Languages
When is Trump's home planet coming back to reclaim him?
"We have nobody that even speaks those languages," he added. "They're truly foreign languages. Nobody speaks them."
Oh, for fuck's sake. How can anyone continue to defend this guy?
Just look at the dumb shits in the video of the article below and you will know the answer.

Trump Voters' Crazy Talk: 'Russia Is Not Our Enemy'
Vaughn Hillyard interviewing MAGA people repeating Kremlin talking points word-for-word is the scariest shit you'll see this week. Wanna see some batshit crazy talking shit piles? Look no further.
Do they recall Neville Chamberlain? Do they know anything about WWII? Clearly, they do not. Russia won't stop with Ukraine. He wants all of Europe.

GOP's 'Confusion' Over IVF: 'They're Just Stupid'
Jasmine Crockett explains the Republican "stand" in IVF in simple terms even they can understand.
Unfortunately, stupid can vote stupid.

Charlie Kirk: Democrats Are Replacing “Rural Whites”
Huh? Then sound the alarms, tooth grinder. How the fuck did you fail so badly? They are coming for you with hot tar and dried cat shit!

Court Blocks Paxton’s Demand For PFLAG Documents
Fuck Paxton. Germany, 1934.
"If this is Republican 'freedom' you can fucking keep it" — JackFknTwist (comments)
"Well, I certainly hope you'll die soon." — from Broadcast News, 1987

'Fate worse than death': Anti-Trump conservatives will soon have no home in right-wing media
Why would they give a fart in the wind about the motherfucking Nazi media unless they are Nazis as well?

The Supreme Court Must Be Stopped
Or at least be told to hurry the fuck up!
"The court is fundamentally anti-democratic—and the only way to limit the damage it can do is to reduce its power, budget, and lack of accountability."
Maybe the MAGAts want it destroyed just as they do the DOJ. Then they can do what they want, when and where.

No, Biden Didn't ‘Admit’ Texas Wildfires Were Caused by Directed-Energy Weapons
Comments made at the U.S.-Mexico border on Thursday are being taken out of context
These goofball idiot fools must have gone to Texas Tech with the football player in the next article.

NFL Prospect Believes Outer Space Isn't Real
"I don’t think there’s other planets and stuff like that."
And yet he occupies space. Probably thinks photographs of the earth taken from the moon aren't real and the sun, moon and stars are painted on a black canvas that gets pulled up every so often.
Good thing these morons are good at sports.
And he is proof that morons exist in our country.

Football Man Pretty Sure Space Is Fake
Have you ever been to Lubbock? If so, you know.
"I'm real religious, so I think we're alone right now." Sure, that explains it.
"Honestly, I feel a little badly for this kid. He’s young, he seems nice, and he can still learn. I hope that someone can take him aside and explain that, no, the flat earthers do not have valid points and space definitely exists. Venus and Mars are supposed to be visible next week, so perhaps that someone can get him a telescope and literally show him the other planets. That would be nice!"
Don't hold your breath.

NFL Prospect Doesn’t “Believe In Space Or Planets”
Attention Morons: Texas Tech has scholarships galore for degrees in "Moronism."
"Meanwhile teachers are living the profession because they don't make enough money to live in the area where they teach and put up with shit all day long.
Yes, our system is backwards." — Houndentenor (comments)

Biden and Trump both spoke at the border. Only one looked presidential
"So here's what I would say to Mr. Trump," Biden said. "Instead of playing politics with this issue, instead of telling members of Congress to block this legislation, join me—or I’ll join you—in telling the Congress to pass this bipartisan border security bill. We can do it together."
Biden reiterated that instead of politicizing the issue, "why don't we just get together and get it done."
Trump is a very sick man. How can he do anything?

Kentucky Bill Would Eliminate Workers' Rights To Lunch Breaks
Land of the Happy Negro states want you to know they want their slavery back again.

Hunter Biden Hits Gaetz Over Questions About His Drug Abuse
Gaetz needs to watch his own dirty ass.

Hunter Biden absolutely owned Republicans in his testimony
"Ever since they launched their “investigation” into supposed misdealings by members of President Joe Biden’s family, Republicans have clamored to get Hunter Biden behind closed doors. On Wednesday, that finally happened, but those same Republicans can’t be too happy about the results."
MAGAts had an "ass showing contest."

Hannity Wants Border Campaign Appearances Limited To Trump
People in hell want ice water, you fruit cake.

'Hard Evidence' Not Needed In Biden Probe? Fox Cuts Guest Off
The MAGAt Nazis case lacks ANY evidence because it is nothing but spite.
Miranda Devine is looking like the fool she is.

Federal Court Blocks Extreme Texas Legislation That Would Overstep Federal Immigration Law
Texas needs to rejoin the United States.

As Millionaire Earners Stop Paying Into Social Security for the Rest of 2024, New Polling Shows Americans Want the Wealthy to Pay Their Fair Share
New Polling Shows Americans Want the Wealthy to Pay Their Fair Share
"Today, Social Security Works and Data for Progress released new polling showing that voters overwhelmingly reject Social Security cuts, as well as the idea of a closed-door “fiscal commission” to determine Social Security’s future. Instead, they want Congress to raise taxes on wealthy Americans to protect Social Security."

Texas is on fire while oil companies are fueling the flames of climate chaos
Ian Duff, Head of Greenpeace’s Stop, Drilling Start Paying campaign said:
“These fires are an unfolding tragedy. Our hearts go out to those who are experiencing loss across the state.
The blazes we’re seeing in Texas are not just fueled by high winds and exceptionally dry weather. As emissions from burning more oil and gas makes the climate crisis worse, we can only expect to see more of these out of control disasters...."

Judge mocks X for “vapid” argument in Musk’s hate speech lawsuit
It looks like Elon Musk may lose X's lawsuit against hate speech researchers who encouraged a major brand boycott after flagging ads appearing next to extremist content on X, the social media site formerly known as Twitter.
Nazi speech is always hate speech.

Liz Cheney has handed Dems a 'weapon' to use against Trump and the Supreme Court: analysis
"Delaying the January 6 trial suppresses critical evidence that Americans deserve to hear," she said. "Donald Trump attempted to overturn an election and seize power. Our justice system must be able to bring him to trial before the next election. SCOTUS should decide this case promptly."

A single sentence signals Supreme Court will toss Trump's 'crazy' claim: experts
The sentence is also the question the Supreme Court has limited itself to answering: “Whether and if so to what extent does a former President enjoy presidential immunity from criminal prosecution for conduct alleged to involve official acts during his tenure in office.”
They certainly can't conclude he's allowed to commit treason during his tenure!

"Like someone pulled the metaphorical plug": Dr. John Gartner on Trump's "accelerating dementia"
"Trump looks blank, stops in mid-sentence (or mid-word), his jaw goes a little slack"
He's turning into a mouth breather.
As to the experts who are in "fear and exhaustion." Suck it up. This is no time to be slacker. Afraid of losing your job? Shit, our nation is at stake!
"We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately." — Benjamin Franklin.
True Americans will take care of the traitor Trump. One way or the other. America wasn't founded by cowards.

Sen. John Cornyn Launches Bid For Senate GOP Leader
Only if Trump gives him his holy blessing. He's begging Trump for it first.

Trump: Roe Allowed “Killing Babies Literally After Birth”
One of the most vile lies the shitbag ever uttered.
Keep digging your grave, stupid. You'll look your best in it.
The moron expects no one has the sense to research facts. He's right about that with his slack-jawed supporters.

GOP candidate for governor outed as KKK member after cross burning photo emerges
Land of the Happy Negro cheers! Nation should kick his ass all the way to Perdition.

'There’s no evidence': Experts debunk Trump’s claims of 'migrant crime' wave in US cities
"Former President Donald Trump has made immigration the centerpiece of his 2024 campaign, and pledged to launch "the largest domestic deportation operation in American history" if elected to stem a supposed wave of crime from migrants. But experts say that Trump's assertions are a 'myth.'"

Someone Remind Steve Doocy It's Republicans, Not 'Congress' That Cut Off COVID Child Care Funding
"Who knew that anyone on Fox is actually interested in what happened to working families after the COVID relief funds for child care expired last fall. Of course, Fox & Friends host Steve Doocy couldn't bother to point out who the actual culprit is. During a segment that aired this Wednesday morning, here's how Doocy started an interview with a woman who runs a day care center out of her home in Arkansas."

Jack Smith fires a shot across Aileen Cannon's bow over 'clear error'
"Special counsel Jack Smith is apparently still not happy that Judge Aileen Cannon ruled against his plea for secrecy when it comes to the identities of witnesses in the Mar-a-Lago documents case."
Who could blame him?

'It's brutal': Shock and awe follows E. Jean Carroll's court response to Trump
"This is page one, 'There is absolutely no basis in law for Trump’s requested relief."
Don't be sure. SCOTUS will likely write one up over the weekend like they are writing a decision that he can kill anyone he wants at anytime with total immunity. They'll do whatever their mob bass tells them.

E. Jean Carroll asks court to reject Trump's 'trust me' promise on $83M verdict
She has faith in his mob?

Verdict in election interference case can still be reached before November: legal experts
It "could still mean a verdict before the election," they wrote.
And hell could freeze over.
Again, don't be so sure this SCOTUS team is working for America.

The Supreme Court Could Decide This Term’s Big Gun Case on the Basis of… Grammar
"Justices like Neil Gorsuch are doing all they can to make sure “bump stocks”—which turn regular guns into machine guns—are legal."
More garbage from the Nutwits.

Why Won’t Our Media Say Donald Trump is America's Modern-Day Benedict Arnold?
How much more damage are we willing to take? Garland and the DOJ need to get some answers and share them with the American people soon
How in hell did everyone get so afraid of a mindless fascist geek? Cowardice is all.

Goodbye, Mitch: You Were the Worst
"He will be remembered as one of the most dangerous politicians in living memory. He helped transform the Republican Party into a cult, worshiping at the altar of authoritarianism. He’s damaged our country in ways that may take a generation to undo."
No question about it. We will be able to say the same about the current SCOTUS.

Biden and Trump expected to make dueling appearances at the Texas-Mexico border
Loser leaves the country match?

State of US Journalism Is “Worst I’ve Ever Seen It,” Says Sarah Kendzior
“The public domain is being purchased, and it is being purchased in order for it to be destroyed,” says journalist Sarah Kendzior. In this episode of “Movement Memos,” Kendzior and host Kelly Hayes discuss the decline of journalism in the U.S. and how we can resist the erosion of our shared history, our values and our shared reality.

Arizona Republicans Advance Bill Allowing Property Owners to Kill Migrants
"Republicans in the Arizona state legislature have advanced a bill that would grant property owners the right to shoot and kill anyone who trespasses on their property, so long as they claim they were doing so in self-defense."
Are you having problems with people trespassing? Define it in context.
Define self-defense in this context. This can't just mean "get off my lawn, because you're attacking me!"
Sounds like you all want to return to the 17th Century.

Sounds Like James Comer Stapled His Donger To The Wall Again With This Hunter Biden Deposition
"There will of course be time to look at more hilarious reactions to Comer’s latest embarrassment, and his next one, and the one after that. In this post we want you to read Hunter’s opening statement to Congress, because it’s really all you need to know about all this. Bonus: He called Comer and the others he shares a pigpen with Russian dupes to their faces."

Illegitimate Partisan Hack Supreme Court Joins Trump's Attack On America
"To be clear, all the judges who have heard this case so far have laughed it out of their courtrooms. That’s what these partisan hacks feel the need to consider. In the eyes of this joke of a Supreme Court, trying to overthrow the Republic because you’re panty-pissing angry at the American people for not giving you a second term might possibly be construed as 'official duties.' Or at least the president currently having the tantrum might sincerely believe that. Or at least it’s worth considering the question at length."
Fuck Trump.

Idiot Mississippi Senator Ain't Gonna Have Y'all Rustlin' Up No 'Human-Animal Chimeras!'
"Yesterday, we told you that Republican senators might very well block Democratic Senator Tammy Duckworth’s bill to protect IVF, even though many of them are currently jumping up and down swearing to Jesus that they aren’t going to steal your IVF. Because why would you need to protect IVF? It’s not like Republicans are coming for your IVF, ha ha just kidding, yes they are.
Well, they done blocked it!"
"In her speech announcing why she wouldn’t protect IVF from Christian fascists, Hyde-Smith said Duckworth’s bill would do other bad things, but we are sorry, you lose the argument when you say it’s going to legalize “human-animal chimeras” and you pronounce it like that. (“Chim-chimera, chim-chimera, chim-chim cheree,” says Dok in the chatcave, LIKE A DICK.)"

Romney On Voting For Trump “Absolutely Not”
Says it all.

Ted Cruz To SCOTUS: “Put A Stop” To Trump’s Cases
If everyone one of you Nazi motherfuckers step down first.
"Hey Ted we haven't forgot you were part of Trump's coup to overthrow the country you treasonous piece of shit. Justice for you won't come via the judicial system but it may come by street justice...You should go hide maybe in Cancun traitor boy." — Thewolflam (comments)
You are not well liked, Ted Cruz — anywhere.

Texas Executes Man Despite Doubts About His Guilt
When did the law ever give a shit? America must put a stop to capital punishement. It's barbaric and mindless.
"So it’s okay to kill a man who may not even be guilty but it’s wrong to hold Trump responsible for his crimes? Got it." — kaydenpat (comments)
"Republicans are depraved. This should lay to rest any stupid ideas about them caring about "life". It's power and control they care about." — MargaretPOA (comments)

Hungary’s Orban To Meet With Trump At Mar-A-Lago
Stay out of our country. You have no business here. Especially with our demented traitor.

Reuters: Trump Judges Deluged With Violent Threats
Everyone of them a Nazi MAGAt and bound for trouble.

How Does Winning The Primary Hurt Biden And Other BS
Even though the presidential election isn't exactly a horse race, that doesn't slow down the crazy season.
More proof of an insane country.

'His wife participated': Clarence Thomas urged to recuse himself in Trump immunity case
Urge all you want. I doubt this reprobate will go along with that idea.

'130 days!?' Angry legal expert flags hypocrisy of Supreme Court's Trump immunity delay
"So it's 45 days when a ruling could hurt Trump, but 130 days when a ruling — when the delay can help Trump."
"That is the essence of this Supreme Court," Mystal added. "And every single Democrat who is not onboard for expanding the Supreme Court and reducing the power of these Republican theocrats in robes is in some way complicit in today's failure."
They are bound to make this one of the biggest fucking messes in U.S. history. One from which we may never recover. History will not be kind to them.
And for what? One cheap crook. The fix is in.

'There are some tells there': Expert explains 'upsetting' part of Trump SCOTUS ruling
The worst bastards in the known universe. Framing an escape clause for their crime boss.
Anti-American as any enemy America has ever known.

'Chaos': Experts say Trump's legal calendar made 'wacky' by Supreme Court's ruling
It is apparent that SCOTUS is not on America's side but on the side of the Nazi.
They are fools as are all of his supporters. He doesn't give a fuck for them but only what they can do for him. Otherwise he'd behead each of them.

'Just doesn't happen': Sen. Kennedy schooled after asking 'inflammatory' abortion question
Senator Foghorn Leghorn shows the depths of hell he came from.
"If the mother is healthy, and the baby is healthy, do you support abortion up to the moment of birth?" Kennedy wondered.
"I think that's a really hard question to answer, because that just doesn't happen," Myers explained. "You're asking me about something that simply doesn't happen."
Insanity defined. We are living in an insame asylum thanks to the traitor, Trump.
This is DEVO! We are devolving at a rapdid rate thanks to morons like Foghorn.

Bragging “Brawler” Rioter Sentenced To Nine Months
Too short.

Newsmax Host: Biden Has “Weird Ice Cream Fetish”
When did it become weird to like ice cream in America?
Why do these shitwad motherfuck-shitsticks exist? Where in hell did they come from? They should go back and stay as soon as possible. They know they sit around and eat it in their underwear at home in hell.

SCOTUS Enables Trump's Effort To Delay Justice
Unbelievably, SCOTUS grants Trump's request to review his claim of presidential immunity and to take their sweet time doing it.
"In unbelievable breaking news, Trump's friends and lackeys on the Supreme Court of the United States have defied all logic and common sense by granting Trump's request that they review his claims of presidential immunity. Adding insult to injury, SCOTUS is also obviously ignoring Special Counsel Jack Smith's request to expedite the matter by taking weeks just to decide to look at the case..."
We always knew that they were going to support Trump in his treason. They know exactly what they are doing to us.

'Political and traitorous decision': Experts outraged by SCOTUS taking Trump immunity case
The point of this is to make Trump win. They have outdone the nation by abducting our constitution.
"[SCOTUS] will prematurely hear a completely frivolous claim that if sustained, would allow any POTUS to commit crimes with almost unbridled immunity," tweeted Richard Signorelli, a former assistant US Attorney for the Southern District of New York. "This will delay his federal 1/6 trial indefinitely. A political and traitorous decision from a totally discredited SCOTUS."
Talk about legal supression. How can this even be possible? Sorry, Ben Franklin. We tried.

GOP Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith Blocks IVF Protection Act
Swine shitbag.
They WERE being protected you stupid shit from dear old dixie poison traitorLland of the Happy Negro.

The next goal of the forced birth lobby: Attacking prenatal screening for fetal abnormalities
The swine.

Court denies Trump request to pause $454M bond requirement amid his cash liquidity claim
Pay up.

Alina Habba's 'billionaire' boast bites her as she admits Trump can't pay cash bond
So much for her bullshit.

Judge In Trump’s Fraud Case Gets Sent White Powder
The Trump Criminal Syndicate begins their Nazi dirty work.

Chairman Sanders Releases Report Exposing Depth of Retirement Crisis Facing Working Class Americans
"Ahead of this morning’s hearing in the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee on the retirement crisis in America, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), chairman of the committee, released a stunning new report exposing the depth of the crisis, while also exploring solutions that will allow all Americans to retire with dignity and security – not just the very wealthy."

'Service of evil': Mitch McConnell critics react to bombshell resignation announcement<br> Oh, my!

The 17 worst things Mitch McConnell did to destroy democracy
"Mitch McConnell announced Wednesday that he will be stepping down as Republican leader of the Senate in November. And, for the sake of the democracy he’s spent decades trying to destroy, that moment can’t come soon enough.
Here are just a few of his career lowlights."

Trump swore under oath he had $400M cash – now he’s telling the court a different story
The New York Times reported earlier this month, “Mr. Trump claimed under oath last year that he was sitting on more than $400 million in cash.” Once again, he's got a big mouth.
“Trump says he doesn’t have the cash that both he and Habba told everyone he had, and that ‘properties would have to be sold’ to come up with the money.” So what? Come up with the cash or throw the fraud in jail. See how he likes it. He'll get the cash in a flash.

'Must be held accountable': Arizona AG sues corporate landlords over 'astronomical rent hikes'
"Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes (D) is suing some of the state's biggest corporate landlords and a Texas-based software company over what she calls "astronomical" year-over-year increases in apartment rent."
Gotta watch out for them thar Texican pirates.

Billionaire roasted for complaining to Treasury Secretary about $14 O.J. in 5-star hotel
More top notch comedy:
"Texas billionaire hedge funder Kyle Bass took to the internet to complain about paying $14 for orange juice while having a room-service breakfast in a five-star hotel in New York City."
""That this rich guy's outrage is fake is obvious to anyone who ever ordered room service on an expense-account at a nice NYC hotel. Multiple-item orders have been producing very large bills for a very long time," wrote journalist John Harwood.
Note: A Texan would just complain about the size being smaller than the ones you'd get in Texas.

Senate Republicans Might Kill IVF Protection Bill, Who Needs Some Silly Law Like That?
"In case you were curious what kinds of stranger danger might deign to block such a bill, here’s JD Vance. Readers might have noticed that ever since the unsupervised extremists on the Alabama supreme court ruled that embryos are entitled to daily afternoon juice boxes and a Netflix account, many Republicans have been absolutely falling all over themselves to reassure Americans that they are not coming for their IVF. Why would you think such a thing? P-SHAW! They cannot control what a couple wild and crazy guys in Alabama do with their judicial gavels."

Study: 50% In Some States Back Christian Nationalism
We'll be having none of that let me reassure the Land of the Happy Negro.

Jesse Watters Is A Whiney Little B*tch Over Dark Brandon
This Watters incel shows us he doesn't understand context.

LGBTQ+ media broke details about Nex Benedict’s gender identity. Mainstream media reacted slowly
‘It’s shocking because this is a kid in Oklahoma, which is right at the center of this incredible debate about the humanity of LGBTQ people’

Boebert post on 'Biden Crime Family' comes back to haunt her when son arrested hours later
Welcome to "The Boebert Crime Family Show." It could be a hit!

Biden Wins Michigan Dem Primary With 81% Of Vote
Nice going, Joe.

Watters: “Manly” Men Don’t Eat Ice Cream In Public
They just make asses out of themselves like you do, little creep? Go get some ice cream. It's OK.

'This case is over!' Trump declares himself off the hook after inconclusive Willis hearing
"Donald Trump vastly oversold evidence uncovered at a new hearing to declare himself off the hook in his Georgia criminal case."
He's got a big, stupid mouth.

'Lights out': Legal expert says Fani Willis disqualification effort is fading fast
"Legal experts argue that the efforts to disqualify Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis from prosecuting former President Donald Trump on election racketeering charges effectively died in the water Tuesday."
Tell it to Trump.

Man Pleads Guilty to Making Threat to Michigan Election Worker
"An Indiana man pleaded guilty today to sending a communication that included a threat of violence to an election worker in Michigan."
Popped like a pimple on his ass.

Former Aussie PM Calls Trump's Love For Putin 'Creepy'
"When you see Trump with Putin, as I have on a few occasions, he's like the 12-year-old boy who goes to high school and meets the captain of the football team. My hero!"
Trump is a world wide loser.

Laura Ingraham Blames Unvaxxed Migrants For FL Measles Outbreak
Only 91.7% of Florida kindergarteners received the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine, short of the 95% vaccination goal. But okay, Laura! How can an educated human make such a blithering, idiotic statement?

Good news for Biden: Trump keeps doing worse than the polls say he will
"After a gusher of coverage about horse-race polls in which President Joe Biden is losing to Donald Trump, it's worth making note of a nagging asterisk: Trump keeps underperforming hispolling in the Republican presidential primary. Here’s a quick breakdown of the first several high-profile GOP contests, comparing Trump’s polling margin over his nearest rival to his margin of victory."

Joe Biden Went On Seth Meyers Last Night, Knew Where He Was And Everything
"We’re as disgusted as you are, but President Joe Biden went on the Seth Meyers show last night, and he didn’t even break down crying and resign because he’s so senile. In fact, he was wearing sunglasses like some sort of cool guy, and he made jokes like some kind of cool guy, and he said hey, he might be old, but so is the other guy, and at least he can remember his wife’s name, like some kind of cool guy."

Americans say immigration most important national issue for first time since 2019 in Gallup poll
Don't forget, "House Republicans recently tanked a bipartisan border bill advanced by the Senate, with Speaker Mike Johnson declaring it dead on arrival."
"Former President Donald Trump, the likely GOP nominee for president, pushed members of his party to block the bipartisan proposal, denying President Joe Biden a signature immigration policy achievement ahead of the November election."
Fatso. That's who your target is for your dissatisfaction.

Donald Trump's growing debt from fraud trial passes eye-popping milestone
Sounds to me like he could expect to be hit anytime if he stiffs.

'My patience has run out': Josh Hawley aims tantrum at GOP leadership
Can you believe it? Even Josh is pissed at the MAGAts.

'Inexperienced zealot' Mike Johnson blasted for not being up to job of speaker
But he's very experienced in being clueless at it.

Mike Johnson says Biden must use executive orders after calling them ‘gimmicks'
A perfeclty fine position for a dimwit like him to take.

Less Than 60 Percent of the Vote in South Carolina? Sheesh. Trump Continues To Do Poorly in Republican Caucuses and Primariesv
A good sign for American and a bad sign for Fatso.

Lara Logan: Christianity trumps Native Americans' beliefs because 'they just didn't win'
Lara, you're apparently asking for your cowardly team to be massacred.
Get an education about your stupid bullshit on being founded as a "Christian nation" and study Thonas Jefferson.

Tommy Tuberville gets a brutal fact check from Alabama reporter on 'crime-ridden' New York
Stupid redneck falls back in it.

Reporter: I Was Harassed By Nazis Attending CPAC
The bastards are crawling all over CPAC. Put a stop to it.

Wasserman-Schultz Calls For Ousting “Super-Spreader” Florida Surgeon General As Measles Outbreak Widens
The damage done by mental illness is staggering in American now.
Replace the moron.

Republicans dug their own grave on IVF. Now they’re trying to lie their way out
Let them stay in those graves. We'll all be better off.

Tennessee GOP votes to keep Confederate flags in classrooms but ban pride flags
“This legislation is immoral and unjust. I’m against it in its entirety,” said Pearson. “I believe that what is doing and the signal that it is sending is evil and wrong.” But he had a proposal: If the legislature is going to ban pride flags from the classroom, shouldn’t it at least ban the display of, as Tennessee still cringingly calls it, a “war between the states” flag? Also known as a Confederate battle flag.
It took Republicans literally seconds to cut off debate and crush the amendment. If there’s one time the Tennessee legislature feels strongly about protecting free speech rights, it’s when those rights involve a symbol promoting racism and treason against the United States.
Occupy Tennessee. Land of the Happy Negro traitors.

Be Not Afraid: All Glory to God, Trump, Newsmax and Bigots
CPAC is back! Weirder, shriller, fringier, more paranoid than ever, with many empty seats but God allegedly still on the side of the cranks and zealots. Cue vapid, vicious, fear-mongering goons who, now saying the ugly part aloud, bray about evil trans people, stampeding "aliens," looming communists and pet-marrying while heralding Christian nationalism, "cool" dictators, the "Bible Uncancelled" and the glad "end of democracy." A republic if you can keep it: Welcome to today's forsaken, brutish GOP.
The swine.

'Deranged bucket list': Ex-Bush official details Trump’s plan to 'give authoritarianism a try'
"Wallace told "Deadline: White House" viewers, "Donald Trump will give authoritarianism a try if reelected. That's not hyperbole. It's not Trump derangement syndrome. And Donald Trump keeps hinting at and outright telling us it is on his deranged bucket list."
Ben-Ghiat explained, "One of the things my research shows is that from the Germans in the early 1930s to the Chileans in the early 1970s — who said, 'We're not going to have a coup' as (countries) all around them were having coups — people are always in denial. They're always unprepared. And very often, they think it can't happen here."
Fuck Trump.

Watch: Ex-RNC chair likens Trump’s empty Black voter outreach to a '1950s redneck'
Trump told the crowd, "The mug shot, we've all seen the mugshot. And you know who embraced it more than anybody else? The Black population. It's incredible. You see Black people walking around with my mugshot."
The Washington Post's Eugene Robinson, who is Black, slammed Trump's comments as "cringeworthy, cynical, infuriating, insulting, racist, super-racist" in his February 26 column. And some more scathing criticism came from former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele the next morning.

'Chickens coming home to roost' after Trump shrinks GOP to MAGA loyalists: conservative
Donald Trump's supporters seem to believe he's invincible, but a conservative columnist laid out his electoral weaknesses.
"Based on the way things are headed, come November, Donald Trump could very well receive a similar message from the people he dismissed as 'human scum,'" Lewis wrote. "The chickens, as they say, are coming home to roost."

"A doomsday scenario": Former DOJ prosecutor warns Trump could profit from classified docs trial
"Trump is going to be running a fire sale" for top-secret documents, Ken McCallion tells Salon

Biden: Gaza Ceasefire May Happen During Ramadan
"President Biden said Monday that Israel has agreed to halt its Gaza offensive during the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan if a deal is reached to free the remaining hostages being held by Hamas."

Trump Pays New York Times $400,000 In Failed Lawsuit
"A judge last month ordered the former president to pay up after his case was dismissed in May 2023 on the grounds that the reporting had been protected by the New York Constitution."
He's against anyone's constitution. He's an arrogant Nazi. Fuck him.

Biden: 500 New Sanctions On Russia After Navalny Death
The Biden administration will impose a new round of economic sanctions targeting Russian fuel exports and military-industry imports.

Abbott Calls On Public To Report Parents Of Trans Kids
"Turn in your neighbor." A typical Nazi tactic. What could go wrong with this? Getting rid of Abbott is the solution.

Kid Rock: Kill All Gazans “Forty Thousand At A Time”
I guess he's never been in military combat.

Chuck Todd Doesn't Understand Why Biden Has 'Faith In' His Son
It's not that hard to figure out.
Chuck Todd is a massive chickenshit. He's been a thoughtless asshole forever.

Trump Faces Ticking Clock On Massive Civil Judgments
"Tick Tock, Motherfucker." — Skokie Daddy (comments)

How Russia is 'already spreading disinformation' in the 2024 election
"U.S. President Joe Biden has been a major thorn in the side of Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin."
"Putin is clearly hoping that Trump will win the 2024 GOP presidential nomination and defeat incumbent Biden in November."
Re-Elect Joe Biden.

Vaccine-laced lettuce and tomatoes? Tennessee GOP lawmaker worried
Don't stop with that. Every food available is vaccine-laced you fool!

'He's gotten more unhinged': Former Trump aide points to new signs he's getting worse
As if we hadn't noticed.

GOP lawmakers backtracking on fertility treatments get confronted with voting records
By the way, human embryos are non-binary.
Also too, you can't tell if someone identifies as non-binary just by looking at them.

Thomas Hires Clerk Accused Of Sending Racist Texts
"Antonin Scalia Law School"? ROTFLMAO!
Formerly worked for Charlie Kirk's, Turning Point USA?
Thomas appears to be a glutton for self-flagellation. IMPEACH HIM!

Megachurch Pastor: Attending Same-Sex Weddings Is “Celebrating Stepping Into Fury Of God’s Judgement”
And you can't help but attend these often? Again, who has the problem here?

Trump Loses Bid To Stay $83 Million Carroll Judgment
The loser keeps his record going.

Trump's 'rambling and incoherent' South Carolina victory speech leads to new questions
Don't you love how news items never grow old and are constantly recycled as "new" news?

Raichik: I Don’t Care About My “Trans Mass Shooters” Lies, Being Called A Terrorist Makes Me Feel Important
Another twisted and sick fuck. Claiming terrorism makes her so. She can "go to hell and die."

Pastor: Women Wearing Shorts Deserve To Be Raped
Another pastor preoccupied with women that deserve being raped. Where do these ignorant fools come from?

Gavin Newsom Lays it on Thick After Kristen Welker Asks if It’s ‘Responsible’ for Dems to Run Biden, Calls His Presidency a ‘Masterclass’
“So, no, from my humble prospective, not only have the last three years been extraordinary, I’ve been out, as you know, on the campaign trail. I was just out in California. I’ve seen him up close, I’ve seen him from far. But here’s my point: it’s because of his age that he’s been so successful. It’s because of the wisdom and the character that’s developed over the years…so the opportunity to express that for four more years, what a gift it is for the American people.”

Alabama’s Targeting of IVF Is the Christian Right’s Attempt To Control Motherhood
"Ultimately, theocracy, like all authoritarian systems, loves imposing arbitrary and cruel rules on the most private parts of people's lives. It's the ultimate expression of power, after all, to micromanage something as personal as how and when someone has a baby. If they could litigate the sexual positions you were "allowed" to conceive in, they would. (And don't rule it out yet!) It's about enforcing gender hierarchies, yes. But it's also about not permitting people any sense of ownership over their own lives and bodies. Every ovum must be accounted for in this religious right version of Big Brother."
Every Sperm is Sacred — lyrics by Michael Palin and Terry Jones
Fuck Christian Dominion.

If We Can't Be Navalny, We Can Still Be a Helluva Lot Braver Than We Are
"But I still must fight pessimissm, especially in the week following the murder of Navalny, that there are anywhere near enough Navalnys to stem the tide of tyranny. Here at home, Republicans, have set the template for craven cowardice, lacking the courage to stand against a tin-pot dictator wannabe, let alone the Russians in Ukraine, or the Israelis on their murder spree in Gaza."

The Hunter Biden story has done a total 180 but the MSM is in denial
"The story is no longer whether Joe Biden committed high crimes and misdemeanors by maintaining relations with his ne’er-do-well son. In fact, there has never been any credible evidence to support that conclusion."

Noem And Ramaswamy Tie In CPAC’s Veep Straw Poll
The MAGAt Nazi Party vote.

GOP plan would make amending Missouri constitution harder for liberals but not conservatives
Giving the uneducated a little more power so they can fuck over the state even more.

That's A Lot Of White People At The 'Black Conservative' Gala
OK, what did they do with all the Black people?
"Trump, who has been a racist for his entire life, appears to be speaking to a majority white audience. That probably explains why he said so much racist shit at the event. Also, he is painfully stupid."

Joe Biden gives Joe Biden gives the media a desperately needed lesson about Donald Trump
The president has to break the news to journalists that Trump plans to jail us
"It came from Joe Biden. Speaking with reporters in California on Thursday, the president said this about Donald Trump. “Two of your former colleagues not at the same network personally told me if he wins, they will have to leave the country because he’s threatened to put them in jail,” Biden told Katie Couric. “He embraces political violence,” Biden said of Trump “No president since the Civil War has done that. Embrace it. Encourages it.”
Kick the swine's ass, Joe.

Lou Dobbs At CPAC: This Is No Longer A Free Country
Another jerk that clings to the Big Lie. Nazi of the Trump Reich.
"But you know what? I’ll take applause no matter where I get it."
You'll whore for anything? You're an illigtimate human, you fascist pig.
“They don’t like to use real words. To describe real objects.” – Hair dye spokesmodel Lou Dobbs, who now has an audience of tens on Lindell TV (don't make me laugh) after being shitcanned by Fox.
No, they are not dealing with reality.

NY Civil Judgment Against Trump Now Accumulating $111K in Interest Every Day
The chiseler continues to chisel at will.

Rob Reiner’s “God & Country” Doc Exposes Toxic Political Power of Christian Nationalism
“Christianity does not and cannot unite Americans under a national identity. As we learn more about Christian nationalism, how it debases Christianity, and how it threatens to destroy American democracy, we are even more convinced of the need for a national commitment – from religious and secular groups and individuals – to furthering the American ideal that our belonging in society is not in any way conditioned on or connected to our religious identity.”

Trump Tells Black Conservatives: People Say Blacks Like Me So Much Because Of All My Criminal Charges
The only person that said that besides Trump, is a flaming racist.

German Lawmakers Vote To Legalize Recreational Weed
Progress. Too bad we still have the backward part of America.

Oklahoma Rep On Death Of Nonbinary Teen: We Are A “Christian State And Will Fight To Keep Out That Filth”
Too late. You've already been infected by "Asshat Motherfuckery Disease." Christian by mputh, Swine at heart.

Texas AG Threatens To Shut Down Migrant Shelters
Yes, put them on the streets by all means, you heartless asshole.

Axios: Christian Extremism May Sink GOP In November
There's no "may" to it. If they don't the rest of the MAGAt Nazis will.

Oops! Alabama AG Says He Won't Prosecute IVF Families, Providers
Exactly! Not until it does.

10 stunning moments from Trump's late-night speech to religious broadcasters
"Time was when media outlets would have been well advised to ignore the nonsense that regularly disgorges from Trump’s nougat-y noggin, but since he’s now on a glide path to the GOP nomination, it makes sense to put this shit front and center. Because Americans need to see it. Voters need to witness him decompose in real time so they can see that all the things they never liked about him are even worse now, and that he needs to be stopped tout de suite before he starts picking out asbestos drapes for his volcano lair."

Rep. Nancy Mace Says She Trusts Russian Asset Over The DOJ, FBI And The Bidens
Then why doesn't she move there like Arend and Anneesa Feenstra?
Jane Fonda made a similar controversial statement in 1972 about North Vietnam.
Regarding Fonda, Del. William Burkhead, a Democrat from Anne Arundel, said, “I wouldn’t want to kill her, but I wouldn’t mind if you cut her tongue off...”
Where are the knives for Mace? Bigotry is still going stong with the Russian assets in our country.

Fox News Pundit Claims Trump Never, Ever Lies
"Friday on Fox News' Outnumbered, Fox News contributor Johnny Joey Jiminy Cricket Jones pretended Trump never lies because he's bombastic and uses hyperbole. He said that with a straight face. I kid you not."
Some special shit-shoveling here.

Trump PAC, Allies Recommended For Felony Charges In Wisconsin
"The Wisconsin Ethics Commission has recommended that prosecutors file felony charges against Trump's Save America PAC, State Representative Janel Brandtjen, former GOP candidate Adam Sheen, and others for a scheme to avoid state campaign finance laws in order to flood Sheen's campaign to oust Speaker Robin Vos in 2022. The commission is so adamant that these people face charges that they have warned that if the charging process hasn't started in 60 days, the will make referrals to other district attorneys and/or the Attorney General."
More crime based on Trump bullshit.

We Are All Catholics Now
The hell you say!
"There was a discussion in the comments on my post on the Alabama IVF debacle about which forms of contraception would be allowed by our new Jesuitical overlords. Let me cut to the chase on this one: the answer is none, not a single one."
These motherfuckers can go back to the place in hell they came from.

Trump can’t outrun the consequences of Roe’s fall
And he can't hide. No Nazi can for long.

'Essence of authoritarianism': Expert warns 'Project 2025' would create a Trump 'autocracy'
"The essence of authoritarianism is removing restraints on the leader and making him immune from prosecution by domesticating government," Ben-Ghiat said. "And so some of what Project 2025 proposes, like abolishing the DOJ and the FBI is designed for that end, to make it impossible to prosecute Trump and allow him to commit crimes with impunity."
Most of America prefers death to fascism. Read it either way or both.

Michigan Republican duped into reading the plot of 'E.T.' as an illegal immigrant story
The stupid is strong in this one.

Conservative Family ‘Disappointed’ After Moving To Russia To Escape LGBTQ Ideology
The stupid is stronger in this one.

'I‘ve seen bigger Tupperware parties': CPAC's crowd size ridiculed<br> "The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) — an annual summit of far-right activists, pundits and elected officials — used to be regarded as the beating heart of the conservative movement. However, one columnist recently said CPAC has now become a "joke" given its meager attendance."

QAnon Bishop At CPAC: Alabama IVF Ruling Is Correct
What more do you need as proof of QAnon yokel, goofball logic than this from a cult member?
" QAnon parlance, the “storm” is when Trump’s secret military force arrests and executes hundreds of Democrats and celebrities for their supposed Satanic child abuse rituals."
And these Talibastards are the ones abusing our children. Burn, you bastards!

Does Donald Trump Believe In God?
Trump believes in God in the same way Tony Soprano does.
A lesson taught in Lubbock, Texas:
"God loves you and he's going to send you hell.
Sex is bad, dirty and awful. And you should save it for the one you love." — Butch Hancock.

'Dereliction of duty': GOP slammed for ignoring warnings about credibility of FBI informant
The MAGAts ignorance is their agenda.

The Rent Is Still Too High
Housing prices are spiraling alongside homelessness. To solve this crisis, we need to recognize housing as a human right.
The new Gilded Age,America.

Trump asks judge to delay his $83.3 million payout to E. Jean Carroll
Seize all his property NOW! He won't pay, as usual.

Kristi Noem: “Joe Biden And Kamala Harris, They Suck”
Nowhere good as you do.

Fox Host: GOP Looks Like “Keystone Cops” On Border
They are nowhere near that good. More like a blundering pile of Ivermectin overdosed.

Fox Host Cuts Off Trump’s Stupid Lies: “He’s Entitled To His Own Opinions But Not His Own Set Of Facts”
That is correct.

Trump calls his fraud case ‘a form of Navalny.’ That distorts the cases.
Trump compared his civil fraud fine with the punishment of Russian opposition leader Alexei A. Navalny, who died Feb. 16 in a Russian prison.
He is a swine.

Gannett’s 2024 priorities include ‘rebooting’ small newsrooms and keeping voters informed
Will they accept information or continue believing in lies?

'Bad for Trump': Law professor explains Supreme Court's delay on immunity ruling

Ex-NRA head found liable for $5.4 million in civil corruption case: report
Big loser, like Trump.

No, migrants do not receive $2,200 each month from the federal government
FACT CHECK: Have 7 Million Illegal Immigrants Received Free Cell Phones And Airline Tickets At The Border?
Does anyone vet things they hear before deciding they are true?
People believe the lie that we (America) give cell phones and money to illegal immigrants. You need context, if you know what that means.
Stop being idiots and do honest fact checks on bullshit you are swallowing.

Expert flags 'odd thing' about Trump's 'substantive' changes to Fani Willis filing
"The desperation is embarrassingly thick with these filings," replied @RyanWhitingVO. "He loves a good circus!"
"Desperate for a delay," added @Raaamonnn. "He'll do anything to delay this case."
"Grasping at straws," added @spicedrop71. "Of course."
The swine.

How Alito’s 'disingenuous concern for democratic participation' opened a Pandora’s box: analysis
The idiots cut their own throats and think they are brilliant. Keep it up assholes and and we will bid you all "Well, — Bye!"

TX Judge Rules School Can Punish Black Student For Hairstyle
Meaness personified.
Once again, it seems that cruelty is the point in Texas. In this case, it’s racial cruelty.
This stupidity came to an end in the 1960s. Some morons don't realize what time it is.
Pure 100% racism. No surprise in the Land of the Happy Negro. Vote the Nazis out.

Tesla Screws Small Business by Canceling Order for 2,000 Pies
The electric carmaker Tesla is facing community backlash after the company suddenly canceled an order for 2,000 pies — allegedly leaving a charitable small business out of a few thousand dollars, local San Francisco outlet ABC7 reports.
Following in the steps of the chiseler, Trump. All vendors should put him on credit hold and demand payment in front of any deal.

Ethics Commission alleges Trump joint fundraising committee, Brandtjen involved in campaign finance scheme to benefit Vos challenger
"The state Ethics Commission alleges Donald Trump’s joint fundraising committee and GOP state Rep. Janel Brandtjen schemed to evade campaign finance limits as part of an effort that steered at least $40,000 to the 2022 primary challenge of Speaker Robin Vos, according to records obtained by WisPolitics."
Trump and his dirty work continue.

'I'm a very proud Christian': Trump courts religious right
Neither right nor christian. Con man, fraud and grifter are the terms to describe him.

Trump's hometown newspaper lays into ex-president — and urges his neighbors to vote Biden
As we all should.

Fundraiser to pay off Trump's $355M fine will take 6 years to reach its goal: report
If he's still living he'll be 83 and still saying the election was rigged. ROTFLMAO!

‘Insultingly stupid’: Trump’s move to toss out classified docs case torn apart by experts
‘Insultingly stupid’ is what Trump's campaign should be called. What a dork.

How Far Will Republicans Go To Bring America to Her Knees on Behalf of Putin & Trump?
How Putin seized control of the Republican Party.

Quack FL Surgeon General OK With Sending Unvaccinated Kids To School During Measles Outbreak
Retards pushing us back to the 1800s. Stop the bastards now.

Stephen Miller loses big in racially-charged lawsuit to restrict voting in Arizona
"Miller was the brainchild behind many of Trump's harshest policies targeting immigrants when he was in office."
Hitler would have loved this joker.

Dr. John Gartner on a tale of two brains: "Biden's brain is aging. Trump's brain is dementing"
"This is a fundamental breakdown in the ability to use language," the renowned mental health expert says of Trump

A New Orleans magician says a Democratic operative paid him to make the fake Biden robocall
Dean Phillips’ presidential campaign denounced the alleged actions of one of its consultants and said it may take legal action against him.
The great Dean Phillips, eh?

MTG “Really Could Care Less” If Putin Killed Navalny
Too busy pounding the concrete? What a shitbag.
And when will people realize using "could" when that means they could care somewhat? The term they mean is "couldn't."

Traffic Has Plummeted For Right Wing Sites Since 2020
Tired of the shitty lies they throw at them.

Roundup Of Dumb Rednecks
Russian operatives and Republicans, Trump and truckers and Alabama's baby prevention plan.

A poll found 1 in 5 believe in a covert Taylor Swift effort to help Biden win. What does that mean?
The majority of respondents who believe the Swift-Biden theory are Republicans and plan to vote for Trump.
Of course, it's the lame-brains who believe this shit. Just how in fuck's name does it work and who cares? Are you really that FUCKING STUPID? So far we can still vote freely unless a Trump Nazi tries to sap you going to the polls.
ATTENTION: ALL ADVERTISING IS A PSYOP! SURPRISED? Now don't you feel better knowing that psyop doesn't mean shit?

Trump’s claim that Biden directed the New York civil fraud investigation is baseless
Letitia James said in 2018 that she would investigate then-President Donald Trump. In March 2019, she began. Biden was elected later.

Is local news access tied to how much money you make? A new report identifies the disparity between the haves and have-nots for local journalism — and household income plays a big role.
A good reason why we have ill-informed citizens in our country.

It's CPAC! Here Are Some Weird Republican Fantasies About Kamala Harris And Michelle Obama.Open link in new tabWonkette
The Club for the Criminally Insane!

Lawrence O'Donnell Ends The Argument On Biden's Age, Period
MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell took a hammer and absolutely nailed in on the ageist attacks. "The job is to make decisions, not speeches," he said. "History writes about the decisions. That's what matters."
Fuck Trump Losers.

Russian Mil Blogger Shoots Himself After Revealing Horrific Losses
Well —- Bye!

Tennessee Gov Signs Bill Allowing State Officials To Refuse To Perform Same-Sex Marriages Because Jesus
And James said, "Let the MAGAt Pharisees all fuck off!" -—"The Holier Bible."

Florida House Approves Chaplains For Public Schools, Bill’s “Tongues-Speaking Exorcist” Sponsor Celebrates
In the Christian network video below, she explains that her primary role in life is as a “demon buster.”
Everyone of them a MAGAt.

GOP Pundit Wants IVF Doctors Arrested
People in hell want ice water. Fuck off, assholes.

Alabama Families Blast GOP’s Unpopular Push For IVF Ban
Families in Alabama are now speaking up in opposition to bans on in vitro fertilization (IVF), which are now being pushed by the Republican Party.

GOP Pundit Calls For ‘End Of Democracy
A conservative pundit and top ally of Donald Trump, Jack Posobiec, called for the end of democracy at the 2024 CPAC conference for conservatives.
Proud Nazi.

MTG's fashion advice for conservative women blows up in her face
"If you are conservative and a Christian you know you don’t have to express yourself in sexual ways and you know you are attractive by dressing nice and feminine, and you can be beautiful and modest at the same time."
Of course, she can do neither.

'Bigger losses for the GOP': Ex-official says Trump's new plan will 'bankrupt' Republicans
Their own fault for going steady with a criminal traitor.

GOP 'increasingly alarmed' by 'dysfunction, debt, and disarray' in state parties: report
This is typical of Red states. Without our help they would be goners.

Right-wing county board comes to regret hiring ultra-MAGA administrator: report
Go to bed with dogs, expect to wake up with fleas.
The Trump Plague.

Judge warns Trump won't accept defeat if he loses in 2024: 'America is in trouble'
Not for long. We don't fear a fraud.

'Made no sense': Tuberville's 'spectacular' CPAC rant leaves onlookers stunned
It appears that even he knows that frozen embryos cannot live outside a uterus. What is about people in law that think they are in the medical profession? Stupid is as stupid does and these Bammy SC Boys are pretty stupid.

Church for 'praying patriots' baptizes Proud Boys into Christian nationalism: report
He can talk all he wants. Once he acts he's accountable.
There is no Christian standard when it comes to U.S. Government and there never has been.

'No one wanted to talk': Report finds GOP silent on massive new political headache
Because anything they say will be held against them.

'Deep trouble': Mary Trump says Jim Jordan and James Comer could face 'criminal charges'
Only if we lived in a sane and normal world. These guys are prime prison candidates.

New Matt Schlapp Subpoenas Target Document-Shredding at CPAC
New subpoenas in the sexual assault lawsuit against CPAC leader Matt Schlapp have gone out to key witnesses, including one official who allegedly oversaw shredding in the office.

James Comer and Tucker Carlson aren't fooled by Russian lies — they're complicit
It would be easier if we could believe Republicans were being played by Putin. The truth is much worse

WV Secretary Of State: The CIA Stole The 2020 Election
No one stole the 2020 election, asswipe.

Gutfeld Calls On Fox To Move Headquarters To Florida
Move it to Russia, asshole.

Lara Trump: Voters Want RNC To Pay Trump’s Legal Bills
And people in hell want ice water. Stop feeding on America's public to pay for Fatso's crimes.

FL Rep: Letting Parents Consent To Kids Using Social Media Is Like Letting Them Consent To Kids’ Drug Use
What? You want to be their kids parents too? Florida fascism at work.

15 times Ted Cruz shamelessly pushed GOP's false allegations about Biden
Out with him.

Court Orders Mike Lindell To Pay Contest Winner
Mike Lindell tried to stiff contest winner out of $5 million for disproving The Big Lie, but the court stepped in.
You stirred the pot, Mike. You had money until you supported Fatso.

Republicans Can't Govern - Wisconsin Edition
Republicans claim late counting of ballots equates to ballot dumps and The Big Lie, but refuse to fix the problem.
That's because they are the problem.

Biden tears into Republicans: 'I’ve served with real racists' but 'these guys are worse'
They aren't Repblicans. They are MAGAts, the worst fascists you can find.

GOP strategist predicts Alabama IVF ruling will hurt Republicans 'badly' in 2024 election
The blithering idiots deserve such.

GOP hardliners could shut down government in 9 days if Mike Johnson doesn’t grant demands
These are your Nazi scums on power. Their agenda is "DO NOTHING !"

Trump Is Preying on Low-Information Voters
OMG! Ya think?

Trump Could Still Lose Trump Tower After All
Oh, no. Where will he sleep ever again?

Alabama's largest hospital says it is halting IVF treatments in wake of court ruling
Welcome to the Stone Age — again.

Republicans rush to delete any reference to Biden impeachment informant accused of lying
It will be difficult to impossible to clean all of it off the internet. An exercise in futility.

'Disobedience to God': Evangelicals freak out as statue pays homage to Ruth Bader Ginsburg
How dare they call themselves "Christian."

The “Acceleration” of the New Reich
The racist Trumpsters who want a second civil war call this an “acceleration,” & hope they can create enough chaos that they can finally fulfill their fantasies about fighting in a noble civil war.
There is nothing noble concerning Nazis except eliminating them.

Gab’s Racist AI Chatbots Have Been Instructed to Deny the Holocaust
The proliferation of generative AI chatbots on extremist platforms could lead to increased radicalization, experts warn.

‘Truly Stunning!’ CNN’s Paula Reid and Kaitlan Collins Shocked By Busted Anti-Biden Witness Lies ‘That Could Impact Election’
Discovered as all rats are.

Tucker Carlson Is So Desperate for Attention, He’s Promoting Notorious Hate Site VDare
"Just when you think he can’t sink any lower, he plummets again."

Oklahoma Schools Chief Rants About Latest Ranking Of US Presidents: Our Kids Will Learn That Trump Is Great
Your kids are being schooled by Nazis. They will eventually come to know your lies. You should be ashamed but Nazis never are.

Biden in Action: Serious Crimes in the Military
"This is one more big fucking Joe Biden deal that demonstrates that Joe Biden is here to change the world. He’s been preparing for this his whole life, and it’s pretty clear that he intends to make every minute of presidency count. Biden has a vision and he must be really great at delegating, because if he tried to micromanage everything, he couldn’t accomplish even a tenth of what the Biden Administration is accomplishing."

Never Surrender the Gold Lamé
Fresh off his latest legal triumph - payment due of $355 million - and his yuge win in historians' annual presidential ranking - dead last as Worst. President. Ever. - the "greatest con artist in world history" has unveiled his latest trashy, loutish grift: $400, ugly-ass, gold-spray-painted "Never Surrender" high-top sneakers, "Bold, gold and tough, just like President (sic) Trump." And just like his steak, water, vodka, airline, deodorant, board game, casinos and mugshot mugs, he says, "I think it’s gonna be a big success."

Legal Chaos In Wake Of AL Supreme Court Embryo Personhood Decision
“First you had the Dobbs decision and now this. What does this even mean?”
That you are living in a retarded state.

Biden Administration Forgives Another $1.2 Billion In Student Debt
The Biden administration has approved another $1.2 billion in student debt discharges for more than 150,000 borrowers. The latest loan forgiveness, announced by the Education Department today, targets a specific group of longtime borrowers enrolled in the Education Department’s much-touted repayment plan.
Good thing to get done, Joe.

'Keep on losing': Morning Joe cheers Trump pushing more 'extreme MAGA stupidity'
"Keep on keeping on if you're going to hurt extreme MAGA Republicans, keep on clapping at the stupidity," Scarborough added.

Donald Trump may not believe in God, but he still plans to turn America into a Christian theocracy
Like any cult leader, Trump's goal is to get power — and the religious right is ready to take advantage
He will shit and fall back in it.

Trump: I Was “Absolutely Allowed” To Keep Those Docs
Who in the hell told him that? Nobody.
Former Presidents Are Not Allowed to Take Home Official Records

TX Gov Floats Anti-Woke Wall On Oklahoma Border
The National Guard has zero legal jurisdiction over border enforcement, which is a federal jurisdiction.
The Texas Nazi dictator is one stupid POS.
Will America have to stop these fascists with force?

Russian Helicopter Pilot Who Defected Found Dead In Spain
Kuzminov defected to Ukraine in August last year and reached the country in a Russian Mi-8 helicopter.
Another Putin murder?

Is JD Vance A Closet Nazi Or Just A Coward?
Marc Thiessen called out JD Vance's cowardice, but is it really cowardice or something more evil?
He's both. Just another asshat of the MAGAt Nazi Party.

Nominating Trump would be 'political suicide' for GOP: National Review conservative
It will be. Already the criminal is a shameful disgrace to the party and the country.

Aileen Cannon Might Actually Get Herself Kicked Off the Trump Classified Docs Case
"Why do we think Smith might be headed to the court of appeals? In part because he has already sought reconsideration for the latest of Cannon’s unlawful orders. This is a step that is warranted only in rare circumstances, including when a judge has made a 'clear error' that led to 'manifest injustice.'"

Keeping Up With the Trump Trials: There Will Be a Criminal Trial Next Month—Just Not the One We Were Expecting
The Hush Money Case Is Going to Trial Next Month
All Trump's Trials will not be forgotten!

Mary Trump Claims ‘Probability’ Trump Will Pay Bombshell Fraud Judgment By Selling Classified Secrets To ‘Highest Bidder
If so he will be much deeper in crimnal activity. Names could be traced and people could be murndered. The blood will be on Trumps tiny hands. More treason by the traitor of our times.

Lindsey Graham designated a terrorist by Russian authorities: report
Whatever you think of Lindsey, the Russian mobsters and killers will remain eating shit until they vanish from the face of the earth first.

Tish James ready to seize Trump buildings if he can't pay $355 million fine: report
"If he does not have funds to pay off the judgment, then we will seek judgment enforcement mechanisms in court, and we will ask the judge to seize his assets," James told ABC News.
"We are prepared to make sure that the judgment is paid to New Yorkers, and yes, I look at 40 Wall Street each and every day," she said.
And if this is how big time real estate works in New York City it's time to clean house on every damned crook in town with the same treatment!

WV House Approves Bill That Could Jail Librarians
Nazi Talibastards. West Virginia has the lowest intellect slack-jawed mouth breathers in the galaxy
They want to ruin everyone's life and make it as miserable as theirs!

Samuel Alito: I Was Right To Predict That Christians Would Be Labeled Bigots For Opposing Homosexuality
Is he looking for some kind of major award? So the fucking what? That is your problem. Do something about it. Get help. They ARE fucking bigots. We all knew this before you crawled onto the court. You aren't getting your Christian reputation back if you ever had one.

Trump Campaign Spox: Nikki Haley Will “Drop Down To Kiss Ass When She Quits, Just Like She Always Does”
And who's ass will you be licking, Conehead?

Supreme Court Smacks Marge Over Challenge On Mask Fines
Three House Republicans just got some bad news. Maybe next time they should adhere to the simple rules of the House.
Shove it, Marge.

Speaker Jesus Freak Slammed For Mar-a-Lago Pilgrimage
"You’re both traitors," came back the tweets in disgust.
And stinking turds.

Conservative rips Trump defenders’ 'grotesque' comparison to Russian opposition leader
Haven't these stupid shits been embarrased enough? I guess they don't have the brains to figure that out.
No matter how hard they try to make 2+2=5 it ain't gonna happen, boys.

'Putin’s puppet': Critics blast Trump for comparing Navalny death to his own legal crisis
Zombies devoid of reasoning process. Has Trump died in prison yet? Alas, no.

Ouch! Pelosi Torches Trump Over His Remarks On Navalny's Murder
"Well, now he's gone below sea level, below ground level," she added. "And this statement should disqualify him from running for anything, much less president of the United States."
She wasn't done. She also tore into Trump for not having any values. She called him a "person without dollars," too.
Fuck Truimp.

Measles erupts in Florida school where 11% of kids are unvaccinated
The fruit of stupidity.

Biden Campaign Raised Record $42 Million In January
Easy for a great President!

Twitter Suspends Account Of Alexei Navalny’s Widow
Musk has to anser for this.

Calls For Republican Mike Turner To Resign Over Intel Leaks
GOP House Intel Chair Urged to Resign Over Russian Space Nuke Scare.
"it appears you exploited your privileged access to intelligence to scare your colleagues in an effort to undermine reform of warrantless surveillance laws—and in so doing have undermined your credibility, your committee, and national security."

'Abomination': Fox Hosts issue stunning Trump legal judgment critiques
“No one trusts elections anymore after they appended the system during a COVID virus almost as deadly as the flu as they append to the process that with mail-in balloting and trying to take Trump off the ballot. No one trusts the rule of law anymore. It doesn’t exist, as they’ve used it weaponized it against Donald Trump. The media’s debased itself lying about Donald Trump.”
What a fuckhead. Anyone that said that is a brainless fool.
The truth is "It is untrue that 'No one trusts elections anymore.' It is false that COVID is deadly than the flu. Mail-in balloting is a safe alternative to in-person voting." Only Nazis push that shit.
What a disgrace. America, it looks llike your boys died in vain in WWII.

What Happens If Trump Doesn't Pay His Judgements?
What's her name said not to worry. He'll have all the cash he needs. All from OPM. Suckers.

Don't Miss This Powerful Video Pushing For Assault Rifle Ban
"Needless to say that you don't want to vote for the Republican who has an A+ rating with the NRA (Nuts, Rednecks and Assholes) or the creep who actually does commercials showing how "tough they are" by shooting an AR-15 at a picture of Nancy Pelosi, or say, anyone who needs to hold a gun so bad that they give their boyfriend a hand job in a theater where children are present.."

Kanye West Declares “I’m The New Jesus, Bitch”
This explains the current assemblng of a large cross.

Hate Group Uses Alabama “Frozen Embryos” Ruling To Try And Block Florida’s Abortion Rights Ballot Measure
They and the SCO Bammy can take gas.

‘This Woman Should Be Ashamed of Herself’: Stephen A. Smith Slams Writer for Column Implying Fani Willis Was a DEI Hire
Smith especially took issue with Davis describing Willis as “sour,” “angry,” and “stupid.” Those characterizations have historically been used to stereotype Black women.
Obviously, she's a Trump homer.

Biden: House Republicans 'walking away from the threat of Russia'
You're being too kind to them, Joe. This is what Nazi traitors do.

'We are not liable': Fine print says Trump gold sneakers won't ship for months
Trump is selling vaporware.

'We’re getting slaughtered': Ann Coulter rips religious 'zealots' for sinking GOP
You let the vampires in.

Eviction Filings in Major Texas Cities Soar Above Pre-Pandemic Levels
"As more renters struggle to afford housing, Texas landlords are filing more evictions than they did before the COVID-19 pandemic — and tenants have few, if any, protections to keep them housed. Landlords filed more than 177,000 eviction cases in the Houston, Dallas, Austin and Fort Worth areas in 2023, according to records tracked by Eviction Lab, a research center based at Princeton University..."
Time to change the fascist government in Austin.

Russia is plotting new ways to manipulate 'stupid' Trump: former lawyer
Trump is such a trashy disgrace to us.

John Oliver Offers Justice Clarence Thomas $1M A Year To Resign
"Come on, Clarence. You hate your job, and we hate how you do it. Make America happy!"

Israel must end its occupation of Palestine to stop fuelling apartheid and systematic human rights violations
Stop it.

Lawmakers slam Mike Johnson for honoring 'radical Christian' who 'helped fuel' J6
"But Biden, Pelosi and Obama, unlike the Religious Right, don't use religion as a litmus test. The problem that many Democrats, including veteran strategist James Carville, have with House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-Louisiana) isn't the fact that he's religious — it's that he embraces a radical strain of evangelical white Christian nationalism they find troubling."
The number of denominations illustrate even religion can't agree on itself.

Trump finally breaks silence on Navalny — and makes it all about himself
"The Pussy Grabber" can go to hell.

"We are worse than a third world country": Trump claims his "persecution" will lead to demise of US
At a campaign rally in Michigan, Trump sharply criticized a judge's order for him to pay a $355 million penalty
What's he plan to do? Take us all down with him? When's your next trial, fuckstick? Pay up, chiseler!

No Labels Chair: We’re Still Looking For A Candidate
We have one for you. He's a Democrat.

GOP Rep Lies That “Illegal Alien” Is KC Mass Shooter
One of Trump's chickenshit lying weasels.

Liz Cheney: 'Moses' Mike Johnson Taking 'Path Of Cowardice' With Trump
Former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) on Sunday blasted House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) for following Donald Trump's "path of cowardice" on Russia.

Fox News Reporter: Busted Impeachment Witness Is 'Huge Problem' For GOP
Fox News host Howard Kurtz suggested his network had not provided enough coverage after an impeachment witness, former FBI informant Alexander Smirnov, was found to be lying about President Joe Biden.

The difference between leaders and thugs
"Days before Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny died in prison, Tucker Carlson gushed over Vladimir Putin, saying, “Leadership requires killing people.”
"Well, I’m sorry, Tucker. You’re wrong."

Expert flags part of Engoron's Trump ruling that could make it 'appellate proof'
Oh, dear. Trump is in real trouble. Too bad, too bad.

'Wrong answer': MSNBC's Michael Steele schools Lara Trump over her plans for RNC cash
He should know.

MAGA freaks out after Fox News reports Obama in top 10 presidents — and Trump in dead last
"Trump in dead" is what I am waiting for. LMAO!

GOP Rep: Trump Ruling Is “Threat To All Businesses”
It's a threat to you and all other grifters. American law is something that is like sunshine to vampires.

St. Patrick’s Cathedral Urged To Hold Exorcism After “Scandalous” Funeral For Trans Activist Cecilia Gentili
This is a silly pack of conceited dumbasses.

Wealthy Florida Scientologist Couple Raises $300,000 With GoFundMe Drive To Pay Trump’s $355M Penalty
The Space Cadet grifters will have to do a lot better than that. And "Go Fund Me" will soon be out of business.

FBI Collars Man Who Smashed Pelosi’s Office Sign
No surprise here. That nutfuck made his own bed. David Medina, 34, of Sherwood, Oregon. Fuck him long and hard.

GOP Rep. Promises 'President Johnson' Will Save Ukraine
Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH) mistakenly called House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) "president" during an interview about the importance of defending Ukraine.
That numbskull can't even save himself. And Mike Turner is a dickwad fuckstick for suggesting it.

Trump was never a successful businessman — he was always a con artist
Mobster con is what he means. Just the same as his followers.

Top Arizona election official forced to resign as threats get 'worse and worse': report
This is the toilet that Trump has put us in. Jackwagon cowards making threats they haven't the guts to carry out. They know the only way they can win is to cheat.
Fuck Trump and fuck his cowardly minions.

Fox News host suggests Trump is like dead Russian activist Alexei Navalny
This is a very dumb suggestion. I think this person better go study comparisons again and get her facts in order. Rachel Campos-Duffy is very confused. Her opinion is pure, grade-A fascist bullshit. Her words reek of support fro treason.

Cultists Call For Trucker Boycott Of New York City
Cultists, sure. But Nazi Numbskulls for certain.
You fuck around and find out, Ray. And you're right. You are a motherfucker. Your Union may have something to tell you about it.

Nazis March Through Downtown Nashville
Deport these Nazi bastards.
"Not welcome? They’re more welcome than BLM protesters. The police never have any problems with Nazis marching around." — kaydenpat (comments)
It's a disgrace that America allows Nazis of any kind to walk the streets masked and carrying swastika flags.
Read WWII history! Remember what the shitbags did to Europe!

Trump 'booed off the stage' while promoting his golden sneakers: reports
The end of a criminal's career is never pretty.
One example of many comments: Baldy Banks wrote,"Orange Jesus was booed off stage in Philly this afternoon. This might’ve been the shortest appearance ever for him."

Republicans vote to end early voting. Democrats cheer (at least, they should)
Opinion: A Republican panel votes to strip Arizonans of our right to vote early. It's almost as if they're begging the Democrats to win control of the Legislature this fall.
Fascism is, was and always will be dumb, stupid and conceited numbskullery.

Alina Habba: They’re Not Going To Get Away With This
Here's her first clue: "They already did already." — The Department of Redundancy Department.

KS Bill Ends Reporting Contagious Disease Outbreaks
Perhaps he'll be the one to take sick and die a horribly painful death from stupidity?
This idiot is most certainly confused as his sign indicates.
"So tracking infectious diseases is socialism, but tracking those who have abortions for any reason is perfectly fine?
I’m seeing a pattern. And what they pattern is, is red states are already abandoning democracy in real time.

Trump Shows At Philly Sneaker Convention To Launch $399 Metallic Gold “Never Surrender” Trump Sneakers
Constantly selling junk to the suckers like the medicine shows of old. What a con artist!

John Fetterman Doesn't Hold Back On 'Peckerhead' Rand Paul
Sounds about right!
"With the tragedy of Putin's murder of Alexei Navalny, it's LONG PAST TIME to have less patience for traitors among us. For the Tucker Carlsons, Mike Johnsons & Donald Trumps--the over half of the Republican Senate Caucus who voted against aiding Ukraine in its existential fight for survival."

'Impossible to see how he survives': Ex-prosecutor says Trump’s legal woes have just begun
A vote for Trump is a vote for a criminal traitor.

Journalist: GOP’s 'cowardly' approach to Trump means 'many Republicans will be wiped out'
"Will the Republican leadership now begin to talk truth to Trump the way three Republican leaders in Congress did when they went to tell Richard Nixon 'it's over,' and he resigned the next day from the presidency?" Johnston said. "If Donald Trump continues to hold this sway and these people continue to cower in front of him — and that's what's going on here, this is cowardly behavior — then the Republican Party is going to suffer terribly at the polls next year."

Fake Elector Throws Trump Supporters Under The Bus
Is he looking to make himself less guilty than he already is? It will fail.

Anti-Abortion Group Tracking Planned Parenthood Visits Via Phones
MAGAt swine would do that alright.

Bill Nye Issues Warning for the World
"A damning new climate report is warning about Greenland's massive ice sheet melting — and the world's premiere science guy is sounding the alarm."
"If that melting continues unabated, the territory will keep getting greener — yes, like its name — as its permafrost melts and releases climate-destroying greenhouse gases like methane and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere."

Oppenheimer's Grandson Signs Letter Saying AI Threatens “Life on Earth”
"J. Robert Oppenheimer's grandson is among the star-studded signatories of a new open letter about the dangers artificial intelligence poses to the planet."

A New Study on Medication Abortion Refutes the Arguments Conservatives Are Taking to the Supreme Court
"A key argument from anti-abortion activists bringing a case to the Supreme Court is that medication abortion—which accounts for more than half of all abortions nationwide, according to the Guttmacher Institute—is unsafe and ineffective.
A new study provides even more evidence that this is not true and that medication abortion is just as safe when it’s prescribed virtually as in person. Published Thursday in the journal Nature Medicine, the study examined more than 6,000 medication abortions that people from 20 states and Washington, D.C. obtained from three virtual clinics between April 2021 and January 2022. Researchers found that about 98 percent of them were effective in terminating pregnancies without any additional interventions and that 99.8 percent were safe and “not followed by serious adverse events.”

Trump Pulls New 16-Week Abortion Standard Out of Thin Air
No. He pulled it directly out of his ass.

Trump’s brand is now 'synonymous with fraud and failure' after $450M judgment: columnist
And you want this POS to represent your country? Talk about dumbassery.

Letitia James handcuffed Trump's ability to bail himself out after fraud fine: expert
"Now that Donald Trump has been saddled by Judge Arthur Engoron with a massive financial fraud penalty that could cost him upwards of $450 million, MSNBC legal analyst Lisa Rubin pointed out that the former president has limited options on where to turn for money.
Not a problem. He'll use your money and you'll give it to him." LOL!

Trump Reportedly Favors Nationwide Abortion Ban, Despite Previous Claims
Fuck the traitor.

Oklahoma GOP Advances Bills That Would Ban Emergency Contraception
The just OK state becomes totally retarded which makes it un-OK.

Judge Engoron Scorches Trump's Ass In Fraud Ruling And He Can't Even Afford Bactine Now
"Donald Trump got his ass kicked in every borough of New York City in both the 2016 and 2020 elections. Except Staten Island, of course. Conventional wisdom holds that New Yorkers at that point had had nearly half a century to learn that the man was a giant elephant turd of a human being and sent the world a message that if we were smart, we’d have blown all the bridges leading off of the island of Manhattan to keep Trump contained like he was the monster in Cloverfield."

Eric Trump Rants: “My Father Built The Skyline Of NYC”
The only peope that will believe that never attended a U.S. History class.

FTC seeks to ban impersonation fraud as AI enables deepfakes
Trump should love it.

'Art of the Deal' author: Trump has 'been a fraud all his life' but now it’s 'official'
"Right now he's being asked to pay an amount of money he does not have."
Then it's bankruptcy and all his properties must be auctioned off.

Zelensky has a message for Republicans who went on vacation without approving Ukraine aid
"Please remember everyone that dictators do not go on vacation," Zelensky said, according to a tweet from New York Times reporter Peter Baker.

Haley pounces on Trump: 'Hasn’t said a word' about Putin after death of Russian activist

Drug Prices Should Be Controlled
Pharmaceutical companies shouldn’t get to gouge American taxpayers for drugs we paid to develop.
It's a crime.

Woman after woman 'breaking down this myth that Trump's invincible in court': expert
Slowly melting into the past. A very good thing for our country.

Trump: “Despicable People” Are Making Me Appear Fat
Exactly who are you talking about, Fatso?

New York Judge Engoran: Trump’s “Complete Lack Of Contrition And Remorse Borders On The Pathological”
I say it is pathological.
“Yet, defendants are incapable of admitting the error of their ways. Instead, they adopt a ‘See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil’ posture that the evidence belies.” – Judge Arthur Engoron, in today’s 92-page ruling.
Two convictions down. How many more do you "Crime Conviction then not eligible" clowns need before you say he's gone?

New York AG Letitia James Spikes The Ball
Spike it down his troat and shut him up!
“We proved just how much Donald Trump, his family and his company unjustly benefited from his fraud,” she added. “Today, the court once again ruled in our favor and in favor of every hard-working American who plays by the rules,” she said.

Hannity On Busted FBI Informant: I Guess I Was Stupid
Doh! So refreshing to hear him admit it.

Tucker Goes Grocery Shopping In Russia
Russia is better off than the U.S. because you can get $400 worth of groceries for around 100 bucks Tucker Carlson gushed.
I hope his skill at interviewing is better than his economic skills. What a fuckwit!

Oops! Ethics Committee Has Matt Gaetz's Sex-Text Messages
This woman told prosecutors in 2021 that she had sex with Gaetz at a drug-fueled party that she was paid to attend, according to the woman’s attorney.
Too bad it's too bad.

'But he’s qualified to be president?' Trump fraud ruling’s revelations stun experts
"Legal experts are stunned by many of the revelations in Friday’s 92-page New York civil fraud trial ruling fining Donald Trump and his executives $364 million, and barring him from running a business in New York for three years.
Some are pointing to portions of the actual ruling, while others are expressing shock at the magnitude of the judgment and its implications for not only the former president and his real estate empire but for the future of the nation."
Hey, you geniuses — if the can't run a buisness in New York he can't run the office of the U.S. Presidency. End of story. He's done. No votes will count for him now. He's just too damned stupid!

Matt Gaetz text messages, photos handed to House by woman in sex traffic investigation
"Members of the House Ethics Committee investigating Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) over accusations of having sex with underage women, drug parties, and public corruption are in possession of Gaetz texts and photos from a woman who was part of a sex trafficking investigation."

Judge Cannon denies Trump's delay demand in classified document case
Snapping to reality, eh?

Russian activist and Putin critic Alexei Navalny dies in prison
"The Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny has died in jail, the country’s prison service has said, in what is likely to be seen as a political assassination attributable to Vladimir Putin."
Another Pootin murder.

Raskin Demands End To Biden Impeachment Probe: “Key Evidence At Heart Of Inquiry Is Based On A Lie”
That's what they do best: LIE!

Cohen: Trump Will Be Found Guilty In Hush Money Case
And how.

Fani Willis in testy exchange: I’m not the one 'on trial for trying to steal an election'
"You’re confused. You think I’m on trial. These people are on trial for trying to steal an election in 2020. I'm not on trial, no matter how hard you try to put me on trial," Willis said.
Kick ass, Fani.

Unless Willis’ hearing is 'an episode of Divorce Court' — she won’t be disqualified: ex-federal prosecutor
Wu adds according to Georgia law, "lawyers who are married to each other cannot be disqualified, even if they are on opposing sides of a case." He notes, "Willis and Wade are on the same side of the case, so the possibility of conflict is even less than if they were adversaries in the case."

Critical readers are increasingly furious about the way political journalists are doing their jobs
"Writing for magazines, in opinion columns, and especially in newsletters, these media critics are particularly upset at how political reporters continue to use the same both-sides constructions that served them in the distant past — effectively normalizing the anti-democratic extremism of Donald Trump and the modern Republican Party. They express concern that the mainstream media is underestimating and underreporting the threat to democracy."

Republican bill would see 10 Commandments taught in U.S. history classes in Utah
Which set? Xianist Nazis can kiss my ass. The world's biggest con gang.

Fani Willis stood up against 'proctological exam' in ethics hearing: expert
Her asshat opponents didn't look good.
She kicked ass and did it again and again.

Tennessee GOP Bill Would Outlaw Sales Of Cold Beer
What I love about idiots is that they are so fucking unconscious of the world in which they live. They are so damn sure they've got it nailed as they slit their own juglar. LOL!
"What the Christian nationalists really want is a return to the 1850's
Think of what a paradise it was, when women couldn't vote, run for political office, hold most jobs, slavery was legal, child marriage was common, and public lynchings were celebrated occasions /s"
"Nobody in Tennessee ever met an English or Irish beer drinker?"

Florida Moms For Liberty School Board Member: Ban LGBTQ Books Because Jesus Says They Are “Perverted”
I know Jesus better than this one. He told me buring books is what Satan used to do on cold nights in the wilderness. And raping kids again.

Right Wingers Trash Carlson’s Praise Of Moscow Store
The boy fucked around and found out. Dominion must be smiling.

Dozens Of Democrats Send Johnson Scathing Letter For Inviting Pro-Insurrection Hate Pastor To Give Invocation
The devious little fart. He has shit and will fall back in it.

Ex-FBI Informant Charged With Lying About Bidens
"JUST IN: Special counsel charges FBI confidential source for allegedly providing false, derogatory info on Pres. Biden and Hunter Biden."
The lying scumbag.
What will the losing MAGAts say? FYI: That was the guy that Comer was relying on in his "case" against Biden!

Shapiro: Endless Chaos Will Cost GOP House Majority
More than that.

Greek Parliament Votes To Legalize Same-Sex Marriage
Thanks folks!

DeSantis Complains Cultists Have “Hijacked” Book Bans
Governor Ron DeSantis on Thursday came out in support of a proposal to limit book bans in schools—the direct result of his own stupid policies.
He one of biggest "Cultist" in government in the U.S.

Fox News Analyst Brit Hume Warns 'Do-Nothing' GOP Congress
He says Republicans are losing their advantage over Democrats by refusing to pass the border bill and Ukraine aid.
They have lost their shit. They've never had an advantage.

House Republicans flee DC for early vacation amid national security 'crisis'
The usual "Run Away!" tactic when the going gets tough. Why do we want spineless cowards to have anything to do with our government?

18 Percent Of Americans THAT Stupid
"We have reached the point in our national mental deterioration where pollsters are asking people if they believe Taylor Swift is a Deep State plant to rig the election for Joe Biden. Good pollsters too, not like Rasmussen or Trump’s favorite poll unskewer lunatic John McLaughlin. It’s Monmouth, so we can at least hope the pollsters asking the questions did so with a dry sense of humor, personally judging anybody who answered like a DSM-V patient.
According to their results, 18 percent of Americans do indeed believe Taylor Swift is a PsyOp. That’s right, one out of five. You can guess where these people are concentrated, or you may already know if you live near too many white conservatives."
The stupidity does not come by accident. Our schools are not preparing our youth for the future of the planet.

‘Jesus Christ!’ Reporter on Hot Mic Stunned By Trump Courthouse Rant About Hush Money Trial
Big Fat Criminal rages as a madman usually does when he gets caught commiting his Big Fat crimes.

Canada Warns Of Anti-LGBTQ “Extremist Violence"
Terrorists must be met with like violence from Federal troops with any weapon needed to do the job.

Judge rules Trump's first criminal trial will start March 25
"The decision sets the stage for a case centered on years-old accusations that Trump sought to bury stories about extramarital affairs that arose during his 2016 presidential campaign. It will be the first of the four criminal prosecutions against Trump to proceed to trial.
Other cases charge him with plotting to overturn the results of the 2020 election and illegally hoarding classified documents at his Florida estate."

New Report Makes the Case for Legal Action Over the Fraud of Plastic Recycling
Stop using plastic containers for your and our own good.

Fix the Insurrection Act Before Trump Uses it to Create a Police State
During the January 6th attack, militia members were glued to Trump’s Twitter feed, anxiously awaiting Trump’s proclamation of the Insurrection Act and instant deputization of them.

Vladimir Putin Delivers Damning Assessment Of Tucker Carlson Days After Interview
"Tucker Carlson’s interview last week with Russian President Vladimir Putin was so soft that even Putin thought it was a letdown."
Serves the asshat right.

'Gun-loving' GOP governor reportedly seen 'running scared for his life' from mass shooting
"Someone who says they ran away from the mass shooting at the Chiefs parade on Wednesday says they saw someone else running: a GOP governor who frequently touts his support for firearms."
Buck Fever strikes again.

New GOP conspiracy theory: Babies are getting abortions!
State senator Bill Eigel claims a "1-year-old could get an abortion" if Missouri allows a rape exception to its ban
This is how stupid this Nazi idiot is. If he had any education on how sex works he would know better. This is the most obscene idea a moron ever had.

Stolen Election Group To GA Judge: We’ve Got Nothing
Just a bag of bullshitters like their traitor idol. Nothing is what they all are.
"The group that Dinesh D’Souza replied upon for his 2000 Mules movie that Trump hyped was ordered by a judge to produce their evidence under oath in a court of law. They had nothing."

Notorious NYC Anti-Vaxxer Charged In Capitol Riot
Disease spreading ends now for disgusting, traitor idiot.

Watch: Louisiana GOP senator's attempt to smear Chicago massively backfires
A mind and an "education" is a terrible thing to waste.

Election truthers admit in court they don't have evidence for Georgia voter fraud: report
Then why don't you leave the rest of us alone, goddammit! Put your lying traitor idol in jail!

Which twin is the waxen idol? AI is so lame. 7 fingers and still counting.

Report: 210 Jan. 6 Defendants Say They Answered Trump’s “Call” to Attack Capitol
"A new report from Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) provides further evidence for critics of former President Donald Trump who say the former president should be constitutionally disqualified from being able to run for office again."
If only SCOTUS was America's friend.

Report: Threats to Federal Judges Have More Than Doubled Since 2020
Rapidly being overrun by Trump Nazis.

ESPN’s Adam Schefter Reacts to ‘Sickening’ Chiefs Parade Shooting: ‘This Is Our Country Today’
Dude, this is what Donald Trump is telling us to get over!

JUST IN: At Least One Dead and Many Injured After Shooting Near Chiefs Super Bowl Parade
"Several people were reported wounded following a shooting at the Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl parade celebration on Wednesday. “Fire official says 8 to 10 people injured” due to the shooting, reported the Associated Press in the immediate aftermath.
One person has reportedly died and at least nine other individuals have been injured. The Kansas City police department detained 3 suspects in relation to the shooting, according to Fox’s Marcus Officer."
I'm sure they were pissed off at the KC close first down in OT that wasn't reviewed. I mean WTF? America you once had healthy brains."

GOP Senate Candidate: Jews Killed JFK And Lincoln
Didn't Hitler commit suicide?

Johnson Lies That Report Found Biden “Broke The Law”
Not a surprise from a guy that compiles masterbation stats.
Why do they put a child in a man's job?

POLL: 18% Of US Adults Believe In “Taylor Swift Psyop
Not as shocking as some of the brain vomit stated here!

Ohio Video Shows Two Men Pissing On Home’s Pride Flag, Banging On Door, Shouting Homophobic Slurs
The only shocking thing here is they didn't take a few rounds. Pop-pop-pop — no more piss boys.

ABC: Ethics Panel Has Texts From Gaetz To Sex Worker
This jackwagon is not looking well..

'We’ve already won': Trump blows up at judge days ahead of expected fraud ruling
The insane babbling of a very sick human. Sad that he is being used by many and feared by few for no reason whatsoever.

FL may copy a TX law bringing chaplains to public schools — despite First Amendment concerns
The Land of the Senile. Very sad.

George Will rips 'ignoble' Republicans for willingness to 'hand Putin a victory'
"If Putin swallows Ukraine," Will warns, "he will have a combat-seasoned military and a revived military industrial base to serve his undiminished revanchism…. Ukraine's survival, as well as perhaps the prevention of wars in the Baltic states and the Taiwan Strait, depends on Johnson's desire and ability — neither might exist — to prevent House Republicans from compelling Ukraine's capitulation."

Poor Coward House Speaker Mike Johnson Just Ain't Know What To Do About This Here Ukraine Aid!
"Is weak and cowardly Trump-serving House Speaker Mike Johnson going to get this Ukraine aid through the House? Or is he going to side with Donald Trump MAGA extremists in his caucus, the people who literally support Vladimir Putin’s genocide on innocent people, who truly in their hearts want Putin to win, to destroy Ukraine and put our European allies in grave danger?"
"MAIN IDEA: If people want to get this shit done bad enough, they can.'
They just have to give enough fucks about not selling American, European and Ukrainian security as playthings for Vladimir Putin’s delusional murder fantasies.
Do they?"

Mayorkas Impeached, Reason TBD At Later Date, Or Never, Whatever
"Might as well use a picture of this idiot, since she’s the human ass pimple the Republicans are all inexplicably scared of.
They did it. Mike Johnson counted on his fingersies and his toesies and his Covenant Privates until he got to 214 and they impeached the motherfucker Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. For what? They cannot explain using words. He just is bad at border. Didn’t they just have an opportunity to do something about border?"

Michigan’s Historic “Right-to-Work” Repeal Goes Into Effect
Michigan is the first state in nearly 60 years to repeal the anti-union law.
"Oh, you can't scare me, I'm sticking to the union,
I'm sticking to the union 'til the day I die." — Union Maid by Woody Guthrie

Insurrectionist Trump vs. the 14th Amendment
"From the day Donald Trump took office, he had no intention to “preserve, protect, and defend,” no less “support” the Constitution. Instead, he essentially ran roughshod over much of that document. And the issue was never simply his ignorance of the Constitution (though that should be taken for granted), but his outright hostility to it. That he has not yet been held accountable for that should be considered a disgrace in this era and will undoubtedly be seen as such by generations to come. Today, as in the years after its passage to defend the rights of the newly freed, the enforcement of the 14th Amendment remains as much a political question as a legal one.

How The Richest Democracy in the World Abandons Americans
America is now the most unequal society in the developed world. Our billionaires are the richest, and our poor people are the poorest of any functioning democracy on Earth.

Hobby Lobby-Funded Jesus Super Bowl Ads Can’t Hide the Hate That Fuels the Christian Right
"Evangelicals claim to believe in the "truth and the light," and yet here they are, using duplicitous techniques borrowed from the world of con artists. But this is sadly not surprising, in an era where white evangelicals have convinced themselves they're at war with the larger culture. The framework of "holy war" creates permission to violate all sorts of moral codes. Over 60% of white evangelicals back Trump's Big Lie about the 2020 election, and nearly one-third say they believe political violence is justified to get their way. (Odds are that the real number is much higher, but there's a reluctance to admit as much to a pollster.) White evangelicals feel entitled to use lies and violence in order to gain political power. So of course they are fine with using deception to trick more people into becoming warriors for MAGA Christ."

'Threat environment is very high': Feds warn election officials of 'alarming' 2024
The MAGAt threat should be met with high resistance.

Russia gearing up for decade-long duel with West, Estonia warns
Intelligence service notes significant rise in Russian military production.
Putin is preparing to launch an attack on Europe. This will be the war to end war. Perhaps end the world.

Trump: Send Me $47 To Celebrate Valentine’s Day
Shameless and lowdown beg.

‘He IS Unhinged! Nikki Haley Tells TODAY That ‘Diminished’ Trump Is Suffering His Own Cognitive Decline
When Melvin asked for her reaction, the former South Carolina governor said, “You know, to mock my husband. Michael and I can handle that. But you mock one member of the military. You mock all members of the military.”
“But the reality is, he’s talked about the military for years now in disparaging ways,” the TODAY show anchor noted. “Suckers, losers, John McCain, gold star families. What’s different now? What’s different this time?”
Sounds like he doesn't card for our troops, kids.

Ohio indictments provide a better picture of squalid relationships that spurred massive scandal
It used to be somewhat of a decent place to live and grow up in.

ICE may be forced to release thousands of immigrants after Republicans kill border bill
Why don't you just take the honorable way out, MAGAts?

First look: Film dives into threats of Christian nationalism
New Rob Reiner Doc Examines Christian Nationalism
"The film, produced by Rob Reiner, follows the rise of white Christian nationalism, from its role in fighting racial desegregation in the 1950s to its influence on the Jan. 6 insurrection in 2021. The film includes footage of rallies where attendees wave Christian nationalist and Confederate flags, and sound bites of Christian leaders denouncing diversity programs and immigrants."

Tuberville Claims US “Forced” Russia To Attack Ukraine
Stick to what you know, little boy. Which turns out to be nothing.

Dems Win Special Elections Last Night In New York, Pennsylvania
Perpetual loser Trump of course jumped in to reassure everyone it was not his fault...
"Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, ad infinitum."

'You're A Joke': The Internet Smacks Marge Over Mayorkas Impeachment
She's so proud of herself.
The world laughs at you and farts in your general direction.
If you get hit with a bag of shit don't forget to close your eyes.

GOP super PAC hires snow plows in NY-3 — but only in 'key Republican precinct areas'
These scum eaters will do ANYTHING for power. It will bounce back upon them.

Tennessee Approves Bill Allowing Anybody To Refuse Officiating At Same-Sex Weddings Because Of Jesus
Fuck these backward mean-ass zealots.

Judge Throws Out Suit Against Medicare Drug Negotiation
"Big PhRMA is so desperate to stop the Biden administration from lowering drug costs for seniors that they’re clogging the judicial system with spam lawsuits even in courtrooms where they have no jurisdiction."

'Couldn’t care less about moral obligations': 3-star general slams Trump as a 'mafia type'
And you know how the "mafia types" end up.

Fox News Panel Really Mad At Taylor Swift For Drinking A Beer
Please confirm that "container" was filled with beer and she downed it. Prove it.
And also too, the girl on the left is not wearing an upside down cross, you hateful, envious, insufferable fuckwits.
Who gives a flying fuck except pricks with no lives?

Supreme Court All But Ignores January 6 During Trump Disqualification Argument
They work for traitor Trump, not America.

Insurrection and the Hypocrisy of Originalism
"If judicial decorum had permitted, Murray might have taken the next logical step and called out the justices for the hypocrites they undoubtedly are."

'He doesn't understand the treaty': Ex-Trump official reveals his total ignorance of NATO
Tell me what the fuck he does understand besides his own ego? And it's demented!

Trump is 'slapping his supporters in the face' with attacks on military service: ex-aide
Looks like they are too stupid to recognize it.

'Trove' of newly obtained docs detail Trump lawyers’ scheme to keep him in power: report
"We've known about the outcome of their work for three years now: how it led to the violence of January 6, and fed the dream of Trump's supporters that he might continue to serve after January 20, 2021. But TPM can now reveal the ways in which their theorizing, in early stages, went even further than previously known, imagining a January 6 that lasted for not hours but days, an intervention by Supreme Court justices that they presumed to be loyal to President Trump, and a vice president who upended his constitutional duties, allowing the U.S. to descend into chaos."

GOP's star witness in Biden impeachment probe linked to Russian oligarch: report
High-profile investor Tony Bobulinski has links to Russian billionaire Viktor Vekselberg, a Ukrainian-born energy magnate who’s been a longtime close ally of Vladimir Putin’s, according to the report.
MAGEts and Putin crooks are butt buddies.

Sen. John Cornyn Brutally Shreds Texas AG Ken Paxton for Criticizing Foreign Aid Bill: ‘Your Criminal Defense Lawyers Are Calling’
All the way from Gitmo.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Rips ‘Nasty Commies From California’ In Wild Review of Curb Your Enthusiasm
ROTFLMAO!! Marge is one sick Nazi fuck. I'm sure Larry appreciates your publicity.

US Marshals: 457 “Serious Threats” To Judges In 2023
So you still think we live in a "peaceable country"?
Thank Stupid Lumpy and his team of traitors for that.

Trump's threat to abandon NATO allies is worse than it seems
We already know it could be death to the EU. What gets worse than the traitor Trump fucking around with it?

Michigan Republican Goes Directly To The 'Find Out' Stage
On Monday, Schriver woke up and found himself in the middle of Find Out City...

Trump Endorses His Daughter-in-Law To Co-Chair The RNC<br> Shameless nepotism. He's gotta have a family member to cover for him. The traitor.

Jon Stewart is back — and he's got the videos of Trump's memory problems in interviews
"The segment goes on to show Trump's bizarre comments about magnets being destroyed in water. Trump also warned that whales are being killed by windmills."
What a great intellect.

Axios: GOP To Hold Hearings On Biden’s Mental State
LMAO! These mental idiots have to make their little circus and show us who's brain-dead. No need, it's them.

Newsmax Host Rages About “Satanic Super Bowl”
You mean she gave you the finger, asshole?

Hobby Lobby-funded Jesus Super Bowl ads can't hide the hate that fuels the Christian right
The "He Gets Us" ads are an expensive bait-and-switch trying to trick people into believing in MAGA Jesus

Lindsey Graham Yells At Tweet From Poland’s PM
Lindsey is one of the biggest cowards America has ever produced.
Your mother knows.

Dark Brandon Dominates The Internet After Chiefs Win
"Just like we drew it up."

‘It Literally Is Insane’: Christiane Amanpour Stunned By Trump’s NATO Comments
It most certainly is insane. It seems some people don't know what insanity is any longer.

Violent crime is dropping fast in the U.S. — even if Americans don't believe it
"In 2020, the United States experienced one of its most dangerous years in decades. But in 2023, crime in America looked very different. That change may have gone unnoticed."
Trump's Nazis will remedy that.

RFK Jr. apologizes to family for Super Bowl ad
"Bobby Shriver, the son of the former president's sister Eunice Kennedy Shriver, said his mother would be 'appalled' by Robert Kennedy Jr.’s health care views."
“My cousin’s Super Bowl ad used our uncle’s faces- and my Mother’s. She would be appalled by his deadly health care views,” Shriver said in a post on X of Kennedy’s stance as a longtime vaccine skeptic. “Respect for science, vaccines, & health care equity were in her DNA. She strongly supported my health care work at @ONECampaign & @RED which he opposes.”

Inside the Special Counsel's smear of Joe Biden
"... Hur clearly violated Justice Department protocols and has earned investigations of his own misconduct by the department's Office of Professional Responsibility and inspector general."
A special counsel failure.

Trump allies training MAGA 'shock troops' to take over government: report
"The Association of Republican Presidential Appointees will host a two-day "boot camp" on Feb. 19 and 20 to prepare potential government appointees insight into the "operating context" of these roles and tactics they could use to help Trump "gain control over the levers of power."
Hitler's great-grandson thinks he's some kind of military commander. Deluded as a bitch.
Dickwad, it takes a couple of months of hard training just to be called a trooper.

'At least 10 minutes of incoherent rambling' in every Trump speech: CNN's Phil Mattingly
The old fart has just played out.

Busted: PA activist the source of false election claims gaining traction across the U.S.
Pretty simple to figure. 4,216,030 were cast on election day in PA in 2020. She's full of shit, as they usually are.

Rick Wilson blisters GOP for silence on Trump as he slips 'deeper into mental illness'
It's actually possible he could go deeper into insanity?

The media making Donald Trump's threats personal
MSNBC's Lawerence O'Donnell is one of the few members of the mainstream media treating Trump's escalation seriously
Some so-called Americans aren't.

Judge Cannon facing threat the 11th Circuit will 'politely recuse her': Ex-DOJ official
"Appearing on MSNBC early Sunday morning, former Assistant United States Attorney Andrew Weissmann claimed U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida Judge Aileen Cannon is in danger of having the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals ask her to recuse herself from overseeing Donald Trump's obstruction of justice trial."

Haley Misstates 9/11 Attack Date After Calling For Cognitive Tests
Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley seemed to forget the date of the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, moments after calling for mental fitness tests for presidential candidates.
Thanks for pointing this out to us, Nikket.

Texas State GOP Resolves To Affiliate With Fewer Nazis
How about NONE, you idiots.

'Sick individual': Conservatives bury Trump for attacks on deployed service member
"Trump asked where Haley's husband is, but it turns out that where he is, is deployed fighting for his country. And the internet was quick to point that out."
Trump has no respect for American military. He's in this only for himself.For that alone he must be banished from our country.

Trump's latest 'breathtaking' rally comment has experts sounding the alarm
Trump spoke at a rally in South Carolina on Saturday, telling attendees that he wouldn't defend NATO allies from Russia. Specifically, he said, "One of the presidents of a big country stood up and said, 'Well, sir, if we don't pay and we're attacked by Russia, will you protect us?' I said, 'You didn't pay? You're delinquent?... No I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want.'" He ended by saying you, "gotta pay your bills!"
This man must be destroyed.

Haley Blasts Trump’s Attack On Her “Missing” Husband
“But if you mock the service of a combat veteran, you don’t deserve a driver’s license, let alone being President of the United States.” – Nikki Haley
Sure, but he's too arrogant to understand. He'll never learn.

WH Condemns Trump “Encouraging” Attack On NATO
The traitor Trump keeps his sedition level on high alert.

Ramaswamy: Michelle Obama Will Replace Biden
And UFOs will reveal that he is an alien outcast.

Missouri GOP Votes To Ban Abortion In Cases Of Rape And Incest
Missouri GOP votes to make rape victims carry pregnancies to term: 'Bad things happen'.
The "Show Me" state will soon be shown exactly what they are.

What Is This Man Trying To Say?
"Since Biden's mental acuity has been brought up, it's important to note that at Trump's campaign event last night, he suggested once again that he is beating his predecessor, Barack Obama, in the polls and even claimed he won an election against the popular President. Trump has done this several times and even mentioned Obama three times in the short clip above."
Stop trying to tell me he's doing this as a joke. The man is demented.
And the "media" says not a thing.

4-term House Republican announces retirement, joining growing GOP congressional exodus
The MAGAt Party is losing blood fast. Seems to be they are fed up with their "Nothing Agenda."

Take That, MAGA: CBO Reports Immigrants Boost GDP By Billions
"So immigrants helped grow our economy? Sure doesn't fit the narrative that Republicans are selling," said Rep. Delia Ramirez.
Fuck MAGA dogs.

Elections remain 'dangerously unprotected' against pro-Trump state legislatures: scholars
All these miscreants are doing is leading us to dystopia. I'm sure we will all be dissaponted once we get there and won't have a clue how it happened.
As Lincoln stated, "A house divided against itself cannot stand."

Red-Caped Loons Vs “Blasphemous” Taylor Swift Swag
"For those unaware, the red-caped Catholic loons are a far-right “traditionalist” outfit calling themselves the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property."
An SPLC-certified anti-LGBTQ hate group, the loons regularly issue money begs to send teenage boys to “Chivalry Camp” where they cosplay in chain mail and reenact attacks on “Muslim hordes” during the Crusades.
I guess you motherfuckers want to put her in the Magdalene Laundries. Look it up.

Boris Johnson: Tucker Carlson’s Vladimir Putin Interview Was “A Display Of Bum-Sucking Servility To A Tyrant”
That's bum-sucking, Nazis. And he called the bitch a traitor. Take it, bastards.

Hawley To Garland: “Invoke The 25th” Against Biden
There are two tiers of justice. One for honest law practice and one for traitor scumbags that protects them..
Fuck off.
"Historians will be very tough on any Republican who hasn't categorically condemned what happened on 1/6. Who hasn't called it what it was — a traitorous, seditionist attempt, spurred on by Donald Trump, to subvert American democracy and the rule of law." — another_steve (comments)

Marge Gets Spanked For Wanting To Invoke 25th Amendment To Remove Biden
What a doofus.
Like this guy, Marge?Orban is Hungary’s authoritarian leader. — Republicans against Trump (@RpsAgainstTrump) February 9, 2024

When talking about Jan. 6, Trump confused Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi. Trump also mistook a photo of his sexual abuse victim, E. Jean Carroll, with his ex-wife Marla Maples, even though he claimed the author wasn't his type. My favorite: He thought we had airports during the Revolutionary War.

And then there's Marge, who testified for three hours in 2022 while repeatedly answering that she couldn't recall anything that happened on Jan. 6.
Aren't we tired of mental defectives running our government?

Wisconsin Election Board Member In Hot Water Again
Wisconsin Election Commission Board Member Robert Spindell really is a tactless lout.
On Wisconsin, On Wisconsin, Fuck up time after time!

Maybe Fox's Jesse Watters Needs A Cognitive Test
Just moments after another hit job on Joe Biden where they want their viewers to believe he's senile, Jesse Watters called the Governor of South Dakota the "Governor Of South Carolina."
The stupid fart of the internet. The reason Fox hired him.

Judge Cannon’s 'mind boggling' move could put witnesses at risk, experts warn
"U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon appears poised to ignore urgent pleadings from Special Counsel Jack Smith, and possibly, experts warn, put confidential witnesses at risk."
She's a Trump toadie. Therefore a crook. Disbar her. Why do we put up with this goddman organized crime?

Investigators in Gaetz underage sex allegations probe obtain star witness cooperation
Only a matter of time for this POS.

Joe Biden Had A Press Conference With Your Mom Last Night
"President Joe Biden held a brief press conference last night to comment on that partisan hack report by special counsel Robert Hur, which found that Biden hadn’t done anything even resembling a crime in his handling of classified documents, not that that stopped anybody, including the report’s author. To the surprise of nobody, the press’s questions had virtually nothing to do with the report’s actual conclusions, and everything to do with Hur’s politically motivated claims that Biden is a nice old man who is losing his mind."
"Honestly, it’s so much horrible bullshit, but there we go making excuses for the senile guy again. Let’s elect the fascist rapist instead."

Yes, because that brain-addled loser is certainly so stable has been found guilty of an actual, real crime which should eliminate him according to a group of quoted voters who said this very fact.

"As for Biden’s personal notebooks, in which he had scribbled some things that were classified, Hur finds Biden was aware he had them. But importantly, Hur adds at the last minute, 'Contemporaneous evidence suggests that when Mr. Biden left office in 2017, he believed he was allowed to keep the notebooks in his home.' Hur says he thinks Biden is wrong, but also admits that Ronald Reagan did virtually the exact same thing. Regretfully, he thinks jurors might be sympathetic to Biden’s and Reagan’s interpretations, even if misguided."

Speaking of Reagan, Old Dutch was as brain-addled as Trump with his "I don't recall" button.

"Peter Doocy asked Biden last night if he was just too darn forgetful to continue as president. Biden told Doocy to go fuck himself."
DOOCY: "President Biden, something the special counsel said in his report is that one of the reasons you were not charged is because, in his description, you are a well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory."
BIDEN: "I’m well-meaning, and I’m an elderly man, and I know what the hell I’m doing. I’m the president and I put this country back on its feet. I don’t need his recommendation …
DOOCY: "How bad is your memory, and can you continue as president?"
BIDEN: "My memory is so bad I let you speak."
(microphone drops)

Robert Hur Is A Partisan Hack Piece Of Sh*t Who Wishes He Had A Case Against Joe Biden
"The bottom line and all that matters is that there ain’t dick this guy can charge Biden with, or he would. And that little partisan hack is mad about that."
"Robert Hur would like us all to know that Joe Biden is simply too old and forgetful to charge with crimes. Does this mean since Donald Trump is currently charged with 91 of them, he must be fit to stand trial? Hur does not say." {Because he is a coward at heart)
"Hur also acknowledges that there are 'other innocent explanations for the documents that we cannot refute.' That’s on page 10 of 388. Can you believe he jacked off for 378 more pages?"

Will SCOTUS Remove the Threat of Trump or be as Political & Corrupt as Bush v Gore Was?
Odds are, however, that this decision will be as political and corrupt as the 2000 Bush v Gore was. But I’m more than willing to be surprised.

Is the Government Finally Abandoning Its ‘Flat Earth’ Cannabis Policy?
Perhaps. But Texas will remain in the 19th century until Greg Abbott leaves for good. He has no idea about the medical benefits it gives us.

Optimism about the U.S. economy sends stocks to a new record
"The S&P 500 index hit 5,000 for the first time ever, propelled by Wall Street's optimism the Federal Reserve is going to cut interest rates."

Good thing, wings cost less and beer's flat: Super Bowl fans are expected to splurge
"Super Bowl food: Chicken wings are a bargain this year, but beef prices are climbing. Here's a playbook for staying well fed without having a your wallet thrown for a loss."
Give me to eat!

Trump Finally Had a Good Day in Court
The Cowards of SCOTUS. History will remember them endorsing a convicted criminal.
"In the United States, almost all persons formally charged with sexual abuse are prosecuted under state laws, which vary in their definitions of sexual abuse and assault and in the penalties they assign to those crimes." — Britannica.
And sedition doesn't get a "clutch your pearls" gasp and that's all, folks.

Arizona Bill Bans “Satanic Displays” On Public Property
The Nazis just keep violating our Constitution. What a shitwit.

Poll Workers Nationwide Train For Election Violence
Train everyone of them in infantry combat and arm them the same.

GOP Rep Sends Garland Letter Calling On Cabinet To Remove Biden Under Constitution’s 25th Amendment
This, on the basis of Hur's ridiculous, inappropriate, dumbass statements? God, these fuckwits have nothing better to do but masterbate to bullshit. Biden is lightyears more comeptent than any goddamn Nazi.

Tucker Carlson Nods Along As Putin Claims Poland “Forced Hitler” To Invade Them And Begin World War 2
Poor Adolf. Always got the shaft from the Poles. It was those ugly Jews that holed up in the ghetto that caused it.
What stinking diarrhea running out of his mouth. And his understudy, Tucker, laps it up.

Elon Musk Is Going to Make People Pay $8 If They Want to Call Him
You can call me for a buck! Just don't call me Late for supper.

The AI Deepfakes Problem Is Going to Get Unstoppably Worse
"The world is being ripped apart by AI-generated deepfakes, and the latest half-assed attempts to stop them aren’t doing a thing. Federal regulators outlawed deepfake robocalls on Thursday, like the ones impersonating President Biden in New Hampshire’s primary election."

Texas conservatives test how far they can extend abortion and gender-transition restrictions beyond state lines
Stop kidding us. These are no longer Conservatives. They are fascists of the first order and a threat to America.

Elise Stefanik is going to 'cringeworthy lengths' to 'impress Team Trump': analysis
Tempted by the Devil himself and swooned over to the dark side. So sad.

Weisselberg perjury allegations could put Alina Habba’s career at risk: attorney
"According to MSNBC legal analyst Lisa Rubin, attorney Alina Habba's curious response to a letter from Judge Arthur Engoron over perjury allegations levied against Allen Weisselberg, the ex-chief financial officer for the Trump Organization, should be raising eyebrows."

MAGA media pushed "great replacement" theory to turn Republicans against their own immigration bill
The myth that "Biden won't enforce the law" has its roots in a white nationalist conspiracy theory
Toxic bastards.

Stefanik: I Wouldn’t Have Certified The 2020 Election
She admits she would have broken a Constitutional law. Then she would have become a criminal. As it is now, she is a criminal-in-waiting. Kick her ass back to the street where she belongs.

Florida GOP Moves To Restrict EV Charging Stations
How to live in 1860 again.

Kansas AG Orders Schools To Out Trans Kids To Parents
Another perfect piece of shit Nazi who thinks he must replace parents.

Increasingly cultish Trump rallies aim to shield him with 'armor of God'
Just like it shielded the Jews during WWII? Photo of Nazis in their treason shirts.

'Brainwashing': Nevada Republican shocked at Trump's 'mind-boggling' power over party
His followers are automatons trained as one would train an animal.

The Tucker-Russia relationship draws intense media scrutiny
Critics called Carlson a ‘useful idiot,’ ‘a vessel for foreign poison’ and ‘a propagandist, with a history of helping autocrats conceal corruption.’
“Unbelievable! I am like hundreds of Russian journalists who have had to go into exile to keep reporting about the Kremlin’s war against Ukraine. The alternative was to go to jail. And now this SoB is teaching us about good journalism, shooting from the $1000 Ritz suite in Moscow.” — Yevgenia Albats

‘Straight News’ Anchor Perino Promoted The ‘Shoplifting Migrant’ Lie
The Red hat swastika gang terrorizing as usual.

‘You sound like an idiot’:' Anti-Trump protester schools GOP senator on insurrection
"...tried to compare the riots on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, to migrants who daily cross the southern border."
That's the best this moron could do? What a fucking dumbass.
“Why wouldn’t we call 10 million people crossing the border illegally an insurrection?” Marshall demanded. “Why wouldn’t we call the situation when we take away your freedoms of speech, your freedoms of religion, your freedoms to bear arms, why wouldn’t we call that an insurrection as well?”
Because those people are not yet American citizens attempting to overthrow a Constitutional process that we have followed throughout our history that Trump interfered with. What a moron.
And she says to him, "“To try and like confuse people by trying to say the stuff on the border is an insurrection, it makes you sound like an idiot,” the woman declares, as Marshall scurried to pick up a paper he left on his podium. “When you're a white man in this country you have so much power, you don't even have to be educated, you can just say s-—.”
And they all say shit! Great God, what happened to reason in this country?

'Let our country heal!' Trump begs Jack Smith to drop 'all litigation' against him.
You're the one that's wounded it so bad, POS!
Our country will heal when you are imprisoned for the remainder of your miserable life.

Girlfriend-beating white supremacist throws tantrum as he's sentenced to life in jail
And why haven't they done this to Trump? Cowards! As E. Jean Carroll said, "He's nothing!"

Alito rushed in to save 'failing' Trump lawyer during hearing: legal experts
Oh, did this monkey rush in just like fools do.

Republicans are sticking to Trump — they're about to reap the whirlwind
Rep. Jamie Raskin on the "fascistic strategy" that's turning the GOP dangerous, incompetent and irrelevant

Missouri Rep Votes Against Abortion Rape Exception Because Being Forced To Give Birth Is God’s “Healing”
Amazing that these "Rick Brattin" people exist. Damned disgrace to our country and freedom.
Is everyone from Missouri a POS? And stop with the "God" did it excuse.

Trump Has 30 Days To Post Bond On Carroll Judgment
"I'm gonna give you 30 days to pay your bond..." — Chuck Berry (alternate lyric)

Cultist Scamvangelical: Civil War Would Be “Worth It” Because That Would “Turn This Nation Back” To Jesus
Right. He's your greatest promoter of Mammon.
"You can't turn America back to your religion, because it was never based on your religion to begin with. That's a lot like saying the South will rise again. It never rose in the first place, it was a hand-to-mouth agrarian society that employed brutal forced labor for want of adopting existing technology. "— evanedwards (comments)
He means the Land of the Happy Negro! I got your ice-cold NuGrape.

'Historic betrayal': WSJ calls Republicans 'morally complicit' if they 'fold to Trump' on foreign aid
America has falied itself. They just can't take the bull by the horns.

'Colorado will lose': Legal analysts shocked by how bad Supreme Court argument went
The American Constitution is dead. Our great experiment has ended. Chaos will be our future. We have lost our country unless we vote to stop the fascist rot that is killing us.

Thomas refusal to recuse from Trump case called a 'giant middle finger' to democracy
They will royally fuck us all. Their holy "State's Rights" position is now flushed away for good.
Hypocracy is SCOTUS.

Clarence Thomas’ 'impartiality' questioned over refusal to recuse himself from Trump election case
Why hasn't this grifter been impeached? Why does it take us so long to realize our problem and fix it?

Cultist Rep’s Bill Would Force Members Of Congress To Serve In Ukraine War If They Voted For Aid To Ukraine
Only Nazis like this one will be forced to serve. Fuck 'em long and hard.
These cracker wackos have no regard for law. Stop them cold.

Jan. 6 tweet could doom Trump in Supreme Court — and in Jack Smith's case
"Donald Trump's lawyers have hung their defense of his role in the Jan. 6 insurrection on a line from his speech at the 'Stop the Steal' rally at the Ellipse, but a trio of legal experts say the broader record of his statements and actions undermines that argument."

Alito rushed in to save 'failing' Trump lawyer during hearing: legal experts
Why doesn't this miscreant just recuse himself from the bench and become Trump's mouthpiece?

Lubbock group pushes forward with marijuana ballot question despite Paxton lawsuit
"The Texas attorney general has sued five other cities that have passed similar policies decriminalizing marijuana."
Make it legal and send Paxton to Gitmo.

IRS Estimates $561B Tax Revenue Rise With Crackdown on Corporations and the Rich
"The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) stands to collect an additional hundreds of billions of dollars in taxes over the next decade that would otherwise likely be dodged, thanks to the agency’s new efforts to crack down on corporations and the wealthy enabled by Democrats’ infusion of funding after a steady decrease in funding over past decades by conservative lawmakers."
Now we're talking.

Trump Says If He Can’t Commit Crimes, Bush, Obama, And Biden Will Go To Jail. Is That True?
"He’s just trying to warn us all. Be careful what you wish for. If you put Donald Trump in prison for massive crimes he committed while in office — the ones he’s indicted for involve plotting to overthrow the literal fucking Republic in order to stay in power after he lost re-election — then it just stands to reason that Barack Obama will go to jail and George W. Bush will go to jail and Crooked Joe Biden will go to jail."
"Has any former president before Donald Trump been indicted, much less for 91 felonies including stealing and concealing state secrets and trying to overthrow the Republic?
And did the new president indict Trump to somehow blackmail and extort him?
No, the new president wasn’t involved, despite how much murderous, hysterical screaming we hear from MAGA-world."

'Another one bites the dust': 200-member Moms for Liberty chapter collapses
From the weight of their own bullshit.

Jack Smith reveals threats to Mar-a-Lago witness after Judge Cannon rules in Trump's favor
"Federal prosecutors asked U.S. District judge Aileen Cannon in a filing late Wednesday to allow them to file an exhibit under seal, one day after she had ruled against their request to keep some evidence redacted to protect witnesses and investigations, reported ABC News."
She's a Trump shill.

'Disturbing': Legal expert says Judge Cannon might get 'forced recusal' for tipping scales
Do it now.

FBI foils plot by militiamen to 'start a war' at the Texas-Mexico border
These terrorists keep fucking around and putting lives in danger. Life in prison for them all.
The bring nothing but shame to our country. Talking to you, Greg Abbott.

Trump: Without Immunity Obama Would Be In Prison
ROTFLMAO! Most former Presidents are working on their library. What has this ass got? One modified weather map? What a stupid shit bag. He's obviously so brain-sick he doesn't get the immunity thing working for only when you hold office.

Lankford: Prominent Host Threatened Me On Border Bill
A common MAGAt shakedown artist who will be pulled from behind his curtain.
It could only be one guy and we all know who.
"If Democrats and THEIR supporters had ever threatened our democracy in this fashion, with these FASCIST methods, is anyone here naïve enough to think the media would have shrugged their shoulders over it the way they have, relentlessly, for these goddamned NAZIS??" — billbeara1961 (comments)

Carlson Could Face EU Sanctions For Putin Interview
“As Putin is a war criminal and the EU sanctions all who assist him in that effort, it seems logical that the External Action Service examine his case as well.”
No travel in the EU for you, asshat.

House GOP exploded in outrage over Trump trial delay denial. Then the judge got a bomb threat
Threat? Get on your horse and ride to the judge and call him out there.
Fuck around and find out, asswipe.

'This ends one of two ways': Biden plans offensive against GOPers who tanked border bill
"A Biden adviser, quoted anonymously, told NBC News, 'This ends one of two ways. One, the strongest border legislation in decades passes and everyone wins — most importantly, the American people. Or two, MAGA Republicans kill this breakthrough for expressly political reasons.… in which case, the American people lose and the Republicans who opposed it get blasted every time they say 'border' for years.'"

Trump threatens to 'blackmail' Biden if he doesn't make charges go away
Did anyone tell the moron blackmail is a crime? Obviously, he doesn't care since he's already a big crook.
If he's immune then so is Biden. What a numbskull.

GOP voters are 'happily consuming' Trump's pro-dictatorship 'Kool-Aid': pollster
"That means 74 percent of polled Republicans link the words 'dictator' and 'good' poll co-director and UMass Amherst professor Alexander Theodoridis noted in a press release.
“Most rank-and-file Republicans,” Theodoridis added, “appear to continue happily consuming Donald Trump's Kool-Aid.”
Which means these polled are all morons against democracy.

These Morons Can’t Even Get One Single Alejandro Mayorkas Impeached
"They managed to do it. Those idiots (House Republicans) had one job, and it was to follow human toenail Marjorie Taylor Greene down her yellow brick road paved with armpit farts and impeach Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for literally no reason besides they're mad they can't find anything to impeach Joe Biden for, and they did it.
They managed to fuck it up.
This is what happens when you elect all the used urinal cakes at Mar-a-Lago and call it the Republican caucus.

‘That's a crime': Election co. accuses pro-Trump OAN of hacker scheme in civil suit
"An election technology company has accused a pro-Donald Trump cable network of soliciting “stolen” passwords from hackers after the 2020 election, according to a new CNN report."

'No path' to Supreme Court for Trump and 'lawful thing to do' is put him on trial: expert
"A federal appeals court strongly rejected Donald Trump's claims of broad presidential immunity, and MSNBC's Chuck Rosenberg believes that ruling will stand."

Trump 'caught in a trap of his own making' and running for president made it worse: report
"Donald Trump is facing another potentially ruinous penalty for decades of bank fraud, after he was socked with $83 million in penalties for sexually abusing and defaming E. Jean Carroll, and his status as the Republican presidential frontrunner could make it impossible to borrow money to pay off those judgments."

Republican Party suffers the most humiliating 24 hours in recent memory
"Every party loses an election now and then. Both parties have spent whole decades on the outs, railing from the sidelines while their opponents controlled the agenda. However, it’s hard to think of a 24-hour period where any party has suffered so many self-inflicted disasters as the Republican Party experienced on Tuesday."

Right-Wing Fraudsters Wohl And Burkman Get More Of What They Deserve
"If ever there were two people deserving of legal trouble, it’s Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman. The two were already fined $5.1 million by the FCC for their fake robocalls designed to suppress Black votes in the 2020 presidential election. They also pleaded guilty to telecommunications fraud, were sentenced to two years probation, fined an additional $2,500 each, and were required to do 500 hours of community service registering voters in Washington, D.C."

Let Us Pray: God's Gullible, Ugly Army Limps to the Border
Or is it "Let Us Prey"? Parade of fools.

Biden Administration Strengthens Health Standard for Soot Pollution
"The Environmental Protection Agency finalized a rule today to tighten one national limit for soot pollution in the United States. It set the annual health standard for soot, otherwise known as fine particulate matter air pollution, or PM2.5, at 9 micrograms per cubic meter. The standard defines how much soot pollution is medically unsafe to breathe and sets the level to which this pollution must be reduced across the country."
Another step in progress for Joe Biden.

Doubts swirl around Speaker Johnson’s abilities after 'embarrassing' losses: report
Who's embarrassed? Certainly not the Trump toadies that put him in there. Government is not their forte.

Republicans royally botch their one election year play
The border was meant to be a trap for Democrats — but the GOP's antics this week are a real gift to the Democrats
They are the Trump MAGA Party. Full of cowards afraid of their criminal Nazi leader.

Biden Wins NV By 89 Points, Phillips Not On Ballot
"At the time the race was called, Biden led with about 89% of the vote, with “None of these candidates” a very distant second at about 6%."

Missouri Sec Of State Candidate Uses “Liberal Tears” Flamethrower On LGBTQ-Themed Public Library Books
Great photo of a brain dead, 1930s' Nazi moron. When did burning property that is not your own become legal?
Ray Bradbury would be surprised at this.

Appeals Court Rules Trump Does NOT Have Immunity
The Federal Appeals Court just ruled that Trump does not have Presidential immunity in January 6th case.
You mean the same as all the previous guys? LMAO!

Someone Is Whining Because She Couldn't Get Mayorkas Impeached
The dumassery always floats to the bottom with the rest of the garbage.

Civil fraud ruling could be a 'financially devastating nightmare' for Trump: experts
Cough it up, chiseler. Pay up or go to Gitmo.

'He’s completely unhinged': Why Trump’s bizarre Indiana obsession is a 'distortion of state law'
Fatso doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.

Hannity Suddenly Concerned That A President Said A Bad Word
Hey, you arrogant snowflake: It's a perfect description of Fatso Farty.
Your MAGAt scum always can get away with swearnig like drunken sailors and you love it then.

Social Media Users Don't Hold Back Over Trump Immunity Ruling
"Former President Donald Trump is unhappy after discovering he isn't a king with immunity for any alleged crimes he committed. And the crime that Trump is probably throwing Ketchup over is when he incited an attack on the Capitol because his narcissistic brain could not handle his 2020 defeat by Joe Biden."
The dickwad can't handle anything.

Pentecostal “Prophets” To Launch Pro-Trump Tour
Here come the con men and women to threaten our democracy.

GOP Resolution: Trump Did Not Commit Insurrection
And in doing so, they all admit being guilty of treason after the fact. Arrest them all, indict them, convict them and send them to Gitmo.

AI Taylor Swift Porn Images Traced To 4chan Board
Oh, my! A real shocker. The home of Qanonsense idiot screwball trash.

Appeals Court Hears Claim Of Jury Bias Against Rioters
Right. Being an eyewitness to one of the biggest attempts at an American politcal coup can't be unseen. This is implying that a participent in an act of treason can't be tried. Bullshit, Hooie, and warped.

Judges Smacking Down Trump Immunity Say Trump Himself ‘Conceded’ Key Points In Blistering Ruling
"Three judges wrote in a blistering appeals court decision denying former President Donald Trump’s claim that Trump and his legal team conceded several key points that helped knock down his arguments."

‘It’s Absurd’: Christiane Amanpour Slams Tucker Carlson For Whining Western Journalists Don’t Interview Putin
The turd is a fraud. Putin only grants interviews to freinds of his butt buddy, Fatso.

Critics say border bill would send $60B to Ukraine. Here’s where it’s really going
No. Read the article. If you can read.
"If passed it would be a boon for the defense industry that both President Joe Biden and Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell have touted as a job creator in the push to pass aid for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan that’s been stalled for months."

Republicans are ‘caving’ — Biden blames Trump as border deal falters
“All indications are this bill won’t even move forward to the Senate floor. Why? A simple reason: Donald Trump. Because Donald Trump thinks it’s bad for him politically," Biden said in remarks from the State Dining Room.
“Frankly, they owe it to the American people to show some spine and do what they know to be right,” he added.
Mostly cowards. They stall at Trump's orders.

AI-generated Biden robocall linked to Texas companies, officials say
Texas, the "Deep Fake" state.

Key Trump delay tactic 'hamstrung' by D.C. appeal court ruling: analysis
"Former President Donald Trump's efforts to delay his federal election interference case were effectively "hamstrung" by an appeal court ruling slapping down his presidential immunity defense, according to a new analysis."

MAGA 'bloodbath' predicted for crucial Montana primary
We can only hope the blood will be their own.

'Lied under oath in my courtroom': Judge Engoron email suggests massive penalty for Trump
"Judge Arthur Engoron — who is overseeing proceedings in former President Donald Trump's civil fraud trial in New York — may be considering a harsher-than-expected penalty for Trump as he prepares to issue a final ruling in the bench trial"
You're digging your grave a little deeper, Donnie.

'I have no immunity!' Trump begs fans for cash after court rules he can be prosecuted
You ain't got shit, loser. No cash for you! And YES, the MAGAts need to be buried.

'Shame on you!' Marjorie Taylor Greene melts down about being called 'insurrectionist'
No matter how many times you say bullshit, the facts are still there, indickter.

"Conservative states have now taken to blocking liberal cities from even thinking about legislating on behalf of their residents."
Totalitarian plutocracy is on the way if you support these "conservative" fascists.

Two-Thirds of Voters Want Verdict in Trump Trial Before Election Day
"A new poll shows that nearly two-thirds of United States voters want a verdict to be issued before the 2024 election commences in the trial weighing former President Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election."
Of course they do.
This is the spread of America on the traitor.

Blinken in Middle East Reportedly Pushing for Pause to Israel’s Assault on Gaza
"Secretary of State Tony Blinken is on his fifth trip to the Middle East since Hamas attacked Israel on October 7, reportedly pushing for a pause to Israel’s assault on Gaza and for Hamas to release all remaining hostages."

Georgia Senate Approves Bill That Would Criminalize Charitable Bail Funds
"Last week, the Georgia Senate approved a bill aimed at expanding the state’s cash bail system while simultaneously criminalizing charitable bail organizations."
Fascism, racism at work.

The Real Reason Your Grocery Bill Is Still So High
Good ol' greed.

Chemical industry throws temper tantrum over ‘polluter pays’ tax to cover cleanup of its toxic sites
“The chemical industry and their apologists in Congress have treated American taxpayers like the cleanup crew for decades, leaving them to cover the costs of remediating these contaminated sites,” said EWG President and Co-founder Ken Cook."
“It’s high time the culprits, not the public, foot the bill for mopping up the toxic waste plaguing countless communities across the country that pose substantial threats to human health and the environment," said Cook.

Even The WSJ Is Ripping Mike Johnson Over Killing Border Bill
Serious thinking disorders.

MAGAs Hilariously Turn On Each Other At The Border Protest
"It was inevitable that violence and screaming in each other's faces would occur at the Southern border after a bunch of religious zealots and Trump supporters converged in protest of migrant crossings. People dressed in religious garb and t-shirts with anti-LGBTQ messages met up to display their hatred toward complete strangers who just wanted a better life. Still, then things took another inevitable shift as they turned on each other."

JD Vance And Republicans Don't Think Democrats Are 'Real Americans'
Of course. Why would Nazis think anyone but themselves are real anything?

Habba To E. Jean Carroll: Don’t Buy Anything Expensive
Is she pissed because she got stiffed by Trump? LMAO!

James O'Keefe and Project Veritas settle suit over bogus voter fraud claims cited by Trump campaign
"Mr. Hopkins has since come to learn that he was wrong — neither Mr. Weisenbach nor any other USPS employee in Erie, Pennsylvania engaged in election fraud or any other wrongdoing related to mail-in ballots," O'Keefe said.

Mike Johnson Won't Bring Senate Border Bill Up For A Vote
"Smirky" hasn't even read the bill. Dork.

Over 200,000 Protest in Berlin Against Rise of German Far Right Party
"Up to 300,000 people took to the rainy streets of Berlin, Germany on Saturday as nationwide protests against the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. Protests were also taking place in dozens of other cities such as Freiburg, Dresden, Hannover, and Mainz, a sign of growing alarm at growing support for the AfD."

Jack Smith 'eviscerated' Trump's security clearance claim in latest filing: ex-prosecutor
"In a late Friday filing, special counsel Jack Smith brutally shot down a claim made by Donald Trump and his lawyers that the Department of Justice is hiding evidence that the former president received a special security clearance that would have allowed him to keep secret documents belonging to the government."

Elon Musk Was Reportedly Asked to Go to Rehab
"Last month, the Wall Street Journal dropped a bombshell investigation into SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk's alleged use of illegal drugs including cocaine and MDMA.
Now it's back with a doozy of a followup, including the explosive claim that people close to Musk became so concerned around the winter of 2022 that some of them asked the billionaire to go to rehab."

Biden rallies Democrats in Las Vegas: ‘Imagine the nightmare’ if Trump is reelected
"Biden also highlighted the benefits of the expanded child tax credit, which during the pandemic assisted 380,000 Nevada families. The expanded child tax credit reduced Black child poverty in half and Latino child poverty by 43%, said Biden, before Republicans refused to support it and allowed it to roll back to pre-pandemic limits."

Morning Joe buries 'pathetic' Speaker Mike Johnson for latest lie at Trump's bidding
"According to Scarborough, Johnson is only doing it to appease Donald Trump who wants the border issue to remain a problem for Preoisdemt Joe Biden."
Fascist scum.

FL Sues Biden Admin To Kick Children Off Medicaid
Women must give birth so we can remove their kids away from health care.
This is the kind of government we want? I don't thnk so.

Iowa Gov Launches New Attack On Trans Residents
These people act as if they care about women even as they destroy their rights. What hypocrites.
Fascism at work in the U.S. These hateful people will end up using Hitler's Final Solution.

Experts fear 'violence and chaos' if Supreme Court blocks Trump from election ballot
Nazi supporters need to get a brain. Supporters of the Constitution will lock and load.

Fox News forced to censor Trump as he rants about Gavin Newsom and Michelle Obama
"His mind is on vacation and his mouth is working overtime." — Mose Allison

Trump rants 'The Federal Government must take over D.C.' after former aide killed
He doesn't know they already control D.C.? For some time now? Brain addled.

Delicious Foods Linked to Alzheimer's Disease
Is your mind going? Could be your diet. Maybe that's Trump's problem.

Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: To be or not to be a banana republic...that is the question
"We begin today with Timothy Snyder writing for his “Thinking About...” Substack that arguments seeking to maintain a place for Trump on the ballot are in bad faith and not in keeping with the plain language of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution."

Ex-Montana Supreme Court justice joins top judges in support of keeping Trump off ballot
"Another notable Montana leader has joined a group of retired state Supreme Court justices throughout the country to urge the United States Supreme Court to uphold the decision by the Colorado Supreme Court to disallow former President Donald J. Trump from appearing as a presidential candidate on the 2024 ballot."

Humans are living longer than ever no matter where they come from
Disease outbreaks and human conflicts help dictate regional differences in longevity.
"Whether the US will stay in that top longevity bracket is also unsure, especially if maternal death rates keep rising and there aren’t significant improvements made to the health care system."
"The US also has the most expensive health care system among high-income countries, which was only worsened by the pandemic."

How fringe anti-science views infiltrated mainstream politics — and what it means in 2024
"Rates of routine childhood vaccination hit a 10-year low in 2023. That, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, puts about 250,000 kindergartners at risk for measles, which often leads to hospitalization and can cause death. In recent weeks, an infant and two young children have been hospitalized amid an ongoing measles outbreak in Philadelphia that spread to a day care center."
A total disgrace to America.

Surge in syphilis cases leads some providers to ration penicillin
"For decades, rates of the sexually transmitted infection were low. But the Hamilton County Health Department in Chattanooga — a midsize city surrounded by national forests and nestled into the Appalachian foothills of Tennessee — was seeing several syphilis patients a day, Miller said. A nurse who had worked at the clinic for decades told Miller the wave of patients was a radical change from the norm."
The dumbing down of America will cull out the idiot tribes.

Possibility of wildlife-to-human crossover heightens concern about chronic wasting disease
Yet another possiblity humans have a bleak future on this planet.

South Dakota tribe bans governor from reservation over US-Mexico border remarks
“Due to the safety of the Oyate, effective immediately, you are hereby Banished from the homelands of the Oglala Sioux Tribe!” Tribe President Frank Star Comes Out said in a Friday statement addressed to Noem. “Oyate” is a word for people or nation.
“They don’t need to be put in cages, separated from their children like during the Trump Administration, or be cut up by razor wire furnished by, of all places, South Dakota,” he said.
I quite agree.

'Doubling down on things that aren’t true': RNC ripped over 'fake electors' resolution
A good explanation for the loss of RNC revenue in 2023.

Elon Musk Goes All In On Great Replacement Theory
It's almost as if Elon Musk is proud of his white supremacy.
Start replacment with him.

'I’m not satisfied': Speaker Johnson facing growing rebellion for ignoring GOP caucus
The report notes that the general consensus about his performance is that he "talks out of both sides of his mouth, telling members what they want to hear, and then doing what they don’t want."

Biden sweeps South Carolina with 'loser' taunt at Trump
"US President Joe Biden cruised to victory in the South Carolina Democratic primary Saturday, vowing afterwards that he would make Republican rival Donald Trump a loser for a second time in November's election."

'An avalanche about to hit him': Trump official warns ex-president about what comes next
May it be eternal.

'What do you think?' Trump asks social media if he looks like Elvis Presley
Yes. Dead Elvis.
"Trump's family really should intervene," another Truth user wrote. "He's totally unwound now."
What family? He has a bunch of people that are related to him. But they are NO family!

Remember the rules, liberals: Only the right gets to mock America
Chase CEO Jamie Dimon offers words of wisdom from Davos: Be nicer to MAGA "deplorables," bow down before Trump
Ooh! I can hear the CCs being cancelled now, dumbass idiot, Nazi fuckwit!

NM Man Pleads Guilty To Shooting At Dem Officials’ Homes After Being Paid By “MAGA King” Candidate
Dissent all you want, Nazi. Someone will shoot back sooner or later.
Trujillo gets custody. Trump gets nothing. What's wrong with this picture?

Lauren Boebert Is Sick Of 'Bending Over To The Democrats'
Boebs seems to have forgotten that Republicans have a tiny little majority of 2 votes.
You know what happens every time you bend over, Bobo? You show your ass.

Trump Accuses His Fed Chairman Of Trying To Help Biden: 'I Think He's Political'
The perfect definition of a paranoiac.

'Fine with me': Trump’s small donors don’t care he’s using their money to pay his lawyers
They all worship their golden calf.

Viral photos of politicians jetting off to a tropical hideaway during a deadly cold wave might become a lot rarer under legislation being pushed by Sen. Ted Cruz
He wants to be incognito anywhere and everywhere he goes. No wonder.

'Obviously insane' Trump is making himself unelectable: conservative
"We have an expanded range of voters who are responsive to an anti-Trump message than we did in 2020," he reported to the host. "In 2020, depending on the state, we modeled between three and eight percent of Republicans and independent-leaning voters who could be reached and moved by our message."
"In the environment where we are now where Trump is obviously insane and an adjudicated rapist, he is the guy who planned a coup over the U.S. election, he helped kill half of a million people by fumbling Covid. — people get it..."
But not with his fuckwit toadies. Their golden calf is their sword and sheild.

Exxon and Chevron Announce Record Shareholder Returns in Hottest Year on Record
"ExxonMobil and Chevron announced their second-highest profits in a decade on Friday, with both companies paying out a record amount to shareholders in 2023, which was the hottest year on record due largely to the burning of fossil fuels."
There's good return in destroying our environment.

Fani Willis just killed any chance Trump had to kick her off his case: legal expert
"The existence of a relationship between Willis and Wade, in and of itself, would not pose any legal conflict of interest, because the two of them are on the same prosecutorial team and their professional interests are aligned regardless."
As if they are the ones on trial for something that Trump is light years ahead on criminal activity he wants ignored! FUCK TRUMP!

Texas Gov Has Spent $124 Million To Ship Migrants
They vote against their best interests every time.

Catholic League: The Unreligious Are A “Social Liability”
"If you want to know why young Americans are running away screaming from Christianity take a look in a mirror, hamhead." — Sam_Handwich (comments).
Go back to the place in hell you came from.

What Taylor Swift is teaching us now
"In a calmer time, anyone who persistently shouted such lurid nonsense would have been a candidate for long-term residence in what was euphemistically called "a nice home," without access to sharp objects. With deinstitutionalization, they are now paid astronomical salaries to declaim their fantasies on Fox News and its cable competitors. (This is considered progress.)"
She may be teaching but nobody does homework anymore. "The craziness is so stupid that it's almost funny."

Grad Students Furious United Auto Workers Endorses Biden
It's more than obvious these people are fuckwit Nazis and have no knowledge of labor union history.

Judge nixes Trump’s March 4 trial date in federal election subversion case
Either Trump or one of his SCOTUS thugs threatened her life would be my guess.

What if lawless GOP lawmakers in the House refuse to certify the 2024 election?
Arrest anyone that does. Indict them for treason. Give them a trial. Convict them. Throw them into Gitmo.
Does one have to ask a question about law enforcement in our country now? Then grow a pair.
What else would you like to know?

Another January 6? Experts fear unrest in Texas as extremists flock to Abbott's blockade
Hopefully, Austin won't be bombed too badly by the Federal military.

Some MAGA Beta Try-Hard Gonna ‘Punish That Bitch’ Taylor Swift If She Endorses Biden
"Recall being a child on the playground, and a bully was abusing somebody. Remember what happened when a teacher would intervene, send them to the office and tell them they were going to call the bully’s parents? If you’ve witnessed it, you know there would be about four seconds when the bully was about to break out into overwhelming theatrical tears, their face contorting as the fear rose from their gut, and they’d tuck tail and run because they didn’t want the whole school to see them bust out crying.
Brenden Dilley is the human personification of that four seconds."

Texas Republicans back Abbott in razor wire, river buoy border disputes with DOJ
May they all get cut by it.

More Than 150 Democrats Urge Biden to Help Stop the Criminalization of Pregnant People
The best way to stop the swine that caused it is to replace every Nazi in the SCOTUS that murdered it.
To do that get every Nazi in Congress replaced and impeach the culprets.

Trump’s J6 Trial Postponed Pending Immunity Ruling
SCOTUS is playing on Trump's team. Don't forget it. His stalling appointees too are traitors.

GOP Rep: All Americans Will “Serve And Praise Jesus”
You fucking Talibastards keep watching for a SWIFT kck in the ass.
Precisely forbidden by our Constitution, tyrant mothers!

This Is Why Healthcare Should Be A Public Service
"Some services should not be privatized, ever. Healthcare is at the top of that list for many people. And in Milwaukee, there just was a glaring example why it shouldn't be."

Long Time Wisconsin Resident, 'Gerry-Manders,' Is Dead
Good riddance.

Groundwork Calls for Rate Cuts Following Another Stellar Jobs Report
"The first jobs report of 2024 from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows the economy added 353,000 jobs and unemployment remained at 3.7%."
“Today’s stellar jobs report marks two straight years of unemployment below 4% and 18 months of cooling inflation, an achievement many economists did not think was possible. The data is very clear that we never had to sacrifice jobs for lower prices."

Republicans in Congress try to kill FCC’s broadband discrimination rules
How useless are these pricks? This damned useless.

'Jumbled mess': GOP’s chances of pulling off a Biden impeachment tumble
The MAGAt are NOT fit for any government, much less for the most powerful naion in the world.

'Critical that Congress understand': Dems want Tuberville’s military blockade investigated
Hey, short stuff, are you paying attention?

Critics slam Jim Jordan’s Fani Willis subpoena: 'Frivolous waste of time'
Jordan's a waste of a human.

Ex-Watergate prosecutor: Texas gov’s 'unconstitutional' border moves threaten America’s 'existence'
This is what fascism does to a democracy. I destroys its soul.

'We're reaping what we sow': Trump's ex-aide says he'll be too broke to beat Biden
"Trump's third White House run is a political sprint to stay out of prison and he's burning millions of donor dollars to do it."

Ken Paxton sues five Texas cities that decriminalized marijuana
Homo absurdus DA says no one in Texas will be using THC on their sore joints nor smoking any of it either!
“I will not stand idly by as cities run by pro-crime extremists deliberately violate Texas law and promote the use of illicit drugs that harm our communities,” Paxton said.
That way he can get it all for himself.
The total loser. Run him and his MAGAts out of Texas.

Is the media marching us to war (again)?
The bloody ignorance of the inept media.

Judge Cannon 'screw up' may gift Jack Smith his first grounds for appeal: legal expert
"In particular, Weissmann detailed the delicate dance Cannon must do in protecting national secrets."
"If she screws this up, to be blunt, this is the kind of issue that I would imagine the government would take an appeal so that they could have the 11th circuit hear it," Weissmann said.

GOP Rep Calls For Dropping Migrants From Helicopters
Drop MAGAts dead.

Former Trump Org CFO To Plead Guilty To Perjury

Kirk: Rioters Wouldn’t Have Been Charged If They Had “Stripped Naked & Filmed Themselves Having Gay Sex”
Are you sorry you missed out on that gay sex, Charlie? ROTFLMAO!
I watched it live. Charlie, yuo stupid fuck, you are so full of shit your shit is running out of your eyes.

Ukrainian Drones Sink Russian Warship Off Crimea
The "Ivanovets" went down with all hands.
"The ship had its hull punctured, sinking like the Titanic."

Gaetz investigation widens: House Ethics Committee reaches out to another ex-girlfriend
Another one that will not end well.

Donald Trump’s Steele dossier lawsuit dismissed by London court
Former US president’s attorney argued his client ‘suffered personal and reputational damage and distress’ through the dossier’s 2017 publication.
"Nothin' but a one-man losing streak! Nothin' but a pencil neck geek! — Freddie Blassie, King of Men.

MAGA World Is About to Meet Taylor Swift’s Fandom. It Won’t Go Well.
'Nuff said.

Killing shows Trump losing control of fans triggered by violent rhetoric: analysis
Donald Trump is losing control over the unstable MAGA base his violent rhetoric pushes past the brink of sanity, and the proof is a decapitated federal worker’s head, a new analysis contends.

Republican Party reveals it's had the worst fundraising year in a decade
Who wants to give money to a bunch of fasists? Tell them all to go home and hook rugs.

Mississippi’s Direct-Democracy Con in Progress
The ballot measure process died three years ago, but some Republicans working on a new, more restrictive framework hope that voters won’t notice.
More Nazis at work in the Land of the Happy Negro.

Let’s Talk About The Extremist Lunatic Christian Creep Mike Johnson Invited To Pray In The House This Week
"The National Prayer Breakfast was this morning, and President Joe Biden spoke at it. We don’t have much to say about that, except that we think the Breakfast is a creepy Christo-fascist ritual started by creepy Christo-fascists, and we wish Democrats, including Biden, didn’t feel obligated to go pay respects to Right-Wing Jesus Inc. once a year like this.
The Breakfast is no longer run by “The Family,” the secretive uber-weirdo right-wing cult that started it. They split last year, and now it’s run by the National Prayer Breakfast Foundation, which is run by members of Congress themselves. (Democratic Rep. Mark Pocan has questions about how real the alleged schism is.) But sorry, it’s still creepy in a nation that isn’t and never was supposed to be a Christian theocracy."

Trump Looks Back On His Latest Week Of Winning, Where Nothing Bad Happened To Him And Everything Was OK
"You could look like that too if your life was running as smoothly as his. We are still waiting for the ruling to come down from Judge Arthur Engoron in the New York civil fraud case against the Trump Organization. New York Attorney General Letitia James is seeking up to $370 million in damages there, so it could be very, very hilarious when the verdict comes out to watch MAGA howl.
Obviously, a jury just awarded Trump $83.3 million in his latest E. Jean Carroll defamation trial."

Why are Too Many Americans Ignoring the Ongoing Collapse of Democracy in the US?
This year’s election may be our last chance to push back against the oligarchy that the GOP has been constructing for the past forty-three years
"Like an alcoholic family that won’t discuss alcoholism (proving Don Quixote’s warning never to mention rope in the home of a man who’s been hanged), far too many Americans are unwilling to acknowledge or even discuss the ongoing collapse of democracy in the United States."

The Zeitgeist: Worry, Worry, Worry
"And now here I am, a worry wart grown old and still worried sick. Will we go to war in the Middle East again, as we did so misguidedly in Iraq, or will we go to war with one another again, only much worse this time? Will we manage to hold onto our democracy which, flawed as it is, still seems preferable to a ball’s-out dictatorship? Will Donald Trump escape the long arm of the law, finagle a way to become POTUS again, then go after his many enemies, locking up Hillary, Nancy, and E. Jean, among countless other tormentors, male and female?"
Don't give the motherfuckers the chance.

'What penalties?' Trump confused when asked about campaign funds to pay E. Jean Carroll
Oh sure. More proof this old fool is inept.

'Definitely smells': Nevada Republicans accuse party of 'rigging' caucus for Trump
The traitor is at it again. Get him put away!

Right-wing violence hasn't disappeared, it's just gone local
A gruesome murder in Pennsylvania reminds us of the dangers of movements like MAGA and QAnon on a personal level
A small sector of America is moving in the direction of Nazi Germany in the 1930s. Stop them cold.

Trump's enduring success is fueled by disdain for Democrats
Beyond MAGA, the Republican coalition is held together only by an opposition to multi-ethnic democracy

Quinnipiac Poll: Biden +22 Over Trump Among Women
That's +22. Don't let up.

GOP Rep: Killed Gazan Babies Aren’t Innocent Civilians
Justifying killing children? And they say "no" to abortion? These people are unbalanced as all hell.

Grassley: F*ck Families And Their Stupid Child Tax Credit
Chuck Grassley signaled Republicans will scuttle the bipartisan tax bill because they don't want to give Biden a win. Biden looks better than all of them put together!
All these pig fuckers do is prevent progress. That's their agenda for America. You must keep giving birth but damned if we'll help you feed the kids. Frauds.

MAGA Judge Dismisses Disney’s Free Speech Lawsuit Against DeSantis
Disney says it will appeal.
Fascism rears its ugly head again. Yes, Trump fascism.

Hungary’s Orban Caves On $54B In EU Aid To Ukraine
Poor Nazi.

That Truck Convoy To Block Texas Mexico Border Is Just Sad
‘God’s army’ promised to bring 700,000 trucks to the border. They’re 699,950 short.
What Jackwagon thought of this exericise in futility>

Trump's 'living in fairyland' if he thinks he's not getting convicted: conservative pundit
Host John Roberts noted during a panel discussion on Fox News that a Trump conviction "could really swing people's preferences in terms of who they vote for for president."
Then he's King of the Fairies!

Oh Fiddlesticks, Did Trump Find Out Alina Habba Was Only Faking Smart?
"We guess Trump could be trying to find lawyers of equal caliber to Habba to join her on his Elite Strike Force. But one thing we know for sure is that Trump starts with dogshit lawyers and then trades down. Nobody who’s anybody or who is good at life wants to work for him, and if they don’t know it now, they figure it out eventually. So Trump “interviewing various law firms” is about as valuable as saying he’s opened up the yellow pages to see which lawyers have a full-page ad and then narrowing them down by which ones have boobies."

There Is No Overstating How Frightened White Loser MAGA Republicans Are Of Taylor Swift
"We don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say we’ve never seen anything quite like the absurd meltdown right-wingers are having about Taylor Swift — who has said zero words about about the 2024 election — potentially endorsing Joe Biden and thus causing her army of Swifties to do tyranny to America, with votes.
We’ve seen right-wingers lose it, but this is on another level. It’s breathtaking, and it’s so funny. It’s clear that this is flicking directly upon some of MAGA Americans’ most exposed nerves. We don’t think we’ve ever seen them more frightened of one single human woman."

Silence Is Dangerous in the Current Age of Rising Fascism in the US
This week’s revelation that Donald Trump is already plotting new ways to try to put himself permanently above the law is just the latest reminder of the looming threat of lawless and emboldened right-wing forces in the United States.

Will the US and Argentine Flirtation with Libertarianism End in Disaster?
Just turn everything over to the morbidly rich and let them and their companies run the entire country along the profit motive lines? What could possibly go wrong?

New York State Passes Law That Could Have Counted Trump’s Actions as Rape
Next time he does it in NY, it's the slammer for him.

Maggie Haberman Breaks Bad News For Trump — Donors Can’t Pay $83M He Owes E. Jean Carroll: ‘It Will Have To Be From Him
Can Trump secure a loan for this? He could pay it off by doing time in prison. You do the math.

Fox Sports Personality Calls Out Misogyny Over Taylor Swift
"COLIN COWHERD: There's a lot of really weird, lonely, insecure men out there.
The fact that a pop star, the world's biggest pop star, is dating a star tight end who had one of his greatest games ever, and a network puts them on the air briefly? That it bothers you? What does that say about your life? Judge people sometimes on the silly stuff that bothers them. It'll tell you a lot about them."
"Lonely"? You're being kind, Colin.

Sean Hannity Warns Taylor Swift DON'T Endorse Joe Biden - Or Else
As if she's going to pay any attention to that gasbag.
He's showing out for his deplorable fans.

Franklin Graham’s Border Tour Gets The Criticism It Deserves
The biggest grifter next to his golden idol.

'Growing number of conservatives' are speaking out against GOP’s 'vague' impeachment push
It has become more than obvious that it is the MAGAt members who are at the root of this agenda with which they waste our Congress

Biden vs. Trump: What Kind of Leader Do We Want on the World Stage?
Biden builds coalitions and acts with steady seriousness. Trump’s motto seems to be ‘Ask not what is good for the country. Ask what is good for me.’

'Don’t be ignorant': Senate Republicans bristle at Trump calling negotiations a 'betrayal'
Even they know his mind is a wasteland.

Georgia Bill Would Ban RICO Charges Faced By Trump
RICO is a Federal Law, you stupid fuckwt. Ignore it at your own risk. Get your Civil War ready to be your end. Behold your corruption, son.

Notorious Cultist Disbarred After Robocalls Conviction
"Washington lawyer and Republican operative Jack Burkman is poised to lose his law license after pleading guilty to telecommunications fraud in Ohio. The D.C. Board on Professional Responsibility said Tuesday that Burkman earlier this month consented to disbarment."

Donohue Outraged Over Blowjob Advice On Yahoo
Well, well, well. He should ask a few of his priests for advice on that.
Also, does he want his dick bitten?

Justin Mohn 'decapitates his father', 68, and brandishes his severed head during gruesome 14-minute long anti-Biden YouTube rant
A whack job that was living in a made-up world. There are plenty of them hanging around waiting their turn.

'I hate this': George Conway whacks New York Times for projecting 'rationality' onto Trump
"This is not a well man," he said in a recent CNN interview. "And we have not — as a country really dealt with that fact."
One of the many reasons I canceled my subscription. It's turned into a fascist propaganda rag.

Trans people in Florida can no longer update their driver’s licenses
A new state rule may expose trans people to criminal or civil penalties if they try to update their documentation.
This is similar behavior by Nazi Germany with the Jews. Is the next thing concentration camps and gas chanbers? The world is watching closely.

Tucker Carlson is wrong when comparing migrants illegally entering the US and US births
Even the closest measure of accounting for migrants who illegally crossed the border is significantly lower than US births for August 2023.

Tennessee GOP Twists All The Rules To Protect Andy Ogles
Tennessee Republicans twist rules into pretzel to protect scandal-plagued incumbent from challengers.
The state is run by racist Nazis. So this is no surprise.

How Trump’s private ploy to expand immunity would transform him 'into a King George': report
"Let's make it simple: Presidents, police officers, and pedophile priests are not immune from criminal prosecution. No court has ever ruled that they are. Nor does the Constitution grant such immunity. Trump appears to think that the doctrine of qualified immunity — which is a form of immunity that protects government officials, including police, judges, legislators, and prosecutors, from being sued civilly in lawsuits over the performance of their duties — also protects these categories of officials from criminal prosecutions. But he's wrong."

'Highly unusual': Trump spent $50 million of supporters’ donations on his own legal bills
Who would be such a sucker as to give "Mr. So-Rich Man" money?

“Doxxing Truck” Shows Names Of CO University Faculty
Nazis doing what Nazis have always done.

Hate Pastor Who Says Jews Can Save Themselves From Hamas By Converting To Jesus Gives US House Prayer
Stow it, asshat.

Anti-Vax Influencer Stew Peters Has a New Fixation: “The Jews
“Could he have been a terrible person and a dictator and a ruthless murderer and a genocider? I don’t know, because there is so much propaganda.”
This man is a lazy, ignorant lout. He is in denial or knows better and is looking for trouble.

Fox News pundit slammed after blaming Black service members deaths on diversity push
These drooling idiots are such desperate cretins.

'Go look it up': Dan Goldman schools GOP rep. for distorting Trump impeachments
"Go look it up, Mr. Bishop, it did not," Goldman shot back.
"It started with Rudy Giuliani in Ukraine doing Donald Trump's bidding to try to extort the president of Ukraine to open an investigation that would help Donald Trump's political re-election chances," he added.
These MAGAts are as lame as the loser Trump.

Ego-bruised Trump insists to aides he's 'more popular' than Taylor Swift: report
How many records has he sold so far? What about all the failed products that once carried his loser name?
What about all the imporoperly provided drugs not accounted for in the White House Pharmacy distrubuted during his administration?

Trump under 'enormous financial strain' as new report reveals legal fees are 'staggering'
That' why going bankrupt is the path he will take.

'Not a serious party': Ex-Republican buries senators for letting Trump derail their work
Not since the MAGAt Party took it over.
"It's not a serious party," Kinzinger continued. "Linking the issue of Ukraine and the border is very bad and very wrong. They're very different issues."
But they are serious as cancer about making America a fascist dictatorship.

Rick Scott: My Dem Challenger Is A “Complete Liar"
"Once again, Rick Scott is lying about the border and spreading disinformation to score political points because he’s on the ballot this November. If he wants to do something about the border, there is a bipartisan bill he can vote on. Instead, he’s making it an issue he can run…
— Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (@DebbieforFL) January 28, 2024"
Everything Scott accuses his challengers of are a projection by him. What a total asswipe.
How else could he get attention? Otherwise no one would notice. He disappears when he turns sidways.

DeSantis: “Expel, Denaturalize, And Deport” Ilhan Omar
You first, windbag.

RuPaul’s Drag Race UK Contestant Wins Libel Lawsuit After Being Called “Pedophile” By Right Wing TV Host
We have seen this so many times. The accuser projects and then gets caught being the guilty party. Just look at the failure of Donnie Trump, the eternal loser.

Disturbing Bill Would Let Arizona Legislators Ignore Election Results
"An Arizona lawmaker who signed on to be a “fake elector” for Donald Trump after the former president lost his bid for a second term has introduced a bill that would allow members of the statehouse to overturn future election results that they don’t like."
"The bill, formally known as Senate Concurrent Resolution 1014 and sponsored by state Sen. Anthony Kern, seeks to bypass the popular vote altogether."
This is exactly what we DO NOT need. Kill the Electoral College! All power to the people.
More treason will only bring greater danger to our citizens and our country. The Nazis must be stopped.

GOP Border Theatrics Have Escalated to Threats of Civil War
"Republican states have pledged to mobilize National Guard troops to defend the placement of razor wire at Texas's southern border."
They just might get what they are looking for — blood and deaths — again.

Texas Is Spoiling for a Civil War
"As Governor Greg Abbott escalates his border fight with the Biden administration, he is sounding a lot like an old Confederate."
"Texas is violating the Constitution, as well as a court order, and it's doing so in order to continue to hurt desperate people.… This is not a legal crisis: This is a rebellion against federal authority and the basic human decency that it's trying to provide…. If Gov. Abbott tries to further obstruct the operations of the federal government and continues to violate the Supreme Court's order, he should be arrested for treason."

Texas governor 'should be arrested for treason' over border 'rebellion': columnist
A provisional government must be put in place.

Far Right Forces Are Attempting to Generate a National Emergency at the Border
"Since the end of 2020 there has been an increase in attempted immigration, but this should not be coded as a “crisis.” Immigration rates fluctuate based on different factors. Since 2000, for instance, attempted crossings went from a high of 1.6 million to a low of 300,000 by 2017 — an 80 percent decline."
The MAGAt Nazis keep pushing us toward a Civil War.

How Reagan's Embrace of “Greed is Good” Brought Us Broken Airplane Doors & Being on Hold for Hours.
Yes, prior to the Reagan Revolution American companies actually invested in their workers, their communities, and their business. They attended to the needs of their customers, by in large.
"The good news is that the Biden administration is the first of either party since 1981 to seriously try to regulate corporate monopolistic behavior and stock share buybacks."

"Stripped for Parts" Doc Reveals Predatory Hedge Funds Buying and Destroying America’s Newspapers
"The numbers are gob smacking: “Since 2005, the U.S. has lost more than one-fourth of its newspaper and has seen a 57% decline in newspaper employees, according to reports by the Medill School of Journalism and the Bureau of Labor Statistics,” Frances Dinkelspiel recently reported in the San Francisco Chronicle."
A lot of us remember newspapers and we miss them. I'm sure many yougsters have never seen one.

The ‘Take Our Border Back’ Convoy Is Already a Complete Mess
"Instead of immigrants, the group of extremists mostly battled each other, paranoia, and their GPS systems."
WTF did anyone expect?

Alina Habba Faking Smart Again
"The newest fresh turd Habba is casually tossing at the judicial system is her discovery, based on the intrepid journalism of the New York Post (said no one ever), that Judge Lewis Kaplan and Carroll’s lawyer Roberta Kaplan were sittin’ in a tree a long time ago, therefore IMPEACH!"
She has assumed her client's delusion of "I can never lose at anything." What a wasted life of bullshitting.

Fox News Idiots In Pantloading Panic Over Taylor Swift Going To Super Bowl, It Is Hilarious
A group of wounded animals. Dolts.
"Please, please, please, they are begging Taylor Swift fans, please do not listen to her. The way of Taylor Swift is death, whereas the way of Fox News and the white supremacist unfuckable Nazi pig garbage that watches it — especially the criminal they’ve selected to run for president — is life."

Newsmax Host: Idolizing Taylor Swift Is Against Jesus
The list of things against Jesus just got longer and sillier. It's all about being a control device.
"Idolizing Taylor Swift: bad!
Idolizing Don the Con: divine!" — Coxygru (comments) "Elvis, The Beatles and Taylor Swift. The holy trinity of sin." — glenn_storey (comments)

Economist Paul Krugman: GOP’s 'dystopian visions' are meant to 'frighten voters'
Fascists should be stood up to and eliminated. Always.

Iowa Republicans Forward Bill to Force Students to Stand for National Anthem
I won't stand for Nazis pushing people around. I watched "Shoah" over the weekend on TCM. Everyone should watch it. They just might get a clue about who these "Republicans" are. Let their populace take a knee.

Oddly scheduled meeting’ raises questions about Judge Cannon’s pro-Trump bias: expert
The "stalling mouse" in Trump's pocket.

Tuberville delivers startling military analysis: 'I don’t know who’s running our country'
I'm sure YOU are not running it by any stretch of the imagination.
Maybe you got a cancussion when you went through the infiltration course with all that TNT going off.
Oops! Forgot you never served with any American military! LMAO!

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. defends using campaign donations to pay family members
Sure. Nothing wrong with paying your family with donor money so they can pocket it all before you bow out.

'God's Army' border truck convoy falls flat amid right-wing 'honeypot' paranoia: report
"'No we are not militia friendly,' wrote Christina Holbrook, aka 'Thought Criminals,' who is an admin for the convoy’s Texas Telegram channel. Holbrook has also asked participants to leave their long guns at home."
But I see you took your double dildoes with you so you could fuck yourselves.

'I'm wearing the armor of God': New Arizona GOP chair vows more anti-voting lawsuits
I'm sure it won't work any better for her than it did the Jews in Europe during WWII.

Super Bowl RIGGED And STOLLEN By Taylor Swift, And Vivek Ramaswamy Knows Why
"These people are not well. They are physically unable to look at themselves in the mirror and deal with the devastatingly simple Occam’s Razor fact that all normal people, including Taylor Swift and her boyfriend, Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce, loathe MAGA fascist Nazi ice cream van creepers, and will vote against them. They can’t handle that Taylor Swift is the most culturally powerful woman in the world, whose very status is kind of a negation of the existence of MAGA dudes. And they really hate that she says 'Vote' and her fans do it."
"They’re upset that Travis Kelce is vaccinated and cooler than them and hotter than them and better than them, while their chosen anti-vax football dipshit Aaron Rodgers is an object of mockery."
ROTFLMAO! Top notch comedy!

How Hard Is Trump Getting Punched In The Wallet Right Now? Let's Tally It Up!
"If you’ve been wondering whether all these judgments against Donald Trump are really going to ruin his life, the Bloombergs say that’s a solid maybe."
The $83.3 million in the latest E. Jean Carroll defamation case is amazing, almost as amazing as watching historically bad lawyer and enthusiastic dipshit Alina Habba melt down after the jury’s decision came down. (If you missed that, please fix yourself a refreshment and watch it.)
But wait, isn’t Trump also about to get super fucked in the New York fraud case against his businesses? Isn’t that trial another foregone conclusion, we’re just waiting to see how big the number is?"

News Flash: Maybe They Were All Blood Suckers
"God damn these vampires, anyway. If you listen carefully, you can hear the flapping of their wings throughout his history, seeking blood. Or retribution."

The Supreme Court Blessed an Experimental Execution in Alabama. It Went So Wrong.
"Alabama claimed that this would be a painless execution. It was not."

Big Trump secret about to be revealed
We will now see just how much cash Trump has on hand.

Flustered Republican put on spot after taking credit for bills she voted against
Just as long as her pay gets to her account on time.

CDC Issues Nationwide Alert Over Measles Outbreak
At one time this was nearly eliminated from our world. Idiots and morons brought it back.

Email sheds new light on Texas House candidate Jared Woodfill’s role in Southern Baptist leader’s sex abuse scandal
Woodfill has been endorsed by Attorney General Ken Paxton despite his connection to Paul Pressler, a prominent religious figure accused of rape.
"A copy of the aide’s email was filed in Harris County district court last year as part of a massive lawsuit in which a former member of Pressler’s church youth group, Duane Rollins, accused Pressler of decades of rape beginning when Rollins was 14. Rollins also alleged that other defendants — including Woodfill, the Southern Baptist Convention and Pressler’s longtime church, First Baptist Church of Houston — of enabling or concealing Pressler’s behavior."

'Mentally disordered' Trump needs to be dragged to the nearest neurologist: George Conway
"I'm not just talking about the possibility that he has dementia. I mean, if he were a relative of mine and saying some of the things he was saying and confusing Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi, saying that Barack Obama was president, I'd drag him to the nearest neurologist."

Smartmatic Accuses OAN Of “Criminal Activities”
The criminal stench is always heavy around MAGAts.

Paxton Demands Medical Records Of GA Trans Clinic
Sticking his nose into medical records of American citizens seems more than a little unethical if not criminal.

Starting To Think This Donald Trump Guy Doesn't Want To Be President
I'm starting to think he's a little bit crazy, you guys.
This miscreant cares for no American, only himself.

'Bombshell' report raises questions about new possible Trump tax evasion: experts
"Jordan Libowitz, of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics (CREW) claimed the conflicting information suggests something is not right."
“When you fill out your personal financial disclosures, you attest under penalty of the law that the information is true. Trump had to know that his Chicago business never gave him a loan of more than $50 million, as he claimed, repeatedly,” he told Sollenberger before adding, "While the reasons behind claiming this fake loan are still unknown, at the very least he misled the government for years about his finances. It appears that Trump knowingly and intentionally broke the law. The only question is how many laws.”

Fox News host: 'Taylor Swift backlash' means trouble for KC Chiefs championship
What world do these people live in? Are they pissed-off because a succesful pop star, that happens to be a woman, attends a pro sports team game? Are they pissed because a member of that team has been said to have a relationsup with that woman? They haven't bitched about all the media and movie stars that attended Lakers games before. Is it because they're misogynists and despise women geting public attention? You can blame the media for that. Is it jealous men because of their fantasy of having her all to themselves getting exploded? If it's pissed-off women it's damn certain jelousy. But their attitude towards Swift is something that goes much deeper and is sick as all hell. This shows extreme childishness in the people that participate in this ridiculous social exercise.

'Catastrophic!' Ex-GOP lawmaker warns one-third of Republicans won’t vote due to Trump
"During an appearance on MSNBC on Sunday morning, former Rep. Charlie Dent (R-PA) warned his party that it is headed for a big collapse in November because Republican voters will stay home due to Donald Trump being at the top of the ticket."
The same thing happened in 2020. But there were more Republicans that voted for Biden. There will be more this time around.

Utah Passes Bill To Ignore Federal Laws
Like Texas and the rest of the traitors, this is secession. Intervention is called for.

Oklahoma Gov. Argues States Can Just Defy SCOTUS
Like Utah and Texas and the rest of the traitors, this is secession. Intervention is called for.

Vanishing Ants, Waning Forests, and Fading Hope for Brazil’s Amazon
"In the Amazon, the climate crisis is hitting hard. As welcome as the slowdown in deforestation has been, it is not enough and even this is threatened by new roads and oil projects. If the political drift continues, it will not be just the trees, the cows and the ants that start to die off."

Trump Colorado disqualification ruling backed by Civil War historians in new filing
"According to a Sunday, January 28 report from The Guardian, a group of Civil War and Reconstruction historians are backing the Colorado Supreme Court's ruling to disqualify Donald Trump from political office under the 14th Amendment's insurrection clause."
This filing spells it out and draws a picture for even the most jaded fascist jurist to grasp.

Child Labor Could Solve Alabama’s “Labor Shortage,” Says GOP Group
So could immigrants and migrants. Why the barbaric notion of child labor>

Can we send Trump into exile? It worked (sort of) with Napoleon
Tolstoy describes sending a defeated leader with no "human dignity" far, far away — and it sounds like a great idea
Yes, but he's in serious need of mental treatment. Find a hospital for him.

'Huh?': Trump's multiple 'misfires' at Nevada rally raise questions from onlookers
The dementia is showing. The guy is firing blanks. Sad. Get him medical attention quickly.

Rick Perry Parrots Trump's Nazi Rhetoric: Migrants 'Dilute' America
Oops! So do statements like this.

'Trump will be convicted so fast it will make his head spin': former federal prosecutor
"Once Trump’s criminal trials commence — and the rules of evidence and the rules of procedure control the proceedings — Trump will be convicted so fast it will make his head spin," Kirschner added.

Elise Stefanik caught deleting statement calling for January 6 rioters to be prosecuted
Already copying her Golden Calf Trump in corruption.

Beetleboob’s Ex-Husband Hit With Six Criminal Charges
"Republican U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert ‘s ex-husband, Jayson Boebert, has been charged with assault and other counts in connection with two domestic altercations, including an argument with the congresswoman in a restaurant that spiraled out of control, and a fight with the former couple’s son, authorities said."

'He slurs his words, he gets confused': Columnist makes case Trump has 'a screw loose'
"According to the journalist, even Republicans are starting to admit the former president is not all there — something that has become a major talking point in South Carolina Republican Nikki Haley's campaign."
"Adding, "I think there's a lot of things that we don't normally credit with for President Biden, and the last is that it's becoming pretty apparent, even to Republicans, that he [Trump] has got a screw loose."
Someone had to notice sooner or later.

'People at his rally are laughing at Trump': Audience erupts after Abraham Lincoln remark
"Donald Trump on Saturday said he was treated worse than Abraham Lincoln, prompting laughter from the audience at his rally in Nevada."
Has he been shot in the head yet?

The road to death penalty abolition runs through Alabama and Oklahoma
"Countless cases lay bare the raw injustice of the death penalty in the United States. The case of Richard Glossip is certainly one of them. He’s been on Oklahoma’s death row since 1998, facing nine separate execution dates. He’s been given his final meal three times, and, in 2015, was saved from death just hours before his execution only after prison officials admitted they had ordered the wrong drug for their lethal cocktail. Richard Glossip has always maintained his innocence in the 1997 murder of Barry Van Treese, who employed him as a motel manager in Oklahoma City. The flawed prosecution had no physical evidence linking him to the crime. Only the testimony of the actual killer, Justin Sneed, another motel employee who had already confessed to the crime, implicated Glossip. In exchange, Sneed was able to avoid the death penalty."

Alina Habba’s antics make her a candidate for Bar Assoc. disciplinary action: attorney
"Donald Trump lawyer Alina Habba's "flagrant disregard" for courtroom rules could pave the way for Judge Lewis Kaplan to refer her to the State Bar for a hearing and investigation."
"According to former U.S. Attorney Joyce Vance, the E. Jean Carroll judge would be completely within his rights to ask the New York State Bar Association to review the former president's attorney's conduct after Kaplan repeatedly was forced to admonish her during the two-week trial."

Wisconsin GOP Lawmaker Says the Quiet Part Out Loud: Women Are Breeding Stock
Women don't need men to have children. And assholes like this shouldn't replicate. Get over yourself.

Greg Gutfeld’s Sexual Obsession With AOC Accidentally Reveals the Insecurities of the MAGA Man
Is he the one with "Penis Envy"?

US warship, escalating Mideast crisis
Incident in Gulf of Aden is the first time the Iranian-backed group has directly targeted an American military vessel.
They want to commit suicide it appears.

'That's actually not the case': Ex-Trump campaign adviser shut down by Anderson Cooper
One no longer gets time to lie to the people automatically.

Trump wants Americans to pay up for his crimes
The former president had already spent more than $57 million of other people’s money on his legal fees
Aren't you tired of writing checks for this treasonous lout who doesn't give one fuck for you?

UT Lawmakers Pass Ban On College Diversity Programs
One size fits all. No one else need apply. This is America now? We should have no part of this.
America rascism has removed its mask.

Perry: We Should Literally Be Up In Arms Over Migrants
Another Confederate traitor. Please be on the front lines when the gunplay starts.
2011 - Rick Perry: "Oops!"
The list of our Mercun traitors:
1968 - Nixon colludes with North Vietnam to not sign the Paris Peace Treaty before the election to help him win.
1980 - Reagan colludes with Iran to not release the hostages prior to the election to help him win.
2024 - Trump colludes with MAGA House Republicans to not secure the border prior to the election to help him win — Wash Spin (comments>

Schlapp: Carroll Judgment Signals The End Of America
Hopefully, it's the end of con men like him.
His smarmy golden calf has shot his fake wad and so have cretins like him!

'This is the Achilles heel': Experts say Trump’s 'undisciplined' rage could doom campaign
""[The victory speech] was essentially a train wreck and exhibited all the worst tendencies of Donald Trump. It was an undisciplined Trump and this is what turns off independent voters," Schiller said. "This is the Achilles heel for the Trump campaign and they know it."
These people know a lot about Trump and are deniers. They make it all political and they continue to ignore his lack of morals, lack of a conscicence, and no empathy, it's all about him and no one else. He's a dangerous predator.

Trump threat to bar Nikki Haley supporters backfires as cash floods in
He keeps showing how his mind is gone.

'He stiffed Rudy': Trump faces 'new potential legal problem' in Giuliani bankruptcy case
The same day Donald Trump was hit with a massive defamation verdict in E. Jean Carroll's defamation case, it was reported that the ex-president could be sued on behalf of Rudy Giuliani in connection with the former mayor's bankruptcy.
This person is not fit to be our president. Anyone who thinks so should check their reasoning.

'Simply false': GOP's latest witness in impeachment inquiry blows apart Biden accusations
“To be clear, President Biden — while in office or as a private citizen — was never involved in any of the business activities we pursued,” Rob Walker told the House Oversight and House Judiciary Committees.

Habba's closing 'did the seemingly impossible' and made Trump's 'position worse': expert
Think of the clients she'll be getting after her "performance."

Angry Alina Habba cut off mid-rant by CNN's Jake Tapper: 'Not particularly effective'
Not finished? Oh yes, finished is exactly what she is.

Newsom Hits 'Shameful' Republicans For Ditching Bipartisan Border Deal
California Gov. Gavin Newsom whacked the spineless Republicans who are again capitulating to Trump on the one issue they keep pretending they actually care about so that Trump can have it as a political issue for the election.

Pirro Pulls A Trump, Confuses Him For Jason Miller
It's time for the former judge to take a mental acuity test, no?
"On Fox News' The Five, co-host Jeanine Pirro took a page from Trump's confused and mentally disturbed state of mind when she thought James Carville referred to her lord and savior as a Nazi, when the former Clinton advisor specifically attributed that to Trump advisor Jason Miller.
James Carville did describe Trump as a "wretched human being" to Ari Melber for being convicted of rape and on that we can all agree."
Trump lost the 2020 election but I guess she got confused. Take another drink.

New Law Would Illegalize AI Taylor Swift Porn Flooding Internet
AI abusers get busted right quick. It won't be the last time.

GOP senator who voted to acquit Paxton wants Senate to consider reopening impeachment proceedings
Remember, it ain't over, til it's over. It looks like it ain't over.

Trump is an ‘oath-breaking insurrectionist’ who shouldn’t be allowed to run, challengers argue
Every one knows this. They just won't admit it.

Heartless’ Statue Thieves Steal Everything but Jackie Robinson’s Shoes
Find them, indict them, convict them and sentence them to 20 years in prison without parole.
“Our community is devastated,” local police wrote.

Police Arrest Teen Said to Be Linked to Hundreds of Swatting Attacks
A California teenager who allegedly used the handle Torswats to carry out a nationwide swatting campaign is being extradited to Florida to face felony charges, WIRED has learned.
This should also carry a terrorist charge.

Jury hits Trump with massive amount of damages in E. Jean Carroll defamation trial
"The jury has reached a decision in Donald Trump's second defamation trial involving E. Jean Carroll, according to Inner City Press."
"Jurors awarded the author and columnist $7.3 million for compensatory damages, $11 million to restore her reputation, and $65 million in punitive damages for defamatory statements Trump made against Carroll while serving as president after she accused him of raping her decades ago in a Manhattan department store dressing room. The total amount is $83.3 million."
CNN called it a "significant victory" for the defamed columnist.

'Massive mistake': Trump's allies are turning against him for his latest blunder
"Yeah, I think there's quite a few Republican members that are very concerned that the opportunity to pass what many would consider to be the most conservative border package in a generation, if they just allow that to go by the wayside because of presidential politics, would be a massive mistake," confirmed Nobles.

The Uber Rich Are Funding “National School Choice Week” to Attack Public Schools
These fascists want to have "Hitler's Children" schools.

Conservatives in Tennessee, Oklahoma Introduce “Abortion Trafficking” Bills
The Nazi Volunteer state. As Jonathan Winters used to say, "Just a hood with a badge."

Colorado Voters Press SCOTUS On Trump Ballot Ban
Back the Constitution or resign, dudes.

Trump Was Secretly Behind RNC Plan To Crown Him
“An ally of Donald Trump is now withdrawing a proposal to make the former president the presumptive Republican nominee before he has even got enough delegates to be the Republican nominee. It's a withdrawal that came just hours after Trump distanced himself from the effort."
Arrogance to the nth degree.

Joe Biden Just Stopped A Huge Methane Gas Export Plant. It's A Big Not-Fracking Deal
"Climate guy Bill McKibben’s headline shortly after the Times story went up pretty much encapsulated the stunned/happy reaction of climate activists: ”Um, I think we all just won.” McKibben, still hedging a little, wrote, “if it’s true, and I think it is, this is the biggest thing a U.S. president has ever done to stand up to the fossil fuel industry.”

Texas Wants A Hot War With Joe Biden, And Republican Governors Want To Help!
AI just can't re-create a human hand to save its intelligence.

UAW Endorses Fellow Picket Line Walker Joe Biden
“Donald Trump is a scab. Donald Trump is a billionaire and that's who he represents. If Donald Trump ever worked in an auto plant, he wouldn't be a UAW member, he'd be a company man trying to squeeze the American worker.” — UAW President Shawn Fain

Texans face a bigger burden than ever to pay rent, study finds
Texas - the Rip-Off state.

‘Bratty’ and ‘megalomaniacal’ Trump mocked for walking out of court after being criticized
He's a snot-nosed loser and will be forever in eternity.
He'll never be able to pay her the fines he keeps heaping on himself so he will eventually serve time in prison. It's unavoidable for him.

'God's Army' trucker convoy heading to southern border on 'biblical' anti-migrant crusade
They're going to stop God from delivering the people to freedom? When did these fruitcakes get their commission?

What Happens When Trump Isn’t Allowed to Lie
Google will take his place.

Google’s New AI-Powered Browser Could Mark the End of the Human Internet
I never thought I'd say this but Google could very well become a serious problem to world stability.
Big Brother will soon arrive.

Massive Global Study Shows “Rapid and Accelerating” Groundwater Loss
“Groundwater is one of our best buffers against climate variability and change in the future,” said Jasechko. “Managing it wisely is in our best interest, given the inherent uncertainties of what comes next.”

Tillis: It’s “Immoral” To Bow To Trump On Border Deal
"Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C., urged his colleagues not to make it all about politics at the behest of another candidate."
“I didn’t come here to have the president as a boss or a candidate as a boss. I came here to pass good, solid policy,” Tillis said. “It is immoral for me to think you looked the other way because you think this is the linchpin for President Trump to win.”

WSJ Condemns Trump For “Sabotaging” Border Deal
Read the full editorial.
The @WSJ asks: Does the GOP really want to solve the border problem? Or is it all just posturing?

SD Gov: I’ll Personally Drive More Razor Wire To Texas
Another member of the Confederacy.

Kirk Staffer Suggests “Armed Revolt” Against Jews
"Turning Point USA Ambassador Evan Kilgore appeared on the show of virulent antisemite Stew Peters, where the two alleged that Jewish people are behind the world’s problems and advocated for armed revolt. After claiming that the government is “Jewish-controlled,” Kilgore said that people “have to be willing to stand up and use their firearm, use the Second Amendment to protect themselves against this tyranny.”
Nazis threaten to murder Jews as usual.

Abortion Bans Resulted In 65K Rape-Related Pregnancies
"And which states should be hanging their heads in shame? Alabama, Arkansas, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas and West Virginia."
All memebers of the Land of the Happy Negro. What has happened to our "civilzed society"?

Can you deprogram your Trump cultist friends and family?
"We are living in James Madison’s nightmare."

Trump keeps digging himself deeper into abyss in Carroll defamation lawsuit: legal expert
"Rubin noted that Carroll and her attorneys have demonstrated that she has received "rape threats and death threats…. almost daily since his defamation began four years ago, roughly — four plus years ago."
The loser keeps losing.

Not just Trump: GOP voters cheer and applaud Boebert and 5 GOP rivals for arrest records
Which makes them criminals too since Trump is a rapist. And all of them are victims of the law.

'It rattles him': Source claims Biden's 'loser' taunt is getting under Trump's skin
Trump is a loser. The only reason he was elected in 2016 was James Comey's email stunt.

Greg Gutfeld's sexual obsession with AOC accidentally reveals the insecurities of the MAGA man
Donald Trump's brief "testimony" Thursday was more of the same: MAGA tough guys run away when confronted

RNC Withdraws Plan To Crown Trump As Its Nominee
The MAGAts attempt to throw out rules and dictate.

Watters: We Need A Dictator “To Get Things Done”
It won't be you, twerp. Mindless fascist moron.
The same Nazi policy Americans fought in WWII. America has forgotten. Big mistake.

Oklahoma Gov: Red States Would Send Troops To Texas
More Nazi cult traitors threaten America. They want a Civil War where most of them will be erased. And they use our southern border as their excuse for their violence?
If any of these states secede they can't vote for Trump because they lose their voting rights in America. Trump loses automatically.

EU Threatens To Suspend Hungary’s Voting Rights
Too bad America can't handle Nazis like the EU.

Hate Group Fires Pastor Over His Gay Wedding Advice Because Attending Is Like Driving An Alcoholic To A Bar
The shallowness and ignorance of so-called "Christians."
"Always remember that the far-right hates "cancel culture" ... except when they do it." — Right Wing Watch (comments)

Peter Navarro's Presser Interupted By 'Commie' Hecklers
"None of these people would know a commie if they came up and bit them in the butt."
Dude, you're a convict.

Trump's running mate checks all the 'awful' boxes
The female equivalency to Trump. A pure Nazi. "Stefanik fits the bill perfectly."

Trump Calls On States To Deploy Troops To Texas
Trump calls for treasonous Civil War.
Get him in prison now.

FL University To Close “Indoctrinating” LGBTQ Center
Naked fascism. NAZIS will not be tolerated.

Iowa Bill Would Ban Ballot Challenges To Hair Furor
The Nazi scum must be stopped. These bastards are pissing on the Constitution.
Time to do what is necessary to preserve it.

How the “Limited Government” Scam Rolls On
“Limited government” means to take power away from governments elected by and answerable to the voters and hand that power off to massive, monopolistic corporations and the morbidly rich.

Florida Republicans Advance Bill To Make Kids “Start Working Full-Time”
These Nazi MAGAts are too lazy to work so they have to get kids to do it for them?
No college opportunity for these kids? Fuck these retards.

Georgia GOP declares war on 'Marxist' American Library Association
America will then make war on the Georgia MAGAt Nazi Party.

More states are pushing to stop legally recognizing trans people in public life
Them America will stop recognizing the shit pile doing this.

'Most ridiculous direct examination I’ve ever seen': Trump testimony bemuses experts
""I expect Trump will now go out and tell the press that the judge wouldn't let him talk and he's a victim — and he'll fundraise off that, and then post in all-caps on Truth Social about his victimness," legal analyst Allison Gill observed.
This is the moron that the morons want as leader of this country. Playing the eternal victim card which is all we ever get from the MAGAts. Putrid.

Trump has 'miscalculated' the impact Carroll trial will have on election: ex-GOP rep.
This is all because of his mental condition. He should be in therapy but he's too far gone.
The vapid stare to nowhere in the photo. Observing the void in his warped brain.

Cruz: Trump Would “Whip Biden’s Ass” In Cognitive Test
Cruz couldn't knock his way out of a wet paper bag. Did he say "Whale"?

Trump 'stumbled' in deposition when asked which years he was married to second wife
Ted, this idiot is a lame-brain deluxe! You must be related!

Trump Secretly Pressured Several GOP Senators To Kill Bipartisan Border Deal So Biden Can’t Chalk Up A Win
So, the criminal tries to rig another one. What a lame-brain.

Iowa Bill Would Force Students To Sing Anthem Daily

Florida Advances Bill Forcing Public Schools To Set Aside Time For Student Recruiting By “Patriotic Organizations
The Nazi shitpile that is Florida.

Florida Advances Bill To “Legally De-Trans” Individuals
The Nazi shits should go under and get fronal lobotomies. They deserve it.

Trump Loses Yet Another Bid To Dismiss Carroll Case
The criminal is a loser.

BREAKING: Peter Navarro Sentenced To Four Months
Another Trump mobster thrown in jail.

US economy surges with 3.3% growth last quarter
"The nation’s economy grew at an unexpectedly brisk 3.3% annual pace from October through December as Americans showed a continued willingness to spend freely despite high interest rates and price levels that have frustrated many households."
Joe Biden is a winner. America is a winner with Biden.

Groups That Scammed Seniors Funded Event For Turning Point USA
"When Trump fan club Turning Point USA hosted a four-day extravaganza last month featuring prominent extremists, it was partially funded by two groups the feds say bilked millions from elderly Republicans and anti-communist émigrés from China"
The Trump mob freely feeds on America at will. The mob names are all listed. There is no longer justice in America.

UAW President Shawn Fain: Trump Is A Scab
The beggest, festering scab that ever lived.

Study Estimates 26,000 Rape-Related Pregnancies In TX Since Abortion Ban
"The nauseating stats come from a study published Wednesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Although the study focused on 14 states that implemented total abortion bans following the Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe v. Wade, the statistics for Texas stand out."
That's a lot of violent crimes even for the great fascist state.

'Horrified' insiders don't want 'mentally unfit' Trump on a stage with Haley: Morning Joe
He has lost contact with all reality

'Like a dirty old shoe': Internet laughs at Trump's apparent makeup job gone wrong
"Like a well-meaning, slow-witted lunkhead who couldn’t resist when he saw an open jar of Nutella. He should not be president again but he should be allowed to have goofy adventures like this."
Lipstick on a pig still leaves a pig.

Who are No Labels’ donors? Democratic groups file complaints in an attempt to find out
The Monkey Wrech Gang.

Trump Secretly Pressured Several GOP Senators To Kill Bipartisan Border Deal So Biden Can’t Chalk Up A Win
Scumbag. Throw him in the sewer where he belongs.

Nitrogen hypoxia: Why Alabama's execution of Kenneth Smith stirs ethical controversy.

SCOTUS Allows Alabama To Use Nitrogen Execution
These creatures are barbarians.

Hate Group Sues CVS Over Catholic Clinic Nurse Fired For Refusing To Fill Woman’s Birth Control Prescription
"They didn’t fire her for her religious beliefs." Nope! Nope! Nope! Do your job, quit, get fired, or kill yourselves morons! This ain't your cult church. Nope! Nope! Nope!
Florida: Hell's back yard.

Dem Rep: Biden Should Nationalize TX National Guard
“Governor Abbott is using the Texas National Guard to obstruct and create chaos at the border,” Castro said in a statement. “If Abbott is defying [Monday’s] Supreme Court ruling, President Biden needs to establish sole federal control of the Texas National Guard immediately.”
Absolutely. Occupy Texas! Abbott's treason is second only to Trump's treason.
He speaks with forked tongue. He can handle border but the border is the problem? Someone is full of shit. That is more than obvious it is Abbott and his failed toadies. They've been waiting and hoping to become martyrs.
"Will anyone be charged for the deaths of a migrant mother and her two children whom the TX NG deliberately ignored at the Governor's request?" — Max-1 (comment)
Abbott must pay! He's asking for it.

The Internet Cringes As Trump Publicly Humiliates Tim Scott
There used to be places to put mentally ill people like this. Now we just put them on TV.

Ohio Pastor Who Helped Homeless Brave Ice Storm Is Suing
GOOD. Ohio Pastor Files Federal Lawsuit Over Charges for Helping Homeless. An attorney for Pastor Chris Avell said city officials have launched a "smear campaign of innuendo and half-truths" to get him to stop hosting homeless people in his church.
So much for hyocrites.

Putin-connected businessman loaned $8M to Trump entity involved in alleged insider trading
Trmp swine don't care.

When White Flags Turn Red in Gaza
Pervasive Impunity Fuels Unlawful Killings
This is murder by any definition. You don't shoot at a white flag. The guilty must pay.

Hunter Biden's friend schools Republican Andy Biggs during impeachment hearing
Morris, who is admitted to the Bar in California and New York, explained that he researched the ethics of loaning money to clients. "I'll just clarify, Congressman, that the California rules of professional procedure, which I've looked at, there's nothing wrong with a loan to a client when the client is fully informed and has complete knowledge."
Biggs replied, "Yeah, I've read the rules in California as well, and I'm choosing not to get into that right now. I mean, we might get into —"
"Yeah, becaue I'm right," Morris interrupted Biggs.
"We might get into that later, I don't know, but we don't need to get into it now," Biggs said.
Sounds like someone was castrated here.

Uh Oh, Kayleigh McEnany Gonna Have To Put Dollar Bill In Fox News 'Told The Truth' Jar
"He wasn’t even on the ballot, because New Hampshire was being a real New Crampshire in Biden’s and the DNC’s ass about giving up its “first in the nation” primary status, blah blah blah, if you want all the details, click here. The point is, Biden wasn’t on the ballot, and he still won. (Dean Phillips, meanwhile, was a giant fucking loser. More on that later!)"
McENANY: "This was actually a fairly good night for Joe Biden."
“Why is he so angry?” asked Haley’s people, to Politico Playbook. “For someone who’s not threatened by Nikki, he sure talks about her every chance he gets."
He likes to do it with anybody at anytime. He's an arrogant jackwad.

Texas Goes Full Fort Sumter On Supreme Court
"Border enforcement is not the state’s job, and federal supremacy doesn’t exist only when Republicans are in the White House (usually against the popular will)."
There is prececdent for Federal troops to occupy the state. Are they actually prepared for anther Alamo?

EPA Can’t Enforce Civil Rights Protections, Trump-Appointed Judge Rules
"A ruling in Louisiana by a federal judge appointed by former Republican President Donald Trump will make it even harder for communities to fight environmental racism and the establishment of “sacrifice zones,” said one advocacy group on Tuesday. U.S. District Court Judge James Cain, Jr., appointed in 2018, ruled in favor of Louisiana eight months..."
This is what you get when you put Nazis in justice enforcement.

More Texans than ever before enrolled in ACA health plans in 2024, feds say
And they really want to kill it? Then keep voting for the fascists, suckers.

Trump’s Poor Showing in New Hampshire
As to the comments on percentages of party members, the latest I found was up-to-present.
49 million Democrats, 38.8 Republican, and, at least, 39 million Independents. (est.)

Jon Stewart Returns to ‘The Daily Show’ Through 2024 Election
Voice of America returns.

Big Funeral Exploits Consumers Under Guise of Inflation
Reduced inflation across the economy magnifies the sectors where high markups persist.
It's a great service. I understand people are dying for it.
On the other hand one may will their last remains as a doner to the medical industry for zero, nil, nada, nothing. They come and take you away as well.

'Bad night for Trump' as New Hampshire revealed 'cracks in the armor': MSNBC's McCaskill
Donald Trump may have won New Hampshire's first-in-the-nation Republican primary, but MSNBC's Claire McCaskill said his tighter-than-expected margin of victory over Nikki Haley revealed some "cracks in the armor."
We all know he's cracked.

Biden Wins a Double Victory in New Hampshire
"The contrast with the glowering Trump and the Republicans who are on a white-knuckle ride with him should be richly rewarding for the 46th president."

'Improper medical practices': White House pharmacy was a 'hot mess' during Trump’s presidenc
"The report is 80 pages long and takes a close look at the pharmacy's condition during Donald Trump's four years in the White House."
Another Trump failure. But I'm sure he got his.

CNN panel 'shocked' by New Hampshire exit polls showing red flags for Trump
Some are even black with skulls and crossbones.

The Smiths’ Johnny Marr To Trump: Stop Using My Song
Thieves will be thieves.

Court Upholds Pharma Douche’s Ban From Industry
Paying attention, Donnie?

Trump Has Spectacular Meltdown As New Hampshire Results Roll In
Trump got beaten up by a girrrrrl!
The majority of the votes she gets, if not all, will be Biden votes in November.

Charlie Kirk Demands TX Gov Start A Civil War Over Razor Wire
I noticed he didn’t say a word about putting his own fanny on the line
They already have, you jerk. It's just a matter of the Union troops occupying the state.

Trump Threatens Haley During Victory Speech In New Hampshire
Donald Trump threatened his last remaining rival during his victory speech in New Hampshire, telling supporters that she'd be under investigation just like he is for “stuff she doesn’t want to talk about.”

Trump’s 'immunity' argument is a recipe for a 'dark American future': former federal prosecutor
Of course it is. Trump himself is a "dark American future" for any reason.
The cowardly opposition doesn't want to offend the most offensive asshole. Trump is going to lose in the end because there will be more unafraid Americans against him than anyone the criminal imagines.

Dean Phillips Condemns Whoever Said Thing About Running With No Labels, Man, Fuck THAT Guy! (It Was Dean Phillips.)
"Maybe next time just start all sentences with “I’d be a clown-boning batshit if I said the following words.” Or end all sentences with, 'I’m Dean Phillips, and do I approve this message? Perhaps I don’t.'
But again, this just goes to show that with egotistical whack-a-mole Dunning-Kruger spokesmodels like Dean Phillips, it behooves us to kick the shit out of them early and often."

MAGA Idiots Pretty Sure Nikki Haley Not Brown Enough To Experience Racism, Is Faking It
It goes against the conventional wisdom to suggest that anybody could give Donald Trump a run for his money in the Republican primary. After all, what more do Republican voters want if not a deranged, demented criminal white supremacist authoritarian with self-esteem issues and pretty obvious brain damage who resents and hates the same people they do? He’s a reflection of them in some ways, and also they really think he’s as rich as he says."

MTG threatens any Republican not supporting Trump will be 'eradicated' from the GOP
There's your "swath" creator. We'll just call her the "Eradicator, Swisher of Swaths."

'Absolutely hate him': Analysts find 'whole swath' of Republicans will 'never' vote Trump
Is it a 'whole swath," a 'half-swath," or a "quarter-swath"? Just wondering where you get a 'swath measuring device.'
I'd say it was "100 million."

Six-Fingered Trump Boasts About His “Pole Numbers"
The age of AI. Isn't it wonderful America? Or is it merely copying audio and doing clever editing of Biden voice tracks?

Email sheds new light on Texas House candidate Jared Woodfill’s role in Southern Baptist leader’s sex abuse scandal
Woodfill has been endorsed by Attorney General Ken Paxton despite his connection to Paul Pressler, a prominent religious figure accused of rape.
Emails Suggest Notorious Anti-LGBTQ Activist Helped Provide Victims To Accused Southern Baptist Pedophile

Michael Knowles: Feds Should Pay Trump’s Legal Bills
This Bozo is more scatter-brained than Trump.

GOP Rep Urges Texas To Defy Supreme Court Ruling As State National Guard Rolls Out More Border Razor Wire
Occupy the fascist state with Federal troops and set up a provisional government.
These Nazis think they are a separate country. Well then, America must occupy them. There is precedent for it.

Texas Hit With UN Complaint Over LGBTQ Rights
The fascist state was behind 1 in 5 of all anti-LGBTQ plus bills introduced nationwide in 2023

Patriot Front Nazis Stymied By New York City Subway Turnstiles
Automatons programming fails.

'You think we’re the enemy': Fox News hosts scoff as Haley chides them for trying to 'coronate' Trump
She thinks that because that's exactly who Fox has been since Rupert Murdoch created it in 1996. America's favorite fascist propaganda source.

'Lingering courtroom questions' could 'doom Trump’s general election chances': legal expert
"The results in Iowa last week were a win for Donald Trump," Khardori explains, "but they also underscored that the former president's ongoing legal troubles are among his biggest liabilities in a rematch with Joe Biden. Nearly a third of Republican caucus-goers told pollsters that Trump would not be 'fit' for the presidency if he is convicted of a crime — a sizable defection that, if it held, would likely doom Trump's general election chances."
It's either Trump goes or America dies. No question who goes here.

'Losingest loser': Journalists say 'Trump’s in big trouble'
“Donald Trump has a problem no matter what happens in New Hampshire tonight,” Politico’s White House Bureau Chief Jonathan Lemire wrote on X, quoting a piece from Politico. “There’s a whole swath of the Republican electorate and a good chunk of independents who appear firmly committed to not voting for him in November if he becomes the nominee.”

GOP rep celebrates infrastructure bill funding he voted against and called 'socialism'
The very defintion of a fascist. Scammers and con men who hate the people.

Donald Trump has a big problem ahead
"There’s a whole swath of the Republican electorate and a good chunk of independents who appear firmly committed to not voting for him in November if he becomes the nominee."

'My conscience won't let me vote for a criminal': NH voters speak out against Trump
"I was a lifelong Republican until President Trump," said Kathryn Wood. "I would like to get the Republican Party back to its normal conservative values."
"My conscience won't allow me to vote for a criminal," said Jack Wolber. When Treene asked him what compelled him to vote for Haley, he replied, "She's not Trump."

Trump Challenges Nikki Haley To Pick Out Which One Is ‘Camel,' Bet She Can't
"Today is the New Hampshire primary, and when Republicans go to the polls there, they will be pulling the lever for a man who is still bragging about the dementia test he (allegedly) aced six years ago."

Donald Trump Challenged Nikki Haley To An ‘Aptitude Test’ And You Know What Happened
A 5-year old emerged. A brain wasted.

Morning Joe predicts doom for GOP: 'If Trump wins tonight Republicans lose in the fall'
"You can't elect a guy who is obsessed with 2020," Scarborough added. "You've got to elect a guy or a woman in this case who can help you move forward over the next four, five, 10 years. All Donald Trump does is talk about himself. You need to elect a president who talks about you and your family. Trump will never do that, ever! But if you want that, if you want to lose again, thank you, Jesus, for giving us free will, Republicans lose again, it's in your hands. But that decision is made tonight, it's made tonight. If Donald Trump wins tonight, Republicans will lose again in the fall."

Judge Blocks North Carolina Voter Suppression Law
Cowardly Trump Nazis keep trying to take American voting rights away. Fuck them to hell.

Trump Rally Plagued With Hecklers And QAnon Chants
Irritated is he? He created the hell he lives in. Traitor Hell!

Trump Incoherently Babbles His Way Through Last Night's Speech
Projection. Always projection...
TRUMP: "which is incapable of solvin’ even the sollest... smallest problem. The simplest of problems, we can no longer solve. We can’t do anything. We are an institute in a powerful death penalty. We will put this on."
Class A mentally impaired dumbass.

We Can't Wait For Biden's Presidential Immunity
Trump's closing argument to New Hampshire: "Presidents must be able to commit crimes!" Guess Dark Brandon can go on then.
I'd be looking over my shoulder, Fatso. You will never know when that blade will lop off your stupid head.
Really, all this shows is he knows he is full of shit and he has plenty of suckers who believe him.
Ding, ding, ding — pshing! Boom!

Nikki Haley Marks Roe’s Anniversary by Saying She’d Sign Nationwide Abortion Ban
Another unity candidate! /S LMAO!! Dig your grave deeper, girl.

Republicans Did This to Themselves
They are not Republicans. They are MAGt co-conspriators in treason. The country in which I grew up would not support them in any capacity.

Florida Chief Financial Officer Pushes Bill For State To Pay Trump $5M For Supposed “Political Discrimination
Fraud and coercion is all this bill is. It attempts to bail Trump out of his debt.

New Hampshire AG Opens Probe Into Fake Robocalls
Shut 'em down.

Biden marks Roe anniversary with new protections for abortion
"President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are commemorating the 51st anniversary of Roe v. Wade, kicking off what will be a year-long campaign to put abortion and reproductive health rights at the forefront in 2024. That includes the White House announcing new steps to strengthen protections and access to contraception, abortion medication, and emergency abortions at hospitals, facing Donald Trump and his packed Supreme Court head on."

Putin Signs Decree Declaring Sale Of Alaska Null & Void
As crazy as Trump is. After all they're butt buddies.
No American recognizes you as legally in charge of Russia.
Just keep fucking around and see what happens.

Good News for People Who Care About Human Life
"This is a relief. Though it’s disgusting that 4 SC justices do not appear to care about human life."

'Losing his marbles': Trump is getting a pass on his mental acuity
That's because his mob members are playing with a shorter deck than he is.

'Star Trek' actor rips Ron DeSantis for Trump endorsement: 'These people aren’t serious'
"Iowa-based Democratic activist Ashley Kuckelman tweeted, "Ron 'Never Back Down' just backed all the way down and then he endorsed a criminal rapist. Good riddance!"

'MAGA Mace': Trump endorsement sparks massive criticism for GOP congresswoman
"MAGA Mace, the Case." Showing us her idiocy.

Less Than 4% of Iowans Voted for Trump
"Trump supporters represented barely 2% of Iowa’s voting-age population."
The was NOT a landslide.

Have We Told Dean Phillips Lately To Get Fucked
"If there was any possibility left that Democratic Rep. Dean Phillips might just be a misguided soul who means well — who’s just too bless his fucking heart stupid to understand that you don’t primary incumbents if you want your party to win — he’s officially eliminated it. (Trust us, after he suggested he might be cool with having Elon Musk in his cabinet, we already knew.)"
"… the only thing we can think of to say is get fucked, Dean Phillips."
"Oh, we’ve said that before? SAYING IT AGAIN."

Yet Another Report Shows That The Inflation Is Made Out Of Corporate Profits
"A new report from the progressive think tank Groundwork Collaborative reveals that more than half of the recent inflation in the United States is driven not by supply chain issues or higher wages or even shoplifting but to corporate greed."

Trans People in Utah Could Face 6 Months in Jail for Bathroom Use Under New Bill
Then I hope Utah gets pissed on until they see the light of day.

Harris blasts Trump for saying he was 'proud' to end Roe: 'How dare he'
He'll be just as proud in a prison cell.

In Eagle Pass, a tense border standoff between Texas and the federal government is reaching a crescendo
"A park on the Rio Grande is the new focus of a long battle over border enforcement that’s reached the U.S. Supreme Court."
Let's see who blinks first.

Another hot, dry summer may push water supplies in parts of Texas to the brink
Some areas are starting the year with low water reserves. Forecasters don’t expect substantial relief from the weather.
It can happen here.

Americans Are Finally Starting to Feel Better About the Economy
Consumer sentiment, among Democrats and Republicans, has jumped sharply in the past two months. That’s encouraging news for Joe Biden.

What About Our Right to Life?
"As we’re seeing now in tragic cases, abortion bans violate much more than just privacy rights."

Female Trump supporter: Women are too emotional to be president
Who is she trying to kid? Trump is always in his menstrual cycle.

CNN's Paula Reid gives Elise Stefanik brutal fact-check over election interference tantrum
Who yanked her puppet string?

Taliban restricting unmarried women’s access to work and travel, UN report says
Sounds like the MAGAt Party to me. Just the American version of the Talibastards

'A lethal scam': Top constitutional lawyer warns No Labels 'could end democracy'
"No Labels, which insists it is not a political party while attempting to get a potential candidate on the 2024 presidential ballot, reportedly is now “openly floating” a plot to throw the November election into the U.S. House of Representatives — letting congressmembers decide the winner."
These asswipes must be stopped.

Former Republican lashes out at 'thug' Trump in no-holds-barred attack
“He is the mob boss of the Republican family, who makes Don Corleone look like a Boy Scout leader,” writes former Illinois Lt. Gov. Bob Kustra for the Herald Sun. “He makes ‘The Manchurian Candidate’ look like an innocent bystander.”
"Thug" is a kind word for him.

'What a clown': Morning Joe shreds Elise Stefanik for defending Trump's confusion
"MSNBC's Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski trashed Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) for downplaying Donald Trump's confused babbling."
Trump's toadie doesn't mind making a fool of herself.

More than 900,000 protested against far right in Germany over weekend
The world will not stand for Nazis. They must be destroyed.

E. Jean Carroll lawyer expected to slam Trump with new evidence after adjournment: expert
May this evidence ruin him for life.

Trump’s Gaffes and Slurring This Weekend Should Be Leading Every Newscast — Why Aren’t They?
His failures are always displayed here. The rest of the so-called meadia are in for the money only.

'Empty seats all over the arena': Trump busted for moving rallies to tiny venues
We have been seeing this for some time now. He is collapsing in front of our eyes.

'Truly confused': ABC News' Jon Karl stunned that Trump seems 'out of it'
Only fools are supporting a brain-dead carcass. What dose it say about them?

Trump attacks E. Jean Carroll again hours before final day in court
Hopefully, he will shoot himself in a place that won't heal.

'Dude': Matt Gaetz confronted with 'bag full of underage girls' in New Hampshire
Always a coward when confronted with the truth.

Greg Abbott is pushing Texas to the brink
Texas governor pushes on immigration, caring little about the law or the people he hurts in the name of politics
Abbott is a klutz. Like Trump, he thinks he's a king.

Ron DeSantis ends the most humiliating presidential run in history with one final disgrace
And he took Florida down on his way out

Trump Team Boots Reporter For Questions To Stefanik
Cowardly trash.
These people are clueless and disbled know-nothings.

Burgum Defends Trump’s Birtherism: “That’s Politics”
Like Burgum and Trump, that's a racist pile of shit.

Why Trump was the worst boss ever — according to 12 of his top White House officials
Thin-skinned with attention disorders... not fit to be president. You would think by now everyone would know these things about the douche bag.

'Get him out of here': Trump has 'disturbed individual' physically removed from rally
Does he realize the video of the man being escorted out reveals he has no crowd?
Cognitive, eh? Jiminy Glick could do better.

Elise Stefanik’s 'audition' for VP 'isn’t designed to convince anyone but Trump': report
Running to become Fatso's toadie and gopher.
The bottom of their barrel has been reached and it's being scraped.

Abortion bans are barring people from life-saving pregnancy care, medical groups warn
In a report shared first with The 19th, major medical organizations uniformly told lawmakers that the overturning of Roe v. Wade will also worsen racial inequality and create barriers to critical medical treatment.

Doctors face ‘a perpetual rollercoaster’ as abortion returns to the Supreme Court
Two cases — one concerning medication abortion and another about providing the procedure in medical emergencies — could further upend a profession already under siege.
“The fact that you’re so quickly after Dobbs seeing the Supreme Court have to weigh in on so many abortion suits — and more and more will just keep coming — is indicative of where we are.”

Los Angeles Times union calls for walkout in response to planned layoffs
The Times reportedly plans to cut ‘at least 100 journalists, or about 20% of the newsroom,’ due to financial challenges.
Once a great newspaper. But America dosen't care anymore. They will get what they deserve.
"This is one of those instances where I hope my media business analysis proves over time to be wrong. I fear, though, that we have seen this movie before — and it doesn’t end well."

The Baltimore Sun’s new owner gives ominous vibes of trouble ahead on the first day of his tenure
Will David D. Smith join a cohort of wealthy newspaper buyers who lead their new publications to disaster?

'Spitting on the Constitution': Expert says Trump's immunity bid goes against America
"Former Acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal appearing on "The Last Word" with Ali Velshi on Friday hammered the 45th president's theory that as POTUS he can do anything he wants and remain untouchable."
Trump is out of his lame brain.

Florida Bill Allows Lawsuits Against Abortion Providers
The same Nazis are in our country as in Germany.
A reckoning will come.
"If they haven't been born they're not children. 'Unborn children' is an oxymoron. Like 'boiling snow' or 'compassionate conservatism.'" — heleninedinburgh (comments)
These people have nothing for us but hatred and stupidity.

Protests Sweep Germany After Homocon-Led Party Is Exposed For Its Nazi Plot To Deport “Non-Assimiliated”
Never Nazis! Never forget who these scum eaters are.

CAUGHT ON TAPE: Louisiana AG Wants Full Criminalization Of Abortion
Attorney General Liz Murrill suggested Right to Life could help criminalize abortion because they’re “always writing great legislation.”
Nazi swine

The Biden Campaign Is Coming After Trump On Abortion
Biden is coming hard for Trump on abortion rights. Good.
Don't stop with that.

Davos Regular Dimon Expresses Support For Trump Reelection
And he's not the only one.
Of course not. Some are fascists.

Trump's closing argument to New Hampshire: Presidents must be able to commit crimes
Again: Does he realize he's asking to be assaninated?

'Dementia brain': Trump buried by Truth Social users over Nikki Haley rally flub
"It appears that no place is safe for Donald Trump when it comes to criticism of his recent slip-up at a rally."

Trump tries to blunt 'dementia' talk after confusing Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi
"After setting off a wave of new speculation that he is in the throes of mental decline as he makes his third bid to be president, Donald Trump corrected the record on his Truth Social platform after he confused former Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC) for Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) in a speech Friday night."
Same old batshit.

'Vile' Elise Stefanik facing wave of outrage for calling E. Jean Carroll a liar
Doing her best Trump imitation in hopes of becoming Fatso's "Vice Mate."
Hunger for power is like getting wired to meth.

Trump's latest mental decline defense undercut by creator of his cognitive test
He missed the whale according to his tester.
And did he ever draw over an outdated hurricane map to show the hurricane moving to Alabama?

Trump Judge Makes Texas Book-Banning Law Wear Dunce Cap, Write 'I Am Unenforceable' On Board 1000 Times
"A federal judge put the kibosh on a Texas law that would have forced book vendors to determine whether materials being sold to Texas schools that contain any mention of sex are either so dirty that they can’t be seen by anyone under 18, or merely so dirty they could only be seen with parental permission."
Maybe infinite times would be a better punishment.

Greed Killed Sports Illustrated
Greed creates more greed.

'It's not the media': Elise Stefanik cornered after dismissing Trump sexual abuse ruling
The idiot can't keep her mouth from overriding her asshole.

Grand Jury To Consider Charges For Uvalde Police
While you're at it take a look at the Abbott gang as well.

Newsmax Host: Imprison Biden For Life At Guantanamo
Imprison this little Nazi bastard instead.
Don't forget immunity can kill you. Your fuckwit traitor will tell you.

Steve Bannon Tells Mike Johnson To 'Put Down Your Bible'
Did Steve Bannon buy a comb for his jail sentence?

Senate finance chief rips GOP’s 'backroom scheme' to cut Social Security
So should we all.

Barbara Lee responds to Nikki Haley: Racism 'is in the DNA of this country'
“Racism, institutional racism, is in the DNA of this country,” said Lee. “When you look at what has taken place, look at our Native Americans, the genocide of Native Americans. When you look at what has taken place as it relates to African Americans, 250 years plus of enslaving African Americans, and then you look at the disparities now in our community in terms of health care, unemployment, the wealth gap, housing. You can’t tell me the systemic racism does not exist. It’s not just a little kink.”
You can't tell the Land of the Happy Negro they are just a "little kink."

Team Trump argues that verbal abuse gave E. Jean Carroll free publicity
What do these shitbags think their verbal abuse and mindless behavior have given them?

Ex-federal prosecutor explains what MAGA and the scientifically illiterate have in common
We are too fucking stupid to have the laws and rights we have been given. We have only perverted it all by being dumb as a sack of hammers.

Trump Rampage Suggests E. Jean Carroll 'Deserved' Rape
This is the bottom of the moral barrel. It's time this criminal was sent into deep outer space for eternity.

Newsmax's Eric Bolling says if Donald Trump “is behind bars, he will be elected president of the United States, and then he can pardon himself”
Glenn Beck: “If they put him behind bars, we don't have a republic anymore”
Glenn is full of shit. He just is.
A couple of more con men working for the fascists whining about how their treason hero is being violated.

Alina Habba's critics 'nitpicking' Trump trial performance because she's a woman: attorney
So how do they rate the men who seem to be just as inept? Because men can't be that way too? Get serious.

Is Charlie Kirk The COLOSSAL MAN Of Quitting Masturbating With Mike Johnson's Fave No-Porning Software?
"We have a lot to talk about in this post, so the two top breaking stories in it are that 1) Charlie Kirk couldn’t stop masturbating to porn but then he started using Covenant Eyes anti-porning software — Mike Johnson’s favorite! — and now he’s hands-free; and 2) Covenant Eyes has a new ad campaign featuring anti-porning superhero Colossal Man, who can’t stop masturbating, and you will never stop laughing."

'He is not well': Morning Joe appalled by Trump's 'crazy' Fox News interview
Anyone that begs for immunity has confessed their guilt

Reporter who's covered Trump for 20 years sounds alarm about his mental decline
Like Bolsonaro, his brain said goodbye some time ago.

Brazil’s Bolsonaro Faked His COVID Vaccine Records
This motherfucker is actually brain dead. Always the fraud.

Nikki Haley: I’d Only Pardon Trump If He’s Convicted
This woman does not have a functioning brain

46 GOP senators sign SCOTUS brief downplaying Trump’s role in January 6 insurrection
They are each and every one a co-conspirator in treason.

‘Jailing and killing Americans’: Expert issues warning on Trump’s latest claim
Professor Ben-Ghiat did not mince words on Thursday.
"Trump is telling Americans very clearly that he will be jailing and killing Americans," she warned. "Anyone who votes for him is complicit with these future crimes because of this transparency & these threats. Americans cannot say they did not know ahead of time."
"This is the dream of every authoritarian and why they do what they do to arrange things so they seem untouchable," she added, pointing to her book, "Strongmen: Mussolini to the Present."

Washington judge leaves door open to challenge Trump's name on 2024 ballot
And the door is still open to be slammed in Fatso's face.

Legal expert demolishes Alina Habba's claim about 'insanely prejudicial' Trump trial judge
She knows nothing about trial law.

'Use the money to go to law school': Critics stunned by Alina Habba's Trump legal fees
Well, let's not quibble about what she is. Let's just take a close look at that price she's asking.

Home schooling is surging, but lax regulation can leave kids vulnerable to abuse
We know who's producing the fascist morons.

Kids of color get worse health care across the board in the U.S., research finds
This is just such a surprise. /s

Oregon GOP State Rep Declares That “Godless” Atheists And Muslims Should Not Hold Elected Office
Our new crusades. And none of them were Christo-Fascists like this asswipe either.
Washington intended religious freedom in the United States to apply to all religions. Lincoln never joined any church and there were those who questioned his faith. While Madison served as President of the United States, there is not much evidence leading to his personal religious beliefs. He also worked extensively for the freedom of preachers who had been jailed for dissenting from the established church. Reagan was definitely a relgious zealot.

No Labels accuses opponents of 'intimidation tactics' in strongly worded letter to DOJ
Is is imtimidation to say they are, by their actions, helping to put an insane facist dictator in the presidency.
Who are they talking about? Or do they even know? All they are is a spoiler.

House Republicans’ attempts to hold Hunter Biden in contempt of Congress have stalled out
These people are unable to govern. Vote them all out.

'Jailing and killing Americans': Expert issues dire warning on Trump’s latest claim
Is he really this stupid? If this is true, Joe Biden could have him killed tomorrow.

House panel to take up backdoor attack on Social Security
"Social Security benefits are already modest—only about $21,384 a year, yet Republicans want to put these hard-earned benefits at risk," Schakowsky said in a statement. "We must expand Social Security benefits, not cut them."
The bastards are trying to rob us with a fountain pen.

Turns out Americans are feeling pretty good ‘vibes’ about their finances
"One of their latest Vibes surveys conducted by Harris Polls finds that, contrary to popular belief, Americans arefeeling pretty bullish about their personal finances. Indeed, 63% rated their current financial outlook as good, with 19% calling it "very good."

Michael Knowles: “White People Really Don’t See Color”
And if they can't see color they can't see racism.
Knowles is one of the shakiest thinkers posting anywhere.

Trump Jury May See His Infamous “Pussy Grab” Tape
"Pussy Grabbin' Man." Get your copy today.

Alina Habba's defense crumbles with single question from E. Jean Carroll's lawyer: expert
"This is just one instance showcasing what Vance has described as Habba's 'embarrassing' efforts to defend Trump in the New York City civil defamation trial. Carroll claims Trump defamed her when he denied sexually abusing her, an attack he was found liable for in a separate trial last year."
"Trump denies wrongdoing, but federal Judge Lewis Kaplan has already found him liable for defaming Carroll in 2019 — meaning the ongoing trial is largely to determine damages."
"Last year, Trump was also found liable for the sexual abuse and defaming Carroll on a different occasion."

'Thin, smoggy layer' of Trump: Writer says defamation trial shows how he's consumed U.S.
E. Jean Carroll spent decades building a reputation as a writer — now she is known only as the woman who accused Donald Trump of sexually assaulting her, a columnist wrote Thursday.
Everything Trump touches dies.

A Second Trump Term Will Bring an End to the American Century
Another four years of Trump's "America First" diplomacy will destroy the country's already declining global power.

Does the EPA Die Today?
The Supreme Court, it appears, is planning to gut most of America’s regulatory agencies in what could be the most consequential re-write of the protective “deep state” since the New Deal.

Twenty months after deadly Uvalde school shooting, multiple investigations have yet to be released
The failure continues.

“Cascading failures”: Justice Department blasts law enforcement’s botched response to Uvalde school shooting
The "Frontline" documentary on Uvalde is required viewing for a perfect example of what failure in law and order is.

Wherein The Judge Has To Tell Trump To Shut His Insolent Babble Hole, Because E. Jean Carroll Is Speaking
"Are the open sores on Donald Trump’s hand maybe affecting his brain’s ability to regulate his behavior? We are just asking, because he almost got his ass thrown out of the courtroom during his E. Jean Carroll defamation trial yesterday. It’s like the festering tumor of a man just can’t control>

Idaho Republicans Take Third Shot At 'Sue Libraries Out Of Business' Bill
The retarded shitpile that they call Idaho.

Oklahoma Republican Gonna Get Those Litter-Box-Using Furry Kids Out Of Schools, Using Animal Control
Get them Oklahoma Republicans the fuck out first thing.

What are ‘furries?’ Debunking myths about kids identifying as animals, and litter boxes in schools
For the great unwashed morons everywhere.
They dress up like they are "authories" or something else out of touch with reality?

What’s the Deal with “Furries?”
What a decade of research reveals about a misunderstood subculture.
Just like the ones that dress up as cowboys.

'Just stop!': Nikki Haley buried by Morning Joe for ducking Trump rape questions
Not a good answer.

'How dumb': George Conway mocks Alina Habba's botched interrogation of E. Jean Carroll
"How dumb" is the motto of the Trump Criminal Syndicate.

Trump's house of cards is starting to crumble
He wants you to believe he’s already won the general election, even if he ends up in prison this fall

Carville Suggests Trump Has “Secondary Syphilis”
This isn't the first time Trump has been suggested as having Syphilis.

Trump Again Claims ID Is Required To Purchase Bread
Another symptom?

Trump Rants That Presidents Must Have Full Immunity, “Even Events That Cross The Line” Must Have Immunity
Any honest lawyer (and there's a few) will tell you that anyone that asks for immunity is de facto guilty.
He's claiming he has the right to commit crimes.

Florida education board removes DEI, sociology course from colleges: report
In this way, Florida fascists create their own "Ministry of Truth" as it was in the novel "1984" by George Orwell. DeSantwit becomes "Big Brother."

'Why are you laughing?' GOP lawmaker flips out on witness during tense hearing
"In fact, it has been confirmed the Trump administration forcibly separated more than a thousand children from their parents, and the Biden administration so far has had success in reuniting hundreds of them."
Another clueless idiot.

Newsmax Guest: Maddow Wants To Look Like A Man
The latest moron for money. "When Did Gays Come Over On Ships?" The same time as all your ancestors did.

Stefanik Hit With Censure Measure Over “Hostages” Lie
Fighting back against the lying scum that knows better. Nice!

Romney: Cultists Will Believe Anything Trump That Tells Them, They Don’t Care That A Jury Ruled Him A Rapist
Thanks, Mitt. Those that can't see reality have to be stopped due to their illness.

New Baltimore Sun Owner Insults Staff: Be Like Sinclair
Be a Nazi? NO. Stop all billionaires.

Appeals Court Blocks Texas Law Requiring Book Ratings
Do Not Pass GO! Go directly to jail, you fascist asswipes. Fuck your book rating.
If SCOTUS agrees with book bans, America will will be ended as a failed experiment.
The Bible should be thrown into the fire first.

Bannon Melts Down After Johnson Says Biden Being President Is God’s Will: “I Don’t Need A Theologian”
No concern of yours, Steve. You will be behind bars soon enough.

Nikki Haley: 'I'm Not A Lawyer'
Nikki Haley demonstrates why she - and every other Republican candidate - lack the guts to beat Trump for the nomination.
A mystery to me because Trump is a bluffing coward.

'Pro-Mom' Virginia Foxx Outed For Voting Against WIC Funding
Another moron bites the dust.

'That’s a nasty man': Trump explodes at judge after watching E. Jean Carroll’s testimony
He said, looking in the mirror.

Fox News’ Kayleigh McEnany praises Kamala Harris’ 'fascinating' interview: 'Very powerful'
"McEnany emphasized that Harris constantly pivoted to the issue of abortion rights during her interview "because she knows what is true, which is that the GOP has lost every single abortion ballot initiative post-Roe. Every single one." Growing up are we?

'Always wrong'': Analyst slams Trump lawyer Alina Habba’s 'glaringly obvious' incompetence
"So, she, as in Alina Habba, she's doing a few things. One, she's doing the spectacle for her client, but two, she's also doing it because she doesn't know what the hell she's doing. I am comfortable in saying that the lack of competence on the part of Alina Habba is glaringly obvious now." That's "glaringly obvious now." Just as the treason of Donald Trump is now.

'The motion is therefore moot': Fulton County judge hands Trump another loss
This cretin loses more ground every day.

In Relentless, The Supreme Court Could Overturn a Decades Old Rule Critical to Protecting All Americans
SCOTUS Nazis may continue to kill democracy with this.

Thanks, Joe! More Student Loans To Be Forgiven Ahead Of Schedule
"Congratulations to all the borrowers who will finally get out from under the mountain of student loan debt."

Ex-Trump spokesman links him to Hitler and Mussolini in warning to business leaders
"The business leaders were generally okay with Mussolini," Scaramucci explained, according to Politico. "They were generally okay with Hitler. Until it goes crazy. Then five years into it the cronyism kicks in, the unpredictability of the law kicks in, the expansion of autocratic powers kicks in."
"[Trump] has told you he wants to be a dictator," said Scaramucci. "He has told you that he wants to expand the executive powers. He has told you he’s going to go after his enemies."

'Unraveling before our eyes': Liberal lawyer sees Trump's trials 'wearing him down'
"If you observe Trump closely, you'll see that this is a man who is physically and mentally unraveling before our eyes," he said. "He slurs his speech more, he sweats more, the court cases, the financial strain of the lawyers, the pace at which he is doing things is wearing him down."

Can Democracy Survive the Morbidly Rich?
So, Donald Trump won Iowa. A crazed billionaire who wants to “suspend the constitution“ and claims the right to a murder his political enemies. It doesn’t have to be this way.

Alina Habba Debuts Genius Strategy In New Trump Defamation Trial, Just Kidding She's Still A Dipshit
"Wonkette has already discussed how Donald Trump spent the first day of the new defamation trial against him, to decide how much money he will pay E. Jean Carroll for defaming her in 2019, when he was president. That’s the only question here. Reminder: There is no question of whether Trump is guilty. He has been found by a jury of his peers to be liable for sexually assaulting Carroll, and for defaming her. Trump spent yesterday defaming her more on Truth Social."
The stupid shit will be paying her for eternity at the rate he keeps fucking up.

Ohio Lawmakers Want To Require ID To View Porn
Oh, you trashy people have to have a card that will never fail to work. Nothing, I say, nothing can go wrong go wrong go wrong.
It's not the parents job to monitor and teach their children. They just want the state to do their job instead.

Alina Habba: Satan Is Behind Trump’s Criminal Charges
As stated here previously: God made Satan (aka Lucifer, the fallen angel), the Heavenly Prosecutor, too. She appears to be one of his special agents. He's always handy when you need someone to blame. God must have known we'd always need a whipping boy to cover for our own shortfalls. Hallejuh!

New Lincoln Project Ad: 'God Made A Dictator'
What a one-two punch.
He didn't have to do much work to make that asswipe. And you're certain it was God to blame?
He's got a lot to answer for in that case. As the playwright, August Wilson, states in "King Hedley II": "God is a motherfucker!"

Legal experts say Judge Cannon is 'quietly sabotaging' Jack Smith's doc case against Trump
Trump's very own mouse in his pocket.
"It’s deeply offensive to the rule of law for judges to bend the law to benefit those who put them on the bench," Aftergut and Tribe state. "Sadly, Cannon does just that."
Maybe she gets to go to prison with him.

Three Migrants Drowned After Texas’ Attempt to Seize Control of the Border
"Three migrants drowned in the Rio Grande near the Texas border on Friday night—a tragedy that federal officials say may have been prevented were it not for the state’s attempt to seize control of patrolling the border in pursuit of its anti-immigration goals.
CNN reported that Mexico’s National Institute of Migration on Monday identified the migrants as Victerma de la Sancha Cerros, 33; Yorlei Rubi, 10; and Jonathan Agustín Briones de la Sancha, 8. Texas Democratic Rep. Henry Cuellar said that the group was a mother and her children, citing 'Mexican sources.'"

'Golden orange god': ex-Republican explains how hypocrisy of 'the evangelical church has failed this country'
"The evangelical church has failed this country. Not only have they failed America, but they've also failed Christianity."

Josh Marshall has some observations about Iowa turnout:
"Roughly 110,000 voters turned out for last night's caucuses. That compares to 187,000 in 2016. (2012 and 2008 were closer to last night's numbers 122,000 and 120,000, respectively.) But that's still the lowest turnout in more than a decade and dramatically lower than the last contest in 2016.

Kudlow Says Climate Change Is 'Hoax' Because Iowa Is Below Zero
That is more than obvious that is his IQ.
Guess he forgot that 2023 was the planet's hottest on record.

Elon Musk Issues Threat Unless He Gets Control of Tesla Back
Like Trump, he keeps shitting the bed and blaming everyone else for it.

EU Leader Issues Dire Warning After Trump’s Iowa Win
All hell will have to paid all due to Trump and his Nazis.

Nikki Haley Insists America Has Never Been a Racist Country — Just Weeks After Viral Civil War Slavery Gaffe
Says the Queen of the Land of the Happy Negro!

Trump supporters 'are fed up with democracy': former GOP lawmaker
And Americans are fed up with the fuckwit Nazis. Someone has to go.

'Looking for response': Experts think Trump is deliberately antagonizing defamation judge
Are we, at last, looking at the stupidist, brain dead, asshole that ever lived?

Trump diehards think Iowa caucus was rigged — even after his massive victory
This is yet another example of the brain void in these deplorables.

Man shoots brother and fiancee he thought were doing witchcraft on him: report
This is the common response to the witchcraft problem in Texas.

Trump's prospective jurors admit to being election deniers at defamation trial
At least two, maybe three idiots in the pool.
"Number 69 — one of the election deniers — says she has not been vaccinated against COVID," she added. "Nobody says they'd be uncomfortable in a room with her."
How many people were asked the question about being "uncomfortable in a room with her"? A couple, a few, more than a few, many, most, a plethora? LMAO!

Trump Wins Iowa, Sun Rises in East
"An aging, distempered electorate votes for their favorite aging, distempered candidate."
With 91 indicted criminal charges. We have a shitpile of ignorant, spiteful people in our country.

How Progressives Went to Pot
"In libertarian America, causes like legalizing weed are the easy part. Reforms to constrain capitalism or enlarge social solidarity are far harder—and far more essential."

Former NFL Coach Tony Dungy Sends a Blunt Message About Taylor Swift Attending Games
Sorry, Tony. You haven't been paying attention. Celebrities have been attending sporting events for many years. Think about all the shots taken of stars attending the Lakers games. Celebrities are what their audience make them. Otherwise, they are fans just like you and me. Get over your pettyness and chauvinist attitude. Move on. There's nothing to see here.
The thing that disenchants people about sports is the perverse money that gets thrown around. In fact, it disenchants anywhere it rears its greedy head.

Seen Many Good Christians Lately?
"Does anyone remember when lots of the radio and TV fascists were wondering where all the moderate Muslims were, asking that question rhetorically as though the answer was obvious. There were no “moderate” Muslims; if there were such phantom Muslims, they’d be speaking out against the crazies and the terrorists? "
"But couldn't the same question have been asked every damn day of these Trump years as we've seen Christian teaching perverted, bent, and twisted by fascists who form the base of the Republican Party now. Where are those Christians who don't share the attitudes of the angry evangelicals riled up by Fox "News" and bad preachers, made to feel more persecuted than Christ, so filled with hate, anger, fear, and xenophobia?"

Insurrectionist Charged With 91 Felony Counts, Currently Out On Bail, Wins Iowa GOP Caucus
The degrading of American democracy.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s Goons Blocked Border Patrol From Accessing Border While Woman, Two Children Drowned
"Any governor who ships migrants to his political opponents’ homes as a Christmas gag gift is hardly a 'humanitarian,' so Abbott ignored both the DOJ and international law. Escalating the armed rebellion against the US government, the Texas National Guard 'deployed armed soldiers and vehicles to block federal gov from accessing' the Rio Grande River.
The bloody fascist state should be occupied by the Feds.

Trump lawyer swears she 'triple' checked to prove Fani Willis' 'improper romance'
A brainless catfight brought on by the Trump fascist army.
Ashleigh Merchant? Better check her closet first. lol!

Trump looks like he's 'on his last breath' while Dems fret about Biden's age: Ana Navarro
Of course. Trump's mind is nowhere close to reality. It's deteriorated to the point of petrification.

GOP's 'radical electorate' has 'once again chosen weakest candidate': Morning Joe
Fully illustrating the incompetent Iowa voter lost in the wilderness of fascism.

With Donald Trump's Iowa landslide, evangelicals reveal who they really are
Forget Jesus — modern evangelicals look at President Drink Bleach as their lord and savior
All members of a cult. They are nowhere close to democracy.

Majority Of US Okay With Banning Trump From Ballots
The majority of Americans are open to kicking Trump off state ballots; only 39% want him on all ballots, no matter what.
Otherwise, let's hope that majority comes out to vote and make sure the Nazi gets the boot.

Feds demand Texas stop blocking Border Patrol agents access to border
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security fires off cease and desist letter to Texas after three migrants drown crossing Rio Grande near Eagle Pass.

What’s the Matter With Iowa? Why Today’s Iowa Republican Caucuses Won’t Represent America.
"Iowa is a microcosm of an older, rural, whiter, more Christian evangelical, non-college America — left-behind fly-over country that’s become resentful fodder for Trump. (Not all of Iowa. Even as Iowa’s largely White small towns and rural areas have turned bright red, Des Moines’s educated and prosperous suburbs have moved leftward.)"
"There may have been a time when Iowa represented America. No longer."
"If the Senate and the Electoral College reflected where most Americans now live and the culture they live in, American politics would be a lot different than it is. Even if Trump wins today’s Iowa caucuses, as expected, he wouldn’t stand a chance of becoming president."

Two-Thirds of Iowa GOP Caucus Voters Believe the 2020 Election Was Stolen: MSNBC Exit Poll
Tell the dumbos to check out the 4,000 miscounted votes in Viginia that were originally counted for Trump but were actually votes for Biden. If that doesn't show the idiots who the thief is nothing ever will. They no longer can deal with reality. As such, they are mentally broken people and should be removed from voting in any election.

Florida Man Facing 91 Criminal Counts Wins Iowa Caucuses
This backs up the proposition mentioned in the previous article concerning their inability to deal with reality.

'Farthest thing from Christian': Ex-Dem governor 'shocked' by how much Iowa has 'changed'
"In 2016, this county went for Ted cruz. What has changed?" Thompson asked.
The evangelical replied, "What's changed is that the evangelical Christians have bought in — and by the way, I consider myself one — have come to the point where they believe that Donald Trump is speaking their kind of issues that they think they need somebody that can take on the 'libs.' So, they've sold out." They have no shame. Disgusting.

Why Jack Smith charged Trump using Reconstruction-era laws passed against KKK: columnist
Trump would have been a pointed head if he had the chance. Trash and only trash support him.

Nazis Gather At Houston City Hall And On Overpass
The swastikas make good targets.
Feds posing as Nazis? Bring one in and check him out.

North Carolina Gov Candidate: MLK Was A Communist
"And I am a fucking dumb shit, disgracing everything MLK stood for." he said.

Trump Lies That He Won 2016 Iowa Caucus (Cruz Did)
"Ted Cruz won the 2016 Iowa caucus. Trump claimed that Cruz stole the election and vowed to sue, but he never did."
Card-Carrying Coward.

Dr. Stabby: God’s Using Trump Like He Used King David
Uncle Ben means just like he fooled around with Bathsheba. A kind hearted husband killer.
Remember Herman Cain? Dropped dead after attending a Trump rally. Trump is clearly as deadly as King David.

Virginia county finds 4,000 misreported 2020 votes, shorting Biden
More evidence of Trump and his gang attempting to steal the election. This man can't be allowed to run for president ever. They are all traitors.

Trump supporter: The military should 'do what they need to do' to make him president
Another moron that has no idea what that would make out of our military that attepted that. They would immediately be derelict of duty and traitors for violation of their oaths. The personnel not taking part in their treason would have them arrested immediately. If they used weapons against our government troops they would all be shot to death on sight or taken into custody and court-martialed.

Biden Raises Nearly $100 Million At End Of 2023—With Record Amount Of Cash To Spend
Trump plans to beg for loan to pay legal bills.

Nikki Haley Reveals Plan To Cut Social Security – Minutes After She Denied Planning To
"Haley has already made it very clear she wants to gut or privatize Social Security. She did so again here – including saying she would raise the age of eligibility."

MAGA pastor squirms after being confronted with 'God gave us Trump' video
"...he said, anything he would, so people would support him," he said. "That's concerning to me, and it is getting close to the definition of idolatry."
God gave us Satan too.

Trump Suggests Staying In Office “Beyond” Four Years
This asswipe will fade into the dust.

GOP Rep Claims “Illegals Coming Across The Border” Get “A Cardboard Number” Registering Them To Vote
And you make sure that "vote" is for you, don't you?

Trump Wants Trial Postponed To Travel For Funeral, On Day He Has Campaign Event Scheduled
The lawyers for E. Jean Carroll are hoping to prevent Trump from turning his defamation trial "into a circus." Good luck with that.
Anything this swine is involved with will become a circus.

Far-right NC gubernatorial hopeful slammed MLK as a 'communist' and 'ersatz pastor'
I will slam him as a dumb Nazi klutz.
"Robinson is known for his anti-gay, anti-Muslim and antisemitic comments as well as for his election denialism; Robinson has continued to promote the false claim that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from Donald Trump. And the lieutenant governor has a history of attacking Dr. Martin Luther King Jr."

MLK Would Have Been 95 This Year. Let’s Make His Dream a Reality.
King’s lifetime saw substantial economic progress for Black Americans, but in our century progress has slowed to a crawl. Here’s how we get it back on track.
Do we think we have the backbone to do this?

Trump Town Hall Shows Fox Likely To Turn Even More Extreme
Hope you enjoy your lives under facism terror

Reporters should ask Republicans if they renounce political violence
It would be to their benefit.

What Donald Trump and Nikki Haley got wrong about the Civil War
A clarification of the causes and run-up to the pivotal conflict that raged from 1861 to 1864.
Here's more information that the Land of the Happy Negro would like you to know.

Another scandal rocks ESPN’s lousy month
First, Aaron Rodgers. Then a Stephen A. Smith tirade. Now Sports Emmy entries with fake names? 2024 hasn’t been kind to the network. The network should taka a good look at itself.

Media and technology are essential to our democracy.
We fight to ensure they're used for justice.

Trump ally Laura Loomer: Nikki Haley and the deep state might be using “weather manipulation” to “rig the Iowa Caucus”
Oh, goodness! They've discovered our deep state master weather control!
If it looks like weather manipulation, it is. You fucking climate change deniers have been helping it along for decades. This includes her Nazi Party.

The Stanley craze: How a reusable cup became the latest symbol of overconsumption
"Americans have the second highest ecological footprint per capita after Qatar. One 2022 analysis found that, “if everyone in the world had the same living standard as the average American, we would need over five earths to supply enough resources and process all the waste.”

Trump-Appointed Judge Upholds Georgia Runoff System That Curbs Voting Access
The dear old Confederacy of traitors.

Biden "running out" of patience with Bibi as Gaza war hits 100 days
"At every juncture, Netanyahu has given Biden the finger," Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), who has been in close contact with U.S. officials about the war, told Axios. "They are pleading with the Netanyahu coalition, but getting slapped in the face over and over again."

'A wounded animal that is cornered': Trump's new attack on judges ripped by ex-prosecutor
Looks like he forgot about the Cannon he has in his pocket and running interference for him.

'Trump has lost his mojo': Ex-president ridiculed for small crowd at telerally event
Donald Trump on Saturday opted to do a "telerally" Iowa event because of bad weather, but some have pointed out the event's rather lackluster appearance.

Liberal cowardice, Trump and the Constitution: Surrender is not an option
Is the center-left establishment too scared of Trump to stand up for the rule of law? That won't end well
The Nazi traitors should be treated the same as we handled the racists in "Mississippi Burning."

Christian Site: UFOs Are Piloted By “Demonic Entities”
All Christo-fascists?

'The fix was in': Trump continues barrage against E. Jean Carroll and judge in her case
Pay up, you deadbeat rapist! Mortgage what is left of your property if you can.

Trump's 'on his way to the big house' after the D.C. jury is 'sworn in': ex-prosecutor
Good. Let's see his tough Nazi army get nosey.

Ax-Wielding Kansas Proud Boy Sentenced To 4.5 Years
Talk about lenient. He should be locked up for at least 20.

TX GOP Chair Worked For Funder Of Extremist Group
The Fascist Party of Texas. ROTFLMAO!

Trump Uses Mobster-Turned-Rat as Character Witness
The former president suggested two presiding justices could learn ethics from ex-mobster Sammy the Bull.

Whoops: Biden Won Virginia County By An Even Wider Unreported Margin
Biden keeps winning.
He's not a loser like Fatso.

Raskin On Trump's $7.8m From Foreign Governments: ‘We Want It Back’
"We want it back. He's not allowed to keep a dime of it without coming to Congress first," Raskin said. "We know of $7.8 million that belongs to the American people and not in Donald Trump's pockets."
The Nazi traitor has spent it all on crooked lawyers.

How I watched the oligarchy shrink America’s middle class
The right-wing bastards have been doing it ever since Reagan.
And as far as I know unions are returning to boost America. FUCK THE NAZIS!

Mark Cuban unleashes on far-right activist James O’Keefe in profanity-laced tirade
"So @JamesOKeefeIII decided to ambush me during the water break of my workout class," Cuban tweeted. "I wanted to give the highlights as I enjoyed the conversation. First the part I enjoyed the most I asked him if he was recording this. (Of course he was). He wouldn’t answer. He kept mumbling s---. So I looked him in the eyes and called him a Motherf-----g P---y."
Only way to handle Nazi chickenshits.

If Black voters abandon Biden, what will they get instead?
They will get what they asked for. Hell like they have never known.

The mainstream media is full of incompetent idiots
"At a time when we’ve never needed fair, hard-hitting coverage of the fascist Republican Party’s attack on our Democracy more, our journalists are catastrophically failing us, and the Fourth Estate as a whole is facing a crisis in confidence from the American public that might ultimately lead to its extinction."
They have disgraced their career position in history.

These top GOPers are tired of Trump's citizenship conspiracies
This should effect Trump as well since he was born in hell.

Trump’s Frivolous Suit Against NY Times Just Cost Him $392,638.69
Which, of course, the deadbeat has no intention of paying.

Kudlow: Iowa Freeze Proves Climate Change Is A Hoax<
Once again: It's better to be thought an idiot than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.

Mike Lee: Choose Trump Over Biden’s “Lawlessness"
This miscreant believes law and order is just a TV show. He supports a criminal traitor. We know what that makes him and any other who belives his bullshit.

Trump-Appointed Judge Upholds Georgia Runoff System That Curbs Voting Access
Nazis continue to destroy our voting rights. It we don't stop them we will all be in their concentration camps.

Kansans Voted to Protect Abortion Rights. Republicans Are Still Trying to Ban Them
Nazis are vicious bastards.

‘Donald’s Personal Pocket Judge!’ Mary Trump Slams Judge In Espionage Act Case — Who Was Appointed By Trump — Over Delays
Trump's own hand maiden.

Judge Cannon 'running out the clock' for Trump after denying Jack Smith motion: experts
What happens when a Trump fraud is in charge.

The TV Streaming Mess Finally Came for the NFL
Fans are going to have to pony up for Peacock to catch a huge matchup.
Hopfully, the bastards will lose shitloads of money.
Fuck NBC and fuck Peacock. FUCK THE NFL. And FUCK STREAMING! Slow stomach cancer for them all.
This is going to turn into an anti-trust case.

'Trump is not going to be able to escape' trap just left by Jack Smith: legal expert
He will not beat the law.

Troubled Michigan GOP operations extend far beyond the state
"The dysfunction that has been the hallmark of the Michigan Republican Party in the last two years is not just a bug in the GOP state party system. Increasingly, it appears to be a feature."

Time to end 'special treatment' for Trump after fraud trial courtroom rant: ex-prosecutor
Damn right. Treat him like the criminal he is.

Ohio Grand Jury Decides to Not Charge Woman for Home Miscarriage
How sane of them.
"On Thursday, a grand jury concluded that Brittany Watts, an Ohio woman accused of self-managing an abortion after experiencing a home miscarriage, will not face charges."

New Hampshire Republicans Hope To Ban Abortion Before Conception
"Live Free or Die!" Just go ahead and die already.

Texas And Border Patrol Now In Armed Standoff With Each Other, Jefferson Davis Unavailable For Comment Because He's Dead
Nazis can die too. A major battle in the new Civil War.

Jesus Christ, Just Leave Trans People Alone
"Despite the abundant evidence that most voters simply don’t buy rightwing culture war panic over transgender people, and that, as with abortion, most of us consider healthcare for trans people a matter that’s best handled by people and their doctors (or in the case of minors, the trans kids, their parents, and their doctors), Republicans just cannot seem to resist the urge to use the power of government to interfere in trans people’s lives."

'The end of democracy': Bernie Sanders says 'humiliated' Trump could cause 'collapse'
"It will be the end of democracy, functional democracy," Sanders said of a second Trump presidency. "There’s a lot of personal bitterness, he’s a bitter man, having gone through four indictments, humiliated, he’s going to take it out on his enemies. We’ve got to explain to the American people what that means to them – what the collapse of American democracy will mean to all of us."
Do some Americans really not care about this?

Hate Group: Send Money To Stop “Mandatory” Booster
No one cares if you take the Covid vaccine. Why? That means more of you will get Covid, die and not get to vote for your traitor commander, Trump. That's all good. Please don't get vaccinated if you are a Trump supporter.

CNN Anchor Toasts Thomas Massie Like The Troll He Is
Well, this was weird. Thomas Massie tried to mansplain something to Kate Bolduan she was perfectly capable of reading herself.
One has to wonder how in heaven's name these frauds got a law degree. Or did they?
From Kentucky, eh? No wonder.

Hunter Biden just delivered a 'devastating blow' to Comer and Jordan’s contempt case
I guess these "lawyers" must have not understood much in their online law courses.

'Selfish' Lauren Boebert slammed as 'carpetbagger' in new House district: 'Deserting her people'
America knows a chisling coward when it sees one.

'We have the recording': Roger Stone's denial of assassination rant blows up in his face
Arrogant and ignorant fuckwit.

The mainstream media is full of incompetent idiots
"How is it after watching and listening to the anti-American deviant, Donald Trump, and his pathetic minions in the Republican Party recklessly comport themselves can our media forget that one of the first things to go under fascist, authoritarian regimes is their right to conduct their business freely?
These people are inches from losing their professional freedoms because in large part of their blinding incompetence, and we are THIS close to losing our Democracy forever because they seemingly haven’t even gotten as far as identifying this very real threat to us, and their livelihood."

The Triumph of the Chuckleheads
"There are several ways to explain the dramatic collapse of intelligence in the United States. We seem to be failing a national intelligence test nearly every damn day. The quotient produced by dividing our intelligence by all the truly ignorant stuff so many of us routinely buy into makes our national IQ a low number across a wide range of subject matter. We don’t know history, and it seems we’d rather not. Our kids don’t write well, nor do their parents. Vocabularies shrink as reading recedes. We don’t read much, and it seems we'd rather not. What a majority of people would rather do, adults and kids alike, is stare into their “smart” phones which seems to be having just the opposite effect on intellectual growth."

The Snowflaking of White Privilege
If America is ever to become a pluralistic, multiracial democratic republic we must come to terms with racism and white privilege.

“I don’t wish this on anyone”: Two families mourn their losses after a record year for Texas heat deaths
"More than 300 Texans died from heat in 2023, the most since the state began tracking such deaths in 1989."
Just remember who told outdoor workers that they got no water breaks — your lovable facist asshole who shall be responsible for many of these deaths.

Aaron Rodgers Loses Safe Space For Sharing Feelings, Will Have To Start Journaling
"Tuesday, Pat McAfee, the ESPN host whose show Rodgers clearly views as a safe space for all his hottest takes on life, love and vaccines, seemed really keen to make all this controversy go away, and really seemed to want Rodgers to just please apologize to Jimmy Kimmel and shut up. It felt like maybe lawyers for Disney — which owns both ESPN (McAfee) and ABC (Kimmel) — might have been emailing back and forth like HEY TELL THE FOOTBALL PLAYER WITH THE BROKEN BRAIN TO GO PLAY IN A CLOTHES DRYER AND ZIP IT."
McAfee is several cards short of a full deck.

Trump exposed as 'legal terrorist' in review of thousands of court documents
It's America's turn now, Fatso.

The “Chosen One”: Why experts say a new campaign ad from Trump signals impending violence
"People need to understand what comes next, always, is violence."
These shitbags will reap what they sow. It works both ways. They forget that.

Ingraham: Trump’s Fraud Trial Is “Corporate Murder”
These idiots like Ingraham have no idea how law and order work in America. This explains why they support sedition and hate America.
Mike Davis: "We're gonna deport a lot of people, 10 million people and growing - anchor babies, their parents, their grandparents. We're gonna put kids in cages. It's gonna be glorious"
He forgot to wear his swastika arm band.

Trump’s Name Stripped From Bronx Golf Course
And still there are humans that want this miscreant as our president?

Florida GOP Bill Would “Legally De-Trans” Individuals
Fine, as long as we can perform lobotomies to anyone that is a certifiable moron.
That'll be fine with you morons won't it?
These asshats should do some human history study. They will be surprised at what they find and very upset with it.

New Ad Running On Fox News Pins Trump To January 6
Enough with this "Antifa" crap.
TV proved he did.

How 'legal terrorist' Trump has waged a 50-year battle against the US justice system
"Trump has been angrily railing against the judges and prosecutors in the criminal and civil cases he is facing, and his critics on both the left and the right have been warning that he is waging a full-fledged assault on the rule of law."
Time for the scumbag to get his.

'This could be the end of the Trump Organization': Legal expert shows what's at stake
Let's hope so!

Moms For Liberty: Defund Alabama Public Libraries
Have any one of these motherfuckers every cracked a book in their miserable lives?
You pricks have the nerve to speak after the crimes you've been involved in?
Read a book once in a while and learn something.

Florida Proud Boy/GOP Official Sentenced To Four Years
Should be 20 or more for shit bags.

Catholic Activist/Freedom Caucus Contractor Gets Two Years For Death Threats To HRC & Maryland State Rep
What is it about these fuckers? It's more than apparent. It's the "holy" propagdanda they swallow that makes up for the self-loathing they have for their guilt.

Trump Had Rehearsed Today’s NY Courtroom Tirade
He's a fraud, coward and traitor. The only place for him is prison for life.

Texas Gov: We’d Shoot People Crossing The Border But Then The Biden Admin Would “Charge Us With Murder”
Yes, any sane person would call that murder, dumbass. Is that the only thing stopping you? Fuck around and find out!
Occupy Texas. They no longer support our government.

US And UK Carry Out Strikes On Houtis In Yemen
Fuck around and find out, motherfuckers.
Take note, fascist swine. You will be history very soon. No tolerance.

Donald Chickens Out, Won't Speak During Civil Trial Closing Arguments
Trump wanted to pull a stunt by speaking for part of the closing arguments during his New York civil trial.
A chickenshit in the end as he has been his entire life.

Secret Recordings Expose NRA, LaPierre Grift Cover Up
It's not just the crime, National Rifle Association; it's the cover-up using someone else's American Express Platinum Card.

Aaron Rodgers Sacks Himself For A Huge Loss
For a person who does his own research, Aaron Rodgers continuously does some really stupid stuff.
A. Aron shows us who he is. Believe him.

Killer Kyle: Cosplay Is Exhausting!
Killer Kyle Rittenhouse is cosplaying to be a - get ready for this - a white supremacist vigilante!
The little Nazi better have a good flak jacket.

Here are the corporations who donated over $108 million to election deniers since Jan. 6
"Some of the biggest donors include the National Association of Realtors — a trade group for the real estate industry — the American Bankers Association and United Parcel Service. Other major corporate donors to election deniers include military contractors like Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics and General Atomics."
"... household name brands like Airbnb, Amazon, AT&T, Boeing and Pfizer publicly vowed to cut off donations to election deniers in 2021. However, Open Secrets found that all of those companies quietly resumed donations, in addition to other companies that pledged to stop supporting 2020 election conspiracy theorists like Comcast, Deloitte, General Motors, Home Depot, Marathon Petroleum, Raytheon and SpaceX, among others."
"Blah, blah, blah we don't endorse all fascism..." Cut them off!
Boycott any and all of their products.

Hunter Biden Came To Congress Yesterday, Humiliated Marjorie Taylor Greene For Sport, Left
"Hunter Biden humiliated Marjorie Taylor Greene, James Comer, and every other Republican on the House Oversight Committee yesterday, and they’ve all spent the past 24 hours gasping for air trying to convince people it was the opposite."

Trump Literally Wanted To Execute Leaker Who Told World He Hides In Bunkers. Seems Important This Week, No?
"Here’s some news we actually technically knew, though it didn’t leave much of a splash at the time, because we’re used to Donald Trump being an unhinged, insane, violent pig with tiny hands and big revenge fantasies. It’s news that’s newly relevant, now that Trump’s lawyers are arguing, quite literally, that Trump should be able to assassinate his political rivals with complete immunity as president, as long as Congress doesn’t impeach and convict him for it. And it’s news that’s been newly confirmed by a new public source."

In Win for Reproductive Rights, FTC Bans Data Brokers From Selling Location Data
"In a significant victory for the privacy of people seeking abortion in the U.S., the Federal Trade Commission has issued a groundbreaking ban on the sale of individuals’ medical location data. The FTC settlement announced on Tuesday is the first of its kind and concludes the agency’s investigation into the smartphone surveillance company Outlogic...."

Texas officers take “full control” of Eagle Pass park against city’s wishes
Fascism and secession. Time for federal troops to occupy Texas.

Trickle Down Fascism: America is Suffering from an Epidemic of Political Bullying
Because fascism trickles down from fascist leadership, it’s what Trump’s cult members are dreaming of, too. As are his toady lawyers.
Speak for yourself. Here in the Land of the Happy Negro we pick bullies up and spit in their asses.

Biden throws Trump's words back in his face in his hopes for an economic 'crash'
"Biden used the Hoover line to point out that there were only two presidents in America's history who had fewer jobs when they left than when they were inaugurated: They're Herbert Hoover and Donald Trump.
And only one of them was a traitor to America.
"Biden pointed out that Trump hoping for a crash means he inadvertently acknowledged that the Biden economy is doing 'pretty darn well.'"

MTG Reverses On Ousting Johnson: “I Have Had It”
“In reality outside of the bubble of Washington, D.C., regular Americans could care less about a shutdown, because they view the Capitol, they view this town as the exact complete cause of all of their woes. They don’t care if it shuts down. They don’t care if federal employees are not receiving a government-funded, taxpayer-funded paycheck. They want the government to get out of their lives."
ROTFL! I would like to see these whiners with the government out their lives. You would never hear such hypocritical whining!

Scientists Find Bottled Water Filled With Hundreds of Thousands of Microplastics
Put down that Dasani bottle and take a gander at some horrible news: there are way more tiny plastic particles in bottled water than previously thought, likely meaning untold deleterious impacts on the human body and our environment.
But let the Nazis drink their fill.

Elon Musk Cosigns Racist Claim That Black Students Have Low IQs
As he shows us all his IQ is a negative number.

FCC starts shutting down affordable internet program as GOP refuses to fund it
These trash moron Nazis are dispicable and must be eliminated by any means necessary.

Tennessee Republicans embarrass themselves with latest restrictions aimed at The Justins
How the Trump Nazi Party operates on America.

Colbert Points Out Trump Death Threats Are Not A Hypothetical
“The president sending an assassin to kill his political rivals and then claiming presidential immunity is such an extreme hypothetical. Let’s stick to reality, where all Trump did was send a mob to kill his vice president and then claim immunity. Get your facts straight, or Trump will murder you.”
Trump takes pride in being a killer of Americans.

Trump Brags About How He Got Rid Of Roe Abortion Rights
Keep bragging about being responsible for that which the large majority of Americans find disgusting and deadly for women. It will serve you well when you are in prison.

US verges on vaccination tipping point, faces thousands of needless deaths: FDA
They will be mostly Nazis or members of their families. They are the ones afraid of vaccines and the most that vave died during the pandemic.

'Ignorant': Historians mock Trump claim he would have handled Civil War better than Lincoln
He would have gotten even more people killed but he would have been a good traitor same as he is now.

'Running out of time': Republicans warn spending deal could result in Johnson’s ouster
The Shit Bag Nazi Party can't find a shit bag that's big enough for their treasonous crime agenda.

Trump will have trouble papering over his 'history of seeking payback': Maggie Haberman
Traitor Trump is toast.

Moms for Liberty school board member busted for shoplifting from Target
So much for the reprobates.

The GOP sends in the cowards
Clowns, cowards and criminals – Oh My!
Never saw so many in one room at the same time.

Musk Claims “Illegals” Can Vote In Federal Elections
He's wrong. His Nazi pals have been working on preventing anyone that don't support them from voting.

NY Fraud Trial Judge Gets Bomb Threat At His Home
Trump's Nazi hit men at work.

Jeanine Pirro Rants About The Evils Of ‘Black Privilege’
On Fox News, Blacks are over-privileged and whites are the racial victims.
She should become a Black woman and see how that privilege works for her.
Stir up your hateful constituants, nut ball.
“Why, all of a sudden, is it if you’re Black, you cannot be made accountable?” Pirro “asked.” She was specifically referring to Claudine Gay, the former president of Harvard, and Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson. But Pirro obviously thinks all Blacks are guilty of ducking accountability. She claimed their race is “used in a way to prevent them from being accountable and they say they are victims because of their color when, in truth, what the Blacks are now saying is, I am privileged, I am privileged. It’s Black privilege. You cannot remove me. I am not accountable.”
We're pretty sure she's the one that's over-privileged.

Pastors threaten 'retribution' under second Trump term in their prayers — although it does get 'awkward'
More child molesters, of course. The bane of the earth.

How Sick, Dangerous And Stupid Can Donald Trump Be In One Week?
"It’s time for another of those posts where we remind ourselves and each other that it’s not normal to have running for president an illegitimate tyrant who incited a terrorist attack to overthrow the Republic, and where we take a look at a few things he’s done and said in just the past few days that we haven’t had a chance to write about because where the fuck do you even start?"
The blithering idiot traitor. Right there.

Is Taylor Swift A Pentagon Asset, Or Is Jesse Watters Just Having Another Fragile MAGA Masculinity Moment?
"So now we are back to how truly inferior white conservative guys cannot handle the notion that Taylor Swift is the most powerful celebrity in the world on her own merit, because she’s a genius businessperson and also because gabillions of people truly love her.
No, there must be something nefarious afoot. Something that keeps them from having to reckon with how stunningly irrelevant this person’s success makes them feel. Not because of anything she did, mind you, but because of how self-conscious and hyper-sensitive they are to anything that knocks their already fragile masculinity down 1,000 more pegs. Anything that reminds them the world doesn’t really have a need for them."

Why is Marjorie Taylor Greene Channeling Centuries of Racist Rhetoric?
What is the opposite of diversity, equity, and inclusion? Whites-only communities, whites-only jobs, and racial segregation.
She's a charter member of the Land of the Happy Negro.

‘A spit in the face’: Dem rips Nancy Mace for accusing Hunter Biden of ‘white privilege'
"Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) blasted Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) after she accused Hunter Biden of white privilege Wednesday."
"It was a spit in the face, at least of mine as a black woman, for you to talk about what white privilege looks like, especially from that side of the aisle."
"Mace the Case." A total asshole.

"Big fat twisted Alzheimeroid Donald Trump sent his lawyers to claim he is entitled to machine gun orphanages, maternity hospitals and convents as long as he finds it entertaining – and anyone who disagrees is a commie who hates America whom he could order impaled instantly without trial."

Trump's Scottish golf course is hemorrhaging money as expenses outweigh profit: report
And so is the traitor.

'You have no balls!' Nancy Mace chides Hunter Biden and sends contempt hearing into chaos
I'm pretty sure his balls are much, much larger than hers.

Trump told ally U.S. wouldn't help if Europe was attacked — then asked for $400B: report
The traitor scumbag.

Ex-GOP official thinks Democrats plotted Hunter Biden face-off with Republicans
Dave, if, in fact they did, the Trump Nazis deserve it. It's dissapointing that you don't think so.

Marjorie Taylor Greene explodes as Jamie Raskin says Ashli Babbitt's death is on Trump
The truth destroys her like a melting witch.

Aaron Rodgers ‘Needs to Go Away’: Joe Scarborough Has Had Enough of Jets QB’s Conspiracy Theories
"You gotta ask, a guy who sits out all season… I heard somebody yesterday, I think it was on ESPN radio, comparing [Cincinnati Bengals quarterback] Joe Burrow to Aaron Rodgers. Joe Burrow — every week he gets hurt. What’s he doing? He’s on the sidelines. He’s at practice. He’s helping his backup quarterback. He’s talking about the team. Aaron Rodgers every Tuesday, it’s conspiracy theories with Aaron. Every Tuesday he’s trashing his coach. He’s trashing his GM. I mean, he needs to go away."
Couldn't agree with you more, Joe.

WATCH: House Democrat Brutally Torches Marjorie Taylor Greene’s ‘Shameful’ Display of Hunter Biden’s ‘D*ck Pics’
“It’s really interesting to hear the gentlelady from Georgia speak about Hunter Biden leaving the room,” he started. “She is the person that showed nude photos of Hunter Biden in this very committee room showing, showing dick pics in this committee room of Hunter Biden.”
“I think it’s really ironic. Hypocritical and quite shameful that the person who’s complaining about somebody leaving when she is showing nude photos of him to this committee in this very room,” he continued before pivoting to January 6th prisoners.

15 Red States Say F*ck You To Hungry Poor Children
The world knows these people are toxic and are hypocrites when it comes to "pro life."

FL State Sen. Wants To Make It Defamation To Call Someone Racist
An Unconstitutional fraud.
"Statements from anonymous sources would be considered “presumptively false,” making journalists reporting on discrimination vulnerable to lawsuits."
More Nazi legislation intended to destroy America. That is the definition of defemation.

Open Thread: Hunter Trolls The Oversight Committee
Fully illustrating how the hypocrites use their hypocrisy.
"Mace the Case" shows her special stupidity.

Hunter Biden Calls Comer's Bluff, And It's Chef's Kiss Baby
During a "House Committee to Lie About Hunter Biden" hearing, in which they were to debate a resolution to find Hunter in contempt of Congress because he would not show up for an interview...
Hunter Biden showed up.
And popped the Nazi balloon!
And Mace shit her pants.

Plastic is everywhere, including our food and bottled water
"If we are what we eat, there’s growing evidence to help explain how nanoplastics and microplastics are in our blood, in our intestines and in some of our organs.
Two new studies published this week shed further, and alarming, light on all the tiny plastic particles that people are consuming every day."

Ex-White House lawyer: Trump 'greatest threat to democracy we’ve ever seen'
Even greater than Hitler, Hirohito, Tojo and Mussolini all in one.

'You have lost these judges': Legal expert says Trump lawyer blew it with assassin answer
He's lost all hope now. He's going down the drain.

'An act of sedition': Watergate reporter predicts ex-president is hiding something
What goes on in the dark will soon come to light.
"A coup such as we have never experienced. An act of sedition. There is a narrative to this case, that Donald Trump and those around him, do not want to see explored." — Carl Bernstein

Why Trump is make his lawyers look like fools in court
Donald Trump's legal team is arguing for total immunity that essential equals a license to kill
The Trump sickness has taken his lawyers.

MTG Blasts Talk Of Ousting Johnson: I’m Sick Of Chaos
Said the chaotic clickbait retard.

FL School District Removes Dictionaries From Libraries
The retarded hate education.

WaPo: Violent Threats To Political Leaders Are Surging
Trump Nazis will all be defeated and face the consequences. Just like Nuremberg.

GOP Senators Condemn Calling Rioters “Hostages”
“Somebody who’s been duly convicted of a federal crime is not a hostage.” — Sen. John Cornyn

Habba Rips “Hypothetical” Of Trump Ordering Murder
The kind of trash that represents the traitor Trump.
Is being responsible for the deaths of thousands of Americans "wrongful deaths" or "killing" them? They all ended up dead. So, yes. He is a murderer.

Trump Loses It In Post About Not Being Able To Enjoy His 'Golden Years'
This poor punkin'.
"The point is that we do not give anyone a free pass to commit crimes. And especially anyone who was elevated to the highest seat in the land."
We'll be happy to let you retire behind bars, you asswipe.

Watch MSNBC guest's must-see sermon: 'Jesus is not an ally of the Republican Party'
"He then deftly synthesized a common analysis among non-Christian conservatives: 'Jesus is not an ally of the Republican Party. There is no overlap between Jesus and the policies of Donald Trump.' Fugelsang called out the evangelical-led, South Carolina 'pro-life' bill that would subject people getting abortions to the death penalty.'“We're so pro-life, we'll kill you''" Our Civil War is heating up.

‘The Definition of Cancer’: Scott Galloway Shreds Anti-Government Politicians – We Are ‘Rotting From the Inside’
"So what to do about it? One, stop shitposting the government, our most blessed, uh, cohort, specifically males born in in the US in the 70s and 80s who became multi, multi billionaires all of a sudden decide once they have leveraged US infrastructure investment and our education system and our rule of law, then go on to start their second career shitposting government. I think that is obnoxious and doesn’t in any way nod to how blessed they are."

Fox News Insists Trump Immunity Hearing Went Fine For Dear Leader Trump, Just Fine! (It Was Disaster)
"So many fuckwits.
Today, a Fox News correspondent blatantly lied to viewers about what happened in Donald Trump’s immunity hearing in DC this morning. Host Harris Faulkner smirked along with the lie, because she doesn’t have a human soul and she likes lies.
Henderson said, “I think it is paradoxical to say that his constitutional duty to take care of the laws be faithfully executed allows him to violate criminal law.” Hmmmm, yes, very paradoxical!
Is that what the Fox News idiot above meant when she said the judges were skeptical of ruling that presidents don’t have eternal immunity?"

Supreme Court To Let Idaho Kill Pregnant People Until They Get Around To Dealing With It
"The life of every pregnant person in Idaho is in danger. Any one of them could have a sudden medical issue, could suffer an accident, could have something happen that lands them in a hospital with a doctor who has to wait and wait and wait until they are on the very precipice of death before giving them the treatment they need. It’s not going to end well."
Why retarded states like Idaho should be occupied by federal troops. We are in a Civli War now. Everyone must understand this or this Civil War will become very ugly and even more deadly.

“Unhinged and Extreme”: New Bill in Florida Would Enact Near-Total Abortion Ban
“We must continue to fight like hell in the legislature,” one Democratic representative said.
Another retarded and draconian idiot that should be removed from office. Religious zealots put him there without doubt.

Rev. Donald Wildmon, Anti-Gay Culture Warrior, Media Influencer, Dead at 85
Ding Dong! It CAN happen!

Trump would be 'completely unconstrained' if courts buy his immunity claims: Ex-WH lawyers
Of couse! That's exactly what the miscreant scumbag wants!

Trump dealt loss as judge rules profane tape can play at E. Jean Carroll trial
Should be fun for the pussy-grabbing traitor.

Victorious, Villainous Michigan Is College Football’s Future
Not so fast.
Dear Will, It's easy to root against cheaters for most Americans. We pray that the NCAA vacates Michigan's last three seasons due to their documented cheating. If they do not this will ruin college football faster than anything else will. Why? Because everyone will ignore all the rules. The Trump virus will kill everything.

A Whole Lot of Political Figures Are Getting Swatted Right Now
This should be legislated a federal crime with at least a 20-year sentence.

Trump Predicts “Bedlam” If He Loses Immunity Appeal
Good. It's the perfect place for him. (Reference for the lame: "Bedlam" - The British insane asylum)

RFK Backs Out Of Own Gala After Celebrities Snub Him
Gee, they must rally love him.

Twitter Suddenly Suspends Journalists Critical of Elon Musk
Another Nazi at work.

Trump: 'I Feel That As A President, You Have To Have Immunity'
America's very own mob boss speaks.
I feel that as a free citizen of the U.S. we must imprison Trump.

Tax Systems in 44 States Exacerbate Inequality, In-Depth ‘Who Pays?’ Study Finds
And there we have the criminal tax code.

'Presidents are not immune': Appeals court corners Trump lawyers using GOP senators’ words
Trump is not immune. That settles that. Now find him guilty and put him in irons!
"'Presidents are not immune': Judges back Trump lawyers into corner by quoting GOP senators
Former President Donald Trump may have backed himself into a corner with the legal arguments he made on Tuesday, according to two prominent legal experts.
I'd say he shot himself in his bone spurs.

Did Trump's Attorney Attend Trump University?
The late actor, Henry Hull, played a newspaper editor in the 1939 film "Jesse James." One of his lines in the movie went something like this:
"If we are to have law and order in the west, the first thing we gotta do is take out all the lawyers and shoot 'em down like dogs!"
One would only need change a few words to make this more specific to fit the problems we are facing today.

Roger Stone Demanded To Have Eric Swallwell, Jerry Nadler Killed
Put this pinhead in prison for eternity.

Jimmy Kimmel Getting Tired Of 'Hamster-Brained' Football Players Calling Him Child Molester For Some Reason
"Here is Kimmel’s monologue. He’s kind of pissed, in that way people get pissed when actual morons who nonetheless have big platforms are constantly accusing them of being or insinuating that they’re child molesters. We imagine that gets stressful for a person, or as Kimmel mentions here, for their wife and for their children and for their mailman, who have to hear from pigfucking mouthbreather QAnon people who are mad at Jimmy Kimmel because of what the walking NFL head injury has been saying."

Experts: Jack Smith’s “dramatic new proof” so “overwhelming” reluctant witnesses may decide to flip
Prof: Trump “demonstrated a criminal intent" to collaborate with insurrectionists at “expense of the Constitution"
All the beans are on the floor. The traitor has been nailed.

Ingraham Urges Republicans To Reject Border Deal Because It Would Allow Biden To “Take A Victory Lap”
Thanks for telling us that you really don't give a damn about the border problem. We know who's desperate here. Someone needs a brain.

94 “Official MAGA Hats” Offered On eBay For $250K
Someone's broke and is selling his garbage. How much do 94 Nazi swastikas go for these days?

Axios: Ramaswamy’s Campaign Is On Its Last Legs
The Swami is going under for the 3rd time!

Trump Hopes Economy Crashes In Next 12 Months To Hurt Biden
"Well, we found out what washed-up Lou Dobbs is doing with his time these days. Working for Lindell TV and giving Trump a platform to spout un-American hateful nonsense like this." The Nazi hero shows his hand. You fucking dipshit supporters of this trash heap should finally see the light of day on the naked lunch he's serving you. Everything this dumb shit says is a damn lie! He's worse than Herbert Hoover! Hoover never dealt in treason.
"Lindell TV"? ROTFLMAO!!! He's been reduced to fucking "Lindell TV"? Where is that shown? Russia?

19 ex-House Republicans urge courts to resolve Trump issues 'as soon as possible'
"'Equal justice before the law' is a bedrock principle of our legal system and our democracy," the conservative ex-lawmakers write. "It is rooted in a fundamental proposition of this country's founding: That we are a nation of laws, not of men, and accordingly, no man is above the law."
Stop your chickenshit stalling and do your duty to your country and get this cancer removed now. If you don't, history will blame your cowardice for our death.

'No absolute immunity': Experts warn Trump is provoking multiple constitutional crises — all at once
Then remove him and the crisis will go away. He's nothing but a huge drag on our country.

Right-Wing Christians Are Making Climate Apocalypse a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
These "culture clowns" bring nothing but problems to the earth and its people.

The U.S. Is Reaping the Benefits of Low Unemployment
In many ways, keeping the jobless rate low and the labor markets tight is the most effective and cost-efficient welfare policy there is.

Nancy Mace bludgeoned on X over Biden speech response: 'A disgusting slap in the face'
There can be no doubt that the Nazi Party is filled with the stupidest idiots in the world.

'Kryptonite' new evidence is a 'turning point' in Jack Smith's case against Trump: expert
"Trump’s reported statements are loaded with cruelty, self-interest, and abandonment of allies. It becomes indisputable that he was using his most violent followers to try to override the voters’ will and keep himself in power," Aftergut wrote.

Kirk: Dems Are Trying To Make America “Less White
Wrong again, Charlie. We are trying to make America less "Kirk."
And we don't have to import assholes. We have plenty just like you.

REPORT: In 2020 Roger Stone And NYPD Cop Discussed Assassinating Dem Reps Eric Swalwell And Jerry Nadler
Roger Stone should go to prison for life.

OpenAI Pleads That It Can’t Make Money Without Using Copyrighted Materials for Free
Then shut it down.

Alarm bells ring as Trump refuses to sign anti-coup pledge in Illinois
Says it all. The old Nazi fart is toast.

Fox 'News' Host Confused About Which Candidate Went 'Full Hitler'New Trumper Video Claims 'God Made Trump'
Fax hacks are always confused. Like Trump, Kilmeade is a bad loser.
And if there were ever proof "God" doesn't exist it is the claim "God Made Trump." ROTFLMAO!

Trump Threatens To Indict Biden If He's Not Given Presidential Immunity
Fuck traitor Trump.

Biden Just Hit Trump With The One Thing That Will Drive Him Crazy
Trump's a Big Fat LOSER!

Trump warned there will be 'little tolerance' for his 'shenanigans' at immunity hearing
"On Saturday, January 6, members of the Michigan Republican Party voted to oust far-right conspiracy theorist Kristina Karamo as chair. Karamo, in response, has refused to accept the decision gracefully and is acting like she still holds that position."
And what else would one expect from a Nazi?

'Big deal': Trump Jr. ignores dad is accused of sex with 'many girls' in new Epstein doc dump
What else would one expect from trash?

'Suicide for the GOP': Republicans 'threatening the career' of Mike Johnson over budget deal
"Townsend emphasized that moving towards the Louisiana lawmaker's ousting would be 'suicide for the GOP' and serve as 'proof' that the party is a 'grievance-driven creature incapable of governing.'"
Nazi Party hates doing business with the United States if it's not their idea of punishing America.
They would be happier working for Putin just like their leader does.

‘These Are PRISONERS!’ Incensed Jake Tapper Rips Trump For Calling Capitol Rioters ‘Hostages’ In Scorching Show Open
Jake, you're expecting a logical statement from a brain damaged idiot.
It's time to refuse to say anything at all about the traitor on any form of media.

'Reeks of narcissism': George Conway carves up Trump lawyers' bid to keep him on ballot
"At the end, Conway speculates that "the reason the Court had to take the Cuisinart question was because Trump and the GOP couldn’t find a dispositive legal proposition that the Colorado court clearly got wrong."

QAnon Shaman Idiot Would Like His Horny Furry Hat Back, Please. Hat Hat Hat Hat Hat. Hat.
"On January 6, 2021, AKA MAGA Christmas, America bore witness to what happens when you let its absolute most embarrassing citizens out of the basement and allow them to take field trips. One of those citizens was Jacob Chansley, the so-called QAnon shaman, who was one of the only walking armpit farts present that day who took the time to prepare a real costume."
"As the Constitution explains clearly, it’s not an insurrection if you wear the appropriate hat. Also if you can prove you wear that hat all the time, even when you’re just running out for Imodium and fireworks — that you need the hat for non-insurrectionist purposes — then you get to take it home after you’re finished with jail.
It’s definitely part of the Bill of Rights, probably."

"What the Fuck!" A New National Motto?
"So, until or unless we shed ourselves of this bastard and his goddamn followers, could we maybe get congress to pass a law making "What the Fuck?” our national motto, in the interest of reality, if for no other reason. Because let’s face it, this country ain’t about trusting in God. A nation with a bigger military budget than all the rest of the world’s nations combined can’t be said to be putting a whole helluva lot of trust in God, wouldn’t you say?"

Skipping School: America’s Hidden Education Crisis
Apparently, this has been going on with MAGAts for decades.

GOP’s Stefanik won’t commit to certifying 2024 election results
Elise Stefanik refused to say she’d certify the 2024 election results, called suspected Jan. 6 rioters “hostages,” and shrugged off Trump echoing Hitler.
Gutter trash and quite possibly a traitor.

Florida Bill Would Cancel All Requests To Vote By Mail
Florida Nazis suppress voters. What's worse than a Nazi vote suppressor? We need to get rid of every last one of them.

'Sobering' study shows Americans 'disregard' democratic principles when it's convenient
They aren't Americans. They are domestic terrorists and it's high time they are regarded as such.

Judge Tanya Chutkan latest victim of swatting: report
These "swatters" are terrorists and should be hunted down, arrested, indicted and sent to prison. They are the scum of the earth.

How to Fix the Supreme Court
The time has come to connect popular anger over the conservative supermajority with concrete ideas for reform.

Donald Trump is possessed by a fascist mania
Time to get real about how far down the road to full-on fascism and dictatorship the country has already traveled
Yes, let's get real. Dispose of them all by any means necessary. Kill the Electoral College.
Polls mean nothing when the majority of American's votes cast don't secure a win for a candidate.
Which fully illustrates we have been living under fascisim since our beginning.

TODAY: Corruption Trial Begins For NRA And LaPierre
At least the miscreant has resigned.

Fox Host: Biden Went “Full Hitler” In Describing Trump
Trump Nazis are upset they are being called Nazis and are destroying our country. That's exactly what they are. Go straight to hell. Every fucking one of you, Brian Kilmeade.

Morning Digest: Reformers have a plan to undo Ohio GOP's voting restrictions
Fuck the MAGAt Nazis that are suppressing the vote.

Elise Stefanik: 'I Have Concerns About The Treatment Of Jan. 6 Hostages'
Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) suggested that January 6 rioters were being treated as "hostages" because they were facing jail time for their crimes.
Traitors used to get hanged, stupid. They are in prison because they are traitors. The rest of your statement is nothing but bullshit like your "God" leader. Get a life, moron.

Johnson: Holding Me Accountable Is Divisive
Could Ron Johnson be feeling the heat these days?
Said one of the most divisive pricks walking.

Stiffed: How Trump's campaign visits cost local police departments
They should be locking up the shit bag. Instead he filches money out of them.

Donald Trump's former aides say he wasn't willing to do more to stop Capitol riot
"Former Trump administration officials allegedly told special counsel Jack Smith’s office that former President Donald Trump was not interested in taking action to stop the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol attack, ABC News reported."
He was busy running his coup. Beaucoups of evidence to put him behind bars. What's the delay in this nonsense?

'Utter ignorance': Trump trounced online for saying slavery should have been 'negotiated'
He keeps showing us how his mind has failed him. But he's been a moron dipshit forever.
Yes, we always negotiate with terrorists. What a non-functional brain. Dump this fool in the trash.

Jack Smith's secret weapon linking Trump to Jan. 6 rioters is disappearing: report
Then Google destroyed evidence in a federal case. That in itself could be a federal crime and they could and should be charged if that is the case.

Alina Habba's boast likely the 'last straw' for 'offended' Supreme Court justices: expert
"I think we have to be frank here and say that the court has ethical issues of its own making. But this is really the last straw. It should not be tolerated."
More Trump trash.

Trump the Confederate
The Supreme Court should consider those fake elector documents as MAGA’s de facto proclamation of succession
Problem is, the Trump sycophants on the court don't have a spine. Trump broke our court.

QAnon Shaman Demands That Feds Return His Horns
Stick them up your ass, shitbag. Your case will never be over.

Trump Mocks John McCain’s POW Injuries [VIDEO]
McCain didn't hide behind bone spurs. Trump is living, rotting garbage. He should be in Gitmo for life.

Fugitive Jan. 6 Participants Arrested Exactly 3 Years After Capitol Attack
Three individuals wanted for allegedly assaulting officers were tracked down to a ranch in Florida.
Three more traitors down.

MO Sec Of State Threatens To Ax Biden From Ballot
False equivilancies from stupid Nazi thugs. Remove them. Missouri is another state that should be occupied by federal troops.

'This is lawlessness': Trump lashes out on Judge Engoron in midnight rant
The problem is this. We have laws that we don't have the spine to enforce. This is due to the vile monster named Trump whom we should have wiped out long ago.

Trump Did Not Sign Illinois State Loyalty Oath Pledge Not To “Advocate For Overthrowing The Government”
Why would a Nazi traitor like this piece of shit do anything like that?
Time for him to go into a deep retirement.

DeSantis: Kids Used To Bring Rifles To School In The 1950s And Therefore We Didn’t Have Mass Shootings
Right. And they used to wipe up Nazis like you. Let's let them do it again!

Ramaswamy Wishes Nation “Happy Entrapment Day”
The biggest loser that ever lived: RAMASWAMPY!
Wel'll see you living on the street soon.

Trump Tells Us To 'Get Over' School Shootings
During a speech in Iowa, Trump tells Iowans to "get over" a school shooting that just happened a few days ago - IN IOWA.
No one, even the traitor, should say things like this. History has a way.

Aaron Rodgers Put His Broken Foot Into It This Time
New York Jets Aaron Rodgers insinuated that Jimmy Kimmel was tied to Jeffrey Epstein and the fallout has been coming all week.
"Dear Aasshole: for the record, I’ve not met, flown with, visited, or had any contact whatsoever with Epstein, nor will you find my name on any “list” other than the clearly-phony nonsense that soft-brained wackos like yourself can’t seem to distinguish from reality." — Jimmy Kimmel
A. Aron is a fucking joke. The A. is for arrogant dipshit.

GOP congressman commemorates Jan. 6 by defending vote against honoring US Capitol police
Another Pink Slime traitor. Put him on the treason list.

'Imagine if Joe Biden said this': Trump brutally mocked for comment about how magnets work
I'm sure that there are idiots who believe Biden did say it and they are blaming their "God" for it.
All of the traitor's supporters are demented.

NY AG Seeking $120 Million More From Trump After Fraud Trial
The idiot traitor is also a big loser.

'Dementia': Trump's Brain Was Broken At Iowa Rally, And People Noticed
He was worse than usual.
And the traitor's supporters thought Biden was defective! ROTFLMAO!
Biden is a genius compared to the drooling idiot, Trump.

Michigan GOP Unveils Plan To End Primary Elections
The next thing these miscreants do will be end all elections.

Biden Goes OFF on Trump in Blistering Jan. 6 Speech – FULL Video and Transcrip
Our great President tells it like it is.

‘They’re Not Patriots!’ Mary Trump and Lincoln Project’s Setmayer Bash Trump Fan ‘Rage’ — While ‘OUR Anger Is Righteous!
They are traitors. They must pay.

Josh Hawley trashed by hometown paper for 'stunt' that led to Jan. 6 'MAGA madness'
Trash is exactly what he is.

Raskin slams Trump attorney comment about Kavanaugh as 'New York mobsters' mentality
Of course they are all mobsters. If they weren't Trump wouldn't have them.

The Radical Evangelicals Who Helped Push Jan. 6 to Wage War on “Demonic Influence”
Mike Johnson has deep ties to groups that encouraged the Capitol raid—out of conviction that they’re in a literal battle between supernatural forces of good and evil.

'I hold Trump totally responsible': Guilty Jan. 6 rioter throws ex-president under the bus
"And we know that's a lie. And Trump knew the election had not been stolen."
That's why the traitor Trump must go to prison. Trump ruined people's lives.

‘I won the election and he was the loser’: Biden, showing anger and passion, torches Trump
Fuck the traitor Trump.

MTG Fined $12,000 Over Illegal Fundraising For PAC
It should be 100 times that amount.

As justices weigh Trump's fate, the Supreme Court is trapped in a box of its own making
Traitors always lay their own trap.

'They can only kill so many of us': New J6 video shows rioters face to face with congress
Oh, all of you can be killed. Don't feel so superior just because you have a fat fuck "God" you worship.

Ex-federal judge: 'Could not be any clearer' Constitution disqualifies Trump from ballot
Quite clear to anyone that is not a Trump swine.

Three Years After Jan. 6, Lawmakers and Advocates Call for Democracy Reform and Continued Accountability
It's truly astounding that we are still calling for accountabilty of these traitors. Our justice system has failed us. We know what's coming next.

Dems: It's Perfectly OkayTo Insult Republicans In 2024
Sorry, but you can't insult the swine. One has to have a moral center to be insulted.

Donald Trump Smells Funny And Nobody Likes Him
Shit piles usually stink to high heaven. This one is no different.

'Cognitive decline': Trump brutally mocked for baffling comment about how magnets work
His brain is scrambled eggs. His zombie gang eats them.

Donald Trump’s failed coup: the complete January 6 timeline
It won't be failed until he's rotting in jail.

Enough with the Big Lie
There is no competing narrative for January 6
Let the horses drag him through our streets for all to see!

I was betrayed by the GOP after Jan. 6
3 years later, Jan. 6 lies aid and abet Donald Trump

Trump Rages Over Biden’s “Fearmongering” Speech
The stupid SOB doesn't know our government is supposed to protect us from tyrants like this? It's always been America's weapon. Let's use it on this vile bastard!
Oh, he knows, alright. He's an evil motherfucking Nazi exactly like Hitler!

Pirro: Trump Was “Entitled” To Get Millions From China
She wants her piece of the action.
See what I mean? What Is the Emoluments Clause? Situational ethics will ignore it!

Babbitt Family Files $30M Wrongful Death Lawsuit
See what I mean? America doesn't have the right to shoot a traitor attacking our Capitol? This should be shit on by our law! No legal justification? What bullshit. Our laws are non-existant if shit like this isn't flushed down the sewer where it came from. The Nazi Party attacks America again.
Do you think we've forgotten what you swine did on 1-6-21? For a piece of shit like Trump?

Jan 6 Insurrection Was The Result Of Networked Incitement
A media and disinformation expert explains the danger of political violence orchestrated over social media.
We never dreamed we'd have our own Hitler to challenge our tenents.

PA man imprisoned for death threat against Eric Swalwell announces run for Congress
An example of America's new situational ethics policy when it comes to "law" in the country.
We have made the biggest mistake a nation cam make regarding this issue.
Trump is the cause. Our "law" is scared to death of a fat fuck Nazi with no power whatsoever but we balk when it comes to our laws when it involves him. There's always some loophole, some catch to our Constitution. In short, we are cowards.

GOP’s 'whitewashing' of Jan. 6 insurrection made Trump’s comeback possible: report
Situational ethics by the Nazi Party. Trump created this.

Did a Handmaid’s Court Just Sentence Red State Women to Die?
Will excluding pregnant women (but not their fetuses) from EMTALA be the proverbial straw that breaks the back of the 38-year-long GOP scam?

'God gave us Trump': Ex-president posts video declaring himself to be divinely chosen
Devine? Right. The John Waters star! The one who ate dog shit! LMAO!

Trump’s mental state questioned after 47-post tirade about E. Jean Carroll
Questioned? Honestly, do you have to question the mental state of the sickest fuck in the universe?
Tatoo "INSANE" on his fat forehead.

Court says even passive members of Jan. 6 mob can be convicted of disorderly conduct
Get it done.

Trump’s China Scandal Is Way Worse Than What Biden Is Getting Impeached Over
The MAGAts are such dimwits.

Fox Sports Pundit Nick Wright Completely Torches Aaron Rodgers Over Kimmel Comments: He’s a ‘Malignant Force in the Culture’
Couldn't have said it better. Rodgers is looking to end his career in total disgrace.

Feds Hit Bannon’s Sugar Daddy With New RICO Charge
And this is what we do with fraud fucks.

Once-Fugitive Florida Proud Boy Rioter Gets 10 Years
And this is what we do with Trump supporters who commit treason.

Britain Imprisons Nazi Podcasters For Terror Threats
America, this is what you do with Nazis!

Vaseline Woman: “Corrupt, Disgusting, Evil” Liberals “Unleashed” COVID In Order To Stop Trump [VIDEO]
What a dumb shit! Get her mental aid as soon as possible. ROTFLMAO!

'America’s recovery is the envy of the world': Experts praise latest jobs numbers
"It’s not just that more Americans are employed, but wages are rising as well."
And yet there are still fucked-up morons that want to destroy our form of government because some deluded insane fat-ass Nazi has convinced them to believe in his bullshit.

US employers add surprisingly strong 216,000 jobs in sign of economic strength
Trump only imagined he could do this well. He is such a failed criminal.
The jobless rate is at 3.7%. Thank Joe Biden.

Late Night Open Thread: Sorry, Ms. Habba, You *Can’t* Fake ‘Smart’
"And for the record, Alina Habba can't fake being smart. The entire world thinks she is an idiot."
Of course. But she looks like an eastern European and that's all that Trump goes for. Look at his past women.

Trump Lawyer Alina Habba Thankful Her Hotness Distracting From Her Terrible Lawyering
Somebody said to me, 'Alina would you rather be smart or pretty,' and I said, 'Oh easy, pretty. I can fake being smart.'”
"Okay! When does she plan on starting to fake being smart? Because she does a lot of dumb stuff that leaves even halfway competent lawyers scratching their heads."

Trump campaign 'directly orchestrated' Mich. fake elector plot to 'maintain power': report
The effort to submit slates of so-called "fake electors" in Michigan — which then-President Donald Trump narrowly lost in 2020 — appears to have been a project of the Trump campaign itself, according to a recent report.
We're running out of room to stack reports on Trump's crimes. Get rid of this worthless trash scum.

Massachusetts Voters Move to Enforce 14th Amendment and Bar Donald Trump From Ballot
Remove him from any and all ballots. Send him back to hell where he came from.

Daily Wire Host Has An Unhealthy Hatred For Mickey Mouse
No shit, Sherlock?
This motherfucker is hate personified.

Fifth Circuit Says Texas Can Ban Emergency Abortions
Eleanor Roosevelt's statement of Feminism: "The fundamental purpose of feminism is that women should have equal opportunity and equal rights with every other citizen."
Clearly, this Texas "law" rejects equal rights to women. We are still living in the retarded jungle in America. Especially Texas and the rest of the Land of the Happy Negro.

Trump smacked down by judge for 'utterly frivolous' longshot bid in E. Jean Carroll case
Let's see how many times we can smack this sucker before he goes to solitary confinement forever.

Experts fear pro-Trump radicals could spark 'mass casualty event' if he's jailed: report
It will be entertaining TV to watch them commit suicide.

Trump's revenge plot would strip states of power to oversee elections: analysis
Nazi traitor and stinking SOB.

Hydroxychloroquine could have caused 17,000 deaths during COVID, study finds
Former US President Donald Trump said: "What do you have to lose? Take it."
So, now we have proof that Trump is a murderer. But it's not like he shot someone on Fifth Avenue. Is it?

Biden Features J6 Images In New Campaign Ad [Video]
Our President goes after traitors and makes a great statement.

Dolly Parton Gifts Guitar To Texas Drag Queen/Activist
A real American hero. Both of them, in fact.

Sean Hannity Last Month: Imagine The Media Outrage If It Were The Trump Org Making Millions From China
Top notch comedy, Sean-of-the-Dread! Did Trump pay you for this out of the meager 5.5 million he got from China?

Illinois Becomes 18th State With Trump Ballot Lawsuit
Turmp broke the law. Now he's paying for it. No votes for the criminal this year.

'A stunning web of millions of dollars': Trump accused of taking foreign cash payments
The grifter will take money from the devil if he hasn't bankrupted him yet.

China Paid Trump $5.5 Million While He Was In Office
He's unfit to clean toilets. He's one of the world's biggest contaminants.

Judge 'increasingly impatient' with Trump's legal team ignoring his rulings: report
He's a crook of the highest magnitude. Take every penny he grifts and shut him down.

Why Don’t Americans Know Who’s Manipulating our Political System & Why?
The white Republican base has been so lied to and abused over the past forty or so years that they’ve become easy marks for the predators in both big business and the GOP

'Would be the end of America': Trump pushes latest bizarre conspiracy theory
"Trump doesn't say who is signing people up to vote, though the suggestion is that it's the Democratic Party.
His assertion is also legally impossible. The Constitution states that non-citizens, including permanent legal residents, are not eligible to vote in federal, state and most local elections."
A perfect picture of how demented this fucking idiot is.

WaPo Poll: 25% Of Americans Say FBI Instigated Riot
More evidence of the breakdown of American brain function.
Our future looks very bleak with nut heads such as this.

'Textbook right-wing MAGA grift': Ex-Trump lawyer accused of cashing in to tune of $145M
“Jay Sekulow is the latest case of textbook right-wing MAGA grift...”
Fucking the American people at every turn.

Shooting reported at Iowa high school -- 'multiple law enforcement agencies' responding
America's favorite sport. And just in time for the caucuses.

Trump's lawyers just helped Jack Smith prove his election interference case: Analyst
Good. Put him the vaults of history and let's move on.

Trump's name appears in unsealed Jeffrey Epstein documents: report

FL Man Threatened To Kill Swalwell And His Children
If this shit is allowed to go on we'll all be packing and street shootings will become normal.
We breed domestic terrorists now thanks to Fatso, the head Nazi.

MAGA Mike Johnson Makes Trip To The Border, Accuses Biden Of Treason
"We're pretty sure that this is the same guy who has been giving the previous President a pass for his attempted coup d'etat even though it's on video. And we're pretty sure that this is the same guy who gave Trump a pass for extorting Ukraine."
Apparently all the Nazi traitors project that it's the others who are traitors. Such cowardly bastards.

RW Extremist: Non-MAGA Republicans Should Be Executed For Treason
Extremist John Guandolo takes the right-wing civil war to new levels.
This 100% Nazi gangster should watch his back.

Media’s 'performative neutrality' about Jan. 6 helps Trump threaten democracy: columnist
The media whores maintain an attitude that holds nothing will change for them even under fascism. They are dead wrong.

Joy Reid Tears Into GOPers For Downplaying Jan 6 Three Years Later
Then a "signigicant number of Americans" are illiterate and dumb as a pile of shit.

Tom Cotton Cites ‘Invasion’ at Border in Finally Endorsing Trump
Sadly, this man's brain has rotted in his head. Everything he said is literally the opposite. He obviously thinks it's 2016.

Knowles: We Will Turn Mickey Mouse Into A Nazi
Even Hitler wasn't this whacked out stupid.

NBC: Six State Capitols Evacuated After Bomb Threats
We will hunt down each and every terrorist responsible.

Bannon Calls For Cassidy Hutchinson To Be Arrested
Bannon's the one that needs arresting. Or maybe a rest home.

'The South is very comfortable with our history': Nikki Haley defends slavery gaffe
The Land of the Happy Negro"? You bet, dearie. You been hangin' out around here?

Trump Gonna Move Heavily On Madison Square Garden, Take New York And New Jersey Furniture Shopping
"No no no, you’re thinking of Trump’s father getting arrested at a KKK rally in 1927, not a Nazi rally in 1939. You silly, always mixing up your Trump-involved hate rallies!
Of course, Trump has been doing a lot of overtly Hitler-istic Nazi things lately, and his rallies are basically Hitler rallies already and that does sound like him.
So yeah, fuck it, that’s probably it. No reason to assume otherwise."

Appeals Court: Texas Can Ban Emergency Abortions
Warning: Stay out and away from Texas. It is not fit for human habitation. Enter it at your own risk.

GOP Will Attempt To Impeach Homeland Security Sec
The MAGAts only want to impeach someone. It doesn't matter who it is. That's all these loser morons can think of.

Fox Host: SCOTUS Better Rule 9-0 For Trump On 14th Amendment (Or Else?)
Fox is legitimizing Trump’s stochastic terrorism against judges and the legal system.
Hitler himself would approve of the treason that Fox News pukes up.

'Legally way off': Ex-federal prosecutor rips Trump’s 'deeply flawed' case against ballot exclusion
Does anyone even care about anything being "legal" when it comes to Trump? His suckers think he can do no wrong.

Giuliani: The Cult May Get Violent Over Ballot Bans
We are waiting with our M2 heavy machine guns.

Karine Jean-Pierre Claims Biden ‘Has Done More in 3 Years Than Any Other President in 2 Terms
America will agree with that because his polling is turning upward.

How Michigan Became College Football’s Villain
Because they have always been SCUM.
In short, if their 2023 season, as well as their '22 and and '21 seasons, aren't vacated for PROVABLE CHEATING for the last thress seasons then there is no reason for the NCAA any longer and teams can do as they damn please when they decide they can break the rules. College football is broken for good, anyway.
And not all of us would be rooting for _ichigan under any conditions.

Why Is the Mainstream Media Failing To Report Accurately on the Upcoming Election?
They're narrow-minded assholes?
"Again and again, the mainstream media have drawn a false equivalence between Donald Trump and Joe Biden — asserting that Biden’s political handicap is his age, while Trump’s corresponding handicap is his criminal indictments."
Again, all you have to do to be a journalist is to say so.

Wonkette’s 2023 Legislative Shitheel Is/Was His Teenage Son’s No-Porning Accountabili-buddy, Isn’t That Sick?
"This is what happens when you literally elect a fundamentalist Christian hate group as speaker. (Johnson’s early career was as a legal chihuahua for the hate group now known as the Alliance Defending Freedom.)
Mike Johnson is a dumbfuck who thinks marijuana is a gateway drug. Obviously he’s anti-abortion and an anti-LGBTQ+ bigot. He’s got a weird hard-on for school prayer.
He thinks God chose him to be speaker, like some kind of modern-day loser version of Moses. He believes America is 'dark and depraved,' and that God is fixin’ to do something very bad to it, because his God is very angry and thin-skinned and has zero self-control, like a diaper-shitting toddler."

Judge ridicules book-ban law so strict characters can't be identified as male or female
Iowans should be embarassed it produced such shit-fer-brained idiots that came up with this.

Trump Lawyer Christina Bobb: It’s Election Interference To Let Voters Know About Trump’s Many Legal Problems
Another fucking idiot. This is all he can afford now.

Texas Gov Dumps 400 Migrants On NYC Suburbs
He's a human trafficking criminal.

Texas Gov Dumps 350 Migrants In Chicago Suburb

Here's another Nazi asshat that needs to be put away.

'Never walk into that trial': Ex-GOP congressman predicts how Trump will dodge Jan. 6 jury
Trump WILL go to trial. Trump WILL NOT be president again.

Trump’s attacks on prosecutors and judges is 'authoritarianism in service of narcissism': legal experts
Rot in hell, asshat.

'Increasingly erratic' Trump bitterly rails against ex-White House staffers: 'A weak and feeble man'
The final crack-up of an old crook.

N.H. GOP Gov. Gives Lamest Response Yet On Presidential Immunity, Trump Pardon
Speak for yourself, wise guy. Don't tell me what I'm keeping track of. So far, you are way behind in the score.

'Put That Guy In Jail': Fox News Pundit Says Trump Deserves More Than 14th Amendment
Here's another uneducated Nazi news moron that doesn't understand this issue has been litigated. The people decided it a long time ago.

'A tour de force': Experts reveal Jack Smith's 'sly' additions to new Trump filing
Trump is one of the dumbest shits to ever live.

Here's the Trump ballot removal 'nugget' that shows how one conservative justice may vote
Here is what then-judge Gorsuch said, now of course justice Gorsuch: 'a state's legitimate interest in protecting the integrity and practical functioning of the political process permits the state to exclude from the ballot candidates who are constitutionally prohibited from assuming office.'"
OK. That settles that, are we not certain yet?

Ramaswamy: GOP Wants Trump Banned From Ballots
Good news! He will slit his throat in public! YEA!

Burundi President Calls For Publicly Stoning Gays
Guess he forgot the "he without sin" statement. The usual bigoted "Christo-fascist" dictator.

Texas Drag Show Canceled After Right Wing Crusade
A crusade by the extremist "Christo-Fascist Pastors"? AKA potential child molesters, no doubt. There are certainly reasons to suspect.
When in the ever-loving world, did "Conservative Values" ever vanish from the pirated land of Texas, pray tell?
The child molestation score is "Christo-Pastors" 50K, drag queens 0. ROTHLMAO!

Former Trump WH Staffers: He Will “End Democracy”
The Nazi bastard. The turd needs to be flushed forever.

Happy New Year: 22 States Increase Minimum Wage In 2024
22 States to Ring In New Year With Minimum Wage Increases: The federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour hasn’t changed since 2009.

Far-right PragerU co-founder admits to 'indoctrination' campaign: 'We bring doctrines to children'
You sure as hell do, asshole. Take your church propaganda out of our schools.

Religiously Insecure/Oppressive OK Legislator Wants To Plaster The Ten Commandments All Over Public Schools
A working brain should tell him it's an exercise in futility. I would watch my kids if they get anywhere near him.

'Put an end to the chaos': GOP leaders in swing state say party is 'on the verge of imploding'
"Infighting within the Republican Party's ranks has not only been apparent in the halls of Congress: It's now also threatening the stability of the GOP's operations in a state that's played a deciding role in the last two presidential elections." The GOP Regulars are at war with their Nazis it appears.

'Rattled' Trump publicly showing signs 'he’s becoming even more unhinged': MSNBC host
Always the possibility he will spontaneously explode and that will be the end of him.
He's already stark raving mad.

Orange Man Bad: On Vermin, Grifters and Attention Whores
" For now, what looms is a party of malignant clowns, thugs and fabulists led by a vengeful, racist, demented crook who's literally becoming Hitler before our eyes. A New Year's wish: May this be "the end of the MAGA polka."

Susan Collins Wants The Voters To Decide What They Already Decided
"Let's relitigate the litigation until we get it way we want it. Fuck the voters, anyway!"

Central figure in Ukrainian scandal has a message the GOP doesn't want heard: report
Lev Parnas: "The whole motive and the whole Biden stuff was never about getting justice, and getting to the bottom of Biden criminality or doing an investigation in Ukraine," Parnas said. "It was all about announcing an investigation and using that in the media to be able to destroy the Biden campaign and have Trump win."
More news the Trump Nazis don't want heard.

Repub. Gov. Mike DeWine vetoes anti-trans bill after talking to families With trans kids
Education leads to understanding.

FBI: Murders And Violent Crime Down Sharply In 2023
"Detroit is on track to record the fewest murders since the 1960s. In Philadelphia, where there were more murders in 2021 than in any year on record, the number of homicides this year has fallen more than 20 percent from last year. And in Los Angeles, the number of shooting victims this year is down more than 200 from two years ago. The rapid decline in homicides isn't the only story. Among nine violent and property crime categories, the only figure that is up is motor vehicle theft."
Of course, the Nazis will not believe a word of it so neither will their cohorts.

Franklin Graham Rages Over Claim Jesus Was Asian
Every religion makes "God" in their own image.

New Hampshire Libertarian Party Weighs in on Civil War Debate By Comparing Abraham Lincoln to Osama Bin Laden
It's high time for them to take the second path of their state motto.

Mike Johnson is following Kevin McCarthy’s footsteps to failure: conservative
And nobody notices, no one cares. Whatever happened to America and it's promise? Education was dismantled and we have never recovered. In short, we accepted lies.

More Democracy, Not the Courts, Will Defeat Trump’s Authoritarianism
The pursuit of legal liberalism is a distraction from mobilizing a majority coalition against a would-be dictator.

Didn't Nikki Haley Highlight for Us Again How the GOP Base is all About Racism & Oligarchy?
As Nikki Haley well knows — the Confederacy rose up not simply to preserve slavery and the Southern oligarchy, but to extend that oligarchy to the rest of the United States.

Once Public Schools are Largely Dead, Here's What Happens Next
Republicans will then begin lobbying to “reduce spending” by cutting the amount allocated for the vouchers, locking the emerging two-tier status of publicly funded education into place.

'Pathetically weak': Conservative George Conway destroys arguments to keep Trump on ballot
And yet they keep trying to prop the cancer up. Moral decay has taken its toll on Fatso's enablers.

Nikki Haley deserves no grace for Civil War gaffe
There is a reason why it is so hard for the former South Carolina governor to simply call out slavery as the cause
"All of her babbling about freedom seemed to be aimed at the freedom of the enslavers, not the freedom of the enslaved." Ahhh..The Land of the Happy Negro!
Because she's not fit for office.

DeSantis Condemns Removal Of Confederate Statue
"Following DeSantis's logic, NYC should have statues of the 9-11 skyjackers so we can "remember our history." --Octoberfurst (comments)
America has been changing since the day we were born: city names, street names, school namees, stadum names, buildings, removing objects, and everything else. Stop whining about it because you're a loser and will have no statue. Those Jim Crow traitors lost their war. If Hitler had won WWII we'd all be speaking German.

Hate Group Founder Don Wildmon Dies At Age 85
The Wicked Warlock is dead!

Trump’s total lack of restraint may doom his own defense strategy
This usually happens with arrogant crooks. Have we completely lost our minds with this idiot and, because of it, lost sight of doing what is right?

GOP Officials In Court Brief: No Immunity For Trump
Even his own fascists are now going to let him go for fear of their future. He is now tainted meat.

'Trump's in trouble': Nixon lawyer says ex-president at risk after second ballot boot
"I think the Maine decision is very solid," Dean noted. "It was fully briefed. There is ample due process in this proceeding. And they just lost by a straight, honest reading of the 14th Amendment."
Only his Nazis on SCOTUS can save him. Are they that stupid?

'They go directly to the intent': Expert shows how new audio recordings could sink Trump
"Leaked recordings published by CNN show pro-Trump attorney Kenneth Chesebro recounting the extent of the former president's supporters' effort in the wake of the 2020 election to institute alleged fake electors with critical certificates and supply the material to compel Vice President Mike Pence to hold off certifying the election to President-Elect Joe Biden."

Revealed: How Trump team reportedly flew fake elector ballots to D.C. to overturn election
Toast. That's toast. And that's TREASON!

'Power grab': Trump allies have epic meltdown after ex-president banned from Maine ballot
Former GOP staffer Mike Davis said after the ruling that Democrats "are simply taking Trump off the ballot" because they are "in full panic mode."
"The Deluge" has begun.

Fox News guest fact-checked on 'thriving' Trump economy claim: ‘Couldn’t get toilet paper'
Thnk of it. "Asswipe Trump"!

'It's historic': Expert shows how new Trump 'insurrectionist' finding could change things
He continued: "We should take a hard look at a candidate who implicates these 14th Amendment concerns of insurrection," he said. "So, this is American democracy in action."
"As wrong as some people are saying... that its antidemocratic — it is never against American democracy to apply the United States Constitution."
Tell it to the fool I recently saw on TV from Maine who was contesting it saying that the American people should decide. They did. It's litigated in the 14th Amendment. Or is he against our Constitution as are all MAGAts?
It is simply amazing and astounding that after 236 years we as a so-called nation still cannot agrree on what our Constitution tells us.

'Wrong side of history': GOP's Tom Cotton destroyed after blaming modern Dems for slavery
The stupidity of the fascist fool.They can't help but cut their own throats.
Not all the history books have been burned by your party, Tom.

'She’s abandoning us': Colorado MAGA voter attacks 'grifter bimbo' Lauren Boebert
Did you expect more from the trash you associate with? Get used to it, sucker.

U.S. Department of Justice says it’ll sue if Texas enforces new law punishing illegal border crossing
"The state has until Jan. 3 to say it won’t arrest people accused of unauthorized entry from Mexico. If not, the Biden administration will sue, saying immigration enforcement is a federal responsibility."
Sue them? The U.S Government should occupy the state with federal forces. They have already seceded by their actions.

'A danger to this country': CO sec of state says Maine 'did the right thing' disqualifying Trump
"It's very clear that Donald Trump engaged in insurrection. It is also very clear the language in the constitution, which says that if someone swears to uphold the constitution and then engages in insurrection, they cannot be placed in office again. So I do think the secretary of state of Maine did the right thing," Griswold said.

Maine secretary of state blocks Trump from ballot: 'Not qualified to hold the office of president'
As Maine goes, so goes the nation. They won't be the last.

Nikki Haley: I would pardon Trump if he is found guilty
She would also have to be president which she will never be. She's playing up to her hero.
She shot her wad with her Civil War fiasco anyway.

‘Parental Rights’ Mom Accused of Slugging Kid at Boozy Teen Party She Hosted
“Schillinger not only provided the alcoholic beverages, but poured shots and drank along with the minors, even participating in drinking games,” the affidavit alleges.
Always a good lesson to puch a kid in the face. Teaches 'em to respect how fascism works.

At Long Last, Consumer Confidence Is Rising
But not for Nazis. They will still be whining.

A shocking number of Americans believe God personally anointed Trump to rule the country
Another full illustration of the delusion and evil of "religion" racist Nazis.

Will Trump's Violent Movement Conquer America?
How would you react if one day you were sitting at home and the phone rang and when you picked it up you heard a man shout: “Kill yourself now so we can save ammo!”
I'd tell him "Not if I kill you first, motherfucker!"

GOP Lawmakers in 3 States Seek to Dubiously Deem Biden an Insurrectionist
Fully illustrating how disconnected these Nazi shithooks are from reality.

Republican radio host humiliated after saying Statue of Liberty is American architecture
Perfect example of American stupidity. Dum are u jeff?

Trump Again Vows To Replace “Not Good” Obamacare
This is "birtherism" from the worthless, racist POS.

WaPo: Scientists Fear Global Warming Is Accelerating
"In a paper published last month, climate scientist James E. Hansen and a group of colleagues argued that the pace of global warming is poised to increase by 50 percent in the coming decades, with an accompanying escalation of impacts."
This is what happens when greed, avarice and stupidity is perverting the wheel of progress.

GOP-Led House Ends Year With “Do-Nothing” Record
"With just 27 bills and resolutions signed into law, not counting a few board appointments, it’s among the most do-nothing sessions of Congress in recent times."

Donald Trump’s Christmas Greeting Warns ‘We are in the fight of our lives’ To Protect The Country Against ‘MADNESS AND DOOM’
Trump and Loomer — Insanity Inc.

Whose “It’s a Wonderful Life” Is It Anyway?
How everybody’s favorite Christmas movie about the perils of monopoly capitalism became a victim of monopoly capitalism.
Perfect example of Woody's lyric from Pretty Boy Floyd: "Some will rob you with a six-gun and some with a fountain pen."
Steal this movie back for the people.

Supreme Court knows what Trump is doing, and can choose whether to be complicit: columnist
"According to columnist Ron Brownstein, the Supreme Court isn't stupid, they know exactly what Trump is trying to do, they simply have to choose whether or not to be complicit."
Yeah, but so does America.

GOP efforts to keep major issue off ballots in 2024 is an 'implicit admission'
Covering up their crimes is a full time job for the Nazi Party.

Agenda 47: The GOP's dystopian nightmare plan for America revealed
Flush Trump and his Agenda 47 down the sewers where they belong.

Busted: Jim Jordan and James Comer have a new judicial plan
Two of the worst pricks in the universe.

NYC Synagogues Hit With Christmas Eve Bomb Threats
It's high time to clean out these ignorant, stupid Nazi terrorist bastards. This country can't allow them to exist here regardless of who or what they are.

Speech Of The Year: Biden's State Of The Union
With the added bonus that Dark Brandon made Republicans stand up for Social Security and Seniors!!!

'They've gone deep': Jack Smith has 'sprawling' evidence against Trump, CBS discovers
"CBS correspondent Robert Costa said his sources revealed that special counsel Jack Smith has a more "sprawling" case against Donald Trump than previously thought."
It's the gift that keeps on giving.

Missouri School Board Drops Black History Course
Land of the Happy Negro school board knows their Negroes already know their own history and we don't want them messing it up in the white devil's portion.

Court: Teacher Fired Over Dolly/Miley Song Can Sue
Guess the "school district" hillbillies have been on the farm too long studying the livestock.

MO Megachurch Axes Founder In Widening Scandal
"In late October a group of former IHOPKC leaders accused Bickle of a pattern of alleged clergy sexual misconduct."
Oh, my. More sex news from the "holy" church of the "Fuck around and find outs"

Ted Cruz Shut Down On Fox News After He Attacks 'Dishonest' MSNBC
Fox News host Howard Kurtz defended MSNBC on Sunday after Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) accused the network of dishonesty and not covering news. Fuck Cruz.

'I'm Not Racist': Ron Johnson Attacks Migrants Who Own Cell Phones
Fox News host Maria Bartiromo and Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) on Sunday slammed migrants for owning mobile hones.
Wait til you hear what he thinks of those that own indoor showers and toilets!
These Fox fucks are batshit crazy.

Former federal judge: Trump’s Michigan recording 'bolsters' Jack Smith and Fani Willis prosecutions
"This new evidence is of a piece with, and bolsters, the considerable other similar evidence of the former president’s interference in the 2020 presidential election that both Jack Smith and Fani Willis have assembled,” Luttig said. "The president was not acting in furtherance of his duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed when he attempted to interfere in the presidential election in Michigan and elsewhere."

'He was political roadkill': GOP senators marvel at Trump 'like a zombie coming back from the dead'
The answer to why he stinks so badly.

'He will lose': Lindsey Graham says Trump is setting himself up for failure in 2024
He will lose big and so have you.

'I did nothing wrong': Trump snaps at reports of more election tampering
Fatso, the more you whine the guiltier you become. Everything you did or will do is wrong.

Martin O’Malley’s confirmation as Social Security commissioner is a win for the American people
Yet another reason only fools will vote for Fatso.

Trump is pushing his luck with judges after late Saturday legal filing: legal expert
Shit-fer-brains proves over and over how totally incompetent he is.
"In his brief, he said that this is the only time in history a president has been charged for official acts," he added. "He's not being charged for official acts. He's been charged for allegedly criminal acts — it's a big difference. If he thinks he has a snowball's chance in hell of winning, the answer is no."

Will Vivek Ramaswamy Quit As His Campaign Hits Free Fall?
Swami is running for office? You coulda fooled me. I thought he was the Nazi comic relief.

Campos-Duffy Claims Local Print Shop Proves Bidenomics Failure
All those real economic indicators pointing to a boom must have put the Fox propagandist in a big pickle.
She must have skinned her knee and missed the Christmas party. It's all Biden's fault she's a failure.
She finally found someone whose business is slow. Why doesn't her Nazi hero place a million dollar order for "Kick Me Hard!" butt stickers?

Political expert shows how Trump's campaign could be 'finished within the next two weeks'
"If a SCOTUS majority rules against Trump, how could he appear on ANY state's 2024 ballot? Yes, states have broad authority to run their elections," Logis wrote Thursday. "But the 14th Amendment question is not an elections question; it's a qualification one. And federal law is supreme to any state's."

Priests Rip Pope On Blessing Gay Couples: Endorsing “Sinful Behavior & Moral Evil Must Always Be Avoided”
Have any of these halfwit cult members ever had children? Do they do anything aside from molesting children and playing the victim card?

Don't Undercount Disabled People, Activists Warn Census Bureau
Census Bureau’s proposed changes threaten to undercount people with disabilities, advocates say.
Who's in charge of the Census Bureau, Trump? Whoever it is should be fired.

Trump’s former AG warns a second term would be 'chaotic' and rife with 'abuse of government power'
This is an understatement. It would be Pol Pot all over again.

Why have Americans Embraced So Many Toxic GOP Scams?
When will America — and, particularly, American media — wake up to these scams and start calling them out for what they are?
When their intelligence rises.
"Falling IQs have become yet another mystery for scientists to solve."

Exposing the toxic Republican scams America embraced in 2023
How are you liking MAGAt fascism so far?

'We’re worse off': GOP rep blames 'small group of Republicans' for House’s failure to pass bills
And this is exactly their sole purpose—to do nothing except support fascism in America.

'Diaper Don': Internet celebrates 'Trump smells' trending on social media
What you are smelling is a decaying cadaver.

Trump's victory celebration over Supreme Court ruling shot down by former prosecutor
Yes, Joyce Vance, tore Fatso's lies and misunderstandings to ribbbons. He's such a piece of shit.

Trump allies see ex-president's Supreme Court win as sign he will soon be assassinated

Sen. Lindsey Graham Threatens To Defund Any City Or State That “Forces” Chick-Fil-A To Open On Sundays
Let's see: States can control women's health and remove their rights to abortion services but the State cannot require a food service on a public highway to stay open on Sunday. Sounds like government based on religion that should be separated from church dogma. That should be in our Constitution. Wait! It already is! Fuck you, you asswipe.

Wackadoodle MAGA Prophet Predicts Person To Reveal 2020 'Stolen Election'
Does Julie Green even know how ridiculous she sounds?
I (a true prophet) prophecy she will shit and fall back in it!

Ooof!: Joe Rogan Producer Fact-Checks Him As He Tries To Bash Biden
This is hysterical.
The dipshit deserves. This deplorable is the one that is done.

'Fraudulently pimping the big lie': Former Trump attorney says Detroit tapes put him at risk
Trump the pimp. Suits him.

Expert: Clarence Thomas could face 'criminal prosecution' by not paying taxes on gifts
A deserving grifter.

Agenda 47: Trump's & the GOP's Dystopian Nightmare Plan for America Revealed
If you thought it can’t happen here, I have an old Sinclair Lewis book to share with you
Trump IS Hitler and never forget it.

'Appointed by God': Trump supporters tout divine mandate to crush his foes
More proof of the blind insanity that is backs Fatso.

'Chilling preview': Ex-FBI official warns MAGA threats against judges are just the start
"The Colorado Supreme Court justices who ruled to bump former President Donald Trump from the ballot have already been inundated with violent threats that include the warning “this ends when we kill these f---ers,” and that could spell trouble for the entire nation, a former FBI official warns."
And you thought this shit could never happen in America.

GOP Bill: No Electoral Votes For States That Ban Trump
Typical tactics of the Nazi Party. They will pay for that in ways they never dreamed.

CNN’s Jim Acosta Reacts To Disturbing Video of Migrant Mom With Baby Yelling For Help In The Rio Grande As Authorities Just Watch
Which color of their swastika shirts were they wearing?

'Too many ways for Trump to slow the appeals': Experts weigh in on SCOTUS denying Jack Smith motion
We are so surprised that the fascist SCOTUS reacted like the seditious Trump traitors they are.

'A climate of fear': Roe’s fall has triggered bipartisan radicalization
Obvious evidence of a Nazi SCOTUS. America is an ex-democracy. Young people should leave in droves now.

On the Colorado decision, expect SCOTUS to punt
Cowards as expected.

When Hitler tried to redesign Christmas
Donald Trump now claims to have "won" the so-called war on Christmas. The holiday was an issue for Hitler as well
Reeks of the idiot Trump, scourge of the free world.

Trump’s Iowa Faith Leader Coalition includes bigots, advocate of killing Obama
Bloodthirsty motherfuckers.

Jim Jordan's Biden attack backfires spectacularly: 'Perfectly described Donald J. Trump'
When will this "genius" learn to keep his stupid mouth shut?

'It's all trash': Trump fans furious at conservative outlet over surprising poll report
You mean YOU are all trash. Americans don't like Nazis. This means you and your Fatso dupe.

Congress' "Christian fascist" caucus: Mike Johnson brings MAGA fully into the House
The elevation of Johnson to speaker is a kind of foreshadowing of the retrograde social order MAGA wants to impose
Retarded idiot. Typical MAGAt.

“Additional crime”: Experts say new Trump recording gives Jack Smith “extremely powerful evidence”
Trump and Ronna McDaniel pressured Michigan officials, offering to get them lawyers if they rejected certification
This is one deep in the shit crook. He has no business anywhere near ANYTHING to do with American government!

Lawsuit: Oust Georgia Lt Gov, He’s A Fake Elector
Another one in the "Find Out" phase.

Biden To Issue Pardons For Some Marijuana Offenses
Outstanding, Joe.
The fact that people are incarcerated for this issue is antiquated and hostile.
This, by now, should be as legal as liquor.

Has-Been Hillbilly Actor Says Biden Should Be 'Hung'
John Schneider is best known for his role as Bo Duke on The Dukes of Hazzard, a series that ran in the 80s. He hasn't really lost the persona though.
"The Dukes of Hazzard"? That incredibly enlighting series? ROTFLMAO!
Is this where stupid American TV started?

LORDY, THERE ARE TAPES: Trump Recorded Pressuring Two MI GOP Voting Officials
How many other recordings are there of 45 trying to tamper with official election results?
The mob boss gave us mucho proof of his criminal activity. Time to put him away.

'Nightmare for John Roberts': How 'two Trump curveballs' may be 'decisive chapter' for SCOTUS’ 'legitimacy'
"During his almost two decades as chief justice, Harris and Gerstein note that "it's become steadily more common to believe that the institution Roberts leads is fundamentally not on the level." Meaning, it's not "committed to interpreting and applying the law in a principled and dispassionate way."

What's next after Colorado? Here's where other challenges to Trump's candidacy stand
If the SCOTUS says the Constitution has no standing on this issue then we will see the Civil War heat up to the point of no return. You will see what Woody Guthrie meant by "rob you with a fountain pen" means to all of us.

Texas Republicans in one rural county will hand count ballots. Experts say it’s “a recipe for disaster.”
And also produces the results they want. But what can you do with retards?

'Trump engaged in insurrection': Former GOP AG sides with Colorado court
Everyone knows this except Nazis that side with the traitor. Thant will make them traitors. Stop with the gobblededgook bullshit I have read about the Constitution not applying.

Jeff Clark: Trump not guilty of insurrection because 'he left office on time'
I'll tell that to the judge the next time I fail to rob a bank.
And I'll tell them that you told me thus making you an accessory.

Rift torn in Georgia GOP by plan to test if candidates are Republican enough
This is a turd check I see. Only turds need apply.

Newt Gingrich Suggests Dem Will Cause A Revolution
Well, old man, I certainly hope so. Because we need one badly to get rid of assholes like you.
America does NOT need a crook as a choice. They need a decent American. That's difficult to find in your Nazi Party.

Trump: “I’m Not An Insurrectionist, Crooked Biden Is”
Demented as a turd. Think of it, actual living human beings believe this stack of shit.

Defamation Case Against Kari Lake To Go Forward, Judge Rules
"Kari Lake is about to enter into the 'find out' stage of the equation she set herself up for. Her lawyers said she was just kidding around. The judge didn't buy it. Soon it'll be time for her to pay, just like Rudy."
And Trump.

Large Chunk Of GOP Iowa Caucusgoers Fine With Fascism
It's been obvious for years that the GOP is the Nazi Party. No Americans are a part of the party of sedition.

Fox Poll: 30% Of Trumpers Want Him To “Break Laws”
Solid proof they are traitors like Trump. To jail with each and every one of them as partners in his crimes.

Fox Co-Host: But People Will Be 'Mad' If Trump Isn't On Colorado's Ballot
The only "people" that will be mad are Trump traitors. That includes this Fox traitor.

Conway Asks SD Gov To Remove Biden From Ballot
A perfect example of the Nazi dumb butt's lack of brain processing. Has Biden commintted a violent act of treason against our government like their fucked up "hero"? Dumb-da-dumb-dumb!

NE Gov Opts Out Of Feeding Poor Kids During Summer
I guess he hasn't missed a meal lately.

CO Sec Of State: I’ve Gotten Dozens Of Death Threats
No one will kill anyone by threatening using the internet. They have to get on their horse and ride over and do it in person.

Biden campaign unleashes one of its 'most aggressive efforts yet' against Trump
Trump's never read anything except the "pay to " line and the amount paid on his checks.

Johnson Attended Creepy “Purity Ball” With Daughter
I understand it's very much like the "Nutball Ball."
"A purity ball culminates with the daughter signing a pledge to her father to abstain from dating and to remain sexually abstinent until marriage."
Uhh, that's not legally binding. In fact it's tolet paper.
Dear Penny, no one is more bigoted than a "Christo-Fascist."

Judge: Giuliani Must Immediately Pay Election Workers
He can always become a male whore. Wait, he already is!
The joke's on you, dickhead.

Wyden: Republicans Purge Medicaid So Children Can Die
Ron Wyden: GOP Medicaid purge puts 'politics before children'
And they whine about the popluation of the U.S. shrinking? Hypocrite morons.

Attention Whore Says What?
Vivek Ramaswamy has the perfect solution to Trump's exclusion from the Colorado ballot.
I already mentioned this genius idea to the foolhardy yo-yo.

'Not a serious argument': Legal experts tear apart Trump’s newest SCOTUS filing
More bullshit from the traitor Trump.

Majority of Americans support removing Trump from Colorado ballot
A whopping 84% of Democrats, 48% of independents, and even almost one in four Republicans, 24%, agreed with the decision to remove Trump.
It will be much worse for him in November 2024.

'I regret exactly nothing': Woman got Jan. 6 rioter to confess on dating app and reported him to FBI
America thanks you for nailing the traitor. There are more like him in the Trump cult.

Tommy Tuberville’s Year Of Setting His Dick On Fire And Eating It Comes To Predictably Humiliating End
"For Alabama Republican Senator Tommy Tuberville, who always comes across like he’s just had a particularly stinky run-in with the business end of an anvil, nearly a year of absolute, utter failure has just about come to an end."

Sexual Penis Guy Ted Cruz Pretty Sure Libs Can’t Please Women Like Sexual Penis Guy Ted Cruz Can
"Before you read this quote and watch this video, please rank all the Republican senators and congressmen in your head from most fuckable to least fuckable, and then write a 500-word essay on why you all put Ted Cruz dead last, behind even Matt Gaetz."

The GOP’s 60-Year Authoritarian Plot: Perhaps None Dare Call It Treason. But I Do.
Understanding how they got here — and dragged the rest of us with them — may give us some clues to how to get out of this mess.
Any sane person will call it treason.

'Married man's plus 1': Trump raises eyebrows by attending event with lawyer not Melania
Has the old letch grabbed her by the pussy or has she grabbed his balls?

'Provably false': Judge smacks down Kari Lake's bid to dismiss Arizona official's lawsuit
Oh, dear. Vasaline Woman fails again.

'Idiotic': GOP senator proposes cutting funds for states that bar Trump from ballot
Name a MAGAt that isn't an idiot. The hypcrites have tossed their holy bible into the trash with this.

“Once You’re No Good to Them, They Get Rid of You”
I Pity the Poor Immigrant — Bob Dylan

Judge allows the removal of a Confederate memorial at Arlington Cemetery
Land of the Happy Negro will have to let another of their traitor shrines go.
The liar about graves being disturbed was discovered to be bullshit by the judge. Buh-bye.

J.D. Vance: “Poisoning Our Blood” Was About Fentanyl
“First of all, he didn’t say immigrants were poisoning the blood of this country. He said illegal immigrants were poisoning the blood of the country, which is objectively and obviously true to anybody who looks at the statistics about fentanyl overdoses,..."
This hillbilly swine is so full of shit his eyes stink and it's running out of his mouth.
"A new NPR/Ipsos poll shows that big numbers of Americans believe incorrectly that "most" of the fentanyl entering the U.S. is smuggled by migrants. It's not the only misleading claim getting traction."

Patriotic Millionaires Call on Department of Justice to Investigate Justice Clarence Thomas for Ethics Violations
Get rid of him.

Colorado Supreme Court bars Trump from ballot
More states need to follow suit now. Don't forget — States Rights — the holy bible of the Right-Wing!

Statement by Free Speech for People on Colorado Supreme Court Ruling in Anderson v. Griswold
"This is a victory for the principle that a president who loses his re-election bid must step down peacefully, not launch a bloody insurrection to intimidate Congress, disrupt the electoral count, and remain in power after his term ends. We are proud to have aided the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision as amicus curiae in this case."

So This Fuckery Is Finally Over
This means that the rest of the MAGAt fuckery can be dismissed as well.

George Conway tears apart 'logically weak' dissents in Colorado Supreme Court’s Trump ruling
The lower court claiming our president isn't an officer" He's the motherfucking commander-in-chief of our armed forces! If that ain't an officer we are all insane and living a lie!

GOP planning 'attack on the courts' in key swing state ahead of 2024 election: attorney
Here comes the next "They stole this election" threat from the fascist bastards. This MAGAt treason must end by ANY MEANS NECESSARY!

'Chilling execution': Iran hangs 'child bride' for murdering her husband
Who dares call this depravity "civilized"?

'Made-up procedure' dooms Colorado court's decision to toss Trump from ballot: CNN expert
This is situational ethics at work. Also the reason that the idea of law and order can be perverted by anyone at anytime when someone is considered as being in power over us all. Elie Honig, everything is "made up." It's up to us as Americans to decide if we will live free or be subject to authoritarianism.

Booting Trump off the ballot isn't just legally correct — it's the smart move for the Supreme Court
This is one of those rare situations where what's good for the country is also good for the GOP
This will decide the future of constitutional rule for the country.

Former WH Lawyer: SCOTUS Will Rule 9-0 For Trump
I doubt that result. But the Trumpers don't believe in the Constitution either.

Johnson Blasts Colorado Ruling As A “Partisan Attack”
States rights were once a holy alter for these hypocrites. Now they are pissing all over their shrine like the dumb shit frauds they are. ROTFLMAO!

Trump's Hitler fantasies put Senate Republicans on defense
"Once again, given the opportunity to draw a line in the sand—at fascism, no less—the Senate Republicans who dislike Trump took the easy way out."
His Nazi supporters squirm like the worms they are at his Nazi bullsht rhetoric.

J6 Rally Planners Lied, Knew Trump Intended Capitol March
The big question is who else was in on the deceit with Jan. 6 planners Amy and Kylie Jane Kremer?
Whoever. But they are all traitors on the wrong side of history.

Texas businesses are rebelling against draconian GOP rule
It's about damn time.

GOP candidate vows to withdraw from Colorado primary unless Trump is reinstated on ballot
Good! Nobody runs! Great idea! The best thing you've ever thought of.
None of you Nazi bastard's names should be on any ticket execept one that's good for a rocket ride to the end of infinity.

'Is Colorado still a state'? Political insiders pounce on Trump's ballot loss
Of course these "States Rights" blow-hard treasonous bastards don't want the Constitution to be enforced. They are traitors like the Trump creature. They are betraying their oaths.

'Five-alarm fire': Ex-Trump aide shows how ex-president will react to Colorado ruling
Is Fatso threatening another coup against America? He should spend what miserable life he has left in prison

Man Who Destroyed Satanic Temple Display Speaks At Kirk’s Convention: “Satan Is Real, We Can’t Ignore Him”
He's speaking to you through this asshat now. Buh-the-the, Buh-the-the, Buh-the-the, Buh the -- that's all folks!

Colorado Supreme Court bans Trump from the state’s ballot under Constitution’s insurrection clause
So much for states rights? It's card showing time. Trump's SCOTUS toadies will make sure the states can't do that when it comes to one of their own fascists.

The Sh*t Is About To Hit The Fan On Jeffrey Epstein's Associates
It's about time!
You mean everyone that wanted to be shit on.
Let the shit fall where it may.

Bret Baier: Forgiving Student Debt Equals A Coup Attempt
Trump apologists never go away.
Liz told the bastard to get fucked.
Hiring Nazi supporters for American news should be considered treason.

'Wake up while there’s still time’: Legal expert issues warning on 'great danger' of Trump
“Depending on where you live, it may seem impossible for the country to reelect Donald Trump. I hear that from a lot of people. But the truth is, it’s not. Some of our fellow citizens, inexplicably, do not see the fraud & risk of fascism in front of them.”
They don't give a fuck for America or they are the uneducated clueless.

“Rioter Central” Platform Parler To Relaunch In 2024
Here comes "Shit River" again.

Fox News Regular: God Doesn’t Want Women To Vote
The real poison being spread: religion. It will kill us all.
Jason Whitlock is a misguided fool just like all of them.

Two Men Kill 3,600 Birds, Including Bald Eagles, for “Significant Sums of Cash”
If not execution they should be jailed for life.

‘Trump Knows What He’s Doing’: The Creator of Godwin’s Law Says the Hitler Comparison Is Apt
Finally. He sees things my way. You're welcome.

Busted: Investigation fingers Republican for belittling and berating 'traumatized' staff
Nazi tactics. Throw them back in the sewers.

Steve Bannon calls for arming kids with guns to stop school bullying
Said the bully. This assumes the bullies won't have guns themselves, dumbass.

Man Kills California Four-Year-Old In Road Rage Incident
An example of a bully with a gun.

'He's gone too far': Analysts say Trump's antics are starting to turn tide of support
The only chance for an American future is to end this Nazi for good.

We Must Protect Higher Ed From Republicans
"The GOP and its allies are attempting to suppress freedom to teach, conduct research, learn, and engage in political dissent at universities and colleges across the US."

The Contempt for Democracy Driving the Anti-Abortion Movement
"As pro-choice advocates plan more statewide initiatives protecting abortion rights, opponents say victory lies in stopping citizens from voting on the issue directly."
If America puts Fatso in charge again there will be no more voting. Elections will become a thing of the past. This is the goal of the fascist movement behind Trump.

Trump Echoes Hitler — And MAGA Hears It Loud and Clear
Turning America to a shit-hole country is his goal.

Gov. Greg Abbott signs bill making illegal immigration a state crime
Texas racist paranoia.

Texas Is Challenging 150 Years of Immigration Law
Senate Bill 4 could be the vehicle for the U.S. Supreme Court to finally unleash Lone Star Republicans on the world’s huddled masses.

Gerrymandering is an enemy to democracy — we need constitutional reform
Don't worry. Trump is declaring the Constitution null and void.

China, Russia tried to meddle in 2022 midterms: US intel
Have you ever heard of such a thing in your life?

Federal Judge Halts Removal of Confederate Statue at Arlington National Cemetery
"The statue features racist and revisionist history, falsely depicting enslaved people in the antebellum south as happy."
His name and his namer: "U.S. District Judge Rossie Alston, who was appointed by former President Donald Trump, granted the injunction on Monday afternoon, halting the removal of the statue hours after crews had begun the process."
Land of the Happy Negro statue protected by one of Fatso's sock puppets.

"Very bad signal for Trump": Experts say ruling against Mark Meadows may doom Trump's defense
"It was, to put it mildly, a total body slam," Kaytal told MSNBC. "As you see this opinion was written by Chief Judge Pryor, who is not just someone some people call conservative, he's a legendary conservative jurist, extremely conservative. And, he had none of it with respect to Meadows' arguments. Basically to summarize what this long opinion says ... look, if you are the White House chief of staff, launching a coup is not in your job description. That's the opinion, plain and simple."

Ohio Republicans plot to thwart voters who backed 'immoral and evil' abortion rights
We all know who the bastards are here. THE NAZI SOBs!

Trump's demand to dismiss fraud trial denied in scathing ruling: report
Shut the fuck up, you whiny little douche bag, and let's get this overwith.

Franklin Graham: The Pope’s Move To Bless Same-Sex Couples Won’t “Save Them From The Judgment Of God”
I'm sure this rambling grifter knows.

Marc Short: Highly Unlikely Trump Has Read Hitler’s Mein Kampf
Pence's former chief of staff tried to deflect from Trump's obvious parroting of Hitler with this inane defense.
Bullshit. Ivana (former wife) said he kept his hero's speeches in the stand next to his bed. (He sleeps?)

Huckabee Sanders picks fight with Biden HHS director in 'unprecedented' push to kick kids off Medicaid
Trash. Pure and simple. This is what MAGAts are. Trash.

Trump Unable To Come Up With Own Material, Keeps Ripping Off Hitler
The Gumbys are thick behind him in the photo.

'Anti-democracy playbook': Expert blasts GOP's 'cynical' effort to suppress young voters
This is not going to end well for our country.

Conservatives move to keep abortion off the 2024 ballot
The way of fascism.

Jon Karl Darkly Warns of Trump Loyalists Who’d Let Him Off the Leash if Re-Elected: ‘Would Be There to Follow Orders’
Nazi Germany would look like child's play if the broken orange gibbon gets his tiny hands on power.

Shock Jock Vivek Ramaswamy Says Van Jones Should STFU
And that's exactly what I think the Swami should do.

Why the Supreme Court 'should resoundingly reject Trump’s immunity bid'
That the rumor is Trump has a chance to be re-elected fully illustrates the decay of intellect in America.
The failure of the media doesn't help with this issue.

What About Trump’s Dementia?
"If Biden’s age is fair game, why aren’t Trump’s age and apparent mental decline?
Biden may appear frail at times, but he’s rational. The growing evidence of Trump’s dementia and paranoia, on the other hand, poses a potential danger to the future of America — if he’s reelected. At the least, the media should be investigating and reporting on it."
The media? Does one exist in America these days?

Clarence Thomas hinted to GOP lawmaker he could resign unless Congress raised his pay
Shakedown artist. Tell him to fuck off and impeach him.

Alina Habba suggests Trump will give her government job to hit Democrats 'deep and hard'
Sounds pornographic and she knew it.

Right-wing tantrum over Jill Biden Christmas video accidentally reveals how much MAGA hates America
When the "war on woke" is over, the only entertainment left for Trump cultists will be Dear Leader's speeches
The poor hateful retarded.

Vaseline Woman: I Proved To Entire World That I Won
The only award this deplorable won is "Eternal Bitch Award."

OR Pastor Arrested On Multiple Child Rape Charges
Another one bites the dust.
So many Christo-peds, so little time.
"The country fascists are busy banning the LBGTQ books in the library and schools to steer away from one obvious book that cause the most damage to the society." — bambino (comments)

Whoa! Florida Abortion Activists Gather 1.4 MILLION Signatures
Florida Abortion Rights Organizers Have 1.4 Million Signatures for Ballot Initiative -- Many hurdles could still derail the initiative, even though it is backed by most Floridians, including Republicans.
Sure. Christo-Fascists tend to ruin things.

State GOP chair drops all pretense of neutrality — and tells Reno rally to caucus for Trump
Seig Heil, motherfucker.

Roseanne Barr Stuns Right-Wing Crowd Into Silence With Speech on ‘Stalinists, Communists, Nazi Fascists'
The truth is the MAGAt Party should be ashamed of exploiting mentally ill people.

UFC Fighter Who Is Naming His Son For Tucker Carson Suffers “Gruesome” Seizure After “Brutal Knock Out"
"Earlier yesterday Mitchell, a Flat Earth believer, appeared on Tucker Carlson’s web show to announce that he will be naming his son “Tucker” because he met his now-pregnant wife after a previous appearance on Carlson’s show and the couple “bonded” over their mutual hatred of the US government. Mitchell further declared that his son will be “home-schooled and unvaccinated” because American culture is “satanic and demonic.”
Perhaps this will knock some sense into him if it's not too late.

Trump Shredded For Claiming 4 Years Of His Presidency Were 'Greatest' We've Ever Had
Some of us have devolved into brain damaged idiots by allowing this very sick miscreant to hang around in public.

Trump Sounds Just Like Hitler In Speech, And People Noticed
Sure. Remember how Hitler's supporters ended up.

Trump Vows To End Tax Breaks For Liberal Universities
Would-be Nazi dictator tells us just what kind of menace he is.

Army To Remove Confederate Memorial At Arlington
Traitor memorials should all be removed by now. Why is Trump still standing?

Cruz: Liberals Don’t Believe The US Should Even Exist
Nope. We believe you shouldn't exist.

‘It IS an Appeal To White Supremacists!’ CNN Anchor and Analysts Pile On ‘Fascist Nazi’ Trump Rally
Trump is 100% Nazi. America will die if he's allowed to touch us again.
"Trump came under fire in October for a passage in his Veterans Day speech in New Hampshire that drew widespread comparisons to the likes of Adolf Hitler, as well as for another rant in which he told an interviewer immigrants were “poisoning the blood” of our country."
Why does he still exist? Cancer is normally eliminated before it kills the body.

He’s Disgusting!’ Chris Christie Lays Waste to Trump’s ‘Dog-Whistling’ on Immigrants ‘Poisoning the Blood’ of America
And his Nazi supporters are the ones that are poinsoning us.

'He is right!' Lindsey Graham melts down when asked about Trump 'parroting Adolf Hitler'
Graham admits he is a Nazi just like Fatso.

Mike Johnson’s Christian Nationalism Is a Greater Threat to America Than Al-Qaida
"A top Democratic strategist from House Speaker Mike Johnson's (R-Louisiana) home state is challenging the speaker to a debate at a small Southern Baptist campus he dubbed "the epicenter of Christian nationalism."
"Smirky"? You betcha.

House transparency bill is a major first step to transform health care in America
Are we moving to Universal Health Care anytime soon?

The GOP has Adopted Orbán as their Official Role Model - Here's Why That's Scary.
While Zelenskyy was meeting with Biden for help defending his democracy against the brutal aggression of Putin, GOPers were meeting behind closed doors at the Heritage Foundation w/ Orban's people.

'Hypocrisy on steroids': Dem strategist hits Mike Johnson with brutal put-down
The no-holds-barred attack zeroed in on Johnson’s right-wing Christian nationalism — which Carville said showed a level of “breathtaking hypocrisy.”

Why Are Republicans Salivating Over A Trump Dictatorship?
Are you that stupid to ask that question?

U.S. economy will pull off soft landing in 2024, CBO projects
No thanks to the choad, Trump, whose policies created death and inflation to America.

Trump plots his return: Pardons, payoffs and payback
Donald Trump had made crime a form of politics
Had? He continues to do so.

"Egregious": Oklahoma Republican governor's ban on diversity programs “raises significant concerns"
"This news evokes deep concern and uncertainty about the future, and in many ways feels like a step backward"
This is fascism at work. It's what Nazis do.

Texas Youth Pastor Arrested On Child Porn Charges
Another one bites the dust. Will you Christo-Peds try to go straight?

DeSantis: Shorter Lifespans Will Save Social Security
Really? Someone is full of shit.
Does he know about this?: U.S. Life Expectancy 1950-2023
Life Expectancy Is Increasingly Tied to a State's Policy Leanings

BREAKING: Election Interference Documents Missing Since Trump
Is this part of Jack Smith's case?
Have you looked on Putin's desk?

DeSantis: “If Trump Loses, He Will Say It Was Stolen”
He means he'll do it again. The entire universe knows this. Even DeSantis.

Tip Tapping To Christmas In The White House
A holiday video released by First Lady Jill Biden
I understand Fucks News was hoping for the second coming. They have the sadz about it.

Rudy Giuliani Hit With INSANE Judgment In Defamation Case
Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss awarded close to $150 MILLION dollars.
Rudy will have to find honest work now.

Texas Commies 'Moms For Democracy' Gonna Fuck Your Shit Up With 'Thoughts And Prayers' Ad
"The ad, “Thoughts and Prayers,” debuted on social media yesterday to mark the 11th anniversary of the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut. It’s a fresh indictment of the cliché the Right has offered instead of action following mass shootings, from Newtown to Uvalde and since."

Wonkette Hereby Grants Markwayne Mullin Permission To Do This One (1) Shit-Beating
"He said he was willing to bite the Teamsters guy in a fight. Seemed kinda gay to the Teamsters guy. Mullin said he lost all control of himself with that Teamsters guy because that’s “Oklahoma values.” Explains a lot about a state whose entire mission in life is proving it’s not just a Pomeranian humping Texas’s face."

The Toxic GOP Plan to Ensure their Ownership of Women’s Bodies
Anthony Comstock's fingers are about to reach up out of the grave & with the help of Alito, Coney Barrett, and Thomas, wrap themselves around the necks of every American woman of childbearing years.

'Trump isn't going to win': Analyst makes case that major 'MAGA defeat' is a certainty
Defeating MAGA is imperative for the future of humanity.

'Beating Trump is the beginning': Analyst warns threat won't end with 2024 election
We must and will fight the fascist threat until we eliminate them all.

The mountain of evidence against Trump is still growing bigger
Kenneth Cheseboro, who helped formulate the 'fake electors' plot in 2020, is now reportedly working with prosecutors in multiple states' investigations.

Mike Johnson’s Dad Sought His Help to Stop a Toxic Burn Pit Close to Home. Johnson Refused.
In the Christo-Fascist world everyone is on their own.

GA Youth Pastor Gets 15 Years On Child Sex Charges
Another one bites the dust. Still no Drag Queens.

No 'concrete evidence': These Fox News hosts are deeply skeptical about Biden impeachment inquiry
Even these miscreants say "bullshit" to it.

Highly-classified intel on Putin and Russia went missing in Trump’s final White House days
"That 10-inch deep binder has been missing since Trump left the White House, according to a detailed CNN report which reveals the existence of the binder for the first time, outside of a memoir by Cassidy Hutchinson, a top aide to Trump White House chief of staff Mark Meadows."
More proof of Trump's treason.

Testimony from top Michigan Republicans links fake electors scheme to Trump reelection campaign
"In seven different states that Joe Biden won in the 2020 presidential election, MAGA Republicans hoping to keep Donald Trump in the White House circulated bogus certificates declaring Trump as the winner. One of those states was Michigan, where Democratic State Attorney General Dana Nessel has been aggressively going after Trump supporters she says were major players in the fake electors scheme in her state."
The bastards.

Noam Chomsky at 95: Still speaking hard truths, still ignored by mainstream media
After decades of opposing militarism, war and politics as usual, Chomsky's goal remains "changing the world"
Mainstream media is self-serving.

Republican voters know Trump isn't joking with his "dictator" remarks — it's why they love him
MAGA folks are gaslighting reporters when they say Trump is kidding
Typical Nazi behavior. Ask the dead in Auschwitz.

Trump Lies That He Never Got Impeachment Inquiries
Flush this turd down the toilet.

Stefanik Files Ethics Complaint Against Jan. 6 Judge
The people that are destroying ethics are the scumbag Nazis such as this "woman."
May they all return to the place in hell where they came from.

Argentina’s Milei May Use Troops Against Protesters
The little Nazi cocksucker should be tarred, feathered and run out of town.

Comer Accused Biden Of The Same Shell Game He Uses Himself
Guess it seemed familiar. Projection and confession!
I could never have imagined the absolute idiocy of the American people with their beliefs in these utter "Gumbys."

J6 Defendant Calls Into Charlie Kirk's Show, And It Gets Pretty Weird
This is what crazy looks like.
Stop blaming your insanity on "God." The very definition of a "dumb shit."

A judge may rule on Wyoming's abortion laws, including the first explicit US ban on abortion pills
Tyranical fascism. May they all flourish in hell.

Alina Habba Tells Us How Trump Is The Real Victim
Can you believe this? A Republican playing the victim card? Who would have EVER thought that!

Cringe! Trump Tells Crowd He's 'Healthier Than Obama'
Insanity meter breaks with this pile of bullshit.

Mike Johnson in 2019: 'You can’t impeach a president because you don’t like him'
Oh, he forgot he said that so it doesn't count.

'Authoritarian agenda': Trump allies lay out 'blueprint' to 'Christianize' the government
It won't stop with our government. Can you imagine the number of Americans they will have to deport, put into concentration camps, or outright murder with this shit?

"I don't regret it": Rudy Giuliani's defense is Shaye Moss and Ruby Freeman should accept his abuse
Doubling down on lies and defamation backfired on both Donald Trump and Alex Jones, but Rudy's going for it anyway
Trump can get away with it, why can't he? Doesn't everyone love him in the same way? LMAO!

Man Whose X Post Helped Spawn Trump’s Gag Order Is Now Under Criminal Investigation For Stalking Women
Stupidity reigns.

Whoopsie! Rep. Mace Can’t Cite Any Biden Corruption
“That’ll be part of the investigation” a flummoxed Rep. Nancy Mace told Fox host Maria Bartiromo.
Yes, the stupid virus has taken hold here.

'One In The Chamber' Takes On A Whole New Meaning
A woman takes a loaded gun into a MRI. You'll never guess what happened.
Many Americans ARE stupid. Case closed.

Musk’s Mommy Is “Furious” About FCC Subsidy Snub
This explains a lot about her son.

Trump is saying 'literally the craziest stuff in the last 30 years': political scientist
"In an interview with Substacker Aaron Rupar released on Wednesday, political scientist Brian Klaas pulled back the curtain on how former President Donald Trump's latest rhetoric is poisoning American politics — and how the press is barely even paying attention to it anymore."

How Republicans convinced themselves America was meant to be a "Christian nation"
Most Republicans now support Christian nationalism. This was not the case during the Obama years

200 Nations Agree To Transition From Fossil Fuels
But will this actually be done?

Trump Was Warned Fake Electors Scheme Was Illegal
He's been warned about a lost of things that are illegal. Like his toadies, he doesn't care.

QAnon Nutbags Accuse Etsy Of Trafficking Children
These QAnonsense shits should all go back to the place in hell they came from.
How do they get so idiotic?

Lordy, Ohio Republicans Are Running QAnon's Majewski Again
Ohio Republicans are getting behind one of the worst candidates of 2022. WHY?
I left the political jerks in Ohio a half-century ago. They are still political jerks.

Zelenskyy Is In DC Begging Republicans For Help. Can They Hear Him From Inside Putin’s Pants?
"Some of Putin’s representatives in the Senate like Rand Paul and Josh Hawley signaled yesterday that they didn’t even want to hear from Zelenskyy. “I’ve heard his pitch — so I think I understand where he’s coming from,” said Hawley, a seditionist. JD Vance, a ball of human butthair and a waste of breathable air, left the meeting early."

Trump's Deep State Cannot Be Allowed
"If you don’t want violence to explode inside our borders against people like you and me, then each of us should do our damnedest to ensure that a candidate who prioritizes revenge over those who protect law and order, tell the truth, work hard, and play fair doesn’t make it into the Oval Office a second time. Otherwise, it’s likely that the solid ground afforded us by our imperfect union will be pulled from beneath our feet and it will be all too hard to reassemble the pieces."

Parents furious as pastor dressed as Grinch tells kindergartners 'Santa is fake': report
Pastor? Hide your children, you fools!
"While I respect freedom of speech and religion, I am saddened that some individuals think it’s okay to elevate their beliefs by taunting children," Myers wrote. "No public display that frightens or traumatizes our students, staff, or members of the community is acceptable."

Trump — not Biden — got cash from 12 countries: Dem fact-checks GOP at impeachment hearing
The slimeball.

Ron Johnson Left Stammering After Fake Elector QuestionRon Johnson Left Stammering After Fake Elector Question
"When Senator Ron Johnson appeared on CNN with Katlan Collins, she asked him about it and left him stammering like a fool when he said that Democrats have done the same thing in many states.
He's not like a fool, he is a fool.

New Poll Shows Strong Support for Making Oil and Gas Companies Pay for Climate Damages
"As climate talks come to a close in Dubai, new polling reveals overwhelming American support for making the oil industry help cover the ballooning costs of climate change-fueled disasters. Conducted by Data for Progress and Fossil Free Media, the survey shows voters back laws requiring major oil and gas companies pay for a share of climate damages caused by fossil fuel pollution."

'Weaponizing the process': Legal expert reveals Trump’s 'goal' in 'manipulating' the judicial system
Former President Donald Trump is claiming that he is immune from prosecution in special counsel Jack Smith's election interference case because he was still president in late 2020 and early 2021 — a claim that legal and national security expert Paul Rosenzweig tears apart in an article published by The Atlantic on December 12.
Treason is what you tried to pull off, you jackwad.

Forcing Kate Cox to travel out of state for an abortion is cruel, and shows exceptions don't work
It's yet another chapter in a culture that’s obsessed with minimizing women's pain
Exactly what you'd expect from a gang of Nazis.

Giuliani Again Defames GA Workers Outside Court
Like Trump, a pitiful nitwit.

Trump Claims Gag Order Prevented Him From Testifying
Showing us for the nth time how damaged his brain functions are.
And how stupid any of his boot-lickers are if they beieve this.

31% Of GOP Voters Wouldn’t Vote For Trump As Felon
So they say. I have my doubts. But there is no question we will find out who these damnable idoits are.

Trump Lied 24 Times In Five Minutes In Fox Town Hall
After that they stopped counting.

Trump Acts Scared Sh*tless In Response To Jack Smith's SCOTUS Filing
Every one of his Nazi bastards should be scared shitless.

GOP votes down making impeachment inquiry 'transparent' after speaker pledges 'transparency'
"What goes on in the dark will soon come to light," you chickenshits.

White supremacist who dined with Trump calls for 'death penalty' for non-Christians: report
Fuck him and the ass he rode in on. We'll see who gets whacked first.

Jack Smith lining up 3 expert witnesses to link Jan. 6 rioters to Trump’s phone data: report
"The notice about the subject of the expert witness testimony suggests prosecutors also intend to make the case that Trump — through his action and inaction — simultaneously advanced the physical obstruction of Congress as the Capitol attack progressed."

'Deception and hatred': How political extremism made evangelicals 'angry and antagonistic'
"The church's great weakness at an institutional level — and to be clear, this is common among all institutions — is an unwillingness, and perhaps more commonly an inability, to police itself. We have seen this time and again."

Trump's campaign is growing nervous about his behavior
The Trump campaign understands that his mouth is lethal for Trump's chances in the general election
This is certainly most concerning — for him.

'People who are afraid cower': Trump's lawyer Alina Habba before he backed off testifying
She finally got something right. Trump is a coward deluxe.

Massachusetts Sues Nazi Group For Harassing LGBTQs
You'll need to do a lot more than sue them.

Musk Hosts X Panel With Alex Jones, Other Extremists
The latest Nazi News.

Javier Milei Sworn In As President Of Argentina
The little Nazi will loot and destroy what's left of the country.

NY AG Details Hundreds Of Threats By Trump Cultists
No screwball will do anything by bitching on the internet. They need to get on their horse and come for a real live showdown if they are so tough.

Howard Kurtz Tells Journalists Reporting On Trump's Fascism To Quit
Kurtz doesn't understand the role journalism is supposed to play in our democracy, but what else would you expect from someone who works for Fox?
Sez the big fat fascist.

Captain CapsLock Strikes Again: Never Surrender Guy Surrenders
Of course he chickened out of testifying with his all-caps declarations. It's his way.
Big hat, no cattle.

Renewables' growing price advantage over fossil fuels paves way for industry dominance
"Renewables are reaching the point where they are outcompeting fossil fuels on price — setting the stage for their predicted dominance of the energy sector by midcentury.
When it comes to the surging demand for new electric generation, wind and solar prices are now the cheapest options almost everywhere, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA)."

Trump-supporting Elise Stefanik buried by Jamie Raskin for grandstanding on antisemitism
"Where does Elise Stefanik get off lecturing anybody about antisemitism when she's a huge supporter of Donald Trump who traffics in antisemitism all the time?" Raskin exclaimed.
"She didn't utter a peep of protest when he had Kanye West and Nick Fuentes over for dinner — Nick Fuentes, who doubts whether October 7th even took place because he thinks it was some kind of suspicious propaganda move by the Israelis," he pointed out.
"The Republican party is filled with people who are entangled with antisemitism like that and yet, somehow, she gets on her high horse and lectures a Jewish college president from MIT," he added.

Jake Tapper Busts JD Vance On GOP's Anti-Contraception Crusade
"I don't think that I know any Republican, at least not a Republican with a brain that's trying to take those rights away from people, but I think it goes deeper than that," Vance replied.
"I mean, I could provide a list for you if you wanted," the CNN host said.
Is that a list of brainless Republicans? It would take an eternity to read that.

Goddamn the Polls, Full Speed Ahead: A Secular Sermon for a Sunday
"At the risk of appearing excessively irritable, I’ll just say to hell with these early polls. At this stage of the proceedings they don’t mean shit. Or, to put it another way, they ARE shit."

Dear GOP: You’ll Never Wash the Stink of Trump Off You or Your Party. Never.
At least never in the lifetime of anybody around today. Trump’s stink is a tragic part of American history that will last generations

Trump Used Donor Funds To Pay Fraud Trial Witness
Crime boss, Donald Trump, uses donor cash to pay his witness.
His Nazi supporters will cheer.

Even This Fox Host Is Singing Bidenomics' Praises After Job Report
Bidenomics is working. Just ask Fox News.

Breaking: Peter Doocy Tells The Truth About Biden Investigation
"He pointed out there was no concrete evidence that Joe Biden personally profited from his son Hunter's overseas business."
If you don't like one liar you can always find one that will tell you what you want to hear.

Trump's 'racist' pals are ready to 'flip the switch' once back in power: Pence advisor
Anyone voting for Trump is voting for a bloodbath. And they know it. What's worse is they don't care.

Trump fraud witness '100 percent' flopped after testimony admission: expert
"During an appearance on MSNBC on Saturday, a laughing former Southern District of New York prosecutor claimed that any advantage Donald Trump might have gained from one of his expert defense witnesses in his $250 million criminal fraud trial likely went out the window when the witness admitted how much he was paid."
The old fraud boy is using up someone's money as fast as greased lightning.

How To Convince Americans That Biden's Economy Is Really Pretty Good
"We had another strong jobs report Friday, showing solid job growth, a 22nd straight month of unemployment below four percent, and solid but not-likely-inflationary wage growth. The White House marked the news by pointing out that inflation has fallen by two-thirds, and that household wealth and worker pay are higher now than prior to the pandemic."
Do they even read any longer? Or do they just divine current events by the fascist lies they've heard on the grapevine?

Can America Wake Up from Reagan's “Free Market Magic” Lies?
America — and the Democratic Party — have arrived at one of our nation’s history’s great crossroads. Hopefully, we’ll make it through.
"...the Chinese middle class is today larger than the entire population of the United States."

Shitheads on Hold: Equal Time for Scumbags and Sleazeballs
"I’ve been getting complaints from readers that I’m giving way too much attention to right-wing shitheads while ignoring the equally vast category of fascist scumbags and sleazeballs. To rectify that oversight, I offer this piece about Ken Paxton, the slimy Attorney General of Texas, a guy who is two, two, two jerks in one; he’s a scumbag and a sleazeball."

Why Is One of Trump’s Fake Electors Still Overseeing Voting in Wisconsin?
Because the fascists are running things there after all.

'That ain't America': Expert rips Trump's latest bid for a 'get out of jail free' card
There is nothing about Trump and his toadies that are American.

Speaker Mike Johnson accused by ex-DOJ official of 'tainting' the Jan. 6 jury pool
A Trump boot-licker would be expected to do less?

Trump Goes On Saturday Posting Bender That Includes Threat To Indict Obama — For ‘Murder’
Again, projecting. He's the murderer. He allowed Americans to die during the Covid pandemic for doing absolutely nothing but lying about false cures as he watched us die.

The Texas Supreme Court Is Halting a Woman With a Fatal Fetal Diagnosis From Getting an Abortion
"As the cases make their way through court, Cox is left waiting—for a ruling to come down, and for her pregnancy to unfold. She said in her petition, “It is not a matter of if I will have to say goodbye, but when.”
Texas is an example, as is Florida and a few others, of what will happen to democracy when Nazis abduct our freedomn. This is what happens when "church" and "state" become one.

TX Supreme Court 'Temporarily' Blocks Lower Court Ruling Allowing Abortion
"These people are monsters playing games with this woman's health and future fertility. I don't know why any woman of child-bearing age would want to live in Texas."
Answer: "For all of those who see the sun but not the light of day. Who can't afford to leave but do not have the will to stay, lost forever on the Dixie Highway" — Dixie Highway, Jeff Gutcheon, Hungry Chuck.

Woody Guthrie's anthem mocking right-wing Republicanism
"This song is dedicated to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green, Rep. Jim Jordan, House Speaker Mike Johnson, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, and... well, you know who you are."

Trump could go to 'maximum security' prison so 'fanatical followers' can’t 'break him out': expert
Sure. But that doesn't mean the fuckwits won't try.

Far-Right Texas Group Rebrands After Nazi Scandal
"During his time in the Texas House, Jonathan Strickland appeared here several times for his bizarre pronouncements such as 2020’s “if aliens exist, they need Jesus” and his 2019 rant that all vaccines are created by “communist sorcery.”
If Jesus exists he's an alien. Far Out Fort Worth Management, LMAO.

Hate Pastors’ “Flat Earth Debate” Ends In “Profanities, Weed Smoking, Rammed Cars, And Police Involvement”
"The Dec. 2, Flat Earth Debate between Pastor Dean Odle (Flat Earth) and the host, Pastor Greg Locke (Spherical Earth) came to an abrupt end after four long hours when Locke decided Odle and his followers—who were the large majority of attendees—had not come in good faith but were there only to attack, intimidate and provoke Locke and others who were there for a peaceful debate based on the Bible."
Fell flat?

'You are delusional': Conservatives bury Speaker Mike Johnson with attacks and corrections
We've already told you all that. This fool can't even hold his own.

The insurrection clause has waited 150 years for the Trump test
Can the Constitution be used to block Donald Trump from re-taking office?
It's easy to see how Trump's lawlessness could start another Civil War which would be far bloodier than our first.

Comer: Feds Indicted Hunter Biden To “Protect Him”
Comer may be challenging Trump for the "Greatest Bullshitter in the World."

Fox News Regular: Republicans Who Doesn’t Vote For Impeachment Probe Are Being “Bribed Or Blackmailed”
Nazi News pukes again.

Ken Paxton issues threats to hospitals after abortion ruling
"Only hours after a judge issued a ruling allowing a Texas woman facing a nonviable, life-threatening pregnancy to seek an abortion, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton stepped in to threaten hospitals and doctors with both civil and criminal penalties if they comply with the judge’s ruling."
This monster must be stopped if we are to have a future in Texas.

Texas AG Threatens Doctors, Hospitals If They Follow Abortion Ruling
AG Ken Paxton is supposed to be upholding the law, not threatening people for following it.
Monsters. This is Texas government. Monsters.

QAnon AZ Senate Candidate Claims Migrants Are Given Cell Phones, Plane Tickets, And $5000 Visa Debit Cards
So why doesn't he get in line at the border?

REPORT: Ramaswamy May Switch To Libertarian Ticket
He'd get more exposure in the Dildo Party.

Trump Co-Defendant: “Pelosi Will Assassinate Kamala"
And the ship from the other end of the universe will land for you at the same time.
I'm certain this woman is perfectly sane like the rest of Fatso's farts.

Megyn Kelly: “The Country Will Burn” If Trump Is Jailed
You mean his Nazi cohorts will go on a crime spree that will send their asses to prison or the graveyard.

QAnon AZ Senate Candidate Claims Migrants Are Given Cell Phones, Plane Tickets, And $5000 Visa Debit Cards
So why doesn't he get in line at the border?

REPORT: Ramaswamy May Switch To Libertarian Ticket
He'd get more exposure in the Dildo Party.

Junior: The Attempt To Burn MLK’s Home Is A “Psy-Op
A mind is a terrible thing to waste. Of course, Junior never got one to start with.

Trump: The Economy Was Better In 2020 Than Under Biden. Yes, That 2020
He's getting desperate.
Or his brain is failing so badly he needs to be placed in day care.
"We're living in strange times where Donald J. Trump could eat a baby alive on television, and his supporters would start asking for recipes for baby back ribs."
"Most of us remember 2020 as the one year we'd like to forget. The pandemic hit, and His Highness sprang into action by refusing to recognize that we were in serious trouble as refrigerated trucks doubled as mobile morgues. But sure, the best year ever."

Former Trump golf club worker says she was forced to 'engage in sex as a quid pro quo' to keep job
"Alice Bianco, who worked as a server at former President Donald Trump's golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, is accusing her former boss of sexual assault, and the ex-president's attorney of making her sign an illegal non-disclosure agreement in an attempt to silence her."
Reminding us that Trump is a sex criminal as well. We should all know by now that Trump hires only people of questonable repute to work for him.
"When contacted for comment by Politico, Habba said, "I always conduct myself ethically and acted no differently in this circumstance." ROTFLMFAO!

'Nightmare' scenario as GOP insiders fear Trump’s legal problems 'doom' 2024 hopes
He's got legal problems because he's a criminal. Where in the hell did logic go?

Illinois Pastor Arrested On Four Child Porn Charges
Another bites the dust. Still not a drag queen in sight.

Legal weed takes effect in Ohio as lawmakers scramble to change voter-passed law
If the Ohio Nazis would just toke up a little they would relax and stop being dispicable horses asses.

Super Generous Texas Judge Allows Abortion For Woman Whose Fetus Is Unviable, Praise Greg Abbott
"UPDATE: Speaking of monsters, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced on Xitter this afternoon that nuh-uh, the order doesn’t mean Cox can legally have an abortion, and Dr. Karsan and everyone involved have no protection from criminal or civil legal action. For good measure, he dismissed Judge Gamble as “an activist judge.” Here’s Paxton’s press release, with robo-alt-text from an OCR program, sorry for any errors."
Enter "The Devils Son-in-law" aka "The High Sheriff from Hell."

Denmark outlaws burning the Koran and other religious books
Everyone will now piss on them in private.

DOJ now has 'compelling' evidence that a defeated Trump pleaded for 'violence': expert
"According to the filing, "This evidence is admissible to demonstrate that the defendant, his co-conspirators, and agents had knowledge that the defendant had lost the election, as well as their intent and motive to obstruct and overturn the legitimate results.”
Get his cell ready.

N.Y. appeals court upholds Judge Engoron’s ruling that Trump committed 'widespread fraud'
"On Thursday afternoon, MSNBC legal reporter Lisa Rubin tweeted that appellate judges denied Trump's request to stay (or halt) Judge Arthur Engoron's ruling in favor of New York Attorney General Letitia James, who won a summary judgment in September in her initial claim that Trump committed "pervasive, widespread fraud in financial statements." She linked to a copy of the appellate judges' ruling in the initial post."

Court rulings deal Trump a pair of losses — and 'both are likely to be upheld': experts
“The rulings are extremely important,” said Paul Rosenzweig, who served as a member of Ken Starr’s investigation team during the Bill Clinton probe. “They make it more likely that Trump will be in court. They reaffirm the idea that all people are equal under the law.”

How a 2020 debate comment could come back to haunt Trump at trial: analysis
Trump has consistantly admitted guilt to each and every crime he's committed.

Trumper Shocked When Jury Finds Him Guilty Of Voter Fraud
"Yet another resident of the Villages (and Trump fan) got busted for voter fraud, forging the signature of his dead father. Unlike the others who got light sentences for voter fraud, this one has an extensive criminal record and will in all likelihood be going to prison. Rivernider was also a Villagers for Trump board member and worked as a field coordinator for the Republican Party of Florida in support of Trump’s campaign in 2020."

Republicans release resolution for expected vote on formal Biden impeachment inquiry
Republicans have released the text of a resolution ahead of an expected full House vote next week to open a formal impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden, despite having provided to the American people no actual proof of illegal activities or impeachable offenses.
The Nazis need no proof or reason to act on any issue they find pleasing to advance their world rule.

'Public humiliation' from losing the 2020 election drove Trump into 'delusional' rage: expert
All brought on by his fascist arrogance and delusions.

This right-wing consulting firm is fighting to put No Labels on the ballot
More Nazis will only help push Trump to destroy democracy and America as well.

Amnesty International USA Reaction to Senate Blocking Passage of Assault Weapons Ban
More guns, more shooters. Nazis plan on using the guns to violently take over America. They have enough blood on their hands already but they will keep trying until we eliminate them.

Steve Bannon Knows Who’s A Lot Like Taylor Swift, It’s The MyPillow Guy
"We’ve discussed a bunch how a big part of the white conservative MAGA delusion, the Big Lie they tell themselves, is that everybody — at least all people who look like them — is secretly just like them, they’re just too scared to say it. Everybody is just as racist as they are, everybody is just as scared of their shadow, everybody secretly wishes for Donald Trump to ride in naked on a white horse and Make America Great Again in their pants, just like they fantasize about.
That if they could just get the culture back, all the scared people would come out of the shadows, and then you’ll see, liberals.
On that day, they won’t hate themselves anymore. On that day, everybody will be forced to admit that they do have important things to contribute the culture, and people will thank them, instead of acting like nobody would miss them if they were suddenly raptured by Jesus. (Oh yes, these cultural resentments like that play bigly into such theologies.)
On that day, they won’t be lonely anymore. On that day, their kids will call them.
They have to keep up these delusions, because the alternative is terrifying."
"These people are desperately broken."

James Comer Will Hold Hunter Biden In Contempt If He Keeps Threatening To Tell Congress The Truth On Live TV
"House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer just opened another Beanie Weenie can full of his own dick and started chewing. As if it wasn’t embarrassing enough when it was revealed that his last big Hunter Biden GOTCHA! was that Joe Biden, China’s Hunter’s dad, had bought China Hunter a pickup truck and made a few payments on it, because China Hunter was in a really bad place and had bad credit at the time."

Cassidy Hutchinson spills more dirt on Trump's 'volcanic temper'
The mental illness is only amplfying his failure to be human.

'Public humiliation' is pushing Trump into 'a delusional state of mind': psychiatrist
Since when has he hot been delusional?

Chris Christie Said the Quiet Part Out Loud
“The fact is that when you go and say the truth about somebody who is a dictator, a bully, who has taken shots at everybody…then I understand why these three are timid to say anything about it,” he added, calling Trump “Voldemort, he who shall not be named.”

Vivek Ramaswamy Retweets Video of Neo-Nazi Nick Fuentes Celebrating His Promotion of Great Replacement Theory
A couple of Nazis doing Nazi bullsnit things for Trump.

Liz Cheney: Jim Jordan Was At The Heart Of Election Plot
Liz Cheney this week discussed the potential criminal liability of Jim Jordan for the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol by supporters of then-President Donald Trump. “I think that there’s no question that Jim Jordan has something to hide, probably a lot to hide,”

Axios: How Trump Will Build “Loyalty-First Cabinet”
Nazis all.

Pennsylvania Pastor Arrested On Child Sex Charges
Another one bites the dust.

Rob Reiner: Trump embodies the 'fascism' Norman Lear devoted his life to defeating
Reiner continued, "I just hope that we get rid of Trump so that we preserve our democracy. All those people in the Second World War worked hard to defeat fascism, so the idea that we would slip into fascism less than 80 years later is unfathomable...."
America forgot all about that — if they ever knew it.

Mike Johnson wants Dems to condemn James Carville for comparing 'Christian nationalism' to al-Qaeda
James is exactly correct. Johnson is a Talibastard. Fuck all the way off.

'Just taking a shot in the dark': Trump’s attorneys resort to 'hail Mary pass' to save him
The bullet may hit your boy and/or yourselves.

Mike Johnson likens himself to Moses telling Christian nationalists God charted his path to speaker
So he won't be allowed to enter the Promised Land?
Enjoy the wliderness, nitfuck.

Nevada indicts pro-Trump fake electors: report
Hot damn! Don't let the cell door hit you on your butts when they close it on you.

Jack Smith was just handed 'valuable evidence' from Wisconsin fake electors case: expert
Throw them all on the next rocket to the Phantom Zone.

‘Little baby' Trump ridiculed by Romney for spouting off about 'day one' dictatorship
Donald Trump sounded like a confused infant when he promised he’ll be a “day one” dictator, a prominent Republican lawmaker suggested Wednesday.
“Sometimes a little baby will spout off all sorts of words that you don’t take either literally or seriously,” Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) told CNN correspondent Manu Raju Wednesday.

Kevin McCarthy Quitty Quitty Chicken Dinny, Because Eric Swalwell Was Right About Him
"Kevin McCarthy has announced in an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal that after he goes home for Christmas he’s never coming back and you can’t make him. He says he has to leave 'to serve America in new ways,' which is a really weird euphemism for 'masturbate by myself until the sands of this earthly hourglass run out.'

Team Biden: Feeling lukewarm on the economy? Just wait until Republicans strip your health insurance
"The Biden campaign wants voters who may feel lukewarm on the economy to know they have a choice next year: They can opt for MAGAnomics and lose their health insurance."
You can hear them whining now, blaming Biden for what they did to themselves. They could never admit to being the cause of the effect.

Mike Johnson Will Show You J6 Tapes Once He’s Done Drawing Dicks On The Terrorists’ Faces AKA Destroying The Evidence
"Johnson’s got 44,000 hours of tape. He’s released 90. (Total patriots totally exonerated: zero.)"
"Is there some reason most Americans clearly don’t give a fuck if the J6 terrorists rot in prison forever? HMMMM."

Wheels Coming Off What Unifies This Country: Common Values and Common Knowledge
"Without clarity, language loses its foundations, standards vanish, and apparent “discourse” descends into a food fight in a madhouse. Either confirmed data, like well-tested statistics and concepts from professionals, bound reality – or delusion reigns. In the end, everything important – democracies, law, marriages, traffic safety, elections – come down to communal trust. While Trump shows exactly who he is, that does not make him trustworthy or fit to lead."

So Many Shitheads, So Little Time
"Shitheadery never sleeps. Like Rust."

Morning Joe torches 'sick' Fox News crowd for cheering Trump's 'Day One' dictator threats
"By the way, what a stupid thing to say – 'drill, drill, drill,'" Scarborough said. "What a stupid thing to say. You can tell he doesn't read the newspapers, and the people applauding that don't even read the newspapers. U.S. oil production – record highs. We are drilling more and producing more oil, whether you like it or not. We are drilling more oil now than the Saudis, getting more oil out of the ground than the Saudis. Getting more oil out of the ground than Russia. What are you going to drill, your teeth? We're already doing it, like -- but that just shows how stupid he is, and I've got to say, people who applaud 'drill, drill, drill,' how stupid they are because that's what we're doing right now."
So true.

Liz Cheney: The most dangerous woman in America
"She knows her candidacy will only peel away the rare Republican never-Trumper, and potentially a thin slice of Democratic moderates who would otherwise vote for Joe Biden.
Liz Cheney is very dangerous, and is in all this for herself.
If she can make a few more dollars selling books? All the better.

Cheney says Trump 'projecting' with Biden threat to democracy accusations
Of course he is. His mental state doesn't deal well with reality. So he hides in projecting.

Cheney says her father told her she was 'in danger' on Jan. 6
"Cheney said through the course of speaking with her father, it became clear she that "couldn't not proceed because of this threat from Donald Trump."

Cheney: Republicans in Congress ‘can’t be counted on to defend’ Constitution
You can't count on Nazis to defend our Constitution.

House Speaker’s Former Client List Includes Anti-LGBTQ, Anti-Abortion Extremists
New reporting on Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-Louisiana) showcases that during his time as a constitutional lawyer, the man who is now second in line to the U.S. presidency represented clients with far right Christian nationalist and often violent viewpoints.
Like the others, we await his biting of the dust.

‘We Got All We Could Get,’ Says Tommy Tuberville, Who Got Nothing
"Tommy Tuberville has released the bulk of his holds on military nominations, leaving only the few that are at the four-star level. He had been hurting America’s national security and fucking our military without its permission for months and months, because his chickenshit yokel ass thought Jesus was upset about Joe Biden’s Pentagon abortion policy. Joe Biden’s Pentagon had to create a way to help troops who needed to travel for abortion care because the illegitimate partisan hack Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, thereby declaring itself the decider-in-chief of all of America’s pregnancies."

Billionaires had a surprisingly bad day in the Supreme Court today
Even this very conservative Court appears reluctant to blow up the federal government’s power to tax rich people.

Jack Smith’s New Evidence: Trump Tried to Start Yet Another Riot
According to the Justice Department, a Trump agent tried to start a riot in another state to disrupt the 2020 election.
"Prosecutors with special counsel Jack Smith revealed Tuesday that they have proof an “agent” for Donald Trump tried to cause a riot in Michigan to stop the vote count in the 2020 presidential election."
The traitor keeps his crimes growing. So should his sentence grow.

Republicans propose dissolving Wisconsin Elections Commission
"“They’re constantly looking for ways to change the rules,” she says. “The attacks on WEC are the latest, when things don’t turn out their way they look for ways to change the rules of the game.”
We can see fascism is already destroying our democracy. It's time to take off the gloves with these motherfuckers. The next Civil War is on. It will have to come to that or lose it, America.

'Something to hide': Liz Cheney calls Jim Jordan one of the 'masterminds' of 2020 scheme
"I think that there's no question he has — that Jim Jordan has something to hide, probably a lot to hide," said Cheney. "If you go back and you look at the phone records as well as what he's said himself about his discussions and his conversations with Donald Trump on the 6. There's a very significant role he played in the lead-up to that. He was clearly one of the masterminds in terms of helping to facilitate Donald Trump's efforts to overturn the election."
Nazi punk.

Trump wanted staffer 'executed' for leaking he rushed to bunker during protest: ex-aide
The chicken shit shows that's exactly what he is.

Prominent Evangelical: You Can Tell Sodomites By The Look On Their Faces And They All Face “Certain Death”
He said as he looked in the mirror.

Catholic Priest Gets Five Years On Child Sex Charges
Another one bites the dust. Yes, we will come for you too.
And once again, not a drag queen or a gay person.

NH Republicans Introduce 15-Day Abortion Ban Bill
Men have no right to tell any woman what to do with their bodies. You fucksnots can eat shit and die soon. Your time is up. Your anti-education mind is rotting away. You are guilty of atrocities that are as bad as the killers in Hamas. If the atrocity breeds atrocity will never end why don't we just get it on and let the cards fall where they may? Nuclear holocaust?

Biden says Hamas raped, mutilated women during Israel assault
The lunch is naked here.

Bannon: This Is Not Rhetoric, We Will Prosecute And Imprison People In The Government And Journalists
Shit and fall back in it, slick.

Jack Smith expands Trump election interference case by adding 'a range of evidence'
Like sunlight on a vampire.

'No regrets': Tuberville to continue blocking 4-star generals while releasing hold on other officers
He keeps his treason to America alive.

Mike Johnson Admits To Obstructing Justice By Altering J6 Video
"One might imagine that altering real-time video of the January 6 insurrection in order to deter the DOJ from bringing charges against insurrectionists in the building might fit that definition, and is a crime committed against our democracy and the United States constitution."
But this dick did exactly that. He's an accessory after the fact as the law defines it.

'You're losing it': Lincoln Project fires back at Trump after meltdown over their new ad
"The anti-Trump political operatives at the Lincoln Project got former President Donald Trump to melt down at their latest ad, as Trump even went so far as to accuse them of using artificial intelligence videos to make him look bad.
The video in question showed Trump making a number of verbal and physical gaffes over the years, all while insinuating that the former president is in steep mental decline."
One doesn't need AI to see what a mentally broken pile of rubble he is.

Poll Shows Trump’s Calls to Repeal Obamacare Could Be Disastrous for Him
America is onto the Nazi bastard.

James Comer Reveals Biden Let Chinese Communist Party Use His Netflix Password To Catch Up On ‘Stranger Things’
"Fresh off being used as a chew toy by Hunter Biden and his lawyer Abbe Lowell — who called his bluff by responding to his subpoena for testimony by saying “yes, sure, fuck yeah. In public, of course” — Comer has done it again. He spent all day crowing yesterday that he’d really found the smoking gun that proved that Hunter Biden and China were in cahoots with Joe Biden to … ??? must remember to find something they’re in cahoots about, tie a string around your finger, James!"

A judge has finally made it clear that a president can be put in prison: legal expert
Tell his cult that.

Trump judge refuses Jack Smith request to keep filings in Mar-a-Lago case secret
Cannon is a Trump shill — like the rest of her cult is.

'He doesn't look right': Morning Joe raises new alarms about Trump's behavior
When did he ever look right? He isn't turning blue, is he? He is diseased as it gets.
"Why is it that when Hillary Clinton says the word 'deplorable' in a speech, it is banner headlines for a month, it seems," Scarborough said. "When Donald Trump uses Nazi terminology to degrade human beings, uses 'vermin,' you hardly hear about it. Why is that?"
Dumbed-down America is your answer.

'Clueless' Trump attorneys screw up asking for expedited appeal: legal expert
Of course they did. They are a part of the Trump cult. See next article.

The celebrity worship of "Love Has Won": Why Robin Williams may have resonated with a cult
Star worship can be taken to extremes, and death sometimes isn't even an obstacle ... but an opportunity
The insanity of cults in America. Trump leads one as well.

Rick Scott Demands Emails And Texts From College Football Committee That Excluded FSU From Playoffs
This is fascism at work. Typical of the fascist state of Nazi Florida.
He has no business sticking his Nazi nose into this.
He can go fuck himself multiple times.

Kirk: “We Have Way Too Many Legal Immigrants”
We have way too many slack-jawed Nazis like you, Charlie boy. These people haven't a clue what will hit our country if their wishes come true.

Trump Shares Column Warning Of His Dictatorship
Sounds like this was written by Joseph Goebbels. Hopefully, he ends up the same way.
"They have never asked anything of him other than that he triumph over the forces they hate in American society." That would be anyone who doesn't kiss his stinking Nazi ass. This is what America wants? Sick.
Fuck Cory Mills, Nazi deluxe. Fall off a cliff today.
"Mills handed out commemorative 40 mm grenades stamped with the Republican Party logo to fellow House members as a welcoming gift." Big man. ROTFLMAO!

Comer Busted Lying About Hunter Biden’s Car Payments
Why doesn't this creep get a life? He obviously has too much free time on his hands.

Fox, Yes, THAT Fox, Interrupts Trump Speech To Debunk Lies
Fox News host Arthel Neville interrupted a speech by former President Donald Trump to point out his "many untruths" about the 2020 election.
So, they make news by telling us the liar is a liar? This makes them credible after all the filthy lies they have perpetuated?

GOP lawmakers dread 'challenges' of working with Trump again if 'Orange Jesus' wins in 2024: report
Perhaps due to the fact they aren't Nazis?

'Denied': Trump loses latest gag order effort
This loser is on his way out. All the way out.

Why Donald Trump should absolutely fear the 14th Amendment
To fear it would mean he has a rational brain.

Americans 'sleepwalking' as Trump plots his 'agenda of revenge and retribution': conservative
Thankfully, not all of us are. And you can't prove it to me they are Americans to start with.

Trump loses it after scathing De Niro awards speech: 'He has become a total loser'
Trump's statements are always projecting. He's completely lost what little mind he had.

Lindsey Graham Warns Liz Cheney to Get On Board With Trump 2024 Or Else ‘The World Will Be Truly On Fire’
Not because of Liz, you idiot. It will be all due to your false face.

'I don’t think there is a Republican Party': Former GOP governor trashes 'cult' of Trump
Of course not. It was taken over by the MAGAt Nazis some time ago. Why is this just being realized by some?

'Stunned' former Trump official alarmed by his 'lack of sharpness' at Iowa rally
His Alzheimer's disease is rapidly advancing and no one seems to care.

Donald Trump 'headed directly to conviction' after Chutkan ruling: Harvard law professor
Do not pass Go, go directly to jail.

Fox News host demands 'honest conversation' about how Dems are 'communists and fascists'
Stupidity and ignorance on display. Perhaps the dumbest, most contradiction laiden and weakest utterance from a lying media shit show. Projection while claiming projection. Totally unequivocal statements from her. In what grade did she drop of out of school?

Florida professors leaving in droves blame 'very dystopian' environment: report
"According to a Sunday report in the New York Times, the newspaper "interviewed a dozen academics — in fields ranging from law to psychology to agronomy — who have left Florida public universities or given their notice, many headed to blue states."
Red states will fall into a wasteland as their human resources leave them empty-handed.

Florida GOP Chairman Defies Calls For His Resignation
The perfect fascist.

Texas GOP executive committee rejects proposed ban on associating with Nazi sympathizers and Holocaust deniers
Why wouldn't they? They are all Nazi scum. We should know this and accept this truth. We must reject them if we are American patriots.

Killer Kyle Plays Holier Than Thou Card Against The Pope
They were all upset because the Pope had a luncheon with some transgender women.
WTF does he care about what the Pope does? In all eternity the Pope will always be a better man than that little no-dick asshole.

Wisconsin Unions File Lawsuit To End Scott Walker's Folly
"The lawsuit, filed by the teachers and other public workers on Thursday, alleges that the law's exemption of some police, firefighters and other public safety workers from the bargaining restrictions violates the Wisconsin Constitution’s equal protection guarantee. The complaint notes that those exempted from the restrictions endorsed Walker in the 2010 gubernatorial election, while those subject to the restrictions did not."
Great news as he's one big DICK!

Hate Pastors To Debate: “Is The Earth Flat Or Round?”
Is this to distract from all of the pedophile crime you get nailed on constantly?

Greg Gutfeld: Fox News Fired Tucker Carlson Because Advertisers Were “Cowed By Special Interest Groups”
Hey, Gutless. Advertisers are paying your salary. Hopefully, you're next to kiss the sidewalk.

"Trump Georgia plea deal is out because Fani Willis has evidence the J6 committee lacked
Appearing on MSNBC early Saturday morning, the Guardian's Hugo Lowell followed up on his reporting that Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani and Mark Meadows will not be offered plea deals by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis by noting the Georgia prosecutor is sitting on a mountain of evidence."

Rioter: Trump Wanted Violence At The Capitol
A perfect discription of the traitor Trump. He's going down hard one way or the other.

Buttigieg Reacts To Anti-Gay Book Backed By Johnson
"As reported by CNN, the book which Mike Johnson promoted and which includes his fawning foreword, is laced with QAnon battshittery and anti-gay slurs, including references to Buttigieg as “obnoxiously gay.”
Johnson appears to be a self-loathing homo and simply, obnoxious.
"Heterosexuality isn't normal, it's just common." -- Dorothy Parker

California Pastor Arrested On Child Sex Charges
"An East Bay pastor is under arrest accused of sex crimes with an underage member of his church and police believe there may be more victims."
Another one bites the dust.
"If drag queens or gay men were doing this, we'd be in camps by now. But since it's America's favorite delusion, religion..." — HZ81 (comments)
Still waiting for a drag queen to commit one of these religious pedophile crimes.

Bannon Vows GOP Civil War Over George Santos Expulsion
Bannon raged at Kevin McCarthy, Fox News and establishment Republicans for expelling the lying, fraudulent crook George Santos from Congress.
"“This is the uniparty,” Bannon claimed. He meant that Wall Street, Big Pharma, Silicon Valley and “the American elite” are all one. I guess he thinks we’re too stupid to know or care that Bannon is as fake a populist as his lying, treasonous, p***y grabbing hero, Donald Trump. In 2017, Bannon’s net worth was between $9.5 million and $48 million, according to financial disclosures while he was in the White House, most of it in real estate and entertainment companies. Just like the rest of us little guys!"
May this Nazi swine be the first casualty.

'Holding things together by a thread': PA county election officials quit after 'being abused'
Exactly what the Nazis want.

Sinema got $27K from student loan industry after helping GOP kill Biden’s debt forgiveness plan
Where I come from we dare call this treason.

Texas must remove floating barrier from Rio Grande, Fifth Circuit Court orders
"The appeals court upheld an earlier ruling by an Austin federal judge to remove the 1,000-foot-long barrier the state deployed near Eagle Pass."

The Supreme Court May Be Poised to Kill the Voting Rights Act Once and for All
They prefer a dictatorship of the SCOTUS?

Report: Israeli Officials Knew of October 7 Attack a Year Ago, But Didn’t Act
Same as Bush knew about 9/11.
"For over a year, Israeli officials had detailed knowledge of the plan for the October 7 attack by Hamas forces — but, despite knowing about the devastation the incursion would cause, Israeli leaders declined to act, a new bombshell New York Times investigation reveals."

Jim Jordan demands Jack Smith hand over Trump indictment documents: reporter
He thinks he's Javert. He should end exactly as he did.

Our "Golden Bachelor" reality check: It's not the first time a lapse in vetting led to juicier TV
"Gerry Turner isn't a perfect gentleman. Oh well. But the "Bachelor" franchise let worse into the house before"
When it gets down to stupid TV you can't get lower than this. But they will keep trying.
Johnny Otis was correct when he said, "America has a tatste for shit."

Ingraham: Dems Are Trying To Get Trump Assassinated
They seem to be projecting on Hitler.
Dear girls, Hitler was not assassinated.

Why The Media Avoids Talking About Trump As Hitler
When Hillary said "deplorable" it was a festival of coverage, but Trump calls his opponents the Nazi term "vermin" and...crickets. There's a reason for that.
Who the fuck said the media was biased to the left?
This site returns fire.

At Long Last, A Bill To Tax The Rich
Billionaires Income Tax Targets Ultrawealthy 'Schemes'

Parents slam 'unelected extremist from Tennessee' behind book-banning campaign in school districts
Are we getting fed up with the Nazis fucking with us? HELL, YES!

Texas grid faces winter after failed attempt to get more power online
"Industry experts continue to argue over whether the electricity market in Texas needs to change to make the grid more reliable in winter and summer."

Texas is on the verge of making illegal border crossings a state crime. Here’s what you need to know
Abbott is a fascist.

This is Not Acceptable: A Scream From a Diehard Liberal
“Anyone can be a barbarian; it requires a terrible effort to remain a civilized man.” — Leonard Woolf

Trolls trick QAnon Queen followers into signing up to execute opponents: report
All of these "Dildo Diludo" pricks should take gas.

Former Melania adviser slams Trumps for keeping employees 'silent for far too long'
The further adventures of "Fatso and Stiffneck."

Tommy Tuberville showing signs of folding on his military promotion holds
"Alabama’s blowhard Republican Sen. Tommy Tuberville seems to have seen the writing on the wall regarding his hold on military promotions: There is a growing sentiment among his Republican colleagues that it must end. A temporary rule change that would bypass Tuberville’s one-man blockade is ready to come to the Senate floor, and it would appear Tuberville has been hearing from fellow Republicans that they’re ready to vote with Democrats against him."

Good Fucking Riddance: HK Finally Kicks His Bucket of Blood
In gratitude, we mark the death of Henry Kissinger, America's peerless war criminal. As U.S officials laud an "elder statesman" and "erudite strategist," the rest of us, and surely millions of brown-skinned people, celebrate the end of an "iconic napalm rights advocate" whose lies, hubris, towering inhumanity and many blood-soaked foreign policy follies left a legacy - in Vietnam, Chile, Cambodia, Argentina - of an "enormous pile of corpses" that may number four million. The consensus: "Burn hot, Henry."

Appeals Court: Trump Can Be Sued For Inciting J6 Riot
A federal appeals court has ruled that Donald Trump *can* be sued for inciting the Jan. 6 crowd. He is not “immune” because he was president, the circuit rules.
Please, let's show the traitor he's a dork.

House expels GOP Rep. George Santos over ethics violations
Oh, dear. Another one bites the dust.

Newsom humiliates DeSantis on Fox News
California Gov. Gavin Newsom not only stood up for his state but made a great case for Joe Biden on Fox News

Newsom Roasts DeSantis During Fox Debate: Neither One Of Us Will Be The Nominee For Our Party In 2024
Not much of a contest: brain vs brainless.

Marine Pleads Guilty To Firebombing Abortion Clinic And Plotting To Bomb LGBTQ Pride Night At Dodger Stadium
"The few, the proud," needs to be re-worked.

X Advertisers To Elon Musk: We Will Indeed F*ck Off
"Advertisers said on Thursday that they did not plan to reopen their wallets anytime soon with X, the social media company formerly known as Twitter, after its owner, Elon Musk, insulted brands using an expletive and told them not to spend on the platform."
He's a real genius, eh?

Trump’s Extreme Agenda Is a Problem for Republicans, Too
"He has been releasing policy papers and videos on what he calls 'Agenda 47' for months, and he and his advisers are openly bragging about their radical plans for a second term. Some of the worst elements of Trump’s first-term agenda were thwarted by scrupulous government officials, legal challenges, and the Trump team’s general ineptitude. But the former president and his well-funded allies in the conservative movement are already working to make sure they’ll be more successful if he winds up back in the White House."
That's Hitler Jr.

Biden administration proposes strictest lead pipe rules in more than three decades
"Most cities would have to replace lead water pipes within 10 years under new rules proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency aimed to prevent like the ones in Flint, Mich. and Washington, D.C."
Get it done, Joe.

'Game over': Expert says Trump attorney just landed a 'bullseye for prosecutors'
"A Donald Trump attorney provided damning evidence against the former president in the Mar-a-Lago documents case — and a legal analyst said it will almost certainly lead to a conviction once the case finally goes to trial."
"If you're a prosecutor and you have to prove obstruction, you have to show that the defendant, in this case Donald Trump, knew he had a subpoena, knew he had to comply and intentionally did not do so, and this witness, Trump's former and, by the way, current lawyer, has told the grand jury straight up, no ambiguity, 'You have to comply, if you don't, it's a crime,' and he said, 'I got it, I understand.'"

Abortion Confusion in Texas
State courts must now decide how to handle life-threatening pregnancy issues that state attorneys, lawmakers, and medical officials refuse to clear up.

Why Don't Americans Believe in Science?
Did they get a science class in school? Or did they not bother to attend?

Republican Border Theatrics Go Into Overdrive
"Senate negotiations over immigration policy have become a proxy for warmongering foreign policy rhetoric."

Henry Kissinger, 1923–2023. War Criminal
"An appropriate response to Kissinger’s death would be for the U.S. to own up to the entirety of what Nixon and Kissinger wrought."

Climate change, costly disasters sent Texas homeowner insurance rates skyrocketing this year
"Texas rates have increased 22% on average so far in 2023, twice the national rate. More billion-dollar disasters have occurred in Texas this year than any other year on record."
It's robbery with a fountain pen by the shakedown artists in Texas.

More than 1 million older Texans are struggling to cover housing costs
"A new Harvard University study found a surge in the number of Texas households headed by people 65 or older spending more than 30% of their income on housing. Advocates say keeping older adults housed will require substantial public investment and reforms."
Or concentration camps made by the Texas Nazis in their government.

Trump Calls for Government to Punish MSNBC Over Reporting on Him He Doesn’t Like
Fuck the demented Nazi shitbucket.

Is Mike Johnson An Even Cheaper Trump-Sniffer Than Kevin McCarthy? A Science Investigation
"Here’s a thought for you about new loser Christian extremist lunatic creep Speaker Mike Johnson: is Johnson even cheaper than Kevin McCarthy, as Trump-sniffing sycophants go?"
"Hahahaha, go fuck yourself with a laptop computer equipped with Covenant Eyes anti-porning software."
"How many lies can this pathetic liar for Jesus get into just a few sentences? They love what they’re doing, that’s obviously the first lie. And the fact that he was able to say Republicans are the “rule of law team” with a straight face is a pretty good indicator of how bereft Johnson and his fellow mediocre white Republican men are of dignity, integrity, love of country, or souls."

A Dog Bit Jesse Watters On The Peener And The Dog Was A Democrat Because Its Mom Had An Outback
"Does anybody want to talk about Jesse Watters last night suggesting that kids are dying in school — nay, that Black kids are beating white kids to death — somehow because of the teaching of critical race theory? Let’s just note that he said that and consider the timeslot he’s in, and that there’s probably a lot of pressure emanating from the very walls of the studio to be a babbling limp-dicked white supremacist during that hour. (A LOT of pressure.)
Instead, it’s the holidays, so we’ll talk about Jesse whimpering and crying this week because a dog bit him over Thanksgiving, awwwww."

Will the GOP Launch Their 2023 Catfood Commission Tomorrow?
Both the MAGA faction and the old-line “conservative” members of the GOP are dead serious about killing off this vital and important part of FDR’s legacy.
Scumbag Talibastard Nazis.

Busted: Newly unveiled recording blows up key Trump defense at fraud trial
He just keeps losing because he's guilty.

'Pathetic even for her': Critics slam Elise Stefanik over latest Trump brown-nosing
Where do they find these stupid people? In mountain caves?

Trump Vows To Force MSNBC Off The “Free Airwaves
First it's "I took no oath to defend the U.S. Constitution" to "I don't know what the hell 'airwaves' are."
This man constantly admits to being mentally inept.

Fox Hosts Exult Over High Winds Toppling WH Xmas Tree (In 2021 Fox’s Corporate Tree Went Up In Flames)
Why does Fox hate Christmas?

Ohio Supreme Court Won’t Hear Objections to Latest District Maps, Despite Partisan Gerrymander
The fascist state of Ohio fucks democracy again.

Trump slammed Russian election interference as a 'hoax' — but now uses it as a 'defense': analysis
He's drowning in his lies.

Biden to take on Boebert after she attacked 'garbage' bill that brought 'investments, jobs' to Colorado
The Biden White House, Hussein and Megerian report, said that in Pueblo, the president will promote his green agenda and argue that "self-described MAGA Republicans like Rep. Lauren Boebert are threatening those investments, jobs, and opportunities."

Liz Cheney sounds alarm on Trump: 'Cannot survive a president willing to terminate our Constitution'
"Mar-a-Lago? What the hell, Kevin?" Cheney asked him.
"They’re really worried,” McCarthy responded. "Trump’s not eating, so they asked me to come see him."
I'll bet that really whetted his appetite! ROTFLMAO!

Donald Trump Says He Never Swore Oath 'to Support the Constitution'
In that case he was never our president. Anything that was done during his time pretending to be our president is hereby vacated. He can easily be convicted. This is the "I don't have a dog" argument. Case over. Stick his ass in prison. Let's move on.

Economist Paul Krugman details how Republicans are still waging war on Social Security
"Anyone hoping that (Haley) would govern as a moderate if she should somehow make it to the White House is surely delusional," Krugman warns. "Haley has never really shown a willingness to stand up to Republican extremists — and at this point, the whole GOP has been taken over by extremists."
"The first thing you should know about Social Security is that the actual numbers don't justify the apocalyptic rhetoric one often hears not just from the right, but from self-proclaimed centrists who want to sound serious," Krugman explains. "No, the exhaustion of the system's trust fund, currently projected to occur in roughly a decade, wouldn't mean that benefits disappear. It would mean that the system would need additional revenue to continue paying scheduled benefits in full." Krugman argues that any Republican who, like Haley, wants to raise the Social Security age "is being oblivious, perhaps willfully, to the grim inequality of modern America" — as the poor are more likely to die younger.

Experts to Examine a Controversial Forensic Test That Has Helped Convict Women of Murder
Fascism has tainted our court system.

'A boxer past his prime': Morning Joe marvels that Trump keeps picking the wrong fights
There is little to no cognitive ability left in this idiot's brain. His supporters are vanishing. What are left are as disabled as he.

'How dare they?' Robert De Niro slams removal of anti-Trump attack from awards speech
According to Pulver, De Niro "refused to thank the film's backers, Apple." The veteran actor, referring to the removal of his anti-Trump comments, said, "I don't feel like thanking them at all for what they did. How dare they do that, actually."
During the missing section of his speech, De Niro said, "History isn't history anymore. Truth is not truth. Even facts are being replaced by alternative facts and driven by conspiracy theories and ugliness. In Florida, young students are taught that slaves developed skills which can be applied for their personal benefit."
The "Taxi Driver"/"Raging Bull" star went on to say, "Lying has become just another tool in the charlatan's arsenal. The former president lied to us more than 30,000 times during his four years in office, and he's keeping up the pace in his current campaign of retribution. But with all his lies, he can't hide his soul. He attacks the weak, destroys the gifts of nature, and shows disrespect — for example, by using 'Pocahontas' as a slur."
A fine statement on the turd bowl in which we now find ourselves living in.

'He wasn't even that sharp then': The View's Alyssa concerned about Trump's cognition
He's demented as all hell and his supporters think it's cool.

Nobody is coming to save us
"Evil has crashed ashore, and now it is waiting to be served ...
That’s a helluva thing, it really is.
Our major media outlets have completely failed us, as they naively and dangerously search for both sides of this earth-shattering event that ironically could well end with the loss of their freedoms.
They refuse to report what the terrible end of our Democracy will look like, and instead feed us worthless polls, because there is big money in scaring the hell out of people by lazily amplifying unsubstantiated numbers that indicate the end is already upon us.
It has been 2,575 days since the United States of America cracked in two, and we have to know by now that nobody is coming to save us."
We have to do the work ourselves or die trying.

Three Palestinian College Kids Learned Getting Shot Is as American as Thanksgiving Turkey
America was once a pround country. Not anymore.
There are Nazis everywhere. We seem helpless to get rid of them.

Here We Go Again: Trump Touts New Push To Repeal Obamacare
"Donald Trump is once again living in the past, trying to resurrect a Republican political debacle that even the Freedom Caucus has abandoned: Obamacare repeal. “The cost of Obamacare is out of control, plus, it’s not good Healthcare. I’m seriously looking at alternatives," he spewed on Truth Social on Saturday."
The motherfucker returns to his "Repeal and Replace" mantra which means "kill it and forget about it."
Reject him overwhelmingly!

Tuberville: Biden policies will result in 9/11-style attacks 'every few weeks'
Specifically on Tuberville. That will get his dumbfuck ass out of town. HE IS CREATING HIS OWN FANTASY PROBLEM!

Mike Pence Testimony To Jack Smith Is The Stupidest Damned Hallmark Christmas Movie Ever
'“Not feeling like I should attend electoral count,” Pence wrote in his notes in late December. “Too many questions, too many doubts, too hurtful to my friend. Therefore I'm not going to participate in certification of election.”
Then, sitting across the table from his son, a Marine, while on vacation in Colorado, his son said to him, “Dad, you took the same oath I took” — it was “an oath to support and defend the Constitution,” Pence recalled to Smith’s investigators, sources said.
That’s when Pence decided he would be at the Capitol on Jan. 6 after all, according to the sources.

Why Does Tommy Tuberville Hate The Troops So Much?
"At this point is there any other explanation for Alabama GOP Senator Tommy Tuberville’s continued crybaby tantrum crusade against the military? (Aside from how Tuberville is the dumbest pigfuck ever to escape a football field and become a United States senator.) Is it now reasonable to conclude that he must just really hate American troops as much as his slobbering superhero Donald Trump does?"

MSNBC's Mika sticks knife in Donald Trump's mental decline 'sarcasm' defense
Fuck the sick Nazi Trump.

Fox News Idiots Pretty Sure Dems Taking Your Gas Stoves Because They Hate Happiness And Pie
"The fascist propaganda was strong on Fox News this weekend, because obviously. Gotta keep the rubes grunting mad and rage-shitting their turkey-eatin’ trousers."

An Even Worse Nightmare Lies Ahead
"Never falter, never fail. Even if it means confronting our Trumpy friends or kin, we must talk some sense into these Fox-fueled fools. Or grow weak with trying. We must not only defeat Trump or his heir, we must do so by a large enough margin to repudiate all that he stands for."

Was the Trump White House selling pardons?
The Nazi will do anything for a dime.

Trump's 'America sucks' Thanksgiving weekend meltdown torn apart by Morning Joe panel
The Nazi runs his filthy mouth. He should be slammed into prison very soon.

'A catastrophe': Expert pulls the lid off Trump's next-term 'master plan'
The Nazi is exposed.

Fox Desperately Tries To Paint Johnson's Abortion Views As Mainstream
Media fascism.

Donors Aren't Coughing Up For The Republicans This Cycle
America doesn't support Nazis.

'Breathtaking dysfunction': How the media is quietly helping Trump and his Republican allies
"Why isn’t the mainstream media reporting on Trump’s increasing senescence?"
"Voters who are turned off by politics are less aware of Biden’s accomplishments — and the media is hardly reporting on them."
"As if the “us-against-them politics” is the fault of Democrats as much as it is Trump Republicans. In fact, Trump’s GOP is the party of dysfunctional politics."
"As we head into the critical election year of 2024, the mainstream media must adapt to a new political reality: The contest is no longer between Democrats who want more government and Republicans who want less. It is between democracy and fascism."
They would have loved these Nazi bastards in Germany in the 1930s.

Tax the Damn Churches, for Christ’s Sake: A Secular Sunday Sermon
"We have a huge problem with religion in this country, brothers and sisters, a problem that has gotten entirely out of hand in ways lots of people in earlier generations fretted over. Many of those early Americans worried that taxing religion could be used to put religions out of business. And let us bear in mind that religion was a business, and it remains a business, with a business plan that essentially depends on a tax rate of zero. If you doubt it, just look at the amount of property owned by religious franchises in every city and town in this country, all those big salvation-and-solace dispensaries with big spires serving as logos on expensive real estate everywhere you look, from 5th Avenue to Rodeo Drive."

GOPer freaks out over 'Satanic Christmas tree' in his district
Some people just hate it when someone they don't like attends their open house party.
The comments are some of the best on this subject.

Do Young Voters Actually Prefer Trump to Biden?
If they do they are dumber than anyone ever thought they were or anyone ever was before.
Maybe it's a good thing that birth rates are at the bottom of the barrel.

Mike Johnson Has Long Fought For More Christianity In Public Schools
"It’s one thing to be a devout, conservative Christian and it’s a whole ‘nother thing to be the kind of Christian who demands the right to shove his views down other people’s throats without concern for their views or faith." Like all Nazis, these people don't give a fuck what you think.

'Boo!': We're Pretty Sure Trump Wasn't Expecting This At The Game
"Former President Donald Trump hyped up the "Palmetto Bowl" to upstage rival Nikki Haley in her backyard. Still, even though some people found it within themselves to cheer on the twice-impeached disgraced former President's entrance at the game, his support appears to be waning. Trump was met with a chorus of boos as he pulled into the arena. Haley did not attend the game."

'Failed actors and comedians': Analysts slam wannabe 'famous' GOP’s 'perverse incentive structure'
They want to be something that they can never be. The hicks that want to be a media star are all failing at it because they don't have the skills or talent and are trying it on the wrong stage.

'Authoritarian lunatic' Trump aiming for 'something resembling Nazi Germany in the 30s': GOP strategist
"Longtime Republican strategist Tara Setmayer sounded the alarm Sunday on the potential "dangerous" repercussions of another term for ex-President Donald Trump during a conversation with MSNBC analyst and guest host Charles Coleman Jr."
More and more Republicans are onto Trump's fascism and will not vote for it. They did it in 2020 as well.

Meta Accused Of Collecting Data On Underage Users
It must be a Pastor's paradise.

Univision Anchor Rips Network: Don’t Normalize Trump
There is nothing normal about Fatso. He's as sick as a human can be.

America 1st: MTG’s Flop Book Was Published In Canada
Disingenuous poser fails again.

Chris Christie: Blame Trump For Rise Of Antisemitism
"Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie reiterated his claim that former President Donald Trump has fueled the increase in antisemitism and hate across the country Sunday, saying Trump’s “intolerant language and conduct” has given people “permission” to act the same."

Judges 'are beyond' Trump lawyers' latest 'nonsensical claim': former prosecutor
Then throw the criminal in jail and throw away the key. America is tired of the old fuck head.

Trump faces historical 'hurdles' in his White House comeback attempt: analysis
"The odds are against Donald Trump as he fights to take back the White House, according to an analysis from NBC News."
Only morons want "old shit for brains."

NYPD: Drunk Man Tried To Drive Down Subway Stairs
He saw it once in a cartoon and was sure he could do it.

Victims Identified In Fatal Niagara Falls Border Crash, UK Automaker Has History Of Stuck Accelerator Recalls
Who was covering this up? This should cost them some money..

Dean Phillips: It’s “Delusional” To Believe Biden Can Win
This is what desperate insanity does to oddballs like Phillips.

C-SPAN Callers Smacked Down For Whining About SNAP Recipients Buying Steak
Two C-SPAN callers faced backlash after they complained about people using Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits to buy steaks.
It occurs to me that they are the ones that can't have steak due to their exclusive failure in the world.

Rep. Moskowitz Has Hilarious Response To Comer Calling Him ‘A Smurf’
‘He took the bait!’ Rep. Jared Moskowitz gloated about Rep. James Comer’s meltdown last week.
Does anyone know that the MAGAts are all considered clowns by anyone with a brain?

Former federal prosecutor describes Trump’s latest legal filing as 'tired and laughable'
Exactly what the old dried-up fuck is.

'Executioner for God': school board member detained over 'kill your children' comments
"The Modesto Bee reports that 50-year-old Jason Vassar, who serves on the Belleview Elementary School District Board, is currently still in custody and undergoing a mental health evaluation in response to 93 pages of comments Vassar sent to school administrators. Vassar allegedly claimed to be the messiah in the documents, and made numerous comments alluding to anti-government conspiracies and espousing racist beliefs."

House Speaker Mike Johnson Spent Years Defending Christian Speech In Public Schools
“The ultimate goal of the enemy is silencing the Gospel," the Republican said in 2004 after Jewish parents sued a school for pushing Christianity on their kids.
Stop pushing your superstitions on us. Keep them to yourselves, thanks.

'They hate pies': Fox News contributor rants about Kamala Harris’ gas stove photo
Why would they hate pies? We all love to throw them in your dumb faces.

Dolly Parton slammed by conspiracy theorists after Dallas Cowboys performance
Paranoid pussies whose party is MIA due to deaths from Covid whine like you'd expect from "persecuted victim" complex.

If Democrats ran red states fewer people would die
Sounds like backward thinking on the red states part. They are the ones complaning about low birth rates and forcing women to have unwanted children.
Maybe it's their position on healthcare?

Trump Has a Plan for Massively Increasing Inflation
I understand that America really doesn't like inflation. So why would his supporters back him when they now know this?

'Squid Game: The Challenge' Players Allege Injuries, Threaten Legal Action
Two players, represented by a U.K.-based law firm, claimed they suffered from hypothermia and nerve damage after taking part in a game for the show.
I thought when I first saw this they got injured from watching it.

The red state 'brain drain' is well underway — here's why
Many liberal and progressive pundits have been predicting a "brain drain" from red states — skillful, college-educated doctors, university professors and teachers leaving because of oppressive MAGA policies. OB-GYNs are worried about draconian anti-abortion laws; teachers and librarians are under attack from the far-right Moms for Liberty.
The way of fascism.

Republicans’ views of the economy are completely detached from reality
In the latest Economist/YouGov poll, a full 75 percent of Republicans said the economy is “getting worse,” despite it being the strongest it’s been in years.

'Never seen a number like this': GOP pollster says Trump is uniquely poised to lose
Trump is terminal cancer to our country.

'We needed to leave Oklahoma': New report shows MAGA abortion laws are displacing doctors
It appears the idiots that killed a woman's right to healthcare didn't think it through. But what did they expect — peace and love in their repressed, backward world?

BOOK: Trump Called Evangelicals “Real Pieces Of Shit”
The ultimate in projection!

Nazi Flags Found In Home Of Walmart Mass Shooter
"Officers found Nazi flags during a search of his house in Dayton."
"He believed in right-wing conspiracy theories, including that the Holocaust did not happen..."
Isn't it great that there is no truth anymore?

Ceasefire takes hold in Gaza ahead of hostage release, aid enters enclave
But the killing will start again as soon as the morons can lock and load.

Small-town America’s never-ending struggle to maintain its values hasn’t always been good for democracy
The epitome of culture? Lynching and discrimination is its history. Vigilantism and arrogance.
"Choate was then tied to the back of a car and dragged across town, and eventually hanged in front of the Maury County Courthouse."
God bless our small towns. /s

Letitia James Has Found 'Smoking Gun' Against Donald Trump—Attorney
"I can't think of a bigger smoking gun than having a fraudulent document, allegedly, that is what the state is saying, this document is the one that exaggerated Donald's worth by over $3.5 billion," Gallina said. "Letitia James must have looked at this and danced because there's not much better evidence you could get."

Voters Scoff At SCOTUS's 'Ethics Rules' BS
"Nearly three-quarters of U.S. voters want federal lawmakers to pass a stricter ethics policy for the nation's Supreme Court, according to polling results released Tuesday by the progressive advocacy group Demand Justice."

Anti-Abortion Groups Undeterred by Election Losses, Press On in Courts
We should all know by now anything legal will not stop Nazis. Other methods always need to be employed.

What Argentina's New Grand Experiment Means to the World
Milei's victory is an international marker, of sorts, for America’s billionaires and largest corporations, who share his desire to end liberal democracy and the so-called “welfare state.”
Fuck Nazis by ANY MEANS necessary.

What Happens When Real People Play Squid Game
(As if the people who played the first time weren't real people.)
Shirley is right about this alledged "Squid Game" remake -- almost. It's as stupid or more stupid than any stupid thing I've seen passed off as entertainment. Having seen the original I agree on all her points about the lameness of this burning bag of shit. But I have to question her sanity about watching anything beyond the second chapter. It's a complete and total waste of your life. Watching dust gather is far more interesting and worthwhile, dear.
(You can always get a free trial to the Atlantic to read this.)

The Trump ruling in Colorado is wrong. The judge all but said so herself
"That is all the more reason to deploy the self-defense mechanism at the heart of Section 3. Scant legal means remain by which to protect the Constitution from the cancellation Trump intends for it. Section 3 is a strong shield, crafted precisely to ward off enemies like Trump. It’s left now to the Colorado Supreme Court to wield it."
We must fight and win this war against the deadly Trump fascism or we must all die.

Nazi-loving Ohio gunman motivated to shoot by racist hate: report
Just another example of Nazi America's biggest products.

OpenAI Was Never Going to Save Us From the Robot Apocalypse
"But the concern that animated OpenAI’s corporate structure wasn’t that authoritarian governments might use artificial intelligence to consolidate their power. It was that humans might develop a nigh-omnipotent superintelligence before we figured out how to discipline it, thereby bringing about our own extinction."

Fossil Fuel Lobbyists Swarm UN Treaty Talks on Plastics Pollution
Good. Tell the motherfuckers to stop spewing their poison on our world or else.

After Fox News erroneously reported that “an attempted terrorist attack” had taken place on the border between the United States and Canada, and that “a lot of explosives” were involved, Cruz tweeted:
"This confirms our worst fear: the explosion at Rainbow Bridge was a terrorist attack.
Both attackers are dead, and one law enforcement officer is injured.
I am praying that officer makes a full recovery and is able to spend Thanksgiving surrounded by family and loved ones.
Thank you to our law enforcement officers who are remaining vigilant and working to protect Americans traveling for Thanksgiving."
WTF? This loser has been smoking some pretty strong weed or has gone over the edge to total breakdown.

Eric Swalwell Trolls Ted Cruz After Rainbow Bridge Incident Ruled Not to Be ‘Attempted Terror Attack’
Swalwell replied to Cruz’s post with an image of the FBI’s statement.

Cultist Pastor: It’s Un-Christian To Say “Turkey Day”
Another Xianaist projecting.

Convicted Cultist Jenna Ellis Flips To Endorse DeSantis
And in today's funny papers...

The Hole in the Ozone Layer Is Getting Bigger Again, Scientists Say
Between this and the AI threat, humans should be gone much sooner than expected.

Scientists Warn That AI Threatens Science Itself
Sure, nobody believes in it anyway. /s

NASA Receives Laser Signal From 10 Million Miles Away
It said "help, being held captive in a fortune cookie factory."

30 Screen Shots of Republicans Who Spread Lies About a "Terrorist Attack"
Receipts? As usual, we got them.
And Charlie, we've got a pretty good idea of who's in our country by just reading your Nazi bullshit.

NY Trump Judge And Clerk Get Hundreds Of Threats
Nazi hoods won't do anything threatening. They will get what they deserve before it's over.

Fox Attacks Target For Selling Pride-Themed Nutcracker
Incel "reporter" doesn't know shit from applebutter about nutcracker collectors.

New poll shows significant confusion on how pregnancy works
These dimwits are confused about definitions. They are mistaking "heartbeat" and viability. These are not the same thing. A heartbeat does not mean the fetus is viabile. They get this idea from reading fairy tales.
"When you believe in things you don't understand then you suffer. Superstition ain't the way." — Stevie Wonder.

Report Shows DeSantis Has A Private Fascist Army
A new report warns that DeSantis’ private army is a potential hotbed of extremism.
Invade and Occupy Florida Now! Put these Nazis out of our country forever.

Evolution Of The Twitter-X Logo
Elon Musk has brought a hateful new X-tremism to his platform.
End fascism or kiss your ass goodbye.

Georgia high court issues a 'blow' to GOP gov and party seeking to 'punish' Fani Willis: report
"Because we are under no legal directive to take action..."
Go back to the place in hell you came from, Fatso.

Prison Inmates Graduate From Top University For First Time
Boy, we needed this inspiring story. Students from the Northwestern Prison Education Program made history as they received their bachelor’s degrees from inside Stateville Correctional Center in Crest Hill, Illinois yesterday. Via Northwestern:
"This is the first time in U.S. history that incarcerated students have been conferred a bachelor’s degree from a top 10 university."

'It's getting scary': Ex-RNC chair warns democracy is now a 'foreign concept' to Trump’s MAGA army
They are all Nazi automatons running on their drugs.

New York Times Calls A Fascist A Fascist. Sort Of.
OMG! You're telling me that the Times is regaining a consciemce?
"It’s a bit adorable that the Times is acting like there’s really been some new development here, regarding the man who incited a terrorist attack against America to steal the 2020 election and overthrow the Republic.
But baby steps and positive reinforcement! Everyone congratulate the Times on a job slightly less shittily done!

Florida Bill Aims to Mandate “Don’t Say Gay” in Many Workplaces
Tell these Nazi turds to do us all a favor and drop dead.

In Texas’ Panhandle, a long-awaited oasis for mental health care is springing up
The region that includes Amarillo, a Panhandle city of more than 200,000 people, and surrounding towns has long been a mental health care desert. Officials hope a new $159 million hospital can help reduce a massive spike in suicide attempts.
Thankfully, a place we can put Trump.

Dear Republicans: We Tried Your Way and It Does Not Work
The bottom line is that we — voluntarily or involuntarily — have now had the full GOP experience. We're no longer listening to the GOP politicians who are continuing to sell us this bullshit
But, but,'s very good bullshit. The best that money can buy

‘That Is Not the Law’: Analyst Slams ‘First Amendment Freak’ Trump Lawyer’s ‘Insane’ Argument
Let me guess. It's due to his fucking insanity.

It’s the Social Media, Stupid
Today on TAP: Americans’ economic views are at odds with Americans’ economic behavior. So, whence those views?

'Vicious' Trump is 'only getting worse' as allies plot authoritarian takeover: Morning Joe
The deterioration of what's left of his brain is a deadly threat to all of us.

Jan. 6 tape drop is about to blow up in MAGA Republicans' faces: analyst
Blow 'em up real good.

60 years after JFK's assassination, the agent who tried to save him opens up
"Yet one image, taken directly after Kennedy was shot, captured the attention of news outlets all over the United States. It showed a Secret Service agent jumping onto the back of the presidential limousine to shield the president and first lady."

Mexico Has Become a Haven for Americans Seeking an Abortion
America is driving its citizens to this with their repressive ways.

Ingraham: Dems Are Plotting To Steal 2024 Election
“All of these characters sound like people who are prepared to cheat, or at least justify cheating next year. After all, if Trump really is what they say he is — the man who will end democracy, a Hitlerian figure — then how could he possibly be allowed to be able to run for office, be approaching the White House?
This is what Americans are saying, you dumb shit. He can't run because he's EXACTLY as you've described him.
What Nazi writes this garbage for you? You love a man, not our country. All of you MAGAts do the same.

Trump: “Psycho NY Judge Will Find Me Guilty As Hell”
That's because he's the psycho and he's guilty as hell.

Woodbury County supervisor's wife found guilty of 52 counts of voter fraud
Prosecutors say Kim Phuong Taylor wanted her husband to win elections in 2020 “by any means necessary.”

Aunt Lydia Appoints “Death To Gays” Former State Senator/Christian Nationalist To State Library Board
Agents of hate.

Larry Summers’ Ascent to OpenAI Board is Awful News for Humanity
“There is no greater indication that OpenAI is unserious about the interests of humanity than their elevation of Larry Summers to its Board of Directors. Summers energetically promotes cryptocurrency, inflation hysteria, and himself with equally misplaced ardor."

JPMorgan Controlled Company Source of 1 Million Gallon Oil Spill in Gulf of Mexico
Polluting the environment as always.

Trump Goes Off The Deep End, Lashes Out At Judge And Clerk Again
The old shitbag is getting boring. Lock him up already.

Trump explodes against 'psycho judge' and 'seething' law clerk in civil fraud trial
The Alzheimer's is progressing with each passing day.

Nikki Haley Gets Pwned By A 9-Year-Old In New Hampshire
“I love your hat,” Haley said to the girl, not knowing she was setting herself up.
Nine-year-old girl: “Thanks. One of your guys gave it to me for free.”

Cassidy Hutchinson keeps it simple: A vote for Trump is a vote against our democracy's survival
And that means anyone going there is a traitor to America.
Sorry, former Americans but you ain't us.

Fox Host Comes Up With New Lie: COVID Intentionally Sent To U.S.
Maria Bartiromo comes up with a whole new conspiracy theory of her own.
Just a passing fad or have some people really gone into outer space like this.

Economist Robert Reich: Trump is 'going full fascist' with 'the backing of prominent billionaires'
"Who's bankrolling all this? While Trump's base is making small contributions, the big money is coming from some of the richest people in the U.S."

House GOP marks 'third-lowest fundraising month' as infighting persists: report
As House Republicans' infighting persists following the speaker debacle, the Monday filing confirmed the NRCC raked in "slightly over $5 million in October," which is only "about half" of what the committee pulled in 2019 and 2021.

Fox Host: Turkeys Cost $90 Because Of “Bidenomics”
People actually believe this propagndist?
There's so much proof he is lying. Read some facts, Dumbo.

Walsh: Society Was Better When Everyone Smoked
Another great example of "Look how stupid I am, everyone!"

Iowa State Universities To Abolish Diversity Efforts
No need to be diverse when we have a white Christo-fascist dictatorship. /s

Hate Group: Boycott Target Over “Woke” Ornaments
Celebrate your holiday like you want to and let others do the same, you horse's asses!
Go back to the place in hell you came from.

Biden Administration Makes More Free Covid Tests Available
"Starting Monday, Americans can use to request four free tests. Those who have not ordered any tests this fall can now place two orders for a total of eight tests, according to the website."

Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter Is Dead At 96
"A small-town working woman with an airtight bond to her husband, Carter represented a new type of first lady: She toted a briefcase to the White House, traveled often and picked up the nickname 'Steel Magnolia' as she pushed for human rights abroad and at home."

Former Trump officials believe he is putting America 'in a dangerous zone': report
Hitler Jr.? Only ignorant fools support the end of America.

5 ways Democrats are coping with Biden’s terrible polls
It's really this simple, you fools.

'Wake up!' Rick Wilson says Americans must grasp horror of Trump's 'fascistpalooza'
Oh, dear God! Then they would be consdiered "woke"! These fuckheads can't wake up. They are already dead.

Moms for Liberty leader turns out to be a convicted sex offender
"A Republican pastor who coordinates the faith-based outreach for the Philadelphia chapter of Moms for Liberty was convicted a decade ago of sexually abusing a teenage boy."

'You know you're wrong': Liz Cheney torches GOP senator spreading J6 conspiracy theory
"You didn’t object to electors on J6 because you knew what Trump was doing was unconstitutional and you know what you’re doing now is wrong," she said.

Jamie Raskin nails DeSantis for pleading ignorance about anti-Semitism comments
Appearing on CNN's "State of the Union" moments after a combative Gov. Ron DeSantis went back and forth with host Jake Tapper over anti-Semitic comments made by Elon Musk, Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) smirked and needled the Florida Republican for pleading ignorance.
DeShitus is a very stupid street walker.

DeSantis Refuses To Condemn Musk’s Antisemitic Posts
The idiot simply doesn't know anything.

Texas board rejects many science textbooks over climate change messaging
"The Republican-controlled Texas State Board of Education this week rejected most of the proposed textbooks that include climate science for eighth grade students. Five of 12 were approved."

Now We Know How Hitler Did It
There are few Americans alive today who remember Hitler, the details are lost to the mists of time. But Donald Trump is bringing it all back to us with a fresh, stark splash of reality.
"Authoritarianism and religious extremism always go hand in hand." — SuZieCoyote (comments)
Fatso is in deep dementia for all you geniuses that think Biden is too old.

Mike Johnson's litigation history displays a disturbing pattern: analysis
Christo-Fascism. Another threat to America along with the MAGAt slime.

Biden campaign facing heat over plans to deal with his age
"...not enough is being done to remind voters that former President Donald Trump is just three-and-a-half years younger."
"You can lead an MAGAt to culture but you can't make him think." Fully illustrating how fucking stupid this age issue is. My answer to them is they are too stupid to vote. They prefer fascism.

Nazis With Swastika Flags March On Wisconsin Capitol
"A group of nearly two dozen people waving swastika flags and chanting antisemitic rhetoric marched on the Wisconsin state Capitol grounds Saturday afternoon, performing a salute originally used by Nazis at political rallies, often called the 'Hitler salute.' The group was dressed in red shirts with 'Blood Tribe' written on the back. The Blood Tribe is a neo-Nazi group that promotes hardline white supremacist views and “openly directs its vitriol at Jews, ‘non-whites’ and the LGBTQ+ community.” Little creeps.

Musk Threatens ‘Thermonuclear' Suit Against Media Matters For Exposing Truth
Goodness gracious, yes. The media's job is not to reveal any truth in a dictatorship. /s

'This is lawfare': Election deniers face defamation suits from groups ensuring they 'think twice' next time
Right-wing election deniers are seeing consequences of their efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election by facing a slew of defamation lawsuits, The Guardian reports.

'That’s just insulting': Legal expert suggests SCOTUS ethics code an effort to 'gaslight' the public
Grifters and con artists working their con on America.

This evangelical company believes that finding oil in Israel is part of God’s plan: report
"Holy Oil! Batman." You mean to tell me God has nothing better to do than fuck around with shit like this?

States Require Health Coverage; Insurers Break The Law
States have passed hundreds of laws to protect people from wrongful insurance denials. Yet from emergency services to fertility preservation, insurers still say no.

Matt Gaetz Worries NSA Is Spying On Him Due To His 'Whiteness'
Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) suggested the NSA could be targeting people like him for being white
That has nothing to do with it. It's because he's a scumbag.

Musk Vows “Thermonuclear Lawsuit Against Media Matters And ALL Who Colluded In Attack” On Twitter
He could drop dead.

New To X Exodus: Sony, Paramount, Warner, Comcast
Bye-bye Musk Rat.

A Terrifying Letter Written By A Possessed Nun In 1676 Has Finally Been Translated
It says, "Fuck off! I'm sick of getting blamed for all of your own stupid lameness and moving to another sector of the multiverse."

'Disoriented in a new way': Former federal prosecutor raises fresh worry about Trump
Duh. Wonder why no one ever noticed this? LMAO!
"While neither Trump nor Biden projects John F. Kennedy’s vigor, Trump, 77, has been even more bizarre of late — doddering and disoriented in a new way," he wrote before suggesting a recent speech by the former president should raise concerns."

Ohio Catholic Priest Gets Life On Child Sex Charges
Another one bites the dust. Still no drag queens or transsexuals.

Judge just struck down Trump’s 'inflammatory' motion to exclude Jan. 6 riot references from trial
"If Trump is found guilty on all four charges and sentenced to the maximum penalty under federal statute, he could face 55 years in prison."

Tuberville Worried About 'Abortions After Birth'
Tuberville obviously failed basic health class in junior high.
That's not all he's failed. Like Trump, he's disgraced his country.

Texas lawmaker calls out Gov. Abbott's school voucher plan as a giveaway to the wealthy
Even some Republicans aren't on board with this hornswoggle.

Axios: Apple To Suspend Advertising On Twitter/X
Apple has been a major advertiser on the social media site and its pause follows a similar move by IBM.
Like crime, Fascism does not pay, folks.

DC Archdiocese Sues To Block MD Child Victims Act
Oh, Fuck! I wonder why? I guess "someone" has now covered all of their own tracks?
"It's almost like they're afraid they have child rapists in their ranks." -- Stogibear (comments) Put these frauds out of their con business for good.

Pastor Gets 12 Years For Raping Unconscious Woman
Another one bites the dust. Keep it up until they are all wiped out.

Russian general who ripped Putin for ‘third-rate’ air force found dead with wife in mysterious circumstances
Golly Ned! I wonder who did this? Trump's butt buddy?

Scientists warn of catastrophic sea level rise, unless major climate change action is taken
A new study by the International Cryosphere Climate Initiative reveals sea level rise is more serious than thought
Who cares? We all die anyway./S

Ex-FBI agent voices frustration over evangelicals’ devotion to 'anti-Christian' Trump: 'I just don’t get it'
Did he ever hear the word "hypocrite"?
"It is under all circumstances an advantage to be in full possession of one's personality, otherwise the repressed elements will only crop up as a hindrance elsewhere, not just at some unimportant point, but at the very spot where we are most sensitive. If people can be educated to see the shadow-side of their nature clearly, it may be hoped that they will also learn to understand and love their fellow men better. A little less hypocrisy and a little more self-knowledge can only have good results in respect for our neighbor; for we are all too prone to transfer to our fellows the injustice and violence we inflict upon our own natures." — Carl Jung

MSNBC Panel Blasts Johnson’s Attack On LGBTQ Youth
Self-loathing creep.
Willie Geist: "Where to begin there, Joe. There’s so much. America is “irredeemable,” it’s “dark and depraved.”
And he's part of the reason for that.
Joe Scarborough: "Willie, he ran the Big Lie on Capitol Hill! Preach about that, Jimmy Swaggart! Right? And then go to your motel room and start like, faxing around, you know, conspiratorial documents."
Because he's another traitor.

‘The IQ of a Turnip!’ Mary Trump and Kathy Griffin Savage Joe Rogan — ‘Terrifying’ He’s So Influential
Are you quite certain it's that high?

Trump's Secret Service boast puts him at new risk if he testifies in Jan. 6 trial: expert
Fatso can't stop telling us how guilty he is.

Jesse Watters Making Steady Progress Toward 'Way Worse Than Tucker' Goal
It's a thankless job but some asshole had to do it.

Can We Keep Gen Zers From Fleeing America?
Preply did a national survey of Gen Zers that was published last month & found that more than half of them were seriously interested in or actively considering permanently moving out of America.
Sure. But first we have to maintain a democracy and educational opportunities open for all Americans. And establish Universal Healthcare for all.

How the Media Can Atone for Enabling the Rise of Trumpism
"If you’re noticing a pattern, it's this: Democracy suffers when a commercial media system showcases fascist demagogues for profit."
Street walkers, in other words.

Biden Skillfully Handled Xi Jinping’s U.S. Visit in Ways Trump Simply Never Could
"Had Donald Trump been the U.S. president hosting this week’s APEC meetings, I have no doubt that the headline from the event would have been unchanged. It would have been: 'He’s a dictator.' The only difference is it would be Xi Jinping who was saying it to describe Trump."

What People on TikTok Are Missing About That Osama bin Laden Letter
"It would be better if the users, and the many more like them, had read the entire letter before posting such embarrassing reactions. For the excerpts, which have been widely circulated, grossly misrepresent what the terrorist leader wrote, not long after masterminding the 9/11 attack."
Reading and reading comprehension is not America's strong point these days. Asking to 'please read it again' assumes it was read the first time. Hearing some of the responses indicates it was neither read nor understood.

“Our public school system is our town”: Why this rural Republican is voting against school vouchers
"Despite intense political pressure, Republican Rep. Gary VanDeaver said he won’t support a bill that includes school vouchers. Rural Republicans like VanDeaver have long opposed school vouchers because of the unique role public schools they play in their communities.

Texas Republicans: Maniacs and Megalomaniacs
Today on TAP: The legislature already stopped cities from passing laws they don’t like; now they’re claiming they can supersede federal law, too.
Exactly as dictataor fascists do. They have no regard for any law but their own tyranny. Texas is no longer a democracy. Many of us recognize this now.

Get Out of Texas as Soon as Possible
"The migration to Texas could soon become an exodus. And there are powerful reasons people should get out now."
Fascism is the best reason to vacate it.

Why Trump's authoritarian language about 'vermin' matters
"The former president called his political opponents "vermin" and said immigration is 'poisoning the blood' of the U.S., echoing language used by Adolf Hitler, raising questions about authoritarianism."

Dueling, Shoving, and Threats in Congress. Why Are Republicans Like This?
Do you have to ask? Evolution has cast them from the gene pool long ago.

Republicans Have an Antisemitism Problem. The Democratic Party Doesn’t
Of course. They haven't the tools to see this.

White House Slams Elon Musk For Repeating ‘Hideous Lie Behind the Most Fatal Act of Antisemitism’ in US History
That's what Nazis do, of course. That's why they must be stopped.

Fox News Runs Indignant Segment on Gay Nutcrackers and Black Santas on Sale at Target: ‘Gone Way Too Far’
Anything that they consider diverse they consider "woke," a word that the cowards created as an affront to their capacity of thinking. They don't have the ability to go deeper than their retarded brains allow.
Fox News went too far a long time ago. They can fuck off. All the way off.

Joe Scarborough Goes OFF on Mike Johnson’s ‘Depraved’ America Claim: ‘Why Do Republicans Hate America So Much?’
The simple answer is because they hate themselves.

UnitedHealth uses AI model with 90% error rate to deny care, lawsuit alleges
"UnitedHealthcare, the largest health insurance company in the US, is allegedly using a deeply flawed AI algorithm to override doctors' judgments and wrongfully deny critical health coverage to elderly patients. This has resulted in patients being kicked out of rehabilitation programs and care facilities far too early, forcing them to drain their life savings to obtain needed care that should be covered under their government-funded Medicare Advantage Plan."
Isn't this par for healthcare in America. We must change this shakedown medical racket that rips us off for everything we need to stay alive? Universal Healthcare Now!

Former RNC chair explains why Nikki Haley doesn’t fill MAGA Republicans’ thirst for 'retribution'
Then she must not be a real NAZI bastard.

Biden Signs Bill Funding Government Until February
"The goal is to give Congress more time to negotiate long-term spending bills."
Happy Holidays!

Decline in local news outlets is accelerating despite efforts to help
Another BIG reason why we are so misinformed and ignorant.
"Studies have shown that the decline in local news has increased political polarization, led to more political corruption and let outlets that spread misinformation fill the void."
And Fox News, the biggest PROVEN liars in the world, is still broadcasting. More proof of STUPID!

The Economist names Trump #1 'biggest danger' in the world: 'Will wage war on any institution'
"The Economist — a respected British newspaper nearly two centuries old — recently put former President Donald Trump at the top of its list of the world's greatest dangers heading into 2024."

Conservative legal scholar calls for impeachment of Judge Cannon: 'Member of the Trump defense team'
She's just a Trump shill and a danger to our country.

Charlie Kirk: It’s ‘Absolutely True’ That Jews Are Anti-White
Charlie Kirk gives a big thumb's up to ‘great man’ Elon Musk’s antisemitic tweet.
Kirk and Musk are such poor, poor victims.

Will the GOP ever break up with MAGA Republicans?
Not with "Smirky," the self-loathing gay boy at the helm.

Ethics Committee Chair Files Motion To Expel Santos
"He faces 23 federal criminal charges."
Being in drag isn't one of them.

In New Experiment, Young Children Destroy AI at Basic Tasks
So much for AI. LMAO!

Researchers developed a gene-editing technology that reduces 'bad' cholesterol
Some people may even live to see this. Maybe.

How 'aggressive behavior' in Congress 'echoes' pre-Civil War tensions: historian
According to Freeman, "It's always dangerous to say, what happened in 1850 is just like now. One thing you certainly saw in the 1830s, '40s and '50s, is there was one component within Congress — southerners — who were so adamant about defending the institution of slavery and silencing anyone opposed to it, that they pretty routinely used threats and occasionally violence to silence their opponents…. One of the interesting things that happened (on November 14) was when Sen. Mullin jumped to his feet, seemingly about to engage in a fight, and Bernie Sanders told him to sit down — you're a U.S. senator. It made me think of a lot of moments in the 1840s and '50s."

Georgia Republicans are rushing to Fani Willis' defense against 'Trumpian high jinks': report
Fatso is doomed. And that's a good thing for all of us.

Watch Out Pollsters, Youth Voters Prioritize Stopping Trump
As they should. But they better not fuck it up.

Shapiro Host: The Right To Contraception Is Imaginary
Shapiro is wrong. He's the imaginary one. Obviously, he can't get laid. His breed is rapidly fading.

Biden Jokes About Gavin Newsom Replacing Him in 2024 at APEC Event Where Both Spoke
Don't be concerned. Newsom will replace Biden in 2028 and be our next president.

In new poll, Jewish voters express strong support for Biden on Israel
Nearly three-quarters of Jewish voters surveyed say they support President Biden's handling of the Israel-Hamas war, even as a majority express disapproval of Israel's prime minister.

Damning Report on George Santos May Finally End His Time in Congress
Truth-allergic freshman Rep. George Santos (R-NY) will not run for re-election in 2024 after the House Ethics Committee released a blistering report on Thursday which found “potential violations of federal criminal law” in his expansive record of lies, scandals, and misdeeds.
Now if Trump would just follow his lead.

George Santos used campaign funds on OnlyFans and Botox injections: ethics report
It didn't help.

When was Bribery Legalized in America?
Why won’t Congress act? Because they’re on the take. Courtesy of Citizens United and its predecessors voted into law by five corrupt Republicans on the Supreme Court.

Higgins Pushes QAnon Conspiracy Theory During Hearing
"During a congressional oversight hearing Wednesday, Representative Clay Higgins (Q-LA) started rambling and asking FBI Director Christopher Wray whether there were FBI agents and informants at the January 6 insurrection. To his credit, Wray managed to keep a straight face as he denied Higgins's accusations."
There were plenty of you Nazis there, however.

Schumer blasts Senate GOP after failed attempt to stop student debt relief: 'The hypocrisy is glaring'
"Senate Democrats narrowly defeated a Republican effort to block President Joe Biden's student debt relief plan largely on party lines late Wednesday night. USA Today reported that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-New York) called the vote "a real victory for our young people and for the future of America." However, Schumer also tore into Senate Republicans for their vote against the measure." Government to spite the American people by the MAGAts.

Nevada AG 'quietly' probing GOP efforts to overturn 2020 election: report
Scraping the loose turds up.

GA GOP Official: Jesus Gives My Enemies Brain Tumors
And here we were told he was nice guy. Jesus is a disease and not cure.

Texas Secessionists: Our Day Is Coming Very Soon
You're damn right yout day is coming, motherfucker!
The mentally ill are running things in Texas.
"Sure. Of course, half of your citizens will leave, and you'll need a new currency, and your electrical grid is useless and say goodbye to federal help after a hurricane, and so on and so forth, but other than that, fill yer boots." -- glenn_story (comments)

Musk Hit With Backlash For Praising Antisemitic Tweet
Everyone knows he's Nazi by now.

Trump may have broken law by demanding 'citizen's arrest' of judge and prosecutor: expert
Trump? Break a law? ROTFLMAO!

Trump attorneys argue for mistrial in NY fraud case to 'salvage what is left of the rule of law'
The Trump crime syndicate has killed law and order in our country. Now we can do any crime we can think of without consequences..

Mike Johnson says separation of church and state is a 'misnomer'
He would have been good for the Spanish Inquistion.
There's more than one church, Mike. He must mean the "Church of No Return." Your church has fewer members every day, DoDo. Someone please tell him views regarding "God" vary considerably.

'Reagan is rolling over in his grave': GOP speechwriter bemoans current state of Republican Party
"Trump hijacked the GOP and I’m almost certain that Reagan is rolling over in his grave at the very thought," said Elmets, who spoke at the 2016 Democratic National Convention.
Fatso is a criminal that should be in prison.

Johnson Defends Trump Coup Efforts: Believes ‘Deep In His Heart’ He Was Cheated
Speaker Mike Johnson is also fine with Trump’s coup attempts because the guy with 91 felony charges “does believe in the rule of law.”
"Smirky." Another inmate running the asylum.
These people live in a separate reality.

He-Man Markwayne Mullin Challenges Teamsters Boss To A Fight
Here is exhibit A on how men are too emotional to govern.
Just have a cane-fight and get it overwith.

Mullin: The Senate Used To Be Able To Cane People
Let's all return to the dark ages. Caning and dueling. That will solve all our problems. Morons.

U.S. political violence driven by new breed of ‘grab-bag’ extremists
A new breed of extremist has sparked the deadliest wave of U.S. political violence in decades. These self-made radicals, mixing right-wing conspiracy theories and marginal beliefs, forgo logic and coherence in favor of personal grievances.

MTG Gets Scorched After Attacking Dem Rep’s Age
Marge left what brain she has left somewhere in the closet with this ignorant shit.

Republicans in Congress are throwing an institutional tantrum
It's hard to see how this ends well — for any of us
This is what happens when you put a bunch of ancient flatheads in a room together.

On one Ohio campus, young voters split on 2024 election
Don't expect young people to save the Republic. They don't even know gas prices have dropped signficantly as has inflation in November 2023.
They don't know what fascism is and that Trump is leading that movement.
Kids, let's keep our democracy alive for another 4 years when a younger person WILL be running and we are sill allowed to vote!

Why Did NBC Go Along with GOP Lies About Social Security?
"Why did NBC’s Kristen Welker use an incomplete frame for her question about Social Security at last week’s GOP debate, and why didn’t Lester Holt or anybody else correct her?"
Wild guess: Trump offered her a job in his make-believe administration?

Rep. Tiffany Is Delusional With MAGA Swamp Fever
Sure. He never got the vaccine!

Bannon Ready To Toss Mike Johnson Overboard: 'Next Man Up, Right?'
Shithook Steve fucks around again. Why isn't this crook busting rock somewhere?

Chip Roy Cut The Perfect Ad For House Democrats
"One thing," he shouted. "I want my Republican colleagues to give me one thing, one, that I can go campaign on and say we did."
They hosed McCarthy! Otherwise totally useless Nazis.

Texas Board of Education Urged to Reject Climate-Accurate Textbooks
The morons are running the asylum.

'She lacks the maturity': GOP lawmaker gives brutal assessment of Marjorie Taylor Greene
"Greene has long been a controversial figure who has endorsed conspiracy theories ranging from the United States government orchestrating mass shootings to the Rothschild family funding space lasers to start wildfires in California."

Red N*****s, Sand N*****s and Palestinians: An Analogy
"If the comparison between the treatment of Native Americans and Palestinians seems exaggerated, inexact, or false, then feel free to ignore it. But there are more than a few similarities, and those similarities are worth mentioning now while the babies are dying, the blood flowing, and the killing still being done. Better to raise our voices about that now than later when the dead have been buried and this moment in time is relegated to the "dust bin of history." We know what happens when that happens, don't we?"

WATCH: Full Context Of Trump ‘Vermin’ Remarks That Are Being Compared To Hitler
As Collins noted, “Hitler’s biographer once quoted the Nazi dictator as saying, ‘Should I not also have the right to eliminate millions of an inferior race that multiplies like vermin?’”

Trump threatens to handle the "vermin": MAGA has got a hold of the Nazi playbook
It's clear that Trump and his henchmen are planning a Nazi-style administration and they aren't trying to hide it.
Fatso's supporters are the same people that supported Hitler. They'll meet with the same fate.

More women join lawsuit challenging Texas’ abortion laws
Twenty women are challenging the state’s abortion laws, saying they were unable to get the health care they needed for their medically complex pregnancies.
Where are the rest of us? We should all be challenging the fascism.

Criminalization of First Amendment-Protected Pro-Palestinian Speech Is Spreading
As Israel ramps up its genocide of Palestinians, the critical voices that most need to be heard are being silenced.
Freedom. It is being usurped everywhere in the U.S. now by the fascists.

After Election Day Defeats, Ohio GOP Begin Hearings Targeting Trans People
The legislature is considering bills that would ban drag performances, gender-affirming care and bathroom access.
Wake up and smell the Fascism.

'Entire existence will be crushed': Trump spokesperson threatens critics
MAGAt Nazi can go back to hell where he came from.
Steven Cheung is your huckleberry.
"Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung, who also worked on the 2016 campaign and in the Trump White House, told The Post, 'those who try to make that ridiculous assertion are clearly snowflakes grasping for anything because they are suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome and their entire existence will be crushed when President Trump returns to the White House.'
To Steve: "The wheel's still in spin, There's no tellin' who that it's namin'" — Bob Dylan, The Times They Are A-changing.
That crush can fall right on you, big boy.

Jen Psaki Shines Light On Trump's Plan To 'Unravel The Rule Of Law'
MSNBC host Jen Psaki warned Democrats that "hand wringing" about President Joe Biden's weaknesses was missing the more significant problem that Donald Trump would "unravel the rule of law" in his next presidency.

Trump Throws Massive Pity Party: 'I Am The Victim'
This is so embarrassing.

Far-Right Archbishop Rages At “Tyrannical, Cowardly” Pope Francis After Removal Of QAnon Cultist TX Bishop
Cult leader admits to all he's a fraud when he calls Francis "cowardly."

Fox News Host Suggests Trump To Blame For Election Losses
Of course. Everyone but brainless Nazis hate the Nazi.

‘Shocking!’ ABC’s Jon Karl Reveals Stunning Trump Tapes On Belief He’d Be ‘Reinstated’ After Losing To Biden
More evidence of Trump's madness.
Please eliminate this sick person from our 2024 election ballots.

Trump Plans To Round Up Immigrants, Put Them In Concentration Camps
And you thought I was joking about this.

Ohio GOP Plots To Sabotage Popular Abortion Rights Amendment
Our country is now on the verge of a bloody Civil War due to this MAGAt fascism.

How Our Media Fail Us Every Fucking Day
“Because the Republicans refuse to simply pass a bill to raise the debt limit to pay for money that was already legislated and spent…” That is the necessary information. Not the hoops and rings that Johnson has to jump through to appease the various nutters in his own party. Simply state that this is a problem THEY FUCKING MADE and now they are trying to fix the problem THAT THEY FUCKING MADE AND ARE MAKING. All of this could end tomorrow if they just passed a clean debt limit increase that they used to do for my entire fucking life until recently.

Hobby Lobby Dumps Hanukkah Items From Shelves
Christians really want to pretend like Jews don't exist in America anymore.
Fuck Hobby Lobby back to hell where they came from. They have always been Nazis.

GOP: We Lost On Tuesday Because Of Money, Not Abortion
Scott Walker is still dumb and a liar.
Close the lid on this POS.

MI GOP Sues To Overturn Abortion Ballot Measure
No votes count in a Nazi run state.
Do they really want to settle this via fascist dictators? That's a sure way to start a shooting war.
"Republicans: We don't care what the voters want, they must do as we say when we say it...Fucking fascist pigs...stick em all" — Thewolflam (comments).

Trump Echoes Hitler In Veteran’s Day Rant: “Vermin”
The racist pig is coming clean. A Nazi, through and through.

Trump: Orban Wants “President Obama” To Resign
One of Trump's Nazi buddies. Alzheimer's has destroyed his brain for good.
His supporters are just as retarded.

Trump's mental stability increasingly an issue in 2024 presidential campaign: report
Please eliminate this sick person from our 2024 election ballots.

Louisiana lawmakers have until Jan. 15 to enact new congressional map, court says
Land of the Happy Negro has 60 days to get their racist shit together.

Cracks on the road to Christian Dominion: Is the shadowy "City Elders" group collapsing?
Oklahoma-based "City Elders" group talks big about political takeover. How much of that is smoke and mirrors?
Talibastards: Do us all a favor and vanish from the face of the earth.

Trump 'has nowhere to turn' as D.C. trial defense headed for failure: ex-prosecutor
"Donald Trump has nowhere to turn on this one," he pronounced.

Questions raised about the origins of Stefanik's Trump trial letter
Law and order do not apply to Fatso's crime syndicate.

NYT: Trump Is Planning To Summarily Deport Millions
And if that doesn't work there is always the gas chambers.

RNC To Candidates: Don’t Attend Hate Group’s Debate
Fearing the Christo-Fascists will grasp the reins to the Party. Too late.

Hawaii Hotel Buys Out Trump, Will Scrap His Name
No Nazi hotels, please. Fatso needs lawyer money.

Fox Hosts Complain Biden ‘Too Afraid To Kill Iranians’
There’s just never enough death and dying for Fox News chickenhawks.
They have to stop hiring alley trash as mouthpieces for their propaganda.

'Completely unacceptable': Johnson gavels House out for 3-day weekend to attend far-right event in Paris
"Smirky" does't care because he works for God and not America.

'Broken doll' Ivanka buried for covering for Donald Trump's crimes
"In a brutal column for the New York Times, the author of “The Trump Women: Part of the Deal,” buried Ivanka Trump for willingly covering for the crimes of her father and looking the other way in her drive for power and popularity."

Trump is doubling down on his threat to take 'revenge' on 'critics and opponents': analysis
His mental disability is getting worse with each passing day.

Senate To Vote Tuesday On End Run Around Tuberville Block
An attempt to get the threat to our military out of our government.

Can We Stop Pretending Trump 'Will' Weaponize The FBI And DOJ?
"During an interview on Univision, journalist Enrique Acevedo asked Trump if he would weaponize the FBI and the DoJ on his opponents in the same way he claims federal law enforcement agencies have been weaponized against him -- proving his own cognitive impairment, because he's already done countless times. Why does the media never call him out on it? THIS IS NOT NEWS."
Either the media is supporting fascism or they are headline whores — or both.

Jimmy Kimmel finds perfect way to troll Ted Cruz over new book
‘I just want to say out loud right now: the book is boring,’ one of the children said of Ted Cruz’s new book Unwoke

MTG Is Telling GOP Reps That Beetleboob Is A “Whore”
Oh, dear. The "ladies" are at it again.

Trump Loses Bid To Delay Stolen Docs Trial (For Now)
How about forever?

Speaker Johnson Attends Far-Right Conference In Paris
"Funny how the House GOP just happened to adjourn for the weekend yesterday, huh?
A regular who’s who of crackpots and extremists. Per a press release, focuses of the conference will include 'free speech, globalism, election strategy, illegal immigration and combating 'wokism'.”

Mike Johnson displays symbol of spiritual warfare outside his Capitol office: report
Anyone pushing this hogwash is a danger to America and its democracy.

Inside Mike Johnson’s Ties to a Far-Right Movement to Gut the Constitution
Christo-Fascism is a real threat to us. It must be resisted at every level.

‘Fascism’: Critics warn after Trump says he could order DOJ indictments against opponents
"Focused on Trump's promise to order DOJ indictments, former Tea Party Republican Congressman Joe Walsh, now a strong Trump critic who hosts "White Flag with Joe Walsh," called it "fascism."
"This is what a fascist dictator does. This is fascism. In his own words, he’s telling you how fascist he will be," Walsh warned.
Max Boot, the Washington Post columnist, writes, "Don’t say you weren’t warned. Like many aspiring dictators, Trump makes no secret of his authoritarian agenda. But many people either don’t believe him or don’t care."

“I’m So Tired of These Psychos”: Moms for Liberty Is Now a Toxic Brand
"It's remarkable how swiftly Moms for Liberty became such an albatross organization."

Biden expands veterans' health care coverage
"Starting this month, all living World War II veterans can access health care services from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) at no cost, including nursing home care, the White House said in a press release."

Mike Huckabee So Mad Devil Grannies Always Tricking Women Into Having Abortions
"Let’s dive right in, we all know who Mike Huckabee is and why we’re talking about abortion a whole lot this week. (It is because Americans love abortion so much and vote every chance they get to protect it, and vote against the garbage Republican fascists who are destroying their bodily autonomy and reproductive rights.)"
There is no reason to give a rat's ass about what this dildo thinks. He can take care of his own buisiness and women will take care of theirs. Full stop here.

Your Stupid Republican Congressman Clip Of The Day
Berman expressed confusion given that (screams in reality-based community) Hunter Biden isn't an elected official.
"Yeah but Joe Biden argle bargle!" said the not-too-bright Republican.
We've got to take back the House and hold the Senate and White House next year, folks. Dummies don't get to run the country.

"It’s not a contest of which extraneous white conservative loser coward MAGA man is having the funniest conniption over America handing the so-called 'pro-life' movement its ass Tuesday night and forcing it to eat it."
Fact is, Charlie is less than nothing. A very lost incel.

Keep Telling People What To Think About Abortion, Greg Gutfeld. You Guys Are NAILING IT
"If this week has taught us anything, it is that Americans are extremely eager to hear some more white guys they’ve never met telling them how to think about abortion. So our next entrant in the 'MAGA idiot dudes having temper tantrums over the world leaving them behind forever' sweepstakes for the week is Greg Gutfeld, from yesterday on Fox News’s 'The Five.'"
"Obviously Greg Gutfeld is just pigfucking ignorant. And we don’t need to lean into those tragic situations to rebut his babbling. Let’s debunk his entire mouth with one fact: 60 percent of people who have abortions already have children, you stupid motherfucker."

Poll Finds 70 Percent of Americans Back Legal Recreational Marijuana Use
And medical marijuana is a must for anyone that has no idea how it works.

The Last 12 Months Were Hottest the World Has Experienced in Last 125,000 Years
The fire next time.

Forced-Birther Republicans in Ohio, Michigan Refuse To Accept Voters’ Will on Abortion
The Nazis illustrate the absurdity of human beings ever being able to abide with each other. No law can ever be held as all law is subject to situational ethics and humanity collapses there. Nothing may be litigated.

Why Is America So Vulnerable to Charlatans Like Trump?
Donald Trump is a confidence man, a charlatan, an unrepentant liar whose deceits have cost at least a half-million Americans their lives. Why do so many American support him?

Jan. 6 rioter used Confederate flagpole to smash his way into Capitol: court docs
Land of the Happy Negro flag pole was used. From what area of the treasonous Land did he get it? Texas? Oh, my!

Republican spending bill implodes over 'embarrassing' birth control spat
This idiot's memory is so damaged that he can't recall a damn thing. Time to replace him with someone that has a working memory.

Huckabee: Women Have To Be “Talked Into” Abortions
No one gives a shit about what you and your stupid views are.
You're already as offensive as any human on the planet.

Trump: My Dead Parents Are “So Proud” Of My Crimes
You're welcome, Mr. Deluded. Won't you please go to prison for us too?
Thanks in advance.

Ramaswamy: Build Wall On Canada’s 5500-Mile Border
And we think Trump is insane, addled and separated from reality?

OOPS: James Comer Also Paid His Brother $200,000
James Comer desperately needs to get a life.

One Million Moms: Boycott The Queer Macy’s Parade
What traumatized these women so badly that they have rejected hapiness and replaced it with hatred in their lives?
Boycott One Million Moms until they figure it out.

Nikki Haley Rips Vivek Ramaswamy: 'You're Just Scum'
She certainly got that right!

Whose life expectancy is dropping — and what this has to do with the rise of Trumpism
"Today I want to examine a root that hasn’t gotten nearly the attention it deserves: the remarkable reversal in life expectancy among those without college degrees, many of whom comprise Trump’s base.
Research by economists Anne Case and Angus Deaton shows that life expectancy did not reverse course for the 30 percent of Americans with four-year college degrees.
It reversed for people without college degrees.

Young Americans are losing faith in democracy — educators must act now
"Part of the blame for youthful disillusionment rests with educators at all levels, who have for too long failed to be advocates for democracy. Afraid of being caught up in culture wars or seen as politically incorrect apologists for racism, sexism, homophobia and the like, they have given up on civic education. Only seven states now require a full year of civics in the K-12 curriculum."

'Positively Stalinist': Legal expert warns 'if Trump wins we lose the republic'
Joyce Vance warns: “If Trump wins in 2024, we lose the Republic. That’s not drama, and that’s not overstatement. That’s what Trump is promising.”
“It’s the stuff of banana republics,” Vance writes. “It’s a menu for the end of democracy.”
“Donald Trump plainly wants to end democracy. That’s not being alarmist,” Vance says, “it’s just the truth.”
The Republic will Strike Back.

GOP blasted for 'fiscal commission' that would fast-track Social Security cuts
They have no interest in keeping our Senior Citizens solvent as they roll in cash.

'Literally your job': Tuberville mocked for saying he read up on 'the big game' instead of election results
The nitwit pays no attention to anything that doesn't go with his line of stupid.

Ramaswamy Attacks Debate Moderators As Liberals: “This Should Be Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, Elon Musk”
And the swami should be wise rather than a blitering idiot.

Texas AG’s Crony Charged With Four New Felonies
The lies of Texas are upon you.

Trump lawyer Alina Habba objects to her own documents in courtroom stumble
Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) got wrecked in a one-on-one debate on the House floor with Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD). It didn't end well for her.
Dum-Dum-Dum-Dum.The story you have read is true. The names have not been changed to protect the guilty.

OK Baptist Pastor Arrested On Child Porn Charges
Another one bites the dust. Still no LGBTs or drag queens to nail for this stuff?

Notorious Anti-Abortion Activist Sues DOJ For $4.35M, Claims Arrest At Clinic Protest Caused Wife’s Infertility
As we all know, benig arrested is the common cause of fertility.

Ivanka Pleads Amnesia 30 Times In NY Fraud Trial
All of Fatso's kids have short memory problems. Probably runs in the family.

Dems Win Big, Cable TV Struggles To Cover Its Collective Ass
I'm sorry, cable bobbleheads. You should have had an alternative narrative prepared.

'Cut ties completely': Marjorie Taylor Greene’s exhausted GOP colleagues say she’s 'embarrassing herself'
She has no idea of what you're talking about.

MTG Blames “Weak Republicans” For Election Blowout
“People are losing hope and can’t see a way out and think it’s all going to get worse," she said.
As long as fascists like her have their hands in our government things will get worse.

'Absolute disgusting': Trump-loving Christian broadcaster melts down on Ohio abortion vote
"It's not JUST the left. JUST HORRIBLE." That's because you Cristo-Fascists hate America. Can't you figure this out yet?

Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: Voters reject Republican extremism across the board
" From school boards to referenda, turnout was strong, and it was decisive."

Trump May Be On Verge Of ‘Gross Paranoid Psychosis,’ Top Psychiatrist Says
It’s not your imagination: Donald Trump really is cracking up before our eyes.
Typical behavior of an Alzheimer's patient. I have witnessed this before.

Marijuana Legalized In Ohio; GOP Already Plotting Against It
They just do not know how to read a room.
Or anything else for that matter.

Ohioans Now Free To Get High Before Their Legal, Safe Abortion Care
Issue 1 passes! Go suck it, Gov. DeWine!
But, for God's sake, LET HIM FINISH! LMAO!

Joe Biden Refuses To Resign After Democrats’ Humiliating Night Of Wins
Probably too old to know there was an election.
"TRANSLATION: We, the Beltway Political Pundits Of America, hate Joe Biden and think he is old, and we are not able to examine American politics any deeper than asking the World Almanack Of Facts which guy is the oldest, but honestly for real, for real? We miss covering Donald Trump, because he honked horns and made balloon animals, and sometimes he hurt us but that’s OK we like pain. Why do Democrats just keep winning elections? We would investigate what we’re missing here — maybe ask questions like “Are there voters for whom there are more important issues besides whether Nate Silver thinks Joe Biden is old?” — but we don’t wanna!"

'Political heroin': Morning Joe rips GOP primary voters for getting hooked on Trump
A bad drug to get hooked on. It rots the brain.

Voters aren't fooled by Republican lies on abortion — and Democrats are benefiting at the ballot box
In Ohio, Kentucky, and Virginia, polls showed Americans will turn out to protect reproductive rights
Up yours. Alito!

Democrats Flip Virginia House And Hold State Senate
Thus be it ever...

McEnany Wails About Anti-Abortion “Losing Streak”
Drat. That poor little girl. When WILL she realize she's on the wrong side of history? You're in charge of your own body in America.

Frothy Mix: Democracy Is “No Way To Run A Country”
A Nazi that is proud to be a Nazi. Fuck him.

GOP Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves Wins Reelection
Meanwhile, in the deep, dark, nutball, inbred Land of the Happy Negro...
Ran out of ballots? So poor they could only print so many, eh? So, convenient for white supremecy.

Far-right 'Moms for Liberty' school board candidates lose races in 5 states
Thanks, America. These busybodies need to get a life now.

Moms For Liberty Gets Clobbered In Pennsylvania
Good News! But these Nazis won't go away. We must never stop fighting them.

Moms For Liberty Lose 12 Iowa School Board Races
"The highly contested Linn-Mar school board race had eight candidates vying for four open spots. All the candidates supported by Moms for Liberty failed to get in the top four."
The Nazis lose big. America dodges them this time. They must forver be eradicated.

Election 2023 shows that defenders of democracy 'shouldn't despair': ex-federal prosecutor
No, but keep fighting MAGAt fascism.

'Time to be very very afraid': Columnist warns Trump plans to carry out acts of vengeance in 2nd term
Sorry about the old man with advanced Alzheimer's and his rage. He could vanish at any time at this stage.
Rage is common. I saw it in my sister when she went out on us.

'Gotta cut something': Republican tries to gut $505 million from housing for people with AIDS
Cut your throat and stop trying to repress education in America.

'Utter Failure': Trump Lawyers' Hope For Appeal Disappears
Joyce Vance notes that Trump's "strategy" to goad the judge so the case could be appealed? Was a fail.
The poor fascist sucker. He's all through. He looks whipped and confused. Decrepit.

House GOP Votes To Cut Pete Buttigieg’s Salary To $1
Talk about a bunch of motherfuckers. They fear anyone with intellect.

Trump Lawyer: I’m Filing A Mistrial Motion On Thursday
I agree. It is all coming from you Nazi nutsuckers.
Maybe if you work it right you can get his dick up.
The judge confirmed this type of trial is by judge - not jury in NY. Have a drink, Melania Jr.

Charlie Kirk: “Jewish Dollars Fund Marxist Ideas”
Who funds your little shit show?

AZ Republicans appear on QAnon conspiracy theorists' TV show
It's "Dancing with Conspiracy Theorists," the new extravaganza by and for lost incels.

Mike Johnson's evangelical 'persecution complex' is eating his movement alive: analyst
As if this is shocking. Routine stuff. Think of it—always.

Ramaswamy To Intro Pledge To Abandon US Allies
Here's one that's not playing with a full deck. He's got some broken circuits for sure.
Abandon him.

Steve Martin Mocks FL County For Banning His Book
Tell the morons, Steve. None of them can read anyway.

Why Isn’t Daylight Saving Time Permanent? Experts Weigh In.
Too many people hate this out-of-time and place ceremony. It must be stopped and DST made standard.

Texas Republican Charged With Child Pornography Possession Hours Before Election
"Brad Benson, who's running for city council in Granbury, was arrested on two felony charges on Monday."
Does he happen to be a youth pastor?

Operator Of Christian Youth Facility Sued For Child Sex Abuse, Huckabee Arranged His 2019 Pardon By Trump
Aha! Looks like we do have one here. Bite it!

Youngkin Keeps Saying The Quiet Part Out Loud About Abortion
"It finally hit Republicans that ripping women's bodily autonomy away from them isn't wildly popular. Imagine that. After electoral losses, they even tried to come up with a word or phrase to use to substitute for pro-life."
They are too far gone into the shit now.

Rachel Maddow: Trump’s unhinged courtroom 'rambling' was designed to undermine 'the whole legal system'
And create an attack on the U.S. very similar to the way Hitler worked.

'Ho hum that’s just America': Top Dem furious over report of man with AR-15 near US Capitol
After Maine the failed gun policy that is sposored by MAGAt Nazis will be met with whatever it takes to fix it and them.

'It’s a serious crime': Moms for Liberty school board hopeful urges police to probe and arrest librarian
Why did these busybody women never grow up? Don't they think it's time? It clearly states "Grade level? : ? 10 - 12 \"
Storm and Fury. Get your copy now.

Donald Trump Bakes a Dictatorship Cake
"Again, we’ve been warned. Trump doesn’t just want to be president. He wants to be prosecutor, judge, jury and jailer, too. Why doesn’t he just come clean and announce his campaign for dictator?"

Special counsel Jack Smith blasts Trump's claim of 'vindictive prosecution'
Apparently, facts and law don't apply to this ape.

'Utter failure' of Trump defense strategy leaves his company 'at an end': MSNBC analyst
She then elaborated, "If you are Trump's lawyers, sitting at the counsel table, you are watching your only hope of surviving this case — which is the appeal — you're watching it fade away."

Trump's 'lizard brain' on full display as his 'empire of fraud' crumbles: conservative
"The former president of the United States strutted his hour (actually several hours) on the witness stand. In this case, Donald Trump’s rage testimony actually signified quite a lot," wrote Sykes. "Here was the former president under oath in a trial that threatens to unravel his empire of fraud. And it went about as you might expect: the belligerent vitriol, bravado, grievance, and insults; the filibustering, logic-rapes, tangents, boorishness, bulls---, and, of course, the lies. Trump seethed and exploded."

Texas GOP city council candidate arrested for child porn just hours before election
Another one bites the dust.

'Sociopath' Trump grows dangerous as his entire life is exposed as a lie: psychiatrist
"Trump alternates between being a malignant, malicious narcissist and a sociopath," Goulston said. "From his narcissist side, he is all about control and power and the two things that trigger his rage and reckless abandon are when he is feeling out of control and powerless. When that happens, he is like a mortally wounded animal, which can be the most vicious and dangerous animal of all."

Trump Lawyer Attacks NY AG: “Just Not That Bright”
Like a circus, eh? Then what is the Melania look-alike? A clown, of course. Now who's not bright?

Kayleigh McEnany Hates Courtroom Sketch Of Trump, But Gutfeld And Watters Say They Got His Penis Right
"We hit the lowlights of the day at halftime, at which point Trump had spent most of his day embarrassing himself and getting in trouble with the judge. Afterward, his lawyer Alina Habba, the one who looks like the Melania double, came out and stomped her feet because the judge! yelled at her! just because she! was being! an asshole too! She! Won’t! Tolerate! It!"
"Oh boy, they were having some feelings over on Fox News’s “The Five” afterward, though. Kayleigh McEnany was upset that the courtroom sketch made Trump look ugly and said it was a “travesty,” just like the trial is a travesty. (The artist nailed it.) Jesse Watters and Greg Gutfeld said they got his hands right if you know what they mean, we think you know what they mean, but if you don’t know what they mean they mean his penis."

Mike Johnson and His Son Monitoring Each Other’s Porn Intake Is Worse Than You Think
"Aside from the weirdness of having your son watch your porn intake—and vice versa—the implications of having one of the most prominent leaders in government under the watchful eye of an intrusive software have not been lost on some, who believe the app could pose a national security risk."

Lawrence O’Donnell Reveals The 1 Word From Trump That ‘Destroyed’ His Defense
“Because Donald Trump is one of the very stupidest people to be charged with business fraud, and because his demonstrably ineffectual lawyers obviously do not have the skills to prepare their client for even the simplest and most obvious questions, Donald Trump incriminated himself and his children with the only one-word answer that he gave all day,” O’Donnell said on Monday night.
The word came in response to a question about who in the Trump Organization was responsible for preventing and detecting fraud."
“Everybody,” Trump said.

POLL: 76% Of Israelis Call On Netanyahu To Resign
So should the rest of the world.

NC Baptist Pastor Arrested On Child Porn Charges
Another one bites the dust. The same people that support Trump support "pastors" such as this.
I would'nt be very happy if I were NC State.

Trump Lawyer: “I Won’t Tolerate A Judge Yelling At Me”
"Why exactly am I being paid as an attorney?"
Dear stupid rookie: Your client is one of biggest fucking liars known to mankind. That you don't realize that illustrates how lame you are at your job. He isn't going to pay you because he doesn't pay anyone! You'll get his shitty wine and steaks along with some stupid cards with his fake images on them.

Trump's 'disaster' testimony verges on confession: legal experts
Should Trump continue to spew "word salad" on the stand, Engoron said he'd “draw every negative inference,” Lisa Rubin reported from the court.
"Disaster Testimony." Leave it to Fatso.

Trump admits in court he wasn't president in 2021 when he was 'keeping our country safe'
No. He was working the courts to overthrow the election.

Laughter in courtroom after Trump says 'I've got more money than you thought': report
He should know that a fool and his money are soon parted.

'The fraud is her!' Trump explodes at NY AG Letitia James in 'unbelievable' court tantrum
Listen, you stupid shit. Everyone knows everything about you. You can't hide a damn thing since you are such a whiny nincompoop.

Trump lawyer Alina Habba busted over her 'no jury' meltdown by legal experts
Dear stupid, go back to law school. She's a creep as is her client.

Democracy and Reproductive Rights Are on the Ballot in Pennsylvania
Well, duh. This is the mission of Nazis!

Moms for Liberty Members Call the Cops on Librarians Over YA Bestseller
These Nazis can stick this all up their ignorant butts.

Johnny Cash's Taylor Swift Cover Predicts the Boring Future of AI Music
With covers of “Blank Space” and Aqua's “Barbie Girl” going viral, Johnny Cash is suddenly the voice of AI. The choice is telling.
This is no "brave new world." It's a
As the late Johnny Otis once said, "America has a taste for shit." Truer words were never spoken.

Trump's New York Testimony Going About How You'd Expect
The fascist fool on display for the world to see.

GOP Governors Desperately Try To Claim Dems Are The Real Abortion Radicals Ahead Of Tomorrow's Elections
"Every time I look and expect to see something new, but each time it’s really just that they are claiming that, actually, they are very reasonable and Democrats are the real abortion radicals.
If you want the truth, I’m not actually super clear how this is “new,” especially given that it has involved the spread of ridiculous old canards like accusing Democrats of supporting insane things like “abortion up until the moment of birth.” These GQP Governor creatures are swine.

Zelenskyy Can Demonstrate What A Moron Trump Is In 24 Minutes Or Less
ZELENSKYY: Former President Trump said that [in] about 24 hours, that he can manage it and finish the war. For me, what can I say? So he’s very welcome as well. President Biden was here, and he — I think he understood some details which you can understand only being here. So I invite President Trump, if he can come here, I will need 24 minutes — yes, 24 minutes. Not more. Yes. Not more — 24 minutes to explain [to] President Trump that he can’t manage this war. He can’t bring peace because of Putin.
The only thing Trump can do is fraud and failure.

Yet another attempt at cleaning voter rolls goes badly wrong
America is full of fascist traitors.

'He wants revenge': WaPo reporter reveals dark threat of another Trump presidency
The same as Hitler did.

Americans seem alarmingly open to Trump's 'revenge' campaign: ABC's Jon Karl
There's nothing "American" about them.

'I can’t elect a criminal': A Trump conviction could cripple his re-election
No one in their right mind, would. We would become the laughing stock of the world.

'How sick do you have to be?' Morning Joe warns Trump is only getting worse
"How sick do you have to be to actually go to an event and boo somebody for criticizing Donald Trump at the, quote, Freedom Summit?" he added. "How sick do you have to be to praise a man who supports rioters who beat the hell out of cops and led to the death of four police officers, if you ask their families, led to the death of four police officers. Yet they say they support freedom? It's the opposite. They support a tyrant, a guy who promised he wants to suspend the Constitution, and a guy who has said, 'I'm going to start arresting people after I'm elected president of the United States.'"

'White Christian nationalists' have a 'troubling' appetite for violence — and we're in for 'a rough ride': expert
Don't be so certain they won't be.

100+ Fake News Studies Canceled Due To X Changes
"X," the lying machiine.

Johnson And Son Used Same Porn Filter As Josh Duggar
Paranoia strikes deep.

Shame On 60 Minutes For Platforming J6 Insurrectionist John Eastman
While they did a good job of discussing the fact that the man is a danger to democracy, they didn't need to give this nut job airtime to make their point.
They now have aided and abetted far too many traitors on their show.

'Wildly out of step': Fox News host hits Mike Johnson on birth control crusade
"Smirky" is full of shit as are all Christo-Fascists.

'MAGA' Mike Johnson busted by Christian columnist for using the Bible to shield his lies
Touching on "Mike Johnson’s refusal to answer a question about the effort to overturn the 2020 election," French wrote, "There is a reason that effort is called the Big Lie. It was one of the most comprehensively and transparently dishonest political movements in American history. And Mike Johnson was in the middle of it."

Trump Flunks Simple Geography Again: Hungary/Russia Edition
Remedial classes might help the boob.

Speaker Mike Johnson: 'I Refuse To Put People Over Politics'
Johnson's first fundraising e-mail garnered jeers.
And talks about gay sex more than any gay person.

Trump’s 2024 Plan: Prosecute Critics, Unleash Troops
Seig Heil, you Nazi bastard!

GOP Rep: People In Gaza Are “Pretending To Be Killed”
And he's pretending he cares because he's not getting killed.

Christie Rages At Florida Republicans For Booing Him: Your Anger Against The Truth Is Reprehensible
As vampires can't stand the sunlight, the Nazis can't stand the truth.

Rallygoers try to drown out ex-GOP lawmaker as he tells them Trump will be found guilty
Another example of the Nazis reaction to truth.

Trump’s violent rhetoric echoes the fascist commitment to a destructive and bloody rebirth of society: expert
The question is: Is this America? Is fascism what we want? Do we want to shit can our Constitution? We had better stand up for it.

Inexperienced legal 'expert' closes out Colorado trial for team Trump
And all that will happen is our fascist SCOTUS will say "we don't like the 14th Amendment!"

Residing In A Red State Is Hazardous To Your Health
Red states are a great place to die young. Literally.
"Evolution's Not Fast Enough For Me."

RFK Vows To End Research Into Infectious Diseases
Thus becoming an infectious disease himself. Erase him. Obliterate him. End him. He breeds death.

Alabama Pastor/Mayor Dies By Suicide After Right Wing Sites Dox Him With Photos Showing Him In Drag
Copeland was a pastor at First Baptist Church of Phenic City.
Being in drag is not a crime, you animals.
"Murdered by the Christian Death Cult Belief System." --TexasBoy (comments)

Voldemort Claims NASCAR Is Racist Against White Men

More Alarm Raised Over GOP Christian Nationalism
The New Crusades. Fuck these bastards.

Right-wing fake history is making a big comeback — but it never went away
We're a Christian nation! The Civil War wasn't about slavery! Fighting Hitler was a mistake! The lies run deep

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Decides To Keep Obviously Innocent Man In Prison At Least Six More Years On Top Of 30 He's Already Served
"Sarah Huckabee Sanders explains why she isn’t using her $19,000 lectern. There is new information in the unbelievably tragic case of Charlie Vaughn, an Arkansas man who has spent the last three decades in prison for a crime that another man confessed to committing all by himself. Journalist Radley Balko, who has been covering Vaughn’s case for some time now, shared this week that Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders has refused to grant clemency."

“Execute Mike Pence” Rioter: It’s My “Great Honor” To Go To Prison Today For 19 Months For Glorious Leader
Rot there, you traitor.

Ted Cruz Agrees: God Had Texas Team Win The World Series Because They Alone Refused To Hold Pride Night
What a horrible, pandering, bigot this creature is.

Right-Wing Billionaire Wins the World Series!
"So it was a win for the Rangers last night, and congrats to all the players. However, no matter which way this series may have gone, it would have been one right-wing billionaire or another holding the trophy in the end."

What Do You Know About Israel’s Role in the Origin Funding of Hamas?
"While there has been much discussion since the October 7 attack on Israel by Hamas about its attack funding sources, little has been written about its genesis and where it got its start-up money."

Putin, Trump, Netanyahu, Johnson: The Neo-Fascist Spectrum
"At a time when America is involved in two wars — both of which are at this moment killing thousands of innocent people, and either of which could spiral out of control and cost many American lives — the leaders of the Republican Party are holding the nation hostage to their own reactionary agenda."

Marjorie Taylor Greene Hilariously Self-Owns With Simple Dictionary Definition
The far-right Republican summed herself up perfectly with her post, said Twitter users.
I know you are but what am I, you goofus?

FL Pastor Accused Of Beating Third Graders With Belt
"A parent told News 6 that his son was one of eight students struck by the pastor at St. Mark Preparatory School. According to the parent, a teacher at the school pointed students out to the pastor, who then whipped them."
Christo-Fascism at work in America.

Texas activist who wants to end the separation of church and state has Mike Johnson's ear
Christo-Fascist can jump off a cliff. He can have as much hogwash as he wants in his life. Just leave the rest of us out of it.

A 'prophetic' Alexander Hamilton note described Trump almost to a T
"Ultimately, Sykes concluded, founders like Hamilton would have no difficulty seeing Trump as the embodiment of the threat to liberty they feared. And "if the Founders are, in fact, watching all of this, I imagine that George Mason would like to have a word with James Madison" — as Mason was the one to warn that the president having pardon powers could give them a blank check to commit crimes and cover it up, as some experts fear Trump appears intent on doing."

Amy Kremer When Pressed On Who 'Stole The Election': 'We Don't Know'
Activist Amy Kremer testified in a Colorado court Thursday that supporters believe that the 2020 presidential election was "stolen" — though she had no idea who did it.
I do. She was one of those that aided and abetted the coup on January 6.

Trouble In Paradise: Trump Dumps The Federalist Society
Apparently, he wants the Department of Justice to be even more fascistic.
FASCISM is Trump.
"Fascism. The word the Times is looking for but cannot find is "fascism." This is not a loaded word but a plainly descriptive one. It refers to a movement of supposed national "rebirth" that believes a nation's existing laws are too hindering and a nation's internal enemies too entrenched and devious to dislodge except by national purge, legal or not."

Court Tosses EPA Ban On “Brain Damage” Pesticide
Fuck our children, we need to make money first!

Dem Rep Informs MTG That Robert E. Lee Was Not A Founding Father In Exchange On MTG’s Monuments Bill
The stupid is strong in this one. But what can you expect from one who grew up in a treasonous and racist state of dear ol' Dixie, the home of traitors.

GOP Rep: It Was 29 Degrees When I Took My Kids Trick Or Treating, Therefore Climate Change Is Fake News
“You know, we may have had a hot summer, but I just went trick or treating with my kids, and it was like, you know, the low that evening was 29 degrees, so temperatures change, alright?" — Randy Ogles.
In fact, the hottest summer in the history of our planet, Einstein.

Nancy Mace learns the lesson of Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene: MAGA is not for ladies
GOP women are supposed to be sexy but chaste, aggressive but submissive. It is a conundrum that can't be beat
Casting your bread upon the water...

GOP senator rebuked by Fox News reporter for 'insulting' comments on Marines
Tuberturd won't last much longer. He works for Putin.

Trump betting that being jailed for contempt of court will help him get re-elected: analyst
Yes, because we love crooks that screw us over constantly and get away with it. We love it when the rest of the world hates our Nazi criminal leader. As crooked as the Col du Chaussy, and the Three Level Zigzag.

'100 percent wrong': How Johnson stirs House fight over 'country’s largest anti-Hunger program'
"Smirky" should be made to live on stew bones and beans for a few years.

Did Arizona GOP Use Campaign Funds To Attend J6 Riot?
Arizona Republican Anthony Kern is accused of using campaign funds to attend the January 6 insurrection.
The MAGAt Nazi Party will do anything to end our democracy.

Angry GOPers Let Tuberville Have It On Senate Floor Last Night
Defense Department officials have repeatedly said the backlog of officials needing confirmation could endanger national security.
"Let him have it"? Are his eyes black and is he walking with a limp?
"Rep. Adam Kinzinger was on Late Nite with Stephen Colbert last night and he said something very interesting.
(Paraphrasing) He said "Neither he nor any Member of Congress (House or Senate) elected to office does NOT swear an oath to follow the fickle wishes of the 700,000 or so constituents for the House or the whole of any state's constituents for the Senate nor of those who actually voted for them or funded their campaigns. Each takes an oath to uphold and defend the US Constitution. PERIOD!
He is a foreign agent and should be arrested. The goddamn Nazi Party hates our military!

House Votes To Tie Aid To Israel To Spending Cuts
The MAGAt scumbags are holding a ransom on us for this. They should all be dragged through the streets by wild horses.

Beetleboob: Over-Regulation Cost Me My Restaurant
And they also regulated the free swashing. Damn!

Mark Levin Claims Wolf Blitzer Lied About His Family’s Holocaust History, Calls Jake Tapper “Self-Hating Jew”
We know who the “Self-Hating Jew” is.

Michael Knowles: “Prejudice Is A Very Good Thing”
If you're an asshole.

Target CEO: We Pulled Pride Month Merch Because Threats Made Our Employees Afraid To Come To Work
Intimidation is one of their tools. Taking it out on the workers shows they have no regard for their lives.

Ivanka Trump complains she can't testify at civil fraud trial during a 'school week'
What school would that be? "How to Dodge the Law"?

Trump leveled profane 30-minute 'tantrum' at his own lawyer over D.C. trial date: report
His Alzheimer's has advanced now.

Jack Smith’s team blasts Trump lawyers after they 'failed to disclose' 11th-hour motion to halt trial
Of course they did, they're all crooked. Get rid of Fatso forever!

Newsmax Covers The Serious Issues: Jill Biden's Halloween Cat Whiskers
These people make me feel all stabby.

Just 12% of voters approve of how congressional Republicans are doing their jobs
Congressional Republicans are currently 60 percentage points underwater, with just 12% of registered voters approving of the way they are handling their jobs, while 72% disapprove.

Audio Shows Mike Johnson Promoting Ex-Gay Torture
A real motherfucker. Christo-Fascist. Like the rest of the Nazis.

OH Senate Candidate Claims Ballot Issue Allows Rapists To Force Abortions By Minors Without Parental Consent
Another motherfucker. That rapist should be in jail, you fucking moron!

Mike Johnson's Christian nationalist 'snake oil' torn apart by Princeton historian
"House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) not been shy about espousing claims associated with Christian nationalism, which is the idea that the United States must be subordinated to Christian law — or more specifically, a right-wing interpretation of Christian law."
"Smirky" can get bent.

Are/Were Mike Johnson And His Teenage Son Each Other’s No-Pornin' Cops? Because That’s Weird
"There is a lot of talk right now about AI and deep fakes, so let us be clear, we WANT to believe that this clip of new Speaker Mike Johnson talking about being accountability partners with his teenage son using the anti-masturbation software Covenant Eyes is fake/doctored/scary Hallowe’en hallucination.
But we don’t think it is.
In the clip, Johnson says some technology is great, like Bible apps. But some technology is EEEEEVIL."
Sure. The fascist totalitarian technology.

Mike Johnson’s Theocratic Gay-Hating Lunatic Extremism VERY LOVING, Says Mike Johnson
"Another day, another opportunity to please the Lord by exposing new Speaker Mike Johnson to the American people as the disturbed religious extremist creeper he is. And to do that, all you have to do is just find new examples of him opening his little Christian fascist mouth.
Corn (see David Corn article "SCOOP" below) finds a strong record of Mike Johnson believing there should be an explicit religious test for politicians. He cites a 2019 seminar Johnson did with his wife Kelly — the “Christian counselor” whose practice sounds just as abusive as “Christian counseling” pretty much always is — where he said “biblical Christianity” is the only “valid worldview.” Fundamentalist fascist trolls love the phrase “biblical Christianity” because they think it makes them sound like they’ve studied the Bible harder than other, more studied theologians have, or that such ancient texts are really so easy to understand that even some idiot white hick from Bossier City, Louisiana, can interpret them."

SCOOP: Mike Johnson Urged a Religious Test for Politicians
"The elevation of Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.) to House speaker was a shocker. Not since John McCain picked Sarah Palin to be his running mate has a heretofore little-known politician been lifted so quickly to a position of prominence and importance."

A slow killer: East Texans are diagnosed with diabetes at a higher rate than the national average
"Health care workers in East Texas said easier access to health insurance — such as Medicaid — could help drive down the number of people living with uncontrolled diabetes."

Universal Basic Income: If it Works for Billionaires’ Children, Why Not the Poor?
America’s oligarchs have always known that their warnings about making people “dependent on government” and “lazy” were a scam.

Guess What, Glenn Youngkin? The GOP Makes Gun Crime Worse
"New research shows that the gun death rate is highest in states controlled by Republicans." (the Nazi Party)
Virginia’s GOP governor wants voters to give him control anyway.

GOP Rep Torches Party on His Way Out the Door: ‘We Lost Our Way
“We have an identity crisis in the Republican Party,” he told the Times. “If we can’t address the election denier issue and we continue down that path, we won’t have credibility with the American people that we are going to solve problems.”
Yes. Your former party surrendered to the Nazi Party.

Republicans claw back control of elections in key states
Republicans they are not. MAGAts they are. Fascists destroying democracy in America. They must be eliminated if America is to survive.

GOP Rep. Ken Buck Announces He’s Leaving Congress: ‘Disappointed That Republicans Continue To Rely’… on The Big Lie
The rest of them should do the same.

GOP accused of 'hypocrisy' over efforts to gut IRA while cheering money 'flowing to their electorates'
"In a report published on November 1, The Guardian's Oliver Milman describes Republicans who are vocal critics of the law yet hypocritically take full advantage of it."

Trump: Nice Business, NY Post. It'd Be A Shame If Something Happened To It
"He sounds like a mob boss."
Because that's what he is.

Does New Speaker of the House Mike Johnson Have a Bank Account?
Speaker Mike Johnson has never listed a bank account on his financial disclosure. In fact, on his newest disclosure he doesn’t list a single asset at all.
Poor guy.

Trump lawyer Alina Habba says Secret Service will stop him from going to prison
They can stand outside his cell 24/7.
This woman is full of bullshit. Fatso is worried as hell.

There’s Bad News In The New NBC/Des Moines Register Iowa Poll For Trump
"And starting in January, His Lowness is going to be distracted. His Manhattan criminal trial is scheduled for late January, and his DC federal trial is scheduled for March 4th. For as long as they last, The Cheeto Prophet will be required to be sitting at the defense table every day, and not out on the campaign trail. And while a criminal conviction in New York would hurt, a federal conviction in March could be fatal with soft Trump voters."

Check Out Biden’s Rapid Fire Account Tearing Into Trump. Long Overdue
"Make no mistake: not only is democracy v. fascism on the ballot next November, but truth v. lies is. It is that black and white."

The fraught debate over whether the 14th Amendment disqualifies Trump, explained
Could this save democracy from a dangerous threat? Or would it imperil democracy further?
All of the arguments over our Constitution are rendering it useless.
Apparantly, anyone can now disregard any of it. This makes cowards of us all.
If Al Capone were still living he could be president it appears.

Voters In At Least 10 States Are Trying To Protect Abortion Rights. GOP Officials Are Throwing Up Roadblocks.
Republican officials are undermining citizen-led ballot initiatives that seek to protect the procedure. Ohio is the latest state to get protections on the November ballot.
There is no "Republican" Party. Fatso and his MAGAt mob of Nazis have replaced them.

Josh Hawley's attempt to corner Mayorkas over DHS official's anti-Semitic posts backfires
Hawley probably thought Mayorkas was an illegal Mexican. He's that dispicable.

Trump supporter indicted for threats against Fani Willis
Fatso, you have no hope.

Top Marine Corps commander hospitalized as Sen. Tuberville continues to block second in command
American enemy strikes us again.
"Because of the ongoing hold on military promotions from Republican Sen. Tommy Tuberville, there is no confirmed assistant commandant of the Marine Corps.
Instead, Lt. Gen. Karsten Heckl, the deputy commandant for combat development and integration, is currently serving as the acting commandant of the Marine Corps as a 3-star general."

Jesse Watters Loses His Mind Over Biden Check: 'I Was Promised A Smoking Gun!
Jesse, you've shot yourself too many times as it is.
You're welcome.

Buffalo Diocese Offers $100M To Settle Abuse Claims
Cover it up as soon as the bribes are paid.

Hate Group: Mike Johnson Doesn’t Want A Theocracy, He Wants Us All To Live Under The “Biblical Worldview”
How considerate of the con man preaching his authoritarian bullshit.

Kayleigh McEnany Goes Full Dear Leader Praising ‘Kind, Joyful, Humble’ Mike Johnson and His Belief in ‘God Leading the Way’
I can only imagine the pandering worship going on here.

‘This Is Chilling’: CNN Anchor Thanks MSNBC Guest For Sounding the Alarm on ‘Terrifying’ Rise of Antisemitism In the U.S.
It goes hand-in-hand with the Nazi surge.

House Republicans aim to pay for Israel aid with cuts to IRS funds
This is called "screwing Peter to pay Paul." Dumbos.

MAGA Mike Johnson's controversial move on aid to Israel
"Johnson wants to offset the $14.3 billion Israel aid package by cutting an equal amount from the IRA’s boosted IRS enforcement. He wants to force Democrats to take a divisive vote: Choose aid for Israel or one of their major policy accomplishments. Killing the additional funding for tax enforcement agents would help super-rich people cheat on their taxes, which is just a cherry on top for Johnson. It’s also a ridiculous policy for a supposed deficit hawk since the extra money the IRS collects from people cheating on their taxes reduces the deficit."
"Some men rob you with a fountain pen..." --Woody Guthrie.

Testy N.Y. judge snaps at Trump lawyers: I’ve explained this 'ad nauseam'
Of course. No one said they were smart, just greedy.

Ex-GOPer slams fame-hungry former colleagues for allowing 'slide to authoritarianism'
If becoming a Nazi saves their jobs they'll gladly go along and fuck the country.

Lawyers are ditching top Trump allies for not paying their bills: report
Fatso is a big chiseler and we all know this to be true.

Pharmageddon: The Pharmacists Are Walking Out Again!
"Pharmacists at CVS and Walgreens stores around the country are walking out again this week for three days, as the chains have still yet to make the entirely reasonable changes they have demanded. Changes not just for themselves, but for our safety."
"As stupid as I believe it is that we do not have fully subsidized public college tuition, it is grossly irresponsible and ridiculous that we charge people at all to go into the healthcare fields that are necessary to our basic survival. Do we have a death wish of some kind? Why do we do this to ourselves? If anything, we should be paying them."
This is where Capitalism fails and loses all cred.

GOP Rep: We May Have The Votes To Expel Santos
Be sure and let us know when you do. It will be welcome news.

Texas Youth Pastor Arrested On Child Porn Charges
Another of Texas' biggest products bites the dust.

Speaker Mike Johnson Lies About Cutting 'Woke' Federal Funding
"Speaker of the House Mike Johnson told Maria Bartiromo Republicans want to "decrease the woke and weaponized federal government." He didn't mention holding Israel aid hostage to IRS funding cuts, however, or how that would benefit wealthy tax cheats."

Mike Johnson sees himself and other Christian nationalists as 'victims' of endless 'persecution': analysis
It's the same with all "Xianists." They don't get it because they are always attempting to remake our country in their own image and we will not stand for it because we don't have to. Therfore they are being "persecuted" as they have imagined ever since their creation by Saul Paul.

GOP may soon regret making Dems' 'dream candidate' Mike Johnson their leader: analysis
Soon? They don't already? They will.

'It's over': Chris Christie predicts Mark Meadows will prove 'deadly' to Trump
"Look, this is a guy who was velcroed to Trump's hip for the entire 2020 campaign and all the post-campaign nonsense, so this is deadly," Christie said. "It's done, he's going to be convicted – it's over. I don't think he can delay it. I don't have the impression this District Court judge in Washington is amenable to delay."

Johnson’s Wife Takes Down Anti-LGBTQ Business Site
"Smirky's" wife and her beastiality propaganda site .

Ha, Ha! Last Laugh's On Dumb Old Poopy Head Laura Ingraham
If it's not on Fox, it must not have happened!
Yes, this woman is as stupid as she sounds. Why are these people laughing? Dum-dums. Fact is, they had to apologize because, yes, they are that fucking stupid.

Fox Business Host Rips Chip Roy Over Looming Government Shutdown
Fox Business host Stuart Varney confronted Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) after the congressman suggested he would vote to shut down the federal government.
The Nazis don't want a federal government. They can fuck off.

Wisconsin GQP: To 'Save' Free Speech, We Must Destroy It
Wisconsin Republicans are trying for the fourth time to limit free speech at universities and tech colleges. Doublethink. As predicted by Orwell. Nothing new, in fact, very old.

“Huge” Rioter Attacks Agents When Judge Revokes Bail Over Anti-Gay & Anti-Semitic Doxxing Of DOJ Officials
The Bailiff should have just done him in.

Rumble Host: Execute Workers For Catholic Charities
Start with him.

Here's why "concierge medicine" is coming for your family practice
More doctors are turning to concierge medicine, but the reasons are complex. Here's what you need to know
No wonder health care in America is a fucking failed mess. Universal heath care for all as in the rest of the world.
Learn to read your bloodtests. We live in a retarded country.

It's 'chilling' Trump thinks he's not responsible for supporter violence: legal expert
A sick brain can't tell the difference. This is why he's a great danger to us.

Guess Which Agency Republicans Conveniently Want to Cut in Order to Fund Israel
House Republicans have a dangerous new proposal that would throw the entire budget out of whack.
The Nazis do this with some regularity and we all suffer from it. It's a fact.

VP Kamala Harris Shuts It Down: 'I Don't Have Time For Parlor Games'
"60 Minutias" trying to make news instead of reporting it. Caught in the act this time.
"(I put this in the same category of Andrea Mitchell's insulting question to Hillary Clinton: "Why don't the voters like you?" Pure projection.)
Very blatant and snotty by "60 Minutias."

Oops, They Did It Again! GOPers 'Accidentally' Purging Voters
The scumbags don't want anyone to vote for anyone but them.

Inside Mike Johnson's close ties to 'extreme Christians' who cheered J6
"Yet from a policy standpoint, Jordan and Johnson aren't far apart. Johnson is a far-right Christian fundamentalist known for his-gay and anti-abortion views as well as his efforts to help former President Donald Trump stay in office despite losing the 2020 presidential election to now-President Joe Biden."
"Smirky," the traitor.

Far-right Evangelical leader accused of 'serious allegations spanning several decades'
"In a statement released over the weekend, Dwayne Roberts and Brian Kimm — who are former leaders of Bickle's organization — along with the Rev. Wes Martin, allege that Bickle used his position to sexually abuse several women. Roberts, Kimm, and Martin said there were "serious allegations spanning several decades," and that the victims, who have not yet disclosed their names, "have always been viewed as credible, trustworthy, and courageous."

'Blatant and open loathing': Trump attacks Judge Chutkan after she re-imposes gag order
Lock him up for good. This asshole deserves it more than anyone ever did.

Staffer Rushes Onstage At Rally To Remind Trump Of Which City He's In
As has been reported before, he is in early stage Alzheimer's.

Anti-Vaxxers Pour In To Sh*t All Over Matthew Perry's Death
How low can you go? Oh, geez. They'll see that as a challenge.
Idiots, morons, buffoons, nitwits and dumbasses living in your country.

George Conway: NY Case Puts Trump “Out Of Business”
“This puts him out of business. This case is putting him out of business. And that’s his essence. And I think that he’s just he’s terrified that, you know, he’s not going to have the Trump Tower, and he’s not going to have all the things that he has bragged about for decades, for six decades."

NRA Ad Shows Johnson Opposing Background Checks
"Smirky" doesn't like them? No surprise here. Let all mentally mad people have guns.

"Sexual anarchy": New House Speaker Mike Johnson showcases the incel-ization of the modern GOP
The Louisiana congressman's career has been centered around his bitter obsession with other people's sex lives
Another sick fuck.

Mike Johnson deeply linked to 'dangerous, anti-democratic' extremists: scholar
The MAGAts are so intellectually disfunctional.

It’s the personal economy, stupid
"Some of the media are preoccupied with a baffling question; Why are Americans not celebrating the economic accomplishments of the Biden administration?"
"It has been suggested that it is the result of a mass “menticide,” a scientific term from Latin meaning “a killing of the mind.” Webster’s defines it as “a systemic and intentional undermining of a person’s conscious mind.” Perhaps Americans are susceptible to the pathological normalization of lies spread by Mr. Trump and his collaborators."
Interesting. Some of us simply call it what it is--stupidity.

Texas Tests 1A With Public Schools And Faith-Based Chaplains
Making the state a church are we? Par for the course in Texas.

Police Were Warned Weeks Ago About Maine Shooter
"Police across Maine were alerted just last month to “veiled threats” by the U.S. Army reservist who would go on to carry out the worst mass shooting in the state’s history, one of a string of missed red flags that preceded the massacre."

WATCH: Deion Sanders Throws Several of His Players Under the Bus in Tense Presser After Losing 4th Game Out of 5
This arrogant publicity hound will end up having two players on his squad--both named Sanders.

Taking the 5th won't save Trump family members in Judge Engoron's courtroom
"It's not that they're going to be incriminated here, it's that anything they say under oath could be used against them in some subsequent criminal case," she added. "If they believe they have exposure, they can invoke it. But what's different about a civil case from a criminal case is that in this case, Judge Engoron could use that invocation to draw an adverse inference against the witness."

Chris Christie says Trump guilty in Georgia: 'He did what they're saying he did'
Fatso is a huge traitor to anyone that doesn't worship him.

Thousands March for a Gaza Cease-Fire, Demanding Protection of Palestinian Lives
"The day after Israel unleashed its most intensive bombing campaign against Gaza since October 7, hundreds of thousands of protesters marched in cities around the world calling for a cease-fire and the protection of Palestinian lives."

Trump-Era Ruling Weakened Unions at Religious Colleges. Labor Is Fighting Back.
"Kenneth Davis, an associate professor at Edward Waters University (EWU) — a private Christian and historically Black college in Jacksonville, Florida — says he was shocked and dismayed when he received a letter informing him that the college’s administration was withdrawing recognition of the labor union that had represented the school’s faculty for more than three decades."

Two Dead And 18 Injured In Tampa Shootings [VIDEO]
How sick can we get? The wild west is alive and well. When will they clean up the town with a new marshal?

Prominent Evangelical “Credibly Accused” Of Sex Abuse
Routine as gunplay. Sexplay by a "Xianist."

Johnson And Wife Led Christian Nationalist Seminars
And here's another potential accident looking for a place to happen.
Soon they will all be sex offenders.

'Complicity': Ivanka Trump's testimony could ruin it all for her dad and brothers
"When Ivanka Trump finally takes the stand in Judge Arthur Engoron's Manhattan courtroom, she will be put in the position of providing devastating testimony about financial deals which could take down the Trump Organization — and her father and her brothers with it."

Trump snaps at Wall Street Journal over op-ed by ex-supporter calling him 'an old felon'
He prefers "old Nazi fart" better.

'Far from benign': Jen Psaki slams House speaker as more dangerous than Jim Jordan
Atrocious is more like it.

Mike Johnson Conducted Seminars Promoting the US as a “Christian Nation”
Never was. Never will be. The cult grows smaller with each passing year. Try to get an education, Mike.

Mike Johnson Believes Dinosaurs Were On Noah’s Ark
Along with Frankenstein and the Wolf Man. How sweet of him to remember his ancestors.

Ohio Secretary Of State Purges 26,000 From Voter Rolls During Early Voting On Abortion Rights Ballot Measure
The Nazi rig is on here. The democracy killers we've allowed to be at large.

Today's GOP: Christofascism And Chinese Communist Kidnappers
"Like into all that fundamentalist weirdness like "covenant marriage" and using the Bible to justify aggression (too bad he missed his window for The Crusades! But there are other things he has in mind). Which goes nicely with the creepiness of George Santos, who in his newest claims, says Chinese Communists kidnapped his niece."

Tuberville Blames Democrats For Wars In Ukraine And Middle East
"Tommy Tuberville, a friend of Hamas and Vladimir Putin."
Like Shingles, the putz doesn't care.

Citizens United has Destroyed America: Why Is Nobody Talking About It?
If America is to recover any semblance of meaningful democracy in our country, we must cut out the cancer of big money in our political system by overturning Citizens United.

Bill Maher: Mike Johnson Is “Coming After Your Anal”
“He absolutely hates gay sex, especially when he's having it. He wants to actually criminalize gay sex because it makes it hotter. Oh, this is a beaut, this guy. He has written in favor of reinstituting sodomy laws. Sodomy laws? That's laws against anal and oral. I've never understood this about the Republicans. If you're so against abortion, why would you be against the two places to do it where you can't get pregnant? Right? Well, I think this is actually a giant gift to the Democrats because, I mean, oh, wow, forget about Republicans coming after your Social Security. Now they're coming after your anal! Finally, something to get the young people to the polls.” – Bill Maher, ranting about House Speaker Mike Johnson.

Louisiana’s ‘In God We Trust’ law tests limits of religion in public schools
Christofacism is trying to take over our freedom of religion and must be stopped.

'How many cheerleaders did he grope?’ Fans share outrage at Trump’s Iowa State game visit
As many as he could get away with. lol.

Kari Lake won't sever ties with white nationalists: Columnist
Enough with her racist fascism. Toss her out.

Colorado Supreme Court smacks down Trump's last-ditch bid to stop insurrection trial
So sad, Fatso.

Johnson Signals Opposition To Expelling George Santos
"Smirky" knows his own kind.

Texas GOP Chair Defiant About Links To Neo-Nazis
An attribute of Nazis.

Mike Johnson once agreed to speak at 'Kill the Gays' pastor’s conference
He loves the way they molest our children?

Mike Johnson's Wife Runs Counseling Service That Compares Being Gay To Bestiality, Incest
The newly elected Republican House speaker and his wife, Kelly, have long intertwined their political and business lives.

'Smeared with humiliation': Columnist calls out 'grifter' lawyers who 'tarnished their profession' for Trump
Not to mention the vampires in the House.

Biden administration calls BS on new House speaker's weak gun statement—twice
Thanks, Joe. The new idiot in the village is nuttier than a fruitcake.

Fall COVID shot uptake is an “abysmal” 7%; wastewater testing impaired
The U.S. is definately a lost country. You can thank the ignorance of Fatso's followers.

CDC Data Shows New COVID Variant Now Dominant
Another epidemic looking for a place to happen. It will soon find it.

The Big Lie is expanding: Majority of Republicans now insist Trump never tried to overturn election
As Trump's legal saga unfolds, his followers are sticking their heads in the sand
Nothing but scumbags.

Does MAGA Mike Johnson's Election Prove All the GOP has Now is Hate?
In Johnson, the GOP have found the perfect embodiment of their deplorable basket of hatreds - the only “loves” are rightwing billionaires, the fossil fuel industry & of course Trump’s buddy, Putin.

Facing enrollment declines, Texas Catholic schools are leading supporters of school vouchers
Are they looking for more children to molest?

Trump’s Defense Imperiled as 5 More Co-Defendants Seek Fulton County Plea Deals
A legal expert described the potential deals as a “significant win” for District Attorney Fani Willis.

Republicans One Big Happy Family Now Wait Is Matt Gaetz Outing Colleagues?
"Jason Smith is not some Democrat. He is the Republican chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee. In the video, Gaetz plays a clip of Smith saying some mean things about Gaetz. The context is so fucking unimportant, it is just childish Republicans bitching at each other about whatever is up their asses today:"

Sean Hannity Will Do MMA To Mass Shootings Like WHOMP! POW! CRACK! BOING!
"Have you heard Sean Hannity talk about how he is the most famous MMA fighter in the world? It is his thing. If you haven’t heard about it, can you really say you know Sean Hannity? Wethinks not."
The idiot lives in a fantasy world.

No one wants to go to Trump rallies anymore
Except fools and derelicts.
"Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin holds a different theory: She believes the Trump campaign is holding fewer rallies and purposefully holding them in small towns, as most of his supporters have grown 'bored' with hearing the same bluster from the ex-president."
How can anyone listen to Fatso bragging on himself 24/7? He's a traitor and should be treated as such.

GOP insurgents have attacked democratic institutions for years. One of them is now speaker of the House
Another Christofascist traitor.

Maine Rep. Apologizes For Supporting The NRA During Passionate Speech
"I have opposed efforts to ban deadly weapons of war like the assault rifle used to carry out this crime," Golden said. "The time has now come for me to take responsibility for this failure, which is why I now call on the United States Congress to ban assault rifles like the one used by the sick perpetrator of this mass killing in my hometown of Lewiston, Maine."
Someone came to their senses at last.

Fox Promotes Glock-Toting Whackaloon Right After Telling Audience 'Don't Be A Hero!'
The hosts of Fox & Friends can't seem to decide whether they like vigilantism or not.
The definition of insanity: Keep repeating the same thing over and over expecting different results.
The praying has been going on since Columbine and not a damned thing has changed. Zero. Get real for a change!

DeSantis Blames Mass Shootings On “Liberal Policies”
Gun laws aren't “Liberal Policies” you jackwagon.
You and yours are too cowardly to go there and have been for years as you watch people get murdered.

Johnson Claims Amnesia On His Anti-LGBTQ History
The seditious chicken shit.

More mass shootings like the one in Maine? Supreme Court will soon consider unleashing the violence
A case made to appeal to Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito may end mental health and domestic violence gun restrictions
What a future awaits us with nitwits like this as "judges."

'What an idiot!' Morning Joe mocks Trump for trashing the American dream
"'The American dream is dead,'" he added, quoting the former president and current Republican frontrunner. "A huckster, a huckster from Queens can suck in business, declare bankruptcy 87 times, piss through $4 million of his father's money and today and still get elected president of the United States, and still be walking around free after stealing nuclear secrets. If that is not the American dream, my friend, I don't know what is."
Fuck Trump.

'They're going to steal this election': Morning Joe issues dark warning about Mike Johnson
Sure. They are traitors just like their mongrel leader. They are Nazis and should be treated as such.
"GOP lawmakers jeered and booed a reporter this week for asking Johnson about his efforts to overturn the 2020 election results, and Scarborough said that showed their disdain for democracy."

Matt Gaetz Says Mike Johnson Putting House On 'Bayou Hours.' What The Hell Is That?
"We had a deadly serious post today about new creepy coup-plotting religious extremist House Speaker Mike Johnson. Now we’ll do a fun one, about creepy human ice cream van Matt Gaetz talking about creepy coup-plotting religious extremist House Speaker Mike Johnson."

Sorry My Wife Couldn’t Make It, She Blew Out Her Knees Praying: The Creepy Religious Extremism Of Speaker Mike Johnson
"We’ve been talking about how new House Speaker Mike Johnson is a bizarre religious extremist whose lunatic theocratic tendencies render him unfit for the job he thinks God chose him for.
But really, y’all, this guy is goddamn weird.
Yesterday, while he was doing his little tiara dance after the speaker vote, he made a weird crack about how his wife couldn’t be there that day because she had been on her knees for the past two weeks — praying! — and oh boy is she tired. Don’t you hate it when you blow out your knees praying?
'She’s spent the last couple of weeks on her knees in prayer to the Lord. And, um, she’s a little worn out.'
Just a little Christian humor for ya!
Except no. Dude is a fucking creep. If anybody’s got resting 'Don’t report your sexual assault to me unless you want us to pray about what you did to deserve it' face, he does."

America Mysteriously Hit a Deadly Climate Tipping Point & No One Knows Why
It’s so dramatic & so shocking that scientists — typically not prone to hyperbole — published in the journal BioScience: “Life on planet Earth is under siege. We are now in an uncharted territory.”

Trump’s GOP Wants to Burn the Country Down and Rule the Ashes
"Sometimes the right wing in this country seems like a riddle wrapped in an enigma encased in a conundrum."
And wrapped in a bag of shit.

Court strikes down Georgia GOP's gerrymanders for discriminating against Black voters
The Land of the Happy Negro gets repremanded for ignoring their Negroes.

Rep. Aguilar Rips GQP On Why They Chose Speaker Johnson
"Has this been about a focus of House Republicans, to find the person who can pass their extreme litmus test to oppose marriage equality, enact a nationwide abortion ban without exceptions, gut Social Security and Medicare, and support overturning a free and fair election?" Aguilar asked to jeers from Republicans.
Why of course. They have told us who they are so we believe them.

AFL-CIO: Speaker Mike Johnson Does Not Stand with Workers
Nazis have never liked workers. This one is no different.

'He has gone crazy': Trump launches tirade against New York judge who has him under gag order
Sorry. He's been there for years now.

House Republicans privately warned Mike Johnson of 'populist rage' the day before January 6
Officially, a scumbag traitor.
"Newly elected House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-Louisiana) was not only one of the key architects of the scheme to contest the results of the 2020 election in the House of Representatives, but he was also aware of the dangers of doing so before pushing forward anyway."

Charlie Sykes: The House’s new 'full MAGA speaker' is a 'Kraken-level conspiracy theorist'
Then Krack him open.

Federal judge joins bipartisan group of legal scholars to end Supreme Court 'arms race' with term limits

Koch network pushes Supreme Court to 'undermine workers’ rights' and 'consumer protections'
All of these pricks want to fuck Americans. Why are they such greedy, hateful motherfuckers?

Mike Johnson’s victory shows that GOP moderates will ultimately 'cave' to 'far-right' pressure: analysis
What moderates are you talking about?

Tuberville concocts massive falsehood about who’s responsible for Wars in Ukraine and Israel
This egomaniac is a disaster machine.

'A different standard of law': Expert says legal system struggling to rein in Trump
If Trump is found guilty of his crimes, which he should and must be, he must forfeit all perks of being a former president. In other words only prison guards will become his protection. Why are we such dumbasses when it comes to logical thinking with this pile of shit?

Imprisoned Megachurch Pastor Charged With Child Porn
Another "Xianist" bites the dust. The same people that are represented by the new Speaker.

More Neo-Nazis Linked To Right Wing Texas PAC
The "Don't Worry, We're Not Jews" gang of shitbags.

ABC News: US Economy Grew At “Blistering Pace” In Q3
Something else to blame on Biden?

Mike Johnson Became Speaker On Same Lies Fox News Paid $787M For Telling
Nicolle Wallace and Charlie Sykes take a look at the Republican Party who elevated election denier Mike Johnson to Speaker of the House.
Religious zealots have no place in our government.
"In every election in American history, there's some small element of fraud, irregularity, error.", he says. He's the perfect example of this. Fucking corrupt Neo-Nazi.

'An idiot': GOP senators privately unload on Trump in new Mitt Romney biography
Fatso carries an "idiot's Club Card."

How Trump is tearing apart the GOP
What GOP? That party was murdered by Trump and no longer exists. Tyrants, Nazis and religious zealots have taken its place.

Ohio's GOP Governor Is Gaslighting His Own Voters On Abortion Vote
The DeWines (Governor and Mrs.) are gaslighting Ohioans in their dishonest anti-Issue 1 ad.
Just another con man like Fatso. We need to flush these turds.

Speaker Mike Johnson is a Clear and Present Danger to America’s Environment and Public Health
Most of the free world knows this.

MAGA House Republicans Lean Fully into Election-Denial
Yep. Pretty much a declaration of war on our Constitution.

Mike Flynn Suggests There May Not Be A 2024 Election
Insane man makes allusions to law and order being eradicated.

?? Trump Storms Out Of Courtroom Amid Michael Cohen’s Testimony
The prick won't do that when he gets sentenced to prison. He'll walk in.
"Shortly before Trump’s outburst over Cohen’s remarks, Engoron handed down a $10,000 fine against the former president, ruling that he had violated a gag order banning him from discussing the judge’s staff when he spoke to reporters earlier during a break in the trial."
Who can he get 10 grand from to pay his fine? Everyone knows he's a stiff.

Johnson Goes Christian Nationalist In First Speech
You mean Nazi Saditionist. A clear line in the sand has been drawn for America's future. It is now on.
He's full of shit. This is my belief.

NYT: Clarence Thomas’s $267K RV Loan Was Forgiven
Impeach him. Now.

House Republicans Find Coup-Plotting Religious Extremist Creeper They Can Agree On
"Our long national nightmare is over. May a new national nightmare begin, and then end no later than next November’s election.
Republicans voted unanimously and on the first ballot to elect Mike Johnson, coup-plotting insurgent religious extremist of Louisiana, an interchangeable and undistinguished white man, as the new speaker of the House. He has zero experience for this kind of thing, but he was a chief congressional architect of the plan to overturn the 2020 election to illegally install white nationalist fascist Donald Trump in power, so he’s cool. Also he used to work for anti-LGBTQ+ hate groups.
Oh who gives a damn? Republicans aren’t a party of people who govern. They are simply extremists who beg, borrow and mostly steal power from an American people who increasingly would never give it to them if asked fairly for their consent."
Another traitor. How proud the bastards must be.

Trump's Stages Of Grief Over Mark Meadows Blabbing To Jack Smith: Denial, Fear, Wall Ketchup, Denial, Denial.
"As for that unhinged Truth Social screed from Trump above, it will be lost on no one, including the judge in DC, that it’s a massive violation of the gag order in DC that’s currently technically on hold, because Trump has appealed. Kyle Cheney from Politico ticks through the ways: 1) Trump attacks the special counsel; 2) Trump attacks witnesses and people who do cooperate/flip; 3) Trump tries to discredit witness’s testimony.
Yeah, we reckon Judge Tanya Chutkan heard that one loud and clear."

Is Mike Johnson The Nerd Bigot Religious Extremist Seditionist House Republicans Have Been Waiting For?
"Let’s fuckin’ do this again, hell yes.
Last night, Republicans met behind closed doors, and chose Mike Johnson as their speaker designate. There will allegedly be a vote today, and Politico Playbook thinks he might get it. So does Punchbowl.
Of course, the running joke right now is that if Elise Stefanik congratulates you — for anything — you will surely die. And … "

Gov. Greg Abbott, House at impasse over school voucher bill as special session winds down
"Vouchers are the governor’s top legislative priority. But he has signaled opposition to a proposed House compromise that would tie them to increased funding for public schools."
He wants to kill public schools because they are anti-fascist and cater to the public.

As Texas bans diversity and equity offices at public colleges, Rice University’s inclusion efforts march on
Nazis in Texas keep doing their fascist stunts.

How Trump’s MAGA GOP Increases the Risk of WWIII
Republican-aligned rightwing billionaires are gleeful at the prospect of further government dysfunction gutting social programs while Putin, Xi & the leaders of Hamas are reveling in the chaos.

Trump’s Plan to Destroy NATO Would Spark Untold Chaos
"If America reneges on its treaty commitments, the result will be mass rearmament and likely nuclear proliferation."
That's not surprising coming from American's version of Hitler.

FLASHBACK: Mike Johnson Warned Radio Host in 2020 of Angry Voters Taking to the Streets to ‘Resolve Their Disputes’
"The latest candidate for Speaker of the House, Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA), is a known election denier who refused to certify the 2020 election of President Joe Biden. And back in 2020, Johnson appeared on a local radio show and actually warned of angry voters who would 'want to resolve their disputes in the streets.'
Yet another Trump Nazi in our midst.

Tuberville’s unending military holds demand Senate process reform
"Tubby" is a Nazi traitor.

Lubbock County becomes latest to approve 'abortion travel ban'
Nazis in Texas will enforce this in what way? Beheading?

Paul Krugman: FBI figures expose GOP 'politics of fear' on US crime rates
Exposing the Nazi bastards.

Trump threatens retribution against Biden as he returns to court for fraud suit
Fatso doesn't have a clue about what's going to happen to him.

Republicans Shout Down Question About Speaker Designate Mike Johnson’s Election Denial: “Shut Up!”
Nope. We won't shutup when it comes to Nazis like these from the sedition caucus.

The real reason Biden isn't getting credit — and what to do about it
"When I mention some of Biden’s accomplishments — his steady hand in foreign policy, for example, or his creation of tens of thousands of good jobs through investments in wind, solar, electric batteries, infrastructure, and semiconductors — they tell me they didn’t know."
This is what we mean when we say these people are stupid. They are uniformed or misinformed or they simply like to whine because they are unable to pay attention because all that gets their attention is violence.
"...Americans in the 1950s were able to process non-emotive messages."
"This is no longer the way the media transmits information or how Americans process it. Now, a message has to pack a wallop to be heard."
Another reason we are as screwed up as we are is due to the fact that "news commentators" today all deliver "editorials" when they report. It never used to be this way. All editorials were clearly marked as such. Now, all content is an editorial, personal opinion and not straight reporting.
"And ask Americans the following question: Do they want a psychopathic infant at the helm again, or a sane grown-up?"

Ted Cruz Complains About Catching More Terrorists At The Border
That awful Biden!
An example of the stupid misinformation that is spread by the know-nothings.

Trump 'literally making the case a gag order is necessary' with late night Mark Meadows rant
"After former President Donald Trump recently unleashed a barrage of attacks on both key witnesses, prosecutors and a judge on his Truth Social platform, one legal expert is predicting Judge Tanya Chutkan's paused gag order will be reinstated."
Such an obvious scumbag.

5,000 GM Workers Walk Out After Company Beats Forecast, Posts Billions in Profit
"On Tuesday morning, General Motors (GM) announced their latest quarterly revenue, reporting billions of dollars in profit and beating Wall Street expectations. In response, just hours later, 5,000 workers at GM’s largest and most profitable plant walked out, joining over 40,000 other workers who are picketing as part of the United Auto Workers (UAW) historic “Stand Up Strike” in its fifth week."

'Just like Watergate': Ex-prosecutor says 'Trump himself' will fall after his lawyers
And may his bust his fat ass in the fall.

'Lie after lie': Trump lashes out against ex-lawyer serving as witness in fraud trial
Whine, you filthy bitch.

Cohen Testifies: Trump Ordered Me To Cook The Books
That's one thing Fatso is an expert at.

Anti-LGBTQ TN Mayoral Candidate Shut Down By City After Claiming That Voting Machines Are Malfunctioning
Another traitor eats dirt.

'New record': Here’s what may have caused 'shortest lived speaker-elect bid'
The spineless chicken shit party must have a Nazi to lead them. They all need to get the fuck out.

Mark Meadows flips on Trump
"Former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows has been granted immunity by Special Counsel Jack Smith, who is prosecuting Donald Trump for a myriad of crimes including for his alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election and for crimes under the Espionage Act."
"ABC News adds that “Meadows informed Smith’s team that he repeatedly told Trump in the weeks after the 2020 presidential election that the allegations of significant voting fraud coming to them were baseless, a striking break from Trump’s prolific rhetoric regarding the election,” according to sources familiar with the matter. Those sources say, “Meadows also told the federal investigators Trump was being ‘dishonest’ with the public when he first claimed to have won the election only hours after polls closed on Nov. 3, 2020, before final results were in.”
Fatso is fried meat.

'Globalist RINO': Trump comes out against latest GOP speaker nominee
The traitor Trump is responsible for America's missing government. These Nazi bastards must pay for their failure. Especially, the traitor Trump. Life in jail for him.

'Sheer insanity': NC Republicans on track to pass gerrymandered map erasing 4 Democratic districts
Fascism at work in the Land of the Happy Negro.

After This Clip Of Trump, Y'all Can STFU About Biden's Mental Acuity
Of course they should. But they can't because they are as brain-dead as old Fatso.

Sen. Tim Scott: “I Don’t Think Trump Can Win” In 2024
He's certainly right about that.

Gay Porn Star/Proud Boy Pleads Guilty To Riot Charges

Knowles: Civil War May Result If Trump Kept Off Ballot
We are already in Civil War you numbskull!

Voters 'can't believe we're this bad': GOP lawmaker
Wanna bet?

Republicans Take Knife-Fight Politics to Its Logical Conclusion
"The House Speaker mess is an extension of a culture of dirty tricks."

Without the Infrastructure of Democracy, America Will Slide First into Oligarchy and then Fascism
"Voters who believe in democracy, a free press & a public education committed to honest inquiry & intellectual integrity must also step up and let their reps how important these things are to them."

James Comer Wishes They’d Elect A Speaker So He Can Play More Pin The Tail On Hunter's Wiener
"House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer is having withdrawwwwwls. Before Matt Gaetz decided to throw the House of Representatives all cattywampus by deposing Kevin McCarthy as speaker, Comer was having a great time investigating Hunter Biden’s penis and finding rock solid evidence that Joe Biden may have possibly received money from someone at some time for something.
HuffPost has a longer explanation of what Comer’s got a his tailfeathers whipped up about this time, and surprise, it’s just another matted turd."

Donald Trump Had A Good Day Yesterday And His Brain Is Just Fine
"Yesterday, Donald Trump had a big epiphany and/or revelation onstage, as he discussed how 'U' and 'S spell both 'US' and 'Us.'
TRUMP: I’m for us! You know how you spell 'us,' right? You spell 'us' 'U-S!' I just picked that up. Has anyone ever thought of that?
He just picked that up.
I just picked that up, couple of days I’m reading, and it said 'us,' and I said, you know, you think about it, 'us' equals 'U-S!' Isn’t that … Now if we say something genius they’ll never say it.

Texas judge fighting for ‘right’ to not marry gay couples cites ‘The Scriptures’
‘The Scriptures’ DO NOT govern this country. When WILL the idiots get that straight?

We're witnessing 'the possible collapse of the Republican Party as we know it': Historian
Of course. The MAGAt party is the new Nazi Party of America. Time for them to go straight to hell.

'Disloyal wench': Trump supporters seethe as Jenna Ellis accepts plea deal
Another one who won't take the rap for the traitor Trump.

Jenna Ellis' plea is piling 'pressure on Rudy Giuliani to flip'
C'mon Rudy. We know you don't want to go down defending your Führer

Life on Earth under 'existential threat': climate scientists
"Climate change poses an "existential threat" to life on Earth, prominent scientists warned Tuesday, in an assessment on this year's avalanche of heat records and weather extremes that they said are hitting more ferociously than expected."
""We must shift our perspective on the climate emergency from being just an isolated environmental issue to a systemic, existential threat," the authors said."
Does anyone believe the jackwagons that keep holding us back will do anything else but ignore this? All the Trump idolators don't believe it. May they be the first to go.

Republicans Gonna Keep Holding Speaker Elections Until We’re All Dead, Buried, Risen As Zombies
"Republicans ended last week without a speaker, and there’s seemingly no end in sight to this mess. Friday afternoon, CNN’s Jake Tapper unloaded on Rep. Steve Womack: 'We need a speaker! The country needs a speaker! This isn’t about prom king!' Or is it? 'We need a functioning legislative branch.'"

Judge Chutkan is 'giving Trump enough rope to hang himself': MSNBC legal analyst
Let's hope he does just that.

Republicans are warming up the jail cells they want to put American women into
Women must love this retarded bullshit.

Ivanka must choose 'between perjury and daddy' if she loses subpoena fight: Legal analyst
So sad.

Tennessee AG moves to shut down NAACP lawsuit over restoration of voting rights
Land of the Happy Negro loves their Negroes so that they want them to stay at home on election day to protect them.

Trump Again Attacks NY Judge Despite Gag Order
Time to put the crook in jail. He's had more than enough chances to behave and can't do it.

Trump keeps stepping on the GOP's so-called bombshells
House Republicans are out with a new report on President Biden's alleged corruption — but it's buried by Trump news

Are we the dinosaurs of the 21st Century?
"Let’s admit it: We are indeed mad creatures."
"Consider all of this, then, the deepest form of human madness and just hope that somehow, from the Middle East to Ukraine, Beijing to Washington, we can wake up to what we’re doing to ourselves before it’s too late."
Why bother? The human virus is bound to end itself.

Carbon capture pipeline nixed after widespread opposition
Fine. Their population with cease to exist with continued climate disaster.

Diner Closed After Workers Quit Over Abortion Rights
"The really crazy part is how indoctrinated the public is to the corporate mentality. The report ended with customers saying that the owner had a right to put up the sign but that the people didn't have a right to quit."
These are the "educated" that don't understand the U.S. Constitution.
With "citizens" like these America doesn't need any enemies.

BREAKING: Leaked Audio of Australian Billionaire Talking Trump Secrets Released By 60 Minutes Australia
"Former President Donald Trump was more open with state secrets than previously reported, according to newly-leaked audio recordings published by 60 Minutes Australia."
"The news segment, which ran early Sunday morning U.S. time, revealed Australian billionaire Anthony Pratt talking about his experiences and relationship with the former president. Pratt is the central figure in the ABC News report from earlier this month that Trump casually discussed classified information about nuclear submarines."
This traitor should rot in jail until he's dead.

Oklahoma Teachers Don’t Know If It’s Legal to Teach “Killers of the Flower Moon"
The fascists have made cowards of us. They are on the wrong side of history along with anyone that supports them.

The dispiriting truth about why many evangelical Christians support Israel
For Christian Zionists, what happens to the Jews and Palestinians is, to put it very mildly, collateral damage.

Venezuelans become the largest nationality for illegal U.S. border crossings
"Venezuelans replaced Mexicans for the first time on record, according to new figures that show September was the second-highest month for arrests of all nationalities."

Trump on Trial: The Limits of MAGA Legal Are Exposed
"The case against Kenneth Chesebro was all about Donald Trump — even if his own trial hasn't started yet. The NY case is ongoing and it's driving him crazy, mostly because he can't stand having anyone question his net worth. And that's just the beginning. The saga of Trump on trial has begun."

Gov. Abbott directs Texas schools to resources for teaching about Israel-Hamas war
Herr Abbott will direct his "Ministry of Truth" to our children.

How "woke" went from a social justice term to a pejorative favored by some conservatives
Yes, this is an older article. But it's high time we revisited the current perverse use of the term "woke."
"You had White people who had never heard the phrase before hearing it everywhere in pop culture.
They begin to use it in a context in which they don’t understand the long history of anti-Black oppression. They don’t understand the ways that we’ve used linguistic mechanisms to name our realities. They use it in weird ways to talk about things such as diversity and inclusion efforts. The meaning morphs and shifts, but it still has a positive valence in people’s minds."
But now it has been weaponized to the point it is as offensive to use as the 'N*****' word. It's time to stop it.

Next Trump co-defendant expected to flip in Georgia trial singled out by former prosecutor
"Some of the defendants whose names aren't dinner table conversation are likely to plead now that both Sidney Powell, who was involved there, has pleaded as well as Scott Hall, the first person to plead."

Trump Loses Again In Colorado 2024 Ballot Battle
"A judge has rejected three more attempts by former President Donald Trump and the Colorado GOP to shut down a lawsuit seeking to block him from the 2024 presidential ballot in the state based on the 14th Amendment’s 'insurrectionist ban.'
As all states with a conscience should.

Foiled AGAIN: Fake Elector To 'Cooperate Fully' With Michigan AG
That's a shame.

What's really behind MAGA: Wealthy individuals yearning for more power
If this study is true the only ones that the media interview at fascist rallies are only the dumb percent.
How do they do that? Have some kind of dumb detecting device?
If it doesn't square with reality then it's not reality, only partial truth. It's treason perpetuated by a coterie of seditonists who are described in the study. You can have a college degree but still be as dumb as a rock and a traitor to your cou

Jim Jordan 'tensed up' during WaPo grilling on wrestling doc's 'disturbing behaviors'
According to the report, "The Post interviewed 11 former wrestlers from the Jordan era at Ohio State who saidStrauss used medical exams to perpetrate molestations or worse. Eight said they had clear recollections of team members protesting Strauss’s conduct either directly to Jordan or within Jordan’s range of hearing. All considered it inconceivable that Jordan did not know about Strauss’s disturbing behaviors."

House Republicans so frustrated with lack of leadership that some are threatening to quit
That'll be the day.

Anti-Vax QAnon End Times Prophet Dies Of Something
"I'll stand at your grave til I'm sure that your dead." — Bob Dylan, Masters of War

Lawyer: Chesebro Is Willing To Testify Against Trump
Let's see if someone tries to off him.

"Putin's Western fan club" wants to force Eastern Europe into a Russian bearhug
Arguing Eastern Europe should be left under Russia's influence makes liberty a privilege of the powerful and mighty
The moral authority of Putin supporters illustrates the decay of Western moral authority. They will pay for this failure someday.

Trump is telling loyalists to kill new speaker candidate's prospects in the cradle: report
Time to get out the tar and feathers.

House Republicans so frustrated with lack of leadership that some are threatening to quit
They should all resign. They have no moral authority.

Rep. Byron Donalds Enters Race For House Speaker
"Now in his second term, at 22 years old Donalds was pleaded no contest to a felony bank fraud charge. His record was later expunged. If he were a Democrat running for Speaker, you can bet that would be front and center for the GOP. An election denier, Donalds voted against certifying the 2020 election. He is a member of the far-right Freedom Caucus."
These shitbags are nothing but TRASH!

George Santos: Yes, I Lost 99 Pounds Taking Ozempic
Why does this moron still walk the halls of our government?
He should be in a prison cell with Trump.

Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: Why are we doing this?
The short answer is Trump, the mob boss criminal who is supported by half-wit America.

The GOP Can't Govern Themselves, Much Less The Country
Trae Crowder takes a look at the clusterf*ck going on with the House GOP.

Arizona Republicans convene a COVID hearing chock full of misinformation — again
Mental illness is a horrible and dangerous thing.

MAGA Pastor: Jews Can Only Survive War By Converting
The arrogance of fascism.

Robin Vos Holds Thousands Hostage In The Name Of Racism
Wisconsin Speaker Robin Vos is withholding money from University of Wisconsin employees, because he wants to force the schools to drop DEI.
Nazi bag of shit.

Hannity Annoyed Biden’s Speech Lacked Enough ‘Barbaric Brutality’
There’s never enough meanness for MAGA world.
He will reap just what he sows.

Jan. 6 rioter loses appeal in ruling with major implications for Trump prosecution
"The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled 2-1 that there were multiple ways to prove corrupt intent in the statute for obstruction of an official proceeding, the charge that ex-police officer Thomas Robertson and other rioters were convicted of violating. Trump was also indicted on that charge."

Pro Golfer Brooks Koepka Opens Up About Saudi-PGA Merger and Confirms a Massive Contract Got Him to Defect to LIV Golf
Only the most powerful drug in the world.

Amazon drivers’ urine packaged as energy drink, sold on Amazon
Guess what the next "energy snack" will be? LMAO!

Damning evidence of war crimes as Israeli attacks wipe out entire families in Gaza
"As Israeli forces continue to intensify their cataclysmic assault on the occupied Gaza Strip, Amnesty International has documented unlawful Israeli attacks, including indiscriminate attacks, which caused mass civilian casualties and must be investigated as war crimes."

Baptist Pastor Gets Three Years On Grooming Charges
Another one bites it in the endless parade of "Xiantist" pedophilia.

Jack Smith Mocks Trump Argument In Brutal Smackdown Of Trump’s Demand To Dismiss Election Crimes Case
Knock his dick in the dirt.

Some Major Newsrooms Tell Reporters: Don’t Say “Terrorism"
Last week, a leaked staff memo from the director of journalistic standards and public trust at Canada’s largest broadcaster drew wide attention for instructing reporters, “Do not refer to militants, soldiers, or anyone else as ‘terrorists.’”
Especially, terrorists!
If we don't say it, it will no longer exist. Logic in the moron world.
"Voiding the word assumes, and acquits, a view from nowhere." The same goes for voiding all other words.

Utilities Have Been Lying to us About Gas Stoves Since the 1970s
"It turns out gas stoves have much more in common with cigarettes. A new investigation by NPR and the Climate Investigations Center found that the gas industry tried to downplay the health risks of gas stoves for decades, turning to many of the same public-relations tactics the tobacco industry used to cover up the risks of smoking. Gas utilities even hired some of the same PR firms and scientists that Big Tobacco did."
I can hear the Nazis' groaning now.

Judge threatens Trump with jail for violating gag order in New York fraud case
He doesn't understand threats, only actions. Throw him in stir.

Jim Jordan loses third speaker vote as chaos continues to grip Congress
Checking to see if your death threats worked?
Strike three, you asshole.

BRANDON ALERT: Biden Campaign Already Has More Truth Social Followers Than Trump Campaign

Trump is about to be held accountable for violating a New York judge’s gag order
Another hand slapping?

'Here To Support Trump': Court Employee Arrested After Outburst
But they're not in a cult.
"But don't tell these people they are in a cult, OK? They get mad."
Mad as in mentally ill. They are certainly devoid of brains.

GOP Just Can't Get It Together To Elect An Actual Speaker
And the interim speaker won't agree to let them use him as a human continuing resolution.
Inept and incompetent. Not fit for governing. Throw them in the trash.

If You Vote For Trump, Then Screw You
Drew Magary wants a word with anyone who's about to be on the wrong side of history.
The MAGAts get told exactly what poor excuses for humans they are.
And most of them aren't literate enough to read this.
"Trump is human waste."
"If you vote for him, you’re not making America great again. You are killing it. You are telling the world that America isn’t worth it."
They aren't worth their America.

Aunt Lydia Bans “Woke Anti-Woman” Words
Nazi bitch is crazy as a box of rocks and so are the Karens behind her.

CNN Airs Vulgar Threat Sent To Wife Of GOP Rep
Trump can really get his zombie mob to come up with some shit.
He's really a bad loser. But he's a loser.

Fox Political Analyst Hails Biden’s Speech Last Night
Brit Hume. Who would have figured?

Trump on trial: The limits of MAGA legal are exposed
At the eleventh hour, Sidney Powell folded. Her co-defendants should be very worried with trial set to start Friday

A crisis of moral clarity: There's no contest between Trump and Biden — why are Americans confused?
In the Age of Trump, Republicans now believe that presidential moral leadership is increasingly unimportant

Polls show Americans agree with Biden on US foreign policy on Israel
"But while a few of his Democratic colleagues in Congress may not agree with Biden on Israel, most voters overall and Democratic voters do. It’s one of his strongest issues among voters. The same can be said of his policy on Russia’s war on Ukraine, which is another subject of Thursday night’s speech."

Florida 'Don’t Say Gay' lawmaker sentenced to prison in federal fraud case
"Former Florida Republican state lawmaker Joe Harding, author of GOP Governor Ron DeSantis’ “Don’t Say Gay” law, was sentenced Thursday on federal felony fraud and money laundering charges after fraudulently obtaining $150,000 in COVID funds."

Jim Jordan is 'second most popular' Republican in US says ally — he’s not even in the top 100
Nazi prick. Like Trump, an egomaniac.

Alex Jones must pay $1.1 billion of Sandy Hook damages despite bankruptcy - court
Pay up, steroid boy!

Michigan Fake Elector Flips, Will Tattle On Everybody
Lock the traitors up!

Jim Jordan's curious rise: A tale of how Christian nationalism consumed the GOP
It's not really about Jesus, so much as a belief that only members of their lily white tribe are "real" Americans
Fuck Jordan and fuck Zinke. Both are zealot fascists. Jesus said they would have a tough time passing the eye of a needle.
"It also tells us quite a bit about what Christian nationalism is — and how, despite the name, it has little to do with sincere belief in God or in the teachings of Jesus Christ."

GOP lawmaker reveals four death threats and an office eviction after opposing Jim Jordan
Extra time will be tagged onto Trump's sentence for this. He's the party leader and responsible for it.

GOP antics could cause 'mass staff exodus' of House workers: reporters
The Nazi swine want to destroy our government.

Steve Bannon Says Jim Jordan Is Mail-Order Bride, Is That True?
"What we imagine Bannon is alluding to is that under the current working plan (WHICH HAS JUST NOW BECOME DEAD, BREAKING NEWS), if it had passed, Patrick McHenry would be the substitute teacher speaker of the House until January 3, but Jordan would remain the “speaker designee,” because he’s the guy running for speaker. So in theory he could get a constipation at any point and call a vote to make him speaker, and then lose again.
So Bannon is saying that what this (DEAD) plan really means is the House Republicans ordered Jim Jordan out of a catalog and had him shipped on the Pony Express to them at a saloon in the Wild West and now that he’s arrived they’re going to settle up with the bartender and Yosemite Sam their guns in the air few times before going through the swinging saloon doors with Jim Jordan over their shoulder to go make Frontier Coitus."

Michigan Football Under Investigation for Allegedly Stealing Opponents’ Play Signs
Oh, dear. I guess they will have to slap Jim Hairball's hands.

Doctors Recommend Not Hitting Your Face With Hammers, Regardless What You Saw on TikTok
As prophesized by Hungry Chuck on the extro of their track of Hat's Off America! at the 2:00 minute mark from their LP Hungry Chuck in 1972.
Except the hammer user would be a member of the TV audience hearing a commercial's character that told them to do it thus breaking their own TV.
N.D. Smart will be so proud they have extended it to hitting themselves.

San Marcos forced to pay $175,000 to Wendy Davis, other Democrats after 'Trump Train' incident
The fascist rednecks are pretty stupid in the territory.

Judge Nicely Tells Trump To Shut The F*ck Up, Please
"And the attorneys probably rolled their eyes, thinking, Motherfucker, we've been trying to get him to shut the fuck up for ages. Good luck with that!"

Jim Jordan Will Stand For Third Round Speaker Vote After Brawl Behind Closed Doors
Here comes the "you want your arms and legs broken?" moment.

Pfizer Spikes Paxlovid Prices to 100 Times Cost of Production
Greed will destroy America if it hasn't already.

'Biggest F—U to Republican voters': Chaos erupts as far-right moves to block temporary speaker plan
These critters are all mentally inept and total failures.

Trump’s unhinged 'tirades' are an 'imminent threat to his rhetorical targets': legal
He's too addled to know that. His mind is jelly.

White House urges House Republicans to 'join this president at the adults table'
Whiney little dicks can't do that. Compromise isn't an art they know.

Demand Progress Applauds FCC for Advancing Rulemaking to Reclassify Broadband Under Title II, Restore Net Neutrality
"When Trump's FCC Chair Ajit Pai led the repeal of net neutrality and rolled back Title II classification for broadband access, it was a huge win for the telecom industry and its executives. We applaud the FCC for not giving up this fight in the face of the seemingly endless effort by corporate giants and their lobbyists to block commonsense and broadly popular open internet protections."

More GOP Reps Get Death Threats For Opposing Jordan
This is the traitor Nazi Donald Trump in action. He is the same failed coward swing states seem to favor. They must have a very sick and twisted society in those states.

The Mississippi Supreme Court Moved to Ensure Poor Criminal Defendants Would Always Have a Lawyer. It’s Not Working
Land of the Happy Negro territory doesn't care what the law says. They will keep minorities busting rocks without counsul.

Trump's rage-filled rants are 'going to get someone killed': legal expert
Will it be himself? He'd love to be a martyr.

'Trump should be very concerned': Legal experts react to Sidney Powell’s bombshell guilty plea
The traitor should be removed from every ballot in America. He should serve a lengthy sentence in prison and very soon.

‘Kraken’ Lawyer Sidney Powell Avoids Jail With Guilty Plea on Eve of Election Interference Trial
More of the rats are turning on traitor Trump to see he is put away for life.

'Devastating for Trump': Legal analysts expect others to follow Sidney Powell to plea deal
"Powell, who previously called herself "The Kraken" during the 2020 election overthrow attempt, must cooperate with Georgia prosecutors and has already met with them overnight to give information, according to the reports."

Ron DeSantis Reminds America That Harvard and Yale Graduated An Ignorant Bigot
He can't be the only one.

Trump Trial In Manhattan Going Great, Wait Who Pleaded Guilty Where?
It's more than obvious he's suffering from Alzheimer's. Don't forget his father struggled with it.

Jim Jordan Learns Being A Failure Isn’t Just A River In Egypt
"BREAKING ACHTUNG. Jim Jordan has at this late hour decided he is NOT going through with a third day of ritually letting hundreds of people stomp on his dick on live C-SPAN."

Texas Installs Barrier Along New Mexico State Line
To lock yourselves in I hope. Cowardly Nazis. Walls can fall.

Texas Police To Pay $175,000 For Refusing To Respond To Reports Of Cultists Menacing Biden Campaign Bus
They are all part of the fascist movement as we well know.

GOP Rep. Receiving Death Threats Over House Speaker Vote
I've heard the source of these threats come from the Charlie Kirk asshole Nazi gang.

GOP lawmaker accuses law school of anti-Christian bias after it confirms he lied about attending
Another self-ordained lawyer?

'A loser and a spoiler': Kyrsten Sinema raises almost $200K from major GOP donors
"Senator Kyrsten Sinema (I-Arizona), who has not yet announced if she's running for reelection in 2024, is cleaning up in campaign contributions from well-heeled Republican donors."
And a jerk to boot.

BREAKING: Jim Jordan On Track to Lose Speaker Bid On Second Ballot
"Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) failed a second time on Wednesday to secure enough GOP House member votes to become speaker of the House."
Fascist loses.

Kari Lake's lawsuit over metro Phoenix's electronic voting machines has been tossed out
When will this idiot come to grips with the fact that no one wants her around their government?

MS “Media Minister” Arrested On Child Porn Charges
Another one bites the dust. Or are all these asshats the same bastard?

Far-Right Texas PAC Ousts Leader After Nazi Meeting
One down, untold numbers to go.

Maddow tells The View making Jim Jordan speaker is like putting Giuliani on Supreme Court
"MSNBC host Rachel Maddow appeared on Wednesday's episode of "The View" to promote her new book that details the American fight against fascism over the years – but she started with a discussion of the state of Congress."

Former Ohio State wrestler takes down Jim Jordan: ‘I always wonder who he’s fighting for’
For Trump and his own glory. A stupid fascist.

Why It's Impossible for Right-Wing Governments to Handle a Crisis
Why right wing crises face incompetence or cynical exploitation. Bush and “heckofajob Brownie”; Netanyahu and Gaza; Trump and Covid, or his cynically tossing paper towels at hurricane victims.
Trump can't even handle his own. Don't expect him to handle our country.

On a Scale of 1 to 10, How Fuckin' Dumb Were We?
"But really, people, on a scale of 1 to 10, and given a gazillion factors as bad or worse than those mentioned above, how fuckin' dumb would a country have to be to still have this creepy cretin dominating the national news, a twice-impeached former POTUS facing more criminal charges than Al Capone, with most of those crimes pretty much captured on tape or on national television. (Insurrection? What insurrection?) A scale of 1 to 10 doesn't go low enough to measure how dumb that all was, has been, and, incredibly incredibly, still is. We're going to have to retire the Polish jokes. America's now Number 1 in the stupidest-people-in-the- world joke category."

Hot New RFK Jr. Poll Says He's Screwing Exactly Who We Thought He Would
"Strap in for a newsy surprise nobody coulda seen coming! The first major poll has come out since Robert F. Kennedy Jr. stopped 'running' for 'president' as a 'Democrat,' and started running as just an independent ratfucker whose true motivation here is God-knows-what."
"(We’re saying that MAGA Republicans’ chess moves right now are so goddamned stupid you’d almost think they were secretly working for the Biden campaign.)"

LIVE: Jim Jordan Fails Harder With A Vengeance!
"The gossip right now is that Jim Jordan has even fewer votes to be House speaker than he did yesterday, which is basically what we were hearing just after they adjourned after Jim’s failure yesterday.
So he’s having another vote at 11 today just to check!"
Playbook says Jordan’s people really thought the intimidation from conservative media — like that hilariously stupid little yipyap dog letter Sean Hannity was sending — was going to work. It didn’t work. When it turned out that Hannity’s intimidation was just annoying the shit out of people, and not actually affecting them, he queened out on his show, whining about “a few sensitive little snowflakes in Congress,” and saying, “I offer no apologies for doing my job and seeking answers from those elected public servants. Again, keyword, servants.”

'Funny': Analyst calls out 'the fighter' Jim Jordan over whining to Trump after 2020 election
Like Trump, Jordan is a traitor to America.

Trump Posts Link To New York AG’s Home Address
Typical of his low-life scumbag criminal brain.
The fact he is not in jail is disgraceful to our country.

GOP Rep’s Wife Gets Threatening Texts About Jordan
Tell the caller to eat a sack of dicks.

Day of the goons: Win or lose, Jim Jordan marks a new low point for the GOP
Jim Jordan's threats and empty promises may not be enough to end all-out Republican chaos
They are a bottomless hole. A pit that goes straight to hell.
"This is truly crazy, folks. It’s not politics. It’s just self-mutilation and destruction on a larger stage than the Jim Jones electric Kool Aid cyanide test."
The House has been without a speaker for close to two weeks. That’s never happened before in our history. And these shithooks want to blame it on anyone but themselves.

Trump's Cognitive Decline: OH NO THEY BANNED FLYPAPER! Edition
"Our eyes today have been on Washington and the pathetic failures of Jim Jordan. But Jordan’s mentor, hero, lord and savior Donald Trump has been out there running for president, at least between his court dates (he’s back in New York today), and he’s revealing some terrible things in the process. Not real things, of course, just things being bandied about by the syphilitic raccoons who live in his brain."

Here Is How Swamp Creature Jim Jordan Is Flipping 'No' Votes
Trump's lap dog.

Rep. Pete Aguilar Rips 'Legislative Terrorist' Jordan To Shreds
He's worse than that. Ask a few wrestlers from Ohio State University.

The Reckoning
"Kasich is pretending not to know that a radical Repub minority is imposing its will on the US House GOP majority. This is a state of affairs we ordinary citizens know all too well, thanks to the cowardice of Repubs like Kasich."
Another example of a severe thinking disorder. Who contols the House, John? Your clique. So, guess who you should be blaming for your shit show? The ones that keep stepping in it.

Pelosi delivers devastating response to Jim Jordan’s failed speaker vote
"In 2016 Roll Call’s Jonathan Allen called Speaker Pelosi an “Unequaled Vote-Counter.” In 2022, CNN’s Chris Cillizza wrote Pelosi’s “Secret Sauce” was “Counting votes.” Keep slitting your throats as well.

Elise Stefanik ripped for 'ridiculous and hilarious' speech praising Jim Jordan before failed speaker vote
Try not to be a stupid idiot with the "wrestling mat" comment. I know, you can't help it. Your party keeps electing idiots like you.

'A lot of folks followed you': Failed GOP candidate who rioted on Jan. 6 sentenced to prison
A losing 2022 GOP gubernatorial candidate in Michigan was sentenced Tuesday to 60 days in prison and hit with a $5,000 fine over his involvement in January 6, The Associated Press (AP) reports.
"I think you misused the platform that you had as a candidate for elected office to minimize, and frankly, to lie about what happened,” United States District Judge Christopher R. Cooper told Ryan Kelley, which NBC News reports is a reference to " "'fundraising appeals' he "made years after the riot where he referred to the 2020 election as stolen and called the Jan. 6 riot an 'FBI set-up.''

Fact-checker destroys Trump’s latest furious rant against fraud trial
"Judge Arthur Engoron has already ruled on the merits for James in summary judgment, and the current trial is purely about determining damages. James is seeking $250 million in fines and a ban on Trump from doing any business in the state."
Fuck Trump, the criminal traitor.

Scamvangelist: The Bible Is True Because It Says It Is
"It was written by the holy spirit...." Sorry, Paul and all the rest of you forgers that wrote using Paul's nane.
This guy has the answer because he's the real authority.

Hannity Mocks Complaints About Pro-Jordan Pressure
So he's a member of the House now?

PA State Rep: The Bible Says Climate Change Is Fake
She ignores the words "as long as the Earth endures." Our planet isn't doing well at all.

Trump Declares He’s “Willing To Go To Jail”
Perfect. Send the traitor for life.

Hate Pastor: People In Wheelchairs Lack Faith In God
"“Churches in the American culture — you know one of the largest expenses we have in buildings? The amount of handicap parking and handicap accessibility that we have in our churches."

Iran Threatens Pre-Emptive Strike On Gaza Ground Invasion
And here comes WWIII right on time.
Nuclear war is finally coming to our neighborhood.

'Thug' Jim Jordan is following in his mentor's footsteps
"How is Jim Jordan rounding up votes among House Republicans to make himself speaker? The same way Trump maintains Republican support for his dangerous lies: by threatening to unleash the rage of the party’s MAGA base and far-right media ecosystem against any lawmaker standing in the way."

Trump spending 'tens of millions' on legal bills as donations pour in at a 'prodigious pace': report
A fool and his money are soon parted. This is a perfect example of the old axiom.

'Collapse of the republic': Rick Wilson warns 'goon' Jim 'Jordan will burn down the world for Trump'
"Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) is by no means universally loved by conservatives. Former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyoming) blamed him for the January 6, 2021 assault on the U.S. Capitol Building, and former House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) slammed him as a 'legislative terrorist.'"

MD Priest Fired Over Secret Sexual Abuse Settlement
Another one bites the dust.

LMAO This Dumb Candygram Hannity Is Sending To Republicans Who Won't Vote For Jim Jordan
"HOT BREAKING UPDATE on the very serious and adult Republican process for choosing a new speaker of House: dunno. Don’t really fuckin’ care, to be brutally honest.
As of this morning, it wasn’t looking great for the dumb white coach who escaped from the Ohio State wrestling gym. It’s being said that there will be a challenger tomorrow when they all try to vote, and this morning Punchbowl said there are still “'ouble-digit' number of Republicans hellbent committed to opposing Jordan, enough 'Never Jordans' to make sure he doesn’t get to be speaker, now or ever."

Trump Gagged Some More
"The gagging is 'limited' and 'narrowly tailored,' says the news. He is not allowed to '[make] public statements attacking the witnesses, prosecutors or court staff involved in the federal criminal case in which he stands accused of conspiring to overturn the 2020 election.'
This will leave him free to — bless his heart — speak freely on matters pertaining to his 2024 presidential run.
Yes, aliens from the future, the man who is on trial for trying to overthrow the Republic and overturn the election he lost in 2020 is the leading presidential nominee for one of the major political parties for 2024. Yes, this is allowed.
He will obviously violate this if he hasn’t already. We just checked Truth Social and he’s babbling incomprehensibly and posting memes literally every minute, and also posting tributes to Suzanne Somers, but so far no attacks on the judge or the case since the order came down. That is of course subject to change at any time"

Lindsey Graham Grew A Spine For A Second, But Don’t Worry, It Went Away
"Uh huh. And why did Trump issue that statement that he was standing with Bibi and Israel? Because he had just attacked Bibi and Israel, reportedly because he’s extremely upset Bibi called Joe Biden to congratulate him on winning the election and because he recognizes Biden as the legitimate president."

Over 2,700 Wildfires Reported in the Amazon in the First 11 Days of October
The destruction of our world is going on now in diverse places. The question is how long can we last with so many fronts slowly killing us?

'Let's tone this down': Trump lawyer admonished by Judge Chutkan after 'thug' comment
Could be they all will be serving time for contempt of court. That would suit them just fine.

Trump is following 'the fascist playbook to the letter': historian
This is more than obvious to anyone with a functioning brain.

A 6-Year-Old Palestinian American Boy Was Fatally Stabbed Inside His Home
The world has gone amok. It will only get worse for all of us.

As Climate Risks Mount, the Insurance Safety Net Is Collapsing
More to the previous point. It's going to get worse.

Abortion opponents are trying to deter people from traveling out of state for care
Stop these Abortion dictator Nazis by any means necessary.

Trump Supporter Says Space Force Will Fix 'Stolen Election'
"The cognitive dissonance in some people is something to behold. This woman has made up an unbelievably complex scenario in her mind just because she couldn't believe that the majority of Americans rejected Trump and his fascism. The only question is whether this woman will have a breakdown or run for Congress."
Is there something to make us believe she is not already batshit crazy as all of them.

Israel readying emergency regulations allowing arrest of journalists for factual reporting
So, Isreal is in fact really another bunch of Nazis.
No free press? Then no support from U.S.

Judge orders partial gag order barring Trump from 'public smear campaign'
The Shitgibbon does not care. Lock him up.

'Will America survive?': Trump launches tirade over gag order hearing
It will if you go away, you asshat.

Jim Jordan likens House Republicans to the Mafia
Sure. And he marches in lock step with the traitor Trump. Jordan is trying to bully his way to becoming speaker
That's all the coward has. He not a leader.

"Keep her legs closed!": Republicans are mad one of them said the quiet part out loud
Republicans definitely want to punish women for having sex — but they don't want voters to figure that out

Louvre Museum and Palace of Versailles evacuated; Paris under terror alert
After a teacher is murdered by a suspected extremist, French landmarks face alleged threats
Time to send all the Nazis back to hell where they came from.

The gang that couldn't shoot straight: Will the GOP's baffling "ignarrogance" be its undoing?
Even if Jim Jordan wins, the speaker's chair will still be vacant. What the hell happened to the Republican Party?
One word. Trump.
Take him out.

Fundraising report shows MTG received donations from McCarthy prior to vote on removing him
McCarthy's Majority Committee PAC made two donations to Greene in the amount of $5,000 each
We know what she charges for her services now. Just as we thought, she's cheap.

Crenshaw Shrugs At Jordan’s Bid To Overturn Election
This asshole would support mutiny, treason, murder or rape to get what he wants.
Who says he has friends in the GQP? Who says he has friends of anykind>
He wouldn't know democracy if it put his eye out.

CNN: Up To 40 GOP Reps Plan To Vote Against Jordan
“The approximately 20 I’ve talked to know we must be prepared,” the member said. “We cannot let the small group dictate to the whole group. They want a minority of the majority to dictate and as a red-blooded American I refuse to be a victim.”
"Refuse to be a victim." Damn! A sign of a backbone!
Glad to see they have someone interested in the future of our country.

Graham On Trump’s Hezbollah Praise: “Huge Mistake”
Here's Miss Lindsey.

Lauren Boebert blew campaign cash at Beetlejuice groper's bar
Oh, no. Does this mean she and Marge will be back to street walking again?

'All Arabs are Semites': CBS host schools DeSantis for calling Palestinians anti-Semitic
Doh! The dipshit actually has a degree but he don't know shit? Revoke his diploma!

Advocates slam Kari Lake's 'blatant lies'
Sick of arrogant liars like this one.
"But actual pro-choice advocates say that her assertions are far from true, and studies show that the vast majority of women still feel their abortions were the right decision five years later."
Kari says:"“I don’t know any mother who says, ‘I wish I wasn’t a mother,’” she said. “I challenge you to find one. They don’t exist, because it’s the greatest gift ever."
She's dead wrong and there are vast amounts of data to prove her pandering ignorance.

Red state conservatives are dying thanks to the people they vote for
Not surprising considering how retarded these people are.

Cargill-MacMillan Family Rebukes Visiting Indigenous Leader
Nazis in South America serve to remind us just how dangerous they are to humanity.
Mathew Jacobson, campaign director with, said: “The Cargill Macmillan family has demonstrated that they are unconcerned with the impacts of the company’s actions on those victimized by them. And they are dismissive of all attempts to bring it to their attention. We knew that the company didn’t care, but we expected more from the family. It’s high time the family intervenes. We hope that the family will choose to be remembered as one that made the world a better place, not a worse one.”

Jim Jordan allies 'threatening retribution' against GOPer’s refusing to elect him speaker
Notice how the Trump MAGAT traitors work. Threaten if they don't get their way. Just like the Nazi scum they are.

George Santos threatens to quit Congress if GOP works with Dems on speaker deal: reports

Trump’s Israel comments 'giving prosecutors new material' for Mar-a-Lago trial
Can this idiot get any dumber?

Sentencing For FL’s “Don’t Say Gay” Author: Oct 19th
Another two-bit crook gets chopped.

Far-Right Louisiana AG Jeff Landry Elected Governor
Land of the Happy Negro elect Nazi in the retarded area of real swamp land.

What we talk about when we talk about terrorism — in Israel and right here at home
If the Hamas attack in Israel was terrorism — which it was — how do we describe the annual carnage in America?
Easy to answer.

The contemptible thievery of gentrification
Hearing aids will only work on people who hath an ear to hear.

The disaster that is Jim Jordan
"Jacket-Off" is a mistake about to take place. An accident looking for a place to happen.

Robin Vos Threatens: Rule The Way I Want You To Or Else
Wisconsin Speaker Robin Vos is back to resorting to extortion in a futile effort to get his way on redistricting case.
This Nazi can go back to the place in hell he came from. No place for him in America.

Dancin' David Gregory Blames Dems For GOP House Mess
Very Serious David Gregory informs us that "Washington" is broken and Democrats have to stop "playing identity politics" and bail Republicans out.
Why is this shit fer brains smiling? Does "we" have a mouse in his pocket? LMAO!

GOP Rep On House Chaos: 'Makes Us Look Like A Bunch Of Idiots'
Hard to disagree with Rep. Austin Scott (R-GA).
At last, one of the morons wakes up!

Former GOP Advisor: We Are Not A Party Fit For Governing
Brendan Buck, former communications advisor for John Boehner and Paul Ryan, says that the Republicans are more fit to be the party of the minority.
Yes, the Peter Principle is alive and taking no prisoners.

Santos Throws Screaming F-Bomb Tirade
He has only so many fucks to give.

House Speaker Race Descending Into 'Lord Of The Flies But Stupid'
Oh, dear. All of those books have been burned. Whatever will the fools be able to relate this to?

Cheney amps up Jordan criticism: GOP will lose House and 'deserve' it
"Former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) doubled down Friday on her criticism of Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), saying if he becomes Speaker, Republicans will lose control of the House in the next election — and rightly so."

Ohio’s Abortion Debate Mired in Misinformation
Reproductive rights advocates must counter erroneous claims about abortion to pass a proposed state constitutional amendment.
Tyrants like DeWine rig the vote any way they possibly can. Proof is here:"Whitesell expects that there would be some “crossover” between voters who support legalization and reproductive rights. Young people are one group where some crossover would certainly be expected. But earlier this year, Gov. Mike DeWine signed a photo ID requirement into law. Previously, students could show a letter from their university attesting to residency. Now they must present an unexpired Ohio driver’s license (which effectively means giving up home-state residency, which can affect other college-related matters like financial aid if a student pursues that option) or other state-issued ID, U.S. passport, veterans, or other U.S. military ID to vote in person or vote by mail.
That change was widely understood to be expressly designed to suppress the student vote, particularly among out-of-state students who under state law can vote in the communities where they live. In the 2022 midterms, the overall Ohio youth vote (ages 18 to 29) was nearly 22 percent. But in 2020, Ohio youth turnout was about 50 percent, raising the question of whether the one-two combo of abortion and cannabis legalization will motivate this critical segment of voters."
The cowardly swine.

Judge Chutkan must prepare to jail Trump if she's serious about a gag order: legal expert
It doesn't take a legal expert to know this.

'It’s time to stop pretending' Trump hasn't become 'profoundly unhinged': columnist
No one is paying attention. They are as crazed as he is.

Amazon's Alexa Goes MAGA, Claims 2020 Election Was Stolen
Did we ever think we were going to actually live in a world where a "ministry of truth" would be re-educating us with propaganda that was delivered by fascists? Guess again. Oh,"they were quickly fixed when discovered." Blow up this sort of horse shit!

67 X Accounts Are Churning Out Disinformation About Israel War
Researchers have uncovered a propaganda network of 67 accounts on Twitter that are coordinating a campaign of posting false, inflammatory content related to the Israel-Hamas war.
And who is in charge of this wretched garbage?

Judge shoots down Trump effort to halt lawsuit trying to disqualify him from ballot
"Trump's allies were hoping that a lawsuit trying to keep him off the 2024 ballot would be thrown out in court, but in Colorado, Judge Sarah Wallace has ruled that the lawsuit can go forward."

Trump’s 'overplayed' witch hunt claims may have destroyed best chance with jurors: experts
"It's not impossible for Donald Trump to face a fair trial in his criminal cases, according to jury experts – but he may have already overplayed one hand in his defense."

Republican NYC Councilwoman Arrested After Wearing Gun To Counterprotest At Pro-Palestine Rally
Setting the standard for the Civil War that will be in your neighborhood soon.

Kirk Staffers Accused Of Assaulting Queer AZ Professor
Sniveling little rat-faced git.

'America wants me': Jim Jordan infuriated GOPers as he undercut Scalise's speaker bid
America wants you thrown back in the sewer you came from, dumbass.

How criminal cases are boosting Trump with some voters: 'It helps me like him more'
Perfect examples of shit for brains. We have far too many of these failed creatures. Logic has completely eluded them.

House GOP in total chaos: So much for fascist order and discipline!
Aren't far-right movements supposed to make the trains run on time? GOP can't elect a speaker from its own tribe

NYPD Steps Up Readiness After Call For “Day Of Rage”
The MAGAts are doing their best Gestapo impression. Do they want to eat hot lead?

GOP May Give Temporary House Speaker More Power
Give the sawed-off Nazi more power? That's just what we need, you dumb shits.
How America needs Nancy Pelosi to kick the shit bags out!

Trump Keeps Confusing Biden With Obama
This and the speech slurring indicates he's had a stroke and, like everything else, he's trying to cover it up.

End To Junk Fees: Biden Saves Americans Billions
Biden Applauded for Fighting 'Billion-Dollar Rip-Off' With Proposed Junk Fees Ban
"Consumer advocacy groups on Wednesday applauded new efforts announced by the Biden administration to rein in banks and other companies that make billions of dollars per year charging Americans what President Joe Biden called "outrageous" hidden fees when they make purchases or use basic financial services."

Suburban Moms Push Back Against 'Moms For Liberty'
Yes! Moms for Liberty's school board takeover strategy is meeting pushback.
Push them back to the place in hell where they came from.

'Tipping point': GOPers reportedly admit it's time to work with Dems on House speaker
Good idea.

Highest drop out rate in Florida college’s history fueled by DeSantis’ 'censorship'
What a Nazi shit bag this stiff is.

Idiot Tuberville Warns Against 'Picking Sides' In Israel-Hamas War
“When you start picking sides in the Middle East, it can get really messy very quick,” said Sen. Tuberville with his usual homespun dipshittery.
What dingbat this moron is.

Sen. Fetterman zings GOP: 'America is not sending their best and brightest to Washington'
Of course not. American's best and brightest know better than to waste their time there.

Former Pence aide says Trump is a phony Christian who 'disparaged' his supporters in private
Ha! Trump make joke, of course. He didn't mean that did he? HE HATES EVERYONE!!!!

Kirk: Biden Hates You, “Bring Guns To Public Places”
Be careful of what you wish for, you little Nazi traitor.

Before Torchy’s incident, group in Nazi gear escorted out of Fort Worth gun show
A group of people wearing swastikas and other Nazi insignia were escorted out of the Original Fort Worth Gun Show on Saturday, the day before the viral video of a group eating at Torchy’s.
In America, there should be no Nazis to be seen or heard. The Republicans are bad enough as it is.

October Inflation Report: Inflation Levels Off, Run For Your Lives!
Tweet by Paul Krugman: ‘The war on inflation is over. We won, at very little cost’

This Time Fani Willis Just Called Jim Jordan ‘Ignorant’ And Closed The Tab
The dickhead gets a smack in the face from a real American.

Georgia DA Ponders Whether Jim Jordan Is “Ignorant” or Abusing His Office
Why not both? Fuck the demented dumbass.

De Niro warns democracy 'won't survive' Trump reelection
Robert De Niro is issuing a dire warning against the country reelecting former President Trump, saying “democracy won’t survive the return of a wannabe dictator.” Of course not. This is why he must be defeated by any means necessary.

Ted Cruz busted for false claim about Biden taking 'days' to say US stands with Israel
Who told this dumb shit he could open his lying mouth?

'Nail in the coffin' for Trump's Truth Social after nearly $200M investment cancelled
Hopefully, he'll be living on the streets soon.

Trump corrected by Fox News host as ex-president appears to confuse Biden for Obama
Fatso is so senile he can't tell the forest from the tress. What a sick douche.

'Donald Trump respects terrorists': Critics slam ex-president for Hezbollah comments
Exactly what a terrorist like Trump would say.

'We might never elect a speaker': Republican House in complete disarray after meeting
Hopefully, we will be through with this sack of dicks forever after this shit show.

Trump Deceived Deutsche Bank, Former Exec Testifies
Of course. That's what criminals do.

Trump: Scalise Is Too Sick With Cancer To Be Speaker
Trump is too sick with every disease known to man to be anything but a bad example.

Baptist Pastor Gets 10-23 Years For Making Child Porn
Another one bites the biggest bag of dust. The Baptist shit certainly earned it.

Judge Frees All Trump Campaign Staffers From NDAs
This should be the death of Fatso.

Asked 4 Times About Nick Fuentes, DeSantis Can't Answer
"Most of us wouldn't let that human garbage pile clean our toilets, but he's been seen with a fuckton of Republicans."
CNN's John Berman asked Florida Gov. and presidential hopeful Ron DeSantis, "Should Republicans be eating with Nick Fuentes?" You'd think that's a pretty simple question, but DeSantis couldn't seem to answer it.

'False dichotomy': Fox News omits a key detail to blast Biden’s Israel response
Shut these stupid Nazi motherfuckers down for good.
They are STILL the #1 misinformation trash in our country.

Scalise may drop out after winning speaker nomination: report
MSNBC will surely blame the Demorats. ROTFLMAO!

MSNBC Hosts Still Trying To Blame Democrats For McCarthy's Ouster
You bet. These assholes have all of a sudden gone right-wing. Which of their Nazis is responsible?

Biden buries Trump for Hezbollah remarks: 'The right time to praise terrorists is never'
That there are Americans that support this Trump bag of shit is a disaterous disgrace on our country.

Israel Shreds Trump For Pro-Hezbollah “Propaganda
Maybe they can take him out. The U.S. doesn't have the guts to do it.

ACT test scores for U.S. students drop to a 30-year low
Is it education's fault or are the students as dumb as a box of rocks because their stupid parents are keeping them that way?

Will the United States Be the Next Israel?
"There’s another reason American should be worried."
"The failure of Israel to accurately assess the threat posed by Hamas is a cautionary tale of what happens when elected officials view their own government as part of a “deep state” instead of professionals trying their best to provide useful intelligence and advice. If Republicans do well in the 2024 elections, Americans could view what is happening in Israel now as the same sneak preview that Brexit provided in 2016."
A new halocaust looking for a place to happen. And it's right here at home.

‘Almost diabolical’: Haley slammed for ‘ugly lies’ claiming left supports ‘the beheadings'
Indicative of a bunch of ghouls. The Republicans have become totally irrelevent except as new domestic terrorists.

Hamas attack on Israel a fatal miscalculation, analysts say
"In its bloody assault on Israel, Hamas was aiming to break a stalemate in Gaza, analysts say, but with its neighbor now determined to eradicate the Islamist group, it may have made a fatal mistake."

Bipartisan bill aims to protect actors, singers from AI recreations
"A bipartisan bill introudced Thursday aims to protect the likeness of actors, singers and other performers from generative artificial intelligence (AI) technology."

GOP Picks Scalise for Speaker — But Vote Is Delayed Due to Intraparty Squabbles
What used to be the Republican Party is now a bunch of sewer rats.

Gazans Fear Israeli Army Is Preparing for Mass Ethnic Cleansing to Egypt
There are a big bunch of assholes in the world right now. Netanyahu is just one of many. But Hamas is right there with them.

MAGA Podcaster Fantasizes About Trump As Chief Justice
“It would be very charming if he could be the president and the Speaker of the House. ... If he does somehow manage to make it back to the White House, he's gotta nominate himself for the Supreme Court ... ideally for chief justice.”
Go back to the place in hell you came from.

TX Lt Gov To Keep $3M Donation Despite Nazi Meeting
Of course, we all know he's a Nazi who gladly accepts Nazi money.

Four TN Pastors Indicted In COVID Relief Fraud Scheme
Four more bite the dust.

Nazi Group Confronts Diners In Texas Restaurant
The comments tell us what the answer should be!
"Free speech does not mean your free to turn our country into a fascist state" - (comments)
"In a country that values free speech what do we do about Nazis.... WIPE THEM THE FUCK OUT LIKE IN WW2 ... why is it even a question that has to be asked" - (comments)
"Even in Germany, wearing of the NAZI arm band or making a sieg heil salute are banned...but in the US with it's insane unlimited 'free speech' laws, it's perfectly OK!" - (comments)
You know one can open carry in Texas. Why are any of these guys still walking around? Because Texas is filled with Nazis like these bastards.

Hamas and the GOP are both terrorist groups — it's just a matter of degree
Most Americans understand the truth about Donald Trump and his followers: They're deranged, violent and dangerous
Same as Nazis, same solution as Torchy's

'Frankly insane': Morning Joe startled by Trump's 'absolutely crazy' remarks on Israel
Trump is a Nazi traitor. Only one thing to do with him.

'Beyond disgusting': Trump buried for heaping praise on Hezbollah
Why is this man still walking around and not in a cell for life?

The Real Reason Tommy Tuberville Hates The U.S. Military
Then-Coach Tommy Tuberville of the Cincinnati Bearcats arriving near Annapolis, Maryland for the 2014 Military Bowl.
"Old people fall all the time. Here's 60 year old Tommy Tuberville falling down some stairs in 2014 before losing to UVA in... wait for it... the Military Bowl."

Godfather of AI Admits He Fears His Creation Could "Take Over From Humanity"
Maybe it already has.

AI's Electricity Use Is Spiking So Fast It'll Soon Use as Much Power as an Entire Country
"AI chatbots like OpenAI's ChatGPT and Google's Bard consume an astronomical amount of electricity and water — or, more precisely, the massive data centers that power them do.
And according to the latest estimates, those energy demands are rapidly ballooning to epic proportions."

DeSantis Repeatedly Refuses To Condemn Republicans Who Associate With Self-Declared Nazi Nick Fuentes
Gee, I wonder why? Could it have anything to do with fascism?

Marjorie Taylor Greene vows to vote against Steve Scalise because he has cancer You are all cancer, Margie.

Tantrum-prone GOPer hits Jewish rep with F-bombs during Israel intelligence brief: report
Class A asshole, needs to get a good shit-kicking.

Regretful Republican looks back on support of party – and despairs
He should. Fascism is a shit system. Just look at its history.

Two GOP lawmakers give away donations after influential PAC leader met with white supremacist Nick Fuentes
White supremacist Nick Fuentes was seen visiting the office building associated with Defend Texas Liberty Pac President Jonathan Stickland. The revelation has roiled the party, leading to many Republicans calling on their peers to return donations from the PAC.
At least there are two men with spines among them. The rest appear to be Nazi sympathizers and cowards.

This Is Fucked, Y'all
"There will no longer be any comments on any posts about Israel and Palestine. Because you — you in particular? just maybe, could be! — have decided it’s more important to “what about” than to just say “IT IS WRONG TO CHOP BABIES’ HEADS OFF.
There doesn’t need to be a second part to that sentence. It is a full stop.
I guess it could be the second part of the sentence: 'I am really sympathetic toward Palestine and have been angry at Israel a long time, BUT IT IS WRONG TO CHOP BABIES’ HEADS OFF.' That could work too.
Raping people to death and chopping babies’ heads off is not 'resisting.' It amazes me that this needs to be said. And in no universe do I want to hear your acerbic asides about what Israel’s done to deserve it. Listen to your fucking self."

Some Asshole Signing Fifth Circuit's Name To Stupid Opinions
"And speaking of lawless, the United States Supreme Court’s six conservatives vacated the stay of execution and let Texas execute Murphy last night. Because we are a bloodthirsty, violent nation, afflicted by jurists who have the power now, and intend to use it."
The lawless arm of the Land of the Happy Negro.

Future Medicines May Be Threatened by Plant Extinction, Report Warns
"Forty-five percent of the world’s known flowering plants and 68 percent of cycads, or cone-bearing plants, are at risk of extinction, a new report warns. “We’re looking at over 100,000 species that are threatened — that’s more than the total number of species of mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, all of our vertebrates put together,” said Matilda Brown, a conservation analyst..."
Like Shingles: Nutball brains don't>

Viral video: Men seen wearing Nazi clothing, accessories at North Texas restaurant
One of the men allegedly chanted "white power" in the Fort Worth location of Torchy's Tacos. Men in Nazi gear were seen at multiple DFW hotspots last weekend.
Nazis openly wearing Hitler Nazi insignia. These motherfuckers need to be run in and locked up or die. We fought a war against the murdering bastards. Have the uneducated slipped on this issue? There was ONE female hero in the crowd. Shame on Fort Worth citizens. Torchy's, if, as you say, you don't stand for hate and do not tolerate hateful behavior and the group is not welcome at either business, then why didn't you kick their motherfucking asses out. Warn them to get out or get the SWAT team out! Swastika arm bands should not be protected by the 1st Amendment, goddamn it! This is the same way it got started in Nazi Germany!

America’s Dumbest Senator Calls The Cops Because Former CIA Chief Made Fun Of Him
"Well, we guess they’re just not making them very tough in Alabama anymore. Wait, Florida. We keep forgetting that Alabama Republican Senator Tommy Tuberville lives in Florida.
The stupidest P.E. major ever to escape from a locker room and start rubbing his jock strap on the US Senate took a quick break this week from his war against the United States military to cry to the Capitol cops that somebody was mean to him on Twitter. Specifically Michael Hayden, the former head of the CIA, was mean to him on Twitter.
It stands to reason that a guy who used to run the CIA and the NSA might be more contemptuous than most of a pigfuck redneck putting America in harm’s way because his undeveloped windsock brain thinks God’s mad about the Pentagon’s policy on abortion."
Stop laughing, you need to understand exactly how stupid it is before you start laughing at Senator Dumbshit.

Did Hamas Somehow Get Inside Information About Israel’s Defenses from a Trump Leak?
I have a few questions in trying to make sense of Gaza.

Moms for Liberty Meets Its Match: Parents in This Swing Suburban District Are Fighting Back
Fighting the Nazis in our midst.

It’s No Mystery Why Racists Have Fallen in Love With Trump’s Republican Party
The KKK did not choose to support Donald Trump because he was a Republican—but because they agreed with the ideas that he and other far-right politicians spout.

Book Bans Spread As New Texas Law Takes Effect
The moron minds of Texas trying to make our children dumber than they are.
Suppression works in the opposite every time.

House GOPers To Choose Speaker Today: Beevis, Or Butthead?
Huh-huh-huh-huh-huh-huh-huh! They need TP for their bunghole.

New IEA Report gives President Biden sufficient justification to declare a climate emergency
Well, we got one.

House Republicans fear they don't have enough votes to confirm a new speaker: 'No one is close'
A mistake that just took place. An accident that found a place to happen. That's what these failures are.

Ex-CIA director 'stands by' statement after Tuberville reports 'assassination' call to Capitol Police
Hayden is right. The chicken shit "Tubby" should resign. He's a threat to American security. We all KNOW this!

Anti-LGBTQ TN Mayoral Candidate Refuses To Condemn Literal Nazis: That’s What You Get, You Deserve Threats
She's a Nazi and no American. She will reap what she has sown.

'Fractured' Republicans are 'increasingly untethered from reality' amid daunting foreign crisis
This includes the coward, Tuberville.

George Santos Slammed With Updated 23-Count Indictment
A week after his former campaign treasurer pleaded guilty to a felony related to Santos' campaign, he was charged with almost two dozen new charges.

Lectern-Gate Gets Worse For Sarah Huckabee Sanders
'The State Republican Party reimbursed the Governor's Office with private funds' isn't the flex you think it is, Sarah.
Stupid is as stupid does.

Thank Republican Sens. Cruz, Vance, and Paul for lack of Middle East ambassadors
Don't forget Tuberville is keeping the Navy from having a commander.
With traitors like these we don't need any other enemies.

Megachurch Pastor: Hamas Is Bringing The End Times
Once again, for the ten-millionth time: THE END!
Why is it that of all the books written about the end of the world are never referred to? Only the Bible has the answer that no shyster is ever correct about. It gets rescheduled.

Dems Seek DOJ Probe Into Virginia Voter Rolls Purge
Investigate their obvious chicanery.

Ex-CFO confesses he certified Trump's financial docs so boss wouldn't default on loans
The Trump Crime Syndicate at work.

Red States Kicking Millions Off Medicaid, Including Kids, Because They Can
"In the rest of what we jokingly call the civilized world, to one degree or another, countries make sure their citizens all have access to healthcare at little or no cost to the individual, because healthcare is considered a basic right, a government function as basic as having roads and schools and a taxation system to pay for it all.
In the United States of America, nearly eight million low-income people have been kicked off Medicaid so far this year, following the end of a pandemic policy passed by Congress in 2020 that prohibited states from disenrolling Medicaid recipients during the healthcare state of emergency."
Forget the drugs. This is what happens when you have no brains.

Elon Musk Is Personally Undermining X’s Efforts to Curb Israel-Hamas War Disinformation
"X’s Trust and Safety team says it’s working to remove false information related to the Israel-Hamas war. Meanwhile, Elon Musk is sharing conspiracies and chatting with QAnon promoters."

Why the Full Employment Created by Bidenomics Should Be Celebrated
"The economy has many problems. But the labor market hasn’t been doing this well in many decades."

Jim Jordan's 'hallucinatory' shutdown threat would cost billions and is illegal: column
The swine.

'Shame on you': Hamas massacre survivor buries GOPer's attempt to sell out Ukraine
"What a cynical move," Tibon said in response to Hawley. "Shame on you Senator. Iran is sending drones to Ukraine and guns to Gaza, to murder Ukrainians and murder Israelis. God help us if USA can't support both countries against this brutal anti-democratic axis. Glad Biden is in charge." The little prick, Hee-Hawley doesn't think Ukraine is existentially threatened? He's a totally fucked-up failure as a human being. He and Vance can both drop dead.

Josh Hawley Uses Israel Attacks As Excuse To Slurp Putin's Bathwater
"There is functionally no United States Congress right now, because Republicans are no longer a real political party, just a bunch of mediocre white conservative dudes much too busy playing with their own excrement to elect a speaker or govern. They haven’t really earned the right to open their mouths to comment on the Biden administration’s response to Hamas’s terrorist attacks on Israel or Israel’s response, but here we are."

'Air of havoc': GOP terrified House 'dysfunction' could bury party in 2024
Reinish argued, "Every Republican owns this. To me, one of the most ridiculous and most fallacious arguments that I've heard is Republicans trying to blame Democrats for the dysfunction that they own."
Then bury them.

Suburban parents mobilize in effort to smack down right-wing Moms for Liberty
Knock one of these morons down for me, please.

Jack Smith asks Judge Chutkan for order to stop Trump from 'intimidating' jurors
The only way to shut this dickstick up is to throw him into solitary confinement. Do it.

North Carolina’s new 'secret police force' is a 'recipe for government abuse': expert
Hitler's children.

'Dishonest': Critics slam Fox News over 'attack-Biden-at-all-costs garbage'
Fox News? Dishonest? ROTFLMAO!

Republicans are 'saying literally nothing' in response to best jobs report 'in several decades': analysis
You mean they aren't taking credit for it? LOL!

Morning Joe shreds 'lazy and stupid' GOP attempts to blame Biden for Israel onslaught
"Every time somebody brings it up, what they don't understand is, if this is a terrorist fund, it is the Trump terrorist fund," Scarborough continued. "The Trump administration saw a spike in Iranian oil revenue flooding in. Even in 2018, when he finally said, okay, they're terrorists, we're going to get out of the deal. Maybe we should. Then this money comes from a waiver, and who did he give that waiver to so they could continue flooding Iran with money?"

If Republicans Were Ever Honest With American Workers
An eye-opening take on Republicans' true opinion about the working class.

Big GOP donor won't pay bills after cyber security firm failed to find 2020 voter fraud
"Bill Bachenberg is being sued by New York-based cybersecurity company XRVisions for refusing to pay for their services after hiring them. This is the fourth known cybersecurity firm that investigated the 2020 election. Trump hired two firms off the books, Simpatico Software Systems, and Berkeley Research Group, but it was unknown until about a year after the fact. They found no fraud in the 2020 election."

Nancy Mace Destroyed Unearned Reputation And All She Got Was Lousy T-Shirt
"Rep. Nancy Mace from South Carolina has been sold by some in mainstream news media as an example of a “good/normal” Republican. But, in what has continued to be an evergreen Wonkette axiom, there is no such thing as a “Good Republican.” Mace has benefitted from lowered expectations for her party while revealing time and time again she is just as bad as people like Gaetz or frenemy Majorie Taylor Greene."

How Is PE Major Tommy Tuberville's Anti-Abortion Crusade Hurting The US Military Today?
"One of the most horrifying aspects of the war that’s broken out between Israel and Palestine has to do with the children, on both sides of the conflict. Half the population of Gaza is children, and many children have been killed. Meanwhile there are reports of Hamas kidnapping Israeli children. It’s bad.
So of course US Republican Senator Tommy Tuberville is going to keep his anti-abortion crusade going against the US military, because he got in his small little coach brain that Jesus is just real mad about the Pentagon’s policy of paying for travel for troops who need abortions, which the Pentagon had to institute because the illegitimate partisan hack Supreme Court decided Americans weren’t mature enough to be trusted with their own bodily autonomy."
Genuine pile of fecal matter is "Tubby."

The Israel-Hamas War Is Drowning X in Disinformation
"People who have turned to X for breaking news about the Israel-Hamas conflict are being hit with old videos, fake photos, and video game footage at a level researchers have never seen."
Why the hell anyone thinks X is anything but propaganda has to be having a brain meltdown.

America’s Healthcare System Is a Failure
"Despite spending more per capita on health care than any other wealthy country, the US struggles to match other nations’ life expectancy and health outcomes."

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Family Already Decrying His Independent Candidacy
"We denounce his candidacy and believe it to be perilous for our country,” Kennedy's sister, Kerry Kennedy, said on social media.

Far-right surge upends German state elections
Hitler: Round 2. I'm starting to see the end of humanity on this planet.

Georgia GOP Files Ethics Complaint Against Fani Willis
To paraphrase Bo Diddley: "Before you accuse her, take a look at yourselves."

Jack Smith Filing Opposes Delay In Trump’s Docs Trial
Get the treasonous criminal to trial or hell won't have it.

'I would vote for Biden even if he was dead': PA Republican weighs in on possible Trump nomination
Hell, yes!

Fact check highlights House speaker hopeful Jim Jordan’s 'vocal' support of Trump’s 2020 election lies
Jacket-Off is a huge ball of shit.

Mace’s endorsement of Jordan for speaker revives allegations he ignored sexual abuse at Ohio State
She says "It's OK that I'm a dumbass on this subject. This is fine!"

No, Biden did not fund Hamas’ attack on Israel
The MAGAt Nazis are trying to move from Civil War to WWIII as fast as they can.

Texas lt. gov. calls for resignation of speaker who condemns 'Hitler apologists'
“This not just a casual misstep. It’s indicative of the moral, political rot that has been festering in a certain segment of our party for far too long. Anti-Semitism, bigotry and Hitler apologists should find no sanctuary in the Republican party. Period. We cannot – and must not – tolerate the tacit endorsement of such vile ideologies.” "KDFM adds that “Patrick’s denunciation of Fuentes comes after Fuentes met with Defend Texas Liberty PAC leadership, from whom Patrick accepted $3 million.”
Patrick is the one who should resign.

Texas GOP Megadonor Meets With Nazi Nick Fuentes
"During his time in the Texas House, Jonathan Strickland appeared here several times for his bizarre pronouncements such as 2020’s 'if aliens exist, they need Jesus' and his 2019 rant that all vaccines are created by 'communist sorcery.'
FOAD, motherfucker.

Psaki Makes A Fool Of GOP Lawmaker Over Lies About Biden And Israel
Fools will be fools. Rep. Mike Lawler is forever the fool.

Haley Refuses To Say Trump's Call For Milley To Be Executed 'Disqualifying'
Disqualify her as she is a domestic terrorist like Fatso the Nazi.

Texas Republicans busted at meeting with white nationalists
Texas Nazis, that is.
"White supremacist influencer Nick Fuentes and acquitted Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse met with an ultraconservative fundraiser and Republican Party officials in Texas."

Trump's Chaos Agenda
"And that fervor has become the basis of a strategy — led by Trump — for seeking to persuade the rest of America that the nation is ungovernable as a democracy and therefore in need of an authoritarian strongman."
This is the underlying agenda of Trump and his enablers as we head into the terrifying election year of 2024.
It’s behind Trump’s increasingly wild ravings. It animates the House nihilists (such as Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Andy Biggs, and Nancy Mace). It fuels the zealotry of Ron DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy. It’s behind Steve Bannon’s and Tucker Carlson’s incendiary agitprop. (It’s also basic to Putin’s maneuverings.)"

The World Faces a Great Unraveling. If We Ignore Indigenous Wisdom, We Are Lost.
"We are living amidst Earth’s hottest year ever recorded. Given the severity and acceleration of climate breakdown, we are in an unprecedented time of crisis. While it has been known for a long time that Arctic Sea ice is melting rapidly, recent data show sea ice in the Antarctic, which scientists believed would be shielded from climate impacts for decades, at dramatic all-time lows."

Book Flagged Because Author’s Last Name Is “Gay”
Paranoia strikes deep in the Land of the Happy Negro!

Tuberville Refuses To Lift Block On Military Promotions
Nazi American. Enemy of our Republic. Treat him accordingly.

There's not a chief of naval operations to help Israel due to Tommy Tuberville's protest: Retired Commander
Anti-American. Flush him.

'There is no worse human': Ohio resident warns GOP against making Jim Jordan speaker
Worse than Trump? It's possible.

Executing Gen. Milley has now become part of the Republican Party line: authoritarianism expert
Then every one of these Trump fellators should also be executed for high treason. See how that works?

Rally Pastor Asks Jesus To Strike Down Trump’s Enemies
Not gonna be silent, you dickhead. Not gonna stop fighting Nazi religion that supports treason. Let's see if you turn up in child abuse case.

Data Shows 95% Of Recipients Of Arkansas School Vouchers Already Attend Private Christian Schools
Aunt Lydia and her scum of the earth cohorts.

Mace: I’m Unaware Of Sexual Abuse Coverup By Jordan
She doesn't know the sexual abuse he was involved in? Why is she in Congress? Dumbass voters.
Jim Jordan and the Ohio State sexual abuse controversy, explained.
More than 100 former Ohio State students say they were sexually assaulted by a former university athletic doctor. Jim Jordan maintains he knew nothing.
That he knows not a damn thing about his moral brain is true but that doesn't absolve him of being a co-conspirator.
"He says he didn’t know anything about it, but many of those around him at the time say there’s no way he didn’t."

Denver Gave Homeless People $1,000 Per Month and It Got Them Off the Streets and Working Full-Time
You mean they didn't just want to lay around on the streets and be handed free money like the Republican ALWAYS SAY?

Thanks to backward policies, Republicans are killing their own
"Republicans aren’t just at war with each other in the U.S. House of Representatives: They’ve been quietly at war with their own constituents for decades. The Washington Post has a lengthy case study of what this has meant for one state taken over by Republicans: Ohio. One study the Post cites estimates that roughly '1 in 5 Ohioans will die before they turn 65…. a similar life expectancy to residents of Slovakia and Ecuador, relatively poor countries.'"

Is MAGA poisoning the world?
It's doing its best. Let's kick it right where it hurts the most.

'Faulty' GOP spending cuts agreement 'doesn’t exist' now that McCarthy is out: report
Now we get a whole new pile of shit from these bastards who are trying to destroy our nation.

'Alice in Wonderland politics': How GOP went from 'disciplined machine to dysfunctional malaise'
"In a Sunday, October 8 report from The Guardian, Washington DC Bureau Chief David Smith points to the Republican party's regression over the last 13 years — going from lawmakers 'effective at wielding power and pushing through laws relating to everything from foreign wars and domestic surveillance programmes to Medicare and the No Child Left Behind schools policy,' to lawmakers at the center of 'chaos.'"

Trump Shows Love To 'Hannibal Lecter' In Killer Blunder At Iowa Rally,
Trump claimed "The Silence of the Lambs" killer threw his support behind him in an awkward flub on Saturday.
Shit for brains.

Voters have 'made up their minds about Trump' despite his 'hold over' the GOP
The party formerly known as Republican is now a MAAGAt gang that promotes fascism and dictatorship. They are Un-American as all hell. We must defeat these Nazis and their supporters.

FL Man Charged With Planning School Mass Shootings
Another moron has been put out of the killing business.

Trump: “I Have A Much Better Body” Than Biden
He refers to the corpse that that eats the flesh of everyday. He is such a ghoul for fat rancid shit.
Flush this useless pile of shit back to the sewer he came from. Shutup and die.

Catholic League: “So-Called Indigenous” Americans Were “Savages” Who Actually Migrated Here From Asia
Then what are the white savages that are here now?

Joan Baez reflects on remembering trauma, activating her voice and the "wrecking ball" of politics
This singer discusses her new documentary "I Am a Noise" – an "honest legacy" of her activism, career and problems

'She wants a ceasefire! No!' Kayleigh McEnany blasts Ilhan Omar over call to end Middle East violence
That poor little girl.

'Alarming': Amazon's Alexa reportedly says 2020 election was stolen from Trump
Find the traitor that programmed the bot and you'll find a Trump suppporter.
Then de-program the goddamned misinformation bot and get a brain.

A Lab Test That Experts Liken to a Witch Trial Is Helping Send Women to Prison for Murder
"In investigations across the country, the lung float test has emerged as a barometer of sorts to help determine if a mother suffered the devastating loss of a stillbirth or if she murdered her baby who was born alive. The test has been used in at least 11 cases where women were charged criminally since 2013 and has helped put nine of them behind bars, a ProPublica review of court records and news reports found. Some of those women remain in prison. Some had their charges dropped and were released.
But the test is so deeply flawed that many medical examiners say it cannot be trusted. They put it in the same company as the discredited analysis of bite marks and bloodstain patterns, 911 calls and hair comparisons, all of which lack solid scientific foundations and have contributed to wrongful convictions."

Banned Black History Can Teach Us How to Fight Right-Wing School Censorship
"The American Library Association (ALA) recently reported there have been 695 attempts to censor library materials and services, as well as documented challenges to 1,915 unique titles over a seven-month period in 2023."
All of a sudden we hate freedom of the press?

Liz Cheney issues a new warning about Jim Jordan — and Trump
“We need to remember that what Donald Trump did is as evil as you can imagine and as much a dereliction of duty from an American president as we’ve ever seen,” Cheney said.
"She said the situation is difficult to explain, but she also said it is due to “a complete lack of courage” in members of the Republican party choosing Trump over the Constitution."
And still there will be people who call themselves "American" that will support the Nazi.

Gutfeld: Dems Want To Put MAGA Cultists In “Camps”
Where's your evidence, oh ye who have never been in combat?
But I would like to see how well you'd react under heavy fire.
You merely project just as your traitor leader does. You and your garbage do exactly that which you project. You want the FBI to stop coming after you? Then stop being a terrorist.

FL Sunday School Teacher Guilty Of Child Porn Charges
Another one bites the dust. But where are the drag queens you say do this all the time?

Florida AG Seeks To Block Abortion Rights From Ballot
Welcome to Nazi Germany 1939. Fuck these Nazi bastards!

'Complete disgrace': Legal experts bury Judge Cannon for granting Trump docs trial delay
So we have co-conspirators in treason on the bench. Take a look at yourselves, America.

'QAnon queen' moves cult to remote town and threatens locals with 'publicly broadcast executions': report
The Queen thinks this is gonna be a good thing? Not for these terrorist motherfuckers. You're gonna fall back in that pile of shit you made Queenie! DROP DEAD! ROTFLMAO! Another Jim Jones.

'Heartbeat of authoritarianism': Scholars see McCarthy ouster as a warning sign for US democracy
What? We need yet another warning sign? We haven't been paying attention to any warning signs for the last 20 years!

Trump’s 'poisoning the US blood' rhetoric echoes fascist propaganda of the 1930s: columnist
Benen explains, "Laura Barrón-López, White House correspondent for PBS, told viewers last night, 'I checked with a historian, Ruth Ben-Ghiat, and she said that language that he's using.... echoes language used in Nazi propaganda by Adolf Hitler when Adolf Hitler actually said that Jewish people and migrants were 'causing a blood poisoning' of Germany."

‘Shocking’ Study Finds Amazon Rainforest At Tipping Point
More stuff nobody gives a fuck about. We do nothing because we only believe in lying assholes that piss all over our government and Constitution.

Fox's Gutfeld Floats Civil War As Solution To Civil Unrest Because 'Elections Don't Matter'
"Here we go again with Fox and the stochastic terrorism. Sadly, we've seen way too much of this sort of stuff from the right wing propaganda network that loves to constantly rail against BLM, social justice groups, liberal DAs in Democratic cities across the country, to George Soros, to you name it."
And this piece of shit keeps running his evil mouth. You can see there is no hope with shits like him.

150 Dolphins Die as Water Hits Hot Tub Temperature
"In fact, the waters are so hot that the dolphin carcasses are decomposing at a speed such that scientists barely have any time to bring them to a lab to figure out what their exact cause of death was, per WaPo.
"We’re provoking this ourselves," Adriana Colosio, a veterinarian from the Humpback Whale Institute, told WaPo. "If something bad happens to the dolphins, we are next."
Of course, but, like Shingles, no one cares. We will end in a whimper, not a bang.

Milley: Biden’s Alert, Sound, Engaged On Military Issues
“I engage with him frequently and he’s alert, sound, does his homework, reads the papers, reads all the read-ahead material. And he’s very, very engaging in issues of very serious matters of war and peace and life and death. So if the American people are worried about an individual who is, you know, someone who’s making decisions of war and peace and has access to, you know, makes the decisions of nuclear weapons and that sort of thing, I think they can rest easy.” – Former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley, speaking to 60 Minutes.

Scatology Today, and Down Through the Years
"Folklore has it that scum always rises to the surface. Shit does, too, popping up daily, with those whose names we hadn't known before those pieces of shit rose to public notice, stinking things up even more than they'd stunk before. These shitheads just keep on coming, giving regularity a bad name."

VA Dems demand 'immediate investigation' after voters mistakenly listed as felons purged from rolls
"There must be an immediate investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice into how this happened in the run-up to a very consequential election next month," Rep. Bobby Scott (D-Va.) told Axios.
More voter suppression by Youngkin and his Nazis.

Lawmakers, law breakers: 26 members of Congress have violated a federal conflicts-of-interest law
A corrupt Congress indicates a corrupt nation. It's money that matters in the USA, as Randy Newman once sang.
We are a sick bunch.

'Banality of crazy': Trump’s increasingly violent rhetoric is being underreported by journalists
"Journalists" don't have a fucking clue about what is going on. Clueless fools.

The Supreme Court is increasingly putting Christians’ First Amendment rights ahead of others’ rights
"But contrary to these claims, the Supreme Court’s decision does not protect the freedoms of all Americans. Rather, it represents the culmination of a decadelong strategy by conservative Christians – known sometimes as the Christian right – to use the courts to limit the freedoms of groups of Americans of whom they disapprove. On issues where the Christian right’s First Amendment claims directly threaten the equal citizenship of sexual minorities, for example, the court left no question about which side it was on."
Deluded and ignorant as we all know.

Alabama poised to have two Black Congress members for first time thanks to new map
"A federal court on Thursday chose a new congressional map to impose in Alabama for the 2024 elections, finally creating a second district where Black voters can elect their preferred candidate."

New Details On Trump Spilling Nuclear Sub Secrets
The dumb fucks that support this traitor should get a brain transplant. He's worse than Hitler, Stalin and Attila the Hun combined.

Payrolls increased by 336,000 in September, much more than expected
"In addition to the powerful September, the previous two months saw substantial upward revisions. August’s gain is now 227,000, up 40,000 from the prior estimate, while July went to 236,000, from 157,000. Combined, the two months were 119,000 higher than previously reported."

Cops Deny Ramaswamy’s Claim His Car Was Rammed
He also claims he's God's gift to humanity. The most brilliant creature on two legs.
They all try to be the better liar. Lies are their brand.

The hidden casualties of the GOP's civil war
How can funding for Ukraine survive the fight to replace Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House?

"The Donald Trump show is over": Trump's attempt to turn his trial into a campaign spectacle fails
Sorry, Donald: Trump wanted to look tough, but instead New York Attorney General Tish James ran him out of town
Trump is an accident that found a place to happen.

'Traitorous activity': Former GOP lawmaker hammers Trump for dishing nuclear secrets
Time for Trump to be put away for good.

'We've lost everything, every dime': Mike Lindell explains why he can't pay his legal bills
Ask your lover, Fat Fuck Floogie Trumpbutt. I'm certain he has plenty of money to bail your stupid ass out. ROTFLMAO!

Love It When The American President Throws His Ketchup At The Wall SEVERAL TIMES A WEEK
"On January 6, 2021, according to the congressional testimony of American hero Cassidy Hutchinson, when Donald Trump found out they weren’t going to let him go to the Capitol to personally incite his followers to commit terrorism against the American government to overthrow the election he lost, he threw a temper tantrum so melodramatic that he lunged forward from the back seat.
"I'm the fucking president, take me up to the Capitol now!" And he lunged at the steering wheel. "Sir, you need to take your hand off the steering wheel," said Bobby Engel, his driver."
The fuckwit is psycho.

Whiny-Mouth Bowtie Nerd Who Kicked Nancy Pelosi Out Of Her Office Was Just Obeying Kevin McCarthy's Orders
"Human ‘Kick Me’ sign Patrick McHenry. There are important updates on mewling bowtie-wearing dork Rep. Patrick McHenry, who became the (acting) speaker of the House and immediately banished Nancy Pelosi from her hideaway office in the Capitol while she was at the memorial for her friend and colleague Dianne Feinstein. (He also kicked Steny Hoyer out of his office.)
Turns out sad loser Kevin McCarthy orchestrated the whole thing. Because he’s BIG MAD at Democrats for refusing to save him in his hour of need, even though he’s been nothing put a two-faced piece of shit to Democrats this whole time. Example: Remember that time Kevin kicked Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell off the Intelligence Committee based on lies he literally made up in his dumbass wigstand of a brain? Or when he got House Republicans together to kick Ilhan Omar off the Foreign Affairs Committee, also for made up reasons, to mask the real reason, which is that pretty much all House Republicans these days are white supremacist bigots?"

Trump’s Jesus Court Sketch Is Somehow Way Worse Than It Looks
Really, who's the hippie in the sketch seated next to "the Beast"? "Pinkie" Christ or "Blondie" Christ?

Putin: Prigozhin’s Crash Was Caused By Hand Grenades
Playing the old "Catch the Grenade" game, eh? Always fun on an airplane, right?
And I'm certain this is all true. How about you?

NC Lawmakers Exempted From Public Records Requests
Another dark Nazi state. When will this bullshit end?

ABC: Trump Spilled Nuke Secrets To FL Club Member
Ever the traitor. Life in prison is the only cure for this cancer.

Trump Already Claiming Dems 'Trying To Steal 2024 Election'
Starting early on his next attempt at overthrowing the people of the United States after he loses in a landslide?

Eric Trump Says Daddy Can Be Speaker And Daddy Will Have The Biggest Gavel And Maybe Daddy Will Let Him Bang The Gavel And
"Axios is out this morning with the shocking scoop that the House GOP is 'quietly panic[king] over how to escape its self-inflicted mess.' Yeah, you think? It’s in especially stark relief since they’re supposed to be voting on a new speaker next week.
The 'moderates' in the party — LMAO, the media really needs to learn that words have definitions — won’t support somebody who won’t get rid of the rule that says that if Matt Gaetz is constipated that day, he’s allowed to oust the speaker. Meanwhile, some of the “conservatives” won’t support anybody who supports Ukraine aid against Mother Russia, or who doesn’t support impeaching Joe Biden for no discernible reason."

Biden Condemns “Poisonous Atmosphere” in Congress Following McCarthy’s Ouster
No wonder Fatso fears being poisoned!

Trump’s Violent Rhetoric Is Designed To Get Someone Killed
Perhaps even himself.

Is Non-Accountability for the Crimes of January 6th at the Root of Chaos in Congress?
Sunlight and accountability are still the best disinfectants and America needs to close this ugly chapter in our history with a sense of both finality and justice.

'Not a defense': Arkansas lawyer shreds Sarah Sanders' excuse for $19k podium purchase
Poor old Aunt Lydia. What ever will she do now?

Cassidy Hutchinson: Trump has a 'very potent fear of being poisoned'
He's a Psycho, so sure. Still, doesn't mean it can't happen. You'd be paranoid too if everyone was out to get you. ROTFLMAO!

Eleven Activists Arrested in Senator Bernie Sanders' Office Demanding Diplomacy Instead of Funding More War in Ukraine
Diplomacy only with works with someone who is diplomatic. Putin's killers have no diplomacy in this case, idiots. They would shove each one of you out a window just as soon as look at you.

Gaetz Gets Cawthorned As GOPer Drops Some Dirt On The Florida Rep
Gaetz would serve much better behind bars.

AP Does Deep Dive Into Nonreligious Americans
"They. Really. Don’t. Like. Organized. Religion. Nor its leaders. Nor its politics and social stances."
Good and very good.

Judge Orders Trump Not To Attempt To Hide Assets
Why bother, Judge? He pays no attention to you and yet you do nothing to him.

Man With Assault Rifle Tries To Confront Wisconsin Gov
Another insane Incel. Or is he?

Court Orders Alabama To Use Redrawn US House Map
Try once again to keep your Negroes happy 'Bama-Lama Land.

The biggest unreported success of Bidenomics
"But under Joe Biden, there’s been a monumental shift. Antitrust enforcement has surged. Efforts to form unions have been protected and encouraged.
This shift has gotten lost under the mainstream media’s fixation with government spending, taxing, and the federal debt."

Acting Speaker McHenry did not have authority to evict Pelosi: top Democrat
Then kick the little Nazi's ass!

Florida GOP Activist Charged With Voter Fraud
Robert Rivernider Jr. is facing accusations that he forged the signature on his dead father’s mail ballot in the 2020 election.
Another MAGAt Nazi is apprehended.

CNN Host Lists Brutal History Of Republican Speakers
“Perhaps the issue isn’t actually Democrats..”
Ya think?

McCarthy behind move to kick Pelosi out of her office, sources say – so he can move into it
Total scumbag tactics.

Holy entitlement, Batman! Republicans are furious Democrats didn't save Kevin McCarthy from himself
Democrats are sick of bailing the GOP out of their own messes, and boy, are Republicans whining about it
Total whine experts.

Congress descends into comedy and chaos — but America's not laughing
Kevin McCarthy's downfall would be hilarious, if it weren't a sign of America's serious political dysfunction

GOP candidate says he smeared 'fecal matter' on daycare center because of Obama: report
We know they deal in shit constantly.

'Hated' Matt Gaetz faces multiple sordid allegations: Morning Joe panel
Both he and Trump need to be cell mates.

MAGA Sheriff Charged With Selling Deputy Badges
Why do these fucks always look like cartoon characters?
Culpeper County, Virginia Sheriff Scott Jenkins.

WI Youth Pastor Gets 20 Years On Child Sex Charges
Oh, dear. Another one bites the big dust.

Republicans Should DEFINITELY Try To Make Trump The Next Speaker. What Could Go Wrong?
"Here it comes, everybody, it’s time for the Republican Creeperstakes Speakerstakes! Open wide!"
"Some people have said Jim Jordan. That would go great, Democrats would win 100 extra seats next year, go for it."
"Ryan Zinke of Montana said, “Right now, I’m not sure Jesus could make it through.”
"This is not a real political party we’re dealing with."
Of course not. It's a gang of MAGAt traitors that serve Fatso.

God Closes Kevin McCarthy Door, Puts ‘Kick Me’ Sign On Some Dork Patrick McHenry’s Window
"Look at this bow-tie-wearin’-ass dork."
"Y’all remember how Eric Swalwell got up in Kevin McCarthy’s face recently on the House floor and called him a pussy and Kevin was GRR SO MAD like SAY IT TO MY FACE! and Swalwell was like UM I JUST DID and so on?
We cannot speak for the genteel congressman from California, but we will not be surprised if one day he has a similar encounter with Rep. Patrick McHenry, the new (acting) speaker of the House, some kind of bow-tie-wearing incel-looking fuckin’ nerd who is just a little bit too excited the Lord picked him to shine in this moment in history."

Trump Wants Shoplifters to Be Shot
Trump has always fetishized violence. Now he’s calling for extrajudicial violence to be meted out in retail stores.
Also too, people guilty of fraud. Don't forget that, Fatso.
"The law be damned, the ex-president and his supporters are saying: If Trump wills it, it’s OK. It’s tempting to ignore these tirades, to simply chalk them up to Trumpian bluster. That would, however, be a terrible mistake. Trump is blasting his intentions from the rooftops these days. And those intentions involve stampeding away from the rule of law. As a society, we ignore them at our peril."

And Baby Makes Three
"MSM: Which depraved, degenerate, lying shit-for-brainz will be the next Greatest Republinazi House Speaker of all time?"

Trump Rages Outside Court That Not Having Jury in Fraud Trial is ‘Beginning of Communism’: ‘You See What’s Happening!"
Yes. America is seeing how big a dumbass fraud you are as you step in every pile of shit you make.

TN Youth Pastor Gets Six Years On Child Sex Charges
Yes, another one bites the dust. No drag queens so far?

Jim Jordan Confirms That He’ll Run For House Speaker
"Face Biter," their snippy little mongrel dog is trying to chaw his way up.

Florida’s Republican House Reps Trash Matt Gaetz
They caught on to his grift.

Trump Just Received Another Massive Blow To His Ego
"Donald Trump is no longer rich enough for the country's most exclusive club," according to Forbes.
So sad that he's pissing all his money away trying to stay out of prison. Too bad, too bad.

75,000 Kaiser Permanente Employees Are On Strike Today
"The unprecedented strike comes at a time of heightened labor activity across the United States, with tens of thousands of workers across multiple industries taking to the picket lines for better pay and benefits. In the wake of pandemic, however, health care workers in particular have been fighting for safer and more secure work environments. They are demanding improved staffing levels, arguing that current staff shortages are compromising patient care and taking many workers to a breaking point."
Who said slavery was gone forever?

Senate Republicans call out MAGA 'insurgents' following McCarthy ouster: 'They have no plan'
Oh, they have a plan. Kill American government is their plan.

Pelosi strikes back after new House GOP leadership immediately targets top Democrats in act of 'revenge'
Kicked Steny out too? Well, isn't he a special dick eater?

'Absolute chaos': Morning Joe trashes GOP for inability to run half a branch of government
He means the clown car at the circus. What turds.

Kevin McCarthy's embarrassing lesson: MAGA torches everything it touches — and will destroy itself
Democrats get it: Don't get in the way when your opponents are self-destructing
"There are many flavors of fascism, and MAGA is an especially nihilistic one."
Wipe them out.

Minnesota Youth Pastor Arrested On Child Sex Charges
And another one bites the dust.

Acting House speaker orders Pelosi to vacate Capitol hideaway office in 'sharp departure from tradition'
Acting House Speaker Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-NC) on Tuesday “ordered Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to vacate her Capitol Hideaway office by Wednesday,” in a move described by the former speaker as a “sharp departure from tradition,” Politico reports.
This is Nazi pipsqueak dictator COWARD shit. The motherfuckers dont' know how government works and they dont care. It is more than obvious, they cannot govern.

Nancy Pelosi delivers brutal response after McCarthy’s acting replacement orders her to vacate her office immediately
The little Nazi twerp. Put him in the urinal.

'Radical left Marxists': Trump launches attack hours after judge imposes gag order
This piece of shit must be put in jail. Now.

Nazi Germany Had Admirers Among American Religious Leaders – And White Supremacy Fueled Their Support
Americans’ support for Nazi Germany is best explained by belief in white supremacy.

John Kelly Confirms Trump Despises The Troops Exactly As Much As We Thought
"So to emphasize it again: Donald Trump called for the execution of the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. And as we have seen, when Trump calls for violence, he sometimes gets it. It is not normal. It is not banal. And it is far more important than a German shepherd who thinks all cops are bastards."
"Trump also recently gleefully, maniacally told his pigfuck fascist followers that when he’s president again, he’s going to direct cops to execute shoplifters."
"And we’re sure he’ll probably soon be on Truth Social inciting hatred against his former chief of staff John Kelly, because Kelly just went on record in an interview with Jake Tapper and confirmed stories we’ve heard in the past — particularly from that 2020 expose in The Atlantic from Jeffrey Goldberg — about exactly how much contempt Trump has for the US military."

Residents in one of Texas’ most populous cities are working to decriminalize marijuana
Home to more than 260,000 people, the West Texas town of Lubbock is no stranger to passing local laws by petition. In 2021, residents overwhelmingly approved a local ban on abortion.

North Carolina Shuts Government Off From the People
"A change to public records laws, which takes effect today, allows legislators full discretion to retain, sell, or destroy their own documents."
More fascism.

Virginia Law Allows the Papers of University Presidents to Stay Secret, Limiting Public Oversight
No oversight for the arrogant.

Idaho Banned Abortion. Then It Turned Down Supports for Pregnancies and Births.
Hope it all burns to the ground.

We shouldn’t let courts decide Trump's 14th Amendment eligibility
The debate reveals how juristocratic our legal culture has become.
If we can't enforce our Constitution then we may as well stop calling ourselves America.

Trump has now 'crossed the line into criminal threats': top legal scholar
There's a cure for that if we only have the nuts to end him.

Legal expert predicts Trump’s 'empire' will 'fold like a stack of cards'
It had better. The alternative will be disaster for the world.

RNC issues a warning to Chris Christie and Vivek Ramaswamy about Fox News
They are truly the fascist party.

Trump’s 'violent' rhetoric is having real-life consequences: columnist
Lock the shithook up! Have we finally submitted to organized crime? America, are you at last a coward?

Trump Team Demands RNC Cancel “All Future Debates”
Just as a Nazi dictator would do. Fuck him. He's one sick fuck.

Trump Goes On Threatening Rant Against New York Judge
Couching his threats in “some people say” language didn’t minimize the threat.
Put the SOB in a cell now!

FBI interviews ex-members of extreme Christian group associated with Amy Coney Barrett
"Barrett herself is Catholic, as are most members of People of Praise. But the group's practices are way outside the mainstream of Catholicism."
Sure. They are likely "holy" sex abuse criminals such as all the sick "pastors."

Fox Pundit Praises Trump's 'Brand' In NY During Unhinged Rant Over Civil Fraud Case
Fox regular and Outnumbered panel member Tammy Bruce wants us to believe that Trump's "brand" in New York City has some great value during an unhinged rant over his civil fraud case.
Like Trump, his stupid brand is worthless.

Ramaswamy Touts “Faith” Not Drugs For Mentally Ill
This asshole should keep his stupid mouth shut and do everyone a favor.

Scammers Are Using AI to Sell Ripped Off Versions of Other People’s Books
The crime spree that AI is bringing will be the death of all decency.

As ‘Podiumgate’ roils Arkansas, governor’s office accused of criminal cover-up
"One of the hallmarks of New Republicanism, the thing that Donald Trump so expertly latched onto, is an insistence on lying about everything, all the time, even in situations where the lies can easily be disproven or aren't even advantageous to begin with."
Talk about a fucking idiot!

'Screw-up' by Trump’s fraud case lawyers leaves experts baffled: 'Mind-blowing'
Some kinda stupid! Anything he touches dies. ROTFLMAO!

Matt Gaetz Rips Into Republicans And Is Right For Once
"I'm not sure what Rep. Forehead means about Ukraine, but more Republicans want financial assistance for Ukraine than don't. It's only that pro-Putin faction of the Republican Party -- the Crybaby Caucus. And now, Republicans are looking to oust Gaetz from Congress. And Gaetz is trying to oust McCarthy. Fight amongst yourselves, guys."

Lunatic North Dakota GOP State Rep Says Congress Must Do The Following Calisthenics For Christ
"JoeMyGod found us all a good crazy person. It is North Dakota Republican state Rep. Brandon Prichard, who is obviously a Christian fascist and a gigantic dork."
"He really wants to ban porn. He says it 'destroys men.' He says, 'Conservative states should start banning OnlyFans, for everyone.' He’s been yapping today about how states need to 'combat pornography addictions,' as if that is not in large part a problem specifically related to and created by conservative Christianity. He wants 'Cheap state services to block inappropriate content on personal devices.' Nothing like begging the nanny state to protect fundamentalist Christians from themselves."

North Dakota Rep: Every Red State And All Congress Members Must “Submit To The Gospel Of Jesus Christ”
Shove your theocracy up your ass, motherfucker. Leave people out of your sick agression.

Former MI Catholic Priest Guilty In Child Sex Sting
Pay attention, Brandon Pritchard.
Another one bites the dust.

Trump Scared Of Electrocution But Sharks Are Scarier, He'll Tell You Why, Wanna Know Why?
"Trump’s irrational fear of sharks isn’t new. It’s well documented. It’s the fact that right now he feels the need to babble about it. This is not a person whose brain is functioning. And to be fair, we never thought it was functioning in the first place. We know he’s still excited about the dementia test he says he aced five years ago, but we’re not particularly impressed."
"The last time we had one of these posts, Trump was talking about how windmills affect whales’ mental health, and genuinely asking whether American veterans have cell phones. Truly in his brain, electric cars are something from 'The Jetsons' and everybody having a cell phone is a newfangled idea from the future."

Psychedelics plus psychotherapy can trigger rapid changes in the brain - new research at the level of neurons is untangling how
Read "DMT: The Spirit Molecule" by Rick Strassman. Explains it all.

Republicans give themselves 'secret police force' in North Carolina: 'This is scary'
More Nazi scum from the Land of the Happy Negro. Piss on them.

'Part of the authoritarian playbook': Trump’s courthouse rant slammed by fascism scholars
Fascism expert Federico Finchelstein, a historian and history department chair at New York’s New School for Social Research, responded to Trump’s comments: “Fascist lies are about the projection onto others of what fascists are/do. Trump today as usual displayed his wannabe fascist mindset.”
Trump is such a whiney little bitch.

These MAGA Republicans long for a 'Red Caesar' to 'impose a dictatorship' on America
Linker told The Guardian, "Thirty years ago, if I told you that a bunch of billionaires and intellectuals on the right are waiting in the wings to impose a dictatorship on the United States, you would have said that I was insane. But it's no longer insane. It's now real. There are those people out there. The question is: Will they get their chance?"
They can't think beyond their nose. They are semi-human toxin.

Attorney General Merrick Garland on the independence of Trump and Hunter Biden investigations
"Merrick Garland: We do not have one rule for Republicans and another rule for Democrats. We don't have one rule for foes and another for friends. We don't have one rule for the powerful and another for the powerless, for the rich or for the poor, based on ethnicity. We have only one rule; and that one rule is that we follow the facts and the law, and we reach the decisions required by the Constitution, and we protect civil liberties."
Protecting all Americans.

'Jurors are under attack': Additional protections sought as Trump stokes violence
"Self-serving assaults on institutions and individuals are what Trump and his enablers do," the letter added. "These attacks threaten centuries-old American institutions designed by the Framers to hold to account any leader who would be king."
What an asshole. Get rid of him for good.

MI GOP Sues To Roll Back Early And Absentee Voting
More MAGAt Nazi obstruction of voting.

Trump's latest rambling rally: 'I will take electrocution every single time'
And all this time I thought he wanted to be crucified.

Trump rants: 'I'm going to court tomorrow morning to fight for my name and reputation'
Sorry. Those were gone long ago.

Manchin On Third Party Run: “Why Not Have Options?”
You certainly are an option for dismissal.

Congress passes 45-day funding bill to avert government shutdown
"There will be no government shutdown."

'McCarthy has really played them': Dems hail speaker for defying 'MAGA cult'
Rep. Eric Swalwell, a Democrat, said that he "really admires" McCarthy for putting clowns like Biggs and Gaetz "in an absolute box."
"They’ll never have the courage to try and remove him. McCarthy has really played them," Swalwell added.
Rep. Daniel Goldman, a fellow Dem, said he agrees with Swalwell.

'Will try to kill people': Expert warns Trump is using a known tactic to pass down marching orders
Then guess what we get to do in response?

How We Break The Electoral College
New polls find broad support for electing the president by popular vote. Here's how it could happen.
If America is to have a free future this dinosaur must go.
(Notice the large collection from the Land of the Happy Negro that aren't interested in joining our Union and are still fighting the Civil War. Dear Ole Dixie.)

Marge Gets Schooled For Saying No One Cares About A Govt Shutdown
What a babbling idiot.

'Exceedingly dangerous': Why the rise of Christian nationalism is 'entirely out of our control'
I would not say "entirely." Enemies of America can always be eliminated.

Spineless GOP Rep Refuses To Condemn Trump's Call For Milley To Be Executed
All CNN's Abby Phillips was treated to instead from spineless MAGA Rep. Cory Mills were weasel words and both siderism in response to her question on whether Trump "crossed the line" when calling for the former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to be executed.
Fascists are all cut-throat killers.

Angry Ramaswamy Calls For “True Shutdown” Of Govt
The Swami needs to be shutdown bcause of the irritating noise that keeps coming out of his Nazi mouth.

'You're responsible for your behavior': Kevin McCarthy won't stop push to expel Matt Gaetz
Why would anyone stop that push? But don't stop with him, there're more to get the heave-ho!

'Sleepwalking through the past 7 years': 'Panicked' GOP blasted for failing to ditch Trump
"Christina Bobb, an attorney for Donald Trump, said she is now treated as a "crazy conspiracy theorist" because she pushed claims that the 2020 presidential election was rigged."
That's exactly what she is along with all the other MAGAt traitors.

As new term begins, Supreme Court faces fallout from its rightward shift
So sad for the fascist racists on the Supreme Clowns of the U.S.

NC Radio Station Refuses To Air “Non-Biblical” Opera
I guess they will only broadcast "Bible" fairy stories, and bigoted hogwash broadcast.
Deborah S. Proctor is a coward and fears any contradiction to her fairy tale book as they all are.
As a commenter stated: She can aways say to God, "Hmm! For some reason I pictured you as a white man."

Texas Christian Taliban Bans County Roads For Abortion Travel
Then put a trade blockade around the county's borders. Nothing in, nothing out. See how they like that.

LOL: Stefanik Claims Dems Showed Zero Leadership To Avert Shutdown
What cesspool did they drag her from? She has lost all contact with reality.

CBS Host Laughs As Kevin McCarthy Claims Dems Wanted Government Shutdown
Of course. The truth escapes the deluded.

'Let’s be honest': Gaetz struggles to explain how he’d successfully oust McCarthy
This asshat struggles with anything except hunting for pussy. And he's not great at that.

A literal witch hunt: Kansas prisons censor mail from this Topeka ministry
Clearly, a literal witch hunt. So much for religious freedom in Kans-ass. An exposure of the intolerance of "Xtianists" when they have anything to do with the government.

Donald Trump, Stochastic Terrorist
We know where to put terrorists, don't we?

Jack Smith Seeks Gag Order On Trump For Claiming Milley Committed ‘Treason’ and Suggesting He Should Be Executed
We could suggest something else for Trump, too.

‘The Word Sh*tter Has Now Been Entered Into the Congressional Record’: Abby Phillip Interviews House Democrat Teed Off On Republicans In Hearing
"And so sometimes you’ve gotta make sure that they know that you can bring it as well.”
So sorry to hurt your delicate ears, Abby. Do you ever pay attention to what the motherfucking MAGAs say and do? "Fuck 'em long and hard until their rectum hurts." — Dean Damron.

Trump Offers Californians a Solution For Wildfires: ‘Dampen Your Forests’
Then Trump will piss all over it. He's full of it and shit.
"The Idiot Bastard Son."— Frank Zappa

Marjorie Taylor Greene"s Boyfriend LOSES IT On Trump Heckler: ˜Throw His Ass Outta Here!"
Trump greeted a throng of supporters in Santa Monica and signed autographs. At one point, a man asked, “Donald, why are there only a hundred people here? I thought you were popular.”
MTG's "boyfriend"? ROTFLMAO!
The so-called "Christian" motherfucker is a pile of shit. This is proof. I've never heard Joe Biden use it.

Trump Declares, "Let's Indict the Motherfucker" In Raucous Speech to California Republican Party
The "motherfucker" has already been indicted and we will see his goddamned Nazi motherfucking ass in prison for life.

Major Insurer Drops Another 100,000 FL Homeowners
The former state of Florida.

Ramaswamy Threatens Mexico: I’ll Be Your New Daddy
Spoken like a true dumbass.

Hard-right judicial activist spills Trump agenda: Firings, deportations, and fascism
"You're allowed to not know who Mike Davis is, but the short version is that he's a particularly well-connected member of the conservative campaign to fill federal court benches with hard-right judges willing to scrub out a century or two of societal progress."

NEA blasts extremist Republicans in Congress for government shutdown
"The National Education Association has been clear in the days leading up to this point that any shutdown is the result of the House Republican majority’s unwillingness to govern and to live up to the bipartisan funding agreement reached a few months ago between President Biden and House Speaker McCarthy that averted a default on the nation’s debt. On behalf of NEA’s 3 million members, I implore Speaker McCarthy and his majority to stop the dysfunction, do their jobs, and keep the government open.”
These Nazis will do exactly what dictators do. They will fuck us as hard as they can.

Friday Evening Bad Faith Open Thread: RFK Jr. And His Fellow Ratf*ckers
People will be happy to flush their vote down the toilet on this wreck of a candidate.

Fox's Joe Concha Clutches His Pearls Because ‘Trash’ Taylor Swift Yelled an F-Bomb at a Football Game: ‘Mouth Like a Teamster’
Fuckin' A, Taylor!

Baltimore Archdiocese Files For Bankruptcy Protection
I believe they have always said you can't escape your sins.
A big bite in the guilty dust dodged.

4 Texas Republicans join ultraconservatives to sink GOP attempt to keep federal government open
Nazi crime syndicate criminals.

If You Thought Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce Would Unify America, We Have Some News for You
Anyone who thought this is living a fantasy world. And what business is to any busy-body anyway?
There are Americans and there are Nazi fascists. No in-between and no uniting with Nazi MAGAts.

Far-right Republicans kill GOP bill to keep government running in ‘embarrassing f?ailure’ for McCarthy: report
Like cancer and shingles, the Nazis don't care! Fuck our military.
Keep slitting your own throats.

First Trump co-defendant pleads guilty in Georgia election case: report
Got a squealer in the photo on the right but how many songs can he sing.

RIP Dianne Feinstein
Nobody will be monstrous, because we're better than that as a nation.
Don't count on that.

Hunter Biden's Penis Must Resign The Presidency! Your Make-Believe Biden Impeachment Liveblog!

"An unmitigated disaster": House GOP's first impeachment inquiry panned by Republicans
The Republican witnesses' testimony appeared to hurt more than help as frustration set in in the chamber

Trump's retribution plan: Becoming America's first dictator
Trump is not exaggerating, posturing or just being hyperbolic. Take his threats seriously

Gavin Newsom Signs Bill Protecting Doctors Sending Abortion Medication Elsewhere
The new law offers “a lifeline to people in states” where abortion medication is regulated, the bill’s author said.

Newsmax Host Chris Plante: Biden Is Inciting Civil War
This dumb fuck forgets that his party moron, MTG, has been one of his leaders pushing civil war.
This is an example of a "news" Nazi that is already in Civil War against our country.

NBC: Shutdown Could Hurt GOP In Virginia Elections
Hopefully it will wipe the fascists out for good.

National labor leader rips into Trump 'lies': 'Catastrophic for workers'
Fuck Trump and his Nazi philosophy.

Afghan woman sprinter sends message of defiance at Asian Games
Fuck the Taliban and its American version.

Rumble host Stew Peters airs segment calling for the executions of Taylor
Swift and Travis Kelce
Advertising for the NFL has been placed on Peters’ X account
Something has to give here on this "execution" garbage. It could backfire easily on the "executioners" big time.

Trump must be covered as 'a cheat and a rapist': Ex-White House reporter unloads on press
Like Shingles, the press doesn't care. They will be happy to work for a Nazi.

'You're lying': Republican steamrolls MSNBC reporter's fact-checking of his Biden accusations
This asshat is what a Nazi sounds like. He stinks to high heaven.

Watch AOC perfectly get to the point in sham impeachment hearing
The MAGAt clown show. Worthless bastards.

Gen. Mark Milley responds to Trump's threats while the press largely looks away
The press might as well be working for Putin.

Testify! Dem Rep Flames Republicans During Inquiry
Texas Democratic Rep. Jasmine Crockett is on fire.
Trump should be the one being impeached for the third time. One of our nation's biggest criminals.

New York Pastor Arrested On Child Porn Charges
Another one bites the dust.

Fox News Host Lists Trump's 'Cognitive Beauties'
As expected, Fox News had a field day with Axios' article on Biden working to not fall. That is, until their "liberal host" Jessica Tarlov set them all straight. Who the fuck doesn't wear tennis shoes, aka sneakers, aka sports shoes?

Reagan Library Trump Wing
This may have been the home of the Gipper, but it's the party of the Orange Mussolini now.

‘A Sledgehammer to Trump’: Legal Expert Says Former President Is in a ‘World of Hurt’
If he isn't then America is.

Mika: Why Didn't Anyone Talk About Trump's Milley Death Threat?
Chris Christie was annoyed to be questioned.
Because they are all sucking Trump's cock.

DeSantis’ 'anti-woke' obsession is costing Florida taxpayers 'millions': report
Why is he still walking around lying and destroying lives?

Trump Planted Fake Autoworkers At Michigan Event
The criminal traitor continues to fuck with American. He should be removed from society for life and this charade he's going through must end. He's a crook and now we all know it. Those that are in denial aboutt it are either uneducated or have a mental disorder like Trump.

Ramaswamy Declares Trans People To Be Mentally Ill
One of the most clueless and arrogant morons on the face of the earth.
His statement indicates he has the mental issues.

GOP Rep Gets Snippy as Reporter Presses Him on Biden
“I’m not an expert on the timeline,” Rep. Jason Smith said after he was asked about a text message sent before Joe Biden was a presidential candidate.
Actually, not an expert on anything but conning people.

Guilfoyle: Biden Is On “Slip And Fall Suicide Watch”
These poor dumb-fuck pretenders such as KG love fairy tale takes because they are such losing shits.
We all know what she is.

California County Rescinds “Chritian Heritage Month”s
Code for White Suprematism

Axios Can Now Confidently Report That Joe Biden Wears Tennis Shoes
Politico and Fox had the scoop in July, but Axios wanted to make sure.
White House Comms Director Ben LaBolt replied to Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates to confirm that this is “The single greatest scandal in presidential history (since President Obama wore a tan suit).”
"We are all stupider because Axios went to work this morning."

Cassidy Hutchinson Says Trump Sang Along To 'Hang Mike Pence' Chants Like It Was The Damn Wiggles
Plus DRUDGE SIRENS Matt Gaetz is gross.

Auto workers warned Trump to keep his distance: report
Trump can eat a sack of dicks.

MAGA pundits declare war on 'homely' Taylor Swift
What dumbasses. They really do want to commit suicide.

Trump committed fraud and deceived banks while growing his real estate empire.
He is a crook, you see.

Senate unveils stopgap bill in bid to avert shutdown, setting up showdown with the House
The heartless MAGAt bastards in the House will fuck Americans anyway. Those snakes deserve whatever hell comes to them.

Federal Judge Tosses Texas Ban On Public Drag Shows
Texas is not interested in the U.S Constitution. Only their own utterly ridiculous parchment.
They only refer to the U.S. version if our federal goverment does something they don't like, which is all the time.
"Just keep the law but amend it to read youth ministers instead of drag shows." — (comments)

Carrie Prejean: Megan Rapinoe Ruined Women’s Soccer
Trailer trash speaking.
Show us your honest data on "normal people" dissing Megan. Definitions please.
If she can't do that throw her ass back in the gutter and stop putting stupid on TV because you're just filled with hate.

Threats and Extortion as a Winning Campaign Strategy
"But he's added a whole new line of extortion and fear based on the idea that if you don't re-elect him, if you don't contribute to his appeals for cash, and if you don't turn off right-wing media just long enough to get your butts out of your recliners to vote for him, he'll be coming for you himself. And if you thought blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, or femi-Nazis were going to do you harm, you ain't seen nothing compared to what the very stable genius will do if he goes down to another rigged election, and you let that happen."

Actor Kevin Sorbo Issues Anti-LGBTQ Children’s Book
"Xtianists" are shitty arrogant actors.
Fuck Sorbo and his bullshit. It's an honor to be woke, you retard.

Florida County Axes All Books With LGBTQ Characters
Very narrow minded assholes.
Next, they must axe all the ones that mention Christian pastors that rape our children.

SCOTUS Smacks Down Alabama On US House Map
Land of Happy Negro told to make their Negroes happier!

Trump: Rioters Were Antifa Wearing “MAGA Masks”
Antifa don't need to wear masks, you dumb fuck. Your red MAGAt hats are your maskers, Nazi pig!
Only your filthy thugs do that, you traitor.

IA Pastor Guilty Of Drugging And Raping Pre-Teen Girl
Another "xianist" bites the dust. These people are incel misfits.
When will these "holy" people put their house in order?

Cassidy Hutchinson DRAGS Matt Gaetz: ‘I Have Much Higher Standards In Men’
Matt Gaetz WISHES he could have dated Cassidy Hutchinson.
Who in their right mind would trust Matt Gaetz with anything? He's the biggest creep in the world.

Morning Joe: Trump's The One With The Cognitive Decline
And they bring the receipts!

JD Vance’s 'childfree-shaming tweets' show how 'dumb' the 'intellectual new right' really is: journalist
Sure, but only to people who have the sense to read and comprehend this.

How do we stop the 'Putin GOP' from tearing down democracy?
"Get ready. Between our corrupt Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision and the successful efforts of Republicans to prevent the Biden administration from even discussing disinformation with social media platforms and other websites, combined with Russia, China, and Saudi Arabia all working hard to get Trump re-elected, it’s going to get wild."
Fuck Trump and his scum eating gang of swine.

Trump Bought A Gun! JK No He Didn’t, He Was Just Jinglin’ Keys For His Dog-Brained Followers
Good doggie!

Merrick Garland’s DOJ indicted a Democratic senator. MAGA pundits responded with wild conspiracy theories.
Of course. Nitwits of the first order but like Shingles "They don't care"!

Senate Dems Want to Cancel All Student Lunch Debt—A 'Term So Absurd That It Shouldn't Even Exist'
U.S. Sen. John Fetterman said the aim of the bill is to "stop humiliating kids and penalizing hunger."
"School lunch debt' is a term so absurd that it shouldn't even exist..."

Mouths Full of Blood: Trump and His Backers Spread Lies, Violence and Fascism
"The legacy of fascism may have shown us what the future and end of humanity would look like. But such a future is not inevitable. As Alain Badiou once noted in his 1998 book Ethics, “the space of the possible is larger than the one assigned,” suggesting that history is open, making the call for building solidarity and social change all the more urgent, and the demand for mass resistance all the more necessary. The times in which we live are too dangerous to be giving up on civic courage, the radical imagination and a vision of a society that is never just enough."

A Few Thoughts on This Admission: I Am Old
“Ageism” is an attitude people inflict on themselves. Old people are what almost everyone will become. But somehow, this part of existence is treated as something that must be actively ignored, as if old age were an infectious disease transmitted by acknowledging it. Or a misfortune that can be averted by denying it. “You’re only as old as you think you are,” said my son recently. “Only young people think that,” I snapped. Contemplating dying and death is, it seems, more appealing than imagining being old.

Trump Campaign Denies He Bought Glock Handgun
Amazing that this criminal mob gets away with the shit they do.

Knowles: “Racist” Is An Inherently “Anti-White Term”
Who's rectum did this turd pop from?

Trump Argues Free Speech In Colorado Ballot Case
It doesn't apply to an indicted crook. His lawyers are desperate.
"Wait didn't the fucktard say he wanted to get rid of the Constitution? Now he wants the protections of it? Yeah fuck that...But hey Trump if you don't like it you can always drop dead. I don't think most would object if you did." — Thewolflam (comments)

How Samuel Alito 'invented an entirely new rule' for himself: law professor
Nazis consistantly do that. They rape law and order.
"Instead of applying statutory law or Supreme Court precedents, Alito invented an entirely new rule, never before invoked by any justice. Claiming that recusal is simply the 'personal decision of each justice,' Alito announced that he would recuse himself only on the basis of a so-called 'sound reason' — an undefined, and previously unknown, rationale that has no inherent meaning."

Experts sound alarm after Trump floats executing his former general
This man is a homicidal maniac. A prison cell is too good for him.
America is "not just careening toward a significant risk of political violence around the 2024 presidential election. It’s also mostly oblivious to where it’s headed."
Americans are not afraid to vote. It is their right and any attempt to stop them will be met with equal resistance to insure democracy. If we have to we will all die together on that hill.

Trump Calls On Every Democrat To Resign From The Senate
Oh, is that all? Is there anything else you'd like, sir?
Eat shit and die in jail, Fatso!

Marjorie Taylor Greene Puts Out A Menorah On Yom Kippur
Happy Yom Kippur to all the space laser people out there.
Are her constituants embarrassed by her or are they as fucking stupid as she is?

'Shocking GOP proposals' for overhauling federal government ripped as clueless and dangerous
Why in hell does anything shock us? We live in a fucking shock zone!
"The reporters note that ultra-MAGA candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, for example, wants to 'slash a million civil servants in his first year as president — and by 75 percent in his first term.'"
This isn't shocking. It's fascist dogma. "Swami Simpleton" is a Nazi of the first order.

Taylor Swift Registers 35,000 Voters In One Week
Taylor rocks! Think how many she can do in a year!

Man-Karen Spotted On A Golf Course, And He Is Big Mad
Stop taking so damn many testosterone pills, you idiot!
"He has quite a criminal past, including drug arrests, 'intent to riot,' and threatening behavior. Reeb previously threatened a neighbor while only wearing his underwear. He likes to strip down. And why did he do all of this? Over a golf ball, of course. He took someone's golf ball and didn't want to return it."

Stand Up America Renews Calls for Passage of Supreme Court Ethics Legislation Amid Newest ProPublica Investigation
“There are few things in today’s world more predictable than yet another Supreme Court ethics violation. With Propublica’s latest report on Justice Thomas’s inappropriate relationship with ultra-conservative MAGA donors, it begs the question: when will enough be enough?"

MS Pastor Guilty Of Sex Crimes Against Autistic Child
Ehhh! Another one bites the dust. Have a double helping, asshole.

Trump Hated Masks Because They Smeared His Bronzer
When we stop laughing we'll take the time to breathe. "Doc Savage" he is not.

Texas Judge Who Tried To Kill Abortion Pills Is Now Out To Kill Free Speech (For Drag Queens)
"You may remember Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk as the Trump-appointed judge who tried to outlaw medication abortion, but that (unfortunately) is not all there is to him. In addition to having ridiculous and untrue ideas about abortion, he also has ridiculous and untrue ideas about drag — namely, that he does not consider it 'free speech,' which it very obviously is."
Typical of a fascist asshole.

America Gets a Civilian Climate Corps
This is an idea whose time has come.
And it's not a "seasonal" corps.

Judge in Trump's NY fraud case pounds bench while warning about false statements
Klasfeld reports: "Engoron literally pounds the bench as he articulates this principle: 'You cannot make false statements and use them in business.'"
Klasfeld made a separate post to emphasize that Engoron was extraordinarily passionate in the moment he pounded the bench.
"The judge pounded the bench *multiple* times while making this remark," he added on Friday.

Judge hits Trump with order banning threats and intimidation in Colorado case
Your little force threats will be met with greater force.

Matt Gaetz praises GOP congressman who echoes his call for change 'through force'
Famous last words from a Nazi punk that will get what he deserves.

Trump's 'fanciful' defenses for fraud are not going to fly in court: ex-prosecutor
The evidence against Trump is overwhelming.

Jack Smith taps war crimes prosecutor to help put away Trump: report
Put him in the same cell with Putin.

Road rage judge shot at 5 cars before ramming woman's vehicle: report
He must be fun on a Saturday night cruise. (Road Rage Saturday Night — Pistol Grip Wallet, Men of Extinction).

Republican congresswoman comes up with most bizarre defense yet for Jan. 6
Vying for "Queen of the Clowns."
"... this is the first anyone has heard of the rioters supposedly wheeling in baby strollers so that their toddlers could get their own taste of the violence."
"...if there's footage out there of rioters bringing their children into the rioting mob, none of us have found it yet."
"Also, Garland wasn't in charge of the Justice Department back then, so if "proper security wasn't provided," then maybe Spartz should devote some of her apparently voluminous free time to figuring out who the hell did keep "proper security" away from Trump's armed rally mob."
Starved for attenion, she is. Stupid is obviously a requirement of the MAGAt mob.

Busted: Clarence Thomas secretly participated in Koch Network donor events
Impeach him now.

Unending 'chaos' among House Republicans could doom their majority in 2024: report
The cancer eats itself.

Ron Johnson Busts Politicians For Catering To Constituents
According to Ron Johnson, today's economic woes are the fault of politicians helping their constituents instead of megadonors.
The pride of MAGAt cancer. What an SOB.

Giuliani Defies Judge, Stiffs Georgia Election Workers
"Thinking about my friends, losers in the end
They all died in jail." — Pecos River Trail - Jeff Gutcheon

USMC Pilot Called 911: I Don’t Know Where My Jet Is
Thankfully, we had Yoda to raise it from the swamp.
It's good to have a Jedi on your side. May the force be with us.

GOP Rep: At Least Pelosi Knew How To Whip Votes
“I have my doubts right now because I’m seeing—we need leadership, ma’am. We don’t need someone just to say we’ve got 218 votes or whatever that jumps on the train after it leaves the station."

Autoworkers File Labor Complaint Against Tim Scott
Sounds like a Reagan thug. Send him home without pay.

Allegations against Rudy Giuliani and Russell Brand show sexual abuse is a selling point for MAGA
The quickest way to be a hero to Donald Trump fanboys? Face multiple, credible sexual assault allegations
A Hallmark of MAGAts.

'What is the theory?' CNN anchor baffled by Trump supporters who believe JFK is still alive
"It changes depending on the day and who you ask," he said. "But the general theme is that they believe JFK Jr. did not die, he faked his own death and he is working with Trump somehow and is going to come back and save the U.S. from an evil cabal. Some believe that JFK himself is potentially alive or was reincarnated. A lot has weird biblical overlaps."
And these pitiful brain-dead are walking our streets? Did they escape from the Phantom Zone?

'Who revels in such cruelty?' Conservatives flatten Trump after reports of wounded vet comment
A pile of shit.

'Enormous peril': 4-star Army general warns of Trump's 'Mafia-like' view of military
Yes, he is a mobster. We have most certainly established that.

Matt Walsh: You Have No Actual Right To Vote [VIDEO]
Nothing in our Constituion is "God-given."
Is he speaking to American citizens? Then he's so misinformed and wrong.

U.S. Constitution
Fifteenth Amendment

Section 1

The right of citizens of the United States to vote (who are eighteen years of age or older) shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude–

Section 2

The Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
I'm gonna say that pretty much says we do.

It turns out telling a 12-year-old she must have her rapist's baby isn't good politics
It isn't good anything.

Trump mistakenly believes a government shutdown will shut down prosecutors
Even his supporters know by now he's dumb as a sack of bricks.

Eric Swalwell Taunts Jim Jordan With 'Subpoena Evasion' Clock
The "Jacket-Off" Kid goes out in a pouty baby huff.

Musk Demanded NM Gov Be Arrested Over Gun Suspension Order
"Instead of demonstrating the kind of restraint one would hope from Twitter/X owner and world’s richest man Elon Musk, we got disinformation and lighter fluid."
All of these fascists are potential terrorists. This proves it beyond all doubt.

Pete Buttigieg just testified before Congress. It did not go well for Republicans
Naked moronism from very dumbed-down fools. He must know "climate" and "season" are not equivocal. Do they even remember the horse and buggy being replaced by the first automobiles? Let us remind them.

Get A Horse! America’s Skepticism Toward the First Automobiles
The inventor who claimed the first U.S. car ever sold recalls the birth of the industry and the general public skepticism about automobiles.
For the Congressional numbskulls who couldn't afford an education. Or did they merely waste their money on one?
"In 1896, he (Alexander Winton) founded the Winton Motor Carriage company, and soon began turning out cars at the dizzying rate of four per year. He would sell his first car in 1897 — arguably the first automobile sold in the U.S. — for the princely sum of $1,000."

'Burn the whole place down': McCarthy rails against House Republicans as GOP conference explodes in chaos
“This is a whole new concept of individuals that just want to burn the whole place down,” he lamented. “It doesn’t work.”
Best thing he's ever said.

Medicaid “Unwinding” Is Largest Loss of Health Coverage in US History
"After the uninsured rate fell to an all-time low of 8 percent in 2022, nearly 6.8 million people have lost their Medicaid health coverage since the so-called unwinding of federal pandemic protections began earlier this year."
Thank the MAGAt fascists in Trump's mob for it.

Giuliani groping allegations latest example of 'sick culture' surrounding Trump: Morning Joe
"Cassidy Hutchinson, the former aide to White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, claims in her new book that Giuliani ran his "frozen fingers" up her skirt to her thigh, and she says Trump legal adviser watched with a "leering grin," and the "Morning Joe" host found the allegations disgusting and wholly unsurprising."

The Shutdown is the Two Santa Clauses Scam Rearing its Ugly Head Again
Hopefully this time Democratic politicians and our media will, finally, call the GOP out on Wanniski’s and Reagan’s Two Santa Clauses scam and put an end to it once and for all

Millionaire Republicans condemned for pushing huge cuts to Medicaid and food benefits
Strictly mean and evil asshats.

'Guam isn't America': Trump reportedly shrugged off possibility of US territory getting nuked

Then Trump isn't America either.

Kansas Pastor Arrested On Child Rape Charges
William Keith Dodd, the former pastor of Lewark Church of God, has been charged with two counts of rape of a minor. His first appearance in Montgomery County Court was Friday. Court documents say Dodd allegedly raped a 12 or 13 year old two times between January 1st and September 11th of this year. He was arrested after an investigation by the Coffeyville Police Department. If convicted, Dodd could face life in prison, with no chance of parole for at least 25 years.
"Xianists" are the biggest threat to our children yet they lie about it being drag queens who are to blame. They should take stock of themselves before they have all been condemned.
Another one bites the dust.

Anti-LGBTQ Tennessee Mayoral Candidate Has Arrest Record For Money Laundering, Promoting Prostitution
Hypocrites are perfectly welcome in the fascist party.

Some House Republicans know they'll 'get the blame' for 'stupid' government shutdown: report
But, of course, stupid idiots will go ahead for spite.
You get the blame because you are the blame, moron.

Extremists have turned Texas into a hotbed for hate: report
Tell me somethin' I don't know.

Charlie Kirk: Retirement Isn't Biblical, So Cancel Social Security
This bozo also thinks you should be able to opt out of Social Security payments.
"I wish I was going to be around when Charlie Kirk is looking for part-time work to supplement his retirement. He won't be."
What does retirement have to do with an ancient story book of rehashed folk tales?

Matt Gaetz Whines: 'Why Am I To Blame For The Chaos?'
Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) on Tuesday denied he was to blame for fighting among Republicans after he pushed for shutting down the government instead of passing a temporary funding measure.
Why does the fool have to ask?

Democrats pummel Republicans at Jim Jordan's circus hearing
Like shooting fish in a barrel. Especially that clueless "Jacket-Off."

Tennessee Pastor Arrested On Child Rape Charges
Another dear ole Dixie "groomer" bites the dust.
"Xianists" seem to be nothing but child groomers and child rapists. What on earth? Don't they know it's the drag queens to blame?

Choose Your Own Adventure! Merrick Garland Or IRONMAN Secretary Mayor Pete?
"Neither of these men is Merrick Garland OR ARE THEY? (Stoled from Chasten’s Instagram)
We guess the biggest hearing of the morning is in the House Judiciary Committee, where Attorney General Merrick Garland will be confronted by chair Jim Jordan and his team of clown-brained skidmarks, who will force him to answer for why Hunter Biden and Joe Biden are free men, while Donald Trump was executed this morning at dawn. (RIGGED AND STOLLEN.)"

Judge Boxwine Knows What Causes MURDERRRRRR, It Is Participation TrophiesJudge Boxwine Knows What Causes MURDERRRRRR, It Is Participation Trophies
"Good morning, boxwine drinkers and the people who hold their hair back!
It’s time to see what Judge Jeanine Pirro, the patron saint of boxwine, said on Fox News yesterday. Was it very “OK, wine-soaked Boomer”? Yes, how did you know?
Is this like when she said 59 percent of Black voters in South Carolina are Republicans? Or when she was appalled to share that before Roe was overturned, there were 63 million abortions per year in America? Of course. It was like jury duty. When you got your abortion summons in the mail, you showed up at your latest Democrat Party Partial-Birthing Factory And Ballot Stuffing Parlor and you did your job as a citizen!"

Can We Stop the GOP’s Big Pharma Rip-Off?
For today’s bought-off GOP (and a handful of bought-off “problem solver” Democrats), as long as Republicans on the Supreme Court keep the corrupt payola machine running, there simply is no bottom…

The Government Finally Puts a Number on the Discrimination Against Black Colleges
“Unacceptable funding inequities have forced many of our nation’s distinguished Historically Black Colleges and Universities to operate with inadequate resources and delay critical investments in everything from campus infrastructure to research and development to student support services.”

Biden Is Taking a Step Toward Legalizing Pot
What rescheduling marijuana will actually mean for the weed industry and the people who patronize it.
The greatest since FDR.

Outrage as Ohio court lets GOP-backed ‘propaganda’ stay on ballot for abortion rights referendum
Nazis find using a lie to stack the deck, as usual. America will overcome these bastards.

'Worst nightmare' Trump witness can prove he committed 'textbook obstruction': former defense lawyer
"Caroline Polisi, a former white collar criminal defense lawyer and current lecturer at Columbia Law School, told CNN on Wednesday that she thinks former President Donald Trump will have a hard time beating the testimony of former aide Molly Michaels."

Nikki Haley and Tim Scott Are Here to Remind You Republicans Hate Unions
Hooray for the Union! There is Power in the Union!

Rep. Nadler Goes Right After Jim Jordan to Kickoff Blockbuster Garland Hearing: Everything You Just Said Has Been ‘Completely Refuted
The Nazis want to control the narritive. They do not want to engage in a being refuted contest which they will lose "bigly."

‘Badgering the Witness!’ Merrick Garland Hearing Plunges Into Chaos After Matt Gaetz Goes OFF on Biden and China
"Mr. I Am A Trump-Fellating Bully," wastes time asking questions when he thinks he already knows the answers.
The punk needs to be taken to the woodshed and given a damned good lesson.

Cultist Lin Wood Has Flipped In Georgia RICO Cases
Trump is in very serious trouble. His rats are all turning on him.

Kelly: Automatic Voter Registration Is “Un-American”
Tell me, Mr. Genius, what American does not want to be a registered voter. There is no law that makes voting mandatory, such as the Saddam Hussein example you use out of context, you dumbed-down idiot.

Merrick Garland 'will not be intimidated' by House Republicans
Tuesday was an absolute debacle for the Republican-led House.
What did anyone expect from a mob completely devoid of progressive ideas.

Looks Like GOPers' Dream Witness In Biden Probe Is Falling Flat
Just like MAGAts have fallen.

George Conway: House Republicans Are Just Nihilists
And bullies.

'An absolute joke': Joe Scarborough urges Kevin McCarthy to stand up to Freedom Caucus 'clowns'
"House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-California) has been trying to avoid a federal government shutdown without alienating members of the far-right House Freedom Caucus, some of whom have been threatening to oust him as House speaker."
If he had stones he would work with the Democrats.

GOP Senators Say Looser Dress Code 'Disrespects The Institution'
“The world watches us on that floor and we must protect the sanctity of that place at all costs,” they wrote in a letter to Chuck Schumer.
Nothing disrepects the Senate more than the MAGAt fascists that pollute it.

TODAY: Biden To Launch “American Climate Corps”
"These recruits, they said, will be “doing the important task of conserving and restoring our lands and waters, bolstering community resilience, deploying clean energy … implementing energy efficiency technologies that will cut consumer costs for the American people, and advancing environmental justice.”

Tim Scott: Workers Who Go On Strike Should 'Absolutely' Be Fired
What is the last thing Republicans have done for the middle class? ANYONE?
They've made them second class citizens. Fire Tim Scsott for being a clueless jerk.

Sunday: NASA Asteroid Lander To Return With Samples
An asteroid NASA’s been tracking for nearly 25 years could impact Earth in the future, a new report reveals.

AZ Students Greet “Fascist” Kirk With Middle Fingers
Poor little Charlie. He, and idiots like him, are the reason some fools are turning into morons like him.

WA Youth Pastor Gets 14 Months For Child Rape
Another "groomer" bites the dust.

GOP slammed for Social Security 'death panel' plan
May they all get slow stomach cancer.

Trump is lying about his "moderate" abortion stance — he will ban it nationwide
Trump lies constantly, and history shows he and the GOP will repay evangelicals with a national abortion ban
Fuck Trump.

Revised Protect Musicians Act could empower artists against streaming platforms
"This legislation will help give small, independent music creators a level playing field, empowering them to stand together for fairer compensation and giving them a voice in important negotiations that will determine the future of the music industry,” Ross said.

Biden warns Trump is an existential threat to democracy. The media whiffs it
Proving anyone can get a journalism degree.

House Democrats introduce bill to undo Supreme Court's gutting of Voting Rights Act
Someone has to do what's right.

House Republican Budget Reflects Disturbing Vision for the Country
"House Republicans are pursuing a damaging agenda at every turn—first threatening the nation with default, and now demanding deep cuts in an array of priorities in this year’s appropriations debate, risking a government shutdown, and proposing a budget blueprint that would take the country in the wrong direction."
Life under fascism is what we'll get if we keep being stupid and clueless. This should sober some of us up.

House GOP unveils budget with trillions in cuts to medicaid, food benefits and more
The thieving bastards will put it in their goddamned pockets and fuck Americans.

'Clown show': House Republican slams McCarthy and GOP 'lunatics' as clock ticks toward shutdown
The Shit Show under the Big Top. If America wants this sort of crap they can stick it where the sun doesn't shine.

'On a baby changing table': Reporter finds possible Gaetz resolution in House restroom
Classless trash.

'Trump told me to do this': Analyst predicts ex-president’s aides’ conflict 'only going to increase'
"When Melber asked Katyal whether their argument stands, he replied, "There's no world in which overthrowing an election, Ari, is part of your job duties. Look, I worked at the Justice Department twice. Everyone at the Justice Department knows there's a strict prohibition against employees engaging in political activity as part of their job. So, leave aside that engage in coup — just the claim that Meadows made today is, 'Well, there's no way to have a line between politics and the regular work of a government official,' and that is just totally wrong. There is no Donald Trump exception to the Hatch Act, which is the act that forbids political activity by people in the Justice Department, and with respect to Meadows — I think the most important thing — this is why he lost his removal motion. The judge in a 49-page opinion said the Constitution cuts out the executive branch from one thing — which is presidential elections — for the most important of reasons."

World Laughs At 'Matt Gaetz For Florida Governor'
Clown. What else can you but laugh?

Busted: Tommy Tuberville invested in defense contractor while blocking military nominations
"The senator’s personal financial position is directly tied to the financial position of specific companies that receive billions of dollars in taxpayer funded government contracts," Hedtler-Gaudette said. "I can’t think of anything more inappropriate and unethical than that, especially given the role that the Armed Services Committee plays in authorizing defense spending toplines and priorities around specific defense projects and programs."
What a douche.

Trump trashed by UAW president as an enemy of the working class
Fatso has no vision for the future of America or humanity. He's all about saving his own stinking ass.

Biden impeachment already collapsing as new evidence destroys GOP theories: report
Spiteful inepts failing. Why must we put up with these flatliners?

Pennsylvania's automatic voter registration applauded as 'antidote' to MAGA election denial
The model for a democratic America.

'Grabbing the hog during a live musical': John Fetterman hits back at GOP critics with brutal Boebert slam
""I figure if I take up vaping and grabbing the hog during a live musical, they'll make me a folk hero," wrote Fetterman."

The GOP Is the Party of Corrupt Oligarchy
In Texas, Attorney General Ken Paxton escaped conviction after being impeached.
We all know why.

President Zelenskyy Is At The UN, So That’ll Piss Putin’s American Fanboys Off
"Sorry, Tucker.
Sorry, Glenn Greenwald.
Sorry, other bad people.
Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the president of Ukraine, is addressing the UN General Assembly. We know Putin’s asslickers in America don’t like that, but we guess they’ll have to deal with it."

Trump Drew Dicks On Classified Flash Cards He Stole, Because Of Course
"Whenever you think you’ve learned all the appalling things there are to know about Donald Trump and his various criminal schemes and enterprises, his betrayals of and utter lack of regard for the United States, another shoe drops. But sometimes the shoes are just so damn stupid.
Who wrote random to-do lists on the backs of classified documents? Donald Trump did. We imagine he did it in that mangled demented moron Sharpie script of his, the one that looks like it comes from one of history’s greatest madmen who was at the same time never taught to read and write."

The Bill Maher Story: Too Big for His Britches and Not Worth What He's Paid
"I don't mean to be doctrinaire or, God forbid, politically correct, but attitudes toward working people like those expressed by Bill Maher make it clear that he ain't a progressive. Hell, he ain't even a liberal. And that isn't even counting his blubbering about what a genius Elon Musk is."

A single dose of psilocybin boosts neuroplasticity and reduces depression symptoms
Many of us have known this for 40 years or more.

'Unbelievably stupid' Trump actions keep making Mar-a-Lago docs case 'more outrageous': Morning Joe panel
Why is this criminal constantly pampered?

'Incredibly dangerous': Trump thrashed for attacking US Jews on Rosh Hashanah by CNN's Dana Bash
This Nazi needs to be taught a lesson. Problem is, he's too stupid to learn anything.

Texas school suspends Black student more than two weeks for purportedly lengthy dreadlocks
Texas: An extremely regressive and unaware state filled with racist idiots from the past. They want their Negroes to be as happy as they were when they were slaves.

Republicans clutch pearls over Fetterman's gym shorts, stay mum on Boebert
ROTFLMAO! What fools.

These frustrated Oregon Republicans are determined to become part of Idaho
Frustrated? They would rather serve fascism. That's what they are.

'Grow a spine': Kevin McCarthy urged to stand up to 'extremists in the House'
It will help because all the Nazis are spineless bastards.

Trump: The Banks Were Warned Not To Believe Me
This asshole is some kind of deeply brain damaged idiot.

FL Pastor Sentenced To 60 Years On Child Sex Charges
Wow! Another one bites the dust -- hard!

DeSantis Slams Fetterman — ‘Who’s Got a Lot of Problems’ — for ‘Disrespectful’ Senate Wardrobe, Democrats for ‘Dumbing Down’ Standards
Wearing a suit does't make you respectable, dumb ass. It's the person in the suit that counts. And you lost that game a long time ago.

Dirtbag Texas AG Ken Paxton Slithers Out Of Accountability In Impeachment Trial, Surprise
Paxton was immediately reinstated to his position.
Because the law just doesn’t apply to white MAGA Republicans. At least that’s what they’re trying to preserve down there in Texas.
Corruption is their business in Austin.

'A Nazi movement — all the way to the top’: critics denounce Trump’s antisemitic attack on ‘liberal Jews’
Of course. Most Americans know Trump is a Nazi and beyond any redemption.

Busted: Tommy Tuberville invested in defense contractor while blocking military nominations
Isn't EVERYONE sick of this asshole by now?

‘Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party’: Kevin McCarthy and far-right Republicans mocked as GOP divide grows even greater
Send them all to Phantom Zone.

It’s Now Clear: “Cop City” Is About Democracy
Land of the Happy Negro needs more cops to keep their Negroes happier?

‘A Disgrace to This Country!’ Howard Stern Dumbfounded By Lauren Boebert’s Behavior at ‘Beetlejuice’ Musical
She's just the tits of the iceberg.

‘I’ve Seen Enough’: Conservative Radio Host Distances Himself From Trump Over Recent Stances On Abortion and Trans Rights
Real humans do have a limit. They eventually catch on to being hoodwinked.

Missouri Gov Candidate: Next Time I’ll Burn Real Books
Don't forget the Buddhist monks. Self-immolation would be more fun to watch. They had real balls.
Missouri is a lost cause for certain.

Confused, stammering Trump calls Biden 'cognitively impaired'
This treasonist cannot speak in complete sentences. Only the alien beings can comprehend his stupidness.

Trump Blames 'Liberal Jews' For Voting To Destroy America
Into the cell, please or no one has to listen to any judge in America -- EVER AGAIN!.

Trump Brags About Tampering With Paxton's Jury
Why is this traitor not in a holding cell?

High School Band Director Tased By Police In Front Of Students
"In Alabama, it is apparently a crime to continue playing music when police tell you to stop. Or, put another way, music is criminalized for no apparent damn reason."

ProsperUS Condemns Partisan Short-Term Funding Proposal: “Deeply unpopular and doomed to fail”
“These last-ditch efforts to slash critical investments in workers and families are deeply unpopular and doomed to fail. Extreme House GOP members should accept reality: The majority of Congress is with the American people in rejecting hostage-taking and painful and irresponsible cuts.
“The House majority should set aside this latest failed proposal and allow the full House to vote on government funding bills at or above the floor set in the bipartisan debt limit deal. Anything less would be a clear step backward for our economy and hurt the most vulnerable communities we represent.”
Fascists please pay attention.

Trump acknowledges he was told 2020 election lies were false in wide-ranging interview
So, he admits he knew the election wasn't rigged then tried have it overturned.
He's admitted he's guilty, now sentence him. We don't need a trial. Everyone knows he's a criminal anyway.

Brennan Center and GIFFORDS Law Center Find Holes in Laws on Guns and Voting
"Today, GIFFORDS, the gun violence prevention organization founded by Former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, and the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU Law released a new report titled Guns and Voting. The report highlights the need for states to address the growing threat that the use of guns to commit political violence poses to Americans and their right to vote safely."

Why the 14th Amendment may not disqualify 'loathsome' Trump from running for president
If we don't accept the language of our Constitution then we are, in fact, a lost country.
It's either all acceptable or throw it in the dumpster fire we have created by these pussy-footing cowards.

GOP Youth Conference Adds Lauren Boebert As Speaker
One day after GOP Rep. Lauren Boebert was tossed out of a performance of Beetlejuice at the Buell Theatre, a Republican youth conference decided it was a good idea to add her to their list of speakers.
"How to dress and act appropriately for the theater" will be one of her speaking topics.

Doesn't Anyone Understand White Trash Culture?
How dare they harass Lauren Blowbert like that!
They don't call it trash because it's recyclable.
"Be prepared to watch this clip a few times. You don't want to miss a second because you were busting one from laughing so hard."

Missouri Republicans Use Flamethrowers On Empty Boxes Meant To Represent “Naughty” LGBTQ Books
Which one is Chief Beatty?

Proud Boys Rally At Trump Tower In Trump Logo Hats
Trump incels with no lives.

We need to stop mocking people from the South and Midwest
What do you mean by "we"? You got a mouse in your pocket?
And I was born and raised in the midwest and I live in the south, so fuck off.

'Even Henry Ford understood' that underpaid workers 'don’t have money' to buy things: ex-labor secretary
Slavery is in style these days for the overpaid gluttons.

Trump flunks fact-check after Meet the Press interview goes off the rails: analysis
Her's your senile, brain-dead candidate. He's an embarrasment to morons.

Super Genius Trump Claims He Beat Obama
And every other president that he never ran against.

Pence Repeatedly Dodges Question On CEO Pay Fairness
Not the man for the job.

Texas Far-Right Vows Revenge After Paxton Acquittal
He's referring to himself and his fascist ilk.

Boebert: Theater Threw Me Out For Being “Eccentric
No. You haven't any social skills. You're a fucking moron hick which is more than apparent. So is OAN.

New Report: One-Third of States Have an Election Denier Overseeing Elections
These fascists will still get the shit kicked out of them.

The Covid Bump
The coronavirus has long since lapsed as a primary concern for most Americans. Can we make progress on a problem when so few seem to care?
Progress doesn't seem to be our most import product any longer.

End Wealth Supremacy
"Eighty-five percent of Americans already get their water from public utilities instead of for-profit companies. Now there’s a growing movement from Ann Arbor, Michigan to Maine and New York for publicly and cooperatively owned energy utilities. Such companies could be more willing than for-profit utilities to transition quickly from fossil fuels and make investments to prevent sparking wildfires."

GOP Attacks on DOJ Are About Ensuring the Rule of Republicans, Not Rule of Law
This means Nazi scum. Republicans have been replaced by them.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton Acquitted on All 16 Impeachment Articles
If you live in Texas this is no surprise. Especially to the rest of the crooks in Austin.

Texas Republicans put Ken Paxton above the law
The Texas Senate acquitted suspended Attorney General Ken Paxton on Saturday of all charges of abusing his office.
They are all grifting fascists.

Sarah Huckabee Thinks Everyone Is Way Jealous Of How 'Normal' Arkansas Is
"In fact, she says her plan is to phase out income tax in the state entirely, which is certainly a bold choice given the fact that it is the 5th poorest state in the nation. Call me crazy, but if I ran a state in which 22 percent of children were living at or below the poverty line, I might tax some rich motherfuckers in order to correct that situation."

How Do You Spell Relief?
Today on TAP: After an FDA finding that a popular decongestant is worthless, Biden could direct that agency to fast-track approval of a miracle drug for colds used all over the world.
Except the anti-vaxxers will think it's a tracking device of some kind. They'll stick to their horse pills.

'Will not turn out well': Trump may be facing 'considerable financial fines' from Judge Chutkan
Here's stupid wearing his Red Nazi hat.

'He’s probably guilty, but it doesn’t matter': Trump fans aren't scared off by 4 criminal indictments
They are the biggest bunch of dumb fucks to ever crawl on the planet earth. This includes all the ancient creatures who were more intelligent. You think Shingles doesn't care? Ha!

The potential first transgender member of Congress says she’s ready to ‘educate’ the GOP
Sitting outside a coffee shop blocks from Joe Biden’s favorite beach, the 33-year-old said she sees "the importance of representation. But it's also my job to make clear to people that I'm more than just one thing, that I am a multi-dimensional human being.”
I'm certain she won't have any problems with the illiterate book burners.

Mexico extradites son of former Sinaloa cartel leader 'El Chapo' to the U.S.
"Ovidio Guzmán López, a son of Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzmán, faces drug trafficking, money laundering and other charges in the United States. Mexican security forces captured Guzmán López in January."

‘Take A Look At What He’s Done!’ Elizabeth Warren Hits Back At CNN Poll On Biden’s Age — On CNN
These people should worry about their own age. They could die of a heart attack tomorrow no matter their age.
The U.S. has a system that takes care of a vacant office. Shutup, muckrakers!

Trump: “Cognitively Impaired Biden Will Cause WW2”
Cause it to be remembered by people with brains? Sorry, that leaves Dumbo out.

Pence: “Tuberville Is Right And The Pentagon Is Wrong”
On day one? LOL! He will shit and fall back in it.

Biden: Big Three Auto Makers Should Share Profits With Workers
"On Friday, President Joe Biden made some comments about the UAW strike. Biden said that no one wanted to see a strike but added that it was well within the workers' rights to do so. Biden also added that the Big 3 auto makers had record profits and that they should be sharing them with the workers."

Patriotic Millionaires Support Striking UAW Workers
"The Patriotic Millionaires offer their wholehearted support to the striking UAW workers. Over the last decade, the Big Three automakers have made record-shattering profits, but you wouldn’t know it by looking at workers’ paychecks. The Big Three have sent billions of dollars to investors through stock buyback schemes and given generous executive compensation packages, but have completely shafted the employees that made their profits possible. The strikers’ demands for better pay, benefits, and working conditions are entirely reasonable, deserved, and long overdue. As UAW President Shawn Fain rightly said: ‘Record profits mean record contracts.’"

Musk’s X revokes paid blue check from United Auto Workers after strike called
Flush this turd down the toilet.

Why 'Judge Chutkan is ultimately going to win' the 'power struggle' against Trump: legal analyst
Judges usually do that with crooks.

Republican 'hostage-taking' condemned as shutdown nears
Deport them all.

House Republicans threatened FBI agent after he showed up with two lawyers
Must have scared the shit out of little "Jacket-Off."

Kansas Librarians Sue After Being Fired for Displaying Rainbow Autism Symbol
Fuck bigoted Nazi scum.

Three-Quarters of Americans Back Plan to Negotiate Drug Costs Through Medicare
"A new poll demonstrates that the vast majority of Americans support the Biden administration’s policy of Medicare negotiating with pharmaceutical companies to lower prescription drug prices."

Dear Media, Do Your Job!
Remember when the media used to actually report the news? Yes. A long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.

Wisconsin GQP Can't Quite Grasp The Concept Of Voting
Despite not having the authority to do so, Wisconsin state senate GQP vote to oust elections administrator, Meagan Wolfe. Lawsuits are already flying.
Of course, Nazis won't have it.

Mark Meadows and Kevin McCarthy: Where do Republicans get these worms?
There is a reason why they were put into positions of power by this Republican Party
At the "Clueless Loser Store." One million worm species on sale.
"In politics, it's an axiom if not a flat-out rule that you should have, if not a soul, at least a brain."

'Cornered' Trump has 'lost before he started' in $250 million NYC fraud case: legal expert
“He’s doing everything he can to provoke some kind of animosity and hostility with the judge...”
It's the only way of life he knows. "When the coffin is closed, he drills a hole..."

New Jack Smith filing accuses Trump's lawyer of rule violation: Mueller prosecutor
He would violate a rule? Ha!

'A bit more complicated': Fox News and GOP voters seek 'off-ramps away from Trump'
They found the way themselves they can find the way off.

‘Sick and disturbing’: Critics slam ‘family values’ Kristi Noem over alleged affair with former top Trump aide
South Dakota Republican Governor Kristi Noem has been engaged in a "years-long clandestine" extra-marital relationship with former top Trump aide Corey Lewandowski, according to the Daily Mail. Governor Noem, who celebrated her 30th wedding anniversary last year, is 51 and has three children. Now she is the target of critics who are blasting what they see as her "hypocrisy."
More trash like BoBo.

FL Baptist Youth Pastor Charged With Sexting Minors
Hard to keep track of these groomers. What is it about "Xianity" that turns them out so often?
Another one bites the dusts.

Aunt Lydia Signs Ban On Vax Mandates In Arkansas
Retards in Razorbackville. Nazi government is only natural.

Conservative Oregonians advance plan to secede and join Idaho: 'By foreign I mean Portland'
Nazis try to join another Nazi state. Who in their right mind wants scum like this around?

Trump is trapped in his own 'MAGA doom loop' – and it will cripple him: analysis
"Sargent begins by arguing that Trump and Republicans' efforts to stifle democratic processes — whether by inciting a riot to prevent the certification of a presidential election or nominating candidates for secretary of state who had vowed not to certify 2024 election results if Trump didn't win — have proven to be unpopular with voters."
Trump's rigging system is coming home to bite his own dumb ass.

Hate Group Summit Speaker Calls On Christians To Indoctrinate School Children Into “Biblical Worldview”
And also too, they are the worst of groomers that abuse children in the name of "god."

Trump indictments are crucial for saving the Constitution and preventing 'future coups': historian
"In the early republic," the historian writes, "few laws existed to protect citizens' rights, to secure the balloting process, or to secure the transition from one administration to the next. Instead, precedents and norms had to be taught; citizens had to learn to cherish the peaceful transfer of power as a bedrock of American democracy. Over the next 200 years, states and the federal government legislated to protect ballots from interference, ensure increasingly equal, if still imperfect, access to voting, and prohibit attempts to manipulate the counting of votes."

America’s Short-Lived Safety Net Has Almost Fully Unraveled
"The American Rescue Plan created unprecedented programs protecting parents and young children, renters, and childcare providers. Now they are almost entirely gone."

End This Witch Hunt Against Teachers and Librarians
"This authoritarian assault, funded by a clique of far-right billionaires and coordinated by their front groups, has been popping off across the country. But leave it to Texas Governor Greg Abbott to push it from extreme to totalitarianism."

Could President Mike Pence Eat Alone With A Woman VP, Or Is Mother Still 86-ing That?
"So it is lunchtime in 2025, and President Pence is hongry and VP Lunatic Anti-Abortion Lady is hongry. Is Mike Pence allowed to eat lunch alone with her, or must he have a policeman or a grownup chaperone, to make sure nothing inappropriate happens in anybody’s Down-Theres?"

Is Joe Biden Indicting Hunter To Distract From Joe And Hunter Biden's Real Crimes? Let's Ask Stupid People
"We made the joke in the chatcave yesterday as the breaking news came out that Hunter Biden had been indicted on some dumb gun charge. (One wonders what happened to SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.)"

Rural Georgia voters are now demanding answers in Trump election indictment: report
So are the rest of the fascists going to start calling them "woke"?

Biden Assigns A Nickname To Trump, Ex-POTUS Is Going To Hate It
Perfect — almost. Just add "asshole" to the end of it.

Hillary Clinton Blasts Dem “Naysayers” On Biden’s Age
“We just got to get the naysayers and the whiners and the snipers, you know, to just go to the back of the room because they’re not helping at all.”

'Soldiers of Christ' starved and beat woman before she died: police
According to police, the suspects are members of a religious group called "Soldiers for Christ" and the victim was a woman from South Korea who had traveled to the U.S. to join the group.
Why does God's little boy need an army?

GOP's 'toddler caucus' is sending party over the cliff: CNN panel
Exactly where they need to go.

Your Congress Boyfriend Dan Goldman Is Already Kicking The Sh*t Out Of Republicans' Fake Biden Impeachment
"So it was a hell of a pleasant surprise in 2021 when Mitt proposed a genuinely good plan to cut child poverty by giving parents a monthly child allowance — just like in one of those European socialist countries he used to warn Barack Obama wanted America to become. It was especially astonishing considering that it was proposed by the guy who in 2012 railed against "free stuff" and condemned the lazy 47 percent of Americans who supposedly "believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it" and didn’t pay any federal income tax — because they’re children, disabled, retired, or so poor they don’t make enough to have taxable income."

Six out of nine planetary boundaries already crossed, study warns
Not surprised. Humanity really is clueless.

‘Years to recover’: Navy chief warns of long-lasting crippling impact from Tuberville's military blockade
The Tuberville cancer.

Violent threats from Trump supporters now target Fulton County officials: report
Trump and his thugs will get theirs in a way that these idiots have never expected.

Kim Davis is ordered to pay $100,000 to same-sex couple she denied marriage license
Nice to see her get nailed. Appeal all you want, you'll still be an asshole.

QAnon Rioter Sentenced To 30 Months: I’m Like Jesus
The batshit insanity that has infected America.
Get thee to a psychiatrist ASAP.

Florida Pastor Arrested On Child Sex Charges
Another one bites the dust.

Wisconsin GOP votes to remove state’s elections chief
“The Senate's vote today to remove me is not a referendum on the job I do but rather a reaction to not achieving the political outcome they desire,” Wolfe said on Thursday. “The 2024 election cycle begins in less than three months. There is such important work ahead, and my hope is that we will quickly get the clarity that we need from the courts.”
The Wisconsin Nazis destroy free elections. As such, they are traitors and must be dealt with.

House GOP advances bill to block Biden’s student loan repayment program
Here come the Red Reprobates again.

Alito pauses order banning Biden officials from contacting tech platforms
Thank you so much, dear great lord. Tell the Confederate judges to fuck off.

Congrats on making millions of kids poorer, Congress
The Census Bureau reported this week that childhood poverty more than doubled after the expanded Child Tax Credit expired.
"The expanded Child Tax Credit expiring was a choice from Congress and Joe Manchin in particular to not prioritize raising kids out of poverty."

New Documents Show Exxon Executives Cast Doubt on Climate Science to Protect Profits
You mean an oil company would be scumbags? Oh, dear! Such a surprise.

As Rent Inflation Peaks, Homes Guarantee Makes Case for Federal Rent Regulations in New Memo
Capitalism is a motherfucker.

Louisiana GOP Endorses Accused Child Abuser
They endorse child abusers. That shold tell you exactly who they are.

CA Baptist Youth Pastor Arrested On Child Sex Charges
"A Banning church faculty member was behind bars Wednesday on suspicion of inappropriate acts with a child, police announced.
Another one bites the dust.

How Right-Wing Groups Are Plotting To Implement Trump’s Authoritarianism
These low-life, crustacean Nazis could die trying.

The ridiculous effort to blame Schumer for Tuberville’s blockade
Republicans want the Senate Democratic leader to share in the blame for Tommy Tuberville's blockade. New research shows how foolish this argument is.
"It’s why, as regular readers know, the GOP lawmaker has been condemned by military leaders. And every living former Defense secretary. And retired military leaders. And veterans. And congressional Democrats. And the White House. And military spouses."

Tommy Tuberville's Military Hold Isn't Really About Abortion
Surprise! It's a Trump strategy for control.

'Sincerely crazy': Mitt Romney shamed fellow GOP Senator for believing almost 'any conspiracy'
Just like their gun thugs in the next article.

'They're going to turn to the bullet': Extremism expert sounds the alarm over MAGA rage
Then we can shoot back in self defense.

McCarthy drops F-bomb, venting frustration with GOP members
Gaetz is the one that should be getting impeached.

Did Kevin McCarthy Think Impeach! Would Distract Chaos Caucus From Government Shutdown?
"Just this week, after he finally announced an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden’s many very bad but indefinable crimes Tuesday, House Republicans repaid him by threatening to remove him as speaker because they still doubt his commitment to Sparkle Fascism."

The Swiftboaters are Back with the Biden Impeachment
Slander campaigns like this must instead be hit head-on with outrage and ferocity.
"House Republicans have revived the infamous Swiftboat lie strategy that helped defeat John Kerry in 2004. In essence, it involves relentlessly lying about a candidate and smearing his or her name and reputation in the hopes it’ll shave a few points off their popularity with independent voters."

Joe Biden’s IRS Stormtroopers Coming For The Poor Tax-Dodging Millionaires
Is this even America if rich people pay taxes?

'Dramatic increase' in public neo-Nazi demonstrations in the last year: analysis
They will soon make their way to the cliff and we can watch them fall.

Boebert’s 'Beetlejuice' boot came after she refused to quit vaping near a pregnant woman: report
We know who the "sad and miserable person" is, BoBo.

Romney: Biden Impeachment Will Go Nowhere
Sen. Romney didn’t come right out and call the House impeachment of President Joe Biden a load of BS but that’s clearly what he meant.

'It's a joke': These Republicans fear Biden impeachment will be GOP’s downfall
Of course it's a joke. But the Republicans already brought themselves down with a long list of fails.

Expert fears 'more racist terror attacks' from 'pathological white right'
They will face the consequences of their ignorance.

Great News: Florida Group Raises $193,000 To Save Abortion Clinic
"We've never been so proud to be part of this movement and community," said SWAN of Orlando.

'We're not a communist country': Tuberville explains why he's still blocking military promotions
We're not a fascist country either, dumbo. But you and your MAGAt cohorts are doing their best to make us one.
Tell me, do recruits get any kind of vaccines? Yes. If you can read, read this, asshole:
Military Vaccine List: 18 Shots You Get In Basic Training / Military
Troops do their duty or they get out. So should you.
Do your job or get out, you chickenshit.

Hundreds of Scientists Endorse Demands of March to End Fossil Fuels
“Scientists are here to say that our data support the demands of this march: President Biden, stop approving new fossil fuel projects, phase out drilling on public lands, declare a climate emergency and provide a just transition to renewable energy.”
Do we think anyone will listen to a scientist — or even hundreds — thousands?

Christian Youth Center Worker Charged With Child Sex
How long is it going to take for Americans to understand that the groomers are "Xianists."?

Pastor Resigns From MO School Board After Preaching That Children With Autism Are Possessed By “Demons
Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Sky-high CEO pay is in focus as workers everywhere are demanding higher wages
Stop paying these CEO thieves that are robbing us blind. Pay their employees instead.

Oregon sues Fox News over false election claims
Oh, dear! Faux News sued again. They will NEVER learn.

Christie knocks Putin's 'endorsement' of Trump
"“Meet Vladimir Putin. Brutal, mass-murdering, KGB hitman who thinks our system is ‘rotten.’ Trump thinks Putin is a ‘genius’ — he clearly needs new role models,” Christie wrote on X. “Get it straight. Trump is under indictment because of his conduct. He played with fire and is getting burned. And now his best buddy is coming to his defense. If you are on the same side as Putin, you might want to rethink your position…”
Why the hell didn't Brazil have the nuts to arrest this motherfucking war criminal when they had the chance?

If Senator John Kennedy Starts Reading To You, Call The Cops.
"It was John Kennedy Story Hour yesterday on the Senate floor. That’s the Republican senator from Louisiana who pretends to be the stupidest yokel ever to grace that august body since the days when it had open slaveowners in its ranks, but actually he went to Oxford so he’s probably faking."
"Yesterday, the Senate Judicary Committee had a hearing about the conservative book-banning/book-burning trend, which is part of the 'family values' conservative Christian crusade to eradicate the LGBTQ+ population. As we have discussed before, these people are pig-ignorant enough to believe that if kids are never exposed to anything LGBTQ+, they will never themselves be LGBTQ+. They have swallowed like a dick their big lie that kids only become LGBTQ+ if they are “groomed” into such things."

Unionization is stabling our politics
Union forever.

Watch: Surveillance video shows Boebert booted from 'Beeltejuice' show for 'causing a disturbance'
"The incident report states that after receiving the intermission warning, about five minutes into the second act security officials received 'another complaint about the patrons being loud and at the time (they) were recording.' Taking pictures or recording is not permitted at shows."
Yank that strapless dress top up, BoBo.
Once again these idiots know nothing about intellectual property law. BoBo doesn't get out of the trailer enough.

Trump Privately Talked To House GOPers About Biden Impeachment
What a shocker.
Just as much trash as BoBo.

Tuberville: I Won’t Budge On Pentagon Abortion Policy
Show this Confedrate dickhead traitor the door!

Ron DeSantis Doubles Down On Shooting Migrants
Both evil and stupid. He will keep fucking around until he lands in jail.

Ramaswamy: I Will Fire One Million Federal Employees
Real smart, Swami. Now one million votes will be cast against your stupid ass.

Kevin McCarthy secures Trump's payback — but at what cost?
House Republicans may be split on a Biden impeachment inquiry but Donald Trump is plenty pleased
It's easy to see who America's enemies are here.

‘An epidemic’: Syphilis rages through Texas, causing newborn cases to climb amid treatment shortage
Not the only thing raging through Texas. Lots of MAGAt stupid, as well.

‘Threatened to slit my effing throat’: Election officials who have faced threats back reforms
Nazi scum who threaten must be eliminated.

'Does he think everybody is stupid?' Morning Joe shreds Kevin McCarthy's reasons for impeachment
A lot of us are, Joe. They bank on that.

'It's not an impeachment unless you bring it to the floor for a vote': Dem pours cold water on McCarthy plan
I guess any goofball can get into Congress these days.

Trump faces yet another legal effort to boot him from ballot for 'insurrection'
"Trump is facing a new lawsuit charging he is ineligible to run for president in 2024, CNN reported on Tuesday — this time filed in the state of Minnesota."

Tenn. Mayoral Candidate Claims She Can Post Whatever She Wants
Just another ignorant asshole that doesn't understand intellectual property law.

Toxic algae blooms are the new normal as CO2 levels keep rising
We continue our sucicide march.

Tuberville 'doesn't know what the hell he's talking about' after missing Joint Chiefs chair retirement date: analysis
Why does he hate our troops so much?

Kari Lake blasted for exalting Trump as a '9/11 hero'
"Donald Trump? A hero of 9/11?.... Like the 343 New York City firefighters and paramedics who died as the World Trade Center collapsed on them? Or the 341 firefighters, paramedics and civilian support staff who later died of illnesses that were the result of their tireless work that day?" — The Arizona Republic's Laurie Roberts
More of a sniveling coward sucking down a soft drink while his coup was at work terrorizing our Capitol.

Chris Christie Sees No Evidence to Support Biden Impeachment Inquiry: ‘We’re Cheapening Impeachment’ Doing This
They won't listen to you, Chris. It's all for spite.

Trump super PAC makes 'brazen' and 'deceptive' attack on Judge Chutkan: legal reporter
Did you expect Fatso to not throw all the shitfits he could?

Did Ken Buck Mention MTG Is A Flaming Idiot About Impeachment? He Should Mention That.
"Here is your next update in the saga of Ken Buck, House Freedom Caucus Republican who hates Marjorie Taylor Greene’s guts so much he cannot stop going on TV right now and calling her a fucking clown ass idiot. Because it’s funny to watch these people fight."

Watch: Nancy Mace called out on CNN for pushing bogus narrative on Biden and Ukraine
Expect the same thing to happen to the Republicans when they pull their spite charade on Biden.

Republicans try an abortion rebrand — but it will just backfire
Republicans think they can trick voters with abortion word games
As usual.

Notoriously Anti-Vax NFL Star Needs Doctors After All
You've been making fun of us for a good while, pal. Now it's your turn in the barrel.
Probably weakened the ankle making that over-the-top glory run with that flag.

Trump has mystery office near Mar-a-Lago, reportedly with ‘boxes everywhere’
Trump's a hoarder but not a steward.

Yep, Seniors Are Screwed By Insurance Company Monopolies
Congressional watchdog finds that private insurer's "rebate" system increases drug costs for seniors.
Haven't we been saying this for years now?

'Nothing gets better for Trump' in 'hot mess' Georgia racketeering trial: legal expert
"Put it all together, she explained, things are not looking up for Trump."

Right-wing pastor doubles down on belief that autism is 'demonic': report
"Well, my God doesn't make junk. God doesn't make mess-ups. God doesn't make people that way."
Then what's your excuse, you lunkhead?
Mehta added, "Oh. And he’s still on the local public school board."
Richland, Missouri — the heart of Amercan stupidity.

Ron Johnson: Clouds Will Stop Global Climate Change
RoJo the Climatologist strikes again!
Maybe this dimwit should take one of Trump's "tough" acuity tests.

Neo-Nazi American extradited to Netherlands over anti-Semitic message on Anne Frank House
Like the Confederacy, the Nazis have yet to go away forever.

Christian School Teacher Arrested On Child Sex Charges
Another one bites the dust. Will these "Xianists" just go away already?

Fascist versus free: Comparing red state regimes with blue state control
The Nazi states won't be with us much longer. They will have no population to support them.

What the fuck is wrong with these people?
It's either "own the libs" or "we are as dumb as a used turd."
Yeah, they recall something that only happened in their nightmare world. Some joke.

'Indefensible': Expert argues Alito is 'wrong on the facts' about Congress’ oversight of Supreme Court
Though "Alito identifies as an 'originalist' — someone who ostensibly makes decisions based on the original intent of the Framers and their historical context," Ornstein writes, "no genuine originalist would make an astonishing, ridiculous, and utterly ahistorical assertion like the one in the Journal interview.
The man is a danger to the Republic.

Missouri editorial board dismantles the facade around 'supposedly centrist' No Labels group
"According to the board, despite the idea that the third party group claims to be 'looking for solutions in the neglected middle of the ideological spectrum by bringing together Republicans and Democrats who can see beyond their own partisan interests,' it's actually a dark money group financially backed by 'Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’ patron Harlan Crow, the Dallas billionaire who collects Hitler’s table linens and other Nazi niceties."

Never Forget 9/11? What About Students Too Young To Remember?
You mean they don't even know about Pearl Harbor? Fort Sumter? Where are they getting educated?
No wonder our youth doesn't know who we are. If you don't know history you are compelled to reapeat it.

Big Donors Know You Pay Ginni To Get Clarence
Crime Inc.

Kayleigh Spins Insane Theory About Trans Individuals
These poorly educated people had no idea they've been around these people for a century.

Captain Caps Lock Is Panic-Posting On Truth Social Again
Screaming like a maniac on speed. Projecting again.

'We're Going To Lose': Chris Christie Scolds Trump Defender On Fox News
"Yeah, how did those people get persuaded in the first place?" Christie shot back. "I mean, let's face it, Howie, this is a guy who's going to be sitting in a courtroom for all of March and most of April defending himself for trying to interfere with the peaceful transfer of power rather than making the case against Joe Biden."
That and not being on state ballots. He's in over his head already.

Right Wing Pundits: Trumpists Are Violent Psychopaths Who Will Kill Us All If They Don't Get Their Way
"If there is one thing that conservative pundits can agree on, it is … well, it’s everything. They’re honestly not all that original. But this week, at least two of them are out here warning us all that if the fact that Trump broke the law all over the place prevents him from being president (or, let’s be real, if he is not elected president for any other reason), that his voters will be so mad that they will be forced into civil warring the rest of us."
Then it will mean the end of their sorry fascism. The dead end. Democracy will fight. Make no mistake.

There’s Nothing Patriotic about Today’s Republicans

Tommy Tuberville Tears Down the Last Pillar of the GOP’s Claim to Patriotism
The fascist must be removed and sent back to his treasonous state.

Red States Are Rolling Back the Rights Revolution
"Since 2021, Republican-controlled states have passed a swarm of laws to restrict voting rights, increase penalties for public protest, impose new restrictions on transgender youth, ban books, and limit what teachers, college professors, and employers can say about race, gender, and sexual orientation. Some states are even exploring options to potentially prosecute people who help women travel out of state to obtain an abortion."
Disgusting swine.
They are abandoning democracy and should not receive any federal funding.

Newsom: Trumpism Includes A “Fetish For Autocracy”
“I worry about democracy. I worry about the fetishness for autocracy that we’re seeing not just from Trump, but around the world, and notably across this country. I’ve made the point about DeSantis that I think he’s functionally authoritarian."
He's being polite with this.

Biden, Modi, and G20 allies unveil rail and shipping project linking India to Middle East and Europe
Joe, haven't they told you, you're too old to be making such great deals the way you do?

Trump Greeted With Boos And Middle Finger Salutes At Iowa Game
As it should be.

Brent Bozell’s Son Convicted Of Multiple Jan. 6 Felonies
"Bozell IV, is the son of perpetual conservative victim Brent Bozell III, founder of the Media Research Center and other conservative media organizations. I have no doubt Daddy Bozell, who condemned the violence on January 6, will find a way to make his convicted-felon son a victim, too."

In unprecedented commitment, G20 leaders agree to tripling renewable energy capacity by 2023, but gaps remain on fossil fuel phase out and finances
"The final communiqué of the 2023 G20 Summit in New Delhi contains promising outcomes for the global transition towards a renewable energy economy."

Nikki Haley dodges reconciling the GOP’s 'law and order' bravado with Trump’s frontrunner status
Please note she never asnwered the question that Tapper asked. Typical coward.

Why we need to be able to call what we're witnessing "fascist" and a "cult"
Because its the truth?

'Two-tiered justice': Republican presidential candidates slammed for floating MAGA rioter pardons
They're all crooks. They themselves will be wanting pardons later

Rep. Smith Calls For Senate To Change Rules, Block Tuberville
Smith, who served as a state senator in Washington in the 1990s, called the House Freedom Caucus and Tuberville’s approach to governance “incredibly destructive.”
Our government certainly puts up with a lot of shit from its members. Why in hell is so hard to figure out how to handle SOBs like this?

FL Youth Pastor Gets 35 Years On Child Porn Charges
Another one bites the dust.

Fox Host: Climate Protesters Should Just Be “Run Over”
Trying his best to be the biggest shit in media.

Trump looking at Judge Chutkan placing him under house arrest: DC insider
Do it.

How 'MAGA cultists' and 'white evangelical cruelty' are making young American Christians avoid church
"It is becoming harder to find mature young Christians who want to become pastors."
From the record, they all seem to become child abusers.

Trump rally highlights GOP division with booing of absent prominent SD Republicans
They won't support Fatso. Many of them everywhere will not.

Fox Host: Post The Names And Addresses Of Protesters
OK, Mr. Gutless. I'll show you mine if you show me yours first.

American Family Association VP Sues American Family Association For Alleged Same-Sex Sexual Harassment
"Ball of confusion."

Trump targets Jack Smith and current and former top DOJ officials by name in latest attack
Trump is a habitual criminal. He can't stop committing crime. The slime drips off the swine.
He will only be on red racist state ballots.

RFK Jr. Gives Speech To Crowd Containing German Neo-Nazis, Sues Blogger For Noticing
You can't write the truth without a nitwit suing you? Disgaceful.

Is Elon Musk too powerful?
He's a threat to democracy. Break him up.

Streaming Has Reached Its Sad, Predictable Fate
" It’s a notion both timeless and distinctly modern: A fundamental experience of being alive on the internet in 2023 is getting everything you asked for and realizing that the end product is not what it seems."

Trump-aligned group publishes plan for 'biblically based' government
The American Taliban is pushing their wagon of bullshit around. They are the same bastards as the scum in Afghanistan.

Warren wants to 'turn up the heat' on Tuberville's military promotion block
Every American should.

Evangelical self-described 'prophet' tells Eric Trump his father’s 4 indictments will 'all fall apart'
"One of Trump's evangelical supporters is Pastor Julie Green, a self-described "prophet" who heads Julie Green Ministries International."
Con men are everywhere these days. Especially those that refer to themselves as a "pastor."

Colorado Youth Pastor Arrested On Child Sex Charges
And another one bites the dust.

How MAGA Republicans are determined to 'trample' the 'pillars and foundations of democracy'
"MAGA Republicans' efforts to undermine Willis' prosecution and their campaign to impeach Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Janet Protasiewicz, Tomasky warns, underscores their total disdain for the rule of law."

'Semi-loyal politicians': Harvard professors detail 'four decisive' ways GOP 'fatally weakened' democracy
"Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt, professors of government at Harvard University and authors of How Democracies Die, on Friday detailed “four decisive moments” where Republican leaders favored authoritarianism over democracy, comparing the modern-day GOP to 'the French right of the 1930s.'"

Republicans Continue To Threaten Student Debt Relief
"Just as the Biden administration announced this week that 4 million people have enrolled in its new income-driven repayment plan for student loan borrowers just two weeks after it was launched, Republican lawmakers in Congress announced plans to rip the debt relief away from Americans—saddling them with a continued financial burden that has left many working people unable to purchase homes, provide for a family, and save money."
Like Shingles, MAGA doesn't care!

Biden finally gets FCC commissioner confirmed, ending 32-month gridlock
"The delay in getting a Democratic commissioner through the Senate was the result of Republican anti-consumer leanings, supported by millions of dollars in dark money spent attacking Biden’s previous nominee, longtime consumer advocate GigiSohn. Sohn withdrew her nomination in May—after 16 months, three confirmation hearings, and attack ads paid funded by the telecom industry. Biden nominated Gomez in June."
MAGA did their usual dirty work of holding back progress. "Gomez also represents the first Latina commissioner in over 20 years, adding to the diversity already seen in Biden’s other nominations to federal offices."

New York AG: Trump Lied About Net Worth By $3.6B
Well, if you're going to lie about your net worth, lie big. Trump is a big liar after all.

SCOTUS Has Placed Itself Above Congress, the Constitution, and the Founders
The Court itself has been corrupted by a handful of morbidly rich “friends” whose affiliated groups are constantly bringing cases or amicus briefs to the Court. Congress needs to act.

Fulton County grand jury recommended charges against Lindsey Graham, Georgia senators
"Included among the list of recommended indictments were two former senators from Georgia who ran for reelection in 2020, former Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, as well as Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), and Georgia Lt. Gov Burt Jones."
This list of scumbags makes Nixon's crimes look like child's play.

Georgia grand jury listened to Lindsey Graham and 'decided he's a criminal': legal analyst
"He came out, he said he answered all the questions he was asked, which suggests he did not take the 5th [Amendment]," he continued. "And the special grand jury listened to him under oath and then decided he was a criminal."

Fani Willis Roasts Jim Jordan's Dick Over Open Fire
"Recently, Jim Jordan tried to start some shit with Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis. As we all know, the first two laws of trying to start some shit with Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis are “Don’t Start No Shit Won’t Be No Shit,” and “Fuck Around And Find Out.”
“I wish a bitch would try,” Wonkette’s Liz Dye said at the time. Well, a bitch tried, and now he’s finding out.

Praying Football Coach Gets Job Back, Immediately Quits, Will Probably Whine About It At Next CPAC
"We can’t help noticing that Kennedy has a book coming out in October about his ordeal. He’s giving paid speeches around the country. What are the chances he purposely tanked the coaching job he allegedly yearned to get back in order to boost his book sales and his speaking fees, and giving himself a nice little new story of his martyrdom that he can spread to the faithful about how the godless heathens of Bremerton High School are still persecuting him for his faith?"
"We’ll say 100 percent, and take the over."

'A big, blinking "Welcome Nazis" sign': Elon Musk shredded by veteran tech observer
"You don’t even need to look at any of their tweets — both of their usernames should be sufficient on their face to just delete them. No warnings, no suspension, just nuke them. There should be no more question whether these accounts should be deleted than there is whether a turd ought to be scooped off the sidewalk."
And that's exactly what Musk is.

Christian influencer’s arrest points to Religious Right’s history of 'oppression and cruelty'
"In a scathing think piece/essay published by Salon on September 8, journalist Amanda Marcotte emphasizes that Franke's arrest should not be viewed as an isolated incident but rather, as one of many examples of alleged abuse coming from the Religious Right."
They are neither religious nor right. This is just one example of what these idiots want to do with all of us.

Employees who refused to pray during company's Christian services score $50,000 discrimination settlement
"Two ex-employees, atheist John McGaha and agnostic Mackenzie Saunders, were fired after declining to participate. And they filed a civil discrimination lawsuit in response."
Same as any cult. They demand everyone's obedience regardless.

Trump's 'racist political stunt has been an ineffective waste of billions of American taxpayers' dollars': watchdog
"A U.S. government watchdog agency on Thursday released a report exposing how former President Donald Trump's wall construction along the nation's border with Mexico negatively affected cultural and natural resources, as critics have long argued."

Ron DeSantis Blows Up At Black Guy Speaking Truth
Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis became angry with a constituent who accused him of enacting policies that hurt the minority community. DeSantis is a weak and ineffective leader. He uses power perversely.

Republicans Seek Replacement Term For “Pro-Life”
How about "Cult Tyrants? Says it all.

Tommy Tuberville tears down the last pillar of the GOP's claim to patriotism
Republicans are simply too impotent to stop Tuberville's attacks on the military. MAGA is their only loyalty now
As such, the greatest enemy America has had since WWII Nazi Germany.
Their Red Hat is synonymous with the swastika.

'Wrong on both fronts': Georgia's Raffensperger slapped down for dismissing attempts to keep Trump off the ballot
"The state's top election official published a Wall Street Journal op-ed on Wednesday stating that he 'can't keep Trump off the ballot,' but MSNBC columnist Hayes Brown argued that Georgia law gives Raffensperger both the power and the responsibility to remove the former president as a primary candidate."
He's succumbing to the fear of a mob boss that's going to prison. In short, this makes him a co-conspirator.

'Checkmate': Ex-FBI official says Fani Willis just nailed Trump for fans' threats to jurors
" The threat is real. As removed as Russia might seem, if they're hosting this it doesn't mean that the bad actors are over there. It means they're here and they've got GPS coordinates on where she is and where her family members are and they can do it to jurors as well."
These Trump tyrants are all scumbags.

Trump goes off the rails in attack on the 'fascist monsters' who convicted 'the great Peter Navarro'
When has this douche bag ever had rails to roll on?

Mean Judge Making Greg Abbott Move Fun Orange Human-Killing Obstacle Courses From Rio Grande
"Quick update on Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott and the 1,000-foot-long centipedes of orange killer buoys he illegally stuck in the middle of the Rio Grande near Eagle Pass, Texas, to kill migrants. Just kidding! He only means them to deter the so-called “invasion” of immigrants Texas Republicans are always having such a shitfit about. Yep."

Poll: 1 in 2 Americans Have Experienced Extreme Weather Events in the Past Month
Golly. That's almost 50%!

Florida Education Board Set to Approve Christian-Centric Alternative to the SAT
I can't wait to read the questions on this "Xianist test."

Mexico’s Supreme Court Rules to Federally Decriminalize Abortion
Viva Mexico!

'This is nuts': Peter Navarro lashes out at 'woke Marxists' after conviction
This is the sort of logic that we have to fight against.

Jim Jordan launches probe into 'abusive tactics' DOJ used to force Trump aide to flip
Your masculinity is slipping tough guy. Stop whining like a baby.
How about the Ohio State abusive tactics connected with the wresting team you were involved with?
Jim Jordan and the Ohio State sexual abuse controversy, explained
"With Jordan, Republicans face a new test. He says he didn’t know anything about it, but many of those around him at the time say there’s no way he didn’t.

Tommy Tuberville Bemoans Poetry In The U.S. Military
"America's Worst Senator® was given a platform on Fox News to spout his ignorance, as Laura Ingraham and others are all too willing to give him one. The usual assortment of garbage was spewed out about liberalism and "wokeness" infecting the U.S. Military, which he uses as justification to block promotions, a practice which secretaries of the Navy, Army and Air Force have called "dangerous." "Tuberville, who has never served in the military himself and has no idea what he's doing for readiness, is somehow allowed to do this by weak Republican leaders who are looking the other way."
Top Military Poems
Here, you ignorant and illiterate asshole. Get someone to read this to you.

Completely Without Merit, Every Time, On Every Level
Jail Trump forever.

It’s really f—ing hot, and it’s really our fault
Then we can't whine about it. We've known this for decades and ignored it. We are "the grasshopper and a few ants."

'I am not going to take that': Ron DeSantis lashes out
Fascist can dish it out but can't take it. Snowflake. Fani Willis blasts Jim Jordan's 'illegal intrusion' in scathing rebuke
“Your letter makes clear that you lack a basic understanding of the law, its practice and the ethical obligations of attorneys generally and prosecutors specifically,” Willis told Jordan in her Thursday letter, also published by the paper. Jordan has a law degree but says he never took the bar exam (This means he is not a lawyer).
Jackass Jordan.

Trump trade adviser Navarro convicted of criminal contempt of Congress
Let's see what he pays for his contempt.

Descendants of enslaved people battling Georgia developers for control of their land: report
As Woody Guthrie said, "Some men rob you with a six-gun, some with a fountain pen."

Biden’s Belief in a ‘Culture of Democracy’
If America doesn't believe this any longer I am happy I am making my way to the exits.
"Can a man compromise with an Orc swarm? Can a party win if it scrupulously upholds norms when the opponent ruthlessly flouts them?"

Authoritarians are the reason we still have 9/11 conspiracy theories
At least 911 of them.

Drought now encompasses 91% of Iowa
The "Xianists" will tell you it's punishment from God.
And some people think the left is crazy.

GOP's elite are trapped in a Trumpian 'prison' of their own making: Bush official
"But reserve the lion's share of blame for the conservative movement as a whole, which acceded to the purge of anti-Trump leaders like Liz Cheney and stifled criticism of the January 6th riot."

No labels, no fables: All Americans who believe in democracy must unite behind Joe Biden
Tell it to a Trump Nazi.

Huckabee slammed for 'calling for civil war' and saying elections may be decided by 'bullets' if Trump loses
In that case he needs to shop for body armour.
Those weight loss pills must be doing some brain damage.

Fetterman Calls Republicans' Impeachment Efforts 'A Big Circle Jerk'
“It would just be like a big circle jerk on the fringe right,” the senator added. “Sometimes you just gotta call their bullshit."
They might understand that comparison.

Trump Helped Pay For Big Poll Showing Biden Is 'Too Old To Run'
Fuck Trump. He's no spring chicken but a chicken he is.

Liz Harrington: Nothing Wrong With Trump Threats On Social Media!
Trump’s spokeswoman is ticked off that Trump’s social media posts are being used against him by prosecutors.
Dumb as dirt like all Trump garbage. Did she ever hear the phrase "anything you say may be held against you"?

Presidential Libraries Warn US Democracy Is Fragile
Tell it to the Trump Nazis. They are the destroyers.

Trump Claims That He’ll Testify In His Own Defense
Great. This will insure his conviction.

DeSantis: I’d Consider Pardons For The Proud Boys
Duh. No surprise coming from another fascist Nazi.

Georgia's Raffensperger slaps aside bid to block Trump from ballot
In the end he's a coward to use our Constitution. Fascist fools can never be pleased by anything so stop sucking their beef bayonets.

'Ironclad': Legal expert says latest effort to throw Trump off ballot is strongest yet
"Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) filed a lawsuit challenging Donald Trump's candidacy on the 2024 ballot in Colorado using the 14th Amendment of the Constitution.
And Harvard constitutional law professor and legal analyst Laurence Tribe tweeted on Wednesday that he thinks this case is the strongest he's seen thus far. There are similar lawsuits in Arizona, Michigan and New Hampshire.
This is the strongest of the suits filed to compel [secretaries] of state to apply the 14th Amendment’s Disqualification Clause to Trump," Tribe wrote. 'The 6 plaintiffs clearly have standing under Colorado law and ironclad legal and factual research backs up their complaint.'"

US slips to fifth in 'best country' list
"U.S. News and World Report on Wednesday released its new annual Best Countries rankings, which this year saw Switzerland winning the top ranking and the United States slipping from fourth to fifth place.
The fall of the U.S. in the rankings is the first time the country has slipped since 2018.
"Despite that slippage, Richard Wike, director of global attitudes research at the Pew Research Center, told U.S. News and World Report that the U.S. is still benefitting in surveys such as this one from more favorable opinions worldwide of President Biden than former President Trump.
'Biden is more popular than Trump in nearly all of the countries we survey, and there’s been more support for his policies,' Wike told U.S. News and World Report. 'As a result, people are more likely now to say they have a favorable opinion of the U.S. overall.'
And yet Joe is tied with the criminal traitor Trump with voters? Someone's feeding us a shovel full of shit with these fake polls. Or am I right about vapid Americans willing to disengage with the reality that Trump won't even be on ballots because of his crimes?

As GOP threatens shutdown, US childcare catastrophe just weeks away
Like Shigles, the GOP doesn't care.

Miami Herald Warns Readers About Democracy Under DeSantis In Searing Editorial
"Thought Trump’s Big Lie was a problem? DeSantis’ is even scarier," the editorial board titled its piece about the Florida governor.

Sarah Palin Remembers When Lady Justice Was Too Blind To Even See January 6 Attacker Dudes
"Sarah Palin has thoughts on the real victims of the January 6 attacks, by which she means the perpetrators. Know what Sarah Palin thinks? Well she’ll tell ya. Back in the day, Sarah Palin had thoughts about everything. We don’t receive her wisdom so frequently anymore, so when she appears on Newsmax looking like they caught her in the middle of doin’ some yardwork, we’d best listen."
It's apparent she doesn't know we have a Constitution. The same goes for many "Americans."

Tommy Tuberville’s Babbling Alabama Translations Of Russian Propaganda Are The Duolingo Course Literally Nobody Asked For
"Alabama’s Stupidest Export Tommy Tuberville has no problem spouting off Russian propaganda, whether or not he’s aware he’s doing it. He’s an incredibly dumb fucking idiot, and we imagine any Russian spy within 100 miles of Tuberville’s morning cheese grits would be more than eager to drop Father Putin’s message in his bowl to see how eagerly he’d lap it up."

Megyn Kelly, Just Asking Questions: Are the Obamas Running a ‘Shadow Puppet’ Gov’t?
And did you pick up your brain at the local meat market? Just asking questions.

The Metaphor That Explains Why America Needs to Prosecute Trump
"Yet this harsh medicine wouldn’t be necessary if Trump hadn’t brought this challenge to American democracy in the first place. And letting the challenge go unanswered would have far more destructive effects. The idea of the body politic, and the risks of its decay, is a very old one. Trump’s actions are the source of its current illness, and though the treatment may seem extreme—and have unpleasant side effects—it’s what’s needed to stop the disease from taking over."
Let's not turn into pussies about fighting naked Trump fascism. Don't let our troops that gave their lives fighting it during WWII be in vain. Don't let America turn into another Germany that fell under it's own stupidity.

GOP tries to impeach liberal Wisconsin judge before she's even heard a case: report
Fascism plays its hand in Wisconsin.

Alabama City Defies Gov On LGBTQ Library Books
Dear ol' retarded Dixie.

Judge: Trump Liable In E. Jean Carroll Defamation Case
Get some of your co-conspirators in your crimes to give you the money, you chiseler. You always do.

Joe Biden Tests Negative For COVID As Deaths And Hospitalizations Trend Upward
Sorry to inform you but Covid does not care if you think it's done with us.

Dining While Black: 'We Just Wanted To Order Some Food'
A waitress refused to wait on two Black truck drivers at a Denny's in South Dakota.
Yes, she was terminated.
I guess she forgot her job description?

Ramaswamy Gets Hit With The Truth
God does work in mysterious ways.

Anticancer vaccines are stunning
Let's see how the morons react to this one.

'Reprehensible': Top FL newspaper blames Miami for allowing Enrique Tarrio 'to exist in plain sight'
"The attempted overthrow of our government must be met with serious consequences, and that's what happened Tuesday," the board writes. "Tarrio deserved every year he got. Still, Miami let him flourish."

Vance Introduces Bill To Ban Mask Mandates
The return of the mask cowards.

The Real-World Effectiveness Of Face Masks Against Covid-19
Vance is full of bullshit, as usual with fascists.

Moderna: New Booster Effective Against Latest Variant
“We think this is news people will want to hear as they prepare to go out and get their fall boosters,” Moderna head of infectious diseases Jacqueline Miller said in an interview, adding that the data should also help reassure regulators.

WI Pastor Gets Life Sentence On Child Sex Charges
Another one bites the dust.

The Proud Boys aren't sorry
Proud Boys faked remorse, but the truth slipped out as one yelled "Trump won!" after being sentenced
Too bad they can't be sent to Devil's Island for the rest of their miserable lives.

Jack Smith is seeking evidence of 'big grift' from Trump's stolen election claims: Jan. 6 investigator
Trump will never learn. He is brain damaged and a major threat to our country.

'Black voters were shut out': Georgia trial focuses on accusation GOP tried to deny minorities' vote
And I've read where Blacks are forsaking Joe Biden? They will really love Nazi fascism.

Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio gets longest Jan. 6 prison sentence yetOpen link in new tabRaw
"Enrique Tarrio, a key member of the Proud Boys, has been sentenced to 22 years following his conviction for seditious conspiracy in connection with the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.
It is the longest sentence given to a January 6 defendant so far. He joins other major leaders of far-right groups in receiving a lengthy sentence, with Oath Keepers head Stewart Rhodes and Proud Boy leader Ethan Nordean, who both received sentences of 18 years."
Thus be it ever with terrorist traitors!

'Why so much hate from you?' Mark Cuban smacks down Stephen Miller, twice
And Stephen Miller deserves all the smack downs he can get.

'Police violence is flourishing' — and would figure prominently in new right-wing authoritarian state: columnist
"Critics of former President Donald Trump, from progressive Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York) to right-wing Never Trump conservatives like attorney George Conway and the Washington Post's Max Boot, have been warning that if Trump wins the 2024 election, his second administration will do everything it can to destroy the United States' system of checks and balances."
Does America really want more Nazis in their future? I don't think so.

Fox Host Gets The Vapors Over Biden 'Joke' About His Age
"From the network that never said a peep during the Trump years while he was on vacation constantly, here's Outnumbered cohost Tammy Bruce on Fox this Monday, griping that Biden hasn't personally visited every place there's a disaster in the United States quickly enough to suit them, before going into a tirade about comments the president made during a visit to Sheet Metal Workers' Local 19 on Labor Day in Philly."
"THE PRESIDENT: (Laughs.) (Makes the sign of the cross.) Oh — (laughter).
I tell you what, someone said, 'You know, that Biden, he’s getting old, man. I tell you what.' Well, guess what? Guess what? I can — and, you know, the only thing that comes with age is a little bit of wisdom. I — but I — (applause) — I’ve been doing this longer than anybody. And guess what? I’m going to continue to do it with your help. (Applause.)" Joe's the best leader we've had since WWII.

Navy, Air Force, Army secretaries call on Tuberville to end hold on promotions
Stop fucking with our military you chickenshit.

Good Morning, Marjorie Taylor Greene And Kari Lake Hate Each Other Now
"Two of the worst, most extraneous humans on planet earth have turned on each other, so that’s too bad. Rolling Stone reports that Marjorie Taylor Greene and Kari Lake are in the world’s stupidest death-match to be Donald Trump’s running mate.
Kind of ridiculous, since he’s not actually going to be president of anything ever again, except maybe some white prison gang, but he’d have to steal that election too probably. Lake is as used to losing as Trump is, so she’s a good fit. Greene actually wins her races, so if pointing that out helps drive a wedge further, Wonkette is happy to help."

Georgia Republicans turn on 'grifter' Colton Moore for 'stupid' defense of Trump
“I’m old school,” posted Eric Johnson, a Savannah architect and longtime GOP Senate leader. “Sen. Colton Moore should get a crappy office, a worthless secretary, harmless committees and no bills or budget items. Some people have a right to representation — but that doesn’t mean they should be rewarded for stupid choices.”

FBI searches for growing number of Jan. 6 fugitives
Traitors on the run. Not so much fun now is it?

"Recovering from Gonzo Governance": Media scholar on how journalism can get over "Trump, the meme"
Professor David L. Altheide on "Gonzo Governance" and "the media logic of Donald Trump"

Economist Tells CNN ‘It’s Almost Pointless’ to Poll Republicans on the Economy Because Their Dislike for Biden Slants Their Answers
And there are so few Republicans left to poll. The party has been taken over by MAGA fascists and Nazis. Why bother asking them anything except "how've your bowel movements been?"

Wait, are you a doctor? ‘Truth in advertising’ in medicine
After 50 years of conversations with "doctors" and multiple surgical procedures, I think I know nearly as much about medicine as a few of these "white coats."

Breitbart Commenters Call Jimmy Buffett... A Stalinist Nazi?
Confusion in name-calling. When will they figure it out? I know you are but what am I?

Elon Musk Threatens To Sue Anti-Defamation League
This jerk, like Fasto, blames anyone but himself.

Biden is selling an economy on the rise. Voters aren't buying it so far
And they're so astute they once bought a chisling financial idiot narcissist to be our "leader."

About 441,000 Banquet TV dinners got recalled. The chicken might have plastic.
I'll bet this chicken can be stretched into a couple of meals.

Trump is 'already disqualified': Ex-prosecutor predicts what's next in constitutional debate
Many have made this case by now with more coming every day. It's time for Trump to withdraw from the game.
And even if this IS resolved in the courts Trump will still whine "They stole it from me!".

Biden ridicules Trump as ‘great’ developer who ‘didn’t build a damn thing’: report
If he touched any of it, it was closed and sold very soon.

'Zealots' are crippling Florida's schools with political crusades barely anybody supports: editorial
Zealots, fascists and theives are crippling all America right now.

'Significant evidence': RICO expert says Trump racketeering case is almost unsinkable
"Former President Donald Trump has little hope of getting the charges against him dismissed, argued Etan Mark, a Miami-based lawyer who focuses on civil Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) cases, to Law & Crime."
As in absolute zero.

'Truisms about his own behavior': Ex-GOP rep says Biden accusations are Trump projection
I think the majority of us know this already.

As Hunger Grows Across US, GOP Shutdown Threats Imperil Food Aid Programs
Like Shingles, MAGA doesn't care.
"Republican threats to shut down the federal government if spending isn’t drastically cut have put funding for a critical nutrition aid program at risk as hunger grows across the nation, with the recent lapse of pandemic-era assistance leaving many low-income families struggling to put food on the table."

New Report Shows Major Banks Continue to Fund Climate Chaos in Global South
"Since the international community promised to limit global heating to 1.5°C above preindustrial levels, the world’s major banks have funneled 20 times more money to climate-polluting industries in the Global South than Global North governments have given those same countries to address the climate emergency."

Bill Maher Pushes Back on Joe Rogan: Trump Is a “Crazy Stupid Criminal”
But he's wrong about Fatso's looks. He looks like a faded rose and much older than Joe Biden.

VICTORY: Judge Says Florida Must Redraw Redistricting Map
"A state judge ruled Saturday that a Florida redistricting plan pushed by Ron DeSantis violates the state constitution and is prohibited from being used for any future U.S. congressional elections since it diminishes the ability of Black voters in north Florida to pick a representative of their choice."

'You will be removed in Jesus’s name!': Christian nationalist megachurch behind takeover of California school board
America is getting tired of these Nazi "Xianist" cultists taking over their schoolboards.
"For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many." Here's a few.
Look at yourselves, deluded into supporting The Beast.

The Five Biggest Corporate Lies About Unions
Unions are actually good for everyone, except for the wealthiest and greediest.

Greene: God Sent Flooding To Punish Burning Man
This is the sort of horse shit we get from "Xianists" being anywhere near our govenment.
Did she forget Malachi? What is it about "the fire next time" she doesn't understand?
The Fire Next Time: A Meditation on the Second Letter of Peter

Ramaswamy: The Espionage Act Is “Un-American”
Bad judgement is not an excuse. It is all about "intent." This miscreant doesn't know shit or applebutter.

Biden Shows DeSantis How To President During A Crisis
Also too, sharp answers from our CEO. Nicely done.

‘I Read Through That Bull-Junk You Wrote!’ Deion Sanders TORCHES Skeptics in Wild Presser After Remarkable Debut Victory as Colorado Coach
His kid throws a pretty nice pass. His defense is bottom of the barrel and eked out a 3-point win.
And he will never be at peace because he doesn't have the tools for that.

Marsha Blackburn: Biden not 'capable of leadership' but Mitch McConnell 'on top of his game'
This poor woman is as ill as McConnell. Please help her get home.

'The Trump brand just doesn't work': GOP governor blames Trump for losing school board members
You would think we all know this by now.

Nikki Haley says Americans too 'smart' to vote for 'convicted' Trump after she vows to support him
Obviously, she doesn't know the word "contradiction."

'You can't eat the food here': Newly-sentenced Proud Boy leader rants about prison conditions
No cheeseburgers and fries?
Also he projects the fear his party tries to sell us.

‘Hope is not a strategy’: former 2016 Rubio adviser says GOP rivals must engage Trump
The fear they sell is feeding back on them.

Burning Man organizers telling attendees roads too dangerous to complete ‘Exodus’
Like all cults they add to the dumbed-downness of a vanishing civilization.

Is Trump blocked from the 2024 ballot? The Constitution could keep him out of the running.
“Donald Trump cannot be president – cannot run for president, cannot become president, cannot hold office – unless two-thirds of Congress decides to grant him amnesty for his conduct on Jan. 6.”

Inside the re-emergence of the Old Confederacy
The Land of the Happy Negro has been nothing but the Confederacy since their inception.

Dozens Of Nazis Sieg Heil On Orlando Area Overpass
"Never Forget" has lost all meaning with America.

Home Insurers To Cut Natural Disasters From Coverage
This has been going on for some time really. They want to pay little or nothing for claims. They are robbing us with a fountain pen. We are entering a period of tribulation.

Ramaswamy: I’ll Back Trump Even If He’s Imprisoned
It's more than obvious this charletans is a wannabe crook just like his dark lord.

Tucker’s Recycled Racist Whopper: Gay Obama A Crack Smoker
It's pretty obvious who the crack smoker is.

'Edgelord' Musk accused of 'insidious efforts' to ban the Anti-Defamation League from Twitter/X: report
Darth Musk must be resisted.

Florida judge blocks DeSantis’ redistricting map 'that targeted Black voters with precision': report
Rascist Nazi is stopped.

CPAC accused of 'racial discrimination and defamation' in new lawsuit: report
"The Conservative Political Action Committee and its chairman Matt Schlapp have been accused of "racial discrimination and defamation" by a former female employee, The Washington Post's Maegan Vazquez and Beth Reinhard report."

The More You Criticize Right-Wing Media, The More They Scream
"Right-wing media and Republicans simply get to make up whatever they want and spread it across the internet for free. What's really obnoxious is that the more reporters put out the truth, the louder the right-wing ecosystem screams. The only good news is that the more people share honest, fact-based reporting like in this video, the more we can fight back and the better chance we have of overcoming the lies."

Dobbs Is White Men Controlling Black Women's Reproductive Rights - Again
Slavery legal again in the U.S. due to Nazi swine.

Ron DeSantis Sics Goons On 15-Year-Old Child Who Terrified Him With With Substantive Question
Apparently Ron DeSantis has met the Javert to his Valjean, the Deputy Sam Gerard to his Richard Kimble, the Brock Samson to his Monarch ... and it’s a 15-year-old kid who has to have a parent drive him to campaign stops.

Don't Go Looking For Assassination Co-Conspirators On Craigslist
Still don't think the MAGAt Nazis are dangerous?

New Poll Shows Massive Public Backlash To Anti-LGBTQ School Policies
Somebody shows some sense?

Trump and his MAGA movement are reeling as the courts do their job: former federal prosecutor
Bankrupt every last stinking one of them.

Watters Complains Remote Work Stifles Office Affairs
Don't be shocked if we find out about this players' shady fucking around.
Let us hear from the female employees that work with him.

New York Priest Arrested On Child Sex Charges
Another cult member bites the dust.

New Jersey GOP Official Arrested On Child Porn Charges
I assume the Nazi groomers are proud of their abusive politics.

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp is making Kevin McCarthy look really, really pathetic
Confronted by the abundant evidence of former President Donald Trump’s widespread criminality, Republicans have demonstrated consistent outrage … at law enforcement.

It’s come to this: The anti-vax movement is now after your dog
The anti-vaxxers are now going to war against rabies vaccines for dogs
There is no bottom for these critters.

'Gotta blame Trump': Marjorie Taylor Greene buried for blaming Biden for J6er's death
She's just another traitor and not fit for her position.

Habba's Slip: Trump 'Doesn't Do What's Right'
You don't say.
Dear me, another damaged brain from east Europe. The only women that Trump can control. That's why they al work at his hotels.

Tennessee police hit with judge’s restraining order ahead of Pride celebration

4-Year-Old Killed After Caregiver Demonstrates Gun Safety
Breanna Gayle Devall Runions, 25, was charged with first-degree murder and aggravated child abuse in the death of Evangaline Gunter in Tennessee.
1. Why do 4-year olds have to be taught gun safety?
2. Why do they have to be subjected to brain dead gun morons for training?

Fox News' efforts to deny climate change are getting comical
What else would one expect from a comedy show?

Woke Beer Company Ships Emergency Water To Florida
Sorry. No "Woke" water will be allowed in Florida by the "Sleeping" Governor. Right, "Sleepy"?

Matt Schlapp’s CPAC Team-Building Exercises Sound Fun, If You're Into Exorcisms
"OK so you know how CPAC conservative family values hero Matt Schlapp and his Christian wife Mercedes “Mercy” Schlapp are having a fucking shitfit this week? There are new allegations that say Monsieur Schlapp tried to yank additional peens besides the one in the ongoing lawsuit from the former Herschel Walker staffer who says Schlapp tried to pummel his junk without his consent. Oh yeah, and we just found out Schlapp reportedly tried to settle with that dude.
This whole time Schlmatt and Schlmercy have been pretty sure this is a coordinated attack on them from the Daily Beast and Dark Lord Satan himself, who is definitely real and not just a character from an extremely long children’s fantasy book called “Holy Bible.”

Some Idiot Tennessee DA Thinks He’s Going To Enforce Drag Ban Even A Trump Judge Called Stupid
"Y’all remember earlier this year when the garbage bigot Republicans of the Tennessee Legislature had one of their little Christian fascist tantrums and tried to ban drag shows? A group of drag performers in Memphis called Friends of Georges sued because, as written, the law made no sense, was absurdly overbroad, and was a First Amendment nightmare. God didn’t make Tennessee Republican lawmakers very smart, y’all." You see, Christian conservative Republicans are so high on their own rage against imaginary bullshit, they thought vaguely banning “adult cabaret entertainment” would somehow ban drag shows — even though they didn’t actually mention drag in the law — because aren’t drag shows basically porn? (We’ve said it a thousand times, but we’ll say it again: If drag shows get you hard, that’s about you.)
Of course. How can one have "personal responsiblity," as the facists say clam we all should, if they are always the "victim" for whatever it is they are against?

Marjorie Taylor Greene Vows to Oppose Fed Funding Bill Unless Biden Is Impeached
It must be a sad life being brain damaged.

The Shocking GOP Plan to Dismantle the American Government Revealed
The merger of billionaire wealth with Republican governance — the public be damned — threaten the integrity and future of the American experiment.

Biden’s Bold Move on Drug Prices Gives the GOP Two Choices: Change the Subject, or Lie
They will do what they've always done best: LIE.

Maine is fighting to stop a Nazi group from building massive HQ in the state: report
The .50 calibers should take care of the arrogant bastards and their swastikas make great targets.
“The cops being there definitely gives you the leeway to be as insufferable and obnoxious as possible. I can say whatever to encourage the most emotional response,” Pohlhaus said.
What has happend to the mantra "Never Again!"? We have disgraced ourselves.
Christopher Pohlhaus
His political partners are no better than KKK murderers. The Nazis are reponsible for the Halocaust. This alone makes them inhuman swine. Why does America tolerate these bloodthirsty killers? If, as he states, "there will be blood" it will likely be his own.

Proud Boys member Dominic Pezzola sentenced to 10 years in Jan. 6 riot case
Down goes Pezzola.

Trump Withholds Legal Aid To Georgia Co-Defendants
Any reason to believe the chisling, most arrogant asshole in the world would do anything other?

US employers added a solid 187,000 jobs in August in sign of a still-resilient labor market
"The nation's employers added 187,000 jobs in August, evidence of a slowing but still-resilient labor market despite the high interest rates the Federal Reserve has imposed."

A 'risky' 14th Amendment strategy to get rid of Trump could have unintended dire consequences: legal expert
Kowtowing to criminals and seditionists has never been a good idea. This is succumbing to the fear card that these worthless traitors play constantly. It didn't work for Neville Chamberlain.

Trumps LNG Bomb Trains Rule Suspended
Today, the Department of Transportation (DOT) announced that it suspended a Trump administration rule that allowed liquified natural gas (LNG) to be transported by rail, a policy that would have put countless communities at risk of fires and explosions.
Making America Safe Again.

Bought And Paid For Marsha Blackburn Says Lower Drug Prices Bad
"Polling data released this week shows that nearly 90% of Republican voters support allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices directly with pharmaceutical companies."
Looks like America is on board. But not Marshmellow Blackburn. She might lose some of the kickback cash she gets for fucking over Americans. "Yout money or your life" she says.

MAGA media outlet isn't sure whether caller was the real Trump — or a fake
Is there any difference? A big fake is all Trump has ever been.

How Vivek Ramaswamy Pumped And Dumped His Way To Millions
"The smarmy Vivek Ramaswamy thinks he can grift his way to a Republican nomination by mimicking the same business tactics beloved of Trump:"
Will the MAGAts ever stop selling frauds as their con on America? He's the worst kind of grifter: Selling fake hope to desperate people.

'America became stupid' with Ronald Reagan and the 'corporate media’s' help: journalist
Most of us realize this.

'It will get worse': DOJ ramps up 'punishments' as threats to 'lynch' and 'hang' election workers persist
You will have plenty of takers due to stupid.

Pastors call out 'far-right Christian nationalism' as a source of 'white supremacist' violence
"This distorted Christianity is at the core of our nation's deep history of racism," Jones and Walrond warn. "Starting from the very beginning of European settlement, colonists used the Bible to claim Christian explorers had a divine right to seize lands that were not inhabited by Christians. They also argued that they had a godly duty to bring the Bible to native lands."

Trump Vows Revenge: “It’s Called An Eye For An Eye”
Bigger scumbags than he have tried and fallen back in their own shit. So will Fatso.
They aren't doing it to our country, fuckhead. That's what you don't get, asshat. It's for our country and democracy. You don't know shit from applebutter.

Philadelphia Proud Boys Leader Sentenced To 15 Years
Zachary Rehl wanted ‘firing squads’ over 2020 election lies and pepper sprayed police at the Capitol

The Trump Proceedings WILL Be Televised and Streamed Live on YouTube, Judge Rules in Georgia
Oh, no one will pay any attention to that!

When Plants Can No Longer Stand the Heat, We’re in Trouble
How long? Not long.

Clarence Thomas Acknowledges Undisclosed Real Estate Deal With Harlan Crow and Discloses Private Jet Flights
They all have a "Get-Out-of-Jail Free" gift card!

LIV Golf brings on some more political muscle to deal with congressional probe
The Saudi Golf Syndicate will eventually get what they deserve despite swinging their club.

Proud Boys' lawyer asks why Trump hasn't been charged with seditious conspiracy
It's not too late, dude.
And a "misconception of the law" is no excuse for the traitor you defend.

Biden Takes First Step Toward Making Marijuana ‘A Little Less Illegal’
Today on TAP: The Health and Human Services Department recommends loosening federal restrictions on cannabis.
People in America need it for medication. Get with it.

Biden Administration Seeks to Expand Overtime Pay to Millions of U.S. Workers
If you earn less than $55,000 a year and work more than 40 hours a week, you could be eligible for time and a half.

The Emptiness of the Ramaswamy Doctrine
"Like Trump before him, Ramaswamy tries to disguise his apparent animus toward democratic countries by scorning what he maintains is Western Europe’s piddling military spending. But Central and Western Europe’s military outlays reached $345 billion last year, almost 30 percent higher than they were a decade ago. The obstacle to real reform, we are told, is an ossified NATO bureaucracy that is pushing liberal internationalist missions whenever and wherever it can. Ramaswamy claims that he would transform NATO into a “strictly defensive military alliance”—as though it were an imperialist power marauding around the world looking for wars to wage."
You would think to hell we have had enough of a charletan bullshitter.

Certain Texas counties must increase voting locations despite a lack of buildings and workers
Elections officials say finding new buildings and volunteers will be difficult ahead of the 2024 general election.
What did you use before you closed them all down?

Texas Supreme Court Rejects Attempt to Block Ban on Youth Gender-Affirming Care
Mean, creepy and clueless.

Texas Judge Rules That State “Death Star” Law Is Unconstitutional
At least the totalitarian movement has been stifled.

Nearly 90 Percent of Young People Support Unions, Poll Finds
More unions, more power to the people.

John Eastman Clarifies: I Wanted Mike Pence To Break The Law. Wait Hold On. Ohhhhhhhh Fiddlesticks Again!
"We are beginning to think the television is not a good place for John Eastman to appear, especially when he is under criminal indictment as Donald Trump’s co-defendant for his efforts to steal the 2020 election and overthrow the American government."

Tucker Carlson: 'We're speeding toward' Trump assassination
Fully exposing the madness that is Tucker Carlson. He'll probably be the one to shoot him just for the publicity.
He can't imagine thiat not occurring here because we aren't Russia, the country he serves.

Mark Meadows' 'uniquely dangerous failure' signals disaster for second Trump term: author
"For Mr. Meadows, his place in history is secure as a primary enabler of a president who tried to overthrow democracy," concluded Whipple. "But his example should serve as a warning of what will happen if Mr. Trump regains the White House. All guardrails will be gone."

The GOP zombie: Why the media refuses to let the myth of a "good" Republican die
You don't give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to a zombie

Cardinal Escapes Sexual Abuse Trial Due To Dementia
A new method to escape biting the dust.
But still, it's the "Xianists" that are doing the grooming.

Dark Brandon Isn't Scared Of Big Pharma
Pharma Lobby Furious Over Wildly Popular Effort to Curb Drug Prices. President Biden isn't impressed.
"But advocates and experts have long argued that the pharmaceutical industry dramatically overstates alleged threats to innovation to justify driving up costs to pad their bottom lines."
The darkness of the American drug industry. It should be a service and not a business racket.

Republicans devise a new scheme to undermine ballot initiatives
Low down snakes. They need to start using if anyone ever did.

HHS Recommends Easing Federal Weed Restrictions
The nation’s top health agency is recommending easing restrictions on marijuana in what could portend a landmark shift in federal policy on cannabis.
Let's hope so.

Capitol Rioter Hit With Felony Charge For Lying To FBI
Fuck you, fascist traitor.

RNC fundraising is 'in the toilet' — even with 'cash draw' Trump
"..Trump remains "the top Republican cash draw," adding that his popularity with GOP voters "doesn't do the RNC itself as much good as it once did."

We Are the Real Legacy of Oppenheimer’s Bomb
Hundreds of Cold War-era nuclear tests have left a trail of death across the country.

John Eastman Dares You To Find ONE EVIDENCE Of A Criminal Conspiracy Oh You Found More Than One?
Eastman: “I challenge them to find a single email or communication that supports that implausible theory!”
Hurst: LMAO. Go to prison, crazy assfaced fuckface.
Hey, remember that time Eastman emailed Rudy Giuliani after the Capitol terrorist attack to say, “I’ve decided that I should be on the pardon list, if that is still in the works?” Fani Willis and Jack Smith and God remember.

How lawless MAGA Republicans are trying to overthrow democracy
"...a lot of journalists continue to treat the Republican presidential contest as if it were a regular political event instead of the lawless authoritarian movement it really is.
A tragic situation that only makes things worse for all of us. A result of the first wave of the uneducation movement by the fascists.

Alabama GOP State Rep Arrested For Voter Fraud
"Madison-area State Representative David Cole was arrested Tuesday afternoon and charged with voter fraud, according to Madison County jail records. Cole, a Republican, won 52% of the vote in the House District 10 race in November 2022."

Giuliani Found Guilty Of Defaming GA Election Workers
"A federal judge ruled Wednesday that Rudy Giuliani is legally liable for defaming two Georgia election workers who became the subject of conspiracy theories related to the 2020 election that were amplified by Donald Trump in the final weeks of his presidency."

Why right-wing billionaires and the GOP want a nation of uneducated, compliant serfs
"Republican politicians and the rightwing billionaires who fund them want a nation of uneducated, compliant serfs in their workforce, not a nation of well-educated union-conscious people who are willing to strike to get better pay and benefits.
Which means Job One is to get America’s kids out of the clutches of those evil unionized teachers. Education, after all, is a liberal value. The conservative vision is “quality education for the children of the wealthy, while ending child labor laws for all the rest.”

Bomb threats hit California library after Moms for Liberty group kicked out: report
This goes hand in hand with the destruction of education by the right-wing fascists.

The End Will Come for the Cult of MAGA
"But Young believes that the only thing that will truly end Trumpism is what ends everything, eventually: the icy hand of death."

How Plastic Created One of the Most Dire Crises Humanity Faces Today
“The researchers found that the particles had begun to bioaccumulate in every organ, including the brain, as well as in bodily waste.”
"I have one word for you, plastics."

For the next time some idiot tries to tell you the GOP is 'The Party of Business'

'I just hope it ends': Arizona election official shares emotional story as his harasser is sentenced to prison
“Those dissatisfied with election results cannot threaten public officials and election officials,” Lanza said. “This is an unambiguous and uncrossable line, and there need to be serious consequences.”

MAGA Lawyers And Elections Don't Mix Well
Another Trump-loving attorney is convicted of election fraud and sentenced to three years in jail.

Marge To Hold Impeachment Inquiry When She Finds Out What That Is
She is painfully stupid.
Impeach thyself.

No Labels: No party, no policies, no candidates
No hope, no future, no anything.

GA State Rep Predicts Civil War If Trump Goes To Trial
A Portrait of their insanity which is what MAGATs throw on us daily.
“We’ve got 19 people who are facing the rest of their life in prison because they spoke out against an election?"
He needs a functional brain. As a comment that was made explains: "No, it's because they actively worked to commit a fraud and tried to overturn a democratic election, asshole."

Christian School To Pay $100M For Child Sexual Abuse
Another "Xianist" group bites the dust.

GOP voters can't cope with Trump charges — so Republicans double down on anti-democratic attacks
Republicans aren't handling Trump's indictments well
Fascism is always at odds with justice.

Wisconsin Republicans unleash 'world of crazy' in bid to remove election administrator
Some of the wackiest weirdos in our world are in Wisconsin.

RNC member: State parties should develop 'options' to deny Trump nomination if he's a convicted felon
They will do just that.

'Careful what you wish for': Trump issues new threats against rivals over criminal charges
This dispicable douche should be in prison right now. He's a menace to all of us.

White Fox News Racists Know What Black People Love, It Is Mugshots
"Any time you think the Fox News white hoods can’t get any pointier, their white supremacist beliefs more overt, Jesse Watters prematurely ejaculates his opinions all over the floor.'
Watters is a limp-wrist.

NEW LAW: If Hannity And Kilmeade Both Pants You The Same Week, You Have To Let Nikki Haley Beat You Up Again
"If you are a Republican presidential candidate and you go on Fox News and lose a foreign policy debate to Brian Kilmeade;
And if you then go on Fox News and are forced to eat your own dick by Sean Hannity, again, on foreign policy;
And this all happens in the same space of seven days that started with Nikki Haley stuffing you in a locker and stealing your lunch money and squirting you with a Super Soaker right on your blue jeans and then getting all the other kids to call you PEE-vek Rama-SWAMPY;
Then you have to go to Nikki Haley’s house and offer to let her beat the shit out of you a second time, just for fun.

Alabama cops investigating after swastikas were painted on cars and houses in Black area
Land of the Happy Negro fuck-nuts pushing to their end times.

Far-right lawmaker wants to defund Fani Willis: 'I don't want to have to draw my rifle'
I pity the fool.

Trump aides who claimed confidentiality on Jan. 6 are now spilling the beans: columnist
Beans upon Fatso!

Christian Coalition Plots To Dismantle Federal Govt
Maybe this will be the end of them (the terrorist Xiansists) for good.

Five Anti-Abortion Activists Guilty Of Blocking DC Clinic
Rain on the cult.

Are We Ready For This Site's Endless Feed of AI-Generated Porn?
So, what happened to the dog fucking and Trump's golden showers?
Who cares, so much money to be made!

Huge Crowd of Gamers Boos Elon Musk for Ruining Twitter
What did Bozo do this time?

There is no place for No Labels this presidential cycle
"Third parties are just not a thing in American presidential politics. The first-past-the-post nature of our system means that without supplanting one of the major parties, the best-case scenario for any third-party candidate is to play the spoiler."
This time they aid and enable the fascists.

With Losses, Russia Turns To Horses To Send Troops Into Battle
Is this true? C'mon man, they are regressing into a major failed bit.

Tapper And Christie Prove Useless Media Is Useless
Why you need Land of the Happy Negro.

Medicare Negotiation Is a Huge Defeat for Big Pharma—and a Big Win for Seniors
This is the way it works when we have a real leader that is patient.

'Problematic': Charlie Sykes details GOP push to defund Trump prosecutions while impeaching Biden
In a column published by The Bulwark on August 29, Never Trump journalist Charlie Sykes observes that part of the GOP game plan is trying to defund Trump-related prosecutions while pushing for an impeachment of President Joe Biden.
The swine.

Witnesses told Jack Smith Giuliani consumed 'significant quantities of alcohol' on the job: report
Enough to make him use the mascara?

Tennessee House Speaker silences one expelled Democrat, pushes another
Land of the Happy Negro idiot can't help but show how much of a Nazi he is.

'That’s the hell of her': Author slams 'pathetic' Nikki Haley’s inconsistent Trump support
Why is she so out of it?

How far-right groups like Moms for Liberty can 'spiral quickly out of their control': historian
"Moms for Liberty, founded in early 2021 and based in Melbourne, Florida, has been together less than three years. But the far-right MAGA group has had a major influence on Republican politics."

'I WILL APPEAL!': Trump Shocked Judge Isn't Taking His Sh*t
Arrest him.
The boob can't appeal it.
"Trump is running to stay out of prison. He fucked around and found out."

Watch: Markos Moulitsas shreds Ramaswamy on 'Meet the Press'
The obnoxious little chihuahua gets a dose of reality.

WH Names 10 Meds Subject To Medicare Negotiations
If you get put on any of these meds you will understand this.

Former GA Lt Gov Compares Trump To “Ax Murderer”
There it is.

Trump 'at a real disadvantage' and 'doesn't have enough lawyers' to cover his trials: NBC News reporter
Fuck Trump.

1 wounded as 'armed and dangerous' suspect prompts lockdown at University of North Carolina: report
What a shithole these bastards create for us to try to live in.

Vaseline Woman: Cultists Will “Street Fight” For Trump
What other news does she have that's obvious to a rock?
She won't be out on the street fighting, that's for damned certain.

WH Reporter Confronts Jean-Pierre With Poll Showing Vast Majority Believe Biden is Too Old for His Job
When will people realize this is a very negative argument considering all the circumstances that face our nation at this critical time? Biden's job performance is the best since Roosevelt.
They must hope for fascism to dictate us.

Matt Gaetz pushes censure vote for Judge Chutkan after she sets Trump's trial date for March
Why is this man not doing time right now?

How a 2011 Sam Alito opinion could doom Trump in D.C. election fraud case
"Former President Donald Trump's attorneys have signaled that they will defend him by claiming that he could not have been trying to defraud the United States in the wake of the 2020 election because he sincerely believed he won.
However, a Supreme Court opinion authored in 2011 by conservative Justice Samuel Alito could knock this defense flat on its face."
Please. 62 courts told him he didn't win. A brain with common sense would realize this.

Trump has few options for defending himself against Jan. 6 charges: legal expert
"Donald Trump will likely argue that he sincerely believed that he won the 2020 election to justify his efforts to overturn the results, but legal experts warn that defense is risky and ineffective."

Mark Meadows Georgia testimony implicates Trump
Goodman explained: "I think he's toast."

The Limits of Vivek Ramaswamy’s Racist Con Game
"While the emerging GOP star benefits from the right’s version of affirmative action, his ugly response to the Jacksonville shootings shows the cost—and constraints—of his strategy."
"Star"? Please indicate that's sarcasm. This is what gave us Trump.

Rising Sea Levels Will Displace Nearly a Billion People in Coming Decades
Combine that with rising heat and we're left with escape areas that may not be there when the time comes.

Joe Biden's Gonna Secretly Replace Your Ceiling Fan With Commie Crystals. Let's Watch!
"That all seems reasonable and constructive, so Republicans aren’t having it. They are flipping out!"
Of course. Their backwardness is their trademark.

There Are Only Bad Days In Donald Trump’s Future, And One Of Them Is March
"Donald Trump might have spent the morning mashing his grundle business all over the keys of his Jitterbug phone so he could Truth Social Tweet his rapid-fire deranged bullshit out into the world. But his lawyers were busy in DC, being bad at it.
First, the headline breaking news: In federal court, Judge Tanya Chutkan has scheduled Trump’s election-stealing Republic-overturning case for March 4, 2024. Good a time as any! Just kidding, ELECTION INTERFERENCE! Just kidding, Trump is only running so he can scream ELECTION INTERFERENCE!"

Rural conservatives push to dissolve local library that ignored their book ban demands
The pitifully retarded.

Q: Why Do We Need Empathetic Politicians? A: Tempus Fugit. Q: Why Are There So Few? A: Tempus Fugit.
"John Lennon has been dead now longer than he was alive. When he was still alive, he wrote and sang the words "Lord, you know it ain't easy/You know how hard it can be." He suffered, as we all do, but he didn't live long enough to know the half of it."

Trump drops 6 points in post-debate GOP poll
And it's still not the bottom for him.

The GOP is a shambles, unable to nominate anyone electable
Fascism isn't the answer. We should all understand this.

Nikki Haley’s Classy POTUS Platform: 'Biden Old, Already Dead, Pick Me, I'm Still Alive!'
She has no idea. We just had a newly married couple who were friends of ours die in a horrible auto accident. Little do we know about these things.

ABC Poll: 50% Say Trump Should Suspend Campaign
Sorry, too much ego for it. A prison cell will cure that.

Anti-Migrant Cultists Spark Brawl In NYC
“Americans first! Migrants to the back of the line”
How far back can they go? They were born at the back of the line.

DeSantis Gets Loudly Booed At Jacksonville Vigil
They all see through you now, fascist dipshit.

"We call that kind of love a cult": Experts on the latest disturbing poll of Trump supporters
New poll reveals that members of the MAGA cult trust Trump most: He "provides the kind of love they crave"
The cult of the crazed. "To a large degree, they have lost the ability to engage in what psychologists describe as 'reality testing.'"

'I don't think the evidence exists': GOP lawmaker frets about party's new Biden impeachment push
Of course, there is no evidence for a case. But they have to do it just to pacify their fascist leader.

Georgia residents demand 'justice' after local officials indicted in Trump's election scheme
And they will get it.

Expect 'multiple cases' of Trump allies flipping on him: Former White House official
No one will crawl under the bus for Fatso's sake.

Why are red state 'welfare queen' oligarchs allowed to mooch off of blue states?
Do we all realize the Civil War never ended? The old Confederacy has never been taken down. Why can't we end it forever?
Lincoln himself said "a house divided against itself cannot stand." But he was quoting Jesus.
"They use the power of political bribery given them by five corrupt Republicans on the Supreme Court — with Clarence Thomas’ tie-breaking Citizens United vote on behalf of his sugar daddy Harlan Crow — to lord over their Red states, regardless of the will of those states’ citizens."

Pence Responds To Jacksonville Shooting In The Most GOP Way Ever
You knew this was coming.
Does he realize he's a fool with this garbage? We are not defunding the police, dear stupid.
"What a coward. We need serious elected officials who aren't afraid to buck the party line -- especially when it comes to the fact that people are being killed in the streets and in schools, and now at a Dollar Store."
They are all cowards and we know it. They were literally asked "raise your hand if you're a coward" on Wednesday night. They all did.

Ramaswamy Emerges As KremlinTV's #2
“We should take a closer look at this Mr. Ramaswamy. The last time, we had installed President Trump for Americans, but our bet didn’t quite work out. Why not try again?" quipped host Evgeny Popov.
Just another traitor in our midst.
"When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead." — White Rabbit, by Grace Slick, Jefferson Airplane

Carlson: Democrats Hate Russia For Being Christian
This man is not helping matters for any of us.
He does not represent the U.S.A. in any capacity other than shitbag. A severe thinking disorder will only result in his end. This poor little boy.
MAGA = "My ass got arrested" you dumb fucking fucks.

Santos: I Lost 97 Pounds On Ozempic And Can “Beat Romney’s Butt” Since I Studied Jiu-Jitsu For Five Years
And he can "block the left hook from a .45." — The Knockout (J. Colegrove) from The Joint's Jumpin' LP.
Republicans have no character whatsover. That's why this ton of turd is still puking.

Fake electors' claim they were just following orders is bad for them and for Trump: Ex-prosecutor
That was the Nazis' excuse at Nuremberg as well.

'Blood on his hands': Sobbing Florida lawmaker blames DeSantis' 'woke war' for Jacksonville shooting
But will he ever pay for it?

“Rich Men North of Richmond” Singer Says It’s Ironic His Song Was Played at GOP Debate
Oliver Anthony singer says he wrote the song for the very people on that stage.
Did he really expect the squares would get that part?

Americans Rally in Washington, Marking 60 Years Since March for Civil Rights
Tens of thousands of Americans converged on Washington Saturday to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, a turning point in the 1960s U.S. civil rights movement at which Martin Luther King Jr. gave his galvanizing “I have a dream” speech. Organizers say today’s march was not a commemoration but a continuation of the demands made in 1963.

Who Ya Gonna Trust? You Make the Call.
"I don't much like hating people, but I can't deny that all too often I do. Worse still, though I sometimes have a twinge of guilt about it, I have little trouble rationalizing my feelings when I see so much ugly hypocrisy from people who benefited from expensive educations in schools largely reserved for the sons and daughters of the wealthy."

Ted Cruz singled out by Colorado official accusing the GOP of letting election violence spread
"But, honestly, this political violence, the atmosphere of threats, will only stop if Republicans stand up to Donald Trump. People like Ted Cruz, people sitting in the U.S. Senate and U.S. Congress, who have decided that they don't have a spine and that it's okay to threaten a grandma who's executing an election and providing the oversight that she should be doing."

Sanders hits at Cornel West over criticism of Biden
“Where I disagree with my good friend, Cornel West, is I think in these really very difficult times, where there is a real question whether democracy is going to remain in the United States of America. … I think we've got to bring the entire progressive community to defeat Trump or whoever the Republican nominee will be, [and] support Biden,” Sanders said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”
Keep your eyes on the prize, in other words. Anyone who considers themselves to be fighting against fascism should keep it in mind.

‘They Lynched People!’ CNN’s Dana Bash Confronts Vivek Ramaswamy on Calling Black Lawmaker the ‘Modern KKK’ in Fiery Interview
CNN’s Dana Bash had a fiery battle with Vivek Ramaswamy — pressing the Republican presidential candidate for calling Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) one of the “modern grand wizards of the modern KKK.”
Rmamaswany claimed Pressley spoke “the words of the modern grand wizards of the modern KKK” back in 2019 when she said, “We don’t want any more black faces that don’t want to be a black voice. We don’t want any more brown faces that don’t want to be a brown voice.”
Pressley's quote in context:
"I don’t want to bring a chair to an old table. This is the time to shake the table. This is the time to redefine that table. Because if you're going to come to this table, all of you who have aspirations of running for office. If you’re not prepared to come to that table and represent that voice, don’t come, because we don’t need any more brown faces that don’t want to be a brown voice.
We don’t need black faces that don’t want to be a black voice. We don’t need Muslims that don’t want to be a Muslim voice. We don’t need queers that don’t want to be a queer voice. If you’re worried about being marginalized and stereotyped, please don’t even show up because we need you to represent that voice."
Ramaswamy cherry picked. Or is his reading comprehension poor? Or both?

The Hollow Men (and Woman)
"What to say on the surreal spectacle of the eight tawdry GOP cranks, morons, misanthropes and 'political pygmies,' minus their dark overlord, who gathered this week to spew hate, lies and ugly talking points - migrants! teachers! Soros! Hunter! abortion up to birth! Trans Marxists in bathrooms! - as sorry also-rans in a bleakly unpresidential race to the bottom. For Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, today's GOP evokes T.S. Eliot’s The Hollow Men: 'This is the way the world ends/Not with a bang but a whimper.'"

From quashing teachers unions to pardoning Trump, voters reject GOP positions: poll
"Polling results released Friday in the wake of the first 2024 Republican presidential debate this week show that majorities of Independent voters and those across the political spectrum disagree with key GOP positions addressed during the event."

Rick Wilson brutally dismantles Ramaswamy's pitch to the 'weird tech-bro incel demo'
Like Fatso, the Swami has no comprehension of shame.
But none of them do. Fascism.

'He can't control himself': Trump put on notice judges may be forced to jail him
Stop talking about it and get it done. It appears that U.S. law is flaccid and useless.

Alabama Seeks To Execute Man Via “Nitrogen Hypoxia”
The Confederacy strikes again.

Florida Nazi Kills Three Black People In Store Shooting
Occupy Florida.

Cultist Ex-Navy SEAL Arrested In Texas For Assault
Another fascist. Fake American.

Backers blast approved ballot language for Ohio's fall abortion amendment as misleading
This is what happens when fascists are in charge of our governement.

Marsha Blackburn Mocked Over Her Dumb Mugshot Question
She is embarrassing herself. Again.
How did this box of rocks ever get involved with our government?

Former FBI Deputy Director Hits Palin For Threatening Political Violence
Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe called out Sarah Palin for essentially proposing extortion over prosecuting Trump with her threat of "civil war" on Newsmax the previous day.

Trump is still Russia's favorite -- but one GOP rival has second place: report
The Swami.

Constitution's disqualification clause fits Trump 'like a glove': ex-prosecutor
His con has run its course.

'No one sympathizes with you': Marjorie Taylor Greene criticized for bad shooting comparison
This is called a serious thinking disorder. She's been sick with it for a long time and can't find any help.

'Anybody else would be in jail by now': AZ independent voters ditch 'delusional' Trump
Is he "that easy to forget"? "Guess they'll got out and find someone new"?

Florida Republican Is Fighting For His 'Right To Rock' And You're Really Gonna Wish He Would Not
"...personally believes that a bunch of liberals recently used Eventbrite to ruin their “God, Guns and Less Government” tour." Ahem, isn't that following their “conscience,” numbskull?
I see. Just like I have the right to shove his bills up his gigantic stupid ass and tell him to fuck all the way off.

Vivek Ramaswamy will appoint Elon Musk if elected 'because he laid off 75% of the employees at Twitter'
That ends his run. You can't get any lower.

Surprise: Swing Voters Just Hated The Republican Debate
What was there to like about the Eight Stooges Show?

Vivek Ramaswarmy Aspires To Be Trump's Mini-Me — Only Worse
"[Ramaswamy] is an interesting experiment—he believes none of this," Dan Pfeiffer, former Obama White House communications director, said in a post-debate breakdown on “Pod Save America.” He noted that Ramaswamy didn't even vote in 2012 or 2016. "This is some sort of experiment in reverse-engineering a candidacy where you go see what the voters want and then you build a campaign platform to fit that," Pfeiffer added.
During the debate, Ramaswamy rattled off 10 political and philosophical positions of his campaign. They range from the declaration that "there are two genders" to hits against the media and so-called “reverse racism.” And altogether, they sound like a succinctly articulated version of Trump's vision for the Republican Party."
The MAGAts sure know which alleys to look in to find candidates.

FL Lawyer Files Civil Suit Seeking To Disqualify Trump
Expect to see this more and more now by lawyers and Secretaries of States.

Iowa Town Caves And Repeals Ban On Ex-Gay Torture
A ray of sunlight in a dark age.

Man Screaming About “Homosexuality And Satanism” Gets Hauled Out Of Fort Worth School Board Meeting
Hopefully, they have removed all the "Holy" Bibles, one of the the most sex-ridden tomes on the planet.
Keep 'em clueless just like their parents.

'Cash-poor' Trump is hanging his allies out to dry as he sells mugshot t-shirts to 'stop the bleeding': analyst
People will buy any pile of shit that's well wrapped and has "Trump" on it.

Said it Before; Saying It Again. It Ain't Rocket Science
"If I ruled the world, I would feel morally confident to take some of the following measures (in no particular order of priority) to fight the forces of evil."

Is Vivek Ramaswamy a Different Kind of Republican Cat?
Instead of wanting to transform the agencies of government to dominate and control the American people like DeSantis promises, he wants to simply destroy them.

Texas ban on puberty blockers and hormone therapy for trans kids will go into effect despite legal fight
The heartlessness of fascism.

On Climate, GOP Presidential Contenders Are Out of Step With Women Voters
"When Vivek Ramaswamy denounced human-caused climate change as a “hoax” Wednesday night in Milwaukee during the first Republican presidential debate, the responses from undecided independent voters participating in a real-time focus group revealed a gender gap.
Also a vacuum gap in his brain.

Bidenomics Isn’t New Deal 2.0. It’s About the Restoration of US Global Hegemony
"President Joe Biden has made “Bidenomics” the centerpiece of his reelection campaign, touting it as an explicit break with Ronald Reagan’s “trickle-down economics” and a return to FDR’s New Deal policies. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan calls it “the new Washington consensus,” while Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen terms it “modern supply-side economics,” a post-Keynesian development..."

Our military is being held as political hostages
Then remove the hostage holder.

Biden to request funds for another COVID vaccine amid rising cases

Flat out 'false': NYT fact-checker slams Vivek Ramaswamy’s 'unorthodox' GOP debate claims
He should produce his credentials. If he went to school he needs to prove it because of some of the irresponsible nonsense he spouts.

Busted: Miami newspaper cracks the 'real story' on DeSantis’ abortion tale
He isn't fit to clean toilets.

Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: A majority think Donald Trump is being treated fairly and is guilty
The MAGAts are going to be eradicated if they stick with Fatso.

White Wingers Turn On Viral Singer After Fox & Friends Interview
Oliver Anthony's Rich Men North of Richmond viral tune was the talk of conservatives — until he dared to step out of their lane for a minute.
As expected from deplorables.
They should try Men of Extinction's records. Plenty of "diversity" there that some folks have missed.
A right-wing comedian? That's what they all are.

Gingrich: Dems Want To Kill Babies 30 Days After Birth
When will this stinking fart dissipate?
"Much of where we are now can be laid at his cloven hooves. Pity he's still around." — (comments)

"Hit list": Trump grand jurors face violent threats after names and addresses shared on QAnon forums
Experts warn of "chilling effect that personal targeting can have on jurors, on voters, on elected officials"
Our Civil War is upon us. Fix bayonets.

'A multitude of ways' exist to stop Trump from becoming president again: legal expert
Apply every one of them.

Poll Porn: More Americans Ready To Say 'Lock Him Up!
The MAGAt party is holding a fat bag of shit with this.

Republicans Want Us to Be Afraid of Everything but Guns
That's because they mistakenly think they have cornered the market on them.

Republicans Are Wrong on Abortion—and They Know It
This is not news. The world already knows it.

Arizona Amps Up Fake Electors Probe Into Giuliani
Things are looking worse for Rudy.

Nikki Haley: Biden Won’t Live To Finish Second Term
Wow! She doesn't know we've had presidents die in office before and the world kept turning? And how in hell does she know Biden won't make four more years?
Scare tactics. But it also is a tell that she realizes he will be re-elected. Obviously, she's jealous of Harris!

Youth Pastor Rearrested On More Child Sex Charges
Eating double dust.

Rumors That Trump 'Sold' Mar-A-Lago To Don Jr Debunked
Update and correction: "Zillow has since updated the posting to show that the property is not currently on the market and hasn't changed hands since 1995 when Trump turned the residence that he originally purchased in 1985 for $2 million into The Mar-a-Lago Club." So apparently this was fake? Though Zillow hasn't said how that listing appeared.

Trump’s mugshot embodies a 'diabolic manipulator' and 'fascist' peddling 'rage': ex-labor secretary
"But a defiant photograph isn't 'news.' It's a symbol, an image. Which is exactly what Donald Trump is," Reich contends. "He has no political platform, no specific policy agenda, no new ideas, and no plan for what he'll do if he gets a second term. He exists as a symbol for the anger, discontent, bigotry, and vindictiveness he has unleashed in America. He is as close to America has come to a fascist leader, who doesn't want his followers to think or analyze. He wants them only to feel."

'As biased as possible': Ohio Republicans attempting to 'rig' November ballot proposals
An "unborn child" is just that. Not a child at all. Get a brain, please, before you start killing women for your stupid arrogance. Same as a fascist is not at all an American. Conniving bastards.

Tim Scott buried for 'odd' attack on Merrick Garland
"Garland is, after all, a political appointee. A Democratic president — in this case, Joe Biden — took office in 2021 and chose officials for his White House cabinet, tapping the attorney general to lead the Department of Justice," Benen writes. "Biden didn’t have to fire Donald Trump’s cabinet secretaries because they’d already left: In nearly every instance, new presidents, especially those replacing a successor from a different party, replace old political appointees with new ones. It’s just how the process works."
Tim's not the brightest flame in the candlesticks.

Charges filed against neo-Nazi ally who harassed drag shows and attacked the U.S. Capitol
"William Beals, a violent Three Percenter who was involved in the Jan. 6 attack at the Capitol, went on to link up with neo-Nazis in Tennessee to harass drag shows."

Cultist Pastor Wears Clerical Collar For GA Mugshot
"One hour before the deadline to surrender expired, Illinois pastor Stephen Lee became the last of the 19 defendants accused in the sweeping election racketeering case to surrender to the Fulton County Jail."

Kayleigh McEnany So Mad Biden Spinning At Spin Class While Prigozhin's Plane Was Spinning OUT OF SKY!
"KM: Think about this as you go to the polls next November!
LMAO, okeydoke, sure thing. In what context, though?
Perhaps while we’re waiting in line to vote, randomly laughing to ourselves about how DumpFuck Trump literally told those Georgia jail workers he was 6’3” and 215 pounds, which set America to laughing all over again?
How 77-year-old BigMac McTreasonFuck is allergic to exercise, while the other old one, the 80-year-old who beat him by eight million votes, goes on bike rides and does spin class and Pilates?"
If I were her, I would demand my money back that I paid for my 3rd rate education.

Republicans Debate: A Shit Show for the Ages
"In case you're not a masochist or an idiot, you may have missed Wednesday night's "special" on Fox featuring eight dipshits spouting bullshit, horseshit, batshit, apeshit, and chickenshit, cheered and/or booed by a mob of Wisconsinites with shit for brains. Altogether, they really stunk up a big auditorium in Milwaukee."

Why did wealthy Trump need a Georgia bail bondsman for $200K
1. He prefers using other people's money.
2. He has no money.

When Antarctic sea ice melted last November, it took more than 9,000 emperor penguin chicks with it
The penguin in the defrosting freezer.

The Biden-era energy policy Republicans keep pretending not to notice
Republican presidential candidates keep saying it’s time to “unlock American energy,” but there’s no need to unlock something that isn’t currently locked.
Typical fascist irresponsible brain failure.

Pennsylvania Pastor Gets Six Months In Child Sex Sting
Another one bites the dust.

Republican Activists: GOP 'Deserves To Lose' Over Climate Change
Incompetent and clueless.

Zillow Reports Mar-A-Lago Was Just Sold. Junior's Corp Is New Owner
"While Junior has appeared as an agent of record for the corporation for quite a number of years, it's the appearance of the date of property transfer on Zillow - on August 4, just days before his arrest - that is raising eyebrows."

From Nixon to Trump: The decline of the common good in American politics
"America’s failure to hold Richard Nixon accountable for his attacks on democracy when he was president undermined the common good and paved the way for Donald Trump to mount even worse attacks."

MSNBC producer rips apart Trump’s bogus Hillary Clinton/Stacey Abrams claims
One must remember, Al Gore conceded the 2000 election.
"Gore initially requested vote recounts in Florida, making it clear he would gladly concede to Republican nominee George W. Bush if recounts confirmed that he lost the Sunshine State. And eventually, Gore conceded, congratulated Bush and fully acknowledged Bush as the legitimate U.S. president-elect."

Poll: Americans say DOJ was right to indict, Trump is guilty and should go to prison if convicted
Of course. One would expect Americans to be law abiding citizens. Fascists, not so much.

'I expect a bunch of them to flip': Legal expert says Trump has too many co-defendants to avoid conviction
Rats will leave the sinking ship.

Republican lawmaker rips House GOP tactics: 'Nobody is paying attention' except 'people obsessed with Trump'
In other words, the brain-dead zombies.

Kayleigh McEnany furious Biden took a Pilates class the day of the debate
The flailing we are seeing from these clueless dregs of America is the shameless pandering of a party that has lost all meaning.
That poor little girl.

Hey Ainsley, Your Network Banned Christie From The Spin Room
Would someone please let Ainsley Earhardt and Brian Kilmeade know that Ainsley's boyfriend, Sean Hannity, just said their network banned Chris Christie from the spin room on his radio show the day before they spouted this nonsense?

Palin Calls For Civil War: ‘We Need To Rise Up’
You and what army, Sarah? Someone's a little cranky over the Trump indictments.
She's concerned about law and order, her party's platform forever, being conducted as it should.
It's everything that her party has attacked in our country.

Trump Offers “Free” Mugshot T-Shirt For $47 Donation
"Inmate No. P01135809" should be printed on it.
Most sane people wouldn't call that a "free" T-shirt. Another con from the master con.
It's also a photo of him surrendering. He looks like a criminal because that's what he is. What a douche.
"Good for him MAGA are some of the dumbest on the planet." — (comment)

CDC Warns Of Spike In COVID-Related Hospitalizations
Here it comes again. As many of us expected.

Ingraham: “You’re Seeing Election Interference Now”
The seditious bitch. Can she actually be that fucking stupid?

Most recent ex-president arrested for fourth time: What the hell country is this?
Republicans can't escape an accused felon — who keeps nudging his supporters toward violence. How did we get here?
By a failed public education system and the vast wasteland of television. Insert fascist talk shows on radio and social media on the internet and you've got a tsunami of poison.

Long Time Coming: Prisoner Number P01135809?
"Oh yeah. The way-too-long awaited and historic mug shot of Donald J. Trump, now listed in the Fulton County Jail database as prisoner number P01135809, has been released to joyful applause by beleaguered Americans who never thought we'd get here. We thank God, Fani Willis, Jack Smith and all the other tireless, principled defenders of democracy who ignored the lies, threats, feints and bluster to teach a lifetime crook what happens when you fuck around and find out."

Tennessee Lawmaker: 'Shame On Us!'
Never forget dear ole Tennessee was the mother of the KKK.

Ex-Trump Adviser: You Don't Need Trump To Have A Sh*t Show Debate
"The GOP debate was incredible last night. I don't think anyone won. There were quite a few lies about the economy and climate change denialism, and the candidates seemed to be missing their spines. Just more of the same. And they offered zero solutions to the problems America is facing."
A mistake that just took place. An accident that found a place to happen.

House Republicans swiftly act to obstruct on Trump’s behalf
The Nazis in Congress both in DC and Georgia will rewrite every law to overturn Fatso's trial.
These people are all co-conspirator traitors and deserve what traitors get.

Here’s Trump’s Mugshot. Do Your Thing, Internet
Portrait of the mobster.

‘He’s Lost 25 Pounds?’ CNN and Twitter Users Do Not Buy Trump’s Self-Reported Weight At Jail Booking
What sucker wouldn't buy it. They buy any bullshit that comes along.

'Doesn’t look like they put him on a scale': CNN’s Dana Bash questions Trump's weight
They used a carnival guess-your-weight scammer for his reading. LMAO!

'Was it under oath?' Internet skeptical of Trump's weight reported at arrest
"Specifically, Trump was said to have weighed 215 pounds and stood at 6'3'' — which is both much lighter and slightly taller than the figures given when he was booked in Manhattan in the business fraud case earlier this year."
If he's 215 pounds they better have their scales calibrated.

Tucker Pretty Scared 'They're' Gonna De-Plane Trump, Just Like 'They' Did To Prigozhin
I thought Tucker was already departed. We sure it's him?

DeSantis Flops and Ramaswamy Flails in First GOP Presidential Debate
What else could they do?

Is it time to mask up again?
It won't be far off. By October it should be for people with a working brain.

Preachers Scream “You Deserve Hell” At TX Students
Child groomers and molesters scream outside McCullum High School in Austin.

Chris Christie Rips Into Ramaswamy After Debate Tussle: ‘Can’t Even Remember What He’s Plagiarizing’
Too stupid to even laugh at.

Vivek's Closing Threw ALL The Jello At The Wall
Are you sure that's what he threw?

Ramaswamy is trying to outsmart white power. It won’t last
"His moment won’t last, though, and he will guarantee its end."
That's what they always do. Think of it. Always.

Trump unleashes angry attack on Atlanta and DA: 'People are afraid to go outside to buy a loaf of bread'
That's because they are afraid of what your criminal fascism will do to their future in this country.
Or maybe they make their own. Not everyone is a stupid as Fatso.

Dark Brandon takes on Kevin McCarthy
"McCarthy is from California, but he toured a Syracuse factory while in town to raise money for Rep. Brandon Williams.’s Glenn Coin did a stellar job covering McCarthy’s visit, from the headline—“House Speaker McCarthy tours Syracuse factory benefiting from legislation he voted against”—to a write-up that included pertinent information like the specific 'Buy American' provision of the infrastructure law that JMA Wireless is benefitting from. The article additionally noted that McCarthy also opposed the CHIPS and Science Act, which Micron Technology said is essential to its plan to invest up to $100 billion in a semiconductor plant in the town of Clay.”
Can McCarthy spell hypocrite?

A Trump supporter indicted in Georgia is also charged with assaulting an FBI agent in Maryland
The daily activity of the blind-eyed bigoted numbskulls who have sold out America to the Trump Crime Syndicate.

'A dark moment' for the Republican Party
"Vivek Ramaswamy may have best summed up the inaugural Republican debate on Monday night with this distinctly grim assessment during an exchange with former Vice President Mike Pence.
'It's not morning in America, we live in a dark moment,' Ramaswamy observed as Pence futilely defended good governance to an audience of Republican nihilists."
And he only adds to their darkness.

Last Night's Debate Was A MAGA Rally Without A Headliner
"Not surprising. Vivek. He did the best Trump impersonation and was, as a result, the most loathsome and annoying. So, naturally, GOP voters here said he won the debate. This is where the party is, folks. Time to acknowledge it. They're gone."

So This Is Why Secret Service Agents Wiped Their Messages
Yes, Nazi traitors in our midst.

'Fight this wicked ideology': Evangelical fundamentalist declares war on white Christian nationalism
"In its extreme form," the reporter warns, "the ideology claims special privileges for Christians — including the right to rule, no matter what the outcome of elections — and often views Jews, Black Americans, immigrants and progressives as God's enemies. Early forms of Christian nationalism were outspokenly antisemitic and racist and were especially opposed to interracial marriage."
We should be thankful for this.

'Critics wincing': DeSantis’ 'odd smile attempt' during GOP debate brutally mocked by detractors
"DeSantis' odd facial expressions and mannerisms have often been turned into jokes and memes on social media," Mazza writes in a HuffPost article published after the debate. "In spring, his awkward laugh cracked up his critics on X, then known as Twitter. After Wednesday night's debate, his odd smile attempt had many of his critics wincing."

What if Donald Trump's conspiracy is even more sinister than we suspected?
"Evidence is growing, however, that the leadership of this conspiracy to end our form of government and replace it with a Putin-style strongman oligarchy wasn’t limited to Trump, Stone, Giuliani, and a few dozen militia members." When Christie dissed Putin at the first debate, the audience booed him. Make no mistake. These people are no longer Americans if they ever were. They are a foreign power walking among us.

Why do Republicans even bother with this whole farce?
Trump wasn't there, but we saw why he's leading: GOP voters don't care about substance, just unjustified grievances
Forever victims. Victims of their own stupidity.

Aunt Lydia Requests Socialist FEMA Aid For Arkansas

Russian Mercenaries Vow To Avenge Death of Prigozhin
What does this mean for the Death Master of Russia?

'He'll probably die in prison': George Conway predicts grim future for Trump
It still won't be enough to clean the stench he left on our country.

'What are we doing?' Tennessee Democrat demands Republican apology over treatment of grieving moms
What are they doing" Being arrogant Nazi bastards, as usual.

Tennessee GOP Messed With The Wrong Moms
The GOP messes with America.

Jessica Tarlov Shuts Her Fox News Colleagues' Mouths For Them, Biden In Maui Edition
"While we agree that the best policy for Democrats and Fox News is to stay off it unless you are Secretary Mayor Pete and you’ve come to shove a piece of shit in a locker, the thing is that historically, Fox News has only hired liberals to be excessively weak foils for its white rage hosts. But Tarlov on 'The Five' is actually kicking Greg Gutfeld, Jesse Watters, and Judge Boxwine in their dicks, and the network is airing it."
"Ohhhhh Boxwine was so angry, though."
"OK, please try to walk your words in a straight line, Judge."

A prebuttal of the GOP's debate trashing Biden and progressives
"So, to help keep you sane through all the lies and BS — and the fog you may be in by the end of the debate if your drinking game involved the word “woke” — here’s a quick summary* of the things that Biden has accomplished (with a little help from Democrats in Congress) in his first two-and-a-half years in office."
Evan a half-wit with a 5th grade education and reading comprehension can get through this.

'Disqualify Trump' ad calls out GOP enablers
Disqualify them all.

"Wrong on the law, wrong on the facts': Fani Willis smacks down Jeff Clark
"Ultimately, it concludes that Clark "seeks to avoid the inconvenience and unpleasantness of being arrested or subject to the mandatory State criminal process, but provides this Court no legal basis to justify those ends. Defendant is wrong on the law, wrong on the facts, and the Motion should be denied."

Kari Lake confesses she lied about local official
"Failed Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake confessed that she knowingly lied about Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer, but it's not that big of a deal.
According to the Arizona Mirror, Lake claimed it doesn't matter if she lied because she has a First Amendment right to do so."
Think of what can be freely said about her strange habits then.

North Carolina Pastor Arrested On Child Sex Charge
Another one bites the dust.

One Million Moms Vs “Vulgar, Profane” Sonic Drive-In
That's a damn shame!

Report: Microsoft is “experimenting” with ways to work AI into bedrock Windows
They just might fuck it and us up for all time with there little "experiments."

Trump-supporting ex-IRS attorney jailed on two felony counts of voter fraud
The crumbling just keeps on happening.

Tuberville turns Pentagon abortion policy blockade into war against individual US military officers
Another American cowardly traitor.
"“There is nobody more military than me,” “Coach” Tuberville infamously said last month, when his hit list holding up promotions requiring Senate confirmation had just reached 265 U.S. Military officers. Senator Tuberville’s remarks were not well-received, especially since, as multiple news outlets reported, he had never served in America’s Armed Forces, and had been caught misrepresenting his father’s World War II military record."

Fox: Ramaswamy Was Already Millionaire When He Took Soros Grant Money He Said He Needed For Law School
The Swami is just another con man like Fatso.

Here Come All The Trump Losers Surrendering To Fani Willis. Smile For Your Mugshots, MFers!
"We hope they all die in prison after extremely fair trials."

New Trump Poll Proves Obama and Clinton Were Right: The GOP Base Are Deplorable, Bitter Clingers
"The irony here is that this stubborn unwillingness to face the truth about Trump is a big factor in the MAGA deplorability. Having the humility and grace to let liberals be right about Trump would crack open the door to the possibility there are other things liberals are right about, from the facts of history to vaccines to climate change. Republican voters aren't really the dead-eyed zombies DeSantis invoked. But it may be something worse: Millions of grown adults slamming their hands over their ears and singing loudly, "nah nah I can't hear you."

The Return of ‘Whites Only’ Signs?
A ruling in Illinois from a Democratic-approved judge would invalidate the Equal Credit Opportunity Act in actions taken before the application stage.
It appears what we need are "No Brains, No Service" signs.

MTG’s boyfriend slams opponents as 'classless trash' after Iowa and Georgia voters give her the finger
Shooting the bird at Nazi youth? Ha! I'm certain he was looking in the mirror when he said that.

Far-right extremists keep making the Michigan GOP lose key elections: report
This has become their life goal.

Texas Supreme Court ruling gives Republicans power to 'undermine' and 'steer elections their way': report
The fascist corruption of government in the state of Texas makes Trump look like a guy that stole a pack of Life Savers at the local drug store.

GOP impeachment witness: Retraction of employee 4’s testimony 'another ominous sign' for Trump
Things get worse for Fatso everyday.

How Killer Kyle Got His Grift Back
Killer Kyle Rittenhouse has got a new grift going on and is living high off the conservative welfare hog.
Looks like "hog" is appropriate in more ways than one.
"He doesn't have to do anything but make some appearances and say some stupid shit. Not bad for someone who couldn't hold down a real job if his life depended on it."

Proud Boys Menace Tennessee Anti-Gun Prayer Vigil, Activists Removed From Hearing For Holding Signs
Fuckstick terrorists at-large.
"Peaceful demonstrators forcefully removed while terrorists are allowed to roam free; is it too early to call it fascism yet?" — (comments)
"No, it's fascism. Tennessee, Florida, Texas and enough other places to list." — (comments)

Roger Stone's hubris exposes Trump's plan: New video shows lawyers faked distance from Capitol riots
Tapes suggest Trump knew the insurrection was coming, but carefully avoided having his fingerprints on the planning
Definately this guy goes in the same cell with Fatso.

Eastman attorney put on the spot over 60 election fraud courthouse failures
The oil drips off this co-conspirator.

Professor Suggests Replacing Elections in US With Lottery System
Professor of what? How could anything ever go wrong with this?
Jurors? A random process to select possible jurors is how it begins. These people must be empaneled and interviewed to get placed on a jury. The public doesn't vote on the jury members. Voir dire does. Some will be stricken from service on a jury based on the number of strikes a lawyer has.
And who says these rando people have "personal superiority." We know damn well that's fellacious thinking.
"A lottery would also improve our odds of avoiding the worst candidates in the first place," Grant writes. "That’s because the people most drawn to power are usually the least fit to wield it."
Then you would have to have rounds of drafting people because no one would throw their hat in the ring if they didn't want power. Tell it to the Trump MAGAts! ROTFLMAO!
Anyone who believes that there would be no "competitive ugliness on display on social media" doesn't know history of human behavior. Read Crowds and Power by Elias Canetti.

John Eastman strolls out of Fulton County jail and immediately declares election stolen
Yep. Another one that could plead insanity.

Vivek Ramaswamy Busted By Actual Tape After Claiming He Was Misquoted on 9/11 Conspiracy Theory
Why is it that so many of these jackwagons don't understand there are video records of their bullshit?

CNN Brutally Mocks ‘Clown’ Vivek Ramaswamy’s Topless Tennis ‘Debate Prep’
Swami beats Trump as best Clown award!

Right-Wing Judges Are Allowing Alabama Trans Health Care Ban to Go Into Effect
Land of the Happy Negro judges should no longer have health care as well. See how they like it.

Trump campaign further implicated in Georgia scheme by new court filing
Meanwhile Georgia GOP co-conspirators are trying to fuck with overturning the DA.

Is Mississippi Afraid To Let Citizens Vote On Abortion?
Land of the Happy Negro's motto: "Be afraid! Be very afraid!"

Vivek Ramaswamy Tries Mansplaining To Kaitlan Collins
The Swami speaks. Everyone goes ho-hum.

Fox Blames Biden For 'Letting' Hurricane Into The Country
Then they should blame Trump for letting Covid into the country.
Blithering lame-brains with nothing to do but whine.

This 'creepy' men-only group is feeding an 'apocalyptic view of America' to a conservative think tank
"Conservative think tanks" always turns to radical fascist thinking.

Newsmax Host On Death Threats To Judge: So What?
Newsmax host Greg Kelly is a threat to democracy. How can he possibly be anything else working for MAGAts?

Mark Meadows 'decided to trust' Jack Smith and cooperate against Trump: NYT
He'll talk already.

Eight Losers Qualify To Sit At Losers' Table At First GOP Debate (There Are No Other Tables)
But the biggest loser has chickened out.

Big Surprise: Creep Who Killed Lauri Carleton Over Rainbow Flag Was 'Pro Life' 'Christian' Gay-Hater
Here's the goods on the killer. No surprises.

Renewable Energy Jobs Are Coming to Appalachia
"Despite the many questions ahead, Glyptis of the United Steelworkers said he feels hopeful that the battery plant could help hard-hit Appalachian communities recover from years of disinvestment. He said the Weirton steel mill is an attractive site for developers, located close to highways, a river and an airport, and within a community of skilled tradespeople."

This Economy Is Breaking All the Rules—and Thriving
A COVID-driven recession with temporary inflation is now followed by a strong recovery that follows no standard models.

Fear of an Awkward President
"Awkwardness, then, might be a sign of a candidate’s unease in his role, a subtle clue that he’s only pretending to get it. “Awkwardness is the feeling we get when someone’s presentation of themselves … is shown to be incompatible with reality in a way that can’t be smoothed over with a little white lie,” writes Melissa Dahl in Cringeworthy, her book on awkwardness. Voters had trouble buying Dukakis as a macho tank gunner; they don’t believe that DeSantis would genuinely enjoy small talk. If a candidate looks out of place among presidential contenders, we think, maybe that’s because he is."

Trump Thirsting Out Loud About Fleeing To Russia To Be With Daddy-Mir Vladimir
"Have fun getting mugshotted at the Fulton County Jail on Thursday, loser.
If they really thought he was a flight risk and not just a pant-shitting coward, the bail would have been muuuuuuuch higher."

'Fly far away': Trump jokes about fleeing to Russia in bizarre rant against Fulton County DA
So you think he's joking?

SF Archdiocese Declares Bankruptcy Amid Abuse Suits
A fraud? That's exactly what the cult is.

Kevin Sorbo: I’ve Been Blacklisted For Loving Jesus
Nope. More like he's a Nazi asshole playing the victim card.

New Trump poll proves Obama and Clinton were right: The GOP base are deplorable, bitter clingers
First rule of MAGA? "Never admit a liberal was right." Unfortunately, their conniptions are getting people killed.
"The word that comes to mind is 'cult.'"

'Why not now?' Former Trump attorney wants to know why MAGA, Inc. isn’t paying for her legal bills
Because Trump is a chiseler. Now you know.

You Kids' Abortion Pills Not The Same As The Abortion Pills Your Father And I Used To Do
"Liz Murrill, who wants to be the AG of Louisiana, with some guy Meet Liz Murrill. She is a whole goddang idiot who would like to be the attorney general in Louisiana, which is a real state in America, which means it would affect other people’s lives if she were the attorney general. Currently she holds the title of solicitor general. She is part of the Federalist Society, that outfit that churns out all the smart people, and a top pal of Jeff Landry, the wingnut running for governor."
More on one of our favorite nut balls.

Fine, Let's Talk About Vivek Ramaswamy
By all means. But can anyone still read?

Members of Little Rock 9 Blast Decision to Restrict AP Black History Course
"Surviving members of the Little Rock Nine, a group of students who faced extreme harassment and threats of violence for integrating Little Rock Central High School in 1957, have spoken out against Arkansas education officials who decided last week not to recognize an Advanced Placement (AP) course on Black history.

Is West Virginia University's gutting of liberal arts a sign of more to come?
An attempt to become leader of the retarded movement.

Trump mocked as experts predict meeting bail conditions beyond his ability: 'Confiscate his phone'
"Former President Donald Trump was promptly derided by social media on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, over the new terms of his bail in the Georgia elections case – and his ability to abide by them."

Javier Milei Says He’s the Future of Argentina. He Looks a Lot Like Its Past.
As in "Runaway Nazi Dog"?

Legal Expert Predicts Challenges to Trump’s ‘Right to Appear’ on The Ballot Based on Conservative Interpretation of 14th Amendment
Legal? What the fuck does a criminal charlatan care about that?

Five Dead In Florida Due To Flesh-Eating Bacteria
Well, we most certainly know this is a Biblical curse from God. /s

Vivek Ramaswamy Triples Down On 9/11 Trutherism
I wonder how many brainses the Swami has to make "rational" a word that he understands.

Freedom Caucus: We’ll Shutdown Govt For “Wokeness”
Nazi morons will shit their pants and roll in it.

A right-wing sheriffs group that challenges federal law is gaining acceptance around the country
Members of the new double cross burners?
They represent the picture perfect example of the very tyranny they resist. All are blatantly treasonous.

Trump Voters Trust Him Over Their Own Family And Friends
Can't wait for the moment when they roll the big Kool-Aid barrel out.

Chat GPT Is Choosing Which Books Get Banned In Iowa
Apparenty, the mechanism that controls the airplane to flap its wings malfunctioned. Again.

Chat GPT Is Choosing Which Books Get Banned In Iowa
Again, the gene pool is so shallow in Iowa it's causing severe illteracy in the deep end.
And some of us are worried about AI?

GOP Candidate Claims Abortion Pills Laced With Fentanyl
Yes, because that's really what causes a woman to abort anyway. Same with aspirin which is why it works so damn well.

Fox News tells viewers 'they' let Tropical Storm Hilary into the US 'because it’s Biden’s America'
When "they" say "they" are "they" referring to "them" or "themselves"?
I gotta tell you I don't know who is really in charge of tropical storm traffic.

Majority of likely Iowa GOP caucusgoers believe Trump has not committed serious crimes
The gene pool in Iowa is pretty shallow. But this isn't news.

This 'clearcut' section of the Constitution bars Trump from running for office: conservative legal scholars
Fatso can run for head of animal control only.

Former Trump officials are shattering a key Mar-a-Lago documents defense
Seems to be simple enough.

'Terrifying': Election officials describe bombardment of threats after 2020 vote
This terrorism alone should send Trump to prison for life.

Ron Johnson Needs To Quit His Job
Senator Ron Johnson has a list of complaints about government, all of which are things he has done and is part of.

Levin: “Hillary Should Be In Prison For Her Entire Life”
This man is living in a hell he made by his own stupid.

Trump Confirms: “I Will Not Be Doing The Debates”
Very well. He can yell at TV then.

'I can do whatever I want because I was the chief of staff' isn’t the way it works: Ex-Fulton Sr. DA
"'That I can do whatever I want because I was chief of staff. I can do what I want because I was president of the United States. And that's not the way it works.'"

Revealed: Top GOP donors are making 'secret overtures' to dump Trump
"Looking For a New Nazi" should be the headline.

'Pure communism': Marjorie Taylor Greene says 'Arizona is next' in 'grand conspiracy' to get Trump
Is this woman Roger Stone in drag?

Inside the Big Pharma Playbook Making Prescription Drugs Unaffordable in the US
"America’s pharmaceutical giants are suing this summer to block the federal government’s first effort at drug price regulation. Last year’s Inflation Reduction Act included what on its face seems a modest proposal: The federal government would for the first time be empowered to negotiate prices Medicare pays for drugs — but only for 10 very expensive medicines beginning in 2026."
Your money or your life.

Bigots Are Literally Killing People Over Pride Flags Now
California boutique owner Lauri Carleton was shot dead this week by a person who was reportedly very upset over the fact that she displayed a pride flag in the front of her shop, Mag Pi.
According to the San Bernardino police, the suspect "made several disparaging remarks about a rainbow flag that stood outside the store before shooting Carleton." Following the shooting, police found the suspect, still armed and apparently quite riled up.
"When deputies attempted to contact the suspect, a lethal force encounter occurred and the suspect was pronounced deceased," an update read.
Same people that are doing this rainbow flag killing are the ones that groom with hate. They exist because they were previously groomed with hate.

Judge Cannon may be removed 'if she continues to make questionable rulings': former prosecutor
Just remove her.

Trump’s chief of staff told prosecutors he 'could not recall' a 'standing order' to declassify docs: report
Oops! Trump fails again.

Mike Pence backs Mark Meadows after he tells investigators Trump did not declassify documents
Double Oops!

Indictments and post-Civil War history make it clear: Trump is already disqualified from the presidency
Will America ignore this law as they seem to ignore so many already?

'Be prepared': Ex-labor secretary warns Trump’s reelection bid is 'phase four of his attempted coup'
See what I mean about the previous article? What happened to our spine?

States are banning LGBTQ+ subjects in schools. Students say they were never taught about them anyway
Showing all the idiocy of this fascist crap.

Russia’s Luna-25 Mission Crash Lands On The Moon
"To the moon, Alice."

Trump Spox: House Republicans Who Don’t Vote To Defund Special Counsel Will Get Primaried Next Year
Whining Brat Party can stop their obstruction of justice right now or indict them all.

Aunt Lydia: Black History Course Is Leftist Propaganda
Erase her history of hate and see how she likes it.

California Shop Owner Murdered Over Rainbow Flag
Murdering Nazis will keep doing this until we put a stop to them forever.
"Thanks, DeSantis and your nazis. Thanks, Chaya Raichik. Thanks, every fucking Fox host. Thanks, Musk and everyone else who gave legitimacy to eliminationist rhetoric and conspiracy theories. This woman's innocent blood is on your hands." — (comments)

Ramaswamy Condemns Trump’s Charges As “Shameful”
Ding-Dongie strings a great deal of words together but says nothing.
He doesn't know shit from shinola. If he wants him to be convicted first then he should be cheering for his trial.

'Useful American idiot' Trump facing furious backlash for boasting about Putin closeness
Tell it to Rama-Swami Baloney.

Did Barbie Speed Up the Collapse of Trump’s Macho-Based Hate Movement?
Whether it’s Barbie or the Trump prosecutions that have brought about what feels like the a sea-change in the American zeitgeist — or the combination of them both around the same time — I’ll take it!

Trump is already 'ineligible to serve as president ever again': top legal scholars
Then let that be the end of it.

'Hire more attorneys': Trump may be put under the gun by Judge Chutkan
Now, how does he do that if he is broke? The court going to appoint them?

Bookmakers Take Bets On Trump’s Weight At GA Arrest
Best use a scale from a grain elevator.

Ramaswamy: I’ll Run America Like Musk Runs Twitter
A dire warning straight from Swami-Ding-Dong's mouth! LMAO!
This would, of course, mean total devastation of America.
The Peter Principle illustrated.

Who are Trump's unindicted co-conspirators in Georgia?
Everyone who supported him or voted for him.

Trump's Crimes Are Even Leaving His Allies Broke
"The latest catastrophe that Donald Trump has brought to all of his supporters is that his crime spree is leaving them flat broke. News emerged in the last 24 hours that Rudy Giuliani literally went to Mar-a-Lago to beg Trump to cover his seven-figure legal costs — because he's going bankrupt."

Trump On Putin: 'I Was The Apple Of His Eye'
You bet. His road apple.

Little Rock Nine members condemn Arkansas Department of Education’s 'attempts to erase history'
Arkansas Republican lawmakers and the state Department of Education are receiving significant backlash for attempting to place restrictions on the state's Advanced Placement (AP) African American high school course.
Are the state fascists afraid to take it themselves. Sure.

Former Trump-supporting Iowans don’t think he stands a chance: report
He stands a good chance of being fucked up.
But please don't lose sight of the rest of the Red Hats fucking us all up.

Busted: Kid Rock seen drinking right-wing boycotted Bud Light
He's now an LGBTQ+?

Christian missionary imposter who used $30 million donations for personal gain wanted by IRS
Aren't they all?

Virginia Republican Official Posts Obscene Anti-Biden Banner At Little League Game, Invites Boys For Selfies
Who's the groomer here? This asshole or drag queens? No contest. That dick shows he's the one that sucks.

Christian School Director Arrested Over Child Porn
Another one bites the dust.

Fani Willis' secret weapon: Trump will face "the Michael Jordan of RICO"
John Floyd, a special assistant D.A., is described as the "last person" a RICO defendant wants to encounter
Let's see what he does with Fatso.

'Wake up': Trump-loving Evangelicals warned they've been 'taken in by a hoax'
They've been taken in for centuries.

Why Biden’s Summit With Japan and South Korea Is a Big Deal
No American president has managed to wrangle a meeting like this before.

‘I don’t care’: Tommy Tuberville digs in on blockade of hundreds of military promotions
Remember: "Shingles doesn't care" either.
"Overloaded," he says. We are certainly overloaded with his arrogant stupidity.

Trump Loses Fourth Bid To Halt E. Jean Carroll Case
Loser keeps up his skill of showing us he's the best ever at it.

MTG Condemns Proposed Sentences For Proud Boys
"Marjorie Taylor Greene is upset that DOJ is seeking a 33 year prison sentence for Enrique Tarrio — the leader of the ‘Proud Boys.’ When a member of Congress sympathizes with a convicted domestic terrorist, they should immediately be expelled from Congress. Expel Marjorie Greene." — Dash Dobrofsky (@DashDobrofsky) August 18, 2023
The worst fake American of our times.

Ramaswamy: “Our Goal Shouldn’t Be For Putin To Lose
Rama-Swami-Ding Dongie-Baloney deals in bullshit for bullshit eaters.
"But despite his only campaign points being battling “wokeness,” taking away rights, and, apparently, allowing authoritarian governments to do whatever they want, Ramaswamy is somehow rising in the polls."
Rising in polls of the lame, mindless fascists who would turn the country into a swine wasteland.
His view of black history is totally fucked up. Anti-American in a bigly way.

Don't Ever Let MAGA Grifters Tell You They're Opposed To Violence
OMG—- a pastor?
"For anyone who is not already familiar with 'pastor' Greg Locke, this guy is a real piece of work. He has attacked Biden while calling for a holy war. He's a lying anti-vaxxer who has spread lies about COVID vaccines. He went after Pence and called him a 'Judas' for refusing to steal the election for Trump. He's spread conspiracy theories about supposed child trafficking tunnels under the White House."

Oh So Now It's Illegal To Leave Voicemails For Judges?
"Let’s check in with the fine upstanding MAGA folks who just want their country back. Are they behaving like good citizens ever since their beloved lord and savior Donald Trump started getting indicted a whole bunch of times? Or are they being little white supremacist terrorist garbagefuckers?"
According to a criminal complaint filed last week, on the night of Aug. 5, prosecutors allege that Abigail Jo Shry left a voicemail for Judge Tanya Chutkan, who is Black, that said in part, "You are in our sights, we want to kill you."
In the message to Chutkan, Shry alleged that if Trump were not to be elected president in 2024, "we are coming to kill you," and "you will be targeted personally, publicly, your family, all of it," per the complaint.
An intellectual voidoid.

Trump's Crimes Against Democracy Tower Far Above His 4 Indictments
There’s a deeper truth here: the Trump/MAGA faction of the GOP hasn't just committed electoral crimes -- they've declared war on democracy itself...

How an Ohio court case gives a playbook for convicting Donald Trump
"A high-profile political court case in Ohio could provide a playbook for how Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis will try to convict Donald Trump and his co-defendants of racketeering charges, USA Today reported Friday."

Georgia school board fires teacher for reading a book to students about gender identity
Fear lives in the throwbacks.
"“The district is sending a harmful message that not all students are worthy of affirmation in being their unapologetic and authentic selves," Rinderle said in the statement. "This decision, based on intentionally vague policies, will result in more teachers self-censoring in fear of not knowing where the invisible line will be drawn.
Digusting fear of truth.

Ken Paxton’s team said there was no evidence to support impeachment. The House published 4,000 pages.
I guess he thinks there should be more.

'Coward' Trump Mocked After 2 Backpedaling Announcements In A Row
"Donald Trump is getting mocked on social media after making two announcements in a row on Thursday."

Our collective malady: Donald Trump's mental health crisis is America's problem
Experts: Trump's "denial of reality" and "primitive projections" are imploding. He's even more dangerous

CDC Warns Of New “Highly-Mutated” COVID Variant
Get ready for more stupid spreaders.

These Iowa Republicans say they'll support 'perfect' Trump no matter what — 'until he dies'
Perfect unamed co-conspriators in crimes against America.

Feds to MTG: Tell us more about that anti-Islam, Nazi-adjacent provocateur who used your credit card
"The Federal Election Commission has questions for Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) about a credit card charge that ties her congressional campaign to far-right agitator Milo Yiannopoulos and and rapper Kanye West."

Mike Lindell Speaker Claims Massive Voter Fraud In Deep Red State
Does Mike Lindell’s presenter know that Donald Trump won Missouri by 15 points?
Perhaps the fraud they refer to was why Trump won their state.

The threats of violence against Trump judge and grand jurors have begun
Trump Nazis going about what we all expected from the terrorist party.

Prosecutors Seek 27-33 Years For Proud Boys Leaders
"Now you don't talk so loud, now you don't seem so proud..." — Like a Rolling Stone, Bob Dylan

Ingraham Blames Maui Wildfires On “Renewables”
The Stupid Channel's chief moron. She's saying Bush WAS guilty.

Southern Baptist Leader Resigns Over Faked Resume
Another phoney from the "Xianist" cult.

Trump judge's actual argument for abortion bans: Doctors are harmed without cute sonograms
Judge James Ho argues women must be forced into pregnancy so others can "cheer at the sight of an unborn child"
Numbskull fascist fuck.

'Truly scandalous': Jim Jordan slammed by former top DOJ official
Jacket-Off shows brainless void in head.

'The end is near': Karl Rove dismantles Texas AG’s 'forgiveness-doctrine defense'
"But, according to Rove, 'the Texas Supreme Court has held in three cases … that this so-called forgiveness doctrine doesn’t apply when a ‘proceeding for removal is authorized by the [Texas] Constitution.’”

Matt Gaetz says 'the quiet part out loud' about true 'purpose' of Biden impeachment
And just why is this swine still not in a cell himself?

FPF Statement on Withdrawal of Kansas Search Warrant
"Freedom of the Press Foundation (FPF) welcomes the withdrawal of the search warrant issued against the Marion County Record and return of the equipment and other items seized by law enforcement. But authorities can’t undo the harm they’ve done or give Joan Meyer her life back."

Transgender Women Are Now Barred From Women’s Events In ... Chess
I'm guessing they saw The Queen's Gambit film. Fake women will not embarass our men if we can help it!
How enlightening.

Georgia Rep Demands Special Session To Impeach DA
Land of the Happy Negro Nazi pukes into Trump slop bucket.

Texas woman accused of threatening to kill judge overseeing Trump election case and a congresswoman
Where you find one, you will find many. Texas.

'He's mapping out the entire conspiracy!' Morning Joe reacts to 'staggering' Roger Stone video
Truly, this is a total description of Trump's crimes. Total admission revealed on TV for everyone to hear.

Rudy Giuliani's 'hubris' in Georgia RICO case torn to pieces by former prosecutor
"Former federal prosecutor Barbara McQuade takes stock oof Giuliani's complaints in her latest MSNBC column – and concludes that the man who was once dubbed 'America's Mayor' after the September 11th terrorist attacks on New York City has only himself to blame for his predicament."

Mark Meadows Surfaces at Last — And It Sure Looks Like He’s Flipped on Trump

The Constitution bars Trump from holding public office ever again
"The Disqualification Clause has already been used successfully to promote accountability for the insurrection, and, in the coming months, it will be used again to prevent Trump and others from serving in public office."
So, go ahead and waste your vote if you are that stupid.

Trump Maaaaaay Not Do TOTAL EXONERATION Press Conference After All. Sorry If You Got A Babysitter Already
"Yesterday, Wonkette had a jolly little post about poor Axios, having a panic attack and about to throw all its bullet points out the window, because it was freaked out over Donald Trump’s busy schedule. Court dates! Campaign events! Five things on his schedule in two weeks! What kind of meta-human can pull off such a feat!
Of course, one of those events he definitely didn’t have to go to, and another one Wonkette rated as “Likelihood of Trump canceling: We are guessing high.” Why? Because it was some dumbass MyPillow-esque press conference at Bedminster, announced on Truth Social, where Trump was allegedly going to BLOW THIS WHOLE THING WIDE OPEN!"

Fifth Circuit Allows Abortion Pill, But Only With Written Consent Of Embryo
"Just to remind you, this is the completely crap case out of Texas in which a group of antiabortion doctors sued in a handpicked jurisdiction to have the FDA’s 2000 approval of mifepristone thrown out on the grounds that the approval process was bad.
None of the doctors have ever prescribed abortion pills, but their flimsy claim for standing was the possibility that if lots of patients start having adverse reactions to mifepristone, the docs and the medical system would be overwhelmed with patients. This is damned unlikely since only a tiny percentage of patients using mifepristone have any negative side effects and mifepristone is safer than penicillin and Viagra."
Amazing how many brainless people have a position of power.

GOP 'going down in flames' in 2024: DC insider
They lit the funeral pyre themselves.

Hey, Republicans! It's Trump who "criminalized politics" by turning GOP into a two-bit mafia
Ron DeSantis complains that RICO is for "organized crime." Sorry, dude — that's exactly what a coup conspiracy is

The 'bad behavior' that might finally put Trump behind bars
When is enough, enough with this wretch?

'Judge' Jeanine Pirro, Being Ridiculous
"I want to rob a bank" versus "I'd like to rob a bank" is apparently a huge difference. Does this sound legal, judgie wudgie?
"This is a bank. Banks have money. I just need to find $11,700. I bet I can get them to fork it over if I show them my gun."

Search warrant withdrawn in Kansas newspaper raid
Total cluster fuck.
To top it off JFK, jr. is suing Daily Kos to unmask a user who wrote a story critical of Kennedy's attendance at a rally in Berlin that was organized, promoted and attended by neo-Nazis. The jerk is as bad as the jackasses that raided the Kansas paper. Relegate him to the trash bin.

GA Republicans Reject Calls To Change Pardon Rules
No more conning for you, Fatso.

Trump went on 'a multiyear crime spree' and GOP voters are finally noticing: Georgia Republican
His rig is up.

Brands Ditch Twitter After Ads Appear In Nazi Posts
The "X" is nothing more than straightened lines of a swastika.

Hate Groups Exult After NC Republicans Override Gov’s Veto Of “Don’t Say Gay” And Two Anti-Transgender Bills
NC Nazis destroy freedoms for some of us. The usual crime.

Phillies Pitcher: I Threw A No-Hitter Thanks To Jesus
Yes. He's always been a baseball fan. He spends most of his time looking out for pitchers and ignoring people that burn to death in hurricane fires and kids getting shot to death in school/

Mike Lindell's voter fraud 'summit' derailed when he accidentally played Kimmel clip
The lack of brains is stunning in these miscreant fools.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Reveals Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Plan To Get Rid Of Marjorie Taylor Greene
“Is it possible that I’ll be VP?” Hahaha, maybe in hell.
Trump’s Cabinet? Is he going to make an imaginary “Cabinet,” in prison?
Cool ideas, all, we encourage Greene to pursue them all.

13-year-old girl emerges as new leader of QAnon cult – and vows to indoctrinate kids: report
How sick do we have to get before we apply a cure to this absolute nonsense.
"Q" isn't coming anywhere. "Q" is a myth that lives rent free in your pitifully stupid brain.

LISTEN: Trump supporter ties himself in knots trying to argue with podcast host
"John from Staten Island called into NYC podcaster Michael Signorile's SiriusXM show on Monday, but things didn't work out the way he seemed to have anticipated."
"I don’t even know why I engaged in a discussion on my SiriusXM program with this guy, as he had no facts — literally didn’t know the names players or politicians, just referring to them as 'that guy”— but he is emblematic of many in MAGA world," wrote Signorile on his Substack.

Warrant for Kansas newspaper raid withdrawn by prosecutor for ‘insufficient evidence
How corruption works in America.

Hundreds March On Miami School Board In Protest Of Florida’s New Racist Black History Education Standards
Where are the rest of the decent people? MIA.

The names of the grand jurors who indicted Trump are now public. Who’s protecting them?
Who's fucking brilliant idea was this? Dick Dumbass?
"But it also means Trump's base of violence-minded insurrectionists immediately knows the identities of all of the private Georgia citizens who were summoned to grand jury duty and, after hearing the case and witness testimony presented by the district attorney, agreed that there was evidence Donald and friends committed a whole lot of crimes."

San Antonio Police Arrest Father After Handgun Found In Preschooler's Backpack
"Ever vigilant, Texas authorities have now outlawed backpacks for preschoolers and they will only be allowed to bring needed school items in a clear plastic baggie. And no, I'm not making this shit up."

'Straight up communism': Nikki Haley echoes Marjorie Taylor Greene rhetoric to attack Democrats
And Nikki and Margie are straight up Nazi swine.

Meet the pastor who was indicted with Trump in Georgia
Oh, I think we've met before.

Texas GOP's plan to place armed guards in every school is already falling apart: report
Did someone already shoot themselves by accident?

Trump's Busy Court Date Schedule Eating Into His Wall Ketchup Time And Axios Is STRESSED
"When you are a hustler and a bustler like Donald Trump, you get used to a busy schedule. He’s always been like this, including back when he was president, juggling his important schedule of watching Fox News all morning and then going to work at noon."
"Oh, but he also has to “campaign” for “president!” Which he is definitely only doing because he wants to steal the election in 2024 so he can pardon himself from all his upcoming criminal convictions.
This has been a Wonkette post making fun of an Axios post about how Trump definitely has to show up for exactly one (1) thing in the next two weeks, or maybe two (2) but they are not on the same day."

Stupid Inflation Reduction Act, Growing Economy And Decreasing Emissions And Capping Grandma's Insulin And
Today is the one-year anniversary of Joe Biden signing the Inflation Reduction Act into law, and there’s plenty of reason for the administration to take a victory lap. The IRA is the single biggest step the USA has ever taken to address climate change, and a recent analysis projects that it will cut America’s carbon dioxide emissions significantly..."
And still voters question Biden? Voters aren't paying attention it's clear to see.

Inflation Is Falling. So Why Are the Fiscal Austerians Back in the Headlines?
The latest scare was over the Social Security trust fund. The endgame is not to get rid of inflation, or to protect American workers, but to destroy their power.
"After almost half-century of economic gains for workers, the country’s elites remain frustrated that the economy refuses to fall into recession. From their perspective, one of the scariest things has been the relative success of the Biden administration’s fiscal policy. In contrast to President Obama’s paltry response to the 2008 financial crisis, the rebound from the pandemic-induced recession of 2020 has been nothing short of remarkable."
And voters are having second thoughts on Joe Biden? Good God! No wonder we have grifters getting elected.

Historian Jon Meacham Calls Trump Attempt A 'Coup D’Etat'
Anyone with a reasonbly functional brain would do the same.

Kayleigh McEnany Is Big Mad Over Hillary Clinton
Still spreading the bullshit over your croooked man-who-would-be-king, hurted little girl?
ROTFLMAO at you and your POS clown.

Ex-DOJ officials: Trump 'deliberately distorting' 1st Amendment to 'advance the theme of political victimhood'
Really? He would play the victim card? It is the Republican platform. Has been forever.

'Good chance' it becomes 'evidence against him': Report Trump says will exonerate him mocked by his ex-lawyer
What is it about "anything you say may and will be held against you" that he doesn't get?

'Scared to death': Morning Joe says Trump 'doesn't have the guts' to take part in first GOP debate
Maybe he can steal some?

"Teflon Don" is a collective fiction — it's time to tell the story of Trump in jail
Trump still believes he's untouchable, and so do his dangerous followers. It's time for consequences that count

Kyle Rittenhouse launches nonprofit with far-right Texans as he ramps up political engagement in the state
Oh, good. A killer with shit fer brains. He'll be perfect for Texas.

George Santos misses deadline to disclose finances after receiving extension: report
Why is this lying miscreant still walking around anywhere near our government?

Fox Legal Hack Accidentally Validates GA Trump Indictment
“You look at this indictment and every call, every tweet, every speech seems to be a separate criminal act that composes this conspiracy,” Fox’s Jonathan Turley whined.
Accidentally on purpose.

Maggie Haberman Tells CNN Trump ‘Would Be In Jail’ For Attacks on Courts If He Was Any Other Defendant
"He is really pushing here in a way that could really hurt him in terms of how this trial is conducted, when this trial is conducted."

Marge Greene Says Fani Willis Should Be Going After Rapists
Not Trump! I guess she forgot that Trump was just found liable for a rape.
A mind is a horrible thing to waste.

Lindsey Whines: Holding Trump Accountable Will 'Damage Presidency'
Sure thing Lindsey. You'd better hope you're not next.
Earth to Lindsey: Trump is not the president and neither are you.

Sunday School Teacher Gets 50 Years For Molestation
Another one bites the dust.

Multiple Outlets Debunk The Maui Wildfire “Truthers”
We know it was Ming the Merciless from the plant Mongo!

Jeanine Pirro: Trump’s RICO Charges Are “Just Theater”
The septic tank is backing up again.

'Melania has had her fill': Ex-senator unloads on Trump family's distance
The loser loses again.

Trump's allies are already demanding Georgia laws be changed so he can be pardoned
Rigging the system is the MAGAt stock in trade. What buffoons!

We Can’t Keep Being the Human Beings Who Live to Destroy
With some large-scale tweaking and significant reorientation, could our species have a similarly big impact in a positive way?

7 things people who say they're 'fiscally conservative but socially liberal' just don't understand
Anyone know a few of these people?

Which Trump Idiot's Seething Rage Is Funniest Today, Alina Habba Or Alina Habba?
"Oh, these motherfucking babies, how they are raging."

Oh So Now It’s A Crime To Do Totally Legal Things If They’re Part Of Massive Criminal Conspiracies To Overturn Elections
"Wow. Is that the closest he’s come to just accidentally and/or not accidentally typing what he probably really really really wants to type?"
"Anyway, that comes after last night, when the loser bitched that 19 people had just been 'indicated.' Indeed, Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney Fani Willis and her grand jury have released a great big set of indications, and also some indictments. The purpose of the conspiracy was to “unlawfully change the outcome of the election in favor of Trump.”
"Los Angeles Times legal guy and former US attorney Harry Litman helpfully broke down a few of the broad brushes of this newest indictment against Donald Trump and one million of his closest criminal confidantes, so we’ll cheat off his cheat sheet."

Newest “Anti-Woke” Tantrum: Right-Wingers Don’t Think Kids of Different Races Can Be Friends
Duh. Rascism does strange things to otherwise sane people. They get carefully taught to hate and want everyone else to hate the same way they do.
"These days, it's almost never just one nutty lady at a school board meeting. It's about a movement with a committed ideology, that has deep connections to Donald Trump's campaign to end democracy."

Lock Him Up
Donald Trump has been indicted for a fourth time. Good.

11 ways Donald Trump doesn’t become president again
Maybe more.

Trump Maximum Sentences Add Up To Staggering 712 YEARS and 6 Months In Prison For All 91 Counts
He'll do only about 100 years with his good behavior.

Giuliani: “This Indictment Is An Affront To Democracy”
Project much?

Trump Lawyer Furious About Georgia Plan For Mugshot
If he loves his country so much he should leave it forever.
Oh, and take Habba with him.

Texas wants Planned Parenthood to repay millions of dollars
And people in hell (and Texas) want ice water.
"Elberg said it is “hard to understand” how Planned Parenthood was knowingly filing false claims at a time when it was in court fighting to stay in the program and Texas was still paying the reimbursements."
“This just isn’t what the False Claims Act is supposed to be about,” said Elberg, faculty director at Seton Hall Law School's Center for Health & Pharmaceutical Law.
Screw Texas. Rinse. Repeat.

Drug makers have tripled the prices of top Medicare drugs
"For nearly all the drugs, the price hikes far outstripped the rate of inflation, with increases ranging from 20 percent to 739 percent during the drugs' lifetimes on the market."
Your money or your life. Robbing with a fountain pen and not a gun. These capitalist swine are contributing to mass genocide, a crime against humanity.

Thirty-plus news organizations condemn 'chilling' police raid on Kansas newspaper
"Donnie, these men are cowards." — Walter Sobchak

Ex-U.S. District Court clerk: 'Significant evidence' that fake electors knew 'Trump had definitely lost'
"Joshua Stanton, a former clerk for the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Tennessee, said there’s “ significant evidence” that Arizona’s fake electors “were aware that [former President Donald] Trump had definitely lost,” the Arizona Republic reports."

Trump next week: 'Major' news conference, GOP debate and arraignment on 13 felony charges including RICO
"If Donald Trump decides to appear on stage at next week’s first Republican 2024 presidential debate, he will be standing center-stage, in the middle of about a half-dozen other candidates, none of whom have been indicted on 91 felony charges in four different jurisdictions for alleged crimes including racketeering, conspiracy, and obstruction."
What WILL it take to prove to humans that this man is no longer in touch with reality?

To Stand Out and Be Us: We Are Done Dying In Silence
America is so done with racist swine who are lower than garbage.

GA Fake Elector Hit With 11 Charges Including Perjury
"In the surveillance video, which was obtained by CNN, Cathy Latham, a former GOP chairwoman of Coffee County who is under criminal investigation for posing as a fake elector in 2020, escorts a team of pro-Trump operatives to the county’s elections office on January 7, 2021, the same day a voting system there is known to have been breached."

How Trump, associates 'directly violated the law' by 'unlawfully' conspiring to overturn 2020 election: indictment
They did everything they accused someone else of doing.

The fourth indictment — and Trump's willful refusal to stop intimidating witnesses
"It is another step in America’s slow but steady process of criminal justice, another illustration that no one is above the law. Fani Willis and her staff deserve the nation’s thanks, as do Jack Smith and his staff, and Alvin Bragg and his staff in Manhattan."

'I’ve never seen anything like it': Economic analyst breaks down origin of Jared Kushner’s $3 billion profit
".What we know for a fact is that he raised $3.1 billion and only about $30 million of it actually came from investors in the United States all the rest of it is foreign money. And of that foreign money, $2 billion came from the Saudis."

Watch: Bodycam video appears to prove Texas sheriff’s version of confrontation with GOP Rep. Ronny Jackson
Down goes Jackson, Down goes Jackson, Down goes Jackson!

Geoff Duncan Urges Republicans To Boot Trump Out Of Race
The former lieutenant governor of Georgia is a lot more worried about Republicans losing than about saving democracy.

Hillary Clinton: 'A Terrible Moment For Our Country'
"I don't feel any satisfaction, just a profound sadness," she told Rachel Maddow.

Trump Seeks Halt To Riot Suit: Too Busy Being Arrested
Whatever his problem is, he should have thought of it before he committed the crime.
Too bad, too bad.

Some Georgia Republicans get it: Fani Willis just did them a huge favor
Whopping Trump indictment in Georgia could begin to undo the massive damage Trump has done to his own party
But some of them will never get it.

Trump's co-conspirators facing two choices -- flip or get caught 'holding the bag': legal expert
That's the bag they're in.

Trump's own press statement is used as evidence of 'solicitation of violation of oath by a public officer'
Fatso fucks himself.

'They're all trapped': GOP insider says there's almost no way for Trump's rivals to beat him
All MAGAts will now be considered co-consprirators in the biggest crime wave we've ever seen.

Mark Meadows, Trump and 17 others charged on 41 counts in Georgia 2020 election probe: report
"A Fulton County Superior Court grand jury indicted former President Donald Trump and 18 others on 41 counts Monday night 'related to their efforts to overturn' the 2020 presidential election, The Washington Post reports.
According to The New York Times, "The 41 counts named in the indictment — from racketeering charges, to conspiracy to commit forgery, to perjury — are by far the most sweeping set of accusation Trump has faced in any of his other three indictments to date."
"Former New York mayor and Trump attorney Rudy Guiliani and ex-White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows are among the 19 charged."
This is the biggest crime spree in the history of nation.

Right-wing Wisconsin Supreme Court judge’s edits to Wikipedia page may be 'conflict of interest': watchdog
"Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Rebecca Bradley recently logged into her personal Wikipedia page and made a few edits, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel watchdog columnist Daniel Bice reports."
"According to the report, @arizonasunblock on Twitter last week wrote, 'Conservative Wisconsin Supreme Court justice @JudgeBradleyWI is currently engaging in an edit war on her Wikipedia page under an anonymous username that she also uses in her personal email. You cannot make this stuff up.'"
"Bice discovered the Twitter user was correct, with the username 'rlgbjd,' standing for 'Rebecca Lynn Grassl Bradley, J.D.'"
Wowie Zowie!

Texas Is “Hell-Bent” on Preventing Pregnant Patients From Getting Life-Saving Abortion Care
"Hours after a Texas judge ruled in favor of expanding abortion access to patients facing life-threatening complications, the state appealed the decision, blocking it from taking effect."
Texas is very much a Talibastard state.

11 prominent Republicans file amicus brief that ‘flies in the face’ of Trump’s trial delay demands
It's time to cut off the head of the snake. The party will not let this sake kill them first.

Third Military Branch Now Without Confirmed Leader
This man really hates America and apparently there's nothing we can do as he kills our American military.
Have we, at last, become this spineless as to allow this to continue?

Trump Loses Bid To Remove Judge In New York Case
Big fat loser.

Does Trump WANT To Go To Jail?
Then make it life without parole.

Trump's Late Night Attack On Jack Smith And Judge Chutkan
This fool is looking for a life in prison. He's trying for a mentally ill excuse.

Stephen Miller Flips Out Over 'Gay' Pop Tarts
Satan's Son-in-Law.

Two Dozen Riders Attacking Wildlife, Endangered Species, and At-Risk Habitats in House Spending Bills Must Be Removed
The evil that men do.

Youths Win Historic Montana Climate Lawsuit; MEPA Limitations Declared Unconstitutional
"Today, Judge Seeley ruled in the plaintiffs’ favor, writing, 'The [Montana Environmental Policy Act] Limitation is unconstitutionally contributing to the depletion and degradation of Montana’s environment and natural resources and contributing to Plaintiffs’ injuries. The MEPA Limitation deprives Plaintiffs of their constitutionally guaranteed rights.' Such a ruling in this landmark case shows that Montana’s government is indeed infringing on the constitutional rights of its citizens and causing direct harm through the proliferation of fossil fuels and refusal to consider climate impacts."
A meaningful victory for America.

Wisconsin GOP threatens to impeach liberal justice: 'What authoritarianism looks like'
Grifting bastards. They have been treasonous for quite a while now.

Pro-Trump Republicans aiding Georgia company seeking to 'aggressively cancel voter registrations': report
Voter suppression in full daylight by Confederate traitors.

'Blatantly unlawful': Legal experts warn Trump attempting 'witness tampering in real-time'
Trump continues his crime spree.

Newest "anti-woke" tantrum: Right-wingers don't think kids of different races can be friends
A bizarre racist outburst at a Texas school board isn't an isolated event — it's part of a national pattern
They could have stopped with "Right-wingers don't think."

Michigan conservative caught on tape: ‘We’re going to have a civil war’ if election prosecutions continue
News flash: Due to crooked assholes such as you we are already in one. It's mostly whining from grifting facsists such as you.
"Maddock, Facchinello and their 14 co-defendants each face multiple felonies including election law forgery, and conspiracy to commit election law forgery."

Free press defenders decry 'deeply disturbing' raid on Kansas newspaper
"Joan Meyer "died in the line of duty," Kansas City Star columnist Melinda Henneberger wrote Sunday. "It is not hyperbole to say that this attack on the people's right to know appears to have killed her."
Nazi bastards that are responsible must be prosecuted.

FL Abortion Rights Activists Pushing For Constitutional Amendment
Unlike Ohio, though, Florida already requires 60 percent approval for the constitutional amendment to pass.
"Ain't that just like Republicans? They can't win on the issues, so they just keep changing the rules until they work in their favor."

GOP Fears Turnout Disaster If Trump’s Not On Ballot
There is no GOP, only the MAGAt Nazis that raped the party.

Trump’s Co-Conspirators Are Turning On Each Other
They always do to save their own ass.

DeSantis Family Shuts Down Bumper Car Ride So They Can Play
The DeSantis dazzling political instincts were on display yet again, as the man-o-the-people allowed folks to watch from afar while his family enjoyed the bumper cars at the Iowa State Fair. His ride. Watch how privileged a fascist dictator will be.

House Republican admits bank records 'are not' evidence of President Biden’s alleged corruption
"United States Representative Mike Turner (R-Ohio), the chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, conceded on Sunday's edition of Face the Nation that Republicans still lack direct proof that implicates President Joe Biden in a scheme spanning his entire career to personally profit from his son Hunter's professional relationships."
"CBS News moderator Margaret Brennan noted to Turner that these same GOP lawmakers are the people parroting Trump's counternarrative that he is a target of political persecution by the DOJ."
Why don't they get a plan to move their country forward instead of fucking around working on their rigging systems?

Fani Willis Can Prove Trump's Team Behind Georgia Voting Systems Hack
Exclusive reporting from CNN this morning shows Georgia prosecutors have text messages showing Trump and his team were behind the voting systems breach in Coffee County.
The biggest crook since Al Capone.

Tennessee hospital faces civil rights investigation over release of transgender health records
"Vanderbilt University Medical Center is facing a federal civil rights investigation after turning the medical records of transgender patients over to Tennessee’s attorney general, hospital officials have confirmed."
State where KKK began sticks nose in rat trap.

Haley: You Don’t Go To Jail For Stolen Election Claims
You do if you're the one trying to steal it, such as your boy Trump did.
Now, wake the fuck up because you ain't goin' nowhere.

Naked Pastor Arrested Masturbating Outside Walmart
"The person saw a male white, fully naked, standing next to a black truck and appeared to be masturbating."
"According to its website, Bartmer is a pastor at Lighthouse Church in Antioch, IL."
Another "Xianist pastor" biting the dust hard! Pardon the expression.
Always ministers. Think of it.

Nevada GOP To Defy New Law On Holding Primary
The Republican party is not the party of law and order. They are a crime syndicate.

'Maui is my home — you don't speak for me': Lauren Boebert slammed over Hawaii fires attack on Biden
The brainless bottom feeder is her — a dispicable swine like the rest of the Trump MAGAts.

CNN election breach bombshell connects dots for federal indictment: legal expert
A lot of dots being connected lately.

Right-wing hate no longer confined to the fringes: conservative columnist
This is news?

Scientists Puzzled to Find Plastic Fragments Inside Human Hearts
"Think plastics."

Disgraced General Mike Flynn Blames Jews For Being Exterminated
And who is he blaming for his own demise?
The swine describes what Trump did with immigrant families at the border. The same thing Hitler's people did with the jews.

Two Federalist Society Originalists have Independently arrived at the Same Conclusion as Jack Smith
"These authors are not democrats, progressives, or liberals. They did their fact-based research and arrived at their conclusions — from the perspective of “Constitutional Originalists.”
Of course, they will only enforce the Constitution based on their situational ethics.

CNN: Trump Team Behind GA Voting Machines Breach
"Atlanta-area prosecutors investigating efforts to overturn the 2020 election results in Georgia are in possession of text messages and emails directly connecting members of Donald Trump’s legal team to the early January 2021 voting system breach in Coffee County, sources tell CNN."

Arkansas Ends Credit For AP Black History Course
Nazi thugs stamp out Black history. We can't call them Americans any longer.
The retarded state wants to stay that way.

Trump repeats 'grotesque' smear of Fani Willis after new report of grand jury reconvening
Keep fucking around, digging your own grave, Fatso.

'That's how fascists talk': Matt Gaetz flattened for threat of violence in support of Trump
Gaetz talks a good fight. Drop him like a bad habit.

Man Pleads Guilty To Sending Bomb Threat To Election Official Across The Country
James W. Clark demanded an Arizona election official's resignation, or else a bomb he'd supposedly planted would go off.
This poor moron didn't know which state was which. Thus illustrating the low mental capacity of fascist terrorists.

Nick Cave Unloads on Musicians Using ChatGPT to Write Songs
Why wouldn't that be considered plagerism?
Whatever, Nick is right.

Fox's Bartiromo And Sen. Ron Johnson Continue Pushing Dangerous COVID Lies
Batshit crazy people still at large shoveling bullshit on TV.

Religious Trauma Syndrome: How some organized religion leads to mental health problems
Only some? LOL!

House Republicans Embed Anti-LGBTQ Provisions Into Must-Pass Funding Bills
These assholes act as if they were all members of the KKK.

The Shocking Voter Purge Crisis of Democracy Revealed
An increasingly desperate GOP is doing this because they know their policies are unpopular: racism, pollution, privatizing Medicare, ending Social Security, criminalizing abortion, etc.
Fascism, plain and simple.

Trump launches over-the-top attack on Fani Willis as Fulton County indictment looms
Whine you bitch. It will do you no good. In fact, you will sink deeper in the quicksand you created.

'Blood on his hands': Abbott under fire for busing migrants to Chicago after 3-year-old dies
He can't get the blood off his hands. It's been there a long time now.

Trump is 'playing with fire' if he pushes his 'garbage argument' in Judge Chutkan's courtroom: biographer
Let the stooge keeping running his fat mouth. Fuck around and see what happens, Fatso.

Watch: Far-right activist Ammon Bundy arrested at high school football fundraiser
"Bundy, who was slapped with 8-figure damages by a jury in July in a defamation trial brought by an Idaho hospital he harassed, was arrested on a contempt charge at an event for Emmett High School football. He was arrested on a warrant for contempt charges during a legal battle with St. Luke's Health System, KTVB reported."
Nothing but contemptable.

Team DeSantis has paid $95,000 courting a religious leader in Iowa: report
"DeSantis "has spent far more than any rival on courting an influential Christian conservative leader and his following in the key early voting state of Iowa," Reuters reported on Saturday."
Trying to buy votes, are we Dipster?

Ramaswamy: U.S. is scared of China ‘because we depend on them’
The United States imports more from China than from any other country but China is one of the largest export markets for U.S. goods and services. China’s exports suffered their biggest drop in more than three years in July as global demand slowed. So, what point does he have here? Clearly, he's talking out of his ass.

Trump blames left for legal costs
Well, certainly he can't be blamed, he's the victim of the world.
If he's so rich why is he bitching?
Anyway, the left must be rolling in the bucks now which is very bad news for Fatso.

'This cannot be allowed to stand': Police raid on local newspaper a grim threat to Kansans’ First Amendment rights
They have no business raiding a newspaper without any legal credentials that state a specific reason.
If so, this is fascism at work.
"Small government conservatism is a HUGE myth." (comments)

'Flip-Flop Fest': GOP mocked for after demanding Hunter Biden special counsel 'be appointed'
"Republicans expressing outrage after Attorney General Merrick Garland on Friday elevated the Trump-appointed U.S. Attorney investigating Hunter Biden to special counsel status are now being mocked and chastised after it was revealed they have been demanding the Attorney General appoint a special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden for over a year."
What a bunch of brainless old farts.

Federal Judge Issues Protective Order In Trump J6 Case
Let's see if the moron has the brains to keep his fat mouth shut.

Wisconsin Fake Electors Lose Bid To Dismiss Lawsuit
Ye fakes must be judged!

Illinois Supreme Court Upholds Assault Weapons Ban
"The Illinois State Supreme Court found a strict assault weapons ban passed after the Highland Park shooting to be constitutional in a ruling issued Friday. The ruling came in response to a lawsuit that claimed that the ban violated the equal protections clause of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution."

Texas School Board Members Say Racially-Inclusive Posters Are “Traumatizing” Students And Possibly Illegal
Their dysfunctional parents are the ones who were offended. LMAO!

Ex-Trump adviser Peter Navarro blows off J6 court hearing to guest host for Steve Bannon
Keep fucking around and see.

'Hope Trump is paying attention': Experts draw parallels after high-profile defendant jailed
His disability won't help him.

Is Trump Following the Same Well-Worn Path Blazed by Past Terrorist Leaders?
No former president in American history has encouraged such violence or tried to inspire stochastic terrorism. Outside of the Confederacy, no politician has worked so hard to tear America apart.

Fani Willis 'has evidence to charge multiple' Trump allies with breaching voting machines: report
"A new report from The Guardian's Hugo Lowell claims that Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has enough "evidence to charge multiple" Trump allies with breaching voting machines in the state.
Two sources tell The Guardian that several of Trump's allies could get hit with felony computer trespass charges as soon as next week, although the list of charges and defendants has yet to be finalized."

House Democrats call on Clarence Thomas to resign over 'stunning' corruption
Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.), a member of the House Judiciary Committee, said in a statement that Thomas' "alleged actions are not just shocking, they are illegal."
"Disclosure laws like the ones Justice Thomas allegedly violated are meant to provide transparency and prevent corruption," Lieu added. "Justice Thomas' alleged actions don't just appear corrupt, they are corrupt because of the unprecedented scale of his ethical and legal violations. Justice Thomas has brought shame upon himself and eroded the credibility of the Supreme Court. Justice Thomas should resign immediately."
Let me guess. Here comes his "politcal lynching" defense again.

Ingraham Hints FBI Killed Extremist For Backing Trump
“It kind of amounts to a smear, implicit, at least, of millions of Americans who may have supported President Trump or other conservatives implying that they can’t be trusted or, I don’t know, is it when in doubt, shoot first, ask questions later?" — Laura Ingraham.
Then why haven't they killed you yet, Laura?

House Republicans Cite Noah’s Ark In Motion Backing Texas Using Circular Saws, Razor Wire On Rio Grande
Deep thinking by failed logic section of MAGAt brains.

Federal Judge Sides With DOJ On Protective Order And Says Trump’s Right To Free Speech Is “Not Absolute"
"The former president has a right to free speech, but that right is “not absolute,†the judge said at a hearing Friday. “Mr. Trump, like every American, has a First Amendment right to free speech, but that right is not absolute. In a criminal case such as this one, the defendant's free speech is subject to the rules," Chutkan said.

Republican coalition shrinks as suburbs, businesses flee
"Issue 1 would have raised the threshold for amending the state's constitution from a bare majority of voters to 60%. State Republican lawmakers sought to sneak it through in what they believed would be a sleepy August special election. Unfortunately for Republicans, they missed the memo that a group of high-turnout erstwhile GOP loyalists—suburban moms—are actually deeply committed to keeping abortion legal while many are also fleeing the Republican Party."

The TV streaming apps broke their promises, and now they’re jacking up prices
Shake down artists as we all know.

Inside One ‘Egregious’ Mistake From Trump’s Florida Judge Aileen Cannon
"Judge Aileen Cannon barely has any courtroom experience, but in her limited time on the bench she appears to have flouted hundreds of years of legal tradition—just because."

Robert Reich: Donald Trump and Ayn Rand
The idea of “the common good” was once widely understood and accepted in America. After all, the U.S. Constitution was designed for “We the people” seeking to “promote the general welfare” — not for “me the selfish jerk seeking as much wealth and power as possible.”

Leaked recording reveals Michigan Trump ally ranting about 'civil war' after fake elector wife is indicted
Stuff it where the sun don't shine.

GOPer accusing Biden of 'treason' say he’ll file impeachment resolution related to 'drugs an prostitution'
Mr. Steubid? ROTFLAMO!

Truth Social Tipped Off FBI To Threats By Man Killed In Shootout
"The social media company owned by Trump tipped off the FBI in March about threats made by a Utah man who was fatally shot Wednesday by FBI agents as they attempted to arrest him for threatening to kill President Joe Biden, NBC News reported.
Now who did you MAGAts say you wanted assassinated?

'Not a single peso from Mexico': Chris Christie taunts Trump fans for broken wall-building promise
"Trump did not finish building the border wall during his four years in office, let alone get the Mexican government to pay for any of it."
Another part of Trump's total failure.

'Abundant evidence' shows Trump engaged in insurrection and cannot hold office: conservative scholars
"Two conservative constitutional law professors have concluded that Donald Trump cannot be president again unless two-thirds of Congress votes to give him amnesty for leading an insurrection on Jan. 6, 2021."

Why the Justice Department must prosecute the lawyers who conspired with Donald Trump
The legal field is in need of serious redemption

Trumpers Threatening Violence And Civil War Over Indictments
More MAGAts are willing to sacrifice themselves on the foot of Trump's indictment altar. Good luck with that. Still they spew debunked conpiracy theories.
It will be America's pleasure to see them vanish.

Dennis Prager: What's Wrong With Masturbating To Child Porn?
This is the guy providing “educational resources” to Florida’s children.
"Apparently, a pedophiliac is A-OK at PragerU, so long as you’re a conservative."
This is the party that is led by Donald Trump. America, do what needs to be done with these toxic piles.

Jack Smith Proposes Lightning Fast Timeline For Trump's Jan 6 Trial
Jack Smith's office wants to get this trial started right at the beginning of January 2024, well before the election.
Trump's only hope is stalling it and rigging the election so he can pardon himself. But would he even have that power?

Feds indict white supremacist 'reverend' for threatening jurors in Pittsburgh synagogue shooter trial: report
Another witness intimidator faces justice.

News Corp To Lean On AI After Profits Plunge 75%
And it won't be any better than the trash they failed with.

Brett Favre Loses Appeal In Mississippi Welfare Lawsuit
Still getting sacked.

MAGA Sides With Deceased Man Who Wanted To Assassinate Biden
No one is surprised MAGAts support assassination. They really are spoiing for a reckoning. Fuck around and see what happens.

House Republicans invoke Bible defending Greg Abbott’s 'barbaric' razor wire and circular saw buoys
They have invoked the Bible’s Book of Genesis, including Noah’s Ark, to make their case.
From the Torah? A Jewish tome? Do they understand this?
"Democratic U.S. Rep. Joaquin Castro of Texas called the buoys 'barbaric,' and in video showed they are constructed of circular saw blades. In that video Congressman Castro also points to Governor Abbott’s razor wire fences."

Utah Mormon Leader Arrested On Child Sex Charges
Abuse and assault hold no "religious" bounds.

Feds Collar Fugitive WV Neo-Nazi After He Threatened Witnesses And Jurors In PA Synagogue Mass Shooting
Another Nazi nabbed.

Cops punch Black man and tear child from his arms after wrongly accusing him of hit-and-run: video
Hmmm. Guess they all look the same to cops. But what about that deadly possession of grass! OMG!
I guess that means kicking the shit out of him was fine. They got high on it later, I suppose.

Trump adviser accused of molesting women at Arizona nightclub: report
Like boss, like gopher.

Manchin Is “Thinking Seriously” About Ditching Dems
Coming out as a fascist pig? Nothing to see here.

Trump tried to steal Pennsylvania. Here's how we stop him from succeeding next time
"And if Donald Trump is the GOP nominee once more, there's every reason to think he'll try to steal Pennsylvania's electoral votes, just like he sought to do in 2020—and was just indicted for."

'We fear for their union': Dutch MEP blasts US gerontocracy — and warns 'Trump is a serious threat'
As stated here before, Trump is a cancer on the world.

Idaho loses its 'Teacher of the Year' after right-wing parents chase her out of state
Now they can shutup their complaining about "cancel culture."

Catholic school football coach threatened to call 911 on reporter investigating racist comments
Could he be a "pastor" on the side at Cardinal "Afred E."Newman High School in Santa Rosa?

'I believe he has gone mad!' Trump snaps at Biden in over-the-top Truth Social meltdown
So, Fatso's now projecting his own insanity? It's so over for him and his leeches.

'I won't be getting more quiet': Lauren Boebert fires back after Joe Biden slams her
Of course, sarcasm is a word she thinks means "snarkasm."
If we could only harness her eternal windbag think of the energy source we could enjoy.

‘Crook, plain and simple’: Bombshell Clarence Thomas ‘sugar daddies’ report leaves experts calling for his resignation
"ProPublica's latest report into Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas' lavish billionaire-funded lifestyle has again forced experts to allege he violated federal law as some call for the embattled jurist to resign or be impeached."

Matt Walsh Has Thoughts About Hummingbirds. They Are White Supremacist Thoughts
"Why is Matt Walsh trending today? Is it because he said something extremely creepy about children’s genitals as part of his anti-transgender crusade? It it something about those creepy groomer pervert babydolls he sells of himself?
Nah, he’s just being a mediocre white supremacist, bitching and crying about white people going 'extinct.' Because that’s a thing educated people who have actual skills and talents to contribute to the world bitch and cry about." "But yes, for mediocre white MAGA fascist Christian types whose existence is a net zero for American society, but who for mystifying reasons literally believe in their hearts that they are superior to other people, we understand that pretty much all their politics is rooted around their pant-shitting fears that nobody will be required to obey them ever again.
Has he even bothered to visit "Extinction Ranch"?

In federal trial, Galveston County challenged on efforts to undo Black and Latino voting power
"The coastal county faces a drawn-out trial over claims of intentional discrimination in its 2021 redistricting of commissioners court precincts. The only district in which Black and Latino voters could meaningfully influence elections was dismantled."
And the racist on and here comes Abbott up the back stretch.

Texas state troopers are routinely stopping motorists of color in Austin, data shows
Troopers moving up the inside.

How Many Indictments Will It Be, DA Fani Willis? MORE THAN A DOZEN? Trump Must Be Terrified
"A storm is raging as we type this, and if you’re also in the southern United States, that might be true for you when you read this. Which seems appropriate, as, for the moment at least, this internet website seems to have become the Countdown To Fani Willis Flying Out Of The Sky At Donald Trump Like Landshark And BITE HIM internet website."
When are the indictments coming, DA Willis? Next week, probably.

DeSantis Cites 9/11 In Ad Boasting Of His Naval Service
DeSantis needs to read "Better Lying For Political Scamming."

Ohio Yanks License From “Vax Magnetizes You” Doc
"Tenpenny has been a star at many QAnon conferences and was hosted by Robert Kennedy Jr. at an anti-vax event in June 2023. She has probably made millions selling her $623 anti-vax “boot camp.”

GOP congressional candidate 'wildly plagiarized' and 'entirely made up' portions of his honors thesis: report
"Florida Politics reports Sabatini “ has run on a far-right platform, associating himself with figures like former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.”
Just as the rest of the Nazis have done.

Judges may 'have no choice' but to jail Trump if he keeps up attacks: legal expert
Wow! Ya think?
"Now, we're into this situation where a person with lifetime Secret Service protection, can they be jailed? How will the Secret Service react? How will the marshals react."
Simple: Remove his protection. He forfeits it.

Marge Greene's New Boyfriend Threatens 'Full Scale Riot' In 2024
A TV host who is dating Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) predicted a "full-scale riot" during the counting of votes in 2024 if it looks like a repeat of the 2020 presidential election, which Donald Trump lost.
There is a solution for this know-nothing's little coup.

Don't be fooled by the spin: Republicans are banning courses and harassing teachers out of their job
The confusion is the point: Educators can't figure out what's allowed, and are forced to give up teaching entirely Patriot Front members buried over lawsuit complaint they lost their jobs after their identities were exposed
"As the editors wrote, the five who are suing are experiencing the consequences of their actions that they know are so reprehensible that they choose to wear masks when they appear in public."
Same people that refused masking to prevent Covid?

Trump is 'a serious threat' to American unity on par with the Confederacy: European lawmaker
Traitor for sure. More like Jim Jones. There's always the Kool-Aid.

Philly Archdiocese Settles Child Rape Suit For $3.5M
A BIG dust bite! Good thing they weren't selling pizza.

Jack Smith Got A Secret Search Warrant For Trump’s Twitter Account
According to a newly unsealed court filing, special counsel Jack Smith's office secured a search warrant for the thrice-indicted former president's Twitter account, @realDonaldTrump. The search wasn't known, and Twitter was barred from telling Lumpy anything about it. Do you know how conservatives always falsely say Big Tech is biased against the right? Welp, Twitter was fined $350,000 because it failed to comply with the records sought under the search warrant.
Keep fucking around and find out.

FBI neutralizes Utah man who allegedly called for 'presidential assassination' ahead of Biden visit
FBI agents on Wednesday shot and killed a Utah man they were investigating for allegedly making death threats against President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris just hours before the President is scheduled to arrive in Salt Lake City for his first presidential trip to the Beehive State. According to court documents the man was seen wearing a “hat bearing the word ‘TRUMP’ on the front.”
I guess the Nazis will be pissed about that.

FBI agents shoot, kill Provo suspect connected to Biden threats
"Documents filed in U.S. District Court on Tuesday allege Robertson threatened to "inflict bodily harm" on Biden during his visit to Utah in a social media message sent on or about Aug. 7."
"In March, Robertson had also claimed he was heading to New York to kill New York County District Attorney Alvin Bragg, who was overseeing the criminal investigation into former President Donald Trump."
He fucked around and found out.

'Nothing more important': Advocates say Biden 'practically' declaring climate emergency 'not enough'
"There's nothing more important than what happens today," said one environmental lawyer. "And there's no person in the world with more power to do good than Joe Biden."
In an interview with The Weather Channel Wednesday, U.S. President Joe Biden signaled he has no plans to formally declare a climate emergency, claiming that his climate policies are sufficient and that, "practically speaking," a national emergency has already been declared.
When asked if he will take the unprecedented step in order to unlock executive powers to drastically cut fossil fuel emissions, Biden told correspondent Stephanie Abrams, "I've already done that."

'More equal': Journalist explains how Trump pal Leo 'manipulates' free speech to 'set himself up as the victim'
How the lame work the victim card.

Trump-Appointed Judge Orders Airline Lawyers to Take “Religious Liberty” Course
We all know what that means. Christofascism will become our law and all other religions will be rendered extinct.
Talk about a chickenshit move this one is totally shameless and probably unconstitutional.

More People Die Young in US Due to Health Care and Welfare Cuts, Study Finds
"From 1930 through the middle of the last century, the mortality rate in the United States was lower or commensurate with the mortality rates of other wealthy nations, such as Canada, France and Britain. However, in the late 1970s through the 1980s, U.S. health outcomes and mortality rates began to diverge from those of its peers."
If we can't indoctrinate them to Nazi thinking, kill them off!

Guess Donald Trump Is Full-On Panicking About Fani Willis Now
"Truly Donald Trump is losing his mind, truly he can feel the walls closing in on him, and clearly he knows the fourth indictment — or numbers 79 to infinity and beyond, if you’re counting by charges — is likely coming very, very soon.
So he’s lashing out, with conspiracy theories he’s decoded from the smells of his own farts, and with pure, unbridled fear, the kind that might yet end up being a more efficient source of energy than those windmills Trump hates so much. Science should do some experiments on that."

How Can We Ban Trump & His Cultists from Public Office?
Trump cultists are already calling for death to people who oppose his efforts to capture the White House in 2024: It’s time for the 14th Amendment.
Indeed, stopped by any means necessary.

If This Ain't a Mess, It'll Do Until the Real Mess Shows Up

The Small Town That's Connecting America.
Hickory, North Carolina, is home to nearly half of the country’s fiber-optic cable production, which is growing because of the Biden infrastructure law.

Why Should CEOs Make 300 Times What Their Workers Make?
Today on TAP: The UAW is asking the Big Three automakers to raise wages by the same percentage that their CEOs’ pay has risen.

Pastor alarmed after Trump-loving congregants deride Jesus' teachings as 'weak'
And he's even depicted here as a young, handsome white man (no, not the guy on the right). Just what do these alien beings want from earth?

WHO tracking new EG.5 coronavirus variant spreading in U.K. and U.S.
And you thought this was over?

'There is no Republican Party': Conservative judge warns Trump's MAGA movement has America 'in grave peril'
How did the Republcan Party become the new Nazi Party? Obedience to a fraud named Fatso.

Judge Aileen Cannon bars media from using courtroom electronics in Trump documents case
How does a person as shallow as her get to the bench? Grift for Fatso!

'These are blowouts!' Steve Bannon panics over anti-abortion movement's string of losses
You're next, shitpile.

House Dems 'sharpening their knives' as GOP threatens government shut down over abortion pill
Tell these Nazis to take gas.

‘Fascist’ and ‘tyrant’ DeSantis under fire after removing another black elected Democratic state attorney
It's time for the host to remove this virus that is infecting us.

Who is sneaking fentanyl across the southern border? Hint: it's not the migrants
The couriers and the mules, dearie. Some of them are desperate for the money, some are addicts themselves.

Trump blows off deadline set by judge in Jan. 6 case
Fuck around and find out, Fatso.

Not just Trump: The Ohio abortion vote exposes the bitterness fueling the GOP war on democracy
Republicans want to impose their policies on unwilling voters, just like they'll force childbirth on women

'Keep removing them': Arkansas GOP rep’s wife shredded for 'swapping' library books with Bibles
What about other fairy tale books?
"Christian values"? You mean like the ones that are actively molesting our children?
"Christians" are just mean.

Kentucky Youth Pastor Arrested On Child Sex Charges
Oh, dear. Another one bites the dust. Did he get his bible from the Arkansas jerk?
It's what Jesus would want.

Trump Says He Will Defy Judge's Orders: 'I Will Talk About It!'
This isn't going to go down well.
A glutton for punishment.

Trump Says He'd Prefer To Live In The South Of France
Don't let the door hit ya!

Morning Digest: Collapse of Ohio's Issue 1 opens door wide for abortion rights
The fascists will still try to revoke it. Democracy is dead in Ohio.

Voldemort Sues Target For Selling Pride Merchandise
Sue him for impersonating a human.

Ted Cruz Implores CNN To Move Out Of The U.S. After Reporting On Family Moving to Italy
And Cruz should move back to the place in hell he came from.

'Just absurd': Shakespeare is latest casualty of Florida’s book ban law
"The Tampa Bay Times reported Monday that schools in the state’s Hillsborough County will allow only excerpts of William Shakespeare’s works to be studied."
Then study this one:
"I have of late, wherefore I know not, lost all of my mirth. And indeed, it goes so heavily with my disposition that this goodly frame the Earth seems to me a sterile promontory. This most excellent canopy, the air, look you, this brave o'er-hanging firmament, this majestical roof fretted with golden fire. Why, it appeareth nothing to me but a foul and pestilent congregation of vapors. What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason! How infinite in faculties! How like an angel in apprehension, how like a God! The beauty of the world, paragon of animals! And yet to me, what is this quintessence of dust? Man delights not me: no, nor women neither. Nor women neither..." — Hamlet, William Shakespeare.
Florida consists of illiterate fools, DeSantis being the biggest and fattest.

Who Is This Little Boy Saying Mike Pence Will Be Trump’s Star Witness?
"Again, it was no dumber than anything Trump’s current crop of lawyers have been saying. Trump’s lawyers are always the remainders bin of the legal profession, and right now is no different. The current crop has been fucking up so hard — John Lauro on literally every Sunday show this weekend, anyone? — so we just figured there might be some resignations coming from Trump’s legal team, like there usually are, and maybe the temp agency had gone ahead and dispensed a new Trump lawyer in the meantime, just in case."
"Remember Trump’s bonkers LOL-suit RICO case against Hillary Clinton, which got dropkicked out of court, and for which he and his other lawyer Alina Habba got sanctioned to the tune of $1 million? Binnall represented Trump and Habba in appealing that."

'It's like crack': George Conway laments Trump supporters are 'addicted to lies'
That's more than obvious.

How Social Media Apps Could Be Fueling Homicides Among Young Americans
"Violence prevention workers described feuds that started on Instagram, Snapchat and other platforms and erupted into real life with terrifying speed. 'When I was young and I would get into an argument with somebody at school, the only people who knew about it were me and the people at school,' said James Timpson, a violence prevention worker in Baltimore. 'Not right now. Five hundred people know about it before you even leave school. And then you got this big war going on.'"

Tommy Tuberville Proclaims Ukraine ‘Can’t Win’ Over Russia: ‘It’s a Junior High Team Playing a College Team’
Tommy's just pissed that his Russian team can't score well against his team's opponent, Ukraine.

‘My Blood Ran Cold’: Ex-Trump Official Horrified By ‘Criminal Plot’ to Have Military ‘Turn Their Guns on Civilians to Facilitate a Losing Candidate’
Trump is a terribly disgusting fascist.

Frank Luntz Bashes Trump for Leading His GOP Followers to Be ‘Pro-Putin’: ‘This is Not the Party That I Joined 40 Years Ago’
Hell, no. It's the new Nazi Party now.

Texas Judge: Airline Must Take Training By Hate Group
Now Texas is teaching "Xianist" hate. They are good at it, for sure.

Christian School Principal Gets 12 Years For Child Sex
"Former First Baptist Church of Danville School Principal and Church Deacon Robert Lazzell has been sentenced to 12 years in prison after pleading guilty to Criminal Sexual Assault against former student Michael Young."
Another one bites the dust. Must have been a drag queen on the side?

REPORT: New Orleans Archbishop Shielded Abusers
"A board which helps the Roman Catholic archbishop of New Orleans, Gregory Aymond, evaluate abuse allegations against priests and deacons in six cases found clergymen to be credibly accused only for Aymond to ignore the findings and conceal them from the public, a Guardian investigation has found."
Must be drag queens disguised as clerics? LMAO!

Ari Melber Throws Down With Trump Co-Conspirator's Lawyer Over 'Very Easy Question'
John Eastman's attorney wouldn't give a straight answer to the MSNBC host's first question.
Not the brightest bulb available.

Just when you thought Florida's educational system couldn't get any worse ...
"Dennis Prager, a founder of PragerU, told Moms for Liberty, “I really wanted to hear what evidence do you have that I am despicable? And all I heard was, ‘Well, because you indoctrinate kids.’ Which is true. We bring doctrines to children. That is a very fair statement. I said, ‘But what is the bad of our indoctrination?’”

Explanation from Wikipedia: "The precise boundary between education and indoctrination often lies in the eye of the beholder. Some distinguish indoctrination from education on the basis that the indoctrinated person is expected not to question or critically examine the doctrine they have learned. As such the term may be used pejoratively or as a buzz word, often in the context of political opinions, theology, religious dogma or anti-religious convictions. The word itself came about in its first form in the 1620s as endoctrinate, meaning to teach or to instruct, and was modeled from French or Latin. The word only gained the meaning of imbuing with an idea or opinion in the 1830s."
The BAD Prager, bad!

PragerU Videos Compare Climate Activists To Nazis
"Climate activists are like Nazis. Wind and solar power pollute the Earth and make life miserable. Recent global and local heat records reflect natural temperature cycles. These are some of the themes of children’s videos produced by an influential conservative advocacy group."
"School children in Florida could soon learn that climate activists are like Nazis, that renewable energy pollutes and that global warming is not a serious threat thanks to the approval of PragerU materials for the classroom."

Republican candidates of color pretend the party doesn't embrace racism
"We're now at the stage of the presidential election cycle where the media gently attempts to probe the question of why nonwhite Republican politicians support Republicanism despite, you know, the party being a toxic sludge of racism and white supremacy with "tax cuts for rich people" tossed in there to give rich people a reason to keep shoveling money into Republican coffers."

Scarborough: Why Are Trump Supporters Willing To Destroy Democracy?
"Let's say the same thing about my brothers and sisters that i grew up with in the evangelical church. They are now fiercely fighting for and backing a rapist according to a judge who said by the common definition of the term, Donald Trump raped E. Jean Carroll. That's in the court of law. That's not in -- again, the pages of some left-wing journal. And these are the same people who all collapse on their fainting couch because Bill Clinton had a relationship with an intern back when he was in the White House and said he was unfit to be president of the United States."
A seriously delusional pattern.

'Everything will get worse': Former Republican predicts dire future for GOP
Failed fascism. This always happens.
"...conservatives were willing to follow Donald Trump all the way to rock bottom."

Christie: I Think Meadows Is A “Cooperating Witness”
"Many have speculated that Mark Meadows has cooperated with prosecutors, with some pointing to the fact that Meadows – who was a key figure in Trump’s inner circle after the election – is largely absent from the indictment. Appearing on Monday’s AC360 on CNN, Christie was asked if he thinks Meadows will be called to testify as a government witness."

'It’s also a coup': Legal experts blast Fox News host for claiming Trump’s actions were 'not a crime'
“Hatching schemes to stay in office after you know you lost the election for that office is, in fact, a crime. And when it’s the presidency, it’s also a coup d’etat,” Luppen said on social media.

Christie: 'We Have A Frontrunner Out On Bail In Three Jurisdictions'
"When you're let out ... there are restrictions placed on you for you to stay out. And one of the restrictions that was placed on him was no contact or intimidation of potential witnesses," the former prosecutor said.

Kayleigh McEnany claims she 'watched' Devon Archer’s non-public closed door testimony and 'learned a lot'
Lying like a rug is these asshats stock in trade. That anyone would believe them says a lot about that person.
That poor little girl.

Judge Eileen Cannon May Have Just Made A Fatal Error
It is clear that Judge Cannon is an unpaid member of the Trump defense team.
Another Trump crook.

Former Georgia Lt Gov Subpoenaed In Trump Probe
"Former Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan has received a subpoena to testify as a witness before a Fulton County grand jury that could deliver indictments against former President Donald Trump and his allies this month."

"Anti-woke" darling Richard Hanania is exposed: What this says about the "intellectual" right
While Trump feeds red meat to the base, the alt-right grifts educated conservatives with "respectability" packaging

The Grace of the American Republic: Looking Forward To the Appropriate Catastrophe
"In his latest encounter with reality - SAD! - America's disgraced, lying, multiple-indicted "perpetual defendant" was charged in a 4th jurisdiction with a 4th grievous crime of trying to overthrow democracy. Astoundingly, he's still whining and criming: Sack the judge, move the trial, attack the four prosecutors (coincidentally, 3 of them black) doing their jobs. But belated accountability looms. Former Capitol cop Mike Fanone: “Donald Trump spent his entire lifetime fucking around and he’s about to find out."

New Judge Cannon order opens door for DOJ to ask for her Trump case removal: legal experts
Show her the door and tell her to never come back.

'The motion for recusal stage': Cannon blasted after she 'comes out swinging at' Jack Smith
This is not the brightest judge in the bench package. But look who appointed her.

Alina Habba Says Trump Will Spend His 'Own Money' If He Has To
That'll be the day.

PragerU’s Columbus To Teach Florida Kids That Slavery Wasn’t So Bad: “It’s Better Than Being Killed”
Sam Phillips once said the same thing about Bill Monroe's remark to him about Elvis's version of "Blue Moon of Kentucky."
Only he said, "It's better than getting your throat slit."
In the case of slavery it might only be a matter of time until you WERE killed because they owned your life as well as your body.

DeSantis Reaffirms Support For Racist Slavery Lessons
Potential slave driver knows just how to keep his Negros happy in the Land of the Happy Negro!

Judge Dismisses Trump’s Suit Against E. Jean Carroll
Of course. He's nothing but a loser.

Workers forced by employer to attend 'cult-like' prayer gatherings awarded $50K in lawsuit
A victory over abusive superstition at last. They are all cults.

Florida Church Deacon Arrested On Child Sex Charges
Another one bites the dust.

Cops: Florida Pastor Ran Massive Home Depot Theft Ring, Sold The Goods Online As “Anointed Liquidators"
A "holy" trio bites the dust.
"Authorities say Robert Dell, the founder of The Rock Church and runs a halfway house for people recovering from drug addiction, is accused of working with four accomplices to shoplift branded products from Home Depot stores throughout Citrus, Hillsborough, Manatee, Pasco, Pinellas, Polk and Sarasota Counties and sell the stolen items online through an eBay store called "Anointed Liquidators."
ROTFLMAO! Common grifters.

'It’s also a coup': Legal experts blast Fox News host for claiming Trump’s actions were 'not a crime'
A Fox News daytime anchor is under fire for defending Donald Trump by declaring his allegedly illegal efforts to stay in office are not crimes. One legal expert says not only is what he did a crime, it was a coup.
Yet one more defective brain that can't grasp the difference between lying about something and then acting on it.
“Why bother having an election? I think @JulieBanderas just came out in favor of allowing Joe Biden to declare himself the victor in 2024. Like, right now. Before any votes were cast.”
Get it now, Dumbo?

Patriot Front sues left-wing activist who infiltrated the hate group and named members
"Patriot Front" my ass. What were they hiding from?

Wow, Trump’s Legal Fees Are Enormous. They’re Only Going to Get Worse.
May he spend himself and his traitor companions to prison.

Buybacks Are Down, Production Is Up
Bidenomics has begun to de-financialize the economy.
"I don’t mean to overstate this. The forces that elevated finance over production, and shareholders over workers, still remain dominant, to the ongoing detriment of the common good. But in a way that’s largely unappreciated, Bidenomics has tilted American capitalism more toward production and workers than it’s been, at least since Ronald Reagan became president. That’s no small thing."
Biden is a heroic force for America.

Biden Admin to Restore Labor Rule Gutted in 1980s
The Department of Labor plans to reverse the neoliberal-era gutting of a law that stopped contractors from bidding down wages in federal procurement.
Atta go, Joe.

Eagle Pass residents sour on Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s Operation Lone Star
After initially supporting the governor’s efforts to stem illegal immigration, many residents say Operation Lone Star has gone too far.
Give them an inch, they take your rights.

Post-“Roe,” It’s More Important Than Ever We Still Fight for Procedural Abortion
It’s been more than a year since Roe v. Wade was overturned. More than 20 states have banned abortion at some early stage, most with total bans in effect. For pregnant people across vast swaths of the South and Midwest, accessing a safe, legal abortion has never been harder.
All because of the idiot SCOTUS monster and his legion of alien creations.

Detroit Facial Recognition Software Results in Wrongful Arrest of Pregnant Woman
Recent reports have revealed that the Detroit Police Department wrongly arrested a pregnant Black woman for a crime she did not commit after she was misidentified by the city’s facial recognition software. The woman, Porcha Woodruff, was arrested at her house in February and held for 11 hours at the Detroit Detention Center, during which time she had contractions.
AI? It NEVER lies. /s

DeJoy’s 10-Year Plan Could Gut USPS. He Doesn’t Want You to Know the Details
Why is this reprobate still at large?

North Korean News Lady Jesse Watters. That’s It, That’s The Headline.
"We’ve been making fun of Fox News’s Jesse Watters ever since his lord and savior and true father Donald Trump, the best-quality man Jesse could ever aspire to be, was arrested and arraigned for the one millionth time.
Jesse is taking it hard, and he really comes off as one of the ones who actually believes the things he’s saying in his heart. He doesn’t appear to be like a lot of the Fox News anchors who are almost certainly just parroting Trump’s bullshit for ratings, just like they spread Trump’s lies about a stolen election and Dominion Voting Systems even though they knew they were lies.
What can you expect from trash but trash.

Does Trump Want To Live In Jail Until His Trial?
Since we last left Donald Trump he has been just begging the judge to give him another hard dose of Fuck Around And Find Out.
How about the rest of his useless life?

'Retire!' Mitch McConnell loudly booed and heckled at event in his home state
Land of the Happy Negro traitors are soooooo mad Mitch didn't back the Trump treason.

Fox News host challenges Trump attorney on Fani Willis: 'Are you referring to her as corrupt?
"They're backed by [George] Soros."
What will these retards do when George Soros is dead? Dig his decaying carcass up and still blame him for all their own crimes?

How Republicans are trying to make sure abortion isn’t directly on the ballot
Then let's make sure none of them are on the ballot. Vote suppressors do not deserve to govern at any level.

Two Buildings Collapse In Juneau In Flood From Glacial Melt
By all means we should destroy climate progress. /s

GOP Plans To Destroy Climate Progress If They Win In 2024
May they be the first to be eliminated from the planet.

Trump reminisces about 'beautiful, nice, wonderful suds' and recalls nixing water efficiency standards
Babbling, confused, addled, insane man rambles in public.

'Extremely bad omen' for Trump in Jan. 6 case dropped this weekend: former Watergate lawyer
Even his lifeboat is sinking now.

'Start the clock': Mehdi Hasan itemizes Trump’s 'list of firsts that no one should want'
And his scumbags say he did nothing wrong. May they all get slow stomach cancer.

Trump Fan Who Threatened Poll Workers And Officials Sent To Prison
He even advocated for killing their children.
Thus it should be with all Trump Nazis.

Raskin Takes Apart Trump Lawyer John Lauro's 'Deranged' Argument
Rep. Jamie Raskin: "A technical violation of the Constitution is a violation of the Constitution."
Lauro's brain came out of an "Abbie Normal" jar.

Trump Lawyer: He’ll Never Take January 6 Plea Deal
Has anyone ever seen this guy's credentials? He's actually a lawyer?

Trump Blames Biden For Loss Of “Woke” Soccer Team
Gasbag is a traitor to his own team. He's a walking turd.

Holocaust scholars explain why Trump has ramped up his Nazi-style rhetoric: "Words can kill"
"Preserving democracy requires unmasking and countering these deceptions"

BUT THE SHAME OF IT is that his demential is so far advanced that he’ll never notice it:
"Notice the alertness in piece-o-shit Trump’s eyes in this photograph:"

'Did you see what happened on Jan. 6?' CNN's Bash stunned by Trump lawyer's baffling claim about 2020 election aftermath
Fatso is scraping the bottom of the "lawyer barrel."

'This is insane!' Fox News host flips out over blackout of Trump's post-indictment spin
Yes. Fatso is insane. 'That is deranged!' Jamie Raskin blows up GOP's 'three-card monte' defense of Trump
That's Fatso and his Legion of Doom.

Florida Backs Down On AP Psychology Course Ban
Finally, they see that what they are doing with these insane ideas.

Ocean Hits Highest Recorded Temperature, Still Rising
"As the BBC reports, new data from European Union climate change authority Copernicus shows that our oceans, at a staggering average of near-70 degrees Fahrenheit, have officially broken all previous heat records. And unfortunately, according to the sobering report, scientists are only expecting those temperatures to keep rising — likely spelling dire consequences for the marine plants and animals that call the briny deep their home."

Trump Goes Off Over Pelosi Saying He Looked Like 'A Scared Puppy'
"So, Trump, a 77-year-old man, admits that he's only lashing out at Pelosi because she said he looked scared. And honestly, Pelosi's remarks made the thin-skinned one-term President look human. She wasn't vicious. I swear, sometimes I think he will go for the insanity defense."
Insanity is the only thing that could save him.

'Simply deranged': MTG lambasted for claiming 'Biden administration is a communist regime'
Has this woman ever cracked open a book in her life? I wonder if she is literate let alone sane.

Mike Pence: I’ll Testify In Trump’s Trial If I Get Called
He's been kicked around by Trump idiots once too often.

Christian Site: Taylor Swift Is Helping Unleash Demons
"Xianists" are the demons.
Attacking a woman that puts them to shame.

Questions Arise Over Clarence Thomas’s $267,000 RV
Grifting and grinning. Anita Hill was right.

"Larger than life, but still true": Where Pee-wee Herman fits in the history of American clowns
Following in the footsteps of Chaplin, Skelton and Radner, Paul Reubens created a modern, classic clown
Trump tried to do this too.

'Weird switch': Ex-GOP lawmaker says Tuberville stunt shows Republicans no longer pro-military
They are no longer pro-American.

Texas A&M leaders’ text messages reveal desire to counteract perceived liberal agenda in higher education
Adolf & Mussolini?

Trump: “Most Republicans Look Like Weak Jerks Now”
Easy to understand when they have a jerk like him claiming to be their leader. ROTFLMAO!

CNN’s Daniel Dale Knocks Down Staggering 21 Lies From Trump Indictment In Epic Fact-Check
Oh, please! That's all he could find? Must be at least 100 more!

'No wonder Trump is kicking his ass': Newsom camp hits DeSantis on debate proposal
“What a joke,” Newsom spokesperson Nathan Click said in a statement. “Desantis’ counterproposal is littered with crutches to hide his insecurity and ineptitude — swapping opening statements with a hype video, cutting down the time he needs to be on stage, adding cheat notes and a cheering section.”
“Ron should be able to stand on his own two feet,” he added. “It’s no wonder Trump is kicking his ass.”

'Donald J. Trump poses a significant threat to homeland security': national security expert
He's a total threat to the U.S.

Trump has 'met his match' after judge slams him with a Monday deadline: ex-prosecutor
She'll have his tiny balls in a vise.

Republicans Continue Their Shocking "Class Warfare" Against Workers
They consider them all slaves now. They make no pretense at hiding their fascism.

Trump’s Jan. 6 Defense Strategy: “Flood the Zone With Shit”
Easy for Fatso. All he has to do is walk into the zone and its flooded with shit.

Streets Near Atlanta Courthouse To Shut Down As 4th Trump Indictment Looms
It's like the Scopes trial in the Land of the Happy Negro.

Republicans Are Making It Harder to Pass Citizen-Led Ballot Measures on Abortion
The danger of religious zealots. Tell them all to fuck off.

Trump will be found guilty in all three criminal cases he is now facing: ex-Trump attorney
Good. It is imperative to eliminate his cancer from society.

How to 'reverse the spread of extremist narratives' pushing global 'conspiracy thinking': author
Tell them to drink the Kool-Aid? Wooden stakes through their hearts? Frontal lobotomies?

Trump should be detained pre-trial due to latest threats: experts
“If as the judge has admonished, a president is not a king, the odds are pretty significant of Trump facing a pretrial detention moment based on his inevitable violation of the conditions of his current freedom,” Jolly wrote.
Detained for the rest of his days.

Jack Smith seeks protective order citing Trump's threat on Truth Social
Lock the stooge up.

GOP Reacts To Trump's Indictment And It’s Not Pretty
The Lincoln Project gives us a fabulous montage of GOP reactions to Trump's 3rd indictment Not pretty? Is cancer pretty? They all say the same thing, "I am a fucking stupid idiot."

Watters: An Attack On Trump Is An Attack On America
How novel. What Nazi scumbag wrote this for the automaton Watters?
His Nazi boss cares for no one but his own sorry ass. Watters is a pawn in his game of treason.

YouTuber Sparks Mayhem In Manhattan’s Union Square
Perfect example of the mental illness that is sweeping America.
So many incels.

You can’t make this up: Trump as a fictional character
A novelist looks at Trump as a fictional character
Except he's as real as cancer and heart disease.
There's a cure for this Trump disease, however, if we just have the guts to use it.

'Deadly risks': Trump's latest Truth Social threat raises red flags for legal experts
Clearly a violation by Trump, stated like a mob boss. Lock him up until his trial.
"Not addressing this will only cause it to metastasize with undue deadly risks."

Republicans Keep Being Charged for Meddling With Voting Equipment
And there was no pilfering with our right to vote? They should all be jailed right along with their mob leader.

Vivek Ramaswamy Can’t Say If He Would Have Certified Election On Jan. 6th Like Pence
Well, we can't say you won't be flushed like a turd down the toilet.

Charlotte Youth Pastor Arrested On Child Sex Charges
Another one bites the dust.
Any of you "Xianists" see a pattern here? Of course you don't. You want to project your dysfuntion onto drag queens.

Idaho Youth Pastor Arrested On Child Sex Charges
Another one bites the dust.

Florida students can't take AP Psychology thanks to DeSantis' anti-LGBTQ+ crusade
He should be recalled and replaced.

Newsmax Host Goes Full Potato Over 2020 Election Results
Fake newsmen spread their fake news.

Kari Lake Wants Trump Reinstated 1004 Days After The Election
And, as we know, people in hell want ice water. Also too in Texas.

Aileen Cannon made 'multiple errors' in June trial — including one that 'could have invalidated' the case
Are we sure this person has a law degree or is she some election quid pro quo that was in error?

McConnell’s health fuels talk of possible replacement as GOP senator notes he’s 'totally paralyzed sometimes'

'Careers and lives are now in limbo' after Marine Corps and Army left without leadership: report
Just another traitor sucking cash from our country while abusing our troops.

'Unconstitutionally vague' Texas drag ban challenged by ACLU
Texas can be a drag, alright.

'No proof': Fact-check reporter thoroughly debunks Trump defenders’ Jan. 6 indictment claims
Whiny "victims" whine but do nothing but claim bullshit.

Repub Stupidity Open Thread: Senator ‘Coach’ Tuberville F*cks Around, Finds Out
"Good for VoteVets!"

Trump's Defense Attorney Told Laura Ingraham Trump Did It
In what Lawrence O'Donnell called a "shockingly incompetent slip," Trump criminal defense lawyer John Lauro, in his first interview after Trump pleaded not guilty to conspiring to trying to get Mike Pence to break the law, said this.
LAURO: "Professor Eastman laid out a series of options that we discussed with Vice President Pence. Vice President Pence disagreed on certain issues but ultimately what President Trump said is, let's go with option the, let's just halt, let's just pause the voting to allow the state legislatures to take one last look and make a determination as to whether the elections were handled fairly."
Everyone knows Trump is guilty. The evidence is overwhelming against him.

House Dems Argue That Trump Trial Should Be Televised
It must be televised for the sake of our history. There should be no argument!

Trump 'Irked' That Arraignment Judge Didn't Call Him Mr. President
You mean she didn't call him "Mr. Shithole"?

MI Youth Pastor Gets 25-40 Years On Child Sex Charges
Big bite of dust but he'll live to abuse kids again.
The real "groomers" of our children.

35-year-old former church youth leader charged with sexually assaulting child
"Channel 9 learned Justice was a youth leader at New Life Family Worship Center in Kings Mountain. The church said Justice stepped down from her role as youth leather days before her arrest."
One of Prager's grifters by any chance? It's more than evident these "Xianists" are more dangerous to our children than any drag queen.

Prager: Dems Are Bringing Us To “Brink Of Civil War”
You certainly don't want to blame yourself, do you flim-flammer?
"What does lying mean?" Anything you say, con boy, as the garbage all runs out of your mouth.

History Must Record Trump's Plan for a Nationwide "Kent State" Massacre
The bottom line here is that Trump and his co-conspirators were not only willing but planning to recreate Reagan’s and Nixon’s Kent State slaughter on a nationwide basis.

Some child care providers expect to shutter after Texas lawmakers leave $2.3 billion proposal off final budget
But, hey! They got the river all blocked up so maybe all crossing with just be killed.
Totally backward.

DeSantis Says He Will “Start Slitting Throats on Day One” as President
Of what country?

Jim Jordan Says Indictin' Trump Done UPSET THE HILLBILLIES
"According to the new Reuters/Ipsos poll, fully 45 percent of Republicans will not vote for Trump if he is convicted. Take that as you will! Additionally, were he to be in prison, 52 percent of Republicans say they wouldn’t vote for him. Only 28 percent for definite would."
"Jim Jordan’s gut is dumb. There is absolutely no reason to believe that Trump, the most loathed and mocked man on planet Earth, has some kind of hidden groundswell of support that’s not reflected in the polls when that genius theory hasn’t been borne out in any other damn election."

LIVE: America Makes Self Great Again, Begins Holding Donald Trump Accountable For Crimes Against Republic
"Today is a day for somber reflection on how America ever got to the point that we must indict and arraign a former president for trying to literally overthrow the government.
LMAO just kiddin’, we should have buried Richard Nixon under the jail back in 1974. Maybe if we had, Republicans wouldn’t feel so free to be be such fucking goddamned traitors now.
'Blah blah blah,' you will hear pundits saying with their idiot mouths, 'Crossing the Rubicon, doy doy doy doy doy.' Nope. Shut up. This is literally America’s chance to actually prove that we are still a country that can handle its shit.
If we cannot do this, if we cannot give a man who literally tried to destroy the Republic and conspired to steal the votes of the giant majority of Americans who voted against him the consequences he deserves, then we are far further gone than we knew."

2 Dead Bodies Found Stuck to Buoys Texas Officials Were Ordered to Take Down
"The Mexican government has reported that officials found two dead bodies stuck to buoys — installed by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) to make it more dangerous for asylum seekers to cross the southern border into the U.S. — which the Biden administration ordered to be taken down last month."
More blood on Abbott's hands.

Sanders: It’s Time for DOJ to Treat Fossil Fuel Giants Like the Liars They Are
"As temperatures reach over 100 degrees in South America in the middle of winter, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) is calling for federal officials to finally take the fossil fuel industry’s long-standing lies about the climate crisis seriously and prosecute the industry the same way the Justice Department prosecuted Big Tobacco decades ago. In an op-ed published by MSNBC on Thursday...

19 Attorney Generals Challenge Idaho’s Dangerous “Abortion Trafficking” Law
"A coalition of attorney generals from nearly twenty states, led by Attorney General Bob Ferguson (D-Washington), filed a friend-of-the-court brief in support of several abortion rights organizations that are suing Idaho for its implementation of the country’s first “abortion trafficking” law. Idaho has had an abortion ban in place since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade last summer."

'I'm having a cocktail': Reactions pour in as Trump is arraigned
Michael Steele, a former Republican National Committee chair and harsh critic of the current GOP, had some blunt words. "Republicans, as you watch the man you tout as better than John McCain, more successful than Reagan and stronger than Lincoln get processed for the 3rd time, perhaps now you agree Donald Trump must immediately suspend his campaign and Republicans must choose a better leader."

History must record Trump's plan for a nationwide 'Kent State' massacre
"Although it’s generally only mentioned in passing in the mainstream media, there are two particularly chilling passages in Jack Smith’s indictment of Trump.
Both, to my mind, invoke Kent State, but on a much larger scale."

'He knows deep down that he's full of it': Columnist warns Trump that acting like a '7-year-old' won't work with a judge
"Donald Trump has mostly escaped consequences from a lifetime’s worth of falsehoods, but the former president could soon face a reckoning, a columnist writes."

Trump speaks after Jan. 6 arraignment: 'This is a very sad day for America'
"And just exactly who is responsible for that, Don, the Con?"

Black football players at Northwestern forced into watermelon-eating contests: suit
"The lawsuits reportedly further state that, "This behavior is especially despicable coming from a coach who recruited kids and teenagers out of their homes and living rooms, promising parents that their children, many of whom would be leaving home for the first time, were going to be taken care of while at Northwestern."
Northwestern may be where all the eggheads go but the football program recruited all the would-be racist dumb-butts. Great Googa-Mooga!

Florida Bans AP Psychology Because “Don’t Say Gay”
Florida bans because DipShit is a crude and ignorant fool.

Florida Baptist Pastor Arrested On Child Sex Charges
Another one bites the dust.

Fox Host Claims “Lock Her Up” Chants Were “Sarcastic”
Then what's the problem, snowflake?

Jordan: “Hillbillies Are So Sick Of Attacks On Trump"
And, as a descendent of those hillbillies, I'm sick and tired of them perpetuating his goddamed lies and supporting a traitor. So are the rest of honest Americans, "Jacket-off."

45% Of Republicans Won’t Vote For Trump If Convicted
Here ya go, "Jacket-off." These the polls you're looking for? You and the rest of your pipsqueaks should love it.

NBA Players’ Union Condemns Donation To DeSantis
As they and every American should.

Orlando NBA Team: Our $50K Donation To DeSantis’ PAC Was “In Support Of Florida’s Continued Prosperity"
Always donate to a wannabe dictator for prosperity? Who is the brain-dead that decided this?

Is Earth close to another 'Great Dying'?
"The climate emergency is here. We can’t wait any longer for major and dramatic worldwide action."

Poor Dumb Eric Doesn't Understand What's Happening To Daddy, Needs Policeman Or Grownup
"We think maybe somebody ought to buy little Eric Trump some sort of book with big pictures and easy-to-read words, a la 'What To Expect When Daddy Is Arrested.' Maybe something with some kind of furry woodland creature talking animal in it, to guide him through the process."

AI Won’t Overthrow Us, But It Will Optimize the Capitalist Death Machine
“How are these tools going to be used to increase the power of employers and of management once again, and to be used against workers,” asks Paris Marx.
Newsflash: It's already going on.

LGBTQ+ advocates sue to block Texas’ new law that could criminalize some drag performances
Stupid fascist discrimination. If they want to protect children they are after the wrong people. They need to watch the pedophile priests and pastors. They are the problem.

The Biggest Issue for 2024: Can Humanity Survive Trump and the GOP?
So, yeah, let’s take seriously the existential threat a GOP president represents to our nation, the nations of the world, and all life on Earth. The stakes have literally never been higher.

'He's so dumb': Morning Joe and Mika mock Trump's strategy for beating Jan. 6 charges
"You don't do illegal things and expect to be able to B.S. your way out of an indictment and a charge that could send you to jail for life."
So are the idiots that support him. They will all be shunned for the remainder of their lives.

Bill Barr’s 'ominous' message to Trump
Speaking with Barr, CNN host Kaitlan Collins asked, "You think Jack Smith has more?"
"Oh, yes. I'm — I would believe he has a lot more," he replied.

Homeowners trying to get out of 'We Buy Ugly Houses' deals find little relief in state or federal laws
Beware of hoodwinkers such as this.

DeSantis allies abolish all diversity, equity and inclusion programs from Disney World district
Nazi dictator shows he's a domestic enemy. He and his cutthroat gang must be eliminated by any means.

'Involved in every step': Why America’s mayor 'now faces a reckoning with the law'
"Rudy Giuliani — once renowned as "America's mayor" after leading New York City through the trauma of the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks — is reported to be the individual listed as unnamed "Co-Conspirator 1" in United States Justice Department special counsel Jack Smith's four-federal-felony-count indictment against former President Donald Trump for allegedly concocting a conspiracy to supplant American democracy and remain in power following his defeat in the 2020 election."

Text messages show RNC chair pushed indicted Trump's voter fraud conspiracy with AZ's Kelli Ward: report
"In particular, they reveal that Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel and former Arizona Republican Party Chairwoman Kelli Ward were among those who played key roles in elements of the alleged conspiracy from the moment Smith said it began."

Oh Lord, Here Comes A.I. Jesus
How do we break it to the "artificial intelligence" that Jesus wasn't northern European?
Once again we prove that if "God" didn't exist, human kind would create him.

It's Official: Junior Wants To Break Up With Mike Pence
How sad:(
Maybe it's because Mike has fingered his pappy.

No, Republicans, Trump’s indictment isn’t about free speech
Little Marco has to open his mouth again to show how ignorant he is.

Gaetz: Congress Has Authority To “Immunize” Trump
Onl a sleezeball like Gaetz would come up with abuse of our Congress like this.

Louisiana “In God We Trust” Law Goes Into Effect
And "All others pay cash" has been added.
Amazing the garbage these idiot superstitions preach gets plastered in our public schools.
It's clearly unconstitutional.

Former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen outlines evidence that Jared Kushner flipped
"Rudy has no interest in spending his remaining days on this planet behind bars for Donald trump," Cohen said, also noting that it's important to look who is missing from the indictment.

Trump supporters issue new calls for violence against Mike Pence: report
Too late, traitors. He's already spilled it all to the law.

Trump fake elector prosecutions could soon ensnare members of Congress
I see Rojo is looking over his shoulder already.

'Toddler who found a pistol': Tommy Tuberville roasted by Alabama columnist for costing state jobs
Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) was called out this week by Alabama columnist Kyle Whitmire after his antics cost his home state the opportunity to be the new headquarters of America's Space Command.
This is why we should elect people with a clue about what it means to be a politican.
But, Alabama?

Chris Hayes Nails It: 'We Watched Him Do It On Television'
"Jack Ruby killed Lee Harvey. TV proved he did." — Lee Harvey Was a Friend of Mine, Homer Henderson

Pastor Jazz Hands: Send Money For “Christian Nation"
Another grifter. That's all the fuck these clowns do other than abuse children.
"The Exodus is the founding myth of the Israelites whose narrative is spread over four books of the Torah (or Pentateuch, corresponding to the first five books of the Bible), namely Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy."
The pastor is preaching from the Torah, a Jewish tome. The Book of Psalms is an ancient anthology of poetic prayers originally written in Hebrew.
Blame Paul for much of that "Christian" myth.

GOP insiders fume as MAGA 'clowns' bankrupt state parties
Which side are you on?
The failed MAGAts are at the end of their rope. They must now declare if they are partisan or patriot. They cannot now be both.

'Monsters': Farmer says drive-by shooting at Florida farm kills 5 'pet' cows
A drive-by shooting on a Florida farm last month killed several cows and wounded others, WINK reported. Domestic terrorism moves to bovines. Still it's terrorism.

Q&A: How Corporate Medicine Destroys Doctors
Wendy Dean, who co-authored a new book about moral injury in American medicine, says working in today’s health care system is ‘not the agreement that we thought we were making.’

Indicting the System That Bred Trumpism
These overdue charges take us only partway back to functioning democracy.

Trump Indicted: The Big One
"But each indictment and civil verdict has given the rest of America further confirmation of how dangerous and loathsome Donald Trump really is, and how far the Republican Party has gone in rejecting the rule of law."

Kevin McCarthy Continues To Prove He’s the Worst Speaker in History
"They aren’t bucking leadership on the stuff that is so damaging and polarizing: the abortion bans, the LGBTQ persecution, the book bans. They helped pass all those poison culture war pills in the defense authorization, massively complicating getting that bill done with the Senate. Their refusal to fight the extremists on those issues show that they won’t fight when it comes to funding the government. That makes them just as liable for blame as the Freedom Caucus when the government shuts down this fall."

Why American Fascists Label All Who Oppose Them as Communists
Is it to distract us from the actual Republican agenda, which bears a much closer resemblance to fascist states like Russia and Hungary than communism in Cuba?

It’s Time to Rethink Digital Ownership
In his quest to watch every Nicolas Cage movie in chronological order, law professor and author Aaron Perzanowski confirmed that he owns nothing—and that you probably don’t, either.
More fucking over the American consumer by the greed pig merchants. They are theives themselves when they pay pennies in royalties to the artists who make the art.

America's National Pastime Is Watching Rudy Giuliani Cry About Trump Indictment On TV And Laughing At Him
Already one of the most popular sections of the new January 6 indictments against Donald J. Trump is early on when it describes Trump’s as-yet-uncharged co-conspirators. It doesn’t use their names, but it didn’t take long before people had figured out who five out of six of them were. Número uno was Roodles the Clown himself, the accused sex pest with the heart of a slobbering old pervert, the guy willing to travel to Ukraine multiple times to find fake dirt on the Bidens, or travel to plant nurseries in greater Philadelphia to tell verifiable lies about election fraud, all in service to his Dear Leader.

Ethical Clusterf*ck? In Samuel Alito's Supreme Court???
When physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer, the “father of the atom bomb,” famously said, “I am become death, destroyer of worlds,” he was expressing regret over the impact his creation would have on the world. You don’t get the same sense of humility from Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s latest power-mad rant in the Wall Street Journal.

Criminal indictments are not enough: Donald Trump must be defeated at the ballot box
But even defeating Trump at the polls will be insufficient to secure the future of American democracy

Jack Smith is prosecuting the 'most dangerous threat' America’s 'transfer of power' faced: ex- prosecutor
Trump: Scumbag of the Millennium.

'More, please': Twitter eggs Pence on after he skewers Trump over 2020 election indictment
Pence tweeted, "Today's indictment serves as an important reminder: anyone who puts himself over the Constitution should never be President of the United States."

9th Place GOP Candidate In Campaign Finance Hot Water
The Party of Grifters: A $500,000 contribution to help GOP presidential candidate Francis Suarez draws FEC complaint.

J6 investigator shreds Tim Scott's 'poppycock' attack on Trump indictment
"This is poppycock pandering to the base," wrote Riggleman. "But mostly it’s a bat signal to the once again indicted Donald Trump that he’s all in for VP. Easy to read."

Jesse Watters Calls New Trump Indictments ‘Political War Crimes
Jesse Watters turned into a pretzel pretending Donald Trump is a victim for being prosecuted for stealing classified documents and trying to overturn an election.
Whiny-ass, say-nothing punk. What good would this guy be if he didn't have the victim megaphone to bitch with?
He could also say "A lot of people don't even know what the Halocaust was." Don't tell me he and his crowd aren't stupid.

Illinois Pastor Arrested On Child Sex Charges
Another one bites the dust.

Media Identifies Co-Conspirators Cited In Indictment
Their day in court is coming.

Ohio Republicans Want to Rewrite the Rules to Thwart Abortion and LGBTQ Rights
"Once synonymous with Midwestern placidity, Ohio has become the epicenter of an unprecedented assault on civil and reproductive rights. Bills banning gender affirming care for LGBTQ youth and trans athletes from participation in women’s sports have been introduced in the statehouse, and House Bill 245 would prohibit drag performances from being held in public."
Now they embrace facism. It was never placid during the first 25 years of my life I spent there. They've gone mad.

Senior DeSantis Aides Were Thrilled With Nazi Video
The DipShitus is a Nazi in a very big way.
His "career" is dead.

"Trump has no way to escape at this point": Ex-DOJ prosecutor says new charges spell real trouble
Kenneth McCallion is a former Justice Department prosecutor who also worked for the New York State Attorney General
Like a turd spinning in a toilet whirlpool.

Trump-loving Texas rep 'briefly detained' by cops during chaotic rodeo emergency
Someone confused him as a "doctor."
"...served as a White House doctor to multiple presidents and came under controversy after he was accused of drinking on the job and prolifically dispensing drugs."
Trump's Adderall (commmonly know as "Speed.") connection?

Dem lawmaker dumps cold water on GOP claims: Hunter Biden pal 'completely absolves' president
How many times will they go around in the same circle and end up where they started on their new "Benghazi" obsession?

US 'doomsday' mother sentenced to life for murdering children
"Faith is like fire. It can cook your supper or it can burn down your house."
In this case, the latter.

Hey, Let's Talk About How Kamala Harris Whooped Ron DeSantis's Racist Ass!
It’s good to see Kamala Harris righteously pissed. When news broke about Florida's horrible African American social studies standards for public schools, the vice president dropped the hammer in a searing speech denouncing the ahistorical and straight-out racist efforts to minimize slavery’s impact.

The Indictment of Donald Trump—And His Enablers
“Each of these conspiracies—which built on the widespread mistrust the Defendant was creating through pervasive and destabilizing lies about election fraud—targeted a bedrock function of the United States federal government: the nation’s process of collecting, counting, and certifying the results of the presidential election,” the indictment said.

Bidenomics Refutes the Canard That Government Is Slow
Today on TAP: America’s industrial renaissance is happening faster than almost anyone anticipated.

Trump Compares Latest Indictment To “Nazi Germany”
"Tapper: Obviously comparing this to Nazi Germany is beyond the pale in terms of offensiveness and ignorance. I’d like know what the person said. Who is the one?"
"Collins: This is coming from a trump spokesperson."
Sure. It's 'Judgement at Nuremberg." It's the trial of all the Trump Nazis.

Cultist Reps Renew Demand To Defund Jack Smith
Poor widdle victims. America will supply Jack Smith with all the funding he needs to complete the job.
Margie says, "Jack Smith is a terrible attorney with a lot of failures in his career."
Then you have nothing to worry about do you, Margie?

'Leave us alone': Space Force spouse demands Tuberville end military blockade
"Sarah Streyder, whose husband serves in the United States Space Force, is the executive director of the Secure Families Initiative, a non-profit that helps military families participate in democracy to benefit their communities. On Tuesday, Streyder shared how Senator Tommy Tuberville's (R-Alabama) ongoing blockade of Pentagon appointments and promotions is affecting American servicemembers."

Trump indicted for alleged scheme to overturn the 2020 election
We all know there's nothing alleged about it. Even now we have seditionists still trying to do the same in Arizona.

Try That In A Small Town Where Good Ol' Boys Are Raised Up Right To Lynch and Stuff
"Currently stirring the culture war pot is a new, incendiary, 'almost comically offensive' pro-lynching anthem by country singer Jason Aldean, who posed with his redneck band at the site of an infamous Tennessee lynching to flash videos of protesters and bray that if you 'cuss out a cop' or 'stomp on the flag,' 'See how far you make it down the road, which isn't threatening at all so why is he being 'cancelled'? Maybe 'cause he's a racist 'garbage fire of a human being?
Hmmmm — could be.

Who Is Clapping Back At Alito? Everybody Except...
Grifters in the cracks everywhere.

Goldman Demands That Comer Release The Devon Archer Transcript
"Rep. Daniel Goldman, the only House Democrat who attended the House Oversight and Accountability Committee's closed-door meeting with former Hunter Biden associate Devon Archer on Monday, has a different version of events than GOP Chairman James Comer does, so the Democrat came up with a solution: Release the full transcript of Archer's interview." Let's see what Mr. "I Can't Find Anything" says about this.

Jack Smith: Trump Conspiracy 'Fueled By Lies'
"With his customary even, understated tone, special prosecutor Jack Smith announced the devastating charges against Donald Trump and six co-conspirators for his attempt to subvert the 2020 election."
Looks good on him.

Trump Indicted On Efforts To Overturn 2020 Election
AND HERE IT IS! You can read the entire document below.
4 counts:
Obstruction of an official proceeding
Conspiracy to defraud the United States
Obstruction and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding
Conspiracy against rights
Not shocking at all.

DA Fani Willis Said The Fun Will Begin In August. Guess What Month Starts Tomorrow, Donald Trump?
"We’ve been sayin’, Fulton County, Georgia DA Fani Willis’s Fuck Around And Find Out Summer Concert Series And Fireworks Spectacular is gonna start any day now!"

Guess Everybody Hates Angry Loser Weenus GOP Congressmen Who Yell At Teenage Senate Pages
He reportedly screamed at them words like “Wake the fuck up you little shits!” and “What the fuck are you all doing?” and “You are defiling the space you pieces of shit!” And so much more. Just a really emotionally mature guy.

GOP Lawsuit Asks Ohio Supreme Court to Block Abortion Rights Measure
Why don't they just call themselves "The ChickenShit Party."

Republicans look to eliminate congressional office of diversity, equity and inclusion
We are so much better off with the racist Nazi MAGAt grifting that takes care of all of that.

The War on Libraries
Today on TAP: Far-right state governments fear allowing children to think for themselves.
How they envy those have their own brains.

Biden decides to keep Space Command in Colorado, rejecting move to Alabama
Get fucked, Tubbyville.

Only 4 In Trump’s Former Cabinet Say He Should Be Re-Elected
That's 4 too many.

Alito’s chattiness is damning
"The more he talks, the more his words will be used against him."
Sound like anyone else you know?

“The Era of Global Boiling Has Arrived”: July on Track To Be Earth’s Hottest Month Ever
“The era of global warming has ended; the era of global boiling has arrived,” United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres declared this week in a speech at UN headquarters in New York on Thursday.

Trump Hereby Demands Joe Biden Do Him A Favor Though, Or Ukraine Gets It (Yes, Again)
"Donald Trump is easily the stupidest man on the planet, and one of the most amoral, a person who cannot conceive of a world where rules apply to him, or where he should not be allowed to simply grab whatever he wants and make it his. (Grab them by the presidency, grab them by the … you know. )"
"The sooner he is locked under a prison, the better."

Suspect appears to intentionally strike migrant workers with his vehicle before speeding off
New sport for Nazis.

The GOP’s Nazi Problem Has Deep Roots
"To build their popular front on the right, Republicans are happy to recruit white nationalists."

'Right out of Mein Kampf: Michael Cohen unloads on Trump’s 'asinine' grievance politics
"It's right out of Mein Kampf, which allegedly Donald used to keep on the side of his table. This is not a joke," Cohen said. "And to anybody who thinks for a quick second that, 'Listen, there's no way he's going to win,' that was a pretty packed audience last night in Erie, Pennsylvania. And shame on each and every one of them for going there after you start hearing, even like the stupidity from the DeSantis who's trying to be a Donald Trump 2.0 about slavery and then the Holocaust. I mean, they are all out of control. And if guys like Donald Trump or Donald Trump 2.0 retake the White House, the America — and I'm not trying to be hyperbolic here — the America that we know is going to be more like The Handmaid's Tale than the United States of America. That my daughter should have less rights than my mother is appalling. We are going backwards as a country and it's why — look Ali, in all fairness — why your show and so many others are so important in order to explain, explain to the people who don't want to be explained to what's really going on here."

Russia's Medvedev: We'd have to use a nuclear weapon if Ukrainian offensive was a success
Why don't you just make peace you stupid, arrogant, son-of-a-bitch rather than take the rest of the world with you and your proposed suicide act?

'It may be too late': Chuck Todd says Trump is dooming ignorant GOP voters
It was too late the day he was born.

'He doesn’t have the energy': Trump's 'dead' Erie rally speech panned by GOP lawmaker
"Trump got a warm reception, but it was without a doubt, and I think anybody in that room would tell you it was the worst speech. It was the worst ten minutes. He came out, he read, he read from a binder. He didn't look up, he didn't smile. It was — it was an absolute dead speech," Sununu said.
"This is not the Donald Trump of 2016. Don't fool yourself. And as more and more folks realize that he doesn't have the energy, he doesn't have the fastball, he basically is droning on for ninety minutes on his long-form speeches about his legal battles as opposed to talking about the future of this country, solving the problems of this country, which is what all the other candidates are doing," Sununu observed.

'An exercise in futility': Trump fake electors furious over being 'duped' by his people
"In interviews with USA Today, a bevy of conservatives who are either under investigation or are facing election fraud charges for participating in a fake elector plot, lashed out at associates of Donald Trump for getting them into the mess they are in."

'I want all of this to go away': Nikki Haley still wants to pardon Trump despite obstruction charge
Why don't you just go away and leave the rest of us out of it and stop playing in Trump's pile of shit.

'One man crime wave' Trump has 'earned every one' of his charges: Chris Christie
Trump is a one-man crisis center.

Latest Mass Shooting In Gun Crazy Country Leaves 5 Injured In Seattle
Because today ends in a Y, there has been another mass shooting.
Ahh, the pride of America.

Pharma Greed Leads To Over 300 Active Shortages Of Generic Drugs
Blame capitalism? Why hundreds of decades-old yet vital drugs are nearly impossible to find
Ahh, the greed of America.

NBC: Only Four Out Of 44 Former Trump Cabinet Members Have So Far Publicly Endorsed Him For 2024
They aren't stark raving mad like the rest of the MAGAts.

Bruce Springsteen and John Mellencamp can teach Jason Aldean a thing or two about small towns
It is not only easy to find better politics in small towns, but also better music than Billboard's No. 2 song
Not to mention Small Town Talk, Bobby Charles.

Trump uses profane remark to describe Biden at rally
He's a low-class bastard projecting himself.
He can go to hell and stay there.

'You can't witch hunt with people you hired': Jan. 6 chair hits back at Trump
Now what's he gonna do with all the witch hats he got for them?

Black Republicans Aren’t Happy With DeSantis About Florida’s New Teaching Guidelines on Slavery
Gee, I wonder what upset them so much there in their Happy Land? /s

Ohio Pastor Gets Two Years For Molesting His Daughters
Another one bites the dust.
When will the real "groomers" be stopped?

More Indictments? Michigan Voting Machine Tampering Is Next
"One of the primary suspects in a case involving Republican officials who tampered with voting machines in multiple counties says that she has been indicted. This case could potentially involve some of the biggest names in the state Republican Party."

Wagner mercenaries in Belarus move closer to the Polish border, Poland's prime minister says
We all know what happens when they cross it. Poland will step on them like a cockroach then invade Belarus.

Los Angeles man arrested after FBI search found explosive devices, Nazi propaganda
"Ryan Bradford, who is believed to be associated with the white supremacist Peckerwood prison gang, plastered his home with white supremacist and Nazi paraphernalia, investigators said."
Lo, the Peckerwood gang has been a threat to us ever since they introduced "The Peckerwood Shuffle" at one of their Peckerwood festivals. /s

Conservative Barbie Culture War Fails Miserably — Film Soars to Box Office Records
"Conservatives were apparently intoxicated by a modicum of success with its boycott of Bud Light for having the nerve to feature trans influencer Dylan Mulvaney in an advertisement. However, despite all the rumbling and ranting, the Barbie movie boycott has clearly fallen flat as the film continues to break box office records."
People actually paid to drink Bud Light?

Trump 'may die in prison' if he doesn't strike a deal after 'shocking' new charges: legal scholar
At least he'll have something to do on weekends.

Wall Street Journal urges GOP to dump Trump over his 'truly stupid' Mar-a-Lago cover-up
The end of the road is in sight for this felon.

'You’re not bringing your idols into our country': Christian Nationalists balking at Vivek Ramaswamy GOP presidential bid

Trump lashes out at 'racist D.A. in crime ridden Atlanta' ahead of looming charges
The mad man is crying out for help with these childish outbursts. He's not helping himself or anyone else with them.
A very severe case of OCD.

Judge pauses Montana bill banning 'a drag queen or drag king' from reading to kids: report
Montana seems to have a mind that is barely wide enough to turn on a water tap.

Trump Employee In Latest Indictment Identified
"The Mar-a-Lago employee referenced in the superseding indictment adding major accusations against former President Donald Trump and a new co-defendant to the case has been identified by two people close to the investigation as Yuscil Taveras, an information technology worker. Taveras oversaw the surveillance camera footage at the property."
The mob at work.

'Extremist' Moms for Liberty group hit with IRS complaint probing nonprofit status: report
Oh, dear. Now the IRS has been weaponized. THAT's never happened before! LMAO!

'Coward' Tommy Tuberville 'who’s never served' slammed by ex-Marine general: report
"I have a huge problem with what Sen. Tuberville is doing. He's a coward, in my book...." — retired two-star Marine Corps Major General Arnold Punaro.
Rolling Stone notes the Marines are without "a commanding officer for the first time in over 150 years because of Tuberville's blockade, which Punaro described as a 'pathetic' push to prioritize fundraising over national security."
And the dickwad is proud of that? America is proud of that? Disgraceful.

'Religious' Men Promise Murder Charges And Civil War Over Abortion
Male anti-abortion religious leaders mull murder charges for pregnant people at a national event.
Here are photos of members of America's Taliban. All are religious zealots from the Land of the Happy Negro.
"An all-male panel of anti-abortion religious leaders from around the country met Friday night to discuss the strategies that should be used to end abortion in every state at any stage of pregnancy, without exceptions for rape and incest, and with criminal punishment for the pregnant person in line with existing criminal penalties for murder, which includes the death penalty."
America has been warned by many from its inception about ruthless assholes such as this. They must quckly be dispatched. They are turning our country into a shithole.
They are not men. They are devo.

Owens: Women Are The Cause Of All Of Society’s Ills
We know one that this applies to for starters. She's fallen for every con and bullshit lie that's been uttered. How she hates herself.

Fox Host: What’s Wrong With Destroying Evidence?
Textbook example of "serious thinking disorder."

Trump Bleeding Support Amongst Republicans, and This Was Before Superseding Indictment

Former Trump administration lawyer on Mar-a-Lago investigation: 'The evidence is so overwhelming'
Just get the damned thing done.

Trump will go full-blown 'fascist' as his legal problems worsen: journalist
That's going to help him?
Here's the thing, son. Mussolini was dragged through the streets by horses. Hitler blew his brains out. For a while they looked tough. In the end they died like insane killers always do — a violent death.
The rest of the Nazis met their justice at Nuremberg by the hangmen's noose.

'No educational value': Florida permits schools to use right-wing PragerU materials in classrooms
Nazi "education." This should be run out of the country.
The first state to do so, per Tampa Bay Times, a PragerU news release distributed earlier this week says the group aims to get "as many states as possible" to allow the implementation of its curriculum.
You describe your Nazi youth agenda perfectly. We're onto Dennis Prager's bullshit.

Mission Undoable: The plan to erase Trump’s server was better than any Tom Cruise stunt
"Put away “Mission: Impossible” for a moment and cue the “Dragnet” theme, because the story you are about to read is true. Only this time, no names have been changed to protect these criminal muttonheads."

Alito: Congress Lacks Power To Impose Ethics Code
Is this prick getting too cocky?
"Dear Justice Alito: You’re on the Supreme Court in part because Congress expanded the Court to 9 Justices. Congress can impeach Justices and can in many cases strip the Court of jurisdiction. Congress has always regulated you and will continue to do so. You are not above the law." — Congressman Ted Lieu
U.S. Constitution
Article III
Section 2
"In all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State shall be Party, the supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction. In all the other Cases before mentioned, the supreme Court shall have appellate Jurisdiction, both as to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such Regulations as the Congress shall make."
Alito was absent the day that was discussed in law school. But he thinks like the rest of the Nazis: "We can make up anything we want."

Texas Church Firebombed After Visit By Extremists
These Civil War skirmishes are just getting started.

Franklin Graham: Pray To End Censorship Of RFK Jr.
WTF is wrong with this guy? He doesn't know shit from applebutter.
RFKJ is running his mouth like a leaky toilet. Who the fuck is stopping him showing his ass to us? They aren't doing a good job at it. Same goes for Frank.

Hate Group Petitions Target: Stop Selling Pride Merch
When you stop selling your stinking, mindless bullshit!
That'll be the day, motherfucker.

Mastercard Move at Cannabis Shops Intensifies Call for US Decriminalization
"An industry that employs hundreds of thousands of people, provides billions in economic benefits, and promotes safer alternatives to pharmaceuticals and commonplace vices continues to be treated like a pariah," said one cannabis entrepreneur."
Will Un-American Mastercard go the way of the draft cards? If I had one I'd burn it as I smoked a doob.

'July Should Be a Wake-Up Call': Senator Says Biden Must Stop Approving New Fossil Fuel Projects
"We are in a climate emergency," said Oregon Democrat Jeff Merkley. "We can't take a piecemeal approach to the massive crisis we face."
We are being held hostage by this decrepit and deadly industry.

'Nothing in the Constitution' says I can’t run for president if 'convicted and sentenced': Trump
I'm sure the United States would be so proud to have their president running our country from a jail cell. If that's the case there's no country any longer worth fighting for. The thinking behind this concept is beyond sick and needs to be examined.

'Weird' detail in latest Trump indictment flagged by Washington Post reporter
"Regardless, Bump argues that it should be concerning that the resort where Trump allegedly kept American nuclear secrets can be accessed 'by slipping through the bushes.'
"Weird"? Crooks usually slither around covertly so they won't be seen, dude. And, yes it is concerning that we have so much criminal activity around Mar-A-Lago.

New indictment forces Judge Cannon to let Trump tape into evidence
"Special counsel Jack Smith secured a superseding indictment charging Trump with three new counts related to his alleged efforts to destroy evidence in the Mar-a-Lago classified documents case, and the new charges make note of his recorded interview with a writer and publisher, for which two aides were present, discussing a "highly confidential" military record that he admitted he wasn't authorized to share."

No Mercy: We Have Stepped Over A Line Into the Inhumane
"Zealously following the GOP dictate to inflict mindless, bloody cruelty on vulnerable people, Texas' Greg Abbott has created a hellhole state that tortures migrants - razor wire "death traps" in the Rio Grande, troops pushing children back in the water, no drinks in extreme heat, bussed out of sight. It's also killing workers and inmates, stripping health care and boosting harrowing, nonviable births, all in the name of "preventing (imaginary) bad things from happening." To the ghoul in charge: They already are."

Threats Spur Capitol Police To Open More Field Offices
Hopefully, they will all be heavily armed.

Wrecked DeSantis Motorcade Was State Govt Vehicles
Naked fraud. Trump flips out on 'radical lunatics' attempting to 'destroy our country' as charges pile up
This man is suffering a psychotic break.

Tiny South Carolina town officials at odds over eating $40K in costs after Trump visit
They baked the cake. Let them eat it.

'House of cards is coming down' for Trump as henchmen reveal election lies: columnist
It's very clearly happening — and about time.

Ancient pathogens released from melting ice could wreak havoc on the world, new analysis reveals
Whatever it will be we have a fix for. We'll simply call it "hoax."

Judge delivers swift smackdown to MAGA rioter's lawyer: 'He didn't plead guilty to trying to help!"
The MAGAt logic fails bigly here.

Alcohol-linked death toll rising among US women, medical body says
When women become oppressed and have their futures put in doubt by drunker asshole male control freaks, they can turn to the bottle to cope with being made second-class citizens.

'Get off my lawn': Cursing congressman doubles down after yelling profanities at teenage pages
Doesn't this soused no-neck punk look tough with kids who were on break?

Fox’s Gutfeld Trolls Jews, Says They Survived Camps By Being ‘Useful.’ Most Jews Didn’t Survive!
Gutfeld is useful as well. He serves as an example scumbag of a human being.

Is Earth Close to “The Great Dying”?
Are the Great Conveyor Belt and the “Clathrate Gun Hypothesis” about to throw the planet into an existential crisis?

One in five Texans lives in a floodplain, state’s first-ever analysis shows
20% of Texans could be all wet.

DOL cracks down on child labor while states loosen laws
The failure of the U.S. to protect their children is a disgrace.
Considering them getting educated the same as their "Happy Slaves."

Southern Lawmakers Devise Discriminatory Measures That Undermine Disabled Voters
"Turnout among voters with disabilities hit record highs in the 2020 presidential election. Approximately 62% of voters with a disability participated in the 2020 election, compared to around 56% in the election four years earlier — primarily due to policies implemented by states that made it easier to cast a ballot during the pandemic."
Land of the Happy Negro wants their voters on their feet -- maybe count as half a vote?

For-Profit Hospices Often Aim for Return on Investment, Not Death With Dignity
"It was something of a radical idea: that the terminally ill deserve a guide to shepherd them peacefully through life’s final transit, and that a special care service might help confront the ubiquitous anguish of death. Hospice is an ancient Roman Catholic tradition, but in its recognizably modern form, it dates only to the 1960s."
"Your money AND your life."

Economy Good
"The US economy is doing pretty darn good, according to data released Thursday by the Commerce Department. Economic growth in the second quarter exceeded economists’ expectations, with the Gross Domestic Product rising by 2.4 percent (Bloomberg gift link, good for six days) after a first quarter rate of two percent."

Black fisherman repeatedly confronted by white neighbors, who ask what he’s doing there
Land of the Happy Negro wants to be certain one of their Negroes is happy with his fishing.

Trump supporters' 'warped bizarro world reality' exposed in new survey: political scientist
"Astonishingly, only 52% of Republican voters surveyed indicated that they believed that Trump ever brought classified documents to Mar-a-Lago, even though Trump himself admits doing so."
It's very clear that this group is a cult. They have no connection to reality and are mental defects.
Newspeak has to be shut off, now.

"These people are admitting they lied to you": Trump’s own men undermine his “delusional” defense
Rudy Giuliani and Mark Meadows revelations show the Big Liars can't hide behind "delusional" defense
"For those that still believe there was widespread voter fraud, these people are admitting they lied to you."
I know, I know. You still think THAT"s a lie too.

Trump Iran doc incident 'so much worse' with newly filed charges: legal expert
"But the new indictment contains far more details that could be even more devastating for Trump. Former federal prosecutor Elie Honig noted on CNN that the indictment also makes clear Smith has in his possession the Iran war plans document Trump was boasting about at his New Jersey golf club — eliminating one of the only defenses he had to his actions there."

'They were in each other’s faces': Report details bitter fight between Speaker McCarthy and Eric Swalwell
"If you ever say something like that to me again, I'm gonna kick the s**t out of you…. Call me a p***y again, and I'll kick your a**." said McCarthy.
He had the chance to back it up as Swalwell came back with "You. Are. A. P***y.". ROTFLMAO!

Paul Gosar Demands That Faith Should Be Part Of Drug Policy
Rep. Jamie Raskin called it "preposterous."
Gosar, this isn't church. And it's not even the child rapist cult you claim to belong to.

GOP Senate Candidate: I’m Running To Stop Witchcraft
Life in the days of Nutballs.

Indictment: Trump Shared Highly Classified War Plans
Any fake dick pics involved?

Hannity: New Trump Charges Are Death Of Justice
What a dumb fuck. They didn't have to raid Biden's home. He voluntarily allowed access, unlike your criminal pal.

Hawley Rants About New Trump Charges: It’s So Brazen
The little snot hasn't a clue. Your fucking criminal leader brought it all on himself, dumbass.
And in saying what you say could make you a co-conspirator.

Reporters bust RFK Jr.'s historically illiterate complaint about not being given Secret Service protection
He really is pitiful.

Angry Little White Guy Wisconsin GOP Rep. Being Very Angry Little White Guy!
So he is some piece of shit who was elected in 2022, after being present at the Capitol on January 6 during the Donald Trump-incited seditious terrorist attack against America. In 2021 he was arrested for trying to bring a loaded gun through TSA at the airport. The same year, he had a great big little tantrum at a teenager working at a library in southwestern Wisconsin because he didn’t like the gay pride display. He was reportedly really upset about John Oliver’s book A Day In The Life Of Marlon Bundo. Yes, the one where Mike Pence’s gay bunny rabbit gets gay-married."
"Hmm, I'm not seeing the words 'I'm sorry I drank heavily in my office and then screamed obscenities at teenagers' in Derrick Van Orden's statement here. Am I reading it wrong? Thanks to everyone for helping us get this guy fired!"

'Unusual': Ex-Jan. 6 investigator says Trump's main argument already dead in election case
“These were people that worked very hard for him, yet they will be the star witnesses in a criminal trial. That is unusual, most of the time there is some arguable bias and there's some fodder for defense lawyers to work with when they're cross-examining witnesses. I don't really see that here, and that really is what strengthens Jack Smith's hand here.”

Trump charged with additional count in Mar-a-Lago documents case
"A new defendant was also added the indictment against Trump and his aide Walt Nauta. Carlos de Oliveira was added to the obstruction conspiracy charged in the original indictment."
The indictments just keep on coming.

Michigan Gov Candidate Pleads Guilty To Riot Charges
Another traitor ensnared.

House Recesses Until Sept 12 Without Funding Govt
Such a MAGAt fail. Have we witnessed the likes of this utter loss of responsible government since Nixon?

Barricades Go Up Outside Georgia County Courthouse
The disgrace of America brought upon us by the criminal Trump.

Black Fraternity Moves Florida Convention Because Of Ron DeSantis
This will be happening in all Nazi states of America but with people of all persuasions.

X placed ads from Discovery, Showtime and USA Today on a neo-Nazi account
"It’s clear that not only is X still allowing hate groups to exist on the platform, it's allowing them to monetize their tweets. The National Socialist Group’s leader Thomas Sewell was found guilty of "recklessly causing injury and array" following a 2021 attack. Other members of the group have pleaded guilty to "possessing documents and records of information for terrorist acts." Yet, the group’s Twitter account is still active."

For clergy abuse survivors, Sinead O'Connor's protest that offended so many was brave and prophetic
"More than 30 years later, her “Saturday Night Live” performance and its stark collision of popular culture and religious statement is remembered by some as an offensive act of desecration. But for others — including survivors of clergy sex abuse — O’Connor’s protest was prophetic, forecasting the global denomination's public reckoning that was, at that point, yet to come. O'Connor, 56, died Wednesday."

Houston schools eliminate librarians and 'repurpose' libraries into 'discipline centers'
"Mike Myles, the state-installed schools superintendent and former charter schools CEO, earlier this month announced cuts of up to 600 central office positions."
Houston now is living in a Nazi state. It has a dictator running people's lives now.
Like Florida it will be doomed to disaster. Disgusting and un-American.

McCarthy caves and caves, then caves some more
As expected.

How Trump’s New Big Lie-Filled Fascist Ad is Damaging Our Democracy
It follows a fairly ancient pattern of destructive Big Lies that goes back to Renaissance Italy and even the Roman republic and ancient Greece.

Merrick Garland Is Letting Texas Get Away With Sadism
Nah. They've been getting away with it forever.

‘Arthur’ Book Facing Ban in Florida Over This One Wacko Complaint
These morons have gone totally to batshit fucked brains.

Conservative cries bitter tears after Trump allies admit election lies: 'It was all BS'
"How many people in this audience sent money to 'Stop the Steal' three years ago?" Deace continued. "How many shows did I waste your time talking about this three years ago? How many? I still have not recovered. Between election fraud and COVID, I probably have the lowest Facebook following of any major show in this industry. I will routinely post things on Facebook and get, like, two or three comments. It's, like, Facebook is like, 'We won't ban you because you'll whine about it and generate a bunch of publicity, so we'll just make it so no one sees your material at all."
We know. It was more than obvious to anyone with a piece of brain. But we do appreciate your honest admission.

Humans ‘never experienced a world so hot in modern history,’ scientists say
It’s not even the end of the month, but July is set to break global heat records.
That is to say, relax. It will only get worse.

What my $30 hamburger reveals about fees and how companies use them to jack up prices
Fee-flation, America. Ain't it grand. To the tune of $65 billion a year.

How Florida Undermined the “Benefits” of Newly Free Black People
Land of the Happy Negro has a plan for their Negroes.
"You know who benefited from slavery? White people. That was the point."

Fox Is Upset Billionaires' Efforts To Indoctrinate College Students Failing
Oh, dear. Let's not get Fox upset about anything else. They are already at capacity.

GOP Senators Meet With Advocate For Even More Fossil Fuels
Lets speed this up and put a stop to any "slow death" for humanity. /s

Comer Complains Media Want Evidence Of Biden's Alleged Crimes
Damn it to hell, why do they always want evidence? Why can't we just take them out and shoot them? /s
Fatso laughs at evidence.

Christie levels 'coward' Trump for 'eating his well-done hamburger' during the Capitol insurrection
Did he order out for it or did he get it from the kitchen? Plenty of ketchup? Asking for a friend.

Mitch McConnell’s health scares raise questions about his future as Senate GOP leader
Too bad. Mitch is such a nice guy.

This Right Wing Lie Of The Day Is A Doozy
Today's lie is one that tries to back into the theory that we're a Christian nation, but fails miserably.
This is one of the biggest crocks of bullshit that some of us cling to.

Feds To Issue Heat Wave “Hazard Alert” For Workers
"President Biden has asked the Department of Labor (DOL) to issue the first-ever Hazard Alert for heat, and DOL will also ramp up enforcement to protect workers from extreme heat. For years, heat has been the number one cause of weather-related deaths in America."
Thanks for caring, Joe. We know somebody that doesn't.

Largest Power Grid Declares Emergency For Eastern US
When the grid fails in heat such as we're having, the death toll will likely be high.

Glenn Beck: It’s Only Hot Because The Sun Is “On Fire”
And also too, water is wet. Deep thinking by Beck who has not, apparently, been told what a vacuum is.

'They lied to you': Georgia Republican begs MAGA voters to see the truth after Giuliani admissions
"Rudy Giuliani admits that he lied about Shaye Moss and Ruby Freeman," Sterling wrote. "We've known for years that he lied about them and the events at State Farm Arena. For those that still believe there was widespread voter fraud, these people are admitting they lied to you."

'Putin’s enabler': House Democrat torches MTG’s amendment to defund NATO
"United States Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Georgia) on Wednesday introduced a motion to cut contributions to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization by $73 million. Greene belongs to a cohort of right-wing House lawmakers who oppose arming Ukraine in its struggle against Russian President Vladimir Putin's illegal invasion."
The MAGAt's Jane Fonda.

Rudy Concedes He Maaaaaay Have Said Wee Tiny Falsehoods About GA Election Workers Whose Lives He Ruined
"Remember instead Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, the wonderful mother-daughter team of Georgia election workers whose lives have been utterly destroyed by the pigfucking lies of Donald Trump and his band of merry fascist election stealers, particularly Giuliani."

It's My Birthday and I'll Cry If I Want To... Though I Don't
"Whenever I go pick up a prescription, the pharmacist wants to know my date of birth. I have become self-conscious about saying the year out loud. It's not vanity; I look my age, more or less. But the people who want to know the year I was born are always 50 or 60 years younger. 1943 must sound to them the way1863 sounded to me when I was their age."
"Two lifetimes like mine (and Mick's) make up 160 years, in case you're not doing the math. Historical, literary, scientific, or sports figures who once seemed remote now seem like my contemporaries."
"Is there a point to this? If there is, it's about time. Time was once on our side, as Mick sang when we were both in our '20s. That was back when we could not have conceived of a time it wouldn't be anymore. As remarkable as anything else about it was that it hardly took any time at all."
I say, When you get to your 80s your tribe considers you an elder if they have any sense of pride in themselves.

Will America Face “Narcissistic Collapse” as Trump Descends into Legal Hell?
He’s already using the language of narcissistic collapse, priming his cult followers to experience rage and act out revenge fantasies on his behalf in a clear call to stochastic terrorism.

America Is Putting Up Memorials for a Lynching Victim, While Minimizing Slavery
This country is honoring a Black child lynched by a white mob, while one of its major parties wants to teach the “benefits” of slavery.
That would be the Land of the Happy Negro. It is their history.

The Dictator Myth That Refuses to Die
"Admiration for autocracy is built on a pernicious lie that I call the “myth of benevolent dictatorship.” The myth is built on three flimsy pillars: first, that dictators produce stronger economic growth than their democratic counterparts; second, that dictators, unswayed by volatile public opinion, are strategic long-term thinkers; and third, that dictators bring stability, whereas divided democracies produce chaos."
100% bullshit by criminals and murderers.

‘The Country’s Already Been Destroyed’
"Where does that leave us? The truth is that no one knows. Which made it hard to disagree when, the morning after the Knesset vote, former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert gave voice to our worst fears. Israel, he said, 'is heading into civil war.'”
Trump and his MAGAts have been promoting this as well here in the U.S.

Trump’s Legal Woes Mount
The disgraced former president is now facing probable racketeering charges.

Ohio Republicans and lobbyists don’t trust a majority of voters but want us to rig the game for them
Typical fascist behavior.

'Modern day lynching': Father hits out at cop who shot son after suspected fruit theft
The return of the "Pig."

Teen MAGA rioter who sat in Pence's chair gets jail after 'marathon' sentencing hearing
Another Trump traitor bites the dust.

‘Everybody Does It. It’s Like Wine at This Point’: NBA Superstar Kevin Durant Reveals He Urged Commish to Remove Weed from Banned Substance List
Why has it not? Whose asshole is still that puckered about it?

Booksellers Sue TX Over Law Mandating Book Ratings
Very good. Force them to certify their own brain sanity first. And don't say "Abbott."

It Turns Out Facebook Also Owns a Trademark to "X," Specifically for Social Media
Why, pray tell, did ANYONE think Musk had any business sense?

Experts Say AI Girlfriend Apps Are Training Men to Be Even Worse
Meet the new girlfriend. Same as the old girlfriend.

Scientists Say Recycling Has Backfired Spectacularly
The continued failure of humans.

Tennessee teachers sue over state restrictions on race and gender education
Tennessee teachersare suing over the state’s 2021 law restricting teaching about race, gender, and oppression, arguing that the law is unconstitutionally vague. The Tennessee Education Association and five educators joined in the lawsuit, which was filed in federal court on Tuesday."

Biden's son Hunter pleads not guilty to 2 tax crimes after agreement with prosecutors falls through
Let's not hear anymore from Republicans about weaponization of law, mm-kay? That's a Trump appointed judge blowing things up.

That DeSantis ad that closed on a Nazi symbol? It was created by a campaign staffer
"That new video wasn't subtle. After a meme-riddled barrage of images, the video closes out with a prominent Nazi and neo-Nazi symbol, the sonnenrad, superimposed over the Florida state flag and DeSantis' head as lines of soldiers march towards the symbol. There's no non-Nazi interpretation of the ad; it's an overt utilization of white supremacist themes. Axios reports that the ad was created by DeSantis campaign speechwriter and (of course) former National Review writer Nate Hochman.
"Hugging fascism tight and promising the Republican base he can bring it to fruition better than anyone else is DeSantis' whole sales pitch."
Proud Nazis.

Giuliani admits to making false statements about Georgia election workers suing him for defamation
But just the two? No others?

'Could be a world record': South Florida ocean temperature hits 101.1°F
Life in the southern zone could quickly become unlivable.

'Odd moment': McConnell returns to presser after 'abruptly' freezing
“Odd moment,” reports Nexstar’s Raquel Martin. “McConnell freezes at start of Senate GOP leadership press conference and is escorted to the side by his colleagues.”

Elon Musk's absurd Twitter rebrand: Has the far right finally broken his brain?
Musk ditches a once-beloved brand for a dopey new edge-lord logo. But an alliance with the far right won't save him
The act of a paranoiac. Very much the same as Fatso.

'Most alarming political ad': Pro-Trump activists release disturbing campaign message
Here's my reaction, Frank: Did I just mention Fatso and Musk? Need we say more?

Tuberville Lied About Father’s Service During WWII
Lobes lies. Disgraceful.

Fox Guest: Feds Want Remote Control Over Your Stove
So far, their button that shuts your stupid mouth doesn't work. So much for control, dick.
This is right wing radio host Mark Simone. He doesn't mind putting his stupid on public display.

Ramaswamy: “I’m Confident I’ll Be Our Next President”
Ha! Not as long as I'm the leading candidate, Rama-Swami Ding-Dongie! And I'm not even running!

Democrats Want To Again Censure Rep. Paul Gosar
Censure? He should be in a nut house. Maybe that's what the GOP is today.
He's connected to the Ministry of Truth, I see.

Marsha Blackburn Seems Terribly Confused. We Hope She's OK!
She's always wrong — every single time.
"So, we're not coming for their guns anymore? It's the appliances! I knew it all along."
And, of course, we don't want the fentanyl seizures increased?
Her stupid might be the strongest here.

Mayor: Trump Needs To Pay In Advance Of His Rally On Saturday
Welp, he didn't pay them the last time.
chiseler and con man continues his criminal way.

Texas University Suspends Professor For Criticizing Elected Official
Aww, did the lady hurt his feelings?
Great shot of Patrick (and his gut) trying to look butch.

Pro-Paxton PAC Gives $3M To His Impeachment Judge, Dan Patrick
'Defend Texas Liberty' gave Texas' Lt. Gov a $1M donation and a $2M loan in June, despite not being up for re-election until 2026.
Texas grifting at its worst.

'We’ve fallen off a cliff': Scientists warn Atlantic currents could collapse as early as 2025
Meteorologist and climate journalist Eric Holthaus called the study's findings "incredibly worrying."
It's so upsetting we weren't warned about this. /s

'That has to change': Law professor rips Supreme Court’s 'hollow rationalizations' of ethics concerns
At least 6 of them are out and out grifters.

Pro-Paxton PAC Gives $3M To His Impeachment Judge, Dan Patrick
'Defend Texas Liberty' gave Texas' Lt. Gov a $1M donation and a $2M loan in June, despite not being up for re-election until 2026.
Naked Grift.

Gen Z expected to take 2024 electoral baton in shift that will last for decades
Are they as stupid as this article makes them sound?

Rep. Ted Lieu Enters Into The Congressional Record Judge’s Finding That Trump Did Rape E. Jean Carroll
"...especially painful forced digital penetration." Rapist!
Here’s the exact quote from Judge Kaplan:
“And since the jury’s answer to Question 1 demonstrates that it was unconvinced that there was penile penetration, the only remaining conclusion is that it found that Mr. Trump forcibly penetrated her vagina with his fingers – in other words, that he ‘raped’ her in the sense of that term broader than the New York Penal Law definition.”

Many Christians are 'almost in despair' over what Trump has done to their faith: evangelical leader
Their faith in Trump got their ass in the sling it's in.

A New Kind of Fascism
"Unlike previous fascist leaders with their cult of war, Trump still offers appeasement to dictators abroad, but he now promises something much closer to dictatorship at home. For me, what Trump is offering for his second presidency will meet the threshold, and the label I’d choose to describe it would be “isolationist fascism.” Until now, such a concept would have been an oxymoron, a historical phenomenon without precedent. Trump continues to break every mold."

Hello? You Can’t Be President if You’ve Tried To Overthrow the U.S. Government
Well, it appears only a sane person would go along with you. And we're running short on them.

Charlie Kirk Wants Biden Executed, For Crime Of 'Bumbling Dementia-Filled Alzheimer's Corrupt Tyrant'
"We finally figured it out who he looks like. Meatwad is of course far more intelligent and pure of heart.
Well, folks, Charlie Kirk, that grand wizard of human intellect, thinks President Joe Biden should be executed for his crimes against America."
"Sometimes people ask how dog-brained MAGA people have it both ways, insisting that Biden is simultaneously an evil dictator genius and also a big DementiaFarts McOld. This is how. Nothing they say is required to make any sense because their beliefs aren’t real. Their ideas don’t have to be intellectually consistent, because they’re not intellectual in the first place. They’re just screaming racial slurs at clouds and demanding they stay white."

DOJ slams Jim Jordan’s 'unjustified and premature' subpoenas in Hunter Biden probe
Jacket-Off needs attention worse than Fatso.

Texas A&M suspended professor accused of criticizing Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick in lecture
"For free speech advocates, health experts and students, Texas A&M’s investigation of Alonzo was a shocking demonstration of how quickly university leaders allow politicians to interfere in classroom discussions on topics in which they are not experts — and another example of increasing political involvement from state leaders in how Texas universities are managed."
The only thing Patrick is an expert on is being an idiot.

Peter Navarro: Democrats Are Forcing Us Into Civil War, We’ll Take Back America From Your “Cold Woke Hands”
Peter, you're not taking anything from me running your tiny mouth on the internet. Get on your horse and meet me in the street.

Bernie Kerik strikes deal with Jack Smith to turn over Trump records: report
It gets worse for Fatso everyday.

Georgia prosecutors looking to charge Trump with election fraud and conspiracy: sources
Georgia prosecutors are considering a pair of election fraud charges against Donald Trump, who falsely claimed that's what caused him to lose the state during the 2020 presidential election.

Kevin McCarthy appears ready to impeach Biden: 'It's rising to the level'
Go ahead, stupid. Suicide may be your only way out.

"In case you were not present this weekend, Barbie shattered all kinds of box office records, making $162 million domestically and $337 million worldwide. It’s apparently extremely popular in red states. (And also the blue ones.) Together with Oppenheimer — 'Barbenheimer,' you might have heard it called — it created the fourth biggest box office weekend in history. And unlike the fake child trafficking movie starring the QAnon Jesus clown, those numbers don’t involve letting people buy tickets for hypothetical strangers."
I was ahead of you on this one, Evan.

North Carolina GOP’s Plan to Hijack Elections Should Concern Voters Everywhere
Land of the Happy Negro fascists and their election stealing machine only keeps us in slavery.

'Get out of the race, stop wasting our time!' Ex-RNC head goes off on Nikki Haley over latest Trump comments
'You know better than me trying to parse this bubblegum speak coming out of the mouths of these people," Steele began. "It's just banal attempts to sort of placate. It's frustrating because, do you want to be president?"
Michael, she's not running for president. It's easy to see she's playing for veep.

POLL: 32% Of GOP Voters View Trump As “Unfavorable
They probably think he's a fraud, con man, traitor, rapist and a lying SOB. But they'll vote for him anyway.

The Creators of Florida’s Black History Standards Get an F on Their Homework
"Many of the figures they cite as slavery’s 'beneficiaries' were never enslaved."
So, is Dr. William B. Allen, full of gas with his position: “The intent of this particular benchmark clarification is to show that some slaves developed highly specialized trades from which they benefitted. This is factual and well documented,” the pair wrote. “Any attempt to reduce slaves to just victims of oppression fails to recognize their strength, courage and resiliency during a difficult time in American history.”
Who is saying they were "attmpting to reduce slaves to just victims of oppression" besides you, Dr. Allen?
Who's gaslighting who?

Far-Right Figures Are Behind Florida’s Slavery Lessons
Land of the Happy Negro fails history once again. Freedom does wonders for your choices in life.
"As critics were quick to note, many of the “examples” listed in the statement were never slaves, or they launched their respective professions only after gaining their freedom. The Tampa Bay Times pointed out several examples, including Booker T. Washington, listed in the statement as a teacher. “Washington was enslaved but did not gain his skills until after being freed at age 9,” the paper notes."

Florida Republicans strip renter protections in latest bid to make state unlivable
Utterly anazing to watch fascist fools break an American state into trash heap.
Expect to see their population shrink to the size of Eswatini.

Trump Just Asking Why He Wasn't Criminally Charged Years Ago, How Many More Indictments Coming Before He Dies
"Friday, Wonkette had a check-in on where things stand with Fulton County D.A. Fani Willis, who it looks like is going to make her move in Atlanta in the next three weeks. Special Counsel Jack Smith is going to start raining down January 6 indictments whenever he fuckin’ feels like it."

The Longer Trump Lasts, the Greater the Damage, the More Degraded Is America. Is the End in Sight?
"As with his first run, who really believes Trump wants to (or expects to) be president: he’s always had other fish to fry, either ego and image ('I can do this') or, more relevantly now, deflect convictions, sentences and unspeakable fines. Hey, it’s a plan – and no worse than other scams he’s concocted. It all comes down to whether Americans will again back a fu-k-up – and let a rampant, criminal ex-pres get off easy. These trains have left the station."

Republicans Against Private Enterprise
In their view, business should be forced to be transphobic and ignore climate change.

GOP 'risking a political wipeout' because it hasn't learned lesson about Trump: columnist
"If it seems fantastical, even unimaginable, that a party would put itself in such a position," she concluded, "Maybe it’s time to acknowledge that, barring an epiphany, the GOP’s self-delusion is risking a political wipeout that will take out more than its disastrous nominee. And it won’t be able to claim it wasn’t warned."

TX Gov: I Have “Sovereign Authority” To Use Razor Wire
Famous last words.

Justice Department Faces Off With Texas: No, You Can't Drown Immigrants For Their Own Safety
“This floating barrier poses a risk to navigation, as well as public safety, in the Rio Grande River, and it presents humanitarian concerns. Thus, we intend to seek appropriate legal remedies, which may include seeking injunctive relief requiring the removal of obstructions or other structures in the Rio Grande River,” the letter states.
"The letter, sent by Assistant Attorney General Todd Kimm and Jaime Esparza, US Attorney for the Western District of Texas, advises that the buoys violate the Rivers and Harbors Act, which bans obstructing navigable waters in the US. What’s more, the feds note that Texas didn’t ask for authorization from the Army Corps of Engineers, as also required by law. Texas, Wy U Fuckn Up So Bad?"

Oppenheimer's Atom Bomb Apparently Spread Fallout on 46 US States
How could it not?

Elon Musk officially kills Twitter

CNN panel shreds Ron DeSantis’ 'disgraceful' historical illiteracy
He has no excuse for this. He actually went to school. He's either a liar or a dumbass — or both.

Climate Clock drops below six years as 'summer of hell' scorches Earth
"Activists around the world held a day of action on Saturday as the "Climate Clock" for the first time ticked below six years—signaling how far away humanity is from using up the remaining carbon budget to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C."
Pay attention or bend over and kiss your ass goodbye.

Early votes cast in Ohio August election are blowing expectations out of the water
And so it will be the bed that the fascists made for themselves.

Arizona’s State Republican Party Is Practically Broke
Another casualty of Trump's con on America. There will be more.

Trump threats will only backfire on him — they prove Jack Smith's entire case
Republicans struggle to pretend Trump's an innocent angel while he begs his followers to commit violence

Ramaswamy: Trump Is Innocent Of J6-Related Crimes
Rama-Swami Ding-Dongie is a Trump bootlicker. He's not running against him. He's a fraud and a shill.

RFK Jr.: Media hitting me harder than Trump
"Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. blamed the media for dragging his campaign Sunday, saying he has been slammed “even more than President Trump was slammed” by mainstream media outlets."
This is because people are tired of the constant bullshit that Trump has covered over the country. Just shove it back up your ass.

'Sound of Freedom' breaks $100M in revenue, reaches milestone
In both show business and the music business (or any business where you sell a product) this is referred to as "papering the house." If you're providing free tickets to shows for customers to assure a crowd, or free CDs and LPs to record customers and counting them as a "sale" or "revenue" it is a bogus count. It's promotion for the product. It's an expense to get bogus numbers to get the mark's attention. It's commonly done.
In layman's language, it's bullshit.

Christian Groups To Press For Abortion Death Penalty
It's just never enough for these "Xianist" hypocrites.
Try keeping your "youth pastors" away from raping children first, you dickheads.

Lawsuit: Crypto Lobbyist Wanted To Buy Pacific Island Nation To Build Apocalypse Bunker For Tech Billionaires
The stupid is strong here.

'A brilliant move': Jack Smith praised by legal experts for deploying game-changing statute

'Everyone saw the evidence': McCaskill wants Trump’s criminal trials televised like OJ Simpson’s
It's history and we are obliged as a nation to have it televised to us.

Ex-prosecutor: Convicting Trump 'like proving that fish swim and birds fly'
""Katie, I don't often like to go where I'm about to go, because people are forever saying that it's so hard to prove Donald Trump's corrupt intent, his criminal state of mind, his guilty mens rea, I do not agree with that," he replied.
"I proved corrupt intent for 30 years in courtrooms, both military and civilian with far less evidence that has been amassed against Donald Trump," he continued. "I think proving Donald Trump's corrupt intent is like proving that fish swim and birds fly."

White Leaders Prevent an Alabama Town’s First Black Mayor From Serving
Again, Alabama secedes by default. Occupy the state.

Florida’s Magical Negro History Standards
"An entire system based on terrorism and repression is magically transformed into a sensitive evolution of a white supremacist culture that did so much to allow Blacks to find themselves and their tormentors to pat themselves on the back. Naturally, racism is over. Naturally, Free Florida is God’s gift to Blacks. This is history in the land of DeSantistan.
Praise be, massa."

Jack Smith urged to 'detain Trump pending trial' after new threats of violence
Put his traitor ass in stir now before he gets us all killed.

Putin warns Poland an attack on Belarus would be an attack on Russia
Russian president appeared to be responding to Warsaw’s decision to re-station military units closer to the Belarusian border.
NATO has a right to defend itself. Any attack on Poland by a two-bit, shit-fer-brains killer would mean the start of WWIII and the end of civilization.

Youth Pastor Gets 5 Years On Child Sex, Porn Charges
"According to an agreed statement of facts, the pastor ran a mental health outreach program for young adults and asked a teenage member of the church’s congregation in 2017 to co-preach a sermon series with him."
"Dahr had sex with the girl, whose identity is protected by a court-ordered publication ban, and they exchanged intimate photos and videos of themselves."
Xtianist grooming again.

Christian Sports Ministry Leader Charged With Child Sex
The former executive director of Full Count Ministries is facing child sex crime charges. Xianist child groomer, 40-year-old Jacob R. Oldham, gets popped.
Another child groomer goes down. When will we put a stop to this pedophile "religion"?

Idaho judge sentences 5 from white nationalist group to jail for conspiracy to riot at Pride event
Pride in being a jerk.

All You Need To Know To Understand Every Strongly-Held GOP Belief
They ride a blazing asshole!

Killer Kyle Rittenhouse Rally Was A Complete Flop
"If you hold a pro-gun rally and no one comes, is it really still a rally?"
Here's another dick that Marge can wave around.

Complaint Filed Against Marge For Waving Hunter's D*ck Pics Around
Some told me that waving dicks around is pretty common behavior where she comes from.

If You Fuck Around With Us
"You're gonna reap just what you sew..." Further On Up the Road — Bobby Bland

Tennessee Now One of Three States With Permanent Felony Disenfranchisement After New Administrative Guidance Torpedoes Voting Rights Restoration
Doing your time isn't enough for these Nazis.

The eco collapse we were warned about has begun
"In 2023, different climatic anomalies have been recorded that set new historical records in the tragic progression of climate change at the global level."

Justice Department orders Texas to remove deadly—and illegal—Rio Grande traps
Oh, no! Do they mean Abbott can't kill colored people anymore? /s

Trump says Biden treats Catholics 'like the enemy' in blathering response to question about his faith
"You had no faith to lose and you know it..." — Positively 4th Street, Bob Dylan

Trump On His “Faith Journey”: I Know So Many People
He doesn't know shit from Shinola. And I don't mean wrist watches.
"There is no universe where I accept that 50% of people believe this isn’t the stupidest thing that has ever been said since time began." — Be My Wambsgans (comments)

Nebraska teen sentenced to 90 days in jail after self-managed abortion
A teenager? These motherfuckers have lost all contact with reality. They are amoral.

Russia Arrests Pro-War Putin Critic Igor Girklin
Igor Girkin called Vladimir Putin president a "lowlife" and a "cowardly bum" earlier this week.
Exactly what Putin is. Trump is the same scumbag.

Just A Good Old Boy In A Small Town
Just stay out of the small towns where you hear banjo music.
The "small town" he describes here is merely a crossroads junction rest stop on a lost highway.

Texas Abortion Law Is On Trial. Women Are Amazing Witnesses
Women harmed by Texas abortion law give emotional court testimony.
Their misogynist fantasy will soon become their nightmare.

Harris Rebukes Florida Over History Lessons On Slavery
“Adults know what slavery really involved. It involved rape. It involved torture. It involved taking a baby from their mother. It involved some of the worst examples of … depriving people of humanity in our world,” she said.

Around 2,000 penguins wash up dead on Uruguay coast
A snapshot of our future.

Sen. Chuck Grassley put American lives at risk to spread a document he knew was a lie
Did he know that? Really? And you say Biden is too old? ROTFLMAO!

Alabama GOP shows little willingness to follow court orders for 2nd Black congressional district
Land of the Happy Negro state secedes by default with this action.
Time to send federal troops in to occupy the state, remove their current government, and set up a provisional government that will follow the law.

'Stupid': Scarborough Appalled By Trump's Newest Threat To Jack Smith
Addled ancient man runs his mouth again.
"On Thursday, former President Donald Trump shared a threatening video clip on his Truth Social platform in which he appeared to try to intimidate Special Counsel Jack Smith. And now, he's doubled down. Has Lumpy even taken a good look at Jack Smith? I don't think he's easily intimidated. Smith prosecuted war crimes in The Hague."
What a frump.

Republicans Who Oppose All Gun Control Laws Call On Media To Limit Their Reporting About Mass Shooters
Fascist party loses all semblence of sanity. How can they hide their swastikas after this shit?
We're back to the Reagan bullshit of blaming the press for everything they are responsible for.

Texas University President Forced Out Over Diversity
"Texas A&M University said on Friday that its president would retire “immediately” after fallout surrounding political pushback of a new director of its journalism program because of her work promoting diversity, equity and inclusion."
A&M: University of Fascism.

DeSantis Craters Among Women In New Yahoo Poll
So sad.

Why Trump 2.0 Would Be Much Worse
For those who must have things spelled out for them.

Maternal Mortality Is Rising, and Pro-Lifers Don’t Care
Is it God's punishment, dear hearts? /s

Confusion and stress abound for 500,000 Texans bumped from Medicaid
"Continuous Medicaid coverage ended in April. Many of the roughly half-million people stripped from the rolls don’t even know they’ve lost coverage yet."

Jesse Watters Can't Believe Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Not Even Allowed To Ask If COVID Was Chinese-ly Engineered To Spare The Jews
"Well, goddammit, when will this censorship of mediocre white men who just like to ask questions stop? After yesterday’s totally fucked up hearing of the Jim Jordan committee to weaponize itself against America, which featured wackaloon shithole Robert F. Kennedy Jr. getting the shit kicked out of him by every Democrat present, Jesse Watters had to go on the Fox News version of 'The View' where it’s Judge Boxwine instead of Whoopi Goldberg saying the words at that one corner of the table. And he had to say some very good smart words!"

Old Handsome Joe Goes To Philadelphia For Infrastructure Year, Bidenomics Speech
"Joe Biden gave a speech Thursday afternoon to talk up the success of the economy during his presidency, speaking to union workers at a shipyard in Philadelphia. It’s another of his appearances to tout the success of 'Bidenomics,' a term he clearly enjoyed pointing out had been coined by conservative critics at the Wall Street Journal."

Georgia prosecutors are preparing a massive racketeering case against Trump: report
Mob boss will get his.

Voters’ distaste for 'dangerous,' 'nutjob' RFK Jr. is growing: report
Repulsive is the word that comes to mind.

Wagner Group Reports Staggering Losses In Ukraine
A total of 22,000 Wagner Group mercenaries have been killed in Ukraine, with a further 40,000 wounded, according to a Wagner-affiliated Telegram channel.

Ha Ha, Marge Records Another Ad For Biden
She just can't help herself.
Showing the skills of her masters degree in Stupid.

Pop Music Legend Tony Bennett Dies At Age 96
What a loss for the world. A most remarkable musician.

Fox Host: Shooting Intruders Is “The American Dream”
Be careful what you wish for.
Living in fear is not what you call a dream for anyone. The fascist Republican mob lives in a world of fear.

Aldean’s Video Uses Old Protests From Other Countries
"PolitiFact dissected the video and found that although many of the clips we were able to verify do come from news footage of real events, many of the scenes depicting crowd violence are from outside the U.S., including Ukraine, Germany and Canada, with one dating as far back as 2010."
Of course, he's a victim.

Judge Aileen Cannon sets Trump trial date in Mar-a-Lago case
The Department of Justice had asked to bring the case to trial in December, while the former president's lawyers had sought to delay it until after the election. Cannon essentially split the difference and set the start date for May 20, 2024.
Still, it's just a stall. But Trump will have his day in court.

Laura Ingraham So Mad 'Barbie' Making Men Do Pilates While They Wait For Their Welfare And Their DoorDash Orders
"Full disclosure: We do not understand why the Barbie thing is a such a thing, so we cannot comment on it from a perspective of understanding the Barbie thing. [Editrix’s note, this is clearly Evan speaking for himself, because I absolutely understand why the Barbie thing is such a thing.]
We also do not understand how empty and dead inside a person would have to be, what a waste of a sad and useless human life, to be upset about the Barbie thing. (Or the Snow White thing. Or the Bud Light thing. Or the Target thing. Or the Cracker Barrel thing.)
So anyway, Laura Ingraham’s new show “Background Noise For Your Cats While They Wait For You To Get Home From Work” is going well. She had one of her weird walking nervous tic guests on last night, Raymond Arroyo, and they were talking about the Barbie."

Infant Deaths Rose by 12 Percent in Texas Amid Abortion Ban
"In the first year of abortion being nearly fully banned in Texas, infant mortality rose for the first time in seven years, nearly entirely undoing years of progress on infant mortality in a single year, new data shows."

The Self-Serving Derangement of the Rich
"Whence this conspiracy-minded paranoia in Muskville, Krugman wondered. Why can’t our economic overlords handle the truth?"

Florida Board of Education’s New Guidelines Imply Slavery Benefitted Black People
After all they are "The Land of the Happy Negro." Or have they just been reading it here?

New Florida History Guidelines Require Teaching Upsides Of Slavery, Like Learning Job Skills, Getting Free Slop For Dinner
Take me to the Land of the Happy Negro. I'll even ride in a crowded hold of a shitty boat.

Judge Shoots Down Tucker Carlson’s ‘Cherry-Picked Videos’ of January 6 in Scathing Ruling Tossing QAnon Shaman’s Bid to Dismiss Conviction
I just thought it said "Judge Shoots Down Tucker Carlson..."

“Bleach Church” Family Guilty Of COVID Cure Scam
And another "WTF" bites the dust.

Groundwork's Lindsay Owens Applauds White House for Tackling Corporate Price Gouging
Meanwhile, Biden keeps working for the people.

'He vaccinated all his children': House Democrat blows a hole in RFK Jr.’s anti-vax arguments
He forgets what he says most of the time. There's more to just lying at work here.

RFK Jr: I Did Not Say Those Words You Heard Coming Out Of My Mouth
"Somehow, Kennedy denied that he said what we've all heard him say, that Covid may have been 'ethnically targeted,' affecting Jewish and Chinese people the least. RFK Jr. seems unaware that all of this is documented in video clips.

'Dead as fried chicken': Senate Republicans lash out after Supreme Court ethics bill clears committee
The crooks in the House sure as hell don't need no fuckin' ethics bills getting in their fuckin' unethical ways.

White House wants 'desperate' GOP held accountable after Grassley publishes 'uncorroborated FBI record'
Did someone say something about being "too old" to govern?

Retired meteorologist names heatwaves after fossil fuel companies: report
"Walton "has already christened two previous heatwaves this summer" as 'Amoco and BP,' noted The Guardian. Walton's latest, the paper revealed, is 'Chevron.'"

QAnon Shaman Loses Attempt To Retract Guilty Plea
Bless his little double-pointed, treasonous head.

Democrats Dick-Kicked James Comer And His Hunter Biden Whistleblowers For Whole Day Yesterday, And It Was Televised!
"In case you missed it, yesterday, Marjorie Taylor Greene, a serious person, decided to deal with Joe Biden once and for all by showing Congress pictures of his son’s weenus."

Union Warns House GOP Proposal May Put Social Security Administration in Crisis
More theft on working Americans by the wealthy greed disease.

RFK Laughably Declares “I Have Never Been Anti-Vax”
Just how many sides to his mouth does he have?

California Pastor Arrested In Underage Sex Sting
Another Xianist groomer bites the dust.
"...this servant of Christ is a fan of Christian nationalist Charlie Kirk."

Trump Threatens “Dangerous” Result If He’s Imprisoned
Dangerous for him. And Jack Smith won't put him in jail. The jury will.

Stanford Scientists Find That Yes, ChatGPT Is Getting Stupider
"This study affirms what users have been saying for more than a month now: that as they've used the GPT-3 and GPT-4-powered ChatGPTover time, they've noticed it becoming, well, stupider."
Just like American human beings.

Law professor: Trump indictments may be last chance to save 'American democracy' from authoritarian takeover
There's no "may" about it.

Analysis reveals GOP spending cuts would kill 500,000 jobs
Thnk of how much that means for the super wealthy class.

A vote to 'expunge' Trump impeachments could be 'poisonous' to vulnerable Republicans in Biden districts
Everything Trump touches dies.

Accused war criminal Putin skipping August BRICS summit over ICC arrest concerns: report
Murderer faces arrest if he shows his face outside his safe spot.

'Immune to both shame and common sense': Molly Jong-Fast slams GOP lawmakers
She means "turd stirrers," which is the agenda of the "party."

DeSantis attacks on Florida's New College hit home as faculty flee
A lot of this is going on in Florida. It will soon become a third world banana republic.

'Zero proof': Dem mocks GOP after Marjorie Taylor Greene displays nude photos at hearing
MTG is the textbook definition of "white trash."

Republicans claim they love America — but they sure don't seem to like the American people
"It’s time to stop letting Republicans claim the mantle of patriotism without actually being patriots."

JD Vance Joins Forces With Marjorie Taylor Greene On Trans Genocide Bill
"Vance’s bill would criminalize gender-affirming care as a Class C felony. Taxpayer funding for these critical procedures would end, including under the Affordable Care Act.
The bill would also ban higher education institutions from instructing anyone on the procedures, as well as prohibit anyone who’s performed gender-affirming care procedures from obtaining a visa or entering the United States."
So, yes, this is a straight-up trans eradication bill.
And Vance is a dirty rat-faced git.

TV Ad in Ohio Tries to Scare Voters With Drag Queens to Thwart Abortion Rights
MAGAts rig the game constantly.

7 in 10 Americans Support Passage of Pro-Union PRO Act, Poll Finds
Stick with the Union.

Trump Loses Bid For New Trial In E. Jean Carroll Case
Fatso will spend the rest of his life in both court and prison.

Boy, 16, Dead In Accident In Chicken Processing Plant
Thankfully, he wasn't an LGBTQ+. That's all the fascists in the Land of the Happy Negro would be concerned about.

Louisiana GOP overrides governor’s veto of 'needlessly' harmful gender-affirming care ban: report
Brain dead will see that as many die as possible.

'Dangerous denials of reality': ex-NYT editor regrets taking RFK Jr. call
Free speech is one thing. Screaming "fire" in a crowded theater when there is no "fire" can get people killed.

Mystery Solved: GOP Candidate Who Reported False Federal Filing
...turned out to be his own campaign who didn't get the memo he'd changed his mind.
The answer for these morons is to lie to you.

Trump Praises China’s Xi For Ruling “With An Iron Fist”
The Nazi shows us he's a Nazi. Believe him. He doesn't lie when it comes to his Nazi ego.

Watters Asks McCarthy To Stop Trump Indictment
Two "Shit-fer-brains" babble incoherently. They wouldn't know a law if it bit them on what they call their dicks.

Hey Republicans (and RFK Jr.): Nobody wants to see you do push-ups
RFK Jr. and other GOP stooges think their fitness videos are impressive, but it's really quite sad
It's sad that they can convince a voter they have a brain. He could barely make the last two push-ups.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Ordered Troopers To Push Children Into The River
And worse. Gird yourselves.
"Texas state troopers assigned to Gov. Greg Abbott’s border crackdown, Operation Presidential Bid, have been ordered to “push small children and nursing babies back into the Rio Grande, and have been told not to give water to asylum seekers even in extreme heat,” according to reporting by the Houston Chronicle, based on an email from a Department of Public Safety (DPS) trooper working as a medic. CNN has also obtained the same documents."
Such a nice guy, eh?

What We Should Have Learned from the Rats, but Didn't
"I wish I could convince myself I'm just having an old man's mood, a moment of geriatric hysteria. But it we're not living out a ratty doomsday scenario now, with "end of times" symptoms everywhere to be seen, this will have to do until that day of doom shows up. It doesn't really feel like it can be all that far away, does it?

Trump will be charged as 'leader' of Jan. 6 conspiracy: J6 investigator
What's the temperature in Mar-a-Lago? Fahrenheit 451?

Heat Index Breaks Miami Records: 13 Days Over 106º
How ya likin' it so far? Get used to it. It will get worse.

Ramaswarmy Calls January 6 “Just A Friendly Preview”
“My concern is unless we reconcile ourselves with what the truth of the matter was that led to Jan. 6, that's really just going to be a friendly preview of what's to come in this country. I think every American has to look, especially much of the Left in this country that denounces Jan. 6 and the supposed threats to our democracy. Everyone in this country has to take a long, hard look in the mirror and ask ourselves what role each of us played in getting to that day.”
Is this a threat or a promise, Ramalama Ding-Dongie?

Notorious Tiki Torch Nazi Charged With Riot Felonies
1 + 1 should make for about 40 years in this case.

GOP Seeks To Undo Billions In Infrastructure Funding
All chiselers like their dear leader.

Cultists Melt Down Over Trump’s Looming Third Arrest
They should save it until the fourth one that's coming. ROTFLMAO!
Dear Stefanikgreeners: There is one set of laws. Your fat boy idiot has broken every one of them.

Brooklyn Priest Sentenced To Five Years For Child Porn
Another "pastor" groomer bites the dust. It has become more than evident that Xtianist "pastors" are the groomers of our children. They are the ones that should be shut down, not drag queens you dipshits.

Florida CFO Vows To Investigate “Woke” Home Insurer For Leaving The State, Compares Them To Bud Light
Who does this Nazi pusgut think he is? Martin Bormann?

Ketchup Thrower Loses It, Busts Out In All-Caps Tirade
Here he goes again. Trying to start another riot just like the one he started on January 6.
It's almost over Fatso.They are coming for you and you're running out of steam.

Loser Trump Loses 9-0 In Stupid Effort To Fire Fani Willis
Fatso, you will soon be a four-time loser.

Common Cause Urges Support for the Freedom to Vote Act
“Americans expect and deserve a democracy where every one of us has an equal say in the future for our family and community, regardless of our political party, background, or zip code,” said Marilyn Carpinteyro, Common Cause Interim Co-President. “The Freedom to Vote Act will help ensure that ‘we the people’ determine the course of the nation instead of the billionaires, special interests and politicians who are pushing legislation to put up barriers to voting and silence the voices of everyday Americans.”

Freedom to Vote Act Would Blunt Multi-Pronged Attacks on Democracy
“It has been 10 years since the U.S. Supreme Court gutted voting rights, and two years since a president attempted to overturn the will of voters to remain in power. Now, Congress has a chance to reverse this antidemocratic tide by passing legislation that would safeguard our freedom to vote from those who are attempting to snatch it away."

Expand the Supreme Court? Activists livid Senate Democrats are holding out
It's no doubt the SCOTUS hacks aren't living in the same world as the rest of us are.

Michigan AG indicts 16 people in Trump fake electors plot: report
MAGAt seditonists get busted.

How the Supreme Court pulled a right-wing doctrine 'out of thin air' to 'invalidate' Biden’s policies
Must be their "Seig Heil!" policy.

WTF: We're Not Sure If This Republican Is Talking In Tongues Or Not
This is gibberish.
That's their native language.

Watters’ Mother Calls In To Fox Show To Beg Him To Stop Spreading Conspiracy Theories, End Biden Attacks
Apparently, mommy didn't know what a snot her little boy is.
Better listen to mommy, sonny — while you can.

House GOP Seeks To Defund FAA Diversity Initiatives
Why are these reprobates so un-American?

19 Republican AGs Demand Info On Patients Who Obtain Abortions Or Transgender Care In Other States
Shove it up your Nazi butts. Keep out of other states' rights, you hypocrites.

Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert were doomed to feud — there can only be one MAGA queen
These two know that the far-right is like the Smurfs: There's only room for one lady
It's the "MAGAt Ladie's Wrestling Show." And there's never a real winner here.

Watch: Some Alabama GOP voters are fed up with Tommy Tuberville's military promotion blockade
Even they can understand what a disaster he is to the country? Things are changing.

“Unbearable”: Doctors treating trans kids are leaving Texas, exacerbating adolescent care crisis
Texas is going the way of Florida — down the drain.

Falcons and Cuckoos Flying High Above the Nest
"Robert Kennedy 2.0 is no chip off his dad's old block. He appears to be a knothole in the family tree, a guy who believes all manner of bullshit."

GOP War on the FBI: Republican Attacks on Chris Wray Echo Ideology of OKC Bomber Timothy McVeigh
"The notion that the FBI is a leftist organization out to destroy the American right is, it goes without saying, among the dumbest ideas ever generated by human brains."

President Biden’s Most Powerful Student Loan Tool
Income-driven repayment can be used to forgive as much student debt as he wants.

Logic Department News:
What do astronomers say about Moon landing deniers? Batting down the conspiracy theory with an assist from the 1969 Miracle Mets

Greg Abbott dubbed one of the 'dumbest people in the country' after sharing spoof Garth Brooks story
We've known this and preached this for years here.

Brewing El Niño Suggests the Worst Heat Is Yet to Come
Mild El Niño climatic conditions brewing in the Pacific Ocean will strengthen throughout the year, with an outside chance of a record-breaking event that will further turbocharge already sweltering temperatures around the globe, scientists have forecast.

We Need Biden's Leadership For This Climate Emergency
Don't sit quietly. This is the time to write or call your Democratic congress members and senators.

We Who Believe In Freedom: Ida Wells' Crusade To Arouse the Conscience of America
Amidst our enduring and revivified racism - today's GOP: "A white nationalist (is) an American" - we celebrate the birthday of anti-lynching agitator, muckraking journalist, fierce suffragist and orator Ida B. Wells, who for decades used the media to fight against lynching, "that last relic of barbarism and slavery," as "color-line murder" based on "the old threadbare lie that Negro men assault white women." "Only under the Stars and Stripes," she charged, "is this human holocaust possible."
The same racist bastards are still with us. They've just moved on to other atrocities these days.

Trump-appointed judges have ruled favorably to conservative Christians but not other religions: study
This is the American version of the Taliban. They are very much the same group of zealots that will stop at nothing.
Also known as "Talibastards."
Throw them out like the trash they are.

'Can she even spell socialism?' MTG mocked after attack on Biden backfires
She is a perpetual bullshit machine and stupid as a sack of hammers.

Inflation is plummeting across America except in Ron DeSantis’ Florida
Pay attention MTG. Maybe you can learn something? Nah.

'It would be chaotic': How Trump plans to annihilate checks and balances if he wins in 2024
Conniving grifter, lying criminal, seditious traitor, total loser who kills everything he touches.

'May not be what you think': Jen Psaki exposes 'unapologetically extreme' Moms for Liberty group
You can forget the "May not be" and replace with "Are."
They are a department under the "Ministry of Truth."
"Some free advice out there for people who are not sure what the organization is about — whether it's called Moms for Liberty or Puppies for Ice cream — it's worth looking into the agenda of an organization before joining it. Sometimes, it may not be what you think."

When Arresting Librarians Is Not Enough For Republicans…
An Arkansas state senator promises to defund all public libraries affiliated with the American Library Association.
Nazi scum. "He would like nothing better than to eliminate the freedom to read altogether."
Just because he's illiterate he doesn't want anyone to be considered well-read?
Right Wing Watch caught Sullivan at the annual conference of National Association of Christian Lawmakers this month.
Another broken Xtianist facing extinction.

Just asking questions

Hate Group: OTC Birth Control Pills Are Anti-Christian
This man and his mob masquerade as Christians. They can fuck all the way off.

96% Of Kirk Event Attendees Say They Support Russia
Is that a lot? Asking for a stupid friend.

Trump Plots Massive Expansion Of Presidential Powers
Running on the Dictator ticket.
He deserves mass rejection and a prison term.

Impeachment lawyer details the list of people who will be indicted along with Trump for 2020 election fraud
Oh, there is a bunch of them. Some with big mouths and will sing likd a bird.

US sets a grim milestone with new record for the deadliest six months of mass killings
If one didn't know better one might think we are already in civil war. "Slain at the hands of strangers or gunned down by loved ones. Massacred in small towns, in big cities, inside their own homes or outside in broad daylight. This year's unrelenting bloodshed across the U.S. has led to the grimmest of milestones: The deadliest six months of mass killings recorded since at least 2006."

Medicaid Purge Has Affected at Least 2.1 Million People—Including Many Children
The Medicaid purge that began earlier this year after Congress agreed to end pandemic-era coverage requirements has now impacted more than 2.1 million people across the United States.

Former Kansas chief justice issues a chilling warning about the future
The U.S. fascists must really hate America with the stupid shit they do.

'We need respect!' GOP candidate booed mercilessly at pro-Trump event
Fascist mob shows no respect, of course.

'Bannon’s meat puppet': RFK Jr. lambasted after blaming America for Ukrainian youth deaths
Straight to hell with him.

Winning Ohio: Allow Me to Present the Greatest Political Ad in the History of Television!
Ohio was once a decent place to live. One vote counts more than another? What happened?
State Issue 1 has been widely criticized as a conservative ploy to restrict voters from making abortion legal in the state come November. Kill democracy is its goal. More "fucking" fascism!

Carlson: Mike Pence “Isn’t Much Of Christian Leader”
Here is some of the most illogical and fallacious thought processes one will ever hear.

Gaetz Vows To Introduce “National School Prayer Law”
Shitting on the Constitution much? Fuck Gaetz and the lies he rode in on.

FL Republicans Seek To Outlaw “Bioweapon” COVID Vax
Let's outlaw fucking MAGAt brain defectives instead.

'Unusual' activity in Georgia points to Trump facing 'massive conspiracy case': ex-prosecutor
The weight of Fatso's crimes are crushing him.

NATO summit was a success: Even without Ukraine's entrance, European unity strikes a blow to Putin
President Joe Biden has a lot to brag about as he returns from the NATO summit in Vilnius

Kari Lake’s 'frivolous' election lawsuit triggers $122K fine: report
A federal judge on Friday ordered failed gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake, along with her attorney Alan Dershowitz and fellow right-wing fringe candidate Mark Finchem, to pay a $122,000 fine for their pursuit of a “frivolous” lawsuit to overturn the 2022 election, The Messenger reports.
Enough, already.

'When will it end?' A Wisconsin school board ousts first grade teacher over inclusive song
In a far off galaxy when all the shit-fer-brains realize we are a free country?

Iraq veteran: 'Senator Redneck' Tuberville's military blockade is directly hurting Alabama
"And important to note, too, they're Black and Tommy Tuberville is white and he continues to pick fights with high profile African-American people in our government. That's not an accident."
Someone described the "Dear Ole Dixie Dick," as "George Wallace in drag."

'Kiss my big medical butt': Trump’s ex-cabinet member says he’ll never support him again
"The only thing that guy has more of than fake tan is narcissism... He can kiss my big medical butt."
Looks too much like his face.

GOP congressman says he doesn't want drag show supporters 'with their hand on a missile button'
"I'm going to guess from the gray hair on Captain Tupperware's head that Rosendale knows pretty well who Bob Hope was, and Jonathan Winters, and Dana Carvey, and Tom Hanks, and for f--k's sake drag shows have been a thing in America for at least the last 150 years."
Why must we put up with dumbass, stupid idiots who don't know shit from applebutter?

Ramaswamy Backs Insane Claim About Federal Reserve
Rama-Swami Ding-Dongie spits out another bonkers conspiracy theory.
"...polling quite well in several states?" Again, people are so fucking dumb they don't recognize bullshitters.

Fifth Major Home Insurer Pulls Out Of Florida Market
People can no longer own a home in Florida unless they are double-damn rich.

Recruits Quit DeSantis’s Private Army: “It’s A Militia”
It looks like the people in Florida are starting to open their eyes.
What the fuck were they thinking?

RNC could rescind Trump's nomination if he get convicted of a felony: experts
Do they have the courage to do that?

Biden administration unveils $39B of student debt relief as part of income-driven repayment fix
Virginia, it's SCOTUS that is the one who should be ashamned here. Stop your bullshitting us.

Trump 'would be murdered on cross examination' if he told jury he believed election lies: legal expert
"They can try to proffer it," said Litman. However, he added, "Here's Axiom Number One in any case involving Trump: he won't testify. He can't testify. He'd be murdered on cross-examination. So it's a little bit of an inside prosecutorial point. But I don't see how they're going to present this point."

Trump's 'crybaby crusade' is 'as stale as a month-old crust of sourdough': conservative columnist
"Conservative Washington Post columnist George Will on Friday made a bold prediction that is completely at odds with current polls: Namely, that neither former President Donald Trump nor Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis will get the 2024 Republican nomination."

Florida is hurting as it becomes 'where empathy, decency and kindness go to die
And everyone knows it, including him.

Jim Jordan Misfires in Attacks on Lina Khan
House Judiciary Committee Republicans didn’t follow Jordan in his assaults on Khan’s ethics. Some Republicans even praised her.

Scientists Debunk RFK Jr.’s Completely Unfounded Claim That Chemicals Can Make Children Gay
"The baseless claim that chemicals — particularly in tap water — could turn people gay has gained popularity with conspiracy theorists over the years, most memorably with conservative radio host Alex Jones, who said chemicals in the water were 'turning the friggin' frogs gay.'"
Obviously they are turning people into tap water addicts.

Did Trump Let 500,000 Americans Die Purely for Political Purposes?
Suddenly things began to change as the federal government stopped trying to save lives and started promoting policies that would eventually kill – unnecessarily – a half-million Americans.

Did Melania Get Paid $155,000 To Put On Some Damn Pants And Walk Downstairs At Her Own House?
File under "Nice fuckin' grift if you can get it" and "These goddamned people" and "Wait is that legal?"

How Much Weird Kremlin Propaganda Can You Get On The TV Now That Tucker's Gone?
"Ron Johnson, the man we used to call the Senate's Dumbest Republican until we simply had to give that title over to Tommy Tuberville, went on 'Fox & Friends' yesterday, and — well, we didn't call him the dumbest for no reason, y'all. He said he went to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's inauguration, and at that time he thought Zelenskyy really wanted peace with Putin. He just doesn't know what happened 'in the intervening period' to make Zelenskyy so anti-peace. He did allow that Putin had invaded, but still, why does Zelenskyy hate peace so much?"

Nancy Mace Thirsts For A Different GOP, Legislative Moderation, Human Blood
"Ha ha, psych! It’s not feeding time yet, you’re good."

TX Judge Uses Recent SCOTUS Decision To Avoid Marrying Same Sex Couples
Here comes the Christian conservative effort to expand anti-LGBTQ+ rulings from the Supreme Court.
Discrimination returns to America. And we aren't ashamed? We are a pitiful people.

Special Counsel Roasts Trump’s Demand To Delay Trial
Trump has the fix in. He's truly a gangster dictator along with his mob associate on the bench.

MAGA Reps Lose Attempt To Defund Aid To Ukraine
"MAGA Reps Lose" is always a joy to hear.

Hunter Biden Lawyer Warns Trump Over False Claims
Trump's trying to stir up his turds to make another stinking mess.
"If Trump thinks that people who pay their taxes late deserve the death penalty, then surely he'd agree that people like him who cheat on their taxes and don't pay them at all deserve to be drawn and quartered." -- What, me worry" (comments)
And let's have it out on Highway 61.

Newsom Threatens School District Over Harvey Milk
Future U.S. President straightens out language abuser.

GOP Rep: Humanitarian Aid Isn’t In The Constitution
Another DeSantis Nazi runs her stupid pie hole.
Liz Cheney was too kind when she said “We’re electing idiots.”
By the dozens.

GOP war on the FBI: Republican attacks on Chris Way echo ideology of Oklahoma bomber Timothy McVeigh
Being a "good" Republican means embracing the anti-government ideology that led to the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing
Seditious scumbags.

House Ethics Committee re-opens investigation into Matt Gaetz: report
Nail his ass this time around.

Why Does White Christian Nationalism Now Define the Republican Party?
They've had too many booby hatch escapees join up.

Actor promotes Trump's movie screening by pushing QAnon's bizarre infant blood-drinking theory
One more crackpot "Xianist."
Adrenochrome has been debunked so many times this asshhole admits he's "never, ever, ever, ever saw it." Quack, quack.

Bill Gates Says AI Could “Undermine Elections and Democracy”
So it's another word for GOP?

Fascist Mamas For DeSantis Say They Won't Be Silenced But They Actually Sound Pretty Screechy
"Unfondly dubbed Sunshine State Lady Macbeth, Casey DeSantis is widely viewed as the thorny 'power behind the throne,' a former TV reporter more comfortable in the spotlight than her awkward husband who nonetheless shares 'his hubris, and his paranoia, and his vaulting ambition,' and then some. For critics of a certain age, she can evoke Natasha Fatale, the scheming, genetically engineered spy for fictional Pottsylvania in the 1960s cartoon show Rocky and Bullwinkle; taller and smarter than her fellow spy Boris, she sometimes trash-talked the country's Fearless Leader behind his oblivious back. LOL. In a book, DeSantis has described meeting his future wife on a Florida golf course in 2006 as 'my life's most fortuitous moment.' After marrying in 2009 at - irony alert - Disney World's wedding pavilion, she quickly became his most important political adviser, part of 'this singular entity, 'the DeSanti,' 'the tip of the spear,' 'the air in which he moves.' 'She is every bit as involved in Ron’s rise as Ron is himself,' said a former staffer, who like others in a scathing profile in Politico stayed anonymous due to the DeSanti 'collective capacity for spite.' 'He constitutionally doesn’t trust people (and) she doesn’t either,' he said. 'She’s more paranoid than he is. He’s a vindictive motherfucker. She's twice that.'

First over-the-counter birth control pill gets FDA approval
What knee jerks will we see from the Nazis who will shit their pants over this?

The Republican case against Joe Biden and Hunter Biden is ridiculous
"The Department of Justice renewed charges Monday against the man Republicans had repeatedly touted as their star witness against Hunter Biden and his father, President Joe Biden. As it turns out, the mystery of why Gal Luft is missing isn’t very mysterious after all. The Republican “informant” has been scarce because he’s on the run after jumping bail and is facing charges of illegal arms dealing, lying to federal agents, and being an unregistered agent of the Chinese government."

LIT: Iowa Resident Has Words For GOP Abortion Hypocrites
"Where was he when Kim Reynolds was saying she wasn't going to feed kids anymore?" she asked. "These same kids that you've made harder to get eligible for SNAP when infant meal is $30 or more a can? Really? Really? Where were they then?" "Where are all these church people when she's denying people health care?" she continued. "Where are they, then? I'm just saying if this is about the church and if this is about God, you are the same people that will slap the loaves of bread out of Jesus' hand, slap the fish out of Jesus' hand, and tell them to get in line and figure out if they're worthy or eligible." Where were they? Out grifting and fucking America.

Far-right Florida Republican: 'We need to extinguish the left'
Another fascist from the Land of the Happy Negro speaks.

'Enough is enough': Robert Reich demands Clarence Thomas resign or be impeached
It's high time this grifter goes.

Gone in 60 seconds: At FBI director hearing, Republican conspiracies about Biden go 'POOF!'
The Peter Principal at work here.

State officials told to 'carry out their duty' keeping Trump off 2024 ballot
The very idea that this traitor is on any U.S. ballot is a disgrace to our country.

Backlash As Salon Owner Refuses Trans, Queer Patrons
She didn't think this one out.
Sorry, but thinking requires a brain and a sense of reason.
Christine Geiger has neither. "Studio 8 Hair Lab, by Christine Geiger, announced that she would refuse service to trans and queer people, and any haircut not deemed "normal" for their gender." What's the fallacy in her statement?
This also illustrates the shit box SCOTUS opened that gives power to bigots in to deny anyone anything if they don't like them. We have returned to a time of darkness.

Texas Judge Cites Recent SCOTUS Ruling In Renewed Lawsuit To Refuse To Officiate Any Same-Sex Marriages
See. We no longer have any defense against discrimination AGAIN, you scumbags, because "faith"! You see what a shit box the Cafeteria Christian Talibastards have opened?

Marjorie Taylor Greene introduces amendment to pull U.S. out of NATO, destabilize the world
Queen of Fools and Public Nuiscances opens her "Look at Me" mouth and pulls out a huge bone.

Who could have predicted that GOP efforts to demonize early voting would suppress their own vote?
But that's what idiots do.

McDaniel Refuses To Say Biden Was Elected Fairly
I think fascists are very real. You and yours are the problems you speak of.

Watters Suggests Biden Planted Coke To Frame Harris
Here he's admitting it rally belonged to him.

GOP's Larry Householder asking for shorter sentence after serving two weeks of 20-year term
ROTFLMAO! Snowflake!

FBI director warns of 'violent gangs,' 'child predators' and 'terrorist attacks' if agency is defunded
Seems like we already have more than our share: Proud Boys, "Christian pastors," and MAGAt attacks.

'Chilling': Ex-prosecutor stunned J6 defendant allegedly got Obama’s address 'because Trump posted' it.
Add this shitbag to the previous list. Yes, Trump too.

Watters Attacks Rapinoe: I’ve Done More For Women’s Sports
Like what? Clean their toilets?

Twitter is dying and nothing is going to replace it
How about traditional news sources? I suppose that's too difficult for many of us these days.

Georgia officials sue conservative voting group over refusal to produce ballot-harvesting evidence
Empty-headed numbskulls and their harmful ways must be shut down.

Sunday School Teacher Gets Life On Child Sex Charges
Another Xtianist bites it for good.

DOJ Says No Immunity: Another E. Jean Carroll Lawsuit Against Trump Can Go Forward
Too bad, too bad.

'This hearing has turned into absolute chaos': Jim Jordan scolded at 'bananas' committee meeting
They're what "Jacket-Off" loves to eat while doing his act as a monkey.
"'Like, you should be a party of ideas, not a party of nonconsensual nudes to help you win an election,' Swalwell continued.
"We should be talking about the mass shootings that occurred over the last ten days. This hearing has turned into absolute chaos."
Jordan responded with simian chatter as he grabbed for another banana.

'Not FBI's fault Trump surrounded himself with criminals': Dem lawmaker exposes 'cesspool of corruption' around ex-president
"What these facts show is that we don't have a two-tier system of justice," Lieu said. "We have one Department of Justice that goes after criminals regardless of party ideology. All of these folks were convicted under the administrations of three separate Republican attorneys general. It is not the fault of the FBI that Donald Trump surrounded himself with criminals. Donald Trump brought that on himself. Thank you to the FBI for exposing the cesspool of corruption of these Trump associates"

'Insane': Christopher Wray strikes back at Liz Cheney's replacement who alleges he hates conservatives
She seems perfectly "normal," doesn't she? /s

Austin suspends partnership with state police after trooper pulls gun on 10-year-old
The move comes after one trooper pulled a gun on a child and another shot a man after a car chase. The state previously paused the partnership to send more troopers to the Texas-Mexico border.

The White Media Has Missed a Key Part of the Affirmative Action Ruling
The upshot isn’t just that colleges must end affirmative action but that they’ll have to cut Black enrollment to avoid lawsuits questioning their compliance with the decision.
Does this mean the end of student athletes?

How Trump's Plan for the Military Could Topple America
Trump may or may not be the GOP’s nominee this time next year, but, whoever it is, now is the time to harden our democracy against a neofascist MAGA Republican rising to that office.

Limited regulations make Texas workers responsible for preventing on-the-job heat injuries
"In triple-digit temperatures, drinking water frequently and resting in the shade are minimum safety measures for avoiding injuries and deaths. But they are not applied to every job site."

Give Us This Day Our Daily TUBS! Moron Finally Spits Out Words 'White Nationalists Are Racists'
"But finally at the end of yesterday, Tubs managed to belch out the words "white nationalists are racists." We don't know why that was hard for him, except for maybe because Alabama Republicans in the year 2023 are still pretty much just George Wallace in various forms of drag, which would make genuine condemnations of white nationalism difficult indeed."

Black Female Atlanta State Rep Leaves 'Democrat Party' For Georgia GOP. Was Nice Knowing Her
"She probably qualifies for a commemorative Clarence Thomas coffee mug. However, unlike that North Carolina turncoat Tricia Cotham, her sudden defection won't upset the balance of power. Republicans will now have a 102 to 78 advantage over Democrats in the House.
Arguably, a significant amount of political fundraising is based on party identity more than individual appeal. It's not as if there's much policy overlap these days among Republicans and Democrats at the state and national level. Mainor's constituents thought they were backing a Democrat. Instead, they wound up with a shameless fraud."
Then she'll fit right in.

How Is Fox News Outright Lying About Fake 'Hunter Biden' Whistleblowers Today
"Does it make sense that, if the big supposed Hunter Biden whistleblower whose grundle clouds House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer obsessively sniffs has turned out to be a Chinese spy, then that guy is MORE credible about what Hunter Biden did or did not do in China? Is that the way a regular person would interpret that?
Because that's how Team Fuckstupid over at Fox News is taking it."

Senate Republicans grow more radical in the minority
Mitch McConnell may soon have a Freedom Caucus of his own to contend with.
They eat their own.

Ohio Youth Pastor Gets 25 Years On Child Porn Charges
Another one bites the dust. Big dust. Did he learn from reading the Bible?

Feds: Inflation Declined In June Compared To Last Year
Yeah, but it's not enough. New job growth is not enough. High employment rate's not enough. Lower grocery prices aren't enough. Lower gas prices aren't enough. When will Biden do something about this economy? /s

Iowa Republicans pass bill banning most abortions after about 6 weeks
To paraphrase "The Music Man," you really ought to give Iowa a trial.

Climate Change Pushes Farmers Insurance Out Of DeSantis’ Florida
Florida is where affordable homeowners' insurance goes to die.

Oklahoma Superintendent: Teach The Bible In Public Schools
Another Christofascist trying to undermine the US Constitution.
There is nothing about the "Bible" that has any relevancy to our government or our schools. In fact, it's a dangerous book that should have a disclaimer from its start. It belongs with the books about myths. This man is a Talibastard.
"Christianity, religion, and the Bible were so important to the Founders that they excluded it from the U.S. Constitution."

'Not appropriate': Lawyers with Supreme Court business sent Venmo payments to former Clarence Thomas aide
Keeping this grifter on the court smacks of the worst of corruption.

'His achievements stand up': Journalist who urged Biden not to run again makes a case for a second term
It's like "We have to trade in this car now because we know that it's running too good to last four more years."
Journalists have been to blame for many of our problems with their infinite wisdom cast upon us.

Kirk: Leftists Want “Metrosexual Betas With No Muscle”
Charlie keeps projecting and telling us who he is.
A very sick person.

“Sir, you’re from Alabama": "The View" roasts Tuberville's definition of a "white nationalist"
The Alabama senator said that "it's some people's opinion" that white nationalists are racist
Land of the Happy Negro racist Nazi goes to town and sees he has no connection with reality.
Hostin went on to say that Tuberville's words make him nothing more than "an example" of his state's "very, very low education rate."
Apparently, it hasn't held him back from showing us what stupid means.

MyPillow Guy Forced To Sell His Pillow-Making Implements From His Pillow-Making Workshoppe!
"Do not write on the internet that Mike Lindell, AKA El Guapo de Pillow, has fallen on hard times. Everything is great, and he has recently printed out a YouTube which PROVES once and for all that the Chinese Communist Party dressed up as Joe Biden in a French maid costume and stole the election from Donald Trump in 2020 and also in the future in 2024 and 2028 and probably all the ones after that too."

The Stench of Corruption Grows Around the Supreme Court
"We’re at a breaking point for the court. The media sees a very rich target for stories, and they’re not going to stop looking now. There will be more revelations about what they’re getting up to. Confidence in the court will continue to plummet as the stories are published and the ramifications of the court’s extremist decisions ripple outward."

Scientists Discover That You Can Hear Silence
"Surprisingly, what our work suggests is that nothing is also something you can hear."
I not only hear it everyday, I see it everyday: Nothing.
"Monday nothing, Tuesday nothing, Wednesday and Thursday nothing. Friday and Saturday a great big nothing, Sunday more of nothing." —Nothing, The Fugs.

Scientists Say 1.3 Billion People Will Have Diabetes by 2050
Then Fatso must be looking forward to that.

Cringe: Tommy Tuberville Once Again Defends White Nationalists
I got a name for you then, Tommy. Asshole Moron Cracker that's proud to be a Nazi.

Judge Aileen Cannon grants 'unnecessary' delay in Trump documents case
Fatso's pocket judge takes care of him. So nice when it come to rigging.
Stalling is always Fatso's MO.

Rep. Nancy Mace claims GOP 'whistleblower witness' who’s indicted but on the run is being 'silenced' by DOJ
Who are they saying they'll whack if he sings, Nance? You?

'Racist down to its rotten core': Schumer blasts Tuberville’s 'one-man mission to defend white nationalism'
Tell "Lobes Tumorville" to go home and stay there.

'Stupid, ridiculous self-righteous crap': Iowa grandma scorches Republicans’ six-week abortion ban
And them are its good points!

Neuroscientist sounds the alarm on the GOP’s 'contagious sociopaths' who live among us
We've paid no attention to his insanity yet. Is it a little late?

'Obviously not job-related': DOJ denies Trump immunity in E. Jean Carroll defamation case
Pussy grabbing is NOT job realated as Fatso thinks.

Robert Reich: A 'general sense of dread' is souring Americans on a strong economy
"So, the obvious question is: Why are Americans feeling so bad about an economy that's actually damned good?" Reich writes. "One reason, I think, is a general sense of dread — centering on (former President Donald) Trump, (Florida Gov. Ron) DeSantis and Republican lawmakers in general — that seems to affect everything else. I don't know about you, but I sometimes have difficulty getting to sleep, worried about the rise of authoritarian fascism in America. Add in the effects of the climate crisis, and you get more gloom.… Then, too, many of us are still suffering from pandemic-related PTSD."
That and plain stupidity.
"If things are great that only means the bottom will fall out sooner" logic.

LOL: Comer's 'Credible Witness' Was Just Indicted As A Chinese Spy
Foiled AGAIN!
This speaks for itself.

Morning Joe: Schumer Needs To Drop The Hammer On Tuberville
They're referring to the hold Tommy Tuberville put on the nomination of the Marine Corps commandant and related promotions.
Into the trash with him.

POLL: 22% Of GOP Voters Have Faith In 2024 Vote Tally
Proving that 78% of Americans don't trust Trump and his Nazis to stay away from rigging their ballots. Very sad news for us.

Congested transmission lines cause renewable power to go to waste in Texas
They don't need it anyway as they now have plenty of money to waste on their grid.

Joe Biden uses swear words
I've read where he even used the phrase "Dammit to Hell!" several times. Other times, "Dog Waste!"

The only ones interested in Republican investigations are Republicans
This paranoia is drug induced, obviously from drugs recovered from repeated White House cloak rooms and Mar-a-Logo searching.

People who don't use TikTok think it's a national security threat
It is rumored Montana is building a special double secret "TikTok" lead shield at the exact scale of the borders of their state. It will then be erected on Titanium beams just higher than their tallest building that will provide the security they need to protect their "No TikToks" state.

Astronomers Observe Mind-Blowing Time Dilation in the Ancient Years of the Universe
All in all, their work is a pretty compelling case that quasars are affected by time dilation, meaning that they must be real cosmological objects, Lewis explained, after previous studies failed to observe the phenomenon affecting them.

Scientists in Japan Have Developed an Experimental Tooth-Growing Drug
Everyone should look very attractive in squared-off, heart-shaped teeth. /s

Atlanta Man Attempts To Rob Nail Salon, Gets Ignored By Everyone
“Everybody get down! Give me all your money!” the man shouted in surveillance footage — but no one really reacted.
Top notch comedy. It will probably be featured on Saturday Night Live.

Church Band Musician Arrested On Child Sex Charges
Another one bites the dust and another corrupted by the church dogma of "Putith away thy guitar. Go thee and fuck the youngest woman thou canst findith."
"That Chick's Too Young to Fry."

Top USMC Post Goes Unfilled Due To Tuberville Block
Thanks, oh brainless "Lobe King." You really are helping kill our military.
Thanks to this shit bag we have: "For the first time in more than 100 years, the Marine Corps has no Senate-confirmed leader."
Go ahead and keep ruining the lives of our military families. They will "love" you for it!

Knowles: We’re Coming For The Right To Contraception
Comments from an incel who hates women because they won't have sex with a brainless semi-male.
If he can't get laid no one else gets to unless they intend to procreate. What a total loser.
What pissed him off so about having an orgasm? Every sperm is sacred?

Oklahoma Superintendent Can't Believe Media 'Twisted His Words' By Directly Quoting Him
“I would never tell a kid that because of your race, because of the color of your skin, or your gender or anything like that, you are less of a person or are inherently racist." he said. "That doesn’t mean you don’t judge the actions of individuals. Oh, you can. Absolutely, historically, you should. ‘This was right. This was wrong. They did this for this reason.’ But to say it was inherent in that because of their skin is where I say that is critical race theory. You’re saying that race defines a person.”
It does when it determines what they can get away with. Also when they are burning down a Black neighborhood.

Elon Musk Would Like To Measure Mark Zuckerberg's Penis, Literally
Sounds like he want to be a dickaratorr!

America Is Doing Just Fine
Let's hope so.

Biden’s Unheralded War on Poverty
By creating a full-employment economy, Biden enabled millions of low-wage workers to raise their pay.

Federal Agencies Investigating Medical Payment Products
The initiative is the Biden administration’s latest move in the fight against junk fees.

Ex-NBA Player Competes in Ice Cube’s Big3 League With ‘Trump Won’ Written on His Head
And a sign stuck on the back of his head says "Caution: Recent Lobotomy."

Joe Rogan Blasts YouTube For Pulling Rosanne Barr Podcast Video Over Holocaust Comments: ‘I Just Don’t Understand’
We can see that you don't but we understand, which is more important.

'Guilty as charged': Fox hosts urge Casey DeSantis to embrace 'America’s Karen' moniker
Oh, dear. She's being mocked is she? Who started that trend? Point is, she can't compete with "Dark Brandon." ROTFLMAO!

'The sky’s the limit': Conservative proposes ambitious agenda for Biden’s second term
"Biden's supporters range from right-wing Never Trump conservatives to progressives like Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York). AOC gave Biden an early July endorsement, saying he has 'done quite well.'"

The Alternative Facts of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
The Democratic Presidential candidate talks about his right-wing admirers, his distrust of scientists and the media, and his belief that the C.I.A. was involved in J.F.K.’s death
The Nut Ball Ball is coming our way next year. You'll get your invitation soon.
So many lunatics.

'A big whale in a polo shirt': Guest nails Newsmax host for hypocrisy on Trump's physical fitness
How many hours a week does he workout anyway?

'I'll Kick Your Ass!' Michigan GOP Meeting Ends Up In A Melee
The Michigan Republican Party just are in complete and utter disarray.

Putting The White House Cocaine Story Into Perspective
Alternative title: How Hunter Biden became the new Benghazi for the GOP.

Elon Musk Proposes “Literal Dick Measuring Contest”
So they have finally found the bottom. Pray tell, what does this have to do with anything pertinent?

Ramaswamy Offers 10% Commission For New Donors
Rama-Swami Ding-Dongie offers kick-backs for cash. Don't hold your breath for that buck.

Trump's violence has been normalized: Why the media ignored MAGA's threat against Barack Obama
Donald Trump's threats of eliminationist and other forms of violence have only escalated since being indicted
Indeed. When fully 33% of his supporters have become traitors to their country.

Hunter Biden's lawyer claims he has proof J6 masterminds also 'fabricated' laptop lies
"We have them self-identifying and manipulating the data. We have people like Steve Bannon using words like 'editorial creativity,' and we have specific instances of fabrication and manipulation of the data."
"And it looks like, to us, that most of the data is curated. It's almost like a mixtape of multiple data sources that's gone through the hands of 30 or 40 people."

Unbound Buffoon Vows To Keep Sharpies Out Of Our Country But Can We Just Keep Him Out Please
"The Queens native who's never been closer than Central Park to a farm also declared himself 'the most pro-farmer president you’ve ever had.' Launching a new 'Farmers For Trump' shtick - and tossing its inevitable, newly labeled hats - he also warned that Ron DeSantis 'totally despises Iowa ethanol and ethanol generally, and has for years,' while 'I fought for Iowa ethanol like no president in history.' Maybe his epitaph? Along with covfefe? Not only will he keep bravely fighting the enemies of ethanol, but the enemies of America. 'I will also order our government to deny entry to all Communists and markers,' he crowed. Realizing his gaffe, he hurried on, 'Look, we have Marxists, fascists, communists - they’re pouring into our country. We are going to deny them access to our cunny.' Thus did the guy who likes to jeer Biden can’t speak or think clearly, 'misfiring more than a 1924 Studebaker,' crassly name women's genitals. He added, 'The problem is, what about all the ones we already have that happen to be politicians,' listing Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff. 'Shifty Schiff,' he spat out. 'Liar. What a liar.'"
Yes. He, himself, is the world's most dispicable liar.

CNN’s Fareed Zakaria Lavishes Biden With Praise Before Confronting Him On His Age: ‘A Lot of People’ Think You’ve Been a ‘Great President’ But…
Ageism at its worst. It's no longer invisible and it's as bad as cancer.

Nine People Wounded in Cleveland Shooting
The new national pastime. Calling all lamebrains: "Stop the gun proliferation!"

Methane From Coal Mining is Plaguing West Virginia Families
Stop with the fossil fuel already. It's killing us all.

The real reason Social Security is in danger that nobody’s talking about
When they say "tax the rich" this is an example of what it means. And don't feed me any bullshit that they can't afford it or it's "unfair."

Clarence Thomas providing 'extraordinarily wealthy' conservatives with 'unusual access to the Supreme Court': report
Most of us understand why.

45-year-old Louisiana woman forced to travel 2,000 miles for abortion
This is what retarded people force free people to do. They should be sued for forcing her to leave to exercise her rights to control her own body.

Former Trump aide schooled by Bakari Sellers after attack on Kamala Harris
Former Donald Trump White House communications official Alyssa Farah Griffin was called on CNN's "State of the Union" by co-panelist Bakarie Sellers after she claimed Vice President Kamala Harris is hurting President Joe Biden's re-election bid.
Assuming she has an ability to learn. These sort of critcs are stubborn to learn anything.

Doctors Have a Moral Obligation to Disobey Abortion Bans

Oklahoma judge dismisses Tulsa Race Massacre survivors’ reparations lawsuit: report
Oklahoma isn't even close to OK.

SCOTUS Redecorates
A cartoon for July 9, 2023
Oklahoma should have one too. Never forget.

Trump-Appointed Judge Gives A 'Break' To Jan. 6 Rioter Tyler Bensch, who used bear spray during the Capitol attack, was sentenced to probation and 60 days of home detention instead of the nine months in prison sought by prosecutors.
Who said Nazis can't be judges in "Murica"?

Texas Republicans are being performatively evil again
Doing the what comes naturally. Stupid is a virtue in Texas.

On Her Final Trip To Hospice, Dying Woman Talked Of The Ocean. The Paramedics Made A Little Detour.
A little ray of light to show us the way.

Kirk Cameron Petitions Feds To Investigate American Library Association For Anti-Christian Discrimination
Ever the whining victims. "In March, his complaints about a Tennessee library resulted in its director getting fired. Library staffers were deluged with harassment and a bomb threat. The American Library Association is the world’s largest such group with nearly 50,000 members."
This is, of course, terrorist tactics.
"Pride Comes Before the Fall"? He should look in a mirror.

South FL Tourism Officials Report Canceled Conventions
DeSatanis is causing the state to dry up.

Ecosystem collapse could occur "surprisingly quickly", study finds
A new model suggests feedback loops could accelerate environmental breakdowns
Closer to the end than we think?

New Poll: 65% Oppose Refusing Service To LGBTQs
And how many MAGAts claim to be "Christian"? They are full of bullshit.

Five More Jehovah's Witnesses Charged In Child Sex Abuse Cases
Shocking! How did all these Jehovah-iters become dust eaters?
"Five more people, who are not drag queens or trans individuals, have been charged in a growing investigation into child sexual abuse in the Pennsylvania Jehovah's Witnesses religious organization. I'm starting to see a theme here with children being sexually abused by people in religious organizations."

'America’s Karen' and 'Serena Waterford wannabe': Casey DeSantis shredded for waging GOP culture wars
Oh Lord, not another one!

'They’re losing': Author explains why white supremacist groups are dissolving
Like the Wicked Witch of the West in "the Wizard of Oz."

Oh Good, Melting Glaciers Are Releasing Ancient Methane Into the Atmosphere
Multiply the danger of climate change destroying humanity now. It just went way up.

'It's embarrassing': DeSantis buried for non-stop 'whining' on the campaign trail
But it has not registered to his ego-maniac brain.

The Trump campaign has 'done nothing but sucker his supporters': former GOP adviser
Someone has actually recognized this? What a shocker with the suckers.

A Great Jobs Report and a Vindication of Bidenomics
Today on TAP: Now, the Federal Reserve should just leave well enough alone.
But you know they can't resist.

It’s time to break up Google’s monopoly
The issue is Google's monopoly on search and advertising. Cruz, Warren and a bunch of other legislators are sponsoring a new bill called the AMERICA Act, which, in effect, wants to force Google — and a few other tech giants — to divest major parts of its business.
"In my opinion, Google is using its monopoly power to trick small-business owners like me into believing that spending money on Google Ads will provide tangible results. It doesn’t."

Elon Musk: If I Lose Money Because Of My Extremist Views, 'So Be It'
Musk told Tesla owners to shove it.
Very glad to hear him call his views what they really are. Now put him in the shitcan.

Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: The sun sets on MAGA, however long the days are

Priest Gets 25 Years For Drugging, Molesting 17 Men
There he goes, biting the dust.

Kansas AG Sues Over Enforcement Of Anti-Trans Law
Why is this fucking fascist idiot still around?
Stating reality is, in no way, "demonizing."

Smoking gun: Trump's big mouth keeps getting him in trouble
For decades, Trump prided himself on never committing anything to paper, email, or texts

'Committing suicide': House GOPers warned against Biden impeachment attempt
Too late, they already have the gun to their heads.

GOP attorneys general attack Target’s LGBTQ Pride merchandise as potentially ‘obscene’ and ‘meant to sexualize’ kids
Perfect example of mean-headed, hateful assholes. The typical fascist tyrants.
Note the "Fox News - 25 years of lies" sign.

'Senator with no clothes': GOP's Tommy Tuberville ripped to shreds by Alabama columnist
The columnist even gets in a dig at the fact that "Tuberville’s own brother even chose to publicly 'distance himself' from "the senator with no clothes, which too many continue to ignore, lest he be deemed unfit for the job."
I hereby deem him unfit for the job. Just like Trump and DeSantis.

How Trump, Putin, & the GOP Plan To Rig the 2024 Election?
With the help of a Trump-appointed federal judge, who was the perfect patsy, because he’d previously drunk the Kool-Aid on Covid, masks, and vaccines.

Texas gets $60 million in federal funds to strengthen power grid against extreme weather
They will pocket it, of course.

No loopholes for polluters: Those responsible for PFAS must pay
"Companies have made tens of billions of dollars creating and using toxic “forever chemicals” known as PFAS, creating the biggest environmental contamination crisis in human history. PFAS makers and users have contaminated the blood of every living creature on the planet with chemicals that will never break down and have been linked to cancer and other serious health problems."

El Paso Walmart shooter given 90 life sentences for hate crimes
This should be the standard for the crime.

Instead of American capitalism in Cuba, we have the Chinese military
This could be considered an act of war.
It is a violation of the Monroe Doctrine. And another reason we are stupid for not establishing a realtionship with Cuba.

Joe Biden's Nightmare Economy Keeps Adding Jobs, But What About Inflation? Oh, It's Down Too.
"The unemployment rate was virtually unchanged from May, dropping by .1 percent to 3.6 percent. The Labor Department points out that unemployment has ranged between 3.4 percent and 3.7 percent since March 2022, which is pretty darn impressive — we're continuing to enjoy some of the lowest unemployment in history."
But the whiners will still see themselves victims of this horrible, never ending recession.

Florida Schools Now Protecting Kids From Smut Like Sexy, Sexy 'Paradise Lost'
DeSantis is quickly becoming the most famous fascist in the history of the "aint worth a fuck."

Oklahoma Schools Superintendent Wishes We Could Keep 'Race' Out Of Tulsa Race Massacre
People in hell want ice water. He's about as intelligent as that.
"Ryan Walters is the newly elected Republican superintendent of education in the great state of Oklahoma. Yes, even though he is motherfucker so stupid that he fell for the hilarious conspiracy theory that they're putting litterboxes in the schools for children who identify as cats."
Oklahoma may be the most retarded state in our country. Of course, it is on the northern border of Texas.

Conservative ex-Georgia lt. gov calls for fellow Republicans to 'demonstrate our independence from Trump'
Poor Fatso. No one loves him anymore.

Will the Supreme Court take away decades-old domestic abuse protection?
Those fascist bastards are capable of anything.

RFK Jr. Praises Wackjob Who Said Hitler Was A Rothschild
Here's yet another reason this nutjob is only going to draw support from wingnut MAGA anti-vaxxers who are attracted to this kind of crap.
We are surrounded by fascist idiots.

Why Does Charlie Kirk Have A Public Platform?
This is one piece of excrement person.
Floating turd.

Crazy Freedom Caucus Kicks Klan Mom Marge Out
One is the loneliest number!
They finally realize she's just an asshole.

Jordan Goes After Wall Street Giants On Climate Change
More fascism from HUGE pricks.
"You go to hell. You go to hell and die!"

Fox News Host: Arm Retail Workers To Stop Shoplifters
Dumbo, the problem is GUNS!

Who will entitled white people blame now that affirmative action is over?
The Supreme Court just took away a major grievance supply for white Americans who believe they're victims of racism
They always play the victim card. Certainly they will not blame themselves.

Trump’s gone 'off the rails' as violent social media messages reach 'another level': analyst
It's nothing more than fascist madness.

How Trump, Putin and the GOP plan to rig the 2024 election
Nazi butt buddies are at work to fuck us up.

ANALYSIS: 174 Rioters Have Said Trump Incited Them
So shocking!

Indiana Pastor Arrested On Child Molestation Charges
Oh, dear. Another one bites the dust.

COVID Hasn’t Disappeared — But Empathy, Care and Solidarity Have
"Throughout 2020-2021, I wrote many pieces about COVID in an effort to highlight both the severity of the disease and the failure of capitalist governments to ensure the health and safety of their citizens, especially the most vulnerable of them, in the face of a global pandemic."

Trump Pretty Sure White House Coke Is Joe And Hunter's Personal Stash, Also Jack Smith's Probably
The plant will grow. We shall see what its bloom looks like.
I know I always hid my stash in plain sight.

Kari Lake Doesn't Have To Go Home, But She Can't Stay At Mar-a-Lago
She should apply for work at 303 Creative. They can find a job for her.

How Can Michigan Prosecutors Work If The Poor Are Adequately Defended?
"Michigan prosecutors are coming out and saying, without shame, that poor people having an adequate defense makes it impossible for them to do their jobs, on account of the fact that they have other things to do beyond sending innocent poor people to prison for crimes they did not commit."
The very reason we keep our prisons filled with poor minorities. To support the inept prison system and the systemic grifting system that puts them there.

'This is a big deal': CNN legal analyst sees signs that Jack Smith's Trump election probe is ramping up
"This is a big deal," he said. "Let's remember, there has been so much focus on the state of Georgia. however, this was really a coordinated, seven-state strategy... and we know that the feds are looking not just at Georgia but also at least at Arizona."

Philadelphia DA scorches legislators wearing 'AR-15 lapel pins' after the latest mass shooting
"You're talking about a country where it's easier for a 14-year-old kid to order pieces together, to put a gun together and go out and use it and commit a crime than it is for me to get Claritin D from CVS....
People are dying in Baltimore and the United States, and that's what should matter and that's what we should be acting on every day."

'Start reading some of those quotes': Republican defends Hitler’s and Stalin’s writings
And you thought Nazis were nowhere to be found?

Right's Next Target: Diversity, Equity And Inclusion
Fox's Rachel Campos-Duffy and Fox Business' Charlie Gasparino give the game away over what we can expect next due to the Supreme Court decision ending affirmative action in college admissions.
Total fascism.

Hate Group: The Left Is Lying About Our SCOTUS Case
We now see that the Web site is active. They had to get that working in a hurry.
“To pretend that a request that nowhere featured in the Supreme Court’s decision was at ‘the heart’ of the case demonstrates an ignorance regarding the legal principles involved. And it’s telling that many who push this false narrative can’t bring themselves to consider the more likely scenario that ‘Stewart’ or another activist did in fact submit the request.”
Pissed because they were exposed for backing a liar.
"These folks want a Christian theocracy and don't care how they get there." — Ninja0980 (comments)

Colleges must now fight back: Supreme Court's attack on affirmative action is anti-freedom
The quality of education in America and the future of our democracy depend on it

'Prince of darkness' DeSantis flattened for 'bizarre, twisted, deviant' pitch to voters
"The ad, which sought to tie Donald Trump to the LGBTQ community has been roundly criticized for a variety of reasons by conservatives and liberals alike, and that led to "Morning Joe" regular Deutsch to scorch the Florida Republican and label him the 'Prince of Darkness.'"
More like "Prince of Dumbasses."

Weirdo Ken Cuccinelli Thinks DeSantis Anti-LGBTQ+ Gladiator Boner Ad Very Normal And Very Cool
"Did we mention he's also kinda stupid? He's also kinda stupid."
"By the way, LGBTQ+ Republicans are still bitching and moaning about the DeSantis ad, pretending it's some kind of surprise that a white fascist Christian Republican is a vile bigot, like whaaaaaaaaat?"

Jack Smith subpoenaed Arizona Secretary of State's office in widening Trump election probe: report
"Special counsel Jack Smith earlier this spring issued a subpoena to the office of Arizona's secretary of state in a widening probe of former President Donald Trump's efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.
According to the Arizona Republic, Smith's office 'sought information related to two lawsuits, one from Trump's campaign and another from former Arizona Republican Party Chairwoman Kelli Ward, that alleged errors and fraud in the 2020 presidential results.'"

'Liberate our children': Journalist details the extremism she observed at Moms for Liberty’s Philly gathering
"Moms for Liberty (M4L) touts itself a 'parental rights' group, but to critics, their real mission is to purge schools of as many Black and gay authors as possible."
Just another fascist threat to our country.

Women are returning to the job market in droves, just when the U.S. needs them most
"The pandemic was hard on working women, but they've come roaring back into the labor force. The share of working-age women who have jobs or want one hit an all-time high in May."

Voters don’t love Bidenomics. Markets are coming around
Voters show ignorance of economics.
"The market is of this view that the Fed will be cutting rates, not so much because we're in a recession (which we are not), but because inflation is normalizing.”

Urgent Question on July 4th: Are the Redcoats Back in Control?
Tragically, for the third time in our nation’s history, patriots who believe in the ideals of July 4, 1776 have to defend America against those who don’t.

Trump demands 'deranged' Jack Smith to be 'put out to rest' in angry Truth Social tantrum
The law scares this dumb, chickenshit, two-bit mobster to death.

A second or third American civil war would likely bring more political violence and less democracy
It's been some years ago I first predicted this war was on the way.
"And has it started already, especially if there is a need for a third Reconstruction, it could be argued that the second Civil War, one of Jim Crow repression and insurgency with dixiecrats and the KKK, has existed with the third only making itself more inevitable with the rise of trumpism."

Climatologists: Last Month Was Hottest June On Record
Hmm. Why weren't we warned? /s

The new "abnormal": Experts agree climate change will intensify droughts and heatwaves in the future
Authors of a new study urge societies to begin preparing for the worst regarding extreme drought and heatwaves
Again, if we had only been told. /s

RNC Celebrated Fourth By Tweeting Liberian Flag
Let no one tell you these people aren't numbskulls.

Grammy Awards Rules AI-Created Music Ineligible
As it should be.

Josh Hawley's fake quote about America's Christian founding has a dark origin story
Why is this squirt not back in the grapefruit?

New research shows that a devastating new virus is one of the worst outbreaks in history: ‘[This is] uncharted territory’
When the birds go most of us will go next. No one will worry about inflation then.

World’s richest added $852 billion to their fortunes in first half of 2023
So how've you done so far?

Supreme Court Preserves College Preferences for Wealthy Whites
"Whether or not the bill moves in Congress, the fact remains that college admissions are biased—toward wealthy white Americans. Those conservatives celebrating the end of affirmative action have exposed yet again how their real agenda is to ensure that white wealth continues to benefit from unfair advantages."

Aftermath of Supreme Court Session, and the Horrors To Come
"They’re on a destructive roll, this extremist majority, and aren’t going to stop any time soon. That is, unless Congress decides to stop them by enacting real court reforms. So yes, once again, we’re on the brink of another make-or-break election, hinging largely on the Supreme Court. It’s going to require a Congress and White House willing to exert their equal powers to constrain it."

Affirmative Action: Perfectly Fine for West Point and Annapolis—but Not Harvard
"In a revealing footnote, Chief Justice John Roberts concedes that affirmative action has made our military stronger and more diverse."
Hypocrite much?

World experienced hottest day ever recorded on July 3, U.S. data says
"Unfortunately, it promises to only be the first in a series of new records set this year as increasing emissions of [carbon dioxide] and greenhouse gases coupled with a growing El Nino event push temperatures to new highs," said Zeke Hausfather, a research scientist at Berkeley Earth, in a statement.

Civil Rights Groups Challenge Harvard’s Legacy Admissions
“These Donor and Legacy Preferences are not justified by any educational necessity because Harvard cannot show that the use of these preferences is necessary to achieve any important educational goal,” lawyers for the groups wrote in the complaint. “To the contrary, the preferential treatment is conferred without regard to the applicant’s credentials or merits – the benefit is derived simply from being born into a particular family.”

Brian Brown: The Gays Are Stealing Our Independence
Nazi crackpot Brown is heavily involved in Russia, and supports its anti-gay laws (which have proven deadly). Only certain people are allowed these rights which are guaranteed to everyone of us in his narrow view.

Five Dead In Philly Mass Shooting, Gunman In Custody
Happy Independence Day, America!

Legal expert points to 'red flag' that could get Judge Cannon booted from Trump case
"There’s no legitimate reason for an extended delay before trial and certainly no reason to delay it until after the 2024 election, more than a year off," Vance wrote. "A ruling to that effect from Judge Cannon would likely provoke renewed concern about her ability to handle the case in a fair and unbiased way. Expect Trump to make the motion, but a decision by the judge to move the trial that far off would be unprecedented."
But the Nazis have pulled a lot of unprecedented bullshit on us.

'We didn't want to live in fear': Exodus of workers begins as Florida's extreme anti-immigrant law goes into effect
Sounds like the people who left Nazi Germany before they were all murdered.

Marjorie Taylor Greene calls Muslims 'snakes' in misleading tweet about protests in France
She has no reason to bring her family into this.

'Judicial terrorists': Expert warns 'illegitimate' SCOTUS is a 'threat to democracy'
“Watching debates about Supreme Court here and elsewhere is the latest study in GOP efforts to normalize the unconscionable, the corrupt, and the contra-constitutional. This is a court in which a majority of those on the right took their seats under questionable circumstances."

Buttigieg Drops Truth Bomb On The GOP About Biden's Economy
He nailed it.
"Republicans have voted against legislation; then, when the bill's benefits come to their state because of that legislation, they'll take credit for the very thing they voted against.
They know the economy isn't struggling. They're just lying."|
If polls show America disapproving of the economy they have a serious thinking disorder.

Franklin Graham: Only Vote For Those Who “Fear God”
"Did you know that one of our nation’s most famous symbols of liberty is engraved with a verse from the Word of God?"
In no way is this true. His statement on voting is also unconstitutional.
The majority of scholars have concluded that the Pentateuch received its final form during the Persian period (538–332 BC). Nevertheless, Leviticus had a long period of growth before reaching that form.
In other words, it had many authors and editors.
They all seem to say that "God" loves you and will make you a slave.

Houston sues state in attempt to block new law that erodes cities’ power
House Bill 2127 — dubbed the “Death Star” law by opponents — prevents local governments from creating rules that go further than what’s allowed under broad areas of state law. Houston’s suit says the new law violates the state’s constitution.
Fuck Abbott and his Nazi crew.

'I’m the biggest racist': DeSantis skewered after axing diversity, equity and inclusion programs
And the biggest Nazi.
Dorian Davis, assistant professor at Webster University, added, "I have literally never seen a worse campaign for president."
Yes. Even worse than Fatso and he's plainly a shit pile.

Joe Rogan Calls Trans Influencer Dylan Mulvaney a ‘Mentally Ill Person Who’s Just an Attention Wh*re’
Two morons asking moronic questions to each other.
"Who mandates that?” Ice Cube asked. “That’s a good question,” Rogan said.
The same mandate that says you two can ask dumbass questions. Our First Amendment.

Jan. 6 rioter accused of striking cop with flagpole arrested: reports
Another one bites the dust.

'I hope you get some nice soundbites': Harvard student rips Newsmax reporter over race question
The Nazi news reporter kept asking the wrong question. "Skin color" in his mind means Black or at the very least "not white." The issue is "diversity." "Skin color" has nothing to do with brain power or intellectual ability.

A Federal Gun Law Has Protected Domestic Violence Survivors for 30 Years. Now SCOTUS Will Decide Its Fate
SCOTUS? Don't hold your breath.

Honeybee deaths rose last year. Here's why farmers would go bust without bees
Another "canary in the coal mine" dying.
"Beekeepers lost nearly half of their honeybee colonies last year. Without bees, farmers can't grow the fruits and plants that feed us. So farmers are working harder to get their crops pollinated."
Which is why we all must plant pollination gardens on our property.
Build them and they will come.

Moving On to Adversity-Based Affirmative Action
Here’s a package of options for turning a legal defeat into an opportunity.

This July Fourth, Remember the ‘Founding Scoundrels’
"Blount, Burr, and Wilkinson were just three of the many Revolutionary-era Americans making their world anew. Though they failed to uphold the ideal of public virtue prized at the time and ever since, they were critical to making the United States a nation. It is understandable that they aren’t venerated among the ranks of those we call “Founding Fathers,” but we should take care not to forget these “Founding Scoundrels.”

The Supreme Court Has Kicked the Door Wide Open to Jim Crow-Style Bigotry
"The court's conservatives used a case literally based on a homophobe's fantasies to blow a huge hole in our anti-discrimination laws and revive the spirit of 'Plessy v. Ferguson.'"

The Supreme Court’s Worst New Ruling You Never Heard Of
From now on, a state can challenge any action of the federal government merely by setting up a quasi-independent agency indirectly affected by it.
Trump broke the court, the court has broken America. Where's the outrage to this true tryanny?

Mass Shootings Are A Choice
"And why do they need their weapons?
Because they may need to kill us all someday. That is literally their reason. They need their guns because they might want to overthrow the government someday, a thing they still seem to think is perfectly legal, despite all of the January 6ers sitting in prison right now."

Trump Brings His Hot, Steaming BS To Pickens, SC
"The rally in Pickens was packed, a regular fascist-palooza, and it was hot as the hell where Trump will spend eternity. According to Natalie Allison at Politico, US House Rep. Nancy Mace willingly surrendered the dregs of her dignity and raved over the turnout."
On which corner did they pick her up?
"The proof of such a claim is lacking. Trump spoke on Pickens' Main Street during its Independence Day Spectacular. Put in perspective, the town itself has a population of a little more than 3,000. The entire population of the city of Greenville is just more than 70,000."
Trump being his usual lying self. His "crowds" are not showing up.

Fraud "justice": Anti-LGBTQ decision based on a fake case showcases the Supreme Court's illegitimacy
Far-right lawyers created a phony "victim" in made-up case — and the justice with the stolen seat wrote the opinion
They took it because they are part and parcel of the fraud. Totally immoral if not illegal.
"Well, any hope that the court has moderated itself was dashed late last week, with a series of decisions that weren't just awful but involved the conservative justices thumbing their noses at any law, precedent, or even facts that got between them and their preferred far-right policies."

Procedure exists to force the Supreme Court to rehear 'made up' wedding website case: Neal Katyal
"Based upon new evidence that a landmark Supreme Court case on religious and 1st Amendment rights was based upon a bogus claim, former Solicitor General Neal Katyal claimed that Colorado's attorney general has a duty to ask the court to rehear the case and that a justice on the court could also ask the court to review the new information."
Try again, dum-dums.

2016 Trump said electing indicted candidates would create an 'unprecedented constitutional crisis': report
The fool can't remember anything he's said and neither can his supporters.

'Proud Boys With A Wig And Lipstick': Extremism Expert Defines Moms For Liberty
Extremism expert and founder of Task Force Butler Kristofer Goldsmith discussed the urgent need for the public to understand just who the fascist group "Moms for Liberty" is.
Nazis in drag.

The Not So Supreme Court
Go home, SCOTUS, you're drunk.

Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: More fallout from the courts.
The Rogue Court vs Modern Democracy
America can accept this Supreme Court as legitimate and its rulings as the final word - or it can have true democracy and a functioning state. But not both.

This Corrupt Roberts Court: Who's to Blame?
The Nazis were put there by: Thomas by H.W. Bush; Alito and Roberts by W. Bush; Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barett by Trump. Now you know the answer.

Pressley, Ocasio-Cortez call for changes to the Supreme Court
House progressives are calling for changes to the Supreme Court following a slate of decisions affecting affirmative action, student debt cancellation and LGBTQ protections.
"“The courts, if they were to proceed without any check on their power, without any balance on their power, then we will start to see an undemocratic and, frankly, dangerous authoritarian expansion of power in the Supreme Court,” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union.”
Ocasio-Cortez has called for changes to the high court, including expanding the number of justices on the bench. In ending federal abortions rights last year, and landing a blow to LGBTQ protections in a decision out Friday, the court is signaling “a dangerous creep toward authoritarianism,” she said.
Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.), another prominent House progressive, also slammed the Supreme Court’s recent rulings on Sunday, saying if the court were a caucus in Congress, would be the “bootstrapper forced to birth don't say gay caucus.”
“They continue to overturn the will of the majority of the people and to make history for all the wrong reasons, legislating from the bench and being political from the bench,” Pressley said during an interview on MSNBC’s “The Katie Phang Show.” “It is nothing but intersectional oppression,” she added."
The U.S. is on the verge of a great civil war.

First Troops Graduate For DeSantis’s “Private Army”
Dixie's newest rebel troops. The "D" is for dumbass.

'You didn't answer my question': Mike Pence misquotes MLK when grilled on Affirmative Action
Put simply, Affirmative Action is now for wealthy white kids.

Fox News goes full chemtrails: 'The government will control the weather and you will be happy'
Chemtrails in the moonlight, way up in the sky - said to be filled with poison, now you know why.

'Self-Black hate' of Clarence Thomas triggered Affirmative Action decision: C-SPAN caller
Self-loathing has been affecting Thomas since he was a young man.
"I believe the decision was made strictly on Clarence Thomas' belief because that man has a lot of self-black hate," the caller continued. "And that's why he hasn't said anything. If you look at all the decisions that he has made, it's been against his own race."
He hates being Black. I know it, you know it, the American people know it.

Trump's people are holding his rallies in tiny towns because he can't draw big crowds: columnist
Tiny towns for "tiny hands."

'More stupid stuff': Ted Lieu shoots down Marjorie Taylor Greene's plan to 'expunge' Trump's impeachment
Why does "stupid" proliferate in the Republican Party? Donald Trump is your answer.

Ron DeSantis is 'losing' voters and 'alienating' them: columnist
He lost his mind some time ago.

Baltimore police confirm two shooters remain loose after deadly block party shooting
In a briefing to the press on Sunday afternoon, Baltimore City Police Commissioner Richard Worley confirmed that they believe there were two shooters involved in the mass shooting that left at least two dead, 14 shooting victims that are under 18 and at least 15 adults also injured with gunshots.
The shame of it all.

Republican presidential candidate tells Newsmax: Trump is 'going to jail for a long time'
Like eternity in the Phantom Zone?

'Stupefying their material': The problem with the liberal corporate media
"Imagine a historic newspaper intentionally diminishing its editorial advice to this country. There is no precedent."
Let's keep dumbing down. It's so much easier than learning anything.

Hate Group: “Don’t Say Gay, Say Groomer Instead”
Who's groomin' who, motherfucker?

Trump Invents Push To “Delete” Name Of SC Town
Pickens will be deleted, Fatso. Just as you will be deleted along with your "Red Hat Retards".

Fmr. Asst. U.S. Attorney on Jan. 6 probe: 'We're coming very close to an indictment
"She also explains why the new developments this week in the Jan. 6 probe are a significant "turning point" in the investigation."

Homophobic Wedding Website Creator Getting Demolished On Yelp
"On Friday, the last day of the 2022-2023 Supreme Court term, 6 justices decided that it was totally ok for a business to discriminate against an entire protected class. The case involved a wedding website creator named Lorie Smith who didn't even have a potential client in mind - she was just preemptively asking if she could get approval to discriminate if she was able to. And the Court said "sure, girlfriend! discriminate all you want!"
"Her company, 303 Creative LLC, was immediately demolished on Yelp. And rightfully so."
But the damage she caused to our nation had already been done by her and her 6 partners-in-crime on SCOTUS. She and they must pay for that dearly.

Mitch McConnell’s campaign fined for breaking finance rules
Oh, no! The Republican King of Rules breaks a rule!

'Danger to a democratic order': Elena Kagan authors searing dissent in SCOTUS student loan ruling

Tommy Tuberville is no longer just a football coach. Now, he's a danger to the country.
"Tuberville is one of the better examples (though not the only one) of how electing a wholly unqualified person, a nesting doll of incompetence, with no expertise in the political system, isn't just foolish, it can be dangerous. He's a case study on why football coaches should stick to sports."
I disagree. He shouldn't be involved with sports. No one like him should as all fascists teach hatred.

Supreme Court: You Owe Your Soul To The Student Debt Store
Cram it up your collective fascist asses, motherfuckers.

Supreme Court Uses Imaginary Gay Guy To Legalize Anti-LGBTQ Discrimination
And in doing so, broke our Supreme Court.
"Colorado graphic designer Lorie Smith is the single most saccharine human being I have ever come across in my entire life. She is sentient marzipan. She is also a raging bigot and a fraud"
As well as the "Alliance Defending Freedom." Howz that again? Freedom you say? They must be referring to their fascist, racist Amerika.

Things That Scare "Real" American Badasses: A Brief Inventory
"So, let's have a look at what those professed bad asses have revealed about their fears."

The Supreme Court Just Told Student Debtors to Go to Hell
In a wildly incoherent opinion, John Roberts blocked Biden’s student debt relief plan—and reminded everyone that he thinks only Republican presidents are allowed to rule.
But only as long as they are fascists.

'Now we have a witness': The DOJ has the foundation for 'additional, very serious charges' against Trump
"Speaking with host Michael Steele, attorney Alyse Adamson claimed the audio recording of Trump and aide Susie Wiles talking and laughing about the documents is helpful, but her testimony under oath likely will lead to more serious charges against the former president."
"How much damage could she cause Trump in his defense?" host Steele asked.
"I think it's very interesting," she replied. "I think it means it is ongoing and again, other charges are imminent."

'More chickens coming home to roost': Legal experts pounce on Trump over bombshell Arizona phone call report
They will still be investigating Trump crimes long after he's been serving time in prison.

The Supreme Court’s conservatives are doing exactly what they claim to detest
Recent Supreme Court decisions throwing out Biden's student loan forgiveness plan and scrapping Covid mandates epitomize "judicial activism."
6 Hypocrites who have broken our Supreme Court.

The Psychedelics Movement Doesn’t Need Aaron Rodgers
No one needs an asshat like him.

CNN Raises Eyebrow At Trump Being Spotted With Walt Nauta And Susie Wiles Running Campaign: ‘These Are Witnesses’
Did someone think he was above witness tampering? Yet another of his crimes.

Aunt Lydia Refuses To Remove Cross At Gov’s Mansion
"Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders is standing her ground by refusing to remove a chalk-drawn cross from the entrance to the governor’s mansion after Americans United for the Separation of Church and State demanded its removal, claiming it violates the U.S. Constitution.
The uproar began on Monday after Sanders shared a photograph of her three children standing behind a large image of a cross and stained glass they colored with sidewalk chalk. Captioning the image "New artwork to welcome people into the Governor's Mansion," she posted it on her Facebook page.
The post provoked a response from the secular Americans United, a nonprofit organization based in Washington, D.C. The group wrote a letter to the governor, arguing that the chalk artwork conveys an impermissible message that those who do not share the favored faith are unwelcome and will be treated differently."
Then put a Star of David next to it. Also the Taiji, the Brahma, the Pratima and the Eye of Horus. That'll be the day, I guess.
What a wuss.

Finally, a Good Use for AI: Wasting Scam Callers' Time Forever
A damned good thing to do with any phone soliciting.

Trump Gets Very Special Greeting In Philly: 'Fuck You, Traitor!
Perfect sentiment!

Maricopa County Recorder Files Defamation Suit Against Kari Lake
“This lawsuit is not about, ‘I’m ugly’ or ‘I’m terrible’ or ‘I’m the worst’ or something along those lines, which of course is First Amendment protected,” Richer said.
This is about a number of specific statements that have accused me of doing, intentionally, a specific unlawful act that would be truly awful, that would cause me to abandon my oath of office, that would be a serious crime — that multiple courts have said is false.”
Kari Lake is the truly awful one here.

The Supreme Court’s Latest LGBTQ+ Rights Case Is a Chilling Test of “Religious Freedom”
303 Creative v. Elenis could undo decades of anti-discrimination protections.
"Lorie Smith is represented by the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), which the Southern Poverty Law Center designates as an anti-LGBTQ+ hate group. The far-right Christian legal advocacy group supports recriminalizing consenting sex acts between LGBTQ+ adults and was also behind many of the anti-trans bills introduced in state legislatures in 2021."
Hate is exactly correct. We must put these creeps out of buisiness just like we did with the KKK.

Jen Psaki singles out ticking time bomb in John Roberts' majority opinion
He's just one of a gang of mobsters. Six of them need to be put where they belong.

Ron DeSantis has no respect for the rule of law
Now the Florida governor is facing real problems — and potential legal jeopardy — over his reckless political stunt
Nazi bastard.

'Wonder how the donor class feels about this': DeSantis skewered for over-the-top anti-LGBTQ video
Between Trump, Santos and this creep, the fascists have overplayed their criminal hands.

Pornhub Blocks Virginia Users Over Age Verification Law
Only the fascist government there have a back channel to get their access.

Viciously Anti-LGBTQ DeSantis Ad Ridicules Trump’s Pulse Massacre Speech, Shows Images Of Serial Killers
This person isn't fit to clean toilets.

Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: SCOTUS protects older white Americans at the expense of everyone else
Not all of us elders are fascists. Please get that straight.

Vice President Of Russian Bank Mysteriously Falls Out Of Window
Kristina Baikova, 28, an executive at Loko-Bank, is just the latest mysterious casualty involving Russia's top business people.
Do they ever check these bodies for bullet holes?

Democrats Outfox GOP To Keep Elections Clean
Wisconsin Democrats punk'd the Republicans to keep the 2024 elections clean and fair.
The fascist party gets stinking ass kicked.

The Supreme Court only outlawed the kind of bias that its rightwing supermajority dislikes
SCOTUS is a fraud. An investigation into this shit pile should start immediately.
If control is corrupt, who will control control?

The Mysterious Case of the Fake Gay Marriage Website, the Real Straight Man, and the Supreme Court
In filings in the 303 Creative v. Elenis case is a supposed request for a gay wedding website—but the man named in the request says he never filed it.
"Lorie faces a 16 times greater chance of being struck by lightning than either name being female.”
It is said 303 Creative is her company. A search on 303 Creative indeed finds a "design site." But doesn't seem to work. Does she have a Web site and what is its URL? Has this woman ever even designed a Web site? Is this is a red herriing? Pure cloth? A con on America? Or is the site getting a DDoS attack? Inquiring mnds want to know.

SCOTUS Hits The Trifecta
They're decided law on hypothetical situations now. Like I said, they are practicing at being real judges someday.

Ronny Jackson Has Major Meltdown Over Biden Using A CPAP Machine
Really, this guy isn't all there in the head.
"Calm your tits, Drunky McDrunkFace." Your turn to use one is coming soon.

'Insult to democracy': AOC slams Justice Roberts in fight over SCOTUS criticisms
Fascist racists usually are good at that.

Clarence Thomas in 1983: 'God only knows where' I would be if not for affirmative action
And a hypocrite we see.

Republicans want to 'rewrite history and science' to push white nationalism: former GOP lawmaker
The scum floats to the top.

'Impossible' to respect Supreme Court after anti-LGBTQ ruling: legal expert
This court created a fake case for this ruling they wanted for a person that's never been in the situation.
This isn't justice. It's a crime.

'Count me as a Mom for Liberty because that’s what I am': Haley exhorts anti-LGBTQ 'terrorist' group
Correct. You are a member of a political party that supports terrorism.

Amy Coney Barrett uses bizarre analogy of babysitter and amusement park in student loan opinion
Really? The parents (the law) do not state where the amusement park would be located. They stated take them "for a weekend." They gave the baby sitter a credit card, said nothing about budget, and nothing about lodging for the weekend. They said "Make sure the kids have fun."
The baby sitter did what was stated with the parents broad order.
That's exactly what Alito was doing when he said there is nothing in the Constitution that mentioned a right to abortion.
But he assumed he could go to his favorite amusement park to overturn settled law.
Barrett then is saying that her pal, Alito, made an unreasonable assumption.
These people are playing at being judges on TV.

'Best path': President Joe Biden announces new 'legally sound' student debt relief plan
Keep pounding the bastards, Joe.

Biden: Ruling Invites More Anti-LGBTQ Discrimination
Count on the swine to do whatever the hell dictators want to do.

Kirk: Time To “Flood The Zone” With Anti-LGBTQ Suits
Time to stuff his ass with cotton.

Prosecutors: Rioter Arrested Near Obamas’ Home Had Two Guns And 400 Rounds Of Ammunition In His Van
Why don't we just go ahead and change the U.S. flags field of stars to an image of an AR-15?
"A Trump supporter who stormed the Capitol wearing a 'Make Space Great Again' hat had two guns and 400 rounds of ammunition in his van when he was arrested Thursday near former President Barack Obama’s home, federal authorities said Friday. A federal prosecutor said in court Friday that Taylor Taranto, a 37-year-old man first identified by online sleuths in August 2021, also had a machete in the van he appeared to be living in."
Down by the river?

Archdiocese Of Baltimore Names 42 More Predators
Only 42 more groomers named. Eat the dust.

Supreme Court Rules For Hate Group On LGBTQ Rights
SCOTUS is one of the largest hate groups in America. So, no surprise by these bastards.
As a matter of fact, what this court has revived are the old signs that read "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone." It means your dollar is not as good as a Christian dollar, or a heterosexual dollar. Clearly unconstitutional.
This is the same old shit as "separate but equal." Same as drinking fountains marked "White" and "Colored." Clearly unconstitutional.
We can no longer depend on SCOTUS to defend America.
And fuck the so-called "Alliance Defending Freedom."
This is the trouble wiith religion. One can hide their hate and intolerance behind its mask.

The Supreme Court Allows Discrimination Against LGBTQ People
Discrimination in the name of free speech? How's that work? Someone has a severe thinking disorder.
For “the first time in its history [the Court finds] a constitutional right to refuse to serve members of a protected class.”
Hitler would have loved them.

Ketanji Brown Jackson Exposed the Supreme Court’s “Colorblind” Lie
"When it comes to matters of race, the six justices who on Thursday voted to end race-conscious affirmative action programs in higher education for the first time in 50 years, the sky above just isn’t blue. You see, they’re colorblind."
They are bigots, you mean.

We’ll Be Talking About Justice Jackson Dissents for Decades
"It was another day in the Hellscape formerly known as America, according to The New Abnormal co-host Danielle Moodie, after the Supreme Court decided to remove affirmative action and eliminate the consideration of race in admissions for elite colleges and universities."

To Trump Supporters: Awaiting Your Apologies
"So, Trumper's, have you no decency, at long last? And how could you possibly argue that no apology to your fellow Americans is necessary?"

READ: Sotomayor's dissent in same-sex wedding website case
The SCOTUS Nazis show their logic flaws in alleged "thinking."

Joe Biden Left MSNBC Nicolle Wallace Interview When It Was Over, And Fox News Is ON IT
"The article is so fuckin' stupid, y'all. This is not a surprise, as it was written by the same pretend journalist, Joseph Wulfsohn, who spent 162 words reporting on the Fox News Dominion settlement by giving virtually no details about what had just transpired. It was like oh golly gee, a thing happened in court today! The judge said the lawyers for both sides did some very good lawyering! The end."

Trump Loses “Immunity” Claim Against E. Jean Carroll
Fatso loses again. Loser.

Miami Herald: DeSantis Keeps Losing LGBTQ Cases
Asswipe loses again. Loser.

Texas Pastor Pleads Guilty To Child Porn Charges
Another one bites the dust. The real groomers.

Trump Maybe About To Get 30 Or 45 Bonus Indictments For Being Suuuuuuuch A Good Criminal
"Special Counsel Jack Smith doesn't seem to understand (stupid) that Donald Trump was drinking Diet Coke (refreshing) when he spilled national military secrets all over that lady at Bedminster (fake news), and that moreover the recording of Trump doing that was a perfect recording (Trump did nothing wrong). Jack Smith also apparently doesn't read laws as good as Tom Fitton (beautiful biceps, right out of central casting) and therefore doesn't understand that the Presidential Records Act is just a picture of Donald Trump sitting on the toilet next to the pool at Mar-a-Lago looking at the nuclear diagrams he personally owns (only he knows how to read them)."

Supreme Court Strikes Down Affirmative Action For Everyone But Rich White People
"The six rightwing justices on the US Supreme Court today ruled that affirmative action in college admissions violates the US Constitution, because they also want to believe the Constitution is magically "color blind," despite its being written for and governing over a nation that has always been anything but."

Do Republicans Worship Poverty, Death, and Disease?
Is there something in the GOP’s core beliefs and strategies that just inevitably leads to hating on their citizens and worshiping poverty, death, and disease?

“A Tragedy for Us All”: Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Dissent
"The justice did not mince words in her dissent of the conservative supermajority's decision striking down affirmative action in college admissions."

The Decision That Upends the Equal-Protection Clause
"The Supreme Court’s decision today that the race-conscious admissions programs as practiced at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Harvard—the nation’s oldest public and private universities, respectively—are unconstitutional upends more than four decades of precedent on the use of race in college admissions. The decision could have major implications for the country’s approach to the Fourteenth Amendment’s promise of “equal protection of the laws.” Meanwhile, its consequences for diversity at institutions of higher education are far from clear."
Read it and weep, Amerika.

SCOTUS Trashes Precedent and Resegregates Higher Education
The affirmative action case once again distorts constitutional protections to ideological ends.
This will be anything but progress.

Ketanji Brown Jackson Exposed the Supreme Court’s “Colorblind” Lie
"If the past year has taught us anything, it’s that some of the justices on the current Supreme Court really don’t live under the same sky as everyone else."

June 29: The Affirmative Action Ruling Contains Two Puzzling Loopholes
Justice Clarence Thomas sided with conservatives to overturn affirmative action—but he’s benefited from race-based preferences throughout his career.
Just nothing but sadz for Clarisse.

Jack Smith looks to hit Trump with up to 45 new charges and indict attorneys: report
Go, Jack, Go!

NAACP bashes affirmative action – but for a very different reason than conservatives
Photo is of man who got to his position by affirmative action.

Jamie Raskin shares testimony that apparently destroys James Comer's Joe Biden bribery conspiracy
Lock Comer up!

Biden says 6 Republicans came to him saying they're with him on issues — but scared of GOP primaries
My God! They admit it? What pussies! Get a backbone numbskulls.

Revealed: DOJ and Director of National Intel. can't find Trump's 'standing order' to declassify docs
Oh, no! Fatso fucked up again? How sadz.

Judge rejects Trump’s ‘presidential immunity’ defense in second E. Jean Carroll case
Fatso is having a bad 2023.

What’s next for school admissions after the end of affirmative action
White supremacy at Jesus Christ University and all its branches. (And he wasn't even white!)

Hepatitis C can be cured. So why aren't more people getting treatment?
RFK, Jr. told them they will get the Clap if they try?

The End of Affirmative Action Is Only the Beginning Yet again, the Supreme Court’s conservatives just get rid of precedents that they don’t like.
The good news is they have cut their own throats with their stinking shit bombs.

“Let-Them-Eat-Cake Obliviousness”: Liberal Justices Blast Supreme Court Ruling Striking Down Affirmative Action
They have been very effective for the Land of the Happy Negro -- so far.

SCOTUS OKs Affirmative Action—if It Helps Black Americans Get in “the Bunker, Not the Boardroom”
There are no greater racists in America than the six who voted to gut AF.
SCOTUS is now a political body, not a body of justice. They have failed our country.

Geraldo Rivera Quits Fox News After 23-Year Run
Rat leaving a sinking ship.

DeSantis Signs GOP Ban On Zoning Referendums
Nazi dictator shits all over Florida.

REPORT: Trump May Face Up To 45 New DOJ Charges
Looks like a good chance Fatso will spend his remaining years in prison.

Former Ohio Republican House Speaker Sentenced To 20 Years In $60M Nuclear Power Plant Bribery Scheme
A special scumbag eats the dust.

Illinois Priest Gets Seven Years On Molestation Charges
Another one bites the dust.

Illinois Youth Pastor Arrested On Child Porn Charges
Another one gets smacked. Quite a harvest of these perverts lately. And not one is a drag queen. Just a drag.

Cultists Check Out All Of Library’s Pride Exhibit Books
Now check out every one of these retarded illterate bastards.

Wanted Jan 6 Rioter Arrested Near Obamas’ DC Home
Another motherfucker finally arrested.

Revealed: Trump exposed military secrets out of rage
Something else for the fascists to cheer about.

Trump’s returns to New Hampshire after sticking taxpayers with police bills
The usual Trump chiseling.

Trump Allegedly So Much Pervier Than We Ever Imagined
A new book says Donald Trump’s incestuous talk about Ivanka was so perverted his own chief of staff had to remind him he was talking about his daughter.
"It's yet another reason why Trump should be forever barred from setting foot in the Oval Office again."

TX Gov. Greg Abbott Signs 'Death Star' Bill Overriding Local Laws
The bill was written by the National Federation of Independent Business. Guess who it benefits!
Fascism has landed in your city. Abbott is a Nazi.

RFK Jr: “I’m Proud That President Trump Likes Me”
Both of them are top-notch scumbags.

GOP's lackluster frontrunner: Trump seems awfully low energy lately
From saying he's a "legitimate person" to dodging a debate, Trump dishes out weak sauce — even by his low standards
He has aged horribly and looks like he's ancient these days.

'This is the big kill': Watergate lawyer says Rudy Giuliani interview could take Trump down
Let's get this over and done with.

'It turns you trans': Fox host shares conspiracy theory that substance in water creates 'nonbinary affiliations'
We can see with her. She's transitioned into male from drinking it!

Trump Thiiiiis Close To Shrieking 'IT WAS A PERFECT TAPE!'
"Ever since yesterday, Trump's explanations for the audio tape have been like Follow The Bouncing Idiot."
Fatso is the world's biggest idiot.

Biden trolls GOP senator who boasted about scoring infrastructure cash despite voting against it
"Broadband is vital for the success of our rural communities and for our entire economy," Tuberville wrote on Twitter. "Great to see Alabama receive crucial funds to boost ongoing broadband efforts."
The seditious "Turderville" voted against it. Do the people in the rural areas that are demanding it know this asshole is a hypocrite and that Biden is the one that is provinding the service they want?

'Acting like a Mafia boss': Trump appears to threaten Jack Smith's family in latest rant
But that's exactly what he is. And not very good at it.

Trump wants 'every African American' to 'remember' that his ancestors emigrated 'after slavery was abolished'
But it's not too late to get his share of their persecution.

Jack Smith Subpoenas Bedminster Security Footage
Smith lacks "probable cause"? ROTFLMAO! "One of the people" said this! He's now become a co-conspirator in the Trump Crime Syndicate.
"But one of the people said the Justice Department lacked probable cause to obtain a warrant from a judge."
"Lacked probable cause to search Bedminster?! That’s almost comical in light of the audio tape CNN just released. Not to mention the video we have seen of TFG and his cronies schlepping boxes onto private planes going from Florida to New Jersey."

Mercenary Leader Planned To Capture Top Generals
"Prigozhin originally intended to capture Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and Gen. Valery Gerasimov, the chief of Russia’s general staff, during a visit to a southern region that borders Ukraine that the two were planning. But the Federal Security Service, or FSB, found out about the plan two days before it was to be executed, according to Western officials."
And he almost did it.

Pirro: Harris Proves Women Are Incapable Of Being VP
Degrading herself in the process. She is no proponent of women. Talk about stupid.

Texas Pastor Arrested On Multiple Child Sex Charges
Another one bites the dust.

Trump Files Defamation Suit Against E. Jean Carroll
She must be getting to the guilty son of a bitch. He's stalling like the coward he is.

Fox And Friends: Trump 'Admitting He’s Got Classified Documents'
My God! They admit it!

'Bidenomics' event coming to a battleground near you
This is called doing something for your country and the people in the outback. I know you all will appreciate it.

Horrifying NASA Video Shows What It Would Look Like if Carbon Emissions Were Visible
"Judging by the videos, it's pretty easy to tell who the biggest carbon offenders are. Across continents, the smoggy cloud of emissions generally starts on the Earth's Northern Hemisphere, with highly-industrialized countries like Canada and the United States, China, Saudi Arabia, as well as Europe, emitting massive amounts of noxious-looking carbon."

We Pump So Much Groundwater, We've Shifted The World's Tilt and Contributed to Sea Level Rise
"We’ve been sucking the earth dry, and it’s starting to change how our planet works. A study published this month in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, explains that we’ve extracted so much damn water out of the ground, it has changed the planet’s tilt and has contributed to sea level rise."

Elon Musk Microdoses Ketamine for Depression, Takes Full Doses at Parties, According to WSJ
When questioned about its efficacy, Musk replied with "G-r-rRRR, woof, woof, woof!"

DOJ 'likely' to indict Trump’s 'whole criminal gang' for conspiracy to 'overthrow the government': legal expert
Thow all the Trump traitors in jail. Great news, America!

FEC complaint alleges DeSantis campaigns got illegal donations from Canadian firm
Arrest, indict, convict, imprison.

Anti-abortion center left woman with life-threatening rupture after botching diagnosis: lawsuit
Fucking morons. Why are butchers like this allowed to operate?

'These people are clowns': GOP senator roasted for video warning 'communists' against visiting his state
Fuck you, you walking fascist skeleton!

U.S. consumer confidence races to 17-month high; housing market regaining strength
See! We must get rid of the old man in the white house. He's the damned reason for all this horrid sucess! /s

Trump rants to women's group: 'They want to take away your washing machines and your dryers'
Wahhhh! They get to wear wrinkle free and keep them all for themselves! We can't wear anything but real cotton! Wahhh!
Fucking whiny bitch! They will give you wrinkle free in prison.

RFK Jr. to Hold Event With Doctor Who Says COVID Vaccine Makes Forks Stick to Your Body
I don’t think she’s right about this?
Is the doc any relation to Uri Geller?
This garbage has been debunked more times than Trump's walked a tab.

Jesse Watters Says Obama Too African To Understand Which Ocean Disasters Real Americans Care About
"First of all, the mediocre white dude is confused about the fishing boat in the Mediterranean. It was carrying Pakistani, Egyptian, Syrian, and Palestinian migrants. Not Greek migrants.

Secondly, Barack Obama didn't say the Titanic thing wasn't news, so take a pill. We get it. The Titanic thing was riveting.

Thirdly, "there was suspense!" Because we guess this is all an action movie to undeveloped brains like Jesse's.

Fourth, again, the Titanic wreck is off the coast of Newfoundland. Which is Canada. AKA Not the United States of America. Some news sources note that it's 900 miles east of Massachusetts, but we reckon that's because so many Americans are simply that fucking ignorant of place names in the country next to us that it's necessary to say that.

Fifth, we are sorry if Jesse Watters's worldview is so small that Europe is to him some exotic imaginary place, but really, it's just on the other side of the Atlantic. We do understand, from a raw news editorial standpoint, why a Fox News host would see it this way, considering how the average Fox News viewer probably considers visiting a new Buc-ee's to be a cultural experience.

Sixth, average Americans really don't have a reason to care about either event, one more than the other, without the news screaming at them telling them to care.

Seventh, Christ, what a raging piece of shit he is."

Another Judge, Another Drag Ban BOUNCED, You Unconstitutional Bastards!
Wooohooo! Another scalp for Big Woke as Florida's drag ban gets tossed as an unconstitutional ban on speech.
This is the sort of shit Nazis use to scare you into compliance until their little bullshit game rule is challenged in the courts.

?Why Is Roseanne Trending Today?
Isn't she too old for a comeback? Not to mention her shit fer brains.

Audio of Trump Bragging About Secret Docs “Even More Damning” Than Indictment
Fatso and his biggggggggggggg mouth.

Climate Disasters May Be Nudging Societies Toward Rising Violence and Cruelty
We continue to ignore warnings of the demise of humanity.

Supreme Court Rejects Novel Theory That Could Have Upended US Elections
The Supreme Court ruled in a 6-3 decision that the “independent state legislature” theory is not a sound legal doctrine. Land of the Happy Negro attempts secession in a novel manner but, again, a lost cause.

US Supreme Court sides with man who sent female musician barrage of unwanted messages
Since when did clear death threats be allowable language?
"The Supreme Court does not making rulings on right or wrong" is a poor excuse for protecting a stalker. America is clearly in trouble with the failure of their legal system.
I'm guessing "ignorance of the law is no excuse" any longer?
"I’m not crazy with the new standards in America. The law won’t protect you, companies won’t protect you, so you are really on your own. Good luck America. The decline continues sadly." -- Fuzzy Bear (comments)
"Decisions like this are why women end up dead at the hands of men that authorities SHOULD have protected them from." -- David (comments)

A tourist was captured on video defacing Italy's Colosseum by carving 'Ivan+Haley 23' into the walls of the nearly 2,000-year-old amphitheater, sparking outrage
Yet one more American idiot on their never ending search for the bottom.

Cannon's ruling 'makes no sense': Legal analysts think Jack Smith will throw down over her latest
She's another MAGAt betrayer to her country.

'We're electing idiots': Liz Cheney pinpoints the biggest problem in American politics
Well, Liz. We certainly agree with this obvious fact.

DeSantis Claims Sovereign Immunity From Disney Suit
Spoken like a true dictator. Fuck off, dickhead.

Obama Isn’t Real American, Roots Are African
Deport Watters. He's a cancer on our nation.

Rioter To Trump: “Stop Using Me, I’m Not A Victim”
“We were wrong,” said Hemphill in a 2022 interview with KTVB, before warning that Republicans were “going the wrong direction.”
Fatso is told to fuck off.

Trump Is Big Mad Fox Didn't Report On His 'Man Of The Decade' Award
Fun fact: They did.
Talk about a guy that's too old for the job. He's brain-dead.

Home-grown fascists are beginning to say the quiet part out loud
"We’re also witnessing a national campaign against trans and non-binary people that, in effect, aims to eliminate such human beings altogether, whether by denying their very existence or denying them the medical care they need. This campaign began with a focus on trans youth but has since widened to include trans and non-binary people of all ages."
Like Hitler's Nazis.

'Uh-oh': Manhattan DA’s Office seeks Melania Trump emails in hush money case
But her emails!

'It can't get more twisted': Morning Joe panel pounces on Trump's new promise to Jan. 6 rioters
Trump is a traitor. Devil's Island will re-open especially for him.

Supreme Court paves way for making Louisiana redraw congressional map to add second Black-majority district
Land of the Happy Negro has to get their pencil sharpener out again.

MTG: Someone Is Spying On Me Through My Television
And do we have the goods on you now!

TX Gov Falls For Fake Story About “Woke” Garth Brooks
Because he stands for nothing he falls for anything. Meet Tom Foolery, Governor.
A first class dumbass.

'RFK Jr. would mop this bum': Aaron Rodgers, football player, trolls world-famous vaccine scientist
Good thing that Rogers could play football. Otherwise he'd be living on the street.
Even this Web site has exposed Kennedy for being the idiot he is.

Blood–brain barrier
So everyone can understand this.

Nancy Mace: Democrats Support A Man Who 'Lied' And 'Betrayed His Oath Of Office'
Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) called Democrats "shameful" because they continue to support Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) after Republicans censured him
"NOTE: Nancy Mace spray painted her own sidewalk so she could whine that "Antifa" did it. Adam Schiff, on the other hand, did not leak classified information nor did he betray his oath of office. However, we do know of someone who did, and has yet to pay a price for it. - Eds."
This is an example of the Scumbag Fascist Party regurgitating what normally comes out of their other end. She should be tarred, feathered and ridden back to the place in hell she came from. As all of her Nazi cohorts should be.
The Nazis have no agenda to advance our country. They are only interested in revenge on the people that showed how incompetent to govern and criminal they are.

'That’s not reality': Amy Klobuchar burns down Chuck Todd over Hunter Biden 'perception issue'
"You know, I think, as the president explains, that's his son," Klobuchar replied. "That decision was made by an independent prosecutor who is a Trump-appointed U.S. attorney who had ten years of experience, well respected. Philadelphia Inquirer reported that he was a registered Republican. He looked at the facts and evidence and made that decision."
"You always wish there were different perceptions, but that's not reality," Klobuchar asserted. "Reality is whether or not someone is going to be able to get their insulin, and the president has made changes. Reality is whether someone has a job. Reality is when they can go visit their grandma again in an assisted living."
"Those are people's realities," she added. "Not who is sitting where at a state dinner."
Now STFU little Todd.

'Like he’s some Adonis?' Christie remains unmoved by Trump weight jokes
Fatso thinks he's Adonis. Therefore that's true in his teeny brain.

Wisconsin Lawmaker: Contraception Makes Women Too Uppity
Wisconsin State Representative Chuck Wichgers speaks against making contraception more available because of puritanical reasons.
And what's your excuse, you uppity asshole?

Trump has been 'quietly diverting' money away from his 2024 re-election campaign: report
"According to a report from the New York Times, the diversion of funds raises questions about the cash crunch the former president is facing with multiple indictments at the state and federal level with more expected to come."

Doctors and Hospitals May Face Malpractice Lawsuits for Denying Abortion Care
What happens when we have no hospitals and no health care.

What Do We Want? SANITY! When Do We Want It? PDQ!

Russians Didn’t Care Enough to Save Putin
"One day after this aborted coup, it is too early to speculate about Prigozhin’s true motives, about what he was really given in exchange for standing down, about where Putin really spent the day on Saturday—some say St. Petersburg, some say a dacha in Novgorod—or about anything else, really. But the flimsiness of this regime’s ideology and the softness of its support have been suddenly laid bare. Expect more repression as Putin tries to stay in charge, more chaos, or both."

He lost $340,000 to a crypto scam. Such cases are on the rise
Con men and grifters are everywhere these days. "Let the buyer beware."

‘I’m Being Indicted For You!’ Trump Goes Full Martyr in Speech at Faith Conference, Rages at the ‘Scoundrels and Thugs’ Who Charged Him
Thanks, Fatso. We really appreciate your sacrifice. Maybe an angel will free you like Peter. You know who Peter was, right?

Notorious Hate Preacher Ruben Israel Dies At Age 62
Another one bites the dust. Literally.

GOP Seeks To Block Army From Confederate Renaming
Land of the Happy Negro clown has the sadz over removing treasonous names of lost cause property.

Wisconsin Lawmaker: Contraception Makes Women Too Uppity
Wisconsin State Representative Chuck Wichgers speaks against making contraception more available because of puritanical reasons.
And what's your excuse, you uppity asshole?

Trump has been 'quietly diverting' money away from his 2024 re-election campaign: report
"According to a report from the New York Times, the diversion of funds raises questions about the cash crunch the former president is facing with multiple indictments at the state and federal level with more expected to come."

Unbelievable! Georgia teacher fired for reading children's book
"Georgia’s new school censorship laws have claimed their first known victim. Cobb County elementary school teacher Katie Rinderle was fired for reading her class a book she bought at a school book fair, because the book’s message of accepting and embracing differences offended some parents."
"Following complaints from a small number of parents—and despite other parents vocally supporting her—Rinderle was investigated, told to resign or be fired, and fired."
The ignorant fools. They don't know what the color white is.
For the unwashed: "white, in physics, light seen by the human eye when all wavelengths of the visible spectrum combine."
And you thought things were bad in Russia?

'I miss those days!': Lauren Boebert buried for claiming world conflicts didn't exist under Trump
"Buried"? But nowhere near deeply enough.

Putin in 'a very difficult position' even after rebellion reverses course: Russia expert
"Vladimir Putin is still in "a very difficult position" after the Wagner group announced it would stand down on its march towards Moscow, according to a New Yorker staff writer who also wrote a biography of the Russian leader."

We Need More Than “Roe” to Achieve Reproductive Justice. We Need Reparations
The fascists owe us more than an apology.

Leader of rebellion against Putin vows to back off: report
"Yevgeny V. Prigozhin, the leader of the paramilitary group that has been at the root of enormous chaos in Russia over the last two days, has reportedly announced that his troops marching toward Moscow would turn around."
Somebody blinked.

'Unconstitutional': Oklahoma superintendent calls for 'framed copy' of 10 Commandments in every class
Of course it is unconstitutional. Doing it means that all religions have to have their dogman framed everywhere as well. This idiot is too much of a zealot to have the brains to understand that. Religion is destroying itself by doing mindless shit like this clown.

NY Doctors Can Now Prescribe Abortion Pills Across State Lines
Women in states with bans on abortion pills just got a break from New York Gov. Kathy Hochul. The Democratic Governor signed a law to protect doctors who prescribe abortion pills to patients in states where the procedure is outlawed.

‘Breathtaking’: Lawmakers react to escalating security situation in Russia
Lawmakers on Saturday spoke out in unison on the historic significance of escalating conflict in Russia after warlord Yevgeny Prigozhin declared war on his own country's military leadership and threatened to march on Moscow.

The House Republicans' 'downward spiral' accelerated this week: Jen Psaki
"According to former White House press secre and current MSNBC host Jen Psaki, House Republicans endured one of their most embarrassing weeks since taking power after the 2022 midterms."

Russia Slides Into Civil War
"The hall of mirrors that Vladimir Putin has built around himself and within his country is so complex, and so multilayered, that on the eve of a genuine insurrection in Russia, I doubt very much if the Russian president himself believed it could be real."

1 Year After “Dobbs,” We Must Build Movements to Defeat Anti-Abortion Extremists
This "Dobbs" ruling will not stand.

Putin's plane reportedly departs from Moscow to Valdai, disappears from radars – media
Is this really the fall of Russia?

'Shameful regression of women’s rights' reversed after New York governor protects abortion pill: report

Jack Smith Is Charging Hard To The Top Of The Fake Electors Scheme
The special counsel is playing hardball and he very likely has more indictments coming for Donald Trump.

Chelsea Clinton Is 'Really F*cking Angry' One Year After Dobbs
We feel ya, girl. We're angry, too.
Backward is not the way America goes.

Putin Vows To Quash “Internal Betrayal” By Mercenaries
The motherfucker can't even stop Ukraine after a year. What makes him think he can stop these turncoats?

DeSantis PAC: Florida Outlet Is “Backed By Groomers”
The Putin of the U.S. spits out his bullsit fascist hate agenda.
Go straight to hell.

Where will Defendant Trump store his new boxes of anxiety?
Inside the Xanax room at Bedminster

'A civil war in the making': MSNBC defense analyst warns of growing Russia rebellion
"It already is internal conflict now," Baron began. "This is a civil war in the making, or at least in uprising, a coup. There's no honor among thieves, right? And Prigozhin for years has been the biggest thug of all in Russia."

Twitter employees were warned not to crack down on violence-inciting Trump supporters ahead of Jan. 6
Trump's Nazi cowards use threats like any common mobster thugs.

Infowars host pleads guilty to Jan. 6 riot charge
Another one bites the dust.

Responding to Censure, Schiff Says He’d Impeach Trump Again “in a Heartbeat
Of course. Fatso is a criminal. Any attempt to impeach Biden is for spite and makes MAGAts look even worse than they already look.

Have Billionaires Outfitted Justices with Golden Handcuffs to Stop “Liberal Drift”?
The GOP & the billionaires who fund them learned their lesson. Never again would they allow a rightwing justice to stray beyond the rigid ideological boundaries set at that justices’ confirmation.

“The Message They’ve Received Is That You Don’t Deserve to Be Cared For”: Life on the Abortion Borderland
The messengers are hateful and mean pricks.

Elon Musk Has Made Anti-Trans Hatred One of Twitter’s Core Features
The billionaire constantly uses the platform as an outlet for his vicious transphobia—and he's expanding his campaign all the time.

The Hell of Providing Health Care in a Post-Dobbs America

Candace Owens Trolls Women Who Gain Weight After Marriage — Claims They’re Conducting a ‘Scam’
Poor woman. She still refuses to fix her brain damage.

Hutchins Roundup: Tax audits, growing inequality, and more

Dan Goldman Blasts ‘Party Of George Santos’ Over Schiff Censure
When will they ever spend time doing something positive for their country?

Jenna Ellis Compares Kari Lake To A 'Bum College Dropout'
You mean she passed entrance exams?

Dems Get It Done! Repaired I-95 Reopens To Traffic At Noon
Action and doing rather than whining!

State Senator Calls For Return Of Old Confederate-themed Flag
Another shit-fer-brains traitor from the 18th century.

You Go, Joe!
Credit where credit is due. Â Uncle Joe plays the long game, and he does not for forget. One more answer to the age-old question: “But what has he done for us lately?” Joe works for America. MAGAts work for themselves.

In post-Roe US, clinical trials may be too risky for people who can get pregnant
Either the SOBs that killed Roe vs Wade are so goddamn dumb they shouldn't be cleaning toilets or they are some of the meanest and heartless people that ever lived.

GOP presidential hopefuls pursue white evangelical support — while fearing pro-choice voters: report
Why be afraid of something that is rapidly headed for extinction?

Empty seats and empty words at Paris Summit leave fossil fuel culprits off the hook
Humanity's survival will take a huge hit from these greedy bastards.

Worse than Trumpism: Ron DeSantis flips conservative ideology to make it more dangerous
Florida's Republican governor weaponizes "freedom" to crack down on his perceived enemies
He would have proudly served as one of Hitler's officers.

White House 'won’t allow' DeSantis success in lawsuit against Department of Education: report
Just say no to this Nazi POS. Who died and made this fuckwad King of America. Throw this ass out with the trash.

Ethics committee widens Santos probe despite 'risks associated with dual investigations': report
The fascists are doing nothing for America and nothing to root out the cancer in their party.

Abortion pill ban blocked by Wyoming judge at request of 'overwhelming majority': report
Tell these swine "judges" to get on with health care for all or get kicked off their arrogant benches.

'Shady and corrupt': Barrett real estate de?al added to list of Supreme Court ethics scandals
Thanks to Fatso we have the most corrupt SCOTUS since the country began.

Tucker's Producer Fired For Racism Now Works For Charlie Kirk
The racist wingnut full-employment project continues!
Another walking POS.

Trouble In Paradise: Bannon Bashes Jordan
Steve Bannon goes after Jim Jordan regarding the Durham hearing.
"Brown Shirts or Die!" should be this slob's mantra/

Dems Push SCOTUS Ethics Bill After Alito Exposé
Democratic Sens. Dick Durbin and Sheldon Whitehouse are sick and tired of waiting for the Supreme Court to do something about its ethics problems.
"Fuck Off America!"

Pennsylvania Pastor Arrested On Child Sex Charges
Another one bites the dust.
But what about the drag shows that are grooming our children? Don't make me laugh!

Politico: Freedom Caucus May Expel Marjorie Greene
Too crazy even for them?

New DeSantis Ad: I’m Obi-Wan, Trump Is Darth Vader
Then watch for the light sabre, Dumbo.

Biden To Sign Order Expanding Contraception Access
Great news, Joe!
It's a dirty shame that this has to be done in a country that calls itself "Land of the Free."

'This is too stupid': Elise Stefanik's plan to 'rewrite' Trump's history burned by Morning Joe
This woman is an embarrassment to our country.

Whoops! Jim Jordan Accidentally Nails The Truth About Trump Allegations
More stupid from Jack-Off.
"Absolutely correct, Mr. Chairman. Anyone in this country who steals classified documents and then lies repeatedly to the government about returning them will probably get a visit from the FBI." -- Rep. Jerry Nadler

James Cameron compares the Titan tragedy to the sinking of the Titanic: 'Warnings went unheeded'
The "Titanic" director and deep sea explorer breaks his silence about the missing submersible.

Heightened 'pregnancy-related mortality' since Roe v. Wade reversal worries doctors: report
Wonder why this is happening?

Fox News Liars Serve Heaping Helping Of Projection
Every accusation is a confession with these people.

Trump Returns To Claiming Docs Were “Planted”
ROTFLMAO! This guy is crazy. How many moving vans did it take to plant them? I'm surprised he hasn't yet blamed it all on AI.

Gonna be a bad Christmas for Trump lawyers”: Court filing reveals DOJ has multiple Trump recordings
Special counsel Jack Smith also turned over grand jury testimony and the witness list for Trump's upcoming trial
Get him into prison so we can move on.

'I'm speechless': Morning Joe stunned by John Durham's complete ignorance when cornered by Democrats
"As the clip ended co-host Mika Brzezinski exclaimed "Oh my God," as Scarbrough laughed and then proceeded to dismantle the prosecutor who was unable to answer several simple questions put to him by Democrats and professed ignorance about facts contained in Robert Mueller's report on the Trump's campaign's links to the Russians."

Veterans lay out blueprint to starve Trump-loving militants of recruits
"Writing for The Bulwark on Thursday, former Army Officer and Human Rights First director Michael Breen and Navy veteran Kenneth Harbaugh outlined how to stop extremist groups from recruiting those who serve the country."

Is It Time for Big-Business to Sit Down & Shut Up?
Or, as was common in the 19th century, should they be dissolved by the state and have their assets sold to other corporations that will behave in a way that is not toxic to democracy or the community?

Worse Than a Bust: Republicans’ Biden Blockbuster Blows Up in Their Face
"The right has done this sort of thing for years. Just look back at some of the ridiculous "investigations" they launched during the 1990s. It works for them. Normal people can see that it's all a joke but it feeds into the overall impression that everyone in Washington is corrupt anyway. And today the person who benefits most from that belief is the presidential candidate who is under numerous investigations and indictments with more to come. If they all do it, what he did must not be all that bad, right?"

Lauren Boebert says she's being 'directed' by 'God' to impeach Biden
God is that big an idiot? I mean choosing her to do his dirty work?

'Right-wing culture warriors' are now furious because men in romance novels aren’t 'alpha' enough
They're romance novels, men. And you're actually reading them? I see the problem here.

Imagine a Country Where a President Peddling Election Lies May Become Ineligible to Run for Office
Put them both in a rocket ship bound for the end of the universe.

Conspiracy Lunatics Think the Titanic Never Actually Sank
Ha! And not only that. The Atlantic Ocean doesn't exist so that proves it!

Republicans can now take control of running elections in Texas' biggest blue county
Nazi takeover in Texas nearly complete.
I would think most people would leave the state if they are able.

Republicans weren't really interested in Hunter Biden. Or the truth
When were they ever interested in the latter.

The reactions to RFK Jr.'s right-wing press tour are hilarious
"His recent barrage of appearances across mostly right-wing media outlets and faux-independent conservative outlets asks the question: How do you run for the Democratic primary by appearing on media that caters to Republican talking points?"

Greg Abbott Is Garbage Part Infinity
He's not even that good. Garbage can be composted.

Hundreds of Poor People, Faith Leaders from 30+ States Visit More than 400 Senate, House Offices, Demand Action to Address Death by Poverty
Another lesson in how much we are not equal in this experiment.

ProPublica Reels in Another Corrupt GOP Supreme Court Justice
Alito grifts just like the other MAGAt assholes.

MAGA Republicans rage against electric car companies for not including AM radio: 'All-out attack'
And how many of these Republicans who get lobbying money from oil companies will be buying electric cars?
And how many of them listen to AM Radio anyway? They must love to listen to static and other annoying frequencies.
"FM radio is a top choice for music listening; this is clear from the Nielsen research results, which showed that 86% of listeners tuned into FM, compared to 21% of AM listeners. This is also because of generational factors." ... "With new and emerging ways of streaming music, AM weekly cumulative seems to decrease every year." —

Alito’s defense of Alaska fishing trip with billionaire includes claim taking a private jet saved US money
I know it saves money on my household budget everytime I have to travel. /s

Attorney debunks MAGA 'whataboutists' comparing Trump classified documents case to Biden and Clinton
Mainly it's "But what about me! Wahhhhhhh!"

Trump 'privately boasted' about the Fox News interview legal experts say was a 'disaster'
Fatso is one dumb fart.

Here are all the crimes Trump confessed to in his Fox News interview
Showing the world just how stupid he is.

WSJ publishes 'weird' attempt by Justice Alito to preempt ProPublica report on Supreme Court recusal
So he and Clarence Thomas are two of the same liars.

OR Pastor Sentenced To 13 Years On Child Sex Charges
Another one bites the dust.
And not a drag queen.

DeSantis: Filthy San Francisco Is Full Of “Riff-Raff”
This jerk wad needs to research facts before he goes off on obvious lies.

"Too stupid to know better": MAGA eats up Trump's idiot president defense
Evangelicals, in particular, feel a flock should follow leaders who are neither smart nor moral
Of course. They make the best marks for their grifting cons.
And Trump is one of the biggest idiots to ever walk on the planet.

Michigan's MAGA GOP Chair laughs about 'completely hilarious' outrage over Holocaust tweet
Exactly the sort of con that these clueless morons believe. Does she know about the Land of the Happy Negro?

New DeSantis law sparks mass worker exodus in Florida
Moron cancels Florida labor force.

'Unsavory' DeSantis super PAC moves 'clearly in violation of campaign finance law': analysis
Another Trump criminal following in his footsteps. Let's get rid of these crooks before they rob us blind.

'Unprecedented show of solidarity': Major labor unions endorse Biden for 2024

Rats, Ships, Flowers, and Very Bad Trips
(With apologies to actual rats.)

Revealed: The MAGAT* Republicans’ Three-Step Plan for Classic Fascism
They’ve read their history: if they can embed fascism deeply at every level of American government, business, and civic life, it will take generations to rip it out.

Clarence Thomas Went After My Work. His Criticisms Reveal a Disturbing Fact About Originalism.
If judges are going to use history as their guide, they should probably try to get the history right.

Impeached Texas Attorney General Partnered With Troubled Businessman to Push Opioid Program
Something very smelly is going on in Texas.

Trump Sinks Among Republicans in Post-Indictment Poll, As Most Americans Approve of Criminal Charges
"59 percent of respondents say Trump “should end his campaign now.”

RFK Jr Claims “WiFi Radiation” Causes Brain Cancer
So that's his problem. Sorry to hear it but if it's operable he could be alright.
I think we know who causes brain damage. Living in Idiocracy with "Larry, Curly and Moe."

Health effects of WiFi radiation: a review based on systematic quality evaluation
"In conclusion, we found little evidence that WiFi exposure is a health risk in the everyday environment, where exposure levels are typically considerably lower than ICNIRP guideline values."
Did Jr. read this one yet?

New Hampshire Nazi Arrested On Capitol Riot Charges
Nailed another one.
"So it turns out that this Nazi belongs to the same Nazi group named in the JMG post just before this one for menacing a drag show."

The Health Dangers of Gas Stoves Keep Piling Up
I know! Let's return to reliable wood burning stoves and ovens!

The Missing Titanic Submarine Seems Extremely Janky
Built with Legos, eh?

Elon Musk and Joe Rogan Publicly Harass Vaccine Researcher on Twitter
More on the whiny goofballs, "Spot" and "Puff."

Republicans are digging own grave on abortion
Democrat bills will drag the MAGAt Nazi party deeper into their graves this week.

Brit Hume: Trump Was Incoherent
“One is his answers on the matters of the law seem to me verge on incoherent,” Hume continued.
My guess is it's his age. He's incredibly old.

Poor Kevin McCarthy Admits Trump Going To Prison
"My first reaction is that it is continuing to show the two-tier system in America," he said. "If you are the president's leading political opponent, the DOJ tries to literally put you in jail; the DOJ is going to try to put you in jail and give you prison time, but if you are the president's son, you get a sweetheart deal."
The cases are in no way similar, but facts do not apply when it comes to Trump's alleged criminality.
We know you'll keep scraping the barrell, Kevin.

Neo-Nazis interrupt drag queen story hour in terrifying video
Nazis wave "Guten Morgen, wie geht’s?" to everyone at drag queen story hour. How sweet.

'What an idiot': Trump critics say he 'admitted' to withholding 'docs from grand jury' in Fox News interview
One of the most idiotic idiots of all time.

A 'new breed' of charter schools is spreading Christian nationalism — at taxpayers’ expense
"Charges that public schools are subjecting children to leftwing indoctrination are proving to be mostly over-hyped or not at all based in fact. Yet, there’s evidence, according to a new report, that a fast-growing sector of the charter school industry is engaged in indoctrination, only, in this case, the schools are instructing children in white, conservative ideology."
The Nazi Nation is doing its best to fuck us.

Secret Panel Helped DeSantis Flip State Supreme Court
Disgusting ass.

Hawley: “America Is The Place Slavery Came To Die”
Little Josh shows his ass is his brain again.

"This was his campaign plan": Trump has flipped the stolen documents case into "a farce"
Experts reflect one week after Donald Trump's historic indictment

Fox host blasts Trump: He 'seemed to verge on incoherent'
This is news?

'Homie going to prison': Critics react to 'disastrous' Trump interview with Fox News' Bret Baier
"Something is truly wrong with this man," Taylor said.
Someone figured this out?

Trump's court sketches make him look too young and attractive, Twitter users say. But the artist says he just draws what he sees.
William J. Hennessy Jr., one of the three sketch artists at Trump's arraignment in Miami's federal court last Tuesday, has come under fire on Twitter.
I had the same reaction the first time I saw one of his drawings of Fatso.
With two pair of glasses on at the same time one would question his vision.

Harassment of doctors has more than doubled since 2020: research survey
Blaming the messenger.

I’m So Tired Of People Who Should Know Better Saying that Investigating Trump and Jan 6 Is Political
People are stupid.

'Fake Leftist Holiday': MAGA Is Not Taking Juneteenth Well
Equality is not their strong suit. They prove it over and over, again and again.

Ron Johnson: We're Not Racist, You Are
As I said about Charlie Kirk, Ron. You and your fascist party are the greatest threat to our nation.

Millions of People Collect Plastic for a Living. What Happens if It Goes Away?
This is like saying what will happen to doctors if they find a cure for cancer?

'Bad poll': Trump says survey showing him losing to Biden by 4 really means he's up by 6
Biden leads Trump by 6 points. Good.

Charlie Kirk: Black people use Juneteenth to 'smear and slander white America'
No, Charlie. You, and the people like you, are the cause.

Colin Kaepernick says ‘Black liberation isn’t possible under capitalism’
Most certainly equality is not possble. America proves this every day.

WATCH: Singer Bebe Rexha Clocked in the Head By a Fan Who Threw a Cell Phone at Her In the Middle of a Concert
Looks like someone was pissed off about their phone's self-correcting.

YouTube Removes RFK Jr.’s Interview Claiming Chemicals in Water Supply Turn Kids Trans Just Like It Does to Frogs
RFK Jr. is a disgrace to his famlily and to America.

Mark Cuban Slams Joe Rogan: You’ve ‘Become Everything Supposedly Wrong With’ Mainstream Media
Joe Rogan and RFK Jr. are broken people.

Golf Legend Tom Watson Calls Out Saudi Deal in Letter to PGA Tour Commish: Explain This In a Way We Can ‘Look 9/11 Families in the Eye’
He can't hear you, Tom. He's too busy pilfering Saudi cash.

How the Ineluctable Rise of Worldwide Free Market Capitalism Has Been a Stunning Failure
"Writing in Sunday's New York Times, global economics correspondent Patricia Cohen broke down how financial globalization proves that 'almost everything we thought we knew about the world economy was wrong.'"

Morning Joe compares Trump to the Confederacy's 'lost cause' myth
Land of the Happy Negro gets its due from Morning Joe.
Dear ole Dixie can fuck all the way off.

How U.S.-made sniper ammunition ends up in Russian rifles
The masters of war don't care who uses their death tools as long as they profit.

Evictions Are Soaring Beyond Pre-Pandemic Numbers
The poor are being brutalized at an even more rapid rate than before due to bloated wealth being in the hands of only a few.

Rep. Paul Gosar Calls For Bounties On “Jan 6 Antifa”
Put a bounty on this psychopath.

'I did not feel safe': South Carolina teacher recalls being ordered to stop teaching lessons on racism
It's difficult to believe that this sort of filty rot is going on in "the land of the free." Why is teaching racism a crime in the the U.S.? Are we that far gone? Why is American so afraid of looking at itself? This is what denial and cowardly white supremacists do to us so we can repeat the same mistake over and over again. 1984 and the "Ministry of Truth" in action.

'Long arc of progress': Conservative website celebrates Juneteenth by highlighting 'powerful' Obama speech
"...history will see Obama's presidency much more favorably than Donald Trump's four years in office."

The feds need to look into possible human rights abuses and trafficking by Govs. Abbott and DeSantis
"Little Adolph" and "Dan Abbott"? At least they't haven't started their concentration camps — yet.

Fox Host: San Francisco Needs To Declare Martial Law
The first thing we shut down should be Fox News and this dick.

GOP Seeks To Defund Pentagon’s Anti-Extremism Work
Extremism is what the fascist party does. They are asking to defund their own work.

Florida “Don’t Say Gay” Author Seeks Sentencing Delay
Another one getting ready to say bye-bye.

'Can't govern from a jail cell': GOP strategist says Trump rivals must go after him on indictments
News flash: Fatso can't "govern" from anywhere.

'They would rather be victims than winners': Morning Joe buries GOP's Trump dead-enders
Truer words were never spoken. Victim is their favorite excuse for any issue.

Red states are forming 'a nation within a nation' with laws that recreate 'a pre-1960s world': CNN analyst
They really mean the pre-1860s.
It didn't work then, it won't work now.

As the nation celebrates Juneteenth, it’s time to get rid of these three myths about slavery
American is not much aware of anything but a few holidays. So, no surprises here.

The hidden cost of gasoline
"Given the toxic legacy of gas stations, some communities have begun pushing back against their development. Two years ago, Petaluma, California, became the first town in the country to ban new gas stations, following its declaration of a 'climate emergency' in 2019. In March, Sonoma County prohibited their construction. Even famously car-centric Los Angeles has considered a similar ban.
For Beth Doglio, one of the Democratic state representatives who introduced HB1175, seeing new gas stations has become a source of frustration. 'The energy right now to fuel our vehicles is this totally toxic, gross shit that’s underground,' Doglio said. Getting rid of the storage tank problem is a benefit of going electric that hardly anyone thinks about, she said.
It’s not going to cost a fortune, $1 million, to fix a charging station. It’s kind of exciting. That, to me, was like, ‘Oh, wow, here’s yet another benefit of the clean energy transition.’”
America doesn't know, care or believe they put themselves at this needless health risk.

Bill Barr slams Trump's mental health: America 'can't be a therapy session' for 'troubled man'

Chris Christie Drags ‘Petulant Child’ Trump Over All His Staff Hires He’s Since Turned Against: ‘Worst Manager in the History of the Presidency’
And people want this man pardoned in name of unity? Do they even have a clue he's the motherfucker responsible for any and all dis-unity that exists here? Oh sure, let the traitor off. Do it and see what you get, idiots that you are.

Bill Barr Ramps Up His Showdown With ‘Troubled Man’ Trump in Stunning CBS Interview: He’s Like ‘A Defiant 9-Year-Old’
Exactly what Fatso is.

Former Democratic Senator warns: 'A vote for No Labels is a vote for Donald Trump'
Exactly. That's why we have drug laws to prevent you from taking deadly poison.
Can't you see or don't you give a damn?

'Equal outcome or equal treatment?' Chuck Todd blows up Mike Pence’s DOJ 'politicization' allegations
Same old Trump bullshit, "But what about that guy over there?"
Yes. What about that guy? Nothing anyone can show. On the other hand your boy has shit dripping off him.

Black Music Sunday: Celebrating Horace Silver and 'Song For My Father'
"As Father’s Day approached this week, my thoughts turned to my dad. I kept hearing bits and pieces of one of my favorite jazz tunes in my head: 'Song For My Father,' by pianist, composer, and arranger Horace Silver. I pulled it up to play from my music collection and looked online for cover versions. Only then was I reminded that Silver joined the ancestors on June 18, 2014, nine years to this day."
Here's to Horace and to Fathers.

LNMC - Hell Is For Children By Pat Benatar
The song doesn't mean whatever Ted Cruz thinks it does.
Cruz is the typical square, "Mr. Jones.".

Hating on trans youth is a core Republican presidential primary issue
"Pew found that among the general public, 44 percent say they personally know someone who is trans and 20 percent know someone who is nonbinary. A recent survey from the nonprofit PRRI put the figure lower, saying 36 percent of Americans know someone who identifies as trans or nonbinary."
Republicans seem to think they don't deserve life.

TX Gov Signs Ban On Diversity Efforts At State Colleges
A snapshot of a bigoted asshole.
He lives in a racist world of the past. Remove him from office.
"Fuck you with a rusty pole, you hateful Nazi." — JT (comments)

'Where did he go to law school?' Lindsey Graham's Trump stolen docs defense dismantled by prosecutor
And did he actually graduate?

'Blatantly unconstitutional' conviction of North Carolina reporters slammed by 'free press' advocates
Something's wrong in North Carolina.

Pastor Sentenced To 186 Years For Molesting Toddlers
"A retired Orange County pastor was sentenced Friday to 186 years to life in prison for sexually abusing two young girls with whom he is related."
Whichever comes first?
Another one bites the dust.

Trump: John Kelly Was “Born With A Very Small Brain”
Said the man with the orange face and lily-white, tiny hands.

Kirk: Juneteenth Is “Pagan Garbage” To Subvert July 4
Yes. I've heard they are striking down Independence Day in favor of Juneteenth or, at least, combining the two since they are so much celebrating the same thing. You can thank Donald Trump for starting that movement. /s

Televangelist Launches Christian Nationalist Rant About Washington
One of the biggest grifters that came in the name of Christ.
This is, of course, a big bucket of pure bullshit. Congress had no part in it, dear boy.
Dear Kenneth: If there is a God he doesn't have to get a president or anyone else to inform him about real estate.

Poor Marge Greene Is Absolutely Humiliated By Her Hero
"A few weeks ago, Marjorie Taylor Greene—best known for having three names, three toes and 0 IQ, was totally humiliated in Congress when she called for "order" and the entire chamber just burst out laughing."
But wait! That's not all.

GOP Candidate Uses Photo From Africa To Depict US Border
Lying liar lies.

RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel: Hillary Clinton 'Never Was Investigated'
This woman really does need to see a doctor.
Please read the next item, Ronna. Show everyone how full of shit you and Fatso are.

How Many Times Did Republicans Investigate Hillary
Read this Ronna. Or get someone to read it to you.

Kevin McCarthy’s hometown newspaper drags him for disparaging journalists
They dressed him in women's clothes? Wow!

'Long live the King': Trump calls Jack Smith a 'sick and deranged sleazebag' in Truth Social tantrum
More projecting from Trump, the sick and deranged sleezebag.

Fox host: 'Somebody is going to have to pull a trigger' to stop Trump prosecutions
That'll be the day when assholes like Schilling and Watters play by the rules.

Trump at risk of violating his pre-trial release by keeping co-defendant by his side: legal expert
"During an appearance on MSNBC's "The Katie Phang Show," former U.S. attorney Joyce Vance claimed that prosecutors may be put in the position of asking a judge to revoke Donald Trump's pre-trial release if he continues to keep aide and co-defendant Walt Nauta continually at his side."

The No Labels Agenda is More Disturbing than You Know. Here’s Why.
"Money in politics is a lot like Oxycontin, and the people who pass it out are often just as cynical, sociopathic, and deadly as the Sackler family."

America Now, and How We Got Here: A Primer
To quote Kurt Vonnegut: "And so it goes." And to quote somebody else, "the rich get vastly richer, and the rest of us are politely asked to eat shit and die."

Gavin Newsom Brutally Schools Hannity On The Economy In Explosive Interview
Hannity needed a good beating.

KKK members pulled guns on pro-LGBTQ protesters and Kentucky cops let them go: police docs
What else can one expect from my old Kentucky home, cracker cops?

Boycott Fail: Dodgers Play To Packed House Of 49,000
Dogers 49,000 - Cultists 0.

Oath Keepers Lawyer Not Competent To Stand Trial
At last! A traitor is officially declared mentally incompetent!
It's a start.

Rubio: The Dodgers Promote “Hatred Of Christianity”
These people are "Christians"? I don't think so. Look at the number of Catholic clerics raping children, little Marco.

“DOJ really had no choice”: Experts say non-lawyer Tom Fitton’s advice horribly backfired on Trump
Trump could have avoided charges if he listened to his lawyers. He trusted Judicial Watch activist instead
Fitten, the perfect example of "clueless."

'Bombshell': Internal docs highlight 'partisan hack job' in case now before Supreme Court
"These emails confirm what every honest observer has long understood: Missouri's lawsuit is just a partisan hack job aimed at getting the right-wing attorney general's name in the paper," Ella Azoulay, SBPC's research and policy analyst, said in a statement.

'Resounding victory': Iowa Supreme Court deadlocks on 6-week abortion ban, keeping procedure legal
It should be legal in every state.

Why Do So Many Americans Think Biden Is Doing a Bad Job?
"Most Americans do not follow monthly inflation, crime, or border-crossing statistics. They experience inflation through more expensive bills, less abundant grocery purchases, and delayed big-ticket investments; crime through if-it-bleeds-it-leads local news broadcasts and major events like mass shootings; immigration through vivid images of people in migrant camps or the frequency with which they hear foreign languages spoken in their own communities."
Simple answer: They are gullible and rely on hearsay.

What is the current state of crime and justice in the US?
Study the facts.

As Texas swelters, local rules requiring water breaks for construction workers will soon be nullified
"Gov. Greg Abbott approved this week a law that will eliminate city and county ordinances like Austin and Dallas’ mandated water breaks. Texas is one of the states where most workers die from high temperatures."
No wheelchairs for Govenors should be next.

More Than 1.2M Patients Have Been Booted Off Medicaid. Most Are Still Eligible
"A healthcare catastrophe is unfolding across the U.S. as states — now unrestrained by coverage rules enacted early in the coronavirus pandemic — continue to remove people from Medicaid at an alarming clip, mostly for procedural reasons unrelated to their eligibility for the program."
Lopholes created by grifters. There's the problem.

Wow, Christian Hate Groups STILL Mad At Ted Cruz For Lightly Suggesting Uganda Shouldn't Murder Gays
" Lecturing Ted Cruz by sneering about the good old days when the buttsexers were put to death. Or maybe castrated. Or maybe whipped. And then he said 'natural law,' because that's one of those made-up phrases Christian supremacists like to throw around. They think it puts a scholarly veneer on what is really just an extremely psychologically damaged and disturbed hatred cloaked in the garb of really fucking stupid religious beliefs."

Can American Democracy Survive Fox “News”?
Democracy is based on the will of the people & that is a function of the information to which citizens have access - Can America rescue our nation’s currently polluted streams of information and news?

Singing Unsung Heroes

Trump Lawyer Quits Case: “Irreconcilable Differences”
The reason: Trump never told him the truth, only lies.

DeSantis: I Would Have Been One Of Jesus’s Disciples
Judas, no doubt.

DeSantis Vetoes Flood Control Funds For Blue Counties
No moral sense with this miscreant.

“Jack The Tripper” Jan 6 Rioter Sentenced To 30 Months
Another one bites the dust.

Biden administration urged to act as states throw 1.2 Million off Medicaid
Fuck the poor? These state fascists need to put that cash in their crooked pockets.
Vote the bastards out.

'Jesus was arrested': Marjorie Taylor Greene compares Trump to Christ and Nelson Mandela
These idiots keep using false equivalence to prove ridiculous points that illustrate just how badly their thinking disorders are.
Critical thinking is not one of their strong suits, if they even have one.

GOP lawmaker's lawsuit against newspaper backfires and exposes damning 2020 election emails
Another low-down and dirty owlhoot from the MAGAt fascist party.

Trump's addiction to "yes men" may be his ultimate downfall
Trump is too narcissistic to see he's just being used by lawyers who tell him what he wants to hear

Christian Site: Chick-Fil-A Has Joined “Demonic Agenda”
I think by now we know exactly who the "Demonic Agenda" is. It is those "many shall come in my name" Jesus was referring to.

Catholic League: “Last Call” To Boycott LA Pride Night
More of the same as above.
Smelly farts from the mouth of Bill Donohue.

College Board Rejects Florida’s Demand On AP Courses
Fuck DeSantis and his totalitarian policy.

This time, Trump is in trouble
"To a very large extent, the modern Republican Party exists to create a protective screen for Trump.
Except this time, all the money, all the lies, all the threats, and every chyron on Fox News is not going to be enough. This time, Trump is in trouble."

Ron DeSantis wants to 'improve' the Supreme Court toward the 'gold standard' of Clarence Thomas
Does this jerkwad always pick the dead end of an issue to support? Pitiful.

Busted: Analysis reveals billionaire Clarence Thomas benefactor gave millions to dark money groups
He has friends in low places, I see.

Naomi Klein rebukes "counterfeit populism" of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
"Progressive populists make tangible economic offers...Kennedy is not actually proposing any of this," Klein wrote
This person will get us Trump or DeSantis as president, Naomi. We will have you to blame for the death of democracy.
Who would have believed it would be a wacko-quack Kennedy to attract the "educated" vote to get that done?
"Kennedy will continue to sell himself as a brave 'alternative' to the status quo," they added. "But this man peddles lies and capitalizes on the public's hatred of corporate greed and government corruption. Like the con artist of 2016, this man is not to be trusted."
Who says Biden is abysmal other than the disgruntled leftist losers like those mentioned in this article. Keep getting the Nazis elected, assholes!

Ted Cruz suggests Pat Benatar is the soundtrack for child sacrifice
Well, I never suspected she was a pedophile killer.
Did she hit you with her best shot, you pussy!

Federal Grand Jury Indicts Guardsman Pentagon Leaker
"A federal grand jury on Thursday indicted Air National Guardsman Jack Teixeira, who posted dozens of secret intelligence reports and other sensitive documents on a gaming server, on six counts of retaining and transmitting classified national defense information." Relative of Fatso's?

Tommy Tuberville whines Biden won't 'compromise' while blocking hundreds of military appointments
Fuck our military hater,Tubby Tooter.

Utah Republicans Indignant Bible Banned For Same Reasons They Want To Ban Other Books
Too bad, too bad.

New Idiot Rep. Tried To Fine Adam Schiff $16 Million For Telling Truth About Trump. Failed Miserably
Why would anyone expect anything less than failure from Fatso?

A Montana man who fired shots in a thwarted plot against LGBTQ+ people gets 18 years in prison
"A southwestern Montana man has been sentenced to 18 years in federal prison after being convicted of a hate crime and firearms charges for threatening a woman with violent, homophobic slurs and shooting at her house with an AK-style rifle as part of a self-described “mission” to rid a small town of its LGBTQ community."
Instead, he did himself in. Nice.

Trump's crime spree spoils key Republican platform
They had a platform?

Turns out crime doesn't pay: Trump's fundraising slides
Propaganda is Fatso's only tool. He's failing bigly.

House GOP makes it official: Ending Social Security and Medicare is the goal
The bread lines will return in greater numbers than we've ever seen.
Don't cast a single vote for these bastards.

Giuliani Now Claims Witness With Evidence On Biden Has Died
Of course. A Russian assassin pushed her out a window.

Music publishers sue Twitter, slam Musk for calling DMCA a “plague on humanity”
Twitter was sued yesterday by music publishers who are seeking about $250 million in damages for alleged copyright violations. Members of the National Music Publishers' Association (NMPA) trade group say that Twitter does little to stop copyright infringement and doesn't pay for music rights like other social media companies do.
In other words "defunding" us writers and composers.

Exposed: Extreme right-wing physicians’ group behind anti-trans laws
Bust their licensce to practice.

Trump declares himself 'totally exonerated' and demands Jack Smith 'apologize'
We could stop our suffering from this ranting insane maniac if the damned media would ignore him.

Southern Baptists Solve Shrinking Membership By Reminding Girls They Aren't Allowed
Land of the Happy Negro vanishing cult make themselves even more vanished.

Mark this article readThe climate crisis is on track to push one-third of humanity out of its most livable environment
Look out Mars, here we come.

This time, Trump is in trouble
"Except this time, all the money, all the lies, all the threats, and every chyron on Fox News is not going to be enough. This time, Trump is in trouble."

Ukraine Dam Breach May Be “Worst Ecological Disaster Since Chernobyl”
"The dam collapse isn’t just a Russia-Ukraine disaster—it’s a global one."

Black Political Power Still Traumatizes the White South
"After ‘Milligan,’ some redistricting cases may find their way back to state lawmakers who fear Black voters—and the multiracial coalitions they can anchor." Land of the Happy Negro again in fear of their Negroes going to the sadz.

How Much Damage has the Trump-Putin Collusion Inflicted on America?
Does Trump’s goal appear to be, to paraphrase Ron DeSantis, to “Make America Russia?”

Trump’s Defenders Get Caught Up in the Corruption
As they should.

GOP Support for the Way Trump Kept Docs at Mar-a-Lago Drops Significantly — Poll
"It’s been around 10 months since the FBI executed a search warrant at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate, obtaining thousands of government documents in the process, including more than 100 marked “classified.” And since that time, support for Trump’s action among Republican voters has significantly diminished."

Joe Biden Just Killing Inflation, Unemployment, Which Makes Republicans :(
"We've suspected that one reason Republicans were willing to default on the nation's debt and trigger a global recession was because the economy has steadily improved on President Joe Biden's watch. It's hard to win swing seats on an all-drag queens, all-the-time platform."

Melania Not Necessarily 'Sad' Husband Maybe Going Away Forever Until He Dies
"We had been wondering where Melania Trump was and what her part was in the arraignment and future imprisonment of Donald Trump. The most we've heard from her ever since the classified docs scandal started was that report that she was so upset the FBI went through her underpants drawer that she had to get all new underpants. Fox News amused everybody during the event when it thought it saw Melania and said 'there's Melania!' but no, it wasn't Melania.
Guess Fox News can't tell white ladies apart."

Big Hairy Tough Guy JD Vance Is The Man Who Will Fight For Trump's Honor
"Ohio Republican Senator and roadside attraction J.D. Vance — he is the largest ball of blue-eyed Aryan human butthair in the state of Ohio, obviously people stop to gawk — has a plan to stop Joe Biden's Justice Department from holding Donald Trump accountable under the same laws as everyone else.
He's going to hold up all the Justice Department nominees until Attorney General Merrick Garland learns his lesson!

Trump lawyer Todd Blanche sued for malpractice
Can you believe that?

Donald Trump still thinks he can escape this — but Jack Smith has him cornered
For all his bluster, Trump is almost out of options. This will be the last chapter of his lifetime grift
Not to worry. He will have all the comforts in his new cell.

Sarah Palin Steps On Rake In Denying MAGA Is A Cult
It won't help her. She's already lost her mind.

Texas Gov Ships Busload Of Migrants To Los Angeles
He's dealing in human trafficking. This is a criminal act.
Both he and DeSantis should be arrested and charged, indicted and imprisoned.

Pope Francis’ Jesuit Order Expels “Three-Way Priest”
Rev. Marko Ivan Rupnik remains a priest, just not a Jesuit priest.
"...expelled a prominent Slovenian priest from the congregation following allegations of sexual, spiritual and psychological abuses against adult women."
Another dust biter. You have been warned.

MAGA Pastor Urges Christians To Become Suicide Bombers
You know, like Islamist suicide bombers. To save the babies.
Is the "pastor" too busy assaulting children to care that he's aiding and abetting terrorists?

Trump's Indictment - Redux
Trae Crowder sums up Trump's second indictment and arraignment.
It's as if Fatso wants to be a martyr.

Don Jr: 'The End Of The Republic' If Trump Convicted
Donald Trump Jr. argued that the United States would invade another country if it had indicted a former leader the way his father was charged this week.
Which country would that be, little Donnie? In this case it's "Trumplandia."
He's doing nothing but projecting here.

Ronny Jackson Needs A Psych Exam
To think this man was a doctor to presidents is frightening.
Anyone could tell that the first time they saw and heard him speak.
"Let's face it. Any doctor that would certify one of his patients could live for 200 years is mentally defective."
"If anyone needs to take a cognitive test, it's this Republican Congressman."

Scientists create 'synthetic human embryos' from stem cells: report
Add that to AI and you've got some real thinking to get to.

Putin and Belarusian president: 'No problem at all' to nuke the US
Try it and see you brainless shit pile.
Assured Mutual Destruction and death. But you're already over halfway there, fuckstick.

'That Is An Absolute Lie': Stephanie Ruhle Obliterates Trump's Defense
Media figures need to do this every single time.
Fatso wouldn't know the law if it fucked him in the ass. And it's about to.
Media figures need to learn to be media figures.

Marjorie Taylor Greene's Latest Rant Is Spitting Into The Wind
In upside-down land, the Georgia QAnon Klan mom claimed on Twitter that Trump is innocent and Biden is guilty but is still in the White House.
We all know it's not "Spitting in the Wind," John. It is PISSING!

Fox Claims White House Flew “Pedophile” Pride Flag (Same Flag Appears On Fox’s Annual Corporate Report)
Wow! Fox is a bunch of child rapists!
How many "men" these days cry "I don't mind gay but stop shoving it down my throat!" Oooooh.

DOJ: Marine Firebombed Planned Parenthood Clinic
A couple more bite the dust.

Pastor Convicted In Ohio Child Sex Trafficking Sting
Oh No! Another one bites the dust. No woder Xtianity is vanishing.

Hannity Claims FBI Rigged The Last Five Elections
J. Edgar Hoover arranged them all.

Retired conservative judge: Trump 'dared, taunted, provoked, and goaded DOJ' into indicting him
One of the most respected conservative jurists alive.

E. Jean Carroll Can Add Trump’s CNN Smears To Defamation Case, Judge Rules
The same day Trump was arraigned for 37 federal felonies in Florida, the federal rape-defamation case against him in New York suddenly got worse.
And it won't get any better because he's too stupid to keep his idiot mouth shut.

Right-Wing Media Melts Down Over Biden's Root Canal
What in the actual hell are they talking about?
They are a bunch of whiny-assed wimps that have nothing in their sad and hateful lives but to waste time.
This just looks like it makes Biden tough enough to kick your snowflake asses.

Cultist Screams “Get Out, You Stupid Bitch” At Reporter After She Tries To Ask Trump If He’s Ready To Go To Jail
Lucky for him he didn't get a broken nose.

Former Trump Chief Of Staff: “He’s Scared Shitless”
He has been his entire life.

House Republicans Meet On Defunding DOJ And FBI
And so are these idiots. Scared shitless only proves they know he's guilty.

Arraigned in Miami, Trump Is in Real Trouble
"If convicted on any of these charges, Trump will almost certainly go to prison, perhaps for the rest of his life."
Hooray for America!

Vance To Block DOJ Nominees In Payback For Trump
Like Tubby Tooter, Nazi spite.

Nikki Haley: I Would Be “Inclined” To Pardon Trump
I would be inclined to put you in the cell with him.

Death Toll In Kenyan Jesus Starvation Cult Passes 300
"Many shall come in my name." Just how many of your motherfucking cults do we have to put up with, Jesus?

Judge lets E. Jean Carroll amend defamation claim with over $10M demand for damages from Trump
Lay it on him thick, Jean.

Marco Rubio freaks out over focus on Trump indictment instead of supposed 'destruction of the family'
He has a family? Hard to believe that.

'We have to stigmatize it': Fox host launches vicious attack on unhoused Americans
What does this asshole do? Eat shit for breakfast every morning? What the hell does he think they are now?
Pretty sad he's deaf, dumb and blind and plays a dumbass swine news person.

Trump Wanted Courthouse Protests But Instead Got MAGA Misfits
Only the clowns were sent in. One had Trump's head on a pike!

Alan Dershowitz: Jack Smith's evidence like 'a gun with Trump's fingerprints on it"
Surely, Trump just found a smoking gun and picked it up on reflex without knowing he was destroying evidence?

'Ashamed to be Caucasian': School scraps racism lesson because it makes white students 'uncomfortable'
Land of the Happy Negro students made uncomfortable by rumors any of their Negroes were said to be unhappy about any shitty treatment by their superiors. They were always happy they'd been taught.

'Hope is not a security strategy': Former FBI official trashes police tape used for Miami security
What does he expect? It's Miami and run by the mob.

Marjorie Taylor Greene lashes out at CDC director: 'I don't want my staff educated'
If they are her staff how could they be? Only morons get interviewed and hired.

Tuberville hold scrambles Marines’ plans for top officer's retirement
Good thing the rotten scumbag loves our troops.

DeSantis: My DOJ Will Prosecute Diversity Initiatives
A new Constitution will be written to enforce all of his criminal activities.

Is Tommy Tuberville's Reaction To Trump Indictment The Stupidest One, Or Does He Have Competition?
"Yes well, listen, Tubbity Bobbity Boo. We know senator-ing is hard and you weren't that good at coaching either and that all random google searches about you turn up more evidence that you are just the dumbest, most full-of-it bumpkin what ever crawled out of an Alabama creekbed, and sweet lord, that is saying a lot. But a key difference is that Joe Biden actually ordered his lawyers to make sure he didn't have classified documents and a second key difference is that when they found that he did he's cooperated fully the entire time and a third key difference is go fuck yourself, Tubs."

Cops: TN Pastor Stole From Food Bank To Pay Hooker
He had to get the cash somewhere. The offering plate scam wasn't getting it done any longer.

AK Church Leader Charged With 17 Child Sex Felonies
Another candidate for the chopping block.

Georgia Deacon Arrested On 400 Sex Crime Charges
This one needs a special prosecutor.

MI Catholic Priest Gets One Year On Child Sex Charges
Another one bites the dust.

Ramaswarmy Appears Outside Miami Courthouse With Demand For Candidates To Pledge Pardon For Trump
Rama-Swami, Ding Batshit Baloney, says blame him instead and he will take the prison term for Fatso.

Fox News freaks out after inflation drops to lowest level in 2 years
"Americans got more good economic news on Tuesday, as inflation dropped even more than expected, to 4% on the year. For the average consumer, that means the price increases everyone’s faced – from gas, eggs and other groceries, clothing, and more, are coming back in line to normal."
"In fact, inflation has now dropped 11 months in a row, to the lowest point in two years."

Voting maps throughout the Deep South may be redrawn after surprise Supreme Court ruling
Land of the Happy Negro to be re-drawn and quartered.

Watch: Florida Trump supporters hurl profanities at Black counterdemonstrator
Is the Trump supporter on his knees?

Trump Calls Jack Smith “Radical Right Lunatic Thug"
Fatso projects again.
Is he so stupid that he doesn't know the meaning of "anyhing you say may be held against you"?

Illinois Gov Signs Bill Outlawing Book Bans By Libraries
Isn't it a pity that we have to have a law on top of a law known as the First Amendment to reinforce it?

What is the Endgame for a Party of Violence?
If we continue to allow violence (like January 6th) and violent rhetoric to spread through the American body politic, we stand a very real chance of losing our republic

‘This Is the Final Battle’: Trump Tells Followers They ‘Have To’ Protest — Some Promise to Come ‘Well-Armed’
It's the end game for Fatso.

Matt Gaetz Probe Reopens; Freedom Caucus Tantrum Halts House
Nail Gaetz this time. The spoiled brats of the "Freedom Caucus" are a flaccid, failed, inept blockade to the advancement of our country.

Militia Members' Plot To 'Start A War' At The Border Thwarted
Imagine thinking this is a good idea.
Militia, my ass. Common gun thugs are what they are.

Gavin Newsom Politely Crushes Sean Hannity In Interview
"What faith tradition teaches you to treat people like this, to belittle them?" Newsom said of Ron DeSantis' migrant stunt
Hannity is a moral midget.

MTG: Pride Flags Are Now “Symbols Of Aggression”
"Every American has equal rights."
Then why does your party suppress these rights? You do it to women, minorities, the poor and anyone else you don't want around.
If a swastika flag isn't a symbol of agression no such thing exits. Your Fatso's boys display them every chance they get, fool.

George Conway: The case against Trump as easy to prove as a 'nickel-and-dime drug bust'
"There's evidence on every page that suffices to put this guy in jail,"
"This stuff, it's on tape! His own lawyer recording a history of Trump asking the lawyer to lie to the government..."

'Look at the evidence': Former GOP governor shames his party for blindly defending Trump
"These are not just frivolous charges, and it bothers me that some of our Republican leaders are willing to, you know, not even willing to take a look at the evidence," he said.

Tuberville Doesn’t Care If Trump Shared Military Intel
Then he can join him in his cell.

Miami Police Brace For Up 50,000 Cultists Tomorrow
“January 6th is gonna look like a playground” – Trump supporter Pat speaks outside of Trump National Doral Miami where Former President expected to arrive for his second Indictment – “All we need is an order, we are ready”
He's already given you his orders. Are you that big a dumbass?

Oklahoma’s Religious Charter School Aims to Break Church-State Separation
Wouldn't you know. Some religious dicks think they have to fuck the Constitution to get to their Never Never Land. Oklahoma is definately not OK.

Coded message in Trump post sends signal to far-right conspiracy theorists: expert
"You know they refused Jesus, too." He said, "You're not him." — Bob Dylan, Bob Dylan's 115th Dream.

The PGA Tour’s Deal With the Saudis Is Under Senate Investigation—and All Options Are on the Table
Great news. Judas, take your rope.

California Parents Fear Far-Right Hijacking of School Board Meeting
Cal Nazis show their asses.

US’s Largest Lobbying Group Sues to Stop Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Plan
It's hard to believe such scum exits in the U.S.

Kari Lake Gets Math Lesson After Claiming 90% Of Americans Support Trump
Will someone please get this poor woman the help she needs!

Charlie Kirk Tells Fan Who Wants To Be Surgeon To Consider Getting Pregnant And Making Sammiches
"Like this clip, where TPUSA leader Charlie Kirk tells a woman how to be a woman. You might think a guy like that, who dropped out of community college, a fucked-up-looking frog that ain't never turning into a prince, might not be an expert on how to be a woman. But that would be to misunderstand young white fascist Republicans, who can't really function in the world without a hierarchy that's clearly defined for them. Charlie Kirk is a white fascist conservative Christian man. He believes he sits atop the hierarchy."

Why the 9/11 Families Are So Angry With the PGA Tour
Consorting with the enemy?
"Eagleson, whose father, John Bruce Eagleson, died in the same south tower of the World Trade Center where 66 employees of Dunne’s bank were killed, suggested that he read the declassified FBI documents about Bayoumi, Thumairy and other Saudis. 'It’s the same government,' Eagleson said."

Marjorie Taylor Greene Is Trying to ‘Defund’ Trump Prosecutors: ‘We Cannot Allow the Government to Be Weaponized
Again, Margie — that's a sword our Lady of Justice carries along with her scales. Stop your bullshit and step up and get weighed won't you?
Dumb cluck.

Trump: I Will Prosecute “The Entire Biden Crime Family”
I seriously doubt he will be able to do that from his cell.

Iowa Christian Missionary Gets 25 Years For Child Sex
And another one bites the dust.

Georgia Republican Party Platform Calls For Protecting Confederate Monuments And Probe Into Vaccine Rules
Land of the Happy Negro "guvermint" calls for worship of the statues of their traitors. Again, where's Will Sherman when we need him?

DeSantis: My SCOTUS Picks Will Be Better Than Trump’s
Better at what? Being shit bags?

Man Creates Tiny Country Inside California, Declares Himself Its Sultan
Is this where Trump plans to flee?

Georgia Republican Party platform opposes vaccines and reality
Obviously, Heroin addicts.

'The final battle': Trump tells followers they 'have to' protest as some promise to come 'well-armed'
Trump, VICE notes, “has done nothing to tamp down any potential threats, repeatedly calling for his own supporters to turn up en masse in Miami on Tuesday, just as he did ahead of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot,” and he “shared a meme about his indictment with a caption declaring, ‘THIS IS NOT A GAME, THIS IS WAR.'”
The call to arms has been made by the traitor Trump. The second time he has done so.
We'll have the machine guns ready for his mob of Nazis this time. It won't be pretty. Get the triage centers ready. He's asking them to die for him.

'I want blood': Rabid Trump supporters' fury is building as arraignment nears
The blood they get will be their own.

Trump arraignment may be delayed because he doesn't have a Florida lawyer: MSNBC
Then let the court appoint one for him and get it going on!

Marjorie Taylor Greene Knows Devil Just Jealous Of How Women Are Hot And Can Get Pregnant
"There's a lot going on in the world, but there's always time for a Bible lesson with Marjorie Taylor Greene, because that's what members of Congress are supposed to be doing. It was at the Turning Point USA Young Women's Leadership Summit. We guess that's what some people do on the weekend."

Rick Wilson Warns Trump Won't Hesitate To Incite Violence Again
Trump takes too much pride in his ability to incite his scumbag supporters to riot.

Supreme Court won't review North Carolina's decision to nix license plates with Confederate flag
Land of the Happy Negro loses their sedtionist flag image showing they are utter idiots.
Unfortunatly, the idiots will linger.

Bolton: This Is A “Devastating Indictment, A Rifle Shot”
“Justice delayed, as they say, is justice denied and the court should not let Donald Trump get the kind of delay I suspect he wants.” – John Bolton, adding on CNN this morning that Trump “thought it was cool” to show off classified intel.
Hopefully, it hits him right in his black heart.

'Entirely self-inflicted': CNN legal analyst marvels how Trump bumbled into felony charges
Fatso and his very FAT mouth.

Trump indictment is only 'a fraction of the evidence the government has amassed': Maggie Haberman
"Special counsel Jack Smith's indictment of former President Donald Trump drew praise for its thoroughness even from conservative legal experts such as Jonathan Turley and former Attorney General Bill Barr, who in the past have defended the former president amid numerous scandals.
And according to New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman, the government has a lot more damning proof that it can throw at Trump during his criminal trial."

Biden Is the President America Needs
To win our war against fascism.

When Did All the Fun Stuff Go Upscale?
Casinos, skiing, going to the movies … only if you can afford it.

Jose, Can't You See? A Brief History of America's Welcome Mat
"But tyranny is an equal opportunity employer. All that's required is an electorate ignorant of its history and an oligarchy with enough money and power to keep people in the dark about things that happened before they got here."

Will We Go to Civil War Over Trump?
"Trump is demanding once again that Americans choose sides. But in his deranged mind, this “final battle” is not just against his normal cast of ill-defined villains — Democrats, communists, socialists, Marxists, the “Deep State,” the FBI, and any Republican politician who dares cross him."
A final battle against himself.

Critical Pedagogy in the Age of Fascist Politics
Ghosts of Fascism

Republicans Follow Debt Limit Fight by Pushing More Corporate Tax Cuts
Do they love corporations or what? American workers can eat it as far as these stumblebums are concerned.

Is Gavin Newsom Going To Force Women To Have Babies For Gay Men? (Of F**king Course Not
"The latest conservative reproductive rights bugaboo is now surrogacy. They're all really, really mad about surrogacy now, which really undermines their whole 'This is all just about how much we love babies!' schtick."
Proof that these bastards don't give a damn about babies. They only care about their fucking religious bullshit to throw on the rest of us. Please make them return to the place in hell they came from.

Trump's "peril is extreme": Former federal prosecutor on the historic Mar-a-Lago indictment
Charges against Trump almost "open and shut," says Dennis Aftergut — and prosecutors will ask for prison time
"Prison time for Fatso." Sounds like a new Trump TV series.

Vivek Ramaswamy Accuses the Media of Doing Biden’s ‘Bidding’ by Running With Trump’s Indictment
"Rama-Swami Ding-Bat," forgets Justice carries a double-edged sword.

NYC Priest Pleads No Contest To Child Sex Charges
Another one bites the dust.

Tuberville Upset Biden Is Running The Country From The White House
It's no mystery that "The Tube" is in office. Alabama has used voter suppression to arrange it.

'Lindsey Graham is not well': Senator mocked for deflecting to Hillary Clinton in off-the-rails ABC interview
Rails? He had rails? Who would have ever known? We can't wait to go through his closet. But first he has to come out of it. Without Hillary these fools would have to admit they are the criminals.

‘This Causes People to Die!’ Fmr. Trump DHS Official Obliterates Her Old Boss in Shocking ABC Commentary
And for Trump, it wouldn't be the first time he's caused people to die.

'What you’re saying just doesn’t make sense': CNN’s Bash cuts off Jim Jordan rant about Trump indictment
"He is saying point blank in this audio tape he did not declassify it," Bash interjected. "What you're saying just doesn't make sense on its face."
He is sniveling, as usual.

'They usually look like idiots': Dem lawmaker taunts Jim Jordan to 'bring it on' with Trump defense
He may as well wear a dunce hat.

Owens: Women Are The Cause Of All Of America’s Ills
Only the self-loathing shit bags like her.

North Carolina GOP Censures Tillis For Marriage Vote
More backward, mindless, miscreants.
America supports marriage equality. Overwhelmingly.

Migrants: FL Contractors Tricked Us To Board Planes
A photo of the head kidnappers.

Nazis Wave Swastika, DeSantis Flags Outside Disney
I wouldn't stand so closely together. Maintain military intervals is in order for these traitors.

Lauren Boebert says the Pentagon has labeled her a 'security threat'
It's a start. Don't stop with her. There are plenty more there.

'Rhetoric like this has consequences': experts concerned about warlike language from Trump acolytes
"The federal indictment of former President Donald J. Trump has unleashed a wave of calls by his supporters for violence and an uprising to defend him, disturbing observers and raising concerns of a warlike atmosphere ahead of his court appearance in Miami on Tuesday," according to the article.
Since January 6 happened, no American authority should be unprepared to defend our country against Trump Nazis.

'He's toast': Bill Barr 'shocked' by Trump's 'damning' Espionage Act charges
Barr said he was "shocked by the degree of sensitivity of these documents and how many there were."
"And I think the counts under the Espionage Act that he willfully retained those documents are solid counts," Barr added. "But I do think that even half of what Andy McCarthy said, which is if even half of it is true, then he's toast. I mean, it's a pretty, it's a very detailed indictment, and it's very, very damning."

Conservative terrorists threaten armed resistance to protect their God King cult leader
The Jim Jones of Mar-a-Lago.
"There is no other way to explain the rabid adherence of his disciples, willing to overlook his and his family’s corruption, his putrid morality, and his rank incompetence."

DeSantis: DOJ Has Been Weaponized Against Trump
Yes. That's why Justice carries a swift sword.
Stop with the Hillary e-mails, yo-yo. It has already been proven none on her server had anything but appointments for top secret things like the beauty shop, luncheons, suppers, social events, etc.
Does he think everyone is as fucking stupid as he is?

DeSantis: I Will Restore Army Base’s Confederate Name
"Braxton Bragg was not only a famously inept Confederate general who, per historians, “wantonly shot his own soldiers,” he personally owned over 100 slaves. USA! USA! As I did last week, I encourage you to watch the US Army’s excellent clip below about the name change."
DeSantis is an incredibly dumb fuck. Even more brain dead than Trump.

Ann Coulter Ridicules Charlie Kirk: Every Republican Should Commit Suicide To Show Solidarity With Trump
Kari Lake is leading them to a mass suicide.

Kari Lake: The Cult Will Use Guns To Protect Trump
They used to arrest and charge people that directly threatend the life of a president and threated terrorism. Hopefully, she'll be taken in on death threat charges with no bail.

Internet Has Field Day After Texas Hate Group Moans That “Cracker Barrel Has Fallen” To The Woke LGBTQs
Some of these rubes may actually starve to death over it.

Fox Host: Trump’s Charges Are “Death of Democracy”
Your Nazi propaganda channel doing what they do best. Lying through their rectums.

MSNBC’s Glenn Kirschner Says Trump Will Be Convicted and Imprisoned ‘For The Rest Of His Life
We should be so lucky.
"Former federal prosecutor and current MSNBC legal analyst Glenn Kirschner told SiriusXM radio host Dean Obeidallah that former President Donald Trump is going to spend the rest of his life in prison for Espionage Act violations."

'It was all so, so dumb': Trump insiders rattled that indictment was 'more damning than they expected'
Dumb is Trump and all his enablers. They made it themselves.

Judge Aileen Cannon put on notice by legal scholar to 'call it straight' at Trump's arraignment
As is she won't have a contract on her if she does.

Is 37 Criminal Counts What It Takes for the GOP to Abandon Trump?
Unless there's power in it for them it's not enough. They don't give a fuck about the country that's for sure.

‘It’s a Crime’: Legal Experts Say Marjorie Taylor Greene May Have Admitted to Violating Federal Law
"Greene's critics, however, are saying that instead of making Biden look bad, she may have admitted to committing a federal crime."
Isn't this what the fascists have been doing for years?

Youth Are Suing Montana for Failing to Protect Their Future From Climate Chaos
Good. The state can just turn itself over to the kids. If they won't give them a future they should take it.

Democrats Unveil Debt Ceiling Reform Act to Prevent Repeat of GOP Hostage-Taking
Never again.

Trump Extremists Demand Civil War, Mass Murder After New Indictment
Here we go. Nazi terrorists will be gunned down like the mad animals they are.

‘Remember, Hitler went to prison’: moderate Republicans warn Trump prosecutors to ‘get this right’ or risk chaos

'Disgraced' Trump-appointed Florida judge initially assigned to oversee ex-president’s criminal case: report
This could very well set up another bloody period in our history. I've been predicting it for years.
It's a huge error if it occurs.

Trump Extremists Demand Civil War, Mass Murder After New Indictment
Here we go. Nazi terrorists will be the majority casualties.

'We need to start killing': Some Trump supporters flood social media with demands for violence
These MAGA terrorists want a bloody war in America. They should not be taken lightly.
Our military should be prepared for this.

Nancy Mace Whatabouts Hillary Over Trump Indictments
As usual, Republicans refuse to comment on a damning recording of Trump admitting to a possible crime.
So, it's actually Hillary, not Joe, that's running. Well, that's a shocker.

Fox Host: Arrest Jill Biden For Being A Fake Doctor
And they wonder why we call them morons?

Dershowitz tells Fox that Trump can dodge most of the indictment, apart from one thing
"The rest of it, I think, can easily be defeated on legal and factual grounds," Dershowitz says, isolating one item
Dershowitz furthered. "He may be able to say, 'look, I was just showing off a little bit,'"
Right. That's what you tell the judge when you're in court for speeding and driving on sidewalks while being blind drunk.
It's a lead balloon. Dirt-a-shitz is a little off in the head.

How Pat Robertson helped shape the radical Christian nationalism Barry Goldwater warned against
Goldwater warned, "Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the (Republican) Party — and they're sure trying to do so — it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them."

We Love the Smell Of Indictments In the Evening
"Oh yeah. Thank God, Jack Smith, the Boxes Hoax and just this once the media for the news twice-impeached, once-indicted, sedition-attempting, legally liable for sexual abuse creep, crook, grifter, rancid heap of human garbage and cameo actor in Home Alone 2 Donald Trump has been indicted, this time reportedly on seven federal charges ranging from willful retention of national defense information under the Espionage Act to conspiracy to obstruct justice to making “false statements.” Espionage! Good times

Mark Levin Foams At The Mouth Over Trump Indictments
Waiting for the day he finally hits ultrasonics and blows up. Blows up real good!

Hawley: Biden Wants To “Jail His Political Opponents
"Hee"-Hawley forgets a lot doesn't he?

Ohio Advances Bill Requiring Teachers To Out Students
Out them for what? Being a free American? Eat shit and die!

Charlie Kirk: All GOP Presidential Candidates Should Suspend Their Campaigns To Show Trump “Solidarity
Brilliant idea, Charlie! Did you think of that all by yourself?

House Ethics Committee Restarts Gaetz Sex Probe
Next on the "bites the dust" list.

NEW: Trump Aide Seen Moving Boxes at Mar-a-Lago Indicted in Florida Case, Trump Freaks Out on Truth Social
The poor inept schmuck can't seem to do anything right.

Republican Congressman Slammed For Tweet Appearing to Call For ‘County Level Insurrection’ In Wake of Trump Indictment
County level? That's just a laugher. Sedition at any level is a serious crime as we all have seen.
I don't recall hearing if anyone has told Fatso and his Toadies that if he is the actual winner of the 2020 election, as they claim, he can't run for a third term. He must withdraw his candidacy.

GOP megadonor’s lawsuit against Beto O’Rourke dismissed
Constitution wins!

Trump lawyers resign ahead of arraignment
Will they have to appoint counsul? Nobody wants to defend Fatso.

PGA Golf Is the Latest in a Long Line of Sports Monopolists
The involvement of Saudi funding might force antitrust enforcers to act this time, however.

It’s Time to Call Abortion Bans What They Are—Torture and Cruelty
The fascists are on the run. Let's get them out for good.

Here We Go Again: Another Low in Shit Shows
"The 2024 election is shaping up to be the biggest shit show yet, worse even than the last two presidential elections. It's mostly the same old shit from the same old shitters."
Of which, Trump is King!

Felon Trump
"The indictment asserts that the former president is a felon. The charges include willful retention of national defense secrets, obstruction of justice, false statements and conspiracy — all of which carry the potential for years in prison if he is found guilty.

Blue State “Shield” Bills Link Protections for Abortion, Gender-Affirming Care
"Blue states are crafting a new kind of legislation to respond to a dramatic wave of restrictions on abortion access and gender-affirming care across the country. Democrats are invoking the fall of Roe v. Wade as a reason to protect both areas of health care simultaneously — while aiming to create safe havens for those fleeing surrounding Republican-controlled states. Lawmakers in five states..."

For GOP, Debt Ceiling Deal Was Never About Debt — It Was About Conserving Power
"Many mainstream accounts of the recent debt ceiling deal make it sound like the negotiations represented a give and take between spending and saving — with President Biden and Democrats aligned with spending, and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and Republicans aligned with saving. The real interests of the Republican Party in these negotiations, however were not actually about spending..."

Oh My God, They've Killed Cracker Barrel!
"O, woe to us! Woe to the South! It was a gallant fight, but in the end we were no match for the Yankees and their overpowering humanity. We held as best we could, but their army seemed to have no end of wave upon wave of men and women and men clothed like women and women clothed like men in rainbow-hued dress to charge our lines over and over."

Indictment Summer: Trump Indicted, Ordered To Appear On Tuesday
Trump broke the news himself on Truth Social, and cable news networks are confirming.
What a surprise.

Big Oil shill tells Fox News viewers there’s 'no health risk' from inhaling toxic smoke
Who knew lung cancer was not a health risk?

Marjorie Taylor Greene says because she was born in 1974, she doesn't know history before 1974
Raise your hand if you have ever heard a bigger pile of bull shit.

Fox Guest: Trump Could Run On Pardoning Himself
Nope. We've been through this. No can do, so stop with the bullshit.

Ramaswamy: As President I’ll Pardon Trump On Day 1
Sorry, but that's a day you will never see, Rama-Swami Ding-Bat. So, he admits Trump is guilty. A top-notch boob!

Dem Louisiana Gov: I Will Veto Every Anti-LGBTQ Bill
Atta boy!

Stefanik Claims Charges Against Trump Are “Illegal”
And where's his "birth certificate"? ROTFLMAO!
Again, proving a mind is a terrible thing to waste.

Morning Joe nails 'sleazy' Republicans for 'incomprehensible' defense of Trump crimes
Stefanik is a good example here.

The legal dominoes finally start to fall against Trump
Trump has lost the shield of the presidency that kept him safe for four years and the rule of law is coming for him

'A fairly simple case': Barr stunned after Fox host asks why DOJ pursuing Trump 'in the middle' of an election
Because he won't stop criming! Get it through your thick skulls if there's a brain in there.

Corporate conventions flee Florida over 'openly hostile' political climate: report
"Openly Hostile." Against just about anyone that isn't on their fascist side.

CA Youth Pastor Sentenced To 12 Years For Child Sex
Another one bites the dust.

Catholic School Teacher Gets Five Years For Child Porn guessed it. Another one bites the dust.

Staffer, Maintenance Worker To Possibly Be Indicted Along With Trump
Criminal conspiracy?

Biden team blasts McCarthy’s reneging on Social Security, Medicare
There’s nothing to conclude from this, Bates says, other than the fact “that the House GOP are reversing the promise they made to President Biden and the country in the State of the Union, and that to shield billionaires and multinational corporations from paying a cent more in taxes, they very much intend to slash Americans’ Medicare and Social Security benefits.”
Fascists have commited suicide.

Jaws drop as Supreme Court — including Brett Kavanaugh — shoots down racist Alabama congressional map
If there were a hell it would now be frozen over.

'Is this the future?' Studies back Sanders’ concern about climate impacts on kids’ mental health
If they cared about kids this would have all been corrected by now.

Pat Robertson Is Dead, Hell Plans Massive Welcome Party
So much damage done to democracy by one man in God's name.
Better get to the party quick before the freeze starts.

Did George Santos Name A Pretend Person As His Campaign Treasurer?
After forging the name of one treasurer, the Santos campaign seems to have made up the name of a non-existent person as a “replacement.”
Does Santos really exist or is he an AI experiment gone bad.

Ouch! Lawrence O'Donnell Brutally KO's Former Trump Attorney
Hello, 911? I'd like to report a murder.
He was gonna wipe his ass with it, you say?

Defrocked Catholic Priest Busted On Child Sex Charges
Another one bites the dust.

Donald Trump has fallen, and he can't get up: This may be the week the Demogorgon is caged
Trump's crude bluster has gotten him through life, business and politics — so far. He's not ready for what's coming

Organizer Cecile Richards believes abortion 'was just the first attack'
‘Voters have been very clear. They do not want to live in a country where the government is making decisions about pregnancy,’ says Richards, the former head of Planned Parenthood and current co-chair of American Bridge 21st Century.

Americans are divided on gender identity, pronouns and whether schools should discuss them, survey finds
An overall “unfamiliarity” with LGBTQ+ communities could be contributing to hardened views on the issues in schools and beyond, PRRI CEO Melissa Deckman said.

Clarence Thomas wrote a scathing, nearly 50-page dissent about why the Supreme Court should have gutted voting rights
Follow his money.

35 vintage photos taken by the EPA reveal what American cities looked like before pollution was regulated

The Supreme Court’s Latest Ruling Against Unions is Really Aimed at the New Deal
By targeting labor law and the much-maligned administrative state, the justices showed that rolling back workers’ rights is just one tactic in their larger war.
It's the new war to return to slaverly.

Trump Indictment Threat Level At All-Time High, Everybody Grab Your Prayer Partner!
"NOT ONLY would prosecutors be ready as soon as tomorrow (today) to ask the grand jury to vote on charges in the investigation into the classified state secrets Trump stole and tried to hide from the feds — both obstruction of justice AND Espionage Act — BUT ALSO Mark Meadows is pleading guilty to crimes in exchange for his safety?"

How to Get Away With Murder
The pile of shit they have created.

Tommy Tuberville learns that extremism costs jobs
You really think this asshole can see anything?

Tennessee teacher says she's resigning. She's not alone
"Everyone seems to blame it on pay; while that is a big issue that is not the only issue. Student behavior is out of control. Teachers see admin ... backing parents over them. Teachers hear the message being sent at every one of these board meetings where we are called indoctrinators and seen as the villains, when all we want to do is teach. We have more and more added to our plate with nothing taken off. We are constantly being questioned by people who do not have degrees in education, by questioning books and curriculum—all while being paid less than surrounding counties."
America will continue to dumb down. There will be less and less teachers. Sad to see it go this way.

Pat Robertson Dead Dead Dead At Age 93
Another one bites the dust.

Revealed: Mar-a-Lago wasn’t the first time Trump 'evidence' was flooded
Lock him up for life.

'Radical MAGA Republicans' call for major DOJ and FBI cuts if Trump faces federal indictment: report
How about instead we get rid of all these fascist pirates.

Why 'we cannot return to ignorance' when it comes to 'our air': professor
"Return to ignorant"? Hell, when did we ever leave?

NYC Officials Urge Residents To Stay Inside
Don't say you haven't been warned.

Hannity Mocks Precautions Taken Due To Wildfire Smoke
Hope these fools follow Pat Robertson's example

RFK Jr. and the con men candidates: more than a sideshow — they're a real threat to democracy
Fake candidates rake in real cash, at the expense of democracy. Is there any way to discourage their runs?
Yes. Cease any support and voting for morons.

'Please, Jesus, not Georgia': Jasmine Crockett fact-checks GOP colleagues over voter fraud claims
It's the Nazi Republicans, stupid!

Chomsky and Pollin: Just Transition Can Stop Earth From Becoming Uninhabitable

New Texas law bans COVID mask, vaccine and shutdown mandates, but some Republicans want more
These Nazis can go back to the place in hell they came from.

Here's the Truth: If You’re Anti-Woke, You’re Pro-Bigot
Turn on a light, the old saying goes, and the cockroaches will scatter. It’s time to bring honest and unflinching light to the Republican Party’s use of the word “woke.”

The Light Begins to Flicker, but It's Still Burning
And I can still see it.
"And I’ll tell it, and speak it, and think it, and breathe it
And reflect from the mountain so all souls can see it
Then I’ll stand on the ocean until I start sinking
But I’ll know my song well before I start singing
— Bob Dylan, A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall

The Taliban Are Who We Thought They Were
The Republicans.

The PGA Tour’s Stunning Hypocrisy
But Rory McElroy says LIV is dead. Hope he's right.

Here Is All the Evidence You Needed That Drag Bans Are About Erasing Trans Existence
As if anyone needed evidence. There's an abundance already.

Another Rioter Nabbed Thanks To Sedition Hunters
Long live the Nazi Hunters.

VA Catholic Priest Gets Six Years On Child Sex Charges
Another one bites the dust.

GOP Bill Would End “X” Gender Marker On Passports
Roy Chip, making people's lives miserable wherever he goes.
"Roy is a Freedom Caucus fuckhead." Amen.

FL GOPers Panicking As Immigrants Flee Ahead Of New Law
Oops! White people may have to do jobs they aren't prepared for I guess. Cheap labor might just vanish.

DeSantis' conservative policies are destroying Florida
Too bad, too bad. Next it could be the whole U.S. and A. if we can't get some sense.

Adios, Jackass
"Chris Licht, the former television producer who oversaw a brief and chaotic run as the chairman of CNN, is out at the network." Well, this is a good week, but wait. it's not over.

Another Jackass, Part II
Kristi Noem Jumps On The Anti-Target Hate Horse
"And we have to have real conversations about how serious we are about protecting our freedom."
"Inciting insurrections, trying to overthrow a duly elected government, and promoting white supremacy, Christian nationalism, homophobia, and a fascist dictatorship is fine for the South Dakota Governor."

Robocalls claiming voters would get “mandatory vaccines” result in $5M fine
The Federal Communications Commission issued a $5.1 million fine against pro-Trump robocallers who targeted Black people with calls promoting a conspiracy theory that the government would use mail-in voting records "to track people for mandatory vaccines." The calls also falsely claimed that mail-in voting would be used by police to "track down old warrants" and by credit card companies to collect outstanding debts.
Pro-Trump Nazi racists lose again.

'$470 billion worth of investments': How manufacturing' has 'surged' under Biden
The Republicans will put a stop to this!

'Complete lie': Fox News anchor allegedly fabricated story during primetime guest hosting gig
Some folks are just plain unaware of the world in which they live. Faulker is one of those people.
Fact-checking is something they forget about very easily if they were ever aware of it.
"Attorney Brad Moss, calling Faulkner’s claim a 'complete lie,' also tweeted: Utter and total falsity. You would think these fools would have some shame after paying Dominion hundreds of millions of dollars.'"
"And he came with receipts, including a screenshot of a New York Times article from October, 1918, noting the entire state of Pennsylvania had 'indefinitely" shut down all schools, churches, theaters, and 'all places of public assemblage.'"
I see IQ isn't required to work for Fox Noose.

Mark Meadows pleads guilty as part of immunity deal against Trump
"According to The Independent’s Andrew Feinberg, Meadows has also been co-operating with Special Counsel Jack Smith’s investigators, which several legal experts have recently suggested was likely happening."
Trump's ass is grass and Meadows is the lawnmower.

'Nobody has told me': Trump erupts amid report of imminent espionage and obstruction indictment
"The Independent has learned that prosecutors are ready to ask grand jurors to approve an indictment against Mr. Trump for violating a portion of the US criminal code known as Section 793, which prohibits 'gathering, transmitting or losing' any 'information respecting the national defense,' the outlet explained."

SPLC Labels Moms For Liberty As “Extremist Group”
"...rooted in age-old white supremacy." Finally.

Oklahoma Republicans pave the way for the Supreme Court to end secular education
A new taxpayer-funded religious school is a Christian nationalist move to destroy separation of church and state
Any attempt at killing this separation will end in disaster.

Jan 6 rioter who broke through Capitol windows with baseball bat is sentenced
Another one bites the dust.

White woman finally charged in fatal shooting of Black mom following confrontation with children
That took way too long to ge done.

CONFIRMED: James Comer Just Sniffing Rudy Giuliani's Russian Spy Farts And Calling It A Biden Investigation
"OK well FIRST OF ALL, despite what we may have written previously, it is definitely NOT just Comer sitting in a corner playing a Deliverance banjo while he roasts Rudy Giuliani's Russian spy farts over an open flame. He's not in the corner at all! He's whoring himself out on every TV show that'll have him. Every five seconds his idiot-looking square head is on the TV, with his resting 'I did an accident and I just smelled it' face, saying absolutely nothing."

Judge Rips Florida Kids' Trans Ban Law Into Pieces, Lights Them On Fire, Shoves Them Down DeSantis's Throat
"But you don't get to ban something, particularly gender-based medical care, based on barely concealed bigotry."

Gun deaths hit their highest level ever in 2021, with 1 person dead every 11 minutes
Only one party endorses this. The Fascist Republican party.

Republican presidential candidates are eager to appease Putin—and Putin's surely listening
MAGA is organized crime.

Merck Sues Government, Saying Plan to Lower Medicare Drug Prices Is “Extortion."
If not Merck, extortion by the ripoff drug mafia is what's happening here.
I have experienced this first hand and have experienced it.

LDPN on Merck Lawsuit: 'Shameless Greed'

When Historic Successes Don’t Move Voters
Today on TAP: Biden’s achievements are significant, but don’t provide the kind of direct individual aid that people actually notice.
When voter intelligence fails to see then we have come to the end of the American experiment. RIP USA.

Clinging bitterly to guns and religion: The end stage of American empire
"All around us things are falling apart. Collectively, Americans are experiencing national and imperial decline. Can America save itself? Is this country, as presently constituted, even worth saving?"
Eventually, the fascist genocide, gendercide and greed meets what is called karma. And karma is a bitch.

'Unconstitutional' religious charter school immediately hit by legal challenges in Oklahoma
Within minutes of a state charter school board in Oklahoma approving a plan on Monday to open what would be the first religious charter school in the United States, advocates for the nation's bedrock laws separating church and state announced plans to file a legal challenge against the proposal.
Of course. This must go to our courts if we still have the Constitution.

Harris Faulkner's Pronouns Are 'USA' And One Time They Kicked Her Out Of A Restaurant For Saying Hi To God
"We think Faulkner may low-key be the fakest, most shameless full-of-shit liar on the entire network."
And how.

Supreme Court Slashed Legal Protections for Striking. Only Jackson Dissented.
More proof they are fascists.

Fascism Then and There; Fascism Here and Now.
"We do know what happens to those who forget history, right? Hint: It's not good."
Think of that, DeSantis, you SOB.

The Other Threat to Democracy
The Mussolini shit hook from Florida.

The Demise of CNN
"It’s not partisan to stand up for decency and democracy and dialogue. It’s not partisan to stand up to demagogues. It’s required. It’s patriotic. We must make sure we don’t give platforms to those who are lying to our faces."

The Right’s War on Drag Is Flagrantly Unconstitutional
Do you mean we still have the U.S. Constitution?

'Shocked and deeply offended': 9/11 families condemn PGA deal with Saudi-backed golf group
"A statement posted by Semafor reporter Max Tani revealed the group is "shocked and deeply offended" by the merger. They explained that the LIV Golf league is "bankrolled by billions of sports washing money from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Saudi operatives played a role in the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and now it is bankrolling all of professional golf."
""But now the PGA and Monahan appear to have become just more paid Saudi shills, taking billions of dollars to cleanse the Saudi reputation so that Americans and the world will forget how the Kingdom spent their billions of dollars before 9/11 to fund terrorism, spread their vitriolic hatred of Americans, and finance al Qaeda and the murder of our loved ones. Make no mistake — we will never forget."
The PGA blood money sellout. May they be eternally cursed by our dead.

LIV Golfers Gloat as PGA Loyalists Are Blindsided by Controversial Merger
All are damned traitors now.

Saudi-backed LIV Golf to merge with PGA Tour
PGA folds and does business with Saudi murderers. That's what the PGA is doing. May they forever burn in hell.

Trump rails at DOJ 'fascists and Marxists' over looming charges: 'I did nothing wrong — fight!
Here's our favorite Nazi doing what he does best — incite a riot over his criminal behavior.

‘Blood Money!’ Golf Fans Are Absolutely Livid Over PGA Tour-LIV Agreement
"One of the biggest criticisms of LIV Golf was the supposed moral dilemma of taking money from a country embroiled in human rights controversies. It was even the stance taken by the PGA Tour, LIV’s biggest rival. Now, with the two entities in the process of joining forces, the golf community is wondering why PGA suddenly had a change of heart. Some are even calling out the organization for taking the 'blood money.'"

Barstool’s Dave Portnoy Destroys ‘Scumbag’ PGA Tour Commish Over Deal With Saudi-Backed LIV: ‘What a Piece of Sh*t!’
“What the fuck? The PGA caved fast,” Portnoy wrote. “Imagine being a PGA member who turned down Liv for basically no reason now? I guess the commish of PGA Jay Monahan is no longer morally opposed to LIV because of 9/11 since they are merging now. Funny how that works.”
“This is why you should never lie. People may not like the truth but they’ll respect you for saying it. This commish of the PGA comes out looking like the biggest scumbag of all ranting and raving about 9/11 only to merge with LIV an hour later. What a piece of shit,” Portnoy wrote in another tweet.
This is what a coward does.

'He'll do everything he can to keep Chris Christie off the debate stage': Ex gov says Trump terrified of former ally
The 'nihilistic moron' is also a coward.

'Nihilistic moron' Trump heading for another indictment: George Conway
And that's his good trait. /s

How Supreme Court justices’ insularity rendered them 'blind to their own corruption': journalist
"Let's call the Supreme Court what it is: an openly corrupt institution whose right-wing members are destroying its reputation because they simply do not care how the broader public sees them. They are, in fact, so blind to their own corruption that they don't even recognize it when they've reached the point of parody…. They believe, in other words, only in ideology."

Trump Explodes In Shouty Caps: 'HOW CAN DOJ POSSIBLY CHARGE ME!'
He knows! It's happening.

Sheriff Recommends Criminal Charges Against DeSantis Administration
Meanwhile, California is looking into similar DeSantis stunts with migrants.

California Governor Gavin Newsom Hints Kidnapping Charges Might Be Coming for DeSantis.
That's exactly what he did."...kidnapping resulting in death now carries a mandatory life sentence if the perpetrator is an adult. In addition, the law mandates a minimum of 20 years in prison if the victim is a minor and the perpetrator is an adult and not a family member.

Vaseline Woman: We’ll Die Before Drinking Bud Light
Did she swallow that swill? It's pretty lousy beer.

Fox Host: The FBI Installed Biden As President
Biden has more brains in his little toe than this shit-for-brains liar.
Why don't you look at the Republican voters that voted for Biden instead of your Orange baboon?
Because you don't want people to know that happened.

"Protect the kids" exposed as a lie after Tennessee's drag ban gets knocked down by a Trump judge
The Tennessee drag decision shows even a Trump judge can see through the "protect the kids" lie
Just an excuse to be a front for fascism.

Texas sheriff recommends criminal charges in DeSantis' plot to ship migrants to Martha's Vineyard
Lock him up!

OH Pastor Sentenced To Six Years On Child Sex Charges
Another one bites the dust.

Accidentally Public Documents Show Hate Group Asked Medical Hate Group To Invent Anti-Transgender Data
"A new trove of internal documents from the American College of Pediatricians suggests ADF turned to the group known to traffic in anti-LGBTQ+ “junk science” to “substantiate” many of its anti-LGBTQ+ talking points and provide medical justification for interpreting Title IX to exclude gender-identity protections."

How the Republicans became the party of vigilante violence
They use one of the greatest criminals of all time as their leader.

Nikki Haley was selling the GOP's cruelty at her CNN town hall
As presidential candidate Nikki Haley demonstrated during a recent CNN town hall, Republicans are selling grievances. And their supporters are buying them.
The scum of the earth.

'Anti-intellectual': CNN’s Bakari Sellers rips Nikki Haley’s 'stumbling' definition of 'woke'
The primordials' definition is escapism. It is certainly not mindfulness.

Perkins: “Woke” Chick-Fil-A Has Betrayed Christians
The Vanishing Jesus.

The GOP’s Authoritarian Acceleration
Internal resistance to its anti-democratic turn has all but vanished.

Felons suspected of illegally voting in GOP county not arrested in DeSantis double standard: report
DeSantis is a fascist mobster like Trump.

'Green light': Legal expert suggests Jack Smith has been given the go-ahead to indict Trump
Prepare his cell? We shall see.

Can we call it fascism yet?
Civil Discourse with Joyce Vance

Get Rid of the Debt Ceiling Once and for All
What America just went through was not the first debt-ceiling crisis. But it can and should be the last.

Gangster Capitalism and the Politics of Fascist Education
"The poisonous culture of fascism has become a model embraced by MAGA politicians and it does so in the name of American patriotism. This is more than a cause for alarm, it is a moment in which democracy, in its most fragile state, may be eliminated."

Hero Utah Parent Bans Bible. For The Children!
Welcome to the fascist state, America. You will love it.

Actual Nazis Use Montana Drag Ban To Get Trans Authors Banned From Reading At Libraries, So That's Bad
The question is how bad to you want it to get before you get off your asses and put a stop to their madness?

MIA Oregon Senate Republicans Won't Return To Work Even If It Costs Them Their Jobs
Nazis only need jobs at being Nazis.

Newt Gingrich: 'It’s impossible under current law to ensure an accurate election'
I guess he's been living a sheltered life. It's more possible now than it's ever been.
It's your lying propagnda channel that throws this myth around.
This scumbag is merely perpetuating the myth.

How Biden’s 'sheer political craft' makes him 'significant a Democrat president as' FDR: columnist
Something "Newt the Snoot" will never be.

Former Watergate Prosecutor Jill Wine-Banks: Trump Is 'Toast'
"This evidence just adds to the mound of stuff," she said of the news that there is a recording where he admits possession of classified documents.
“The case is so strong. You cannot imagine his getting away with this. I’m wearing a toast pin today because I think he’s toast," she said.
Throw his ass in stir where it belongs.

North Carolina Republicans aren't just anti-freedom, but they're openly racist as well
"Calling the Dr. Rev. William Barber a “poverty pimp” is beyond grotesque."
What swine the MAGAts are.

The press cluelessly fan the flames of fascism
They can't even call it what it is
Again, proving a journalism degree can be obtained by nearly anyone these days.

Joe Manchin Isn’t Ruling Out a 2024 Run for President
Does this mean we can finally end his "political" career?

Ramaswarmy Calls For “Major Concessions” To Russia
OK, Rama-Lama Ding-Bat. We'll make sure we send you to them.

Christian Site: Chick-Fil-A Is No Longer “One Of Us”
Were they ever or was that just wishful thinking on the part of the Xianists?

'Just idiotic' Ex-Trump attorney slammed after comparing documents to Hillary Clinton’s emails
This guy is a Bozo. I watched him trying to carry on a converstation with Ari Melber (a lawyer) and Tim was dull as dull could be.

Child Labor Is on the Rise
State legislatures across the country are making it easier to hire minors in low-paid and dangerous jobs.
And these pricks will do everything they can to prevent drag shows from their precious kids? Dumb as a sack of hammers.

Fox News Host: Why Try to Save Earth When Afterlife Is Real?
So fuck the generations of the future who would like a life on this planet? This is one biggggg ASSHOLE like most "religious" assholes who consider life here trivial. Calling them narrow minded is an understatement.

Mary Trump hands GOP presidential contenders a tip on how to 'humiliate' Donald at the debates
That's if the RNC happens to allow anyone to debate him.

Texas Bill to Increase Transparency in Public Records Law Left in Limbo Despite Passing Legislature
The irresponsiveness of a failed goverment.

A shocking number of birds are in trouble
Like the canary in the coal mine.
“We’re destroying the environment that we depend on.” We deserve the doom that awaits us.

Is free will 'compatible with what we know about the laws of nature'? This physicist says no
This woman will be considered a "heathen communist" by those flat earthers that go into deep thinking in their lame brains.

'He really wants to hurt people': Anthony Scaramucci calls Trump a grifter worse than most
Nazi criminals are like that.

DeSantis Thanks Heckler Who Called Him A Fascist, Then Attacks Her
He thanked her twice.
Fuck him. He's a Nazi — a stupid one too. Then he admits it.
"DeSantis's state is currently facing a severe teacher shortage, with vacant teaching positions rising by 21 percent compared to the previous year and more than 200 percent since 2018, and no one is surprised."
Vile, disgusting POS.

Corporations, don't bend the knee to bigotry!
"Target is sending the wrong message. Caving to bigots is cowardly behavior that enables and normalizes hate."
Would they turn their backs on concentration camps and gas chambers?

DNA Test Proves Pro Wrestler Isn’t Boebert’s Father
What is pitiful here is that her mother doesn't even know what man is BoBo's dad!
Just look for the man with a pencil-point chin.

CA AG: Private Jet Dumped Migrants In Sacramento
And here we thought human trafficking was a crime.

Texas School Superintendent Busted In Child Sex Sting
Another one bites the dust. Produced by the intelligent state of Texas.

The GOP’s evil plans for 'The Little Mermaid' and fascism have surfaced
"Nobody in the Republican Party, in fact, can successfully “run to the right of Trump” because Trump is running as an open fascist. And the only thing to the right of an open fascist is a total dictator who has utterly shattered even the façade of fascist democracy (remember that Putin and many other modern autocrats were “elected” repeatedly)."

Gov. Reynolds Signs ‘Worst Corruption Bill In Iowa History’
It's too late to save Iowa. They have jumped the shark.

Fort Bragg Becomes “Fort Liberty,” Ditching Its Confederate Namesake
Land of the Happy Negro fort gets a new name. Nice.

A Tennessee school book ban is robbing students of history
The “Velshi Banned Book Club” looks at why the graphic novel poses such a threat to the book-banning right.
The protesters only have a 6th grade education. The kids are already smarter than they are.

Why Trump's threats to birthright citizenship spark fear
Because fear is all fascists deal in beyond the arrogance.

Gov. Greg Abbott signs legislation barring trans youth from accessing transition-related care
Did he get hit in the head by that tree accident? Maybe?

Dem Rep On DC Stage: “Fuck DeSantis! Fuck Fascism!”
Now you're talking!
"Get ready for the same cultists who fly 'Fuck Biden' flags from their pickup trucks to scream about civility."

Steve Bannon Whines Critics Are Trying To Put Him In Prison
Right where he belongs. Same cell as Trump.

Putin struggles to recover from 'most significant' attack on Russia 'since the Second World War'
Good for the Pootmeister.

'Passed for an impermissible purpose': Trump-appointed judge rules Tennessee anti-drag law unconstitutional
Duh. This seems rather obvious to most of America.

DOJ Sues West Virginia's Jim Justice Over EPA Fines
DOJ Sues West Virginia Governor's Coal Empire Over Millions in Unpaid Fines.
Put him in the cell with Trump.

Moms For Liberty Harasses Florida High School Into Reprinting Yearbook Without Pages On LGBTQ Students
Fuck these hating SOB's. They have no humanity. And fuck Florida.
They are like Holden Caulfield in "Catcher in the Rye" attempting to erase every "Fuck You" graffiti he sees.
"But while I was sitting down, I saw something that drove me crazy. Somebody had written “F*** you” on the wall.
It drove me damn near crazy."
In this case, these idiots were all driven crazy.

Chicago Man Dead After Rooftop SWAT Team Standoff With Rifle, Flamethrower, And Swastika Flag
Another one bites the dust.
Suicide by using the Cops.

Feds Arrest Wisconsin Pastor On Child Porn Charges
Another one bites the dust.

Mississippi MAGA Pastor Idiot Teaches Target Economic Bible Facts About The LBGTQSers!
"Have we ever met Mississippi MAGA idiot pastor Shane Vaughn? He kind of sounds like smoky-voiced gay actor Harvey Fierstein doing an impression of Mississippi MAGA idiot pastor Shane Vaughn, but trust us, he is just Shane Vaughn."
Pastor alert!

White Lies, From Big to Small
"Now we face the prospect of two competing lying assholes from Florida as top Republican contenders for the presidency."
"He's white-washing history in Florida, and he's going to do the same for the whole damn country once he moves into the Oval Office."
"But, in the grand tradition of fascism in all times and all places, DeSantis wants a country where the people just can't handle the truth and therefore must be denied it. For their own damn good."
"How the hell could we expect people to believe political advertising or Fox Nooz if they hadn't been groomed to accept lies from the time they were learning to tie their shoes. Maybe, just maybe, I wouldn't have turned out to be so crabby if I'd never gone to college and learned so much stuff that the right wingers want us all to believe wasn't true."

Almighty Fail: Utah School District Bans the Bible
Amazing that this hasn't already been happening along with the rest of the logic going on concerning books.

Clarence 'private jet' Thomas is getting people killed
It's the guns, stupid.

Oath Keeper sentenced to 3 years in prison for sedition in US Capitol attack
Another one bites the dust.

Republicans can’t stop won’t stop hating the poor
"Murakami has the details. They are granular and patchwork. Some states would be free to do more to help needy families. Other states would be free to do less. Either way, one official said, the new requirements don’t 'leave a lot of time to be parents. We want them to be able to be parents. We want them to be able to solve the crisis that has brought them in our doors in the first place.'”
Republicans are incapable of anything but being blinded by resentment to humanity.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders targeted in lawsuit over book ban: report
Aunt Lydia is afraid of America's libraries. She's probably never been in one due to her fear of reading.
"Not true. I like Donald Duck," she said.

Mall guard told co-workers he planned to 'shoot up' Pride parade: report
He forgot the biggest gap in secUrity is "you." Good thing in this case.

Former Gun Company Executive Explains Roots of America’s Gun Violence Epidemic
"I don't think universal background checks are an infringement. I just don’t buy that. I think it’s part of the responsibility of exercising this right. I don’t think strengthened red flag laws are in any way an infringement. I think that’s what we must do as responsible citizens. I don’t think that controlling irresponsible marketing is an infringement on our Second Amendment rights. In fact, I think it’s our responsibility to do it. I think there’s a small thread of truth in the position you portray, but democracies function in a sort of carefully balanced gray area. And I think our balance in the country right now is way, way off."

Trump's Big Lie is ruining it for the rest of the Republican field
Republican voters still believe that Trump won the last election in a landslide and the Democrats stole it from him
And they would all buy the Brooklyn Bridge if they heard it was for sale.

Robust Monthly Jobs Report “Smashes Expectations”
"The May jobs report released Friday showed the US economy remains strong with more than 300,000 jobs created last month, while the unemployment rate rose to 3.7%."
Thanks, Joe.

Why House Freedom Caucus were the biggest 'losers' of all in the debt ceiling battle
"In The New Republic, journalist Michael Tomasky stresses that ultimately, the Freedom Caucus were the biggest "losers" of all in the debt ceiling battle."

'Tell it to God': Evangelical pastor spars with Ted Cruz over Uganda’s 'Kill the Gays' law
"Pastor"? I'd watch my children very carefully if they get around him.

Spanish Catholic Church Names 728 Pedophile Priests
Seems to be a lot of this going around.

'Hateful': Tommy Tuberville's Brother Tears Into 'Vile' Sibling
He's not a fan.
Could it be because Tommy's simply unaware of what the hell is going on?

'America First' Activist Calls For 'Trumpian Reich'
Tyler Russell, a Canadian nationalist leader of the America First movement, has called for Donald Trump to be installed as "dictator" in a "Trumpian Reich." Another Nazi piece of shit.

'They know he's busted': Morning Joe hearing Trump pals 'really concerned' about Mar-a-Lago case
"The special counsel has a recording of Trump from July 2021 discussing the classified documents he took home from the White House, and the "Morning Joe" host said the former president's denials are not very persuasive."

CNN legal analyst tells Trump to brace for new indictment: 'Spidey Sense tells me they're near the end'
They have the rececipts they need on the criminal.

Supreme Risk
Fascism is slowly taking away our rights. If you can't see this you are blind.

Ohio Staters Grapple With Bill That Stifles Climate Speech
This is what fascism does to education and freedom. It's science, you stupid bastards.
Get rid of these stupid fucking Nazi bastards, Buckeyes.

A Thing Called Fascism: Wake Up and Fight
Never forget.

Leaked GOP Memo: Yep, Abortion And Trump Are Dragging Party Down
Making it clear that an idiot never understands why he's being called that.

Disney Gay Days Organizers Expect 150,000 Attendees
Be very afraid. They will be turning you gay!

Trump And Fox Host Lob Fat Insults At Chris Christie
Pot meet kettle.

McCarthy Plans ‘Commission’ For Cuts To Social Security And Medicare
Kevin McCarthy hopes to shore up his speakership by promising to diligently attack benefits for seniors. The lying motherfucker. This will really help the Republican Party go back to hell where they came from.

'Absolutely blockbuster evidence': Stunned experts say docs recording is game over for Donald Trump
Then indict the crook and put his ass in stir.

'How is this idiot in Congress?' Rep. MTG slammed over claim FBI 'set up honeypots' for Jan. 6 rioters
She's jealous because she wasn't in the crowd commiting crimes too.

Trials and triggers: Psychiatrists warn Trump's psychosis will grow "as he becomes more desperate"
"Trump's behavior is worse now but that's only because we're seeing a peeling away of his façade"

Lauren Boebert Praises Man Who Shouted Profanities At AOC
What else would one expect from hillbilly white trash?

Republican candidate accused of lying about military record ends comeback bid
WTF are these guys drinking that makes them such dumbasses?

Ron DeSantis accused by veteran of trying to recreate the military of the confederacy
Wow! The Land of the Happy Negro has a confedrate army? They didn't do well in their last campaign. Too bad, too bad.
Is Tommy Tuberville leading the defense or the offense? Either way he gets his team wiped out.

Watchdog Hits DeSantis With FEC Complaint for Campaign Finance Violation
Tell these Nazis to go back to the place in hell they came from.

Mark this article read74 Percent of Voters Support Raising Federal Minimum Wage to $20 an Hour
"Amid the longest period in Congressional history without any raising of the federal minimum wage, new polling finds that the vast majority of voters not only support raising the minimum wage, but also nearly tripling it. According to polling by Data for Progress released last week, 74 percent of voters support raising the federal minimum wage to $20 an hour — almost three times the current level."

What's This About Chick-Fil-A Boycotts And Jizz In The Frosted Lemonade Now?
"Having a diversity, equity and inclusion person is, of course, a slippery slope, and you know what kind of slippery slope? The kind that's slippery because CUM ON IT."
"It's only a matter of time until they start putting tranny semen in the frosted lemonade at this point," said Lord Checklet.

'We were indoctrinated': Some Christian home-schoolers say they're breaking away from 'abuse'
Tired of the bullshit at last.

Fox News Poll Finds 56% Doubt Trump's 'Mental Soundness'
The other 44% have a serious thinking disorder.

Journalist rips the mainstream media for mindlessly 'parroting anti-abortion bunk'
The press has failed us miserably on many points.

McCarthy: GOP put work requirements in debt ceiling bill for child 'sitting on the couch collecting welfare'
Only for the time being until they can bring back slavery. Grand Ole Land of the Happy Negro!

No president in US history 'abused the pardon power' more 'brazenly' than Trump: author
"But Trump, Schoenfeld adds, used "the pardon power in unprecedented fashion."

Southern Baptists: Everyone At Target Is Going To Hell
Land of the Happy Negro idiots are already there.

Unnecessary Solutions to Imaginary Problems

What Are the Book Banners Afraid Of?
"They are afraid of readers—especially young readers—learning the truth about humans, about American history, about, perhaps, their own lives."

The DeSantis campaign is faltering early: Can it be revived?
"It’s been less than a week since Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) officially announced his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination, but his campaign is already on life support."

White Supremacists Hack Alabama Interstate Sign
Nazi mentality. "Patriot Front" is anything but.

US Threatens Sanctions Over Uganda’s Anti-Gay Law
Ugandan Hitler deserves prison.

Atheists Win, Mississippi Ends “In God We Trust” Plates
They didn't put "All others pay cash" on them.

Ron DeSantis wants to "make America Florida": That's a dire threat
The Trump-DeSantis race is a boon for the mainstream media. For the rest of us, it's an unmitigated disaster
So is our media.

"Happy" Memorial Day? Really?
"We could, in fact, just wind up wishing one another "happy" memorial day, forgetting as we do the bloody reality with a wish as empty and as tone deaf as the 'thoughts and prayers' mantra so routinely uttered after each sacrifice of children in our schools. They, too, are dying for our freedom.
Or so we're told by the fascist right, and by the gun lobby."

Plastics Recycling Is Far Worse Than We Thought
"Now, an alarming new study has found that even when plastic makes it to a recycling center, it can still end up splintering into smaller bits that contaminate the air and water. This pilot study focused on a single new facility where plastics are sorted, shredded, and melted down into pellets. Along the way, the plastic is washed several times, sloughing off microplastic particles—fragments smaller than 5 millimeters—into the plant’s wastewater."

Maniac Conspiracy Theorists Think the Space Station Is Actually Underwater
And on a flat earth.

Show Don't Tell: Josh Hawley's Manly, Rancid, Ludicrous Log of Suet
"Manliness, it seems, is the original endangered species. Despite their spot at the top of dubious human achievement, one scholar notes, 'As long as men have existed, they have been in crisis,' with almost everything threatening them with obsolescence."

Will the people wilfully destroying life on Earth ever be prosecuted?
Not if they can help it.
"Fossil fuel executives have funded a massive, 50-year-long campaign to lie to the American people, cloud the science, and buy off Republican politicians. Untold millions will die and suffer as a result, but will their ever be one iota of accountability?"

Lukashenko promises 'nuclear weapons for everyone' who joins Russia/Belarus alliance: report
What a douchebag. Here we are trying to get rid of nuclear poliferation and he's promising them for anyone who sides with their failed system.

'My fellow Republicans wanted me to lie': Liz Cheney urges college graduates to 'get out and vote'
The fascists keep searching for the bottom.

Patriot Front Member Facing 30 Years On Child Porn Charges
Btw, Boyce is not a drag queen or trans, but he is anti-LGBTQ.
Who's grooming our children, again?
Some warpo from Idaho.

Dem Senator Schools Chuck Todd On Why Congress Can Regulate Supreme Court
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) corrected NBC host Chuck Todd after he argued Congress does not have the power to regulate ethics rules for the Supreme Court.
"The problem with the Supreme Court is that they're in a fact-free zone as well as an ethics-free zone." — Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse.
The very problem with SCOTUS, Chuck.

'Star Fleet Commander' Kari Lake Still Thinks She's Governor
Twitter reacted with the derision this lunatic deserves.
I'm getting a jacket that says "His Excellency - King of the Whole Wide World."

TX Gov Gets Bill Criminalizing Drag In View Of Children
This is where Nazis begin persecution.
They are such insecure snowflakes and seem to have no idea of how many centuries female impersonation has been going on.

TX Gov Gets Bill To Overturn Elections In Blue County
100% fascist voter supression. These people are all criminals and will be judged so by history.

Ugandan President Signs “Death To Gays” Bill
This is what ignorance and stupidity lead to.
Nazis must be eliminated anywhere and everywhere.

Trump's all-caps Memorial Day message: 'We must stop the communists, Marxists and fascist pigs!'
He said while looking at himself in a mirror. Fuck off, Fatso.

'Can I finish!': GOPer Kasich snaps at MSNBC's Velshi in chaotic argument over taxing the rich
Velshi removes Kasich mask. A money grubber can never keep his mouth shut over phoney taxing issues.

The Revolutionary Fight to “Begin the World Over Again” Did Not End in 1776
We do well on Memorial Day to remember that the struggle for liberty and justice was not settled by the break with British colonialism. It extends to this day.

“Governing by Distraction”: Florida Union Leader Says Ron DeSantis Is No Friend of Workers
What Nazi is?

Trump in danger of heightened espionage charges after bombshell report: legal expert
According to one legal analyst, if a bombshell report from the Washington Post is accurate, Donald Trump could be facing even more serious charges under the Espionage Act from the Department of Justice.
Accurate it wil be.

Kevin McCarthy facing possible revolt as far-right House members start issuing threats
Gee! He's pissing off his Nazis.

Smiling Katy Tur Destroys GOPer Who Wants To Cut IRS Funding
Watch out when she smiles. Just sayin'!

Homocon Fox News Contributor Condemns Pride Merch
We watch where we spend money everyday. Most people do. Most boycotts don't have any real effect. Bomb threats are NOT boycotts. We haven't been to Target in awhile. We'll be doing most of our shopping there now.

Youth Pastor Arrested On Child Sex, Child Porn Charges
Must be related to the rest of the Bishops.
Another one bites the dust.

Hate Group: We’ll Spend $1M To Attack The Dodgers
You dumb fuck. That's no hate group. That's a /S group making fun of you! Get your sex offenders under control.

BREAKING: Texas AG Paxton Impeached In 121-23 Vote
What goes around comes around.

US Senator Declares He No Longer Shops at Target Because Store Decided to ‘Wage War’ By Selling Pride Merchandise
“Target could have decided to stay out of the culture wars, instead it decided to wage war on a large share of its customer base,” Vance tweeted. “I no longer shop at Target, and it seems many families are doing the same.”
It also seems "Hillbilly" Vance thinks his shopping habits are pretty fucking important to our culture. Another frighted facist.

Ron DeSantis Has a Very Un-American Vision For America
"DeSantis: Leading the Way to Illiteracy"
"DeSantis: Pandering to the Lowest Common Denominator"
"DeSantis: Conning the Public"
Isn't this the usual MAGAt swill?

Weight discrimination is now illegal in NYC
Where do they draw the line on the corpulantly crippled?

Former top FBI official slams DeSantis after declaring he’d fire the director 'on day one'
Another threat to our democracy. This fart is pure-D poison.

"You don’t have to be a political genius with an advanced degree in environmental science to understand why federal oversight is necessary to fairly settle many issues of water availability and cleanness."

Google removes game that has players 'buy and sell' Black slaves: report
Google caters directly to the Land of the Happy Negro. Of course.

Don't be taken by corporate media both-siderism: The GOP alone manufactured this debt ceiling disaster
Who would be so stupid? The whole wide world knows the fascist bastards are the ones reponsible.

Nazi elements removed from school's 'Sound of Music' performance after parents complain
Maybe they should educate their children to world history. Or they are just failures as a parent.
Don't fuck with art.

They held down a Black teen who had tried to shoplift. He died from asphyxia. Why was no one ever charged?
Because white supremicist Nazis. What else?

Republican backtracks after promoting sovereign citizen theories
The depths the Nazis will plunge to.Mbr<

The Movement to Expand the Supreme Court Is Growing
Let's do it and also kill the damned Electoral College. America would be a real democracy then.

DeSantis: Report On Banned Biden Poem Is A “Hoax”
DeSantis is a dispicable, atrocious creature.

Texas Lawmakers Repeal 2021 Law Requiring $116M Purchase Of Nonexistent “Write Once” Voting Machines
Simply trying to find the bottom.

In Bid to Become a Comical Hellscape, Florida Considers Roads Paved With Radioactive Byproduct
Someone's been taking to many drugs in Florida. Or not enough.
"While it's unclear what direction the EPA will swing this time if DeSantis signs the bill, experts have said it's a horrendous idea that could put the public at risk."
Evidently they are not interested in people voting for them or anyone else.

How workers in the South are defying history
The Land of the Happy Negro believes in slave labor, doncha know.

Texas GOP accused of 'coordinated effort to force state-sponsored religion into our public schools'
Nope. Not going to have this shit.

'Wait til he meets Trump Sr.' Twitter blasts Tuberville for blatant racism against 'inner-city' teachers
Tommy is projecting again. Tommy Tuberville: "How bad our teachers are in the inner city. I don't know how they got degrees. I don't know whether they can read and write. They want a raise and less time to work, less time in school. We ruined work ethic in this country."
What a dismal wretch.

Washington Post editorial lays out the real problem with Ron DeSantis’ pardon talks
Pardoning traitors would make him one. Is he that fucking stupid. Yes.

'Putinesque': DeSantis slammed over bombshell his admin officials are soliciting donations from lobbyists
'Putinesque'? Of course, he's an insane demagogue. We've known this for years.

TX AG’s wife may help decide his fate on 20 impeachment articles — including bribery tied to an alleged affair
We can hope.

'Bigotry and megalomania': Scientific American Editorial board warns of DeSantis’ 'antiscience agenda'
Warning: for ALL reasons.

'He’s gonna get charged': Experts predict Espionage Act violations for Trump after bombshell WaPo report
This is treason as well. Get ready to see the orange man in an orange suit.

Charlie Kirk Wants Target To Go Bankrupt Over Pride Clothes Collection</a>
The Right wants a "scalp" in the fight against...rainbows?
Mr. "Nobody"? Hell, we'll all start shopping at Target, you fool.

FL Mom Behind Amanda Gorman Book Ban Has Ties To The Proud Boys
And Moms for Liberty, of course.
Yes, it's such a shock to hear of another idiot.

Kentucky is always ready to step in and challenge Florida with stories such as these
Don't I know it. Briarhoppers have always been loose in their noggin.

GOP District Chair In Georgia Is Literally A Flat-Earther
Kandiss Taylor also believes the election was stolen from the Mango Man — and her.
Is there a word for fear of globes? Nuttier than a fruitcake.

Abortion providers sue South Carolina over 'cruel' 6-week ban
Cruel and mental cripples.

CNN Announces Mike Pence Town Hall And Gets Brutally Mocked
Certainly Not News network does it again. Who is the dumbass running this shit show?
Never mind, we know who he is.

MI County Declares Itself Immune To Non-Local Laws
Think again. Time will show your stupidity.

Lauren Boebert says fighting 'hate and antisemitism' is code for going after conservatives
I can't imagine why.

“Doctors have lost their voice”: Top trans care doctor leaves Texas as lawmakers pass ban
These "lawmakers" are are literal Nazis. They won't stop until they kill all their opposition. They must be stopped by any means necessary.

Give This Hero Target Employee A Whopping Raise And Reserved Parking Please
"Americans don't want these fascist haters running things. We all need to make that clear, especially those of "us" in the executive suites."
The moron motherfuckers, like this threatening POS talking about HIS hero, need to get a grip on reality before it is too late for them. Ban them from the stores.

Oath Keeper Stewart Rhodes Will Have 18 Years To Contemplate Kafka
Another one bites the dust big time.

Billionaire Asserts His Absolute Right to Own a Supreme Court Justice: Will He Get Away With It?
This Court is out of control, and if Durbin, Schumer, and Biden don’t get together and do something about it now, there may not be another chance.

The Right-Wing Embrace of Bloodlust
"This is pure rot. Neely did not attack anyone. No one was forced to choose between killing and being killed. That Penny’s decision to put Neely in a chokehold for so long that it killed him is being cheered on by people who long for opportunities to administer lethal retribution—and who believe that the election of Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis may bring the glory days where this can be exacted on the notice of a “second”—should frighten us all."

Atlanta mom says local school designates certain classrooms as off-limits to Black students: lawsuit
Land of the Happy Negro does it again.

'Too much Black history': Alabama educators bombarded with complaints
Land of the Happy Negro doesn't care for the Black history. It makes their Negroes unhappy.

Trump lawyers warn him to prepare for federal indictment: report
"Former President Donald Trump has already been indicted on felony charges in the state of New York, and now his lawyers are reportedly preparing him to get hit with federal charges as well."
It's so OH too bad!

Trump's Truth Social on the ropes after SEC questions 'unreliable' financial statements: Forbes
Everything that Trump touches dies.

Book-banning Florida woman apologizes for promoting infamous anti-Semitic text
"She also insisted that she only thought that the book was about communism and not Jews despite its blatantly anti-Semitic messages."
This is the perfect example of what it means to be a moron. Spewing bullshit without knowing a damn thing about what you're saying. This bullshit is supported by MAGAt Nazis every day.

Iowa voters don’t think DeSantis’ Twitter failure is real life
Contenders for the win in the shit for brains contest.

3 ways to protect your money if the U.S. defaults on its debt
The Republican fascists are attempting to rob us with a fountain pen. They and they alone with reap the whirlwind they will create. Whatever happens won't be good for any honest American.

The Supreme Court has narrowed the scope of the Clean Water Act
Another failure of a retarded mind.

The Right's Dangerous Christian Drag Show.
The political Right is the worst kind of drag show: that of hateful, heartless bigots pretending to be Christian.

Meatball in the machine: Ron DeSantis learns a tough lesson about depending on Elon Musk's Twitter
To be fair, launching a campaign at Disney World was out of the question

Libertarian journalist details the 'growing bloodlust among right-wing pundits and politicians'
Bloody is what they are. If America has a future this garbage must be stopped.

Dennis Prager Decides 'Negro' Most Appropriate Black Connotation
Another old white Christian making himself judge and jury over any insensitive word used against the Black community.
Such is life in the Land of the Happy Negro.

House Dems Heckle MTG’s Demand For “Decorum”
Marge, we know who the piece of shit is that stinking the place up. Empty Gee.

Gingrich Boasts: Trump Speaks At A Third-Grade Level
Dude, he has to. Not only is that as far as his ability goes, it goes for all the idiots that support him.
They can't understand any higher level.

QAnon Nutjob To Oversee Tennessee Social Studies
One would think he'd have to change his last name to "Texton."

Jim Jordan won't be able to 'dig out of his hole' after Durham report debacle: DC insider
Then go ahead and bury him.

Wisconsin GOP slammed for 'potentially disastrous' plan to let 14-year-olds work in bars
They certainly are watching out for their kids. The search for the bottom continues for these morons.

Jan. 6 rioter who sat at Pelosi’s desk sentenced to 4 1/2 years in prison
Another one bites the dust.

The Right's Dangerous Christian Drag Show.
The political Right is the worst kind of drag show: that of hateful, heartless bigots pretending to be Christian.

ProsperUS Coalition: “Congress is refusing to do its most basic job”
“The House Republican majority is holding our economy hostage in an egregious attempt to implement extreme cuts that would hurt workers and the economy. But our message to President Biden is clear: workers and families shouldn’t pay the price simply because Congress is refusing to do its most basic job.”

JUST IN: CNN Is Hosting Another Republican Town Hall
The Certainly Not News channel stoops once more.

Rioter Who Tried To Cut Power To Capitol Gets 7 Years
Another one bites the dust.

As Ocean Oxygen Levels Dip, Fish Face an Uncertain Future
When there is no food left do we turn into cannibals?

Texas 'Ten Commandments' bill goes down in flames as GOP lawmakers fail to secure the votes
Right where it should go.

Greg Gutfeld Thinks Teachers Having Sex With High School Boys Is Great, But Tell Us More About Groomers
"As the Daily Beast reports, after Gutfeld said those things, he tweeted to promote his late night show, saying it was “another insane hour of quality programming hosted by the most handsome host on the planet (studies show).” This is real sad, because (studies show that) Stephen Colbert, Seth Meyers, and Jimmy Kimmel are all objectively far more fuckable than the dumpy old 58-year-old garbage boy Greg Gutfeld."

Can We Thwart Russia and Saudi Arabia's Devious Plan to Fuck the 2024 Election on Trump’s Behalf?
There is a solution and we need your help. Do it for the planet, for your children and grandchildren, and to prevent Putin and MBS from teaming up with the GOP again to screw Democrats in 2024.

Detailed analysis shows Trump has become 'more extreme' and 'less tethered to reality'
Is less even possible?

'Garbage like his garden of evil': Experts shred Harlan Crow’s 'dumb' letter to Senate Judiciary Committee
Impeach Thomas. Tell Crow to fuck off.

Trump: It's Not Fair Dominion Gets Nearly $1 Billion, And I Don't
"Me, me, me, me, meeee!"
Screw you Fatso. You get nothing but a barred room and 3 square soon.

Pirro Spurs Fox News Audience To Chant “Lock Her Up”
Once again, her lack of logic fails.

Prominent Anti-Vax Doctor Dies Of Something.
That bullet he ordered so brazenly just arrived.
Well, he showed us.

America is at Maximum Crisis from being Poisoned for 50 years
Our country has been poisoned, and if we don’t remove the poison and start using the antidote, America may soon be completely unrecognizable as a “free” nation: tag, you’re it!

No Better than Me, No Worse than You
"But look where we are now, with real hardcore racists all over the place, acting out their racism damn near daily, normalizing it among other Neanderthals, and giving strength to white nationalists without shame or regret."

Clarence Thomas' donor tells Congress it doesn't have authority to investigate his gifts
"New York Times columnist Jamelle Bouie commented that the claim "runs very quickly into the little problem that the Supreme Court cannot operate without congressional appropriations and that it owes its structure to statute."
Another good reason to impeach the arrogant reprobate.

Republicans Are Trying to Seize Control Over Voting In Texas’ Largest Democratic County
Very much the same Nazis as Florida.

Pro-Trump Fox News Regular Comes Right Out and Says It: ‘This Country Needs a Dictator’
Speak for yourself, you Nazi bastard. Your savior will end up like the rest of them. Read a book or two if you haven't burned them all by now.

Florida School Bans Poem Read At Biden’s Inauguration
Florida should be severed from the U.S. It should be removed “from the total environment.”
Florida is as ignorant, stupid, hateful and as dark as a litter-filled alley.
And that goes double for Daily Salinas.

Illinois AG: 450 Catholic Priests Molested 2000 Children
450 more. This is getting out of hand wouldn't you say?
Christianity seems to be the zenith of fucking up our children. So stop with the persecution of LGBTQs. You have to clean up your own house.

Rick Scott Issues Travel Advisory: Florida Is Openly Hostile To Socialists, Communists, Biden Administration
What a disgusting moron and a BIGGGG ASSHOLE! Not to mention he looks like a walking cadaver.

CNN ratings tank alongside their reputation after Trump 'town hall'
Certainly Not News.

Morning Joe panel piles on 'terrible senator' Josh Hawley after actor Jon Hamm mocks him in ad
That poor little pipsqueak.

'Obstruction and Espionage Act': Legal expert says Trump attorney’s notes show 'evidence of willfulness'
Can we imagine having a president whose office is a prison cell? That's where he's going for this according to many people.

MLK’s daughter fires back at Ted Cruz for invoking her father in Twitter rant against the NAACP
Dr. King's youngest daughter Bernice King took to Twitter with a fiery response refuting the senator's remarks.
"What my father would be deeply concerned about is the harmful, discriminatory legislation in Florida,” King tweeted.
Cruz has no shame. We all should know that. He only wants attention to his pitiful agenda.

Trump: 'I've been violated as badly as anybody that's ever walked'
You absolutely deserve it, whiner.

“We got to rise up, everyone”: Rep. Jamaal Bowman battles the normalization of Trump
“It could get way, way worse”: Progressive New York congressman urges media and voters to “get in the game”
First they must realize what's happening here, Mr. Jones.

Key Republican witness may have lied under oath about receiving financial help from Trump ally: report

She's Back: E. Jean Carroll Isn't Done With Donald Trump
Beat him up again, Ms. Carroll!

GOP's Stupid 'Work Requirements' Fix Non-Existent 'Problem'
GOP’s proposed expansion of SNAP work requirements targets many low-income people in their early 50s – but many of them already work.
In fact, I know some.

Christian nationalist bemoans the results of Christian nationalism
Barry was right about them.

Michigan School Board Bans USMC Memoir “Jarhead”
Back when we first read 1984 we thought that could never happen in the U.S.
What we see now is as bad or worse.
Tell me, when did they make it law that we do NOT have to feel bad?
"How about we just ban all the nazis once and for all?" — Ragnar Lothbrok (comments)

U-Haul Carrying Nazi Flag Rams Barrier Near WH
Ah, the Nazi flag. An anomoly I presume?
""The Left needed a narrative change. They got it."
"It's not that we need a narrative, we could do perfectly well without violent Nazis, it's that we know the story the Right is telling. If the nutters don't want us to have this "narrative" they should stop winding Nazis up to commit acts of violence — Lori (comments)"

School district’s book ban under investigation for potential civil rights violations
It violates much more than that.

Republicans Don't Want To Run On Same Ballot As World-Historical Loser Trump, Peeeeee-YEW
"Well, this must be a blow to Donald Trump's already deficient self-esteem. It appears that the mere existence of Trump — likely the most hated, mockable and unpopular man alive in the world today — is now encouraging Republican candidates not to run for office."

Thousands Experience Lapses in Care as Medicaid Rules Expire
"Until recently, Jonathon Murray relied on Medicaid to pay for treatments for multiple health conditions, including chronic insomnia. Murray, a 20-year-old restaurant worker from the college town of Brookings, South Dakota, said that without his medication, he would stay awake for several nights in a row. “I’d probably not be able to work that much because I’d be tired but couldn’t fall asleep..."

Biden Should IGNORE the Debt Ceiling: Don’t Declare an X-Date. Keep Paying the Bills. Don’t Default.
"In other words, let McCarthy and House Republicans seek to enforce their dangerous nonsense about the debt ceiling — so that Americans can see clearly what they’re up to."

Default? It Won't Be Our Fault
"So, are we heading for doom? Could be we are. If so, at least we should be able to tell the fuckers from the fuckees.
Because we've been down this road, haven't we? It ain't even close to our first rodeo. We rode this bull before."

Ban Assault Weapons NOW
There is NO justification not to act.

The Collapse of This Texas Health Care Program Is Putting Women’s Lives in Danger
"For low-income, rural, and uninsured women across the state, the Healthy Texas Women program means access to lifesaving medical care—and it may soon disappear."
Hell will be waiting for its due.

Why Trump Wants U.S. to Default on Debt
"You don’t need to be a stable genius to know that a bad economy typically hurts the incumbent in a presidential race. And Trump is desperate to get the immunity from prosecution that being elected president would provide him. He’s terrified of what’s coming from Special Counsel Jack Smith. So he’ll apparently nuke the world economy to protect himself."

Texas Republicans to Cities: Drop Dead
Particularly (but not only) in Texas, Republican state legislatures’ response to liberal cities is to strip them of all power.
Do they think that's going to end well for them?
Typical fascism.

The Debt Ceiling Is Unconstitutional—but Not for the Reason You Think
Congress’s power to make contracts does not come with the power to renege on them.

Fossil Fuel Firms Owe $209 Billion a Year in Climate Reparations, Study Says
They will still owe it 10 years after life on our planet is gone.

More women sue Texas, asking court to put emergency block on state's abortion law
Sue the fascists out of business.

The Justice Department Should Not Defend The Legal Incoherence That Is The Debt Ceiling
“NAGE’s argument is sound, and indeed, has been all but endorsed by the President himself. Garland has no reason to defend the nonsense which is the debt ceiling, besides a vague sense of formality and tradition driven by elite political etiquette. The cost of prioritizing tradition for tradition's sake would be irreparable harm to the U.S. and global economies, caused by a first-ever U.S. default as soon as June 1—or else complete capitulation to the ultra-MAGA faction of the House Republican caucus that marionettes Kevin McCarthy.”

Revealed: The secret plan to break the 'independent spirit' of the Supreme Court
"We must restore what Alexander Hamilton called the “independent spirit” of the Supreme Court.
The foundations of our nation are shaking: it’s Paul Revere time. Spread the word!

Donald Trump, Matthew Kacsmaryk and 'the man who hated women'
The Talibastards are the worst people on the planet.
Several states are now stockpiling Mifipristone in anticipation of just such a dystopian outcome. Families with women and girls of childbearing age may want to do the same.

'He was a clown': Former Trump voter explains why they're never supporting him again
Newsflash: He still is.

Van Hollen: Democrats Should Look To 'Plan B' On Debt Ceiling
Sen. Chris Van Hollen bashed Republicans for the "insane situation" we're in now with the debt ceiling, and told Democrats to prepare for plan b, and c if necessary to prevent Republicans from crashing our economy.
The insane are just that.

Survey: Certainty That God Exists Falls To 50% In US
We are catching up to reality.

Key Republican recruits hesitate to jump in if Trump is the nominee
Potential Republican candidates in swing states and districts are reluctant to throw hats into ring.
They want no part of the scumbag.

Former GOP Rep Considers Moving Family Out Of FL
Florida is no longer a fit place to live. Like Nazi Germany, people are leaving.

The ambitious Republican plot to take it all down
Republicans have come to believe that the entire federal government is filled with woke liberals
And commiting suicide in the bargain.

Stand your ground set the stage: How we let fascism creep in
Stand your ground has been the principle of people who want to control other people forever
"The stand your ground principle, as written into law, means if you're doing something I don't like I get to kill you."

'Deeply racist': MSNBC panel slams Marjorie Taylor Greene's fear of 'big Black man' Jamaal Bowman
She has no idea of how hate and racism has warped her mind.

Texas Lawmakers Approve Bill To Place Chaplains In Public Schools, Sponsor Refused To Ban Proselytizing
Texas: The darkness descends.
A key supporter of a push to allow unlicensed chaplains to be placed in schools has rejected concerns that they might use their access to recruit kids to Christ.
Our children will be a delight for any "Xianist" pedophiles.
What happened to separation of church and state? This is the problem with religion. They all think they have the only path to a higher power.

A ban on Texas public universities’ diversity offices inches closer to becoming law
Texas could become the second state in the country after Florida to ban diversity, equity and inclusion offices in higher education.
More darkness.

TX Rep Sneaks K-12 “Don’t Say Gay” Clause Into Bill. More retarded thinking from Texas.
Gay! Gay! Gay! Gay! Gay! Gay! Gay! Gay! Gay! Never stop saying it. We have freedom of speech.

Biden: GOP must move off 'extreme' positions, no debt limit deal solely on its 'partisan terms'
"President Joe Biden said Sunday that Republicans in the U.S. House must move off their "extreme positions" on the now-stalled talks over raising America's debt limit and that there would be no agreement to avert a catastrophic default only on their terms."

Sean Penn Says Replacing Writers with AI Would Be a "Human Obscenity"
The real question is do we even believe in humanity any longer?

What Is a Luddite, and Why Does It Matter? A Tech Expert Explains.
The original Luddites were not anti-technology. Their argument was with how wealthy industrialists were robbing them of their way of life.

AI Expert Says ChatGPT Is Way Stupider Than People Realize
Same as with people.

Fox's Ingraham Admits Story About Migrants Displacing Vets Was A Lie
They should all admit they are liars.

Unequal justice: It’s time to get tough with John Roberts
Don't stop with him.

'Who you mad at?': Ex-RNC chair buries Jim Jordan’s 'dog and pony show'
Jacket-off gets his ass pinned.

'You’ll allow a default?' Janet Yellen grilled over stalled debt ceiling negotiations
The fascists in our government intend to destroy us. They will default because it is part of their strategy to establish a totalitarian regime.

'Openly hostile toward African Americans': NAACP issues 'formal travel advisory' for Florida
Travel warnings in America. This is what the Nazis have created. They must be eliminated.

Gun control, then and now: Congress once dealt with gangsters' Tommy guns to save American lives
Where's my hand held rocket launcher? Where are my tacical nuclear weapons? Where's my 50 cal. MG? Where's my RIM-2 Terrier?
I should now be able to own them all according to the perverse gun maniacs.

The GOP’s 'war on woke' forced the Pentagon to axe its 'countering extremism' initiative: report
Thus weakening our nation. Brainless and dangerous as cancer.

'Humiliated': Mississippi girl 'forced to miss their graduation' after judge’s anti-trans decision
It appears we have forgotten that these people are human beings. We are becoming Nazi Germany.
Damaging people for life seems to be their mission. "Do No Harm," is bullshit.

National Hate Group Behind Many Anti-Trans Laws
"...a collection of doctors and others uniting to “protect healthcare from a radical, divisive, and discriminatory ideology.”
I'll bet. They are the radicals bent on destruction of humanity.

Republicans want to defund our libraries
That's because they want everyone to be illiterate just as they are.
Has anyone of them ever entered a library for any reason?
They live in fear of anything of a sexual nature.

The Burning of the Library of Alexandria
Let's read about what idiots can do to libraries.

New Hampshire Pastor Indicted On Child Sex Charges
Holy man, eh? Another one bites the dust.
We want to burn books but overlook the real dangers because they claim to be Christian.

Texas House Advances Bill To Criminalize Drag Shows
Meanwhile they may continue their grifting and go to titty bars every night of the week.
You dumb fucks, it's not about nudity! It's about show biz. Stupid beyond stupid fascists. You just love stirring turds. You nitwits are out of control!

QAnon Televangelist Threatens To Sue Anybody Who Claims He’s Having An Adulterous Affair With Boebert
Is he tappin' that ass? Another Trump-like admission of guilt.

McCarthy pushes US to brink of default to appease energy donors — but Biden has an ace up his sleeve
GOP threatens unconstitutional and catastrophic move if Biden refuses to cave to McCarthy's Big Oil blackmail
What was once – but no longer resembles – the party of Lincoln has bet its prospects on the premise that the Rail Splitter's memorable aphorism – "you cannot fool all of the people all of the time" – no longer applies.
Their search for the bottom continues.

E. Jean Carroll attorney puts Trump on notice
Stupid Fatso the chiseler. Bust him again.

Texas man who knocked out officer during Jan 6. Capitol riot learns his sentence
Another one bites the dust.

Greg Abbott Signs Law Making EV Owners Pay for Their Gas-Free Cars
All because electric car drivers don’t buy gas and they aren't collecting gas taxes. Progress isn't anything the brainless can cope with or plan for. This shows the failures of capitalism. Why must the people pay for its failure to progress? Elect progressive candidates and leave the cave people behind.

Oregon Cult Pastor Found Guilty On Child Sex Charges
Another one bites the dust.
Sperou’s previous conviction was overturned in 2020 when the US Supreme Court ruled against non-unanimous verdicts.
SCOTUS protects crime in America.

Texas AG’s probe into trans care is based on illegal release of kids’ medical records: report
This is fascism. This is dystopian. This is criminal. This is none of their goddamn buisness!

George Santos appoints himself treasurer of his own campaign committee: report
Yes, due to facists on our government he will be able to continue his grifting.

Rep. Byron Donalds: I Know, Let's Investigate Hillary Clinton!
This can't be real life.
Donalds somehow thinks that an investigation should be opened up into Hillary Clinton, the woman who has been investigated for 30 years.
Sure. There must be something you've overlooked. Better add George Soros, you chickenshits. You shit hooks will be investigating and blaming her 10 years after she dies.
They have not a damn thing better to do.

Anti-immigrant hoax exposed and a Republican actually admits it
The sky will now fall.

Anti-Vax Commencement Speaker Heckled By Students
What else do you expect for a POS?
The asshats put the doctoral hood on Scott Atlas backwards, and neither of them knew the difference.
Fuck these Nazi scumbags.

Meatball Ron's 'Miracle' Tanks Florida Real Estate Market
Aren't they happy they put the asshole in office now.

Hi Fascists! Nobody Likes You
Except fellow bottom feeders.

House Republicans’ Work Requirements “Are Not About Work"
"Princeton sociologist and Pulitzer Prize-winning author Matthew Desmond’s latest book, the New York Times best-seller Poverty, By America, explores why poverty is so prevalent—and persistent—in the richest nation on Earth. We spoke about his excellent book not long ago, but with the House Republicans demanding new work requirements for Medicaid and food-stamp recipients in exchange for raising the debt ceiling, I figured Desmond would have some thoughts."

Hospitals in Two States Denied an Abortion to a Miscarrying Patient. Investigators Say They Broke Federal Law.
"Mylissa Farmer knew her fetus was dying inside of her. Her water broke less than 18 weeks into her pregnancy last August, and she was desperate for an abortion."
Read the rest.

Fox News’ 'vitriolic lies' are a threat to US democracy: ex-DHS official
And it will remain as long as they are permitted to broadcast bullshit and hate.

Trump normalizes 'racist and sexist beliefs' and sees strong women as a threat: analysis
"Former President Donald Trump's decision to lead his town hall audience in laughter over E. Jean Carroll's rape allegations was not an accident, wrote Ronald Brownstein for The Atlantic Friday. Rather, it is indicative of how he sees assertive women to be a threat to the MAGA movement."
Who created that threat, Fatso?

Chris Hayes decimates DeSantis’ 'dystopian' hypocrisy: 'The opposite of freedom'
MSNBC’s Emmy-award winning anchor and host Chris Hayes dissected then disintegrated Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and the Republican Party in general, for their authoritarian lunge and overall hypocrisy.
For nearly eight minutes Thursday evening, Hayes explained to viewers how DeSantis peddles fake claims about freedom, while enacting some the most hypocritically “authoritarian” and “dystopian” laws in the country.

Secretary Mayor Pete Loves God And Beer And His Electric Mustang And Fox News Is ... Mad About That?
There is a lovely interview with Secretary Pete Buttigieg, Mayor of Transportation, in Wired right now. The headline says that Pete "Love God, Beer and his Electric Mustang."
And we guess that bothered whatever white supremacist incels (we are just guessing) are working the chyrons at Fox News these days.
Murdoch and his scurvey crew havn't learned a damn thing.

The Secret Plan to Break the “Independent Spirit” of the Supreme Court Revealed
Hamilton and the other Framers envisioned a Supreme Court that was immune to public opinion, the arguments of presidents and senators, and great wealth alike - but today's GOP has a different plan.

Counter-terrorism expert: Jim Jordan and disgruntled FBI agents 'thought they'd get away with it — they didn't'
"Wallace wondered, if Jordan felt there was politicization happening at the FBI, why then wouldn't he call in the head of the FBI, Christopher Wray?"
Because the fascists support terrorism. The fascist dick was trying to pull a fast one.

DeSantis' deal with the devil: Chasing the Christian right won't help him
DeSantis' chances of winning the election once the country learns of his radical record are worse than Trump's

Disney Cancels $1 Billion Complex, Costing FL Thousands Of Jobs
Old Puddin' Fingers just blew it with his war on gays, pronouns, Mickey Mouse, and wokeness.
Knee jerks will always come back to kick idiots in the ass. Nazis aren't very intelligent.

'What’s next, rainbow uniforms?' House Republican wants to defund the Pentagon over Pride celebrations
Right, Chip. You want to defund the troops you've always claimed to honor? You are the biggest dumbass hypocrite we always knew you are.

Man With AR-15 Has Been Protesting MD Gun Laws At School Bus Stop
He's unhappy with the gun laws signed by Gov. Wes Moore.
The fact that one can do this without consequences in America is beyond the pale.

Nevada takes first key step toward joining pact to elect president by popular vote
Let's get this done.

Trump's lawyer quits just as shoe drops in classified documents case
Who wants to defend a loser?

REPORT: DeSantis Wants Aunt Lydia As Running Mate
Be careful what you wish for.

Report Calls Brett Favre “Ringleader” Of Welfare Scam
What is his problem? He's a typical Trump election denier chiseler using state money intended for other projects. This certfiable POS needs to be prosecuted for fraud. He has to pay for the money he's stolen.
It's not illegal if they do it. Scumbags will be scumbags.

Florida School: Teacher’s Pro-Confederacy Video Is OK
Land of the Happy Negro school teaches treason is fine.
More proof that the war never ended for dear old Dixie seditionists.
Where is Will Sherman now that we need him?

Counter-terrorism expert: Jim Jordan and disgruntled FBI agents 'thought they'd get away with it — they didn't'
Fuck Jim Jordan. Purse those lips, Jim.

Lauren Boebert Hits A New Low In Twitter Absurdity
Lowering the bar is the league she plays in.

George Santos' Comms Director Roots For His Expulsion, Resigns
Another one that couldn't stand the stench.

'She knows what she’s doing': Democrat likens Marjorie Taylor Greene attack to 'why Emmett Till was killed'
Yes, and this clearly sheds light on the next talking point.

'A very frightening period': MAGA Republicans threaten librarians with prison time
These idiot bullies are doing their best to ignore our Constituion and rekindle the Civil War. Card-carrying cowards.
"In the Netherlands and other European democracies, comprehensive sex education starts at an early age. Dutch officials reason that the more youths know about sex, the more likely they are to avoid unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.
But in the United States, the Religious Right has a radically different viewpoint. Far-right white evangelical Christians who oppose abortion often oppose any time of sex education."
"John Chrastka, EveryLibrary's executive director, told the Post, "We are, as a country, at a very broken place right now. We have a fundamental break in trust between some groups of society and the educational system."
The good news is that the population of these retarded fascists is dwindling.

'We are at war': Anti-trans activists lock arms with North Carolina GOP gubernatorial frontrunner
Deluded. You lost the war. That's what you can't accept. You are living proof of the existance of the Land of the Happy Negro.

Rudy Giuliani Sued For False Claim Of Assault
When WILL we get rid of this creep?

Jim Jordan concedes Jan. 6 prosecutions are unprecedented because it was an unprecedented event
Well, I'll be...the man is a genious! ROTFLMAO!

Marjorie Taylor Greene says she feels 'threatened' by Black Democratic congressman
Of course she is. Everything he said about her is true.

What the CNN Town Hall Really Revealed
Nothing that a human with a reasoning brain doesn't already know.

Special Counsel Jack Smith Still Doing Boxes Hoax To Trump, Even Though Durham Totally Exonerated Him :(
"We should stop talking about investigations into Donald Trump, because he has been totally exonerated by the Durham Report, which was just 316 solid pages of iambic pentameter about Trump's beautiful and sexually attractive and innocent body, and how every criticism ever levied against him has been a hoax."
One of the better jokes of the day. Of course, everyday is a joke with Fatso around.

“Health Care Is a Human Right”: Sanders Reintroduces Medicare for All
"For his first time as chair of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) has reintroduced legislation to establish universal health care across the U.S., the only wealthy country that doesn’t guarantee health care coverage to all its citizens. The Medicare for All Act would provide health care for all..."
"...the only wealthy country that doesn’t guarantee health care coverage to all its citizens."
And that is due to the greed of the MAGAt and the hate of the MAGAt. It's very easy to see it.

What’s the Opposite of Republican “Law and Order”? Kevin McCarthy and the House GOP.
"While MAGA Republicans in the House attack and investigate what they dub Biden’s “weaponized” federal government and blast Democratic mayors for being “soft on crime,” they are blatantly ignoring the crimes of their allies in plain sight."

Bad Rockin' Tonight
Good essay but, with all due respect to Paul McCartney, the man who owns "Good Rockin' Tonight" is Wynonie Harris. Why he is not in the RRHOF is a major sin.

When Do We Officially Declare that the GOP has Killed America?
Next year may be the last chance to reclaim the values of democracy, pluralism & egalitarianism that have animated this country since her founding. Nobody can say they weren’t warned about the stakes.

The Man Who Called Breonna Taylor’s Killing ‘Justified’ Could Be Kentucky’s Next Governor
Hell, if Hermann Göring ran in Kentucky he'd be elected.

Warner Bros. Discovery Boss Boasts ‘Republicans Are Back on the Air’ at CNN
All it will do is show how fucking dangerous the idiots are. Also CNN viewers will be lost due to your stupidity.
Deluded MAGAt bosses are the worst.

GOP Rep. Clay Higgins Manhandles Capitol Protester
This prick will get a broken nose or worse if he doesn't wake up to his bullshit.
You can't assault people and get away clean. Sooner or later, pow!, right in his kisser.
Can't wait to see that.

Graham: The FBI Disobeyed God’s Command On Lying
And Trump didn't, of course. Go sprinkle your flea powder somewhere else.
"Of note, Franklin Graham has never once weighed in on Trump’s daily avalanche of lies."
That's why he's a fraud.

'SLEAZEBAGS': Trump Launches Pity Party In Screamy Shouty Caps
Always a victim.
The Victim Party has been playing that card for the last century and more.

Beware: The Entire Republican Party Is A Menace, Not Just Trump
Trump isn't the only menace.
They have been a menace to us from day one.

Senate votes to end President Biden resolution making it harder for immigrants 'to obtain legal status'
The fools think farmers can get anyone to harvest crops. Our village idiots.

Sean Hannity is 'scared' that the GOP is losing its way after this week's election smackdown: analyst
They are all scared shitless. Their game is up.
No one supports your positions.

Watch: GOP senator gets slapped down at Supreme Court ethics hearing
This should be a weekly event.

Yes, Prosecutors Will Claw Back FTX Money From US Lawmakers
The DOJ reportedly sent a letter to lawmakers instructing them to surrender FTX donations to US Marshal

Montana Becomes First State To Completely Ban TikTok, App Stores To Face Fines For Every “Offered” Download
In 2000 words or less, write an essay explaining how Montana and Russia differ.

Special Counsel Gets New Proof In Trump’s Docs Theft
"Trump lied on CNN @GOP Townhall that he "automatically declassified documents by taking them" —that's not how it works. Evidence of this is heading to Jack Smith.
Trump doesn't know shit from applebutter.

Boebert: My Husband Didn’t Menace Process Server
What's amazing here is how much bull shit she can spit out!

Republican Hopes To Turn Kansas Into A 'Conservative Sanctuary'
Separation of Church and State? Not for these Kansans!
Fuck the Constitution. Hooray for vigilante law. Hooray for being totally clueless about our country. Thankfully, these Xianists are a dying breed.
"Republicans must purge the state of anyone who disagrees with their extremist positions on the LGBTQ community, reproductive health care, education and race." Good luck with that you Talibastard shitpiles. You piss on our Constitution every day you draw a breath. Sack them up and throw the Nazis out.
Retards living in a long gone dream world. This helps America in NO way.
"Kansas! As bigoted as you think!"

Ohio Catholic Priest Found Guilty On Child Sex Charges
Another one bites the dust. Are you paying attention Kansas?

Orlando’s $130M Christian Theme Park Is Demolished
Someone looks like a drag queen.
"...Jan Crouch excitedly relates how she prayed a chicken back to life."
Then they butchered it and fried it for supper.

'How is this more appropriate?' Parent baffled after school assigns 'Hunger Games' to fifth-grader
Simple. These idiots are scared to death of anything that requires thought and reason. Misfits to both.
They don't understand how morality plays work. They didn't get that in school and don't want their kids to get it.

'Tacit endorsement': House Republicans block resolution to expel George Santos
They have no pride, they have no ethics, they have no mind or reason. Why would anyone with a piece of brain support this abortion?

Elon Musk Insists Nazi-Tattooed Texas Shooter Not A White Supremacist
Just because the Texas mass shooter had swastika and “SS” tattoos, why, “there’s no proof” he was a white supremacist, according to Elon Musk.
Why, of course not, Leon.
Well, if there’s one thing Musk does know about, it’s BS. But he also knows white supremacy and anti-Semitism – and spouts it quite regularly.

Why Kevin McCarthy's Latest Red Line Is Both Mean And Stupid
The House speaker demands work requirements for Medicaid and SNAP benefits.
I wonder when he'll find an honest job. Right now he just feeds at the public trough.

Cops: Man Twerked Nude On Catholic Church’s Altar
America has some of the world's finest deviants. Beat his father to death?

Haley: New York Gov Should Pardon “Brave” Vigilante
The “Brave” Vigilante didn't have the right to lynch the man. Get a working brain.
We don't have vigilante law in the U.S. although we try hard to accept it as such.
"Stand your ground" laws are example of that. Guns for all reinforce it as well.

Pew Research: 21% Still Oppose COVID Vaccinations
Why stop there? Why not ALL vacccines? Let's let everyone die needlessly.
Ever heard of a false equivalency?

Fox Host: Biden Is “Pushing Us Towards Race War”
Look in the mirror, motherfucker.

‘Is this funny?’ Marjorie Taylor Greene flips out after witness laughs at her during House hearing
"Is this funny to you?" Greene asked. "Is babies being murdered in the womb funny to you? Because you're smirking and laughing at me right now."
Amy Spitalnick replied: "What's not funny are the Black people and Hispanic people and Jewish people and Muslim people who have been murdered in synagogues, in church, in supermarkets, in mosques, by white supremacists," witness Amy Spitalnick replied.
I'll bet Marge didn't expect that jaw breaker.

CNN's ratings dip—behind Newsmax—after Trump town hall
Everything Trump touches dies.
Including CNN's touching him.

The right wing’s embrace of Daniel Penny is eerily familiar
We've seen this shit show too many times now.

Big Pornstache John Durham Had One Job. He Failed Miserably
"Durham's report is out. His investigation has ended with a dribble, like a left-behind droplet of drying jizz from a person who died trying to cum one last time, and that dribble is his report."

Why Do Republican Billionaires Make Heroes Out of Killers?
The billionaire funders of GOP politicians could end this all in a single day — by refusing to further fund any politician who continues to embrace guns, dystopian rhetoric, insurrection, and hate.

Could It Be We Were Misinformed?

Vigilante Killings on the Subway Are Not Legal or Moral
Days after Daniel Penny was charged with killing Jordan Neely, a pro-vigilante crowd has emerged to defend his actions. But what are they really saying? They'd better be saying we don't have a license to lynch people.

GOP's Tommy Tuberville refuses to answer as he gets grilled over his defense of white nationalists
"We've got a mental health problem in this country," Tuberville said. "It's one of our biggest problems."
It wasn't clear if he was suggesting the neo-Nazis and white supremacists at Charlottesville were suffering from a mental health problem.
"We got a lot of Americans. I try to be an American," said Tuberville
So it's hard for you, Tom?
Doug Jones was right about him. He is a coward.

Churches’ Role in Local Election Prompts Calls for Investigations
Just make their youth pastors stop fooling around with kids. That should be something to keep them busy for a long time.
Ahh, but Texas keeps bringing the grifters and killers.

Biden administration announces nearly $11B for renewable energy in rural communities
"Agriculture Secretary Tom said it was the largest single federal investment in rural electrification since President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Rural Electrification Act in 1936."

Lauren Boebert Intros Bill To Repeal 2022 Red Flag Law
Does she do this shit for spite? Worthless human.

Cops: 12 Year-Old Killed TX Sonic Worker With AR-15
"Guns in America. 12-year-old Texas boy taken into custody for allegedly shooting and killing a Sonic Drive-In restaurant employee. According to the Keene, Texas Police Chief, the boy used an 'R style' rifle."
He TOLD THEM to hold the pickles.

E. Jean Carroll isn't finished with Donald Trump
This should put the idea that Trump is intelligent to bed.

Bolton On Pardoning J6 Rioters: 'It’s Virtually Treasonous'
No doubt about it.

Video Of Baseball Bat Attack Released
"A short time later, Capitol Police announced that they had taken 49-year-old Xuan Kha Tran Pham of Fairfax, Virginia, into custody after two of Gerry Connolly's staffers were attacked with a baseball bat."

Truly Stupid Senator Says Hillary Colluded With Russia
"Marsha should stick to her actual skill set: marketing pizza cutters. (Yes this video is real.)"
"Stupid" doesn't come close to what one should call Blackburn.

ProsperUS Calls on Biden, Congress to Raise the Debt Limit and “Stop Shielding Wealthy, Big Corporations
“We urge President Biden to oppose any deal that would hurt the most vulnerable people in our economy. If House Republicans were serious about reducing deficits and raising revenue, they would stop shielding the wealthy and big corporations from paying their fair share in taxes.”
I support the statement.

Why are Republican billionaires making heroes out of killers?
It's the way of corruption, racism and avarice which is what the MAGAts serve.

Footage of Walgreens security guard killing trans activist Banko Brown sparks outrage
Is this really a murder? After watching the video there's no question in my mind the guard should be inicted. We shall find the truth.

House Democrats file resolution to expel 'liar and criminal' George Santos
“George Santos is a fraud and a liar, and he needs to be expelled by the House,” Garcia said in a statement, pointing to the 13 federal criminal charges Santos is facing.
Punchbowl News’ Jake Sherman reports, “The motion is privileged so House Republicans have two days to schedule the vote. Two-thirds majority is required to expel Santos.”

Newspaper Apologizes for Accidentally Running Deranged AI-Generated Article
"It has also underlined one of the challenges raised by generative AI for news organizations," Mac Cormaic added. "We, like others, will learn and adapt."
This won't be the last time this happens.

Your Librul Media Rushes To Put Lipstick On Durham's Probe Pig
And CNN, the new Fox, does what it can to misinform.

'Wild goose chase' : Experts slam Durham as investigation into DOJ Trump-Russia probe ends with 'bupkis'
“The Trump-Russia investigation produced 37 indictments and several other outside criminal referrals. People were convicted at trial. People pleaded guilty. Hostile foreign government actors faced legal and diplomatic sanctions,” notes Media Matter’s Craig Harrington. “All of this was real!
Indeed, in December of 2019, Vox reported, “Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team indicted or got guilty pleas from 34 people and three companies during their lengthy investigation.”
Russian Collusion was proven.

Why the Supreme Court’s 'shadow docket' is a 'symptom of a larger disease': law professor
"Vladeck argued, 'The rise of the shadow docket reflects a power grab by a Court that has, for better or worse, been insulated from any kind of legislative response…. Here we have the Court not just using emergency applications to change substantive legal principles, but doing so even as they are considering requests to make the same changes through merits decisions.'"

Experts Warn White House That Covid Isn't Over
That goes for all of us.

Capitol Rioter Who Rifled Romney’s Desk Gets 3.5 Years
Another two bite the dust.

Eric Trump Headlines QAnon Event Alongside Speaker Who Claimed Celebrities “Drink The Blood Of Children"
The only vampires in the room are all of them.

Why the worst may be yet to come for Clarence Thomas: report
"It's my understanding that there's more news coming on Thomas and Crow," Tomasky explains. "It seems highly possible that what we know so far, ghastly as it is, barely scratches the surface. And Wyden and Whitehouse are going to keep at this." The journalist adds, "To paraphrase (Winston) Churchill, this isn't the end of the story. This is just the beginning of the end."
And I know the MAGAts will all see that keeping him regardless would just be "affirmative action" which they don't want.

'Calendar-challenged' Republicans busted for blaming Biden for Trump's policies
Talk about being lost in time. They are patheically incompetent.

'Everybody is in a panic': New right-wing Florida bill threatens 'huge crisis' for industry
He fell back into his shit on this.

Kentucky Republican expanded voting access – now his own party is making him pay
Someone tell Dolly Parton this is one of the big differences between the politcal parties.

GOP congressman’s aide tied to neo-Nazi: report
"An aide inside the office of far-right conspiracy theorist U.S. Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) has been linked to neo-Nazi Nick Fuentes, an incel, white supremacist and white Christian nationalist who promotes antisemitism, Holocaust denialism, racism, and misogynistic and anti-LGBTQ extremist beliefs. Fuentes is head of the so-called 'Groypers.'"

'How employable are you?' Ron DeSantis insults students eyeing 'niche subjects' he wants to ban
He should be asking that question to himself.

The View's Ana Navarro rips 'parasite' Ron DeSantis for making up culture war fights
Rip the Nazi four or five new assholes.

These Cannabis-Infused Social Tonics Will Replace Your Glass of Wine
For cannabis enthusiasts who live in a state where THC is legal, Cann’s delicious social tonics give you a controllable buzz without damaging your lungs or liver.
This should be available to everyone that lives in a country that calls itself "free."

The Danger Is Now. We Must Stop Trumpian Fascism
Or any other kind.

Eliminating countywide voting in Texas would make the process harder on voters, cost more money, election leaders say
Of course. Eliminating elections are what the Nazis live for.

Oh No, What Is Joe Biden Doing To James Comer's Informants Who Are Definitely Real And Not Imaginary?
"Anyway, we hate it when the vice president of the United States withholds foreign aid. Definitely something the vice president does all the time. You know how they're the ones who set policy and the foreign aid budget."
Sure. There will be a lot of idiots who belive this. All of his bullshit comes from things that Trump did.

Trump's dogwhistle to the Christian right is a permission slip to openly hate women
As Trump doubles down on "grab 'em by the p*ssy," the Christian right gets comfy admitting they love male dominance
That's a great well-posed comedy shot. Did Trump stage it?

'Absurd' Marjorie Taylor Greene leveled for providing cover for violent Trump followers
"Hundreds of Trump supporters have been arrested for criminal charges related to their violence at the U.S. Capitol insurrection on Jan. 6. Several members of the extremist Oathkeepers and Proud Boys groups have already been convicted of the serious charge of seditious conspiracy for their actions," she explained before adding, "If Greene meant that she hasn’t seen any violent extremists at all, then she must not be looking at any of the evidence."
She's a fascist idiot as we all know.

Patriot Group Marches In D.C. In Their Little Khaki Pants
Welp, we finally got them to wear masks.
So you really CAN breathe wearing masks. Another lie they promoted.
I wouldn't show my face anywhere if I were throwing the bullshit they are.

He didn't 'know what the Voting Rights Act was': Tuberville's opponent accuses U.S. senator of having 'no clue'
"Not having a clue" is exactly what the Nazis want in office.

It’s not just the 14th Am. There are (at least) 5 other ways the Debt Ceiling is unconstitutional
The brilliant Robert Hockett of Georgetown and Cornell shows us five reasons, in addition to the Fourteenth Amendment, why the debt ceiling law is unconstitutional and void.

Jason Miller Egged Trump On During Town Hall Break
We haven't broken this yo-yo's string yet?
He's a glutton for punishment.

'It stands where it stands': Nikki Haley won't condemn Trump for sexually abusing woman
Does Nikki realize that Trump's actions during the trial show he admitted his guilt de facto?

Franklin Graham: “The Truth Is What God Says It Is”
Frankie, it looks like more and more Americans think that's a lotta hooey you use for your grifting.

‘Justice Matters’: Glenn Kirschner Shares Incriminating Words That Could Land Trump in A Jail Cell
"...You know what will deter Donald Trump? A jail cell."
For the remainder of his life.

Declining religion in the Rust Belt spells big trouble for the GOP
"..."religion is taking a beating across the middle part of the country."
Big trouble for both, if you ask me.

TX Gov Claims Dominion Forced Fox To Fire Carlson
This Abbott is one sick mutha. He may as well be considered a QAnonsenser he's such a conspiracy con man.

FBI Raids Trump Towers At 'Little Moscow' In Florida
"Details are scarce as to why the FBI raided a condo owned by two Russian businessmen, Oleg Sergeyevich Patsulya and Agunda Konstantinovna Makeeva, but it should come as no one's surprise that Trump Towers in Florida is home to so many Russians it's called 'Little Moscow.'

Beware: Ron DeSantis' Attack on Voting Rights Won't Stay in Florida
Nazis are everywhere trying to fuck America at every turn.

MT Supreme Court Rules To Protect Abortion Access
"The Montana Supreme Court has solidified protections for abortion access and will allow nurses with advanced degrees to continue performing abortions in the state. The state’s high court ruled in favor of an advanced practice nurse practitioner who challenged a 2005 law restricting which providers can offer abortion services."

Why legalizing over-the-counter birth control is good politics
Now, with this new recommendation by the FDA’s panel of health advisers, the Biden administration is broadening access to birth control pills. It is therefore creating political conditions in which abortion services might not be needed, especially for young people and lower-income groups. That’s good politics.

'Just sheer paralysis': Chuck Todd roasts Republicans over their inability to dethrone Donald Trump
Talk about "Crisis of Masculinity."

Black Music Sunday: A musical tribute to many different types of moms
Happy Mother's Day.

'Moral Madness': TX Democrat Nails It In Speech On Gun Violence
"You can't offer thoughts and prayers on Monday and then debate a bill to loosen gun regulations on Tuesday," he said. A concept that Greg Abbott can't wrap around his little brain. He's too busy worrying about Tucker Carlson's job.

Mike's Blog Round-Up
Links to Liberal Blogs for All You Muthas Out There
Nobody knows Howlin' Wolf I was once told by a music "expert." ROTFLMAO!

Chief Justice John Roberts’ anti-abortion activist wife may have 'influenced' his 'judicial decisions'
Ya think?

Video Looks Most Natural Horizontally, but We Hold Our Phones Vertically
We see horizontally but tend to hold our phones vertically
How to do it. Just exercise your hand-brain connecton and rotate your phone 90 degrees.
Now that wasn't so hard, was it?

FL Lawmakers Grant DeSantis $16M To Fight Lawsuits
And I'm certain they are so happy they are wasting their money.

The battle against fascism in Florida: Lessons on how to beat back authoritarianism from abroad
The situation in Florida clearly represents a threat to American democracy

Alleged doc leaker was preparing for a violent 'race war': report
Charlie Manson is back!

'Not even patriots': Doug Jones slams 'cowards' Tommy Tuberville and white supremacist marchers
"The longtime New York Democrat said, "Does Senator Tuberville honestly believe that our military is stronger with white nationalists in its ranks? I cannot believe this needs to be said, but white nationalism has no place in our armed forces and no place in any corner of American society, period, full stop, end of story."
He continued, "I urge Senator Tuberville to think about the destructive spectacle he is creating in the Senate. His actions are dangerous."

Gov. Ron DeSantis Calls Daniel Penny A ‘Good Samaritan’ After Jordan Neely Killing
Why does this man constantly roll in self-degredation?
You can have good intentions but you can screw them up really bad if you fuck those intentions up.

Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street? Not in Oklahoma
"... the Oklahoma governor claimed that the state’s own educational television network “doesn't line up with Oklahoma values.”
Really, that would be a good joke in a comedy routine. Apparently, this man has lost touch with reality.
Values? Does he think everyone in the state shovels bullshit like he does?

Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: More fallout from the CNN debacle
"Real show at CNN town hall was the audience, not the stage." The early reviews of the event weren’t pretty. Even CNN’s own media critic, Oliver Darcy said it was “hard to see how America was served by the spectacle of lies that aired on CNN Wednesday evening.” "But I disagree. America was served by seeing, live on television, the ongoing devotion of Trump’s biggest supporters, no matter what he says, what he’s done, or what he continues to lie about."
Degradation and devolvement of humanity on display.

Mary Trump Torches Trump Fans at CNN Town Hall: ‘They Actually Identify With The Things That Repulse Us’
And it's all to own the rest of us. These people are lost somewhere in time. They don't belong in the 21st Century.

Rebrand 'Mass Shootings' as 'Second Amendment Celebrations'
It worked for the Land of the Happy Negro. Or has it?

'I need help': MyPillow CEO 'offers stock' to recover over $40M he lost 'trying to overturn the election'
I'm certain that all the suckers that believed your bullshit over the "Stop the Steal" fraud will be happy to help you with the con you helped create.

'Hectoring moralist' Josh Hawley demolished in scorching review
"...that he can best be described as "a neo-Confederate at war with modernity."
Good Lord, that's what they all are! Lost in time, living in the Land of the Happy Negro and ladies that know their places.
"...Hawley wishes time and progress would stop." So many of them do.

'There is no fairytale ending to an insurrection': Oath Keepers militia collapsing after leaders jailed
It never ends well for them.

'Outflanked' DeSantis’ strategic blunder has left his presidential run 'bruised' and reeling
It looks good on him.

'I veto this bill': NC Gov. blocks 'disastrous' 12-week abortion ban advancing partisan hostility
"Cooper emphasized during a CNN interview with Wolf Blitzer last week, 'a number of' the GOPers "promised their constituents that they would protect women's reproductive rights. We want to hold them to these promises.
Furthermore, he reiterated that point earlier this week on CBS' Face the Nation, saying, 'What we're going to do is call them out. There are four Republicans, four Republicans, who said they would protect women’s reproductive freedom during the campaign. All we need is one of them. We can block this disastrous legislation and then we can wait for the next battle.'" May I remind these MAGAts that their promises apprear to be like pie crust — easily broken. Or outright lies just to get elected.

Texas Man, 22, Shoots And Kills Girlfriend For Getting Abortion
And you thought atrocities like this wouldn't occur? Her blood is dripping offn Alito's hands.
Totally insane disasters delivered to your bedroom by the state of Texas.

Texas Woman Killed By Stray Bullet While Sleeping
Texas — where gunplay never stops.

Is Justice Thomas the worst Supreme Court justice ever?
His Bruen gun rights decision is killing Americans every day

Texas Youth Pastor Arrested On Child Sex Charges
Another one bites the dust.

“It Was Antifa” Rioter Found Guilty Of Assaulting Cops
"Christopher Worrell, 52, of Naples, Fla., was found guilty after a five-day bench trial on all seven counts, including felony charges of obstructing Congress’s confirmation of the 2020 presidential election results and assaulting police with a deadly or dangerous weapon by spraying three officers with pepper gel."
Another one bites the dust.

Florida Farmers In Panic Over Vanishing Workers
Really. Wonder what has caused this? Could it be the DipShit?

George Santos Makes A Deal To Get Out Of Charges In Brazil
This guy has been a f*ck up for his entire life.

Audience At Trump's CNN Town Hall Was Told 'Do Not Boo'
Please clap.
Awwwwww. SO sad.
"The crowd erupting in applause when Trump called Collins "nasty" and attacked the victim of his sexual assault was unnerving. There is no excuse for that. I guess we should be glad that not everyone cheered on his behavior. And Kaitlan Collins will always be thought of as an idiot."

Fox News Had A 'Great Replacement' White Supremacy Contest And Laura Ingraham Won!
"Quick, how many times have Republicans won the popular vote in fucking anything in the last 40 years? But sure, whitey. Keep up your bitchin'. You're definitely winning new voters for your racist side."

REMINDER: Kaitlan Collins Once Made Racist Listicle Of Hot Syrian Refugees For Tucker Carlson's Website
"Ever since Tuesday night, much of the media discussion has been, correctly, about the journalistically stupid and bankrupt decision the hack suits at CNN made to let Donald Trump have a free hour to spew fascist lies and propaganda, and the shitty, fuckin' lazy job Kaitlan Collins did moderating the 'town hall.'"

10-Year-Old Rape Victims Having Babies? Louisiana Republicans ABSOLUTELY FINE With That
Why can't these people realize they no longer live in ancient times? They really don't have a brain or sense of morality.
Why would anyone want to set foot on their ugly retarded land?

Bill striking unconstitutional state law that criminalized homosexuality fails to meet critical deadline in the Texas House
In a landmark decision, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down Texas’ law banning sodomy in 2003. It took almost 20 years for Democrats to get a bill to repeal the defunct ban on the House calendar.
Texas: Still living in centuries past.

The GOP’s Failing Politics of Retribution
Here are some recent targets of retribution efforts that have gone haywire, prompting backlash or even elevating the prospects of their targets in the process.

How Is George Santos Different from Donald Trump?
Easy answer: He's a few years younger and already twice as bad.

Soledad O'Brien nails CNN hosts for defense of Trump's town hall
On Twitter she first wrote, "You can tell this is true because the tone from the network is not—we nailed it! It's: trying to 'explain' to viewers the absolute mess they witnessed on TV. It's bad. Terrible for credibility, whatever the CNN boss says, and a horrible way to be launched as a new nighttime anchor. All confirming - -it was bad. And also, as some folks texted me: sad."
This new Trump con man, Chris Licht, needs to be watched carefully. He's trying to brand CNN the new Fox News.

Vivek Ramaswamy Calls For Raising Voting Age To 25
This asswipe really knows how to get young America on board his turd train. When did his brain turn to molasses?

Florida Rejects Social Studies Textbooks On Holocaust
Hell, yes the Florida Nazis would do that! Their Führer demands it because the books expose him and his filthy agenda. He's getting the concentration camps ready.
The scum.

OpenAI Competitor Says Its Chatbot Has a Rudimentary Conscience
If only Republicans did too.

Sen. Kennedy: Mexico Would Be Eating Cat Food Without The US
"And for what it's worth, Mexico is the United States' second-largest trading partner. As Kennedy mentioned, the United States does import over $400 billion from Mexico, but it also exports around $325 billion, something this idiot of a senator neglects to mention, accounting for 16% of all trade by the United States."

Kaitlan Collins' Pathetic Response To Hosting A Sexual Predator
"CNN blew it when they propped up a twice-impeached, indicted, sexual predator on their network. The funny thing about that was that they did it for the ratings. However, Joe Biden garnered more viewers than Trump."
Anderson Cooper's whine was an insult to those of us who oppose fascism.
"Next, CNN's Kaitlan Collins tried to contain the backlash, calling the clownhall with Trump a "major inflection point" ahead of the 2024 Republican primary. She doesn't appear to know what an inflection point means."

The GOP Has a Very Anti-American Agenda
"If you vote for a Republican, you’re selecting someone who—once elected—is unlikely to support your views on the issues that matter to you most. Instead, here’s what you’re choosing:"
And you've been doing it for decades.

Democrats should 'undermine' the 'unaccountable' Supreme Court with a vengeance: columnist
"What's more, Democrats still speak as if they hold the Supreme Court in high esteem….. Republicans, in other words, are wrong; Democrats are not out to undermine the Supreme Court. But they should be."

Nihilist GOP now the party of 'fake populism scam': analysis
"...the GOP has become the party of "Fuck You."
"...the modern Republican Patry is now a "nihilistic, corrupt, fake populist scam."

'Anybody but him': GOP senators go public with disdain for Trump
Even litle Jeff Hawley disses Trump" “If you’re asking me do I think we should pardon people who engaged in rioting behavior?" Hawley said. "No.”

'You have every right to be outraged': Anderson Cooper issues dire warning following CNN town hall
"But do you think staying in your silo and only listening to people you agree with is going to make that person go away?"
Anderson, that's an insult to those of us who are fighting fascism and have been for years. If there's some voter in this country who doesn't know that Trump is a Nazi you can bet they're a Trump voter and just as dangerous to our democracy as he is. You aren't going to change them by one TV show to up your ratings. If you think that you aren't doing your job.

DeSantis’ new law: Doctors can’t deny treatment for unvaccinated patients but can refuse LGBTQ ones
What a sick fuck he is.

Tuberville Walks Back 'White Nationalist' Comment, Makes It Worse
That's not a good explanation, Klanny.
On Thursday, reporters in the Capitol pressed Tuberville on his comments. He told them that "you can't have racists" on any team, and he claimed it's Democrats who are the problem, accusing them of painting all Trump supporters as white nationalists.
But that's exactly what they are.
"The Democrats characterize all MAGA Republicans in the military as white nationalists, wrong. Wrong. OK?" Tuberville told reporters Thursday. "We can't get politics in the military. This has nothing to do with extremists."
How dumb can a human brain be? Tommy, Tommy Tommy, you don't want the enemy in your midst!

CNN town hall was stark reminder of threat Trump poses to the republic
This shameless motherfucker will see more hell than a little bit after that shit show.

Trump's deposition vs. CNN town hall: He's a coward without a bloodthirsty MAGA crowd
Donald Trump won't even show up in court without a mob of braying fascists to hide behind
Fatso: Leader of the Nazi Chicken Shit Party.

Orlando Publix bakery refused to put the word ‘trans’ on a cake, says support group
The manager ‘said it was taking a stance, and that they weren’t allowed to take a stance’
WTF do they mean by "They weren't allowed to take a stance"? What sniveling coward would do a thing like that? Ron DeSantis, that's who.

'Our safety net is very weak': Sociologist details reasons why poverty is so widespread in America
"The U.S. is among the most unequal countries in the developed world. Conservatives and libertarians often point out that countless immigrants from Latin America, the Middle East and Africa are anxious to move to the U.S. but don't mention all the Europeans and Australians who believe that living in the U.S. would be a step down economically — especially if they have health problems."
Thanks to Trump and his fascism.

Tommy Tuberville Was For White Nationalists In The Military Before He Oh Wait He Still Is
"So we're back to Tommy Tuberville maybe being the stupidest senator in American history. "Skeptical of the notion that there are white nationalists in the military." Fuck off."
I'd like to forget about the twit. He needs an ear lobe reduction.

Pentagon leaders warn debt default could endanger troops' pay
Do we think the fascists give a crap about that?

Trump tells 'increasingly extreme lies' to make followers prove their devotion: authoritarian expert
He testing their stupidity. Most of these people are dumb as doornails.

Lauren Boebert seeks $34.3 million in earmarks — after slamming earmarks as ‘corrupt'
Republicans are all just as crooked as a fence rail. Grifters out to rob America blind.

Parents outraged over 90-day jail sentence for neighbor who shot and killed their son
Texas. What can you expect? Do you keep a round in your weapon when you are modifying it? Modifying it for what reason?

DeSantis nominee who pushed preaching about Jesus to students has his confirmation blocked
It's about time.

'Not pretty': New analysis explains just how bad Clarence Thomas’ gift timeline really is
Impeach Clarence Thomas now.

Senate Judiciary Democrats No Longer Have an Excuse: It's Time to Subpoena Clarence Thomas and Harlan Crow
Impeach Clarence Thomas now.

Biden puts the screws to McCarthy on default
It's easy to outwit fools.

CNN’s Axelrod Asks Pro-Trump Congressman After Town Hall: ‘Could He Go Out And Kill Somebody’ And Still Get Your Vote?
Proving they are all Nazis.
Jake Tapper anchored the postgame coverage, which was dominated by discussions of the torrent of lies that Collins tried hard to keep up with. But at one point, Rep. Donalds argued the reason to accept Trump despite indictments and impeachments and sexual abuse verdicts “is because Republican voters want him to come back.”
The Nazis wanted Hitler back too.
Axelrod extended that premise to extremes by asking Donalds “Is there anything that would be — that you would consider beyond the pale? Or would you just set everything aside, and say, ‘Well, this is what people want. So, those peccadilloes, we’re going to let alone’?”...

Rioter Backed By MTG Gets 3 Years For Beating Cops
Margie keeps flapping that jaw for losers.

Gosh, how do the Trumps keep "accidentally" hanging out with Hitler fanboys?
Eric Trump wants to hide it, but he's speaking alongside anti-semites at a QAnon-linked rally at a Trump resort

Trump Disparages CNN's Kaitlan Collins: 'You're A Nasty Person'
Trump showed what a callous and cowardly man he is and exposed himself yet again by ridiculing a woman who tried to hold him accountable during a live town hall.
Trump is gutter trash.

Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: It was the train wreck we expected
" Americans a reminder — as if they needed one — of how deplorable he and his supporters can be."

Trump insists he won’t bring up election fraud on 2024 campaign trail 'unless I see it'
You can count on him "seeing it." In other words, he will harp on it.

AOC and Jeffries slam CNN for platforming Donald Trump’s 'election disinformation' and abortion lies
Every decent person should.

'What the hell?' Morning Joe baffled by audience reaction to Trump lies
"Those weren't undecided voters," he added. "It was a pep rally for Donald Trump where they mocked and ridiculed the CNN anchor, where they mocked and ridiculed a woman who was sexually abused by the man on stage. They were applauding. What was with that audience? How was that audience selected?"
Because CNN wanted a shit show.

Trump sparked 'outrage and fear' among US allies during town hall performance: CNN's Jim Sciutto
He forgot to add our country as well.

'A disaster': CNN scorched for giving Trump a platform to lie and joke about sexual assault
A shit show for a criminal. CNN: "Criminals Nourish Network."

'Debt limit chicken' is a direct result of anti-democratic US House elections
"Amid rising fears that Republican lawmakers could soon force a catastrophic U.S. default, Fix Our House on Wednesday released a report arguing that "Congress lacks the incentive structure necessary to responsibly handle crucial tasks like raising the debt limit."

Legal Analyst: Trump Gave Prosecutors More Ammo
He's a dumbass.

Study: Abortion-Related Violence Soars Post-Roe Ruling
The Dobbs decision led to a “sharp increase” in violence against abortion clinics, per new NAF report:
• 231% rise in burglaries
• 229% rise in stalking
• 100% rise in arsons
The increase was “disproportionate” in states that protect abortion access.
The beasts that were released by SCOTUS will forver haunt them.

Michael Fanone: Why Is My Employer CNN Hosting A Town Hall For The Man Who Tried To Get Me Killed?
Because they are vying to be the new Nazi propaganda outlet.

Eric Trump Gonna Sue Rachel Maddow For Talking About His Nazi Pals, Quoting Them Verbatim
Not enough press for you lately, Eric?

Deaths from firearms reach new highs in Texas, decades after lawmakers began weakening gun regulations
"The rate of firearm-related deaths in Texas has reached a level not seen since the 1990s. Texas lawmakers have approved more than 100 bills that loosened gun restrictions since 2000."
This will likely continue due to the failed leadership we have in the state.

The Debt Ceiling Debate is a Massive Deception of the American Public
"The debt ceiling deceptions favor corporations over individuals and the richest individuals over the rest of us. In our thinking and speaking too, the nation’s class structure and class struggles exhibit their influential power. The mainstream debt ceiling debate deceives by lying by omission rather than commission."

Are We There? Are America's Mass Shooters Just Our Version of Suicide Bombers?
It's time to call them what they are. There's nothing noble about mass murder.

A Brief History of Presidential Raping
"What we can take from this sordid tale is that perhaps, and just maybe, the country will unite behind the idea that such dickish behavior is just not something we want to see on future applications from men who want to be presidents.
Or Supreme Courts justices, either, for that matter."

The Book-Bans Debate Has Finally Reached a Turning Point
"But the events of the past few weeks suggest that this debate has clearly reached a turning point. From grassroots organizers like Paris to political advisers for Biden, more Democrats see book bans as the weak link in the GOP’s claim that it is upholding “parents’ rights” through measures such as restrictions on curriculum or legislation targeting transgender minors. A national CBS poll released on Monday found overwhelming opposition among Americans to banning books that discuss race or criticize U.S. history. “There is something about this idea of book banning that really makes people stop and say, ‘I may be uncomfortable with some of this transitional treatment kids are getting, and I don’t know how I feel about pronouns, but I do not want them banning books,’” says Guy Molyneux, a Democratic pollster."

BREAKING: Santos Arrested on Whopping 13 Counts in Sweeping Federal Indictment
"Congressman George Santos (R-NY) has been taken into federal custody after the Department Justice released a 13-count indictment for wire fraud, money laundering, theft of public funds, and making false statements to the U.S. House of Representatives, which he presently serves in. He is expected to appear in court later on Wednesday."

Teachers Sue To Stop ‘Dictator’ DeSantis’ New Anti-Union Law
Why is this dick such a filthy, nasty prick?

Senate Finance Chief Blasts Clarence Thomas' Billionaire Friend for Obstructing Gift Probe
Resign already and take your traitor wife with you.

The Very Specific Ways the GOP Budget Will Deeply Harm Hundreds of Millions of Americans
"...the GOP plan is an expression of profound hostility to the idea of a federal government that serves anyone besides war profiteers."

The GOP Debt Ceiling Threat to Social Security Is Real
"House Republicans have already slashed Social Security’s administrative budget. Now they’re demanding additional cuts that would make it more difficult – or impossible – for many people to collect the benefits they’ve earned. "

How GOP Sen. Tommy Tuberville is 'harming America’s national security': Defense Secretary Austin
America has to stop electing redneck assholes.
"Well, they call them that (white nationalists). I call them Americans. What happened after January the 6th..."
I call them, and Tuberville, traitors.

'How depraved!' Tommy Tuberville's reaction to Trump sex abuse torched by Morning Joe
"So he says the New York verdict, where a jury of six men and three women found Donald Trump liable for sexual abuse, Tommy Tuberville says, 'This makes me want to vote for him twice,'" the "Morning Joe" host said. "A sexual abuser, a sexual abuser makes Tommy Tuberville want to vote for the sexual abuser twice."
So we now know where the "voter fraud" comes from.

'Can never lower my expectations fast enough': Marco Rubio flattened for calling Trump verdict a 'joke'
How would he like it if she was his daughter?

Man Shoots 14-Year-Old Girl While She's Playing Hide-And-Seek
So, it's not even safe for kids to play hide-and-seek anymore.
Decency is long gone in America.

GOP Senators Loudly Defend Trump, Call Jury 'A Joke'
"New York jury" was one of the favorite deflections.
Old white men want to keep their pussy options open.

SCOTUS Could Strike Down Assault Weapons Ban
The case challenges a Naperville, Illinois, ordinance and a similar Illinois state law, both of which ban assault weapons.
They are not men, they are Devo.

Elon Musk helps peddle conspiracy theories about Texas mass shooting
He's one big disaster conspiracy by himself.

Blackburn Calls For Armed Grandparents At Schools
If everone would just carry a gun we would have no problem. Sick.
"Ah, yes... because if we've learned anything from the headlines in the past 5-6 weeks, it's that old people with guns respond in completely rational ways when kids mistakenly knock on their front doors, turn into their driveways, or play hide-n-seek in their front yards."—Buford (comments).
"Biden is too old to be president. But he would be great when it comes to protecting children from terrorists." — Ed Meiller (comments>.

US support for nuclear power soars to highest level in a decade
As the country looks to decarbonize, nuclear’s popularity continues to climb
Chernobyl, here we come! We will commit suicide sooner than later.

National Review Weirdo Gonna Teach Kids These Days About F*ckin'
"This is important information. That is a picture of a young man who looks like he is performing in today's Drag Queen Story Hour dressed up as his favorite character "Matt Walsh." However, the article really feels like it was written by an 85-year-old scrotal sack that has left its body."

Woke Libs Saying Guy With Nazi Tattoos Who Murdered People May Be Nazi Mass Murderer
"He had a patch on his vest with the letters "RWDS." This stands for "Right Wing Death Squad," and it's a patch you see a lot in pictures of the Proud Boys on January 6 and also other dates. It's a right-wing, white supremacist Nazi thing, connected to a meme really popular among those sorts that says "Pinochet did nothing wrong." White supremacist Nazis in America idolize Pinochet, who terrorized the ... [checks globe] ... Latin American nation of Chile."

Republicans Lock Arms To Take Us Over a Financial Cliff
Turd stirrers.

Gov. Ron DeSantis Restricts Chinese Citizens From Buying Land in Florida
The Nazi is killing our Constitiution without one shot being fired.

Far-Right Podcaster Cited By Mass Shooter Claims It’s All A “PSYOP,” Blames TX Shooting On “Multiculturalism
Lay off the brown acid, dude. Or was it the green acid? Or was it...?

Trump Lies: I Was Denied The Right To “Defend Myself"
ROTFLMAO! He could have done that. He was too big of a chickenshit to do it!

Trans Minors Protected From Parents Under Washington Law
Washington Gov. Jay Inslee has signed a law to protect minors seeking gender-affirming care from the intervention of estranged parents.
Thanks, Jay.

Strangely-Dressed Expert Warns That AI Could Replace 80% of Jobs Soon
Is that guy, that guy? I mean the guy tht AI created.

Elon Musk Says Twitter Will Purge the Accounts of Dead People
Start with him then. Everyone knows he's brain>

Proud Boys leader’s lawyer has a point: Trump was the unindicted co-conspirator in the courtroom
The many crimes of Donald Trump. And Fatso is still not in prison where he should be.

'Pure retaliation': Michael Cohen torches Trump’s 'vindictive' $500 million lawsuit against him
Fatso is on his way out. One way or the other.

'Bad news': Unexpected melting of Greenland glacier could double sea-level rise projections
"When the ice fields melt..." remember Men of Extinction.

Texas Republicans double down on white 'Christian nationalism' as state 'grows more purple'
"The Religious Right has repeatedly claimed that the "separation of church and state" concept is not in the U.S. Constitution, and that the United States is a "Christian nation." But there is nothing in the Constitution that favors one religion over another."
Fully illustrating that their is nothing in the Consitution that allows their failed cult to do anything but exist.

Clarence Thomas’ billionaire benefactor refuses Democratic Senators’ receipt requests
I should imagine! He can't believe he got caught after so many years of pilfering.

Legal experts hail E. Jean Carroll’s 'overwhelming win' against Donald Trump
"After a civil jury in New York federal court found a preponderance of the evidence showed Donald Trump sexually assaulted and defamed journalist E. Jean Carroll, legal experts are calling the decision an “overwhelming win” that has “vindicated” the journalist."

'He’s been amazing': Republican Senator defends Donald Trump following sexual assault verdict
One of the clowns in the circus he invokes?
Too dumb to know he's getting on the Titanic?

George Santos indicted by the Justice Department: report
Things are working out pretty well for America in the war on Nazis this week.

GOP Hostage-Taking on Debt Ceiling Must Be Stopped to Avoid Economic Calamity
These Nazis will get what all Nazis get.

UltraViolet Applauds Conviction of Donald Trump for Sexual Assault & Defamation Against E. Jean Carroll
As every American does.

Billionaire Harlan Crow Also Bankrolled GOP Lawmakers Blocking SCOTUS Ethics Reform
Lots of Nazis out their trying to kill us all.

Liz Cheney Runs Anti-Trump Ad On CNN Before Town Hall
"He lost the election and he knew it."
CNN puts in their bid to be the next Fox News. At one time it was a legitimate news progran.

The Rape Trial Verdict Is In: Pay Up, Donald Trump
"E. Jean Carroll was vindicated today after a New York civil jury determined that Donald Trump sexually abused her in the dressing room of a Bergdorf Goodman in the 1990s. But he was also liable for her claim of defamation. The jury determined that Carroll should receive $5 million from the former President."
The pussy grabber has to pay for this one. Except he's a fucking deadbeat and won't pay. Then Fatso will be in deeper shit.

GOP lawmaker ‘very sad’ Utah parent used his law to request ‘sex-ridden’ Bible be removed from school
They finally did it. Shot themselves in their stupid brain law.

Florida wants to pave its roads with radioactive fertilizer waste
Hmmm. A slow and ugly death for them. As long as it takes the MAGAts out.

Scientists figured out chimpanzees have a rudimentary language by pranking them with fake snakes
The finding could change everything we know about the evolution of language
So that's what the MAGAts are speaking.

'Striking a pose of complete impotence': Nicolle Wallace blasts Texas Republicans after latest mass shooting
"There are no red-flag laws in Texas that allow a judge to take a gun away if a person is deemed to be a danger to themselves or society. There are no plans to put up a ballot measure to allow Texas citizens an opportunity to enact laws their elected officials refuse."
Always the same failed strategy —" Pray it away.

Texas Bill Permitting Poll Workers To Carry Guns Moves Forward
This is insanity.

Five facts every Democrat should know about Biden's record economic growth
I'd say the facts are for everyone.

Text Shows Fox Host Wanted Non-MAGA Hosts Fired
The rat in the woodpile: Jesse Watters.

ND Gov Signs Bill Ordering Outing Of Trans Students
When do they start building the concentration camps?

Maddow Reports On Nazis To Speak At Trump Resort
The MAGAts are all Nazis.

The Allen, Texas, massacre exposes the gun lobby’s smears
"The shooting massacre in suburban Texas is yet another occasion to say that the country desperately needs more and better gun laws."

Here's The Latest 'Succession'-Style Gossip About Tucker's Big Nasty Fight With Fox News

Second Amendment Racks Up More Victories Against Human Life In Allen, Texas
Apparently, as deadly as cancer and heart disease.

"ABC TV news is reporting 8 people killed in a Texas mall shooting. Police have killed the shooter. Justice served. Next.
You will not see the line of hearses and ambulances lined up to receive the slaughtered innocents. You will not be with the County Coroner as he goes about his business of taking photos and making identifications of the dead. You will not see or feel the grief of families struck with the horror of a mass shooting.
Just routine stuff in America.
Why are Americans willing to live with the onus of being the only nation on earth whose citizens wantonly, casually murder other citizens, including 8-9 year olds, daily, without there being a massive outcry of national outrage?"
Why?" — Jaime O'Neill

Ron DeSantis’s Anti-Trans Agenda Exiles Dwyane Wade, NBA Superstar and Loving Father
The Wade family, which includes their trans daughter, is fleeing Florida for their safety.

'He can't deliver': Brutal conservative editorial dumps on Trump's 2024 hopes
He can't do much of anything from a prison cell.

'Sitting this one out': Wall Street insiders drop Trump but see DeSantis as 'really weak option'
Wall Street won't dance with anyone coming to the next ball it appears.

Christian right replacing 'biblical commands' with 'secular prophets' like Tucker Carlson: columnist
That won't help them either.

Don Jr. and Ann Coulter mock claim that Texas mall shooter had Nazi links – because he's Hispanic
What about that Nazi badge he was wearing, kids?

The Republican Takeover of American Education
Make that the fascist takeover.
Indoctrination Nation Convinced schools are brainwashing kids to be left-wingers, conservatives are seizing control of the American classroom.
"Republicans have begun saying things about American schools that not long ago would have struck them as peculiar, even insane. Senator Marco Rubio of Florida has called schools “a cesspool of Marxist indoctrination.” Former secretary of State Mike Pompeo predicts that “teachers’ unions, and the filth that they’re teaching our kids,” will “take this republic down.” Against the backdrop of his party, Donald Trump, complaining about “pink-haired communists teaching our kids” and “Marxist maniacs and lunatics” running our universities, sounds practically calm."

MSNBC Guest Calls Governor Greg Abbott ‘Sick and Demented’ in Wake of Texas Shooting
Finally, people are seeing how sick this person is.

Fox News’ Janice Dean Sounds Alarm Over Seven Dead Horses at Churchill Downs During Kentucky Derby Week: ‘Something Needs to Change’
Yeah, like an investigation into this pile of horse shit.

‘What The F*ck Is He Doing?’ Howard Stern Pans Trump’s Deposition in E. Jean Carroll Case as the Worst He’s Ever Seen
The same batshit looney stuff as usual but cranked up a few notches like a wounded animal.

Witness: Driver Shouted About “Invading My Property"
We are in Hell. When did we enter?

What has gotten into Republican women
GOP women freak out over losing reproductive rights, but embrace cruelty when it's someone else's rights at stake
Same Nazi poison they all slug down.

'Are Americans exceptionally insane?': Conservative lashes out at resistance to gun laws
A question we often ask ourselves these days.
"This American carnage, it's become absolutely routine," he added. "I think you're right to highlight the policies in Texas. I mean, it's not just the policies, it is also the attitude and the reaction and the kinds of spin that Governor [Greg] Abbott puts on this. The way that we have created this culture that celebrates, that celebrates the gun despite, you know, the horrific injuries, but also celebrates this crassness, this indifference to violence or this willingness to accept it."

Texas Mass Shooter Posted Nazi And Incel Materials
"The acronym, which stands for “Right Wing Death Squad,” is a popular insignia among white supremacists, neo-Nazis, and paramilitarists."

Republicans have declared all-out war on younger voters: voting rights organizer
In the latest ABC poll it stated that young people were drifting to Trump. Someone is crazy or disinformed or both here.
I think I know who.

Rep. Jamie Raskin: Smith Could Charge Trump With Seditious Conspiracy
House Oversight Committee ranking member Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) discussed what might be coming for Trump with MSNBC's Jen Psaki.
Traitors don't get elected. They go to jail along with their footsoldiers.

Morning Joe Rips Greg Abbott Over Indifference To Gun Violence
It's not the guns. It's mental health! It's not enough Jesus! Etc.
It is most certainly not his fault. He's given guns to everyone.

TX Father And Partygoers Pull Guns On Each Other, 16 Y.O. Dead
The Harris County Sheriff’s Office said up to 100 people were at the party when Zetino and another teen boy got into it with the parent.
Another day, another bullet fire echoes.

Lawrence Tribe Changes His Mind On The 14th Amendment
The Harvard professor of Constitutional law says Joe Biden should invoke the Amendment to pay the nation's debts.
Take care of it, Joe.

Corrupt President (Open Thread)
And there are Americans who will still vote for this piece of shit. They are the ones that the Republicans talk about when they talk about the need for mental institutions. In their case they may be right.

‘He Can Only Go Down’: New Analysis Explains the Risk of Trump’s Decision To Skip Out on Debates
May he go down in flames. If the younger generation support this dildo we will know our schools are failing to teach any sort of critical thinking.

Biden Calls Out ‘Republican Members of Congress’ in Wake of Allen, TX Shooting: They ‘Cannot Continue to Meet this Epidemic With a Shrug’
As a true leader should.

Texas GOP Rep: “Our Schools Are Not God-Free Zones
As far as dogma goes in public schools they damned sure are.
You want it go to the church of your choice. Don't bring it into public schools using one set of dogma. Better use NONE.
NEWS FLASH to Xtianists. Not everyone believes what you believe. As a matter of fact there are fewer of you with every passing year. Leave the rest of us out it for God's sake!

AI Has a ‘Free Rider’ Problem

Hitting the Books: Why a Dartmouth professor coined the term 'artificial intelligence'
Artificial Intelligence = Artificial Reasoning = Artificial Results.

'So we’re legislating nothing': Texas Democrat stumps GOP sponsor of anti-'tyrannical government' bill
Stupid, illogical reasoning never ceases to be stunning. Where do these fucking morons come from?

'She had no face': Witness and father recalls 'carnage' from Saturday’s Texas mass shooting
"There's no one can see what they saw today and not be affected by it."
Then there are a lot of blind people. They see the sun but not the light of day.

Greg Abbott implicates 'the government' in Saturday’s mass shooting
""And so one thing that we can observe very easily, and that is there has been a dramatic increase in the amount of anger and violence that's taking place in America," Abbott stated. "And what Texas is doing in a big-time way, we are working to address that anger and violence by going to its root cause, which is addressing the mental health problems behind it." — Greg Abbott.
That means you, Greg. You are at the root.

Former Texas cop: Mass shootings 'going to keep happening' until 'automatic rifles' are 'off the streets'
Truer words were never spoken. And will be ignored.

'Never forget': Eric Swalwell trolls Texas Gov. over gun comments after deadly mall shooting
In the wake of a fatal shooting in Texas, Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) is reminding everyone that the lone star state's top executive once called on Texans to "pick up the pace" on gun sales.
Abbott is atrocious and a big part of the murder rate in Texas.

MTG Blames Antidepressants After Texas Mass Shooting
No. She and everyone like her are to blame. The blood drips from their hands.
The stupid shit should know that the police don't support the caveman law that allows free gun-toting for anyone.
There is not one aspect of "well regulated" here. Not one. Therefore IT ALL violates the 2nd Amendment.

Florida Shooting: Now Even Convenience Stores Aren't Safe
The wounded man “was chilling in his car, minding his business. Pow, shot him in the neck,” Maximo Limas told Miami’s WFOR-TV. “The kid just wanted to buy ice cream. That’s all he was doing,” Limas said.
We appear helpless to stop this epidemic atrocity.

Another Mass Shooting, This Time At A Suburban TX Outlet Mall
The victims include at least one child. Thoughts and prayers on the way!
Reports say that 8 people are dead and 7 wounded. A god that operates by using guns as often as he does should be resisted at every turn the motherfucker makes. "Free will" is not working for "God." As August Wilson wrote in his play "King Headley the II," "God is a motherfucker."
Texas: The asshole of the country. The people in Austin that have abetted all these murders are accessories after-the-fact. Arrest, charge, indict and convict them. Blood drips off their hands.

Texas GOP Rep: Those Who Think Prayers Don’t Stop Mass Shootings Also “Don’t Believe In An Almighty God”
Then look at the vote you asswipes took on mental health. Ignorant idiot.

'Now it’s God’s fault': Texas Republican slammed for claiming 'the almighty' controls shootings
Like many "Xtianists," he places blame and can't see himself being a part of it.

A New Republican assault on children: Overturning labor laws
"It seems unimaginable that we are backsliding into the era of exploiting child labor. But that’s precisely what the GOP appears to be doing."
Scumbags. We are not men, we are Devo retards.

'Only thing I have is time': Nebraska Sen. unmoved by colleagues’ frustration as she blocks anti-trans bill<br> Why do these critters want to deny health care to any human? It's pure meaness.

Mississippi Gov. slammed for re-election bid launch of 'cosplaying' clip of him 'shooting' people of color
Why would anyone slame a Cracker for doing what he does naturally. Them's happy negroes!

Building back bigger
Don't use that word around Republicans!
A small but nice government that they can loot is far mo better.

Virginia is a tossup this November, with Jeff Singer (transcript)
As in "which dick do you want?"

CPAC Hungary Bans Most Press From “No Woke Zone”
A lot of masterbating going on here. "Not woke," "Not woke," "Not woke," "Not woke," Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Calling Bela Tarr. Get the cameras rolling.

Sportscaster Sorry For Saying N-Word On-Air
We're so sorry for saying that word.
We can say other words if you don't like that one.
We are such dumb shits, what could we do?

'I supported Trump blindly': Pastor explains how his evangelical conservatism fell away

TX House Panel Calls For Expelling GOP Rep Over Affair
"A Capitol employee filed a complaint with the committee last month alleging that Slaton, 45, had sex with one of his staff, a woman under 21, and gave her alcohol. The complaint, which was reviewed by The Texas Tribune, said the incident happened at Slaton’s Austin apartment in March."
"Slaton, a married Baptist youth pastor, has faced calls to resign by fellow far-right Republicans because Jesus hates adultery. As for Slaton’s March 2023 bill to execute women for having abortions, Jesus is apparently okay with that."
Will another one bite the dust?

'Idaho isn’t a safe place to practice medicine anymore,' doctors flee strict abortion ban
Who said it ever was?

Trump 'Doesn't Remember' If He Was Seeing Marla While Married
So convenient.

Right-Wing Policy Is the Cause of the Crisis at the Border
"Joe Biden is not actively engaging in human trafficking, unlike Governors Ron DeSantis of Florida and Greg Abbott of Texas, who have utilized public funds and fraud to send migrants to Martha’s Vineyard and Vice President Kamala Harris’ home, using people who have fled from desperate situations as human props."

Every Day Is Child Abuse Day in Ron DeSantis' Florida. Perpetration, Not Prevention
"Child abuse prevention month ended at the end of March. But in the Florida Legislature, every day is child abuse day. Not prevention. Perpetration, with almost every Republican legislator institutionalizing a system of predation that makes clergymen’s unzipped prowls seem monastic in comparison."

Brian Kemp signs bill to remove local prosecutors
Caution: Nazi at work.
He's the one that should be removed.

Florida advocates fight for abortion rights ballot initiative 'without interference from politicians'
Deputy Political Director of the ACLU of Florida told The Post "DeSantis' abortion bans — the 15-week and the six-week measures — do not represent what mainstream Floridians want."

Revealed: 'Nominal Christians' a top threat to right-wing group behind abortion pill ban
"A medical group behind the effort to ban the abortion drug mifepristone that describes itself as a “secular, scientific medical association” appears to be far less secular and science-oriented than it claims..."

'Hard pass': 'Blue check' GOP Twitter expresses outrage over Tucker Carlson’s replacement
That poor little girl.

Mehdi Hasan Notes The Ten Questions CNN Should Ask Trump
This is brutal, but it's time to quit pacifying the indicted one-termer.
It's time to put him in his place which is away.

Prosecutors Seek 25 Years For Oath Keepers Founder
"Forever" would be a better sentence.

AL Venue Cancels Ted Nugent Concert After Backlash
Poor little Teddy. Alabama has rejected him.

Multiple Georgia Fake Electors Accept Immunity Deal
Trump is doomed! Hooray!

Why are Republicans so bad at lying?
They lie so much, shouldn’t they be better at it?

'It is a dangerous time in America!!!': Trump has overnight meltdown over Jack Smith investigations
It's dangerous for him.

If We Were Trump, We'd Be Sh*tting Our Big Ugly Golf Pants Over Jack Smith's Investigation Right About Now

Anti-Abortion States ALL IN On Forcing People To Carry Dying Fetuses To Term

“Freedom to Learn” Protests Target Book Bans, Right-Wing Attacks on Education
Freedom to not become a moron.

Confederate-Style States’ Rights Tantrums Rise Again — And Will Fall Again to Enlightened Federalism
Can any constitutional federal republic long abide a confederation of contradictory rogue states?

Is Texas Going To Invalidate an Entire Election in Democratic-Leaning Houston?
The only way Republicans can hold onto power is with their phony proclamations of “voter fraud” as the excuse to restrict the franchise to white people through restrictions, purges, and intimidation

“To Hell With Kings!”
"Why are Americans being encouraged to celebrate another country’s coronation? Don’t we have enough problems with our own oligarchs?"
We will wait for your answer.

Donald Trump Is Proud of Being a Sexual Predator
Not for long.

Marine who put Jordan Neely in a chokehold is identified
"The man who put Jordan Neely in a chokehold on an NYC subway has been identified as 24-year-old Daniel Penny, the New York Post reported."
At least, he should be charged.

West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice runs for Senate amid stacks of unpaid bills
Another chiseler.

'Corruption. Plain and simple': Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez blasts Ginni Thomas over secret payments
Or not so secret.

Trio of Texas Churches Donated to Political Candidate Despite Clear IRS Prohibition
Do they ever recognize there are laws?

Full Video of Trump’s Deposition in E. Jean Carroll Rape Trial
Pretty trashy and arrogant. As usual.

Trump Lawyer Joe Tacopina Throws Own Client Under the Bus to Judge: ‘You Understand What I’m Dealing With Here’
Could he possibly be referring to the fact that Fatso can't keep his yapper shut?

Sanders Intros Bill For Eventual $17 Minimum Wage
About time.

Newsmax Host Calls Proud Boys Convictions A “Sham
Newsmax: Definately disconnected from reality.
Where do they stand on the "Liar News List" now that Fox lost their ranking?

Bret Baier’s reported texts with Tucker Carlson illustrate that the entire network is toxic for advertisers
And humanity.

MAGA is on the precipice. Young voters can push them off it
And may they fall eternally.

The Former President: 'THEY ARE COMING AFTER YOU!!!
Ja! Ja!

'Holy moly': Economists praise Biden’s jobs results as 'a force for equality'
Economists once again are praising another strong monthly jobs report, with one calling April’s results “huuuuuge.”

Economy Adds 253,000 Jobs, Black Unemployment Hits New Record Low of 4.7 Percent
So this is what the fascists are pissed over.
All those jobs should be going to white men? They need to think again. That means less chance for you to assaulted. Using their racist logic, that is.

Turncoat Dem Pushes NC's New Abortion Ban To Victory
"Shortly before 10 pm Wednesday night, North Carolina state Rep. Tricia Cotham (R) voted for a 12-week abortion ban, which was debated in secret and could devastate access across the South. (The bill passed the State House, though one vote shy of a veto-proof majority because another Republican didn’t vote.)"
Another traitor in our midst. At age 44 she doesn't have to worry about her decision's consequences for younger women.

'I know this is your first session': Texas Democrat knocks GOP sponsor of targeted election bill
Knock a little harder, please.

Arizona Supreme Court slams Kari Lake lawyers with $2000 sanction for election lies
Take that two-fingered slap on the wrist, Kari!

A supreme folly
"Thomas and his fellow Supremes are not elected. Unfortunately, neither are they term-limited. And, unlike his heroic predecessor Thurgood Marshall, Thomas only further erodes our trust in those whose legal decisions, too often influenced by the rich, affect those of us who cling to the belief in fairness and the rule of law.
Through his grifting actions, and his assumed immunity to the norms by which we ordinary Americans must adhere to, Thomas is showing us that we are indeed separate and unequal."

Clarence Thomas in 2001: Being a Supreme Court justice is 'not worth doing for what they pay'
Oh brother. Is this guy a case or what?

"It's not how white men fight": Tucker Carlson and the death of Jordan Neely
On Tucker Carlson's deranged and twisted fantasies about "honorable" white men and their violence
It's the way a scared dickhead fights.

Judicial Activist Made Secret Payments To QAnon Ginni
How the charade works for the Thomas grifters.

GOP Indiana Governor Signs “Don’t Say Gay” Bill
"Holcomb" will now be another word for "gay." Did you know he's a holcomb?

Trump: Stars Really Can “Grab Women By The Pussy”
Pussy Grabbin'Man brags about his skill.

FL Passes Bill To Retroactively Undo Disney Board Deal
Latest on the Nazi Nation of Florida.

Anti-LGBTQ Voter Fraud Activist Dies At Texas Capitol
Another one bites the dust.
"'He died doing what he loved... being a lying, hateful, un-American traitor'." — Buford. The comments say it all.

'Our work will continue': Merrick Garland speaks after Proud Boys and Oath Keepers convictions
Very good, Garland. Keep it up until every traitor is removed, including Trump.

'When you let right-wing politicians into the exam room': NC GOP set to pass 12-week abortion ban
Ask them to show you their medical degree. If they don't have one tell them to fuck off.

Ammon Bundy refusing to accept service of court papers in hospital lawsuit
American justice appears to be in fear of Nazi confrontration. Put the cuffs on all of them and appoint a public defender for them.

Trump to cut Ireland trip short to 'confront' E. Jean Carroll: report
What's he gonna do? Rape her again?

"When does the stench get bad enough?": Democrats call for action on new Clarence Thomas revelations
It was recently reported that Thomas' benefactor Harlan Crow also paid for the private school of Thomas' relative
They lost their senses long ago.

New poll: Fox News' reputation plummets
Looks like the Big Lie and Dominion took a whack out of the cable new giant — even amongst loyal viewers
It's funny you think everyone doesn't know this.
They are an ex-nest of lost morons.

DeSantis Gets Bill Allowing FL To Seize Trans Children
Resist DeSantis' Nazi tyranny by any means necessary.

Candace Owens: “I Could Beat Up” A Drag Queen
Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja!
Call 911 now, Candy. Then be sure to sell tickets. LMAO!

'We’ll demolish him': Tucker Carlson ex-producer recalls being told to threaten guests
This crap isn't new. It's been around since Joe Pyne.

DeSantis Staffers Literally Eat Cake As Protestors Arrested
One group said the Republican governor's staff "is giving real Marie Antoinette vibes."
Sorry, that's cross dressing and against his holy law!

Clarence Thomas’ is indefensible except to these right-wingers
Nazis, what else?

Five singers from Trump's pro-J6 tune have been identified. They're not 'very fine people'
This is such surprising news.
The Trump Choir? ROTHFLMAO!

Bartiromo Denies Claims Made By Fired Fox Producer
I bet she denies she's a whiny sissy too.
“These allegations are absurd and patently false.”
No. No they are not.

Louisiana Lawmakers Vote Down Bill To Raise Minimum Wage, Advance Bill More Than Doubling Their Salaries
Robbing people with a fountain pen.

Florida Republican: Those Talibans Hate Gays More Than 'We Do'
He said that out loud. There were gasps in the chamber.
Admitting they are haters.
The Talibastards have a lot in common with all the haters, that's for sure.

'Way outside the norm': Texas billionaire paid for private school tuition for Clarence Thomas’ child
Normal is a word none of these grifters know.
Impeach this grifter.

'Unparalleled in its audacity and scope': Herschel Walker implicated in 'jaw-dropping' wire fraud scheme
Herschel, one of you is bad.

'A very incorrect statement': Fox News host smacked down for 'false narrative' on live TV
The dickheads are still lying. WTF?

Trump Loses Suit Against NY Times, Must Pay All Fees
Another loser. So sad.

GOP House Reps To Speak Alongside Hungarian Nazis
Of course. They are butt buddies.

Ten Commandments bill is anything but Christian, legislator says
"Unfortunately for Noble, Democratic state Rep. James Talarico is on that committee, and he had some serious questions for the conservative Christian. Talarico is also practicing Christian and his reading of the Bible actually includes citing of the Gospels, which happens to fly in the face of the conservative Christian theocracy being pushed in the Lone Star state."

Kentucky: 10-year Old Kids Found Working At McDonald's Until 2AM
I'm sure Republicans will get a giggle out of this.
Fuck Republicans. They aren't funny. They are dangerous to our children.

Former Maine Gov. Candidate Pleads Guilty To Child Pornography
Eliot Cutler, 76, was sentenced to four years with all but 9 months suspended.
Another one bites the dust.

'Rabbit trail': Texas Dem lawmaker ruthlessly grills GOP author of Ten Commandments mandate
The biggest con ever played on America. "Texas Republicans are trying to force public schools to display the Ten Commandments in every classroom. I told the bill author: 'This bill is not only un-constitutional and un-American, it's deeply un-Christian.'"
They don't give a fuck because they are total theocrats - and have no idea other religions exist in America other than "Christianity."

District judge upholds Montana Republicans’ banning of Zooey Zephyr from House floor
Yes, they are liars filled with fear because they are the biggest chickenshits in the entire galaxy. The only speech the Nazis support is what they dictate.
"So the message is this:
-State legislatures can do whatever they want
-The federal government lacks the courage or will to support the Constitution.
-The Constitution is optional in red states.
-The Federal courts are useless." — The Outlier (comments)
It will be a bloody civil war. Dump Garland and replace him with Jack Smith.

'Categorically false': New report dismantles Republicans’ argument against student debt relief
This means they are not just liars but dispicable fucking liars.

Watters: I Can Spot “Illegals” Just By Looking At Them
Does he have X-ray vision too?
It's arrogant assholes like him that creates problems.

TX Senate Passes Bill To Nullify Blue County’s Elections
Texas Nazis will get what they reap.

Catholic School Teacher Arrested On Child Sex Charges
Another one bites the dust.

Texas Man Slugs Flight Crew, Opens Emergency Exit
Too stupid to know that seating is assigned and the solution is start punching. Another Texas moron on display.

Kremlin Claims Ukraine Drones Attempted To Kill Putin
Who would want to do something like that? Only about 10 milllion or more.

Alito wallows in self-pity while women's lives are in jeopardy
"We are being hammered daily, and I think quite unfairly in a lot of instances. And nobody, practically nobody, is defending us.”
Those poor, poor conservative justices, with their well-paid jobs for life, enhanced by some very wealthy and generous friends.
Alito: “Those of us who were thought to be in the majority, thought to have approved my draft opinion, were really targets of assassination … It was rational for people to believe that they might be able to stop the decision in Dobbs by killing one of us.”
Did he mean like Tucker Carlson wanted?
Impeach him. Then he can stop being so self-righteous.

Meteorologist Threatens To Shoot Kids Who Ring His Doorbell
Texas weatherman faces some stormy weather after his Facebook post.
If I shot everyone who has hit my doorbell I would be wanted for the murders of more than I can count. And my house is posted with a "No Soliciting" sign. So much for solicitors who ignore a city ordinance.
Texas, of course. Guns work fine as brains.

Charlie Kirk: Kayleigh McEnany More Qualified Than President Obama
The idiot brigade of MAGA rides again.
Living in the past. It's all they can do. That poor little girl.

Time's Up GOP: Yellen Sets Hard Deadline For Debt Ceiling
"If Congress fails to increase the debt limit, it would cause severe hardship to American families, harm our global leadership position, and raise questions about our ability to defend our national security interests." There's nothing Republicans like better than shutting down our government and causing Americans grief.

Tucker Carlson faces string of reactions amid release of messages that 'set of panic' at Fox News
This is a very sick man.

Right-wing TV host John Fredericks on Tuesday smeared First Lady Jill Biden as "scum" and suggested she was not a doctor.
Said the scum drinker. He's a fucking moron and that's easy to see. And what the fuck is wrong with baking cookies? Was this shitbag denied cookies?

'Disgusting antics': Leah Remini slams Scientology lawyers at Masterson trial
"Scientology." The biggest con on religion in recent history.

MT Rep. Zooey Zephyr Gets Her Hallway Bench Back
Throwback humans get kicked in their dumbass teeth.

Threat of GOP-imposed default reaches new level as deadline nears
"As the debt ceiling deadline draws much closer, and time starts running out, the Republican-imposed crisis is getting considerably scarier."

Consequences of DeSantis’ election crimes office come into focus
"The cases from Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ election crimes keep failing, but the consequences for those who've faced dubious charges have been severe."

The FCC Is Supposed to Protect the Environment. It Doesn’t

Watch: DeSantis declines to say if he supports ‘mainstream human rights’
Then deny him his.

The Republicans’ To-Do List
"Republicans are often accused of not having a clear sense of direction. Not true: They have lots of them. Day by day, week by week, the party faithful are churning out a slew of ideas. They are just not necessarily (or even frequently) good ones. Let’s look at some recent examples of things the party faithful want to do:"

A Texas Prison Guard Punishes a Woman for Talking About Abortion
Nazis should all be in prison — but in cells.
Texas, of course.

The Idolatry of Gun Worship
"Perkins isn’t wrong in connecting religion to gun violence. But, rather than a deeper embrace of his organization’s mission “to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview,” what is needed is recognition of how some are distorting sacred scripture and religious traditions in such a way that it is fueling violence."

The Republican Threat to Our Children
And as such, the threat to America's future.

For the Next Time Some Idiot Tries to Tell You the GOP is “The Party of Business”
The only businesses Republicans support are gun sellers, megachurches, corrupt defense contractors & giant monopolies - and none of those are good for average Americans or the US economy.

Hire the Handicapped?
"Take Gregg Abbott, for example, the severely handicapped human being who has been elected more than once to govern the state of Texas. When I say he is severely handicapped, I'm not referring to the fact that he is confined to a wheelchair; I'm referring to his complete lack of empathy, or compassion, or basic human decency. He's not the only Republican serving in local, state, or federal government who lacks these essential human qualities. Not by a long shot. I could rattle off a couple dozen names without taxing my memory. But he is one of the more repellent representatives of the type, as cold- blooded as a rattlesnake and far less appealing."

Marjorie Taylor Greene Gonna Ban 'This Pornhub,' AKA The Hunter Biden Website She Just Found Out About
"Anyway, Marjorie Taylor Greene is once again one of the most abjectly stupid human beings we have ever encountered and we continue to be stunned she doesn't accidentally injure herself in ever more absurd ways each and every day."
"In other news, Pornhub just blocked the entire state of Utah over an age verification law signed by its governor, so if you see any porn-starved Mormons on the side of the road, throw them a bottle of water or something."

Michigan Mayor Cancels Bangladeshi Festival For Being Too 'Ethnic'
And he's too much of a dipshit.

Texas AG To Investigate COVID Vaccine Makers
"while you're at it, Ken ... double check smallpox, chicken pox, polio, tetanus, diptheria, malaria, mumps, measles, rubella, scarlet fever, flu—you know those are based on 17th-century - 20th-century scientific notions .. and look where we are today—people like you, Wheels, Dan Patrick, and Ted Cruz in charge." — TrollopeReader (comments)

Federal Judge Rules Pennsylvania School Must Allow Satan Club
The district argued that it prohibited the club because permission slips didn’t make it clear that the club wasn’t district-sponsored.
This is what happens when Xianists promote the church over state. Which is why it's against our Constitution.

Why Texas Republicans’ crusade against 'woke civics' does students a huge disservice: report
Kawashima-Ginsberg told The 74 that the claim that such projects are "activism happening in classrooms" is "just so far from the truth." And she said of Texas' 2021 law, "It's going to really damage their idea of what democracy is."
Fascism isn't for America.

Why free speech is 'at risk' if Disney loses lawsuit against Ron DeSantis: columnist
"Laws are not holy writ," French argues, "and if the 1st Amendment protects anything, it protects our ability to object to the laws passed to govern our states and our nation."

‘Waste of time’: Community college transfers derail students
So, we don't think free college is a good thing? It appears that higher education is a grift on our young people.
"“These systems have been designed to work for colleges and educators, but they haven’t been designed to work for students.”
They've been designed to bilk the students into debt. Fucksticks.

Your pollen allergies are overwhelming? This might be why
"But these aren’t isolated trends. As the planet warms, researchers say allergy season is starting earlier and lasting longer. And a study from the journal Nature published last year found that pollen count is projected to increase by 200% by the end of the century if planet-warming pollution continues to rise.
They forgot to mention it will also cost you much more to cool your house unless everyone installs solar or wind. Will the deniers deny that?

What Is Megyn Kelly Being Racist And/Or Transphobic And/Or Some Other Kind Of Asshole About Today?

Defend abortion in the name of freedom
"New polling by the progressive consortium Navigator Research shows that registered voters favor keeping medication abortion legal by a decisive 40-point margin, 64%-24%."

Black waiter forced to serve N-word spewing diners decked in Confederate flags: report
When will American grow up and stop the losers wearing treasonous and racist insignia? Both were vanquished by wars that killed many American.

Man set fire to two mosques, vandalized Ilham Omar’s office and then targeted 'Somali Mall'
"To some Christians, the number 500 means blessings from a divine realm or a guardian angel, the Ministry of Numerology claims."
Especially when there's a $ sign in front of the 500.

The U.S. could run out of cash to pay its bills by June 1, Yellen warns Congress
I'm sure the MAGAts can pick up the tab to pay for debt created by their cowardly leader, Trump.

The Supreme Court Is Doing Whatever It Wants. Will Democrats Ever Investigate?
More important, will the Nazis allow it?

Today in SCOTUS Corruption news—there’s a lot
"The whiff of corruption emanating from the U.S. Supreme Court got a lot stronger in recent days, as the traditional media continues to delve deeper into the story of how the court has been captured by far-right dark money and extremely lax oversight by a chief justice."

US Supreme Court Puts Chevron Doctrine 'Squarely In the Crosshairs'
They just can't stop being shits, can they?
"In a sense, the outcome of this case is foreordained. It's part of a continuing agenda."
That's right, fascism.

Chickenshit Nation
"One of the more amusing things is listening to Americans who have never been out of the god damned state and are terrified of their own damned shadows. Listen to all the idiots around you blathering about their every day carry and what not because they’re such fucking wimps they need a god damned arsenal to go to the god damned grocery store."

Warning of AI’s danger, pioneer Geoffrey Hinton quits Google to speak freely
Providing he is not an automaton himself.

School Board Candidate Wants To Ban A Book She Can't Spell
Back for some remedial brain for you, teach. Apparently she's too stupid to even understand what the book is about. It's about people like her.

Musk’s SpaceX Explosion Caused Extensive Environmental Damage
Raining X's deep in Texas.

'Great to be home': Trump shunned by nation's leader after arriving in Scotland
Trump is rapidly turning into the man without a country.

'Put Donald Trump in Rikers': Watergate attorney frustrated by Trump attacks on judge Do it now.

Marjorie Taylor Greene pushes a national ban on 'adult' websites: 'I don’t even know why it exists'
Just because she's not an adult why punish the rest of us?

Trump: I’ve Been Treated Worse Than Abraham Lincoln
Not yet he hasn't.

Trump Lawyer Demands Mistrial In “Unfair” Rape Case
Whine to set up appeal on guilty verdict.

House passes bill to rein in “rogue” prosecutors
The legislation is in response to elected prosecutors in Texas’ large, left-leaning counties who have said they will not prosecute abortion cases.
Welcome to Nazi America.

Oklahoma’s 6 Republican-approved library books sure bring back memories
The totally ridiculous idea of restricted libraries. Fear is a horrible subject to teach our children.
I have preached that these morons live in an imaginary past world and it's all true.

Justice Alito Is Behaving Like A Whiny Ass Titty Baby
In his interview with the Wall Street Journal, Alito plays the victim while whining about the consequences of his own actions.
"Alito is the ultimate snowflake"

Neither 'compassion' nor 'leadership': Greg Abbott blasted for calling shooting victims 'illegal immigrants'
I don't see how this is a surprise to anyone. He's a miscreant like the rest of the fascist racists.
If Woody Guthrie were living he'd write something like "All they will call them is illegal immigrants."
"Well, that's an extraordinary moment that he felt the need to do that. This was, this cried out for a little bit of compassion or some leadership. Of course, we got neither of those." -— Charlie Sykes

Greg Abbott Is A Horrible Human Being, Part 2,734
The Texas governor came up with a way to shift blame to the victims of the state's latest mass shooting.

Church bombing set off alarms over rise of white supremacists in Ohio
More Nazi terrorists. Aren't they cute?

Marjorie Taylor Greene tells GOP donors: 'We are the Americans... and we need to throw out the trash'
We will start with you, numbskull.

Colorado Sued Over New Gun Control Laws
Dear Taylor, all the criminals have guns now. They always have. It's why they are criminals. It's morons like you we're trying to stop.
"Rhodes boasts that he never goes anywhere without his machine gun. He also notes that he’s a graduate of Liberty University."
Well, of course. He's proud of that.
"Seriously, consider what this blood-gargling violence-worshiping ammosexual motherfucker is saying here: We should do NOTHING to prevent the violent, abusive spouse or former partner from acquiring lethal firearms, at will." -— BeccaM (comments)

Why the GOP May Actually Want a Second Great Depression
This is a story as old as capitalism. During the Republican Great Depression of the 1930s, for example, some of America’s greatest fortunes were made or massively expanded.

No Longer Fearing Death? Thank a Republican
"... all those Republicans who say they're 'pro-life,' but are anything but."
"They are, in fact, a power cult, seeking the power to decide for other people a range of things that are, or should be, none of their damn business."

2 teens were killed in a shooting at a house party on the Mississippi Gulf Coast
"Shut up or I'll shoot!" — Men of Extinction, Pistol Grip Wallet.

Josh Hawley blames 'First Son' Hunter Biden for America's manliness 'crisis'
It won't work, litte Joshy. We saw how you sprinted to hide during the MAGAt attack on the Capitol.

Scientists: Critical Ocean Currents Could Collapse Within Decades
This should be fun for the deniers.

Trump Spox: “Everyone Knows Trump Will Win Any Debate” But He Still Won’t Be Part Of “Rigged System”
Nope. He IS the rigged system! Just bragging that you "won" will not cut any cheese, sweetie. He's never won any debate becasue he's a lying asshole.

Trumpworld refuses to let Donald debate because the system is 'so rigged'
Well, I'm sure "Trumpworld" knows who "so rigged" the system.

'Disconnected from reality and unworkable': Twitter tanks fringe GOP candidate’s plan to axe the FBI
"A complete bullsh*t artist and media huckster."
Are these "media huckters" good paying jobs? Seems like they grow on trees now. "Hey, I just got a great job creating bullshit with a media huckter firm."

Five Dead In Texas, Including 8-Year-Old After Neighbor Opens Fire
There is a manhunt underway.
While Jesus observes through heavy lenses.
"The Texas man was armed with an AR-style rifle."
"The attack happened near the town of Cleveland, north of Houston, on a street where some residents say neighbors often unwind by firing off guns."
WTF winds them up so tight to do that nut ball shit? A beer and a doob works for most of us.

GOP Rep Blames Mass Shootings On Lack Of Jesus
Obviously, Jesus is helpless in these matters. Why, then, would we think turn to someone so totally helpless as a solution? Only money control is their stock in trade. It's. The. Guns. Pitiful.

Catholic School Teacher Busted On Child Porn Charges
Another one bites the dust.

Fox News Poll On Gun Control Destroys GOP Gun Myths
It turns out the only people in the whole United States who don't want gun safety laws are the lobbyists and Republican politicians.
That's Fox News. Better read it again.

10 Amazing Biden Successes: What The Media Won't Tell You
Joe Biden got this all done, and more.
"When you actually sit down and look at the things accomplished by President Joe Biden, it becomes even more clear what liars right-wing media are, and how unbelievably the mainstream media has failed us."
Do people actually look? It appears to me they only want someone hate.

'I am not playing along ...Trump can't win': noted conservative insists all is lost in 2024
He has never won an election. He tried to rig the 2016 election by alleging his opponent was the one that was "rigging" the election and sued her. The James Comey intervention with a "red herring nothing-emailburger" helped him. He tried to rig the 2020 election in a similar way but he was beaten too badly for his rig to work. He'll try it again nex year.

Watchdog sends mobile billboard to Roberts' country club demanding: 'Clean up court'
Resignations should be forthcoming.

'Shut the you know what up!': Marjorie Taylor Greene buried by former RNC head over ugly attack
"At another point during the segment, Steele also criticized his political party's portrayal of family values as he took aim at Greene once again describing her as a "'classless act' with 'classless words.”
This is her “Have you no sense of decency?” moment.

'Call out the cruelty': Teachers’ union chief attacked by Marjorie Taylor Greene as 'not a mother' speaks out
Is she the worst comedian ever?

Armed Nazis Menace Ohio All-Adults Drag Brunch
Neo-KKK terrorists. Come on now, get a spine, you law enforcers.
"Aren’t these the same motherfuckers that were crying during the pandemic because they HAD to wear masks?|—Lakota Man (commenter).
They know that they are shit hooks, thus the masks.

Ex-Candidate Arrested After Pulling Gun At Republican Meeting
He seems nice. I'm sure he's a blast at parties, too.
They tell me he shoots off his mouth.

ABC News Edited Out RFK Jr.'s Dangerous Antivax Statements
So people watched this interview without learning he's a kook.
A new technique — not lying, just ignoring the truth. And will they now get editing tips from Russian TV?

John Roberts’ Wife Earned $10.3 M In Undisclosed Commissions From Elite Law Firms
No wonder John Roberts didn’t want to talk to the Senate Judiciary Committee about ethics!
He wouldn't have come clean anyway.

A second researcher hired by Trump admits that he found no fraud in 2020 election—and Trump knew it
What else was there to find? Oh, wait. He must have found the phrase "Stop the Steal!"

Junior’s Meme: Put Drag Queens Into A Wood Chipper
Who does he think he is, Buscemi?

A top GOP lawyer wants to crack down on the college vote. Some states already are.
Your "party" has already been abandoned by anyone with an education. You lost the college vote already. Trying to crack down on it proves you are, indeed, fascist mothers.

Fox Host: The Deep State Is Trying To Destroy RFK Jr.
Sorry. No one has to help him.

MT Rep: “Two Ounces Is Equivalent To Three Joints”
Has this square ever toked on a doob before? I DON"T THINK SO!
Montana — the outback of American brains.

Republicans deny they want to erase trans people — Montana silencing Zooey Zephyr proves otherwise
Gov. Greg Gianforte was convicted of assault against a reporter, proving the MT GOP does not care about “decorum”

'I will never forget his face,' says tortured Gitmo detainee after DeSantis denies encounter
What goes around comes around. Think of it — always.

'Extreme, undemocratic': John Tester condemns Montana GOP for silencing Zooey Zephyr
They'll have to be wearing stars indicating they must be shunned next.

'Not your father's Republican Party': Biden torches MAGA Republicans during DNC reception
And my father was a Republican.

Trump looks to be 'conceding' loss in E. Jean Carroll defamation trial: legal expert
We'll see.

'Unwelcome reality': Rape trial judge's harsh interventions seen as a bad sign for Trump

Cheney Blasts GOP After Trump Hugs QAnon Rioter: You’ve Endorsed Someone Who Backs Your Execution
The biggest traitor in America wouldn't have sense enough to know that.
They are not good men. They are not good women. They are not good humans.

Florida Republicans Repeal “Resign To Run” Law
Nazis do whatever they want. Including putting you in a labor camp. That law will be "clarified" too. America has forgotten WWII.

NC Supreme Court Okays Partisan Gerrymandering
Here come the Nazis doing just as Nazis do. Scum.

Montana Gov Signs Anti-Trans Bill Despite Son’s Pleas
Once considered an American state. The blood now is running from their rectums.
When do they build their concentration camps?

Once again, rural conservatives want government to bail them out
And once again they will be whiny-assed "victims."
What do they need help for? To get the fuck out!

'Call out the cruelty': Teachers’ union chief attacked by Marjorie Taylor Greene as 'not a mother' speaks out
Marge is inhuman and not in a safe way.

'Resignation': GOP donors contend with Trump’s baffling staying power among party voters
No, you don't have to resign to fascism. Have a spine and do the right thing. Don't be a coward again.

'Melt children’s bones': Kevin McCarthy sparks confusion after misquoting the White House
Does his bad crew cut have anything to do with his chickenshit ways?

Jack Smith wants to investigate tapes of Ted Cruz scheming to overturn the 2020 election: report
Et tu Tedward?

Failed GOP candidate pulls gun after argument at Republican meeting: prosecutors
Always the gun solution. Deep thinking.

Florida Educator May Lose Job For Criticizing DeSantis
More proof that DeSantis is a fascist dictator and is sinking like a sack of hammers.

MTG: Nobody Raised Taxes During The Ice Age
"Miss Shit for Brains" opens her yap for another "I am stupid" remark. The humans that lived through the ice age had brains and devised solutions. And they were not polluting the earth with fossil fuel plants. They were far more intelligent than she will ever be.

How Early Humans Survived the Ice Age
Our human ancestors' big, creative brains helped them devise tools and strategies to survive harsh climates.
"One of the most important things about Homo sapiens is that we had fluent speech," says Fagan, "plus the ability to conceptualize and plan ahead."
Something that Marge doesn't have.

Hungary President Pardons Far-Right Terrorist Before Pope Visit
Where's Bela Tarr now that we need him?

Republicans officially give up on reality
"In response to President Joe Biden’s reelection announcement, the Republican Party provided an official response that was created entirely with artificial intelligence-generated scenes of destruction and fear. As Walter Einenkel reported, everything shown in the GOP ad was a fake.
Which also makes it perfect. Perfect for the current Republican Party, because party leaders have made it clear they have no interest in reality.

Twitter’s Blue Check Blunders May Have Broken Laws
Stephen King and LeBron James, I hope you’re listening!
Leon's having a bad time since he became king of the whole wide world! LMAO!

Psycho Marge Greene Claims Biden Involved In Sex Trafficking
Marge actually said the Democrats are rigging a nonexistent primary for President Biden.
He called her what she is, a MAGAt extremist. There's tons of proof for that call, air head, including your latest bullshit.
A perfect example of how the brainless are a threat to America.

Nikki Haley Predicts When President Biden Will Die
There are no moderate Republicans left.
We voted for Kamala too, you fuckwit.

In Debt Ceiling 'Debate,' One Responsible Man In The Room
And it ain't Kevin McCarthy.
"House Republicans proved this week there is no such thing as a 'moderate' in the bunch. They are all Freedom Caucus maniacs, willing to blow up the global economy by letting the nation default on its debts."

Donald Trump says electric cars spew 'dirt into the air' during New Hampshire speech
And making up bullshit is what he spews on us. He's worse than any other pollution.
Fatso farts again.

'The stink of corruption': AOC ignites a firestorm after criticizing the Supreme Court’s lack of ethics
Yep. Most of us can smell it from here.
They have the receipts on these skanks.
McSpocky: "This is by far the most corrupt Supreme Court in U.S. history."
The USA Singers: "Clarence Thomas is compromised. Neil Gorsuch is compromised. Brett Kavanaugh is compromised. Sam Alito is a talibangelical cultist. Amy Coat Hanger Barrett is a talibangelical cultist. John Roberts is totally corrupt. The Supreme Court is broken."

Revealed: Senate investigation into Brett Kavanaugh assault claims contained serious omissions
Some are "just fine" with this?

Senate Republicans block Equal Rights Amendment: report
Filthy fucks.

'Christianity is on the verge of extinction': Here’s why evangelicals embrace QAnon
"All these painful things." Best get on the QAnonsense wagon.

DOJ Sues Tennessee Over Trans Youth Healthcare Ban
Put up or shut up.

Oh, The Hu-Hannity!
Who will lead the lost sheeples now?!
This guy can't be real. Carlson was this guy's brain? Proof of lack of brains in his gang of idiots.

MO Official Compares Trans People To A 'Brick Of Lead'
Republicans really need to stop talking about trans individuals, especially if you're the Missouri Secretary of State, Jay Ashcroft. He's mixing this up with his brain which is a "Ton of Lead."

'They’re those people': Vanity Fair rips the DeSantises’ Disney hypocrisy
"My only condition was that no Disney characters could be part of our wedding."
Then why was Goofy in your pictures?"

Bannon Crony Gets Four Years In Border Wall Scam
These sick grifters should get longer sentences. Much longer.

'Entirely inappropriate': Judge in rape trial calls out Trump's Truth Social rants
Trump is commiting suicide.

Judge warns Donald Trump 'now sailing in harm's way' after Eric Trump flouts rape trial rules
Is he the biggest dork?

Montana House Votes To Censure Trans Lawmaker
Montana has talking shit piles in its House. The blood won't be on their hands it will be coming out of their rectums.

Ohio Anti-Trans Activist Testifies That Non-Christian Lawmakers Are Probably Possessed By Demons
Then there's the nut head hillbilly virus in Ohio.
I know these fucksticks very well. Maybe the spawn of parents I went to school with.

Ron Johnson: Global Warming Is A Good Thing
Senator Ron Johnson argues with a real climatologist, claiming that global warming is a good thing and should be welcomed.
RoJo can't be this fucking stupid. It's an act to piss people off or he is, indeed, mentally ill.
Either way he's causing people to keep up their suicidal ways.

Ron Johnson: “A Warming Globe Is Actually Beneficial” Because That Means Fewer People Will Freeze To Death
Yes. More will die from heat stroke, you brainless bastard.

Marjorie Taylor Greene suggests stepmoms are not real moms as she rages at teacher’s union chief
Could this woman show her ugly ass anymore in public?

Joe Biden’s economic record: Successful, but not transformative
Another dumbass featured on Alternet. No wonder it's exclusive. It's horseshit! Trying to fill Fox's hole now?

JD Vance rants against Pentagon 'cowards' for applauding Tucker Carlson’s termination
Wait'll he sees what we do when his sorry ass is kicked out of office. Still the hillbilly.

FL Surgeon General Caught Changing Study To Make Vaccines Look More Dangerous
DeSantis’ quack surgeon general changed the results of a study and used it as fake evidence Covid vaccines are dangerous to young men.
He's cooking the books! LMAO!

'I Will Say What Needs to Be Said': Sen. Ed Markey Calls on Clarence Thomas to Resign.
And have it submitted by the end of the week!

Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar Command Democrats to Fall in Line With Biden: ‘Get Behind Him and We Won’t Have a Problem
You can't fight fascism in four years? Hell, fighting fascism is a life-long fight. Let's get with it.

Disney Sues DeSantis Alleging a ‘Targeted Campaign of Government Retaliation’
As I said sometime ago, he will shit and fall back in it.

Hate crimes have doubled since Trump entered politics – with a new surge expected: study
He said it was all OK. He's one of the worst at doing it.

Oklahoma woman told to wait in hospital parking lot until 'crashing' for abortion
It's a waiting til you die room.
Mounting news reports since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade last year have detailed the experiences of pregnant people who have been denied lifesaving abortion care, and in the case of one woman in Oklahoma last month, the state's abortion ban effectively barred her from receiving cancer treatment.
They could not care less that they've brought doom to so many.

MAGA Is Eating Its Own
Cannibal Carnival.

What I’ll Remember Most About Tucker Carlson? His Ability to Unleash the Haters

New Questions for SCOTUS After Gorsuch Real Estate Deal Revealed
Now be careful. These people are sooooo sensitive about any critical exams of their shenanigans.

‘Perpetual Victims’: Twitter Lampoons Florida Restauranteur for Whining About Bud Light
"Perpetual victims," one user tweeted. Writer and editor Kevin Kresse also tweeted, "Charmed life. There's like 1000 alternative beers waiting to be served."
And a whole lot closer to real beer.
Ever the "victims."

Texas Agriculture Dept Tells Employees to Dress According to “Biological Gender
What, pray tell, will he be dressing in—a Mickey Mouse or Goofy costume?

Was Tucker Fired Because He Couldn't Stop Saying C-Word? (By Which We Mean 'Christ'
"In Sherman's telling, Rupert Murdoch really didn't like the way Tucker was fawning all over God in a speech last week at the Heritage Foundation, telling people they had to pray for America, because we are in a fight between 'good' and 'evil.' (Surprise, Tucker reportedly put transgender issues in the 'evil' category, because he is a vile, irredeemable bigot.)"

Kyrsten Sinema's Rock Star Campaign Spending Possibly Less Ethical Than Clarence Thomas On Random Tuesday
"Since 2021, Sinema has spent nearly $20,000 worth of campaign donations on wine-related expenses alone — dropping thousands at some of the most exclusive vineyards on the West Coast including Promontory Winery in Napa Valley, Auteur Winery in Sonoma and Argyle Winery in the Willamette Valley, according to election filings."

We Must Do A Better Job Teaching Civics
Our classrooms are failing to pass down the essentials of what it means to be an American, a citizen of the United States.

Conservative paints a portrait of doom if the GOP doesn't dump Trump
The chickens are coming home to roost on all of the scumbag MAGAts.

Roberts Refuses To Testify About Supreme Court Ethics
Some law enforcer. But great at being a coward.
"That's what Republicans said about Hillary...and guess what? She testified! But that doesn't matter in Conservistan."— margaretpoa (comments).

Anti-Drag TX College President Loses Confidence Vote
Theocrat takes a hit

Lavrov Implies Feds Were Behind Carlson’s Firing
Big Russian asshole farts bullshit over their comrade.

House Republican admits he can't find any Biden crimes
He can't even make one up as they usually do.

Progressive Sen. Bernie Sanders Announces Biden Endorsement
Sanders says he will not run, throws his support to the president.

Oh Lord, Matt Gaetz Just Said It Out Loud
Kevin McCarthy copied his debt ceiling "plan" from the Freedom Caucus. What a dumbass.

Report: Fox News Has Been Keeping A Dirt File On Tucker Carlson
Hey, just tell everybody. It's not as if Fox News doesn't owe us anything.

'He admits it': 'Damning' recording shows Ted Cruz discussing how to challenge Joe Biden's election win
Dirty Dick, as usual.

Democratic voters will forget why they ever worried about Joe Biden
Don't forget to remember you forgot.

Missouri GOP secretary of state: Changing genders 'impossible' like 'spray painting a brick of lead'
I'm certain this feller is a genius like Musk. On the other hand that brick of lead could be a boomerang.
He is of the "picky asshole" gender.

Minnesota Republican botches colleague’s name while complaining about police dogs losing their jobs
Oh, hell. What was the name of him?

I’m concerned that they find that concerning’
America has a severe prolems with our education system. It is under attack by fascists and know-nothings.
Just because these idiots are throwback ignorant doesn't mean we have to keep our children that way.

Biden campaign announcement takes aim at Marjorie Taylor Greene
Nicely played. He is the one not running on the Nazi ticket.

Justice Gorsuch failed to report property sale to CEO of law firm with cases before Supreme Court: report
Oh! We can't interfere with conflicts of interest with our SCOTUS appointments? Evidently. Looks like we're stuck with a bunch of shady characters that were allowed to get by with a no-no. Nice moral lesson for our kids that we are SOOOOO concerned with.

Nazis Leave Anti-Trans Flyers At Atlanta Homes
Third Reich tactics in America. What a chicken shit disgrace.

'Treason': Robert Reich explains why Trump shouldn't be allowed to run in 2024
"Remember? Donald Trump lost reelection but refused to concede and instead claimed without basis that the election was stolen from him, then pushed state officials to change their tallies, hatched a plot to name fake electors, tried to persuade the vice president to refuse to certify Electoral College votes, sought access to voting machine data and software, got his allies in Congress to agree to question the electoral votes and thereby shift the decision to the House of Representatives, and summoned his supporters to Washington on the day electoral votes were to be counted and urged them to march on the U.S. Capitol, where they rioted.
This, my friends, is treason."
Everyone needs to understand this so it's worth repeating. Many times during this year and the next.

These are 10 of the 'most fascist things' Tucker Carlson said at Fox News
"At the top of Otten's list is his enthusiastic desire to "promote" the Great Replacement Theory — which has become a prominent part of white supremacist and white nationalist ideology. Carlson, Otten observes, "argued that Democrats want to replace white people so they can control" the U.S."

'Red-alert': George Conway suggests DA memo means grand jury will likely indict Trump
Another indictment should make everyone realize who Trump is and why he run for President ever again.

'Sell Out': Jim Jordan Torched By Fans Over Fox News Appearance
Yessss! Fight amongst yourselves. Go for it. *munches popcorn*
Dork of the century.

Montana Republicans tried to silence trans lawmaker. They failed
Refuse to recognize Montana as part of the U.S. See how they like it.

One dead after shooting at college campus in Oklahoma
Gun drug is spreading at a rapid pace.

MTG Calls Trans Influencer “The Biggest Pedophile”
How soon will we be saying goodbye to her?

Conservatives flip out over Tucker Carlson departure: 'What’s happening to America?
It's cheering over a lying SOB geting what he deserves. Bend over and kiss your Nazi asses goodbye.

GOP Rep, Who Voted To Expel Tennessee Three, Expels Himself After Report Of Gross Workplace Harassment
When Tennessee House Republicans voted to expel Democratic Rep. Justin Jones and Justin Pearson, they didn’t bother trying to make their actions look less racist than they were. They even spared Rep. Gloria Johnson, who broke the same “rules” as her Black colleagues.

Oregon Governor Gonna Hoard All Of The Abortion Pills
"As unfortunate and horrific as it is, we are dangerously close to medication abortion becoming unavailable and possibly illegal across the land, due to a ridiculous lawsuit and some even more ridiculous judges — like the ones on the Supreme Court."

Guess Tucker's Last Lie To His Viewers Was 'We'll Be Back On Monday'
Hard day for fans of overly processed loser white conservative dude country music today, you know? Morgan Wallen canceled his concert in Oxford, Mississippi, last night at the very last minute, when fans were already all at the stadium, because he "lost his voice," and also WTF TUCKER CARLSON JUST LOST HIS SHOW?

Conservatives’ Contraceptive Chaos
Republicans spent decades eroding Roe v. Wade before their illegitimately appointed Supreme Court reversed it with the Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization decision. Now the party is split into two camps: Ones calling for a "middle ground,” and the religious zealots who now want to take it many steps further.

Republicans’ War on Their Own Public Health
Tens of thousands of conservatives died because they believed anti-vaccine lies. Now the GOP is bringing back measles and polio.
That's where they want to live — or die.

‘Stay Off My Back!’ Whoopi Goldberg Drops Fiery Monologue Slamming Anti-Abortion, Book Banning Leaders
Didn't this used to be the Republican Mantra?
“Yeah, I got to say, you know, where I am, I’m not willing to give you access to my body. I’m just not willing to do that. That is none of your business. What goes on in my family is none of your business.”
“Like, I feel like if you don’t want to see drag shows, then don’t take your child to a drag show. If you don’t want your child reading certain books, give the library a list of the books you don’t want your kid to read. Stay off my back!”

China’s shrinking population and constraints on its future power
"...the trends send a clear message that China is not 10 feet tall."
Oops! This means we have a bigger ally in the world today.

CNN Parts Ways With Morning Anchor Don Lemon
Can them all.

Clinton Cabinet Member To Secretaries Of State: Dump Trump From 2024 Ballot
Sorry, too many chicken shit Nazis in place to get that simple trick done.

Tucker Carlson Leaving Fox News In Massive Shock
The conservative network did not say why it's parting ways with the host, who is known for his strident racism, misogyny and xenophobia.

Tucker Carlson And Fox News “Part Ways”
Another one bites the dust.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders And Her Massive Self-Own
Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders (R) unleashed a tweet that included a promotional video that seems to take a shot at transgender individuals. And in it, she's trying to sell beverage coolers with images of female Republican politicians on them to celebrate the "real woman of politics."
Dysfunctional childhood. Dysfunctional adult.

Why Do Republicans Hate Children And Want Them To Die?
It's the craziest thing. Somehow, Republicans are trying to roll back most of the social progress we've made in the past century.
Because everyone has to work 10 years after they die.

Fired cop who shot and killed Breonna Taylor gets new policing job
Why of course he does!

'A ton of weirdness' is ripping apart the Republican Party: conservative
And it all begins with Fatso.

Florida people who shot at Black Instacart drivers delivering to wrong house were 'justified': police say
So then it wouldn't have been murder if they had been killed? Civilization has vanished in America.
This delivers a severe blow to the delivery service workers. Or do they give a fuck about that side of the issue?

Brian Kemp ducking GOP convention after extremist takeover: report
Who wouldn't after a far-right Republican "who waged a failed campaign for governor with the slogan 'Jesus, Guns and Babies' and a promise to 'stand up to the Luciferian Cabal' was elected this weekend to chair the 1st District for the GOP."

Latest Mass Shooting Leaves Nine Teens Injured In Texas
Because today ends in a Y.
"We are the only country in the world that's forced to endure gun violence regularly. The gun fetishism in this country is appalling. And Republicans don't care that young people are being slaughtered."

As top Republican group backs sedition, Home Depot, UPS and other companies still provide support
Another gun supporter.
Another fascist fuck.

Morning Digest: Far-right lieutenant governor kicks off bid for North Carolina's top job
Another fascist fuck.

Texas Senate Approves Ban On Countywide Voting
More rigging of the voting system. Let's make it harder for anyone to vote in this "land of the free."

Sarah Huckabee Sanders' new campaign 'real women don't have to fake it' leads to hilarious mockery
She doesn't mind be a laughing stock. She's used to it after being one her entire adult life.

North Carolina Judge Convicts Journalists Of ‘Trespassing’ While Covering Eviction Of Homeless Encampment
More fascist tactics in America. Russia has nothing on us when it comes to blocking the press.

'Positively disgraceful' John Roberts buried by ethics expert for refusal to talk about Clarence Thomas
Ethics? You expect these air heads to have ethics?

Mike Pence defends Ralph Yarl and Kaylin Gillis shootings as response to 'crime wave'
And who put the fear in them? Right-wing radio, Fox bullshit and the support of it by your party.

Politico: Gun Violence “Much Worse” In Red States
Do they have any prediction when the last fool will shoot the next to last fool?

National Interfaith Leader: “10 Commandments” Bill in Texas An Affront to American Values

Interfaith Alliance Celebrates Supreme Court Decision Pausing Suspension Of Abortion Pill

Man Fires At Couple After Going To Wrong Address To Deliver Groceries
When states such as Florida allows total immunity of gun fire against anyone for any reason at any time, and they have to kill someone before the law can step in, civilzation is dead. How many people's jobs put them in mortal danger when this sort of insanity exists?
Gun degenerates must be eliminated from our society.

Nancy Mace: GOP Going To 'Lose Huge' Over Abortion
Let's make it happen.

By the Numbers: McCarthy's Plan to Kick 10 Million or More People Off Medicaid
He will kill as many of us as possible.

'What a weirdo': Twitter shreds 'cartoon character' Republican for declaring 'there is no climate change'
Some of us don't and won't know the truth. Dennis Powers is one that knows nothing and never will.
This sort should never be elected to any office.

'Are they all dumb?' Tim Scott ridiculed after grossly distorting the First Amendment and religious freedom
Yes, but this one is particularly lame.

Republicans Battle To Keep Abortion Off State Ballots
"I still find it absolutely hilarious that the pinnacle of masculinity for these manly men is a six-time bankrupt obese con man in diapers and high heels, doll hair sewn on his scalp, whose signature look is a tie that is 6" too long, hasn't seen the inside of a gym in 60 years because he thinks exercise will kill you, and slathers his face in cheap orange makeup. That's who these guys are willing to shoot up beer cans with AR-15s and topple democracy for. Ok." — AncientMariner (comments).

The Bud Light controversy reminds us how toxic masculinity can be
"A note to those folks who are upset that Anheuser-Busch relied on a trans woman as a quasi-spokesperson: Whether you like it or not, queer people have been drinking “your beer” for decades. In fact, as long as there’s been beer, queer people have been drinking it.

AOC blasts Justice Alito 'tantrum'
"The court," said Ocasio-Cortez, "has devolved into a highly politicized entity that is rapidly delegitimizing."
Trump is the reason for these deplorables on the bench.

AP Poll: 44% Of Republicans Oppose Trump’s WH Bid
That should knock him off again. Get ready for another round of "Stop the Steal."

AL Gov Ousts Top Official Over “Woke” Pre-K Book
Sad. If they only had a brain.
"...the book in question is the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Developmentally Appropriate Practice Book, 4th Edition. The book is designed as a resource for teachers, not students.
Next will be they must only use slates and chalk.

Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: The price of lies
"It’s small comfort, but there’s no guarantee that even if the Dominion case had gone to trial, and Fox had lost, it would have changed the calculus much."

Christian nationalist and pro-Trump pastor insists 'believers' should 'be the ones writing the laws'
We've got a chimpanzee we'd like you to meet.
"That's why we get called 'Christian nationalists.'
No shit? There's the fucking problem!!!!! And we aren't and we ain't never gonna be that or put up with it!

Why comparing Donald Trump to Jesus Christ is 'devastatingly dangerous': Episcopal priest
It gives us a clear picture of expectations with Fatso, the Fraud.

TN Gov To Call Legislators Back For Special Session On Gun Laws
It's expected to happen within weeks, not months.
Damn! Did someone feel we were rubbing shoulders witn MAD!

TN Lt. Governor Calls For Christians To Arm Themselves
Obviously he doesn't believe in "blessed are the peacemakers." This is pure fucking Nazi fuckstick thinking.

'That's not America': Retired military officer compares Florida's 'religious fascism' to 9/11
"Religious fanatics, who wouldn’t even let women be educated, flew planes into the World Trade Center and my Pentagon. I spent the last decade of my naval career fighting religious fascism abroad. I never thought I’d have to fight it right here in the United States of America.”
Most of these Talibastards are illiterate anyway. They're just pissed because other people can read.

Sick of Trump? Try laughing at him
We may be tired of Trump, but we aren’t tired of making fun of him
It's either cuss him or make fun of him. You can't ignore Fatso the Farthead.

“Hacking” Takes Down Missouri’s Anti-Trans Snitch Site
The ignorant asshole got flooded by Americans. They don't like Nazis.

Texas Republicans want to force religion down every child's throat
No. Absolutely not. They can eat it. They should call for the Preamble to our United States Constitution instead.

The Great Bud Light Boycott Of 2023
Trae Crowder has some keen takes on the right wing's latest meltdown.

One Of Trump's 'Patriots' Shoots At Local Deputies
Insurrectionist Nathan Donald Pelham, of Texas, was supposed to surrender to the FBI but when he saw some local cops come to his property he opened fire instead.
Any relation to David Koresh? Give him a decade to think about it.

Big Business Spending Millions To Defeat Biden's Labor Pick
"This debate has everything to do with the fact that Julie Su is a champion of the working class who will stand up against the forces of corporate greed," said Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Montana’s only transgender lawmaker silenced for saying GOP as 'blood on its hands'
Note the people next to Zephyr doing their best to ignore. They are still pouty children.
Note the old white men that remain firmly seated in the past.

Revealed: Leaker Jack Teixeira had more documents than originally thought — and for a lot longer
Oh, dear. There's more to this? So shocking.

'What he’s proposing is literally unlawful': Legal expert raises alarm over Trump's 2024 promises
Let's see. Crooks do unlawful things, right? So, if America wants a crook to run the country they can pretty much expect the same crime spree he's been going on all his criminal life to continue. And America will deserve all the con jobs, screw jobs, lies and Nazi shit they want. This says far more about some of our citizens than it does about Fatso. Fuck Trump.

Ohio Republican launches Senate campaign by demanding reparations for white people
Another white male gets to speak while TGs get ignored in Montana. What a show of hatred and bigotry.
"We stand on the shoulders of giants,” declared Bernie Moreno. After all — this is the Land of the Happy Negro.
Excuse me while I clean up my regurgitaion.

Fox News Host Defends The Shooting Of Ralph Yarl
Both siderism strikes again: won't someone think of the murderous vigilante gun nuts?
Great God. America is so fucking broken by these brain-dead motherfuckers.

TX Judge Failed To Disclose Millions In Stock Holdings
Just another grifter. Please lock him up with Trump.

Catholic Priest Arrested On Child Sex Charges
Wow! A Catholic Priest you say. Who would have thought?
Another one bites the dust. So many scumbags, so little time.

“Vax Makes You Magnetic” Doc May Finally Lose License
It's three years and we're still saying "may"?
Be sure to wear your tin foil hat anywhere near this one.

Uganda's Museveni wants 'rehabilitation' measures in anti-LGBTQ legislation
So many scumbags.

Texas Senate Votes To Shove Ten Commandments Down Schoolkids' Throats
No one gives a shit about the "so-called" Ten Commandments except Xianist zealots. That's endorsing a "relgion" in a public institution. This is clearly unconstitutional.

'Frankly breathtaking': Louisiana Republicans scorched for pursuing 'a gaggle of extremist measures'
These scumbags are all bottom feeders.

Texts Reveal Plot To Decertify Georgia Senate Runoff
The Nazis keep trying to overturn democracy in our country.
They should all be taken to the horse whipping they deserve. Let's make it happen.

Text messages show Trump operatives wanted to use breached voting data to keep GOP control of the Senate: report
More Nazi traitors to join the line to the whip they deserve to get in 2024.

Multiple Players Suspended In NFL Gambling Scandal
Some of the players received indefinite bans for betting on the games.
Move over Pete Rose, the No Football League has some additions for that No HOF.

America discovers the true meaning of 'an armed society is a polite society'
"This is what it means. All of this. It means in a society with more guns than people, even the slightest provocation ends with someone getting shot."
And anytime, anywhere, at once.

MyPillow Guy Said Prove His Election BS Wrong, He'll Pay You $5 Million. Guess What Happened Next
Really, anyone could have proved that. Even many of the peddlers of the big lie.

A-Hole Trump Coup Lawyer Sick Of Gross Youngs Voting, What If We Just Made That Totally Impossible?
Thanks Evan. We're sick of her too.

'YOU HAVE MEDDLED WITH THE PRIMAL FORCES OF NATURE!' Utah CEO Delivers Whiniest Rant Since Trump's Last Rally
"And it disappoints him that the peons who work for him are more concerned with trivialities like their families and their quality of life than they are about helping James Clarke buy another vacation home."
Another victim of the "Whine Virus."

Despite Republican Freakouts, Michigan To Legalize LIVING TOGETHER, Even For Humans
I have heard humans live together. Many of us are said to be doing this.
The next thing these Talibastards will say is no sex before marriage!

udge in Abortion Pill Case Didn’t Disclose Interview Disparaging LGBTQ People
Kacsmaryk went on Christian talk radio twice in 2014 to spread bunk conspiracy theories about LGBTQ people.
Disgusting prick.

A New Report Finds That 1 in 3 People in the US Breathe Unhealthy Air
"A new report by the American Lung Association found that more than one in three Americans were exposed to unhealthy levels of air pollution between 2019 to 2021. Released on Wednesday, the 24th annual State of the Air report grades Americans’ exposure to two of the nation’s most pervasive air pollutants: ground-level ozone, an air pollutant that forms smog, and particle pollution, also known as soot."
Trump believes our air is the cleanest, purest air in the world.

House Cleaning at Fox Nooz: Ladies First
Ladies, you say?

The "Party of Life" GOP is OK with 700,000+ Dying of Poverty
The so-called “party of life” doesn’t, it turns out, give a damn about actual human life unless it has a net worth over a half-billion dollars

Lawmakers: Expand the Social Safety Net, Don't Shred It
The less we care about children the less we can be considered civilized.

Texas Lt. governor brags just-passed senate bill is bringing ‘prayer back to our public schools
The Dorkmeister of Texas is lost in his dream of white Xianist power. What kind of prayer do you guess it will be? It won't be the kind that separates church from state.

In Secret Recording, a Top City Library Official Calls Alaska Natives “Woke” and “Racists”
How a dysfunctional brain works. If it is a brain at all.

North Dakota governor signs law limiting trans health care
"Gender-affirming care for minors has been available in the U.S. for more than a decade and is endorsed by major medical associations, but it has come under attack in many conservative legislatures."
These people live in the 18th Century. They should be subjected to a study in the retarded development of humanoids.

Why Does Cleta Mitchell Hate Democracy? Because Voters Like Dems
And because she's a fascist.

Sierra Club Applauds Biden Administration Environmental Justice Announcement
"Today, the Biden Administration announced it is taking steps to advance environmental justice throughout the federal government, including strengthening environmental reviews and increasing community involvement in infrastructure projects that impact communities at the fenceline and on the forefront of climate change."

Clarence Thomas moves to reverse the legacy of predecessor Thurgood Marshall
As the Duke said in "The Searchers," "That'll be the day."

'Personality problem': Devastating reports reveal DeSantis’ major 'likability' challenge
Sure. But Fatso is the same POS.

Montana House Speaker bars transgender lawmaker from speaking on chamber floor
In their world, speaking truth to power is against free speech. They are not America. They are Nazi Germany.

Ron DeSantis moves more radically to the right in race with Donald Trump
Culture war issues cause Trump and DeSantis to wrestle, but the party is actually pretty united
Donnie, these people are fascists.

Biden and voters agree: Raise the debt ceiling
“We’ve never ever defaulted on a debt. It would destroy the economy,” Biden said while speaking at the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 77 in Accokeek. “America is not a dead-beat nation,” he added.
No. Trump is the example of an American dead-beat.

Arkansas Republican busted with gun at Clinton National Airport
Just another Xianist gun nut helping to keep our country armed and dangerous.

'How do we not feel shame?' Tennessee Democrat hammers Republicans over inaction on guns
They wouldn't give a damn if their families were all murdered. The word "character" is lost on them.

Man gets nearly 22-year prison sentence for anti-LGBTQI+ hate crime
In every instance put the haters away.

Columnist shreds 'self-infatuated extremist' Marjorie Taylor Greene for defending 'reckless brat'
Has America ever seen a bigger crude and ignorant dumbass in government? She gives Fatso a run for the money.

Ted Cruz Gives Good Advice, Then Ignores It Himself
Ted Cruz advised to look at the demonstrable facts regarding the 2020 election, then went along with The Big Lie anyway.
Another self-aggrandizing fool. Please stop voting for this miscreant.

Four veteran conservatives declare today’s 'Trumpist' GOP beyond salvation
Attention America.

Man Pleads Guilty To Planting Pipe Bomb, Blaming Antifa
Did he really think he wouldn't be caught?
Caught? He thinks it's the act of a hero patriot.These people have a serious thinking disorder.

Florida Pastor Arrested Over Relationship With Student
Another one bites the dust.
"There was a time when we’d wonder why a public high school has a pastor." WTF? Don't we still? It ain't no church. Where's the high school Rabbi? Where's the high school Imam? Ridiculous, you say?
Investigate everyone that calls themselves a "pastor."

NRA Rages At Pics Of Gun-Wielding Kids At Convention
Sounds like the KKK complaining. Did they issue press passes? Typical of a cult.

Georgia County Republicans May Ban LGBTQs Because They Don’t “Eat Brownies That Are Made Of 20% Poop”
Another fucking "pastor" spouting total batshit nonsense.

Ingraham: Dems Want Fox Viewers “Put In A Camp”
Laura illustrates why everyone can see she speaks nothing but bullshit.
"I don't give a flying fuck about you and your crazy followers. What I want is separation of church and state. I want government policies that entitle people to privacy in the way they lead their lives. I want our people to be safe from guns. I want government policy decided by experts in their fields and not by conspiracy theorists. I want equality under the law. And I want politicians who support democracy here and abroad. And you don't want any of this, so you are deplorable." — J.Martindale (comments)

Love To Watch RFK Jr. Tell Tucker Russian Propaganda Tucker Told RFK Jr. Literally Last Week
"What? You didn't go see David Duke's hottest pinup boy when you announced your Democratic presidential campaign? Well guess who we're not calling PRESIDENT YOU right now."

Does Fox “News” Owe Accountability to a Hell of a Lot More People than Just Dominion?
The vast majority of politically-inspired violence and murders in America over the past two decades have been committed by rightwing extremists. How many are watching Fox News?

Now Could We Get Justice for the Country?
"That amoral Australian fascist pictured atop these words will still have lots of money left after the settlement with Dominion. Worse yet, that cesspool of disinformation and lies will be able to shield its culpability from its most ardent fans. So, unless we, the people, press our case, the beat will go on. And we really can't dance to that beat."
Yes. He is still at-large.

When You Buy a Book, You Can Loan It to Anyone. This Judge Says Libraries Can’t. Why Not
Because the book is more dangerous than the gun. Any questions?

House GOP’s debt-limit plan seeks to repeal major parts of Democrats’ climate law
These people are SOBs. They will kill us all if they can.

Lindell Must Pay $5M In “Prove Me Wrong” Challenge
Trump liar gets punked.

Semi-automatic rifle ban passes Washington state Legislature
After the bill passed, Inslee said the state of Washington “will not accept gun violence as normal.”

SpaceX Bursts Into Flames After Take-of
Blowed up good! Blowed up REAL good!

House Republican: President Biden’s relationship with his son is an 'insult to the American people'
Either he loathes his own kids or they loathe him — if he has any.
And how about those Trump kids? He must loathe them and their father as well? LMAO!

House Republicans pass two-page bill banning transgender women from female sports: report
Just go ahead and ban all female sports you lunkheads. That's next isn't it? You idiots are afraid of your own shadows so you make others feel the same way.

'Relentless' GOP Push Leads to Nearly 1,500 Book Bans in First Half of School Year: Report
Proving they are afraid of anything they can't understand—which appears to be a truckload.

Man allegedly guns down parents and their 2 friends days after his release from prison
It was so good to be home he felt like shooting his parents and others to boot?
Totally worthless but here in America it's become routine.

Little Girl, Parents Shot After Basketball Rolls Into Neighbor’s Yard
More gunplay in the dysfunctional U.S.

Murkowski: Abortion Pill Judge Pulled “Bait And Switch”
Like Fox, these people are lying Talibastards. So impeach!

GOP enraged over Marjorie Taylor Greene's committee outburst — and are threatening to boot her: report
Don't threaten. Get rid of her. Where's Nancy Pelosi when we need her?

Swalwell Turns The Tables, Shows Who Is Calling To Defund Police
He did not come to play today.

'Slap in the face': Ohio GOP passes bill to shut reproductive rights out of state constitution
Ohio, you are shameful fascists. You are a stupid lot.

'This is not a theocracy': Joe Manchin shredded for supporting bill ending VA abortions for rape victims
Proving EVERYONE should have a term limit.

'Perfect': Social media lauds Ann Coulter's call to 'ban abortion for registered Republicans only'
Of course. No one HAS to have an abortion. But no MAGAt Republican can go there.

Key House GOP promise has been exposed as the 'biggest fraud': reporter
"House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) this week unveiled a proposal to raise the debt ceiling in exchange for significant spending cuts, and Punchbowl News reporter Jake Sherman argues that it has exposed one of House Republicans' most egregious broken promises."

The debt ceiling and the dangers of an incompetent right
Many Americans have no idea what his article is talking about.

Decline in religion continues as America becomes increasingly secular: columnist
It's a start.

Walgreens Employee Shoots Pregnant Shoplifting Suspect, Might Get Away With It Because TN Is So 'Pro-Life'
More evidence we are living in a dysfunctional country.

FOX NEWS ALERT: A Thing Happened, Or Maybe Not, IDK, It's Probably Nothing
"What exactly was this lawsuit about? Oh let's not get lost in the weeds."

Tucker Spreading Fake Doctored Russian Propaganda About Ukraine Losing? Would Fox News Even ALLOW That?
"Tucker has been lying and misleading his viewers about the latest accused leaker of classified information pretty much since the get-go, trying to turn the loser into some hero for the (Russian) cause of revealing the TRUTH about what's going on in in Ukraine."

Stabbing suspect kills teen after plowing car into high school students: report
More evidence we are living in a dysfunctional country.

Proud Boys leader testifies that Trump can be 'pretty ridiculous'
Ya think?

Why Kentucky Is Dead Last in Wind and Solar Energy Production
They're still waiting for the wheel to get there.

Jimmy Kimmel Says Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo Will Be ‘Waiting Tables’ at ‘Planet Hollywood in Times Square’ After Dominion Settlement
“It’s gonna take a lot of reverse mortgage ads to pay that one off. Immediately after the settlement. Fox issued a statement that said, ‘This settlement reflects Fox’s continued commitment to the highest journalistic standards.’ They’re already lying in their statement about lying. It’s shameless,” Kimmel added.
“No apologies, no testimony — they can go right back to sodomizing the country while dominion and their lawyers go shopping for yachts, I guess. Good work, Dominion… I hope you can sail far enough away — the next time Donald Trump loses the vote in Booger County, USA — You won’t be around to experience it,” he said.
Does this mean we all have our price?

Prager Boasts That Slaves Were Allowed To Have Kids
Land of the Happy Negro propagandist gets back to the roots. He wants you to know that slavery wasn’t so bad in the United States.

Newsmax: We “Stand By” Our Lies About Dominion
Will these liars "stand by" until the last second as Fox did?

Florida Activists Drop Underwear on Heads of Anti-Trans GOP Legislators
Bags of shit would be better.

North Dakota GOP passes measure to make ballot initiatives harder and thwart progressive victories
Always restricting freedom seems to be their call in life.

Torch-carrying marchers indicted in Charlottesville rally
"Nearly six years after a large gathering of white nationalists in Charlottesville erupted in violent clashes with counterprotesters, a grand jury in Virginia has indicted multiple people on felony charges for carrying flaming torches with the intent to intimidate."
Nazi wannabes bite the dust.

Why the Dominion-Fox News Settlement Is Rubbish
"And that’s really what this is all about: Money. Money to Trump. Money to Dominion. Money to Murdoch. Money to people such as Carlson and Hannity and Ingraham and Bartiromo — all of whom long ago cashed in their integrity for big bucks."

'Under his eye': Outrage swells over Missouri AG’s transgender 'complaint or concern' online form
Another member of the outlaw gang.

Police called to Michigan GOP meeting as physical fight breaks out among attendees
The barbaric gang that was once a politcal party.

'The worst of all worlds': MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough torches Fox News over Dominion settlement
"They said ‘We’re going to be stubborn. We’re going to humiliate all of our anchors. We’re going to humiliate all of our executives. We’re gonna humiliate everybody that works at this network, and we’re going to fight a case that we know we’re going to lose because we’re stubborn, and we think we can get away with it,’" Scarborough said.

Texas Cheerleader Shot After Getting Into Wrong Car By Mistake
"A guy got out and they saw that he had a gun. And so they tried to speed off and he shot his gun, like five times or so into the car," coach Lynn Shearer said.
"Payton Washington is now in the ICU. What kind of grownass man shoots at a group of teenage girls?
A low-down yellow-belly snake.

MAGAt Death Threats Hound Election Official Into Resigning
Garcia oversees elections in a county where, in 2020, Donald J. Trump became only the second Republican presidential candidate to lose in more than 50 years.
These people don't realize that Republican voters voted against Donald Trump. Millions of Republican Americans voted against Donald Trump.
What's happened to decency in America?

Cultist Arrested After Destroying Beer
He showed his ass too.
People have gone berserk in America.

FL Likely To Approve K-12 “Don’t Say Gay” Law Today
An all time low for a country that claims to be "free."

Stephen Miller Explains How To Be A Fascist
He would know.

Wealthy DeSantis Donors: 'What The F*ck Is Wrong With' Him?
Girdle too tight?

Kremlin agents meddled in Florida election with eyes on presidential race: indictment
"A federal grand jury charged four U.S. citizens and three Russian nationals with working with Kremlin intelligence services to conduct a multiyear political influence campaign."

Ron DeSantis Gonna Ride Disney Monorail All Day So Nobody Else Can Ride, Rub His Butt On All The Teacups
"Ron DeSantis is so mad, he is clack-clack-clacking his little white boots around the house and pursing his lips, thinking of ways to teach Disney a lesson for continually and daily embarrassing the shit out of him. "

Jim Jordan Holds Very Serious New York Hearing On 'Crime' (He Means Black People And Jews
"Yes, okay, specifically it is one 92-year-old philanthropist who donates to liberal politicians. But Republicans aren't really talking about an actual person when they invoke the name George Soros. They're conjuring up centuries of images of Jews as usurpers, the constant outsider, a fifth column. A Jew in a position of power is definitionally illegitimate. And if they can accuse Jews of controlling Black people, so much the better."

Nebraska Republican: Abortion Ban Needed to Ensure Dominance of White Population
Maybe but it won't work anyway.

Clarence Thomas Proves That the Supreme Court Needs Term Limits
No other democratically run nation on the planet gives its highest court justices lifetime tenure.
American Exceptionalism?

What’s Behind the GOP’s War Against Democracy?
And are rightwing billionaires who want more, more, more money willing to make common cause with bigots, fascists, and wannabee killers to get it?

Iowa Republicans pass bill loosening restrictions on child labor
"Making America great again." ROTFLMAO!

‘I Don’t Think Ron DeSantis Is a Conservative’: Chris Christie Attacks Prospective 2024 Rival Over Disney Fight
Of course not. He's a fascist like his gang are.
And like many Americans he's never tasted real beer.

Tennessee Pastor Arrested For Uploading Child Porn
Another one bites the dust.

Qevin Pushes Food Cuts For Debt Limit Increase
It will solve the overweight problem, right?

Kevin McCarthy’s proposed budget cuts would be 'felt most acutely' in red states: report
Too bad, too bad. But they don't give a flying crapper.

DeSantis Threatens To Build A Prison Next To Disney World
Florida, get rid of this madman!

Group of Wealthy Americans Warns US Democracy 'Will Not Survive' Unless Rich Are Taxed Heavily
We know which way the wind blows.

Stop the Attack on Our Nation's Public Schools
"It’s past time that we demand more from leaders, who should be raising pay for educational professionals, not raising penalties for reading children’s books. This includes a guarantee that each student is getting the food they need to function and learn, a key part of ensuring an honest education for all, not just for those who can afford it."
Zealotry, stupidity, racism and fascism are the culprits.

Calls for Republican Tennessee House speaker to resign have 'mounted rapidly': report
Now, Republican Tennessee House Cameron Sexton is, according to The New Republic's Tori Otten, "facing growing calls to resign amid reports he has lied to his constituents." Sexton, Otten reports, has "has come under fire after reporter Judd Legum learned the speaker secretly purchased a $600,000 house in Nashville, where he and his family live year-round."
It's Cam's turn in the barrel.

Oklahoma paper releases audio of county leaders discussing plans to kill a reporter, lynch Black people
Land of the Happy Negro rascists discussing ways of keeping their Negroes in a happy spirit.
"Take them down to Mud Creek and hang them up with damned rope. But you can’t do that anymore. They've got more rights than we’ve got."
That'll make them happy for sure.

Even Republicans are balking at McCarthy's cruel budget proposal
They eat their own.

NY Woman, 20, Shot Dead After Wrong Turn In Man's Driveway
The homeowner fired at the car as it was turning around to leave.
America's gun insanity must even shock their own gang.

Community marches for teen shot in the head after ringing the wrong doorbell — and the shooter isn't arrested
America has some people that cannot have firearms. They should have brains first.

MAGA school board candidates have 'flamed out' this year: analysis
America is fed up with these idiots

'We’re going to live in reality over here': Republicans nix Kevin McCarthy's plan to slash food aid
Says the man who ignores reality. "...the Republicans, thus far, have no plan of their own."
The only plan they have ever had is to play the role of the victim.

Louisiana GOP Seeks To Ban College Studies Of Racism
Land of the Happy Negro "lawmaker" wnat to forbid the study of racism at colleges and universities, arguing in a resolution approved Saturday that classes examining “inglorious aspects” of United States history are too divisive.
What else does he imagine in his twisted head?

Pentagon leak pushed by pro-Russian network run by former Navy noncommissioned officer on US soil
So when dd we start permitting former U.S. military to work for a foreign power? Hopefully they don't collect retirement pay.
Put this person in stir with the rest of the traitors.

2023 will 'put to rest' fantasies of 'optimistic pre-Trump conservatism' returning: GOP strategist
Better tell that to the rest of the Nazis.

Lauren Boebert cites made-up 'version' of the Declaration of Independence
We know shes's an idiot. But having a mandatory semester on Civics in high schools should help with this problem.
That is, if the Nazis don't want to burn those books too.

Morning Digest: Texas GOP singles out Houston with bills allowing them to toss election results
Abbott's fascism is an abomination.

Blues for a Sunday Featuring Blind Clarence Thomas
"Think of how much better the world would be if Clarence Thomas had had enough soul when he was young to become a blues man instead of the thoroughly corrupt sleaze ball and Supreme Court Justice who loved porn the way Brett Kavanaugh loved beer. "

Florida Poised to Allow Executions After 8-4 Jury Vote
Barbarism lives in DeSantis. He is a blood thirsty beast, not a man.

New From QAnon Land: The Deep State Is Putting 5G In Jalapeno Peppers And Toilet Paper For Mind Control
What, me worry?

Pro-KKK Former GOP Rep/Pastor Guilty Of Felony Theft
Another one bites the dust.

REPORT: “Ex-Gay” Extremist Milo Has Ghostwritten A Book For MTG Titled The Case For Christian Nationalism
Fuck religion and totalitarianism. They are one and the same.

Machine Learning Investor Warns AI Is Becoming Like a God
"If god did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him." — Voltaire

Mom Says Creeps Used AI to Fake Daughter's Kidnapping
“...most men and women will grow up to love their servitude and will never dream of revolution.” — Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

'No justification': Lindsey Graham pummels Marjorie Taylor Greene for defending Pentagon leaker
Again, the creeps eat their own. Keep it up.

Abortion rights supporters protest at Supreme Court and throughout the country
It's as if America doesn't agree with the fascist dictators.

Florida teacher shows pro-Confederacy video that rebrands Civil War as 'War To Prevent Southern Independence'
How do we like living in the Land of the Happy Negro in "1984"?

GOP Deletes Attack On Major Donor Anheuser-Busch
These asshats are so fucking stupid they eat their own.

GOP Works To Make It Harder For Students To Vote
These bastards are such piles of shit.

TN Lawmakers Approve Snitch Line For Professors
The dumbing down of American education brought to you by the MAGAt party.

SNL Runs Supercut Of Trump’s “Strong Men Crying” Lies
Sniveling Snake.

Forced Pregnancy
Lady Justice may be blind but she's forced to carry the corrupt Supreme Court to term.
Swine. Plain and simple.

'Disgusting' new robocall smears Tennessee Three as violent 'Antifa' radicals
Sure. Nazis are totally disgusting idiots.

'Poorly disguised interrogatories': Missouri hospital sues AG over intrusive request for trans data
Who does he think he is? Intimidator in Chief?

Texas judge behind abortion pill ban accused of hiding information from Senate investigators
A Rupulsivecan would do a thing like that?

DeSantis Quietly Signs 6-Week Abortion Ban In Florida
Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a new draconian "Heartbeat Protection Act" into law which bans abortions after 6 weeks and forces victims to show proof of rape or incest to get an exception.
The next election will be a referendum on this issue.

Kristi Noem: My One-Year-Old Granddaughter Is Armed With A Shotgun
What a psychopath.
She could pop Kristi with it.

Christian Brand Founder Gets 35 Years For Child Sex
Another one bites the dust.

OK Youth Pastor Charged With Felony Child Sex Crimes
And another one bites the dust.

Advocates caution abortion pill access still at 'severe risk' despite Supreme Court reprieve
Yes, because they are tyrants.

Robert Reich: Will Fox News be detoxed?
Will cancer and heart disease be cured?

Multiple Budweiser Plants Targeted With Bomb Threats
"Where there's life, there's Bud"

Boebert’s Teen Son Blows Off Car Accident Court Date
Lawless trash. How could he be otherwise?

Trump: “Gangs Of Hundreds Of Young People” Are “Carrying Out Refrigerators” From Department Stores
Then they could carry his fat ass to the dumpster fire.

Conservative suggests an eye-popping strategy to 'eradicate Trumpism'
It will take a big tolet!

'He must be impeached': Calls for ouster of Clarence Thomas grow after latest bombshell
Get it done.

Here's what really happened during the abortion drug's approval 23 years ago
Please inform those who would be doctors to get their medical degree before opening their practice.

U.S. Army recruits are more out-of-shape than they've ever been: study
What? Did they cancel PT? Or is it just Goldbricking?
"Recruits from southern states accounted for the worst performers when it came to physical fitness."
Ah! Land of the Happy Negro recruits are the worst. Surprise!

'Woke Alert' app tells conservative shoppers what not to buy
"Retard Alert" app will neutralize it.

Everything Ron DeSantis did yesterday is wrong – and many people are noticing
Another boob that is clueless.

Trump-Induced Idiocy in Tennessee
"As we’ve seen in Tennessee, this frantic state of mind leads Republicans to preposterous places and to act in politically self-destructive ways. One of the two most important political parties in the world is dominated by people who are enraged, embittered, and anarchic."

Blinded by Hate: Republicans Too Busy To Notice Plummeting Poll Numbers for Trump and GOP
"But if this progressive backlash keeps growing, voters may actually have a chance to throw Republicans out before the GOP fires the kill shot on American democracy."

Tucker So Mad Nobody Talking About How Leaker Exposed Secret HOT WAR Between Russia And 14 US Troops
Does this guy every say anything worth jack shit?

Nebraska Republican Very Sad About All Of The Aborted Potential White Employees
Poor, stupid old white men can't understand why we've had it with them.

Arkansas moves to repeal decades-old desegregation measure: report
Devo. They sure as hell are not men.

Republicans, facing devastating fallout from "Dobbs effect," refuse to quit abortion bans
They brought this on themselves
"Devo Retards."

Clarence Thomas’ 'concerning' real estate deal with a GOP billionaire must be 'fully scrutinized': columnist
"...a real estate transaction that, like the vacations, Thomas failed to report.

'Where is Ron DeSantis?' Trump voters slam Gov. over ignoring FL flood for campaign trip
Running away, as usual. Too late, he's already all wet.

TX Senate Approves Ban On “Harmful” Library Books
When they should be banning harmful fascists.

FL Bill Would Create Drop Boxes For Unwanted Babies
A newborn drop box. Just put your babies here. This is their answer to abortion?
Devolution in the human specie on display.

WaPo: “Freedom Is Under Assault In DeSantis’ Florida”
Duh...this is news? Did someone just finally figure this out?

TX Killer Of BLM Protester Posted “White Power” Meme
Abbott's kind of guy.

TN Speaker Secretly Lives In Home Outside District
Kick him out. Now. He's already set precedent.

Texas GOPer facing furious backlash over 'sloppy' plan to deputize 'vigilantes'
"Oh, why does a vigilante man
Why does a vigilante man
Carry that sawed-off shotgun in his hand?
Would he shoot his brother and sister down?" — Woody Guthrie

GOP congressman introduces bill that would punish Bragg for investigating Trump
Let's investigate this MAGAt fascist co-conspirator instead.

'Making things worse': Kansas lawmakers push back on Kobach's attempts to grab power
Great googa mooga! Can't this idiot find anything else to do? Besides, his MAGAt pals are trying to bust an AG for getting politcal. How hypocrital can a human be?

A Billionaire Bought Property From Clarence Thomas. The Justice Didn’t Disclose the Deal.
The transaction is the first known instance of money flowing from Crow to the Supreme Court justice.
Will it be the last?

Teach History. Democracy Requires It.
How as a nation have we fallen into such a place? How have we simply watched as one of our political parties has embraced election deniers who seek to undermine our democracy and mortally weaken our public schools and public universities? How have we watched abortion rights and voting rights come under the gun of right-wing political power?

'A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing': Experts Sound Alarm Over 5th Circuit Abortion Pill Ruling
A three-judge panel of the conservative-dominated 5th Circuit Court didn't allow a Texas judge's sweeping attack on abortion medication stand in full, but that was cold comfort to legal experts and rights advocates who said Thursday that the ruling poses a serious threat to reproductive freedoms nationwide.

WaPo identifies suspect involved in Pentagon document leak
And here we go again.

NYT identifies alleged leaker of classified Pentagon Ukraine documents
They indicated the man is a 21-year-old named Jack Teixeira in the 102nd Intelligence Wing of the Massachusetts Air National Guard. He was linked to the small Discord gaming chat group named Thug Shaker Central, where about 20 to 30 people gathered. It's where "a trove of classified U.S. intelligence documents leaked over the last few months."

Military recruitment is tanking because young people want something better
Sure. But the fascists will bring back the draft and our young people will all leave the country again.

Go Straight To Tennessee Legislature, Justin Pearson!
Ladies and gentleladies, the Shelby County Commission met Wednesday afternoon, and the vote was unanimous: Justin Pearson is going back to the Tennessee Legislature!

Abortion drug remains approved, with restrictions, appeals court rules
Many things have been illegal in the past. But this too shall pass along with Greg Abbott.

Greg Abbott’s BLM Pardon: Vigilante Justice Is Always About Racism for the Right
"Vigilantism is a very old story in America and one of its prominent characteristics has been that it always seems to be most prevalent when it is encouraged or condoned by political power and law enforcement. It's most often been used against racial minorities, particularly Black Americans during the horrific post-Reconstruction period and Jim Crow all the way up to today. The echoes of that are all over these latest incidents, whether it's the killing of Black people or the killing of white people protesting the killing of Black people."

Adventures in Cracker Land
That's a big section of the Land of the Happy Negro.

The GOP’s Fanatical Judges Are Putting Our Lives in Danger
History tells us that's what fascism does.

The Decades-Old Case for Impeaching Clarence Thomas Keeps Getting Stronger
“We have a system of checks and balances,” warns Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. “That includes checking egregious judicial overreach and abuse of power.”
As well as Nazis from Tennessee.

Transgender Rights Are Human Rights
Transgender people in the United States continue to fight for their rights—and their survival—as both are threatened by many state bills.

Democrats plan Jim Jordan's next hearing to be a referendum on him and the GOP: report
Then kick him out. They do it in Tennessee.

Tennessee Republicans Step Up Attacks on Democratic Cities
GOP lawmakers have used state preemption tactics to prevent localities from passing laws that don’t align with their ideological beliefs, or even to reduce the size of local councils.
See what I mean? The failure of law and order by the law and order party tells us they are dictators who should be put to an end.

The Tennessee Expulsions Are Just the Beginning
The red-state drive to reverse the rights revolution of the past six decades continues to intensify, triggering confrontations involving every level of government.
There will be blood..

Kansas cops chased down and tased 80-year-old man for driving 3 mph over the speed limit: lawsuit
Nice to see the cops have their priorites in order.
That'll teach the old codger to fuck with Kansas, the Jobbernowl State.

'Forced Pregnancy Act': Dem introduces amendment to rename Florida abortion ban
Also rename Florida, "The Facsist Farthead State."

Watch: GOP senator repeatedly refuses to say if he supports nationwide abortion ban
Tim Scott, Village Idiot.

‘Stop smearing our military’: Rubio ripped apart for ‘bigotry
Do you think he understands a goddamned thing?

Help Us Report on Idaho’s Deteriorating Public Schools
OK. They have a bunch of morons in charge. End of report.

Collapsing Roofs, Broken Toilets, Flooded Classrooms: Inside the Worst-Funded Schools in the Nation
Looks like these drop-outs have the same problem as Ida-Ho.

Fox News Most Trusted and Most Watched Even After Dominion Revelations, Latest Poll Shows
What does this say about the intellectual capacity of Americans? A severe thinking disorder.

‘Shockingly Racist Even For Tucker Carlson’: Critics TORCH Fox News Host’s Rant About Expelled Black TN Rep. Justin Pearson
They can still find something shocking about this asshole? Why?

Nebraska Republican's bizarre Bible reference sparks laughter
Haven't they made a law against laughing at the "Holy" Bible? ROTFLMAO!
These people are clearly racists.

Legal expert: Jack Smith could charge Donald Trump with espionage after latest revelations
I can't wait.

Defunding public libraries: Republicans' war on reading goes nuclear
Republicans in Texas and Missouri open up a new front in the war on public education
"...Texas conservatives have decided fart jokes are "pornography."
Let's hear what Terrance and Phillip have to say about that, fart heads!
They will fart in your general direction.

Defunding public libraries: Republicans' war on reading goes nuclear
Republicans in Texas and Missouri open up a new front in the war on public education
The illiterate resent of people that can read.

Florida Republican Is An Anti-Trans Bigot, Part Infinity
Meet Webster Barnaby, a extra special Florida legislator.
We know who the "mutant" is here. He's forgotten he used to be one. Maybe some think he still is. But that's the way it goes in the Land of the Happy Negro.
"When God created man, male, and woman, female. I’m a proud Christian conservative Republican. I’m not on the fence. Not on the fence.”"
Yeah? Well it sounds he's got something up his ass. Is that where his brain is?

Missouri Republican defends letting adults marry 12-year-old kids
But don't worry. They don't condsider it "grooming."
"Retards." What a fucked up world.

Trump advisor smacked down by appeals court over demand to keep hundreds of government documents
This guy still isn't in stir?

Ted Cruz Fires Back at Gregg Popovich for Trashing His Gun Safety Proposal: ‘Hypocritically’ Lecturing His Fans from a ‘Point of Ignorance’
Go Pop! No one cares what "Cruz, the Git" thinks.

SD Republican Gets 10 Years On Felony Incest Charges
Another one bites the dust.

'Fascism': Critics rebuke Trump’s claim that America’s 'biggest problem' is its own 'sick radical people'

It's Traitor Time TV Hour, With Trump And Tucker!
Luckily those two wild and crazy guys have something in common, and it is that they both are on Vladimir Putin's side, against America. So they could talk about that.

Fox News Idiot So Upset Nobody Factchecking These TikTok Influencers! That's It, That's The Joke
Republicans are not OK. It is dawning on them what the Youngs really use TikTok for, and not only that, but the degree to which it has absolutely nothing to do with them, and they are freaking out.

Child Gun Deaths Rose 50 Percent in Just 2 Years, Research Finds
But we remember before they shot kids. — Men of Extinction

Texas Senate approves bill barring professors from “compelling” students to adopt certain political beliefs
Fascists are always filled with fear. Nothing new here. Just more "victims."

Hitler's Germany, 1938/Trump's America, 2023
What questions remain to be answered about Republican as fascists?

Pennsylvania teacher shot and killed in front of son at drive-thru: reports
America, the beautiful. Another failure in the fight against evil.

The EPA Faces Questions About Its Approval of a Plastic-Based Fuel With an Astronomical Cancer Risk
The Environmental Protection Agency is facing a lawsuit filed by a community group and questions from a U.S. senator over the agency’s approval of fuels made from discarded plastic under a program it touted as “climate-friendly.”
Soon they'll be making plastic cigarettes.

Poll: 71% Of Republicans Would Never Buy Electric Car
That figures. They can't get used to the future.

Biden Administration Moves To Block Abortion Investigations
A proposed Department of Health and Human Services rule could hinder GOP efforts to restrict out-of-state abortion travel.

'It's About Hurting the Poor': GOP Ramps Up Cruel Push for Work Requirements
Why do they hate their own people so? Greedy motherfuckers.

The mounting human and environmental costs of generative AI
It’s easy to get swept up in the waves of hype, but these shiny capabilities come at a real cost to society and the planet.

US inflation was even lower than expected in March: CPI

Jim Jordan Takes His Clown Show on the Road
There goes Jim Jordan, the MAGA chairman of the House Judiciary Committee and its “weaponization of government” subcommittee, driving his clown car to a new town.

Alvin Bragg using 'very rare' maneuver to invalidate Jim Jordan’s subpoena: legal analyst
And very unusual that Jordan knew about charges before the grand jury did and before they were unsealed. WTF is going on here, Jackit-Off? A Russian agent, perhaps?

'Weak and desperate': Ron DeSantis’ 'ruthless drive to silence critics' recalls Richard Nixon
Another Nixon? That's just what America needs. Putrid.

So much for Republicans believing in 'states' rights'
"... hypocrisy is the rule of rightwing politics, never the exception..."

GOPers Are Coming Up With The Dumbest Reasons To Oppose Gun Safety
This is getting old.
Stupid is as stupid does.

'Intimidate And Attack': Bragg Slaps Jim Jordan With A Lawsuit
Now we're talking!
Couldn't happen to a bigger dickhead.

Florida Bill Would Shield Travel Records Of Top State Officials And Names Of Visitors To Governor’s Mansion
Never heard of the word "transparency" I guess?
What a bunch of losers.

“Sovereign Citizen” Rioter Sentenced To Six Years
Another one bites the dust.

The not-so-hidden message behind Donald Trump's Easter threats of "World War III"
Trump "gives permission to unstable people to carry out their grievances at a murderous level"
Guess who'll be coming after him first?

Sarah Sanders asks state board applicants to name what they admire about her most while applying for job
"She doesn't sweat much for a fat girl."

Georgia trainer spewed racial slurs and made lynching threats against Black woman: video
Land of the Happy Negro miscreant gets back to basics.

Republican tries to make a stand against 'woke' beer — but fails spectacularly
Really? "Woke" beer? Isn't that the only kind?

Abortion pill decision: Medical abortions will just be more painful
The abortion pill decision proves, yet again, that there's nothing "pro-life" about Republicans

Christians Seek To Ban Tennessee Pride Festival
They do their best to ruin everything. They are the true "groomers."

Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: One down, one to go

Effed Around, Tennessee GOP About To Find Out
All of a sudden everyone is investigating Tennessee Republicans. And their House Speaker may not live in his district? Whoops.
Cameron Sexton, fascist.

GOP rep. echoes AOC’s call for Biden to 'ignore' Texas judge’s ruling on abortion pill
All America should.

Why Brett Kavanaugh’s arguments in Dobbs 'loom over' a Texas judge’s abortion pill ruling: columnist
Two-faced dick.

Jim Jordan subpoenas FBI director Wray
There you go again...jacket off!

Lauren Boebert accused of 'coverup' after son's car accident
And more...

'Then why are you allowed to vote?' Lauren Boebert goes down in flames after new Constitution gaffe
Even hillbilly hicks like her get to vote. BoBo is dumber than a box of nothing.

A Change in Values to Reverse a Nation in Perilous Decline
But lost in these discussions of causality is the simple fact of greed. "If it makes money, it is good." Superficial economic values — individual wealth — have subsumed all other values, be they the good of the community, long-term economic growth, or even long-held ethical concerns like honesty, justice, compassion, and generosity. Greed dominates every consideration. The driving force is always whether a policy will make money for someone.
Trump and his Toadies helped bring this on. Yes, they did.

Expelled Tennessee Democrat Says GOP Is Threatening to Cut Local Funding If He's Reinstated
A good example of American racism, grift, greed and fascism. We must turn the fascists away from us.

Silencing dissent is the point in Tennessee
Unless the Nazis are the dissenters.

GOP embraces a new foreign policy: Bomb Mexico to stop fentanyl
These motherfuckers are totally batshit insane.

Utah’s Secretive Medical Malpractice Panels Make It Even Harder to Sue Providers
This story discusses sexual assault.

If the Law Is Legitimate, Clarence Thomas Must Stand Trial
The Supreme Court justice repeatedly broke the law for two decades. But do the laws even apply to the leaders on our judicial branch?
All they have to do is say "no law applies to us."

The Racial Element of Trump’s Attacks on His Prosecutors

Louisville Cops Confirm Five Dead, Six Injured in Active Shooting
You would think even the Nazis would be tired of this shit.

The End of the Music Business
A century of recorded music has culminated in the infinite archive of streaming platforms. But is it really better for listeners?
Is it better for anything?

GOP Rep. Nancy Mace says FDA should ignore judge's decision blocking abortion pill approval
Keep SCOTUS out of it.

65 percent in new poll against lifting retirement age for Americans in their 20s
Doh! Don't they know people should work until their death?

Senate Republicans Begging Trump Please No Helping With Primaries This Time, Please Please Please
Of course, it should be noted that Republicans are absurdly unpopular in general, and their fascist partisan hack Supreme Court and other handpicked child judges keep stripping people of their rights and bodily autonomy, and people keep getting massacred by guns Republicans refuse to regulate. So it's not like Trump helping or not helping is likely to be the deciding factor on how much Republicans lose in 2024.

If Pardoning People Who Kill Black Lives Matter Protesters Is Wrong, Greg Abbott Doesn't Want To Be Right
Riht. He wants to be dictator and plantation overseer.

US Fascism Is Spreading Under the Guise of “Patriotic Education”
The relentless state-based attacks on Black people in the U.S. and the war being waged against public and higher education are not unrelated. In the present political and ideological climate, far right political leaders, such as Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) have declared a war on institutions of public and higher education...

John Oliver challenges 'definitely lying' Tennessee Republican who claimed he doesn't see race
And a hopeless moron.

Jim Jordan's main defense of Trump felonies burned to the ground by former prosecutor
Add him the fire.

Anti-trans advocates keep contradicting each other
How do we know the trans hysteria is a moral panic? Because conservatives can't keep track of their own nonsense
The brainless.

Sweeping anti-vaccine bill with target on Kansas public health authorities fails in Legislature
Just how many fucking "Retards" are we going to put up with?
"A century from now, if America still exists, people will look back and wonder how so many people became so fucking stupid so quickly." — Todd 20036 (comments)

Cultists Hound Entire County Election Staff Into Quitting
Eliminate the terrorists!

Morning Digest: These 23 states can all amend their constitutions to protect abortion
Get off your ass America and vote for women's rights.

MTG's Beer Stunt Goes Flat
Marge Sporkfoot really should do her homework before she shoots her mouth off.
That implies she actually went to school.
Who knew she was a beer toper?
Same goes for Kid Rock.

Why Elon Musk isn't the 'free speech absolutist' he claims to be: libertarian
But he has a BIG mouth.

Clarence Thomas is telling on himself
“The extent and frequency of Crow’s apparent gifts to Thomas have no known precedent in the modern history of the US Supreme Court.”

Bill Barr: 'Very Good Evidence' Against Trump In Documents Case
Former Attorney General Bill Barr said that former President Donald Trump would likely be prosecuted after he refused to return classified documents to the federal government.
Trump shill even says he's a crook.

Lawmakers Urge Chief Justice Robertto Probe Clarence Thomas’s Secret Trips
Why, I'm certain Thomas is perfectly ethical, aren't you?

Revenge Is Not the Fascist’s Final, Last-Gasp Option: It’s Their First
At its core, revenge is rooted in physical violence, intimidation, and murder. It’s war brought into politics and governance.

Abortion Pill Suspension Contradicts Beliefs of Most People of Faith, Says Interfaith Leader
Sure. It's people of evil that want it gone.

'Absolutely Insane': Greg Abbott Seeks Pardon for Man Convicted of Murdering BLM Protester
Glad to hear someone say it.

Tennessee Republicans don't get expelled for having sexually assaulted minors ... and more
Why — that sounds like a bunch of — PEDOPHILES!

GOPer flips out after CNN's Dana Bash fact-checks him on abortion drug
Since when are judges doctors, douchebrain?

President Joe Biden should 'forcefully resist' TX judge’s 'medically unsound' abortion pill ruling: columnist

Lindsey Graham claims women kill 'babies' up to the 'moment of birth' in rant against abortion rights
This man has STD, severe thinking disorder.

House Republicans are 'in a hole and digging' as Democrats watch them flail
The inability of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) to get his leadership team on the same page as they attempt to come up with a budget plan is being greeted with joy by House Democrats and White House officials who are more than willing to watch the GOP infighting go public.
As expected.

'Deplorable and reprehensible': Iowa halts 'victim compensation fund' covering 'emergency contraception'
Seems to me these shits keep looking for a lower place to go. Sickening behavior for a human.

'Complete and utter idiot': Twitter hilariously heckles Marjorie Taylor Greene's swipe at Budweiser
The perfect "Retard." She's so mega-stupid she has become a "Know Nothing."

Kamala Harris Gives Powerful Speech Defending Democracy
Harris said Friday that the state House’s act “wasn’t about the three” Democrats. “It’s about whose voices they were channeling. Understand that.” That would be their fascist and racist Talibastards.

North Dakota Republicans Vote to Boost Own Meals After Nixing Free School Meals
Fuck the kids. Let 'em get their own Big Macs.

'Something out of Dickens': Legal expert dismantles Trump judge's abortion pill ruling
Better explain to the "Retards" who Dickens is. It's not Little Jimmy.

DOJ Files Appeal In Texas Ruling To Ban Abortion Pills
The "Retards" must be stopped.

'The truth must never be stifled or silenced when it is on behalf of the people' VP Harris in TN
Vice President Kamala Harris delivered a fiery speech in Nashville yesterday, in the Fisk University Memorial Chapel, on behalf of the “Tennessee Three;” Justin Jones, Justin Pearson, and Carolyn Johnson. The two Black elected officials, Pearson and Jones were expelled from the Tennessee General Assembly for standing up with protestors against gun violence after the mass shooting that took place on March 27, 2023 at the Covenant School in Nashville, where three children and three adults were murdered.

Lawless Ruling in Texas
As expected, Trump-appointed Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk anointed himself supreme arbiter of women’s reproductive healthcare in a ruling that withdrew FDA approval for mifepristone, a medication abortion option that has been used safely for more than two decades. Kacsmaryk, a religious fanatic who lacks the clinical training to make such a judgment, made it anyway.

'Judicial aggressiveness': CNN legal analyst torches Texas Court’s ruling on abortion pill
Torch their asses until they can't sit down.

AOC: Texas abortion pill ruling 'an unprecedented and dramatic erosion of the legitimacy of the courts'
Just fascists wearing robes.

Georgia DA expected to 'go big' with Trump indictment
According to a report from the New York Times, Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis could be bringing a case against Trump and an assortment of aides and supporters that will be far more complex and far-reaching than the legal proceedings in New York City.

We Are Still Here, and We Will Not Bow Down
Hate is all they have for our children.

Another Loser Republican Goes Out Whining
His opponent is more worthy than a Nazi, whining boy.

Texas Judge Invalidates Abortion Drug; WA Court Orders FDA To Ignore Him
Fuck the fascist.

Kansas Legislature Votes To Make Elderly Work For Food Benefits
Cruel and unusual punishment. Another Constitutional violation by the Nazis.
Jesus would want it that way.

Trump-appointed judge rescinds FDA approval of abortion pill mifepristone
We are now most certain that we no longer live in a democracy but a demagoguery.

Right Wing TV Host: Girls Are Being Brainwashed By Mario Brothers To Get Raped
Another TV turd stirrer. Is she whining because she's an incel?
Brainwashing? That's exactly what "TV Hosts" like her are attempting.

Economist Warns That Capitalism May Be Ending
Because it eats itself. Unsustainable.

'Self-serving' North Dakota GOP boosts own meal allowance after axing free school lunch bill
Grifting fascists. Low life creeps.

‘Illegal’: Tennessee GOP's expelling of 2 Black Democrats violates First Amendment says former U.S. attorney
Indict, arrest and imprison the guilty parties then.

The Future of Republican Governance is on Display in Tennessee
Republicans seem newly committed to removing their opponents from office under even the thinnest of pretenses.

Authoritarianism 101: Tennessee is now schooling other Republicans in how it’s done
If North Carolina is a test case in the power of representative democracy to overcome extreme political gamesmanship, then Tennessee has become ground zero in America’s fight against authoritarianism.

Biden says ‘extreme MAGA Republicans’ are threat to economy in wake of strong jobs report
A big threat to our country.

There's A Pube On Clarence Thomas's Integrity (Again)
Conscientious Americans who pay attention to the news know Clarence Thomas is probably the most corrupt and unethical piece of ass lint who ever sat on a Supreme Court throne and stank it up with his linty assfarts. And his wife? Fuuuuuuuuck that crazy batshit nutcase who's on every "OK Boomer" right-wing chain email thread in high-powered Republican Washington.
Impeach Thomas ( and his asshat wife too ).

The Failure of the “Budapest Memorandum" Is a Betrayal of World Peace
If the free world fails in our efforts to support Ukraine’s self-defense & enforce this agreement signed by the United States, future prospects for peace in the world will be significantly diminished

Tennessee Three — minus one— expelled: Republicans remove all doubt that they oppose democracy
Their expulsion is a petty act of revenge from Republicans who refuse to accept the will of the voters
America should declare war on them. They are the worst enemy America has ever had.

GOP barreling toward 'epic losing streak' as 'wildly unpopular' Trump strengthens control: analysis
And there are signs the streak may continue, said the report — Republicans have been handed a heavily favorable Senate battleground map in 2024, but even more extremist candidates are threatening their chances in winnable races, all while Trump makes the entire party's message an "agenda dominated by vengeance and victimhood."

'They need to be burned to the ground politically': Rick Wilson issues expletive-laced warning about No Labels
“They're not trying to accomplish centrism or independent voters or everybody singing (expletive) Kumbaya,” Wilson said.
“They're a pro-Trump super PAC. They're raising $70-plus million from billionaire Republican hedge fund guys and billionaire Republican developers and billionaire Republicans Silicon Valley types so they can elect Donald Trump.”
Scumbag Nazi tricks. That's fucked.

Musk Admits Being Clueless About NPR’s Funding
Previously stated on Land of the Happy Negro.

Biden Condemns “Shocking” Expulsion Of TN Dems
Too bad for the rascist children that voted to expel. They will just be re-elected and pissed as all hell.

'Baroness of Arizona': Kari Lake ruthlessly mocked with suggestion for how to take over the state
The stupid is strong in this one.

Black Couple Says Texas Authorities Seized Their Newborn Because They Chose a Midwife Over a Hospital
Texas is a racist and fascist state. Can you blame the parents not trusting white devils?

'Sooner or later it cracks': Journalist denounces Republican apathy toward right-wing violence
They won't kill anyone "in the form of calls, emails and letters."
After all, "No Donnie, these men are cowards." — Walter Sobchak, The Big Labowski

MAGA Threats For Trump Judge, His Family, And Bragg
Is anyone surprised? ANYONE?
Keep it up airhead. You are only doing yourself in.

'You Bet!': Peter Doocy Taken To The Woodshed By John Kirby
Doocy just got Kirby'd.
This dickwad is still asking his idiot questions at press conferences? Disturbing.

Franklin Graham: Jesus Is Using MTG For His Work
Well, all that proves is Jesus is also using Lesley Stahl as his press agent.
And, as Phil Ochs sang, "I've had her, she's nothing."
This is how you know Christianity is bullshit.

Breaking - Pentagon dealing with security leak of Ukraine war plans
Somebody cut a big fart. Wonder who this asshat(s) might be?

How Love of Money Replaced Love of Nation & Spirit
Patriotism & religion are luxuries. When you can’t pay the rent or feed your family, when you’re pestered by bill collectors, it’s hard to think of anything other than money.

At schools across Houston, students and parents protest Texas Education Agency’s takeover of state’s largest district
Fascism continues its creep over Texas.

Idaho’s Abortion Fixation Decimates Rural Health Care
New restrictions have fueled a physician exodus, ramped up rural health disparities, and will invite the inevitable court challenges.
The fools are commiting suicide and don't realize it.

'Spasms of vindictiveness': Conservative knocks GOP for 'irresponsible and juvenile' behavior in Tennessee
"But I think Republicans, deep down, they know if they undermine democracy, then they actually succeed in creating chaos and they can step in, and provide some simple crazy answer in the midst of chaos. And that's the case over and over and over again."
This has always been the way of the Nazi.
Time to put a stop to them.

Revenge-Obsessed Donald Trump Is Pushing the Right to New Levels of Retribution Rage
Between Trump and the Nazis in Florida, Tennessee and other parts of the Land of the Happy Negro, we are moving closer to a new Civil War and much more bloody than the first.

Tennessee Republicans Expel Democratic Lawmaker Who Joined Gun Control Rally
“This awakened to the world that there is no democracy in Tennessee and that today’s vote is a very dangerous precedent for the nation,” Jones told Mother Jones Creator in Residence Garrison Hayes moments after his expulsion. “In a week after a mass shooting, it is so outrageous that the first reaction of this body is to expel me rather than to pass common sense gun laws.”
“I feel like North Korea has more democracy than we do in the state of Tennessee,” Johnson told Mother Jones in an exclusive sit-down interview on Wednesday, “and it’s terrifying to me that we’re in this march to fascism. And it seems like the Tennessee supermajority is leading the charge.”
Another state run by fascist Nazis. They must be eliminated very soon. We still have a Constitution but they are trying to kill that as well.

Carlson Guest Calls For Red States To Secede Because The Bible Tells Us To Separate From “Unclean” People
Good idea. Then America can finally send Federal troops in to occupy and get Will Sherman to burn it all down this time.
"It's a crack up. Carlson, likely the most race baiting announcer on Fox Noise, finds the most half witted black "Christian" to weigh in." — Jonathan (comments)

Shocking Report On Baltimore Catholic Church Abuse
There's no "grooming" like hypocrite Christianist "grooming."
And why do all God's angels wear gowns? They are all said to be male. Shocking!

AOC Claps Back At Marge For Bashing New York
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez easily trolled QAnon klan mom Marjorie Taylor Greene after the Georgia congresswoman dropped into Manhattan for ten minutes to get a quick photo-op during Trump's arraignment and then quickly departed.
Slipped in and dropped a few turds in the street and left them there.

Governor Declares Confederate Heritage Month In Mississippi
The Land of the Happy Negro declares "Seditious Traitor Month" to honor dear ole fuckin', slave drivin' Dixie.
These morons continue to be traitors to America.

Now Is the Time for a Federal Ban on Facial Recognition Surveillance
Big Brother should be blinded forever.

'Rank corruption': AOC calls for Clarence Thomas’ impeachment following bombshell report on megadonor gifts
The Land of the Happy Negro moved for that some time ago, girl. Where ya been?

Noam Chomsky: Savage capitalist lunatics are running the asylum
No doubt about that. The slime creatures must have salt poured over them.

'It's worth it': Charlie Kirk calls school shootings 'a prudent deal' to protect the Second Amendment
Watch it Charlie. You could be next.

Former Michigan House GOP lawmaker charged in marijuana licensing bribery scheme
ederal charges have been brought against former Michigan House Speaker Rick Johnson, along with three other suspects, in connection with a bribery scandal, prosecutors have revealed.
According to The Detroit News, the charges were handed down on Thursday, April 6 following a years-long investigation into the state’s operations for marijuana licensing.

'We broke the glass of your false power': Tennessee Democrat scorches Republicans ahead of expulsion vote
We all know the right to protest doesn't exist in a fascist state. The rights of the Americans should be defended against these would-be Pootinskis.

Tennessee Republicans vote to test out tyranny today
The Republican Party continues to find new lows. The most profound depth of conservative hypocrisy is its unwillingness to do anything to diminish the public health crisis created by guns.
Their answer is "More guns!" This always produces more death by gun.

'Zombie' abortion bans have a bad week in the Midwest, but it's a very different story in Idaho
“Who would like to see me slay a zombie?” Whitmer said at the bill signing, describing the law—which, like Wisconsin’s abortion ban, remained on the books after the Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, only to resurface nearly five decades later after the court overturned Roe—as a “threat coming back to haunt us all.”
Hopefully, she removed the head.

It is finally dawning on conservatives that abortion is dooming their party
Polling has long shown that despite all the culture war noise, abortion rights are popular.
And MAGAts are floating turds.

Jim Jordan uses House Judiciary to sabotage Manhattan case against Donald Trump
Yet another Constitutional crisis created by a snot-nosed Nazi MAGAt. Jacket-Off is a floating turd.s
He just established that one can ignore subpoenas. What a fruit cake! He's making Trump look guilty!

Alvin Bragg rebukes Jim Jordan's 'harassment and intimidation
Fuck the arrogance of the idiot Jordan.

Trump will be hit with more indictments "in pretty rapid succession": MSNBC's Glenn Kirschner
Former federal prosecutor turned MSNBC analyst sees Donald Trump's legal future: Plenty of trouble in many places

'Huge blow': Analyst says new Dominion ruling is a game changer in 'potential blockbuster' Fox News trial
"Dominion can subpoena testimony from Fox News leadership, including parent company founder Rupert Murdoch and his son, Fox Corporation CEO Lachlan Murdoch"

Revealed: Clarence Thomas’ luxury lifestyle 'is being subsidized' by a billionaire GOP megadonor
These trips appeared nowhere on Thomas’ financial disclosures. His failure to report the flights appears to violate a law passed after Watergate that requires justices, judges, members of Congress and federal officials to disclose most gifts, two ethics law experts said. He also should have disclosed his trips on the yacht, these experts said.
Such a shocker.

'Unable to learn': Ann Coulter skewers Republicans for falling over themselves to defend Donald Trump
She knows they have royally screwed themselves.

2024 GOP Candidate Asa Hutchinson Is NOT A 'Moderate'
Asa Hutchinson Is An Enemy of Abortion Rights Who Kicked Thousands Off Medicaid. You know, a Republican.
As governor of Arkansas, Hutchinson signed into law a near-total abortion ban and—with permission from the Trump administration—made his state the first to impose work requirements on Medicaid recipients, a move that kicked more than 18,000 people off the program.

Idaho Gov Signs Nation’s First “Abortion Trafficking” Bill
What if they figure out how to get it done by themselves, assholes?
They may have brains. You have none.

Owens Rages After Rejection By Interior Designer
“I’d rather get beat in the ass with a wooden plank than ever go near either of you. Kind regards, David.”
Well said.
"I can be rude to an entire political party, race, religion, gender, and orientation but how dare anyone be rude to me!" — Rex (comments)
"Think of it as a gay wedding cake, dear."—Thorn Spike (comments)

MTG: New York City Is Filthy, Disgusting, And Smelly
As Truman said,"If you don't like the heat, stay out of the kitchen."
She's such a vile miscreant.

Gingrich: Dems Made Trump A Martyr Like Joan Of Arc
More like Billy the Kid.
To fucking funny. Great joke.
"If he is Joan Of Arc then burn him at the stake in Central Park." — Stultus

Right-wing mom gets Anne Frank graphic novel removed over depictions of 'nude' statues
American Taliban. These creatures are the scum of the earth.

Colorado conservatives resign from school board after CRT hysteria swallows them up in harassment
They resigned because the conservative-led hysteria over race and education in schools seems to have consumed the community.
Destroying America everywhere they go.

Seth Meyers Talks About Trump's Never-Ending Crime Pass
“The guy’s entire life has been a pass! It’s like Trump has an Olive Garden Never Ending Pasta Pass, but for crime.”

'Crossed the line': Legal experts chastise GOP lawmakers for interfering in Trump's criminal probe
Legal experts are criticizing Republican leaders and lawmakers' inappropriate interference in former President Donald Trump's criminal investigations.
Simply grifters running their con.

'Two-bit televangelist' Lindsey Graham ruthlessly ridiculed by Morning Joe panel
"He's even looking more like a 1980s televangelist," Scarborough said. "You've got some of that Jimmy Swaggart crying going on, of course, he looks a lot like — oh my God, he's slowly morphing into Jim Bakker. I don't know who his Tammy Faye is. He's looking more and more like Jim Bakker."
Couldn't say it better myself.

'A question of democracy': New analysis argues the real issue surrounding Trump’s indictment
"This week’s indictment could be the first time that Trump – or any president in the country’s history – is held accountable for a criminal act. But this may not be the only time Trump faces courtroom allegations this year," she wrote.

Fears of Fresh Disaster Rise as Images Show Major Damage Inside Fukushima Reactor
The trouble with nuclear power.

A Few Other Modern US Presidents Who Deserve Indictment

Trump faces 'brutal' mockery on Russian state TV over indictment: report
Even his buddy Pootin is laughing at him.

'This is sickening': The Trumps face furious backlash after targeting Manhattan judge's daughter
They live in the sewers. What else would you expect?

Trump's indictment is no sad day for America: Let's celebrate our justice system working
It may have been sad for Donald Trump — but it was good for America

Musk Attaches “State Media” Label To NPR’s Account
He keeps showing us his stupidity and hatefulness. What is "state" about publicly funded media?
Time to kill your Twitter account if you have a conscience.

Florida Moves Closer To Criminalizing Drag Shows
These fascists are the criminals for making criminals out of free Americans.
This is a big problem that they face everyday? What hateful tripe. It is intimidation that allows abuse by the facists.
Here they go raging against art that has been in the canon for years. These people are religious throwbacks to the dark ages and as deadly as cancer.
"criminalize drag shows to keep children safe? as they now allow anyone to carry a concealed gun without permit, background check or training...These people are really fucked in the head." — Thewolflam (comments)

Progressives score huge wins, capped by flipping Wisconsin Supreme Court
" Progressives won their first majority on the Wisconsin Supreme Court in 15 years on Tuesday night..."

'He cheats, he conspires': Conservative details the many 'lies' Trump told in post-arraignment speech
He continues to lie to his fascist gang. The evidently like to eat his bullshit.

'Ask God for the money': Sarah 'Huckster' Sanders blasted for hypocrisy over disaster relief
God's in the lending business and his rates are low?
" long as I am your governor, the meddling hand of big government creeping down from Washington DC will be stopped cold at the Mississippi River."
Good. Let her talk to God about financing.
I thought they gave money to God. Was it only a loan and what has he invested it in? Now they want some of it back?

'Too late cupcake': Twitter roasts the Trumps for attacking Manhattan judge's daughter
What atrocious chickenshits. Let them rot.

Bragg: Trump Doorman Paid Off To Silence Story Of Trump’s Secret Child
Who's your daddy?
So shocking! ROTFLMAO!

Disney CEO: DeSantis 'Not Just Anti-Business, But Anti-Florida'
Bob Iger has opinions about Meatball Ron.
Meatball is an obvious enemy of America.

Fox News Host Mortified Americans Want To See Trump Prosecuted
Trey Gowdy just cannot understand how most people respect the law
Most Americans don't like fascist traitors who attempt coups against our government.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Runs Slanderous Ad Depicting Biden As Pedophile
Thank you, Leslie Stahl.
"Leslie Stahl should be ashamed of herself for enabling this trash."
Apparently, like Marge, she has no idea what shame is.
Who is it you see being pedophile? So many "Christian Pastors."

'Platforming stupid': 60 Minutes evokes outrage by interviewing Marjorie Taylor Greene
Atlantic contribute Jemele Hill: “There’s nothing wrong with interviewing and profiling controversial, even despicable people, but this framing is s---. There’s also a fine line between engaging provocative people and platforming stupid. This is platforming stupid.”

BOMBED: Marjorie Taylor Greene tanked 60 Minutes ratings
But they have been tanking for some time now. This is an act of desperation.
" failed to draw a major viewing audience.
In fact, it was the second-lowest show for the news magazine’s latest season, with a marked 33% drop from the March 26th episode."

’60 Minutes’ Blasted for Marjorie Taylor Greene Sit-Down: ‘Infomercials for Fascists Is a Bridge Too Far’
Is "60 Minutes" starving for viewers? They thought a good way to get them was by putting on a Nazi?
And people have been responding to the tweet … appropriately.
Writer, journalist and big-time sneakerhead Russ Bengtson wrote, simply, “Delete your TV show,” with actor Paul Tefler tweeting, “Phew boy, how low you’ve sunk here.”
David Zirin, a sports editor for The Nation, maybe put it best when he said: “60 Minutes lost its bite a long while ago. But infomercials for fascists is a bridge too far.”
Stahl's career is now stained.

Critics Pounce On ’60 Minutes’ Interview With ‘In Your Face’ Marjorie Taylor Greene: ‘What a Fall From Grace’
The extremely controversial Republican‘s sit-down with Stahl airs on Sunday, but the pushback and anger over the announcement from critics was immediate, accusing the show of platforming an extremist, of “both sides coverage”, and even being “complicit.”

Marjorie Taylor Greene's '60 Minutes' Interview Went Just Like You'd Expect
Like a fool trying to make sense with a Nazi.

Charlie Kirk: “I’m Not A Fan Of Democracy”
A Luddite, no doubt.

Republicans have no coherent 'fiscal proposals' as they 'hold the debt ceiling hostage': columnist
It seems they are dying with a slow suicide.

GOP frustrated as House investigations fail to find dirt on Biden: report
Jacket-Off Jordan fails again. If no jacket, he should come out in his wrestling suit.

'Very ugly': MAGA supporter violently clashes with anti-Trump protesters outside courthouse
Some light crossfire in the new Civil War in America.

Trump loses emergency appeal to block top aides from testifying before special counsel’s grand jury

Jan. 6 rioter who wanted to arrest Biden and Pelosi is convicted
Another one bites the dust. Think of it — always.

Putin Is No Longer ‘Sane,’ Says Kremlin Insider Who Fled the Country
Oh, dear! Is there a cure? The Pootmeister? Such a surprise. Trump will be so worried.

The Planet Will Warm Past 1.5°C. What Now?

The Right Wing Is Waging a Dirty War Against History and Education
At the core of all authoritarian regimes is a politics of disappearance: a practice of elimination that targets the oppositional press, revolutionary ideas, perceived enemies, migrants, people of color, women and trans people, troubling knowledge and historical memories that threaten the existing racist capitalist order.
This is typical fascism. In the end the fascists always get justice served to them cold. Think of it — always.

Florida Democratic Leaders Arrested While Protesting 6-Week Abortion Ban
The Nazi state of Florida in action. These fascists must be stopped.

Planned Parenthood Sues Missouri AG After Being Targeted in Anti-Trans Inquiry
The Republicans don't care for AGs so they will CERTAINLY be for this.

New York Governor Backs Proposal to Gut State’s Landmark Climate Law
As stated before, we will all die together sooner with this sort of illogical thinking.

Why the GOP, Fox-So-Called "News" & Rightwing Hate Radio Use Fear as Their Primary Tool
This strategy, employed by dictators and autocrats, is as ancient as history. Caligula did it, as did Nero. Mussolini, Hitler, Putin, and Orbán achieved and exercised power using fear

House GOP’s First 100 Days in Majority Has Been Pretty Darned Pathetic
Perfect example of how Nazis attempt to dictate.

Happy Arraignment Day, America! Let's See How The Patient Is Doing.

Mitt Romney Said That Bike Lanes Increase Emissions. Really?
In Denver, e-bike vouchers have been a smashing success. What? Bike emissions spreading over to Utah? LMAO!

Finland joins NATO, dealing blow to Russia for Ukraine war
Finland joined the NATO military alliance Tuesday, dealing a major blow to Russia with a historic realignment of the continent triggered by Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine.

Pro-Trump Republicans — not Alvin Bragg — are 'undermining the rule of law': former Reagan speechwriter
Nazi pigs.

Chants of 'fascists!' break out as Tennessee GOP moves to expel Dems over gun control protest
That's exactly what the MAGAts are! These GOP Nazis must be stopped cold.

Musk Calls New York Times “Propaganda” as He Removes Its Twitter Verification
And shows his vindictive fascism.

Florida Sheriff slams DeSantis’ permitless carry law: 'we stopped listening to law enforcement'
You are being replaced by the new Gestapo.

The father of the cellphone predicts we'll have devices embedded in our skin
And you snickered when I said we were already chipped by cellphones.

Trump Supporters in Manhattan Are Outnumbered by Reporters
“This is my new favorite flag,” says Dion Cini, who is holding a flag that says “Trump or Death” outside Trump Tower on Monday morning. “It doesn’t necessarily mean my death; it could mean your death.”
I would rather be dead than suck Trump's weeny weiner, Dion.
All a Nazi has to do is show up to get the attention of the vapid media.
The Nazis will take you to the death camps as well.

Everybody Hates Marjorie Taylor Greene's Garbage '60 Minutes' Interview, Loves Indicting Trump
Except bottom feeders.

Marjorie Taylor Greene hasn’t changed
"But the resulting package was the worst kind of faux objectivity, offering Greene an undeserved chance to mainstream and sanitize her image."
A "60 Minutes" profile gave the Georgia Republican an undeserved chance to mainstream her extremism.

Tennessee Punishes Dem Reps For Gun Reform Protest
The Volunteer state keeps pushing the totalitarian buttom.
A good bunch of Nazis running it. Blatant Nazis. Christ, they are wearing swastikas under their shirts.
The civlized world is at war with these bastards. Make no mistake.

'Incredibly Disturbing' Docs Reveal Oil Giant Shell Knew About Climate Impacts Even Earlie
Shred those Shell CCs now!

Gender and race shape the media coverage of Kamala Harris
Did we expect less?

Secret Service Agents To Testify Friday In Classified Documents Case
Several U.S. Secret Service agents connected to former President Trump have been subpoenaed and are expected to testify before a Washington, D.C., grand jury likely on Friday this week.

Another Russian Pro-Kremlin Blogger Assassinated
He blowed up good! Blowed up REAL good! Not what he was thinking, I'm sure.

Nashville Students Rally for Gun Control Ahead of April 5 Nationwide Walkout
This is what "grooming" with guns does for our youth.

Texas to take up bill requiring Ten Commandments in every public school classroom
Which Ten Commandments?
The Bible actually contains two complete sets of the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:2-17 and Deut. 5:6-21). In addition, Leviticus 19 contains a partial set of the Ten Commandments (see verses 3-4, 11-13, 15-16, 30, 32), and Exodus 34:10-26 is sometimes considered a ritual decalogue.
This will open another round of fighting religion in our public schools.

What The Hell Was Gerald Ford Thinking When He Pardoned Nixon?
He was protecting Repubicans. He was Republican House leader, appointed VP when the office was vacated by Agnew and automatically became President.

Marijuana Smell Not Reason Enough To Search Car, Votes IL Senate
Of course not.

MAGA Legislators Increasingly Force Taxpayers to Support Fossil Fuel Industry
We'll all die together then.

Blockbuster Exposé Confirms H.G. Wells’ Truism That “Human History” Is “A Race Between Education and Catastrophe.”
Gayle Greene’s “Immeasurable Outcomes” presents an impassioned manifesto to revive quality, democratic education that redeems college teaching and re-seeds enlightened, disaster-averting voters.
Read it before they burn it.

'You're not storming the courthouse': Ex- NYPD cop warns protesters NYC is ready for them
"You're not storming the courthouse, that's not gonna happen. I'm sure our executives reviewed Jan. 6 and what went wrong, so they're anticipating any kind of issues like that," Alcazar said.
50 calibers are in position.

Trump's net worth takes a massive hit: Forbes
As Forbes' Dan Alexander wryly noted, "If people continue to join at the current pace — and assuming that no one quits or dies —Truth Social will not hit its projected 81 million users until 2086. By that point, Trump would be 140 years old. A more likely outcome: Truth Social will join Trump Steaks, Trump University and in the graveyard of failed Trump ventures."

VA Teacher Shot By 6-Year-Old Files $40 Million Lawsuit
The lawsuit mentions new details about the boy, who is identified as John Doe, and an alleged pattern of troubling behavior.
This kid ain't no "little boy." He's a little "fucked up."

'Break Up Big Ag,' Says Sanders After Egg Giant Posts 718% Profit Increase
Did they lay an egg this time?

'60 Minutes' Gives Marjorie Taylor Greene Softball, Foot Massage Puff Piece, As You Do With Fascist Bigots
"Normalizing Nazis."

'Seditious scumbag': Retired Air Force colonel blasts '60 Minutes' for interviewing Marjorie Taylor Greene
60 Minutes can go to the propaganda room with Fox News now. Presenting liars is now their specialty.
“Little difference in @FoxNews knowingly promoting the Big Lie and @60Minutes knowingly promoting a seditious scumbag … it’s all about the $$. And don’t buy any high minded journalism bullsh*t … that’s the same excuse I heard from @jaketapper when he normalized Trump in 2015,” Davis tweeted.
"Despite their desire to be perceived as high-minded journalists, they are just as mercenary and ratings motivated as Fox or anyone else.” As such they are promoting "seditious scumbags." But really, what's new?

GOP Lawmaker Warns About The Danger Of Voting
Minnesota Republican State Representative Matt Bliss is confused about a lot of things.
Yes, your Nazi party is pretty, pretty dangerous for all of us.

'The sword of Damocles': China condemns Russian nukes along Belarus-NATO border
That should give the Pootmeister something to think about.

How a COVID-19/MERS 'combination' could set off a 'whole new pandemic': report
Just what we need.

'Flat Earth Society': MyPillow CEO asks media to focus on his efforts to nix voting machines instead of Trump
MyPillow Chief Executive Officer, Mike Lindell, would like for Fox News to pivot away from reporting on the Manhattan indictment of former President Donald Trump, and to consider reporting on conservative efforts to do away with voting machines.
Voting makes these Nazis nervous. They want to do away with them all.

Ain't that a Bitch?

Bitches, Part Two

Stormy Responds To Marge: Trump Is 'Not Going To F*ck You'
Hmmm, I don't know. Fatso has fucked everybody else in our country.

The 'ultimate grift': Democratic strategist nails 'self-professed billionaire' Donald Trump's 2024 campaign
Just rolling in the dough, eh?

'So defund the police?': Jim Jordan slammed for plan to cut DOJ and FBI funds over Trump indictment
Pretty cool we get to watch these morons commit suicide.

'Frickin' idiot' attorney Tacopina facing rebellion from Trump advisers
This idiot has been a barrel of laughs!

DOJ warrant cites fresh evidence Trump may have hidden documents after FBI searches
Down the toilet?

Nuns rebel against anti-trans stance of Catholic leadership
It's not nice to fool with the Sisters.

Texas Bill Allows Secretary Of State To Take Over Dem Elections
GOPers overturning election results in the state’s largest Democratic-leaning county—on the flimsiest of pretexts? What could go wrong?
Texas GOPers in the state legislature introduced a slate of bills this week designed to subvert elections and curb voting rights in the state.
They sure don't give a fuck in Texas.

Bush Rips Indictment: Voters Should Be Trump’s Jury
So, it's not important for the voters to know about his crimes before they vote for him?
Typical fascist logic.

Aunt Lydia Seeks Socialist FEMA Aid After Tornadoes
They don't need Federal aid until they do. Idiots.

Trump's words about indicting others are coming back to haunt him: columnist
Everything he touches dies.

Trump will face the 'worst jury pool in America' for him in Manhattan: legal analyst
He helped create them. It's only right.
"...his worst nightmare will come from a jury made up of New Yorkers who know him all too well.

Texas Wingnut Says Dirty Book Ban Would Include 'Lonesome Dove.' Not A Good Move In Texas

Florida Teachers’ Unions Are Front Line of Resistance Against DeSantis’s Fascism
Beset with reactionary attempts to curtail their academic freedom and bust their unions, college and university professors have become a key target of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s far right regime — in no small part because they represent one of the few organized statewide forces ready to fight back against his increasingly repressive administration.

Civil rights organizations file federal complaint against Texas’ takeover of Houston ISD
The ACLU of Texas, the Houston NAACP and other groups say the takeover is a violation of the Voting Rights Act and the U.S. Constitution.
These pricks violate everything. They are trying to make it so state officals can declare elections null and void like a good dictatorship would do.

'There will be blood': Trump biographer warns former president may not be able restrain his fans
It will be theirs with the Feds 50 calibers blazing.

Lawmakers Have Renewed the Effort to Ban Asbestos
That it is not already banned is a disgrace on an already disgraceful nation.

State line pot shops latest flashpoint in Idaho-Oregon border debate
Fuck Idaho. They should be occupied.

Actually, Former Presidents Do Get Indicted—and Not Just in “Banana Republics”
So, it’s true we’ve never prosecuted a president before, just like we’ve never convicted a president who’s been impeached by the House. But maybe we’d all be a little better off if we actually had.

New analysis explains how the GOP is weaponizing the Nashville shooting for its political agenda
These bullshitting bastards are gonna get somebody killed.

‘White Lives Matter’ racist firebombed church hosting drag events: Feds
Ohio resident Aimenn D. Penny, 20, faces up to 30 years imprisonment if convicted on two charges of malicious use of explosive materials and possession of a destructive device in the March 25 attack. The FBI reported finding a Nazi flag, a White Lives Matter of Ohio T-shirt, and other hateful memorabilia in Penny’s home, along with a gas mask, multiple rolls of blue painter’s tape, and gas cans.
Damn shame to give up your best years doing time for being a brainless fool.

Tennessee GOP lawmaker dismisses calls for stricter gun control despite Nashville school shooting
Another accesory to murder at large. Yes, all gun murderers are leftests. Sure, there's data on that.
This dimwit is so full of shit it's coming out of his ears. Don't beleve me? Look at facts:
Number of mass shootings in the United States between 1982 and March 2023, by shooter's gender
Public Mass Shootings: Database Amasses Details of a Half Century of U.S. Mass Shootings with Firearms, Generating Psychosocial Histories
"Of the 172 individuals who engaged in public mass shootings covered in the database, 97.7% were male. Ages ranged from 11 to 70, with a mean age of 34.1. Those shooting were 52.3% White, 20.9% Black, 8.1% Latino, 6.4% Asian, 4.2% Middle Eastern, and 1.8% Native American.
    Most individuals who perpetrated mass shootings had a prior criminal record (64.5%) and a history of violence (62.8%), including domestic violence (27.9%). And 28.5% had a military background. Most died on the scene of the public mass shooting, with 38.4% dying by their own hand and 20.3% killed by law enforcement officers.
"So many of these people that commit the mass murders end up being Democrats"
How Many Mass Shootings Have Been Carried Out by Transgender People?

Former GOP adviser warns that Graham and other Republicans should distance from Trump
One former Republican advisor is urging Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and other Republicans to distance themselves from former President Donald Trump now that he has officially been indicted by the Manhattan District Attorney's office.
Aren't they attached at the hip?

’60 Minutes’ Blasted for Marjorie Taylor Greene Sit-Down: ‘Infomercials for Fascists Is a Bridge Too Far’
Writer, journalist and big-time sneakerhead Russ Bengtson wrote, simply, “Delete your TV show,” with actor Paul Tefler tweeting, “Phew boy, how low you’ve sunk here.”
Sad that 60 Minutes put this low life on a formerly respectable show.

REPORT: Trump Facing At Least One Felony Charge
It'll be the first of many to come.

Trump supporter convicted of election interference after 2016 plot to trick Hillary Clinton voters
“Today’s verdict proves that the defendant’s fraudulent actions crossed a line into criminality and flatly rejects his cynical attempt to use the constitutional right of free speech as a shield for his scheme to subvert the ballot box and suppress the vote.”
And he ain't the only one.

Audio tape of Trump is devastating for his case and supports Michael Cohen: former prosecutor
There's a tape recording of Trump talking to Cohen about the payments, during which Trump suggested they "pay with cash."

Unequal justice: The Supreme Court is set to reject President Joe Biden’s student debt relief plan
... the major questions doctrine is a made-up theory created by the court itself. It is nowhere to be found in the text of either the Constitution or in any federal statute.
So they get to make things up but not the President? Sounds pretty underhanded to me and we should put a stop to it.

Idaho GOP Makes Up 'Trafficking' Crime Against Abortion
Idaho is about to become the first state to restrict interstate travel for an abortion.
Abort Idaho. Why don't you kiss my ass, instead? Fucking Nazi garbage.
So, if a pregnant woman leaves your Nazi shithole, has a baby and never returns, do you extradite them? What fools.

GOP Megadonor Guilty Of Sex Trafficking Underage Girls
Another one bites the dust.

Two Republicans Kicked Off County Election Board in North Carolina for Failing to Certify Results
Only two?

Manhattan DA unleashes on Jim Jordan with stern warning: You may not 'interfere' with Trump prosecution
And find a goddamn jacket to wear once in awhile.

Don't Worry, Junior. Daddy Can Still Not Love You From Prison
If there's one thing we've learned in the overnight since we found out the grand jury in Manhattan voted to indict Donald Trump, it is that we are going to have to pace ourselves with the schadenfreude and the laughing and the going through the "For You" tab on Twitter and replying "Cry more" to every MAGA idiot we see. We've likely got a TON of indictments coming from all kinds of places. We're seeing reports that there could be as many as 34 counts just in this first one.

Judge Snot Boogie Steals Obamacare Preventive Medicine Rules, At Least For Now
A federal judge in Texas yesterday blocked the part of the Affordable Care Act that requires insurers to provide free preventive services to policyholders.
"O'Connor may be an idiot, but he's a popular idiot with rightwing activists..."
And are they not idiots as well? Most of them worse than that.

Texas Pushes Draconian Drag Ban Bills Amid Unprecedented Assault on Trans Rights
It's them drag queens responsible for the all killin' with guns.

Texas lawmakers’ attempts to ban school library books deemed inappropriate for kids spur confusion — and concerns
Why don't they focus on guns instead of books? Oh, books don't shoot back?

Texas Republicans quickly blast Donald Trump indictment, calling it “catastrophic” and politically motivated
The cowardly victim card. The eternal victim party.

The Grift is at the Core of the GOP's Existence
Bannon’s grift in East Palestine is the smallest of the small, after his being busted for a “Build the Wall” scheme and others, but is still emblematic of the Republican strategy at governance...

Trump’s Attorneys and the Crimes They Enabled

'Sprawling' indictment: Trump team's planned defense may be worthless — here's why
Based in part on reports that the sealed Manhattan grand jury indictment handed down against Donald Trump has up to 30 counts in it, the Daily Beast is reporting that a planned defense by attorneys for the former president may now be worthless when they go to trial.

Reporters Bombard Biden With Questions About Trump Indictment — ‘Will It Divide Our Country?
Do these yo-yos have a clue? Are they concious of anything these days? They work hard at dividing us up.

Florida Senate Passes Bill To Undermine Teacher Unions
Fuck their Nazi Senate.

Boebert: Let’s Not “Nitpick What The Bible Says” About My Teenage Son Knocking Up His Underage Girlfriend
No. There's nothing obvious about her being "Christian."

Morning Digest: Virginia now has the harshest felony disenfranchisement voting regime in America
Land of the Happy Negro shows cruel and unusual punishment of the most of us now.

GA Tech Coach Tearfully Begs Us To ‘Do Something’ About Guns
“I don’t want to sit here and make any political statements or any religious statements,” Key said during a news conference, “but something’s gotta change.”
The first thing we have to shitcan is "more guns" is not the answer to the problem.

Gavin Newsom To Take On Red State Governors Over Extreme Laws
Gavin the Great.

Exonerated Central Park 5 member reacts to Trump indictment with a single word
It's bitch.

Former federal judge: It is 'simply a scandal' that the US Supreme Court lacks an official ethics code
In the United States' lower federal courts, judges are subject to an official Code of Judicial Conduct. But there is no such code for the U.S. Supreme Court, whose image has suffered badly in 2022 and 2023.

Why Trump should brace for 'much more serious charges' in Georgia probe: journalist
I wouldn't worry about Fani Willis's stones.

'Just pathetic': Lindsey Graham melts down begging Fox News viewers to donate to Donald Trump
Sadz. These poor folks now have to beg for cash.

A Federal Judge Just Struck Down Obamacare’s Prevention Treatments
You can count on Texas to fuck you up!

How Abortion Bans Are Impacting Pregnant Patients Across the Country
It is for certain this has not been thought through. But the brainless are brainless.

Laugh, laugh, I thought I'd die!

No, QAnon Shaman Not Released Early Because Tucker Carlson Exonerated Him, You F*cking Idiots
And they think they understand evil?

Guns Don’t Kill America: Republicans Do
Thanks to the Republican Party, fully 82 percent of all the human beings living in the world’s wealthy countries killed by firearms lived in the USA…

Allow for Ignorance and Stupidity, Resist Both
"Civilization more and more becomes a race between education and catastrophe." H.G. Wells left us with those words. In other renditions, the word "catastrophe" is replaced by the word "extinction." Either rendition will suffice.
"Extinction," he cried!

‘Pure evil!’ Conservatives lose it over Whoopi Goldberg’s shirt
Earth to idiots: "Thoughts and prayers" are NOT working. Get a brain and stop getting your dick caught in your zipper over a shirt.

'A bigger part of the story': Nicolle Wallace on Jim Jordan's 'weaponizing' committee
Jacket-Off and his little piece of the Trump Crime Syndicate keep playing with their dicks.

'Trump is a victim': President's lawyers vow to 'vigorously fight' New York indictment
A Republican? Crying victim? Sigh. It is to laugh.

White nationalism remains major concern for voters of color
We are shocked! Do you hear? Shocked!

Fox Host Predicts Violence Over Trump’s Indictment
And we wanna see your punk ass out in the streets leading them, Jesse!

Virginia's GOP governor just revived a Jim Crow voting law designed to target Black voters
Land of the Happy Negro Gov returns to happier time for his Negros. His racist name is Glen Younkin.

And many happy returns of the day!

WOW: Here's The Response To Gun Violence We Need To See
Teachers in Texas can pack heat, asshole. We had a hell of a shooting here. What your excuse for that one, Dumbo?

Dummy Lauren Boebert 'Takes On' Scourge Of Public Urination
You must carry a piss bottle with you at all times. This means you BoBo!

Rep. Moskowitz Blasts Marge: 'Dead Kids Can't Read!
Wow! That means she wants to kill them all! That way they'll never be smarter than her!

What Fascism Looks Like: 'Just Impeach Dems'
Seig HeLL!

'Soft food': Kevin McCarthy mocks President Joe Biden's age while trying to cut spending
Kevin, take a good look at the old white men drooling behind you.
And what's that on YOUR chin?

'God isn't a genie': Ted Cruz smacked down for insisting 'the power of prayer' saves lives
That's what he thiks. He doesn't come out of his bottle for idiots like Ted. Or maybe he finally ran out of wishes to give. You know. Like fucks.

Donald Trump indicted in New York
The first of many to come.

Why the Republicans incite violence
Easy. Mean as snakes. Their version of progress.

Missouri Dem. lawmaker blasts state GOP for 'dystopian future' proposal to defund public libraries
If they don't read we can keep them dumbed down like the "Show Me" idiots.

This 'left-leaning' Kentucky resident resents being a 'hate object' for 'our state's Republican politicians'
Sounds like the shit is ready to hit the fan everywhere. Nazis beware!

'They're ready for executions': Author sounds alarm after interviewing 'ordinary' conservatives
What's the old trope about war? Better to fight them over there than have to fight them here? Newsflash: THEY ARE HERE!
"If you’d asked me 10 years ago if I ever thought another civil war would be possible in the United States, I would have said no. But to think so [now] is to not understand that the right in America is as dangerous as it is."
Keep your weapons clean, America. Much to their surprise, we will resist the Nazi fascists.

"They’re all cowards!”: Rep. Jamaal Bowman confronts GOP colleague on guns
Dem explodes, Republican Rep. Thomas Massie tried — but failed — to push back
Republicans will continue to aid and abet gun crime.

Major Egg Producer Reports Profits Up Over 700%
Do they know what they are charging for eggs? Sigh.

DeSantis Gets Caught In The Disney Mousetrap
Disney stripped DeSantis' hand picked governing board of all power for at least 30 years in a last minute development agreement.
"Now it appears he was outwitted by a mouse wearing pants."

Kentucky Republicans override governor's veto to enact draconian anti-trans law
Did you expect less from briarhoppers? The darkeness descends.

Idaho Republicans invent 'abortion trafficking' crime to block minors from care
And there shall be darkness over the land.

ND Reps Vote Against Free Lunches For Poor Students
Why feed them? They'll be shot anyway. Darkness descending?

'Did this guy take a class in dumb?' House Republican burned for calling renewable energy 'nonsense''
An 'A' in Dumb Ass Class!

'Rife with conspiracies and BS': Court docs reveal Fox News turmoil over 2020 election coverage
Their stock and trade.

Whistleblowers allege failed bank helped rich Americans evade taxes in bombshell claims
The rich get richer, the poor get poorer. It's the American way.

Trump wants Americans to think society is an apocalyptic wasteland: Mass shootings help him
Gun paralysis isn't just about the NRA — Republicans are convinced they win when voters feel helpless and afraid

'Weeping parents' and 'small caskets': Columnist condemns 'Christians' who refuse to protect kids
Why should they? That's Jesus's job.

'Troubling questions': Experts slam Ginni Thomas' group and its dark money culture war against the left
She stinks as badly as her husband.

Trump makes it embarrassingly clear he doesn't know the difference between NATO and NAFTA
But he does know whining.

DeSantis Gunning For His Own Armed Militia With Police Powers
Is Gov. Ron DeSantis planning to invade Mexico? Or Massachusetts? Commandeer libraries and schools?
Nazi trash.

House GOP's New Bill Would Let Trump Commit All The Crimes
That's right, the party of Lock Her Up now wants to write new laws saying that say actually, people who become president can commit as many crimes as they like, and nobody's allowed to do anything about it.
They are happy to be co-conspirators in the Trump Crime Syndicate.

Indiana Pastor Charged With Child Sex Trafficking
An Indianapolis pastor who ran a non-profit to feed homeless people is now accused of rape and offering a 17-year-old $1000 to have sex with him.
Another one bites the dust.

Hutchinson Calls For Armed Officers In Every School
The guardian becomes the guard.
More taxpayer money to bring weapons to school.

The GOP won’t act because mass death is a means to an end
This is a familiar pattern. While the Democrats, this time led by Joe BIden, demand that Congress renew the ban on semiautomatic rifles (“assault weapons”), the Republicans will offer no more than prayers for families of the victims, and gratitude for “first responders.”

Why We Must Defend Against the GOP Plan to Destroy Public Education

Stop Medicare Advantage Using A.I. To Deny Claims
Sen. Elizabeth Warren joined healthcare campaigner Ady Barkan and others on Monday in sounding alarm over a recent investigation showing that Medicare Advantage insurers are using unregulated artificial intelligence systems to determine when to end payments for patients' treatments, a practice that has prematurely terminated coverage for vulnerable seniors.
They can stuff this shit up their ass.

Megyn Kelly Says She’s ‘F*cking Sick’ of Calls to Ban Guns After Shootings: ‘They’re Not Going Away’
We didn't use to shoot kids. Or many others of us before recent gun nuts discovered it was a way to get their rocks off.

Politicians need to follow will of the people, says gun safety group president
Not when they are heartless Nazis. We could stop electing them.

Nashville shooter had purchased 7 weapons and was under doctor's care for emotional problems: police chief
Always a good idea for them to have weapnds.

Watch: Jamie Raskin derails GOP hearing by railing against Trump's 'lethal recklessness and lying
Damned facts again.

‘Taking guns away is not the answer’: Steve Scalise encourages prayer after Nashville school mass shooting
Good idea, Steve. We'll pray to take you away. Now where are my tactical nuclear weapons?

Elise Stefanik promised Trump an 'aggressive' House GOP response to Alvin Bragg: CNN
Trump Sychophant and Toadie.

News That Just Makes You Sick
The news we consume is depressing and demoralizing us.

The GOP Motto: “Accountability for Thee, but Not for Me"
This is how democracies are transformed into fascism oligarchies. Political power, wealth, and impunity for me, Republicans say, but not for thee.

Texas may be about to scrap a voting security system it can’t replace
It took years to build the multi-state system known as ERIC, which weeds out duplicate, deceased and suspicious voter registrations. Texas Republicans want to dump it, but there’s no viable alternative.
Typical of Texas hoodwinkers.

Elon Announces New Safe Space For Idiots Who Give Him Money, It Is The 'For You' Tab
People have been getting messages saying their "legacy" blue checkmarks will be going away starting April 1, at which point only idiots who pay for it will have them.

Gross Trump Idiot Stephen Miller's Face Gonna Get Stuck Like That If He Doesn't Smile More On Fox News
Too late, Evan.

Tennessee Republicans Have Mass Shootings All Figured Out: More Guns, Everywhere, Always
Meet the Numb Nuts. What'd the kid get, a box of grenades?

Only A Sick Culture Worships Guns
American's been sick a very long time.

Jimmy Kimmel Fact-Checks Trump's Crowd-Size Boast With A Damning Photo

TPUSA Guy, Formerly Known As 'Big Dick Johnson,' Is Against Drag Shows
Chris DeJoseph used to perform lewd acts onstage in front of families, including children during his WWE days only 2 years ago. Homo wrestling against drag shows? Talk about hypocrisy

Ron Johnson Is Still A Russian Asset
Ron Johnson argues that the United States should abandon Ukraine to Putin

Ukraine Eliminates 'Hero Of Russia' Responsible For Ilovaisk Massacre
In 2014, surrounded Ukrainian forces were promised a safe corridor for retreat. Instead, Battalion Commander Dmitry Lysitsky broke the ceasefire and opened fire.
Another one bites the dust.

It’s time to revive Franklin Roosevelt’s court-expansion plan in defense of democracy and the rule of law
"The court is at war with democracy and modernity. It must be stopped."

Florida abortion clinics hit with thousands of dollars in fines over GOP-backed 24-hour law
Florida is a broken wreck thanks to DiSantis.

'Such a pathetic hateful person': Lauren Boebert buried for tweeting unprovoked attack on immigrants
You got that right.

Al Franken Reveals How To Get Around ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Law
The Ron DeSantis word police probably never saw this one coming.

Supporters At Rally Call For Arresting Bragg, Trump Reinstatement
Wash, rinse, repeat. They need to come up with some new material.
More clowns in the outer limits.

Ron DeSantis Just Made His State's Insurance Crisis Much Worse
He pushed through a bill that protected insurance companies from lawsuits
Like Trump, everything he touches dies.

Trump's Waco, Texas rally was a low-effort whine-o-thon attended by gullible sedition backers
Deluded wackos in Waco. A good place for them. "Trump or death"? Isn't that redundant?

'Mount Waffle House': Trump Waco rally goer claims to be Marines veteran but 'can’t go into detail'
Like most Trump morons. They don't have the mind to back up the bullshit they spit out.
"Guy at Trump rally claims he served in Marines. Christina Bobb says she did too and asks his MOS. He can't say. Then asks him where he served. He can't say."
The man said "he couldn't go into detail" about where he was stationed, but did tell Bobb he "flew into places."
@shaving_s: "Does it surprise anyone that trump would attract anything other than liars, traitors and fascists?"
Of course not.

Why are So Many Republicans Embracing Quack Science?
Instead of being in Congress or on TV, they should be in a court of law answering for the deaths and destroyed families they’ve caused in their quest for political power and advertising dollars.

You Can’t Solve the Homelessness Crisis Without Housing
Wow! How did we figure this out?

Trump's Waco, Texas rally was a low-effort whine-o-thon attended by gullible sedition backers
Ho-hum, Donnie. Sorry, we've got better things to do.

'Quite A Few': Trump Fans Exit Waco Rally After 30 Minutes
About 30 minutes into the rally, the crowd began to thin, with people getting a head start on the walk back to the parking lots, designated and otherwise. Several leaving early said they accomplished what they wanted to achieve by showing up for the rally, enduring traffic and long lines. Some said after hours on the tarmac, they were tired, hungry or both and wanted to get home.
A Waco police officer told the outlet that estimates that "15,000 people would attend the rally sounded reasonable, considering his experience working events and the movement of attendees into Waco Regional during the afternoon."

House Republican stumbles after Jake Tapper reminds him that Jim Jordan skirted his January 6th subpoena
These idiots always step in the dog shit.

'We have an incredible economy': Republican C-SPAN caller accidentally makes case for reelecting Joe Biden
See what I mean by the dog shit.

'Grooming young girls': Fox News host hammers Ron DeSantis for 'drinking party with young women'
DiSaster imitates "Pastor" behavior?

Jen Psaki shatters Jim Jordan's dream of running interference for Donald Trump
On Sunday morning, former White House press secretary Jen Psaki served notice to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) that he doesn't have a legal leg to stand on as he tries to keep Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg from investigating Donald Trump.
Of course, Jacket-Off has no intention of followin the law as any Nazi would not.

WI School Bans Dolly/Miley Song About Rainbows
Tight puckered assholes are filled with fear. Why the fuck are these morons objecting to the very foundation of American freedom?
Nazis projecting their ignorant fear must be stopped.

Report: Bragg’s Office Refuses “Bullshit” Calls From GOP
Meanwhile the Nazis in the House want to seize power from him and his state. Some "States Rights Party."
Bullshit fascism is what it is.

House GOP May Seek To Shield Trump From NY Charges
Nazis want to kill "States Rights." What two-faced mobsters.

'Jesus weeps': Woman lambasted for comparing Trump to Christ in cultish email to Manhattan DA
Lunatics on parade.

'Mafia behavior': Mike Huckabee skewered for demanding 'loyalty and confidentiality' to Donald Trump

'I couldn’t care less': Trump supporters at Waco rally undeterred by potential indictment
Small crowd of Trump co-conspirators in his Crime Syndicate stare at empty chairs.

'The emperor has no clothes': N.Y. Post sticks a knife in Trump's re-election hopes
Must be a weight problem? Nothing in size "gargantuan."

LibsOfTikTok Hate Activist Stalks AOC On Capitol Hill
She wanted to talk, did she?

Murdoch’s NY Post: “Unhinged” Trump Has No Shame
"...he screamed that “death and destruction” would follow any indictment."
A worthless "Retard."

ID Gov Signs Bill Allowing Executions By Firing Squad
"Well won’t this be quite the sight, when they have firing squads for mothers guilty of seeking abortions? I wonder how the press will both-sides those images?"—Uncle Mark (comments)

'Extremely dangerous escalation': Putin to station Russian nukes in Belarus
Who thinks this cocksucker won't pull the trigger? The shithook thinks he's bullet proof. Send bombers to Poland and bomb them before they get setup. Challenge the bitch dog. We will get bombed by him anyway. Everyone has a plan until they get hit in the mouth!

How We Can Hack The Media To Get It Back
It's never made any sense that left-leaning billionaires didn't do more to support liberal media, and now the imbalance is killing our democracy.
Nice idea but Fuckface Pootpants and his nukes nullify all ideas of hope or normalcy. He will pull the trigger because he is a batshit psycho.

Houston Chronicle Blasts Trump’s Waco Rally
Trump’s incendiary rhetoric won’t be dog whistles but a “blaring air horn” when he rallies at the shrine of anti-government extremists, the Houston Chronicle’s op-ed stated.

Marge Goes Full Karen, Wants Whistle-Blowing Protester Arrested
Whistle-blowing can be considered an act of protest against wrongful practices by government officials, Karen.
We all know what goes with Karen, don't we?

Nugent Calls Zelensky “Homosexual Weirdo” At Texas Trump Rally, Leads Moment Of Silence For DC Rioters
Better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

New analysis highlights the reckless nature of Fox News’ Tucker Carlson
Carlson? Reckless? In spades.

Jim Jordan busted for helping Trump 'tamper' with probe: 'Beyond all bounds of what's legal'
Crime Syndicate loser.

Senate Ethics Committee Admonishes Lindsey Graham
Trump has really rubbed off on Graham.
Graham stunned to discover what the word "ethics" means.

Fox Analyst: Pelosi “Planned” Riot For Daughter’s Film<br> Like Graham, they don't have sense enough to look up the meaning of shame.
Jarret is a piece of trash.

Michigan offers real hope — and a roadmap back to democracy and common sense
Elections matter: Michigan rejected GOP extremism, and the Democrats' "trifecta" has already created real change

Dems detail 'catastrophic' costs if GOP hostage-takers force US default
Not only Americans will suffer but the Global damage will cause far more.

US evangelicals helped 'radicalize' anti-LGBTQ hate in Uganda
No surprise.

Non-Existent Vaccine Microchips Could Soon Be Banned in Missouri
Sorry. These people are not playing with a full deck. Stay the fuck out of Missouri.

Are People Seriously This Stupid? Missouri Woman and Pastor Claim Miracle of Three Regrown Toes
You think that's something? I knew someone that once grew a spine.

Is the GOP "War on Woke" to Keep Racial & Queer Minorities “In Their Place?”
The next two or three election cycles will determine our nation’s fate: a more widespread democracy or the Russian-style fascism promoted by Trump and DeSantis. Stay tuned and stay woke!

Facing Up to the Climate Reckoning Ahead
Will anyone ever face up?

No, Bill Maher, Student Debt Cancellation Is Not a “Giveaway”
Does anyone listen to this arrogant not-much-of-anything?

SNAP recipients will see a cut in food benefits starting this month
What does this do for these poor people? Nothing but suffering. We don't institute governments for that reason.
Texas is a state filled with "Retards" in their government

West Texas A&M University students file free speech lawsuit after president cancels
The lawsuit comes after protests each day this week, calling for university president Walter Wendler to reinstate the drag show and step down.
Good and very good.

DeSantis’ Culture Warrior: ‘We Are Now Over the Walls’
The DeSantis eqivalant of the "Ministry of Truth" from 1984.
"Freedom from Indoctrination" in Florida means "Freedom to Indoctrinate."

He Took Part In a Right-Wing Florida Hospital Protest. Now, He Is Losing His Board Certification for Spreading Covid Disinformation
The DeSantis corruption of Florida.

DeSantis Seeks Helicopters, Planes For New State Army
That won't be good enough to stop Federal troops from occupying his seditious state.

New Utah Law Restricts Social Media Usage By Minors
"If your children ever find out how lame you really are, they'll murder you in your sleep." — Frank Zappa

Maren Morris Delivers Satisfying 3-Word Dare To Tennessee Police During Concert
In a defiant stance against the state’s anti-LGBTQ law, the Grammy winner shared the taunt on stage after taking her 3-year-old to meet drag queens.
Tell the bastard yokels to pound sand.

Kentucky Governor Vetoes Sweeping GOP Anti-Trans Measure
Kentucky’s Democratic governor has vetoed a sweeping Republican measure aimed at regulating the lives of transgender youths.
We need a Federal law regulating these bastards our of our lives.

Minnesota House Passes Bill To Help Trans Minors Take Refuge In State
The bill would prevent state officials from having to comply with other states' anti-LGBTQ legal requests.

Climate change enables spread of flesh-eating bacteria in US coastal waters
Tell it to Chris Miller.

Jim Jordan busted for helping Trump 'tamper' with probe: 'Beyond all bounds of what's legal'
Just another worthless member of the mob.

'Amateur hour': Report shines light on flaws plaguing Ron DeSantis’ book tour
"Republican observers say that from what they’ve seen, the operation appears to be 'out over its skis.'”
The Peter Principle at work.

'Threatening prosecutors with violence': Trump warns of 'death and destruction' if indicted
Hitler's evil twin.

Obamacare Law Passed Out Of Spite Backfires On WY Abortion Ban
Karma, she is a bitch.
Now Wyoming politicians are arguing that abortion is not health care. Yeah, tell that to a woman with an ectopic pregnancy, morons.
Do you think these airheads know what an extopic pregnancy is? LMAO!

'Death And Destruction': Trump Kicks Violent Rhetoric Up A Notch
What an absolute disgrace. Why aren't Republicans calling him out?
Because they are fascists the same as he is.

Prophesies then and now: My life at world's end
"Let me now offer my own little summary of the very future that I, like so many of my classmates, did live through to this moment...."

'Stoking the fires': Texas newspaper torches 'bombastic, bullying' Trump over his upcoming Waco rally
He's an Un-American POS. But does anyone read newspapers these days? Does anyone read anything? Can anyone read?

Pastor Sues Church For Not Preventing His Assault On Woman
Reverend Johnny Hunt is suing his former church after they issued a report that included his sexual assault of another pastor's wife.
I have seen the elephant, I have heard the owl.

As Republicanism turns nastier and more paranoid, antisemitism in the United States is soaring
Germany, 1939. Have we forgotten "Never again"?

Trump Accuses GOP Groups Of “Usurping My Brand”
Have you ever seen such a greedy, whiny bitch?

Report: Peter Thiel’s Boyfriend Dead In Possible Suicide
Is that what it is?

Illinois GOP State Rep: God’s Trees Fix Climate Change
Apparently, they haven't fixed him.
"He pretty much just admitted ignoring all climate science from the last 55 years." — clay (comments)
This is what we have been getting from morons since time began.
Chris Miller.
Mary Miller.

Christian College Professor Charged With Molestation
Another one bites the dust.

Donald Trump in Waco: It's a signal to the darkest elements of the far right
The Waco siege of 1993 was a grotesque tragedy — but for elements of the far right, it's now a sacred symbol
Burned up good. Burned up REAL GOOD!

GOP lawmaker ‘very sad’ Utah parent used his law to request ‘sex-ridden’ Bible be removed from school
"It's a smutty book." — Eulalie McKechnie Shinn, The Music Man
He states "There are any number of studies that directly link sexualization and hyper-sexualization with sexual exploitation and abuse." Huh?
All the studies I see are on our sexualization and hyper-sexualization with sexual exploitation and abuse of girls and young women.

'Is this an insurrection?' Second Amendment hearing goes off the rails as protesters interrupt GOP chair
This confused dickhead shows his ass. He knows what an insurrection is. His Crime Syndicate started one.

It’s Up to the Feds to Protect Trans Rights
Only national policy can protect all vulnerable Americans from right-wing oppression.
The fascists won't do it.

Keep Your Laws Off My Uterus

Tucker Is SOOOOO SURE, You Guys, Like, UGH, WHATEVER
"Everybody knows for sure now what a liar he is, and he's had all 89 million hours of January 6 footage for weeks now and no matter how he cuts it, it's still a video of a terrorist attack..."

LIVE: Let's Watch Republicans Yell 'Woke!' At Pentagon Officials And Call It Oversight
Yell "Retards" right back at them.

Michigan Is Set to Become First State in 58 Years to Overturn Right-to-Work Law
Good for Michigan.

Child Labor Is on the Rise as Republicans See an Answer to Labor Shortages
Something else your fascists have done and continue to do.

Michigan GOP chair not apologizing after comparing gun reform to Holocaust: 'We’re a different Republican Party'
"We're a different Republican Party," Karamo said at a news conference. "We are not the Republican Party who apologizes and runs away from our positions. It's a reason the Republican Party has gotten kicked in the teeth the last three cycles. Because it's been a party that's always apologizing. We're done."
Bullshit. It's because you're fascist "Retards."
"History has shown us that the first thing a government does when it wants total control over its people is to disarm them. President Reagan once stated, “if we lose #freedom here, there is nowhere else to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth.” #2A #GOP” the tweet reads.
Reagan was a fascist like you.
"My ancestors were enslaved and my great-great grandfather was lynched by a white mob in front of his entire family..."
The mob were fascists too.

Texas Senate passes $16.5 billion package to lower property taxes
Offset it by lowering school district to lower their tax rates.
Sure. One thing the "Retards" don't want is our children to be educated.

If We Don’t Take on Bullies — Particularly Fascist Bullies — They Never Stop
Bullying has now become the trademark behavior of the GOP, the result of Donald Trump’s entrance on the scene in 2015 when he successfully bullied and cowed every other GOP presidential candidate.
The GOP is not a politcal party. It's a Crime Syndicate.

Masters of disinformation: How Republicans and Putin warp our perception of reality
Americans no longer share a common reality — but can we all agree that Donald Trump's just in it for the grift?

Idaho GOP Rejects 'Woke' Free Menstrual Products In Schools
GOP House members said the proposal was “liberal,” and they objected to “woke” terms describing inaccessibility to tampons and pads.
Old white men know best. Next will be toilet tissue since they don't know their ass from a hole the ground.

New PAC Will Fund Candidates Who Back Psychedelic Medicine
Advocates have long argued that the therapeutic use of psychedelics can be safer and more effective than prescription drugs.
Finally. But the "Retarded" won't have it.

IA Senate Passes Sweeping Anti-LGBTQ Education Bill
A state filled with "Retarded."

Sinema Rips Senate Dems As “Old Dudes Eating Jello”
And you're eating...? Krysten, America can arrange to give you ALL your time back.
As my mother used to say, "Dumb Cluck."
"Oh…how funny…”old dudes eating jello,” says the lying, disingenuous, opportunistic, greedy hag, who took constituents’ and Democrat’s money to get into office, only to support Republicans & lobbyists, while ignoring her constituents who put her in office in the first place, while taking all that lobbyist money to buy tacky look-at-me outfits.
At least those “old dudes eating jello” are far more honest & respectful of their constituents." — Uncle Mark (comments)
"That’s rich coming from a middle aged traitor who deep throats geriatric donor dick." — Gigi (comments)

America has Ignored GOP Crimes to Seize the White House Long Enough - It’s Time to Put this One in Prison
It's now a certainty that the last legitimately elected Republican president who wasn’t a traitor to the United States was Eisenhower. In aggregate, this should be the biggest story in the media.

Rand Paul stunned by Moderna CEO: Less risk of myocarditis for people who take vaccine
Poor Rand. He appears to be living a stunned life.

Jim Jordan’s attack on Manhattan DA will ‘backfire’ and allow Democrats to expose coordination with Trump: columnist
"Chairman Jordan, who has no constitutional oversight authority over an elected county district attorney..."

Beware This Libertarian Oligarch's Ecological Utopia in Texas
"Musk seeks to extend the long, sordid history in our country of company-town hucksters, and his latest Texas scam is proof that we should never trust a billionaire promising us paradise."
And there will be suckers who will fall for the con.

Australian State Raises Trans Flag After Nazi Rally
Destroy Nazis, thanks.

Ron DeSantis Says Trump Can Call Him Names As Long As One Of Them Is 'Winner.' Tee Hee Hee!
How about "That's just what youre mother is!"

F**k School Shootings. F**k Guns. F**k Rand Paul
"No, Rand Paul should do more than watch the Abigail Zwerner interview. He should have to face her and see the impact of gun violence firsthand."

Warren, Sanders Call for End to Rules Letting Billionaire Dynasties Dodge Taxes

Parents share their outrage during first public meeting over Houston ISD takeover
The Texas Education Agency announced on March 15 that it would replace the current superintendent and its democratically elected school board with a new board of managers as soon as June 1.
Welcome to fascism, Texans. You voted for it.

Expecting a Trump Indictment, Republicans Attack the Prosecutor
So much for the "Law and Order" charade.

Christian Trump supporters explicitly compare him to Jesus as indictments loom
The depth of stupidity.

Trump's congressional hit men: House Republicans recycle anti-Clinton playbook
Rep. James Comer is running the same game Rep. Dan Burton played when Bill Clinton was in the White House
Of course. Forward thinking is not one of their traits.

Aunt Lydia Signs Anti-Trans Public School Bathroom Bill
Well, that will keep her out of them at least.

Oklahoma court finds state constitution guarantees right to abortion to save the patient's life
Oh, thank you so much, great rulers of God's Holy Kingdom of white men.

MA Youth Pastor Sentenced To 3-4 Years For Child Rape
Youth Pastor Sentenced To 4 To 17 Years For Child Rape
“Rape And Reuse” Pastor Gets 16 Years For Child Porn
Southern Baptist Pastor Charged With Child Rape
Will you whine for these, dear friends?

Fox Goes On Extended Whine Over Perceived Bias Against Christians
Crying and whining is the hallmark of right-wing evangelicals
So is attempting to turn the country into a theocracy.

The New, Improved Trump 2024 Yard Sign
We can wait for the campaign, but can't wait for the perp-walk!
It will be a great day for America.

Rand Paul Calls For Jailing NYC DA Alvin Bragg
Sen. Rand Paul declares he cares more about protecting Donald Trump than the rule of law.
Pissing on law and order again.

Wisconsin GOP's Fiscal Conservatism Goes Up In Smoke
Wisconsin Republican's stubbornness is Illinois' gain.
Stubborn or stupid? Or both?

'I hate being factually wrong': Tucker Carlson owns up to spreading fake 'dead voters' story
Good start, Tucks. What else are you holding back on us?

Trump’s MAGA apologists show their 'demagoguery' with bogus attacks on DA Bragg: ex-federal prosecutor
The MAGAt gang's dick that talks with his finger makes his attack dog faux case.

Clarence Thomas opposes a 'landmark precedent' guaranteeing defendants the right to counsel: legal columnist
Really? A certifiable POS.

'Chilling': Law enforcement 'seriously' investigating threats ahead of possible Donald Trump indictment
Good. He's a criminal and should get it.

Arkansas Republicans 'outwitted' by local high school students: report
More trash from stupid fascists.

Russian 5th Grader Extinguishes Russia's Eternal Flame
Surveillance video caught the boy throwing a fire extinguisher into the open flame, causing an explosion and putting out the eternal flame.
Blowed up good! Blowed up REAL good!
Niether eternal nor a flame. The kids are all right.

Twitter Auto-Replies With Poop Emojis When Reporters Ask About Platform’s Continuing Surge In Antisemitism
So twitter is a pile of Nazi poop? More proof of what Muskie is.

Florida GOP lawmaker who wrote ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill facing up to 35 years after pleading guilty in COVID fraud case
Think of it. Always.

Dismal Crowd At NYC Trump Rally Despite Ex-Prez’s Call For Action As Arrest Looms
Leaders of the New York Young Republican Club told HuffPost they kept the rally tiny on purpose.
MAGAt gangland leader has no support. Sad.

Manhattan DA sets 'the record straight' after House GOP leaders make 'egregious' claims about city crime
And I hope the MAGAt gang felt it.

Idaho Hospital Shuts Down OB Care In Wake Of Abortion Law
All over the country, physicians are leaving red states after the enactment of restrictive abortion laws.
They made their own brainless bed now they have to lie in it.

Creepy Nick Fuentes Has Some Thoughts On Women And Rape
I'm getting some strong incel vibes from this chud.
I think this chud is asking for it himself. No relationship with a woman? How about sheep?

Graham: Pray For Trump, The True Winner In 2020
The grifter is at it again.
What I could never figure out is why one would have to pray for God's will to be done. She's that much a wimp?

GOP two-step: Republicans' call for "calmness" betrayed by their not-so-subtle nod to MAGA violence
By covering for Trump's crimes, Mike Pence and Kevin McCarthy are validating Trump's incitement

Alan Dershowitz: Arresting Trump Is Against The Bible
What's wrong with this dickhead. His mind is gone. The Bible does not rule our country. There's a lot bullshit there. If it gets there that's when you lose America. Yes, crooks and rapists get indicted in America. Get a clue. Your face will be forgotten if it isn't already.
"So according to the BuyBull, arresting the antichrist is bad, but raping children and making sure women have no rights is good." — Rebecca Gardner (comments). Don't miss reading them.

Kirk: GOP AGs Must Investigate “Democrat Crime Mafia”
"Imo, Trump facilitated the completion of a process that had been in progress since the Nixon years: the transformation of the once-honorable Republican Party into an organized crime syndicate.
And that's what it is today.
Progressives need to stop referring to it as a "political party."
It's an organized crime syndicate.
And so they shall be.

Claudia Tenney: Indictment Will 'Blow Over' Because Trump Won't Appear
"I think this is all going to blow over because I don’t see any way that they’re actually going to get to appear in a court for... indictment or for any type of charge,” the congresswoman said.
Claudia. Do you know what paddywagons and handcuffs are for?

No surprise in what's happened with antisemitism on Twitter since Musk took control
"What a surprise. No one could have predicted that Musk reinstating the accounts of neo-Nazis would have the effect of increasing antisemitism on Twitter beyond just what those specific neo-Nazis had to say."
Who knew he was a leftover from the Third Reich?

GOP's Hawley flattened in brutal profanity-laced column for berating St. Louis reporter
Can he stand up? Can he walk? Can he talk? "Flattened" is merely a figure of speech here. Too bad, too bad.,br>

Jury Finds Four Oath Keepers Guilty Of Obstruction
So easy to do with Trump henchmen. Soooo hard with King of Crime.

Kremlin propagandists lament looming indictments of 'our Donald Fredovych Trump': report
They could arrest both of the criminals in the same day. What a headline that would be!

Ron DeSantis Troubled By TRUMP PEENER PORN STAR HUSH MONEY LOL Witch Hunt, So Very Troubled
"Dumb stupid moron idiot Republican Rep. Claudia Tenney thinks this is all going to "blow over," because Trump will probably just not show up in court, and then everybody will forget about it, because Claudia Tenney is a lawyer and that is how indictments work. (We imagine she might not feel that way if we weren't talking about a very wealthy white defendant. JUST A GUESS.)"

Kids Found to Be Working Overnight Shifts at Minnesota Meat Processing Plant
So, we need to exploit kids and ignore child labor laws?
More fascism taking over the country without a shot fired.

Judge Could Rule to Halt Nationwide Sales of Common Abortion Pill
So, by default, we are becoming a Christo-Fascist nation. One that rules from the pulpit. One that will not stand.

Cutting Medicare Benefits Will Further Strain Overworked Caregivers
Who cares about care givers, right?

Ignorance Is Deadly, Then and Now
"And, unless we're very lucky and/or very smart, the people in charge will promote ignorance, vilify science, and blame the goverment.

The View busts Trump for 'trying to extort the legal system' ahead of indictment
Hey, a criminal has to continue his criming.

Judge denies mistrial request by Oath Keepers members after trial descends 'into chaos'
"Put that finger down before I cut it off, Daddio!" — Firesign Theatre.

How Ron DeSantis Ignited a Republican Civil War Over Ukraine
DeSantis’ comments may have hastened the already growing fissures in the Republican Party over Ukraine, forcing those who want to support Ukraine to take a stand. On the Sunday shows today, three more Republicans criticized DeSantis’ isolationist approach.
The MAGAt Party is a party of division.

Howard Stern Praises Jon Stewart, Compares Him to Walter Cronkite, And Says "He Owes it To His Country to Run" For President
I can't imagine he'd get more than 300 million votes.

Far-Right Host: Execute Obama If Trump Is Arrested
When do we expect this Pete Santelli to be arrested for death threats?
This idiot is the perfect example of S-T-U P-I-D we mean when we say it.

This Is The 'Final Warning' On Climate Change: IPCC Report
"More than 300 scientists signed off on the latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, with the most authoritative global body on climate change urging countries to “aim higher, act faster, or risk losing it all” in its final report of the 2020s."
We don't give a damn but will whine all the way when we come to our end.

Texas' Challenge Halts Biden's Rule to Protect "Waters of the United States
Texas would rather live in the sewer and live in the past.

It Is Time for a National Reckoning About the Iraq War
Oh, why not just have another one to settle the matter?

Trump World files 'mammoth' legal motion to block Georgia grand jury evidence and demand DA's recusal
More Nazi tactics. Fuck off and go back to the place in hell you came from.

They sabotaged Jimmy Carter too
The bastards.

'Purely political attack': Jim Jordan demands Alvin Bragg testify about anticipated Donald ?Trump indictments
Jordan--the perfect Nazi.
Fuck. All. The. Way. Off!

Alan Dershowitz: Trump May 'Serve As President From Prison'
Attorney Alan Dershowitz predicted former President Donald Trump would be indicted and convicted over hush money payments to porn star Stormy Daniels.
ROTFLMAO! How about you going along with him?

Law professor and ex-federal prosecutor details yet another Trump-related criminal investigation
Will someone please do somethng about all these crimes? Anyone else would be in prison by now with another 20 to go.

'Then why are you allowed to vote?' Lauren Boebert goes down in flames after new Constitution gaffe
The exact reason we have to educate America. If candidates are as stupid as Bobert or Greene they cannot run for office.

Trump has reason to be afraid of indictment in Georgia case; his lies were bigger than anyone knew
Mob King of American Crime.

Protesters clash outside NYC drag story hour hosted by Attorney General Letitia James; anti-drag man arrested
Moron nut sacks get what they deserve.

A Few Smart Jews With Shit for Brains and Stones for Hearts
"Didn't Anne Frank die for our sins? Her death, and some six million others, should have been enough to teach us all something. If we could only remember what that was."

Fascists Are Attempting to Win Followers by Rebranding as Antiwar
Typical Nazi tactics. And not new.

Manhattan DA “Won’t Tolerate” Threats By Cultists
Make sure you've got your machine guns place stratigically.
Trump is threatening the very rule of law, he is thus anti-American. There are only MAGAts in the GOP>

Experts: Trump is encouraging violence with Waco campaign rally on 30th anniversary of deadly siege
Naturally. He's a menace to our country. A known seditionist. A four flusher. A chiseler. A con man. And a crook.

Pence: Indicting Trump Would Be “Deeply Troubling”
He's a crook, Mike. It's troubling that you can't admit it.

Kevin McCarthy is 'aiding and abetting' Trump's new threats of violence over arrest
Again, threatening the very rule of law. These bastards must be excoriated.

'More suffering is likely to come' as Fox reels from Dominion lawsuit
It will be a great day in America when these liars are removed.

9 South Carolina Republicans Graciously Turn Against Death Penalty For Abortion
"Guffey will be thrilled to discover that "abortion being used as birth control" is not a thing. That is a thing Republicans made up. That being said, if there were hypothetically a person who refused to take regular birth control and just had an abortion every month or so instead (a very rich person, we would have to imagine) ... is that someone he feels should be raising a child? Really?
Right now, more Americans support abortion rights than at any other time in history. This is likely because a lot of people didn't really know what abortion being illegal would actually look like, or didn't ever expect that it would actually become illegal anywhere."

The SVB and Signature Bank Crashes Show Why We Need Public Banking
"The status quo is unsustainable."

New College of Florida Is DeSantis’s Launchpad for Attack on Higher Education
Fuck DeSantis.

The End of Gas Starts in Vienna
And eventually, the rest of the world.

NC Baptist Pastor Arrested On Child Sex Charges
Another one bites the dust.

'Threat to the Nation': Trump Calls for Protests to Stop Potential Arrest in Echo of Jan. 6
Traitor Trump calls his riot squad of fellow traitors. This time give it to them.

Maggie Haberman Calls Out McCarthy For ‘Threatening’ DA After Trump Arrest Rant — Says Trump ‘Deeply Anxious’
The former "Law and order" party now a MAGAt mob of seditionists.

The World Is Running Out of Fresh Water Fast
Just in case you don't know.
Food, air and water. Can't live without them.

Trump's Tuesday 'arrest' freak-out will come back to haunt him in court: legal expert
Just have your barricade armed and loaded. Cuff him and stick him in the cooler.
It could be the second battle of the new Civil War.

Former prosecutor warns of violence on Monday after Trump's 'Protest, take our nation back!' arrest rant
These MAGAt Nazis have no nation.

'Enough of this!': Marjorie Taylor Greene flips out after Trump announces he will be 'arrested'
Right, Marge. Drop dead.

There’s More To Texas State Gov’s Takeover Of Houston Schools Than Meets The Eye
The Houston public school system is not failing.
But the fascists in the state government are.

Cap Police Attorney: House GOP Ignored Requests To Review Jan. 6 Footage Before Carlson Aired It
Trump's Puppet Speaker.

The GOP Claims to be the Party of Life - In Fact, They’re the Party of Death
The GOP needs a new slogan. Is there any area where Republicans will put the interests of life above making a buck or pandering to their base? I can’t find a single one.
The most ignorant, arrogant, immoral creatures on the planet.

A Brief History Lesson for Republicans About "the Blacks" in California
"But if bad things were done by white folks, it was a long time ago, and even then, it was none of their kin who had owned slaves, but if they did, they treated their slaves great, making their lives so much better than they would have been had we not brought them over from Africa where "the blacks" had lives really sucked."
Because this is the Land of the Happy Negro.

Trump announces his impending 'arrest' and calls for protests: 'Take our nation back!'
The traitor wants to start another seditious riot. Have the 50-caliber machine guns ready for his Nazi garbage.
Then put the old fart in a prison cell where he belongs.

‘Hitler would be very proud’: Michael Flynn and right-wing groups plunge Florida hospital into chaos
Another Nazi that would benefit from a good blanket party.

A Federalist Society for all things: Dark money enters the culture wars
Donald Trump's so-called Supreme Court whisperer wants to expand his success to other parts of American society
A fascist society. Stop them or lose your country.

“Unhinged” Capitol Rioter Sentenced To 3.5 Years
Another one bites the dust.

New Mexico Gov. advances legislation ensuring right to abortion is 'constitutionally protected'
"New Mexico stood up for science, for women." And some Democrats did not? Shame on their sorry asses.
The Nazis in Washington love their "states rights" until they don't. The goddamned SOBs are wanting to make it against federal law. Young people, stop the fascists dead or plan on leaving the country like they left Germany before WWII.

Women denied abortions sue Texas to affirm exceptions to the laws
Women are not going to take this Nazi shit. Stop them dead.

WY Gov Bans Abortion Pills “After Extensive Prayer”
Prayer, my ass. He's a Nazi like the rest of the men who are pushing women into servants. A Cristofascist at his worst.
"Stick your fucking prayers up your evangelical ass." — Jamieboy Highballs (coments)
"No. You 'spoke' with an imaginary being who told you exactly what you wanted to hear. And now you're going to inflict your male-centric bias on masses of women, causing pain and misery to them and their unwanted children. Rot in non-existent hell, asshole."— carswell (comments)

International Criminal Court Issues Arrest Warrant For Putin
I'm sorry, I have to say it. Lock him up!
Sure. But that's if you can get your hands on the killer.

Nearly 8 in 10 Voters Support Sanders Bill to Raise Minimum Teacher Pay to $60k
Get it done.

Hawley in back-and-forth with local reporter: 'Just want to make sure you're sober'
"Cultish adoration" of that liitle twerp? One of the low down scumbags of the planet?

Why Republicans Frightened of “A Guy Called Tucker Carlson” Could Cause WWIII
In the 1940s, Republicans appeasing a fascist dictator were led in the media by an ambitious young man named Charles Lindbergh; today’s GOP follows — and fears — Tucker Carlson

‘Extreme’ and 'abnormal’: 5 Black children taken into state custody after traffic stop over tinted windows
Racist cops in the inbred Land of the Happy Negro take in a family for nothing but slave labor.

Law enforcement from local to federal levels brace for possible Trump indictment 'as early as next week'
Seems they expect some trouble from someone.

Third Georgia phone call blows a hole in central Trump election tampering defense: legal analyst
Get it over with. Indict and charge him.

Town residents push back against county’s 'stolen election' board
Election board Nazis find themselves under fire, thankfully.
"Shasta County has become ground zero for election conspiracies in a way that threatens to completely upend the county's system of voting..."

'Can't take a joke': Mike Pence doubles down on homophobic attack against Pete Buttigieg
Mike doesn't know the difference between a joke and a slur.

Former GOP strategist rips 'obviously racist' MAGA responses to SVB collapse
"I call this obsession with blaming everything on woke the Anti-Woke Mind Virus," Miller comments. "These people are so obsessed with fighting diversity programs that they've become delusional one-trick ponies. I mean, it makes no sense. Straight white dudes have overseen every corporate f***-up in history…. It'd be easier to ignore this if it were just random stupid TV talking heads, but this obviously racist nonsense is being pushed by Republican political leaders."

'Made the right decision': North Dakota Supreme Court allows abortion services to proceed
Someone with sense. Finally.

Donald Trump: Americans Are The 'Real Threat,' Not Russia
He keeps doing this.
How dare this bastard?
He can bet Americans are a real threat to his stupid fat ass.

Brother Says Princess Diana Compared Trump To 'An Anal Fissure’.
"Worse than an anal fissure."
So that's what that puckered mouth is that you see in all the photos of him.

Virginia Rep: Make Passing Federal Gun Laws A Felony
Another lame brain.

Federal Judge Blocks Florida's ‘Stop Woke Act' Once Again
The 11th Circuit Court denied a stay requested by the state after a judge initially ruled in favor of the American Civil Liberties Union, which argued the state could not enforce the higher education provisions of the act.
Fighting fascism. And winning.

MAGA replaces Reaganism
The Republican Party drops Reagan's revolution for Donald Trump's culture wars
Trump's fascism will continue to fail.

'Never had slavery': Lauren Boebert lashes out at San Francisco over reparations proposal
"What Lauren Boebert doesn't know about American history could fill the Library of Congress. So it's not surprising to see her repeat the myth that California never had slavery," political historian Dr. Kevin Waite told Newsweek.
And here I thought these fascists supported state rights...until they don't.

Young Federalist Society members spout 'radical new theories' at 'alarming' gathering: report
Young Nazi Society is full of shit.
"This rhetoric, explicitly rejecting the idea of the U.S. as a democracy, has grown more common in GOP circles, even being pushed by some Republican senators — and it obscures the fact that the U.S. electoral system is in fact the reverse, with the Senate's structure in particular letting a small minority dominate the majority.
Some attendees didn't stop at rejecting democracy, but rejected the idea of the United States as a country.

Florida Republicans Ban Icky, Divisive Pride Flag, OK With Loving, Inclusive Confederate Flag
Land of the Happy Negro shows its pride.

Trump Did THREE Perfect Calls To Overturn Georgia? Go To Three Prisons
"And now we have Trump's third perfect call, which jurors heard, to Georgia Republican House Speaker David Ralston, telling him to convene a special session of the Georgia Legislature to overturn Joe Biden's win and give it to him. Ralston, as we know, did not do that."
Lock him up!

Axios fires reporter after email calling DeSantis press release 'propaganda'
If we don't stop Nazis like DeSantis our time is short.

Words Still Matter: Death, Taxes, and the Forgotten Class War

Now that Hate has Become the GOP's Main Political Weapon, What Can Americans Do?
Now is the time for Republicans to show the courage of Mandy Connell and loudly and publicly leave their party. As Germans learned by the late 1930s, if they don’t act now it may soon be too late.
That's why civilized people have AR-15s.

Christian School Teacher Arrested On Child Sex Charges
Another one bites the dust.

Shut Out
A former employee at right-wing Patriot Mobile claims the superior who impregnated her begged her to terminate her pregnancy
Hypocrisy anyone? These people are the worst on the planet.

Texas Announces Takeover Of Houston Schools, Stirring Anger
The takeover is the latest example of Republican and predominately white state officials pushing to take control in heavily minority and Democratic-led cities.
Texas: Another example of retarded fascist racism in the state. They will not get away with this atrocious behavior. Redemption is on its way.

Texas Judge Likely To Rule Against FDA Approval Of Abortion Drug
Texas. Where the cavemen live.
That's MAGAts for ya. They want to outlaw a safe drug that allows women to have abortions, while passing state laws that force doctors to prescribe horse dewormer on demand to people with covid -— even though it can kill them. Crazy, huh?
Crazy? The drug has been legal for a civilized world for some time. But Texas, one of the most racist and corrupt states, don't mind if grown women die as a result of their retardedness. They should all be indicted for abuse to women.

'I will burn the session to the ground' over anti-trans bill, says Nebraska Democrat
Burn the fascists too.

GOP leaders’ pandering to extremists has left the party in crisis: analysis
GOP fascists must be taken out and thrown in the dumpster.

Why the GOP is obsessed with "woke" — but can't define it
MAGA can't explain what "woke" is, but that's the point — it's a "choose your own bigotry" term for Republicans
No. It means "defender of truth and justice." Which is like a mirror to a vampire to them.

Florida Now Going After Social Studies Textbooks
Keep 'em as stupid as possible." Right, you fascist bastard?

The death of drummer icon Jim Gordon and the sorry state of mental health treatment in America
"How we treat the mentally ill in the US is a shame."
" What we are doing to “The least of these” is a stain on the moral character of this nation, and must be turned around. You never know. Serious mental illness could happen to any one of us. Conservatives fight against treatment for the mentally ill at their own risk. Shame on them."
They get them to run for office. Just look at who they have there.

GOP Lawmaker: I've Never Met Any Poors, So Kids Don't Need Free Lunch
"I have yet to meet a person in Minnesota that is hungry," he said. Here's a real brainiac. Since he's never met one they don't exist? Send your brain back. You got the one in the "Abbey Normal" jar.

DeSantis Admin Revokes Miami Hotel's Alcohol License Over Drag Show
This is just more cancel culture from Republicans.
Fuck him.

Americans' Opinion Of Russia Sinks To All-time Low
Americans’ already-negative opinions of Russia have soured further in the past year, dropping from 15% holding a favorable view to 9%.
However, the MAGAts love him.

Tennessee GOP congressman pocketed $25,000 donated for his stillborn son's memorial: report
Nice to see some old fashioned embezzling again. In Tennessee they expect memorial graveyards as routine.

$1 Billion Fraud: Bannon's Chinese Billionaire Pal Arrested
Guo Wengui was arrested in New York for orchestrating a fraud conspiracy in excess of $1 billion. Scumbags.

Marjorie Taylor Greene's claim that cartel planted bomb at border is not true, 'high-level' source tells Fox
So it is a bag of shit?

Marjorie Taylor Greene is arguing with officials and reporters over a bag of sand
You sure it's not a bag of shit?

Marjorie Taylor Greene May Have Exposed Classified Secrets
Marge said she's not going to be "confidential" to the Border Patrol Chief
Why don't they send this broken woman for help?

DeSantis Admin Revokes Miami Hotel's Alcohol License Over Drag Show
This is just more cancel culture from Republicans. Lunatic Nazi. Kick his dumb fuck ass out, right now.

Watch: Conservative stumbles when asked to define 'woke'
"Don't criticize what you don't understand."

Wisconsin Republicans Repeal Ban On Ex-Gay Torture
Why don't they convert this MAGAt zombie assholes to have a brain?

Doctors Warned Her Pregnancy Could Kill Her. Then Tennessee Outlawed Abortion
The retarded Land of the Happy Negro.

Fox News likely to fork over 'huge payment' to settle Dominion suit: media consultant
It's only huge if it puts them out of business and out of broadcasting.

'Basically nonsense': Tech reporter shreds GOP claims that SVB failed because of 'wokeness'
Pitiful attempt at throwing off their own blame.

Oklahoma Republicans: Won't Someone Think Of Spanking The Disabled Children?
The MAGATs should use them on themselves. They are the brain-damaged fools.

The MAGA bastards haven't the balls to admit they are the ones that created this shit storm.

Neo-Nazis, Far Right Protesters Storm Drag Queen Story Hour in Ohio
They are no different from Nazis in 1930s Germany.

Manchin Now Says Bank Deregulation Isn’t Great Despite “Yes” Vote on 2018 Repeal
Really, Mr. Smart Ass?

Have You Noticed America Is Looking Like a Third World Nation?
America has an entirely new type of slum we haven’t seen here since the 1930s, the product of 42 years of the Reagan Revolution. We call them “tent cities” & roadsides lined with old RVs and cars.
We've only noticed that for years on this Web site.

'Scoring cheap political points': Missouri Democrats rip Republican proposal to tax groceries but not guns
Missouri. The stubborn dumb ass state.
"I don't think that there's anything in the Missouri legislature right now that is committed to making literally any Missourian safer. It's about scoring cheap political points. There are a lot of stunts going on. There aren't a lot of solutions." — Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas
You could elect people with brains.

NATO may boost Black Sea presence following drone crash: report
"This incident demonstrates a lack of competence in addition to being unsafe and unprofessional."
Sure. It is also an act of war by that motherfucker, Pootin.

Fox Anchor Complains To Comer: You Got Nothing On Biden
Ruh-Roh! Fox News is not happy with GOP investigations into the Bidens.
Punish your own criminals, asshole. Your fascism has no agenda but STUPID!

Warren On Maddow: Make Silicon Valley Bank Executives Pay
Elizabeth Warren Calls for Clawing Back Pay, Bonuses for Silicon Valley Bank Executives. And is it time for an insider trading investigation?
Hell yes.
'Nuff said.

Trump Brags He'll Send Troops Into 'Democrat-Run States'
Red states have the highest murder rates in the county.
Not if America invades you first, you stupid shit.

A Karen Is Caught On Video Accusing Lesbian Couple Of Raping Kids
There was an audible gasp in Starbucks.
Everyone knows who this woman is: An overweight bigoted dumb shit.
Pedophiles are rarely gay. They are usually "pastors."

It turns out Donald Trump's father was the racist landlord Woody Guthrie hated
Woody still kicks fascist ass!

Federal investigators examined Trump Media for possible money laundering, sources say
Yet more pilfering from Fatso.

Ohio politicians found guilty in $60 million utilities bribery scandal
“You don't have to look far to see that the FirstEnergy scandal is part of a broader trend.”
Yet more fascist grifters. The idiots keep electing them. We are a failed people.

Republicans aim to weaken ballot measure process after progressive victories
The Republican assault on direct democracy is a predictable reaction to major progressive ballot measure victories
The work of Nazis in America.

"I need a woman who looks like she got punched": Republicans become more openly pro-abuse
The GOP embraces a "raging misogynist" identity, backing controlling husbands and the death penalty for abortion
Typical behavior from the Nazis.

Watch as Trump lawyer 'lunges' at Ari Melber 'for receipts' after he reads off Trump's lies
In what hideout did Trump find this Joe Tacopina?

This is 'serious damage Ron DeSantis did to the United States': Retired general
Fatso, Jr?

This is no culture war: Republicans are waging a war on democracy
In reality, today's Republican Party is waging a fascist war against multiracial democracy
The sleepers don't care. Fascists are who we should be making war against. Now. By any means necessary.

International Criminal Court plans first arrest warrants for Russia's Ukraine invasion: report
The Pootmeister is a wanted criminal. The world knows it now.
Book him, Dano!

21 'Pro-Life' GOPers Want Death Penalty For Women Who Have Abortions
That's not very pro-life of them.
Hypocrites of the vilest kind. They will get theirs one day soon.
It's all a blanket of painted stars above our flat world. One can't believe how stupid states are.

Fox gives Ron DeSantis a literal softball interview and the results are just plain bizarre
Just a plain dope.

All the "Woke", "Social Justice" and "Cancel culture" complaints are Nazi Sh*t
Pure and simple. May they all fall off the earth.

Barney Frank Blames Bank Failures On Cryptocurrencies
It's tantamount to dealing in old campaign buttons.

'Cannot continue': Bernie Sanders demands repeal of Trump-era bank deregulations
Trump touched the banking system. At least one bank died because of his dimwitted brain.

That New 'Woke' Poll Indicates DeSantis Faces Major Obstacle
Looks like Rhonda Santis is going to find that what works for the GOP primary nutjobs is not exactly a winner with voters in a general election. Here's hoping!

How could Texas spend its record $32.7 billion surplus?
Put it in their own pockets, as usual.

Driving Good Teachers from the Classrooms

The Colorado GOP’s Slow-Rolling MAGA Suicide

Texas Republican wants 'bounty hunting' law that would target drag queens
AND target women who have abortions along with that.
How fucking insane can a human get? Here's a possibilty.
Mussolini and Hitler would have been so proud.

Woody Guthrie's family tells Josh Hawley 'This Land Is Your Land' not for use by 'insurrectionists'
The real National Anthem.

Ivermectin advocate dies from horrifying side effects — and followers report 'severe' symptoms
S-T-U P-I-D, come on now and sing it with me.
"Ivermectin's for horses, not for men. They say it will kill me, but they didn't say when."

Shocking video shows slur-chanting teens beating Black teen on subway
Hitler's children.

Trump-loving pastor claims Biden replaced with a body double because 'different looking earlobes'
And this "pastor"is considered mentally competent? He's a cartoon for sure.

ABC host slams regulation cuts 'under President Trump' after Silicon Valley Bank collapse
Regulations usually keep us from banking failures.

How the 'whacked out' Colorado GOP is doing everything it can to alienate the center: conservative
Fascism doesn't have a center.

'Undoubtedly to trap you': Hospitals hit nurses with thousands in 'training costs' to prevent quitting
Novel idea: "You're going to quit? What about that money you owe the company?" We used to call that wages. If it's training costs the company is the one to pay it. Sounds like the same scam as tuition fees.

Tucker's Ex-Producer: Fox Viewers Are A Bunch Of 'Cousin F*ckers'
He knew those idiots would believe the lies.

795 Days After The Capitol Attack And Pence Finally Tears Into Trump
I'm sure Trump will take this in a thoughtful manner.
That's ONLY 759 days!

Sen. John Kennedy Chomping At The Bit To Cut Social Security
And he's lying about it, too.
Of course, the old cracker hasn't a clue.

Silicon Valley Bank Executives received Bonuses the same day the Bank folded
"My banker told me, my banker told me, he would carry my note." — Banker by Will Gillam on his Crow CD.

Fox Host: We Have The First Amendment Right To Lie
Depends on what you're are uttering, smart ass. If you lie telling a joke, that's satire. If you lie to con someone out of anything it's fraud. Fox doesn't report news. It reports lies. Therefore, you and the company are liars. That is fraud.
And that's why we have courtrooms.

Paul Gosar Vows Criminal Charges Against Liz Cheney
For what? Making a fool out of your ass? Not a hard thing to do.

Who cares about Donald Trump's crimes? GOP appeal grows as walls close in
The monumental problem Republicans face is that it doesn't matter if he's indicted, on trial or even in jail
Clearly illustrating how mentally handicapped and morally vacant many of these people are.

Man on Kavanaugh's lawn was called an assassin — but plot to kill Whitmer was called a kidnapping: governor
The logic of a sick culture.

Florida teacher who called a biracial student a 'mutt' has been abusing students for decades: report At least the students have useful brains.

A former producer of the largest Fox show calls Trump supporters inbred 'terrorists'
You're too kind. They aren't even that high in human evolution.

Former Fox Exec Guilty In Bribing Soccer Officials For TV Rights
Prosecutors said Hernan Lopez engaged in an alleged scheme to pay millions of dollars in bribes to South American soccer officials in order to secure broadcasting rights for the region's most popular club.
Crooks from stem to stern.

'Absurd and inflammatory': TX activists condemn 'outrageous' wrongful death lawsuit over abortion medication
Bastards killed the right to abortion. Then you say someone murdered someone because you don't like a woman to have control of her body. No sex for you ever again, dickhead. Take your fascist religion and shove it.
"Anyone involved in distributing or manufacturing abortion pills will be sued into oblivion." This statement, ignorant as it comes, just makes matters worse. Stick it up your totalitarian asshole.

Texas Judge Schedules Secret Hearing On Abortion Pills
In the dark of night.
Fascists at their worst.
"Cockroaches scurry from light." — Boreal (comments)
"Another white power freak trying to control vaginas. Got news for him - his sperms are not as precious as he hopes them to be. Besides, in his case, most will end up as free fall flyers or kleenex krunchers. Ain't nobody want that shit inside of 'em." — Mark (comments)

'Heartless aspiring autocrat': MSNBC legal analyst cautions Ron DeSantis is a 'danger to democracy'
America should reject him in every way possible.

DeSantis given a "Fascist Snowflake" award in Iowa<br> How about that Nazi uniform? It's a natural for him.

'Crippled with fear': Duggar daughter reveals how she escaped 'unhealthy version' of Christianity
A lot of that going around.

Democrats Unveil Bills to Restrain Union Busting, Give Union Members Tax Benefit

CO Dems Introduce Bills That Would Protect Abortion and Gender-Affirming Care
Empathy? It exists!

“Work Until You Die” Is Not a Retirement Plan
Right. They really want you to work 10 years after you die.

Fox News faces potential 'financial death penalty' due to Dominion lawsuit
Make it slow and painful.

Trump should be 'sweating' the outcome of the E. Jean Carroll rape trial: former prosecutor
Indicments are spinning around him now.

Even Republicans Are Fed Up With Anti-CRT Hysteria
"What if there is nothing to panic about?" Ha! I'm certain they would come up with something."

Chris Wallace Repeatedly Asks Whitmer If She’ll Run In 2024 ‘If Something Happened’
It is quite stunning how ageism is creeping out of control in our country.
Someone I know that is older than Joe can play multiple music instruments, write computer code, run a sound console, mix records, go to the gym to workout regularly, and take care of his lawn. Can these ageists do that?
Once again, we have a vice president. They take over when our president can't function. Oh, dear. That's never happened before?

Ohio Pastor Arrested On Felony Child Sex Charges
And another one bites the dust.
Time to start taxing these "churches."

Man Files Wrongful Death Suit Against Women He Says Helped Ex Get Abortion Pills
Three women in Texas are facing a lawsuit from a man who says they aided his now-ex-wife in obtaining abortion medication.
Tell the moron bully he can fuck. all. the. way. off.

Bad News: Bees Are Dying At a Shocking Rate
More human stupidity on display.

'Not a dictatorship': FL prosecutor refuses to bow to DeSantis' 'threat' to suspend her
Exactly the way to treat a Nazi Nabob.

'This feral dweeb': Anti-mask advocate faces major blowback after sharing bizarre airplane experience
A "feral dweel" is being too nice to this asshat turd.

Ex-NYPD Officer Guilty Of Two Felonies In Capitol Riot
Another one bites the dust.
May it always be so with fascists.

Biden's job creation record is stellar. More independents are starting to take note
"Two years ago, our economy was reeling," Biden told the joint session of Congress, along with some 27 million viewers at home. "As I stand her tonight, we have created a record 12 million new jobs—more jobs created in two years than any president has ever created in four years."
One more time: S-T-U P-I-D people can't accept truth.

New ‘Spanish Fox News’ Network Just Got A Big FL Distribution Deal
Like its Fox News role model, Americano Media provides misinformation and extremism, just for Spanish speakers. Dumbasses come in all sizes and races. They want their share of lies too.

Man Who Spray-Painted 'Groomer' On Libraries Now Charged With Child Porn
It's another case of projection. What a shocker.
Another one bites the dust.

Michael Knowles speaks on college campus despite student protests against his 'dehumanizing rhetoric':
I understand we have a First Amendment but why do asshats that spew shit get to open their hateful mouths?
The fucking "Eradicator" should be eradicated along with anyone like him.
What the fuck happened to us? We never used to be so bloody hostile to transgender people.

'I'm crazy': How an email to Sidney Powell from a 'ghost' pushed Fox News' 2020 election lies: report
We live in INSANE times.

'Wrong on the law': Experts fact-check Walgreens’ claim its hands are tied on abortion pill
"But experts are challenging Walgreens' position, asserting that the company’s interpretation of state and federal law is misguided — and that the company is being needlessly restrictive with a medication that is critical not only for abortion, but for the treatment of miscarriages too.

Daily Wire Creep Who Wants to 'Eradicate Transgenderism' Also Scared A.I. Full Of Spooky Demon Devils
"It's the worldview of people who are so religiously brainwashed, who are so insecure, and who feel so personally threatened by people different from them and things they don't understand, that they call for "transgenderism" to be "eradicated from public life entirely."
"It's useful to see the whole picture of who these people are. We are not up against rational people."

What Is 'Right-To-Work'? Why Does It Suck? What Is Big Gretch Doing To Murderize It In Michigan?
"Exciting news! Michigan is set to become the first state in 60 years to reverse a so-called "right-to-work" law, which is a very big deal."

West Virginian Activists Pack State Senate as Anti-Trans Bill Advances
Will we make them wear badges and put in concentration camps later?

Jim Jordan’s Weaponization Subcommittee Keeps Firing Blanks
"Jim Jordan’s premise as chairman of the House Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government is apparent: If at first you don’t succeed with political stunts dressed up as “investigations,” change the subject and try again."

Questions raised why Jim Jordan is underfunding right-wing conspiracy investigations
Simple. He doesn't want himself investigated.

Infamous 'Access Hollywood' tape can be shown to Trump rape case jury: Judge
Pussy Grabbin' Man — Men of Extinction.

Interfaith Alliance State Affiliates Mobilize to Fight Anti-LGBTQ+ Discrimination
"State legislatures are considering limitations on the rights of LGBTQ+ people with nearly 400 bills across the country. From attacks on free speech, to the ability of all children to feel safe and included in schools, to the right to seek essential gender-affirming medical care, the attacks are cruel attempts to instill fear and prevent fellow Americans from accessing their rights.
Interfaith Alliance has a network of affiliates working tirelessly to combat this harmful agenda in the states. From the very start, our affiliate network has been a key component of Interfaith Alliance’s work. Some affiliates have long histories and others are just starting out – but they all focus on the issues that directly affect their local communities."

New York Urges Pharmacies To Commit To Fulfill Abortion Pill Prescriptions
California cut ties with Walgreens after the chain bowed to GOP pressure and stopped supplying mifepristone in 20 states.
It's America, not Nazi Germany. Make this medication available to all.

DeSantis Runs Away From Radioactive 'Blogger Bill
Poo Bag.

Gun violence is the top killer of US kids—the pandemic made it worse
While gun violence has for years been among the leading causes of death for US children, the COVID-19 pandemic sent it skyrocketing to the top cause while widening racial disparities.

'Sold the Statehouse': Jury convicts 2 well-known Ohio Republicans in $60 million racketeering case
More Trump wannabes get the axe.

'Smoking hot': Economists stunned by another 'gangbusters' Biden jobs report
Wolfers also characterized the past three months of jobs growth as “gangbusters” and “smoking hot,” as he continued to criticize those claiming the U.S. is in or approaching a recession: “Extraordinary that this occurred through a period of naysayers screaming ‘recession’!”

Watch: 'Coward' Glenn Youngkin’s evasive 'word salad' mocked after trans student confronts him on live TV
Why is it these chicken shits can't answer a question?

'Vacuous' Jim Jordan's 'popgun' hearings roasted by former DOJ officials
What a loser.

'Shocking' ban of book about Holocaust survivor's granddaughter in DeSantis' Florida
He doesn't want his fascism exposed by anyone. He's a Nazi POS.

Kevin McCarthy won't let Republicans "move on" from January 6
Some Republicans want to forget January 6 — but many House Republicans can't stop celebrating the Capitol riot
Like his co-conspirators, the slug has no conscience.

House GOP Votes To Overturn Clean Water Protections
Don't you love polluted water? What the hell is up with these dumb fucks?
They don't give a damn about wildlife or our own lives. Stupider than a sack of hammers.
The Senate has to stop this shitbag they are handing us.

Gingrich: “No Question That The Election Was Rigged”
Weak tea and tiresome. Democracy has made these sick people go insane.

FL Minister Gets Life Sentence On Child Sex Charges
Another one bites the dust.

Labor Department Issues Strong February Jobs Report
Oh, dear. The economy is way too good and we all hate that, don't we?

Gerry Connolly knocks a hole in the Jim Jordan show with one simple question about the Twitter Files
"Oh what a tangled web we weave/When first we practice to deceive." — Sir Walter Scott (early nineteenth century Scottish author)

Fox Cuts Away From Democratic Rep During Jordan's Farce Of A Hearing
Rep. Stacey Plaskett and Jim Jordan went at it during his farce of a hearing on the so-called "weaponization" of government, but you wouldn't know that if you were just watching Fox "news."
Cowardly liars as well.

Tucker Carlson Is The Biggest Hypocrite At Fox
Stephen Colbert tears Tucker Carlson up one side and down the other and dances on what's left.
Poor mother.

Lauren Boebert Shocks No One By Announcing Her Teen Son Is About To Be A Dad
Boebert is proud that her 17 year old son is about to be a dad, making her a 36 year old grandmother.
So much for "Christian" values.

Donald Trump could soon be criminally indicted in New York: report
"Soon" is the key word here. We've been hearing it for centuries now.

Jim Jordan's 'weaponization' committee 'contradicts sworn testimony' and 'ignores key events': analysis
You can watch his failure grow.

Matt Taibbi Proves He's A Clown During House Hearing
How much was he paid for that nonsense?
Maybe he needed the exposure?

Rep. Dan Goldman Runs Circles Around Twitter Files Guy At Hearing
He is so good at this.
But they are really dumb at it.

Florida school staffer and book reviewer resigns after calling book about lesbians ‘morally damning'
The "Book Police" will be coming after recordings soon. I can't wait.

Prosecutors Signal Criminal Charges Likely For Trump
The beggining of the end for Fatso.
"For fuck sake. Someone arrest this goddamn mother fucker. I'm fucking sick of fucking hearing about this fuck." — Anastasia Beaverhousen
"The longer our government pretends this is a matter for civil and criminal courts, and not the on-going insurrection it is, the sooner the fascists will succeed in garnering enough support and taking sufficient power." — DRoseDARs

George Santos masterminded 2017 ATM fraud, former roommate tells feds
“Santos taught me how to skim card information and how to clone cards,” Gustavo Ribeiro Trelha, who was convicted of felony access device fraud, said Wednesday in a sworn declaration submitted to the FBI.
America, how can you look at yourself in a mirror?

Virginia Judge Cites Slavery Law: Embryos Are Property
My God, what are we becoming? The Nazis are taking over Virginia in the Land of the Happy Negro.
“It’s repulsive and it’s morally repugnant." Don't confuse these bastards as having morals. What are these embryos? They aren't people? But you have always taken that position, hypocrites.
"If you guessed Dick was an old white guy, you don't win any prizes."

Watch: Heated feud erupts as Dan Goldman battles Jim Jordan at contentious ‘weaponization’ hearing
This little prick is going to get his nose broken if he keeps up his chicken shit.
"Jordan has run up against the facts on a number of issues in the committee, including his so-called FBI whistleblowers that were given cash by Trump allies after coming forward."
You're entitled to your own opinion, Jim, but you are not enititled to your own "facts."

'Get on with it': Jim Jordan gets earful from Dem fed up with GOP 'playbook' of lies
Looks like Little Jacket-Off Jordan is getting his Nazi ass kicked. He's an embarresment to America.

Christians clash as extremists move into Idaho – and 'very frightened population' moves out
More Nazi nutballs in Ida-Ho. The fascists all have big mouths. This is the way they work. History clearly illustrates this. They won't like it so well as the war progresses.

‘Defying his own standard‘: Eric Swalwell pummels Jim Jordan at hearing on subpoena compliance
Jordan is a sniveling litle coward.

'Brought this on themselves': Both antiabortion and abortion rights activists rally to boycott Walgreens
An exercise in supidity, ignorance and arrogance.

Hannity Selectively Edits Trump's Remarks On Ukraine
Trump's idea? Just hand over some areas in Ukraine to Russia. Here ya' go, Vlad.
The dishonesty in our country is staggering.

Ahnold Stuns With Twelve Minute Speech Against Fascism
Schwarzenegger has put out his longest video yet, warning against rising antisemitism around the world.
He experienced it.

Tennessee House Passes Bill Allowing Refusal To Certify Marriage Licenses Of Gay, Interracial, Interfaith Couples
What place in hell did Tennessee decide to return to?

Louisiana Pastor Arrested On Child Sex Charges
And another one bites the dust. But, for God's sake, watch the cross-dressers and drag queens!

'This is vile': Horror ensues after Marjorie Taylor Greene named 'Speaker pro tempore'
And darkness fell.

Maria Bartiromo Is Scared And Sad! And More LOL Highlights From Last Night's Fox News Document Dump
A whole bunch of new texts and and emails were unsealed last night in the $1.2 billion defamation case Dominion Voting Systems filed against Fox News, and boy howdy. The amount of shit these people talk about each other, about Donald Trump, and the obvious sneering contempt they have for the viewers they lie to.

GOP’s Debt Limit Plan Would Cost 2.6 Million Jobs, Report Finds
House Republicans’ plan to majorly slash federal spending over the next decade as a supposed “solution” to the national debt would likely cost millions of jobs and trigger a recession next year, a new report by Moody’s Analytics economists finds.

Liz Cheney on potential House GOP-led Jan. 6 probes: 'Bring it on'
They are just stupid enough to try it.

Ron DeSantis for President? Among His Qualifications, War Crimes?
Qualified for cleaning toilets.

Does America Die Gradually, Then Suddenly?
January 6th was a rehearsal; they're now planning 2024. Coups quietly build to an explosive tipping point, then suddenly appear as a fait accompli.

Florida Judges Have the Power to Force Young People to Give Birth
What they may discover is some people may choose suicide.

Louisville cops called Black citizens 'monkeys' and 'boy' in pattern of racist abuse: DOJ
Life as usual in the Land of the Happy Negro.

Missouri would be only state in country that taxes food but not guns under GOP bill
Figures. What else?

South Dakota Republican calls BS on GOP's histrionic Mount Rushmore fundraising
Just one problem: there’s no such threat.

'We will go to war': Boogaloo Bois regrouping to seek vengeance for Mar-a-Lago raid
Marge, this is a bonafide terrorist group. Are you going after them?

Kyle Rittenhouse, the MAGA Star That Wasn’t
Modern conservatives love to own the libs by supporting people who claim they’ve been “canceled.” Yet Kyle Rittenhouse can’t seem to draw a crowd, no matter how many times he gets shut down.

‘Absolutely Wrong’: Under Oath Lachlan Murdoch Pans Tucker Carlson’s Comments About Immigrants Making U.S. ‘Dirtier’
See how this works, Tucker?

WATCH: The View Hosts Suggest Fox News Be Investigated For ‘Recruiting Domestic Terrorists’ By Justice Dept
Co-hosts of The View reacted to the latest revelations in the Dominion defamation lawsuit by suggesting Fox News be investigated for “recruiting domestic terrorists.”
See how this works, Marge?

Canada Repeals Anti-LGBTQ “Indecency” Laws
It's good to know we live next to a decent country. Thanks Canada.

Is Slap Fighting The Next Big Thing Or Just Unsporting Stupidity?
UFC President Dana White is selling slap fighting as the next big thing in combat sports, and claims, "“It’s a home run."
Will we finally devolve our way back to the Roman arena?

Texas Is Coming for 'Woke' Insurance Companies Next
They are so pround of their ignorance and stupidity.

ISS Swerves to Avoid Collision With Earth-Imaging Satellite
There's a lot more traffic out there than used to be. Will they be launching "Yield Right of Way" signs?

As the nation braces for Texas judge to halt abortion pill use, pregnant people face deadly risks
I believe they are referring to women?

Biden's budget plan strengthens Medicare, House GOP's burns everything to the ground
Their colors are false.

All 26 House Oversight Republicans refuse to sign statement denouncing white supremacy
By doing this they instead signed a de facto loyalty to white suprematism.
"It comes after several Oversight Committee Republicans "invoked dangerous and conspiratorial rhetoric echoing the racist and nativist tropes peddled by white supremacists and right-wing extremists," during a February hearing on the "border crisis," Ranking Member Raskin said in a March 5 letter to Committee Chair James Comer (photo, top.) The Washington Post first reported on Raskin’s letter.

Watch: MAGA Republican blames diversity initiatives for Norfolk train crashes
Lunatic explains reason for his illness: "I'm a conservative, pro-life, pro-gun, pro-Trump, God-fearing truck driver, and I'm not afraid to say I was pro-Trump from day one."

Sarah Huckabee Sanders signs law gutting child labor protections for minors under 16 years old
Our newest Fagin, my dear.

'Magical thinking': Jamie Raskin wrecks GOP's Covid hearing by scorching Trump
Fatso said it would dissapear. More people died as a result of them being anti-vaxxers.
Around 45,000 fewer deaths under Biden than under Trump.

'Mad': New details reveal what Murdoch, Carlson really thought of Trump as Fox pushed false claims
I guess they knew how gullible their audience was and still is.

FCC nominee Gigi Sohn bows out amid right-wing attacks: report
Republicans, including Joe Manchin, destroy another good candidate with their corrupt bullshit.

Fox News edits out Trump saying he would have let Russia 'take over' portions of Ukraine: report
Naturally, he's a traitor as we ALL know.

Watch: Lauren Boebert wants 'comprehensive sex ed' banned from public schools
Did she ever learn anything comprehensive about anything? She certainly doesn't want anyone else to know that is has nothing to do with morals. She never learned to enjoy sex, apparently, so wants everyone else to feel guilt about it.

Arkansas Republicans 'outwitted' by local high school students: report
Arkansas racists have painted themselves into a corner of stupidity with an attempt to return to segregation. Nice going kids.

DeSantis Fascism Prevails Via Nuisance Legislation
Florida Republicans voted for this.
Brainless fools on the march.

'Bullshit': Tucker And McCarthy Face Backlash From Republicans
They're not wrong. Total stinking bullshit.

One Train Wreck Leads To Another
The Wellness Company offered free health care to the people of East Palestine, Ohio. It turned out to be a group of anti-vaxxers and conspiracy nuts.
The Nut Ball Ball was held in Ohio this season.

Feds Probe Tesla Over Steering Wheels Coming Off
Comes in handy for those who ask "will you take the wheel."

Graham Thanks God For Criminalization Of Drag Shows
Why do these idiots think drag shows have anything to do with changing gender?
"I just saw a drag show. I think I'll change my gender." You really think this happens with any regularity? These are the damnedest, dumb fucks walking the earth. Get an education.

“I hate him passionately”: New lawsuit texts show Tucker Carlson admit Trump era was a “disaster”
"We're all pretending we've got a lot to show for it," Carlson wrote. "There really isn't an upside to Trump"

Neoliberalism made us broke. Now it's killing us
What is safety under neoliberalism? From East Palestine, Ohio to Turkey, we get a devastating answer
"Neoliberalism didn't just deregulate the economy and brazenly link economic influence to political power, it also deregulated safety systems, infrastructure and oversight. It didn't just allow banks to make up their own rules; it allowed infrastructure, housing, and transportation businesses to do so as well. And over time the consequences have become more and more devastating."

Trump faces being 'found liable of rape' while 'in the midst' of multiple investigations: reporter
Speaking with the hosts of the Daily Beast's "New Abnormal" podcast, investigations reporter Jose Pagliery suggested Donald Trump faces the very real possibility that he could be found "liable for rape" while still being investigated by the Department of Justice, to say nothing of it happening as he is running for president again.

Nicolle Wallace schools Republicans: 'We are sleepwalking toward another disaster'
The fat Elvis stage? LMAO!

Trump has entered his fat Elvis stage: MSNBC host
That sounds like a bad place to be.

MAGA sinks GOP trolling to genocidal lows
Republicans are competing for attention by ratcheting up anti-LGBTQ speech. The inevitable result is violence

Feds Nab Rioter Who Wore His Name On His Backpack
One thing is certain: These traitors aren't too bright.

GA House Passes Bill That Could Oust Trump Prosecutor
More fascism in America. We must stop the Nazis or lose our freedom.

Trump Busted In Stupid Lie About CPAC Crowd Size
His nose keeps growing.

Minnesota just restored voting rights for 47,000 people, and Democrats are the reason why

Kari Lake: I Can't Be Candidate For VP Since I'm Governor Of AZ
No, lady. You're unemployed.
And I am queen of Romania.

John Oliver: Meatball Ron DeSantis Is ‘F**king Gross And Awful’
Last Week Tonight didn't have enough time to cover the amount of awfulness that is DeSantis. How to describe a Nazi.

Tucker Carlson Gives Dominion's Lawsuit A Big Boost
I mean, it's OK with us if he puts Fox News out of business.
Tucker that's the best comment I've heard from you in forever.
Sightseeres, my ass.

How a right-wing legal doctrine is placing 'unrealistic burdens' on both Congress and Biden: report
A big time problem for us.

The Alex Murdaugh verdict matters: No shame in being fascinated by this true crime
Can privileged criminals face consequences? The Murdaugh murder trial speaks to anxieties fueling current tensions
Trump is next.

How Donald Trump indictments are 'the only possible logical conclusion' of new DOJ brief: report
It's way past time to put this criminal beind bars.

'Populist and belligerent': Republican Party 'sad' state of division on full display at CPAC
Just textbok fascism.

Prince Of Peace? Christian Nationalists Push Jesus As Military Leader
Christian nationalist parachurch orgs prey on the military. Church/state separation is under constant assault. A just-won battle highlights the lack of a Biden dividend for religious freedom.
"...Its an outside evangelical agency, called a parachurch group, whose mission is to proselytize soldiers and turn them into a legion of proselytizers.”
"“Their very mission conflicts with that of the military as an organized expression of Constitutional values, including those of religious freedom and equality under the law, and separation of church and state.”
The perfect disjointed intellect.

Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: More on Fox News and Republican factionalism

Justices aren't above the law: Pass the Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency Act
Public approval of the U.S. Supreme Court is extremely low. Justices’ failure to avoid conflicts of interest and inability to investigate themselves further undermines public trust in the court at a time when its legitimacy is already a matter of significant public debate.
Hoods with a law degree.

Right-wing 'crusaders' unjustly drove a top New Jersey teacher from his job: editorial board
As history shows them.

Josh Hawley's freakout about DOJ 'anti-Catholic bias' thoroughly debunked
Does this dork know anything?

Sarah Sanders To Sign Bill Loosening Child Labor Law
"I see the party of family values has opened up the labor market for children like it’s 1910 again in Arkansas. This is backward, even for Arkansas."—Charlie Fox.
"You have to pick a pocket or two."

Fox libel defense at odds with top GOP presidential foes
“It is ironic that Fox is relying on a landmark case that was designed to help the news media play the watchdog role in a democracy and is under attack by Gov. DeSantis, Donald Trump and other figures who have been untethered in their attacks on journalists as enemies of the people,” said Jane Hall, a communication professor at American University.
The "Lying Liars" channel could be strangling itself to death.

Greene to introduce resolution declaring Antifa a terrorist organization
A real dumb Nazi. Going after a non-existant entity.

Religious Groups Are Challenging SCOTUS Ruling Against LGBTQ Discrimination

Every Domestic Extremist Murder in 2022 Was Committed by Right-Wingers: Report

What Will Happen To Everyone Who is Not White, Straight, & Male If We Don't Speak Out?
Fascists always start by declaring themselves the victims of others. Victimhood is essential to the fascist worldview; it’s at its core
A year before Nazis began attacking union leaders and socialists, a full five years before attacking Jewish-owned stores on Kristallnacht, the Nazis came for the trans people at the Institute for Sexual Research in Berlin.

‘America Is Not a Racist Country’: Nikki Haley Warns Nearly Vacant CPAC Room ‘Wokeness Is a Virus’
Her original full name was Nimrata Nikki Randhawa. She is the child of Sikh-Punjabi business owners and immigrants to the United States. Another perfect hypocrite.
And johndamos must love life in the Land of the Happy Negro. (comments)

Praising Jimmy Carter, Charles Rouse, Joe Munoz, Jim Davidson, and Other Genuinely Christian Men

'It's sad': Conservatives lament the collapse of CPAC since Trump came along
They brought it on themselves.

Trump: If I Get Indicted, I Won’t Drop Out Of Race
Same goes for if he's in prison. He'll still carry out the duties of his office. Breaking rock.

Don Jr. Has Had It With Women Having '10-Month Abortions'
Examples of this, please? He can't do that of course but some idiots will believe it.

Trump Claims George Soros Is Funding His Prosecution
What a comedy show. Everyone but the mindless are laughing at this half-wit. Blaming Soros has become a joke. But if he is doing what Trump claims, he is doing mankind a favor.

'A roadmap to his defeat': Ron DeSantis' new book unwittingly hands opponents plenty of ammo

Social Security not adding a penny to the national debt
Essentially, the Social Security program has not contributed in any markedly way to the totality of deficits and associated debt. Rather, paradoxically, the program has historically loaned the government monies to cover the debt and, thereby, help pay for other federal programs. So, don’t blame Social Security for the sum of existing debt today accumulated over the years.

Tulsi Gabbard claims former party is 'hostile towards people of faith' in CPAC rant
Uhhh, I think you got that backwards, Tulsa.
During her speech, Gabbard said Democrats are attempting to "erase the presence of God from every facet of public life," asserting "they cannot be trusted to protect our inalienable God-given rights enshrined in the Constitution and should not be in power."
You were speaking to a crowd of around 100 people at CPAC. Who, exactly, do you speak for?

CPAC Speaker: “Transgenderism Must Be Eradicated”
Sieg Heil! Along with all gays. And any woman that terminates a pregnacy. And Tulsa has the gall to say the Democrats are attacking God. LAMAO!
Look in the mirror, you fascists.

Florida Megachurch Pastor Gets 30 Years For Child Sex
God at work, Tulsa.

Graham: DeSantis “Has The Guts To Do What’s Right”
What good is "the guts to do what's right" if you lack the compassion to recognise what's right? For example, tell me, Rev, what's "right" about importing immigrants from another state just so you can export them to a cold location in the middle of winter and dump them out? Jesus endorses that, does he?—Ann Kah (coments)
IF they want to be part of state then they must pay taxes like the rest of us. They want their cake and have it too.

MO “Don’t Say Gay” Bill Would Apply To Grades K-12
A totally "enlightened" woman. She has no idea what the high school kids are aware that she's full of bullshit.

Donald Trump attacks 'racist' Alvin Bragg and 'horseface' Stormy Daniels in social media rant
"The Racist Manhattan District Attorney, Alvin Bragg [who is Black] is being pushed relentlessly by the Radical Left Democrats, the Fake News Media, and the 'Department of 'Injustice,' to bring charges against me for the now ancient 'no affair' story of Stormy 'Horseface' Danials,..."
Sounds like Fatso is shouting "I'm guilty as can be! Look how pretty I am!" ROTFLMAO!

Insurance Agents Win Luxury Trips For Overcharging Seniors
Private insurance giants are offering luxury vacations and other incentives for agents to "push seniors into the most expensive Medigap plans."
Ahhh! "The Golden Years." But for whom?

Russian Lawmaker To Face Prison After Spaghetti Incident
Mikhail Abdalkin's photo showing him listening to Putin's speech on February 21 with noodles on his ears went viral on the Internet.
It seems Pootin and his his hitmen have no sense of humor. Too bad, too bad.

Jim Jordan threatens 16 FBI officials with subpoenas after facing affront over three 'nutcase' whistleblowers
This inept boob is about to get a new asshole cut.
If anyone is weaponizing our goverment look no further than this bag of wind.

Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: More on the Lying Liars Network
Fox News isn’t news at all. Now everyone knows it.

Gaetz Calls For Defunding Federal Law Enforcement
These people who love law enforcemnt so much? Allow me to laugh.
Where do the fascists find these fucking idiots like Gaetz? Under rocks.
They are on your side, Dumbo. It's just that your side is suffering from paranoia due to guilt.

REPORT: Kellyanne And George Conway To Divorce
Congratulations, George!

Twitter’s Advertising Revenue Fell 71% In December
Poor Lonnie.

Let’s give thanks to the "Dilbert" guy
In a single YouTube rant, Scott Adams put the lie to reverse racism
"Adams did, however, jump on a reverse racism bandwagon that has been around since the passage of the Civil Rights Act in the mid-1960s, when white southerners first started claiming that an end to segregation violated their rights to free association, as they objected to being forced to attend schools and eat at lunch counters with people they held were inferior because they were Black."
Sounds like the Land of the Happy Negro.
Is SCOTUS coming after the "Brown v. Board of Education" decision next?

Election denier Tina Peters found guilty — and could be going to jail.
Another one bites the dust.

Jan. 6 judge bemused by Kevin McCarthy handing riot video to Fox News
Poor Kevin. Born without a brain. He didn't think the law would want to see his "secret" videos.

Florida prosecutor blasts DeSantis' 'ridiculous witch hunt'
DeSantis needs a damn good blasting.

Red States About Five Minutes Away From Legalized Lynching Of Trans People
Red States — Nazi States. Yes, there will be another Civil War. Someone's gotta go.

MS GOP Seeks to Block Voters From Using Ballot Initiative for Abortion Rights
Un-American scum eaters in the Land of the Happy Negro..

Woman Arrested in South Carolina for Allegedly Taking Abortion Pills in 2021
America, when are you going to stop this Nazi shit invasion of our country?

DeSantis’s Educational Policies Come Right Out of the Fascist Playbook
Ron DeSantis is a religious, political, and ideological demagogue whose view of power is as ruthless as it is opportunistic. He views academic freedom and freedom of speech as liabilities to be stamped out, not unlike what happened in Nazi Germany.

What Do the GOP Seditionists Offer Us Other Than Ripping America Apart & Oligarchy?
Pitting Americans against each other by race, geography, or even politics when simultaneously invoking bloodshed as a justified outcome is as anti-American as it gets

When Republicans Get Their Shit Together, They Ain't Just Whistlin' Dixie Anymore
But their shit is all over our walls.

Trump Lawyers in E. Jean Carroll Case Argue ‘Grab ‘em by the Pussy’ Isn’t a Pattern
Trump's lawyers are arguing that jurors in the E. Jean Carroll case shouldn't see the Access Hollywood tape because it doesn't establish a "pattern of misconduct."
LMAO! See here now! Pussy Grabbin' Man — Men of Extinction.

Are There More Than Two Sexes? No
Let's take a closer look at that statement.
68 Terms That Describe Gender Identity and Expression

The Useful Idiots Fueling the Right-Wing Transphobia Panic
Today on TAP: Prominent center-left journalists were swindled by obvious nonsense about a St. Louis gender clinic.

No abortion pills at Walgreens in anti-abortion states: report
More Nazi control over American women.

These Texas DAs refused to prosecute abortion. Republican lawmakers want them stopped
The Texas GOP is pushing a bill that would punish district attorneys who set a policy not to prosecute certain crimes. It comes after many said they wouldn't prosecute abortion cases following Dobbs.
Fascists pushing for more totalitarianism.

Don’t be surprised by Eric Adams’ anti-secular rant. Be afraid
Tell him to take gas.

The Dishonest Accounting of Net-Zero Emissions
"Curious how your city will fare as climate extremes accelerate? Hot off the press: Moody Analytics provides a handy picture of which cities will be facing the greatest economic damage from the climate extremes to come. Moody’s provides a cold-eyed view of the economic consequences of the double-sided extremes — droughts and deluges, the floods and the fires — ahead of us. And why is Moody’s issuing this report? While the rest of us try to survive the disasters, Moody’s clients will either be hit with the losses or reaping the profits. I won’t divulge the most vulnerable cities, but the list is a surprise."

‘You Don’t Give a Flying F**k’: Jon Stewart Clashes with Second Amendment ‘Purist’ GOP Legislator on Gun Control, Drag Shows
"That is hypocrisy at its highest order.”
John Stewart shows logical thinking to someone that failed in his class.
And that's what the fascists have always been — big fat hypocrites.

Morning Joe buries GOPer over the 'stupidity' of his attack on Merrick Garland
More stupid.

Skipping out on CPAC: Did Trump kill off conservatives' biggest confab?
Conservatives turn their backs on CPAC
Only the Fox News liars attend now.

Tuberville At CPAC: The Left Wants Only One Gender
Good thing for him he could coach football. Otherwise the man is a moron.
"They want to divide family." —Tuberville
"The Republican party which spent four years separating migrant children from their parents at every opportunity, choosing to not keep proper records in order to make reunification impossible. And, since then, have invented rules to send the parents to prison on abuse charges for having the audacity to respect their own transgender children." — Halou (comments)

Florida Man Dies From Brain-Eating Amoeba After Rinsing His Sinuses With County Tap Water
Florida, eh? DeSantis doesn't have to worry about something eating his brain. It's MIA.

DeSantis Demands $1M To Appear At Donor Events
Shakedown artist. Also known as extortion. "The act or practice of extorting especially money or other property, the offense committed by an official engaging in such practice."

Texas Republican looks to Stalin, Putin for ‘family values’ policy ideas
Of course he does.

AG Garland rebuts Sen. Kennedy's false question, but he'll need to be more forceful with Jim Jordan
Gym "Jacket Off" Jordan? He has all the debating skills of a drunk on bad acid.

Revealed: Jim Jordan's FBI 'whistleblowers' were paid by Trump ally and spread J6 conspiracy theories
A trio of witnesses being called as "whistleblowers" by the GOP committee investigating the "weaponization" of government were paid off by a Trump ally and spread conspiracy theories, reported The New York Times on Thursday.
Jordan? A rigger? LMAO!

Russian Man Arrested After Daughter’s Anti-War Drawing
Alexei Moskalev, 53, was arrested after his twelve-year-old daughter drew a picture with the Ukrainian flag and a Russian flag with the phrases “No to war” and “Glory to Ukraine” written on it.
I thought they were talking about Florida. That's where they are headed.
Masha is a courageous young hero. More Russians should have her courage.

Do You Watch Fox News?
Fox and Robert Murdoch have been busted lying. Again. And Politics Girl is all over it.
I only watch when I want a good laugh.

Tester, Manchin fall for GOP 'woke' bulls**t in pointless vote
Er — another "stupid"?

Pence: IA School Dispenses Gender Transition Plans More Than Aspirin
Iowa? Surely he jests.

Oops! Propane Tanker Derailed Near Florida Airport Yesterday
"Oh, look! A train derailed in Florida yesterday, which left mangled tracks and a tanker carrying thousands of gallons of propane tipped over. But look at all the trains that don't derail!"

Investigation Heats Up As DA Bragg Meets With Kellyanne Conway
Gee, he could be charged with a felony? Then what if he's convicted? No more wishful White House fantasies.

A Poll as Right-Wing Racist Troll: The Real Lessons From 'Dilbert' This Week
First, vet the poll source and then examine "what was the question" the poll was asking.

US Trampling of Abortion Rights Violates International Law, Groups Tell UN Experts
Certainly it does. But the Nazi members of SCOTUS don't give a damn about that law.

Dominion’s damning revelations underscore the 'full corruption of Fox News': former Reagan speechwriter
Their position is "yes, we know we lie but our viewers expect us to lie to them and they believe us." When, pray tell, were humans any stupider thatn this?

'Isn’t she amazing?' Biden trolls Marjorie Taylor Greene
Amazing and few more other choice adjectives. In this context it is sarcasm. "Dumb as a sack of hammers."

FBI arrests armed man who allegedly made antisemitic death threats against Michigan AG
S-T-U P-I-D.

Poll: 68% of voters say Biden is 'too old for another term' — and more Democrats agree than disagree
The president gets high marks for his performance from Democrats, but nearly half of them say his advanced age is a problem.
My question to these "voters" is this: Do you want to keep the White House or do you wnat to practice ageism?
What, in heaven's name, do you think Vice Presidents are for? And do you want another four-year horror show from the criminal Trump? Use your brains. Are you really that stupid?

'You can't tell me how to answer': Karine Jean-Pierre battles Peter Doocy over Covid origins
This kid isn't sweeping floors yet?

Marjorie Taylor Greene's 'firehose of lies' shredded by Morning Joe
MSNBC's Joe Scarborough blasted Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's (R-GA) "firehose of falsehoods" as an intentional effort to destroy the truth as autocratic leaders have throughout history.
More like a backed-up sewer.

'How confident your stupidity is': Lauren Boebert lampooned for posting crudely-cropped US map
BoBo's mapping skills — the short version.

Kyle Rittenhouse Issues Money Beg On Carlson’s Show
Easier to convict in a civil suit. He'll need money. Lots of it if he loses.

Garland Schools Cruz Over Mar-A-Lago Photos Not Leaked
A leak is a leak even if it's not, according to Sen. Cruz. AG Garland set him straight
"A bearded Cruz, trying to look tough and hip while failing at both, questioned Garland about the raid at Mar-a-Lago. He quickly made a fool of himself."
This won't help Cruz a bit when it comes to his stupid quotient. A perfect example of the GOP on stupid.

Cognitive neuroscientist explains why stupidity is an existential threat to America
"It may sound like an insensitive statement, but the cold hard truth is that there are a lot of stupid people in the world, and their stupidity presents a constant danger to others."
Just look at the stupid in Florida. One of the major subjects on this Web site for years now.

'This is downright authoritarian': Florida Republican lambasted over bill to obliterate all traces of Democrats
It's downight madness, and these fascist mobsters should all be placed under arrest. The Nazi attack on America is real. Don't say you should have been warned.

Girls high school basketball team opts out of state tournament rather than face transgender player
Naturally, a "Christian" school. Fear takes then out of competition. They were afraid they would lose to a team with a transgender player.
Pitiful. They admit they are weak. There are women's teams that can stomp male teams. LMAO!

Neo-Nazis struggle to find lawyers in New Hampshire civil rights case: 'Nobody will represent' us
No shit, Hitler's children.

Texas Republican wants ISPs to block a wide range of abortion websites
They really are scared shitless in Texas.

Lawsuit Accuses NFL of Compiling Huge Database of Lewd Photos of Women
How many times have I called them then "No Football League"?

Another Anti-Drag Lawmaker Caught in Drag Himself
Dear me! This is happening all over now.

More Americans disapprove of McCarthy sharing Jan. 6 footage with Carlson than approve: poll
Do they really care? Then get the bastards out of office.

Breaking News: Republicans Go to War Against Men in Dresses
Hmmmm. They better not be educated in history. They will be very shocked.

Ron DeSantis’s Illiberal Education Crusade

New op-ed sarcastically shatters Ron DeSantis' accelerating mission to 'make Florida dumb'
The governor argued that excluding the course would save children from being subjected to "a political agenda."
No, it would not. As fascist Captain Beatty stated "If you don’t want a man unhappy politically, don’t give him two sides to a question to worry him; give him one. Better yet, give him none."

Furious Ted Cruz shouts at Merrick Garland as he erupts over Kavanaugh protests
How unearthly stupid this moron Cruz is with his grandstanding. Very weak performance, Tedward.

LIVE: Merrick Garland, You're The Next Contestant On 'What The Hell Is Going On Over There?'
"Congressional hearings in the Republican-controlled House of Representatives are a dumb shitshow, as House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer searches for Hunter Biden's penis under the couch cushions, and as Jim Jordan's House McCarthyism Committee desperately tries to deceive America into thinking the Deep State has been weaponized to hurt Republicans' feelings and make sweet Donald Trump out to be some kind of criminal."

Iowa Republicans Propose Ban On Same-Sex Marriage
What are they worried about? Someone needs to adopt their bastard popualtion. Their bastard rate has gone up.
The percentage of births to unmarried women has risen in recent years. Nationally, approximately 40% of all births are to unmarried women.
Of course their stupid ban is unconstitutional because the language violates the spearation of church and state. But even that's not their only problem.

Deadbeat 45th president owes millions in unpaid bills to local cops for working his MAGA rallies
This is routine for Fatso.

Republican's New Bill Would Eliminate The Florida Democratic Party
Nazis in Florida begin their coup on our Constitution.
Just keep asking for federal troop occupation, Sunshine.

NEA: McCarthy Ignoring Parents, Students, and Educators
“Parents and voters agree that elected leaders should be focused on getting students the individualized support they need, keeping guns out of schools, and addressing educator shortages. But sadly, McCarthy would rather empower politicians who want to ban books and drive passionate educators out of the profession, instead of doing what is right for our students and public schools. Students, parents, and educators deserve better.”

Marjorie Taylor Greene and Mike Lee spread anti-Ukraine disinformation with edited video
Starved for attention, third-rate propagandists.

Republicans turn up the racism to drive up GOP opposition to Ukraine
The GOP's "welfare queen" attack on President Zelensky makes clear a much larger dynamic at play in Ukrainian war
"Instead of standing up with Democrats and presenting a unified front against Russian aggression, many of the Republican Party's loudest and most influential voices have made the decision to lean toward Putin and Russia."
The new "Jane Fondas." Let's call out the hypocrites.

'The maths are hard': Marjorie Taylor Greene mocked for not understanding what 'seized' means
Sigh. Poor stupid. Good thing they don't have anymore like her... oh, they do. Never mind.
Keep up the good work, Joe.

'Really unacceptable': FBI shredded following new watchdog report
What do these guys do? Read the comics online and drink coffee all day?

Inside the bizarre propaganda Matt Gaetz was trying to push from 'China's Fox News'
Does he have a staff with a brain?

Rep Jamie Raskin Brilliantly Hands Boebert's A** To Her
He is so good at this.
BoBo schooled again.

Calling Fox News hosts known liars is a court document-supported claim
The boy with the tatooed frown.

Fox Host Suggests Fetterman May Be Dead
They will stop at nothing to keep ratings up.
"Propogistic entertainment." Fox was ruled that in court.
Fox may be the one that's dead.

MTG: Cultists Deserve “Our Own Safe Space”
More stupid.
Fascists really can't be in charge of anything but their own avarice.

Republicans publicly split on 'politically stupid' plan to cut Social Security and Medicare
Stupid is as stupid does. And how these idiots are stupid.

Tensions flare after Dem questions 'God-given' rights at House hearing
Dude, the Founders wrote all that God stuff. God did NOT write it! And who the fuck are you telling me what God does and does not do at any given time? And also, too, Thomas Jefferson was not God! You have made nothing clear with your stultifed thinking. Give it a rest.
Cherry picking God. LOL! Cohen's absolutely right. But don't try to make sense with idiots. It's a lost cause.

DeSantis' charisma-challenged book shredded in scathing New York Times review
"an excruciatingly flat 'mechanical try-hard' — hinting at a charisma vacuum that could harm DeSantis' chances in a presidential race."
In other words, a vacuum bained idiot.

Marjorie Taylor Greene votes against mourning earthquake victims: report
Typical for the idiot.

'Stupid' Dilbert creator killed his career because of a highly flawed right-wing poll: analysis
S-T-U P-I-D!

Florida sheriff hurls expletives at neo-Nazi 'scumbags' invading his county
“These scumbags came to the wrong county… We are not going to tolerate this. This is not about free speech. This is about violence.”
Well, well. A sheriff tnat doesn't side with Nazis.

TN Gov Furious At Questions About His Own Drag Photo
"I hate myself deep inside, I hate myself, I've got no pride.
It ruins everything I do, and it's the reason that I hate you." — I Hate Myself, Jeff Gutcheon (variation)

West Virginia House Passes Right-To-Discriminate Bill
It's not the left's agenda, stupid. It's America's agenda.
This bullshit is from the party of hate.

'Yes I am threatening you': Nebraska Democrat vows to make life 'painful' for Republicans pushing anti-trans bill
Give them the same pain they are giving others.

White House announces enhanced enforcement of child labor laws as abuse and violations surge: report
And here we thought we were a civilized country.

DeSantis signs bill giving him new power over Disney
Totalitarian power.
"Appearing at the doorstep of Walt Disney World, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill Monday that gives him new power over Disney, effectively punishing the entertainment giant for speaking out against the Republican's political agenda."
DeSantis must be stopped.

It’s Time to Call Out the DeSantis Deflection
"The question isn’t whether the College Board’s AP Black History course is “woke” but whether we're awake enough to call DeSantis’s bluff."

Younger voters are poised to upend American politics
Then get yourselves out next year and vote against DeSantis and the loser, Trump. Neither have your future on their minds.

Reviewers Savage Coming Memoir By DeSantis
Anything for power is his desperate mantra.

Paul Ryan: I’ll Boycott Convention If Trump Is Nominee
But he'll show up if Trump's evil twin, DeSantis is?
No one will miss him.

Elon Musk Says Media Is 'Racist Against Whites & Asians' After Dilbert Fallout
Could this person be any more sneering and arrogant?

Scientists Say They Can Reverse Time in a Quantum System
The Republicans are salivating.
Quantum entanglement here we come! It's a good thing they hate technology.

Florida Scientists Concerned About Army of Invasive “Jesus Christ" Lizards
Uh-oh, leapin' lizards. Well, at least it's not locusts.

Dear Gov. DeSantis: You're a History Grad. Please Tell Me When Systemic Racism Ended
This man must be sent back to the place in hell he came from.

House Republican Bill Would Upend Bedrock Environmental Review Law
These people cannot be permitted to cover the asses of fossil fuel guilt.
“It’s shameful that Rep. Graves is trying to silence communities of color and poor communities in places like Louisiana’s Cancer Alley,” said Lopes. “Republicans are again showing no regard for the suffering of people they’re supposed to represent. Instead, they’re only looking out for the bottom lines of special interest polluters.”

'Officially on Georgia-watch': Legal expert predicts Trump probe indictments could drop at any time
Drop 'em.

Arizona's craziest election fraud conspiracies yet
Technology? Pens, the writing instruments, are technology. Paper is technology as is the printing press that prints the ballots.
These poor stupid idiots.

GOP will 'suffer' because it's led by 'freaks' like Marjorie Taylor Greene': analyst
"'ve got one party that's the lug-nut, nutjob party, and the other party is the party of confidence."
Suffer they should.

Watergate prosecutor can’t figure out why Trump wasn’t prosecuted the minute he left office
There are millions of us who can't, Jill.

GOP's attacks on government workers draw fire from critics: 'Weaponization is their purpose'
Same fascist tactics as usual.
"...weaponization of the government is their purpose.”

"Women are regarded as a fragile vessel": Dress code fight a back door to spread Christian theocracy
A mandatory skirt rule could give the Supreme Court a chance to further gut secular public education
The American Taliban doesn't give a good goddamn about American freedom.

Inside the Unholy Sex Scandal Rocking Trump’s Ex-Adviser
Frank Pavone once chaired Catholics for Trump. Then he was defrocked by the Vatican. Now, women are coming forward to accuse him of sexual misconduct.
Christo-fascist double-speak. They all get it in the end.

GOP Rep Doubles Down On Chinese Dem’s “Loyalty”
Based on what besides being born Chinese? She's an American born in Los Angeles. Maybe we should question Gooden's racism.

Tulsi Gabbard's Insanity: Biden Hiring A Diverse Cabinet Means He's Emulating Hitler.
This is how supporting Neo-Nazis on cable TV turns your brain to jello.

Scott Adams Hits The 'Found Out' Stage After Racist Rant
The Dilbert guy's racism is starting to have an impact on his livelihood.
Adams has already been bounced from 77 other papers associated with Lee Enterprises.

Make The Marsha Blackburn Stupid Stop
Sen. Blackburn is smearing the entire 1.3 million active duty military personnel in the US with juvenile tweets like that.

How Texas anti-LGBTQ protestors fuel rage over drag events
It's as if they were born yesterday.

Dmitry Medvedev threatens 'collapse' and 'apocalypse' over Ukraine
This little stack of shit murderer thinks that we won't fight? Keep running your mouth, Shorty.
If you and your dickhead boss worry about the the existence of our country, don't forget you started this murderous shit show.

Bryan Cranston: 'MAGA' is racist because 'when was it ever great in America for the African-American?'
Most certainly.

Black Music Sunday: As Black History Month comes to a close, let's listen to some banned Black music
When was there ever a time when it was OK to be white? This was a time when it was OK to be white.
Hail! Hail! Rock 'n' Roll!

'Not a difficult decision': Ohio paper nixes 'Dilbert' cartoon after Trump-supporting creator's racist rant
Sad to see someone so backwardly behaved. Is he a sociopath? Could be. Read his cartoons and decide.

'No basis in medical science': 12 states sue FDA over abortion pill restrictions
Any basis is on religion. Stop basing policy on it.

DeSantis’ Education Bill As Awful As You’d Expect – Or Worse
Gov. Ron DeSantis and his cronies are plotting an authoritarian takeover of higher education in Florida.
Why are we letting Nazis dictate anti-Constitution policy?

Outlets Ditch “Dilbert” After Author’s Latest Racist Rant
This man is a racist maniac and has been for years. Cancel yourself, you jerk.

'Embarrassing spectacle': Retired conservative judge warns Pence’s subpoena fight may severely backfire
Everything to do with Trump is embarrassing for us.

Dershowitz Claims Trump Saying 'Find' 11K Votes In Georgia Could Mean Anything
Dershowitz has been relegated to Newsmax for a reason.
This man has thrown away any decent reputation he's had.

“Model for bad democracy”: Voting rights wins may be reversed after GOP flips North Carolina court
"Just because a court changes composition, the law should not change," attorney says
But our system has been rigged since the start.

Buttigieg smacks down GOP House Oversight chair after he announces investigation of secretary’s handling of train derailment
James Comer — knee jerk jerk.

Florida student knocks out teacher in brutal attack after she takes his Nintendo Switch
Here's your young Nazi state at work.

FL Bill Requires Colleges To Promote “Western” Values
Listen, you imbicile, we do that. But we don't have to do only that. Stick that bullshit where the sun don't shine.
Fuck your Nazi state. Who wants to go to school in a Nazi state other than more Nazis? "I don't know if most Americans realize what a potential threat to America Ron DeSantis is."—another steve.
They either don't or don't give a fuck. That shows their "Western" values. S-T-U P-I-D!

Proposed New Florida Law Would Place the “Most Draconian and Censorious” Restrictions on Higher Education in the Country, Says PEN America
If Passed, the Law Would Virtually End Academic Freedom, Ban Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Initiatives on Florida’s Public Campuses
Paranoid Nazis don't care about that stuff, right?

Jordan’s big, spendy border safari is a flop
Just as we'd expect.

Pence Goes Weak-Kneed Criticizing DeSantis
Pushed to talk about the Florida governor, Pence claims he's too "pro-small government" to go after Disney's tax districts.
Don't mistake the Nazi for a small government conservative.
"The whole idea of 'cancel culture' is as nonsensical as 'wokeism.' DeSantis proves that every day he's in office."

'Dangerous, unconscionable and xenophobic': Rep. Judy Chu calls out Texas GOP lawmaker for 'racist' comments
Most of them are.
"This type of racist targeting and profiling of Chinese Americans by right-wing extremists is incredibly dangerous."

DeSantis denies responsibility for First Amendment restrictions on protesting at Florida Capitol
The coward speaks.

Jew-Hating Extremists Proclaim Tomorrow As National Day Of Hate
Seems to me that makes "Jew-Hating Extremists" fair targets too.

A majority of voters want the debt ceiling raised—a vast improvement over 2011
Let the 46% who don't support it go bankrupt.

Texas Pastors/Brothers Arrested On Child Sex Charges
The duo is accused of sexually assaulting at least five children, according to authorities. Matthew and Clark serve as spiritual leaders at Apostolic Life United Pentecostal Church in Buffalo and Centerville Apostolic Church in Centerville.
Yes, life will be so good for pastor pedophiles under Christian Nationalism. At least they won't be exposed to drag shows.

Mississippi Youth Pastor Arrested On Child Sex Charges
These youth pastors and their young flesh infatuation. Brought to you by Christian Nationalism.

The GOP's Grand Immigration Con Job
Republicans have figured out how to have it both ways. They get cheap labor for their big business buddies, while stoking the hate and fear of their white racist base

Ron DeSantis: His Boots Are Made for Walkin'
Portly Nazi in Go-Go boots.

How Texas activists turned drag events into fodder for outrage
They make up bullshit for the haters to swallow.

Mississippi and Tennessee GOP Move to Ban Lifesaving Health Care for Trans Youth
When will they start building the concentration camps?

Russia's Evil War On Ukraine Started One Year Ago. Here's What Volodymyr Zelenskyy Has To Say About That
"Hey, remember when Donald Trump was blackmailing that guy to "do us a favor though" to manufacture dirt on Joe Biden, to help Trump steal the 2020 election, while he held up aid and Javelin missiles Ukraine needed to defend itself from Russia? Amazing how a few years later the story of that impeachment is so much easier to understand for the average person."

Lawyers: Rittenhouse Is Evading Service Of Civil Suit
Well, of course. He's a cream puff.

College Students Protest DeSantis In Statewide Walkout
In fact, they should walk right out of the Nazi state of Florida.

Beltway Media Still Doesn't Understand Where Right Wingers Get Their Ideas
It's been obvious for years that political journalists at the top mainstream news outlets don't watch Fox News and don't even watch clips of Fox broadcasts.
The devolvement of the American press.

How a proud Christian Nationalist preacher and ex-legislator's organization pushes 'biblical' bills
Fuck Christian Nationism. It's no different than fascism.
"I fucking guarantee there'll be a gospel quartet at the side show showdown tonight" — Side Show Showdown, Men of Extinction, Pistol Grip Wallet
Both the Sodom Quartet and the Gomorrah Triplets will perform.

Economist Paul Krugman tears down right-wing arguments that Social Security and Medicare are doomed
Should be pretty easy. If they are unsustainable then they will sunset by themselves, smart guy. No thanks to you.

Ron's Florida: Come For The Sunshine, Stay For The Nazis!
He's not doing a damn thing about it.
The perfect Nazi. The Mussolini Minister of Lard.
It looks like some of the locals are realizing just how bad this fascist shit is for the state.

Special Counsel Jack Smith Subpoenas Ivanka And Kushner
There's going to be a lot of ketchupping going on at Mar-a-Lago.
They will be SO excited!

Special counsel Jack Smith is out to shred Mike Pence's delaying tactics with pre-emptive motion
Mr. Smith seems to not appreciate bullshit.

This congressman has a bill to expand the House, so we talked to him about why it's a worthy idea
Absolutely. And it shouldn't wait until 2030 to be done.

Tennessee Nears Criminalizing Public Drag Shows
Milton Berle is rollng over in his grave.
S-T-U P-I-D, stupid, stupid as can be.
Clearly, these morons don't know up from down. Read the comments to know why.

"Mike Pence: subpoenaed
Ivanka Trump: subpoenaed
Jared Kushner: subpoenaed
Mark Meadows: subpoenaed
Evan Corcoran: subpoenaed
Individual-1: tick fucking tock, asshole

Hillary: enjoying a nice walk in the woods, probably

me: laughing at all you 'lock her up' morons" — Jeff Tiedrich

Joe Biden shows the world what political courage looks like. Will it make any difference?
A U.S. president traveled to a war zone his own forces didn't control. Maybe that wasn't wise, but it was dramatic
A very calculated risk. Kick ass, Joe.

Parents accused of running Nazi homeschooling network whine they were 'made to look very unappealing'
Gee. I wonder why?
No difference from Florida.

Alarms raised about DeSantis journalist lawsuit bill: 'Never seen anything remotely like this'
|... a flagrant violation of the United States Constitution's First Amendment."
Does he salute a photo of Adolph before turning in every night?

Marjorie Taylor Greene shredded for saying Black people should be 'proud' to see Confederate monuments
So stupid that she doesn't realize she shows it everytime she opens her yapper.
Indeed, a member of the Land of the Happy Negro!

National divorce would be 'devastating' for red states — here's why
Poor Marge. Not intellingent enough to see the flaws in her "thinking."
"Higher state-level poverty rates correlate with support for Republican candidates, Rattner said, while Democratic-leaning states tend to have higher income."

The Southern Baptist Convention ousting female pastors shows the Christian right's radicalization
Showily booting the famous Saddleback Church is the latest example of why the church can't keep young people around
The American Taliban at work.

What if the Dominion lawsuit is successful: Can Fox News ever be destroyed?
Can there ever be a perfect world where Fox News ceases to exist?
Probably not at the rate morons are being born.

GOP Rep's Bill Would Make AR-15 'The National Gun Of America’
Republicans are ghouls. "Since when does America need a "National Gun"? This is an out of touch, "look at me" move.

Another Trump-Backed Candidte Goes Down In Flames
Trump-backed Wisconsin lawmaker Janel Brandtjen loses in a bigly way.

Herschel Walker’s campaign receives notice flagging 'apparent violations' including 'recount' fund
Blame Trump who exploited Herschel.

Ron DeSantis assures Putin he'll be his willing stooge if elected
Being a stooge is what he is best at doing. What a fucked up world.

Pompeo spends $42,000 on his own books in ruse to trick people into thinking conservatives read
"Dude, my book is WAY more boring than your book."
It's really that interesting? LAMAO!
Does anyone remember that the jackass, Newt the Snoot, used this tactic on Jim Wright's book and got him kicked out.

Death is the New Republican Badge of Honor
They don't mind. Tthey are the walking dead.

Police: Club Q Mass Shooter Ran Neo-Nazi Website
The scumbag.
"Because in America you can run a Neo Nazi website with NO issues" Shut ALL the scum down before more Americans are assassinated.

DeSantis administration requires events at the Capitol ‘align’ with its mission
The Department of Management Services, which oversees state facilities, over the past few months has changed rules for groups or individuals who want to reserve space inside the Capitol.
The Nazi DeSantis will spend a long time behind bars. He needs to checkout "This will kill that belly and armfat overnight."
"Florida, where freedom goes to die"

“Assassinate AOC” Rioter Sentenced To Three Years
Does he work for DeSantis?

Trump At Ohio Rail Spill Site: “We’re Bringing In Trump Water, You Want To Get Those Trump Bottles”
We are so fucked.

Civil rights activist Angela Davis learns surprising genealogy on "Finding Your Roots"
"That's a little too much to deal with right now," Davis said after receiving a big surprise from the show's host
Angela, you're as American as you never wanted to be.

Putin’s Chef’ Leaks Grisly Corpse Photo in Public Betrayal of Kremlin
Russia’s most out-of-control private army keeps defying Putin’s “everything is going according to plan and we’re all united” message.

0-for-1,523: Senators attempt to explain why they never punish other senators for ethics violations
A collusion of criminals.

Tucker Carlson Backs Don Lemon Over 'White Liberal' Nikki Haley, So That's How Her Campaign's Going
They like her fine, but they won't take her to prom, no matter how much their aunt nags them.

The US Supreme Court Doesn’t Understand the Internet
Does anyone?

Bernie Sanders Says It’s Time for a 4-Day Work Week, With No Pay Cuts
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) is calling for the standard work week to be shortened from five to four days. On Twitter on Tuesday, Sanders said that technological advancements allow for less labor from workers, but are currently only used to pad the pockets of corporate executives.
Let's do it.

What Is Ron DeSantis Doing to Florida’s Public Liberal-Arts College?
DeSantis is not simply inveighing against progressive control of institutions. He is using his powers as governor to remake them.
Fascism sucks. It rots. It stinks. DeSantis is fascism incarnate.

Abortion Is Turning Wisconsin Blue in a Critical Judicial Race
Abortion is front and center. And it should turn the whole country blue.

DeSantis is after one thing with his ridiculous war on 'woke' tour
What’s been a problem for Florida is now a problem for America.
DeSantis is determined to stamp out intellectual freedom, and it’s causing other red states to scrutinize AP Black studies. He's also threatening to withdraw state support for Advanced Placement courses altogether.
This is typical fascism and it must be stamped out forever.
All opposition should stay away from windows at any height.

The Corruption at Fox News Is Worse Than You Assumed
As if you didn't know.

Virginia Has Its Own Ron DeSantis, and He’s Taking Aim at African American Studies
Turd stirrers. Flush them.

Supreme Court Declines to Hear Challenge to 'Unconstitutional' Arkansas Anti-BDS Law
More shitting on our Constitution.

FL GOP bill would 'allow government officials to harass and bankrupt' opposers with defamation lawsuits
Our new fascist dictator is one bigass coward and traitor to the Constitution.

'Freak show' Marjorie Taylor Greene represents a 'sick and dangerous' GOP sect
Obviously. How many of these demented are anything but stupid?

Scientists find toxic forever chemicals in hundreds of animal species
Are any of them named Trump or DeSantis?

GA Grand Jury Foreperson: Multiple Indictments Recommended
“You’re not going to be shocked. It’s not rocket science.”
Right. It's rat trapping.

DeSantis, Florida GOP introduce bill to give Supreme Court opportunity to reconsider press freedom
This Nazi totalitarian must be stopped by any means necessary.

Poll: Biden's standing improves, while Trump slumps with Republican voters
President Biden's approval rating has ticked up, and Democrats are growing more confident in him. Trump, meanwhile, is seeing his lowest scores with Republicans in seven years.

A Catalogue of the GOP’s Paranoid Preoccupations
"The world, according to MAGA Republicans, is a dark and dangerous place. There are constant existential threats. There’s vaccination. There’s critical race theory. Illegal immigrants are flooding across the country’s open borders, fentanyl in hand. Woke culture is remaking America into a dystopian leftist bootcamp."
Do they really have no clue that's what they are doing to our country every day?

The Real Problem With Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Call for a “National Divorce
For Greene, "divorce" is just another word for secession—and now, as then, it has everything to do with white supremacy.
She is singing "Land of the Happy Negro."

Biden’s Ukraine Triumph Keeps Putin Wing of GOP in Meltdown
They can't melt fast or far enough.

The Great America Republicans Want Back Again
"The Fox viewers are deeply nostalgic for an America that never was, but overseen not by a man like Eisenhower, but one more like Nixon, the darker side of Republican wet dreams even back then."

Does Fox "News" Merit Criminal Prosecution for Sedition or Reckless Endangerment?
And, if so, what about the hundreds of other Republican politicians and news sites who went along with and echoed Trump’s lies, knowing full well they were not true?
A resounding YES!

In a Central Texas county, high schoolers are jailed on felony charges for vaping what could be legal hemp
Police often can’t tell if a cannabis vape pen is derived from marijuana or legal hemp, like the delta-8 products on display in gas stations across Texas. That doesn’t stop them from from making felony arrests in high schools. Why don't these arrest addicts have a drink and relax?

Daily Wire Dude Knows What's Slavery, It Is Gay Couples Using Egg Donors
Again, has this crazy old-fashioned fuddy-duddy ever heard of a sperm bank, or is his real problem that he's a homophobic bigot?

'Loony right': Mitt Romney labels Marjorie Taylor Greene’s 'national divorce' demand as 'insanity'
Most of us concur, Mitt.
"...we need elected leaders that don’t profit by tearing us apart.”

'God forbid that ever come up': Fox News hosts shocked that sex education exists
S-T-U P-I-D.

Students To Swarm DC As SCOTUS Considers Biden Loan Forgiveness
"Working people are looking to SCOTUS to follow the letter of the law and uphold critical relief for millions of student loan borrowers," say rally organizers.

Marge Doubles Down On 'National Divorce' Idea Because 'Freedom'
What in the teabilly hell is she talking about?
Still as dumb as a sack of hammers and starved for attention.

NRCC Lies To Smear Rep. Craig, Say She Deserved Her Assault
Jake Tapper slammed the NRCC's "really spurious" smears of Rep. Angie Craig after she was assaulted in an elevator.
Some people get bent out of shape when they hear "defund the police." They imagine something that it does not mean. Try "shifting priorities."

Biden’s Ukraine triumph keeps Putin wing of GOP in meltdown
By that they mean our traitors who are stll at large.

White House Slams Marjorie Taylor Greene’s ‘Sick’ Call for ‘National Divorce’
The Wicked Witch of the South.

McClellan elected as Virginia’s first Black woman in Congress
The Virginia state senator has won a special election to replace the late Rep. Don McEachin in a heavily Democratic district.
Looks like ex-gay torture advocate Leon Benjamin’s prayer to bind the witches and warlocks conspiring against him didn’t work out. He lost his last bid for the US House by a similar margin and still claims that the election was stolen.

Mike Pence wags the dog: His attempt to avoid testifying is constitutional nonsense
Pence is misusing the Constitution's "speech or debate" clause to avoid Jan. 6 testimony — he ought to know better

Fed-up Ohio pizzeria advertises jobs for 'non-stupid people'
"S-T-U P-I-D, they're out there among you and me,
They can't answer questions, they don't know a thing,
Our future is bleak, now hear them sing....S-T-U P-I-D."
(c) 2023.
"'If that's the first impression you choose to make as a business owner, don't complain when your employees leave.'"
OK, S-T-U P-I-D. You are really who they are talking about. You have no idea.

The View suspects there is a nefarious source behind Greene's 'national divorce' outburst
Too S-T-U P-I-D to have come up with tidbit? LMAO!

A Parade Of Nazis In Support Of Russia Does Not Go Well..
"A Nazi parade in Gera, Germany, with lots of Russian flags was greeted with circus clown music. Excellent idea."
The turds stir and get mocked.

Donald Trump wrongly declares Atlanta 'the most dangerous city per capita' in Truth Social tantrum
The afterbirth flowing to the sewers.

Sam Sorbo: Teachers Only Want To Have Sex With Your Children
Kevin Sorbo's wife has a home schooling grift going on.
Ignoring all the "Christian" pastors fucking our kids, are you, Sam? A really deep think for her?
My God, these people are so ignorant.
He played Jesus in a movie onetime. Did he know Jesus was a jew? Some authorata.

OK Pastor Charged With Indecent Acts With A Minor
Matthew, meet Sam Sorbo.

Lawyers Sue Bannon For $480,000 In Unpaid Legal Fees
Using the Trum scam. Throw them all on Devil's Island.

Desperate Russian state TV pundits debate whether Putin should have let Biden survive Kyiv visit
I guess they really won't mind an Atomic War! Stupid motherfucker, you have not a clue as to who Kamala Harris is.

Has Putin Been Reading Libs Of TikTok Or Do All Bigots Just Sound The Same?
Did everybody see that Joe Biden speech in Warsaw? It was a banger, a world-historical moment, five stars!

Jimmy Carter Reflects the Best of America

The Absurd Specter of “Woke Communism
Ironically, those decrying woke-communism may be loony about “communism,” but they are unintentionally right that capitalism is indeed the problem.

Let Kids Read Roald Dahl’s Books the Way He Wrote Them
The beloved author’s books are being edited by their publisher to suit contemporary sensibilities. That robs us of the author’s vision—and any sense of history.
More Ministry of Truth bullshit.

Biden Went to Kyiv; DeSantis Went to Fox & Friends
Like the chicken shit coward he is.

This Isn’t Your (Founding) Fathers’ Originalism
Right. It's the new Nazis on our court.

MTG: After The “National Divorce” Democrats Who Move To Red States Will Not Be Able To Vote For Five Years
Same for Republicans who move to a blue state? Right, that can't happen in her warped mind.
Tell the mad bitch to fuck. all. the. way. off. We see what your Nazi mind is up to.

Kyle Rittenhouse Sued By Man He Shot In Wisconsin
Great news.

At least 20 Democratic governors form an alliance to protect abortion rights
We need 31 more.

'Dangerous and Reckless': Putin Halts Russia's Participation in Nuclear Treaty With US
And our Nazis fellate the SOB.

Does Being Balanced at the New York Times Mean Giving Right-Wingers Space to Lie?
Balance does not matter in a war on fascism.

Nikki Haley defended right to secession, Confederate History Month and the Confederate flag in 2010 talk
And that's why I won't talk to idiots who bring up her Land of the Happy Negro mentality.

Early thoughts on regulating generative AI like ChatGPT

Sci-fi becomes real as renowned magazine closes submissions due to AI writers
Nice going. All of it should stop.

'Not a short list': Georgia grand jury forewoman reveals 'multiple' indictments may be imminent
Fatso, they are coming for you.

'Honestly evil': Utah GOP governor blasts Marjorie Taylor Greene's 'national divorce' call
Well, maybe there's no honesty about the moron.

'He's got nothing to brag about': Illinois governor swipes at Ron DeSantis over education
Indeed. Dumb as a box of rocks. If it wasn't for the word "woke" he would have no agenda. In fact, he has none.

Former GOP strategist praises Biden’s 'alpha move' in Ukraine while slamming MAGA response
"This is an alpha move that lets the world see an American President standing firm, a clear ally of the brave Ukrainian people in a war for their survival against a tyrannical despot. This, MAGA, is the right side of history. You? Not so much."

'Gotta be connected to medical debt': The surprising reason credit scores are lower in the South
Along with the intellect.

'Gift to the ruling class': Florida bill would make it easier for officials like DeSantis to sue critics
This totalitarian is not acceptable to the United States of America. Send the troops in and occupy Florida before this Nazi does us all in.

Liz Cheney smacks down Marjorie Taylor Greene for advocating secession
Someone needs to do it.

'Really sick' Marjorie Taylor Greene 'hates Americans': Morning Joe
"It's all about hating America."

A neuroscientist explains why stupidity is an existential threat to America
It's the thing to be if you want no responsibility

The media's biggest addiction: Trump voters
In diners across the country, the media has obsessively stalked out so-called white working class voters for years
Like these voters, they love fascism.

School Official Resigns After Leaving Gun In Bathroom
Good thing his dick is attached.

MTG: Send Me Money Right Now To Stop World War III
An ad campaign will stop WWIII? She just needs some stiff new rifles.
“National divorce is not civil war," she says. She is full of shit. Secession is against the Constitution. She took an oath to defend it.
Fuck you, treasonist.

President Biden's Kyiv trip was a diplomatic masterstroke, so of course Republicans are fuming
Seditionist, Marjorie Taylor Greene needs to be deported out of the country for good.
She took an oath to defend our Constitution and she fails to do that when she talks about secession.
"'Chose Ukraine over America' is a nice touch, and the way you can tell that Marjorie Taylor Greene is still a deeply stupid person no matter what concessions she was able to extract from Rep. Kevin McCarthy. She could have gone a lot of different ways when formulating the proper pout, and chose the stupidest, most blowhardist, twitchiest, most conspiracy-minded version."

Investigation shows rail giant donated to Ohio GOP governor one month before toxic crash
Norfolk Southern Rail will have to join the 21st Century and pay to clean up their mess.

Unequal justice: Did five Supreme Court justices lie about abortion?
A strong argument can be made that each of them either lied or made materially misleading statements.
Get their stinking asses out.

Look At All These Republicans Siding With Putin Over Ukraine
They really need to move to Russia. They'd feel more at home.
Spineless and gutless cowards. In short, losers that are our own enemies.
"Need to move?" They need to be kicked out of the country as they are traitors.

Analysis: Biden's trip delivers starkest rebuke possible to Putin
There is no more powerful symbol of Vladimir Putin's failure.

Let's Finally Stop Pretending Fox News Is A Real Media Outlet
Morons can't tell the difference.

The Internal Decapitation of Fox News
May it do its job.

Biden Is In Ukraine, And GOP Seditionists And Putin Apologists Think They Have Something To Say About That
"Seditionist human wastebasket Marjorie Taylor Greene has had a bunch to say this morning. She is under a lot of mistaken impressions, notions she needs to be disabused from. For instance, that she is considered classy enough to make editorial comments on Zelenskyy's outfits. That she is an arbiter of what is or is not 'insulting' to America."

Biden’s Trip to Kyiv is the Ultimate Humiliation for Putin—and Trump
Periodically during the past sixty years, American presidents have stood up at the Eastern edge of Europe and looked to Russia to say, “We stand with our allies. Our resolve is unshakeable.”

Biden Just Destroyed Putin’s Last Hope
"To that end, nothing matters more than American leadership, the recovery of the prestige and weight that has been wasted or diffused over the past few decades. We are not near the conclusion of this war, and there is much of a tangible nature that needs to be done to bring the conflict closer to its end. Words and gestures are critical, but only when accompanied by deeds. But for now, by taking a bold step, President Biden has made the future for Ukraine, for Europe, and for the cause of freedom under the law a great deal brighter."

Pal Of Nazis Melts Down Over Biden’s Ukraine Visit
American loves Joe Biden and can't stand mindless creeps like you, Marge.

Florida Christian College Professor Faces Termination For “Indoctrinating” Students On Racial Justice
“Indoctrinating students”? That's what you call education these days? Yet another totalitarian strikes against education. This time at a college. Why don't YOU just home school your kid to be a retarded asshole like you? Answer: Fear.
Just who is this so-called "parent of a student"?
"PBA is conforming to a toxic political culture, and they are playing a role that is a part of that culture’s script: a role that says, ‘We do not like to have uncomfortable conversations about race.’ There is no place for a role like that at an institution that calls itself a university, let alone a Christian university.”
We should send federal troops into Florida and occupy it as a foreign enemy. Because that's what it has become.
Where Florida is concerned, theocratic autocracy has already arrived.

Exclusive: McCarthy gives Tucker Carlson access to trove of Jan. 6 riot tape
What? Is the known Fox, everything he says is a lie, plotting another coup of his own?
America knows what happened, DoDo. You want another lie pushed on us.
"Carlson will skillfully edit the footage to show elderly cultists wandering aimlessly around and touching nothing."
Fucking McCarthy is a miscreant.

Two Supreme Court cases could upend the rules of the internet
Between this shitshow and the dimwit AI that seems to be ruling the internet already, all discussion will be controlled by Big Brother and art will be dead. This, of course, is already actually happening.

Mary Trump Says Her Uncle Will Incite Violence If Indicted
Of course he will. That's why he should be in prison.

'Treasonous': Marjorie Taylor Greene blasted over Presidents Day call for a 'national divorce'
Typical traitor.

Three teenage girls and gunman dead in Texas shooting
The killings occurred at the home of the gunman's girlfriend in the Houston suburb of Galena Park at about 10:30 p.m. Saturday.
Only in America.

John Oliver slams 'anti-psychedelic hysteria' for blocking PTSD drugs
Fear rules in many corners. This is one of them.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Made a 'Fool of Herself' in Briefing: Congressman
Marge puts on another shitshow. Making a fool of herself is hard to avoid when she's a natural fool.

Nikki Haley's proposed 'mental competency test' panned as 'ageist' and 'absurd'
Elders used to be respected by American culture.

President Joe Biden speaks of protecting 'freedom and democracy at large' after arriving in Kyiv

Special counsel Jack Smith urged to investigate Fox News for inciting election-related violence
Fox treason must be held accountable.

Fox’s Trey Gowdy Calls Out ‘Failed Candidate’ Kari Lake For False Claims About Ron DeSantis: ‘Of Course That’s Not True’
Idiots bashing idiots.

NC Youth Minister’s Husband Arrested For Child Sex
Are all of these Xianists pedophiles? Sure seems like it.

Suspect at Large After Mass Shooting at Tennessee Bar
Only in America.

Why Fox News Lied to Its Viewers
"But if consciously lying to your audience about election fraud in order to keep them watching your network doesn’t meet the standard for actual malice, it’s difficult to imagine what a powerful media company could do that would. And even if Fox News ultimately loses the Dominion lawsuit, I would not expect its audience to abandon it. After all, the network remains willing to tell them what they know to be true—even if it isn’t."
Again, only in America.

In 2022, Black farmers were persistently left behind from the USDA's loan system
An NPR data analysis shows Black farmers were accepted for USDA direct loans at a lower rate than other racial groups in 2022. Direct loans are supposed to be among the easiest for farmers to get.

After Progressive Ballot Victories, GOP Wages War on Citizen Lawmaking
Typical Nazi behavior.

GOP's Anti-Socialism Resolution Turns a Blind Eye to US Allies
These Republo-Fascists are crazy people.

DeSantis Calls For Moving Federal Agencies Out Of DC
This man is a Nazi fascist trying to grab all the power and should be removed. He's a great danger to America.

Gutfeld Offers Pointers to ‘Adorable Lass’ Sarah Silverman After He Crushes Daily Show In the Ratings
Sorry, Gut. Your soapbox just got shown as the fake news platform it is. We know what you are now.

Glenn Youngkin Scandals And Controversies

Nikki Haley’s Anti-Union Fanaticism Is Wild Even for a Republican
Vote her down.

Thoughts for a Sunday in February, 2023

A Cover-Up Fit for a Coup: Georgia Grand Jury Says Witnesses in Trump Probe Lied
Trump's cohorts have something to do with lies?

Florida Considers 'Christian Alternative' To Heathen Liberal SATs
"At this point, it is becoming abundantly clear that Ron DeSantis literally just wants to make it so that Florida students cannot get into school anywhere that isn't in Florida or an explicitly Christian school in another state."
This stupid dumbass has to be stopped.

Koch-owned chemical plant evades detection of its toxic emissions at a terrible health cost to the public: report
“There is clearly a criminal violation of the Clean Air Act,”
The Koch suckers are at it again. Polluting our land.

Florida doctors refuse abortion for woman whose baby is expected to live less than 2 hours
They must make both the baby and its mother suffer? The bastards.

Cuckoo QAnon Nutbag Elected Chair Of Michigan GOP
One more meathead for the Nut Ball Ball.
The Republican Party deserves her. She will continue to make them look like what they are: STUPID and USELESS.

MTG says U.S. should be 'bombing Mexican cartels' and 'Antifa BLM rioters' instead of 'aiding' Ukraine
We should be kicking her back into the alley she came from.

'This is why God made pipelines': GOP senator gives nonsensical explanation of Ohio train derailment
Why don't we just refer to him as "the Colonel." They all are the same Land of the Happy negro cracker.

Charlie Kirk ups the ante and openly calls for lynching of trans folks
The little prick. Eat a bag of dicks.

Fox: It's Biden's Fault It Took DeWine Two Weeks To Take Action
When you want a politician to spring into action after an emergency, don't count on a Republican.
Fox? HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!
The Turd Stirrers?
And fuck J.D. Vance.

RUBBING IT IN: Warren And Sanders Introduce New SS Bill
Just as Rick Scott and other Republicans are backing off on their plan to slash the programs. Kick their stupid asses. Bernie.

As Viagra Leaves, Russia Ramps Up Production Of Erectile Dysfunction Medication
The U.S. pharmaceutical company Viatris, which manufactures Viagra has stopped production there, leaving Russian men scrambling for alternatives.
So, that's the Pootmeister's problem! He should find something else in his old age.

VA Gov Youngkin Want Cops To Track Girls' Periods, Really
This is really creepy. Ladies, if you have a menstrual-tracking app, get rid of it.
Send all your bloody used Kotex and tampons directly to the warped Youngkin. He must get off on them. It's sick as FUCK!

Church School Teacher Arrested On Child Porn Charges
Christo-porn user caught like so many of these "Christians."
Little Creeps!

TX Anti-Abortion Leader Gets 5 Years In Child Sex Sting
Texas has more than their share of little creeps.
"Texas Right to Life?" I don't think so. They have other things on their agenda.

Former President Jimmy Carter Enters Hospice Care
The comments say it all about him.

Texas AG Ken Paxton Sues Joe Biden For 'Signed Law Ken Paxton Doesn't Like'
Paxton is a truly pitiful human.

Beware Trump 2.0: Ron DeSantis
DeSantis is one node in this booming backlash, which reframes any awareness of “toxic masculinity” and “white male privilege” as itself victimizing white men. Sociologist Michael Kimmel called this clever reversal “aggrieved entitlement.” DeSantis is betting his political fortune on it.

Our Freedoms Shrink as Our Military Expands

Dominion voting case exposes post-election fear at Fox News
“It's remarkable how weak ratings make good journalists do bad things,”
Journalists? Don't make me laugh.

Reporters baffled by DOJ’s 'remarkable' decision not to charge Gaetz in sex trafficking case
Reporters? How about the people of America? How about their kids? Our system of law has failed us.
Money has always decided cases in America. This mocks law and order and renders our country absent of morals.
"While the decision is troubling, it's not surprising. After so many years of defense practice, I've slowly come to the realization that our country has a two-tier system of justice. To be fair, why expend resources prosecuting the privileged, when there's undoubtedly a minority out there with a small amount of pot?"
And they live in the Land of the Happy Negro.

Trump attorney hires his own attorney as DOJ classified documents probe ramps up
Have we actually become a "Banana Republic?"

Hey Kevin McCarthy, Where Are You?
Biden is winning another week in debt ceiling fight while McCarthy disappears from the scene.

GOP's 'Budget' Makes Cuts To Border Security, Baby Formula
Senate Dems Detail How GOP Budget Cuts Would 'Hurt Families in Every Corner of the Country.'
Can these nuts even wipe their own asses?

Dominion has Fox News by the throat
Go ahead and crush it. The "news" whoring must go.
"The biggest names at Fox News are a pack of liars." Have you ever heard this before anywhere, America? You kept sucking it up, didn't you?

U.S. accuses Russia of committing crimes against humanity in Ukraine
Anyone that aids and abets them should have their connections cut. This means China as well.

Court upholds ban against Cowboys for Trump co-founder
Hear that, Cowboy Couy Couy?

Florida teacher who posted viral video of empty library fired day after DeSantis claimed it was a ‘fake narrative’
DeSantis should be working for Putin. He's not working for Florida and America.

'Pathetic' Fox News had its 'dirty underbelly' exposed in stolen election texts: conservative
As we all know, it's not a news channel. It's a con the rubes channel.

Ignorance Ain't Bliss. Just Look at the People Who Would Keep Us Ignorant.

What the Supreme Did to America When They Legalized Political Bribery
It’s hard to overstate how much damage these corrupt rulings by Republicans on the Court — from Buckley and Bellotti in 1976/1978 to Citizens United in 2010 — have done to American democracy

‘Radical Gender Ideology’: Mike Pence Attacks Transgender Children in the Name of God
These bastards do a lot of harm in the name of God.

‘God Forbid That Ever Come Up’: Fox News Hosts Shocked That Sex Education Exists
Like books, anything regarding sex should be burned.

Republicans Would Rather Kids Be Shot Than Let Them Read Books
Reading is too dangerous because it gives kids ideas. Everyone, actually. So why not burn all the books?

'Earthshaking' subpoenas suggest Trump had his 'lawyers commit crimes for him': analysis
Routine for Trump.

Meet the Religious Crusaders Fighting for Abortion Rights
“Life begins at birth. There’s really no other way of reading it,” says Rabbi Silver.

Study: Penises Have Gotten 24% Larger In 30 Years
Proving there are a lot more big dicks around us.

Republicans Seek To Reinstate Transgender Military Ban
Not fit to serve their country? Then Republicans aren't fit to serve our country.

Florida Youth Pastor Arrested On Child Sex Charges
Oh, no! These "Youth Pastors" are becoming as dangerous as guns in the U.S.

Officials Find Thousands of Dead Fish Near Toxic Train Crash in Ohio
They will sell them cheap at the fish market.

George Santos And His Unending Bullsh*t
The fail of America is illustrated in putting up with this fool.

The Richest Americans Need to Be Taught This Serious Lesson About Teachers
In the United States, our pay data show, no profession faces a reality that makes this link plainer — and uglier — than teaching.

Florida parents consider fleeing the state over 'horrifying' DeSantis threat to eliminate AP courses
Anyone with a brain and the ableness should leave the state.

Dominion filing exposes 'propaganda network' Fox News as 'void of basic journalistic ethics': media reporter
They have always been a propaganda outlet, not a news outlet.
"That document includes comments from the network’s top personality Tucker Carlson, showing him as more worried about how one reporter’s tweet was affecting the company’s stock price than the substance of her remarks: fact-checking Donald Trump.
Carlson is one of the world's biggest propagadists. But only for the money.

A 'demonic force': Bombshell text messages reveal how Tucker Carlson really felt about Trump
And there you have it. Total exploitation. Nothing more than a con for the stupid, hatefuil crowd that needs a source to keep their fire burning.

Mike Pence calls to end Social Security and Medicare in Fox News interview
Do it in 100 years from now, s-t-u p-i-d.
His "better deal" is just like the MAGAts attempt at repealing the affordable health care act. Repeal and get fucked.

Kansas Republican blasted over claim people with disabilities ‘can’t do anything’
I'd like to see him play wheelchair basketball.

John Fetterman Hospitalized For Depression, So Fox News Pounces
John Fetterman checked himself into Walter Reed Hospital for treatment of his clinical depression. Fox News pounced on it while pretending they gave a damn.
Fox News doesn't understand anything because they hate courage.

DeSantis Pretends Shipping Migrants To Other States Is Legal
The Florida governor used the 'it's not you, it's me' routine to defend using millions of dollars to exploit migrants and engage in human trafficking for political "gain."
Typical Nazi behavior.

Liberty or death in the time of 'woke communism'
Of course. Textbook fascism. Such cowards.

'Seek appropriate indictments for such crimes': Georgia grand jury's recommendations in 2020 election probe
Start with Fatso.

'Eye of the Tiger' co-writer angrily demands that Nikki Haley 'stop using my song'
Her media people knew that intellectual rights are involved here. They just wanted to see if they could get away with it.

Surprise! Report shows climate pledges of major companies are 'exaggerated, false and misleading'
Surrounded by assassins.

Texts Show Fox Hosts Mocking Trump’s Election Lies
Sniveling little rat-faced git.

Extremist Christian terrorists kill cops after luring them onto their trap-laden farm: report
They were raising traps?

Pastor Dies Attempting to Recreate Jesus’ 40-Day Fast
Here's where body fat can help. Maybe he didn't carry as much as Jesus.

Top Russian Military Official Dead After Fall From 16th Floor
When will these guys learn to distance themselves from windows at any level?

The Fight for the Soul of American Medicine
More and more physicians are rejecting the forces of conservatism within their field and joining the grassroots movement to revolutionize American medicine.

Bernie Sanders: Anti-Union Capitalism Is Wrecking America
Workers deserve a better deal than the unfettered capitalism that is destroying our health, our democracy, and our planet.
It's a part of our problem all right.

The Right-Wing Evangelicals Behind the Super Bowl’s ‘He Gets Us’ Multi-Million Dollar Advertisements

Black and Hispanic Texans say they don’t trust the quality of their water
Do you keep voting for someone that does nothing about it?

GENTLE SUGGESTION: Maybe Judge Boxwine Not Very Good At Job
Exactly what is her job? To promote Nazi propaganda.

Yeah, So Nikki Haley Has Pretty Much Always Sucked

Ron DeSantis requested the medical records of all trans students in Florida's public universities. Now students are planning a statewide walkout.
Anyone with a sense of decency should leave Florida. It's a lost cause Nazi state right now.

Fox News lawsuits will expose the 'dishonest' network and threaten 'alt-reality media': conservative
After a legal analysis by Harry Litman, Bulwark editor-in-chief Charlie Sykes said that this is going to be a major threat to other right-wing outlets masquerading as "news."
"Fox is in big trouble..."

Uh Oh, Greg Abbott’s Immigration Stunt Needs $2 Billion
The taxpayers of Texas will have to come up with almost two billion dollars before September to make their governor look tough on immigration.
Screw Abbott. Let him pay it himself. Stop putting idiots like him in the office!
“Smaller cities have such a hard time hiring because a lot of the younger people who grow up there and go to college may eventually leave and go for higher-paying jobs in the big city.” You know who could help? Immigrant workers. But Texas Republicans have already made it clear they’re not welcome. So, who cares about them? Apparently not voters.

Charlottesville Tiki Torch Guy Commits Suicide Before Fentanyl Trial
Bye-bye, Nazi.
Good solution to our Nazi problem.

Nikki Haley Said The Right To Secession Was In Constitution
She was pandering to a pro-Confederate group at the time.
Disqualified. Traitor. She is done.

Morning Digest: Our new data shows just how out-of-whack the Senate is
Sure. But it's part of our petrified and un-democratic election laws.

Marjorie Taylor Greene and George Santos Co-Sponsor Bill Seeking to Ban Certain Books from Schools
We have gone insane as a country with batshit brained idiots at the helm.

Virginia governor blocks bill banning police from seeking menstrual histories
Glenn Youngkin essentially kills bill passed in Democratic-led state senate to ban search warrants for menstrual data on tracking apps
It's getting pretty ugly here. We are being surrounded by Nazis.

We went nuts over a balloon! Thank you for saving us, Rihanna
It ought to be a "teachable moment": This country is deeply unhinged. Now back to fake history and George Santos

'That is narcissism': Former RNC chair explains why his party keeps losing elections
MSNBC's Michael Steele revealed why fewer voters see themselves reflected in the Republican Party.

Revealed: Georgia Republicans '100%' behind Trump's push to toss election results
Do these idiots know what happens when this sort of Nazi shit keeps getting thrown against the wall?
They will find out.

'Falsely published lies': Judges deny Fox News’ attempt to silence voting tech firm’s defamation case
The whole progaganda channel should be shut down.

Michigan State Survivor Also Survived Sandy Hook
Because MULTIPLE mass shootings are normal in America. It's the GUNS. "We've let down generations of children by letting this continue."

Nikki Haley's campaign kicks off with prayer from a doomsday pastor with a long history of hate
Well, of course it did.

New Pro-Nazi Log Cabin “Ambassador” Wishes Society Would Stop “Putting Faggots On A Pedestal”
Pot meet kettle.

Shooting reported near El Paso Walmart where gunman killed 23 in 2019
America is helpless on the gun issue.

Texas man arrested for menacing diners with gun — after holding pistol to cat's head during court hearing
Welcome to the Nut Ball Ball. Don't say DeSantis!

Michigan House majority whip: 'Thoughts and prayers' are 'meaningless' following MSU mass shooting
So far it's Guns 50K, Humanity 0.

How the right wing is 'whitewashing' public school history curricula
White people are running scared of truth. They are the problem here.

J.D. Vance Talks Racial Harmony –To Smear FCC Nom As 'Anti-White'
Trump butt-kisser Senator J.D. Vance discovered his inner Kumbaya and immediately put it to use, vilifying Biden FCC nominee Gigi Sohn.
Chicken shit racist, as described many times.

DeSantis: School Unions Planting Books For Me To Ban
There are false flag operation everywhere, even with books.
"As usual with no proof, Ron DeSantis is claiming a false flag operation by the school unions to create controversy over his personal culture war lunacy that has extended to book banning."
Ban Nazis.
White people are a big problem and this racist is one of the worst.

McConnell's marching orders to McCarthy: 'There's not going to be a default'
Hear that, Mac?

Senate Republicans Seek To Roll Back Water Protections
Oh, God yes! We have no lead in drinking water. Water is fine everywhere. You industries return to your pollution policies.
These people are totally clueless and very sick. Remove every last one of the bastards. FOAD.

Homocon Richard Grenell: Michigan’s Governor Should Be Impeached For Crying Over Slaughter Of Students
Another turd that should be flushed. When will they all leave us in peace?

Trump is preparing for more American carnage
In order to run to Ron DeSantis' right, Trump to paint a picture so grim of America he'll bring back firing squads
Typical Nazis.

Fireworks erupt as Ted Cruz lashes out at Biden nominee for referring to Fox News as propaganda
And Ted loves propaganda from Fox.

Proud Boys put North Carolina city on edge after 'aggressive' behavior at school board meeting
Nazis attack our school boards with no resistance. Give them what they deserve.

Black and Latino lawmakers slam Gov. Greg Abbott for order limiting diversity considerations in hiring
Didn't some of them help elect him?

McDonald's Drive-Thru AI Giving Customers Hilariously Wrong Orders
You want fries with that? They better get that part right.

MAGA Watched the Super Bowl and Didn’t Like What They Saw
"At this point, the rally against “wokeness” is the loudest political dog whistle to ever be blown."
"No, Donny. These men are cowards."—Walter Sobchak
And so are these women.

'Christian nationalist' right-wingers openly embrace 'warped version of history': Op-ed
Warped. But people that support them are also warped.

'Get help': George Santos smacked down for repeating his refusal to resign
What an albatross. Psychopathic liar. He'll get nothing done.

‘Read the room’: Nikki Haley’s presidential campaign announcement panned by left and right
Running for VP? Too bad it's too bad. br>

Does God "Get" Us? Does Jesus Love the People "We" Hate?
"But it's a free country, and the rich pricks can buy all the ads they like. We don't have to buy the bullshit, however, and we can, as A.O.C., had done, denounce whichever product they peddle, whether it's bad beer, bad overpriced trucks, or some fuzzy moral instruction meant to give aid and comfort to some of our worst people."

Megyn Kelly Likes Her National Anthems Like She Likes Her Santa And Her Jesus
Megyn, did you know a whole lot of peple don't know anything about anything.

School Children Taught 'Empathy,' What Godless Nonsense Is This?!
It must be a new word in their vocabulary? Are they confusing it with "empty"?

Tough-guy Ron DeSantis defeats Woke Disney! Except ... he didn’t. At all.
"But if you’ve got at least one oar in the waters of reality, it’s a short paddle to see behind the curtain of Florida’s Great and Mighty Despoiler of Woke. And there ain’t much back there."
Just another fraud on the public.

TN House Republicans 'uncomfortable' with Dem. member wearing dashiki suggest he 'explore' new 'career'
They don't like dashikis or they don't like Black men, or is it both?
"..."it’s been a longstanding practice for men to wear a suit and tie, and women to wear formal business attire."
They must not like Marge and BoBo in DC.
" “I’ve been wearing suits since I was eight years old. It’s not a problem with wearing suits, there is a problem with upholding systems that tell people what is wrong and what is right based on what is considered normal and, in this status quo, what is normal is what is white."
You bet — old white crackers.

'Dangerous': Philosopher warns media’s framing of 'culture wars' is a 'misrepresentation of fascism'
...philosopher Jason Stanley objects to DeSantis’ agenda being called a “culture war.” Trying to eliminate ideas one disagrees with, Stanley argues, is not about waging a vigorous debate — it is “fascism” and naked authoritarianism...
The passing of these laws signals the dawn of a new authoritarian age in the United States..."
Nazism is what's going on.

Arkansas GOPer Just Asked Trans Woman At Hearing If She Has A D*ck
I think he's a little bit pervy, you guys.
Does he ask this to all women or just the ones he wants to fuck with?
"Sit your droopy ass down, McKee. If someone asked that of my trans niece, I'd be all over their shit. My little old lady fists would be slapping me a bigot. The even weirdest part of his question is that he really wanted to know about her private parts. I wonder why that is."

FL GOP Pol Found With 10 Grams Of Coke In DUI Arrest
What, oh what will become of him, Ron?

MAGA Republicans Being Weird And Racist About Super Bowl, Don't Faint
"Something tells me Jesus would *not* spend millions of dollars on Super Bowl ads to make fascism look benign" — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
... the group that funded the ads ALSO funds the Alliance Defending Freedom hate group, which shows up as legal counsel pretty much every time a fundamentalist Christian wants to use the legal system to hurt LGBTQ+ people or women's bodily autonomy or anything of that sort.
The head of Hobby Lobby is also a donor.
"In summary and in conclusion, there was a football game last night, and the worst people in the world managed to find a reason to get upset about it."

Trump laptop could trigger new investigation: legal analyst
Reacting to a report that the Department of Justice has taken possession of a laptop belonging to a Donald Trump aide which contained sensitive government documents, CNN legal analyst Elie Honig stated a new avenue of inquiry may open for investigators.
I can hear Fatso screaming now, "But Hunter Biden's laptop is the one you want!

Humanity Can No Longer Tolerate Corporations That Exist Almost Entirely to Make Money
Greed is very popular. It has been for centuries.

Iowa And Minnesota Looking To Roll Back Child Labor Laws
Republicans striving for a dark past.

Some Wisconsin Voters Get Pre-Marked Absentee Ballots
And now, Wisconsin is about to have one of its most important election which will determine who controls the state supreme court, the Republicans' sheer and utter incompetence raises its ugly head...

Almost Three Quarters of Americans Distrust Artificial Intelligence
No surprise. They don't trust any sort of intelligence.

Is Frenzied Religiosity a Luxury That Democracy, Let Alone Civilized Order Can No Longer Afford?
I'm not paying for it.

Gov. Greg Abbott says he supports legislation banning transgender college athletes
Abbott should be banned.

It’s Time for Democrats to Actually Defend LGBTQ People
We're either equally created or we are not. Which is it?

GOP-Run Southern Legislatures Are Using Rule Changes to Undermine Democracy
We have to expect this from fascist traitors.

Big Tech Aims to Punish Workers and Drive Down Wages With Wave of Layoffs
What the tech?

College Board MAYBE Suggesting Ron DeSantis Lyin’ POS Who Hates Education, Black History
However, the College Board has seemingly located its spine and clapped back at DeSantis and his book burners.

Gotta Love Joe Biden, Mitch McConnell's Tag-Team Bipartisan Rick Scott Pantsing
Photo of Rick looks like the walking dead.

Trump Tried To Buy Evidence Of Rigged Election But Found Nothing
What a shocker.

Famous Loser Rages About Rihanna’s Performance
Fatso better keep his own house clean.

US Urges Americans To Leave Russia “Immediately”
Here it comes.

Republicans must avoid Kari Lake's 'stupidity and denialism' after Iowa visit: former RNC chair
Really? Stupid is something they can't avoid. It's what they do best.

Poll: 7 in 10 Americans Dissatisfied With Current Abortion Policies
"New polling from Gallup shows that more Americans are dissatisfied with abortion policies in the U.S. than ever before in the 23 years the organization has collected data on the topic. Nearly 7 in 10 Americans (69 percent) say they are dissatisfied with current abortion policies, up from 3 in 10 (30 percent) who said the same thing a year ago..."

Barbarians at the Gates
"But the collapse of civilization in a world of unleashed brutishness seems all too real now all around the world, and here in the bastion of democracy perhaps most of all, with education itself a target for the right. The howl of fascism seems the loudest voice in the land."

Mississippi Cops Shot a 15-Year-Old in the Head. Four Months Later, They Haven’t Released The Video
America, it seems we have a police problem (as usual)..

Police Charged With Killing Tyre Nichols Allegedly Beat Another Man Days Before
Are they a gang masquerading as cops?

When Are You Allowed to Say ‘Super Bowl’ on TV? Why Are People Afraid to Say ‘Super Bowl’ on TV?
First they must grow a brain that has cognitive power and tell the No Football League to fuck off.

Biden Sounds the Alarm on Threats to Democracy in State of the Union Address
The president closed his remarks with a call to protect democracy.

The FBI’s most controversial surveillance tool is under threat
The crooks in Congress don't want to be popped.

DeSantis Slammed for 'Next-Level' Hypocrisy After Trying to Ban Guns at Event and Buck Blame
The very definition of an idiot. What happened to sanity in Florida?

Evangelical group facing backlash over Super Bowl Jesus commercials: report
This right-wing group should realize they turn people off with their stupid proselytizing tactics.

Iowa Gov’s Bill Would Ban Books, HPV Vaccine Info
Hey, stupid. We used to have school boards to do this job.
Stop being an asshole. Let's give the parents a citizenship test, along with elected officials, first.
These people live in fear. Backward as an old truck locked in reverse gear.

Wyoming GOP Opposes Bill To Ban Child Marriage
In other words, legalizing pedophilia. What stupid, lecherous fuckheads. Who are the "groomers" here?

Trump To Appeal Special Counsel’s Pence Subpoena
I can just hear Fatso saying, "If he blabs on me, it's all over! Stop him!"
"Trump lawyers reportedly set to appeal Pence subpoena on executive privilege grounds"
Stall tactics. He has no more executive privilege than I do.

Economist Krugman: How Sarah Sanders’ 'diatribe against wokeness' ignored 'regular Americans'
Sarah's a little mixed up.
"Sanders seemed to say — although her syntax was a bit garbled — that woke policy was responsible for 'high gas prices' and 'empty grocery shelves.' So, first of all, how does that work? How did critical race theory cause a global spike in crude oil prices, which raised prices at the pump all around the world? How did it snarl supply chains and cause a worldwide shortage of shipping containers?"
She realizes that the people that listen to her only hear "blah, blah, blah, blah, woke." Which is a catch-all trigger that translates to "my enemy." That's thinking about as far as their nose.

TX AG Paxton Agrees To Apologize, Settle For Millions To Whistleblowers
That’s great news except that Attorney General Paxton plans to get taxpayers to fork up the money for him.
Corrupt much?
"Ken Paxton should probably be in jail, rather than serving as Texas’ highest legal officer. But hey, Texans just re-elected him despite the fact that he remains under indictment for securities fraud and that he's being sued for professional misconduct by the Texas State Bar for his efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election. The whistleblower lawsuit is right up there with the rest of those scandals."

White nationalism gets a hearing in the Republican House
Replacement theory can be traced back decades and even has antecedents in Hitler’s Germany and other hotbeds of false “white extinction” fears. But popularization of the modern American strain is often credited to Carlson and his daily white nationalist propaganda hour on Fox News known as “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

Marjorie Taylor Greene tried to stop 'acting like a maniac' — but just couldn't: conservative
She is what she is.

Democrats flipped the Pennsylvania House this week — here's why that matters
A Democratic majority in Harrisburg is about more than one party in one state — it's a sign of real progress

Lake: If Elections Were Fair, No Democrats Would Win
Deluded, Dumb and Distructive.

Trump Team Turns Over Laptop With Copied Docs
What secrets does he share?

Grant Stinchfield Lives Up To His Seditous Reputation
How did a severely handicapped mental patient steal an entire general election from Trump?
Stinchfield is a low-life pile of shit.

The Supreme Court is reactionary. Is it also corrupt?
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck....

'This bill is indefensible': DeSantis’ measure to fly 'migrants from state to state' approved
Florida is no longer a part of the United States with this Nazi in charge.

'Patriots might have to resort to violence': Survey shows 'most' GOPers sympathize with Christian nationalism
Jesus Fucking Henry Christ, at first I thought they were talking about the football team!
Brainless fools are dangerous. The MAGAt GOP Christo-fuckers can eat a sack of dicks.
"I'm a Christian and I say it proudly: We should be Christian nationalists." I'm an American and I say it proudly — then you can fuck off.

The Former President: 'I Never Had An Affair With Horseface!'
Let it go, Donald. Let it go. Deep breaths.
Ha! He's pissed because his "Johnson" was as limp as a wet towel.
All the women he's fucked are all "horses" or "dogs" according to him. Proving he thinks with his "John Thomas."
Does he know that character Steve Martin played called "The Jerk?"

Fox Corp. Cancels Biden's Super Bowl Sunday Streaming Interview
We're sure there's no hurt feelings over his refusal to do a Fox News Super Bowl interview. Or are we?
Are we talking about the "Douchebag Channel" again?

Stop The Presses! Republicans Have Another George Santos!
Rep. Anna Paulina Luna's official biography is a pack of lies, as a long and detailed exposé in the Washington Post details.
Oh, no! Not another one. Paulina, Paulina, do you know what awaits your poor ass?
Amazing how far America has fallen.

Sinema: Santos Lied About Speaking To Me At SOTU
This person is FUCKING NUTS!
Is Sinema ahd Santos one and the same?

GOP To Punish Nashville For Rejecting Its Convention
Does anyone see how the main job of the fascist Republicans is to punish?
Only at every turn.

DeSantis Gets Bill Finalizing Takeover Of Disney District
Next Georgia, next the Sudetenland.
Let it be known, the GOP want to take control of private businesses. And public school systems. Nazi death wish.

Kansas woman who killed her rapist faces long odds for clemency
If we accept it from you, we will have to accept it from everbody. It's just how we do stupid in Murica.
We have to perpetuate certain things, you see.

'Petulant' Elon Musk fired Twitter engineer for explaining why fewer people are reading his tweets
So, "No Brains, No Twitter."

White House pushes back against Ron Johnson with epic fact-check
Facts? Johnson has no idea what they are talking about. He doesn't deal in facts. In fax, it makes him feel a-goop.

Jim Jordan lashes out at Dem after she criticizes his ‘premature’ subpoenas
Jacket-Off is trash and just wants a fist fight. He'll get one sooner or later.

White House pushes back against Ron Johnson with epic fact-check
This idiot is still in Washington? Is Wisconsin filled with morons like him?

Biden Admin To Appeal If Ban On Abortion Pills Comes
Fuck these Nazi bastards. As long and as hard as we can. They are what needs to be banned.

FL Pressured College Board On Black History Course
This dumbass should be forced to take the course. Maybe he'd learn something.

Morning Digest: Texas' second city could decriminalize abortion, but state law may block the measure
Funny that when we fly our flags the state flags are always under the stars and stripes.
This is just more fascism being pushed on us.

Santos Was Once Charged With Stealing Puppies From Amish Dog Breeders
Who steals puppies?
Answer: Common criminals. Why do we put these frauds in government rather than jail?

Republican demands to cut Social Security and Medicare are 'extensively documented': report
Damn it, they think that money should go into their corrupt pocket!

LIVE: House Un-American Activities Committee Holds First Hearing

Tucker's SOTU Commentary Mostly Just Nazi-Style Lies About Democrats Killing And Mutilating Children
The world's greatest liar? Well, he's giving Trump a run for his own money.

Florida Judges Are Denying Abortion to 1 in 10 Minors
"New data from Florida shows just how much influence individual judges — almost all White men — wield in determining if minors can access abortions in the state. In 36 states, minors are legally required to involve at least one parent before seeking an abortion..."

Texans with mental illnesses are dying in Houston-area jails
While the equally mentally ill MAGAts are lining their pockets in Austin.

Texas Tech reviews its hiring practices as efforts to promote diversity come under fire
Texas Tech’s review comes as Gov. Greg Abbott has instructed state agencies and public universities that “forbidden DEI initiatives” violate federal and state employment discrimination laws. LOL!
See what I mean?

Protest Song Of The Week: ‘Found’ By Fucked Up
“I used to live on Davenport Road, which is one of the oldest streets in North America and has been a First Nations trail for thousands of years, running along the north shore of Lake Iroquois, which receded after the last ice age,” Haliechuk recalled. “Just to the east was Taddle Creek, which was buried underground during the 19th century to build the streets I walk on. I thought about gentrification a lot, watching little stores get swallowed up by big buildings until I realized I am one of those big buildings.”

Kentucky mom barred from refereeing son's basketball games because she's a lesbian
What? She's gonna turn them boys to lesbian? Kentucky, eh? Absolutely no surprise here.
I remember their kids in school when their parents had to come to Ohio to find work in the basket weaving industry.
And the Florence Baptist Temple bigots? Sure.

Jamie Raskin turns the tables on GOP in fiery opening statement at 'weaponization' hearing
Do these fools know that our government is America? America can't stand them it appears.

Texas ruling could have 'devastating' impact on access to abortion pills nationwide
As long as it would be equally devastating to Texas.

How the Wealthy Save Billions in Taxes by Skirting a Century-Old Law

GOP Montana Bill Bans Teaching “Scientific Theories
These motherfuckers want kids to stop thinking. But what about those Biblical theories? They OK to teach? I thought so.

Study: Bannon’s Podcast Is Top Spreader Of Batshittery
More than the manure spreader on my sister's farm.

Utah diverts millions from public schools, reserves funds for private, religious education
This is how they separate church and state in Utah.

Gun Lobbyist Says Child Shooting Death Stats Would Be Lower ‘If You Remove Black Males’
Here's a fellow that is not playing with a full deck.
So many need help.

PA School Board Member Pays For “Litter Boxes” Sign
More signs that show brainless people are walking around at a higher rate than ever.

Republicans are becoming the party of heckling, and it's turning independent voters off
And that's not all they are turning off.

Missouri House: Sure, It's OK If Children Open Carry Firearms
Missouri will soon feel the pain.

'The Writing Is on the Wall for Fossil Fuels': Activist Investors Sue Shell Board Over Climate Failures
Indeed. They will go screaming but go they will.

DeSantis and the GOP Have a Plan: Replace Public Education With Ahistorical Propaganda
Little Hitler will, eventually, shit and fall back in it.

'Stop Union-Busting': After 1,000+ Days Without Contract, NBC News Workers Walk Out
Support their union.

New analysis of GOP 'heckling' during Biden’s SOTU warns of disturbing change in the party’s direction
A new analysis suggests Republican lawmakers' behavior during President Joe Biden's State of the Union speech is a disturbing look intot the new norm in the U.S. House of Representatives.
It ought to be disturbing but that would only be to folks with a piece of brain.

The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll Took Place 60 Years Ago Today
From Emmett Till to Hattie Carroll to Amadou Diallo to Freddie Gray to Breonna Taylor to Tyre Nichols—the senseless deaths caused by the racism embedded in the DNA of our country have not ended.

The Balloon Blindness of Team Trump
We’re now seeing the extent of this denialism in the wake of revelations about China’s spy balloons.

Biden Forges a New Democratic Paradigm
The president repudiates the neoliberal ideologies of the past and puts the party on solid economic and political ground.

Originalism Is Going to Get Women Killed
They haven't thought this tnrough or they really want to take revenge on women.

GOP boos fool no one: Everyone knows Republicans want to slash Social Security and Medicare
The new Republicans House speaker may not be the negotiation ninja that he thinks he is
And too many morons in his party.

'This is insane': Experts hammer Kevin McCarthy for letting George Santos attend classified China briefing
We used to care about our representatives having a stable mind.

James Carville: 'The white trash in the Republican Party is just staggering'

'I am angry': Lauren Boebert rages at Twitter for censoring her 'freaking joke'
Looks like the joke's on her.

Russian Officer Who Held Up Ukrainian Skull Dies After Shot To The Head
Igor Mangushev gained prominence last year for speaking on stage holding what he said was the skull of a Ukrainian soldier while calling for the death of "as many Ukrainian soldiers as necessary."

Multiple surveys show Biden's State of the Union speech helped his cause—by a lot

SOTU Cameras Catch GOP Scowling Over Lower Drug Costs, Deficits
Biden’s brilliant SOTU address forced Republicans to either applaud his popular accomplishments or to let their partisanship trump Americans’ health and pocketbooks.

Good Old Joe Biden Blew Them Away Last Night
Even Keith Olbermann

Biden's State of the Union was a thing of beauty
What has President Joe Biden delivered since taking office? A hell of a lot more than most Americans had any idea about until the president addressed the country Tuesday at his State of the Union address.

Read: President Joe Biden’s 2023 State of the Union Address

Flash Poll: 72% Approve Of Biden’s SOTU Address

Why the MAGA movement lacks true 'economic populism': journalist
Because they are fascists.

Missouri GOP goes 'a step further than Florida' and proposes 'most extreme Don't Say Gay bill': report
Apparently, these people are the most self-loathing gays yet.

Federal judge says there may still be a constitutional right to abortion: report
America, live up to your promise.

Famous Liar Calls SOTU Wahbulance: “I’m A Victim!”
There it is, folks. Playing the victim card everytime as I have said for years.

Aunt Lydia Rants About “Woke Mob” In SOTU Response
“The dividing line in America is no longer between right or left,” she said. “The choice is now between normal or crazy."
She's right about the perfect discription of her nut ball party.

On order from Trump, Republicans throw a hissy fit during Biden's State of the Union
Nevertheless, this State of the Union speech was one of Biden's best moments as president

McCarthy: Biden “Goaded” MTG Into Heckling Him
Is he saying she's easily played?
Since when did this miscreant need to be goaded into be an asshole?
It's her natural state.

'Liar!' Marjorie Taylor Greene screams through the State of the Union
Big Mouth Marjorie shows her ass again. The truth hurts, doesn't it, Margie. LMAO!

BoBo Boebert gets shut down after suggesting Biden to blame for CBP suicides
Speaking of MTG's twin agitator.

Neo-Nazi Couple Arrested Over Alleged Plot to Take Down Baltimore Power Grid
Just doing their jobs.

Americans: People Who Apparently Never Have Enough to Worry About
And they will keep finding new things to add to their list.

The GOP’s "Better Deal" Is All About Privatizing Our Safety Net & Ending the Middle Class
Will Republican extremism and hate for the New Deal — programs that have become absolutely essential to our even having a robust middle class — become grist for the media mill?
It will only kill some Americans.

Biden's economic accomplishments are far more impressive than Americans know. It's time to sell them
You can sell truth to morons.
Independents never accomplished a thing.

Biden White House Blasts Manchin-GOP Push for Social Security 'Death Panel
No shame with these assholes.

Florida is officially a laboratory for fascism in the U.S.
There is a very specific reason why Gov. Ron DeSantis targeted African-American history for erasure
The undead being reanimated.

'No Labels' Continues Their Grift In 'Bipartisan' Florida
No Labels Had A Conference! With All The Usual Suspects
Because the Fascist Republic of Floriduh is where centrism is. Got it.

Russian Man Punches Camel In Face, Camel Tramples Man To Death
An angry camel has bitten and trampled a man to death at a children's holiday camp in Siberia, Russia.
Don't start a fight with a camel. They are only about 10 time larger that a stupid human.

Colorado State Fans Chant 'Russia' At Ukrainian Basketball Player
Utah State's guard Max Shulga, a native of Kyiv, Ukraine was subjected to taunts as he went to the free throw line.
The stupid is strong in these Rocky Mountain rock heads.

Biden To Push For Medicaid Expansion In SOTU Address
Thanks, Joe. Fuck the fascists.

Boebert Again Prays For President Biden’s Death
It works both ways, BoBo.

'Kill every person you need to': Alex Jones shares racist conspiracy theory about 'big giant African hordes'
Why isn't he locked in the nut house?

ABC host pops Marco Rubio's balloon rant: It 'happened three times' under Trump
Little Marco farts into the wind.

Maria Bartiromo Represents Abject Stupidity Of Spy Balloon Fox News Cycle
Who knew China doesn't have access to Google maps, Google Earth and its own spy satellites?
She didn't.

CO Church Leader Arrested On Child Rape Charge
Oh, no! Another one gets popped.

DeSantis' alternative African-American history is doomed: Black conservatives can't replace CRT
The AP changed its course after Florida's GOP governor complained it lacked balance. But what is the opposing view?

George Santos is the superstar MAGA deserves
Tucker Carlson and company rally around the pathological liar because they are waging war on truth itself

Trump supporters were confused why his big event wasn't such a big event: Daily Show's Jordan Klepper
His 15 minutes are up.

Pro-Trump Christian PA Family Dies In Suicide Pact
The toxicity of the Bible (and Trump) continues to take lives.

Joe Biden Accomplishments In 2023: The Complete List

The D.C. Death-Worshipping Pro-Life Cult

Today’s GOP Is the Totalitarian Force It Claims to Oppose
The right’s intrusion into private life is exactly the characteristic of modern authoritarianism decried by 20th-century conservatives.

Ron DeSantis retaliates against Florida venue that hosted drag show in December
Why doesn't Ron just put on his make-up and gown and participate?

Today’s radical Republicans are trying to turn America into a Christianized version of Pakistan
Here in America the GOP has moved us rapidly in the direction of Pakistan, gutting the American middle class and making the rich richer.

Fox News host bizarrely blames 'treasonous' farmers after Chinese balloon incident
How fucking crazy can these idiots get?

'Demoralization syndrome: Doctor blasts 'lucrative system of for-profit medicine' in scathing NYT op-ed
"Doctors have long diagnosed many of our sickest patients with 'demoralization syndrome,' a condition commonly associated with terminal illness that's characterized by a sense of helplessness and loss of purpose," wrote Eric Reinhart, a physician at Northwestern University. "American physicians are now increasingly suffering from a similar condition, except our demoralization is not a reaction to a medical condition, but rather to the diseased systems for which we work."

Nikki Haley 'embodies the collapse' of the GOP: Republican strategist
Nikki Haley "embodies" the collapse of the modern Republican Party post-Trump, said former Mitt Romney presidential chief strategist Stuart Stevens to Business Insider, according to an article released on Sunday.

White House says GOP bill would force 'one of the biggest Medicare benefit cuts' in history
America, we have a problem.
"House Republicans are trying to slash lifelines for middle-class families on behalf of rich special interests," White House spokesperson Andrew Bates said in a statement. "Who on earth thinks that welfare for Big Pharma is worth selling out over a million seniors in their home state?”
The greedy MAGAt bastards, that's who.

'Hyper-partisan attack': Arizona GOP advances new voting bills inspired by conspiracy theories
"If you don't want a house built, hide the nails and wood. If you don't want a man unhappy politically, don't give him two sides to a question to worry him; give him one. Better yet, give him none."—Beatty's speech to Montag, Farenheit 451.

'Absolutely repulsive': Critics reeling over lapel pin worn by some House Republicans
"Republican members of congress are wearing AR-15 lapel pins. That's not just tone deaf. We find Republicans value gun rights more than any other right, including freedom of speech or religion. No need for a flag or cross pin. The gun is both their patriotic & religious symbol."
What else do you expect from Nazis?

Illegal union-busting is outrageously common, this week in the war on workers
Union now! Union forvever, you Nazis!

MTG: Being In Congress ‘Has Made My Life Miserable’
Get out your tiny violin for Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene
. Attention moron: You can quit and go home anytime you want.

Fox Host Floats New Theory: Hunter Biden's Laptop Has Chinese Balloon Info
This has to be some of the dumbest nonsense yet by Rachel Campos-Duffy and Fox "news" in regard to the Chinese balloon floating across the United States.
These fools don't deal in news, they promote Nazi propaganda for a paycheck.

'We will keep fighting': Nevada Democratic chair 'disappointed' after DNC axes dark money ban
Please stop with the "woke" state of any of these "Democrats" in Nevada.

George Santos Is A Menace Behind The Wheel, Too
George Santos seems to owe thousands in unpaid traffic tickets, including several for running red lights and speeding in school zones.
This guy needs a statue in the "Fools Hall of Fame."

'Sorry, this is not a Chinese balloon'
Ahh, shit.

Stefanik Bravely Springs Into Action To Fight For Chocolate Milk
This is going to be the most useless Congress ever.
Can they ever find a cause for moving America forward? Nope./

Marjorie Taylor Greene urges fans to shoot down spy balloon
Why does this gun crazy person think everything should be resolved with guns?

Revealed: Hobby Lobby founder behind $3 billion effort to 'rebrand Jesus'
"Give Jesus Christ the football, let him even up the score!"
"Dropkick me Jesus through the goalposts of life"
And these assholes are calling their football scam "rebranding?" LMAO!

Imprisoned Ex-Kirk Staffer Turns In Child Porn Ring
Is there something in the water in Arizona that turns people into idiots?
"Every Republican accusation is a confession."

Jordan Subpoenas FBI Head Over School Boards Memo
"Jacket Off" is proving what we all know he is. He's just looking to fuck with people.

Court: Wife-beating was legal when the Constitution was written, so wife-beaters can own guns
Impeach the ones that live in the past.

Oklahoma Republicans Push FIFTEEN Anti-Trans Bills
Rights Groups Gear Up for Fight as Oklahoma GOP Pushes 15 Anti-Trans Healthcare Bills
Is that all? These folks are backward thinkers.

Hunter Biden's 'Laptop Repairman' Admitted Some Things On Fox News
How can anyone believe this crazy story? Good grief.
This computer has been contaminated. Forget finding anything of value on it.

Kamala Harris Moves Mourners With Powerful Remarks
"Mothers around the world, when their babies are born, pray to God when they hold that child, that that body and that life will be safe," she said at Tyre Nichols' funeral.
Thank you, Kamala.

Oh No, Are The Drag Queens Going To Be Dictators?
Surprise, giant wanking motion dot gif, serial liar Tucker Carlson gave an impassioned and very bitchy defense of serial liar George Santos last night, suggesting to his stupid cow viewers that the main issue with Santos is that he lied about his volleyball career, and that's it.

Repro Rights Roundup: The Mifepristone Wars
Part of the reason the foretold "Red Wave" failed to materialize back in November was that while people were excited about the prospect of outlawing abortion for other people, they were less than thrilled about outlawing abortion for themselves, their children, or their mistresses. As such, the Republican National Committee has passed a resolution encouraging Republican candidates to just let their forced birth freak flags fly.

Kevin McCarthy’s Double Standard in Sidelining Adam Schiff
One of the hallmarks of today’s Republican party is its serial hypocrisy.

Marjorie Taylor Greene mocked for lamenting plight of 'the average white male'
How many times a fool must she be before disappearing?

Gaetz: The Poor Should Have To Work To Get Medicare
Who says they didn't? Gaetz is one more evil and stupid clown.

In Ron DeSantis's Florida, Young Girls Have To Report Their Periods
Only if he reports his bowel movements.

Calling a Fascist a Fascist Is Descriptive—Not a Slur
Bullying like this is at the core of authoritarian behavior, as I noted in my Daily Take yesterday about DeSantis, and we need to start calling things what they are. And that must start with fascism.
Our media and politicians need to figure out that it’s not a slur to call a fascist a fascist. It’s merely descriptive.
We must start explicitly calling out fascist behavior before it’s too late.
DiSantis is a fascist.

The Nightmare of GOP Voter Suppression

'Stupidest vote in the world': House GOPers beg reporters to stay mum after decrying Omar’s committee removal<br> Visibly frustrated by the matter, New York Democratic Rep. Alexandria Osacio-Cortez said, "Don't tell me that this is about a condemnation of anti-Semitic remarks, when you have a member of the Republican caucus who has talked about Jewish space lasers, and also elevated her to some of the highest committee assignments in this body. This is about targeting women of color in the United States of America."

Economists stunned by 'breathtaking' job growth 'boom' as unemployment drops to level not seen since 1969
Thanks, Joe.

Bonhoeffer’s “theory of stupidity”: We have more to fear from stupid people than evil ones
Evil is easy to identify and fight against; not so with stupidity.
What about stupidity that's evil such as Ron DeSantis?

America finally facing politician who has Mussolini’s guile, ruthlessness and willingness to see people die
Rosaline is a 60-year-old Floridian who hopes she doesn’t get seriously ill because she’d be wiped out by the increase in her already burdensome medical debt. She has no insurance, and won’t qualify for Medicare for another 5 years.
Ron DeSantis is just fine with this. Cruelty is his trademark.

517,000 New Jobs In Stunning January Labor Report
The labor market shattered expectations in January, as the economy added 517,000 jobs, despite tens of thousands of layoffs in the tech sector.

#BidenDelivers: Nearly 700 Children Reunited With Their Families
According to figures released by the Department of Homeland Security, 3,881 children were separated from their families from 2017 to 2021.

DeSantis Obsesses On ‘Wokeness’ As Floridians Lose Health Care
Florida already has one of the worst rates of health insurance and it’s about to become worse. Gov. Ron DeSantis doesn’t want to talk about it.
There is no way that Florida can excuse or defend this tyrant's behavior. Get rid of him now.

Florida Seeks Menstrual Histories Of Student Athletes
What the fuck? The Dip needs to be taken out by any means necessary.
" unprecedented policy that is raising major concerns about privacy."
Is it Nazi Germany already? Fuck these bastards. This is beyond sick.

Christian School Coach Arrested On Child Sex Charges
So, you see what I mean when I say they are the ones fondling our children?

Trump Judge: Domestic Abusers May Possess Guns
Of course. How else can they abuse?
"Tell me, motherfucker, why do gun LAWS have to have "a historical analogy to the firearm regulations in place at the time of the Constitution’s framing", when the GUNS (y'know, the 18th century's single-shot muzzle loader, where you add gunpowder and lead ball separately) don't???? — JCF

McCarthy emerges from meeting with Biden clearly not comprehending what happened in there
Did anyone expect him to?

Take action: No one is above the law—not even a Supreme Court justice
I'm certain we'll be able to remove this POS.

Missouri Republican apparently lies about the demand for anti-drag show legislation
He needs something to hold him back. What a bunch of wierdos constantly worried about gay people. Stop it!

The social changes we need and the class obstacle we face
Only if we have the will.

Is the white working class ready to trade in some of their whiteness?
Why wold they do that? They'll keep voting against their best economic interests

Conservatives Go Beserk Over Black History Month
Cry more, please.
It's not difficult to understand why there is a Black History Month but not a White History Month. That's because White History Month is every month.
The poor, poor white people. "Even the head of my dick ain’t this sensitive." — OptimusJack

'Samuel Alito’s Mom’s Abortion Clinic' Opens In New Mexico
Well deserved.

Ron DeSantis' Attack on African American Studies Is Part of His Larger Goal: To Destroy Public Education
Then It's America's job to destroy him.

GOP Attorneys General warn CVS and Walgreens against delivering abortion pills
The Nazis have no say in the matter.

Republicans Gonna DEFUND ‘WOKE’! (Plus Your Social Security And Medicare)
I'd rather be woke than asleep and clueless.

DeSantis Wants to Defund Florida Colleges That Have Programs on Diversity
Defund this DeSantis fraud. He's nothing but a racist bastard looking to fuck people over.

Hundreds of thousands of Texans still don’t have heat, and some Austin-area outages could last until Friday
More than 400,000 electricity customers statewide lacked power Thursday. Austin’s main power provider is scrambling to restore electricity to more than 150,000 customers, but repairs to damaged lines could take until Friday evening.
And the grid will never fail us we're told. Vote these lazy bastards out.

Teach Black History — Don’t Ban It
Politicians fire teachers and ban books, but more and more Americans are standing up against this effort to erase our history.

Is SCOTUS About to Put Religion Over Civil Society?
So here we are in 2023 and the real beliefs and plans of the Founding generation — slaveholders and abolitionists alike — have dissolved into a blur of BS, Qanon, and fundamentalist religion
Fuck them all.

Idaho Republican floats making school kids work for food
Next it will be "you've got to pick a pocket or two."
I, da ho.

Supreme Court to Reconsider Limits on Workplace Religious Accommodations
You can bet that the "religious accommodations" will be nothing but Christian.

The Violently Misogynistic Incel Community Is Rewriting Its Own History Through an Incel Wiki

Harvard Researcher Warns AI Arms Race Could Destroy Civilization
It seems to me we've already done that.

If these focus groups of independents are representative, House Republicans are digging a GOP grave
May they all fall in.

Feds Release Comprehensive Report On Guns And Crime
The results of gun addiction in the U.S.

'Our governor is racist': Miami Black Affairs Board slams Ron DeSantis during intense meeting
And that ain't all he is. Like all MAGAts, he is a Nazi.

Bald eagles are getting fatal lead poisoning from the most all-American source imaginable
Slow death by American gun addicts.

‘Homicidal maniac’: Sparks fly as GOP refuses to ban guns in House committee room
Why sure. They don't know when a gang of Democrats may attack the Capitol looking to hang them.
McClintock is the first suspect I'd question and pat down.

Right-wing OAN backtracks on its hosts' Paul Pelosi conspiracy theories
Someone on the right still has shame?

The overturn of Roe cost the GOP. So why are Republicans now doubling down on abortion bans?
Misogyny is what turns out their base

Federal judge allows lawsuit against Kyle Rittenhouse to proceed
“Rittenhouse has been deliberately cagey about his whereabouts,” Adelman wrote. “Although he denies living in Florida, he does not identify the place that he deems to be his residence.”
And why not? He knows he skated on the homicide charge.

DeSantis Mocks Call To Return Unspent COVID Relief
Crooked totalitarian. What else?

Trump, in decline, still has the juice to cripple Republicans in '24 with third-party run
If it can be screwed up, he will screw it up. But he should be in prison by then.

Jordan Klepper Finds MAGAts Who Are Still Crazy
Jordan Klepper went to this year's first MAGA non-rally of the year. and found that the MAGAts are still crazy after all these years.

In Iowa, Republicans show contempt for the poor
If we had an equitable society we wouldn't have poor people as a whipping boy.

Elections expert says Kari Lake tweet 'looks like a felony'
She may have committed a felony and the MAGAts blame the Democrats. Very responsible logic.

Sobbing Rioter Sentenced To Five Years, Eight Months
Another one bites the dust, Marge. You can't tell the difference yet? LMAO!

Iranian Couple Sentenced To 10 Years For Dancing After Video Goes Viral
They were arrested on November 1 after a video of them dancing in Tehran's Azadi Square went viral, and sentenced on Sunday. This is next on the Florida Nazi's agenda.

Dem Rep. Slays GOP Culture Warriors With One Question
Republicans kept Putin's name off the list of socialists/communists so Rep. Jim McGovern called them on it.
They are so stupid they never expect anyone to call them on their filthy lies.

Ted Cruz Flogs The Lie That Dems Believe In Abortion After Birth
That's impossible...but...
Yes. Ted Cruz is impossible.

Kirk To Host Anti-Vax QAnon Event At Trump Resort
Silly. And passe.

DeSantis targets diversity programs, tenured professors in 'unhinged'? attack on higher ed
Proving, unlike him, he's jealous of someone that has an education. Nazi creep.
He wants to level his Negroes as much as possible, just as a slave owner would. He has the potential to be the worst person in human history.

Arkansas GOP may have totally botched its own anti-drag show law: expert
Stupid is as stupid does.

Durham investigation goes bust: Bill Barr blew up mission to expose the deep state — to save Trump
The Durham investigation was Bill Barr's personal project and it turns out that it was a monstrous abuse of power

What the end of COVID health emergencies means for anti-vaxxers: meltdown
Anti-vaxxers built their identities around the pandemic — now they're losing their minds (even more)

LOL Boebert: “The Left Wants To Erase History”
Sure, sure. They are the ones that don't want it in our schools unless it's written exactly the way their fairy tales are told.
Look in the mirror, you douche.

McCarthy Reaches Deal To Oust Omar From Committee
Showing we welcome people of all cultures and creeds. What a bigoted hypocrite asshat.

Nebraska legislator adds 'religious indoctrination' ban to Republican anti-drag bill
You know what a drag is? It's you fucking intrusive, perverted assholes. You are the ones fondling our children!

GOP Oversight Chair Has Some ‘Splaining To Do About His Family Finances
Rep. James Comer’s big interest in investigating COVID loan abuse seems yet another case of Republican projection.
Another con artist.

Pastor Faces Felony Charges For Dealing Drugs, Money Laundering
A Skagit County, Washington pastor is in hot water after being arrested with nearly three pounds of methamphetamine, fentanyl, and cocaine. Must have been a talky congregation.

GOP lawmaker fumes after Maxine Waters turns the tables on him at House hearing
Pissed about socialism? Baloney. I'd rather be on that side than the Nazi slugs that are trying to destroy our democracy.
And just who shut down the government? The MAGAt Republicans, as usual.
Yes, stuff they don't want to talk about. LMAO!

Economist Paul Krugman: Why 'rural resentment' fails the 'scrutiny' test
Meatheads and whiners that used to believe in personal responsiblity. Now they believe in subsidies from the larger population of the city. The Republicans don't give a flying fart about them but use them to wipe their asses.

Florida students slam 'shocking' DeSantis
There's nothing that a Nazi would do that should be considered shocking.

Pelosi's attacker is proud of himself. The GOP emboldened him
Of course, the Pelosi suspect feels supported — the GOP is the party of political violence now
He's a fucking terrorist. Fill in the rest.

Ted Cruz Not Sorry For Spreading Pelosi Attack Lies
Apologize, you fecal pile.
"When people say Cruz is highly unpopular... I ask why does he keep getting reelected? The voters of Texas love this man. The voters of Texas are assholes."—liondon#traitor-ex-president

MAGA Rep: Ban Chinese Nationals From US Colleges
Ban dumbass racist idiots from Congress first.

Letter: 75 GOP Reps Demand Ban On Abortion Pills
We demand a ban on GOP douchebags! If only they could get pregnant.

McCarthy fails first rule of debt ceiling hostage-taking: Know what you want as ransom

Santos Is Definitely Under Criminal Investigation
And yes, it's about the money. The DOJ asked the FEC to back down because it might interfere with their probe. Whoops.

Ari Melber Brings The Receipts After Gaetz Denies Seeking A Pardon
This is how it should be done. Every single time.

'Underwhelming': Democratic organizers are worried about Kamala Harris’ 'political strengths'
They didn't think Truman had it either. LMAO!

'Can’t wait until this guy dies': Report reveals GOP insiders’ real sentiments toward Trump
There's a lot like these.

Trump says he's proud to have trusted Putin over 'slime' US intelligence agencies
Fatso, head of the MAGAt Nazi party shows he's the slime ball.

Fleeing Florida? New state laws have LGBTQ families thinking about moving
They should get out. All young people and all people that want a future should get out of this country ASAP. We are living in Germany in the 1930s.

'Is this 2023?' Miami newspaper rips Florida GOP lawmakers for playing 'fashion police' with female employees
What the fuck do they know about fashion? Rip them a new asshole.

Trump Admits He's A Russian Asset
Once again Trump chose Putin over US intelligence agencies

Bannon's Rebel Yell: Kari Lake Is The 'Frickin' Governor Of Arizona'!
Up is down, red is blue. Steve Bannon earns his living saying what Mike Lindell wants to hear.
How many bills has she signed, "worst dressed slob in the world?"

Stefanik Can't Name One Program She'd Cut Except 'Woke Agenda'
"Woke agenda" is code word for "I have no specific policies whatsoever, please like me, Maga Republicans."
These morons have nothing except whining about "woke." I'd rather be woke than brain dead.

Iowa House Republicans introduce bill to ban abortion pills in state
But why not a bill to ban sadistic morons?

House GOP sets out to prove just how useless it will be for the next two years
Two years? You mean forever. Thanks.

Watch: Matt Gaetz denies seeking a pardon from Trump during tense MSNBC grilling
Yes, they stack shit that high!

Kevin Can F**k Himself
That's just what he's doing.

Let's Look At What Police Actually Do, By The Numbers
Or maybe we get too ashamed when we do?

Trump Says Windmills Destroying Airplanes Now, So That's A Real Bummer
Fatso farts again.

Are Cops Just Too Broke, Stressed Out To Avoid Killing Black People?
We certainly have a problem here.

Americans Want Government-Run Healthcare. Where Is It?
The dimwitted right-wing keeps us from it.

Must Larceny Always Overpower Honesty?
In deeply unequal societies, the thieving always thrive

Minnesota Becomes First State to Pass Bill Enshrining Abortion Rights Post-Dobbs
“We have a duty to answer the call of Minnesotans to truly protect those reproductive freedoms, to enshrine them not simply in case law, but in our statutory law,” McEwen said. “These are our values, this is the practice in Minnesota. This is what we believe.”
It's a good belief. Too bad about the backward ones that want to keep women chattel.

Trump Likens Himself to Mafioso Al Capone In Bonkers Tribute to the ‘Late Great Gangster’
If he tells you who he is, believe him.

Bill Maher and Bryan Cranston Spar Over Critical Race Theory After Actor Says It’s ‘Essential to Be Teaching’
Maher has forgotten that "those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it." Look at the rise of facism in our country.

Wall Of Shame: The GOPers Who Pushed That Fake Pelosi Story
Mika Brzezinski called out the Goopers who immediately spread disinformation about the attack on Paul Pelosi, saying they were "a bunch of losers trying to become relevant."

American Insurrectionists in Brazil
Our Nazis at large.

Social Security Is a Sacred Contract—Not Something To Be Trifled With
And yet the Republicans have always wanted to end it.

'A proxy for Congress being broken': Kevin McCarthy shredded for deflecting questions about committees
Expect to see a lot more shredding in days to come.

Republicans are trying to distance themselves from the national sales tax plan. Too late
Arrogant Low intelligence. Bottom feeders.

Jim Jordan slammed for 'particularly offensive' remarks about Tyre Nichols' beating death
Why does this brute have anything to do with our government? Ohio, we are looking at you.

These MAGA 'antagonists' have major plans for the House Rules Committee: report
Nazis have always planned a world takeover. These assholes are no different than Hitler's gang.

Laws against teaching race and LGBTQ issues have an effect. But that's not what scares teachers most
What the white parents want for their kids is for them to not be any smarter than they are and believe all the myths they believe in.

DeSantis Appointees Seek Power To Fire College Faculty
He's the King of Indoctrination — Nazi indoctrination. Totalitarianism. Send him to Argentina with the rest of his kind.

Megyn Kelly: Jill Biden’s Doctorate Is A “Fake Title”
All this shows is what a dumb fuck she is.

Omar says some Republicans don’t want a Muslim in Congress: ‘These people are OK with Islamophobia’
Only white Christians need apply.

Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell and Ilhan Omar Team Up to Thrash McCarthy Booting Them From Committees: ‘The Hypocrisy Grabs You By the Throat’

The class issues in the police killing of Tyre Nichols

Ron DeSantis’s Attack on Black Studies Is Textbook Proto-Fascism
We understand just who is trying to be. He will become that if he is not stopped.

Gov. Abbott to abortion opponents: “All of you are life savers”
Except for the ones THEY kill with their retarded thinking.

Fort Worth ISD drops sex ed despite $2.6 million purchase of instruction materials in April
The decision to drop the course followed a Jan. 24 school board meeting that saw dozens of residents and parents speak out against the curriculum, which has been in place since 2014.
In 2020 the population of Fort Worth was 918,915. A dozen is 12. Dozens means 24, 48, 96, etc. If it was more why not say hundreds, thousands, etc? Really, after eight years of this being in place, what percentage of the city's population spoke out against this? Stultified Christo-fascists, no doubt.

The Quiet Takeover of the Tea Party: GOP Establishment Is Now Full MAGA.
The cycle of revenge has officially begun.

DOJ Signals It Is Conducting a Criminal Investigation of George Santos
The U.S. Dept. of Justice Friday signaled it is conducting a criminal investigation of U.S. Rep. George Santos‘ campaign finances when it asked the Federal Election Commission (FEC) to pause its probe into the embattled New York freshman GOP lawmaker.

California Has Been Consumed by America’s Addiction to Guns
The state is reeling after a week of mass shootings that underscores the bloody price we pay for our worship of guns.

'Biden didn't defy a subpoena!' Chuck Todd schools Jim Jordan on 'raid' of Trump's Mar-a-Lago
Jordon is a jerk.

Jim Jordan shrugs off Tyre Nichols' death because there's no law 'that can stop that evil'
More proof that "Jacket Off" is a jerk.

The risk of election violence in the United States in 2024
Nazis make anything a risk in a free society.

Extremists “unbanned” from twitter amid rising hate online
The Nazis have been let loose again.

Broken US Democracy to Blame for Current Debt Ceiling Crisis
And who broke it? Yes, the fascist Republicans.

The consequences of the Supreme Court killing student loan forgiveness: report
"Black student loan borrowers owe $7,400 more, on average, at graduation than their white peers, a Brookings Institution report found," Nova wrote. "That inequity only gets worse with time: Black college students owe, on average, more than $52,000 four years after graduation, compared with around $28,000 for the average white graduate."
Only fair, right?

How is manufactured outrage working out for Fox News?
GOP fascism is driving our country to ruin.

'All washed up': Republican insider says Trump needs to 'move on' because 'he's bleeding support'
Hear that, Fatso?

GOP Utah Gov Signs Anti-Trans Youth Healthcare Ban
Hearless bastards. Dispicable people.
"Treatment by medical professionals is none of the fucking business of bigot politicians.
Why is that so hard to get into your moronic brains?" — JackFknTwist
Brains? Sorry.

Five Members and Associates of White Supremacist Gang Sentenced to Life in Prison for Racketeering, Kidnapping, and Murder
Some Nazis are now where they all should be.

Florida church enforces "anti-gay pledge" for members
The anti-LGBTQ sentiment from religious conservatives has reached a new high
Only because they haven't opened the death camps for them as yet.

Florida church vows to kick out members who refuse to sign 'anti-gay pledge'
Loyalty oaths to whom? Your God or the hate leader of your cult?

'It's all a fabrication': Florida teacher blows the lid off Ron DeSantis' agenda
Fascist fabrication.

Priest Gets 18 Years For Sex Assault Of Man With 47 IQ
Another "holy" man plays with somebody's dick.

Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: The politics of rural America, and how to move forward
Can Anything Be Done to Assuage Rural Rage?
Joe Biden is giving it a try. But with the wearer of the dunce cap in the photo they may be too stupid to know it. Fuck him.

Ethics, Schmethics!
Politics Girl tears into the gutting of the congressional ethics committee.
"It's exactly like when the mafia gets control of the police department. And that analogy makes sense when you realize that the Republicans are behaving like a crime syndicate. And they're so cocky about it that they aren't even trying to hide it anymore."

Mass death shouldn’t be a consequence of disagreement
But we are under the illusion we live in a civilized country.

AOC hits back at Republican House member who told her to 'educate herself'
Educate thyself, idiot.

Fired Memphis cops charged with second-degree murder for killing Tyre Nichols
Just another gang of cops that want to show you how bit a dick they have.

Ted Lieu: 'Biden Lowered Gas Prices And Republicans Are Upset'
Didn't House Republicans RUN on lowering gas prices?

Supreme Court failed to reveal its 'longstanding financial ties' with expert who reviewed Dobbs leak probe: report
Bunch of grifters. What else would we expect?

WTF? Trump Court Filing Claims that the 'Trump Organization' Can't Be Sued Because it Doesn't Exist
Either prison or the booby hatch, you idiot.

‘I’m sorry’: March for Life attendee is stumped into silence by one question about the Bible
The perfect idiot.
And the Noah's Ark sueing because of heavy rains is surely one of the best jokes on the mindless.

Ron DeSantis calls for “new blood” in RNC — but Ronna McDaniel wins anyway
“I do think we need some fresh thinking,” DeSantis says, before Trump-installed RNC chair wins another term
No one can stand this woman and yet they relect her. They are a party in deep shit.

Adam Kinzinger torches Elon Musk for spreading Paul Pelosi conspiracy theories after police video released
Oh, my! The "genius" gets torched. LMAO!

Watch: Video of Tyre Nichols' beating released as public urged to stay calm
Cops are killers no matter what color they are. They are trained to be. Top notch fascists.
Will we be accepting these violent murders, Mr. President?

Trump slapped down by judge in bid to avoid Jan. 6 Capitol cop trial
Fatso fails again.

Capitol rioter who pepper sprayed Brian Sicknick slapped with six-year prison sentence
Another one bites the dust.

97-year-old woman's family sues assisted living home for allowing her to 'freeze to death' while locked outside
The place must be closed down as well.

Biden Critics Lie Themselves into Knots Defending Pence
They are good at doing that.

Nearly Half of All Sheriffs in Louisiana Are Violating Public Records Laws
Can you imagine?

As Santos digs in, both parties ramp up campaign plans for his demise
As they should.

Big Oil's Annual Profits are "The Definition of War Profiteering"

Shocking Oil Profits Demand Crackdown
“We now have 100 billion reasons that a windfall profits tax should have been imposed on Big Oil...."

Nevada Republicans tearing themselves apart after failed MAGA candidate's vulgar speech goes viral
A recording of a vulgar rant by a failed Republican candidate has thrown Nevada's GOP into turmoil.

Shameless self-promotion: Media rush to rehabilitate Trump regime as fascists expertly exploit the free press
There is no such thing as "the liberal media."
That is language concocted by the Republican Party and right-wing consultants with the goal of bullying the American news media into being compliant and subservient to the "conservative" agenda.

Biden Tells House GOP To Put Up Or Shut Up On Debt Limit
Biden, Democrats to U.S. House Republicans: Show us your debt limit "plan"

'I think it's pretty obvious': Sean Hannity claims the Bidens hired 'SWAT' teams to 'attack' their critics
Poor fascist baby, did you get swatted?

'We don’t appoint a king': Ron DeSantis critics push back against 'executive privilege' claims
However, we do elect fat wannabe dictator dumbfucks.

John Eastman Facing Disbarment In California Over Coup Plot
The California State Bar just charged Trump attorney John Eastman with 11 disciplinary counts over his role in trying to overturn the 2020 presidential election.
It's a start.

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s amendment to bar Biden from selling oil goes down in massive bipartisan defeat
Just like she goes down.

Fascists expertly exploit the free press: Media rush to rehabilitate reputations of Trump's regime
Kellyanne Conway is back and using the media to shamelessly promote herself for a role on Trump's campaign

New Research Details Promise of Converting From 'War Economy to a Green Economy'
"A pair of reports published Thursday show that many workers employed in the U.S. military-industrial complex support shifting manufacturing resources from military to civilian use—a conversion seen as vital to the fight against the climate emergency."

Elon Musk Hit With Holocaust Denial Lawsuit In Germany
Where will he get the money he'll surely have to pay? Ha!

Former GOP County Chair Arrested For Child Porn

Civil Rights Lawyer Ben Crump Might Take Ron DeSantis To AP 'Sue Your Ass' Class Over Black History Course
For all he's got.

BREAKING: The Absolutely FILTHY Investigation Into The Trump Russia Investigation Filthier Than We Ever Knew!
John Durham and Bill Barr are some of the corruptest sumbitches ever to wander the streets of DC. Must credit Wonkette!

Meta's big money grab: Don't believe the spin, Trump is key to Facebook's success
Trump's half-literate, racist lies are a traffic bonanza on social media, so of course they want him back
Meta — a new fascist tool. Mark would have made a good communications minister in Hitler's gang.

'Deranged hobo' and a 'loser': Conservative writer torches Trump in blistering op-ed
And how.
P.S. Alternet, why are you running ads for right-wing pap with the CRT ad from Hillsdale? Aren't you just whoring here?

Trump: Facebook Is Reactivating Me, Your Favorite President's Account
You have got to be kidding me.
America, you have lost your values to allow this.
"Trump is like an arsonist who burns a place to the ground, then takes shelter in a bunker, only to come out and blame the people that were burned. This won't go down well."

Swalwell Tears Into McCarthy For His 'Corrupt Bargain With' Marge Greene
McCarthy gave a seat on the powerful committee to controversial crackpot Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who is sympathetic with the Jan. 6th defendants.
Figures. A seditionist.

McCarthy turns into snarling jackass over questions about Santos. More of that, please!
"Barely House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is starting to crack under the pressure, and stressed Kevin McCarthy is a complete asshole."

New Santos filings raise more questions over $700,000 loan
Santos Filing Lists Address In Dollar Store Strip Mall
How low can America go without putting the brakes on this fraud?

ND Bill Declares Emergency On Litter Boxes In Schools
The same way the Nazi Party started in 1930s Germany. Coming soon, concentration camps for the vermin.
School districts would have to have someone construct the litter boxes.
Considering it would take 25+ 20 pound boxes of litter to fill the box, who produces the purchase requisition for $300 to $350 per filling? How often is the litter changed?
Who monitors the boxes to make sure they are used correctly?
Who scoops out the human shit and piss-balls, without complaint?
Where do they get giant scoops for giant kitty litter boxes?
Who drops bag of feces and piss-balls into the school dumpster without alarming health authorities?
ALL of the people involved with this process MUST be totally cool with it as NO ONE HAS COMPLAINED ABOUT HAVING TO DO THIS.
Fucking imbeciles. You can see why they buy unto the God and Jesus bullshit." -—comment by Xargo

Former Sec. Elaine Chao hits back at Trump after multiple racist attacks
The Nazis are growing bolder by the day. They must be resisted at all costs.

'Sociopath party': Morning Joe panel horrified by chance of Trump-Greene 'crackpot' ticket
The horror of this is that there exists humans in this country that would vote for this ticket.
Dumb as two sacks of hammers.

Will THIS GUY Expose Hillary's FBI Conspiracy To Steal Election From Herself To Frame Trump For Russia Stuff?
Dog shit crazy.

American exceptionalism in one heartbreaking, grotesque tweet
Gavin Newsom. We can't wait for you to take it over.

Stupid Republican Decries Interstate Travel For Women Because Abortion
Same goes for moron creeps like this guy.

Twitter Re-Bans Nazi Nick Fuentes After Hitler Rant
Nazis should have no rights.

Businesses warn Missouri Republicans their 'backwards and bigoted' culture war will harm the state
'Backwards and bigoted'we've known about for years now. It must be killing the people by now.

The disturbing truth about the new House GOP agenda
Naturally, they're putting the safety net programs on the chopping block. They hate us.

This is Not How Americans Should Have to Die
Dying on your own terms when you’re in miserable pain and just a step short of that eternal portal is, after all, the humane thing to do. The dignified thing to do.

Republicans Want to Raise Retirement Age to 70 as Life Expectancy Is Falling
This was their idea that people want to work until they die.
A good excuse to kill Social Security. You bastards.

Republicans' plans to slash Social Security and Medicare are becoming clearer: 'We have no choice but to make hard decisions'
Eliminating the elderly will be one that they will make that will be a disaster for our people. This isn't what governemnt is supposed to do.

Big Man Kevin McCarthy Kicks Schiff And Swalwell Off Intel Committee, BIG MAN!
What's your favorite part? Is it where Kevin writes in bold, "Integrity matters more"?
What a prissy, preening clown.

'Not worthy': Some Union League members threaten to resign after group bestows gold medal on DeSantis
Toss him in with the rest of the Nazi garbage.

A 'hallmark of Elon Musk's tenure': Twitter reinstates white nationalist Nick Fuentes' account
One more Nazi to run his big mouth.

Republican Rep. Spartz opposes McCarthy effort to boot Democrats from committees

Trump Won An Entire Golf Tournament While He Was At Diamond's Funeral Whining. How? STAMINA

‘Unacceptable’: Texas High School Basketball Game Erupts in Ugly Racism
Texas, where they raise some of the worst racists on the planet.

Utah's GOP AG leads continued attack against 'woke' investment firms
Bet he doesn't attack the Nazi firms.

The Supreme Court's accelerating slide into illegitimacy
"That’s a court out of control, a court that believes it is untouchable. That can’t continue—democracy can’t afford kings and queens in robes."

'Rotten' and 'grossly regressive' GOP tax proposals are a major 'gift' for Democrats: conservative
"...terrible for working-class Americans."

Man Goes Ballistic In Restaurant: 'F*ck You, Democrats!'
The sheer stupidity that I'm talking about.

Scientists Say We're Closer to Nuclear Armageddon Than Any Other Point in History
With the sheer stupidity that runs across our nation and others, maybe this would be a damn good cleansing of planet earth.

How worried should we be if the debt ceiling isn’t lifted?
Pretty fucking worried since it could topple the world's economy.
But that's what fascists do.

SD Vows To Prosecute Pharmacists Over Abortion Pills
Totalitarian takes over South Dakota pharmacies. Women will still get them, "Far Away Eyes."

Santos Very Butthurt After GOP Sen. John Kennedy Ridicules Him As “Nutty As A Fruitcake,” Bunny Boiler
Ol' John? He should know nutty.

ESPN Analyst Says NBC’s Tony Dungy Is Only Being Attacked ‘Because He Is A Man Of God’
Obviously incorrect. There are more things than "God" going on in this case.
If you don't believe me just look at how many college football players thank their "Lord and Savior" before every interview. No attacks. NFL players "Thank God" as well. They pray together on the field. No attacks.

Capitol rioter who echoed sovereign citizen rhetoric sat 'with head in hands' after being found guilty
Another one bites the dust.

The Triumph of the Mean Girls, the Dumb Fucks, the Bald-Faced Liars, the Sleaze Balls, the Creeps and the Cretins ...

America Is #1 in Gun ownership & Gun Deaths - Time to Wake the Hell Up
Mass shooters and child-killers are celebrating. Meanwhile Republican politicians vow to protect us and our kids from — wait for it — librarians and history teachers

Christian Nationalism vs. the Separation of Church and State
We have a long tradition in Am­erica of Separation of Church and State that prohi­bits government’s promotion of religion on the one hand, and interference with its free exercise on the other. In their refusal to establish a state church or to favor one religion over another, the Founding Fathers didn’t think that religion was bad but that there was something amiss in human nature, a certain tendency, a will to power and a lust for domination, that always bore watching.
Still does.

Warren: Debt Ceiling Crisis Wouldn’t Even Exist Without Trump Tax Overhaul

The RNC Is Already Warning Its Nominee Will Boycott 2024 Presidential Debate
Then they lose the debates by default. At least we won't hear their damned lies.

Joe Manchin Weirdly Correct About A Thing

Booby Magazines Discovered In Mike Pence's Room, Haha JK It Was Classified Documents
We are guessing everybody who has ever served as president or vice president or official White House balloon animal clown is checking their house right now to make sure they don't have any classified shit.

7 dead as California mourns 3rd mass killing in 8 days
U.S.A. — A third world sewer full of guns.

'A stroke of genius': Trump could be on the receiving end of the same charges used to indict gang members
Serves him right.

Anything else, Peter?’ Karine Jean-Pierre shuts down Fox News' Doocy
"No, I guess not," must have been Pete's reply.

Newsom calls out Fox News — as his meeting with shooting victims is interrupted by another massacre
Newsom warns Second Amendment becoming a “suicide pact” as seven people are killed in Half Moon Bay
The Second Amendment must be amended. It has turned our country into a shooting gallery.

Surprise Sundance Documentary Did What Trump's FBI Wouldn't
They actually investigated Brett Kavanaugh.
The documentary Justice premiered at Sundance last night, and yes it does bring new evidence to light that the Virgin Mayor of Keg City lied about not being a serial sexual assaulter (allegedly) AND that the FBI did not vet much/any of the 4,500 tips they received about him (allegedly). "Kavanaugh is a drunken creep." ROTFLMAO!

Christian School Principal Slapped With A Slew Of New Child Sex Charges
The 47-year-old principal of a Christian school in Tennessee has been arrested for the second time over sexual activity with multiple minors and has been slapped with 11 additional charges.
I think we mentioned this "Christian" lech before here. Here's more on him.

‘Diamond’ of pro-Trump commentary duo dies of heart disease
Fact: The world’s biggest killer is ischaemic heart disease, responsible for 16% of the world’s total deaths. Since 2000, the largest increase in deaths has been for this disease, rising by more than 2 million to 8.9 million deaths in 2019. Stroke and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are the 2nd and 3rd leading causes of death, responsible for approximately 11% and 6% of total deaths respectively.
Our American diet helps it to #1. According to data most people ignore it.

Fox host says teachers are “poisoning” and “trying to destroy” children because “the teachers have daddy issues”
Jesse Watters: “They hate the country, they hate the patriarchy and so, they're just trying to destroy these children”
What we have to watch out for is dicks like him.

Kansas Hunter Killed When His Dog Steps On Rifle
Will the dog be charged? Or ws it suicide by dog.

POLL: 58% Of Democrats Want Biden As 2024 Nominee

Morning Digest: Democratic Rep. Ruben Gallego kicks off bid against turncoat Sen. Kyrsten Sinema
Sinema needs to go.

'Carcinogenic propaganda from right-wing losers': How the GOP is 'killing its own voters' by hyping Big Tobacco
The journalist points out that Limbaugh spent decades vigorously defending cigarette smoking on his radio show — before dying of lung cancer in 2021.
“Killing your own voters seems like a bad electoral strategy,” Walsh writes.
But it's a slow death. And second hand smoke kills too.

How Do People Die From Lung Cancer?
For the smoker's information.

Palm Beach writer delivers lesson on 'real problem facing Floridians' — and it’s not 'drag queen story times'
It's Social Security. These are very mean and worthless people.
Scott's ideas around the program approaching bankruptcy are outlined in his "Rescue America" plan, which Cerabino asserted could "gut" Medicare and Social Security in five years.

Killer Kyle's Grift Will Go On - Thanks To The Government
Killer Kyle Rittenhouse's grifting operation is back on - in a government facility.
Texas is a mighty strange fascist haven.

FASCISM: Florida Teachers Must Remove Books Or Risk Felony Prosecution
This is a straight-up Fascist move.
What do you expect from the Nazi in charge?

The power of a conspiracy theory — and a 3-step plan to deprogram American idiocracy
What can be done to lessen the power and appeal of conspiracy theories in American politics and society?

'Paranoia and distortion': Chef's recipe of House GOP inquiries
"The tragedy is that, when it comes to Jim Jordan’s investigations, facts may not matter. What will matter, painfully so, is how shoveling paranoia and distortion into the news stream will further undermine trust in the U.S. government, its integrity, its motives, and its elections.”

GOP Rep Lies, Claims It Was Al Gore Who Took 2000 Election To SCOTUS
Rep. Mike Turner lied so severely he should be kicked off all TV networks forever and ever.
MAGAt shamelessness.

Voters told them no, but Kansas Republicans are advancing wild new anti-abortion legislation anyway
Kansas Nazis don't care about what the people think.

Fox News' defense in defamation suit invokes debunked election-fraud claims
It seems the 2020 election is all these fascists have to go on. Pitiful.

As the Public Focuses on Book Bans, the Right Is Quietly Defunding Libraries
Christo-fascist totalitarianism is their goal.

The Biden-Documents Mess
House Republicans are ramping up conspiracy theories, but one thing seems clear: the government’s documents system has an overclassification addiction.
"Now we find out that Joe Biden did the exact same thing that every President has done.”

Florida says AP class teaches critical race theory. Here's what's really in the course
The Nazi is obsessed to say the least.

Christian School Principal Hit With 11 Child Sex Charges
Another one bites the dust.

Diamond's Memorial Goes Off The Rails As Trump Denies Ever Meeting Silk
She claims her sister was poisoned by vaccine.
Funny so few people that are completely vaccinated are walking around day after day.
Americans aren't poisoned by strokes or heart attacks. They can drop you like a bad habit.

Classified Documents: A Primer

'I'm asking about you': CBS host shuts down GOP lawmaker's attempt to 'both sides' election denial
Who's been doing it for three years now, dude? Members of your corrupt coup party.

FTC: Shkreli may have violated lifetime pharma ban, should be held in contempt
Wise ass should become a jailbird permanently soon.

Former prosecutor urges new Kavanaugh investigation after bombshell documentary allegations
Do we think this one wouldn't be a sham?

Atheist group demands sheriff stop promoting jail baptisms after nearly 40 inmates baptized
Sheriff's office? Truly the "Church of No Return."

Tony Dungy apologizes after spreading debunked anti-transgender conspiracy theory
The NBC commentator has a long history of pushing harmful anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric while invoking his religious beliefs
This yo-yo might know football but he doesn't know shit from applebutter otherwise.
His "religion" is VERY sanctimonious, doncha know.

Winter Must Be Getting To North Dakota Lawmakers
North Dakota lawmakers are introducing some really hate-filled legislation against the LGBTQ community.
This is the same way the Holocaust began. Same as the Nazi anti-jew laws.

Tucker Carlson Is A Week Away From Coming Out As Pro-Cancer
What an absolute walnut.
"Because the Republican House Caucus is filled with literally the stupidest, most childish people alive."

What's The GOPer Obsession With Guns, Smoking, And Disease?
Republicans just ended the smoking ban in House offices. Talk about owning the libs!
Talk about commiting suicide.

Joe Biden's first two years: He could be a president on par with FDR and LBJ
Don't laugh: As a presidential historian, I can tell you that FDR and LBJ were also underestimated at first

Director of damning Kavanuagh documentary slams FBI for lacking investigation
No surprise it's tolerated. Just look at George Santos. Some Americans just don't give a damn as long as they get their power iix.

Huge gaps in maternal and neonatal death rates show which states really care about life
“Experts estimate that a ban on abortion increases maternal mortality by 21 percent, with white women facing a 13 percent increase in maternal mortality while Black women face a 33 percent increase.”

The House GOP's Lil' Problem: Voters Don't Like Them
Extreme. Focused on the wrong things. House Republicans are already alienating voters.

Right Wing Activist Shocks School Board By Reading Excerpts From Penthouse
Right-wing zealot Jayme McElvany read graphic Penthouse Forum entries to the board in front of children and parents to protest books in school libraries which do not promote the language or concepts she read.
Another quack con artist.

'Absolutely disgusting': Kentucky GOP group shocks diners by airing gruesome footage of Breonna Taylor raid
It was the warm up for the lynching party.

FL Defends Ban On African-American History Course
What happens when their base is old, young idiots, white, slow, deep pocketed and dumb as a box of rocks.

TX Youth Pastor Arrested In Mass Sex Trafficking Bust
Oh, lord. Texas has another infection.

The force behind Trump’s stacked Supreme Court is stinkier and more corrupt than we knew
"Citizens United was one of the most egregious enablers of special interest money, but it was only the latest in a long line of Supreme Court cases that opened the floodgates."

Santos Confirmed Performing In Drag In Wiki Post, Claimed He Had Role In Disney’s “Hannah Montana”
Yes. He played the POS in the corner.
Public-Owned Venue To Host Texas Rittenhouse Rally
OK. I guess we will talk about the two humans he censored for eternity.

FTC Seeks Contempt Charge For Pharma Douche
"Shkreli, who was released from prison last year, in February was banned “for life from directly or indirectly participating in any manner in the pharmaceutical industry” as a result of the FTC’s antitrust lawsuit against him and a prior drug company that he founded."
Another crook looking to filch us.

Tony Dungy Is a Right-Wing Zealot and the NFL and NBC Don’t Care
The Hall of Fame coach is held up as the epitome of character—but Tony Dungy has used his devoutness as cover for anti-gay bigotry.

New Mexico shooting suspect shows Republicans seek a violent solution to rejection
From the Big Lie to Twitter to their families, Republicans refuse to peacefully admit that they're unpopular
They do what fascists do — create havoc.

Trump Personally Hit With Nearly $1M Sanction By Federal Judge
Too bad, too bad. The judge lets him have it.

Proposed law would bar China, Russia, Iran and N. Korea from owning property in Texas
Foreign entities' ownership of Texas real estate "is highly disturbing and raises red flags," says the author of Senate Bill 147.

Trump To Preside Over Memorial Service For Diamond
He never misses an opportunity to make a fool of himself.
I'm sure he'll pass a tip jar.

Trump Calls For Arrest Of News Editors, Writers And Publishers
Sure thing, buddy. Except you're not in power anymore. Never will be.
Fuck. All. The. Way. Off. "Bloaty McBatShit."

'Stop with the stupid': Ex-RNC chair torches Marjorie Taylor Greene with fact check and brutal words of advice
“She doesn’t know what the hell she’s talking about. This woman has no clue.”
Good advice, Michael.

Rep. Donalds Called Out For Demanding Biden Resign But Not Santos
Nothing ever applies to Republicans.
This guy gives morons a bad name.

Democrats Lambast GOP Plan to Abolish Income Tax and Impose 30 Percent Sales Tax
The only people who could pay it would be 1 percenters.

Tony Dungy Is a Right-Wing Zealot and the NFL and NBC Don’t Care
The Hall of Fame coach is held up as the epitome of character—but Tony Dungy has used his devoutness as cover for anti-gay bigotry.

Coming Soon: A National Charging Network for Electric Vehicles
Except none in Wyoming so don't bother driving one there.

7 things to know about the debt limit
"Raising the debt limit is not about new spending; it is about paying for previous choices policymakers legislated."

Three Active-Duty Marines Charged In Capitol Riot
Semper Fie? No way.

Judge refuses to dismiss Peter Navarro’s contempt of Congress case and clears the way for trial

Why transgender Americans in North Dakota are considering fleeing the United States: report
The U.S. has become a backward nation. I'd advise all young people to get out while the getting is good.

'Your word means absolutely nothing': George Santos scolded after denying stealing dying dog's donations
The end for the Republcian party.

Websites selling abortion pills are sharing sensitive data with Google
The U.S. is quickly turning into a totalitarian state. Young people need to get out ASAP.

Case Closed: It Was Alito
"There’s strong evidence that Alito leaked the Hobby Lobby opinion to wealthy conservative donors weeks before the official ruling. Ask yourself who benefited from the Dobbs leak. Case closed."

Union Membership Grows by 273,000 Despite Illegal Corporate Union-Busting
You can't fool me, I'm stickin' with the union.

Communications Workers of America Responds to Microsoft Layoff Announcement
"Yesterday's announcement that Microsoft will be laying off more than 10,000 workers, like similar recent announcements at other companies, highlights the growing need for tech workers to organize and lock in meaningful worker protections."

DeSantis Blocks 'Woke' AP Course In African-American Studies
"I wonder. With DeathSantis's continued degradation of the state's education system, just how hard will it be for Florida students to get into good colleges? Just for another stunt to make him attractive to white male nut jobs!"
This person is mean and dangerous to all Americans.
The worst is his lust for power.

Influential Economist Tells Davos Elites That Crypto Is a Complete Scam
Oh, no! Whatever will we do? I know — attack anyone we think is "Woke." That'll fix it.

MAGA Republicans are using 'kooky conspiracy theories' to promote 'rabid' antisemitism: conservative
Why would anyone be surprised. It's their MO.

George Santos' mother was nearly 5,000 miles away from New York City on 9/11: report
He's working on the lie record that Trump set.
A house of cards. How useless can a government figure be? That goes for McCarthy as well.

George Santos competed as a drag queen in Brazil pageants, say associates
Flash: GOP now has their own drag queen show.

Yup, They're Marketing AR-15s To Kids
"Most Americans are shocked and disgusted by the idea of manufacturing semiautomatic assault rifles designed for grade schoolers," said one gun control advocate.
Have we reached the bottom with this? The gun market is so saturated they have to find a new demographic to increase sales, so — kids!

25% of total US national debt incurred over 230 years happened during... the Trump Administration
But Marge doesn't want to pay it!

"Gas stoves!" freak-out is the least convincing fake Republican outrage ever
Suddenly the party that despises kale and Dijon mustard wants to pretend they're precious about culinary techniques

North Dakota Republican floats fining transgender people $1,500 if they use 'wrong' pronouns
Unbridled insanity.

Kevin McCarthy receives brutal fact-check following his op-ed on GOP accomplishments
"...their first bill, which repeals funding for 87,000 Internal Revenue Service (IRS) agents.
"the Congressional Budget Office said the bill will increase the deficit by $114 billion."

Controversial Kyle Rittenhouse event at Venetian Resort Las Vegas canceled
Canned again.
"You guys aren’t going to wanna miss out on this one"? What's to miss—techniques on killing humans and getting away with it?

Proud Boys are right about one thing: It's ridiculous that Trump's not in prison Proud Boy leader's lawyer argues Capitol insurrectionists are "scapegoats" for Trump's actions. That's clearly true
Which does not absolve them of the crimes they committed.

Tesla video promoting self-driving was staged, engineer testifies
Elon Musk. Do I recall someone calling him a genius? Apparently, at fraud.

Ronny Jackson Did A Weird Interview, Brought Up Hookers And 'Good Drugs'
Day drinking again, eh?

George Santos Even Stole From A Dying Service Dog's GoFundMe
Yup, he fits right in with the GOP.
A psychopath.

Carville On Biden Docs: 'Press Makes Fools Of Themselves'
James Carville notes that he has more experience on this than most people. The national press makes fools of themselves.
Really? They do that every day. Journalism is a joke.

Wrong Again, Fox News, Vice Presidents Can Declassify Documents
This just killed their big talking point.

Wisconsin Republicans strike down state ban on LGBTQ+ conversion therapy
Wow! Nice going.

How DeSantis and Abbott advanced their 'radical conservatism' with 'an eye beyond their states': report
Two twits and empty heads living in the 18th Century.

Dysfunctional 'defense' spending is making everybody less safe
Read The Pornography of Power by Robert Scheer.

Santos: What Did McCarthy Know And When Did He Know It?
When did Kevin McCarthy know about George Santos?
When did he ever know anything?

Wyoming Republicans Will Ban Electric Cars, Just Kidding, They Are Only Teasing! Pranked You!
The state will make a great National Park after it goes bankrupt.

Who Needs Social Security When Republicans Will Let You Work Until You Die, Possibly Longer?
You want to work 10 years after you die?

House Republicans are Playing with Fire with Our Economy
Anybody who thinks cooler heads will prevail like they did in 2011 doesn’t know these Republicans. Buckle up - we’re in for a wild ride that could spell worldwide disaster

Jim Jordan Overreaches in Attacking DOJ Over the Biden Classified Docs
Crustacean slug. Despite Net-Zero Vows, Wall Street 'Climate Arsonists' Still Pumping Billions Into Fossil Fuels
Well, they'll all go out with as much cash as they can loot.

Ron DeSantis’ 'right-wing power grab' with a Florida college shows his 'illiberal' tendencies: libertarian
We are now recognizing Nazis better than we used to.

A 'Christian nationalist' defeat of liberalism would bring 'horrific violence' and 'subjugation': libertarian
"The result would be 'horrific violence” and 'forcible subjugation' of anyone who disagrees with them."
Fascism, in other words.

"The apocalyptic mindset is Republican orthodoxy at this point:" How paranoia consumed the GOP
Author Jared Yates Sexton places Trumpism in a dark lineage of history, but holds out hope things can get better

NY Republican calls for DOJ, FEC to freeze Santos campaign funds
Nice move. See if Santos can lie his way out of this.

Big Oil's good times set to roll on after record 2022 profits
Get your electric vehicle now.

Illinois Sheriffs Vow To Defy Assault Weapons Ban
The office of sheriff should be eliminated. They are all Nazis that enforce only their own laws.

TikTok Walmart retirement isn't cause for celebration, it's a dystopian nightmare
"Then there are the campaigns to pay off school lunch debt. An 8-year-old boy sells keychains to pay off the lunch debt for his school, and yeah, that child is praiseworthy—but we should be talking about the existence of school lunch debt. The concept of school lunch debt, which is on the rise after Congress let free school lunch for all lapse."
America is truly a failure. The Republicans have made it so.

'I Have Info On Everyone': Trump Sure Sounds Like He's Blackmailing People
OK, but I've always wondered what the Russians have on him.

Former GOP Candidate Arrested Over Shootings Of Dem Politicians’ Homes
I'm going to go out on a limb here to suggest that he won't like prison very much. Oh, well!
This is what denial of election loss leads to. Learn to be a good loser, you nitwit.

Fox News host challenges Sarah Huckabee Sanders as she defends first moves as governor
"Arkansas is ranked 49th in health care and 41st in education, according to U.S. News & World Report."
But #1 mulishness and stupid.

How overturning Roe v. Wade led to the Supreme Court’s 'obvious departure from collegiality of years past'
America, you have a problem.

Toddler with loaded gun seen in Indiana on live TV program
Obviously, the answer here is more guns. Special models for toddlers.

Brazil’s Insurrectionists Left Crowdfunding Paper Trail
Brazil's Nazis shit their pants. The law is coming after them.

McCarthy: I Always Suspected Santos Was Fake
Yes, but fake votes work just as well, don't they Mackie?

'Being Honest': Biden Sets The Record Straight On What Wokeness Is
"The idea that we're supposed to remain silent on the abuses of the past as if they didn't occur?" Biden said. "That's not being woke. That's being honest. That's talking about history."

Marge Goes 'Biblical': One World Government Conspiracy
Marjorie Taylor Greene is trying to have it both ways: being eligible for leadership AND a Qanon nut job. She may succeed.

House Republican claims people 'want to work longer' to justify attack on Social Security
How mean idiots brains work. They are so stupid they can't realize we know how they are going to fuck us.
"Republicans want you to work until you die." They can go to hell now.

GOP Wyoming Reps Seek To Ban Sales Of Electric Cars
By God, we've always run cars on gas and always burned coal in our furnaces. And by God, we always will. Until we're dead.
Senile old white man has no brains. How fucking stupid.
"Since most car companies are moving to ONLY produce electric vehicles, Wyoming drivers will at least not have to worry about buying new cars."

Scott Walker Advocates For Flagrant Suppression Of Young Voters
Can you tell that Republicans aren't polling well with young voters?

Todd Slams Johnson: 'Go Back To Your Partisan Cable Cocoon'
Chuck Todd throws shade at Ron Johnson for having a tantrum about so-called media bias.

George Santos Linked To Sanctioned Russian Oligarch
Has America seen the likes of this greasy and oily miscreant before? "He is the embodiment of the new GOP: a psychopath and a traitor."

Cultists Just Forced PA County To Recount 2020 Ballots
Did these cultists ever attend a class in arithmatic?

Republicans seem old and out of touch with more failures than wins: columnist
Someone finally figured this out?

Getting lung cancer to own the libs: House Republicans want to make smoking great again
What is it about second-hand smoke they don't understand? Retarded morons.

Texas brewery receives a flood of threats and harassment after canceling Kyle Rittenhouse event
WTF is a Kyle Rittenhouse event? Getting together to shoot people? Cancel him every time. Who cares except fellow Nazis?

North Carolina DMV Okays LGBTQ-Related Vanity Plates
Go fuck yourself, Wayne.

Gaetz: Santos Shouldn’t Be “Subjected To Shunning”
Someone has to. How about both of you?
Shun. Shun. Shun. Shun. Shun. Shun. Shun. Shun. Shun. Shun.

Tens of thousands in Tel Aviv protest planned legal reforms
"Yahoo" will do anything to stay in power. ANYTHING!

MAGA rioter who 'plead the blood of Jesus' on the Senate floor convicted of weapons charges
Jesus and blood. Founded in violence.

Busted: NBC analyst and NFL Hall of Famer Tony Dungy called out for homophobia
Ooops! Another clueless media Christo-fascist idiot.

'I have done nothing wrong!' Trump launches early morning tirade as Mar-a-Lago investigation ramps up
Isn't that what they all say, Fatso?

Michigan Republicans whine as they express difficulty dealing with their loss of power
Try being a little less Nazi.

Republican Asa Hutchinson's son arrested on felony charges of drug and gun possession and DWI
We should feel sorry for this asshat.

Louisiana lawmakers want ‘In God We Trust’ signs in every classroom
Then they must add to their precious sign — "All others pay cash."
Jingoism. When did we determine that we ALL trusted in the Christian God? Ike's thing was all about anti-communism. We all know that don't we?

Pedophilia RICO Suit Filed Against Global Megachurch
Oh, no! This must be a mistake. Right.

'The evidence is powerful': Trump's political future could be on the line following judge's ruling
Let's find out how powerful.

Gaetz defends Santos,even after Republicans call for his resignation and a Ponzi scheme is uncovered
The trash in our government. When will voters get a brain?

Carlson: Smoking Is “The Most American Of Pleasures”
Some people never learn until they are pushing up daisies.

Ron DeSantis flings 'anti-woke' card at the National Hockey League
Give DeSantis a slap shot to the nuts.

Ladies, This GOPer Is Sorry For Comparing 'Women's Health Thing' To Cows
Have you ever just wanted to punch a wall?
I'm sure that's humor where this hick comes from.

Sure Sounds Like Laura Ingraham Was Talking About Trump
What "president" is Ingraham talking about?
When? When will we dump these brainless idiots?

Kansas seeks to ban gender-affirming surgery if you're under 21
We should ban dumb hateful white men.

‘Killed by LAPD’: Co-founder of Black Lives Matter says cousin Tased to death by police
The LAPD has been murdering black people for far too long. Don't you think it's time they are stopped?
These people are not here to help us. They are here to kill us.

Trump Loses “Absurd” Bid To Boot Defamation Suit
Good. Lock him up.

The fringe ideology of 'constitutional sheriffs' is attracting believers within Texas law enforcement
How many times do I have to say — "eliminate the office." They are simply power addicted vigilantes.

Getting lung cancer to own the libs: House Republicans want to make smoking great again
Masculinity gets toxic — literally! — with the GOP majority's plans to stink up the halls of Congress with tobacco You can't tell them asbestos is no good. ROTFLMAO! Haters of humanity. Think of the law suits. Creatures from a lost time.

McCarthy Refuses To Join Calls For Santos To Resign
That's because he's scraping for votes. Santos is a useful idiot just like McCarthy is to the Nazis.

McCarthy Considers Expunging Trump’s Impeachments
So now we'll have the "Ministry of Truth" that Orwell wrote about in 1984?
History won't have it, stupid. The scars will remain.
"You might as well suck him off in front of the entire world."

Rightwing group pours millions in ‘dark money’ into US voter suppression bid
The advocacy arm of the Heritage Foundation, the powerful conservative thinktank based in Washington, spent more than $5m on lobbying in 2021 as it worked to block federal voting rights legislation and advance an ambitious plan to spread its far-right agenda calling for aggressive voter suppression measures in battleground states.

Sedition trial finally opens for Proud Boys; blame laid at Trump's feet
You bet Trump used these idiots.

Abortion has been globalized
The Republican majority passed what they called “born-alive” legislation that requires healthcare providers to save children who have survived abortions.
Do they know how many have survived abortion: NONE! Stupid fuckwads.

Adam Kinzinger calls Kevin McCarthy a 'POS' who will 'say whatever he needs to say to stay in power'
And that's speaking kindly of the asshole.

Candace Owens accuses museums of 'money laundering' and calls for them to be defunded
This woman is sick. We used to help them.

Hakeem Jeffries Properly Names Jim Jordan's New Committee
The Gestapo?

GOP House's first immigration bill would shut off asylum to all migrants, including children
Charade. Useless. Fools.

Iowa county supervisor's wife charged with voter fraud scheme to aid her husband
They have no boundaries to their grift.

One Million Moms Vs “Sin Normalizing” Disney Junior
Top notch humor.

It's not just Trump: A sobering new report chronicles the extensive GOP war on democracy
Trump is out of office, but the rate of Republicans filing anti-democracy lawsuits in 2022 stayed the same
Only one thing will stop them.

'Trump far dumber and immoral and ignorant and lazy' than staffers knew before they worked for him: report
Fatso? Dumb? And dumber? How did we not know? LOLO!

Scathing column blasts anti-abortion Republicans who have 'learned nothing' from their midterm flop
These people are too stupid to clean toilets.

Military analysts believe it is 'entirely realistic' that Ukraine could gain control of Crimea: report

Former NY Election Official Pleads Guilty To 12 Counts Of Voter Fraud
My, oh my.

Solar Powered Machine Turns CO2 and Waste Plastic Into Valuable Fuel

Santos: I’ll Resign If “142 People” Ask Me To
This guy makes Trup look like an amateur.

The McCarthy deal is guaranteed fiscal brinkmanship
Important parts of Kevin McCarthy’s deal-making last week involved government funding and the debt limit, suggesting that we are in for yet another round of high stakes fiscal brinkmanship, with the health of the economy at stake.

Number of reported UFO incidents increasing, government says
The number of reported UFO incidents has sharply increased as more than 360 incidents have been reported or discovered in the past two years, according to a new intelligence report.

Judge: Trump’s “Stand Back and Stand By” Order Can Be Used in Proud Boys Trial

Study Reveals Exxon Accurately Predicted Global Warming Decades Ago

Anti-Abortion Protesters Plan To Pester You At Your Local CVS
All over clumps of cells they insist are actual human beings. They will get what they deserve.

Coal baron Joe Manchin's defense of gas stoves goes down in flames
So, the government can't regulate anything? Then abortion is legal, right, Dumbo?
Manchin = the past.

Follow The Money: George Santos Reportedly Took Migrant-Smuggler's Donation
You can't make this stuff up.
Really? Donald "Fatso" Trump makes shit up everyday fucking day he lives!

Biden can save the federal courts and stop more Supreme Court atrocities, if Senate Democrats help
That would be nice.

Aunt Lydia Bans “Indoctrinating Children” In Arkansas
The Hickwall goes off on power.
Governor Sanders comes out swinging with bans on TikTok, critical race theory and “Latinx”
No one is teaching critical race theory to children. Not in Arkansas, not anywhere - stupid racist hillican.

Olentangy Schools official cuts off reading of Dr. Seuss book during NPR podcast
Stark raving mad we have become. Mindless coward. These idiots can't add 2 + infinity.

IL Baptist Pastor Arrested On Child Grooming Charges
On fucking with our kids we are OK with so-called "Christian" insanty. It's what Jesus would want.
ChristoFascists, too many to count - Drag Queens, zero.

Trump blows up after Karl Rove debunks his claims about classified Biden documents
The greatest fool in the history of humankind. BIIIIIIIIIIIIIG Dumbass!

'Damaging cuts' to Medicare and Social Security are looking more likely with McCarthy as House Speaker. Here's what it will mean for retirees.
This would make these turds even more popular with retirees, right? Brainless fools.

OF COURSE Dems Will Be On GOP 'Did Hunter Biden's Penis Make COVID In A Lab?' Committees, They're Not Idiots
"Why give up an opportunity to openly mock this shit day in, day out, and shine a constant light on how Kevin McCarthy's GOP is wasting the American people's time and money chasing delusional clown fantasies?"

Why Is the For-Profit Health Industry Like a Giant, Bloodsucking Tick?
And it’s not like we haven’t tried to remove that parasite

In the new 'McCarthy Era,' this column could get me thrown in jail
Don't worry. "Brush Head" and his fascist cohorts will be in jail faster than anyone else.

'Done': DC insider thinks Trump's time is up and Ron DeSantis can't fill the void
They are both fat enough to fill something but it ain't in government.

It's Time to Admit This Right-Wing U.S. Supreme Court Is a Corrupt, Autocratic Tribune
Way too late for it, but true.

Donald Trump decries Nazi comparisons while 'adopting' their 'authoritarian' tactics: journalist
Fatso would have been perfect for the Third Reich.

Arizona taxpayers to pay over $200 million for former Gov. Ducey’s border wall 'political stunt': report
Do they call that a bargain?

Morning Digest: Virginia Democrats flip key Senate seat, blowing up GOP hopes for an abortion ban
Virginia Democrats scored a big pickup in the first major special election of 2023

Brazilian Prosecutors Seek To Seize Bolsonaro’s Assets
Wipe him out. Too bad we can't seem to do that with our own grifters.

Assault weapon sales now illegal in Illinois: ‘This will save lives,’ Pritzker says after quickly signing bill into law

House GOP sets its top priority: Covering up for Donald Trump's crime spree
Yeah, the GOP is coming for Biden, but the new House majority's No. 1 job is shielding Trump from accountability
Lost cause. They will sink with him.

Morning Joe mocks Republicans for falling into line every time Trump ‘clicks his ruby slippers’
How gay!

'Staggering': Right wingers filed nearly 100 'anti-voter' lawsuits
Damn democracy keeps getting in the grifters' way.

Paul Krugman: House Republicans’ economics are as 'divorced from reality' as their election lies

'A menace to international security': Tucker Carlson torched for echoing election conspiracies amid Brazil unrest
Fox News' Tucker Carlson is facing deep scrutiny for his latest actions echoing the sentiments of U.S. Capitol rioters in the wake of the political unrest in Brazil.

Communism Isn't What Terrifies the GOP? It's High-Quality and Well-Funded Public Education
Right-wingers would much rather make it all a business where the more you pay, the better the education your kids get. There’d be poor quality charter schools for those who can’t afford the entry fee, but the best of everything would be reserved for the kids of the rich and powerful whose parents would use school vouchers to offset some of their tuition at private institutions.

The New McCarthyism Is Coming
It has always been clear that a Republican takeover of the House of Representatives would signal real danger for American democracy.

Report Shows 'Terrible Prognosis' as US Emissions Continue Rising Amid Climate Emergency
For the second year in a row, U.S. carbon emissions increased in 2022—reversing a trend that was evident even before emissions declined significantly in 2020 during the first year of the coronavirus pandemic.

No, House GOPers Can't Block Additional IRS Funding
The legislation will certainly die in the Senate over staunch opposition from Democrats.

Conservative commentator Diamond of ‘Diamond and Silk’ dies at 51
Her 15 minutes were up.

GOP Treason Is Stalking Democracies Around the World
And it’s damn well past time that the people who conceived and ordered and facilitated the execution of this crime against all the rest of us are held to account in a meaningful way

House Republicans Vote to Gut Ethics Office
This comes as a number of House Republicans are facing growing scrutiny for alleged ethics violations.
No ethics for you!

Santos Thrilled After Republicans Gut Ethics Office
Thank God! Projectile lying is safe!

Marjorie Taylor Greene Loses Rap Battle With Dr. Dre
Well, the Dr. stopped you, you two-faced fucking idiot!

The fascist storming of Brasilia: A warning to the working class

Seditionist GOP Rep. Paul Gosar Exposes REAL Jan. 6 Coup, It Was Nancy Pelosi And Gen. Mark Milley!
Why doesn't his family have him comitted?

'Enough': House Dem nails Republican's hypocritical complaint about 'reckless' deficits
But not nearly enough.

SCOTUS Rejects Batshit Lawsuit From QAnon Nutbags
Is he King of the Nut Ball Ball?

MTG Forced To Take Down Clip Using Dr. Dre’s Music
Sorry, Marge. It's not yours.

Live coverage: House GOP makes a mockery of the legislative body
Mockery? They don't even know what that means.

Theater of the absurd: How America’s politicians betray a gullible public to amass personal power and wealth

Bernie Sanders demands Congress reform 'absurd' health care and education systems in 2023
To be educated one must have a mind first.

First bill under Speaker McCarthy will cost taxpayers more than $100 billion
We don't need them IRS guys screwing our pocketbooks. We'll fund the government out of our own pockets!
Trump's lawyers struggling as judges get wise to their 'bad faith' delaying tactics
Closer. Ever closer.

Kevin McCarthy promises to repeal IRS funding meant to catch rich tax cheats
America has become a country of grift as if we are banana republic.

How Kevin McCarthy's troubling 'deal' forces his super-PAC to 'yield to extremist candidates': conservative
America the Extreme.

'How long does he have?' Fox News host wonders if Kevin McCarthy's deal-cutting could be his undoing
"How long? Not long."

Marge Admits Being Easily Led To QAnon, Forgets About White Nationalism
Howard Kurtz did his best to normalize the far right congresswoman.
Still searching for a brain.

The Seas Will Rise (even as too many gloss over this fact)

Pence Bought His Own Book Onto Bestsellers List
Great. So he has a lot of promos he can give away. And he will get some of it back from the vendor for the sale.

Two Texas bills would restrict lessons about sexual orientation and gender identity in public schools
The legislation closely mirrors a Florida bill passed last year, dubbed by critics as the “Don’t Say Gay” law, which detractors say would further isolate LGBTQ students and open teachers and school districts to legal risks.
Real haters.

Russia To Ban Accurate Maps As “Extremist Materials”
Vlad wants to make everything as stupid as possible. In this way the entire world is Russia!

God Damn Their Sorry Asses, Anyway

The Republican Party Is Now More Dangerous Than It's Ever Been
The three parts of the Congressional Republican Party — the fiscal conservatives, the cultural warriors, and the MAGA anti-democracy Trumpers — have come together behind fiscal conservatism — draped in warrior language, with the potential for a MAGA anti-democracy outcome. They are more dangerous than ever.

'The worst anti-trans bill I have ever seen': GOP-led state houses are ramping up efforts to gut LGBTQ+ rights
Mean as snakes. Less than human.

Ron DeSantis Now Plans His Own Takeover Of Disney Board
He's not even fascist lite. He's just a plain old fascist.
This fool is looking for his end. It won't be pretty as is the way of all fascists.

‘RuPaul’s Drag Race’ Matters Now More Than Ever
The premiere of “Drag Race” was certainly fun (Ariana Grande appeared!), but it’s impossible to separate the entertainment from the protests and hate happening around the country.

Anti-McCarthy GOPers 'are in for a rude awakening' now that he's speaker: conservative analyst
All of the talk is possible. We just have to see what it brings. My guess is "no good."

McCarthy debacle comes with a lesson: There's a downside to being a party of fascist trolls

Rejecting Bump Stock Ban, Federal Court Legalizes 'Instrument of Mass Murder'
Yes. It is the law that icontinues to murder us.

Biden administration shows it can still get stuff done despite dysfunctional Congress
Thanks, Joe.

Deal Between McCarthy And MAGA Reps Includes GOP Committee To Review Ongoing Criminal Investigations
This is like letting the mob review all their cases with the police department. What a bad joke on America.

Iowa Pastor Arrested On Child Sex Charges
Oh no! Not another one!
A former Iowa church pastor is accused of drugging and sexually abusing a child more than a decade ago. Criminal complaints say 68-year-old Mark Benson abused the girl several times at his home in Cambridge from 2009 to 2012.

Eric Swalwell, Other House Dems Fear Potential ‘Mass Shooting’ By ‘QAnon Republican’ After Removal of Metal Detectors
They don't give a fuck, Eric.

Polls show Americans are divided on the significance of January 6
It looks like some of us have a serious thinking disorder.

Hakeem Jeffries Just Made History—and Gave a Helluva Speech
On Saturday, Rep. Hakeem Jeffries made history as the first Black lawmaker to lead a congressional party, making a splash with his first official speech as House Minority leader in the wee hours of the morning.
While the entire speech was well received, it was the final portion that really struck a chord with people, both in the chamber and online.
“House Democrats,” he said, “will always put American values over autocracy, benevolence over bigotry, the Constitution over the cult, democracy over demagogues, economic opportunity over extremism, freedom over fascism, governing over gaslighting, hopefulness over hatred, inclusion over isolation, justice over judicial overreach, knowledge over kangaroo courts, liberty over limitation, maturity over Mar-a-Lago, normalcy over negativity, opportunity over obstruction, people over politics, quality of life issues over QAnon, reason over racism, substance over slander, triumph over tyranny, understanding over ugliness, voting rights over voter suppression, working families over the well-connected, xenial over xenophobia, ‘yes, we can’ over ‘you can do it,’ and zealous representation over zero-sum confrontation.”

Matt Gaetz 'successfully rolled' Kevin McCarthy and handed Democrats a new weapon
Probably so. These creeps are so stupid they don't think straight.

The rise of House extremists could cause the fall of these 18 GOP lawmakers from districts Biden won
The parlor games have begun as to how long House Speaker Kevin McCarthy can survive in his post now that he’s had to give up the power of the gavel to get it.

Oh God, Kevin—What Did You Promise Them?
The Freedom Caucus wins the speakership.
Nazis are we?

Our Kevin
"The fact of Speaker McCarthy is a reminder that the current state of the Republican party isn’t just a problem for Republicans. It isn’t just a challenge to Republicans. It’s a problem for all of us. It’s a challenge to all of us."

Is the Anti-McCarthy Crowd in the Bag for the Billionaires, Putin, or Both?
Is this all a continuation of Trump’s January 6th coup attempt and his desire to convert America from a democracy into a despotic strongman-rule nation aligned with Russia?
"And most of those voting against McCarthy not only appear to be in the bag for the billionaires but for Putin as well."
They want to make us all serve them instead of serving the people.

Elon Musk secures world record for largest-ever loss of personal fortune
A true "genius.

Appeals court to decide if First Amendment should have protected Laredo’s 'big crazy lady' from arrest
“If you film the police or you criticize the government, or even simply just don’t go along with whatever they feel the message should be, then you’re subject to retaliation, harassment and even arrest and criminal prosecution? That just doesn’t happen in a free country,” Pulliam says. “I want everyone to know, across the country, that they can be a citizen journalist. They can go film the police, they can go to city council. They can even criticize the government at city council.”

Anti-McCarthy GOPers 'are in for a rude awakening' now that he's speaker: conservative analyst

The shutdown caucus really wins: The House power grab was always bigger than Kevin McCarthy
Kevin McCarthy's GOP opponents shut down the House all week, preventing Congress from governing. What's next?
"What it's really about is who will have the power to shut down the rest of the government, because what these people have done is what they want to be able to do more of in the future."
We'll be facing hell every day for the next two years. Let's see how America likes these creeps.

Concerns Growing In Texas That Privately Built Wall Could Float Away
Who is surprised? ANYONE?
"It was a grift, nothing more."

A bruised and weakened McCarthy finally emerges with the gavel
"This really isn’t how a government should operate. Not this government, anyway."
Sorry, this is the way the MAGAts operate — cluelessly and vindictively. Get ready now for their real shit show.

Fight Nearly Erupts On House Floor Following 14th Speaker Vote
Tensions rose between Matt Gaetz and his fellow Republican from Alabama, Mike Rogers, after Kevin McCarthy failed to secure enough votes during the 14th round for House Speaker this Friday evening. That would have been good TV. "Wrestling in the Congress" brought you by idiots incapable of government.

Stellar Jobs Report: Better Than Expected Job Gains, Unemployment Down
President Biden is hard at work while Republicans are fighting each other.
Our great president.

'Carrying water for DeSantis': Noem spox accuses conservative National Review of being insufficiently pro-life
Must we put up with this absolute crap?

'Absolutely furious': How the 'Never Kevin' chaos created bitter infighting at Fox News</a>
Some hop head. Has he ever been in a fist fight?

Gingrich Appears Mad That Gaetz And Biggs Stole His Act
Newton Leroy Gingrich appalled that Republicans are fundraising off inflammatory rhetoric? He oughtta know!

Cartoon: Speaker of the House alternates

Six-Year-Old Boy Shoots Virginia Elementary Teacher
"Can't remember the last time we had a bow or crossbow used in a shooting, I wonder why."—Doug 105
Poor kid. His parents should be brought in checked. All are groomed by the radical delusional Christian Republicans.

Ashli Babbitt’s Mother Arrested In Pro-Rioters Protest
The stupid is deep in this one. Qanonsensers need to leave the planet. The sooner the better.

Trump goes on caps-heavy Friday night rant demanding an end to mail-in ballots
Is this fuckwit still whining? Get him the fuck out! All of them are on paper now, printed by computers, Dumbo!

'Oh for Christ's sake': Hot mic appears to catch CNN's Dana Bash groaning at Kevin McCarthy's victory boasts
The intellectual level of McCarthy and the rest of the fuckwits in the MAGAt party proves they are as dumb as a turd.

Special counsel Jack Smith bolsters Trump investigation with two corruption experts as 'new phase' ramps up

Two years after January 6, the House Speaker fight may be encouraging more domestic terrorism
McCarthy's concessions send a signal to violent extremists: House Republicans will have your back

Inside the Christian Reform School From Hell
At Missouri’s Agapé school, a devout Baptist boarding facility for boys, students say they were subjected to isolation, restraints, and treatment that bordered on torture

Matt Gaetz Vows To Resign If He Doesn’t Get His Way
Please do, you jerkoff.

The second anniversary of Jan. 6: The necessary challenge of uncharted territory

Brian Kilmeade Bashes The 'Insurrectionists' Blocking Kevin McCarthy
Who helped create these miscreants, wise guy?

GOP Lawmaker Whines About Lacking Clearance Because Of GOP
Wisconsin Representative Mike Gallagher complained that he couldn't meet with the joint chiefs because he doesn't have clearance. He doesn't mention that it is his party's fault.
They are never to blame themselves for a damn thing.

'Horrifying': Oklahoma Republicans draft bill to criminalize gender-affirming care for individuals under 26
These people have no soul. They have lost their humanity. They are scared to death of it. Such cowards.

How Biden is bringing aggressive legal muscle to the reproductive freedom battle: attorney
Our great president.

With Roe overturned, Clarence Thomas is now preparing for a full-frontal assault on contraception, gay rights
Another fearful coward.

'They shot them down like animals': Massacre at Peru's Ayacucho
Nazis doing what Nazis do. We have a Nazi problem both here and in the world. It's time for us to admit it and do something about it.

'Potential breakdown in governing': Why whoever wins GOP speaker will 'enter office weakened and compromised'
And the reason? Too many fascists in the American Nazi Party.

San Jose Gun Owners Now Have To Show Proof Of Insurance
Other towns will be watching to see whether it's doable.
$25? You could go out and knock someone in the head with your weapon and go through their pockets unti you get the $25. LOL!

Of Course GOP Wants To Undo Medicare Price Reforms
Katie Porter got Medicare price reforms into the Inflation Reduction Act. Now big pharma's Republican servants want to undo that progress.
Scum of the earth.

Who Wouldn't Drink Watching This Republican Shit Show?
Rep. Cammack made a joke and Fox News tried to claim it was a truth. Sad!

McCarthy is losing votes, Trump is losing his influence. The Republican Party is a hot mess
Hot poo!

Pirro: Egomaniac Boebert Makes Us Look Like Fools
That's not difficult, Jenny.

Trump loses again in yet another court fight over Mar-a-Lago documents scandal
Big fat loser, Fatso.

When will Republican voters wake up to their own oppression?
First, they would have to have the sense to realize they are being repressed. That takes a brain.

Dipsh*ts Charged In Christmas Attacks On Four Washington Substations
First-degree burglary in Washington can be punished by up to life in prison and a fine of up to $50,000, so maybe these dipshits figured they liked the odds of committing a federal crime instead, or maybe they're just A) not that smart, (2) wannabe terrorists lying about their motives (III) some combination of all the above.

So, You Want to be a Winner?
Study Kevin McCarthy.

'Show no mercy': Trump calls for 'immediate' military strikes on cartels — authorized by him
Send the truck out to pick this madman up.

American Myths Are Made of White Grievance—and the Jan. 6 Big Lie Is Just the Latest
As far back as the Land of the Happy Negro can go.

WATCH: Cops Cuffed Black WSJ Reporter Doing Interviews At Bank — Threatened ‘This Could Get Bad For You If You Don’t Comply’
Nazi Arizona attacks a free press in America.

Scientists Find Something Strange in Brain Scans of Kids Hooked on Social Media
In short, the kids who used social media more seemed to become more anxious about social situations as they aged, while their peers who used it less seemed to became less so.

Interfaith Alliance on the Hill as a New Congress Begins
Our federal team is focused on policies that bolster the separation of religion and government, address the root causes of hate, and challenge traditional notions about the “faith vote.”

'Dominated by Christians': Analysis highlights the religious shift among new Congressional lawmakers
They want to establish a theocracy.
The American Religious Landscape in 2020.

'It’s going to get very serious': Why the House speaker debacle raises troubling national security concerns
“We can’t even do basic things,” Lieu told The Bulwark. “We can’t conduct any oversight. You can’t have an entire branch of government simply not function. And we don’t have a House right now because no one’s even sworn in. And the chaos on the Republican side is having real consequences for the country, and it’s going to get very serious very fast.”

Why America’s 'misogynist incels' adore Vladimir Putin and 'modern-day Russian fascism': journalist
Tucker Carlson is the perfect example.

How the Koch dynasty is determined to dismantle democracy — and why it might succeed: report
Maybe they will plant themselves before that occurs.

Lauren Boebert Says Stupid Things, Stephanie Ruhle Rolls Her Eyes
Ruhle did not hold back, and she attacked Boebert's refusal to acknowledge reality.
"Because Bobo is so painfully dumb, reminiscent of the participants in the Gingrich "revolution" and their offspring, the Tea Baggers. She just keeps repeating extremist talking points because (let's admit it) she's not intelligent enough to carry on a discussion."

Ukraine update: Russia is losing, it knows it's losing, and it plans to keep losing. Forever
They are on the clock.

McCarthy debacle comes with a lesson: There's a downside to being a party of fascist trolls
Calling Republican renegades "ultraconservative" doesn't cut it: This clown show is a symptom of the big F

McCarthy offering rule change that would let any Freedom Caucus member call a vote to fire him at any time: report
That's like singing "I'll Be Your Puppet." This is leadership? LMAO!

'Meltdown mode': Supercut shows Fox News in full-blown despair over McCarthy debacle
Circus time? Well, you dolts are the ring masters.

DeSantis Demands “Woke” Data From FL Universities
Somebody send this stupid little shit to the pile from whence he came.

Vaseline Woman: I’m The “Duly Elected” AZ Governor
And I'm the King of Spain!
We are living in the era of "Fucking Fools!"

CA Gov Declares Emergency Over “Bomb Cyclone”
Keep ignoring global warming. This is what we will get constantly.

It's a great day for America (or Dems, anyway): McCarthy squashed again, while Fox News implodes
Tucker Takes Over! LOL!
America is out of business. The Republicans have effectively destroyed goverenment. I'm sure this makes some people happy. Hard to believe.

All Hell Breaks Loose When GOP Rep. Accuses Dems Of Drinking On House Floor
Oh, sure, this is helpful. Well, we know for sure who looks like she's three sheets in the wind.

Charlie Sykes Sums Up The Republican Debacle
"Historians are going to have a hard time explaining the scene that you saw today..." said Sykes.

'Not a good look': Biden speaks on GOP’s 'really embarrassing' failure to unify around speaker vote
When do they start whining "It was stolen!"

'How do they land the plane?': GOP senators alarmed by 'embarrassing' House speaker debacle
One of them is Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, who told The Hill, “Don’t they realize how embarrassing this is? Is that possible, that people think about that?.... If it’s this hard to elect a speaker, imagine how hard it’s going to be to pass any legislation…. The question is, ‘How do they land the plane?’ And I’m not sure there’s any obvious answer.”

Robert Reich predicts a grim political future for the GOP as House Republicans scramble to pick a speaker

J6 report highlights two women with ties to militant groups ‘central to the violence’
More seditionists. Such a surprise.

House sh**show has a message for America: GOP can't govern and doesn't want to
As Kevin McCarthy reaps the whirlwind, let's hope voters understand this chaos was never really about Donald Trump
"The problem with having insurrectionists within your own caucus is that they care nothing for the party, much less the country."

Watch: Gaslighting Tucker Carlson says 'witch doctors' are 'lying' about NFL player Damar Hamlin's injuries?
What a dumbass. And he gets paid to sell bullshit to morons.

'Held hostage': New analysis explains how far-right GOP lawmakers could hijack their own caucus
Nazis wait to become "High Sheriff of Hell."

Fox's Gutfeld Blames GOP Speaker Disaster On TV Coverage
Greg Gutfeld wants to apply the all-purpose GOP remedy for dealing with the latest black eye on Republicans: pretend it didn’t happen.
Slack jaw blithering. They never knew how to fuck this up until Democrats never did it. ROTFLMAO!

Heartless QAnon conspirators show they don't care about the truth or Damar Hamlin's family
No brains, no headaches.

Now It's The Proud Boys' Turn To Find Out
They effed around with a fair and free election, and now they'll find out what happens to seditionists.

18 Of The 20 McCarthy Defectors Are Election Deniers
A mind is a terrible thing to waste: a list of the insane.

Mark Milley’s testimony reveals Trump plan to get back at retired military officers who criticized him
Such a vindictive dick is Fatso.

The GOP House 'Agenda' For 2023 Is As Absurd As You'd Think
Yay! GOP House sets agenda for first few weeks, and yes, it's ridiculous.

Exposed: House Republicans Plan To 'Gut' Ethics Committee Before George Santos Investigation
The House Republican caucus is expected to vote on a package of rules that "guts" the Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE) before it can investigate incoming Rep. George Santos (R-NY).
Fucking cowards and crooks.

McCarthy heads to grueling speaker vote with fate in limbo
After weeks of backbreaking negotiations, it appears the GOP leader's fate will be decided in real time on the House floor.
These are the idiots you want leading us to hell?

Antisemitic Slogan Projected In Downtown Orlando
Nazis in Florida are real. We are moving closer to Nazi Germany unless we take these bastards OUT!

Meet the new MAGA generation: These newly-elected Republicans set to join Team MTG
With the new Congress convening, these MAGA diehards and election deniers are key to the fragile GOP majority
Meet the new fascists.

'Trump is struggling to raise money' — and may be illegally spending what he's got so far: analysis
This man is insane.

'One of Biden’s deepest legacies': How federal judiciary appointments reflect America’s diversity
One of the greatest we've had.

Ginni Thomas’ testimony to Jan. 6 committee sparks calls to investigate Clarence Thomas
His time is coming.

'Union-Busting on Day 1': House GOP Aims to Stop Congressional Staff From Organizing
They are such nasty, mean snakes.

Michael Flynn Lives Up To His 'Russian Double Agent' Reputation
The disgraced former Trump national security advisor and pardoned felon, Michael Flynn, told Steve Bannon that Russia has already fulfilled all its objectives from its vile invasion of Ukraine.
Both of these traitors would have been jailed during WWII.

Hero of 2022: The Woman Who Defeated Two Anti-Abortion Ballot Measures
Victory over the American version of Iranian zealots.

Two Iranian teens face death penalty over protests: rights group
When will these retards move their intellect into the Common Era? "Corruption on earth" is exactly what the zealot swine are.

Georgia tire store employee shot to death after car owner mistakes him for auto thief
If only more people had no permit, no registered weapons, what a wonderful world this will be. We are Devo.

Our Very Last Nerve, Collectively Speaking
Or the "Devolution of Civilization."

Anti-Abortion Pregnancy Centers Claim to Be Medical Clinics and Get Away With It
Here come the vulture scumbags.

Brazil Celebrates Lula’s Inauguration and End of Right-Wing Bolsonaro Reign
Another Nazi bites the dust. The Amazon may stand a change yet.

Oh Hey, George Santos's Ex-Boyfriend! Sit By Us And Tell Us Everything!
"Nothing matters if you're a Republican. Will Republicans manage to elect a House speaker tomorrow, and will it be Kevin McCarthy? Who knows! They've won a tiny majority, and so far their first act has been to fuck up the one job they absolutely must do before they can even think about launching a million investigations into Hunter Biden's Penis: What's Underneath! (We Mean Besides His Balls!)."

Republicans In Flawless Disarray Over Tuesday's Speaker Vote
Nuts can't figure out the time of day.

2022's Crookies Of The Year: The Supreme Court Of The United States
Once they had their Trump-appointed majority, the mask came off. The current court is corrupt and illegitimate.

Not One Cable News Network Covered Trump's 'Media Availability' Slot
No one wants to hear this crook lying about something else again.

We need to rethink our relationship with plastic
Plastic recycling remains a major failure. It clocks in at under 10%

Top George Santos Ally Elise Stefanik Remains Silent
Shutting the fuck up is the best thing these twits can do.

'We all look like domestic terrorists now': Hope Hicks raged at Trump after J6 riot
She's right. They are all fucked now. And they should be.

2022: Don't Worry, They'll Never Outlaw Abortion, Wait What?

There Are No ‘Good’ Republicans, and the Sooner That Is Universally Acknowledged the Better

Man Attacks Cops With Machete Near Times Square
If not guns, machetes. America is so civilized.

People Can Now Carry Guns Without A License In Half Of America’s States
Oh, joy!

1 Dead, 9 Hurt In Alabama Shooting Near New Year's Eve Party
The shooting happened a few blocks away from the main stage for the Moon Pie Over Mobile festival.
That didn't take long after legalizing no permit law in Darwin's Waiting Room.

'Why are these conflicts allowed?' Corporate donations to Supreme Court-linked right-wing group under scrutiny
Because we have all got a price?

Donald Trump issues 'Happy New Year' proclamation that includes racist swipe at Mitch McConnell's wife
What else can one expect from a classless grifting dick?

George Santos' Press Secretary Has Resigned
Can you blame him?
You only catch one party lying like a snake. Fucking Republican.

Say “Bye Felicia” To Senate’s Biggest Climate Denier
Stupidity and ignorance on parade.
"There are few members of Congress who have done more to sow public doubt about the mounting, deadly impacts of fossil fuel-driven planetary warming, or to block policies and regulations meant to confront the threat."

Was the LibsofTikTok Creator at the Capitol on Jan. 6?
Looks like her to me. No surprise.

Trump's New Year's Eve 'media availability' was a nothing-burger that no cable news stations carried
Fatso you are officially a nothing-burger.

Elise Stefanik is the case study of the collapse of the Republican Party: report
Nothing but trash.

GOP House sets agenda for first few weeks, and yes, it's ridiculous
Indeed, they are sick fucks.

'Moral idiocy': Elon Musk faces scrutiny for echoing outlandish predictions made by Putin ally

Elon Owns The Libs With The Biggest Loss Of Wealth In Modern History
You sure got us there, Elon.

'Sounds just like Trump': Elon Musk blasted for tweeting demonstrably false meme supporting conservatives
Who ever said this guy is acting like Trump around here.

Nine states seeking to ban gender-affirming care for transgender youth in 2023
Nine states that are heartless trash.

Ron DeSantis’ critics fear that Sarah Sanders will 'import' his 'bad education' policies to Arkansas
Outside of accredited universities, is anyone educated in Arkansas?

'I admit it': Ginni Thomas told the Jan. 6 Committee she never saw 'specific evidence' of 'voter fraud'

Local Weekly Raised The Alarm About Santos. Nobody Listened
The North Shore Leader wrote in September, when few others were covering Santos, about his “inexplicable rise” in reported net worth.
America will remain to stay asleep.

Meadows Escapes North Carolina Voter Fraud Charges
Fraud and corruption now legal in the U.S. Get out there and start your grifting. There's no one to stop you.
"No Donny, these men are cowards." — Walter Sobchak.

Trump taxes show foreign income from more than a dozen countries
While Trump surrendered day-to-day control of his business empire, his sons continued to make deals around the globe that Trump benefited from.
Hand it over, Fatso!

Court: Mark McCloskey Can’t Have Guns Or Money Back
Too bad, too bad.

Michigan Youth Pastor Arrested On Child Sex Charges
When are we gonna get rid of these Xtian Pastor sex crazed offenders?

Alabama Set To Allow No-Permit Concealed Carry
Maybe they'll all shoot each other? Cut off the NRA arms. Let them in your court rooms or STFU!
Commentor: "That may be an aspiration, but they are rated 5th according to the CDC (for death rate, for number of deaths Texas is #1)"

'Beyond a reasonable doubt': Watergate lawyer breaks down Jan. 6 Committee’s 'overwhelming case' against Trump
Then do the right thing, America.

Right-Wing Influencer Arrested on Human Trafficking Charges After Online Spat With Greta Thunberg
Greta kicks ass again.

Big Pharma and GOP Open About Plans to Obstruct Medicare Drug Price Reforms
Proving they are not on our side.

‘Trump acted as though he had something to hide’ in tax filings: Dem
His answer is that it's all because it just shows he was so smart. ROTFLMAO!

Swastika-Themed Merch Being Sold In Support Of Kanye's Presidential Bid
No one with a functiong brain forgives Hitler unless they are another human butcher. It will not end well for this entity.

'It’s done': These Republicans are openly questioning Kari Lake’s future in Arizona politics
Finally facing facts, are they?

Who dares to mock Dark Brandon now? Joe Biden keeps rolling up the wins
Republicans badly underestimated Joe Biden — and in his first two years in the White House, he's driven them nuts

'He's lying': Rolling Stone investigation finds no records tying George Santos' mother to September 11th attacks
Typical Republican.

Elon Musk’s net worth fell $206 billion in 2022: report

Watch Massive D*ckhead Andrew Tate Get Arrested For Human Trafficking
I could play this on loop for an hour.

Politico, Portman continue to pretend that the GOP has any interest in responsible governing
America is sick of their bullshit.

House Democrats Release Six Years Of Trump’s Taxes
Let's see how much taxes he dodged and how much he profited from his conflicts of interest.

'Unwitting fool' George Santos could be denied access to classified info — here's why
He's got severe mental issues?

J6 deposition reveals why Trump started pushing bogus conspiracy claims about Morning Joe committing murder
Fatso, the liar.

Trump lawyer: Jan. 6 committee 'assaulted' the Constitution by subpoenaing the former president
Lock the crook up, damn it! She's got a lot of nerve with that horse shit.

Old and In the Way, Until We're Not
But even if the constant encouragements toward the status quo, for not talking back to the reactionaries and the racists, for not wasting our precious energies arguing with idiots, it's worth repeating that our silence on the left is toxic, too. If our accrued wisdom garnered through years of being in the struggle against fascism should shut down, we're going to be even more fucked than we are now. We must not go quiet, no matter how much we may be ridiculed or compartmentalized by forces who may be even more confused about what matters than we are.

Progressives Must Not Concede School Board Elections to the Right
Require a brain to qualify, please.

Union Organizing Surged in 2022: Let’s Push for a Radical Labor Movement in 2023

Oh No, Billionaires Have Lost So Many Billions Lately, How Will They Live It Is Quite Sad, Etc.

Brave Kansas Cops Save Dying Cancer Patient From Demon Weed, Symptom Relief
Retards. Let's return to the 18th Century, shall we?

Kanye West's former business manager can't find him to serve $4.5 million lawsuit
Has he tried the local titty bar?

Leading MAGA Figures Have Turned On Sean Hannity
Ooooh, too bad.

'There is a seat in hell waiting for this man': George Santos falsely claimed his mom died on September 11th
Another mental case. Get this man some help and out of government.

Nevada Republicans appoint failed GOP politician with no judicial experience to judgeship
More insanity in America. Republicans have all gone to hell. When will this garbage end?

NYPD arrests and charges Brooklyn man for attack on LGBT NYC councilman's neighbor: report
The U.S. appears to have more than its share of fucked up idiots.

GOP New York district attorney opens investigation into Republican Congressman-elect George Santos
He has proof of nothing except he lives.

McCarthy’s political life continues to be hell. Just what he deserves
Yeah, I don’t think there are going to be any Democrats lining up to help McCarthy out in the near future. On anything.

TikTok Banned From All Devices Issued By US House
Now ban the goddamn TV moguls from showing any TikToc shit during our football games!

This is the year we were done with Kanye West – but what does that really mean?
Why did people put up with the hip-hop icon's anti-Blackness, misogyny and antisemitic "free thinking" for so long?
A dumb sucker is born every second in the USA as soon as the media proclaims their worship.

Is Greed the Biggest Threat to America & Democracy?
Greed, one of the seven deadly sins, is both toxic to society and intrinsic to human nature. It can’t be ended or “stopped”—but it can be regulated, which is the goal of good tax policy

The January 6 Committee Dropped the Ball When It Failed to Call for Abolition of the Electoral College
Yes, they did.

Fusion is the power of the future ... and the future isn't as far away as it used to be
"I can't get used to the future. It's coming up too quick" — Evolution's Not Fast Enough For Me, Men of Extinction.

Former General Who Manufactured Russian Tanks Dies 'Suddenly'
Who knew so many Russian leaders were in such poor health?

'The System' Is Ruining Our Present and Collective Future
ow is a time of unprecedented opportunity for progressive change. The reason is simple: "the system" is ruining the future for young people. Any system that threatens the future of its young people cannot retain their support and therefore is ripe for basic change.

Study Ties Abortion Restrictions to 'Significant' Jump in Suicide Rates for Young Women
Nazis on SCOTUS will be glad to hear it.

Lauren Boebert's failed gun-themed eatery will be replaced by a Mexican restaurant
Of all things

'A wild situation': DC insider explains the consequences George Santos could face as more lies are exposed
His response? Everyone does this. ROTFLMAO!

High-ranking Florida Scientologist burned herself alive then shot herself dead: report
How does one do both? Leave it to a wacko.

Worst Republicans of 2022: It's just so hard to choose!
This column doesn't even mention Marjorie Taylor Greene: She can't compete with the true depths of GOP horror

House Committee To Release Trump’s Taxes On Friday
Redacted? Bullshit! That should all be open to the public.

"Complete and utter fraud": Democrats call for Rep.-elect George Santos to quit over false claims
George Santos says he's sorry for "having embellished his résumé" — but his claim to be Jewish might sink him
Well, they said that "Jews will not replace us."
Dear fraud: Everyone is subject to scrutiny in politics, you fucking moron.

Coup-promoting defeated loser flees to Mar-a-Lago rather than attending rival's inauguration
Where shit bags gather.

Senate Democrats seeking 'significant monetary compensation' for Southwest Airlines customers
Someone has to fight for us and it looks like the Democrats will—as usual.

'Local news is the oxygen of democracy' and disappearing when it's needed the most: media expert

Pretty Sure McCarthy Wishes He Could Take Back His Remarks On Santos
Yeah, this is a little awkward.
It's repulsive.

Libs Of TikTok Lady’s Hateful Interview To Tucker Carlson: ‘They’re Evil!’
Two bigots, one show! It's like a two-for-one deal
Dear, we know which ones are evil. Just look in the mirror unless you cast no image.
1.7 million idiots? Probably not. Many just look to see the freak fuck in action.

Electoral College Is A Danger To American People, Raskin Warns
“We should elect the president the way we elect governors, senators, mayors, representatives, everybody else – whoever gets the most votes wins,” the Maryland congressman said.
Shit can it.

'12 Felony Charges': Former Lawmaker Behind ‘In God We Trust’ Bill Found Guilty
Could it be, God doesn't trust in him?

GOP betrays the country by endorsing a failed coup, yet wants to lecture Biden on national security?
The scum of the earth.

Florida GOP Leader Says She’s Open to Expanding “Don’t Say Gay” Law
What happens when Nazis start fucking with our education system.

2022 Quietly Set the Stage for a Massive Rollback of LGBTQ Rights
And when Nazis have anything to go with our government.

Right-Wing Asshole of the Month
Everything's big in Texas. Especially right-wing assholes.

Right-wing hypocrisy is never hypocrisy. It's a coherent belief system

Extreme Cold Is Caused by Global Warming
Could all the morons get over saying the intense cold proves there is no global warmng?

Former Reagan speechwriter rips Greg Abbott for his 'cruel' and 'heartless' immigration stunts
Rip him until there is nothing left of him.

Economist Paul Krugman: Why the latest inflation news is 'seriously encouraging'
We could all use a little encouragement.

These are the 'dumbest' and 'silliest' things that 'triggered' far-right culture warriors in 2022: podcast
And Tucker Carlson is still the dumbest.

Revealed: Trump brazenly took tax losses he knew were fraudulent
They put Al Capone away for that. America has certainly changed.

Co-Leader Of Whitmer Kidnapping Plot Gets 16 Years In Prison

Cher Recalls Getting Contact High After Visiting Willie Nelson's Smoky Tour Bus
“I couldn’t believe it,” Cher said of Nelson's weed-laden tour bus. “I mean, it was a terrible old bus, but he was great. And just drugs — everywhere.”
I think she got a "Rub Off High."

'Bye-bye, baby': Experts affirmatively conclude 'yes, it's happening' — Trump is getting indicted
"You are going to get indicted federally. Period. The end."

'You'll never see him': Speculation swirls over Republican Senator Tom Cotton’s official residence
Maybe he's homeless?

Lauren Boebert hailed by Russian state TV as 'brave' for dishonoring Zelensky
What more does one have to say?

Herschel Walker exposes the moral bankruptcy of the religious right

DeSantis’s request for COVID vaccine probe denounced by health experts
What is wrong with this idiot?

January 6th 'fake elector scheme' offers a clear 'path to prosecuting Trump': attorney
"Trump not only ‘participated’ in the fake elector scheme, he orchestrated it.”

National “Weed Glut” Is Causing Prices To Plummet
Can't you hear the assholes singing: "We tried legalizing weed but it didn't work."

"Will she never learn?" Lauren Boebert blasted by "embarrassed" constituent in Christmas Day letter
The Republican Rep. from Colorado was harshly criticized for her stance on aid to Ukraine
Blame the fools that elected her.

Trump calls Biden 'mentally disabled' as he wishes everyone a Merry Christmas
Former President Trump lashed out at Biden and the January 6 committee in two Christmas Eve posts
We know who the mentally disabled is here. What a total fool.

'Are you stupid or what': Marjorie Taylor Greene buried in mockery after claiming Pelosi was 'complicit' in Jan. 6 attack
Do we have to ask again? How many times does the question have to be asked before we know it is a resounding YES!

Jim Jordan's FBI investigations 'will backfire' on the GOP: legal expert
"Jacket Off" Jordan squirts again.

MAGA rioters' desperate bid to declare themselves 'sovereign citizens' is blowing up in their faces
Here's your early signs of dementia.

Uncle Herb's Christmas…and Mine

No Christmas dinner: One-third of the world is going hungry
Norman Rockwell’s “Freedom from Want'' painting depicts one of the most peaceful scenes in American life as a family gathers around a holiday dinner table to give thanks, eat, talk, laugh and share in an abundance of blessings. While this great American tradition will play out in the coming weeks, a hunger catastrophe is unfolding around the world, putting even the simplest of meals out of reach for a growing number of individuals and families around the world.

Jamie Raskin: Donald Trump must be prosecuted 'because of the magnitude of the attack on democracy'
Treason used to be a serious crime in the past. What happened to us?

2022 Crookie Awards: Kari Lake, Come On Down, You Big Loser!
This is well deserved.

Texas Dumps Buses Of Migrants Outside Harris’ Home
The chickenshits of Texas. Ain't worth a damn.
Thankfully, our real leaders knew how to take care of these human beings. Not Texas, however.
Feeling the Christian love of Governor Abbott on Christmas, right?

‘Christian’ Greg Abbott Celebrates Christmas by Bussing Asylum-Seekers Into Frigid Washington DC
Texas has a problem and it's not asylum-seekers.

Atheists aren't fighting a "war on Christmas" — many of us even celebrate it
Christians don't own the idea of a winter celebration

Judge Luttig: A judge might have no choice but to put Trump in prison
A former federal judge said that former President Donald Trump would likely end up behind bars if he were convicted
Let's get it done.

Marijuana Law Reached Peak Absurdity in 2022
Banning a plant with hundreds of industrial and medical uses was never going to work out well, but 2022 saw marijuana prohibition reach peak absurdity, not to mention peak confusion for consumers and new businesses trying to make sense of it all.

Lawsuits Against Plastic Industry Could Exceed $20 Billion in Damages by 2030
"Thanks to new legal pathways, people around the world could sue plastics manufacturers for damages totalling more than $20 billion by 2030, with most lawsuits originating in the U.S., according to a new study. The report, published by the Australian Minderoo Foundation, estimates that the plastics industry is costing society around $100 billion annually in environmental clean-ups..."

After underestimating power demand, Texas electric grid operator gets federal permission to exceed air quality limits
The U.S. Department of Energy granted permission for power plants to release more pollution than is normally allowed — if grid conditions worsen.
When will they stop lying about the goddamn grid in Texas?

Two Texas businessmen pitched Trump on plan to overturn 2020 election, Jan. 6 report reveals
Criminal corruption is standard business in Texas.

Jan. 6 committee delivers whopping final report: Coup was planned months in advance
Trump's team had "fake electors" scheme lined up well before the election, panel finds in 845-page final report
Jan. 6 committee delivers whopping final report: Coup was planned months in advance
You bastards!

The real reason for the attack on libraries
"Controlling thought is the fundamental basis for all authoritarian regimes. This battle is worth the fight, and educators and librarians are on the front lines against this type of oppression. Although conservatives have scored several victories in the past year, in the end, education always wins out over ignorance."

Stopping the Sixth Extinction

A 'faker and liar' Far-right Republicans are turning their backs on Marjorie Taylor Greene over her latest betrayal
First Trump and now the Wicked Witch of the West. These asshats earned it all by doing what they do. Which is to say make the world a worse place to be in.

Trump has a meltdown when asked about Jared and Ivanka Trump distancing from him
"He just goes, plays golf, comes back, and f--ks off. His world has gotten much smaller. His world is so, so small.”
Think how much smaller it's going to get.

America’s adult education system is broken. Here’s how experts say we can fix it

Trump’s bigoted dinner guest Nick Fuentes suggested 'burning women alive'
Perfectly normal, don't you think? Building white punk incels? Watch it punk boy. Just because you can't get laid, blame your repulsive self. That fire could burn your stupid ass first.

Executives at Chick-fil-A make around $700K a year, but one location paid its employees in meals
Christian philosophy, eh?

Wall Street Journal scorches Republicans who have turned on Ukraine
Josh Hawley is the tee-nininest twerp dick and a liar. There are people tracking the Ukrainian funding.
Add little Josh to your audit list to see just how tiny a lying twerp he grows into.

'Maybe it would have worked in fantasyland': AZ columnist buries Kari Lake over lawsuit flop
Yes, well isn't that where they live? Haven't we seen enough of their poor Trump impressions?

Watch: Pro-Trump pastor prays for electricity to 'turn itself off' as rancorous scene unfolds outside Knoxville drag show
Why are they so obssessed with drag shows? Why don't they just go on in and get into it like they want to. Join the show, girls. You people are a drag.

Trump Bizarrely Calls On Republicans To Obtain Biden's Tax Returns
President Biden released 22 years' worth of tax records.
More evidence of Trump's mental impairment. All Presidents have released their tax returns.
The old grifter has gone into brain drain.

28 House Republicans vote against bill to protect child sex abuse victims
Sick as sick gets.

QAnon Grooming Victim At Center Of HBO Documentary
These people are child abusers. The children should be taken away by social welfare agencies. The rest of the scum should be arrested and charged with child abuse. Unreal stupidity by morons that should not be on our streets.

Trump Begs Followers to Keep Up the Fight For the 2020 Election: ‘THIS MUST NOT BECOME A COLD CASE’
It's as cold and rotting as the Republican Party.

Candace Owens Spreads Lie About Zelensky’s Wife
Is there a person existing that carries around more hatred than this woman?

Arctic Is Warming Four Times Faster Than Rest Of The World
But that's what is sending a polar vortex further south.

Jan. 6th Committee Recommends We Enforce The 14th Amendment
Is our Constitution merely rhetoric?
If it is, count on more Trumps in the future.

Why Clarence and Ginni Thomas have done more than anyone to 'damage the High Court’s reputation': journalist
Just more exemptions for lawlessness.

An Epidemic of Loneliness and the Dark World of Far-Right Conspiracy Theorists
Finding the world of insanity.

Final Jan. 6 Report Urges Congress to Consider Barring Trump From Ever Holding Office Again
"None of the events of January 6th would have happened without him," the 845-page report concludes.

TX Drops Fight Against Open Carry For 18 Year-Olds
Why not 10 year-olds? They can give 18 year-olds real competition playing guns.

World Famous Liar Lies About J6 Panel’s Final Report
Give it a rest asshole.
You don't believe a word you're saying and neither do the rest of us.

Zelenskyy visit exposes a GOP rift — between actual fascists and everyone else
Too many Republicans still refuse to stand up for Ukraine — and for democracy — against their MAGA brethren
Eliminate all fascists.

National Guard commander almost sent troops to stop the Jan. 6 riot without approval: report
Almost does not count except in horse shoes and hand grenades.

Five members of Trump's inner circle headed for closer scrutiny after J6 report
That poor little girl.

The GOP elite wants to brand Trump a loser — the humiliating release of his tax returns could help
Not only did Trump's candidates lose big in 2022, but he couldn't even make money selling White House influence

Carlson: Zelensky Has Declared War Against Christianity
Carlson pandering to his crowd of morons.

Gaetz And Boebert Acted Like Dicks At Zelensky Speech
It will be sweet when we see these pricks get theirs.

Shanghai hospital warns of 'tragic battle' as COVID spreads
They need more mRNA vaccines.

Carlson Offers To Fund Texas Border Militia
A severe mental case.
Or has he been pandering like Hannity?

Fox Looking Very, Very Bad In Dominion Defamation Hearing
It's not easy to win a defamation case, but the testimony from Fox personalities is helping.
The liars are liars. Hopefully, this will ruin them eternally.

Stewart Rhodes Says That The Left Is 'The Real Insurrection' In Testimony
Stewart Rhodes called efforts to postpone the certification of the 2020 presidential election a “counter-revolution,” not an insurrection.
He would be badly mistaken. He can tell it to his skinhead pals in prison.

Sean Hannity — under oath — admits he 'didn’t believe' election lies 'for one second': deposition
So, for ratings and money. A shell of a selfish man.

Watch: Tucker Carlson goes bananas with over-the-top rant about Zelenskyy’s congressional meeting
More fakery from a bad actor.

Emerging COVID-19 crisis in China 'could shake the world': WaPo Editorial Board
Just when you thought you were done with it.

'People are just so stupid': Candace Owens defends the Confederate flag and equates slavery with owning yachts
She's right about being a stupid people.
And they say she even went to school.

Watch: House Democrat rips ex-Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin over 'smug rhetoric and staggering lies'
Somebody had to do it. We can be thankful for that.

Ex-POTUS Is Losing Evangelicals: 'Donald Trump Has Got To Go'
It took them long enough.

Taliban Bans Afghan Women From University Education
The Taliban have announced the immediate CLOSURE of universities for women in Afghanistan.
Did anyone think these scumbag shits would do anything else? They deserve nothing other than viloent revolution. They probably won't get it but there is no other path. The church of hate is history.

More than 150 faith leaders condemn Catholic governor's anti-immigrant attacks as 'inhumane'
You don't mean the sick dick from Texas?

Buffalo Sues Gunmakers In Wake Of Mass Shooting
Sue them till they can't fire their guns anymore.

Kirk Calls Zelensky An “Uppity Welfare Queen”
Anyone with a video camera, a backdrop and an internet connection thinks they can be someone today.

Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert 'blew past' Capitol security on way to Zelensky speech: report
Total dickwads.

Trump paid no taxes in half of the last six years and his returns have dozens of potential issues

It's time for states to remove Trump from the 2024 ballot: ethics watchdog
It's time for him to say "What the fuck was I thinking?"

Watch: Ari Melber mercilessly fact-checks Donald Trump's impeachment lawyer on live TV
This yo-yo shows any jerk can get a law degree.

The Naysayers are Wrong. Fusion Will Change the World
"Humans are capable of believing in QAnon, yes, but they’re also able to create a coronavirus vaccine in record time and to harness the power of the sun here on Earth. Despair is not realism—it’s a lack of imagination. Historians will record December 5, 2022 as a significant step on the road to clean, abundant, affordable energy. This is a time for gratitude and wonder, not for grinding axes."

The Dirty Game Republicans are Playing with Desperate People’s Lives
Who on Earth would want to send thousands of desperate people to our Southern border just in time for every midterm facing a Democratic president? Who would be that crass and cynical?

Elon Musk’s Censorship Spree Exposes the Fundamental Flaw in the Right’s Definition of “Free Speech”
Exposing flaws in our laws and doing nothing about it. That's us.

Texans are dying on state highways every day — especially in rural “dead zones
Fatal crashes in rural areas accounted for 51% of Texas’ 4,489 traffic fatalities in 2021, even though only about 10% of the state’s population lives in a rural area, according to data from the state’s department of transportation.
So about how long until they are all dead?

Congress Has One Last Chance to Abolish the Crack Cocaine Sentencing Disparity
"However, the Justice Department’s new policy carves out several exceptions for prosecutors seeking lengthy sentences..."
Another flaw in our law.

Baby Baby, There's A Gay Wedding At Amy Grant's House, STFU Franklin Graham, And To All A Good Night
"Oh wait, not everyone. Franklin Graham, the thing that happened when one of the sperms in dead Billy Graham's balls fertilized a human egg, is upset."

Trump Confessing More, Again
End the Electoral College. It never hands out degrees. Get rid of it and election probles will end.

Can't Fix The Border, Because How Would Republicans Scare All The Old People?
"No telling how long the temporary extension of Title 42 will stay in place; the Republican states want it to be in place at least until the heat death of the universe..."

'You're not the best at math': Gas prices expert mocks Lauren Boebert's attack on Biden
Can you tell me what's she good at? I will wait for your answer.

'Insanity': Texas newspaper blasts Republican Governor Greg Abbott
Texas voters pay no attention to the corrupt government they tolerate. Makes a sane person wonder about them.

Proud Boys leader may be on trial — but his thugs are still on the street causing trouble
In the wake of Jan. 6, vanguard of American fascism has "reformed" — now they're Christian nationalist warriors
America, remove your Nazis.

McConnell Tanks Bill To Legalize Marijuana Banking
Just another stupid and pitiful old man. The GOP is a tired bunch of short-sighted, puckered assholes. Get them the fuck out of our way.

Abbreviated pundit roundup: The sharks start circling
As we have have predicted. He's a pitiful old man.
But NYC has a stupid mayor.

How Unsurprising: Trump's Taxes Were Never Audited By The IRS
And no one is surprised.

House Republican leadership silent about GOP congressman-elect suspected of faking his résumé
The rot of the Republican Party.

How 'authoritarian' Ron DeSantis has made Florida a 'laboratory of fascist politics': scholar
Authoritarian puts it nicely. He's a MAGAt Nazi. As such, exemplifies the rot of his party.

Fixing the broken American healthcare system is not actually hard
Sorry. It's hard as hell for some.

Jim Bakker: God Talks To Me, And Trash-Talks Climate Change Activists
Bakker is consistently wrong about e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g.
So, we're supposed to believe that we will be punished for caring for the planet God gave us to call home. If that's true, his God is a dick.
And how. Amazing how stupid some Americans are. Sorry, I have to clean my toilet.

Idaho Community College Taken Over By Right Wing Goons
Idaho community college becomes living example of how far-right power grabs hollow out institutions.
Let loose the drones on the fools. These idiots don't belong in this time.

Chris Licht Shocked People Aren't Loving Fox Lite
CNN boss Chris Licht claims to be stunned by "vitriol" of his plan to dumb down CNN to Fox Lite levels.
Dude, how fucling dumb can people get already? Whores for ratings!

Postal Service to build the largest fleet of electric trucks in the nation thanks to Dark Brandon

New York's new Giuliani, Eric Adams, wants to cut the public library's budget to almost nothing
Tell this dick to resign, abolish his grifting job and use his salary to help the public library.
Where do these dicks come from?

Biden White House To Anti-LGBT Fox News Trolls: Here's How You Can F*ck Yourselves

Biden administration to publish hospital ownership data for first time
The Biden administration on Tuesday plans to announce it will release ownership data for all 7,000 hospitals that participate in Medicare in an effort to boost transparency.

Why Should a Handful of Billionaires Own More Wealth than the Bottom 50% of All Americans?
No good reason.

A Truly Big Fuckin' Deal

A Day of Constitutional Reckoning Approaches
Section 2 of the 14th Amendment was designed to strip congressional districts from states that disenfranchise voters. It’s never been implemented.

A Texas Superintendent Ordered School Librarians to Remove LGBTQ Books. Now the Federal Government Is Investigating
As they should. Next remove all religion from the libraries. Anything that anyone finds offensive. Am I right?

Ohio Pastor Arrested On Two Felony Child Sex Charges
These "Pastors" are dropping like flies. If I were a Christian, I'd demand my tithe back.

Elon Musk Seems to Be Trying to Weasel Out of Vote to Resign
A weasel is just what he is.

Mike Lee’s proposed obscenity bill sparks online outrage as adult film industry pushes back
According to Axios, "it would define it as content that depicts 'actual or simulated sexual acts with the objective intent to arouse, titillate, or gratify the sexual desires of a person" and lacks artistic or scientific value, according to a summary of the bill released by Lee."
Movies you see on cable do that all the time, Mike. You watch most of them, don't you.

Trump goes on hours-long rant against FBI after J6 committee criminal charges — and admits he lost
Insanity illustrated.

'Out-of-touch' Utah Republicans slammed for accepting free trips to Qatar World Cup: 'Abused their position'
Clueless, grown men never learn.

Jan. 6 assault reflected a deep American division: Whose democracy is it?
Trump's rioters represented a deep, dark current in American history: Restricting democracy to a chosen few

Watergate prosecutor: Trump will be indicted — and not just by the feds
As many as it takes to put him behind bars for life.

Bob Woodward: J6 panel proved Trump's 'criminal mismanagement'
Not difficult when you go after one of the biggest mobsters that ever lived.

'Today could possibly be worse for the former president than even yesterday's criminal referrals': CNN's Don Lemon
In other words, this guy is a chiseler and a fraud.

The abortion pill, abortion bans and Republican policies that kill
Any abortion activist will tell you that banning abortion doesn’t stop abortions – it stops safe abortions. Thanks to the existence of medical abortion (also called the abortion pill), a lot of illegal abortions can be much safer than they were before Roe v. Wade.
Until the deporables try to kill that too.

Marjorie Taylor Greene accuses Lauren Boebert of 'high school drama'-like behavior on Twitter
High school girls in a cat fight. They deserve each other.

Rep. Jamie Raskin: Ringleaders Don't Get A Free Pass
"The severity of its actual harm and the centrality of the offender to the overall design of the unlawful scheme to overthrow the election compel us to speak," Rep. Jamie Raskin said yesterday.

Mike Pence: Jinkies, It Would Be 'Too Decisive' To Indict Trump
He wanted you dead, Mike.
He just wanted someone else to do it for him. And sure, we let traitors go all the time.

Grooming Children With Bibles, Not Drag Queens
Who needs to worry about drag queens when you have Bible stories like these?

Trump: Criminal Charges Would Be “Double Jeopardy”
The idiot doesn't know that impeachment is not a criminal trial?
Your former president is a fucking moron.

Our Favorite Fascist Josh Hawley Lectures Men On How To Be Manly Men
"Young men, let me make a suggestion to you. Why don't you turn off the computer and log off the porn, and go ask a real woman on a date?" Hawley asked the crowd. "How about that? Just a thought. Ask her out. Young men, why don't you be the ones doing the asking? How about that? Don't wait for her! You go ask."
Did anyone else think this chud was about to start singing 'YMCA' when he said "Young men"?

'I WON': Trump Tantrum Underway Over Charge Referral
Former President Bloaty McBatShit is unraveling on Truth Social after the one-term President was referred for criminal charges by the Jan. 6 committee. Trump is being referred for: Inciting or assisting an insurrection, obstruction of an official proceeding of Congress, conspiracy to defraud the United States, and conspiracy to make a false statement.
Lock him up.

Just in Time for Holidays, Dems May Embrace GOP Plan to Boot Millions Off Medicaid
One expert noted the pending deal has "huge stakes... for children and families."
So what did they do? Go Christmas shopping for shit for brains?

The Jan. 6th Committee Report and the Continuing Threat of Political Violence
The Nazis will try it again. This time they'll get a dose of the drones.

McCarthy 'should be questioned in a public forum' about his role in Trump’s plan to overturn election: J6 committee
Come clean for your country, Kevin.

MD Pastor Indicted On Multiple Child Porn Charges
The DOJ says 62-year-old Leonard Eley, was indicted on Nov. 28 on one count of Sexual Solicitation of a Minor, two counts of Possession of Child Pornography, and one count of Theft by False Pretenses following an investigation into charges that he solicited nude photographs from a minor over the course of a year.
More Holy Porn, Batman!

McConnell: “Entire Nation Knows” Trump Incited Riot

January 6 Report Presents a Devastating Case Against Trump
In testimony to the committee, Hope Hicks, a longtime Trump aide, recalled that when she told Trump during the post-election period that she believed his charges of fraud were “damaging his legacy,” Trump replied, “Nobody will care about my legacy if I lose.” That’s not true. The committee’s report seals what is now the most significant aspect of his legacy: Trump tried to illegally break the republic, and, fortunately, he failed.

Trump pushed bogus election fraud claims 18 times after his own officials debunked them: J6 Committee

'Yes — definitely a crime!' Maddow explains how J6 Committee delivered oven-ready case to DOJ
In the MSNBC special coverage of the House Select Committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on Congress, host Rachel Maddow noted that the members presented their case in a way that makes it easy for the Justice Department to take it straight to a judge.
In fact, they've done it before, and it worked out in their favor.

Justice Is Coming for Donald Trump
For six years, the job of upholding the rule of law against Donald Trump has been passed from one unwilling set of hands to the next. Now the job has returned to where it started. There is nobody else to pass it to. The recommendation has arrived. The time for justice has come.

DOJ Lawyers Are Cowards if They Don’t Indict Trump

The Latest Political Humiliation for Donald Trump
The decision by the January 6th committee to recommend criminal prosecution for the former President is unprecedented in American history.

Biden Admin. Declares Housing A Human Right, Announces Plan To End Homelessness
Study after study has shown that the most effective and least expensive way to help the unhoused population is to house them. Preventing them from becoming unhoused in the first place is also pretty helpful.

Fascist Politics, the Return of Antisemitism and the “Disconnected Present”

Donald Trump's trading cards appear to be poorly-edited stock images or taken from catalogs
"And not only are they worth nothing, apparently any slackjawed yob with Photoshop and an Amazon account could have made their own versions."

Why right-wing anti-woke 'free thinkers' are total hypocrites: journalist
These miscreants will be relegated to the dustbin of history.

'Judicial supremacy': How the Supreme Court has usurped the other two branches of government
High time to shut the tyrants down.

'Nobody really wants to lease to us': Anti-LGBTQ+ preacher unable to find new location for evicted church
Why would they? Take a good long look at yourselves.

Dozens of climate leaders demand Democrats ditch Joe Manchin's zombie 'dirty deal' in spending bill
Ditch Joe Manchin.

Minnesota Man Collared In Alleged Mass Shooting Plot
Another fucked-up, gun-crazed Nazi.
One thing that America produces better than anyone.

GOP Senator Files Bill To Criminalize Internet Porn
Just think of it, America: We WILL become a theocracy!
Does this guy have anything better to do with his spare time?
He's obscene.

Anti-semitic assault of senior man ends with attacker shouting 'Kanye 2024'
We should all know how big this Nazi iceberg is by now.
Why aren't we getting rid of the promoters of this filthy garbage?
Twitter should be the first thing to go.

Trump-supporting head of 'Priests for Life' booted by Vatican over 'blasphemous communications'
Why, I can't be ousted! I am a priest for life! ROTFLMAO!

'The end is near for Donald Trump' with criminal referrals and bankruptcy looming: former GOP lawmaker
Let's all give a cheer!

States that restrict access to abortion have higher rates of maternal and infant mortality, study finds
Isn't that a surprise, Scalito?

REVEALED: The Donors to Tucker Carlson’s News Org—and Their Ethical Conflicts
Quite the con man.

Trump issues threat in 'our country is sick' attack on the DOJ and the FBI
What a chickenshit. And it's all because he's the sickest sicko in the known universe! MAGA-GA!

Woman Documents Price She's Paying For Republican Anti-Abortion Crusades
This is difficult to watch, but her story needs to be told.
Mean and evil motherfuckers.

GOP Turns Hearing On Violence Into A Clown Show
A ‘Woke Army’? Republicans turn final House hearing on far-right violence into a clown show
Toys in the attic.

OH Pastor Busted In Human Trafficking Sting
Robert Kassler, is a pastor at Manchester Christian Church in New Franklin, OH.
Nailed another bunch.

Vaseline Woman: “They Messed With The Wrong Bitch”
Looks to me like the got the right bitch, bitch.

DOJ: Rioter Plotted To Kill The Feds Investigating Him
Another one eats dust.

Nice Alabama Ladies Feeding, Spaying Feral Cats convicted of CRIMING
A special report on the intellectual levels of the municipal "authoritas" of Wetumpka, Alabama, deep in the Land of the Happy Negro.

Starbucks Workers launch biggest strike yet in rebellion against 'anti-union bullying'
Union now! Union forvever!

Feds nab right-wing suspect who sympathized with Club Q shooter and was 'dedicated to dying' in a shootout
A Minnesota man who compiled a large stock of weapons and ammunition and expressed support for mass shootings online, while making disparaging remarks about minorities, gays and Jewish people, has been arrested after a FBI sting.

Alabama MAGA rioter arrested for allegedly using stun gun while fighting cops at the Capitol
Another one ensnared by his treason.

Meet Ron DeSantis’ New “Public Health Integrity Committee”
Fuck DeSantis and his grifting toadies.

Ron DeSantis’s Anti-Vaccine Campaign Continues Trump’s War on the Rule of Law
Hopefully this guy will take a long walk over a very high and steep cliff soon.

Hate Group Sues New Mexico Over Assisted Suicide Law
These people want their religion to govern us. Just like the Taliban.

DeSantis Vows To Sign No-Permit Open Carry Bill
Again, the man aids and abets murder. Why is it we want Nazis like him? Has our country really lost it?

Ben Shapiro Has The Marriage Equality Super Sadz: Those Gays Plan To Impose Their Beliefs On Everybody
He must have overlooked the Christo-fascists.

J6 Committee To Vote On Urging DOJ To Charge Trump

North Carolina judges rule Republicans 'acted unconstitutionally' in strategic voter suppression efforts
Damaged Party, anyone? Thank, Fatso for it. But Hillary warned you.

'Cash grab': Knives out in TrumpWorld as his closest allies rage over his 'worthless' NFT stunt
Maybe we won't have to send him to jail if he's carved up in pieces


Nancy Pelosi: American Hero, Real and True
"I can't go to bed without pausing to praise the subject of that documentary as well as the movie itself. I urge anyone who has access to it on HBO Max to see it. I think it would be a damn good think if every American could see that movie."
I agree.

QAnon adherent who led mob that chased Capitol cop on Jan. 6 given 5-year prison sentence
They are going too light on sentencing these traitors. They will get out and do the same things again.

Developers Found Graves in the Virginia Woods. Authorities Then Helped Erase the Historic Black Cemetery

Carlson: Scientists Want To Put Unvaxxed In “Camps”
Does he and Janson feel the same about wearing seat belts in your auto?
Were these people born yesterday?
How Not Wearing a Seatbelt Affects your Insurance Claims

Wake Up, Media. Elon Musk Has Always Been A Con Artist
Especially conned were the people who considered him a "genius."

Combatting Economic Inequality Is a Key Democratic Value
People want to live in a fair and equitable society. And achieving one is possible.
This means getting rid of the Nazis by any means.

Conservative donors are funneling 'dark money' toward a SCOTUS case that could drastically alter US voting laws
More proof the American Nazi Party will destroy democracy if they are not stopped.

How Trump and Elon build their cults: Exploiting right-wing insecurity
Yep, Trump's latest "MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT" is massive cringe — but that only makes his fans cling to him harder
"There's a fool born every minute" has never been truer.

Self-declared 'free speech absolutist' Elon Musk slammed for suspending journalists from Twitter
No free press on Mush's Nazi board.

'Free speech for me, but not for thee': Elon Musk suspends multiple journalists from Twitter
Living in fear, part infinity.

NY Post: “Don’t Give Any Money To Con Artist Trump”
"...another money grab." He must be far more broke than we ever thought.
Send this grifter up the river so far we'll never see him again.

TX Rep Hires “Death To Drag Show Attendees” Activist
Oh no, not another one. A waste of money and failure to boot. Jake Neidert: "..called for the public execution of people who take children to drag events." More Christo-fascists.
That's just what HE needs. What scum piles.
Tex-ass, the most backward state.

Republicans get cold feet on McCarthy's 'inappropriate' plan to boot Democrats off committees: report
They are unfit to lead anywhere but off the dock.

DeSantis Vows To Sign Anti-Abortion “Heartbeat” Bill
Chickenshit. He will be the death of many women and as such he should be charged with their murders.

Three Men Sentenced To Prison Terms Over Plot To Kidnap Gov. Whitmer
Kidnapping used to be the death penalty. Attempting it should be life.

'I have some major announcements too': President Joe Biden one-ups Donald Trump's overhyped cash grab
Some online are calling it grifting and a scam.
Ya, think? That's all he's ever done with his worthless existence. The joke is on us, America.
Unlike Trump’s NFT scheme, responses to Biden’s tweet were very supportive.

'The sheer insanity!' Former Trump official rages at his political judgement over trading card video
Here come the men in the white coats, asshole.

'We shelter the ignorant': Adam Kinzinger gut punches the GOP over 'lies and deceit' in searing farewell address
Nice going, Adam.

'You don't get to lead a government you tried to destroy': Democrats file bill to ban Donald Trump from office
Good for starters. Now, put his ass in stir.

MAGA Capitol rioter 'can't believe' that he is 'going to jail' for 'NFT salesman' Donald Trump
Believe it, loser. All over a cheap grifter. Now you are following another Nazi. You will never learn.

Free Speech Absolutist Elon Musk Announces New Limits on Free Speech
Another screwball. Don't we have enough already?

MyPillow Guy Demanding Ronna McDaniel DEBATE MEEE! On Steve Bannon's Show, RNC Race Going Swell
How high can they stack shit?

Voters in five Texas cities approved decriminalizing marijuana. Now city officials are standing in the way
Texas is for dimwits.

How Do We Stop Wealthy Rightwing “Christians” from Bribing the Supreme Court?
Imposing a judicial code of ethics on SCOTUS like the European Parliament is creating this week is a vital place for Congress and the White House to begin
Stop calling them Christians.

Lauren Boebert is more dangerous than ever
When Boebert isn’t trying to own the libs, she’s often found advancing extreme positions, such as when in June she advised an audience, “The church is supposed to direct the government,” and complained, “I’m tired of this separation of church and state junk that’s not in the Constitution.” In September, she told another audience that “we are in the last of the last days” — that’s right, the literal rapture.
What will it mean for Colorado to have a bigoted, election-denying representative who believes the end times are imminent wielding power in Congress? You don’t need to be a prophet to know the state should brace for more exasperation, threats and embarrassment.
She will get what she deserves. Make no mistake.

“Suicide by Cop”: How Police Present Killings as Unavoidable
American police speak in a peculiar lexicon. When an officer guns somebody down, it is an “officer-involved shooting.” When a department spokesperson speaks of “the use of force,” police violence is reduced to basic physics. “Fatality” dulls a plainer reality: that somebody has been killed.
A less-discussed clause carries with it the same obfuscation of meaning: “suicide by cop.” The phrase refers to a person who provokes the police’s violence to kill themselves. But too often it has been loosely applied to excuse police killings as unavoidable.

NC Pastor Hit With 14 New Child Sex Charges
They just keep coming. Their "faith" is a failure.

Florida Christian School Student Charged With School Shooting Threat, Several Guns Found In Home
Any relation to Ron DeSantis?

Interfaith Alliance Celebrates Historic Signing of Respect For Marriage Act

Elon Musk's nudge-and-wink embrace of QAnon conspiracism signals a dark turn for Twitter
Many people I know have quit Twitter. It's become a madhouse of QAnon and fascist crazy sewer.

San Antonio Drag Protesters Outnumbered By Rowdy Supporters
People who hate drag shows and threaten them with violence have made drag shows more popular than ever.

Republicans Sick of Trump Have a Major Problem: The Trump Base
The GOP continues to rot as a political party, as a governing institution, and as a moral entity.

Robert Reich: Electoral College reform is 'urgent' as the Supreme Court considers 'bonkers' election theory
SCOTUS is the biggest danger to freedom in our country. These fascists are trying to kill democracy.

Man opens fire on St. Louis KFC because they ran out of corn?: report
This sounds more like a joke line from Mad magazine. But no. America and their gun obsession demonstrates we are sicker than we imagine.

'Pyramid scheme' promoted by Trump and Celebrity Apprentice links him to federal lawsuit: plaintiffs
There's enough on Fatso to put him away for the remainder of his life.

Republicans want to blame Club Q shooting and other hate crimes, baselessly, on police defunding
During Wednesday's House hearing, Republicans minimized the role bigotry plays in anti-LGBTQ hate crimes
More Nazi racist hate.

Nancy Pelosi’s Portrait Unveiled In US Capitol
American greatness in our generation.

Tucker Carlson: California Will Use “Nazi Race Science”
Only the Nazi himself would spew out such vomit.
If he's not buying into the old adage of "one drop of blood makes you Black," he shows his stupidity. As usual.
If anyone has ever watched the ancestry show on PBS we know that many white people have Black bloodlines in their DNA. Is he saying these people are Black?

More texts from Mark Meadows' phone: Republicans in Congress spread fake 'Jan. 6 was antifa' claims
The dog.

Press Treats DeSantis's Assault On Public Health As Horse Race Story
Our useless corporate media strikes again.
Anyone can say they are with the media these days. It's never been considered as low.

'Political theater': Conservative rips Ron DeSantis for 'sucking up' to the ‘conspiracist anti-vax fringe’
And that's not all this faacist sucks.

'The guardrails are completely off': SPLC members warn of 'war' within party at GOP event
Too much DMT? Or just plain Nazi stupidity.

'He knew what he did': Adam Kinzinger explains why Donald Trump should face criminal charges

'We are being slaughtered and dehumanized': Club Q owner shames anti-LGBTQ+ House Republicans
They are the responsible party.

'It's not fair': 'Genius' MAGA pastor wants voting rights repealed because Democrats win elections
"A pro-Trump Mississippi pastor"? He worships Satan.
He's pissed because they arean't fucking idiots like him and his MAGAt pals.

Manager Of Restaurant Throws Embarrassing Fit Over Gay Couple Kissing
It's a kiss, dude. Calm down.

Ooof!: Boebert Is Angry At Homeland Security Head Over Drug Seizures
What an absolute walnut. Seizing drugs is the point, Dumbo. Or do you need it that badly?

Police Say Pelosi Attacker Had List Of His Next Targets: Gavin Newsom, Tom Hanks, Hunter Biden, Professor
Then that should be his punishement: run a gauntlet of dudes with hammers!
Typical Republican.

Super Sadz: Tony Perkins Melts Down Over Marriage Bill
Hopefully, so much he disappears!

Cotton Blocks Passage Of Press Freedom Act
We've always had a free press, you throwback.

A Fifth of American Adults Struggle to Read. Why Are We Failing to Teach Them?
Are we failing or are they failing themselves? They may think there's no good reason to read all the fake news in the world thanks to snake oil salesmen.

‘Destroying the nuclear family’: Laura Ingraham falsely claims new marriage law takes rights away from Christians
Christians are very insecure people. They must be worried they won't be able to marry unless they become bigger assholes.
And it's giving her the sadz about mass.

Trump Isn’t Our Biggest Problem: It’s the Authoritarian Fascist Movement He Launched
The American media needs to call this movement what it is, fascism, and demand accountability and answers from the thousands of Republican politicians nationwide who refuse to repudiate it...

Texas attorney general’s office sought state data on transgender Texans
Certifiable creeps.

Musk Pledged $6B to Solve World Hunger But Gave It to His Own Foundation Instead
Well, that's not much compared to what he's going after, which is the entire world's cash supply.

COVID Vaccines Have Saved 3 Million Lives In US, If You Believe 'Science'
Seems like I may have heard of it but it was associated with "fiction," no? (sarcasm - invented by MTG)

Inside a GOP event where right-wing influencers plotted 'war'
“Every single thing referred to this war that they believe that they’re in,” Hayden said. “I have to repeatedly say that we are not in their war, they are at war with us, and I think it’s really important to understand that there are people in this country who get together and plot in private and give each other awards who believe that they’re at war with us. So for that sense, I felt it was very important to document it and to inform the public that it’s happened.”
Proving how dangerous to Americans these Nazis are.

Former NFL cheerleaders left 'humiliated and incensed' after Republicans distribute 'salacious' photos of them: lawyers
I mean, really?

Inside the Jury Room for the Trump Org Criminal Trial
Jurors thought a Trump Organization lawyer was insulting. They knew the employees were liars. And the defense team’s jingle fell flat

Kari Lake's doomed legal battle: The holiday grift that keeps on giving
Arizona's biggest loser can't overturn the election. But she can raise tons of money and serve her cult leader
More American trash.

Elon Musk mulls axing severance pay for laid off workers and has stopped paying rent at Twitter offices: NYT
Don't forget, you heard he was Trump 2.0 right here in "The Land."

Cryptocurrency was always a scam — powered by white male privilege
The downfall of Sam Bankman-Fried serves as a reminder of how many white male "geniuses" are just full of crap
They are talking about you, Elon.

Texas Records Show Musk Didn’t Vote In The Midterms
After all his "division and hate" yapping. STFU!

WH: GOP Rep’s “Marshall Law” Text Is “Disgusting”
“That text message came from a source of frustration, on the heels of countless unanswered questions about the integrity of the 2020 election, without any way to slow down and examine those issues prior to the inauguration of the newly elected president.”
What a sore loser. All of the "issues" were examined and answered prior to the inauguration, numb-nuts. All because assholes like you made it so.

Right-wing judge makes the inevitable move against birth control rights
More scum to pollute America. Where do these shitbirds come from? Texas, apparently.
Nazis should be outlawed and not women's rights. And fuck Christo-fascism.

The Unmitigated Gall Of Representative Scott Fitzgerald
Representative Scott Fitzgerald partook in the attempted overthrow of government, then threatens intelligencer agents with being questioned over Hunter Biden's laptop.
"For Fitzgerald to make such wild claims and threats takes a helluva lot of nerve and an even greater lack of integrity. honesty and self-awareness. Especially when one considers that it was Fitzgerald who had reserved a room in the Wisconsin State Capitol for the 10 fake electors to commit their act of treason and other crimes. On top of that, Fitzgerald had voted against accepting the election results and against both impeachments."
The decay of American integrity is strong here.

Ten Years After Sandy Hook, 'False Flag' Lies Are Everywhere
Yes, Alex Jones is being held accountable for spreading conspiracy theories – but those sorts of lies now plague the US.

President Joe Biden signs historic same-sex and interracial marriage protections into law
Atta go, Joe.

How Elon Musk's anti-Fauci attacks are designed for the 'right-wing information ecosystem': columnist
Just another tw-bit Nazi.

Ye’s Antisemitism: Nothing To Do With the Black Community, Straight From the White Supremacist Playbook

Qatar Accused of Bribing Leaders in Biggest Ever EU Scandal
These fucks are the definition of corrupt. They are the biggest pricks and should be boycotted by the world.

Trump has reached 'maximum legal and political risk' as his 'moment of truth' has arrived: analyst
Squirm and sweat you fat fuck!

Choir director at private Catholic school pleads guilty to more than 25 child sex crimes
Same old song, verse infinity. And the fools keep attacking LGBT and drag queens?

Neo-Nazi arrested in traffic stop had bulletproof vest and ghost gun: report
Neo-Nazi, same as old Nazi Nazi. Does same stupid shit.

‘WAY TOO SOON TO GIVE IN NOW!’ Read the Unhinged Texts from GOP Congressmen as They Tried to Overturn the 2020 Election
Talk about stupid fuckheads. They can keep obsessing on the 2020 and the 2024 will be over before they can say "WTF!"

Brazilian Extremists Riot In Bid To Overturn Election
Bolsonaro Nazis in Brazil act just like our own. Yellow shirt cowards and stacks of the shits.
Bolsonaro is being advised by Steve Bannon. Our very own Nazi nitwit. His end is coming soon.

Insurrectionists ready to ‘cross the Rubicon’ in their ongoing war against American democracy
Deluded idiots will be wiped out. Total war is what you will get.

At least 34 members of Congress texted Mark Meadows to declare willingness to participate in coup
All the criminals must be removed.

Trump: People 'Wanted' The Jan 6 Insurrection To Happen
Every Nazi that worshipped him did. Otherwise, not so much.

Mark Meadows Texts Published And It Smells Like GOP Sedition
What else did we expect?

Over 300 Oath Keepers Identified Themselves As DHS Employees
All are traitors.

'Corporate Greed at Its Worst': Top US Utility Giants Reap $14 Billion in Profits as Households Suffer
"Utility companies have chased higher and higher profits and enriched investors rather than keep prices stable for working families."
The people should own utitilties.

'Our last hope is Marshall Law!!': GOP lawmakers' texts to Mark Meadows revealed in new report
Did he mean Marshall Dillon or Marshall amps? ROTFLMAO!

Republicans have a plan — to hold America hostage over the debt ceiling yet again
GOP readies another round of legislative terrorism in search of spending cuts. Biden needs to fight back hard
The Nazi Party should get some brains and stop being dicks.

A prayer before dying: On the Republican Party's terminal illness
I was a Republican for years. I can testify that GOP leaders know their party is doomed, and there's no escape

Right wing attacks on Brittney Griner are part of a larger — and unhinged — backlash to LGBTQ rights
As Biden signs the Respect for Marriage Act, anti-gay Republican rhetoric becomes nastier and scarier

Twitter Axes Council Tasked With Fighting Hate Speech
"Elon Musk's Twitter dissolves the Trust And Safety Council formed in 2016 to address problems like hate speech, child exploitation, suicide and self-harm"
Twitter is now a Nazi playground.

Florida Oath Keeper Found Guilty Of Multiple Felonies
Traitor bites it. They all will.

Washington Pastor And Wife Charged In Capitol Riot
Two more traitors bite the dust.

On The Rise Of Drone “Skyvertising” Over US Cities
Welcome to dystopia. This must be stopped and stopped quickly.

Negotiations over boosting child tax credits are proof we are a crooked, crooked country
Meet the single greatest cause of child poverty in America: Republicans

Tucker Carlson regular faces elder abuse charges and stealing over $224k in Florida
Catherine Areu Jones: Another crackpot.

Former U.S. Attorney Bharara: DOJ 'On Path To Charge' Trump Next Month
Former federal prosecutor and former U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York Preet Bharara believes we're finally going to see some charges against Trump next month.
Fatso gets his.

Texas pastor openly calls on 'Christian nationalists' to 'impose their values on society'
He must need to make a payment on a mansion? Grifter DeLuxe. Get bent, Jefress.
Christian nationalists are not Christians. Write it in stone.

How parts of the 'anti-woke right' are pushing a 'secular culture war': report
All you Christo-fascists bound to lose!

Former top Twitter official forced to leave home due to threats amid ‘Twitter Files’ release
The poison that is Musk.

Special Counsel Subpoenas Georgia Secretary Of State
Takin' names, kickin' ass. Get ready all of you whiney-assed Trump toadies.

Stone: Bidens Opened “Demonic Portal” Over The WH
Typical vomit from the Pinhead.
“If you believe the Bible, and we do, then you believe Satan exists, and he does, and you believe there are demons and therefore a portal in which demons enter this realm is not such a crazy idea at all.
Well, there's Roger to prove it!

DC insider shreds Marjorie Taylor Greene for claiming she'd have 'won' if she led January 6
Indeed, all she would have won was a trip to prison for treason.
Stupid on stupid.

'These are crimes': Jamie Raskin slams Marjorie Taylor Greene's remarks about 'winning' armed insurrection
Grand Jury time for her. Wipe her out.

Marjorie Taylor Greene's new 'endorsement of violence' could land her in front of a grand jury: CNN analysts<br> "That's an endorsement of violence."
She has violated her oath of office with this.
"This is not stuff to take lightly," he continued. "This is a country on the edge in a lot of ways and if she really means this, she should repeat it under oath. I'd love to hear it."

Michigan Supreme Court slams 'final nail in legal coffin' of Trump ally's last-ditch 'voter fraud' lawsuit
The end of Trump and his bandit gang is coming.

Man Shoots Black Airbnb Guest Walking To Grocery Store
Showing Black people that whites aren't afraid to dry-ghulch them.

Anti-trans villain brings racist billionaire on stage, and the audience erupts in boos
"Peppering his jokes with the N-word ironically, even calling Musk 'this N-word,' Chappelle was obviously oblivious to the unleashed racism on Twitter following Musk's $44 billion purchase of the platform."
Chapelle is no better and has been hoodwinking all along.

Red-Pilled Elon Musk Still Loves the Chinese Communist Party
"Musk has refashioned himself into a conservative idol, strategically leaking selected Twitter communications to sympathetic journalists and spraying out a series of right-wing talking points, from accusing Paul Pelosi of lying about the attack that hospitalized him to ranting about the 'woke mind virus.' By October, he had secured a place in the pantheon of conservative heroes so rarefied that the House Judiciary Committee tweeted in adulation, 'Kanye. Elon. Trump.'”

'Learn how sarcasm works': Marjorie Taylor Greene quickly backpedals on 'armed' insurrection
Sure. That always works for cowards like you who run their mouths and have no backbones when they are called out.
"Some analysts have suggested that Greene's remarks could lead to a grand jury investigation."
Which should lead to her removal.

‘Treason out loud’: Critics call Marjorie Taylor Greene’s remarks ‘fantasizing about killing her colleagues’
She can't go on without serious consequences for her "sarcasm." That she said the mob had no weapons clearly illustrates she's not being sarcastic. She's fantasizing as usual.

'As bad as it can get': Legal expert says Trump special master case ended in 'humiliation for Judge Cannon'

Judge Cannon Forced to Toss Trump’s Special Master Bid for Mar-a-Lago Docs
Fatso loses again.

Everybody Hates Elon Musk
If Elon Musk set out to become one of the most loathed men on the planet, he's an unqualified success.

Rightwing 'Patriots' Still Acting Like Racist Scumbags Over Brittney Griner

White House Hits Back at Marjorie Taylor Greene’s ‘Armed’ Jan 6 Comments: ‘A Slap in the Face’ to the Capitol Police and Victims’ Families
And she's no lady. And they had firearms you stupid bitch. The woman is illiterate.
Capitol Protesters Were Armed With Variety of Weapons

Twitter To Raise Character Limit From 280 To 4000
Why stop there? So many assholes, so little character space.

'Prosecute/Fauci': Musk aligns himself with the far-right, and Twitter is now dangerously unsafe
Fuck Musk. Long and hard.

Elon Musk Booed For 10 Minutes At Dave Chappelle Stadium Show
This asshole can shut his yapper and do us all a big favor.
Chapelle's no better.

Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago conduct 'checks the boxes' for indictment on three criminal statutes
Put him on a rocket to the end of our universe.

Israel and the rise of Jewish fascism
Just when you think we won't all go mad.

'The importance of this news cannot be overstated': Scientists achieve 'breakthrough' in fusion technology

Marge: Jan. 6 Would Have Succeeded If I Organized It
And she added, "We would have been armed."
They were armed you dumbass. Next time we'll have the Guard in place. Let's see how tough you are then?
Anyone, especially one who serves in our government, that promotes treason should immediately lose their job.
They should also be investigated for criminal charges.
This miscreant is a traitor. She has very clearly betrayed her oath which cannot be denied.

Morning Joe panelists condemn Marjorie Taylor Greene’s ‘disgusting’ speech
Kick her ass to the streets where she can walk them again.

'We want total war': Young Republican group cheers on the next insurrection
This is the Nazi party of treason to which Greene adheres.

CNN Host: MTG Has Just “Endorsed Violent Sedition”
“That’s an endorsement of violent sedition. Make no mistake about it.”
She must be removed.

Trump Admits Rejecting Russian Offer To Trade Whelan
So STFU up bigmouths.

MTG: Bannon and I Would Have ‘Been Armed’ and ‘Won’ the Insurrection
The congresswoman also claimed during a speech on Saturday that "teachers can pass around dildos, butt plugs and lube" in the classroom
She's a deeply ill person and dangerous as cancer.

Second Journalist Dies While Covering Qatar World Cup
And a security guard was seriously injured after falling at one of the stadiums on the same day.
Journalists beware. Those sand jockies may have it in for you.

Hitting the Books: America might not exist if not for a pre-Revolution smallpox outbreak

Sanders calls Sinema 'corporate Democrat' who 'sabotaged' legislation
He's very accurate about her.

Texas hits 1,000 days under Greg Abbott’s public health disaster as a new COVID-19 wave and legislative session loom
After more than 92,000 deaths and 8 million reported COVID-19 cases in Texas, the state remains one of less than a dozen still under a statewide disaster or public health emergency.
Brains are at an all time low here.

Trump and John Eastman likely at top of list for Jan. 6 criminal referrals: legal expert
Well, duh.

Trump is 'very aware' he 'could end up in jail': biographer
Keep him away from sharp things.

Federal judge strikes down part of Montana’s anti-vaxx law as unconstitutional
The Montana Nurses Association, which was part of a group of plaintiffs, praised the ruling.
“The Court’s order is a win for all Montanans—young or old, healthy or sick—who no longer need to worry about government interference with the safety of their healthcare in Montana,” said Vicky Byrd, CEO of the Montana Nurses Association.
Brains win again.

Elon Musk: “My Pronouns Are Prosecute/Fauci”
Another broken person fit for the trash heap.

Herschel Walker Shocked That He Didn't Receive 100% Of Vote

US Democracy Is in Danger and Mainstream Media Is Silent
Case in point: Moore v. Harper.

Loser Kari Lake Files Another Lawsuit Insisting She Won
Is there something in the water in Arizona?
No, it's her "wet brain."

‘A Mere Basketball Player’: Newsmax Host Eric Bolling Trashes Brittney Griner After Prisoner Swap
This clueless POS should not be saying anything on any media outlet in the U.S.
He wants athletes that suffer from pain to use the same drug that killed his son. He's a disgusting racist.
"Neither Bolling nor Carlson noted the fact the Biden administration secured the release of U.S. citizen, Marine, and White man Trevor Reed from Russian custody in April – well before Griner’s"
On the stupid meter both he and Carlson break it.

TX Pastor Charged With Sexual Assault Of 11-Year-Old
Like guns, when will God be put away?
"It's time to put God away" — Faith/Void by Bill Callahan

Pastors of defunct church plead guilty to car loan and COVID-19 fraud
More reasons to "put God away."

Why in the hell did we need cryptocurrency? The collapse of FTX and SBF explained, sort of
It's deeply surprising that investing in money that isn't money, at a bank that isn't a bank, didn't go well
Nah. The deep greed of get rich quick Americans drove this. Snake oil at its worst.

Influential Northeast Florida donor, subject of active JSO investigation, found dead Thursday
It's a start. And it should rub off on DeSantis.

“You’re Going To Die” Rioter Sentenced To Five Years
Hope he enjoys those FEW years in prison.

Judge Declines To Hold Trump In Contempt Of Court
Why do any of us want to obey any law?

Reporter Who Wore Rainbow Shirt Dies At World Cup
I smell a big fat Oatari rat.

Yep, Gen Z Won The Midterms
Near record-high numbers of young people voted during the midterms. signaling a possible shift in voting trends.
Let the fascists be warned.

Abbreviated pundit roundup: The Kyrsten Sinema Chronicles, continued
Who likes her? Absolutely nobody.

Hey Kyrsten: You Are Why 'Good Riddance' Is Trending
Critics Swing After Sinema Declares "Independence": "She's driven by which corporations and lobbyists are giving her the most money — which makes her an elected mercenary, not an elected representative of the people."
Flush her down the toilet.

Ignore The Noise: Colorado Shooter's Motive Was Anti-Gay Hate
Red herrings aside, Colorado Springs shooter’s clear motivation was rabid anti-LGBTQ hatred.
Any fool could see that.

Now that inanimate property fell victim to the right-wing insurgency, will the Republicans help end it?
What Ye's antisemitism teaches us about right-wing hate speech

'Shut force': Michigan GOP official calls for aggressive closure of public library over LGBTQ books
And then burn it down, right? "Fahrenheit 451" is happening due to some pretty fucked up turds like this. The best thing to do is get rid of scumbags like this asshole.

'A political power grab': NY Times slams Supreme Court for even considering 'dangerously radical' ISL theory
Political? Hell, it's just more treason by these fascist bastards.
"To be clear, this is a political power grab in the guise of a legal theory. Republicans are trying to see if they can turn state legislatures — 30 of which are controlled by Republicans — into omnipotent, unaccountable election bosses with the help of the conservative supermajority on the Supreme Court. The theory has no basis in law, history or precedent.
The idea that state lawmakers exist free of any constraints imposed by their constitution and state courts makes a mockery of the separation of powers, which is foundational to the American system of government. By the North Carolina lawmakers’ logic, they possess infinite power to gerrymander districts and otherwise control federal elections. It is a Constitution-free zone where no one else in the state — not the governor, not the courts, not the voters through ballot initiatives — has any say.”

Ron DeSantis' gruesome campaign plan: I'm the genius who defeated COVID — and let thousands die
Ron DeSantis hopes to beat Trump by running as the manly man who rejects vaccines and welcomes mass death
Hopefully, it will be him that goes first.

J6 Panel Reveals List Of Those Considered For Criminal Referrals
I'll bet there is a lot of ketchupping going on at Mar-a-Lago right now.
There are at least four individuals who are considered for criminal referrals, in addition to former President Donald Trump.
Fatso has been nailed.
"I would have been surprised if any of the miscreants listed weren't targeted with criminal referrals."

Christian Sex “Expert” OKs Giving Others A “Holy Kiss”
Funny, he doesn't look like a sex "expert." More like a pervert.
"Piper last appeared on JMG when he called for “circumcising the hearts” of atheists. Piper first appeared here in 2015 when he declared that sex is for Christians only." A-ha! Cornering the market for Jesus!

DeSantis Loses Again: Third “Voter Fraud” Case Tossed
The only fraud here is DeSantis.

Fox Host: “Liberals Are The Most Intolerant People”
Yep, most of us are fed up with your fascist bullshit.

The Top Target of Texas’ Abortion Bounty Law Isn’t Backing Down
After a case against him got dismissed, Dr. Alan Braid says he hopes his opponent appeals, "so that even a higher court has a chance to rule on the unconstitutionality of this law"
"But, deep down, I never ever thought that Roe would be overturned because to repeat history and expect a different outcome is insanity."
Exactly what the government of Texas is.
Get the Supreme Court out of American health care. They have NO BUSINESS THERE!

Iranian Security Forces Shooting Women's Faces, Genitalia
One physician said he believed the authorities were targeting men and women in different ways “because they wanted to destroy the beauty of these women”. Medics say Iranian security forces are targeting protesting women with shotgun fire to their faces, breasts and genitals. Doctors and nurses said that women often arrived with different wounds to men, who more commonly had shotgun pellets in their legs, buttocks and backs.
And the fucking UN doesn't want Iran because the US want them out? Wonder how they'd feel about finding a new home for their support of terrorism? "The Thing Muslims Fear the Most"
One cannot be Muslim and criticize the Koran. One can't be Muslim and listen to Western music, drink, smoke pot, and lead prayers if you're a woman. These old dried up, limp-dicked shitbags are not human. Fuck the swine eaters.

Tennessee Wants to Criminalize Drag Shows. Welcome to the Right’s Latest Assault on LGBTQ People
The state's bill aims to classify drag as “adult cabaret” and ban it from public performance where children might see it — violators could get jail time
Another retarded "Holy Nazi State of America." Hickwalls.

Carlson: Whelan Wasn’t Swapped Because He’s White
Asswipe pushing hate and despises anyone who does not accept his hate creed.

Fox News Host: Griner Should Have Been Left In Russia
Levin should be shipped there free.

Cameron: The Pilgrims Fled A “Woke Mob” In England
Another propagandist for "religion." When will these folk tales be exposed for their bullshit?
These people were "Separatists." Not unlike "Sovereign Citizens" these days. England was glad they left. Thankfully, every year there are less of them here.

'No one who's done more': Eric Trump says his father saved 'religious freedom' from Barack Obama
The name 'Trump' will forever be a synonym for 'moron.'

'This is insane': Ex-GOP insider slams Republicans for assailing the Constitution they once vowed to protect
Sinema is now a part of this in her disowning of the Democrat party.

Kyrsten Sinema leaving Democratic Party to register as an independent
Don't let the door hit your cowardly fat butt on the way out. This woman has done more damage to the party than anyone besides Manchin.
Political parties stand for something, Sin. You stand for the highest bidder. You know what that makes you, don't you?

ME, ME, ME: Kyrsten Sinema Announces Switch To Independent
Way to piss on what we thought was a solid majority to protect democracy, missy.
"Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema told Politico that she will change her affiliation to independent, but will not caucus with Republicans and suggested that she intends to vote the same way she has for four years in the Senate. “Nothing will change about my values or my behavior,” she said."
Then why did you do it? Not enough attention being paid to your sorry ass?
She held on to that info until Herschel got dumped. Putrid woman.

Morning Digest: Kyrsten Sinema becomes independent but says she still plans to caucus with Democrats
Frustrated Democrats spent the last year talking about waging a primary challenge to the senator in this swing state, and Rep. Ruben Gallego very much had not ruled out the idea. Sinema said Friday that “criticism from outside entities doesn’t really matter to me,” though several polls also showed her with terrible ratings with Democrats, Republicans, and independents in Arizona.
In other words, everyone hates her.

How one 'damning question' from Ketanji Brown Jackson 'might save the day' on voting rights: legal expert
“If state constitutions create state legislatures, then how can state legislatures violate state constitutions? It ceases to be a constitutionally ordained legislature at that point!” This is begging the question. They are too selfish, corrupt and downright stupid to understand this.

Neal Katyal uses Justice Clarence Thomas' own words against him during Supreme Court hearing
Neal is one smart cookie. Thomas is a dimwit. Impeach him.

Man Who Released 5,000 Taliban Prisoners Is Angry Griner Is Released
He genuinely is a terrible person. Coprophagian.

Putin's Puppet Throws A Fit Over Zelensky Being Named Time's Person Of The Year
Tucker Carlson railed against Ukraine and Zelensky for nearly 10 minutes straight.
Send the swine to Moscow.

GOP Rep Cites 'Bestiality' To Attack Respect For Marriage Act
Watching Rep. Good's speech, it appears that Rick Santorum has left an indelible mark on the GOP after all.

Newsmax Host Calls Griner “Drug Addict Wokester”
Some people are just unmitigated pricks.
"Merchant of Death"—That's the nickname of the prisoner Biden returned to Putin. He was convicted of conspiring to kill American law enforcement. So said Kevin McCarthy.
So were your Trump seditionist bastards on J6, hypocrite.

Trump’s Jewish Allies Are ‘Begging’ Him to Condemn Kanye. He’s Refusing
Prominent Jewish and human rights leaders are circulating a letter asking the former president to distance himself from West and Nick Fuentes. A Trump advisor responds: “I’ve seen it, and I do not care."
Anyone thinks this empty voidoid gives a shit about anything but himself is totally ill.

Chicago paper calls for 'jackhammering' controversial Trump name off of tower
Let it be so.

FBI investigating five power substations attacked in Pacific Northwest strikes similar to North Carolina
The Nazi Civil War is ramping up. These domestic terrorists should be shot on sight.

Run-off Victory in Georgia Signals Good News for Social Security Recipients
With their run-off victory in Georgia, Democrats now have a mandate to protect Social Security. Here's what they need to do next.

Republicans Want the Supreme Court to “Rewrite History” So They Can Hijack Elections
It's what fascists do. And they do it all the time.

Fox Host Swipes at Brittney Griner While Announcing Her Release
This pasty trecherous frump has a lot of gall.

Kari Lake Goes Out With a Whimper: She Couldn’t Galvanize Trump’s Jan. 6 Army
Good riddance to bad rubbish.

This Week’s Developments May Portend the Final Collapse of Trumpism
Trump's reckless behavior and rhetoric are also continuing to cause problems. Wolf noted that Trump's call for the U.S. Constitution to be nixed which has led to more of a divide within the party. With this type of divide, the party will likely find it even more difficult to move forward collectively.

US gas prices lower than they were a year ago
The average price of gasoline in the U.S. is lower than it was a year ago, after many months of elevated prices marked by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Oh Damn, Joe Biden Is Bringing Brittney Griner Home
Well good morning to the Biden administration, which has apparently figured out how to do some diplomacy with the world's vilest, most garbage national leader.

Trump Had MORE Stolen Classified Docs In Storage Unit Out By The Highway? You Lie!
Portrait of a scumbag.

New DOJ special counsel wastes no time subpoenaing Trump World allies
All of them to the slammer.

For white evangelical Protestants, power is religion and Herschel Walker is their vessel
A vessel in vain.

Brittney Griner Released From Russian Prison
Welcome home, Brittney!

House Republicans Using Social Security As A Bargaining Chip
As GOP Threats Continue, Dems Told to 'Raise the Debt Limit Before It's Too Late!'
Cutthroat bastards.

WSJ: The Biggest Lesson Of 2022 Is Trump Picks Losers
Everything Trump touches dies.

Fox News Host: Teenage Girls “Like The Alcohol Scene”
"It Kills Your Brain"? That's his excuse then.
57 years and going stong here. Sorry, you loser.

A boil-water notice in Houston made national news. In rural Texas, it’s a way of life.
Rural communities face compounding reasons they can’t improve their water infrastructure, including inflation and a lack of human resources.
Someday Texas just might realize it's the 21 Century.

No Sleazeballs Left Behind

GOP's latest Arizona election conspiracy completely 'delusional': local columnist
We are onto you nutballs. No more of your fake Trump shenanigans.

Signs suggest domestic terrorism in North Carolina power outage, but motivations still unknown
Domestic terrorism is just getting started. Their follow-up to J6.

VA Restaurant Refuses Service To Extreme Religious Group
Sincerely held beliefs work both ways you see now.

US Supreme Court Wants to Make America More Bigoted Again
Bigots are switching to "creative expression" instead of religion as the club they'll use to beat down public accommodation laws.

'They may dig their own grave': Conservative explains how 'wacky investigations' could doom House GOP in 2023
May? They're doing a great job of it with their MAGAt fascism now.

Armed Extremists Now 'Hyped' To Go After Drag Shows
Extremists appear emboldened to show up armed to LGBTQ events around the country
They're just pissed because they don't have the balls to put on their dresses themselves. Latent Nazi cowards.
Come out and join the world all you masked queers.

The History Of Drag
Dulce Sloan from The Daily Show goes through the history of drag, which goes all the way back to ancient history.
And these masked self-loathing nuts think they will put a stop to this? We are laughing at your little masks.

Ukraine update: Russia is shocked—shocked—to find that people might actually shoot back
Don't like it so much, do they?

Abbreviated pundit roundup: A rainy night in Georgia—yet again
Let's take a good close-up view of the Trump brand.
It's time for people to stop pretending about him.

IA Youth Pastor Arrested On Multiple Child Sex Charges
Another fake "Christian."

Ingraham “Pissed” At RNC Over Walker’s Loss
We are so sorry, Aunt Laura. Too bad, too bad.
Mike Lindell will make it all better. Why don't you consider the angry hickwall base you created?

Carlson: “Immigration Destabilizes Your Society”
Proudly showing he doesn't know shit from applebutter. Or...he's just another stinking Nazi.

Lauren Boebert Still Hasn’t Deleted Tweet Defending Kanye
Other GOPers are scrubbing their praise of the antisemite, but the Colorado congresswoman hasn't deleted her defense of Ye against accusations he was a "hatemonger"
If she had a brain she flushed it away long ago.

‘He’s an Insult to the Black Community’: Van Jones Rips Herschel Walker While Awaiting Election Results
“Tonight is about Trump picking somebody who frankly, used to be a hero,” Jones said during a CNN panel. “Herschel Walker used to be an inspiration. Now it means insult. He’s an insult to the Black community. And what you may see tonight is people coming out not just to vote in favor of a senator that they love, but just to vote against Donald Trump picking somebody like this and throwing this person at the voters in Georgia.”

Defense bill rolls back Pentagon’s Covid vaccine mandate
The continued dumbing down of America.

Sen. Raphael Warnock triumphs in Georgia Senate race against Herschel Walker
Goodbye, useful idiot!

Herschel Walker Is the New Normal
Win or lose, all the criticisms of Herschel Walker obscure a larger point: The Republicans have acclimated the American public to ghastly behavior from elected officials and candidates for high office. The result is lasting damage to our political system no matter what happens in Georgia or in the 2024 races.

GOP 'Vultures' Use Herschel Walker’s Campaign To Line Their Own Pockets
A barrage of fundraising emails from high-profile Republicans has some sneaky fine print: Some or even most of the money will never go to Walker.
The advantages of running a fool for a candidate.

Texas Judge Uses SCOTUS Ruling To Let Abusers Keep Guns
It was only in the past few decades that laws criminalizing domestic violence came to be widespread and enforced. But now, the U.S. is in danger of backtracking on that legal framework precisely because of the nation’s historical legacy of turning a blind eye to domestic violence.
In, Texas, it figures.

Legal experts say Trump Organization fraud convictions will help connect Donald to the crimes
Get ready to ride the boat up the river, Fatso.

Trump Organization found guilty on all 17 counts of criminal tax fraud
Criminal he is.

Poor little Gregy got hurted by drag queens and turns to treason because of it.

'How many more need to die?' Global health experts blast US for refusing to pause COVID-19 patents
Stunning how many people this the pandemic is over. They are the reason it hangs on to us.

This judge is showing Kari Lake that the courts are 'not a toy' for 'partisan theatrics': journalist
Thank you. Now STFU!

GOP Senator: Vote For Herschel Walker Instead Of 'High IQ' People
Old tabaccer spittin' Dixiecrat knows the Land of the Happy People like to keep their Negros dumb.
Another moron that uses the word "Woke" fully knowing what it really means.

McCarthy Said He'll Defund The Military Unless Vax Mandate Lifted
If he wants to commit suicide please let him.

J6 Committee To Make Criminal Referrals To The DOJ
Too the dungeons with them!

Second GOP House Rep To Reverse Marriage Bill Vote
“I, however, cannot support any effort that undermines religious liberties by failing to provide legitimate safeguards for faith-based organizations that object based on their deeply-held religious beliefs.”
One of the most disengenous statements any of the these theocrats beliefs can stand behind.
They are neither "deeply-held" nor "religious" but theocratic fascist propaganda.

Mormon Leader Had Sex With Underage Wives’ Father
He's a rapist. There are laws that should take care of the likes of yet another religious fake a good long time.

DeSantis Officials Finally Tell Us What “Woke” Means
He's a bad joke. And a fraud.
Fully exposing how duplicitous this phoney, fake, fascist moron is.

Con Law: How a Fake Document Could Help the Supreme Court Diminish our Democracy

Jim Stewart, co-founder of Stax Records in Memphis, dies at age 92
The late label chief is "an important piece of American music history," and an instigator in the Southern soul movement.

Special counsel subpoenas officials from three states while looking for communications with Trump in the leadup to Jan

Welcoming Our New AI Overlords
In conclusion, Elon Musk is a joke.

Family of fallen officer snubs McConnell, McCarthy at Jan. 6 Gold Medal ceremony
Can't say I blame him.

Herschel Walker Is an American Tragedy
Commodity. Chattel. Contraband. Capital. What is a Black body in the South? What is a Black southern man, carted out to work a white-owned field?
But doesn't he seem happy?

Wouldn't It Be Nice If This Georgia Runoff Roundup Were Our Last Post About Herschel Walker?
Universe willing.

Second Day of Drone Attacks Means Invasion of Ukraine Has Now Brought War to Russia
A third drone struck military targets inside Russia on Tuesday as Ukraine takes Russia’s war right to Putin’s doorstep.
Program one to blow his head off next.

“Appalling”: Legal experts call out Alito for “joking” about Black kids in KKK outfits at hearing
Alito later joked about Ashley Madison, a dating site that helps people have affairs
The biggest piece of trash on our court we've had to deal with.

Kanye West Calls On Jewish People To “Forgive Hitler”
Lost in a dream.Totally out of contact with reality. Still, we allow him to walk the streets.
Tell Ye to get help before it's too late.

How MAGA Republicans’ Hunter Biden obsession underscores a 'deep psychological need': ex-Reagan speechwriter
These feeble minded hickwalls need something to make them feel like they exist.
"MAGA Republicans’ obsession with Hunter Biden laughable in light of the many lines the former president has crossed."
They have no shame. Simple.

Ex-senator unleashes on 'criminal' Republicans like Trump who lied when they swore to uphold the Constitution
Send these traitors to stir.

'Joe Biden is not legitimate': Steve Bannon doubles down on Donald Trump's attack on the Constitution
No one cares what this losing pile of dogwaste thinks.

Dummy Marsha Blackburn Argues Against Military Vaccinations
Apparently, soldiers on ventilators will make us the best Army ever. The stupid, it hurts.
"There is no shortage of service members because of vaccine rules, dummy." DUMMY!
And,brother, the stupid is strong in this one. What band of hammerheads put her in office?

Herschel Walker Believes He's Running For The HOUSE
Walker's lack of "fitness to hold office" continues to plague him.
Well, there may be a "Herschel" running for the house. Does anyone care?
It is shameful and disgraceful that Republicans have used this man as a token.

Can Someone Change Trump's Diaper, Please? He's Losing His Sh*t Again
Give him back his binky.
Please put this fool to bed.

Republican talk show host who says election was 'stolen' investigated for election fraud
Again, the only election fraud is from blank slate Republicans.

Colorado Youth Pastor Arrested On Elder Fraud Charges
They just keep proving that "religion" is one big grift.

The GOP 'never would have come to this' if they had dumped Trump: columnist
Power hunger never caused anyone to be dumped.

The Supreme Court Needs Real Oversight
And how and right now.

Even Abortion Ban States Push for Further Restrictions on Reproductive Health
What will satisfy these vampires? Nothing but Bibilical law which is unconstitutional. We are getting a lot of this as Trump is pushing it. Get rid of them once and for all.

Prison COVID Policies Fell Short. Incarcerated Activists Fight for Their Lives
"Cruel and unusal punishment." This is unconsitutional.

Fox News Host Scolds 'Expert' Who Warns Of Twitter Brain Implants
Fox News host Arthel Neville disagreed with an "expert" who said that Elon Musk plans to use Twitter as the software for chips implanted in people's brains.
So, now it's Elon Musk and not Bill Gates that's planning on this? God, what fucking fools these people are.
And we thought Hitler was a nightmare?

Even as Ye’s meltdown gets him suspended from Twitter, neo-Nazis like Anglin are creeping back in
A reckoning is on its way. These turds will all have to go because someone will have to establish order in this country.

This is the price of COVID-19 disinformation: The worst flu season in decades
The Bullshit Brigade is back and Elon Musk is its leader.

GOP May Force Repeal Of Military Vaccine Mandate
The latest from the Department of Devolved Stupidity.
How about Polio? Or any other disease mandates, you retarded assholes? Drop dead.

GOP Leaders Silent After Trump’s “Terminate” Rant
Little cowards. Vermin from the sewers. They have violated their oath of office. As such, all are traitors.

Why Are More Black Men Voting Republican?
The percentage of black men voting Democrat has slipped in every national election since 2012, even as the opposition party embraces the racism of Donald Trump
I believe you are speaking of the negro men from the Land of the Happy Negro.

Why SCOTUS Could Be About to Unleash Frankenstein’s Monster
As the Supreme Court prepares to start hearing arguments in Moore v Harper, many believe democracy is on the line.
Are the Nazis on SCOTUS about to kill our country?

Pentagon to Spend $200 Billion on New Nuclear Bomber as Millions Live in Poverty
Read "The Pornography of Power."

Hundreds of Texas Methodist churches vote to split from denomination after years of infighting over gay marriage and abortion
"Those leaving are frustrated that the church has taken positions they feel are too liberal."
Proving none of them are Christians.

The Jerry Jones Photo Explains a Lot
Corporate racism personified.

Iowa GOP senator on DNC calendar: ‘Middle finger’ to ‘middle America’
Wrong, Joni. They are giving it to you personally, you twat.

Iran Scraps Morality Police After Widespread Protests
It's a start. Next, they should arrest, indict and try the person or persons who murdered Mahsa Amini.
Again, the failure and damage of religion.

Nobel Peace Prize winner gives Americans a very timely wake-up call about authoritarianism

Nick Fuentes Hurls A Drink At Patrons At A Burger Restaurant
Food Fight! Wasted a good hamburger on the little prick Nazi.

Fox Host: Folks Probably Feel That Trump Deserves A 'Do-Over' Election
Anyone left that belives this shit should consider where would it end? Never. Any election would be a constant do-over.
This sort of mind set should be required to take a course in logic. But what do we do? We put their madness on TV.
Sense? If any of these idiots had any sense they would be looking for work. Instead, they are perfect for Fox News For the Mentally Ill.

'Anathema to the soul of our nation': Donald Trump pilloried for his demand to cancel the Constitution
This man will come to a bitter end.

'Full steam ahead' for DOJ after Donald Trump's 'worst legal week ever': former prosecutor
Shut this traitor up forever.

Walker, Warnock, and the Epic Battle for Georgia’s Soul
Two wildly different visions of Christianity are on the ballot in the critical Senate run-off.
And both are myth. Which is why religion needs to be shelved during election campaigns. Religion should have nothing to do with American elections.

Connect! Unite! Act! Just to be clear, Hitler was a bad person
For all the morons that have no clue.
"Hitler’s history is littered with horrors."
At least he had the good idea to blow his brains out or have someone else pull the trigger.
And where the hell did the 1952 Republican platform go. They have no connection to that now.

WH Condemns Trump’s Call To “Terminate Constitution”
What a POS. If anything, Trump should be terminated. He and everyone like him.

Chris Christie’s Niece Arrested After Racist Meltdown
Another regular Republican. These shitbags think they have superpower now thanks to their orange shitgibbon.

Deadly heat waves engulfed the planet this year: Climate change is a national security crisis
As a U.S. Army general, I prepared to do battle with enemies and face disaster. All of humanity must do that now
If they want a future on this planet, that is.

The Hysteria Over the Trans Jesus Sermon Gets it All Wrong
In its eagerness to find a woke nail to hammer, the cultural right didn't just get the details of the sermon wrong, but showed an ignorance of history and theology.
Everywhere medievalists looked they saw pussies, apparently.

SNL’ Goes Off on Kanye West for Declaring ‘I Like Hitler
And Jost wasn’t done there. He went on to debunk the conspiracy theory that West has been espousing—and host Dave Chappelle echoed in his monologue last month—that Jews “control the media.” If that were true, he asked, “How are we still seeing a new interview with Kanye every day?” And then, “If Jews control the media, explain the 80-foot Christmas tree outside of NBC.”
Stop putting trash on television just for ratings. There's another name for this and we all know what it is.

The Never-ending Trump Era: Terrible With Raisins In It
"There never can be too much schadenfreude when it comes to the pain and suffering these men and women have caused."

Kanye West, Herschel Walker, and Why White Supremacists Love Bad Black Candidates
Even if Walker loses Tuesday, racists in the Republican ranks will still have gotten what they really wanted

Gab CEO: Kanye West Is A Great Spokesman For Jesus
The unique ways in which Nazis can use Christianity just as Hitler did.
And all of it is based on bullshit myth and folk tales.

Twitter Reinstates One Of America's Most Infamous Neo-Nazis
Neo-Nazi Andrew Anglin of the Daily Stormer has been reinstated to Twitter under Elon Musk’s new policies for the platform.
A day of reckoning with these Nazis is soon approaching.

Boise's Police Department Has A White Nationalist Problem
As Boise officials announce an investigation into a racist police captain, extremists voice their dismay that he was "caught."
One more failure of American racism.

Manchin slammed for rejecting paid leave for union workers who 'helped build the state’s economy'
Another example of an out of touch politician who cares only about his money.

'Bench slap': Legal experts say court 'eviscerated' Trump judge for 'interfering' in Mar-a-Lago case
Corruption leads to this well deserved slap down.

'Are we free to say Jews will not replace us?' Geraldo Rivera rebuffs Jeanine Pirro's defense of hate speech
OK then, "fascist wino on the loose."
"We are not a fascist nation," said the fascist.
The stupid is strong in this one

'Judge' Jeanine Pirro goes ballistic over criticisms of fossil fuel giants
If this woman had a brain she still wouldn't know what to do with it.
The main reason the earth is experiencing climate change. These fossil fuel cons have been pulling the wool over our eyes for too long.
The good news is that the planet will survive once humans have all been murdered from their poison.

Joe Biden Called Out Antisemitism. Why Can’t Some Republicans?
Do you have to ask?

Lindsey Graham Rants: Media When Judg'sBrian KempIs Out To Destroy' Herschel
It's true! Lindsey has practically moved into the state of Georgia. Just like Herschel, who actually lives in Texas.
The great fart lighter.

Manhattan prosecutor: Trump was 'explicitly sanctioning tax fraud'
Sounds like Trump, alright.

What About All the Other Nazis on Twitter, Elon?
You mean his pals?

Kanye West, Elon Musk, Donald Trump, and the Mainstreaming of Nazism
MAGA and cowardly Republicans are whitewashing Hitler fans

One Abortion Rights Bad News Vs. Two Abortion Rights Good Newses, And We'll Take What We Can Get
Land of the Happy Nebro, Screwball Sheriff Dickhead, decides he's in charge of pregnacies and blood testing for damaging drugs in body that will damage zygotes. How dare he? Sue the shit out of them.

Trump Judges Eviscerate Trump's Judge, Diss His Lawyers, Sh*tcan His Special Master
"So much for Trump's DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM argument. And so much for Judge Cannon's reputation among her colleagues."
Closer, ever closer, you clown.

Watch Herschel Walker Support Trump's Border Wall By Explaining How Walls Don't Work
Astoundingly devoid of a clue.

Biden slaps down Hitler-praising Kanye West while subtly knocking Trump for his silence
And slap him again for uttering the unspeakable horror.

Federal judge orders sanctions for Kari Lake’s legal team in response to voting equipment lawsuit
And throw "I'm Miss Hot Shit" in stir.

Manchin slammed for rejecting paid leave for union workers who 'helped build the state’s economy'
The latest act of a greedy prick.

House Committee to Investigate Alito Leak, Right-Wing Lobbying at Supreme Court
That would be the politicians on SCOTUS. No justice in sight.
"It's clear that some of these justices are simply incapable of behaving ethically or putting the law before politics, and the court is unwilling or unable to police itself," said one court watchdog.

McCarthy and Freedom maniacs will play chicken over speaker's gavel, and it's going to be hilarious
Dumb-Dumb-Dumb-Dumb, Dumb-be Doobie Dumb!

Labor Dept Issues Strong Jobs Report For November

Herschel Walker Said He Got Into Law School. That Seems Highly Unlikely.
"But Walker was likely either not telling the truth or leaving out an incredibly important piece of context: It is not possible that Walker was accepted to a nationally accredited law school because he did not complete his college degree, a prerequisite for admission and enrollment. If he was accepted to a law school, and that admission was not revoked, the school was unaccredited—a category of law school whose graduates are not eligible for the bar exam (and thus cannot become practicing lawyers) in most states."
OK. We all know this is one B-I-I-I-G-G-G lying motherfucker, right?

The Most Consequential First Amendment Case This Term
"Because the case involves a clash between Christian expression and the desire to protect LGBTQ Americans from discrimination, the culture-war frame is inevitable. But that framing distorts the analysis. This case isn’t about religious liberty versus gay rights but rather about freedom of expression for all artists, regardless of their views. And every artist is entitled to decide what they will say, regardless of the identity of the person demanding their art—or to not say anything at all."
"Sincerely Held Belief" tops everyone else's again? Flush this shit down the toilet it came from.

Supreme Court leaves student debt relief program on hold after Texas judge blocked it
Texas asshole does it again. "Let's ruin lives" is their mantra.

Photos: “We don’t feel safe here.” A transgender teen and their family flee Texas
Any young person that wants a future should leave now.

Justice Department tried to hide report warning that private border wall in Texas could collapse
Collapse please.

Kevin McCarthy Vows to Investigate January 6 Committee Once GOP Takes the House
Nazi Nutball makes threats as all cowards do.

If Railroad Workers Can 'Tank The Economy,' Perhaps They Deserve Sick Days?
Greedy rich folks simply don't get real life.

Aryan Mountain Steed Madison Cawthorn Bids Masculine Farewell To Masculine Political Career, Masculinely
The "Dork Dumbs Down Again."

5 charged after witness finds woman beaten, naked in dog cage in Georgia home, deputies say
Georgia, Georgia - a song of abuse of women. Walker is their candidate.

Jim Jordan Called Out Over Tweet He Just Deleted About Kanye
There's not a decent bone in this 'man's' body.
Why did he delete it? "Jacket Off" is Nazi DeLuxe.

'Rigged, dishonest bunk': Why liberal lawyers should fight back against this 'fringe legal theory'
In her December 1 column, Marcus slams “originalism” as painfully flawed and warns “liberal lawyers” against buying into it.
“Originalist” or “textualist” ideology is pure unadulterated horse shit.

'I thought he was going to beat me': Ex-Herschel Walker girlfriend comes forward with damning new allegations
Has it become traditional to elect abusers of women in the United States? We have no shame in that case.

Kanye West Tells Alex Jones All The Reasons Why He Likes Hitler
Well, that show was insane. Ye even made Alex Jones uncomfortable.
A textbook case of mental illness walking and talking when he should be gettng treatment. Nazi prick.
What's with the mask? Was he going to appear in a wresting match later as "The Dumb Secret"?

Kanye West Suspended By Musk After Posting Swastika
Putrid Puke. Does this man have a functioning brain?
"Someone please tell him that his idol, Hitler, would have sent him to the ovens right along with the jews and the gays."

Gas prices are down, oil production is up, and Russia's threat to energy markets is evaporating
"Despite Republican claims that President Joe Biden has somehow crippled the U.S. oil industry, both production and refining of oil in the U.S. is now at near-record levels. The supply of oil and gas is currently down less than 1% when compared with 2021, and though gas prices have remained relatively high over much of this time, they have now fallen to an average price below that on the day Russia invaded."
So much for killer dick-tators.

MO Youth Pastor Sentenced To 9 Years For Child Rape
Ahhh, it's the Christian/Taliban life, right?

DeSantis And Florida Sued By Immigrant Rights Groups
Sue this fraud out of existence.

Laura Ingraham: Trans People Are “Deeply Anti-Human”
Direct from the Nazi playbook.
This is one hateful, self loathing bitch without an ounce of humanity.

Uh Oh, Florida Didn't Mean To Ban Chanukah From Schools! They Were Targeting Entirely Different Minorities!
Fucking idiot.

School officials burned out by 'bananas' MAGA parents who think they're trying to inject kids with microchips: survey
MAGAts have no nural capacity outside of reflex jerking.

New analysis explains the far-right evolution of Elon Musk

Washington Post reporter selects 2022's worst candidates — and they were all hand-picked by Trump
Everything Trump touches dies.

Key US inflation index ticks down in October: official data

Why The Economy Is Starting To Feel Good All Of A Sudden

The GOP is preparing to learn nothing all over again with its midterms review
There's not much reason to hope that Republicans' 2022 midterms "review" will produce any more change than the 2012 "autopsy."
Did anyone expect more from the thoughtless and morally failed party?

Five More Herschel Walker Exes Come Forward to Accuse Him of Terrifying, Violent Behavior: ‘I Saw a Fist Flying Toward Me’
Five more, a thousand more. What difference will it make to a corrupt and morally vacant electorate. They would elect a walking turd just as soon.

It's Time to Rethink Our Reliance on the Supreme Court
Together we can work toward combating Christian nationalism and continue striving for a more inclusive America—with or without the Supreme Court of the United States.

Test Program For 4-Day Work Week A Smashing Success
The trial was also good for company earnings. Average revenue rose 38% when compared to the same period last year, according to the survey.

The Corruption of the Legal Profession
A new book shows how corporate law firms bear great responsibility for the degradation of the rule of law.

Georgia Senate Runoff Poll Shows Race Deadlocked
How can people (especially from the Land of the Happy Negro) be so fucking stupid?
They all want an idiot to represent them? What turds.

UK Teen Faces Extradition For Inspiring Buffalo Shooting
As they all should be. But will they?
Congress Seat Could Flip if Arizona’s Officials Don’t Certify Election in Time
GOP officials in Arizona’s Cochise County’s are stonewalling on certifying the election—and it could imperil a Republican candidate’s victory in the midterms.
Yet another classic example of the stupidity of certain Americans.
If "law is up to interpretation" I suggest there is no such thing as law in America. What he refers to in the article is leniency, charity, clemency, forbearance, lenience, lenity, mercifulness, mercy, quarter. Otherwise we are left with situational ethics. Luddites.

Investigating private equity’s stealthy takeover of health care across cities and specialties
Needless treatments, misconduct and price gouging is on the rise as investors turn their sights to healthcare
Root canals on babies? C'mon man! Total scumbags.
Unversal Healthcare NOW!

Yes, The U.S. Has Domestic Terrorism Laws
Why do we not enforce it?

DHS: LGBTQ, Jews And Migrants Face Increased Domestic Terror Threats
Kanye West is making the already-bad situation worse, according to a senior DHS official.
Again, a mind is a terrible thing to waste.

Herschel Walker Ex Comes Forward: He Attacked Me in a Rage
Cheryl Parsa says she endured cheating, lying, violence, and multiple personalities during her romance with the gridiron great.
The most interesting thing about this is MAGAts don't care. They will be happy with a Trump automaton. The dumber and more violent prone, the better.

Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: Standards
"Instead of exemplifying the best and the brightest, Walker personifies muddled willingness, nonchalant mediocrity, inexcusable indifference to truth."

Herschel Walker hit with horrible new evidence
Back in January, Walker outright admitted multiple times that he actually lives in Texas, which is obviously a problem for a candidate trying to represent Georgia.
This man is an outright fraud. The Requirements to Run for Public Office
Herschel Walker made incredibly dumb admission in speech
"I live in Texas."
Dumb? Raise your hand if this is a surprise to you.

DeSantis Tells Allies to Stay Mum About Trump’s ‘Nazi’ Dinner. It’s Part of a Bigger Plan
Trump's response to accusations of antisemitism is to accuse his Jewish conservative critics of being disloyal

Election denier Charlie Kirk whines that Republicans lost 'because a lot of people do not trust the system'
Whose fault is that, you lamebrain jerkwad?

'A strange no-eye-contact oddball': Who is the real Ron DeSantis?
A creep is a creep.

Arrest Me': Kari Lake Calls For Law-breaking To Stop Election Certifications
Book her for masquerading as a political candidate.

Bannon's Show Goes Off The Rails After Guest Hits Him With Facts
The two-bit clown gets pantsed.

Indiana GOP Official Seeks Penalty For Doctor Who Spoke Of Ohio 10-Year-Old's Abortion
That account sparked a national political uproar in the weeks after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June.
Fuck him and the rapist he rode in on.

Interfaith Alliance: Senate Passage of Respect for Marriage Act Advances Religious Freedom, Affirms Common Values

Beware of Those Who Believe They Were Sent By God or DNA
They see themselves as standing apart from the rest of humanity, as even genetically superior to the rest of us

Young People Made It Clear: Abortion Rights Must Be Codified

It Was Sedition

Herschel Walker Once Said He Was the Target of Racism. Now He Claims It Doesn’t Exist
That was one of the other Herschel Walkers.

Herschel Walker Hasn’t Answered Reporters’ Questions Since Start of October

'Reminiscent of fascism?' Activists fear proposal could limit protests and chill speech at FL Capitol
No, it's real fascism. The bastards.

“Something Needs to Change or Else We Will All Quit"
The intellect level at play here is astoundingly void.

Florida School Boards Have Begun Ousting Educators
Just who is getting persecuted here, Christian hypocrites?

Heritage Foundation Has The Marriage Sadz: This Bill Will “Unleash The Power Of The State” On Christians
How in wits end does this fuck with their "sincerely held convictions" and cause them to be persecuted?

'An existential threat': Legal expert breaks down the Supreme Court case that could radically reshape US elections<br> The U.S. is in danger of losing its democracy in a very serious way.

Critics elevate call for SCOTUS ethics probe as court lawyer defends Alito
And this guy is one the thieves.

'Consistently ruling against him': Legal experts explain how latest court rulings suggest a grim outcome for Trump
Let us rid ourselves of this cancer.

GOP's 'Normal' Choice For 2024 Just Another Racist Enabler
Anyone who thinks Trump is at the racist, conspiratorial fringe of the Republican party, but DeSantis represents a return to "normality" is delusional.
Delusional is what many MAGAts are.

Senate finally passes Respect for Marriage Act, provides federal protections for everyone's unions

Look who came to dinner: Nick Fuentes (and Ye) want to push GOP toward full-on Nazism
Nick Fuentes' Mar-a-Lago meal with Ye and Trump has the far right super excited — but not about Trump 2024
The Hitler Youth movement is still with us.

QAnon Leader Inadvertently Outs Himself as a Groomer
QAnon leader Phil Godlewski carried on an inappropriate relationship with a minor that police records suggest turned sexual.

Texas grid still vulnerable to extreme winter weather, ERCOT estimate shows
People voted for it so let them have it.

Trump Brought Nazis Into the GOP. DeSantis Won’t Expel Them.
White nationalism is not just a Trump problem.
DeSatanis is as big a Nazi as Trump.

JUST IN: Court Orders Mark Meadows to Testify in Georgia Trump Investigation
Former Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows was ordered Tuesday by South Carolina’s Supreme Court to appear before the Fulton County grand jury investigating then-president Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election in Georgia.

Senate Rejects Anti-LGBTQ Marriage Amendment
"I'm sick of 'sincerely held religious beliefs' being more important than my sincerely held rights as a citizen and human being." — comment by 'crewman."
We all are.

Oath Keepers Verdict Reached In Biggest Jan. 6 Case Yet
Two out of five defendants linked to the far-right Oath Keepers group were found guilty on seditious conspiracy charges Tuesday in what was the government’s highest-stakes Capitol riot trial held so far.
Is there a lamppost handy?

Herschel Walker's in deep doo-doo for voting in Georgia while getting tax breaks on Texas home
"According to reporting by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (AJC) , Ann Gregory Roberts has filed a complaint asking that the attorney general's office and Georgia Bureau of Investigation 'promptly investigate' Walker for an “apparent violation of Georgia law." What a fraud.

Mitt Romney: There's No Bottom To Trump Degrading Himself
""It's disgusting to invite people like that to meet with a former President of the United States," Romney said. "I think it's been clear that there is no bottom to the degree to which President Trump will degrade himself and the nation."

'Purely Political': Judge Smacks Down Trump's Immunity Claim
"On Monday, a federal judge ruled that Trump can't claim presidential immunity to avoid a lawsuit that accuses him of civil rights violations in his efforts to undermine the results of the 2020 election."

Russian Propagandist Admits: If Russia Loses, We're All Going To The Hague
"If Russia loses in Ukraine, the Hague court will wait for everyone," said RT's Margarita Simonyan.
Justice will come for Russia, win or lose.

Newmax: Gays Have Become The Oppressors
Gays defending their constitutional right to be married was disparaged by Greg Kelly.
These whining "victims" cannot grow up.

DeSantis: Congress Must Respond If Apple Bans Twitter
Another fat ass whiner. Apple can sell or not sell what it chooses to. Stick up your fat Nazi ass.

Woman: “Jesus Told Me To Open That Plane Door”
Jesus is that fucking stupid? Sue him.

Trump, Done with Democracy, Calls on Kari Lake to Be ‘Installed’ as Arizona’s Governor
Facing intense GOP pressure, Republican strongholds in Arizona are waiting until the last possible moment to certify their election results
All this turd stirrer is proving is how inept his gang of idiots are.

Kanye West Storms Out of Interview After Tim Pool Lightly Defends Jews
Ye and his entourage of far-right trolls bailed on a mostly friendly chat with Tim Pool when his antisemitic rants were given the mildest of pushback.
The insane underbelly of America continues to show itself.

Mother Of Club Q Gunman Was Arrested Last Week
Such a nice family.

Fuentes gloats, Trump doubles down, and Republicans wave white feather over dinner date
Where in hell did this little POS come from?

Suddenly, Jewish Republicans See Who Trump Was All Along
The scales have fallen from their eyes!

McCarthy explains why GOP chaos could result in Democratic lawmakers 'picking who the Speaker is'
These inept fools should lose to their stupidty.

Democracy defenders vow to sue after GOP-led Arizona county refuses to certify election
Vote tampering is a crime. Arrest, indict, convict every one of them.

Former Obama lawyer Ian Bassin: The coming indictment of Donald Trump will break his power
Former associate White House counsel says Garland, DOJ are going "by the book" and have a "rock solid" case

Walker: Young People Have No Rights As A Citizen
Herschel Walker claimed that 18-34 year olds have no right to vote for anything other than Christian nationalism. Show this douchebag the door out. What a low-down filthy scumbag. How dare he?

The Results Of Rhetoric
The reckless rhetoric coming from right wingers doesn't come without a heavy price.
Blind senselessness from the band of idiots.

'Anti-woke' MAGA bank is shutting down after mismanagement, general sucking
The things these creatures stoop to.

Herschel Walker Has a History of Standing Up For Violent Men
The Georgia Senate candidate said OJ Simpson should mento
How did the man get this sick?

Plane Tows Confederate Flag Over Florida NFL Game
Land of the Happy Negro flies their treason banner and racist towel, forgetting their Nazi history.
Will Sherman, where are you now that we need you again?

Search for Widespread Voter Fraud Finds Very Little Voter Fraud
“The whole concept of voter impersonation fraud is such a horribly exaggerated problem," one expert says
This won't prevent the swine from using it as a tool to poison our democracy.

Who Missed Thanksgiving Dinner This Year? Everybody Who Got Shot
America gun pornograpjy — when will we end it?

Joe? Biden Ruins War On Christmas For Fox News
The stupid fucks are back for another holiday season.

'So Gross': Meghan McCain Slams Kari Lake's Election Denials
These idiots just can't accept that Americans consider them repulsive losers.

Kristi Noem Scorches Ronna McDaniel Because Republicans 'Continue To Lose
The miscreants eat themselves because they hate themselves.

Herschel Walker tells disenchanted young Americans to 'find somewhere else' and give up citizenship
That's exactly what this two-bit moron should do and leave the rest of us alone.

'Not accidental': GOP governor admonishes Donald Trump for dining with Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes
I see Nazis are still Nazis.

Marjorie Taylor Greene: Melania Trump is 'just sick' over jailed January 6th defendants
She's just sick? She should feels what it's like to get the shit kicked out of her.

On Sunday, November 6, your editor was taken to he hospital for heart bypass surgery. This has, of course taken its toll on any news items that would have been posted here. Hopefully, in the weeks to come there will slowly be more content posted here. As the news of the election came it was gratifying to see that Trump candidates, by and large, were rejected by America. Happy to say your editor is recovering nicely, thanks!

Texas Churches Violate the Law Ahead of Tuesday’s Election, Experts Say
When religion trumps freedom you have tyranny. Dan Patrick is a liar. Has been for years.

House Nominee: Dems Plan To Jail Anti-Woke Parents
"Liberal Democrats" they say? These scum eating motherfuckers are as insane as a human being gets.
Anybody that believes that needs immediate mental aid.

Critics Warn GOP Midterm Victory Would Be Disaster for Working Class, Democracy, and Planet
Sure. It will be because the fucking "I don't care" dumb fuckers just don't give a fuck about the country.

Right-Wing Ballot Measure in Arizona Another Effort to Hamstring Democracy
Why don't these bastards just go ahead and hang a swastika sign at their borders.

Marjorie Taylor Greene tweets that 'communists and Democrat activists' got her banned from Twitter
Proving she can't take responsibilty for anything she does. Is she suffering from encephalopathy?

RNC to stop paying Donald Trump's legal bills if he runs in 2024
He'll have plenty. He will be in prison to boot.

Watch: Herschel Walker falsely claims canceling the Keystone pipeline is the 'biggest threat to democracy'
The stupid on parade. Hey, you fucking moron, he's not talking about Republicans, he's talking about Nazis killing our sytem of government. You are aiding and abetting fascism, you bloody nitwit.

Kellyanne Conway pitches fit at Democrats for 'vomiting' out warnings about 'protecting democracy'
That's because she's a Nazi and has always been a Nazi. The only thing that's ever come out of her mouth is aternative vomit.

Watch: Michael Steele buries Ron DeSantis over 'dumbest political ad you could ever make'
Stupid people don't care how dumb the people they support are. They are too fucking stupid. We all know this now as they prove it time after time.

Economy Added 261,000 Jobs in October as Wage Growth Settles at 3.9 Percent
So, America isn't really happy with a good economy? What happened to them?

Survey: Hundreds of County Sheriffs Think Their Authority Supersedes Federal Law
Why isn't this office elimninated for good?

GOP Congressman Dan Crenshaw says election deniers know they’re lying
They are best at lying. They are simply coddling the traitor Trump. That there are suckers that believe them is the great surprise and likely the doom of America.

So Much for Inflation and Gas Prices. House GOP Agenda Is Revenge. Just Revenge.
And not one of these Nazis is your friend.

Voter Suppression Is Keeping Students From the Polls
Less than half of Americans under 30 said they were “certain to vote” in the midterm elections. But in battleground states across the country, college organizers are fighting for ballot access
Trump Nazis suppress the vote.

The People Fleeing Austin Because Texas Is Too Conservative
Texas isn't just conservative. It's filled with fascists and corruption in their government.

Trump’s Worst Nightmare Is Here: Someone Will Sit and Watch Every One of His Business Moves
"The judge ordered the unusual move after James’ office argued that the Trumps couldn’t be trusted not to hide assets or shift them outside of the court’s jurisdiction while the legal battle plays out. Following a hearing Thursday morning..." Put his ass in stir.

Nike Axes Deal With NBA Star Over Antisemitism
Kick the flat brain out of the league and send him back to geometry class.

Trump And Son Eric Deposed In Ponzi Scheme Lawsuit
Another Trump crime. Nail him for good.

Feds Hunt For Expensive Mementos Gifted To Trump
Congressional investigators are looking for dozens of pricey mementos gifted to former president Donald Trump and his family members by foreign governments, according to three people familiar with the matter.

Daily Wire Host Claims Democrats Are Racist Against White People
Here's an idiot that needs to go back to his logic class. The stupid is strong in this one.
"Grand Scumbag of the white nationalists," indeed.
Yes, we are against Nazis, you Nazi. He's projecting his own flaws.

Concerned About the Economy? Then Vote for Candidates Who Support Abortion Rights
Women's reproductive rights are critical to the economy. And if we don't connect that dot, we will continue to lose on both issues.

It's the Corporate Greed, Stupid!
Big corporations continuing to raise their prices above their rising costs (including their labor costs). Why? Because they can.
After all they are a person. Remember the "Citzens United" bullshit decision.

'House of cards': Twitter employees warn of 'nightmare' scenario that will make platform unreliable on election night
The Nazis will play all kinds of tools. May they rot.

J6 Committee gives Trump a new ultimatum
Throw the traitor in stir.

'Blasphemy': DeSantis slammed for 'heretical' re-election ode to himself
The swine.

Joe Biden gets SCOTUS win
President Joe Biden took executive action in August to forgive the student loans of millions of Americans, and immediately hit tremendous opposition from Republicans. Now, for the second time, the U.S. Supreme Court has refused to block President Biden's student loan forgiveness program – at least for now.
The Slimecreatures will keep trying to kill it, however.

Help democracy—cancel election night
Because it has been one of the major flaws in our election process.
Like the Electoral College, the election day night time reporting is passé. Our founders never imagined we would become the large poplulated country we are now or that we would be 50 states. Both of these things must be ended. We must have a 1 person, 1 vote system to have completely honest democracy. And we must have an election month due to how many voters we have and how long it takes to COUNT EVERY VOTE!

Fascism in a nutshell: Is America ready to trade democracy for cheap gas?
Apparenty, we have plenty of mentally dysfunctional devolvement out there that will gladly comply. We have finally devolved to the point of no return. Our future, and their future, will not be pretty for any of us if this occurs.

Did Herschel Walker Put A Baby In You?
Then you need the Oops!r app.
“You were responsible, you used protection, but accidents happen,” the voiceover intones as Erskine’s character could be seen holding a positive pregnancy test. “And Herschel Walker got you pregnant. We’ve all been there.”
With the new Oops!r app, all she has to do is click the button that says “Herschel Walker Put a Baby in Me” and the candidate himself will show up within 15 minutes to drive her to the abortion clinic.

Herschel Walker Doesn't Even Know Barack Obama, Definitely Did Not Get Him Pregnant
Walker: "Obama forgot to tell people I created one of the largest minority-owned food service companies in the US, so I do sign the front of a check, which he’s probably never done except when he was in the White House and that Senator Warnock has never done either."
"The Daily Beast pointed out that while the Fortune 500 has only featured 19 Black CEOs ever, not a single one of them was Herschel Walker, and that Walker also "does not appear in a list of the largest 100 black-owned businesses in the country, maintained by Black Enterprise magazine." In fact, even the smallest food companies on the list are far larger than Renaissance Man Foods, the company Walker's talking about."
That's because Herschel is one big fat liar that his MAGAt suppporters don't give a shit about because they know he will be their token negro for whatever they want.

Tucker So Mad Tyrant Joe Biden Executing Everyone For Questioning Brazilian Election Results
We guess anytime a rightwing extremist authoritarian is scorned anywhere in the world, Tucker feels it deep in his bones and in his heart and in his shrill yelping vocal cords.
Can this little sphincter get any more puckerd?

Elon Musk, Twitter Conservatives Confused About What Corporations Are
Here comes the deluge of idiots and morons from hell. They will rape and plunder as they are wont to do.
"None of this is going to work out very well for Musk. The only actual value Twitter has to advertisers or anyone else is its user base. Most people aren't going on Twitter to interact with their friends so much as they go on there to see what celebrities and politicians are saying and what is happening in the world. They're not going on there to have the hot takes of rightwing trolls forced upon them. That would be boring and no one, not advertisers and certainly not 52 million users, is going to pay for that."

Pelosi Attack Could Portend Right-Wing Violence on Election Day, Experts Warn
Have the Guard on alert. Don't let them get away this time.

Watchdog Group Sues Secret Service Over Deleted January 6 Texts
"A government watchdog group is suing several prominent defense- and security-related federal agencies, including the Secret Service and the Pentagon, over text messages sent by officials regarding the attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, which were deleted after oversight officials requested to see them earlier this year."

Port Arthur pollution fight shows how Texas blocks citizen protests
"A local activist went before a judge, arguing for lower pollution limits on two new liquified natural gas facilities. The judge sided with him, but the state environmental agency sided with the companies."
The fascist hell hole: Texas.

What the GOP Is Threatening To Do to Social Security and Medicare Is Not Politics As Usual
"So anyway, yes, Republicans still want to cut Social Security and Medicare—if not for the current generation of retirees, then for the next ones—as a way to continue to undermine the programs. They also want to force major changes to other social safety programs to make more people hurt. Cruelty is absolutely the point, and they want to keep the people at the economic margins of society right where they are."
We can’t let that happen.
I can hear some of these whining MAGAts saying, "I'll never get any of Social Security so why should I care about it." They must not be paying FICA wages then. Or they think they'll never live long enough to collect it. Or, they just don't give a damn about "freeloading" people that have worked all their lives and PAID INTO THE SYSTEM to receive it. They are real dumb asses.

Bill Maher and Elon Musk: Fuck 'Em Both
He's right about Musk.
The other thing that I notice so many times at the comment sections are these bullshit "I get paid so much fucking money for doing this it has changed my life so fucking much" cons. Why must these snake oil ads be posted and not deleted as trash? Do these site get paid for this? If so, hypocrite is not a good enough word to describe them. FYI: Wealth3.Com is blocked by Malwarebytes as "riskware."

Bombshell emails raise new questions about Ginni Thomas contacts with John Eastman: WaPo reporter
We will keep coddling them no matter what, won't we?

Trump fan who thinks abortion is murder ties himself in knots to justify backing Herschel Walker
The perfect example of situational ethics. A fake position.
"Warnock hasn't repented for his sins," said the man. Then what about "judge not less you find yourself in danger of the judgement"? Besides, what's Warnock got to do with Walker's murdering that this guy believes abortion is?
"You know, it's according to what you want to call murder," said the man. "I mean, if you see somebody breaking into your house and you kill him, is that murder? If you accidentally run over somebody—"
A very circular manner of "thinking." Most idiots rationlize their "reasoning" in this manner.

Man arrested after plowing through Pentagon security checkpoints: 'I was trying to kill people'
“F*ck America," Yehualawork allegedly said as police took him into custody. “I hate America and I was trying to kill people."
Another routine terrorist.

Musk is managing Twitter Trump-style
And you thought I was imagining things. Don't ever think that.

Kari Lake Calls For Repealing Obamacare, Rolling Back High School Math, Science, And History Requirements
Keep them all dumb shits just like her, I guess. "Who says we have to have this many hours of science, this many of math and history?" Education itself does, you dumb fuck. Obviously, you didn't get any since you show no sign of intelligence.
“We need a red wave, and we need to overturn Obamacare and come up with something better,”
They have nothing better than "don't get sick and if you do die quickly." The swine.
Where do these heartless motherfuckers come from? She's talking to the profoundly stupid.

Elon Musk to Lay Off About 3,700 Twitter Employees on Friday: Report
What a sweet guy.

Big money is finally being directed to saving democracy in the states
The frightening thing is there are Americans who will willfully vote to kill our democracy. They are failing to answer the call to come to the country's aid.

Will American Voters Really Let the Right Destroy Democracy?
The right's decades-old strategy to divide voters has taken a dangerous turn. What can bring us back together?
Not the MAGAt bastards.

'Lies of conspiracy and malice': Joe Biden warns of right-wing extremism and its threats to democracy
Our President is right. We've never faced a filthier enemy than the MAGAt traitors.

They were trying to help run elections. Then they were criminally investigated
Paxton's one of the biggest sleezebags on the planet.

Trump Judge Rethinks Order, Decides Menacing Voters With Guns Is *Bad Actually"

North Carolina Republican wants 'rape panels' to decide whether victims can get abortions
Just like in Orwell's "1984."

Trump insists the United States is 'rigged, crooked and evil'
A former American president described the United States as “evil.” This generated almost no attention whatsoever. Why is that?
As stated earlier, we have no soul any longer. The very fact that Trump is still at large proves it.

The alarming state of the American student in 2022

Data shows 23 million Americans live in places most at risk of extreme heat
Welcome to 21st Century climate disaster.

Embracing election denialism, Tucker Carlson primes his audience for post-election violence
Him and Bolsonaro.

George Conway: I'm A Single-issue Voter - 'Democracy' Over 'Misinformation'
We should all be.

Bolsonaro Mob Rallies Outside Army HQ Demanding Military Coup
Thousands of the outgoing Brazilian president's far-right supporters called on the military to intervene as Bolsonaro refuses to admit his defeat to leftist President-elect Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.
Beasts. Same as Trump scum. They don't believe the vote. Mob rule. They want gunplay. The worst dregs of humanity.
"Bolsonaro 'is clearly afraid of prison... so what he's trying to do is negotiate with the only card he has left, which is big street protests.' Sound like anyone we know?

The Republican Party of Violence
The GOP's gun-flaunting ads, apocalyptic messaging, and demonization of opponents are steering its followers toward bloodshed.

Obama Talked So Good It Made Mediocre White Men Go Fascist
"So much to examine here! This guy refers to 'Obama's intelligence and way of speaking,' as if it's somehow contrived and not simply how an intelligent person communicates. The white-hooded elephant in the room is why Obama made non-college-educated working-class Black people feel proud while non-college-educated, working-class white people felt 'stupid and inferior.'
Or, as the writer states, maybe you're just looking for a reason to hate the Black guy.

Supreme Court Declines To Punch Lindsey Graham's Get Out Of Testimony Free Ticket
"Let's take a wildass guess that by 'next steps' he doesn't mean 'show up as scheduled on November 17 and quit fucking around already.' We're reading that one as 'waste as much time as possible objecting to each and every question, throwing one of the senator's signature public tantrums during each session.'
In summary and in conclusion, UGHHH, WHAT A POMPOUS WANKER."

Take Your 'Border Crime Wave' Bullsh*t Back To Breitbart And Stuff It, Says Texas Lawman
A light in the forest of bullshit Texas.

In Tommy Tuberville's Great Replacement Theory, Theory Greatly Replace YOU
Here's a real frontal lobotomy looking for a place to happen.
"Let us see if we can follow this. Tubbily Beebly Bottom says Democrats are gonna be shocked in the midterms, because the Hispanics — the ones the Democrats open bordered into America — are part of our country now and those Hispanics are gonna want to keep America the way it is instead of making it like the places they came from, which are Democrat and liberal. Is that it?
We do not regret snatching the Senate's Dumbest Republican tiara from Ron Johnson's bigass head and giving it to Tubs. Not for one moment ever."

Advocates: Supreme Court Should Nix Legacy Admissions, Not Affirmative Action

Abortion Rights Opponents Are Targeting Patients Seeking Care in Blue States
There is nothing human about these tyrants.

As abortion access evaporates, many Texans aren’t able to find care, new studies show
Davy Crockett was right when he said, "You can go to hell, and I mean Texas."

Vote Blue, for the Children, for Their Parents
"How much work remains to be done before we can think this planet is safe for children and other living things."

Is Donald Trump Above the Law?
"Garland, Willis and Bragg — the names sound like the partners of a high-profile law office — have an historic opportunity to breathe some much-needed life into the embattled but bedrock American ideal of equal treatment under the law. They must act, and the sooner the better. What’s left of our tattered and very imperfect democracy hangs in the balance."
If we have forgotten that no man is above the law, then we are a former nation, filled with no soul.

The Weapon Republicans Pointed at the Heart of Our Democracy in 1964 Still Haunts Us
No democracy in the world can work if its citizens don’t believe their votes are legitimately counted: This lie that started in 1964 is now a harpoon pointed at the heart of our democracy

I'm A Doctor. Here's Why We Need Universal Healthcare.
Sure. But America has lost courage to do the right thing. Just look at them, begging for lower gas prices over retaining democracy. They'll do the same with universal healthcare because they can't run their gas guzzlers on it.
Cure that, doctor.

It’s the Crime, Stupid
"Or, in other words, exactly the policies that Joe Biden has tried to enact during his first two years and will continue if left to his own devices!"
"Exactly what the people are looking for!"
"Where are the scary ads featuring 18-year-olds buying ARs? How about the drunk, abusive dad pulling out his sidearm? Per capita, violent crime is more prevalent in Tennessee and Arkansas than California and New York. Does anyone know that? I don’t think so. In part because until very recently Democratic politicians and their prominent allies haven’t been making the case."
Or is it because the Hoi polloi don't have the attention span, nor the wit, nor the courage to understand it?

The Myth Of Increasing Violent Crime In America
High time to address another lie the MAGAt fascists use.

Racist grocery clerks chase customers out at gunpoint for dropping loose change on counter: report
Racist scum behind counters pulling down on customers in a grocery store? Time to put a stop to this madness for good and forever. We cannot allow this shit to continue. Why, in heaven's name, is this horror store still open, Tennessee? There are ways to deal with this. That is, if you are real cops and not a part of the problem.
And never stop at Moses' Grocery in Frayser for any reason.

Stumping for Democratic Rep. Slotkin, Liz Cheney says 'we have to walk away from politics as usual'
Exactly, Liz. Just read the goddamned letter in the next article.

'They're trying to scare us away': Texas couple gets ominous threat for publicly supporting Beto O'Rourke
There are more shitty tactics than just this going on in fascist Texas.

Stephen Miller group’s ads on race abandon any sense of subtlety
The ads from America First Legal are eerily reminiscent of the kind of unsubtle messaging voters heard from the likes of North Carolina’s Jesse Helms.

Nevada’s MAGA Secretary of State Candidate Appears to Be Blatantly Ignoring Campaign Finance Law
All MAGAts are crooks like their traitor commander, Trump.

Elon Musk and Right-Wing Extremism: Part of the Problem, Not the Solution

Joe Rogan Admits There Was No Proof Behind His Story About an Angry Parent Forcing Her Daughter’s School to Install a Litter Box
Wow! He feels guilty about having not a leg to stand on yet runs his mouth anyway?

Tonight: Biden Gives Speech On Threats To Democracy
Our President is fighting for our democracy. May he succeed.

The Culture War Is Alive And Well In This Pennsylvania School District
Some parents worry that if far-right Doug Mastriano wins the governor’s race, an extreme book-banning measure will only be the beginning.
The swine.

Pelosi attacker 'really believed in the whole MAGA, Pizzagate, stolen election'
"This is a man who listened to prominent Republicans and far-right pundits and influencers and bought into a whole host of conspiracy theories they were pushing, to the point where he broke into the home of the official second in line for the presidency with the intent of at least kidnapping her and breaking her kneecaps with a hammer, but possibly making her the first in an effort to 'take them all out.'"
And these MAGAt bastards can live with this outrage? Goddamn them.

Herschel Has Solutions, He Just Won't Tell You What They Are
Pitiful. A completely disfunctional human running for an office in our government. My God, how we have devolved as a specie. What a disgrace to the state of Georgia.

What's at Stake in the Midterms? Electoral Democracy as We Know It
Only because so many don't have a clue what our democracy is to lose.

End 'Poverty Wages' in Schools
Education support professionals are essential to our schools. It's time they are respected and paid accordingly.
It's time we paid them the wages they deserve—and then let them teach and stay the fuck out of it.

‘Trump incarnate’: Biden delivers brutal blow to Ron DeSantis for his position toward the LGBTQ community
I can only hope it's one that he feels good and hard.

Ex-Capitol police officer Michael Fanone shares scathing opinion of Trump-backed Arizona candidate Kari Lake
"Michael Fanone, a former police officer for the Washington D.C., Metropolitan Police, expressed support for a campaign ad that described Republican candidate Kari Lake as 'a piece of s--t.'"
Sure. But the most frightening thing about that is that there are Americans who have a taste fort it.

Steve Schmidt levels 'corrupt' Fox News after town hall: 'Rubbed JD Vance like he was veal'
"In a lengthy twitter thread Schmidt described the Fox News hosts as “propagandists,” and a “villainous cast of extremist liars.” He labeled Fox News “the most corrupt institution in the United States run by the most dangerous immigrant who was ever welcomed here,” referring to Rupert Murdoch. Fox News on Monday reported that Schmidt is now helping Ryan with his campaign."

Tucker Cannot Believe Berkeley Hippies These Days, Hurting Poor Paul Pelosi With Hammers
Carlson is a depraved out-of-control fascist. Moreover, he lies and gets a big paycheck for it. He is the worst kind of creature since the dead, still dead, Rush Limbaugh.

Abortion Bans Are Barring People From Life-Saving Pregnancy Care
Can we yets see how the fascists on SCOTUS have severely damaged our nation? Or our we still too blind?

Teacher Exodus Proves We Are Willfully Destroying US Public Education
Due to illiterate idiots and willful fascists that don't know doo doo from poo poo.

Just Kids: The Deplorable GOP Temper Tantrum
"And despite everything, despite the kids trashing the joint, we hang suspended, facing races next week that are far too close, contests between childishly incompetent people like Herschel Walker and grown-ups like Raphael Warnock. We face hordes of brattish people seeking office intent on taking down democracy itself. We are left with the hope that enough adults will show up to counter this national nightmare tantrum, punish the spoiled kids, and put them to bed without their suppers."

Lula Is President! Democracy—and the Planet—Has Won
Can this happen in America too? We'd better vote democracy or we'll kiss it goodbye forever.

Herschel Walker rails against cash bail reform because Adam and Eve 'were held to responsibility'
He believes in jewish fairy tales, I see. The guy can't add 2 + 2.

Jury sees texts where Oath Keepers discuss Nancy Pelosi's 'head rolling down the front steps' at Capitol
Why are any one of these people still walking our streets?

Florida's 'anti-woke' education law even worse than McCarthyism: historian
No one in FLorida knows who McCarthy was. That rquires an education. Anti-DipShit should be the case here. What the hell kind of people live in Florida? Certainly not normal.

Three Capitol Riot Attendees Could Win House Seats
We live in a screwball world, folks. These idiots are all in for the traitor, Trump. How do you get away with supporting a seditionist?

Reuters: Bolsonaro To Concede In National Address
Why can't Donald Trump do the same?

Second Woman Comes Forward Over Herschel Walker: 'Very Menacing'
This won't bother his hypocrite supporters. They want everything that Walker is entitled to including what they've been calling murder.

Supreme Court Temporarily Blocks Release of Trump Tax Records to Congress
Chief Justice John Roberts' interim stay comes a day after the former president asked the high court to intervene after a lower court ruled against him.
Trump's co-conspirators on SCOTUS lend him a hand.

Dr. Oz relentlessly trolled after wrongfully claiming Pennsylvania borders the Atlantic Ocean
OK. Can anyone see how these fake "candidates" have no brains? If this doesn't take the STUPID cake, I guess nothing will. What's this guy's nickname, "Meh"?

Plotting to kidnap and interrogate the Speaker of the House is the classic logic of terrorism
Hopefully, this terrorist will get the max sentence.

Michigan Republican candidate recorded saying Democrats drink the blood of children and 'sell baby body parts'
Everyone knows what this "Michigan Republican candidate" drinks. "QAnon Kool Aid."

Elon Musk’s epic bumbling is a daily reminder that America is not a meritocracy
"The idea that Musk is "smart" has persisted through years of very public evidence to the contrary."
"You probably would have never heard of Elon Musk if he wasn't a white man from a wealthy family that literally owned an emerald mine in South Africa."
Some of us have known what he is for years now.

Biden Says The Magic Words: Windfall Profits Tax
“Their profits are a windfall of war,” Biden said, referring to Russia’s war in Ukraine, which prompted Western sanctions that reduced oil supply. “It’s time for these companies to stop their war profiteering.”
“If they don’t they’re going to pay a higher tax on their excess profits,” he said.
Goddamn right.

Brazilian Truck Drivers Block Roads After Bolsonaro Loss
Why are truck drivers all Nazis?
All very familiar right wing whining babies and pissed off that they lost.
Fuck Bolsonaro and all his Nazi supporters.

Kari Lake Laughs About Attack On Paul Pelosi After Evangelicals Anoint Her With Holy Oil In Jesus’ Name
Shameless bad actress playing the role of polital candidate spreads on the horseshit.

Dem candidate allegedly brutally assaulted in Pennsylvania ahead of election: report
Pennsylvania Nazi Gestapo works over Dem candidate because Nazis.

The Supreme Court Has No Reason to End Affirmative Action. They’re Doing It Anyway

What Brazil Teaches America
Today on TAP: Actually delivering for working people matters. It also matters whether elites support democratic institutions.

Right-Wing Hostility to Elections Harkens Back to Jim Crow “Apartheid,” AOC Says
As armed vigilantes have taken it upon themselves to allegedly intimidate voters at ballot drop off locations across several states, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York) is warning that the right wing in the U.S. is creating an “environment of fascism” — and that the only way to combat it is to build a strong movement to defend democracy.
She's absolutely correct.

Who The Hell Even Knows What A Pronoun Is? Not Herschel Walker!
Republicans have no compelling solutions for inflation, gas prices, and the not-actually-rising crime in our cities. Instead, they keep smearing teachers and queer Americans while whining about pronouns. They just won't shut up about them.

What Ron DeSantis’ Silence on Antisemitic Messages Says About the GOP
They are just like some other Nazis we have known? Of course.

David DePape 'had a list of people he wanted to target' in addition to Pelosi: police
Oh, but we can't call it a "hit list"

GOP's Glenn Youngkin urged to resign over remark about Paul Pelosi assault: 'He embarrassed Virginia'
He should but you know he won't. All of these people are addicted to power.

Editorial: Once again, America is reminded that the Supreme Court is a broken institution

The Supreme Court Is Set to Kill Affirmative Action. Just Not for Rich White Kids.

Mark Levin Tears Up Pictures of MLK, Abraham Lincoln and the American Flag in Rant Furiously Insisting Republicans LOVE Those Things
A snotty little twerp.

Poll Workers Train For Confrontations With Cultists
The idiot patrol will be on high alert.
But the major battle will be stopping the assholes who will demand that the vote count be stopped before all are counted.

Here comes the gross Republican conspiracy theory about assassination attempt on Pelosi
Vile and dispicable.

GOP Rep Spreads Insane Lie About Pelosi Attack
There is just no bottom for these swine.

Yoo Hoo, Media: There Is No Real Evidence Of A Red Wave
They feed their cooked numbers to reinforce a claim it was rigged when they lose.

In PA, Four Jehovah's Witnesses Charged With Child Sex Abuse
Religion. And the Christo-fascists want us to obey their "laws"? Go to hell.

Lula's Win a Victory for Amazon Rainforest and Global Climate
Since the Amazon is a regional, hemispheric and global issue, the international community needs to support Lula's efforts.

Trump indictment expected 'weeks' after midterms — and Bannon makes a threat
Get it done. Bannon can shit and fall back in it.
Sure, Vin Weber would think it's not a good idea. Here's a little info on him.
From Wikipedia: On August 17, 2016, the Associated Press reported that Mercury Public Affairs LLC, which Weber heads, had received $1.02 million from Paul Manafort's European Centre for a Modern Ukraine to lobby Congress to support pro-Russia Viktor Yanukovich during the Autumn 2012 Ukrainian elections and to block the release from prison of Yanukovich's rival, Julia Tymoshenko. For his lobbying Congress on behalf of pro-Russia entities, Weber received at least $700,000.

Home-Stretch Advice for Democratic Congressional Candidates
Make the final stretch drive a luminous comparison of how the lives and livelihoods of most people, of most workers and children, would be better under the Democratic Party than under the chronically lying Republican Party.

Brazil's Bolsonaro goes down in presidential election — after saying he'd stage a coup if he lost
He won't be happy unless he can retake control. Like the traitor Trump, this is what you get with fascism.

"They cannot survive without fear": A heretic on leaving the evangelical church
In "Heretic," Jeanna Kadlec writes of the hard but necessary journey of escaping fundamentalist Christianity

'Not a prop': Herschel Walker flashes new 'honorary' police badge presented to him at a Golden Corral
Ha! Golden Corral: The Land of the Clogged Artery Hillbills.
"Not a prop," he said as he held the prop. ROTFLMAO!

Texas pastor openly calls on 'Christian nationalists' to 'impose their values on society'
As the twerp pukes again. You assholes have been doing it ever since I was a kid, so stuff it.

'Evil': Trump Is Losing His Sh*t As Legal Walls Close In Around Him
He is big mad today.
Trump should be on a spaceship to another galaxy.

Jon Stewart Seems To Have Gotten AZ Attorney AG Off The Fence
Just three days ago, Mark Brnovich couldn't bring himself to state Joe Biden won the election in Arizona.
Arizona is full of election liars.

Wingers Whine After Musk Deletes His Fake News Tweet About Pelosi
They really have gotten worse. This is beyond the pale.
They've all taken the brown acid.

Elon Musk, new owner of Twitter, tweets unfounded, anti-LGBTQ conspiracy theory about Paul Pelosi attack
Here's Musk beggining his long game. Like Trump, he'll spread disinformation and sew sedition. He's looking to become president.
Get rid of the creep now. We don't need another problem.

Nazis Flood Jacksonville With Pro-Kanye Banners And Projections Onto Downtown Building, Football Stadium
Time to put the stop to Nazis for good. They have no place in the U.S.

Watch Barack Obama Attack a GOP Senator for Eyeing Social Security Cuts
“And if Ron Johnson does not understand that,” the former president continued. “If he understands giving tax breaks for private planes more than he understands making sure that seniors who’ve worked all their lives are able to retire with dignity and respect—he’s not the person who’s thinking about you, and knows you, and sees you, and he should not be your senator from Wisconsin.”

Klobuchar says she doesn't trust Musk after Twitter takeover
That's because he's not trustworthy. This is more than plain to see.
“I just don’t think people should be making money off of passing on this stuff that’s a bunch of lies,” Klobuchar said.
The Democrat noted that networks need to screen television commercials for any false information before they air.
"That is not a requirement of these companies. And we have to change the requirements on these companies. They're making money off of us. They're making money off of this violence."

Musk Spreads Wild Claim About Attack On Paul Pelosi
Remind you of another asshat we know? Sure. He's another Trump dickhead. Not trustworthy.

No Person of Conscience Can Sit Out this Midterm Election
Of course not. But we have plenty of clueless Americans that don't even pretend to know this.

Is Bolsanaro Headed for Defeat
The world can only hope so. But, like Traitor Trump, he won't go quietly. There's likely to be civil war.

Churches Are Breaking the Law by Endorsing in Elections, Experts Say. The IRS Looks the Other Way
Tax the hell out of them. High time this confidence racket stops getting a free ride.

Tell Us How Religious Organizations in Your Area Involve Themselves in Elections
Under federal law, churches and other nonprofit organizations are prohibited from electioneering.
Tax them. If they won't pay shut them down.

'I don't think it matters': Chris Christie tells panel of women abortion isn't 'important'
You know who doesn't matter? This pusgut.

Paul Pelosi attacker brought bag including zip ties to break-in: report
The Trump Traitor Technique.

'It Shouldn't Happen To Me': Marge Tries To Make Pelosi Attack All About Her
Well, isn't she precious? So concerned about others.
Asswipe. She is the filthy swine that Rep. Jim McGovern calls fer.
And yes, the sign she holds is correct! "I'm not a victim. I'm an accomplice."

Republicans Want to Stop You From Voting. Here’s How to Fight Back
Voter suppression is racism in action, and the GOP is counting on it to win in November

Assassination Attempt Was Result Of Longtime Pelosi Demonization
And Republicans still won't take one iota of responsibility.
This is your America on fascism.

'You're outta luck and you're on your own': Barack Obama warns of Ron Johnson's Social Security threats
"Some of you here are on Social Security. Some of your parents are on Social Security. Some of your grandparents are on Social Security. You know why they have Social Security? Because they worked for it," a fired-up Obama said. "They worked hard jobs for it. They have chapped hands for it. They had long hours and sore backs and bad knees to get that Social Security."
And the fascists want to kill it and in turn kill you as well. The swine.

Meta and TikTok busted for 'actively pushing' 'Stop the Steal 2.0' on eve of Brazil's presidential election
Shut these lying fascist propaganda channels down forever.

'It's just unfair': Ronna McDaniel bellyaches after Fox News host links GOP to Paul Pelosi attack
They can dish out lies but can't take the truth. Cowards to the nth degree.

Rick Scott repeatedly fact-checked by CNN's Bash for suggesting the 2020 election was stolen
Kick the shit out of these poor fascist losers.

Election-denying True the Vote leaders found in contempt during chaotic court hearing
Contempt and contemptable seditionist criminals.

'I expect another congressperson to be shot': Lawmaker sounds alarm as Trump continues to incite his fans
I expect them to kill anyone that doesn't agree with them. They are Trump terrorists.

Denver Post begs readers to reject Lauren Boebert — and lists many reasons why
BoBo should be rejected and here is why.
"We beg voters in western and southern Colorado not to give Rep. Lauren Boebert their vote," the editorial board wrote. "Boebert has not represented the 3rd Congressional District well. Almost exclusively, she has spent her time and efforts contributing to the toxic political environment in this nation."

'Dark Day for Trans Youth' as Florida Moves to Ban Gender-Affirming Care for Minors
"I cry for Florida's trans youth. This was a sham hearing with fake experts," said one activist.
The heartless bastards.

Biden cites Jan. 6 riot chant as he condemns 'despicable' attack on Paul Pelosi
The violence of the Fascist Party will not end with this POS. It will continue with miscreants in Georgia, Florida, Texas, and Arizona.
This war is only beggining and will rage on until the United States is no longer a country. It will become a tribal community at constant war with each other.
Thanks to Donald Trump who is too fucked up to admit he lost an election.

Jerry Lee Lewis, Influential and Condemned Rock & Roll Pioneer, Dead at 87
"The Killer" embodied rock rebellion with songs like "Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On" and "Great Balls of Fire," but drew widespread outrage for marrying his 13-year-old cousin in 1957
Yeah, but that's nothing. He had seven wives and he attempted to climb the gate at Graceland while carrying a gun.

GOP's Halloween horror show: Marjorie Taylor Greene doesn't need a costume
Once upon a time she was a far-right nutjob — now she's the Republican Party's biggest star. Who needs goblins?
Photo of the shit pile Trump has created.

‘National tragedy’: J6 committee condemns AZ GOP chair in explosive new SCOTUS filing
Ward has argued thousands of Republicans could be implicated if the select committee obtains her phone records.
Of course. They are the MAGAt party of treason.

Fox News tries to blame President Biden for violent attack on Speaker Pelosi’s husband
Hitler would have loved Fox News.

UPDATED: Paul Pelosi Undergoes Brain Surgery After 'Violent Assault'
He is currently in the hospital. Reports say assailant used a hammer and was specifically looking for Madam Speaker.
Oh, hell yes. Let's not make any assumptions. That just makes an ass out of you and me.

Pelosi Attacker Has Been Identified. Here Is What We Know So Far
It's unreal that Paul Pelosi survived the brutal attack.
This is not an anomaly. MAGAt Nazi. Trump Psycho. A shitload of them out there. Who knows who will be next. And some Americans will vote for the Trump scum that are running. We are beggining to hit the critical phase of QAnon shitbrain violence.
This abominaton must be stopped by any means necessary. Vote against Republican conspiracy Nazis and election liars if you consider yourself an American. You're either a Nazi fascist or an American. Or you simply don't give a damn about your country by not voting.

Marge Sent Ominous Tweet Hours Before Violent Attack On Paul Pelosi
What in the entire hell is going on here?
And where is her get well soon card?

Georgia Senate race: Herschel Walker called abortion 'hypocrite' by second woman
Sure he is, but the people that support this empty suit are all as morally vacant as he is. We know exactly what they are — evil incarnate.
America has a serious flaw with "celebrity."

Candidate Religiosity Questioned in Pennsylvania Gubernatorial Race
This is what Nazis do. Textbook shit.

CREW Asks Congress To Investigate Clarence And Ginni Thomas
It speaks volumes about where we are in this country that there hasn’t already been an investigation into this couple's outrageously, corrupt and, in Ginni's case, allegedly criminal behavior. But better late than never, I guess.
It's about time, I guess! Impeach Thomas.

'A dark, undemocratic path': How Arizona has become 'Ground Zero' in the war against US democracy: report
“For more than two decades,” Thornton explains, “I lived overseas working to advance democracy and credible elections, including leading multiple election observation teams, conducting election audits and reform efforts, and training election management bodies. In my new role at the Alliance for Securing Democracy at the German Marshall Fund, I work both abroad and at home and can view U.S. democracy through the lens of my experience and global best practice.”
Thornton now considers Arizona “Ground Zero” in the far-right movement to undermine democracy in the U.S.
Many of us can see it.

Joe Biden: Manufacturers Investing In America Again. Let's Make Some CHIPS!
Biden also touted yesterday's good GDP report showing the economy had grown by 2.6 percent, and also noted that while "it may not feel like it for everyone, people’s incomes went up last quarter more than inflation went up."
And the fascists want to kill it for us. Vote them out.

Republicans, Nazis THRILLED To Bring Racial Slurs And Snake Oil Back To Twitter!
Scumbags will go batshit crazy again thanks to stupid.

Kanye West’s Twitter account restored
Can we all see what Musk is now? I mean c'mon, man!

Could Today's Crises Help America Reject Corporate Personhood?
Economic crises represent social and political transition points, times of great difficulty but also times of great opportunity - We now stand at the edge of one those rare windows in time
It would be a wonderful thing to happen.

Proud Boys Protests Over Drag Performers Are Turning Violent — And Now They’re Targeting Kids
Latent, self-loathing homosexuals have no choice but to be assholes.

Pro-Trump effort to hand count ballots implodes in Nevada
One of the country’s most high-profile efforts by Trump Republicans to avoid using election system computers in 2022’s midterm elections and instead count votes by hand is coming apart at the seams.
These idiots are luddites. The old days are over and done. They ain't never coming back, you fools.

D’Souza Sued By Man His Film Accused Of Being “Mule”
We know who the ass is here.

Gosar Caught On Video Praising Shooting Of Migrants
"Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar, the right-wing hatemonger who is loathed by his own siblings for his reprehensible actions, is seen in this video expressing his approval for two people pretending to be migrant hunters. After they tell him they shoot migrants who cross over to their family farm in Yuma, he responds, 'Say a prayer because this country needs you. There’s a bunch of people that are ready to go into action.'"
These bottom feeders will take any action to advance their war on democracy.

Hawley: Dems Want To Destroy Our “Christian Culture”
Careful, you little prick. There are still plenty of Dems who are real Christians, unlike your posing as one.
And if anyone is trying to kill the middle class it's you and the rest of the dumb fascists just like you, twerp.

'Dangerous for Us All': Elon Musk, World's Richest Man, Completes Twitter Takeover
"Musk's plans will leave the platform more vulnerable to security threats, rampant disinformation, and extremism just ahead of the midterm elections."
Quit Twitter. Why would anyone want to support this asshat?

Nancy Pelosi's husband 'violently assaulted' in their home: spokesman
America is being betrayed by scumbag members of Trump's MAGAt thugs.

'Nothing of substance there': Nancy Pelosi calls Kevin McCarthy the biggest empty suit she's ever worked with
His suit isn't quite empty. It's full of rocks.

Woman sues over ban on feeding homeless people in parks
Norma Thornton, 78, became the first person arrested under Bullhead City’s ordinance in March for distributing prepared food from a van at Bullhead Community Park. Her lawyer said the lawsuit, filed Tuesday, is part of a nationwide effort to let people feed those in need.
"You know they refused Jesus too." "Yeah, but you're not him." — Bob Dylan

Maine begins removing those naughty license plates
Secretary of State Shenna Bellows is passionate about free speech as a former director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Maine. But she said obscenities should not be on license plates, which are state property.
“What I would say to those who want to engage in objectionable or questionable speech: Get a bumper sticker,” she said.

'Homophobic Crap': Woman Goes Off During Board Of Trustees Meeting
Nazi snowflakes doing what Nazis do — destroy American freedom. They're looking at you, Maury County Commissioner Aaron Miller

The GOP And Inflation - What's Their Solution?
Trae Crowder takes on the GOP squawking about inflation and having no real solutions.
Lately, being an asshole has been their solution.

Shell Oil Hits 2nd-Highest Quarter Ever. Can You Say 'Windfall Profit Tax'?
Meanwhile, we can't afford groceries and climate change is close to irreversible.
This appears to be the pattern for all the oil pirates out there. Stop driving gas guzzlers.

'Ugly smears' against a Utah Senate candidate underscore the 'moral emptiness of today’s GOP': conservative
They'll get theirs sooner than they think.

Watch: Steve Bannon says Republicans will teach Democrats a lesson 'by bayonet'
This miscreant is one of the most dangerous creatures walking the earth. He needs to be put away for life.
So is the "Constant Startle" asshat moron next to him in the photo.

Michigan GOP candidate Tudor Dixon wants a new book ban: No divorced characters
It's a ludicrous idea that reflects the real Republican plan: Education is about social control, not learning
"Naturally, Dixon's idea of what constitutes pornography was lurid but entirely vague, such as "books describing how to have sex." Which could mean anything from actual sex education books to books that simply have sex scenes, a category that encompasses classics like "Romeo and Juliet" and also the Bible."
"Dixon complained that her daughter had checked out a book 'about having two different homes' and how the very idea of divorce 'caused an unnecessary anxiety.' Wow! She IS a snowflake! Apparently, she's the one with the problem. Throw her out.
Ban the stupid GOP. They are the problem in America.

Tom Cotton boasts about not even reading Trump impeachment evidence in new book
Illiterate as well as irresponsible, eh? No surprise here.

'The future the GOP wants for all of America': New Texas law unleashes deadly mayhem
The hell hole of America. The wild west was never like this.
Texas — Vote Beto — Stop Fascism.

Lara Logan: Biden Admin Is Tracking Children So The Elites Can Drink Their Blood To Fight Aging
This is the perfect example of a decent woman becoming radicalized. Where in the universe does someone come up with this imbecile idea? Maybe she should read the following statistics: Facts & Stats on Missing Children
The strange fact is, blood, when drank, is toxic. Could she take time to study facts? I guess not.
The problem is there are too many brainless people who think this. They all need help desperately.

Judge Reads Jan 6 Rioter The Riot Act Before Sentencing
Another one bites the dust.

Report Details ‘Extremist’ GOP Plot to Nationalize Voter Suppression
"These anti-voter bills telegraph what some Republicans in Congress would like to do: make it harder for certain Americans to vote," Common Cause says in the new report.

'Worst Possible News': Scientists Urge Immediate Action as Greenhouse Gas Levels Hit All-Time High
"The brutal truth is here for everyone to see," said one researcher in response to record CO2, methane, and N2O atmospheric concentrations. "Far from emissions being brought under control, they are actually accelerating."
Did we think we could keep burning fossil fuels forever? Did we think we could keep internal combustion engines running forever? Did we think? Do we think?
Keep this up and you won't have to worry about feeding your families any longer.

The Cruel and Dangerous Path of Beating Down the Poor in America
If the U.S. is to redeem itself with a vision of justice, it’s time for a deep and humble acknowledgment of the breadth and depth of poverty in the richest country in human history.
The 1 percenters are in for a real surprise sooner than they think.

Just Fucking Do It Already
"Just fucking stop negotiating with them and cut them the fuck off. They are not an ally in any meaningful sense of the term. Literally every shitty thing that has happened in the Middle East (that was not started by the Brits or the CIA, I must note), has found its genesis in fucking Saudi Arabia. You could go through and list dozens of things they are the cause of, and it does not even begin to start with the 9/11 bombers. Stop propping up this corrupt and brutal and stone age fucking monarchy, their wahabbist cult, and let them deal with their own fucking security and messes.

John Fetterman showed 'courage' and a 'more humane way forward' in Senate debate: editorial

Kanye West had Adolf Hitler 'obsession' and praised his genocidal achievements and power
Really? How could anyone ever have known?

Trump Organization fraud prosecutor: 'If we booted every juror for disliking Trump we'd have no jurors'

Ron DeSantis' former employer received millions in state funding: report
Ran DeSantis ain't cool. And Florida government is as corrupt as it gets.

The American Economy And The ‘Biden Boom
Consider this in the context of all that you get fed with the "media spoon."
"So while keeping a watchful eye on inflation, the President is right to tout America’s economic recovery (driven in significant part by federal spending and by judicious actions from the Fed). Even if the President is too modest to call it the “Biden boom,” it deserves our attention and applause."

Fail Of The Week: Indiana Senator's Dance With A Gas Pump
Todd (guess which party) Young's attempt to score inflation political points doesn't go as planned. Then, according to the price chart, why isn't he cheering Biden for the downturn in gas prices?
He's a bit late to the bullshit party don't you think? Ooops, sorry I used that "t" word.

If This Doesn't Send A Chill Down Your Spine, Nothing Will
Mike Pence claims the First Amendment didn't establish a right to freedom from religion.
This would only apply to those with a spine so that leaves a lot out.
"We have a word for that, Mike. It's called "fascism." You don't get to use the courts to impose your religious rule on the rest of us."

Lindsey Graham: GOP cannot possibly have a racism problem because we nominated Herschel Walker
So, he admits they are to blame for this singular Trump puppet token they have shoved out. Thanks for admitting it, Lindsey.
Your party is the party of racism. You show your hand constantly with what you do.

Anxious Americans are putting prices over principles
What's up with that? Gas prices are coming down world wide.
Any why do they keep driving tanks that guzzle fuel?
Gigantic trucks aren't the most economical tanks. They burn more in a day than a hybrid does in a month.
"A regular car averaging at 25 mpg will accumulate an expense of $1,600 in fuel costs per year while the annual fuel costs of a hybrid alternative at 42 mpg would be $975." Yes, they may cost more to buy but they will save your gas bill as long as you own it. Plus, it will be fighting climate change.
I can testify to fuel cost reduction. I have owned hybirds for the last 10 years. The average battery will last for 15 years.

‘This theory is nuts’: Schwarzenegger fights GOP election scheme at the Supreme Court
Another reason we have to kill the Electoral College before it kills us.

Kanye West 'escorted' out of Skechers offices
Where will he get the bum's rush next?

Lying Right-Wing Pastor Claims Democrats Boil Children
Right-wing evangelical pastors are destroying America.
"For many will come in my name..."
No Christian here. Simple con man.

Don Jr's Shot At Fetterman Instantly Backfires
A swing and a miss, Junior.
"Did you know Donald Trump is my father?"
This creep's batting average is really Class C ball.

Here We Go Again: Another Woman To Accuse Herschel Of Funding An Abortion
Has anyone not had an abortion funded by Walker? ANYONE?
So, this guy never learned how to keep his dick in his pants? He didn't know what made babies?

Fox's Brett Baier grills Herschel Walker: ‘You’re saying you don’t know this person?
He never knew many women, apparently.

'Zombie populists' and their 'extraordinary staying power' should 'worry American readers': journalist
They're in your town now.

Conservative Black pastor unnerves Trump supporters by inviting Beto O'Rourke to his megachurch
The Texas press didn't seem to notice when Beto O'Rourke, Democratic candidate for governor, got a surprising but welcome invitation to Sunday worship at Potters House, the 8,000-member Dallas megachurch pastored by conservative Black evangelical Bishop T.D. Jakes, who mentored former Pres. Donald Trump's spiritual adviser, Paula White.
The Texas Press? WTF is that?

Alito: Leaked Draft Made Us “Targets For Assassination”
When it has been suggested by the fascists of America that they are the ones that are in control of all the guns, he must be talking about his own constituancy. Odd, don't you think? Or does anyone still think?
Check the record and see which side has a history of using violence and murder against the other side—Pro-Choice or Anti-Abortion.

That Cardboard Box in Your Home Is Fueling Election Denial
Much of the cardboard and paper goods strewn about our homes — the mail-order boxes and grocery store bags — are sold by a single private company, with its name, Uline, stamped on the bottom. Few Americans know that a multibillion-dollar fortune made on those ubiquitous products is now fueling election deniers and other far-right candidates across the country.
Make that "election liars."

Kushner still palling around with Saudis as kingdom tries to jack up gas prices: report
Here's the slime responsible for gas pricing.

The Supreme Court Has Made It Harder to Regulate New Technologies
This new doctrine shifts power away from agencies empowered and overseen by Congress, and toward courts and industry.

Progressives Have But One Option on Election Day: Vote to Defeat the Neofascist GOP
There's nothing "Neo" about Nazis. They are the same old deadly SOBs they've always been.

Texas Republicans in tight races open to rape and incest exceptions to abortion ban
Or how about joining the 21st Century and dropping all anti-abortion laws - period!

It's Well Past Time To Free Brittney Griner
And this is all over some weed? How fucking batshit crazy is this? Stop it!

Stupid Ted Cruz Forgot To Put Any Voter Fraud In His Brand New Book About Voter Fraud
You forgot to put idiot after stupid.

Advocacy Groups File Lawsuit Against Vigilantes Intimidating Arizona Voters
Terrorism is more like it.

Secret Service Waited an Hour to Send Info on Threat Against Schumer on Jan. 6
The SS is now in deep doo doo.

Sparks fly in Morning Joe debate on GOP threat to democracy: 'If that's not fascism, I don't know what is'
"I said, my God, this is out of Germany in 1933, is it not?"
"If that's not fascism, I don't know what is."
Hasan: "Nobody is saying they don't have a right to vote for crazy ideas, nobody is saying all Trump voters are fascists."
Yes. Yes, they are. They may not realize it. But, yes. Yes they are. Just like the people of 1930s Germany were.

Proud Boys protests over drag performers are turning violent — and now they're targeting kids
In the name of "protecting" children, homophobic protesters doxxed and attacked an 11-year-old for playing dress-up
There is nothing decent about these Nazis attacking anyone.

'Absurd': Experts say Justice Clarence Thomas 'giving the finger to the court'
Not only the court but America as well.

Donald Trump must be indicted — and this time, I believe Merrick Garland will act
Time to get this crook out of our lives.

Former FBI counsel says DOJ's Trump investigation appears much further along than previously thought
Good news. Nail him.

'Belongs Nowhere Near the US Senate': Oz Says Local Politicians Should Play a Role in Abortion Decisions
"After months of trying to hide his extreme abortion position, Oz let it slip on the debate stage on Tuesday," said a spokesperson for John Fetterman's campaign.
This man is a fascist. This statement proves it.

“Unacceptable, hateful and dangerous”: Adidas drops Kayne West while others also distance themselves
The sportswear company severs its nearly 10-year relationship with West after the rapper’s increasing antisemitism
"A fool and his money are soon parted." I'm sure we've all heard that saying.
Forbes states that this fool is losing his money fast.

Former U.S. Attorney: DOJ Should Charge Trump With Manslaughter Over Jan. 6
Barb McQuade, a former U.S. attorney who served during the Obama administration, believes there is enough evidence to charge former President Donald Trump with the federal crime of involuntary manslaughter due to his inaction during the January 6 Capitol attack.
She's right. Let's get it done.

Clarence and Ginni Thomas Must Be Investigated by Congress, Watchdog Says
And be impeached off the bench.

Bannon: It’s Not Intimidation To Patrol Polls With Guns
You are so right. It's terrorism! They all should be taken in like you, you criminal.

Son Of Confederate Flag-Wielding Capitol Rioter Sentenced To Prison
Land of the Happy Negro poster boy goes to prison.

Alito Lied To Ted Kennedy That Roe Was 'Settled Law'
A reminder these "justices" are dispicable liars.

Jacob Wohl And Jack Burkman Plead Guilty Over Racist Robocall Scheme
MAGA conspiracy theorists Jack Burkman and Jacob Wohl pleaded guilty on Monday to a fifth-degree felony charge for misinformation robocalls they made in Cleveland during the run-up to the 2020 election that targeted minority voters.

Garland Vows To Protect Voting Rights During The Mid-terms
He's looking at you, AZ terrorists.

Marge's Phone-In Show Goes Sideways After Woman Calls Her Out
Seriously, everything Marge said is a lie. Showing her ignorance is something she does evertime she opens her mouth.
Time to put the trash out by the curb, America.

'Democrats need to win this': PA independent Senate candidate drops out and endorses John Fetterman
The independent candidate for the U.S. Senate seat from Pennsylvania has just dropped out of the race, two weeks before Election Day, and is endorsing Democratic nominee John Fetterman, hours before the debate.
And he did it to save democracy.

'Your vote should matter': Combat veteran urges undecideds to choose the 'sanctity' of democracy
My vote will matter. And thanks for reminding us, trooper.

Watch: Marsha Blackburn pushes debunked claim to accuse 'big tech' of rigging the November midterms
Great Gods, she can't even wait until the election is over to start whining about "it was rigged." What a failure as a human being.

Far-right activist proposes app to let Trump direct mobs around the country
I propose this guy gets what he deserves and it won't be pretty.

'An affront to justice': Clarence Thomas under fire after shielding Lindsey Graham from subpoena
Do we even have a justice system any longer? Thanks, for that Trump. Everything this bitch touches dies.

How a pending Supreme Court case could determine whether US democracy 'lives or dies': legal expert
Do we still wonder how in the world we got to this point? Your answer is Donald Trump telling all the racists they were the ones that should be in charge.

Charlie Crist Kicks Ron DeSantis's Butt During Debate
And it was a beautiful thing to watch!

'Put somebody with a gun': Herschel Walker reveals his plan to improve American schools
Guns. That's his answer? Great Googa Mooga. He is one spectacular idiot. Someone has been doing that, dickhead. They've tried that and the guy with the gun in school is the first to get shot to death. This guy is running for office in Georgia. What a stupid joke on them.
The fear music this moron is singing is getting very old. Someone should tell him he's a laughing stock. But he's too stupid to know what that means. ROTFLMAO!

Criminology expert takes a sledgehammer to GOP claims “blaming Democrats for an increase in crime”
Despite the apparently confident assertions of politicians, the crime rate isn't as simple as Republicans claim
This is one of their tired old tropes they drag out every election. They just can't come up with anything that's pertinent to real policy to solve problems for America. Rather, they create problems for America. Why? Because they are a former politcal party that has a well that dried up so they thought, " Hey, let's try fascism! We think that's a real winner."

Ted Cruz confronted on “The View” during tense segment: “Were you lying then or are you lying now?”
Ana Navarro pressed Cruz on how he justified his support for Trump after personal insults
No one is afraid of the idiot deluxe.

"Variant soup": Why this winter’s COVID wave may be different than any previous pandemic phase
A "soup" of COVID variants could make for a challenging winter surge unlike anything we've seen before, experts say
It should be a field day for anti-vaxxers.

'Go blow Trump. You suck': Ted Cruz heckled by New Yorkers during Yankees-Astros playoff final
Everyone would pay to pay to see that.

SCOTUS Expected To Rule Against Unions Yet Again
Union forever! Down with SCOTUS!

Bannon Threatens Dr. Fauci's Family
Typical chicken shit.

MSNBC Highlights Positive DeSantis Poll Among Hispanic Voters: ‘Republicans Are Clearly Effective’ in Florida
Effective at being Nazis. Yes, they are right about that.

This Supreme Court Term Is All About White Grievance
From Donald Trump’s MAGA movement, to the deadly white nationalist riot in Charlottesville, to Fox News’ fear mongering over critical race theory, white grievance has become an animating force on the right. Now, it has officially arrived at the nation’s highest court.
God knows these people have never gotten things to go their way, except always.

Lisa Murkowski Backs Democrat Over Sarah Palin

Son of Confederate flag-wielding rioter sentenced to 24 months for Jan. 6 breach
Another one bites the dust.

'An affront to justice': Clarence Thomas under fire after shielding Lindsey Graham from subpoena
Tell me, is someone actually surprised by Thomas's shit show? It's not we haven't been warning you.

Arizona MAGA Goons Stalking Drop Boxes Looking For ‘Mules’ — Totally Legal, Not So Cool
Terrorism is not legal. When the fuck is voter intimidation legal? That's WTF they are doing.
Fuck these fucking fuckers!

WAIT A MINUTE ... Did Jonathan Karl Just Actually Fact-Check Kari Lake's Lying Ass?
"If Lake wins, she will call it "fair, honest and transparent." But IF she loses, suddenly the same secretary of state that would have certified her win will have "stolen" it from her. It's Trump's pre-2020 election and post-2020 election result strategy again. As we see ourselves as this chaos goes further in Arizona, it will partly because Trump and most of his insurrectionist co-conspirators have not been held to account.If Lake wins, she will call it "fair, honest and transparent." But IF she loses, suddenly the same secretary of state that would have certified her win will have "stolen" it from her. It's Trump's pre-2020 election and post-2020 election result strategy again. As we see ourselves as this chaos goes further in Arizona, it will partly because Trump and most of his insurrectionist co-conspirators have not been held to account."

Republican senator flops when asked to specify how GOP would govern if it sweeps the midterms
In other words, said Roy, we don't have one. As usual, they don't answer the question because they have no answer.

The Oath Keepers are using the "we were just kidding" white privilege defense
The January 6 trials expose how white privilege allows domestic terrorists to hide their plots in plain sight

MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan does epic takedown of Lauren Boebert
BoBo, the tinest "lesser vessel" in the world, taken to the mat.

To Boost Turnout, Sanders Says Dems Must Attack 'Corporate Agenda of the Republicans'
"What Democrats have got to do is contrast their economic plan with the Republicans'," said Sen. Bernie Sanders. "What are the Republicans talking about? They want to cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid."
How in hell, can one vote for killing our safety net?

Former GOP strategist: Nearly all Republican politicians are 'complicit' and 'an existential threat to our Democracy'
Vote these Nazi sympathizers out.

The backlash to Christianity: Republicans are now panicked — but they only have themselves to blame
And these assholes are looking to form a Christian theocracy? There is no support for this lamebrain idea.
Just say no to the American Talibastards.

Losing the Weekend, Gaining the Week
The lousy bastards don't want you to spend the late years of you life not working your ass off for your living.
We've worked all our lives paying for the system that we get a helping hand from. Why the fuck do these scum eaters want to kill us off? Because they are money grubbing cancer that want to die at their desks and they want us to do the same.

About Those Anti-Immigration Ads Airing During the MLB Playoffs
More Nazi propaganda. They are lying chicken shits.

A growing number of Republican candidates are running against the First Amendment
Christian nationalism twists the scriptures and the Constitution.
You mean Christo-fascists. Tell them to go back to the place in hell they came from.

“There Should Be Consequences for People Who Undermine Our Democracy and Peddle the Big Lie"
Yes. Big time consequences. When will we get to it?

Idaho Bill Would Ban Drag Shows In All Public Venues
So, professional entertainers such as RuPaul; Dame Edna Everage; Bianca Del Rio; Chad Michaels; Willam Belli; Latrice Royale; Jinkx Monsoon; Lady Bunny; Jackie Beat; and Conchita Wurst will not be permitted to work in this backward state of morons and QAnon cancer? Clearly these sheltered lives know nothing of history and the world-at-large in which they live. They don't even know we have a First Amendment.

Boebert: Women Are Frail “Lesser Vessels”
BoBo prjects again. She's describing herself here.

Trumpers Sing National Anthem When Ex-POTUS Brings Up Jan. 6 Sedition
Everyone of these MAGAts is a traitor to America.

Liz Cheney stomps Mitch McConnell for 'political calculation' to ignore Trump's election crimes
"Obviously, the idea that we could simply ignore Donald Trump and the threat would go away is clearly wrong,"

'You were on board': Fox News host confronts GOP Senator Mike Lee for role in fake electors plot
Yes. He's been exposed as voter fraud supporter.

Trump Plans to Challenge the 2022 Elections — Starting in Philly
The former president is fixated on challenging the results of Pennsylvania’s Senate race, which he views — as one source puts it — as a “dress rehearsal for Trump 2024”
The swine. Why in heaven's name do will still have to deal with the worst fucking POS in history?

Mary Trump: The Secret Service 'knew' about Jan. 6 and Uncle Donald is a 'mass murderer'
Both the FBI and the SS knew what was going to happen and did nothing.
"That alone – that alone should have landed this, the former, whatever the f*ck we want to call him, the mass murderer criminal Donald Trump — in prison."

Dark Money Groups Have Pumped $1 Billion Into GOP Effort to Retake Senate
The finding comes a month after Senate Republicans tanked a bill that would have required dark money groups to disclose their donors and funding sources.
The filth of American politics.

Judge Who Ruled CFPB Unconstitutional Got Big Cash From Banks
The judge who ruled the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau unconstitutional got $10,500 in campaign donations from the same businesses that just got a bigger return via his ruling.
"This is a lawless and reckless decision. @CFPB has returned billions of dollars to Americans by doing its job, and its funding is clearly constitutional. Extreme right-wing judges are throwing into question every rule the CFPB enforces to protect consumers and businesses alike."
Money. Money. Money. Money. Corruption. Corruption. Corruption. Corruption.

AZ Whackjobs Are Reportedly Harrassing Voters At Dropboxes
Some incidents have already been reported to the Department of Justice.
When one of these Nazi terrorists injures someone they will become targets themselves.
And then the shit will hit the fan on them. They should all be arrested for voter assault.

Are SCOTUS Republicans in on a plot to end Democratic presidencies forever?
They will do their best, you can believe that.

The ReAwaken America Tour is The Warped Tour for right-wing coo coo birds
The strait jacket crew are like Saruman's Orcs.

‘Search all his hideouts’: George Conway drops a dime on Trump to the FBI
Don't give him a moment's peace.

Trump refuses to explain why he won't pay El Paso $500,000 he owes the city after nearly 4 years
That's because he's a chiseler.
""Shortly after the Walmart mass shooting that left 22 dead in El Paso, Trump scheduled a large political rally in the city to coincide with an event hosted by then-presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke," the report states before noting, "But while O'Rourke paid back the city for the security it provided, Trump didn't pay his tab."
And the MAGAts running for office in Texas are going to get re-elected? What a deeply deluded and corrupt state.

Utility CEOs See Soaring Pay as Families Struggle to Afford Energy Bills
"This goes beyond run-of-the-mill executive greed, and it's a stark example of rewarding failure," said one critic.
This isn't a problem with democracy, America. This is a problem with regulating Capitalism.

Inside the Effort to Protect the Election — One State at a Time
MAGA candidates are broadcasting their plans to subvert the midterm elections. A nationwide network of activists is gearing up to stop them
Nazi terrorists must be stopped.

Please, media, stop pitting abortion against inflation — Republicans suck on both issues
Republicans have no ideas on how to fix the economy — and what they are planning will only make things worse

'Disgusting': Trump-Backed NC Candidate Wants To Create An Abortion Panel
Another example of a Trump Nazi. Why in hell would anyone back these Third Reich terrorist bastards?

Leaked Loeffler Texts Indicate MTG Committed J6 Perjury
Leaked text messages from former Sen. Kelly Loeffler’s phone contradict Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s sworn testimony about Joe Biden’s win.
Just another MAGAt criminal that goes walking around destroying America.

Cowardly Chaffetz Too Afraid To Walk In Philadelphia
Trying to prove crime is out of control for Mehmet Oz, Chaffetz embarrassed himself.
And these deplorable fascists are trying to take control us?

Big money from corporate America could mean wins for "Big Lie" candidates
Wealthy donors are funding pro-Trump state-level candidates in battlegrounds like Michigan, Nevada and Arizona
America's politcal system is being raped by Nazis.

Republicans love to blame Democratic policies for violent crime — but these studies debunk those claims
They do nothing but feed at the public trough and destroy our rights in the process.

'Masterful coverup': Watergate prosecutor links Lindsey Graham to Trump's election scheme
"If you take it as a whole, I mean, you've got Donald Trump, who's going to try and protect himself. You've got Lindsey Graham, who's a key piece in the evidence, the chain of his conversation with Brad Raffensperger in the state of Georgia, and trying to find votes to get him elected in Georgia," said Akerman. "You put those together and you've got people, I mean, Steve Bannon — you've got a masterful coverup."
Crooks everywhere and American voters who believe them. It's pretty scary.

'Ludicrous and terrifying': Economist warns gas prices could determine 'the fate of American democracy'
Quite the childish reasoning for killing democracy. It also shows how snowflaky Americans really are if they can't manage under such conditions.
“Will the price of gasoline — a price that has very little to do with which party controls the government — nonetheless determine the outcome of the midterm elections, and quite possibly the fate of American democracy?” Krugman writes. “I wish that were a silly question, but it isn’t. This year, there has been a strong correlation between the price of gasoline and political polls.”
If this were the population during WWII I can guarntee we'd all be speaking German now.
So many things were rationed then that if people had to deal with it now they'd all collapse.
We're paying for not having a public transportation system that is akin to the way Europe does it. In Europe, public transportation is clean, perfectly safe, very inexpensive and generally faster than driving. Vehicles (be they trams, subways, buses or trains) arrive every few minutes so you never wait long. There are no homeless people or gangs infesting public transportation, or trigger-happy cops either. So it's our own fault we're getting ripped off by big oil.
This is never going to happen in America because it is owned by oil companies that want you to buy gasoline. In 2020, the overall car market contracted but electric car sales bucked the trend, rising to 3 million and representing 4.1% of total car sales. It should be more than that today but that's still a disgrace that people are still driving gas guzzlers instead of low gas milage vehicles. The internal combustion engine better be on its way out. It goes or we go.

Mar-a-Lago documents held secrets about Iranian missiles and intelligence operations in China
Trump is a traitor deluxe.

Youth Pastor Arrested On Multiple Child Sex Charges
Christo-Sex Crime. It's all the rage.

Idaho's anti-drag queen bill is the next step in rolling back LGBTQ rights
Bans on public drag have historically been leveraged to police the gender presentation of queer and trans people.
Are these people so retarded they don't know anything about human history? They are so disgracefully stupid.

Yes, Oklahoma And Other Red States Have Higher Violent Crime. It's A Fact, KEVIN.
Why would he give a shit about the truth when his constituants don't give a damn about it either?

Dipsh*t Wingnut Parents Think High School Girl's Awesome Mural Full Of SATAN And GAY
What happens when bottom feeders are let out of the sanitariums.

Voter fraud charges dropped against Hervis Rogers, Houston man who waited hours to vote in 2020
Texas — Vote Beto — Stop the Fascists.

Have They Come for You Yet?
"...purveyors of cruelty, xenophobia, and callous indifference to the suffering of other."
"Prove it ain't so. Speak out. Vote. Raise good trouble. Rage against the dying of the light. The song below, plucked from Youtube, says it has nothing to do with politics, as if to prove the point I'm attempting to make."
Stop this fascism. Vote against it.

Trump rages at ‘sleazy’ Bob Woodward over new audiobook: ‘The tapes belong to me’
Says the King of Sleeze! ROTFLMAO!

'Do whatever it takes!' Bellowing right-wing pastors demand army of 'angels' to capture Arizona election win
Christo-Fascism at work here.

The Federalist Adopts Nazi Rhetoric Against Transgender Americans
Yet another example of fascism and Nazi tactics in our country.
Tell them to fuck off.

A Disturbing Number of Americans Endorse Violence to “Stop Voter Fraud” and Return Trump to Power
That's because they are Nazis just like 1930s Germans. Trump is their Hitler. These people have been with us a very long time now. They were just looking for the leader to let them behave like the Nazis they are in public.

Stephen A. Smith Says You Can Be Against Abortion and Still Be Pro Choice: ‘It’s Between Her and Her God’
Sure. I don't know what God has to do with it. It's between her and her doctor. If you don't wnat an abortion, don't get one. If you want one, you should be able to get one. Those are the choices.
What's the fuss about?

Fmr. GOP Candidate Makes Bonkers Claim that Covid Vaccine Causes Penis Disorders
So that's what made my dick grow ten inches! Wow!

Trump Warns Pence: It Would Be “Disloyal” To Run
Said the traitor.

Georgia Early Voting Up 63% Over 2018 Midterms

Boebert: We’re In The “Last Days” Before Jesus Returns
BoBo has insider info I suppose. But she can't count to three, looks like.

Alabama Baptist Pastor Charged With Child Molestation
Another one bites the dust.

Contents Of Mar-a-Lago Docs Revealed, And It's Worse Than We Thought
Some of the docs included highly sensitive intelligence regarding Iran and China. If they were/have been shared with others, such information could expose intelligence-gathering methods that the U.S. wants to keep hidden from the world for obvious reasons.
What a thug.

'I might kill them in the church': No hate-crime charges for Idaho extremist on anti-LGBTQ rampage
Justice is becoming a joke in America.

Steve Bannon Sentenced To Four Months And A $6500 Fine
Like sending him to camp I suppose. Good God, it's only a whack on the butt. What cowards.
This is a license to lie to Congress. A bad joke on us.

Carlson Admits It: Elections Only Legitimate If GOP Wins
If you don't play by my rules I take the football and go home.
Whiny-assed cry baby. Get that fake frown off your stupid face.

New report refutes Greg Abbott’s claim that his office was unaware of DeSantis’ migrant stunt
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's (R) office was aware of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' migrant stunt despite previous claims that it had no involvement in helping him, KSAT-12 reports.
Pants on fire.
Texas — Vote Beto — Stop Fascism.

Please, media, stop pitting abortion against inflation — Republicans suck on both issues
Republicans have no ideas on how to fix the economy — and what they are planning will only make things worse
"Cable news in the weeks before an election is the ninth circle of hell."
"Everywhere you turn, pundits and reporters are treating this election as if it's a choice between fighting inflation and protecting abortion rights."
Again, the intellect level here is still underwater.

George Conway: Georgia Has The 'Smoking Gun' Against Trump
Let's hope the traitor gets what he deserves, prison-wise.

Lara Logan Dumped After Rant About 'The Left Drinking Babies' Blood'
The former disgraced CBS correspondent now adheres to the most extreme religious right conspiracy theories.
What has happened to us that we have to go to the depths of mentally ill delusions to describe fantasies.

Why Georgia's fetal personhood law is a 'Pandora's box' and a warning to the rest of the country
"This means the law empowers officials to scrutinize, surveil and criminalize not only women seeking abortion care, but also women with wanted pregnancies."

Lindsey Graham loses big at appeals court after trying to quash Fulton Co. subpoena
Of course he does. Does he think he has special powers above and beyond the pale?

McCarthy plans to abet Putin's fascist push in Ukraine if Republicans retake House majority
Stunning that an American politician would side with one of the most dangerous totalitarian regimes in the world.

The GOP Voter Suppression Machine Has a New Target: Trans People
Between voter ID laws and state rules about trans IDs, Republicans have made it a nightmare to be trans and vote

'Daylight Robbery': Pfizer Condemned for Hiking US Covid Vaccine Price by 10,000% Above Cost
"While health workers and the vulnerable continue to go unvaccinated in developing countries, Pfizer is shamelessly fleecing the public for ever-greater sums of money," said one campaigner.
And we thought Martin Shkreli was an abomination.

Biden’s Approval Up 10 Pts, GOP +2 On Generic Ballot
Of course. It would be much higher than that if people really paid attention.
Who are these disgruntled people? I've never met one. They must prefer a Nazi just like Germany did in the 1930s.

Pastor Charged With Child Rape Kills Himself At Trial
OK, how does one get a gun into a courtroom? Who's covering up here in dear old Dixie?

Donald Trump Isn't the Biggest Grifter in This Country. The Republican Party Is
When you compare Trump's cons with the $50 trillion that the GOP has swindled out of the American working class and given to the top 1 percent since 1980, Trump looks like a piker.

'Lawless and Reckless': Warren Condemns Fifth Circuit Attack on CFPB
"Extreme right-wing judges are throwing into question every rule the CFPB enforces to protect consumers and businesses alike," said Sen. Elizabeth Warren.

Watch: Herschel Walker falls for Comedy Central show prank calling him to 'report a crime'
"Walker seems to realize that saying you have authority means you need actual resources."

Democrats close the enthusiasm gap as Biden improves his standing with base voters
You won't get a better one by choosing fascism. And that is exactly what this election is about — Democracy!

GOP keeps telling us how they'll destroy democracy, traditional media keeps ignoring the threat
Everyone talks about what they're teaching on our public schools. But WTF are they teaching in journalism and media classes? Maybe we should be concerned about that, America.

Finally: Here's What Early Abortion Tissue Really Looks Like
The MYA Network, a network of clinicians and activists who came together earlier in the pandemic when some states tried to deem abortion as “non-essential” medical care, show what tissue in the first nine weeks of pregnancy actually looks like. Via The Guardian.

Tucker Carlson Makes A Truly Stupid Attack On MSNBC
Truly stupid? He's outdone himself them.
"We don't call Carlson's program the White Power Hour for nothing."

Oil And Gas Lobbyists Anticipating A New Republican Majority
Why vote for people who want to kill us all?

Imprisoned PA Man Charged With Threat To Kill Biden And Bennie Thompson Over Capitol Riot Investigation
Maybe we get to kill him first.

The U.S. Never Banned Asbestos. These Workers Are Paying the Price
Why are we so goddamn stupid?

'Back the Blue' school board administrator resigns after arrest for Jan. 6 assault on Capitol cops
According to KING 5 News, the director of a school board in Orting, Washington has resigned following his arrest on felony charges stemming from his participation in the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Republicans Are Coming for Your Social Security and Medicare
The party of starving grandma returns to its roots.

The Most Successful Con In American History Laid Bare
"Trump has been a con man his entire life."

If Abortion Is Murder, Then It Looks Like Herschel Walker Is a Murderer
He'd be arrested in Texas for it.

Conservative UK PM Liz Truss announces resignation after disaster-filled six-week tenure
The disaster of Conservatism.

To The 100 Million-Plus Americans Who Didn’t Vote in 2018

New Study Proves LGBTQ+ Topics Rarely Discussed In Schools
But as smart readers, you knew this already.

Will A Trump Indictment Lead To 'Blood In The Streets'? Nah
There are too many keyboard warriors in the MAGA ranks, but we should worry about election deniers running for office. But it should lead to a cell and a lock-up.

Mike Pence torches Kevin McCarthy's threat to end aid to Ukraine if Republicans retake the House
Why would we want Nazis in the House anyway?

Wages are dampening inflation, not supercharging it
"Wage growth is not the main driver of inflation. A recession can easily be worse in terms of human suffering than continued inflation. If we want to lower inflation, we should do so in ways that do not immiserate workers and that make the lives of most people better rather than worse."

Trumpists want you to be cynical — it's how they'll destroy democracy
"Unfortunately, this is a very dangerous attitude to have. In a very real sense, the biggest threat to democracy isn't the authoritarians themselves, who still represent a minority of Americans. It's cynicism. It's people who don't think democracy can be saved and therefore won't spare the time to fight for what they believe is a hopeless cause. If one believes democratic collapse is inevitable, then it becomes a lot easier to vote for election-denying Republicans or just not vote at all."
Need we say more about the lunacy of some American voters?
If they think democracy is failing wait until they get a load of a fascist dictatorship. They are acting exactly like Nazi Germany. Look at what happened there, folks.

Newly unearthed texts reveal Marjorie Taylor Greene's failed attempt to recruit Kelly Loeffler on Jan. 6 plan
Another traitor, another failure.

MAGA Republicans Gonna Investigate Biden For That Nuclear War He Started With Russia
Reminder: Scott Perry is a GOP congressman from Pennsylvania who had his phone seized by the FBI pursuant to an investigation into his participation in the events surrounding January 6, 2021, when Donald Trump instigated a terrorist attack against the United States in an effort to overturn a free and fair election and overthrow the government.

Trumps Whine As NYAG Letitia James Kicks Their Ass All Over The Docket
In fact, she put a whole lot of shit on the docket. So if anyone wants to wade through all 71 EXHIBITS in support of the motion to show cause why the court should appoint the monitor and grant the injunction, the case number is 452564/2022, and you should have at it!

Polls Show Republican Attacks on Teaching Racism Are Backfiring
This should surprise no one but the MAGAt Nazis.

Florida state Attorney suggests Donald Trump could be indicted after the elections
Stop talking about it and do it.

Biden will have oil reserve tapped for 15 million barrels to combat high gas prices
President Joe Biden said he will ask the Department of Energy to draw 15 million barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to combat high oil prices. Biden added he will draw more from the reserve in the months ahead to stabilize markets if needed.

Stone Backs Dead JFK Jr. As Trump’s Running Mate
One thing for sure is he'll be dead certain to get buried at the polls.

Circle K Signs Deal To Sell Weed At Florida Gas Stations
Fill up at Circle K.

Judge: Trump signed court document that knowingly included false voter fraud stats
Former President Donald Trump signed legal documents describing evidence of election fraud that he knew were false, a federal judge indicated on Wednesday.
“The emails show that President Trump knew that the specific numbers of voter fraud were wrong but continued to tout those numbers, both in court and to the public. The Court finds that these emails are sufficiently related to and in furtherance of a conspiracy to defraud the United States.”
Admission of a crime isn't it now.
“This email, read in context with other documents in this review, make clear that President Trump filed certain lawsuits not to obtain legal relief, but to disrupt or delay the January 6 congressional proceedings through the courts,” Carter ruled.

Our Toxic Relationship With Big Tech is Getting Worse
And you wonder why everything is costing you more.

After Biden pledges to codify Roe, Pence reminds Americans how dangerous Republicans really are
Thanks, Mike. America needed to be reminded of how much of 18th Century Schmucks you are.

'I F***ed Up' : AZ GOP Candidate Arrested For Masturbating In His Truck
When the officer approached and tapped on his window he noticed Kaufman's pants were down. "Seriously?" the officer asked when Kaufman rolled down his window. “I’m sorry,” Kaufman replied, according to the report. “I f—ked up. I’m really stressed.”
I know it always helps for that condition doesn't it? I think a couple shots of tequila and a few hits on a good doob work a lot better. Maybe he could try that in lieu of pounding the pud once in a while.
The MAGAts will still vote for the schnook. Nothing shameful here, right asshats?

Marsha Blackburn Claims Hillary Was Behind Danchenko Acquittal
Sen. Marsha Blackburn continued to prove that she is one of the dumbest members in Congress by claiming Igor Danchenko's acquittal is because of Hillary Clinton and a justice system that hates MAGA.
What is the brain failure she suffers from when we all know it was never a hoax?
From which place in hell did these sorts of people come from and why are they in our government?

Melting Glaciers Could Unleash Frozen Viruses That Fuel Future Pandemics: Study
"Spillover risk increases with runoff from glacier melt," the paper states. "Should climate change also shift species range of potential viral vectors and reservoirs northwards, the High Arctic could become fertile ground for emerging pandemics." I know the Republican MAGAt Party will be very concerned with these issues. Don't you?

The White Plague
The Post has a long piece about COVID and race. The basic insight is the pandemic death rates by race have flipped. Where once blacks were dying at greater rates than whites, the most recent data shows that whites are dying at greater rates than blacks.

Its 'not a book ban': Doug Mastriano claims while advocating for books to be banned
He doesn't get around much that's easy to tell. He should do a search on book rating systems. It seems like everyone has their own rating system. Evidently he has his too.
Many of us musicians put out records ever since the "Great Tipper Gore Scare" with "WARNING: ALL REASONS" printed on it because one never knows what might offend one these days. One would think that should be good enough for all possible and then some. But most people with intelligence understand that already without having to be warned. Maybe Doug should have that warning stamped on him.

'Constitutional sheriffs': How far-right sheriffs are abusing their powers to push Trump's agenda
These sheriffs have real badges? Or did they get theirs from Herschel Walker?
Get yours today.

Fox News CEO to be deposed in Dominion defamation lawsuit for pushing election lies: report
“If it were up to Fox, the more ‘newsworthy’ the lie, the greater their right to spread it,” a Dominion spokeswoman said. “However, the First Amendment does not give broadcasters the right to knowingly spread lies or disregard the truth.”

The Supreme Court ignores its rulings to keep executions going
The Supreme Court seems determined to execute as many people as possible. Ineffective counsel? Clear evidence of racial animus among jurors? Violation of habeas corpus rights? According to the current Supreme Court, none of these are obstacles to executing someone.
Last week’s Thomas v. Lumpkin involved an ineffectual defense, racial bias and a mentally ill defendant. The court ignored its own precedent to keep a man on death row without hearing his appeal.
Texas. Not fit.

'Gen-X and Boomer women' are prime targets of the GOP war on Social Security and Medicare: activists
America, you are about to lose your country if you allow these Nazis to take over. Vote against MAGA fascism or lose it.

Ancient carvings discovered at iconic Iraq monument bulldozed by IS
The mindlessness of the religious zealot flatliners.

DOJ prosecutors say there's enough evidence to charge Trump with obstruction: report
Then charge him and stop talking about it!

House Republicans Intro Federal “Don’t Say Gay” Bill
Here go the Nazis, bombing the First Amendment.
Who's doing the molesting of our children? It's you fake religious bastards.

Republican Charged With Masturbating Near Preschool
Here ya go, you bastards.

‘Failed spectacularly’: Top legal experts call for ethics probe into Bill Barr’s handpicked Special Counsel John Durham
"And now the 72-year old Republican, likely nearing the end of his award-winning career, is facing legal experts calling for an ethics investigation into his three-year long criminal review into the origins of the FBI's "Crossfire Hurricane" counterintelligence investigation into links between Russia and Donald Trump and the Trump campaign."

‘It’s All a Lie!’ Joe Scarborough Mocks John Durham’s ‘Futile’ Investigation After Steele Dossier Source Acquitted
"Danchenko was the primary source behind the infamous Steele dossier. Since this was Durham’s second failure to secure a criminal conviction over the dossier’s origins, Scarborough mocked those who claimed that Durham would expose the “deep state.”
Russia and Trump were partners. No doubt about it.

MSNBC’s Michael Steele Declares: ‘It Doesn’t Matter What Your Gas Prices Are, Baby’ Because We Got to Save Democracy
Of course, Michael. But it seems that many are willing to sell our souls to the Nazis for a gallon of cheap gas.
"Democrats, Steele argued, must “help people understand that without an underlying, functioning democracy, it doesn’t matter what your gas prices are, baby. It won’t matter whether you’re paying $5 dollars for a gallon of gas or $2 dollars for a loaf of bread, what will matter is you won’t be able to afford anything because you can’t vote, you can’t freely assemble, you’re on hit lists. Our Congress is dysfunctional. All these things are linked together.”
But some people will do anything for a buck. Including backstabbing our democracy.

How to Help People Vote in the 2022 Midterm Elections
"Our reporters found that voting is a modern-day literacy test in many ways for the 48 million Americans who have trouble reading. Voters must navigate confusing ballots and registration processes, as well as attempts by some states to make voting more difficult, such as by putting restrictions on the assistance people can recieve. Misinformation and false claims about voting fraud have exacerbated the issue."
Ever hear anything like this anywhere before? No wonder Nazis are about to kill America.

Kevin McCarthy: Vote For Republicans If You Hate Ukraine!
Ukriaine, hell. Vote for Republicans if you hate American democracy and end our future freedoms.

'Answer the question!' Herschel Walker faces angry crowd as campaign event goes off the rails
Herschel seems to be having a big problem now. The people know what he is.

Morning Digest: New fundraising reports show Democratic candidates crushing GOP counterparts

Someone Call 911, Please. I Just Witnessed Val Demings Murder Marco Rubio
She just made Marco Rubio her new chew toy.
Little Marco seems out of his league here.

Trump-Endorsed N.C. Candidate Caught In A Whopper Of A Lie
This guy lies so casually. Well, don't the fascists all do it?

Steve Bannon: Christian Nationalism Will Destroy The Democratic Party
In fact Christian Nationalism would destroy the US Constitution and US Democracy in its entirety and the country would become a theocracy. What the fascist criminal means is that is has already destroyed the Republican Party.

Watch: Chart-armed Katie Porter proves that corporate greed is the primary cause of inflation
Those of us with a brain already know this.

'The elephant in the room': Top Fed official says corporate price hikes are fueling inflation
This is pretty clear to understand.

Kanye West is the latest — and most famous — example of the misogyny-to-fascism pipeline
The road to Christian nationalism often starts with anger over women's freedom — in this case, Kim Kardashian's

McCarthy confirms: GOP will crash the economy unless Democrats agree to destroy Social Security
This is real, America. We must stop these bastards.

'It’s terrifying': Republicans facing backlash over plan to cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid
They will marginalize our people that need it the most. How in the world can anyone but the greedy support them?

'Campaigning with dumpster fires': CNN panel roasts GOP's refusal to disavow 'crackpot' candidates
Stunningly horrible candidates. But that's fascism for you.

Marjorie Taylor Greene visits Union Army monument — which she says honors ‘Confederate soldiers’
This "woman" struggles with reality every day.

Lauren Boebert's legislation got blocked thanks to House panel's rule targeting 'lunatics': new book
Thanks, Jim McGovern.

Fox’s Varney and Kilmeade Pan Elise Stefanik’s ‘Rotten Idea’ to Impeach Biden: ‘Bad For the Country’
Yes, fascists are bad for the country.
But, sorry, Trump is a criminal.

Lordy There Are Tapes: Bob Woodward Releasing Audiobook with 8 HOURS of Trump Recordings
Trump’s take on his relationship with Kim – and his admission that he didn’t have a broader strategy behind the threats he made about having a “much bigger” nuclear button – are part of a new audiobook that Woodward is releasing. Titled, “The Trump Tapes,” the book contains the 20 interviews Woodward conducted with Trump from 2016 through 2020.

Tim Ryan 'Struck A Nerve' With JD Vance Last Night, Also Struck A Dick
"If there is one thing pretty much everybody can agree on, it is that JD Vance is an ass-kissing coward."
He also got his ass kicked pretty, pretty, pretty badly.

Stacey Abrams Makes Brian Kemp Wish He Were Empty Lectern
"Kemp kept pushing the “angry Black lady hates cops” narrative, and Abrams handed him his ass.

Flow of Dark Money Has Led to Record Amount of Outside Spending This Election
It's no wonder our system is in the state it's in. We have bad rules in place. And some get constanly broken.

Two-thirds of board members overseeing Texas public universities are Abbott donors. They’re not shy about wielding influence
High-money donors are concentrated on larger boards, including those of the University of Texas System and Texas A&M University System.
This says tons about their fans and the American electorate.
Texas — Vote Beto — Stop Fascism.

We Must Choose: Democracy or War
History shows that letting dictators get away with land grabs & genocidal attacks on nearby nations leads not to peace but to even worse wars than stopping that activity early would have done

Herschel Walker and Other "Good Negroes"
"...wasn't there a time when business folk, large and small, were considered to be somewhat "conservative" and careful about where they put their money. And though those publications nearly always sided with the worst candidates, from Nixon, to Reagan, to the Bushes, and right on down to Donald J. Trump, it now appears they are not at all concerned about competence or character in choosing candidates to support. Perhaps they never were, but the people these rich bankers and energy sector people are standing behind are now off-the-charts unworthy of holding public office."
PS: Warnock wasn't too wimpy, as characterized by the commentor. He was too Christian Pastor.

Trump's latest rant about his rape defamation case could 'blow a hole' in his defense: report
Let's hope it blows him all the way to prison.

Video shows Florida cops 'almost apologetic' while arresting man in DeSantis' 'voter fraud' crackdown
DeSantis 1984 Office of Election Crimes and Security" Gestapo in action. Shame and disgrace upon our nation.
Florida is a fascist state under DeSantis. This is not America.

Biden to announce intention to codify abortion rights if Democrats retain control of Congress
President Biden will announce that, if Democrats retain control of Congress after the midterm elections, the first bill he sends will be legislation to codify Roe v. Wade and secure abortion rights. NBC News' Kristen Welker reports on what to expect from Biden's remarks and if the announcement will stimulate any sway of momentum for Democrats in the midterms.
Here's our chance, America. Will we grab it or will we blow it?

Scott: Property Insurance Skyrocketed Under DeSantis
Huh? He admits the DeSantis boondoggle? He's looking for power here.

‘It Is Not a Prop!’ Trump-Backer Mike Lee FUMES As McMullin Roasts Him For Waving Pocket Constitution in Jan. 6 Debate Throwdown
McMullin: "If you’re committed to the Constitution, then stand up for our free and fair elections, stand up for the peaceful transfer of power."
Mike Lee — What a snowflake.

‘The N-Word Is Super Big On Gab’: Jake Tapper Joins Far-Right Platform With An ‘Open Mind,’ Finds a ‘Cesspool of Hate’
“I clicked on explore, which took me to popular posts across Gab. I came in with an open mind and immediately Gab hit me with this post, quote, ‘we are in a war time, but it’s a quiet war time perpetrated by the Jew,’ with a picture of Adolf Hitler. And there was plenty more where that came from,” Tapper said. “The n-word is super big on Gab. It is a cesspool of hate.”

How Michael Flynn goes local to spread Christian nationalism
In a meeting space inside, a banner promises “any attempt of violence towards our children will be met with overwhelming deadly force.”
Where would that be, genius? Didn't see you in Uvalde, dude. Just another douchebag.

Marsha Blackburn: Dems Want Pandemic For More Mail-In Ballots
Senator Blackburn has never been the brightest bulb in the chandelier.
The shit they will say.

The Herschel Walker Exception
Herchel Walker presents a problem for Republicans with his abortion hypocrisy. Yes, the Hypocrite Party. Thanks for explaining this to us, Mrs. Bowers. But they have already publicly admitted that's who they are.

Why the book bans and censorship? Those who rule want to crush knowledge — and freedom
The ruling class does not want us to know who we are, or to understand the struggles of those who came before us
"U.S. student loan debt, totaling nearly $1.75 trillion, is the second-largest source of consumer debt behind mortgages. Some 50 million people are in debt peonage to student loan companies."
Or: "The methods we use to keep people in systemic bondage."

Morning Joe's Mika goes off on the 'quacks and freaks' Trump has foisted on the GOP
Nominating quacks and freaks, trash and garbage candidates does nothing to advance our country. In fact, it retards forward movement.

GOP unveils plan to blow up the global economy, destroy Social Security. Traditional media ignores
These people are not our friends.

'A Policy Failure': 1.3 Million US Adults With Diabetes Ration Insulin Due to High Cost
"Universal access to insulin, without cost barriers, is urgently needed," said Dr. Adam Gaffney, the lead author of a new study on insulin rationing.
Tell it to Herschel Walker.

FACT SHEET: Cheaper Hearing Aids Now in Stores Thanks to Biden-?Harris Administration Competition Agenda
To lower the price of hearing aids and expand access, President Biden’s Executive Order on Promoting Competition in the American Economy called on the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to make hearing aids available over the counter, without a prescription. That is now reality. Starting today, hearings aids are now on store shelves across the country—for thousands of dollars less than they previously cost.
This is huge for America! Biden is the greatest!

Herschel Walker, Asked About Insulin Costs, Says ‘You Got To Eat Right’
This is an actual candidate for our Senate. What moron got him to run? Three guesses and the first two don't count. The fascist moron, Donald Trump.
OK, let’s unpack what Walker said medically. There are two issues with diabetes and insulin use that Walker appears to have overlooked, namely that there are two types of diabetes. These two types are different in many ways. First of all, Type 1 diabetes used to be known as insulin-dependent diabetes because typically the bodies of those with Type 1 diabetes can’t naturally produce enough insulin. That’s why those with Type 1 diabetes typically need insulin treatments to survive as Jasmine Clark, PhD, who earned a PhD in microbiology from Emory University and serves in the Georgia House of Representatives
"I think it’s important to note, that most people that require insulin for diabetes have Type I Diabetes (formerly known as Juvenile Diabetes). Their bodies don’t make insulin, usually since they were a child. They REQUIRE insulin to live. It has nothing to do with “eating right.” — Jasmine Clark, PhD

‘Abomination’: Marjorie Taylor Greene suggests Democratic senator and pastor Raphael Warnock is not a Christian
So? She's not a woman.

‘Game Changer’: Biden’s Student Loan Debt Relief Portal Now Live
"If you haven't yet," said Rep. Pramila Jayapal, "today is a great day to apply for student loan cancelation!"

DeSantis Changes Voting Rules For Red Counties After Hurricane
You knew this would happen, right?
Sure. He probably will simply count every registered Republican voter whether they vote or not.

Buttigieg Claps Back On CBS Host Whining 'Dems In Disarray'
If not every one Democratic senator votes for everything, the party is in shambles, according to Margaret Brennan.
As we know, it is never the fault of Republicans, ever.
The media aren't doing America any favors.

Trump Organization billed Secret Service $1.4 million for overnight stays it said would be 'free': report
Like Trump, they shouldn't have paid it.

'Macabre': Texas schools send DNA Kits to Parents in wake of Uvalde shooting massacre after Abbott signed law
“Texas Gov Greg Abbott is choosing to send DNA kits to schools that parents can use to identify their children’s bodies AFTER they’ve been murdered rather than pass gun safety laws to proactively protect their lives,” she wrote, urging Texans to vote for Democrat Beto O’Rourke in the gubernatorial race."
"“The states with the strongest gun laws—like California—have the lowest gun death rates. That’s not a coincidence...”

Why does marijuana make it hard to remember stuff?
The idea that pot affects short-term memory is a stoner trope. Here's what we know about cannabis and memory

This election isn't about inflation or abortion. It's about whether democracy can survive
Of course the economy and reproductive rights are important. But in the shadow of fascism, they almost don't matter

The Supreme Court ignored reality
Reality will not ignore them.

Oath Keepers Trial Rocked by Wacky Sexts Between Militia Boss and Lawyer
The case against the far-right group for its role in the Capitol riot was already disturbing. Then came evidence of what prosecutors say is an inappropriate relationship.
In the Low Life Lane.

Texts reveal Marjorie Taylor Greene’s efforts to 'overturn the 2020 presidential election': journalist
Yep. She's a traitor.

‘Everyone trying to trick me,’ Walker says when shown a check he admits he wrote
How in the world could anyone trick Herschel?
“Badges all over, all over Georgia” should be his campaign slogan.

Elon Musk Warns "Civilization Is Over" If Ukraine Doesn't Give in to Russia
Thanks, Elon. Maybe it will take you out too.

Docs Show Trump Org Lied About Rates At His Hotels
Oh, dear. He lied.

Prosecutors Seek 6-Month Sentence For Bannon
No wonder that no one is afraid of a contempt of Congress charge.

The End of the Good Republicans
Ben Sasse is retiring from the Senate at the youthful age of 50. We know why. Politicians who thought they could wait out Trump now see the writing on the wall.
It's the MAGAt Party now and it's not the America as we understand America.

Furrygate: A Litterbox of Lies
The insanity of fascist bullshit.

Election Administrators Are Under Attack. Here’s What That Means for the Upcoming Midterms
With the 2022 midterms less than a month away, election administrators in Texas and elsewhere continue to face a level of harassment and threats that experts say had never been experienced before the November 2020 presidential election.
Trump fascists are attacking our free elections. They must be stopped by any means necessary.

Exxon exits Russia empty-handed with oil project 'unilaterally terminated'
Exxon Mobil Corp said on Monday that it left Russia completely after President Vladimir Putin expropriated its properties following seven months of discussions over an orderly transfer of its 30% stake in a major oil project.

Donald Trump Is an Antisemite and Republicans Are Totally Cool With It

The Right’s Religious Liberty Agenda Is on a Crash Course With Labor Law
Religious employers have found a way to give themselves cover for blatant discrimination—and the Supreme Court is ready to back them up.

As the South Cracks Down on Abortion Access, Tax Dollars Flow to Fake Clinics
Land of the Happy Negro in a grift all their own.

Cops Unable To Tell Difference Between 'Getting More Money' And Being 'Defunded'
The poor souls.
"Alas, none of that is literally true. Rather, the LAPD is operating at three cops per 1,000 residents, higher than the national average of 2.5 cops per 1000 residents, and its budget has actually increased by $260 million since 2019."

After Wowing Georgia With Super Cool Cop Badge, Herschel Walker Skips Second Debate
"We’re all still recovering as a society from watching FBI dragon slayer agent Herschel Walker “debate” Sen. Raphael Warnock Friday. We exposed our innocent eyes and ears to the incoherent ramblings of a pathological liar with possible brain damage who still has a solid chance of winning the Georgia Senate election. This is somehow a “tossup” race, even though Walker’s brain consists of tossed salad."

"They are going to convict very quickly": Glenn Kirschner on the trial of Donald J. Trump
"The fact that Donald Trump is not being held accountable doesn't make sense. But it can be explained by the phenomenon of the ruling-class criminal. America has never been willing to hold them accountable."

Marcus Flowers Sent Marge Into Orbit During Their Debate
Are we even sure she's human?
There are several things about her of which we are not sure.
But she is using the Trump technique of declaring herself the winner.
"the demographics in the district"? What are they? Orcs?
She's incredibly weak. But her deplorables continue to be fools.

Welcome To The Land Of 'Maternity Care Deserts'
Poor Hit Hardest as 'Maternity Care Deserts' Grow Across US.
March of Dimes, which advocates for the health of pregnant people and babies, released the report, showing that since the group last analyzed maternal care deserts in the U.S. in 2020, 5% of counties "have less maternity access than just two years ago."
It's also odd that the writer of the article uses the terms "pregnant people" and "pregnant person" when they should be using "pregnant woman." Don't hand me that de-sexualing women bullshit. You're wasting effort with this.

Debating Empty Podium, Warnock Blasts No-Show Walker: 'He Is Not Ready'
"I think Herschel Walker, if he were here, should tell the people of Georgia why he thinks they should pay for expensive insulin and pharmaceutical companies should be able to charge us whatever they like."
Walker, who refused to attend Sunday's event, has campaigned against the Inflation Reduction Act and mocked its climate investments, asking during an August campaign event, "Don't we have enough trees around here?"—clueless answer.
Walker has said he opposes student debt forgiveness, which surveys indicate is popular with the public—including those who have paid off their student debt.
"I didn't co-sign for anyone's loan and it's not right," Walker said during a debate with Warnock on Friday. "It's not fair." — clueless answer.
He's like Elvis was with all of his "authority."

Cartoon: Space invaders
Tom Tomorrow tells us.

Donald Trump has limited options as his rape defamation deposition looms and none are good
Things really aren't looking good for Fatso.

Biden's Marijuana Plan Is Good, But More Must Be Done
Whether or not this is the beginning of the end for punitive marijuana laws remains to be seen.
One thing's for certain: We will not get any help on this if we elect Republicans into control of the House. You may take that to the bank, America.

Florida surgeon general’s COVID vaccine study is politics dressed up as science
"COVID is still with us. There are vaccines that save lives. But people such as Ladapo, with his privileged platform in Florida, can do real damage. His assertions amount to a political position disguised as science and cloaked in the state flag. The danger is that some people may forgo the lifesaving vaccine because Florida, and Ladapo, told them to."
Reminder: More than 81,000 Floridians have died of COVID.

Trump Attacks US Jews, Claims He Could Be Israeli PM
Megalomaniac, ego-first, nut ball.

Ted Cruz: Scandals And Controversies About The Texas Senator

What Social Security Should Actually Be Paying To Survive in This Economy
The kvetching about the automated increase by the fascists is disingenuous.
"But Social Security benefits have risen automatically with inflation since 1975 by design, precisely so that the livelihoods of seniors are not beholden to partisanship. This is an imminently sensible way to ensure that retired Americans, who spent their working lives paying Social Security taxes, can have a basic income."

The Nightmare COVID Variant That Beats Our Immunity Is Finally Here
The XBB subvariant of Omicron appears to be the fastest spreading COVID virus yet, and most of our treatments don’t touch it.
And you thought this was over? Wrong.

‘Deficit Hawk’ Gingrich Campaign Owes Almost $5M Since 2012
Newt Gingrich’s decade-old campaign debt is the latest hypocrisy from the guy who falsely takes credit for Bill Clinton’s budget surplus.
Brother, can you spare a dime?

Trump's Truth Social broke the law, says former VP — who gave the Feds the evidence: report
Another crime by the Crime Boss. It never ends, apparently.

Most Americans Back Reforms to Make Voting Easier, Poll Shows
They should. All of us should. And we should get rid of the Electoral College.

Trump is employing Hitler's 'Munich model' as he continues his war with the DOJ
Sure. He's a Nazi.

Kevin McCarthy faced with an 'utterly dysfunctional House' if Trump's candidates win in November
Which is, of course, what Trump hopes to accomplish in with his revenge "candidates." Totally inept creeps.

Roger Stone: Trump Will Get ‘F***ing Brains Beat In’ If Runs Again
Breaking: Another Roger Stone video has dropped. This time Stone is talking about Donald Trump: “run again you’ll get your fucking brains beat in”
What brains?

Bill Maher Goes OFF On Herschel Walker in Blistering Rant: ‘A F**king Idiot On A Scale Almost Impossible To Parody’
Great Googa Mooga! Yes, and how! Heed his words this time.

They finally debated: Warnock talked policy. Walker pulled out a prop sheriff's badge
Such a disgrace the fascists pulled with this idiot.

The Media Really Coddled Herschel Walker After The Crazy-Time Debate
Does the media have some sort of guilt complex? Or were they all hired by Trump? Disgraceful sychophants.

As Trump Issues 'Sharply Self-Incriminating' Subpoena Response, DOJ Urged to Act
"I think they were trying to hand the Justice Department all the evidence on a silver platter," one legal expert said of the panel probing last year's attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Walker: People Need To “Get Off Government Health Care And Get On The Health Care” Sen. Warnock Has
It appears he's too dumb to know it's all government health care.
Vote Warnock.

Warnock Vs. Walker: Five Big Takeaways From Their Only Debate
Vote Warnock.

The Munich Model for Trump’s National Security Extortion

Disgustometer Off the Charts Over Herschel Walker’s Hypocrisy and Evangelicals’ (Ralph Reed) Complicity
Morality be damned.

Herschel Walker's Weirdest Moment During The Debate Was Really Weird
I spit out my bourbon when this happened. I mean, tea. I almost spit out my tea.
Walker shows us all how his lies are really whoppers. He's a total embarrassment.

Donald Trump planned and directed the whole damn thing — why is anybody still defending him?
Final Jan. 6 committee hearing yields no blockbusters but a clear narrative: It was all planned in advance.
The people defending him are power junkies or the deplorables that have no idea what they are doing. Fascism and dictators are what they are supporting.
MAGA is fascism. The whole world knows it.

'He wanted violence': Historian suggests Trump was ready to 'sit by' during congressional assassinations
And you still want to coddle this creep? Then you are a co-conspirator.

Steve Scalise Busted: He Lied About Pelosi
Republicans looked to make Speaker Pelosi their scapegoat for the attack on the Capitol, but that just went up in smoke.
Another big fat liar. They can't tell the truth even when they are caught red-handed on a video.

Blake Masters Is Already Claiming His Election Will Be Stolen
Blake Masters isn’t shy about claiming the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump. Now he’s claiming Arizona’s Senate seat will be stolen from him—before a vote is cast.
Whine, you whiner. Sounds as if you already know you're going to lose. Fascists are just bad losers and want to cover for your failures.

Tulsi Gabbard Making Nice New Friends At 'Not A Democrat' School, They Are Not Even All Nazis

‘Bare minimum’: Herschel Walker’s child support agreement ‘grossly inadequate’ for the son he never sees – report
NFL star turned celebrity entrepreneur turned Republican nominee for a U.S. Senate seat Herschel Walker has a child support agreement that is being called "grossly inadequate" – there's not even a provision for paying for college – for the child whose mother he urged to get an abortion – twice.

This might be the dark origin of the claim that schools are letting kids use litter boxes
It plainly shows how the fascists have turned it into another bag of bullshit. That Americans actually believe this crap says a lot about their intelligence level and the lack of understanding of the world we are living in.

'This is vomit': CNN host rips apart 'unhinged liar' Trump's new response to the Jan. 6 latest hearing
The failed old man is still living in a dream world. He's all through.

'Unbelievable': Twitter users blast Jim Jordan after 'real America' post backfires
Many of these people lack the intelligence to make meaningful statements without making an ass of themselves.
This is a perfect attempt from a MAGAt fascist idiot. Vote him out.

Child Incest Victim Denied Abortion In Florida, Forced To Travel Out Of State
Florida's 15-week ban makes no exceptions for rape or incest.
The barbaric state of Florida.

‘Plan is to literally kill people’: Secret Service ignored ‘substantial intel’ about Proud Boys – expert asks was it ‘Intentional’
That way Trump could declare martial law and resume his position as president and dictator of the country. What a megalomaniac.

Somebody had to do it! Jan. 6 committee wraps with a bang — and a subpoena for Donald Trump
Laying out an irrefutable case that Trump planned it all, committee answers its own call to hold him accountable
"Our nation cannot only punish the foot soldiers who stormed our Capitol. Those who planned to overturn our election, and brought us to the point of violence, must also be accountable."

Entire Family Of 5 Sentenced For Taking Part In Capitol Riot
Family values!
"Dawn Munn indicated a federal stimulus check helped pay for the trip."
Certified morons, members of the MAGA Fascist Party (formerly known as Republican).

'Who are these people?' Morning Joe left speechless by Republicans hurting democracy for 'failed reality TV host'
They appear to be rascists at heart but also narrow-minded bigots on many levels. They see Trump as the certification of their mindset.

Conservatives are sure sounding more and more like the KKK these days.
All are living in the Land of the Happy Negro. What else do you need to know?

Judge Cannon 'has humiliated herself' as the Supreme Court refuses to steps in: Morning Joe
"...a major rebuke of Trump-appointed Judge Aileen Cannon."
That led former RNC head Michael Steele to sum up their refusal as a curt: "Hell, no. Go back home. This isn't going to work"
"There are outliers, there are always outliers, and Judge Cannon has humiliated herself and does seem to be the aberration here."

Bingo Card From Hell: Kanye West, Kid Rock Attend Candace Owens’ Documentary Premiere
The premiere also saw appearances from Ray J and known MAGA supporter Colby Covington
"They all play on the pennywhistle, you can hear them blow" — Desolation Row, Bob Dylan

'What kind of snowflake' is Trump to not testify after other people fought for him on J6: committee member
"I would say this: what kind of snowflake is Donald Trump that he's willing to send hundreds and hundreds of other people to go and do his battle and to attack police officers with Trump flags and Confederate battle flags and turn American flags into weapons, and he's very happy to do that, and he won't even come and explain himself, why he thought he had a right to do that, or what he thought that was the right thing to do," said Raskin. "What is he afraid of?"
Everything. But he fears failure most of all. And he is the greatest failure in our generation.

Refused, resigned, agreed: The history of U.S. presidents subpoenaed by congress
As the Jan. 6 committee votes to subpoena Former President Donald Trump. Michael Beschloss examines the history of the three past U.S. presidents who were subpoenaed by Congress: Thomas Jefferson, Richard Nixon, and Bill Clinton, and discusses where Trump fits into history.

Andrew Weissmann: 1/6 Committee’s display of Trump’s repeated lies will be devastating
Former Justice Department prosecutor Andrew Weissmann reacts to the criminal case against Trump laid about by the January 6th hearing in what is likely their last public hearing.

January 6 Committee’s Finale: The Importance of Retelling the Tale of Trump’s Treachery
"Whatever happens with the committee—which is continuing its work for now and is expected to release a final report after the elections—there will remain the need to retell the story of January 6, over and over and over again."
The story of a treasonous ex-president.

Debate Audience Bursts Out Laughing After Ron Johnson Claims, ‘The FBI Set Me Up’
“In response to the wild charge of Lieutenant Gov. Barnes, the FBI set me up with a corrupt – with a corrupt – briefing and then leaked that to smear me,” Johnson replied as many members of the audience laughed.
Johnson accused the FBI of having corruption in its ranks, which, he said, “I’m trying to uncover and expose.”
We know now, any corruption in the FBI (and there is likely some there as we have learned from the Trump investigation today) will be from the side that Johnson represents.

A subpoena for an insurrectionist named Donald gets reactions from Twitter
"Is Donald Trump going to testify? The chances of that happening are about as good as Donald Trump finding a single shred of evidence to support the claim that the election was stolen. But the world got to see a congressional committee do its job and present a very clear-cut case to the American public that Trump worked harder than he has ever worked on anything in his entire crummy life to thwart the will of the American voters and get himself reinstalled in an attempted coup d’etat of our Executive branch."
He may be too busy with indictments now that the world knows he's guilty of obstruction of justice and treason to the Constitution of the United States which he swore to defend. He's quickly run out of bullets.

'About Damn Time': Jan. 6 Panel Unanimously Votes to Subpoena Ex-President Donald Trump
Look at what happens when you don't comply. Steve Bannon can tell you. Stick a fork in him.

These Donald Trump allies are facing criminal referrals from the January 6th Select Committee

Members of Congress stunned by Secret Service 'bombshell' at Jan. 6 hearing
Not so secret after all.

SCOTUS Smacks Down Trump's Mar-A-Lago Delay Tactic
The New York Times called the Supreme Court’s unanimous rejection of Trump’s appeal “a stinging rebuke.”
"Would you like to weigh in on this case?" POTUS unanimously says "NO!"
Wow! SCOTUS gives Trump the cold shoulder. Very good!

New Jaw-Dropping Video Shows Pelosi Reacting As Rioters Ravaged The Capitol
Lumpy really needs to go to prison.
This is what a real leader looks like.

Tom Fitton Conspired With Trump To Declare Victory Before The Election
The plot was hatched in October for Trump to declare victory regardless of the results.
It was stated during the hearing that Trump planned it as early as July.
The score is now America 18, Trump 0. That's Justices and Committee members as they have subpoenaed him. He's in real trouble now and he's come to his end.

Those Patriotic Jan. 6th Tourists Sure Had A Lot Of Guns!
“I had not seen that many weapons in one location since I was in the military,” said Terry Cummings, testifying at the trial of Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes.
Such a surprise. Trump wanted them to cross the metal detector barrier. They didn't because they were armed. This was made obvious by the evidence produced by the Judiciary Committee today.
Tell this to Ron Johnson and the co-conspirators that support him.

Somebody had to do it! Jan. 6 committee wraps with a bang — and a subpoena for Donald Trump
Laying out an irrefutable case that Trump planned it all, committee answers its own call to hold him accountable

Text messages reveal Oath Keepers sought 'alliance' with other far-right groups ahead of Jan. 6
“He wants us to make it wild that’s what he’s saying,” Meggs wrote. “He called us all to the Capitol and wants us to make it wild!!!”
All traitors. How much proof does a sane person need?

Public records lawsuit asks court to force DeSantis to hand over documents related to migrant stunt
Everybody knows you're a stunt man, Ron.

Investment Hyped by Bill O’Reilly Was Ponzi Scheme, Feds Say
Celebrity endorsers plugged a real-estate investment that seemed too good to be true. According to prosecutors, it was.

Gabbard And Rogan: Schools Have Litter Boxes Now
This is an urban myth perpetuated by morons, idiots and downright sick people.
The Liars Party is where she always belonged.

Trump supporter who accused Antifa of burning down his camper admits the plot was staged: DOJ
A Minnesota man who previously insisted that his camper was torched by members of Antifa has admitted that the entire plot was staged, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has confirmed.

Fourteen Members Of Trump-Endorsed Candidate's Family Back His Dem Opponent
They know something we don't know it appears.

Biden designates his first national monument as president: Camp Hale in Colorado

Black Hole Pukes Up Star Years After Eating It
But here’s the rub: It hadn’t eaten anything in years.
Hmmm. Must be coming from the other end?

Libertarian Party Under Fire Once Again — Now For Absurd Tweet Comparing Zelenskyy to Hitler
The nitwits just keep coming and laying their supreme lunancy on us. It should be a crime.

7 Ways Roger Stone Was Connected to the January 6 Attack
Really? You can only find 7?

'We don't hire coloreds': Wisconsin bar owner resigns after racist and anti-Semitic texts leak
Not even happy ones? Sounds like a picky asshole.

How Merrick Garland Can Put the Supreme Court’s Originalists On Notice
If Dobbs is correct from an originalist position, a wide range of Supreme Court doctrine is not.

Ruling in fluoride election lawsuit marks latest defeat for prominent Texas vote-fraud activist
They just want to live in the days of a long-gone past far from the 21st Century.

Wisconsin Paper Bashes Ron Johnson, Encourages Voters to “Send Him Packing”
Why any voter thinks he has a brain is a total mystery wrapped in an enigma.

Garbage Humans Furious Biden 'Regime' Made Jury Give Sandy Hook Families 965 Million Of Alex Jones's Dollars
Hey, Alex, if you don't have it you can work it off in prison busting rocks.

Good Morning, Donald! Let's Read About The Mar-A-Lago Witness Who's Telling The Feds EVERTHANG

'Clear evidence of obstruction': CNN legal analyst says new revelations will deepen Trump's legal woes
"To Williams, this is damning proof that Trump was engaged in criminal activity."
I think we all know he's a crook by now. Even the remaining people that have supported him.

Funding Social Security Is a Lot Cheaper Than Coddling Rich Retirees
And how!

Tucker Carlson’s latest attack against John Fetterman quickly comes back to haunt him
Are they even aware this is the 21st Century?

FBI Told By Trump Worker That Ex-President Ordered Boxed Docs To Be Moved
Oh, Lordy, there are tapes.
Taylor, get a clue. No one has taken documents like Fatso has done.
"And Trump's defense is that other Presidents did it, too, even though that's a dubious claim since he was asked repeatedly to return the documents. The employee wasn't forthcoming initially, but after federal agents gathered more evidence, the individual started dishing dirt on the former President.

Alex Jones Mocked Sandy Hook Verdict: 'I Killed The Kids, Folks'
This behavior is why he has a $965 million judgment against him.
The fine is way too good for him. Anyone who behaves like this should be taken to the wall.

Supreme deceit: How Sam Alito snuck medieval state Christianity into the Dobbs opinion
Alito's opinion overturning Roe is literally built on fake history — and a sneak attack on the First Amendment
It doesn't look sneaky to me. It looks like he's right out front with his attack on the Constitution.

Donald Trump has learned how to manipulate white rage — that's very dangerous
Donald Trump's litany of racist grievances is petty, boring and false. The scary part? He speaks for millions
All members of the Land of the Happy Negro.

'Persecution must end!' Marjorie Taylor Greene argues Alex Jones had a legal right to torment Sandy Hook parents
She just broke the stupid meter. There will have to be a new one made that goes far deeper as this is a new standard for bat shit.
"No matter what you think of Alex Jones all he did was speak words,"
Kiddo, I have plenty of words for your ass, then.

'Ron Johnson, your armed insurrection is calling': Nicolle Wallace plays J6 clips the Secret Service will corroborat
And this miscreant is leading in the polls in Wisconsin? Must be a bunch of thick headed fools roaming around there. But I think I already knew that.

Trump Threatened to Out Confidential Sources From Russia Investigation
The former president is still itching to compromise the intelligence sources he blames for the investigation into Russia’s role in the 2016 campaign
Russian agent seeks revenge does he? Most gangsters do after they get exposed.

Pro-Trump Georgia Officials Plotted to Swipe Voting Data. We Caught Them
Emails obtained by Rolling Stone reveal how a group of county officials in Georgia tasked with protecting the election instead discussed a plan to pull sensitive data — and have taxpayers pay for it
Land of the Happy Negro vote stealers get caught stealing.

'Lights Are Flashing Red': Study Finds 69% Average Drop in Animal Populations Since 1970
"We should care deeply about the unraveling of natural systems because these same resources sustain human life," said the World Wildlife Fund's global chief scientist.
And the mindless don't give a damn.

'Left there bleeding out': Mississippi cop shoots 15-year-old boy in the head, then handcuffs him
Land of the Happy Negro cops just wanted to make sure it looked proper. Shooting kids, I mean.

DeSantis Under Investigation Over Use Of Covid Funds To Pay For Migrant Stunt

Dennis Prager: 'There's No Secular Argument Against Adult Incest'
There it is. The new refrain from Christian nationalists everywhere. You can't be a real American unless you are a Christian.

John Fetterman Had A Stroke And The Media Is Here To FREAAAK OUUUUT ABOUT IT!
"My wife watches The Crown and Downton Abbey with closed captioning, and she’s also fully in command of her faculties. Let’s see Herschel Walker actually read closed captioning in real time during an interview."

Workers Make $1.3 Million More Through Their Careers When They’re in a Union

How Republicans Conspire with Churches for Political & Social Control
Shameless radical religious leaders are breaking the law while living off you and me - It’s time to cut them off from the “free lunch” of tax exemption

Kari Lake’s ‘Perfect Answer on Abortion’
Does Lake really have no idea how fundamentally things have changed? Does she not realize that the car Republicans have doggedly chased after for decades is now in their jaws, weighing two tons and not slowing down?
All this makes a reporter’s question about whether Lake supports an effective abortion ban a perfectly good question to ask. It’s Lake’s answer that is out of bounds.

Alex Jones told to pay nearly $1 billion to Sandy Hook families
I'm sure he can handle that like the new man he is.

Big Pharma Is Flooding Puerto Rico With Toxic Waste
"The investigation follows previous exposés by the Center for Popular Democracy and Hedge Clippers that revealed workplace abuse and pervasive low wages in Puerto Rico’s pharmaceutical sector. As many as 90,000 Puerto Ricans work to make some of the most important life-saving drugs on the planet—which come, as these reports make clear, at high cost to their own lives."

Judge: Trump To Be Deposed In Rape/Defamation Suit
Ah! The old rapist case is back upon him. Nail him.

Biden just made Obamacare better
"The IRS has finalized the rule change to make sure that affordability—what percentage of the paycheck would have to go toward coverage—is based on family premiums as necessary. In 2022, the threshold for “affordability” of employer-sponsored coverage is 9.61% of household income; if insurance costs ate up more than that, then you would qualify for an individual subsidy under the ACA. It’s going to drop to 9.12% in 2023—and will apply to whole family coverage instead of individual."

'A white nationalist problem': Washington State GOP gave money to an infamous 'pro-Nazi blogger'
"Greyson Arnold, a White nationalist blogger and Nazi sympathizer, has, according to Daily Beast reporter Zachary Petrizzo, received money from the Washington State Republican Party."
Just more proof the GOP being the party of fascism and against the Constitution of the United States.

Healthy ecosystems need birds. But billions fatally strike glass windows every year
Oh noes! And here we were being told it's wind mills that take them all down.

Donald Trump Jr. says Democrats are pretending to believe in the 'tenants' of their party's platform
He means the ones that are living under it. Getting the space rent free I suppose?

DeJoy Faces Outrage Over New Postal Service Price Hikes
"We can't let the Postal Service sabotage itself by driving industries out of business and driving consumers away from using the mail," said one critic.
Why is this man still feeding at the public trough?

John Fetterman Stumbles, ‘Stutters’ During First in-Person Interview Since Stroke
The Pennsylvania Democratic Senate candidate required the use of closed captioning to understand and answer questions.
We have stroke victims, heart attack victims, cancer victims, etc. in our government at this time doing well, thank you. Don't forget no one said a word about Rush Limbaugh doing the same thing, did they?
What does Oz say that makes sense?

OJ 'pulverizes all of Trump's arguments' in 'utterly devastating' SCOTUS filing: legal experts
"The Justice Department’s response opposing the emergency application Trump’s legal team filed in the Supreme Court, with a stopover in Justice Clarence’s chambers, is utterly devastating," Tribe tweeted. "It pulverizes all of Trump’s arguments and leaves none standing."

Lone Pro-Putin Protester Gets What For At Washington Protest
A woman objecting to Ukraine protesters outside the Russian embassy was arrested after spitting on a member of the Secret Service.
Whoa! That's so oh too bad.

Bill Hemmer Whines His Neighborhood Is Engulfed In A Cloud Of Weed Smoke
Right on cue, suddenly legalized marijuana is responsible for the decaying of US society.
Just relax and inhale. Then put on a Hendrix record, turn it up, and listen with a good headset. Cool!

Tulsi Gabbard Makes It Official, Leaves Democratic Party
The KremlinTV favorite is auditioning for her own show on Newsmax or Fox TV.
Stopped her charade, eh? Well, the Pootmeister will have a job her on a local propaganda outlet.

A Republican midterm sweep could mean the end of American self-governance
"While criminals, as they are usually understood, break the law from inside the rule of law, these Republicans are breaking the rule of law from the outside. They are committing crimes against democracy."

Watch the Disturbing Kanye Interview Clips That Tucker Carlson Didn’t Put on Air
The man is in crisis. And you know what's gonna happen one of these days.

Fascism's enforcers: A bored boomer army
Ending democracy is less about cracking skulls and more about having time to harass election workers all day
Kinda like pesky mesquitoes. We need a zapper lamp for them.

Kevin McCarthy Is A Liar, Chapter Umpty-Zillion
McCarthy lied to the police officers who protected him on January 6th, in an effort to absolve Trump.
Pardon us if you've heard this before.

Black people are 'belligerent': Colorado candidate backed by racist billionaire Mellon fortune heir
Really? Then I guess that makes you another arrogant, racist white man. As usual.

New moves show Merrick Garland's indictment of Trump is 'inevitable': analysis
"... a criminal indictment of the twice-impeached former president is "inevitable."

Tim Ryan Just Took J.D. Vance To The Woodshed, And It Was Glorious
That had to hurt.
You mean Vance, the grifter, has feelings?

Former prosecutor says if Trump wasn’t a former president he would be indicted by now
That's a disgrace. Why should that allow a traitor to skate on justice?

Republican TX elections chief blasts 'nuts' peddling 2020 conspiracy theories — and zooms in on Alex Jones
"And I don’t want to give a free pass to people who are crazy enough to go out there and say they’re going to kill somebody because they’re doing their job."

Candace Owens Defends Kanye's Anti-Semitic Tweets
Of course she did.
A mind is a terrible thing to waste. It's sad she doesn't get help. But then she wouldn't get her picture on the internet news outlets.

Jesse Watters Laments The Days Of Straitjackets And Asylums For The Homeless
Why is there a picture of Trump in this segment? He's Nut Ball #1.
They were homeless because they were put in asylums. They could have received better care.
Dude, if asylums were still around you'd already be in one. You and the rest of your nut ball fascists. The best place for all of you.

The Question Ted Cruz Can’t Answer
So I figured we should review the merits of his case together. You know, to be all fair and balanced.

Trump's rally rant was an attempt to 'poison the jury pool' and thwart any DOJ prosecution: legal expert
Nothing is beneath this miscreant. Nothing.

Columbus was a thug. But the church was the big problem
"But the real culprit behind the subjugation of non-European peoples across the globe wasn't an individual, or even a monarch. It was the Roman Catholic Church. It's time the church owned that grievous mistake."
You mean the world's largest cult?

Republicans are making no secret of their plans to shut down the government if they regain power
As election day approaches, hopeful Republicans are making plans for what they'll do if they gain power. According to MSNBC's Steve Benen, they're not interested in governing. "Rather, GOP leaders are likely to focus on gridlock, impeachment crusades, and extensive hearings into assorted conspiracy theories."

'They never want to show how massive the crowd is': Trump continues to boast about Jan 6.
"I never knew the cameras – because this took place right from the – they never want to show how massive our crowd was. You know the biggest crowd I've ever seen? January 6th. And you never hear that. It was the biggest," Trump proclaimed.
I guess he forgot the biggest crowd he said he'd ever seen was at his pitiful inaguration.

Taiwanese diplomat trashes Elon Musk's proposed 'compromise' with China: Freedom is 'not for sale'
Anything's for sale in Musk's dreamworld.

'What's he going to do when it's not windy?' Marjorie Taylor Greene fumes about Biden's clean energy plans
This numbskull shows us just how ignorant she is of facts, thnks her audience is ignorant of facts, or just being the liar she is.
How do Wind Turbines Work Without Wind
"It could be just slightly windy; it only takes a slight breeze of to turn a turbine. Once a turbine is going, it can take hours to slow back down, and that could explain why they are turning without wind. They could also be drawing power from the grid to rotate the blades during cold periods of the year to prevent the blades and gears freezing up."

Chilling Audio Provides Rare Glimpse Into Abuse at Troubled Illinois Residential Facility
A glaring example of how we've ignored the rules we used to have in place that were not ignored and saw to taking care of issues such as this.

Kristi Noem: Scandals And Controversies About The South Dakota Governor
Kristi Noem is the Republican governor of South Dakota. Noem has frequently been discussed as a likely 2024 Republican presidential candidate. Noem previously served as a member of Congress representing a district in South Dakota. This is a guide to scandals and controversies involving Kristi Noem. Noem supports a South Dakota law that bans abortion, even for victims of rape or incest.

Which Indigenous lands are you on? This map will show you
President Biden became the first president to officially recognize Indigenous Peoples' Day in 2021, and did so again this year. It falls on the same day as Columbus Day, which was established in part as a way to acknowledge the mistreatment of Italian Americans.

How Harris is listening — and speaking — about abortion rights before the midterms
Vice President Harris has held more than 20 events on abortion rights since May. She's been traveling the country to listen and speak about what's become a top issue for Democratic voters.
More than just Democrats care on this issue. Many Republicans do as well.

On prescription drug costs, Rubio makes a risky election year bet
Marco Rubio's effort to undo the policy is a bold gamble. Sarcasm: "I know, I'll stop Americans from getting any relief from the price gouging drug industry. That should make them love me!"
He'll miss his kickbacks, as well.

Job growth is so strong, GOP leaders remain literally speechless

Judge Blocks State Abortion Ban As Attempt “To Completely Eliminate The Rights of Ohio Women"
Well, yes, that's exactly what this shit show is. A fascist attempt to control everyone else, as well. Shitcan them.

Indiana’s Attorney General Defends Kanye West’s ‘Independent Thinking’ After He Calls For War on Jews
"Worship me or I will kill you all!" A fascist agent, no doubt. Dump him.
Is this really Nazi Germany in the 1930s? Could be.

North Korea: We Can “Hit And Wipe Out” US Targets
Do you have the co-ordinates to Mar-a-lago?
And it would also solve world problems as you will be the next to be wiped out. Then the rest of us go as we welcome in nuclear winter.

Mastriano: My Sec Of State Will Make Sure Trump Wins
He admits he will rig the election. Can you believe his head is emptier than a case of drained beer bottles?
Vote his ass back to hell.

39% Of GOP Voters: We’ll Blame Loss On Election Fraud
Get ready to whine again, you dickheads.

Audio Shows McCarthy Telling Capitol Cops Trump Didn’t Know That It Was His Supporters Carrying Out Attack
Trump didn't know. Really? Doesn't he claim to know everything? He told them to march on the Capitol. Has everyone forgotten that?

Scientists Find Microplastics in Human Breastmilk
"Think plastics."

What Does Medicare Advantage Fraud Have To Do With Dr. Oz?
"The health system Kaiser Permanente called doctors in during lunch and after work and urged them to add additional illnesses to the medical records of patients they hadn’t seen in weeks. Doctors who found enough new diagnoses could earn bottles of Champagne, or a bonus in their paycheck."
An easy to spot fraud in our health system. Stop it.

Proud Boys founder declares 'massive civil war' as members accuse each other of pedophilia
Hopefully, these toxic assholes will wipe themselves out.

'Going on the offense': How Gavin Newsom is taking the abortion fight to other states
Newsom should be our next president.

Trump Reduced To Holding Arizona Rally In The Middle Of A Dirt Field
It seems he's just drawing flies now.
"The failed former president isn’t attracting the same size of crowd that he used to. Donald Trump has gone from arenas to fairgrounds to dirt fields, and he isn’t far from holding his rallies on street corners and large booths at Denny’s."
And the ones that remain are more bat-shit crazy than they have ever been.

Trump sounded 'guilty and scared' during his latest rally rant: Former federal prosecutor
This is his permanent state. It has been all of his life.

DeSantis Fired Him Over Abortion. Now He’s Firing Back.
Tampa prosecutor Andrew Warren said he wouldn’t prosecute cases against women for having an abortion. Ron DeSantis wasn’t having it. Warren says that’s an assault on democracy.
DeSantis is assaulting democracy in more ways than one. It's time the voters realized this.

Why 'hack' Ted Cruz epitomizes the worst that American politics has to offer: conservative
“The deal Ted Cruz struck with the orange devil required him to put his conscience in a box. He can have everything he ever wanted — short of the presidency, LOL — as long as he keeps quiet about just a few little things: his wife’s dignity, his father’s honor, and the results of the 2020 election."

Kanye West's Antisemitism Gets Him Restricted From Instagram And Twitter
Why don't they permanently ban his account?
Or maybe put him on the correct medication?

Morning Joe bashes Tommy Tuberville's 'blatantly racist' and 'morally depraved' Trump rally speech
"It's a combination of really remarkably stupid, one of the dumbest statements ever made," Scarborough said. "You can tell he's struggling just to get through it while inhaling and exhaling. This is a guy that didn't understand the basics of World War II."
As far as the fasists go, this Land of the Happy Negro cluelessness qualifies him. LMAO!

Republicans lean into racism, fascism, and glorification of sedition in weekend Nevada rally
"What was on display was the heart of Republicanism's new fascism. Racism; paranoia; hoax promotion; a focus not on winning elections, but on winning the power to administer and subjugate them."
Hitler would be proud.

J6 Organizer Ali Alexander: I’ll Train Millions For ‘Violent Christian Crusade’
“Stop the Steal” organizer Ali Alexander plans to lead a violent, fascist Christian theocracy around the world.
A little twerp with a loud mouth. We used to not pay attention to such idiots. Fuck him and his Nazi lunacy

The Disgrace That Has Sparked Civil War in a Delaware Town
Confederacy of Dunces
The town council funded a museum that insists on flying a symbol of racism. Democrats and one Republican mayor are fed up.
Take the asswiping rag and shove it. If the historical society doesn't want to, shove it up theirs.

Ramblin’ Jack Elliott Is Still on the Move, Thinking of John Prine, and Telling Tales
The 91-year-old folk singer is set to pay tribute to his late friend this week in Nashville

Cruz Calls Questions About His Election Denying ‘A Joke’
Sen. Ted Cruz played the Republican victim card for being asked whether he still believes Arizona’s 2020 election results were fraudulent. We don't think it's a joke. However, we do find you a joke and a bad one.

Kari Lake: Banning Abortion Gives Women 'True Choices'
Kari Lake, the Republican nominee for governor of Arizona, argued on Sunday that banning abortions would offer women "true choices" during pregnancy. What school of logic did demonic automaton attend?

Jim Jordan Dodges Maria Bartiromo As She Urges To Impeach Merrick Garland
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) refused to tell Fox News host Maria Bartiromo if he supports impeaching Attorney General Merrick Garland.
Even Jim "Jacket Off" Jordan dodges this bat out of hell fool!

Tommy Tuberville Says The Quiet Part Out Loud At Nevada Trump Rally
Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala), who is right up there with Marsha Blackburn in a contest for dumbest member of the United States Senate, said the quiet part out loud during a Trump rally in Minden, Nevada this Saturday.
Good thing this moron knew something about football because he hasn't had a clue about anything since he quit the Gatorade.

'Tommy Tuberville can go to hell': Bakari Sellers buries GOP senator over his blatantly racist rally speech
You mean back to the place he came from?

More polling continues to put DeSantis and his cruel stunt on the wrong side of public opinion
Well, one would think the people want someone with a little piece of brain, at least.

Marjorie Taylor Greene uses her First Amendment rights to claim the First Amendment is dead
Maybe she's looking in the mirror that shows her time is up.
Amazing how they push these miserables on us..

Time for the DOJ to 'stop playing Trump's reindeer games' and indict him: former federal prosecutor
Wayyyy past time. Nail the traitor.

Trump Blames The U.S. For Russia Invading Ukraine
What a traitorous asshat.
About time we started calling him the absolute piece of shit he is. Deport him to Russia.

Trump pushed DOJ beyond 'tipping point' as Garland considers indictments: legal expert
Donald Trump has created nightmares for his legal team and may have pushed the Department of Justice beyond the tipping point as Attorney General Merrick Garland considers indictments.

Traitor Ron Johnson Betrayed By His Own Treason
Ron Johnson trips himself up in a debate when the subject turned to January 6th.
Ron seems to be more than a little worn out.

Greg Abbott: I Won't Pardon Pot Possession. Beto: Hold My Beer!
Abbott has previously expressed interest in reducing the criminal penalty for marijuana possession to a Class C misdemeanor, but not legalizing the drug.
The Draconian old codger is so backward with his brain function. He doesn't have a clue he's surrounded by a country that sees what a failure he is.
"When I'm governor, we will finally legalize marijuana in Texas and expunge the records of those arrested for marijuana possession," O'Rourke tweeted Thursday following Biden's announcement. In a follow-up tweet, O'Rourke reiterated his position on the matter, sharing a clip from his recent "Vote 'Em Out" rally where Texas music icon Willie Nelson performed his song "Roll Me Up and Smoke Me When I Die."
Texas—Vote Beto—Stop fascism

Richard Linklater’s Next Project: Taking Down Greg Abbott
The 'Boyhood' director and lifelong Texan has created 31 videos for a “badass mamas PAC” in an effort to vote out the Republican governor
It's past time for him to go. Texas should have a 21st Century leader.

Why bees love weed — and why it might even be good for them
New research shows the cannabis extract CBD can improve the health of honeybees, which is good news for farmers
And the rest of us too.

'She’s not bright and she’s a bully': Voters and GOP officials in Marjorie Taylor Greene's hometown have grown 'embarrassed' by her
“I’m embarrassed to be from her district. She’s a national laughingstock. The things that she says, she doesn’t know basic words. She couples off with the worst people in Washington and is very annoying. She’s not bright and she’s a bully. She’s definitely not somebody you want representing where you live," she lamented."
They're right about her. They can get rid of her and they should.

In Post-Roe Alabama, the Poor Suffer Most
In an exclusive excerpt from Becca Andrews' new book 'No Choice,' a young woman navigates the health care system in Alabama, desperate to have an abortion, despite also wanting a child. 'It's a whole different ballgame when you're poor, Black, and pregnant, especially in the South.'
Such is life in the Land of the Happy Negro.

Pro-Trump Rally-Goers Blame Mysterious Bogeymen for Latest Event Flop
Speakers bent over backwards to explain the low turnout, blaming “paid agitators,” the government, and would-be attendees’ spam folders.
It's hard to get their message out because there is no message. Only echoes of an imaginary past to which they can never return.

Here's the Brutal Truth: Republicans Have Given Up on Democracy
America is polarized on what the crisis is—but one side is dead wrong.

Proud Boy pleads guilty to seditious conspiracy
The Justice Department will now have the cooperation of Proud Boy Jeremy Bertino in its case against the extremist group's leader, Henry "Enrique" Tarrio, and four other members currently facing charges of seditious conspiracy.

Scientists May Have Finally Figured Out Why ATP Powers All Life on Earth
"While the findings aren't entirely definitive, they are exciting. Humans have been wondering where we — and, well, everything — came from for quite some time. This research, if anything, provides a fascinating new clue."

Advocates Raise Concerns for Democracy As Supreme Court Term Begins

Biden’s cannabis pardons: a long overdue reassessment of the War on Drugs

As Ian's death toll rises, questions swirl on why more Floridians didn't evacuate
Ask their great leader DiSantis why it didn't work.

'Unimaginable' the Supreme Court won't jump in if Clarence Thomas tries to help Trump: legal expert
Nothing is unimaginable in a Nazi takeover threatening us. Thanks to Trump.
Impeach Thomas. It would be a start to stopping court fascism.

Biden to Disaffected Voters: This Is What Leadership Looks Like
Today on TAP: Much more remains to be done, but the presidential cannabis pardon is one of the most significant drug policy developments since the 1970s.

How Hitler’s Enablers Undid Democracy in Germany
The way the Nazis used “the politics of legality” to gain absolute power after a failed coup is an ominous lesson about the fragility of a republic.

Biden Heads for the Midterms with Ten Million New Jobs
Inflation is still a cause for concern, but no other President has had this pace of job growth in their first two years in office.
Our greatest President.

Will a Jury Actually Convict White Insurrectionists of Seditious Conspiracy?
It's obvious they are guilty. Failure to convict encourages them to repeat their crime on America.

Uvalde school district suspends its entire police department, and superintendent announces retirement plans
All of the department’s activities were suspended for an unspecified period of time, and two employees were placed on administrative leave after it was revealed this week that one of the first state troopers to respond to the deadly school shooting in May was later hired as a district police officer.
It's a start.
Texas — Vote Beto — Stop fascism.

In heated exchange, federal judge demands True the Vote identify who provided access to poll worker data
True the Vote has a lot to answe for it appears.
Texas — Vote Beto — Stop fascism.

Abortion Bans Are Making It Harder for Some Cancer Patients to Get Chemotherapy
It appears that these bans have serious side effects to our general health that run far deeper than the killers cared about. Do the assholes that support it give a damn? The answer is clearly "no."

Kirk: Attacks By Walker’s Homocon Son Are Unbiblical
Charlie Kirk, rhymes with jerk.

Dems Say Bill to Kill Price Controls Shows GOP 'Wants You… to Spend More' on Meds
"If you thought Republicans were done trying to repeal overwhelmingly popular healthcare policies that bring down costs—think again," said Sen. Patty Murray.
You have to pay more so they can get their kickbacks.

Herschel Walker is still having trouble keeping track of lies. And so he fired his political director for leaking to the press. That'll address the problems. Probably.
"Conservative Christians refuse to reckon with the fact that their preferred senator from Georgia is, by their own logic, now an accused murderer."
And here I thought they blamed it all on the damned woman. No man can possibly be associated with this sort of Jezebel,right? Ja-Ja-Ja!

“Army Of God” Baptized At Flynn QAnon Event

Oz Holds Fundraiser In Front Of Hitler’s Car (For Real)
Sarcasm: Mein Gott! Can't ve have even ein zingle Führer tribute?
How can these mindless fools be so disconnected from reality?

Jewish Women Sue Kentucky Over Abortion Ban
You briarhoppers think only your religion matters? This is your problem. Big problem.
"The next thing you know, those states will ban Judaism."

Prominent Big Lie grifter is behind huge dark money injection into state supreme court races
There’s more dark money being poured into state Supreme Court races.
All to get more Nazis on our court seats.

Justice Department Asking if Trump Stashed Documents in Trump Tower
Investigators have quizzed multiple witnesses about whether Trump is holding sensitive government documents at other properties outside Mar-a-Lago, including at his Manhattan tower and his New Jersey club
The traitor hid America's documents everywere it appears.

‘Just a disgrace’: Former DOJ officials express concern, call for resignation of FBI Director Wray
"...He is partially responsible for the death & destruction."
Looks bad for him.

New Walker story creates 'three problems' for Georgia Republicans: conservative
1. shit. 2. deeper shit. 3. Bloody Diarrhea!

'Holy moley': Legal experts believe FBI inquiry into possible Trump Tower stash related to looming 'criminal case'
It's amazing how his own homemade shit is rolling over him now.

Ukrainians Find Secret Russian Hotel - In A Pigsty
and swine.

Utah Rep Sorry He's 'Forced' To Take Women's Rights Away
On new abortion restrictions: "I wish as a man I didn’t have to make this decision. I wish women could make this decision.”
So, someone is preventing him from doing this? Maybe he could go to the nut shop and get a pair. Is he saying "I'm just a helpless wimp" ? What an asshole.

These Republicans condemned Biden’s infrastructure bill as 'socialism' — before requesting funds from it
Hypocrite hogwash.

When does pizza stop being pizza? Nonnas, pizza chefs and the Italian government all have thoughts
Perhaps mojito pie and Papa John's "Papa Bowls" are a step too far?
Capitalism at its worst. Parse the pizza parts, sell them as "new" separately, charge more than a pizza costs. Only in America.

Ted Cruz admitted to colleagues that all 'one hundred senators' knew Trump committed an impeachable offense: report
Let's examine. They knew it was impeachable yet defended the defendent? Impeachable!
Ted Cruz? Echhh!

Stewart Rhodes blew Oath Keepers dues on ‘hookers’ while his family ate 'canned oatmeal': ex-wife
Was that wrong?

Judge finds DeJoy harmed the Postal Service in 2020 election balloting interference
Why is this man not in prison or at the very least been terminated?

Laura Ingraham Making Neat Free Commercials For Democrats, Share With Everyone You've Ever Met!
"Because you're not a fuckin' loser 80-year-old white supremacist who watches Laura until you fall asleep in a puddle of drool and regret each night, you might not understand that she meant that as a threat.
We, however, are just wondering if she had official permission from President Let's Go Brandon 'Joe Biden' Captain America The Malarkey Slayer to make such amazing promises."

How the debunked conspiracy film “2000 Mules” became Texas Republican orthodoxy
Texas — Vote Beto — Stop fascism.

Reefer Madness’: Fox News Freakout as Biden Announces Pardons for Thousands in Move Toward Decriminalizing Marijuana
All Governors that don't follow suit will show us all they are Draconian Punituve Dickwads.

'Good grief': NBC mocked for saying experts 'puzzling' over more Republicans died of COVID-19
Very clear picture why some of us lack brain power.

Trump officials removed '2.7 million' PPP fraud flags from 'the largest corporations' during his lame duck period
The crap slinger.

'It’s about flipping the Senate': New book exposes GOP efforts to bail out Trump during his first impeachment
"But according to a Project on Government Oversight (POGO) report released on Thursday, October 6, the Trump Administration eliminated an abundance of flags during its final weeks in office.
“Special preference was given to the largest loans, which often also went to the largest corporations. On January 16, 2021, four days before President Joe Biden’s inauguration, Trump’s SBA wiped 99 percent of special review flags — which were given out to every loan above $2 million for separate investigatory purposes.”
The stinking rat.

Adidas Puts Partnership With Kanye “Under Review”
America should put him "under review."

DOJ ‘closing in’ on Trump: bombshell NYT report suggests indictments are likely to ‘start flying’
Let one hit him smack in his big fat mouth.

'Attempting to unravel the Republic': Liz Cheney expresses concern about Arizona's GOP candidates
As every American should be with every fascist candidate the King of Treason hand-picked.

J6 Insurrectionists Whine About DC Jail, Ask For Gitmo
Oh, poor babies. They're not having fun in prison.
What were they thinking? They should have Trump with them.

Republicans Propose Eliminating The VA Healthcare System
When will Republican voters realize the GOP doesn't support the members of the military, just their government contractors? I've got a better idea. Let's eliminate them, the fascist motherfuckers, miscreants, SOBs, back stabbers, and bastard traitors for good.
Gaetz's stupidity is at a whole other level.

The GOP's 'Commitment to America' contains Confederate solutions to made-up problems
Land of the Happy Negro advocate much? One word description: Treason.

Morning Digest: Oregon Republicans threatens suit to overturn election results because of attack ad
Nazis: They are all cowards and traitors.

Russians Terrified by Putin’s Bunker Mentality as He Turns 70 With His Finger on the Nuclear Button
For the first time, Russians are starting to believe that their isolated and out-of-touch leader really could launch a nuclear weapon.
Get ready to bend over and kiss your ass goodbye.

Demands for Peace Talks Intensify as Biden Says Putin Nuclear Threats Risk 'Armageddon'
Anti-war groups called on the U.S. president to urgently pursue a diplomatic "off-ramp" to avert a nuclear catastrophe.

How a Hostile America Undermined Its Black World War II Veterans
Servicemembers were attacked, discredited, and shortchanged on GI benefits—with lasting implications.

Herschel Walker’s Latest Abortion Denial Still Makes No Sense
While spouting off nonsensical explanations during a gaggle on Thursday afternoon, the Senate hopeful likely didn't realize he confirmed he indeed has a child with his accuser. what now?
Talk about a fraud. This guy takes all the cakes. The University of Georgia should be on all our minds.

Seattle fires cop who mocked victims, deaths on Twitter, but the city’s police problem remains
" primarily comes down to a single factor: a seething contempt for the city and its liberal politics and citizens among a hardcore right-wing political faction on the police force, one that has grown in power and strength over the past decade.
That would be their Nazis.

Trump’s Latest Revenge Fantasy: Purge the National Archives
The former president is telling confidants that the nonpartisan agency is full of “woke” operatives — and promising vengeance if he retakes the White House in 2024
Someone please shut this criminal traitor up and stick him in solitary! What's with all the pictures of him showing us how big his dick is?
They are record keepers you shitstain miscreant. Hands off.

Nebraska Republican Ben Sasse to quit the Senate: reports
Trump Nazis drive out another decent Republican.

Legal experts say Judge Cannon’s blunder proves she’s a Trump ‘lackey’
Who would have thought that?

Against Algebra
Students need more exposure to the way everyday things work and are made.
Temple Grandin has a very good perspective on our "education" system."

Judge says Alabama cop can't be sued for shooting and killing unarmed cancer patient recovering from surgery
"Reasonable officer"? "To protect and defend"? Top notch comedy in the Land of the Happy Negro.

Ron Johnson Suffers Severe Memory Lapse Of January 6th Riot
Ron Johnson serves up a tossed word salad when discussing the January 6th riot.
Wisconsin's favorite Nazi Nut Ball. The rot of the Republican brainless.

'Next Up? Legalize It': Advocates Cheer Biden Move to Pardon Marijuana Convictions
"This is what pressure and advocacy look like," said anti-poverty activist Joe Sanberg. "This must be the first of many steps to ending our decadeslong failed policies on marijuana."
Way to go, Joe. Our greatest President!

BillO: 'Every 2 Weeks We’ve Got Another Child Fathered By Mr. Walker'
Even Bill O’Reilly is fed up with Herschel Walker's shtick.
Not only that, this Christian thing he's got going for him is total hypocrite crap. He's running against a Christian preacher, folks!
Vote Raphael Warnock!

'Really dangerous': CNN panel shreds conservative after she rationalizes still voting for Herschel Walker
She deserved it.

Arizona GOP nominee caught red-handed using footage of Russian troops marching in a victory parade in her campaign ad
Then give her the marching orders she deserves.

‘Ricochet: An American Trauma’ explores unseen impacts of gun violence
All you gun orgasm fetishers take a good look at what you've done to Americans with your gun abuse.

Lauren Boebert sued for libel by American Muckrakers PAC
BoBo Bobert gets it.

Watch: Rick Wilson goes off on Republicans for abandoning 'personal responsibility and integrity'
Gosh, Rick. Do you really think they're this dispciable? Good.

After OPEC Move, Sanders Says US Must 'Eliminate Military Assistance to Saudi Arabia'
Sen. Bernie Sanders accused Saudi-led OPEC of a "blatant attempt to increase gas prices at the pump."
Why do business with murderers? We have enough of our own.

She Had an Abortion With Herschel Walker. She Also Had a Child With Him.
Herschel Walker has claimed he has no idea who this woman could be. Here’s why that’s surprising.
I pity the fool.

Oz is in it for money, celebrity, and power. Democrats are making sure Pennsylvania voters know it
Duh. All of Trump's Nazi candidates qualify on this point.

'Really dangerous': CNN panel shreds conservative after she rationalizes still voting for Herschel Walker
Dear, the Nazis don't give a damn. As a famous man once said "They know not what they do." I've heard some people think he meant what he said.

'She is the worst': Former GOP insider explains why Elise Stefanik is the epitome of 'abject nihilism'
As if the obvious needs to be explained.

'This whole family values ruse is busted': Former RNC chair says GOP has 'exposed their own lie'? about abortion
Michael Steele is right. The only thing that Hersch could do to turn the Nazis against him is to shoot Trump.
And well we know Trump mentioned he could shoot someone and it wouldn't matter to his walking dead.

New documents blow up Trump's attempt to blame the General Services Administration for Mar-a-Lago docs
Amazing how Trump fails at everything he does with the exception of being an arrogant asshole.

From "grooming" to "child abduction": Right's accusations against LGBTQ advocates get even worse
A student-led group in Virginia promised to protect trans kids. That sparked a massive right-wing freakout

'The Onion' Files A Hilarious Yet Serious Brief At SCOTUS
The Onion Files 'Masterfully Written' Amicus Brief in Support of Jailed Parodist
These morons, as well as many other Americans, don't fucking get sarcasm, parody and satire because they TOO FUCKING DUMB!!!

'I Don't Care': Dana Loesch Says The Quiet Part Out Loud On Abortion
She is so tacky.
Sarcasm: She really doesn't care about being a skank herself as long as she gets her seat. Know whut I mean?

Herschel Walker Claims His Son Is A 'Left Wing' Plant
Oh boy, imagine attacking your own son.
ROTFFLMAO! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja! Ja!

Newt Praises Herschel For Having Concussions And PTSD
Wow, even for Newt Gingrich, this is a stretch.
Newt the Snoot is projecting again.

Ron DeSantis claims the media had a 'political agenda' behind Hurricane Ian
Yes. They sure did. Trying to save lives is now a political agenda.
Throw your girdle away and show us your fat gut, DipShitus. You are a fake.

Michigan Republicans beg Whitmer to zip it on abortion rights
_ichigan fascists may be the worst of the shit slingers.

Oath Keepers trial highlights the right's obsession with finding cheat codes for real life
Stewart Rhodes all but promised his followers he had "one neat trick" to evade criminal charges for sedition
Don't all of these creep motherfuckers?

Trump-loving Maine governor candidate tries to distance himself from Trump—but fact checkers aren't buying it
"The Dead Don't Die."

Manchin and McConnell are petty and peevish, and neither should have any power in the Senate
Plenty of jobs sweeping up shit. Of course, it's their own shit.

Putin’s Dueling Foot Soldiers Are Now Apparently Killing Each Other Off
Amid very public infighting between Russian groups, the Kremlin is reportedly trying to keep a lid on a Wagner mercenary shooting dead a lieutenant-colonel.
It's oh so too bad.

Coalition Representing 24 Million Workers Demands Senate Vote on PRO Act Before Midterms
"Passing the Protecting the Right to Organize Act would level the playing field for these workers, and show people which side the Senate Democrats are on," said one advocate.
This will only work if the Nazis don't rig their way in.

'When stupid people vote': Strategist offers blistering explanation for GOP’s 'very low-quality candidates'
"In short, Carville described the party's candidates as “very low-quality candidates." On Tuesday, October 4, Carville appeared on MSNBC’s “The 11th Hour" where he shared his opinion. According to Carville, the reason for the seemingly poor candidate selections lies solely in the hands of the party's voters."
This is what happens when their gene pool is polluted.

'Who Voted for This?': Campaigners Disrupt Truss Speech Over Fracking Ban 'U-Turn'
"Nobody voted for fracking, nobody voted to cut benefits, nobody voted to trash nature, nobody voted to scrap workers' rights," said one Greenpeace organizer.
How fascism destroys nations.

'You Don't Have To Politicize Every Tragedy,' Says Ron As He Does It
"I didn't think I could ever find another human being as repulsive as Trump, but I was wrong. I can't stand Ron DeSantis."
Only the fascists can.

Arizona students walk out of school in coordinated protests against latest Republican hate
Young people shouldn’t have to worry about their basic rights, dignities, and protections from harassment and abuse, but of course, thanks to Republicans, they do.
Thankfully, the kids know fascism when they see it.

Creep GOP Pundit Matt Walsh Wants Teen Girls Impregnated
A newly unearthed rant from conservative pundit Matt Walsh calls for teenage girls to be impregnated. Matt Walsh advocates for the impregnation of girls as young as 16 because it's "technically when they're at their most fertile" in a newly unearthed rant about how teenage pregnancy isn't "the problem it's unwed pregnancy that's the problem in society."
Statutory rape is what this is normally called.

Watch: Herschel Walker says if Georgia voters don’t elect him they won’t even ‘have a chance to be redeemed’
Sadly, the babbler mindlessly babbles on.

Republican Ideas on Economics Are as Bad as Their Ideas on Abortion

The Supreme Court’s Majority Reconvenes Its Assault on Democracy

How the Police Became an Occupying Army
Riotsville, U.S.A. documents the origins and rise of what the activist George Jackson called the “the corporate-military-police complex.”

Herschel Walker’s Abortion Scandal Won’t Alienate Christian Right Voters — Here’s Why
Very simple: All are hypocrites that don't give a good goddamn about it. They only want power over you.

Secretary Mayor Pete Not Sure What Marjorie Taylor Greene Babbling About, Is It Truck Dicks?
"Now, we know how Greene would respond to this, or at least we have a guess. She's a mouth-frothing homophobe and all-around bigot, so she'd probably start doing some kind of Neanderthal armpit fart sounds while she attempted to mock Buttigieg's sexuality. It wouldn't be the first time."

Herschel Walker, The Pumpkin Spice Dave Matthews Band Of Black Georgia Politicians
"When you're Donald Trump's hand-picked tool to oust the first Black senator from Georgia, you can probably count on Black people not supporting your candidacy."
The bigger issue is will the Land of the Happy Negro even allow Blacks to vote once more?

Warren: Student Debt Relief Lawsuit Shows GOP Prioritizes Profit Over People
Mammon is their god. That hasn't changed since I was a former party member.

The Battle for Election Integrity Heats Up in Southern States Ahead of Midterms
Can one believe the depths of treachery America has lowered themselves to?

Supreme Court May Soon Roll Back Affirmative Action and Voting Rights
Fascist bastards have turned into the greatest enemy of a free America.

Trump Wants SCOTUS To Intervene In Mar-a-Lago Docs Case
After losing bigly at the 11th Circuit over the DOJ review of the classified documents he stole, Donald Trump has appealed to the Supreme Court to intervene.
He knows those are his Nazis because he appointed them with strings attached.

Elon Musk Mocked By Zelenskyy And Told To 'F*ck Off' By Ukrainian Ambassador
Musk's Peace Plan for Ukraine was slammed for being straight from the Kremlin playbook and did not go over well on Twitter.
Why does this loudmouth baby Trump matter? Money.

What does MAGA mean in 2022? An aging movement longs for an America that never was
Trump's core loyalists are older, less educated, more Southern, more Christian — and driven by resentment

Experts sound alarm as 'urgent and heated' threats of civil war ramp up before midterm election
The Nazis are planning to disrupt our system. They should be met with all the power of hellfire.

Rick Scott embraces national abortion ban: 'There's arguments to do it at the federal level'
This asshole should be banned nationally.

Ron Jon’s Record Is ‘Target-Rich’ for Dems—and Yet He’s Winning
In contrast, Sen. Ron Johnson and his Republican counterparts’ focus on crime is leaving a mark on his Democratic opponent, Wisconsin Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes.
Clearly illustrating the mental failure of Wisconsinites. I know from experience.

'Absolutely Shameful': Michigan Judge Drops Flint Water Crisis Charges Against 7 Officials
"This means there are currently no criminal charges over 8 years later," lamented one journalist.
One more failure to allow justice to work in America — _ichigan.
"I don't buy one drop of gas in the state of Michigan." — Woody Hayes.

“We Will Be on the Streets”: Lula Vows to Keep Fighting in Runoff With Bolsonaro
Bolsonaro Nazis will do anything to hold power including murder.

Another National Guard soldier working Operation Lone Star dies by suspected suicide
According to documents obtained by Army Times and The Texas Tribune, the soldier shot himself with his duty weapon — an M4 carbine.
Texas — Vote Beto — Stop fascism.

The Tyranny of the Supreme Court

Herschel Walker Allegations: Will He Drop Out of the Race?
So could Walker brazen it out—as he has said he intends to do? The answer is yes. And the reason can be summed up in two words: Access Hollywood.
Fucking Trump! The turd on America.

The United States of Confederate America
A story on the dear ole Land of the Happy Negro!

The View's Ana Navarro lists off Republican men who are only against abortion until their mistresses need one
The same goes for all the hypocrites whining about Herschel Walker stepping in shit.

Pharmacies To Face Trial Over Homeopathic Products
Snake Oil cons still work, apparently. But, no, we don't need them on drugstore shelves.

Interfaith Alliance WELCOMEs Biden Administration PLAN to END Discrimination in Healthcare

Marjorie Taylor Greene Claims 'Democrats Want Republicans Dead,' Have 'Started The Killings'
Greene used two unrelated incidents to claim that Democrats have begun hunting Republicans.
Here we have the perfect example of why insane people need to be put in strait jackets. She's becoming more unhinged as the days go by. That she is dangerous is putting it very mildly.

Activision Blizzard found to have withheld raises from unionizing Raven Software workers
What brought us to this treachery we have in our country? Answer: Trump.

Supreme Court Poised to Shred What's Left of Voting Rights Act, Plaintiffs Warn
"If the court sides with Alabama," wrote a pair of plaintiffs in Merrill v. Milligan, "political opportunities for people of color will disappear."
America may be doomed by the Nazis on the court. Trump and Republicans put them there.

SCOTUS May Give State Legislatures Right To Overturn Elections
This would end our democracy and kill the America that we know and love.
We should be mad as hell about it and do whatever it takes to stop it.

Looks Like Jan. 6th Phone Logs Were Found At Mar-A-Lago
It's almost as if Trump was hiding something.

Texas GOP AG Ken Paxton’s office 'dysfunctional' with child porn and shady political dealings
Texas fascists don't care. They'll try to keep their corrupt hands on everything regardless of any moral ethic.
Texas — Vote Beto — Stop fascism.

Missouri newspaper blasts federal judge for favoring 'loyalty to Trump' over 'loyalty to the law'
Remove her from the bench now.

'Everything has been a lie': Christian Walker drops damning new video blasting father’s 'lies' over abortion
"Christian Walker, the son of the Republican Party of Georgia’s nominee to be a U.S. Senator is out with a new video Tuesday morning blasting his father, Herschel Walker, and Republicans who he says knew about his philandering father’s past and suggesting they even called him telling him it’s important for the party that he win, despite the latest bombshell news."
Don't say we never warned you about this rat.

Noam Chomsky: 'Education and organization' are the 'only tools' to stop 'environmental destruction' and 'terminal war'
Chomsky: "Very severely. The Republican Party is openly dedicated — it’s not even concealed — to undermining what remains of American democracy. They’re working very hard on it. Since the days of Richard Nixon, the Republicans have long understood that they’re fundamentally a minority party and not going to get votes by advertising their increasingly open commitment to the welfare of the ultrarich and the corporate sector. So, they’ve been long diverting attention to so-called cultural issues."

As Fed Pushes to 'Get Wages Down,' Study Shows CEO Pay Has Soared by 1,460% Since 1978
Ordinary workers, by contrast, saw their pay rise just 18.1% in the 43 years between 1978 and 2021, a new analysis finds.
Sounds fair, right?

Morning Digest: New ad slams Maryland Republican for proposal to tattoo HIV-positive people
"Holocaust Redo" anyone?

Trump's chief of staff implicated in Mar-a-Lago docs scheme by new bombshell reporting
"All the President's Men" all over again.

Reporter reveals new detail that ‘puts Trump at the center’ of stolen docs case
Why is this criminal still at large?

'Shaken' law professors revolt as hyper-partisan SCOTUS rulings 'upend constitutional principles'
Do they finally realize these "justices" are Nazis yet?

Trump's long game: Executive privilege and the assault on historical memory
Prosecuting Trump is important — but not as important as literacy, critical thinking and understanding history
Seems as if few Americans understand anything.

'Don't Look Up' Director Releases Savage Chevron Ad Parody
Adam McKay is taking advantage of the hurricane to make us look at oil companies.
Finally, someone takes a good healthy dump on these bastards. Thanks!

Guess Whose Profits Surged 340%
'Their Price Strategies Are Bearing Fruit': Oil and Coal Profits Surge 340%
Killing us one dollar at a time. We mean you America!

Mastriano Vows To Ban Pole Dancing In Schools
What fresh hell is this?
It's "Fairy Tales For Fascist Fucks." In your twisted, sick fuck brain.

'I hope he disappears': Bill O'Reilly advises Trump to flee country before the midterms
Don't we all? The best advice this miscreant ever had.

Trump threatens to sue Jan. 6 Committee for not investigating vote fraud claims debunked by his own officials
Can this dumb-fuck moron do anything that is dumber, stupider, siller and shittier?

‘Pro-Life’ Herschel Walker Paid for Girlfriend’s Abortion
The woman has receipts—and a “get well” card she says the football star, now a Senate candidate, sent her.
And there will be actual anti-abortion votes that this idiot will get.

How 'deprivation of women’s rights' is 'central' to MAGA and anti-abortion ideology: conservative
Far-right authoritarians like Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, Rubin notes, are known for their “appeals to hyper-masculinity and demands for women to be limited to their roles as women and mothers” — not unlike the MAGA movement and the Christian Right in the United States.

January 6th cop Michael Fanone unloads on 'weasel' Kevin McCarthy's sycophancy toward Donald Trump
“f**king weasel b**ch” is good but “f**king power weasel b**ch” is much better.
McCarthy wouldn't recognize the truth unless it had a very large cashier's check in its hand made out to him.
"Right-wing media has since claimed he is oversensitive and a “false flag liberal” while other random people have told him that they hope his children are raped and killed."
They sound like a sweet bunch of America, don't they now?

When You Have No Choice in a Pro-Violence Society
Post-Dobbs abortion access for military dependents remains in question.

The Rise of the Right-Wing University
Despite its liberal reputation, academia is being flooded with right-wing money and ideologies.
If we don't stop these Nazis they will stop America.

A New Term Begins for This Extremist Right-Wing Supreme Court
The supermajority has made clear that judicial restraint won't stand in the way of the goals of the conservative legal movement.
So how will the bastards be fucking our rights this time?

QAnon People Once Again Profoundly Misunderstand Art
Do they understand anything? Hardly. They are the most shit-fer-brains in the galaxy.

Pat Toomey Blockades Biden’s Housing Nominees Amid Historic Rent Hikes
The Department of Housing and Urban Development is lacking vital staff during a crisis of housing affordability.
Nothing but bribery everywhere you look.

‘Scary as hell’: GOP pollster spooked by survey showing Republicans drifting away from democracy
"When you lose faith and trust in elections itself, you've lost your democracy," he added, "and we are so close to the edge..."
It should scare the hell out of all of us.

Gaetz Begs For FEMA Aid Days After Voting Against It
They never think these things will ever affect them in any way.

Iran’s supreme leader breaks silence on protests, blames U.S.
Oh, hell yes. Blame them on anything but your own stupidity and moral emptiness.

Slavery descendants fight to memorialize a cemetery in Maryland
Land of the Happy Negro citizens attempt to save their graveyards in border state.

Planned Parenthood mobile clinic will take abortion to red-state borders
Good news. Put one on the borders of the Talibastards anywhere you can.

BOOK: Trump Lied About Watching TV During Riot
NEWSFLASH: Trump lies.

Teenage Girl Denied Life-Saving Prescription Under AZ's Abortion Law
This doesn't sound pro-life to me.
"This is absolute evil disguised as religion." Medical science has been using this drug for this issue for A FUCKING 100 years! The motherfucking state should be charged with accesory to murder. Fuck their vile, dispicable "religion." I shit in their general direction.

He's Baaaack! Lou Dobbs Tries To Out-Extreme The Extremists
The disgraced former Fox Business darling is back and working hard to lie to the few viewers he has left.
Who let this inmate out of the booby hatch?

Trump "will be convicted of multiple felonies": George Conway on the bumpy road ahead
Longtime GOP lawyer says Trump won't take a deal and will call for MAGA violence — but his time is almost up

'Shaken' law professors revolt as hyper-partisan SCOTUS rulings 'upend constitutional principles'
"Dellinger told Slate, “I have always perceived of the law as a tool for justice, and my faith that the law is being used toward that end has definitely been shaken by this Supreme Court. It is honestly hard to know what to say to students entering this profession at this time as we witness the Supreme Court upending constitutional principles…. (and) stripping an entire class of people of fundamental rights without so much as a minimal effort to acknowledge the consequent harms.”
These fascist poltical bastards are coming after us and if we don't take direct action against them we will lose the rights we, as Americans, have held so precious.

'It's a political loser': Morning Joe says Biden impeachment chatter could doom GOP's midterm chances
These dip shit fascists will do anything for spite as they have nothing but hate for America.

San Antonio sheriff identifies mysterious DeSantis woman who targeted Venezuelan migrants to send to Martha's Vineyard
DeSantis and Abbott are both guilty of breaking laws. Why do we have corruption allowed in these offices?

Here’s What Putin’s Nuclear Disaster Would Really Look Like
Russian plans for a so-called “tactical nuclear strike” in Ukraine could quickly spiral out of control.

'We Will Be on the Streets': Lula Vows Resolve as Brazil Heads Toward Runoff
"We don't have a break. We are going to work hard," said the leftist former president. "And we have 28 more days."
Kick the SOB Nazi out!

Susan Collins “Wouldn’t Be Surprised” If Member Of Congress Gets Murdered As Threats By Cultists Soar
She and her cohorts enabled them. They are the base of her party. Does she not understand that?

TODAY: Brazilians Vote In “Historic” Presidential Election
The Nazi Bolsonaro will lose and declare he really won because it was "rigged." He's a POS and should be run out of the country.

Two Texas Men Are Accused of Killing a Migrant. Their Governor Blames Joe Biden
"Two people were shot—one man died at the scene, and a woman was transported to a hospital in El Paso with a stomach wound. According to the affidavit, members of the group told federal agents who responded to the shooting that “they overheard one of the males shout something in Spanish to the effect of, ‘Come out you sons of bitches, little asses!’ then revved the engine of the truck.” That was when the shooting started."
Texas racist miscreants have been a threat to civilization for a very long time now. Texas needs to cleanse itself of this sort of trash.
Abbott delcares he is a cowardly failure when he blames anyone but himself for this.
Texas — Vote Beto — Stop fascism.

Ted Cruz proves the GOP is now the anti-democracy party
"Recent developments inform us that being antidemocratic is now a core part of the GOP’s ideology."
Of course. He's been a fascist forever.

"Tucker Carlson promoted the false conspiracy theory that President Biden was responsible for the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipeline. Carlson’s show blamed Russia’s aggression on the Biden administration. Fox News published an op-ed that complained about liberal criticism of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni over her fascist sympathies."

'I see no signs of them slowing down': Legal experts raise red flags as Supreme Court begins new term
These fascist bastards will do their best to kill us all.

'Enough is Enough': Hundreds of thousands march across the UK
Alrady sick of the fascist PM?

Britannia Unhinged: UK's Return to Trickle Down Economy is Suicide
As Percy Mayfield sang: "Life is Suicide." Especially under fascism.

The Rot in the Supreme Court Goes Beyond Clarence and Ginni Thomas

Republicans are the new isolationists; will US retreat from world stage?
"The world is facing the most serious threat of nuclear confrontation since the Cuban missile crisis 60 years ago. At the same time, we’re seeing a growing isolationist movement in the U.S. The Republican Party has been taken over by Donald Trump and his army of right-wing populists."
Is America intelligent enough to see this danger?

Corporations Are Spending a Ton to Stop Low-Wage Workers From Unionizing
And ripping all of us off at the same time.

Marjorie Taylor Greene deceptively tells Trump rally that Democrat 'killings' of Republicans have already started
They used to put stark raving mad people in strait jackets as they could be a threat to our society.

205 Republicans Vote Against Bill to Expand School Mental Health Services
This is the answer to the above MTG question. They are all a little off in the head.

'Mark Of The Beast' Worries Making Some Republicans Unsure About Voter ID
"For years now, Republicans have been het up about Voter ID. For some this is because they recognize that poor people are less likely to have driver's licenses. For others, it is because they really did buy into all of the nonsense about widespread voter fraud and are convinced that voter ID is necessary to prevent people from just going and voting a million times under different names."

205 Out Of 206 Republicans Agree: Mental Health Doesn't Matter
The obvious reason for this is that they are all mentally ill and in denial.

Hurricane Ian Showcases GOP’s Disaster Aid Hypocrisy
Republicans want to have it both ways on disaster relief.

'Thinly-veiled incitement to violence and overt racism': Trump's Truth Social post sparks outrage
Trump? Spark outrage? Anything new you can report on the stupid idiot?
"Just a former president of the United States seeking to incite violence against the minority leader of the United States Senate and launching a racist verbal attack on the leader's wife."
"Podcaster Fred Wellman said, 'Elaine Chao was Trump’s Secretary of Transportation for 4 years and he just called her the ridiculously racist nickname 'Coco Chow.' Yes…you are a racist if you still support this broken 'asshole.'"
He's not going to do anything but shit and fall back in it bloviating on the internet. Arrange a meeting for a street fight, Fatso.

It’s Not Just Ginni Thomas But Roberts’ And Coney Barrett’s Spouses, Too
The spouses of Justices John Roberts and Amy Coney Barrett also likely cause conflicts of interest but the lax SCOTUS reporting requirements allow them to keep much about their spouses' sources of income a secret.
It's wayyyyy past time to investigate the crap that goes on behind closed doors with this gang. They get away with some shit.

'She's in this up to her neck': Morning Joe unravels 'demented' Ginni Thomas' role in Jan. 6 'coup'
Does it stop there?

Judge Cannon Does Trump Another Solid
Trump will no longer have to say whether he really believes that the FBI planted evidence.
Corrupted Bitches R Us.

President Biden: Vladimir Putin, Go F*ck Yourself
I don't think he's joking around, Vlad.
He forgot the "Go to Hell and Die!" part. You goddamn right!

'Bad legal analysis': Cato libertarian dismantles Ted Cruz’s opposition to averting a 2024 'election crisis'
Easy to dismantle a fool.

Can plants think? The burgeoning field of plant neurobiology has a lot to say on the matter
Though they lack brains, scientists are figuring out new ways to probe whether plants "think"

"I had this nightmare, but I didn't know it was mine:" Dahlia Lithwick on Trump's crisis of law
In "Lady Justice," the longtime legal reporter interrogates how female lawyers are coping with authoritarianism
Erase fascism.

Mike Flynn and allies 'have interviewed nearly 200 election officials' to identify weaknesses in the system: report
America's "Albert Bormann," Hitler's go-fer, continues espionage freely against the United States.

Herschel Walker says forget about him holding gun to his wife’s head because Jesus
"So, the truth is, Walker did hold a gun to his wife’s head several times (and a knife to her throat) and tried to choke her. But it was over 15 years ago, so why should he have to talk about it now? Because he’s running for Senate."

Federal Judge Fights Back Against Cancel Culture By Cancel Culturing Yale Law School
"Can we just cut the shit here? Cancel culture is no more real than Bigfoot. It is a rainbow unicorn invented by the wingers to paint themselves as victims when people call them out for being bigoted assholes. It used to be acceptable to be a gross, racist pig in public, and now it's not. WAAAAH! BOOHOO!"
    "Conservatives worked themselves into a veritable orgy of self pity because they can't shit on racial and sexual minorities in polite society any more. Then they took a massive snort off their own supply, slapped the label "cancel culture" on their lost privilege to be rude without consequence, and conveniently rebranded themselves the victims. Neat trick, huh?"
    Trump scumbags.

Texas Good Ole Boys Shoot Two Migrants, Killing One, Winning Big But Unspoken MAGA Love
"Now all we have to wait for will be Tucker Carlson getting very resentful that anyone would suggest that patriots like him, Greg Abbott, Ron DeSantis, and Donald Trump are in any way responsible for the actions of a crazy racist who happens to agree with them, the end."
Murder is murder.

"Parental Rights’" Groups and Christian Nationalists Spearheading Book Banning and Attacks on Libraries
Fire Chief Beatty must be their leader, no doubt.
Why not just burn all their Bibles, instead? Let's see how they take to that.

‘Stand Up, N-Words’: More Athletes Accuse Brigham Young University Crowd of Racism
Must have been raised in the Land of the Happy Negro.

GOP candidate tells story about confronting Black family at restaurant — and prefaces it by saying 'my wife is Mexican'
Someone needs to inform this mono-minded, thoughtless, ignoramous he should keep his big fat assuming ass out of other people's suppertime.
He is the perfect example of the Republican idiot.

Bolsonaro Questions Integrity of the Brazilian Electoral System
No shit? And who do you think he got this Nazi idea from? The poisonous snake, Trump.
This POS needs to be flushed back down the sewer he came from.

Two Million Without Electricity As Florida Power Official Says System Must Be “Rebuilt, Not Restored”
"More than 2 million Floridians remained without power Friday morning as they emerged from the flooding and wreckage left by Hurricane Ian and began to plot a recovery from the storm’s devastation."

72% Of Utahns Back Marriage Equality: “Seismic Shift”
"As the Senate considers legislation to protect same-sex marriage, a new poll shows nearly three-fourths of Utahns support legal same-sex marriage."

Man Shot By Rittenhouse Files To Change His Name After “Years Of Death Threats By Right Wing Lunatics”
That would be the gang known as the deadly "Rittenhouse Raiders"?

Lindell Warns Republicans Not To Use Early Voting
Or better still, don't vote at all. The we'll know when any Republican ballot is cast it's FAKE! Best idea yet for proving voter fraud!

Interfaith Alliance Releases New Resource on Christian Nationalism
"Rooted in the myth that we were founded as a Christian nation and therefore enjoy special favor by God, proponents of Christian nationalism seek a fusion of religious and civil life — to the detriment of both."

Texas immigration jail warden with history of abuse toward migrants arrested for murder
Texas — Vote Beto — Stop fascism.

Italy Has a Far-Right Government, But the Real Danger of Fascism Exists in the US
At the present historical juncture, the danger of European societies becoming fascist is far less than the one facing the United States.
The MAGAts main thrust is fascism. If they don't know that they are much more clueless than we ever dreamed.

Watch: Alex Jones declares that he is Adolf Hitler and a child murderer in unhinged interview
So shooting kids goes back much farther than we think?

'Tonal whiplash': Ron DeSantis faces criticism over federal aid request for Hurricane Ian recovery
When the shoe is on the other foot, eh?

Ron Johnson called out for missing the mark on key state issues
You have to wonder about this person's mental deck.

Ginni Thomas Tells Jan 6 Panel She Still Believes Election Was Stolen
Also, she swears she never discussed her belief with her husband. No one believes this.
However, we know she believes in treason. We all know this could extend to our Supreme Court. There will be consequences.
"Just once, I would like the election deniers to explain how it was stolen. And they can't use debunked nonsense. Prove it, or STFU."
They can't accept how many Republicans voted against Trump. They are so blindly self-righteous they can't see that and have lost their moral center.
These shitbag traitors will never shut up.

Republicans don't accept election results. That's not polarization, it's GOP extremism
Fascism, in fact. They made a god out of Trump and those that did can't accept that there are Republicans that despise their failed deity.

Gallup Poll: Most Americans Don't Trust The Supreme Court
I wonder why people think the Roberts Court is illegitimate?
I can think of five reasons for sure.

‘Tarnished image’: Gallup releases devastating SCOTUS poll – as conservative Justices snipe at Kagan’s warning
"47% trust the judicial branch; previous low was 53%," "40% job approval of U.S. Supreme Court is tied for record low," and "Record-high 42% say Supreme Court is too conservative."
Trump loaded the court with fascists.

Yes, The WH Really Did Try To Hide The USS McCain From Snowflake Trump
Contrary to Trump’s "fake news" whine, newly released emails prove that his White House went to great pains to keep him from getting triggered by the sight of the USS John S. McCain during his 2019 trip to Japan.

Hurricane Ian washes away home of Florida's 'Don't Say Gay' law co-sponsor: report
I'm sure we all know this is the work of God. Right?

How the GOP weaponized ignorance
And then flaunted it.

He Has a 7-Point Plan for a Christian Takeover — and Wants Doug Mastriano to Lead the Charge
“Jesus was promised nations for His inheritance,” says Lance Wallnau, a self-described Christian Nationalist prophet, “not just churches!”
Another whacked out, sicko nutball drunk on power. Fuck his theocracy dogshit.

Putin Suffers Most Humiliating Ukraine Defeat Yet
Thousands of Russian troops may be trapped after a rapid-fire Ukrainian counter-attack fought to encircle key strategic city on the very day Putin claims to be annexing it.
May he die a thousand deaths.

Gov. Youngkin’s Anti-Trans Policies Trigger Massive Student Walkouts in Virginia
"Thousands of students across Virginia protested this week, walking out of their classrooms and schools to demonstrate their opposition to policy changes being proposed by the administration of Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) toward transgender youth in the state."
Throw the douchebag out.

Migrant encounters at the border are higher today than they were before Gov. Greg Abbott’s Operation Lone Star began
The number of migrant encounters at the Texas-Mexico border has climbed from 109,456 in March 2021, the month the mission began, to 116,976 in August — a failure of Abbott’s office’s stated desire to “stop this revolving door and deter others considering entering illegally.”
Texas — Vote Beto — Stop fascism.

Why Do So Many Americans Believe the Lies Pushed by the GOP?
How the science of the Big Lie " propaganda works to the GOP’s advantage

Bipartisanship Is Bullshit
Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema claimed in a recent speech that voters hunger for greater cooperation in Congress.
History shows that it’s a dead end.

It’s Official: America Is an Oligarchy
The Congressional Budget Office confirms that the rich exponentially increased their share of America’s wealth over the past 30 years.
I bet America loves to hear that.

“Billionaires Cannot Have It All” – Sanders Calls for Redistribution of Wealth
But goddammit, they'll still try like the greedy fucks they are!

Kevin McCarthy: The Gimp Who Thinks He’s a Master
"But let’s not kid ourselves, he’s not swaying anything. And nobody on God’s green earth is scared of him, least of all the most extreme voices in his caucus."

Georgia conservatives are purging voter rolls with challenges allowed under GOP-passed law
Land of the Happy Negro says, "Only happy White Nazis allowed."

'Incredibly alarming': Republican poll worker in Michigan charged with tampering with voting equipment
No surprise by a proud MAGAt Nazi.

Biden launches $810M Pacific Island diplomatic initiative
Something must be done to counter the massive nuclear build-up by China.

Putin plans to formally annex 4 regions from Ukraine Friday
If he can do that we can annex British Columbia. That would certainly be a snap, right?
Is WWIII now unavoidable?

Republican House Majority Will Try to Melt Down Global Economy
They would do far more damage than just that.

As Supreme Court’s standing falters, Alito pushes flawed defense
Scalito is the one that's gone to far. The fathead is too stupid to realize it.

Pentagon Study: Fears Of Gay Troops Were Unfounded
Ya mean they didn't turn the whole batallion gay?

Scientists Use Microbots to Clear Pneumonia From Lungs of Sick Mice
Don't you just hate these scientist people for discovering new ways to save lives? I mean, really.

'Doesn’t get to tell the county what they can read': Lawmaker blasts Christian attacking LGBTQ books
Honey, if "raging" was all it took to eliminate the throwback bullshit you sell, you would have been tossed in the trash heap of history centuries ago.
Americans read what they want and you will not stop us.

Experts Address Threat of Christian Nationalism Ahead of Midterm Elections, Call on Americans to Reject Dangerous Ideology.
Take a look at theocratic muslim countries.
Want to bring back the crusades, do ya?

'Absolute bottom of the barrel': John Fetterman supporters slam Dr. Oz’s latest attack as 'desperation'
American is knee-deep in Nazi scum.

New poll raises series concerns about the upcoming midterm elections
Per the report: "Perhaps most unsettling: A full 21% of Americans choose at least one of these undemocratic methods as a legitimate means of challenging an election. Among Trump voters, that number rises to 29%, yet even 12% of voters who support President Biden say the same — underscoring how an election denial 'arms race' could escalate, once neither side trusts the other to play by the rules."
Disgusting and depressing. I haved warned you time and again Americans are stupid as a sack of hammers. Get ready for an extention of our civil war.

'Total Devastation' as Hurricane Ian Tears Through Florida
"Always remember that climate breakdown is only getting started," said one climate scientist. "It will keep getting worse so long as the fossil fuel industry exists. Cause, effect."
Apparently, the fossil fuel industry has never heard the term "cause, effect" before.

Former GOP congressman has 'legitimate concerns' Clarence Thomas was involved in 'push to overturn the election'
"Questions surfaced after Justice Clarence Thomas was the only member of the U.S. Supreme Court to oppose the release of Mark Meadows' texts and information to the Jan. 6 committee. It turned out that in those text messages that the justice didn't want revealed were communications with his wife."
100% political and disgraceful to a POTUS member. Impeach him now.

Trump Wants To Lead A Group To Mediate Talks Between Ukraine And Russia
The answer is simple: STFU.
He's on Pootin's side as we all know.

Judge Warns of Justice Department’s Gift to Trump That Could Keep on Giving
“I think it’s a legitimate concern. What the judge is getting at is the very real possibility of unforeseen consequences,” said Vermont Law School professor Jared Carter.
The crook can run but he can't hide. Justice will find him sooner or later. Think of it — Always!

Do You Want To Buy Top Secrets?
The unofficial theme song for Mar A Lago.

Marjorie Taylor Greene's husband files for divorce: report
So surprising! LOL! How could anyone stay with an idiot such as she is.

Biden Lowers The Price Of Medicare
"Democrats want to expand Social Security and Medicare," said one advocate. "Republicans want to cut, privatize, and ultimately end both programs."
What's wrong with the democrats that don't want Biden? They are always problems and should take a good look at themselves.

Herschel Walker Defines 'What A Woman Is' At Campaign Event
At a campaign event in Georgia, Republican U.S. Senate candidate Herschel Walker defined "woman" as a person created "from the rib of a man."
My wife says she doesn't need the likes of him to tell her. I won't print what she really said, Hersch, so fuck off, Hersch.
PS - Your're not much of a Bible expert.

Gavin Newsom Urges Democrats To Push Hard Against Republicans
"I'm not going to deny the substantive challenges our party has as well," the governor said. "It's not just a messaging problem."
One smart cookie, America.

Trump-loving Brett Favre's charity paid $60K to build volleyball court at his daughter's high school: report
A perfect cracker.

Brett Favre’s Charity for Needy Kids Gave $60K to Another Volleyball Gym
Hayseed grifter.

Is a major bombshell coming? It sure looks like it
May it blow the MAGAt Nazis back to hell.

'They degrade our history': Conservatives throw a fit over Lizzo playing James Madison's flute
The Conservative Nazis degrade humanity. May they return to hell, all.

Roger Stone, Donald Trump and the Jan. 6 coup: Is a major bombshell coming?
Did the master of Republican "black arts" finally go too far? It may be Roger Stone's time in the barrel at last
May this Pinhead be erased forever.

Trump Saw Staffers of Color at White House, Assumed They Were Waiters, Book Says
When Democratic leaders brought a racially diverse group of staffers to a meeting, the former president assumed they were there to serve food
What else would a fathead fuckstick brain damaged idiot think?

Trump's Waging 'Secret War' In The Courts To Keep Witnesses From Testifying
Another set of Trump attorneys is working to prevent a federal grand jury from ever hearing evidence of Trump’s actions in attempting to overturn the 2020 election results, including how Trump participated in events leading to the violence of Jan. 6.
As a mob bass would.

J6 'truth' rally at Capitol flops: report
Failures as humans.

Watch: Nazis and Proud Boys clash with anti-fascists outside Texas church hosting drag queen bingo
They're just jealous.

'Blood On Your Hands' If Global Poor Hit With Covid Wave, WHO Official Tells Rich Nations
"When I hear them say, 'Well, we're so comfortable here,' it's like, 'Great, now you can really help us get the rest of the world done,'" said WHO senior adviser Bruce Aylward.
But the WHO are the ones that first said "the pandemic is over." Which is it, over or still with us?
The disparity of money among nations and people is to blame. We know who these people are and they should be made to pay for this.

What's worse than using Russian stock footage in your GOP promise to America? Let's see
These treasonous swines will do anything. Nothing is beneath them including coups on our government.

Bombshell: J6 staffer told 60 Minutes White House switchboard called rioter on Jan. 6
Here's the smoking gun, the bloody dagger, that puts the Trump White House directly in the traitor attack on our Capitol. Put the cuffs on him.

House GOP Says 'Social Security And Medicare Cuts' Out Loud
"Republicans tell us over and over again that they will hand our earned Social Security and Medicare benefits over to Wall Street if they get power," said Alex Lawson of Social Security Works.
Heartless bloated wealthy white men and women dashing the lives of our elderly Americans. A deadly cancer that will lead to the doom of many Americans. How can any American support this? They've tried this before and failed. We should force them to fail agaain.

Trump Is 'Done,' Says Presidential Historian
A history professor who has predicted every presidential election correctly since 1984 said that he believes former President Donald Trump is "done" in politics and may not escape jail time.
“He's done,” Lichtman said. “He’s got too many burdens, too much baggage to be able to run again even presuming he escapes jail, he escapes bankruptcy. I’m not sure he’s going to escape jail.”

Why is conservative culture so lousy?
Let's find out.

'QMaga': How QAnon, MAGA and 'Christian nationalism' have pushed the GOP into 'madness'
We've seen some lunatics before but this group of batshit-for-brains is really ready to be sent off the cliff.

Conservatives Are Lying About Schools Teaching 8-Year-Olds ‘Porn Literacy’
No, third-graders aren't watching porn in class, but a recent moral panic might have you think so
Is there anything they can be truthful about? No. They are no longer American.

‘Dilbert’ Dude Declares War on Sustainable Investing, Is Terminally Unfunny About It
Says Scotty: “find a scientist — just one — who says the climate prediction models are credible”—a proposal that is rooted in a fundamental and deliberate misinterpretation of how scientific modeling works.
Well, then. Perhaps one could start with climate modeling."What Are Climate Models and How Accurate Are They?"
How Accurate are Climate Models?
"Despite a small amount of uncertainty, scientists find climate models of the 21st century to be pretty accurate because they are based on well-founded physical principles of earth system processes."
Study Confirms Climate Models are Getting Future Warming Projections Right
Must be at least one scientist named in this article. Of course, he'd have to agree on the definition of a scientist, right? Oh, maybe I'll end this with: Neil DeGrasse Tyson.
Neil deGrasse Tyson Destroys Climate Change Deniers' Favorite Argument In 1 Tweet
Bye-bye, Scotty.

How the U.S. Supreme Court Unleashed a Corporate Criminal Takeover of This Country
Because of key decisions by the court equating money with free speech, our political system is now overrun with grifters, con artists, and career criminals.

DOJ prosecutors recommend against charging Rep. Gaetz in sex-trafficking probe
Great relief for him. Now he can put your daughter's name on his list. Nice going, DOJ.

Steve Bannon Is Going To Dissolve Democracy, In Our Butts!
"Is this a good time to call the cops? We feel like we should call the cops. Yes, we know he's already under indictment in New York, but clearly he's still a free man, and he's obviously a clear and present danger right now."
In summary and in conclusion, these people are fuckin' weird, man.

GOP Senator Plans to Force Vote to End COVID National Emergency Declaration
Think of it this way. It could kill more of his Nazi constituants.

Sanders, Warren Say Manchin Big Oil Deal Would “Steamroll” Frontline Communities
As environmental groups and experts express fury and frustration over coal millionaire Sen. Joe Manchin’s (D-West Virginia) fossil fuel permitting overhaul deal released on Wednesday, Senate Democrats are highlighting concerns that the deal could set environmental justice advances back by years.
You act as if they give a shit about being a big part of climate change. Or anything but money for that matter.

Boisterous agitators disrupt Hays County election machine test, badger Texas secretary of state
“Can we go back to focusing on the testing please?” official pleads as crowd demands answers to conspiracy theories.
Texas Nazi Storm Trooper fools fuck around with democracy, as usual.
Texas — Vote Beto.

Americans Used To Understand the Importance of Public Schools and the Commons
"The idea of America as a true 'land of opportunity' is anathema to their ideal of a nation of “classes and orders” where every person knows their place and morbidly rich white men are in charge"

House GOP’s Stefanik Says It’s All Democrats’ Fault That Voters Are Angry Over Abortion
Tell me again, what sewer did she crawl out of?
"But, yes, tell us how it’s Democrats forcing voters into making abortion a thing in this election, Rep. Stefanik."

Fleeing Russian man paints scathing portrait of Putin's leadership: 'A few old men are leading us to hell'
He means Fatso's good buddy.

Reporter sounds the alarm about Trump promoting 'the most red-pilled' QAnon video yet
These Q-ers are like some dystopian tribe that came out of an ancient primitive era. They are quite disturbed humans, if they can be called that.

MAGA and the 'incels': Latest Jan. 6 arrests show how fascists target insecure young men
"When you read the arrest record, what is truly distressing is how young these five men are: All are between 21 and 23. They were barely out of their teens — and in some cases still in them — when they decided to storm the Capitol. But that's exactly what America First specializes in: recruiting high school and college-age boys and young men by appealing to adolescent insecurities and convincing them that the cure for the entirely normal mix of emotions they're feeling can be found in embracing a fascist movement. This is part of a much larger trend, in which authoritarians exploit garden-variety teenage-male anxieties, especially around sex and dating, to seduce young men into far-right ideology."

Iranian women burn headscarves, cut hair after woman dies in police custody
"Historic protests are continuing across Iran following the death of a 22-year-old woman who was in custody of the country’s 'morality police.' NBC News’ Ali Arouzi reports from Tehran."
Their high muckety-muck men are about to be castrated.

Donald Trump and the Birth of QMaga: The Storm Is Coming
"Those of us paying attention the past few years know that the answer to the oft-repeated question "have we reached the bottom of Trumpism" is, there's no bottom. Donald Trump and the Republican Party proved that once again in recent days, as Trump merged MAGA extremism with the conspiratorial lunacy of QAnon, and nary a Republican batted an eye."
This will not end well.

Chris Wallace Very Alarmed By ‘Weird’ Trump Rally Amid ‘Tremendous Pressure’ From Probes: ‘Darker And More Extreme’
Of course. The whole world should be alarmed. It was just like a Hitler rally in 1939.

Candace Owens: Bill Gates Is Using Genetically Modified Mosquitos To Make All People “Allergic To Beef”
I wondered what was wrong. Since I've been consuming pounds of fake beef I've been defecating fake beef turds!
This Bill Gates is some kinda guy. The things he's getting away with are really work of a genius it appears.
Next thing you know someone will call him out on creating automatons that go around making speeches on all the stuff he's getting away with. I suppose somebody has to do something to get folks eat the salty stuff that they pass for "meat." I doubt it is with mosquitos, however.
As a commenter states: "This is now the time to throw your Windows PCs out the window, MAGAts."
"And you can't replace them with Apple computers, because Apple is woke"

Fox Tries To Rewrite Trump's 2017 Charlottesville Comments
Anyone read "1984." This is the Minstry of Truth.
Nothing is beneath these trashbags.

Mississippi Ex-Official Pleads Guilty To Massive Welfare Fraud
Oh, no! Dear old Dixie has a fraudulent fart in the Land of the Happy Negro.

To the surprise of no one, Herschel Walker seems to be lying about his companies' charitable giving
We used to put the mentally ill into hospitals, not Congress.

Ukraine update: 'Partial mobilization' becomes ethnic cleansing in Russia's outlying areas
"Make no mistake about it, that Vladimir Putin had to go on television in Russia and announce any sort of mobilization at all is a huge admission of failure.

Tucker Carlson’s latest rant backfires when he accidentally insults Trump
Carlson's remarks appear to be an inadvertent blow to Trump and social media users did not miss it. One Twitter user wrote, "Watching him catch himself as he's about to say 'married three times' is priceless."
What a twerp.

'Only legitimate gender in his world is men': Hawley blasted for bizarre claim about 'transgender propaganda'
Once again: A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

'A victory for the truth': Judge refuses to throw out suspended prosecutor’s Ron DeSantis lawsuit
The fact that this crooked fool leads in the polls illustrates the mental capacity of the people. We are in a disaterous predicament when this devolving reasoning disability strikes.

This Constitution Week Let's Stop Using Brands That Support Prison Slavery
An estimated $14 billion in wages are stolen every year from incarcerated workers across the country.

80% of US Voters Want Congress to Enact National Paid Family Leave: Poll
"Paid family and medical leave is a critical support that families need, it is what Americans want, and it is what they deserve," said one advocate.
Sure. And the fascists on POTUS want to kill your Medicare and Social Security. What's the chances of this? They simply don't give a damn about the average American any more.

Koch Network Showers Fascist Election Deniers With Campaign Cash Ahead of Midterms
"His choice is not unlike the choices that most German industrialists made in the Weimar Republic," one critic said of billionaire Charles Koch.
We are surrounded by assassins.

Ali Alexander Threatens Not To Vote Because GOP Hasn’t ‘Courted’ Him
“Stop the Steal” organizer Ali Alexander said a “strategic loss” in the midterms might be better than a win by a GOP that isn’t far-right enough.
Another arrogant narcissist. He would make Himmler look tame. Good idea Little Al.

Colbert Once Again Brings Out 'Hypocrisy Hippo' For Ted Cruz
He voted against his own amendment!
Has Ted ever been accused of having a brain? Cornyn's just as bad.

Capitol rioter demands prosecutors be banned from calling him a rioter during trial
Bar prosecutors from prosecuting is what he's asking for.
Will you settle for "willful blithering idiot" numb nuts?
This fully illustrates the lunacy of these traitors. Give him an extra 20 years for that alone.

Sidney Powell skips grand jury interview in Georgia investigation of Trump's coup attempt: report
Why would anyone throw their life away for Trump?

Retired Justice Stephen Breyer issues 'bite you in the back' warning to former colleagues in CNN interview
They have fascists on POTUS appointed by a fascist. Why would they think anything but they are the masters of America? Arrogance is their trademark.

Morning Digest: Republicans just triaged the first House race of 2022. It likely won't be the last
All on Trump. That's what you suckers get for trusting a con man. You can trace all this shit back to Rush Limbaugh and all their Nazi Radio Spouting bullshit.

Zero GOP Senators Vote to Curb Dark Money's Stranglehold on Democracy
"Instead of voting for the DISCLOSE Act and cracking down on the dark money in our democracy, Republicans blocked it," said Sen. Patty Murray. "Shameful."
Proof these miscreants are all on the take and only care about their own pocketbooks.

'This Is Gross': Republican Openly Brags About Staffer Leaving to Work for Wall Street
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said she "was in the room when this happened and it was just as gross and wild in person."
Another asshat doing his impression of "Jacket Off" Jordan. Pitiful.

Class Warfare Grinds On
Yesterday I had lunch in a place where you had to go to the counter, place your order, get a ticket, pay, and then wait to go pick up your order from the counter.
The clerk then had the temerity to ask if I wanted to tip. I asked "for what"? I did all the work there except to go in the kitchen and make my own sandwich.
This crap has to stop. Employers, start paying your employees a salary with full benefits or get the fuck out of business. This "tipping" is going to stop as legislation is coming down on exploiting workers like they are slaves and not any too soon.

Indiana State Judge Blocks New Law Banning Abortion
Another bunch of yahoos find out it won't be so easy to ruin people's lives.

Christian Nationalism is on the Ballot this Election Season
“When we discuss Christian nationalism, we should be clear it is a anti-democratic ideology, rooted in the myth that we were founded as a Christian nation, that seeks to grant Christians a privileged position in civic life with power over others. We should also avoid conflating membership in a particular religious tradition with support for a political ideology. America’s religious landscape is incredibly diverse, and other studies suggest that higher rates of religious practice indicate less support for Christian nationalism."
It's fading out anyway. This, we hope, is its final death rattle.

MyPillow CEO Is Under Federal Investigation for Potential Ties to Colorado Election Security Breach
Think of it. Always.

'We are working with the responsible coal producers': Big banks a letdown in House hearing
Also doing the same with responsible serial killers.

Long lines of traffic seen at some of Russia's land borders
You can tell by that they've got the traveling blues.

Biden’s approval rating is where Reagan was ahead of 1982’s midterms: report

House GOP quickly removes its ‘Commitment to America' shortly after making it public online
Of course. Why would they want anyone to see this contract on America? They just might vote your vicious, shameful asses out of office.

'Reckless and dangerous': Manchin unveils full text of 'shameless handout to the fossil fuel industry'
How many times does this have to be said?

Trump argues presidents have the power to declassify documents 'even by thinking about it'
Says the perfect Q stooge as he swims in a pool of shit. So can any other two-bit "mind-reading" con man.

'I’m thinking him into jail': The View's audience goes wild as co-hosts mock Trump's legal crisis
It shouldn't be too difficult to do.

Siding With DOJ, Appeals Court Rules Trump Judge 'Abused' Discretion by Halting Criminal Probe
The former president "has not even attempted to show that he has a need to know the information contained in the classified documents," a three-judge federal panel wrote in its decision.

'Trump's worst day ever’: legal experts weigh in after ex-president was ‘obliterated' in court
Put the cuffs on him.

Cooking chicken in NyQuil is 'very unsafe,' FDA warns after #sleepychicken TikToks surface
More proof of American stupidity.
"As of Tuesday, the #sleepychicken tag has garnered over 1.3 million videos on TikTok, with many users reacting to the cooking practice, and a safety warning appears when users search the tag on the app."
TicTok: where the morons hang out and are developed as China gets to watch them get dosed.

Man pleads guilty to dousing ‘Bewitched’ statue in red paint
What's Elizabeth Montgomery have to do with the history of Salem, Massachusetts anyway?
More evidence: People are batty.

Alex Jones Has Screaming Fit Outside Of Connecticut Courthouse
Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones on Wednesday went on an emotional tirade yelling at journalists outside a Connecticut courthouse. When will this asshat just blow up and disintegrate?

Federal Appeals Court To DoJ: Go Right Ahead With Investigation
The emergency intervention upends a trial judge’s order over those documents that blocked federal investigators’ work.
Of course. Get on with it and get it done. Mango Mussolini can now lose it all.

Rep. Raskin Blasts GOP Lies About J6: ‘Let’s Tell Some Truth!’
Rep. Jamie Raskin is fed up with Republican conspiracy theories and obstructionism over Jan. 6th.
So are we all.

Donald Trump's QAnon cult rally: If you thought the fever was breaking, think again
Yes, it really was that bad. Mussolini-style rants, revenge fantasies and now murderous cult symbols. With music!

Ocasio Cortez's GOP opponent under scrutiny for family's gun and drug bust at Bronx warehouse
MAGAts. They're all crooks.

GOP primary losers throwing party into chaos before the midterms: report
The losers even accuse their own party of tampering when the evidence is clearly against them.
See? These morons can't accept that they are losers. Trump taught them that.

Texas sheriff inundated with 'threats' after announcing Ron DeSantis criminal investigation
You fascists aren't going to kill anyone using email on the internet.
Get on your nag and ride over to face him.
“We are requesting that the Department of Justice open an investigation to hold DeSantis & others accountable for these inhumane acts. Not only is it morally criminal, there are legal implications around fraud, kidnapping, deprivation of liberty, and human trafficking.”

Texas sheriff to investigate DeSantis' migrant flights to Martha's Vineyard
The high sheriff is on your trail now, Dipsy.

Nazi analogies are dangerous. But they are increasingly relevant today.
Ken Burns ties the American Trump fascist movement to the Nazis of Hitler's Germany.
Perfect analogy at the end of the final installment.
It couldn't be more appropriate.

Leaked House GOP Platform Uses Shorthand For Extreme Anti-Abortion Position
The Nazis are committing suicide as we watch.

'MAGA violence' and 'domestic terrorism' are driving 'dual citizenships' among America's wealthy: report
Spineless as advertised.
On the other hand: Many fled Germany when the Nazis started their murder spree. But the Nazis got theirs.

'They’re screwed': Legal experts erupt after NY AG hits Trump and his family with massive fraud lawsuit
Well, we can only hope it breaks breaks the flood gates.

'A sham built on lies': CNN's John King delivers blunt summary of NY AG's accusations against Trump
"...the Trump Organization is a sham built on lies," he said. "Lies to banks, lies to insurance companies, lies to the state of New York about the valuation of Trump Organization properties."

Republican Josh Hawley proclaims there's only 'one gender' in fundraising email
A mind is a terrable thing to waste.

MAGA Candidate Campaigning as Afghanistan Vet Has No Record of Serving There
J.R. Majewski, a far-right Ohio House candidate with ties to QAnon, appears to have misled voters about his military service
The problem with sick people is they start believing their own bullshit.

Russia Implodes After Putin Summons 300,000 to Die for Him
The mass mobilization announcement from “crazy old man” Vladimir Putin is already sending Russia into chaos.
This vicious tyrant is about to be eliminated by his own generals if they know what's good for our world, not to mention themselves.

The Kremlin Must Be in Crisis
Putin’s erratic actions are not those of a secure leader.
No question.

'Donald Trump will never concede': Bill Maher warns that GOP is 'much better' equipped for a 2024 'coup'
So is the United States of America, Bill.
And you know, Bill, facts are the damndest things.
Can Men Get Pregnant? Context, Bill, context.
Sorry, Bill. Maybe lay off the really heavy THC doses.

Majority of Republican Voters Say US Should Be Declared a 'Christian Nation'
Illustrating how completely out of touch with reality these Talibastards are. They should be declared null and void and summarily shipped to Iran. Total theocrat scum.

Al Gore Calls It 'Ridiculous' to Have 'Climate Denier' Lead the World Bank
"When every night on the TV news is like a nature hike through the Book of Revelation, that builds demands for meaningful action," said the former vice president.
The Talibastards' days are numbered.

Watchdog Says Use 14th Amendment Against Lawmakers Who Betrayed Oaths on January 6
CREW argues there some current and future members of Congress should be disqualified from holding office, and failing to hold them accountable "imperils the very foundations of American democracy."
Why have weapons and not use them. Get it done.

Tucker Carlson Demands Violence Against Teachers
Fox News' Tucker Carlson once again called for parents to take violent action against teachers whom he erroneously claims are grooming your children to change their gender.
Any decent company would kick this fascist bastard off the air.

Florida Threatens Credit Card Companies On Gun Code
Who in hell wants to do business with a ignorant fascist country anyway? Fuck. All. The. Way. Off.
Our rights come from our Creator? In fact our creator carries a S&W .45, I heard. So our rights don't come from our Constitution? Good. Then we can put the "No Abortion" law in the shitcan too, right Big Jim? Another laughing stock.
At the link you’ll see that Patronis name-checks the frequent QAnon target “ESG” – which stands for “environment, social and corporate governance.”
In God We Trust. All others pay cash!

Biden WH Slams Trump-Backed Candidate Caught on Tape Saying Plan B Contraception Should Be Banned Like ‘Fentanyl’
How a leader takes on Trump sycophant, Michigan attorney general nominee (snicker) Matt DePerno who, apparantly, doesn't know shit from applebutter let alone Plan B emergency contraception is.

Trump Rips ‘Racist’ Letitia James Over Fraud Lawsuit, Calls HER The Fraud: A ‘Failed’ Attorney General With ‘Bad Poll Numbers’
The sick fuck should look at his own shitty poll numbers. This is him projecting all that he is on someone else. He does it always and only shows how incredibly shallow he is.

DeSantis doesn't help his cause with comments about migrants, Florida
According to DeSantis, the whole point of his policy is to address Florida’s immigration problem. Except as he explained, there is no actual problem.
A fool on a fool's errand.

Team Trump tries to turn the National Archives into villains
The swine shits all over us.

Russians rush for flights out amid partial reservist call-up
It appears that Russians don't think too highly of Pooter's atomic war blurt. They are getting the fuck out without any return plans. That don't sound too good for their country. They know the asshat is a madman. What if his nukes are all duds like his army?

Russian Airlines Stop Selling Tickets To Men Aged 18-65
Ooops! You get your asses back and kiss your Pooter's ass you cowards. Go down with the ship!

Donald Trump has a dangerous mental illness — and he is spreading it to his followers
Don't give him too much credit on this. These people were already toxic before they drank his poison.

'Could end up being World War III!' Trump hypes up Putin's nuke threat and uses it to blame Biden
Is there any doubt that Trump is a traitor?

Merrick Garland signals that Trump's threats won’t intimidate him
Why should they? Fatso is flaccid.

Iran Explodes In Protest After Woman Killed By Morality Police
It's been four days now and the protests have only gotten stronger and louder, with open clashes between police and protesters. And calls for "Death to the dictator!" We haven't seen anything like this since 2009 when another young woman was killed by police.
It's high time they get out the tar and feathers for the scumsucker ... or the swords.

The Six Things You Need to Know About the Hijab Protests in Iran
All total, their leaders are a bunch of filthy swine. One could witness that on "60 Minutes" when Leslie Stahl, on 9-18-22, interviewed their lost-in-the-dogma-shit of a repressive religious dickhead.

Don’t Blame the Immigrants. It’s Our Laws That Are Criminal
That and the dumb jerks who abuse them any way they can.

Greg Abbott’s Failures Mean Texas Could Suffer Another Freezing Winter Blackout
Time to put this failure to pasture.
Texas — Vote Beto.

Ex-Putin Ally Plunges to His Death ‘From a Great Height’ at Moscow Aviation Institute
They seem to have a problem there with their building's windows. I'd inspect those once in a while.

New York AG Sues Trump Family for Financial Fraud
"...Rampant business and tax fraud." Yes! Please fork over $250 million in fines, Fatso.
Yes, we know you will play the stall card. But if you don't settle here a cell will be waiting with "Fatso" on a shingle above it. Shove the meat thermometer in him. Done now?

Why Do You Think I’m a Threat To America?
Voting for Republicans is, tragically, voting against America — It’s really just that simple
How many times do we have to say it?
A Trump Nazi: “I voted twice for Trump and would again. Why do you think I’m a threat to America?”
Answer: Because you support and enable a fascist, racist, rapist, misogynist crook violating the laws and the Constitution of America. This makes you a co-conspriator in treason. What else would you like to know, traitor? You are the same as the 1940s people in Ken Burns documentary on the Holocaust, the "America First" Nazis like Charles Lindberg.

Jan. 6 Panel Members Propose Reforms to Electoral College Certification Process
This will stop Trump fascists attempting to steal elections like they've been doing for the last two years. Keep the Nazi hands off our elections.

Meet The Men Out To Charge Women With Murder For Aborting Precious Ectopic Pregnancies
They are not men, they are swine.

Can NC Senate Nominee Cheri Beasley Beat Trumpy Election Denier? God, We Hope So.
"Sure, the Senate is 50/50 but the country isn't. The Senate is inherently anti-democratic and favors white people and empty spaces."
All the democrats have to do is go vote the fascist MAGAt candidates out. There are more of us than them so we know we can do it. Vote like our lives depend on it. Because they do.

NBC News Thought Yesterday's Ron DeSantis Delaware Stunt Was So Hot, Like Ooh, Fly Us Somewhere, Governor
"Girdle Boy" fails again.

The U.S. and the Holocaust
A new documentary by Ken Burns, Lynn Novick and Sarah Botstein
A PBS flim series that should be required viewing for every American before it is too late.

DeSantis' immigration stunt echoes nation's antisemitic legacy
Ken Burns' latest series focuses on U.S. anti-immigrant rhetoric during the Holocaust, and it features striking similarities to right-wing behaviors today.

Pastor Mark Burns Declares War On Demonic, Demon-Possessed Democrats From Hell
"This is what the Evangelical movement is all about. Any person that leans left is a demon from hell. Anyone that supports Trump’s racist and horrific narcissism is an angel in service of the Lord."
The only demons here are spouting insane bullshit from the pulpit.

Bret Baier Wanted To Reverse Fox News' Call Of Arizona For Biden In 2020
And this is the asshole in their commercial for election coverage with "DEMOCRACY" in big letters on the back wall. What a hypocrite.

Newly obtained footage shows Trump allies ‘handling sensitive voting equipment’ in Georgia: report
Rigging are they? The Kings of Rig.
“The footage, which was made public as part of long-running litigation over Georgia’s voting system, raises new questions about efforts by Trump affiliates in a number of swing states to gain access to and copy sensitive election software, with the help of friendly local election administrators."
Fully explaining why they can't accept a defeat because their rigs fail and they are so pissed about it.

How Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott channel segregationists with their anti-immigration stunts
Illegal stunts you mean. Kidnappers they are.

‘There will be violence’: John Dean predicts Trump will attempt ‘dictators’ play’ as the walls close in
Then this time they'll get to see how the M134 GAU-17 works on them.

Ukraine update: Putin calls for 'partial mobilization' of up to 300,000 reservists
Having trouble is he? These elders probably won't like it much and could cause more harm to him than good.

Sanders Says GOP Plot to Tank Student Debt Relief Will 'Hurt Them Politically'
"I have the radical idea that good policy is good politics," said Sen. Bernie Sanders. "And it is good policy to cancel student debt in this country."

More Calls For Human Trafficking Charges Against DeSantis
Massachusetts Lawmaker Demands Federal Human Trafficking Probe Over Desantis Stunt
These people were in the U.S. legally. As such, they were kidnapped by DeSantis.
Kidnapping is a federal crime punishable by the death penalty.
Girdle Boy, you've been had!
What are we waiting for? Arrest, indict, convict, sentence, DeSatantic.

"A fascist march on the country for 5 years": How the Proud Boys got away with it for so long
In "We Are Proud Boys," author Andy Campbell details how the far-right street gang fooled media and law enforcement
Their 15 minues are up.

Trump demands that DOJ prove documents stamped TOP SECRET were really classified
"Maybe they’ll make the DOJ explain the origins of the word “classified” and the origins of the Phoenician alphabet."
OK. What else, you pitiful dumbass? Maybe you should keep digging. ROTFLMAO!

Special master slammed Trump's biggest defense for his Mar-a-Lago stash: columnist
Dead man walking.

A spectacular backfire? Ron DeSantis might have unwittingly helped migrants obtain special visas
That's what a halfwit unwittingly does.

Tim Ryan Roasts J.D. Vance After Trump Mocked Him During Rally: ‘Ohio Does Not Want An A** Kisser’
Of course, Vance doesn't understand Ohio. You just don't stage a rally when a Buckeyes game is being played in Columbus. Show some respect, dude. Go Bucks!

The Big Bang should have made cracks in spacetime—why haven’t we found them?
Cosmic strings' greatest power? Their ability to confound physicists.

Lula Up 16 Points Over Bolsonaro as Lead Grows Ahead of Brazilian Election
With less than two weeks to go, former leftist president ahead of far-right incumbent by double digits.
We can only hope the Nazi Bolsonaro won't pull another stunt and have him arrested and imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit like the last time he was beating the shit out of him.

Nobody Should Be Shocked by GOP Cruelty—It's Their Whole Brand
Republicans simply don't believe that protecting the people of America is a legitimate function of government.
We've pretty well come to expect it. Now, do we have the guts to eliminate it?

Former Wisconsin Election Frauditor Calls For A Revolution
Ya say ya want a revolution?
Thomas Jefferson would piss all over you had he the chance.

Liz Cheney Quotes Colleague: 'The Things We Do For The Orange Jesus'
"‘The things we do for the Orange Jesus.’ And I thought, you know, you’re taking an act that is unconstitutional.”

Thanks, I Hate It: Space Force Now Has an Anthem
You mean it's not "Up in the air junior birdmen"?

Scamvangelist Sells $1500 Course On How To Pray So That “Finances Overflow In Your Life In Jesus’s Name
There's a lot of them out there. Morons that fall for these con artists I mean.
Is this what "Many shall come in my name" means?

Rubio Refuses To Say He’ll Accept Results Of Election
Don't blame him. He has a fascist as Governor that could rig it anyway he wants.
He's always been a hapless dork, anyway.

'Will you accept the results of the 2022 election' turns out to be a hard question for Republicans
Nazis take defeat hard. Just look at Nuremberg.

Midterms wins could reinvigorate the GOP to chop these essential American benefits
If the Republicans tell you they have Social Security and Medicare in their sights, believe them.
Because meaness is their mantra. They want a country with streets filled with homeless people.

Texas Banned More Books Than Any Other State Last Year, Analysis Finds
And the illiterate are proud of this, one would assume.
Texas — Vote Beto.

Don’t Just Legalize Weed. End Marijuana Prohibition.
"There is no sense in my repeating the poll numbers that show overwhelming support for an end to marijuana prohibition."
All states, of course. Especially, we look at YOU Texas!
Texas — Vote Beto.

Marjorie Taylor Greene floats inaccurate claims to introduce ban on gender-affirming care for trans youths
Greene keeps trying. Meaness is the agenda of her Nazi ignorance. Cruelty is her god. She makes up most of the bullshit she regurgitates.
Fact: "Gender-affirming surgery is currently recommended for patients who are at least 16 years old, and then only for mastectomies for transmasculine youths, but most individuals who undergo such procedures are over 18 years old, and Endocrine Society does not recommend genital surgery for minors."

Trump promotes new 'children's book' about 2020 election being 'rigged' against him
Here's one the Nazis won't burn. It's great comedy until you realize how sick it is.

The Banned Books You Haven’t Heard About
We're living in a very backward environment. This should be read by us all.

How the Second Civil War Could Start
"The great cleaving could be closer than we think. Our next civil war is stalking us. We can stop it. We must stop it. Or we, as an ideal and as a spirit will, in Abraham Lincoln’s words, surely perish from this earth."
This is what our November election will say about who we are and if we are to survive as a free nation.

The Cruelty and Dishonesty of the DeSantis Immigration Stunt
This is a point that must be emphasized: The Venezuelans whom DeSantis flew to Martha’s Vineyard were in the United States seeking asylum. They followed U.S. law. They are not “illegal aliens.”
If Americans can't understand this then they need to take a good look at themselves because they are reflecting the cluelessness and totalitarian philosophy of the fascist crowd.

The Chaotic Politics of Lindsey Graham’s Abortion Bill
It is quite clear that Lindsey Graham is demented. Hopefully, he will be the death of "his" fascist party.

Republicans: Stand Up, Step Up, Kick a Little Ass
"It should be apparent to any conscious organism that the Republican Party has not only gone to Maximum Fascist Mode, but is still actively pursuing just how much lower it can go without the whole damn country having a collective fit of projectile vomiting..."

They Overturned Roe and, Amid the Chaos, Gutted 12 More Rights and Freedoms You Might Have Missed
"The U.S. Supreme Court is back for the October term in just two weeks, ready to wreak more havoc on the nation. "
The Trump Nazis on the court will continue to rape our Constitution.

How Texas’ abortion laws turned a heartbreaking fetal diagnosis into a cross-country journey
“It was just a matter of time before the baby died, or maybe I’d have to go through the trauma of carrying to term knowing I wasn’t bringing a baby home,” said 27-year-old Lauren Hall. “I couldn’t do that.”
Anyone with a heart and a brain can understand this.
Texas — Vote Beto.

Arrests along U.S.-Mexico border top 2 million a year for the first time
Federal authorities are on pace to make more than 2.3 million arrests during the 2022 fiscal year, which ends Sept. 30. That will far exceed last year’s record of more than 1.7 million arrests.
This can't possibly be true. All the MAGAts tell us we have wide open borders at every port in the U.S.

Tucker Saying Schools And Hospitals Doing 'Sex Crimes' To People's Kids, Telling Them To 'Fight Back'
This is typical Nazi behavior. They will take the violent path toward them. Remember Dorchen Richter in the 1930s.
"...fundamentalist Christians are the vilest groomers on the planet, and the real reason they are angry and calling others "groomers" is that they are having a harder and harder time brainwashing their own children with anti-LGBTQ hate..."

Trump's lawyers are 'painted into a corner' as they face special master grilling: former FBI agent
They are trying to separate themselves from any possible criminal liability as they know Trump is guilty.
"They have sort of painted themselves into a corner..."
The treason corner.

Trumpers Urge Folks To Flood VA Suicide Hotline With Demands For J6 Defendants
How low can they go?
As low as the Nazi traitors they are.

Team Trump refuses special master's order to list which Mar-a-Lago documents Trump 'declassified'
Fat assed chickenshit. Stalling like the criminal he is.

'He knew nothing about so many things': Trump White House staffers were 'startled' by his ignorance
His Nazi sycophants don't know anything about ignorance because they are ignorant as a mountain of lead.

Let's just all acknowledge that cruelty and death is the GOP brand
“Trump exploited low and middle-income white people’s anger over their deteriorating life prospects,” the Lancet’s Commission on Public Policy and Health in the Trump Era wrote, “to mobilize racial animus and xenophobia and enlist their support for policies that benefit high-income people and corporations and threaten health.”
The very reason that we need to educate our population and make college and universities more affordable, if not free, to low-income citizens.
“His signature legislative achievement,” the Lancet commission wrote, “a trillion-dollar tax cut for corporations and high-income individuals, opened a budget hole that he used to justify cutting food subsidies and health care.”

Thousands without water, lawsuit filed, but Mississippi governor thinks crisis is a laughing matter
"How does a Republican governor show compassion for the more than 150,000 people left without clean water in a majority-Black city? Apparently, by joking about their misfortune."
Talk about a hayseed asshat.

‘How Many Women Were Abused to Make That Tesla?
Seven women are suing the Elon Musk-led company, alleging sexual harassment

World-Renowned Economists Call for 'Emergency' Corporate Profit Taxes to Avert Global Recession
Governments have a choice, argues a new report: Impose austerity programs that harm the poor, or tax "the multinationals and the super-rich, many of whom have also benefited from the crisis."
The global collapse will happen due to greed of the wealth hoarders. Count on it because they don't give a cent, a fuck, or a shit about humanity.

Texas judge rules that people under felony indictment have the right to buy guns under the Second Amendment
By all means, give these bastards access to guns.
Texas stupid on display.
Texas — Vote Beto.

DeSantis’s Contempt for Immigrants Makes Him Politically Stupid
That ain't all it makes him. It could make him gone.

'I feel duped': Republicans react as Glenn Youngkin campaigns for Arizona extremist
You believed this MAGAt POS? Wow! You deserve your screwing.

Critics torch Donald Trump’s rallygoers for their 'uncanny resemblance' to 'Nazi Salute'
Where did all this Nazi filth come from? Their local dystopian Trump trailer parks?
Better watch out for those fingers you morons.

Polls: Joe Biden jumps while Donald Trump slumps

Ron DeSantis transporting asylum seekers to Martha’s Vineyard was 'clearly not a state action
"...what happened broke federal laws."
Does Florida still support federal law or have they put themselves in harm's way?
Fascist tyrant must be prosecuted and removed from office.

It's Time To Prosecute Ron Desantis
As Migrants Confirm They Were Misled, Calls for Prosecution of DeSantis (and Abbott) Grow
"Hitler in a girdle." A monster looking for a kill. And there are the same swine as there were in 1939 Germany that will support this.
Florida, get some brains quick.

How the right-wing nurtured a 'dark' movement of 'white male resentment' long before Donald Trump
"Trump was not an exception; he was simply the next step on a path the right had started down almost three decades before.”
Longer than that, all the way back to 1865.

Staver: Passing Marriage Bill Will “Destroy America"
Go back to hell and stay there this time, Mat.

Trump Rages That FBI Agents “Ransacked” Mar-A-Lago: “They Didn’t Even Take Off Their Shoes In My Bedroom”
Shows what Trump knows. Ever heard of a vacuum cleaner, Fatso? Your maid runs it for you?

Brochure Promised Migrants Cash, Jobs, And Housing
Photo is one of Alfred E. Neuman.

Boebert Wears Gun To Address Texas Youth Summit
BoBo Boebert packs her shootin' arn at gathering of deplorables.
“to be the catalysts to win the Culture War.”
Oh, BoBo. You lost that ages ago. Culture is something that makes you reach for that arn yer a-carryin'.

CBS News’ Major Garrett Warns: U.S. is ‘85 Percent’ Close to Civil War
I think our military has prepared for it. Many of us knew it would come to this once again. It will be utter horror for many of us but democracy will prevail.

A GoFundMe Raises Half a Million Dollars for a Teen Girl Who Was Ordered to Pay $150,000 to Her Rapist’s Family
Justice. It happens sometimes in America.

Trans Kids Finally Scored a Victory in Texas
Great. Now elect a governor that won't exploit child abuse politics again.
Texas — Vote Beto.

A new normal: More Republicans won’t vow to accept voters’ will
Two years after Donald Trump refused to commit to accepting his election results, it appears he created a new normal in Republican politics.
Most of them never got reasoning capacity or logical function in their brains. Due to this condition, a serious disease infected them and turned them into automatons.

'I'm not that smart': Herschel Walker says his Dem opponent is going to 'embarrass' him at upcoming debate
This must be the "honest Herchel" speaking. We'll see which Herschel shows up at the debate.

Elise Stefanik claims Harvard discussed 'taking' her degree along with Ted Cruz's
It's not conservatives they're going after, dear. It's fascist, racist, lying, MAGAts that try to overthrow democracy. That's who you, Cruz and all the rest are. Try to understand that.

Trump’s ‘Save America’ Scam
His PAC never launched a “legal defense fund,” despite deceitful ads that raked in millions.
"After all, why would the mere possibility of prosecution lead Trump to give up on a successful racket that lets him practically print money by hitting up gullible admirers?"
I'm tired of Trump shitting all over America. I hope you are too.

We Didn’t Vanquish Polio. What Does That Mean for Covid-19?
The world is still reeling from the pandemic, but another scourge we thought we’d vanquished has reemerged.
"By the time an outbreak is detected, it may be already out of control. Going by past experience, the fear generated by polio is greater than in the Covid-19 pandemic because it suddenly cripples its victims, who are usually children."

More Awesome Political Pranks
"Since we’re now kidnapping human beings for sport, let’s just go for it…"

At one last reunion, veterans of La Raza Unida political movement pass along their torch
Born from the Chicano movement of the 1960s, La Raza Unida helped coalesce Texas Latino power and briefly formed the state’s third political party. Although the organization is long gone, its imprint on the state is unmistakable.
Texas — Vote Beto.

Abortion Bans Could Jeopardize Cancer Treatment for Pregnant Patients
The Talibastards don't give a fuck.

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp Not NOT Saying He'll Ban Plan B Morning-After Birth Control
Schmuck. "Plan B only 'takes a life' if, as Nancy Pelosi said, you believe 'life begins with the candlelight dinner.'" ROTFLMAO!

I'm Sorry, But No One Can Possibly Still Be Mad About The Will Smith Oscars Slap
"So basically what they (Apple) are saying here is that he got in one little fight and Apple got scared and said, "maybe we won't release this reportedly very good and important movie because people in the United States of America, a country where many elected officials are fine with their constituents trying to overthrow the government because they didn't like the results of a presidential election, might be upset."
"Who the hell is still mad at this? Who would say, "Oh, I would specifically not see this movie because I am so mad Will Smith slapped Chris Rock at the Oscars." According to that same article, probably no one..."

A Conversation* With Governor DeSantis on His Trafficking-Immigrants-to-Martha’s Vineyard Strategy
A message to Fatso wannabe, the asswipe, "Corset Boy."

Hogwash! That the US Goes Full Banana Republic by Prosecuting Endless Trump Crime Sprees
"Does such fear-mongering against simply enforcing the law not award popular demagogues automatic immunity, however infamous? Indictment and conviction are the only bulwarks against further legal/Constitutional disintegration, let alone electoral politics as vicious, open warfare."

Marjorie Taylor Greene warns Stacey Abrams to get 'the hell out of Georgia'
Let's have a cage match between them. Stacy would pound that imbecile til hell wouldn't have it.
Apparently, Georgia is the worst state for a number of reasons. One of the biggest is the retarded Green goon.

Marge At Trump Rally: 'It’s Really A Christian Revival'
The fascist party of theocracy. Disgusting and depraved. She does not know what she's talking about, as usual.
"It's declining. There is no revival."
“Religious bondage shackles and debilitates the mind and unfits it for every noble enterprise.” — James Madison
The Founding Fathers Were Not Christians

Bill Maher Praises Joe Biden: He's Killing It
Even the always critical Maher has taken notice.
Even the old crank?

Toxic effects of the Big Lie: Will any Republican, anywhere, ever concede defeat?
GOP's latest campaign tactic is also a fundraising grift: Never concede defeat to anyone, even another Republican
Will any Republican actually win an election? They remain a fascist party of MAGAts opposed to democracy.

A 'day of reckoning' is coming for Trump — but he's not going to jail: Former federal prosecutor
"Trump, along with his inner circle and his businesses, operate like an organized crime family."
That's because they are.
This opinion bodes badly for the future of America. If Trump is above the law it sets precedence and will be used in future cases.
If he is above the law we will all be above the law in the future. A pretty stupid proposition for a country allegedly ruled by law.
Shameful and disgusting.

'No Regard for the Law': Starbucks to Deny Union Workers New Paid Leave Benefits
"Their goal is to retaliate against and punish union stores," said Starbucks Workers United.
Boycott them, set up union picket lines and shut all of them down. Get your caffeine somewhere else.
Sign the #NoContractNoCoffee Pledge

Trump Fumes: DeSantis Stole My Plan for Shipping Migrants
Conservative pundits are fawning over DeSantis’ cruel political stunt to fly immigrants to Massachusetts. Trump thinks the "credit" should be his
What a whiney-assed baby POS he is. He, DeSantis and Abbott are all morally bankrupt.

'Where is Fauci?' GOP's Ronny Jackson blames infectious disease scientist for fentanyl
You'll have to look up above your head, shorty. He's miles higher than you and your turd stirring.
This guy is one huge laughing stock. The death rate comes from Fox News and it's only half true. He's cherry picking you see.

DeSantis’ Migrant Planes Have Financial Ties To GOP And Russian Govt.
More traitors in our midst.

As Migrants Confirm They Were Misled, Calls for Prosecution of DeSantis and Abbott Grow
Get it done.

Book-Banning Attempts in US Have Reached Unprecedented Level, Libraries Report
Most of these brainless illiterates are just jealous of the rest of us who can read and comprehend.

What The Hell Is Wrong With People Who Think Idaho Is Teaching Kids Pornography?
"The Idaho Department of Health Welfare (IDHW) had to send out an actual press release this week denying that they are funding or in any way providing lessons on 'porn literacy' to elementary school students. This was because a ridiculous organization for right wing fanatics with poor reading comprehension skills called the Idaho Freedom Foundation (IFF) has been going around saying they were."
And you thought I was being sarcastic about brainless illiterates?

Second bus with migrants arrives outside Kamala Harris’ residence
Good. At least she'll know how to care for them unlike the clueless and heartless Abbott. Get rid of him Texas.
Texas — Vote Beto.

Extremist Republican Who Never Served in the Military Wants All the Generals To Be Purged
The perfect example of Trump Trash. Toss him back in the sewer where he came from.

Sen. Graham's Proposed Abortion Ban Could Kill Thousands of Women and Children in the Next Decade
This degenerate doesn't care. Like the rest of the perverse and corrupt fascists, they don't give a damn.

Trump's new threat of a civil war makes him an 'imminent danger to our nation': lawmaker
How long WILL we put up with Trump's criminally seditious horseshit?

Mixing Christianity With Nationalism Is a Recipe for Fascism
Of course. But so many Americans are too uneducated to grasp this. Spite is their raison d'être.

Migrants’ Lawyers Demand Criminal Probe Into Flights
Indict DeSantis and Abbott.

EU Leader Calls For Russian War Crimes Tribunal
Bring Putin to justice.

Mike Lindell: I Prayed Warnock And Ossoff Into Office Because It Would Prove There Was “Election Crime”
What can be said about something this totally off the rails?
Stop giving this sick person any ink. It's embarrasing to the mentally ill.

'We Don't Owe Joe Manchin Anything!' Opposition to Dirty Side Deal Grows
"The science is clear," said one climate campaigner. "If we want a habitable planet, we cannot afford this dirty deal."
Some of us don't want a habitable planet. Some of us only want money and will do anything for it.

Trump slammed for paying 'fancy' lawyer $3 million while his arrested Jan 6 followers face financial ruin
Oh, but they get what they deserve. So will Fatso.

'Off the rails' Republicans ducking debates in record numbers to avoid scrutiny: report
These miscreants are worse than Covid. They are textbook defintions of chickenshits. They can't support what they are.

Time To Stop DeSantis And Abbott In Their Tracks
Here's a suggestion for putting a stop to the cruelty we've seen from Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott using migrants as pawns to score political points.
"They KNOW they’re transporting undocumented immigrants (or should know), so federal authorities should go after them and indict them for trafficking."
America is tired of MAGAt crooks getting passes on their crimes.

Oh Look! Herschel Walker 'All In' On Nationwide Abortion Ban
Georgia GOP Senate candidate Herschel Walker says he's all in on Federal abortion ban.
LOL! Genius. He needs all potential births to happen so these chidren can be ignored.
Georgia seems to like toxic idiots that can only play football for them.

Georgia students spell out N-word at football game
This AND Herschel Walker as a candidate? What absolute hypocrite racists.
Land of the Happy Negro shows how out of touch with reality they are.

'We just couldn't stay': Confederate store with KKK merchandise causes business to relocate
Land of the Happy Negro keeps showing it's racist and treasonous history.
"Civil War Surplus"? What a disgrace to humanity.
Dear Old Dixe needs to be taught a lesson. Again.

‘I Think All the Christians Get Slaughtered’: Inside the MAGA Road Show Barnstorming America
ReAwaken America founder Clay Clark saw himself as an entrepreneur destined for greatness. When the pandemic hit, he found his new product: culture-war spectacle
"Before last year, Clark was a provincial talk-show personality and business guru from Oklahoma; today he is a Vince McMahon frontman of a misinformation megashow."
"Religion"? What a bad joke on America. They fall for any two-bit con man these days.

Racist Governors Abott and DeSantis Deserve Jail Time
Abbott and DeSantis should be looking at jail time or serious civil fines for engaging in this heartless, racist sport.
A long jail time.

Is No One and Nothing Beyond the Pale Anymore? Are We Truly This Rotten?
Add Trump and Cruz to the photo and there are no larger rotten swine in America.
"Honestly, I never thought Americans were any better than other folk, but I guess I was just stubbornly disinclined to believe how heartless and rotten people were, even here.
And, maybe especially here."
Sadly, the truth, Jaimie.

'The worst is yet to come': Experts warn MAGA violence is spreading—and law enforcement should prepare
Law enforcement? The military should have their protective marching orders and command posts in place as well as allied forces on alert and prepaired to join us in the battle to come. This may be the start of WWIII.
"In the United States, it is not illegal to be a part of a domestic extremist group." Well, then, there's our problem isn't it. What happened to "all enemies foreign and domestic"?

Trump accused of 'extortion' over attempt to force CNN sale to Rupert Murdoch: new book
The list of crimes on this grifter must go to the moon by now.
It's a shame and disgrace that America seems unable to deal with any one of them.

These 2 charts show America's Christian majority is on track to end
Thank God.

Texas Social Media “Censorship” Ban Goes Into Effect
Texas Nazis promote havoc as they love to do.
Food for the mindless will be plentiful and even more toxic to our survival.
Texas — Vote Beto.

Feds: “Hitler Mustache” Rioter Is Recruiting In Prison
We used to put the mentally ill in a mental hospital. This guy is nuttier than Georgia, New Mexico, and Texas combined.

Virginia Rolls Back Protections For Trans Students
Virginia: The heart of the Land of the Happy Negro. It's what they still do. After all they come from a long line of traitors.

Carlson: Immigrants Are Why Your Daughter Is Afraid
Turd spouting by Tucks.

DeSantis: I’ll Use Every Penny Of Fund To Ship Migrants
Showing us his stupid ass everytime he opens his ignorant mouth.
"This shows you why Desantis never takes questions from reporters. He can’t coherently defend his own policies. FL law allowed him to transport migrants IN FLORIDA. He says he was justified flying them from TX because maybe some were going to FL." — Ron Filipkowski

Markey Leads Call for Federal Probe of DeSantis Over 'Cruel' Migrant Stunt
Lawmakers from Massachusetts urged the Treasury Department to investigate the Florida governor "effectively using Covid-19 relief to score political points by exploiting vulnerable immigrants."
Grifting and grifting. The pig is a thief.

This is big: Senate confirms five Biden federal appeals court judges in a week

Trump-appointed judge made an 'ironic' admission with demand for a special master: legal expert
"She is the essence of a neutral, objective person who makes these kinds of decisions," she added. "So what we've seen her do is not just delay, but unnecessary and inappropriate process into a criminal investigation. This is, in essence, the judiciary interfering with the executive branch which is where the prosecutorial power sits. It is inappropriate, it's bad for the country and it's bad for the justice system. One hopes the 11th Circuit will put a quick stop to the madness."

They have him surrounded: Trump now faces legal troubles in three states, plus D.C.
No one can promise Trump won't get away. But he's sweating — and he wakes up every day faced with huge legal bills

DeSantis And Abbott Use 1960's Segregationist Playbook
Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott are taking a page straight out of the White Citizens Council playbook And now the country is making fun of the swine for their sheer stupid racist mistakes.

Laura Ingraham Suggests That Decency Is A 'Far Left' Ideal
Thanks, hon. We sure as hell know there is none on the right.

Where Abortion Is Banned, Children Struggle
In states where abortion is banned, children and families already face an uphill battle.
Living in the past is not going to help anyone a bit.

Immigrant Shipments
Cruelty is now officially a plank in the Republican platform.

Why Ron DeSantis’ latest 'political stunt' is a form of 'kidnapping': libertarian
The SOB doesn't think immigrants are human. He will have an awakening and a reckoning on it.

J.D. Vance, Still Gross, Still A-Hole
Ohio was always filled with hillicans but I never recall them being fascists as they are now.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom wants DeSantis and Abbott investigated for kidnapping
A very good idea. But I wouldn't stop there.

When Trump is Finally Revealed as an Agent of Foreign Governments - Will America Wake Up?
It’s hard to underestimate the damage to our nation done by Donald Trump along with the propaganda and social media efforts of Russia and, perhaps, other autocratic nations
Some "Americans" have a strange aversion to being woken. They prefer their condition of eternal sleep.

'Shocking': J6 member stunned by latest bombshell on Trump's team claiming docs were 'only newspaper clippings'
"The question is, did the ex-president's lawyers lie for him or were they lied to and then represent those lies as true? Either way, I think they're in big trouble," she explained.
The trouble cannot be any larger. Put the end to these crooks and traitors.
Think of history, America. It's time to decide who and what we want to be.

Martha’s Vineyard Migrants Leave Island as Outrage at DeSantis Grows
Like Texas, Florida doesn't appear to know what they are doing.

This judge’s powerful writing on racism could inspire US Supreme Court to hear Mississippi case
Yes, there is a reckoning coming as it did before. This time it will end far worse for them.
It will make Sherman look like a baby.

Migrants sent to Martha's Vineyard are being rehoused on a base in Cape Cod
Much nicer than Florida or Texas.

Anti-LGBTQ Trump Cultist Pleads Guilty To Email Death Threats Against Dictionary Company Over Its Definitions
Turd of the month winner.

Wallace: Trump Is Inciting Another “Violent Protest
Then this one will be the end of him.

QAnon Backer Doug Mastriano Was Registered To Vote In New Jersey While Serving In Pennsylvania Senate
Is this weirdo really that stupid? Or just an ordinary crook?

Capitol Rioters Keep Getting Arrested For New Crimes
"The U.S. Capitol attack was a crime unlike any in American history. But for some of the defendants accused of crimes related to the riot, it’s only been the beginning of their legal troubles."

Book Ban Efforts Surging In 2022, Library Association Says
The brainless wish to remain so. Fine, but why take all of us with you in your retardedness?

New analysis predicts the beginning of the end for Vladimir Putin
We've seen this ending before.

'Cave Means Grave': Jan. 6 Audio Shows Oath Keepers Emboldened By Trump Tweet
"He didn't say not to do anything to the congressmen," one member of the far-right militia group said in a recording obtained by the House panel investigating the Capitol attack.
Trump swine in terrorst attack on America.

'A form of terrorism': MSNBC's Heilemann slams Trump's 'hostage-taking' over potential indictment
Trump should be arrested immediately and thrown in prison without bail until his trial for treason.
"This is fascism—I mean, by any definition."
Any fool can see this. He must be brought to his end. For everyone's sake.

Senator calls Ron DeSantis a 'power mad tyrant' after Martha's Vineyard stunt
We've seen this sort of scumbag many times before. In the end they always lose in a disasterous manner.

'Pure essence of judicial corruption': Morning Joe panelists 'stunned' by Cannon's ruling on classified docs
Where corruption and cronyism have led us. The shame of this is truly pitiful.
This woman is a disgrace to her profession and to the nation. She should immediately be removed from the bench.

How the Big Lie poison continues to spread — and why it's getting worse
Reason and truth will never defeat the Big Lie — its supporters are waging a religious war against democracy
This threat to America must be stopped by any means necessary.

GOP Candidate Joked About Choking Women, Liked Photos Of Underage Girls
Does he frequent a local pizza parlor? The degeneration and failure of the Republican Party.

‘Voter Fraud’ Activists And QAnon Have Joined Forces
True the Vote’s collaboration with QAnon to wage war on democracy should be a joke but it’s not. They are a bad joke. Bots from the Crab Nebula badly designed.

Why does Texas have so many elections, and why do few people vote in them?
The high number of contests contributes to the state’s low voter turnout — but it’s not the only reason.
Mostly, they are simply backward here.

Leonard Leo's Radical Agenda
Does nobody expect the Republican Inquisition? It's here, and Leonard Leo brought it.
Leonard Leo, for those who don’t know, is the brains behind the Federalist Society, the lavishly-funded cabal of right-wing ‘originalist’ lawyers committed to marching the country back to the Middle Ages.
And they say this idiot is smart? He does the same things that all Nazis try to do.
Eraditcate him and his ilk.

Florida judge appoints Trump's pick for special master: report
And the rig goes on, the rig goes on.

Lindsey Graham gets scolded on Fox News for timing of new abortion ban legislation
We thought we'd seen a stupid shit before but this miscreant mindless creep takes the turd of the century award.
How dare this brainless fool?

JFK Library Brilliantly Calls Out Abbott And DeSantis Over Latest Stunt
These people are not men. They are devo. Backward, empty cyphers. Call them out. They are cowards and not men.
They are the same Land of the Happy Negro racist slave owners abusing people of color like all cowards totalitarians have done.
Get out your tar and feathers and rails.

'The wrong debate': Robert Reich takes aim at mainstream media's affirmative action panic
My late sister, who described herself as a little to the right of Attila the Hun, used to say to me when I brought up results of a poll, "what was the question?" In other words, the questions are all rigged to pull answers that may be used as progaganda. The fascists are clever at this, but not invisible.
"My biggest regret is that the national conversation is in the hands of producers chasing ratings and advertising dollars, with no regard for how they’re distorting the public’s understanding of what’s important or the core choices lying ahead."

How Ken Starr established 'proof of concept' for future bogus GOP investigations
Is this guy dead enough? Before you shit your pants, this means his bullshit may live on long afterward.

'Desperate for a scandal': Reporters slammed for obsessing over Joe Biden flying to Delaware to vote:
Shame is something long gone on some of these 3rd rate douchebaggers.

Watch: Marjorie Taylor Greene accused of kicking woman after telling activist to 'move to another country'
As I have implied so many times: "She's no lady."
What else does one expect from a coward that has no shame or any answers?
To her questions: Does she mean the parents in Uvalde? Who's talking about Utopia? She's confusing it with Uvalde. Perhaps crack a book or see a doctor, Margie.

Marjorie Taylor Greene botches movie reference to bash bill protecting federal workers from unjust firing
The fool on the hill. It's not too late to get an education, Margie.

'This is a new low': Ron DeSantis faces blowback after 'trafficking' migrants to Martha’s Vineyard
Amazing how this defective finds the bottomless hole over and over again. He's not fit to clean toilets.

He Who Hath Not A Uterus Should Shut the Fucketh Up - Fallopians 13:13
Some morons can't figure that simple equation out.

Blake Masters wants some good old-fashioned Stalinist purges of U.S. generals
Fuck him. It's time to take off the gloves with these Nazis.

Washington is full of lawmakers who are way past 'traditional retirement age' — but refuse to retire: report
Thus creating a problem for progress. Some of them don't know we've passed the horse and carriage era.

Abbott Coordinates With Fox To Treat Migrants Like Cattle
Well, he's from Texas, right? Cowboy, right?
Texas — Vote Beto.

SHOCK POLL: Biden Approval Surges 9 Points in AP Survey Ahead of Midterms Amid Abortion, Trump Bombshells

Papa John’s Founder Says US is Now Nazi Germany: If They Attack Papa John’s, ‘They’re Gonna Attack Every American’
Here's a man that has eaten wayyyyyyy too much of his own crappy pizza. They come for that next, we're certain.
Probably another front for pedophiles in the cellars.
I suggest he go back and read some world history books. If he can read, that is.

Legal fights and loopholes could blunt Medicare's new power to control drug prices
Always some money grubbing Capitalist bastard throwing a turd in the mix.

Trump warns of 'problems' like 'we've never seen' if he's indicted
Oh, no. Does this mean he'll start projectile farting? Shitting his diapers? Worry, worry, worry, Fatso.

Inflation Is Actually Subsiding
Today on TAP: The stock market, financial writers, and the Fed have one thing in common: excessive gloom.
They remind me of the "Frightened Family," the old SNL act.

When Charlie Kirk Calls A Republican An Idiot And Charlie Kirk Is ... Right? U R NAILIN' IT

Joe Biden Makes Trains Run On Time
"The White House this morning announced it had brokered a tentative agreement between railroad unions and management, preventing a national rail strike that could have thrown supply chains into chaos and harmed the economy."

The ‘Great Replacement’ Delusion
The only thing we need is the eradication of the MAGAt Nazi Party.

Ron DeSantis Sticks It To Martha's Vineyard Libs, By Throwing Terrified Migrant People At Them
Illustrating the sort of trash we need to replace: Ron DeSantis, certifiable garbage pile.
"... all of his great-grandparents born in Italy. His maternal great-great-grandfather Salvatore Storti immigrated to the United States from Italy in 1904, eventually settling in Pennsylvania. His great-great-grandmother Luigia Colucci joined her husband in the United States in 1917.
Why does he hate immigrants so? He must be removed from office.

Isn’t It Time to Challenge the Growth Paradigm?
Many of us have recognized this issue for some time now.
"We are faced with situations in which the physical characteristics of the resources are no long compatible with a capitalist system. This isn’t to say that we necessarily eliminate capitalism altogether, but we can’t rely on it to solve certain problems.”
"The damage done has been brutal. Until we as a global community comprehend this great tragedy, I don’t think we’ll able to pick and move beyond this.”

Look Out: How the GOP’s Newest Anti-Voting Scam Works
Purging Democratic voters from the rolls has now gone nationwide, at least in states where voting is controlled by Republicans
Another way they run their rigging.

Dark Money School Groups Are Trying to Buy the Midterm Elections for the GOP
They do know how to rig an election. That has to be why they are so pissed about 2020. It didn't rig well for them.

Mastriano Ally: God Told Me Prince Charles Would Murder Queen Elizabeth
"Prophet" Julie Green also claimed the real Joe Biden is dead and that Obama controls his body double — Doug Mastriano's campaign had her speak at his rally.
A very severely damaged Red Room doppleganger. Easy to spot these by looking deeply at the pupils in the eyes. The evil entity "Jowdeh" is controlling her. Can't wait until One-armed Mike pulls her back in there and burns her head out. I will only say that wasn't "God" speaking to her. Don't ask more. I've said too much already.

How Donald Trump 'lost one of his biggest fights'
The portal didn't open for him on time. The "Prophet" knows that of which I speak.
When the owls begin to take the phones you know what happens next.
The dogs begin to bark and the hounds begin to howl.

Judge in Parkland shooter's trial loses it with his lawyers: 'You've been insulting me this whole trial'
These lawyers are not what they appear to be. They are agents of another dimension.
When the time signal hits the pre-set degree, the axis changes and then will be released the floating turd of truth.
“We’re not playing chess,” she said. This should explain everything.

Hardee's pokes fun at Mike Lindell after FBI agents seized his phone at one of their restaurants
Not a phone. They took his seed. This will confuse and confound them until they realize it contains a key to the Red Room portal.
Agent Phillip Jeffries will be there to meet them with the information they are seeking when they pass into the vortex.

Hate Group Whines About Response To Abortion Lie
The incredible misinformation and outright lies that the brain dead "religious" zealots crap on this world.
Drunk on power.

Ron DeSantis Can Also Too Bribe Voters With Joe Biden's Socialist Commie Dollars!

Is the Right-Wing Supreme Court the Actual Death Panel?

Unsealed Mar-a-Lago Affidavit Shows Donald Trump Did Play a Role in Hiding Documents
Dear me. We still need more proof stacked on the pile of evidence that now reaches the moon on his crimes?

On Gay Marriage, Senate Republicans Are Out of Step With the Republican Base
They have no rhythm so how can anyone expect them to get in step?

Conservative columnist recognizes weaponizing Christianity in the GOP might not have been the best idea
No shit, Sherlock.

State Investigation Reveals Racial Disparities in Student Discipline and Police Involvement
The Illinois civil rights probe of the state’s largest high school district comes after ProPublica and the Chicago Tribune documented thousands of police tickets issued to students for minor infractions.
More systemic racism in America.

An Iowa teenager who killed her accused rapist is sentenced and ordered to pay $150K
We need no better example of the failure of the American justice system than this example of systemic racism.
"But prosecutors have argued that Brooks (the perpertrator) was asleep at the time he was stabbed and not an immediate danger to Lewis." "Not immediate"? Don't make me laugh! I guess she had to wait to kill her rapist in the act of raping her? What putrid cowardly garbage.
"Iowa is not among the dozens of states that have a so-called safe harbor law that gives trafficking victims at least some level of criminal immunity." Live in the past much?
Who conned her into pleading guilty to any crime?
Brooks got what he deserved. Justice is a bad joke in Iowa. And everywhere else if their shit show spreads.
"Stay away from Iowa" is the best advice I could give any one that even pretends to be a human being.

How Rising Rents Crashed the Stock Market
"Two reports, essentially the same outcome, totally different reactions."
What's wrong with this picture?
Answer: Capitalism and fear. Always frightened money mongers.

State and Local Taxes Make Inequality Much Worse
Let's all sing, "God Bless America."
We are so glad Capitalism works so well for all of us and is totally sustainable.

Thanks, Lindsey: Republicans in disarray after Graham introduces national abortion ban
Clown show.

Protester With 'Fart Noises' Sign At Ashli Babbit Rally When Trump Calls In
"Sorry, Trumpers, but if she broke into my home, I'd shoot her, too. I want to buy the fart noises guy a drink." We don't celebrate traitors in America. Thank you.

Big Oil PR Firms a No-Show at House Hearing on Climate Disinformation
"This week Congress is set to take on Big Oil's lies and profiteering. The fossil fuel industry has made billions fueling the climate crisis and exploiting working people. We need to make them pay."

'Pro-Putin Republicans' have become the GOP’s ‘new useful idiots’: former Reagan speechwriter
It is truly jaw dropping how this shit show has happened to our country. These bastards need to go anyway that we can get rid of them.
Has America lost all will to fight fascist treason?

'Without the Bible, there is no America': Josh Hawley goes full Christian nationalist
What a fool. America should be fed up with these theocrats that do nothing at all for our country but push it baclward.

Doug Mastriano shredded by Philly paper for 'chilling' plans to overturn future elections
Nazi trash. Republican.

Republican county commissioner in upstate NY arrested for alleged 'voter fraud' scheme
When voter fraud is committed it will be a MAGAt Republican that does it.

Trump Lied About Secret Service Concerns to Throw Off New York AG
Trump wanted home court advantage for a deposition with the New York attorney general, so he cited Secret Service concerns with the AG’s office. The Secret Service had no concerns.
Trump Lied. This is news?

'Follow the Money': Sanders Explains Why Medicare for All Stalled in Congress
"Since 1998, in our corrupt political system, the private healthcare sector has spent more than $10.6 billion on lobbying and over the last 30 years it has spent more than $1.7 billion on campaign contributions to maintain the status quo."
"The American people are sick and tired of our collapsing and dysfunctional health care system. Now is the time for Medicare for All."
"Why hasn't the United States joined every major country on Earth in guaranteeing healthcare for all?"
Stop electing crooks and liars. That might be a start to correcting this ancient policy.

?Judge unseals nine additional paragraphs from Mar-a-Lago search warrant affidavit
Fatso has screwed himself so badly that he won't be seen in public again for several centuries.

Trump-supporting GOP lawmaker faces scrutiny over bizarre 'MAGA King' claim
Why can't the mentally ill get help in the U.S.? Seems sad to be this poor fellow is so sick and greatly disabled.

‘Should be game over’: DOJ ‘decimates’ Trump’s argument in new filing, according to legal expert
"Personal records = no executive privilege Trump's lawyers' and advisors (eg Tom Fitton) have dug themselves a hole here."
A big ass hole! Cleaning up the cell now. Right next to Bannon.

Dennis Prager Defends 'Good Germans' Who Supported Hitler's Nazi Party
Here we go again.
"'There were nice people who supported, who voted for the Nazis. You think every single person who voted for the Nazis was personally despicable?' he asked."
Dear Dennis: Every Nazi is a despicable racist, antisemitic, genocidal, piece of human waste. This includes you, asswipe.

Dumb Hannity Proves Why Trump Should Never Hold Office Again
Hannity's rant had unintended consequences for his pal, Trump.
"You got all that," Hannity asked.
We did, Sean, thanks so much for filling in all viewers for us!
So did all law enforcement and miltary division in our country.
Nice going, turd polisher.

Trump files motion opposing review of over 100 classified docs he now says are his and not classified
The very definition of insanity. America you are fucked by this batshit crazy stack of fecal matter.

Libertarian Party of Virginia dissolving after national party’s ‘bigoted’ turn: Ex-chair
Just like the former Republican Party.

This Is The Education Future Republicans Want

Jan. 6 Committee Member Suggests Ending Electoral College
Absolutely. Do it now.

Does a fetus count in the carpool lane? Texas’ abortion law creates new questions about legal personhood
A pregnant Texas woman said her fetus should count as a person in an HOV lane. That legal question is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the thorny question of “personhood.”
"The United States is a nation of laws: badly written and randomly enforced." — Frank Zappa
Texas — Vote Beto.

What Will the Collapse of Neoliberalism Bring to America & Russia?
As the world watches its 40-year experiment with neoliberalism collapse, Republicans in the US and Putin in Russia are facing a crisis they once thought would be an opportunity

How a War Correspondent Understands Far-Right Extremism

Jean-Luc Godard, 1930-2022
The last of the French New Wave.

Armed man wearing rainbow wig said he'd restore Trump as 'president king' and 'kill Democrats': police
"A Pennsylvania Trump supporter has been arrested after he barged into a local Dairy Queen and informed patrons he was working to restore Trump as 'president king' while also vowing to "kill Democrats.'" Dairy Queen. Always the place to go when making important announcements. Try the new nut ball sundae!

DeSantis Hands Out Millions In Bonus Checks From Federal Plan That Every Republican Voted Against
He's handing out his bribe money.

Manchin Calls in Big Oil CEOs to Help Ram Through Dirty Deal as Backlash Grows
The ancients are going rogue over their no longer wanted pollutant on humanity.

Manchin’s Pipeline Deal Must Be Blocked, 77 Democrats Say in Letter

PA GOP Rep. Stephanie Borowicz: God Will Shoot You If You Try To Take Her Jesus Guns
"There weren't many normal citizens in attendance, which is embarrassing but organizer Rep. Daryl Metcalfe blamed the weather and the high travel costs that 'China Joe Biden' has inflicted on the population. He probably blames President Biden when no one shows up at his birthday parties.

DOJ Collects Trump Flacks' Phones Just Because They Admitted They Were Doing Crimes, WITCH HUNT!
They be findin' lotsa witches every which-a-way.

Experts Warn Supreme Court Supporting 'Dangerous' GOP Legal Theory Could Destroy US Democracy
Independent state legislative theory—a formerly fringe right-wing notion that state lawmakers alone can regulate federal elections—will be tested in the U.S. Supreme Court in the coming months.
"Experts including Michael Luttig, a former federal judge and distinguished conservative jurist, have warned than ISLT is a central pillar of the 'Republican blueprint to steal the 2024 election.'"
Fascism is preparing to advance on America unchallenged. Just like abortion?

‘Looks like basic fraud’: Feds unraveling fake electors scheme because it may be easiest crime to prosecute
Good for starters but let's not stop with that. There's a long list to go.

'Out-maneuvered' Trump lawyers' 'desperation' is showing in latest filing: legal expert
" embarrassment to the legal profession."

Lindsey Graham Will Introduce National Abortion Ban Today
The name of the bill is "Protecting Pain-Capable Unborn Children from Late-Term Abortions Act." You should ignore it.
Lindsey will now slit his throat in a public suicide.
America can clearly see how frigging mean and dumb these MAGAt scumbags are with this act of stupid.

QAnon Dad Guns Down Family In Election-Denialist Rage
By untethering people from reality, conspiracy theories poison relationships on every level, from national to local to the family itself.
"Rebecca Lanis told Reddit readers that “there's a possibility she won't be able to move her legs again.”"
For what? Donald Trump losing an election. Poison. QAnon deadly poison.

It’s Time to Prepare for a Ukrainian Victory
The liberation of Russian-occupied territory might bring down Vladimir Putin.
Schmucker Carlson will be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO upset!

Putin Bailed on Top Military Meetings After Crushing War Losses
It seems Putin is not taking well to the biggest defeats Russia has faced in the war, with the president delaying meetings with top leadership because he’s just “very, very busy.”
Fatso better come and stroke him.

Phones taken by Justice Department as they roll out 40 subpoenas of Trump allies involved in fake electors scheme
More of the Trump bastard traitors will fall.

Marc Short: Trump's Lawyers Play Act Like They're On A TV Show
I'm sure the cast of LA Law could do a better job.
Sure. Some Americans love a low brow TV show better than their own lives. How many time do we have to see that shit? Endlessly.

MAGA Rhetoric Causes Death Threats To Congress
It's Stochastic terrorism, and it's coming from elected officials and media employees who have actual accountability for what they say.
Come out and fight like men instead of chickenshit pissants. You Nazis aren't gonna kill anyone blabbing about it on the internet.

'Democracy dies in book deals': Maggie Haberman ripped for withholding Donald Trump bombshell

'He’s dead to me': Furious Republicans vow to get revenge on Kevin McCarthy
The MAGAts are dying? That's a good thing.

In Florida governor's race, Crist accepts 3 debates, including 1 DeSantis declined
Florida, you can take this Nazi down for good.

Marjorie Taylor Greene tells Steve Bannon she plans to impeach Joe Biden
ROTHFLMAO! What makes this miscreant think she's gonna be around to do anything but keep fluffing Steve Bannon?
She is nobody and less than nothing.

Judge mocks Peter Navarro’s complaint in contempt of Congress case
I guess everyone enjoys projectile vomiting. Settled law.

Fossil Fuel Giants Have Targeted 150+ Activists With 'Judicial Harassment': Report
"People must be able to add their voice, without fear of retaliation, to the public debates that will determine the future direction of our country and our planet."
These dinosaurs won't die without a violent bloody fight, so be prepared folks.

Florida Christian school teacher arrested after twerking on student during prom
Another one bites the dust.

Senator angered Democrats allowed to go to college and church, work in government agencies
Ron Johnson, totalitarian fascist. Remove him now.

Spit It Out: GOP Candidate Can't Answer Simple Question On Abortion
A sack of hammers.

Lindell Bankrolls “Death To Gays” White Nationalist
Hopefully, both of these moron assholes will go broke.

Outnumbered Chief Justice Roberts pretends he’s still in charge of the Supreme Court
So what? Trump still pretends he's president.

People of All Faiths and None Mobilize to Pass the Respect for Marriage Act
Humanity doing the right thing.

Cultists Paralyze Election Offices With Records Requests
Trump trash continues to shit on democracy. Tell them to Fuck. All. The. Way. Off.

BOOK: Trump Vowed To Stay In White House After Loss
The Nazi isn't there now. What the fuck does he think he is? Because everyone knows what he is: A LOSER!
And the Nazis haven't yet burned all copies of these books?

Donald Trump and His Two Forms of Fascism

John Roberts’ flawed defense of the Supreme Court’s legitimacy
Roberts seems to think a recent backlash against the Supreme Court is just an emotional outburst after an unpopular ruling. He’s badly missing the point.

The Fight Against an Age-Old Effort to Block Americans From Voting
"Over the last two years, the myth of election fraud, supercharged by former President Donald Trump in the wake of his 2020 loss, has fueled a barrage of new restrictions. While they do not all target voters who struggle to read, they make it especially challenging for voters with low literacy skills to get help casting ballots."
Georgia, we are looking at you.

How We Analyzed Literacy and Voter Turnout

'Everyone should be frightened': Historian waves red flag over far-right plans to alter the Constitution
Starting with the fascist state of Florida. Our war is coming.

POLL: 37% Say US Civil War Is Likely In Next Decade
Why wait?

Florida county Republican Party mulls barring FBI agents and labeling World Health Organization 'terrorists'
The fascist state of Florida should be held in contmept of our Constitution. This is an act of treason. no different than firing on Fort Sumter.

Legal expert blasts Trump: ‘Kidnapped our national security and is holding it hostage’
He's holding law and order hostage as well.

Herschel Walker Is the Saddest Senate Candidate I’ve Ever Seen
He’s an unqualified, numbskull, lying buffoon. And he’s got a 50-50 chance of winning in Georgia.
A regretful disgrace that will linger with Georgia for years to come. They would vote for someone in a coma if there were an R or a swastika by his name.

The Supreme Court Is Vulnerable on Abortion
Thanks to ‘Dobbs,’ a majority of Americans are ready to put limits on its power.
"It is plainly obvious that the conservative movement and a substantial portion of the American population have been grossly misled by anti-abortion messaging. The median position on abortion, roughly speaking, is that it’s not exactly good, but that it should be widely available early in the pregnancy, and universally available in cases of rape or incest, or if the health of the mother is threatened, or if the fetus is medically nonviable. In practical terms, this covers virtually all abortions—a fact that has been buried by decades of hysterical anti-abortion propaganda."

Elizabeth Warren Would Like To Get Rid Of Right-To-Work-For-Less Laws, Please
"Wages have certainly gone up post-pandemic, but they are still nowhere where they would be if they had kept pace with worker productivity and executive pay — and a lot of that is due to the diminished power of unions."

QAnon People Want To Know How Tom Hanks Can Be Gepetto If He's Been Dead For Two Years
It's time to recognize QAnon is the lost tribe of turd miners.

Herschel Walker: A Word, A Salad, And A 9/11 Quote
Herschel Walker is a disaster, a mindless liar. He needs mental treatment. How can responsible voters support this?
"This is a depressing comment about the Georgia electorate, considering that whenever Walker opens his mouth, you can hear the ocean say 'Duh?'
Illustrating the continued devolvement of America and what's left of it's brain.

Scholar who saw all this coming: Americans "do not really understand liberal democracy"
Shawn Rosenberg predicted the "inexorable decline" of democracy in 2019. But he still thinks it's not too late
Do Americans relate to anything other than celebrity?

Hillary Reminds CNN's Dana Bash 'No One Is Above The Law'
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave a much more measured response than Trump deserved when asked if there are any reasons he should be treated any differently than any other American for mishandling classified information that was found at Mar-a-Lago.
We need to stop treating Fatso as if he is.

Todd Beamer's Dad Veers Into Screed Against Biden During 9/11 Remembrance
Fox News allowed a man whose son died in the 9/11 attacks to use a remembrance of the day to attack President Joe Biden.
When a clueless asshole is allowed to run his irrelevent madness on TV. Dude, we had to make a sharp turn on Fatso's crash course to fascism.
A war on fossil fuels? You're goddamned right! It's one of the world's worst enemies.

Herschel Walker Tries To Stir Hate For Votes
Walker campaigns on the latest MAGA lies. Today he argues that Sen. Warnock wants men to get pregnant in order to reach the MAGA id.
He forgets to wear his football helment like B.D.from Doonesbury. Why do they even allow him out of his house let alone consider him a candidate? These people are insane.
What ridiculous crap crawls from his mouth. Being a football hero does NOT make him fit for our government. A brain does. Widespread voter ignorance is a kind of pollution of the political process. Poorly informed voters about government policy will often make poor decisions.

Michigan man 'snapped' after Trump's loss and shot his family after going down 'Q rabbit hole': daughter
Another life in ruin because of QAnonsense. Some folks just can't handle reality.

Watch Al Franken Slice And Dice GOP Commentator Over SCOTUS
Ah, I need a cigarette!
Why do news networks hire such absolute morons such as Alice Stewart?
CNN has fallen like a rock off a cliff.

Michael Flynn Now On Sarasota's GOP Executive Committee
The Sarasota Republicans welcomed insurrectionist and likely traitor steering their chapter because “that stuff doesn’t interfere with getting our candidates elected.” Florida is certifiably a Nazi state. Throw them out.

The bewildering vote in Chile that rejected a new progressive constitution
Our next world war will be the one that ends humanity. All due to Nazis.
South America has been a Nazi wonderland for a very long time.

Lauren Boebert caused a scene by shirking debate rules
Saturday night's debate for Colorado's third congressional district "went off the rails"
If she didn't like the moderator she shouldn't have agreed to the debate before it went on.
This is considered crude and ignorant by rules of etiquette. The perfect illustration that this person doesn't know shit from applebutter.

Led by Tucker, Fox News amplifies far right’s stochastic terrorism against transgender Americans
Same as Hitler and his Nazis.

Jayapal Ties Trumpian Rhetoric to Violent Threats Against US Lawmakers and Democracy
"We've got to get people in government who actually believe in government," said the Washington Democrat, "and who believe in democracy, believe in voting, believe in our Constitution."
And get rid of the MAGAt Nazis.

'Serious legal water': Why this ex-Trump lawyer believes DOJ’s classified docs probe is connected to Jan. 6

GOP Senators Won't Discuss What Trump Cost National Security
Republicans REALLY don't want to talk about the national security cost of Trump's document theft.

Florida ranked No. 1 for "education freedom" — by right-wing group that wants to privatize it all
Heritage Foundation report praises Florida, Arizona for big steps toward deregulating and privatizing schools
What a load of horseshit. A foundation for fascism, racism and a Nazi at the helm.

Mike Pence faces furious backlash after attacking Biden's speech: Trump 'wanted to see you hanged by a violent mob'
This man is not playing with a full deck.

Caught on Tape: Doug Mastriano Prayed for MAGA to ‘Seize the Power’ Ahead of Jan. 6
In a Dec. 2020 meeting with Christian Nationalists, the man who would become the GOP nominee for governor prayed Congress would "disregard" Pennsylvania's election results

Judge Blisters Trump, Dismisses Suit Against Hillary, Strzok
He's going to be big mad.
Too bad, too bad.

DoJ Appeals Judge Cannon's Special Master Document Review
In its filing the government says the intelligence community has paused its security review because it is impossible to segregate it from the criminal probe.
"DoJ makes it clear to the Trump-appointed Judge Aileen Cannon that they will go over her head if she doesn't pull back her special master ruling."

'Seize The Power': Mastriano Caught On Video Praying For MAGA Ahead Of Jan 6
Another traitor caught on camera.

Chris Wallace: Republicans Don't Pass 'The Smell Test'
Chris Wallace, of all people, won't let Brianna Keillar use GOP excuses.

Michigan Supreme Court Says Suck It, Fascists, Everybody Gets To Vote On Abortion

WaPo Fact Checker Gives Hillary Clinton Emails Tweet Four Opposite-Pinocchio Un-Lies
"...not a single one of her emails was actually classified, while Trump literally took hundreds of classified documents....

Without Abortion Rights, Medical Students Face a Dangerous Choice
So do all of us.

'The environment is upside down': Republicans stunned 'God, guns and gays' no longer working for them

Army soldier under investigation for saying he joined military to become 'more proficient in killing' Black people
This sort will be rooted out of our military.

It Didn’t Start with Trump: The Decades-Long Saga of How the GOP Went Crazy
"The GOP hasn’t been all extremism, all the time. Goldwater, late in his career, railed against the religious right and supported reproductive rights. As president, Nixon challenged assorted Cold War assumptions and created the Environmental Protection Agency. George W. Bush warned against anti-Muslim bigotry following 9/11. But since at least the 1950s, the party has consistently boosted extremism, prejudice, paranoia, and rage. Sometimes this has led to the GOP prevailing in political battles. In other instances, voters have beaten back this cynical gambit."

QAnon Ginni Linked To Dozens Of Roe Amicus Briefs
The Thomases have to be retired.

Morning Digest: New ad slams Wisconsin Republican for funding location tracking of abortion seekers
Meddling like a misogynist does. It's none of your stinking biz, miscreant.

'Cancun' Ted Cruz brutally mocked after attacking California's Gavin Newsom: 'No shame at all'
Does this guy ever do a lick for America? No.

Trump’s conspiracy lawsuit against Hillary Clinton dismissed — and judge hints at penalties for his attorneys
Forget your vendetta against Clinton, Fatso. You fail at everything.

If Trump-appointed judge is 'smart' she'll grab the 'lifeline' the DOJ just threw her: legal expert
Ya think?

Will America see a major renewal of the middle class? We know it can be done
Don't despair! We may be at a crucial hinge of history, like the one FDR faced in 1933. A new era is waiting

Donald Trump's Save America PAC under investigation by federal grand jury: report
Crime leader's echo chamber mob now being exposed.

The once-conservative GOP has been 'radicalized' by 'authoritarian MAGA World': Ex-Bush speechwriter
That MAGAts are Nazis is no mystery to anyone.

Queen Elizabeth Is Dead, And Right-Wing Crazies Are Having A Fit
Queen Elizabeth has died, and the reaction at some right-wing comments sections is a bit unhinged.
What rancid gene pool do these idiot comments come from?

Greg Gutfeld Smears Greta Thunberg
Really, this is how he's distracting from actual "nuclear secrets at Mar a Lago" news.
Sure. Gutless Greg Gutfield picks on a girl that knows more than he does. What a dick.

Watch Bannon Being Led Away In Handcuffs While Ranting Like A Madman
Bye-bye, Steve.
Keep up playing the victim card, you dildo. Grease up your rectum.
Good for starters. He can make a pallet on the floor for Fatso, his future cell mate.

Tucker Carlson Is Big Mad At Fetterman For Wearing A Hoodie
What a ridiculous person.
What drug is this person on?

The Queen Is Dead. Long Live The King.
The royal family is gathering to be with the Queen at her Scottish estate.
Sad. I recall seeing the first photos transmitted on TV via the Transatlantic cable June 1953.

RIP Queen Elizabeth II: Longest ruling monarch in British history dead at 96
Only days after greeting new prime minister, Queen Elizabeth dies at Balmoral Castle in Scotland
She met the new prime minister and decided to split the scene. I don't blame her.
"Her Majesty's a pretty nice girl."

'Go for it — I can't wait': Rick Wilson profanely taunts Trump after threat to sue Lincoln Project
Lay it on him, Rick.

'Things are safer in the middle of Central Park!' Donald Trump jolted by DOJ's special master appeal
Not so fast, Fatso.

String of GOP lawmakers accused of double standard after defending Trump’s at-home storage of classified docs
"If this was Hillary Clinton, they’d be calling for jail time."
Hypocrite bastards.

S.C. Republican Takes Party To The Woodshed Over Extreme Anti-Abortion Measures
"The fact is, I don't want anyone in this room making life and death decisions for me, my daughter, my granddaughter, or for that fact, anyone," Shealy said on the Senate floor. "I also do not want the person I choose as my medical professional to stop in the middle of a procedure and request the South Carolina code of laws to decide if he can proceed or if he may be committing a crime punishable by a fine or time in prison."
A sane person's position.

Johnson, Wisconsin GOP Rush To Defend Racism. Again.
Ron Johnson and Wisconsin Republicans are scraping the bottom of the barrel for something to attack Mandela Barnes with. This time, it's the historical treatment of indigenous people.
Please put this POS out to pasture.

Donald Trump was caught with stolen nuclear secrets. So what happens next?
Well, we could make him King eternal?
Some shit-for-brains will agree. That's our problem. There's a cure for this.

'Lock him up': Nuclear, government and legal experts call for Trump to be indicted
Hmmm. That has now become not enough to end him forever.

Legal expert: Judge Cannon’s ruling contains a mistake that ‘would be a sanctionable offense’ for lawyers
Throw her ass in the cell with her hero.

Activists prep lawsuits and legislation to bar Trump from office if Garland doesn't indict
Do you think this cancerous criminal and his criminal cronies give a flying fuck about any law you make? FUCK NO!

Conservatives, the Far Right, Fascists and How We Defeat Them All
Don't kid yourselves. History tells the story. It's them or us, kids.

Trump Lawyer: Maybe Empty Classified Folders Had 'Invisible' Docs
Alina Habba's lack of concern over classified nuclear documents makes me all throat-punchy.
"These America First people really don't seem to give a shit about America."

The Obamas Get A Standing Ovation As They Arrive For Portrait Unveiling
This has been a long time coming.

Federal judge rules that requiring companies to cover HIV prevention drug violates their religious rights
When did the insane asylum inmates start running things?
Everyone should know by now, it takes a lot of killing to make religion work.
Pretty soon any remedy for a disease of any kind will be against some fairy tale believer's "religion."
Talk about a retarded world.

Why do the Republicans keep proving their 'semi-fascism'?
Where does this "semi" come from? Biden? He's being kind.

Michigan GOP officials caught on video urging poll workers to break local election rules
Nazis doing their dirty work. Eliminate them.

AOC, Gillibrand Denounce Starbucks for 'Firing Union Leaders All Over the Country'
"We continue to stand by these workers and would like to remind you that all workers have the right to join a union," the New York lawmakers wrote in a letter to Starbucks' billionaire CEO.
What's wrong with Starbucks besides mediocre coffee.

If You’re Into Cousin-Screwing, The Unabomber, These Republican Senate Nominees Are For You
All the best in incest.

Steve Doocy Seems *Tiny Bit Skeptical* Trump Using Stolen State Secrets To Write His 'Memoirs'
More about stupid and dumb thinking stuff.

Not so fast: Greg Abbott, Texas Republicans face a complex election landscape after abortion ruling, Uvalde shooting
Both Gov. Greg Abbott and Beto O’Rourke hope to define the election on issues viewed as favorable to their own parties.
Texas — Vote Beto.

Ted Cruz says he will vote against bill to codify same-sex marriage protections
Cruz keeps showing us how big of a dumb prick he is. Let's get rid of him, please and stop moving backward.

Trump Judge’s Ruling in Mar-a-Lago Case Proves Biden Was Right: MAGA Is Fascism
Of that there can be no doubt.
"Cannon not only threw a bunch of wrenches in the DOJ's ability to investigate a former president, undergirding her decision with the same logic of the Big Lie and the January 6 insurrection, but she extended a nearly unlimited right to Trump to break the law."
Conclusion: Solid proof. She is a Trump Toady and a fascist. Trump is a fascist and a threat to democracy.

America Is a Rich Death Trap
"Some of the most immediate causes of America’s high death rate are guns, drugs, and cars. The U.S. has more guns and gun violence than any other rich country. We have more drug-overdose deaths than any other high-income country—both overall and on a per capita basis. Even before the pandemic, life expectancy in the U.S. declined for consecutive years in 2015 and 2016, largely because of the opioid epidemic and drug overdoses. The U.S. has a higher death rate from road accidents than Canada, Australia, Japan, South Korea, and the European Union. Even on a per-miles-driven basis, the U.S. still has a higher death rate than much of Europe."

The Right-Wing War on Free Speech Could Backfire
Fox News is in legal trouble.

Newly Uncovered Emails Show Blake Masters’ Long History of Hating Democracy
"More than a decade later, the student of propaganda had left the classroom. He launched his campaign by calling for an America where families could get by on one income, only to provide no coherent plan for making that happen. He claimed Trump won the election, but added qualifiers to suggest to his more reality-based followers that he didn’t believe voting machines had actually been rigged. He called abortion “demonic” and a “genocide” then revamped his website’s abortion section after making it out of the primary."

Rubio Whines That Nuclear Docs Report Was “Leaked”
Little Marco cares more about leaking than nuclear documents being stolen.
This was made public by Trump, not the DOJ or the FBI. Garland made it perfectly clear that his court filings would be his communication vehicle until Trump forced them to go public.

Florida Judge Faces Criticism Following Order In Trump Case
A Trump-appointed judge is in the spotlight after granting the ex-president's request for a third party to review classified documents seized at Mar-a-Lago.
“The criminal justice system is set up to try to make sure that everybody is accountable in the same way for alleged crimes they have committed,” Fox said. 'Here, it appears that Mr. Trump is getting special benefit' by virtue of being a former president." If she was ligit she would have recused herself.

Six Persian Gulf States Demand Netflix Remove 'Immoral' and 'Offensive' Content
This means everything. What tight rectums these people must have.

Ruling from Judge Cannon isn't just a gift to Trump, it's a threat to both law and intelligence
Anyone with a piece of brain realizes this. Just more Trump crime in broad daylight.

Bill Barr: DOJ 'getting very close' to Trump indictment decision
Get it done now.

'Miserable little weasel': Omar blasts Cruz over GOP plan to kill student debt relief
And that's putting it mildly.

The Senate is back and they've got a lot of questions about Trump's documents and national security
"Cannon's ruling to temporarily keep the documents away from the executive branch means that the Director of National Intelligence might not be able to do a threat assessment or brief the 'Gang of Eight.'" Fatso's sycophant judge is doing the job he appointed her to do. He carefully covered his ass by appointing this sort when he couuld just for this purpose.

Dr. Oz's Thoughts On Incest Will Make You Want To Hurl
More "locker room talk," right Doc?

BREAKING: Trump Had Docs About Foreign Country's Nuclear Capabilities
Just thrown into the boxes at Mar-A-Lago!
Yep, Trump Had Secret Nuke Information!

Nuclear docs at Mar-a-Lago 'hugely important for prosecution of Espionage Act': expert
Treason is Fatso's business.

The Man QAnon Think Is JFK Jr. Spotted At Bizarre Stunt For Dr. Oz
This isn't going to help you, buddy.
QAnonsensers show off their moron skills.

Hillary Tears Into Trump, And Sets The Record Straight
"Stop comparing Trump to Clinton. There is no comparison. And now we're left in the uncomfortable position of wondering if the twice-impeached loser sold us out to the highest bidder."
And put Traitor Trump in prison.

'A historic win': Judge removes Cowboys for Trump founder from commissioner post over January 6th
Cowboy Coy gets the boot up his ass! Couldn't happen to a bigger asshole! (Trump excepted)

A Democratic president who does not back down changes everything
"In the last 50 years, no one has seen a Democratic president do what Biden did. That’s half a century of norms and expectations according to which Democratic presidents do not do what Biden did or else alienate 'moderates' and 'swing voters' (or as I like to call them, respectable white people.) It will take time for the news media to adjust to a political center that no longer centers the Republicans."

Crimes of the powerful: Why the Mar-a-Lago "special master" decision is so dreadful
Our justice system is already deeply unfair. Insisting on a higher bar for Trump's prosecution only makes it worse
Trump makes everything worse. This shit show proves it.

Steve Bannon lashes out after report of impending NYC charges: 'They will have to kill me first'
This can be arranged, Steve.

Trump calls himself 'an absolutely perfect physical specimen' in rant about FBI reportedly seizing medical records
Fatso? Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!
Can't stop ROTFFLMAO! What time's the heart attack coming?

'January 6th All Over Again': Facebook Accused of Fueling Bolsonaro's Coup-Mongering
"Meta is actively helping mobilize an online army in Brazil that's peddling conspiracy theories about the integrity of the election and threatening a violent coup," said one campaigner.
Bolsonaro: Nazi DeLuxe.

Judge Cannon 'engaged herself in obstruction of justice': Experts sound the alarm on Trump documents ruling
This is the usual criminal con on America. The criminal appoints his co-criminals to positions that will exonerate him if he gets his ass in a sling.
Throw the book at both Trump's sock puppet judge and Fatso.

'My first-year law students would have written a better opinion': Neal Katyal slams judge's Trump ruling
"This special master opinion is so bad it’s hard to know where to begin," wrote Katyal. "She says Biden hasn’t weighed in on whether docs protected by Exec Privilege. Nonsense. The archives letter (which DOJ submitted to the Judge) makes it clear current President thinks none of this is privileged. Archivist says it is 'not a close' question."
"But Executive Priv isn’t some post-presidential privilege that allows Presidents to keep documents after they leave office. At most, it simply means these are Executive documents that must be returned to the archives. It doesn’t in any way shape or form mean they can’t be used in a criminal prosecution about stolen docs."
What criminals can do — kill the process.

America is finally waking up to the fascist danger: Let's hope it's not too late
Americans see the threat to democracy at last. But it's no time to celebrate: The Trumpists aren't beaten yet

'Impossibly stupid': George Conway rips judge's decision to grant Donald Trump a special master
We are living in that sort of world these days. Will this nightmare ever end?

What Was Trump Planning To Do With Those Top Secret Documents?
I break down the document discovery and its implications for national security.
He was going to use them to wipe his ass.

Jamie Raskin: MAGA Republicans Are A 'Fascist Political Party'
If you walk, talk, and act like a fascist, then you are a fascist.
Fits the description of Trump and the assholes that worship him.

GOP Rep Tongue-Tied Defending Trump And Classified Documents
Congressman McCaul knows he's lying.
What a douchebag. What corner in hell do they find these idiots?

Industrial agriculture is pushing areas of the Amazon Rainforest toward a dangerous 'tipping point': report
Bolsonaro is the Nazi bitch that is responsible.

Meet the “outcast rats”: Those viral, ostentatious city rats are weird loners in their rat world
A rat researcher explains why the wild rats you tend to see in public are typically "disenfranchised rats"
So, tell me, what's the difference between the rats and homeless people in our USA?
Where was it I found that loose Big Mac? Oh, yeah, now I remember.

Ukraine's armed forces poised to 'bag a bunch' of Putin's 'stupid, drunk and brutal' soldiers: military expert
Trump's buddy is not faring well in Ukraine.

This MAGA Republican used campaign funds for January 6th visit and the FEC let him off the hook
"The Democratic commissioners, in response, said, “There is so much that is wrong with that statement. Activities to disrupt the certification of a presidential election are in no way akin to a party event or fundraiser. The actions of those who breached the Capitol, assaulted Capitol police, and committed various forms of violence, trespass, and assault were illegal. And as the Act makes clear, a contribution may only be used for a lawful purpose.”

Jamie Raskin Says Jan. 6 Committee Still Wants To Hear From Ginni Thomas
The Maryland Democrat said Newt Gingrich, Vice President Mike Pence and Thomas all have "relevant" evidence to present to the panel.

Panera Bread Is Replacing Humans With AI At Drive-Thru Windows
"Panera isn't the first company to test drive-thru AI. McDonald's has also used voice recognition software at some of its drive-thru locations in the Chicago area, for instance, and even got slapped with a lawsuit for failing to alert customers that it was using their biometrics."
"That said, Panera's use of the Tori AI is taking things to a whole different level — and bringing us one step closer to the robotic restaurant worker singularity we've all been dreading."
Inhuman. Sad, the failures of captialism.

A far-right company took over four Texas school boards, and hate is at the top of their agenda
Run these putrid fascist Talibastards back to hell where they came from.
Texas — Vote Beto.

Florida judge grants Donald Trump's request for a special master to review Mar-a-Lago documents
"Former federal prosecutor Shan Wu and other legal experts have stated appointing a special master is inappropriate. Wu calls it “a completely unnecessary obstacle to holding the former president accountable.
He adds that Judge Cannon “has no business trying to oversee a federal criminal investigation.”
This is What happens when you control the judge in your pocket. This will do him no good in the end which is coming soon.

What a Supreme Court impeachment from 1805 could mean for Clarence Thomas: historian
"Like presidents, U.S. Supreme Court justices can be impeached in the United States."

“Angels” Block Protesters From BYU Pride Night Event
...while protesters yelled “pedophile” and “groomer”.... They mean fascist and homophobe protesters.
And stop with the "God" bullshit.

Margaret Court: I’m Being “Bullied By LGBT Groups”
Really? Why don't you take a look at yourself first?
"...she declared that nobody who attends her church would get COVID because “we are all protected by the blood of Jesus.” And that's just for starters. Read the rest of her warped points of view to get an idea of what clueless, preposterous positions she defends.

Youngkin To Campaign For Maine Racist Paul LePage
Great Caesar's Ghost! Can't people find better candidates than 18th Century throwbacks?

'Zombie ice': Greenland’s melting glacier to raise sea levels nearly 1 foot, double previous estimate
Most of us will be dead by then so who cares, right? Why should we care about the future.

Greg Abbott to launch television ad targeting Beto O’Rourke over police funding
No, Greg. He just wants to defund you.
Texas — Vote Beto.

Washington weighs plan to let Americans wager on elections
How fucked up stupid can we get? Legal betting on elections? I guess we really want to see them rigged?
“When we think about what happened in 2020, do we really want another excuse for the American people to question the integrity of our elections?” said former CFTC Commissioner Jill Sommers, who voted against the Nadex proposal. “This is not something we want to be introducing into federally regulated financial markets.”

'That’s unfair': Trump complains that the FBI never raided Joe Biden’s house
Another ignorant comment. They've never raided most of our homes. Ya know why? MOST OF US AREN'T CROOKS!

Trump offered to give a lawyer a horse instead of paying $2 million in legal fees: new book
The world's greatest chiseler!

'Women were always crying': Leaked video confirms disturbing history of Amy Coney Barrett’s faith sect
I'll bet they did cry intensely when they heard the abusive bullshit.
More like "Church of the Presumptuous Assumption."
"...saying only that she is a devout Catholic and her faith would have no bearing on her duties as a judge."
Except for overturning Roe v Wade.

CBS YouGov Poll: 72% Believe US Democracy Is Under Threat
Americans are not buying the massive amount of lies spewing out of Trump and his enablers' mouths.
I suppose the MAGAts will say that's a fraud.

Trump Claims Zuckerberg Came To The White House To See Him 'Last Week'
Is there really anyone remaining that does not know that this man is mentally ill>
Answer: Yes, the ones that are mentally ill.

Deval Patrick Applauds Biden Calling Out Fascists
Calling out the MAGA cult needed to be done. says the former governor of Massachusetts.
"Cult" is correct. But a fascist cult that will kill us all if given the chance.

U.S. Approval of Labor Unions at Highest Point Since 1965

Unions build power and fight inequality for all workers

Watch: Wife of CPAC chairman calls Joe Biden's aviators 'propaganda' to make him look tough
ROTFLMAO! He's worn them years. And he's way cooler than you'll ever think of being.

Why did Trump choose to showcase a Nazi sympathizer as Jan. 6 prisoner at Pennsylvania rally: CNN reporter asks
Hmm. Anyone wonder why this guy might be a Nazi sympathizer?

MAGA Voter Says 'Democracy, Democracy, Democracy' Is 'Getting Really Old'
Actually, many things are settled in a democracy. So. Fuck. All. The. Way. Off.
Democracy is a weapon. One that puts an end to fascism. MAGAts are violent fascists. Don't forget it.

America Needs a Civic Group to Oppose a Cashless Society
"For over a decade the screws have been tightening to coerce people into the credit-debt economy. Both the corporations and the government are to blame."
Very soon, too.

Trump Calls Biden 'Enemy of the State' in 'Fully Unhinged' Speech
"This is, quite simply, a speech intended to incite domestic terrorists to kill FBI agents and members of the Biden administration," said one attorney.
Insanity on the podium. He should be jailed for the protection of us all.

Black family gets home appraisal $300,000 lower than white stand-ins
Why can't these Negroes be happy in their very own land when white people can screw the hell out of them?
The Land of the Happy Negro wants to know.

Biden’s Return to Form<br> In Philadelphia’s Independence Hall on Thursday, we once again saw the man who told Trump to shut up during a live debate.

A Zombie Herd of Independent Minds

Justice Delayed is Justice Denied, Right?
Put orange man in orange suit.

Tarrant County’s Republican county judge backs Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick’s Democratic challenger
"Glen Whitley, the top elected official in Tarrant County, has clashed with Patrick for years. He cited GOP-led state legislation over property taxes as a key reason for endorsing Mike Collier."
Texas — Vote Beto.

GOP Rep. Tom Emmer Compares Women's Rights To 'Chinese Genocide'
Rep. Tom Emmer (R-IN), chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC), accused Democrats of supporting a "Chinese genocide bill" because they are trying to codify abortion rights.
Another good Nazi. If men were birth givers abortion would be a holy right for them.

Top GOPer: Trump's 'Different Set Of Rules' Permits Document Theft
Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX), the ranking member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said that he would not take classified documents from the government but insisted that former President Donald Trump "has a different set of rules."
Different because all arrogant Nazis think they do.
Texas — Vote Beto.

Note To Tim Michels: Fascism Is Not A Faith
Wisconsin GOP gubernatorial candidate Tim Michels has a complete melt down after his fascist agenda is revealed. Tear them out by the roots.

The president strikes back: MAGA 'an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic'
Goddamn right it does.

Watch: Right-wing reporters ditch Marjorie Taylor Greene when they spot a more important Republican
Of course they did.

Lies, falsehoods and "vacuous truths": GOP explores a new realm of absolute emptiness
Why the media — and formal logic, for that matter — has been utterly defeated by the Trump era

Trump handed Democrats a 'major gift' in his Pennsylvania rally rant: former GOP lawmaker
The moron can't keep his fat mouth shut.

Trump Is Big Mad About Mar-a-Lago Search, Uses Family to Play the Victim During Rally
The former president claimed he has been persecuted "since the moment I came down the golden escalator in 2015" and complained that the FBI searched his wife and son's rooms
Too bad, too bad, so oh so bad. The poor little victim. Steal a pair, nutless ball.

Is something called 'narcissistic collapse' coming to America?
Suicide watch? Stay tuned.

Trump and consequences: After an amazing series of unforced errors, indictment is coming
Trump and his lawyers keep making things worse, and he's now the DOJ's target: The irony is dark, but delicious.
"There is a kicker in the DOJ filing. Trump is suspected of violating statutes involving obstruction of justice in his handling of the documents he took to Mar-a-Lago. But it's not the kind of obstruction where you lie to investigators or encourage witnesses to lie or avoid talking to the FBI or prosecutors. It's an obstruction law passed under George W. Bush in 2002. The only thing the feds have to establish in order to prove Trump obstructed justice under that law is that he failed to return government property, or encouraged others to avoid returning it, when it was demanded by the government. The documents Trump removed to Mar-a-Lago and refused for 18 months to give back to the National Archives, where they belonged, all fall under that category." Guilty.

'What happened to them?' Mueller prosecutor says empty classified folders are a game changer
Traitor gave or sold them to Putin, of course.

FBI seizes documents from Putin buddy's properties

Bill Barr ‘Can’t Think Of A Legitimate Reason’ For Mar-A-Lago Docs
Trump staff may want to grab any ketchup bottles before he sees former attorney general Bill Barr rip apart MAGA talking points about the Mar-a-Lago search, on Fox News.
Even Barr can't see any good reason.

'Nope': Kevin McCarthy pilloried for putting Merrick Garland 'on notice' with authority he does not have
Kevin's a good Nazi.

Trump-appointed judge slams Steve Bannon's request for new contempt of Congress trial
Mr. Nobody's jig is up.

Republicans Call Biden Divisive While Equating Him To Satan and Hitler
The party that routinely casts Democrats as demonic fascists hell-bent on destroying America is suddenly worried about political unity
In their failures, Nazis are always sniveling cowards.

Responsible Gun Owner's 4-Year-Old Takes Loaded Gun To School
Don't take dad's gun to school, kid — leave dad's gun at home kid — Don't take dad's gun to school
Corpus Christi, Texas — Vote Beto.

We Need a New Language of Resistance Amid Far Right’s Calls for Civil War
Yes. But after the fascists are defeated.

The Hollowest Men

Altercation: Ron DeSantis Is an Honest-to-God Semi-Fascist
And it’s past time for the mainstream media to say so.
Hey, don't say I didn't tell everyone so.

Hospitalized, Bullied, and Denied Care: Texas’ War on Trans Kids
There is no excuse for Abbott's mean, abusive behavior.
Texas — Vote Beto.

A Teacher Told Students How to Access Banned Books. A State Official Wants Her License Revoked
The fascists in Oklahoma are being the abusive assholes we expected.

BREAKING: FBI Reveals Contents Seized from Trump Included 48 ‘Empty Folders With Classified Markings’
"Among the notable entries: “43 Empty Folders with ‘CLASSIFIED’ Banners.” There are other entries that have similar descriptions bringing a sum total of 48 empty folders that had “classified” markings." Are these the ones he left with Putin?

FBI agents found Trump Mar-a-Lago records mixed with books and clothing
Fatso is a slob.

Morning Joe Crew Mocks Kevin McCarthy’s Bizarre ‘Electric Cord of Liberty’ Rant – Joining White House Staff and Reporters
McCarthy is a laughing stock as are all the fascist MAGAts.

Franklin Graham: Democrats Are The Real “Extremists”
The grifter wants to keep grifing doncha know.

Republicans are responding angrily to Biden's speech because they know he's telling the truth
Of course. They know who they are because Trump told them who they are.

Mango Mussolini Reacts To Biden's Speech And It's As Bad As You'd Expect
Il Douchebag is lying sack of shit when he whines about language.
Nowhere in Biden's speech did he threaten this country or mention the military.

Social Security Enemy Ron Johnson Endorses Plan to 'Coax' Retirees Back to Work
Mandela Barnes, the GOP senator's progressive challenger, said Johnson is "waging a war on our seniors and the benefits they've worked towards their entire lives."
This man has a serious thinking disorder. Please show him the door.

'Russians Are The New Jews' Claims KremlinTV Host
Olga Skabeevna made her audacious claim as Russians find it increasingly difficult to secure travel visas.
Totalitarianism looks a lot like Nazi Germany. She is,apparently, the new "Tokyo Rose."

Two Years Ago, Trump Called Democratic Party 'Fascists'
And no one batted an eye. No pearl clutching, no cable news panels. Hmm.
MAGAts eyes bat at the drop of one of their turds.

Don Lemon Drops A Truth Bomb Over Whining About Biden's 'Fascist' Remark
He's not wrong.

January 6th Panel suggests Newt Gingrich was 'involved the in fake elector scheme'
"The Snoot" is back and he's looking pretty, pretty guilty.

Tucker Carlson stumped by his segment about an 'emotional support alligator' and its 'cheesy puff corn'
The boy is confused again? Pay no attention to his arrogant stupidity.

Biden's MAGA warning drowned out: Republicans' hissy fit works to distract the media
"The Art of the Hissy Fit" never fails for the GOP
The MAGAt fascist traitors have been called out. They will scream "victim," whining and projecting their treason all the way down. Fuck them all.

Ex-NYPD cop sobs in court as he gets 10 years in prison for attacking DC officer at the Capitol on Jan. 6
Another traitor bites the dust.

Florida parents outraged after teacher tells kids that saying Trump lost the election is an example of media bias
It's an example of whiney-assed MAGAt fascism. And they say we're endoctrinating our children? THEY sure as hell are. ROTFFLMAO!

Arrested GOP candidate told cops she only had one beer before driving — but had an open vodka bottle next to her
That bottle wasn't hers, of course.

Meet the Apostle of Right-Wing Christian Nationalism
The new Republican fringe is done with the separation of church and state. William "Dutch" Sheets has been trying to tear down that wall for decades
The wall they are tearing down will fall on them and crush them like the roaches they are.
Put your "religion" where the sun don't shine.

'Great Day for Labor': NLRB Rejects Amazon Attempt to Overturn Union Win
"This was an outrageous union-busting campaign by Amazon and we're demanding the company come to the table to bargain," said an attorney for the Amazon Labor Union.
Another asshole group that doesn't believe in election outcomes.

The Battle to Protect American Democracy Is the Most Important Battle of Our Lifetimes
There can be no middle ground in the fight between democracy and authoritarian fascism.
Remember our soldiers who died fighting it in WWII.

Most human embryos naturally die after conception. Abortion bans conveniently ignore it
You mean to tell me they didn't know in the first place? Of course, they did. They aren't that fucking stupid are they?

Ginni Thomas's attempts to influence overturning of election even wider than previously known
As we figured. And investigate her husband.

Lindsey Graham ordered to appear before Georgia grand jury to answer questions about Trump

The U.S. Supreme Court Is No Longer Legitimate. It Has To Be Reformed To Be Saved

Fascism and Fox “News”

Mississippi To Cut Off Own Nose To Spite The 0.06% Of Students Who Major In Gender Studies
The dystopia that is Darwin's Waiting Room.

Go Home, Dumbf*ck Trump Lawyers, You're Drunk. Wait, You Did This Sober?

Russian Oil Chief Dies In Fall From 6th Floor Window; Company Blames Death On 'Illness'
It was not the fall that killed him. It was that sudden stop.

Oath Keepers' lawyer arrested in connection with Jan. 6
Another witch gets caught.

Trump ‘admits possession’ with Truth Social post that is ‘evidence of his guilt’: analysis
Stupid admits his guilt.

This Is VERY Bad: M. Cohen Says He Knows Why TFG Took Those Boxes
The only thing that this will get him is a firing squad.

LOL Trumpers Think Lindsey Graham Is Setting A Trap
They're nervous about possibly getting arrested over at Trump comment threads. HA!
The MAGAt traitors made their own bed.

Shock Wave Election Result: Sarah Palin Loses Special Congressional Election
The mama bear of Fox News has fallen.

GOP's Sad Semi-Fascist Crying Game Goes On And On
Right now, there's so much crying from Republicans and it just won't stop. Why is everyone so mean to them?
Victim card. Eternally.

Why the most important election in the Americas is in Brazil
A certifiable Nazi POS. Flush him like the turd he is. He will probably have Lula murdered this time.

'The dictionary definition of fascism': Conservative columnist condemns Donald Trump's MAGA 'cult'
They are to be condemned. It's their own stupid fault.

Trump is a 'deranged, defective personality' we're watching 'self-destruct in real time': George Conway
Fatso digs his own grave.

The party of treason
"House Republicans like Jim Jordan will follow Trump through whatever crimes against our nation Trump wants to commit."
"Jacket Off" will get his.

GOP Officials Vote to Bar Popular Abortion Rights Initiative From Michigan Ballot
"MAGA Republicans in Michigan are attempting to stand in the way of democracy and stop peoples' voices from being heard."
Nazis in Michigan doing their dirty work.

If It Were Anyone Else, They’d Be Prosecuted
"Retaining classified documents is not even close to the worst thing Trump has done."

Joe Biden Approves Federal Aid For Jackson, MS Like Real American POTUS

Today In July 5, 2016, History: Wonkette Explains Why F*CK OFF About Hillary's Emails, That Is Not The Same

Ron DeSantis Dumps Some Gross Pedophile Lies On Florida Lt. Gov Nominee Karla Hernandez
Is he a bit of a liar on pedophile issues? Makes me think he's projecting.

'Nervous' Trump considers delaying campaign launch over FBI raid and his favorite Senate candidates being duds: report

Calling the GOP Semi-Fascist Is Half Right
We are well beyond the first two phases. We flirted with the third and fourth during Trump’s first term, but our democratic institutions—weak and tattered as they are—were able to resist.

'I struck a nerve': Robert Reich lays out a case for calling Ron DeSantis a 'fascist'
MAGAts = Fascists.

Texas education board moves to delay updates to social studies curriculum after conservative pushback
Opponents of the recommended changes, including Republican legislators, complained that they downplayed Texan and American exceptionalism and didn't present opposing views on the gay rights movement.
"But opponents argued it diminished the teaching of Texas exceptionalism."
The myth of “Texas exceptionalism”
Thursday Pundit Round-up: The death of the myth of "Texas exceptionalism?"
How One State History Textbook Erases the Stories of Black and Hispanic Texans
Three Texas Myths That Will Not Die
Texas — Vote Beto.

Trump World Keeps Admitting to an Ongoing Crime
"The ludicrous claim that Trump owns these documents undercuts his excuse for having any records in his home in the first place. By law, the outgoing president must turn over all records for posterity. Not just the sensitive, classified or privileged. All of them."

Doug Mastriano associate and potential secretary of state shared conspiracy theory that Flight 93 crash was faked
Toni Shuppe also claimed that Pizzagate “is absolutely real" and QAnon is “a very valuable resource”
Mental illness is a terrible thing to be left untreated.

Arizona Cultists Must Pay $75K For “Harassing” Lawsuit
"Republican Rep. Paul Gosar and two GOP state representatives must pay more than $75,000 for filing a defamation lawsuit against a Democratic lawmaker “primarily for the purposes of harassment,” an Arizona judge ruled."

Mark Levin Goes As Low As He Can Probably Go In Joe Biden Comparison
The Fox News host made an outlandish claim to respond to the president's "semi-fascism" remark about the MAGA movement.
“The dehumanization of your opponents, which is extraordinarily dangerous, this is what regimes do, totalitarian regimes,” he said. “They dehumanize their opponents.” Says the ultra sonic, screeching twerp, Levin.
This is, of course, exactly what his God, Trump, has been doing all of his life. Sorry, Levin. It's back to the Wolf's Lair with you.

When Fox News attacks LGBTQ protesters, vets take a stand in moving display of solidarity
What real American soldiers have always done — fight fascism.

Pandemic, Profit-Driven Healthcare System Blamed for Historic Decline in US Life Expectancy
"On average, Americans are expected to live nearly three fewer years than they were in 2019."
I'm sure some of us are glad to hear it.

The County Problem
"Half of the counties in the U.S. do not have a psychiatrist or an addiction medicine specialist, new data from George Washington University shows."
It's more than apparent to most of us.

F-Word, F-Word, Pardon my French, But It’s BS, BS, Can’t You Feel the Stench?
“Biden calling some Republicans semi-fascist (I would have preferred losing the “semi-”) is, of course, sending a bunch of pundits to the fainting couch.”

Brian Kemp's upcoming testimony could be a major problem for Donald Trump: legal experts
Trump must be feeling battle weary. But he made this bed.

Video of Joe Biden Saying 'F-15' Viewed Over 2M Times as President Mocked
Every public official in America has sworn an oath to defend our Constitution “against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” Or did some of you domestic wise asses forget that?
Metaphor escapes people as badly as sarcasm. Joe said what he meant and what it means if anyone makes an act of war on our government. He's comparing using hand-held weapons on one of the most powerful military forces in the world. He's talkng about treasonous threats against America by punks.

Mikhail Gorbachev, who steered Soviet breakup, dead at 91
“Hard to think of a single person who altered the course of history more in a positive direction”

DOJ Filing Spells Out Why Trump Shouldn't Get A Special Master
The filing states “government records were likely concealed and removed … and that efforts were likely taken to obstruct the government’s investigation.”

'These are the biggest secrets in the world:' Latest DOJ legal filing stupefies Donald Trump's Fox friends

Bombshell DOJ filing shows highly classified documents were found on floor, in Trump's desk
"The DOJ response even included an image showing how FBI agents found clearly marked, highly classified documents of the most sensitive kind: sitting in plain sight, spread across the floor. Other documents were recovered from the drawers of Trump’s desk.

DeSantis's Arrests For 'Voter Fraud' Blows Up In His Face
Florida's latest "voter integrity" con is quickly unraveling. Good.
The same trash as Trump and Bolsonaro.

Republican state attorneys general argue against saving a pregnant person’s life
Is there a living woman that can justify supporting these madmen?

What abortion ban? GOP candidates abruptly ditch long-held positions in post-Roe scramble
With abruptly scrubbed websites and "well, actually" op-eds, anti-abortion Republicans claim they never meant it
Hypocrite losers of the world.

DOJ’s midnight filing shows ‘Trump is guilty’ of at least four crimes: ex-Mueller prosecutor
"A former prosecutor on Robert Mueller's team explained how the Department of Justice had already revealed evidence that former President Donald Trump was guilty of at least four crimes."
Of course, that's for starters. Fatso's got a rap sheet a mile long.

Arizona GOP chair says ‘thousands’ will be implicated if J6 committee looks at her phone: report
Fascists traitors in fear.

Behind Starbucks Union-Busting Stands CEO Who Got $940,000,000 Richer During Pandemic
"His personal pandemic wealth gains of $940 million alone could pay for a $3,847 bonus for every Starbucks worker," notes a new report.

'Reads more like a threat': Washington Post slams Lindsey Graham for floating pro-Trump riots
Finally. Graham shows he's no "semi" whan it comes to fascism.
Is that a threat or a promise?

A tsunami of dark money is flooding our justice system — and it's only getting worse
Will a right-wing electronics tycoon's unprecedented $1.6B donation force us to face the tide of corruption?

CPAC Official Unravels Over 'Semi-fascist' Label Despite Viktor Orbán Alliance
Mercedes Schlapp of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) decried accusations that supporters of Donald Trump are "semi-fascist" even though her political event is aligned with Hungarian President Viktor Orbán.
She's upset because she resents the "Semi" being used.

Conservatives Have A Fit Over Armed Citizens Guarding Drag Event
Calm down there, little feller.
"Little" is right.

Why humanity's fate hinges on overcoming its outdated myths

'A Watershed Moment': CA Senate Passes Historic Bill to Empower Fast Food Workers
If Gov. Gavin Newsom signs it, one union leader said the measure "will be the most important piece of labor law to pass in decades."
Yes, but we'll still keep eating the crap they serve.

Trump Has An Idea: Let's 'Have A New Election Immediately!'
He's still doing this. ROTFFLMAO!
Stark raving mad lunatic. Get him in a hospital immediately. Undo him.
That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works. There is no mechanism in the Constitution to decertify an election.
The morons show how they work. Clockwork Morons.

Trump demands to be declared 'rightful winner' of 2020 election in new attack on FBI
The last idiot gasps of a dying fool.

Kinzinger: There's Never Been A US President Who Attemped A Coup Before
It's difficult to do even for a smart person. Obviously, that leaves Trump out.
Lame brains should never attempt it.

White House says Lindsey Graham's 'riots in the streets' remark validates 'semi-fascism' label
100 percenters.

New Polls Show Biden Approval Ratings Headed Back Up
The latest CBS News poll has him at 45 percent, up 3 points since last month.
Leadership counts, baby.

DeSantis elections chief told local officials they'd bear 'no fault' for illegal voter registration: report
After you get over Trumpie, we know who the next fool will be.

Embattled Texas megachurch pastor quits after admitting to 'unhealthy' Instagram relationship
Another one bites the dust.

Justice Department responds to Trump team motion, says they've already finished 'filter team' work
They are already done with that stuff, Donnie. A little late for you, isn't it?

GA Gov Ordered To Comply With Grand Jury Subpoena
If he's like Trump it'll be nothing but 5th amendment.

'God be with you': Pro-Trump Christians flood fundraising site for MAGA-rioting Proud Boys with donations
Talibastard traitors in action with a KKK look.
They don't wear masks for Covid, do they?

How Team Trump Breached the Election System
"All the tangles of deceit."

On Fooling Far Too Many People Far Too Much of the Time

Brain Genius Herschel Walker Gonna Keep Talking Raphael Warnock Into Another Senate Term
"WALKER: The way we can become a superpower again is by coming together. Because as Pharaoh said, when I wanted to keep my slaves in order, I kept them fighting among each other. But when they came together, something gotta move."
"Huh? It’s unclear which part of the Egyptian king’s enslavement policy Walker thinks America should emulate.
Nonetheless, Walker looked really proud of himself, like a child who’d smeared the walls with his own crap."

Trump's threats of riots and violence show he's desperate, knows legal case is weak
The fact that Trump is leveraging his power to incite violence around these legal cases is a sign of weakness
"Trump, meanwhile, has been throwing everything at the wall on this one and none of it seems to be sticking."
"He's essentially threatening the country with violence if the laws are applied to him." A common criminal.
Love our Lady of the Harbor dragging his screaming ass away.

Elie Mystal: Why Isn't Trump Already In Jail?
"Why ain't this dude in jail?" is the burning question a whole lot of us are asking.
One of the great mysteries of modern crime.

'Conspiracy theories and misinformation' running rampant among Republican candidates: report
They do it because they know their audience is as stupid as a box of rocks.

This key affidavit detail indicates the DOJ has one source very close to Trump: reporter

'Bold-faced liar' Lindsey Graham buried for riot threat as he continues to 'shill' for Trump
Time for this miscreant to go. The fascists threaten violence if they don't get their way. They whine over losing fair elections. These people are literally insane.

Morning Joe serves notice to Trump supporters what will happen to them if they riot over an arrest
Threats of mass violence over a criminal being indicted are criminal sedition.

Sanders Derides GOP for 'Squawking' About Debt Relief But Not Handouts to Billionaires
"I know it is shocking to some Republicans that the government actually on occasion does something to benefit working families and low-income people," said the Vermont senator.

Back to school in America: 8 new crackdowns on students, teachers and academic freedom
The right is pushing an aggressive attack on schools — but teachers and students are pushing back
Fascists have a war on their hands that they asked for.

'A true danger to the public post office': Louis DeJoy moves to consolidate USPS facilities
Still at his post, someone must like what his asshat is doing to our postal system. Can Joe Biden tell us?

Chomsky: Maintaining Class Inequality at Any Cost Is GOP’s Guiding Mission

The Horrific Consequences of the GOP Merging Church & State Are Here
In some distant place, Hitler must be smiling at the 6 Republicans on the Court’s growing conflation of church & state in America - because it's what helped make his horrors possible

‘Pro-Life’: America’s Most Patently Absurd Misnomer
"The relationship between anti-abortion states and concern for human life is certifiably inverse."

Trump’s Truth Social Is in Trouble
"The Trump company has also stopped paying a key vendor. Fox Business reported this week that Truth Social owes a web-hosting company called RightForge $1 million and has failed to make contractually required payments since March."
"Everything Trump touches dies."

Youth Pastor Arrested On Multiple Child Sex Charges
"All of the alleged victims are boys."

Scientists Concerned About Potential Carcinogens in Your Tattoos

Intelligence agencies fear that Trump has been leaking information on U.S. spies overseas
More treason by our leading traitor.

Missouri turns back the hands of time: First an abortion ban and now, corporal punishment in schools
Guess this just shows LOTHN has been right about them all the time.

IRS Deluged With Threats Generated By Right-wing Extremists
The more the merrier, asshats.

T R E 4 5 O N
So, who wants to see that in skywriting over Washington DC?
It’s already been covered in other posts, but I think the most distressing thing may be this:

Intelligence community assessing potential national security risks of Mar-a-Lago documents: report
"Haines noted that the review is an 'assessment of the potential risk to national security that would result from the disclosure of the relevant documents' and that it will be administered so that it 'does not unduly interfere with DOJ’s ongoing criminal investigation.'

‘None of Trump’s usual excuses are going to work’: Legal experts agree former president likely to be indicted
"Dang," Weissmann added, after already stating clearly, "the former president is going to be prosecuted.”

Karl Rove Destroys The BS ‘NARA Just Had To Ask' For Trump Docs Excuse
Karl Rove debunked a major MAGA talking point about the Mar-a-Lago search.
How many times did they ask Trump for them? Let us count the ways.

Fox Advocates For Taxpayer-Funded Catholic Schools
Bye Bye, separation of church and state!
"Has anyone at Fox checked on the Catholic Church's record on children and sexuality? Really?"
"Let's fund pedophile preists and bishops" is his mantra. Send it back to hell.

It seems many of the 19 Floridians arrested by DeSantis' election Gestapo were told they could vote
Nice caption.

'That is the ball game': These 3 key affidavit details may suggest Trump indictment is coming

‘None of Trump’s usual excuses are going to work’: Legal experts agree former president likely to be indicted
"Dang," Weissmann added, after already stating clearly, "the former president is going to be prosecuted.”

Karl Rove Destroys The BS ‘NARA Just Had To Ask' For Trump Docs Excuse
Karl Rove debunked a major MAGA talking point about the Mar-a-Lago search.
How many times did they ask Trump for them? Let us count the ways.

Fox Advocates For Taxpayer-Funded Catholic Schools
Bye Bye, separation of church and state!
"Has anyone at Fox checked on the Catholic Church's record on children and sexuality? Really?"
"Let's fund pedophile preists and bishops" is his mantra. Send it back to hell.

It seems many of the 19 Floridians arrested by DeSantis' election Gestapo were told they could vote
Nice caption.

'That is the ball game': These 3 key affidavit details may suggest Trump indictment is coming

Kremlin TV Desperately Wants You to Move to Russia Right Now"
Vladimir Putin’s war has made the dire population crisis in Russia even worse, forcing Moscow’s mouthpieces to scramble for solutions on live television.
"Georgia's always on my mi-mi-mi-mi-mind."

Biden blasts 'semi-fascist' MAGA Republicans in powerful speech that defines the upcoming election
There's nothing "semi-fascist" about MAGAts. They are 100% pure. They are what WWII was all about.

Trump has the ‘worst life ever lived by a former president’: MSNBC anchor says he is in ‘pure misery’
"Donald Trump's living an unprotected life," O'Donnell said. "And that terrifies him."
It serves him right. He made his bed of misery.

Busted: GOP Candidate Scrubs Website Of Harsh Abortion Language Mark Kelly isn't lying about anything on this dildo. These assholes all think they're holy gynecologists. Moronologists is more like it.

Kayleigh Airs Clip Editing Out Biden's Remarks, And It's Pure Propaganda
She fits right in at Fox.
That poor little girl.

Kayleigh McEnany Claims Hillary Refused To Concede 2016 Election
Fox News can't let their Hillary bashing go.
That's odd. We all got to watch her do it on TV when they wore all that color purple.
Kayleigh, I am so sorry you are deaf, dumb and blind and can't play a mean pinball.
That poor little girl.

Political Director Of Texas Right To Life Arrested For Soliciting A Minor
Is anyone surprised?
I always heard using that stuff dialated your eyes. Whooo, buddy!

The Supreme Court is 'smelling blood' and on 'a collision course with democracy itself': journalist
Careful, boys. That might be your own blood ya smell in your borken nose.
You're not exactly the belles of the ball,

Former Obama speechwriter explains why most Americans now hold the High Court in such low regard
"Stench" describes the fascist rot pretty well.

America has a chance to retreat from madness: Will the midterms save us — or doom democracy?
Some Trump voters are ripe for deprogramming. Instead of calling them names, let's work together to save America
"Deprogramming?" Who in the fuck deprogrammed them? They did it themseleves. You are inferring they are zombies, which they are! You don't deprogram zombies, you double tap them!

Witnesses dispute police narrative after they fatally shot man at his father’s funeral
Fucking cops. They are dynamiting the bottom to get closer to their home in hell.
Mob execution. Nutter Fort? Oh, yeah! Almost heaven!

Biden White House smacks down Marjorie Taylor Greene in a tweet
Queen of the hypocrites. Queen of...? TBA.

Trump's 'Mar-a-Lago offensive backfires' as new disclosures point to 'serious breach': National Review writer
Deeper and deeper. Oohh! Put in him Squid Game.

MN Sec Of State Nominee Called For GOP Activists To Use “Biblical Citizenship” And Become Poll Watchers
Crackpot Christofascists are Talibastards.

The Republicans Are Lying (Quite Pathetically) About Student Debt Forgiveness
They carry the lying card next to their victim card.

Webb Telescope Just Detected Carbon Dioxide in a Distant World
"According to the ESA, 'it is the first clear, detailed, indisputable evidence' of carbon dioxide in a planet outside of our solar system."

Fox News Assclowns Whining About Student Loan Relief Very Hilarious, Please Cry More
"Obviously, Tucker Carlson — the trust fund frozen food heir dilettante — is super-fuckin'-outraged."

Beto O’Rourke intensifies campaign on abortion rights as trigger law goes into effect
Gov. Greg Abbott signed the “trigger law” last year, ensuring that Texas would automatically outlaw abortion if the U.S. Supreme Court ever overturned Roe v. Wade. That happened in June, mobilizing Democrats nationwide and giving O’Rourke’s campaign a burst of momentum.
Texas — Vote Beto.

Texans who perform abortions now face up to life in prison, $100,000 fine
Texas, the largest state to restrict abortions, now has three significant bans on the books, setting up a potential legal minefield.
Texas — Vote Beto.

The Trump-Republican Violence Machine
MAGAts, in fact.

Five FL Militia Members Arrested On Rioting Felonies
Five more snared for their treason.

Biden To Forgive Up To $20,000 In Student Loan Debt
Well done, Mr. President.

Former Trump Official Lied To Investigators During Casino Probe
Quelle surprise!
"And now we find that he blocked Native American tribes from opening a casino. That's quite a resume of being a shitty person, Ryan."

Carl Paladino Alleges Voter Fraud After Losing Primary In NY-23
Paladino has so far refused to concede, his campaign claimed it is seeing “statistical irregularities” in the results.
Every loss is a “statistical irregularity” to the fascists since they are the ones doing the rigging.

Let's Look At The People Criticizing Student Loan Forgiveness
Huh. Looks like maybe they've had a little loan forgiveness themselves!
Forever the victims.

Jim Jordan ignites fury against GOP lawmakers after complaining about student loan debt relief
Jordan better have an ass cover in place. I hear someone's coming for his stinking past.

Humanity is facing a plastics paradox
"Think plastics."

Far right claims big wins in Florida school board races — but the fight is just starting
Anti-"woke" right-wingers score major victories in Miami, Sarasota — but elsewhere in Florida, liberals push back
The fascist state of the dictator who can't find a suit jacket to fit over his girdle, one Fatso Jr.

Data hack reveals right-wing Liberty Counsel pushed Trump in apparent violation of IRS rules
More evidence on Fatso.

Eight Sources Say Feds Are Not Done With Matt Gaetz
It’s been a quiet few months in the probe into allegations that the Florida congressman was involved in underage sex trafficking. But few involved think it’s over.

Cannabis and psychedelic use spiking among young adults: report
OMG! Ring all the fucking alarms! Never has this ever happened before!

Texas bans local, state government entities from doing business with firms that “boycott” fossil fuels
Great! They will all leave the stupid, retarded state of Texas.

Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan could lower debt for more than half of Texas college graduates
Put at stop to it, Greg and fuck all of them, too.
Texas — Vote Beto.

'That's not what our report said': Mueller lawyer nails Bill Barr for lying in bombshell Trump memo
Hannity will sue them as well don't you think?

Hannity Threatens To Sue John Fetterman For "Lying"
Go for it. This should be fun, Windbag.

Tea Party Group Seeks To Remove Judge In FBI Search
Nazis attempt overthrow of American law and order.
As a commenter here says, while we are removing Judges, I would like them to remove:
Brett Kavanaugh
Neil Gorsuch
Amy Coney Barrett
The ever popular Clarence "Pucic Hair" Thomas
The "Scalito," whatever the hell that is.

Graham Now Claims GA Subpoena Is Unconstitutional
Running from the law can get you shot in the back, doncha know, Lindz?
Happens to Black people often.

California ballot measure to guarantee right to abortion has strong support among voters, poll finds

DOJ says it can't trust Trump's lawyers: report
Trump made this messy bed of his.

Florida postal worker mauled and killed by 5 dogs after her mail truck broke down
Did they belong to DiSantis?

Andrew Tate Shows How Fascists Recruit Online: Men Fall Victim to the Insecurity-to-Fascism Pipeline
Ahhh, the vast wasteland that is Tiktok.

Oh FFS, That Idiot Actually Thinks State Secrets He Stole Are 'MY DOCUMENTS'
The shitshow of the dumbassness.

South Carolina Republican Decries Awful Abortion Ban He Helped Pass, You'll So Guess What Happened Next
Defying science is a bad thing.
"Because you’re a fool who didn’t listen to people who knew better until it was too late."
"Fuck you and fuck every forced-birth asshole who passed this abomination of a law that tortured and almost killed this young woman."
"If hearing about just one of them kept Collins up at night, then this coward deserves to never sleep again.

After last night's stunning Democratic upset victory, the promised 'red wave' has ebbed
MAGAts spent heavily to be losers. Now comes the whine of the victim that cannot accept defeat.

Republican Who Praised Hitler Somehow Loses Congressional Primary
Carl Paladino’s campaign was so scandalous that not even endorsements from big-name Republicans like Reps. Elise Stefanik and Marjorie Taylor Greene could save him

Nicolle Wallace sounds the alarm: 'Scariest thing I've heard on this program in a long time'
"what do you need Russian election meddlers for when you have Sidney Powell?"
Traitors all.

'The horror stories are piling up;' CNN analyst explains how abortion bans are blowing up in Republicans' faces
The insanity of the MAGAts is coming home to roost.

"New America": Avowed white nationalist, LGBTQ-hater pushes vision to Catholic right
Catholic fringe group acclaims "Christian fascist" who led ugly anti-Pride protests as a "saint in the making"
Pedophile "religion" cult shows its collective ass.

‘I’m not conceding’: Tearful Laura Loomer blames ‘big tech’ after losing GOP congressional primary
An example of MAGAts believing the Nazi bullshit of "I can't lose, the election must have been rigged!"

UPDATED: Dr. Oz's Campaign Just Mocked John Fetterman For Having A Stroke
Yeah, this isn't going to help you win, buddy. Lost in space.

Two Ringleaders Of Gov. Whitmer Kidnapping Plot Were Just Convicted
Bye-bye, domestic terrorists.
Two more bite the dust.

'Orwell is weeping': Kremlin propagandists say Russia is providing 'security guarantees' for 'the whole world'
Who needs security with Dips like this? Fascist shitbag.

Legal expert thinks 'justice is finally coming for Trump' after revelation he had 700 pages of classified docs
And we shoot black men that run in the back. Hypocrite bastards.

Can You Believe It? Bill Barr LIED About The Mueller Report
Shocking no one. Barr was Trump's consigliere and a traitor to his office.

Jason Chaffetz Sure Likes Talking About Enemas
The Fox News pundit gnawed, chirped, and squeaked about monies going to upgrading the IRS to monitor the very rich.
Remember this asshat?

Death-Santis Attacks Dr. Fauci
Florida covered up their COVID data so nobody knows the actual death or infection totals under DeSantis' reign. And THEN he attacks Fauci.
He should be more concerned with finding a suit that fits his girdled girth. Fatso Jr.

Texas church forced to donate to LGBTQ causes: report
Christofascists mess with "Hamilton."
"It also included a sermon stating that God could help people with their homosexuality, as well as with struggles with drugs and alcohol,"
But, apparently, only if they beg him and write him a check. Because he always needs money. God gets his 10% off the top.

'That's on us': Christian broadcaster berates churchgoers for allowing themselves to be 'seduced' by Trump
You bet it is.

Laura Ingraham DEMANDS Viewers Get Excited About Total Garbage GOP Senate Candidates, Dammit!
"Please pay no attention to the real polls that show all our fuckers losing by a country mile, and look at these polls I found, here in my butt:"

Christofascist Groyper Excited To Rip Us From Our Homes 'For Being Degenerate Liars'

The Problem With Right-Wing ‘Regime’ Talk
What the new paranoid buzzword reveals about the New Right.
"Above all, it demonstrates the right’s dangerous lack of commitment to democracy and the rule of law."
Total projection. That's what the fascists are and that's what they intend to be. Stop supporting Nazis.

Karl Rove Admits Trump Is Killing Republicans' Midterm Chances
Mr. 51%, remember?

Tucker Carlson’s attack on Anthony Fauci's retirement announcement backfires spectacularly
"The guy whose family got rich selling us salt and carb loaded frozen 'dinners' is talking about elites like he isn't one."
The schmeckle shows his dumb ass.

Mar-A-Lago docs could have caused 'massive firestorm' and 'gotten people killed' if they leaked: NBC reporter

Republicans Say They’ll Go After Labor Movement If They Take Control of House
They'll be coming for you, American workers. As always.

Trump’s Legacy Is Convincing Idiots That They Should Run for Office
I get the appeal of having “outsiders” come in and “shake up the system.” But MAGA candidates are proving the folly of the know-nothing candidate.
How long have we been saying this?

'Yikes': Experts stunned after Trump's late-night release of incredibly incriminating NARA document
"It was released by Trump’s own team—both a self-inflicted wound and further proof of how the government has been playing by the rules," Vladeck added.
Lawyer's letter defines Trump's crime. Amazing.

Trump facing a 'substantial criminal case' after 'theft' of NSA documents: legal expert
More than obvious.

‘God help us’: Morning Joe panelists debate which Trump-backed Senate candidates are worst
All of them.

Trump, golf and Saudi Arabia: A filthy cycle of "sportswashing"
New golf tour sponsored by the brutal Saudi monarchy is, of course, aligned with Donald Trump. It won't end well

The Nuclear Threat is Now at the Center of the Ukraine Crisis
Get ready for nuclear winter and world famine. Nothing else will matter if the Russian morons make this choice. Nice knowing everybody.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Kicks Off 'Trial Of The Machines' For Lindell
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) encouraged supporters of MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell over the weekend to continue funding his crusade to overturn the 2020 presidential election.
One would think to hell these morons would be thinking about winning the 2022 election but it looks like they will lose that as well.
They can't even use the "THINK!" method. ("Music Man" reference for the unwashed)

Pink wave: Women rise up for reproductive rights — and Big Lie supporters scramble to stop them
Since January 6, anti-democratic organizing has only grown more intense and effective. Abortion is the new target

Gov. DeSantis’ election security team probed FL voters for fraud in heavily Democratic counties
The Nazi at work.

Evangelical church provides Pennsylvania Republican Doug Mastriano with armed 'security'
More evidence of the fake church.

North Carolina Republican: Children below 5th grade shouldn't be taught science or history in school
Just because he's ignorant why does he want our kids to be?
They're already more intelligent than he is.

Independent autopsy reveals police shot Robert Adams seven times from behind
Only took seven shots in rhe back? The very definiton of "cowards."

Oregon’s Next Governor Could Be a Machine-Gun Toting Darling of GOP Megadonors
She's campaigning as a straight-shooting moderate, but Betsy Johnson despises "wokeness," blasts Portland as the "City of Roaches," and plans to keep the state's CEOs on "speed dial"
Keep them on speed dial? Sure. Where'd she come from? Mr. Thundercleese's time machine? Great clown! ROTFLMAO! Where DO these creepy creeps come from? An ancient lost culture?

Herschel Walker Poses Question on Inflation Reduction Act Climate Spending: ‘Don’t We Have Enough Trees Around Here?
Does he understand his question? Talk to your coach, Hersh.

Lauren Boebert Stunned College Dems Don’t Want To Hang With A-holes Like Her
"Boebert is cruel and relishes her own ignorance. College Democrats aren’t intolerant for wanting to avoid people like her. They just have good taste."

White Christian Nationalism, Out in the Open
Some on the right have grown comfortable being labeled “Christian nationalists.”
"White Christian nationalism knows no nuance—it advocates for a society in which minority rule by white, conservative Christians is enshrined, democracy be damned. And when you listen closely enough, sooner or later, its defenders will reveal their true colors, as Benton does in her Federalist article, when she writes “It’s this love of God, country, and freedom trifecta that has the enemy screeching like there’s no tomorrow” (emphasis added). “The enemy”—an odd way to talk about your political opponent in a democracy. But par for the course in white Christian nationalism, which yearns for a white, Christian, authoritarian state that puts everybody else where they belong—under the “biblical” rule of white, right-wing Christians."

Florida Swing Voters Aren’t Sold on DeSantis or Rubio
Trump-to-Biden voters don’t like the Republican incumbents in Florida.
Good news. Why would anyone with a piece of a brain?

Judge in Texas border crackdown accused of using racist slur against migrants
"...Judge Allen Amos told her the trespassing defendants weren’t 'your regular wetbacks'...”
“They have phones and clothes and all kinds of other things,” Amos reportedly said in July to defense attorney Emily Miller, whose complaint was first reported by The Daily Beast.
Texas — Vote Beto.

Abortion vote recount proves no fraud in Kansas elections, state's top election official says
Fair elections? We have to stand for this? LOL!

‘That’s Fascist’: Ousted Arizona Republican Slams Trump Cronies Over ‘Hogwash’ Idea State Legislatures Can Overturn Elections
Most certainly. But that's what we have to deal with now. Nazis. Traitors in our midst.
“The constitution is hanging by a thread,” Bowers told Pilkington while discussing the current state of the GOP. “The funny thing is, I always thought it would be the other guys. And it’s my side. That just rips at my heart: that we would be the people who would surrender the constitution in order to win an election. That just blows my mind.”

Gov. Kristi Noem May Have 'Engaged In Misconduct,' Ethics Board Says
There's evidence the GOP governor may have "engaged in misconduct" when she intervened in her daughter’s application for a real estate appraiser license.
The grift is strong in this one.

Insane Ted Cruz Calls To 'Abolish The IRS
Insane and going nuts at the same time. Abolish him.

'This Is Blackmail': New Orleans Denied Flood Funds Over Opposition to Abortion Ban
What else would one expect from fascists?

White evangelicals buried by conservative for abandoning 'human decency' to support Trump
Someone needs to bury them.
"Here, we have a MAGA movement that is proclaiming some sort of national emergency," he elaborated. "It is nothing on the scale of Jim Crow it's not within shouting distance of that. Yet, they have utterly abandoned, in many ways, even the most basic requirements of human decency. Again, in their interactions with each other, interactions with political opponents, in their interactions with truth. This is turning that Christian political ethic utterly upside down."

Yes, Americans Are Better Off Under Biden
Households have seen a stunning rise in employment and income, even considering inflation.

Corporate America is bringing back jobs as pandemic shows fragility of world-spanning supply chains
"Thanks, Joe Biden! The Wall Street Journal is reporting that U.S. companies are moving nearly 350,000 overseas jobs back to the United States this year—a new record—as companies become a wee bit more wary about chasing cheap labor overseas and look to move infrastructure a bit closer to home. Again: Thanks, Joe Biden!"

Biden has one of the 'best economic records' of any 'post-War president': business professor
“Under Biden, Americans are better off in other ways, too,” Shapiro writes. “The Center on Poverty & Social Policy at Columbia University reports that the poverty rate, which reached 16.1 percent in December 2020, fell sharply under Biden to 14.1 percent by May 2022. It’s the same story on health care coverage: The Department of Health and Human Services reported that from late 2020 to early 2022, the percentage of uninsured Americans fell from 14.5 percent to 11.8 percent among adults, ages 18 to 64, and from 6.4 percent to 3.7 percent among children, both record lows."

Sarah Huckabee Sanders silent on Arkansas cops allegedly beating a suspect into the ground
Hitler's children strike again.

Oklahoma GOP candidate says it is 'totally in the right' to execute gay people
The rank filth of Christo-facism naked for all to see. The perfect fucked-up Talibastard.

Will This Segment Get Jim Acosta Fired? Inquiring Minds Want To Know
Jim Acosta repeatedly calls out former Trump official Chad Wolf for spreading lies about election security. Is it a step too far?
It's nowhere near A step too far. Hell, promote him. Wolf is reading Fuks Noose. He's a MAGAt and will continue to undermine America.

GOP Lawmaker Gets Stuck On Stupid Trying To Answer A Simple Question
Spit it out.
"The 'border crisis' is just a tired old GOP talking point." They have no plan for America's future except continue to rape, plunder and grift, then screw with our lives like all the MAGAt robber barons.

Manchin Bashes Sinema For Blocking Biden's Progress
I mean really? Someone needs a lesson in self-awareness.
"I don't mind Manchin bashing Sinema, because she deserves it, but doesn't he see the irony in his remarks?
Irony escapes many people just as sarcasm does.

Beto Drawing Large Crowds In Deep Red Texas
Texas Democratic gubernatorial candidate Beto O’Rourke has been holding events across the state in his 49 day Drive for Texas rallies in the hope of courting voters who don't traditionally vote for Democrats.
Texas — Vote Beto.

McConnell Reaping What His Party Has Sown With Extremist GOP Candidates
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell bemoaned the lack of "candidate quality" as he downplayed expectations that his party might take back control of the Senate. What's happening to Republicans now is the culmination of a Republican strategy that goes back decades, to a period well before Trump entered politics.

Liz Cheney Lashes Out at Election Deniers DeSantis, Hawley, and Cruz After Primary Loss
The congresswoman fumed that election deniers were “unfit for future office.”
Whatever one thinks of Liz, she recognizes scumbags like DeSantis, Hawley and Cruz for the sleazy trash they are.

Roaming Charges: Dizzy Miss Lizzy, the Last Spin
But lest we forget.
(She voted for Trump bills 93% of the time.)

Omar to Democrats: 'Let's Give Working Folks a Reason to Turn Out to Vote for Us'
"For every moderate suburban Republican, there are line cooks, homeworkers, dishwashers, cashiers, farmworkers who would vote a straight Democratic ticket if they were given a reason to."
America, we can do this.

Michael Cohen suggests Trump will blackmail the DOJ by threatening to reveal secrets to foreign powers
Sure. Of course. Expand on your treason resume so the charges against you may result in execution for treason.

Moscow Car Bomb Kills Daughter Of Key Putin Ally
Blew up good! Blew up real good!

Walker: Too Many People Watching Football On Sunday, So I Can't Debate On Thursday
It would be a messy site to see if it ever happens.

The GOP Is Adapting John Eastman’s Ploy To Steal Elections
States like Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin all have Democratic presidential electorates but Republican legislatures, Amar pointed out. “What is going on is a carefully laid plan, in 2024, to actually start to take power away from the voters in the presidential election and relocate them to the Republican state legislature,” Amar continued.
Traitors at work. America, you can stop them in November.

How Trump redefined shameless hypocrisy — and made it politically expedient
"Trump hasn't just been a hyper-hypocrite. He hasn't just mastered it; he has redefined the very meaning of it."

Chuck Todd confronts GOPer opposing IRS agents: 'Stop cheating on your taxes, Congressman'
"... $20 billion of these audits are going to come at the expense of low and middle-income Americans."
Where does it say that in the Act?
House Build Back Better Act
The Individual Income Taxes section is pretty clear.

JD Vance's 'Anti-Drug' Foundation Tainted By Ties To Oxy Maker
Vance shuttered the nonprofit last year and its foundation in May — coincidentally, shortly after clinching the state’s Republican nomination.

How Trump redefined shameless hypocrisy — and made it politically indispensable
if there is one recognizable element of Trumpism, it is collective, weaponized hypocrisy
King of Fools.

Here's how Rick Scott has blown millions meant for Republican Senate candidates
This week it was revealed that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) was dumping in tons of money into Republican candidates that are currently losing in an election where they thought it would be a walk.
Standard behavior for grifters.

Trump and Mark Meadows planned to hand FBI file to conservative journalists three days before leaving office: report
Crooks at work.

'Flailing financially': How Trump's legal woes may finally be taking their toll
Say buddy, can you spare a dime?

Ron DeSantis Scapegoats Former Felons With Voter Fraud Allegations
As many as 20? Wow! That certainly could swing an election. Say, just who did win the vote for president in Florida?
"DeSantis’ latest political stunt scapegoats ex-felons and willfully ignores the shortcomings in the implementation of an amendment to restore voting rights, which the governor himself has tried to undermine, and that has led to confusion about voting eligibility."

MAGA GOP Candidate Says Teenage Rape Victims Find 'Healing' By Having Baby
"If you think Republican men are the worst, get a load of Tudor Dixon, the Republican nominee for governor of Michigan. This Trump-endorsed candidate is a whole entire bitch."

Tribal Nations Are Under Threat as Native Families' Right to Stay Together Is at Stake at the Supreme Court
The Indian Child Welfare Act—a law that protects Native children from forced removal from their families, tribes, and culture—is currently under attack.
White man speaking with forked tongue again?

Where’s the money, Rick?
Who could have predicted that putting a crook like Rick Scott in charge of the National Republican Senatorial Committee would make all the money go poof?

Whoops: Alabama GOP Group Apologizes Over KKK Imagery In Their Post
What in the hell?
Don't you think most people would miss the three KKK hooded figures with eyes? Sure.
Or... did someone shop them in?

Life after Trump: Someday he'll be gone. What will Republicans (and Democrats) do then?
Do Republicans understand that Trump's time is running out? What's their plan after following him into the abyss?
There will still be MAGAts around. America must be vigilant to prevent another one from attempting to subvert democracy.

Arizona GOP candidate melts down after being confronted for endorsing lawmaker who says 'Jews will go to hell'
You lie down with Nazis you wake up with a swastika armband on.
When does she start building the concentration camps?

New social media mashup proves GOP and right-wing media talking points in step with the KKK
Land of the Happy Negro headline.

Appeals Court Orders Release of Secret Memo Barr 'Used to Undercut the Mueller Report'
While the DOJ has not announced whether it will appeal, a spokesperson for the watchdog behind the case said that "the American people deserve to know what it says. Now they will."

Florida school district rejects donated dictionaries due to Republican-led book freeze
Backward morons. Scared to death of their own shadows. This is Ron DiSantis failing.

Michigan Republicans Reaaaaally Don't Want You To Vote On Abortion, Voting Rights

Data Shows States With Strictest Abortion Bans Have Higher Rate of Child Poverty

Biden, Democrats Work To Make Sure Voters Know Republicans Voted Against Everything They Want
“In this historic moment, Democrats sided with the American people, and every single Republican in the Congress sided with the special interests in this vote—every single one.”

Trump Acted as Though the Military Swore an Oath to Him Personally
Pathological. Delusional. Why is he still at large?

Greg Abbott Bused Thousands of Migrants from Texas to DC. What Happened Once They Arrived?
They shouted for joy for being freed from Abbott's hellhole.
Vote Beto.

MTG Plans Bill To Criminalize Trans Healthcare [VIDEO]
The world's biggest and meanest nobody. She won't end well.

Joe Biden To Host Unity Summit Against Hate-Fueled Violence In September
The event is part of the president's efforts to deliver on his campaign promise to "heal the soul of the nation."

‘I'm carrying it to bury it’: Louisiana woman forced to carry fetus that cannot survive birth
American lunacy in action. When will this idiocy end?

Federal court rules trans folks are entitled to protections under Americans with Disabilities Act
"This positions safe, age-appropriate care for gender dysphoria within the context of disability care and access, which can and should help public spaces and workplaces move along with trans rights and inclusion."

Rebranded Starbucks Opens In Russia As 'Stars Coffee'
"Surprised they didn't call it Tsarbucks..."

Trump-Appointed Judge Permanently Blocks Biden's Oil and Gas Leasing Moratorium
Fossil fuel extraction on federal lands and waters has accounted for an estimated 25% of all U.S. carbon emissions since 2005.
Trump swine are doing their best to kill us all while thinking that money will save them from doom.

'A season of substance': White House takes cautious victory lap following legislative victories
No doubt. Against all odds Biden has succeded.

'The candidates suck!' Morning Joe dumps on Donald Trump's Senate endorsements
Fascist losers all.

Open Thread: It Wasn't Just Liz Cheney Who Lost On Tuesday
Trae Crowder points out that with Liz Cheney' loss on Tuesday, the entire GOP lost.
But what's coming now is "Night of the Living Dead."

Doug Mastriano's 'Prophet' Says Pelosi Drinks Children's Blood
Pennsylvania's gubernatorial GOPer travels with Julie Green, who spews dangerous conspiracy theories on social media.
She's just pissed because she's not getting her share. Numbskull.

Judge Blocks DeSantis Attempt To Stop Company Diversity Training
Judge Mark Walker compared the law to Netflix's blockbuster science-fiction hit, "Stranger Things."
Dose of reality knocks the Dip to the floor.

After Mar-a-Lago: A panel of experts on the grave danger just ahead
Experts on the far right discuss this moment of national crisis: Are we being "carried slowly toward civil war"?
The MAGAt Nazis have to go.

Watch: Pro-Trump Maine candidate threatens to 'deck' Democratic staffer filming him
The racist Nazi bully is back with more of his bullshit.

In Landslide 1,108-to-387 Vote, Maine Nurses Reject Effort to Decertify Their Union
"They thought because we were a new union, they could manipulate Maine Med nurses and overturn our 2021 election," said one nurse. "But we just showed them the door."
Now show LePage the door.

Texas Law requires public schools to display donated ‘In God We Trust’ posters
"All others pay cash" should be added to them. What absolute arrogance.
Vote Beto.

Enough Politics Before Law: The US Must Abandon Presidential Privilege and Prosecute Donald Trump
Duh... Trump is NOT THE PRESIDENT. He's a crook.

Polio Is Back. Trust the Vaccines
We are certain we all will.

The Psychiatrist Who Warned Us That Donald Trump Would Unleash Violence Was Absolutely Right

Self-Proclaimed “QAnon Queen Of Canada” Tried To Arrest Ontario Cops And It Didn’t Go Very Well [VIDEO]
Oh, dear. Did someone fuck with her majesty while she was applying her presumptuousness?
If only it would end this way with all the rest of the morons. But, sadly, it will not.

Florida Judge Says Gov. Ron DeSantis’ ‘Stop Woke’ Law Is Unconstitutional
Now that's awful isn't it? The Dip? Unconstitutional? Mad as a hatter.

'Let's Talk Crudités': Oz Asked On Newsmax If He's 'Relatable'
And have some raw vegetables while you're at it. When did they stop being called appitizers?

House Republican falsely claims to constituents that inflation is nearly five times higher than reality
They're all crooks. Simply amazing.

Florida law discriminates against Black voters to gain 'partisan advantage': DOJ filing
The fascist state of Florida fucks Americans again.

Ex-Trump DoD official reportedly vowed to publish classified documents
What's this guy looking at?

Republican House candidate says Merrick Garland 'should be executed' then tries to walk it back
The Trump SS members are getting itchy trigger fingers.

Paladino “Apologizes.” Paladino Lies.
"You can’t give talks to religious groups on a Sunday, reinforce those points you made on three TV networks on a Monday, then “apologize” on a Tuesday. You can’t and have anyone accept your apology, because who would believe it? I sure as hell do not."
Paladino is a jerk. A zero.

Herschel Walker raked in hundreds of thousands of dollars giving paid speeches as a Senate candidate
Hey, it's fine when they do it, right?
Grifting is their stock in trade. Louisiana's Republican attorney general blocks New Orleans flood funding over abortion: report
The local Nazi strategy is to abort them all. See how their "morals" work.

Liz Cheney's Replacement Known As 'Wicked Witch Of The West'
Harriet Hageman has a "record of anti-conservation, anti-government zealotry that once earned her the nickname 'Wicked Witch of the West' among environmentalists—a title she embraced."
The MAGAts continue to scrape the bottom of their fascist barrel.

Liz Cheney releases recording that proves her rival lied on Fox News about concession call
Hageman is a lying coward, just like all of the MAGAts

Alex Jones throws his support behind DeSantis. Is Trump losing his influence over the far-right?
He knows the Dip is as big a crook as he is. He's on board with the dictators of the world.

U.S. v. Donald Trump: What comes after FBI raid? I know one thing: Be afraid
We are closer than ever to a criminal prosecution of Donald Trump. That will be a massive test for America.
Massive? If he's not thrown in prison we can say goodbye to America. He has a phalanx of evil, dumbed down, stupid voters that believe his bullshit.

'It's sexism': More than 130 women imprisoned for someone else's child abuse under 'problematic' law
The bullshit of the MAGAt Nazis.

Louie Gohmert leaves Congress having passed one law and spread countless falsehoods
Too late, Louie. You and your spawn have already been spreading your crap everywhere.

Inside the Bizarre and Dangerous ‘Rod of Iron’ Ministry
The AR-15 is a divine instrument of enforcing God's will — and that will, says "Rod of Iron" ministries' leader, favors Trump
Another lame brain moron that believes he's the only one that can use an AR-15.

Abortion Opponents Don’t Want You to Read News About Abortion
They promote illiteracy.

Secret Service knew Trump supporters were targeting Pelosi but failed to pass that along until hours after riot began: emails
With pals like these we don't need enemies.

Florida sheriffs caught on video briefing armed right-wing group before they headed to Capitol on Jan. 6
None of the FLC members have been arrested or charged with any crimes related to Jan. 6.
Treasonists from Florida.

America's Founders Would Have Been Disgusted By Today's GOP & Trump
No matter how hard Republicans try to reinvent the Founders & Framers in the image of their libertarian billionaire patrons, the reality is that America was history’s first great liberal experiment...
They would also be disgusted by 30% of people that call themselves Americans.

Florida Pretty Sure Teenage Girl Not Grown-Up Enough For Abortion, And Other Tales From Hell
Yes. Cut the damn thing off the country at the border.

Joe Biden Tyrannizing Hearing Aid Manufacturers Now By Letting Them Sell Over-The-Counter
Atta Go, Brandon!

Texas School District Yanks “The Diary Of Anne Frank”
These folks are pretty ignorant. ‘”The Diary of Anne Frank” is critical race theory’ is not a sentence I thought any sentient being could say, and yet — William D. Adler (@williamadler78) August 17, 2022
You have to wonder what country these people were raised in and if they have any education in world history. These people are very obviously totalitarians as in "you will have no choice but ours." Fascism at work here. Backward and degenerate.

Texas School District Under Fire for Removing Anne Frank Adaptation From Libraries: ‘Proud Boys and Oath Keepers Won’

Fox Guest Threatens $1M Suit Against Media Matters For Calling Out His Claim Vax Killed 600,000 Americans
In 338 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines to human beings about 6,000 deaths might be close to the actual number. But that number doesn't mean these deaths were caused by the vaccine. Check facts please.

Low parent interest in COVID-recovery interventions should worry educators and policymakers alike
More Covid facts.

Liz Cheney Was Brave When the Country Needed Her to Be
Whatever you think of her politics, the Wyoming congresswoman sacrificed her career to aggressively confront Trump and his dangerous lies.
She'll be back and most everyone will be sorry about it.

Abortion Is Legal in This State. That’s Not Stopping These Rogue Prosecutors
In Michigan, local officials are eager to enforce a pre-Roe abortion ban. A court case will decide whether they can
Always a mean scewball in the works.

"Hell state America": Florida court bars "parentless" 16-year-old from getting abortion
Activists outraged: "She's not 'mature' enough to make that decision. But she's mature enough to raise a child?"
The disgraceful descent into the degeneration of America. Their government is the one that's not mature enough to make decisions.

SC lawmaker chokes up after teen nearly loses uterus due to anti-abortion law he voted for
These miscreants never realized just what they were doing playing around with women's lives.

Newsmax Cries About Biden Taking A Bike Ride
The ridiculousness of the extreme right-wing noise machine knows no bounds.
Said the guy who worked for the ass that never worked. Again, whiney little bastards. These children cling to their puberty.

Mississippi GOP: Return Money To DC Instead Of Helping Renters
Despite Housing Crisis, Mississippi May Return Up to Millions in Federal Rent Aid to DC.
These dispicable, heartless bastards.

Tucker Carlson Blames Biden (Yeah) For Attacks On FBI Agents
Nothing Trump ever does is criminal or immoral in the eyes of Fox News hosts.
If he can do it, I can do it. I blame this Mother Schumcker for being the shallow showman that he is. Who in hell said he knew shit from applebutter?

Is Moral Clarity Possible in Donald Trump’s America?
It's not his America. It belongs to Americans. Donald Trump is a foreign agent.

Trump World is staring down the barrel of its own cannon
Fire it up.

Impeachment-backing Republican says he was advised to say 2020 election was stolen even if he didn't believe it
Trump should spend life in prison for all his treason.

Trump Team Illegally Accessed Voting Data In Several States
It was an organized, central effort as part of the plan to overturn the election.
More evidence on Trump scumbags.

The West's self-destructive delusion of natural superiority has led to ecological catastrophe
"The self-destructive delusion that we are the only species that has a right to life on Earth has led to the ecological crisis."
The bill is coming due for this.

Pennsylvania Democrat exposes the dangerous threat Republicans pose to the country
"That’s all true, but what is also true is that they are dangerous. They pose a real threat to the physical safety of teachers, librarians, health care workers, LGBTQ people, Jews, and Black and brown people, not to mention their newest targets: federal law enforcement personnel."
Hitler's children.

DeSantis Waives Teaching Requirements As He Moves To Hire Retired Cops, Enlisted Military Veterans [VIDEO}
Since you're lowering standards, how about recruiting your streetwalkers. They could teach the kids a thing or two about chiselers like the Dip. He's the leading "groomer."
What a dumbass! Who the fuck wants their children taught by drill sergeants?

Franklin Graham: “It Will Take God” To Fix The DOJ
So far he hasn't done anything to fix Franklin so I doubt he'll have time to get to the DOJ>

Liz Cheney’s Staunch Constitutionalism
Which her MAGAt constituants in Wyoming apparently do not support.

“87,000 IRS Agents”: New Conspiracy Theory Proves Trump’s Encouragement of Violence Is GOP Standard
"That Republicans depend heavily on shameless lying is not new, of course. But this is a development of an even more dangerous trend: Republicans relying on the implicit threat of violence to intimidate political opponents."

Speaking Out Against the Madness.

“Where’s this money going?” Millions donated after Uvalde shooting still haven’t reached victims and families
Better check Abbott's re-election fund.
Vot Beto.

The Far Right Doesn’t Want to Defund FBI. They Want It to Follow Their Orders.

Fox News Host Asked If Trump Tried To Sell State Secrets To Foreigns, So He's Probably Fired Now

Crazed MAGA Guys Keep Threatening Violence Even After Trump Calls For Calm ... Oh, He Didn't?

Arizona's Kari Lake celebrates BDE (um, "Big DeSantis Energy") at right-wing lovefest
Far-right Arizona candidate honors Ron DeSantis' manly attributes — oh, and embraces his extremist agenda too
She got the "big dick" part correct.
Where do we find this trash?

Johnson: Mar A Lago Is A Safe Place For Top Secret Papers
Ron Johnson told reporters that he has no concerns about top secret documents being at Mar A Lago because it's a "safe place."
The perfect example of a serious thinking disorder.

Florida Reporter Calls Out Marco Rubio For Fox News Love
Scaredy cat Marco Rubio won't answer a local reporter's questions, but goes on Fox all the time. This reporter calls him out!
What's a matter little Marco? Is it really that tough for you to face your local area newscast? Pitiful.

Rand Paul Announces We Should Repeal The Espionage Act
Once again, he lives up to his reputation as a Russian asset.
Naturally. We need to get rid of this government and move to total Anarchy!
Could you possibly rub that egg off your face?
What a whip.

Trump’s Site Is Being Weaponized Against the FBI — and Their Families
And Trump himself is casting doubt about a recent attack on an FBI building, floating the idea that the attacker just wanted to make MAGA supporters look bad.

80% of US Voters Across Party Lines Support Expanding Social Security
"With Republicans threatening to cut benefits—and worse, eliminate the program entirely—Dems need to make clear they're fighting to protect and expand benefits."

Pennsylvania man charged with threats to kill FBI agents after Trump's attacks on law enforcement
"Come and get me you piece of sh*t feds" and "I am going to f*cking slaughter you," were among the comments Bies made on Gab, according to the complaint filed on Monday. He went on to compare the FBI to the Nazi SS and Soviet-era KGB saying that everyone at the FBI all the way down to the janitors should be killed. All of these scatter-brained incels seem to have lost all grasp on reality. Too bad for them.

On 87th Birthday Of Social Security, Watch Out For GOP Hatchets
Happy Birthday to Social Security. But watch out for published plans to ax the program from the GOP Senate campaign. Can you imagine the chaos and horrible disaster that would occur if the fascists would actually gut the program? It would be the end of America as we know it and people would be starving and dying at a high rate.
Vote for democracy for our country.

With Trumpian Claims of Cheating, Starbucks Demands Halt to Union Elections
"Unfortunately, it's now in vogue for the losers of some elections nationwide to attempt to reverse elections by any means they think are necessary," said Starbucks Workers United.
Union Now — Union Forever.

United States of Death? Study Shows Worrying Mortality Rates of Broken Health System
Researchers find that the nation had become an outlier among other rich countries in mortality rates long before the pandemic—and that Americans are dying younger than their peers abroad.

Rudy Giuliani told by prosecutors he is a target in Georgia 2020 presidential election probe
Poor old Rudy.

'No exit': Signs are pointing to 'a civilization in terminal decline' | Opinion
"The historian Arnold Toynbee, who singled out unchecked militarism as the fatal blow to past empires, argued that civilizations are not murdered, but commit suicide. They fail to adapt to a crisis, ensuring their own obliteration. Our civilization’s collapse will be unique in size, magnified by the destructive force of our fossil fuel-driven industrial society. But it will replicate the familiar patterns of collapse that toppled civilizations of the past. The difference will be in scale, and this time there will be no exit."

Donald Trump labeled a 'flight risk' after he revealed that the FBI seized his passports
“Trump is still a flight risk even without passports. He could go to NYC, to the consulate of a country that does not allow US extradition (such as Russia), and ask for asylum.”
And lock him into an asylum..

Trump’s Investigation Miscalculation
"Trump seems to think that running for president makes it less likely that he will be prosecuted by the Department of Justice. That’s wrong. The more Trump stays in the public sphere the more likely he is to be prosecuted."
He's not the sharpest blade for the razor.

After the Robb Elementary shooting, some Uvalde parents are choosing private or online education They should check this out and see if online is a good idea:
‘I didn’t really learn anything’: COVID grads face college

Wealthy Donors Bankroll Christian Nationalists to Sustain Unregulated Capitalism
The fascist MAGAts use any tool they can to attept to stay in charge of money grifting.

Coup-Plotting Trump Might’ve Also Had Documents Revealing US Intelligence Sources
Intelligence? He knows that word?

Right Wing Scolds Having A Normal One Over 'A League Of Their Own' Series
Just trolls or actual stupids that have not a clue about reality. Accepting motion picutres as being accurate history is a bit stupid since the makers aren't making documentaries. Try checking out some historical facts once in a while. I know that's hard work for you.

Trump's DOJ won a 2018 case that undermines claims about his broad declassification powers
Trump case shoots down his argument on powers. He's too stupid to recall it.

Longtime GOP insider Cheri Jacobus: America is "not going to recover from Donald Trump"
Former Republican strategist says her party can't be salvaged — and if Trump isn't punished, America is "done for"
"He's absolutely a corrupt crook. I wouldn't be surprised if we find out that he is owned by Russia and Putin. Trump is an unbelievably evil human being. I believe that he is one of the most evil people that we've ever seen in American public life."
America must remove this asshat from our future.

Miss Amanda Jones Has Had Quite Enough Of Your Attacks
The school librarian has filed a defamation lawsuit againt Qnuts who labeled her a pedophile.
A little book learnin' wouldn't hurt the QAnonsensers.

Ted Cruz 'Jokes' That Elizabeth Warren Might Have Penis
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) told supporters that Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) might have a penis during a screed against transgender people during a rally in Nevada this Saturday. This creep must be jealous and is totally clueless. He has certainly taken to the Trump school of throwing his shit around.

'We Will Not Stand Down': Armed Trumpers Protest Outside Phoenix FBI Building
Imagine if Black people did this.

'He didn’t like to read': Missouri paper highlights a 'particularly curious' element of Trump’s document stash
"Didn't"? You mean Fatso likes to now? LOL!

Judge rejects Lindsey Graham's effort to avoid testifying before Georgia grand jury
Get off your ass, Lindsey.

Lauren Boebert's Family GOES ROGUE
aka "L-Bo's Adventures in Trailer Trashville."

Schools Are Facing Shortage of 300,000 Teachers and Staff, Major Union Says
Thanks to prudes, morons, christo-fascists and downright stupidity.

Sympathy for the Devil
Proving there are worse things.

Donald Trump’s O.J. Defense
"If Trump didn’t know that the FBI had caught him with documents he shouldn’t have, he wouldn’t be asserting the O.J. Defense."
Always a tactic of an any attorney with no defense: Charge the prosecution as the guilty party.

ABC analyst: Trump faces '20 years behind bars' for 'serious felonies' at Mar-a-Lago
Fine. He would only be in his nineties by the time he's released. Then he would try to con us again.
And the question is "did he do this on purpose"? Does a bear shit in the woods?

Florida Has An Outrageous New Law Targeting Teachers. Here's Why I'll Be Breaking It.
"My students aren’t the snowflakes Gov. DeSantis assumes they are... and neither am I."
The Dip wants to keep students as stupid as he is.

Armed Cultists Rally At Phoenix FBI Office [VIDEO}
Signs reading “Honor your oath” and “Abolish FBI” were seen outside the FBI office in Phoenix on Aug. 13, just days after news broke that the agency searched former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home in Florida. Several of those who were there were armed with guns.
Nazis grow restless, need to use those penis extensions to prove their sexuality.

Sean Hannity Calls For Twitter Parody To Be Removed
Remove Hannity first.

Man Kills Himself After Crash Into US Capitol Barricade
A bizzare method of suicide. Another confused madman due to the whiner.

Trump Promotes Multiple QAnon Attacks On FBI
The whiner whines.

The complete guide to every excuse Republicans have made for Trump's theft of classified documents
or "How Donald Trump Ruined The United States."

"The FBI has a long history of corruption that’s only grown over time..." — Rep. Dan Bishop
Folks, Christopher Wray is a member of the Federalist Society and was appointed to his post by Donald Trump.
Bishop must be referring to J. Edgar Hoover, the right-wing asshole that would make a perfect MAGAt.

Herschel Walker On Kamala: 'She May Say That She's Not Black Now'
What in the entire hell?
What did she do to deserve that snotty remark, Hershit? And which one are you today?

Reporter Confronts Kari Lake, Wasn't Taking Any Of Her Sh*t
She's not having a good day.
The MAGAts have actually reached the bottom of their barrel with this one.

Open Thread: The FBI Stormed Mar A Lago Just For Nuclear Codes?!
Brent Terhune is so outraged over the events of the week, he gave us a two-fer.
ROTFLMAO at this.

John Kelly: Trump ‘didn’t believe in the classification system’
There's a bunch of things that Fatso the moron doesn't understand.

'She’s loaded. They all have guns': Lauren Boebert neighbors forced to call 911 over speeding and property damage
L-Bo and her old man get fucked up and lose it.

'Cult of MAGA-ism is rotting brains' as GOP remains fixated on JFK Jr: Jordan Klepper
Ha! What brains do you mean, Bob?

'This is insane': Watchdog group stunned by details in Mar-a-Lago search warrant
"This is insane. If you're not fed up, you're not paying enough attention," tweeted the advocacy group Public Citizen in response to the Espionage Act revelation.
Oh, dear. Sorry, but many are not paying attention. If they were we wouldn't be fighting a MAGAt insurrection.

FBI Recovered ‘Sensitive Compartmented’ Docs From Mar-A-Lago
Here's the warrant.
Espionage goes with treason.

Dershowitz Shocked Trump Used 5th Amendment If He's Got 'Nothing To Hide'
Alan Dershowitz, a former attorney for Donald Trump, said that he was shocked after the former president invoked the Fifth Amendment at least 440 times during a deposition on Wednesday.
Alan seems to shock easily these days. Trump is guilty as sin, Alan.

Ohio GOP Congress Members Won't Even Thank Ohio State Troopers
The armed man who attacked the FBI office in Cincinnati led police to a dangerous standoff. Where was "Back the Blue" in the Ohio Congressional delegation?
Not real Buckeyes, for sure.

Ingraham Is Flailing: Calls For Defunding Law Enforcement
We'd love to see Laura Ingraham's texts from the moment she learned Mar a Lago had nuclear secrets.
Did she miss the previous cries for defunding the police? No, she mocked it and was against that.

Texas politicians seek to control classroom discussions about racism and slavery
Land of the Happy Negro wishes that everyone knew that the slaves were a happy lot.

Far-right platform Gab veers into overt antisemitism — and only some Republicans back away
Gab founder Andrew Torba's virulent antisemitism makes GOP candidates uncomfortable — but they still need him
For what? Cleaning the toilets?

Feds Investigating Trump for Potential Espionage Act Violation, Search Warrant Shows
The warrant the FBI executed at Mar-a-Lago on Monday also reportedly indicates the DOJ is looking into whether the former president destroyed records and obstructed an investigation

What Trump and Orbán want: It's fascism — it's not a metaphor or a joke
The global right's two greatest heroes spoke at CPAC over the weekend. Take what they said very seriously
Send these asshats packing.

MSNBC's Heilemann thinks the unthinkable about Trump documents: ‘There's a big nuclear black market out there’
Trump's not above selling us out to the highest bidder.

FBI agents searched Mar-a-Lago for 'classified documents relating to nuclear weapons': report
Just more treason from Fatso.

Republicans Have Shown Us, Once And For All, Who They Are
You might think even Republicans would draw the line at nuclear secrets. You would be wrong. MAGAts have no idea who the enemy is that they have been backing.
They are about to find out.

Judge Gets Death Threats From MAGA Mob
Predictably, the unknown Mar-a-lago informant and search warrant judge are getting death threats. Is the FBI capturing all the threats for later prosecution?br> They should be.
The Trump mob is the greatest threat to us now that they have been exposed for what they have always been: Gun thugs.

Trumpland ‘caught off guard’ by Merrick Garland calling his bluff: report
Reality dose fucks Fatso up!

Bannon Goes There: 'Deep State May Try To Assassinate Trump'
The level of ridiculous and dangerous rhetoric over the search warrant at Mar-A-Lago has hit its apex.
He must mean friends of his like the guy on the brown acid threatening Eric Swalwell.
Nice try, Steve, blaming your hit attempt on your pals.

Fox News Complains About Lower Gas Prices
Only on right-wing media is lowering gas prices bad for America.
100% pure trash.

Will Republicans Apologize To The FBI?
Will Rand Paul do his best to undermine the whacko conspiracy theories that the FBI planted any evidence against the former president?
Are you gonna hold your breath? I didn't think so.

How medical boards dominated by Republicans can make life hell for pro-choice doctors
The fascist's job description says "1. Make like hell for Americans."

Yes, marijuana can be addictive — but it's not like other addictive drugs. Here's why
Stoner culture has perpetuated the idea that cannabis isn't truly addictive. Not so fast, psychologists say
So is caffeine. I know users that have used for 60 years and don't smoke it or eat it every day of their life. They are still alive and functional. Is everyone the same? Fuck no. Tell it to the alcoholics. Life has drawbacks. Trump for example. Get over yourselves.

Police end standoff with Cincinnati FBI shooter after hours in a cornfield: report
He was headed for Sabina thinking he could hideout in "Eugene's".former home.

Officers Kill Gunman Who Tried to Breach FBI Office in Ohio
Though the suspect's identity and potential motivations are not known, the attack follows fear of far-right retaliation for this week's federal search of former President Donald Trump's home.
"...armed with a nail gun..." Did he think he was Anton Chigurh? I mean, what is the range of a nail gun? His head, right?

'That's called justice': Jim Jordan mocked over tweet that 'failed to comprehend basic legal principles'
It's pretty sad to see a Buckeye end up as a total twerp like this dildo.
But he did worse things at Ohio State to his eternal disgrace.

'Door to Real Progress': Jayapal Makes Case for House Passage of the IRA
"It's an achievement we can all feel excited about—especially when we dig into the details," said the chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus.

Beto O’Rouke Calls Out Uvalde Heckler At TX Town Hall: “It May Be Funny To You, Motherfucker, But Not To Me
Not quite as good as breaking the motherfucker's nose but we'll take it.
Vote Beto.

STUDY: Arctic Is Warming Much Faster Than Predicted
"When the ice fields melt..."

Florida School Removes Photos Of Historic Black Figures
Racist state of DeSantis does racism. Wide open in the Land of the Happy Negro.

Shots Fired At Cincinnati FBI Headquarters [VIDEO]
The Nazis are growing restless.

Rep. Swalwell Releases Violent Voicemail From A Trumper
"Swalwell called out Republicans such as Trump, McCarthy, and others, saying they are stoking violent rhetoric against lawmakers and law enforcement. "Someone is going to get killed," he added."
They already know that. They support it.
But this sounds like someone who got hold of some of the brown acid. You certainly can't make this crustacean a victim.

Warren Opens Probe Into 'Shocking and Horrific' Impacts of GOP Abortion Bans
"Let's be clear: Republican politicians are risking women's lives and health in pursuit of a dangerous, out-of-touch agenda."
Let's be even clearer: They don't give a shit.

Senate Democrats Just Took a Bite Out of Stock Buybacks
Reining in stock buybacks can help reorient our economy to one that prioritizes the long-term needs of companies, workers, consumers, communities, and the planet.

Backyard hens’ eggs contain 40 times more lead on average than shop eggs

DOJ served Trump with grand jury subpoena for classified documents months before FBI raid: report
Don't say he wasn't warned.

'A bunch of New Yorkers in addition to George Soros': Greg Abbott accused of antisemitism
Former Chicago Tribune editor Mark Jacob explains: “Right-wing code is pretty simple. ‘New York’ and ‘Soros’ = Jewish. ‘Chicago’ = Black people.”

With Feds Circling, Trump Asks Allies: Who’s ‘Wearing a Wire’?
As the investigations heat up, the former president and his advisers are pointing fingers — and looking for “rats”
The entire free world is wearing a wire, Fatso. Paranoia strikes deep.

'What a freak you are!' Morning Joe slams Newt Gingrich for inciting violence over Mar-A-Lago search
Former "Contract on America" grifter now hates law and order. Typical fascist.

‘The walls are closing in’: George Conway says Trump is finally learning 'nobody is above the law'
"Yesterday, he, you know, took the Fifth 440 times, which is basically the most respect I think he's ever shown for the Constitution of the United States."
Cell walls too near me...

No exit: After Mar-a-Lago raid, Trump is trapped — and his fear is palpable
Donald Trump's lifelong grift is nearing its final act. Across America his power is fading — and he knows it
He had to know he couldn't get away with his con much longer.

Analysis explains why the GOP’s disastrous week is about to get even worse
"...their reactions have been scrutinized because of how it contradicts their past stance on these types of investigations."
"Six years ago, Kevin McCarthy, then House majority leader, trashed Clinton’s judgment, and castigated her 'total disregard for protecting and handling our nation’s highly classified secrets,'" Green wrote. "He also demanded an expeditious FBI investigation, together with a thorough and 'transparent' briefing."
Always guilty of their own accusations.

FBI Director details the 'deplorable' threats he’s received since Mar-a-Lago search
The response of the Nazi threat.

FBI Director Denounces 'Deplorable' Threats After Mar-A-Lago Raid
Christopher Wray had strong words for some supporters of former President Donald Trump.

Ron DeSantis So Confident He'll Win, He Just Might Lose
A candidate who won last time, pre-Covid, by 0.4%, is traveling the country during his re-election campaign? Alrighty then! The Dip thinks he's foolproof. But what does that say about Florida permitting a proven fool stay in charge?
It says the electorate is mostly fascist.
"...he's campaigning for other people—among them some of the worst figures in America — as if he already has his own race won. Pretty arrogant for a guy who won his last race by four tenths of a point."

MTG Demands To Speak To The Manager After FBI Seizes Rep. Perry’s Phone
Wow! This woman is as dumb as Marjorie Taylor Greene.
“If they can do it to a former President, imagine what they can do to you,”
They don't want to do it to me, you numbskull! But they could if I was a treacherous crook like Trump. I haven't committed the crime of stealing classified documents, smartypants!

Republicans Are Rooting for Civil War
The distrust Trump sowed is bearing bitter fruit.
"Trump is a sick soul who cannot imagine a world in which people act on principle or think about the welfare of others. While in power, Trump wanted to use the FBI to punish his political opponents (“Lock her up”) and reward his friends (“Go easy on Michael Flynn”). He projects his own corrupt motives onto others and assumes that the FBI investigation is nothing but a Democratic power grab. It would be pathetic if he had not dragged an entire political party into the fever swamps with him.
This experiment in self-government requires a minimum amount of social trust to succeed. With every tweet that spreads cynicism and lies, with every call to arms that welcomes civil conflict, Trumpist Republicans are poisoning the nation they so ostentatiously claim to love."

Kevin McCarthy Promises a Republican Congress Will Obstruct Justice
They are very good at it as history shows.

Rick Scott Pretty Sure Nazi Gestapo Army Raided Innocent Angel Trump’s Home
Yeah, Rick, cause FBI has no power to do shit like this, right?
Gestapo? Oh, hell yes, Rick. Top notch thinking, dickhead.
"It’s perverse how supposed 'law and order' Republicans go straight to 'Nazi' whenever the law is applied to people like them."
And they are the ones that behave and talk as Nazis. What a world.

After Trump’s FBI Raid Republicans Go All F**k Tha Police
"...most American rightwingers take comfort in a class hierarchy where law enforcement oppresses the marginalized and lets the powerful do whatever the hell they want. That’s their selective definition of freedom.

Their mentor was attacked. Now young OB-GYNs may leave Indiana
Indiana will continue their return to the past. Sadly, they could be forever lost to civilization.

A Florida license plate has reopened the debate over the 'Don't tread on me' flag
Shove this POS rag along with the traitor Battle Flag where the sun don't shine.
Typical of the Dip. If this shit is legal then so are flags and shirts that divide, antagonize and provoke people into killing one another. This is what we will be looking forward to allowing trash like this to continue. "Fire in the theater." Think about it.

Most Americans support using the popular vote to decide U.S. presidents, data shows
Getting it done is tougher than we think. The Nazis use elctoral voting to acquire political power.
But do it we must for our future and our lives depend on it.

Pretty Soon You’ll Be Able to Afford Things Again

Republicans Are Now Parroting Trump’s Attacks on “Woke” Generals
The Trump Nazis now proudly wear their swastikas because dear leader said it's OK because Hilter.

Iowa man charged with assault after plowing through pro-abortion protesters with truck
That's his big dick he's using to screw those protesters!
He certainly believes in aborting that crowd.
Sorry for the blind lawyer.

In Georgia Senate race, Herschel Walker's running against his own mouth—and from every debate

Why won’t Trump show us the warrant? Because it shows his criming
"Sorry, Donald. Screaming “planted evidence” isn’t going to distract anyone outside of MAGAland from the fact that the Trump team has the answer to why the FBI executed a search warrant at Mar-a-Lago this week."

Watters: Dems ‘Get A Sick Sexual Thrill’ Trying To 'Lock Up Republicans'
Swami Watters gazes into his crystal ball and finds...Sex thrills! He's jealous as heck since he can't get wood for any reason. Maybe he'll give it a try?

New Polling Shows Major Shift In Latino Voters Over Abortion
Well, well,Well, well now.

Nebraska Mother, Daughter Face Abortion Charges After Facebook Shares Chats With Police
"Until Meta gives up surveilling private messages and begins protecting its users with end-to-end encryption, it remains complicit in the surveillance and criminalization of pregnant people," said one advocate.
Exactly. Not one ort of their buisiness.

Inflation Reduction Act Will Not Cut Benefits—It Will Reduce Medicare Drug Costs
Hmmm. Has our world turned into one big ass mob?

Inflation Reduction Act Will Not Cut Benefits—It Will Reduce Medicare Drug Costs

Donald Trump Pleads the Fifth After Saying Only Guilty People Do
We understand, Fatso.
BTW: What's that pointed hat you're wearing? Dunce or witch?

Trump pleads the Fifth in NY AG deposition — despite once claiming it made Clinton 'look guilty as hell!'
But on him it just looks like a guilty as hell, fat old fart wearing makeup.

GOP attempts to shift conversation from Trump’s legal woes by claiming Dems want to 'weaponize' the IRS
On Monday, August 8, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) shared his reaction via Twitter as he pivoted to concerns about the IRS. “The FBI raiding Donald Trump is unprecedented,” he tweeted. “The Biden Admin has fully weaponized DOJ & FBI to target their political enemies. And with 87K new IRS agents, they’re coming for YOU too.”
Not me, Ted. I pay my taxes. And it's high time they went after the treachery of Trump.

George Will: 'Infant' Josh Hawley feeds the 'degradation' of politics and journalism
“Like an infant feeling ignored and seeking attention by banging his spoon on his highchair tray, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) last week cast the only vote against admitting Finland and Sweden to NATO...”

'Turn back to God and repent': Anti-abortion Republicans are devouring one another
Sounds like someone will begin starving soon.

'Disaster' Kevin McCarthy slammed by local newspaper editorial for his 'threats' against Merrick Garland
Are you going to "flush him down the toilet" like your buddy did using notes for toilet paper?
"Every House race in America this fall should be viewed in this context. A vote for GOP leadership in the House would be a vote to support McCarthy’s vow to use his power to fight the rule of law and defend his choice of party over country," concluded the board. "McCarthy told us what he would do if he comes to power, so for the good of democracy, we must prevent that from happening."

Former members of Christian 'cult' that preys on military begged FBI to investigate for more than 2 years
Looks like this faith, like fire, is burning the house down.

What was the FBI looking for in Mar-a-Lago?
Donald Trump has never been one for keeping records. But he's always been motivated by money
Point 3: Does that sound like a "wild goose chase," Alina Habba?
Trump is not above selling our country out for a buck, Alina.

GOP Lawmaker's Phone Seized One Day After Mar-a-Lago Warrant
Well, lookie here.

Stop Taking Trump's Word For It. Demand To See The Warrant
Journalists are sleeping on the job when they allow Trump's version of events to go unchallenged.
And stop calling it a raid. Sensationalism is not journalism.
Many "Journalists" are, unfortunately, not the brightest at doing their job.
"And once again, a dangerously gullible and servile media bows to whatever version of reality he presents. They continue to fail the public interest."
And Fatso, the Nazi, will resume dismantlng American law as he was doing before we kicked his ass to the gutter if we don't smack him down.

Kansas voters used democracy to stop right wing extremists — but GOP fascism is still on the rise
In Pennsylvania and Arizona, Big Lie supporters have won GOP nominations for governor and other key races
Indeed. The Nazis that are trying to destroy the U.S. are like cancer that has gone untreated. It's time to remove the cancer.

How Putin Is Pushing His Army Bosses Through a ‘Meat Grinder’ of Death
Russian commanders are dying at a shocking rate. But Vladimir Putin’s desperation knows no bounds.
Any reason to think these commanders would get tired of dying and turn on the Pootmeister?

Alexander Vindman on Trump as "cult leader" and the line from Jan. 6 to Putin's war on Ukraine
Salon talks to the retired Army officer about the many threats Donald Trump poses — foreign, domestic, existential
Fatso is part of a cult but a "leader"? He shows no evidence of being a leader. He's a selfish and disgruntled agitator. In short, a megalomaniac.

'I'd be advising my client to tell their family I'm looking at jail time': Mueller prosecutor on the FBI's Trump raid
Oh, dear. Things are looking bleak for Fatso.

Trump's Mar-a-Lago Raided By FBI, Ex-President Confirms
Imagine that.
This moron certainly holds a grudge. He's obsessed with Hillary when he should be concerned with his own prosecution for his crimes.
What's he doing with missing classified documents anyway? Are the whining victim card players asking that question?

Peter Strzok: DoJ Likely Timed Search To 90-Day Election Window
As if anything related to Trump could ever be non-political.
Have a good day, Peter!

Spot The Difference: Conservatives Vs The KKK
Can you spot the difference between today's conservatives and the KKK?
Old pals of the Land of the Happy Negro.

This GOP secretary of state candidate has questioned disabled Americans’ right to vote
He can take gas.

Kevin McCarthy buried by former RNC official for inciting MAGA 'idiots' to violence after FBI Trump search
They always want their goon squads to come out when they get caught with their fingers in the pie. The law frightens them and we know why.

‘Just laughable’: Morning Joe busts Sarah Huckabee Sanders for flip-flopping on FBI after Mar-a-Lago raid
"Those people didn't take issue when the FBI was investigating somebody they considered be a political enemy, Hillary Clinton, in October of 2016..."
Don't forget "...elected officials should be held accountable for criminal conduct, no matter how high their position." — Ted Cruz.
Joe, they have very short attention spans, therefore short memory.

Three Republican senators running for reelection right now voted against affordable insulin
Guess who should get diabetes?

FBI executes search warrant at Trump's Mar-a-Lago, former President says
Fatso finally gets busted. Sweet.

FBI Has Executed a Search Warrant at Mar-a-Lago: ‘My Beautiful Home Is Under Siege’ Trump Says
Whine, you bitch!
Work on your "Presidential Library" and forget about your future.

Donald Trump says his Mar-a-Lago property is being raided by FBI agents
Just like Al Capone?

The Republican Party belongs to Viktor Orbán: conservative columnist
But he forgot to wear his swastika armband when he spoke to the Trump Nazis in Dallas. In fact, they all did.
Vote Beto.

'Mitch doesn't have a clue': Biden's wins keep causing trouble for McConnell
As Biden has seen a rapid succession of legislative accomplishments in recent weeks, his predecessor has repeatedly seemed triggered to take out his frustration on McConnell.

'It’s so gross': NYT blasted for negative reporting on Biden
Apparently, these people are so blind and full of hate that they can't see the forest for the trees.
Are they MAGAts in disguise? Are they so jaded with hate they want democracy dead, buried and overwith?
Or are they just another bunch of morons that have no brain activity like the rest of Fatso's Zombies?
Joe Biden is doing very well for America, thank you very much, you asshats.

A 'turn in fortune': Democrats are on a roll
And it all starts with Joe Biden. He should sign the new Inflation Reduction Act with a huge "You Go Brandon!" hanging behind him. That should chap the Nazi's bohunks.

Congress is about to act on drug price reform. Here's what you need to know

New York's mayor says Abbott sending busloads of migrants from Texas is 'horrific'
Stop the spitefulness from Texas.
Vote Beto.

ACLU calls on feds to investigate Abbott’s policy transporting migrants back to border
In July, Abbott authorized state law enforcement to transport migrants to ports of entry. It’s unclear how and why migrants are being detained, raising civil rights concerns and questions about whether the state is overstepping federal authority.
Vote Beto.

Pulitzer Prize winning historian David McCullough has died
A tragic loss for America.

Herschel Walker’s Ex-Wife Appears In Brutal New Ad
‘He Was Gonna Blow My Brains Out’: Herschel Walker’s Ex-Wife Accuses Him of Threatening Her at Gunpoint in Jawdropping Campaign Ad
Does Fatso know how to pick candidates or what?

Hundreds May Have Polio, New York Health Officials Say
Return with us now to yesteryear. It's in fashion, you see. Living in the past also has it's diseases that go with it. Vaccines, anyone?

Kansas GOP's Excuse For Abortion Vote Loss Will Blow Your Mind
Another stinking case of "we didn't lose!" Give that shit a rest you fart heads. No one likes you, can't you get it?

Republicans Refuse To Talk To Any Mainstream Media
NPR is finally recognizing that the extremist MAGA cult candidates are refusing to engage with any form of media that asks real questions.
"The phenomenon is impossible to quantify, but many Republican candidates are showing that they don't want – or need – to get their messages out via legacy media outlets. That can reduce the scrutiny they face while running for public office, hampering voters' ability to make informed choices."
"Donnie, These Men Are Cowards." — Walter Sobchak

Theirs But Not Ours? No War Criminal Should Be Immune From Prosecution
Isn't it time for the major military powers to give up the notion that their war criminals should be allowed to operate with impunity?

58% of human infectious diseases can be worsened by climate change

'Made in China': pro-Trump company slapped with hefty fine for false claim its apparel was made in America
The money machine doing its work.

7 facts that show the American Dream is dead | Opinion
This shows how the death of Roe v. Wade will create more dysfunction in an already dysfunctional system.
If corporations want to stay afloat they must market to people that can afford to pay the prices they demand. A U.S. working class person has too many balls to juggle to keep spending money and still keep afloat. How does the wealthy class expect to stay that way when investments don't return gains and money doesn't earn interest any longer? So why do we think forcing women to have babies will solve any problem? This is called a serious thinking disorder and will continue to lower the chances for survival for all of us.
And you ask how can this all be so when we now have an economy that has returned to normal and so many of us are employed? Easy: the greed of the money machine demanding bigger profits and less products.

New bombshell book on Trump reveals he wanted to be treated like Hitler: 'Totally loyal'
The New Yorker’s Susan B. Glasser and The New York Times’ Peter Baker write at The New Yorker, in an piece titled, “Inside the War Between Trump and His Generals.”
The lunacy of Trump revealed — again.

Paul Manafort admits sharing info with the Russians during 2016 Trump campaign
There ya go, MAGAt deniers. Total innocence. ROTFLMAO!

DeSantis called out for political double standard on enforcing laws: 'Better start suspending those people too'
"Far-right Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis hasn’t gone after anti-gun control sheriffs, but the Orlando Sentinel’s Skyler Swisher reports that he has gone after Warren."
You guessed it. Warren is ignoring any rule preventing women seeking abortion from their doctors. The Dip will go after him because the Dip is a woman hater and is selectively enforcing laws. A sure sign of a corrupt schmuck.

Haberman book: Flushed papers found clogging Trump WH toilet
Ah, the great character of Fatso. He thought they still would put the paper shredded pieces back together?

TOILETGATE: Lordy, There Are Photos Of Trump's Flushed Docs
Everyone knows Trump is the biggest fake that every lived.
No surprise to find him in the toilet.

Pharmacist Ordered To Pay $25K For Denying Contraception
Even though the experts testified it didn't do what he said it does, he doesn't care.
He will before this is over.
"And that is the can of worms the Supreme Court opened with all these 'conscience clauses.' It was meant to garner votes and validate religiousity based on nothing but feelings."

Democrats In Array As Historic Climate, Health, Tax Bill Passes
Whatever will the media complain about now?
Leadership? Winning? Chapped bohunks?

Arizona official endures a job that’s 'psychologically unfun' — here's why
Pens? Pens? Get outta here with that.

After 'seeking God's guidance,' a network of conservative election activists springs from a Texas county
The intellect level is astounding in these parts.

“Prime instigator”: Michigan investigation links Trump-backed GOP AG candidate to voting breach
AG Dana Nessel requested a special prosecutor to review “possible criminal charges” against Matthew DePerno
More Trump filching and scamming.

Marjorie Taylor Greene: Alex Jones is being 'politically persecuted' over Sandy Hook conspiracy theories
Her "reasoning" has no bearing on the case. As usual.
She sees it non-stop because these people are all criminals. And they are all pals of hers.

'Unholy force' Marjorie Taylor Greene busted by religious leader for her 'bastardization' of Christianity
That would be Talibastardization, thank you.

'This is going to hurt Republicans': Molly Jong-Fast nails GOP candidates for calling their elections 'rigged'
Always the victims.

Rick Scott breaks down like a glitching Furby when asked about the GOP's slate of Senate candidates
A Clockwork Furby?

Republicans Just Shot Down a Cap on Insulin Costs
When will health care become a service in the U.S. as it is everywhere else in the world?

Lindsey Graham: States Should Decide Some, Not All, Marriage Issues
How about leaving at divorces, brainiac? Stop fucking with people's liberties.

After waving 'White Privilege' card, woman gets out of traffic stop
What is this? A SNL routine?
Fake cards, fake cops, fake law, fake democracy.

Major Indiana employers slam new abortion law
"Eli Lilly said in a statement that the company "will be forced to plan for more employment growth outside our home state" and that it has expanded its employee health plan to cover travel expenses for out-of-state abortions."
"A spokesperson for Cummins stated that restrictions on abortion would "impede" the company's "ability to attract and retain top talent." Each company employs about 10,000 people in the Hoosier state."
The economics of killing pro-choice are going to cause major financial problems for all Americans.

GOP Congresswoman Slams Severe Abortion Laws: ‘Handmaid’s Tale Wasn’t Supposed to Be a Roadmap’
It's not likely they need one or want one.

'Sit the hell down!': Ted Cruz slammed by former RNC head for urging violence
Ted, Ted, don't shit your pants again.

WATCH: Rick Scott Bumbles His Way Through Awkward Defense of Herschel Walker, Blake Masters After CBS’ Brennan Puts Him on the Spot
Well, let's be fair. Anyone trying to defend these miscreants is going to stumble quite a bit.

WATCH: Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters Trashes The US, Accuses Biden of ‘Fueling the Fire in Ukraine’ in Stunning Interview with CNN’s Smerconish
Is the boy still living on the dark side of the moon?
Anyone defending Russia and China for the bullshit they have laid upon our planet can kiss a Covid infected rectum.
Why ask Zelensky to negotiate when he's winning? Roger's pissed about NATO expansion? Has he ever thought about how the Russian assholes constantly threaten to use atomic weapons? Who else does that? Oh, North Korea. Oh, China as well.
“You have no role as liberators!” Probably a little more than European countries not counting Germany who we were all fighting against. Russia had the largest death count during the war. As for having "no role" as liberators, for starters, I guess he hasn't read the book or seen the series, Band of Brothers, which tells the story of the 101st Airborne's Easy Company during the liberation of Europe from D-Day and their discovery of death camps.
As far as China installing nuclear weapons in Mexico or Canada he's way on the dark side of the moon here. We are no nuclear threat to Mexico or Canada, both of them and the world know that. Europe has defenses against Russia because they have always been a nuclear threat from the end of WWII. Thus the reason for NATO. History says so.
“Taiwan is part of China!” Waters said. “That’s been absolutely accepted by the whole of the international community since 1948.
Actually, it's 1949 when China's civil war ended. Otherwise, it's mostly not recognized because everyone lives in fear of China going batshit crazy if anyone recognizes it. They have lots of nuclear weapons and are absolute totalitarian nut balls.
"Some 59 countries (as well as the European Union, Hong Kong, and Macau) have established unofficial diplomatic relations with Taiwan/RoC, including the United States, France, Germany, Japan, Russia, and the United Kingdom."
Peraps Roger could read a little more, as well.
“Who have the Chinese invaded and murdered, slaughtered?”
“Their own,” Smerconish answered. “Bollocks!” Waters responded.
Chinese invasions: Past and present
This is life on the dark side of the moon for Roger.

DA suspended by DeSantis describes 'Orwellian thought police' treatment as he was hauled out of his office
"This is Orwellian thought police, I'm being punished for not enforcing laws that are not even on the books yet."
Indeed. DeSantis is a very dangerous beast that has no filters and no empathy.
Clearly, DeSantis is violating First Amendment rights. There will be a reaction to this that he will not expect.

DC insider: Deleted Jan. 6 texts are ‘very clearly a conspiracy’
Of course. When we will do something about it is the only question.

Trump at CPAC: 108 minutes in speech filled with 'unapologetic fascism': report
Fatso farts again.

Noted Virologist Lauren Boebert Suggests Monkeypox Is Made Up By Dems To Win Midterms
I hope stupidity is painful.
"Someone needs to let her know that she is part of the government that she despises so much. Also, she needs to quit trying to make this a gay disease. The othering of groups of Americans is truly a Republican tradition." The Dems weren't the ones saying Covid was a hoax, Dumbo.
Monkeypox Virus Fact Sheet
Check it out, L-Bo.

In California, abortion could become a constitutional right. So could birth control
A measure is on the state ballot that would enshrine the right to abortion and birth control
In Scalito's rambunctious leap to outlaw abortion rights, he has created a country that is becoming more like Europe, something he never intended, I'm sure.
Abortion is legal in most European countries.

College alums demand Amy Coney Barrett be booted from hall of fame over honor code 'violations': report
"...because they believe she lied her way onto the nation's highest court." How novel.
Honor code? The fascists have no understanding of the word.

In Indiana, GOP's Cruelty Is The Point
This is all about control.
And living in a delusional world. They were always ghouls.

President Biden Touts Excellent July Job Report
Biden did what Trump had only imagined he could.
And it appears he's finally getting credit for it.

Abbott Spent Hours Fundraising After Uvalde Shooting – And Lied About It
Gov. Greg Abbott claimed he only stopped at the fundraiser to let people know he couldn’t stay but flight records show he stayed for nearly three hours.
Scumbag. Vote Beto.

Texas Governor Abbott Begs For Money To Buy Border Buses
it's sad when a sitting governor joins the MAGA grift.
And shameful.

GOP Nominee For Michigan Governor: Soft Porn Edition
Oh, sorry, soft vampire porn. Honestly, this party is 100% pure grifter.
Top notch comedy.

Alex Jones Ordered To Pay Sandy Hook Parents $45.2M
The jury slapped Alex Jones with the maximum punitive damages they could award. It'll take him a few $800,000 days to get that money together.
"This is how it's done. If we want to get rid of the parasites on polite society, the way to do that is to sue the crap out of them and make them pay for the transient chill up their spine they got when they defamed and harassed decent people who suffered a terrible loss."
Like all of them, his filthy grift ran out.

Alex Jones Ordered to Pay $45.2 Million in Punitive Damages to Sandy Hook Parents
The conspiracy theorist will have to pay nearly $50 million in total for his lies about the 2012 massacre

What happened in Kansas: Americans know that rights are not just suggestions
Right-wingers thought they had a foolproof game plan in Kansas. It fell apart, and that could change everything
“When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it—always.” — Mahatma Gandhi
This goes for Trump, as well.

'We are at war': CPAC speakers filling their speeches with 'veiled calls for violence' while downplaying Jan. 6
And they are the assholes that started it. We won't kiss your ass, Ted, it looks too much like your face.

Remember when Trump ordered an investigation of Brett Kavanaugh? Surprise! It was a total sham
Anyone that didn't know that then is a real sucker. They got so many tips on the scumbag that were ignored.

Herschel Walker says Raphael Warnock is 'afraid' to debate him
Herschel is full of bull.
Herschel Walker finally agrees to debate Raphael Warnock — but at a new, fourth debate
"Two days after the primary, Warnock committed to three general election debates."
Who's the bullshitter here, Herschel?

98 Million in US Skipped Treatment or Cut Back on Essentials to Pay for Healthcare This Year
Folks, we have to fix this problem or we'll continue losing population.

Dems Demand Review Of FRC’s New Status As “Church”
Perkins is full of it. Bust 'em. "Biblical truth" is not "truth" as Biblical history does not teach "miracles" as none is provable.

Texas Governor Gloats About Busing Migrants To NYC
NYC will then bus all their monkeypox patients to Austin in return.

Rick Scott Struggles to Get Applause at CPAC Despite Leaning in Hard on Culture War Jabs at Fauci, Socialism, and Neil Young
Another grifting victim. Ho-um.

Kari Lake and Blake Masters Bring the Trump Train to Arizona
For decades now, Arizona’s GOP has swung ever further rightward, even as the broader electorate in Arizona has become more liberal.
Trump Nazis head up Republican fascist party in old AZ.

Busted: Top Arizona Republican used government resources to campaign for Kari Lake
Always grifting, and conning are the fascists.

Outraged Uvalde Residents Rise Up Against Local Fundraiser for NRA
These people are still pissed and will stay that way.

The Secret Service Text Cover-Up Keeps Getting Bigger
"No, the trick here isn’t convincing people that a pack of Trump-tied insurrectionists scrubbed evidence of their crimes from government devices. The trick is getting people to overcome the amazing gravitational pull of “too much already!” and summon the will to act, to make Congress act, to decide that this seemingly eternal Trumpian farce be halted and broken once and for all. This far, no farther."
Have Americans lost all will to defend their democracy?

Viktor Orban’s Eugenics and the GOP
Orban is a fascist and so are the Republicans applauding his racist bullshit rehtoric.
"The bogus science of eugenics, popular at the turn of the last century but since disgraced and forgotten, has now morphed into white Christian nationalism — which, at its core, is nothing but ugly racism. Along with Trump’s big Lie, it defines today’s Republican Party."

Joe Biden's Economy Added 528,000 Jobs In July, How Awful (For Fox News)!
Employment is back at levels that are pre-pandemic.
That means full economic recovery for those that don't grasp it.

Suspended Florida prosecutor hits back at Ron DeSantis and reveals suspected motive
“This is the Governor trying to overthrow democracy here in Hillsborough County.”
Exactly. He isn't fit to be dogcatcher.

Opinion | Greenpeace warns of twin nuclear quandaries in Ukraine | Opinion
Safety conditions at Ukraine’s Russian-occupied Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant are “completely out of control,” according to the International Atomic Energy Agency.
But what about the fact that every headline seems to have the disclaimer "opinion" declared? This one has it twice! Are we now too stupid to know what used to be called "editorials" are? Do they state the word "opinion" before every reporter on Fox News delivers their bullshit?

Dick Cheney calls Trump a coward in campaign ad for Liz Cheney
"There has never been an individual who was a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump," Cheney says
When will the duel be held? We know Dick knows how to use a gun. Donald can only shoot off his mouth.

Alex Jones busted: How the Sandy Hook trial could lead to accountability for Donald Trump
Has a Trump acolyte finally hit a limit to shamelessness as a political strategy?
There seems to be no bottom for these miscreants.

Crumbley parents turned their son into a killer with 'chaotic and toxic' family life: prosecutors
"James and Jennifer Crumbley not only ignored their son's problems, according to prosecutors, but actively encouraged his violent tendencies."

Mitch McConnell 'must be having that sinking feeling again' — here's why
"You look at 10-year-old girls having to flee their states who are raped because the state is going to force them to have their rapist's baby. You look at other Republican legislators that are putting together a rapist's family's bill of rights that, if a young girl is raped and tries to end the pregnancy, the rapist's family members can sue her for $20,000, each one of them can. In Texas, they're fighting the federal government's attempt to stop moms from dying on operating tables."

Russia’s Infamous Troll Farm Is Back — and Sh*tting the Bed
Despite their fearsome reputation after meddling in the 2016 election, a Russian “online army” is floundering mightily in its attempts to whip up support for Vladimir Putin’s latest war

Josh Hawley Probably Had Very Good Reason For Golosovat' Protiv Chlenstva Shvetsii i Finlyandii v NATO
Snivelling little rat-faced git.

Listen: Abortion is considered basic health care in Mexico City. Its clinics are open to U.S. women

The Distinct Shame of Senate Republicans

DeSantis suspends Democratic state attorney, an elected official, calls him ‘Soros-backed’
A Nazi in action. Violating a duly elected person. DeSantis himself needs a sex change and become a man.
He's the one that's dangerous to America and the world.

Biden administration making plans to use public health emergency authorities to combat monkeypox
This is what real world leaders do.

Texas Congresswoman: Biden Executive Order Ensuring Out of State Travel for Women Seeking Abortions Makes Him Look like a ‘Dictator’
We know who the dictators are, Beth. Your stinking, low-down, fascist party members.

Justice Department charges 4 Louisville police officers in Breonna Taylor case
About time.

Lindell: I’ve Spent $40M Spreading My Batshittery
Sad that these digusting, rich assholes throw good money to the wind.

In Georgia, A Fetus Is Now A Tax Deduction
LMAO! Desperate people do desperate things.

How to Stop the GOP From Killing Medicare, Social Security, and Us

The Very Good People of Kansas
Kansans, like most Americans, know the difference between what should be left to personal choice and what should be public. But in its ardor to fuel the culture war, the GOP forgot.
"I want to talk about Kansas. Not about its corn as high as an elephant’s eye, nor about Dorothy and Toto trying to find their way home, but about Kansas as the geographic and Republican center of America, Kansas as the vintage Norman Rockwell core of America, Kansas as what the Republican Party was before being hijacked by Newt Gingrich and then mugged by a New York real estate con artist."

'They’re going to abuse those powers': DeSantis attacks states for declaring emergencies over monkeypox cases
Fuck this arrogant, abusive pusgut. Another hateful con artist we'll have to deal with.

The 14 habits of highly miserable people
And, yes, being a victim to all this you have the perfect Republican.

'They actually tell the wind generators to stop generating electricity': How ERCOT fumbles Texas’ energy grid
Did any of these idiots get any education at all?

Michelle Alexander: White men get rich from legal pot, black men stay in prison
We're a lot like Russia in this.

Russian Court Finds Brittney Griner Guilty on Drug Smuggling Charges
Russia displays its ancient, wrinkled, retarded asshole. May they all take slow stomach cancer. Good lord, they are a lost culture.

After Kansas smackdown, anti-abortion right in denial: Either it didn't happen or it doesn't matter
After a stunning defeat in the Sunflower State, abortion foes make up excuses: Maybe they didn't go far enough!
The fascists think they should have been more punative in their already ancient thinking. What a shitload of pricks!

Ukrainian Pensioner Takes Out Entire Russian Military Column By Himself
"That's what happened near my [f***ing house]. I [f***ing] gave them what for!" said 72-year-old Valentyn Didkovskiy.
This should serve as a reminder to the Nazis in the U.S. There are plenty of us just like him waiting for your shit show.

Arizona GOP Nominee For US Senate: Privatize Social Security
We've got it on video. Blake Masters is willing to "think outside the box" instead of protecting the retirements of US senior citizens.
Another grifting scumbag. When will we purge them from our system? It's high time.
"It's time to ask your boomer friends and relatives if they really think the party that is willing and able to take bodily autonomy away from over half the US population won't touch their retirement to make Wall Street richer.
The swine.

'Self-serving, multimillionaire' Ron Johnson targets Medicare and Social Security
Dump this asshat.

Dark Money Flowing Into Secretary Of State Races Nationwide
"Prom­in­ent elec­tion deniers have attrac­ted large dona­tions—often the legal maximum—from donors who are active in multiple states," warns a new report.
We must face the fascist threat and defeat every one of them.

Trump dropped 'neutron bomb' on Wisconsin primary in grudge match against top Republican: Charlie Sykes
The filth that is Trump.

Phil Mickelson, 10 Others File Lawsuit Against PSA Tour For Suspending Them Over LIV Golf Participation
This means the pro golfers run the PGA? If this is not thrown out of court then there will be a new precedent set for any athletic organization creating any rules at all. Thanks, dicks with blood dripping off you.

They said Dobbs didn't matter ... they were wrong

Biden signs executive order aimed at safeguarding abortion rights
Here's what's in Biden's executive order on abortion rights

Conservative Courts and the Filibuster Are Blocking Heat Protections for Farmworkers
Why do they hate us? Vote them out, America!

Under Biden, U.S. uninsured rate improves to an all-time low

DeSantis says he's willing to 'take away lunch money from poor kids' for anti-transgender crusade
The latest on the scumbag in Florida.

'Your attorneys messed up': Sandy Hook families' lawyer confronts Alex Jones with evidence he lied under oath
Big Al? Lied under oath? Purjury could mean a prison term.

DOJ likely to shake loose 'damning evidence' against Trump that Pat Cipollone shielded from Jan. 6 committee

Kansas abortion vote rocks US midterms outlook

Conservative gets shut down on The View as Joy Behar says by banning abortion 'you are judging' women
Shut them all down.

How the Supreme Court Made It Harder to Prevent Jail Suicides
Why are these assholes so mean?

Kansas Voters Were the First to See the Brutal Reality of Abortion Bans—and Rebuke It
The vote shatters many of the anti-abortion movement's deepest delusions.
And brother, do they have DEEP delusions!

Kansans to Alito: F*ck You.
Americans, it appears, don’t like their rights taken away.

Texas program that gives out lifesaving drugs to combat opioid overdoses has been out of money for months

A mother watches helplessly as her teenage boy deteriorates in a Texas youth prison
"The state of Texas has essentially controlled her son’s life since he was 11. The Texas Juvenile Justice Department was supposed to keep him safe and help him get better. It has failed at every turn."
Vote Beto.

Kansas Voters Just Told Anti-Abortion Republicans To Eat Bag Of Dicks, AND HOW!
"Everybody is talking about how America fucking despises the Dobbs ruling overturning Roe v. Wade, coming as it does from an entirely illegitimate Court full of partisan hacks."
May they rot quickly.

Kansas had a choice: vote to help women or hurt them. It chose well.
Democracy shouldn't be a weapon to harm the rights of minorities. Kansas voters understood that.
Nice going, Kansas.

Insurrectionist GOP candidate refuses to concede Michigan primary loss — despite finishing distant fourth
The insanity that has infected America: Claiming victory when losing badly in addition to being indicted for insurrection. How did we get here? The traitor TRUMP!

DOD And Army Phones Also Wiped Of Jan. 6 Texts
Key Pentagon officials from the Defense Department and the Army are the latest Trump officials whose Jan. 6 text messages have disappeared.
Trump is now a bigger crook than we ever thought.

CNN anchor stunned: Trump's impeachment defense lawyer has a plan to stop him
"And that is the standard under Article 3 of the 14th Amendment which Congress has at its disposal," Cobb noted.
"And I don't for the life of me," he continued, "understand why instead of telling the Justice Department what to do, that they aren't acting on that alone, because if they have a sense of the Congress, the penalty of finding Trump guilty of giving aid and comfort to an insurrectionist, is disqualification from office — forever."
Get rid of him — forever.

What the polio case in New York tells us about the end of polio
In rare cases, the weakened live poliovirus in the vaccine can mutate, regain virulence, and cause polio
Salk, Sabin, two different vaccines. Most everyone got both back in the 1950s and 1960s.

J6's Zoe Lofgren reveals she did not know about Pentagon scrubbing texts until today
Senate Republicans cave, pass veterans' health bill they blocked last week
Still scumbags. It just won't wipe off, you asshats. Wha hoppen? You were so elated about it the other day.

Trump no looks like he's the biggest criminal in history.

Exclusive: Marine Corps veteran founder of neo-Nazi terror cell in talks with government about plea deal
The war against the Nazis might be won by real America.

Children of Capitol rioter with longest Jan. 6 sentence say Trump deserves worse: "Life in prison"
"Trump deserves life in prison if my father is in prison for this long"
Launch him in a spaceship with Bolsonaro. Let them ride eternally with plenty of Adderall.

First on CNN: Jan. 6 text messages wiped from phones of key Trump Pentagon officials
Kick every Trump traitor to the gutter.

Both GOP Candidates Named Eric Thank Trump After He Endorses 'Eric'
What fresh hell is this?
Another Trump hell.

$50K Or $50 Million? Fetterman Smacks Oz For Not Knowing Difference
Imagine my shock and surprise.
I can just imagine.

Carlson Scrambles To Bash Biden After Al-Zawahiri Op
The man who was partying with the Saudi family that murdered Jamal Khashoggi is instantly mad that Al Queda is being held accountable.
What can one expect here? He's as big a scumbag as his sire.

'My son existed': Sandy Hook parent tears into Alex Jones at trial
Do you think Jones gives a damn? Fat chance.
It's so astonishing when you think that there is someone out there that actually listened to this idiot.

Arizona Republicans were warned that creating a group of fake electors could look 'treasonous'
We are in a period in history where people don't take to warnings.
Regret seems to be in style as well.

That $8 Billion Kansas Abortionplex From The Onion, But Instead It's A Fake Texas Clinic For Jesus
"Do you know what "crisis pregnancy centers" are? More accurately called "fake clinics," they're religious flea market stands that set up, usually in close proximity to abortion clinics, for the sole purposes of tricking patients into going to the wrong clinic so they can lie to patients and/or scare them and/or otherwise convince them not to get abortions."

Trump faces high-stakes testimony in lawsuit — and 'even a single misstep could be costly': NYT

A Right-Wing Think Tank Claimed to Be a Church. Now, Members of Congress Want to Investigate
The resurrection Church of the Turd Reich?

Pennsylvania's mail-in voting law is upheld by the state's Supreme Court
Yes. Citizens have only been doing this for decades.

NBC Reporter Throws Down With Kari Lake in Heated Clash on Stolen Election: ‘You Know About A Crime And Yet You’re Not Reporting it?
No mystery here. This is Nazi fascism at work. Simply read and see who Kari Lake is. Lock her up on the obvious charge.

Republicans are now targeting out-of-state abortion care, and the Supreme Court will back them
Madness reigns across the land.

Georgia To Allow Claiming Embryos As Tax Dependents
More madness reigns across the land.

Welcome to the New Era of Rightwing Judicial Supremacy
The U.S. Supreme Court has entered a legal fantasy world: advancing a regressive political agenda free from democratic accountability.
That's right. But most Americans are focused on their favorite TV show than their civil rights.

Three Tons of Fascism: Angry White Guys in Big-Ass Pickups
White nationalism feeds on gas, gunpowder, oil, and testosterone.
And personal insecurity as well.

NY county with polio has pitiful 60% vaccination rate; 1,000s may be infected
Amazing that people disregard vaccines. Suspicious they have not had a smallpox vax either.
Americans used to have them on record before they started school.

Economist Paul Krugman explains why Democrats’ climate bill could be a 'major step toward saving the planet'
It will help, certainly. It will help humanity stay alive on the planet. The planet can survive without us.

'He adamantly wanted to go to the Capitol': Motorcade officer confirms Trump’s 'heated' Secret Service scuffle
Fatso wanted to fight? That would have been fun to watching him get coldcocked.

Republicans largely ignore Biden killing of top terrorist — as some even use it to attack the president
"Americans paying attention only to Fox News or Republicans on Capitol Hill would have a very different understanding of this critical moment in history."
They "got a short little span of attention" to quote Paul Simon.
The party of the Talibastards would be expected to do that.

Jan. 6 attacker gets over 7 years behind bars after pleading with judge and calling himself an 'idiot'
He finally got that right.

Trump never wanted to take out top al-Qaeda target al-Zawahiri because he didn't recognize his name: report
"...former President Donald Trump had an opportunity to do the same, but refused because he didn't recognize al-Zawahiri's name.

Trump's N.J. golf resort hosts Saudi-sponsored event — 9/11 families outraged
Saudi-funded LIV Golf tour comes to Trump's Bedminster club as he claims, "Nobody has gotten to the bottom of 9/11"
Fatso is failing at being relevant so he's grasping at straws in the wind.

LOL Charlie Kirk Is Out To Find The 'Real Nazis'
Charlie Kirk’s Turning Point USA (TPUSA) outfit has a white nationalist problem. Kirk’s solution to the problem: Pretend to be a Nazi hunter!
All he has to do is look in the mirror.

Red State Panels To Decide When Women Are Close Enough To Death To Justify Abortion
Found the death panels!
Playing doctor are we?

A far-right 'Stop the Steal' Republican may become Arizona’s next secretary of state
Arizona has been full of fascists for some time. How do people become so deluded?

Unions Can Do Plenty to Help Defend Abortion Access

Legal experts mock report Trump attorneys now preparing criminal defense
If there's a legal defense prep for Fatso he must know the scam of running for president won't make him immune.

Lauren Boebert: Venezuela dog eating 'started because they do not have firearms'
Watch yourself, Lauren. You may be putting yourself in harm's way.

Saudi Golf Event Flops: $1 Tickets, Meager Crowds
Your scam failed, Fatso.

Graham Hires Trump Lawyer To Fight GA Subpoena
Lindsey, has your grifting finally caught up with you?

Axios Co-Founder Mike Allen Crows About Biden’s ‘Winning Streak’ on MSNBC, Compares His Comeback to Reagan

Republicans Say Biden’s Plan Taxes the Middle Class. That’s False. Biden’s plan fulfills his campaign promise.

Trump Attacks Proposed Prisoner Swap For Brittney Griner: She Went To Russia “Loaded Up With Drugs
Says the creature who snorts Adderall.

Why America needs a new kind of atheism right now
An energetic atheism can tackle the twin crises of creeping theocracy and the death of conventional religion.
The death of religion can't happen too soon. It has killed many of us and must be stopped.

Gab CEO: Christians Will “Take Dominion” Over You
And beg for money because Jesus needs all you have.
American Taliban. Swine of the universe.

Wisconsin Pastor Busted In Underage Hooker Sting
Another one bites the dust and the fascists are concerned about LGBT. Pitiful.
As a commenter suggests, "a total and complete shutdown of Christianity until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on."

John Oliver Looks At Shocking Deficiencies In Mental Health Care
"more than half the people who need mental health care do not receive it, with that rate being even higher for minority populations."

'Prisons are filled with maladroit miscreants': Legal experts slam ex-prosecutor’s 'weird defense' of Trump
Trump has no defense and he should stop trying.

Historian Linda Hirshman: We need a "revived feminist movement" ready to fight "white innocence"
Bestselling author on the history lesson post-Roe feminism is about to learn: "White women are going to die"
If they think the killing of Roe is going to increase the white population they are sadly mistaken.

Marge Is Pushing For Kids To Carry JR-15s To School. No, Really
Girl, sit down.
This woman is either one of the brain dead or she is dysfunctionally wired to get attention.
Mental illness appears to be prevalent in our country.

Conservative explains how 'forced birth' laws will kill American women
Citizens are going to break all Nazi fake laws.

'This is how Republicans are planning to steal elections': GOP officials refuse to certify primaries
Fascist party will meet with something they are not prepared for.

19 states have joined a new right-wing effort to remake the Constitution with their fringe ideas
They tried this sort of garbage once before. It did not turn out well for the traitors. It will end much worse this time.

'Not getting involved': Joe Manchin thumbs nose at supporting Biden or Dems in 2022 and 2024
Spoken as a true fascist.

'The road down authoritarianism': What Ken Burns’ Holocaust documentary can teach Americans in 2022
Let's hope so. We're running out of time to save it.

Sting Warns During Warsaw Concert Of Threats To Democracy
The singer denounced the war in Ukraine as “an absurdity based upon a lie.”

Elie Mystal Says GOP Likes Herschel Walker Because He Does What He’s Told: ‘That’s What Republicans Want From Their Negroes’
Indeed. That's the Land of the Happy Negro philosophy.

Republicans' next big play is to 'scare the hell out of Washington' by rewriting the Constitution. And they're willing to play the long game to win.
Nazi takeover plan. I'm sure America wants this to happen?
Over many dead bodies.

Latest 'Third Way' Grift Completely Silent On Republican Extremism
Andrew Yang and his ex-Republican allies David Jolly and Christine Todd Whitman seem to have a bit of trouble looking at the actual cause of the dysfunction with our government these days. Call us when you want to call out the extremism on the right.
They are all failed politicians anyway so why not call them the Wannabe Party?

Tickets for Trump's Saudi-backed golf tournament were selling for $1 as crowds stayed away: WSJ
All the assholes involved deserve it.

Republicans won't be able to escape the 'stench' of Trump in the midterm election
When things go rotten they smell.

Pharma Groups Hope To Scare Americans Into Letting Them Make Fools Of Us Forever
"The ad was centered on the ridiculous claim that negotiating drug prices would strip $300 billion from Medicaid — when in fact it would save Medicaid almost $300 billion, because of how much we are overpaying for drugs."
"These dark money groups and these Republicans want us to continue to be suckers forever, want pharmaceutical companies to continue screwing us forever and passing the savings on to people in other countries."
And don't forget Martin Shkreli is back. Can't wait to see how his new con will fuck over people — again.

Christofascist Matt Walsh Knows Who Has Orgies, Okay?
"At some point Matt Walsh is going to have to accept that he does not get to live in a world where he gets to tell everyone what to do with their genitalia. It's going to be tough for him, but given how very holy he is, surely Jesus can help him through this one."

Texas accused of skirting federal environmental law to push for Austin’s Interstate 35 expansion
Texas? Skirting federal law? Pretty routine stuff in these parts, pardner.
Don't Texas mess with?

The Reagan Revolution Changed America's Values to "Greed Is Good" - Can We Take Them Back?
The GOP has become a rotting corpse, politically, infested with maggots & defended by wealthy vultures. It has only one true principle, greed, & is determined to reinvent America in greed’s image

People Are Dying in the Global South Because of Anti-Abortion Limits on US Aid
Alito and his co-horts are responsible. Bring them to justice.

Abortion Opponents Are in Denial About Real-Life Post-Roe Horror Stories
Yes, they are all wet. Sad for us they still live in the distant past.

Dead-Eyed and Cold-Blooded Killers
"Apparently, it's just too much of a stretch to connect guns with death by guns."
Gun orgasms must be serviced.

After “Dobbs,” Republicans Offer Few Ideas for Increasing Support for Children and Families
Did you think they cared? I am sorry.

Sex Offender CA Pastor Arrested On Child Sex Charges
Another would-be 12-year-old impregnator goes down.

Brave 12-Year-Old Eviscerates Lawmakers for Outlawing Abortion
"Am I, a child, supposed to birth and carry another child?"
Some scumbags think so. So she is right in speaking to it.

West Virginia punishes financial institutes for alleged commitment to fighting climate change
Then boycott the entire state West Virginia. Nothing there to see or look at. Don't even fill your tank up there. Pass through and don't stop for anything.

Ukraine update: Atrocity
"The Russian invasion of Ukraine was both illegal and unprovoked. Every life lost in this conflict, both Ukrainian and Russian, is a murder that belongs to Russia alone, and specifically to dictator Vladimir Putin, who personally made the decision to begin this needless slaughter."

Republican strategists are frustrated that gas prices are falling so quickly
They love to see Americans get screwed any which way they can.

Gaetz Recorded Telling Stone He'll Get A Pardon From 'Big Guy'
Lots there, go read the whole disgusting thing.

After House Passes Assault Weapons Ban, Advocates Say Senate Opponents Must Be Forced to Vote
Expose the co-conspirators in murder for what they are to the public.

I’m not even sure how you get to this question’: White House Press Secretary Jean-Pierre pushes back against Doocy
This poor little boy really doesn't understand plain English. Is he just there to be a pain in the ass moron? Bless his little pointed head.

Following Trump's lead, GOP pushes bill to make federal workers fireable 'at will'
I think that should go for these numbskulls instead. They really hate America.

'American Taliban': Republican rebukes Marjorie Taylor Greene's support of Christian nationalism
Land of the Happy Negro nailed them long ago. We should all oppose the American Taliban.

Jon Stewart Shreds ‘Motherf***er’ Ted Cruz Over Vets Bill
Sen. Ted Cruz’s cowardly, dishonest excuses for blocking the veterans’ health care bill he had recently voted for were ripped apart as only Jon Stewart can. That's Cruz, alright.

Not Just Veterans, GOP Decides To Stomp On Same Sex Marriage, Too
Republicans add gay marriage to cancer-stricken veterans on their list of hostages taken because of the Manchin bill. The scum of the earth. They prove that's what the are over-and-over again.

GOP officials refuse to certify primaries: “This is how Republicans are planning to steal elections”
Election officials in three states refuse to sign off on primary results in a preview of likely November chaos
Tha Nazi suckers are already at work stealing elections. Traitor Trump will be so proud of his con on America.

The backlash to Christianity: Republicans are now panicked — but they only have themselves to blame
It's not lack of school prayer causing people to abandon faith, it's that Christianity has become a toxic religion
Christo-fascism to be precise.
"In response to Americans losing interest in faith, Republicans are in a full-blown panic, lashing out and accusing everyone else — liberals, schools, immigrants, pop culture, you name it — for this shift in religious sentiment. Worse, more are advocating the use of force to counter this decline. If people don't want religion, well, too bad. More Republicans are arguing that Christianity should not be optional — First Amendment be damned."
They are fighting a losing battle. They have created a "no future" culture with their bullshit "victim" agenda. They will never blame themselves for this.

Why is Critical Race Theory so threatening to white people?
Answer: because they have no idea what it is. They only know what the racists have told them.
Kimberlé Crenshaw: "Well, the right isn’t really having a debate about Critical Race Theory. This is about the right weaponizing Critical Race Theory to attack any anti-discrimination practices and more broadly to attack multiracial democracy itself. So we have to understand it in those terms."
Clearly illustrating fascist thinking, or in this case, sick and twisted knee-jerking.

Gas Prices Are Plummeting Across the Country
If Biden was blamed for high prices he must be praised for lowering them.

Indiana AG's Probe Of Doctor Who Gave 10-Year-Old Abortion 'Riddled With Inaccuracies'
Dr. Caitlin Bernard's lawyer said Attorney General Todd Rokita's investigation relied on consumer complaints from people with "no first-hand knowledge."
Turdrakers expose their vindictiveness.

Republicans add marriage to veterans on their list of hostages after Manchin deal announced
Spiteful Talibastards.

Of Course Samuel Alito Is Bragging About It
"Alito has long telegraphed a deep condescension for lesser morals."
What goes around comes around, Scalito.

'That doesn’t seem like law': Supreme Court justices going public with grievances after contentious session
It doesn't seem like law because it isn't. It's arrogant fascist white male hatred.

If Donald Trump were Black, he'd be in jail already
If you're Black in America, it's almost too easy to go to jail. Trump's whiteness protects him
Are you kidding? He would be in his grave as many Black men and women systemically murdered by "law enforcement" are.

These non-MAGA conservatives believe their third party can help prevent 'the demise of our democracy'
They will do nothing but aid and abet our demise, as usual. Who doesn't love liberty. Individual? Let them read Crowds and Power by Elias Canetti.

GOP Rep Goes Off At Gun Hearing, Rambles About Spoons And Forks
Rep. Jody Hice (R-GA) said on Wednesday that Democrats will soon be blaming forks and spoons for obesity because they have linked mass shootings to the availability of assault-style rifles.
No. You're to blame. You and your arrogance. You and your mindlessness. You and your lust for money and power and your what's in it for me attitude.

Jon Stewart To Republicans: 'If This Is America First,Then America Is F**ked'
Comedian Jon Stewart blasted Republican senators for changing course and refusing to pass a much needed military health care plan.
Go after the motherfuckers and give them the hell they all deserve.

Doug Mastriano condemned for ties to an anti-Semitic website that hosted synagogue shooter
Specifically, Mastriano has a close relationship with Andrew Torba, the CEO of Gab — a site that has become infamous as a haven for white supremacist and anti-Semitic extremism.
A perfect Talibastard.
Gab: "The site's lax approach to content management has made it a haven for QAnon conspiracy theories, misinformation and antisemitic commentary."
Just what America needs. Another pile of shit.

Josh Hawley To Publish Book On “Masculine Virtues
Top notch comedy! Man, they just can't stop laughing at these fools.

RNC To Cut Off Paying Trump’s Legal Bills If He Runs
They finally know he's a deadbeat.

Thomas Suddenly Unavailable To Teach At Law School
Soon he may be unavilable to be on SCOTUS. Wouldn't that be nice?

Petition Demanding Clarence Thomas Impeachment Reaches 1.2 Million
Let us know when it gets to 300 million.

Trump's Threat To 'Sue CNN't Stop Making Gaetz Pay For Abortions Across The U.S.' Met With Laughter
Fatso, everyone's laughing at your sorry ass. ROTFLMAO!

Robert Reich debunks inflation myths

Louie Gohmert goes ballistic at House Democrat who fact-checked GOP talking points
WTF? Fact checked? Who in hell does that? Never heard of any such of a damned thing!

A Texas teen raises over $700,000 for abortions after Rep. Matt Gaetz mocked her
Keep up your silly shit, Matt.

Chuck Schumer says his chamber will vote again on a bill to expand health benefits for veterans exposed to toxic burn pits next week.
Jon Stewart and Democrats slammed Republicans for delays in its passage.
Support our troops do ya, fascist bastards?

Manchin and Schumer’s Astonishing Climate Deal
If passed, the energy provisions of the senators’ new bill would represent the most significant climate action in a generation.
If the Nazis pass it, they would be admitting defeat. They can't do that. They would rather we all die first.

Do American ‘National Conservatives’ Condone Orbán’s White Nationalism?
The Hungarian prime minister’s unqualified praise for a racist screed and criticisms of “race-mixing” amount to a mask-off moment.
That would presume they know who you are talking about.

They Don’t Know Us. But They Hate Us
Victorious abortion foes, most of them male, don’t know how women’s bodies work. And they don’t much care. And therefore some women will die.
The misogynist misfits will be happy with that idea.

Welcome To the Anthropocene - The Age Of Human Die-offs
We are stumbling — seemingly oblivious — into the bared teeth of the Anthropocene, a new geological epoch driven by humanity itself. We are walking straight into it and pretending it’s not here
Well, first off, that there is a pretty big word for some of us 'Mericans. So, if you don't mind, most of them will ignore it and go on destroying it as they march into hell.

Trump: A Noun, A Verb, And A Giant F*ck You To 9/11 Victims' Families
Fatso at work at home unlike Joe Biden.

Joe Biden In Pocket Of BIG SUN! (Seriously, Come Get A Nice Time)
Solar power to the people!

John Roberts Begged Brett Kavanaugh Not To Hurt America, But He Did It Anyway
He showed those women who called him a rapist, I guess.

MAGA Tells Americans To Ditch The Constitution For The Bible
Hasn't the world suffered enough religious crusades for all eternity?
Which Bible? The popular Christian version or the texts that were edited out of the final draft by morons like you?
The main point is that these are self-admitted deluded American's version of the Taliban as I have said for a long time now.
100% Talibastards who can kiss my ass.

Legal expert breaks down 'bombshell' report: 'Trump is the subject of a criminal investigation'
Fatso is getting the third degree. Hammer him.

Trump sends cease and desist demanding CNN delete 'Big Lie' and 'lying' from stories about the former president
Fatso, you're no longer a dictator. Stuff it where the sun don't shine.

Republican's top ally says Jews aren't welcome in conservative movement: 'This is an explicitly Christian country'
Another Trump Nazi shows his misinformed ass.
Fuck this dip and the swayback nag he rode in on.

Trump speech outlines plans for future America: Mass executions, internment camps, and martial law
America will die shooting it out with you and your storm troopers first.

Pro-Trump Lawyer Lin Wood Now Posts Videos of Himself Shooting Rivals
After his star turn in MAGAland, an exiled Lin Wood now spends his time reposting clips on social media that show him fatally shooting or holding at gunpoint his political rivals.
When will the insane Trump tribe be institutionalized?

Fox News Idiot So Glad Jan. 6 Hearings Making Trump Look So Good
Stop dropping so much LSD, Greg.

The Corporate Narrative on Inflation Is Bogus
Progressive economists understand there is a more accurate narrative on higher prices and it's time for us to tell it.

Trump Loses It Over News Of DOJ's Criminal Investigation Into Ex-President
He hasn't had a stroke or heart attack but is changing underwear often.
Bloaty McBatshit is very upset this morning.

Biden tests negative for COVID
Fine in 6 days. Surely, this can't mean vaccines work?

Texas woman opens fire at car with 2-year-old during road rage incident
Someday Texas will find the 20th Century. Right, I know. It's already the 21st.

Where the Right-Wing Attacks Against Education Finally Went Too Far—for Republicans
Tennessee has found the line it won’t cross.

Will American Democracy Vanish If We Don't Drain the Swamp?
No republic in history has ever survived as a functioning democracy more than a few generations once political bribery is legalized or becomes widespread

Trump Is the GOP and the GOP Is Trump — Both Must Be Vanquished

Here are the Dumbest Moments of Turning Point USA’s Confab in Florida
At the far-right group’s youth conference, Trump and his cronies didn’t hold back.
Nazi dystopia. Visions of the coming hell. Earth to Matt Gaetz, no woman wants a turd impregnating her either.

Texas Republican politics 'is a Russian-style oligarchy, pure and simple'
"Texas is increasingly a horror show"
In every way.

Doomsday? Nearly half of "strong Republicans" believe it's almost time for armed violence
New survey of "extreme polarization and alienation" is dark but not surprising: Americans really hate each other
America hates cancer, too.

National Press Club Blasts Trump For Hosting LIV Golf Tournament
Donald Trump is boasting about giving the Saudis “billions of dollars” in publicity by hosting the Saudi-backed LIV golf tournament at his New Jersey golf course.
Grifting with grifters, as usual.

DOJ directly probing Trump's actions in plot to overturn 2020 election in criminal investigation: report

Honest Government Ad: The Supreme Court
"The US Supreme Court has made an ad and it’s surprisingly honest and informative," says the blurb on The Juice Media's satirical video.
"Failing that, you'll have to find a way to show us that you're not going to stand for six unelected pieces of shit ratfucking your democracy anymore."
I couldn't have said it better myself!

Small-Dollar Dem Donors Are Far Outraising Republicans
Yet the media keeps telling us the Republicans are going to win in the mid-terms.
That would be the American people and not the MAGAt Nazis.

Shooter In Dallas Airport Forces People To Duck For Cover
This is insanity.
How does everyone like living in a shooting gallery?

Foreign policy expert details the reflexive 'journalistic curse' that’s 'undermining' U.S. democracy
Any down and out can get a journalism degree these days.

Supreme Court's conservatives scrambled to release abortion decision over fears of losing Kavanaugh: report
Scumbags of SCOTUS.

Exclusive: Neo-Nazi Marine Plotted Mass Murder, Rape Campaigns with Group, Feds Say
While tasked with protecting the nation, Matthew Belanger was plotting a killing spree against minorities and to rape “white women to increase the production of white children,” according to federal prosecutors
It seems to be this is the way these self-righteous Nazis are. Dumb as a box of styrofoam.

Putin’s Pals Admit New Plan to Tamper with U.S. Elections: We’ll Set the World on Fire
Moscow is convinced that Trump would have allowed Russia to take Ukraine without a fight and they are desperate to help him back into power.
Once again they will rig it for Trump like the did before. There's proof. Oh, yes, there is.

Wobbling Towards Our Own Extinction
Let's see how much the money changers can make without a planet.

'Be Offended': Gaetz Stands By Comments About Abortion Rights Protesters
"Why is it that the women with the least likelihood of getting pregnant are the ones most worried about having abortions?" Gaetz said. "Nobody wants to impregnate you if you look like a thumb." If this entitled POS lives long enough he will see what a fool he has been.

'Disturbed': Why some voters are finding a key part of Florida’s primary ballot 'confusing'
Apparently, one may run for every office simultaneously. And it's not "begging" the question, it's "raising" the question.
When will we learn how this phrase is properly used in English? Answer: Never. We are not men. We are Devo.
Begging the question

'Disgusting' JD Vance buried by former lawmaker over his domestic violence comments
"Domestic violence has not skyrocketed. Secondly, the idea of women having more power in this country has somehow made children worse, that the economic changes that have allowed women to escape violent marriages and protect their children."
"I am someone who has watched children die because of domestic violence," she continued. "The women did not have the ability to escape violence. This notion that he thinks he belongs in the United State Senate today, when he says that somehow women who are in a violent relationship for the sake of their children should stick it out is disgusting." — Claire McCaskill
America has allowed the disgusting, misinformed, miscreants to be permitted to take our society and crap on it. Why do we allow this disaster, even welcome it? We have become a lost country, indeed.

Marco Rubio recorded an ‘emergency video’ after Pete Buttigieg responded to his anti-LGBTQ attack. It didn’t go well.
Rubio is the "stupid waste of time."

Adam Kinzinger face palms after CNN plays footage of Trump supporters blaming Antifa for Capitol riots
A perfect illustration of America's disasterous devolvement.
These who don't have a clue about who controls anything in this country. They are too fucking stupid to comprehend truth kicking them in the teeth. Look at all the Republicans that have testified, you morons.

Extremist Supreme Court majority succeeds in unifying most Americans against it in one term
In case the Supreme Court's right-wing majority was sitting around wondering whether it has jolted awake a sleeping giant, a new AP-NORC poll released Monday should put that quandary to rest.

Liz Cheney slams Tom Cotton's attack on J6 hearings: Try 'actually watching them'
Ya mean he's even too stupid to watch TV?

A gunman killed 2 people during a shooting rampage in a suburb of Vancouver, Canada
Does anyone realize shootings are nearly an everyday occurance now? We are living in a madhouse.

Former Pence Chief of Staff Predicts Matt Gaetz Will Go to Prison for Child Sex Trafficking: Surprised He’s Allowed to ‘Speak to Teenage Conferences’
Keep running your mouth, dumbass.

'Go back to your country': Immigrants allege physical and racist abuse at Florida detention facility
It's getting ugly. The fools don't even have a clue what's going to happen.

The Anthropocene apocalypse is upon us
It is not as if we were not warned. It is not as if we lacked scientific evidence. It is not as if we could not see the steady ecological degeneration and species extinction. And yet, we did not act. The result will be mass death with victims dwarfing the murderous rampages of fascism, Stalinism and Mao Zedong’s China combined.

The Supreme Court case that could solidify its 'retrograde and anti-democracy ideology'
This one could end it all for the future of our USA. They could kill us with it.

The mob did what Donald Trump wanted
"Trump refused to quell the mob because the mob was doing exactly what he wanted them to do. The mob was his instrument to overturn the election."

Where On Earth Is the GOP on Climate Policy?
Lost? MIA? AWOL?

Former Mueller prosecutor highlights a piece of Trump's Jan. 7 speech that might expose a White House cover-up
"The statement is a lie. Trump never deployed the National Guard or law enforcement."

What’s the Downside for Humoring Him . . . Until He Dies?
Well, maybe he'll kill us all first?

January 6 Committee Has Provided Sufficient Evidence for Garland to Indict Trump
Then get it done.

Ocasio-Cortez Gathers Support for Bill to Overrule Supreme Court’s EPA Decision

'I humbly beg forgiveness': Pope Francis apologizes to Canada's Indigenous community
The cult does the right thing for a change.

Break Up the Secret Service and Send Its People to Jail for the Jan. 6 Cover-Up
American law is being raped by crooks and liars from stem to stern.

'Seditious pursuit of power': Robert Reich warns 'dangerous charlatan' Trump’s 'attempted coup continues'
And he will be until he's locked up.

Malcolm Nance on the Trump insurgency: Jan. 6 was a "template to do it correctly next time"
Bestselling author and former intelligence officer: "We were within hours of a full-scale coup d'état" on Jan. 6
Sure. It's an interesting thing to look at: Our response to white men carrying weapons of war and our Black men carrying weapons period:
The NRA Supported Gun Control When the Black Panthers Had the Weapons
Back in the 1960s, even the NRA supported gun control to disarm the group.
When Black Panthers Carried Guns, Conservatives Supported Gun Control
The debate around guns has not always been the partisan stalemate it is today. But it has, like so many other political issues in the US, always been partly about race.
When the Black Panthers Lobbied For ‘Open Carry’ Laws
In 1967, Two Dozen Black Radical Activists Entered California's State Capitol With Unloaded Shotguns
White hypocrisy much, Nazis?

Coachella’s Parent Company Is Donating Major Cash to a Political Organization Pushing Anti-Abortion Agenda
The Anschutz Corporation — which owns concert giant AEG Live and its subsidiary Goldenvoice — gave $75,000 to the Republican Attorneys General Association days after Roe v. Wade was overturned
"Eilish, who performed at Glastonbury in the U.K. the day the decision was announced, told the crowd, “Today is a really, really dark day for women in the US.” And Megan Thee Stallion also used her Glastonbury platform to proclaim, “And I want to have it on the motherfucking record that the hot boys and the hot girls do not support this bullshit that y’all campaign for. My body is my motherfucking choice.”
Motherfuckers, indeed.

'He's not qualified to be governor': Hogan rips GOP nominee to succeed him
It appears we have lost the ability to understand the meaning of the word "qualified"--among others.

“We failed”: Gay Republicans who fought for acceptance in Texas GOP see little progress
As the saying goes: "If you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas."

Michigan GOP Governor Candidate Thinks Pregnant Children Should Be Forced To Carry the Fetus to Term
Then he should be forced to have his tubes tied. Where do these talking turds come from?

A Court Without Precedent
Just a few years ago, a clear majority of Americans trusted the Supreme Court. Now, a month after Roe v. Wade was overturned, poll after poll shows that a clear majority of Americans do not.

Adam Kinzinger: Jan. 6 hearings moved 'hardcore' Trump supporters who 'now just can't stand him'
Hope for humanity?

Cheney: Jan. 6 panel prepared to consider subpoena for Ginni Thomas
Get her old man, too. He's a co-conspirator.

Liz Cheney nails Fox News host after he tries to ‘blame the Capitol Police’ for Jan. 6

Monkeypox is a public health emergency. Here's what you need to know about the virus

What Happens If the World Gets Too Hot for Animals to Survive?
Reminder: Humans are also animals. Some of the worst.

Liz Cheney Name-Drops Rupert Murdoch After Fox’s Baier Asks About Critics Slamming Jan. 6 ‘Show Trial’: Even Murdoch’s NY Post Says Trump is ‘Unfit’
“Look, it’s not just me that is saying that Donald Trump is unfit for office. It’s other entities owned by Rupert Murdoch. It’s the New York Post, in their editorial on Friday. It’s the Wall Street Journal — said the same thing after our hearing on Thursday night. So I’m going to continue to be guided by making sure I do my duty, and making sure that the American people understand the truth.”
In case you've been living in a total fnatasy, Rupert Murdoch also owns Fox News.

Nazis Wave Swastikas At FL Turning Point USA Event
As they always do, Trump cultists are busy on social media claiming that the Nazis were planted by the FBI to make them look bad.
We fought a world war to put a stop scum like this. Why do we allow Nazi garbage on our streets? Have we forgotten what they are?

Nazi Leader Arrested At Boston Drag Event Protest
Witness video of the self-proclaimed Neo-Nazis shows the group of white men wearing hats standing behind a banner that said, “Pedo Scum Off Our Streets.”
Good. They are protesting themselves.

Alex Jones' Sandy Hook Defamation Trial Is Set To Begin. Here's How It Got To This Point.
For years, Jones and Infowars have falsely claimed the Sandy Hook shooting was fake. Jones will now face the consequences of those lies

Gaetz: Ugly Women Who Support Abortion Rights Aren't Likely To Get Pregnant Anyway
And ugly chickenshit punks get the shit kicked out of them sooner or later.

'Barbaric': Michigan gubernatorial hopeful demonstrates how state GOP has become 'microcosm' of MAGA 'insanity'
"There's no top Republicans right now that aren't touched by criminal investigations," said Timmer. "It's unheard of."
Yep. Crime Incorporated Nazi Party.

'Authoritarianism 101': Government watchdogs ring alarm bell over Trump plot to purge civil servants Ii reelected
This is sheer horror show stuff.

The Nazification of American Education
Photo is of the biggest Nazi in America.
"...the violence of organized forgetting." This is where we are as ignornace reigns and Americans slowly forget.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene wants U.S. to 'embrace' Christian nationalism, but she's hardly alone
"So to call yourself a “Christian nationalist” is to essentially out yourself as un-American and pig ignorant."
Unforunately for us there exists a large number of the pig ignorant to deal with.

Where Does It End?': Trump Throws Massive Pity Party For Himself
This is embarrassing.
Whiny bitch.

Supreme Court Quietly Greenlights Further Chipping Away Of Executive Branch Power
The order is the first to involve Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, who dissented.
The Nazi bastards are coming to destroy our Republic.

'Karma': Fox News Pundit Says Getting Covid-19 Is 'Reality Check' For Biden
Fox News pundit Joey Jones said on Thursday that President Joe Biden had been punished with a Covid-19 infection as "karma."
You know, whatsyrname, Karma, like fortune, is fickle. Let's see how it works on you. Life could come at your ass twice as fast. Besides, what's a Welsh former international football full-back doing on Fuks Noose?

'Fleeing coward' Josh Hawley buried by hometown paper after becoming a national 'laughingstock'
Clearly illustrating the backwardness of his homeland,"Show Me Bothsides," untrustable, Land of the Happy Negro, Missiouri.

Evidence exists to indict Trump for a '20-year felony': former US attorney
Indict, convict, sentence!

WHO declares monkeypox an international emergency as child cases raise alarm [Updated]

The United States is a global outlier for abortion restrictions
The recent overturning of Roe v. Wade is part of a pattern of American exceptionalism that harms people in both the U.S. and the rest of the world.
We know the United States is an outlier in abortion restrictions, but it is still startling to realize just how much.

Manchin to Climate: Drop Dead
Joe Manchin and the Supreme Court have undeniably stalled and obstructed climate action with their decisions this summer.
And that's not all they've fucked up.

Supreme Court ruling could mean less equitable school systems
You can count on it. Another dispicable screwing by the illegitimate "court."

Trump ‘Unworthy’ To Hold Office After Jan. 6 Silence, Says NY Post Editorial Board

Dershowitz: SCOTUS Will Overturn Bannon’s Conviction
Mr. Tidy Whities says too many Trump haters in DC for fair trial.
Tell us, oh great juror, why do you think there'll be a place for your "fair" trial anywhere but The Land of the Happy Negro? I guess he needed some screen time.
"Dersh is a pointy-headed pervert moron and treason-weasel whose law license ought to have been suspended years ago and any law students who had the misfortune of attending his classes were, no doubt, given a shitty education."

‘All of This Falls on Greg Abbott’: Texas State Senator Calls Uvalde Accountability ‘Colossal Failure’ After Vote to Fire Police Chief Delayed
Vote Beto.

AOC Calls Out 195 House Republicans Who Voted Against Access to Contraception
After the House passed a bill to protect contraception access across the country with only eight Republican votes on Thursday, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York) criticized the GOP, saying that the vote is proof of how far right the party has moved.
Snakes they are. Tread all over them.

Is the GOP Calling Public Schools "Communist" Just Code for Racism?
Do Republicans really think public schools are communist? Or is there something else going on here?

SHHHHHH! Oklahoma Librarians Barred From Even Saying The Word 'Abortion'
Sure, the First Amendment is dead. We'll see if anyone is popped for using their rights. Then they can sue the shit out of the Nazis.
SHHHHHH! Oklahoma Librarians Barred From Even Saying The Word 'Abortion'

Fox And Friends Cries About Mean January 6 Committee Members
Fox News propagandists don't even try hard anymore to gaslight their audience to distract from Trump's criminality.
Comparing the murder of George Floyd to the Trump coup is patently grasping at straws.

'Don't Say Gay'? Miami School Board Bans HIGH SCHOOL Health Textbook
And now we're on to book banning. Congratulations, Florida!
What will this pschyological disorder model be called in the future? Textphobia?
I was under the assumption that schools were supposed to teach a well rounded education. Why do they hate human reproduction now?
These idiots are afraid of their shadows. They suffer from Intellectual Development Disorder at a late age.

D.C. police officer Michael Fanone harassed by protesters in minutes following Jan. 6 hearings
This behavoir is the biggest bunch of chicken-shittery that a low-down dip can do. Are they real human beings?
They all are whiny co-conspirators in treason and should be forced to live with Trump for the rest of his life.

Florida’s Repressive Laws Are Exacerbating a Growing National Teacher Shortage
DeSantis and his Nazis are doing their best to keep our children ignorant.

America Is Occupied By a Dangerous Second Amendment Scam
War is the use of armed violence to achieve political ends. If the armed, uniformed militias who attacked our Capitol on January 6th weren’t “levying War against” America, what were they doing?

Could GOP States Really Stop Pregnant People From Traveling to Get Abortions?
This ain't Nazi Germany yet, you bastards.

187 Minutes of Treason

If Everyone Has a Job, Why Do They Think the Economy’s Horrible?
"The relationship between unemployment and people’s perceptions has completely changed. The Biden administration has talked about jobs every chance it gets, and the evidence of tight labor markets is all around. Yet few people seem to care."
"Regardless, the essential point is that Americans are treating the job market as irrelevant next to inflation and gas prices."
Where does this badly twisted logic come from, folks?

'Assemble the grand jury': Former GOP lawmaker calls for immediate prosecution of Donald Trump
"What? What are you saying?" Cohen said. "After you have seen everything he has done to the country you will vote for him? Is it party over country? Is it party over Constitution? You have ambition? Because you fear his supporters will attack you or your family? What is driving you to say, 'I know how bad he is, I know what he did for the country and I'll vote for him again if the party nominates him.' That, to me, is one of the real crimes of this case."
That, to me, is just as you say Mr. Cohen.

South Carolina GOP pushes bill outlawing websites that contain any info on how to get abortions
What happened to our First Amendment and freedom of the press, you cowardly Talibastards?

Christian Nationalism’s Dangerous Presence in Midterm Elections
"But all too often, advocates on the Religious Right distort religious freedom and impose one narrow viewpoint on all."

As First Series of Jan. 6 Hearings Ends, Watchdogs Say Trump 'Must Be Prosecuted
"Trump did what he did—and refused for hours to stop the violence—because it was part of a determined, months-long plan to carry out a coup. This was a crime."
And only one of many.

New Warrant Issued For Election-Denying Colorado Clerk
Tina Peters is under indictment in a break-in of the county’s election system to search for evidence of former President Donald Trump’s election conspiracy theories.

Hollow Men: All the Cowards of January 6
Much of the Republican Party has been reduced to quivering protoplasm, whimpering under the lash of Trump's whiny invective.
The Hollow Men Summary & Analysis

Polio detected in US—in same NY county with explosive measles outbreak in 2019 [Updated]
Guess what, America? An old nemesis is back and you'll continue to spread it because you're cowards to get vaccinated. Grow up and get a backbone. No longer the home of the brave, if you ask me.

Outtakes Show Trump Refusing To Say Election Is Over
The inept schlemiel.

Campaign Aides Blasted Trump’s Ignoring Of Dead Cop: Everything He Said About Backing The Blue Was A Lie
“That is enraging to me,” replied Wolking. “Everything he said about supporting law enforcement was a lie. You know what that is, of course. If he acknowledged the dead cop, he’d be implicitly faulting the mob. And he won’t do that, because they’re his people. And he would also be close to acknowledging that what he lit at the rally got out of control. Now way he acknowledges something that could ultimately be called his fault,” wrote Murtaugh. “No way.”

Baldwin Rips Rubio On Calling Marriage Bill “Stupid”
If it's Rubio's, it's stupid.

Cultists Harass Fanone Outside Jan. 6 Hearing [VIDEO]
"It’s important to understand that many, if not most, Trump voters are simply enthusiastic fascists."
Common dispicable fascists doing what they've been doing for the last hundred+ years. We must stop tolerating their stupid vicious lunacy.

Press “bothsideism” has failed Biden, and America
"Not only does criticism not come in equal shapes and sizes, appropriate for all presidents and both political parties (a journalistic curse called “bothsideism”), but, when unfairly applied, as it has been in covering Biden, it runs the serious risk of further damaging our still free press and weakening our already shaky democracy."
In short, the press has failed America.

The 8 Biggest Revelations From the Jan. 6 Hearing on What Trump Did During the Capitol Attack
The panel investigating the Capitol attack painted a damning portrait of a president who not only didn’t do anything to stop the violence, but chose not to do anything

Fiddling, Fumbling, Fuming: Trump’s Jan. 6 Timeline Revealed
The Jan. 6 panel lays out how Trump was well aware of the attack on the Capitol—and how he chose not to act.

Jan. 6 Hearing Exposes Hawley Fleeing From The Mob After His Infamous Fist Bump
What a tough guy.
His weenieness has already been exposed around here.

GA's 6-Week Abortion Ban Gives Women A 'Choice': Pregnancy Or Jail
Stacey Abrams tells Lawrence O'Donnell that women in Georgia are now second-class citizens.
An American disgrace. Totalitarian, theocratical and tyrannical behavior. Completely Un-American.
Only religion makes idiots think a "heartbeat" makes a person in the womb.

Melania Somehow Claims She Didn’t Know The Capitol Was Under Attack On Jan. 6
She can't get out of this one.
She's as oily as her husband so she'll have some weak excuses.

Security official confirms Donald Trump's Secret Service scuffle
Feisty Fatso.

Trump releases statement admitting his scheme to overturn the 2020 election
Guilty, as charged and admitted to.

'Disloyal sleaze bag!': Trump flips out on McConnell in late-night rant after Jan 6th hearing
Trump reflecting on himself? Projecting again? ROTFLMAO!
A pathetic dried-up turd who should be in a padded cell.

Cartoon: Negotiation in a Nutshell: Joe Manchin
Selfish asshat..

Actual Followers of Jesus Don’t Want Conservatives’ Compulsory Christianity

Fox News Sorry You Snowflakes Can't Handle A Little Heatwave, WHAR'S YER GLOBAL WARMIN' NOW, LIBS?
Can't wait to see how Carlson reacts tp spontaneous combustion.

Schumer's legal weed bill is finally here
But wouldn't you know that Joe Manchin and some other fuckstick nutless Democrats are against it. Tell them to fuck all the way off! None of these asshats even know the people they govern. Why the fuck do we even try to progress in this country?

Secret Service reportedly knew in February that text messages had been purged
It was "secret."

Trump Incited the Terrorism of January 6, Investigations Further Show
“It’s very clear that watching this violence was part of the plan,” said Democratic Rep. Elaine Luria, another committee member, according to the Post. “He wanted to see it unfold. And it wasn’t until he realized that it was not going to be successful that he finally stood up and said something.”

3 Maimed In Spain's Running Of The Bulls Die Within 24 Hours
The Spanish tradition, celebrated by locals and decried by animal rights activists, added to its gruesome toll.
Bulls 3, Runners 0.

President Joe Biden Tests Positive for Covid-19
The White House said in a statement that the president is "experiencing very mild symptoms."
Now he and Trump have something in common.

This law professor has a new proposal for Supreme Court reform: buyouts
Yes, the grifters would be tempted but they won't give up power without using something else.

Kinzinger posts video of McEnany, other aides saying Trump 'was always in the dining room' on Jan. 6 'watching TV'
And eating constantly.

Zoe Lofgren: The Secret Service Has Only Given The Jan. 6 Committee One Text
And it reads, "We deleted all the rest."
Doesn't this bode well for the "investigate thyselves" joke?

David Hogg Tells Truth, Gets Kicked Out Of Gun Control Meeting
He went off on GOPer Andy Biggs for his racist rhetoric.
Demonstrating the arrogance of the coward fascists. Vote them out.

Sesame Place falls short of "Sesame Street" — and after my own child's visit, I should have known
Viral video incidents that appear to show bias against Black children made me reconsider my own family's experience
The focus of Sesame Street was inner city children from its creation. See what they've done to that.

Rudy Giuliani 'most likely to be prosecuted' for his role in Georgia election scheme: legal expert
May the fascist frauds all be prosecuted.

The Forced Birther Nightmare Is Here. Get Ready To Keep Hearing About It.

Police chief fired after recording captures him spewing racial epithets: 'I shot that [N-word] 119 times'
What the hell was he firing, an M4 Carbine Commando?

'I smell a rat': J6 panelist questions the Secret Service's 'disappeared' text messages from Jan. 6
No shit, Dick Tracy?

Self-immolating Supreme Court's credibility spirals, poll finds
Right-wing justices are handing down deeply unpopular rulings that stand to harm the court's legitimacy — perhaps irreparably.
It's broken alright.

Protecting Rights Threatened by Clarence Thomas

Gov. Greg Abbott should have known not to mess with Texas mamas
He's a mess.

“Women Are Going to Die”: A Late Abortion Doctor on the Dangers of Post-Roe America
Exactly what the Nazis want.

Relatives of Breonna Taylor and Jacob Blake Went to Ohio to Protest. Then the Cops Came After Them
Akron cops are bunch of dicks.

Trump Aide Rants About “Anti-White” Jan. 6 Committee
Pretty plain to see this asshat is a Nazi.
Dude, if eyes are closed how can they be "woke"? Logic escapes moron.

Body Cam Footage Shows California Police Fatally Shooting A Black Man In The Back
The San Bernardino Police Department released footage showing that officers shot 23-year-old Robert Adams as he was fleeing.
More systemic murder of Blacks.

Appeals Court Allows Georgia Abortion Law To Take Effect
More uncivil insanity covers the Land of the Un-Free.

As Codifying Gay Marriage Passes In House, Senate GOP Whines
Such are the whining tyrants.

North Carolina Bill Would Permit Executing Pregnant Women
Odd way to do abortions.
Does North Carlolina want a future? They better come off this tryannical madness before they are elminated.

Nine Senators Urge Biden to 'Act Boldly' and Declare Climate Emergency
"Aggressively use your executive powers to address the climate crisis, create good-paying union jobs in the United States, and liberate hard-working American families from volatile energy prices."
Damn right.

Right-Wing Selfishness Fuels the War on Abortion and Other Rights
Stories abound of conservative women who picket out front of clinics quietly coming in the back to get their own abortions.

National Archives Orders The Secret Service To Investigate Itself Over Deleted Texts
Sure. That won't take long. The tunnel to hell keeps getting deeper.

Herschel Walker Claimed He Wanted To Kill A Man When He Was An 'FBI Agent'
Only a bumper sticker stopped Walker from committing murder, or so he claims.
Which one of him was responsible for this?

Wisconsin Woman's Health Endangered By 173-Year Old Abortion Ban
A Wisconsin woman was allowed to bleed for 10 days due to the state's 173-year old law banning abortions.
This blood runs over Republican hands. This is what happens when insanity is let loose.

Yes, Jeanine Pirro, You Are That Stupid
Dr. Fauci spent 5 decades of intense service fighting viruses in this country, but as usual Fox News has to criticize him to appease the MAGA cult.
What people will stoop to for money. The ones who are afraid of masks are incredible fools and a threat to everyone. Study their history.
They could still be wearing the masks from the 17th Century. "Progress is our most important product."

Trump has probably already violated campaign finance law before even announcing 2024 race: legal expert
He's probably been violating tons of laws all of his adult life. It's high time he answers for it.

'Tinfoil hat crazy': CNN's Toobin astonished by Trump's latest phone call to Wisconsin GOP leader
More like brain damage.

Legal experts lash out at Secret Service in scathing op-ed: Your explanations won't wash
The U.S. Secret Service motto is "Worthy of Trust and Confidence."
I guess they'll amend that now by adding "Sometimes."

The Supreme Court's Dobbs Ruling Is an Attack on Us All
Soon, we'll all see that. Even the slow-wits.

Jimmy Carter Calls For Reforming Electoral Count Act
James Baker, as well. Get it done, guys. Why not reform it out of existence?

Liar Melts Down Over Colbert Charges Being Dropped
The whine of the damned!

Abortion Doc Launches Defamation Proceedings Against Indiana AG
Take him for every dime, doc.

The Truth About Uvalde: Will This Mass Shooting Wake Americans Up to the Need for Police Reform?
Nah. They were just doing what they were trained to do. "Protect" themselves first and "Serve" passiveness.

Report: CEOs Are Driving “Greedflation,” Raising Prices to Pay Themselves More
Yes, but when we all burn to death their grift will do them no good.

Idaho Republican Party: It's Okay If The Baby Containers Die
Repulsive, ugly, dangerous morons. How the fuck do they get in charge of anything?

Europe’s On Fire. This Is A Genuine Climate Emergency
How long has this been predicted and warned about now? Anyone still think it's not real?
"Last week, Sen. Joe Manchin — millionaire coal baron of the people — plunged a dagger into the Biden administration’s plans to address global warming, which is a real thing that’s happening in the world. Yet, all is not lost. Biden is considering, presumably with all due haste, declaring a national climate emergency."

The country where having a pet could soon land you in jail
Truly, worthless Talibastards.

Defeating 'fetal personhood' by taking it to extremes will fail
And we have no room to talk about the worthless Tailibastards in Iran. We have our own right here.

Russian Family Buys Their Dream Car With 'Coffin Money'
Last night Russian state TV ran a report on the unexpected 'benefits' of having your son killed in Ukraine.
Read the specs on the "car." And we still wonder why the world is in a record heat wave?

Moms for Liberty: "Joyful Warriors" in the fight to demolish public school
At the Moms for Liberty summit, they gave Ron DeSantis a sword. That wasn't the strangest or scariest part by far
Nazi mothers at work.

Cartoon: 'Polarization'
When you look at historical examples of fascism, it seems more than a bit simplistic to describe those societies as “polarized.”
The only reason there is any is due to the Nazis. Get rid of them and the problem is solved.

Confederate flags pop up on West Virginia high schoolers' cars after fellow student calls out use of the N-word
More treason from trashy young racists. And Joe Manchin's territory.

Maria Bartiromo, Ronny Jackson Pretty Sure Joe Biden’s Been Dead For Years
Where do these bad actors get their material? Oh, right! The Republican Party! The things they've been doing for decades. Simply rewrite them and change to the current administration. That's plagarism, you know. But they think it's clever. ROTFLMAO!
"Jackson seems like he’s the one who’s mentally declined significantly since 2020."

The Coup Allegations Against the Secret Service Are Astonishing

You Can’t Buy These Books
In their attack on libraries, megapublishers roll a Trojan horse into the courts.
Then use an anti-trojan on it. Get the fuck rid of it. NOW!

Union Elections Increase Amid Worker Organizing Wave
With workers unionizing at companies like Starbucks and Apple, the number of election petitions shot up 58% so far this fiscal year.
Union now. Union forever.

Kamala Harris Compares Roe v. Wade Being Overturned to Slavery: ‘Our Country Has a History of Claiming Ownership Over Human Bodies’
Well, it's going to stop because we had one war over it and we will have another that will be just as bloody if we must.

Judge Blocks Enforcement Of West Virginia Abortion Ban
The state's only abortion clinic had suspended abortion services the day the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.
Three cheers for the judge.

Stefanik Just Brutally Killed Irony: 'Imagine If Republicans Ever Did That?'
"Republican Rep. Elise Stefanik sure excels at projection. It's as if everything Republicans accuse Democrats of; they are guilty of that same thing." First and best.

Ted Cruz Is Coming For Gay Marriage
"In Obergefell the courts said now, we know better than you guys do and now every state must sanction and permit gay marriage," Cruz groused. "I think that decision was clearly wrong when it was decided. It was the court overreaching.”
If he thinks that was overreaching, by comparison, he must think the recent decision by SCOTUS on abortion was, indeed, a huge reach-around! Patently an overreach, dear Ted.

CNN's Margaret Hoover slams Ted Cruz for 'pandering to the bigots'
"Pandering to the bigots." Sure, he'll take any vote he can crawl to.
Keep slamming him until he submits.

House Republican subpoenaed by criminal probe into Donald Trump's attempt to reverse 2020 election

Texas patient loses 'multiple liters of blood' during miscarriage due to abortion restrictions
The blood will flow over their guilty hands. They care not.

The Great Crisis of the 21st Century: Hijacked Democracies, Propaganda, and Rebellions
The super-rich are the enemies of humanity.
At least many of them.

Ex-GOP Senator: “Animal Trump Poisoned Democracy"
“This guy is so full of himself that he would overturn every kind of rule of law or Constitutional process because of his own ego, which is twisted,” Simpson told NBC. “I’ll never vote for him again — that’s for goddamn sure.” Why would anyone with a hint of a brain vote for the POS? It must be because they just can't pay attention and have zero retention? Do you think this applies to him? Sure.

Nearly every GOP rep rejects bill to protect interstate abortion travel
Republicans aren’t just eyeing measures to block Americans from traveling to other states for abortions, they also balking at federal protections.
Not only are these fascists mean terrorists. They are contributing to the downfall of our Republic.

Conservative blocs unleash wave of litigation to curb public health powers
These morons are only going to kill themselves. And that's the good thing about it.

Who Is the Secret Service Really Protecting?

Joe Biden’s Age Isn’t the Problem
"Columnists and politicians who attack Biden for his age are claiming to speak for young people, but failing to actually listen to them. Biden is old, but that isn’t the problem. Rather than succumb to lazy generalizations, we should question the barriers we construct—for the old and the young—to get involved in politics. Instead of critiquing politicians for their age, we should be having a conversation on how we can build a political system where every generation is included and age really is just a number."

QAnon Candidate Under Arrest For Allegedly Fake Child Trafficking Report
He looks totally harmless. Sarcasm. Look it up in case you don't have a clue.

'Unhinged': Right-Wing Lawmaker Ripped Over Gun-Toting 'Message' For Biden
Sharp-eyed viewers spotted a big problem with how Rep. Ronny Jackson was holding one of his assault rifles.
The first time I saw this obvious idiot was when he came out to tell us great Fatso was doing when he was in the hopital for special Covid treatment. Anyone with a segment of brain could tell he was a nutball then.
Go ahead and shoot your foot off, Ronny. Is that a graveyard behind him?

Proud Boys Now Serve As GOP's Violent Paramilitary Wing
They are becoming what they always intended: the violent paramilitary arm of the broader American right.
Paramilitary? ROTFLMAO!

Just Another Day: Four Dead After Shooting In Indiana Mall
A 22-year-old bystander with a gun killed the shooter, police said.
"Look, here's the reality. Republicans want to remove every possible impediment to men expressing their feelings with firearms, and it doesn't matter who gets in the way of Muh FREEDUMB.
That doesn't mean we should let them get away with it. Make them pay in November."

Ron DeSantis, culture war king, suspiciously silent on the biggest culture war battle of our time
While Republicans like Ted Cruz push for the end of same-sex marriage, DeSantis remains relatively mum on abortion
Don't worry. He can't keep his big fat stupid mouth closed long.

Historic heat: Over 1,000 dead as record-breaking heatwave scorches Europe
Parts of Africa, the Middle East, and Asia are also suffering heatwaves and wildfires
Only the beginning.

Secret Service may be too close to Trump — and they might even be co-conspirators: impeachment lawyer
They certainly don't have an IT department that can be trusted.

Democrat suggests giving Joe Manchin's chairmanship on the Energy committee to Lisa Murkowski
Good idea. Manchin is worthless and shouldn't be on ANY committee.

This North Carolina veteran claimed inspiration from God to prepare for civil war
That wasn't God inspiring you, dude. I've been seeing this bullshit from your delusion for about the last 20 years.

Sarah Palin Tied to Builder Who Allegedly Bribed Trump Administration
The developer whom a House committee accused of using cash and connections to get a federal permit has six-figure dealings with the former Alaska governor.

Australian woman who was detained and asked by a US border official if she had an abortion says she's shocked by the response: 'a lot of people who've read this story are most horrified at that and I can see why'
Yes. Stupid and backward America springs into something that's none of their business. Who on the planet wants to travel to a backward and unconcious country?

Anti-Abortion Creeps Coming For The Internet, Your Phone Conversations And The First Amendment
Can you guess what they'll be met with?

Why SCOTUS’ Abortion Ruling Is a Disaster for Free Expression
"When the Supreme Court overturned Roe, it didn’t just set abortion access back by decades. The court’s attack on women’s bodily autonomy amounts to an attack on our stories—and everyone’s right to free expression."

Joe Manchin hammered on ABC’s 'This Week' for ‘intentionally sabotaging’ Biden’s agenda
Is he still able to walk? Then they didn't hammer him enough.

The False Piety of the Anti-Abortion Movement They preached about a moral crisis and were unprepared for what they unleashed.
They preached about a moral crisis and were unprepared for what they unleashed.
Simply because they had no intelligence on what it really meant for women's health. They are all as dumb as a trainload of anvils.

The Extreme Agenda of Anti-Abortion Politicians Is Already Coming True
"Already, anti-abortion politicians across the country are not only seeking to restrict abortion access but even deny care in situations of life-threatening emergency and unimaginable cruelty. And they aren’t even shy about it.
What in hell else did anyone think would happen? You let the vampires out their coffins you have to expect Santanic monsters on the loose throwing their filth on decent humanity. We can only hope the sun can shine on them and turn them all to the dust from which they came.

Betsy DeVos Calls For Abolishing Dept Of Education
Abolish Betsy DeVos and her quest for all white fascist not-free education.

GOP Rep Says Pharmacists Should Have The Right To Refuse To Fill Prescriptions For Abortion Pills
Then they don't have the right to be Pharmacists! Because that's their fucking jobs! They aren't doctors. And you do NOT have any idea why a woman has to have the medication because you don't have the education to know what the case is. Shove it, you asshat.

U.S. Chamber of Commerce launches new attacks on Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Scamming is our way of life in the U.S. Don't go ruining it for all our grifting industries!

Idaho GOP overwhelmingly rejects adding abortion exceptions to save the life of the mother to platform
Idaho — Home of OAnonsensers, where all the morally superior with no human empathy gather to make all women criminals.

NBC 'Reporters' Act As DeSantis Press Secretaries
Tratiors come in all sizes and at all levels of politics.

Joe Rogan: Canada Is Communist
“Canada is communist,” Rogan said. “They’re f–ked. They’re f–ked. They gotta get rid of that guy.”
Rogan is an agitator. Most Nazis think any progressive politician is communist. It's an old saw. Besides, Rogan will need to get another shot this fall or he will continue to help spread the new virus strain himself. We already need to mask again and the standard rules will apply. Him? He will continue to be a Covid target and a threat.

Steve Bannon's legal defense in tatters as judge hints he should seek a plea deal: report
Looks good on him.

‘Drunk monkey with a machine gun crazy’: MSNBC panelist shocked by latest reports on Trump White House
Men of Extinction say Never Give a Monkey a Gun. Especially one that's been drinking heavily.

‘Absolutely disturbing’: Shock after election denier ousts Idaho GOP chairman
Idaho acting as lunatic traitors always do.

Kansas Republican candidate Sawyer laughs at threats over LGBTQ issues
Elderly woman in fear of LGBTQ athletes. What does she fear? Competiton? They'll beat her in the 100 meter dash?

Secret Service hit with Friday night subpoena from J6 select committee
SS = Schutzstaffel. Trump toadies deluxe. In any other profession these failures would be looking for work. Or in prison.

Ex-US Attorney Lays Out How To Charge Donald Trump For Manslaughter
Former U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade said on Wednesday that former President Donald Trump could face manslaughter charges for his delay in calling off a mob of rioters on Jan. 6, 2021.
And next...?

Your Ex Can Sue For An Abortion You Had Four Years Ago?
In Arizona, Her Ex-Husband Is Suing a Clinic Over the Abortion She Had Four Years Ago. Really.
It's interesting to see just how far people are going searching for the bottom. And will they be happy if and when they ever find it?

Ron DeSantis Lies About Florida Textbooks Teaching 'Woke Math'
"Owning the libs" appears to be the entirety of Florida governor Ron DeSantis' agenda.
If this dork was ever in school he was learning "Asleep Math."

Vince McMahon's hush-money scandal: A window into Trump's America
Pro wrestling mogul (and Trump pal) Vince McMahon built an empire on exploitation — and that's barely even news

Fingered: Meet the notorious Trump operative who delivered the false elector lists
All the rats are getting the finger now.

Montana GOP lawmaker informs colleagues the womb 'serves no specific purpose' to the life of a woman
Had your testicles kicked lately, asshole?

Elon Musk Is Trying to Justify His Breeder Kink, and Failing
There’s no ‘population crisis’ — but that’s not stopping the billionaire from impregnating as many women as he can
Gettin' any lately, Elon?

Why Food Prices Are Rising Even More
Monopolists control nearly every part of the food production process, from selling feed to farmers, to packaging the meat and poultry for supermarkets.
Monopolies are slowly killing rural America—and driving up the price you pay for food.

'Nothing Short of a Death Sentence': Fury as Manchin Tanks Climate Spending
"Our democracy is broken when one man who profits from the fossil fuel industry can defy the 81 million Americans who voted for Democrats to stop the climate crisis."
When will we rid ourselves of such self-interest trash?

Tucker Carlson Smears The U.S. While Defending Putin
There was a time in America when someone like this would be disgraced and discharged.
There will come a reckoning.

Rep. Adam Schiff sounds alarm at Justice Department's 'unprecedented' lack of action on Jan. 6
No spine, no nuts. In effect, more treason.

GOP No Longer Cares About The Deficit If It Means Women Having More Babies
More than 4 in 10 U.S. births are paid for by Medicaid, the state-federal health insurance program for the poor — and fewer abortions will mean more births."
And they'll put a stop to any aid if it means they can pocket the money themselves.

Interfaith Alliance Interim President Offers Testimony on the Threat to Religious Freedom Post-Roe
“Decisions about whether and when to become a parent are intensely personal,” she wrote, “and people of many faiths and none access abortion care every year. Various religious traditions approach these matters differently and these beliefs may – or may not – inform a patient’s decision to end a pregnancy. The freedom to believe as we choose, and to exercise those beliefs without fear of criminalization, is a basic matter of religious freedom.”
Absolutely! Fundamental American creed.

How Close to Death Does a Person Have to Be to Qualify for An Abortion Ban Exemption?
How dead can you get? There's your answer to the Nazi takeover.

Republicans balk at bill to protect interstate abortion travel
Welcome to Nazi Germany. May we see your papers? Fuck this Nazi horseshit!

Grassley Opposes Abortion Travel Ban: Unconstitutional
Even Chuck agrees with me.
Hell, all this shit is unconstitutional! We just don't have a SCOTUS that wants it to be!

A major Arizona newspaper just named all the state candidates denying Trump’s 2020 defeat
Will Arizona clean this garbage out? Nah, they are too full of the crap themselves.

Akron Cops Shot Unarmed Jayland Walker More Than 40 Times, Autopsy Shows
The Summit County medical examiner revealed on Friday that Walker had 41 entry wounds and another five graze wounds.

It Can Happen Here: A White Supremacist Coup That Succeeded
Over many dead true American bodies.

A Political Party With an Armed Paramilitary Wing Is Not Consistent with Democracy
The NRA used to say, “An armed society is a polite society.” The truth is that an armed society is a fearful, dangerous, and — eventually — authoritarian society

With $27.6 million haul, Beto O’Rourke sets a new fundraising record in Texas politics
Incumbent Gov. Greg Abbott entered this year with a much larger war chest and still has the financial upper hand in the race. He raised $24.9 over the same time period.
Vote Beto.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Should Thank Her Sexual Harasser
Tell Margie to take a long walk of the highest cliff on the planet.

‘Oh, God, no’: Republicans fear voter backlash after Indiana child rape case
Where are the tar, feathers and rails?

The Far Right’s Next Target for a Bullshit Moral Panic: Antidepressants
Right-wing parents are moving on from pearl-clutching over LGBTQ children’s books to (spins wheel) worrying if kids are being prescribed antidepressants without their knowledge
"But when it comes to actually prescribing or administering medication, Foley said the district simply did not have the authority to do so. “The school district does not administer medication without parent/guardian consent. Medication in our schools is administered by our school nurses” following a parent signing a consent form, which Foley attached for Rolling Stone‘s review."
And one of their heroes is strung out on Adderall? What fucking hypocrites.

Why Is Trump Still Walking Around A Free Man?
Cheney says Trump engaged in attempted witness tampering. If true, he should be in cuffs.
We seem to be a bunch of wimps when it comes to indicting a more than obvious criminal with truckloads of evidence against him.

Pro-Lifer At Hearing: It's Not An Abortion If A 10-Year-Old Has The Procedure
She really said that.
Yes. Proving how cowardly these miscreants are. They can't face reality. As such they are all mentally ill—delusional and living in an earlier century.
Americans United for Life can stay together for life if they want. But leave the rest of us out of your stupid.

Ohio Lawyer: 10 Year-old Rape Victim Would Be Forced To Give Birth
Jim Bopp, an Indiana lawyer who authored the strict anti-abortion legislation in Ohio said the young girl would not have received an abortion.
"There IS no reason or benefit to a 10-year old child. This is just proof that they don't give a damn about children at all. That 10-year old is a CHILD, not a woman. She is a rape victim. But first, SHE IS A CHILD."
Another backward thinker. These moron miscreants are Kings of Stupid.
"This is only the start coming from the Christian nationalists that have overtaken the Supreme Court and countless local municipalities.
Their goals appear to be to create a Constitution Reformation, that ditches the Bill of Rights in favor of one religious doctrine.
Christo-fascists! Talibastards! Stop them by any means necessary.

Indiana OB-GYN Properly Reported 10-Year-Old's Rape And Abortion, So We Guess That's Over, Right? RIGHT?
"Rightwing politicians and media quickly set out to undermine the reporting because it made so clear that their cherished dream of banning abortion isn't really about "life," but about controlling women's lives." Pompous liars.

New election projection shows DeSantis beating Trump for 2024 GOP presidential nomination
Replacing one Nazi POS with another.

Dear Millennials: I’m Sorry We Didn’t Stop Them
"Yes, you read that right. Boomers in their 30s owned 21.3 of the nation’s wealth; Millennials in their 30s today own 4.6% of the nation’s wealth."
"What happened? In a word, Republicans."

The US Is Descending Into a Crisis of Overt Fascism. There’s Still a Way Out.

Smog levels in Texas surge during heat wave, bringing worst summer air quality in a decade
Texas always wanted to be California.

Right-Wing Zealots on the Supreme Court Threaten to Make American Theocracy a Reality
We must expand the Supreme Court. If we don't, six extremist judges will continue to overturn the will of voters and destroy our rights.

Marco Rubio's "Pro-Life" Family Leave Death Tax Is an Open Assault on Social Security
Beware of Trojan Horse proposals that provide some economic security today in exchange for less economic security tomorrow.

Former MS gov. ordered $1.1 million payment of welfare funds to Brett Farve, court docs reveal
This stinks to high heaven.

Another Democratic governor is going after Ron DeSantis with a vengeance
Bust the Nazi wide open.

Democrat Opens A Can Of Whoop-Ass At Hearing On Abortion
More on the uneducated moron, Josh Hawyley, showing off his stupid.

What Is Really Happening With The Economy?
Pulitzer Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman has some thoughts about lagging data.

Disturbed' Jim Jordan draws outrage after he deletes tweet calling story of 10-year-old rape victim 'another lie'
Relegate this miscreant to the dustbin of history. A spineless coward.

'Fighting Back': Austin, Texas Sets Date to Decriminalize Abortion Care
"The Austin City Council refuses to allow our residents to live under the threat of 99 years in prison for the so-called crime of providing basic medical care," said Council Member Chito Vela.
Fight for sanity.

Joe Manchin Blasts Spending As Democrats Try To Pass Build Back Better 2.0
Is there a more duplicitous critter in Congress?

California Gov. Gavin Newsom Signs Gun Safety Bill Modeled After Texas Abortion Ban
The new law will allow private citizens to sue gun manufacturers and distributors whose products have caused them harm.
I'm sure Texas is very proud.

Lauren Boebert’s Ex-Campaign Manager Was Involved In Voting Machine Plot, Court Docs Say

NFL Owner Dodges Congressional Subpoena by Going on Vacation on His Yacht
Just like a Russian oligarch.

How Cliven Bundy Brought Us Jan. 6
Where Far-Right Militias Trained for Jan. 6

Amy Coney Barrett Is In Over Her Head
She's not the only one.

Elon Musk Fires Back at Stephanie Ruhle After She Says He Should Spread ‘Decency’: ‘Imagine if MSNBC Did That’
The "genius" hasn't responded to her comeback inviting him on her show to do some decency spreading. LMAO!

Republicans Doubted a 10 Year Old Had to Travel for an Abortion. A Man Has Just Been Charged with Her Rape

Biden admin to pharmacies: Refusing to fill contraception and abortion pill prescriptions could break federal law
Trump's SCOTUS Nazis will do their best to change that.

Why Even Progressive Prosecutors Won’t Be Able to Keep Women Who Have Abortions Out of Jail
We'll see. If laws are disregarded by the masses of the people they usually get shitcanned.

Why the Uvalde “Hand Sanitizer Cop” Is So Unforgettable
It’s the perfectly grim encapsulation of this moment.

The Thin Wall Separating Church and State Comes Tumbling Down
What the Supreme Court did in its latest term puts us on a dangerous path that history taught us to avoid.

‘Why Don’t We Just Kill Them?’: Donald Trump’s ‘Will Be Wild’ Tweet Inspired Violent Rhetoric

Greg Abbott Silent as Electric Power Grid Operator Urges Texans To Turn Off Appliances
"The governor of the 9th largest economy on earth — the energy capital of the world — can’t guarantee the power will stay on tomorrow. We need change,” O’Rourke said Sunday night. He added: “Remember Abbott’s grid failure that left millions without power and caused hundreds of our fellow Texans to lose their lives? After that crisis, Abbott took millions in campaign checks from energy CEOs that he allowed to profit off it. Helps explain why he won’t fix the grid.”
Vote Beto, Texas.

Leaked Bannon Audio Shows Trump Planned to Declare Himself Winner No Matter What
Talk about a God Complex.
The little boy had no idea how democracy works but he had every intention of subverting it.

Kindly Judge Orders Lindsey Graham To Bring Ass To Georgia Grand Jury, Please And Thanks
"We aren't entirely certain that Graham has "quiet reflection" as part of his operating system, which mostly runs on either the Craven Fawning or Dishonest Pretended Outrage settings. But it was a kind gesture on DA Willis's part, and now that there's a judicial order involved, we'll have to see how all this plays out in the courts."

This Is How You Talk To Sniveling Rat Turds Like Josh Hawley
Little Josh got his very low IQ level smacked down by a vastly superior opponent.
Back to study hall, Joshie.

John Bolton Says Jan. 6 Too Dumb To Be A Coup, And He Knows From Coups, Jake Tapper!
The Coup Master! Oh, sure.

Was this finally enough? Trump and his terrorist confederates must be prosecuted
Donald Trump led a terrorist conspiracy that aimed to overthrow democracy. What more does Merrick Garland need?
After an avalanche of evidence is there anyone still NOT convinced of Trump's crimes?

Liz Cheney Trolls Trump Masterfully
"And that he was incapable of telling right from wrong."
5 Key Revelations From Tuesday’s Jan. 6 Hearing
The committee revealed that Trump and his team were not just aware of the potential for violence, they were deeply complicit in it
Indict them all.

"This, of course, is nonsense. Trump is a 76-year-old man, he is not an impressionable child, just like everyone else in our country. He is responsible for his own actions and his own choices."
76? That's just a few years younger than Biden. Too old to be president.

Brad Parscale Pins Ashli Babbit's Death Squarely On Trump
The Select Committee revealed damning text messages between former Trump campaign manager and Katrina Pierson the night after the insurrection took place.
Of course. It was Trump's coup. He's liable for anyone who was killed or injured during the violence.

We don't need no education: Now Arizona says teachers don't require college degrees
Right's attack on education heats up: Days after sweeping voucher law, Arizona rolls back teacher licensing rules
Yes. Let's keep our kids dumber than we are, asshats. What family wants to live in a state where a high school education won't help you on college entrance exams? Because, I gotta tell ya, you'll regret that.
Christopher Rufo is acting like Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge leader who targeted intellectuals as dangerous and killed thousands for simply having an education. This is exactly where he's heading.

Here are the 10 GOP members of Congress implicated in Tuesday’s Jan. 6 hearing
The ones that are now certified supporters of Trump's coup.
"According to White House visitor logs obtained by the committee, members of Congress present at the White House on Dec. 21 included Congressmen Brian Babin (R-TX), Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Matt Gaetz (R-FL), Louie Gohmert (R-TX), Paul Gosar (R-AZ), Andy Harris (R-MD), Jody Hice (R-GA), Jim Jordan (R-OH), and Scott Perry (R-PA)."
"And Congresswoman-elect Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) was also there," she added.

Woman who identifies herself as a 'Christian taxpayer' demands library burn Pride Month books
Are any of these people considered literate?
They are most certainly Nazis.

Newly released Uvalde videos show shooter entering, followed by police inaction
" of police waiting "even after hearing at least four additional shots from the classrooms 45 minutes after police arrived on the scene" is hard to take.
"Texas law enforcement agencies have been trying to block public release of such footage, claiming that it would give future mass shooters information on police tactics..."
What tactics? Since when is doing nothing a secret tactic?

ERCOT urges Texans to conserve power as Texas battles a massive heatwave
The energy grid in Texas has been ignored for too long.
These people learned nothing from the 2021 storm. Cheapskates deluxe. Remove them from office and get someone to do the right thing.

So where did all this right-wing religious nuttery come from?
Most Americans — and most Christians — don't want religious doctrine dominating our laws. So how did we get here?
The simple answer: Grifters using religion to dupe the public, take their money and screw them.

Christian fascism is right here, right now: After Roe, can we finally see it?
The Supreme Court is relentlessly fueling the rise of fascism: Roe v. Wade is only the most visible example

Supreme Court considering 'nonsense theory' that would let Republicans overturn elections they don't like: commentator
Here's another example of religion working to destroy us from another angle.
It clearly illustrates how we have lost our collective minds and our model of government can be usurped by tyrants.

If This All Ends With Some Gross Conservative SCOTUS Swinger Boner Scandal, We Are Throwing Up Forever
"Oh boy, news just keeps coming out about all the conservative activists who have inappropriately prayed and wined and dined and braided hair and shared underpants with the partisan hack Supreme Court justices who have declared themselves the king of staring at America's genitals and yelling at us about what we're allowed to do with them. This is a way bigger scandal than Brett Kavanaugh's stupid ugly Supercuts hair standing up on his neck because he's scared of some protesters outside the steakhouse."
And is that a smile or a sneer on Thomas's face?

Beto O’Rourke to launch 49-day campaign tour of Texas
The Democratic gubernatorial challenger plans to hold 70 public events in more than 65 counties.
Oh, and as some very intellectual Republican hispanic person said recently, "He's not hispanic, you know." With a last name like O'Rourke, does that have to be explained and does it even matter?

Americans can't handle their guns. Time to repeal the 2nd Amendment.

The rightwing assault hits close to home
And when assaulted by tyrants many of us become helpless when thinking of fighting the tyrants. This appears to be due to the fact that the rogue jucicial side of our government has been exposed as the tyrannical beast many of us feared they would become. Helplessness has neither won a fight nor won a war. Live Free or Die.

Ron DeSantis Would Kill Democracy Slowly and Methodically Whether he’s as bad as Trump isn’t the question.

Army Medic Goes Viral With Roe v. Wade Rant on Defending a Country That ‘Treats Women Like Second Class Citizens’
“How am I supposed to do that? How am I supposed to do that with pride? How am I supposed to do that with love and honor?” she asked. “How am I supposed to wake up every day and put on a frickin’ uniform that says United States Army, when the United States doesn’t even give a rat’s ass about me, it gives more of a rat’s ass about the guns they’re allowed to buy that kill the children that I’m forced to give birth to — think about that!”
They really don't want women in their misogynist army in the first place. Since they are, like SCOTUS, they will simply shit on them as chattel.

FDA To Consider First-Ever OTC Birth Control Pill
Hip, Hip, Hooray!!!!

Family Research Council To Feds: We’re Now A Church
Some fantasy, all right. Another con on America.

Moonie Church Likely Motive In Abe’s Assassination
Faith can con one to murder.

Walgreens Clerk Refuses To Sell Condoms To Whore Of Babylon
Assholes like this should never be hired in the first place. It's like a liquor store would hire a clerk whose faith apposes the consumption of it. Fuck his "faith." His faith must be left out of the buyer's life because controlling what the buyer purchases is a vilolation of their civil rights. Compelling religious observance is a violation of religious liberty, which includes the right not to be observant of any given religion. He should've found a clerk that would sell them to her. Don't tell me even that's against his "faith"? If he can't sell her what the store is providing for sale, relieve him from the position of clerk. Give him another job description and he can sell his "faith" to his local church customers and leave buyers at Walgreen's out of it!

Sure they've established "Refusal Policies" The truth is, no matter what they call it, these laws aren’t being used to protect the free exercise of religion. Instead, they allow religious and moral beliefs to be used as an excuse to discriminate against others. And that's bringing me into their "relgion" and it's a violation of my freedom. Simply don't enter a door to a Walgreen's

Rage Against The Machine Rages Against The Supreme Court

Herschel Walker Spews Incomprehensible Green New Deal Arguments
"This man is the epitome of what the GOP has become.
Know-nothing ingrates who can't comprehend the simplest of ideas and instead put together word salad nonsense.
And when it suits them, or when they become uncomfortable yell the name of Jesus to mask their incompetence."

'Bold and brave' Cassidy Hutchison showed how Republicans can avoid losing their souls: conservative
They won't pay any attention since they've already lost their souls. That's assuming they had one to lose.

'Nothing Comes Close': Rep. Raskin Explains Just How Serious Trump's Crimes Are
Trump should be very worried right now.

Is it an abortion or a D&C? Medically speaking, "the steps are the same"
Restrictions on elective abortion procedures are affecting medical and surgical miscarriage care
Which makes criminals out of the fascists on SCOTUS!
How dare these miscreant scumbags?

GOP slammed for knowingly foisting 'election-denying cuckoo-for-cocoa-puffs monsters' on the voters
"Just as they did with former President Trump, instead of letting voters see Walker for who he really is, the professional Republican class is devoting itself to coddling the candidate and covering up for him..."

Texas power company tells state to prepare for rolling blackouts despite promises the grid was fixed
They do a lot of "fixing" in Texas.

Arizona ‘Patriot’ leader bear-sprays abortion rights protesters, so Mesa police charge a victim
When will Arizona enter the 21st Century?

Lauren Boebert reported to FBI after 'terminate this Presidency' tweet

Fox & Friends Hosts Furious That Tours Of Monticello Mention That Thomas Jefferson Owned Slaves
Fuks racist cowards fear the truth about themselves and their country. Everyone should know that slavery was then a longstanding institution in both Jefferson's and George Washington's day. Jefferson and George Washington were slave owners. Jefferson consistently spoke out against the international slave trade and outlawed it while he was president. Washington became increasingly uneasy with slavery. He publicly denounced the slave trade on moral grounds.
Pretending it didn't happen makes them living a lie.

Why schools have stopped teaching American history
While she doesn't specifically state the reason and skates around it, it seems to be due to fear that our children aren't ready for the truth. And it stil isn't a subject that is clearly explained in many instances. The question of "who discovered America" should be stated "who began the creation of the country now known as America." The country was discovered by the indiginous people who had migrated here and already lived here by the time Columbus arrived, if not, the Vikings.

Texas GOP To Sue Law Firm For Abortion Travel Aid
Nazi nation formerly a part of the United States show mean-as-snakes lunatics at large.

Hitting the Books: Modern social media has made misinformation so, so much worse
"... how social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok have become platforms for political operations that have very real, and very dire, consequences for democracy..."

Adam Kinzinger: At No Point Did Cipollone Contradict Previous Witnesses, As You’ll See In Upcoming Hearings

Mick Mulvaney's Friend In The WH Backs Up Cassidy Hutchinson's Claim About Meadows
Hutchinson is proved right once again about her testimony.

Pregnant Woman Given Ticket For Driving In HOV Lane Claims Fetus Is A Person
Brandy Bottone argued that the state's penal code recognizes a fetus as a person and that she will fight the $215 ticket in court.
If she doesn't win then there is a case for overturning the ruling SCOTUS just made. Also proving that law is a political game in this country

Kinzinger: Every 'Single Trump Supporter' Will Renounce 'Cult Leader' Within 10 Years
Many of them already do. They'll deny nore than that, as well.

Letting Medicare Negotiate Drug Prices Would Save US Nearly $290 Billion: CBO
"By empowering Medicare to directly negotiate prices for prescription drugs Congress can end the days of seniors missing lifesaving medications because they cannot afford them," said Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.

Pete Buttigieg utterly destroys Fox News host for whining about Kavanaugh protests

Sam Alito and John Roberts appeal to 'history and tradition' — while dancing around the burning Constitution
"Watching Justice Samuel Alito go spelunking in his Dobbs opinion through centuries of so-called history and tradition in search of legal justifications to overturn the right to abortion decided almost 50 years ago in Roe v. Wade was like watching a boy play in a pile of dirt. Where do I dig next, he seemed to be muttering to himself as he shoveled manure from a slave-era law in Virginia onto an 18th-century pile of garbage he quoted from some doofus who believed women were inferior beings. Clarence Thomas was right there behind him in his decision that New York can't prevent people from carrying concealed weapons, plowing through statutes from jolly old England and the American frontier to show that Dodge City didn't really mean it when they told cowboys they had to check their six-guns with the sheriff if they came into town."

White House claims abortion rights activists are not in the 'mainstream' – and Democrats are livid
They should be. She's as bad as any fascist on the right. She's old enough to know better but apparently she's just another dimwit.
Fighting for basic human rights is apparently “out of step with the Democratic Party”?
This is putting a gun to the head of her party and blowing its dumb brains out!
88% of Democratic voters approve of abortion rights. What's so hard to get, dear? To the trash heap of history with her.

A coup more effective than Donald Trump’s
"For bad measure, the court announced that it is taking up the case of Moore v. Harper, which is based on a fringe legal theory called the "independent state legislatures doctrine." It will give the right-wing majority of the court the opportunity in its 2022-23 session to empower state legislatures to do legally exactly what Trump was trying to coerce them to do illegally: replace electors for the candidate who won the state with others who will vote for the loser. Such a ruling would write "The End" to the story of American democracy."
All of you that supported this traitor are traitors as well. And guess what? It will be very much the same as a radical muslim state.

Was Shinzo Abe's assassin motivated by religious 'cult' that backs right-wing politicians?
Erase all "cults" if we want to survive.

Seven days in June: A coup more effective than Donald Trump's
Trump's violent insurrection didn't quite work — but six people in black robes went much further, without weapons
The Dark Klan. Time will prove to everyone just what they are - frauds.

Evangelicals Courted SCOTUS Justices By Wining And Dining Them
Meanwhile, a cop's not even allowed to take a free sandwich.
Wow! These slugs are soooo cheap! Of course.

Lauren Boebert slammed for 'disgraceful' abortion remarks
This is nowhere near a word to discribe this numbskull. Lauren Boebert Responds To Claims That She Had Two Abortions & Previously Worked As An Escort
Is this woman a tramp? Asking for Ted Cruz.

GOP's Ronny Jackson may have been communicating with Oath Keepers during Jan. 6 riot: court documents
“Dr. Ronnie Jackson — on the move," wrote an unidentified person. "Needs protection. If anyone inside cover him. He has critical data to protect."
“Help with what?” Rhodes replied. “Give him my cell.”
Put him in the same cell with his Führer, Trump.

Political Violence Is The New American Normal
Led by thugs, nitwits and supporters of fascists like Trump and DeSantis.

Is Ron DeSantis Our Next Authoritarian Nightmare?
If DeSantis — an authoritarian who’s even followed Il Duce’s lead in creating a private police force answerable only to himself — becomes president, George Washington’s nightmare could become true.
He's already our nightmare. He projects in that final statement. He's talking about himself. Time to show him the door out. Or be a helping hand to allowing Nazis to take over your country.

Clarence Thomas
For decades, Thomas has had a deeply pessimistic view of the country, rooted in his reading of the Fourteenth Amendment. After the Supreme Court’s recent opinions, his dystopia is becoming our reality.
Impeach him. He's a tyrant.

Make Birth Free
It’s time the pro-life movement chose life.
They are way too cheap to do that.

Texas Youth Pastor Charged With Soliciting Child Sex
Soliciting online. Are these idiots really having problems finding their targets now? Texas.

DOJ: Oath Keepers Had “Death List” Of Georgia Officials
Oath Keepers my ass. Murder is their business. What arrogant deluded pap.

Librarians Are Quitting Due To Threats By Cultists
Public schools weren't enough for the dimwits. Everything threat they make is a projection of themselves. They're just to uneducated to know it.
Anyone that fires a librarian for removing a book from circulation only makes that book sell more copies. They are ones that should be fired.

GOP Lawmaker Wants To Teach The Holocaust ‘From The Perspective Of The Nazis'
Republicans really don't like to be called Nazis, but maybe if they'd stop dong Nazi sh*t, that wouldn't happen.
"Let's remember that there aren't two sides to the Holocaust. There is right and wrong, so I don't want to hear the Nazis' side of it since we already know it from reading history books. We shouldn't even really have to discuss this. I don't care about the Nazis' feelings. Germany doesn't want to hear about it, either. They've been through it and learned from the mistakes made in their country's past. And that is why learning about history is important."
She's already a Nazi Party member so all you can expect from her is treason.

"There’s often talk of “flame out” when someone like Musk fails, but I expect it will be more of a long-term diminution, ending in acquisition of his grossly overvalued companies by industry competition for pennies on the dollar."

Yet another omicron subvariant is raising concern as BA.5 sweeps the US
The cases are rising and soon there will again be a lot less of us because, like the article below, we can't do the right things to fight it.

The dangerous rise of the gullible American cynic
Of course, these brainiacs will tell you that the true solution was a hoax. That's how smart they are.
George Orwell commented on this kind of mental state 76 years ago:
"To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle. . . . In private life most people are fairly realistic. When one is making out one’s weekly budget, two and two invariably make four. Politics, on the other hand, is a sort of sub-atomic or non-Euclidean world where it is quite easy for the part to be greater than the whole or for two objects to be in the same place simultaneously. Hence the contradictions and absurdities . . . all finally traceable to a secret belief that one’s political opinions, unlike the weekly budget, will not have to be tested against solid reality.”

Of Course Roger Stone Had Himself Filmed Twice On Jan 6
More than one film crew? Oh Roger.
A very important crook.

GOP Midterm Strategy: 'Don't Say Abortion'
Republicans aren't worried about the midterms ... as long as no one says the word 'abortion'? Too late!
What are they gonna do with that great big tire between their little teeth?

Cacophony of dunces: When the Supreme Court trashed the Constitution
Sam Alito and John Roberts appeal to "history and tradition" — while they dance around the burning Constitution

'Donald is terrified' is an 'understatement' after Cipollone testimony: Mary Trump
"To say that Donald is terrified is accurate, it is also an understatement," she began. "I think this might be the first time in his entire life that even he can't deny the walls that are closing in."

North Carolina Republican wants to ban electric vehicle charging stations unless they offer free gas
A free oil change, tire rotation and a wash job, too? ROTFLMAO at their arrogant and spiteful stupidity.

Why experts are calling BA.5 the ‘Houdini’ of coronavirus variants
This should be an interesting round with Covid.It could get us all this time.

Right-Wing “American Birthright” Curriculum Pushes Christianity, Obscures Racism

Is our democracy on the verge of committing suicide?
"While American democracy has lasted longer than all of the others, unless there is a genuine realization that we are experiencing what John Adams foresaw two centuries ago, the American people will witness the suicide of its democracy within our lifetimes.

Arizona to outlaw recording police within 8 feet
Better mount range finders on cell phone cameras then.
Is transparancy also dead in the land of the "free"?

U.S. adds better-than-expected 372,000 jobs in June
U.S. wages are also up 5.1%. There are now 2 jobs available for every one person looking for work.
And people are upset with Biden?

The Odessa water outage underscored a growing problem: Aging pipes in Texas cities are getting more fragile
Texas had 3,866 water boil notices in 2021, the most in the last decade. Aging water systems threaten water supply and quality — and for many small towns across the state, they won’t be cheap to repair.
Meanwhile, Abbott spends money in other directions. Who needs water>

Gov. Greg Abbott empowers state authorities to return migrants to border crossings
Immigration law enforcement is a federal responsibility. Abbott appears to be testing the limits of state authority by empowering state law enforcement to bring migrants to the ports of entry — stopping short of using state resources to expel migrants from the country.
Is he pushing his illegal secession idea here? Get his ass out of office.

How America Got Stupid and Then Went Crazy
This sort of behavior is a meme.If you want to understand memes a little better as well as reasoning and understanding, try reading "From Bacteria to Bach and Back" by Daniel C. Dennett.

House Dem urges Biden to fire Trump-picked IRS chief over 'titanic' audit scandal
These are not random audits. Trump has a hand in this you can be certain.
Another Trump related crime.

Man Arrested for Assassinating Shinzo Abe Confesses, Multiple Homemade Weapons Found in Search of His Home, Japanese Police Say
"Someone laughed and pointed out that all his weapons were homemade..." — King Chaos (1969) by Joe Hutchinson

“Are We A Christian Nation?” And Other Frequently Asked Questions About Religious Freedom
In other words, believe whatever fairy tales you want but leave me and the rest like me out of it!

Highlights from The Downballot: States rush to enshrine abortion rights; electing more Black women

Today: Biden To Sign Order Protecting Abortion Access

Ingraham Calls For “Defunding Government Education”
She doesn't even have the sense to understand what she's saying.
Clay explains: "Laura Ingraham, who went to public schools through high school and had her mother pay for college and grad school, argues that if their mommys can't pay for public school, the government should fund private schools. She wants to de-fund government education so that the government can [checks notes] fund education."
She's the one that needs defunding. Her and every fascist like her.

WI Supreme Court Bans Absentee Ballot Drop Boxes
More voting restrictions placed on "free" country.

Women of Color Will Face More Criminalized Pregnancies in Post-‘Roe’ America
We’re entering a new era of Jane Crow laws, say experts. This could mean more punishment for pregnant BIPOC individuals — and possibly more deaths

Russian House Speaker Threatens To 'Take Back' Alaska
Vyacheslav Volodin, the speaker of the Russian parliament’s lower house, warned that if the US continued to seize Russian assets abroad, Moscow could reclaim Alaska, formerly a part of the Russian territory. Try it and we'll certainly have nuclear war and none of us will be left standing, scumbag.

Former Japanese PM Shinzo Abe Shot, Killed At Campaign Event
A rare shooting rocks Japan. Homemade weapon? And no one could see that hand cannon?
Yakuza, most likely?

Liz Cheney Opponent: You’re Not A Real Republican If You’re Anti-Coup
Harriet Hageman thinks it’s worse for Liz Cheney to side with Democrats than to oppose the Trump-incited insurrection designed to overturn an election.
We certainly agree on that. You're all Nazi traitors, Harriet.

Newsmax' Greg Kelly: July 4th Killer 'Looks A Little Antifa-ish'
Greg Kelly also tried to link Crimo to the LGBTQAI community because he wore women’s clothing to disguise his identity. Does anyone sill believe Fuks isn't the most sensationlist knee-jerk "news" in the world?

Right's new social studies plan vows to fight CRT, wokeness and the "overthrow of America"
"American Birthright" elevates Western civilization, pushes Christianity and rejects all talk of "social justice"
Here comes the "Ministry of Truth" straight out of "1984." And you thought it was fiction.

Brett Kavanaugh forced to leave DC restaurant through back door after protesters show up: report
What'd he ever do to you? ROTFLMAO! Note to Morton's response: This isn't politics any longer. This is Civil War.

Walker Lied To Own Campaign About His Secret Kids
"They had expected him to lie, and had obtained documents in advance of that conversation verifying that Walker did indeed have another child"

Carlson: I’ve Never Spoken To A White Supremacist
Maybe he's really that stupid.

Global Dismay After Supreme Court Handicaps Biden’s Climate Goals

Blake Masters, Nazi-Adjacent Arizona Republican Senate Candidate Another sign of the GOP’s radicalization.
"As the Republican Party has moved further and further right, the distance between its right wing and Nazism has grown disconcertingly close."

Boris Johnson resigns not over policies but deep concerns about his character
We've forgotten about things like character in our politicians in the U.S.

New revelations indicate Trump may have committed a 'serious federal crime': legal expert
Is it asking too much for us to do something about it soon?

'We’ve lost our way': Cindy McCain says John wouldn't even recognize the Republican Party today
Joseph Stalin would love them, however.

Watch: Florida man confronted by beachgoers after he defies rules to stand on protected sea turtle eggs
Another arrogant idiot that's old enough to know better.

Texas AG Paxton seeks to dismiss state bar’s lawsuit against him over his attempt to overturn the 2020 election
The sort of corruption that this on and the rest of them have. Excusing himself from the crime. What a fraud.
No wonder everyone is against him. He's corrupt.

GOP candidate for Michigan governor to be arraigned on federal charges in Jan. 6 insurrection

America as a war zone: Trump has turned the nation toward anger and violence
Donald Trump has occupied America's hearts and minds. The trauma is everywhere, and it won't heal overnight

Mass Shootings Are Caused By Everything But Guns
Trae Crowder takes on all the extremists' extreme excuses for mass shootings.

Lilli: 'Look At My Face And Tell Me We Don’t Need Gun Control'
A Twitter user named Lilli recounted her horrific experience at the Fourth of July Highland Park parade.
Here, let me do it for the fascists: She's an actor in make-up, right? No, you asshats. Stop your MAGAt pandering for a minute and get a brain.

McConnell: Gosh 'These Troubled Young Men' Are Getting Guns
Yup, the Senate Minority Leader and chief obstructionist in the entire US government, Mitch McConnell, wishes someone would figure out a way to keep 'these troubled young men' from getting guns.

Conservative: ‘Authoritarian’ Ron DeSantis may be even more ‘dangerous’ than Donald Trump
“In short, DeSantis is engaged in one of the most alarming assaults on free speech and academic freedom since the dark days of McCarthyism in the 1950s, when Nixon rose to power,” Boot warns. “His actions may not be as blatant as inciting a mob to attack Congress, but his record reveals a troubling pattern of authoritarianism and vindictiveness that would be extremely dangerous in the Oval Office. Just because DeSantis is smarter than Trump doesn’t mean that he is any less dangerous. In fact, he might be an even bigger threat for that very reason.” — Max Boot
There is no "might" about it.

Marge Says July 4 Shooting False Flag For Gun Control
OF COURSE Marjorie Taylor Greene is pushing false flag BS. This is what your mind looks like on QAnon.
I really wasn't going to post this at first. But this is too low to ignore. This woman is so blind to reality that, short of committing murder herself, has finally found the bottom for a human being and the bottom for a so-called American politcal party. How dare you.

Tucker: 'Mostly Women' Are To Blame For Highland Shooter's Murder Spree
Dude, it's the guns.
Nope. He still hates his mother. Watch "The Lady and the Dale." Then think about it.

White-power violence inevitably comes for 'respectable' white people
" As I’ve said, all shooting massacres, in one way or another, are a violent reaction to the politics of liberal democracy making it possible to elect the first Black president, who then ceased being subject to the law and became instead the enforcer of it.
That’s impossible for people who see “the law” as the same as white."

Renowned trophy hunter shot dead and left on the side of the road in South Africa: police
Someone was hunting the trophy hunter. I guess he didn't suspect that?

Guns on Parade
Weapons of war are throttling American public life.

What the ‘National Conservatives’ Get Wrong About Liberalism

P.S. It’s Not the Taliban
Billboard, Grand Avenue, Phoenix, AZ.
It is the Talibastards.

Abortion Is About Freedom, Not Just Privacy

Civil Society is Fully in a State of Gun Crisis
Civil society requires that its citizens feel safe in public spaces; destroy that generalized sense of safety and you will radically warp public opinion to the right

Justice Department is investigating Texas’ Operation Lone Star for alleged civil rights violations
Texas appears to be acting as if it has already seceded from our Union.
A state isn’t allowed to secede by laws. It is considered a rebellion for obvious reasons. While a state can choose to secede, the result can be something similar to the civil war. So, no, it is not legal for a state to secede. According to US law, secession is considered an act of treason.
This won't end well.

GOP Is Coordinating With Far Right Hungarian Government to Block Corporate Taxes

New York Times 'Ectopic Pregnancies' Op-Ed Is Everything You Never Hoped For
Let them bleed to death?
What sort of scum would go along with this torture? Nazis.

Louisiana Doctors Warn Abortion Ban May Force Them To Be Death Panelists
Who thought the United States would ever go batshit crazy and cause our own citizens to be put in such a precarious situation and support it?

GOP Will Investigate Jan. 6 Investigators For Investigating What GOP Did Jan. 6
Another definition of insanity. They never cease to amaze how their search for the bottom will never be reached.
"Nobody can say Republicans don't continually show us who they really are." Bootlicking traitors.

Republican county officials in South Texas want Gov. Greg Abbott to deport migrants. Only the federal government can do that
The very reason the fascists want to take all of our rights away and declare themselves the cult leaders of our country.

Next, Rightwingers on the Court Want to Take Your First Amendment Rights
The future of our nation is now at risk just as much as it was in 1800, only this time it’s a radicalized Supreme Court that’s hell-bent on rewriting the American social and legal compact

How Much Will the Abortion Police State Cost?
In addition to the obliteration of privacy and criminalization of women’s health, it’s a waste of money.

The Christian right is facing some serious credibility issues
The conservative, Christian movement calls itself America's moral authority. The evidence says otherwise.

Cowardly SCOTUS just asked governors to quell non-violent protests
I've seen this movie before in a greade-B western. It didn't work out well for the Antagonist.

Fox Host: Decrease Mass Shooting By Ignoring Them
This method also will work as a cancer prevention.

‘I don’t really give a s**t about it’: Star athlete refuses to talk soccer, focuses on gun violence

Florida county slaps warning label on LGBTQ kids who join phys ed classes or overnight trips
Their platform might as well say, “Eat shit, America. You’re stuck with us now.”

Newsmax Pundit Blames 'Anger' Over Roe V. Wade Overturn On Highland Shooting
Newsmax pundit Betsy Brantner Smith somehow ignored that the Highland shooter that killed six people and wounded 38 others is a Trump supporter and blamed the murders on anger over women losing their constitutionally protected right to have an abortion. The right-wing seems to blame everything on abortion.

That Time Clarence Thomas Opposed A Ban On Assault Weapons In Highland
I'm not alone in modifying the Second Amendment. And Impeaching Thomas.

Georgia Grand Jury Subpoenas Lindsey Graham, Rudy Giuliani And MoreOpen link in new tabCrooks and Liars|John Amato
Oh, dear!

House Progressives Urge Reforms to 'Hold These Rogue Justices to Account'
Recent rulings by the Supreme Court's right-wing majority have made clear the need for substantive changes, including expansion, argues Rep. Pramila Jayapal.
Expand away.

DOJ Sues to Prevent Arizona's 'Onerous' Proof of Citizenship Voting Law
Assistant U.S. Attorney General for Civil Rights Kristen Clarke said the law "constitutes a textbook violation of the National Voter Registration Act."
"Arizona is a repeat offender when it comes to attempts to make it harder to register to vote."

The Both Sides Chicken Must Be Fucked Regularly

We’ll do the right thing…eventually

Indictments are coming: At long last, criminal justice will catch up with Donald Trump
After Cassidy Hutchinson, there's not much doubt: Federal charges will happen — but Georgia may get there first
Trump's bullshit is about to come to an end.

Did You Know Congress Has The Ability To Limit The Supreme Court?
Neither did I until I read this!
Then read Article III, Section 2 of our constitution.
We need to make this clear to our illigitimate court. Someone grow a spine!

Brittney Griner Writes Biden: 'Please Don't Forget About Me'
National Security Council spokeswoman Adrienne Watson said in a statement, "The President's team is in regular contact with Brittney's family and we will continue to work to support her family."
Brittney Griner is an American hero. Pootin should get the shit kicked out of him for this.

Gen. Russel Honoré: Trump's coup attempt "put us in the banana republic club"
Retired general who studied Capitol security says "our government failed" on Jan. 6, and White House was complicit

Highland Park shooting suspect caught alive
White suspect dodges being shot to death. Check.

Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: The implications of a radicalized SCOTUS sink in
The rig that haunts the United States.
"There is no justice in a political system that gives Republicans six of nine Supreme Court seats even though a Republican has won the popular vote for president only once in the past 30 years. So, too, there is something deeply amiss with a Senate that gives California (population 39.3 million) the same number of seats as Wyoming (population 581,348). The Founders never envisioned such an imbalance between power and population. It undermines any pretense that we are still a democracy."
End the Electoral Colleger fraud. Allow our people to say what our government will be.

On This July 4th, Abortion Rights Movement Says 'We're Not in the Mood for Fireworks'
"If we don’t have the ability to make decisions about if, when, and how to grow our families—we don't have freedom."
It was an ideological and political decision, not constitutional.
Our American experiment has been killed by our own court of law.

Stop grooming our kids, you godbothering weirdos
"Since the decision was reached by lying about what was going on, however, we can assume that whatever religious beliefs Supreme Court conservatives might hold are demonstrably worse than even that of abusive football coaches, which takes some doing. Perhaps we could get some better Americans to take those reins. Perhaps even a few Americans whose religious beliefs do not specifically hinge on being able to pressure public school students into going along with their petty public stunts."

Ohio city imposes curfew, cancels July 4 celebrations after protests over Black man killed by police

Democrats Abroad Slammed for ‘Kavanaugh’s a C*nt’ July 4 Party
Really. But there's more that just him on the bench.

America's cracks are showing this Fourth of July
Americans will always be united by geography — but we all no longer share the same creed.
"It’s worth asking: How much longer will economically vibrant and culturally diverse blue-state America be willing to subsidize its red-state brethren, particularly as the latter try to impose their extremist views on guns and religion to women’s rights?"
"A legal system in which geography and not the Constitution determines rights will hasten the dissolution of America."
"Voting restrictions, increasing partisan gerrymandering, attacks on LGBTQ rights, changes to school curriculums and anti-protest laws are eroding the basic civil rights of red-state citizens."
And SCOTUS will be the final dagger.
How could the Red ever expect to win a war against them as a nation? Allying with Russia? That's how WWIII could actually take place.

Boebert Gets History Lesson After Decrying Biden Official’s Comment on Defending ‘Liberal World Order’
As many uneducated in this country we have, she's one of the lower grades. The photo is of her responding to her awakening to the meaning of the comment and saying "Duhhhhhh."

GOP Missouri State Rep Resigns After Convictions For $900K Bailout Fraud And Selling Fake COVID Treatment
Another one bites the dust.

Arizona Extremist Maces Abortion Rights Protesters
SCOTUS has realeased the mindless beasts of the MAGAt. No arrest has been made.
Jennifer Harrison, the leader of the extremist AZ Patriots group is reported to be the guilty beast of the assault.

Here Comes The Next Wave Of Coronavirus — And It's Worse
People and public entities keep acting as if covid's gone away, but as long as we have people who refuse to wear masks or get vaccinated, they're offering themselves up as willing incubators for another variant.
Low intellect and ignorace keep it alive and well.

Newsom Trolls DeSantis With New Ad
"It's Independence Day — so let's talk about what's going on in America. Freedom is under attack in your state.
Republican leaders, they're banning books, making it harder to vote, restricting speech in classrooms, even criminalizing women and doctors.
I urge all of you living in Florida to join the fight — or join us in California, where we still believe in freedom: Freedom of speech, freedom to choose, freedom from hate, and the freedom to love.
Don't let them take your freedom.
All true. Get out of Florida and Texas before it's too late.

'The Problem is Corporate Greed, Boss': Bezos Blasted for Defense of Big Oil Price-Gouging
'Bezos scared," said one progressive economist after the world's second-richest person went to bat for Big Oil.

This Supreme Court is the new King George
Yes. It's as if the live beyond our land on another continent.
"The Trump Supreme Court self-evidently does not believe in these principles of liberty and pursuit of happiness, on which the United States was founded. The justices hold that we have no right to personal autonomy or bodily privacy and liberty, and that an alliance of Evangelicals and Catholics in state houses can legislate the most intimate details of our lives.

The justices draw on a scam called “originalism” to argue that the constitution now means what it meant to the framers in the 18th Century, which ought to make these originalists turn to professional, academic historians. They do not, and the naive historiography to which we have been treated by Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas in recent weeks would earn any of my undergraduates an 'F.'"
As in "FIRED!"

Mass shooting at Illinois July 4th parade kills at least two: report
"A mass shooting at a Highland Park, Illinois Independence Day parade has left at least two people dead and multiple people wounded...
“I heard 20 to 25 shots, which were in rapid succession. So it couldn’t have been just a handgun or a shotgun,”
This is more of your gun Liberty!

Footage Shows Ohio Cops Unleashing Hail of Gunfire on Unarmed Man
"As many as 1,042 people were fatally shot by police in the past year alone, with Black people killed at more than twice the rate as their white counterparts, according to the Washington Post’s police shootings database."
60 bullet wounds in his body. Wholesale extermination. It's Hell to be Black in the wrong place—America.
Just another day in the bloody U.S. It will get worse.

This Independence Day, we are less free than the year before. We must work together for liberty
Liberty is not a consumer item to market to individuals. It is a common good

Jan. 6th Committee Digging Into Potential Witness Tampering
Trump has a long history of pressuring witnesses who must testify about him or his business practices in one of his many legal disputes.

Suddenly, Reproductive Rights Are All The Rage Again
And Republican extremists are in the unenviable position of the dog that unexpectedly caught the car

America and the "Heathen": How we set ourselves apart from "sh**hole countries"
If the concept of "heathenism" seems outmoded, author Kathryn Gin Lum says it defines race and religion in America
"'Heathen' is a story about religion but also about race, colonialism, empire and identity — particularly American identity. The concept of heathenism was used to rationalize the slaughter of indigenous people, the burning of "witches," the enslavement of Africans, the exclusion of Chinese immigrants, the abduction of Native American children and the usurpation of U.S. territories' and colonies' right to self-rule. In some ways, Gin Lum notes, the idea of heathenism is a large part of the origin story of the American concept of race."
These Talibastards are crawling out of our sewers now, spreading their bullshit into our lives.

Fox News in real trouble for spreading 'pure bunk' about Trump's loss — and OAN could be 'wiped out' by lawsuits
These fruit cake hoodwinkers should both be wiped out.

'He knows that this is all a lie': Trump insider claims ex-president told him he's 'playacting'
The king of bullshit.

Trump biographer says ex-president projecting mental instability on Cassidy Hutchinson after Jan. 6 hearing
That's because he's been nailed as the traitor he is.

Courting Fascism: Facing America’s Supreme Coup
"When the law fails you, where do you go?
When the highest court in a nation is compromised to the point that it disregards the law and becomes becomes predatory toward its people, what recourse do those people have?
What happens when a small minority weaponizes the very systems designed to protect its citizenry?
America is about to find out.
In the face of a Supreme Court that no longer operates in the interest of the law or the people and of a political party whose collective soul has long been sold, the rest of us need to do your best to dissent."

The New Civil War: The 50-year Conservative Plan
"As part of their deal with the big business “devil,” Republicans have abandoned Christian ethics and adopted the maxim “the ends justify the means.”

An Ugly New Era of “States’ Rights”

Rediscovering ‘The Star-Spangled Banner’—in Its Entirety
Yes, those alternate songs aren't so bad but most of us know the real National Anthem is "This Land is Your Land." It says it all.
Many people can recite verses 1, 2 and 4 of the SSB. Who can recite the third verse? Not many of us.
And on this Fourth of July, we are no longer living in the "land of the free" nor the "home of the brave." Now, "The darkest night"—but still "The hope"?

Doctors weren't considered in Dobbs, but now they're on abortion's legal front lines
""Alito's framing is that abortion is and was a crime – that's the language he uses," says Mary Ziegler, a law professor at the University of California, Davis. There's no dispute, she says, that "the result of a decision overruling Roe in the short term is going to be the criminalization of doctors."
The "we play doctors on SCOTUS" think they can practice health care. They are wrong and time will prove it.

Texas AG “Looking At” Fining Corporations $100,000 Each Time They Pay An Employee For Abortion Travel
Tell him they'll pay his shake-down pocket money and laugh at him.

The end of Roe v. Wade raises fear of more prosecutions for pregnancy loss
Can't everyone see by now how fucking irresponsible their spiteful decision is for us?

Kinzinger: Hutchinson Has Inspired More Witnesses
Kick ass, Adam.

Trump Admits He’s The One ‘On Trial’ In Jan. 6 Hearings
He actually figured that out on his own? He CAN add 2 + 2!

10-Year-Old Forced to Cross State Lines by Disgusting Abortion Ban
Evil has been released upon our land.

Our current system of policing doesn’t work. It’s beyond time to reimagine it
The real reason anyone will ever need a gun in their home.

Patriot Front Members Descend On Boston
Otherwise known as the KKK.

Liz Cheney Bashes Men Who Refuse To Testify But Attack Hutchinson
Useless. They are useless, flawed and failures.

Children Will Suffer the Consequences of the Supreme Court's Rampage
The Court will create more pain, suffering and deaths than anyone, including themselves, can imagine by their actions.

'Impeach Justice Clarence Thomas' Petition Nears 1 Million Signatures
When it gets to 150 million let me know. Maybe the idiots will start paying attention then if anyone's still living.

“A much graver constitutional threat…”
"Cheney says the Republican Party will not survive if Trump is the 2024 presidential nominee"
It won't be only the Fascist Party. It will be all of us.

Abortion providers' lives in growing peril following Roe reversal: report
They've been that way even when terminating a life-threatening pregnacy was deemed legal. It's just that the blood lusters think it's legal to attack now. We know what to do with them once they start their cowardly shit.

GOP governor suggests she would force ten-year-old rape victims to carry pregnancies to term
These dildoheads are no longer human beings. Especially this airhead.

Mississippi GOP Governor Tate Reeves dismisses 'real small, minor number' of rapes requiring abortions
Here's a proud rube in the Land of the Happy Negro.

Mike Lee claims Democrats 'hate democracy' after text messages bust him for plot to overturn election
Sick of these Nazi hypocrites trying to pass as a loyalist to democracy. That goes for the unsupremers, too.

How Joe Biden is like America's founding fathers — and no, I'm not kidding
Biden has great ideas but can't implement them due to political stalemate — just like Washington and Jefferson

NM County Won’t Pay Capitol Rioter Couy Griffin's Legal Costs
Otero County, NM taxpayers literally laughed at the request to pay legal fees for convicted Jan. 6 insurrectionist and Otero County Commissioner Couy Griffin.
Show him to his cell, please.

I can't believe I pay taxes for this
Yes, I think we should pay taxes. But from SCOTUS salaries to the police, I have questions about our ROI
Photo: The Perpetraitors.

The Supreme Court is laying the groundwork to pre-rig the 2024 election
Republican strategists are gaming out which states have Republican legislatures willing to override the votes of their people to win the White House for the Republican candidate.
Nazis at work.

A 10-year old rape victim in Ohio was just denied abortion
"Jean Schmidt and her extremist, out-of-touch colleagues are now making our healthcare decisions & criminalizing our doctors. They are in office because we allowed them to be put there."
Life in Nazi Amerika. As retarded as a box of rocks.

The Never-Ending Psychedelic Trip of Michael Pollan
With his new Netflix doc ‘How to Change Your Mind,’the journalist and psychedelic advocate brings mind-altering — and life-changing — substances to the people

The Women Who Leave Anti-Abortion Picket Lines to Get Abortions
The rank and file of the so-called pro-life movement is full of people who need reproductive care—even if it means literally leaving a protest outside a clinic to ask for it.
Hypocrite Heaven.

J6 committee has 'loaded gun' evidence against Trump: legal expert
Pull the trigger and empty it where it will do the most good.

A Texas Supreme Court Just Upheld an Abortion Ban From 1925
Prohibition, here we come! YAHOO!

‘Angry Court’ Might Come After Contraception Next, Experts Warn
Think about it gentlemen. Not only women are being forced to be mothers, you men are going to be forced to be fathers! HEY, IT'S BIRTH CONTROL, BOYS! If they outlaw birth control it will make tube ties against the law! Fair is fair, right? Don't worry, you still won't be forced to raise them unwanted kids! That's the woman's job! LOL! How youse like 'em judges now? Reverse their Nazi con then.

Congress Wary Of Calling Russia’s Actions In Ukraine ‘Genocide’
Right! Best to let someone with a spine do that because no one even in the rest of the world would ever do that.

Fascism alert: Florida's new teacher training program promotes far-right Christian nationalism
And these are the same people that feared the Vatican giving Kennedy orders when he was running. LOL!
Idiots and morons.

SCOTUS abortion ruling results in spike in requests in red states for vasectomies, tubal ligations
Hmmmm. This should now be the law unless an adult male wishes to become a father. At least those that can still get it up.
Bye, bye Red babies!

Researchers say flu shot connected to 40% reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease
Maybe it's not just the flu shot but also some of the latest vaccines that the brainless refuse to take. Anyway there's no brain in that study group work saving.

A Proposal for Men: No Sex
It would serve the pricks right.

The Frightening Implications of This Ruling Go Far Beyond the EPA
Truly unreal -- the alternate reality of these stumblebums.

Texas Supreme Court Allows Century-Old Abortion Ban to Take Effect
"Extremist politicians are on a crusade to force Texans into pregnancy and childbirth against their will, no matter how devastating the consequences."
This is where these idiots in the Land of the Happy Negro live. They certain don't understand there's a reality that they have no clue about.

No, Your Boss Shouldn't Determine Your Access to Abortion Care
Unless he's you're doctor. Is there anything but quacks on the unsupreme court? They are practicing medicine without a license.

WaPo Editorial Board: The Justice Department 'should conduct a criminal investigation' into Donald Trump
Let's get it going. There's more than enought evidence to convict him.

'Gollum' Donald Trump 'has the impulse control of a freaking toddler': former Republican official
Let's get it going. There's more than enought evidence to convict him.

Facebook swift to respond to Roe fallout with abortion censorship
The move comes just after Meta vowed to cover travel expenses for employees seeking out-of-state abortions

Facebook Censors Abortion Pill Posts, Not Guns
Facebook Removing Posts About Mailing Abortion Pills—But Not Guns
We now live in a behind the looking-glass world.
Facebook should have been eliminated in 2005. It's not to late to stop it.

Donald J. Trump, meanest of mean girls: He so doesn't want to be our friend anymore
Trump's evident criminality is no big surprise at this point. But his whiny, wounded immaturity is astonishing
It's good that people are realizing this now. There's a pussy grabbin' man in there.

House Democrats go on offense, attacking GOP extremism on abortion, Jan. 6

News Roundup: The Supreme Court takes away most everyone's rights and our clean air
"The Supreme Court made it clear that the radical-right control of the Court means a return to an archaic theocratic concept of human rights that basically only includes white male landowners. More specifically, male landowners who follow a very cultist form of Christianity that the Founding Fathers would have stuck on a boat and sent back to Europe if they were alive today."

Far-Right Group Yelled at ‘Empty Building’ in Failed Drag Show Blitz, Bar Owner Says
After weeks of threats from far-right hate-mongers culminated in a bungled attempt to crash her drag show, this bar owner says she now knows, “Love always wins.”
Idiots, morons, fools show the world they are exactly that.

Florida’s ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Law Took Effect. Chaos Ensued
The state’s educators are scrambling to comply with mandates they don’t really understand, leading to concerns about job security and student safety
What evil has the DeSantis dictatorship let loose on our people? Have our First Amendment rights been killed like the rest of them?
Our country is under attack by Nazis. I suggest people study the the history of WWII to see what this will bring to all of us.

Study: Maternal mortality would increase 24 percent under federal abortion ban
It's already bad. Our birth rate is dropping. I guess these geniuses want the population to drop to only a handful of voters so all elections, or anything else for that matter, cease to exist along with the country.

'Payoff for 40 Years of Dark Money': Supreme Court Delivers for Corporate America
"It was the conservative court's larger agenda to gut the regulatory state and decimate executive powers to protect Americans' health and safety," warned one expert."
To the six grifters on the court.

Hutchinson's Key Claim Backed By Secret Service Sources
Of course, Fatso, did it. Even though his MAGATs say that he is too fat to do it. Thanks, for supporting "Fatso"!

Busy Philipps Arrested Outside Supreme Court Wearing ‘I Will Aid And Abet Abortion’ Shirt
But if the shirt read "MAGA will not stop until Kyle Rittenhouse is shooting everyone against us!" What then? Huzzahs?

Jury Convicts “Absolutely No Remorse” Rioter Of Felony
Another one bites the dust.

Florida Pastor And Family Sought In $8M COVID Scam
In the coming theocracy he'll be hailed as a hero. "Grifting for God!"

Dem Rep Arrested at Capitol at Abortion Rights Protest: ‘It Was An Honor’
Of course. We'll all be arrested with honor before the charade is over.

‘Kill. Me. Now’: Texas Proposal to Call Slavery ‘Involuntary Relocation’ in Second Grade Classes Shocks Twitter
Well, hell yes. After all you are living in the Land of the Happy Negro. Texas is a large part of it. A Happy Negro knows their place. Anywhere the overseers wish and with anyone they don't like.

Some Cities Call Off July 4 Fireworks
No reason to celebrate a totalitarian state, anyway.

The Supreme Court’s Elevation of School Prayer Over Other Free Speech Is Untenable
America, we have a problem.

Keep Your Eyes on the Prize: Defeating Trumpism
"...And it must be defeated.

Officials in Several States Say They Won’t Enforce Abortion Restrictions
How about all of them? Fuck the Nazis on the tiny court that do not understand the horror they have released against American liberty.

Supreme Court Stages a Coup Against Government Regulation
And they endanger the planet in the process.
Darkness descends on America.

The N.F.L.’s Missed #MeToo Moment
Deshaun Watson was accused of harassing or assaulting more than two dozen women. The Cleveland Browns signed him to a contract worth two hundred and thirty million dollars.
The very definition of abuse, lust, greed, cluelessness, misogyny and more reason to dismiss the No Football League from your life. At least turn off Cleveland games from your TV.

Treason Is the Most Profitable Business Trump Ever Engaged In

Sinema Kills Plan to Codify Abortion Rights While Fundraising on Protecting Them
The problem children helping to fuck us up as much as they can. — Dildos.

Merrick Garland Brought AZ Sen Prez Karen Fann A Present, It Is This 'Fraudit' Subpoena!
Happy 4th, traitor.

Anti-Abortion Misogynists So Excited For Whores To See Consequences
"It was as grotesque as you might imagine, filled with America's Next Mass Shooters salivating over the idea of women finally being punished for enjoying sex with men who are not them.
They just may see some consequences that they didn't expect.

What The Hell Is Happening In Wisconsin?
"This week, the Wisconsin high court ruled 4-3 that Republican political appointees can refuse to leave and hold their offices for as long as they want, at least until a Republican is elected governor."
Totalitarianism in action. Fascist shitballs being fascists. Surprised? Don't be. There will be more.

Debbie Reynolds’ Heartache Of A Forced Birth (1989)
Pre-Roe v. Wade, Debbie Reynolds was forced to remain pregnant with a dead fetus. It almost killed her.
It would have been God's will right? What a sick, fucked up God you believe in.

Lawsuit: They Were Fired Over Not Attending Prayer Meetings
“Ms. Saunders describes the behavior as ‘ranting,’” the lawsuit states.
Now they've filed a federal discrimination lawsuit.
The Talibastards. Sue them for every dime the Talibastards have.

School's out forever: Arizona moves "to kill public education" with new universal voucher law
Families who bail on public school will get $7,000 per kid in GOP's new scheme: "Every red state" urged to follow
Every Talibastard state opening cans of snakes wherever they may. The failure of these creatures to provide a liberal education for our children is detestable.

Adam Kinzinger: Donald Trump must be held accountable
So much so.

Wisconsin prison guard who allegedly threw gay woman into a fire will get hate crime charges dropped: report
This guy would have made a good Hitler aide.

Supreme Court will complete its judicial coup next session unless Congress, White House stop it
The SCOTUS fascists must be stopped and charged with treason.

The Sleeper ‘Wire Fraud’ Scheme That Could Nail Trumpworld
The Jan. 6 committee has already laid out a convincing case of wire fraud against the Trump campaign.

IN RE Mitch McConnell's Response To Joe Biden's Undignified Comments About Piece Of Sh*t Supreme Court

Trump ally under renewed scrutiny from J6 Committee after attacking Hutchinson's credibility: report
Tony, Tony, Tony!

Kinzinger: Hutchinson Is Braver Than 99% Of The GOP
Attaboy, Adam!

Marge: Surrender To Russia! Leave NATO
The country's biggest coward.

The Not-So-Supreme Court

Ocasio-Cortez Says US 'Witnessing a Judicial Coup in Process'
"It is our duty to check the Court's gross overreach of power in violating people's inalienable rights and seizing for itself the powers of Congress and the president." Indeed, we are watching criminals at work.

Markey, Bowman Join Climate Coalition in Urging SCOTUS Expansion
We must do this or die as a nation.

'Just embarrassing': 'Good Morning America' botches a very basic fact about Ketanji Brown Jackson
Illustrating just how stupid we've become as Americans.

Michael Cohen says that proving Donald Trump's intent is tough because he puts nothing in writing
"Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) revealed on Tuesday that there have been people in former President Donald Trump's orbit sending messages or leaving voice mails that could be considered witness tampering."

Texas educators propose changing 'slavery' to 'involuntary relocation' to pacify Republicans
Chickenshtitery from the secesstionists. Same old Land of the Happy Negro.

The Supreme Court’s illegitimacy is accelerating
"Apparently, Brett Kavanaugh made a promise to US Senator Susan Collins, the Maine Republican who says she’s pro-choice, that he would not vote to overturn Roe if appointed to the Supreme Court.
This is getting a lot of attention, because Collins is getting a lot of attention. She said she believed he wouldn’t go there. Then last Friday, he and five other justices went there, stripping half the country of half their social standing and legal status as free and equal citizens."

'He’s a Trump acolyte': Reporter shreds Secret Service agent’s credibility in face of denials about SUV incident

It’s Not Just the Fate of Abortion or Democrats At Stake: Democracy Hangs In the Balance
Instead of fleeing the Democratic Party, we must reach out & tell our leaders that we have their backs. That they can afford to be brave, and together we can save our freedoms and our republic
Our Lady of the Harbor has been raped by fascists.

AZ QAnon A-Hole Kari Lake Will Sue ALL DRAG QUEENS Who Reveal How Full Of Sh*t She Is
What about all the other people?

Ron DeSantis Fights For Free Speech By Banning Teachers Mentioning Slavery And Gay People
Fuck him and the pig he rode in on.

All the Ways Dobbs Will Harm Pregnant Women, Whether or Not They Want an Abortion
The ruling also severely affects those who want to have a child.

Column: The GOP may rue the day Roe was overturned
The Nazi party is going away for good now. Vote them out.

Hutchinson's bombshell Jan. 6 testimony sways legal experts and conservative media
He knew they had guns but they weren't for use on him. What a dick. He's "fake" and "sick."

The Most Explosive Revelations From Cassidy Hutchinson’s Testimony
Yeah, but we already knew Trump was a mobster.

We need to call abortion bans what they are: Slavery
"What is slavery if not claiming dominion over a body that isn’t yours? And in this case, right-wing lawmakers are claiming ownership over the bodies of pregnant people because they claim to have a vested interest in the babies those bodies can produce. It is literally forced labor."

What the looming Supreme Court’s EPA decision could mean for you
Expect the quality of life in America to drop significantly if conservatives get their way on deregulation.
Think of that. We are already living in an idiot country. We can commit genocide if choose to, we will be able to surrender our civil rights to the state and we will be all gone by the middle of the century.
"In reality, many government regulations are the only thing keeping our democratic society afloat."
"Americans need to realize this is the country conservatives want: a country in name only."
The U.S., as we used to know it, is being killed by a bunch of motherfucking fascists.
Hope that you aren't thinking you or even the assholes on the court are having any future.

Abortion pill maker plans multistate legal action to preserve drug access
"The generic manufacturer of a key abortion medication plans to challenge state restrictions or bans on its use, one of its lawyers told POLITICO, arguing that an FDA drug approval should trump any state moves to limit access to mifepristone.
This is what the fascists in SCOTUS are trying to kill — Federal agencies that have any control on anything they don't like.

What Cassidy Hutchinson told us — and why we should have known it already
It was one of the most dramatic days of testimony in American history. And it shouldn't have surprised anyone
Trump's Crime Syndicate is totally exposed.He's exactly what we thought he was — a petty tyrant.

Flynn Takes Fifth When Asked About Peaceful Transfer Of Power
Michael Flynn’s testimony to the January 6th Committee should remove any doubt that this man is a traitor. Pure Scumbag traitor. Throw him in stir. If we have any more in our military we need to root them out and get them gone.

Cheney Suggests Trumpworld Is Tampering With Witnesses
At the closing of Tuesday's bombshell hearing Liz Cheney laid out evidence that Trumpworld is actually attempting to intimidate witnesses like a mob boss.
Like a mob boss? YA THINK?

Trump Loses It After Hutchinson's Testimony: 'She Is Bad News!'
Wow, so everything she said is true!
Fatso, it will be a great day for the world when they drop your criminal ass in prison.

Hutchinson: Trump Tried To Choke Secret Service Agent Who Refused To Go To Capitol
Donald Trump’s assault on his Secret Service detail was only one of Trump's violent episodes, former WH aide Cassidy Hutchinson testified at Tuesday’s J6 hearing.
Now we hear that the SS is going to refute that under oath. Lying under oath is a crime. It turns into a he-said, she-said. I believe Hutchinson's telling the truth. She has no reason to lie under oath. The SS are known liars and scumbags. That's their job. The facts about Trump wanting to go back to the scene of his crime are true.

A comment from someone named Jim Stoner: "Nixon/Agnew colluded with South Vietnam to get elected and Agnew was one of the biggest crooks the nation has ever known. And of course there was the Watergate scandal.
Reagan went on national TV and admitted to the Reagan/Bush crimes in guns for hostages and Iran/Contra. They colluded with the Iranians to get elected. Bush/Cheney lied the nation into a war, turned the nation onto a torture state, ran interference for the Saudis in the 9/11 hearings, and oversaw the greatest financial collapse since the Great Depression.
Now electing conservatives has given us Trump, who colluded with a foreign power to get elected in typical Republican fashion, and had a criminal administration in typical Republican fashion.

You are old enough to remember the civil rights movement. The people that you saw fighting for their apartheid America at that time were the same Christian conservatives you see now, raised in those Christian conservative households.
That anybody could be surprised by what conservatives have done under Trump frightens the hell out of me. It's like looking at a population shocked to find out the New York Yankees are a baseball team."

Cassidy Hutchinson received at least one of the 'witness tampering' messages revealed by Jan. 6 committee

How Clarence Thomas and Alito are 'cynically' using fake 'racial justice' claims to push a far-right agenda: legal scholar
Impeach them. They are not what they represent themselves to be.

Despite right-wing narrative, "hardening" schools is taking the easy way out
Hardening schools and arming teachers is the wrong approach to rising gun violence, Air Force vet writes

Officer Harry Dunn calls out 'courageous' witnesses who spoke up only after cops were beaten by Trump rioters
So, you think Cassidy Hutchinson could have done something? Don't you suspect that you and your team were 'had' by someone higher up?
Surely, you are not that naive?

The Supreme Court: Systemic Racism, Voter Suppression, and Climate Change
They are also going to kill the wall between church and state. Everyone get ready to submit to the fake Christian religion. I'm sure that won't cause any problems?

Think Christianity Is Anti-Abortion? Think Again
Extremists have sought to use religion as a tool to dominate women’s bodies, but Christians have a long history of being in favor of abortion rights

'A uniquely serious threat': Legal expert claims Trump's 'fake elector scheme' will lead him to jail
Take his traitor supporters with him. Including the ones on our illegitimate court.

The Not So Supreme Court
The so-called Supreme Court is on a roll of bad decisions and hypocrisy. They should start thinking things through or they will be in for some unintended consequences.
In the hell where they came from.

‘Lied’: Gorsuch blasted after photos expose his claims in high school coach praying case are a ‘flat out, knowing lie’
"if a Muslim walked out to the fifty yard line and led a prayer service, Justice Gorsuch would shit his fucking pants"
See the sort that Trump put on the bench. Lying trash.

Sotomayor brings receipts against the radical Supreme Court majority attacks on the constitution
It is not a victory for religious liberty—it's a victory for white evangelicals who have been waging their phony war on the war on Christmas.
They play the victim card, as usual. Total bullshit by a conniving "coach."

Lauren Boebert: Trump Was 'Prayed Into Office By Millions Of Americans'
Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) argued that former President Donald Trump was "prayed into office" so he could end federal abortion rights.
What about the people he helped kill with his 18th Century attitude on Covid? She forgot about that part.
She also knows that the church runs our government and uses as proof statements that show just the opposite.
Karma is getting ready to smack her on the back.

Did violence follow Roe decision? Yes — almost all of it against pro-choice protesters
Right claimed to fear pro-choice "rage" after SCOTUS decision — but so far the violence is directed at protesters
This is what happens when mindless MAGAt Nazis are let loose.
Take that, Linsey Graham.

Why the Supreme Court’s ‘originalists’ fail to understand their own judicial philosophy: journalist
"...originalism, as practiced by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2022, is deeply flawed.
That's because these dips are flawed as can be.

Are Voters Gonna Show Supreme Court Who’s Really Boss?

Texas has a law that allows parents to give up newborns at fire stations or hospitals. Hardly anyone uses it
The Supreme Court cited safe haven laws as an abortion alternative when it overturned Roe v. Wade. But Texas’ policy lacks funding and just 172 infants have been relinquished since 2009.
Proving, once again, that these double talking miscreants have not one whit of care for children.

The Rogue Court and the Fight Ahead

Women Declare Themselves Corporations to Force Supreme Court to Grant Them Rights as People
Illustrating how fucked up we are as a nation?

Roe’s End and the Phony Doctrine of ‘Potential Life’
"This double standard is unsustainable."

This promise is worthless, because it’s based on a principle that’s also not in the Constitution: an asserted state interest in “potential life.”
"Unlike contraception or same-sex relationships, abortion destroys unborn life. Yet they never explain how unborn life, as a state interest, can be derived from the Constitution. Instead, each time they invoke the “potential life” principle, they cite Roe or Casey."
"The bizarre position of the Dobbs Court, in short, is that every principle invented or dubiously inferred in Roe and Casey should be discarded, except the one principle that—in a remarkable political convenience—shields the Court from taking down the whole right to privacy."
They're only words. And words are all they need to steal your rights away. This article proves Scalito and toadies are full of ripe and smelling BULLSHIT LYING CRAP that pretends to be legal.

'All of our rights hanging in the balance': Sotomayor issues stark warning in dissent to school prayer ruling
One of the few heroes left for America.

The First Female Referee in WWE Says Vince McMahon Raped Her
"Say, why's that woman doing a man's job? Let's see her proof! She knew she was asking to get raped anwyay! Besides she won't get pregnant because it's so rare in rape cases."
These are the answers the fascist pigs will give you on this issue.

Clarence Thomas is the worst kind of selfish hypocrite
And them are his good points.

Ana Navarro Defends Her Comments About Aborting Fetuses With Special Needs Amid Outcry
"Because I think it is hypocritical and wrong to ban a family from making their own choice about what’s best for them."
"Doesn’t mean that you don’t love your special needs family members, that you don't adore them and they are part of the family, but that we know from firsthand experience just how difficult it is to beg and plead for years sometimes to get some help. So if they’re going to ban a family’s choice, there’s going to be more poor kids. [There's] going to be more kids in adoption. There’s going to be more kids in foster care. There’s going to be more abused kids. There’s going to be a lot of other things, and those hypocritical states need to step up and provide the services."
But marginalizing these people are what the fascists in the "so-called" court want to target.

NATO To Place 300,000 Troops On “High Readiness"
NATO plans to significantly increase allied forces on “standby” in case of conflict to 300,000 from 40,000, its secretary-general said. The move is a response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Ruling Dismantles Promise of Religious Freedom For Students, Says Interfaith Alliance
The Court’s ruling in Kennedy v. Bremerton opens the door for coercive prayer in public schools
Yeah, as long as you're a Cristian coach you can make your sport a church gathering. How about a Jew coach or a Muslim coach? That's what I thought, Christian theocracy lovers.
"Interfaith Alliance has long warned of the dangers of allowing coercive prayer in public schools. In April, the organization filed an amicus brief in support of Bremerton School District alongside a broad-based coalition of religious organizations."

Arkansas Governor 'Comfortable With' Abortion Ban With No Exceptions
This fascist should be looking for work soon.

The US Supreme Court Is Now a Fascist Institution
And they were put there by Nazis.

GOP congressional nominee suggests rape rarely leads to pregnancy: 'Maybe because there’s so much going on in the body'
The percentage of idiots just got larger.

"The national rape-related pregnancy rate is 5.0% per rape among victims of reproductive age (aged 12 to 45); among adult women an estimated 32,101 pregnancies result from rape each year. Among 34 cases of rape-related pregnancy, the majority occurred among adolescents and resulted from assault by a known, often related perpetrator. Only 11.7% of these victims received immediate medical attention after the assault, and 47.1% received no medical attention related to the rape. A total 32.4% of these victims did not discover they were pregnant until they had already entered the second trimester; 32.2% opted to keep the infant whereas 50% underwent abortion and 5.9% placed the infant for adoption; an additional 11.8% had spontaneous abortion."

"Rape-related pregnancy occurs with significant frequency. It is a cause of many unwanted pregnancies and is closely linked with family and domestic violence. As we address the epidemic of unintended pregnancies in the United States, greater attention and effort should be aimed at preventing and identifying unwanted pregnancies that result from sexual victimization."— National Library of Medicine

Did the ones that had spontaneous abortion get prosecuted? They will now "for any reason."

Supreme Court rules for former public high school football coach who prayed on field
They keep destroying the wall between church and state. This will absolutely destroy our country as we aren't a theocracy. That's another thing the miscreants want.

A Supreme Court scholar explains the impact of Dobbs: 'A revolutionary ruling – and not just for abortion'
"The court has firmly rejected the theory of the living Constitution, which argues that the meaning of the document’s language changes as the beliefs and values of Americans change." Does this mean lynching is legal now?
Living, yes. They hated it for living so they killed it. These userpers totally reject the Ninth Amendment.
Now, it's our turn.

Ilhan Omar Says Plan to Fix Supreme Court Must Include Impeachment Probes
They won't have to probe more than an inch to find a pile of stinking bullshit.

The Supreme Court’s War on Justice
"Abort the Court!"
"The decision last Friday by the U.S. Supreme Court to reverse Roe v. Wade is a serious setback for human rights and the rule of law."

'There was violence’: Morning Joe shocked by delight Alito took in ‘radical’ ruling taking away abortion rights
" was — even the language, there was a violence to the reasoning."
You mean the "Smirking Dick"?

Beto O’Rourke vows to repeal Texas abortion ban if elected governor
Beto for Governor.

Ocasio-Cortez: 'Lying Under Oath Is An Impeachable Offense'
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez blasts the right-wing justices who lied under oath to Congress, and tells Chuck Todd there "must be consequences for such a deeply destabilizing action and a hostile takeover of our democratic institutions." I believe I said that yesterday. Impeach the liars now! They are all two-faced pond scum and decieved our country.
The Senate is too full of crooks and co-conspriators in treason to ever protect the U.S. now. So it will have to be done by hand.

Republicans Forget About The Murder Of Dr. Tiller
Seems it's perfectly fine by Republicans for doctors to be murdered by pro-lifers, just don't complain about the Supreme Court's Roe ruling.
Lindsey Graham, we're looking at you! Blood is on your hands and the traitors in the so-called Supreme Court.

Texas Republicans Plotting To Usurp Local DAs Who Won't Prosecute Abortions
So much for respecting the will of the voters if it means having your draconian anti-abortion laws enforced.
This is the kind of shits the fascists are. These Nazis are going to try to kill us all.
Resist them.

Olivia Rodrigo Sings 'F*ck You' To Supreme Court At Glastonbury
Pop sensation Olivia Rodrigo called out the five justices by name: "The song is for the justices: Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, Amy Coney Barrett, Brett Kavanaugh. We hate you! We hate you.”
“Fuck America and all these irrelevant old motherfuckers trying to tell us what to do with our fucking bodies.” Billie Eilish said, “today is a really dark day for women in the US.”
Hip, Hip, Hurrah! Did you get that you piles of garbage?

Why Roe’s demise pushed the US even closer to violent civil conflict: author
Because the Nazis want a Civil War, that's why. “The cracks in the foundations of the United States are widening, rapidly and on several fronts,” Marche warns in his Guardian article. “The overturning of Roe v. Wade has provoked a legitimacy crisis no matter what your politics.
"The question is no longer whether there will be a civil conflict in the United States. The question is how the sides will divide, what their strengths and weaknesses are, and how those strengths and weaknesses will determine the outcome.” Get ready America.

QAnon's 'Q' delivers first new messages since 2020
This piece of shit is back. But we know who the lying punk is now.
"Opened up"? It's open season on OAnon.

Dr. Lance Dodes: Trump is a dangerous sociopath — but he's sane enough to stand trial
Former Harvard professor says Trump has the morality of a serial killer — but that doesn't render him insane
It does make him a traitor that must go to prison.

The Great Regression, Jim Crow 2.0, and the end of the American Experiment
America stopped the moment Trump was elected. It was heading away from its principles even before then by the backward idiots that permeate our former nation.

'She knew what Brett Kavanaugh was going to do!' Morning Joe calls out Susan Collins over abortion ruling
They all knew.

'It's hard to imagine the GOP surviving' Roe reversal: CNN's S.E. Cupp
It's hard to imagine the GOP. It's not my parent's party. And it's now un-American to boot.

Senators Warren and Smith Call on Biden and Congress to Protect Abortion Access
If you can get any decent Republicans on board we can beat this plate of shit we've been served by the terrorists.

Dear Pelosi and Schumer: Cancel Recess. Expand the Court. Nuke the Filibuster.
Supreme Court's legal terrorism: Why appealing to 'tradition' on abortion is obscene.
Terrorism in any form is NOT legal. You may as well go ahead and say rape is perfectly legal because of this shitstorm. Get a spine and put up your dukes with brass knuckles.

Yes. All the bets for being a soft opponent are all off now as well as any gloves. It's razors out now to carve the filibuster. And carve out the fakes in SOTUS.

Time for Collins and Democrats To Walk the Walk and Pass a National Right to Abortion Law
You as well, Joe Manchin.
I think they should get mean as Hell and carve everyone of the bastards a new asshole. Razors out!

Supreme Court’s Legal Terrorism: Appealing to “Tradition” on Abortion Is Obscene
Scalito, Thomas, Gorsuch and the "woman who lied to Congress," are now considered American terrorists. It's not nice to betray America.
Terrorism Law and Legal Definition
Legal Dictionary See: Elements of a Criminal Act.

Onward Christian Soldiers…
"Perhaps the devil is making them do it. But whatever explains these unreasonable and fanatical so-called Christians in their efforts, they sure as hell are doing it, aren't they? And their tax-free efforts are supported, whether we like it or not, by the rest of us."
That old scapegoat "Satan" sure comes into play every time one of them needs an out.
And Amen!

'Do what we did': Lindsey Graham falsely claims anti-abortion activists were never violent
Linday Graham doesn't know his ass from that hole he keeps his head in.
But it goes the same for all MAGAts.

'Pro-Lifers' Respond To Abortion Rights Protests With Violence, Misogyny And Trucks
Did you miss this, wise ass? It appears your brain is gone when there were truckloads of violence against faclities that provided health care for pregnant women, you asshole.

Endangered GOP lawmakers fleeing questions about destruction of Roe v. Wade: report
This guy's logic is "I am already losing support everywhere so why should I worry anyway."
"You're gonna run to the rock for rescue, there will be no rock" — Trevor "Batman" Wilson, Winston Bailey, Roy Beckford and Derrick Crooks, all at some time members of The Slickers.

NBC panel laughs out loud at Peggy Noonan when she says GOP 'should become a party that helps women'
I would hate to see them promote more "help" for women. But I'm certain we all will.

Clarence Thomas claims he had 'no idea' why he was nominated to be on the Supreme Court: new book
The title should have been "I Have No Idea." But he didn't refuse the nomination.

Political Lessons for Democrats in a Post-Roe America
Democrats can look across the aisle if they want pointers on how to overcome the challenges of an unrepresentative political system, a stacked Court, and their internal divisions.
Scalito's opinions should be kept to himself as he is, as is Thomas, a terrorist. Shit/Applebutter? Don't ask him.

America Is About to See Just How Pro-life Republicans Actually Are
The Talibastard terrorists don't give a flying fuck about the kids women will be forced to give birth to. Let me know when these women and children are all taken care of by the goverment. I'll never still be living to hear it and neither will you. But one thing sure. The Black population will be growing much faster now and the white population will continue to shrink. They are so smart aren't they?

The End of Roe Is Going to Be a Nightmare for Women in the Military
Scalito's fascists want them out and gone — barefoot, back in the kitchen and birthing babies for the Scalito Youth movement. He and his partner Clarence will see to it.

American Denialism
"The rationalization and denial is extraordinary, but we see it all over, the certain insistence that what’s happening isn’t really happening, that all threats are the product of excited imaginations — that it won’t happen to me. And they’ll keep on insisting until they’re carted away, shocked — Shocked! — that their friends would do this to them, would allow it to happen."

Trump fatigue sets in: ‘Some donors are getting sick of the sh--show'
Trump's shitshow is only beginning.

‘This is a crisis’: Politicians dig in on abortion following Supreme Court ruling
The ramifications of Friday's decision have rattled the nation's political discourse.
When threatend with violent actions, the Martin Luther King school of non-violence will not be effective any longer.
“President Trump, on behalf of all the MAGA patriots in America, I want to thank you for the historic victory for white life in the Supreme Court yesterday,” said Rep. Mary Miller (R-Ill.), who is facing fellow GOP Rep. Rodney Davis (R-Ill.) because of redistricting.
This is one of the most irrational and incorrect statements I have ever heard by a person that considers themself an American. Totally racist by a racist. She didn't misspeak.
We must end the aggression to our lives and liberties by any means necessary.

Documentary shows Trump ranting that Kemp and Raffensperger are cowards and 'stupid people': filmmaker
No one, except maybe Scalito, is as stupid as this dumbass traitor.

Dershowitz Explains Overturning Roe To Hannity: 'Judicial Activism'
Suddenly fundies and wingers aren't so angry about activist judges. Hypocrites. The scum of the earth.
"Republicans and fundies told the country they hated judicial activism for the last 49 years. On Friday, it suddenly was perfectly reasonable."
Yes, Hypocrites. Rot in Hell.

Americans Across U.S. Say 'Hell No!' To Roe V. Wade Reversal
Hordes of women and men have taken to the streets to demonstrate the majority support for the 50-year constitutional right to have an abortion. And more protests are planned.
Protests? I say the retarded cancers need to be removed.

Trump continues to build the Jan. 6 committee’s case against him: conservative
This is why Scalito made his move on abortion—to create distraction from his criminal buddy being revealed on the front page.
If you don't want an abortion then don't get one. It's really that simple. That's not in the constitution either, asshat.

Catholic bishops celebrate a big win: But as they have sowed, so shall they reap
A hollow win and another fairy tale for them to believe in. It means more babies for them to molest.
"Worse, abortion bans could be the first step toward a police state for pregnant women and anyone who may help them terminate a pregnancy."
Making criminals of people with empathy and helping others, get kicked in the teeth by a former country that claimed to be free and enlightend. A big joke now.

Poll: Church membership continues to decline in 21st century
"The poll highlights the trend in declining church membership across the Catholic Church and Protestant denominations. However, Catholic membership is falling faster, according to poll results."
The world's largest cult is vanishing. Sorry, bishops.

America's Catholic bishops have now unleashed forces they can't control
"Crude zealot"? That's exactly what their hero was. They would serve Satan if his position were anti-abortion.
"What planet do they live on, to suggest that such an outcome is remotely plausible?" They live in a fake world in which they were hoodwinked by Paul who saw gold in them thar hills.

Is the Bible full of 'forgeries'?
These "priests" know this but don't preach it. They would lose their con if they did.
It is no mystery why the membership is falling.

John Cornyn says 'Now do Plessy vs Ferguson/Brown vs Board of Education'
If he's being sarcastic it's one thing. If he's not HE needs to be overturned because that's white supremacism Deluxe.
Land of the Happy Negro calling. Retarded as all hell and double-damned racist. Hello, Bull Connor

This Supreme Court also hates worker power, this week in the war on workers
The Supreme Court hates. The Supreme Court dictates. The Supreme Court is infiltrated with traitors like Trump. He put most of them there.

Ban Abortion Pills, Prosecute Planned Parenthood: This Is The Future Republicans Want
It’s an extreme agenda, but after the end of Roe, it’s no longer an unthinkable one
A dystopian society. A death for the American Dream that I grew up believing in.
You bastards.

Dems hope abortion ruling stops their slide in blue states
The new stakes on abortion policy could change races in states like Colorado that have been sliding onto the edges of the battlefield.
Is this some sort of propaganda : "slide"? I mean do these "thinkers" really want the Nazis to take over again? They can take their place in history with all the "never Hillary" morons in that case.
It won't stop with abortion, people.

Right Wing A-Holes Threaten ?Veteran With Violence Until She Quits 4th Of July Parade
Illustrating how vapid, hollow and obsessed with fascism and violence these right wing vultures are. They are all haters of any real American hero.
"She stepped down, however, this week, after she and her family were threatened with violence by supporters of her fellow Friendswood resident, former RV salesman and current far-right radio host Jesse Kelly.
Need we say more about Jesse? I thought not.

Biden Administration Announces Plan That Would Undo DeVos’s Gutting of Title IX
Nice going, Joe.

Biden’s plan to cancel student debt will send inflation skyrocketing by Isabelle Morales
Check out Isabelle Morales page on Townhall.
She is either a fascist or one of the many whining reasons that got Trump elected. Not to be trusted.

Rage Against the Machine slams SCOTUS abortion ruling, donates $475K to abortion rights groups
Musicians will solve all of this for us.

Arizona Republicans Call Abortion Rights Protest at Capitol An ‘Insurrection’ in Statement Thanking Police
Spineless Snowflake Nazis can't take it.

Elie Mystal Goes OFF Over Trump-Targeted Election Workers: Need Protection From ‘White Insurrectionists Running Around This Country!’
Yes. There are some real dangerous nitwits threatening people. Like teachers they should all be packing heat as the right wingers all will agree on, right?" LMAO! What goes around, comes around.

GOP MA Gov Signs Order Protecting Abortion Access
Up your ass, fake SCOTUS.

Michigan Gov Files Motion To Block 1931 Abortion Ban
Gretchen Whitmer for President. Beto O'Rourke for Veep. You read it first here.

RI Cop Running As GOP Candidate Placed On Leave After Allegedly Assaulting Opponent At Abortion Rally
Fucking Cop shows women how much tougher real cowardly males are.

Scientists Say the Sun Is Acting Up and Causing Satellites to Fall Back to Earth
Space junk. It could all fall on the Supreme Court.

Google tells workers they can relocate 'without justification' following Supreme Court decision
Forcing people to move from one state to another due to nothing more than for legal access to health care is tantamount to "cruel and unusual punishment" which is, according to the Constitution, illegal.
Once again, they are unfit to hold their jobs. Impeach them. And vote against them come November.

U.S. intelligence brief suggests Putin is waiting for another weak-willed Republican to be president
Well, we know who their candidate is.
Too bad for them, he'll be in prison soon.

Asking teachers to shoot former students is mental cruelty
Ya think?

Americans Across U.S. Say 'Hell No!' To Roe V. Wade Reversal
Of course. SCOTUS is guilty of tyranny.
Impeach Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, John Roberts, Brett Kavanaugh, Clarence Thomas, and Amy Coney Barrett
They are liars to Congress and illegitimate.

Charlie Kirk Adds White College Educated Woman To His Hate List
He must be very insecure. Quite possibly never got laid in his life.
The idiot can't tell a dolphin fetus from a human fetus.

Motorist 'Tried to Murder' Abortion Rights Advocates at Iowa Protest, Witnesses Say
Although one witness said the driver went "out of his way" to hit pro-choice protestors in the street, Cedar Rapids police declined to make an arrest.
"It makes me feel like the pro-life movement is a complete lie if, in order to be against people who are protesting for abortion rights, you try to murder them in my street."
"The anti-abortion movement has an extensive history of violence."
One of these days someone will decide to pop a cap on one of these "self-righteous moralists" using an auto as weapon and the real shooting war will begin.

What the anti-abortion movement wants next — and how we can respond
They may have bitten off more than they can chew with this tyrannical dump.
We have their roadmap and we need to use this information for empowerment, not despair. They know the most important battles lie ahead, and so do we.
And we all know historically how most major battles have been resolved. Let's not kid ourselves here.

Rachel Maddow warns what 'fetal personhood' case could lead to
"The anti-abortion political project of the Republican Party and the political right has been the central organizing principle for the right's entire effort around the judiciary, one for which there is still no match or mirror on the left. It's a big deal," Maddow said on her show Friday. "The conservatives have the power on this court, and they will now wield it however they want, to achieve whatever outcomes they want, to change the country however they want without restriction — and you must do what they say . . . For them, the dam has burst."
They will shit and fall back in it. This is the perfect definition of tyranny. The word that the right uses so much. Let's see how much they take to this tyranny. Or will they be the hypocrites we know them to be?

The Current US Supreme Court Is Not Constitutionally Legitimate
Dobbs is a watershed attack that will come to be known as an infamous consolidation of an unrelenting extremist assault on this country's gains for equality and justice.

Musician Jack White torches 'unchecked egomaniac' Trump for sending the country 'backwards 50 years'
"White took to Instagram and pointed out one of the most critical contributing factors to conservatives' ability to attack abortion rights: former President Donald Trump having the advantage of nominating three conservative justices for the Supreme Court."
As many have stated, this is at the feet of those that found Clinton too toxic for their sanctified holyness. May they rot in Hell with the Court they put in power.
As a musician myself, I stand with Jack as all musicans should. Unfortunately, I know a few who do not.

What you need to know about abortion in Texas
Nothing good. They will fuck you to death with no remorse.

Goddamn It and Goddamn Them
"The so-called "progressives" who could not bring themselves to ever vote for a "Democrap" knew, or surely should have known that they were enabling the eventual overturn of Roe v. Wade, not to mention any number of other retrograde decisions."
Yes, Goddamn them all.
"Six really perfidious and rotten people imposed their will on a majority of Americans who didn't want them to do what they did."
Yes, Goddamn them all.
"...their futures determined by five men and one woman, all but one of them Catholic, all cultish and rather creepy in their beliefs."
Yes, Goddamn them all.
"Sanctimonious monsters who do their monstrous work dressed in black robes, reassuring themselves they are serving God's will."
Yes, Goddamn them all.
"And those who will take the worst of the shit we shouldn't have to take are those who will pay the biggest price for what has been done by truly despicable human beings far removed from the consequences."
Yes, Goddamn them all.
"Clarence Thomas had the audacity to say that he had been subjected to a "high-tech lynching" when he faced accusations of sexual harassment during his confirmation hearings. Lynching was an egregiously inappropriate analogy for what Thomas had experienced."
This amoral idiot wishes he was living in the 1800s when he could have been lynched and not metaphorically.
Impeach Thomas.

Susan Collins Did This

The End of Roe v. Wade: American Democracy Is Collapsing

Robed Extremists Sacrifice Women
Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, John Roberts, Brett Kavanaugh, Clarence Thomas, and Amy Coney Barrett make a deadly decision.
Where are their hoods?

This Fascist Gang Can Shoot Straight After All
Mitch McConnell teamed with Donald Trump to pack the Supreme Court and make sure gun owners’ rights are protected—and women’s are not.
Killer Clowns.

So You’ve Ended Roe. How Are You Going to Support Women and Babies?
They don't give a fuck about women and babies. This is more than obvious as we've seen this bullshit for decades now. Pure evil.

The Constitution Is Whatever the Right Wing Says It Is
Such are the illegitimate Nazis.

John Roberts is 'powerless' and 'clearly can’t control' his court: legal experts
"The court continues to drop in its approval ratings with the public and it can’t seem to escape the perception that the institution’s decisions are being driven by politics, not principle."
It is an illegitimate court.
We have been bamboozled. Hoodwinked. Conned. Had. Raped. We must do what we need to do now.

Why gas prices are so high according to history (and no, it's not Biden's fault)
"Gas prices in the United States are inextricably tied to international events entirely outside the purview of any president..."

Trump's lawyers could be the first indicted due to the Jan 6th hearings — and that's very bad news for him

'The dog that caught the car': Republicans brace for the impact of reversing Roe
Everything was going right for Republicans in the midterm campaign. Then the Supreme Court decision came down.
The illegitimate court. Like the rest of the fascists they are very stupid.

The Supreme Court Puts Gun Rights Above the Human Life
The illegitimate court.

The incredible hypocrisy of Christian 'religious freedom' rhetoric after Roe
Why is right-wing Christianity the only religion afforded legal and political accommodation in America? My Jewish grandmother would like a word.
These arrogant Talibastards have been hypocrites ever since Paul appropriated it for his con on humanity. Jesus' brother, James, knew Paul was a conniver. They never got along.

The Supreme Court Is Waging a Full-Scale War on Modern Life
They certainly don't live in this time period. They are living in the deep, dark, illiterate past and are only evil meddlers in our lives now.

Can the FDA’s Approval of an Abortion Pill Stop States From Banning It?
Oh, sure. Just like they stopped the use of any drug they declared illegal. It shows how these dumb fucks think they can stop water from seeking its own level.

From now on, we should call it the Trump Court
"We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled. The Constitution makes no reference to abortion, and no such right is implicitly protected. With those chilling words an illegitimately obtained Supreme Court majority tore up the lives of Americans & the Constitution in the Dobbs opinion authored by Justice Samuel Alito. And does this high thinker realize why there is nothing implicit there? It was because it was written and interpreted by old white men who were slave owners and considered women chattel. He is complicit in the problem, he and his cohorts.The votes for this opinion were only available because Merrick Garland was wrongly blockaded at the end of the Obama administration and Amy Coney Barrett hypocritically jammed through at the end of the Trump one."
We will no longer recognize the Trump Court as being legitimate.

Gab CEO: “Say Goodbye To Your Abortions Whores”
The precise definition of "dumb fuck."
"Pro-life activism has always been about 'slut-shaming loose women'"

Study: COVID Vaccines Saved 20M Lives In First Year
And the Jehovah's Witnesses must be really pissed about it!

Supreme Court's Elimination of Abortion Rights Is Attack on Living Constitution
To Hell with them.

The Day “The Handmaid’s Tale” Happened In America
This goes hand-in-hand with Trump's coup to overthrow democracy.
SCOTUS is guilty of the same now. Collusion is what we are seeing to distract from Trump being exposed as a traitor and criminal that appointed these criminals.

Watch: Marjorie Taylor Greene flees SCOTUS protest after gloating about abortion ruling
Margie has been a hypocrite since before she was born since she was a real person then. You know — back when she was developing her two-faced bullshit. She's going to have to worry about anyone who is not a hypocrite like she is.

80+ US prosecutors vow not to be part of criminalizing abortion care

'An illegitimate institution': New analysis offers blistering assessment of SCOTUS role in the 'authoritarian takeover'
This is the way fascism, which is government by corporations, works. SCOTUS has been defending corporations for much of America's history. "...the U.S. Supreme Court has morphed into an entity actively working toward authoritarianism."
"Of the nine justices sitting on the current court, five – all of them in the majority opinion that overturned Roe – were appointed by presidents who initially lost the popular vote; the three appointed by Donald Trump were confirmed by senators who represent a minority of Americans," Filipovic explained. "A majority of this court, in other words, were not appointed by a process that is representative of the will of the American people."
And they will say but that's not how our system works. Yes, it is. That's exactly how it is rigged for wealthy old white men to maintain control over our minorities.
We owe these bastards something that won't wash off.

The Supreme Court Just Overturned Roe v. Wade. How The Fuck Did We Get Here?
The short answer is that Republicans played dirty and won while Democrats played pure and lost. The full story, however, is longer, stranger, and even uglier.
These fetid creatures are the monsters we've seen in Science Fiction movies come to life. They must be destroyed by any means necessary.
Sam Alito's name isn't in the Constitution either. Nazi prick. And Clarence Thomas just made up bullshit about how a precedent can be overturned.
It can be blamed on the Susan Sarandons of the world and the cowards that couldn't bring their holy opinions about Hillary Clinton to heel and vote for her.

Everyone knows the Supreme Court conservatives were lying in their hearings. Everyone.
They lied to Congress which makes them all criminals. Indict them and send them to prison.
"It should probably go without saying that Amy Coney Barrett was the most flagrant bullshitter."
Amy Coney Barret in confirmation hearing: "Cases [like Roe] are so well settled that no political actors and no people seriously push for their overruling."

Supreme Court plummets to all-time low: Poll shows Americans have no confidence in conservatives
The Nazis are running that asylum. These Talibastards have been whining forever about "legislating from the bench." This is what they are doing now and shows they are two-faced liars. As such, they are now fair game for attack.
And we don't want to hear a goddamn peep from Amy Coney Barrett.

Supreme Court's legal terrorism: Appealing to "tradition" on abortion is obscene
Right-wing justices ran the Constitution through a search engine and took what they wanted. Is segregation next?
Signs that point to the back door that say "Colored Entrance"?

Smoking Gun At The January 6 Hearings
'Just say it was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the Republican Congressmen.' That's a direct quote from Trump.
Fatso will make up some bullshit lies to cover the rest of his crime.

Russian Missile Defense System Blows Itself Up
As Russians launched their missile to intercept a Ukrainian plane, it abruptly turned in mid-air and then destroyed their own S-400 missile system.
Back to the drawing board, dickheads.

Lt. Gov. Of CA Goes Off Over SCOTUS Overturning Roe
"Prepare to defy" the Supreme Court.
"They cannot tell millions of American women what to do with their bodies. This is not going to stop abortion; it is only going to make it more dangerous and harder to access. but women know, they know they have a god-given right to autonomy over their body and they're going to seek it out, and Clarence Thomas is not going to tell them that they can't."
Thomas is directly connected to the attempted overthrow of our government by Trump.
So, fuck the fascists! They are merely Trump Crime Syndicate members.

WATCH: Cori Bush Reacts Live To The End Of Roe
Cori Bush, Ayanna Pressley, and 18 other Congresswomen Lead Call for Biden to Declare Public Health Emergency
To Hell with the Talibastards! They must be stopped.

The end of Roe v. Wade: American democracy is collapsing
Judges appointed by popular vote-losing presidents used a stolen Supreme Court seat to overturn the people's will
"The decision to strip every American with a working uterus of basic human rights was a 6-3 majority decision. Alito, who wrote the majority opinion, was appointed by George W. Bush, but make no mistake: This decision will long be remembered as Trump's legacy."
And the thief? Bitch McConnell.

'Absolutely Terrifying': Criminal Defense Attorneys Warn About Impacts of Roe Reversal
The head of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers said exposing people to new criminal penalties for abortions "opens up the floodgates to overcriminalization and mass incarceration."
These Nazis must be resisted even if we all have to die to stop them.

See Planned Parenthood leader's response to Liz Cheney Supreme Court tweet
Yes, Planned Parenthood is absolutely correct! Alito is a fascist liar and a threat to all freedom. We weren't paying attention when he was bullshitting about Roe when he was first asked about it early on. We still aren't paying attention.

CNN commentator challenged on her religion and abortion stance. Watch her response
We were warned about Trump but a lot of people wouldn't listen. Now they will pay for their mistake.
'Roe is on the ballot': Supreme Court's ruling on abortion rights raises stakes in midterms. But it's been on the ballot ever since it was made law. We haven't been vigilant. Now we must do what has to be done.

Law enforcement officials: Supreme Court gun ruling will make our jobs harder
Why does SCOTUS hate America?
Because they live in the distant past.

This is my protest speed today:
Protesters shouting “Fuck you SCOTUS! Fuck you Alito! Fuck you Thomas! Fuck you Gorsuch! Fuck you Kavanaugh!”
Long and hard. The Pigs have returned.

Republican Texas House candidate in Collin County charged with impersonating public servant
Imagine that. There are several people on SCOTUS that are impersonating judges.

America’s Armed Forces Are Weaker Without Roe
Your Supremacist Court will have to take the hit on any failures of our armed forces.

'With Sorrow,' They Dissent
Our three American heroes.

Have You Noticed America Has Gotten Meaner?
Violence is the cardinal characteristic, the logo, the brand identity of fascism. Every fascist movement in history has lifted itself to power on the scaffold of violence
It's the natural evolution of fascism. America is turning to Nazism.

In Radical Decision, Supreme Court All but Nullifies States’ Right To Control Guns
We are also gun crazy as well as meaner. None of this shit will help make us a more perfect union.

The Republicans Who Wanted Pardons for Their Trump Coup Actions

Jan. 6th Hearings: A Lesson in Political Courage

If the Supreme Court Can Reverse Roe, It Can Reverse Anything
Including any right you take for granted.

Take the Constitution Back From the Supreme Court
Today on TAP: A new ruling striking down most blue-state gun regulation is utter nonsense.
And tell them the same thing on abortion rights. These assholes are against any American right except their own.

Merrick Garland says states cannot ban abortion-inducing drug in wake of Roe reversal
Sure. The Talibastards will come after it next but until then — fuck you dictator SOBs.

Conservatives melt down after Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy blasts 'insane' abortion ruling
The ruling was made possible by the nomination of three conservative justices to the court by former Republican president Donald Trump — Neil Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. The names that will live in infamy in our future should we be fortunate enough to have one due to these morons.

School board members 'quite shocked' as they get sucked into DeSantis' complex political arena
How could and educated person be shocked by anything this grifter would do?

$53.3 Million. 33 Jobs. No Plan. That’s How Mississippi Lawmakers Are Spending BP Oil Spill Money
Pocketing the loot like the crooks they are.

Trump: ‘God made the decision’ overturning Roe
Of course. These arrogant bastards think they're Gods.

Biden: Supreme Court is ‘taking America back 150 years’ by overturning Roe v. Wade

Dissenting jurists: Overturning Roe undermines court’s legitimacy
This court is as delegitimate as we have ever witnessed.
We can't let them keep pushing America around.
The pain and suffering that will be inflicted on Americans now and in our future will be catastrophic.

“From the Very Moment of Fertilization, a Woman Has No Rights to Speak Of”
If America is proud of this, then America has already failed, is over and done with. It is a damned country now.

Dan Abrams: ‘Real Possibility a Member of Donald Trump’s Inner Circle Could Face Criminal Charges’ Over January 6

WaPo: GOP Rep Spread QAnon “Italygate” Batshittery

Giuliani Now In The Crosshairs Of Georgia Grand Jury
Is Trump next?

FBI Subpoenas PA Republican Official Over Fake Electors
Another one bites the dust.

Pelosi On Roe Ruling: Punish The GOP At The Ballot Box
If you're an American you will kick the mindless Nazis out.

Texas AG: “Praise The Lord, Abortion Is Illegal In Texas"
Just as you should be, dickhead.

Pence: We Must Not Relent Until All States Ban Abortion
Says the leader of the Talibastards.

Interfaith Alliance Blasts Dobbs Decision as Devastating Attack on Reproductive Rights, Religious Freedom
These idiots think they are saints for doing this. But they are as evil as evil can ever be.

Pence Celebrates End Of Roe v. Wade, Calls For Nationwide Abortion Ban
Fuck Pence.

Joe Manchin Says He ‘Trusted’ Gorsuch And Kavanaugh, Is Now Disappointed
So you admit you are a part of this atrocity? You are.

Elizabeth Warren Furious About Roe Decision: ‘Hang On To This Anger’ For Midterms
And expand the Supreme Court with honest people so we can overturn these Talibastards.

Supreme Court Strikes Down Right to Abortion, in Horrifying Public Health Disaster
They are as stupid as a sack of broken hammers.

Jeffrey Clark Raid Suggests DOJ Is Investigating Trump For Jan6 Crime(s)
It also knows that SCOTUS is a part of the Trump Crime Syndicate. They'll get theirs as well.

Biden's Remarks On SCOTUS Overturning Roe: 'This Fight Is Not Over'
Damned right. We know who the bad guys are and we won't let them make a run for it.

As Roe Is Overturned, Collins Puts Bangor Home On The Market
Just like a grade-B western when the bad guy starts stuffing his saddle bags with loot and running for his horse to head out of town.

'A Dark Day for Our Nation': Right-Wing Supreme Court Ends Constitutional Right to Abortion
The Nazis hit America hard. We owe them now.

'We Won't Go Back!': Rapid-Response Protests Across US After Roe Reversal
We won't go back. We'd rather die on our feet than live on our knees.

Republicans Won't Stop at Roe
Oh, Hell No! These Talibastards will be mandating women to wear face and head coverings they are so mindlessly retarded. Why the hell do you think they pulled this in the middle of the committee showing Trump's treason? They are a part of his crime syndicate.

Nearly half of US states have or will pass laws that ban abortion
Nearly half of America hasn't been part of America for some time now. Just look at the Land of the Happy Negro and the so-called Supreme Court.

'National Conservative' manifesto: A plan for fascism — but it's not hypothetical
Here come the Nazis. Either leave the country or get your weapons and ammo. It is coming down now.

Clarence Thomas calls on court to undo rulings on same-sex relationships and contraception: 'We have a duty to correct the error'
Oh, fuck him and his longing for 1800 again. Thomas is the error. He's a co-conspirator in the attemped overthrow of democracy as his wife is involved in the crime of overturning our election. Impeach him and the other 3 fascists.

SCOTUS condemned for voting to overturn Roe v. Wade
God damn the Supreme Court.

Brett Kavanaugh voted to strike down Roe — but believes there is a constitutional 'right to interstate travel'

Mark this article readLegal analyst warns the Supreme Court has just unleashed 'legal chaos'
May God damn the Supreme Court. These are the spawn of Satan.

With Dobbs, Women Are No Longer Full Citizens. We Can Still Fight Back
We can fight the Talibastards better as they went against the will of the American People.

'This is the smoking gun': Legal experts floored by new DOJ testimony against Trump
"On multiple occasions, the former Justice Department officials said Clark and Trump led an effort to subvert the 2020 election after the fact.
This asshat should be put away for eternity.

DOJ moves on multiple fronts as FBI hands out subpoenas and searches home of Jeffrey Clark
A new traitor in our midst has been uncovered.

Texas GOP Rep Hammers Tom Brady In Workplace Violence Hearing
U.S. Republican Rep. Pat Fallon of Texas used a hearing about toxic workplace culture to attack football star Tom Brady.
And where is this child from? Texas, of course.

Here's The List Of Representatives Who Sought Preemptive Pardons
White House staffer Cassidy Hutchinson testified as to the Congresspeople who reached out to Trump's White House to get pre-emptive pardons for their roles in the January 6 insurrection (and more in some cases).
When one begs for a pardon in front, one is admitting guilt even though they can't be prosecuted for their crimes.
"Republicans were looking for wildly broad pardons covering anything up until January 6."
"All these creeps knew they were committing a fraud against the America people and the Constitution."
And they are still at large.

Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene are panic-tweeting after revelations they sought pardons
"...multiple Republican members of Congress – Mo Brooks (Alabama), Matt Gaetz (Florida), Louie Gohmert (Texas), Scott Perry (Pennsylvania), and Marjorie Taylor Greene (Georgia) – sought pardons in January of 2021 from then-President Donald Trump after they voted against certifying President Joe Biden's 2020 victory in the Electoral College.
Will American voters ever learn? It may already be too late for them.

'National Conservative' manifesto: A plan for fascism — but it's not hypothetical
The Nazis are openly Nazis. You heard about them first years ago on the Land of the Happy Negro.

'The smoking gun': Legal experts reflect on the 'breathtaking criminality' exposed in latest J6 hearing
The dawn arrives.
But the second paragraph: "heals"? Had the federal agents been injured? Typo, hopefully.

The ‘Fucking Hammer to the Head’ That Could End Putin
The Russian president’s next move could spur the beginning of his chaotic undoing.

The Supreme Court Just Fused Church and State — and It Has Even Uglier Plans Ahead
Six conservative lawyers are doing what they can to transform the country into a Christian theocracy
Roberts, Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett — Talibastards and Un-Americans.

Ukrainian Kamikaze Drone Strikes Russian Oil Refinery
Russian workers captured the slow-moving drone on video. "Wow, a drone. Is it Ukrainian? - Of course not!" Both laughing. Then the refinery blows up in a massive fireball.
"It blowed up good. It blowed up real good."

Surprise! Polls Say Americans Want Trump Indicted
It's a shocker: Americans are paying attention to Trump insurrection hearings.
And they want his treasonous ass in stir.
The only ones who don't are his co-conspirators.

Jan 6th Rally Organizer Appears To Have Had It With 'Disconnected' Trump
Slowly they turn, step by step...Amy Kremer is in line behind several others.
Fatso is a loser.

How Republicans have placed themselves above the law
Because they're crooks at heart.

Is American democracy already lost? Half of us think so — but the future remains unwritten
New poll finds that more than half of all Americans think democracy is toast. But that's only true if we surrender
The half that thinks so are spineless. They must be fascist MAGAts.

Fox News host left shocked by Jan. 6 hearing: 'Stunning' lack of evidence for Trump's fraud claims
Someone with a spine at Fuks Noose?

Trump will 'go nuclear' to sabotage any 2024 GOP nominee that isn't him: elections expert
This is why he should be in a cell.

There's only one way to save America: Trump and his stooges must be punished

Lauren Boebert may be forced to close her gun-themed restaurant after landlord yanks her lease
"... we didn't ban planes" after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
And how, pray tell, would guns have prevented 9/11? They would have to have used anti-aircraft artillary which no individuals legally own. They can only own a piece if it has been rendered into a non-gun.

'Absolutely Terrifying': Criminal Defense Attorneys Warn About Impacts of Roe Reversal
The head of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers said exposing people to new criminal penalties for abortions "opens up the floodgates to overcriminalization and mass incarceration."
That's the vicious Talibastards for you.

Children Have the Right to Be Safe From Gun Violence Made Possible by the GOP's Political Lunacy
What is truly needed is an effective ban on gun sales and education efforts to change a culture of violence to a culture of peace.

Amid Jan. 6 Hearings, Watchdogs Warn GOP Efforts to Steal Elections Are 'Still Underway'
"MAGA Republicans are not giving up," warned one progressive. "They're now trying to pack election administration offices—from secretary of state to county clerk—with election deniers."
The Fascist Republican criminals are still at large. They will stop at nothing to destroy our nation. We must stop them first.

The Second Amendment Is a Palladium of Death. It Should Be Repealed
We have made a fetish out of the Second Amendment: it has become a loathsome idol for which no amount of American blood is sufficient.
As someone has already stated: It should have been repealed 200 years ago.

Watters Gives Game Away On Abortion: 'Just Drive Across State Lines'
The moron illustrating why he is a moron.

Johnson Caught Lying About His Role In Fake Elector Plot
"Oh yeah sure! Doesn't everybody accept packages without knowing what's in them and without knowing who sent it and trying to deliver it the second in command of the country?"
And look like an idiot when he fakes a phone call for diversion.

Fox Host: J6 Hearing Made Trump Look ‘Just Awful’
Trump did it to himself. No one should feel sorry for the criminal.

Who Is to Blame for Inflation? The Power Brokers of Capitalism
A half-century long power play, led by corporations, Wall Street, governments, and central banks, has gone badly wrong.

The Supreme Court Strikes Another Blow to the Separation of Church and State
In a new ruling, the theocrats on the court turned one of the nation’s fundamental principles on its head.
Dictators and un-american as they can be.

Supreme Court Takes a Hatchet to the Constitution, Again
"What is expressly not in the Constitution is any reference to the number of seats on the U.S. Supreme Court. It’s time to unpack this creation of the Federalist Society, Mitch McConnell, and Trump, and restore the court’s legitimacy. Expanding it and reforming it is the only way to accomplish that."

Interfaith Alliance Assails Carson Decision As Major Blow to Religious Freedom
The fake court will break down wall of separation and force us to support churches we don't believe in. These fake judges should be deeply ashamed of their despotism.
They are worse than fascists. They are Christo-fascist.

Herschel Walker Compares Himself To Jesus, Who Also Has Multiple Personalities: “Father, Son, And Holy Spirit”

Trump and His Allies Are 'A Clear and Present Danger to American Democracy'
They must be held accountable.

Witnesses help tie Trump directly to bogus elector scheme during day of intense testimony

Thug Trump Loses It Over Rusty Bowers' Testimony
No one believes you, dude.
Death to fascism.

Fox News Legal Analyst: Trump Unfit For Office
Andy McCarthy came out against Trump and said he may be indicted for the crime of obstruction of Congress
Yes, they finally said it!

Jeanine Pirro Blames Black Deaths On Black Lives Matter
Next up, blame car accident deaths on seatbelts? Why not?

Lone Star hate: Right-wing activists in Texas drive a new wave of anti-LGBTQ bigotry
Sure, Texas is a red state. But the merger of MAGA and anti-LGBTQ activism has revealed a whole new level of ugly.

Ron Johnson blasted in Wisconsin after being first senator named in Jan. 6 hearings

Harvard Law prof calls upon Merrick Garland to charge Trump under mob racketeering law
Good for starters. Trump has a long list of crimes.

Exclusive: Trump 'was getting his advice from people who were demented': official
Demented is exactly what Trump is.

‘What the F-ck Is This?’: Team Trump Blindsided by Jan. 6 Committee Getting Doc Footage
Former administration and campaign officials tell Rolling Stone they had no idea a film crew had months of access to the former president and his family

Intel Reveals Putin Plan to Weasel His Way Into American Hearts
Fuck Putin.

The Supreme Court May Be Preparing to Light our Planet on Fire
The SCOTUS is about to use it's ill-gotten power on behalf of the fossil fuel industry to cripple America’s ability to meet the challenge of climate change
Maybe this is the fire next time?

SCOTUS Rules For Public Funding Of Christian Schools
They are also suppporting grifting to coninue. Think of what this will do for "Scientology."
Everyone should refuse to comply. Everyone. This is a blow to the wall between church and state. Resist by any means.

Pence: Biden Lies More Than Any President [VIDEO
I guess he's forgotten about Trump, King of Liars, the man he worked under and threw him under the bus.
Unworthy he is.

‘This is Fascism!’ Joe Scarborough Slams GOP for Embracing Violence After Eric Greitens’ ‘RINO Hunting’ Video
“We’re talking about the rise of American fascism,” Scarborough concluded. “You can look at January 6th. You can look at ads like this. You can look at the continued use of violence and imagery. You can look at Donald Trump telling his audience members to beat up people in the audience that disagree with him. It’s fascism.”
Of course it is. Why everyone doesn't say so says a great deal about the condition of our nation.

Stephen Colbert Rips Tucker Carlson Claiming His Staff Committed Insurrection: ‘Shameful and Grotesque Insult’ to Jan. 6 Victims
Of course. Carlson has totally lost it and is a disgrace to his country.

Florida newspaper blasts Ron DeSantis for 'cruel, barbaric' delay of COVID-19 vaccines for children
The slug is a failed moron. He should run for dog catcher.

American students are not being taught what really happened during Reconstruction: report
The Nazis don't want them to know. They are too caught up in overthrowing America.

Study Shows Excess Corporate Profits in the US Have Become 'Widespread'
A new research paper finds that corporate price markups and profits jumped to their highest levels in seven decades last year.
The greed of these "people" contribute heavily to inflation.
They've never heard of the word "responsible."

Skyrocketing Rent Is Driving Inflation
So why does no one care?

Corporate America is Helping to Elect Anti-Abortion Attorneys General
Abortion access is on the ballot in several states this year, where Democratic AG candidates have pledged not to enforce restrictive abortion laws but Republicans have said the opposite.

Joe Rogan Says He’s ‘Disgusted’ by Justin Trudeau’s View on Guns For Personal Protection
Nice to hear he's disgusted because he's so diigusting himself.

No, Texas can’t legally secede from the U.S., despite popular myth
The theme of independence has recurred throughout the history of Texas, which was a republic from 1836–45. But the Civil War established that a state cannot secede.
Your key word here is "Legally." Some of these corrupt incels don't know that word.

Photojournalist David Butow covered Trump and Jan. 6: "I don't think there's an America anymore"
David Butow has photographed conflict zones all over the world. Jan. 6 "was one of the worst things" he's ever seen
If the Nazis get in office this fall America will then be finished. Everyone's life will be on the line.

Trump Bootlicker Mike Pence Accuses Biden Of Lying
Trump tried to get Pence killed with lies. This is how he responds: by being even more obsequious.

DeSantis' College Teammate: 'He Was The Biggest D*ck We Knew'
This is probably why conservatives like him.
That he is a big dick is absolutely true. That he is smart is not true. He fucks up constantly. Pay attention.

Congrats, Texas GOP! You're Officially A Seditious Cult
It's the Fascism Stupids! Texas Republican platform rejects the legitimacy of Biden's election while pushing guns, hate.
I don't know anyone that has been saying that for years.

Elon Musk’s Daughter Disowns Him and Files to Ditch His Name
The 18-year-old wrote in a court petition that she does not “wish to be related to my biological father in any way, shape or form.”
Who could blame her?

Legal expert anticipates the next Jan. 6 hearing evidence — and predicts nothing can save Trump

Republican Adam Kinzinger faces threats of assassination against him, his wife and new baby
Trash. The Trump Nazis are stinking trash.

Schiff: Jan. 6 Committee Has Evidence Of Trump's Involvement In Fake Elector Plot
We're going to need more popcorn, y'all.

Ex-Trump Aide: Trump Admitted Privately That He Lost The Election To Biden
Wow, guys, it turns out that Trump is a liar. Alyssa Farah Griffin confirmed it.
Trump is a liar.This is news?

'They're maniacs': Former GOP lawmaker unloads on Trump supporters for making unhinged threats
Truer words were never spoken. These lunatics will stop at nothing.

Truth about Trump "starting to sink in" for Republicans, says Morning Joe
Poll finds 19% of Republicans think Trump should be prosecuted. Scarborugh shocked: "They're listening"

Expert: Racketeering Charges Likely Against Trump
CNN legal analyst Norm Eisen predicted that former President Donald Trump will be charged with racketeering when he "finally faces accountability" for trying to overturn the presidential election in Georgia.

Watergate prosecutor: 'The evidence is there' against Donald Trump — 'and it’s beyond a reasonable doubt'

'They are nuts': Conservative slams Texas GOP's 'mess' of a party platform
Even the conservatives are starting to see the dystopian fever dream these fuckwits are pushing.

Turmoil erupts after Black pastor tells Southern Baptists they became ‘whores for Trump’
Right. But they've been that all along. We're just bitching about their fees.

Texas GOP's New Party Platform: Full Repeal Of The Voting Rights Act Of 1965
These insane fascists are going to stop Americans from voting. This is seceding and is an act of war. There can be no worse treason.
The bloody civil war I have been prophesizing is about to begin if these stupids have their way.

Texas Republicans Call For Referendum On Secession
The mentally imparied fascists are grandstanding. But I can imagine the occupation of the State by Federal troops and establishing martial law and a provisional government until some sanity is restored. Think of the disaster it will be for the losses the population would suffer. But the Land of the Happy Negro has never been the brightest bulb in the pack.

GOP Rep. Kinzinger: 'My party has utterly failed the American people'
And how. But they have done a lot for the munitions manufacturers.

GOP Rep Goes There: Trump Is Guilty Of Sedition

Doug Mastriano's Rootin' Tootin' School Shootin' Prevention Plan
The GOP nominee for governor in Pennsylvania wouldn't arm teachers with books, funding, or resources to teach—just guns.
Insanity in America.

Gallup: 58% Say They Use Smartphones “Too Much”
Ya think?

Uvalde Police Officers Had Chance to Shoot School Gunman: Report

QAnon cryptocurrency implodes — and costs its investors millions of dollars: report
What a nutball world we have created.

'White lives matter' mob with 'ballistic vests' target Juneteenth festival in Tennessee
And apparently, the only lives that matter.

Missouri Republican slammed for 'disturbing' new ad: 'These monsters are going to get people killed'
This is, of course, the whole point of their madness.

LGBTQ Republicans angered by Texas GOP's new platform: 'These are crazy people'
Indeed. Batshit crazy and dangerous as cancer.

I’m a High-Risk OB-GYN. I’m Seeing One of the Most Joyful Parts of My Job Weaponized Against Women.
Technology allows us to understand our bodies. It also allows laws to control them
The idiots she's speaking about don't give a damn about her educated views. They just want to screw up people's lives for the pure meaness of it.

An Armed Society Is a Mass Shooting Society
In Philadelphia, police apathy and incompetence have flooded the streets with guns, and the results are bloody.
We no longer live in a civilized world.

The Gun Deal Misdirection
Every day waiting for a bipartisan agreement is a day further away from reconciliation.

The Global Ruling Class, Endless War, and the Culture of Mass Death
The global ruling class is cementing into place a world where they govern without accountability, we are reduced to serfdom, the climate crisis accelerates, and mass death is normalized.

Raskin Says Trump 'Essentially' Confessed: 'I Did It And I'll Do It Again'
"It doesn't take a weather man to know which way the wind blows." -- Bob Dylan
Especially with Traitor Trump.

Georgia election investigation 'will send Donald Trump to jail': former Watergate prosecutor
Which is where he belongs.

Treason: Legal expert lays out 5 factors that would nail Trump

Judge Luttig reveals why he spoke so slowly at Jan. 6 hearing
American history written as you watched.

Juneteenth is a reminder that freedom still depends on where you live
As we commemorate the memory of Juneteenth, let's remember that progress does not occur evenly

It's Time To Use The "F Word"
No, it's not "Fox," either
Fuckin' A. Now they've caught up to the Land of the Happy Negro.

'Eyepatch McCain!': Dan Crenshaw & Staff Assaulted By Right Wingers At TX GOP
Real classy, guys.
Oh, they're all class. The bottom.

Uvalde Cops Want To Exempt Themselves From Public Records Law
The public records Uvalde is trying to suppress include body camera footage, photos, 911 calls, emails, text messages, criminal records, and more.
Routine behavior for the inept fascists that are in charge.
It's Texas.

Here's One Way To Fight Anti-Abortion Laws
Religious-liberty and free-speech rights under the U.S. Constitution—and other constitutionally-grounded arguments—could be raised to defend women’s right to control their bodies without interference from the State.

Which Amendment guarantees the people have other rights that are not written in the Constitution?
The Ninth Amendment. The one that guarantees the right to abortion.
Odd how many decisions based on the amendment in the past that have denied rights have later been reversed by the courts.

Republicans delay everything in order to destroy Democratic agenda ?— with an assist from Manchin

Sen. Ron Johnson says he can't stand it when he's 'challenged by medical experts'
He appears to be challenged by existance.

Trump Has One Skill: Bullying
Donald Trump operates on One Simple Trick, Always
An entitled brat and dumb as a sack of hammers.

No Better Reason To Vote Than This
Trae Crowder gives us the best reason to make sure we get out to vote in every election, especially November's.

GOP splinters over effort to crack down on Big Tech
Republicans abandon their free-market ideals to go all-in on the culture wars

Mary Trump calls for 'nothing short of a criminal indictment' for her uncle after latest Jan 6th revelations

Trump supporters have embraced a new tactic in their campaign to unearth supposed proof of 2020 election fraud
Photo taken in prison camp for stupid.

Plurality of voters call Biden a 'good person,' but most say they don't like or trust him
Then how come he got such a huge vote in 2020? Maybe you believe the BIG LIE?
These people have already forgotten the Nazi that nearly destroyed us. They will likely add more grief to the country.
Please tell us, oh great intellects: Just who would you trust: Attila the Hun or this week's TV celebrity?

'Certifiably Crazy': Jan. 6 Panel Highlights How Team Trump Pushed Pence to Overturn Election
Had Pence obeyed Trump, said a retired federal judge, "America would immediately have been plunged into what would have been tantamount to a revolution within a paralyzing constitutional crisis."

Everest’s base camp is melting
The pathology of the human being.

Judge Luttig: US headed for ‘protracted democratic instability’ unless GOP finally disqualifies Trump
Why would they want to keep sheltering a federal criminal? That would brand them as fascists and criminals as well.

Devastating evidence indicates that Trump knew he lost — so his actions were criminal
And so, because of this he will be...?

“Big Lie” Vigilantism Is on the Rise. Big Tech Is Failing to Respond.
“If you believe the last election was stolen, you’re going to be more likely to take steps to steal the next one back,” Hasen said. “It’s pretty obvious that what’s going on here is using false claims of fraud as a potential pretext to engage in election subversion in 2024 or another future election. That’s very dangerous for American democracy.”
End vigilantism.

They Will Do It Again Republicans have not been chastened by the revelations of the January 6 committee
That's because they are a fascist party now. Law means little to nothing to them.
Take it to the bank.

After Capitol tour revelations, rep says there was more than one group
The Democratic congresswoman who helped expose the pre-riot tours of the Capitol complex has now said, "That is not the only group that I saw."
I believe it's called "casing the joint."

On vaccines for kids, Florida's DeSantis makes a bizarre call
Many Republican governors ordered Covid vaccines so families will have the option of protecting young kids. At least at first, Ron DeSantis didn't bother.
An original teahadist and it shows.

YouTube Zaps Riot Hearing Clip Over Trump’s Lies
YouTube cuts off nose to spite face.
"We can't show 'disgusting lying worthless pieces of shit with no redeeming qualities whatsoever' committing crimes right in front of us that prove they are guilty swine."

Florida Papers Blast GOP Hypocrisy On Drag Shows
These dickheads have led a very sheltered life. They are such tiny minded creatures. Drag Queens have been with us longer than they know.
The Evolution Of The Art Of Drag In 33 Stunning, Historical Images
Dressing in drag was once just a means of fulfilling female parts in plays — and now it's become a worldwide phenomenon.

One Million Moms: Christians Should Boycott Lightyear
Who cares, Monica? Just squeeze it a little tighter.

Gallup: Belief In God Dips To New Low For US Adults
Monica, your boycotter pool is draining.

92 Year-Old Retired Priest Charged In 1968 Child Rape
Dear me. 92 and still raping. You Christian cultists are really something!

Democratic Rep. Says Clarence Thomas Should Resign Over Wife Ginni's Conduct
Rep. Bill Pascrell said Thomas has “poisoned the High Court” by hearing Jan. 6 cases even though his wife was involved in efforts to overturn the election.
Of that, there is no question. Resign or be impeached.

Free Speech Champion Elon Musk Fires Employees for Criticizing Him
Textbook narcissist fascism.

Musk Sued For $258B For Alleged “Dogecoin Scheme"
Poor Musker. Could this be the end of this con man? We can always hope.

Mass. Man Plows His Car Into Trump Merchandise Store
My guess is he was not a satisfied customer with the junk he bought at the Trump Trash Store.
“They could’ve killed someone.” Really? Same with the Trump January 6, 2021 mob. In fact, they got someone killed and a bunch of people severely injured.

Donald Trump operates on One Simple Trick
"They’re about how the threat of violence was used in an effort to manipulate state officials, federal legislators, and even the Supreme Court."
So much for the Trump store clerk bitching about violence.

Why Hasn't Trump Been Charged With Seditious Conspiracy?
Why hasn't be been charged with anything? There are tons of evidence for the many crimes he's committed.
Have we turned into a spineless bunch of wimps, as Trump called Pence?

Chris Hayes Says It Out Loud: Trump Tried To Have Pence Killed
It was close. But the same with Nancy.

'They're usually without genitalia': Ted Cruz complains about 'lesbian toys' in new Buzz Lightyear movie
Producer Galyn Susman: "We weren't going to change the movie we wanted to make just because of a few countries with -- for a lack of a better term -- backward beliefs," she said.
That would describe the U.S. as well with creeps like Cruz around.

Watch: Chicago Police Department under fire after cop shoots Black teen with his hands up
Again, being Black in the wrong place is his crime. The wrong place for Blacks appears to anywhere in the U.S. that has a police force.

'Certifiably Crazy': Jan. 6 Panel Highlights How Team Trump Pushed Pence to Overturn Election
Had Pence obeyed Trump, said a retired federal judge, "America would immediately have been plunged into what would have been tantamount to a revolution within a paralyzing constitutional crisis."
These crooks deserve prison for life.

Yes, Donald Trump is an "American monster": But he wasn't built by a mad scientist
Maureen Dowd's description overlooks a crucial point: It took decades of America's decay to birth this monster
"In his dystopian Inaugural speech, Trump promised to end "American carnage." Instead, he delivered it. Now he needs to be held accountable for his attempted coup — and not just in the court of public opinion."

Wisconsin Frauditor Fought The Law And The Law Won
After Wisconsin's top election frauditor Michael Gableman went off on a judge and an attorney in court last week, he gets the book thrown at him.
And it hit him right in his crotch.

‘Testify under oath’: Trump mocked after angrily demanding ‘equal time’ at Jan. 6 hearings
If he wants equal time he can testiy under oath.

Jan. 6 Committee 'moving closer' to proving Trump led a seditious conspiracy: legal expert

Michigan Republican who led election probe refuses to testify before J6 committee: 'I don't work for you!'
These swine don't believe in government by law.

The Supreme Court is now in the middle of the Jan. 6 insurrection. Congress needs to respond
Look out, Clarence. You may be in a pile of manure that won't wash off.

Paranoia, Feuds, and Revenge Fantasies: The Jan. 6 Hearings Have Thrown Team Trump into Chaos
MAGAworld figures know the Jan. 6 committee has access to some of their internal communications, and they’re watching anxiously to see what comes up on the big screen

Jan. 6 Hearing Witness Nails It: Trump Is A 'Clear And Present Danger'
He did not hold back.
Trump is a traitor and so is is every member of his MAGAt coup mob.

Drag Queens Next On The Ron Desantis Menu
Does Ron DeSantis even know who Florida is?
Here, you have the biggest chickensquat of all time.
He just might be pushing his chickencrap enough to getting his ass kicked.

Herschel Walker Has More Than One Secret Child
Walker's "hidden child counter" just ticked up.
He rails against absent fathers. Can you tell me who is a more absent father in the real world than he is?
Why are you encouraging a mentally ill man, Georgia?

Straddling the fence? Pence advisors reveal how the former VP is trying to maintain his MAGA reputation despite certifying Biden’s win
Pence is merely a wealthy, old-fashioned Republican Christian family man. He's probably involved in the Family and into prophacy.
He'll have to compete with me on that.

'A big ripoff': How Trump 'intentionally misled donors' while building his $250 million 'election defense' fund
A real surprise. He's a genius at knowing how to screw things up for everyone else while he's skimming the moolah off the top.

Ginni Thomas Is A Defacto Unconfirmed Tenth Justice
Trump attorneys claimed Supreme Court justices were considering joining scheme to overturn election
Of that, there is no doubt.

Trump attorneys claimed Supreme Court justices were considering joining scheme to overturn election

NEW: Ginni Thomas Lobbied John Eastman To Overturn Election
"Clarence and Ginni have said many times before that they are each other's best friends, but maybe it's just a coinky-dink that she refers to Best Friend in her some of her insurrection-y texts. I wonder!"

Fascism expert explains why Ron DeSantis is one of the most dangerous men in the GOP

Even Trump’s more 'ethical' lawyers let their country down: conservative

Bannon: J6 Hearing Canceled Because ‘They Can’t Compete’ With My Trial
Actually, Steve Bannon was not on trial Wednesday; he had a hearing on his motion to dismiss the contempt charges against him - which he lost bigly.

Pro-Trump Wisconsin 'auditor' in danger of losing law license after 'full-on meltdown' against judge: report
Oh, my. A fascist is in trouble?

Texas Agencies Fight Releasing Records That Could Help Clarify Response to Uvalde School Shooting
Pirates of Texas.

Confederate flag-toting man, son convicted in Capitol riot
Another traitor. One of the ugliest.

Majority of Americans ‘Very Concerned’ About Future of U.S. Democracy: POLL
Ya think?

Betsy DeVos: Abolish The Department Of Education
Yes, because it failed to educate her. Plus the fact that she wants to destroy all public education.

Elon Musk Votes QAnon: “Massive Red Wave In 2022"
He supports his fascist party as we always knew. That's what he is, no doubt.

Lightyear Star Chris Evans Rips Anti-Gay Critics: “Idiots
And he's being nice about it.
And screw the United Arab gay closeted.

Herschel Walker, A Critic Of Absent Dads, Has A 2nd Son He Hadn't Disclosed
The Republican Senate nominee in Georgia has spoken out against kids being raised in fatherless homes but has reportedly had limited contact with this child.
Any others he's forgotten?

Capitol Rioter Couy Griffin Refuses To Certify New Mexico Election Results
Cowboys for Trump co-founder Couy Griffin and the other Republicans on the Otero County commission voted unanimously to not certify results of the June 7 primary.
Fascist bastards. It takes more than a stupid-looking hat to be a cowboy. This guy is a fake cowboy but a real scumbag. Put him away for life.

How Many Billions in Profit Is It Worth to Kill 212,000 Americans a Year?
If saving trillions of dollars and millions of lives isn't enough to end political bribery in America, what will it take?
Sorry, what was the question?

'We’re coming to take you out': Committee posts video of man on Jan. 5 tour who threatened Pelosi, top Dems on Jan. 6
Guess he was talking to himself?

Jamie Raskin calls it 'troubling' that Republicans claimed no Capitol tours happened on January 5th
A tour or a coup? Coup? Good.

Lauren Boebert to file defamation lawsuit against PAC claiming that she was once a 'paid escort': report
This appears to say more about Ted Cruz than it does about Lauren Boebert.

Will the GOP Embrace White Supremacy & Fascism, or Go Back to Being the Party of the Rich?
If the GOP doubles down on fascism & racism, Lincoln’s “last, best hope for Earth” will rest in the hands of the European Union and America will become unrecognizable

Happy the elephant at Bronx Zoo is not a person, New York’s top court rules
However, Happy is a sentient being and as such, deserves respect.

A process that allows minors to get an abortion could disappear if Roe falls
Make daddie's little girls have his babies, too!

Why Biden Is Getting More Bipartisan Laws Than Anyone Expected
"Many of us dismissed Biden’s claim that he could bring the parties closer together as delusional. To an extent we didn’t expect, he’s managed to do it."

The Senate gun deal isn't what America deserves — but it'll have to do
The new bipartisan framework falls short of what's needed — but it has the votes to pass the Senate.
A variation of a skit by Firesign Theatre: "But this is nothing but a bag of shit!" "Yes, but it's really good shit, Mrs. Yakamoto."

Scientists Race to Create Wheat That Can Withstand Global Warming
Great! But who will be around to eat it?

MTG: Global Warming Is “Actually Healthy” For People
Dumber than a sack of hammers; ignorant as a box of rocks; backward as Amore, Roma. This is "Our Little Margie!"

Bannon Threatens Barr: “We’re Coming For You, Bro”
Top notch comedy entertainment.

It’s time to get serious about impeaching Clarence Thomas
It's past time.

Moscow's MAGA dictator is upset over Jan. 6 committee trying to save American democracy
"The biggest concern for Putin is that the hearings will throw off the most important plan in all of Moscow at the moment—waiting for the Republicans to help them win the invasion of Ukraine."

Of Course Trump Is Responsible for His Lies
"So yes, Trump is responsible for his lies however fervently he may tell himself and others that he believes in them because what he believes is irrelevant. His mind is a black hole of truth. It’s not what he knows but what he has a responsibility to know. And the same goes for all of us."

Tucker Carlson Condemns Red Flag Laws: “If You Can Take Their Guns, Why Can’t You Take Their Homes?”
Let's see, genius: what are the stats on houses murdering children?

MSNBC Host Shreds Trump’s “Costanza Defense”
Most of the readers of this site know that Costanza's "driving to the Hamptons" was called on Trump some time ago here.

Jan 6th hearings reveal 'madman' Trump is 'far more dangerous' than his election lies: columnist
This isn't news to those of us who've been following the crimes of the traitor for a long time.

Fox News Misleads Viewers About Who Pulled Out Republicans From Jan 6 Committee
If you watched Fox News you probably thought Nancy Pelosi purposefully refused to appoint any Republicans to the Select Committee.
Par for the course.

If poverty is a moral issue, then the United States is bankrupt

Idaho cops inundated with death threats following bust of white supremacist group: report
They can all go to jail as well. Who needs them?

"Jesus, guns, babies": Religious violence is now at the core of the Republican Party
Lauren Boebert prayed for Biden's death — and that's not even close to the craziest item on the GOP wish list
Bat-shit crazy Talibastards.

Patriot Front member kicked out of mom's house following arrest: 'This is not who I raised'
Disowned. Next, kick him into a cell.

Monkeypox Can Be Contained—but Time Is Running Out
Testing, vaccinating, and contact tracing can control the virus in Europe and North America—unless complacency allows it to take hold.
Complacency? We've never been complancent about anything have we?

Hundreds of Civilians Killed by Russia’s Bombing of Kharkiv, Report Says
Riot Committee: Trump Bilked Donors Of $250 Million For Nonexistent “Official Election Defense Fund” [Video]
And this will join a very long list of crimes that Trump COULD be indicted for. Can someone in authority please choose at least one and act on it? Or do we actually have to get down to "stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody"?

GOP Lawmakers Blaming 'Mental Illness' Are Same Ones Who Refuse to Expand Medicaid
Medicaid is the nation's top payer for mental health and substance use care, covering more than one in four adults with serious mental health issues

John Cornyn calls gun bill loss for Joe Biden: 'Look at all the things he asked for – none of that's in there'
Neither did America, braggart.

None of this will end well for any of us.

The Conservatives on the Supreme Have Officially Become Homicidal
In a shocking recent decision, the nation’s highest court ruled that “innocence isn’t enough” to spare a person the death penalty.
So, they are changing the paradighm "presumed innocent until prove guilty" to "presumed guilty until proven innocent." I'm not sure what these people represent. It certainly isn't a part of the United States.

The Forest and the Trees
"The incendiary lies and the criminal conspiracy leading up to January 6th can only be said to end well if elected officials at all levels in both parties repudiate the lies and proclaim the truth. It can only end well if the large majority of voters in both parties come to accept the truth. And it can only truly end well if those who were part of the criminal conspiracy are held accountable, so that we are less likely to be subject to a similar criminal conspiracy again."

'Lying on multiple levels': George Conway says Jan. 6 hearings blew the lid off Trump's election con
Let's hope this puts his ass in stir.

Exclusive: Rep. Jamie Raskin says Trump either knew he was lying or was mentally incapacitated
How about both?

Vets for Trump leader faces new charges after Jan. 6 committee reveals more evidence against him

Trump lashes out at ‘Marxist’ Bill Barr
Trump spokesperson says Bill Barr is now a Marxist.
— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) June 13, 2022
Bill Barr may be lots of things but a Marxist? ROTFLMAO!

'Cowardly and destructive': Bill Barr blasted for post-resignation silence over Donald Trump's election lies
Here are some things that Bill Barr most certainly is.

Trump's baseless claim about 'Indian people getting paid to vote' appears to have originated with Peter Navarro aide

One in Five Americans Struggles to Read. We Want to Understand Why.
"One in five American adults struggles to read English at a basic level. Some have a hard time with everyday tasks like taking a driver’s test or voting. Some cannot read at all."
That's 20%. No wonder America struggles with political issues. This is supported by the comments of the seditionists that were recorded and shown on video taken at the January coup attempt by them at the end of the House Select Committee broadcast on TV today, 6/13/2022.

Ohio Gov. DeWine says he'll sign a bill arming teachers after 24 hours of training
Gun crazy. Teachers should all resign. Why would they want to become the police force? This is not what they signed on for.

Barr Testifies That Trump Was “Detached From Reality”
So are many MAGAts and QAnonsensers.

Bolsonaro Plotting Military Coup If He Loses Election
Another one that can't accept losing. Put him, Trump and DeSantis together in a spaceship that will eternally roam the cosmos. Make sure it's well stocked with Adderall so they will keep spouting their bullshit each other.

Harris Condemns Anti-LGBTQ Laws In DC Pride Speech
Domestic terrorists will continue to be a deadly threat to us.

Anti-LGBTQ Arizona Extremist Ethan Schmidt Arrested After Menacing Attendees Of Gun Reform Rally [VIDEO]
How long do the insane get to roam the streets in the U.S. unimpeded by the authorities?

A scholar of religion, gender and sexuality explains why there is no one 'religious view' on abortion
Don't tell that to any Christo-fascist. They will likely attempt to abort you.

Watch: Liz Cheney mocks 'apparently inebriated Rudy Giuliani' — and shows he was behind false claim of Trump win
“The mayor was definitely intoxicated,” Miller says in his video deposition.

Idaho Sheriff Releases Names And Addresses Of Patriot Front Members
An Idaho sheriff has released the names and addresses of 31 purported members of a right-wing group that has been accused of planning a riot at a Pride event.
The little army has been named.
Patriot Front founder, Thomas Rousseau

Here's What Ron DeSantis Plans For Florida's Future
He wants to make it easier to sue newspapers and other publishers for libel and defamation — and harder to obtain Florida's public records.
I want to make it easier to put the tyrant in prison for life. So should the rest of our country. He's a card carrying Nazi dictator.

Historian lays out the far right’s violent game plan for 'overturning democracy'

Cult expert Steven Hassan sees 95% chance of worsening pro-Trump violence
Former Moonie turned mind control expert says up to one-third of Trump's faithful are ready to support violence
Too bad for them.

Herschel Walker falsely claimed to work in law enforcement at least three times: report
Which Herschel was talking?

New court filing reveals Trump election denier admitted he breached Georgia voting system: report
The rig that Trump built.

'Bipartisan' Senate Deal on Guns Deemed "Pathetically Weak"
"This bill is a joke! This makes it sound like mental health is the cause for gun violence. It’s the fucking guns!"
Spinelessness sets a new high with this yellow-belly embarrassment.

Mark this article readBrian Stelter Guest Calls Fox News an ‘Un-Indicted Co-Conspirator in the Violence and Insurrection at the Capitol on January 6th’
A no-brainer.

Kinzinger: If Trump Truly Thinks The Election Was Stolen, He Is 'Not Mentally Capable To Be President'
Another no-brainer.

Ginni Thomas Called on 27 Lawmakers to Overturn Arizona’s 2020 Election Results
Does she get to go to jail or does the fact that she has a SCOTUS accomplice that will get her off the hook?

Big Boys Playing Dress-Up: Proud Boys and Oath Keepers Are Dangerous — And Deeply Embarrassing
I'd say they are damned little boys.

‘We’ll Take a Look’: AOC Refuses to Say Whether She’ll Endorse Biden in
She'd better take a good look at the alternative as well: A Nazi dictatorship and the end of democracy in America.

A Two-Bit Insurrection

Former key Mark Meadows aide claims 'firsthand' knowledge he destroyed documents
And we really think that's a no-no.

Mitch McConnell adviser slams GOPers attempting to undercut the Jan 6th hearings
When the chickens come home to roost some of the farmers can actually see them.

Fox News host rebukes Devin Nunes for claiming Fox 'destroyed' MSNBC by not airing Jan. 6 hearings
Always good to see bullshit spinners like Nunes go down hard.

The buyers of this talk radio station promise 'journalistic integrity.' Conservatives are scared.
Founders of the new Latino Media Network are tapping into the diverse power of the U.S. Latino population. And irking conservatives in the process.

Lauren Boebert Prays For President Biden’s Death
She's thinking of Trump not Biden. ‘May his days be few and another take his office,’ already happenend with him. The rest comes next.

QAnon “JFK Is Alive” Cult Returns To Dallas [VIDEO]
How is that working out for these psychos?

Ron DeSantis Deems Drag Show 'Inappropriate,' Considers Investigating Parents
The Florida governor said video from a Texas drag show showed the performance was “not something children should be exposed to.”
Sure, DipShitus. All those drag acts I watched on TV growing up and even in later life with the Rolling Stones and Monty Python and Tootsie, all really turned me queer, you GAY queen!

Suburban Seattle City Pays $1.5m To Cop After He Puts Up Nazi Insignia
"Happy early retirement, Nazi scumbag."

Rachel Campos-Duffy: School Shootings And Women's Rights Are 'Luxury Issues'
In case these feckless fucks don't know it. THEY ARE BIG ISSUES, you asshats.

Call Jan. 6 What It Was: An Explicit Attempt to Stage a Coup
'Kudos to Chairman Thompson for calling it a coup'

'He personally asked us to come to DC': Insurrectionists explain why they were there on Jan. 6
Explaing that Trump was the commander for calling his personal mob for his coup.

Green Day Unveils Special 'F--k Ted Cruz' Backdrop While On Tour
Pop-punk pioneers Green Day are blasting putting U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz during their European tour.
Long and hard.

Cartoon: Dick And Donald
What a difference a half-century makes
"Responsible Republicans"? You can count 'em on one hand.

Steve Bannon Seems Very, Very Worried Trump Will Be Indicted
The January 6 hearings have barely begun and Steve Bannon is already losing whatever is left of his mind.
This pile of manure needs to be put in the can because it was a criminal that got his stinking ass out.

American Rasputin
Steve Bannon is still scheming. And he’s still a threat to democracy.

Trump's Behavior on Jan. 6, Explained by Expert on Fascism
Traitor explained as well.

‘Losers!’: Mob of White Supremacists Busted Near Idaho Pride Event
Police say they foiled Patriot Front’s plans for a riot after a “concerned citizen” reported seeing a bunch of masked men in a U-Haul that “looked like a little army.”
These little asshole Nazi groups will all be taken down sooner or later. Typical KKK cowards with the masks.

These Trump-Led Seditionists Must Be Punished in Court—and at the Ballot Box
Sedition is the word for what we call—during times of war—treason. Trump and his Republican and media allies are in it up to their necks.
Send Trump and his little army to prison.

These Trump-Led Seditionists Must Be Punished in Court — and at the Ballot Box

Make America Remember Again

The Dance of the Committee and the AG
Today on TAP: The January 6th hearings should move us closer to a prosecution of Trump.
Just how stiff does his spine have to get to see the light of day?

AOC: America is a nation 'on the precipice... of fascism'
It's been there for some time now. It's only due to educated Americans that prevent it from falling. Think of it: The Republican Party has only fascists that will be in the running for president in 2024. Just look at their candidates.

Donald Trump Did It. Will He Be Punished?
As Cheney said: “Tonight, I say this to my Republican colleagues who are defending the indefensible. There will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain.”
This statement will live in acclamation.

Pennsylvania’s GOP gubernatorial nominee is 'like Jim Jones in Guyana' and has both parties worried: report
Here's one of their Nazis now.

This land was promised for housing — instead it’s going to a pro soccer team owned by a billionaire
It's all very much like our prison system. We have to fill the prisons to keep their employees working. It replaces the shacks the slaves used to live in. We also have to drive the poor off their affordable property by turning it into a decaying ghetto to keep the rich richer.

Wisconsin 2020 election 'fraud' investigator held in contempt of court

Mark this article read‘You Don’t Need a Gun’: Michael Moore Promotes Full Repeal of Second Amendment, Tells People to Get Dogs for Protection
Yes, it should be repealed and replaced by an amendment that's very comprehensive and clear. But any dog can be shot by someone who doesn't give a fuck about the law with a gun. So, forget that part.

Rubio Okay With Proud Boys Running Miami’s GOP
Figures. Like Tucker Carlson he doesn't know what masculinity is.

Carlson: “Traditional Masculine Virtue Is Now Illegal”
These guys have nothing to defend in that department. ROTFLMAO!

Mark this article readThe Movement to Restore Ex-Felons' Voting Rights is Now Focusing on the States
"Felony disenfranchisement laws are rooted in the Jim Crow era and were implemented to suppress Black electoral power."

Former Fox News Political Editor Will Testify To Select Committee
Uh-oh. Which pot of beans will this guy spill?

Betsy DeVos Discussed Using 25th Amendment Against Trump
Apparently, Trump had some on board with ideas of deep sixing him. Good for them.

Hayes: Fox News coverage of Jan. 6 hearing was new ‘level of propaganda’
And you expected honest coverage from the likes of them?

Jan. 6 chair in surprise move Says Donald Trump is welcome to testify – but only ‘under oath’
He knows Trump will never go under oath in front of that>

Watch: Congressional candidate pledges to ‘start executing’ Americans promoting ‘LGBTQ indoctrination’ for ‘treason’
Not if we get him first.
"Christian nationalist MAGA pastor." There's our problem.

Opinion: Christian Nationalism Holds Public Policy Debates Hostage

Ginni Thomas' Jan. 6 Scandal Just Got A Whole Lot Worse
You knew this was coming.
We sure did.
Clarence needs to resign or be kicked off the court.
"Clarence Thomas was the only Justice to vote against allowing the Jan 6th Committee to obtain Trump White House records, and he did so without explanation."
Get him out of there.

Big boys playing dress-up: Proud Boys and Oath Keepers are dangerous — and deeply embarrassing
It's not a crime to dress up in camo and play soldier-boy, even when you're not. It just makes you look stupid

'This is treason squared': Legal expert aghast Trump tried to keep security forces away from the Capitol
Put the criminals in prison.

Trump 'refuses to accept reality': Murdoch newspaper says it’s time for GOP to move on
Yes, move his treasonous ass on to prison.

Matt Gaetz hits a new low—even for him—and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez shuts him down
They cannot find the bottom.

Jared Kushner Wasn’t Just Involved in Trump’s Push to Overturn 2020. He Helped Start It
“Jared helped create what then morphed into the Rudy clown show,” one source tells Rolling Stone

McCarthy Blames Crime on Dems While It Rages in His GOP-Led Hometown
The murder rate in Bakersfield, California, is double that of New York or San Francisco. The mayor and the prosecutor are Republicans.

'Step Up or Get Out of the Way,' Say Organizers Ahead of June 11 March for Our Lives
Hundreds of protests against gun violence—and lawmakers' inaction—will take place in cities across the U.S. and abroad.
And yet people will vote for the very politicians that make it possible for our children to be shot to death.

Trump's 'criminal intent' proven: Many viewers convinced Trump can be declared guilty after one hour of J6 hearing
It was proven long before this committee proved it.

‘Mike Pence Deserves It’: Jan. 6 Panel Reveals Trump’s Dark Desire
In its first primetime hearing, the committee played previously unreleased video testimony from aides, including Ivanka, to prove that Donald Trump knew his fraud claims were lies.
Let us pray that Trump gets what he deserves.

January 6 Hearing Spotlights Trump-Led 'Conspiracy to Overthrow the Will of the American People'
"Donald Trump was at the center of this conspiracy," said Rep. Bennie Thompson, the chair of the House panel investigating the Capitol attack. "January 6th was the culmination of an attempted coup."

'Carnage': Capitol Police Officer Edwards Described 'War Scene' At The Capitol
Officer Edwards described the scene she saw at the Capitol on January 6th in graphic terms.

'Liz Cheney took a flamethrower' to Trump's election lies: CNN legal analyst
Integrity. Something we don't see much in government anymore.
We ALL know what Donald Trump is. The question is what are we going to do about it? Sit on our asses and whine?

What We Learned From the First Jan. 6 Committee Hearing
Reps. Bennie Thompson and Liz Cheney painted a devastating picture of the Trump administration’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election results

Surprise! Ron DeSantis' Administration Underreported COVID19 Cases And Deaths
Are you shocked Gov. DeSantis may have hijacked the data?
I wouldn't be shocked if DeSantis strangled his mother to death if she stood in his way.

This Christian nationalist won 3.4 percent of the vote in Georgia’s GOP gubernatorial primary — and refused to concede
Proving she has a serious thinking disorder. One that may be unique.

Watch: Tucker Carlson goes on a wild tangent during the first January 6th hearing
All this asshat is doing is proving he's a co-conspirator in the coup.
He's a very special stack of fecal matter.
The world now knows this man is a fool and a pimp for fascism.

Fox News did 'something worse' than merely ignoring Jan. 6 hearings: analysis
They proved they are co-conspirators in treason.

GOP Rep. Scott Perry is "mighty afraid" of Jan. 6 committee, says Dem congresswoman
Rep. Madeleine Dean says Donald Trump will be indicted — and her Pennsylvania colleague is running scared
All traitors and their co-conspirator must be indicted.

Morning Digest: Leading Republican in Michigan governor's race arrested in connection with Jan. 6
This one was popped before he could fuck over more people.
The "crime running rampant across America" is being led by Trump's criminal legion.

SCOTUS In Disarray: ‘Sounds Like It’s Imploding,’ NPR Reports
It looks like Clarence Thomas has a lot to do with the disarray.
Thomas should look at himself. He should have been kicked out long ago.

Pushaw's Side Hustle Exposed; DeSantis Blames 'Legacy Media'
The Florida governor claims his spokeswoman is being "smeared" over neglecting to register as a foreign agent. I guess anything that gives him a negative news cycle is a smear?
He's a disgrace to our country.

'No one did this. It just happened': Marjorie Taylor Greene suggests that January 6th manifested itself
You mean that Fatso never said to to his mob, "Now it is up to Congress to confront this egregious assault on our democracy. And after this, we're going to walk down and I'll be there with you. We're going to walk down—
We're going to walk down. Anyone you want, but I think right here, we're going to walk down to the Capitol —"?
This is what Trump told supporters before many stormed Capitol Hill.
Marge, did you ever think everything your Fatso hero has said is on public record? Exactly as every stupid thing you've ever said.
My guess is you really are that stupid.

Trump dances for the NRA: America's emotional health is critical and getting worse
Trump's grotesque performance at the NRA convention was only a symptom of America's profound emotional sickness

Trump's defense is beginning to fall apart: analyst
That fairy tale isn't going over?

'This Is Terrifying': Explosion at Texas Gas Plant Spotlights Threat of LNG Industry
"We shouldn't have to live in fear just so gas executives like Michael Smith can get rich," said one local resident, referring to Freeport LNG's CEO.

How many people died because Trump mocked mask-wearing? We'll never know
With another COVID surge upon us, many Americans seem done with masks — and Trump's body count keeps growing
We know it was far more than necessary.

Marjorie Taylor Greene humiliated after falling for fake Twitter account
Really? This idiot is capable of being humiliated?

DeSantis spokeswoman belatedly registers as foreign lobbyist after DOJ scrutiny
These DipShitus people are as slimy as they come.

Uvalde native Matthew McConaughey honors the lost children of his hometown at White House event
"In the end, McConaughey’s point was made. These children may be gone, but it is our duty to act in their memory as they will always be and forever remain a better version of what we could have been."

South Dakotans Crush GOP Effort to Preemptively Sabotage Medicaid Expansion Vote
The state's voters overwhelmingly rejected a Republican constitutional amendment that would have required a 60% supermajority to approve ballot initiatives.
Republican fascists are doing their best to remove all our safety nets and pocket the money for themselves

GOP Politicians Running Ads On White-Nationalist Platform Gab
The reality is that the site has been a free-for-all of bigotry, conspiracism, and violent rhetoric. The perfect place for Marjorie Taylor Green, Paul Gosar, and apparently, Herschel Walker.
None of these idiots have any business in politics.

Where Have All Our Children Gone
Pete Seeger's "Where Have All The Flowers Gone" but adapted to fit 2022
Where have all the voters gone? Gone to money lusters, everyone.

'Entitled drama queen' Peter Navarro lambasted on social media after whining about his treatment in police custody
The rest of the scum should all get the same treatment.

There will be no gun control: For many white Americans, the idea of the gun is all they have left
White Americans cling to the gun as a symbol of strength and independence. They see its loss as a final, fatal blow
"Perhaps it is well that Negroes try to be as unintellectual as possible, for if they ever started really thinking about what happened to them, they'd go wild. And perhaps that is the secret of whites who want to believe that Negroes really have no memory; for if they thought that Negroes remembered they would start out to shoot them all in sheer self-defense."
Isn't that what our police and vigilantes are doing?
They are defective humans if this is true. They have no place in a sane society. This is why they are vanishing from the planet. Evolution's not fast enough for me.

The Politics of Pot
"Those millions of pot busts were a travesty against personal freedom. If the right wingers truly gave a shit about preserving freedoms, they might have spoken out about that when their kids or their grandkids were getting rousted. And they should be doing it now when their daughters or granddaughters are about to lose the freedom to decide when and if they will make them grandparents or great grandparents."

GOP ads are pulled from the airwaves for being dishonest (again)
The National Republican Senatorial Committee has had two television ads pulled over the course of three weeks. That's both unusual and embarrassing.
What else would you expect from the fascist party.

Five Tampa MLB Players Refuse To Wear Pride Logo
May I remind these fellers that use Jesus as an excuse to hate, that never in the Bible does Jesus himself offer an explicit prohibition of homosexuality.

Texas A&M: Rittenhouse Lied About Enrolling Here
“He has not been admitted as a student this summer or fall,” Texas A&M spokeswoman Kelly Brown said in an email.
Character building isn't his strong suit.

TX Bill Would Ban Minors From Attending Drag Shows
Was he born yesterday? An empty skull is what we have here. He has led a very sheltered life.
Would someone please refer him to the following historical information?
Cross-dressing in film and television.
Maybe. Just maybe, he would get a clue how utterly rediculous he is.

Millionaire Medicare Fraudster Rick Scott Calls Biden 'A Rich Kid'
There is no bottom for them.

Bill Maher: Republican campaign ads show that Americans are 'mind-numbingly stupid'
Bill, I've been telling them that for years now. They simplay can't see it.
But how about your own limits on awareness, which you and other stultifieds refer to as "woke"?

'Darkening clouds' for Trump: Key Pence aides' live testimony set to lead off House hearings
Time to nail the crook.

Memphis city council doesn't want to provide Trump security because they don't believe he'll pay his bills
When has the deadbeat ever paid a bill?

Scalise Absurdly Blames Gun Violence On 'Defund The Police Movement'
Sadly, Rep. Steve Scalise got zero push back from Fox News Sunday host John Roberts after making this ridiculous assertion.
They blame everything but guns. Stumbling minds. But brilliant for fascism.

To Republicans, Gun Violence Is A Feature, Not A Bug
Mass shootings are a tactic of the Right. Deployed to terrorize Americans. Priming America for authoritarianism.

George Conway: Donald Trump engaged in a 'multi-faceted criminal conspiracy'
When will our top criminal be indicted?

Michigan's GOP push to fight fake "voter fraud" gets upended by actual fraud
More petition fraud in Michigan: Another GOP campaign in the Mitten State gets sidetracked by phony signatures
Some crooks do get caught.

Court documents shed light on secretive Christian sect tied to Amy Coney Barrett
Christo-fascism exists and is a cancer on the country.

Voters overwhelmingly know what is to blame for inflation: Corporate greed
But they're people too, don't forget. Citizens United made it so.

Let's start assigning blame for mass shootings where it really belongs: "A well regulated Militia.."
As stated here before. It is the #1 reason. Amend the Constitution. It's been done 27 times already.

'Blatant Act of War': Workers Fight Back as Starbucks Moves to Close Unionized Shop
"This is clearly retaliation for our small grasps at dignity as workers," said one employee at the Ithaca, New York store.
Support labor. Resist arrogant management.

MTG Just Wants To Force Everyone To Practice Christianity, Is That So Wrong?
In other words we all become Talibastards. Fuck. All. The. Way. Off!

LCV Joins Movement To Fix ‘The Most Partisan and Corrupted Supreme Court in Living Memory’
"This court, with its corrupt and compromised majority, should not be seen as legitimate. It needs to be reformed and expanded. And it needs to happen quickly."

Paul Ryan Admits a ‘Lot’ of GOP Lawmakers Were in Favor of Impeaching Trump but ‘Didn’t Have the Guts’

Overturning Roe Would Be Just the Beginning
"Many more cases like these will come. The question is whether enough justices will have the wisdom to realize that their certainty in the correctness of their legal reasoning must be tempered by an awareness that too much change too fast will destroy the public’s respect for the Court and the rule of law. Recent history raises doubt that any will have even a moment’s hesitation."

Liz Cheney reveals 'chilling' and 'well-organized' conspiracy behind Jan. 6

White Christian Nationalism ‘Is a Fundamental Threat to Democracy’ Philip S. Gorski and Samuel L. Perry discuss their new book, The Flag and the Cross.

Uvalde Mom Who Was Handcuffed Says Police Warned Her Not to Tell Her Story

Whitmer, McConnell, Evers reportedly on Wisconsin gunman’s list
Douglas K. Uhde is suspected of killing a former county judge.

Accused Killer Of Wisconsin Judge Is A Trump Cultist
The brain of a Trump Zombie.

Extremist Mob Descends On Dallas Gay Bar [VIDEO]
The assaulter with the bullhorn is a provoacateur and attempting to incite a riot.
In five years he'll be in prison for murder.
How many of these mindless Nazi bullies were packing heat?
Rioting and Inciting to Riot

14 Shot, Three Dead In Philadelphia Mass Shooting
Well, there's nothing we can do about this. We just have to live with it, says the Republican Party.
Quitters. Losers. Scumbags and Asswipes.

It's time to end the statute of limitations for sitting presidents

Marjorie Taylor-Greene Thinks Puerto Rico Is A Foreign Country
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene once again proved she’s not only vicious and treasonous but shockingly ignorant about the country she claims to serve.
The U.S. is certainly exceptional. Exceptionally stupid.

Devin Nunes Just Opened A Can Of Stupid Over Navarro's Arrest
Ilustrating how anti-law and order MAGAts are.

Ohio Republican Can't Seem To Answer This Democrat's Question On Guns
Why in heaven's name must we train teachers to be cops? That's not a solutiion. That's creating another problem.
These morons think with their asses.

Navarro Flips Out Like An Entitled Douchebag Over Being Arrested
Did Peter Navarro think the police were going to hand him a glass of scotch, a cigar, a smoking jacket and bring him to prison in a stretch limo?
Probably. MAGAts live in an alternate reality.

'Chilling': Trump Allies Sought to Send Armed Private Contractors to Seize Voting Machines
"This was a failed coup and these people are still plotting," said one observer.
MAGAt fascism is the threat. These zombies must be eliminated.

'Our country is going to HELL': Trump says Paul Ryan is a 'pathetic loser'
Going to hell because of all the shitbags Trump created.

So the RUSSIA, RUSSIA HOAX Wasn't One After All: Tucker Carlson Admits that Russia Got Trump Elected
It really is difficult to deny the truth.

‘Ignore Guns, Talk Inflation’: Memos Show GOP Strategy After the Uvalde Massacre
Asshat scumbags.

How a County GOP Chair Coordinated a Voting Machine Breach
Text messages reveal a secret mission from a local GOP county chair—and fake elector for Donald Trump—to examine an elections computer.
The Trump voter supressionists will be back this fall.

If Corinthian Student Debt Can Be Wiped Out—All of It Can
The entire system is predatory. Backed by the Department of Education, it has pushed millions of us into a debt trap while Wall Street profited.

No, Kyle Rittenhouse, the Depp-Heard Verdict Shouldn’t Be ‘Fueling’ You
Rittenhouse is linking the Depp-Heard verdict to his own defamation claims, but experts say it’s a serious stretch
Rittenhouse is a serious stretch in any direction and by any stretch of the imagination.

The Peach Tree Dish of Liberty Must Be Refreshed From Time to Time With the Ravings of Idiots
Make America Sane Again.

'A lot of high-level' Trump people can expect to be indicted: former attorney general
Don't stop there. Put Trump in prison. He's the ringleader of his crime syndicate.

Workers have had enough: Labor's tide is rising, from Amazon to Dollar General and beyond
As NYC pension funds go after Amazon, Rev. William J. Barber takes on Dollar General's notorious labor practices
Union now, Union forever

The Craziest GOP Candidate Of The Year Refuses To Concede
Georgia's 'Jesus, Guns, Babies' candidate will not concede after receiving only 3.4% of the vote. Another one that doesn't believe elections matter or have consequences. Fuck this special miscreant dumbo.

On Fox, They Want Biden Impeached For Being Anti-Gun
"Guns are what make us Americans so impeach Biden" is what they're going with.
Guns are what make Americans fools and mental cases!

'No more coal. No more oil. No more gas': Global youth demand Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty
The Earth will be fine. It's us who will be the goners.

MAGA Cretins Set Up 'Counter Programming' To January 6 Hearing
Could be a good opportunity to arrest all the Trump Nazis.

Michigan AG To File Criminal Charges For Plot To Overturn 2020 Election
Amen! Prison for them all!

Earth Hits Record Carbon Dioxide Levels
The atmosphere now contains more carbon dioxide than at any point in human history.
This is swell. When you can't breathe nothing else matters.

Taser Drones Are the School Shooting 'Solution' No One Asked For
Great Googa Mooga! The Land of the Happy Negro is dumb, dumber and way beyond all mindlessness.

Louisiana Set To Criminalize Selling Abortion Pills By Mail, Close All Clinics And Imprison Abortion Providers
They are all set to get into the Time Machine and head to the 18th Century. How long do they think they can live that way?
The fucking ancients should be bombed daily with abortion pills. They are too damned dumb to know they can't tamper with medication via US Mail. All of the goobers should get locked the fuck up.
The Nazis wearing robes will set on their asses and ignore it all.

Louie Gohmert: Navarro’s Arrest Proves How Unfair It Is That Republicans “Can’t Even Lie To The FBI”
Another highly intellectual MAGAt speaks what's left of his mind.
It's a hell of a time for out of synch idiots.

Graham Wants Armed Retired Military To Patrol Schools
The sort of mindless thinking that has contributed to the problem.

Mark this article readThe booming economy, not the 2017 tax act, is fueling corporate tax receipts
If they don't like paying taxes stop making so damn much profit.

Ohio Republicans Pass Bill Allowing Teachers to Carry Guns With Just 24 Hours of Training
Another brick in the wall to end public education.

Ron DeSantis Is Hard at Work Doing Bad Shit
It’s almost summer. Take a vacation.
Like a long walk off a very high cliff.

The job market stays red-hot with the unemployment rate near a pre-pandemic low

In a new U.S. poll, a majority identify as 'pro-choice' for the first time in decades
Can the Supreme Court of Asshats see the hand writing on the wall?

Latest Jobs Report Shames the Inflation Hawks
Today on TAP: Wage growth continues to decelerate. Contrary to Larry Summers et al., wages are not driving price increases.

Navarro in Custody for Contempt, Hours After Blabbing on TV About Plan to Overturn Election
The Trump loyalist refused to comply “in any way” with a subpoena issued by the House committee investigating the Capitol riot, an indictment says.
Another real live MAGAt goes to lock up!

Peter Navarro might be facing a longer prison sentence than he realized: MSNBC
So sorry to hear.

Exclusive: ‘If I’m not dead or in prison’: How Navarro worked to overturn the election from position in White House
Or both.

Coach K Blasts Political Inaction on Gun Safety: ‘What the Hell Are We Doing?!
Being ignorant, stupid and insufferable. Thanks for asking, coach.

Progressives Just Ousted the Joe Manchin of the House

‘I Can Do Whatever I Want’: GOP Congressman Waves Around Guns During Gun Control Bill Hearing
Up to and including being shot to death.

Texas was building a program to find troubled students and prevent school shootings. It hadn’t reached Uvalde yet.
Created in 2019, the Texas Child Mental Health Care Consortium identifies distressed students and refers them to mental health services.
Many things don't reach people in Texas. It's as if it's a whole other country. I mean they talk about it all the time down here.

Ron DeSantis Will Teach Woke Baseballs A Lesson About Trying To Keep Ki?ds From Getting Shot In The Face
DipShitus is a Nazi dictator. Psychiatry will soon have a new syndrome for students to study: DeInsantus Syndrome.

Ohio Republicans Demand Right To Inspect Children's Genitals
Perverted much?

Jesse Watters: Masks! Masks Cause Mass Shootings! That's The Ticket
The one he wears is a falseface of Dick Nixon.

I’m Pro-Second Amendment. But if the Libs Want to Get Rid of It, Here’s What They’d Have to Do.
Grow a spine, would be the first requirement. The 77% of Americans that don't own a gun aren't members of the Senate and on the take from the NRA.

Two women shot dead in Iowa megachurch holding event for college-age worshippers: report
The latest in gun-crazed lost country.

Missouri Senate candidate says he'll force Biden to replace Kamala Harris with Trump — then resign
I see "Brainless" Billy Long is at it again.

Re-create the madness': Jan 6th committee dropping hints about what to expect next week
Blow the roof off real good.

"Originalism" and other Supreme nonsense: How the right-wing justices rationalize mass murder
Antonin Scalia and his disciple Amy Coney Barrett have brought us to madness — and not just on guns and abortion
Don't forget, some people still live in the 18th Century.

'An Assault On Reality, Science And The English Language'
Chris Hayes loses it when trying to report on MTG's peach tree dish hamburgers
What else does one expect from a moron?

‘People Have Died’: Jean-Pierre Busts Doocy For His Nasty Cynicism
Peter Doocy goes extra low on Biden's gun reform speech, but Karine Jean-Pierre refuses to let him take her down with him.
The little boy is at it again.

Mississippi school under fire for giving Black preschooler 'Monkey Award'
As usual, we know who the "monkeys" are here in Darwin's Waiting Room.
"They said her child’s teacher didn’t know the history behind Blacks being compared to monkeys."
We could fix that if we were allowed to talk about racial history in America.

Louie Gohmert Loses It After Swalwell Calls Out Republicans On Guns
What an absolute walnut.
He hasn't proved he has a backbone let alone a heart.

Man Just Sitting Around Randomly Shoots And Kills 8-Year-Old
As the Founders intended when they wrote the Second Amendment, amirite?
Amend the Second Amendment.

Mary Trump: Susan Sarandon Is 'A Complete Idiot'
She commented on Sarandon saying it was "pointless" to vote for the Democratic party.
"Perfect idiot." Of this, there is no doubt as she has worked hard for years to earn it.

The Johnny Depp and Amber Heard verdict: A victory for the war on free speech
The GOP's dystopian vision comes into view: Free speech only for the anti-woke, socks in mouths for everyone else
"Nothing disturbs the unwoke mind like a fact."
So they are anti-First Amendment as well. Not a surprise. Cowardice, fully illustrated.

Lauren Boebert is responsible for causing personal harm to multiple people
Then let them die on the hill they so lovingly want to die on.

Following Buffalo and Uvalde, Marco Rubio fires off letter ... complaining about drag queens
It's been said more than once now, these people are scared to death that has anything to do with what they think is sex or sexuality.

'Disaster for Millions of Kids' Looms as GOP Obstruction Threatens School Meal Programs
"There is no reason that children should go hungry in the world's wealthiest nation," said Rep. Jamaal Bowman. "Congress needs to renew the federal school lunch waivers."
Let them shoot kids so they won't need lunches is their apparent answer.

'Bootlicker' Jim Jordan soundly mocked for one-word 'Trump' tweet: 'Really? That's the tweet?'
"Jacket-Off" Jerkwad.

‘I can’t even go to a funeral’: Mom shocked after daughter shot at funeral for man killed by police.
Putrid, disgusting, failure. The country is a murder looking for a place to happen.

At Least 5 Killed in Tulsa Mass Shooting
The incident is the 20th U.S. mass shooting since the May 24 massacre of 21 students and staff at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas.
The latest in American fiasco.

At least 4 killed, several injured in Tulsa, Oklahoma shooting; gunman also dead
America, America, God shed his .38 hollow points on thee.

Rep. Ronny Jackson Isn't Taking Gay Pride Month Very Well
"What the fuck do you know about fighting, you soused bootlicker?" — Rep Richard Dangler
Fuck him.

Alex Jones Claims Wearing A Mask Is Like A Nazi Swastika
Alex Jones and Roger Stone used the Jews being exterminated by Hitler to compare a mask mandate to Nazism.
So, what did he do with his? Put it in the cleaners along with his MAGAt hat? They are one and the same.

GOP Rep. Billy Long Has Solved The Problem Of Mass Shootings
Missouri's towering intellect, Rep. Long, has determined the reason all these murders are taking place! Rejoice!
Dispicably lost in the fog of guilt and hatred.

Recordings show 'unprecedented' RNC plan to install an 'army' of poll workers in Democratic precincts: report
Boldly, nakedly planning on stealing the next election.

Minority rules, children die: Our broken political system has lethal consequences
Our democracy is hopelessly paralyzed. We see the consequences in Uvalde and Buffalo. So what do we do about it?
Change the game.

Dem primary candidate confused after receiving over 2K early votes but zero votes on election day
The MAGAt fascists make certain they don't count the opposition vote.

What the Uvalde Police department is hiding: White power killed those kids
It wouldn't be much of a shock.

Essay: America’s first modern mass shooting never really ended
The 1966 University of Texas Tower shooting remains clouded by myths, including the myth of the “good guy with a gun.” It left too many Americans with only evil to blame — and not our leaders, our policies and ourselves.

Canada Is Right to Be Worried About the Right-Wing Unraveling of the United States
The entire world should be worred about it.

Austin To Become First Major Red State City To Shield People From Abortion Prosecution
We simply refuse to prosecute.

‘Who would Jesus exclude?’: Marco Rubio mocked for kicking off Pride Month with bizarre claim
Fear is the driving force of people like him.

Trump’s “Russia Hoax” Narrative Just Took a Big Blow
The constant loser.

‘What Is She On?’ The View Mocks Laura Ingraham Blaming Pot for Uvalde Shooting
She's strung out on hate as she has always been.

Gallup: Same-Sex Marriage Support At Record 71%

The Supreme Court Could Decide Who Wins Pennsylvania Senate Republican Primary
An order by Justice Samuel Alito could influence the outcome of the Oz-McCormick race.
Holy shit! Not again! Count the fucking votes, morons. Why can't these asshats leave democracy alone?

How many children and innocent bystanders need to die before we change archaic gun laws?
"So forgive me if I’m not in support of keeping the status quo, and in favor of amending the Second Amendment to restrict the number and kinds of guns available in this country. How many children and innocent bystanders need to die before we change these archaic laws?
Apparently, many, many more.

'Expect us': Russian state television propagandists claim that WWIII with the West has 'already started'
We'll remember you said that, you sawed-off four-eyed peckerwood.

Republicans Really Hate Sex
"It’s hard to escape the feeling that pregnancy itself is being recast as a punishment for women. And what they’re being punished for, of course, is sex."

Charles Booker Wears A Noose In New Senate Campaign Ad Blasting Rand Paul
"Anyone who thought Charles Booker was going to run a conservative, careful campaign against the human excrement known as Rand Paul would have that notion dispelled after watching this ad."

Trump Admin Buried Report That Proved Obama Didn't Spy On Flynn
You don't mean — another cover up? OMG!

'A Gift to McConnell': Biden HHS Won't Reverse Medicare Premium Hike This Year
Some screwing never ends.

Call Embraced for Prolonged Student Walkout Over Nation's Refusal to Act on Guns
This is all a part of the plan the Republicans have for ending public schools.

Fuck These Worthless Pigs

Recordings show 'unprecedented' RNC plan to install an 'army' of poll workers in Democratic precincts: report
The fascists will try to overthrow our government again.

Teachers in Austin slam Ted Cruz’s 'abominable' response to Uvalde tragedy
They'll still vote for him.

How the Gun Industry Markets Weapons to Doomsday Preppers and Violent Extremists
Gone are the days of hunting and self-defense. The NRA convention show floor catered to “ghost gun” enthusiasts and marketed dark visions of societal collapse

Donald Trump, criminal mastermind: Scholar Gregg Barak on the supreme con artist of our time
Author of "Criminology on Trump" on our 45th president as "a superb agent of obscene, transgressive enjoyment"
But don't forget the suckers that fell for his cons. They all empowered the stiff.

Politico: GOP Planning To Weaponize Poll Workers In Dem Precincts
Backing up those front-line workers, “it’s going to be an army,” Matthew Seifried promised at a training session.
The shitbirds don't want free elections.

Alito Sticks His Extremist Nose Into GOP PA Senate Primary And Beyond
Justice Alito issued a brief order that not only throws further chaos into the GOP senate contest between Oz and McCormick, it has bad implications for Democratic voters and voting rights.

Pledging Allegiance to the Gun-Loving Insanity of the United States
It is time to end the allegiance of too many in our country to guns and violence and to begin to walk a path towards common sense solutions.

GOP lawmaker calls on ‘vigilantes’ to film and follow voters to combat unproven ‘ballot mules’
You will shit and fall back in it. Massive voter obstruction is exactly what you represent.

NC Republican Lt. Governor Mark Robinson threatens to murder gov't officials with his AR-15
Madness is fashionable it appears. There will be more blood forthcoming with idiots such as this.

HUH? Ted Cruz Babbles that if ALL Guns in America Were Eliminated there Would Be - MORE MURDERS?
So, they will be stabbing us to death due to the prolferation of sharp pointed objects?

Ronny Jackson Slapped Over Claim About Liz Cheney's Dad
Former White House doctor and Trump shill probably shouldn't have gone there.

White Texan poses as a cop and tells Black spa owner her race 'ruined' his 'legacy of being a Christian'
You have to tell someone how you feel even if it's the person that you loathe?
You weak-kneed chickenshit. What, or who, makes you think you need to share that? Tucker Carlson?

Lin Wood loses appeal to block Georgia bar from seeking mental health exam
Oops! Are they finally onto these whack-a-brains?

Leaked document reveals coordinated RNC-Trump riot hearings communications plan
There was a plan? If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Especially if your failed plan was made by Fatso.

John Durham Loses! Clinton Attorney Michael Sussman Found Not Guilty
Bill Barr and Donald Trump installed John Durham to investigate the Russia hoax and to find criminal conspiracy in the Clinton and Democrat establishment, as task which John Durham failed at.

'Hammers Kill More Than Guns' Claim Debunked To Gun Nut's Face<br> A gun loving idiot at the NRA tried to claim more people were killed with hammers than guns.
Did he mean dumb as a sack of hammers or crucifiction? Good.

Herschel Walker Calls Trump A Liar
Heavens to Betsy, oh my!
He barely knows the man.
1. Herschel Walker on His Tight Relationship With Donald Trump: He’s Like a ‘Family Friend’
2. Trump endorses Herschel Walker, Burt Jones in Georgia elections
3. Donald Trump was always a con man, and that includes his time in the USFL
The truth was, in his arrogance, Trump unwittingly had followed a secret blueprint the NFL owners had developed, showing the way the USFL could be destroyed.

FBI serves subpoena to Trump advisor Peter Navarro — 'Big Lie' promoter ordered to testify before grand jury
That's the FBI,, Big Pete. All that shit that he spouted off to Ari Melber on TV? We'll see.

Pennsylvania’s GOP gubernatorial nominee is a 'Christian nationalist' who associates with AR-15 fetishists: historian
Bad news, America. That is, if you care?

Evolution appears to occur far faster than we thought, study finds
A new study into how quickly life adapts to climate change shakes up what we know about evolution
What do you mean "we," Anthropocene person.

Uvalde mayor slams Texas lieutenant governor for claiming local police officers misled him about school shooting
Here they go. The idiots kicking the crap out of each other.

Orbanism Comes To Texas
There are clear signs of Orbanism in Republican-controlled parts of America.
Pure D 100% Fascism. Another Nazi to be eradicated.

Trudeau Announces Bill That Freezes Handgun Sales In Canada
If passed, the bill also requires that long gun magazines can't hold more than five rounds.
Progress but the gun nuts won't surrender.

Marjorie Taylor Greene mocked for 'peach tree dish' flub — but it’s her anti-LGBTQ attacks that are really 'harmful'
Our Little Margie is a toxic fool — dumb as dirt.

EXCLUSIVE: Now the far right is coming for college too — with taxpayer-funded "classical education"
Republicans are channeling tax dollars to right-wing institutes at colleges across the nation. What's the endgame?
We know what their endgame is: Turn the nation into a Christo-fascist dictatorship.

Parents of murdered Uvalde students refuse to meet with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott
“My first thought was: ‘My Lexi doesn’t even like him’"

Former Bush AG Gonzales throws support behind ban on 'killing machine' AR-15s

Republicans opening the door to chaos and delays by requiring hand-counted votes
The problem with peole that live in the 18th Century. Impede progress as much as possible and eliminate it.
They are unable to move forward.

'Sorry Ronny': Jackson attacks Liz Cheney, claims he 'took care' of her dad. Former VP's actual doctor corrects the record.
Like Trump, Jackson is another fraud.

Republican says school 'made a big mistake' after she was heckled during graduation speech: report
Fascists in praise of themselves.

Far right trains its eliminationist sights on LGBTQ community with deluge of threatening rhetoric
American fascist scum attacks must be resisted.

The NRA’s ‘Shadow Convention’ Reveals the Group’s True Purpose
Far from the crowded showroom floor, the NRA’s “Ring of Freedom” members get down to the gun lobby’s real business

'No Time for Half-Measures': Greenpeace Rebukes EU's Partial Ban on Russian Oil
The new embargo exempts pipeline imports at the behest of Hungary's far-right leader Viktor Orbán.

'We Need Change, Governor!' Abbott Booed at Uvalde Memorial Site
"Shame on you, Abbott!" people shouted at the Republican governor, an NRA ally who has overseen and supported the further erosion of Texas' gun laws.
Throw him out.

Pastor Blames Uvalde Shooting On Schools Teaching 'Evolution Is True'
Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills on Sunday blamed the teaching of evolution for a mass school shooting in Uvalde, Texas.
Another representative left over from the Scopes trial.

Johnson Plays Victim When Caught Stealing From Taxpayers
Sen. Ron Johnson got caught using taxpayer money for personal trips to and from his Florida vacation home, blames the Democrats and media.
He certainly can't blame himself for anything. He's so responsible.

Bush-appointed federal judge calls for Supreme Court ethics code
You mean they don't have one? Holy shit! Now we know why they are such fuck-ups.

"Gun control" is a great idea — and what about for the U.S. military too?
Believe it or not, the U.S. military kills about as many civilians every year as die from gun violence at home
Sure, but they get paid to do that.

Gun violence, neoliberalism and Citizens United: We can't change things without facing the truth
It isn't just the Second Amendment: If we can't control social media and "corporate speech," we'll never end this
Bullshit. It all started with the Second Amendment. It is the root of all this crap.

Architect of Trump election theft attempt is recruiting an army of conspiracy-fueled poll workers: report
The traitors in our midst.

Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: Texas political officials under pressure and feeling the heat
Badges? Badges? Yes, we wear these stinking badges. Don't we look like authorities?

Violence in America: It’s Not Just About Guns
It appears to be part of our DNA.

'The evil in Texas' is Greg Abbott: Uvalde state senator calls out governor over his NRA comments
Replace him.

Seven People Died in Connection With the Capitol Attack. Trump Just Called the Insurrection a ‘Hoax’
“As one of the leading proponents of the insurrection hoax, Liz Cheney has pushed a grotesquely false, fabricated, hysterical, partisan narrative, and that was the narrative of the day,” he said. Seven people died in connection with the very real attack, according to a bipartisan Senate investigation.
This cult group is as wild assed crazed as it gets. Fatso is a traitor and will be dealt with.

Tiffany Cross: White Replacement Theory Is 'Gangsta'
Tiffany Cross explains who really replaces whom in our country. Spoiler alert: it might ruin Tucker Carlson’s day.

Republicans And Mass Shooters Are High On Violence
Absolute power is a drug for mass shooters and Republican politicians.
Terrorism is embraced by these maniac gun addicts.

Cruz Confronted At Restaurant: 19 Children Died! That’s On Your Hands!
Benjamin Hernandez confronted Sen. Ted Cruz while he was eating at a Houston restaurant last night.
If they had any sense in Texas this worthless asshat would have been voted out long ago.

Right-wing snowflakes love to whine about free speech — this socialist went to jail for it
Socialist Eugene Debs stood up for freedom of speech and went to prison — and then ran for president from his cell

A gun and a prayer: How the far right took control of Texas’ response to mass shootings
More than 1.7 million Texans have an active state firearm license, and Texas has more federally registered guns than any other state. Nationally, data shows two-thirds of gun owners own more than one gun, and nearly a third own five or more guns.

Warren Burger on the Second Amendment
An older article that explains the meaning of the Second Amendment from former Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren Burger:
Right-wing Americans have perverted the amendment and believe in the myths that they have created. As Justince Burger included in his statement, it is "fraud." Hardly anyone complains about the automobile comparison. This Second Amendment argument by the gun addicts is a con on America supported by the grifter Wayne LaPierre and his NRA cult. And the libertarian in the article shouldn't be pointing fingers at "being vulnerable." Count the gun deaths in America.
And just where do we get that "God" ordained weapons of any kind for everyone that's got a clean record? Not from some "holy tome" but the damned Second Amendment written 100% by white males.

Trump, Jr. lashes out at 'crazy teachers' as an 'actual cause' of school shootings
When will this man be hospitalized and put in threapy?

Qronicles of Anon: It's all about saving the children—until actual children are killed
Another false institution based on a lying fraud from the outback in the Phillippines. These creatures believe in myths and outright lies. Mass insanity. Very dangerous to America.

He Lost His Son to a School Shooting. Here’s Why He’s Willing to Relive His Agony
Mark Barden, who lost his son in the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre, implores the public to “take this horror, and don’t let it go”

'Grotesque': Disgust as Trump Reads Names of Uvalde Victims at NRA Convention
Former President Donald Trump and Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas were among those pushing a "good guys with guns" theory that "utterly failed" the latest victims of a mass shooting.
This fraud should be put away for the remainder of his natual life.

What is a war crime and could Putin be prosecuted over Ukraine?

US gun laws: Kamala Harris calls for assault weapons ban
If they aren't, then where's my hand held rocket launcher, hand granades, land mines and tactical nuclear weapons?
I demand my rights.

Days after Uvalde massacre, Trump rejects gun reforms at NRA event
Playing to his MAGAt base of feckless gun fetish addicts.

‘Nothing More Than Cowards’: Uvalde Victims’ Families Say Cops Need to Pay
“They will get to go home to their family and mine will never come home again,” said the father of one child killed.

'Enough Is Enough!': Thousands Protest Outside NRA Convention in Texas
"I'm just tired of the NRA subordinating children's rights for gun rights," said one gun lobby opponent just three days after the school massacre in Uvalde.

Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: The outrage at the shooting and the aftermath is growing
Here it is: In the U.S., Backlash to Civil Rights Era Made Guns a Political Third Rail
This crap got started when JFK and Congress passed the Civil Rights Bill. The terror of Colored America being equal drove the ex-Dixiecrats to white suprmecy as the solution and guns became what they are today — tools of white terrorists.

Federal Court: Don, Don Jr, And Ivanka Must Testify
And betcha they'll set a record for pleading the Fifth.
And how.

So where were the "good guys with guns"? Standing around doing jacks**t, as usual
Whatever excuse NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre comes up with now, it can't erase the shocking charade we saw in Uvalde
"LaPierre's Rule devolved into sub-rules, such as this gem: The solution to gun violence isn't fewer guns, it's more guns in the hands of more people."
That old saw is over and down the toilet.

Trump and Cruz propose 'hardened' one-door schoolhouses — but experts say that’s not a credible solution
These asshats don't know anything about reality. They live in a dream world of the power addict.

'Trumpism has metastasized' and is headed to 'dark, eerie places': former GOP lawmaker
He could go stark raving mad you mean. The red MAGA hat will take its place in history with the swastika.

Uvalde shooting timeline exposes an ugly truth: The police have no legal duty to protect you
In 2005, the Supreme Court ruled that there is no "'entitlement’ to receive protective services" from police

Ted Cruz Blubbers About Unlocked Back Doors
NRA members will do and say anything to refuse to pass any laws protecting Americans from high powered weapons of mass destruction. Bozo the Clown is a much higher intellectual than this feckless cipher.

GOP Candidate For Governor Declares Life Begins 'Before Conception'
Mark Sherwood, a Republican candidate for governor in Oklahoma, asserted that he is against all exceptions for abortion because he believes life begins "before" conception.
Wanting all women to be raped? That's some tiny little god this fella worships.

Sen. Bill Cassidy Claims People Need AR-15s To Defend Themselves From Feral Pigs
Unwittingly perhaps, the Louisiana Senator echoed an old internet meme.
Surely, he's not referring to himself is he?

Whoa! Jon Tester Told Off Rick Scott On The Senate Floor
Rick Scott appeared at his job for a couple minutes to block a Veteran's Administration DEPUTY appointment. Jon Tester had words for him. Ahem.
Besides, vampires don't like looking in mirrors. They have no reflection.
Yeah, that was probably way over Rick's head. Jon needs to be out on his combine so let him go home, dickwad.

Uvalde Police Have Never Dealt With This Kind Of Public Scrutiny
And there are probably a lot of cockroaches under that rock.
As I said earlier, this is their first rodeo. And the mayor is infatuated with the Gov.
"Just another way that men with guns who see themselves as victims hold this country hostage."

The NRA celebrates in Texas before Uvalde victims are buried
Donald Trump and Wayne LaPierre are ready to party and enjoy the fruits of their labor

11-year-old Uvalde survivor gives chilling details about music killer played as he murdered her friends

SF Giants manager won’t take the field for national anthem out of shame for America: report
The manager of the San Francisco Giants announced on Friday his deep disappointment in America.
Many of us are not only disappointed with America, we are disgusted with America.

Trump says he allowed civil unrest in US cities to make Democrats look bad
He means he didn't gun them down. He means he won't make that mistake again. Lock him up. For the love of God and country. Lock him up.

Dem interrupts Greg Abbott presser to demand action on gun safety: ‘You have to do something man’
“There’s no way in the world that an 18-year-old kid should access a militarized weapon like it happened in this situation,” he said. “And I put that on people that are in power in Texas.”
They don't care what you think or what the rest of America thinks. They are "Texas tough."

Police don't stop crime, so what are they for?
Keeping the Black population at bay.

'Greg Abbott is a murderer': Texas governor admonished for sending recorded speech to NRA event
Actually he is at least an unidicted co-cpnspirator and should be treated as such. Much the same as Trump with his treason.

'Wildly Lawless': Ohio Set to Use Map Deemed Unconstitutional by State Supreme Court
"Ohio Republicans have chosen to pass unconstitutional maps again and again and blatantly ignore the will of voters in order to protect their seats."
The States of North America have created a new country where law depends on how they feel at any given moment.

Far-Right Troll Army Gleefully Spreads Lie About Uvalde Shooter
The claim the shooter was a transgender woman spread quickly, jumping from 4chan and Reddit to platforms like Gab and Telegram, where far-right extremists freely circulate.

Southern Baptist leaders release secret accused abuser list
The False Institution now fully exposed.

Extremist Pastor Admits Fabricating Story About Trans Activist And Possible $250,000 Settlement May Result
So you think these grifting Bible salesmen have an answer to anything?

Greenwood Tells Fox: Appearing At NRA Convention Would Be Endorsing The Weapon That Killed Children
Then tell us when is a good time to appear at one of these totally grifting bullshitter circuses?

The Epidemic of Mass Shootings Is Neither Inevitable Nor Unsolvable
We can start by rejecting the big politicized myths that stand in our way.
If there's nothing we can do about it, as the Republicans say, it will just grow larger and deadlier like a cancer that is inoperable.

Monkeypox Disinfo Is Just Like Covid Disinfo—Plus Homophobia

‘Only in America’: The good question Ted Cruz walked away from
“I just want to understand why you do not think that guns are the problem," a reporter asked Ted Cruz. "Why is this an American problem?”
Only in Texas: Aid in abortion, you're a criminal. Sell an assualt rifle to someone that kills a bunch of living children and you go scott free. What we have here is a fucking double standard created by right-wing morons.

Makers Of Uvalde Gun Are Backing Walker For Senate
Pornography made for suckers. Keep it up America. Your kid is next.

Maker Of Gun Used In Texas Shooting Posted Image Of Toddler Holding Assault Weapon Alongside Bible Verse
Beware the Bible.

What happens when the 'good guys with guns' are afraid?
The ever-changing narrative from law enforcement officials about the Uvalde shooting seems to blow a hole in the GOP's gun logic.

Why Uvalde Cops Were Too Cowardly to Charge a Mass Shooter
American police are taught first and foremost to fear for their own lives.

In Uvalde, the Most Enraging Press Conference in American History
We cannot count on flawed cops and school resource officers to protect kids from teenagers with assault rifles.
"The only way to actually protect these kids is to make it harder for their peers to get the deadly weapons that have allowed so many shooters to evade so many cops and so many safety procedures."

“Let Beto Speak”: Texans Desperately Need an Alternative to NRA Republicans
Beto O’Rourke interrupted the state’s gun apologists on Wednesday, showing he knows exactly how to run for governor of a state plagued by mass shootings.

Ron Johnson Literally Blames Uvalde Shooting on ‘CRT’ and ‘Wokeness’
This guy is as lame as the cops holding their dicks outside the schoolhouse. Why don't we ban him?

Tale of two senators: Cruz doubles down against gun regulation while Cornyn leads GOP in negotiations
Cruz is a worthless cipher. Sweep him out.

Police Didn’t “Engage” Uvalde Shooter — But They Handcuffed Terrified Parents
Their first rodeo, obviously.

GOP Senator Ron Johnson Used Taxpayer Money for Vacation Travel Expenses
Graft is his business.

Quashing Racist Pseudoscience Is Science’s Responsibility
The recent act of racist terrorism in Buffalo has raised the stakes on how science is communicated and sold.

Why The Right Is Obsessed With Nonexistent Mid-Labor Abortions
More examples of breaindead thinking.

‘Font of misinformation’: Reporter explains ‘major discrepancies’ in Texas police account of Uvalde shooting

Uvalde Law Enforcement Press Conference Shows How Much Police Failed The Children
The press conference raised more questions and the botched response to the mass shooter and shows just how disgraceful the response by those who we trust to protect us actually was.
Amazing how badly these people failed their community.

'F**K DeSantis!' Chants Gen Z Crowd At Florida Concert
This is a type of replacement I can get behind.
Long and hard.

Dan Patrick Wants To Pray The School Shootings Away
In the latest ridiculous excuse to refuse any movement on common-sense gun control, the Texas Lieutenant Governor used... his favorite Bible quote.
He thinks he's Franklin Graham only dumber and light years away from reality.
In case of fire keep the only two school doors locked? The stupid MF doesn't even know existing law.
Here's an asshat that very much needs replacing.
Yes, we are a sick society, made worse by Trump, Patrick, Abbott and Cruz.
"Just recite your favorite scripture verse or parable and then wash your hands of the blood of dead children."

Herschel Walker's Babbling Response To Uvalde Shooting
Walker spoke almost in tongues trying to come up with a response to Fox News's question.
He is an embarrassment to society. People should be ashamed to act like he's actually saying something.
Trump is the reason that we have the bottom of the barrel candidates that will only kiss his treasonous ass.
Vote for Senator Warnock and keep sanity and reason alive.

Jim Jordan attempts to spin a deal with House Select Committee in exchange for his cooperation: report
Isn't this usually called "plea bargaining"?

'I say this with all the disrespect': Journalists tear into Lauren Boebert's 'stupid' school safety comments
We know who the jerk is, sweetie.

After Buffalo and Uvalde, America feels broken: Where do we go from here?
Feeling grief, confusion and despair right now is normal. How do we turn that into something constructive?
We were broken long before this. It's just that many of us are beginning to realize it now.

Daniel Defense, the Maker of the Uvalde Shooter’s ‘Perfect Rifle,’ Abruptly Exits the NRA Convention
Disgusting and dispicable.

Senators Set to Leave Town for 10-Day Recess Without Action on Gun Violence Crisis
"How many more children, mothers, and fathers need to be murdered in cold blood before the Senate has the guts to ban assault weapons and take on the NRA?" asked Sen. Bernie Sanders.
They are all spineless and gutless. It's more than obvious.

California Advances Gun Control Bill Modeled On Texas Abortion Law
California came up with the best answer to the Texas laws going all out to save fetuses but doing little to protect children, even after 19 children were shot and killed in a Uvalde elementary school Tuesday.
"I'd love to hope that the guns and fetus worshipers in Texas and on the Supreme Court will be shamed by California into doing something to protect children but that would require them to have some shame."

High Schooler Outsmarts Ron DeSantis And Other Bigots
Graduating Florida senior, Zander Moricz, who is openly gay, says gay without saying gay.
Bigots are too stupid to get it.

I haven't gotten jaded or cynical about mass shootings — but it's getting harder
Yes, it's frustrating and enraging that nothing has changed. But we created this hell, and we can get out of it
Well, some people created it. We know who they are. We can start with them.

From our cold dead hands: DC Republicans cling to guns in wake of Texas shooting
American Exceptionalism: The creators.

Texas TV station cuts away from Jimmy Kimmel's emotional monologue on school shooting — but why?
Fear. All of them fear the truth. They are addicted to firearms. They live in fear these "drugs" will be taken from them. Very simple.
This is what happens in Russia. We appear to be moving into a fascist regime.

‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens
The standard answer to the problem by Republicans.

NYT’s Maggie Haberman reacts to 'stunning' testimony that Trump approved of ‘Hang Mike Pence’ chants
As a mean tyrannical dictator would.

News Roundup: Texas death toll increases; gun violence apologists scurry to dodge blame
"The Supreme Court, meanwhile, is preparing to release a new evisceration of gun safety laws even more extreme than earlier efforts. So long as the Supreme Court remains in the hands of ideologues handpicked by the party that backed an attempted coup, we can expect violence in America to rapidly intensify."
What are they gonnna do? Make law for everyone to armed in publc? Yee-haw! The old west rides again!

Student arrested for bringing AK-47 pistol and AR-15 rifle to Texas high school: report
Did I hear someone say blame the parents? Does this kid have parents?

Training children to attack school shooters is cowardly victim-blaming
Children not yet old enough to read or tie their shoes are expected to fend off an assault rifle. It has to stop
Sure. Tell us. Who will stop it?

Michigan Republicans Caught 'Red' Handed In Election Fraud
'Wholesale Fraud' in Michigan Governor Race Could Disqualify GOP Candidates: "It looks like the Republican clown car may be losing a few occupants."
More MAGAt frauds. You can count on them to fuck all of us up.

NRA Agrees To Gun Ban — But Only In The Room Where Trump Speaks
Irony is dead.
Only in the room where they are most effective.

Faulkner Clutches Pearls When Dem Exposes Her 'Conservative' Bias
Fox News host Harris Faulkner clashed with a former campaign surrogate for Joe Biden on Tuesday after he accused her of having a conservative bias.
OMG! She. has. a. bias? Sorry for the vomiting.

Wisconsin Republican quits election commission in disgust over Trump's election lies
The way of the MAGAt.

Watch: Ron Johnson attempts to flee through locked door as he avoids question on school shooting
The way of the coward MAGAt.

Elderly homeless man set on fire outside Chicago Trump Tower: report
Life in the States of North America in the 21st Century. Don't get caught sleeping anywhere. Some demented crazed fool will do you in.

Uvalde 4th Grader Didn’t Want to Go to School on Tuesday. She Died Next to Her Cousin.
There will be a day of reckoning sooner or later.

Kyrsten Sinema says 'DC solutions' on guns not 'realistic'
"The United States is the only country in the world with a gun crisis of this magnitude. The leading cause of death for children and teens is now a gun."
This woman is completely devoid of a clue and totally useless in government at any level.

Florida Republican threatens Biden after school shooting in Texas
"Try to take our guns and you'll learn why the Second Amendment was written in the first place"
All they have is "they gonna take r guns." Nobody's gonna take your fucking guns, asshole. We would like for murderers not to be handed them so freely.
Explanation to the Florida Bozo: "We need legislation that addresses some of the most basic requirements for ensuring that unstable people don't take the lives of our children and teachers."
Screw Big Bad Ass, Fine. Completely lost at what to do in a crisis.
Further evidence that the Republican Party has completely lost its way.

Sen. Mark Kelly delivers profane assessment of 'nuts' US gun policy following horrific mass shooting in Texas
Tell it to Josh Marshall. Unless he's being sarcastic, he thinks a "vast swathe" of Americans want things just as they are. How many are a "vast swathe"? The majority of Americans?
Yes, it is fucking nuts. America is full of fucking nuts.

'Bald-faced lie': Houston Chronicle torches Texas gov’s 'bankrupt conscience' and 'cowardice' after Uvalde mass shooting
Hey, these people make their living telling bald-faced lies to the people. When will we decide not to elect the bastards?

Watch: Beto O'Rourke escorted out of press conference after confronting Greg Abbott, Ted Cruz over Uvalde shooting
Dan Patrick is the embarrassment. These self righteous assholes in Austin are all embarrassments to us in the rest of the world.
All they do is make guns a problem and fail miserably to do their jobs. Thousands of gun deaths in Texas. Beto isn't the one making them a politcal issue, the MAGAts are.

'I am going to do something': Beto O'Rourke shreds Greg Abbott for refusing to combat gun violence
"Texas is 50th in the nation in mental health access. 50th. There are only 50 states in the nation. We are dead last," O'Rourke told the crowd. "The number one provider of mental care services under Greg Abbott and the State of Texas is the county jail system. In the State of Texas, the largest inpatient mental health care facility is the Harris County Jail in downtown Houston."
The biggest nutball state in the country? Might very well be.

'Bankrupt conscience': Texas newspaper blisters Greg Abbott after latest mass shooting
"’s hardly incomprehensible that it happened. It keeps happening, in Texas and across the nation. No one, especially not the governor of a state with some of the most inept, irresponsible and dangerous gun laws in the nation, should be confused, somehow unable to comprehend, the reasons for this never-ending tragedy of mass shootings in our country."

“Astounding”: Texas GOP repeatedly responded to mass shootings by loosening gun laws
"We're supposed to keep children safe. And here we’ve done exactly the opposite," said state Sen. Roland Gutierrez
"We need legislation that addresses some of the most basic requirements for ensuring that unstable people don't take the lives of our children and teachers."

Republicans don't care about kids — just imaginary children
For all the talk about "groomers" and "pro-life," the GOP ignores — or exacerbates — threats against real children
They are the Texas MAGAt swine.

Lax laws allowed Uvalde gunman to legally buy AR rifles after his 18th birthday — days before attack
Law enforcement provided more details on the shooting and refuted misinformation about the attack
MAGAt lax laws.

Republican criticized as 'unfit for office' over false claim shooter was undocumented and LGBTQ
Unfit for shit shoveling.

The Second Amendment was a failure from the start, and should have been repealed 200 years ago
It's not too late to amend the amendment.

AOC Blasts Democratic Leaders for Boosting 'Pro-NRA Incumbent' Henry Cuellar
"This was an utter failure of leadership," Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said hours after a gunman killed 19 children at a Texas elementary school.

‘Please Help Us’: Families Broken as Texas School Massacre Victims Identified
“They sent us to a hospital, to the Civic Center, to the hospital, then here again,” father Federico Torres said. “They won’t tell us anything, just a photo and waiting. We’re just waiting for everything to be okay.”

The Right-Wing Lie That’s Killing Our Children
Republicans have twisted the 2nd Amendment to suit their extremist purposes, blocking sensible checks on gun ownership and enabling the unceasing procession of mass shootings

Death toll in Uvalde school massacre stands at 19 children, two adults
Another routine day in the States of North America.

'Bankrupt conscience': Texas newspaper blisters Greg Abbott after latest mass shooting
Is he yet another co-conspirator in murder?

Journalist slams the 'disgusting and predictable' hypocrisy of NRA organizers banning guns from Trump event
...“almost too disgusting and predictable to even bother pointing out”....

Parkland Dad: ‘They F***ing Failed Our Kids Again’
After the Uvalde shooting, Fred Guttenberg said he’d like to tell all the politicians who have done nothing to protect children from gun violence to “F off.”
He's recalling a time that was before we shot kids.

Kissinger Urges Ukraine To Cede Territory, Not Humiliate Russia
Former U.S. secretary of state Henry A. Kissinger said Monday that Ukraine should concede territory to Russia to help end the invasion.
Oh, dear. He has some cheek. Concede your're a war criminal first.

Chris Murphy Demands Of Republicans, 'What Are We Doing?'
After 18 children were murdered in a mass shooting in Uvalde, TX, if the GOP would agree to do something, ANYTHING, "we at least stop sending this quiet message of endorsement to these killers whose brains are breaking, who see the highest levels of government doing nothing, shooting after shooting."

Guns kill people in the US because we pervert the Second Amendment
This article is more than 6 years old. It could be much older than that and still apply.
Our founding fathers put the right to bear arms in the US Constitution to protect us. Now we must protect our country from those who misuse it
Our founding fathers never foresaw the sort of world we live in. They couldn't imagine what we now face.
The Second Amendment is very easily perverted. This has been proven time and time again. It is the sole reason we worship gun ownership. We simply do not have the courage and backbone to do what is needed: Amend the Second Amendment. Put it up for a vote by the people. If the people want to live in an uncivilized society and accept the slaughter and terrorism we are forced to live with then let them endorse it. If they wish to change it then let them vote for amending the amendment that allows us to butcher our own nation. Until that happens and ends the perverse power of gun madness orgasms, nothing will ever change. Take it to the bank.

Texas school shooting: The right responds to massacre by calling for more guns
Repeated massacres, even of tiny children, automatically evoke calls to put more guns in schools and on the streets
Very deep thinking is not what this is.

Herschel Walker was busted lying about his college education — now he's lying about lying about it
Many players leave school to play professional football without earning a degree.
Most of them don't lie about it. Unlike Mr. Walker, many return to their schools and finish their degrees.
What we have here is a failure of character.

Far-right pastor retracts article — admitting he fabricated incident between Montana lobbyist and Republican
Another MAGAt liar.

In Politics, Money Will Always Talk. Unless…
“A State divided into a small number of rich and a large number of poor,” as Laski noted in his landmark 1930 book, A Grammar of Politics, “will always develop a government manipulated by the rich to protect the amenities represented by their property.”
It's money that matters, you hear what I say?

‘Perverse. Illogical.’ Sotomayor blasts extremist Supreme Court colleagues for latest ruling
What happened to our Constitution? It's being raped by fascists.

Did the Trump administration even have 'diplomacy,' or was it a grift from the beginning?
Grifting? These guys?

Osama Bin Laden's Niece Campaigns For 'Ultra MAGA Movement'
Noor bin Laden, the niece of terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden, defended the "Ultra MAGA movement" during an appearance with Steve Bannon.
Of course she does. That's where she and her daddy come from.
Yes, you moron, we watched MAGA try to steal the election. You're still trying to steal. "Silent Majority" my ass. There's nothing silent about you loud mouth frauds. Find a brain.
So it's OK for them to be "awake" but no one can be "woke," eh? What fools. ROTFLMAO!

GA GOP Official Confirms Trump Endorsement 'No Longer A Golden Ticket'
Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan (R) said that more and more Republicans are standing up to former President Donald Trump as his endorsement power fades.
Back to the usual grifting for Fatso until they throw him in prison.

David Perdue Tells Stacey Abrams To 'Go Back To Where She Came From'
Perdue courts the MAGA crowd with his racist dog whistle in a last minute interview on the eve of the Georgia primary elections.
Looks like he's going back to the place in hell he came from.

Roger Stone's tax problems may yield a 'treasure trove' of info for the Jan 6th committee: report
Sing along: Your tax returns will tell on you.

Kellyanne Conway says Trump lost in 2020 — and blames campaign for not telling him the 'grim reality'
She's coming clean.

Let's talk about Tucker Carlson's obsession with "legacy Americans"
Sure, Tucker's fave new term is an unsubtle euphemism for "white folks." But it's even more revealing than that.

A new age of fascist politics brings a war on youth — but young people are ready to resist
The American right is dividing, attacking and demoralizing young people. It's a critical fight for the future

Conservative Alice Stewart humiliated after trying to tell a Catholic how Catholicism works
World's largest cult.

Michigan neo-Nazis tried to build ‘community’ at farmhouse, end up facing prison time instead
Where all Nazis should go.

It Doesn't Matter When "Life" Begins, No Person Can Force You To Use Your Body to Save Their Life.
"The anti-abortion movement is all about the control of women’s rights and sexual freedom, by very screwed-up men who believe they have superior rights to women, pure and simple. It’s Mediaeval stuff."

"The central flaw (among many) in the so-called “fetal personhood” argument is that if a zygote, embryo or fœtus (“z/e/f”) is a “person” then one of only two things has to be true: either the mother has autonomy over the z/e/f, or the z/e/f has autonomy over the mother. There’s no third option. And, since a z/e/f has no agency, for it to assert or exercise its “right” to autonomy over the mother the state has to be its proxy.
So, what that means is that the mother becomes a slave to the state for as long as she is pregnant, until the pregnancy ends naturally (whether in a live birth or otherwise), which is forbidden by the 13th Amendment. Even if the alternative is to deem the z/e/f a slave to the mother, which would also be forbidden by the 13th Amendment, since the only constitutional alternative is to make the mother a slave to the z/e/f with the state as its proxy, viz., make the mother a slave to the state, the correct constitutional choice should be obvious.
Clearly, enough Americans (or, perhaps, enough of the right Americans in the right positions with the right amount of power) would prefer that pregnant women be made slaves to the state. Because that’s what it means to outlaw reproductive choice."
It's ancient thinking, fallacious reasoning, and has no place in our society.

Tax Billionaire Wealth and Pandemic Profits, Says Oxfam, to End 'Inequality That Literally Kills'
"The super-rich have rigged the system with impunity for decades and they are now reaping the benefits," says Oxfam International's executive director.

Oklahoma Hopes To Be Worst State In Country To Have A Uterus

MI State Rep Candidate Has Great Plan To Ruin Sex For Everybody
Again, Talibastards are real.

Biden Is Finally Moving Toward Engagement With Cuba
As the island struggles to emerge from a dire economic crisis, the White House is acknowledging that the policies it inherited could lead to disaster.

Elon Musk Is Pathologically Full of Sh*t

Doug Mastriano did not need Trump to lead him to conspiracy theories. He's been there for 20 years
Doug Mastriano, the Pennsylvania Republican gubernatorial nominee, did not need Donald Trump to turn him into a paranoid conspiracy theorist. He was there decades ago, a Washington Post report on Mastriano’s 2001 master’s thesis shows.

Bill Maher: Republicans Are Talking Like Nazis
He finally nails something.

GQP House Candidate J.R. Majewski: 'Every Red State Should Secede'
How quickly they forget. It's been tried before, asshole.
Do it so our Union Federal troops can invade and take you out for good.

Researchers explain the rise of partisan violence: 'Extreme conspiratorial vilification gets mainstreamed among Republicans'

QAnon GOP Official Involved In Election Machine Tampering Probe
Michigan State Rep. Daire Rendon is being brought up as part of an investigation into an illegal security breach of Michigan voting equipment.
Voter fraud by guess who?

Fox News insider warns law enforcement may be needed to stop the network's lies from killing Americans
Yes, like taking their broadcasting licence away.
They are part of the international Nazi movement.

Roger Stone is going to prison — or he's flipping on Donald Trump: ex-prosecutor
How about both?

Black Music Sunday: Let's talk about jazz, the blues, and Langston Hughes

MAGA Law: How the Trump Judges Twist U.S. Justice
They’re overwhelmingly young, white, male, and extreme. And they’ll be in power for a generation
And we'll all pay for it.

Kellyanne Conway Book: Trump Toyed With Quitting After Access Hollywood ‘Pussy’ Tape
Too bad for us he didn't.
Pussy Grabbin' Man

Dinesh D'Souza's new film drives the Big Lie: Here's the truth about "ballot harvesting"
Did libs steal the 2020 election through "ballot harvesting"? Saying no isn't enough to undo all the lies
Like Trump, a con man deluxe. Both charter members in the Foot's Hall of Fame.

'Not just another accessory on Musk's little rocket': Flight attendants union leader sounds off amid reports of sexual misconduct?
Following the path of his hero, Donald Trump. Another stone in our passway.

Republicans Vote Against Gas Price Gouging Bill
Republicans only moan and complain about gas prices. Doing something would wreck their whole act.
Do these people live in the same world as the rest of us? They have nothing for our people.

Why Did 192 Republicans Vote Against The Baby Formula Bill, You Ask?
Fox News supplies the defense for the indefensible.

Ginni Thomas Leaned On AZ Election Officials To Commit Voter Fraud
Via EMAIL, no less! That's right, kids, Justice Clarence Thomas' wife spammed Arizona legislators with emails pressing them to overturn the will and votes of Arizona citizens in the 2020 election.
Traitors. Both of them. You think he did't know this fraud was going on? Impeach Clarence Thomas.

Comments from Clarence Thomas suggest ‘antagonism’ with Chief Justice Roberts: legal expert
Impeach Thomas. Remove him.

Suicides indicate wave of ‘doomerism’ over escalating climate crisis
While alarm over wildfires, droughts, flooding and societal unrest is on the rise, not many of us talk about climate angst
The fire next time, next time.

"Elon Musk's Crash Course" warns of the danger of a billionaire's love of being unreasonable
The latest installment of "The New York Times Presents" isn't about Twitter, but it hints at how Musk may wreck it
Another "everything he touches dies" fool.

Tesla driver who killed two people while on autopilot faces vehicular manslaughter charges
The driver apparently never touched the brakes in the minutes leading up to the crash

CPAC Hungary: Global right doubles down on "replacement" theory: "This is what tyrants do"
Less than a week after the Buffalo massacre, CPAC Hungary speakers call immigration worse than nuclear weapons
It will be another world war against the Nazis.

‘There will be blood’: Elon Musk seeks to hire ‘hardcore streetfighters’ as Tesla stock tanks
Hoods. Hopefully, it will be mostly his own.

Watch: Lauren Boebert called out by local media for 'openly espousing' the Buffalo shooter’s racist creed
The day of the gun must end.

If Manchin really cared about inflation, he'd help Democrats fix it
He's not a Democrat.

Bangor cops try to salvage Collins’ dignity in infamous chalk attack. It won’t work
“The message was not overtly threatening,” a police spokesman said.
Tell it to the Marines.

'Arbitrary, Racist, and Unfair': Judge Blocks Biden From Ending Title 42
"Only the coyotes profiteering off of people seeking protection have reason to celebrate this ill-reasoned ruling," said one migrant rights advocate.
A sick, sick world we have.

Matt Gaetz thinks families using government assistance to buy baby formula should take a back seat to 'hard-working' Americans
The idiot thinks that families with babies don't work hard? That's a nasty insult.

Virginia school board may bring back old names honoring Confederate officers
Land of the Happy Negro want to bring back the names of their disgraceful traitors from their lost cause to overthrow our union.

Nearly 90,000 Small Businesses in US Expected to Close After Senate GOP Kills Main Street Relief Bill
"The fate of these small businesses," said one advocacy group, "will be tied to those senators who voted down this lifeline today."
They would be the fascists.

It's Time to Unpack This Right-Wing Court
It's time to right the wrong and restore legitimacy to the Supreme Court by counterbalancing the illegitimate appointments of Gorsuch and Barrett and appointing four new, fair justices.

SURPRISE: Georgia GOP Voters Don't Want Total Abortion Ban
A group of Georgia Republicans told MSNBC they were less likely to vote for David Perdue when he said he'd ban abortion if Roe V. Wade is overturned.
The uneducated make appearnces in this article.

Fox News Lies, Says Biden Gave Putin Money To Invade Ukraine
Recent scientific evidence shows that Fox News content is being transmitted from an area somewhere in the MACS0647-JD galaxy.

Alex Jones Claims 5 Year-old Girls Are Getting Pregnant
Well, you're the one that wanted more white babies being born aren't you?
Oh, I see the problem. His penis has maybe shrunk due to the chemicals he's been slugging down.

Spain Will See Record-Setting May Heat This Weekend

Elon Musk denies a report accusing him of sexual misconduct on a SpaceX jet
We are witness to the birth of yet another Donald Trump wannabe.

Irony Is Dead in Pennsylvania, Where Trump Demands They Stop Finding Votes
Trump is the same rigger as he's always been. Con man deluxe.

What the Heck is a Populist, Anyway?
We need a new political vocabulary that includes "populist," "sellout," & "fascist": If the American press were to use simple, clear labels like this, it would save us all a lot of political confusion
And you can include some other fine words as well. You can tell the bullshit thrown from one commentor.

A GOP power grab shatters 30 years of political progress for Black voters in Galveston County
Land of the Happy Negro fixes precinct filled with voters of color from having any power. They'll be happier that way.

Watch: Dr. Oz says legalizing marijuana is ‘giving them pot so they stay home’
Only a totally clueless fucking idiot would say something that stupid.

Roaming Charges: Search, Destroy and Replace

Watch: Trump-endorsed GOP candidate says she'd 'absolutely' vote to ban all birth control
God is against contraception? Every sperm is sacred? Men, stop spilling seed! Your precious bodily fluids must not be wasted!
Life in the 18th Century is what she's after. Please go there and stay away from the rest of us, idiota.

Why Should We the People Respect a Court That Subverts the Will of the People?
Here comes a six-person GOP majority of supreme justices determined to entrench corporate plutocracy, right-wing theocracy, and Republican sovereignty over all of us.
"Perversely, the entire Republican leadership is outraged by the leak, rather than the attack on women's rights.

Minnesota GOP apologizes after facing backlash for Georgia Soros video
Fascist has to apologize. Still unfit.

Jan. 6 committee has photo evidence from inside the White House: report
The evidence is piling as high as Everest.

Russians Arrest Their Greatest Living Songwriter For Anti-War Speech
“The motherland, my friends, is not the president’s ass that has to be slobbered and kissed all the time,” Shevchuk said in a concert last night. “The motherland is an impoverished babushka at the train station selling potatoes.” Yeah, baby!
Inept Nazi wannabes always target artists. Poootin is one of the world's greatest. Fuck him long and fuck him hard.

Jesse Watters Smears Older Women For Protesting Abortion Bans
Jesse Watters thinks women “who can’t even get pregnant” have no standing to protest abortion bans – yet last I checked, Watters was never able to get pregnant.
This mindless cripple. He can't find the bottom.

Jenna Ellis Declares Women's Rights Are Limited By God
Former Trump attorney Jenna Ellis argued on Thursday that the United States is a "Judeo-Christian nation" and should abide by the "limits" God puts on women by banning federal abortion rights.
Did she ever get an education? Sad that these sorts are put on the TV to be mocked for their moronism. Why must they be froced to be tortured by the media?

Panel Finds Kristi Noem's Daughter Received Preferential Treatment
Corruption appears to be a cornerstone for Republicans in office
Is this arrogant entitlement? Was that wrong? Tell me because I gotta plead ignorace on this.

House GOP swallows fake news on Costco hot dog price hike
Who would've guessed that news from a Twitter user called @JohnWRichKid was false? Not the GOP
Not so much a sense of humor in these cats. Those who stand for nothing will fall for anything.

Lesson labeling Obama as a 'primate' handed out to Michigan students
The pit is bottomless. No longer a freedom loving land. It is a cesspool of hate.

Lauren Boebert's comparison of Kayleigh McEnany to Jen Psaki blows up in her face
She's talking about that poor little girl.

Tucker Carlson’s ‘Great Replacement’ Theory Comes from an Anti-American Nazi
Pure Nazi bullshit.

OPINION: Hate Will Never Prevail

Cawthorn Threatens “Globalist” Republicans: “Dark MAGA Is Coming For You, Your Days Are Numbered
Looks like hate will do its best to prevail. Always a good loser.

Pressure to expand the Supreme Court grows, with abortion advocates joining the fight

Moron Eric Trump Claims Trump's Twitter Followers Proves He Beat Biden In 2020
Here's one of many reasons this one should never open his mouth.

Where Are the Goddamn Men?
In denial, as usual.
No more bystander boys in the post-roe era.

Why banning abortion is antisemitic and means 'lights out' for 'freedom of religion and freedom from it'
"If this court upholds a state law based on a tenet of a sincere religious faith like the idea that a fetus is a person, it’s not only lights out for abortion. (“Personhood” would mean abortion is murder.) It’s lights out for that double-sided liberty: freedom of religion and freedom from it."
A victory for fascism and another shovel of dirt on the grave of the country formerly known as the United States of America.

Herschel Walker failed to disclose millions in earnings over several months: report

Guess Republicans Just Love Starving Babies And High Gas Prices
"But at some point people are going to start to catch on that Republicans call pretty much everything that would benefit regular folks instead of the extremely rich "socialism."

Texas Republicans Chip Roy and Louie Gohmert among few to vote against U.S. House bill to help poor mothers access formula

Why does the media insist on calling fascists 'populists'?
"So the guy who votes — along with his entire party — for trade deals that ship jobs overseas, who votes to raise taxes on working people while cutting taxes on the morbidly rich, who strongly opposes the right of working class people to have union representation in the workplace, fights to keep the minimum wage at $7.25/hour, is heavily funded by billionaires and corporations, and supports big employers busting unions is a populist?"

What Is the End-Point for Republican Terrorism?
The poison that is racism has never made a nation better; every time it’s been used for profit or power it’s ended up destroying both its victims and, eventually, its promoters

Second most-powerful Senate Republican says bill to fight domestic terrorism after Buffalo is too ‘partisan’ to pass
The Republican party, by rejecting the bill, shows the world they support terrorism created by their constituants.
How can anyone who calls themselves an American vote for any of them?

A divide between the pulpit and the pew is roiling the evangelical church
Dissension in the Legion of Doom?

Elon Musk's 'free speech' collides with the reality of online radicalization
Musk's definition of free speech doesn’t come with any responsibility; that makes him the wrong person to lead a social media platform.
Musk is a never-was.

OK Gov Gets Bill Banning Abortion From Conception
Let's just return to the stone age.
Next will be the "Every sperm is sacred" bill. Any spillage will result in imprisonment.

GA Gov Candidate: The Founding Fathers “Destroyed” Native Americans So We Could “Worship Jesus Freely”
Hitler's grand-daughter has been located in Georgia.
As a commentor stated: She's teaching Critical Race Theory and is too stupid to know it.

Colorado Gov Candidate: Eliminate The Popular Vote
Here's where it starts. The next step: Why not eliminate voting altogether and just appoint the Governor?
This asshole wants to rig it for fascism. The man is running a con on democracy.

Students Post “Whites Only” And “Blacks Only” Signs
Crtical White Race Theory needs to be discussed.

Nine Reps Vote Against Food Stamps For Baby Formula
The “no” votes were cast by GOP Reps. Andy Biggs, Lauren Boebert, Thomas Massie, Clay Higgins, Matt Gaetz, Chip Roy, Paul Gosar, Louie Gohmert, and Marjorie Taylor Greene. The bill now goes to a vote in the Senate.
The usual suspects.

Abortion Doctor Sets GOPer Straight Over Definition Of Woman
Dr. Yashica Robinson, an Alabama abortion provider, clashed with Rep. Dan Bishop (R-NC) after he asked her for the definition of a woman. "I think it's important that we educate people like you," Robinson shot back,..."
The real question is can the brain dead be educated.

Watch: MSNBC’s Ari Melber torches Tucker Carlson — and highlights the only case where he makes excuses for mass shooters
"Melber noted the "double standard" in Carlson's broadcasts when it comes to crimes committed by white suspects as opposed to crimes committed against white victims."

Joe Rogan got fooled by fake news, but didn't realize until after his expletive-laden rant
Fact-checking ... it's not just for journalists!

'They don’t care if you live or die, but they want you to make them coffee'

FL Students Hold Giant Letters Spelling Out N-Word
Land of the Happy Negro kids spell it out for us. Conclusion: They must have been taught this in CRT in their school? Or did they simply find these letters at random and figured out what they could spell out?

'A Slap in the Face to Voters': Kansas Supreme Court Upholds GOP Map
The fascists will not stop until they destroy the Constitution and everyone's rights but theirs.
Unless we stop them first.

'After Which Failed Pregnancy Should I Have Been Imprisoned?' Asks Rep. Lucy McBath
You may still be imprisoned if the nitwits can get their holy law in place.

Texas social media law will cause “chaos” online, Supreme Court is told
They will get us all killed or die trying.

Vladimir Putin became 'frustrated' with Donald Trump because he 'had to keep explaining things': Fiona Hill
He may have told him he actually flunked the memory exam.

Humanity on course to 'incinerate our only home' without transition to renewables: United Nations chief
Fried in your sleep.

Why reversing Roe versus Wade would be 'disastrous' for women serving in the military: Navy veteran
Only 18th Century thinking produces such thoughtless ideas.

Crazy Fascist Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin Loses Primary, Won't Be Idaho Governor
"In a setback for the far-Right wingnuts who are trying to take over Idaho, Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin lost her bid to replace incumbent Gov. Brad Little, a more conventional right-wing Republican."
Go ahead and pull that trigger, Janice.

Biden policies, Ukraine war get most blame for inflation: poll
Yes, because he got that war started and, hell, why didn't we just let well enough alone and let Putin keep butchering a bunch of people we don't even know and, hell, it's so far away from us because the illegal immigrants are storming our borders and replacing us at a record rate and, hell, we can't even fill jobs that they used to take because us white people are too good to work at that sort of looked-down upon common labor and, hell, nothing in the Constitution says we have to endure hardships of any sort and, hell, we never wanted all that Covid relief money anyway and, hell, all our favorite Rethuglicans supported it all and, hell, we are all the best economists that ever lived and hell, we just aren't much as fighters when we'd rather be whiners and, hell,....

The Buffalo Terrorist Didn’t Shoot Alone
The white supremacy industry in America with a healthy fundraising and publishing arm stood right beside him giving him talking points and a twisted history to justify his rage...

The Time to Prevent the Next Coup Attempt Is Now

Seven ways climate change is already hitting Texans
Extreme weather events, water scarcity, risks of illness: Climate change is here, and it’s already affecting Texans.
Texas. Come burn to death with the rest of us.

Water Levels in Lake Mead Reach Record Lows
Don't worry we'll import water from Jupiter's moons.

Dem Voters Want Dem Pols Who Do Things
The Joe Manchin wing of the party lost big on Tuesday.

Madison Cawthorn Loses

Anti-Abortion Crusaders Tried to Block a Clinic by Claiming Flushed Fetuses Will Clog the Waterways
And turds that float free will clog our pathways.

Pharma Douche Exits Prison Early For Halfway House
I'm sure he's learned his lesson now.

Rocket Launches Could Be Polluting Our Atmosphere in New and Unexpected Ways
Oh, joy!

Katie Porter: Dems Are Actually Doing Something About Inflation
"In a discussion about the problems getting baby formula, Rep. Katie Porter talked about how monopolies makes everything more vulnerable."

Another Republican Caught Committing Voter Fraud
Where's my pearls?

Elon Musk Has Crossed The Rubicon
So much for genius. Like everything else, it's not what it used to be.

Ex-Fox Reporter Furious White Supremacy Is Embraced By Republicans
"I really can't channel how Tucker believes in any of this stuff and how the network can go through with it."

Sanders Applauds Denton, Texas for Passing 100th Local Resolution Backing Medicare for All
"A system that treats healthcare like a right, not a commodity, would improve health outcomes for our community."
Yes. Denton, Texas.

Our Moral Duty to Rethink 'The Common Defense'
"If we continue to live by the bastardized meaning and practice of endless wars and escalating Pentagon budgets, we will get what we pay for, militarized domestic and foreign policies and a society in deepening decay."

Global warming will 'substantially exceed' 1.5 degrees Celsius unless fossil fuel production plummets: study
You'd have to be deaf, dumb and blind not to know this has alreay arrived in some areas.

'You can't take the Fox out of the journalist': critics rip Chris Wallace for 'out of touch' election night claim
'“This is a guy who’s against limits on abortion, he’s for universal background checks, he wants to end the filibuster, he wants to legalize pot,” Wallace warned."
Great, a 21st Century man. What's not to like about this guy, dude?
Anyone who is an 18th Century thinker will always have a problem with the fascist party.

Pennsylvania’s next governor may be a 'full-blown insurrectionist': analysts
Thanks for the screw, PA.

GOP senator denies he's heard of 'great replacement' — while espousing replacement theory
Replacing him should be a top priority.

DOJ transcript request shows criminal probe of Trump allies just moved into the open: legal expert
Slowly and surely coming for the MAGAt traitors.

Terrorism expert explains why the Great Replacement theory is so central to white racist ideology
“Replacement theory is about the violent defense of whiteness.”

Former Fox News reporter says it might be time to put people in jail for the network’s racism
Ya think? This might get the attention of a bunch of these co-conspirators in terrorism up.
But really, they should not be permitted to keep a broadcasting licence doing it.

The responses to this poll over 'the great replacement' are concerning, but so is the poll itself
This tells us what we've known for a long time: The fascist Republicans support terrorism by white supremacists.

Justices limit federal court review of some deportations
Now, Neil knows just how much bullshit the courts shovel on us constantly.

Fox Promptly Whines About Censorship After Buffalo Massacre
It didn't take long for Fox News to claim they are going to be the victims of the Buffalo massacre.
Playing the victim card is all these whining fascists do.
Public hanging is too good for this punk.

Scrutiny of Republicans who embrace ‘great replacement theory’ after Buffalo massacre
Extremist ideology has found favor with media figures like Tucker Carlson and also with elected politicians and others seeking office
We are in a civil war that we must not lose against an enemy that is mostly ourselves.

America is now in fascism’s legal phase

Tucker Carlson's 'Great Replacement' Theory Comes From an Anti-US Nazi French Thinker
People like Tucker Carlson are pitifully ignorant of history and so are wielding an anti-American, highly unpatriotic notion for the sake of their television ratings.
"...pitifully ignorant of history..." How many times have you read this very point on the Land of the Happy Negro?br> "As defenders of illiberalism and implicitly of hatred of Jews, these useful idiots of the far right are symbolically still deployed around Hitler's bunker, defending it from the approaching Allies."

Far-right Arizona lawmaker under investigation after controversial remarks regarding Buffalo shooting
They will get what they are asking for.

Granny Can't Use Her Kindle Because Of Christopher Rufo's Book Bans
Publishers Lunch reports that book bans are making ebooks inaccessible to adults as well as children.
Nazis advance their supremacist agenda.
In Llano, TX, the public library removed access to OverDrive – and its library of 17,000 titles across genres for all ages – in December" ... The library switched to Bibliotheca, which does not work with most e-readers and apps, including most Kindle devices and apps....

'We Are Ascendant!' Defiant Steve Bannon Addresses Replacement Theory
What "great replacement"? Right wants us to shut up about Buffalo shooter's ideology
Right feigns shock, complains the left is "co-opting tragedy" by exploring Buffalo shooter's obvious motivations
Photo is of three of the co-conspirators.

'Existential threat' of 'white supremacist domestic terror is likely to get worse' under GOP agenda: scholar
It will get worse until we stop it. But it will take bold action to get the job done.

Conservative podcaster Steve Bannon on Monday vowed not to back down in promoting a racist conspiracy theory that was allegedly cited by suspected Buffalo gunman Payton Gendron.
Nazi butchers support their terrorism.

'Incredible defeat for Putin': National security analyst astonished by Russia's 'significant miscalculation' on NATO
The Pootstacker miscalculates.

'This is who America is': Bakari Sellers launches epic rant on the racist Buffalo shooter
"He killed the best of us all because of the color of their skin," he added. "And so Republicans are going to make this any other issue. But until Republicans, face it, this country -- and let's be extremely clear -- white folk in this country combat racism, antisemitism, xenophobia, bigotry -- until we have that conversation, nothing else matters."

News Roundup: U.S. pandemic deaths top 1 million; Republicans still backing 'great replacement' hoax

Almost half of Republicans believe U.S.-born Americans are being purposely replaced by immigrants
We need to talk about the white people who voted for Donald Trump
They have had everything their way for so long they think sharing anything is a personal crime against them.
"White people have been privileged to evade being at the center of the identity politics debate because America normalizes whiteness."
"White people once again largely backed a president who champions a brand of nationalism that is steeped in racism and xenophobia."
Add fascism to the list. Trump convinced them of this lie. Now they believe anything the traitor throws up on them. They are not a progressive people but very backward and lacking of empathy. Perfect racists.
If they all had their DNA anylized by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. they would be very surprised by the results.

Steve Schmidt gives a profound analysis of our fascist path: And then the killings start.

Mississippians on Medicaid Lose Coverage 60 Days After Birth
Welcome to a Third World state. The way of our country that is already dissolving its great promise.
Who will investigate the crime?

New Texas plan for federal Hurricane Harvey aid yields same old result: Funds diverted away from Gulf Coast
Despite an admonition from federal authorities, Land Commissioner George P. Bush’s plan still steers aid disproportionately to whiter, inland counties at less risk of natural disasters.

We Know Where We Are Headed: Humanity Is Sacrificing Itself on the Altar of Corporate Profits
The fire next time has begun.

New Laws Target Election Workers
"...the potential threats of criminal prosecution that election officials may face for just doing their jobs." What kind of country can we survive in? Not the one the fascists are making out of us.

Alito Outs and Splits the Republicans
Today on TAP: His draft opinion overturning ‘Roe’ has the anti-abortion movement in frantic damage control mode. Will the spin work?
More Big Brother than you ever dreamed of.

Google Knows Where You’ve Been. Should It Tell the Police?
A federal case cracks open how the search giant traces users’ locations—and how much it’s willing to give to law enforcement.
And you were thinking the Covid vaccine was going to chip you? ROTHFMFAO!

Florida man repeatedly called 911 to demand Biden's arrest – but he’s the one who ended up in custody
More evidence there are more lunatics at large than we can imagine.

Scathing editorial slams Supreme Court justices as 'political hacks in black robes'
Couldn't have said it better. Watch out, someone could be knocking at your door soon.

The Buffalo suspect bought a rifle months after cops ordered a psychiatric evaluation
The States of North America are clearly gun crazy.

Students Jeer GOP Senator For Anti-Trans Comments
The Wyoming Republican senator stepped in it when she said it is a "fundamental scientific truth" that there can only be males and females.
What is her degree in? Surely not science. Ooops! She's a conservative Republican. No wonder.
There is More to Human Sexuality than XX and XY.
Be sure to not allow science to get in your way, madam.

Experts Say That Elon Musk Has No Idea How Math Works
Raising the question: Is this man a fraud?

Physicists Say There May Be Another Reality Right Beyond This One
And furthermore....

As Evisceration of Roe Looms, Poll Finds Support for Abortion Rights at New High
The findings come on the heels of nationwide marches in defense of reproductive rights.

Ninth Amendment to the United States Constitution Explained
These educated (so-called) legal eagles don't seem to understand the Ninth Amendment.
"The Ninth Amendment of the United States Constitution states that the federal government doesn’t own the rights that are not listed in the Constitution, but instead, they belong to citizens. This means the rights that are specified in the Constitution are not the only ones people should be limited to. The government shouldn’t disparage the other rights of citizens according to the clause. That is the general issue included in the Ninth Amendment."
Do they know that is part of our Constitution? It has been said, in fact, they don't know what it is referring to, they are so smart. Cowards.

Quack FL Surgeon General: Forcing Vaccines On Health Workers Is 'Lunacy'
"The only crazy here is Dr. Ladapo." Well, maybe not, but he's the most obvious. Quack, quack!

Elise Stefanik Forgot To Lock Down URL And Mischief Ensues
Someone thoughtfully provided the Republican with a site that reflected her actual views! Elise Stefanik For Congress

Tucker Carlson's 'Great Replacement' Theory Comes From an Anti-US Nazi French Thinker
"People like Tucker Carlson are pitifully ignorant of history and so are wielding an anti-American, highly unpatriotic notion for the sake of their television ratings." It's money that matters.

Supreme Court urged to block “shocking” reinstatement of Texas social media law
Does this mean I can now return to freely post the assinations of those I don't like?

Missouri newspaper attacks Josh Hawley for lacking principles and wasting time on law that will never pass
Another one trying to make a name just like Stefanik. Both lack principals and are grandstanding.

'Enabled white supremacy': Liz Cheney goes on attack against Stefanik and GOP leaders after Buffalo mass shooting
"The House GOP leadership has enabled white nationalism, white supremacy, and anti-semitism. History has taught us that what begins with words ends in far worse. @GOP leaders must renounce and reject these views and those who hold them."

Elise Stefanik blasted for 'doubling down' on 'racist' & 'terrorist rhetoric' following Buffalo mass shooting
The fascists found a mad racist attack dog when this found this one.

Sanders: Manchin and Sinema 'Sabotaged' Biden Agenda Because They Lack 'Guts'
"Why don't you have the guts to take on the drug companies and the insurance companies and the fossil fuel industry?" the Vermont senator asked.
Addicted to money and feeding off the public. This is thier mission.

The Buffalo Shooter Isn’t a ‘Lone Wolf.’ He’s a Mainstream Republican
The right-wing extremists who control the modern GOP are all gripped by a racist delusion. The shooter is just the latest to act on it

Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: The reality of Russia losing ground

A Republican-promoted conspiracy theory results in terrorism. Again.

'They're not wearing hoods anymore': CNN's SE Cupp blames right-wing media for mainstreaming racial hatred
Everyone knows who and what they are anyway.

Oklahoma's GOP governor threatens the state's more than 40 Native American tribes
As if the white supremacists have ever stopped threatening Native Americans.

Buffalo: This is where Donald Trump's race-war fantasies lead
He feeds on white rage — it got him elected president. At this point, the horror in Buffalo isn't even surprising
"Donald Trump is a human cocktail of white racism, white rage and white supremacy."
He is an inciter of terrorism.
It also puts to rest the trope that "a good guy with a gun stops a bad guy with a gun."

Racist Buffalo killer 'had plans to continue his attack' after supermarket massacre: police

'Corrupt to the core': Clarence Thomas blasted for whining about 'trust' in the Supreme Court
How long have we been saying this? Too long. Impeach him.

Buttigieg: GOP Must Condemn 'Replacement Theory' After Buffalo Shooting
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg called on public figures to condemn the so-called great replacement theory that is linked to a race-based shooting in Buffalo.

"Like any addict in the throes of their addiction, there’s no limit to how far this can go."
And there is no worse addict than a money addict.

Bartiromo Whines: Biden's 'Name-calling' Will Make MAGA A 'Dirty Word'
Fox News host Maria Bartiromo on Sunday complained that President Joe Biden is trying to make former President Donald Trump's MAGA slogan a "dirty word."
She's not paying attention. MAGA was made equivalent to fascism by Trump and his toadies.

Sanders Destroys Chuck Todd's Defense Of Manchin And Sinema
Chuck Todd tried to play a word game with Sen. Bernie Sanders to soft pedal the treacherous actions taken by Manchin and Sinema.
Chuck is holding on by a thread lately.

Parity or Parody? Examining Nick Saban’s latest comments on NIL, transfer portal and the state of college football
Money ruins everything. Money being power which easily becomes corrupt.

The Myth of the ‘Lone Wolf’ Shooter
"Gendron wasn’t alone. His mission was effective because he was supported by an apparatus that provided the ideology and means for the hunt."
And we all know it too well by now.

'It's a Fight They'll Get': Defenders of Abortion Rights March Nationwide
One speaker at the Ban Off Our Bodies rally in the nation's capital said that Saturday was just "day one of a 'Summer of Rage' where we will be ungovernable. Ungovernable!"
Ungovernable? The States of North America are that already. We are in civil war. The fascists have made it so.

We’re Losing Track of COVID—and It’s Going to Bite Us in the Ass

Most Corrupt Justice Ever Blames Leak For Loss Of Trust In SCOTUS
The whiner is just running a distraction from his own corruptness.

Ukraine's Zelenskyy defiant as Russia retreats from Kharkiv
Screw Pootin long and hard.

It's week 19 of the year and America has already seen 198 mass shootings
Are we #1 yet?

Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: Myths and realities
"Nobody should get to volunteer my body, my time, and my life to the state, no matter how unpopular my choices."
"Roughly ten to twenty per cent of known pregnancies end in miscarriage. Yet none of the state bans overtly differentiate between the management of miscarriage and abortion, which share the same objective: to empty the uterus."
I know what the answer is. "It's God's will." You can see what the problem is here.

Did the Supreme Court just become "political"? God, no — it's always been that way
Politics is nothing new in the supposedly august Supreme Court — and it's often been the worst possible kind
Tell it to Clarence Thomas. Then impeach him.

Fox News Host Absolves Buffalo Shooter, Blames Youth And Mental Illness
Jon Scott wonders if maybe the white supremacist murderer's brain wasn't fully formed, or maybe he had mental illness when he dressed in tactical gear, drove hours to Buffalo, and pointed his gun at anyone in his path, shooting 13 and killing 10.
Yes, because there's no such thing as a white supremacist who wants to kill every Black person and writes manifestos that say so.
Maybe it's John Scott that has the thinking problem. He's the "vigilante savior" protector.

Gunman Kills 10 in Buffalo Supermarket in ‘Racially Motivated Hate Crime’
18-year-old white shooter Payton Gendron charged with first-degree murder after targeting Black shoppers in what the FBI called a “case of racially motivated violent extremism”

In January 6 Committee Probe, GOP Silence Infers GUILT
The January 6th Committee subpoenas to Kevin McCarthy, Jim Jordan and three more MAGA congressmen are not about their role in the insurrection, but about pressuring them to either reveal what they know about Donald Trump’s role.
They love their man-God savior and will never reveal that he is a fat cowardly criminal.
We’re Losing Track of COVID—and It’s Going to Bite Us in the Ass

Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: Myths and realities
"Nobody should get to volunteer my body, my time, and my life to the state, no matter how unpopular my choices."
"Roughly ten to twenty per cent of known pregnancies end in miscarriage. Yet none of the state bans overtly differentiate between the management of miscarriage and abortion, which share the same objective: to empty the uterus."
I know what the answer is. "It's God's will." You can see what the problem is here.

Did the Supreme Court just become "political"? God, no — it's always been that way
Politics is nothing new in the supposedly august Supreme Court — and it's often been the worst possible kind
Tell it to Clarence Thomas. Then impeach him.

Fox News Host Absolves Buffalo Shooter, Blames Youth And Mental Illness
Jon Scott wonders if maybe the white supremacist murderer's brain wasn't fully formed, or maybe he had mental illness when he dressed in tactical gear, drove hours to Buffalo, and pointed his gun at anyone in his path, shooting 13 and killing 10.
Yes, because there's no such thing as a white supremacist who wants to kill every Black person and writes manifestos that say so.
Maybe it's John Scott that has the thinking problem. He's the "vigilante savior" protector.

Gunman Kills 10 in Buffalo Supermarket in ‘Racially Motivated Hate Crime’
18-year-old white shooter Payton Gendron charged with first-degree murder after targeting Black shoppers in what the FBI called a “case of racially motivated violent extremism”

In January 6 Committee Probe, GOP Silence Infers GUILT
The January 6th Committee subpoenas to Kevin McCarthy, Jim Jordan and three more MAGA congressmen are not about their role in the insurrection, but about pressuring them to either reveal what they know about Donald Trump’s role.
"MYSTAL: So all these congresspeople have to do is tell people what they said to the president. That's literally all anybody's asking them to do. And that’s what they won’t do." Why? Because it would reveal their guilt in his crime.

Great Replacement Theory Reportedly Provoked Buffalo Shooter
The shooter described himself as an 18-year-old white supremacist and anti-Semite.
The theory worked on his racist ass. He made sure it did.
The States of North America and their lust for gun orgasms.

Idaho Pro-Gun 'Patriots' Have Branding Issues, Go Figure
Far-right Idaho ‘Patriots’ are having branding issues, so they change the **name** of their anti-Pride event, while still insisting on "groomer" rhetoric.
Ida-hos. They are all invited to the "Nut Ball Ball." Coming your way soon!

Alex Jones Loses It With His Own Audience
Buy my stuff! Or else!!!!
Buy my stinking shit or what? I'll piss my pants?
If this guy was real he would have had a terminal stroke long ago.
Cut to Roger Stone. ROTFLMAO!

"Traditional" Catholics and white nationalist "groypers" forge a new far-right youth movement
Activist arm of right-wing Catholic outlet Church Militant is increasingly entwined with racist "groyper" movement
Wow! Who would have ever suspected this could happen? Top notch comedy! ROTFLMAO!

'Brace for more bombshells': More Jan. 6 subpoenas on the way before next month's 'blockbuster TV hearings'
Sure. But indict one or two. Or is that asking too much Mr. Attorney General?

Unionized nursing homes were safer in the pandemic, this week in the war on workers
What pandemic? We never had a pandemic, did we? It's not still going on is it?

An Artist Not in Uniform: How Walter Richter Defied Nazi Homophobia
"Walter aka “Anna” was the antithesis of uniformed drabness, the life-affirming opposite of what Arendt called the “thought-defying” boredom of totalitarian politics and its lethal effort to stamp out, in Governor DeSantis’ Florida and elsewhere, all that is beautiful, provocative, and different."

SHOCK POLL: One QUARTER of Men Think Women ‘Should Be Charged With Murder’ For Getting Illegal Abortion
Then they should be charged as an accessory to "the crime" in cases where they are involved.

Some top 100,000 websites collect everything you type—before you hit submit
A number of websites include keyloggers that covertly snag your keyboard inputs.
Hopefully, they'll all blow up soon. Oh, and get fucked while you're at it.

'Extraordinary Relief': Advocates Celebrate Partial Block of Alabama Law Targeting Trans Youth
"This ruling means that we will be able to continue providing our child with the medical care he needs and nothing could be more important or more of a relief to our family," said one parent who was a plaintiff in the case.
Land of the Happy Negro gets something right.

Russia Cuts Off Electricity to Finland as Tensions Grow Over NATO Expansion
President Vladimir Putin told Finnish President Sauli Niinistö that joining the U.S.-European military alliance would be a "mistake."
Russia seeks wider war.

Clarence Thomas’ Remark About Liberal ‘Tantrums’ Disregards Years Of Anti-Abortion Violence

GOP Rep. Elise Stefanik Calls Democrats “Pedo Grifters"
This poor unfortunate woman. They just keep coming up with the most harmful lies and look like goons.
She's searching for the bottom and may have found it.

Neo-Nazi Leader: “Having Sex With Women Is Gay”
Self-Loathing Gay Nazi, eh?

Homework Assignment At Kentucky Christian School: Write A Letter Telling Your Friend To Stop Being Gay
And write a letter telling your school to stop being hateful assholes. What if your friend isn't gay?

Bill Maher Defends Elon Musk Putting Trump Back on Twitter: ‘Inciting People To Riot Is Already Against The Law’
Then why isn't Trump in jail, big Bill?

‘Truth Will Be Your Kryptonite’: Democrat Hakeem Jeffries Calls Out Clarence Thomas – ‘Have a Conversation With Ginni’
Impeach Thomas.

Ukraine: Putin Backs Down
Pootmeister Poots on himself.

How Minority Rule is Killing America
Republicans not only cling to minority rule, they now want to go to the next step and impose a neofascist Taliban-style government on America run by the morbidly rich and fanatically religious
See? The Talibastards. And you thought I was overreacting?

Texans asked to limit electricity use after six power plants go down ahead of a hot weekend
And it's only May. This proves they've done nothing to improve a grid that is rapidly aging and failing and stuffing the money in their own bank accounts.

The Supreme Court guards its privacy. Too bad it doesn't care about yours and mine
For a cabal that's about to kill off the constitutional right to privacy, SCOTUS sure keeps itself buttoned up

A Quick Civics Lesson On The Freedom Of Speech
The ultimate lesson on what is and what is not free speech.
Some of us still won't get it.

'Pro-Life' Republicans Fine With Dead Supreme Court Clerks
Republicans insist that the justices are in mortal danger. So why is it unthinkable to protect the clerks as well?
2 + 2 does not equal 4 in their illogical brains.

Trump Judge’s Anti-Mask Ruling Continues to Imperil Travelers as COVID Rises
And yet some people believe there is no more Covid.

Philly Republican fired after alleged ballot-harvesting scheme
Another MAGAt bites the dust.

EXCLUSIVE: Latino and Black candidates targeted by racists in NC town where racism still 'runs thick'
Land of the Happy Negro upset by some of their candidates that sound very unhappy.

Watch: Ku Klux Klan leader gets hilariously duped by Black YouTube prankster
I guess they don't have a mask controversy in this group

Why Do Social Media Platforms Keep Removing Posts About Safe and Legal Abortion Pills?
Cowards? Do they think they'll be indicted for conspiracy to murder? Fight fascism.

Why are Americans Subsidizing Our Own Extinction?
To stop our climate-change-driven suicide, Congress must stop allowing oil exports, end subsidies to the fossil fuel industry, and promote clean American energy

Altercation: How Republicans Argue: They Lie
Which the media generally doesn’t bother to point out (or contrast what they say with the truth) after quoting them

Texas' new pro-disinformation law is a threat to democracy
Free speech includes the right of social media platforms to kick off provocateurs who peddle disinformation and hate speech.

Opinion: Forcing Pregnancy Is A Form Of Rape. It Will Be Our Reality If Roe v. Wade Is Gone

Biden Cancels Offshore Drilling in Alaska and Gulf of Mexico
"In a rare nugget of climate-related good news, the U.S. Department of the Interior announced Wednesday that it is canceling three offshore oil and gas drilling lease sales: one in Alaska’s Cook Inlet and the other two in the Gulf of Mexico."

Naomi Wolf Unhinged: One World Government Waging Secret War
Another one for the booby hatch.

Billie Eilish, Ariana Grande, and More Vow Young People 'Will Not Back Down' on Abortion Rights
"Should the Supreme Court take away the constitutional right to safe, legal abortion, young people stand to lose the most," said Planned Parenthood Federation of America's Alexis McGill Johnson.
They'll have to kill us all first.

'Free speech' Republicans are pushing a Joseph McCarthy-like plan to silence abortion rights activists
“Prominent Republican lawmakers, conservative operatives and Beltway pundits are demanding the government arrest demonstrators — and to do so, they are citing a McCarthy-era statute passed to stop people from protesting against the prosecutions of alleged communists,” Perez and Sirota explain. “Ignored in the discourse is a past ruling from the Supreme Court effectively blessing conservative protests at the homes of abortion clinic workers.”
The Nazis are coming for our Constiutional rights, as predicted. A defense mechanism for their treasonous coup.

Scientists Claim to Bring Dead Human Eye Cells Back to Life
Eyesight to the blind?

Biden administration launches $45 billion plan to get the entire US online by 2030
“In the 21st century, you simply cannot participate in the economy if you don’t have access to reliable, affordable high-speed internet,”
Of course, but the fascists don't live in the 21st Century but somewhere deep in the past.

Ukraine update: Russia's incredibly shrinking ambitions

LA Legislature Suddenly Not So Eager To Charge Women With Murder
"So even in the deep South (read Land of the Happy Negro), there is not as much political appetite for labeling women murderers as we might have thought"

KremlinTV Thanks Tulsi Gabbard For Her Most 'Excellent Speech'
"Tulsi Gabbard, ripped into the Biden administration again, saying that their ultimate goal was not so much saving Ukraine as the destruction of the Russian state."
Russia's doing the best job of destroying itself, Tuls. And who told you that we won't respond to a nuclear attack?

Fox And Friends Would Prioritize Formula For Native White Babies
As bad as it gets. These people are sub-human.

'Flatly Incomprehensible': White House Prepares to Ration Vaccines as GOP Obstructs Covid Aid
"It's a result of poor preparation, underinvestment in public health, political polarization, and Covid minimization," said one physician.
Why do they hate us so?

'Pro-life' right-wingers call for executions and civil war over abortion rights
Then another Civil War is what the Nazi animals will get. We won't return to the past and will die defending.

How Donald Trump created a 'shadow' administration to continue his cruel policies
"Former President Donald Trump appointed more than 200 judges to the federal bench during his four years in office. Immigration advocates say those judges today are operating like a "shadow Trump administration" as they decide cases in which President Joe Biden has sought to undo some of his predecessor's strictest policies."

The War on Youth in the Age of Fascist Politics
"By any current standard, which includes the quality of public schools to laws that protect the health and well-being of young people, the United States is failing miserably."

Texas Gov. Abbott's Solution to Formula Shortage? Let Migrant Babies Starve
One ACLU attorney declared that every child, "regardless of whether Gov. Abbott and Border Patrol agents consider them 'our child' or not, deserves food and love."
"I can't come up with the words to describe how despicable and inhumane this is."

The fall of Roe v. Wade will only embolden the fascists: How will America respond?
This decision signals that "democratic norms" are gone, and old-style politics is useless. So what can we do?
The way this is framed, absolutely nothing but surrender. Become a fascist country where only the industrial wealthy Nazis dictate our lives or get the war on defending our rights.

'What is Merrick Garland waiting for?' There's 'growing frustration' in White House over AG's inaction on Jan. 6
This is not helping the problems created in the above article. Please do your job, Merrick or turn it over to someone who will.

Rand Paul Of Course Blocks Passage Of Emergency Ukraine Aid
"He is not even asking for an amendment. He is simply saying 'my way or the highway,' " Sen. Chuck Schumer said.
He would be very able to replace Pootin if he croaks.

Trump Spox: Babies Would Have Formula If 'Our Rightful President' Was In Charge
Former President Donald Trump's spokesperson falsely suggested on Thursday that the United States has a baby formula shortage because the 2020 presidential election was stolen. Yeah, sure. It's probably all being eaten by Fatso the baby. Another Trump toadie projecting.

VLAD SHOCK Putin is battling CANCER as well as Parkinson’s and had emergency surgery in February, source claims
If the Pooter croaks who will replace him? Someone more toxic like the asshole Dmitry Medvedev?

Russia's former president Dmitry Medvedev says the West is risking ‘fully fledged nuclear war’ between Moscow and NATO by ‘pumping weapons into Ukraine’
Yes, he appears to be a dick just like Pootin.

Republican Ron Johnson’s re-election bid in peril as he suffers ‘a striking decline’ in popularity: report
A loser. How surprising.

Outrage boils over after it's revealed that Trump’s DOJ issued 'egregious' secret subpoena
"It is highly unusual for US government officials to obtain a journalist’s phone details in this way, especially when no national security or classified information is involved. The move was all the more surprising in that it came from the DoJ’s inspector general’s office – the watchdog responsible for ethical oversight and whistleblower protections."

Hakeem Jeffries TORCHES Corrupt Besties Clarence And Ginni Thomas
"Why are you such a HATER?" the representative from Brooklyn demanded of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, after demolishing Thomas' "best friend" and insurrectionist wife, Ginni.
Impeach him. Get two traitors for one.

Fox News Takes Up Crack Pipes As Psaki’s Tenure Nears End
Jacqui Heinrich decided this was the topic that needed investigating on Jen Psaki's second-to-last day as Press Secretary.
Jacko must be afraid he'll lose his pipe?

GOP senator faces intraparty opposition over his push to have abortion protesters arrested
He's the one that needs to be taken in and charged for being clueless.

"You don't have a vagina": Whoopi Goldberg takes Joe Manchin to task on abortion rights
"None of you have any uteruses, you don't have a vagina," a furious Whoopi Goldberg raged
Well, maybe this dumbass does.

Satanic Yoga Barbie Is Coming For Your Children
Spare me. Nitwits will never cease.

Is the Supreme Court Seriously Above the Law?
It’s time to establish an ethics standard for the Court, as well as passing a law that legalizes abortion nationwide that can’t be struck down by 5 handpicked religious fanatics

America, Unmasked
COVID is surging again, but masks are passé. What the hell is it with people?
Is that a rhetorical question?

The Other Medical Treatment Endangered by the Fall of Roe
The concept of “fetal personhood” extends beyond abortion.
The MAGAts are proving to us just how stupid they are.

The Truth About Whether Plan B Works if You’re Over 155 Pounds
Doing the Lap Band Dance?

The 5th Circuit’s Reinstatement of Texas’ Internet Censorship Law Could Break Social Media
Fascism coming for all of us now.
"It empowers aggrieved users to file an unending stream of lawsuits to combat content moderation while creating a slew of onerous regulations that are literally impossible to comply with. Texas’ statute is, in short, an egregious affront to corporations’ First Amendment rights."
The victim card is played again. Sad people. Here comes Joe Stalin, Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler and Atilla the Hun. All at once.

CA Toddler Killed In Pentecostal Exorcism Ceremony
Batshit crazy zealous killers.

Russia Warns Of “Full-Fledged Nuclear War” With NATO
They are the cause of all their failures. STFU!

Ammon Bundy Sued for ‘Knowingly Dishonest and Baseless Smear Campaign’ Accusing Idaho Hospital of Trafficking and Killing Children

Joe Biden Announces Steps To Address Baby Formula Shortage
The president held a meeting with retailers as lawmakers clamor for Biden to do something about the formula crisis.
It won't stop here. Food shortages will just get worse as the planet warms from carbon bombs. The wildfires will continue and eventually burn cities to the ground. Water will become a rare commodity.

Report: 'Carbon Bombs' Are Poised to Screw Us Over Big Time
We're on a suicide path. Nothing will help us.

Virginia and Maryland governors demand that Garland ban protest outside justices' homes
These guys paying attention at all? This has been going on for some time by their side, especially in Michigan where the carried their assault rifles to the dance.
Influencing someone suggests they may have the empathy to be influenced. None here anywhere I can see.

Another Don't Say Gay bill is in the works, thanks to Republicans
Living in the 18th Century with the dullards.

New polling on abortion rights serves as clarion call to action from America's voters
The support for Roe v. Wade is widening. It's turning into a tidal wave of support for it.

Treasury watchdog to investigate Greg Abbott's very questionable use of federal pandemic funds
His money tap could be shut off.

House January 6th panel subpoenas multiple GOP lawmakers
Blah,blah, blah, "prohibits lawmakers from being sued for their official government business."
Has anyone sued them yet? Please. "Gym" is just afraid of losing that index finger.

Katie Porter raises awareness about Donald Trump's alleged bribery scheme
More Trump crime information.

The Trump Administration 'collaborated' with meat giants to evade COVID regulations and coverup deaths: report
More crime by the Trump Crime Syndicate. Charge, indict, convict.

America Unmasked: Pandemic Anti-Rights Syndrome
Did the long pandemic spawn a new kind of repression?
More like a new kind of lunatic.

'Beyond Shameful': Manchin Joins Senate GOP—Again—to Block Abortion Rights
"Any politician who is not speaking up and voting to protect our rights in this moment is complicit in what comes next—the suffering and panic that will ensue if Roe falls."
The scumbag remains a scumbag.

Figliuzzi: D'Souza's '2000 Mules' 'Documentary' Is A Big Swindle
Frank Figliuzzi shredded Dinesh D’Souza’s 2000 Mules “documentary” not just because it’s full of lies and disinformation, but at $30 a pop, it’s a big grift, too.
Fiction writer.

Jim Jordan Incites Protests Outside Sotomayor's Home
Actually, Gym, we can imagine what it looks like when your pals protest. Actual violence.
"Jacket-Off" can really thimk deeply.

Journalist lays out a long list of reasons not to trust anything Mitch McConnell has to say
This is usually the case with habitual liars.

Legal expert identifies a 'fatal flaw' in Alito's leaked draft
Bozolito? Flawed? LOL! He missed that part of it, apparently. And dissent is already at fever pitch.

Sanders: GOP Ended Filibuster to Pack Supreme Court, So Dems Must End It to Save Abortion Rights
"If Republicans can end the filibuster to install right-wing justices nominated by presidents who lost the popular vote in order to overturn Roe v. Wade, Democrats can and must end the filibuster to make abortion legal and safe."
By any means necessary.

Sanders: GOP Ended Filibuster to Pack Supreme Court, So Dems Must End It to Save Abortion Rights
"If Republicans can end the filibuster to install right-wing justices nominated by presidents who lost the popular vote in order to overturn Roe v. Wade, Democrats can and must end the filibuster to make abortion legal and safe."
By any means necessary.

Trump Kept Asking if China Was Shooting Us With a ‘Hurricane Gun’
The then-leader of the free world also inquired whether the U.S. could bomb China in retaliation for the alleged hurricane attack

Confidence in Supreme Court has collapsed since Republicans replaced RBG with Amy Coney Barrett
Why would we be confident of a group of theologists interpreting our law?

Mike Flynn believes he's being 'persecuted' because he’s getting fined by the US Army for being on Russia’s payroll
And how much for being a lunatic? Typical victim card played.

Leaked Kremlin forecasts show Russia facing economic collapse from sanctions: report
The Pooter is pooting all over his country.

'They can't stand him!' Morning Joe rips 'cowardly' Lindsey Graham after new tapes show him trashing Trump in private
And yet, he hangs around spouting his bullshit.

Marjorie Taylor Greene's version of Christianity is a massive betrayal of the teachings of Jesus
Greene and other Christian nationalists are spreading fear, hypocrisy and deception — but not the gospel of Christ
That describes most of them.

Trump-Backed Groper Loses Race For Nebraska GOP Nomination
Charles Herbster’s defeat, after a nasty and expensive intraparty battle, dealt Trump a rare blow in a conservative state he won twice.
Another Trump pussy grabber bites the dust.

Panicked PA GOPers Try To Block Extremist In Governor's Race
“Everyone is coming to the realization we should have come to two months ago,” said a source close to one of the campaigns: that Mastriano would lose a general election by double digits to state Attorney General Josh Shapiro.
"Captain Jesus!" LOL! Looks like they're in fear of their Trumper fascist shenanigans now.

Collins Traumatized By The Word 'Please' Written In Chalk
Susan Collins shook up by a very polite request for health protection written in chalk on a sidewalk.
Fear is their stock in trade.

On Victory Day In Russia, Americans Bonnie & Clyde Show Up
During the annual concert that honors the Soviet Union's victory over Nazi Germany, heroic historical images were shown, including as some eagle-eyed viewers noticed a famous picture of Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow.
Secretly admiring American criminals? We produce some of the very best. Take a look at Trump.

Ron DeSantis Is A Despot
Now the Florida governor is mandating classroom lessons on communism.
Suffering? That's exactly what we're doing with the Dip in charge. Was their ever a doubt what he is?

"The View": Ted Cruz is "despicable" for comparing Roe demonstrators to Jan. 6 insurrectionists
"The next woman you call 'a goon,' don't do it to her face," Whoopi Goldberg addresses the Texas senator
He's a card carrying POS.

How abortion "trigger laws" could inadvertently impede fertility treatments
Giving a fertilized egg "personhood" throws a wrench in the standard in vitro fertilization procedure
Again, these assholes are too stupid to grasp that.

Why is the Supreme Court using religious belief to alter secular law?
Alito's draft opinion is full of specious legal and historical language — but it's just religious doctrine in drag
Drag City?

Has Russia been beaten? This military expert says that moment is coming soon
Russia had a decent plan, says warfare expert John Spencer. But military incompetence has led to total failure

Louisiana GOP official arrested again after witnesses say he held 4-year-old upside down and whipped him
Then, when the 4-year-old Got rightside up, he beat the crap out of this criminal.

Leaders at San Jose church confirm they conducted ritual to rid 3-year-old of ‘evil spirits,’ leading to her death
A 3-year-old, eh? Religion. The worst thing mankind ever brought forth on this planet.
"I said, 'You know they refused Jesus, too.'
He said, 'You're not Him' — Bob Dylan's 115th Dream Bob Dylan.

"They referred to an unspecified creator as the endower of human rights and mentioned God nowhere in the Constitution except in the formal rubric of dating, 'In the year of our Lord', and all men being created equal was not a Biblical concept but one by Locke and Hobbes, two secular philosophers."
It would seem incorrect to assume the Founding Fathers opposed abortion or that “a right to abortion is not deeply rooted in the Nation’s history and traditions.”
Bozolitio is simply using his own hatred for women having their ways to empower the men whom he considers to be in charge of all of them.

Hawley Targets Disney With Retroactive Copyright Bill
The Hawley boy can stick it where the sun don't shine.

'Our House Is Truly on Fire': Earth Now Has 50% Chance of Hitting 1.5°C of Warming by 2026
"The 1.5°C figure is not some random statistic," said the head of the World Meteorological Organization. "It is rather an indicator of the point at which climate impacts will become increasingly harmful for people and indeed the entire planet."

Mark Esper: Trump was 'biggest leaker' in his own administration and it was 'bad for the country'

Men Admonish Women To Be Dainty About Their Protests
Some male senators are Very Concerned about the safety of Justices Alito, Roberts and Kavanaugh because women are shouting things outside their house. I have advice for them: Shut up and step back.
When you sucker punch someone in the face you have to expect a punch back, punks.

Fox News Host Lies, Claims Abortion Rights Aren't Popular
Will Cain channeled Kellyanne Conway's alternative facts on Americans' huge support for Roe v. Wade. The Bullshit Channel.

OAN Finally Admits ‘No Widespread Voter Fraud’ After Settling Defamation Suit
Georgia election workers were dragged through the mud on OAN by right-wing conspiracy theorists like Rudy Giuliani. Now the network is finally acknowledging there was no fraud.

Columnist: ‘Originalist’ Supreme Court Justices are concocting a ‘new age of oppression’
Fascists on court make up their own war on America.

How Donald Trump has destroyed the White Evangelical church as we know it
Everythlng Donald Trump touches dies.

Mace Admits 'Vast Majority Of Republicans' Support Abortion Rights
Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) argued on Sunday that it was important for pro-choice Republicans to speak up after a leaked ruling indicated the Supreme Court will overturn federal abortion rights.
I'm petty certain that this is a Republican that can communicate.

Fox Host's Moronic Rant: Biden Admin Doesn't Like Women
This ridiculous rant comes after all of Fox News was celebrating the likely overturning of Roe v. Wade, which puts women's healthcare under siege.
Textbook projecting. Something that they do all the time now. Who is their coach on this? My God, it is so obvious to someone with a modicum of education.

How 'loyal servant' Mark Meadows played a 'pivotal' role in Trump’s attempted coup: report
Another piece of evidence on a traitor.

Republicans aren't even bothering to lie about it anymore. They are now coming for birth control
As you can see, the status quo is changing very, very quickly
They will fall.
“When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it—always.” —Mahatma Gandhi

Jim Jordan declared 'your 401K misses Trump' – and got hit with this gut-wrenching response
Jim Jordan is mindless fuck.
“Actually, I miss my daughter who was murdered because ignorant a**holes like you refuse to address gun violence @Jim_Jordan,” he wrote on Twitter. “As for my 401k, still higher today than it was on the last day of the other guy. Instead of Soviet inspired tweets, do something worthwhile or shut up.”
If only.

Putin's televised 'Victory Day' speech sabotaged by hackers' 'blood on your hands' message: report
This old killers' days are numbered.

"We're Not Going Back—Never": Warren Has Plan to Defend Rights Enshrined in Roe
Of course we're not going back. Victory or let no one return alive.

America's Worst Men Thrilled By Prospect Of Controlling Women's Bodies, Taking Away Our Rights
You mean the assholes that could never get laid in school?
"Gee, that sounds a lot like rape, given that it's highly unlikely anyone there would consent to sex with him."

Poll: Most Americans Want Congress to Pass a Bill to Protect Abortion Rights
Again, the fascists in the Senate don't care whan Americans want.

Why Republicans Are NOT the Party of Freedom
One could list reasons they are not for infinity.

Why Abortion Is Health Care
It’s not just about extreme cases—pregnancy can have a lifelong impact on well-being.

Leonard Pitts: The left needs to get out of its defensive crouch
There is nothing wrong with being ‘woke,’ ‘liberal’ or ‘progressive’

Overturning Roe Will Ignite a Legal Civil War
At the very least.

The War on Abortion Drugs will be just as racist and classist

Man Who Taunted Roe Protesters Isn’t FDNY Member, He’s Member Of NY Young GOP Club’s “Catholic Caucus"
World's largest cult.

DeSantis Condemns Wearing “Chey-Tay Varra” Shirts, Remains Silent On Nazis Waving His Flag At Disney
One of the head Nazis keeps coming after our rights. Maybe we should go after his.
I guess he forgot "Batista established tighter censorship of the media, while also utilizing his Bureau for the Repression of Communist Activities secret police to carry out wide-scale violence, torture and public executions. These murders mounted in 1957, as socialist ideas became more influential. Many people were killed, with estimates ranging from hundreds to about 20,000 people killed. —-Wikipedia.
Che took care of Batista. I guess he's upest about that part of it.
The part about the hammer and sickle is pretty thick bullshit as his party fellates Pootin.

More Human Bones Emerge From Lake Mead as Drought Continues
"And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works." Hmmm, watch out SCOTUS.

Millions of acres of U.S. cropland may be contaminated by sewage sludge packed with PFAS
American stupidity on the move.

Red States Rushing To Push New Laws That Punish Women
The new old South, aka The Land of the Happy Negro, continue their ugliness and hate.

Steve Schmidt Sets Fire To Palin And Meghan McCain On Twitter
Looks like they're burning up good.

Fox News Host Has Wacky Meltdown At Biden Over Roe v Wade: UPDATED
Tell it to Lindsey Graham and Clarence Thomas. They will understand and explain it to them. LMAO!
Biden put the fence around the White House? Steve, what drugs are you using?
Projection again. Trump taught every one of his boot lickers to project.

As Schumer Tees Up Vote to Codify Roe, Progressives Urge Elimination of Filibuster
"If Republicans can end the filibuster to install right-wing judges nominated by presidents who lost the popular vote in order to overturn Roe v. Wade," said Sen. Bernie Sanders, "Democrats can and must end the filibuster to keep abortion legal and safe."

'You have zero credibility': national security lawyer blasts Tom Cotton for condemning peaceful protests
-Zero, in fact. Buffoon.

Michael Flynn endorses 'insane' COVID-19 conspiracy theory that claims vaccines turn people into zombies
It's too late for him. He's already a zombie.

Pete Captures the Moment
"They find somebody vulnerable to pick on." Exactly what bullies do.
"I mean this guy would not even exist in Alito’s world, and how does that make any sense? How does it make sense that a guy like Alito gets to “cancel” the ability for Pete Buttigieges (yes that spelling is plural) to fulfill their potential careers and gifts of service to our nation? And for what? Because some people are too cowardly to explore differences in good people? F**k fear. F**k Alito and everyone who “preyed” to stay cowed in the dark corners of their conspiracy riddled minds…"
Yes. Backward is their direction. No longer will we advance forward if these Nazis take us over.

Red-Caped Catholic Loons Demand Boston Deny Flag Of Satanic Temple: “A Grave Spiritual Danger To The City”
Why don't you arrest Satan and charge him? Indict him and put him on trial?

Senate Republicans' 2022 plan to raise taxes on 100 million working-class Americans bombs in polling
Only 1 in 4 Americans supports the sweeping platform laid out by GOP Sen. Rick Scott of Florida, chair of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, ahead of the 2022 midterms. In fact, every Scott policy tested by the progressive consortium Navigator Research was opposed by a majority of Americans.

It's True Crisis Time for Trans People in America
From Alabama to Florida, our rights are under attack. We can’t counter the Right without understanding its tactics
The war against fascism is on.

Abortion: Why is the Court Using Religious Belief to Alter what Should be Secular Law?
It’s time to discuss religion, because it’s no longer knocking on our door: Sam Alito just sent it into the house with a no-knock warrant and stun grenades that threaten to catch the place on fire

Why our continued use of fossil fuels is creating a financial time bomb
The fossil fuel vampires don't give a damn.

Cops Charged After Horrific Bodycam Shows Unarmed Black Man Shot With Hands Up
Shot 12 times for holding a baseball cap.
What's wrong with our police? Because something certainly is.

Supreme Court in disarray: New leaks reveal Roberts' own preferred Roe reversal
The Washington Post has a new story in which multiple sources describe how Chief Justice John Roberts was planning to further carve away at Roe v. Wade by giving the court's approval to the Mississippi law banning abortions after 15 weeks, but wanted to dodge overturning Roe completely.

Kavanaugh’s neighbor organizing protests outside his home: 'I’m not going to be civil to that man'
“I organize peaceful candlelit vigils in front of his house. … We’re about to get doomsday, so I’m not going to be civil to that man at all,” she replied.

'A recovery with a lotta momentum': Economists praise latest jobs report

Lindsey Graham Slams Senators Who Expected Brett Kavanaugh Not To Lie
All this windbag needs is the white goatee to make his Southern Colonel image complete.

Amber Ruffin Asks, 'When Will The Supreme Court Stop Taking Away Our Rights?
They believe they are Kings. Remember the last time we had trouble with a King?

Ted Cruz Acuses Dems Of 'Embracing Mob Violence To Get Their Partisan Outcome'
Wait, you idiot. That's your party that stages violent coups to overthrow legal elections.

Media Shocked by the Leak, Not the Right-Wing Supreme Court's Opinion
Typical reaction of the fools.

Nonviolent Direct Actions to Target Manchin and Sinema Over 'Corrupt Obstruction'
"Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin are protecting an abused, outdated Senate rule—the filibuster—and the profits of their corporate donors over our people, our democracy, and our planet."
End the filibuster or let no one return alive.

New CBS News Poll: 64% Say Hands Off Roe V Wade
The male chauvinist pigs do not care what the people of the North American States think.

McConnell Suggests GOP May Pursue Federal Abortion Ban If “Roe” Is Overturned
Leading the Nazis' assault, the Plant-Your-Seed-Where-You-May Turtle.

Taliban divisions deepen as women rage over veil edict
Pretty much the same way the Talibastards treat women in the U.S.

Candidates backed by conservative PAC sweep Tarrant County school board elections
Here come the Talibastards.
All but one of the 11 Tarrant County conservative school board candidates, who were backed this year by several high-profile donors and big-money PACs, defeated their opponents during Saturday’s statewide election, according to unofficial election results.

‘The Cruelty Has No Bottom’: Legal Expert Blasts TX Gov. Abbott for Trying to Ban Some Children From Public Education

SNL Cold Open Takes On Alito's Medieval Justification For Taking Reproductive Rights Away, Burning Witches

SNL’s Sharp, Frustrated Take on Abortion Rights

On surprise trip to Kyiv, Trudeau reopens Canadian Embassy
Throwing water on Pootin's Parade.

Germany’s Scholz: Russia can’t dictate peace deal in Ukraine
‘The Ukrainians will not accept that, and neither will we,’ German chancellor says in TV address.
In this bizarro world you're damned if you do and damned if you don't.

Michigan AG refuses 'draconian' 1931 abortion law
“Politicians do not belong in our doctor's offices, they don't belong in our bedrooms and should not be making these kinds of decisions on behalf of the American public and behalf of women across America,” Nessel said Sunday.

Tucker Carlson's BS Theory About Oath Keeper Ray Epps Crumbles
The conspiracy theory concocted by far-right apologists for the riot claiming that Epps was secretly in cahoots with the FBI to make the Capitol siege happen as a way to entrap “Patriots” shows how readily these fanatics will eat their own.

Tiffany Cross and Panel of White Women Excoriate White Women for Voting Republican
“In 2020, more than 50% of white women voters chose Trump, and that is after all the sexual assault allegations and then grab them by the not-made-for-TV comments,” and added that “no matter how you identify, your civil rights are under attack.”

Russia's Grave Miscalculation: Ukrainians Would Collaborate

Jerks Boycotting Tim Hortons For Not Letting Them Put Children's Lives At Risk
"Conservatives are obsessed with the idea of victimhood."
"They would apparently prefer that kids with a medical status that can't be changed simply by spending two seconds getting a vaccine be denied this opportunity instead."
"It would be great if they could get their self-worth from things other than oppressing people or trying to get other people to sacrifice for them, but given that they suck, that seems unlikely."
Hmmm, seems like I've heard this said somewhere before.

Republicans Are Lying to You About Roe
Lying liars have a tendency to do that.

Future growing 'bleaker' for mainstream Republicans as Trump refuses to go away: report
Are there any mainstreat Republicans left?

This is what it was like trying to get an abortion in the United States before 1973
"Scholars estimate that between 20% and 25% of all pregnancies ended in abortion before Roe v. Wade." Haugeberg added that roughly 200 women would die from botched abortions every year during the period immediately preceding Roe v. Wade. In addition to succumbing to shoddy abortionists, many women would die through self-induction like trying to throw themselves down stairs, taking poisons or using coat hangers.

The end of Roe v. Wade is a men's rights issue, too — literally
If you’re a man and you think abortion rights don’t impact you, you're wrong.
"Since many men seem to enjoy having sex with women, I would assume most men do not want to live in a world where they can’t access birth control."

Republicans Would Really Prefer You Just Not Talk About the Roe Opinion
"You haven’t seen a lot of Republicans telling primary voters over the years that they want to find “consensus” on abortion rights."
"After working for decades to accomplish this one thing, the roadmap going forward is to stop anyone from even talking about it."

Texas’ Electoral College Lawsuit Was So Bad the State Bar Just Filed a Lawsuit About It

NEW POLL: Overturning Roe More Likely to Help Democrats Than Republicans — By Double
Hopefully, it will be the end of the fascist party.

Hershel Walker’s Homocon Son: Pro-Choice Women “Don’t Need To Worry About Abortions,” They’re All Fat
Repulsive brat.

Reuters: Putin To Send “Doomsday” Warning To West
Tell him to take gas and enjoy his mutually assured destruction.

Generic Poll Shows Voters Prefer Pro-Choice Democrats Over Anti-Abortion Republican Candidates By 13 Points
Of course civilized people would.

Taliban Orders Afghan Women To Cover Up Head To Toe
The decree calls for women to only show their eyes.
“We want our sisters to live with dignity and safety." Sure, because anything less than total cover would make the men so horny your sisters would be raped in public.
Coming soon to America if the Talibastards here take over.

Fox News Poll: 59% Of Republicans Say Immigrants “Hurt The Country And Make It A Worse Place To Live"
Really? Take a look at the next article, genuises.

Less Immigrant Labor Across US Contributing To Price Hikes
From meatpacking to homebuilding, a lack of workers is costing Americans at a time when inflation is already a top concern.
Hate the immigrants? Then pay more for everything.

Less Immigrant Labor Across US Contributing To Price Hikes
From meatpacking to homebuilding, a lack of workers is costing Americans at a time when inflation is already a top concern.

Even in swing districts, Republican House candidates hold extremist, anti-democratic views

GOP Operative Behind Ballot Harvesting In Philadelphia
Voter tampering again by Republican.

Ukraine update: Big moves, bigger confusion as counteroffensive opens new chapter in the war

Ukraine Update: One side knows how to fight a war, and it's not Russia

U.S. Soldier In Ukraine Helps Capture Russian Assault Vehicle: 'Thanks, Russia!
TCB America.

Furious Russian Soldiers Sabotaging Their Own Tanks
"If Ukraine's figures are correct, over 1100 Russian tanks have been lost in Ukraine so far. To put that into perspective, that is more than the Nazis lost on the entire eastern front in 1943."

Clarence Thomas blasted for declaring SCOTUS can’t be ‘bullied’ into giving ‘outcomes you want’ after spouse’s actions
If Americans don't respect the law it's because the law doesn't respect them. When the law doesn't represent the people, the law is wrong. Especially with traitors attempting to change an outcome.
Impeach the tyrant. Our government is by the people, not SCOTUS dictating.

Putin's private army at the center of disturbing reports about their mistreatment of moms on maternity ward: report
"“They started indecently touching the women and signaling for sex from the two women who had just put to bed,” said the gendarme. He also alleged that the Russians tried to rape the nurse on duty who had confronted them saying the women had just given birth and still had blood on them. “She struggled to free herself [and] ran to the labour room,” he reportedly said." Pootin must be stopped.

Adam Schiff Wants To Expand The Supreme Court
Representative Schiff and Senator Warren make the principled case for expanding the Supreme Court.
He's not alone. Many of us want this. And we must kill the filibuster so we can move into the 21st Century.

Rudy Giuliani Refuses To Show Up For January 6 Committee Interview
Did anyone ever believe Giuliani would expose Republicans for the Select Committee?
Just another Trump crook.

Anti-Choice Lawmaker Loses It On Statehouse Steps
Sue DeLemus has QUITE a history. And she seems upset.
Another batshit crazy zealot.

Right-wingers are going to reap what they sow on abortion rights

Alito cancels appearance at judicial conference following leaked Roe v. Wade bombshell
Bozolito is on the run.

The death of CNN+: Legacy news media's failed quest to stay relevant
CNN's attempt to chase online and podcast audiences was a disastrous flop. Maybe it's the message, not the medium
Or maybe it's the automatons that are click addicts and cell phone zombies that are only able to get their fix from the internet.
One can see them everywhere, glued to their hand-held life source.

Arizona GOP Senate candidate wants to allow states to ban contraception use
Everyone knew that these filthy bastards would attempt to destroy birth control.

New report indicates 1 in 5 Americans 'partly' blame Asian Americans for the spread of COVID-19
A portion of America still lives in the 18th Century.

The Susan Collinsest Susan Collins That Ever Susan Collinsed
Cleaning up after regurgitating over her lunacy is a constant chore.

Workers Say NLRB Complaint "Fully Unmasks Starbucks' Facade as a Progressive Company"
"Starbucks will be held accountable for the union-busting minefield they forced workers to walk through," said Starbucks Workers United.
Are they now being referred to as "Starfucks"?

'I'm not a moron': Ted Cruz implodes when reporters challenge his unfounded Supreme Court leak theories
But that's what all morons say.

Audio Shows Popular Far-Right Extremist Using Racist, Homophobic Slurs, Wishing For Extermination Of Jews
“I really think you should press the button to wipe Jews off the face of the Earth.”
Nope. We need to start with Nazis like you.
From a commenter: "At one time, education was the crown jewel of our society. Improve yourself, improve your education and you future will be bright. It was even affordable."

DeSantis Signs $1.2 Billion Tax Break to Combat ‘Bidenflation,’ Partly Paid For By Biden’s Federal Stimulus
Fully illustrating the fraud that this douchebag is.
Feed him to the sharks.

Ninth Journalist Killed in Mexico in 2022 as Reporter is Kidnapped, Beaten to Death and Wrapped in Plastic
What the fuck is going on in Mexico? What gangbanger scum is responsible for it?

Job Growth Shows Continuing Vigor of U.S. Economy
The Labor Department reported a gain of 428,000 jobs in April, along with a 5.5 percent increase in average hourly earnings from a year earlier.
America says: "Why can't Biden do better?"

Conservative Supreme Court justices lied to the Senate and they lied to us
But does anyone care? My guess is Americans think they have nothing to do with it any longer.

Trump loses lawsuit demanding Twitter lift his lifetime suspension
Well, that must have been rigged?
Fatso loses again.

Cops charged with manslaughter for gunning down Quadry Sanders – who was only armed with a ball cap
Damn! You know what you can hide in a ballcap? Especially when it's a Black man who wears it. But of course, we persecute white people, or so the MAGAts say.

Mysterious $700 million superyacht linked to Putin grabbed by Italian authorities
Bust the bastard's nuts.

MAGA boos Dr. Oz as rain turns Trump rally into muddy mess
The Trump Nazis are restless.

The Abortion Movie for Our Post-Roe Moment
Happening does something other abortion movies haven’t dared.
As if the Talibastards have the intellect to get it.

Elon Musk’s Hand-Picked Twitter Investors Confirm Some of His Critics’ Worst Fears
Many of us have known for some time what a threat this so-called "genius" is. P.T. Barnum was correct. LMAO!

Republican ‘Populists’ Are Still Corporate Toadies
Conservative rabble-rousers are mad at regulators for protecting the American people from Wall Street banks.
Photo is of an alleged educated person in the MAGAt sector.

Oklahoma’s Ban on Nonbinary Birth Certificates Isn’t Just Cruel. It’s Ahistorical
What else did you expect from Oklahoma. It's a part of Darwin's Waiting Room.

The Logistics Arm of the Abortion-Rights Movement Is Gearing Up
The new American Civil War is beginning.

Help us as we investigate threats to democracy
Are you an election worker facing intimidation? Are you a voter encountering significant hurdles to casting a ballot? Are there any people, groups or organizations exerting undue influence over elections in your community? The Texas Tribune and ProPublica want to hear from you.
That's all they do in Texas. They don't even bother to send you your voter cards any longer.
Can someone tell me how this is "forming a more perfect union"? I didn't think so.

Abortion: Why is the Court Using Religious Belief to Alter what Should be Secular Law?
I'll take a guess: Because they are religious bigots?
"We are so fucked."

Cops push back against ‘un-American’ Ammon Bundy's run for governor
MAGAts are ALL un-American. All cops should be going after them.

With Roe on the Ropes, Students Stage Nationwide Walkouts
"People might look at us like we're young, but I genuinely feel like we can make the most change," said one Maine high school student. "Most of us are voting next year or this year."
Here comes young America, you Talibastards.

Ron DeSantis banned from NY Museum of Jewish Heritage ahead of speaking role at the facility: report
Nazis are not allowed. It should be the same nationwide.

You laughed at Trump for screwing up J.D. Vance's name. Did that save Roe v. Wade?
It was funny when Trump couldn't tell his bootlicking acolytes apart. After the SCOTUS leak: You still laughing?
Yes, the MAGAt Nazi Party is still doing their best to kill the United States and turn us into the MAGAt states.
We must stop them by any means necessary.

'From the moment of fertilization’: Louisiana advances bill criminalizing abortion as homicide – women, doctors could be jailed
Low-life, dictating facisism. Are your swastika armbands coming next? None of this will end well. Because you know there's never a man involved to blame, you numbskulls.

TX Republicans Say Christians And Whites Face Most Discrimination
This is how Fox News and its media brethren set the stage for a revolt against tolerance of everything and everyone not in lockstep with radical, right-wing authoritarianism.
Oh Sure! The Victim Party doing its usual victim whine after being in charge of discriminating against minorities and women for nearly 250 years now.
Texas. Totally disgusting arrogance.

'Whining is how they win': ignoring Republicans may be the best way to beat them
Might as well call them the Whining Party.

Biden DOJ Applauded for 'Long Overdue' Environmental Justice Plan
"Communities of color, Indigenous communities, and low-income communities often bear the brunt of the harm caused by environmental crime, pollution, and climate change," said the U.S. attorney general.
And its the Victim Party that reap the rewards.

Two Takes On The Overturning Of Roe Vs Wade
The Liberal Redneck gives us a live and current take on the overturning of Roe vs Wade and a classic overview of how Republicans really view the sanctity of life. These Nazis are exactly what he describes.
Let the war begin. Because they forgot what Lincoln said about a house divided against itself not being able to stand.

Alyssa Milano Calls For Ratifying The Equal Rights Amendment
A longtime activist for women's rights, she walks us through the shocking history of abortion in America, and explains why the ERA is needed to protect abortion rights.

'Ultra MAGA!': Psaki Torches Abbott's Move To Attack Public Education
Jen Psaki blasted Abbott's racism and cruelty as out of the mainstream, but reminded us of the domino effect of the impending fall of Roe v. Wade. Ultra fascist racism in other words.

We Learned Nothing From Covid-19
A million Americans are dead from Covid — and because of the way we handled this pandemic, more will die in the next one
This is based on an assumption that we are an intelligent people. This has been proven wrong.

Abortion Was Only A Means To Political Power For Religious Right
Brown v. Board of Education was the real rallying point, as Ali Velshi explains. It's the Talibastards doing their shit on the country.

Alito cancels appearance at judicial conference following leaked Roe v. Wade bombshell
Is the little "justice" feeling poorly?

How Samuel Alito laid out a 'sweeping and radical' argument for rolling back a variety of civil liberties
The asshole thinks his religion justifies his crime. He ignores the Ninth Amendment because he thinks he is God on Earth.

How to access abortion in a post-Roe world
An individual states' ban cannot prevent you from getting an abortion in other ways and through other states
Fuck Alito and fuck fascist SCOTUS.

Life after Roe: Republicans are already targeting the right to a public education
Following Alito's reasoning on Roe, public schools aren't in the Constitution — and Republicans are now salivating
Of course the Texas fascist would follow in the Nazi tradition.
Texas - don't go there if you love your country.

Ron DeSantis banned from NY Museum of Jewish Heritage ahead of speaking role at the facility: report
Good start. Now kick his stinking fascist ass out.

He 'drove himself into a dead end': Ukraine's top spy makes bold prediction about Vladimir Putin
Provide him with the complementary revolver so he can blow his useless brains out.

Victims' families urge new look into Border Patrol abuses: 'They covered up what happened'

'She has the right': Fox News host slaps down co-host after he says pregnant women shouldn't be hired
In that case why are mindless fucks hired?

This is Happening Here and Now: Fight Back

When we should shame people — and when we shouldn’t
Earth to Cathy O’Neil: You can't shame people who don't know what shame is!
Who profits? People like Cathy.
Greta Thunberg's weaponizing of shame
"At every turn, in every appearance, what she's interested in is making her listeners feel shame."

The Real Winner of the Ohio Republican Primary Is Peter Thiel
Very bad news.

Louisiana Republican’s Bill Opens Door to Homicide Charges for Abortion Patients
It's pretty dark over there looking that direction from Texas.

Texas Provides a Chilling Glimpse into Our Post-Roe Future
Texas isn't hell but you can see it from there.

"Lock Me Up, Lock Me Up"
"Alito and other Supreme Court justices clearly believe their religious beliefs entitle them to make choices for people whose circumstances and lives they don't know."
There's your "sincerely held beliefs" at work again.

'Is He Okay?': Questions Emerge about Donald Trump Jr.'s Wellbeing Following Ballistic Video Tantrum
When was he ever OK? And he's one of the stars of his "Clown Show State."
As someone noted: "The leak is not as important as the Christofascist draft decision."

House Candidate Threatens To Tear Gas Journalists
Your pro-lifers also say "My Body, My Choice" about vaccines. Which is, it? Why is the book 'Gender Queer' being removed from public school libraries, and is it 'obscene?'
It must be put in context of the author. I see no place where schools are using it in classrooms. Yet.
"Pornography" has, in recent years, taken on other meanings such as "violence." There are several examples of using the word to describe various other things such as "power."
It is apparent that Cory has never heard the words "nonbinary" or "asexual."

Schumer announces abortion rights vote, 'pro-choice' Collins immediately declares her opposition
Collins needs to stop being two-faced. Throw her out.
"“There is nothing in this measure that detracts in any way from existing protections based on conscience or religion. It doesn’t mandate that a hospital or a doctor or any other provider do anything that is against religious principles,” he clarified. Just like under existing law. No hospital, no clinic, no provider would be compelled to do abortions."
Wondering if the woman is illiterate?

Abbott threatens to challenge SCOTUS 1982 decision ensuring free public education for all kids
More proof of the dangers of fascism.

This Republican tweet counted on people not having read the Constitution. Whoops
Also the Ninth Amendment.
This shits all over Bozolito's theories.

Republican prosecutors have a modern tool to hunt down those who have abortions: Our phones
"We are about to see a new wave of anti-abortion terrorism and violence, thanks to a Supreme Court majority that believes individual rights not only ought to flip around according to the whims of each new election but that if the U.S. Constitution makes things awkward, the states can designate private-citizen bounty hunters and evade whatever else the courts might say about it." We know who the lawless are.

Michigan prosecutors vow not to enforce the state’s abortion ban if Roe v. Wade is overturned
The only ones that will enforce it all live in the 18th Century.

WaPo columnist highlights the growing problem with GOP's lacking election agenda
If Americans vote for the return of hell then they will deserve all the hell they get from the fascism they desire.

Chuck Schumer's Supreme Court rage should give us hope
"I was wrong about why the court should be seen as illegitimate. People don’t care about Russia’s sabotage. They care about the revocation of civil rights and civil liberties taken for granted after half a century."

Trump's DHS Altered Russia Report To Help Trump
More crime discoverd from the Trump Crime Syndicate.

Fox News Lunacy: Kavanaugh Had 'The Right To Lie' Under Oath
It's finally come to this has it? The SOBs can lie under oath as far as these fascist turd slingers go.

Putin Ally Warns Enemies Of 'Z' Could Face 'Concentration Camps, Sterilization'
Karen Shakhnazarov, a Russian filmmaker and ally of President Vladimir Putin, said there may be severe punishment for those who oppose Putin's war. And we all said "Never Again!"

Roe V. Wade Leak Is The Worst Thing For Mitch McConnell
With his right-wing court poised to end abortion rights, McConnell's desperate to change the subject.
We can only hope so.
"There is not a single state where support for a federal ban on abortion has more than 30% support among the public."
But the filthy Talibastards don't care what the American people think. It's only what they "think" that matters.

How Samuel Alito laid out a 'sweeping and radical' argument for rolling back a variety of civil liberties
This is what you get from fascism.

GOP hyperventilating over the Alito Roe v. Wade leak is a 'cynical' plan to make Americans forget Jan. 6: journalist
Yes, they seem a little anxious to say the least.
Aside: I find it interesting that so many news sites have to add what appears to be a disclaimer after every headline. In this case a "journalist" is used. Other times it is "expert." Doesn't the byline explain who wrote it any longer? Or has America become so stupid it all must be explained in advance?

Behind the mask: How racism shaped attitudes on the pandemic
White people began believing COVID wasn't their problem, research shows — and that made the pandemic much worse
Six million deaths world wide. One million American deaths. These dead speak volumes but the ignorant and the chickenshits keep flapping their gums and adding to the numbers. I notice the "My Body, My Choice" sign. Does that apply to abortion rights as well?

Justice Samuel Alito will scrub this argument from final draft overturning Roe v. Wade: MSNBC anchor?
Perhaps Justice Bozolito is a warlock?

Sanders Blasts Senate's 'Strange Priorities' as It Advances Corporate Welfare
"We can't extend the child tax credit to combat child poverty," said the Vermont senator. "But somehow, we can provide a massive amount of corporate welfare to a handful of corporations."

Fox News Poll: 63% Support Roe V Wade
Another poll shows Americans' overwhelming support of Roe v Wade. Even a Fox poll. Read it, you stupid misogynist fascists in the SCOTUS.

Republican Who Told Rape Victims To 'Lie Back And Enjoy It' Loses Race
Democrat Carol Glanville scored a stunning upset against Robert Regan in the heavily Republican Michigan House District 74.
Remember Clayton Williams? He went down just like this sucker.

Empty Podium Represents Herschel Walker At Georgia Debate
"Ignoring the voters." That's the message Walker's refusal to debate sends.
The voters know his name and that's all they think makes a good candidate. This is the problem in our country: form over content.
Besides the fact that his best assent is not being there. LMAO!

Christian Crackpot Kandiss Taylor Promises To Tear Down Georgia Guidestones
And now for something different, but just as crazy as anything QAnon.
Thankfully, these superstitious idiot zealots have a scapegoat. Otherwise what reason could they find for their useless existence?

Lone Woman Confronts Screaming Anti-Abortion Activists: 'I Could Have Died!'
A woman who said that she would have died without an abortion clashed with protesters outside the Supreme Court on Tuesday.
Morons with cell phone cameras show up to display their ignorance about womwn's health care mimicking Bozolito.

Ron Johnson falsely claims it 'may be true' that COVID-19 vaccines cause AIDS
Another one that shouldn't show up at the podium. One of the great nutballs of America.
Just say the lie long enough and the idiots will believe.

Anti-abortion zealots target Sotomayor aide as source of leak: Their threats are no joke
Evidence is thin for Operation Rescue's claim — and the group's harassment has repeatedly gotten people killed
The idiots are alright threating living people. It is more than clear they have no moral content.
They are the same as the Russian butchers in Ukraine.

The abortion divide: What blue states must do in this moment
We can safeguard abortion rights right now
Put people with a brain in charge should be the first priority.

Rape As Opportunity: Because Only the GOP, Even Its Women, Could Hate Women This Much
The photo appears to be the Wicked Witch of the East.

The Establishment’s Obsession With Nuclear Power Just Won’t Die
Why the earth will not survive climate change, chapter 10 billion.
Humans do not give a damn for their survival. It's only money in the pocket that matters.

A Citizen's Guide To Hell: US Abortion Laws After Roe?

Texas National Guard guidance discouraging soldiers from saving drowning migrants draws scrutiny
Abbott's death squads.

The Constitution Wasn’t Written for Women
Why Justice Alito can’t find a reference to the right to abortion in our nation’s defining document.
"The right to abortion is not explicitly enumerated in the Constitution because the Constitution does not concern itself with the rights of women. As originally written, the Constitution did not even guarantee women the right to vote—it endowed no one with that right aside from propertied white men. The omission of abortion, then, says less about the issue itself than about who the Founding Fathers considered people."
As one can plainly see, there is also nothing in the Constitution that supports anything Bozolito says. He's merely projecting what his "sincerely held beliefs" are.

Century-old racist US Supreme Court cases still rule over millions of Americans
The backward thinking U.S. Will this country ever grow up?

Jim Jordan was deeply involved in Trump's attempted coup – and the evidence is appalling
"What the Ohio Republican did was nothing short of treasonous and we don’t know the half of it — yet."

Alito cites judge who executed women for witchcraft and legalized spousal rape in Supreme Court draft ruling

Explosive Supreme Court draft exposes the criminal attitude of the conservative movement
"Alito is making up history." Fascists are good at making things up.
"It became a big deal when conservatives fearing the rise of minority populations, especially newly freed slaves after the Civil War, decided white women had to birth more babies."
"Since Mitch McConnell hijacked a court seat, and certainly since Brett Kavanaugh rampaged his way to confirmation, there’s more reason to distrust the Supreme Court than one leak. That Alito is making up history is only one more reason to see the court as a political body. Sullied my ass."

Klobuchar: Abortion is a ‘decision between me and my doctor. Not Ted Cruz.
That's for damned sure. It ain't none of these assholes' business in the SCOTUS either.

Here's what could happen if Roe v. Wade is overturned
The Supreme Court is made up of a third of its members who were appointed by a professional con man who received nearly 3 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton, and then tried to stage a coup. They all need to be removed.

Trump-Backed GA Gov. Candidate David Perdue Getting Creamed by More Than 35 Points, New Poll Shows

POLL: 52% Want Trump Charged Over Capitol Riot
What's with the other 48%? They support a crime boss traitor or are they the morons we always knew they were?

Last Call At Trump's Monument To Corruption
Trump International Hotel, where lobbyists could mingle with government officials and put money into Donald Trump's pockets, is closing and changing hands.

Radical Judge Writes Legislation Overturning Women's Rights
Radical right justices are not jurists writing opinions. They are politicians writing legislation without that pesky accountability through the political process.
SCAlito is a liar. Or he doesn't know shit from applebutter. Fuck the liars in SCOTUS.

AOC Says Democrats Must 'Leave It All on the Field' to Defend Abortion Rights
Other progressive lawmakers echoed that message, with Rep. Cori Bush declaring: "Abolish the filibuster. Codify Roe. Expand the Supreme Court. Protect abortion rights by any means necessary."
"For extreme diseases, extreme methods of cure, as to restriction, are most suitable." — Hippocrates.

Why Tucker Carlson is showing 'no embarrassment, no shame' over damning NY Times exposé: conservative
He has neither.

Biden calls on Congress to pass legislation making right to abortion federal law
Hallelujah! It is time to get this done, Congress. But we will have trouble from the fascists in the Senate. At least they will be put on the record and can be taken out in elections.

Abortion Is Not Murder
Even if we granted the most generous possible terms to the anti-abortion camp, even if we pretended the fetus was fully rational and contemplating Shakespeare in the womb, abortion would still not be murder.
"Facts, conservatives are fond of saying, do not care about your feelings. That is, unless they are conservative feelings, which we are expected to treat with unerring delicacy, even when they are scientifically unfounded.
"Sincerely held beliefs" have nothing to do to reality. Hitler had them. Don't forget it. Fuck SCOTUS.

Welcome To Gilead. Roe Is Gone, What Now?
Monday's news about the leaked draft from SCOTUS tells a story: They're not going to stop with letting states ban abortion. They're coming for gay marriage, interracial marriage and birth control.
"Rape, forced birth, poverty, banned interracial marriage, banned gay marriage, more poverty, and Big Brother crawling up women's uteruses to make sure they're obeying The Man. For that matter, they'll just live in all of our bedrooms to make sure we're submitting and not committing perversions like loving someone they deem unfit."
Yes, Hillary told you. But you knuckleheads had to vote for a fascist.
Now you have fascism. Without a shot being fired. America, as we knew it is dead.
American streets will be filled now. It's only the start of the war. Fuck them all. Long and hard.

Susan Collins was dead wrong about Brett Kavanaugh and Roe v. Wade — 'She let us down': journalist
They will all pay dearly.

Leaked majority opinion says Supreme Court is set to overturn Roe v. Wade
Draft of a Supreme Court opinion written by Justice Alito indicates full repeal of abortion rights is imminent

'These are troubling times': Morning Joe unloads on 'radical and dangerous' GOP moves to distort Supreme Court
Troubling? They are damnable.

Hillary Clinton keeps getting it right
"Hillary Clinton warned us, over and over, about what would happen if the opposition’s demagogue was handed the reins of power."

'Time to Take to the Streets': Mobilizations Planned as Supreme Court Targets Roe
The push by conservative justices to overturn Roe v. Wade, said one abortion rights advocate, "is giving us an opportunity to show them how ungovernable we will be if they follow through."

Lindell Defies Lifetime Twitter Ban: 'I'm Back' — Then Gets Re-Banned
MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell admitted over the weekend that he had created a new Twitter account despite a lifetime ban.
Incredible brain power illustrated.

Judge Nixes RNC's Attempt To Block Emails From Jan. 6th Probe
Judge Timothy Kelly tossed out the RNC’s claims that its and the Trump campaign’s information was protected on grounds including the First Amendment.

Surprise! Current Covid Subvariant Has Its Own New Subvariant
And it's 25% more contagious.
You have been warned.

Trump wanted to ‘shoot’ unarmed protesters following George Floyd’s murder: former defense secretary
"And one of the disturbing revelations in the book, according to Axios’ Mike Allen, is that Trump wanted to 'shoot' unarmed protesters during the Summer of 2020."

Global forecaster on "another bad year for democracy": Is the world near a dire tipping point?
Andrew Viteritti of the Economist says polarization and paralysis are here to stay — but there's reason for hope
Our problem with Trump fascism.

Trump rally speaker invokes ‘Jesus’ to 'cast out' women who say they were groped by Nebraska GOP candidate
Can you spell misogynist?

Slur-spewing couple kicked off flight — and complain it's because they're Trump supporters
I can assure them it's because they never learned etiquette nor how to behave in a public place. As my teacher always taught, if you don't know how to behave you will be considered "crude and ignorant." Here's the perfect example of what they learned from Trump.

Marjorie Taylor Greene and Paul Gosar added to Jan 6th committee's 'target list': reporter
Surprised? No.

Matt Gaetz’s inaccurate diagnosis of rising insulin costs
Health economists and diabetes experts weigh in on Gaetz’s faulty cause-and-effect argument that "doesn't exist"
Another disgusting piece of disinformation from the drip, Gaetz.
It further illustrates the corruption of pharmaceuticals.

Russia Kidnaps Over One Million Ukrainians, Sends Them To 'Filtration Camps'
In a scene eerily similar to Nazi Germany, Russia claims to have “evacuated” a total of 1 million Ukrainians so far in forced resettlement. The Russians are criminals stem to stern.

Why the Past 10 Years of American Life Have Been Uniquely Stupid
"If we do not make major changes soon, then our institutions, our political system, and our society may collapse."
It hasn't already?

Fox & Friends Leans On Gov. Abbott To Illegally Deport Migrants
The “constitutionalists” on Fox News dialed up their “Democrats and George Soros are trying to destroy our country” fear mongering in order to pressure Texas Gov. Abbott to seize unconstitutional power and deport migrants.
Like the Fox douchebags, Abbott is a putz and has no business being another traitor.

DeSantis Ruthlessly Mocked For Idiotic Claim About Old Cartoons
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' latest attack on Disney cartoons earned him the scorn he deserves on Twitter.
The moron "Ruthlessly Mocked," of course, but when will he be tarred, feathered and ridden out of the state on a rail?
Do we all know that these pandering dipshits lie like a rug? "Ron sure thinks about about kids and sex a lot."
Good lord, Bob Hope did it onstage. Milton Berle did it on TV. Why can't this shallow child grow the fuck up?

Extremists Plot Violent Terrorism From Within Military Ranks
The Pentagon faces a daunting task in rooting extremists out of the ranks of the military, complicated by the usual right-wing complaints that such an effort threatens the free-speech rights of soldiers.
From the miltary? Treason. There's where the firing squads they want will come in. Absolutely!

Is the U.S. in a proxy war with Russia? Sergey Lavrov and Lloyd Austin seem to think so
Hello, short-shit.

Marjorie Taylor Greene likened NATO to Nazis 'less than 12 hours' after Russian state TV did: reports
Again, did someone mention firing squads? Our very own Marie LePen.

Watch: Nevada parents group rep. escorted out of school board meeting after launching off-the-rails rant
"“You have a box of pubic hair,” she declared to a board member, then switched to say, “you have a book of public hair,” as she pointed."
Which is it? Or does is she completely lost in space?
Demented, "super creepy and weird" and very sick humans. Did they put them on the plane to Russia?

Marjorie Taylor Greene accused of lying under oath
Margie? A liar? ROTFLMFAO!!!!!

Trump's latest hate rally: A master class in cult mind control
Trump is a master in the Legion of Charlies.

'Absolutely Tragic': Doctors Tie Trump's 30-Foot Border Wall to Surge in Injuries and Deaths
"We're seeing injuries we didn't see before: pelvic fractures, spinal cord injuries, brain injuries, and a lot of open fractures when the bone comes through the skin," said a San Diego doctor.

How You Like That

Fox Employee Flummoxed About Disinformation Board
How will Jacqui Heinrich and the other lying liars at Fox News operate if the Dept. of Homeland Security is cracking down on disinformation?
Pootin's outlet in America.

Opinion: The Republican blueprint to steal the 2024 election
Yes, they planned it. Yes, they are traitors. Yes, they should all be locked up.

Elon Musk's attack on AOC draws far right Twitter trolls – and charges of 'staggering' misogyny
If he sounds just like Trump, it's because he is just like Trump -- another asshat.

Scholar maps out the myth of a 'Christian nation' — and explains why Christian nationalism is the 'asteroid coming for democracy'
As if they'll get it.

Republicans' rush to block Biden from forgiving student debt backfires
The GOP's attack is a tacit acknowledgment that Biden appears to have the power to finally make good on his promise

Brian Kemp's plan to replace Obamacare website blocked -- for now
Replace it with what? Nothing. The fascists believe Americans have no right to affordable health care. Do Americans buy that? Are Americans really that self-loathing, because the Republicans will never replace it with anything but a "Fuck Off".

Trump supporters traveled from all across the country for Nebraska rally — that was canceled: report
Suckers walk. "He's not so sure they're getting a lot of this in school now"? Does he mean bullshit? The fascists are giving the kids plenty of it, King Kong.

Arizona Slammed for Permitting Uranium Mine That Imperils Grand Canyon Tribe's Water
"Uranium contamination in a system like this is forever and while the mining company can walk away, the Havasupai tribe can't. This is, and always has been, their home."
Still screwing our Native people. Sin #Infinity.

J.D. Vance Cavorted With Romney Resistance During Second Year of Trump Presidency

Trump's 'acolytes' failing miserably as they try to oust GOP governors: report
Anything associated with Trump is highly subject to failure.

Pentagon says Russia ‘several days’ behind objectives in Donbas
What makes these military geniuses think they have anything going for them except nuclear war?

Second Oath Keeper pleads to seditious conspiracy
Another one of Trump's terrorists.

The Supreme Court Has Just Invented a New Way to Harass Vulnerable People
Your fascist court at work on fucking Americans over.

The Dire Consequences of the US Neglecting the Ongoing Pandemic

Politico: Boebert And MTG Nearly Got Into Fistfight
The Battle of the Bullet Heads!

Anti-Trump Ohio Republican rising in polls: report
I'm sure Trump will love him.

States sue the U.S. Postal Service over its decision to buy gas-powered trucks
It's a no-brainer to use electic vehicles for mail delivery.

Greene spars with CNN’s Acosta on Trump texts: ‘You’re a liar’
I swear to God that's not MY smoking gun that I'm holding!

Tennessee Does Its Part In National School Censorship Crusade
The dolts don't seem to know about the recent polls of America's parents who think they are full of bullshit.
And full of bullshit is what they are.

DeSantis Has A Plan To F*ck Disney And Not Florida Taxpayers. He'll Tell You About It In Two Weeks
Dumbo is still flapping his ears and flying in cirles.

On Russian TV, European countries are threatened with a nuclear strike for assisting Ukraine
The Russian swine threaten the world because they are the biggest backward and insecure killers. They haven't a clue about how it would be the end of all of them if they pulled a sucided stunt like that. A nuclear strike on Europe produces a nuclear+ strike on them. They have this deluded idea that a nuclear war of attrition is one they can win. Insanity lives in the Kremlin.

DOJ Sues Manafort For Almost $3 Million In Penalties
The Justice Department signals that it doesn’t think Donald Trump’s sloppy pardon of Paul Manafort covers the millions in penalties for failing to file reports disclosing his many foreign bank accounts.
One of Trump's many felons.

Kremlin TV: Nukes Mean We Will Go To Heaven, They Will Die
"Patriotic citizens are now being primed for the idea that even the worst outcome is a good thing, because those dying for the motherland will skyrocket to paradise." Trying to outdo "Heaven's Gate" morons. Deluded as all hell. Very similar to the Trump scum.

Marge Greene: Christians Who Help Immigrants Controlled By Satan
Yes, she's stupid, but her supporters are even worse.
Who's goonier? Her or the Russian dupes?

The GOP’s authoritarian MAGA insanity isn’t getting better — and it won’t: conservative
How could it? The bottom feeders have no escape path.

'Really good news': Cawthorn brags about not getting arrested days after second airport weapons violation

Our State Said My Husband And I Have To Get Remarried. The Reason Is Ridiculous.
"What exactly happens to the original marriage? In fact, whose wife am I?"
Illustrating the sheer mindlessness of the reaction to transgender. If only the morons could grasp that sex and gender are not the same thing, the world just might be a little happier for some of us.

Scientists say World’s Largest Coral Reef is Bleaching Again
Oh, but this can't hurt us. Can it?

Russia's invasion of Ukraine has destroyed a historic computer museum
Club 8-bit housed one of the largest collections of Soviet-era computers in the world.
The Pootin scum doesn't care what it destroys.They have no reason.

Want to Ensure Marijuana Is Safe? Legalize and Regulate It
Duhhh...most of the elders have been saying this since the '60s, dude.

Fox News Guest Argues There Is 'No Reason Whatsoever’ for Ukrainian Refugees to Come to America
We don't want to piss Vlad off, right? What hateful creatures.

Trump Again Praises Putin, Xi, And Kim As “Smart”
God, Trump is a mindless fool. He proves it every time he opens his stupid mouth.
"When you’re a complete imbecile, everyone looks smarter than you." Even the murdering butchers of the planet.

'It's in the plan!' Fox News host slaps down Rick Scott over his proposal to 'sunset' Social Security
Fuck Rick Scott long and hard.
What has happened to the "Sunshine State"? Have all the elders lost their minds now?

Historian: Clarence Thomas has 'implicated himself in the insurrection'
Did you expect less from him?

Mitch McConnell adviser jumps to Biden's defense over Putin 'gaffe'
As far as I am concerned all of these two-faced critics of Biden's statement are a bunch of chickenshits.

'It was a message to QAnon': ABC host nails GOP for obsession with pedophiles at Supreme Court hearings
They deserve it because they have no agenda but perverse hate.

Chris Wallace trashes Fox News: 'I wanted to put all of that behind me'
"...he felt the network had gone off the rails following the election of Donald Trump and grew worse after the 2020 election."
It is the shiny object for the clueless, misinformed, Qanonsensers, miscreants, idiots, morons, racists, conspiracy nitwits, and they will continue that way, killing democracy and killing America as they go.

'Republicans have a ton of baggage' as they try to distance themselves from Trump's Putin praise
Their lies are coming home to roost.
They are the characters in the Handsome Family's song The Bottomless Hole. They keep descending eternally because it's their drug of choice. They cannot escape their addiction to junk.
The True Believer quotes.

'Full epistemic crackup': How Ginni Thomas’ Jan. 6 revelations expose the GOP’s descent into QAnon madness
"Where we go one we go all — to Hell!"

Biden Ends Speech Urging That Putin 'Cannot Remain In Power'
In what was surely an ad lib and not part of a prewritten speech, Biden made a pretty large declaration about what needs to happen in Russia.
Why does this statement have to explained to everyone? They damn Biden for being weak, they damn Biden for being strong. Everyone can see they have nothing for us.

Madison Cawthorn Admits He's An Idiot
Newt Gingrich is now coaching the QAnon wacko.
Newt is his coach? At what? Asshat design.

Trump threatens MAGA boycott of midterms at Georgia rally where the 'crowd is hardly applauding': report
No one wants to hear this empty cry baby any longer.

WATCH: Marjorie Taylor Greene throws tantrum over Constitution's ban on insurgents running for Congress
Yes, we don't allow turncoats and traitors to run. That's what you are so pissed about, traitor.

'The rot is deep': QAnon has infiltrated the 'highest levels of the Republican Party'
A garbage pile.

Former Mississippi GOP lawmaker doubles down on unhinged call for transgender allies to face ‘firing squad’
And he'll go first. We'll see how he likes it. These piles of shit think they get away with anything now.
"They put another dead believer in the ground." — Believer by Eric Von Schmidt

Omicron subvariant BA.2 will soon dominate in the U.S: Here’s what you need to know about it.
Just when you dreamed it was over!

Russian troops attack own commanding officer after suffering heavy losses
Don't stop with him. He's just following Pooootie's orders.

Ice shelf collapses in previously stable East Antarctica
Just another day on a dying planet.

Congrats, Fellas! You're Closer To Getting Your Own Birth Control Pill
That should short circuit some misogynist's brains, if they have one.

Candidate whose spoiler bid helped elect MAGA Maine governor arrested on 4 felonies: report
Stealing money, stealing money, stealing money and stealing more money? No, not this time, I'm afraid. Just another Grand Old Prick.

“We’re Going to Be Conservative.” Official Orders Books Removed From Schools, Targeting Titles About Transgender People
As Cruz did for books he identified with Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, so will these "whateverthefucktheyares" do for the books they ban. Always makes them more popular and sought out.

Interfaith Alliance Calls on Sens. Graham and Cornyn to Respect True Religious Freedom
Freedom to grift is the freedom they want.

Abortions are wrong … unless Republicans want them
Just abortions? Everything is wrong unless the victim party wants them.

Demands for Clarence Thomas to 'immediately resign' surge following release of wife's insurrection texts
I'm certain this "Drunk on Power" will quickly comply.

Bipartisan interest group believes ‘insurrectionist’ Marjorie Taylor Greene is 'ineligible' for reelection
You just figured that out?
Get your weapon Margie and head for Ukraine.

'Blatantly un-American': Legal advocates rip Florida GOP's push to ban free legal assistance for election officials
Why doesn't Pootin attack Florida where the real Nazis are?

Legal experts, DNC members torch Trump's 'garbage' lawsuit against Hillary Clinton
What did you expect from a garbage man? Garbage in, garbage out. "Pride goeth before a fall."

Vladimir Putin forces Jewish oligarch to lead antisemitic campaign in Ukraine: report
Rasputin? With short hair? No, it's Fuks the Swastika painter!
"...seems to have taken hold among many Russians." They have no idea they are already led by one of the biggest Nazis since Hilter? Aren't they getting some kind of clue when everything in their culture is dissapearing due to sanctions. You think they are all that big of a fool?

Ukraine update: Russia now claims they meant to lose in Kyiv and Kharkiv
They meant to do that, m-m-kay?

Watchdogs Say If Clarence Thomas Won't Resign, 'Congress Must Move to Impeach'
Fresh calls for the Supreme Court justice's removal came amid "damning" new evidence of his wife's involvement in efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election.
Get it done.

Ukraine update: Ukraine needs NATO weapons, not troops
I'm sure Margie Green would fit right in.

There are 'legitimate questions' over 'unhinged election conspiracy nut' Ginni Thomas influencing her husband: conservative
Impeach Clarence. Throw her in stir.
Just what are conservatives conserving? Pious racism, white supremecy, and hate.

‘Astounding’ texts from Ginni Thomas put Chief Justice Roberts ‘in a terrible pickle': MSNBC panel
"Thomas, the wife of Justice Clarence Thomas, urged Meadows to help overturn Donald Trump's 2020 election loss..."
Some people just can't process LOSING!

How democracy dies: When it comes to Jan. 6, the American people can't handle the truth
The House probe wants to create a "narrative thriller" in hopes Americans will care about an attack on democracy
First they have to have the ability to comprehend truth. Many don't have that ability. Furthermore, the fascists are doing everything in their power to keep many of to have that ability.

'I regret going': Protester says he has nothing left after giving life savings to 'Freedom Convoy'
They say a fool and his money are soon parted. This raises the question: How did the fool get his money in the first place?
Now he's "living in a van down by the river."
He could go live the trucker's camp in DC. I'm sure they'll welcome one more sucker.

Focus on race and crime in Jackson’s hearing recalls Thurgood Marshall's — 55 years ago
Republicans' ludicrous questions for Ketanji Brown Jackson are like a flashback to the overt racism of 1967
Racists aren't always the brightest bulbs in the sockets.
Returning to the past where Negroes knew their place has always been their racist ideal.

Lindsey Graham's attempted criticism of Biden backfires when Twitter users flip the script
Criticism? You mean revenge tour?

Jesse Watters Brags About Trump Shoving A World Leader At NATO
Acting like a fourteen year-old spoiled brat on the world stage equals leadership in the infantile minds at Fox News.
Drag his ass into the alley and give the bully a damn good workover. It might knock some sense into what little brain he has left.

Even Alan Dershowitz Thinks Ted Cruz's Questions Were 'Bigotry'
And Alan Dershowitz knows people with transgender grandchildren. That makes all the difference.
Ya think?

These anti-vaxxers and ‘wellness influencers’ have been applauding Vladimir Putin’s Ukraine invasion: report
"Influencers"? You mean lying morons and seditionists.

Keep Kavanaugh's Filthy Name Out Of Judge Jackson's Hearings
Republican senators cannot get past the Kavanaugh hearings, even though their drunk, rape-curious, frat-boy has been sitting on the Supreme Court for over three years.

Katie Arrington Calls Mick Mulvaney 'A Piece Of Sh-t' In Wild Back And Forth Texts
The South Carolina GOP candidate seems to taken exception to Mulvaney endorsing incumbent Nancy Mace instead of the Trump-endorsed Arrington.
Mick? A piece of shit? That's giving him credit.

Alabama AG, Anti-KBJ Witness, Refuses To Say Biden ‘Duly Elected’
Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall had his “law and order” cred knocked down several notches by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse. Heart O' the Land of the Happy Negro, an AG of something clings to old the plantation fairy tales.

Russian State Television Blames 'Ukrainian Nationalists' For Levelling Of Mariupol
"Sad scenes of course… the Ukrainian nationalists withdraw trying not to leave a stone unturned," said the Russian anchor, blaming Ukrainians for destroying their own city.
Just who is clipping off who? Faux Noose or Joseph Goebbels II? Quien es mas macho?

A 'disaster for Indiana': Mike Braun’s constituents revolt after GOP senator criticized legalization of interracial marriage
Only the people who have a hint of humanity in them.

Republican Ben Sasse slams GOP lawmakers’ ridiculous antics during SCOTUS justice nominee hearings
To eat his own.

'An absolutely shocking decision': Legal experts appalled at Supreme Court's latest intervention to help GOP
Another in a series of destroying democracy in America. We can no longer trust this rotting system.

“Throwback to Jim Crow”: New Texas voting law means Black voters' ballots get tossed
Skyrocketing ballot rejections, Democrats say, is "direct" and "intended" result of state's new voting restrictions
From the heart of the Land of the Happy Negro.
Disgusting Texas.

Political reporter explains how the Ohio GOP Senate primary is soaring to such 'stupid' heights
No surprise. The stupidity level runs high in Ohio. I've seen it since I was a child.

Tennessee pastors express 'embarrassment' over Marsha Blackburn’s 'inappropriate' behavior during SCOTUS nominee hearings
The very personification of the Land of the Happy Negro. Ugly as it gets. Sound bites to use in digusting political ads for her racist base.

Judge Jackson's Confirmation Goes As Well As Expected
Trae Crowder has some things to say about the confirmation hearing of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson.
"But most importantly, can people pray at football games?!" What rabid horseshit.
Fuck them and the turds they rode in on.

Mo Brooks Admits Trump Is Guilty Of Sedition
The Alabama Congressman put out a statement that details Trump's attempted coup against our government
Does testimony even matter any longer? Of course Trump is guilty. Why do we keep going through this charade of pretending we have a system of justice in America? There never has been for Trump and it's obvious everyone knows it.

Manhattan Prosecutor: Donald Trump Is 'Guilty Of Numerous Felony Violations'
He made the assertion in his resignation letter, which was delivered to the new Manhattan D.A., Alvin Bragg, shortly after Bragg decided to not pursue charges against Trump
Then why didn't you do your job? Someone threaten your life? Or did someone pay you off? Or does America just not give a damn about law and order any longer? Or is Bragg a part of organized crime as is Trump? There is something deeply rotten going on here.

As GOP Blocks Funds, Federal Agency Ends Covid Coverage for Uninsured
"The rationing of Covid-care by ability to pay begins," warned one physician.
More evidence of the Grand Ole Prick Party showing no empathy for Americas health.

Live coverage: Day 3 of obnoxious Republicans for Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson, #1
Whiny-assed Republicans breaking the Stupidity Meter and thinking they are cool.

Hearing takes a bizarre turn as Ted Cruz grills Judge Jackson over ‘Antiracist Baby’ book
Critical Race Theory is no longer a theory. Take a look at the racism that the Republicans all prove exists and it becomes Critical Race Fact. You racists have been exposed and are fighting against fact now. We all know it.

'Highest level' Putin adviser flees Russia over Ukraine invasion: report
Botox Head is going to reget his insane murdering.

Elie Mystal: Our Constitution is "actually trash" — but the Supreme Court can be fixed
Author and scholar Elie Mystal on our deeply flawed Constitution and the long, dark history of legal racism

It’s science: Trump voters are dumb
It's obvious as well. The MAGAt hat and the swastika are one and the same. History will show it to be true.

National security expert grapples with nuclear worst-case scenarios in Ukraine conflict
With Botox Head being so insecure and clueless about the atrocities he's committing, any little excuse could set his fuse off.

Mike Lindell Goes Berserk Announcing More ‘Evidence’ Of Voting Fraud
MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell struggled to contain himself on Tuesday as he announced what he called "the biggest breaking news bombshell proof" of election fraud.
Amazing how the insane can walk or streets and get no help with their mental condition these days. As a nation we should be ashamed.

Zelenskyy Again Demands Peace Talks With Putin
"Compromises Must Be Found. Without this meeting," said the Ukrainian president, "it is impossible to fully understand what they are ready for in order to stop the war."
Botox Head should surrender. It's more than apparent he can't win without using the bomb. Of course, the weather would blow the fallout all over his own country.

Pirro Gets Pwnd In Twenty Two Seconds
Wine Box should have paid more attention in her debate classes.

Seattle Reporter Fired For Video Tweets Promoting Proud Boys Rally
Jonathan Choe wasn’t there to report for KOMO, and instead wound up posting a series of tweets Saturday that served primarily as thinly disguised promotional material for the hate group.
March them all to prison.

Founder of star-studded megachurch resigns in disgrace after sexual misconduct probe
The Lord can sure bring in the sucker money can't he? Isn't there something about taking the Lord's name in vain? Maybe they overlook it. Shows how they are just common grifters feeding off the marks.

GOP's Mo Brooks brutally mocked after Trump pulls his endorsement and calls him too 'woke'
Goofball Trump fails again. When will he ever get a grip on the fact that he is the loser.

Vicarious Right-Wing Rage Should Never Be A Surprise
Jessica Grose of The New York Times shouldn't have been surprised by these recent poll numbers about parental satisfaction with schools.
The Land of the Happy Negro does contain many uneducated hillbilly hicks.

Russian state television just threatened the United States with nuclear war again
Them bombs work both ways, shithead. What about an internal "existential threat, Dumbo? "You've got how many? We only need a well-placed 5 or 6 and all of our asses are history.

Historian reveals the disturbing reason why many right-wingers believe Biden’s presidency is illegitimate
Keep jerking yourself off, Elmers. Fudd.

Breaking! Cowboys For Trump Founder Convicted At Second January 6th Capitol Riot Trial!
Cowboy Coy, he's a coy-coy joy. He wears a big hat but has no cattle. Now he's got a brand new herd, I think you know about the word, you'll find it on Coy's saddle. Stinking.

NYT headline “Russian Combat Forces Have Shrunk” signals a shift in US media (updated)
Fuck Botox Head.

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson Responds To Hawley And Takes Him Down
Supreme Court nominee Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson made the case she's tough on crime, and explained in detail how she applies the law on all child pornography cases.
The "Twerp"? That poor sucker taking on someone far more educated than he should make everyone laugh TMF ass off.

Fact Check: Cornyn Claims Judge Jackson Called Bush A War Criminal: False
Pretend to make your shocked face.
Some people need to be taken to the whipping post. Cornyn is not a man.
Cornyn showing his ugly ass.

WATCH: Lindsey Graham storms out of Supreme Court hearing after meltdown on chairman Durbin
We need to stop putting up with this little snot.

GOP's Mike Braun scrambles to walk back claim that states should be able to ban interracial marriage
Another Land of the Land of the Happy Negro shows his moronic ugliness. ... then retreats as cowards often do.

GOP senator says he'd support Supreme Court overturning decision that legalized interracial marriage

'They have violated my civil rights': Former KKK member not allowed to run for office after all
Land of the Happy Negro hero might just go to jail for being an idiot asshat rascist criminal.

Stunning En Masse Reversal by Republican Senators in the Judiciary Committee
The morons don't want to be exposed on their BEER SLUGGING!

Is The Republican Party Rife With Russian Fifth Columnists?
More like riving mad Russian traitors.

Putin's endgame: Will it be stalemate, nuclear war — or regime change in Moscow?
Putin is a "rational actor," says scholar Matthew Schmidt — but he still might use nuclear weapons to avoid defeat
Botox Head is in no way rational, dude.

'Man of no principles': Grassley slammed for remarks at Ketanji Brown Jackson confirmation hearing
Still feeding at the public trough, eh? Retire, you moron.

Watch: Tom Cotton said he had just one condition to confirm Brett Kavanaugh. He has many more for Ketanji Brown Jackson
This is a racist festival showing just how hateful these miscreants are.

Conservative slams 'insurrectionist' Josh Hawley for underhanded attack on Biden’s Supreme Court nominee
The "Twerp"!

Johnson, Others Sued Under 14th Amendment
A lawsuit has been filed against Senator Ron Johnson and Representatives Scott Fitzgerald and Tom Tiffany, arguing that they are not eligible to be on the ballot under the 14th Amendment.
Not having a function brain should have disqualified them some time ago.

Blackburn Dons The White Hood In Opening Statement To Judge Jackson
The Tennessee senator used every disturbing ConservAnon racist smear available in her opening remarks at Ketanji Brown Jackson's SCOTUS confirmation hearings.
Land of the Happy Negro racist uses every trope in the lexicon. This racist shit only shows the sort of people she comes from. Did she have her rope under the table?

'The Russians are in trouble, and they know it': former commander
That means they are more dangerous than ever.

PURE EVIL Russian tank ‘opens fire on elderly care home killing 56 & taking 15 hostage’ in ‘cynical & deliberate’ attack
The terrorism they are spreading and the atrocities they are committing follow them the rest of their lives. Justice will prevail.

Ukraine Rejects Russia's Demand to Surrender Mariupol as Crisis Worsens
"Mariupol residents have described a freezing hellscape riddled with dead bodies and destroyed buildings," said one human rights advocate.
These murdering criminal bastards will get theirs. They can't get away with their moral rejection of humanity. They must pay.

Companies still doing business in 'inhumane' Russia blasted in scathing editorial
Put them out of business for good.

Liz Cheney To Chuck Todd: Trump Should Face Criminal Charges
Rep. Cheney believes the U.S. needs "additional enhanced criminal penalties for the kind of supreme dereliction of duty that you saw with President Trump."
Do we even care about the law anymore? Trump and his Nazis certainly haven't given breaking it a second thought.

DC Trucker Convoy Of Idiots Derailed By A Lone Cyclist
All it took to slow down these clowns was one bicyclist in DC.
And they were pissed about being slowed down? Serves them right.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Parrots Putin's Propaganda About Ukrainians
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) faced criticism on Sunday after she suggested that Ukrainian fighters are "possible Nazi militias."
We know who the Nazis are, especially in your case, Margie.

Jennifer Rubin Rips Barrasso's Whataboutism Defense Of Hawley
Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin ripped Republican Sen. John Barrasso's lame whataboutism in defense of Josh Hawley's disgusting attacks on Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson.
There was plenty of evidence on Kavanaugh. You asshats chose to ignore it. Hawley is a racist, fascist twerp.

This Reagan White House alumni is ‘appalled’ by Fox News’ pro-Kremlin propaganda
They don't know who Reagan is any longer. They have forgotten everything about American history.
Carlson is a disgrace to America.

Pro-Trump group sent armed members door-to-door in Colorado to “intimidate” voters: Lawsuit
Lawsuit accuses Colorado group linked to Mike Lindell of violating the Ku Klux Klan Act and voting rights laws
Nazi tactics are not a good idea to come to your door packing. In some states they'd be shot on sight.

Ukraine update: Russia has lost its initial campaign, and shows zero ability to adjust

How Joe Biden 're-ignited our government engine' after Donald Trump's damage
He sure did and look at the thanks he gets for it.

The Fourth Estate Is Dying Before Our Very Eyes
Donald Trump was the result of forty years of the government and corporate media owners engaged in a systemic destruction of the First Amendment and free press.
Let them go straight to hell.

Lindsey Graham threatened to ask 'for the 25th Amendment' over Trump’s embrace of Jan. 6 rioters: report
Good. Too bad you didn't follow through. Now we need to throw the traitor in jail.

Trump faces new campaign finance violations ahead of possible 2024 presidential run
Fuck Trump and the rest of his Nazi slime.

Putin allies miffed at Canadian diplomats' criticism
The poor little Botox boy.

Sarah Sanders' speech panned for wallowing in 'a dystopian world full of fear' before Trump fans
They've been wallowing in bullshit for a very long time now.

North Carolina GOP slammed by major paper for fueling rise of 'despicable' Madison Cawthorn
See what I mean about wallowing in bullshit?

'Absolutely Barbaric': South Carolina OKs Firing Squad Executions
"State-sanctioned murder has no place in a civilized society," said one death penalty abolitionist.
Devolving much?

Climate Change Is Making Allergy Season Even Worse
Temperatures are rising, and they're taking pollen counts with them.
Still don't believe it, do you?

Ukraine update: Forget offensive operations, Russia is digging in for defense around Kyiv, Kherson
This was their plan all along.

Ex-GOP Rep's Mission To ‘Rescue’ Ukrainian Orphans Raises Huge Red Flags
If there’s anything you can count on right-wing extremists for, it’s to try turn any human disaster into an ideological and moneymaking opportunity—and making everything much, much worse in the process.

Twitter Mercilessly Mocks Marge Greene For Saying Dumb Things About Polio
Poor Marjorie Taylor Greene is confused about everything - science, history, math, appropriate pull up formation...Now we can add polio to the list.
Why does this person keep opening her mouth and showing the world just how uneducated and detached from reality she is?
Does she even know we get flu shots every year? Dumb as a sack of rocks. The people that elected her need their heads examined.

J.D. Vance’s ‘electorally stupid’ Ukraine comment has doomed his Senate campaign: conservative
Another Margie. Where is the idiot machine that keeps spitting these yo-yos out? Shut it off.

Ammon Bundy doxes judge and issues 'chilling call to action' for militia groups: report
This asshat and his bully bullshit should go to jail and stay there.

Russia whines after Canadian diplomats bury them in ridicule over their Ukraine demands
They are too stupid to know better.

Idaho Republican ‘just made it so much worse’ with latest comments on white nationalism: GOP lawmaker
Does Idaho even have an education system?

Fears of New Covid Wave Grow as GOP Is 'Actively Sabotaging' Aid Effort
"We're running out of money to fight Covid, but critical aid is stalled in Congress," warned one advocacy group. "We can't let this happen."
It's high time to get rid of this Republican Party for good.

Expert: GOP in crisis after Trump-loving Republicans enabled extremists
All are traitors.

REVEALED: Trump appointee ordered DHS to probe voter fraud 'fantasy' months before 2020 election
Trump, the traitor.

Deaths, defections, and desertions in Russian military are 'much higher' than we realize: Retired general
One of them needs to make someone we know dead right away.

Don’t be fooled: The GOP love affair with Putin is worse than it looks
Never mind the opinion polls and the Republican posturing. When the right sees Putin, they want what he's got

Citigroup Says They Will Pay For Employees' Abortion Travel
The policy will cover airfare and lodging that employees may incur if they’re forced to travel to receive an abortion.
Nice. Screw the cretins.

Womp Womp! Park Service Denies Truckers A Camp On The Mall
‘People’s Convoy’ gets rejected for permit along with their incoherent demands.
Who is paying for this charade? Find out and put them out of business.

Grassley Admits Republicans Oppose Lowering Prescription Drug Costs
"If we want to reduce drug prices, then we need to do it now,” said Grassley.
Why is this doofus still hanging around getting in the way of progress?

Tucker Indignant After GOPer Calls His Show 'Russian Disinformation'
He claims it's "slander." What part did Rep. Michael McCaul get wrong?
Prove it, Tucks. I hope it costs you every dime you've grifted.

'Textbook definition of genocide': Experts warn as Putin announces 'necessary cleansing' of Russia
He's the bastard that needs to be cleansed.

Madison Cawthorn on January 6 admitted he was armed and had carried 'multiple weapons' in his wheelchair: video
Put him in irons.

National Guard troops were dispatched to famous Texas ranches with private security as part of border mission
The dispatching of troops to the sprawling private ranches, far from the border, raises questions about the use of National Guard troops, who have widely decried the mission as aimless, political and oversized, as the cost of the effort has already ballooned to $2 billion a year.
Texas, of course.

New Affordable Care Act Rule Demonstrates What Biden Can Do Without Manchin

An Army of Republican Karens Are Fighting to End Legal Abortion in the U.S.
"Female bullies are all around us. Like most bullies, they are cowards who prefer to punch down. And other women just happen to be easy targets."
Then these contemptuous women should adopt all the unwanted and raise them as their own. That'll be the fucking day.

Two Years of Covidiocy
How the pandemic became part of the culture wars and brought out the dumb in our polarized politics.

The Global Oil Market Is Based on a Fiction

Time for Another Major Vaccine Push
Congressional Democrats are defunding vaccines long before the pandemic is over. Unacceptable.

Reports say Russian forces killed at least 10 civilians 'standing in line for bread' in Chernihiv
Give them a fair trial and then shoot them. They are International Terrorists and war criminals. By any means necessary put a stop to this.

Video appears to show Marjorie Taylor Greene refusing to applaud Zelenskyy’s speech to Congress
She probably knows he's a better shot than she is.

Mark this article readNew report destroys GOP talking point blaming Dems for crime: Trump states have 8 out of the 10 highest murder rates
Put Trump and Pootin in the same cell.

Fears are growing that Russia will default on its debt. Here's what you need to know
They can hand over some of their real estate starting with Ukraine and then get their people to rebuild it.
Fork it over, Pootie.

Herschel Walker fumbles again, this time on evolution
We’re reminded anew why Herschel Walker's team has tried to limit the Georgia Republican's public appearances.
It's a good thing for Herschel he could play football. Otherwise, he's a seriously total fuckwit.
Amazing how a man can show how horribly stupid he is in one mouth opening.

Zelensky Shows Congress Heart-Wrenching Video of Ukraine Being Destroyed By Russia
A true hero. Hopefully he will be the one that gets to kill Putin.

US Senate approves resolution probing Putin for war crimes
Probe his ass until his rectum hurts.

Alabama Reverses And Allows “F Biden” Vanity Plate
Land of the Happy Negro does what the hateful moron population allows.
Fuck Alabama, contender for top miscreant territory.

RNC Sues Salesforce For Complying With Riot Panel
These fascist traitors will do anything to fuck over our country.
As a commentor states: Don't slap Rona because shit splatters.

Omicron BA.2 Strain’s Rise In Europe Has Clues For U.S.

Elon Musk Still Treating War in Ukraine Like Just Another Twitter Joke
I hear some people like this asshole. They should take a good look at themeselves.

Ginni Thomas Gives Us The Jan. 6 Version Of ‘I Didn’t Inhale’
Another seditionist in the woodpile.

Zelenskyy amplifies his plea for U.S. help with a heart-rending video of Ukraine's suffering
Again, what makes us think the murderer, Pootin, will stop with Ukraine. He's clearly insane.

Let's Just Say It Very Clearly: The US Supreme Court Is Corrupt
Public outrage is building: the Court's approval rating is now around 40%—Congress needs to act, before an entire branch of government sinks into an irredeemable Trump-fueled muck of corruption.

Global Nurses Union Says 'Heinous' Russian Attacks on Hospitals Amount to War Crimes
Global Nurses United called on Russia to "choose an immediate ceasefire, ensure the safe passage of those displaced by the fighting, engage in diplomacy in good faith, and withdraw its forces from Ukraine."
A murderer is at large.

Joe Manchin Tanks Climate-Champion Fed Nominee For His Owners
Fuck him.

Don't Get Too Comfortable, Covid's On The Way Back
"it's like a weather alert. Right now, the skies are sunny and bright, and we hope they stay that way. But we could have some bad weather by evening, and we just don't know," Michael Osterholm said.

Putin’s Nuclear Threats Are a Wake-Up Call for the World
The Russian leader’s actions have opened our eyes to how dependent we all are on the whims of one man and his nuclear arsenal.
And this murdering bitch's toadies are trying their best to make us be the bad guys? Fuck them all. We will all die along with this insane bitch if that's what he wants.

Activist Changes Locks On Putin's Daughter's French Villa
Pierre Afner has invited Ukrainian refugees to stay there.
Hopefully, the murderer will never get it back again.

Maria Bartiromo's Latest 'Some People Say' Lie Is A Doozy
Claims "Some People Told Her" Biden "Does Not See Putin As The Enemy."
Some people have told me she's a Russian agent that could lead sabotage against the U.S.
Some people are everywhere and telling everything, doncha know?

Vladimir Putin turning Russia into a 'prison' that 'would make Stalin blush': columnist
That's exactly where the murderer should be to await his execution.

Jane Campion’s "petty" acceptance speech highlights the issues with insidious white feminism
It's still unclear why "The Power of the Dog" director called out tennis sisters Venus and Serena Williams

Candace Owens boosted by Russian Embassy after tweeting "Russian lives matter"
Owens has made false claims about NATO breaking international agreements by expanding eastward.
Oh boy. The stupid is strong in this one.

UN Chief: Russia's War on Ukraine Risks 'Meltdown of Global Food System'
"We must do everything possible to avert a hurricane of hunger," said U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres.

'There Should Be Consequences for It': Ocasio-Cortez Slams Big Oil Price Gouging
Echoing her fellow "Squad" member, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) said that "Big Oil CEOs need to be held accountable for profiteering."
Joe Manchin doesn't know crap from applebutter about electric vehicles. He has no imaginaton and does not see the future.
Money and votes to keep one in power makes one say anything to stay that way.

Pregnant Mother and Baby Photographed After Hospital Bombing by Russia Did Not Survive: AP
"For the sake of health workers, and for all people in Ukraine who need access to the lifesaving services they provide, attacks on all health care and other civilian infrastructure must stop," say the heads of three UN agencies.
For the sake of humanity they had better get Putin stopped soon. The guy is batshit crazy and on a killing spree.

'A palace revolt and he's done': Former KGB agent says Putin was nothing more than a 'mid-level bureaucrat'
Better do it soon.

Call Out Pro-Putin Republicans For The Fascists They Are
Today Senate Republicans, led by the likes of Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Mike Lee and Rand Paul, are threatening to derail crucial aid for Ukraine — when every hour counts to stop Putin's onslaught. It's time to call them out before they start a chorus of, "Tomorrow Belongs to Me!" (from Cabaret)

Gen. McCaffrey: 'NATO Can Knock The Russians Into The Next World'
"Putin is so over his head," McCaffrey said. "Sixty percent of his ground capability is in Ukraine and half his air power. So it's a question of, are we going to watch Ukraine go under, or not?"

North Carolina newspaper slams 'deplorable' Madison Cawthorn for pushing Kremlin 'talking points'
“They would do better to elect a representative who addresses those issues rather than one who repeats Russian talking points and distracts them with culture wars.”

GOP's new plan: Raise taxes on working people, end Social Security and Medicare
Rick Scott believes he can get elected president on a program of making inequality great again. He may be right
"You may remember him (Rick Scott) as the guy who ran the company convicted of the largest Medicare fraud in the history of America..."
How is this going to help Americans in need? These people are downright mean.

Tucker Carlson mocked on Twitter as "TuckyoRose" after Kremlin calls him "essential"
Lt. Col. Vindman offers Fox News host advice: "Live your life" such that Putin "doesn't think you're an ally"

Mass Anti-War Protests Held Across Europe as Russia's Assault Continues
In addition to protests in Berlin and London, people took to the streets in occupied Ukrainian cities and in Moscow, despite the threat of arrest.

Russia Bombs Ukrainian Military Base Near Border of NATO Member Poland
The strike came after Russia declared Western arms convoys in Ukraine "legitimate targets."
Russia is begging for World War III with their criminal action. They just might get it.

82% of US Voters Believe Inflation Is Fueled by Corporations 'Jacking Up Prices'
New survey data shows that voters "want elected officials to challenge corporate greed to lower prices," said one advocate.
Difficult to tell who is worse, U.S. corporations or the Russian tyrants.

GOP lawmaker slaps down 'would-be tyrant' Trump after South Carolina rally
Forget the "would-be." He's always been a tyrant.

Clarence Thomas roasted for speech claiming the Supreme Court may lose credibility: 'Irony is dead'
Time to impeach him. The court's credibility began to fade when he was appointed.

'An embarrassment to our party': North Carolina Republicans blast Madison Cawthorn's 'antics'
When is this idiot going to get a grip on reality?

Republicans are blaming Biden for soaring prices -- but fact-checkers are reminding them of who's really at fault?

'Party of Treason': GOP lawmakers face questions over viral Russian ad
This is something we don't already know?

The next phase of anti-abortion cruelty: Jail for ending your own pregnancy
Even safe, at-home abortion medication is now under threat
The dispicable Talibastards must be eradicated. The stupid is strong in these miscreants.
"Many of us are terrified for the Supreme Court ruling, and heartbroken about the Texas abortion law. We must work to guarantee that even in the worst outcome, pregnant people's human rights aren't further stolen by the oppressive nature of criminalization. Access to safe abortion is an established human right, and criminalizing self-managed abortion punishes those exercising the bodily autonomy we are all entitled to."

Trump scrambles at damage control after being caught grifting MAGA supporters with phony 'contest'
Constant crook. He will be until we put him behind bars.

Ammon Bundy arrested for trespassing at Idaho hospital protecting infant baby: report
So we call giving aid to an abused baby "medical kidnapping" now? This stupid asshole should go back to hell where he came from.

Ukraine Accuses Russia of Shelling Mariupol Mosque Sheltering Civilians
"More than 80 adults and children are hiding there from the shelling, including citizens of Turkey," the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry said.
Pooter is a huge war criminal. He will be brought to justice and it will not end well for him.

A "Freedom Convoy" we can all support: Send the truckers to Russia!
It's a win-win: Send the faux-truckers, insurrectionists and COVID fanatics to the motherland of their true Daddy

Republicans are blaming Biden for soaring prices — but fact-checkers are reminding them of who's really at fault?
Facts are the damndest things.

Commentary: the time has come to get rid of nuclear weapons
Many of us have been fighting against nuclear weapons for much of our lives. They all must be removed and ended forever.

Omnibus Spending Bill Passes Congress: What's In It
Help for schools, housing, and Ukraine.
But fuck that Covid money. Fuck the future of fighting any virus that could kill millions. They are such fucking thoughtful fascists.

Marjorie Taylor Greene And Alex Jones Spew Another Conspiracy Theory
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) this week joined broadcaster Alex Jones to discuss a conspiracy theory called the "Great Reset" which he believes is trying to cause a "90% population reduction by 2030."
Hillybilly Hit Parade keeps coming up with duds.

Russian State Media Defies Putin, Openly Criticizes Ukraine Invasion
Despite Putin's best efforts to control the narrative on his invasion of Ukraine, the ugly truth about what he's done is starting to slip through the cracks on Russian state television.
Fuck Pooter.

Florida county residents angry after they're hit with multi-million dollar fine for having mandates
If they voted for the asshole who's responsible they deserve it.

Fox News guest exposes Jim Jordan to viewers: 'This is the same Jim Jordan who covered up a sexual crime'
Seems many people have forgotten about this slime ball's inactions.

Missouri Lawmaker Wants Death Penalty For Getting Abortion
Missouri wants to be a Nazi state. We will resist Fascism by any means necessary.

I’m a Cop With a Trans Daughter. Lawmakers Want Me to Arrest the Doctors Who Saved Her Life
Totalitarianism in action.

Assistant principal fired for reading students a children’s book called 'I Need a New Butt!
Dimwitted people have no sense of humor. Kids are far smarter than they are.

Kevin McCarthy blames Biden for gas price spike days after House GOP pushed him to ban Russian oil
The perfect example of a dimwit.
Biden is an American hero. McCarthy is jealous wannabe.

Gun-toting middle-schoolers charged with hate crime for racist threats against Black classmates
Hitler Youth get popped.

Oregon GOP chairman abruptly quits over 'wickedness' in the Republican Party
More are standing up against the Fascist Party.

Judge Slams Trump for Delay Tactics in Rape Defamation Case
Trump? Delaying a rape charge? You bet.

Texas Plans to Execute an Abuse Survivor Based on a Coerced Confession
One day they'll get what they've asked for.

Democrats Unveil Bill to Tax Big Oil’s Profits and Send Checks to the Public
They're the ones ripping us off.

Lawsuit Alleges 3 Lawmakers, Part of Trump Electors Plot, Cannot Run for Office
Get ready to add Trump to the list.

Televangelist: I Turned Cannibal Witches Into Christians
What's the difference between televangilists and cannibal witches?
Wembler also claims to have faith-healed heart disease, kidney stones, and stomach cancer while in Haiti.
All on himself, no doubt. Ah, the flim-flam men who spread their bullshit.

Vermont Diocese Fires “Disobedient” Covidiot Priest
Don't stop with him.

Biden Vows the Russian Stock Market Will Be ‘Disbanded’ the Second it Opens: ‘You Hear Me? It Will Blow Up’
Blow up good? Blow up real good?

It’s Confirmed: The 2020 Census Did In Fact Undercount Black, Hispanic, and Native American Residents

Trump touts ‘violent letter’ endorsing Michigan Republican — and notes his vow to ‘lock up’ state's AG
It will be tough for Fatso to do this from his prison cell.

'The damage is done': Military historian says Putin's plan to intimidate NATO has backfired
The murderer Pootin has pooted on himself.

National security analyst: Putin won't be able to 'sustain and actually take Kyiv the way the battle is going'
Fuck Pootin.

“General Mud” Has Usually Been on Russia’s Side in War. Not This Time.
The big thaw is coming for Putin and his army.
Fuck Pootin.

There Is No "Putin Wing" Of the GOP: Why Almost No Republican Backs Ukraine over Russia
All of them are traitors.

Revealed: New GOP Plan to Raise Taxes on Working People and End Social Security and Medicare
These people would have millions living in the streets and dying there as well. They care not what they do.
Keep them out of public office at any and all levels.

A Shame and a Pity
One advantage hard-right (and seriously wrong) Americans have over so many better people is that they simply cannot be shamed.
Scumbags have no shame to be ashamed of. Which means they have no conscience. Which means they are worthless as humans.

Analysis: Texas officials bully transgender kids for political points
Lucky for them, Texas officials probably can’t be prosecuted for bullying under the state’s education laws. The gist of those laws, however, is crystal clear, and so is the effect of their actions and rhetoric about gender-affirming health care.
Bullying kids like they bully women.

Anti-Abortion Politicians Are Now Taking Inspiration From the Fugitive Slave Act
In a nod to the bad old days, an amendment to a Missouri anti-abortion bill would make it a crime to help a pregnant Missourian get an abortion outside the state.
Mean, low-down and worthless scumbags

Apple, Google among dozens of corporations condemning Texas’ order to investigate families of trans kids
Do the same to Florida.

Florida Adds 'Election Police' To List Of Reasons To Avoid Florida
Totally a Nazi state. They should be boycotted by every major sports franchise in America and every major corporation. Treat them exactly as we are treating Russia.

MO Lawmaker Can't Wait To Watch People Die From Ectopic Pregnancies
Vicious Talibastards.

Herschel Walker May Have Fudged Details Of His Chicken Empire Just A Tiny. Ooopsie!
"But Georgia Republicans weren't really given the chance to decide if they wanted a guy with a history of domestic violence and mental health issues, who made repeated false claims about his businesses, and who lived outside the state until about five minutes ago as their standard bearer."
Dumbass Trump made this decision for them. Figures.

Chance of Trump criminal charges 'rising' as former DOJ official recommends 'strike force':

Ukraine update: A brief recap of why Russia is stuck, and why it can't 'learn' its way out of it

The Russian economy is headed for collapse
"Yet even before the invasion, Russia’s economic capabilities were hardly capable of sustaining an empire."

This 2020 Video May Sink Fox News Forever
Tucker Carlson’s comments about the Big Lie in 2020 may cost Fox News billions in the two defamation cases against it, but not for the reason you might think.
Let's hope so.

Insider: Putin Advisers More Likely To Kill Him Than Criticize Him
"That's Russian tradition," former Russian Foreign Minister Andrei Kozyrev said. Let's go, Brutus! It's way past time.

Whose lives really matter? How racism colors coverage of the crisis in Ukraine
Ukraine is a global crisis and a humanitarian tragedy. But Western media coverage has an obvious racial bias

Polls Say Americans OK With Personal Sacrifice If It Means Kicking Putin's Ass

Idaho House Passes Very Sane Bill: Life In Prison For Giving Medical Treatment To Trans Teens
Ida is a ho-ho-ho.

Climate Mitigation Isn’t Just a Matter of Ethics; It’s Life and Death

Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” Bill Compounds Trauma for LGBTQ Students of Color
Like Pootin, they don't care about people.

Now Let's Do the American Oligarchs
And yes, those definitions do seem to fit oligarchy.

Can the World Learn from the Failure of the Budapest Accords?
First we have to agree that the world can, in fact, learn.

‘Unfunny, Pompous, Elitist ASS’: Fox Anchors Blasts Stephen Colbert For Joke About Rising Gas Prices
ROTFLMFAO! We know who the ‘Unfunny, Pompous, Elitist ASS' is here, Dagen.

Carlson: Biden Admin “Encouraged” Russia To Invade
Oh, you fucking POS. You work for Putin. There will be a time coming for you when your dirty money won't help you. You can count on it.

Kremlin: US Has Declared “Economic War” On Russia
You figured that out? How clever you are. You invade a country, destroy cities, murder humans, including children, and you expect no one to respond, you arrogant shit? But it ain't just us, asshole. It's the whole world, you fucking moron. You act like you're a Republican with the "we are the victims here." Get your slimey asses out of Ukraine or we'll give you some shit that won't wipe off.

Headlines start to catch up to the Republicans' cynical strategy on Russia and gas prices

'Bonkers': MAGA lawmaker turns to Texas vigilantism for bill banning women from leaving Missouri for abortions
Just another fascist frump. Texas vigilante legal theory? Perfect asshole dictator model. Go to hell.

Outcome of Michigan militiamen’s trial in plot to kidnap governor could have broad consequences
Here are some vigilante legal theorists getting their asses in a sling.

Trump admired dictators’ ability to ‘kill anyone’ they wanted: former White House press secretary

Miami newspaper’s blistering editorial: 'Republicans have a white nationalist problem'
A problem for America as well.

Ukraine Officials Warn Radioactive Leak 'May Occur' After Chernobyl Plant Power Cut
Authorities said that without electricity, nuclear fuel stored at the plant could rise in temperature, potentially causing a "release of radioactive substances."
May it all blow back over Moscow.

'Republicans have a white nationalist problem': Florida newspaper lays waste to the GOP
Hard to tell any difference between Pootin and the Dip.

Russian 'spy' Maria Butina spreads Kremlin propaganda on BBC Radio: 'Russia is not bombing citizens'
So, all the dead that they are reporting is due to Covid, I suppose>
This bitch did a little over a year in stir in the U.S. and was summarily deported to her shithole.
Surprised that Fox News didn't hire her to spread their shit.

Will the Independent State Legislature doctrine literally mean the end of democracy?
How the right turned a fringe constitutional theory into a brutal political weapon that could lock in GOP power
They have enough fascists to do us in.

Larry Kudlow Attacks President Zelensky As 'Annoying'
One of the stupidest men to serve for Trump now is suddenly a foreign policy expert?
Why do idiots have to open their mouths and show us that they are idiots? Answer: Because they are idiots.

Texas Idiot F*cks Around (Goes To Trial On Jan. 6 Charges), Finds Out (He's Going To Prison)
"Reffitt was a man with a gun and some zipties on January 6, and he was convicted on every one of the charges against him, all five of 'em, including a FIREARMS charge, to all those who say the January 6 terrorists weren't armed, he was convicted on a FIREARMS charge.
So shut the fuck up about these traitors not having GUNS!

The GOP May Be Split by Trump, But Both Halves Are Exceedingly Dangerous
"Right now, the GOP is like a loaf of bread split down the middle. One half is stale and moldy, the other hot and filled to bursting with grubs and mealworms. The two have existed together, and even thrived, for a very long and damaging time."

Gov. Greg Abbott wants task force to examine state teacher shortage
Burning text books doesn't help keeping them.

Teaching demands during the pandemic have exacerbated the nation’s teacher shortage. Abbott wants a task force to investigate.

Feds say Texas discriminated against communities of color when it denied Houston flood aid

Senate Republicans Threaten a Government Shutdown and Delay in Aid to Ukraine
Would you expect the party of sedition to be anything else but an ally of Pootin?

Conservative whacks GOP's 'disingenuous whining' about Biden’s handling of Ukraine
"Most Republicans, certainly the right-wing pundits in their media bubble, find it impossible even in times of war to put aside any perceived partisan advantage," she concluded. "In a war critical for the defense of democracy, they'll keep on searching for something to criticize. So don't expect the disingenuous whining to stop."
Typical whining victims.

Experts warn increased threats on officials could spark violence ahead of election
We will expect it and be prepared to return fire.

Why Isn’t Brittney Griner the Biggest Sports Story in the Country?

“They Never Had So Many People to Arrest”: Inside Russia’s Anti-Putin Protests
The new laughing stock of the world — The Pooter.

John Bolton: Trump Cared More About a “Spaghetti Bowl of Conspiracy Theories” Than Ukraine
And he hasn't changed.

Steve Scalise Gets Completely Buried For Trying to ‘Rewrite History’ on Trump Withholding Military Aid From Ukraine
Another member of the "Ministry of Truth."

Russians Barred From New Large Hadron Collider Experiments Over Ukraine Invasion
Nobody wants these assholes around.

Proud Boy leader indicted on conspiracy charge tied to Jan. 6
"Now you don't talk so loud, now you don't seem SO PROUD..." — Bob Dylan

FINALLY: Senate Passes Anti-Lynching Bill, 67 Years Later
This will not go well in the Land of the Happy Negro where they rosin up their ropes.

Tucker Claims Kamala Harris Provoked Russia's Attack Of Ukraine
Proving what a stinking liar the sourpuss fraud is.

In 'Momentous' Ruling, Supreme Court Rejects GOP Voting Maps
While North Carolina and Pennsylvania will use evenly-split electoral maps for the midterm elections, the court's right-wing majority appeared eager to rule further on whether state courts can reject partisan maps.

'LGBT is not a permanent thing': Florida Republican gives a masterclass in bigotry
It's not permanent in a fools' mind.

Conservative tears apart Rick Scott’s plan to raise federal income taxes on half of US workers
Another idiot from the devolving state of Florida.

Idaho Republicans' Bill Would Jail Librarians Because Of Course
Idaho HB 666 (yes, that's the name) could put librarians in jail for lending kids 'explicit' books.
Idaho is just another name for Russia. What a bunch of backward, repressive prudes.
"Your sons and your daughters
Are beyond your command
Your old road is rapidly agin'
Please get out of the new one
If you can't lend your hand
For the times they are a-changin'" — Bob Dylan
You assholes will never erase homosexuality from the world. It's been here since the beginning.

Col. Vindman Schools Klan Mom Marjorie Taylor Greene
The tragically ignorant white supremacist Marjorie Taylor Greene parroted Putin-inspired talking points about the Russian invasion. Former Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman did not approve.
Someone had better educate the fool.

Paul Krugman: Ted Cruz’s 'dumbed down' comments show how little he understands war’s 'technical' realities
What does he understand? Toadyisim.

Dark-money groups fighting Biden’s Supreme Court pick also funded Big Lie, Capitol riot
Groups that backed Amy Coney Barrett and are attacking Ketanji Brown Jackson pumped money into Trump's Big Lie

Russian oil sector faces collapse as Western companies stop buying — and it could cripple the regime: report
They learned nothing from their earlier collapse.

Flynn Lies That Word “Creator” Is In US Constitution
He's a little mixed-up but we all have known that for some time. Which version of the Ten Commandments does he want to use for comparison?(Exodus 20:2-17 and Deut. 5:6-21).

Republicans push anti-trans ideas to get political points. It could cost trans youth their lives
Why would the idiots care>

Study Shows Covid-19 Infection Linked to Brain Shrinkage, Cognitive Decline
Did the Pootmeister get Covid just as Trump did?

'He’s got a disaster on his hands': Expert says Putin could see Moscow fall within six months
Hang him high when Moscow falls!

Vladimir Putin's assault on Ukraine is rooted in antisemitism

Russia’s Disinformation Machine Runs So Deep, Some Don’t Know War Is Happening Repression of Protesters Intensifies in Russia as More Than 13,000 Are Arrested
Here are a few that know it's "a field day for the heat."

Texas students push back against book bans for censoring LGBTQ, racial justice issues
Students won't stand for numbskull bullshit.

Tension, condemnation rises in LGBTQ community as 'Don’t say Gay' bill nears vote in GOP-led Senate
We should invade Florida in lieu of going to war with Russia. Just as many asshole Nazis there.
"Gay, gay, gay, gay!" We will march on your state screaming "Gay!" We have a First Amendment, nutballs.

New numbers show Russia set to take a 'shellacking' if they enter major Ukrainian cities: retired general
"Even though Ukraine's military is significantly outgunned by its Russian counterparts, it has so far prevented Russia from establishing air superiority in the country, while also stopping Russia from successfully capturing most major cities.
That's because China is shooting at them and Pootin is too stupid to know it. :)

DC trucker convoy 'fails miserably again' despite vow to improve tactics: report
What do they think they're doing besides wasting fuel?

Putin has alienated some of his top Russian officials since the early stages of the Ukraine invasion: report
Maybe one of them will pop him.

Bill Barr's NBC interview destroyed in the ratings — and did worse than 'America's Funniest Home Videos'
"...most Americans simply turned the channel."

These military experts believe World War 3 is now a very real possibility: report
Get ready to bend over and kiss your ass goodbye?
A nuclear weapon set off in Ukraine would make it unliveable for anyone. The fallout would drift into Russia. Is that what Pootin wants? If so, he's really a dumbass.

‘Iron Firewall’: Russians can now be jailed for calling war ‘war’ as Putin cancels Facebook in blow to free speech
And we thought Hitler was a POS. This is another insane motherfucker.

Dr. Justin Frank: Trump sees Putin as a superhero, loves "the power of his paranoid thinking"
Psychoanalyst and bestselling author on the dangerous bromance: Trump is a coward who worships Putin's ruthlessness
Trump is as insane as Pooter is.

Convoy ridiculed for costing truckers thousands in diesel — then getting lost on the Beltway
"Whoever assembled this platoon of what happens when you let Tapout shirts & Klan hoods breed, is a comedic genius."
Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb — dumb, dumb, dumb, DUMB!

Former Trump official name-checks conservatives with 'blood on their hands' for Ukraine invasion
"Civilians are dying, Ukrainians are providing a formidable defense, defending democracy for Americans as well as for themselves and their homes. And Ron Johnson is trying to distract and obfuscate..."

Thousands Arrested as Russians Join Global Anti-War Protests
Demonstrators' key demands are: "Stop the war in Ukraine. Russian troops out. No to NATO expansion."
The Russian fascists could end up killing us all.

My Pillow Guy Just Gonna Sue All Of The Machines, Okay? All Of Them. Stupid Machines
"Hide your robots, hide your toaster — Mike Lindell is coming!"

Russia’s arrest of Brittney Griner, WNBA basketball star from Houston, adds to escalating global conflict

A Hero for Times Like These, Lest We Forget
Mr. Rittenhouse hasn't been heard from in a few weeks. Could it be he's in the Ukraine with his gun and his fierce heroism? If so, them Russkies sure better watch out.
Nah. A punk like that would never get involved in a real shooting war.

Researchers and Historians Explain Why Putin's War Against Ukraine Is a Battle He Cannot Ultimately Win

‘Paths That Would Eventually Lead to American Involvement to Help Protect Ukraine’
How we could be drawn into the war on behalf of the Ukrainians.
Yes, America. Prepare for the worst.

Putin will be looking for an out as 'more Russian body bags go home to Moscow': military expert
That stalled line of Russian vehicles would be wiped out in half a day if our fighter bombers had the chance.
But then the Pissmeister's ass would be chapped so badly he'd have to order his nuclear weapons fired. That's when a Russian hero would plug him with a bullet to his brain.

Speaker at Marjorie Taylor Greene's 2nd Amendment rally cites Ukraine as reason to buy guns
Then go to Ukraine and start combat you brave woman.

Blinken: Putin is 'destined to lose' war against Ukraine
Hopefully, Pootin is destined to be relegated to the dustbin of history -- one way or the other.

Ukraine amps up calls for a no-fly zone: 'This is a terrorist state'
Russia has been a terrorist state since the Cold War.

Do Republicans Know What Communism Is? Some Republicans have taken to calling Democrats “communists.” It betrays a willful historical ignorance.
Do Republicans know what anything is?

Aging Senators’ Zoom With Zelenskyy Went About As Well as You’d Expect
Dumb as a sack of hammers.

Fleeing Sanctions, Oligarchs Seek Safe Ports For Superyachts
President Joe Biden has warned Kremlin-aligned oligarchs that the U.S. and its European allies are coming for their superyachts.
To the bottom with every last one.

Musk says Starlink won’t block Russian media outlets ‘unless at gunpoint’
Is this asshole asking for it. No one likes your stupid cars either.

PayPal suspends services in Russia amid Ukraine invasion
Is Pootin getting lonely yet?

Internet backbone provider Cogent cuts off service to Russia

Visa And Mastercard Suspend Russian Operations 'Effective Immediately'

The Invasion of Ukraine and the Need for Enforceable World Law
Ultimately, humanity has a choice. We can keep signing treaties and keep fighting wars when those treaties fail. Or we can work toward a democratic world federation based on proven principles.

GOP Senators Ripped For Reckless Tweets During Zelenskyy Zoom Call
Despite the fact that Ukraine's ambassador specifically asked them to stay off of social media during a Zoom call with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, senators Marco Rubio, Steve Daines and Chuck Grassley posted screenshots of the meeting.
What can one expect from scumbags?

Zelenskyy, Zelensky, Zelenskiy: What is the correct way to spell the name of Ukraine's president?
The spelling of the president's name changes with every news article, but the differences reflect a Ukraine seeking detachment from its past.
And now we'd like to know the usage of the word "spelt" rather than "spelled."
"Spelt, also known as dinkel wheat or hulled wheat, is a species of wheat that has been cultivated since approximately 5000 BC." says Wikipedia.
Inquring minds want to know.

‘Trucker Convoy’ Protests Are Just Far-Right Agitprop Theater
The “trucker convoy” protests—like all right-wing protests—have never been about their advertised grievance: that is, COVID-related vaccine and mask mandates and restrictions.
It's bad theater and dangerous.

WaPo analysis highlights dark money hypocrisy
People that get paid money to promote propaganda are lower than common streetwalkers.

America’s largest inland port is running out of water
The proposed solution — a 31-mile-long pipeline draining Lake Michigan — is dividing residents of Joliet, Illinois
Some answer. Drain the lake? When we run out of water we run out of life.

Ukrainians launch new strategy as counteroffensive escalates against Russian invasion: report
Blow the scumbag war criminals back to Hell where they came from!

Camped outside DC, uneasy truckers paralyzed by paranoia vow to stay until demands met
Morons running sideways. How stupid can idiots be? Here is your answer. Why don't these assholes go back to work and help our economy instead of destroying us. Or better still: Go to Ukraine and help the people there since you guys are so tough?

The Navy is training for a possible fight with China. Does Russia’s war make that more likely?
WWIII is just around the corner.

Questions raised about Mark Meadows using a mobile home as his voting address

Biden gets a bounce after the State of the Union, NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll shows

But his emails: expert says John Eastman's correspondence with Donald Trump proves criminal intent
Get it done.

GOP Hostility to Ketanji Brown Jackson Goes Beyond Hypocrisy

Democrats Are Still Delusional About Trump
Anyone who is so young not to have experienced the Cold War know nothing about what is going on with Russia. Nothing. That includes the Republicans, as well.

QAnon believes Trump is helping Putin's invasion to stop Dr. Fauci's Ukraine-based bioweapons lab
Truly amazing how many mentally ill are walking our streets.

Transgender Teens and Their Families Prepare to Flee Texas
Just like Ukraine. The Nazis are attacking.

Stone: Trump Is “Greatest Mistake” In American History
Stone, the Deplorable. LOL!

Rogan Spreads Cultist Lies That Hillary Spied On Trump
"This year's Rush Limbaugh. May his end come more quickly." -- comment by Dazzer
This asshat went right back to his shithole again.

Russia's War Crime in Targeting Nuclear Plant Makes Clear the Urgency for Renewable Energy

Mark this article readProgressives Says Strong Jobs Report Shows Democratic Relief Packages Worked

These pro-Biden Democrats find themselves surrounded by ‘coarse’ MAGA Republicans in small rural towns
Throwback mouth-breathing zombies.

Pelosi Has Two Words For Boebert And Greene
"...the obscenely disrespectful behavior of two of the lowest specimens of skinbags to slither down the halls of Congress: Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene."
"Shut up." That's the nice way to put it.
Pelosi Has Two Words For Boebert And Greene

Tucker Carlson Blames Black Women For Him Siding With Putin
A very low scumbag.

Fox Business Hosts Try To Destroy Great March Jobs Report Numbers
How much proof does a rational human being need to know that Fox News is an enemy of freedom in the U.S.?

'No To War': Russia's Last Independent TV Channel Walks Out In Protest
Natalia Sindeyeva, one of the channel's founders, said “No to war” in its last telecast as the employees staged a walkout from the studio.

Climate Youth Fill the World's Streets to #StandWithUkraine
"This is an eye-opening moment for humanity to see that the world is aflame with new and old wars caused by fossil fuels," said Fridays for Future. "People only desire to live and exist safely."

'Putin's nightmare' as Russian soldiers revolt and security forces 'overwhelmed' at home: US diplomat Richard Haass
He needs more than a nightmare.

Why far-right White evangelicals are among Vladimir Putin’s strongest American supporters
"...white evangelicals, journalist Anthea Butler explains in an op-ed published by MSNBC’s website on March 1, are among Russian President Vladimir Putin’s most ardent admirers in the United States."
"They are the radical lunatic fringe of Christianity"

BFD: J6 Panel Subpoenas Six Trump Election 'Fraud' Lawyers
Six new subpoenas, honing in this time on a group of lawyers and other allies to former President Donald Trump who frenziedly worked in the runup to Jan. 6 to promote his false claims of fraud in the 2020 election.

France Seizes $120 Million Super-yacht From Russian Oligarch
Igor Sechin, dubbed 'Darth Vader' by Russian media, was deputy prime minister of Russia until 2012 and is said to be a close ally of Putin.
Oops! The party's over.

Dear Joe Biden: We don't want "unity" with fascists — that's why Democrats lose
Biden's speech was resolute, sometimes eloquent. But the compromise he imagines is just surrendering to fascism
Fuck fascists. Long and hard.

Steve Bannon's 'linchpin' disinformation operation shuts down after its financer files for bankruptcy
Some good news.

Russians Fleeing Ahead Of Martial Law Rumors
Pootin is falling apart.

Court Filing, At Last: J6 Panel Says Trump Conspired To 'Defraud The United States'
That's a start.

RNC Moves To Wreck Presidential Debate Commission
Like Pootin, the fascists continue destroying America.

Russian State Channel Moves To MAGA-Backed Rumble
The enemy of freedom, as we all know.

WATCH: Texas students chant 'fascist' to shut down anti-trans GOP candidate's speech
Fighting Texas fascism.

Black mother wants answers after 12-year-old son was handcuffed by Florida police 'for riding his own bicycle'
Black in the wrong place — America.

‘Parents matter’: Mother of high school student ‘very upset’ DeSantis told her minor son to take off his mask
DeSantis is not a man. He is a dangerous two-faced fool disrepectful of humanity.

The GOP is Russia's stooge – and what Democrats can do about it
"There is a reason that the founders put into our oath to protect against all enemies, foreign and domestic. There are some domestic enemies of democracy, of capitalism, who would love to see an autocracy put in place."
He means traitor Trump and his gang of Nazis.

Even Pro-Lifers Help Loved Ones Who Need an Abortion
"A new study shows that those who call abortion murder are still willing to lend a helping hand, when things hit close to home."
It's only murder when someone else is in trouble.

Peace-Loving China Reportedly Told Putin To Wait Until After Olympics For Murders To Begin
"Hey, Pootie, before you fuck everything up let us get our grifting in on the Olympic scam first."

Tucker Having Racist Inadequacy Issues About Ketanji Brown Jackson Nomination, Surprise!
She threatens him. He can't handle the fact that she's clearly smarter than he is. That she's better than him.

As the Fourth Great Turning Unwinds, Ukraine has become the George Floyd of the World
The Fourth Great Turning and a new geopolitical era is here. It's small comfort as we watch Ukrainians slaughtered live on television, but history tells us these turning points are real...
Yes. Hopefully, the fools will now see what real tyranny is.

When Biden Calls for Unity in Troubled times, One Democrat Sides with the Disloyal Opposition
Dumb Dick Dumbass Comics.

UN Says 1 Million Have Fled Ukraine Since Start of 'Senseless War'
"Peace is the only way to halt this tragedy," said the U.N. high commissioner for refugees.
That and removing the cancer of Pootin.

Trump unleashed the poison of racism — and new research suggests it will linger for years
New research reveals how Trump's presidency shifted social norms to make racism acceptable. Can that be undone?
Yes. Put his criminal ass in jail.

‘Village idiot’ Trump would have let Putin take Ukraine ‘no questions asked’
"[Trump] barely knew where Ukraine was...It's just not accurate to say that Trump's behavior somehow deterred the Russians"
“Among other things,” Levin writes, “the former president has claimed that Vladimir Putin ‘never would have’ invaded Ukraine on his watch; that there ‘would be no NATO’ if it wasn‘t for him; and that he generously armed Ukraine ‘when the previous administration was sending blankets.’ These statements, of course, are lies.”

OAN’s reporter subpoenaed by Jan. 6 committee
All Nazis must be defeated.

Is Pennsylvania losing it? Hate groups proliferate as state GOP descends into MAGA paranoia
GOP gubernatorial candidates can't resist "extreme anti-government" group with multiple ties to Jan. 6 riot
All MAGAts must be defeated.

WATCH: Maggie Haberman outlines key evidence that suggests Trump knew he was lying about the election

'Rest in peace comrade': Russian investor drinks on-air toast to death of country's financial market

'Prized' mega-yacht owned by Russian oligarch Alisher Usmanov seized by German authorities: Forbes
Nicely done.

'How many deaths on TV do you need to see' to stop buying oil from 'psycho' Putin: Ukraine official
Oil junkies are hard to cure.

Progressives Romp In Texas Primaries While Trumpers Flop
"Highlights so far tonight include how terribly the 2 fascist candidates for governor did — Allen West (12.0%) and Don Huffines (11.3%), not to mention pathetic far right sad sack Louie Gohmert who came in dead last for the Attorney General nomination with just 17.1% of the vote."

Trump and right-wing lawyer were part of 'criminal conspiracy' to overturn 2020 election, January 6 committee alleges

Russia Blocks Its Last Independent Television Channel
A night of resignation, fear, and defiance at TV Rain

Analysis: Trump isn't getting any more popular
How can he? He is a traitor.

January 6 Committee says it believes Trump may have violated 'multiple' laws in attempt to overturn election
We could have told you this some time ago.

January 6 Committee will seek to nullify attorney-client privilege between Trump and John Eastman: experts
"On Wednesday, the House January 6 Committee released a bombshell court filing arguing that they have sufficient evidence to refer former President Donald Trump for criminal charges of obstruction of Congress and conspiracy to defraud the United States for his role in the effort to overturn the 2020 presidential election."
Indict, convict, imprison.

Tucker Carlson Demands to See Ketanji Brown Jackson’s LSAT Scores: ‘Americans in a Democracy Have a Right to Know’
How racist can one man get? Let's see your scores while we're at it. I'm sure they are honest. Don't forget he comes from good stock. LMAO.

Americans admonish Marjorie Taylor Greene's 'reprehensible' response to the State of the Union
Flailing as one who has gone mad. She is morally bankrupt and very likely demented.

Gov. Gianforte killed Yellowstone-monitored mountain lion who was trapped in a tree

Americans need to unite as 'one tribe' to reject authoritarianism
I won't hold my breath on this one. It's that old 33% that keeps us from doing it.

Watch: Andy Cohen slams 'bully' Greg Abbott for attacking 'vulnerable' transgender children and their families
“This order goes against the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics and everyone who knows that gender-affirming care reduces emotional distress and the risk of suicide in kids who identify as transgender. I can’t believe I have to say this, but there is nothing pro-family about denying children medical care and threatening to rip them from their homes and families. To transgender youth in Texas: You belong, and I stand with you,”
He should be slammed. Multiple times until his butt hurts.

Wingnuts Mad Kamala Harris Explaining Russia And Ukraine In Terms Even They Can Understand

Indiana Anti-CRT Bill Fails, Thanks To 'Balanced' Teaching About Nazis

First, the Book-banners Came for CRT and LGBTQ. Now They're Censoring Women's History
The Ministry of Truth. They will get theirs one day soon.
"The right shows no signs of slowing down its campaign to terrorize educators in public schools or universities who teach anything that might conflict with old-school conservative ideology."

A Tale of Two Speeches
"It’s a simple choice." For sane people.

Russia's ambassador lashes out over 'illegal coup' in Ukraine during UN speech
Fuck the son of a bitch. If he wants to see a real coup attempt he should take a look at Trump on Jan. 6, 2021.

'Take them off': Video catches Ron DeSantis scolding students for wearing masks at his photo op
He's the clown in Covid theater and he's ridiculous. What an ignorant creep.

GOP's Madison Cawthorn hit with new voter challenges
Why do we have grifting asshats trying to take over our government? Answer: Idiot voters.

Top Trump hotel executive steps down as the brand suffers from ex-president's scandals: report
A failed brand, a failed faliure wasting money and grifting for more.

Trump's border wall has been breached thousands of times: report
"It appears that smugglers pop into their local hardware store and purchase relatively inexpensive battery-powered angle grinders and demolition saws and then, under cover of darkness, cut through the base of the 18- to 30-foot tall steel bollards. Once severed, the steel beams easily can be pushed aside to create a gap wide enough for people to pass through."
People that pay attention already know this folly. Trump is always good at wasting or stealing money.

'Unreal': Adam Kinzinger slams three GOP colleagues who voted against resolution supporting Ukrainian people
These idiots are a threat to our nation and should be immediately removed from office. They are simply more grifting traitors. In Gosar's case, a psychopath.

‘Astonishing how screwed up’ Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is going: Retired general
"I think one thing we ought to say is the Russian military operations in Ukraine are balled up," McCaffrey said. "I mean, just using the word convoy, this is the movement to contact in combat of armored units and they're parked bumper-to-bumper three lanes across. I don't see how they can unravel it. At the head of that narrow column are Ukrainians fighting for their lives."

Zelensky assassination plot foiled after members of Russia's Federal Security Service tip off Ukrainians: report
Pootin failed. He is a total failure and will never stop failing.

Kim Reynolds began GOP's SOTU response with iPhone going off — and it just got worse from there: reports
Where did they find this lying idiot? Apparently alternate facts are alright with her. She was a disgrace.

Biden Rallies Congress With a Furious Rebuke of Putin in His First State of the Union

Putin waited to invade Ukraine because a second-term Trump would have handed it to him
Traitor Trump loves Pootin.

Lil Marco Rubio Skips SOTU, Won't Take A COVID Test

Marjorie Taylor Greene asked journalists to judge her by her own words — and this one accepted the challenge
Some people are really stupid. Here's the perfect fool.

Biden urges passage of LGBTQ Equality Act and tells transgender youth ‘I will always have your back’ in SOTU

ACLU Files Suit Over Texas Investigation Into Parents of Trans Child
"No family should have to fear being torn apart because they are supporting their trans child," said one advocate.

Ukraine presents opportunity to test China’s strategic outlook
"The more China clings to Russia following Russian President Vladimir Putin’s barbarism in Ukraine, the stronger that calls will grow in the United States and elsewhere to treat China and Russia as interchangeable enemies bent on imposing their violent might-makes-right vision for the world.

Arizona Senate Votes 24-3 To Censure QAnon Senator After Calls For Violence In Speech To Neo-Nazis [Video]
She needs to be more than censured.

McCarthy Refuses To Condemn MTG Before Cameras
This is a show of character. Worthless.

Jim Jordan vows to 'investigate' Anthony Fauci if GOP retakes Congress
Investigate yourself, Jacket-Off.
The idiot bully isn't paying attention. New study finds Wuhan market likely origin source of COVID-19.

What IS Gender Affirming Health Care For Kids Anyway, Because Texas Is Super F*cking Lying About It Right? Super Fucking Lying. A Texas tradition.

Turns Out Texas Abortion Ban And Trans-Bashing Policies Are UNIMAGINABLY Cruel, Who Knew?
"To the extent that there is a Republican platform aside from trolling liberals, it consists of unbridled cruelty under the guise of "protecting" the vulnerable. No place illustrates this better than Texas, which passed its draconian abortion ban this fall and, failing to pass a ban on gender affirming care for trans kids, has now criminalized it by executive fiat."
Dark Texas.

Joe Manchin's Contempt for Poor People Continues

The GOP Is Trying To Turn America Into Putin's Russia

Exclusive: Rashida Tlaib Wants Biden to Finish Building Back Better
If it weren't for asshat grifters like Manchin and Sinema it would already be underway.

RT: Go Fuck Yourself
"Now, I don’t want to get off on a rant here, but the events of the past week should make plain to the American corporations and useful idiot chuckleheads who have been propping up RT America and other Russian state television that it’s time to cut the cord once and for all.

International Criminal Court to open probe into Ukraine crisis
The ICC chief prosecutor had warned Russia and Ukraine that genocide, war crimes or crimes against humanity may fall under the jurisdiction of the court.
Try him for war crimes and hang him.

Ben Carson: Anybody Who Supports The Separation Of Church/State Suffers From “Schizophrenia” [VIDEO]
So you've diagnosed all of us by sheer clairvoyancy, Dr. Stabby? Run out of things to get noticed for? Now you want to piss on our Constitution. Go. to. Hell.

New ID laws tripping up Texas mail-in voters
Surely, no one is surprised by this.

White nationalists flaunt their traction within Republican Party at annual gathering in Florida
American Nazi Party plays like they have any meaning at all.

More than 40 senators, nearly 100 House members urge Biden admin to designate Ukraine for TPS
It appears that no one cares. They are scared to death of the murderer, Pootin.
The letter cites hundreds of civilian casualties at the hands of Russian invaders. The letter from nearly 100 House members estimates that a full invasion could result in as many as 50,000 civilian deaths.

Trump-endorsed AZ Lawmaker Says EU Is New 'Third Reich'
Project much, you sick fuck?

The GOP Has Become the Party of Poverty, Disease, and Death

War Will Continue Until We Stop It
The bombs were different: American not Russian. Thirty years on, as we watch another wrecking, another invasion, another horror, do we choose to remember or do we choose to forget?

Arizona columnist connects the dots between Gov. Doug Ducey, Wendy Rogers and 'Holocaust-denying racist' Nick Fuentes

'Trump sycophant' GOP chair Elise Stefanik blasted over claiming to support Ukraine after 'echoing Russian propaganda'
Abject loyalty to Trump? Check.
Defense of the “perfect call”? Check.
Voted to exonerate Trump in his impeachment? Check.
"You are the same traitorous fuck who fully supported Trump withholding aide in an attempt to blackmail Zelensky." — The Hoarse Whisperer (@The Hoarse Whisperer) 1646140539

Religious studies professor spells out the dangers of Christian nationalism's 'unholy trinity'
"Christian nationalism upholds the “natural” order, including white supremacy and the “traditional” family with age-old gender roles."

'Shameful': Manchin Votes With Senate GOP to Filibuster Abortion Rights Bill
"A vote against this bill is a vote against the fundamental right to control one's own body and future."
This miscreant just keeps showing us his ugly ass.

Marco Rubio to boycott State of the Union because it requires a Covid test: 'I don't have time' to take one
The stupid is strong in this one.

The only one who covered up, lied and bullied more than Trump is Bill Barr: Charlie Sykes
The corrupt Trump administration.

Morning Joe: Ukraine resistance blew up Trump and Putin’s attacks on democracy — and delivered Biden a big win
MSNBC's Joe Scarborough said it's only taken a week to significantly roll back Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin's attacks on liberal democracy.

Bewildered conservatives call Putin a "Soviet dictator" who runs a "communist country"
Former football coach Tommy Tuberville isn't the only Republican who needs a refresher on Russian history
First of all, they would need to know what the word "history" means.
"...even though the Soviet Union was dissolved in 1991, and Putin is decidedly not a communist." Clue: "...the Soviet Union was dissolved in 1991, and Putin is decidedly not a communist." See what I mean?

Watch: Fox News’ Tucker Carlson makes outrageously false claim that his own words aren’t being used by Russia
Need any more proof that Carlson is a traitor? He's also out of his skull.

CPAC takes foreign donations despite not being a registered agent: report??
Of course. More proof they are traitors and should be purged.

Parent slams Texas AG Paxton for using transgender kids as political pawns
“Gov. Greg Abbott has instructed state agencies to investigate and prosecute such ‘abuse.’ Your message to thousands of trans-inclusive families across the state is clear: You want to rip kids from loving homes, you do not want transgender youth to exist.”
The fascist dictators of Texas hate these kids.

Trump Stole Top Secret Documents To Commit Treason, Not Hide His Misdeeds
People who think Trump stole the material because he was trying to hide his own misdeeds in office-- as many members of Congress I spoke with have told me-- are barking up the wrong tree. Trump was peddling the plans for Fort Ticonderoga, 2022 version.

Pat Robertson: God Is Compelling Putin To Invade Ukraine
The master plan is to kick off the end-times and Pat claims Putin is being compelled to do so.
That scumbag will find it's not so easy to fuck with the world, you grifting asshat.

Play A Sad Trombone For The Pathetic California Trucker Convoy
These anti-public-health asswipes couldn't even make a convoy last from Los Angeles to Las Vegas.
Yes, Russian sanctions hurt them.

NBC News' Kristen Welker Plays Stupid Games, Gets Stupid Prizes
Kristen Welker of NBC News seemed to have a problem understanding why expelling Russian spies is good, and why Russians spying in our nation's capital is bad.
Once again, these so-called "journalists" show they don't know fecal matter from apple butter.

Ukrainian Ambassador to UN Calls for Putin to Kill Himself Like Hitler ‘Did in a Bunker’
Best idea we've ever heard. The coward would never have the nuts to do it himself. He wants the west to do it for him.

After taking heat for praising Putin, Fox segments have gone to openly calling for his assassination
Let's see how long they stick to that.

'Gutless' Tom Cotton blasted for refusing to condemn Trump’s praise of Vladimir Putin
Gutless, spinless, brainless — and scared to death of the traior Trump. Really, no different from any in his party.

Ukraine Maps Tell a Different Story Than Putin's Claims
It's notable that even Russian state TV can't engineer a scene of ethnic Russians welcoming the army, which was so easy to show in Crimea only eight years ago.

AZ MAGA Whack Admits The Truth About GOP Voter Laws
With "citizens" like her we don't need any more traitors. She's as low life as they come.

As GOP blames Biden for Russia-Ukraine, remember these words: 'I would like you to do us a favor'
The American Traitor: Donald Trump.

Ukraine update: Russia is trying to offset incompetence with increased brutality

Boebert Compares Canada To Ukraine: “Our Neighbors To The North Also Need Freedom And To Be Liberated”
The latest piece of garbage regurgitatad by this moron.

Billions of people are in danger from climate change, U.N. report warns
Apparently, they'll ignore it until they are all dying.

The Lighter Side of Armageddon

Putin’s Claim To Rid Ukraine Of Nazis Is Especially Absurd Given Its History
"Putin’s selective telling of the past exaggerates the legacy of Nazism in Ukraine while ignoring the state’s historic struggle for pluralism and democracy. There is a good reason for this: he fears democracy more than he fears Nazism.
Well, in that case he doesn't have to worry about the U.S. any longer. We're doing our best to destroy it by the Nazis we have in our own country.

Trump-endorsed AZ lawmaker says European Union is new 'Third Reich' after Ukraine defense
See what I mean by Nazis in America. Here's a proud one now.

Proud Boys leader charged after video shows him punching Black woman in the face after calling her the N-word
The Children of Hitler.
Amazing he left the event alive.

Won’t Drill Baby Won’t Drill
Don’t expect domestic fracking companies and the Wall Street investors getting rich off them to fill any gap in Russian petrochemicals.
"The truth is that the U.S. never really had its much-touted energy independence. This crisis has revealed America’s powerlessness, despite a record run on fossil fuel production, to actually direct it toward anything positive. The only way out of the fossil fuel game is to stop playing."

Shame On Those Who Defended Trump’s “Perfect Call”
Sorry, these miscreants have no shame.

Let’s Talk About the Taking of Black Land
From Seneca Village to “urban renewal,” the government has claimed Black property—rarely with the “just compensation” promised by the Fifth Amendment.

Texas Democrats Are Out to Prove “Medicare for All” Is a Winning Issue

In or out of Power, with No Positive Agenda in Sight, Today’s Rightwing Flunks at Governance
Relatives of Putin, like him they have showed the color of their treasonous trousers. They have no business.

The Putin-Trump Axis
"The biggest difference between the old cold war and the new one is that authoritarian neo-fascism is not just an external threat. A version of it has also taken over one of the major political parties in the United States."
"But we cannot win a cold civil war inside America without destroying this nation — another of Putin’s objectives when he ordered his spy agencies to help Trump."
And we must stop the American fascist oligarchs who are turning our nation into one just like Russia.

Transgender Texas kids are terrified after governor orders that parents be investigated for child abuse
One of several American oligarchs like Vladimir Putin. These miscreants all must go.

Hackers say they changed the call sign for Putin's yacht with a special message to him
"Fuck off and die"? Just "Go fuck yourself." I say death to Pootin.

‘5000 lives of Russian soldiers go to hell’: former Ukrainian president slams 'crazy person' Putin
Death to Pootin.

The Fight For The Right For Discrimination In Arkansas
Jordan Klepper covers the struggle for the right to be a bigot in Arkansas
The right to remain a clueless moron? What a goal to strive for. Some struggle.

Ukrainian Translator Has Brutal Message For Russians
Ukrainian translator Alexander Bilkun has a harsh message for Russians: Wake up to Putin's lies while you still can.
And fuck Pootin.

GOP Rep's 'Woke Sky' MAGA Word Salad Stumps
Rep. Clay Higgins (R-Dumbfkistan) spewed out a tweet that no MAGA translator could parse, not even the actual dictionary itself. "A monumental idiot." A new level in stupidity. They can't seem to find the bottom. A brain is a terrible thing to waste.

MSNBC’s Mehdi Hasan slams racist media coverage of Ukraine conflict: ‘They really mean white people’
"This is a civilized city! They're blue-eyed and blond-haired! This is Europe, not the Third World!"
Somebody thought they belonged in the Land of the Happy Negro? Looks like somebody is showing their usual cluelessness.

Lt. Col. Alex Vindman: How Trump's coup attempt encouraged Putin's Ukraine invasion
Army officer who stood up to Trump: Disinformation from Fox News, GOP is "the reason Russia launched" invasion
It surely didn't discourage it.

Ukraine update: Still trying to figure out why Putin's army sucks ass
Poor leadership. Undertrained and overconfident loses many a contest.

'Why can't you condemn it?' ABC host nails Tom Cotton after he scurries away from Trump's Putin praise
Because Cotton is an empty shell of a man. A failure we can all see.

Holodomor Belies Putin's Words and Actions on Ukraine
"In his article, President Vladimir Putin wrote, "We respect the Ukrainian language and traditions. We respect Ukrainians' desire to see their country free, safe and prosperous." An he concluded, "And I will say one thing—Russia has never been and will never be 'anti-Ukraine.' And what Ukraine will be—it is up to its citizens to decide." These are lofty words and feelings, betrayed now by the brutal invasion of that country. If history teaches us something, it is that the ghosts of Holodomor will continue to haunt Mr. Putin."

The Last of Everything, Again
Rise up singing.

Condi Rice turns tables on Fox News host: NATO 'unites' under Biden the way Trump never could
"Rice suggested that Biden has been able to "unite" NATO to push back against Putin's alleged war crimes to a degree that former presidents could not."
And that really upset the Russian news liason, Fox News.

‘NO TO WAR’: Russian fury bursts open as Putin bombards Ukraine
A feeling of anger, shame and disbelief seems to have lit a fuse under Russia’s usually passive civil society.
It's about time, people.

Ukrainian soldiers who profanely told off Russian warship may be alive, officials say
The response from Ukraine was simple: "Russian warship. Go f*** yourself."
Gee, I wonder what the word was. If someone says something is the press liable for printing it? Or are they really the cowards we think them to be? Who are they afraid of offending?

Mitt Romney Excoriates ‘Disgusting’ Pro-Putin Republicans: ‘Almost Treasonous’
Mitt, you're "Almost Catching On" to the traitors you are dealing with.

'I have morons on my team': Mitt Romney questions Marjorie Taylor Greene's 'IQ' in brutal CNN rant
Yes, Mitt, I do believe you are catching on.

The Supreme Court’s Conservatives May Be Set To Kneecap Federal Regulations
The increasing invocation of the "major questions doctrine" could imperil a wide swath of federal government regulatory actions.
POTUS: Pootin's American team.

Antarctica’s Pristine Snow Besmirched With Horrid Black Pollution, Scientists Say
Warned humans continue to destroy our environment. "Unsurprisingly, they say, humans are to blame."

Please stop telling trans kids to simply leave Texas
Texas has several versions of Pootin in charge of discrimination.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Headlines White Nationalist Conference
And Margie said she didn't know anything about "Fricking" Nick Fuentes.

Trump’s Truth Social Is Already Canceling Right-Wingers
"And while we all knew Trump’s latest business venture was likely to follow Trump Steaks, Trump University and Trump Vodka into the annals of Trump Business Failures, we didn’t expect to hear conservatives essentially calling it a fraud so soon."
Our version of Pootin. A totally failed dumbass.

This is what would happen to Earth if a nuclear war broke out between the West and Russia: experts
The elders of our planet have lived with this threat most all their lives. It's time to put an end to it for all time. As if civilization wasn't already at risk by the fascists in the U.S., this would end all civilization for good, most likely.

Putin sets Russia's nuclear forces on high alert
Here we go. The shithead could start it. This killer must be apprehended and put away for good, as in DEAD.

'He’s lost his grip': Bill Barr urges Republicans to dump Trump
"According to the Journal, Barr claims Trump "Lost his grip" after the 2020 election results showed he had been defeated, with the former AG charging, "The absurd lengths to which he took his ‘stolen election’ claim led to the rioting on Capitol Hill.”

Anti-War Coalition Holds Online Rally for Peace in Ukraine
"We must come together across borders to demand the withdrawal of Russian troops and immediate talks to find a diplomatic solution," says Medea Benjamin, co-founder of CodePink.

Narcissistic sociopath': Experts stunned after 'small, weak, powerless’ Trump praises Putin at CPAC
Dumb scumbag.

America's conservatives adore? Vladimir Putin’s far-right Christian Nationalism – more than freedom
We've been wondering what the grifter, Franklin Graham, had to say about his hero, Pootin.

Tennessee GOP introduces law allowing gun owners to self-deputize for $100
Any scumbag down the road with a C-note can be a legal vigilante. Wll that apply to the Black Lives Matter individual that lives down the street? Total brainlessness and uncivilized.

Jelani Cobb on the anti-CRT campaign's high stakes and the deep roots of fascism in America
Salon talks to the writer and professor about why America especially needs Black History Month now
They used to wear hoods and attack at night. Now they become stars on Fox News.

Arizona Republican said white nationalists are ‘patriots’ and called for hanging political enemies
Threats like this usually get people arrested in a civilized nation. Arizona has apparently become backward and uncivilized.

'I believe he's afraid': Trump attacks his own SCOTUS appointee Brett Kavanaugh after Jan. 6 decision
Fatso is such a shameless and petty coward.

Putin’s Not the “Genius”—Russia’s Anti-War Protesters Are
Brave, brave people.

Candace Owens At CPAC: Abolish The Department Of Education
She must be frightened she'll have to take a remedial course in logic.

Psaki Stomps On Idiotic Question About Biden And Putin
Incredibly, the dumbest question of the day did not come from Peter Doocy this time.
Once again, does one even have to take any tests to get a journalism degree these days?
Don't tell me, I think I know.

Zelensky Refuses U.S. Offer: The Fight Is Here; I Need Ammunition, Not A Ride
A phrase that will live in history.

Carlson: Biden 'Undermined And Degraded' U.S. With Jackson Nomination
Isn't it high time we threw this hateful, dispicable POS in the sewer where his stinking no-good ass belongs?
Hey motherfucker, she looks like a woman to me.
"This race-baiting moron can't stand that a Black female justice has been nominated because that is an affront to his white nationalist pals."

Russian Vodka Pulled From The Shelves At Bars, Liquor Stores In US, Canada
That could really hurt.

WATCH: CPAC speaker compares Jan 6th rioters to Russian anti-war protesters
R-i-i-i-i-ght. And here we see that the Congress and the police all provoked the terrorists that stormed the Capitol. Very twisted brain in this poor woman but not surprising when it comes to the out-of-their minds Fascist Party. As has been often stated here, these people always pretend to be the victim. It is, in fact, their putrid agenda.

'Russia out!' Worldwide protests in solidarity with Ukraine
Pro-Ukraine protests erupted across the world on Saturday, as thousands took to the streets from London to Rome to Barcelona to denounce Russia's assault on its neighbor.
The insanity of Pootin was made plain by video from Ukraine showing the destruction he created. Only a severely ill person would stoop to this sort of crap in the enlightend age in which we are now living. His war crimes must be brought to justice.

Putin's 'bad decisions' and increasing 'isolation' is speeding up his downfall: historian
In a column for MSNBC, a historian and expert on autocratic regimes pointed out that Vladimir Putin appears to be headed down a well-worn path that other dictators have followed that led to their own destruction.
“When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it—always.”
—Mahatma Gandhi

Republicans worried conspiracy ranting at CPAC will come back to 'hurt them': report
They should. "Q" has been completely discredited as a fraud. They still believe in nutball, batshit, lame-ass bullshit. We know who the gaddamed cheaters are, little josher.

Watch Marjorie Taylor Greene scramble to explain why she spoke at a white nationalist conference
Another idiot like Pootin. Totally scrambled in the head and too inept to understand the questions.

Curious changes in Putin's appearance pointed out by former CIA agent when asked about his health
So, maybe this POS already has slow stomach cancer? More like a brain tumor the way he's acting.

Matt Gaetz suggests Congress should block DOJ from investigating him for alleged sex-trafficking
By all means lets eliminate the DOJ so the grifters can keep up their criminal activity. Pulling a Trump the alleged child molester tries a dictator con on our Congress. I suggest he comes clean with America.

'Traitor! Traitor!' Mike Lindell melts down when asked about 'martial law' meeting with Trump
What a con man. Are you a major dick, Mike, or just a failing clown?

Leaked document suggests Russia is anticipating a 'massive medical emergency' due to Ukraine war casualties: report

'Trump's brain isn't normal': Conservative trashes 'deranged' former president for Putin praise
How many years have we been saying this. How many years will it take to put him away?

If what Putin’s army is doing to Ukraine right this minute isn’t terror, what is it?

Republicans Siding with Putin Loathe Democracy and Honest Elections
"They are a cult that wants an authoritarian dictatorship in America similar to Russia with Putin. You will be sorry folks if you let them get back power this November. Last time it took a world war to dislodge the fascists from power in Italy, Germany and Japan, and they will set up elections so only they can win and that will be the end of Democracy in America and your ACA, SS, Medicare, Medicaid willl ALL be on the chopping block!" — comment by Ken Kornfeld

Putin's Adventurism in Ukraine Could Be the Beginning of the End to His Rule
The murderer needs to face his end.

Tucker Carlson Has Always Been At War With Vladimir Putin
"Yes, really, go figure! Please send all clips of Tucker downplaying the invasion straight down the Memory Hole, because he's discovered that war is in fact a bad thing."

Dear LGBTQ Kids: We See You. We Love You.
Trae Crowder and Brent Terhune both have things to say about the draconian anti-LGBTQ laws out there, especially in Texas.
The toxic Texas Governor would just as soon put those kids in a bag like puppies that weren't wanted and toss them into the river.

Nice War, Vladimir. Shame If This Is What Makes Russians Dropkick Your Ass For Good
End totalitarianism.

No, There Is No 'Woke Military'
Right now, as it concerns Putin's invasion of Ukraine, the American Right is in the "throwing shit up on the wall to see what sticks" phase.

Today We Are All Telling Russian Warships, 'Go F*ck Yourself'

Texas Families With Trans Kids Are Wondering If They Should Leave the State
They aren't the only ones.

A War Against One is a War Against All

Putin, Trump, Sturm, and Drang

Republicans Pick Putin over Democracy — and Rick Scott's Creepy Blueprint for America Shows Why

Red Alert in Virginia
Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin displays his Trumpist credentials.
Trump and Pootin's man.

Worse Than a Crime; It’s a Blunder
Anatol Lieven on the meaning and consequences of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the West’s response
The photo of the teacher should outrage everyone. The son of a bitch.

'Grow up!' Lindsey Graham smacked down for flipping out over Biden's Supreme Court pick
Why is this idiot still around? Oh, yes. Land of the Happy Negro flotsam.

Florida GOP bills that bar schools and businesses from addressing key issues of inequality are an 'embrace of authoritarianism': op-ed
"...the bills are an example of Florida Republicans' "increasingly anti-democratic stance against socially conscious teachings."
Occupy the bastards.

Anti-‘woke’ and ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bills clear Florida House following emotional debates
The state should be occupied by Federal troops as they are rejecting the First Amendment.
And yes, Ralph, the white race is pretty much one barbaric group.

Hundreds are arrested as shocked Russians protest Ukraine attack
Just like when Trump was doing it in America.

Tommy Tuberville Gives Breathtakingly Ignorant Explanation of Russia’s Invasion
"In all seriousness, I guess Tubs was pretty busy coaching football when the Soviet Union collapsed at the end of 1991 and the Communist Party lost its grip on Russia. But now that he is a U.S. senator, you’d think his staff would update him a bit about recent developments in that part of the world."
Maybe his staff are as ignorant as he is.

Young Turks Hosts: Tucker Carlson and Other ‘Right-Wingers’ Are ‘Fellating Putin’ Because He’s ‘WHITE, Right-Wing Hero’
"Right-wing doesn’t love Putin just because he is an authoritarian, tyrannical leader, they love him because he’s a WHITE authoritarian leader. Race has become more important than even nationality. They’ve turned on democracy and now even America, in favor of a white warlord." — Cenk Uygur (@cenkuygur) February 24, 2022

Head of Russian Space Program Appears to Threaten to Smash US With Space Debris
Another Russian bastard threatens us all. Try it motherfucker. You'll be on the "first to kill list."

Ukraine update: Russian soldiers enter capital as mysterious 'ghost of Kyiv' becomes symbol of hope
Any pretense that Russia is even trying to limit violence against civilians has been discarded.
The swine Pootin is murdering civilians.

Officers Who Watched Derek Chauvin Murder George Floyd Found Guilty

Ukraine Officials Warn Chernobyl Radiation Levels 'Exceeded'
Experts attribute the increased radiation levels to the Russian military's current assault on Ukraine.
Maybe these motherfuckers will all kill themselves by slow radiation poisoning?

How gerrymandering in suburbs is fueling the rise in the GOP's far-right extremism

Right-wing federal judges have grown increasingly hostile to voting rights: report

Anti-Vaxxers Have a New Obsession: Keeping Your Kids From Seeing Their Doctors
Mean, evil and stupid.

Biden to Nominate Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court

In 1871, Congress Crafted a Law to Break the Klan. Today, It’s Targeting Trump
The fascists will get what they deserve.

'Band-Aid on a Tumor': Critics Blast Biden Rebrand of Trump's Medicare Privatization Scheme
"Changing the name doesn't change the fact that the Direct Contracting program is backdoor privatization of Medicare," said one progressive advocate.
"You can't slap a band-aid on a tumor and call it cured," said Rogers. "Direct Contracting—and now ACO REACH—threatens the health of beneficiaries and the future of Traditional Medicare. As physicians committed to the health of our patients, we urge HHS to abandon this rebranding effort and focus the agency's efforts towards strengthening and protecting Traditional Medicare."
Contact your congressperson now about this con on our healthcare.

Rachel Maddow gives a jaw-dropping explanation of 'kleptocratic dictator' Putin's Ukraine invasion
19th Century barbarian that has no thought for humanity. Remove him from the planet. He doesn't belong here.

Conservative Charlie Sykes lays out theories on how Ron Johnson 'lost his mind' in the TrumpWorld abyss
So he had one to lose?

Americans Don't Like Republican War On Education
The "Critical Race Theory" frenzy is finally backfiring, just in time for the 2022 midterms. USE THIS, Dems!
The fascists are the ones that need to go back to school and learn a few things about America.

Democrat Kicks Off Campaign With Literal Sh*t Storm Against Lauren Boebert
“Colorado needs a bull, not a bullshitter. I’m Alex Walker and I approve the shit out of this message!”
She can shoot the shit.

Woman at city council meeting declares herself a 'proud white supremist': That 'means you’re a patriot'
Uhhh, no. That means she's into an art movement. She's just a stupid racist. Isn't she precious?

Rick Scott competing to be ‘Bigot of the Year’ with his ‘attention-seeking gimmick’ at CPAC: Florida columnist
What is in the water in Florida? These nasty assed idiots need to get a grip and stop with the totalitarian crap.

John Kelly: I feel 'disbelief' at Trump's praise of Putin as a 'genius'
That's because Fatso is a moron wannabe dictator and is envious of him. He wants to be just like him.
Like Pootin, he should be put away forever.

Raving Madman Loser Attacks Ukraine: Some Things We Know So Far!
"Putin said he was just trying to "protect people who have been subjected to bullying and genocide." What bullying and genocide? Putin did not show his work, so we're just gonna call literally everything Putin said projection. He's an addled murderous thug who runs a failed petrostate that he's desperately trying to restore to its former "glory." Of course it's projection."

We Blew It, Redux
Keep at it, Jaime. You're a good guy.

Free Nations Beware: From the Trumpian Trucker Tantrum to Putin's Invasion of Ukraine

Rick Scott Launches Ad Blitz For Racist, Anti-LGBT Plan
American fascism at work. Why won't we put a stop to it?

Minneapolis area schools suspend basketball games with rival district after fans made racist 'animal noises' at players: report
American racist insanity.

Arizona Republicans push bill to keep Black people off juries: columnist
Batshit crazy racists. This is all in the realm of alternative reality.

Kremlin moves to arrest Russians protesting Ukraine invasion: report
Pootin is a totalitarian menace to our world. He should be removed from power by any means necessary.

Abbott faces nationwide condemnation over new policy ordering transgender care to be investigated as ‘child abuse’
Occupy Texas.

Trump shows off his ignorance as Russia invades Ukraine: columnist
A sack of hammers.

Trump’s ‘grossly negligent’ handling of top-secret info put lives in danger: government veteran
A box of rocks.

Lithuania and Moldova declare a state of emergency as Russia attacks Ukraine

White Supremacists Guilty In Plot Against Power Grids
Domestic terrorists.

Newsmax Host Claims Invasion Is Fake News [VIDEO]
The Kremlin outlet.
I guess you have to be an elder to realize how fucking crazy we have become.

Russian Attack of Ukraine Underway: 'Extremely Dangerous Moment in World History'
"It will cause, if it doesn't stop, a level of suffering Europe has not known since, at least, the Balkan crisis," warned the head of the United Nations.
Again, what makes anyone think he will stop at Ukraine. Europe could be next.

Twitter admits it mistakenly removed Ukraine open-source intelligence
The Twit war.

'I hate it here': National Guard members sound off on Texas border mission in leaked morale survey
Who could blame them?

Greg Abbott Told Energy Co. To Jack Up Prices During TX Freeze
The little twerp.

Texas GOP governor seeks to erase transgender kids from existence
The fascist proved he hates women and now, children. He's become a totalitarian. Think two or three times about moving to Texas for any reason.

Bannon: Support Putin Because He Hates The Gays
We are turning into Nazi Germany right now.

Florida GOP Is Using 'Parental Rights' to End Public Education as We Know It
It’s about ending public schools as we know them, as the single-most powerful engine of pluralism and unity in America.
The fascists are attacking our schools. America is under seige just as much as Ukraine is.

Putin just bombed the capital of Ukraine — and Trump blamed it on the 'rigged election'
Insanity illustrated. He will try anything to get his idiot puppet, Trump, back in charge of us.

Tulsi Gabbard continues her far-right metamorphosis with CPAC appearance — and defense of Putin’s Ukraine war
The U.S. is filled with traitors. If Putin takes Ukraine what makes anyone think he will stop there? Do they want all of Europe? That WILL be WWIII.

Madison Cawthorn unveils his 'Contract with America' that destroys social security to 'incentivize' elderly to work
This dipshit is out of it. Who wants to hire the elderly, especially with bodies that don't work as well as they used to? Not many. If they do they won't get paid enough because they'll need to go back to school. They won't get health insurance either. Go to hell, you crazy SOB.

The Crushing Loss of Hope in Ukraine
Putin has declared that history is destiny, and that Ukraine will never get away from Russia
"When Putin encounters Ukrainian resistance, he will respond the only way he knows: with devastating force. The loss of life will be staggering. Watching it will make it impossible to live and to breathe."

Worse than Trump: Head of the NRSC Releases Republican Plans for a Dystopian, Fascist America

Performance Art Is All the GOP Has Left

Making the World Better?: We Gave It a Shot

Ocasio-Cortez Calls Out Tucker Carlson for His Dangerous “Libelous Harassment”
" “He regularly targets people that do not have access to resources for protection. Once he gets to fantasizing about ‘booty calls’ of women on national TV I cease to see the political value outside of incitement.”

Analysis: Giving professors freedom, so long as they agree with politicians
Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick wants to revoke tenure for professors teaching lessons about race that he disagrees with. It’s a new chapter of an old fight between academics and populist politicians.
Another would-be dictator.

Clarence And Ginni Thomas Giddily Screw The Nation Like Honeymooners
"This is such bullshit that Clarence Thomas is spinning. He seriously suggests that there’s “optimism” and “faith in America” among people who overwhelmingly believe the last election was stolen by Hugo Chavez’s ghost? Did he note how many of those flags he sees flying bear Donald Trump’s name or read “Let’s Go Brandon”? How many of those flags were from the goddamn Confederacy?"

Father Carlson
And Mother Tucker.
"Like Coughlin, Carlson has spewed venom for years. And, like Coughlin, he has gradually made his treachery, nihilism, and bigotry unmistakable. If anyone still thought there was an innocent explanation for his behavior, Carlson’s latest monologue, delivered on Tuesday night, rendered such generosity indefensible."

Experts: Ukraine's nuclear power reactors on the front lines threaten another disaster 'on par' with Chernobyl
Linda Pentz Gunter, founder of the advocacy group Beyond Nuclear, said a conflict in Ukraine could result in a disaster on par with—or even worse than—the devastating 1986 Chernobyl reactor crisis.

NC officials: Madison Cawthorn can be constitutionally barred from office if found to have aided January 6 rioters

CNN pulls back the curtain on Russian oligarchs who will now face sanctions

Republicans Aren’t Even Pretending They’ll Make Your Life Better Anymore
Instead of economic populism, Scott is betting on a politics of pure grievance

Educating children to make the invisible, visible

DC-Bound Truckers To Demand “Justice For Ashli”
They mean the traitor who was shot for ignoring police and breaking into our Capitol.
She entered a restricted area during an insurrection after being told not to, she received swift, fair justice.

Pennsylvania 'freedom convoy' faces cancellation after only one truck shows up with two flat tires

Canada To Covidiots: You Can’t Dissolve Govt By Email
Another special flavor of stupid.

New GSK Vaccine 100% Effective Against Severe COVID

Truth Social Bans Account For Mocking Devin Nunes
Showing nothing but a bullshit, disingenuous, cowardly move.

This is who they are: Republicans hurry to support Russian dictator and sneer at America

Disgusting Trump Calls Putin's Decision To Invade Ukraine 'Genius'
Another disgrace to our country. This man is a traitor and should be treated like one.

James Clapper: Putin has been trapped in an 'ivory-tower bubble' for years — and 'now has his own reality'

Tucker Carlson Defends Putin: 'Putin Never Called Me Racist'
The Fox News host described Putin's likely invasion of Ukraine as a common "border dispute" between nations.
Americans are the enemy you are saying? It is now the world against America? Go directly to Hell.

Free Market Mythology Is a Freedom-Killer
Beyond monopoly’s power to limit our freedom to choose and earn a fair wage, our freedom is also compromised by the dominance of corporate power within our political system.

Missouri newspaper slams 'useful idiot' Josh Hawley’s Ukraine response and 'appeasement' of Vladimir Putin
Another weak seditionist.

'Total weakness': Expert reveals how Mike Pompeo’s praise of Putin is playing in Russia
Another seditionist.

Watch: Fox News host got way more than he bargained for when he defended Trump’s support of Putin
Fox News should be shut down for being a seditionist outlet.

When Americans Support Murderous Foreign Dictators
We have become a lost country, indeed.

Trump praises Putin's 'genius' incursion into Ukraine
No doubt that Donald Trump is a traitor. He's also a solid idiot.

White men as victims: America's most dangerous fantasy
The notion that white men are a persecuted minority isn't just ludicrous — it paves the way for racist violence
And sexism, misogyny and plain dumbasses.

Canadian Official Issues Epic Rant On 'Liberty' As Blockade Is Cleared
Bob Rae, Canada's ambassador to the United Nations, lashed out at protesters who have clogged roads and bridges in his country for over three weeks because they object to vaccine mandates.

Republican AG Candidates Say Birth Control Is States' Rights Issue
Three Michigan Republicans running for attorney general offer 'terrifying' take on contraceptive bans.
"States Rights." Sounds like we are back in the Land of the Happy Negro. When will they fire on Fort Sumter?
These fascist misogynists have no sense of reality and have no idea about American history.

Foreign affairs experts say Putin has launched an 'invasion' of Ukraine: 'This means war'
Between Putin's aggression and American fascist aggression we find ourselves in a vice.

'Get the hell out of here!': Tom Cotton ripped over 'asinine' comments about Putin and Biden
Logic has been destroyed in what's left of Cotton's brain.

NYT drops the hammer on Ginni Thomas with scathing report on her political activism
About time.

Trump White House compiled opposition research report on Clarence Thomas’ wife: report
Dissension in the Legion of Doom?

'Stand Your Ground' laws linked to double-digit increase in homicides: study

Study: COVID Wrecks Testicles Of Unvaxxed Hamsters
Hmmm. We are not men, we are Devo.

WATCH: Kenya takes down Russia in United Nations Security Council speech
Time for Putin to be taken out.

The End of History Post-Credits Scene

The End of “America First”?

Vladimir Putin: the Authentic Leader of the Republican Party

Austin police officers charged with aggravated assault for force used in 2020 protests
Defense attorneys for eight of 19 indicted APD officers say they were following orders when they used force against 2020 protesters. So far, there are 14 lawsuits against the city for injuries suffered during those confrontations.
The spawn of Bull Connor.

Texas tops the nation in teens who give birth multiple times
The education system still hasn't taught them what causes it.

Analysis: Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and the power of Us vs. Them
The jerk of the 21st Century.

Tom Cotton Ripped To Shreds Over Remarks About Trump, Putin
"After playing the tape of a portion of Cotton's appearance on Maria Bartiromo's show, Setmayer reminded everyone that Trump was Putin's puppet, and not the tough guy that Cotton was making him out to be."
Fatso is so smart he can't get his stupid Twitter ripoff working.

Meat-Eating and Subsidizing Our Way Towards Extinction
If it isn't direct or indirect subsidies then the checkoff program will get you devouring animal products, however cruel their production is or how bad they are for your health or the planet's.

Donald Trump couldn’t even get the Twitter handle for his Twitter knockoff
Searching for the dumb dope bottom. Did he finally hit it?

Ohio reader slams ‘cowardly’ Jim Jordan for putting party above country
You expected a man?

Texas newspaper editorial explains why Beto O’Rourke is Democrats’ best chance in Lone Star gubernatorial race
Hw will return Texas to the 21st Century and end their 19th Century viewpoint.

Donald Trump loyalist running for Arizona secretary of state is a right-wing plot to end democracy
Trump continues to show he is a bonafide traitor.

FOX 'News' Graphic Department Failed 2nd Grade Spelling
FOX apparently employs people that would fail a 2nd grade spelling test.

Kirschner Is Convinced 'Justice Is Coming' For Trump Family
Glenn Kirschner, a former prosecutor for the U.S. Army, insisted over the weekend that former President Donald Trump is one step closer to being indicted.
He's being measured for that orange jump suit now. They all deserve one.

John Durham’s admission Republicans are ‘out of their minds’ means he must shut down ‘sham’ investigation: analysis
News Flash: "Fox News and the rest of the right wing media, not to mention Trump himself and his Republican cultists, are out of their minds."

Evangelical minister: Christian nationalism is a bizarre, misogynist fantasy — and totally un-Christian
Most people with a brain have known this like forever.

Outrage for Franklin Graham's "Pray for President Putin" plea
The Evangelical leader's odd request set off a wave of criticism

Marjorie Greene tells Alex Jones 'they treat me like a crazy person'
Why would they do that, Marge? Because you're doing another crazy person's so-called "show"?
Two perfect examples of bullshitters.

‘Illegal and unconstitutional’: GOP scheme to decertify the election slammed by Wisconsin AG
Our constitution has been ignored by several states that believe they are sovereign nations now.

QAnon founder may have been identified thanks to machine learning
Researchers believe two men were the primary authors of posts attributed to Q.
Little Ronnie Watkins picked up the Q con from him.

Mystal: Kim Potter's Sentence Was 'The Spit In Our Face'
Elie Mystal eviscerated Judge Regina Chu for her heartless pontificating, and grossly misplaced sympathy for Kim Potter, the white former police officer who killed 20-year-old Daunte Wright.
"Joy, this country hates us. This country hates black people and we know it."
"Of course, we all know why she got two years. Because she was a crying white woman."
It worked for Tammy Faye, for a while. Judge Chu is, apparently, confused or is it something else?
And that's not all they hate! There is no question that this is absolutely true in the fascist world that is coming for us all.

'You're A Creep Bro': AOC Puts Tucker Carlson On Blast
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez takes sexist creep Tucker Carlson down several pegs after he opened his show with a 12-minute long nasty, hate-filled rant about her.
Well, of course he's a creep. We all know that. Mother Clownson has been creepy for years now. He'll never get any better.
Does anyone but me see the world becoming a comedy clown show? POS.

Missouri Students Sue Over Book Bans
Good for the Missouri students who have had enough with right-wing book banning.
Nazis, this is only the beginning.

Psaki Clobbers Fox 'Reporter's' Distortion Of Facts On Ukraine
Some people come back from humiliation a better person. Jacqui Heinrich comes back meaner.
Jacqui Heinrich, bleach-blonde Fox bimbo.
Why do they have such a fetish for blonde bimbos?
Just asking for a friend.

Trump is 'reaching the end of his rope': legal experts
I have always heard at that point, the neck snaps.

Firefighters suspended after mocking 8-year-old Black girl killed by police on hot mic
They still crawl for the bottom of "filthy scumbag."

Trump in talks to host Saudi golf league in potentially lucrative deal with oppressive regime: report
Sorry. No surprise here. Trump is in his league when he's dealing with terrorists. Trump will deal with any POS with a dollar.

GOP attacks on Biden over Ukraine moves slapped aside by intel experts: report
If the fascists were in control we'd already be in a nuclear war.

Russia Announces Nuclear Drills Amid Tensions Over Ukraine
"Russia reminds us that it has the world's largest nuclear arsenal," said one observer.
Scumbag. A filthy, rotten scumbag.

Why Putin will invade: War is the place where logic and reason go to die
There's no sense to Putin's Ukraine misadventure. It's a world-shaping disaster. But it's going to happen anyway
The Pootmeister thinks he's invincible. He's due for an awakening.

That 'freedom convoy' in Ottawa? It's inspired by an Old Testament account of divine massacre
As has been stated here before: The Bible should have a disclaimer printed on it's front page.

Trump donor John Malone could soon be calling the shots at CNN
Corporate fascism will establish yet another propaganda outlet.

FOR SALE: How Donald Trump Sold Pardons For Personal Gain
Here's how Trump was able to turn the presidential pardon into a lucrative source of money.

Trump faces 'death by a thousand legal cuts' — and classified docs are 'least of his worries': CNN's Smerconish
Hopefully, it will be very painful.

WATCH: Body cam footage shows cop panic when he learns Black woman has a gun permit
Oh dear, he thought you had a pistol grip wallet. Men of Extinction has a whole CD about that by the same title.

National Archives confirms Trump took classified national security docs to Mar-a-Lago
Look - a crook - that nobody seems to cook - read him like a book - what a schnook.

Johnson Will Block Judicial Nominee He Recommended?
Wait, what? Ron Johnson, without warning, moves to block judicial nominee William Pocan... despite having recommending him.
Doublethink. Nothing but Doublethink. And you thought I was trying to be funny?

Jesse Watters Compares Hillary Clinton To A Rat
Jesse Watters continues to prove that he is one of the biggest right-wing trolls on Fox News.
She's not on a sinking ship like you, wiseass.

Texas Trump Nut Threatens Voters: God Will Hold You Accountable If You Don't Vote For Me
The evangelical lunatic fringe makes up a critical mass of Traitor Trump's supporters. A very special flavor of stupid here. We're taking it to the lab to have it analyzed.
Very odd she feels so uncofident that she has to make this sort of empirical threat. Why would she take her incomptence out on her fellow Christians? She should show us her ID from "the Lord."
"We are now fighting a very evil, evil, demonic [hierarchy].” She said, looking in the mirror.

Another Organizer Of The So-Called 'Freedom Convoy' Arrested
Canadian "Freedom Convoy" leader Tamara Lich has been arrested by police in Ottawa.

John Durham Flip Flops On Friday - Go Figure
He dropped his "bombshell" last Friday and today he says wait I didn't mean THAT.
Ball of confusion.

DeSantis accuses Biden of 'thumbing his nose at Florida' — after calling him 'very supportive'
Another very confused idiot.

Vaccine refusal is child abuse
The GOP espouses "family values," but the anti-vaccine campaign is hurting kids and tearing families apart

'Morally Obscene': Sanders Blasts GOP, Manchin Over 41% Spike in Child Poverty
"How did this happen? Fifty Republicans and one corporate Democrat allowed the $300-a-month Child Tax Credit to expire," said Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Trump will end up 'in a orange jumpsuit' after 'legal showdown': biographer
It will match his crappy make-up.

Trump is 'running out of options' to keep from testifying about his business practices: reporter
Feelng the heat? Closer, closer, closer.

Ted Cruz’s mentor blasts GOP for not standing up to Trump’s ‘utter madness’

Trump threatens Hillary Clinton with death all over again — and nobody seems to care
Media shrugs off Trump's latest calls for violence because his claims are preposterous — but his fans are listening
"Instead of outrage, we largely feel exhaustion. The American people are growing increasingly indifferent to Trump's threats, and to the rising power of his neofascist movement and the Republican Party's threats against democracy and the rule of law."

Jamie Raskin tells the BBC American democracy is fighting a ‘profound struggle’ to survive
America is in peril of losing itself.
"...a republic if you can keep it," said Ben Franklin.
"The brevity of that response should not cause us to under-value its essential meaning: democratic republics are not merely founded upon the consent of the people, they are also absolutely dependent upon the active and informed involvement of the people for their continued good health." — Dr. Richard Beeman.

Fox News Cuts Away From Hillary Clinton When She Calls Out 'Big Lie'
It only took about one minute and seventeen seconds for Fox News to abandon its Hillary broadcast after they promoted it everywhere. Chicken shittery. So much for their "Fair and Balanced" bullshit.

Judge Destroys Lawyer For Claiming Trump Is Part Of 'Protected Class'
Attorney Alina Habba was scolded by a judge on Thursday after she claimed that her client, former President Donald Trump, is part of a "protected class" because of his Republican ideology.
Another one of Fatso's delusions of grandeur bubbles popped.

Trump Must Testify Under Oath About Shady Business Dealings
And he has twenty-one days to do so.
Hmmm. All this means is more criminal actions when his answers are lies, if he does actually answer and not take the fifth. I cannot imagine Trump answering a question under oath.

Fox & Friends Lies: Canadians Do Not Support Truck Protests
The Canadian polls are overwhelmingly against the truck blockades.
Why would Faux Noose pay any attention to a poll that didn't support their lies.
Can one imagine when your children and grandchildren ask you what sort of work you do or did, that you have to lie to them about your lying for money?

Why NY state is building a strong 'racketeering' case against the Trump family: David Cay Johnston
I'll take a guess. He's a big fat crook?

Elon Musk slammed for comparing Trudeau to Hitler in 'lazy, attention-peeking' pro-trucker pro-crypto meme meltdown
He had to take that tweet to the tweet graveyard. He and Trump have a lot of stupid in common.

Republicans in Arizona and Florida approve draconian abortion bans
More 19th Century behavior.
What if all of your doctors still do abortions? Then what will you do for your Adderall prescriptions?

'Christian' School Administrators Charged For Covering Sex Assault
Officers determined that the five people arrested all had knowledge of the sexual assault but did not report it as required by the Texas Family Code.

Josh Hawley Is A Jerk, Part Infinity

Charlie Kirk: Asking For Vaccine Proof Is Just Like Nazi Germany
Some folks just need mental health care. Sad.

Trump Endorses Texas Woman Accused Of Child Abuse

Trump’s QAnon Pick For AZ Secretary Of State Claimed COVID Doesn’t Exist, Vaccine Is Fatal After Two Years
And he forgot to tell you in the same time he will inflate with helium and float away.
In that case, why is Trump still alive?

Cops kill man in a hail of bullets after he threatens to harm himself with a knife – then alter the shooting scene: report
"Mike Trappett, 48, was shot 15 times while he was in crisis, holding a knife and threatening to harm himself."
I guess these Blue Boys showed him a better way to commit suicide. "Death by Cop."

COVID Won’t End Up Like the Flu. It Will Be Like Smoking.
Hundreds of thousands of deaths, from either tobacco or the pandemic, could be prevented with a single behavioral change.
"But we shouldn’t forget the most important reason that the coronavirus isn’t like the flu: We’ve never had vaccines this effective in the midst of prior influenza outbreaks, which means we didn’t have a simple, clear approach to saving quite so many lives."

Bread and Circuses for a Culture in Steep Decline
"So, let me say it plain: Last Sunday's Super Bowl Half-Time show stunk on ice, and the stampede of white liberals rushing to say how great it was on social media might try to improve their argument without the suggestion that the only conceivable reason anyone could dislike that wretched extravaganza was directly tied to their racism."
OMG! What do they say about the people that didn't even watch it?

Surprise! Manchin's Capitulation to Republicans on Voting Rights Is Backfiring

All the GOP Has Left is Racism and That’s a Lie, Too
The triple nothingburger with plenty of nothing on it. Nothing by the Fugs.

NFTs Aren't Art — They're Just the Cult of Crypto's Latest Scam
And there have never been more get-rich-quick suckers available.

Big Food Producers Are Profiteering Off Inflation — and Bragging About It
Are we getting ripped off by the grifters? Fuckin' A!

Many Immunocompromised People Feel Left Behind as US Lifts Pandemic Measures
Yong notes immunocompromised people “want their lives back, too,” but are just asking for structural solutions to help keep them and non-immunocompromised people safe.

MyPillow Guy Gonna Drop Big Pillows With Leeeeetle Tiny Parachutes For Canadian Truck Whiners!
Now he is also the "MyParachute Guy."

Can’t Believe We Have To Say This But Yeah, Dr. King Got Arrested A Lot
"The racist double-standard is predictable, but Fox News legal analyst Jonathan Turley took it to an obscene level when he compared the illegal occupation to the Civil Rights Movement."
Of course. They are Doublethink experts.

Maria Bartiromo Pretty Sure Russia/Ukraine Standoff Just Biden's Way Of Distracting From Hillary's Crimes
Another something she picked up at the "What About Me" store.

This Is Why You Never Listen To A Libertarian

Trump's lawyer interrupted a hearing about the Trump Organization's finances to ask New York's AG to investigate Hillary Clinton for 'spying' on Trump
Judge answers, ""The Clintons are not before me." They are shopping at the "What About Me" store.

Death Threats To School Boards Are Very Real
School board members across the country have received hundreds of threats, a Reuters investigation finds.
Terrorism. You cannot call this anything else, Tom Cotton. The United States will be under seige by these terrorists until all are defeated in the coming civil terrorist war.

Poll exposes GOP hypocrisy on Trump removing classified docs from White House vs. Hillary Clinton’s emails
Let's see what his phone calls say.

'Dumbest' GOP senator who skipped out on Fed nominee vote slammed for blaming Biden for price of gas
Sez "Hayseed Hickwater." Go back to comedy school.

WHO Says Covid Still Killing 'Far, Far Too Many' as Pharma Hoards Vaccine Tech
"Increasing deaths for six weeks in a row is not the situation we should be in right now," said WHO epidemiologist Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove.

The pandemic is almost over — unless you're pregnant
Mask mandates are being lifted, but pregnant people — and other vulnerable populations — are being left behind

Tom Cotton forced to backtrack on Senate floor after blaming Dems for criminal justice bill signed by Trump
Tom loses his memory, as usual.

Lindell’s Truck With “10,000 Pillows For Truckers” Gets Turned Away At Canadian Border: Crew Not Vaccinated
Pillow Dope fails again.

FL Bill Lets Businesses Sue To Block Local Ordinances
More evidence of the fascist country of Florida.
This is what Nazis do. They will not stop here.

TX Lt Gov Vows To Ban Racism Lessons At Universities
In related Nazi news, a Texas goon unilaterially makes education decision. Only Party education will be taught.
“We created the liberty institute to make sure only state approved ideas can be discussed” is an exquisite summary of Republican views on free speech.
You vill obey ohdas!

Meet Abortion Bans’ New Best Friend—Your Phone
Forget Texas, Georgia, Mississippi, and whatever other inane state with 19th Century fascist, punitive measures. They won't have the future they believe they will. They all live in a state called denial.

The blinkered selfishness uniting Catholic Church and GOP leaders
As a lifelong, now-lapsed Catholic, and as a proud American, I am both saddened and angered by the selfishness and power-seeking of our gatekeeping institutions.
Someone in the cult should grow up.

Trump's 'free speech' app charges users a fee that goes to the NRSC
The flim-flam geek knows their are still suckers out there.

‘We will kill’ your mother ‘but first we will kill you!’: Hundreds of threats of violence sent to school board members
What if their mother has already passed away? Perhaps from Covid? These cowards won't be killing anyone on the internet. Interesting these assholes were the ones saying all teachers should be armed. How do they know they aren't these days?

Russia-sponsored hackers are targeting Department of Defense contractors to steal information on weapons technologies: report
Here's Tucker Carlson's hero in action.

The White House Is Going After One of Climate Change’s Thorniest Problems
It requires building new factories. Lots of them.
"...he has been frustrated by a different kind of economic upheaval. The outside world—coronavirus variants, supply-chain snarls, scorching inflation—has stymied many of his goals, even while Biden has overseen the strongest economic growth since 1982."

Where Are the Anti-Putin Anti-Imperialists?
Playing computer games.

Biden Rejects Trump’s Executive Privilege Claim and Orders Release of White House Logs
Hand 'em over, Fatso.

The Verdict Is In: Trump Wasn’t Right About China

Poll: 75 percent of Americans support requiring vaccines, masks, or both to access indoor public spaces
The other 25% are still waiting for the Covid bus.

U.S.A.: Unclear on Its Concepts
"...widespread ignorance in a democracy."

America Has a Militia Problem
"Militias that engage or even prepare to engage in “civil disorder” are, in a word, illegal in every state in the USA. Thus, “unlawful paramilitary activity” is a crime nationwide."

The Bundy takeover: How the GOP’s embrace of pro-terrorist politics opened the door for Jan. 6 and the Ottawa trucker tantrum
Bundy. One of the world's worst jerks. It has become evident that many of us no longer can tell right from wrong.

Republican businessman nails Ron Johnson’s political disaster as one of his own making

'Very unusual': GOP lawmakers react with concern about Trump's longtime accounting firm cutting ties with him
Somebody smells a rat.

Physicians Slam Industry Push to 'Fix'—Not End—Medicare Privatization Scheme
"The industry thinks they can save it with minor tweaks and cosmetic fixes. But we won't back down until Direct Contracting is shut down, for good," one doctor said of the Trump-era program.
"We can't afford even more for-profit middlemen getting between America's seniors and the care they need, especially seniors that chose to avoid Medicare Advantage for a variety of reasons..."
And here we thought that the virus was the only threat to our health.

Crowdfunding site for Canadian truckers promises to hit back at ‘malicious’ hackers
"There has been a concern that because the website accepts donations from anywhere the protests have been fueled by foreign actors while infuriating Canadians across the country."
Some people do ANYTHING for money.

A Twitter investigation reveals what the ‘freedom convoy,’ Islamophobes, incels and Hindu supremacists have in common
They have discovered the Land of the Happy Negro. Anyone who has taken the time to read what has been posted on this Web site knows this.

NATO-shmato! Here's the diplomatic solution: Red-state America can join Putin's CSTO
A modest proposal: Chunks of Florida, Alabama and Mississippi can join Putin's faux-NATO group. It's a win-win!
Sure. But add Wisconsin to the list of traitor states. Maybe Arizona. The Land of the Happy Negro already joined.

This former Ted Cruz advisor is trying to keep Republicans he once advised from stealing the 2024 election
They have already done but keep doing their filthy best.

The Republican Party's Ten Syllables Of Doom
Ronna Romney McDaniel, political clown, trying to market conspiracy and sedition. The Scumbag Party.

One GOP Senator - Rick Scott - Delays Bipartisan USPS Bill
"Nobody should be standing in the way of this bill. It's a sad day that just one member has."
One big scumbag.

Canada Broadening Scope Of 'Terrorist Financing' Rules To Cover Crowd-Funding Platforms
"The illegal blockades have highlighted the fact that crowdfunding platforms and some of the payment service providers they use are not fully captured under the proceeds of crime and terrorist financing act," said Chrystia Freeland.
Canada actually enforces their laws unlike their neighbor to the south.

Trump Spox Talks Treason Charges Against Hillary Clinton
Liz Harrington is doing her master's bidding in a valiant effort to distract from his woes.
More projection from idiots. Real Nazi America's Choice. ROTFLMAO!

Sandy Hook Families Settle: $73M From Bankrupt Remington
Remington's insurance companies will pay $73 million to Sandy Hook families in a narrowly written settlement.
"Remington isn't just financially bankrupt, the company was utterly morally bankrupt as well."
Shooting kids ain't nice. So says MoE on their Pistol Grip Wallet CD with their song Before They Shot Kids.

The Democrats can’t trust the press corps to explain to the people that democracy as they know it is under assault
Why would one trust the press if they already didn't trust their government, or trust anything at all? But trusting conspriacy bullshit is all the rage.

Fox News Buries The Trump Accounting Firm Story
OMG! This is a real surprise.

Police rip Black man's prosthetic leg off during violent traffic stop: 'It's like someone ripping off your skin'
Obviously, the Suffolk County Police Department was certain he was not happy with that fake leg.

'The Trump Organization already lives with two wheels off the cliff': legal expert
"Organization"? You think? More like a clown car act that doesn't work.

"Mean Police Seize Peaceful Protesters' Guns, Won't Let Peaceful Protesters Ram Cops"
And it appears they had a "few" weapons that had no use in the end.

Herschel Walker Running For Senate To Save Joe Rogan From Cancel Culture
Yes, but which Herschel are they going to vote for?

Starbucks Launches Propaganda-Filled Anti-Union Website
Scab supporter. Stop buying their coffee.

Tesla May Pay $0 in Federal Taxes This Year, According to Its Financial Filings
"...meaning that the company will likely be able to avoid paying federal income taxes on its record profits of $5.5 billion that it reported to shareholders for 2021.
American rig.

How Can America Avoid the Bloodshed and Chaos of Civil War?
Very doubtful. The Nazis desperately want gun orgasms.

The Bundy Takeover Is Now Complete: How the GOP Has Embraced Pro-terrorist Politics

The Root Cause of Voter Suppression
How SCOTUS’s brazen decision subverts democracy for all.

GOP congressman: Texas AG was trying to distract from marital 'indiscretions' with lawsuit to overturn Trump's loss
"One of the biggest lawsuits by Trump supporters seeking to overturn the 2020 election may have only occurred to distract from a local political scandal in Texas, a Republican congressman believes."

Will Texas Re-Elect America’s Craziest Attorney General?
Is this a rhetorical question? Texas is one of the craziest states on the planet. It's why he is AG in the first place.

A year after the electric grid failed, Texas focuses on reliability, not climate change

If the Kids Had Been White, Would Any of This Have Happened?
"Because data without context only gets you part of the way toward understanding the truth."

'Wendy Rogers, you're a joke!' Election worker shouts down pro-Trump lawmaker at Arizona hearing
Another one longing to return to the 19th century. My, but these people are deluded. Brent Fine opened the bus door and told her this was her stop.
Arizona is a disgrace to America like the rest of the Land of the Happy Negro.

Spokane Baptist Preacher: ‘I Hope Every Single Homosexual Dies’
Has he been placed on suicide watch yet?

RNC's Ronna McDaniel slipped 'legitimate political discourse' into censure to defend phony Trump electors
MAGAt Liars Associated.

An Arizona priest used one wrong word in baptisms for decades. They're all invalid
"Holy Baptism, Batman!"
Did they check the oil and water, too?

McConnell rebukes Dems for agreeing with GOP on Covid restrictions
As public health conditions improve, many Democratic officials are scaling back Covid restrictions. So why are Republicans complaining?
They want credit for anything they never ever considered let alone get done. They are Devo.

Feds: Right Wing US Site Spread Kremlin Propaganda
Very clearly illustrating they are a Nazi cult. Who could possibly be behind this...of course, Faux Noose.

POLL: Ron DeSantis +8 Over Leading Dem Challenger
Certifying Florida as a fascist state in the Land of the Happy Negro.

Judge orders John Eastman to show his work behind privilege claims hiding Jan. 6 docs
"Those documents amount to 568 pages."

Mazars To Donald Trump: 'You're Fired'
"Donald Trump's long time accounting firm, Mazars, has officially fired him as a client. And it appears to be "for cause" as in, (BE)CAUSE YOU DID A WHOLE BUNCH OF ILLEGAL STUFF AND WE ARE NOT TAKING THE FALL FOR YOU. Whoopsie daisy.
Your rig is up, Fatso.

Trump about to be hit with racketeering case — 3 oldest kids may get charged too: David Cay Johnston
Why the Trumps are so upset about everything. The light has shown what they all are.
"We're allowed to do whatever we want. We're Trumps for God's sake!" Con artists, all.

Eric Trump vows to go after New York AG after her office helped convince Mazars to dump his dad's company
Why do the Trumps do nothing but seek revenge? Because they get caught every time they pull a con.

Morning Joe slams Josh Hawley for supporting Canadian 'insurrectionists' after fueling Jan. 6 riot
What would one expect from from Hawley who is doing nothing else but promoting himself for what he is — a punk saditionist.

Joe Walsh on what lies ahead: Trump is "sowing a race war" — and his followers love it
He helped elect a "bigoted, authoritarian traitor," Walsh says. Now he works to save "members of the Trump cult"
Walsh has been against Fatso from the start. It's time to throw his fat ass in prison.

Ottawa residents respond to anti-vax truckers with a song about gay cowboys
I can hear the fascist right screaming "Can you believe that they hate gays? We've always supported the gay community."

Marco Rubio: 'Not a crime' to break federal law by taking top secret national security documents from the White House
Is there anything these douchebags won't excuse? Little Marco sounds like another seditionist.

Forever Traitor Trump AGAIN Gives His Undying Love To Putin
Trump, once a traitor always a traitor. Even when the West is obviously dealing with a brink of war situation.

AOC Wows Progressives, Triggers Republicans, In Texas
AOC declares that's inevitable that Texas will flip Blue, the question is when.
Yes, the state is filled with fascists. Has been for at least the last 30 years.

The School Privatization Brigade’s Latest Scheme: Vouchers To Escape ‘Critical Race Theory’
These racists have used this tactic before.

Racist Pennsylvania Firefighters Had Good Laugh About Eight-Year-Old Girl Cops Killed
"We need to accept that systemic racism exists if we wish to defeat it."
Defeat it? Some of us roll in it in ecstacy.

Rand Paul's Dream Of A Super Bowl Clogged Up By Anti-Vax Truckers Fails To Materialize
Like we didn't already have a goddamned shipping problem? These dumb fucks had to add to it.

36 percent in Texas poll think Biden didn't win election legitimately
There are far more than 36 percent morons in Texas. What's up with that poll?

Trump Really Could Be Prosecuted for Destroying Documents
Then prosecute!

SEC, states hit crypto lender BlockFi with $100M penalty
Crypto is a cipher to fool someone attempting to get in on something.

Mike Lindell pouts as Republican-controlled 'coward' bank officially shuts down his accounts this week
Good thing he's got a nice pillow.
Honest people don't want to be associated with Trump traitors when that ship sinks for good.

Trump supporters shove 'America First' aside to sow 'chaos and lawlessness': columnist
They are seditionists. This is what fascist dogs do.

Study finds Western megadrought is the worst in 1,200 years
Gee, I wonder what could be the cause of this?
But why do we need water anyway? Let's all drink beer.

Texas Republicans’ voter-suppression law is already taking a toll
“It feels like people were just sitting up late at night thinking up ways to discourage people from voting,” a Houston voter said.

NFL Super Bowl halftime show was a master class in gaslighting
The Dr. Dre-led performance was awesome — but it played into the NFL's plan to distract from the league's race and gender issues.

Trump-Appointed Judge Just Dealt a Blow to Biden’s Climate Efforts
Land of the Happy Negro judge says go to hell to climate change.

Ted Cruz Says Howard Stern Hasn’t Gotten Cancelled Because ‘He Kisses The Behinds Of Those In Power’
Ted's one to talk. What does Cruz call what he was doing with Tucker Carlson?
He's projecting again.

Eastman Refuses To Release Emails To Riot Committee
Attorney John Eastman, a close ally of Donald Trump...
Enough said.

Majority Of Canada Protest Donations Came From US
Hackers Just Leaked the Names of 92,000 ‘Freedom Convoy’ Donors
Thomas Siebel is listed as a major donor to the international incident. Fascism in action. And America is exporting it.
GiveSendGo has a problem, I see.

Reality Check: Remember When GOP Didn't Trust Russia?
"There used to be at least one thing you could count on in our politics: Republicans really didn't trust the Russians," he said.

Kinzinger Rips Tucker Carlson's 'Affection For Authoritarianism'
He should be ripped by every American.

Biden Urged to Cancel Student Debt During Super Bowl at SoFi Stadium
"How does it happen that SoFi, a student loan refinancing company, could spend $625 million to put its name on the LA Rams football stadium when 45 million Americans are drowning in $1.8 trillion in student debt?" asked Sen. Bernie Sanders.
Because "it's money that matters, hear what I say, it's money that mattters in the USA." — Randy Newman
Illustrating the moral decay of America.

Two Whackjobs Think Americans Should Own Guns AND Nuclear Weapons
Rep. Massie and right wing media talking head, Tim Pool, think the 2nd Amendment includes nuclear weapons.
Good idea. This would take care of all problems and end them, and us, for good. Of course, what's left of life would all die of radiation sickness. Get your "Build Your Own A-Bomb Kit Today" and end what's left of civilization.

Republicans have dropped the mask — they openly support fascism. What do we do about it?
Are we so numb we can't see what just happened? Republicans don't even pretend to believe in democracy anymore

Biden’s nominees have a clear path to confirmation — that is, if they're white
Sen. Pat Leahy: “I’ve seen a disproportionate number of votes against people of color, especially women of color"
Land of the Happy Negro is a picky, picky white asshole group.

AOC rallies for Texas progressives: New hope for midterms?
Ocasio-Cortez stumps in San Antonio for left-leaning Democrats: "If we flip Texas, we flip the country"
Problem is, Texas is the king of rigging elections.

Vindman lawsuit could open the floodgates to more civil suits against Trump: legal expert
Let's hope so.

Marjorie Taylor Greene says she doesn’t believe in Reagan's Commandment because she's 'a real Christian'
ROTFLMFAO! What a complete devoid of brains moron.

Canadian police arrest protesters, regain control of Ambassador Bridge after 7-day stalemate
We all belive in the right to protest but the right to block international borders is an act of aggression. You'll need armor, troops, A-bombs, and a nation behind you for that. Truckers are not a nation.

Watch: GOP rep. says Americans must own enough weapons to overthrow the government if 30-40% agree on 'tyranny'
He's assumes these weapons aren't going to be aimed at him and his band of traitors. Assume and find out.
Put this tresonous asshole in stir right now.

Court empowers police to break anti-vax bridge blockade in Canada
They should have informed them on day 1. Now get your tanks off the bridge or find another line of work.

"Trump will get his comeuppance": Rep. Jamie Raskin promises consequences for Jan. 6
Maryland Democrat on his bestselling book, his unbearable personal loss and bringing Donald Trump to justice
One way or the other, Trump will eventually pay.

Trump suggests Clinton campaign staffers should be put to death — and demands 'reparations'
A totally insane lunatic projecting again. Put his ass in stir now.

‘Dumpster fire is more accurate’: Trump mocked for calling his presidency a ‘romantic period’
Trump is a delusional psychopathic. What else would you expect he would imagine? Trump is the laughing stock of America.

Hannity Predicts Horrors If Law Enforcement Called On Canadian Truckers
Trump has taught these assholes well.
Hannity said, "If they dare send the military in, or cops, or law enforcement to arrest these guys, that's on them. They will, whatever the result of that is — will be on them."
Threatening law enforcement. Law enforcement the right-wing has always set on a pedestal. Talk about situational fascist ethics.
The virus doesn't give a shit what you morons think.

Woman Furious She Can't Rent A Yacht, Screams About HIPAA Laws When Recorded
“What the hell are you doing? You cannot record me!” Karen declared. “That is against my HIPAA law!”
Probably staged but Saturday Night Live worthy.

Banning the Type of Police Raids That Killed Amir Locke Is Just a Start
Police violence expert Samuel Sinyangwe says it’s time to rethink more common types of raids, too.

Trump accused of 'full-blown intelligence scandal' by former White House officials
Oh, dear. He's being eaten alive by his own. Mussolini ending?

Police positioned to clear key border bridge of protesters in Canada
Do these protesters realize 90% of truckers are already vaccinated in Canada? It appears the ones doing most of the bitching are the stupid Americans. Figures.
"The Canadian protesters — mostly insisting they want to protect their freedoms, but some displaying swastikas or Confederate flags — are now demanding an end to all vaccine mandates, whether imposed by the federal or the provincial governments."
Ah-ha! Truckers from the Land of the Happy Negro!

Teaching Black history is not an attack on White Americans
Right-wingers detested "cancel culture." They now drink their own Kool-aid.

From "Crack Pipes" To "Critical Race Theory": GOP's 2022 Midterm Strategy Is Overt Racism

Psaki Bomb Blasts Fox 'Reporter' Jacqui Heinrich
These people never learn. "Some people say" doesn't fly in Jen Psaki's press shop.
Why would anyone ever consider a person from Faux Noose a reporter in the first place?

White House docs were stored in Trump's personal Mar-a-Lago suite: report
"But her E-MAILS! ROTHFLMAO. What an idiot!

'You go to jail for that': When Trump accused Hillary Clinton of mishandling classified documents
Right, Fatso. Straight to jail is where you are headed.

Arizona Republican Senate hopeful slammed as 'disgusting' for violent campaign ad
Here's one with a very special flavor of stupid. Nearly broke the stupid meter.

Anti-abortion movement's big plan: Supercharged "crisis pregnancy centers" and data harvesting
Anti-choice activists roll out bold new strategy to register and track abortion-seekers. Why do they want to know?
Whatever it is it's none of their goddamned business unless it's where do you get a brain?

‘Our jaws hit the floor’: Former Trump official recalls him waving classified docs in the air to brag
"I'll use these for toilet paper," said Fatso.

Trump memoir panned as the product of a 'wandering mind' consumed with 'self-sabotaging bitterness'
It was originally titled "How I Conned America and Kept the Con Going"?

West Virginians Are Still Fighting to Build Back Better, Despite What Manchin Says
Sen. Manchin doesn't have an issue spending federal money—he just seems to have an issue investing it in working families.

Oh, Trump Took Top Secret Documents To Mar-A-Lago? Is There A Phrase For That Do You Suppose?
Criminal sedition? Just guessing.

Hundreds of mail-in ballots are being returned to Texas voters because they don’t comply with new voting law
Local elections officials say an unexpectedly large number of ballots for the March primary are being initially rejected for lacking newly required ID information.
Since Texas, by some means, somehow carries a Republican vote nearly all the time, these must be really stupid ones illustrating how the state is filled with idiots.

Marjorie Taylor Greene's "Gazpacho Police" Is Very Dumb — but We Underestimate Her at Our Peril
The only ones that underestimate her are fools or are not paying attention.

It's Time the Pentagon Pulled the Plug on Fox News
The fascist propaganda outlet we mean.

Remember When Trump World Wanted to Prosecute Nancy Pelosi for Destruction of Official Documents?
Probably not. We have a very short attention span.

A brief history of the NFL, ‘The Star-Spangled Banner,’ the Super Bowl and their tangled saga of patriotism and dissent
Yes. We should not only sing it at the start of every sporting event, but before every event, concerts, movies, fist fights and dog fights. Even be made to sing it at our jobs before we start our workday. Wouldn't everyone feel like we're freely sharing America then!
We all should know that the U.S. military made a deal with the NFL to promote militarism so most of this is nothing but paid-for advertising to give us the illusion of our power and might and strictly clean and decent citizenry.

'Spineless and corrupt' Republicans are turning on each other to protect Trump: columnist
Getting dropped like the bad habit they are.

The truck convoy is becoming a real problem — for Canada's conservatives

'Epic stupidity': Mark Meadows slammed for latest defense of Trump's alleged destruction of White House records
At one time this yo-yo appeared to have a brain. Guess we can all be wrong sometimes.

He Donated His Kidney and Received a $13,064 Bill in Return
Living organ donors are never supposed to be billed for transplant-related care. NorthStar Anesthesia charged one donor over $13,000 and nearly sent his bill to collections.
Only in America where healthcare is a money grubbing industry and not a service.
It is no wonder many of my friends say they will never see a doctor and would sooner die first.

Only 1 in 5 Americans Believe Joe Biden Will Be a ‘Successful’ President: New Poll
Let's make it clear: This is a "religious" poll. Polling "religious" groups will produce nothing but answers that impose their cult into our lives with their particular myths and not on facts of the real world. Biden is already a great success. He hasn't attempted a coup on our government as his predecessor did.

Koalas Are Officially Endangered
Recent bushfires and drought have sent koala populations plummeting.
As if any human cares.

St Louis Dispatch: Cawthorn Must Prove He Didn't Aid Insurrectionists
This could lead to some interesting conclusions, both for Cawthorn and for Trump.

Liz Cheney Scorches GOP: 'J6 Committee Won't Be Intimidated'
Time will tell who gets the fickle finger of fate award in the fascist group of coup traitors.

Morning Update: Ontario prepares fines, possible seizure of trucks to end Ambassador Bridge blockade
"Premier Doug Ford intends to get tough with the protesters, one source said. In addition to painful fines and the possible confiscation of vehicles, the source said the province is also looking at its options for suspending commercial licences."

White Evangelicals Remain Least Vaccinated US Group
Super Spreaders of both virus and bullshit.

One Million Moms Vs “Sin-Normalizing” Zillow [VIDEO]
Another group of American Taliban bullies still living in the 19th Century and uncomfortable by Black women in a commercial. How quaint.

Nevada County Renames Courthouse For Famous Liar
And famous criminal traitor, as well. They must be so proud.

GOP whittles away at women's rights as Georgia Senate approves bill banning abortion pill by mail
Land of the Happy Negro keeps acting as if it is 1860.

'One step closer to a jail cell': Former federal prosecutor says Peter Navarro's MSNBC interview went 'very badly'
Another of Trump's partners in crime. He was failing miserably as I saw it with my own eyeballs.

Here's why Trump’s document 'shredding' is a very big deal
Because it's another Federal crime by the criminal of our times.

Trump absconded with documents 'clearly marked' as 'top secret': report
Filthy criminal.

Three former defense contractors are facing federal charges for illegal contributions to Susan Collins’ reelection campaign
More of Collins' corruption.

Right-wing Christians dream of a total conquest
"America is really a shared ideal, and Christian nationalism refuses to share," said Seidel. "That's the choice we face: Christian nationalism or America. Because we can't have both."
One more reason that every copy of "The Bible" should have a disclaimer in it.
"This contents of this book may prove toxic to some readers."

NYC suburb described as ‘not user-friendly to people of color’ following racist incident at high school game
They had to be carefully taught.

Don The Ripper: 'He Was A Very, Very Paranoid Man'
(Considering all the criming he did, it was no wonder.)
He's still a paranoiac, narcissitic, megalomaniac, dysfuncional creature and a threat to our country and the world.

DeSantis Loves Florida's 'Don't Say Gay' Bill
"...Republicans will keep fighting to make laws like DeSantis' hateful 'Don't Say Gay' bill the norm," warned one advocate.
Not only full of hate but First Amendment violation speech as well. DeSantis Nazi state must pay for his bullshit, chicken shit agenda.

Wealthy Fox Hosts LAUGH And LAUGH Over How *Silly* It Is To Help Unhoused People Find Homes
Class warfare by a gang of douchebags.

Tucker Not Asking If Kamala Harris Is Real January 6 Pipe Bomber, YOU ARE!

National Archives Requests DOJ Inquiry Into Trump’s Mishandling of Documents
Let's stop with the pussyfooting. Arrest, indict, convict and imprison this criminal and get him out of our lives.

Unmasked: The Horrible Lesson Rightwing Radicalism has Taught America

Racist arrested after shooting up Memphis McDonald's and almost killing the manager: report
Another sexually repressed idiot gets his gun orgasms at McDonald's nearly killing a woman.

Virginia deputy AG abruptly resigns after her comments praising Jan. 6 'patriots' emerge
Praising treason is never a good thing.

Liz Cheney fires off a warning to Trump and his allies in scathing Wall Street Journal column
They hate to hear the truth as it illustrates they are all complicit in treason.

Schumer Boosts Federal Weed Legalization Effort In The Senate
Waaaaay past time, America! C'mon and get into the 21st Century, Senate.

Man was shot by police after officer mistook his gun for a Taser, police in Florida say
Not again! It's obvious the answer is to take away their tasers. That will put an end to the mistakes.

As states drop masking, CDC stands by guidance: “We are not there yet”
Again, the virus does not give a damn about what we think.

Gaps: Trump’s White House records missing calls made to and from president during Jan. 6 insurrection
Gosh, I wonder what happened. Could they have just vanished on their own? Or is Trump attempting to cover up his act of treason? Ya think?

'Ample probable cause of crimes': Former prosecutor calls for Trump’s phone records to be 'seized via warrants'
“If Trump was using his personal cellphone to make calls on January 6, he can NOT claim those calls were within the scope of his official duties — and all his phone records should be subpoenaed and/or seized via warrants, as there is ample probable cause of crimes,” Snell offers.

Anti-vax truckers convoy could lead to problems for Super Bowl weekend, DHS warns
This could be the powder keg the terrorists want to set off. Blocking traffic on highways is part of their job description isn't it?.
The authorities should set up their own road blocks first.

Republicans are fatigued by ‘Trump’s ongoing delusional rant’ about 2020: Arizona columnist
If Trump is president as he claims he is, he can't run again in 2024. He can't be the president and run for a third term. So, you see, he knows he lost the election. So should everyone.

Psychiatrist: Trump's cult isn't born from stupidity — it comes from lack of morality

Analysis exposes a new movement focused on the evolution of white supremacists’ hatred: report
"For Patriot Front, the vandalism accomplishes two goals: It spreads a hateful message, and it spreads the group’s name," the reporters wrote. "It’s not only a hate crime, but a calculated bit of advertising; a crude and cruel hacking of the attention economy."

The economy is strong but voters aren't feeling it. That's a problem for Biden
It's a bigger problem for the United States. Americans are fools and have taken leave of their senses. For this we will all pay dearly.

Her Boyfriend Killed Her Baby While She Was at Work. Oklahoma Might Lock Her Up for Life
Well, since prisons are an industry in the U.S. we've got to feed them with inmates at any cost. No?
Attorneys who study these cases say there’s no evidence that these types of laws actually keep kids safe.
It appears there is much of this stultified thinking applied to "law" these days. This is just another example of misogeny taking its place in law and another reason that our population is diminishing.
Justice be damned.

The Trump Coup: Maybe We Can’t Handle the Truth
"But this shameless denialism can only work if enough of the public either goes along, declines to pay attention, or doesn’t give a damn. A president attempting a coup ought to define the political moment. A party that supports such a leader and his return to power ought to be scandalized and delegitimized. Failing the basic test of responsible governance—defending the Constitution—the GOP has proved itself unworthy of national stewardship. And yet the Republicans remain standing—and drool over the prospect of regaining control of Congress later this year."
That being the case, then what has caused Americans to turn against their own welfare? They have failed as well.
In short, these people are all fascist seditionists and must be taken in and down.

Chaos reigns: A Cold War déjà-vu crisis, and a press corps too dumb to understand it
With the world facing disaster in Eastern Europe, Republicans rally around fascism — and the media is stupefied

Jen Psaki Crushes Reporter's GOP Talking Points
Can Kristen Welker even hear how "out of touch" her own questions sound?
Can any of these "journalists"?

Geraldo Bashes Lahren For Comparing Canadian Truckers To Founding Fathers
This might be the most ignorant defense of the Canadian truckers putting up a blockade at the Canadian border yet. And there have been some lame ones.
The levels of stupidity here seems to indicate there are more than 8 levels.

'Soup Nazi' Marjorie Taylor Greene mocked for railing against Pelosi’s 'Gazpacho' Police: 'That’s cold'
Always top notch comedy.

A 'secret meeting place' with 'armed security': New details emerge in fake Wisconsin GOP electors scheme
Per the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Bill Feehan was one of the 10 fake electors who signed a fake election certificate in favor of former President Donald Trump.
And Trump says the election was stolen. He's the one that was trying to steal it and we all know that. At least the people that have a functional brain.

Matt Gaetz probe takes 'another twist' as associate 'Big Joe' Ellicott pleads guilty — and agrees to cooperate
"A former shock jock who witnessed an alleged phone call in which. Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) was informed he'd had sex with an underage girl has pleaded guilty and agreed to cooperate with the FBI.
The Gaetz swing open.

Trump denies flushing documents down White House toilet: ‘categorically untrue and simply made up’
He kept his notes on toilet paper?
The Trump clown show just keeps topping itself.

‘This story is fairly shocking’: WaPo reporter breaks down latest 'bonkers' reports on Trump's final days as president
"A Michigan prosecutor revealed that Rudy Giuliani and other Donald Trump allies asked him to seize his county's voting machines and hand them over, and a Washington Post reporter explained how the new revelation fits into the final days of his presidency."

Republicans have ripped a hole in reality, and it threatens to suck us all in
"Mental illness is just that: illness."
There's plenty of it to go around in their rabbit hole of surreality.

Documents Expose Pharma Effort to Kill Africa's Covid Vaccine Project
"To push for the termination of this lifesaving project in order to protect the interests of pharmaceutical companies is shameful," said one advocate.

Trump Draws a Line In the Sand: ‘Mitch McConnell Does Not Speak for the Republican Party’
Two turds fight it out to be the floater at the top of the same toilet bowl.

Ronna McDaniel Defends Censure for Cheney, Kinzinger Seconds After Claiming ‘Disagreement In Our Party is Welcome’
It's welcome except when it's not. Brilliant!

McCarthy Agrees That Riot Was “Violent Insurrection”
It looked like he was trying to qualify for the Olympic sprint team.
What is it he is running from?

Cawthorn Predicts Violence If He’s Disqualified [VIDEO]
Like his God Trump, they both threaten violence if they can't have their way.
Ask not for whom the violence comes for. The violence may well come for thee.

The Radicalization Of The GOP Is Complete
"A recent survey by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) found more than 100 such 'problematic' candidates running for office in 2022 under the Republican banner. The extremism they embrace runs the gamut, from authoritarian QAnon cultists to insurrection-friendly 'Patriots' to COVID denialists to white nationalists."

Oh Hey, Goodbye, Surprise Medical Billing, And F*ck Off!
"...the new "No Surprises Act" (NSA) that went into effect on January 1."
"It's quite a victory for healthcare consumers, even as for-profit healthcare remains a deeply flawed way to run a healthcare system."
Deeply flawed is right, especially if someone is in need of emergency amublance service.

Ohio Supreme Court Rejects Republican-Drawn Congressional Maps — Again
Too bad SCOTUS has too many fascists to do the same.

Can We Defeat Trumpian Fascism?
We did in WWII (yes, it's the same) but we have lesser educated and committed people to defend the country now. It will be a bloody fight before it's over because that's what the MAGAts want.

Will US Turn Away From Fascism and Abandon This GOP Death Cult Before It's Too Late?

Todd Gitlin, R.I.P.

Why Texas’s Power Grid Still Hasn’t Been Fixed
After last winter’s deadly failures, regulators promised solutions. But who would profit?
Stupidity to the 8th degree.

“I’m still trying to recover”: Some Texans are still bearing the brunt of the 2021 winter storm
Last February’s winter storm left millions of Texans without power for days in subfreezing temperatures. Watch how one family whose home suffered extensive damage is preparing for the next round of cold weather.

“Ron Johnson Doesn’t Give a Sh*t About Wisconsin Workers”
The Republican senator hates unions so much that he has said he won’t fight to win key manufacturing jobs for his own state. Democrats think that should cost him his seat.
Well, that and his totally vapid brain.

The Incredible Vanishing Trump Presidency
"Donald Trump doesn’t like to read, and, apparently, he doesn’t want other people to read either.
A series of reports this week have revealed how extensively the former president destroyed documents produced by his administration, in defiance of federal laws."
A ruthless traitor.

North Carolina Elections Board Claims Power To Kick Cawthorn Off Ballot Over Role In Jan. 6
Co-conspiricy in sedition can get you in trouble.

Fusion Scientists Say They Just Made a Major Breakthrough

Truckers misrepresenting employers by joining Ottawa protest, companies say
Several firms try to disassociate from protest as website 'names and shames'

Some Advice for Donald Trump, Tech Mogul
The launch of Trump's Twitter clone is allegedly imminent, so we thought he could use some pointers as he transitions from politics to tech.
I'm sure he'll take your advice.

Kansas medical board faces threats from lawmakers for probing ivermectin use
Freaking out in Kansas.

Reclaiming Religious Liberty In The Movement For Reproductive Rights: Reflections On January’s SACReD Convening
"Reclaiming religion leads to a central foundation of the SACReD movement for abortion access: Reproductive dignity is a critical right for all people because of the tenets of faith, not in spite of it."

Ron Johnson was one of 3 GOP lawmakers who attended Mike Lindell's meeting to obstruct Jan. 6 vote: report
Must have been at the Nutball Ball.

House Passes Bill to Repeal 'Debilitating' USPS Prefunding Mandate
"You deserve a working Post Office," said Rep. Bill Pascrell. "The Senate should get off its rear and pass this now."
The USPS is no longer delvering mail on time. This is resulting in people's bills not being delivered on time or being paid on time and can ruin their credit rating.

Scientists Fear Soaring Methane Levels Show Climate Feedback Loop Has Arrived
Rapidly rising levels of atmospheric methane are "very bad news for humanity and the planet," warned one observer.

Texas Republicans battle to out-Trump each other as the GOP slips further toward the fringe
Hopefully, they will wipe themselves out.

'McConnell is done': GOP leader leaves far-right in a frenzy after condemning RNC censure of Cheney and Kinzinger
Even Mitch is done with the Nazi wing. He fears for his job.

Millions Could Lose Medicaid This Year Because Of Manchin
Joe Manchin's destruction of Build Back Better could be responsible for 15 million people losing Medicaid coverage this year.
How nice for him. And a horror for people in his state.

Colorado Election Conspirator And County Clerk Arrested Yesterday
The hearing was for her alleged accomplice in cyber crimes related to election fraud.
To be clear, that's Tina Peters displaying her famous "mule kick."

Racist GOP Congressman Assaults Rep. Joyce Beatty Over Masks
Kentucky Rep. Hal Rogers thought he had the right to poke the CBC chair in the back, and verbally abuse her. He got corrected fast.
84 year-old Land of the Happy Negro cracker says to "kiss his ass."
His ass looks too much like his face. If he hasn't grown up by now he never will.
I'm sure this fella is in touch with the reality of the 21st Century. When will we learn that it's time to hang up your political shoes at age 80. That should be mandatory across the political spectrum.
Hal was 81 the last time he ran for re-election. He's been feeding at the public trough long enough.

Before Trump, Alex Jones and QAnon: How Robert Welch created the paranoid far right
Robert Welch and the John Birch Society were dismissed for years as wackos and losers. But they won the long game
The game isn't over, lady. And many of us became familiar with them in the mid-60's
Canada is growing weary and they may not be as tolerant as we think.

How Spotify’s Business Model Screws Over Musicians and Ruins Music
It isn't like many of us have known this a long time now.

Has America reached the 'tipping point' where most are sickened by the GOP?
As Mitt Romney recently said about the party’s endorsement of the January 6th insurrection:
“It could not have been a more inappropriate message. Anything that my party does that comes across as being stupid is not going to help us.”
That being the case the water is rising fast on them.

Evangelicals are going to war against 'woke' ideology because it is an 'existential threat': scholar
Sleeping keeps one from conciousness. Conciousness is something evangelicals have been avoiding ever since they achieved dream state.

Donald Trump's fantasies of racial violence reflect an all-too-real history
"Donald Trump is a highly skilled white-supremacist propagandist. There's nothing natural about that skill. It has been taught, learned and internalized over many years."

Joe Manchin is being ground into the dust of history by just one man, and it's Joe Manchin

Canadian officials have a message for US Republicans hyping anti-vax protests in Ottawa: Butt out
“A few people shouting and waving swastikas does not define who Canadians are.”?
It sure as hell defines who the swastika wavers are. They are Nazis and no friend of Canadians or Americans.

Miss. Mayor Says His Religious Beliefs Give Him The Right To Purge Library’s LGBTQ-Themed Books
My religious beliefs trump yours. Where do these yo-yos get this nutball crap? They prefer to live in the dark ages.

Anti-Vax Texas Man Guilty Of Death Threats To Doctor
Anti-Vaxxers are damn nearly dangerous as the virus itself.

Anti-Vax “COVID Hoax” Televangelist Dies Of Something
The inmates from the booby hatch run rampant.

Joe Rogan On Vaccines: Then And Now
We can see what our lust for money has done to us.

Klan Mom Says America 'Too Soft' To Have An Insurrection Over Vaccines
"Over 200 million Americans have been vaccinated, and none of them seem to be trembling in their boots or frozen in fear as a result. Only the anti-vaxxer muppets that Greene supports suffer from this fear."
Fear is the mantra of the MAGAts.
Does anyone notice Marge's face gets a little longer every time a new photo of her is exposed?

John Eastman wrote another 'election subversion memo' — this time for Wisconsin: report
The con men that won't give up the con.
So, if Trump is our actual president then this means his second term will expire in January 2025 and he can't run for president again in 2024 because that would make it a third term. Have they even thought about that? Con men always make mistakes.

What's behind the right-wing book-ban frenzy? Big money, and a long-term plan
The campaign to get LGBTQ-friendly books and authors of color off the shelves isn't "grassroots" or spontaneous
"New reporting suggests that certain elements of this broad-based advocacy have been coordinated by some of the country's most influential deep-pockets conservatives, who stand much to gain from fanning the flames of the culture war, even at the most granular levels."

'This is a scam': Thousands of Miami-Dade voters had voter registrations switched to GOP without their consent
The Dip's mob finds a way to rig their voter fraud game. Just change their registration!

WATCH: Elderly Floridians speak out to CNN after Republicans secretly switched their voter registration
Find the swine behind this. It shouldn't be difficult.

SCOTUS puts another nail in the coffin of voting rights as Roberts sides with liberal minority in 5-4 decision
University of Michigan Law School Asst. Law Professor Leah Litman, commenting on the just-released Supreme Court decision writes: “One way of understanding how radical this step is: It is a position on voting rights/the voting rights act that is SO EXTREME, the author of Shelby County v. Holder (the decision invalidating the preclearance regime) did not join it. They _lost John Roberts_ on voting rights.”
Land of the Happy Negro scores plantation rights.

With Alabama Ruling, SCOTUS Delivers 'Another Major Blow' to Voting Rights Act
"We must end the filibuster so the Senate can pass voting rights protections," declares the Congressional Progressive Caucus.

'Pathetic' Nikki Haley's latest defense of Trump blows up in her face
Her mistake is thinking Trump is a Republican. He is not. He's a flim-flam artist, a grifter, and suckers like her fall for his con.

DeSantis indicates support for ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill that could also force teachers to out kids to parents
Nothing is beneath this scumbag.

Look, Everybody! The GOP Has 40 Black Friends!
Republicans are very bad at inclusion, folks.
"40 black republikkkans who think the KKk are really fine people, don't want CRT to be taught in schools because it would offend white supremacists and who really believe blacks had it better when slavery and segragation were legal.
What is wrong with these fkkkkg Uncle Toms and Aunt Jemimas???
They're from the Land of the Happy Negro but, of course, that is obvious.

Peter Navarro explodes at 'traitor' Marc Short and 'useful idiot' Mike Pence over failed Jan. 6 plot
These traitors aren't going to go quietly. It will be a very ugly ending for them.

Company behind Trump's social media app sees its stock value plunge
Isn't it time for him to go the Hitler route?

This GOP defense for Trump’s alternate electors was debunked 60 years
Is that anything like "alternate facts."?

Democracy asks 'the people' to think of themselves as 'a people. ?Americans rarely do


I'm pretty certain that Lincoln stated of "the people," by "the people" and for "the people." As to which "people" is still uncertain because "people" are shoved into classes and divided so they might easily be controlled by the "people" with power such as corporations who were recently appointed "people" by power.

"The people" concept ended with the Civil War. The one that we still are fighting.
We should know by now the majority doesn't rule, it simply governs. But it governs on a cornerstone that some of "the people" have given up on for some time.

We can't have better education as long as we have "the people" burning books they don't like. Why stop there, Fire Chiefs? Burn art, music and theater, as well. Or do you not allow your children access to any of that either? As Captain Beatty said, "If you don’t want a man unhappy politically, don’t give him two sides to a question to worry him; give him one. Better yet, give him none."

We sure as hell can have better systems for electing representatives because what we have now isn't working for "the people" because we aren't 13 colonies any longer. We continued to separate and are proud that we did. This made us more like 50 countries instead of states of brotherhood.

While "the people" are scattered over our geography, the majority of "the people" now live in specific areas where they have tended to mass. Those that chose, for whatever reason, to stay in the outback, tend to resent those that have not and feel they have been abandoned. In a way they have since they have decided to linger in the past. But it is their resentment that make this crowd do things to spite "the people." It is the nature of this specific crowd as there are many types of crowds (see Crowds and Power by Elias Canetti).

Until this war is finally settled (dream on) we will continue to do battle with the "Land of the Happy Negro," longing to return to a imaginary past.

Americans United Tells Missouri Governor That You Don’t Gotta Believe
I believe. He's another degree of stupid.

Trudeau Declares Canada Trucker Protests A State Of Emergency
How about shooting them all with vaccine darts — double doses?
Poor little children, afraid of a needle. Basic cowards like Trump.

Lauren Boebert Compares Herself To 'Lord Jesus' And Won't 'Tone It Down'
Of course. Just as Jesus of Nazareth was a zealot so is she.

Trump left the White House with boxes of official records and brought them to Mar-a-Lago
He seized all the evidence he could. He's a flim-flammer, of that we can be certain.

Republicans hamstring Biden on Russia, COVID-19, infrastructure, with budget agreement delays
The fascists continue to make us a third world country.

Evidence Is Piling Up That a Huge Number of NFT Sales Are Fake
Ya don't say. See next article below.

Surprise! Companies That Promised to Hit Net-Zero Emissions Are Failing Miserably
We are constantly being duped by third rate con artists.

Chris Christie slams plot to 'overturn' election: 'Jan. 6 was a riot that was incited by Donald Trump'

Pro-Trump lawmakers want to weaponize the Jan. 6 panel against Democrats if Republicans retake the majority
These are the Republican fascists that wish to destroy democracy for their own criminal ends.

The Economy Is Good, Actually
"We are living through the best labor market in 50 years."

Lies Are the Building Blocks of Trumpian Authoritarianism
"It turns out that you don’t have to renounce any of our nation’s founding principles to betray them. All you have to do is believe lies: that real ballots are fake, that prosecutors are criminals, and that insurrectionists are political prisoners. Once you believe these things, you’re ready to disenfranchise your fellow citizens in the name of democracy. You’re ready to cover up crimes in the name of fighting corruption. You’re ready to liberate coup plotters in the name of justice."

Miserably Failed President Trump Wants a “Mulligan” To Fail Even Worse
Miserable = Trump.

A push to remove LGBTQ books in a Texas county could signal rising partisanship on school boards
Hood County’s refusal to remove two books from the children’s section of the library sparked a yearslong political battle. Now school board races have taken on a deeply partisan tone, and elections serve as a purity test for far-right politics."
"Purity" meaning white Christian supremacy. Welcome back to the 19th Century.

At Least 80 Pro-Trump “Big Lie” Believers Are Running for State Offices
Vote them out if there is any way they allow voting they will count. They probably already have their count made to be certain of "winning" in case they need it.

Memphis Anti-Choicers Take Bold Stand Against Playgrounds, Because They Love Children
"If there is anything we know about forced birth enthusiasts, it is that they absolutely love babies. Well, sort of. They love them in such a way that they don't usually give a crap about maternal mortality or infant mortality or how obscenely expensive it is to carry a child to term and give birth."

Will GOP Demand Trump Go To Email Jail For Shredding And Stealing Government Docs? LOL
Time to lock him up or are you just a bunch of two-faced cowards? No need to answer, we already know.

At last the Republican Party comes clean: It stands for terrorism and Trump, against democracy
GOP censure of Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger got little attention — but it's a pivot point in American history

Conservative National Review slams the RNC’s Cheney/Kinzinger censure as 'morally repellent'
Says it all.

Cawthorn: Republicans Should Use J6 Committee To Investigate Insurrection False Flag
If Republicans take back the House, they will use the J6 committee to investigate the deep state and QAnon conspiracy theory about the insurrection they can to shield traitor trump.
This obviously sick individual needs to get help before he kills someone.

Ron Johnson says he won't fight for more Wisconsin jobs because the state has 'enough'
They've had enough of his stupid if they have enough sense.

The Treason Party

House passes bill that would put billions toward US chip production
The America COMPETES Act of 2022 seeks to position the US on equal footing with China.

Hannity Promotes Lie That Trump Ordered 20K Troops To Capitol
Liars on Faux Noose keep up the bullshit.

Fox's Bongino Airs Egregiously Inaccurate Graphic On 'Unhealthy' Cities
This wise guys don't know Irvine from Irving.
"According to WalletHub — the source that Unfiltered cited in its graphic — the 10 cities featured in the graphic are actually the 'healthiest places to live in the U.S.' That is literally the opposite of 'most unhealthy.'
Well, nine of the cities, anyway. Apparently, the Bongino and his production crew took Irvine, CA to mean Irving, TX, which made its way into the hilariously inaccurate graphic."
What does it say about the people who continuously believe the pap they produce?

Canadian mayor shuts down Ted Cruz after he agitates for truckers to starve out people with 'empty shelves'
What a failure as a human this shell of a man is.

‘I don’t even think Trump did that’: Youngkin under fire after campaign cyberbullies high school student over a tweet
Not only a bully but a stupid, ignorant bully. Stirring the turds.

'A stone-cold coward': Steve Bannon is going bonkers over Pence's rebuke of Trump voter fraud claims
Seditious criminals like Bannon have no regard for our law. It's no surprise he would show that's exactly what he is — a scumbag.

'Having a meltdown': RNC Chair slammed after claiming NYT story is 'completely false'
Yet another example of the level of seditious lies from the criminal gang that pretends to be Republican.

RNC lashed out because Jan. 6 probe is ‘getting very close’ to fake Trump electors: Former GOP lawmaker
Distraction is a tactic that most guilty parties use as defense, Ronna.

OAN Reporter Urges Liberals To Get Vaccines And Drop Dead
"All the rest of us sane, freedom-loving Americans are counting on you to get your injections. The survival of our country depends on it," Pearson Sharp said.
It appears that the Liberals aren't the ones dropping dead, knucklehead. Stark. Raving. Mad.
Fully vaccinated people are 93% less likely to die of COVID compared to unvaccinated people
VERIFY: Yes, the unvaccinated make up the majority of COVID hospitalizations

GoFundMe Ends Payments To Trucker Protest In Canada
Organizers had raised more than $10M through the online platform
Speaking of truckers.

Clarence Thomas Must Resign: Ron DeSantis Regular Contact Edition
The conservative corruption team of Clarence and Ginni Thomas has been secretly hobnobbing with Gov. Ron DeSantis.
Had a Coke to drink lately, Clarence?
What you would say if AOC and Sotomayor were cuddling up? LMAO!

Oklahoma teachers could be sued for $10K for teaching anything that contradicts students' religious beliefs
Tell me, how in heaven's name is someone supposed to know exactly what contradicts a student's religious beliefs?
Public schools are not churches. We have separation of these institutions by our Constitution which also gives us the First Amendment.
These zealous ideologues have only ONE religion in mind. That makes them the American Taliban — Talibastards. They can fuck. all. the. way. off.

'An anachronism': The purpose of the Olympics has all but faded away
"The Olympics today are an anachronism layered on top of an anachronism — an ancient religious rite first reimagined for a Victorian-era of gentlemen amateurs, and then again for capitalistic excess and geopolitical prestige," Walsh wrote."
And it's been that for way too long.

The collapse of America's bridges is accelerating: report
The GOPer's don't give a good goddamn about it, that's for certain.
Their solution would be when the bridges all collapse we'll use ferry boats.

Neofascist Patriot Front: Clownish Operations With A Military Edge
Besides revealing embarrassing personal details such as their porn habits and the amateurish combat “training” sessions for members, a data leak also gave researchers a clear view of their recruitment methods and targets, as well as the breadth of their reach.
More seditionists looking for a cell to live in.

LOL Greg Abbott Assured Texas No Power Outages Two Months Ago
How it's been, how it's going, Texas-style.
"...a major winter storm knocked out power to nearly 70,000 homes in Texas"
"Gee, just two months ago, Abbott guaranteed that there wouldn’t be power outages."

Two New Memos Show How Trump Was Involved In Coup
Trump was may more involved in plotting to overthrow the free and fair election than anyone even knew.
Will we ever indict this traitor, prosecute him and imprison him for life?
Or have we devolved so badly that we no longer have reason.

Alabama Parents Try To Cancel Black History Month — They Think It's CRT
The vote to ban CRT was 7 to 2, with seven white Republicans voting to ban it and two Black Democrats voting to keep education standards in school somewhat higher than what can be taught to a goldfish.
It is obvious the gene pool is going dry in this area of the Land of the Happy Negro.

Over 100 extremist candidates demonstrate how radical-right takeover of GOP is complete
Grand Old Prick Party finally becomes what they've been working toward for decades — White supremacy, a group that is also becoming extinct at the very same time.

NEW POLLS: Most Americans Support Biden Nominating Black Woman to Supreme Court — But Only 19 Percent of Republicans
This is an absolute shock! Here, let me clutch my pearls!

Minneapolis Police Killed Amir Locke in a No-Knock Raid—After the City Promised to Ban Them
A Minneapolis police SWAT team killed 22-year-old Amir Locke on Wednesday morning
The local Black Extermination Squad goes back to work on being Black in the wrong place once again.

Republicans in Congress Were in on Trump's Coup Plot
Of this, we can be certain.

Thomas, Gorsuch Demonstrate (Again) Why the Supreme Court Must Be Expanded
"Clearly, neither Gorsuch nor Thomas give a rat’s ass about whether their actions or their decisions are perceived as purely partisan. So they certainly aren’t going to quibble about overthrowing decades of jurisprudence moving the nation toward equality and justice. Hell, Thomas seems downright supportive of the failed coup."
Impeach them. Better still, mock them out of their robes.

Religious Test, Schmeligious Test, Gov. Mike Parson Will Appoint Only Christians
Talibastards may be appointed as well.

Michigan Judge Shocked To Find That Appeals Court Really Meant It When They Said 'Knock That Shit Off'

Guess Who Finally Throws Trump Under The Bus?
Pence called Trump's lies 'un-American,' which would sum it up perfectly if it weren't twelve months too late.
Pence states the obvious.

Report: White House Records Confirm Jordan Spoke To Trump On 01/06
It's obvious that Jordan was part of what Trump and his team had planned to do to try and overturn the 2020 presidential election.
Blabbermouth and partner in crime.

RNC Censure Declares Jan. 6th Attack 'Legitimate Political Discourse'
The RNC has decided to go full pro-insurectionist with the language in their censure of GOP Reps Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger over their participation in the January 6th committee.
"Ve're all Trump traitors here in der former RNC! You vill follow orders!"

Republicans Propose Using National Guard To Enforce Virginia 'No Mask' Mandates
Republicans in Virginia are saying if you're a disabled child in school during COVID, eat sh*t, get infected and die.
Dispicable trash. How can these miscreants sleep at night?

Glenn Youngkin Heckled In Grocery Store: 'Where's Your Mask?'
"Governor, where's your mask?" the shopper shouted. "You're in Alexandria. Read the room, buddy!"
Ego and vanity prevents some brains from reading anything. They knew an asshole when they saw one.

St. Louis newspaper torches Sen. Josh Hawley with a brutal history lesson
“grossly unfit to continue in office." This doesn't prevent the public from putting morons in office.
Josh was projecting when he stated "No amount of name calling will hide his abject failures."
Incineration isn't a bad idea with this idiot.

Lawmakers torch Lauren Boebert for yet another bizarre and bogus Constitutional claim
Like Josh Hawley, she has no cognitive skills. Guns are her God.

America’s ‘war on terror’ is blind to white terror
And how. "Not only is white supremacy not being treated like the domestic terror threat, which is obvious, but it’s often rewarded or treated with kid gloves. Lives depend on the government getting a handle on this."

Republicans frantic Trump fans will sit out the midterms because they think all elections are rigged now: report
Good idea. I couldn't agree with them more.

TN Judge Sentences Woman To Six Years For Attempting To Register To Vote While Black
Land of the Happy Negro says attempting to register as a voter while you are Black is a no-no. This is why our prison population is so full of folks like you. Please return to your plantation and get back to cooking or picking cotton. We tend to reserve these "voting rights" for white people who may be charged with treason to keep them eligble for re-election. But you? Not so much. Someone has to be an inmate.

Famously Homophobic Miss California Tells Maskless Children They Are Rosa Parks Now
Miss California apparently got into the wrong line when she thought it was for brains. This seems to happen more and more lately. Maybe they mistake the sign. Evidently, it says "Cognitive Banes."

Lawmaker Wants Teachers Punished for Lessons Contradicting Students’ Religion
School isn't a church. We have separation. Stop trying to tear down the wall, please.
" Because the language of the legislation is incredibly vague, it essentially allows parents to file complaints if they disagree with a lesson’s content for any reason."
Of course it is. They don't stop to think about that. It would require a brain.
What they really mean is don't make any remarks that may conflict with the state religion, Christanity.

Analysis: State leaders ask Texans to trust the grid, doubt elections

Texas tenants hit with soaring rent increases see little relief in sight

With a Third of the Fiscal Year Gone and a Feb. 18 Deadline, Republicans Make Offer on Spending Bill
What does this mean? A hint of a soul? Don't make me laugh.

How I Lost My Ass to a Drug Company
What Jaime states here is absolutely true. "...each year I grow older, doctors in general seem less concerned about my health. They are all much younger than I am now, and I figure they figure that I've had a pretty run, and something is bound to get me any time now, so why should they worry unduly."
For one thing they'd lose a good source of income which is their primary function in a country where they work in a for-profit business. That would change if healthcare were a service as it is in civilized nations.

Goons Drag Reporter Away on Live TV at Beijing Games Opening Ceremony
We're working our way that direction. Because we all know Ronald Reagan made it all possible

RNC has ‘gone all-in on the insurrection’ while excusing ‘bigoted rantings’: Charlie Sykes
"...loyalty to the exiled Orange God King and his ongoing obstruction of justice."
"Orange God King." That's a good one. But it should say "Orange Fraud-God King."

GOP Sues After NY Gov Signs Redistricting Into Law
This is a holy sacrement when the Grand Old Pricks do it. Look at Texas. ROTFLMAO!

Arizona Republican House speaker effectively dooms GOP bill to allow state legislature to reject election results
Someone caught on, eh? Finally.

Rand Paul: I’ll Subpoena Fauci When GOP Takes Senate
Rand Paul is stark, raving mad. A total waste of a human mind.

DeSantis In Secret Contact With Clarence Thomas
What's going on, boys? Is Thomas looking to become AG of your new fascist nation?

Republican brags he was 'instrumental' in getting funding from infrastructure bill he opposed
Rep. Ronny Jackson, the Texas member of Congress.

Missouri parent who tried to ban books for being too sexually explicit faces molestation charges
What can one say? It speaks for itself.

Two Old Fat Guys Have Opinions About AOC
Using that moronic logic why would anyone put any credence in what these old fat guys say?

January Jobs Report Defies Dismal Expectations
And there will still be someone pissed off by this.

US saw surprisingly robust hiring in January despite COVID surge
Recovery from the Trump failure doing better than expected.

‘I’ve Never Seen Anything Like This!’ CNBC Absolutely Loses It Over Blockbuster Jobs Report Showing Half-a-Million New Jobs

'Wrong and a horrible dancer': Sean Spicer mocked after massive jobs report destroys his prediction

New reports place Bill Barr closer to insurrection plans — and put him under increased pressure to testify

'If anyone is a RINO, it’s Donald Trump!' RNC members turn on former president as 'rift emerges' at meeting

Beyond Banned Books: Wingers Are Destroying A Library System From The Inside
Some trustees of a public library system in Flathead County, Montana have taken a page from the playbook of right-wing school board warriors and written a new chapter for their libraries.
Pointed heads is more like it. Still living in the 19th Century.

Ex-'General' Michael Flynn Doesn't Know The Pledge Of Allegiance
It's really something to watch an ex-general utterly fail to recite the Pledge while claiming he's some kind of patriot.
"One nation, under God, individual..."? The crowd had to take over.
And as we all know, "('God' was added to the Pledge in 1953 as a response from the Red scare.)"

Michael Flynn envisioned ‘a Myanmar-style military coup’ for the US — and he hasn’t given up: report
This traitor hasn't stopped advocating treason. It's time to put a stop to him.

The day the vice president accused 'several million' Americans of being fascists
He's still not wrong.

RNC panel passes censure resolution against Cheney and Kinzinger
Obviously, these two are thinking in terms the Fascist Party can't understand..

'This is criminal activity!' Marjorie Taylor Greene angrily rants after her anti-trans sign vandalized
Mental stultification criticizes what it does not understand.
"Your old road is rapidly aging." — Bob Dylan

Marge, the following links are listed under the subject "You Have To Be Carefully Taught.":

How Many Genders Are There? Experts Break It Down

How Many Genders are there Scientifically Speaking?

How Many Genders Are There

How Many Genders Exist According to Science
Got it yet, Marge?

Candace Owens Attacks Public Schools As 'Hitler Youth Programs'
"That's an odd thing for Candace to say — she praised Hitler's white nationalist takeover of Germany while trying to recruit people in the UK to Turning Point USA, which was endorsed by the odious Nigel Farage."
Doxing specialist has attempted to be a polital influencer but does nothing but promote herself.

Despicable Cawthorn Launches Ageist Attack Against Biden
"The fool from North Carolina didn’t approve that the Pentagon redeployed 3000 troops to help NATO and our Eastern allies.
Representative Cawthorn, who serially soils the honor of being a US Congressman, ranted against Biden on the House floor.
No, Cawthorn should never be allowed to run for office again. He's another one that needs a serious mental examination.

'DeJoy Has to Go Right Now': Fury Over Postal Service Failure to Electrify Truck Fleet
Rep. Gerry Connolly warned that DeJoy is aiming to "spend billions on gas-powered vehicles despite clear goals set by President Biden and Congress to electrify the federal fleet."
Who died and made this asshole King? Nobody! Get his ass out!

We Were Warned About the Ports
A 2015 federal report predicted the entire slowdown that’s come to pass.
America gets warned and ignores the warnings. It is leading our downfall.

The Fight to Save the Manchin Nursing Home
The Manchin empire extends to a nondescript nursing home in deep coal country. It’s a relic of a social welfare system that has collapsed.

How Will America Deal with the Next GOP Wannabee Dictator?
Hopefully, better than the last one.
"We’re learning, through the efforts of the January 6th Committee, that a small handful of people, perhaps a few dozen, succeeded in stopping Donald Trump from ending democracy in America."
And a bunch of assholes want the swine to try to do it again!

Texans’ trauma from 2021 power grid failure provoked by another winter storm
Dammit! We shouldn't have to spend money to upgrade our very own power grid because it just doesn't get freezy, coldish, miserable weather in our sunny state!

Susan Collins So Mad Democrats Turned The GOP Racist
Senator Susan Collins, is one BIGGGG duplicitous phony.

Tennessee Gets Terrible Abortion Ban Back
"You can tell the law was written and approved of by people with no chance of getting pregnant themselves, as neither the sex nor whether the child has Down syndrome is a thing anyone would know at six weeks as that is before many people even know they are pregnant."
These people are obviously morons or possibly just illiterate, mean, spiteful creatures.

Kinzinger Rips Hawley For His Support Of Putin's Ukraine Grab
Sen. Hawley has proven he has no place in Congress, or any other place of power in American government.
Yep. You heard that first here at LOTHN. Hawley is walking cancer.

Poland's Abortion Ban Kills Another Woman
The second woman in six months has died after being denied a medically necessary abortion in Poland.
Murdered by the misogynist state.

Trump considered blanket pardon for Capitol insurrectionists – report
Politico reports that former president asked two key advisers if he had power to issue blanket pardon before leaving office
The swine is responsible for the terrorist attack on our Capitol. Justice is coming for him.

Cops called after COVID-positive Palin’s dinner partner allegedly accosts photographer
Don't forget that in many places this tough guy would have been shot dead because "stand your ground" laws.

The critics were right: "Critical race theory" panic is just a cover for silencing educators
Republicans said they wouldn't ban books or erase history — but that is exactly what they're doing
"Minstry of Truth" police. Just like Germany in the 1930s.

Trump's race-war fantasies continue to escalate — while the media pretends not to notice
Trump calls four Black prosecutors racist and vows to take back "that beautiful house that happens to be white"
Any question this trash is a fascist racist? No.

QAnon cultist is now running election board in Georgia as Trump keeps pushing his 'big lie': report
Ben M Johnson says, "Hate to say it but a hell of a lot of the information dropped by Q has turned out to be accurate. Say what you want."

OK. I guess he means the baby mill in the pizza parlor basement? Or the March 4 prediction that Trump will be president again thus rendering the 2020 election void? Or there will be a large number of suicides from high-profile Trump critics in February 2018? Or that the U.S. would drop a "Mother of All Bombs" on North Korea? Or claiming that Hillary Clinton would soon be arrested as far back as October 2017? Or that that Clinton had been "detained, not arrested (yet)? Or the day that high-profile child abusers would be arrested and executed under the orders of Trump they refer to as "the storm." The date constantly changes on that. Or that John F. Kennedy Jr. did not actually die in 1999 and was set to return to join up with Trump on his campaign trail for the last election? We could go on and on, Ben.

Judges walk off in protest after Rudy Giuliani unmasked on 'The Masked Singer': report
How dumb can American television get? They keep setting the bar lower and lower.

Trump’s Legal Payouts Plummet as He Pawns Off Costs on RNC
Donald Trump’s legal costs fell dramatically in the second half of 2021—not because they actually went down, but because he found someone else willing to pay.
Trump will rob anyone blind.

Elderly Florida residents had their registration switched to Republican — without their knowledge: report
I'll bet the Governor knows nothing about this!

Stephen Miller crawls out from under his rock

Three Guesses Which GOP Senator Is Climbing Up Putin's Ass With Tucker

A butterfly conservatory is shutting down due to right-wing harassment
These Nazis truly are dogs. The poisonous trash need to be closed, not the butterflies who give us so much knowledge.
These Nazis do nothing but shovel hateful shit on all of us. That goes for Trump, too.

National Prayer Breakfast Platforms Bigotry, Undermines Church-State Separation
Most Americans should know it does.

EXODUS CONTINUES: Crosby, Stills And Nash Quit Spotify After Neil Young’s Protest Of Joe Rogan
Not to worry, Men of Extinction still haven't pulled their music.

Liberals can accuse the Republicans of hypocrisy all day and it won’t matter — because they don’t care
When fools have no moral base they have no idea what an insult is. In this case it is Doublethink.

How the “Moral Panic” of Critical Race Theory Morphed Into a Book-Banning Frenzy

Plan to Trump-proof 2024 election has some GOP support — and Trump is furious
Trump once again proves he is as dumb as dirt by leading lawmakers to new ways to render him irrevelent.

Lawyer For Capitol Rioters: Trump Offering Pardons Makes Them “Far Less Likely To Cooperate” [VIDEO]
Yes, this is tampering at the highest degree. Trump proves he's a crook every day.

Riot Committee Member: Trump Is Witness Tampering
That's because he's a criminal. Criminals do that.

Mexico fighting back against U.S. gun makers in $10 billion suit. Now, 12 states supporting the suit
I bet Texas isn't one of them.

McConnell Breaks With Trump Over Insurrectionist Pardons
The Senate minority leader agrees that acts of sedition against the US government should not be rewarded.
Yes, even McConnell pisses on Trump.
"Fuck Trump." FYI that is code for "Fuck Trump."

Reality Check: You Can't Be A Patriot And Support Trump

DeSantis Whines Dems Trying To ‘Smear Me’ For Not Condemning FL Nazis
You can't smear something that's already as filthy as a crapper.
Weak-kneed responses by all.

US Covid Death Rate Marks 'Dark Side of American Exceptionalism'
"You know what every country on this graph except for the USA has?" asked one observer, pointing to a new analysis of U.S. coronavirus deaths. "Universal healthcare."

Christian Nationalists To America: ‘Don’t Look Up!’
"At Americans United, we never hesitate to call out Christian nationalists for their untruths. We let them know that their attempts to mislead will not succeed. And we remind them and all Americans that simply looking away from the truth makes it no less true."

Christian Nationalists Love Misinformation – And That’s Bad For All Of Us
“There is something more fundamental going on – something that makes these Americans vulnerable to conspiracy theories and bad information. Multiple data points show such Americans have a greater tendency toward dogmatism – the tendency to insist one’s beliefs are true without regard for counter-evidence.”

Court orders Eastman to cough up records on Jan. 6
""...John Eastman, the ex-adviser to Donald Trump who once authored legal memos outlining a scheme to overturn the results of the 2020 election following the 45th president’s defeat by Joe Biden."
The pigeons, the patsys, the dupes, the pushovers, the stooges and conspirators are tumbling in.

Vindman sues Trump Jr. and Giuliani for 'dangerous campaign of witness intimidation' and retaliation
" a suit accusing them and others of engaging in “an intentional, concerted campaign of unlawful intimidation and retaliation,” along with witness tampering and conspiracy over his testimony during Trump’s 2019 impeachment."
That's for starters.

Here's what Jan. 6 committee thinks is its ‘best’ move to hold Trump accountable and block his 2024 bid
"And what this revelation about voting machines does is draw Trump directly into the attempts to overturn the election in a much bigger way than we knew before," Schmidt said. "And for the committee, the more damning evidence that it has about Trump, the more pressure it thinks it can put on Attorney General Merrick Garland to do something and not look the other way."
In other words, he admitted he is guilty. He's done it more than once now.

Fox News could be in big trouble: Dominion's huge defamation lawsuit makes a strong case
Dominion's lawsuit accuses Fox of propagating false election propaganda. My research suggests that's clearly true
Ya think?

New 5-minute video summarizes Joe Manchin's 'brazen' corruption
Why is this man smiling? He's a cancer on America.

Alarm Grows as Florida GOP Advances Plan to Gut Ballot Initiative Process
The ACLU of Florida called the proposal part of the Republican "crusade of sabotaging the right of the people to be heard."
American heroes are turning in their graves as Florida morphs into a fascist dictator state.

After Passing 'Point of No Return' in 2014, Hot Oceans Are Now 'New Normal'
"Climate change is not a future event," stressed the co-author of a new study. "The reality is that it's been affecting us for a while."
The good news here is that your fish will already be boiled when it's harvested. For a short time, that is. Seriously, it is not good news for coral reefs or other ocean life forms.

The EPA Is Back, Baby! Biden Reverses Trump's Pollution
Biden reversing Trump's effort to unleash more toxic air pollution "marks another point of progress in the EPA's return to its mission of putting people, not polluters, first."

Madison Cawthorn Promotes Diamond And Silk For SCOTUS Seat
Are they the only Black women he knows? Candace Owens is crushed!
Step and Fetchit are back in the news. Really not very good at all comedy.
But all these folks need to find meaningful employment.

Horrible Person Buys Ad Space On Nazi Social Media
FEC filings confirm. Marjorie Three-Names buys ad space on Gab? That's her base alright.

Americans are suffering from 2 pandemics — COVID, and the sinister right-wing plague that fuels it

Trump-Endorsed GOP Michigan Candidate Suggests MAGA Bring Guns To The Polls ... For Freedom
OK. We'll all bring our guns to vote. Let's see who pulls down on who first. Want to?
The nitwit Nazis will probably shoot each other.

Comic Book Guy Sends Free Copies Of 'Maus' To TN Kids. That's How You Beat Nazis!

We Can’t Let Build Back Better Be Replaced With Manchin’s Wish List

The Problem with Permitting Putin’s “Sphere of Influence”
In the face of aggressive, acquisitive war, will the free world stand together or stand aside?

Trump hotel records subpoenaed in New York probe
Closer and closer to goodbye.

Texas parent demands school district ban Michelle Obama book over 'reverse racism'
Interesting that the racists don't want anyone to know anything about them when everyone already does.
Talk about nitwits. The "Ministry of Truth," erasing the truth of the past and present and replacing it with whatever the Party deems “correct.”
The idea of replacing books with the Bible is the perfect example that this is nothing short of American Taliban tactics.

Mayoral Candidate Faces Backlash After Saying She Wants to “Eradicate” Islam
More American Taliban capers.

QAnon influencer struggling to raise campaign cash after bragging he would get 'at least a million dollars'
"Influencer"? Most likely "Q" himself.

Cawthorn sues N.C. election board over reelection challenge
America must prevent criminals from being candidates. They sure as hell prevent criminals from voting in many states. Some, permanently.

School Boards Have Long Been a Tool of White Supremacy
But as I heard someone say, truth doesn't take both sides. Truth eventually decides.

RNC To Debate Expelling Kinzinger And Cheney
Thus illustrating the deepness of the fascism the former Republican party has moved into.
They should just swap them for Manchin and Sinema.

LGBTQ Books Are Vanishing From TX School Libraries
Good. This will make them more popular and more people will seek them out and read them.
Thanks, nitwits.

Trump's offer to pardon Jan. 6 criminals doesn't dent his support among Senate Republicans
These "Republicans" have no sense of morality. That has become more than obvious.

Trump's efforts to seize voting machines went beyond a draft order, he tried to execute three times

Physicists discover that clouds of ultracold atoms can form “quantum tornadoes”
Can't wait to see how this works out for us.

'Byzantine thinking': GOP candidate slammed for calling to 'defend DNA' by banning abortions for rape victims
"God put them in this moment." Well, then this puts the finger on God as being a rapist. Good point!
Apparently, Mary was one of his victims.

Trump issues 'new string of lies' and calls for Pence to be investigated: report
"How Criminals Work": Chapter title: Donald J. Trump.

Pence aides' testimony 'may finally blow the inside story of January 6 wide open': CNN

Mitch McConnell's moment of truth: For many whites, Black people aren't real "Americans"
McConnell's "gaffe" was nothing of the kind — it reflected a core belief driving the Republican attack on democracy

Ted Cruz offers up a reverse racism Supreme Court hot take — and gets hammered in response
It's time to put this Bozo out to pasture.

Both Sides Don't Make Up Rules For SCOTUS Nominations
What if... we followed Republicans' rules for appointing Supreme Court justices?

NYT: Trump Was Directly Involved In Voting Machine Plot
For the first time, he can't blame his henchmen.
Guilty, as charged.

Anti-Vaxxer Claims He's 'Back To Normal' After Snake Oil 'Cure'
Laurence Fox, controversial actor turned activist, posted his positive COVID test earlier this week. He doesn't look "back to normal" to us.
Yep, same guy.

'Heil Hitler And What He Did': Florida Nazis Harass 'Jew'
Members of an American Nazi party were seen harassing people they *believed* to be Jews and Blacks over the weekend.
If you look at it as theater it's pretty ugly. But so is Florida.

Liz Cheney smacks down GOP leaders for being Trump's 'willing hostages' in wake of his weekend rant

Trump ‘doesn’t care anymore’ and is in ‘burn it all down mode’: Maggie Haberman
That mental case doesn't even have the sense to know he confessed to treason.

George Conway: Time to read Trump 'his Miranda rights' after weekend outburst
You goddamn right!

Multiple Trump White House Jan. 6 documents were 'torn up' and had to be reassembled with tape
What a fucking numbskull.

40 House Democrats Demand Congress 'Swiftly' Cut Drug Prices
"We cannot overstate the paramount urgency of fulfilling the promise of lowering drug prices now for the American people. They're counting on us."

Big Vote California Single-Payer Bill Withdrawn—What You Need to Know
If passed and signed into law, A.B. 1400—which would create a program popularly known as CalCare—would make the Golden State the first in the nation to provide universal healthcare coverage.
Some people are just too prissy.

Trump At Rally: Mike Pence Should Have Overturned Election
"What they are saying is that Mike Pence did have the right to change the outcome, and they now want to take that right away. Unfortunately, he didn't exercise that power," Trump told the rally crowd last night. Trump publicly admits he is a lying traitor. This POS should spend the remainder of his life in prison.

Trump’s latest outbursts ‘should disqualify him from ever holding office again’: analysis
He should be indicted and sent to prison for life.

No one can honestly deny that Trump attempted a coup after his latest rant
"Honestly"? There are no honest MAGAts.

WATCH: Trump supporter claims he knew his T-shirt was misspelled but wore it to MAGA rally anyway
He knew it should have been spelled "M-O-R-A-N."

Does Nicotine Protect Us Against Coronavirus?
The Villian says so but the jury is still out on this.
"Taken together, although there appears to be an association between smoking and COVID-19 in these hospital-based samples, there’s no evidence of a causal relationship – that is, that smoking prevents COVID-19."

'We are going to win by killing people’: Morning Joe warns that ‘fascist’ Trump made his plans clear

'Maus' Sales Skyrocket Following Tennessee School Board Book Ban
Chalk this one up to the law of unintended consequences.
It seems this sort of thing always happens. Always the best promotion and it's free. Something gets "banned" and that means it goes right up the charts.

Maine Doctor Satirizes COVID Deniers With Blizzard 2022 'Hoax' Tweets
Dr. Nirav D. Shah, director of the Maine Center for Disease Control & Prevention, blasted armchair COVID "experts" with a witty bit of satire on Twitter.
Do you actually think any of the morons know what "satire" is?

1/6 committee issues subpoena with damning revelation about Trump’s focus to former White House spokesperson

Arizona bills embrace Trump conspiracy theories, could allow GOP to reject election results
Half the Republicans in the Arizona House back a bill to bring back “1958-style voting” — i.e., GTFO democracy
The fascist criminals wishing for a return to the past. It can never be done unless there is a time machine no one knows about.

Clarence Thomas exploits 'gaping hole' in ethics law to decide cases where his wife may have an interest: report
This guy has been exploiting ethics law before he was confirmed.

While Lobbying to Kill Build Back Better, Pharma Hikes Costs of 866 Drugs
"How many more Americans have to die and suffer before Congress has the guts to end this greed?" asked Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Joni Mitchell or Joe Rogan? Choose Wisely

Anti-Vaxxers Dance On Canada’s Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier And Urinate On Ottawa’s National War Memorial
As one would expect from Nazi trash.

Megachurch Pastor Steps Down Ahead Of Coverup Trial
Another con man hides away.

FCC seeks to reduce rural broadband funding waste with new accountability program
The Federal Communications Commission is ready to authorize more than $1.2 billion in funding through the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund. Announced in 2019, the 10-year program seeks to expand broadband internet access across rural America.

Republicans see masks and vaccines as stifling freedom, but it's actually the best way to restore it
Doublethink and Newspeak are what they practice.

Tucker Carlson Lashes Out At Media For Calling Out His Putin Love-Fest
"Fox liar and loudmouth Tucker Carlson is none too happy with the media for calling out his pro-Russian propaganda."
Is this Russian puppet ever happy?

The ‘Perfect Anti-Semitism’ Of Tucker Carlson’s Latest Trip To Hungary
The Fox Nation host goes all-in on the white supremacist conspiracy theory that George Soros is waging “demographic war — on the West.”
He's an ugly American.

Republicans are barring medical boards from punishing doctors who prescribe ivermectin: report
These idiots are sharp as a blunt instrument. Gluttons for playing out of their league.

Biden smacks down racist comments From Mississippi senator claiming a Black judge couldn’t be qualified
"As several activists pointed out this week, former President Ronald Reagan promised to put a woman on the court in 1980 and was heralded for the decision. Former President Donald Trump made the same promise after the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died."
Yes, but they never uttered the scary forbidden word "Black."

GOP Senator: Black Woman On SCOTUS Is Affirmative Action ‘Beneficiary’
“The irony is that the Supreme Court is at the very time hearing cases about this sort of affirmative racial discrimination while adding someone who is the beneficiary of this sort of quota,” said Mississippi Senator Roger Wicker.
Land of the Happy Negro Senatah wants his negroes to know theya place — working his fields.

Texas Governor Pilloried For Sending National Guard To Border
Red state Republicans are always pandering to the worst of the worst, and now the National Guard is taking the brunt of his idiocy.

'This is incredibly dangerous': CNN panel stunned by Trump's new call for protests if he's prosecuted
The gangster is projecting, again calling for more rioting and sedition. I can't wait to see what the MAGAts do when he's in prison!

Trump rally attendee explains why Biden is actually dead and Trump will bring back Princess Diana
What's going on at the Nut Ball Ball.
We can't wait for his resurrection of Toti Fields.

The Politics of Ethicide in an Age of Counter-Revolution
"The brutalizing horrors of a fascist past are with us once again."

Georgia Mail Ballot Restrictions Disenfranchised 45 Times More Voters Last Year
Nazis continue disenfranchising voters. They will slit their own throats with this.

'We're going to fix them all,' Biden says after Pittsburgh bridge collapse
Duh. This is why we need to get the BBB done, morons!

Texas Gov. Abbott under fire from GOP and Dems for botched National Guard deployment: WSJ
That's not all he's botched.

As the GOP Drowns Deeper in Factional Racism and Sexism, America is Sinking, too

Former Kansas Teacher Outed as Alleged Boss of All-Female ISIS Battalion
Allison Fluke-Ekren helped plan a potential attack on a U.S. college campus, trained ISIS recruits, and translated speeches for the group’s leaders, the feds allege.
And you wondered why I said these voter suppressionists are like Isis?

Trump's Texas rally haunted by the 'reality' that the House Jan 6th investigation is closing in: legal experts

LA barbershop nails it: Electing Obama 'just really released a lot of hatred and racism'
The hatred and racism were already there. They were just looking for their target. Their "White Hope" was the MAGAt Trump who shat all over everyone.

Decks cleared' for the criminal indictment of Mark Meadows: former federal prosecutor

EPA Rejects Texas’ More Lenient Standard for Highly Toxic Air Pollutant
But don't mail your vote in! Come stand in line for 8 hours! We have too many people wanting to cast ballots now. One day is not enough to make millions and millions of voters stand in damned lines to vote!

DeSantis Vows Stop “Vicious Ideology Of Wokeness”
I have news for you, "Dip." We didn't make conservatives second class citizens. You and your idiot gangsters did that. I know. I grew up in a conservative family so stop trying to bullshit me with your fear policy.

Tennessee school board tries to defend banning 'Maus.' It's not a success
The Nazis did the same things in Germany. This is the same as the manifesto of this site. They want our students to know about the Holocaust but they want it taught that "the Jews weren't treated so badly" just as the slaves "led a happy life."
Dark Tennessee and darker Texas.

As white nationalists, Jan. 6 extremists embrace Christian nationalism, even darker forces revive
"... a particularly ugly—and previously stagnant—brand of religious nationalism: Christian Identity, the bigoted theological movement claiming that white people are the true “Children of Israel,” that Jews are the literal descendants of Satan, and that all nonwhite people are soulless “mud people.”
The American Taliban.

WA State Trooper Who Told Inslee To 'Kiss His A**" Over Vax Mandate
This guy died of something, I see. Sorry to inform you, but the virus doesn't give a good crap about how you feel about a vaccine mandate.

Biden Erupts: Unaffordable Meds ‘Strips You Of Your Dignity, Dammit!’
He's damn right and everyone knows it.

Let's Not Allow the Great Powers to Destroy the World
Throughout history, "the most powerful, most heavily-armed countries, which had the best chances of emerging victorious in a military conflict, were usually the most eager for it."

Joni Mitchell Joins Spotify Misinformation Protest
The streaming platform's market value reportedly lost $4 billion this week after Neil Young removed his music.
Sirius has a new Neil Young channel now. Fuck Spotify and Joe Rogan. Rogan is helping the world go to hell.

Spotify's policies are expressly designed to encourage deadly disinformation about COVID-19

The last thing anyone wants to hear is racist, anti-vaxxer boob Joe Rogan defining Blackness

Anti-vaxx 'expert' claims vaccines will turn people into ‘transhumanist cyborgs' controlled by 5G
So states the transhumanist cyborg. She understands quantum entanglement? And she's a mere osteopath?
This computer crypto technology will allow her to get to her destination before she arrives and know if anyone saw her on her way.

Our ancestors have given too much': Los Angeles barbershop customers lament the state of voting rights in America
Nazi racists' assault on America must be stopped. Taken out just as we took out the Nazis in WWII.

Iowa parents file lawsuit over disturbing video of white student pretending to execute another student wearing blackface
More proof of racist Nazis.

Texas Butterfly Sanctuary Closes Due To 'Credible Threats' From Pro-Trump Event
A congressional candidate also recently accused the National Butterfly Center's staff of being “OK with children being trafficked and raped.”
This fascist riff-raff all needs to be taken out with the trash. Why are these zombie Talibastards still walking around and fucking with butterfly centers?

Biden's Nearly 2M Mail-In Pennsylvania Votes in 2020 Would Now Be 'Unconstitutional'
More evidence of the United States becoming a fascist country. They are disenfranchising voters that cannot get to the polls for various reasons, one of the biggest being the virus that has been infecting people of our world since 2020. Other reasons are obvious but only to those that have the intellect to realize them. Such as making millions and millions of Americans stand in line for endless hours to vote. There are more people that want to vote now than there were in 1958. They can't get all the voting done it in a day. That's why we have alternatives in place you idiots. They've been in place for decades! This ain't 1958!
The people doing the disenfranchising are frightened of the changes in both the world and in our country. They are scared to death of the people of color who are American citizens casting ballots. They are frightened of anyone who is not a Christian. In this way they are very much the same as the Taliban and Isis. They are frightened about many things which have nothing to do with the right to vote except their own fear and loathing of a changing world they cannot understand and wish to end at any cost including our sacred right to vote. Voting should be very easy for an American. They do not wish it to be so. They wish to return to the Land of the Happy Negro, a fantasy dream of a past that never was.

Guess Which Year This Arizona Wingnut Thinks We Should 'Go Back To'
John Fillmore of Arizona is a special snowflake.
Thus proving my point of nostalgia for returning to the white Christian controlling past of the olden times.
"Too many of y'all are voting and ruining our ability to descriminate against you" is what he's really saying.
ROTFLMAO at this fucking fascist idiot.

Harris Faulkner Is Livid Over Dems' Colorful Language
Too bad she never defends Democrats from the constant abuse spewed by Republicans and her own network.
Harris Faulkner can fuck all the way off. A truly dispicable snowflake.

New Pope Benedict scandal is just one chapter in his – and Catholic Church’s – fraught record
The holy white Talibastards can rape children but the holy white traitors can make up fairy tales about pizza shops and butterfly centers doing it in the U.S.
They ignore their own kind doing it on a regular basis.

Feds release intel on how to best identify domestic terrorists
Duh. It's not hard when you see the bastards doing it on TV. See the picture? Duh.

‘I’ve never missed a vote’: 95-year-old World War II Veteran says his mail-in ballot application has been denied twice due to new requirements
Welcome to Nazi Texas, where even a WWII veteran is denied the right to vote.

Fox News panelists rush to cut off Jesse Watters after he says Kamala Harris may be having 'a typical female problem'
"I'm not saying this..." as he goes right ahead and says it. What a fool. Even the "judge" said stop.
I'm not saying this but many people are saying he needs a brain transplant.

Josh Hawley’s ‘losing fight’ against Biden’s Supreme Court nominee mocked by conservative strategist
Putrid Puke.

White women and fascism: Seyward Darby on how right-wing women embrace their "symbolic power"
Author of "Sisters of Hate" on why the far right's "mama bears" are fighting for patriarchy and white supremacy

How Christian nationalism united the divergent far-right factions involved in the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection

Tucker Carlson: A Black Female SCOTUS Nominee Doesn't Look Like Real America
Tucker Carlson went full white nationalist during his White Power Hour on Wednesday.
America, of course, has no Black females as all racist bastards know. Tucks is a perfect leader for the Land of the Happy Negro.

Rand Paul Claims FDA Punishing Republicans By Refusing Monoclonal Antibodies To Florida
This is actually a sitting US Senator promoting the idea that the federal government is killing people with COVID, because they are Republicans.
Attention fake doctor: That does not work with this variant. Rube, stop showing your ass as it looks too much like your face.

Texas GOP Candidate’s Oddball Claim: School Cafeteria Tables Are Being Lowered For 'Furries'
Right-wing activists like Michelle Evans keep making weird claims about schools that aren't based in reality.
They don't mean anything by it. They just don't have an agenda they can run on. The Clown Car doesn't seem to work for them.

Fox Flips Out Over Minnie Mouse In A Pants Suit
Continuing to squeeze any change a company makes into their 'woke, cancel culture' narrative to attack progressives, Republicans are reaching for Minnie Mouse next.
Slow day for the news? Did some of these jokers just arrive on the planet? Apparently these whiny women all wear red skirts every day. Real women wear pants. Try to keep up, you morons.

More trouble for Matt Gaetz
They will LOVE you in prison, Matt.

Tennessee School Board Bans 'Maus': Art Spiegelman Responds
'Orwellian' doesn't begin to describe it...
See. There are uneducated morons. The Land of the Happy Negro is filled with them. They want to keep the people as ignorant as they are. They see penises and vaginas everywhere. Ignorant Nazis are far more dangerous than the Russians.

'Utterly Shameless': Former Democratic Senators Join Fossil Fuel Lobby Group
"This is climate denial and shameful bullshit," scoffed one scientist. "Also the future for Manchin and Sinema."
It's about their money, not the planet's future.

All Of Us Remain Hostages to the Military-Industrial Complex
As long as tensions are maintained; as long as there is a threat of war, the military-industrial complex gets the money for which it lusts, and the politicians and journalists get their blood money.

'No More Hiding': Sanders Says Make GOP Vote on Popular Policies<,br> "The American people have a right to know where their senators stand on the most important issues impacting their lives."
Otherwise we are perfoming a charade about having a government.

Civil war expert recoils in horror at interviews with Trump fans: 'They don’t want democracy anymore'
Of course they don't. Which is why we are in a civil war right now in case she's not paying attention.

Trump 'was working to organize a coup' -- and DOJ knows about it: Jan. 6 investigator
Trump is a traitor and must be prosecuted. He must never hold office again. Even as Chief of the Moron Department.

Judge rebukes top Oath Keeper's attorney: Keep the 'moralizing and sermonizing' out of my court
Thanks. They needed that.

Nativists and fascists want you to believe citizenship and voting are linked permanently. That’s not true

'Deeply flawed': Legal experts warn of potential for McConnell obstruction over Breyer's SCOTUS seat
The scumbag will try to stop it. McConnell's obstruction of our democracy must be stopped by any means necessary.

Scientists warn of 'a slew of ethical concerns' with Elon Musk’s brain implant technology
The "genius" should practice on his own brain first. The anti-vaxxers will really be open to that.

Psaki Stuns Pathetically Uninformed 'Reporter' Into Silence
Truly extraordinary moment when this person with a press pass, who has clearly has not done her homework, asks Jen Psaki a question with zero basis in reality.
Again, anyone can get a degree in journalism.

Ron Johnson: Not Society's Job To Help Take Care Of Children
Of course, he's an anti-choicer.
Amazingly, dumb as a bag of rocks.

Jim Acosta Mocks The Cowardly GOP Of 2022
From McConnell to Cruz and Mo Brooks to Josh Mandel, Jim Acosta takes no prisoners in his epic takedown of the modern day GOP of cowards.
Cowards and fascists.

Ginni Thomas Is A Right-Wing Bully
Justice is blind and holding scales by which she judges impartially. Being a SCOTUS judge's wife AND a right-wing activist for billionaire-funded activities isn't impartial one bit.

Dems Sound Alarm as Key US Vaccine Agency 'Running Out of Money'
"We cannot afford to waste another moment and risk the emergence of yet another, even more dangerous variant," Democratic lawmakers write in a new letter.
"The only way to end this pandemic and stop the emergence of new variants is to vaccinate the world."
The fascists are embracing the virus now. It is insanity.

Morning Joe warns Newt Gingrich and other Trump apologists: 'They're not going to outrun the law'
That's if we have any law that anyone recognizes. With idiots like Gingich the law is meaningless. It's all about revenge and power to these addicts.

DHS warns racially motivated extremists 'have developed credible, specific plans to attack electricity infrastructure'
These scumbag racists will get what they ask for.

Josh Hawley Claims Democrats Refuse To Accept Election Results
Upside Down World on Fox!
Doublethink. Orwellian. 1984 has arrived.

RFK Jr.’s wife calls his Anne Frank anti-mask analogy 'reprehensible and insensitive'
At least he knows he's asshole. Cheryl, on the other hand, will bitch about him but stick with that Kennedy money.

What's protecting Trump and the coup plotters: American exceptionalism — how do we fight that?
A cruel irony: Our misguided faith that America is special is shielding Trump and the fascists from punishment
There's a good book on that if there are any literate humans left in the MAGAt trashcan.

'The brazenness is shocking': Former Trump security official stunned by new coup memo revelations
Trump fascists are shocking to someone. Imagine that.

'Failing at your job': Texas high schoolers shred their school board over proposed book-banning initiative
""I feel this new book banning bill is irresponsible, ignorant, and even dangerous," said one sophomore. A junior agreed, saying, "I just want to emphasize who is upset about this book ban, and it's not just delinquents who want to read smut. It's honor students who want access to the full extent of their education."
These assholes don't care about education. They only care about themselves and the throwback ideology that they embrace.

Virginia Gov. Youngkin’s email hotline to expose CRT teachers is getting bombed by activists
Students think you book "experts" are all a bunch of screwballs. And they are correct. They already know more than you fascist book police know.

'Worse than ignorant': 'Troll' MAGA congressman slammed over claim Biden is 'maligning the free press'
A forger.

Trump's lawyers busted for trying to pull a fast one in court filing against Twitter

Voting Rights Will Be Dead Without Street Heat
As a corrosive, undermining force, minority rule mocks democracy as it allows the few to pocket the gold while the many get the shaft.

Fighting Back When "The Blood-Dimmed Tide Is Loosed"
The MAGA fundamentalists are on the march and only a coordinated and sustained effort from progressives and Democrats will be enough to overcome the onslaught.

Jill Wine-Banks: Trumper's Forged Electors Committed Fraud

Rick Wilson Paints Picture Of What Happens Next If GOP Wins
Waht he doesn't say is we will become a Nazi state.

Conservative mocks 'MAGA civility police' for freaking out over Biden's flap with Fox News reporter
"By all means, let’s engage in the required pearl clutching over Joe Biden’s open mic incivility," wrote Sykes, making a pointed jab at Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) who suggested we've never seen a worse "attack" on "the free press."
"Or, maybe let’s not, except to note the effulgent irony of the 'Let’s Go Brandon' crowd’s performative indignation over a president who calls anyone a 'stupid SOB,'" Sykes added.

Expert on Civil Wars Warns Us Faces 'Downward Spiral of Instability'
"When Trump 'attempted to halt the peaceful transfer of power' following the United States’ 2020 presidential election, Walter notes, the CSP believed the U.S. had slipped into 'anocracy' territory."
Brought to us courtesy of Fatso Trump.

Biden administration providing free COVID-19 tests, masks overwhelmingly popular: poll
But he's not a strong leader? Again: ROTFLMAO!!

Most Americans see Biden as likable, intelligent; not as strong, decisive leader: Gallup
But the former four-flushing gangster was? ROTFLMAO! Some Americans seem to have lost their intellect, if they had ever had any. Who the fuck does these "polls"?

Of Course Sarah Palin Took Her Unvaccinated Ass Inside A NYC Restaurant
"This shouldn't have happened because New York City requires that all indoor diners show proof of vaccination. Otherwise, they have to take it outside. It was barely above freezing Saturday night. Sarah Palin has no experience with that kind of frigid weather.

Oh Hey, Virginia Gov Glenn Youngkin A Assh*le, Who’d Have Guessed?
Another turd floats to the surface.

Virginia Is for Suckers

Joe Biden Says What All Patriotic Americans Thinking About Peter Doocy
"Liberals and progressive don't need code words for cusses, because we're goddamned fucking adults."

Court Strikes Down Alabama GOP's Racist Congressional Map
"We deserve to be heard in our electoral process, rather than have our votes diluted using a map that purposefully cracks and packs Black communities," said a plaintiff in the case.
Land of the Happy Negro gets a slap down.

What the Supreme Court has done to women: We will not forget
Some of us remember life before legal abortion. Hardly any of us thought we'd ever have to go back there
Return to the failure of the past is the mantra of the Land of the Happy Negro regressives.

Abortion films offer stark warning at Sundance festival
The Talibastards that are making women chattel don't give one good goddamn about women.

Neil Young pens open letter to Spotify: 'They can have Rogan or Young. Not both'
Rogan is a comedian? A Nazi comedian.

'That's actually not what I said': Jen Psaki catches Peter Doocy lying in obsession over 'school boards'
This is such a stunner. Doocy? A Liar?

Biden Crushes Peter Doocy: 'What A Stupid Son Of A Bitch' — UPDATED
As the White House Press Corps was leaving a photo op with Pres. Biden, he had thoughts on Peter Doocy's extremely thoughtful (/s) question about inflation.
Because of course he is.

Ted Cruz Is Too Much For Even Betty Bowers
Betty Bowers has some issues with Ted Cruz

Wisconsin Republicans pass bill allowing some high school students to bring a gun to campus
The GOP-backed bill comes amid a national upsurge in gun violence
Wisconsin may be crazier than Texas.

'Accelerant of polarization': Far-right 'Christian nationalists' still consider Trump their strongest ally
Of course. It any are literate they should read the Falwell story below.

Inside Jerry Falwell Jr.’s Unlikely Rise and Precipitous Fall at Liberty University

Vote-by-mail rejections are testing integrity of Texas Republicans’ voting law
"With less than a month left to vote by mail in the March primary election, hundreds of applications for mail-in ballots are being rejected as both Texas voters and local election officials decipher new ID requirements enacted by Republican lawmakers.
Sharpening their fascist knives.

Monday Morning Quarterbacking: A Few Unkind Words for Aaron Rodgers
"Aaron Rodgers, who now seems firmly in the Fox/Trump/Alex Jones netherworld, was, for awhile there, the hero I thought would diminish the stereotype that football players are just dumb jocks with gold chains, big mansions, fancy cars, and nary a book on their shelves.
So, who's the dumb fuck now?"

Supreme Court To Hear Challenge To Affirmative Action

Sarah Palin’s New York Times Lawsuit Is Delayed Because She Has COVID
“She is, of course, unvaccinated.”

Anti-Semitic Flyers Distributed In 2 South Florida Cities With Large Jewish Populations
More evidence Florida is a fascist state.

Auschwitz Memorial responds after Robert Kennedy Jr. compares vaccine mandates to the Holocaust
He proclaims as he speaks to a largely fascist audience. How many lives has he saved from a world wide deathcamp?

Bari Weiss And Bill Maher Proclaim They Are 'Over' Covid
Only problem with these yo-yos is that Covid doesn't give a damn what they spout.

WATCH: A Coup In Plain Sight
The new Meidas Touch ad lays it all out. Trouble is there are still people who don't believe their own eyes.

Maria Bartiromo: Joe Biden 'Attacked' Republicans By Asking, 'What Are They For?
She is also known as "Eva Braun" in some circles. We know what she's for: preacking propaganda for the fascists.

'Threat to democracy is real': Experts nuke 'fascist' Newt Gingrich over his threat to jail Democrats
Fascist Fart. Massive outrage isn't enough. This man is and has always been a danger to democracy.
We know who the wolves are, you miscreant. They are you and your fascist friends.

Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger fire back after Gingrich threatens Jan. 6 investigators with jail

Spurs’ Popovich slams Republicans, calls Manchin and Sinema 'selfish' over voting rights: 'Past time for hardball'
Pop lets them have it. Right on!

The pathway to impeaching Clarence Thomas begins here

Trump’s comeuppance is finally coming
And not any too soon.

'Newt has lost it': Jan. 6 committee member confused by Gingrich's 'weird' idea the US will be overthrown
I see Nazi Newt still has to his wet dream on us.

Exclusive: Florida school district cancels real history as anti-CRT censorship spreads
Florida county cancels civil-rights seminar for teachers over CRT "red flags" as educators face climate of fear
Nazi Nation Nabobs.

Roy Moore goes on trial as alleged sex abuse victim accuses him of 'defamatory and damaging' lies
Old Roy is still running amok, I see.

'Looming question' of Trump indictment for seditious conspiracy after last week's revelations: legal expert

NFL Fans Mock Aaron Rodgers as ‘Throw Rogan’ After 49ers Cancel Him from the Playoffs
"Rush Lambeau" is another.

Sanders backs Arizona Democrats' censure of Sinema

Joe Biden is not failing or flailing
Just what in the hell are these whiners dissaproving of? The pandemic and people not going to work? Take a look at the fascists preventing workers from protecting themselves. Take a look at people refusing to get vaccinated. If he tries to mandate vaccinations everyone goes bonkers and says no. He doesn't have the votes to end the filibuster because of traitors. Take a look at yourselves in the mirror if you want to see who the problem is.

‘He has no remorse’: Megachurch ‘in shambles’ after pastor caught with his pants down — literally
"Smith and the woman reportedly claimed they took off their clothes after getting food on them while making hot dogs and chili."
Hey, I like hot dogs and chili, too!
Another fraud exposed.

Trump instructed Michael Cohen to make sure Don Jr. went to jail instead of Ivanka
Fatso always wants someone else to take the fall for him. But his family? Cowardly.

Exposé reveals Ginni Thomas’ ties to 'many groups directly involved in controversial cases' before the Supreme Court

Trump Advisor Epshteyn Admits Giuliani Led Plan To Overthrow Election
Boris Epshteyn flatly admitted to Giuliani's coordinated effort to overthrown a fair and free election on Ari Melber's show. The scumbag we always knew he was.

Fox Host: Mask Mandates Are ‘Child Abuse’ That Have ‘Shamed’ Smiles
“Pro-life” Fox & Friends spewed COVID disinformation that promotes illness, death and pandemic spread among kids – without a peep of complaint about the vax mandate they work under at Fox.
Another dumbass co-conspirator in murder.

'Mounting discord': Ron DeSantis is emerging as Trump’s top adversary in MAGA World
Who's the biggest idiot in this photo? Fatso or DipShitus?

Amid Existential Threat to Reproductive Rights, Congress Urged to Act
"It's the 49th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, and if we don't fight like hell it could very well be the last," said one campaigner, who called on U.S. lawmakers to pass the Women's Health Protection Act.
Stop the tightass Nazis in SCOTUS.

My Dishwasher Wants to Spy on Me!
Fuck Google and Facebook and data trackers.
"And it starts with us saying “No” to “smart” appliances that are, in reality, data thieves attaching themselves to us and our homes like blood-sucking parasites."

Virginia Mom Promises To Bring 'Every Single Gun Loaded And Ready' Over Masks
Earth to Amelia: Revealing your plans to your opponent never makes for a favorable outcome in your favor. You've been watching too many grade B westerns and lusting for gun orgasms.

Watch: Tucker Carlson compares COVID-19 vaccine mandates to Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan experiments
This is a false equivalancy. He has a serious thinking disorder and is a severe threat to all of us.
Vaccine Mandates in Schools Aren’t New. They’ve Been Used Since 1850
Read this, Tucks. Stop selling your stupidity to the people of the United States.

With new subpoenas, Jan. 6 committee closes in on its ultimate target: Donald Trump
Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell and the others summoned this week had better be careful: They're walking into a trap
The one they set for themselves.

Will They Call It Killer Kyle's Law?
Wisconsin Republicans pass a slew of laws that loosen gun laws even further.
Gun orgasms.

WATCH: Black Mississippi lawmakers walk out en masse as state votes to ban teaching critical race theory
Land of the Happy Negro sees to it that their people stay happy and teach their kids racism is not and never has been a thing.
They will continue living in denial.

'Go back to your country': Man arrested and charged for hate crime after attacking Sikh taxi driver
The uneducated are attacking people that they have no knowledge about. These people are not what they imagine them to be. In doing so, the uneducated are also destroying America with their stupid racism.

AOC Backs Primary Challenger Facing Off Against Anti-Abortion Democrat
Give Cuellar the boot heel drag.

Manchin Forgets He’s Not the President, Says Everyone Has to Start over on Build Back Better
Douchebag keeps growing.

How the “Rules” Determine if Criminals Become Politicians

'No joke': Legal expert warns Madison Cawthorn 'being too quick to scoff' at voter challenge
Maybe he goes bye-bye?

Trump appointee blocks Biden federal worker vaccine mandate
One more reason why the virus cases are so high in Texas. There is no vaccine for stupid.

The “Doomsday Glacier” Is Irreversibly Melting, Researchers Say
"It could fall apart quickly, in decades." Good thing we'll be able to stop that from happening, eh?

'Insidious': Tucker Carlson lambasted for staggering claim that the right has ‘remained nonviolent’
Still following Hitler's playbook, I see. This is a dangerous man and should be watched very carefully.

Carlson Straight Up Repeats Russian Propaganda Against NATO
Another one that needs the vaccine for stupid. If only. But he should be terminated.

Republican Wants New Hampshire To Secede From Union
Might as well ask for the Federal troops to occupy your state now, genius. Another traitor to be indicted and imprisoned.
There is no vaccine for stupid.

Hannity Texts Reveal He Thought Trump Could Be Impeached Over Jan 6
He should go to prison for it.

Texas man faces federal charges for allegedly threatening Georgia election officials

Sotomayor Excoriates Majority for 'Egregious' Attack on Texas Women
"This case is a disaster for the rule of law and a grave disservice to women in Texas, who have a right to control their own bodies," said the justice. "I will not stand by silently as a state continues to nullify this constitutional guarantee."

Mayor Sylvester Turner spars with Texas Secretary of State's office over voter registration forms
The Secretary of State's office denied recent claims by the Houston mayor alleging the office only offered a local voting group 50 voter registration documents but emails tell a different story.
Nazis already suppressing our vote. Believe it.

The Supreme Court Deals Another Body Blow to Women in Texas
"This case is a disaster for the rule of law and a grave disservice to women in Texas."
Misogyny wins.

Bombshell draft order reveals a plan for Trump to seize voting machines after the 2020 election
The reason Trump said "The only way I can lose is if it is rigged." Which meant he was setting us up for the coup. The only way he can win is if it is rigged. It is still the only way he can win.

Separation Of Church And State: The ‘So-Called’ Principle That Has Been Protecting Our Rights Since 1791
Here comes the church attempt to take over the country along with the fascist bastards. Gorsuch is a dick.
"Thankfully, most Americans support the principle of church-state separation – and they also know there’s nothing 'so-called' about it.'"

Fox News host accuses Democrats of using public schools to push ‘race warfare’ and ‘revolution’
Here we have the typical Trump tactic. Accuse your opponent of doing what you are doing. This is exactly what Gutfield is doing. Doublethink.

Kyrsten Sinema's base of support is crumbling around her
This gal is not looking good to anyone but the fascists.

Fox News' Tucker Carlson goes after 'coward' Howard Stern over his COVID-19 concerns
Evidently, Tucks cares about Howard, Jimmy, otherwise he wouldn't be flapping his gums about the King of Media.

Chambers Smokes A Blunt, God Busts A Rib
Land of the Happy Negro is frightened. They haven't had to deal with this since Reconstruction!

Trump thought Ginni Thomas was ‘a wacko’ — but humored her as he wanted her husband to retire: report
"the 'fascist left,' which includes 'transsexual fascists.'" Really, Ginni? Using Newspeak are we?
Impeach Thomas.

Voter suppression in action: Mail-in ballot rejections many times higher under new Texas law
“This is what voter suppression looks like,” says election clerk in Austin as pattern repeats across the state

Vote-by-Mail Programs Date Back to the Civil War
U.S. armed forces have long used the mail to cast their ballots from the front lines.
You see this has been around for awhile, folks. The only reason the fascists are wanting it stopped is to prevent certain people from voting. Can the slower students figure this out now?

Cracks are emerging between Republicans as the fake 2020 electors scheme comes under more scrutiny
Then please collapse.

The reality is that Biden has done a great job — but the pundits can't admit it
They aren't the only ones that are whiners.

Fox News Cries Over Colbert Quip About Sinema
Who knew a reference to the Hamburglar is equal to body shaming?
Fuks Noose is having problems remembering who the biggest misogynist in the world is.

Fox Biz Host Battles Lara Trump Over 'Bad Blood' With Ron DeSantis
Fox Business host Stuart Varney challenged Lara Trump about alleged "bad blood" between former President Donald Trump and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.
There's descension in the Legion of Doom.

'I was disgusted!' Marjorie Taylor Greene melts down over a Tom Hanks ad for Joe Biden
She misspoke. She meant to say "I am digusting." And so is the pile of fecal matter next to her.

The battle over who the 'real Americans' are is taking us to the brink
There is nothing American about MAGAts.

Jon Ossoff confronts Susan Collins over her past support for voting rights legislation
"Do not invoke Congressman Lewis’ name to signal your virtue while you work to erode his legacy," Ossoff demanded
"Collins argued that to "equate that to the legislation that is before us" to the 2006 reauthorization is "simply not worthy." That's exactly what this miscreant is. We've done enough for minorities? It sounds as if that what she means.

How likely is it for omicron to mutate into something deadlier?
It's scientifically possible for omicron to mutate into a deadlier version of its transmissible self

Emily's List Is Ready To Dump Kyrsten Sinema
Aren't we all?
Nope. Only those with a functioning brain.
"Who are they trying to keep from voting?,” Warren said in reference to Republicans
Anyone who may possibly vote against them.

Remember: Trump Attacks Anyone Invoking The 5th Amendment
Both Eric Trump and Allen Weisselberg took the 5th over 500 times while being questioned by the New York Attorney General.
The runt of the family and, yes, he's guilty.

What 'Bridge' Is David Gregory Talking About?
David Gregory wants Joe Biden to build bridges on voting rights? With whom?
The Land of the Happy Negro.

‘Culture war’ bills from far-right Arizona Republicans are becoming increasingly ‘extreme’: report
“Schools must also set aside time to recite the National Anthem each day...." All four verses? LOL!
During WWII, for security purposes, sometimes a question was asked to anyone attempting to pass at a post. "Recite the 3rd verse to the National Anthem." If they recited it they were shot. No American could recite the 3rd verse.

Let’s take the national anthem literally, and the songwriter at his word
A deeper look at the song, the man who wrote it — and the history attached
Oh dear, who would dare do that?

‘I never thought about giving up or quitting’: Oscar Robertson on MLK’s legacy
For the Basketball Hall of Famer, an early life of segregation and racism shaped his actions for fairness and equality

Sanders Says He’s Open to Supporting Primary Challengers to Manchin and Sinema
They must go.

Texans John Cornyn and Ted Cruz help GOP senators block federal voting rights bill

Texas’ “maternity deserts” grow as staff shortages close rural labor and delivery units

Will America Look the Other Way on the GOP’s New Election Police?

'Maybe they're the ones with dementia': Morning Joe busts Biden critics who forgot 'what a lunatic Trump was at press conferences'
First of all, you have to have a brain to get demented.

GOP States Are Shredding Voting Rights and Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema Are Now Complicit
Yes, the bastards are working to impede voters, make no mistake about that.

DeSantis giddy over giving people with COVID a treatment that doctors say is equivalent to a placebo
The Moron's State keeps up its stupidity.

Conservative breaks down 6 'strands' of the GOP’s 2020 coup attempt — and warns that a sequel is 'on the way'
This time get your battle sights set.

Ron Johnson thought he could 'freep' a poll on Twitter, boy was he wrong
It shows what Americans want, not what the Nazis want.

Amid 'Slow-Motion Coup,' Manchin and Sinema Help GOP Sink Voting Rights
"Ignore whatever spin comes from their press releases and media appearances in the aftermath of this debacle—history will not be kind to these enablers of racism and authoritarianism."
They should pay dearly for their treason. Voting is every American's right.
"Our democracy is in free fall. An outdated Senate rule should not be more important than our democracy."

Donald Trump calls for racial violence: White supremacists are listening, but the media laughs
While the media congratulated itself for mocking or ignoring Trump's Arizona rally, he spread vicious racist lies
Send him out on the next ship to the end of the universe. Along with all of the traitors that think he's their king.

Legal experts slam 'mind-boggling' Clarence Thomas dissent in case over Trump's Jan. 6th records
Add him and his wife to the ship to the end of the universe.

Biden Asks ‘What Are Republicans For? Twitter Has Answers
During his press conference, President Joe Biden highlighted Republicans’ unprincipled obstructionism by asking, “What are they for? Name me one thing they’re for.” Twitter had some great responses.
They are best at coups against democracy and fascism. Also white supremacy and Covid. And being victims.

#MoscowMitch Doesn't Think Black Americans Are Real Americans
We knew he felt this way, but he usually manages not to say it.
Then why is he and his gang doing all they can to prevent them from voting? Briarhopper trash.

SCOTUS Denies Trump's Demand To Withhold Docs From Jan 6th Committee
The Supreme Court made it clear: Trump is not a King and has no claim to executive privilege.
We are coming for you, Fatso. And, eventually, we will come for you and your wife, Clarence.

Michigan attorney general: 'Absolutely' enough evidence to charge Electoral College fraudsters
Then charge the traitors. Get with it.

Trump Revealed His New Electoral Strategy in Arizona, and It Is Horrifying
"Against such a propagandist, silence doesn’t work. However exhausting the project, he must be called out again and again, and once more again so that his lies are never accepted as the truth."
He reveals every time he opens his yapper.

How Do We Confront White Christian Nationalism?

Texas Secretary Of State Claims There’s Not Enough Paper For Voter Registration Forms
ROTFLMAO! Now we have a paper shortage to prevent voting? Texas fascists are pitiful.

‘Incredibly dumb’: Former federal prosecutor mocks Eric Trump for telling NY AG ‘we are prosecuting you’
Of course.

Florida Lawmaker Mocks Bill Forcing Pro Teams to Play the Star-Spangled Banner: ‘Who Doesn’t Play the National Anthem Now?
This is all they got? What's in the water in Florida?

‘Go Home and Die!’ Howard Stern Says Hospitals Should Refuse to Treat Unvaccinated People
No, all they have to do is treat them with the right medication. Inject them with the Covid vaccine and tell them it's Ivermectin.

White Nationalists Storm California Republican Meeting
They wouldn't have to look far if they were hunting for Asshat Bullies.
These are the morons attempting to tell our schools what to teach? The deviants that are causing our good teachers to quit. We'll have a bleak future if these nitwits aren't told where to go.

Tucker Carlson's New Racist Lie Is Not Really About COVID Treatments
The Fox News host just wants his viewers to be mad at Black people.
It is very obvious this miscreant is going by Hitler's playbook.

Scientists Extremely Intrigued by Possible Sign of Life on Mars
For the time being it must be better than life on earth. But in time we will put a stop to that.

Fox News Host Pushes Father Of Slain Student To 'Blame' Democrats
The apple didn't fall far the tree here. Now we know where his boy gets his toxic absurdity.
Ever hear of "leading the witness"?

DeSantis Bill Will Protect Whites From Feeling 'Uncomfortable'
This is "Newspeak," a part of "Doublethink." Terms from "1984" by George Orwell. How about they just get rid of your Nazi ass instead?

100+ Ultra-Rich People Warn Fellow Elites: 'It's Taxes or Pitchforks'
"History paints a pretty bleak picture of what the endgame of extremely unequal societies looks like," reads an open letter signed by millionaires and billionaires calling for higher taxes on people like themselves.
Sounds like a few of them realize the truth. Except it won't be pitchforks.

New Mexico GOP lawmaker has 'no regrets whatsoever' after signing frivolous electoral certificate
That will help pull their asses out of office.

DOJ appears to be working its way up Jan. 6 chain of command to include Trump’s inner circle

Appraiser for Trump Org property: 'It seems like they are hiding something'
Ya think?

Eric Trump spent six hours pleading the Fifth Amendment more than 500 times
Of course it would incriminate him!

"Christian flag" case reaches Supreme Court: Is the Nazi flag next?
Far-right group wanted to fly "Christian flag" over Boston City Hall. Will the Supreme Court go along?
If the Nazis have their way the swastika flags will be flying o'er the land of the free.

A DC insider reveals the cynical reason Republicans aren't making any promises to voters
If they made a promise they would have a responsibility. They don't want any of that, just feeding at the trough is their mission.

'Significant escalation': Jan. 6 committee subpoenas Trump family member’s records
They should find some interesting trash in there.

Fox News’ Lara Logan dumped by agent after comparing Fauci to Nazi doctor
That's a start but she has a problem that she hasn't been treated for.

Watch This Nutjob GOPer Vow To 'Make The Devil Run'
Bianca Garcia, president of Latinos for Trump, vows to take her ‘rightful place’ in the Texas Senate.
She claims she can't wear a mask because she has a "breathing problem." It doesn't seem to prevent her from shouting her bullshit. But that's not her only problem. A brain would help.

Former Newspaper Editor: 'Lying Propaganda' Works
"The scary thing that we have learned in this era is that that kind of lying propaganda works so well," Mark Jacob said.
When you have a country filled with uneducated this is not a surprise.

Ron DeSantis Asks State Leg For $6M To Fund 'Election Police'
“My number one concern is that this is going to be used as a tool to harass or intimidate civic-engagement organizations and voters,” said Jonathan Diaz, a voting rights lawyer at the nonprofit Campaign Legal Center.
You mean like a goddamn Nazi?

Fully Vaxxed Laura Ingraham Claps For Covid
This person is a garbage person.
She is a MAGA whorshiper. She must get paid good fees for her services.

Jan 6 Committee Summons Trump's Crack Legal Team To Testify
Rudy, Sidney, Jenna and Boris - COME ON DOWN!
Has American law enforcement crashed and burned? Does a subpoena even mean anything now?

Florida Department of Health suspends medical director who encouraged employees to get vaccinated
What it will be like to live in a country run by Nazis.

'What took so long?': Former prosecutor says 'critical' new MAGA riot subpoenas could seal the case
Be sure to get Florida's Nazi DipShitus a cell.

Dems Urged to Hold Senate Floor for 'As Long As It Takes'
"Call your senators now and tell them to hold the floor, keep the debate going, and fix or ditch the filibuster to pass democracy reform," says Indivisible.
Resist Nazism to our deaths.

Religious Freedom Advocates Urge Congress to Protect Voting Rights

Forecast: Up To 300K More COVID Deaths By Mid-March
"Shhh! I've got this." — Darwin

Anti-Vax Czech Singer Deliberately Dead Of Something

Fifth Circuit Tells Women To Get F*cked In Latest Abortion Decision

Democrats are getting scared after Republicans threaten to investigate them if they subpoena GOP members
Earth to wimps: This threat makes it sound like you have something to hide. Do you? Where're your spines>

WATCH: Republican Dan Crenshaw booed by audience after he snaps at young woman for questioning his faith
"You have no faith to lose and you know it." Bob Dylan, Absolutely Fourth Street.

'Are you Republican or are you conservative?' West Coast 'refugees' plunging Idaho’s GOP into 'civil war'
QAnon fascists are having problems with their chattel. They need to be happy, like the rest of the Happy Negro Land.

Report: Gorsuch Refuses To Wear Mask, Forcing High-Risk Sotomayor To Participate Remotely
What else from a punk fascist? He believes he's in a higher class than she is just like the rest of the racists.

It’s Long Past Time to Prosecute Phony GOP Electors
The individuals who signed and transmitted fraudulent Electoral College ballots claiming their states voted for Donald Trump must be held to account.
Great Caesar's Ghost, justice is slow in America!

On Eve of Key Fight, Sanders Asks: 'Will Manchin and Sinema Vote With GOP?'
"We are not going to win the elections in 2022 unless our base is energized and ordinary people understand what we are fighting for, and how we are different than the Republicans."
The people this refers to are all fascists regardless of party affiliation.
"Demoralized" voters it says. Such poor things. When did we lose our spine? If we lose, we lose everything.

So we're told we need to "Unify" the nation?
"Does it mean we have to accept the ridiculous and racist idea that all the black people in Atlanta, Detroit, Philadelphia and Pheonix somehow can't vote straight so they have to have their polling places and drop boxes all taken away?"
The fascists clearly mean that. Racism is their motivation. Vote them out — if you are allowed to go to the polls, that is.

'We don't want you here': Australians are mocking MAGA fans threatening to boycott their country
Of course. Only America doesn't have the sense to reject the unvaccinated.

One year later, mainstream media still doesn't see Jan. 6 attack as racial
Jan. 6 was literally a white supremacist assault on democracy. Has anyone in the media come out and said that?

'You singlehandedly blocked the Emmett Till antilynching act': Rand Paul scorched over his MLK 'commemoration'
Shame doesn't appear to bother this two-faced miscreant.

The line connecting Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump runs through Dixie
The dear old Land of the Happy Negro!

ABC News Still Refuses To Own Up To Edited CDC Clip
Why is ABC News still hiding from its botched Covid story?
Is it much worse than they said? How good can it be?

Bannon Furious Fox Didn't Cover Trump Rally
It's not "news" to keep holding rallies with the same voter fraud lies and white grievance.
Yes, we needed to look up his ass again! You think this asshole doesn't get examined enough? Why aren't you in prison?

Phony Christian Lies, Says MLK Would Support Voter ID
David Brody said MLK would be outraged that Joe Biden somehow "weaseled" his way into office.
MLK would be supporting Nazis? As if this bitch would know.

As Sinema Defends Filibuster, Progressives Say 'Vote Her the Hell Out'
"The filibuster is a meaningless Senate rule. It's a remnant of slavery used to block civil rights for generations."
She's an abomination to humanity as is the filibuster.
But the U.S. Senate is one of the most corrupt bodies of government in the world.

As Dr. King Understood, The Right to Vote Is Both a Moral and a Practical Imperative
The battle before us is a "now or never" fight for democracy in this nation.

KKK Trump: White People Are Being Discriminated Against Over COVID
If you thought Trump was immoral, narcissistic, racist, and unhinged before, you ain't seen nothing, yet.
Fatso still vomits bullshit, I see. Toxic as ever.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Is Still Mad About 'Jewish Space Lasers'
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) revealed that the phrase "Jewish space lasers" hurt her feelings after it was reported that she had complained about the idea.
We have the receipts, dumbass.

'Smoking guns all around': Conservative connects dots showing Trump 'election fraud on a massive scale'
"Donald Trump and his inner circle made a provable attempt to steal the 2020 presidential election through fraud."
The real thief. And we have to make this gangster pay.

Virginia’s Republican attorney general-elect fires dozens of lawyers including in civil rights division
Another racist fascist. Bringing in the KKK to defend civil rights will be his swindle.

AZ lawmaker who signed fake 2020 certification ran Russian-style troll farm that paid teens to post Pro-Trump propaganda
There is nothing these deplorables won't stoop to.

America's deepest and most dangerous divide isn't between Democrats and Republicans
Americans long for personal and social transformation — but mainstream politics and media are trapped in the past
This is no surprise to the Land of the Happy Negro. We've been telling you this for years.

How I learned the power of lies: Fact and falsehood in the age of Trump (and long before)
Covering George Wallace taught me this: If people like lies better than truth, you can't change their minds
That's why so many die and will die from Covid.

Trump supporters considered having GOP lawmaker sneak phony electors into Michigan Capitol: report
Illustrating the failure of our politcal system.
One person, one vote wold prevent criminals like this.

Trump supporters at Arizona rally think the 2020 election will be redone
Again, psychopaths like lies better than truth. "Gavin Newsom is a clone."

Half in new poll say they're frustrated with Biden's presidency
These..."people," for lack of a better term, must all be Trump shills and prefer the Hell he gave us to the great job that Biden is doing compared to Trump's great failure. What is it about a 3.9% jobless rate that you don't like? A 63.5% vaccination rate? 41 federal judges. Biden had 41 judges confirmed to the bench during his first year in office, more than any of his recent predecessors at the same time in their presidencies. Of those, 80% are women, and 53% are people of color, according to the White House. No good?

GOPer cites election of Barack Obama and Kamala Harris as reason for opposing voting rights bill
Haven't the Black folks had enough power allowed them to see we really aren't trying to prevent them from voting?
Ahh..the logic of the Land of the Happy Negro.

Fox News host forces Glenn Youngkin to admit critical race theory is not 'being taught' in Virginia schools
It is a non-denial denial. Youngkin is just another fascist grifter.

Democrats' Case Against GOP Extremism Gains Momentum
All the way to prison we hope.

Expect more worrisome variants after omicron, scientists say
Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.

Half of Mail-In Ballot Requests Rejected in Key Texas County
Democracy defenders contend that Texas' newly enacted restrictions on mail-in ballots are part of a nationwide pattern of Republican efforts to disenfranchise minority voters.
Texas: Germany in the 1930s.

Donald Trump could be banned from the 2024 ballot in six states — here's how
Fatso should be banned in all 50 states and continue his reign in prison.

Fox Warns That Satanism Is Infiltrating ‘All Across America’
Move over CRT, Fox is now fear mongering that Satan has infested schools, libraries, universities and just about every public space across America. And it's "much more terrifying" than COVID!
They are confusing the mythical "Satan" with the myth that Trump won the 2020 election.
The church is destroying itself due to it's grifting.

How the states have become "Laboratories of Autocracy" — and why it's worse than you think
Former Ohio Democratic Party head David Pepper has a dire warning: Rigged state legislatures are destroying America
Do we think anyone thinks any longer?

How Ron DeSantis yields 'a tremendous amount of power' over Florida politics: 'Cross him once, you’re dead'
Gangsters in politics never work out in the end. They always go to prison.

'Needs to resign or be removed from office': Sinema scorched for 'stupidest speech by a Democrat'
That goes for Manchin, too.

Fox News' Peter Doocy: There are Republicans 'that don't agree with voting rights'
Yes, dear Dickhead. They are known as Nazis. You finally figured something out on your own?

Mike Lindell tells MAGA rally there will be 'no computers or machines' used in 2022 elections
Also all automobiles will be replaced by the horse and buggy, all flush toilets will be removed and replaced with outhouses, wood burning stoves will replace gas stoves and electric ovens, refrigerators will be replaced by ice boxes and schools will only teach reading, 'riting and 'rithmetic.

Trump rally-goers push conspiracies: Gov. Newsom is a ‘clone’ — and vaccines are ‘aborted children’
Finally, someone with a sense of reason.
Remember when there used to be small pockets of idiots and they stayed ignored in their insanity? Now they have all been given a megaphone and the fools that tag along are allowed to use one as well.

Investigators Drop a Bombshell Twist After Teen’s Burger King Drive-Thru Slaying
Niesha Harris-Brazell’s death reverberated around the country. But now, prosecutors have alleged she was accidentally killed while trying to stage a robbery.

Synagogue attacker claims to be brother of terrorist 'Lady al Qaeda' — demands she be freed: report
Yes, and he's apparently no longer with us.

White House is monitoring Texas synagogue hostage situation
A scumbag idiot is on the loose. Where? Colleyville. Texas!

Forgetful Capitol Rioters Called Pelosi's Office Looking For The 'Lost And Found'
Give 'em a break, professionals they ain't. Idiots, they most certainly are.

Virginia education bill mocked for erroneous 'fact' about Abraham Lincoln's slavery debates
Yes, there are incompetents attempting to make ignorant, stupid law.

Manchin, Sinema Just Made It That Much Easier for Trump to Seize Control

Why Isn't Corporate America Behind the Pro-democracy Movement?

If You Think Joe Rogan Is Credible, This Bizarre Clip of Him Yelling at a Scientist Will Probably Change Your Mind
He's always been like this.
He's pretty close to an ape himself. A lunatic ape.

Trump Ally Dan Bongino Suspended From YouTube Over COVID-19 Misinformation
The right-wing commentator told a YouTube employee to "kiss my ass" in an email tantrum he shared on Twitter
Speaking of apes.

Oath Keeper sedition indictments are an 'ominous sign' for Donald Trump: former federal prosecutor
Ominous signs have never meant any special punishment for this gangster in the past. Why should we expect it now?

Trump set off revolt at Census Bureau with attempt to manipulate the numbers for political advantage
He's a crook. This is what crooks do. This is your failed God.

'What he did is unbelievable': How Joe Manchin betrayed America’s working families
He's been doing it for years.

DirecTV To Drop Right-Wing Propaganda Channel OANN
In what may be a fatal blow to the right-wing propaganda channel, satellite service DirectTV plans to drop OANN.
The Nazi Network may have to get a megaphone to shout their lies.

Poor People's Campaign Readies 'Massive, Nonviolent' Effort to Save Democracy
"We are not in this for a moment, but for a movement," said Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II. "Our deadline is victory."
We support the Reverend.

Doocy Foolishly Asks 'What Happened?' Before Psaki Beatdown
Peter Doocy must have really been in the mood to be throttled, because he teed himself for a beating from Jen Psaki with the lamest attempt at a "gotchya" question ever.
The poor kid is in way over his head, a glutton for punishment.

Evangelicals do battle with "critical race theory" in new online video course
Focus on the Family series defines racism as individual sin, says CRT is "contrary to the truth of God's word"
This is how religion always gets in our way. It never solves problems, it only creates them.

Teenage Wendy's employee shot in the head over lack of barbecue sauce: police
Gun orgasms continue to be the answer for mental deviants.

WATCH: Florida cop chokes female colleague who tried to de-escalate Black man's arrest
But don't tell our kids about our racism.
As Jonathan Winters said in one his routines, "Just a hood with a badge."

Civil war in the United States is unlikely because of one simple reason
Because this "expert" knows. Right?
Stewart Rhodes: the Oath Keeper who plotted US Capitol attack
"We aren't getting through this without civil war," he told them.
Now one one of these guys is delusional. The problem is which one?

Sanders Says Manchin and Sinema Are Imperiling US Democracy
"It is a sad day when two members of the Democratic Caucus are prepared to allow the Freedom to Vote Act to fail and undermine the future of American democracy."
Yes, they are both responsible.

Dr. Oz Challenges Dr. Fauci To Brain Duel Outside Saloon At High Noon, SHUT UP HE'S SERIOUS STOP LAUGHING
As a great man once said this week, "What a moron. Jesus Christ."

The Conservative Justices Have Drunk the Anti-vax Kool-Aid
They should choke on it.

The Supreme Court Has Anointed Itself Czar of the Country’s COVID Rules

Altercation: Why Journalism Isn’t Conveying the Threat to Democracy

Texas DA Finds AG Paxton Violated Public Records Law By Withholding Jan. 6 Texts

'Dangerous' Republican 'kook’ says he is willing to forge elector documents again in 2024
Fascist criminals seem to still walk around free as a bird. Where is our honest law?
Will false Trump electors' attempt to hijack the Wisconsin vote be punished?
As always, it depends on honest law enforcement. We don't have much of that, especially in Wisconsin.

GOP senator introduces FAUCI Act after viral hot-mic exchange with top COVID doctor
Another fascist runs off the rails and looks to soothe his stupid ego.
"What a moron, Jesus Christ!" Nailed him and bruised him.

Sinema Surrenders to McConnell, Betraying President Biden, Democrats, Democracy

Kyrsten Sinema Faces Backlash From Arizona Democrats For Pro-Filibuster Stance
Since the nation is devolving, why not the public stocks?

Frederick Douglass? Stephen Douglas? Virginia Republicans don't know the difference
See? Morons impersonating educated people.

The GOP Has Adopted an Anti-Voting-Rights Case It Once Rejected
They aren't the GOP any longer. They are the American Fascist Party.

Pharma Douche Banned From Industry, Must Pay $65M
Couldn't happen to a better louse.

60 companies say Facebook unfairly rejected their ads for women's health products
Figures. Why is Facebook still in business?

CNN Host Calls Out Kevin McCarthy: 'He Was Lying!'
McCarthy? A liar? One of the greatest in history.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Seeks Re-Election On A 'Lie About Covid' Platform
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) asserted on Thursday that scientists have been wrong "since the beginning of time."
But idiot broads are never wrong about anything except when they always are.

Wisconsin Judge Rules Ballot Drop Boxes Unlawful
More election fixing by the Nazi devolvement movement.

'A Great Step': Biden Admin Launches Clean Energy Corps
The passage of the Build Back Better Act would expand the new workforce "exponentially," said one climate action campaigner.

Democrats, Struggling Parents Blast Lapsed Child Tax Credit
Thank Joe Manchin.

Religious Freedom: What It Is – And What It Is Not
Uh-oh. They don't want to hear this--or read it.

Okla. Legislator Puts Bounty On School Library Books
Probably never cracked one open in his life.
"... give parents the power to demand the removal of books “of a sexual nature.”
That means the Bible. Oh,then you've never even cracked that one?
Things must have changed since I was in school. We could never find one that had any hot sex in it. But we were taught clinical sex when we were in 7th grade science class, dude.
All hail fascism.

The radical right's takeover of the Supreme Court is complete
If this means facism, then yes.

Mark this article readAnti-abortion group linked to Amy Coney Barrett has been accused of ‘harassment and intimidation’
Backward losers, as already stated.

New report details Tucker Carlson's promotion of a man now facing Capitol riot sedition charges
Maybe it's him?

Deputized Nation
The devolvement of our nation.
Deviants are killing what's left of a sane society. The end of a once educated society that is now degrading into wild beasts

Manchin Joins Sinema in Destroying Democratic Hopes to Pass Voting Rights
"We're old enough to remember a whole month ago when both Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin voted to make an exception to the filibuster for the debt ceiling," Public Citizen sardonically noted.
Two grifting creatures..

'We'll see more' seditious conspiracy charges against MAGA rioters: CNN national security analyst
Are they wanting the law enforcers to wear microphones?

'It's not their private space': Florida GOP mulls forcing teachers to wear microphones so parents can monitor lessons
These people aren't qualified to clean toilets. Your children will be as uneducated as you are. Maybe you'll learn something listening to teachers. Apparently, you didn't hear them the first time.
Fascist bastards.

Washington Post editorial board slams Kevin McCarthy
One of the most deserving of being torched. This guy would betray anyone for power.

‘Pro-Life’ Supreme Court Justices Block Vaccine Mandates For Employers
If you’re already out of the womb and want to be guaranteed a COVID-free business experience, you’re SOL, America. You’re better off in medical facilities, though.
"Yep, the same people who are willing to see women die in order to protect fetuses see no reason to protect the already-living when they conduct business."
Welcome to a country run by a major section of backward losers.

Kayleigh 'Pot Calling The Kettle Black' McEnany Calls Biden 'Divisive'
McEnany seems to have had amnesia for the last five years and has forgotten who she worked for before Fox News.
That poor little whiny ass girl.

Garland's DOJ Arrests Oath Keepers Boss, Charges 10 With Seditious Conspiracy
The arrest of the head of the Oath Keepers signals a new level of investigation into the January 6th insurrection and could give signals where it is going (hint, it goes up).
Got these miscreant traitors!

Jamie Raskin: I Hope These Charges Shut Up Our Colleagues
By the way, there's another story behind those seditious conspiracy charges.

Glenn Beck said he didn’t need the vaccine – now he’s very sick with COVID and is taking ivermectin
How long till he bites it?

Dislocation nation: Omicron surge brings another endless war against another unseen enemy
It might have been easier when all this started — we knew what to do. The uncertainty of Year 3 is the worst part
The fact that many of us don't give a damn anymore shows we can't handle this war.

Michigan Republicans who circulated fake 'Electoral College' documents are being investigated by the Jan. 6 committee: report
Find some nice cells for these forgery crooks.

'Pathetic' Lindsey Graham slammed for 'debasing himself' once again for Trump
"...I’m not going to vote for anybody that can’t have a working relationship with Trump."
These bastards have discovered that lying works so well.
Mentally deranged. Fuck Trump and fuck his Nazis.

BFD: Ohio Supreme Court Overturns Crazy Gerrymandered Map
In a stunning victory, the Republican chief justice sided with Democratic justices.
Nazis get called out in Ohio.

Gaetz's Ex Wants Immunity For Testimony About Their Open Relationship
Ruh-roh! Someone with – er, intimate knowledge of Matt Gaetz’s peccadillos has already testified against him to a grand jury - and now she wants immunity for obstruction of justice charges.

Postal employees rail against Louis DeJoy's 'disastrous' new changes
Remove this POS now, please, before he burns us down.

"Parental rights" started on the Christian fringe — now it's the GOP's winning issue
Right-wing Christians have pushed for parental control over education for years. Suddenly it's the GOP's main focus
It appears to me that it's these asshole morons that need to be educated. Why don't they just teach their kids their racism lies at home?

Trump’s unhinged statement suggests Georgia prosecutors may be close to indicting him: MSNBC legal analyst
Stop the Trump fraud and throw his stinking ass in prison.

Taylor Greene: Second Amendment Is For Fighting Democrats
Marjorie Taylor Greene told former Trump lackey Seb Gorka that the original intent of the second amendment by the founders was so they could take up arms against Democrats.
Batshit crazy. Watch it dearie, some of your bullets can boomerang.

To Avert 'Global Nuclear Holocaust,' US Groups Demand Abolition of ICBMs
Whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg says no other immediate action would go further "to reduce the real risk of a false alarm in a crisis causing the near-extinction of humanity."
Sure. We've only been trying to do this since the end of WWII!

36 million families won't get a child tax credit check this week, thanks to Sen. Joe Manchin

Dr. Fauci Calls Senator Marshall A 'Moron' On Hot Mic
I would have had very different choice words for the Republican Senator from Charlie Koch's Kansas.
And a grandstanding dickhead.

Conservative Activist Who Attended Anti-Vax Symposium Dies From COVID
A month ago, Kelly Canon attended a symposium in Burleson, TX dedicated to fighting vaccine mandates, according to her Facebook posts.
Another one bites it.

Of Course, Pence Balks At Testifying Before J6 Committee
Pence's aides are doing plenty of testifying, apparently with Pence's blessing. But Trump's VP won't stick his own neck out now. VP Chickenshit.

The evidence of the rising influence of white Christian nationalism is all around us
Adolf Hitler & Christian Nationalism: Nazis’ Program of Positive Christianity

Schumer cleans the floor with Cornyn over voting rights laws and the GOP’s ‘obeisance’ to Trump
The Senate Nazis get told what they are.
"At least 19 states have passed 34 new laws making it more difficult to vote, according to voting access advocates, with some state legislatures continuing to repeat Trump’s unfounded claims of widespread voter fraud in order to push through restrictions."
That's what they are. Get ready for the war.
"After all of this, if we should prevail, heaven help the South..." — Gone to Shiloh, Bernie Taupin, Elton John

Gov. Greg Abbott says critics are "playing politics" over Texas National Guard suicides
Tell it to the Army Times, Bozo.
Wave of suicides hits Texas National Guard’s border mission

'We're not neutral on Nazism,' Indiana teacher says. Republican state senator disagrees
This is happening in the United States of America, people. You are watching your country die a slow, painful death.
"The bill drew attention when one of its co-authors said that teachers should be impartial in teaching about Nazism."
People, with garbage like this we have to become agressively resistant to the Nazi invasion we are facing.
“For example, it’s the second semester of U.S. history, so we're learning about the rise of fascism and the rise of Nazism right now,” Bockenfeld said at a committee hearing on the bill. “And I'm just not neutral on the political ideology of fascism. We condemn it, and we condemn it in full, and I tell my students the purpose, in a democracy, of understanding the traits of fascism is so that we can recognize it and we can combat it.”
"But Baldwin’s bill doesn’t just ban teachers from teaching that Nazism is bad. It also allows parents “to opt into or out of certain educational activities and curricular materials under certain conditions...”
Kill fascism, now!

Biden to call for filibuster 'carve-out' on voting rights, but where are Manchin and Sinema?
They are in the toilet that has "Nazis" printed on it.
"We don't need even more photo ops," says the co-founder of Black Voters Matter. "We need action."
I guess they want this settled by guns. This is where the end will begin.

Trump's troops: The far-right has a tight grip on too many in uniform
What if Trump leads another insurrection? How many military and law enforcement members will stand firm?
If our troops can't follow their oath and defend the Constitition then citizens will flee this country like the Germans fled Germany in WWII. The country will become a Nazi shit pile country and war will be declared on them by the free world. Nazis will will be doomed as they should be and destroyed by any means necessary.

At one Texas school, LGBTQ teens call onslaught of hostile laws "matter of life and death"
Facing a tsunami of anti-LGBTQ laws and regulations, teens in one Texas district say it's a mental health crisis
Mental health crisis by Texas fascists.

Jamie Raskin throws Jim Jordan's words from Benghazi back in his face as he dodges the Jan. 6 probe
What did the pipsqueak Jordan say to that? A litte whine from a little swine?

Vaccine Appointments Quadruple After Quebec Requires Shots For Liquor Stores
First-dose COVID vaccine appointments quadrupled in Quebec after the Canadian province required vaccine passports to buy alcohol and marijuana.
Too bad the U.S. doesn't have the balls Quebec has.

Steve Bannon Mocks Michelle Obama: 'This Is The Rise Of Fascism'
Conservative podcast host Steve Bannon sarcastically bragged on Monday that his effort to take over the entire election apparatus of the United States was a "rise of fascism."
That's not sarcasm. That's a Nazi talking.
And you know damn well what we did to fascists in WWII. We will do the same to you, you dog afterbirth!

Psaki Bombs Doocy After He Takes A Pitiful Anti-Vax Stance
Fox News' Peter Douche always frames his questions to Biden's press secretary to appease the anti-vax community.

Indiana GOPer Backs Off On 'Both Sides' Teaching About Nazis
The right-wing has become so radicalized in this country, they are defending inaccurate teaching of Nazism and fascism in favor of "both sides."
Certainly not all Republicans but many are card-carrying Nazis They must be treated as such. Of course, they were always a part of the Land of the Happy Negro.

Latest Quack: Drink Pee, Not Bleach, As 'Therapy'
Christopher Key says he's been drinking his own urine for 20 years. Well, that explains a lot.
Does he eat his own feces as well?

QAnon Barbie Accuses Biden Of 'Murder' Because Ivermectin Is RX Only
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) on Sunday accused President Joe Biden's government of "murder" because the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not allow unauthorized treatments for Covid-19 to be purchased without a prescription.
The perfect quack. She has no data, no evidence and no mind. The perfect moron.

Mike Lindell Attacks Fox News For 'Evil' At Christian Revival Event
MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell suggested over the weekend that Fox News has been infected by "evil" because the network will not back up his false claim that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from Donald Trump. Will someone please get this false narritive, blithering idiot comedian a straitjacket?

Former DC police officer who survived the Capitol riot slams 'insurrectionist members of Congress' as 'jackasses'
And that's just for starters.

Ron Johnson explains why he lied about term limits to run again: 'I'm just one of those truth-tellers'
Another lying piece of Trump trailer trash.

A year later, we're still trapped in a bad fascist-coup movie: It doesn't end well
Trump's coup was more like a black-comic indie film than a thriller — and it's heading toward a dark anticlimax
It has nothing to do with the "the dream merchants and fantasy manufacturers of Hollywood." It has everything to do with the failure to recognize that we have a treasonist group of terrorists that our government continues to ignore and refuses to blow them back to hell where they came from.

'Trump's loyal lap dog': Ken Paxton slammed after his election fraud crusade goes down in flames

Jan. 6 committee turns up forged documents declaring Trump the election winner in pivotal states: report
A loser that can't face reality gets his mobsters to forge lies for his failure.

Donald Trump's 'broken brain' and ego are at the source of latest crowd size rant: Acosta and Avlon
Fatso needs a padded cell.

Noam Chomsky: 'Proto-fascism' and 'white nationalism are prime ingredients of the GOP’s slow-motion coup
End the Nazi dream of a fascist nation. Do it now.

'Genuinely insane' decision by Trump when he was president could lead to New York City devastation: author
Fatso is quite insane. Nearly as insane as his worshippers.

Mike Flynn likens insurrectionists to Jesus at event for candidate tied to Jan 6th
Crucifixtion? This grifter should be emprisoned on Devil's Island forever and again.

'Murderers!' Video shows deranged anti-vaxxer violently attacking COVID workers in California
Put him on the next spaceship to Mars.

WATCH: Trump supporters waving confederate flags protest outside Harry Reid's memorial service
The Land of the Happy Negro traitors show their collective asses and mindless antics. Textbook definition of scum.

Facebook hosted surge of misinformation and insurrection threats in months leading up to Jan. 6 attack: records
Zuck the Fuck.

Manchin called out for 'operating in bad faith' after reportedly no longer supporting his own BBB counteroffer
One big prick.

Ron Johnson Runs Amok On The Big Lie, Insurrection
The Wisconsin Senator goes absolutely bonkers with The Big Lie, accusations and utter falsehoods. Batshit for brains.

DeSantis Spreads More Lies About COVID Testing
The Florida governor erroneously claimed testing positive doesn't mean you are infectious. The Dip is so mentally disabled he does not know he stepped in the trap he set for himself. Such a mental failure. He's pitifully dumb. He needs to be in an institution.

Bannon’s AntiVax 'Correspondent' Blames COVID On Biden, BLM, Antifa
Real America's Voice "correspondent" Ben Bergquam has been hospitalized with the “Biden variant” of the “China virus,” but he thanks God he’s not vaccinated.
These deplorables show us all what they are and why they are so pitifully dumbed down.

'Pitiful cowardice': Texas GOP blasted for attacking masks and promoting waiting in long lines to vote
You just have to take one look at this dumbo con artist to know how mentally decrepit they are. Sad to see humans this sick.

'Definitely being untruthful': Fitness experts aren't buying Mike Pompeo's claim about his 90lb weight loss regimen
The boy is simply doing the "Lap Band Dance" by Men of Extinction. Look it up on YouTube.

New analysis exposes the 'grim truth' about the GOP's future
You mean they will stop shitting and falling back in it?
That'll be the day because there are cures for Trumpism.

Tucker Carlson pitches potential new COVID treatment to Fox News viewers: Viagra
"Is there anything [Viagra] doesn't cure?" Carlson quipped at one point
Yes, Tucks. The ability to grow a pair of testicles, you eunuch.

WATCH: Ted Cruz's remarks about the Jan. 6 insurrection have come back to haunt him in a new supercut
Please, Texas. Throw this two-faced spineless fraud out of office.

I'm An ICU Doctor In Rural Ohio. This Is The Horror I Face Every Day Due To COVID-19.
“Coming back tomorrow?” I heard one bedside ICU nurse ask another. “Absolutely not. I’m off. You couldn’t pay me enough to get me here tomorrow.”

Texas GOP Ridicules People Waiting In Line For Tests
Texas fascist cowards.

Texas GOP trolls liberals with photo of COVID-19 testing site ... in New York City
Texas. Brainless morons. Texas breeds only the best in that catagory.

Is the world now paying the price of not doing enough to help developing world COVID-19 vaccination efforts?
Could very well be the case.

Tucker Carlson Claims NPR Is ‘Attacking Privileged White People,’ Says ‘We’re Not Racist, Unlike NPR’
Racist-seditionist-propagandist Tucks will say anything to stir up Fuks Noose base of traitors.
"According to Politifact, 60% of all of the statements one is likely to hear on 'Fox News' are lies. Not just Half-Truths (which are 18% of their statements). But, lies. False statements, or 'Pants on Fire Lies.' 60%."

A New Civil War in America?
Terrorism is their tactics. It has been in the past.

In Praise of Joe Biden's Fighting Words

Conservative Group Aims to Rewrite the Constitution Through a Constitutional Convention
The Nazis will keep trying to turn us into their dictatorship. Stop them.

Gertrude Beasley and the Things Kept Hidden

Omicron on track to shatter Texas' COVID-19 hospitalization record
“The situation in Texas is that it probably won’t reach the peak [for cases] until the second half of January,” a top researcher said.

Unemployment Falls, Wages Grow for Most Disadvantaged in Strong Jobs

Fanatical, extreme religious faith wasn't incidental to last year's Capitol riot: It was a central driving force
That being true then God has a lot to answer for.
"'This is the beginning of the great revival before the Antichrist comes....'" You've missed the point here, Dumbo. You are now the sucker worshipping him as the Bible warned everyone that you would do.

'I am not a dog!': 78-year-old MAGA rioter denies urinating on column inside Capitol
When asked to elaborate, he simply replied "Arf! Arf!"

Fascism expert says Trump’s 'personality cult' is growing -- and warns DeSantis won't be the last 'mini-Trump'
Of course there will always be tiny little people who think they can rule the universe. But they will all shit and fall back in it.

Donald Trump should be very afraid: This anniversary was not good news for him
Last year, Trump thought he could find a way to hang on. Now he's more worried about staying out of prison

QAnon Star Who Said Only 'Idiots' Get Vaccinated, Dies From COVID
Cirsten Weldon told her fans not to get vaccinated and wanted Dr. Anthony Fauci "hung from a rope."
Maybe she got that backwards. Now who's the idiot?
So. Another one bites it.

You Won't Believe Who Virginia's Natural Resources Chief Is Now
Who did new Republican governor Glenn Youngkin put in charge of Virginia's natural resources?
Another card carrying moron, of course. Andrew Wheeler should be put away from everyone. He's a grea danger, especially your children.
"This is coming from Youngkin, the guy who was supposed to be the example of a Republican who doesn’t worship at the altar of Trump."
As is often the case, peole vote against their best interests time and time again and wonder why we live in a toxic wasteland."

Facebook accused of radicalizing a far-right extremist in new lawsuit
Facebook, the sewer of the world.

GOP candidate Shelley Luther says Chinese students should be banned from Texas universities
What she means is racists like her should be banned — from society.

Father and Son Who Murdered Ahmaud Arbery Given Life in Prison Without Parole
"They have no remorse and do not deserve any leniency," Arbery's mother said of her son's killers.
Now do the same with Trump and his minions. They have no remorse either.

Democrats quietly consider using 14th Amendment to prevent Trump from running for office in 2024
A post-Civil War clause bars anyone who engaged in "insurrection or rebellion" against the U.S. from seeking office
Then it is imperative that he be convicted. But watch the Nazis that are in Congress. They are the enemy that would just as soon kill us as look at us.

‘I’m just sort of stating facts’: Justice Kagan smacks down right-wing lawyer fighting Biden’s vaccine rule
Oh, dear. Stating facts? Whatever happened to "alternative facts"? Used for fertilizer I suppose.

Polling expert explains the real reason the GOP doesn't care that it's unpopular
Typical morons. These arrogant Nazis are severely mentally damaged.

WalMart And Kroger Jack Up Prices On Covid Tests
They had a price agreement with the White House that expired this week.
Let them use the tests on themselves and shop at another supermarket. Because they are now gouging their customers.

Dennis Prager: Jan. 6 A ‘Smokescreen’ Like The Reichstag Fire
Dennis Prager took January 6th revisionist history to a whole ‘nother level as he channeled Candace Owens’ ridiculous Nazi rhetoric.
Yet another fat Nazi.

Right-Wing Justices Appear Poised to Kill Biden Vaccine Rules Despite Raging Omicron
"Courts are not politically accountable," said liberal Justice Elena Kagan. "Courts have no epidemiological expertise. Why in the world would courts decide this question?"
I hope everyone realizes that these miscreants don't give a good goddamn about Americans. Fuck the workers they say. May they all get slow stomach cancer.
"They are irredeemable. We need to expand the court now." Yes, by like 30 or more.

America will be ‘shocked and surprised’: Riot committee Dem reveals former Trump official gave him ‘a lot of names I had not heard before’
They won't be. We all know who the douchebags are.

Trump Thrashed for Lie-Laden Response to Biden Jan. 6 Anniversary Address
"The former president who tried to overthrow the republic after lying about a 'stolen' election for months has just released a statement in which he continues to lie about a stolen election."

'Complete lack of judgment': Judge tears apart MAGA rioter who brought her teen son to the Capitol
The cowards are all falling to pieces now.

Sobbing Jan. 6 insurrectionist sent to prison after lawyer argues his brain was not fully developed
Damn, his lawyer got that right. Just like his hero, Trump. What a sad failure.

Trump’s meltdown enters its second day as he continues raging over Biden's Jan. 6 speech
Poor little underdeveloped scum. Brain damaged at birth.

The damning evidence against Trump and his allies is just the tip of the iceberg
And we know how deep icebergs can be.

Imagine another America: One where Black or brown people had attacked the Capitol
If this alternate history sounds ludicrous, that's the point: That imaginary event would look nothing like this one

Fox News Angry Biden Blasted Trump In Jan 6 Speech
Was Biden's speech political and divisive? Yes, it was. Because that is what we need right now: Someone telling the truth about what happened and why.
These Fuks Noose asshats are all accomplices in Trump's coup, that's why they are pissed. Fuk'em.

President Biden delivered the Jan. 6 speech America needed to hear
And how.

The Daily Show Produced The Smash Up All Of Us Need
The Daily Show took Fox's coverage of BLM protests and puts it to footage of the insurrection. The result is perfect.
Nazi talking heads.

Conspiracy Theorist/Right Wing Podcaster/Anti-Vaxxer Doug Kuzma Dies From COVID
Radio host Doug Kuzma, who called COVID a “hoax” has died...from COVID, of course.
“I’ll die at the house before I go to the hospital,” he wrote on Facebook.
He was wrong about that, too.
Another one bites it.

Trump melts down over Biden's 'very hurtful' Jan. 6 speech and continues to spread election lies
Fuck Trump.

Pro-Trump security firm behind Arizona 'audit' announces it's shutting down: report
Failed again.

'Emasculation and humiliation': Steve Schmidt shreds Ted Cruz's groveling Fox News appearance
"The way I phrased things yesterday, it was sloppy and it was, frankly, dumb," said Cruz...
But he always does that. He's a totally incompetent idiot.

Colbert hammers 'traitorous scum' Trump, 'douchebag' rioters and 'dimwit' Ted Cruz in biting 'Rent' parody
Trump shown as the fool he is.

Newsmax cuts away from Marjorie Taylor Greene in the middle of her rant against the FBI
The fascist criminals luck isn't so good right now.

'I can't say it with a straight face': Morning Joe hilariously busts Lindsey Graham's multiple personalities
"Lindsey's consistency, we were just talking about him on the floor, and I can't do it with a straight face, I'm sorry"

Can Somebody Please Check on Ron DeSantis?
Why? He's just choking on his own lies.

'No Excuse' to Keep Federal Minimum at $7.25, Experts Say as 21 States Hike Wages
"With consumer prices rising substantially over the past year, the need for a higher federal minimum wage is more acute than ever."

Noam Chomsky: GOP’s Soft Coup Is Still Underway One Year After Capitol Assault

At least 63 Texans — including a state House candidate — are accused of taking part in the Capitol insurrection
And they have the balls to ask for help from Biden.
Texas has among the highest number of residents charged in the riot on Jan. 6, 2021. At least five Texans have already been convicted.

Fox News Has a Jan. 6 Problem: Sean Hannity's Text Messages Make Clear His Complicity

The Twisted, Trumpist Religion of Jan. 6th
Twisted is correct.

What Gang-Backed Government Could Do to America.
January 6 was a warning: When public authority and private muscle join forces, democracy is in danger
Or gangster-backed, like Trump.

Merrick Garland Is Undermining the Biden Antitrust Strategy
By fighting over personnel to the Justice Department’s Antitrust Division, the attorney general is prioritizing the status quo over the public good.
Garland is not the man for the job.

'I'm so appalled': Marjorie Taylor Greene loses it after Joe Biden calls Jan. 6 'darkest day'
LOL! A good example of how totally brainless this dumb law-by-gun broad is. One that would easily join a group of domestic terrorists.

Ex-Trumpers set to plot how to try and take down Trump
American heroes.

Republicans Want You to Think January 6 Was Random Violence
They also want you to think they are Americans.

Cable News Ratings, Tuesday January 4th: The Five Tops the Charts as Rachel Maddow Eclipses Laura Ingraham
The fascist Fuks are losing.

Graham Rages At Biden’s Speech: “Brazen Politicization"
Mindless idiot scum rages at American patriot and showing he supports fascist terrorism.

'Are you serious?' Lindsey Graham buried for trying to dismiss Trump's role in the Capitol riot
Zombies can rise from the grave.

DeSantis: Floridians Don’t Care About The Capitol Riot
The Dip is what he is, a piece of garbage in a state of seditionists.

Pre-Riot Rally Organizer Melts Down Over Biden Speech
He didn't attack Americans, you fuckstick. He attacked domestic terrorists, traiitors like you. And destroy you we must!

To Defend Democracy, We Must Confront Christian Nationalism

'He lost': Biden delivers stinging rebuke of Trump, GOP on one-year anniversary of Capitol siege

Cops Restrain Man Attacking Medical Assistant Over Vaccines
He failed, as usual. Think of it — always.

Biden Gives Fiery Speech On Grim Anniversary Of Insurrection
One of the great speeches I have heard in my lifetime.

“Dagger at the Throat of Democracy”: Watch Biden’s Impassioned Jan. 6 Anniversary Speech

Corporations Are Selling Out Democracy for Political Influence
One year after January 6, corporations are once again filling the campaign coffers of politicians who tried to overthrow the last election.

Ilhan Omar Warns 'Next Coup Not Only Possible; It Has Already Begun'
Please Note: Liz and Dick Cheney were the only Republicans to attend the Congress meeting on the coup this morning, 1/6/2022.
They are all Nazi pigs. Garbage traitors. We should remove them all from our sight.

One Year After The Horrific Assault On The Capitol, Christian Nationalists Are Trying To Rewrite What Happened
As they have been doing for centuries.

How 'false prophets' and 'trust-fund babies' pushed Capitol rioters to 'bloodthirsty' violence one year ago

‘You can’t love your country only when you win’: Biden urges Americans to defend the right to vote, condemns Trump election lies on Jan. 6 anniversary
The Nazis will only understand bullets as always.

They Helped Save Democracy — and Are Being Tormented for It
These frontline election workers made sure the votes were counted in 2020. They got death threats. Their torturers stormed the Capitol

'It's a Trap': Advocates Warn Against McConnell-Backed Election Reform Gambit
"Who on this earth believes Mitch McConnell woke up this morning and decided to start caring about democracy? Nobody."

Jen Psaki Skewers McConnell's Voter Suppression Denial
"Facts are facts" the press secretary told the reporter who asked for a White House response. Then, she listed the facts.
McConnell and his traitors refuse to vote for the voting rights bill. Voting. Think about it. Denying Americans their fundamental right. They are the worst enemy we've ever had to fight in our history. To not support voting rights is Un-American. These cowardly traitors should all go straight to hell.

Dinesh D'Souza Blames Police For January 6 Violence
So much for all that Blue Lives Matter blather, eh?
Fuck the twerp Nazi, Dinesh D'Souza.

Pence’s team is now cooperating with the Jan. 6 committee: report
Let's just see if they are.

Capitol Police warned that a GOP lawmaker ‘seemed to encourage violence’ days before Jan. 6: report
Louie Gohmert.

Critics respond to viral videos of 'very unwell' Ron DeSantis 'seemingly gasping for air'
My, my. The Dip is unwell. This could be very bad news for the Dip. His missing days were Covid days.

I was there for the day that poisoned America — and I think we can still recover
At first I thought they were like a bunch of rowdy NFL fans. I was mistaken. But there's a path back to reality

The insurrection will be decentralized: The next Jan. 6 will happen in the state houses
Republicans have a more effective strategy than storming the Capitol: They plan to destroy democracy state by state
And the National Guard should greet them.
And if the Guard joins the traitors treat them as abandoning their oath. Do they think they are bullet proof?

WATCH: GOP senator gets called out for rewriting the history of the Jan. 6 attack
Prepare either a prison cell or an insane asylum for this dildo.

'MAGA nation should rise up': Trump sends out incendiary message to followers on eve of Capitol riot anniversary
Rise and be recognized as the traitors you are.

The Real Tragedy of Jan. 6 Is That It’s Still Not Over
We still have an enemy to defeat. The Trump Nazis.

From the Bundys to the Rotunda: How allowing far-right terrorism to fester led to Trump's Jan. 6 coup attempt
"The sight of violent Trump supporters invading the Capitol a year ago may have been shocking but it was not surprising."
They all drank the Kool-Aid.

Our professional diagnosis: Joe Biden is normal; the "Insurrection Caucus" isn't
The "Let's go Brandon" crowd claims Biden is impaired. As mental health professionals, we see no evidence of that
We all know which ones are mentally defected. It is more than obvious. It should embarass the country.

Watch what Sean Hannity was saying publicly while texting Trump allies in private
The traitors are well documented now.

Fox News has a Jan. 6 problem: Sean Hannity's text messages make clear his complicity
Why has Hannity never reported any of this?
3 guesses and the first 2 don't count.

'The Jews are behind this': Big GOP donor pushes antisemitic theory that vaccines are an 'extermination' plot
Nazis in Utah shit and fall back in it.

Trump Abruptly Cancels January 6 Press Conference
Republicans are the true arbiters of cancel culture in America.
Dumbo knows his ass is grass.

'Do You Realize You Are Describing A Coup?' Peter Navarro Confesses On MSNBC
Ari Melber directly asked Peter Navarro to explain the coup plan - and he did. With names.
Navarro is quite a simpleton. He described the crime that the Trump fascists committed.

DeSantis Has Peaceful Citizen Arrested And 'Detained' For No Reason
This is what fascist leaders do to their public to instill fear in them. Tyrannical Nazi asshat describes the moron best

'Shameful and appalling': Ron DeSantis moves press conference following arrest of well-known community activist
Moron so-called Governor in Florida shows lack of brain.

'A dangerous fascist': Critics blast Josh Hawley on the anniversary of his Fox News insurrection threat
Nazi punk needs to attend Civics class.

Top Trump aide: Vaccinating children is 'child abuse at a minimum and murder in some cases'
The search for the bottom continues.

French 'Extraterrestials' Die From COVID Within A Week Of One Another
A couple more somethings bite it.

Anti-Vax California Republican DA Dies Of Something
Another one bites it.

Anti-Vaxxers Are Claiming Booster Killed Betty White
Still searching for the bottom are they?

FL Surgeon General Announces Plan To Limit Testing
Another brainless fool. When will they all get the fuck out of our lives?

Combatting America’s crisis of despair by investing in brains

Twitter Freaks After Aaron Rodgers Touts Atlas Shrugged on ESPN: ‘Joe Rogan is Making Him Dumber’
As I have said before, A. Aron is lucky he can throw a football. Otherwise, he's just another box of rocks.
Anyone who has read this pap can tell you it's an arrogant, selfish viewpoint on humanity.

Why DOJ is avoiding domestic terrorism sentences for Jan. 6 defendants
These people have a serious thinking disorder. This will not end well for us.

Facebook Hosted Surge of Misinformation and Insurrection Threats in Months Leading Up to Jan. 6 Attack, Records Show

Thursday Anniversary Arrives With Capitol Cops Short 400 Officers and Trumpanzis Arriving by Tens of Millions in DC on Full Auto
"If the celebrants of J6 show up, send the National Guard early for once and deploy them with flame throwers in preparation of the cannibal barbecue and celebration after the J6 Reunion Celebration."

Antonio Brown Is a Damning Reflection of the NFL
The No Football League is again showing its ass.

Madison Cawthorn’s Insurrection

A record 4.5 million Americans quit their jobs in November
"The unemployment rate has fallen to 4.2 percent, close to what economists consider full employment."
Yes, our economy is doing very well. Thanks, Joe Biden.

Radioactive Contamination Is Seeping Into Drinking Water Around the U.S.

Trump Supporters 'Know' He Had Nothing To Do With Jan. 6th
It was antifa. No, it was the FBI. It was a plot by the Democrats!
It's due to brainless morons such as these that Trump's coup was attempted.

National Media Must Not Air Any Of Trump's Jan 6th Press Conference
Donald Trump's "press conference" on January 6th is not national news and should not be treated as such. He simply wants to distract from the reality of his authoritarian, anti-democratic attempt to destroy the fabric of the nation.
Nazi traitors have no right to open their sorry yappers on public media.

Just Because Jesus Didn't Say So, Doesn't Make Abortion OK
Mrs. Betty Bowers explains why abortion is wrong even though Jesus never said that.

Theranos' Elizabeth Holmes Found GUILTY On 4 Counts
Disgraced founder of the blood testing scam company, Theranos, was found guilty on 4 of 11 counts and faces decades in prison.
Which she won't serve, unfortunately.

Trump's Texas 'audit' falls apart
Just as his life has turned.

Christian conservative reporter humiliated after attacking BLM on Twitter
What happened to these "Christians"? Don't they realize they worship "The Beast"?
Just like they were warned about Covid and then said, "Where can I go to get it?"

Matt Gaetz's no good — but not so horrible — 2021. What's next?
Matt Gaetz still faces no child sex trafficking charges – and he might never
America seems to not care about law and order or the Constitution any longer.

NY AG Letitia James responds to Ivanka Trump and Don Jr. saying they’ll defy her subpoena
Put the whole damn family in the same cell.

'You don't really believe that': CNN reporter stunned by Trump supporters' Jan. 6th conspiracy theories
These jackwagons are dumber than 10 billion sacks of hammers and 20 billion pounds of rocks.
How do they have the sense to get out of bed every morning?

'Huge Increase' in Child Poverty Feared as Tax Credit Expires Amid Omicron Wave
"The pandemic isn't over—the relief to withstand it shouldn't stop," said Rep. Pramila Jayapal.
Impeach Manchin. Impeach every fascist Republican.

Devin Nunes Rides Cow Into Sunset
Say goodnight, Devin. And good riddance.

Mark this article readLt. Gov. Dan Patrick tested positive last week for COVID-19 but didn’t tell Texas right away
Just like the low-down dirty dog we know he is. Dumb as a sack of hammers.

Ivanka Trump Reportedly Begged Putin to Order Her Dad to Stop Capitol Attack
She knew who was the head of the Trump administration!

‘Way Too Much Testing!’: Fox News Host Starts 2022 With Unhinged COVID
Way too much Fuks Noose bullshit.

Liz Cheney 'has the goods' on Trump and doesn't need Bannon or Meadows to comply: reporter
Put them all in the same cell.

'The committee has broken through Trump's wall' and knows exactly what he did during riot: CNN's Jamie Gangel

Conservatism and Fascism Are Not the Same Thing

It’s time to start scoring legislation on climate impacts

Study Finds That People Who Believe COVID Myths Are More Likely to Catch COVID
They had to do a study to come to that truth? We survive in very dark days.

Don Jr. and Ivanka Trump intend to defy new subpoena from New York’s attorney general
Trump family members will not comply with any law, just like their traitor father.

Can the Jan. 6 Committee subpoena GOP members of Congress? The panel sure wants to know
Of course they should be. After all they are the fascist seditionists.

Grandma Dies Of COVID After 'Friend' Hides Infection To Attend Card Game
Of course, the unvaccinated are most of our problem. The person who is responsible should be charged with manslaughter or wrongful death at the very least. But we are no longer a civil or responsible country.

Fears of a ‘civil war’ are growing as MAGA chooses ‘violence’ over democracy: editorial
It won't be a "civil" war as none of the MAGAts are close to civil. Take a look at the deplorable Nazi photo.

Republicans are assaulting democracy even more now than when Trump was in office: constitutional scholar
The American Nazi Party will do its best to do us in.

January 6 Opinion Polls Show Republicans Still Pretending To Believe A Lot Of Sh*t.
But we literally know who these people are now. We know they are all fools and/or treasonous liars.

It's January 3. Have You Thought About Joe Manchin's Feelings Yet This Year?
"Well, he still wants that damn child tax credit taken away, because that's some help for families he is NOT ON BOARD WITH. (You know, because the parents were just going to spend "tax credit" on drugs.)"
Does he mean that will be less drugs available for him?
"Oh yes, and voting rights! Will Senate Democrats be able to get something done with those, or will Manchin and his pal Kyrsten Sinema keep holding those hostage too?"

Beto O’Rourke’s blunt support of marijuana legalization gives advocates hope for policy change
BTW: A Republican fellow in Texas of hispanic descent has (reportedly) said: "Just because this guy's name is Beto, don't think he is hispanic." Which indicates that hispanics shouldn't vote for him because he's masquerading as hispanic, I suppose. Dear, dude, "Beto" is his nickname. His actual name is Robert. And no he is not hispanic and has never pretended to be.
Beto for Governor.

The Uncanny Resemblance of the Beer Hall Putsch and the January 6 Insurrection
If 1920s Germany could punish Hitler for leading a coup attempt, why can’t America go after Trump?
We can and we are.

Anti-Vax Mob Crashes Boston Mayor’s Presser [VIDEO]
"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” -- Isaac Asimov

Schumer: Senate Will Vote On Filibuster Rule Change
Shitcan it.

Ashli Babbitt A Martyr? Her Past Tells A More Complex Story
The 35-year-old had a history of making violent threats and in 2016 was accused of inciting a violent road rage attack amid an extramarital affair.
If I got caught breaking and entering a home I would expect to take a bullet.

Witness: Donald Trump watched the attack on the Capitol from the White House
And he got off on it.

Colossal Whiner Kevin McCarthy: Dems 'Dividing Country' Over J6
So your Trump asswipes attempt a coup and our coup opponents are dividing our country? Fuck all the way off!

New York attorney general issues subpoenas to Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr: report

'In 2022, Let's Tax the Rich': 10 Billionaires Added $402 Billion to Their Fortunes in 2021
"It's taxes or pitchforks," declared one progressive advocacy group.
I have news for you. It will take a lot more than pitchforks.

'How do you sleep at night?' Trump's GOP allies infuriating other lawmakers by pretending Jan. 6 never happened
All criminals and criminal accsesories deny they are criminals.

Meet the scariest Republican candidates of 2022: It wasn't easy to pick 'em
The next wave of Republican freshmen could be the worst yet – and could pose a legitimate threat to democracy
Meet the new Nazis. Stuff 'em.

Canadian political scientist warns his country must face 'horrible' possibility of US becoming a 'right-wing dictatorship' by 2030
We can stop the Nazis if we want to.

We Found Ron DeSantis! He's Trying To Kill His Wife With COVID!
Hm, this is strange. Florida's governor has been missing in action for weeks as the state's COVID numbers explode. He shows his face for the first time in public...HERE?

Fox's Campos-Duffy Wishes Children Could Be Used To Get Herd Immunity
While railing against the expected authorization by the FDA and CDC to broaden eligibility for COVID booster shots to children ages 12 to 15 in the coming days, Fox's Rachel Campos-Duffy suggested this would be "a great opportunity to get herd immunity" instead.
Another moron practicing medicine without a licensce. Yes, she is, in fact, mad.

This unvaccinated nurse in Miami believed Gov. Ron DeSantis instead of the science
"There's a sucker born every minute"— P.T.Barnum." There's a Covid denier cowering every second" — the Land of the Happy Negro.

Republicans 'no longer recognize democracy' — and the country may not survive: Missouri newspaper
MAGAts don't give a damn about fascism. They love it.

Jim Jordan looking at 'jail time' if he defies Capitol riot committee: former US attorney
Just exactly where he needs to be sent.

'We WILL be holding them accountable!': Lauren Boebert threatens Twitter for booting Marjorie Taylor Greene
You can hold it between your legs, you miscreant jaw-jacking jerk.

Thompson: Rioters Interacted With GOP House Reps
Lock Traitor Trump up for life.

52% Of Republicans Say Rioters “Protected Democracy”
"An overwhelming majority (72%) of Americans believe the people involved in the attack on the Capitol were 'threatening democracy,' while 1 in 4 Americans believes that the individuals involved were 'protecting democracy."
And the 1 in 4 still believe the planet is flat.

Elon Musk Fans Furious That He Posted Antivax Meme
Elon Musk "fans" are as much of a "genius" as he is. Maybe they have him figured out now.

'It's insane': Conservatives furious over Trump's hold on the GOP one year after insurrection
You created him. You have no one to blame but yourselves.

Pandemic deaths among pregnant Americans are now 'surging'
"You can chalk up more deaths for the "pro-life" crowd...." Well, most of us can. The idiots never will.
" Republican-voting states and counties where pandemic safety measures like masking, social distancing, and vaccinations have been mocked or intentionally blocked by state and local Republican leaders."

Fox 'Economist' Whines Biden Vax Mandate Targets Trump Voters
Peter Morici is one big vindictive, self-loathing asshole.

Liz Cheney reveals Ivanka visited Donald Trump 'at least twice' on Jan. 6 to stop the violence
"Cheney said that there was "no question" that Trump's failure to act was a 'dereliction of duty.'"
Trump wouldn't know what the word "duty" meant if it kicked him in the balls.

'She's not coming back': Marjorie Taylor Greene faces permanent Twitter ban after 5 Covid-19 strikes
Just like her savior, she gets the green weenie. Couldn't happen to a bigger asshat.

Dr. Ben Carson Promotes Baseless Snake Oil Cures
Anti-vax conspiracy theories and woo cures never die on Fox News, instead they are watered so they grow like weeds.
Dr. Stabby returns with his witch doctor mumbo jumbo. Always good for a laugh.

In 'victory for democracy' and 'blow to Trumpism,' FDIC chair resigns
The Open Markets Institute also welcomed her resignation, highlighting that it comes after she tried and failed "to subvert a democratic vote of the FDIC board to review bank merger policy."

Mussolini seized full power 97 years ago: Does Donald Trump long to follow suit?
Il Duce undermined democracy for years before appointing himself dictator; the parallels are ... uncomfortable
Fuck Trump. Hope he ends up the same Il Douche.

Trump and his supporters still repeating lies about who was behind Jan. 6 MAGA riot: NPR reporter
Nazi traitors still think they are clean.

Trump served notice that there will be no hesitation on criminal referrals by Capitol riot committee chair
Throw his stinking ass in prison.

Madison Cawthorn mocked for claim Founding Fathers would be 'horrified' by US today: 'You'd be at the gallows'
Dopey and his fantasies.

Anti-vaxxer riding around with fake badge after claiming he'd perform 'citizens arrests'
This nut ball is courting a damn good ass kicking.

Doctors Urge Medicare to Deny Coverage for Alzheimer’s Drug With Unproven Efficacy and Safety
If Medicare decides to cover up to 80% of Aduhelm's cost, "many beneficiaries would pay thousands of dollars of out-of-pocket costs for a drug with substantial risks and without proven clinical benefit."

As Ban on Most Surprise Medical Bills Takes Effect, Critics Denounce For-Profit Healthcare
"This law would not be needed if we had an everyone covered for everything, zero copay, federal single-payer healthcare system paid for by fair taxes."
Health care in America must change.

Joe Manchin, You Are Wonkette’s 2021 Legislative Shitheel!

Gov. Greg Abbott calls on Biden administration to open more COVID-19 testing sites, send more monoclonal antibody treatments
Really, Govie? A state that threatens secession whenever it gets its drawers in a snit? Get fucked and spend your own money and take responsibility, Mr. Individual Responsibility.

How Long Before a True Believer With a Sniper Scope Decides Trump Is A Traitor?

Watergate prosecutor pours cold water on Trump's hopes the Supreme Court will save him
Nothing will save the damned.

'A race to the bottom': House GOP gets slammed for ‘really disgraceful’ anti-vaccine tweet

DeSantis Surfaces To Accept Church Group’s Award For Lack Of COVID Restrictions, Refuses To Take Questions
Is he back from Covid isolation?

Crookie Of The Year: The Insurrectionists
"No one is more deserving of our Crookie of the Year award than each and every person who participated in, planned, or stirred up the January 6th insurrection. From the former occupant of the White House to all the misguided people he lied to, they all own this one."
Prison for all.

Mangaluru: Man who has been dropping used condoms in temple donation boxes arrested, says he was doing it to spread the message of Jesus
Jesus dropped his used condoms? Holy Misconception!

Unusual phenomenon causes fish to rain from sky in Texas town
Obviously, due to the condom dropping.

Diet Sodas Are Disappearing From Store Shelves — Here's Why
"'The connotation of the word 'diet' is counter to everything Millennials and now Gen Z want in what they eat and drink,' Cohen says. In other words, you don't have to be on a diet to want to eat healthier."
Hmmmmm? Do we have a serious thinking disorder here?
Millennials on Track to be Most Obese Generation in History
It appears their brain function is in denial. You know, the river in Egypt. When you swim in it you're all wet. OK Millennial, you're welcome.

Anti-vax Mom Who Said 'COVID Is Not Your Enemy, Fear Is' Dies From COVID
Another one bites it.

'Insurrection is a crime' — but DOJ doesn't seem willing to penalize Trump rioters with serious offense: columnist
This will prove to be a huge problem for us as the traitors will take it for granted they can get away with murder.

Retired army general urges the US military to prepare for a possible ‘coup’ attempt in 2024
Did you ever imagine that we would be talking about coups in the United States? How devolved and depraved we have descended.

Many Americans are blithely ignoring the dire warning signs of fascism's rise
Just like Germany in the 1930s.
"A large percentage of Americans, if not a majority, do not closely follow the news. At least half the population cannot read at a sixth-grade level."

Donald Trump and his family fleeced America: Why aren’t they being held accountable?
Pulitzer-winning reporter David Cay Johnston on the criminal Trump regime: "This was thievery, plain and simple"
It seems he still has a wide band of co-conspirators in his crimes. They all must be brought to justice.

Ron DeSantis spokesperson lashes out at ‘fake news’ he is on vacation — while confirming it’s true
Or does he have Covid and it's beng covered up?

Dutch Economist And Notorious Anti-Vaxxer Dies From COVID
Robin Fransman revealed on December 3 he had tested positive and succumbed to coronavirus in Amsterdam’s OLVG hospital on Tuesday.
Another one bites it.

Eric Swalwell Neutralizes Internet Threat Radicalized By Tucker Carlson
In the course of an online conversation with a man who threatened him, Swalwell stayed calm, civil and engaging, discovering the influences which had radicalized him: Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan.
"Bottom-line: the lies from Tucker and others are radicalizing people across not just America but the world. And the lies are inspiring people to make threats of violence against lawmakers. Tucker & Co. know this. And that’s why they tell their lies. They want to incite the mob."
Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan: two asshats that will forever live in infamy—in prison, we hope.

TRAGEDY: 580 Homes Destroyed So Far In Colorado Wildfire
The Marshall fire is the most destructive wildfire in the state's history.

ACLU Files Suit to Block 'Brazen' Effort in Georgia to Thwart Black Voters
"There's no legitimate justification for drawing maps that deny Black voters an opportunity to elect representatives who will fight for them in these critical state House deliberations."

Historians Warn the GOP Is Pushing Nation Toward Trump-Based Authoritarianism

Nearly three-quarters of GOP doubt legitimacy of Biden's win: poll
Who knew it was so simple to get rid of democracy? Simply deny the results of an election and that takes care of it. Three-quarters of GQP have a serious thinking disorder. They just can't believe someone took their ball and left them for losers.

Climate Change? This Week Warmer In Alaska Than San Diego
And critics think "Don't Look Up" has any connection to our current state of being on this issue.

Within Decade, Planet's Natural World Facing Largest Mass Extinction Event Since Dinosaurs

Omicron’s ride or die Gov. Ron DeSantis appears to be M.I.A. He was last seen nearly two weeks ago
The grifter is probably on the run.

Washington Post punches some hippies, and President Biden, on Joe Manchin’s behalf

Labor Dept: Jobless Claims Continue Historic Decline

US Shatters Daily Record With 488,000 New Cases

200+ US Marines Canned For Defying Vaccine Mandate
A few great men? I don't think so. We all know what they are.

2021: Farewell to a Stupid Year
"Let’s be blunt: They made stupid choices, forcing the rest of us to come to terms with the sad and troubling fact that we share this land with fellow citizens who don’t adhere to the basic rules that safeguard the country. And it’s all because of the continuing perversion of American politics by Trumpism, even with Donald Trump gone from the White House."

How Tucker Carlson Is Boosting Russia’s New Propaganda War
As Putin and Biden talk, Kremlin mouthpieces are rushing to explain the motivations behind Russia’s surge in aggression. Fox News is helping them do their work.

Remembering Harry Reid, 1939–2021
The Nevada senator was a brilliant strategist, but his real secret was his ability to take your biggest vulnerability and make it your strength.

Video: With abortions restricted in Texas, many leave the state to seek care at crowded Kansas clinic

Ted Cruz OUTRAGED Elon Musk 'Looted' For Taxes Like Some Kind Of Middle Class Schlub
What a sorry little snot nosed brat.
"Ted Cruz's salary, it is worth noting, is paid for by taxes. The only reason he has a job is because people pay taxes. Taxes that everyone but the super rich have to pay."

CNN National Security Analyst Doubles Down on Calling Trump ‘Leader of a Terror Movement’ Ahead of Jan. 6 Anniversary
“He continues to be the leader of an organization that uses violence or the threat of violence to disrupt democratic processes. That is terrorism,” she responded. “And I think we tend to focus on different pieces of the post-Jan. 6th world.”

'They Left Us': Mike Lindell Whines After Verizon Bans FrankSpeech
MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell revealed on Wednesday that Verizon has banned his FrankSpeech platform from sending text messages filled with conspiracy theories about the 2020 presidential election.
About time this confidence man is stopped.

GUILTY: Ghislaine Maxwell Found Guilty On 5 Counts
Ghislaine Maxwell was found guilty of charges of conspiracy, sex trafficking and transportation of minors for criminal sexual activity.

Anti-vax 'Plague Spreader' Dies Of COVID
Radio personality and covid denialist Maurizio Buratti bragged how he walked around sick and maskless in a supermarket. He is now dead of COVID-19.
"... the swabs caused the virus."? A great moron statement. Another one bites the dust in the Great Cull. He took up someone's space that he could have avoided. A true moron.

GUILTY: Ghislaine Maxwell Found Guilty On 5 Counts
Ghislaine Maxwell was found guilty of charges of conspiracy, sex trafficking and transportation of minors for criminal sexual activity.
No-brainer. She'll be a better person when she gets out.

Dr Oz, Wife Caught Cursing Out Reporter When They Thought Call Was Over
Pro tip for celebs running for public office: make sure you really hang up the phone before you put it on speaker and call the reporter you meant to hang up on, a “f**king girl reporter.”

Jan. 6 committee announces new GOP congressional target
And he is most suspicious.

Doctor: Patients discharged after COVID are so sick they're returning to the hospital
"...I think we’re going to have a raft of people who survived this virus in their 30s to 50s and have life-long pulmonary vascular disease. Some may be on oxygen the rest of their lives. Some may need lung transplants, and you don’t get a lung transplant unless someone else dies."
And how good are the lungs you get then?

There Was A Denver Spree Killer Again. He Was A Racist Men's Rights Asshole Again

At Least 13 Republicans Who Participated in Jan. 6 Attack Are Running for Office
Lock these seditionists up.

'Madness': Oklahoma Bill Would Empower Parents to Remove Books From School Libraries
"These books are there to give our kids the language that they need to express how they are already feeling, and that's it," said one LGBTQ+ rights advocate. "And if we take those books away from their libraries, then we're saying...that they are alone in those schools."
Remember, school isn't the place a lot of these parents attended.

Reporter reveals the moment Peter Navarro realized he may have landed in hot water: 'Oh no, I've said too much'
They are all too proud of their crime to not brag.

'I have it too': Maskless woman casually admits Covid-19 infection at anti-vax rally
Stephanie Denaro's husband isn't the only idiot.

States Are Hoarding $5.2 Billion In Welfare Funds Even As The Need For Aid Grows
American greed, part 5.2 billion.
"The unused welfare stash tells a larger story of how the 1996 welfare reform law has failed the poor: It allows states to not distribute cash assistance even when they have the money to do so."

Big Cars Are Killing Americans
Should we go ahead and make the complete switch to tanks?

2021's Most Despicable Villains: Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema
And that's putting it mildly.

Christmas Eve with the Joneses

GA Inquiry Into “Dead People” Voting Reaffirms That Trump’s Claims Were Bogus
Trump to prison now.

Anti-Vax Marjorie Taylor Greene Delivers Pro-Vaccine Message From Her Lord And Savior Donald Trump
How does she feel about ventilators?

Capitol Rioter Surrenders To Prison Early
Jenna Ryan, who took a private jet to be at the Capitol riot of last January 6th, is now locked away in Bryan Federal Prison Camp.
Perfect. Now put Traitor Trump in.

Jared Schmeck 'Praying About' Run For Office: Hopes To Meet Trump
The father who slurred President Joe Biden on a Santa-themed telephone call said this week that he is seeking God's advice on a future political career.
Fred Garvin, Male Prostitute.

Another Responsible Gunowner: Dad Leaves Loaded Gun On Gun Safe
You'll never guess what happened.
"I didn't know the gun was loaded, and I'm so sorry, my friend..."

A year of dubious characters and dark drama: Salon's best News & Politics stories of 2021
Maybe you think you just dreamed Mike Lindell and Lauren Boebert: You didn't. And they were the fun parts of 2021
If you want to call miscreants "fun." I say they are a threat to society and civilization.

Poway synagogue shooter gets federal life sentence
Hopefully, he will have learned his lesson when he gets out.

Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema have to decide soon if they’ll help in saving democracy
Oh dear, I hope they aren't inconvienenced.

Sen. Rand Paul eviscerated after accusing Democrats of ‘stealing’ elections by mobilizing voters
Randy has such intellectual power.

As Harry Reid Dies at 82, Democrats Urged to Take His Advice and Abolish the Filibuster
"The future of our country is sacrificed at the altar of the filibuster. Something must change," the former Senate majority leader wrote in 2019.

'Let's Go Brandon' Idiot Explains What 'Let's Go Brandon' Means To Him
More perspective on the moron known as Schumuck.

Health agency warns Texas is running out of the only antibody treatment effective against the omicron variant
Five of the department’s regional infusion centers have run out of sotrovimab, the only antibody treatment known to be effective against the new variant.

War in Europe Could Be Imminent. Here’s Everything You Need to Know.
The Pootmeister just may start WWIII. Just make sure we get his ass first.

You can't troll the President with 'Let's go, Brandon' and then play the victim
These cowards have been playing the victim card ever since I was a member of their party.

C-SPAN caller asks Black guest if she has to 'fight' the supremacy of her 'white
She sure as hell knows everything about the asshole "Gordon" and his bullshit racist phone call.

'They should hang him on CNN': GOP House candidate suggests General Milley should be executed for treason
Another one that doesn't know shit from applebutter.

Anti-Vax Mob Arrested At NYC Burger King [VIDEO]
Morons on the move. The zombies in your town.
Why is this seditionist out on the streets?

Prominent Italian Anti-Vaxxer Dies Of Something
Another one bites it.

Ron Johnson: Since The Vaccinated Can Get COVID, “What’s The Point” Of Even Having Vaccines? [VIDEO]
This creature did not get a functioning brain at birth. Please get him off every media source in the world and leave him out of all of dicussions.
"What's the point of having a representative if WI keeps electing a moron like him?"

Another Mass Shooting Last Night, This Time In Denver
"Thank God we live in America, where men get to express their feelings with guns instead of learning to talk about what's bothering them, like some weakling. It wouldn't be right if anyone put any controls at all on the ability of a man to grab a gun and kill random people. This is the 668th mass shooting in 2021. WE'RE NUMBER ONE! FREEDOM, people!"
Deadly virus; deadly Cops; deadly Americans with their deadly weapons.
The U.S. — the most dangerous country in the world.

McCaskill: Trump Needs To Be Prosecuted And Put Behind Bars
Goddamn it! Get it the fuck done!

Democracy is as Fragile Now as it was During My Father’s Time in Weimar Germany
MAGA equals Swastika

'That's not stealing you idiot': Rand Paul slammed for attack on absentee ballots
Another Weimar Germany seditionist.

LAPD Releases Footage From Police Killing of 14-Year-Old Girl
"Her death was preventable!" said civil rights attorney Ben Crump, who was hired to represent the family of 14-year-old Valentina Orellana-Peralta.
Yep. The guy swinging the lock should have been cold-cocked but the number of officers with weapons were way kill crazy.

Buddha, Abraham, Jesus and Muhammed: Larger-than-life historic figures or largely legends?
The opiate of the world.

Cori Bush calls for Congress to expel members who incited the Jan. 6 attack
This can't be done soon enough.

Fascism in America: It's nowhere near as new as you might think
As America draws near the tipping point into fascism, it's important to remember that it's happened before
Of course it has. But we've never seen the low-down and dirty subversive, seditious attacking that they have resorted to to ruin us for good this time around.

'I hope your family dies in front of you': Rep. Dingell responds to the cruelty Trump has wrought
We are approaching Defcon 1 with the Nazi scum.

REVEALED: Peter Navarro planned conspiracy with Steve Bannon by ‘lining up over 100 congressmen’ to overthrow the election
No surprise here. Navarro has always been a subversive.

Insurrectionist hotbed North Carolina under the microscope for 'growing role' in the Jan. 6 MAGA riot
History says the Carolinas have been a pain in the ass since the creation of the nation.

Mark this article readDon Trump Jr Promotes 'Christian' Violence Against The Left
Because of course he does.
"Grievance Performance Politics." It's what they do. They have nothing to offer but violence and death.

A Horrible Billionaire Unconcerned With Human Suffering Is a Fitting Choice for 2021 'Person of the Year'
You can see his perfect likeness in "Don't Look Up."

Georgia election officials thoroughly debunk Trump's lies about 50,000 'dead' voters
Maybe if Mr. Schnuck stopped following imaginary creatures blindly, he could come to reason with actual facts once in awhile.

Biden-slurring dad Jared Schmeck goes full MAGA on Steve Bannon's podcast: 'The election was 100% stolen'
Let's go Schumuck! Another fucking schumuck looking for his 15 minutes.
"For me, it's God first and foremost. I don't follow any one man blindly." This is the perfect "contradiction in terms," Mr. Schmuck. ROTFLMAO!

Candace Owens Pretty Sure Trump Too Old To Be Hip To Anti-Vax Nonsense Or Snake Oil That Turns Skin Blue
Why doesn't it work on her?

Steve Bannon's MEIN KAMPF for a Fascist America Must Be Defeated

Fox News guest exposes Jim Jordan to viewers: 'This is the same Jim Jordan who covered up a sexual crime'
"Jacket Off Jim"?

Aaron Rodgers, Erin Andrews Mocked for Ending Socially Distant Interview with a Hug: ‘And We Wonder Why The Country is Confused’
"And we wonder why the country is confused as hell."

Anti-Vax NFL Player Has Racked Up $100K In Fines
Cole has a serious thinking disorder. He doesn't care how many people he may infect or cause death to.
If he dies living he will become a zombie. But it might just be what the twerp needs to do. And let's stop putting up with these pussies.

China Created an AI ‘Prosecutor’ That Can Charge People with Crimes
"The new AI developed in Shanghai is able to assess case files in such a manner. In fact, the machine can identify and charge criminals with the district’s eight most common crimes: credit card fraud, gambling, reckless driving, intentional assault, obstructing an officer, theft, fraud, and even political dissent." Especially "political dissent." William Burroughs wouldn't be a bit surprised at this story.

'Election denialists' paid $200k to help Trump with ballot steal: report
Trump seditionist comes to justice.

Louie Gohmert sued Mike Pence in December 2020 to try to force him to go along with coup
Another traitor at-large that needs to come to justice.

As Omicron Surges, Sanders Says Congress Must Ensure Mass Distribution of N95 Masks
"As we face the rapidly spreading Omicron variant, we should remember that not all face masks are created equal."

Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Defender of Human Rights in South Africa and Beyond, Dies at 90
"Let we who believe in freedom and justice be his legacy always," said Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II of the Poor People's Campaign.

Desmond Tutu, Anti-Apartheid Campaigner Who Tried to Heal the World, Dies at 90

Desmond Tutu Opposed Capitalism, Israeli Apartheid and US/UK Imperialism, Too

‘Judicial sabotage’ of Biden’s administration by Trump judges ‘likely to expand rapidly’: report
Fascist "judges" will be working to take American down for their savior.

'Election denialists' paid $200k to help Trump with ballot steal: report
This jackass is going to be beseiged with court dates in 2022.

Right-wing radio clown who vowed to quit over employer's vax mandate is still on the job
Figures. All show, no go.

Will Congress use its unused 232-year-old power — just in time to save our republic?
The Constitution gives Congress the power to overturn restrictive voting laws — and now is the time to use it
If it ain't time now it never will be again.

Candace Owens is pushing a quack Covid 'cure' that turns people's skin permanently blue: report
Now you can turn into an "Avatar" in the bizarre world of Candy.

Democracy vs. fascism: What do those words mean — and do they describe this moment?
Memo to Joan: A rose by any other name would still wear a swastika and carry a noose in the Land of the Happy Negro.

Fox News Host Challenges Republican Senator With Data Showing How Child Tax Credit Decreases Poverty
Roy Blunt? Mr. Smiley? Of course.

AP: 2021 Holiday Sales Rose At Fastest Pace In 17 Years
For one thing, people started their Christmas shopping early.

Right-Wing Podcaster Reportedly On Ventilator For COVID After Attending Rally
Doug Kuzma posed with supplies of ivermectin, which the FDA and CDC have warned against using to treat COVID-19.

I grew up in an off-the-grid Christian commune. Here's what I know about America's religious beliefs
The story of Talibastards.

Trump's 2024 campaign is already an 'unfolding' constitutional crisis: historian

If You Think “Don’t Look Up” Is Just an Allegory About Climate Change, You’re Missing Something
We’re woefully unprepared to deal with any existential risk at all.

Ron DeSantis flattened by top Florida paper for fear-mongering in Christmas Day editorial
Jerkwad racist fascist fuckhead.

Biden admin returns land to Texas family after it was seized by previous admin for its stupid wall

Georgia Election Workers Sue Rudy Giuliani For Extreme Harassment
Merry Christmas, jerk.

Dem lawmaker shares vile audio of death threats against her family since Trump targeted her
"I hope your family dies in front of you. I pray to God, if you got any children, they die in your face."
Nice greeting for Christmas. The MAGAt Nazis are so sweet.
"The Trump hate tunnel"? Time to blow up the entrance and the exit.

Alex Jones declares Trump is either ignorant or evil in 'emergency Christmas message'
Why not both? But why isn't this asshat in a strait jacket?

62% Of Unvaxxed Say They Will Never Get The Shot
White males without a college degree and Trump voters were the worst, at 75%, to say they will never get a shot for Covid.
Textbook example of morons in Darwin's Waiting Room.

Owens: Trump’s Too Old To Understand The Vax Is Bad
Posted once more because the comments completely wipe this poor, silly woman out.

Biden Supporters Turn ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Prank Into Christmas Cheer
And in so doing, reduced the phrase to nothingness. Genius.

2 ports deny entry to Carnival cruise ship
It's like Deja Vu all over again. Isn't this where we came in nearly two years ago?

Trump headed for another major defeat in the courts adding to his string of brutal losses: legal expert

DOJ releases longest video yet showing Capitol rioters fighting and pepper spraying police

Candace Owens asks conservatives to go easy on Trump: He's too 'old' to do 'independent research' on vaccines
Could she be right? There were no schools, no libraries, no encyclopedias, no TV....duhhhh wait: "Television broadcasting expanded rapidly after World War II, becoming an important mass medium for advertising, propaganda, and entertainment." Hon, we've been watching TV news wayyyyy longer than you've been bullshitting us. Now who's the fool?

Gun-toting MAGA rioter gets early gift from feds: A Christmas Eve request for pre-trial detention
The seditonists are getting captured about every day now. None will escape because too many are hunting them down.

FL Paper Roasts DeSantis Over “Election Crime” Unit
Useless pandering is what the Dip lives on.

Biden finds uneven footing with Black voters
I get it. They want to return to the precious Land of the Happy Negro so their voting rights will be secured. Is that right? What a laugh.

DC Press Corps & Sunday Show Hosts: Do Your Damn Job!
We deserve to know where Republicans stand, since any one or two of them could swing everything in the direction overwhelmingly supported by American public opinion
Most of these asshats have no clue as to what their behavior says to their audience so long as they get high ratings.

Republican politicians espouse a truly radical stance on public education
It's where the Nazis start their propaganda.

Report spotlights massive GOP push to 'hijack elections in this country'
"But the report makes clear that the intensifying Republican attack on democracy reaches far beyond the legislative process."

The Best News About Omicron May Not Be About Severity

Monsters: Those “Nobody Wants to Work” Signs
sOrrY wE’re cLosEd, NobODY wANts to wORk anYMore.
Who wants to work for low wages under dangerous conditions? Especially low wages.

GOP extremism poses an existential threat to America. Democrats must not let voters forget in 2022
Do they have a memory to begin with?

In Six Weeks Ahead of Christmas, Rich Nations Snagged More Vaccines Than Africa Got All Year
Do we still think we aren't assholes denying others?

Here’s the bizarre way Republicans are attempting to blame Stacey Abrams for Trump’s 'Big Lie'
Nothing is beneath these scumbags.

Economists thoroughly debunk Joe Manchin’s fear that Build Back Better is a recipe for rapid inflation

21 Million+ Going Hungry in US as Manchin Tanks Expanded Child Tax Credit
"This program is Social Security for our children, and Democrats must keep it going over the long-term," said Sen. Ron Wyden.

Kayleigh Freaks That Biden Didn't Cure Omicron In 21 Days
Kayleigh McEnany finds any honest words and corrupts them, for money.
That poor little girl.

Manchin Made Out Great On PAC Donations Leading Up To BBB Betrayal
Because OF COURSE, he did.
Grifter of the year.

'Trump is a fraud!' Disillusioned supporters rage after being denied service at Trump Grill over vax mandate
Finally, the Zombies get something right!

Conservative pundit argues that Biden’s governing record is actually ‘outstandingly successful’

Ten Of The Best Protest Albums Of 2021

Man with swastika tattoos gets 6-year prison sentence for randomly punching Black teen in the face
Nazi gets swept to the slammer. Let's do the same with the guy that sucker-punched America last January 6.

Sanders urges Biden to demand DeJoy's resignation over Postal Service 'sabotage'
If anybody needs to get axed, it's DeJoy.

Jury finds former cop Kim Potter guilty of all charges related to fatal shooting of Daunte Wright
They won't get away with their arrogance so much anymore.

Trump is rapidly moving toward a confession about his high crimes against America
A signed confession.

Trump throws tantrum about 'sleazebags' who refuse to debate him about 'rigged' 2020 election
No one gives a crap about your whiney-ass sore loser posing, you idiot. And your 15 minutes are up!

Trump files ‘legally groundless request’ — and is quickly ridiculed by a top legal expert
Dimwit shits and falls back in it.

Texas Is Already Throwing Hispanics And Asians Off The Voter Rolls
And these people always vote against their best interests.

LOL! Fox Segment Dies As Guest Touts Record Holiday Sales
"...Steve Doocy fell flat on his face Thursday..." always a good day.

These states have yet to spend any of the COVID relief funds they received: report
Why spend it when you can pocket it?

North Carolina police chief faces consequences for telling officers how to obtain fake COVID vaccine cards
They just don't give a damn about beating the virus.

A 'flood' of right-wing 'dark money’ played a major role in Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation: report

Merrick Garland needs to end his 'relative silence' about DOJ matters and speak out: legal experts
If he's not a part of the solution he's a part of the problem.

Of course GOP fascists are hypocrites — they also don’t care

Eric Clapton Gets Defensive About Suing Over Bootleg CD After Social Media Backlash
Clapton is going to waive the legal fees of the woman he sued.
Poor little Eric.

Unvaccinated Michigan diner owner who defied state closure orders dies after COVID-19

Gov. Greg Abbott sticks with hands-off approach to COVID-19 as omicron spreads
Abbott’s office says vaccines are the best defense to the pandemic, however, the governor has rarely spoken about vaccines in recent months other than to push back against mandates. He did not respond to a question about whether he got the booster.

Monster: The Completely Useless and Undemocratic US Senate
Joe Manchin is just a symptom of a bigger problem.
Our Senate is the most dysfunctional, undemocratic institution on the planet.

New report says 'evidence is mounting' for a disturbing reason the National Guard failed to act on Jan. 6

What happens if Trump admits it all? Nothing much — at this point, that might help him
Is Trump's next move a wink-and-nod confession that he tried to stage a coup? We know he'd get away with it
If that is true we are a nation of cowards. There is nothing to save in the country that used to be called America.
But you know you read it all here before. In fact, the term "Zombie Politics" appropriates my description of these creeps I used years ago. May these Zombies rot.

WTF America: Let Kyle Be An Example
From one horrified patriot: "Our country is diseased."
In more ways than one.

Judge Denies Flynn’s Bid To Block Riot Panel Subpoenas
Throw his ass in stir while you're at it.

Herschel Walker: John Lewis Would Be Against Voting Rights Bill Named After Him
It's another day and another Black Republican puking on the legacy of Martin Luther King and John Lewis.
The walking, talking definition of "moron."

Manchin is letting down West Virginians like me
He's also letting down a very large part of America.

Charlie Kirk Knows Who's Like Jesus, And It's Kyle Rittenhouse! PEW! PEW! BANG! BANG!
So when is he set for crucifixtion?

GOP Screeches About Empty Shelves As Joe Biden Piles Presents Under The Tree

GOP Set to Ramp Up Voter Suppression Efforts in 2022
That and rigging the electoral college are the only way they can win elections since they are the minority.

Unhappy holidays: Texas endures another COVID Christmas
After nearly two years of navigating life during a pandemic, many Texans are now scrambling for COVID tests, delaying plans and worrying about relatives who have been exposed to the virus.

Texas has the highest share of uninsured residents in the nation. Another COVID-19 wave puts them at risk.
Untreated medical conditions, lack of access to testing and limited paid time off leave uninsured Texans particularly vulnerable to the disease.

Trump and Candace Owens Push Conspiracy Theories About Capitol Riot: ‘There Were BLM and Antifa People’
Somewhere in the world I suspect. But nowhere near your coup site, morons.

Anti-Vax World Champion Kickboxer Dies Of Something
What? Another dust biter.

Anti-Mandate GOP House Rep Is Sick With Something
A familar story these days. There are more.

Data: US Life Expectancy Plummeted 1.8 Years In 2020
As has been stated here, the population is growing smaller and so is life expectancy.
Less morons to deal with and more time to not have to deal with them.

Proud Boy Gets Up To 51 Months In Conspiracy Plea
Keep it coming. It looks good on these dickwads.

Many QAnon Event Attendees Are Sick With Something
Probably that same Anthrax that made the Flynn Treason Tour lose their breakfasts.

GOP Rep. Now Regrets Vote Against Certifying Joe Biden’s Election Win
Feeling a little guilty now are we?

Aaron Rodgers Is Still Complaining About Cancel Culture And It Isn’t A Good Look
A. Aron is a whiner. Who knew? Lucky for him he can still throw a football.

Fascism: Republican candidates are now near-unanimous in backing the Big Lie
The fascist party, which like the Republican party is a minority party, will use the non-democracy rig to attempt to establish a Nazi dictatorship by jerry-rigging the Electoral College. It was established by the founders to use to counteract democracy from being established and allowing for a rig to allow only wealthy white people to do the dictating as were our founders. This is called "Making America Great Again" by these fascists.

WOW: Walter Reed Scientists Develop A Universal Covid Vaccine
Let's see how this one works. Stay hopeful. In 8 weeks they say.

FDA authorizes 1st antiviral pill for COVID
More good news.

NYC's New Mayor Has Terrible Ideas On Criminal Justice Reform
Dude, you're a PUBLIC SERVANT not a King. Get the fuck over yourself.

Charlie Kirk Compares Rittenhouse To Jesus
Uhhh....Jesus of Nazareth didn't beat the charges, dude.

California High Schoolers Post Swastika 'Tattoos'; Draw Ire
Hitler youth draw attention to their ignorance of Nazis.

Tampa Bay Times Blasts DeSantis' Election Police Force
Blast your hide, DipShitus! And that goes for your brown shirts as well.

Headliners At Michael Flynn's Grift Tour Are Sick And Blaming...Anthrax?
Flynn's Treason Tour has a bad case of Anthrax or is it Anti-vax?

Flynn Sues Pelosi and Riot Committee Over Subpoenas
Then I can just demand my phone calls not be checked by the authories and keep delaying being thrown in prison ad infinitum?

Biden Signs Bill: Capitol Police Can Now Request National Guard Help On Their Own

Ohio Senate candidate JD Vance falls for hoax
We know some people fall for anything.

‘Over my dead body’ — Even Donald Trump himself cannot sell MAGA extremists on COVID vaccines: columnists
They are so nuts they don't even believe their savior. ROTFLMAO!

Justice Breyer's rejection of reality proves why the Supreme Court needs to be expanded
A little in the clouds is he?

'Hail Kyle' Rittenhouse At The Turning Point Fascist Rally
They literally chanted Kyle! Kyle! Kyle! as their hero.
Mother Tucker stays around crazies constantly.

US Census: Population Growing At Slowest Rate Ever
No surprise. Who wants their children born in a dystopian MAGA QAnon fascist nightmare?

Beverly Hills salon owner's life in shambles as she faces seven Capitol riot charges: report
See what I mean? That's fucked up, Larry.

QAnon cultists are now drinking bleach compound from communal bowl: 'Immediately evokes images of Jonestown'
Drink Deep Darlin'. The more you drink the less of you we'll have to contend with.

Joe Biden Hurt Joe Manchin’s Fee-Fees So Now Children Will Starve Because Joe Manchin Is A Monster

Democrats Don’t Have to Play Nice with Manchin Anymore
"At least it’s all out in the open now, and Democrats seem to feel a little freer in not playing nice with the asshole."
Give him a blanket party and sock him once for me.

AOC Warned About Manchin’s Betrayal. Democratic Leaders Chose to Ridicule Her.
They never learn.

Almost Hell
Today on TAP: The Democrats and the Manchin Captivity
"...Joe Manchin III is a first-class phony."

Boebert Believes Islamaphobia Is Akin To A Fear Of Clowns
How does one take this QAnon Colorado House member seriously? SHE'S a clown.
BoBo doesn't have a clue.

The Constitution provides a simple solution to the Democrats' Supreme Court problem that everyone is ignoring
We ignore a lot these days which is why we're shoulder deep in the doo-doo.

'Doomsday Glacier' Break Will Cause Dangerous Sea Level Rise
The Thwaites Glacier is the size of Florida. Researchers say the warming ocean is melting the ice shelf holding it back, and its collapse could raise sea levels over 2 ft.
Joe Manchin does not care.

Jan. 6 Committee Is Looking Into Criminal Referral For Trump
“Did Donald Trump, through action or inaction, corruptly seek to obstruct or impede Congress’s official proceeding to count electoral votes?” Liz Cheney asked.
"Well, duh. I mean, we already know this. The point is, can they persuade Merrick Garland to pursue criminal charges against a former president?"
Or do we give even a damn about Treason against our country anymore?

We are in the ‘Hunger Games’-era of American history
Manchin is a liar and a con man.

Joe Manchin and the GOP refused Build Back Better — now 9/11 health care program is in jeopardy
The country is in jeopardy due to Manchin.

As the pandemic's third wave hits America, members of Congress look to cash in
Like the House members who profited from pharma stock, Joe Manchin is looking out for No. 1. Why be surprised?
We know they are all grifters but to reject climate chance is suicide.

West Virginia
The great state of Joe Manchin and his failure.
#47 in Overall Rankings

Third graders forced to dig pretend mass graves in Holocaust reenactment — then told 'Jews ruined Christmas'
This happened in the U.S.? And they get pissed off about teaching racist history? What a bunch of Nazis.
More on this atrocity.

‘Vivid picture’ of Trump criminality emerging from Jan. 6 probe: legal expert
One of the world's biggest gangsters.

Progressives Demand Floor Vote to Spotlight Manchin's 'Contempt' for His Constituents
"Let him vote no on the Senate floor—not on Fox News."
Then give him a blanket party.

Joe Manchin has achieved the opposite goal of everything he says he stands for
He cares not.

Goldman Sachs warns Joe Manchin’s ‘no’ on Build Back Better will have ‘negative growth implications’ in 2022
As long as it doesn't touch his money he doesn't care.

White House TORCHES Manchin In A Blistering Statement On BBB
Jen Psaki put out an absolutely blistering statement Sunday following Manchin's despicable interview on Fox News where he dropped the bomb on then unaware White House.
This pissant could probably care less about what anyone says about him. Like Trump, he has no soul.

Sanders Dares Manchin To Vote No On BBB 'In Front Of The Whole World'
Senator Bernie Sanders didn't hold back his disgust at Manchin's decision to vote NO on Build Back Better.
Disgusting doesn't quite get to what Manchin is. He's a coward, a turncoat traitor and must be removed from the party.

Trump’s Big Border Wall Is Now a Pile of Rusting Steel
Worth at least a quarter billion dollars, the steel bollards are a relic of the Trump era.

Republicans are shamelessly working to subvert democracy. Are Democrats paying attention?
Hell, is anyone paying attention? It appears that too many are living in an alternate universe to care.

Acosta: 'Fox News Has Been Busted On Their Bullsh*t'
The CNN host executed a brutal take-down of the Fox hosts for the lies they told to cover up for Trump's insurrection.
Revoke their license because of it.

Trump is about to be indicted for racketeering in New York: David Cay Johnston
Prepare his padded cell.

Rick Perry Sent Meadows Text Outlining 'Aggressive' Strategy To Invalidate Election
Rick Perry hated democracy long before Trump did, so no one should be surprised by this latest revelation from the January 6th committee.
Do I have to pull out my old memes on this PRick fascist asshat?
He's another one that needs to be put behind bars. And not to serve drinks.

Former Guy's CDC Director: Trump Muzzled CDC On COVID Response In 2020
On Fox News, Dr. Robert Redfield admitted Trump created the White House Covid Task Force to silence the CDC and HHS at the start of the pandemic.
Of course he did. This is what basturds do/

Southwest CEO Tests Positive For COVID After Appearing At Senate Hearing
Gary Kelly had told the oversight committee during Wednesday's hearing that an airliner's air filtration system is very safe, arguing in favor of lifting the federal mask mandate on board flights.
The virus doesn't give a good goddamn about your failed system.

US Generals issue chilling warning of divided military and possible civil war with next attempted coup in 2024
It will be blood in the gutters but that's where we're heading. They either defend the Constitution they swore to defend or die as traitors. Democracy is at stake.

Trump draws sparse crowd in Texas as 'History Tour' event is delayed by storms
It looks like God is not on Trump's side.

Our democracy is 'on the brink' thanks to 'one tantrum-throwing bully' — and he must be stopped: Mary Trump
Don't worry, Mary. He will be.

US Senate Recesses for the Year Without Build Back Better, Voting Rights
But somehow managed to confirm Rahm Emanuel as ambassador to Japan
Shameless fucks. Espcecially that douche of a shit, Manchin.

Anti-vax GOP lawmaker who disappeared after getting COVID has died: report
They put another dead believer in the ground.

A Critique of Obscene Wealth

56 Migrant Deaths in Chiapas Were Due to Border Crackdown, Not An “Accident”
All of these deaths are the proximate results of the paradigm of “prevention through deterrence” that U.S. and Mexican authorities are jointly, vigorously enforcing on both sides of the border.

'Bullshit': Manchin Called Out for Killing Biden's Build Back Better
Manchin is a coward, a grifter of the first degree and a disgrace to humanity.

DeSantis' critical race theory attack ensures schools won’t teach about successful slave rebellion
And what happens when they get out of your fascist schools and learn the truth about miscreant racists such as the Governnor and the Land of the Happy Negro?
Not much you can do to prevent that, Dumbo.

King family calls for protests on MLK Day weekend to push for passage of voting rights bills

Republicans are shamelessly working to subvert democracy. Are Democrats paying attention?
Hell, is anyone paying attention? It appears that too many are living in an alternate universe to care.

Acosta: 'Fox News Has Been Busted On Their Bullsh*t'
The CNN host executed a brutal take-down of the Fox hosts for the lies they told to cover up for Trump's insurrection.
Revoke their license because of it.

Trump is about to be indicted for racketeering in New York: David Cay Johnston
Prepare his padded cell.

Rick Perry Sent Meadows Text Outlining 'Aggressive' Strategy To Invalidate Election
Rick Perry hated democracy long before Trump did, so no one should be surprised by this latest revelation from the January 6th committee.
Do I have to pull out my old memes on this PRick fascist asshat?
He's another one that needs to be put behind bars. And not to serve drinks.

Former Guy's CDC Director: Trump Muzzled CDC On COVID Response In 2020
On Fox News, Dr. Robert Redfield admitted Trump created the White House Covid Task Force to silence the CDC and HHS at the start of the pandemic.
Of course he did. This is what basturds do/

Southwest CEO Tests Positive For COVID After Appearing At Senate Hearing
Gary Kelly had told the oversight committee during Wednesday's hearing that an airliner's air filtration system is very safe, arguing in favor of lifting the federal mask mandate on board flights.
The virus doesn't give a good goddamn about your failed system.

US Generals issue chilling warning of divided military and possible civil war with next attempted coup in 2024
It will be blood in the gutters but that's where we're heading. They either defend the Constitution they swore to defend or depart as traitors. Democracy is at stake.

Trump draws sparse crowd in Texas as 'History Tour' event is delayed by storms
It looks like God is not on Trump's side.

Our democracy is 'on the brink' thanks to 'one tantrum-throwing bully' — and he must be stopped: Mary Trump
Don't worry, Mary. He will be.

US Senate Recesses for the Year Without Build Back Better, Voting Rights
But somehow managed to confirm Rahm Emanuel as ambassador to Japan
Shameless fucks. Especially that turncoat of a shit, Manchin.

Anti-vax GOP lawmaker who disappeared after getting COVID has died: report
They put another dead believer in the ground.

A Critique of Obscene Wealth

56 Migrant Deaths in Chiapas Were Due to Border Crackdown, Not An “Accident”
All of these deaths are the proximate results of the paradigm of “prevention through deterrence” that U.S. and Mexican authorities are jointly, vigorously enforcing on both sides of the border.

The American Mao: Donald Trump has led the Republican Party into a cultural revolution
Trump may not be president, but he's acting like a dictator — and purging internal dissent the way Mao once did
He will get what he's asking for. He won't like it.

Trump Can Go To Hell. Why Not Jail?
There is a way to hold Trump and others legally accountable for their COVID crimes. Stop with the defeatist talk! Hell can wait, justice can't.

Chauvin Pleads Guilty To Federal Civil Rights Charge
Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin changed his not guilty plea in the federal case against him on Wednesday, instead deciding to plead guilty to depriving George Floyd of his civil rights.

Capitol Rioter Receives 63 Months, Longest Sentence So Far
Robert Palmer of Florida received 63 months for repeatedly attacking Capitol Hill police officers, both with a fire extinguisher and a flag pole.
Another traitor bites it.

'Give Workers a Fair Shake,' Sanders Implores CEOs in Speech to Kellogg's Strikers
"Our message to corporate America today is stop the corporate greed, start worrying about your workers and not just your CEOs, stop outsourcing our jobs, and create an economy that works for all of us and not just the few."

'Acting Like Republicans': Sanders Rips Manchin and Sinema for Betraying US Families
"I do not respect the arrogance of any member of the Senate who says, 'You know what, I'm going to torpedo this entire bill,'" said Sen. Bernie Sanders.
They are all money grubbing suck-ups.

Big Business Defeated as Socialist Kshama Sawant Victory Certified in Seattle
"We have defeated Big Business and the right wing in their attempt to use... trumped-up charges against me personally in order to push back against the success of working-class movements in Seattle."
In other words, fuck all the way off.

Eric Clapton Successfully Sues Woman For Bootleg CD Worth $11
When a German woman put an old CD from the 1980s on eBay she had no idea she was about to be slapped with a lawsuit.
"What with all this recent COVID crap coming from Eric Clapton one almost forgets that he's been a dick for many years."
God knows he needs the money. Did he ask her to take it down first? Then whoever sold it to her husband is liable as well.

Why the students on a hunger strike for voting rights remain hopeful about Kyrsten Sinema
"Without action [on voting rights], I'm willing to say there's almost no future, no better future ahead for us"
Sin doesn't care one fart for you and that's one of her great attributes.

Kanye West’s "independent" 2020 campaign described as "GOP plant," may have broken law
Kanye's 2020 bid "was clearly seen as a way to steal potential votes from Biden," says government watchdog group

QAnon shaman compares himself to Jesus and MLK in jailhouse interview: 'I am whatever the country needs'
The country needs a good bowel movement and you are our favorite turd.

WATCH: Profanity-spewing anti-vaxxer denied service at Trump Grill for not showing vaccine card
Why we can't beat the virus. The virus does not give a fuck what this idiot, or any other idiot, thinks.

CNN reveals most damning Mark Meadows text was sent from Rick Perry's phone
Sewer Snoid.

North Carolina Republicans: Madison Cawthorn 'Is An Embarrassment'
Just playing a lawmaker doesn't make him one, and many Republicans are tired of his act.

Joe Manchin, Unstoppable Robot Asshole
He will stop himself eventually. This whole thing is like a gangster movie and not goverment.

DeJoy Nets Massive Bonus Amid Mail Delays and Rampant Wage Theft From Carriers
What has this creep got on whoever is his boss?

It's Past Time For Democrats To Defy the Supreme Court

Ron DeSantis Escalates His Authoritarian Purge: GOP Bounty Hunters Are the next Frontier
The Dip is full of himself. Bounty Hunters (and the Nazis who create them) sometimes have bad endings.

Even in Blue States, Critical Race Theory Panic Is Spreading
The GOP has been relentlessly hammering on the issue since the last presidential election, viewing it as the party’s way back into suburban voters’ good graces.
But here in the Land of the Happy Negro you can count on the truth about this racist nation's history.

Merrick Garland’s Department of Justice Is Perpetuating Climate Destruction

South Carolina GOP official charged with assaulting city councilman who accepted Biden won the election
Another nutball assault.

Carlson: Stop Boring People With Your COVID Talk
Yes, and when did prostate cancer become communicable, yokel? And frown a little harder while you're at it.

Proud Boys Wannabe Gets 3 Years In Warnock Threat
It looks good on him.

Jailed Rioters Are Raking It In On Crowdfunding Sites
Dimwits think these terroritsts are some kind of hero?

Vaccines are a Matter of Public Health, Not Religious Freedom

Media outlets claim indicting Mark Meadows would be a political act. Media outlets are wrong

Fox’s Jan 6 Texts Mean Media Must Cover It As A Propaganda Op Now
We've always known this but some of us are a little slow on the uptake.

House Oversight Report: Trump Did Politicize Covid Response
Scum King of scumbags.

You Can Tell Jim Jordan Is In Deep Doo-Doo Because He's Silent
Usually the loudest loudmouth.

Mark this article readFederal prosecutors have faced an array of ‘challenges’ in the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot case: report
Bozos walk our streets. Dimwits of the highest order.

America's richest pastor avoids $150,000 in annual taxes on a $7 million Texas mansion that he said God told him to build, report says
When these grifters start getting taxed like normal citizens the world will be much better off.

The Supreme Court's baffling precedent about Christmas trees reveals the reality of Christian hegemony
A "Christmas tree" and a "nativity scene" are not the same. One is clearly "religious."
History of Christmas Trees

Civil rights pioneer Claudette Colvin has arrest expunged at age 82
And for the dimwitted, this is not CRT. This is a racism issue and, as such, is American history.

Parent Punches School Board Member In The Head
Over Native American Mascot Name Change... During a break in the meeting, the school board secretary confronted a vocal and angry parent. Tempers flared and a punch was thrown. What was the parent trying to do, give him a kiss? The asshole should have been pushed away. Now he can be sued for assault.

Biden finds acceptance in tornado-battered Trump country: 'I’d even call him president'
I love the statements of concern about Biden's mental fitness. These assholes never questioned Fatso the Geek's mental train wreck state. He's mad as a March Hare.

Trump-O’Reilly event was less than half full despite predictions of a sellout: report
The reunion tour isn't doing well. Perhaps because no one gives a shit about Fatso, the traitor.

America Is Not Ready for Omicron
The new variant poses a far graver threat at the collective level than the individual one—the kind of test that the U.S. has repeatedly failed.

'Our Atmosphere Is Broken': US Tops Record for Hurricane-Force Winds in a Day
"The last Dust Bowl stemmed from degradation of the soil," said writer and activist Bill McKibben. "This time it's the climate we've upended."
Too bad we didn't get some warning on this. I wish we could have known.

Rev. William Barber Condemns Manchin's 'Immoral, Unmerciful, Economically Insane' Obstruction
Manchin is "a plutocrat who only cares about what his corporate backers and profit-driven masters want," said the co-chair of the Poor People's Campaign.
Joe needs a blanket party.

Unions Make Life Better at Work and Beyond, New Report Shows
The relationship between "high union density and higher household incomes, access to healthcare and paid leave, and fewer voting restrictions highlights the importance of protecting the right of workers to organize."

'Cold-blooded murderer' who set Black man on fire gets life in prison
Finally, the punishment fits the crime.

Radical GOP Rep. Defames Ilhan Omar During Islamophobia Debate
Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA) showed his Islamophobic true self when he defamed Rep. Ilhan Omar on the House floor during a debate about a measure to combat Islamophobia.
Constantly searching for the bottom.

'A traitor to the Constitution': Congressman torches Jim Jordan over questionable Jan. 5 text
“The fact that there is a slow-moving coup that is happening right now all over this country that are led by the Jim Jordans and other people.”

DeSantis accused of leveraging University of Florida trustees for $100K donations: report
Howdy Doody, Jr.

'Welcome to the Meadows Moron Club': Michael Cohen taunts Jim Jordan after his Jan. 6 texts fall under scrutiny

Jim Jordan's office admits he sent Mark Meadows a plan to overturn the election from Biden
This traitor is proud of his sedition.

Crazy Right-wing Pastor: Masks Are A Tool Of Satan
We've already seen many, many evangelical anti-vax screamers die at the hands of COVID, but claiming Satan will fear you if you refuse to wear a mask is right up there with snake-charming.
The moron is strong in this one.

Ron DeSantis Wants Vigilantes In Schools
His stupid "Anti WOKE" act is about spying on classrooms for money. How would your morons know what the fuck CRT was? In the Land of the Happy Negro they don't have a clue about shit or applebutter.
Fuck DipShitus.

Teachers Call BS on DeSantis’ Bonkers Attempt to Outlaw Critical Race Theory
Of course they are. They have an education and a piece of brain.

Fox Doc Wants Covid To 'Naturally' Spread
This is BS culture war filler for the network, and everyone knows it.
We can't wait for him to infect himself.

A sociologist explains the biggest mistakes the media is making about our political moment
OMG! A socialist? OMG!

Fox News hosts are training their viewers to reject facts — and embrace fascism
This is news?

Joe Manchin goes off after reporter asks about Biden's stalled agenda: "You're bull----"
When asked about his recalcitrance on Build Back Better, Sen. Manchin unloaded a series of expletives at reporters
Screw this big grifting dickheaded Bullshitter!

Senate Slammed for Passing 'Bloated' NDAA But Delaying Build Back Better Act
"Don't tell me we can't afford to fight poverty, cancel student debt, pass paid leave, and defeat the climate crisis," said Rep. Pramila Jayapal after senators approved the $786 billion military spending bill.
We are so fucked.

Marjorie Taylor Greene: Texts begging him to stop riot ‘completely show that President Trump is innocent’
This..."woman" is a bit off in the head. She has a serious thinking disorder.

Tucker Carlson's 'red-faced man' conspiracy theory about Capitol rioters just fell apart
Con men don't always succeed with their cons.

'Democracy Is Under Attack': 200+ State Lawmakers Tell Senate to Delay Recess to Pass Voting Rights
"If Congress does not act, onerous and discriminatory voting restrictions will silence millions of Americans."
Exactly what the fascists want.

Text-gate fallout: Hannity, Ingraham and Don Jr. unveiled as whiny MAGA wimps!
Donald Trump loved every second of the Capitol assault. But his Fox News toadies — and his own son! — wussed out

False prophets: When preachers defy COVID — and then it kills them
Too many evangelical preachers have dismissed the danger of COVID, then died of it. That's not divine judgment

Judge: Proud Boys Can Be Tried For 'Obstructing Congress'
The law is clear.
And they are common bullies who will get what they deserve.

The emperor has no clothes: Trump supporters are abandoning former president as his weaknesses are exposed
Why did this take so long?

Liz Cheney hints at criminal charges for Trump in panel vote to hold Mark Meadows in contempt
Give him a home behind bars.

Capitol Rioter Who Pledged To Put A Bullet In Nancy Pelosi's Head Sentenced To 28 Months
Cleveland Meredith travelled to DC that day loaded to the gills with weapons and ammunition (2500 rounds, including 320 rounds of armor-piercing 5.56 rounds).
Not much for pledging to kill someone.

Steve Bannon Flips Out: Elon Musk Will Put Chips In Your Brain!
Musk will turn the planet into Skynet something something 2022 midterms! Said the creep that has been chipped until he has been placed on the no chip list.

'This was a subversion of our military': Former FBI official torches Trump amid latest developments in Jan. 6 investigation
Yes, we know Trump's a crook.

‘Those are your friends’: Rep. Raskin shoots down Rep. Greene after she calls Democrats ‘communists’
What batshit does she eat?

'Enraged' homeowners calling cops on Trump supporters as they go door to door looking for voter fraud
If they are a threat to you stand your ground and let them have one.
At least "Dean" knows where he came from and will be returning to.

SHOCKING: Texts From Fox News Hosts To Meadows Prove Trump Knew, Did Nothing
Numerous Fox "news" hosts, one of Trump's kids and members of Congress texted Mark Meadows during the insurrection, begging Trump to stop it, but he did nothing.
Because he's an asshat con artist and a traitor.

Meadows' Texts: Fox Hosts Knew It Wasn't Antifa Attacking Capitol
Mark Meadows' texts are proof of complicity by Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and Brian Kilmeade. Co-conspirators all. Prison time for them.

Three Florida Republicans Arrested For Multiple Votes
Facebook pages that appear to belong to two of them contain posts expressing support for Trump. Huh! And these mothers whine about vote fraud?

Don Jr. Couldn't Call Daddy Directly To Stop Insurrection
How embarrassing for the feeble and hyperactive son. Instead of picking up the phone and calling his daddy, Don Jr. had to go through Mark Meadows.

Here's the reality behind Joe Biden's low approval rating
United we stand, divided we fall. If we don't have a team we can't win. America has given up on fighting the virus and they blame the president for their decision to not get vaccinations when they can get them. They can't blame themselves. Self relinance is what the fascists preach but they don't do it due to spite. And they won't or can't look at themselves. Hypocrites.

Major Survey Finds 100 Million Americans See US Healthcare System as 'Expensive' or 'Broken'
One in 20 respondents—representing 12.7 million people—said a friend or family member died over the past year after not receiving treatment because they couldn't afford it.
A failure of Capitalism.
Unversal healthcare is the answer. But our money grubbing drug corporations won't stand for it. Your money or your life.

Jan. 6 committee 'has the receipts' from Meadows -- and they deliver a brutal narrative about Trump: CNN reporter
Indict him for treason.

What if Media Covered the War on Democracy Like an Actual War?

800,000 Americans have now died of COVID-19, and the 1 million mark is all but assured
We have surrendered to the virus. We have invited the Red Death in. The cull will continue.

What's Next: Fascist Takeover or New Era of Progressive Renewal?
The GOP has embraced the oligarchic strong-man police-state and the Democratic Party is returning to its progressive and populist roots—we face a moment of great danger and one of great opportunity.

It's No Mystery: Joe Manchin Represents the Monied Interests and Nobody Else
Joe Manchin, Republicans, and the Supreme Court are shafting working Americans.

Atheists are among the most likely to be vaccinated for COVID — and white evangelicals are among the least
No surprise.

Supreme Court rejects religious challenge to New York vaccine mandate

Donald Trump and Bill O'Reilly struggled with poor turnout at tour debut, with upper deck ticket holders 'upgraded' to fill lower bowl of 'cavernous' Florida Panthers arena
Sad. Looks like his 15 minutes are gone.

Herschel Walker’s Working Class Givenchy Model Son Horrified Over Joe Biden’s Gas Prices
Son, you are doing us all a great favor by showing your stupid entitled ass this way.

The Ninth Amendment in Relation to Abortion and the Consequential Political Action
"Control is in the hands of the people to decide which direction the country goes and it is not a topic that should be taken lightly."
It is very clear our nation supports abortion rights. The Ninth Amendment says that is a right. The only reason these asshats think it's not a right is because they want to control women and make them second-class citizens. This misogynist thinking is based on old Judeo-Christian propaganda.
It is time to put an end to that in a free society.

When SCOTUS guts Roe: The covert plan to provide abortion pills on demand – and avoid prosecution
By any means necessary.

Filings Reveal Manchin's Blind Trust Can't Explain Away 'Blatant Conflict of Interest'

AU’s Top 10 Of 2021: Strong Start With Biden Administration On Religious Freedom

'Dumpster fire' Fox News trashed after Chris Wallace abruptly announces he just quit
Leaving them with nothing but jerk assholes for their clown shows.

Mark Meadows said the National Guard would be 'on standby' to 'protect pro-Trump people' on Jan. 6: report

Pressley Slams Boebert For Disgusting Bigotry Against Omar
Rep. Ayanna Pressley said Rep. Lauren Boebert’s bigoted smear of Rep. Ilhan Omar has had ugly consequences for Muslims, and Boebert must face consequences, too.
It's time to haul the gun totin' racist trailer trash to the dumpster.

Capitol Rioter, Former Cop Breaks Down In Tears When Sentenced To Prison
Former Houston Police Officer Tam Dinh Pham was sentenced to 45 days in prison Friday for his conviction on a misdemeanor charge from the January 6 Capitol riot.
Pham repeatedly told the court he “stupidly followed people in the Capitol.”
So, he knew better. Case closed.

DOJ Wants 63 Month Sentence For Capitol Rioter
If the judge agrees, it would be the longest sentence so far.
That should be the standard. Treason should be life.

Journalist who predicted Trump’s 2020 coup explains why his supporters’ 'openness to violence' is growing
Bloodthirty vampire traitors will get what they ask for.

'Tyranny of the minority': DC insider torches Brett Kavanaugh
"... In short, Kavanaugh argues that a woman’s right to abort a pregnancy “should be left to the people, to the states, or to Congress."
How about leaving it to the individual, you sexist pig?

Gavin Newsom proposes bounty on assault weapons after Supreme Court Texas abortion law ruling
This is no more than the "bounty" on abortion providers or assistants in Texas, the Land of the Happy Negro.

Meet the Election Vigilantes Heading for Your Doorstep
Solicitors violate a city ordinace when they knock on my door. A "NO SOLICITORS" sign prevents it. The turds are "selling" bullshit, therefore they are solicitors. They should know that the election is over and their "canvassing" isn't an election. Too stupid to know that, I suppose.

Massive Devastation After Dozens of Deadly Tornadoes Rip Through Multiple States
"The devastation is unlike anything I have seen in my life."
Welcome to climate change.

Pleading the 5th could blow up in the faces of subpoenaed Trump supporters: legal expert

The Fascists Are Rising in the Name of Defending Democracy—They Must Be Called Out and Stopped
By any means necessary. This is our war and one that we dare not lose.

Build Back Better or Build More Bombs? The Choice Is Clear

Chief Justice John Roberts Makes Argument For Expanding The Court
Right now, Roberts is in danger of being remembered as the chief justice who oversaw the dismantling of our democracy.
"Justice Sonia Sotomayor was more emphatic than Roberts, but agrees. She compared SB 8 to “the philosophy of John C. Calhoun, a virulent defender of the slaveholding South,” who supported state nullification of federal laws. “Lest the parallel be lost on the Court,” she wrote, “analogous sentiments were expressed in this case’s companion: ‘The Supreme Court’s interpretations of the Constitution are not the Constitution itself—they are, after all, called opinions.’”
She's talking about the Land of the Happy Negro. It's very real.

Great News For Labor: Union Drives Are Suddenly Hot
Union battles at Amazon and Starbucks are hot news – which can only be good for the labor movement.

The truth about the world the Ghislaine Maxwell trial has revealed
"Take a look for example, at the relative slap on the wrist that the January 6 insurgents have so far received in what the FBI described as an act of domestic terror. Those people were not billionaires, nor did they maintain connections to the highest echelons of power. What they were armed with was their white skin and all of the privilege it entails. And there are many other examples. We all know it."

Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell at odds as Trump tears the GOP apart: columnist
Maybe they could wipe each other out?

'An Existential Attack on the Union': Biden Blasts Kellogg's Plan to Replace Striking Workers
"Such action undermines the critical role collective bargaining plays in providing workers a voice and the opportunity to improve their lives while contributing fully to their employer's success."
We've seen scabs before but it always has failed. Fuck Kellogg's.

El Salvador Offers a Dark Glimpse Into Our Post-Roe Future

The Supreme Court has put Trump on notice about his 'imperial presidency' claims: biographer
They must be proclaiming him former Prince Fatso?

Fox News Christmas Tree Attack Was Just Like Pearl Harbor Because Here's Why
"... you melodramatic fucking fucks."

Joe Biden Gives Texas Family Their Seized WALL Land Back, When Clearly It Should Go To Steve Bannon
Fuck the wall.

Senate's Dumbest Republican Gonna Cure COVID With Listerine, OPEN WIIIIIIIDE
It never stops amazing me how America can elect some of the dumbest motherfuckers to be thier reps.

Manchin Takes the Teeth Out of Democrats’ Plan for Seniors’ Dental Care
Why does Manchin hate Americans?

Wisconsin facing hospital bed shortage as COVID-19 cases climb
Somebody's not getting vaccinated.

Right-Wing Authoritarianism and the Crisis of Education

We Doomed Roe: Too Many Americans Are Ignorant about Abortion
Of course. You could have stopped at the word 'abortion.' We are filled with the ignorant, uneducated.

The Evidence about Trump Allies' Dark Scheme to Overthrow Democracy Is Piling Up

Altercation: Understanding Tucker Carlson
"The only plausible explanation for his descent into racism and absurdity is that he plans to run for president."
And like Fatso, he is not fit for the job.
"...the most popular pro-fascist racist hate-monger and virus spreader? King of the goons? Is this what makes a parent proud these days?"
It is to laugh. But we live in a bizzaro world where reality is very much the other side of the looking glass.

Someone Is Lying About Why It Took So Long for the National Guard to Deploy on January 6
Some shady dealing went on here. Someone needs to come clean cause it don't look too good for the Guard.

Comrade Peter Navarro Channels Putin: 'Ukraine Not Really A Country'
He's not really an authority either.

BREAKING: Supreme Court Allows Lawsuits Against Texas Abortion Law to Continue, But Keeps the Law in Place
A weird world we live in, folks. And SCOTUS does their best to keep it that way.

Kanye West’s Publicist Intimidated a Georgia Election Worker to Confess to False Voter Fraud Charges: Reuters
Fascist con man is full of it. This is an out-and-out death threat and needs to be handled that way. Knock on some doors with your death threat, you fool, and you'll get a .38 pointed at your head.
"Free the people from the fire. Pull the boat out of the raging sea. Tell the Devil he's a liar. Come and save the likes of me." — Free the People, written by Barbara Keith, recorded by Barbara and Delaney and Bonnie.

Justice Barrett Wonders About 'Jewish-Palestinian' Conflict
"Supreme Court Justice Amy Christofascist Barrett let her anti-Semite flag fly wild and free on Wednesday while questioning an attorney defending Maine's right to maintain the separation of church and state."

Only James Carville Can Lecture On 'White Trash-ology'

Day 3 Of Tree Freakout Compares Fox To Pearl Harbor
Another special flavor stupid crawls out of the woodwork to be a laughing stock.
"Comparing the death of more than 2400 Americans, civilians, military, and Navy personnel during a sneak attack by the Japanese at Pearl Harbor which made FDR join WWII to this idiotic Christmas tree that was torched by a mentally challenged homeless person is beyond ridiculous."
It appears we cannot escape from blithering idiots.

Late Night Hosts Torch Fox's Beloved Christmas Tree
"A beloved tradition dating all the way back to 2019," the Daily Show said.
The stupids and their symbol which they have no clue about.
History of Christmas Trees
This won't help any morons but it's worth a try.

WATCH: Matt Gaetz's extremist takeover remarks just backfired in a major way
Why is this grifter not in prison? The failure of the justice system in America.

Tucker Carlson's effort to divert blame for Jan. 6 away from Trump supporters backfires spectacularly
The stupid is strong in this one.

Why We Urgently Need Media Outlets for the Common Good

Christian Nationalists Remain Eager To Fight The Mythical ‘War On Christmas.’ No One Else Is.

'Saying the quiet part out loud': David Perdue admits he is a coup supporting insurrectionist
Only traitors would vote for a traitor.

Senate Votes Against Biden Vaccine-or-Test Mandate, Thanks to Manchin and Tester
Money lovers fuck the people.

Stop calling Kyle Rittenhouse a hero. He killed two unarmed people
Some people get away with murder under the right cicumstances.

Mark this article readYoung Democrats Are Right: There Is No Reason to Date or Befriend Trump Voters
So should it be with any Democrat or Republican.

What Will It Take to Build a Mass Movement for Abortion Rights?

‘No conceivable basis’: Legal experts bury Mark Meadows for ‘frivolous’ lawsuit against Pelosi and 1/6 Committee
Your scam isn't working, Mark.

Lindsey Graham ‘berated’ Mitch McConnell on debt ceiling deal: report
Lindsey Graham? Oh, I rememember him.

Investigation reveals disaster that unfolded after GOP governors and DOD sent troops to the border
Tiny dictators and their little armies got a little fucked up.

Wisconsin election "audit" run by conservative group finds no evidence of fraud
The probe came after Wisconsin bankrolled a separate non-partisan investigation into election fraud claims
Dang! And they were so certain.

Study says third shot of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine protects well against omicron variant
Public health experts fear the highly-mutated omicron variant is unusually adept at evading vaccines
Huh? Them vaccines really work? Then I'd think about getting one or two before I join them fools at the hospitals.

Trump-Backed Georgia Gov Candidate David Perdue Says He Wouldn’t Have Certified 2020 Election Results
This is why he needs to be curb stomped come election time.

Fox News Blames Liberal Grinches Everywhere For The Flaming Death Of Its Christmas Tree
A homeless drifter. A Christian would bring him in and set him at their table and give him Christmas joy.

Maryland lawmakers override GOP governor's anti-immigrant vetoes in historic special session

What It's Like to Live In a Country With Restricted Abortion Rights

'S.O.S.!": Groups in Red States Nationwide Plead With Democrats to Pass Voting Rights Bill
They can't stand the fascists either.

Taxpayers Shouldn’t Be Forced To Fund Religious Education

Conservative Evangelicals Still In Denial Over COVID Pandemic

A historian explains the very real threat of white Christian patriarchy in the US and a one-party takeover
Deadlier than a new Covid variant.

New report says the pandemic has even made driving more deadly
Oh, do you remember pre-pandemic days?

Mark Meadows to face criminal contempt of Congress proceedings for refusing to show up for subpoenaed deposition
Another Bannon.

‘Terrifying’: Right-wingers are furious over a study finding 7 in 10 young Dems won't date a Trump voter
Terrified? Furious? What did they expect? No one likes a Trump voter that isn't a Trump voter.

Analysis: Texas’ population has changed much faster than its political maps
Texas’ population has grown 40% this century, and 91% of the new Texans are people of color. Federal judges now have to decide whether those monumental changes are reflected in the state’s political maps.

Ted Cruz has never recouped more than $500,000 he loaned his first campaign. He’s working to overturn the law that’s blocked him.
The Supreme Court next month will hear arguments in his challenge to the law that prevents the repayment, prompting fears among watchdog groups that another rollback of campaign finance regulations might be looming.
Oozing slime.

Sinema targeted over 'morally unforgivable' tax loophole for the rich
Please say "I Quit," Kyrsten

Joining Drag Queens On TV Show Costs Indiana Pastor His Job
Pastor Craig Duke has been "relieved of his pastoral duties" after appearing in drag on HBO's "We're Here."
As we all know, Christain love is very conditional.

‘You Don’t Belong Here’: Son Charged With Assault After Mom Calls Cops on Black Worker
A viral video shows the white mother and son harassing Johnny Martinez, a parking permit auditor, as he worked in the garage of a Nashville apartment complex.
"Bitsy" Karen and little Kenny go berserk when they see a Black man in the wrong place...America!
Little Kenny is lucky he wasn't shot by Martinez as he attempted assault. Little Kenny appears to be a chickenshit.

SCOTUS Must Affirm Public Money Is For Public Schools, Not Private, Religious Interests
Let's not hold our breaths.

REPORT: Florida COVID Researchers Were Pressured To Destroy Data And Warned Not To Criticize DeSantis
Covid cover-up by DipShitus. But the rest of the Land of the Happy Negro is just the same.

Trump-backed candidate getting panned by her fellow conservatives after unveiling her first big policy proposal
"Is it possible that this Lake … just isn’t all that deep?"
If not, she can just dry up.

A Texas school district is reviewing 400 library books after a GOP lawmaker's inquiry
Captain Beatty is awaiting with the gasoline, you pornographile.

Filibuster Reform for Debt Ceiling Fight But Not Voting Rights or Reproductive Freedom?
"If our senators are willing to suspend the filibuster to protect our economy, they should be willing to suspend it to protect our democracy and our freedom to vote."

Mark Meadows accidentally reveals what Jan. 6 evidence is 'freaking out' Trump allies: MSNBC's Morning Joe

McConnell Complains BBB Won’t Let Daycare Centers Discriminate
As part of the Republican war on Biden’s plan for universal pre-K, Sen. Mitch McConnell suggested that Democrats want to indoctrinate three and four year-olds with critical race theory.
He wouldn't know CRT if it came and crawled up his dumb lying ass.

SCOTUS And The So-Called 'Pro-Life' Crowd
They say "Supreme Court" and "Pro-Life" but they have no clue on what those words mean.

Thoughts & Prayers: Fox Christmas Tree Erupts Into Burning Bush
A new front opens in the war on Christmas!
Merry Christmas Fux News.

'Certifiably nuts': Lauren Boebert posts Christmas photo of her four sons brandishing assault rifles
Batshit BoBo nutfuck.

COVID-19 Hit This County Hard. A Weakened Health Department Still Can’t Get People Vaccinated.
And people are still stupid.

Republicans now stand for nothing except trolling, vigilante violence and death

Is Jim Jordan Planning To Kill Us All?

Continuing Vaccine Apartheid Could Herald “Wave After Wave of Variants”
Over is it, Jim Jordan?

Hillary Clinton was right about the "deplorables" — and about the end of Roe v. Wade
Still hate Hillary's guts? Fine. But let's admit that she saw all this coming — and way before the rise of Trump

Cartoon: Mandatory COVID measures vs. forced birth
Trump Deplorables on SCOTUS should be forced to adopt every forced birth.

After Pandemic Success, Hello Fresh Is Union Busting
The nation's largest meal box delivery company has hired anti-union consultants for big dollars.
Boycott. Not one penny to these bastards. Union Now, Union Forever!

The ascent of the global far right is more disturbing than any time since fascism’s 1930s heyday
That's nice to know. Think of what is in store for us.

'Merrick Garland shivering under his desk': Ex-US officials slam DOJ for lack of action on 'criminal' Trump
Put someone in with a set, Joe.

BUSTED: Former Trump official caught listing hotel as his address as he attempts political comeback in Montana
The Nazis don't give a shit about rule of law, kids. Get real.

Sean Spicer listens uncomfortably as Trump rants about Ashli Babbitt: 'They shot her and they killed her!'
It should have been Trump instead. He was responsible but he's got a yellow streak down his back all the way from his fake hair.

Port Arthur and the Sublime
"Today, Port Arthur is a ghost down with vacant lots and boarded up buildings." "The vacant lots and gutted buildings downtown — which recall Pompeii after Vesuvius — are tokens of a vicious system of racial capitalism." "To begin with, many of the jobs are gone; racism, capitalist consolidation and automation are responsible for that. So now when folks smell chemical pollution, they don’t think money, they think cancer."
Rot in America.

Jim Jordan: Liberals must be destroyed because they are successors to 'evils' of Nazis and slavery
A great example of how utterly inept, stupid and bumbling fascists are. Did you actually attend classes at Ohio State, Jim?

Ben Carson Pushes Ivermectin In Fox News Interview
How much fun is Uncle Ben? The comments say it all.

Kraken Lawyer Raised $14M By Spreading Election Lies
Don't miss the Trump dick pics in the comments.

This legal scholar argues the Constitution gives Congress a duty to overrule anti-democratic state law
"This dual reality — an evolving meaning with a stable rationale — illustrates the logic of living constitutionalism and the folly of "originalism," while the plain language of the Guarantee Clause refutes the right-wing trope that "states' rights" must be seen as the antidote to a tyrannical federal government. The danger of state-level tyranny was clearly recognized by the Constitution's authors."
Why have a Constitution if we keep pissing on it?

Campaigners Warn of 'Wave After Wave of Variants' as Long as Vaccine Apartheid Remains
"Omicron is with us because we have failed to vaccinate the world. This should be a wake-up call."
Zombies cannot be awoken. They are permanently deaf.

Charlie Sykes stuns MSNBC host with lewd description of Thomas Massie’s gun photo as like pic of his privates
There's already a Photoshopped version of these morons holding huge cocks making the rounds.

Former DC National Guard official slams generals as 'unmitigated liars' over Jan. 6 response
This would explain the reason the Guard didn't arrive.

Trump admits to obstruction of justice in Fox News interview
Throw his stinking ass in stir.

Madison Cawthorn urged Americans to 'raise monsters' — a Trump-loyal mom in Michigan obliged
Yes, the gun Nazis in our Congress are responsible.

GOP Lawmaker Posts Christmas Photo of Family Holding Guns Days After School Shooting
Textbook photo of delusional misdirected miscreants.

Fear and Trembling in America

Pro-Trump counties now have far higher COVID death rates. Misinformation is to blame
No kidding?

White Supremacist Group Marches In DC [VIDEO]
Behold the new KKK uniform.

QAnon Rep: We Never Closed Schools Over Cancer
Just about any fool can tell you what's wrong with this hilarious statement. Queen of the Hillbilly Morons.

Reproductive rights advocates sound alarm after Supreme Court hears Mississippi abortion case

'Stretch That Rope': MAGA Conspiracy Theorist Calls For Mass Hangings Of 'Traitors'
You'll be hanging yourselves, you stupid idiot. That's a really good idea, moron.

Ilhan Omar Calls Kevin McCarthy 'A Liar and a Coward' for Refusing to Condemn Boebert's Islamophobia
"This is who they are," said the Minnesota Democrat. "And we have to be able to stand up to them. And we have to push them to reckon with the fact their party right now is normalizing anti-Muslim bigotry."
We know that McCarthy is both and have stated it here before.

North Dakota school superintendent calls for CRT ban and a 'devout Christ-centered republic'
Deluded morons at their worst.

An FBI probe has totally debunked the MAGA claim that a 2019 mass shooting was linked to Antifa

This 'MAGA Civil War' is growing uglier by the minute: report
“They’re calling it a civil war but maybe it’s more like a prison riot…"

'Congress Must Act': Bernie Sanders Demands End of Filibuster to Codify Abortion Rights
"We must pass legislation that codifies Roe v. Wade as the law of the land in this country. And if there aren't 60 votes to do it, and there are not, we must reform the filibuster to pass it with 50 votes."
Get it done, goddamn it or kiss what's left of your country goodbye!

Crumbleys were assisted by 'person of interest' — and they're now on suicide watch: sheriff

'We haven't seen any remorse': Michigan sheriff describes 'sullen' Crumbley's jailhouse stay
Then just leave them there.

The Mississippi Abortion Case and the Fragile Legitimacy of the Supreme Court
Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization is an open challenge to the Court’s authority, and perhaps broadly reflects a spirit of legal self-help that is running through the land.
"...we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender..." — Winston Churchhill

Even If the U.S. Did Support Mothers — and It Doesn't — There Will Always Be a Need for Abortion

Beleaguered on All Fronts, Losing Steadily, and Still We Fight Among Ourselves.
"Solidarity Forever."

Controversial Alzheimer’s Drug Behind About Half of Medicare’s Yearly Price Bump
And is anyone sure it works? There does seem to be some doubt. It may take nine years to find out it has been said.
This is something for people to get pissed about before the Covid vaccine. You don't have the Alz but you get to pay for it anyway.

How Teen Gunman’s Parents Ended Up Hiding Out in Local Artist’s Studio

Madison Cawthorn Pretty Sure Ladies Are Just God's Holy Tupperware

As Lockout Begins, Baseball’s Hall of Fame Blacklists Curt Flood—Again
Remember baseball? It was once America's pastime. Does it even matter any longer? And they want to blame it on one guy and not themselves? Losers.

Harris Faulkner Cravenly Blames School Shooting On 'Defund The Police'
There is no topic, subject, issue, or real-life event no matter how unrelated that is off limits for Fox News to use to attack the center left of this country.
This is the most ignorant, idiotic, moronic, unintelligent, stupid, pandering, ill advised and irresponsible, disgraceful statement I have read from the search for the bottom fascists.
Defund Harris Faulkner and the rest of the puppets on the fascist propaganda channels.

Terrorism expert: Oxford shooter's parents in deeper legal jeopardy after heavily armed arrest

There are several giant holes in the arguments against Roe v. Wade
Yes, and they're giant assholes.

'Global empire of the US Christian right': Dark money fuels attacks on abortion rights worldwide
"Religion" is a joke on all of us.

The Republicans had a plan for their judges — and it went way beyond Roe v. Wade
Yes, the GOP’s takeover of the judiciary was aimed at ending abortion rights — and keeping themselves out of jail
Total scumbags.

Right-wing so-called 'journalists' exploit Waukesha tragedy, drawing neo-Nazis there to protest
The Hell that exists in the country formerly known as the United States.

Mass Incarceration in America, Then and Now
The U.S. has the highest rate of incarceration in the world: although the country makes up about five per cent of the global population, it holds nearly a quarter of the world’s prisoners.
It's very obvious there is money in this grift.

‘Wokeness’ Battle Engulfs Prominent NYC Museum After Ex-Employee’s Rant
Here's a pissed off anti-intellect racist for you.

For the First Time, Supreme Court Is Poised to Retract a Fundamental Right
Citizen, Totalitarianism is upon us in the country formerly known as the United States.
Don't get mad. Get even.

Senator Collins comes under fire after SCOTUS signals support for restrictive abortion ban
Still like these misogynists do you, dear?

Twitter’s New Privacy Policy Is Making It Harder to Spread Warnings About Online Fascists
Shut these "social" sites down for good. Very little good is done by them.

Cultist Protesters Shut Down Ohio GOP Meeting
More evidence of the decay of the country formerly known as the United States.

Nikki Haley Goes Crawling Back To Kiss Trump’s Ring
There's a name for that.

Michigan School Shooting Exposes 2nd Amendment as Poison to America
More evidence of the decay of the country formerly known as the United States.

Sanders Calls on Biden to Slash 'Outrageous' Medicare Premium Hike
They give you a 'cost of living' raise and then take it back and more with their new fee.
Was that wrong?
More evidence of the decay of the country formerly known as the United States.

AT&T failed to fix Ohio man’s broken Internet service for a month
Was that wrong?

COVID vaccinations spike in US as delta rages and omicron looms

Mark this article read'The Facts of This Case Are So Egregious': Parents of Michigan School Shooter Charged in Killings

New report reveals deep-rooted racism is plaguing US military academies
More evidence of the decay of the country formerly known as the United States.

Parents of Michigan school shooting suspect are reported 'missing' after being charged – a search is underway
This won't end well for them.

'Ethan, don't do it': County prosecutor announces charges against parents of Michigan shooter

Michigan prosecutor charges parents of school shooting suspect — says they brushed off disturbing warnings
Looks like they are a big part of the shooting committed by their disturbed son.

The Supreme Court threatens to undermine the core of protection for American civil liberties
Once again, I'd advise all young people to look for a life in another country. This one will soon be totalitarian.

Judge grills Trump lawyer over rape allegation: How is saying 'she's not my type' part of presidential duties?
In other words, stating "she's not my type" means "I only rape women that are my type." It is the non-denial denial, Fatso.

McConnell Signals GOP Will Run on Pure Obstruction in the Midterms
The Bitch is still the Bitch.

And Then Jeanne Shaheen Kicked Tom Cotton's Ass
"... dickstomping Tom Cotton like the sniveling piss wipe he is."

An Obscure Agency Is Threatening to Hand Medicare Over to Wall Street
W. all over again?
Why is there always some bastard trying to fuck us over? Money and greed. Elminate it and things will change.

Dark Money From the US Christian Right Fuels War on Abortion Rights Worldwide

Next Up On GOP’s Agenda: Stripping Women Of Political & Economic Power
Once the GOP is done with birth control they're coming for gay marriage & ultimately, civil rights laws themselves including the rights to assembly, free-speech & due process. Winter is coming...

Republicans' War on Education Is the Most Crucial Part of Their Push for Fascism

Ted Cruz Is the Disease
The senator is once again attacking Dr. Anthony Fauci and spreading misinformation. There’s a serious side to what the Texan is doing.
"In fact, Ted Cruz is spreading the virus of disinformation and distrust to the detriment of American health, and American lives."

‘Get Back’ Review
A musical family’s (mostly) loving squabble, distilled.

Amy Coney Barrett’s Adoption Myths “They’re co-opting our lives and our stories.”

Religious leaders supercharged Trump's presidency. SCOTUS just proved why
How the alliance between evangelicals, Catholics and the far right against abortion created a potent political juggernaut.
The dispicable deplorables.

Italian man tries to dodge Covid vaccine wearing fake arm
Anti-vaxxer is facing charges of fraud after turning up for jab with silicone arm in Biella
Another chapter in the "Can they Detect How Fucking Stupid I Am?" history book

Republicans are already running scared on abortion and they should be

Money-Hungry Corporations to Blame for Inflation
The truth is big corporations and their ultra-rich CEOs are exploiting consumers.

'Global Empire of the US Christian Right': Dark Money Fuels Attacks on Abortion Rights Worldwide
The findings of a new investigation, said one observer, "further demonstrate the growing trend of religious extremists forging cross-border alliances" to gut abortion rights.
Several of these "religious" extremists are on the bench of SCOTUS much to our degradation.

'What wannabe totalitarian, fascist dictators do': Alarm over DeSantis move to form his own 'personal militia'
Dimwits as well. DipShitus is as dim as it gets. But a dictator is what he's aspiring to be. Take him out.

If the Supreme Court shoots down Roe v. Wade, there could be an all-out assault on gay rights
The Talibastards want to return to the third century. Let them get the fuck out and leave the rest of us alone. We are all in deep shit.

'Sad But Unsurprising': Biden Administration Rejects Calls for Ban on 'Killer Robots'
Campaigners warn that autonomous weapons systems pose "grave threats" worldwide.
Out rulers want to keep their dystopia going.

Why Is This Pandemic Taking So Long? In One Word: Greed
The longer it takes the world to get vaccinated, the more variants we'll see.
Another reason we are living in dystopia.

From guns to COVID, we’re all trying to survive the GOP’s dystopian culture of death
Good luck, everyone. But we are living in dystopia. What will there be to survive for?

Mike Pence Parts Ways With Trump On 2020 Stolen Election Claims
Pence says the 2020 election was not stolen, so Trump must be lying.
Ya think?

'Tyranny? What Are You People Talking About?' Tim Ryan Rages
"We’re talking about universal preschool! And they have it as a Communist indoctrination of the American student!" he said.
Let's face it. These yokels need some education. They skipped a lot of school it appears.

Former federal prosecutor insists we'll see 'a tidal wave of criminal charges against Donald Trump'
Will that be coming soon or shall we wait a few more decades while he continues his grift?

The disturbing post-Roe world the Supreme Court is poised to create
Where, in a dystopian scenario, women will get hysterectomies and men will get vasectomies in protest and then the SCOTUS will make those illegal in the land formerly known as the United States.
These shitheads will now be going after birth control. This is complete and total RELIGIOUS tyranny by these Talibastards and should be stopped by any means necessary.

AOC co-sponsors bipartisan bill for "immediate relief" on pot convictions
Blunt bipartisanship: Ocasio-Cortez and GOP Rep. Dave Joyce unite on bill to help expunge cannabis convictions
Let's get it done.

Armed left-wing activists are prepared for the next Rittenhouse — but analysts say the armed right is a bigger threat
Threat? We know who and what the threat is. Stop using the "both sides" bullshit.

A former Trump aide is trying to build a violent right-wing Christian takeover of the US.
Just like the SCOTUS is doing? Trump put the Talibastards on it.

'Bags and bags' of money found stashed in bathroom wall at Joel Osteen's megachurch: report
The marks that gladly gave the flim-flam man the cash are thick and willing in this "religous" theater of the absurd.

Anti-Vax Republican William Hartmann Dies Following Battle With COVID-19
The Wayne County official who made headlines by refusing to certify Joe Biden's election win has died after an all too brief bout with COVID-19.
Another one bites the dust.

Pelosi Blasts Reporter For Concern-Trolling Dems
Why are Beltway media reporters so shallow, so predictable, and so very, very Republican? Because it doesn't take a brain to get a journalism "degree" and find work there?

Sotomayor Nails Forced-Birth Lawyer To The Wall
Stunned, the Mississippi solicitor general has absolutely no answer for Justice Sonya Sotomayor's question about the religious motivation behind his state's restrictive anti-abortion law.
Fuck these third century, slack-jawed, misogynist, racist mothers, Land of the Happy Negro turds that want women as their chattel.
Return it to the people? Then let's have a nationwide referendum on it, you afterbirther. The North American states will return you to the gutter from whence you came. But all of you are too cowardly to go there.

The Pentagon's new warning means World War III may arrive sooner than you think
Bring it on and let's get it overwith. It could have a cleansing effect on the planet.

Missouri's GOP governor attacked mask mandates — and concealed evidence that they work
Such is life in the North American states.

As The Fate Of Legal Abortion Hangs In The Balance, Americans United Reminds Supreme Court That Reproductive Freedom Is Religious Freedom

‘The former president was suggesting people inject bleach’: Psaki shoots down Doocy's Trump-Biden comparison
Did he use too much on himself?

The Deadly Reason Fox News' Talking Heads are Calling Fauci "Doctor Mengele"
The GOP chose the classic tactic of tyrants throughout history; lie to the people no matter how many die as a result

A Former Trump Aide Is Trying to Build a Violent, Ultranationalist, Right-wing Christian Takeover of the US
An murder looking for a place to happen.

With New Omicron Variant Looming, Republicans Are Now Bribing People to Avoid Vaccination

Poll: As Supreme Court hears Mississippi case, just 24% of Americans want Roe v. Wade overturned
POTUS: You Misogynists. Fuck all the way off on this issue and leave us alone.

Bowman Urges Democratic Leaders to Remove Boebert From Committees Over 'Vile' Attacks on Omar
"I, for one, will work to root out Islamophobia and discrimination of any kind, and implore my colleagues to join me in saying enough is enough."
Good idea.

Trump campaign 'drained' dying man’s bank account after he gave $500: David Cay Johnston
Trump the grifter. "He's really out just to line his pockets, his family's pockets, and in his administration, encourage others, including two cabinet secretaries I write about, to use the government to enrich themselves and their families, rather than serving the public in a position of trust."
You were warned.

Trump supporter arrested after allegedly casting multiple ballots in Florida
Five years to think about those votes, dearie.

Officer fired after fatally shooting man in wheelchair nine times from behind
Shoplifting? Really? Did this asshole run out of bullets? Again: Never take a knife to a gunfight.

'A conspiracy of dunces': CNN's Acosta accuses Walter Reed of misleading Americans about Donald Trump
Not any fool could spot this con when the idiot opened his mouth.

'Intentional deception': Mark Meadows releases damning details about Trump ahead of hearing with Jan. 6 panel The scum rises to the top.

Trump Tested Covid Positive Before Biden Debate, Not After
But did it anyway, according to chief of staff Mark Meadows!
The vile filthiness that is Trump.

Maine Lawmaker (And Unrepentant Anti-Vaxxer) Resigns After Wife Dies Of Covid-19
‘This is a difficult decision to make,’ wrote State Rep Chris Johansen. ‘But I also must honor my obligations to my family and to my animals.’

Quack Doctor Oz Carpetbags His Way Into PA Senate Race
It's the Republican way! When you haven't got any candidates worth their salt, find a celebrity, even if he doesn't live in the state.
Celebrity? That's scraping the bottom of the barrel.

“What voter suppression looks like”: Rejected ballot requests up 400% after new Georgia voting law
Far more applications for absentee ballots were denied, due to a new deadline in Republican voting law
Fascist cowards.

Marcus Lamb, Anti-Vaxxer Televangelist, Dead At 64
Lamb, the CEO and co-founder of Daystar Television Network, died this morning from complications due to COVID-19.

Fox News Promotes Book For Kids On 'Right To Have Firearms'
Cat repellent spray comes up when you search for Dana Loesch's book on Amazon, lol.
This is where we are, kids. How's that gun collection going?

High School Shooting Leaves 3 Dead, 8 Injured In Michigan
A 15-year old shooter armed with an semiautomatic handgun fired 15-20 shots on the campus of Oxford High School in Oxford, Michigan.
America, America, God shed his guns on thee. Holy Smith and Wesson! The kids are allright!

Trump attorney goes down in flames after judge asks hypothetical question on executive privilege
Fuck Trump.

Is the United States truly one nation? Ron DeSantis' Florida puts the idea to the test
Fuck DipShitus.

Trump called insurrectionists at Willard Hotel hours before Jan 6 riot: report
Put this traitor in prison.

CNN releases shocking new video of Lauren Boebert: ‘We see her for who she is’
Maybe. It's pretty ugly to see.

Feds Are Asking Questions About Sidney Powell and Her Pro-Trump Group
Make sure and be gentle.

With SCOTUS Set to Hear Abortion Case, Anti-Choice Groups Prepare to Enact 'Post-Roe Strategy'
Right-wing groups are lobbying lawmakers to pass state-level restrictions and ban sales of abortion pills, should Roe v. Wade be overturned.
Hell awaits, America. Ooops, sorry you were sleeping.

Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart

Carlson: Fauci Is “An Even Shorter Version Of Mussolini”
Nazi propaganda brought to you by the biggest Nazi next to Trump. Carlson is an even filthier Joseph Goebbels.
Fox News needs to be taken off broadcasting forever.

Lauren Boebert Doubles Down on Her Anti-Muslim Bigotry
BoBo is a just another POS.

Scarborough Says Claims Of Russian Hoax Are 'Horsesh*t'
David Frum told him people who refuse to accept Russia's part in the election are pushing Trump's biggest lie.
That would be the Trump Nazis.

Trump Is Now Placing Own Election Officials Across Country
The Washington Post details what Trump is up to to subvert 2022 and 2024 elections.
King of the Rig is out doing what he claims was done to him. What a POS.

The 'F' Word and the Media
Calling 21st-century fascism by its name is an essential condition to defeating it.
That's what we've always said here.

Tennessee group argues that teaching MLK is illegal — because of the GOP's ban on 'critical race theory'
Land of the Happy Negro has its own idea of history none of which is woth a good goddamn.

'Symptom of moral and intellectual decline': Fox News host slammed for comparing Fauci to Nazi 'angel of death' doctor
More Nazi projection.

Same GOP Stupidity, New Variants
And same chickenshits.

“People should probably be worried”: Texas hasn’t done enough to prevent another winter blackout, experts say
Natural gas powers the majority of electricity in Texas, especially during winter. Some power companies say the state’s gas system is not ready for another deep freeze.
Get your generators now or order several cords of firewood. Texas doesn't give a damn if you freeze.

Death in Texas

Meet the Texas Secessionist Movement: Brought to You by Russia
The Kremlin continues its care and feeding of American extremist groups.
Friends of Fatso, no doubt.

The Forgotten Pandemic Roars Back to Life
COVID doesn’t care that we’re exhausted from it.
It's like rust, it never sleeps.

The Great Escape
Why workers are quitting their jobs, after the trauma of the pandemic.
Take this job and shove it.

QAnon cultist complains to Trump about failed predictions: 'This is starting to get very old'

Graham: “Trust Jesus” To Protect You From Omicron
And don't forget to leave your dollar at the door.

Here are 5 reasons to suspect Jesus never existed

Biden says new Omicron variant is 'cause for concern, not a cause for panic'
"If people are vaccinated and wear their mask, there's no need for lockdown," Biden said.

Prosecutors say they are onto Steve Bannon's attempted manipulation of his own case

'Jan. 6 wasn't a fantasy': Top Missouri paper says it's 'long past time' for senate to investigate Josh Hawley
That's a Missouri paper, folks.

How the Kremlin is feeding far-right Texas secession fantasies — and using Ted Cruz as a useful idiot: report
"Useful idiot" is accurate and has been for too long.

Parental Involvement Is Welcome In Public Schools. Required Religion, Inaccurate History And Censorship Are Not.

Nancy Mace Pushes Deadly COVID Vaccine Lies On Fox
Fox and Republicans continue to dish out deadly advice to their viewers and voters.
"So, I'm not sure what fruit from which labor Mace thinks DeSantis is bearing right now, but it ain't being borne from following science.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Wants To Shut Down OSHA Over 'Communist Tactics'
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) has called on Republicans to defund the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) after she accused them of using "communist tactics" to mandate vaccines.
No wonder the GOP want her gone. Lunatics will not help their former party.

Heidi Heitkamp smacks down Chris Christie with lesson on how blue states 'subsidize southern states'
Yes, Chubby. It's been going on for years now. To quote Bob Dole, "You know it, I know it, and the American people know it."

Religious Trauma Syndrome: Former Christian Explains How Organized Religion Can Lead to Mental Health Problems

We Ain't All That... and That's a Good Thing

The Right’s Throwback ‘Cancel Culture’ Tactic: Smear Schoolbooks as Porn
An acclaimed memoir is facing bogus pornography charges in Florida. It’s the latest fad in a nationwide trend of book bans on authors who write about race or gender.
The real pornographers are the ones doing the burning.

DOJ insiders growing frustrated with Merrick Garland's foot-dragging on charging Trump's coup plotters: columnist
Fire him. There, now that isn't so hard is it?

'Hang on a minute': Chuck Todd confronts GOP governor who wants 'liberty' for vaccines but not for abortion
These morons don't have the intellect to know what they are saying is a contradiction. But this has been pointed out for some time now. They apparently can't hear as well as can't read.

ECDC assesses Omicron variant as high risk
Proactive precautionary measures needed ‘to buy time.’
Again, the pandemic is not over. For some of us it will get much worse than before.

Flynn Caught On Tape Calling QAnon “Total Nonsense”
The grifter exposes that he is a grifter... and nutty as a fruitcake.

Acosta Mercilessly Mocks GOP 'Freak Show Caucus'
From Gosar to Boebert and everyone in between, the GOP is a joke of clowns, freaks and buffoons.
They weren't in Durham or Tacoma yesterday were they?

Proud Boys Menace Shoppers In Long Island Town
If we can't stop KKK thugs we are really a lost country.

Four People Shot On Black Friday At Malls In Durham And Tacoma
Three people shot at Southpoint Mall in Durham, NC. One person detained. One person shot at the Tacoma Mall in Washington. That shooter is still at large.
America is a failed experiment. Gunplay is what American has become. Young people, either change it or leave this sinking ship.

Former GOP lawmaker lays out plan to boot Boebert and Taylor Greene from Congress
"And the world will be better for this..." — The Impossible Dream, Mitch Leigh, Joe Darion

Peter Jackson's new 8-hour opus on the Beatles is a revelation — but not one for the faint of heart
For the great unwashed that have never understood what the hubub was about this won't help them much. But for the fans of music, let alone the Beatles and the musicians that lived through the '60s who attempted in many ways to do what the Beatles did, this is the elephant that they can finally witness.

GOP 'Silence Speaks Volumes,' Says Ilhan Omar as Boebert's Bigotry Goes Unpunished
"Normalizing this bigotry not only endangers my life but the lives of all Muslims. Anti-Muslim bigotry has no place in Congress."

Anti-Vax Republican On Ventilator In ICU
Another anti-vax Trump lover is suffering from COVID

New South Africa Variant Could Be Much Worse Than Delta
More than 1,200 cases were found on Wednesday, a figure that jumped to nearly 2,500 on Thursday.
Deniers beware.

The GOP's murderous new normal

Famous ex-neo-Nazi shifts focus: America is becoming "the skinhead's dream of the 1990s"
Individual "deradicalization" is pointless, says Christian Picciolini — if we can't change society, we're doomed
I think we have already stated what the swastikas and red MAGAt hats will be good for.

'It destroyed me': Woman hurls the N-word at elderly Black veteran after he makes a simple request
The Land of the Happy Negro strikes again.
These people need to be taken to the "Twilight Zone" where they can experience being black.

Former cop fatally shoots teen after harassing his friends for ‘careless driving’: report
Guilty of being Black in the wrong place: the U.S.

'Dangerous' Trump will disrupt coverage of the 2024 election: ABC's Karl
He'll do anything by any means necessary. He needs to be locked up.

'It Was Entirely Avoidable': Rich Countries Blamed as New Covid Variant Sparks Global Alarm
"Allowing new variants to emerge and spread, 13 months into the vaccine era, is a policy choice by the rich world."
"Rest assured that as people move in the next coming weeks, this [variant] will be all over," he warned.
Get ready for another mass infection and death surge.

Televangelist And Anti-Vaxxer Marcus Lamb Gravely Ill With COVID
Marcus and Joni Lamb own Daystar Television Network, the second-largest Christian network in the World behind CBN.
That is, if you can believe him.

What exactly has gone wrong in America? Frat boys, light beer or the Prosperity Gospel?

Is that a good guy with a gun or bad guy with a gun?
He's a dumbass looking for trouble.

Ilhan Omar fact-checks 'buffoon' Lauren Bobert's lie: 'This whole story is made up'
BoBo is a liar. Sorry, that's not news.

Cowboys' Dak Prescott confirms COVID vaccination status, will not vilify Amari Cooper after positive test
"It's just an opportunity for other guys to step up and make plays," Prescott added.
Did you like all those plays your "other guys" made against Kansas City, Dak? Personal decision, eh? How far do you carry that, Dak? All the way to not giving a shit? My personal decision on you is that you are a little tetched in the head, company man.
We have heard that Covid has now spread to coaches on the Cowboys.
2 coaches in COVID protocol vs. Raiders
Thanks to an irresponsible asshole just like A. Aron Rodgers thinking selfishly. All of these typically selfish people passing the virus to other possible irresponsibles should all be looking for jobs. But who would hire a virus spreader? Another selfish and irresponsible firm.
Jerry must be happy. But that's life in the No Football League when you have company policy that is inconsistant with reality.

Ray Davies - "Thanksgiving Day"

A Thanksgiving Toast: What Is Good about America

The Fine Art of Giving a Shit

The conviction of Ahmaud Arbery’s killers is an important warning to racists that ‘lynching will be punished’
"We can say that in plain English now, with no hemming and hawing, following Wednesday's jury verdict finding Arbery's killers guilty of murder, aggravated assault and false imprisonment — the same crimes that White lynch mobs once regularly committed against Black Americans with impunity."

Justice for Ahmaud Arbery
Were it not for a graphic video and intense pressure from activists, the killers of an unarmed Black man in Georgia may have been acquitted.

How 'Machiavellianism, psychopathy and collective narcissism' help explain COVID-19 conspiracy beliefs: study
In other words, just plain dopes.

This far-right Confederate flag defender is running for Congress in a heavily Black South Florida district
Land of the Happy Negro hopeful could return the Land to its glory days when lyching was a devine right.

Right-to-privacy? Here are 5 landmark Supreme Court rulings that could be in danger if Roe v. Wade is overturned

This Tribe Helped the Pilgrims Survive for Their First Thanksgiving. They Still Regret It 400 Years Later.

Newsflash: Not Everyone Is Equally Thankful At Thanksgiving
The real story of Thanksgiving is not one most white people like to tell.
Especially, here in the Land of the Happy Negro.

Lara Trump: Liberals Want To Eliminate Thanksgiving
Wrong again, Lara. We just want to eliminate morons like you.

The Rittenhouse Verdict Will Backfire on Republicans
As it should.
"The strategy of lionizing vigilantes like Rittenhouse may deepen Republican support in hard-core Trump country. It will be a gift to Democrats in suburban swing districts where the 2022 midterms will be decided."

Those Whiny Nazis Are Now Broke Nazis, Too
A victory for plaintiffs in Charlottesville is a warning to other blockheads looking to import white supremacist violence to diverse cities: It will cost you.

We Should All Read This Review Of Jim D's & Oliver Stone's New JFK Film "Through The Looking Glass."
"The film is so important to us all and the entire world really, and (in the least) this particular review is an extremely thought provoking read that really draws you in to want to see the film."
This is the short version that has been edited to two hours so it doesn't linger deeply on points as some critics whine about. But the full four hour film will be forthcoming and should pack a very large whallop.
The two hour film is or was on Showtime as of 11-23-2021.

District That Banned LGBTQ Books Relents After Pressure From Students, ACLU
Gone. The way of all tyrants.

The Republicans Are Taking Their Terror Campaign to the Next Level

Chick-fil-a executive appears to have been manipulated by Russian spy Maria Butina: report
Dig that crazy Russian chick!

Behind the Tweet That Became the Rallying Cry for the Insurrection
“I underestimated how crazy certain people could get.”

Tucker Carlson Blasts Media for Ignoring Waukesha Tragedy ‘Completely’ (It Led All Three Network Newscasts)
You would think Fox would test for drugs once in a while.

Labor Dept: New Jobless Claims Fall To 52-Year Low
People are working? They have jobs? Someone tell the fascists.

Airport Mask Refuser Screamed “Let’s Go, Brandon”
Where are her cap and bells?

South Dakota Supreme Court Rules Against Pot Legalization
The court overruled a voter-passed amendment to the state constitution that would have legalized recreational marijuana use.
Democracy is dead in South Dakota. It is now a fascist state. As such it is now open to occupation by Federal troops.

Waiting for JFK Jr.: QAnon cult’s followers create a deeply unsettling spectacle at Dealey Plaza

Five Reasons To Be Thankful For Separation Of Church And State

Psaki Whacks Doocy's Attack On Biden For Celebrating Thanksgiving
Fox’s Peter Doocy may have asked his stupidest “gotcha” yet and Press Secretary Jen Psaki smacked it down accordingly.
Peter Douche.

'Cover-up artist' Jim Jordan blasted after revealing he had COVID
"He hides his status like he hid the molestation at Ohio state."
A professional disease spreader. He's not fit to clean toilets.

The Republicans are taking their terror campaign to the next level
The fascist is shameless.

We may be at an inflection point for political violence in the U.S.
Like the swastika, the red hats could make good targets.

QAnon Dallas squatters have 'walked away from their lives' like Medieval Crusaders: historian
These are the same as the Hale-Boppers and the Jonestown suiciders. Don't be surprised at anything they pull. Why are they on the streets? Mental illness is totally ignored in America.

Seven Magnificent COVID Deniers Somehow Get COVID After Florida COVID Denial Conference

The GOP Now Stands For Trolls, Vigilantes & Death
All the Republican Party has left, now that they’ve abandoned any pretense over the past 40 years of supporting working people or even basic infrastructure, is hate, fear and death

What’s So Twisted About the QAnon Vigil (Still) Awaiting JFK Jr.’s Return
They have walked away from their lives and become more radicalized.

How Trump Repeatedly Duped the GOP Elites
Bob Woodward and Robert Costa’s new book, in describing the end of Trump’s presidency, offers a modern tale of the definition of insanity.

How Kyle Rittenhouse Walked Free
"He had this vision of himself that did not match the reality of the situation. And, ultimately people die because of it."

Franklin Graham: Jesus Helps You Win Football Games
Locked in. "Let's give Jesus Christ the football, let him even up the score..." — Martin Mull

Shelves aren't empty, oil prices are heading down, but Republicans are locked into a disaster story
Did they lose their victim and fear cards?

Jan. 6 Committee hits Roger Stone, Alex Jones—and others—with subpoenas
This should be interesting.

'Stop The Steal' Lawyers Fined $187,000 For Frivolous Lawsuits
The MAGA grifting attorneys are guilty of "abuse of the legal system and an interference with the machinery of government.” Not so much punitively but a very good verdict. Now get Fatso.

Jogging in Broad Daylight Should Not Be a Death Sentence
Whatever the verdict, the murder of Ahmaud Arbery has once more laid bare the entrenched racial barriers to equal justice that still exist in Georgia and in America.
And the Land of the Happy Negro.

It Turns Out We Are the Martians Sent to Destroy Earth With a Powerful and Deadly 'Heat-Ray'
Our world is increasingly like a science-fiction novel.
With MAGAt monsters at every turn.

Blasphemy Laws Remain An Impediment To Religious Freedom Worldwide
"Freedom of belief, by necessity, also includes the right not to believe."
"This means we have the right to criticize the beliefs of others."

Charlottesville defendants found liable for civil conspiracy and ordered to pay millions in damages
The Nazis will have to get a job if they can find one.

'What's wrong with you?' Attorney shames Arbery killers' lawyers for 'horrific' closing arguments
The problem is these people are looking for fame and fortune and not justice.

Trump issues stunningly false statement criticizing Biden for 'attack' on US oil reserves
It's past time that we all said stop to his insanity. Get his sick brain to a doctor and then get him in a mental institution or a cell. But get him the fuck off the streets.

Conservative brutally mocks MAGA 'soy boys' who want to make Kyle Rittenhouse and his 'a hero'

Manchin, Sinema chase after Republican mega-donors and betray their impoverished states
Giving a whole new meaning to "bipartisan" grifting.

Pastor tells congregation 'the best person to rape is your wife'
Does this fool know that this is a crime? I guess he doesn't.
What other lies has he told his "flock."
Marital rape in the United States

'You were gullible': Federal judge torches Trump's election lies — and a rioter who believed them

The Rittenhouse syndrome: Has America crossed the Rubicon?
Those who celebrate the Rittenhouse verdict don't understand the chaos they've invited — but they crave it

Residents Of Va. County Pour Cold Water On School Board’s Book-Burning Scheme
"My favorite comment came from a county librarian (naturally!) who said, 'If you have a worldview that can be undone by a novel, let me suggest that the problem is not the novel.'"

Republicans Proactively Win More Elections With Grossly Partisan Redistricting
Bitch about rigging? The GQP are the Kings of Rigging!

Census Undercounts Mean Less Medicaid Funding For Most Southern States "As a result, Texas is expected to lose out on $247 million in Medicaid funding over the next decade, while Mississippi is expected to lose out on $20 million for its Medicaid program."

Congressional gerrymandering by Texas Republicans cut out the heart of Houston’s Asian community
Asian and Pacific Islander populations surged in Texas over the past decade, but their political power is weakened under new congressional maps. A northwest Houston neighborhood offers a case study in how that was done.
Texas, where rascism is their most important product — next to bullshit.

Uninformed Juries Produce Incorrect Outcomes
"His acquittal is a springboard, and the public is now at increased threat."
"This is not justice, and it does nothing for healing."
"The verdict only affirms that the US remains committed to its long history of vigilantism, an ugly bloodlust embedded throughout the American mythology promoting white supremacy."

How Did Trump's Misogyny Become so Appealing to the GOP Base?
There is no depth to which they will not descend.

America’s Decline Started at Home
When will shifting geopolitics and climate change fully cripple Washington’s current world order?

'Vigilante' driver plows into group protesting Kyle Rittenhouse acquittal
Here are some Rittenhouse Nazis at work now.

Democracy watchdog warns of 'serious problems" with 'fundamentals of democracy' in US – and points to Trump
Really? We havn't noticed any trend like this...have we?
"...a "backsliding democracy," yes, without doubt.

Trump supporter brought Taurus revolver loaded with shotgun shells and hollow-point bullets on Jan 6: prosecutors

Embattled Mesa County clerk Tina Peters appears with militia supporters in video call that included endorsement of violence
More asshats to watch very carefully. Note the masterbation sign. Or maybe the age or IQ sign.

Right-Wing Climate Denial Is Being Replaced—by Nativism
The world may be headed toward “more walls, more borders, more exclusion.”
The only exclusions we need to make are these brainless fucked-up assholes. Shove their asses behind the walls.

Jonah Goldberg and Stephen Hayes Both Called Out Mollie Hemingway’s Pro-Trump Propaganda Before Leaving Fox News

Howard Stern Rips ‘F*ckhead’ Aaron Rodgers: ‘Did He Go to the Doctor’ for His Toe Injury or ‘Joe Rogan?’
The NFL? The No Football League? Ashamed of themselves? When did they ever do anything wrong?
“Now I hear he has a toe injury. When he had the toe injury – did he go to the doctor or did he go to Joe Rogan? Who fixed his toe?” Stern asked. “I bet you he went to a doctor, so he goes to doctors for everything else, but on the vaccine he’s listening to Joe Rogan.”
Covid toe? " can last 10 to 14 days. Some patients have COVID toes for months." — Amy S. Paller, MD of the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University in Chicago

Automation and the radicalization of America

Two Fox Contributors Quit Over Carlson Riot Special
They won't be the last. But it's good to see someone found a set.

Uber Eats Begins Taking Weed Orders In Ontario
Hmmm. Civilization appears to our north. Too bad we are centuries behind in some areas.

Getting Tired Yet Of New York Times' Nice Polite Headlines?
The New York Times makes the outrageous seem normal — and the normal outrageous. Perfect example of American "journalism." What good is when it is nothing but propaganda?

SUV Plows Through Waukesha’s Christmas Parade, Killing Five
Chaos and tragedy erupted after a SUV plowed through people marching in the Waukesha, Wisconsin Christmas Parade. The casualty numbers are expected to rise.
So far, thoughts and prayers haven't done much to prevent these incidents. Maybe we should try something else?

MAGA 'Tourist' Brought Loaded Gun On January 6
Mark Mazza told police he thought he thought "Nan and I would hit it off." REALLY.

Psst, gas prices are falling, partly thanks to President Biden. Someone alert the GOP

The US was ill-prepared for a pandemic. A medical anthropologist explains why capitalism and government deregulation are to blame
The only thing the U.S. is prepared for are long foreign military campaigns that result in wasting trillions but enriching corporations.

Manchin and Sinema are raking in GOP donor cash as they derail Biden's agenda: report
A friend actually told me that to get rid of these two we would then have to deal with two Republicans.
Such deep insight.

NAACP President calls Rittenhouse verdict 'a warning shot that vigilante justice is allowed'
Which does not mean it is justice.

Texas grid vulnerable to blackouts during severe winter weather, even with new preparations, ERCOT estimates show
The most severe scenario considered by ERCOT for this winter — very high demand for power, extensive fossil fuel outages, and low renewable power production — does not capture the amount of power lost during February.

'Carries Shamelessness to a Higher Level': Noam Chomsky Delivers Brutal Assessment of Republican Hypocrisy
"He then noted the Republican Party's abrupt shift on the Afghanistan withdrawal. Although they supported the initiative when Trump spearheaded it, they completely abandoned that perspective once President Joe Biden took the White House."

Pregnant Woman Gunned Down in Philly After Her Own Baby Shower
Life in the United States.

Living in Oblivion
"And then we remembered the highway, the highway lined by beautiful billboards, blocking out the desolation beyond. That’s your lane if you’re white in America, that’s the road you grow up traveling, the road you’re free to take for granted. Many white folk — let’s say, 55 percent — never see anything but that, living happily inside the walls that were so expertly built for them, denying the world that exists outside the blinders."
Eventual extinction will cleanse it all.

Madison Cawthorn flattened by gun-owning former GOPer over 'be armed, be dangerous' boast
"You know, how many times do we have to see the Republican Party debasing themselves this way?" she asked. "This is so antithetical to everything that Republicans believe."
The media thrives on it. The fascists know that many in the media are dumb as a sack of hammers. They only have interest in getting their names on a by line.

Marjorie Taylor Greene accuses Democrats of plotting a 'race war' in Twitter meltdown
The perfect example of what I meant by the Rittenhouse verdict would be a starter for the madness of the fascist party no matter what it turned out to be. It will be used to attempt to start a shooting civil war. She is so typical you can read her like a comic book.

As Georgia grows more Democratic, its members of Congress will not
They won't be there forever.

Kevin McCarthy's rambling 8.5-hour speech really summed up the GOP
The House minority leader's showstopping efforts achieved ... nothing. Literally nothing.
They've been that way for some time. We are all in danger because of it.

Republican NH Gov. Chris Sununu Goes After GOP for Voting Against Gosar Censure, Threatening Moderates: Their Priorities Are ‘Screwed Up’
Can't we all see how very screwed up these fascists are? Or are we that blind?

The Dangerous Impact of the NRA’s “Guns Everywhere” Law on Airport Security
Gunfire at a TSA checkpoint in Atlanta was just the latest alarming incident.
The continuing degeneration of the United States.

Ted Cruz Refuses To Say 2020 Election Wasn’t Stolen
If this lying clown is allowed to be on TV then he must be treated like the lying clown he is.
Any doubts that a segment of our country has any doubts about the integrity of any election in our country was put in them by low-down seditionists like Cruz and Fatso.

Peter Navarro Subpoenaed By House COVID Panel
The former Trump adviser is about to go through some things.

Trump Urges Peter Navarro To Defy Subpoena In COVID Probe By 'Communist Democrats'
The former president has ordered Navarro to "protect executive privilege" in regard to Trump's handling of the coronavirus.
Protect a lard-assed crook is what he wants. Navarro is dumb enough to get his ass in deeper trouble.

Acosta Awards Carlson 'Fox Bullsh*t Factory Employee Of The Year'
Tucker Carlson wins the coveted "Bullshit" winner of the year, quite the honor indeed.
Proving no one is absolutely useless. Even the worst of us can serve as horrible examples.

Kyle Rittenhouse Didn't Act Alone: Law Enforcement Must Be Held Accountable
The massive show of force from 40 law enforcement agencies in Kenosha didn’t make anyone safer.

The Corporate Demolition of Our Pillars of Freedom
As cases of corporate violence increase, company executives escape fines, admissions, and often are promoted or let go with huge multi-million-dollar severance payments.

Trump's grip on the GOP is 'slipping' as advisers scramble for reasons to bail on 2024 run: report
Maybe he's getting a bit ripe in the smell department now that so much is showing how big a crook he is.

Wiley: 'Peace Is A Choice. Justice Is A Requirement For Peace.'
Maya Wiley explained why Judge Schroeder was the legal heft behind the Rittenhouse acquittal, and why no one but white supremacists consider the outcome justice.

Kevin McCarthy whines: AOC and other Dems tried to 'shut me down' by 'heckling' during 8-hour floor speech
Always better to be swung at and missed than shit at and hit, Kev.

Pride and prejudice: Forget critical race theory — let's talk about critical race facts
Real history isn't designed to make white people feel good — and they can't hide from the truth forever
Yes. Thankfully we can all return to the Land of the Happy Negro for solace.

Proud Boys call for 'stacking up' bodies 'like cord wood' after Rittenhouse verdict
We all knew this would happen after Rittenhouse no matter what the virdict.
Gang-bangers looking for shit.

Legal jeopardy is far from over for Kyle Rittenhouse — here's why
That's how they got O.J. Simpson.

INFINITE SIEG FUCKING HEILS: Alas, Kyle Rittenhouse Is An American
So called.

Right-Wingers Turn on Glenn Youngkin Over His LGBTQ Staffer and Vaccine Rules
Once regarded as a “brilliant” Republican candidate, Glenn Youngkin is already being called a fake conservative by many right-wing media figures.
Oooops! The fascists didn't know their candidate at all, did they? Typical American voter stupidity.

Kyle Rittenhouse Redefined What “Active Shooter” Means
His defense team argued that he was acting in self-defense. The jury bought it, which will have consequences for the rest of us.
And we will pay.

'Knowingly lying': DeSantis torched after falsely claiming the COVID vaccine is 'not preventing infection'
Better to be thought a blithering idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

'Saddening, Infuriating, and Utterly Unsurprising': Rittenhouse Acquitted
The verdict, said the Huber family, sends the "unacceptable message" that armed vigilantes can "use the danger they have created to justify shooting people in the street."
Best advice I can offer is stay the fuck out of Wisconsin. Sadly, that goes for a lot of the former U.S.

Kyle Rittenhouse Found Not Guilty On All Charges
White supremacists found their new hero.
3.5 days to reach a virdict? Do we think somebody had to have their arm(s) twisted that long?

Top health associations band together to support mandates, calling them 'reasonable and essential'
I know, I know. What do these "health associations" have to do with public health?

A Quarter of U.S. Roads Could Be Regularly Flooded in 30 Years
The findings were part of a multi-year study analyzing the impact of flooding and increased rainfall over the next three decades.
So why worry about a white supremacist getting away with murder? Install flotation devices in your motor vehicles.

‘There Was No Justice Today’: Family of Man Killed by Kyle Rittenhouse Slams Verdict
"...Couldn’t help but make me feel ashamed
To live in a land where justice is a game" — Bob Dylan, The Hurricane.

‘He’s Not a White Supremacist’: Kyle Rittenhouse’s Lawyer Takes Shot at Biden
Of course he's not. There's never been such a thing and never will be in the Land of the Happy Negro.

Kyle Rittenhouse trial was designed to protect white conservatives who kill
The shooter’s homicide acquittal coddles conservatives and may lead to even more violence.
May? It was designed to open the door for it no matter what the virdict was.

There Will Be More Rittenhouses The forces that created a vigilante also exonerated him.
Most medics don't carry long rifles in their medical bags. But they do carry Covid 19 with many of them.
"It is obvious — it has been obvious — that the forces that produced Rittenhouse and his forgiving jury and his lenient judge are all the same. They are endemic to American society. There will be other Kyle Rittenhouses."

The lionization of Kyle Rittenhouse by the right
A not guilty verdict wasn’t needed to turn the 18-year-old into a conservative cause célèbre. But he got one still.
Thou anointest his head with bullshit.

3 female senators have Kyrsten Sinema's back: They say focus on what she wears to vote is "sexist."
What she wears and what she says are identically bullshit. And so is what these women are saying.
They mean I can wear my speedo and tank top to vote if I'm a Senator?
Situational ethics clearly at work here.

DeSantis signs limits on vaccine mandates one day after Legislature approved them
A fascist state has no standards.

Rittenhouse verdict flies in the face of legal standards for self-defense
A fascist state has no standards.

GOP Lawmakers Fall Over Each Other to Offer Jobs to Kyle Rittenhouse
At least three MAGA Republicans reacted to Rittenhouse’s acquittal by fawning over the Kenosha shooter and offering him internships.
Like killers much? We've got you Cawthorn. You can now be certain we will all be armed.

Kyle Rittenhouse Has Gotten Away With Murder—as Predicted
Rittenhouse’s acquittal is not a “miscarriage” of justice, as some might claim. It is our white justice system working as intended.
A filthy situation and one that will prove deadly to our civilization.
"There is no justice. And there is no peace. And if you complain about that, white people will show up to shoot you. Just like a majority of white people want them to."

Canadian Cops Unleash Assault Rifles, Helicopters Against Indigenous Protesters
Humans have gone completely banana brain. There is no future for human beings as the human part of our being is vanishing.

This Is Legal Now.
America may now be officially declared insane.
"Everyone knew in their bones Rittenhouse would be acquitted, after he crossed state lines with a semiautomatic weapon it was illegal for him to carry, and then shot the people who were trying to disarm him after he shot someone who threw a plastic bag at him."
"We have come to an era in our country, ushered in by the NRA, in which fear for your life is grounds to kill someone who is trying to defend themselves from you threatening their life."
This is scraping the bottom of rationality and civil discourse. All contentions will now be settled by gunplay. Prepare yourselves. Never take a knife to a gun fight.

Will This Far-Right Journalist Prove Pols Are Getting High Off The Blood Of Children?

Fox News 'Let's Be Racist F*cking Misogynistic Garbage At Kamala Harris' Contest Still Going, Apparently

RNC chair contradicts Trump: 'Biden won the election'
That took awhile.

The Withering Away of the States Can’t Happen Soon Enough
It’s time for a new federalism that brings suburbs and central cities together to promote equity, growth, and sustainability.

'The writing is on the wall': Legal expert explains why Arbery defendant is reportedly seeking a plea deal

No, the Steele Dossier Did Not Invent the Russia Scandal The report was faulty, but Trump was very, very guilty.
Prison for him — now.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Lauds McCarthy Speech Despite ‘One of the Lowest Vocabularies’ Ever Seen
“It is stunning to me how long a person can talk, knowing and exhibiting and communicating so little.”
I have to agree. McCarthy is pretty low on the intellect scale. Has he ever said anything worth noting?

Hillary Clinton Unleashes on Cryptocurrencies: They’re ‘Undermining’ the Dollar, ‘Destabilizing Nations’
Hillary Clinton is saying this. Yes, she is correct. It is absolutely happening before our very eyes. We are embracing it, in fact.

Despite Low Approval and Negative Press, NYT’s David Brooks Announces ‘Biden is Succeeding’ in Buzzed-About Column
Looks like someone is full of shit here. I'll give you three guesses who it is and not one of them can be Brooks.

GOP State Rep: Gays Beaten For Holding Hands Are Getting The “Normal Consequences For Their Choices”
Just who the fuck thinks these twerps can stand in judgement of what is righteous or perverse? These creatures are totally without a functioning brain. Keep your hateful religion to yourselves and leave the rest of us out of it!

Marco Rubio Smears Biden Nominee As “Communist”
Naturally, a sawed-off Marxist would do that. He's from a communist country himself.

Trump attorney Eastman went directly to Arizona’s House speaker with his insurrectionist scheme: report
It just keeps getting darker.

Texts show Kimberly Guilfoyle bragged about raising millions for rally that fueled Capitol riot
We're gonna have to build a special prison just to hold all the criminals in the Trump coup.

Texas court sides with Fort Worth hospital — rules it cannot be forced to treat COVID patient with Ivermectin
Texas does something right?
Just pull him out of the hospital and feed him all the worm medicine he wants.

DeJoy’s future in jeopardy as Biden plans to replace key USPS governor: report

‘An outrageous affront to the First Amendment’: Judge slammed for blocking NY Times from publishing Project Veritas materials
Fascism at work in America.

Kevin McCarthy Derided Over 'Unhinged' 8-Hour Speech Against Build Back Better Act
"McCarthy has now shown more anger about making child care affordable than he has about the insurrection on January 6th," said Democratic Rep. Mondaire Jones.
It will be a great day for America when this idiot gets tossed in the dumpster.

'I Did!': Ocasio-Cortez Interjects After McCarthy States 'Nobody Elected Joe Biden to Be FDR'
"Effective heckling is a lost art," said one observer, "but AOC managed to silence McCarthy for at least a few seconds."
It would be difficult to elect him as anyone but Joe Biden. But I get the point. He's now already there.

The Ugly New Charges Against Jan. 6 Rioter ‘Baked Alaska’
“No more ‘Happy Hanukkah,’ only ‘Merry Christmas,’” racist livestreamer Baked Alaska allegedly said as he tore down a Jewish group’s signage.
Disguntled fascist.

‘Wait a minute — that’s a crime’: Bob Woodward reveals what evidence could unravel Trump’s Jan. 6 scheme
"... You can't step in and put your hammer down on a process which is in the Constitution."
Only Nazi traitors do that.

Tide is turning against Trump as GOP heavyweights increasingly call him out: CNN analyst
And prison awaits.

House Democrats overcome last-minute right-wing campaign, pass Build Back Better bill
Despite a flood of negative campaign ads and a late-night Kevin McCarthy stunt, Democrats pass Biden's big agenda

Trump used mass death as a political weapon — and it's the country's reaction that is truly shocking
"Ultimately, Donald Trump and his regime are responsible for many of the deaths — probably a large majority of them — caused by the coronavirus pandemic."
He must pay.

Newly unearthed video shows teen shot and killed by police had his hands in the air
Another murder by "law enforcement"?

'Christianity is shrinking into a rump': Conservative pens scathing review of right-wing pro-Trump conference

Judge Schroeder Bans MSNBC From Rittenhouse Trial
Schroeder has banned MSNBC from the courthouse because he believed they were following a van with the jury, but really, their freelancer was getting a traffic ticket near where the jury van was.
He saw it once in a cartoon and thought he could do it.

Have You No Sense Of Decency, Sen. Kennedy?
We haven't seen such vile behavior toward a president's nominee since the days of Joe McCarthy.
A natural response from a fascist. Should we call him a Senator or a Cracker? Or perhaps just Dickhead.

Fired Ferguson Police Officer 'Maserati Mike' Comes To Kenosha Armed
The armed man pacing around Kenosha courthouse where Kyle Rittenhouse's fate is being decided was identified as fired Ferguson police officer Jesse T. Kline.
"Of course, they let him go. He isn't an unarmed black kid with a toy gun. Then police would have a problem."
Are we sure this guy isn't named "Yugo Yuri"?

Stephanie Ruhle, Don't Let Nancy Mace Get Away With Her B.S.
This congresswoman bends the truth on a regular basis. Don't let her perform this schtick!

Say goodbye to swing districts. Lawmakers are drawing easy wins in dozens of states.
In states where legislators drew the lines this decade, nearly 90 percent of congressional races were easy wins for one party or the other.
And we thought we had elections that meant something.

'Sacrifice and Solidarity' Pay Off as Striking John Deere Workers Win Bigger Wage Hike
"Our members' courageous willingness to strike in order to attain a better standard of living and a more secure retirement resulted in a groundbreaking contract."

Donald Trump Continues to Stoke a Domestic Terrorism Movement
The ex-president is pushing his most brazen lie yet about the January 6 insurrection.

This Texas County Shows Exactly How Republicans Are Rolling Back the Clock on Voting Rights
Galveston is a microcosm of the racial gerrymandering playing out throughout the South.

NFL QB Joe Flacco Reveals He’s Unvaccinated: I Like to ‘Talk About this Topic More Than Anybody’
Must be why he's with the Jets now. Are they still in the NFL? Most adults in the U.S. are vaccinated.

Human Brains Are Shrinking, Scientist Warns
Remember that movie "Idiocracy"?
Do what now?

The New Inflation Scare Is Dumb—Don't Fall for It
Elites are sounding the alarm over threats of inflation in order to block Biden's social spending plan. We shouldn't fall for it.

Only Public Schools Educate Everyone. That’s One Reason Why Only They Deserve Public Funds

Head of federal agency responsible for wildly inaccurate jobs numbers is Trump holdover
Dispicable that the media has failed us so badly on this.

U.S. jobless claims drop seventh straight week to 268,000
Proof that the media is complicit in lies.

Evangelical warns Christians have 'erected a graven image' of Trump and let it corrupt the faith
"You had no faith to lose and you know it..." — Bob Dylan. Positively 4th Street

Ilhan Omar rips Lauren Boebert for calling her a member of 'The Jihad Squad' during bizarre House floor rant
Boebert gets pegged on target. She deserves it.

Trump and his allies are just as guilty as the QAnon Shaman: op-ed
Then throw their asses in stir. What are you waiting for, signed confessions?

Paul Gosar Boasts of His ‘Thug Life’ Cred as His Own Family Demands His Ouster Over Violent Murder Video

The Pattern of GOP Voter Fraud
In case after case from 2020, it turns out that Republicans were the ones misbehaving at the ballot box.
These reprobates can't win without rigging something.

The evidence we have now about the blueprint for Trump's coup attempt is utterly damning
And so...

Steve Bannon is a Leninist who is not that unlike the radical leftists in the Weather Underground: author
A similar species to a Dung Beatle.

Steve Bannon and MAGA Martyrdom
A practitioner of Leninist tactics, he can be expected to make the most of the contempt of Congress charges he faces.

Torturous abuse by Pentecostal parents — and the daring escape that saved these sisters' lives
Thou shalt beat the shit out of thy daughters because...holy book says to?

Americans are united in belief Trump shouldn't run again — but GOPers want him anyway: report
Proof that the GQPoopers are fascists.

Censure 'Not Enough': Rights Groups Call For Expulsion of Gosar After House Vote
"Anyone who shares content of themselves murdering a coworker on social media would be fired without hesitation in any other workplace."
Expulsion is a good start. But we shouldn't stop with him. There's a sack full of hammers just waiting to go out the door.

Lunatic Taylor Greene Threatens 'Civil War' Over Biden's Agenda
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) on Wednesday raised the possibility of a "civil war" if Republicans help President Joe Biden pass his Build Back Better agenda
I'm sure she'll love it since she's such a gunslinger.
She might not want to mention debt issues since her "party" doesn't give a shit about debt when they are in office. History proves it. Everything she says is bullshit.

QAnon Rep: I’m Getting My Committees Back Next Year
"...and i'll be Homecoming Queen, Queen of the Hop and Lady Godiva. My band and I will make a #1 record and I'll begin my movie career, continue my own way of Cancel Culture, all the while still being a total fucking moron!"

The media must refuse to be complicit in another Republican attempt to steal the presidency
Good luck with that. It would require a soul.

FBI raids homes of Colorado MAGA county clerk and Lauren Boebert’s former campaign manager: report
Take that psychopath along as well.

'Angry librarians’ are fed up with Texas Republicans’ war on books: columnist
All Americans should be fed up with this fascism in Texas.

What Does One Serve After Daddy Dearest Stages A Coup?

Michigan GOP’s Voter Restrictions Could Eliminate 20 Percent of Polling Sites
All in primarily Democrat districts?
And they have the nerve to call themselves American. MAGAt Nazis killing our country.

GOP Billionaires Who Never Donated to Democrats Are Funding Manchin and Sinema
The turds that float to the top.

U.S. Department of Education investigates claims of racial and gender discrimination at North Texas school district
The inquiry comes after several high-profile controversies at Carroll ISD, including an administrator's call for teachers to provide an "opposing" view of the Holocaust.
Fascists attempting to take over school boards

QAnon Shaman's lawyer says smoking crack 'is not bad on occasion' while defending his client
Like what occasion? When you have to make a crack about crack?

House censures Paul Gosar for video depicting murder of AOC — and only two Republicans vote yes
The Fascists all support murder by proxy.

'A real man would defend his wife': Liz Cheney thrashes Ted Cruz after he says she has 'Trump Derangement Syndrome'
Of course we know what Cruz is.

Trump supporter arrested after threatening to execute Connecticut’s governor
Another MAGAt eats the dirt.

Sinema: We’re All Trying to Find the Guy Who Did This to Biden’s Agenda Senator concerned about promises that can’t be delivered (because of her).
What a douchebag.

Why Biden's record on jobs has been 'dramatically underestimated'
As one senator put it, "I guess I'm not exactly sure why what's happening isn't being characterized as a booming recovery from a worldwide shutdown."
"The senator's point is sound: The U.S. economy has already created 5.8 million jobs this year — far above any year in recent memory — and it's currently on pace to finish 2021 with nearly 7 million jobs created this year."
Journalism ain't what it used to be.

New Revelations Emerge on How Donald Trump Killed 400,000 (or More) Americans
We keep learning more about Trump’s deadly mishandling of the pandemic.
They're coming for you, Fatso.

Climate change will pose a huge disruption. Are the world’s banks ready?
The banks? They'll run with the money. That's when you'll see how many people own weapons and will use them.

Newsmax Guest Michael Savage Brandishes Guns As “The Solution” To Rittenhouse-Related Unrest [VIDEO]
Interesting that this SAVAGE person brings up the defense of Rittenhouse not firing his AR-15 like a machine gun which means the weapon would be an automatic. The AR-15 is semi-automatic. An automatic gun is defined as a gun that continuously fires bullets until the trigger is left. In the United States, civilians are allowed to keep machine guns that were made before 1886. Under the Firearm Owner Act of 1886, a civilian cannot legally buy this weapon. The AR-15 may be converted to automatic in some ways but it would then be an illegal weapon. So what is his point? To use his own words "Who the hell does he think he is?"
They want vigilate murders made legal, that's very obvious.

Rittenhouse Lawyers Seek Mistrial Over Video Quality
OMG! It wasn't in 4K! They must be worried about the verdict, whining at this point in deliberation.

US Bishops Drop Effort To Deny Communion To Biden
It appears these cult leaders want to continue to have their pedo raping parties.

'QAnon Shaman' is sentenced to over 3 years in prison for role in Capitol riot
Jacob Chansley had pleaded guilty in September to a single count of felony obstruction of an official proceeding.
So long, my little shame man.

Canadian Pastor Says It Was “God’s Plan” After COVID Outbreak Kills Three Following Violation Of Protocols
One thing these morons have proved beyond a shadow of doubt is that "God" is a fucking idiot.

Man “Patrols” Kenosha Courthouse With AR-15 [VIDEO]
This terrorist Talibastard is looking for trouble even though all he wants to do is get his face in the news. If anyone thinks that he's intimidating anyone they can think again. Intimidation in and of itself can provoke an act of violence. So, yes he is a terrorist. And if he has a license and it's an open carry state, bet your ass he ain't the the only one packing heat. America IS in deep shit.

Massive COVID Surge Rattles Europe, Putting US at Risk Ahead of Thanksgiving
But that can't get to us can it?
And here we thought the Covid thing was over.

Just Another Day in a Place Known as... The Twilight Zone

It’s No Surprise Our Water Infrastructure Is So Bad
You’d think the wealthiest country in the world could supply its own population with drinkable water. But you’d be wrong.

Adam Schiff’s Insider Account of the Fight to Save Our Democracy
What it was like for the congressman to investigate and impeach—and get called juvenile names by—Donald Trump.

US Catholic Bishops to vote on banning Biden from Communion over abortion
But they will keep raping young boys?

Nazis are too busy throwing each other under the bus to notice they're incriminating themselves
Flag code: Since the flag the ass in the center is holding is not crossed with another, he's holding it for the photo incorrectly. Stars top left of the viewer is the rule unless crossed with another banner and only then it's top right.
Flag Etiquette:The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery as the dip in the rear is doing. And yes, we know the clothing issue is broken constantly.

Jim Acosta: We Don't Need More Evidence, It Was A Coup Attempt
"We had a coup attempt in this country. We just have to come to grips with that, deal with that reality. And we have to get to the bottom of it," Jim Acosta said.
Apparently, we don't have the courage to do it.

Steve Bannon and the Deadly Implications of 'Deconstructing the Administrative State'
It may sweep away the last barrier against political barbarism
X Bannon.

'Whole case is a mess': Internet stunned as judge lets Rittenhouse choose final jurors in raffle system
Why not throw darts? Or flip a coin? Justice is a game in America.

Ted Cruz’s mocking limerick toward Biden backfires when Twitter users turn the tables on him
When will this ignorant fool stop trying to prove he is a clever wit?

'Repugnant and offensive': Anti-vax protesters display Nazi symbols outside Jewish lawmaker's office
"... to openly display Nazi symbols outside the office of a Jewish legislator is despicable."
Yes, these miscreants are dispicable. But they don't care as they have no moral center. They roll in dispicableness.

New Poll Shows Americans Support Legal Abortion
Does anyone think the fascists care what Americans support? They don't even care about legal elections any longer.

Rittenhouse Attorney's Abhorrent Closing Argument
The defense attorney for Kyle Rittenhouse tried to use one shooting to justify one of Rittenhouse's murders.

Radicalized Republican Party goes to blows over infrastructure bill supported by 63% of Americans
The Fascist Party is totally unhinged.

Scientists May Have Accidentally Spotted an Extra Planet in Our Solar System
Okay, that's fascinating.
"Extra"? How is that determined when we don't know how many are in the official system in which we agree to define as planets to start with? Can we use "additional" instead?

Coffee and Tea Linked to Lower Risk of Stroke and Dementia in 11-Year Study
Those who reported drinking a "moderate" amount of coffee and/or tea daily were less likely to be diagnosed with stroke and dementia, according to new research.

JPMorgan Wants $162 Million From Tesla Because of Elon Musk's Tweets
An infamous 2018 Twitter quip resulted in some major financial fallout between the bank and automaker.
Pocket change for him, right?

How Do You Solve a Problem Like Elon Musk?
"...has the emotional capacity of an 8-year-old boy attempting his first prank phone call."

Conservatives in Trump country attacked a library for hosting a LGBTQ meeting — it massively backfired
It is no wonder that the fascists are brainless idiots. They've never cracked a book except possibly the Judaeo Christian myths in their lives. Fear the books! Fear the libraries!

Homo longi: extinct human species that may replace Neanderthals as our closest relatives found in China
Not extinct! Look at the videos on the article's link below. These screaming numnuts look the same to me.

Trump supporter outside Rittenhouse trial courthouse tells Black man: 'Move your Black [expletive] back!'
Where was Kyle? He could have murdered a few more.

Dems grow increasingly frustrated with Merrick Garland's 'apolitical' style: report
If he can't do the job fire his ass--now.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Pretty Sure Her Middle-Aged Immune System Can Handle COVID-19 Without Any Help

Six Colorado High School Students Take Bullets For Gun Freedom
Gun orgasms. Now a feature of America.

Stay Outraged, Patriots!
Why run on policies when you can run on misplaced fury?

Progressives Can No Longer Cede School Boards to the GOP
They should treat them as political arenas in which to fight—and win.
No fascists on school boards. Ever.

Innocent Man Killed During Vigilante Search for Abducted 1-Year-Old, Police Say
Vigilante gunplay. Why was the boy in the SUV? Was he kidnapped or had he been "forgotten" when the SUV was stolen.

How Biden’s Infrastructure Bill Starts to Fix the Racist Legacy of “Bulldozing and Bisecting”
We used to call the cautious approach to fixing long-term problems “governing.”

The American right's actions are right out of the Nazi playbook
"The authoritarian fervor behind these actions has been promoted by Donald Trump..."

US auto factories swung back into gear in October: govt

Trump could face 3 years in prison for political coercion in office: watchdogs
And that's just for starters.

Bannon's shady 2016 dealings still under investigation — but his billionaire backers may have already abandoned him
Someone could give him enough to find a decent barber.

Steve Bannon comes unhinged on podcast after surrender to FBI: 'This is the war that they've brought to us!'
Loudmouth. The only war he's got has been brought on by his dirty seditious dealings.

Sherri Tenpenny Says Giving Children COVID-19 Vaccines Is a Form of ‘Very, Very, Very, Very Late-Term Abortion’
Here's a new flavor of stupid. Batshit crazy and still walking around when she should be institutionalized.

The mystery of Tucker Carlson
His mother left him when he was six. Good advice for all of us. Just leave him.
"If we can figure out how an intelligent writer and conservative can go from writing National Magazine Award–nominated articles to shouting about immigrants on Fox News, perhaps we can understand what is happening to this country, or at least to journalism, in 2018."

Tucker Carlson Hosts Notorious Anti-Vax Nutbag [Video]
"...there’s worse things than death."
Yes, like extinction. We are well on our way.
The nerd forgets all the Americans that died long before we had a vaccine.

Anti-Vax Woman In Ivermectin Suit Dies Of Something
She could have left the hospital and got the worm medicine she wanted. Why didn't she if they believed so in it?

Ex-White House Staffer Infuriates Trump With Claim That He Admitted Election Loss
Former communications director Alyssa Farah detailed how the former president began to embrace the big lie.
Could he get so pissed that he could blow up? Blowed up real good?

Tax Money Lost to Abuses by the Rich Could Pay to Vaccinate the World 3 Times Over
"We must reprogram the global tax system to protect people's wellbeing and livelihoods over the desires of the wealthiest, or the cruel inequalities exposed by the pandemic will be locked in for good."

Right's cynical attack on "critical race theory": Old racist poison in a new bottle
White supremacy keeps rebranding itself — but the song remains the same
And the fascists have been singing it for centuries.

The Trial Of The Pasty Mama's Boy
Trae Crowder dissects the joke known as the Rittenhouse trial.

Delusional GOP lawmakers are melting down over Steve Bannon’s indictment
Defending their own criminals is a bad habit they have carried for decades.

Katie Porter decimates Louis DeJoy's tenure as postmaster in just 90 seconds
No wonder so many checks don't make it to the payee on time, or at all, and the payer gets a stop payment check fee and hit with a late payment fee to boot.
Why is this idiot still sucking us dry?

‘I’m not vaccinated’: Marjorie Taylor Greene vows to stand up for anti-vaxxers
Who may very well expose themselves to Covid and could eliminate themselves. That's not all bad.

'Submit your resignation': Angry parent shreds right-wing school board member who proposed book burning
More books will be printed than the fools can burn.

‘He broke down crying about himself’: Prosecutor accuses Kyle Rittenhouse of having ‘no concern for anyone else’
He's playing the Trump card. Donnie will be upset someone is playing his game.

Kyle Rittenhouse’s trial will end in a verdict – the nation’s trial by ordeal won’t
Broken people.

Republicans now openly embrace violent fascism
You heard it here in the Land of the Happy Negro years ago.

Pentagon: Oklahoma Guard must comply with vaccine mandate
"It is a lawful order for National Guardsmen to receive the Covid vaccine. It is a lawful order," Defense Department press secretary John Kirby told reporters.
And here is their next step. You WILL get vaccinated.

Manchin keeps arguing Build Back Better will lead to more inflation. Manchin is wrong
Has Manchin ever been right?

Naturalization numbers go up, a good sign after pandemic and politics disrupted services for many
I'm certain they will all be welcome here now, right?

When 'Let's Go Brandon' is chanted from pews at Texas megachurch, tax-exempt status is questioned
Why should any of these false institutions be exempt?

Yes, Michael Flynn Is A Theocracy Grifter
Michael Flynn is willing to sell out America on a regular basis. This time with an eye on the collection plate at your local evangelical church.
I thought we used to call this sort a whore as well? The "Christians" are now whoremongers? Asking for a friend.

Mike Flynn’s Outrageous Statements Contradict the Constitution, Threaten U.S. Democracy
Former Trump advisor’s comments calling for “one religion” demand unequivocal denunciation from Republicans
Anyone think they'll get that from these totalitarian assholes?

Steve Bannon Sends A Message To MAGA: Stand By
Steve Bannon screamed a lot of words outside the courthouse Monday, and none of them matter.

COP26: 'Walking Inches When We Must Move Miles'
Climate vulnerable countries were bitterly disappointed with the watering down of language on coal and lack of finance to cover permanent losses from climate change they are already suffering.
It's like Covid not caring about human opinion. The future will not care about the utter failure that we have become.

Fox Business Anchor Blasts 'Low-Rent' Gosar For Tweeting 'Snuff Film'
Fox Business anchor Liz Claman on Sunday accused Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) of sharing a "snuff film" on Twitter.
Nicely done.

Why We Should Reject Mark Zuckerberg's Dehumanizing Vision of a "Metaverse"
We should not trust Mark Zuckerberg or any other members of the corporate elite with self-serving agendas to guide us through an increasingly precarious future. We should not be willing to accept Big Tech's and the WEF's dehumanizing vision of the future.
I suppose this only matters if humans think of themselves as human any longer.

Dubious $56,000 Alzheimer’s drug spurs largest Medicare price hike ever
The drug that could cost Medicare tens to hundreds of billions of dollars.
Isn't Capitalism scamming wonderful?

Christian Nationalists Ramp Up Calls For Banning – And Literally Burning – Books They Don’t Like
Living in a Fahrenheit 451 dystopia.
Yes, you can read Captain Beatty’s statement to Montag in the Comments section.
They can never burn the truth away no matter how hard they try. "Christian" in this case is a misnomer.

'Personal goon squad': Why a newly-reported memo by a Trump loyalist is 'cause of considerable alarm' for US democracy
Nazi goons.

'Close to questioning evolution': Rittenhouse judge blasted for claim enlarged videos are 'so-called scientific evidence'

Kyle Rittenhouse hopes to capitalize on white panic

Alex Jones handed a devastating loss in lawsuit filed by Sandy Hook parents
We can only hope that's the case. Some snake heads are hard to chop off.

Some GOPers Who Backed Bill Won't Appear At Biden Signing Today
Mostly because of the death threats they received for their part in the infrastructure bill.
So nice to be living in what used to be a civilized country.

Yellen says COVID-19 pandemic is 'responsible' for inflation increases
Which, in turn, clearly points out that anti-vaxxers are causing inflation. Why aren't we attacking them and putting a stop to their treason?

Are You Craven, Cowardly, Criminally Inclined, or Otherwise Fucked Up? The Republican Party May Be Right for You

Ted Cruz gets mowed down by Adam Kinzinger and Eric Swalwell after attacking Liz Cheney
He doesn't get that he and the other fascists are the ones that should be joining the Republican Party.

“Band-Aid on a Bullet Wound:” Flint Locals Seethe Over $626 Million Water Settlement
“Man-made disaster” left thousands of families exposed to toxic lead.
The future seems to get darker as the days pass.

‘This is Not What Our Democracy is About’: GOP Rep. Fred Upton Condemns Death Threats, Trump Defending ‘Hang Mike Pence’ Chants
Proof that there are a few Republicans that have some brain function left.

Sen. John Barrasso Completely Fumbles When Confronted on Trump’s Defense of ‘Hang Mike Pence’ Chants
The stupid is very strong in this one.

TX Woman Charged With Assaulting Flight Attendant.
Another Texas trend in the bizzare world of Covidiots.

Anti-Vaxxers Battle White Supremacists At NYC Rally
Madmen on our streets. Morons declaring themselves morons. This is a madhouse of mindless maniacs who will eventually be destroyed by the fascisim they are themselves creating.

Michael Flynn Demands 'One Religion Under God' At Far-Right Rally
Trump's former national security adviser called for the nation to have a single religion.
"Such a vision is completely contrary to the Constitution’s guarantee of freedom of religion, and the separation of church and state."
Of course. But to a batshit crazy fascist, religion means one way only — his way and the fascist way.
But which "God" is he referring to as there are many. Let me guess and I might get it on one try.

Virginia Supreme Court rejects GOP's slate of redistricting experts, citing conflicts of interest
It's obvious they are victims ÿ again.

St. Jude Hoards Billions While Many Of Its Families Drain Savings
While families may not receive a bill from St. Jude, the hospital doesn’t cover what’s usually the biggest source of financial stress associated with childhood cancer: the loss of income as parents quit or take leave from jobs to be with their child during treatment.

Texas AG Attacks State Bar Over His Own Election Fraud Lies
Like every other MAGA GOP-er, Ken Paxton worships Trump and thinks the rules don't apply to him. Even the State Bar of Texas'.
Texas. Try not to laugh so hard.

Fox Plays Conservative Victim Card For Rittenhouse Judge
The hosts of Fox & Friends pretend that Wisconsin Judge Bruce Schroeder, who is presiding over the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, hasn't done anything to deserve the ire of his critics. The victim card! Think of it! They ALWAYS play it! It's very close to being a comedy routine.

Trump’s endorsements of 'incredibly damaged' candidates has GOP strategists in a panic: report
You have to consider the 'incredibly damaged'that endorses them as a starting point.

Rittenhouse Judge Confirms He Is A Complete Idiot
Incoherence is unbecoming in a judge.
"...Judge Bruce Schroeder reinforces his own self-assessment that he is a complete and total idiot when it comes to technology."
Or "I am a complete fucked up idiot that is supposed to be a legal person but I don't even have the brain to figure that part out. Now, what about this fucking phone?"

Authoritarian Coups Are Gradual then Sudden

WTF? A Saturday Sermon to a Very Disgruntled Choir

'Isn't it time for the AG to target Trump?' CNN's Jim Acosta calls on Merrick Garland to indict former president
Wayyyyyy past time. Indict the criminal.

Trump joked and encouraged staffers to feel free to break the law: White House insider
A co-conspriator in any crime.

Kayleigh McEnany’s notebooks could be a smoking gun in Capitol riot probe: analyst
That poor little girl.

New Leader of Oklahoma National Guard Rejects Federal Vaccine Mandate
Of course, it's Oklahoma which has always been just OK.
Is this a first step to secession? I can only guess what the next step will be.

Shapiro Host: Shooting People Is Not Against The Law
It's raining in outer spaceville. America is the batshit leader of the world.

The New Face Of The GOP?
Paul Waldman is right about Kyle Rittenhouse.
But they also have as faces of their facsist party: Benito Mussolini, Attila the Hun, Giovanni Gentile, Engelbert Dollfuss, Corneliu Codreanu, Léon Degrelle, Gyula Gömbös, Chuck Crate, Antonio Avendaño, Alfonso Serrano Vilariño, Marcus Garvey, Gustavo Sáenz de Sicilia, William Dudley Pelley, Father Charles Coughlin, Seward Collins, Robert Henry Best, Ezra Pound, and on and on, ad infinitum.

Now evangelicals want to depict "social justice" as un-Christian: I hope God will forgive them
In demonizing the "social justice gospel," evangelical hypocrites are literally rejecting the teachings of Christ
"Many shall come in my name." Ooops!

The Senate Cannot Be Reformed—It Can Only Be Abolished
The Senate is a deeply undemocratic institution where white power thrives and the popular will goes to die.

As the Supreme Court Weighs the Future of Abortion, Women Are Already Suffering
Attacks on reproductive rights have metastasized well beyond abortion in recent years, endangering women’s health and lives.

Democrat issues warning after Bannon’s indictment: 'I hope Mr. Meadows will come to his senses'
He'd better find them first.

Staggering racism of defense attorney in Ahmaud Arbery trial on full display
A defense attorney claimed that having "high-profile members of the African American community” in the courtroom was “intimidating,” drawing swift backlash.
Turns out the snowflakes are the racists. Always. Think of it. Always.

Suddenly the Far Right Wants to Fix the DC Jail. It Just Took Locking Up Some White Insurrectionists.
“It’s never been humane, it’s never been acceptable, it’s never been right.”
Just make sure that some of them are padded cells.

Rogan: “I’m Super Flexible, I Can Suck My Own Dick”
Who wants to go here? So many places to go on this. Take your time.

Joe Manchin Wants to Sabotage the $12,500 EV Tax Credit
The West Virginian senator has already scuttled some of the most effective climate proposals in the Build Back

Marjorie Taylor Greene whines about being in Congress: 'I don’t want to have anything to do with politics'
And we don't want your stinking hands on it either, Marge. How soon will you be resigning?

QAnon Rep: The US Capitol Is “Basically A Glass Castle Just Waiting To Be Shattered By The American People”
They used to call this a threat. But now it's just all in a day's fucking.

Steve Bannon gets indicted for contempt of Congress
Will this one still remain the douchebag?
Thank you, Attorney General Merrick Garland.

'Our growing, authoritarian nightmare': MSNBC host sounds the alarm about the right's 'book-burning stage'
"This is America where we're supposed to give a damn about, I don't know, freedom of speech and thought an open society. But hey, welcome to our growing, authoritarian nightmare."

Fox News host says Kyle Rittenhouse 'did the right thing'
Of course that's what a vigilante would say. Taking law into your own hands is in fashion with the Nazis.

The Real Source of Inflation? Consolidated Corporate Power and Greed
This structural problem is amenable to only one thing: the aggressive use of antitrust law.

Gene Simmons Blasts Unvaxxed 'Evil,' 'Delusional' Aaron Rodgers
"You are not allowed to infect anybody just because you think you've got rights that are delusional," the frontman for KISS said, as he ripped all anti-vaxxers.
Can it be put any more understandable even to fools?

Ron Johnson Asks Wisconsin GOP To Commit Election Fraud
Ron Johnson met privately with Wisconsin Republican lawmakers to urge them to take over federal elections.

Covid vaccine holdouts are caving to mandates — then scrambling to 'undo' their shots
As mandates spread, anti-vaccine groups have been trafficking in pseudoscience treatments meant to remove or counteract the vaccines. Experts say it's like trying to "unring a bell."
"In Looking Glass House." "Jabberwocky."

Kyle Rittenhouse Doesn’t Need to be Acquitted to Win
Whatever the jury’s verdict, he will be celebrated.
"But let’s say Rittenhouse is acquitted. That’s easy. The message to 17-year-olds with an attitude and a gun is that crossing state lines to attack racial justice protesters is the right thing to do. (Even not crossing state lines.) The country already has an outsized problem with vigilante “justice” and an acquittal will only embolden those who are so inclined. On the other hand, a conviction likely would end the same way."
"In the end, this is what America is. It’s not a matter of if there will be more political violence and more protests, but when. After the trial, somewhere out there, the next Kyle Rittenhouse will be waiting for his chance to kill and claim self-defense. The script is already written."
America is at the end of the line. There is nowhere to go from here but down.

Beneath the Rittenhouse trial: Grim truths about the state of America
"Vigilantism, extrajudicial killings by federal authorities, violent insurrections, threats and harassment of public officials, and rejection of election results and the democratic process are all hallmarks of authoritarian movements. Coddling the gun fetishists and allowing right-wing extremism to fester over many years has brought us to the point when we must ask ourselves if we're no longer a country where politics is war by other means — it's just plain old war."
This "trial" will lead to murder being allowable anywhere to anyone, anytime.

Long Island Man Charged For Threat Against Republican Who Voted For Infrastructure Bill
These jokers will reap what they sow.

Texas abortion law complicates San Antonio group’s mission to help undocumented immigrants — even those raped en route to the U.S.
Unsure of how broadly the “aiding and abetting” portion of the law could be applied, Sueños Sin Fronteras — which helps women with an array of basic needs — is launching a legal defense fund.

Trump Pretty Sure Screaming 'Hang Mike Pence!' Just Normal Part Of Overthrowing Government For Trump
A blithering pile of garbage.

Tucker Just Asking Why We Can't Support Mother Russia's War Efforts Against Ukraine
Paid pissant.

Coronavirus and Vaccine News
News for those who believe the pandemic is over.

No, Senator Manchin, Build Back Better Won’t Create Runaway Inflation
Covid created this inflation spike. Ending Covid will curb it.

Activists Slam 'Weasel Words' in New COP26 Text as Negotiators Water Down Climate Deal
"The oily imprints of fossil fuel influence" are all over an updated draft text, climate leaders warned.

Joy Reid: Rittenhouse, Zimmerman 'Little Kings Of Their Own'
Vigilantism is the rule, not the exception in the American legal system, and always has been. At least for white men.

Friday Book Chat: David Pepper's Laboratories Of Autocracy
The book is called "Laboratories of Autocracy" and it's a chilling look at the takeover of state governments.
The U.S. continues to commit suicide.

Appeals court temporarily bars release of Trump White House records to House Jan. 6 committee
The appellate courts working for the traitor Trump. "The core of democracy"? How interesting.
If anything is "rigged" in this country it is our legal system.

New audio reveals Trump expressing support for Capitol rioters who threatened to 'hang' Mike Pence
Why is this man walking around anywhere besides a cell?

Trump just handed 'more disturbing evidence' to riot committee in interview with ABC's Karl: impeachment attorney
America would rather use words like "disturbing" and "troubling" instead of "acting" and "executing."

‘Disgrace’: Kyle Rittenhouse trial judge slammed for ‘joke’ about ‘Asian food’
A perfect example of why there is no longer law and order in America. The lunacy, decay and corruption has destroyed us.

'Arrogant Insensitivity': Defense Lawyer in Arbery Murder Trial Ripped for Bid to Bar Black Pastors
Attorney Kevin Gough, who said that "we don't want any more Black pastors in here," was called out for "fearmongering" and "reprehensible bigotry."
Another example of the failure of our legal system. When bottom feeders are allowed in courtrooms.

Republicans aren't just in disarray—they're at war with each other
If only they used real bullets.

Rittenhouse defense incorrectly claims iPad pinch-to-zoom modifies footage
This crap reminds me of Firesign Theatre routines. "Everything You Know Is Wrong."
We live in a mad world where nothing is real any longer.

Jesus and the Billionaires
"You teach your religion on your own time, not on the taxpayers. You already have a building subsidized by the taxpayers to peddle your wares tax free, you have no business in schools." Check out David Glenn Cox's essays on

Federal Judge Overturns Greg Abbott's Ban on Mask Mandates in Texas Schools
"No student should be forced to make the choice of forfeiting their education or risking their health, and now they won't have to."
Just say no to fascist leaders like Abutt

White House mocks Trump's 'active imagination' as he tries to conduct his own fake foreign policy
The mocker gets mocked.

The truth about 3 core lies of American fascism
"The US has a fascism problem. In its culture, in its hero worship, in its ideological makeup. Donald Trump was the culmination of that."
It is most rewarding that the Land of the Happy Negro began calling Trump and his band of cutthroats, fascists before everyone else saw the turds floating.

Native LGBTQ adults report high levels of depression, economic stress, and abuse
Welcome to the free world that is free to hate and abuse. Is it now a part of our Constitution, America?

SCOTUS Has Made It Practically Impossible To Sue a Rights-Violating Federal Officer
A new case asks whether a Border Patrol agent may be sued for alleged First and Fourth Amendment violations.

White Supremacy on Trial: From Rittenhouse in Kenosha to Killers of Ahmaud Arbery, Will They Go Free?
Another George Zimmerman? Racism is peaking in the Land of the Happy Negro. There will be Hell to pay in time.

What The F*ck Happened At The Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Yesterday
This is a TV show. There is nothing about it that is a trial. Except for our civilization level.
"Fuck this trial"

Texas said delta-8 is illegal. But state troopers haven’t made a single arrest.
Texas health officials insist delta-8 is an illegal substance and has been for 40 years.
Texas: Third Century thinking.

GOP’s Banning of Books and Attack on Teachers Expose the Party’s Rising Fascism

Expel Paul Gosar From Congress
The Arizona Republican, who has a history of consorting with neo-Nazis and insurrectionists, shared a video Monday depicting him killing AOC. It’s time to expel this twisted fiend.
In a sane world this would already have happened.

Trump is 'running his own shadow government': Experts shocked after ex-president announces he has overseas ‘envoy ambassador’
And he is walking around because? We are too fucking scared of him? We are too fucking dumb to stop him? What will it take to get rid of this arrogant traitor trash?

Ten States Sue Biden Over Mandate For Health Workers
Stupidity is always the best policy.
They will allow the cull to continue taking them out.

Neo-Nazi Man Arrested For Texas Synagogue Arson

Man Wants Charges In Allen West Mask Incident

Capitol Rioter Gets 41 Months - Longest Sentence So Far
Scott Fairlamb of New Jersey received 41 months in prison for assaulting a police officer during the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.
Still waiting for a life on Devil's Island sentence.

Judge Refuses Stay, Trump's Jan. 6 Docs May Be Released Tomorrow
The documents are likely to be in the hands of the Jan. 6th committee by tomorrow afternoon, Laura Jarrett said.

Rachel Maddow, At Long Last, Tells Trump How She Really Feels
President Bone Spurs denied wounded soldiers the Purple Heart to protect his fragile ego.

American History: Let’s Face the Truth
I think of the current Critical Race Theory controversy more as a Ziploc bag: a quick, easy place to stuff American history and get it out of the way, so we don't have to think about—and therefore atone for—the criminal harm caused by four centuries of structural racism.
"When you're losing the game, summon the commies!"

It’s Time to Expose and Upend That Damaging Myth About Spending
Polls say Americans should love the Build Back Better Act—but most are only hearing talking points about its price tag.
Hell, yes.

GOP governor bans LGBTQ book in school library as 'obscene' and 'pornographic' – orders law enforcement investigation
When's the book burning party, Fire Chief? As has been stated here many times, these people live in a long past century.

Virginia school board members call for book-burning amid planned purge of 'sexually explicit' books
Here's your book burners. The Fire Chief will have fun. The Department will only burn books they don't like from now on.
Welcome to a new world of regression and devolvement of the human species. Can you imagine a more dumbed down creature than those in Virginia?

Trump is in legal peril due to this key detail in conspiracy law: analysis
Trump has been in legal peril his entire lifetime. The question is when will the law apply the punitive measures to him he so deserves?

MSNBC host slams 'right-wing activists' for promoting violent conflict in the streets: 'Is that the society we want?'
It looks like that's what they want. They will get it if that's the case.

Newsmax host Eric Bolling wants audience to know Kermit is the original communist
I can just picture a complete idiot like this being on TV when America had a sense of sanity.
It wouldn't have been pretty for him.

'Potential for bias': Civil rights attorney stunned after Rittenhouse judge’s phone blasts 'God Bless the USA'
Ya think?

'You need a little education': GOP lawmaker rips Tucker Carlson to his face during heated live debate
He's needs "an education." is what should be said about this meathead.

Criminologist: Rittenhouse 'Arrogant' Testimony 'Bordering On Sociopathic'
Criminologist Casey Jordan reacted to the testimony of Kyle Rittenhouse on Wednesday by suggesting that the 18-year-old defendant displayed "sociopathic" tendencies. And the judge isn't much different.

Wisconsin judge faces ‘nationwide scrutiny’ as Kyle Rittenhouse’s trial winds down: report
Speaking of Franz Gürtner, this guy is more than obviously acting as the Rit's legal finagler.
A mockery of justice is on display here.

'Strange' judge in Kyle Rittenhouse trial has previously been accused of overstepping his authority
Really? He's been worse than a pile of manure dropped on your head before?

FAIL: 'QAnon Shaman' Tries Forrest Gump Defense
It doesn't help that his attorney apparently can't spell "Forrest Gump." Prosecutors are asking for YEARS in jail for this guy.

'Strangely AWOL': Legal experts express concern about DOJ’s handling of the Trump investigation
The Peter Principal rears it ugly head.

Gun-loving Trump supporters are amassing 'shock troops' to attack democracy: former firearms exec
Obviously, they expect to take on one of the world's greatest armed military forces with total success.

Trump attempting to keep Jan 6 committee from seeing outtakes of his address to MAGA rioters: report
He isn't ashamed so what's his problem?

Person Too Bugf*ck For Newsmax Gets Twitter Privileges Back, Loses Them Forever

Insurrection by Other Means: Republicans Are Ready to Die of Covid to Spite Biden and Democrats
The cull will do what it will do. It matters not one whit to the virus.

McCarthy Refuses to Act as His Deplorables Try to Get Their Colleagues Killed

Big cities aren’t dividing America. They hold the key to our collective future

POLL: 76% Say Facebook Makes US Society Worse

Texas’s new social media law is likely to face an uphill battle in federal court
A fascist that wants racist and hate speech to flourish in privately held companies.

Reuters Tracks Down Callers Who Threatened Election Officials
Law enforcement agencies have made almost no arrests and won no convictions.
Nazi threats. Another fine example of how law and order have vanished in the U.S.

For Republican Voters Tired of Being Called “Racist”
How is it possible to drive fascists any deeper into Trump's rectum by calling them what they are and what they own?

Trump Inaugural Case Likely To Ensnare Ivanka And Don Jr.
Ivanka and Don Jr. may well have some ‘splaining to do, under oath, now that the corruption case against the Trump inaugural committee has taken a big step closer to trial.

Big Bird Strikes Back!
Cancun Cruz loses again to the giant muppet.
Cruz is the perfect dork.

Top historian explains how Gosar's disturbing anime video underscores the GOP's real threat to US democracy

'New level of insanity': DC insider warns GOP 'thought police' targeting House members for abuse
Taking us to new levels of insanity appears to be the GOP's #1 job.
Perfectly illustrating how low these creatures have descended.

Campaigners Rip New COP26 Draft as a 'Polite Request' for Climate Action Amid Existential Crisis
"This draft deal is not a plan to solve the climate crisis, it's an agreement that we’ll all cross our fingers and hope for the best."
Amazing failure to act on the crisis our planet is facing.

Paul Gosar's Sister Says He Is Mentally Ill And Must Be Stopped
Arizona Representative Paul Gosar isn't just tweeting anime, says his sister Jennifer. He's sending a signal to madmen.
As I have stated many times on this site, we used to be able to take them off the streets. Now, we are more than a little confused about the mentally ill in our society. Families used to be able to have these people committed.

The dark reason Trumpers are willing to die of COVID
Pretty dark? It's pitch blind.

This Texas town's first Black principal was fired over CRT — which the district admits was never taught
Life in fascist America.

Rep. Paul Gosar tweets altered anime video showing him killing Rep. Ocasio-Cortez and attacking President Biden
"The left doesn’t get meme culture." Now there is one of the most clueless statements ever uttered by a living creature.
Really? Remember that when you see a Mifune samurai meme on Gosar.

The United States Of Free Dumb
The wrong people think that their rights supercede ours.
Mrs. Betty Bowers, America's Best Christian, explains why her free dumbs comes before the rest of our freedoms.

North Dakota Lawmaker Catches COVID, Will Miss His Anti-Vaccine Rally
Rep. Jeff Hoverson (R) said he tested positive on Nov 5 and is now taking ivermectin, but will miss his own rally today.
Covid doesn't>

Maddow: FL Surgeon General Didn't Treat UCLA Covid Patients
UCLA members of the covid treatment team said he never worked with them

Trump schooled by judge in overnight denial of attempt to block National Archives docs
Schooling doesn't work on this moron.

AOC fires back at 'creepy' Paul Gosar for posting disturbing anime clip that depicted him killing her
"This dude is a just a collection of wet toothpicks anyway. White supremacy is for extremely fragile people & sad men like him, whose self concept relies on the myth that he was born superior because deep down he knows he couldn't open a pickle jar or read a whole book by himself."
Gosar is a collection of wet toothpicks.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Sure Understands Both Epidemiology And Communism

The ‘Super Friends’ Were Always ‘Woke.’ It’s Conservative Hearts That Got Small.

The GOP under Trump is a hostage situation
Yet another report indicates Trump threatened to switch parties. And the denials aren’t adding up.
Trump loves only himself.

Self-Sacking and Monday Morning Quarterbacking

DOJ Sues Texas Over Its New Voting Restrictions
Here’s a look inside the lawsuit—and a look at the stakes.
"That these shenanigans continue 151 years after the Fifteenth Amendment was ratified and 56 after the Voting Rights Act became law is a sad reminder that the protection of the franchise can never be settled definitively but must always be guarded with vigilance."

House GOPers Insist They Love Infrastructure—Just Not The Very Socialist And Bad Kind In The BIF
Those miscreants wouldn't recognize socialism because their electorate is too uneducated to notice.
Socialism is alive and well in our country and benefiting these very same people. E.G.: Guaranteed public education; Public transportation; Fire departments; Police departments; Public libraries; Every branch of the US military; Roads & highways; Social Security; Medicare/medicaid; Public, not private prisons & jails; Public hospitals;The Veterans Affairs Administration; Public universities; Public parks; Public toilets; Public drinking fountains; Public parking; Public everything.

Proof That Vaccine Mandates Work

More Texas voters unhappy than satisfied over power grid, abortion and property taxes
Oh, dear. How can this be? If only they just keep electing Republicans we are certain to change this, no?

Molestation Scandals Threaten GOP Attempt To Rebrand As Party Of “Parents”

Why Biden succeeded on infrastructure (and Trump didn't)
On infrastructure, Trump failed twice — first when he tried to pass his own plan, and then again when he tried to sabotage Biden's plan.

In the Middle of Infrastructure Talks, Joe Manchin Has Pursued a Book Deal
It’s a busy time for the senator—but not too busy for a side gig.
Working title: How I Fucked My Country and Got Away With It.

Joe Scarbrough Suggests Support For Long-Term Mask Mandates: ‘It’s Been Really Nice Not Having the Flu’
Most with brains realized this in 2020. The people working in retail who wore masks didn't get the flu or colds or Covid during the year.

Adam Kinzinger Bashes Tucker Carlson: ‘Manipulative Son of a B*tch’ Who ‘Abuses’ Viewers for Profit
Tucks learned it all from his dad.

Cruz Lays Out Why Texas May One Day Secede
Great. All military bases will be closed. Ports will be closed. If fools like Cruz try to seize them then American Federal troops will invade, occupy and set up a provisional government. Then Cruz can be indicted for sedition and be locked up for life. Win, win, win.

COVID Deaths In Red Counties 3X Higher Than In Blue
"...(If weather or age were a major reason, the pattern would have begun to appear last year.) The true explanation is straightforward: The vaccines are remarkably effective at preventing severe Covid, and almost 40 percent of Republican adults remain unvaccinated, compared with about 10 percent of Democratic adults."
“The gap in Covid’s death toll between red and blue America has grown faster over the past month than at any previous point...”
Darwin wins again.

Big Bird is just the latest piece of children's culture to trigger Republicans
They long for the return of Hitler's Children: Education for Death: The Making of the Nazi by Gregor Ziemer

Howard Stern blasts Aaron Rodgers for lying about vaccination status: 'They should throw him out of the league so fast'

'Choke artist' Aaron Rodgers chokes again

NFL denies telling Aaron Rodgers vaccinated people couldn't get or spread COVID-19
Looks like he's a pathological liar.

Aaron Rodgers Fooled Us And it’s on us for wanting to believe he was different.
"The vast majority of them have been doing everything right, doing what they can to keep the games going and value the safety of the people around them. It’s only a handful of people like Rodgers making it look otherwise.

State Farm Stands By Its Anti-Vax NFL QB Pitchman
"“We don’t support some of the statements that he has made, but we respect his right to have his own personal point of view...."
"Even if it fucks up the lives of others," they should add.
"...Our mission at State Farm is to support safer, stronger communities." That rings hollow in light of the situation.

Fox NFL Analysts Pound Aaron Rodgers For Lying And Spreading Vaccine Nonsense
Terry Bradshaw, Jimmy Johnson, Howie Long and Michael Strahan rightfully blitzed the Green Bay Packers quarterback, who falsely said he was "immunized."
“It would have been nice if he had just come to the Naval Academy and learned how to be honest. Learned not to lie. Because that’s what you did, Aaron. You lied to everyone," said Hall-of-Fame quarterback Terry Bradshaw.
If only everyone would just not turn on the No Football League. We could make Sundays great again.

Chuck Todd Sucks At His Job — Part Infinity
In 2018, Meet the Press host Chuck Todd proclaimed that he wasn't going to give climate change deniers airtime. This Sunday, a Republican who banned the use of the term "climate change" was welcomed as a guest on Todd's show.
Todd has, of course, been beaten to death on this subject. Will anyone ever do anything about him but whine?

When Are We Going to Talk About the Outrageous Cost of NOT Passing the Build Back Better Act?
For months, the nation has witnessed a debate taking place in Congress over how much to invest in this plan. What hasn’t been discussed, however, is the cost of not investing (or not investing sufficiently) in health-care expansion, early childhood education, the care economy, paid sick leave, living-wage jobs, and the like.
The fascists will never talk about it.

Legal group calls on AG Garland to resign — citing failure to prosecute Trump and his cronies

Former labor secretary breaks down 'the cruelest form of capitalism in the world'
"We're now in America's second Gilded Age, just like the late 19th century when a handful of robber barons monopolized the economy, kept wages down, and bribed lawmakers."
This is very bad news for most of us.

Josh Hawley claims a man isn't really 'a man' if they play video games and aren't married with children
"Either way, Hawley's analysis seems to be that any man who can't have children, like those who can be sterile as a result of cystic fibrosis or other diseases, aren't real men."
Senators should be real men or women and not children who are deluded.

'Barely concealed bloodlust': Claremont Institute laid out detailed plan for using cops to overturn Trump’s election loss
"Either way. It's as if they're steering into the violence instead of trying to avoid it," he adds. "The message is clear: do whatever it takes to crush your opponents and all will be forgiven in the second Trump term."
Fuck Trump.

Rodgers Gets Dumped As Spokesperson For Health Care Provider
Prevea Health ends relationship with Aaron Rodgers after he spread COVID misinformation.
Some of us care if people around us are vaccinated.

Life Would Be Better If It Were Always Daylight Saving Time
If Build Back Better Fails, AOC Warns, 'We May Have Just Locked in US Emissions' The U.S. will be at risk of throwing away its "biggest chance to combat climate change" if conservative Democrats tank the reconciliation bill, said Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
Our disregard for our planet's future is very much mass suicide.

Politicians in Washington and Florida have passed laws aimed at moving their states to DST year-round. Congress should seize on this momentum to move the entire country to year-round DST
This is long overdue. Get it done.

Dana Bash Conducts The Most Cringe Interview On Race
Honestly, no one who showed their faces on that screen is in the position to discuss anything about race, other than to admit they're racist.
Stop abusing a word. "That it has become an insult, a pejorative is, in and of itself, problematic."
The media, like Dana Bash, is playing everyone for a sucker. They don't give a damn about right vs. wrong. They just want ratings.
"Republicans are lying to them about what is being taught in schools about race." They play the fear card. They have done it ever since I was a member of their fascist party. But I recognized it and left them with their bullshit tactics.

'Pro-death cult strikes back': Right-wing judges block Biden’s vaccine rule for big companies
They are allies of the virus and co-conspriators in murder. Time will take care of them.

Still hate Hillary? She was right about Trump then — and she's right now
Only the deplorables cling to their dead-end myths.

DOJ officials offer reasons why Steve Bannon’s criminal referral is languishing
Apparently, we no longer have a DOJ. Someone has to anwer for this.

I was one of the lawyers who helped win marriage equality. And yes, the GOP can take it away
And they might not even need another landmark legal battle to do it
They can also bring back concentration camps and removal of any resistance to their fascist world.

‘I’m done’: Trump threatened to destroy GOP in temper tantrum over election loss — and start his own party
His Bullshit Party.

Big Bird Got Vaxxed, And Ted Cruz, Usual Assholes, Being Usual Assholes About It
Cruz is the King of Assholes — and dumbasses.

Public Banking Has the Potential to Truly Revolutionize Our Economy
That only means the crooks will have to kill it.

Biden's COVID-19 vaccine rules for big businesses temporarily blocked by federal appeals court
The order followed a joint petition filed by a handful of states, including Texas, several businesses and advocacy groups that argued overreach by the administration.
The Texas Handmaiden Horrors have the balls to whine about overreach?

Cosmic Hypocrisy: Unqualified Embrace of Its VA Win Exposes GOP’s Whopping Big Lie

She Betrayed Us: Kyrsten Sinema's Angry Constituents Left Shocked and Dismayed
"...Kyrsten used to be a fierce fighter for the people. But once she got to Congress, she turned her back on the very same people who helped her get her in office."

Landmark Agreements at COP26 Put Nails in Coal’s Coffin
At least 25 countries agreed to end public subsidies for overseas oil and gas development, and more than 23 have committed to ending coal altogether.

House GOPers Turn Against 13 Colleagues Who Voted For Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill
This is what fascists do. Especially lying cowardly fascists.

Knowing What’s In It
"Political journalism in America is not just a failure, but a cancer, ignoring the issues to dwell on the personalities."
"Why should we give a shit that their careers are in peril when they don’t do shit to serve us, when instead all they do is provide a noisy distraction from our national institutional collapse?"

Liz Cheney unloads to Chris Wallace: Tucker Carlson is 'un-American' for 'false flag' lie about Jan. 6

New Report Details How and Why Routine Traffic Stops Turn Deadly

One Year Ago, Biden Won. Republicans Still Won’t Accept It.
More than 70 percent of Republicans say fraud affected 2020 results.
More that 70 percent of Republicans are frauds.

Trump didn’t invent racism; racism invented Trump and other elected hopefuls
Racist Nazis you mean.

Lindell Claims “Tons” Of State Attorneys General Will Sign His Election Overturn Petition To Supreme Court
Once again: Sad that we can't get the insane in instututions that may help them. In this case only a padded cell and straitjacket is the solution.

Eighth-grader recorded teacher's seven-minute rant about vaccines and Joe Biden
This fascist liar was had by a little girl. Nice job, dear.

Carlson's Gaslighting Is About More Than The Insurrection
When the November 2021 election results end up with eight people who participated in the insurrection elevated to public office as Republicans, the cold reality hits: Disinformation works.
The fascists who would be kings.

The Cruelest Form of Capitalism in the World
Wealth inequality is worse than it has been in a century—and it has contributed to a vicious political-economic cycle in which taxes are cut on the top, resulting in even more concentration of wealth.
It has reached unsustainability.

Merrick Garland under fire for dragging his feet on Steve Bannon indictment: CNN
If he can't do his job he needs to be fired.

'Brainwashing children!' Right-wingers outraged at Sesame Street's 'Big Bird' for promoting COVID vaccines
Big Bird has always been far more intelligent than raging fascists.

Aaron Rogers got caught in a lie that violates his employer’s policies — so he’s blaming the 'woke mob' for 'cancelling' him
"... no one questioned it, because no one thought that he'd be a lying piece of shit."
But don't forget, it's the No Football League.
Let us not forget how the fascists went after Colin Kaepernick telling him to shut up and play football.
Not a peep about Rogers.

Yes, Aaron Rodgers, I'm canceling you
"Personal choice is a great thing, and it’s part and parcel of an abiding American virtue. Freedom is precious, yes. But that includes the freedom to live in a safe and sane society. We’ve lost that amid a rancid stew of selfishness and fake liberty."

Biden And Democrats Deliver Huge Infrastructure Win
It's finally Infrastructure Week in Washington, D.C.! But Biden knows it really begins when there are "shovels in the ground."
God Bless America!

Charlie Kirk: Joy Reid Represents 'Childless, Metropolitan People'
Scumbag Charlie wants Republicans to be branded as the 'party of parents' because they have a racist trope they can use at school board meetings.
Has this "human" lost all contact with reality?

Texas conservative refuses to support renaming a federal building currently named after a Klansman
Another Klan supporter and Nazi fails decency test.

GOP lawmaker issues chilling warning about what may lie ahead in 2024
Here's what my wide receiver says. Go Bucks!

Newsmax announces upcoming vaccine mandate for all of its employees
Thank you, Newsmax.

She 'betrayed' us: Kyrsten Sinema's angry constituents left shocked and dismayed
She betrayed America.

More Than 100,000 Take to Streets on Global Day of Action for Climate Justice
"We can either intensify the crisis to the point of no return, or lay the foundations for a just world where everyone's needs are met."
We only need another seven billion to do the trick. Well, maybe less.

QAnon followers return to Dealey Plaza four days after JFK Jr. failed to materialize
Seriously, why aren't these mentally ill folks not institutionalized? We're not allowed to.

Anti-Vaxxer Nurse Who Claimed The Vaccine 'Kills People' Dies From COVID
Steve Shurden, 58, from Tulsa, battled the virus for three weeks and eventually passed away on October 19.
Biden gets his infrastructure win and an education on a new Washington
The bill represents the largest single infrastructure investment in American history.

The cull continues to do its job regardless of human resistance.

Rick Santelli Can't Deny The 'Biggie' Jobs Report, But He Tried
Never forget Rick Santelli's antics of 2009, when he blamed the losers for getting screwed by Wall Street and ignited the tea party.

Youngkin’s Son Tried Twice to Vote Illegally on Election Day
And these bastards have the nerve to say "the election was rigged." To Hell with them all.

CNN's Jake Tapper slams 'cheesehead' Aaron Rodgers after he goes on scientifically illiterate rant
"This is the guy we thought was so smart and well-read, and turns out that he doesn't even have the courage or guts to say he wasn't vaccinated,..."
"I think we're seeing a very different side of Aaron Rodgers, and seeing a side of Aaron Rodgers that people are really, really disgusted by.""
Only if one has a brain.

At Least 8 Dead After Panic at Astroworld Festival in Texas During Travis Scott Opening Night Set With Drake
Brains are a thing of the past it seems.

Trump sells $25,000 photos to support Arizona Republican at Mar-a-Lago fundraiser
"But it's really a good bag of shit, Mrs. Yockamoto." (from Firesign Theatre)

'This is the thanks we get': Trump leaves Census workers holding the bag in $7M 'accounting mess'
What happens when you put your trust in a low down dirty criminal.

Marjorie Taylor Greene launches furious attack on the 13 GOP 'traitors' who voted for Biden's infrastructure bill
The goon goes off.

Aaron Rodgers Thinks He's Martin Luther King, Jr.
In a thoroughly despicable interview, Rodgers fires off every single Right Wing Nut Job lie about COVID and vaccines there is. If State Farm fires him, Newsmax can scoop him right up.
"You racist, privileged piece of sh*t."
All respect for him has been lost. But I'm certain the MAGAts love still love him. That says a lot.

Texas Now Wants To Ban Books
Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 is happening right before our eyes.
Texas is now a part of "Darwin's Waiting Room." Probably ever since the pirates stole the land.

How the Supreme Court's defense of expansive gun rights was 'invented' from false history
“There was never any absolute 'right' to carry guns. As the Bill of Rights (1689) made clear, this was only 'as allowed by law.'"
In other words, for a militia. We don't require "militias" any longer. The National Guard replaced this antiquated myth.

University of Florida backs down — will now let professors testify against DeSantis policies
Fascists back down. Thank you.

Judge deals massive blow to Ahmaud Arbery's killers — allows their Confederate plates as evidence
Could it be these Happy Negro boys are gonna burn?

GOPer Claims Trump Tax Cuts Did More To Lift Kids Out Of Poverty
Rep. Kevin Brady is either a liar or a dumbass. Or both!
Congratulations for figuring that out for us. Is he a bigger liar or a bigger dumbass?

Ron DeSantis Proposes An SS Type Election Force
This is another assault by Republicans on our democratic form of government and an attack on the U.S. Constitution.
Well, I see the Nazis are finally coming out of their closets. We know what DipShitus is and everyone should know it now.
The coming war is getting closer to explosion level.

Adults Do Nothing As Students Chant Sex Insults At Female Goalie
MAGA supporters have turned much of this country into despicable a-holes.
The brainless Trump zombies are in your town. They will eat you alive soon. Remember — Double Tap.

Trump Takes A Shot At Ending Accountability For All Presidents, Ever
Nice. An at large criminal pukes up this swill. You are a failed bunch, Ex-America.

Expert fumes over slow pace of Trump investigations: ‘We might get him for a parking ticket’
Nope. We are even too dimwitted to do that. Very failed country that has forgotten. Only one way out and we are too cowardly to do it.

Anti-vaxx Chronicles: This guy REALLY thought Ivermectin was the answer
100% of MAGAt morons have their heads firmly planted in their assholes.
That's why they are full of extra shit.
"If you really believe China infected the world … why would you be opposed to countermeasures to protect us from that supposed attack?"

Citing Failure to Prosecute Trump and Cronies, Legal Group Calls On AG Garland to Resign
"As long as Trump and his co-conspirators walk free, American democracy is in danger."
If he can't get the world crime leader in prison he needs to resign so we can get the job done.

America is a Poor Advertisement for Democracy
America is a former country. Now it's a lost cause. A failed experiment. A new Nazi dictatorship.

The Sad, Weird, and Hilarious QAnon Gathering in Dallas
They thought a resurrected JFK and JFK Jr. would show up to make Trump president—and then some.
More on the morons walking our streets.

COVID is still crushing parts of the U.S., as the holiday season approaches
It's no mystery. Just witness our behavior.
By January 4th there may be a record number of unemployed fools.

QAnon Meets And Insists Trump Is Patton's Heir
Sure we laugh, but they also don't believe in just, you know, electing people.
Have they emptied all of the insane asylums yet?
"When Americans are looking to magical thinking rather than elections, that's dangerous."
We allowed it to happen so we have no one to blame but ourselves that this horseshit is running wild in the streets.

Is There a Republican Alive Who Still Believes in Democracy?
Republicans should heed Churchill's warning about appeasing authoritarians: "Each one hopes that if he feeds the crocodile enough, it will eat him last."

Most Americans Appreciate Religious Diversity. White Evangelicals Don’t.
Do tell.

California 'QAnon' history teacher is recorded telling eighth graders that Hunter Biden had sex with his niece, hospitals steal babies from unvaccinated parents and that Donald Trump is still president
Perfectly normal behaviour in a batshit crazy Trump QAnonsense world. Puke.

Democrats Can‘t Fail to Govern and Expect to Win
Democrats in Washington have bungled the past several months. And their failure to govern boldly—and effectively—has cost them dearly.
WTF? Really, John? The Republicans (Fascists) don't believe in government at all. They believe in dictating. They piss all over government. Are you really paying attention at all?

America 'loves white supremacy': Black women on how and why Republicans won Virginia
It has loved it all of my lifetime so why would it change now even in "enlightend" times? It's worse than ever due to Trump and his Nazi Party.
Welcome to the Land of the Happy Negro.

COVID-Infected Aaron Rodgers Suggested He Was Vaxxed. Reports Say That’s BS
The Green Bay Packers quarterback said in August he was “immunized,” but reports emerged Wednesday that he was unvaccinated.
"If he is unvaccinated, Rodgers has not followed the NFL’s safety protocols for unvaccinated players even as recently as this weekend."
This guy would put his teammates at risk? That's a really chickenshit thing to do.

'Disingenuous nonsense': McConnell mocked for 'plainly silly' case against voting rights bill
The biggest clown act in the Senate shows his ass again.

Showing 'Green New Deal Is a Winning Issue,' Michelle Wu Wins Boston Mayoral Race
"We are ready to become a Boston for everyone," said the mayor-elect. "And yes, Boston is ready to become a Green New Deal city."
"Your old road is rapidly agin', Please get out of the new one if you can't lend your hand, 'cause the times they are a-changin'" — Bob Dylan

Thumbs... Up: Kyrsten Sinema's Hometown of Tucson Approves $15 Minimum Wage by Nearly 2-to-1 Margin
"Those chamber-of-commerce types will always oppose paying workers more."
Please send her packing.

The Leaf Blower and the Robocall: America's Social Predicament
If we can't even do the easy things, has the very concept of progress in America died?
No gas mowers and weed eaters here for two years now. Robocalls are never answered on the land line. On the cell phones they get blocked. Need to relay info? Leave or text a message. What else do you need to know? Change has never been easy for hard-headed Americans.

Virginia GOP Racism Isn't A Dog Whistle, It's A Bullhorn
The mere mention of "slavery as a cause of the Civil War" in schools is now being canceled by MAGA.
The Land of the Happy Negro appears to be where these traitors want to go now.

Right-wing vehicle ramming attacks on protesters spread, thanks to green light by authorities
This is domestic terrorism. "...what’s the difference between plowing your car and planting a bomb?”
None. We seem to be finding this acceptable like treason.

'It's better to be born rich and white than smart and poor in America,' new report finds
The hell? They had to do a report on this to figure this out?

Ohio GOP introduces most egregious near-total abortion bounty law, goes further than Texas
Great Caesar's Ghost! The Ohio hillicans are at it again. Who let them out of Darwin's Waiting Room?

Megachurch Pastor Busted In Underage Hooker Sting
The Christo-Religious nuts are the ones that our kids must beware.

Anti-Vax Man Lobs Racist Slur At San Diego Official, Wishes For Supervisors To Be Killed Or Kill Themselves
Reality is a bitch, Jason. Keep showing up and being a dumbass. It's great entertainment.
CDC Now Reports COVID Cases and Deaths by Vax Status
COVID-19 Vaccine Related Fatalities Updated
"Since more than 338 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the USA, this data reflects a vaccination-death ratio of 0.0018%." Any fool can see that vaccines are extremely low in causing death compared to the extremely high cause of death by Covid.

Lauren Boebert Says She Had a Baby in Her Truck So Pete Buttigieg Didn’t Need to Take Family Leave
"We got a world to save here" she says? Then she should get her truck off the blocks it's on and go ahead and drive it off a cliff.

‘Either Admit The Election Wasn’t Stolen Or STFU’: Erick Erickson Rants At 2020 Election Conspiracists After GOP Wins in Virginia
The morons will do nothing of the kind. They love to roll in their own shit.

So What The Hell Happened In Virginia?
Nothing. These people have been oddballs forever.

Here's What Republicans Really Mean When They Say They're Fighting for 'Parents' Rights'
Land of the Happy Negro members clearly want history to not be discussed at any level.

Republicans Simplify Their Defense of Texas Abortion Ban: Women Are Too Stupid to Have Rights
I'm pretty sure American women all agree with that genius conclusion.

American Politics Are Controlled by Voters With the Memory of a Golden Retriever
America is no longer the country where sane people grew up in.

Republicans Say Trump Helped Them in Virginia. The Polls Say They’re Wrong.
Glenn Youngkin triumphed by winning over a large number of voters who don’t support the former president.
But these polls must have been rigged according to Fatso's fat brain.
The Land of the Happy Negro devolves once again.

Trump goes off on ‘terrible’ Fox News: ‘All they do is put on commercials from the Lincoln Project’
He doesn't know everyone but his Nazi followers that he is the biggest threat to world peace since the Axis?
He's a sick fuck. Throw him in prison.

Ivermectin Study Retracted After Data Found To Be Completely Wrong
A major study reported by 90 media outlets, mainly right leaning sites, has been retracted after critical flaws to data collection and analysis were identified.
"The problem was that their data was seriously flawed." Like the people that bought it. I guess these folks are in for some law suits?
"But keep taking horse dewormer, you dumb Trump supporting sheep. The vaccine is free - and effective."
Yes, maybe they can keep up the cull that is terminating their lives and eventually rid the planet of the virus.

Trump insists he helped win Virginia race -- but this analysis suggests he's very wrong
Fatso has a big mouth. What, no recount? LMAO!

REVEALED: Fox's Judge Jeanine orchestrated payments for ‘command centers’ that could blow up Trump’s defense
What's this? A traitor in the traitor's midst?

Extremism expert warns that unhappy QAnon believers are now being lured into far-right extremist groups
You mean these dumbasses aren't far-right extremists already? What's next for them? Mass murder?

Woman Billed Nearly $700 For ER Visit Where She Didn't See Anyone
Taylor Davis went to an ER in Atlanta but left after waiting seven hours, without receiving any treatment. A few weeks later a bill came in the mail: $688.35.
As Woody Guthrie stated, "Some people rob you with a six-gun, some with a fountain pen."
American healthcare can be as big a mob as the Trump mob. In fact, perhaps they are one and the same?

QAnon Deeply Disappointed In JFK, Jr's No-Show In Dallas: 'Keep The Faith!'
Faith? LOL! I think they ought to take this up with Jr's campaign manager. He may tell them that he was always a Democrat and that would really piss the morons off. That is if a certified dead man could run. Che Guevara is really the man for the job and they should wake up and get on his bandwagon. That's right Don Jr.!

Justice Alito's comments about abortion reveal what right-wingers really think about women
"Women are simply too stupid to be allowed rights."
We know who the stupid ones are here.

'Her Heart Was Beating Too!' Protests Erupt in Poland After Woman Dies as Direct Result of Abortion Ban
Vigils and demonstrations followed death of 30-year-old woman known only as Izabela who was refused an abortion by doctors

Donald Trump may not be able to escape criminal charges in Georgia — here's why
Must be that he's a crook.

Trump pleads with judge to 'slow down' Jan. 6 probe — falsely claiming the FBI ruled out 'coordination'
He's not ready for prison yet, I suppose?

Expert: Trump’s ‘wild’ tweet sparked ‘exponential rise’ in violent threats before Capitol riot
Well, Trump knows an idiot when he sees one. They all respond to his dog whistles and drool at the thought they will be rewarded by their savior. But he doesn't give a damn for any one of them. That keeps them in their holy state of denial.

WATCH: QAnon supporters chant ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ while holding ‘Trump-Kennedy’ banner
Theater? Or are these idiots certifiably insane. I'll vote the latter in either case.

Are Trump and his cronies guilty of mass murder?
Among other things? Yes.

Here's what Republicans really mean when they say they're fighting for 'parents' rights'

Louis Gohmert On Climate: People Like Slightly Warmer Temps
Gohmert wonders if the US can manipulate our weather temperatures like we do at home using thermostats — everything will be perfectly fine?
Hell's open 24/7 Louis. I suggest that's just the place for you.

Tom Cotton Smears Randi Weingarten With Homophobic Dogwhistle
Sen. Cotton attacked Terry McAuliffe for campaigning with gay teachers’ union president Randi Weingarten by “asking,” “What in the hell does she know about raising and teaching kids?”
Probably a hell of a lot more than this nitwit dickhead does.

Texas Woman Arrested After Pointing Gun At 7-year-old For Trick-or-treating
Monica Ann Bradford, 35, reportedly exited her home with a loaded weapon and pointed it at a 7-year-old child who was walking in front of her property.
Shocking that happened in Texas!

Majority of Republicans Already Say They Can’t Lose in 2024 Unless the Vote Is Rigged
This is always what Nazis believe.

University of Florida faces investigation after blocking professors from voting case

Can Air Pollution Cause Cancer? What You Need to Know About the Risks.
Does Air Pollution Cause Lung Cancer?

GOP-led Michigan Senate passes measure slamming DOJ probe of school board threats
Of course. The Nazis have to protect themselves.

Today on TAP: Being more swayed by big-money contributions and an anti-mother bias are far better descriptors.
How about two-timing sleezebags.

Celebrating the Day of the Dead, 2021
One of the greatest of all celebrations.

Tucker Carlson Is Stirring Up Hatred of America
His new documentary is designed to sow mistrust of the country’s most important institutions.
One of the greatest turd stirrers in history.

Obsessive Strip Club Regular Paid Texas Dancer Thousands Then Killed Her, Cops Say
"A handsome man look good no matter what he throw on." — Albert, the alligator from the comic strip "Pogo" by the late, great Walt Kelly.

Greg Abbott Is In Texas's School Libraries, Stealing All The Porns
"By next month, Ted Cruz will be screaming at random people testifying in the Senate and demanding they remove all the anal sex instruction manuals from school library bookshelves."

Marjorie Taylor Greene Reveals She’s Unvaccinated, Maskless, Ready To Spread COVID-19
An extremely ill woman.

Oath Keepers Bench-Slapped After Trying To Get Out Of Jail Based On Non-Existent Vaccine Mandate
Bench-Slapped? Dang! That must hurt like hell.

Georgia Official: Trump Demand to “Find” Votes to Overturn Election Was a Threat
Like a mob boss, he made him an offer he couldn't refuse.

Fights over the Alamo persist as George P. Bush seeks higher office
The redevelopment of the Alamo, which Bush oversees as land commissioner, has prompted pushback across the political spectrum.
"Forget the Alamo."

Republicans Name Joe Manchin Employee of the Month
“When I work hard to keep benefits out of the hands of poor children, I’m not doing it to win a prize,” he said. “I’m just doing what I love.”

Manchin Refuses to Support Reconciliation Bill If It Contains Words
"How many new and novel ways are there to say it? THE MAN WANTS TO DESTROY THE BUILD BACK BETTER ACT, period, and he will keep moving the goal posts until he (and his coal-soot paymasters) gets what he wants."
He'll get his, that's for sure.

There’s Always Someone out There Willing to Make GOP Fascism Seem Respectable
Yes, other Nazis.

The GOP's Number One Issue Is the Survival of White Supremacy
He means the Nazi party.

The Capitalism Winner
All hail the one rich guy, our lord and master.

Newt Gingrich Pretty Sure Terry McAuliffe Stole VA Election, Unless Republican Youngkin Wins It
This is the mantra of the fascist thugs from now to forever. They will never allow democracy to work any longer.

For God's Sake, Virginia, Get Out And Vote Tomorrow!
For Virginia's sake. For America's sake.

Gov. Greg Abbott chastises school board group with vague accusation of “pornographic images” in library books
Abbott’s letter comes on the heels of an inquiry launched by state Rep. Matt Krause, a Fort Worth Republican running for Texas attorney general. Krause sent a letter to certain school districts with an 850-book list that included novels about racism and sexuality.
Here he goes again. Is he a pornography expert too? Just another member of the "Ministry of Truth."

Red Flags Were Everywhere: Bombshell Report Finds the Trump Administration Ignored Warnings of Jan 6 Violence
Trump must be found guilty and imprisoned.

Voter Suppression Isn’t Just a Problem Down South
Three measures on the ballot tomorrow give New Yorkers the chance to defend and extend access to the ballot right here at home.

These Republicans are literally talking about setting off explosives in the Capitol
GOP Reps. Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert love to “fantasize” about blowing up metal detectors meant to protect lawmakers.
Again, this is what Nazis do.

Federal Charge For Man Who Assaulted Flight Crew
See how quickly that was done. Why can't we do the same to Trump and his mob? They are no different.

Glenn Youngkin’s Right-Wing Allies Are Ready To Claim Virginia’s Election Was Stolen
Donald Trump and his supporters, including surrogates for Republican Glenn Youngkin’s campaign for governor, have already begun spreading lies about election fraud.
This is now what the Nazis will do with every election.

World Leaders Mocked for Flying Private Jets to Climate Conference
An estimated 400 private planes flew into Glasgow for the event.
No wonder we will all be going extinct. With leaders like this we don't need enemies.

Joaquin Castro leads lawmakers in calling on DHS, DOJ to investigate Greg Abbott's border scheme
It's about time.

250 Millionaires to Congress: 'Now Is the Time' to Tax Billionaires
"A Billionaires Income Tax is not only an overdue tax reform, but also... smart politics."

Josh Hawley Claims Men Watch Porn Because 'Masculinity'
And Twitter has opinions about Josh Hawley's porn habit (alleged!).
Well, this little boy should know.

Roger Stone Ratf**ks Ron DeSantis
It couldn't happen to a 'nicer' guy.
Zombies eat their own. ROTFFLMFAO!

‘Some geniuses': Justice Kagan wryly mocks the architects of the Texas abortion ban in oral arguments
Oh, she is so right. Very precious 'geniuses.' Justice Kagan, they want to live in a very different world than we live in today. That world is called "Despicable." That's where they originally came from. Maybe we can teach them a thing or two someday soon.

In blow to Biden, Joe Manchin will not commit to backing $1.75 trillion spending bill
Will someone please tell this dick that's been jerking everyone off to seat himself with the fascist party and stop stomping on the American people?

Manchin infuriates critics as he pulls the rug out from under Biden
A damn good blanket party is what he needs.

There’s always someone out there willing to make GOP fascism seem respectable
That would be Joe Manchin. He and Trump should get married.

Marjorie Taylor Greene faces four additional fines as her mask violations top $15,000
Does she suffer from middle-aged Oppositional Defiant Disorder?
Asking for a friend.

'This one is particularly shocking': Racial slur found after Black city councilman's house is set on fire
No surprise to me. I played many gigs in Connersville when I was a young white boy in my first band from Ohio.

'I mean, what?' Jake Tapper astonished by new survey showing GOP voters' belief in conspiracy theories
Of course these numbskulls wouldn't know the truth if it ran up their assholes and tore them a new one.

'Diabolical': CNN analyst slams Trump over new revelations about his actions during MAGA riot
Just the kind of filth and rot the "independents" love, I hear.

‘A threat to democracy’: Survey finds 30% of Republicans think they may need violence to ‘save our country’
And this is the swill that "independents" say are saving democracy? May I laugh?

Poll Reveals Which Party Independents Say Is the 'Bigger Threat to Democracy'
If this were true we know who the bigger threat to democracy is — the invertebrates that call themselves "independents." They have no convictions and don't give a flying turd about America. It's all about them and how cool they think they are because they think no one "owns" them. They aren't worth a good goddamn either way.

The Super-Rich Have Taken Almost All of It
The cruelty and greed of the super-rich shows just how detached these corporations and people are from the notion of shared prosperity.
Greed is now God.

G20 Summit Deemed 'Abysmal and Total Failure' on Vaccine Equity, Climate Action
"The bottom line is that this summit failed to deliver much of anything for people, planet, or prosperity."
Too many brain dead zombies.

'Step it up or step out': Dem lawmaker gives Merrick Garland ultimatum on prosecuting Trump officials
Good advice. You'd better heed it Merrick. We are more than tired of the bullshit.
If law and order doesn't work we know what will.

'You've got guns — use them!' Report claims Lindsey Graham wanted to shoot MAGA rioters
The one thing Lindsey was right about.

Right-wing media and the pandemic: A toxic feedback loop that nurtured fascism
American ignorance and paranoia were already there. Then Trump, Fox News and the virus exploited them to the max

'Red flags were everywhere': Bombshell report finds the Trump administration ignored warnings of 1/6 violence
This is fascism, America. Stop acting like it's the victim. It's a deadly disease to be eliminated.

Excerpts: The Hidden History of the Supreme Court and the Betrayal of America

Florida University Blocks Professors From Testifying Against DeSantis’ Prized Voter-Suppression Law
Again, the Nazis are running the state of Florida. America should invade.

Darien LWV Letter Supporting GOP Candidate Unauthorized And Withdrawn
The Darien League of Women Voters had to withdraw their letter caping for the racist, dog-whistling GOP candidate, but the damage was already done, and the GOP is still using it to their advantage. Elections are Tuesday.
Too bad the internet always remembers. They didn't think of that.

Fox Contributor Busts Trump For 'Gaslighting' On Russia Collusion
Fox News contributor Marie Harf reminded viewers — and her colleagues — on Sunday that many of the allegations claiming that members of Donald Trump's 2016 campaign colluded with Russia turned out to be true.
Always and ever the traitor.

Anti-vaxxer Screams For Schools, Town Halls To Be 'Burned To The Ground'
A speaker at a protest against vaccines in Staten Island suggested that town halls and schools would be "burned to the ground" unless vaccine mandates are reversed.
We know who should be burned to the ground — Covid denying Nazis.

Here Come the Abortion Bounty Hunters
In this unequal economy, Texas’s harsh new anti-abortion law pits desperate people against each other.
Guess what will be waiting for them.

Anti-abortion attacks are linked to other attacks on civil rights
"Why do old white men get to decide?"
"... the only 'freedom' being 'taken away' from straight white 'Christian' men is the 'freedom' to oppress others."
Well, we can only hope.

In Montana, conservative propaganda shows how close the nation has teetered toward fascism
Walking zombies. The dead don't die.

Ron Johnson Gets Shut Down By Law Professor
Dr. Mary Anne Franks takes Ron Johnson to school about social media.
More of these miscreants like Johnson need to be taken to the woodshed and whacked just like this moron got it.

Plan B pills and trips out of state: South Texans adapt to near-total abortion ban
In South Texas, poverty and immigration status compound the obstacles facing pregnant people seeking abortions.
Life in a Christo-Nazi state.

Texas Cops Thought They Were Real Cute Ignoring Calls For Help From Biden Bus
And more on the Nazi state in Texas.

Whatever Happened to the Party of Limited Government?
"No, the Republican Party has morphed into a highly-disciplined advocate of intrusive government — intrusive, that is, where it seeks control over American society."

The Attack of the Killer Co-Pays
"A great many Americans who vote for Republicans need or will need these increasingly expensive drugs. Republicans, however, will never, ever help keep these drugs affordable."

Are We Ready for the Next Trump-Led Coup?
A succession of societies in the grip of a traumatic loss of global power have suffered coups, successful or not—and that includes the United States.
Hopefully, we have our M2 .50 Calibers, the M134 GAU-17 Gatling Guns, the M240Bs, the M249s, and the MK-15 Phalanxs all ready to blow them back to the place Hell where they came from.

The Most Damning Jan 6th Revelation Yet
New Emails Show Trump and Eastman Saw the Insurrectionists as the Foot Soldiers of the Coup. They Cheered Them on and Used Them in Real Time.
Yes, Nazis doing what Nazis always do.

Texas’ New Abortion Regime Sends Shockwaves Through Neighboring States
What happens when Nazis are permitted to take control.
Don't let on like you weren't warned.

Southwest Airlines Under Fire After Pilot Says “Let’s Go Brandon” Over Intercom
"Southwest immediately said that it “takes pride in providing a welcoming, comfortable, and respectful environment” and that 'behavior from any individual that is divisive or offensive is not condoned.'"
But it's OK for your dip-dork pilots, eh?

More drugs for the lamebrain addicts.

Trump and his lawyers have handed investigators what they need to charge them with 'seditious conspiracy': former prosecutor
Then let's get their filthy asses in a cell where they belong and stop with the pussyfooting.

Trump’s Truth Social platform is headed for 'embarrassing failures' and 'a very boring fizzle’: cybersecurity expert
The world's worst failure. The Universal Nitwit.

Chris Wallace stomps Rick Scott's spending hypocrisy: 'Should the Trump tax cuts be repealed?'
Rick Scott's whiny-ass bullshit is second only to the Grand King of Bullshit Lies, Trump.

Rick Scott blames Joe Biden after his mom 'struggled to put food on the table'
Whiny Rick Scott blames somebody because he can't be self responsible as all Holy Republicans believe.
Rugged individualist NOT.

Are Conservative Christians the Real ‘Secularists’ Now?
"But there is growing evidence that America’s conservative believers need to look in the mirror to see the most pervasive “secularist” threat."
Why would any of these self-rightous morons care?

University of Florida Bars Professors From Testifying Against Ron DeSantis’ Voting Law
It’s a chilling assault on academic freedom.
Close down the University of Florida. This is proof they are a fascist institution and must closed.

Kinzinger: The GOP Has A “Cancer Of Dishonesty”
Here we don't refer to them as cancer for no reason, that's for sure.

Trump Does Racist 'Tomahawk Chop' Gesture At World Series
The former president joined in the degrading cheer for the Atlanta Braves.

Jan. 6 'Influencer' Who Said She's 'Definitely Not Going To Jail' Should Go To Jail, Feds Say
Jenna Ryan, a Trump-loving real estate broker, called Jan. 6 "one of the best days of my life" and bragged that she wouldn't go to jail because she's white.
The mindlessness of traitors.

QAnon Voting Clerk Suspected Of Stealing Voting Equipment
Michigan State Police are investigating the disappearance of voting equipment under control of Adams Township clerk and QAnon supporter Stephanie Scott.
The QAnonsensers are a bigger threat than Isis or Al-Qaeda ever were.

Court Filing Details Jan 6 Documents Trump Is Desperate To Hide
The list sheds light on exactly what documents Trump is trying to hide - and it raises even more questions.
He is terrified. And guilty.

Dim Prospects for Climate Mitigation
Irreversible climate change seems destined to be our fate. The nation-state system is posing the greatest barrier to common sense and global community thinking.
On the road to extinction.

Searching for solutions to a crisis decades in the making
A readable book on a depressing subject: the ongoing challenge of plastic pollution.
It seems we are obsessed with commiting suicide.

Ex-prosecutor says 'so much evidence' proves Trump and his allies committed 'seditious conspiracy'
The question is: Does the U.S. give a damn about law and order?

'The Supreme Court could destroy the planet': Critics sound alarm over a new EPA case

The Retiring Democrat Shedding Tears as Paralysis Grips Congress
The Kentucky representative John Yarmuth fears for the country’s democratic—and Democratic—future, but expresses some hope for President Biden’s legislative agenda.
"Paralysis" caused by two of the biggest cowards to ever serve in our government.

Howard Dean Takes Down Ted Cruz's 'Comfort For Nazis'
Howard Dean notes that voters are sick and tired of the nonsense from right-wing performative racists.
Fuck Cruz!
"Sick and Tired"? Hell, we put the scum on trial at Nuremberg! What the hell happened to "Never Forget"? We've got some of the greatest Hitler cadre trying to kill democracy this day in our country!

Marjorie Taylor Greene Loses Big On Trump Social Network Buy
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) could be out thousands of dollars after she purchased SPAC stock linked to former President Donald Trump's future social media platform.
Losers, Inc.

Anti-Vaxxer Of The Day: Paul Kendall, Dead At 74
"Paul will now be remembered for his unhinged rant in an assembly meeting, and then subsequently dying just two weeks later."
The cull continues to do its job.

JFK Flight Diverted After Anti-Mask Violence [VIDEO]
This POS should have had his nose broken in exchange before being taped in the seat.

Upcoming Carlson Series Claims Riot Was False Flag
Goebbels Jr. will present his shitshow for all of his fellow traitors to swallow. Hope they all gag themselves on the swill.

Judge On Complaining Rioters: It’s A Jail, Not A Hotel
Whiny little dorks.

News Roundup: Texas slashes Guard pay during border stunt; TPUSA audience pushes for violence
The latest on "Stupid."

Trump-loving sheriff vows to present ‘proof of statewide election fraud' at Thursday press conference
Another "watch me show my ass" shitshows

The Republicans have dug up Jim Crow's corpse — and now they've married it
Everything about the GOP's current assault on voting rights is a throwback to the worst years of white supremacy
We know they are zombies.

Psaki Bashes Anti-Choice Reporter For Asinine Abortion Question
Owen Jensen is an evangelical right-wing Catholic hack and a pathetic one-trick pony.
"Throat-punch him"? These asshole dickheads should be taken out and flayed in public.

Charlie Kirk Asked When They Can Start Killing People Over Election Lies
Instead of condemning the act of murdering fellow Americans, Kirk told this agitated person not to play into the left's hands.
American terrorists just a shot away from being exterminated and retuned to Hell.

Congressman Chip Roy Whines He Can't Get Ivermectin At Pharmacy
If a MAGA idiot claimed rat poison was a new COVID cure, people like Chip Roy would promote it.
It's veterinarian medicine. Why should a drug store be selling it, you moron?

Mazie Hirono Shuts Down Tom Cotton's Lie-Filled Screech Fest
Sen. Cotton has a true Nora Desmond moment when hurling lies and accusations at AG Merrick Garland about his memo addressing threats of violence against school boards and teachers.
Always with the Bullshit,Tom. Tom should go back to the place in Hell where he came from.

Catholic Bishop Goes Full QAnon: The Storm Is Upon Us
Twist that collar around, Bishop.
"The speakers also included Couy Griffin, a pastor and founder of Cowboys for Trump who has said he believes former President Donald Trump was “ordained by God.”
What alottahooey! Last I heard it was these "clerics" doing the child raping bit.
But "Cowboy" Couy seems to not agree with Fatso these days.
Founder of ‘Cowboys for Trump’ Finally Realizes Ex-President Is a Massive Grifter

British Anti-Vax Leader Hospitalized For Something
Did Dumbo forget and eat a poisoned apple? Sounds like something she ate didn't agree with her.

Eastman Spins Wild Tales Of Jan. 6 As A Trap Sprung By Media And FBI
Fairy tales and low IQ takes off in the imanginary imagination of one John Eastman.
The bullshit never ends. I suppose he's never heard of the Zen trap. That's the one you set for someone else and you end up being caught in it. Here's a good example. All explained by Larry Stone in his recording of Oneida Jump.

Kentucky faculty, staff got lap dances from students at high school event, photos appear to show
Well, thank God they weren't trying to force them to get vaccinated. That would have been deplorable!

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema wore a denim vest to preside over the Senate. Here's why that matters
She wanted to prove to everyone that she doesn't give a flying fuck for the U.S.?
It was grunge day? She's just an airhead bimbo that we don't need fucking with our government?
Back to Hell with her and the ass she rode in on.

New video of pro-Trump lawyer is 'completely damning': legal expert

A crime against humanity: Dr. Deborah Brix admits Trump's campaign distracted from COVID response
Damming new testimony from Dr. Deborah Brix suggests a lot of people died so that Donald Trump could get elected
She could have stopped the monster in his tracks. Trump must pay for his murders.

Crackpot Auburn Vaccine Protester: 'My DNA Will Be Changed!'
Who knew COVID was basically just the common cold? This Auburn student seems to know more than the CDC. "Brilliant" idoits in the Land of the Happy Negro" don't even know what's in the vaccine yet they know it will change their DNA? How fucking irresponsibly moronic can a human being be? They keep searching for a lower level.
This is why we will have to deal with Covid for a very long time with many more needless deaths. Dumbasses!

Neil Cavuto Reads Hate Mail On Fox News
Wishing he was dead was not the welcome back from COVID Neil Cavuto would have hoped for from Fox News viewers.
The ugly depths of hate in the country that used to be filled with human beings.

I've witnessed a coup attempt before — and history bodes poorly for America's future
America has no future as a "shining city on a hill" as Reagan once said.
Trump is attempting to establish a dictatorship in America. He must be stopped by ANY MEANS NECESSARY!.

The Trump-packed Supreme Court is on the fast track to ending abortion rights for everyone
And on the fast track to committing suicide.

Meghan McCain cuts 'family' ties with Lindsey Graham: 'He certainly doesn’t speak for me'
It's high time to cut all ties with Trump Nazis. We either fight them to the end or surrender our country to white supremecy.

The Gravity of the Situation
The same way the fascists go about their sedition.

Trump called Willard Hotel 'war room' as allies plotted coup on 'eerie' night before Capitol riot: author
More on the criminal Trump.

John Oliver Roasts Cops Protesting Vaccine Mandates: ‘If an Officer Wants to Quit Over This, F*cking Let Them’
See if they can find meaningful employment.

Trump Rages At Fox For Running “Horrible” Ads That Are Baiting Him To Stump For Virginia’s Glenn Youngkin
Trump shows he is a blithering mental case.

Madison Cawthorn: If You Don’t Believe The Election Was Stolen Then You Are “Against The Constitution”
Cawthorn gets his ass handed to him and he doesn't have the sense to know it.
Neither do his constituents.

Florida Pols Erupt With Calls To Deny Confirmation For Wacko Anti-Vax State Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo
Yes, he is a threat to human life and should be taken out. But so is his moron boss.

FL Surgeon General Refused To Wear Mask For Cancer Patient
Can you say selfish a**hole?
"That's the point where I would have punched him." That would be good for starters.

We Need to Tax the Billionaires Right Now
This moment may not last, so we must act fast to make sure these outrageously wealthy individuals and families pay their fair share.
I wouldn't hold my breath.

Dear Texas, Please Say No To This Dangerous Proposition
Talking to Texas about law is like telling your cat to stop pooping in corners of your home.

Not just Sinema: This Democratic senator took $1M from pharma — and shoots down bill to lower drug costs
Another "dirty money" taker posing as a Democrat.

EXCLUSIVE: Jan. 6 Protest Organizers Say They Participated in ‘Dozens’ of Planning Meetings With Members of Congress and White House Staff
Two sources are communicating with House investigators and detailed a stunning series of allegations to Rolling Stone, including a promise of a “blanket pardon” from the Oval Office
Much of this we already know. The question is what will we do with these traitors?

Republican Paul Gosar told Jan. 6 rioters they'd get a blanket pardon from Trump: report
The traitors keep exposing themselves. Shoot them into the Phantom Zone.

DeSantis Explains His 'Scientific' Plan To Hire Anti-Vax Police
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has invited law enforcement officers around the country to come to Florida if they lose their jobs because they refuse to receive the Covid-19 vaccine.
This dick has never been near anything that's 'Scientific'in his life.

Neil Cavuto Praises Fox News's Vaccine Mandate On-air
After battling Covid-19, Fox News host Neil Cavuto returned to the airwaves on Sunday, where he spoke in favor of vaccine mandates.

Fox Liar Jesse Watters Accuses Biden Of Lying About Fox's Own Mandate
The lying hosts on Fox "news" seem pretty desperate to pretend their employer hasn't had a vaccine mandate in place for months, while railing to their lemming viewers about the evils of vaccine mandates.
Somebody tell "stupid" that he should pay attention to reality or continue to look like the fool he is.

Steve Schmidt dropped the mic explaining the big difference between Donald Trump and Colin Powell
"...(General Powell) He's a great man,' and no one in the next 5,000 years, if human beings make it, is ever going to say that about Donald Trump and I suppose that's the difference between the two of them."

Fox News host reveals his company's vaccine mandate on-air: 'I know it's going to get me in trouble'
A sensible statement from a sensible man.

The Right to Vote Should Be Available to Everyone — Including Prisoners Like Me
Of course. Prisons are in place to perpetuate systemic slavery. They should be employed to put the real crooks that hoard the money and power behind the problem. Trump's mob is the perfect example of the cancer.

“Unaccountable and Unaccessible”: Sinema’s Green Supporters Feel Jilted
“The climate crisis has already arrived in Arizona.”
Sinema and Manchin could not care less about the country. They are only interested in their bank accounts.

'Rust' Assistant Director Accused Of Having History Of On-Set Safety Issues
"He did not maintain a safe working environment," said a prop maker who worked with Dave Halls in 2019.

How Manchin Just Positioned China to Dominate Green Energy in the 21st Century
"The power system must be transformed, that is the provision of electricity. That is exactly what China is pushing full speed ahead on, and which Manchin just foiled in the United States."

Don't Mistake School Board Protests for a Grassroots Campaign
Conservatives are disrupting school board meetings by shouting, using Nazi salutes, and even physically assaulting anyone they disagree with. But these attacks are anything but spontaneous.
Nazi tactics. All recorded by history.

'Cruelty is a feature': Tapper slams GOP leaders' reaction to Baldwin shooting
These assholes go to the bottom and dig it out to make it lower than any human would ever descend.
Crulety is a features of all the deranged scum of the MAGAt fascist party. There is nothing decent about any of them.

Plastic industry pollution to overtake coal in US by 2030, report says
Supply chain for plastic production is rife with carbon emissions.
"Think plastics."

Ron DeSantis provides a 'sneak preview' of how the GOP plans to disrupt Biden initiatives
The Dip is at it again.

Fox Doctor Likens Vaccine Mandates To Using A 'Ruler' On Kids
Dr. Marc Siegel lies about whether mask and vaccine mandates work to help stop the spread of coronavirus while likening them to beating school children during a segment with Fox's Jeanine Pirro.
Maybe Dumbo should read this:
State-by-State: Vaccinations Required for Public School Kindergarten

AT&T has yet to answer for its support of OAN, and customers have had it
Of course they have. It's been that way a good while now.

Gohmert Whines Gitmo Prisoners Are Treated Better Than Insurrectionists
Gohmert has a screw loose.
Don't worry Whinin' Boy. We'll fix that for you.

Workers are Walking Out
"Forty years of punishing austerity and a two-tiered labor system pitting new, temporary, or part-time workers against regular workers have finally found the lowest pay and conditions workers will tolerate."
Better pay real wages or suffer.

'Ghoulish' Lauren Boebert branded a 'sociopath' for attacking Alec Baldwin
And that is one her many "good" points. What an idiot. Why must we suffer such fools?

Trump's Big Lie is the new Lost Cause — and it may poison the country for decades
Trump has embraced the narrative of the defeated South: Lie about everything, and double down on vicious bigotry
Fatso and his Land of the Happy Negro fantasy.

Brazil's Leader Faces ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ Charge Over COVID
Reckless policies are to blame for Brazil’s high death toll: 5 essential reads
It looks like Brazil knows what to do with arrogant criminal assholes. America should follo suit.

New Coke Or A COVID Vaccine? MO Rep. Billy Long Wants To Know
Rep. Billy Long's Stupid Hurts So Much
The only fix here is for Billy to have his cognitive faculties checked.

MAGA Threats Are Driving Election Officials Out Of Office
It’s yet another way Trumpers are working to undermine our elections and our democracy
Another reason Steve Bannon needs to be in prison.

Only Nine Republicans Voted To Hold Bannon In Contempt
There is no bottom for Congressional Republicans, who won't even enforce the subpoenas of their own body if it makes Trump angry.
Anthony Gonzales was one? How disappointing. He dropped the football.

Marge Taylor Has Meltdown During Bannon Contempt Vote
Marge Taylor has another irrational meltdown, going after Reps Cheney and Raskin. It did not go well for Taylor.
She trys so hard to be relevant but she always ends up being a jackass.

Joe Manchin slammed in hometown paper: He 'wins' — we 'lose'
Must be nice to be loved by your homies Joe?

Self-Proclaimed Pro-Climate Corporations Have Been Giving Thousands to Manchin and Sinema
"As if it wasn't enough that wealthy polluters have bankrolled Sen. Manchin during his fight against common-sense climate solutions—now companies that claim to value protecting the environment have opened their pocketbooks as well."

As 'Unhinged' Sinema Blocks Corporate Rate Hike, Demand Grows for Billionaire Tax
"It seems truly unhinged to look at a country full of working people struggling to get by... and decide that it's more important to preserve low tax rates for billionaires and corporations than it is to make significant investments in our families."

'Texans Deserved Better Than This': Supreme Court Leaves Abortion Ban in Place
The nation's high court set a date to hear a pair of legal challenges to the "horrific" restrictions.
We all deserve better than the miscreants who are doing the screwing. "Better not fuck in Texas."
The reason why Texas is doing OK economically is due to Houston, Austin and Dallas where the blue population reside. It’s those economic power centers that support the vast rural red leeches. The only major city that hasn't voted blue just went blue in the 2020 election — Fort Worth.

Dennis Prager: The Breakup Of The US Could Happen And The Side Ruled By Christian Values Would Prosper
Mental midget talks about himself and his own projections.
In a hundered years at least we all won't be around to fuck things up like Prager has.
Science will win every argument that's for certain.

“These Findings Boggle My Mind”: Audit Rips Apart Florida Program Created to Aid Brain-Damaged Kids
An audit found families got little support from NICA, a program set up to help care for brain-damaged kids. A Miami Herald/ProPublica investigation previously showed that NICA amassed a fortune while arbitrarily denying children care.
Florida appears to be a third world country.

F*ck Around And You Gonna Find Out, Fa-La-La-La-La, La-LOCK HIM UP

Watchdog Exposes Huge Conflicts of Interest Missteps With DeJoy Appointment
He's starting to cost a great deal of Americans money when they have to stop payments on bill payment checks that are lost and credit card payments go the same route. This toxic idiot has to go.

The Evolution of Trump's Big Lie: Republicans Retool Their Conspiracy Theory for the Mainstream
"We are likely just beginning to see this racist conspiracy theory spread wildly on the right."

Could Vice President Harris Follow Richard Nixon and Challenge the Filibuster?
"The filibuster is not in the Constitution. It’s not part of any law. And it’s damaging America."
"The filibuster is just a rule the Senate has decided to impose on itself and that it can change anytime it wants."
What a crazy screwed up world we make.

Crazy Rich Negroes and The New York Times Style Magazine
Yes, but aren't they happy!
"Alice Walker, the novelist who wrote The Color Purple, recently commented: 'This is a wonderful planet being destroyed by people who have too much money and power and no empathy.'"

The Guns of North Carolina: Training for the Next January 6?

Amazon Warns Sellers: Marketplace Could Shut Down If Congress Tries to Regulate It
Direct email communications seek to motivate third-party sellers to lobby their representatives.
Time to play the fear card, eh?

Le Gasp! Biden Finally Embraces Changing The Filibuster
Get it done. And I mean now.

Biden Doesn’t Spare Manchin, Sinema In Reconciliation Remarks
"Manchin singlehandedly killed the largest climate-friendly provision in the bill. It’s still very unclear what will take its place, or if anything can."
Manchin must pay for this. He must be driven out of office forever.

Trump has a big problem as he attempts to hide potentially embarrassing or incriminating documents from Congress

Sotomayor blasts fellow Justices after SCOTUS agrees to take up US case against Texas abortion ban but not block law
Let's punish as many women as possible while we study if it's legal. What a farce.

Pro-Trump lawyer John Eastman goes down in flames trying to defend his infamous 'coup memo'
The corruption drips from him.

Yet another Facebook whistleblower comes forward as the social media giant is rocked by allegations

Billionaires who killed the GOP are now turning it into an anti-American insurgency -- along the lines of the Confederacy
OMG! You don't mean the Land of the Happy Negro? Amazing no one's been talking about this for the last ten years! ROTHFLMAO!

'Just like Watergate': Bob Woodward reveals 'seven conspiratorial actions by Trump and Bannon' to destroy democracy

Manchin Discovers There Are NOT Ten Good Republicans
GOP tanked even Manchin's compromise voting rights bill: "Senate Democrats can no longer divorce the filibuster from the promises and issues they ran on."
"To understand the high costs of inaction, look no further than Texas," Berman wrote. "One month after passing one of the country's worst voter suppression laws, Texas Republicans enacted new redistricting maps that lock in power for white Republicans by denying fair representation to communities of color."

Why Condoleezza Rice Was Trending On Twitter
The former Secretary of State's appearance on The View had people talking on Twitter.
"Whoopi Goldberg put forth that CRT isn't taught in lower grades or high school, and Rice said, "I sure hope not, because I'm not sure 7-year-olds need to learn it."
"Well, they aren't. Not in the form in which it was conceived and is meant to be taught - it's law school curriculum."
When will the dimwits (including Condi understand this? Never, I guess?

Sinema's giant flip-flop: She once campaigned on issues she now wants dropped from Biden’s plan
Sinema now pushing to save Trump’s tax cuts, after calling for corporations and the rich to “pay their fair share”
She's the one that is going to get dropped.

The Unconscionable Hypocrisy of the Federal Spending Debate
Why is it controversial to spend on social programs but not the Pentagon? Or to subsidize the poor but not the rich?

The reckless demands of Sinema and Manchin will cost us in the long run
They are doom for Americans.

It's October 2021 And Stupid Dipsh*ts Are Still Being Stupid Dipsh*ts About Masks

Trump Argues For Absolute Right Of Presidents To Loot And Pillage In Copyright Lawsuit
Law only works for morons?

Dear Democrats: Joe Manchin Is Not Your Friend

Manchin Admits His End Game: Kill Build Back Better, Get His Fossil Fuel-laden Bill Passed
A clueless, selfish, idiot.

“Pick Me” Girls and the Identity Politics of Kyrsten Sinema
The Arizona senator seems bent on proving to the world that she is Not Like Other Democrats.
How hard is that? Seems pretty simple when you do as if you are a Republican as she does.

What the Hell Is ‘Day X’? Far-Right Berserker Clan Was Prepping Uprising Across Several Cities, Police Say
Officials say they found spears and knives among a cache of weapons and ammunition being stockpiled by militants preparing to attack state institutions and workers
Batshit crazy Nazi terrorists.

Franklin Graham’s Hangouts with Sanctioned Putin Pal
Russia continues to cultivate relations with American conservative Christians.
Lie down with dogs, get up with fleas.

Republicans attack swing-district Democrats for failing to overturn a policy the GOP implemented
The jerks hate no matter what. Total insanity.

Voting Rights Legislation Filibustered By Republicans For A Third Time
Will Democrats now finally change filibuster rules to protect voting rights?
They have to show a spine.

'Nightmare scenario': Substantial majority of Americans don't trust Supreme Court, want reforms
"The sentiment actually represents a rare moment in these times when Americans across the political spectrum agree, with 60% of Republicans, 66% of Democrats, and 63% of independents all saying the political views of the justices drive the decision-making of the nation’s highest court."
If the Democrats weren't so spineless they could fix the problem. But the fascsists will surely make us a totalitarian state.

Charles Barkley Blasts Kyrie Irving For Refusing Vaccine
"You don't just get vaccinated just for yourself."

Kenny and the rest of you jackasses, if you wanna be like Ali, set out playing for three years and see how you do when you try your comeback.

'This Is Sick': Cable Companies Refuse to Air Ad Criticizing Corporate Donors to Florida's Abortion Opponents
"Corporate America protecting itself from being called out for supporting candidates that want to ban abortion in Florida," is how state Rep. Anna Eskamani summarized Comcast and Spectrum's decision.
Many sickos in this part of the Land of the Happy Negro.

Any Democrat Who Stands Against Lower Drug Prices Should Be Primaried in 2022
If you happen to be a constituent of one of these four Democrats, don't vote for them when they’re up for reelection.

'Bombshell': Total Knew About Climate Threat From Fossil Fuels for Decades, But Denied It
"The dire consequences of climate change we are now experiencing could have been avoided if Total executives 50 years ago had decided that the future of the planet is more important than their profits."
Did someone think they cared? Think again.

Don't Blow Up Our Future, Senator Manchin!
What a shameful situation for these policymakers to abdicate their responsibilities as elected officials even as climate change, economic inequity, and environmental injustices strike at the hearts of communities all over the country in both red and blue states.
He just looking out for himself, that's all that there is to see here.

'Vile and provable corruption': Bestselling author blasts 'Senator for sale' Joe Manchin ?in damning new video
We've heard rumors that this dickhead is going to leave the Democratic Party and go Independent. But he says "BULLSHIT!" to that. He'll just stick to sucking the money out of West Virgina for another 40 years. What a stinking crumb.

Flustered Jim Jordan just can’t seem to remember when or how often he talked to Trump on Jan. 6
Well, your phone calls are on record, dude. Let us remind you.

Jim Jordan Mocks Himself In A Tweet
Making a pun on what's "contagious" is not something this Congressman should be trolling about.
Let him continue to make a fool of himself. It's what he does best.

Contemptible Bannon Voted In Criminal Contempt Of Congress
We are one step closer to holding one of the architects of the January 6th Insurrection, Steve Bannon, accountable.
I'l believe it when he's in cell where he belongs.

Liz Cheney drops bombshell — and suggests Trump 'was personally involved in the planning of January 6th'
We are shocked! Absolutely shocked that this miscreant would be involved. ROTHFLMAO!

Trump under yet another criminal probe — this time for his Westchester golf course: report
Trump will go down as one of the greatest criminals of all time.

'He Isn’t Negotiating, He Is Killing the Bill': Ilhan Omar Slams Joe Manchin
"Thanks to the butchering of Manchin, Sinema, and the greed of their corporate lobbyists," said one critic, the Democrat's Build Back Better plan has been slashed down to just $1.9 trillion in spending.
Why does the United States tolerate a couple of dickheads that are working only on their own behalf and not the public's. Why, when the vast majority of America voted for this, are they allowed to fuck with us. These asshole should be dismissed from their robbing us blind positions and sent home. We really screwed up by allowing this system failure to happen.

Brazilian Senate Report Calls For “Mass Homicide” Charges Against Bolsonaro Over Coronavirus Response
Why not Trump as well?

Rule of law takes a big hit during COVID-19

Iowa Democratic Chair Says He Got Racist Messages, Lynching Threat After Op-Ed Condemning Trump Ahead of Rally
Trump Brutes.

Yes, Colin Powell Was Fully Vaccinated. He Was Also Seriously Immunocompromised.
Anti-vaxxers are having a field day with Powell’s death.
Like Trump, they are perfect fools.

Trump admonishes Colin Powell the day after his death
In the wake of Colin Powell's passing, all Donald Trump had to do was nothing. That proved too difficult for the former president.
Illustrating this asshole is the lowest of the low. A perfect pile of fecal matter.

Biden Holds Office Hours As Manchin Takes Axe To Reconciliation Bill
With "friends" like him we don't need any Talibastards.

Manchin ‘Pro-Life’ Right Up Until Birth
Today on TAP: If Medicaid is expanded in the BBB, the senator doesn’t want it to cover abortions.
The bitch of the year.

Steve Bannon Out in the Open
The erstwhile Trump adviser is refusing to talk to the Jan. 6 committee, but most of his energetic anti-democratic activities are in plain sight.
Sure, but that only applies to those who have eyes that work and a brain that can process what they see.

Bernie Sanders Shows Democrats How to Deal With Joe Manchin
In a Sunday opinion piece, Sanders reminds West Virginians that their senator is blocking Medicare expansion and policies that lift children out of poverty.
Oops! There goes the endentured servants.

Manchin's Native Con
"What Manchin represents is nothing more than a spiteful politics of scapegoating to mask his own corruption. He pretends that his Wall Street values are those of West Virginia. We can only hope that his latest native con falls flat for the fate of his state, the nation, and the world."

Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan and the Proud Boys: How the Fragility of the Male Ego Fuels the Far-right
"In the space of a minute, it was a perfect illustration of the two-step process that the far-right has used for years now to recruit new followers: First, bait insecure men with fantasies of female submission. Once they're in, recruit them to white supremacy.
Pudgy and dumpy incels, as well.

Week Ahead: The “We Can't Afford It” Bullshit
"Note that she starts by asking me: “The big question is whether Democrats can afford all of this.” By making this her first question, she’s already framing the debate around the cost of the plan. And by phrasing it as “whether Democrats can afford,” she’s making it a partisan issue.
Everyone knows Erin is a fascist sympathizer.

This Is A Very Nice Post About Maggie Haberman
Yes, we know who the trash of which she speaks is if she loves traitors.

Dennis Prager Gets His Wish For Natural Immunity, Proudly Declares He Has COVID
Dennis Prager has railed against vaccines and mandates, hoping for a goal of natural immunity.
Anothe Covidiot.

NHL Hockey Player F*cks Around And Finds Out
San Jose Sharks forward Evander Kane was suspended without pay by the NHL for 21 games after submitting a bogus vaccine card.
Are these folks just afraid of needles or what? Do they even get flu shots?

'If we can't get to the bottom of Jan 6th, then Congress is useless': CNN's David Gregory
They've been pretty useless for some time now and in turn have made America itself vulnerable to fasicsts like Trump.

'He's no longer in control': Reporter says Trump's Capitol riot committee lawsuit reeks of panic
Guilty as guilty can be.

GOP congressman appears unaware of how unemployment insurance works — so Ocasio-Cortez helps him out
Stupid is as stupid does. And stupid does a pile here.

'Indefensible': US Billionaires Became $2.1 Trillion Richer in 19 Months of Pandemic
New analysis shows that just 745 individuals have combined $5 trillion in wealth—most of which will never be taxed—as nations reels from pain inflicted by Covid-19.

GOP Senator Shreds Trump's Historic Losing Streak In Axios Interview
Republican Sen. Bill Cassidy of Louisiana predicted recently that Donald Trump will never be president again because he left the Republican Party in shambles.

Ron Johnson: 'Pray' For 'Gridlock' In Congress
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) on Sunday encouraged Americans to invoke supernatural powers to stop members of Congress from passing laws.
Shit and fall back in it you fruitcake.

Fascism or freedom? America is stuck in an ugly and dangerous in-between
We are caught between a dying world — which we cannot save — and a new one being born. We must face that choice
We will fight these Nazis until we win or we die.

'You know nothing about us': Ted Cruz humiliated by Australian leader for lecturing them on COVID-19
The Dunce of Texas knows nothing about anything.

Joe Manchin wants to limit who can get child tax cuts — and block retired guardians from getting any
What a curse to bear. What a fool.

Right-wing loudmouths have made their madness clear to all -- and it is truly terrifying
"Instead of calls for unity from those who have fallen under the sway of a mad, bitter orange grifter intent on a coup d'etat, we get nothing back but noise, recklessness and an embrace of conspiracy and lies."

Roaming Charges: Supply Chain of Fools
The exploitation of workers by the ultra rich will kill us all in the end. Even them.

I'm Getting Really Angry, Damn It!
"It pisses me off, for instance, to see the main stream media consistently referring to Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema as "centrists" or "moderates" when, in fact, they are neither. Not even close."
There are many things to be very much more than pissed off about America today. We have a critical Nazi problem.

Kinzinger defends not supporting voting rights act: 'Democrats have to quit playing politics'
A part of our Nazi problem. He wants to be dictator like his hero, Trump.

The political fight over vaccine mandates deepens despite their effectiveness
Photo of child abusers who never knew that children have always had to be vaccinated for various disesases before attending school.
All of these people must be prosecuted for their crime.
When Did Mandatory Vaccinations Become Common?

Russia Reports Record COVID Infections And Deaths
Too bad for your people, Pootmeister.

Sen. Lindsey Graham: Wealthy Brazilians With “Upscale Luggage” And Clean Shoes Are Scamming Border Patrol
Which is it Lindsey? Rapists and drug users or upscale luggage and clean shoes. You can't claim both you rascist lamebrain.
"Trump Only Wants Rich Immigrants Living in the U.S." headline from 2019. We know who the scammers are Linds.

Acosta Reminds Us That Trump Knows He Is A Snake
Donald Trump warned them all that he was a snake, but the Republicans continue to pretend like it isn't true

Why Record Numbers of Workers Are Quitting and Striking

Trump and His Dead-Enders’ Hateful Plan Revealed

Ted Lieu snaps at DOJ spokesperson for pushing back against speedy Trump indictments
They need more than a snap, Ted.

‘Bannon is up to his eyeballs’: Watergate’s John Dean reveals why his testimony could implicate Trump

Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Gaetz’s Big Fundraising PAC is Nearly Broke
The two firebrands have their own fundraising problems, too.
Failures at large.

When he claims he's not a climate science denier, Joe Manchin is lying through his teeth
He has teeth?

WI brewery sues school boards for indulging 'Tucker Carlson-watching zombies,' ignoring science
What do they brew? Goeringbrau?

MO Gov. Threatens Reporter Who Found Database Flaw In State Website
Gov. Mike Parson took a page straight out of Trump's playbook when he threatened a reporter who exposed vulnerability in a Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Department web application.
Mizzou has been treacherous for some time now.

Dangerous Zealots Escalate Tactics, Thanks To New Anti-Abortion Laws
It’s not just abortions that are endangered by the new anti-abortion laws but women’s health care and those who provide it.
"Anti-abortionists “go after doctors. they go after the staff. they go after the patients that are trying to access these clinics with harassment, with stalking, with interference with their access. and it is only increasing with every one of these laws that these states are passing, to interfere with access.”
Remember what they did with zealots in old Jerusalem?

Manchin Threatening Key Climate Provision: Reports
"To take it out is to decide that climate change isn't a problem."

Cherry-Picking Polls to Mask Public Support for Biden's Reconciliation Package
Olsen presented a red herring argument about how many independents think the plan costs too much—all the while ignoring all the other polls showing support for the plan.

Independents are wishy-washy dupes in the first place. I have more respect for Republicans which should say a lot.

Gunman 'out of nowhere' shoots 3 deputies outside Houston bar, killing one, authorities say
America is now regressing to a lawless gun fetish state.

Florida withholds school board salaries for an entire county due to mask mandate
"All in all, just another brick in the wall"
A total chickenshit bunch that gives no fuks about their kids let alone their teachers. They should be sued back to the stone age.

A QAnoner wielding a tomahawk is now crashing school board meetings
A terrorist wielding a deadly weapon. There is a very quick cure for that. It should be used.
America is now scraping the bottom with this bullshit. Tell them to fuck all the way off.

The 'race to the bottom: Conservative commentator slams ‘absolutely bats--t crazy’ GOP
Charlie knows his stuff.

Media Refuses To Cover What's In Build Back Better
They won't talk about the very popular items in Build Back Better because why? BIAS for popular things?
Yes. Because it's not controversial enough. They look for dirt only. Very few real journalists, many opportunists.

Darien's Board Of Education Has A Racism Problem
Even the Darien chapter of the League of Women Voters is in on protecting David Brown, the GOP candidate who flashed the "white power" signal during his closing remarks.
America has a fascism problem.

Natasha Tiner, 35, RN And Anti-Vaxxer - Dead From COVID
Danesh (@thatdaneshguy) made Natasha Tiner his "Anti-Vaxxer of the day" and was about to report her social media disinformation campaign against COVID vaccination and get her fired. But she died.

The Sausage Making: Manchin And Sinema Continue To Be Difficult In Their Own Special Ways
"Difficult" is not the word for these selfish assholes.

Ignore the Naysayers. A Full-Employment Recovery Is Possible.
Critics of the American Rescue Plan made two dire predictions. Both proved wrong.

Trump supporters hurl profanities at Joe Biden as he meets with young kids: report
Double Dick Fuck Trump Nazis.

How Facebook’s algorithms promote hate and drive toxic content

'Holocaust Denial Has No Place in Our Society': AOC Reprimands Texas School Official
"I am offended as hell by somebody who says I should have an opposing view to the Holocaust in my library," said one teacher.
As any American should. Just say no to fascism.

It's finally dawning on Republicans that gifting their party to Trump was a strategic misstep

Judge rules MAGA-supporting Colorado election officials can't work in upcoming election
Of course, Nazis should not be allowed near any election in the United States of America. We fought a world war against them.

Conservative Democrats pit vulnerable communities against each other, as usual
They would have been popular in Germany 1939.

Hatred on display as Texas House passes anti-trans youth athlete bill
No surprise. It's Texas.

Unvaccinated People Are Way, Way More Likely To Die From COVID, CDC Data Shows
And yet, what should be an obvious conclusion remains a matter of debate for some.
The virus continues to thin the herd as is it intent. It matters not what the unvaccinated think, the virus does not care.

Hacked Data: Dozens Of OR Cops Are Oath Keepers
As the commenters say: "Fire them immediately and then arrest them.

Does Trump Want Me to Think He’s Into Golden Showers?
"...then why is the former president still bringing it up in the most suspicious way possible?"
Duh, three guesses and the first two don't count.

The Jan. 6 Committee Has The Right Idea: Now Congress Should Subpoena Zuckerberg

The Jan 6 Investigation Puts the Legal Profession on Trial Too
Indeed, it puts America itself on trial.

The Crux Of Democrats’ Climate Plan Is Hovering Somewhere Between Life And Death
When the end of life sustainability finally arrives, as it surely will, will we remember how arrogant we were toward our doom.

Tucker Carlson Having Normal, Healthy Reaction You'd Expect To Pete Buttigieg Being A Dad
"To Tucker Carlson, it is yet another grave threat to his masculinity, because by all appearances most things threaten Tucker's masculinity."
This dick is just like his old man.

QAnon's Possible Secret Identity Running For Congress In Arizona
We may as well allow people like Joseph Stalin to run for Congress in America. What has become of us?
"Big words coming from a guy who was previously the administrator for a site known to host child pornography."
"Watkins also said that he was specifically inspired to run for Congress after attending a sermon by Jeff Durbin of the Apologia Church in Mesa, Arizona." The hell you say! "Durbin was notably featured on an episode of VICE's "Hate Thy Neighbor" about anti-choice extremists, and has also been known to secretly tape his congregants' confessions of sin and repentance for the purpose of retaliating against them later should they step out of line or criticize him in any way, and posting these recordings to YouTube. He also seems to direct many of his attacks towards teenage girls."
Sick as a dog that's swallowed anti-freeze.

Jan 6 Committee Will Hold Steve Bannon in Contempt for Violating Subpoena Order
Then put his ass in stir with an unreachable bail amount like 3.5 billion. There's your money for the BBB bill.

Ocasio-Cortez Slams GOP for Lying About Effects of Unemployment Insurance

Typical bullshit by the bullshit party. "Most people who quit their jobs aren’t eligible to collect unemployment benefits — and the unemployment insurance program that Burchett is likely referring to has already ended."

With surgical precision, Republicans draw two congressional districts that dilute power of Hispanic and Asian voters
The GOP is losing its hold on suburbs of Dallas and Fort Worth as they grow more diverse. Two proposed districts show how far the party is reaching to entrench rural, white electoral power.
Denying power to the diverse is the dirty business the White Power Fascist Party is in.

Our Long Neoliberal Nightmare: Congress Should Not Begrudge $3.5 Trillion Reconciliation Package for the People
There are many things the Congress should not begrudge the peoples. But they all seem to be in it for the money and not the people.

Why the Hell Are Democrats Keeping Your Drug Prices High?
"Not because this policy is unpopular with the public. To the contrary, 88 percent of voters favor allowing the federal government to negotiate lower drug prices, including 77 percent of Republicans."
Idiots and flim-flam men come in all sizes, sexes and flavors.

The QAnon Playbook: Republicans Make School Board Meetings the New Battleground
As the commenter says: "the nazis have been corrupting school boards for decades in their quest to prevent the teaching of altruism and history... to keep white kids stupid and more likely to be limbic-dominant and, thus, become nazis."

Texas school leader suggests balancing Holocaust with 'opposing' views
"Make sure that if you have a book on the Holocaust, that you have one that has an opposing, that has other perspectives," Peddy said. Bullshit. The Southlake group is apparently full of Nazis since the Nazi view is the only opposing view on the Holocaust.
They better get their shit staight and muy pronto. Is book burning next for you morons?
"Close your classroom libraries until they can be vetted"? Text from an email — fascism incarnate. Stop them right now citizens.
This is a movement by a group of moron authoritarians who want to block diversity and progressive education in favor of their racist view of America. The vapids know nothing of critical race theory unless they are law students.

Southlake school leader tells teachers to balance Holocaust books with 'opposing' views
Teachers in the Carroll school district say they fear being punished for stocking classrooms with books dealing with racism, slavery and now the Holocaust.
This is how fascism takes over a country. They start with the schools and election boards. Don't be fooled by these goose stepping swastika lovers. Read your history which is another thing they fear. Texas has become a breeding ground for fascism. Watch Dan Patrick use the Nazi tactic of scapegoating the immigrant on Fuks News."Let me tell what's gonna happen, Laura. There's going to be massive violence at some point in the future if Biden continues to let this happen..." said one who sounds much the same as Goebbels.
All American flags should be displayed upside down. We are in deep, deep danger.

75% of Democrats Want Party to Go Big on Social Spending, Climate Action: Poll
"The people delivered Democrats the House, Senate, and White House. Now it's time for us to deliver them paid leave, child care, climate action, lower healthcare costs, pre-k, community college, affordable housing, and so much more."
And so does the vast majority of the American people. Now get off your lazy asses and get it done.

LISTEN: Texas schools official tells teachers they must offer 'other perspectives' when teaching the Holocaust
“There are no children's books that show the 'opposing perspective' of the Holocaust or the 'opposing perspective' of slavery. Are we supposed to get rid of all of the books on those subjects?"
They want some Nazi racist books in the class rooms I suppose? The depths to which we have fallen.

Jim Jordan, Grand Wazoo Of The Anti-Vaxxers
Jim Jordan wants to ban all vaccine mandates, because liberty.
Sleezeball. The great falling away from sanity continues.

A star’s trek to space obscures deadly desert treks below
The shame and disgrace of a former country that pretended to care.

Trump's latest statement may show the authoritarian Republicans have lost their last best hope for power
"The authoritarian collective that now constitutes the foundation of the GOP would rather give up on democracy than share political power with people who refuse to stay in their place in 'the natural order.'"

Trump-loving restaurateur's anti-Biden 'only serving patriots' sign backfires bigly
"But Cerabino concludes that the restaurateur's "myopia is a result of the right-wing media bubble he lives in."
Ya think?

Jen Psaki mows down reporter's question on if Biden will regret handing over Trump Capitol riot docs
"I think it is ultimately important for people to understand and remember that January 6th was an incredibly dark day — one of the darkest days in our democracy," she explained. "There was an insurrection on our nation's Capitol."
No comment from the "reorter."

Manchin Has Received $1.5 Million From Corporate Interests Attacking Biden Agenda: Report
Large corporations "have given Senator Manchin over a million reasons to avoid paying their fair share," said Accountable.US president Kyle Herrig.
Just another traitor.

There Are Clears Signs That Sadism Is the Driving Force of the Republican Party

Georgia School Suspends Black Kids But Not White Kids For Protesting Racism, Which Does Not Exist
Land of the Happy Negro gets their black kids into a happier mood.

WATCH: New video shows Trump supporter pulling Michael Fanone into Capitol riot mob

Anti-Trump Republicans troll him with billboards — and back Dems in 2022 races
As anyone with a slice of brain would do.

US jobless claims dip below 300,000 in pandemic breakthrough
Great news for most of us.

Graham: Connect The Dots, Commies Are Taking Over
A perfect example of projecting by a lamebrain that expects no one can see through his bullshit.

Anti-Vax Evangelist Flat Earther Dies Of Something
You mean he didn't fall off the edge?

GOP Rep. Lauren Boebert Ridiculed Over Response To Norway’s Bow And Arrow Killings
Critics pointed out major flaws with the conspiracy theory-endorsing Colorado Republican's reaction.
BoBoebert is at it again doing her false equivalents.

Why Is Kyrsten Sinema Fundraising In Europe This Week?
Seriously, what the hell?
How in name of Jehovah is this even legal? Have we gone that batshit crazy?
Get this fucking idiot out of our government!

Dan Patrick Promotes Violence Against Immigrants
And of course, Laura Ingraham lapped it up like a puppy.
Textbook Nazis.

No one deserves Trump more than Republicans, who are too damn cowardly to jettison him
A bunch of sick fucks alright.

Police are howling about vaccine mandates ... as they die of COVID-19 by the hundreds
In other words they are defunding themselves.

Black 'American' flags at right-wing protests, on front porches vow ‘no quarter’ against liberals
"People flying them are essentially signaling that they’re prepared to kill their liberal neighbors."
Well, well, well. America is prepared to whack back, jerk-offs.

Corporate Power Is 'Real Culprit Behind Rising Prices,' Researchers Say
"The more sway mega-corporations have over our economy, the more power they have to gouge customers, squeeze Main Street, and exploit workers."
They need to get some control over their greed. But it's the same old fascist story.

'Some Things Are Worth Fighting For': 10,000 Unionized John Deere Workers Now on Strike
"John Deere is shutting down... because they don't want to pay their workers a fair wage or pension."
Union Now! Union Forever!

'Shameful and Dangerous': Oklahoma Woman Faces 4 Years in Prison for Pregnancy Loss
Brittney Poolaw was "charged and convicted of a crime without basis in law or science," her advocates said.
Why should we be concerned with women's rights in Afghanistan when we have Talibastards like this in our own country. These people are certifiable religious nutballs and are no longer capable of thinking beyond the Bible for their law. That ain't the way we do it here you Talibastards! You are the ones that need to go to prison for life! Now do you want me to tell you what I really think of you?

Our Long Neoliberal Nightmare: Congress Should Not Begrudge $3.5 Trillion Reconciliation Package for the People
To set themselves apart from Republicans, Democrats must demonstrate the political will to choose the common good over allegiance to corporate wealth.

There Can Be No Compromise on Voting Rights
The effort to roll back voting rights is unconscionable, and the federal government has a duty to act—now, before the next election.

'Playing the long game': A slow-motion coup by death-threat squad is happening underneath all of our noses
The great rig that is the fascist Trump MAGAts. These idiots must be stopped at any cost.

Christian Nationalists Embrace Belief In A ‘God-Ordained’ America
"... the “Christian nation” myth." There’s no support for this idea in our Constitution.
Editorial from the LOTHN site: "God ordained our great nation"? Upon reading a remark that was stated on Face Book that "America was ordained by God" I couldn't help but wonder which 'God' as there are so many. Of course, I knew to which "God" this person was referring. But the case of this country being ordained by "God" is a case that is wide open as you can see for yourself. The statement itself is not based on Biblical history as this is unprovable by actual historical events. It is, more likely, based on "educators" such as Rush Limbaugh or his like. Biblical history that is taught by accredited institutions will not dabble in "miracles" or claims which have no evidence.

MAGA Gun Church That Worships With AR-15s Has Bought a Giant Mountain Property in Tennessee
"Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition"?.

Woman Busted With 21 Fake Vax Cards In Traffic Stop

Study: 90K COVID Deaths Since June Were Preventable
Don't miss the tweet comment on the two faces of Abbott.

Trumpers Force Out Elections Administrator In County Trump Won
What the hell? It's about persisting in stealing elections.
Another wonderful definition of madness. Who died and made Trump the King? Screw Trump and the ass he rode in on.

Who Secretly Bankrolls The National Prayer Breakfast?
Although the National Prayer Breakfast bills itself as nonpartisan and ecumenical, its sole benefactor is anything but: Franklin Graham.
So, not so secret then.

Gym Jordan yaps about vaccine mandates, gets shut down by Rep. Eric Swalwell
"Unfair arguments with existence." Long monologues that stutter on, going nowhere. This is your brain on vapidness.

ICE's workplace raids have devastated workers for years. Biden admin says these sweeps will now end
It's about time.

Herschel Walker fumbles, cancels fundraiser after pressure over host’s swastika profile pic
Poor ole Hersh. He hasn't a clue how he's being used.

Violent seditionists are being arrested by SWAT teams and it's making them very upset
"Nobody cares. You wanted to take on the government, here ya go. Home delivery and everything."
Another bunch of assholes thinking they would get away with it. Yes, there are many of us with real weapons willing and ready to take you on if you keep up your fascist bullshit.

Economist Paul Krugman: 'Increasingly radical' Republicans are scaring businesses in GOP-led states
The fascists committing mass suicide is a good thing in this case.

'The crazies have taken over': Florida county’s multi-million dollar fine for vaccine mandate sparks outrage
The morons don't have the brains to recall all the other vaccine mandates we've had in our history.
Concern and outrage are not the solution to a fascist threat.

Head Of Christian Nationalist Legal Group Worked To Overturn 2020 Election Results
Holy Fascist, Batman!

'We'll never know how close we came': Journalist lays out dark details of Trump's attempted election theft
The low down on the thief, Trump the Traitor.

There's Embarrassing, And There's Mollie Hemingway Writing About Spending Five Hours With Donald Trump
Can any human bear five hours with that pile of delusion? You have to be as warped as he is, like Hemingway.

GOP: If Biden Won’t Let Violent Parents Threaten School Board Members, Is This Even America?
"We are not men, we are Devo."

2 Airlines Plan to Defy Greg Abbott’s Ban on Vaccine Mandates in Texas
Abbott worships Trump now. It's more than obvious. The mark of the beast.

Manchin and Sinema Obstruct Reconciliation With No Proposal of Their Own
Simply put these creatures are obstructionists with no serviceable use.

How Far Down the Road Towards Fascism Has America Gone?
"This is, of course, just a partial list but the American political landscape has become so toxic that we can’t even pass simple legislation that is overwhelmingly supported not only by the majority of the populace but by the President whose party controls both houses of Congress."
Way too goddamn far. But we've heard it all that is listed here. Trump must answer for his sins.

The Restaurant-to-Cannabis Pipeline
For many service workers, COVID-19 provided the opportunity to leave food retail and take up employment in the cannabis industry.
Casualties of the moron MAGAts' attack on reason.

The Undignified Demise of Centrism
Centrist Democrats may force changes to the Build Back Better Act, but their rationale as a political orientation has disintegrated.
For the worse for all of us. Because of this America can't think big any more.

Cheney Reiterates Jan. 6 Panel’s Threat Of Criminal Contempt For Uncooperative Trump Administration Witnesses
As any American should.

Is Garland Up the Job?
"If they don’t, they are prepping a huge backlash from a lot of people who are tired of seeing Trumpers make the law an object of contempt." Goddamn right.

Trump-loving cousins 'clearly celebrated' the Capitol riot – now they’re headed to prison
Trump and all his traitors to prison.

US Marshals may be called to round up former Trump aides who disobey Jan. 6 subpoenas: House investigator
Why is the word "may" in this sentence? Do we think these traitors will surrender themselves? Don't make such a joke.

WATCH: GOP lawmaker derails extremism hearing with rant about hamburgers — then gets scolded by witnesses
Another public exercise in insanity. Watch out for those hamburgers.

'Like your worst nightmare': Video captures shooting of Black man who asked white motorist to slow down
Yet another tragic incident in the Land of the Happy Negro. It looks like this fellow just wasn't happy enough. As usual.

Texas House passes proposed new map for chamber’s 150 districts, aiming to protect Republicans’ majority for the next decade
Now, tell me once again, who's rigging elections? Only a moron couldn't answer this question correctly.

'Devastating news!' Marjorie Taylor Greene melts down after Georgia court denies election audit
The poor sore loser.

'Trump somehow hypnotized the country': Maryland Democrat thinks jailing ex-president's allies might break the spell
Screw their spell. Apply justice!

Judge dismisses Georgia ballot inspection case after investigation finds no evidence of fraud
As we all should know doing the same thing over and over again to expect different results is madness.

Morning Joe drops the hammer on Greg Abbott for 'bullying' Texas businesses
Banning a ban? Wow! Does he even have a brain? The tiny Trump wannabe.

Ted Cruz, 'Proud Italian-American'
What the f**k, Ted Cruz?!
Enablers can't call anyone out.

Lincoln Project: AT& T Funds OAN's Call For Mass Executions
"Funding sedition, oppression, and of course, One America News Network."
"When your cell phone carrier supports a "news network" that calls for mass executions, maybe you want to switch."

FEMA Ignores Puerto Rico's Once-in-a-Lifetime Chance to Build a Clean Energy Grid
FEMA plans to spend $9.4 billion on fossil fuel infrastructure instead.
How fucking ignorant can we be?

'Pure insanity': Analysis breaks down Trump and allies’ insidious effort to ?spin his voter fraud lies
Then why isn't this cancer in an insane asyslum? I mean besides the one we're all living in.

Trump won this Texas county in a landslide. His supporters still forced the elections administrator to resign
Hood County fascists will not stand for democracy even if their fascist minions already are a majority. They fear freedom.

Exterminate All the Brutes
In Honor of Columbus Day it's time to own up.

Analysis: Intentional loopholes in Texas abortion law draw a judge’s rebuke
The judge who blocked enforcement of the new abortion restrictions in Texas said lawmakers knew it was unconstitutional and tried to prevent federal courts from saying so — and said he wanted to keep other states from copying the idea.
Fascism doesn't recognize the U.S. Constitution.

The Real Reason the Economy Might Collapse

Trump’s Coup Attempt Is Far From Finished
Trump's preparing to run in 2024, but a new Senate report detailing his sedition gives officials the evidence they need to disqualify him from completing the coup.
And disqualifing him for anything but cleaning toilets.

The Long Shadow of Anita Hill’s Testimony
Three decades after Anita Hill brought sexual harassment allegations against Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas, Black women are still waiting for justice.
Waing for justice in America is like waiting for Godot.
"Mr. Justice isn't coming today." Maybe tomorrow. We wait.

Cheney Slams Scalise For ‘Perpetuating’ Big Lie: It’s An ‘Attack’ On ‘Constitutional Republic’
Nicely done.

GOP sadism is out of control — when will respectable white people wake up?
Yes. Some of us have been waiting a good long time for respectable white people. Show of hands please.

Call to ban neo-fascist groups after violent protests in Rome
Ban them in the U.S. as well. No to Nazis!

Steve Bannon's Jan. 6 committee delay on Trump's behalf can't succeed
Bannon's "executive privilege" defense shouldn't protect him from being held in contempt.
Stop coddling Nazi criminals, America.

Hate Group: We’re Suing Biden Over Vaccine Mandate
Babbling retards. Yes, retards. It's a fucking word. Words mean something and that's what they are: to delay or impede the development or progress of : to slow up especially by preventing or hindering advance or accomplishment"
Now, fuck all the way off!

Thank the Great Pumpkin! Fauci Says Trick-or-Treating Is Fine This Year
"Go out there and enjoy Halloween."
Since Fauci said it does this mean you'll keep your kids at home?

New report shows 25% of all US infrastructure is at-risk because of climate-change related flooding
Manchin and Sinema don't give a good goddamn.

Manchin and Sinema play a dangerous game with the planet's future
They have no fucks left to give.

When is the House select committee going to enforce subpoenas?
Apparenlty when Hell freezes over seeing as how so far a subpoena seems to be a mere slap on the wrist.

Facebook Exec Says Use His Product 'In Moderation'
Facebook is going full Tobacco Defense: make your product addictive and then blame the user for having a problem
Use his propaganda machine in moderation is like saying drink cyanide in moderation.

Chris Christie Says Sometimes Teachers Should Be 'Threatened'
Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) asserted on Sunday that there are times that public school teachers deserve to be the target of verbal threats.
Christie is a typical bully and a corpulant one at that.

Steve Bannon And Rudy Giuliani Mock Prospect Of Prison
Trump allies Rudy Giuliani and Steve Bannon on Monday mocked the idea that they could go to prison for flouting a House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.
Perhaps these chunks of garbage will live long enough to see that particular justice carried out. Maybe not.

Raskin Raises Prospect Of Jailing Bannon For Contempt
I'd love to see that! Please apply the LAW!

Infrastructure Bill Would Help Protect Bees and Butterflies
The new infrastructure bill would fund new habitat for pollinators—and help people and wildlife in the process.
If you think pollinators aren't important to our life you'd better think again.
Planting gardens to attract pollinators is something we can all do.

Plight of the Bumblebee

'Biden, Can You Hear Us Now?' Ask Indigenous Leaders Amid Arrests at Fossil Fuel Protest
One activist had a message for the president: "If you're claiming to be a leader for our climate crisis... then you need to start living up to your word."

'Code Red' for Climate Means Reducing US Oil and Gas Production Now
Code red for humanity has to translate into a red light on fossil fuels.

US Must Stop Backing Regimes That Displace Indigenous Peoples From Their Homelands
Many would-be migrants, like the Garifuna, would love nothing more than to stay in our homes. It’s Washington that's making it difficult.
Too bad they didn't start with themselves 500 years ago.

Straight out of Dickens
"... the kids were charged with a made-up crime on the say-so of an all-powerful juvenile court judge’s halfwit minion."
Halfwits are way too prevalent these days.

Gasoline-powered lawn mowers, leaf blowers to be banned under new California law
Law targets small engines, which can pollute more than passenger vehicles.
Of course, those are relics of a bygone era.

Christopher Columbus, The Pledge Of Allegiance And ‘Under God’ – Yes, There’s A Connection
And the beginning of the hateful white supremecy that vanishing white America still believes in today.

These 15 Bible texts reveal why 'God’s Own Party' keeps demeaning women
The Bible was written by misogynists. What, you didn't know? Having no knowledge of it is no excuse.

Hillary Clinton warns US is in 'full constitutional crisis' from 'continuing high level attack' by Trump
Which is 100% true and no one has the guts to put an end to him — yet.

Here’s how to fight enforcement of Texas’ 'unconstitutional' anti-abortion law: legal expert
"Texas is no more law-abiding than an underworld crime boss who employs artful street urchins to steal for him and then claims immunity from criminal prosecution."
Unconstituional is Texas from its concept.

John Oliver slams 'business daddy' AT&T for role in creating 'toxic far-right' OAN: 'You’re a terrible company'
They are guilty as charged.

An obscure piece of Biden's agenda could deal a big blow to Trump's right-wing nationalism
Blow Trump back to hell by any means necessary.

'Stop this madness': Outrage after appeals court reinstates Texas abortion ban
Devolvement of intellect in the U.S. is decaying into totalitarianism, anarchy and the end of America.

Trump promotion of Michigan rally decried as 'childish, petulant' and 'downright dangerous'
And them are its good points.

Shooting In Downtown St. Paul Bar Leaves 1 Dead, 14 Injured
No arrests were immediately made in the attack, which is believed to have involved multiple shooters, authorities said.
Continuing failure of the U.S.

Hundreds Of Thousands Of Troops Still Unvaccinated
Continuing failure of the U.S.

Alabama Will Spend Nearly 20 Percent of its Federal COVID Relief Money to Build Human Cages
“This is opportunism.”
Back to the jungle in the Land of the Happy Negro.

Jill Sobule: “You Better Not F*ck in Texas”
The singer-songwriter takes aim at the extreme anti-abortion law in Texas
And people think MoE's songs on "Pistol Grip Wallet" are not radio friendly, LOL!

US Lags Behind Most of the World When It Comes to Plastic Pollution Regulation
The country continues to lead the world in failure.

Allen West, GOP candidate for governor, says he has pneumonia caused by COVID-19
West, the former chair of the state Republican party, tweeted that his oxygen levels are low and he will likely be hospitalized, but says his condition is "not serious."
Oh, it's serious alright. He's an arrogant fascist doing his best to fuck over the people of America.

Thinkin' Without Knowin' Nothin': The Roots of American Division
Life in the Land of the Happy Negro.

Merrick Garland Thinks He’s Being Neutral in the Face of Trump’s Crimes. He’s Wrong — He’s Being Complicit.

GOP School Board Candidate Flashes 'White Power' Hand Signal At Forum
I know, I know, shocking from an affluent Connecticut suburb, but David Brown, GOP Candidate for Darien's school board flashed the signal throughout the entirety of his closing remarks.
I thought that was "3 Points!" Or his IQ.

Missouri newspaper torches Josh Hawley for defending angry mobs amid school threats
Again, back alley trash.

GOP governors who ended unemployment benefits failed to spur job growth: September numbers
And civilization continues to devolve.

A New Confederacy: Trump and the Republicans have already seceded
Now they’re preparing to fight a new civil war. In fact, they're already doing it in all but name
The Land of the Happy Negro is what they strive for. They want to turn us into a white supremecist dictatorship. They must not succeed by any means necessary. Where's Will Sherman now that we need him.

'Cruel and Unfathomable': Sinema Pushing $100 Billion in Climate Cuts From Reconciliation Bill
A Sunrise Movement leader said the Arizona Democrat's reported proposal for the Build Back Better package is "not surprising since she's been meeting nonstop with corporate executives."
If she wants to commit suicide why doesn't she just get a pistol and stop trying to take the rest of society with her.

Arizona Republican has a meltdown after audit liaison tells Congress that Biden was the legitimate winner
How did these people get so fucked up? One word: Trump. She's needs to see a brain doctor.

Texas anti-abortion law is back in effect after order from appeals court: report
The process of law in this country has now degraded into a "Yes, you can," "No you can't" endless exchange.
We are a horribly failed experiment.

Journalist wonders 'how dumb' America can get during a pandemic 'and still survive'
It looks to me like most of the dumb ones aren't surviving. The cull is working.

'The end of shame': Politics reporter shreds GOP for letting Trump shatter 'the basic norms society follows'

We Are Being Robbed Blind by Big Pharma
Big Pharma's obscenely-priced drugs developed with tax dollars will continue to drain working people of income, savings, and—ultimately—their health until America recognizes healthcare as a right.

Biden Restores Protections for Bears Ears National Monument

Biden Rejects Trump’s Plea To Withhold Riot Docs
Trump has no executive privilege. He's a mere common citizen and even that's in question. Padded cell for him.

“Shouting Match” On Senate Floor After Debt Vote
Ha! Fuck Manchin and the rest of the deplorable fascist bastards. Poor widdle babies had they feelin' hurt?
"The Republicans are utterly devoid of honesty, integrity and decency. They should always be treated as the lying nazi cockroaches they've proven themselves to be." — Judas Peckerwood.

Mark Harris for ProPublica
Black Children Were Jailed for a Crime That Doesn’t Exist. Almost Nothing Happened to the Adults in Charge.
In the Land of he Happy Negro they "secured juvenile petitions for 10 children in all who were accused of failing to stop the fight.

'To say I'm livid is putting it mildly': Rick Wilson slams the 1/6 committee for blowing their chance to nail Trump
""This is staffed wrong, led wrong, and a gutless exercise to get back to talking about infrastructure. They're not taking the risk seriously, they're not taking the data before them seriously, and they're eager to run out the clock."
Gutless is what the traitors expect from the flaccid committee and it looks like they may just be right. How did America become so weak-kneed at defending its laws? This trickles down to no one having to obey the law. Especially if they have money, or access to dirty money.

Jan. 6 committee will 'swiftly consider' criminal referral for Steve Bannon over subpoena defiance
This asshat has been defying the law for some time now. Send him to Devil's Island.

NC GOPer Threatens To Break Into Elections Office, Looks Ridiculous
This is what it's come to in our country? Clown acts making goofball threats to our legal processes frivoulous for attention like a spoiled brat?
Wake the fuck up!

Treat Trump Like the Common Perp He Is
"We appear to be moving toward a critical moment for rule of law in the United States, where it will finally be vindicated or a mockery."
"But according to American law up to this point at least, Donald Trump can’t invoke executive privilege." Goddamn right.
How many times have you read this same statement here on LOTHN? Thank you, Josh.

This Is How You Smack Down Texas’s Abortion Ban
On Wednesday, a federal judge in Texas suspended SB 8. His ruling offers a step-by-step legal guide to striking down the law for good.

Lara Trump, Grade-A Dipsh*t

'The Republican Party needs to be crushed' to save America: columnist
They are doing a pretty good job of crushing themselves. It's the Fascist Party now.

Marjorie Taylor Greene rants that Fauci won't prescribe ivermectin 'even though it won a Nobel Peace Prize'
Here's a good example of the self-destruction of the Republican Party.

If Tucker Carlson Really Hates Vaccine Mandates Why Hasn’t He Quit Fox?
While Tucker Carlson plays a tough vaccine freedom-fighter on TV, he doesn’t even have enough courage to criticize his own employer’s vaccine mandate.
We know why and what he is. It's one of the world's oldest professions.

Guess Which Party Thinks AR15s Are 'Gifts From God'
The Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina says God Gave humans AR-15's just like he gave us garden slugs.
Is this guy working to get a comedy show on TV?

Manchin Plan to Gut Biden Agenda Would Support 2 Million Fewer Jobs Per Year
"Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema's efforts to scale back Build Back Better can only leave working families worse off."
These asshats are a bane on America.

Arizona Republicans testify that Biden’s victory was 'free, fair and accurate'
Ouch! That must chap Trump's bohunks.

If You Work in the U.S., You Don’t Know How Bad You Have It
"It’s no secret that United Statesians are more ignorant of the world beyond their national borders than the peoples of other countries."
"As one of the few countries on Earth without a national health care system, health care is a commodity for those who can afford it, not a right as it is almost anyplace else."
It would be nice to see the U.S. join the 21st century.

Michael Flynn to QAnon Believers: I’m Not a Satanist!
Michael Flynn is finding out the hard way that surrounding himself with QAnon followers can have a pretty sharp downside.

Republican John Cornyn doesn't know the debt ceiling is from previous US debt — not new spending
Is anyone surprised? Please don't be.

We’re Losing Our Humanity, and the Pandemic Is to Blame
“What the hell is happening? I feel like we are living on another planet. I don’t recognize anyone anymore.

Bernie Sanders Lets Manchin Have It Over 'Entitlement' Remarks
Sen. Manchin happens to represent a state that is the 4th highest recipient of federal funds
Good, Bernie. Someone needs to let that creep have it.

The Sound of Silence: In the Age of Covid, Where Have All the Heroes Gone?
Because Covid-19 is the third leading killer of Black folks in America, silence or worse—acquiescence to mumbo-jumbo uttered by miseducated celebrities on social media—is unconscionable.

People Don't Become Homeless. This Cruel Society Makes Them Homeless.
It's clear we have lost our humanity when so many are cast aside.
It's very clear. Just look at what they've done with the homeless in Austin.

'Trump is guilty': Bombshell Senate Judiciary report offers frightening new details on effort overturn the election
Of course we know he's guilty and so are the Republican co-conspirators. The issue is what will we do about it?

REVEALED: Cops knew Trump supporters planned to 'kill public officials and carry out a coup' ahead of Capitol riot
And yet the cops did zero about it? Treason.

'Stop the Steal' organizer to start the squeal by sharing private social media messages with feds
Let's have it all and send these traitors to prison.

Maryland anti-vaxxer murdered his pharmacist brother because he believed vaccines were poison: prosecutors
Still don't believe these morons are murderers?

'This Is Not the End': Dire Threat to Abortion Rights Remains as Judge Blocks Texas Ban
"The Senate must join the House in immediately passing the Women's Health Protection Act so we can end cruel bans and guarantee the right to abortion care for every pregnant person throughout Texas and across America."

Fox News: 25 years of making everyone's lives progressively crappier
Conservative media was going to birth a network eventually. But Fox has made life worse, even if you never watch
One of the many reasons Americans have been radicalized.

New Twist In Matt Gaetz Sex Crime Probe
Gaetz's buddy, Joel Greenberg, wants more time to cooperate with the feds before sentencing.
Gaetz the braggart is in really hot water.

Trump Sycophant Matt Schlapp's Group Faces FBI Probe
CPAC's sponsor, the American Conservative Union, is under scrutiny for violating campaign finance laws.
Another Trump mob crook is getting his.

'Disgraceful': Florida faces questioning from Biden admin after failing to submit COVID funding plan
This asshole should be in prison for accessory to murder.

Top DeSantis donor criticizes Florida governor for prohibiting mask mandates: 'I’ve been frustrated'
So are all the dead in Florida.

'Completely soulless': Ted Cruz slammed for 'nauseating' pivot from Texas school shooting to 'Biden border crisis'
Completely ignoring Ted Cruz crisis.

If You Want Reproductive Freedom, Work For Church-State Separation

Senate Must Pass Voting Rights Reform So States Can Protect Democracy
The John Lewis Voting Rights Act would shield voters from racial discrimination at the ballot box.
There are many things the Senate must do but protecting American rights is something that they can't seem to be able to do. Someone must do it for them and right now.

Ana Navarro Flattens Mike Pence; What A Bootlicker
Pence trying to pretend he's "cordial" with Agolf Twitler.
He's one of the country's best bootlickers. Be sure to get yours shined while you can.

Conservatives Want To Arrest Librarians Over Sex Ed Books
Move over critical race theory and face masks, the latest trend in right-wing fascism seeks to throw librarians in jail for including sex ed books and other material deemed “pornographic” on their shelves.
Goddamn it, they grew up in a cloistered life why can't the rest of America be as backward as they are?

Hospital Says It Won’t Do Organ Transplants on Unvaccinated People
It doesn't want the organs to go to waste.

Donald Trump Justifies Capitol Riot, Says Election Was The 'Real Insurrection'
The former president is continuing to tell the same kinds of lies that incited the Jan. 6 attack.
Trump projects his guilt showing he is guilty. The world's greatest at projecting everything he does on something other than himself.

Pope Expresses “Shame” After French Catholic Church Acknowledges 300,000+ Cases Of Child Sexual Abuse
Refer to Spread Your Little Thing Out — Men of Extinction on their CD Pistol Grip Wallet.

‘Playing with Fire’: Citi CEO Warns During Virtual Roundtable About Defaulting if Debt Ceiling Isn’t Raised

I Drove More Than 1,000 Miles to Help a Texan Get an Abortion
“Abortions don’t stop just because you made it more difficult.”
Abortions won't stop for anything.

Anybody Fighting Joe Biden Is Helping Trump’s Next Coup All Republican politics is now functionally authoritarian.
How many times have we already said this? How many times has anyone heard it and understood it?

'Nothing changes': Joe Manchin refuses to consider filibuster reform despite debt ceiling emergency
Is this man COMPLETELY useless?

New York City police union leader resigns after FBI raids his office and home
Yes, unhinged is the word for this character.
But there are many more just like him.

...and here is more:
‘Fuck These People’: Bodycam Shows Minneapolis Cops Praised for ‘Hunting’ Protesters After George Floyd Death
Amid chaotic George Floyd protests last year, Minneapolis officers unleashed rubber bullets on bystanders without warning and joked about targeting the media.

Stalking Schools and Scaring Kids Is the New Anti-Vax Trend
A deranged attempt by anti-vaxxers to scare schoolchildren away from the COVID-19 vaccine left kids “in tears” at one school in England this week.
“This is just a complete and utter disgrace. The word ‘Covidiot’ doesn't even begin to describe how inappropriate the actions of these wack jobs are. It’s unacceptable in the extreme”
Land of the deranged and demented.

Multiple Injured After Student Opens Fire at Texas High School
“This is not a random act of violence... this is a student that got into a fight and drew a weapon,” Assistant Police assistant chief Kevin Kolbye said.
More on life and deadly gunplay in the "land of the free."

Austin’s homeless residents left with nowhere to go amid camping crackdown
Months after Austin voters reinstated the city’s public camping ban, authorities are clearing many of the largest encampments. Their former residents are going “anywhere it’s safe and out of sight, out of mind,” one man said.
If they are arrested then we get to support them anyway. More American insanity on display.
Why can't we get a society big enough to care so they can have a safe place to stay? We just aren't big enough as a people it appears.

Arizona Won't Give Schools COVID $$$ If They Require Masks To Stop Spread Of COVID
"The GOP is a Death Cult: Part 2,379,802."

Biden Bans GOP Gov From Giving COVID Money To Anti-Mask Schools

The political craziness in Idaho
The futher deterioration of U.S. sanity.

Report: Trump’s Former Aides Plan to Defy January 6 Commission’s Subpoenas
It's what criminals do.

A Massive Fail on Crime Reporting by The New York Times, NPR
Sensational stories about a “spike” in murders offer a model of how not to cover criminal justice.
"This kind of “justice” reporting is not just false; it is dangerous, widespread, and long-standing...."

The Whole Judiciary Branch Has a Credibility Crisis
The Supreme Court is back in session but hasn’t brought legitimacy with it.

One-third of Americans would abolish a radical Supreme Court, so expanding it is the moderate choice
Stephen Breyer Is Getting Paid to Play Hamlet
Rather than retiring, the justice is milking his moment in the sun—publishing a book, giving interviews, and defending his decision not to step down.
"The book is incredibly wrong and self-serving. He doesn’t really convince anybody that the court is apolitical; he just states that it is and argues that it’s important for the rest of us little people to think of it that way. If you didn’t know the author was a sitting Supreme Court justice, you’d think the book was written by a law clerk trying to impress one."

Far-Right One America News Network Gets 90% of Revenue From CNN Owner AT&T
Telecom giant also played major role in creating and funding the network, Reuters investigation finds
Break up AT&T again.

Dallas Morning News torches Ted Cruz for blaming Trump's debt crisis on Democrats
The ultimate hypocrite.

MSNBC Goes To Town On GOP Sen. Josh Hawley With A Stinging Supercut
Chris Hayes’ damning montage shows why the Missouri Republican’s latest indignation is “frankly kind of astounding.” What do we expect from an asshat fascist?

One-third of Americans would abolish a radical Supreme Court, so expanding it is the moderate choice

Mississippi now has country’s highest rate for COVID deaths
There is no other way to put this. These people are retarded.
New Zealand Covid Deaths.
Clearly shame on Mississippi.

Biden Gives Democrats a Green Light to Weaken the Filibuster for Debt Ceiling Votes
"Do it, Democrats," said one progressive organizer.
It must be done.

McConnell: Debt Ceiling Needs To Be Raised But I'm Just Not Doing It
McConnell is sh*tting all over the Foundering Fathers, the democratic process, and the US Constitution with his level of partisan blockades and inaction.
He's a spiteful little POS. Flush him. America is tired of his mindlessness.

Fox Host Flips Out Over Facebook Whistleblower: 'Are We Next?'
Ben Domenech gets very sensitive when Congress pays attention to "disinformation." Go figure.
We've already figured who these miscreants are. And yes, they should be next.

AOC, Other Progressives, Have Three Words For Facebook: 'Break It Up'
"It's almost as if Facebook's monopolistic mission to either own, copy, or destroy any competing platform has incredibly destructive effects on free society and democracy," said Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
Break up the cesspool that it is.

Republicans are assimilating corporations into an authoritarian collective — giving Democrats a big opening
We live in the Nut Ball Age.

Norm Ornstein on the crisis of democracy: "This is the same roadmap we saw in Germany"
Widening crisis means all Americans may see elections as illegitimate, Ornstein warns. That would be the end
The Nazis are only a breath away. All of this has been building for some time starting with Rush Limbaugh. Now we have a pack of idiots that are completely berserk.

Trump will direct Mark Meadows and Steve Bannon to defy subpoenas from Jan. 6 panel: report
Mob leader does it again. He incites crimes that these people will be committing if they don't show and they will hopefully all go to prison with Trump.

Arctic sea ice hits its minimum as climate change drives a relentless decline
"When the ice fields melt we'll all need gills" — Evolution's Not Fast Enough For Me — Men of Extinction

NC Democrat Compares MAGA To The Klan Because It’s True
"You're gonna reap just what you sow, that old saying's oh so true..."

Democrats Can Take McConnell's Most Powerful Weapons Away, and Do It Pretty Easily
If only they had the courage.

Hungarian-Style Soft Fascism is the GOP’s Ruthless New Brand
Soft compared to what, Thom? Graphene? Kevlar? Diamonds? Because the former GOP is pretty, pretty strong on their Nazi matter.

Man who gunned down Ahmaud Arbery asks court to ban evidence of his support for Confederacy
He doesn't want it known he was associated with the Land of the Happy Negro and was just trying to make Ahmaud feel a little more at home there.

Johnson: There Is No FDA-Approved COVID Vaccine
This man isn't in a mental instituion yet? Someone has their head deeply up their asshole.
"FDA Approves First COVID-19 Vaccine"
Please get this man to the help he needs and get him off the TV screens.

Justice Department Addresses Violent Threats Against School Officials and Teachers
You dickheads are going to be prosecuted as you should be.

Guilty Capitol Rioter Sobs Before Sentencing Hearing
Will these asshats ever realize that Trump is getting off free from his inciting of their crimes?

Anti-Masker Threatens To Shoot Pet Store Employees
See? These assholes get off with a mild slap and we are shocked when they attack our Capitol.

Yellen warns we're headed for economic catastrophe in debt ceiling game of chicken
The GOP wants suicide for all of us all because of one POS,Mitch McConnell.

In a 'major victory for patients,' Biden lifts Trump-era abortion gag rule

Marsha Blackburn Says 'Follow The Money'; Took $10K From Facebook
Eleven out of twelve Senators asking questions at the Facebook hearing today took THOUSANDS of campaign dollars from Facebook. That doesn't count donations from Facebook executives totaling millions.
That would lead to your pocketbook, Marsha.

We Need Biden to Fulfill His Climate Promises—Now
We desperately need the president to direct his Cabinet secretaries to move more aggressively to use the "whole of government"—as he said in his Jan. 27 climate executive order—to protect our endangered planet.
It appears no one in American government gives a good goddamn.

So-Called 'Centrists' Are Really Incredibly Dangerous Extremists
Their supposed "seriousness" poses a serious threat to everyone but the small group of elites whose short-term interests they actually represent.

Kyrsten Sinema's Approval Rating Craters Among Democrats
Just 46% of Arizona Democrats now approve of her job performance, down 21 points.

Religious Exemptions To COVID Vaccines Threaten The Health And Welfare Of Others
Because "special rights," as they are always called by the right wing to any minority group they hate, are what "the religious" get without any argument.

Covid Vaccines Prevented Nearly 40K Deaths Among US Seniors From January to May: Report
"The vaccines were transformational," said one doctor. "It was sort of a very visible miracle."

A GOP-sponsored bill in Idaho would 'jail' or fine anyone who enforces COVID-19 vaccine mandates
What kind of vicious sicko would come up with this horribly irresponsible act? Asshole morons in Idaho it appears.

Investigations of Trump for 'potential violations of Georgia law' are heating up: report
Georgia Fry him.

Steve Bannon Threatens America With '20,000 Shock Troops'
Bannon utters another BiG Lie that MAGA controls this country. 82 million Americans would disagree.
Mob tactics from a mobster.

Fox Attacks Sen. Duckworth, A Disabled Vet, For Using Vet Benefits
Fox News faced backlash over the weekend due to a report about Sen. Tammy Duckworth's taxes.
Fucks News does it again.

Facebook whistleblower exposes a dark reality: Right wing disinformation is popular — and profitable
Lies are profitable on social media because millions want to be radicalized
Again — Like a moth to a flame.
Nothing else matters but money! What a vapid, empty society.

Individualistic societies managed the pandemic worse than communal ones, study says
The U.S.'s disjointed COVID-19 response may be due to our hyper-individualistic culture
Ya think?

The Facebook whistleblower has exposed a dark reality about right-wing radicalization
More on our God, Mammon.
"It's part of a larger problem, in which huge numbers of Americans are excited to embrace fascism..."

Here's How Trumpism Continues to Erode the Republican Party

"Health Providers" and Other Hustlers
Grifters run it all. And one of their names is Manchin family.

This Abortion Fund Is at the Front Lines of the Struggle for Access in Texas
"Someday I hope I have as many rights as a gun." (sign in protest)

COVID-19 must be eliminated, not become endemic, if America is to survive

US Denounced as 'Biggest Peddler of Financial Secrecy' After Pandora Papers Leak
"U.S. President Biden must match his own rhetoric on shutting down global illicit finance, and start with the biggest offender—his own country."

Intel expert warns domestic extremism is only getting worse: 'Every failed coup is just practice'
These terrorists are making it unsafe to be anywhere in our country at any time.

A former Trump strategist hopes to make election-reversal possible at 'precinct level' — and the GOP is on board
Fascism to the nth degree. How sick are these miscreants? They want to kill democracy and are proud of it.

'God’s will is being thwarted': Hard-liners seek more partisan control of elections — even in solid Republican counties
Here we have the perfect example of the Talibastards.

Blackburn Spews Unhinged Conspiracy Theories About Infrastructure Bill
Tennessee GOP Sen. Marsha Blackburn tossed out the unhinged conspiracy theory that the Build Back Better bill is an evil plot by Democrats to "demoralize the military," close churches and "institutionalize socialism."
Spoken like a true Nazi. These asshats are desperate.

Lewandowski Bragged About 'Stabbing Man In The Back Of The Head'
More ugly details have emerged following the report that now former Trump campaign worker, Corey Lewandowski drunkenly assaulted a married Trump donor in Utah.
Trump always "knows the best people."

Boebert Says She Trolls 'When I Don't See A Headline Attacking Me'
Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) explained recently that she often tries to troll the media when she doesn't see headlines "attacking" her. But it seems that people that don't have the intellectual capacity to deal with life fall into this pack.
That's a pretty sad position to take that you can't find meaning and purpose in life if someone isn't attacking you.

Sanders: Sinema Is ‘Wrong’ To Call Delayed BIF Vote An ‘Ineffective Stunt’
Stunts are all some people can do to get attention. She's ineffective at everything except making America a failure.

Kyrsten Sinema's antics may come back to cripple her political future — here's why
Sorry, she's already there.

Watch: Kyrsten Sinema dashes to the bathroom after being approached by protesters
And she's a coward to boot.

Pat Robertson’s Legacy Of Extremism Will Follow Him Into Retirement
So sorry to hear, Pat. Buh, bye.

Whistleblower: Facebook Chose Money Over Our Democracy
Frances Haugen told 60 Minutes that Facebook removed protections after the election because it was costing them money.
Fuck democracy? Well...
"It's money that matters, you hear what I say? It's money that matters, in the U.S.A." — Randy Newman
They don't give a flying fuck at FaceSchnook.

“God’s Will Is Being Thwarted.” Even in Solid Republican Counties, Hard-Liners Seek More Partisan Control of Elections.
The Talibastards that want us to become a religious state -- their religion. No difference between them and all the other "relgious" zealots.

Supreme Court will likely kill Roe v. Wade and gun restriction laws this term
The court is likely to exacerbate America's already existing fault lines.

Another Hospital Sued For Refusing Use Of Ivermectin
"Covidiots are turning hospitals into restaurants where they can custom order their treatment." — Bambino comment.

Chris Christie Compares Negotiating With AOC To The Taliban
Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) faced off with a panel on ABC News on Sunday after he compared Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) to the Taliban.
Christie shows how he can't take on an aggressive woman and how he is not part of the 21st century but part of the dying White Male Priviliged centuries.

Jim Acosta Decimates Fox News And Tucker Carlson Again
The CNN host mocked the FOX (not) News network for mandating vaccines and masks for their own employees, but pushing deadly lies on their viewers.

New Levels of Ambition Are Mandatory at Glasgow Climate Talks
Failure to halt greenhouse gas emissions is not an option—though it's frighteningly likely.
Heading for extinction as a moth to the light.

Texas schools have reported more coronavirus cases in two months than they did in the entire 2020-21 school year
These children will remember what the fascists in their state did to them when they become voters.

Women rally for abortion justice amid 'unprecedented attack' on reproductive rights
The mjority of America backs these women as well.

A Republican Senate candidate's remarks reveal the party's slide into authoritarian
"This freedom, you may have noticed, is upside down, backward and prolapsed. It's also a key feature of authoritarian collectivism."

Alex Jones fumes after judge rules he must pay for his Sandy Hook conspiracy theories
Looks good on you.

'Unprecedented': Ted Cruz accused of 'undermining' America's national security

Top Bernie Sanders Aide Details Just How Popular the $3.5 Trillion Package Truly Is
"Opposing these policies doesn't make you a moderate," said Warren Gunnels. "It doesn't make you a centrist. It makes you an extremist."
America is full of assholes like them.

The media's 3 big failures are concealing the reality of Joe Biden's agenda
Journalism in the 21st century appears to be failing.

Alito's Fee Fees Hurt; Polls Show SCOTUS Losing Public Trust
Judge Alito throws a fit in a public speech over shadow docket complaints on Texas anti-choice law
"Having reached the heights of the legal profession, it must be deflating for the justices to recognize that the public is not obligated to reflect their self-regard. In truth, the public is simply reciprocating the contempt that the justices show for the people every time they insist on lying to their face about how the Court works, or why it looks the way it does today." — Adam Serwer
Scalito has been a dick from start. Shaking his head "nope" against an Obama remark in a State of the Union speech.

Ken Paxton Is A Douchebag, Part Infinity
Look on the BRIGHT side of canceling all abortions in Texas, ladies!

'Made up the numbers': Experts find Arizona's 'hoax' audit was even worse than it looked
Fraud as usual by the Trump traitors.

Joe Manchin has made $5.2M from his coal company — and gets big donations from fossil-fuel industry
Senator blocking Biden's agenda has gotten rich off coal, and takes more fossil-fuel money than any other Democrat
It's guys like this that give us the problems the world suffers with.

Climate Critics Warn Joe Manchin 'Holding a Gun to the Planet's Head'
Don't be fooled, warned Bill McKibben, the Democrat from West Virginia is "doing the work of the fossil fuel industry."
Yes, this asshat.

NYT unmasks researchers who discovered Trump computers talking to Russian bank in 2016
Tell it to Russell Brand.

Manchin admits getting his bill passed and then tanking progressive package was always the plan
Just a common scumbag.

Texas governor calls for stiffer penalty for illegal voting — weeks after he signed a bill lowering it
This man has lost his mind or has been talking to Trump again. When did he decide to become King?

Progressives Hold the Line as 'Manchema' Side With Oligarchy Against Biden Agenda
"We won't let massive corporations, billionaires, and a few conservative Democrats stand in the way of delivering transformational progress for millions of working people," said Rep. Pramila Jayapal. "Stick to the plan. Pass both bills, together."
"...a small band of corporate Democrats in Congress...". This is your on the take, corporate grifters that do not represent the American people. This is just plain wrong.

White terror: Millions of Americans say they'd support violence to restore Trump to power
"Justice for J6" was a flop — but the Jan. 6 insurrection has fueled growing support for white extremist violence
Trump's Nazi's are thirsty for blood.

Jen Psaki shoots down a reporter comparing Biden to his predecessor: Trump suggested ‘people inject bleach’
Unamed Reporter? Who is in charge of credentials? I mean c'mon people, not naming someone is not credible. Sorry, that is silly, not to mention that the "unnamed reporter" is full of crap. Someone knows who this idiot is.

Justice Alito lashes out at a journalist's criticism as 'ridiculous'
Another judgie-wudgie gets it wrong.

Anti-Vaxxer Brags About Fake Vaccine Card On TikTok, Gets Reported To The FBI
Showing the fake card and lip-synching to "'What You Gonna Do About It?", the TikTokker got her answer quickly and a visit from the FBI.
i was under the impression that forging documents was a crime. Ok, people can't be this stupid, right?

Hitler-Loving Cawthorn Promises He's Up For 'Spiritual Battle' In DC
At an evangelical conference in North Carolina, Rep. Madison Cawthorn promised if everyone just prayed, he'd take care of the "evil" in DC.
So, no thoughts and prayers from the peanut gallery? What have these people been doing? Oh, right -- They have been reisisting the vaccine and committing suicide.

Protesters Shouting Threats Shut Down Meeting With New Hampshire Guv And Top Officials
Of course, these morons are dong their best to kill themselves.

96-year-old former Nazi concentration camp secretary caught after fleeing trial
Nazis always will be brought to justice in time. Remember this, American fascists.

Kristi Noem Did Not Do Things And If You Say She Did Things You Are A Disgusting Liar?

Republicans Show They’d Rather Risk Recession Than Allow Democrats to Pass Bills
Fascists in action.

Joe Manchin, America’s Climate Decider in Chief, Is a Coal Baron
The pivotal Democratic senator owns millions of dollars in coal stocks. Shouldn’t he recuse himself from US climate talks?
Grifter. Been grifting for years. He is a selfish grifter only interested in his contined grifting.

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Attempt At Religious Humor Gets Holy Hell
The far-right lawmaker targeted the Catholics for Choice organization.
More lunatic garbage from "Empty" Greene.

In 'pandemic of the unvaccinated' the U.S. is lapping the world when it comes to COVID-19 deaths
America is world leader in throwback selfish irresponbility. What is there for us to take pride in here?

Trump Republicans lose interest in prosecuting Jan. 6 rioters
Traitors lose interest in prosecuting themselves. What is wrong with this picture? Infinite lunacy.

Anti-Ron DeSantis Group Releases A Killer Ad
The group is called Remove Ron, and the ad is called Florever Purge.
This is what you get when you elect a nitwit dumbass to leadership at any level.

Pro-Slavery, Pro-Rape Cult-like Church Takes Over Idaho College Town
Doug Wilson’s domineering evangelical church is built on a fundamentally misogynist worldview that permits male members to rape their wives, and threatens any women who object.
Can you believe there are creeps as crazy as this in America?

Idaho Republican Urges Vaccine After Unvaxxed Mom Dies From COVID
“Frankly, there’s some anger,” Chaney said. “I think there are people in our political realm … who are essentially killing people with misinformation."

Republican lawmaker pushes resolution to make the Bible Texas’ official state book
American Taliban at work in Texas. And they also qualify as Talibastards.

Ending abortion rights and voting rights are part of the right's long-term plan
America is on the brink.

Coward Lauren Boebert blasted for turning charity event into QAnon pedophile conspiracy attack against Biden
A coward of the lowest degree.

Four more GOP Reps. under scrutiny for potential stock trading violations
GOP: Grifters Only Please.

Trump DHS Only 30 Minutes Behind Mommyblogs In Assessing What Was Happening At Capitol Jan. 6

The evidence is building: Vaccine mandates work — and well

For the First Time, Most Americans Say Global Warming Is Currently Harming US

GOP Threatens Economic Disaster by Refusing to Raise Debt Limit Before Shutdown
Disaster is their middle name.

'Fire DeJoy' demand intensifies as 10-year plan to sabotage postal service takes effect
Stop pussyfooting with this dick. Hit the road and begone with him.

WATCH: Ohio Republican gets destroyed by Gen. Milley after twisting the truth over China call
Another sack of hammers that can't pay attention.

Marjorie Taylor Greene: The Federal government should ban abortions because ‘they scar your soul’
Is she admitting she's had an abortion? How can she know ‘they scar your soul’ without the experience?

New Daily Kos/Civiqs poll: Americans Do Not Want SCOTUS to Overturn Roe v. Wade
These fascists don't care what Americans want anymore.

New Daily Kos/Civiqs poll: Americans Do Not Want SCOTUS to Overturn Roe v. Wade
These fascists don't care what Americans want anymore. They proved that when they attacked our Capitol in an act of Civil War.

You Love To See It: General Milley Smacks Down Tom Cotton
Seriously, Tom Cotton needs to keep the word "resign" for himself and his fellow traitors.

Laura Ingraham's Crazy New Claim: Overwhelmed Hospitals Are 'A Lie'
Apparently Fox News doesn't promote enough conspiracy theories so Ingraham threw out a new one.
What about the people that have died of other issues that can't get into a hospital because they have no room? If she's too stupid to know about these incidents she should be taken off the air as she is contributing to deaths of Americans.

Kristi Noem Under Fire For Getting Daughter A State License
After Noem's daughter was rejected for a real estate appraiser license, Noem summoned the head of the agency to change the decision. That's an abuse of power.
Grifting. That's all these crooks know how to do. Kristi, they go after criminals where they find them. It's just that you and your fascist party make up the mountain of politcal criminals that start with Trump.

Sen. Joe Manchin draws a backlash for attacking Biden's agenda as having an ‘entitlement mentality’

With Klan Mom Greene, The Stupid Never Stops
Marge believes that communism works best with corporations.
Box of rocks. Sack of hammers.

The Supreme Court's fall from grace gives Democrats a big opening
Maybe so. But the SCOTUS is a big bunch of Dicks since Trump stacked it with assholes.

"Workers are very scared": Union head says state employees fear reprisal for bucking Ron DeSantis
Florida state workers are "very scared" of being demoted if they complain about Gov. DeSantis' COVID policies
You mean the prick assho Rondick DipShitus? Fear the virus, fear cancer, but don't fear this fake human. He will vanish like dust in the wind.

Texas reduces Black and Hispanic majority congressional districts in proposed map — despite people of color fueling population growth
Racist scaredy cats. Showing how FUBAR they are.

'Stay in your hood': White 'Karen' fired after allegedly assaulting Black couple at Brooklyn dog park
Apprantly, this Karen doesn't have the cognitive sense to know who was speaking what to whom.
A bigger idiot than most of them. Bye, bye.

Trump's coup memo deserves 'the greatest possible outrage' — but it's not getting enough attention: Ex-GOP strategist
Too many Nazis that ignore it? Or too many chickenshits?

Trump's planning to run again in 2024: Will his supporters ever realize he hates them?
Trump claims to love his supporters — but his malicious and careless actions speak louder than his empty words
Too stupid to know they are the suckers.

Greg Abbott shredded by Texas judge for giving Trump his voter fraud 'audit': 'He caved in minutes!'
He's a part of the traitor coup now.

'Mar-A-Lago Three' broke law with scheme to monetize veterans' medical records: House investigators
Aww, don't tell me. Some more Trump crooks on the grift. What a surprise.

Kevin McCarthy has his old words thrown back in his face after trying to stop the government from paying its bills
Duhhh, he didn't know he was recorded? How stupiddumb can these idiots get?

'I'd rather see this school in ashes!' Anti-mask woman screams at school officials in Mike Flynn-endorsed video
The latest "Karen" showing her dumb ass in public. Dumber that the dumbest.
"Sovereign-citizen" is total bullshit. Anyone who believes the county sheriff is the most powerful law-enforcement officer in the country needs to find a brain very quickly. These people are some of the lowest miscreants on the face of the earth. White-extremism to the max.

Time to start firing the unvaccinated: Trump fans are overdue for a lesson in consequences

Why Dentists Oppose Democrats’ Plan to Add Dental Coverage to Medicare
Why would they give a crap, anyway? They would never accept it if it passed.

The Vaccine Vampires Are Now Lurking in Broad Daylight
Our political leaders are in the thrall of pharmaceutical interests who have blocked efforts to share lifesaving vaccines with the world. They, and we, are draining wealth and life from the poorer countries of this planet in the relentless pursuit of profit.

Brexit Panic-Buying Gas Freakout Has Europe Saying: We Told You So
A rep from one of Europe’s biggest trucking unions said EU workers are in no mood to “help the U.K. out of the shit they created themselves.”

‘It’s a Nightmare’: Teen Wrestling Champ Gunned Down While Sitting in Her Car
Bring the murderer to justice. Let's find out WTF was going on here.

Peculiar Institutions

‘Time to prosecute Donald Trump’ says New Hampshire newspaper columnist calling GOP ‘fascist threat to Democracy’
Waaaaaaaay past time.

Dozens Of MA State Troopers Resign Over Vax Mandate
Bye, bye and good ridance.

John Hinckley, Who Shot Reagan, To Be Freed From Oversight
A federal judge says the man who tried to assassinate Ronald Reagan can be released unconditionally from the restrictions he’s been living under next year.
"... if he continues to follow those rules and remains mentally stable."
Pretty big "IF."

COVID Patients Tell Doctor Coronavirus Is Fake, Then All Die
A pulmonologist who previously wrote about combative patients says most have now died.
Some war when the enemy all commits suicide.

The Pandemic Has Torpedoed Life Expectancy Across the Globe, Study Finds
Life expectancy dropped in 27 out of 29 countries studied last year, with some places experiencing the largest declines since World War II.
The cull seems to be working.

Mitch McConnell's hijacking of the Supreme Court is backfiring bigly
What did you expect from the assholes that Trump stacked in there?

Biden receives his Covid-19 booster shot: Vaccines 'can save your life and ... can save the lives of those around you'
And we got ours today, as well. Do the same if you are eligible.

Collapse Of Republican Party Driving Mob Rule In America
In a profoundly detached fit of magical thinking, GOP leader Mitch McConnell told journalists Bob Woodward and Robert Costa that the Trump era was on the wane.

COVID Patient Who Left Hospital With Anti-Vaxxer's Help Has Died
Joe McCarron has died roughly 10 days after a video of him leaving the hospital with the help of an anti-vaxxer went viral. McCarron was buried today.
As previously stated, they are killing themselves off.

Trump's planning to run again in 2024: Will his supporters ever realize he hates them?
Trump claims to love his supporters — but his malicious and careless actions speak louder than his empty words

Matt Gaetz boosts neo-Nazi 'Great Replacement Theory' as Republicans turn full fascist
Need more proof that these idiots are wanna-be dictators?

Matt Gaetz's legal lineup suggests he's expecting a trial — possibly on 'grave' charges: report

A Texas Republican urged people to 'read the bill' to prove voter suppression — so John Oliver did it
And here is more proof of the fascist suppression: Rigging the system by hook and by crook.

Fox News host says he's under 'attack' by Trump fans after reporting results of Cyber Ninja's audit
""Raising questions about possible errors & fraud is not the same as proving them, and was reported. This is our tribal politics today."
Rotten to the core.

These GOP grifters will be the death of this republic
Racist, fascist, white supremacist, anit-vaxxer, and corrupt to the bone.

'Carrying Water for Big Corporations': Sinema Faces Backlash for Opposing Tax Hikes
"Make no mistake, if she sides with her wealthy donors and kills popular investments to jump-start the economy, everyday families—including across Arizona—will pay the price."
The country is being destroyed by grifters like her.

Donald Trump Jr. gets blown up in barbed exchange with Ana Navarro
Poor little boy is out of his league with Ana.

21 Million Americans Say Trump Should Be Restored to the Presidency by “Force”
They are all batshit crazy and should not be considered anything but traitors. They are irresponsible and a threat to humanity.

Christianity Is Empty If It Doesn’t Address the Racist Carceral State
Empty? Does it even have a fuel gauge for its tank?

‘Shit Show’: GOP Insiders Panic Trump Will Lose Them Georgia Again
With the King of Shit.

Anti-Vax Mob Storms Staten Island Food Court [VIDEO]
Another bunch of useless idiots that are two-faced and dumber than dirt.

The Entire United States Is Now the Reichstag Building
The Republicans smell blood in the water. Is it possible to overstate how dangerous this situation has become?
America is on the brink due to these Talibastard fascists.

Chris Wallace grills Greg Abbott for his hollow pledge to stop rape after signing strict abortion ban
"Are you saying, sir, I don't mean to interrupt, but are you saying that you will not sign an exception for rape and incest?" Wallace pressed.
"You're making a hypothetical that's not going to happen because that bill is not going to reach my desk," Abbott replied.
In other words, we will stop that because we don't give a crap about women and their rape problem.
Abbott is a very sick man among a host of sick men.

Texas Gov Vows To Hire Any Border Agents Fired For Mistreating Haitian Migrants: “You Have A Job In Texas”
If you are a low down rotten to the core dispicable trash bag, Texas will always have a place for you, sez the miscreant puppet.

Trump Pressured Texas Gov. Greg Abbott to Keep Up the Election Audit Sham. Abbott Caved.
Of course, he did. He works for Fatso.

Chris Hayes: Carlson's More Racist Than Former KKK Leader Duke
MSNBC's Chris Hayes rightfully compared Fox's Tucker Carlson to former KKK grand wizard David Duke, and pointed out that Carlson is a lot more overt with his bigotry than Duke was back in the day.
He may as well be wearing a swastika. "...not just racist, but stupid as well." The worst person in the world. Remove him from broadcasting.

UN Chief Warns Humanity Is 'Unacceptably Close to Nuclear Annihilation'
"Now is the time to lift the cloud of nuclear conflict for good," United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said ahead of the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons.
Mankind is still living in a world of doomsday threats without any advancement in intellect since the 1940s.

Trump increasingly losing favor with Michigan Republicans who don't care who he endorses: report
Who gives a crap about Fatso?

Arizona's fake election audit accomplished one feat: Shutting up Paul Gosar
But he's still at large and a threa to the United States.

The Record-Breaking Failures of Nuclear Power
Paul Gosar should read this.

Trump gushes about Marjorie Taylor Greene: 'She's really, really smart!'
Tell us more good jokes, Fatso!

Texas law restricting access to abortion medications goes into effect Dec. 2 after governor signs bill
The new law narrows the window in which physicians are allowed to give abortion-inducing medication to patients from 10 weeks to seven weeks after conception, bucking FDA guidelines.
Just plain mean and evil miscreants.

These Cities and States Are Fighting the Tide and Expanding Abortion Access
For decades, the anti-choice movement has focused on state- and local-level victories. Now, the abortion-rights movement is too.

The Arizona “Audit” Was Election Subversion
The subversion will continue until morale improves.

'Drop the act': Susan Collins mercilessly buried by columnist for lying about supporting women
She can't. It would cost her too much in her take.

'Ridiculous' Lauren Boebert buried by former prosecutor for claiming rape victims should have had a Glock
I know every time I plan to get raped I always carry my Glock. Because you know everthing goe better with a Glock.

Tiffany Cross Blames ‘White Women’ Who Voted Republican for ‘Ridiculous’ Abortion Laws
Bible Beaters are responsible.

QAnon Rep. Marjorie Greene’s Chief Of Staff Resigns
Someone "effective because he 'was really willing to go after people, skirt the truth, say things that weren’t true'" is gone is a good thing.

Voting Rights Roundup: ACLU sues over Ohio GOP's new maps after governor’s startling admission
Miscreant traitors in Ohio.

Tucker Carlson Curses Out ADL: 'F*ck Them'
As he embraces racist and anti-Semitic white replacement theory fully.
This asshat would have been the perfect Nazi for Hitler's staff.

$3.5 Trillion Is Too Expensive, But $10 Trillion for War Is Business as Usual
The massive expenditure for war is not merely a fiscal issue. It reflects a system of governance that values war. That system was produced by a failure of political vision and an electoral process corrupted by corporate money.
The pornography of power.

These GOP Grifters Will Be the Death of This Republic
Perhaps the 2022 election will bring Democrats a large enough progressive majority that they can work around their own grifters—or maybe it’ll signal the death knell of the republic.

Tell Your Member Of The House To Vote To Protect Abortion Access Today

AU Reminds Tenn. County Public School That Coaches Can’t Lead Prayer – And The Crowd Goes Wild
They never learn anything.

'A scary space': Steve Schmidt stresses the importance of confronting the GOP's assault on democracy

'He knows he lost': Trump flattened by Georgia's Raffensperger before rally
Tell it to his Zombies. Fatso has a fragile ego. He won't get help with his illness because he's insane.

Marjorie Taylor Greene's chief of staff quits — only hours after her public meltdown on the Capitol steps
Who would want to work for a moron?

How the myth of 'border security' empowers American fascists
Border Patrol's job is regulating flows of people in and out of the U.S. But that job is impossible

Lauren Boebert's attempt at damage control falls flat after 'impeach Biden' blunder?
At least she could use spell check. Putrid.

Jen Psaki Forces Peter Doocy To Explain His Border Obsession - Again
Doocy has absolutely nothing to offer by way of explanation of why he is asking the questions about the southern border.

Tulsi Gabbard Blames Her 2020 Failure On Hillary Clinton And ‘Deep State’
Funny how every time the subject of Tulsi Gabbard’s very suspicious relations with Russia pops up, she deflects to attacking Hillary Clinton.
"It's not my fault." The anthem of American failure.

Texas GOP Congressman Goes Neo-Nazi On Fox And Friends
Texas Rep. Brian Babin invoked the Great Replacement Theory against the Democratic Party. How precious!
I've never seen a person projecting as much and as bitter as this dude.

David Simon Pulling HBO Miniseries Out Of TX, Citing Abortion Law
The Wire's creator said, "I can't and won't ask female cast/crew to forgo civil liberties to film there."
Texas should be ashamed but doesn't give a crap.
And one can learn some good witty comebacks from the story.

'Try being a Christian!': Marjorie Taylor Greene lashes out at Democratic lawmakers during press event
As if she had a clue. She must be thinking she's rolling through the money changers in the temple.

The Conservatives Who’d Rather Die Than Not Own the Libs
Rarely has so significant a faction in American politics behaved in a way that so directly claims the life of its own supporters.

CDC Panel Outlines Who Should Be the First to Get COVID-19 Boosters
The panel limited the additional dose to people who have already been vaccinated with the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine

On heels of Arizona embarrassment, Texas announces 'full forensic audit' of 2020
They are only doing this in counties that are blue. Talk about a silly move by some spiteful creatures from way out Theresville.

Trump's hope for audit to distract from subpoenas dashed as Cyber Ninjas find he's an even bigger loser: report
Fatso lost by an even larger margin.

Fascism is a mind-killer — and Trump's version is destroying Americans' grasp of reality
Trumpism goes full Orwell: "Democracy" is when Republicans win, and reality is replaced by fascist fantasy
It's good to see that everyone sees these assholes as FASCISTS now. I've been calling them that for many years now.

Matt Gaetz' sex trafficking allegations leaked to Dilbert cartoonist before becoming public: report
Even by Florida standards, the saga of Rep. Matt Gaetz is getting weird
Which one is the cartoon in the photo on the right?

Idiot 45 Tells Court His Twitter Account Is 'Federal Government'
Agolf Twitler's lawyers tell the court their client's suit against Twitter is special, because he's "the 45th President."
Fatso is too stupid to know he is not the president.

January 6th Committee Drops A Slew Of Subpoenas On Trump Inner Circle
The subpoenas dropped late Thursday and get right to Trump's inner circle, including Mark Meadows, Steve Bannon, Dan Scavino, and Kash Patel.
Don't let these miscreants off the hook. Bust their asses!

Did Boebert Use Campaign Funds For Personal Rent? Or To Pay Off A Friend?
Lauren Boebert is using Venmo, the weak FEC, and the short attention span of her Republican base and mainstream media to get away with using campaign money for whatever she wants.
Who's trying to cover this up?

Tucker Warns About Joe Biden's Plan To Dilute White DNA
Tucker is very, very worried about the white people who watch his show.
If he's any example of white DNA they are in HUUUUUGE trouble.

Bet You Don't Know That GOP Is BLOCKING Vote On Debt Ceiling
They're not just refusing to vote to lift the debt ceiling, they're filibustering it. Yes, they really do want to blow up the economy so they can blame Democrats.
Any surprise what sewer level these miscreants can descend to?
"...The problem in this country is that Republicans have been radicalized like the people in Jonestown. It's impossible to reason with them or deal with them honestly."
When will they drink the cyanide? Oh, right. They already are with drinking the COVID!

Kayleigh McEnany gets mercilessly mocked and deletes a tweet when her attack on Biden backfires
That poor little girl.

Tucker Carlson attacks Biden with same words found in 'manifesto' of accused El Paso mass shooter
Frowney Tucker, do you know how to use a firearm? If you do we had better watch your stupid ass very closely.

Far-right pastor says there are more gays than ever thanks to a ‘demonic spirit’
And every day there are fewer assholes like you, Oh believer in your little book of myths.

How COVID is changing Trump country
Their deaths will not stop because they aren't equipped to stop them. Evolution is too fast for them to comprehend.

Capitol riot committee slaps four former Trump officials with subpoenas
Fatso's mob takes a hit.

Hillary Clinton tried to warn us — and paid the price. Let's at least call Republicans what they are
Still, America's political class is unwilling to call the fascist, white supremacist Republicans what they are

Bannon Admits Plotting Jan 6th 'To Kill Biden Presidency In The Crib'
Conservative broadcaster Steve Bannon admitted on Wednesday that he had plotted with President Donald Trump to "kill the Biden presidency in the crib" ahead of the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.
OK then to plan to "kill him" anywhere?

Psaki Gives Doocy Room To Fail Spectacularly
Jen Psaki should invite Peter Doocy to explain himself more often. It may lead to more clips they play on Fox of him saying what a great president Biden is! LOL
Must we suffer fools like Doocy constantly?

Violence emanating from far-right anti-vaccine/anti-mask contingent keeps ratcheting higher
This Civil World War will not end well for many of us — if it ever ends.

Big Pharma, medical firms donated $750K to Kyrsten Sinema — then she opposed drug bill
Democrats who now oppose the plan to lower prescription drug costs accused of "carrying water for Big Pharma"
Grifting all the time.

Republicans ‘desperate’ to find fraud evidence to explain Trump’s loss — but ‘that smoking gun doesn’t exist’

The infamous 'Eastman memo' shows how close Georgia GOP chair came to enabling Trump coup

The shocking new evidence of the GOP conspiracy against the U.S.
Nothing shocking about fascists being fascists.

Mitch McConnell packed the Supreme Court with right-wingers. The American public no longer trusts it

Democrats Are at War Over Joe Biden’s Agenda. Here’s One Big Idea That Could Save It.
Progressives want to spend more on climate. Moderates want to spend less on everything. There’s a smart way both sides can win.
Republicans have become Fascists. Democrats have become Republicans. American people have been forgotten. What a fucked-up country.

Houston firefighter put off getting vaccinated — now he needs new lungs to survive

WATCH: Ted Cruz BECLOWNED By Trio of Congressional Witnesses Over ‘Racist’ Voter ID Laws
It's child's play to make a fool of Cruz. He could be a bigger dumbass fool than Fatso Trump.

Asthma group warns against social media trend of inhaling hydrogen peroxide to treat coronavirus
The Asthma and Allergy Foundation calls the practice “concerning and dangerous," emphasizing that it is harmful to the lungs
Yet another way the Covidiots are running off the cliff. Please hurry it up and eliminate yourselves.

TX Man Bites Hospital Security Guard Over Face Masks
Another moron in Texas.
"Their use of "my body my self" Is particularly galling. You know that every goddam one of them is against a woman's right to control her own body. Unless of course they get their mistress preggo, then they can't get her an abortion fast enough." — Casper the Friendly Ghost.

Hospital Forced To Give Dewormer: Patient Got Worse
The dystopia that is the United States.

Internal Trump campaign memo shows that Giuliani and Powell knew everything they pushed was a lie

Alejandro Mayorkas says reporters are ‘assuming the facts,’ border agents use reins not whips
Let's see, "long reins." A rein is a strap. Whip defined: "verb (used with object), whipped or whipt, whip·ping. to beat with a strap, lash, rod, or the like, especially by way of punishment or chastisement; flog; thrash:"
They are whipping them by the facts. Stop with your silly semantics.

A third poll finds the Supreme Court's approval rating plummeting
"...the court's center of gravity is now too far outside the mainstream to be trusted."

'Enough Is Enough': Report Shows Big Oil's Offshore Tax Loopholes Cost US at Least $86 Billion Per Year
"We continue to bankroll the very fossil fuel companies responsible for the climate crisis, then wonder why our planet is on fire."

Republicans Are Refusing To Raise Debt Ceiling But Mainstream Media 'Both Sides' It
When Republicans alone shut down the federal government, the beltway press prints, 'Democrats in disarray.'
"There shouldn't be any clash when it comes to the debt ceiling. It's Republicans that are dooming the nation if they block it, not Democrats."
The fascists mean to kill us all.

Michael Flynn Is Insane: Says Vaccine Is In Salad Dressing
Michael Flynn's Latest Crazy: Deep State Spiking Your Salad Dressing With COVID Vaccine.
We let insane people walk our streets in this dystopian hell in which we find ourselves.

Uma Thurman Shares ‘Darkest Secret’ to Protest Texas Law: Abortion When She Was 15
Actress shares personal story to draw “the flames of controversy away from the vulnerable women” affected by draconian Texas anti-abortion law
The "men" in Texas that got these "laws" enacted should rot.

'I need help': Michigan health official troubled after almost being run off the road by anti-maskers
"There is a sickness in America far more insidious than COVID."
Yes, it is mentally impaired fascist morons.

The 'Rosetta Stone of the far right' just got hacked — and its secrets are being revealed
Nazis have been exposed. The monsterous creatures behind the curtain have the lights on them now.

Boris Johnson says working with Biden is 'a breath of fresh air’
The Trump stench has cleared out finally?

Anti-Vaxxer Quits Anti-Vaccine Mandate Group After Catching COVID
Chris Wikoff co-founded Aloha Freedom Coalition, to protest vaccine mandates and COVID rules. Then he got it and almost died.
Funny how that works.

GOP Recipe For Sedition: 'Leave Out' 7 States In Electoral College Count
Republicans' Jan. 6 plan called for Pence to declare Trump the 'winner' leaving out seven states?
The fascist scum are the same Nazis we fought in WW2. The children of Mussolini and Hitler.

2 GOP Operatives Indicted In Russian Trump Campaign Finance Scheme
It's looks like this whole "Russia" thing wasn't a hoax after all.
The Trump mob is very real. The Trump mob must be eliminated.

Eric Trump Will Headline Anti-vaccine Conference In October
The organizers of the conference have called the vaccine a “SHOT OF POISON!” and the “COVID kill shot.”
These people are the killers. Their hands are covered in blood and still they lie.
Everyone I know has been vaccinated for the last nine months. They are all alive and healthy.
Eric Trump has been vaccinated! This is the Trump Bullshit Spreader doing its filthy work.

DeSantis hires a new surgeon general: A hydroxychloroquine pusher who appeared in ‘demon sperm’ doc’s video
Morons at work. Where is the bottom of this pit?

Where is #TheResistance now? Democrats should fear their base now more than ever
Democrats aren't in disarray — they are being held hostage by so-called centrists who are operational Republicans
Corrupt and on the take. As crooked as the day is long. Dumb and dumber.

'We Are Trying to Save It,' Progressives Say as Right-Wing Dems Sabotage Biden's Agenda
"The Biden agenda—our Democratic agenda—is at stake. It's progressives who are fighting to pass it in its entirety."
Our country and our way of life is at stake. If we fail now there will be no saving the United States.

Children Of Dad Who Died Of COVID Blame His Death On Tucker Carlson
It's time these right-wing media outlets face criminal charges for knowingly and repeatedly promoting misinformation on the virus that results in the deaths of Americans.
It's way past time to make these irresponsible fools to pay for their disinformation that caused wrongful death.

Breitbart Editor: Liberals Promote Vaccines As Plan To Kill Off Trumpers
The brain-dead Breitbart editor-at-large concocts a silly conspiracy theory that THE! LEFT! are promoting vaccines so Republicans will refuse it and die.
No. You stupid fuckers are doing a good job at it yourselves. No one else has to do anything but watch you commit suicide.

A Rolling Insurrection, Perfectly Normalized
A showdown will come.

Trump Quietly Unleashes His Mob
"He is using the 'authority of the mob' to chase his perceived enemies in the GOP out of politics and to send a message to all the other Republicans that they will be subject to the same treatment if they cross him."

Eat Shit and Die: Drug Pricing in America

Justice Department Fights Back Against Texas Anti-Abortion Law
"Outlawing abortion will not prevent abortions. It will prevent safe abortions from occurring within the state. Some pregnant people who can afford to travel out of Texas will get safe abortions elsewhere. Poor, rural, undocumented and non-white women in Texas will be those most directly harmed by S.B. 8."
Anyone with a brain knows this. Unfortunately, the phony moral racists who pretend they are superior will pay in the long run.

White Christian Nationalists Are Increasingly Detached From Reality. That’s A Threat To Democracy.
When were they ever anywhere near reality?

CA Anti-Vax Mom, 40, Dies Of You Know What And Leaves Four Kids
The U.S. is ranked No. 4 for the number of children orphaned by covid. Here are four more
We'll soon be #1 America. How proud you must be.

Tampa Officials Shocked To Learn Evicting Black People For Basically No Reason Miiiiight Be Considered Racist
Land of the Happy Negro tries so hard to keep their negroes happy.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Gonna Blow Up Biden’s Socialist Agenda With GUNS, Not Votes, GUNS!
Do us a favor and shoot yourself, Margie.

Justice Department Fights Back Against Texas Anti-Abortion Law

The Great Silencing

Freedom Isn’t Free
"But before you check out, know this: We’re ringing a bell for you. Not a church bell, because we’re no angel, but one of those desktop bells, the kind you used to see at hotels, the kind salesmen used to ring when they bagged another patsy. Ding! Ding! Ding! One less idiot plague-spreader! Let freedom ring!

Trump Tries To Install Election Officials Who Will Steal Election For Him
This is what the Talibastard is doing. Fucking with our system like the felon he is.

US Coronavirus Deaths Surpass 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic
Think of how many are left to go!

A Trump Lawyer Reportedly Came Up With an Absolutely Bizarre Six-Point Plan for Pence to Overturn Election Prior to 1/6

Missouri Cultists Face Loss Of Their Law Licenses
And send them to the Valley of the Lepers.

Hundreds Of Covidiots Rally At Oregon State Capitol
"Hundreds"? Covid is doing its job very well.
Wait, the one is wearing a mask? ROTFLAMO!!

Supreme Court Announces Date for Case Directly Challenging Roe v. Wade
"The fate of Roe v. Wade and legal abortion is on the line.
This is the fuse to start the final conflict.

South Dakota Governor Claims She’ll Allow Students To ‘Pray In Schools Again’
I claim she will shit and fall back in it.

Here's why the media is ignoring the violent Republican crime wave that no one is talking about
What happened to law and order in this Nazi movement?

‘Let me explain to you again': Jen Psaki shows frustration as she answers Peter Doocy's immigration question
No more 'splainin' to this dickhead. Tired of him? Never look at him again, please.

This far-right evangelical pastor actually debunks the so-called 'religious argument' against COVID vaccines
The grifting supporter of the Anti-Christ (himself).

Marjorie Taylor Greene's impeachment rant goes off the rails: 'God will no longer provide protection'
As if she knows. The Queen of Rant Off the Rails! LMAO!

State lawmakers file brief urging Supreme Court to uphold Roe v. Wade as it risks full reversal

Rev. William J. Barber II: America is now at the "most critical time, between life and death"
Founder of Poor People's Movement says focusing so much on Trump and racism was a mistake — but "the fight is on"
"If American democracy were a patient, its current status would be critical and unstable. To heal and recover will require more than treating the evident symptoms, but also confronting the deeper ailments that afflict our nation."

Madison Cawthorn said he 'always' has a knife on him — then dodged questions about it
Someone remind him to never take a knife to a gun fight.

Texas restaurant kicks out family because they were wearing masks to protect at-risk infant
Hang Time restaurant in Rowlett. If someone comes over to me in a restaraunt and tells me what that waitress said, I would tell her to tell her ignorant boss to go fuck himself and leave the place.
His place is a threat to public health.

Elie Mystal Finds The Bright Spot In Right-Wing Extremism: 'THEY'RE COWARDS'
They don't just wear white hoods, they wear black robes on the highest court in the land, and police officer uniforms. But at least they crumble when they 'get got.'

Kemp's Bold-Faced Lie: AIDS Vaccine Mandates Failed! Huh?
Lying with no conscience is the cornerstone of the Republican Party.
Clueless? No — lying asshole.

Bumbling Mississippi Governor Grilled By Jake Tapper Over COVID Deaths
Republican Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves had nothing but empty platitudes and attempts at distraction when asked about the terrible vaccination rates and deaths per capita in his state by CNN's Jake Tapper.
Fearmongering is all these Land of the Happy Negro morons can do.

J6 Rally Flops Completely
There may have been more reporters than protesters at the J6 rally in DC..
"Nothing but pencil neck geeks" — Freddie Blassie, King of Men.

Trump supporter wearing dead animal refuses to believe Jan 6 was violent — even after CNN showed him video
The parade of fools, morons and traitors.

Architect of Texas Abortion Ban Takes Aim at LGBTQ+ Rights While Urging Reversal of Roe
"Make no mistake, the goal is to force extreme, outdated, religious-driven values on all of us through the courts."
Make no mistake this is the Talibastards that crawl in our country. They are the enemy and we don't have to go overseas to fight them. They are right here at home and must be defeated by ANY MEANS NECESSARY!

'No hope of turning the party around': Lawmaker who fled GOP rips leadership
The party is dying out. Who wants to be part of fascism and treason? Total idiots.

Why has Republican rhetoric gotten so unhinged? It's pure projection
South Carolina's governor recently vowed to fight Biden to "the gates of hell." Where is this even coming from?
It's where religious zealots live. Henry McMaster is one of them. They are the tyrants and they must be stopped.

Kristi Noem Trying To Erase Separation Of Church And State
Because imposing religion on public school kids never goes wrong, correct?
Better zealots than her have tried to erase that wall. We will all die defending against her Talibastard idea before that happens.

'Alabama Pickers,' Staunch Anti-Vaxxers, Both Dead Of COVID
YouTube stars Tristan and Dusty Graham, known for reselling found treasures, have both died within a couple of weeks of each other.
Alas, they are all bringing death on themselves. Pitifully sad.

Insurrectionist Pauline Bauer In Custody After Bonkers Hearing
Bauer refused to follow pretrial release court orders, wrote her own court filings that echoed sovereign citizen ramblings and erupted during actual court hearings.
It will be a relief when the U.S. stops allowing insane fools to run rampant in the country.

Anti-Mask, Anti-vax Teen Councilman Now 'Deathly Ill' With COVID
“Maybe this will clear up soon and the symptoms of this sickness shall not progress as I can tell you, it feels terrible not to be able to breathe.” I bet.
What's the score now?

Trump's wealthy kids and former administration officials rack up $1.7 million for frivolous use of Secret Service: report
The fascist favorite TV show "The Grifting Family" will next be broadcast from prison.

Top gymnasts blast FBI for bungling sexual abuse probe of Dr. Larry Nassar
"The FBI did not take the gymnasts' complaints seriously," Alesia says.
And they do it over and over again. Why do they hate women?

Supreme Court justices find themselves getting defensive
Because, you know that none of these folks are all above politics.

Doctor who told patients that face masks cause carbon dioxide poisoning loses his license
The morons will still see him.

Matt Gaetz proposes Trump 2024 ticket with Nicki Minaj after she threatens reporters on social media
A good example of where Gaetz is coming from. Trump and a titty rapper?

667,000 and Counting: In America, Fucking Remember
In order to remember first one has to know.
"..America's staggering, unholy, largely preventable COVID death toll, which just passed the record mass casualties of the Civil War and is now surging to over 1,800 deaths and 170,000 new cases every day".
"...the stubbornly, stupidly unvaccinated, fueled by Delta and maskless kids going back to school, is concentrated in southern GOP-run states..." That means the Land of the Happy Negro. Covid is doing a better job than Will Sherman could ever have done.
They are 90% unvaccinated and anti-vaxxers. Covid doesn't give a shit about their so-called freedom. That freedumb is killing them off.

The Real Criminals General Milley Exposed? Every Republican in the US Senate
If the GOP had the courage of the Senate Republicans in 1974, Milley never would have been in a position to worry that an American president might start a nuclear war just to hang on to power.

This Police Department Is So Bad, a Cop Reported It to Black Lives Matter
A new lawsuit accuses a police department with a history of alleged horrors—KKK magazines left for a Black cop, racist slurs—of firing a policeman who finally blew the whistle.

The man behind the Texas abortion law says women can 'control their reproductive lives by refraining from sex'
Guess who will never get laid again, little Jonnie?
Get out the old Playboy Magazines you've been hoarding for this.
Dicks like this don't give a good goddamn about women unless they deliver fellatio on demand.
If the ad that states "What happens when you take a testosterone supplement" is true in its illustration, then you will turn into a large breasted woman. He should try it and see how he likes being a woman.

New Lincoln Project ad brutally rips Texas Gov. Abbott's botching of the COVID-19 crisis
Master of the Dead.

Dan Patrick, Indicted Crook, Says Dems Out To 'Take Over Nation'
He also Pushes The Klan/Nazi "Great Replacement Theory," on Laura Ingraham's White Power Hour, of course
Hey Dumbo! IT'S NOT SILENT! IT'S CALLED DEMOCRACY! The take over you don't like is an election you can't rig for yourself. Eat it!
The King of the Racist Scaredy Cats. You've already lost on that one. Try paying attention once in your life.
As Jeff Fecke said on Twitter, "Great Replacement Theory isn't true, and that's too bad, because I'd much rather live in a country that was full of the children of Haitian immigrants than a country that was full of Dan Patricks."
They are dying of Covid everyday, anyway.

Traitor Trump Wants Jan 6 Insurrectionists Freed From Bondage
Just two days before an Insurrection 2.0, Trump put out a statement expressing sympathy for the criminals.
That's because he's a criminal like them.
"Persecuted so unfairly"? Prison on Devil's Island is where you and they all belong. How's that for justice, Fatso.

Joy Reid To GOP: Your ‘Creepy Little’ COVID Cult Killed Your CA Recall
Joy Reid hilariously mocked Republicans’ love for COVID that is killing their politics along with many of their followers: “You may want to ingest horse dewormer and attend far too many funerals, but we, we don't.”
And too much horse shit.

Dweeb Ben Shapiro Proposes Texas Secede For GOP 'Win'
An odd reaction to the California shellacking of the Republican Party.
Sure. Then they will become an occupied state of traitors.

Anti-vax doctor who described the COVID vaccine as 'needle rape' now appointed as a state public official
Brilliant moron move. Where are they dying and have no hospital rooms? IDAHO!
Doctor of Death! You don't give one fuck about kids! These people come from the sewers.

‘Cut him off now!’: Newsmax host totally loses it when a veteran criticizes Trump’s Afghanistan policy
Yes, we know Stenchfield very well.

Patient Group Targets Pair of Democrats for 'Selling Us Out to Drug Companies'
"It makes me so angry that members of Congress are choosing Big Pharma over patients. It's unforgivable.
Grifters know no party, only the grift cash.

Trump is at the mercy of Biden as he tries to keep his January 6th communications away from investigators
If America has draconian "unprecedented legal territory about the treatment of former presidents" we have a country that is not worth saving. It is too constipated with dogma to save it's own ass.

It's no wonder police think it's okay to joke about Black men dying: Courts keep protecting cops

Some COVID-19 survivors are refusing vaccines — and even suing over mandates
In Oregon, six workers are suing because they say — having already had COVID-19 — they should not need a vaccine
May I suggest dart guns?

'Shut down the government — who cares?' Marjorie Taylor Greene's interview with Steve Bannon goes off the rails
Just what is the platform of these miscreants? They are not helping America in any way, shape or form.
Shut these sedtionists down forever.

Trump smacked with list of former associates warning he's mentally unstable in brutal CNN segment
Oh, dear. Did anyone realize this? He's wacko? This is not really news but it's as if anyone cares.
America is no longer a law and order country thanks to these Talibastards like Fatso.

Newly unredacted documents reveal a litany of allegations from Mike Pompeo’s time at the State Department
His pompousness.

Alabama GOP governor faces primary challenge for not doing enough to stop yoga: ‘There’s a culture war brewing!’
"... and the use of yoga as exercise in public schools..." WTF? Is he that crazy?
Oh, Dear God! Please don't teach my child about breathing and living a calm life.

WATCH: Preacher with sign saying ‘women belong in the kitchen’ gets decked by college student
And turds belong in the toilet. That gal kicks provacateur's ass.

Kavanaugh probe must be reopened after FBI allegedly ignored thousands of tips about him: ex-federal prosecutor
We knew the FBI probe was a scam, a farce, a joke on us. But that must be reopened and give this fraud what he deserves.

Trinidad And Tobago Call Nicki Minaj's Claims Bogus
After an exhaustive search, they could find no evidence of swollen testicles after getting the COVID vaccine on Trinidad and Tobago.
Penis envy obsession?

Psaki Drills Context Into Thick Heads Of Beltway Media
No, GOP stenographers, I mean reporters, President Biden is NOT the same as The Former Guy. Gen. Milley doesn't have to worry about, ya know, military coups with Biden.

Fox News Attacks Kamala Harris For 'Spending Carbon Dioxide' To Support Newsom
How dare Kamala Harris have an opinion about a Republican recall in her HOME STATE?
Hypocrites to the nth degree.

Mollie Hemingway: Worst Person In The World
The Fox News Trump apologist claimed Biden wants to continue the pandemic for power.
No, dear. That would be your idol, Trump.

CARTOON: Recall Of The Wild
Wasting more than a quarter-billion dollars was so fun and productive for the American Fascist Party.

Josh 'Hawley’s threat to our republic is real': Missouri newspaper bashes 'insurrectionist' senator
He should resign in disgrace immediately.

Texas woman murdered over Biden flag and 'doll of Trump hanging': police
The scum that comes from Trump hell.

Who Had 'Dan Quayle Saves The Republic' On Their Bingo Card?
Mike Pence was under pressure from Trump not to certify the electoral college votes. He turned to former vice-president Dan Quayle for advice.
We'd better give Dan some credit here. Thank you, Mr. Vice President.

Whew! Watch This Angry Mom On TikTok Do The Covid Math
"Go get the f*cking shot!" she concludes.

Rep. Ted Lieu: "˜Donald Trump Surrendered To The Taliban"
Rep. Ted Lieu explained how Donald Trump laid the groundwork for the Taliban's inevitable takeover of Afghanistan.

Tucker Carlson Is Obsessed With Nicki Minaj's Cousin's Friend's Testicles
Tucker Carlson seems to be obsessed with swollen testicles.
Oh, my!

'Call Them Now': Ire Aimed at 3 Democrats Endangering Plan to Lower Drug Prices
"Any politician standing in the way of lower drug prices is on a short path to losing their job."
And losing everything if possible.

'It's Gonna Be $3.5 Trillion": Sanders Holds the Line Against Right-Wing Democrats
"That's the compromise that's already been made," said Sen. Bernie Sanders. "The truth is $3.5 trillion is not enough."
Right-Wing Democrats? You mean like Manchin and Sinema? Blanket parties for both.

House Dems Unveil Bill to Stop Wall Street From Destroying the Planet
"The Federal Reserve's role is not to surrender our planet to corporate polluters and shepherd our financial system to its destruction," said Rep. Rashida Tlaib, among the Democrats urging the Fed to end fossil fuel financing.

Trump Calls Allies to Demand Gen. Mark Milley Be "Arrested" for "Treason"
"DUMBASS" — Milley is a hero. Trump is "The Ameirican Traitor" as any sane human knows.
The former president hit the phones, and then went on his former press secretary's Newsmax show to make the case himself.

'Exit TX': Republicans' extreme politics send Texas-based tech companies into crisis mode
The Gov. is failing and flailing.

A new book's troubling revelations make Mike Pence look much worse than originally thought
Bad for the douchebags? Imagine that.

There's only one reasonable response to the GOP losers who undermine democracy
"In the post-Trump era, Republican losers follow a simple formula: Cry fraud, file frivolous lawsuits and fundraise off of them. You will lose in court, because there is no fraud, but it doesn't matter because every loss burnishes the GOP's "stabbed in the back" narrative. "It's one more piece of evidence showing that Republicans have given up on elections. It's not a free and fair election if you don't intend to concede if you lose."
Chickenshits DeLuxe.

'A colossal miscalculation': Conservatives explain how Trumpism failed the GOP in California
It wasn't enough to beat the chickenshit's ass once. They had to try to fuck it up again — and were handed a big bag of shit that America has had enough of.

Security expert shuts down Trump's claim Milley committed 'treason' in just four words
"Trump is a moron."

The dirty secret behind Texas' anti-abortion law

Abort the Illegitimate Court: End the Filibuster and Pack it
"If you find this acceptable, you are too disoriented by a culture of winner-take-all politics, sports, and game shows to know what’s good for a plural society, or even really to call yourself pro-democracy."
Read it and get it done. Now.

'Absolutely terrifying': CNN's Jake Tapper reacts in horror to new revelations about Trump and Capitol riots
The fecal pile called "Bannon."

A clear repudiation: Larry Elder's mammoth defeat may signal the death rattle of Trumpism
Dead is exactly what it should be. And they are doing their best to commit suicide by Covid-19. They bring death on themselves. But, by God, they show us they are not liberals. They show us they are dead dumbasses.

Newsom Urged to Deliver on Climate, Single-Payer as California Voters Defeat Recall
Defeating "...right-wing radio host Larry Elder—a longtime climate denier who recently said the ideal minimum wage is $0..."
Tell him to work for nothing. That's what the Land of the Happy Negro minimum wage is. ROTFLMAO!

Mike Lindell And Jim Bakker Team Up For 3-Day Election Lie 'Telethon'
MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell has joined forces with televangelist Jim Bakker for a 3-day telethon filled with election conspiracy theories and pleas for pillow purchases.
What is happening in La La Land. Way past time for these sick grifters to be put away for good.

Newsom Rips CA GOP For 'Literally Trying To Dismantle Democracy'
Governor Gavin Newsom was blunt about Larry Elder's refusal to accept the results of the recall election and the larger implications for the country as a whole.
Elder is just another bullshitting grifter like the miscreant Trump and his Fascist party.

Right Wingers Cry 'Treason!' Over General Milley's Promise To China
General Milley protected the nuclear codes just in case Trump had a total mental breakdown, and promised China he'd give them a heads-up if Traitor Trump decided to create a "wag the dog" scenario. Right wingers are not happy.
The whining Nazis. What Milley did is what you traitors can't do. You are all Talibastard Traitors.
They aren't happy because they are the enemy of America and are heading back the place in hell they came from.

'A jaw-dropping level of cynicism': Washington Post editorial board says DeSantis has reached an all-time low
Trying harder to be the dictator he has always dreamed of being. Time to stop this dickhead for good.

DOJ files for an emergency order to block the Texas abortion ban
And throw their grifting asses in stir while you're at it.

WATCH: Enraged ‘Karen’ attacks Navy sailor at a pizzeria as he calmly endures her physical and verbal abuse
One day, one of these fucktards is going to end up with a round in their skull if they think continue to think they are bullet proof.

Architect of Texas Abortion Ban Takes Aim at LGBTQ+ Rights While Urging Reversal of Roe
"Make no mistake, the goal is to force extreme, outdated, religious-driven values on all of us through the courts."
Make no mistake this is the Talibastards that crawl in our country. They are the enemy and we don't have to go overseas to fight them. They are right here at home and must be defeated by ANY MEANS NECESSARY!

Texas doctor publicly admits violating GOP's anti-abortion law: 'I had a duty of care'
As opposed to the Talibastards who hate women, care nothing for anyone but themselves and their superstitions and fairy tales.

'No hope of turning the party around': Lawmaker who fled GOP rips leadership
The party is dying out. Who wants to be part of fascism and treason? Total idiots.

So your religion doesn't allow the COVID-19 vaccine? Here are some other medications you can't take
The peron holding the "Vaccine mandates violate bodily autonomy" must support women's control over their bodies?
Insanity defined.

'Lining the body bags up': GOP governor issues chilling warning to the unvaccinated in his state

Constitution allows Biden to mandate COVID vaccine. Federal government can do even more.

Arizona Republicans' attempt to hide 'audit' documents from the public goes down in flames
The once great state will now reside in shame forever in U.S. history.

Amy Coney Barrett, Queen Of Gaslighters, Cries Hot Tears Over Being Called 'Partisan Hack'
And that is her good point.

Welcome To Lauren Boebert’s MAGA Funhouse, With The Guns And The Lighters!
Bobo, answers twice to Bo. The dumbest broad on the planet earth.

First Texas Came for Abortion. Now It’s Going After Voting Rights.
Just a week after Texas’s abortion ban went into effect, Governor Greg Abbot signed a draconian voter suppression bill into law.
He will pay for it, don't worry.

Trump-Era Corruption Eclipses Even Teapot Dome
That legendary scandal, which originated 100 years ago, involved Americans paying off Americans. Trump’s corruption is transnational.
From Hell He Came.

Florida teens face judge after being accused of plotting Columbine-style school shooting
Byrd's mother, Carrie Tuller, defended her son at the hearing. "He's just a little boy," Tuller said. "He didn't think this was really serious. He didn't think they were serious." I guess he knows they are damn serious now, mom. Maybe you do too?

Trump rages at George W. Bush's criticism: 'He shouldn't be lecturing anybody!'
And you should be cleaning toilets in stir.

Long-Secret FBI Report Reveals New Connections Between 9/11 Hijackers and Saudi Religious Officials in U.S.
“This validates what we have been saying,” says an attorney for families of 9/11 victims who are suing the Saudi government over alleged support of the 2001 terrorist attacks.
We fought the wrong war. Most of us knew these Saudi bastards were the culprits.

Amy Coney Barrett and Mitch McConnell Want You to Believe the Unbelievable
The Supreme Court justice—and the man responsible for pushing through her hyper-political nomination—insist the high court isn’t political.
They are mostly Talibastards.

QAnon Rep Flat Out Calls For US Christian Theocracy
Oh dear BoBo, and you think we don't know how to take care of a little shit like you.
You got an awful lot of killin' to get done here, dearie. Do us all a favor and take gas now.
QAnon Rep Flat Out Calls For US Christian Theocracy. She thinks she's the new Talibastard priest. We know what you need, BoBo.

Texas Gov: “We Need To Restore God To Reduce Crime”
So you're the Talibastard who robbed his powers and locked him in the Phantom Zone? No wonder you're so fucked up. I command you to release him now and restore his power of love to all! Grifter heal thyself!

Hershel Walker +70 In Georgia GOP US Senate Poll
Mental defectives stick together. Card Carrying Chickenshits.

Twitter Rips Anti-Vax NFL Star For Dropping Pass: Well, He Did Tell Us That He Can’t Catch Anything [VIDEO]
More in the failed sports star column.
"The man who wants to die while living."

Scientists Find Tissue Deformities in Seafood Linked to Deepwater Horizon Spill
“The differences we found between the oysters were devastating.”

Alabama Man Dies After 43 Hospitals With Full ICUs Turned Him Away
Ray DeMonia, 73, died in a hospital in Mississippi, as no beds could be found in Alabama.
The Trump death rallys take another soul.

Larry Elder And FoxQ Lie About Voter Fraud In California Recall
Any bogus story will do. Another chickenshit.

California Voters: This Is Who Larry Elder Is
California recall candidate Larry Elder defended the murder of Trayvon Martin back in 2013, and told CNN's Piers Morgan he'd be happy to have George Zimerman living in his neighborhood.
We know what Elder is. He's another one that has to be kicked back to the place in hell he came from.

Unions can rebuild the middle class and narrow the racial wealth gap

Houston paper shreds Greg Abbott's 'outrageous' refusal to fight COVID-19 as deaths mount and economy sputters
We believe we all have the freedom to die for our right to die and also help others to spread our deadly virus from COVID-19 variables.

COVID Denialist Who QAnon Demanded Be Treated With Ivermectin Has Died
Veronica Wolski, a popular QAnon advocate best known for hanging banners from a bridge in Chicago, died in the early hours of Monday morning after spending weeks in hospital with COVID-19.
Dying like flies.

'Next level BS': Barrett tried to claim the US Supreme Court isn’t full 'of partisan hacks.' Critics brought the receipts
We have pretty low standards with the Talibastard party.

North Carolina governor shoots down GOP anti-Critical Race Theory bill as 'conspiracy-laden politics'
More from the brainless Talibastards and their so-called thinking on such subjects as CRT. They should be studying "Brainless Idiot Theory."

Greg Abbott blames 'crime' on poor parenting and not enough 'God'
The Talibastard's leader pukes out their pissant propaganda. We don't need to send the military to Afghanistan. We should be sending them to Texas.

Fox News host storms out of restaurant after he's asked for photo ID with his vaccine card
Another chickenshit.

Funeral worker details devastating toll of COVID on 'unrecognizable' bodies

'No time for idiots': Howard Stern slams Joe Rogan for taking 'horse dewormer' instead of COVID-19 vaccine

Befores & Afters

'We're the outcasts of the country': Conservatives attending Kentucky rally whine about Trump's loss
No, you are the shitbags of the country. Get it straight.

"“Impeachment” pokes at the enduring myth of conservative feminism through Paula Jones' mentor
The FX series shows that beneath shallow empowerment rhetoric, conservative “feminism” is really just conservatism

Alabama man dies of heart complications after being turned away from 43 hospitals due to inundated ICUs
Due to the Anti-Vax scum.

Christian nationalists in support of California recall are advocating for for a far-right candidate
Christian nationalist = Nazi.

I'm Angry At Anti-maskers & Anti-vaxxers
The federal government should spend resources NOW to arrest people for violating public health laws.
How long will we contnue to whine about our enemy and let them get away with their treasonous antics? Remember WWII.

Elie Mystal Eviscerates GOP Over Vaccine Mandate Mewling
"Of course vaccine mandates are legal, and of course forcing women to give birth is not."
Defining the American fascist cowards.<>

GOP governors proved Biden right with their tantrums against vaccine mandates: conservative
Three chicken shits.

Trump administration's 'accidental disclosure' includes 'explosive' evidence of Saudi involvement in 9/11 attack: report

Public Health Experts Praise Biden's New Vaccination Requirements
Addressing those who call such policies attacks on personal freedom, one doctor said that "people also have a right to be able to go to work and not get infected and not get sick and not die."

9/11 and the birth of the Big Lie
Those attacks, and how we reacted to them, tore us apart as a nation — by destroying our shared sense of reality

Twitter Tells Jake Tapper: Both Sides Don't
Jake Tapper tries to blame Joe Biden for "scolding" anti-vaxxers.
Jake Tapper doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.

Tea Party Patriots Are Funding ‘Demon Sperm’ Anti-vax Doctors Group
Some very serious right-wing money and muscle are behind the group of pro-Trump doctors pushing fake COVID cures. You have to wonder why.
"There’s little doubt AFLD are grifters."
And there is little doubt that we are living in a mumbo jumbo quack crazy grifting world. Sanity has vanished.

8 Tennessee School Employees Now Dead From COVID
Two more teachers died this week in the first month of school.
And we allow this to happen. We are insane failures.

Doocy Comes For The Queen And Misses — Again
This time Doocy asks an asinine question about Fauci that gets him exactly nowhere in Jen Psaki's briefing room.
That poor little boy.

Hannity Suddenly Hates 'So Called' Doctors Discussing COVID On TV
How quickly Hannity forgets that Fox News endlessly promoted frauds like Dr. Scott Atlas and COVID denier Alex Berensen.
Another shyster conning people and getting loads of money selling misinformation. Grifters like him are killing Americans.

'Culture war BS': Rand Paul's gun wall tweet backfires when Twitter flips the script on him
This idiot can't help himself from displaying his idiocy on a regular basis. Playing to the suckers that eat his shit.
His butt overides his mouth everytime he opens it.

The Republican Party overplayed its hand in Texas
The Talibastards. We no longer have to go to Afghanistan to fight them. They are right here.

What year is it in America, anyway? How complacency and naiveté brought us to this crisis
Roe v. Wade is dead.The assault on democracy is unrelenting. Our worst enemy may be the sense of disbelief
Third century, 235. "The Texas forced pregnancy law also creates a barbaric system under which $10,000 bounties may be paid to private citizens who win lawsuits against anyone who helps a woman or girl get an abortion after the six-week mark."

'The Tide Has Shifted': Harvard to Divest From Fossil Fuels After a Decade of Pressure
"This is what they told us for a decade they couldn't do, and today, the students, faculty, and alumni have been vindicated."

Conservationists and Locals Praise Biden EPA's Move to Protect Bristol Bay From Pebble Mine
"Today we celebrate. Tomorrow, we get back to the hard work of seeing this through."

'Deliberately misled a nation': Susan Collins held to account for voting in conservative Supreme Court justices
It's fascism at work. The country is under assault in this Civil War by fascists.

Historian: QAnon’s ‘partisan murder apocalypse fantasy’ provoked Jan. 6 violence — and now it’s threatening local government
We are too soft on these traitors.

Lauren Boebert allows 8-year-old to play alone with cigarette lighters -- next to a possibly-loaded firearm
BoBobert fails again. Love the photo with her gun thugs. Why does she live in fear in the United States? Because one drone can take her and her gun thugs out in seconds.

'That can't be true!' Former Fox News employee horrified after learning network has vaccine mandate
Another fucktard coward.

F*ck Robert E. Lee, His Corpse, His Horse, And His Monuments (Of Which There Are One Fewer Today)
Oh, the poor Land of the Happy Negro takes another welcome to the 21st Century.

Mexico Supreme Court Issues Unanimous Ruling Decriminalizing Abortion
Victory for the 21st Century! Viva!

Ocasio-Cortez fires back after Palin labels her a 'fake feminist': 'Call 1-800 CRY NOW'
Sarah, Sarah, Sarah. Are you so needy that you have to show your dumb ass in pubic once again?

The Filibuster is Unconstitutional
Does any MAGAt give a shit?

The Daily Madness: Featuring Today's Loon, Wendy Rogers.
"Honest to God, the insanity being puked up by Republicans and served still warm to us by the media damn near every day is impossible to anticipate."

Greg Abbott Is Not Ignorant — He's a Liar: Why the Difference Matters for the Future of Democracy
Big fat liar.

Trump, Texas, and the MAGA Drive for Power
Fuck Trump.

Eight Pregnant Women Die of COVID in Mississippi as Child Deaths Double
The death of a baby was also announced as health officials revealed the grim new figures.
Who will the Talibastards target for these abortions?

Why Won’t the NFL Let Players Use Medical Marijuana?
A guy who hurts his back working in a warehouse in Cleveland can get a prescription and use medical marijuana to manage the pain. A guy who hurts his back playing for the Cleveland Browns can't.
The No Football league fails again.

The Conspiracy Theorists Are Coming for Your Schools>
QAnoners and anti-maskers are embedding themselves into our political and civic life.
Find them and kick them back to hell.

Anti-vaxxers throw live fireworks and garbage at Colorado clinics — forcing them to shut down
They should have received bullet fireworks back at them instead. They are the death threat.

Megyn Kelly Rips NFL for Shoving ‘Race Based’ Messaging on Fans: ‘Average Americans’ Don’t Want the ‘Black National Anthem’
Sorry, girl.They don't need to play ANY "national anthem." Remove them all.

America’s shrinking white population needs to value youthful diversity
The Land of the Happy Negro? Diversity? What is that? We are privileged white superiors.

“Coughing Karen” Fired After Abusing Mask Wearers
Do we think the morons will ever get it?
“fuck around and find out.”

Fox Host: I Keep GOP Election Deniers Off My Show “Because I Don’t, Frankly, Want To Hear Their Crap”

Elizabeth Warren To Amazon: Stop ‘Peddling Misinformation About COVID-19’
That goes for all the liars.

MIT Announces “Major Advance” in Fusion Power
"It's really a watershed moment, I believe, in fusion science and technology."

Proud Boys’ violence spirals in Olympia as street hunt for ‘antifa’ culminates with Toese shooting
Why are we putting up with street terrorists? Fuck them and mow them down or be mowed down.

WATCH: Katie Porter Sticks It To Joe Manchin
Joe Manchin cuts the IRS enforcement funding out of the reconciliation bill and then bitches about pay fors? Come on, Joe.
Manchin is a stupid coward and a liability to this country.

Agolf Twitler Afraid To Say 'Get Vaxxed' On Fox
Trump is caught between promoting vaccines and supporting anti-vax wackos that support him.
Why is he not in an insane asylum? Our civilization has collapsed.

As World Burns, Morrison Says Australia's Sticking With Coal
"Of course we'll keep on mining."
With imbeciles like this we have little hope for a future.

20 Years of Wasted Money and Missed Opportunities Since 9/11
For just a fraction of what we’ve spent on militarization these last 20 years, we could start to make life much better.
We could start by ganging up on the fucking virus. Apparently we don't have the guts for that war.

Student whose grandma died of Covid-19 mocked at school board meeting while he advocated for masks
And you wonder why these idiots are all dying at rapid rates?

Who’s Going to Pay for the Long Haulers and Orphans?
Sure as hell won't be Manchin and his bullshit.

America’s ultra-wealthy are responsible for 28% of unpaid taxes in US — $7 trillion in lost revenue: report
They will be the downfall of our country in an already dystopian world.

Conservative insider slams the 'wacko freaks and geeks' trying to unseat Gavin Newsom in California’s recall election
Conservatives CAN have a conscience.

'Unjust, patriarchal laws': Alabama pastors protest Texas abortion law with 'Handmaid’s Tale' costumes
Protesting the Talibastards. In Alabama!

Christian construction company fires man who says the 'Holy Spirit' made him 'confront' women over bathing suits
Don't tell me, they weren't sexy enough for him. He's obviously lusting in his heart and hates himself.

Ron DeSantis Can't Understand Why Masks Are Political!
DeSantis has jumped on the Fox News bandwagon of the murder cult that has kept his state in a death spiral as new COVID cases ravage Florida.
The Dip doesn't understand anything but Bullshitting and getting us killed.

Pelosi's Very Simple Question For Joe Manchin: Why?
The House Speaker is way too busy to waste time bargaining with one West Virginia Senator over a price tag.
Fuck Manchin. Get a set of balls you asshole.

QAnon Lovin' Covid Denyin' Pastor Now Deathly Ill With COVID
Fred Lowry, a city councilman from Volusia, FL, who back in May preached that “We did not have a pandemic ... We were lied to” is now learning that the pandemic is real after all.
40.6 million cases.653,000 dead. Who will the next fool be?

Texas Is 15th In Sex Assaults. Abbott Claims He'll Eliminate All Rapes
Has Greg Abbott ignored rape victims until now?
"Misogynist Fascism is now a part of the American way thanks to MAGA and scum like Abbott and the Texas legislature."
The cliff is waiting for this miscrant Talibastard.

'They’re on the backs of the people who took the vaccine': Miami doctor refuses to treat unvaccinated patients
No treatment period for anti-vaxxers.They can take the horse crap.

Biden DOJ to sue Texas over abortion ban: WSJ
What was it? 9 years and then a failed Republic?

Marine in Congress skewers Trump over his inflammatory Robert E. Lee comments
Fuck Fatso and the Anti-Vax jackass the MAGATs rode in on.

'Tax These Moochers': Top 1% Dodge $163 Billion in Taxes Each Year
"We can no longer tolerate a rigged tax system that allows the top 1% to avoid $163 billion in taxes that they owe," said Sen. Bernie Sanders.
There will be no future for America if these people aren't put under control.

Bill O’Reilly predicts he will ‘wind up in prison’
No! That only happens if you get pregnant and help someone terminate a pregnancy in Talibastard Texas.

Republicans got wiped out the last time they ran a 'war on women'
Back in 2012, Republicans were on one of their tears against women's rights, thinking that it was the ticket to win

Brawl erupts as Missouri school board unanimously votes for mask mandate
Send them to Guantanamo, that's the place for terroiststs.

CNN's John Avlon does epic takedown of the post-Trump trend of Republicans saying one thing while doing another
These fucked-up idiots have nothing but BULLSHIT!

Trump spins new 9/11 tale about 'two big firemen' pulling him to safety after he 'heard creaks'
It must have been Shit Creek.
And he heard these at Ground Zero? Big ol' Bullshit on the BS detector!

Lincoln Project ad mocks Trump's falling popularity: ‘DeSantis is running away’ with your party
And DipDhitus is dumber than Fatso!
Unexplicable here in the third century idiot era.
You can't ridicule these dumb fucks enough.

DeSantis loses again in lawsuit over his schools mask-mandate policy
Need I say more?

Larry Elder ends campaign event after someone in 'angry' crowd threw an egg at him: report
I'll have bacon and fascist over easy for breakfast, thanks.

Pandemic unemployment benefits have now expired. The pandemic, however, is still going strong
The idiots will figure it out or be dead soon.

Texas Guv Named a Law After This Rape Survivor. Now She’s Furious.
Lunatic Gov. has been covered too many times. Get rid of him.

Playing dumb: The cruel lies of Gov. Abbott about abortion are much worse than ignorance
Land of the Happy Negro Gov. dumber than a box of rocks? A sack of hammers? Nothing to see here. This is all well established.

Klobuchar Urges Senators To Bust Filibuster: 'Get Something Done!'
Minnesota Democratic Sen. Amy Klobuchar is on a completely justifiable rampage.
She's talking to Land of the Happy Negro chickenshits.

Howard Stern ROASTS Anti-Vax Radio Hosts Who Died, Says Make Vaccine Mandatory: ‘F*ck Them, F*ck Their Freedom’

West Virginia Gov. Goes Off on ‘Crazy’ Vaccine Conspiracies: ‘How Difficult Is This to Understand?’
Apparently pretty damned difficult for slack-jawed idiots killing us all.

Jen Psaki and Peter Doocy Clash Over US Response to Taliban’s New Terrorist Cabinet Member: ‘We Have to Engage With Them’
Peter needs to find a life that has some meaning. That poor little boy.

Rep. Jim Jordan accidentally shows the true face of the American fascist
No accident here. He's that fucking stupid.
"Real America is done with #COVID19. God bless!" They may be done with Covid-19 but it is NOT done with them!

Marjorie Taylor Greene gets hit with a $2,500 fine from the Office of the Sergeant at Arms
Kick her back to the street.

Your memory of 9/11 is probably wrong
History has revealed how memory is a pliable thing — especially when it comes to catastrophes
Why don't you just take a look at Spike Lee's documentary on it?

'Biology 101': AOC torches Texas Gov. Greg Abbott for misinformed rape claim and 'deep ignorance' on abortion
Do you think Abbott gives a shit about women? Abbott is underwater without a breathing device. Living in the third century will do that to you.

MSNBC's Morning Joe shreds Greg Abbott's 'preposterous' comments about rape: 'I don't know where to start'
" Texas fares when it comes to rapes — more reported in the state of Texas than any other state in America,..."
You can start by labeling him a Talibastard.

Why Culture Wars? This Is Why
For years the culture war has driven Republican turnout in the South, the Mountain West, and (in recent years) the Midwest.
In other words, the Land of the Happy Negro.
"It's money that matters, you hear what I say, i'ts money that matters in the U.S.A." — Randy Newman.
No truer words were ever spoken. It keeps the Talibastards in power.
When we will grow up and eliminate the real problem?

TikTok Creator's Dying Plea For Others: 'Get The Vaccine!'
“I did not get vaccinated. I’m not anti-vax; I was just trying to do my research. I was scared," said Alexandra Blankenbiller in her last video. Nine days later she died.

House GOP Fantasizes About Revenge For Jan 6 Investigation
So if the January 6 commission gets Republican telecom records? Republican House members are already fantasizing about fake investigations so they can get phone records of Democrats. That's all they've got.
They still have their assholes. They've got that.

Anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers now present a real threat of violence
Across the country, more anti-vaccine extremists are turning violent. It's time to take the threat seriously.
And you wonder why the Covid deaths keep rising? Or maybe you don't give a damn. Their hate should be aimed at Covid because it does not give one flying fuck about what they think. They have been total failures at fighting that.

‘Exponential’ Increase: More Than a Quarter Million Children Contracted COVID Just Last Week – The Most Ever

Ted Cruz slammed for telling unemployed Americans to 'get a job' as unemployment benefits expire: 'What do you do again?'
He occupies space. And take a ridiculous amount of our tax money. That is all that he does. He should never open his clueless mouth.

Marjorie Taylor Greene did not report the source of $3.5 million in fundraising — the FEC has questions: report
The other thing about these grifters. Stealing and not getting punished is their greatest accomplishment.

'Not going to get everything': Some Jan. 6 evidence may be hidden behind encryption
Try decrypting? No privacy when it comes to treason. You are copping out.

'Beyond disrespectful!' Trump sparks backlash with 'utterly deranged' agreement to call boxing match on 9/11
Trump only cares about the con to mask his coup.

Miami newspaper slams Ron DeSantis for misleading comments about COVID-19 vaccines: 'A profile in selfishness'
He sure gives Dumbo a run for the moron crown.

Jim Jordan gets a badly needed fact-check after claiming that 'vaccine mandates are un-American'
"Jackit Off" Jordan makes his own facts in his imaginary world of lust for power.

New Customs for Courtin' Gals in Texas

As a Nurse Practitioner, I Know the Texas Abortion Law Is a Blow to Health Care
It's a blow to humanity and to the country they claim to love so much.

Stephen A. Smith Destroys Hypocritical Pro Athletes for Taking Supplements and Refusing the Vaccine: ‘Biggest DAMN LIE IMAGINABLE’
“It’s shameful when athletes talk about, ‘oh it’s a private matter.’ It is not a private matter!” Smith fired back on ESPN’s First Take. “Because it effects anybody that’s standing right next to you! You’re not living a private life!”
Hell, yes!

Texas AG: The Founders Intended Abortion Bounties
Nope. They had in mind that seditionists would try to form some corrupt shithole with laws of your own, then be invaded by our great union and be occupied forever. Watch it happen.

POLL: Two-Thirds Of Parents Support Masks In Schools
This doesn't matter to MAGAts because all polls are incorrect unless they decide the votes.

Texas Governor Signs Sweeping Law Restricting Voting Rights
Gov. Greg Abbott signed GOP-led legislation in Texas that bans 24-hour and drive-through voting, creates harsher voter ID requirements for mail-in voting, and more.
This is chicken shit fascism in action. Where are the swastikas? The Red Hats.

TX Gov Signs Sweeping Voter Suppression Bill Into Law
American slowly bleeds out democracy because some jackasses can't take getting beat in an election.
Here's a photo of one big jackass. These jerks will never win.

Judge Reverses Order That Forced Hospital To Administer Ivermectin
Public policy doesn’t support “allowing a physician to try ‘any’ type of treatment on human beings,” the judge ruled after a coronavirus patient’s wife sued the hospital.
A win for sanity. We'll see how well he does in his future.

Abortion Bounty Hunters in Texas Are Not "Whistleblowers"—They're Cruel Vigilantes
Calling those who exploit this law "whistleblowers" is a way to turn the true meaning of whistleblowing on its head. We might as well have history books referring to enforcers of the Fugitive Slave Act as "good Samaritans," or monitors of Jim Crow compliance as "civic activists."
We already know what they are. Just like the Stasi, the East German secret police.
This will not end well in the Texas Republic of Coat Hangers.

'A dumpster fire': Texas Lt. Gov. loses it over 'depraved' Portland leaders after city floats plan to boycott state
Patrick is a complete joke. "A city led by depraved officials allows lawlessness, putting their citizens in grave danger..." That's what he said and didn't have the brains to know he was talking about himself and his own." Everyone and everything should boycott Texas. They have already seceded from the United States with their unconstitutional laws.

Proud Boys Try To Storm Vancouver, WA High School Over Mask Mandate
Proud of being morons.

Some Asshole Hotelier Sends Big Scary Lawyer After Your Wonkette!

GOP’s Promised Jan. 6 Probe Has One Problem: No One Wants It
“I have nothing to hide, but I have nothing to add,” Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy told a local TV station when asked about his conversations with Trump on Jan. 6.
In other words he has nothing. As usual.

'Intoxicated' passenger growls at flight crew like an animal in racist meltdown
And led away like a lost puppy.
I think that flight authority told the pitiful critter, "If you don't have a parachute, sit down and shut up."

UN Human Rights Experts: Texas Abortion Ban Is a Violation of International Law
By refusing to block the Texas law, "the Supreme Court of the United States has chosen to trample on the protection of women's reproductive rights," said one expert.
They always wanted their slaves. No wonder Santa Ana wanted them out.

Joe Rogan And Tucker Carlson Are Enemies Of Public Health
Jim Acosta calls out the two disinformation sources by name on CNN.
You could just stop at "Joe Rogan And Tucker Carlson Are Enemies."

Timeline: How Corporate America Has Helped Decimate Unions
The declining bargaining power of unions contributes to the crisis of extreme income inequality in the United States.

AG Garland: DOJ Will ‘Provide Support’ For Abortion Clinics ‘Under Attack’

Sinne Eaters Wanted in Texas, Apply Now

One Hundred Duck-Sized Horses
"No, there’s nothing we can think of quite like the new Texas law criminalizing abortion, but keeping government actors out of it."
"As it happens, we finally found a comparison that suits us — to the Stasi, the East German secret police, that relied on neighbors spying on each other, state-sanctioned informers."
This is the monster that Texas has turned into.

Texas Abortion Law Will Chill Online Advocacy Efforts for Reproductive Rights
Texas goes to hell in a handmaiden's basket.

'This makes me sick': Viral video shows brazen anti-LGBTQ attack in Georgia high school
Self-loathing latent homosexual. Or just a dickhead bully that needs the shit kicked out of him.

The Senate’s new cannabis reform bill can do more for drug war-targeted communities

A Texas Judge Temporarily Halted Abortion Ban Enforcement. That Won’t Stop the GOP in Other States.
One Republican lawmaker dismissed all the concerns as Democrats just trying to “gin up their base.”
"Uncharted Ground?" These terrorists have been charting the ground since the 1970s. Pay attention.

'Plain false': Fact-checker thoroughly debunks Joni Ernst live on-air over lie about Biden and Afghanistan War vets

TN Poison Control: Horse Paste Causing Mental Issues
You sure it's the paste and they weren't already rabid?

Graham: The US Will Eventually Re-Invade Afghanistan
"The Taliban are not reformed, they’re not new. They have a view of the world out of sync with modern times.”
Neither are you, Dumbo. Since when have you had a new cogent thought float through your brick head? Get your sorry ass right to the front when you start it again. And get your fucking party in sync with the times!
The Taliban are not reformed, they’re not new. They have a view of the world out of sync with modern times.”

Indiana University Football Team Can’t Spell ‘Indiana’ And Fans Are Shook
The gaffe capped an embarrassing opening game for the Hoosiers. Mistakes or merely the continuing dumbing down of America?

Treasured Western Trout Streams Wither Amid Heat, Drought
Climate change continues to wreak havoc across the American West.
Water is vanishing. Life will not continue in many areas.

U.S. marks Labor Day by letting unemployment aid expire for 7 million people
The pandemic will continue and more people will die needlessly for this.

Chris Christie: Women Should Lose Abortion Rights Because Of 'Science'
Former Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) on Sunday pushed back against former Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ) after he suggested that women should lose reproductive rights due to advances in science.
Fatso, we've been having a conversation about it since the 1970s. But you have only listened to one side of it, if at all. When you get pregnant you can talk about it.

The Texas Taliban Wing of the Republican Party
In total control of the state, Republicans have a free hand that they’ve used to enforce extremism.
We're fighting them here so we don't HAVE to fight them over there.

Desperate anti-Biden business owner tells Fox News: 'I'm willing to compromise and give you a living wage'
"I haven't heard one thing from these people, not one thing! Where are them [sic] for us? Where are they now on the podium speaking for me?"
I guess you are glued to Fuks Noose. Try other sources. You might be surprised at what's going on.

She thought the pandemic was 'political' – then she watched in horror as her husband died of COVID

Don’t Talk To Me About 9/11, If You’re Still Ignoring 1/6
"Real patriots condemn all terrorist attacks on America."

Democrats announce probe into potential 'abuse' of Supreme Court's 'shadow docket'
Turn the light on the cockroaches.

CARTOON: Texas State Property
Don't mess with Texas's messin' with pregnant rape and incest victims.
The Talabaptists take control of their chattel.

Alex Jones Pretends To Take Ivermectin On The Air During Crazed Rant
Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones continues to prove that he's a public health menace.
Shysters like Jones have been making a living conning suckers for 10,000 years.

Newly Released Documents Show AZ Fraudit Even Worse Than We Knew
The fingerprints of Donald Trump’s allies are all over communications among those running what is supposed to be an independent audit of Arizona’s election results.
Speaking of shysters.

'Red List of Threatened Species': A Grim Tally of Those Facing Extinction
“It’s hard to watch the rise of nationalism in the face of a global threat that requires global cooperation, global action”
Most Americans don't give a damn about the environment. They only want a good paying job and high bandwith internet so they can get their latest dancing "entertainment" and propaganda fix.

'I was too damn stubborn': Unvaccinated Georgia man leaves message for friends before Covid death
Yes. Too damn stubborn and empty headed as they all are.

Mike Lindell vows to 'go after' reporter the MyPillow CEO branded 'an enemy of our country'
Aren't we tired of this grifting idiot yet?

Only one presidential election has provoked civil war — at least until now
Dude, it's the same war. It has never ended. Yet.

'A disaster': Texas Republicans blasted by conservative for their latest 'reckless political stunt'
Texas Talaban will fail and fall.

Kirshner: Kevin McCarthy Should Be Arrested For Witness Tampering
The House Minority Leader is breaking the law in plain sight.
Law and order is gone in the U.S.

Conservative explains how Kevin McCarthy went from Trumpian 'groveler' to 'demagogue in his own right'

Lawlessness is a feature of the GOP — not a bug

Florida Reports A Record High 1,338 COVID Deaths
This is Ron DeSantis's fault.
Thinning the herd. The virus is clearly doing its job.

Dr. Scott Gottlieb Warns Next Delta Wave Will Be In Northeast
The former FDA commissioner thinks delta has peaked in the South, but will break out in the Northeast next.

Tucker Carlson Claim Fraudulent Vaccination Cards Aren't A Criminal Act
As each day passes, Tucker Carlson and Fox News continue to destroy the health and safety of their own viewers.
Money is what matters you see.

Jim Jordan and Kevin McCarthy have good reason to be 'nervous' about the Capitol riot investigation: former House member

Labor unions vs. vaccine mandates: The workers drawing a line in the COVID battle
Police unions are leading the opposition to vaccination mandates for public workers
This is how stupid we can get. The head of the Fraternal Order of Police? Dumb as a rock.

Alex Jones takes ivermectin — and launches crazed rant about Joe Rogan: 'You think I'm easy to kill?'
Actually, you are. The fatter, the easier.

Missouri Paper’s Editorial Board Compares Removal Of LGBT History Exhibit To Taliban Destruction Of Artifacts
Yes, of course. Anyone with a half-brain knows these religious zealots are exactly our very own Taliban. We won't have to go as far as Afghanistan to stop them.

Texas Anti-Abortion Snitch Line Already Getting Tips
More of the American Taliban in action.

Texas’ draconian abortion ban
Taliban in Texas.

Texas abortion law a 'radical expansion' of who can sue whom — and an about-face for Republicans on civil lawsuits
They are not Republicans any more. They are radical religious fascists who piss on the constitution.

Supreme Court sanctions GOP's vigilante strategy to stay in power
No Law, No Order.

Cops Summoned After AZ Man Threatens To Zip-Tie Elementary School Principal Over Child’s Quarantine
What in heaven's name has happened to sanity in this country?

McCarthy's 'gangster' threat signals 'dark future' of Putin-style shakedowns if GOP takes House: columnist
The fascists have been a bunch of gangsters for many years now. Just look at the Roe v. Wade mugging.

Rachel Campos-Duffy Shouts Against Masks: 'Kids Don't Die Of Covid!'
Um, some DO, Rachel.
Two kids age 4 and 15 died here in Texas last week of Covid.
Why won't you let us help our kids?
Isn't it so relaxing living in a world of mindless morons?

'Dr.' Joe Rogan Has Covid, Elects Ivermectin 'Treatment'
Joe Rogan canceled shows and announced he tested positive for Covid. Thoughts and prayers.
Ditto the mindless comment.

Jim Jordan Says He Never Questioned 2020 Outcome, But There's Video
Rep. Jim Jordan lied to Rep. Joe Morelle about "never questioning" the 2020 election results. Mehdi Hasan put together a compilation of the many times he did just that.
Proof doesn't mean a thing to these miscreants.

'Stunning': Justice Sotomayor writes a furious dissent as the Supreme Court lets Texas violate Roe v. Wade
"... a flagrantly unconstitutional law engineered to prohibit women from exercising their constitutional rights..."
It is clear Texas circumvented the law. They will pay dearly for this outrage.
They need more than a furious lecture here in the Land of the Happy Negro over this flagrant robbery.

The anti-abortion myth about when life begins

Madison Cawthorn’s home-state newspaper calls on Republicans to 'censure' his ‘alarming’ behavior
Disabled in more ways than it appears.

Lauren Boebert Demands Congress Impeach Kamala Harris
Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) on Tuesday called for the impeachment of Vice President Kamala Harris because she has not invoked the 25th Amendment to remove President Joe Biden from office over his handling of the Afghanistan war.
BoBoebert is the one that should be impeached. She's a grifting fool.

‘AntivaxMomma’ Charged With Selling Fake COVID Cards To Frontline Workers
Jasmine Clifford, aka @AntivaxMomma, allegedly used her Instagram account to sell forged COVID vaccine cards to 250 people, including 13 frontline workers in hospitals and nursing homes.
We live in a world of grifters.

'$83B Left Behind In Afghanistan' Gets Three Pinocchios
Another big lie on right-wing media. Afghanistan WAS a money pit for the US taxpayer and that ended yesterday.
The War Dogs have the sadz they lost all their profits. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Former federal prosecutor says Kevin McCarthy's 'threatening' response to Jan. 6 committee could be criminal
This coward? Could be? Ha! Ya Think?

Mike Lindell's meltdown begins: He recently sold a MyPillow plane to fund Dominion lawsuit
Exclusive: MyPillow guy has sold $2.5M private plane, is now "raising money" for legal defense, source tells Salon
Is this snake oil asshat finally done? Time will tell.

Roe v. Wade in Grave Danger as Supreme Court Lets Texas Abortion Ban Take Effect
"Access to almost all abortion has just been cut off for millions of people. The impact will be immediate and devastating."
Welcome to the Fascist Taliban state of Tejas. They want this to go to the Supreme Court. It's all about controlling their women. White men are the biggest chauvinist pigs in the known universe.

Criminal history of ‘angry white man’ revealed after he attacks on-air NBC reporter in Mississippi
Seems like there are a lot of angry white men. They are losing their power and won't go quietly. But go they will.

Ex-FBI official reveals why Jim Jordan has no way to save himself — or Trump — from Capitol riot committee
A step forward for America. Clean house.

Disinformation caucus of Kansas GOP spreads dangerous falsehoods about COVID-19
Truth decay.

Religion expert slams 'laughable' Christian anti-mask rhetoric: It's all just a 'persecution complex'
It goes hand-in-hand with the "victim card" the GOP always plays.

DeSantis administration blows off court ruling and strips funding from schools defying mask mandate ban
Looks like the GOP is no longer the party of Law & Order. They can stop using that lie.

Sidney Powell gets brutal grilling from Australian reporter: 'Do you ever hear yourself and think it sounds ridiculous?'
Finally, a reporter asks the right question.
"I'm saying that thousands of Americans had some role in it, knowingly or unknowingly. It was essentially a bloodless coup where they took over the presidency of the United States without a single shot being fired," Powell said.
Does she realize that's exactly what elections were created to avoid? I guess not.

Even as Afghan War Ends, GOP Attempts to Add $25B to Military Budget
"They want billions more for war even as we withdraw from Afghanistan. We have to stop this amendment."

Will the Afghan crisis finally bring down the U.S. empire of war, corruption and poverty?
After this disorienting defeat, Americans may be ready to give up on global domination — and build the future

Veteran Rips 'Media Propaganda Machine' For Exploiting Marine Deaths
Army veteran Marie Triplett warned that the media "propaganda machine" is using the death of 13 Marines in Afghanistan to gin up anger.

Ohio State Still Awaiting Ruling on Palaie Gaoteote's NCAA Eligibility with Just Three Days to Go Until First Game
They have had all summer to review this case. A simple yes or no cannot be that difficult to say. "This shit is beyond ridiculous."
This is another reason why we must end the NCAA now.

Conservative radio host who called himself "Mr. Anti-Vax" dies of COVID-19
Consistent until the end, Bernier's last tweet compared vaccination outreach efforts to Nazi Germany

Ohio Judge Orders COVID Patient Treated With Ivermectin
Butler County Judge Gregory Howard ordered West Chester Hospital to treat Jeffrey Smith, 51, with Ivermectin after his wife Julie filed a lawsuit against the hospital.
Moron has right to kill himself, sez judgie.

Texas abortion law that bans procedure as early as six weeks set to go into effect
I see the Taliban is taking over this week in Texas.

'How you get stuff done': Anti-mask GOP nominee threatens to use '20 strong men' to physically remove school boards
Violent threats to school boards? That's where the fascists are going? It is not a surprise. I would suggeet school to prepare to defend themselves by any means necessary.

Know Your Rights! Religion And Government Don’t Mix In Public Schools – And That Means ALL Religions

The End of the Parade
"...the world they’ll have left us when Darwin has finished with them."

U.S. Strike Against ISIS Reportedly Kills 10 Civilians
This is called collateral damage and we don't care about this side of American atrocity.

Why Do We Work Too Much?
In the modern office, stress has become a default metric for judging whether we are busy enough.

Texas Anti-Mask Covidiot Dies Of COVID-19
The Texas anti-mask "freedom defender" Caleb Wallace was finally "free" to die from the disease that he helped others to die from as well, due to the lies and misinformation he spread.
It can happen.

Graham: 'Whose Decision Was It To Pull All Of The Troops Out?'
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) seemingly forgot on Sunday that it was former President Donald Trump who set a deadline to end the U.S. war in Afghanistan and then began the drawdown of U.S. troops.
Not all of us are the fools Graham takes us for.

Chris Wallace Challenges McConnell's Desire For 'Full-scale War'
Fox News host Chris Wallace questioned Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell about his desire to fight an endless war in Afghanistan.
McConnell did not explain why the Afghan government and military could not support itself after 20 years of U.S. help.
War Dogs don't need logic for their answers.

Tate Reeves Says Mississippeans Are Less Afraid Of COVID Because GOD
"When you believe in eternal life - when you believe that living on this earth is but a blip on the screen, then you don't have to be so scared of things," said Mississippi's Governor.
The Governor of Darwin's Waiting Room is very slow with his evolving. Another blip on the screen is what Tate is. Not helping your fellow man in this world should be his mission, not helping getting them to the exits.

The Unspeakable Cynicism Behind, and Exploitation of, the 13 Dead Service Members

Anti-Choicers Fail to See That Overturning “Roe” Will Impact Their Own Rights
"Just because you don’t see yourself getting an abortion does not mean that you are exempt from the consequences of restricting other people’s rights."
Can they see anything at all?

Trump's Supreme Court Just Showed Why Court-packing Is Necessary to save U.S. Democracy
Breyer should read this.

Breyer, the optimistic justice, shakes off defeats but warns of threats to Supreme Court’s authority
Court packing? I guess he's talking about Trump's packing? Is he paying attention at all to what he's saying?

U.S. and 97 other countries announce deal with Taliban to continue evacuating allies

Christian 'Free Speech' Nonprofit Protects Fires Spokesman For Promoting Vaccines

Why COVID-19 Makes It Hard To Remain Friends With Our Anti-Vaccine Phoebe Buffays

If This Texas Abortion Ban Takes Effect, The State Will Pay Citizens To Enforce It
Advocates and providers worry if S.B. 8 becomes law on Sept. 1, it will become a blueprint for other red states looking to end legal abortion.
Welcome to the Fascist Nation of Texas.
Washington sould cut all funding to the Nation.

Voting Rights Roundup: House Democrats pass historic bill to restore and expand Voting Rights Act
But the Nazis in the Senate will kill it.

People under 50 making up larger share of Texas COVID-19 hospitalizations than at any point in the pandemic
Those in the 30-49 age range were hospitalized this month at nearly double their rate in January, the pandemic's previous peak in Texas.
This is what happens when you think you're bullet proof.

Reversal: US Open To Require Fans Show Vax Proof
You won't see any of Rev. McCall's flock of morons.

Pastor Hands Out Exemption Letters For “Unclean” Vax
More Dumbos getting people sick. His "information" is unclean.

Kansas Man Dies Waiting For ICU Bed As Hospitals Overwhelmed By COVID-19
Van Pelt died waiting three days for a bed in the ICU as unvaccinated patients overwhelmed ICU rooms across the state, his family said.
All the purposefully unvaccinated have blood on their hands.

Billionaires Need to Get on Board With More Taxes or Expect the Pitchforks
The super-rich have made a killing off of the pandemic. It's time to tax the hell out of them to pay for programs that serve the working class.
Pitchforks that are high caliber.

Vaccine mandates work, especially when they’re done right
Requirements always have to be achievable and equitable.
"...but somewhere around 30 percent of Americans haven’t got their shots. Carrots didn’t work; here come the sticks."

The Supreme Court has gone too far — and left Democrats with only one option
"...Democratic dream killers Sens. Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, both of whom apparently love the filibuster more than human rights."

Georgia cop who pushed people to take horse dewormer instead of vaccine dies from COVID-19
Manning: "If we lose on vaccines we will completely lose our right to sovereignty over our own bodies."
I'll bet he felt the same about women having the same right to terminating a pregnancy?
He just didn't use it as prescribed. Ask brain dead Louis Gohmert about it. He recommends it.

Louie Gohmert Pushes Horse Paste At Texas Event

Wisconsin school district opts out of free meal program to avoid 'spoiling' hungry children
Even for kids who can't afford to eat. I guess they'll have to go to work? Relax, it's the usual systemic racism that they all deny.

40 million people rely on the Colorado River — and it's drying up fast
Too bad no one paid attention before this.

Biden Schools Doocy In Front Of The World
"It's time to end a 20-year war," Pres. Joe Biden told Peter Doocy and the press corps, after Doocy asked question after question showcasing his abject ignorance.
See what I mean about "journalists." But this punk is a special flavor of stupid POS.

Anti-mask Covidiot 'Desperate For Miracles' As Condition Worsens
Caleb Wallace of San Angelo's 'Freedom Defenders,' head of an anti-mask group, has run out of options after nearly a month in hospital.
The sorrow of stupidity.

The Madness Of Anti-Vaxxers
Jordan Klepper of The Daily Show set off to interview some anti-vaxxers. He was not disappointed.
Examples of American stupidity. So many false equivilancies and cognitive logic failure.

Lauren Boebert admits to campaign finance problems: “I under-reported a lot of stuff” to the FEC
Gun-toting Colorado Republican's 2020 campaign reports spending $2.6 million — which went to just 32 people

Senate's Dumbest Republican Down For Some Hot Horse Deworming Action!
Dumbest Republican is leading the team of dumb.

John Lewis Voting Rights Bill Passes House With Zero Republican Votes
Those bastards are fascist scum. Never forget they started this civil war.

Herschel Walker's embarrassing Senate bid
Trump's backing of the ex-NFL star is both ridiculous and casually racist
To which Herschel is he referring?

Analysis: When the Texas state seal doesn’t signify trust
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is using the state seal to shield himself against accusations by former top aides. And former Gov. Rick Perry is using it as well — as a backdrop for a sales pitch.

Could the “Monarchs” on the Supreme Court Tank Democracy?

Afghanistan Is Turning Our Brains to Mush
"As I write this, I've come to this conclusion, perhaps this singular realization: We — all of us writing about Mr. Biden and Afghanistan — are becoming idiots. If it can happen to E.J. Dionne, it can happen to any of us."
Becoming an idiot is fashionable in so-called "journalism" these days.

Should the Government Impose a National Vaccination Mandate?
Despite claims to the contrary, there are many routes to legally requiring COVID inoculation.
The whole world should if we actually want to stop it.

“The Clock Starts Ticking Today”
The FDA approval of the Pfizer vaccine triggered a whole bunch of vaccine mandates.

You do not have the 'constitutional right' to refuse the Covid-19 vaccine
"The Constitution is not a suicide pact guaranteeing a right to harm others. The government has latitude to protect citizens from deadly conditions, especially when the science supporting vaccination is so clear.

Is the media treating 'sane' Biden worse than 'insane' Trump?
"the mainstream media only describes roughly half the media landscape." "The other half of the media is a right-wing messaging apparatus that makes no effort to follow traditional journalistic norms,..."
That's due to the fact that they are shills, entertainers and interested in being a personality instead of being a reporter. They promote only themselves.

Pro-Trump 'Kraken' attorneys sanctioned for 'historic and profound abuse of the judicial process'
Grifters and con artists get a take down.

Larry Elder Explodes At Anchor Who Asks About His 'Anti-Women' Remarks
Larry Elder, a Republican candidate for California governor, lost his cool this week after a local television news anchor asked him about his history of remarks about women.
Larry Elder knows nothing about women or anyone for that matter. He's another no-nothing.

Majority in US—Including 90% of Democrats—Back Spending Trillions on Infrastructure
"Poll after poll shows that the overwhelmingly majority of voters support bold action."

FCC seeks $5M fine for robocalls telling Black people that voting helps “the man”
Robocalls claimed mail-in voting is used to track down warrants, collect unpaid debt.

COVID hospitalization averages $20K—and insurers want unvaccinated to pay up
Delta surcharge is "necessary to address the financial risk" of not getting vaccinated.

Sturgis was a major 'superspeader' event — just as warnings predicted: report
Kristi has done nothing to protect the people of her state.

Florida hospitals are suffering dangerous oxygen shortages as COVID-19 surges: report

DeSantis is failing Florida on COVID-19. New polling shows Floridians know it

Journalism after 9/11
“Are we now supposed to make news, or just cover it?”

Carlson: Trans People Think They’re God, That’s Satanic
Stop telling people they don't believe in God unless they're Christian. You sound like the Taliban or Isis.
America has no national religion. So get bent.

McCarthy: Budget Bills Will Pass “Over My Dead Body”
The screw that wants to zoom America. "Talk about adding perks to the bill."

Kristi Noem Vows To 'Protect' South Dakotans From Federal Government
The Governor of South Dakota was mocked and ridiculed for her stance against the non-existent threat of Federal vaccine mandates.
She's responsible for killing people there. The moron keeps at it.

'Now the Senate Must Act': Progressives Applaud House Passage of John Lewis Voting Rights Bill
"As long as we let the filibuster stand, this necessary bill will be stuck in the Senate," warned Congresswoman Jayapal. "It’s your right to vote or the filibuster."

Supreme Court Ruling on Asylum Policy Denounced as 'Nothing Short of Cruel'
"We put an end to the Trump presidency but we still need to put an end to his cruel, harmful, and deadly policies including this xenophobic one."
A result of Trump's racist fascism.

Tucker Carlson Calls Ben Sasse 'Guiltiest White Man In America’
This is how a Neo-Nazi talks to his clan about any white person who they feel has betrayed their skin color.

63% of US Veterans Support Afghanistan Withdrawal: Poll
"Veterans know the cost of war, so it should come as no surprise that they strongly back President Biden's decision to end the war in Afghanistan."

New Poll: Most Floridians Reject DeSantis Covid Policies
But Republicans see mask wearing as a matter of personal Freedumb!
"You will not be shocked to learn that Republicans stand alone among all groups in saying by 58 - 39 percent that the issue of mask wearing is primarily about personal freedom. The freedom to need a ventilator! Patriotic choking noises!"

'What planet' is Kayleigh on? McEnany's latest mind-boggling claim has critics offering a history lesson
She added, "I shudder to think about what COVID would have been like under Joe Biden."
The greatest Trump joke I've ever heard! I guess she thinks drinking bleach and taking Hydroxychloroquine was good advice. ROTFLMFAO!
That poor little girl.

I Will Build A Great Wall That Will Be Impenetrable, Except For Saws, Wind, Breaches, Ladders and Now Monsoons
“I will build a great wall, and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me," said the clown, though, even then, hardly anyone did.

ConservaDems Cave After Nearly Tanking Infrastructure Bills
Conserva-dems tried to slow the roll of the Biden agenda. The Progressive caucus held firm.
As they should.

Why Some Republicans Will Not Sleep Well This Week
The January 6 Commission is asking telecom companies to preserve phone records from January 6, including from...gasp...members of Congress!

Jim Jordan Called Out For Lies During Election Hearing
More of this please, Rep. Morelle.
Jordan is the low.

A Democrat calls out and dismantles the media's 'fantasy' on Afghanistan
Next, try to get the media's fantasy dimanteled. They seem to be ignorant on America's history since the 1970s.

Alex Jones turns on Trump: 'My god, maybe you're not that bright'
How come he's not in prison?

'I don't like being told what I have to do': Libertarian explains vaccine refusal as he struggles to breathe
What a depressing outcome. It is horrible.

Wisconsin newspaper slams Ron Johnson: A 'con artist' whose 'grifting' made his billionaire cronies even richer
Everyone knows what Ron Johnson is. If they don't they are whistling past the graveyard.

Science quietly wins one of the right’s longstanding culture wars
A new survey reveals a resounding victory for advocates of evolution and a setback for purveyors of pseudoscience
Think of it...always.

National Review editor roasted for writing 'fan fic' about how Trump would have made the Taliban do his bidding
Don't even talk about that propaganda shit of your rag. All Trump ever did when confronted with a bully is he caved.

Neo-Nazi gets three years in prison for threat campaign that targeted Jewish journalists
The swastika makes a good target.

Trump supporter accused of threatening to murder former wife announces Georgia Senate campaign
Here's HersChel attempting to run for something he is not qualified to do.

Five Ways the US Created and Prolonged the Afghan Crisis
The United States was involved in Afghanistan long before 9/11, fomenting Islamist revolt and paving the way for its own defeat.

Anger Mounts at Handful of Right-Wing Dems Still Threatening to Kill $3.5 Trillion Plan
"Can't be long 'til Trump tweets out his support" for the conservative House Democrats, said progressive Rep. Mark Pocan.
With guys like these around we don't have to worry about the Taliban, Al Queda, Isis or Q. They are a larger threat to our country than all of them put together.

Mississippi health officials say 70 percent of recent calls relate to people using livestock drug to treat COVID
Perfect cognative power. Using horse medicine and not approved vaccines. Sure, that's genius reasoning.

'We’ll look at everything': Jan. 6 House committee to subpoena phone records of lawmakers and others — possibly Trump
I'd say definately Trump. All the evidence is right there.

Lauren Boebert’s gas problem: Far-right lawmaker concealed blatant conflict of interest
Colorado congresswoman's husband stands to earn $1.7 million from gas drilling, a fact she didn't mention till now
Grifting and scheming.

Report reveals the reason Lindsey Graham cannot divorce himself from the ‘far reaches of Trumpism’
"Tap Dancing With Trump: Lindsey Graham's Quest for Relevance."

Fox News: FDA Vax Approval Was Too Fast But What Took So Long?
The talking heads at Fox News went for the "let's have it both ways" gambit.
"Fox News is your source for disinformation and their new chyron should be: Killing 628K people and still counting!"
Oh, these guys are brilliant.

Explaining 21st-Century Capitalism in a Way Everyone Can Understand
Maybe. Don't give them too much credit.

The US and UK Got Things So Wrong in Afghanistan Because They do Not Understand the Afghan Way of War

GOP congressman denounces Speaker Pelosi with a Nazi slur
Another Texas casualty of being brainless.

Tucker Carlson's arguments are maddeningly stupid on purpose. He's trying to destroy rational discourse itself

Expanding the Military Draft Is Not Feminism. Abolishing Draft Registration Is.

FL Teens Now Have Higher COVID Positivity Rate Than Other Age Groups In The State Amid DeSantis’ Mask War

Canary in the Cold Mine
When we are in denial about the climate change that will kill us all. These forever wars mean nothing when we can no longer breathe, are under water, or dying of thirst. Then nothing else matters.

'This is the smoking gun of all time': Mike Lindell promises 'nationwide injunction' on voting machines
Pillow quack moves closer to the booby hatch all the time.

Marjorie Taylor Greene unloads new anti-vaccine rant: FDA approval is conspiracy to distract from Afghanistan
She's only one step behind Mike Lindell in her trip to the nut house.

Marjorie Taylor Greene ridiculed for insisting the 'Taliban would have NEVER said no to Trump'
Deluded beyond a doubt. Impeach her.

GOP Covid vaccine mandate bans are a legal, terrible idea
"Freedom" doesn't mean the same thing for state and local elected officials, apparently.
Arrogance moves to a new level in Tejas.
"What these politicians are pushing isn’t the right to make personal choices; it’s the right to make personal choices with which they agree."

Despite Trillions Spent, the US Military Hasn't Won a Real War Since 1945
And if the American people don't benefit from these endless losing wars, why do we keep fighting them?
Some fantasy in which we live. Keep doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.

Our Progressive Agenda Is Popular and Our Candidates Can Win
If Democrats want to govern for a generation instead of winning one-off races by slim margins, we will need to mend the deep tears among the American electorate and reckon with the injustices that were sewn into the fabric of our flag.

Surgical tech compares herself to a Holocaust victim because of hospital’s vaccine requirement — quickly gets fired
Well, I'm sure pissed that they didn't tatoo my arm! Matter of fact I don't think I know anyone who got a tatoo. Let's go over this again. Covid is like the halocaust. The vaccine is like the liberating army. And this bullshit she's spreading is her brain on scarmbled eggs in the frying pan.
BTW: Fizer has been approved by the FDA. No exuses remain.

Tucker Carlson’s 'unpatriotic' Viktor Orbán fetish makes him an 'apostle of authoritarianism': conservative
What a shock.

Vast majority support mask and vaccine mandates as FDA grants Pfizer full approval: poll

Portland Police Disappear As Proud Boys Take Over Town
Why did the mayor have them stand down?

CNN Guests Slam Network For 'Over-The-Top' Afghanistan Coverage
During an appearance on CNN, former White House adviser Matthew Dowd and columnist Amanda Marcotte criticized the media coverage of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan as being "over the top."
But this is what we get when media hires "newsreaders" and not journalists and reporters. We get a celebrity dog and pony show.

Lindsey Graham: Married To The Game
The Life and Times of Lindsey Graham - In love with the game, married to political power.

Jim Acosta Reads Right Wing Media For Filth Over Afghanistan
Giving Tucker Carlson the new title of "Ayatollah of Paranoia" is just one of the many gems in this segment calling out the GOP and its loyal state TV stations on their foreign policy hypocrisy.

Will Americans who were right on Afghanistan still be ignored?
"But very little of the criticism goes to the root of the problem, which was the original decision to militarily invade and occupy Afghanistan in the first place."

'They’ve lost control of the mob': Trump booed at rally after telling supporters to 'take the vaccines'
Trump actually speaks the truth and his mob rejects him. The morons won't even listen to their leader.

Why Americans hate and fear the poor: Joanne Samuel Goldblum on the price of inequality
Another side effect of the pandemic: Many more Americans are aware how stressful and exhausting it is to be poor

‘Disgusting’: Jim Acosta snaps at Darrell Issa after he defends sexist jokes about women
"'We have peace in South Korea and we have 28,000 troops there.' Issa said, making an argument to maintain a base in Afghanistan."
True, but we don't have a base in North Korea which is the same as keeping a base there—not equivalent.
Elder is a radio host. We have to get over our fetish with entertainers being our leaders.

'Stay the hell out of Fulton County': Georgia official issues warning to Marjorie Taylor Greene on CNN
And everything else.

WATCH: Marjorie Taylor Greene fan says Taliban win could be used as model for 'patriots' to take over US
This is exactly what Greene and the rest of the Trump MAGAts are doing. It's projection.

Attacking Those Who Protest Racism Is How Trumpers Deflect the Blame Away from Where It Belongs
Projection in the Land of the Happy Negro. How convenient.

Texas Gov Candidate Allen West “Highly Pissed Off” After Wife Is Arrested For DUI With A Child In The Car
Piss off, Allen.

Alabama Rally Cultists Boo Trump For Pushing Vaccine
Land of the Happy Negro deniers get sore with their Orange Monster.

Texas Governor Now Testing Negative, Credits Vaccine
Let's sing along: "Well, I saw I'm a believer..."

For the Seventeenth Time, Afghanistan Was Never “Winnable”
Yes, but we'll try doing it over and over and expecting a win.

Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: The New York Times and The Washington Post have the morning off again
Keep doing the same things over and over and expecting different results. This is insanity in a sentence.

America’s Merchants of Death Then — and Now
More Afghan-like tragedies will be inevitable until we squeeze the personal profit out of prepping for war.

Wisconsin Rep. Calls Afghan Refugees 'Terrorists'
US Representative Tom Tiffany makes another bid to be the dumbest man in Congress when he calls Afghan refugees "terrorists"
We know who you terrorists are, Tom.

Josh Mandel Praises Sick Waitress, Restaurant Faces Furious Backlash
Mandel single handedly caused a restaurant to face online backlash after praising a sick waitress who came to work.
Where did this idiot get hisr education? The schooling failed.

New Bill Proposes Cutting Pentagon Spending to Fund Vaccines for Poor Nations
"We can't bomb our way out of a global pandemic," said Rep. Mark Pocan, the sponsor of the legislation, "Shifting funds from weaponry and military contractors to producing Covid vaccines will save hundreds of thousands—if not millions—of lives around the world."
If we don't stop it in poor nations the variants will only mutiply and return to us post paid.

How Capitol riot-related charges against Infowars co-host could lead to big problems for Alex Jones
Big assholes normally have big problems sooner or later.

Ted Cruz raises eyebrows in Washington after hiring family members to Senate staff
Well sure, but who else would work for him?

Maine Lawmaker Buries His Wife Who Died From COVID, Attends Anti-Vax Rally
"Chris Johansen, who has been a fierce opponent of pandemic restrictions, joined a rally at which a colleague compared the governor to a Nazi." - The Daily Beast
I was wrong. There is a vaccine for stupid. It's called death.

Talk Radio Host Phil Valentine Dies From COVID
Conservative talk radio host Phil Valentine has died following a lengthy battle with COVID-19. He was 61 years old.
Again. Death was chosen as the cure.

FDA Comes In SCORCHING Hot For The Anti-Vaxxers
The FDA Twitter account - the REAL one - went there and we are totally here for it.
The Orange Monster worshipers sure act like they have the brain of a horse or a cow.

Maddow Tears Into 'Snake Oil' Salesmen At Fox News
"Don’t take the vaccine, but do take this horse de-worming medication. Trust us, it’s proven," said Rachel Maddow, derisively.
Why don't these geniuses take it and do us all a favor?

Fox Guest: I'd Just 'Kill Everyone I See' And 'Grab The Americans' In Afghanistan
I guess indiscriminate killing of Afghan civilians is what passes for tough guy speak on Fox "news."
News Flash: He's not killing anyone by flapping his jaws on Fux Noose.

FDA: “You Are Not A Horse Or Cow, Seriously, Stop It”
And here I've been told you can be anything you want to be in the U.S. of A.

Twitter Erupts Over Patagonia Cutting Off Resort That Hosted Marjorie Taylor Greene, Other Trump Allies
Looks like Patagonia could smell the fascists coming. fascists go back to the place in hell where you came from.

Matt Gaetz critics stunned after he posts 'creepy' photo of his fiance sleeping
"Bill Cosbyed"!! ROTFLMAO!! What a douchebag this creep is.

'The party is in ruins': Minnesota GOP reeling as sex and money scandal consumes the leadership

'Absolutely moronic': Ron DeSantis flattened by Miami Beach mayor over his latest COVID comments
Caution: Asshole at work! It's the Dipper!

AP fires back at Florida's Ron DeSantis for 'bullying' its reporter

Why Are We Minimizing the Story of the Would-Be Capitol Bomber?
A terrorist kept police in Washington, D.C., in a six-hour standoff on Thursday. Why wasn’t it bigger news?
Only one domestic terrorist, I suppose. We need crowds of storming southren Nazis to get attention from the bored media.

The Tragedy of Afghanistan
We’ve known for years that Afghanistan was lost. Until Joe Biden became President, no one had the guts to admit this. Why?
As previously stated, Americans can't grab the truth right away about it when it faces them.

Trump's Capitol Riot Continues: Bomb Threat Proves GOP's Big Lie Is Still a Big Danger

Texas House finally makes quorum, but Democrats say Republicans cheated to get there
There were 99 members registered as present Thursday evening, the exact number needed to end the 38-day Democratic quorum break over the GOP’s priority elections bill. But not all of those members were physically on the floor.
Ghost members are allowed by whatever you call the government in Texas.

Will the Voices of Those Who Were Always Right on Afghanistan Still Be Ignored?
More than likely because America could never face the truth--right away.

Right-Leaning Columnist Calls Forever War a “Myth”
Let me get up from laughing on the floor at this winger-forever comedy.

TX Lt Gov Dan Patrick Found The Real Origin Of COVID, And It Is Black People
White Supremacist, Miss Dan, shows his true coloreds. The Land of the Happy Nego just got happier.

Will Media Ever Remember How To Scold Republicans?
Before the news went wall-to-wall Afghanistan, the media devoted quite a bit of time to scolding President Biden (and Democrats and liberals in general) for not being nice enough to the unvaccinated. Will that ever change?
Will the media ever learn to be journalists rather than trying to be show-biz personalities?

Florida Man Identified As AntiSemitic QAnon Influencer 'GhostEzra'
39-year-old Robert Randall Smart lives in Boca Raton, FL, and counts more than 400K anti-Semitic conspiracy wingnuts among his followers

Look How Well Gov. Ron DeSantis Is Handling The Covid Crisis
He'd rather have seriously ill people huddled on a floor than tell everyone to wear masks.

Ohio Senate Candidate Rages About 'Unconstitutional' Postal Service
Josh Mandel idiotically claims the Post Office is unconstitutional. Good lord. Clearly he has never read the actual Constitution. Why do we keep nominating idiots? Answer: Idiots nominate them.

Ex-Official: Trump Knew Afghan Army Would Surrender, Made Deal Anyway
Former Natl. Sec. Dir. John Ratcliffe said that Trump knew that the Afghan military would fall to the Taliban within 48 hours but negotiated a deal to pull U.S. troops out of the country anyway.

Man Hospitalized In Mississippi After Taking Livestock Ivermectin From Feed Store For COVID
"You wouldn’t get your chemotherapy at a feed store," said Mississippi State Health Officer Dr Thomas Dobbs.
One more for the "Too Stupid to Live" list. But what else can you expect from "Darwin's Waiting Room"?

EMS Director In Tennessee Offers Firefighters Horse Dewormer As COVID Treatment
It would seem that Bradley County Emergency Medical Services Director and Fire Chief Shawn Fairbanks has some 'splainin' to do, offering up Ivermectin for "anyone who wants to try it."
"...but 60-70% of people in the hospitals with Covid are vaccinated**." This is a bald faced lie and the reason we are in the shape we're in.
Looks like "Darwin's Waiting Room" added a north wing.

MAGAite Planning September 18th Rally At Capitol
Former Trump campaign staffer Matt Braynard is planning a September 18th rally across from the Capitol, called “Justice for J6,” to protest the “grave violation of civil rights” of the January 6th insurrectionists.
Nazi Traitors have no civil rights.

'Ron DeSantis owns this': Outrage erupts over 'horrific' photo showing COVID-19 patient on floor of treatment center
A lot of people would be going to jail in a sane country.
Flush the Dip.

Do Republicans still support American democracy? Here's who reporters should be asking

US senator from Mississippi 'fed up' with masks contracts COVID
Darwin's Waiting Room Senator at last gets what he wanted.

The Crimes of the West in Afghanistan and the Suffering That Remains
As in Iraq, as in Libya, as in Mali. It is time to finally bury the doctrine of the so-called "responsibility to protect", which was coined at the time of the beginning of the Afghan war, and to brand it as what it was from the beginning: a neocolonial project.

Just Look At These Anti-Vax Assholes In San Diego!
"Petty tyrants," is exactly what these whiney-assed anti-vaxxers are. They don't support protecting the citizens of their country.
Matt Baker is pathological. Watch him closely or he'll kill you quicker than Covid Delta.
It's dickheads like him that are causing us the trouble we're in right now.

The GOP is losing the argument on coronavirus mandates
The Republican Party has rather clearly marched itself into a minority position, from masks in schools to targeted vaccine mandates

Two arrested at Nashville airport after reportedly refusing to wear masks on separate flights
Drunk Nazis can really be a problem.

Texas can ban common abortion procedure in second trimester, appeals court rules
The ruling is yet another blow to reproductive rights advocates after Texas passed a law this year that goes into effect Sept. 1 banning abortions as early as six weeks. That law is also currently being challenged in court.
Another victory for the white supremacist misogynists.

A Dead Presidency and His Zombies

The Bush Appointee Still on the Job Making Bankruptcy Even Harder
The director of federal bankruptcy oversight is creating more hurdles for Blacks and the poor.

"Vice News notes that Greene was one of just 16 GOP lawmakers who last month voted against increasing the number of visas for Afghans who helped U.S. troops."
Does this woman have a cognitive cell in her brain? No need to answer, it's "NOPE!" We know who the POS is and that P is for PILE!
Put her in a quiet padded cell when she's finally committed.

Conservatives' belief that herd immunity will protect them gets a reality check from former RNC spokesperson
"For the contrarians, the elusive herd is always right there, just across the horizon. There is no reason to listen to those dastardly, idiot experts. No reason to mask or distance or get jabbed if it impinges on your freedom. Because herd is so close (yet so far away)."

Conservative brilliantly explains what is wrong with angry middle-aged white men
They want it to be 1969 again? Wrong. They want it to be a child's garden of fantasy where white supremacy has eradicated and exterminated all the brutes.

Anti-Vax SC Tea Party Leader Dies Of Something

Anti-Vax Husband Of GOP State Rep Dies Of Something

Man In Truck Outside US Capitol Claims To Have Bomb
Probably just a tourist.

Last month, 16 Republicans voted against helping our allies in Afghanistan. Let’s name names

Traitor Trump Claims COVID Was 'Virtually Gone' When He Left Office
Liars gotta lie, but the former guy is the worst.
Why is he still walking our streets in broad daylight?

GOP Senate Candidate Calls For 'GUNZ!' To Combat 'Mask Tyranny'
Ohio Republican Senate candidate Josh Mandel on Wednesday called for increased gun ownership as a response to the "tyranny" of mask mandates.
And that's why gun nuts have to get out of the road to recovery.

Unhinged Parent Rips Mask Off Teacher's Face At Back-To-School Night
A parent in Austin, Texas has allegedly ripped a face mask off of a teacher’s face during a back-to-school event, while others yelled at a different teacher to remove her mask, claiming they weren’t able to understand her while she wore it.

Nikki Haley Is Not Too Terribly Bright, Part Infinity
Former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley is very distressed about negotiations with the Taliban.
It's only OK when a Republican does it.

Lauren Boebert FORGOT To Report $460K Hubby Got For Consulting
Who among us has not forgotten close to half a million dollars?

Right-wing Supreme Court may be looking to deal 'massive blow' to freedom of the press: report

America's Political Opportunists Are No Longer Hiding Their White Supremacy

Biden proposes long-awaited overhaul to U.S. asylum system
The proposed changes aim to end a years-long backlog in immigration court cases and cut the time migrants seeking asylum wait to hear if their request has been granted.

The NFL Should Require Fans to Get Vaccinated

Afghan women's rights are threatened — but the GOP isn't their champion
The Taliban aren't the only ones trying to impose their will on women's bodies and choices.
Republicans have been attempting to control women's bodies and rights much of my lifetime.

Biden's Hypocritical Afghanistan Critics Prove Ignorant About Afghan History
After years of ignoring it, pundits and reporters have rediscovered Afghanistan.
Afghanistan 101: If you care to read it.

Alabama Physician Tells Patients Get Vaccinated Or Find A New Doctor
"Effective Oct. 1, 2021, Dr. Valentine will no longer see patients that are not vaccinated against COVID-19" read the sign posted on his door.

Texas Won't Allow Masks, They'd Rather Put The Dead On Ice
The mortuary trailers from the Federal Emergency Management Agency will be stationed in San Antonio and sent around the state at the request of local officials.
It's not quite as bad as Afghanistan but it's getting closer every day.

Rocklin Church Hands Out COVID-19 Vaccine Exemption Letters
The church handed out hundreds of exemption letters on Sunday for people who do not want to take the COVID-19 vaccine.
Mullahs attempting to set religious controls.

Chuck Todd Channels Rudy Giuliani
Meet The Press host Chuck Todd used the most odious right-wing meme to attack President Biden's decision to withdraw from Afghanistan.
"What Chuck Todd did there was despicable. Also predictable."
Todd's been a dickhead for years.

'Anxious and scared': ICU doctor lifts the veil on Texas Gov. Abbott's reaction after learning he contracted COVID

A Wisconsin Republican's bewildering vaccine claim reveals how racism has warped the GOP
Dumber than dirt.

Texas school district cleverly finds loophole in Gov. Abbott's executive order banning mask mandates

Ron Desantis and Regeneron: Is a GOP donor the reason why Florida's governor won't promote vaccines?
DeSantis has not held an event promoting vaccines since May but plugs Regeneron drug as hospitalizations skyrocket
All these grifters are on the take.

Biden asks Americans to act like grown-ups — but Republicans are too addicted to being brats
From Afghanistan to vaccines to the 2020 election, Republicans petulantly pick childish fantasies over reality
They haven't always been that way but they sure as Hell are now.

A Wisconsin Republican's bewildering vaccine claim reveals how racism has warped the GOP
Like Afghanistan, is our country even worth saving and longer?

'Loudest Alarm Bell Yet': Unprecedented Water Shortage Declaration for US West
"Climate change is an emergency," said Judith Whitmer, Nevada state Democratic Party chair, over the Lake Mead and Colorado River crisis.
With no water and polluted air nothing else will matter.

The final act of George W. Bush's deceptive reelection strategy is playing out before us

If Liz Cheney’s Assigning Blame for an “Epic Failure” in Afghanistan, She Can Start With Her Father
Dick Cheney created the mess Joe Biden is cleaning up.

Rick Scott So Mad Biden Gave Afghanistan To Trump's Taliban Buddies
"There are craven whores, and then there's Florida GOP Senator Rick Scott."

Celebrate the Heroes Who Warned Us That Afghanistan Would Be a Disaster

The Truth about the Withdrawal from Afghanistan Is Hard for Partisans to Admit

When Will We Stop Letting Our Presidents Lie America Into Wars?
"When President Ford withdrew US forces from Vietnam (I remember it well), there was barely a mention of McNamara’s and LBJ’s lies that got us into that war. Similarly, today’s reporting on the chaos in Afghanistan almost never mentions Bush’s and Cheney’s lies and ulterior motives in getting us into that war in the first place."

Everything's Bigger In Texas, Including COVID Mask Mandate Sh*tshows

Texas’ controversial new social studies law prompts McKinney school officials to cancel Youth and Government class
One of the Republican authors of the so-called critical race theory bill said the district is misinterpreting the new law’s ban on political activism. A school official called the language “vague.”
A little like the Taliban?

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott tests positive for COVID-19
He spoke Monday night at a GOP event in Collin County, later tweeting photos of him addressing a maskless crowd. Less than three hours before his diagnosis was announced Tuesday afternoon, he tweeted pictures of a meeting with guitarist Jimmie Vaughan.
Meanwhile people are free to choose as long as they do what the Governor dictates.

Republicans Panic, Run Away From Trump's 'Historic Peace Deal' With Taliban
The Republican National Committee (RNC) decided it no longer wanted to claim credit for the "historic peace agreement" the Trump administration brokered with the Taliban.
That has been deleted on every Web site by the RNC Ministry of Truth.

Election officials exhausted as they continue to receive a flood of Trump-inspired threats
The mob boss does what a mob boss does. Why do we put up with petty crooks?

Media's Shameful Afghanistan Blame Game
New York/DC media diligently did the GOP’s bidding by omitting key context in its rush to pin the blame for a 20-year, extraordinarily complex and heartbreaking military and foreign policy failure on a single man who took office just seven months ago.

President Biden On Afghanistan: 'The Buck Stops With Me'
President Biden will address the nation on the state of the withdrawal from Afghanistan and Taliban takeover.
We should have pulled out ten years ago when we whacked Bin Laden. Even the mob relaxes after the vendetta is completed.

'I didn’t even like voting for you': Black West Virginia voters vow to hold Manchin accountable
Manchin is underestimating Blacks in his state.

Biden administration set to announce new position on Covid booster shots
This should come as a surprise to no one. It was never definite how long efficacy would last with the first round. It was not a secret.

MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace brilliantly sums up Biden's Afghanistan speech

Lay off Joe Biden: He didn’t “lose” Afghanistan — we are finally leaving it alone
We spent 20 messed-up years in Afghanistan flexing our muscles and money, and now we are making a messy exit
Did someone expect this to be a piece of cake?

One Year of Afghanistan War Spending Could Fund Resettlement of 1.2 Million Refugees
"We've spent billions on war. Now, let's spend to bring Afghans to safety."

Diplomacy, Not Bombs: Anti-War Voices Say Afghanistan Shows Need to Stop Any Further March to War
"The only thing that we 'accomplished' by going into... Afghanistan was to put trillions of taxpayer dollars into the military-industrial complex and destroy millions of lives."

The Afghanistan blame game begins — and the media immediately ignores what triggered this disaster
As Afghanistan falls, the mainstream media shows no self-awareness of how a pro-war bias helped lead to this mess
The War Dogs in the media are still as biased as ever. There must be a scapegoat so they can't be blamed for anything.
"Still, this larger media outrage over the withdrawal is a dark reminder of the pro-war bias in the press that helped create this mess in the first place: luring the American public into thinking a war in Afghanistan could ever end in any other way."

GOP lawmaker's attack on Biden Afghanistan debacle backfires after old tweet shows he praised withdrawal plan
All the War Dogs forget the skeletons in their closets.

Trump’s June speech comes back to haunt him after he slams Biden over Afghanistan
Dumbo barks like a War Dog even though he "started the process" and Biden wanted to stop it but couldn't.

RNC busted for deleting campaign page touting Trump’s ‘historic peace agreement’ after Afghanistan implodes

'Moron' Marjorie Taylor Greene brutally mocked as Twitter informs her that she doesn't know what 'segregation' means
No,Marjo. In this case it means "no brains, no service." Just think, if it becomes public policy everywhere, where will you ever go for a big fat triple cheeseburger?

Trump’s Tax Cut Helped 82 Ultrawealthy Households Save More Than $1 Billion

Marjorie Taylor Greene: Americans deserve assault weapons like the Taliban
She's calling for barbarism, regression to the stone age.
People like her are killing America. I can feel that slow death seeping into every crack and corner.

Nothing I learned as a historian over 45 years prepared me for this moment
"But a mass cult built around an old man known for lying and grifting who bronzes his face each day? Didn't see that happening. Nor did I anticipate that tens of millions would refuse a free vaccine that could save others' lives – and their own."

A New Variant of COVID Denialism Has Emerged
"SubDumb" is what it's called.

McCarthy Demands Probe Into Afghanistan Withdrawal
This mother really thinks he's not a part of the problem? What an egomaniac!

Your Beliefs May Be Sincere – That Doesn’t Mean You Can Ignore The Law

Trump scrubs his website of statement bragging about Afghanistan withdrawal plan
It's already been recorded, Dumbo.

RNC removes 2020 page praising Trump's 'historic peace agreement with the Taliban'
They are onboard the Ahghan Denial Train.

Dallas school superintendent vows to keep mask mandate despite state Supreme Court ruling: 'This is not over'
GrAbbott, we already personally know children that have been infected by your policy.

Angry Parent Assaults Teacher Over Mask-wearing Policy In School
A teacher ended up with a hospital visit as the altercation became physical.
We are turning into a country of barbarians.

Mike Pompeo blames the 'fall of Afghanistan' on critical race theory
Wow! This guy goes to the latest dog whistle for racists to defend his flaccid ineptness.

Top Taliban leaders are among the 5000 that Trump released last year over everyone's objections
Another Trump failure.

Republicans claim to fear left-wing authoritarianism — but there's no such thing
Yes, dictators sometimes cloak themselves in "socialism." But tyranny, here and elsewhere, is always right-wing

Trump ridiculed for 'resign in disgrace' demand to Biden: 'President Kamala Harris? Sounds good'
Trump is stupid enough to think that the succession runs to the most recent ex-president.

'Huge mistake': Obama's defense secretary reveals Trump's tragic blunder in Afghanistan

'Did you actually tweet this?': Lauren Boebert's attack on Joe Biden blows up in her face
BoBoebert tweets first, get facts later.

Colo. Clerk Accused Of Allowing Access to Vote Machine Passwords That Ended Up With QAnon Leader
"In the latest battle over former President Donald Trump’s 2020 election defeat, a Republican county clerk in Colorado has been accused of allowing unauthorized access to voting machine passwords that ended up on the social media account of a QAnon leader."
My, my there was some vote fraud. And it was, guess who? — A Republican county clerk allowing QAnon access!

Thousands Of Fake Vaccine Cards Seized On Way To New Orleans From China: Feds
Buying, selling or using a counterfeit COVID-19 vaccination card that features an official government agency seal can result in a fine and up to five years in prison.

Liz Cheney Blames Trump And Pompeo For Afghanistan Failures
Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) on Sunday suggested that former President Donald Trump and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo share responsibility after the U.S. faced difficulties while withdrawing from Afghanistan.

Chris Wallace Confronts Pompeo Over Trump Admin’s Afghanistan Approach: ‘Do You Regret’ Giving Taliban ‘Legitimacy’?
"Wallace kept up the pressure by noting that Pompeo struck an agreement with the Taliban last year to pull U.S. forces out of Afghanistan by May. Wallace also rolled footage of Trump complaining about the U.S’ “ridiculous” continued presence in the region."

Tucker Carlson Uses Census As Excuse To Stoke Racial Tensions
The racist fool. Has he finally reached bottom.

The Far Right's Deadly Embrace of Anti-Vaccine Stupidity
COVID-19 is a deadly virus. Why on earth would anyone go to bat for a pathogen?
Reason does not exist in their brain systems.

Why do Republicans want children to die?

Study finds DeSantis and Abbott are responsible for at least 4,700 unnecessary deaths in FL and TX

Ron DeSantis flattened by Biden's former COVID advisor in brutally candid interview
"Abbott and Costello in Florida and Texas... "
And half of America wil say — who?

Louisiana and Mississippi health systems on brink of collapse as low-vaccinated regions suffer
This shows the deadliness of ignoring safe protocols.

Trump slapped down for ranting he left Biden a 'plan' for getting out of Afghanistan
Harrowing videos capture Proud Boys' violence at anti-vaxx rally in downtown Los Angeles: reports
German Nazi mobs in WW2 along with U.S. Nazi photos.

The Fraud farts again.

Fox Guest Bursts Network's Bubble On TX And FL COVID Cases
Fox really doesn't want anyone on their network talking about how badly things are going in Texas and Florida right now, especially with the overflowing ICUs.
No one sells bullshit better than Fox. That's because its audience eats it up.

Did Louis DeJoy Buy His Support From USPS Board Chair?
The Washington Post may have gotten to the bottom of why USPS board chairman Ron Bloom mysteriously continues to support corrupt Postmaster Louis DeJoy, even after he awarded a $120 million contract to a company where he still has financial ties.
Get rid of him.

Dallas official defends mask mandate: Right now 'your child will wait for another child to die' to get ICU bed
Gov. Abbott has not only refused to institute mask or vaccine mandates, he has banned any local government or agency from ordering one.
The blood is on his hands.

Child Hospitalization for Covid-19 Hits All-Time High in US: Report
"This is not last year's Covid," said the former head of the American Academy of Pediatrics. "This one is worse and our children are the ones that are going to be affected by it the most."

How the pandemic laid bare Ted Cruz and other Republicans' hypocrisy on their key policies
Texas has to stop electing morons.

'Governor of Florida is violating the Rule of Holes': CNN doc slams DeSantis' appearance on Fox News
"The governor of Florida is violating the Rule of Holes," he explained. "You know the Rule of Holes, when you find yourself in a hole, stop digging...."
DipShitus is the "most significant threat to freedom" since the fall of the Berlin wall.

More Workers Are Saying That Minimum-Wage Jobs Just Aren’t Worth It Anymore
They haven't been for a long time.

COVID-19 cases are skyrocketing in Texas nursing homes, and nearly half of workers are unvaccinated
Texas ranks 46th nationally for vaccinated nursing home residents and 33rd for vaccinated nursing home staff.
The failure that is Texas.

Mike Lindell, the Dastardly Doofus Who Claims Ownership of Your Pillow
Please move on to the next fool. This one is worn out.

Oregon Gov Deploys National Guard To Help Hospitals

ACLU Sues DC, Cops, On Behalf Of Journalists Covering BLM Protest
"Black Lives Matter" painted on the street does not compensate for police brutality against protestors and journalists.

'DeJoy and Bloom Are Bandits': Top Dem Calls for Removal of Postal Service Chiefs
Demand follows new reporting that DeJoy purchased up to $305,000 in bonds of company where Bloom—described as his "quasi-boss" and overseer at USPS—is a managing partner.

Tucker Carlson torched for escalating white supremacist rhetoric
Why do we put up with idiots fomenting hatred?

Trump supporters relentlessly mocked on Twitter over bizarre presidential 'reinstatement' conspiracy theory
Why not? They'e the biggest boobs in the country.

'The new McCarthyism': Conservative group slams 'gaslighting' Kevin McCarthy in new ad

Biden extends vital lifeline to Florida schools, and a giant middle finger to Ron DeSantis
DipShitus gets the bird.

The Four Tortured, Pathetic Arguments Republicans Use to Downplay January 6th
GOP pols went from holding Trump “responsible” for the insurrection to blaming… Nancy Pelosi?
In a sane world these crooks would be run out of town or thrown in stir.

The surreal rule of white Christian men
It's easy to call yourself a "Christian." The proof is in the pudding here. And what they practice has a vile taste.

Remove AIPAC's Islamophobic Attacks Against Ilhan Omar
"If something happens to Congresswoman Omar both AIPAC and Facebook, for allowing the ads to run, will have blood on their hands."
"Hate will put the world in a flame, what a shame." —Percy Mayfield, Please Send Me Someone to Love.

Mike Lindell's ridiculous 'cyber symposium' melts down as it becomes clear the con man was conned
What did the cyber Spyder tell the Times about Lindell’s data? "We were handed a turd."
But that's what the public has been buying from him all along.

Fox News' Laura Ingraham has a solution to unemployment: More ‘hunger’
If a hungry dog gets too hungry he'll rip out your throat and eat.

Scumbag Tucker Carlson Uses AOC To Demean Sexual Assault Fears
It's obvious what is going on here. Plugging in AOC as a way to promote rape culture. Hey Tucker, we know the history of your workplace.
What else do you expect from a flaccid chicken shit.

The doomed far-right prophecies of Trump's so-called 'reinstatement' are collapsing before our eyes
The prophets of doomsday have been re-setting their date for centuries. Why not these MAGAt fools?

Staver: The Vaccine “Prevents People From Procreating”
Do you think it will prevent double-fucking crazy religious numbskulls from being born? GOOD!

9 Moderate Democrats Threaten to Tank Entire Biden Presidency The party has managed to work together, until now.
Just think, 9 spoiled brats can fuck up the greatest deal since the New Deal. What a bunch of useless losers.

Map: See Which States Have Restricted Voter Access, And Which States Have Expanded It
Land of the Happy Negro seems to be involved as well as their cohorts in the west.
Texas is working on restrictions one.

Trump's shared psychosis is destroying the fabric of society
He's obviously been using too much Adrenochrome.

The Next Gerrymandering Nightmare Has Begun
With the release of 2020 Census data, GOP legislators will rush to draw new maps. If they get their way, they’re likely to flip the US House.

It's Ok to Blame the Unvaccinated — They Are Robbing the Rest of Us of Our Freedoms

The DOJ Should Have Cuffed Trump by Now
It looks like they are inept at their duties. His crime spree has gone on much too long.

DeSantis and Abbott Count on Reelection Despite Letting Tens of Thousands Die
Americans in these states don't give a damn about their families, evidently.

Will DeSantis and Abbott Be Held Responsible for Mass Dying of Adults and Children?
The answer, my friend, is floating in the windbags.

Across Texas, frantic parents search for options to keep kids safe in school
For the second straight year, schools must worry about keeping their staff and their children safe and ensure that they’re providing the best possible education during a pandemic that has killed more than 50,000 Texans.
And these are the people that will re-elect the man responsible for the failure to protect their families?

The Census Numbers Just Came Out, And Whitey's On The Wane
Yes, but how long can they use the rigging systems known as gerrymadering and filibuster to their advantage? Maybe forever? Get rid of these rigging tools and we might come close to a democracy in the U.S.A.

UK's First Mass Shooter In A Decade Is Trump-Loving Incel Who Claims To Be American
"...a 22-year-old Trump supporter who was angry about being a virgin and not having a girlfriend killed six people, including a 10-year-old girl."
Maybe if he tried to not be a fucking idiot and an asshole he might have gotten laid, but noooooo! Better kill people for your failures and forget about shooting your own dumb ass first.
Everything Trump touches dies.

Texans Deserve Better Than Abbott
Trae Crowder lays it to Texas Governor Abbott

It's Not Violating Press Freedom To Sanction Fox For Lies
Right-wing misinformation is now killing people and tearing our country apart. Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and other Fox News pundits spread their poison nightly. The US needs to take action, like Australia and the United Kingdom. The FCC must sanction broadcasts that spew misinformation and even take the network off the air if it doesn't comply. There must be consequences.
All fascist propaganda must be taken down. Sedition is not protected.

Louie Gohmert Something Something Birds Exploding Green Stuff
We're just positive that Rep. Gohmert's MENSA's invitation got lost in the mail. Instead, he's on OAN saying solar farm mirrors cause birds to explode, and geez, what a mess to clean up, gol-dang it!
These idiots can't even find a lie that hasn't been debunked.

Family of John Lewis Joins Demand That Biden Kill Filibuster to Defend Voting Rights
"If President Biden and Senator Schumer truly care about ending the war on voting rights they have to use their political will to abolish the filibuster and pass the For the People Act immediately," said one organizer.
Kill the filibuster. Kill gerrymandering. They are both rigging devices.

Our Not-So-Slow-Motion Apocalypse
We're no longer just reading about the climate crisis; we're living it in a startling fashion.
Welcome to dystopia.

What Is Penn State Thinking?
One of the largest universities in the nation has a patchwork response to the coronavirus pandemic.
After the shitshow that the Big Ten football games put on you'd think to Hell they would require vaccination. All programs should. Otherwise, we get a repeat of the 2020 farce.

Marjorie Taylor Greene shrugs off surge in COVID-19 hospitalizations: 'We can't live forever'
That being the case would she please drop dead.

Former federal prosecutor calls for SDNY criminal insider trading probe into Rand Paul

Despair Not! Vaccination Rates Continue to Rise
More Americans are now vaccinated than not.

Column: Major study of Ivermectin, the anti-vaccine crowd’s latest COVID drug, finds ‘no effect whatsoever’
Now, just who is bullshitting who, you suckers?

California surf instructor accused of killing his children with a spear because of a QAnon conspiracy theory about 'lizard people,' according to the FBI
Yes, the Lizard people, the Clay people from the Valley of Desolation, the Rock people, the Hawkmen in the Sky City are all very troubling. Why can't we defeat their likes?
Don't forget to indict the Watsons for starting this shit.

‘Scared’ Farmhand Found Bodies of QAnon Surf Dad’s Babies in Mexico

Mississippi Asks Feds To Send Military Hospital Ship
Land of the Happy Negro sends out an S-O-S.
And I thought they wanted the Federal Government out of their lives.

Broward County hospital admissions lead US, as Florida COVID cases hit another daily high at 24,753
Fascist Republicans failing across the country.

Kevin McCarthy is selling shirts that say 'moron' so everyone knows who his supporters are
At least he's admitting what the rest of us think of him.

'Warped priorities are allowing an extremist minority to worsen the pandemic': Op-ed slams Texas Gov's handling of COVID
"Abbott and Texas Republican legislators have undermined virtually every effort to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus."

Texas children and children’s hospitals are under siege from two viruses: RSV and COVID-19
More children are being treated in Texas hospitals for COVID-19 than ever before, and an unseasonable outbreak of respiratory syncytial virus is adding to the stress on children's hospitals.
GrAbbott is trying to get our children killed.

Texas Senate outlasts 15-hour filibuster by Sen. Carol Alvarado to pass GOP voting-restrictions bill
Texas Fascist Party passes law to help screw our voting rights.

'Nazi Propaganda': Tucker Carlson Leans on Anti-immigrant 'Replacement Theory'

Why Conservatives Want Government To Fail Everywhere

Ministers of death: Republican governors leave kids 100% defenseless against delta surge

Mike Lindell's supposed bombshell about the 2020 election blows up in his face
Lindell can go back to the place in Hell he came from.

Pro-Trump GOP governors are facing intense push back from local officials over their handling of COVID-19

‘Indictment is ready’: Matt Gaetz ‘will face charges’ says former NY prosecutor

WATCH: Mike Lindell hurries offstage at Cyber Symposium minutes after losing major Dominion lawsuit case
Fuckwit fails again.

Legal experts say latest Trump scandal leaves DOJ ‘no choice’ but to indict the former president
Get it done now.

'DOJ has no choice now': Legal experts are stunned by new evidence of Trump's post-election corruption

Psaki Chokes Off Doocy's Effort To Blame Vax Hesitancy On Biden
Shorter Psaki: "Your guy told people to inject bleach, idiot."
The insane were fewer and far between in political discourse when I was growing up. Now we let them roam the streets and spout bullshit at will.

Tucker Carlson: Vaccine Mandates Could Lead To Forced Sterilizations
Ever on the lookout for ways to kill Americans, and further polarize them in the meanwhile, Tucker Carlson urged viewers to “ask” why COVID vaccine mandates won’t lead to forced sterilizations or lobotomies.
Let's start with Tucker.

Sidney Powell's Bizarre Ask Of Reporters: Swear You Like Me!
The "Kraken" lawyer banned a newspaper from an event in South Dakota after journalists refused to reveal their opinion of her or submit the story for her approval.
What model of insanity does she fit? All of them.

Abbott and DeSantis playing 'game of chicken' in balance between killing their constituents and owning the libs: columnist
No one is listening to them any longer.

If Mike Lindell's claims were correct (they're not), he likely broke wiretapping laws
Lindell's "absolute proof" almost certainly isn't legit. But if it were, he could be in serious legal trouble
Pillow Guy needs padded cell.

Without Single GOP Vote, Senate Approves $3.5 Trillion Budget Blueprint
Sen. Bernie Sanders slammed Republicans for complaining about Democrats' use of budget reconciliation, noting that the GOP recently used the same process to force through massive tax cuts for the rich.

Texas Judges Sign 'Eff Greg Abbott' Orders, Allow Mask Mandates In Dallas, San Antonio

Texas cancer patients and people with PTSD will soon be able to join state’s expanded medical marijuana program
A new law going into effect Sept. 1 will also increase the cap of THC in medical marijuana to 1%.
Progress is slow in this part of the Land of the Happy Negro. Apparently it always has been. (As of Aug. 9, about 44.5% of Texas’ 29 million people have been fully vaccinated.)

“I am frightened by what is coming”: Texas hospitals could soon be overwhelmed by COVID-19 caseload, officials say
The number of COVID-19 patients in Texas hospitals is rising too fast for hospitals to keep up with, hospital leaders told state lawmakers Tuesday.

Trump: Justice Delayed and Denied
"Hell, they shot the shit out of Bonnie and Clyde for stealing infinitely less than Trump and his associates have done. Isn't it way past time this arch criminal was called to account?"
Most of us think it is.

How Will the Coronavirus Evolve?
Delta won’t be the last variant. What will the next ones bring?

Wages rise in US as companies scramble for staff

Vaccine disinformation and partisan politics are killing us — literally

Susan J. Demas: We’ve coddled ignorance for years. Now we’re all paying the price with COVID.
Lesson: Stop the idiots that deny reality and shut them the fuck up.

CNN confirms ventilators were sent to 'overwhelmed' Florida after DeSantis claims 'I did not know about that'
Is anyone surprised at this?

Mike Lindell's 'complete gibberish and nonsense' will get hilariously destroyed in court: MSNBC's Charlie Sykes
Hopefully, someone makes a documentary film on this disturbed con artist. It will make for great entertainment to future generations if there are any.

COVID-infected children in Arkansas arriving at hospitals with 'wrecked lungs': report
The wages of lunacy.

DeSantis says he's 'happy' with COVID trends in Jacksonville even as ICU beds hit capacity
What will he say when the first child dies of Covid on his watch?

Dozens of Texas hospitals are out of ICU beds as COVID-19 cases again overwhelm the state's capacity
"This surge is by far the fastest and most aggressive that we've seen," said the health authority for Austin and Travis County, who urged eligible Texans to get vaccinated.
Abbott is reaping the wild wind he's created.

Anti-Vax Nutbags Flood Missouri City Council Meeting
Everyone's invited to the Nut Ball Ball.

YouTube Suspends Rand Paul For Posting COVID Lies
They don't have to broadcast his lies if they choose not to.
Reaping what he sows.

Trump is lashing out as his plan to torpedo Biden's bipartisan bill goes down in flames
Everything Trump touches dies.

Queen Of Trump Lies McEnany Blames Deep State For Leaking COVID Data
Claiming Biden is the biggest contributor to vaccine hesitancy shows how morally bankrupt Kaleigh is.
That poor little girl.

Conservative Radio Host Hospitalized With COVID
Marc Bernier of WNDB in Daytona Beach often made anti-vaccine comments on air. It's believed he was unvaccinated.

Texas Supreme Court allows for arrest of Democrats who don't show up to Legislature
You get arrested for trying to stop crooks who won't defend the people and blocking the right to vote? Abbott and his grifters are the ones that should be arrested, indicted, convicted and sent to Mars.

Dominion sues Newsmax, One America News over their rampant spread of baseless 2020 election lies
For every penny. Put them on the street.

BREAKING: New York Governor Andrew Cuomo Resigns

Fox News Anchor Claims Karl Marx Wrote 'Mein Kampf'
Bill Hemmer gave a confused history lesson to Fox News viewers.
Why do they put these carnival barkers on TV?

Senator Has 'Grave Concern' Over Trump Plot To Overturn Election
Senator Whitehouse told Joy Reid there are connections between the insurrection and the efforts inside the DOJ to overturn the results of the 2020 election.
The U.S. Army should keep the M249s, M240s and M2s well cleaned, locked and loaded.

Abbott Begs For Help As Texas Hospitals Overflow With COVID
Wait, what? The Texas Governor wants more responsible states to send their DOCTORS to TEXAS?
"Anyone who is not playing right-wing political games and being subservient to the MAGA cult knew this was coming.
He should be removed from office immediately as should all who are failing to protect our citizens.

Anti-Masker Freakout At Atlanta Airport: 'Rise Up! Rise Up!'
"You want a revolution, stand up!" the man yelled. "Take down your mask!"
They have already revolted against mindless, brain-damaged idiots who shout in airports.

Tom Hanks’ Idiot Son Launches Into Deranged Anti-Vaccine Rant
Have we really not learned anything?
Idiots are not capable of learning. Again, no vaccine for stupid.

July’s jobs report shows Black teens struggling with the highest unemployment rate
Black in the wrong place: America.

Cruz Bill Would Ban Vax And Mask Mandates, Passports
Of course. They've already banned brains.

Twitter Again Suspends QAnon Rep For COVID Lies
Ban her permanently from everything. She is an enemy of our Republic, not a friend.

Hawley Seeks To Defund Schools For COVID Mandates
The Attorney General needs to take action against these asshole seditionists.
Send this little prick back to the place in Hell he came from.

Voting Machine Tampering Is Coming From Inside The MAGA House
Colorado County Clerk Tina Peters May Have Committed The Very Crime She Accused The Left Of Committing
Election tampering. Conspiring with sedition. Jail.

Chuck Grassley Defends Trump's 'Right' To Overthrow The Government
According to Chuck Grassley, Trump had "every right" to toss around ideas on ways to overthrow the government after he lost the election.
Chuck, no one has the right to overthrow the government by fomenting a coup. We call this treason, Chuck. Is anyone at home?
Chuck, say what you want but say it to yourself when you get the fuck out of our government. Please retire. It's past time.

Capitol Rioter Arrested Again For Strangling Family Member
Joshua Dillon Haynes, 39, assaulted the family member while he was on home incarceration for his criminal conduct on Jan. 6.
And now, wecome to prison, Josh. Grease up.

Comedian Bill Burr Rips 'F*cking Piece Of Sh*t' Ron DeSantis
“These f*cking piece of sh*t politicians! He knows that that’s what his fanbase wants him to do so that’s what the f*ck he’s gonna do. Unbelievable,” said Burr of Florida's Governor.
He's talking about DipShitus.

Federal judge suggests prosecutors are being too lenient on Capitol rioters
Their message is they are soft on treason.

Lauren Boebert's midnight run: Capitol tour happened after she attended "Stop the Steal" rally
Boebert was in D.C. to attend "Million MAGA March" when she took her family on unexplained midnight Capitol tour
"Tour" my ass. It was a casing for a crime.

Corporate Polluters and DeSantis Face Ire as Hundreds of Tons of Sea Life Dead in Florida
"The governor could declare this red tide an environmental emergency and free up funds for people hurt by the event."

Religious Exemptions To Vaccine Mandates Undermine The Fight Against COVID

Schumer signals Tuesday morning final vote for Senate infrastructure package
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said Monday that the package is on a "glide path for passage tomorrow morning."
This bill passing will signal what path America's future can be.

Viral video shows white DC cop punching black man 12 times as other officers do nothing to stop him
The return of the Pig.

'We have a conspiracy': Ex-federal prosecutor connects the dots after new Trump DOJ revelations

Tucker Carlson mocked after claiming Hungary isn't 'repressive' — then having his own interview censored
"The Idiot" is what his "show" shold be titled.

'Coward' GOP Sen. Todd Young blasted for flip-flopping on infrastructure bill after threat from Trump
Afraid of a failed demagogue? He's a bigger coward than the usual failure.

The Biological Civil War

COVID Compassion Fatigue
How long can we keep caring about the unvaccinated?
"Medical staff did not sign up for a self-inflicted, voluntary pandemic of the unvaccinated. Vaccines are now readily available at no cost. There’s absolutely no reason for the medical community to be going through this again."
"What does the 'freedom to choose' mean for the children who had no choice at all in this matter because they don’t have vaccines ready for them yet?"
It's no wonder we will stop caring about the people who won't get vaccinated.

More Foe Than Friend
The Supreme Court and the pursuit of racial equality.

White Right Fright Jeopardizes the ‘Endangered’ Dominance It Can’t Abide Losing

Analysis: The pandemic breaks into Gov. Greg Abbott’s special session agenda
The business of the new special legislative session is like that of the failed first one, with some big items added in apparent response to the rise of the delta variant of the coronavirus in Texas.
Abbott is a huge failure.

Austin judge signs order to block arrests of Democrats who refuse to return to Texas Capitol for special session
A state district judge has granted a temporary restraining order blocking the arrest of House Democrats who have broken quorum, paving the way for those who remain outside the state to return home without threat of arrest.

Travel to and From Florida Would be Banned if State Was a Country, Expert Says
If they secede we can occupy the state with Federal troops and set up a provisional government to solve that problem.

Appeals Court: Parole Officers Can't Force Parolees To Accept Jesus Christ As Personal Savior
Some folks simply don't know WTF they are doing when it comes to the church and state.

Kentucky’s Worst Senator, Rand Paul, Declares War On CDC, Public Health
They won't have to arrest you. You'll all be dead.
"You just sound like an asshole.:

At Least 27 Million US Workers Can’t Afford All the Basic Necessities of Life

'It’s never looked like this': Tiny Arkansas county reeling as dozens of children hospitalized with COVID
This is what's coming everywhere after Labor Day.

CNN’s Jim Acosta: Rename The Delta Variant “DeSantis”
So be it. DeSantis variant strikes Florida!

Trump: “Can You Imagine If I Were President Right Now And We Had This Massive Attack From Coronavirus?”
Yep. It was just last year and we didn't imagine it, you sickwit.

Candace Owens Calls Rioters “Grandmas Taking Selfies”
Don't hold your breath, Candy. It could get very much worse than the Civil War and sooner than you think.

Time to remove unscientific restrictions on abortion access for good, first with the 'abortion pill'

Buttigieg busts Fox News over uninformed question on electric cars: 'Tesla doesn't even have tailpipes'
Pete, the fools that watch Fox news don't know that. They watch Fox to get their "education." That's why America has become a third world Covid dump.

Legendary GOP Strategist trashes Tucker Carlson for claiming to be a 'patriot' while kissing up to Hungarian autocrat
He knows a piece of treasonous trash when he sees one.

Fox News accused of refusing to air a powerful Democratic super PAC ad on Jan. 6
Their audience might have heart attacks if they saw it. So, of course they didn't.

'Severe cognitive decline': Trump stuns critics with Fox News comments on coronavirus

Very few Americans oppose a vaccine mandate – including many who are not vaccinated: report

More Trump Org indictments loom as investigators turn to CFO Weisselberg's son: report

Republicans Ramp up the Racism to Deflect Blame for Covid Surge
Photo is of three well-known racists.

Enough with the Bullshit, Already

Carlson Calls Immigrants 'Filth' While Broadcasting From Hungary
As usual, it's the projection. Why does Tucker hate America so much? He's the true filth.
"The true hate and filth in this country comes from cultists who blindly and slavishly follow the narcissistic buffoon."
Any sane world would put this guy away.

'This Ain't Right!': Top US Insurers Made $11 Billion in 2nd Quarter
"It's time to break up Big Pharma," said Our Revolution. "It's time for Medicare for All."

'Long Past Time to Fire DeJoy': Postmaster General's Ex-Company Gets $120 Million Contract
One congressman said that his "14-month run as postmaster general has been a masterclass in cronyism and deception."
Who is responsible for this outrage?

Ron DeSantis tries to blame immigrants for his state's COVID surge — then gets debunked
These fools constantly scapegoat the immigrant, the very thing that made America great from the start.
DeShitis doesn't have the nuts to admit it's his policies that are our problem.

Marjorie Taylor Greene suggests Republicans use their 'Second Amendment rights'
Then the Fascist Party she's in better look out when they canvas for voters at doors. Or are they afraid to do that?

It's Time To Keep Mike Lindell Off Of Credible Media
The multimillionaire My Pillow CEO is a danger to US democracy.
For starters, but he ain't the only one.

'So, now it's serious?': Twitter users give Hannity a history lesson after he attempts to blame Biden for COVID surge
Talk about Lindell, Hannity's been doing it for ages.

USPS moves forward with new plan that will continue to slow first-class mail delivery
Why is our USPS failing? Can it only be blamed on DeJoy who remains on the job? WTF?

It's Time To Keep Mike Lindell Off Of Credible Media
The multimillionaire My Pillow CEO is a danger to US democracy.

Florida Shock Jock Who Railed Against Vaccines Dies From COVID
Dick Farrel, a far-right talk radio host who described vaccines as "poison" just over a month ago has succumbed to complications from COVID-19.

Anti-vaxxer Dies Of COVID After Posting It 'Was Nothing To Be Afraid Of'
Leslie Lawrenson’s partner says he "paid ultimate price" for making a "terrible mistake" over the dismissing the jab.

Trump forced to return almost $13 million to supporters this year after donation scam: report

WATCH: Sturgis biker bursts out coughing as he tells CNN why he won’t get the COVID vaccine
Oh my — another genius.

‘Nothing to be afraid of’: Anti-vaxxer said he was ‘glad’ to catch COVID – it killed him days later
Fools are called fools because they can't learn.

Better than expected jobs report shocks Fox's Maria Bartiromo: 'Wow, big beat!'

The 'adamant insurrectionists': New data reveals the widespread 'radical beliefs' of aggrieved Trump fans

New report unveils the truth about Trump's Arizona loss — and why the 'hoax' audit is a threat

CNN Hosts Mock Ted Cruz For His 'Papers Please' Hypocrisy
Ted Cruz insists that you shouldn't have to show papers for "basic activities of life." Except you do, many times every day.
These idiots like Cruz forget how you have to produce forms of ID and proof of insurance. They are hypocites deluxe.

Jen Psaki Stomps Newsmax Reporter's Rude Behavior
Jen Psaki must feel like a pre-school teacher, with all the rudimentary government information she must explain to these "reporters."

Pharmacists Fight Off COVID Truthers Demanding Horse Medicine Instead of the Jab
But some of these "pharmacists" will provide the drug while rejecting pregnacy termination medication.
The insane world in which we live.

'Sideshow lunatic' Mike Lindell's 'bizarre and untrue belief system' picked apart by Morning Joe panelists
Snake oil salesmen are all the same person. Except Lindell may be the mark in this case.

Damning timeline shows Mark Meadows may 'face significant criminal exposure' for trying to overturn election

Four cops 'drag' man from Kevin McCarthy press conference for asking question about Jan. 6 committee
Facism at work in America.

Texas GOP Official Who Mocked COVID Dies From COVID
H. Scott Apley, 45, regularly filled his Facebook page with anti-mask, anti-vaccine memes. Then he caught COVID. Hospitalized on Sunday, he died on Wednesday.
They would all rather die from Covid than be proven wrong about it. Which, of course, their dying from it proves.

Watch: Rand Paul tells vaccinated Americans to 'mind your own business'
Shove it up your ass. "'Cause if you mind YOUR own business then you won't be minding mine!" —Hank Williams

Ron DeSantis Does Not Appreciate Joe Biden Telling Him To GET THE F*CK OUT OF THE WAY
"Which border is DeSantis blaming his surge on, Georgia or Alabama? This is predictably racist, and it's the GOP go-to maneuver. Senator Ted Cruz from Texas also blamed immigrants for the COVID-19 surge in his state."

Tucker So Mad Everybody Calling His Dirty Fascist Hungarian BFF A Dirty Fascist

Most Voters Think Trump Running in 2024 Would Be Bad for the Country, Poll Finds
Anything Trump touches dies.

The Anti-Vaxx Herp Derp

Not My Party: Vax Don’t Care About Your Feelings
Our Hot Joe Summer is at risk!

The New Pro-Abortion Generation
As Roe v. Wade faces its greatest challenge yet, young people are taking the reins to protect abortion access.

Jen Psaki smacks down Ron DeSantis for calling Joe Biden a ‘power hungry tyrant’
He's projecting. That's exactly what DipShitis is. He won't protect the vulnerable.

Trump's 'disturbing' plot to use the DOJ to steal the election appears to have broken at least two federal laws: legal expert
Indict, convict and throw his useless ass in prison.

‘Demented clown’ Trump blasted for ‘rooting against America’ with unhinged statement attacking US women's soccer team
This ugly bottom feeder must be shunned from our society if we want to continue to call ourselves civilized.

‘We’re going to hang you’: Trump supporters bombard elections official with death threats over ‘inappropriate joke’
"It feels like we live in a third world country, like a developing country with a developing democracy, not a long-established democracy."
They are third world people that have no reason. And they won't hang anyone over the internet.

Trump Ridicules US Women Soccer Team Getting Olympic Bronze Medal: ‘Woke Means You Lose’
Trump is a loser—and a rotting stinking loser. He projects his failures on others because he lacks humanity. He's not worthy of anything.

‘It’s Time That We Put the Burden on Them’: CNN NatSec Analyst Makes Case for Banning Unvaccinated From Flights
Don't stop at Airlines.

The Senate infrastructure bill puts America closer to another New Deal

Vaccine Hesitancy Among Fox News Viewers Drops to All-Time Low Following Shift in Coverage: Poll
Display of courage certainly welcome.

NJ Governor Phil Murphy Yells At Anti-Vax 'Knuckleheads'
The New Jersey governor rightly blames the willfully ignorant who refuse to get vaccinated against COVID for loss of life
Well played.

Biden White House Dismisses WHO Call for Moratorium on Vaccine Boosters
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki touted U.S. vaccine donations to poor countries, but public health advocates have warned the Biden administration isn't doing nearly enough.

As Right-Wing Dems Balk at Price Tag, Poll Shows 66% of US Voters Support $3.5 Trillion Package
The new survey shows Democrats' $3.5 trillion reconciliation proposal is slightly more popular than the far smaller $550 billion bipartisan infrastructure bill.

'Star witness' emerges as hearings over Trump's attempt to delegitimize election grow closer: report

A neuroscientist explains how the far-right's most fanatical followers could lead America to societal collapse

Anti-vaxxers are engaging in the same 'freedom-destroying nanny statism they're supposed to be against': conservative
This is "How so?" Tucks.

Tucker Carlson Slammed For Bear-Hugging Hungary's Orban
MSNBC national security expert Frank Figliuzzi slapped Tucker Carlson for amplifying Hungary's white identity politics and threatening our democracy, before he absolutely ethers Carlson at the end.

Want to Make Jim Jordan Sing About the Capitol Attack? Ask Jefferson Davis.

A Trump Bombshell Quietly Dropped Last Week. And It Should Shock Us All.
It should put him in prison.

The War on COVID and the Enemy Within
This has been stated here on LOTHN serveral times.

Why did Lauren Boebert lead a late-night Capitol tour three weeks before Jan. 6?
FYI it's called casing the joint.

QAnon follower to plead guilty after threatening 'crazy stupid' attack in DC tied to Trump's 'reinstatement'
"... a 'brief psychotic disorder,'?
I suspect it will linger a bit longer.

Most Unvaccinated Americans Still Think Shots Are Riskier Than COVID
A new poll tells us more about who isn’t getting the vaccine — and why.
" odds with reality. Nine in 10 say are not worried they will get seriously ill, according to the Kaiser poll, and three-quarters believe the shots are more hazardous than the disease."
"...65% are white adults and 58% describe themselves as Republican or Republican-leaning.
Surprise, surprise.

Tired Of Losing Ground To COVID? Blame Christian Nationalists And The Politicians Who Placate Them.

Conservative GOP governor now regrets signing law forbidding local mask mandates in Arkansas
Too late to learn.

'Maxed out or close to capacity': Oklahoma hospitals on the brink of collapse as many run out of ICU beds

Scared Of The Vaccine, A Family Gets Ravaged By COVID
Tiffany Devereaux lost her 35-year-old fiancé, Britt McCall, her 65-year-old mother and her 85-year-old grandmother to COVID-19 in just five days.
That is heartbreaking because it didn't need to happen.

Yet another bogus claim made by Trump-backed Arizona 'auditors' just went down in flames

Cori Bush, Progressive Lawmakers and Activists Hailed for New CDC Eviction Moratorium
"I think the message here today is clear," said Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. "It's that everyday people can make a change. We can always demand better."

Madison Cawthorn's screed brings to light the dire predicament authoritarians pose for democracy
This man is as insane as Trump.

Florida Docs Speak Out Against DeSantis: 'Angry And Ashamed'
The medical community says if Governor DeSantis actually took COVID seriously, Florida would be doing much better battling the virus and its variants.
A dimwit can't do anything but look like a moron.

Moron McCarthy Is A Misogynist, Part Infinity
His latest comments about hitting Nancy Pelosi with a gavel trend with his vote against the Violence Against Women Act. Go figure.

Psaki Drop-Kicks Doocy's Absurd Cuomo Questions Like The Pro She Is
Enjoy Psaki's daily Doocy dunk, wherein he demonstrates an impressive inability to retain any information whatsoever.
If it weren't for his dad, this idiot would not find a job anywhere.

Greg Kelly Lobs Racist Attacks On Obama As 'Lazy Black Man'
Kelly claimed Obama was a billionaire (He's not.) who never worked a day in his life. (He has.). So much projection when Kelly's favorite so-called president held maskless rallies before a vaccine was available.
A racist moron seditionist who does not have a clue should not be on any media (so-called) outlet.

Abbott And DeSantis Are Locked In A COVID Death Match
Florida and Texas lead the way with new COVID cases, but their governors only care about 'owning the libs.'

Fourth cop who fought to protect Capitol on Jan. 6 dies by suicide

Republican members investigating Jan. 6 zero in on two GOP subpoena targets

New poll sheds light on who Americans really blame for the latest COVID resurgence
""If this had happened 30 or 40 years ago, we wouldn't have the same problem," but "we're in a world that's extremely polarized. We're dealing with a serious misinformation wall at this point that's clouding facts" for a "recalcitrant group ... The only way to get to them if you're going to get to them is hard policies, hard mandates.""

Proud Boys come creeping back out of the woodwork — one hijacked local event at a time

GOP Leader: Vaccine Mandates Lead To Gas Chambers

San Antonio built a pipeline to rural Central Texas to increase its water supply. Now local landowners say their wells are running dry.
A pipeline helped secure water for San Antonio for decades to come — at a potentially high cost to some rural residents who are losing groundwater to the big city. Is it a preview for the rest of the state as climate change brings more water scarcity and cities keep sprawling?

Kevin McCarthy Publicly Fantasizes About Hitting Nancy Pelosi, Who’d Kick His Ass For Real

Fox News Guest: 'I Prefer The Old-Fashioned Racism'
A Fox News guest said on Sunday that he prefers "old-fashioned racism" over critical race theory, a study of racial justice in America.
My guess here is that he prefers segregation, cross burnings and lynchings.

Texas Surpasses New York's Death Totals From COVID
For Gov. Greg Abbott, "owning the libs" is more important than saving Texans' lives.
Yes, and so does DeSantis.

Trump Loyalists Are Behind Lawsuits Excluding Farmers of Color From Debt Relief

What Did Jim Jordan Know About the Insurrection and When Did He Know It?
“That fucking guy Jim Jordan. That son of a bitch,...” —Lynne Chaney

The Anti-vaccine Con Job Is Becoming Untenable
Why targets of deliberate deception often hesitate to admit they’ve been deceived.

Racism by Other Means

Dem Rep Who Survived Jonestown: The Only Difference Between Jim Jones And Trump Is Social Media [Video]

AG Garland blasts Texas Gov. Abbott's 'dangerous and unlawful' legal directive
You act as if he's someone who cares.

Texas AG Ken Paxton backs away from Trump's fraud claims to keep his law license

'It just went boom': Florida ICU's swamped with younger COVID victims

More Miller Fear-Mongering: Dreamers Deprive Americans Of English!
Stephen Miller is the architect who has helped turn much of the MAGA cult into out and proud racists.
It's not immigrants. We are destroying our language from within. We now can't pronounce some English words correctly. The dropping of consonants in words such as the contraction of "did not" to "di-un't" and "Clinton to "Cli-in" is ignorant, lazy and devolvement. Even some newscasters are guilty of this regressiveness.

Steve Schmidt goes scorched earth on 'titanic frauds' Elise Stefanik and Marco Rubio in brutal takedown

What Happens When All the Bugs Die?

Tenants Prepare For Unknown As Eviction Moratorium Ends
The federal eviction moratorium expiring could lead to millions being forced from their homes.
This will be very damaging to our country.

DeSantis Happy To Let Children Get COVID In Schools
Nothing seems more urgent to Gov. Ron DeSantis (Death-FL) than preventing schools from taking steps to stop the spread of the surging Delta variant of the coronavirus.
DipShitus does what dimwits do.

Conservative Talk Show Host Phil Valentine Put On A Ventilator
The COVID skeptic's condition took another turn for the worse this week.

Missouri Man 'Strongly Against The Vaccine' Now Pro-Vax Once He's Sick
“I was strongly against getting the vaccine,” Barker said through labored breathing. “Just because we’re a strong conservative family.”

Michael Steele Drags Jim Jordan For BS Claims Of Amnesia
Behold the level of credence Michael Steele places in the utterances of Jim Jordan, for it is low.

'Has he had a severe head injury?': Ron Johnson ripped for denying COVID is a 'deadly disease'
It has been well established that this man is a complete mental case.
Again, he shows no respect for the dead.

'I don't understand the question': White House spokeswoman baffled by Newsmax reporter's scientific illiteracy
How do we know this moron is a journalist?

This Trump phone call may have led to the attempted coup at the Capitol
The very definition of a traitor.

Is Elise Stefanik Really This Ignorant Or Is It An Act?
Someone needs to look up the history of Medicare and Medicaid, and also the definition of "socialism."
America is suffering from nitwitism.

Texas Rep: Americans Shouldn't Comply With New CDC Guidelines
For Rep. Dan Crenshaw, rules are only to be followed if it helps Republicans politically.
Americans should ignore nitwits like Crenshaw. Many unvaccinated dead Americans and their families wouldn't agree with him. He shows no respect for them. "I should have gotten the damn vaccine" — the late Mike Freedy.

Capitol Rioter Who Called It 'The Best Day Of My Life' Now Under Arrest
Donald J. Smith bragged to a coworker and showed pictures of himself in Nancy Pelosi's office, "storming the Capitol."
Only 6? Feh.

Republican star Lauren Boebert spins fables about her childhood — but the real story is better
The strange saga of the gun-toting GOP congresswoman, her single mom, the pro wrestler and the corrupt phlebotomist

Bush, Pressley, and Omar Sleep Outside Capitol to Demand Extension of Eviction Moratorium
Rep. Cori Bush, who was formerly unhoused, slammed her Democratic colleagues who "chose to go on vacation early today rather than staying to vote to keep people in their homes."
These Congress people taking early vacations seem to think they are above the conditions Americans are stuck in.

Both the Delta Variant and Thin-Willed Democrats Are Lethal to Our Society

Josh Hawley's Deranged "Love America Act" Is a Testament to Racist Hatred

The Delta Variant Is Contagious as Hell—and People Are Selfish
As fierce as the variant is, we could slow its course. But first, Republicans would have to learn basic decency and wear a damn mask.

Altercation: Toying With Treason
A short history of Republicans’ long history of selling out the U.S. to help them win the White House

GOP's Madison Cawthorn admits he 'erroneously' tried to bring his Glock onto a plane
Why must we suffer fools?

NBC News, NY Times, Washington Post Roundly Called Out for Horribly Irresponsible Framing of Covid Cases in Fully Vaccinated People
Can these sources hurt us just a little more? I'm sure they'll do their best to try.

Fox Host: “All The Hot Spots Are In Huge Dem Cities”
And furthermore his shit does not stink. In fact, he doesn't defecate at all!

Oklahoma GOP Compares Vax Mandates To Holocaust
More racist pissants.

Mediocre White Man Launches Attack On Powerful Black Woman
That's right kids, Tucker KKKarlson slanders our vice president, Kamala D. Harris, in an act of media violence.
It looks like the "sentient pustule" is failing worse than ever.
Really, these asshats cannot find the bottom.

'I AM TALKING': Capitol riot hearing goes 'off the rails' as judge loses patience with defendant and attorney
Just another terrorist playing the victim card.

New report says Kyrsten Sinema insists on taking vacation even as Democrats rush to finish infrastructure
She's a lot of help.
America certainly wants her to be happy at all costs.

'Planning to foment a coup': Legal experts say new evidence shows Trump trying 'to overthrow the government'
If this isn't a red hot smoking gun there is no such thing that exists.

DeSantis spending $3.6m of Florida taxpayers' money for checks his Logo to go to cops and teachers
Brainless moron does what a Trump worshiper would do.

Memo To Sen. Kennedy: Religious Tests Are Illegal In America
Of course it is. Kennedy is not an educated man in reality.
Will he apologize?

'Just Say That the Election Was Corrupt,' Trump Told DOJ in December
"It was a failed coup. Call it what it was. It didn't work! But they sure as hell tried."
Those that don't know that's what it was are in denial. Too much proof exists that prove it was.
Co-conspirators cannot hide either.

'About Damn Time': DOJ Says Treasury Department Must Give Trump's Tax Returns to Congress
"This case is now bigger even than Donald Trump's crimes. Neither the courts, nor the machinery of our government, exist to bodyguard a corrupt private citizen from transparency."

Madman Trump Pressed DOJ To Declare Election Results Corrupt
Notes from Associate AG Donoghue summarizing calls Donald Trump had with the head of the DOJ show a high pressure campaign to get the DOJ to publicly declare the 2020 election "corrupt" in an effort to sway public opinion and give credence to The Big Lie.

'A Very Serious Threat': CDC Document Warns Delta Variant Is as Contagious as Chickenpox
"People need to understand that we're not crying wolf here," said the CDC director. "It's one of the most transmissible viruses we know about."
The Deta variant is going to kill many Americans.

'Worse than nothing': Texas Gov. Abbott under fire after his baffling response to the state's Covid surge
Failure. Why is this man in office?

Younger Americans report declining national pride as the United States faces a 'reckoning': report
A reckoning is coming because this country is at a crossroads.

'Mad he’s not being allowed to kill kids': GOP lawmaker blasted for opposing special session
Yes, a reckoning.

Marco Rubio burned to the ground by CNN's Keilar after he 'punched himself in the face' with mask rant
"...The problem is the Philippine government has mandated that everyone must wear both face shields and face masks while in public places," she explained before sarcastically adding, "Why? And I know this is scandalous, they're trying to stop the spread of the coronavirus which, let's not forget, has killed more than 610,000 of our fellow Americans."
The traitors have forgotten this, of course.

Legal expert ticks off a list of Republicans who could be hauled before the Capitol riot committee
The co-consirators in treason.

America is 'on a precipice' and in danger of 'losing our democracy' thanks to Trump and his extremist supporters: top scholar
Trump and a long list of fascist Republicans.

US economy reaches pre-pandemic size, but not as quickly as expected

Kevin McCarthy blurts out QAnon reference during press conference: 'The storm is coming'
QAnonsense? Ask not for who the storm comes for, Kevin. It comes for thee.

GOP lawmaker challenges McCarthy over 'bulls---' mask mandate enforcement
There's mounting fury on the right about efforts to enforce the new House requirement as Covid's Delta variant spreads.
Their intellect deficiency is showing. Also their high level of chickenshittery.

Trump Vows To Primary McConnell Over Infrastructure Vote: He’s Giving The Democrats Everything They Want
Fatso, the Whining Boy, is shooting his own bone spurs and doing a good job of it.

GOP Senator “Grateful” For Cop That Shot Ashli Babbitt
Any terrorist in a mob of terrorists attacking a goverment building is liable to be shot. They should know that. Ignorance is no excuse.

GOP Sen. John Kennedy Demands To Know If Justice Department Nominee Believes In God Or Not [VIDEO]
Which God is referring to? There are a number of them.
"Sure, and she just told me to say "go fuck yourself."
This old cracker needs to be tossed due to ignorance of church and state separation.

Mo Brooks Reveals He Was Wearing Body Armor On January 6th
As he was encouraging rioters to "start taking down names and kicking ass,” the Alabama congressman happily revealed that he was also wearing body armor under that yellow windbreaker.
I know, I know, it's something we all do everyday in the U.S..

After 65 Years Of ‘In God We Trust,’ The Problems With The National Motto Have Never Been Clearer
In God We Trust, All Others Pay Cash.

St. Louis County health director calls out 'MAGA' anti-maskers over threats and 'racist slurs'
Another answer to people that claim we are not a racist country. Maybe we are not completely but certainly a big part of us are.

'Traitors And Rapists': Protesters Derail Gaetz-Greene Distraction Presser
Several Republican members of Congress, including Reps. Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene, faced protesters on Tuesday as they held a press conference to defend suspects who are being held in jail after the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Laura Ingraham Takes Gold In 'Sh*t On Capitol Cops' Contest In Stunning Upset Over Favorite Tucker Carlson

Wingnuts In Full Stupid Mode Over New CDC Mask Guidance

Supreme Court’s job approval rating dipped over last year, poll finds

The Unraveling of the Trump Era
The Trump administration desperately wanted to cut government benefits, and it had outside help to do so. But very few of its new rules held up.

Trump should be forced to testify and respond to body cam video from Jan 6: columnist

Lauren Boebert throws 'mask in the face of a floor staffer' as she fumes over 'totalitarian' House rules: report
If this were a totalitarian nation, she would be emprisoned.

The Real Source of America’s Rising Rage
"It is Fox News that has torched the American political system over the past two decades, and it is Fox News that we have to continue to fight."

Cultist Rep Defends “Tourists” Claim In Fiery Exchange
This creature has a severe thinking disorder.
His statement is the statement of a person with a mentally defective perception function.
Is this a guy preparing for a tourist visit?

George P. Bush Sold His Soul To Trump – And Got Passed Over For Paxton
Candidate George P. Bush brushed off Donald Trump’s racist attack on his own mother to grovel before Trump – only to have TFG endorse rival Ken Paxton for Texas attorney general.

Sociopathic Tucker Ridicules Testimony By Capitol Hill Hero
If only Tucker's mother hadn't abandoned him...
"I don't know how many different ways I can say it: TV dinner heir Tucker McNear Swanson Carlson is a deeply damaged person, and he takes it out on anyone who doesn't validate the bubble he lives in."

Capitol Attack Inquiry Reveals the Extraordinary Influence of White Supremacist Ideology
Without racism running deep in their DNA, Trump's supporters would not have listened to a raving maniac president encouraging violence in order to remain in power.

'Fascism in its pure ideological form': Experts dismantle Trump's 'big lie'

Trump should be very worried about the signals the Justice Department just sent in a new filing
America is not going to protect criminals.

Texas Republicans reject Trump’s preferred candidate in special House race
Everything that Trump touches dies. Or they turn into rabid beasts.

What the Jan. 6 Committee Could Mean for Trump
As the right wing attacks the four officers who testified in the first hearing, the new Capitol Police chief says he is proud of them.
“We don’t blame victims. We go after criminals,” Kinzinger proclaimed.
The Trump miscreant fascists are the lowest life form on our planet.

Cheney and Kinzinger Are Too Late
It’s great that the Republicans on the January 6th Committee have seen the truth. But what did the delay cost?

'A Hit Man Sent Them': U.S. Capitol Cop Harry Dunn
Brave USCP Officer Harry Dunn was clear that we need to arrest the hitmen from January 6th AND the people that ordered the hit.
The bastards that are calling these officers disgracful and filthy epithets on Twitter need to look at themselves in a mirror. These are the same people who "love" the police so much.

Reality Check: Yes, Vaccine Mandates Are Constitutional
"If unvaccinated patients are uninsured, they get treatment. If they are on Medicare or Medicaid, the taxpayers pick up the tab. And premiums will go up for the rest of us," John Avlon pointed out.
But the morons refuse to cash their check.

Jim Jordan Freaks Out With Recycled 'But His Emails' 'Scandal'
It's re-run of Rudy Giuliani's staged and choreographed Hunter laptop "October surprise." Who knew they had such a lack of originality?
They have never had an original thought. Only the "victim" card.

Should Lauren Boebert Visit Auschwitz?
For our leaders to casually drop Nazi and Holocaust references as insults for their opponents is both morally obtuse and dangerous.
She's no leader.

Congress and the States Are Constitutionally Empowered to Crack Down on Trump and His Seditionists
Just as Speaker Pelosi has excluded members of Congress’s “sedition caucus,” from the January 6 inquiry, so state officials have the right to exclude Trump and his co-conspirators from the ballot.
They should use the power vigoriously against these criminals.

Capitol cop praised for mic drop answer on why he refers to pro-Trump rioters as 'terrorists'
Some members of our Congress support domestic terrorists. They are Republicans. They are co-conspirators. They have no defense.

Arizona taxpayers could be on the hook for a $9 million bill after GOP subpoenas routers: report
That could turn out to be a wild goose chase for them.

Here’s a Long List of Top Republicans the 1/6 Committee Should Question
There’s no telling yet how much of a fight there will be over these witnesses?
To their demise we hope.

“You Will Die on Your Knees”: As Cops Recount Capitol Violence, Republicans Boycott and Blame Pelosi
“The indifference shown to my colleagues is disgraceful,” Officer Michael Fanone testified.
We know the Republicans are co-conspirators in the attack on our Capitol.

Montana ‘Red Pill Festival’ manifests how far-right conspiracism is mainstreamed in rural U.S.
Zombie Jamboree.

'Disgraceful': Capitol police officer fights back tears as he calls out Republicans for 'betraying their oath of office'

Litigation Over A School’s Name Change Displays Christian Nationalist Paranoia At Its Finest

Republicans are laying the groundwork to 'overturn results' of elections: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Their fascism will do far more damage to us than only that.

Boebert’s casual Nazi reference used 'millions of murdered souls' to score 'cheap political points': conservative
These people know no shame.

The Billionaire Space Race Is An Indictment Of Capitalism
The handful of billionaires dreaming of unbridled wealth on the red planet do not outweigh the needs of the eight billion mere mortals living out their far less brazen dreams on the blue one.

Newsmax Jackass Roots For 'Woke' Team USA To Lose
If they're on your cable lineup, you should call your provider and ask why.
It's one thing to have an opinion but it's another to not know what you're talking about.

Texas Republican Brags: 'Even Taliban' Are Against Abortion
As if aligning with the Taliban is a good thing. He's getting dragged for his tweet.
Texas Republicans and the Taliban are pretty much one and the same. I'm happy to hear him admit it.

Vaccine opponents appear increasingly confused about HIPAA
Vaccine opponents keep referencing HIPAA, but the law doesn't say what they think it says.
They are equally confused on CRT because — stupid.

Rep. Taylor Greene calls exclusion of unvaccinated people 'segregation'
The first-term Republican has drawn backlash for repeatedly comparing vaccination requirements and mask mandates to the Holocaust.
Madwoman of Milledgeville upset about "No Vax, No Service" sign. I guess she never saw the old "No shoes, No Shirt, No Service" signs that no one ever complained about except the brainless. What the signs should say is "No Brains, No Service."
And watch out for the Staff. They sure can infect you!

WATCH: GOP congressman rants about ‘massive revolts’ after he gets fined for not wearing a mask
Land of the Happy Negro Rep. gets busted for revolting as his constituants have been doing for the last year and a half.

'Spineless wonder' Lindsey Graham blasted for crediting Trump for vaccines as COVID-19 spikes in conservative counties
Another glob of ectoplasm.

In the Long Run, We’re All Dead

How Right-wing America Is Breaking the Fundamental Bargain of Political Life

Will You MAGA Babies Get Vaccinated Already?
Once a fool, always a fool.

According to the conservative commentator, Republicans are "screwed" unless someone in leadership stands up to Trump.
'We're screwed': Conservative accuses Mitch McConnell of going into 'hiding' as Kevin McCarthy destroys the GOP
Too late.

The Stupid Is Killing Us: You Do Not Know What You Are Talking About, Quite Frankly

Trump's Arizona Theme: Hate America, Love Me
Making Americans hate everything is his only goal.
It won't work, Fatso.

There Is No Way To Pass ANY Progressive Legislation While The Filibuster Exists
"We cannot afford to continue to allow the United States Senate to operate under a set of rules that was literally designed to keep the wealthy and the powerful, powerful and wealthy at the expense of the rest of us." —Erica Smith for NC Senate
Welcome to a failed system. It is no longer sustainable.

GOP Rep Proves Pelosi Right For Ousting Him From January 6th Committee
Flame-thrower Republican Jim Banks made plain why he has absolutely no business serving on the January 6th committee during an interview on Fox News Sunday, and why Pelosi was right to give him the boot.
The perfect example of the perfect idiot. He missed his logic classes.

Maine Lawmaker Who Downplayed Virus, Mocked Vaccines, Contracts COVID-19
Republican Rep. Chris Johansen told a reporter he had the virus despite publicly trivializing the severity of the pandemic over the last year.
What goes around, comes around — literally.

Howard Kurtz Whitewashes His Network's Anti-Vax Propaganda
Media Buzz host Howard Kurtz did his best to pretend that his network isn't a cesspool full of anti-vax hysteria and propaganda while whining about criticism from other outlets.
He's probably vaccinated.

DeSantis Under Fire as Florida Now Accounts for 1 in 5 New US Covid Cases
"While hospitals in our state were filling up, DeSantis was shouting about 'Freedom over Faucism,'" said one Florida physician.
The Dip has lost control.

Hillsong Founder Considers Vaccines A 'Personal Decision,' No Matter How Many Congregants Die
So they are pro-life but don't care how many die in this manner because this is "personal choice."
"Except it's not. Those who don't get the vaccine are making a decision that affects more than just themselves, so it is our business."
That they can pass their sickness to someone that doesn't want to die is the part they don't see for some deeply ill reason.

Michigan Republicans will return Covid relief funds used to pay own bonuses

The Mask-Mandate Debate Is Back. Here’s What to Know.
Thanks to all the fools who haven't got the vaccine and who never masked and still won't here we are again.

Vax Passes Spark Protests, But Have Their Desired Effect In France
New requirements for COVID-19 vaccine passes have sparked protests in France, but they've also had their desired effect as well over a million immediately signed up to get vaccinated after the announcement was made.
Congratulations, France.

Texas man sets house on fire after concluding the family living there didn't follow the Bible
Yep, Bibles need a disclaimer in the front.
Bibles and guns are both deadly in the wrong hands.

Americans demand arrest of Michael Flynn after he 'jokes' about assassination in Washington, DC with his new gun
He's a joke, alright — a very bad one. And the joke is on us.

Marjorie Taylor Greene calls Air Force veteran a 'traitor'
Said the Madwoman of Milledgeville.

Laura Ingraham Attacks US Women's Soccer Team
The purpose of these right-wing attacks on our awesome women athletes is to sow hate and discontent against them for their own freedom of speech.
Taking a stand against racism and homophobia is now considered an insult to our nation by these Fox News cretins.

MSNBC Analyst Ticks Off Reasons Kavanaugh Is An Impeachable Sleaze
"[Kavanaugh] does not belong on the Supreme Court," says Elie Mystal. Also: Democrats, and Democrats alone can fix it.
It's certain that the pause in his confirmation hearings to look into the rape allegation was absolutely failure of the DOJ to do it's job. He was whitewashed.

Was this Barack Obama's finest hour? His 2011 roast of Donald Trump warned us what was coming
Ten years ago, Obama ridiculed Trump in front of the D.C. press corps. Trump has proved him right over and over.

Anti-vaxxer warns doctors and nurses of execution by hanging for administering life-saving vaccines
Ask not for who the noose swings. It swings for thee.
As a culture we have reached our "level of incompetence" and have now reached our "final placement." Refer to the Peter Principal.
But you can still do a great deal of damage when you reach that "final placement." Donald Trump for example.

Arizona Republican 'booed off stage' before Trump speech at 'protect our elections' rally
These are not young people that are into politics. This is a mob of automatons. Trump is their mob boss.

Republicans freak out because the delta variant they fostered is killing ... Republicans

It's been 12 years since the federal minimum wage went up. Republicans are still standing in the way
You'll see many more employed when the wage goes up.

Carville Calls Kevin McCarthy 'A Pathetic Bag Of Protoplasm'
And then he told us what he really thought.
Or maybe ectoplasm since it has no nucleus.

Forrest Dumped (Nathan Bedford, That Is, From Tennessee's Capitol)
The Land of the Happy Negro says goodbye to another one of their traitors.
"...slave trader, Confederate general, war criminal, and early Ku Klux Klan leader Nathan Bedford Forrest."

Texas veterans homes overseen by George P. Bush were often the deadliest places to be during COVID-19 pandemic
Seven of the state’s nine veterans homes had a fatality rate of 25% or more, far higher than the statewide average of 11% for nursing homes. Bush has vowed to not renew the operators’ contracts.

As Texas COVID-19 cases surge again, some local officials urge everyone to wear masks and unvaccinated residents to stay home
Officials in Dallas, Harris and Travis counties want residents to take stronger precautions as the delta variant drives an increase in coronavirus infections across Texas.

“Don’t You Work With Old People?”: Many Elder-Care Workers Still Refuse to Get COVID-19 Vaccine
Amid a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” more than 40% of the nation’s nursing home and long-term health care workers have yet to receive vaccinations.

DC Police Chief Says Marijuana ‘Undoubtedly’ Linked to City’s Violent Crime Spree
I know I've have had the urge to kill quite a bit over the past 50 years every time I've smoked a doob.
Note he uses the words "illegal" and "unlawful" quite a bit. It is fully legal in DC. What is he talking about, selling without a license? Then at the end he mitigates his argument to "'some' of the violent crime."

QAnon AZ Senator Declares Support For Confederates
Land of the Happy Negro Congress person must hate herself.
Yes, she does leave out a lot of the rest of her "idols."
Does she know that words have meanings?

WATCH: White woman accuses Black neighbor of 'dealing drugs' as she delivers hair care products to a customer
Another Karen let's her hate for Blacks out when they exercise their rights.

Dak Prescott Uses Marjorie Taylor Greene’s HIPAA Response When Asked If Vaccinated. Twitter Pounces.
“I laughed so hard my HIPAA hurts,” one user wrote.
And where did Dak go to school? Mississippi State. Even he should know better.
Maybe he understands football a little better. But sometimes I wonder. Leaders don't punt on important issues.

Strangers on a train: The dark bargain that destroyed the Republican Party
Old-line Republicans signed on to an unpleasant but temporary plan. Hitchcock's classic explains what happened next

Ted Cruz tried to slam the MLB over Cleveland mascot change — Twitter grabbed the bat and hit a home run slamming him
He was so hurted.

The dark truth behind the White House's sham investigation of Brett Kavanaugh
Investigation? We don't need no stinking investigation!

GOP lawmaker defies Trump by defending Capitol cop who killed Ashli Babbitt
Trump falsely claimed Babbitt was "innocent" and called her a "wonderful, incredible woman" despite the fact the QAnon conspiracy theorist and Air Force veteran violated her oath to defend the Constitution by attempting to overturn the 2020 election results.
Cops never shoot people, ya know and if they do they usually just get their pay docked and suspended a bit.

WATCH: Angry constituent curses out Rand Paul during town hall meeting
Rand? Getting cursed? Again? The ancient curse wore off?

3 States Were Responsible For 40% Of New COVID-19 Cases Last Week
The governor of Alabama, which is also seeing a sharp rise in cases, said “it’s time to start blaming the unvaccinated folks.”
We all knew this would happen if we didn't hit the goal. At least those with a frontal lobe.

Branson mayor’s ‘reckless idiocy’ helped turn Missouri into a COVID-19 superspreader hotspot
Anyone who has ever been to Branson know this is not surprising.

Madison Cawthorn attacks Dr. Fauci: : 'We want to prosecute this guy'
Land of the Happy Negro has pushed another fuckwit on us.

GOP Gov. confesses the 'unvaccinated' are likely to blame for the latest COVID case surge
This is a real surprise.

WHAT? FBI Received And Ignored 4,500 Tips About Kavanaugh
Democratic senators are demanding answers about the 4,500 tips the FBI received about then-SCOTUS-nominee Brett Kavanaugh that were never followed up on.
His "investigation" was another Trump scam as we all knew.

No Blacks At Missouri Invite-only Hearing On Racism Teachings
The invite-only hearing was mostly critics of critical race theory. The state NAACP president called it "ridiculous."

Scumbag Tucker Carlson Attacks Hero Capitol Police Officer
Tucker Carlson, who has never served a day in his life in the military or law enforcement, launched a vile and racist attack on a hero US Capitol Police Officer, Harry Dunn.
"A man called Tucker Carlson..." We aren't sure if that's his real name.

Republicans invoke ‘policy secession’ to ‘nullify’ Biden’s victory in GOP states: analysis
Land of the Happy Negro continues Civil War they started 160 years ago.
Destroying democracy is what these traitors are doing. They must be stopped by any means necessary.

Texas considers blacklisting Ben & Jerry’s ice cream: report
"However, as the newspaper notes, Texas appears to have no contracts with the ice cream manufacturer."

Rep. Ronny Jackson tries to play gotcha with the press on Democrats and vaccines — but it backfires
All these birds are playing games now.

State Rep. Bill Kidd joked that he didn't get a vaccine because he’s a Republican — now he has COVID
Well, that's another one that backfired.

We Better Control Machines Before They Control Us
'I’m Sorry, But It’s Too Late': Alabama Doctor On Treating Unvaccinated, Dying COVID Patients
Dr Brytney Cobia's Facebook post went viral this week, as she relayed the tragedy of her dying patients begging for vaccine.

New report thoroughly discredits GOP's claims of widespread voter fraud
This will make no difference to the Trump Zombies.

Oh, the Places You Will Go; Oh, the Things Your Money Can Buy

Republicans Hate Voting Rights Because They Threaten White Power
It’s no accident that the current assault on voting rights started not with the failed reelection of Donald Trump but with the successful election of Barack Obama.
It started with the Civil War. We are in a coninuation of that war. Until we finally settle it, it will continue.

Artificial intelligence wants you (and your job).

New Progressive Coalition Pressures Senate to Pass the PRO Act
The new group came as one expert told senators that "meaningful policy changes like the PRO Act are crucial for restoring a fair balance of power between workers and employers."

Federal Judge Blocks Arkansas Abortion Ban, Calling Law 'Categorically Unconstitutional'
"Abortion remains legal in Arkansas," said the ACLU, "as it is in all 50 states."
Stick that ban where the sun doesn't shine. A woman has the right to choose.

Rejecting Calls to Abolish the Filibuster, Biden Insists Republicans 'Know Better' on Voting Rights
"Republicans aren't going to wake up and 'know better' than suppressing the vote," said one critic. "The filibuster encourages them to obstruct and our reluctance to end it emboldens them to do worse."
Absolutely. Biden is naive and maybe a bit of an idiot to think otherwise. HE knows better.
And if he doesn't we've been had.

Trump’s PAC Grifted $75 Million From His Cultists For “Ballot Reviews” But Has So Far Spent It On Himself
Grifting and screwing everyone while he's at it.

Hospitalized Man Says He’ll Go Through It All Again And Won’t Get Vaccine: “Don’t Shove It Down My Throat”
Then stop using our hospitals to help with your halfwit decision. Take your own medication and die in your own bed.

Another Surfside Condo Evacuated After City Warning
The "con" in construction appears to be showing.

Cops Say TX Pastor Charged Church For Motel Room Where He Smoked Meth, Had Sex With Underage Girl
I guess they'll get a lot of applicants for that job.

Today It’s Critical Race Theory. 200 Years Ago It Was Abolitionist Literature.
The common denominator? Fear of Black liberation.

Democrats Want To Hold Social Media Companies Responsible For Health Misinformation
Yes. They are the ones selling the smoking guns.

NFL: Covid outbreaks among unvaccinated players could mean forfeits
The prospect of canceled football games is a major step toward nudging players to get vaccinated without making it an outright requirement.
Watch 'em line up for the shots now.

FBI Admits It Got 4,500 Tips on Brett Kavanaugh—Then Punted Them to Trump Team
“This long-delayed answer confirms how badly we were spun by Director Wray and the FBI in the Kavanaugh background investigation and hearing,” Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse said.

New Ad Hits Ron Johnson Squarely In His Treasonous Face
A new major ad by a coalition of progressive groups and unions takes aim at the treasonous Ron Johnson.

Now Even Ron DeSantis Is Persuading Floridians To Get Vaccine
It's officially a trend.
The virus has come home to roost.

Fox News Edits VP Harris Words To Justify Anti-Vaxxers
Editing a lengthy comment to suit their needs is what Republicans do, especially when they need a scapegoat.

'You crack me up': Marjorie Taylor Greene bursts out laughing when asked about Covid deaths
Marge missed the polling data. It appears the fascists are tanking big time.

'Like Nixon drunk rambling': Anderson Cooper shocked by new Trump recording blaming Capitol police for Jan. 6
Trump is a very sick man. He appears to have no one to help him.

Mitch McConnell pleads with Trump supporters to get vaccinated — and they bombard him with rage
How do you like it, Mitch? And you helped create these zombies.
And to stupid: Vaccinated people are still getting it because assholes like you won't get vaccinated because YOU are giving the virus time to mutate, thus creating variants that can get all infected! Some, like you, will die on ventilators.

'A Death Sentence for So Many': Rich Nations Once Again Block Progress on Vaccine Patent Waiver
"The pandemic is a test and the world is failing," said the head of the World Health Organization.
We are such a stupid lot. "Money is the root of all evil."

Young adults are getting vaccinated behind their QAnon parents' backs
Bravery and Hope.

Rep. Swalwell: GOP Lawmakers Treat Politics Like The WWE
Rep Eric Swalwell compared GOP lawmakers to professional wrestlers - all fake drama for the camera - and he could not be more on point.
And most of them are bad guys because that's what they really are as well as bad actors.

Marjorie Taylor Greene accuses a reporter of violating her rights for asking a simple question
More proof that this woman is dumb as a sack of hammers.

GOP doctor running for Minnesota governor denies he's an anti-vaxxer — he's just anti-vax-curious
Scott Jensen spread COVID conspiracy theories, and has appeared with top anti-vaccine activists many times
Quack, quack.

Probably Time To Get Your Masks Out Again, Yes Even If You're Vaccinated
Those with a brain will wear a mask when they go out where other humans will be. Very simple. Very easy.

DeSantis Lies Again: Rise In Florida COVID Is Just 'Seasonal'
If Floridians have tested positive for COVID, how does this compute?
DipSo is the fraud. He's not really capable of being a governor.

Anti-vaxxer Trump Supporter Dies From COVID
Linda Zuern, anti-vaxxer, Trump supporter, and QAnon adherent, hit the trifecta for ignorant stupidity and paid the ultimate price for it. RIP.

Trump friend and Newsmax CEO comes out with surprising praise of Biden

Feds arrest close Trump ally Tom Barrack on charges of an illegal foreign influence campaign in 2016: report
Trump should get popped on the same charge — foreign agent.

'You do not know what you are talking about': Fauci destroys 'lying' Rand Paul over COVID conspiracy theory
And once again, that is one of Rand's good points.

This ex-Fox News reporter goes off on Tucker Carlson and reveals why he's fearmongering about vaccines

Texas Republicans push to remove a requirement that students learn the KKK and eugenics are 'morally wrong'
The Land of the Happy Negro want it all to go their way and not let anyone know what they are up to.

Brian Kilmeade Trending: 'Not Government's Job' To Keep You Safe
Brian Kilmeade Rants It's Not the Government's 'Job' Protect You From Danger, which would be a BIG surprise to the Pentagon.
"Go to hell, you bloody bastard."
It seems that Kilmeade's job is not only NOT to protect us but to help us get and spread the virus. A perfect example of a dumb cluck and the very reason we are losing the battle againt the disease. Get him off the air now. He is a coward.

Trump's new statement makes it clear: The GOP sees its constituents as sacrifices for the cause
And they are so smart they can't see it. Shooting themselves is what they are best at doing.

Republican appointed to Capitol riot commission immediately blames Nancy Pelosi for riots
Banks went on to accuse Pelosi of creating the committee "solely to malign conservatives and to justify the Left's authoritarian agenda."
Don't you love the projection the Nazis use? Projecting exactly what they are onto others. Bullshit is their stock in trade.

Trump fan went to 'protest' Democratic event in rural Texas — and almost immediately began assaulting people: police
Trump turds in Texas.

Ted Cruz's racist lie about undocumented immigrants and COVID-19 gets debunked
Get this asshole the fuck out.

With Abortion Under Assault, Time for Pro-Choice Men to Break Their Silence
Anti-choice men are loud and clear on this issue, so it's time pro-choice men step up and make some noise.

Christian Nationalists Are Hard At Work Rewriting The History Of The Jan. 6 Insurrection

Corey Lewandowski admits Trump hired actors for escalator campaign launch — then blames Michael Cohen

Three in 10 Trump voters believe the feds are using the vaccine to microchip Americans
Chipping people to track locations would require a lot more clunky technology than just the chip, dear hearts. But your cellphone is already doing it right now, suckers.

It Ain’t Over
In fact, it may just be getting started.

High Hurdles for Commonsense Cannabis Reform
The plan unveiled by the Senate majority leader is doomed to languish despite massive public support for legalization.
Another reason the U.S. is a broken country.

Texas foster care crisis worsens, with fast-growing numbers of children sleeping in offices, hotels, churches
Increased oversight and lack of funding mean hundreds of children spend their nights in hotels and churches and on office floors.
So pitiful.

What’s The Most Polite Way To Ask COVID-19 Anti-Vaxxers Not To Be F*cking A-Holes?

Trump Keeps Losing Arizona Presidential Election
There's never been a bigger loser.

Georgia GOP Elections Official Gabriel Sterling Doesn’t Want Stacey Abrams ‘Diluting’ His Vote With Democracy
Very sad watching the decay and devolvement of the U.S.

Lindsey Graham Such A POS, He Gets His Own Sunday Show Roundup Again!

'An army of holy MAGA warriors': How Trumpworld is becoming a full-fledged death cult
"...the former president is "determined to create a narrative that his idiot insurrectionists are in fact part of an army of holy MAGA warriors."
Card-carrying zombies.

'Why not leave office too?': Lindsey Graham buried for boasting he'll flee DC to avoid infrastructure vote
Lindsey will get a lot of support on his new idea. He can leave DC for good.

Josh Hawley hits a new low for hypocrisy
It's a contest with them to find the bottom. But with them it appears to be bottomless.

Dr. John Gartner on America after Trump: "Dystopian science fiction ... is actually happening"
Former Johns Hopkins professor on the aftermath of Trump's coup — and whether he was a Russian stooge after all

In Gift to Rich Tax Cheats, Republicans Strip IRS Funds From Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill
"Republicans can always be counted on to help billionaires not pay taxes."

CNN interview with right-wing LA County sheriff gets weird after he doesn't appear to understand COVID data
Has he learned fecal matter from apple butter yet? I guess not.

Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani could face criminal investigation in Arizona over their attempts to overturn election

Surgeon general: No 'value' to locking people up over marijuana use
Past time to legalize it in ALL states.

Republican Self-genocide — and Darwin

The rise of a new America — and the last gasps of the dinosaur of white supremacy
Resist the arc of progress if you will. But we all know what happens to things that don’t bend.

Politico Brutally Fact-Checks Trump’s AZ “Fraudit” Lies
Everything Trump touches dies.

With Disasters Mounting By The Day, The U.S. May Finally Enact Real Climate Policy
But there are some big “ifs.”
The first one would be "confusing them with someone who cares."

Texas GOP Vote To 'Cancel' Teaching Women's Suffrage And Civil Rights
Here's what Texas Republicans were busy doing after Democrats fled the state in order to stop their voter suppression bill from becoming law.
Texas has a history of cancelling truth and supporting bias.

McEnany Attacks Psaki Over 'Misinformation' At Press Briefings
Says the Queen of misinformation.
That poor little girl.

Ana Navarro On Gov. DeSantis: 'Grotesque And Irresponsible'
And them are his good points.

The War of 1812 vs. Jan. 6: Which was the worst attack on the U.S. Capitol?
We think we know the answer.

New Jersey Woman Faces $250-Per-Day Fine For Her 'F*ck Biden' Signs
Judge Gary Bundy ordered the Willow Avenue homeowner to remove the signs with profanity within a week or face a $250-per-day fine.
What about code compliance, Campagna? Have a little respect for your neighborhood.
"Patricia Dilascio is the property owner but her daughter, Andrea Dick had the signs, three of which include the F-word, on display." We'll just call you DICK!

Here's why your Chipotle burrito costs more
"This is free-market capitalism at work…which Republicans claim to love."
Yes, those Chipolte executives just couldn't get by on a mere $38 million. They needed more.

Why is Tucker Carlson still on the air?
Honestly, a better question might be “Why is Tucker Carlson not in jail?”

Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene ridiculed for poor rally turnout: 'Y'all look pretty canceled to me'
And you look like the pitiful chump you are. A couple of never-beens.

A Supreme Court ruling that's right out of the 19th century
How many times have we said "That's where these bastards live!"

Watchdog says AT&T gave over $100K to Abbott, GOP lawmakers after vowing to support voting rights
"In a statement shared with The Hill, Accountable.US President Kyle Herrig said, 'What’s happening in Texas is the latest shoe to drop in a widescale voter suppression scheme carried out by desperate and dishonest embracers of the Big Lie.'"

'Its time to move on': Trump voters at 2024 kick-off event want him to stay out of the race
"Move on actually implies moving ahead. None of these folks ever do anything but move backward.

'Take a hint, dummy': Matt Gaetz goes down in flames after whining about third rally cancellation
Between them and the Trump/O'Rielly stink show not selling tickets one would think these asshats are actually being seen as the frauds they are.

Fox Host: COVID Disinfo Hasn’t Killed Anybody [VIDEO]
Charge them and let's see if they aren't co-conspirators in wrongful killings.
"...We don’t have anything to do with the content.” Since when did reporting lies stop qualifying?
I mean just because they said somebody said drinking bleach was OK, and hydroxychloroquine, and Ultra violet lights, and it's all a hoax, and masks don't work, and it's no worse that the flu, and testing only leads to more cases reported, and endless other misinformation that actually led to deaths, does that even matter?
Let's see what an actual jury says.

LA County Sheriff Refuses To Enforce Mask Mandate
Add this to the charges listed above, you assholes. Since when is a fucking Sheriff a science major?

Cyber Ninjas fall into eternal funk, as actual review of Arizona ballots turns up nothing
Well, maybe just another mis-count. I think they should try it again, don't you? The perfect example of insanity:
Keep doing the same thing expecting different results than the one you get every time.

Fox News Hosts: Let Right-Wing States Secede From The Union
We had a Civil War over the idea of secession, but sure, let's do a "trial separation."
Good idea. Then the U.S.A. can send our military in to occupy them to set up provisional governments and install sanity at long last.
Gutfield and Boothe are both mindless fools.

Tucker Carlson guest tells Fox viewers that COVID vaccines are “declining in effectiveness very quickly”
Alex Berenson is “declining in effectiveness very quickly” because he's full of bullshit.

The GOP has become the death wish party

Anatomy of an insurrection: How military veterans and other rioters carried out the Jan. 6 assault on democracy
Only about 250 or so traitors to go! America will get all of you!

Texas Judge Halts DACA, Sends It On Fast Track To SCOTUS
Reactionary federal Judge Hanen ruled that DACA cannot continue in its current form, though he did hold off on deporting the more than 600,000 recipients already covered.
Stop appointing fascists to the bench!

Fox's Next Big Lie: Biden 'Colluding With Facebook'
Remember, falsely shouting fire in a theater and causing a panic is not protected under the First amendment.
Like the rest of bullshitters, this bullshit factory needs to be shut down.

Psaki Boxes Doocy's Ears Over 'Loaded, Inaccurate Question'
Jen Psaki's gloves finally came off in the briefing room today, as Peter Doocy went full Tucker Carlson, coming at her with aggressively incendiary questions accusing the Biden administration of things he knows damn well it is not doing.
You would think he'd get tired of having his ass handed to him.
This poor boy would have trouble finding work if it weren't for nepotism.

Ted Lieu slams Megyn Kelly after she told him to 'grow up' amid his concerns about the Capitol riots
If she's still walking and talking he didn't slam her nearly hard enough.

?Prosecutors 'astonished' after witness directly implicates Trump in 'explosive interview': report

Gallup: Only 45% Of Republicans Believe In Science
That number sounds high to me. Maybe 10%?

Columnist reveals the new mythology Republicans are creating around Trump

'We were just there to overthrow the government': Report shines light on Trump's 'most hardcore rallygoers'
They are still at work trying to do it.

Tucker Carlson Hyped These Fringe COVID Theories. The Science Just Fell Apart.

Delta variant takes hold in U.S. as coronavirus cases rise nearly 70 percent
Looks like due to your reluctance to vaccines the pandemic is only beginning, America.

Republican governor says anti-vaccine rhetoric is ‘killing people’ and denounces ‘propaganda’

Texas man who called vaccines 'poison' dies from COVID-19 after spending 17 days on a ventilator
By his logic the ventilators must be poison as well.

By Sheer Coincidence, Joe Manchin Made Half A Million Dollars Last Year Off Of Coal

Joe Manchin headed to Texas fundraiser hosted by oil billionaires and wealthy Republican donors
Walks like an elephant, trumpets like an elephant, smells like an elephant. Time for Manshit to go find someone else to fleece and leave the American people alone..

For Minimum Wage Workers, Rent Is Now Unaffordable in Every County in America
Meanwhile, at least 7.5 million people are at risk of eviction at month’s end.

Two Men Were Just Charged With Planning to Bomb a Democratic Party Building to Avenge Trump
“Ok bro we need to hit the enemy in the mouth,” one of them wrote in a text.
He said right before stepping in fresh dogshit.

Friday News Dump: 2/3rds Of Southern GOP Want To Secede, And Other News
With some giggles to offset the pain...
No vaccine for stupid. Only a brain will help there.

Nicolle Wallace: Republicans have become ‘addicted’ to propaganda — and it’s destroying democracy

'I'm done with Fox!' Trump supporters rage after watching Alan Dershowitz tell Hannity Biden won the election
Trump Zombies have a fit when they get double tapped.

Explosive Interview Directly Implicates Trump in Tax Scheme
Your favorite crook.

Trump hammered after saying he wouldn't use Gen. Milley if he 'was going to do a coup'
"Do a coup"? What's he talking about -- a dance step?

Donald Trump's military coup didn't (quite) happen — but it was much closer than we knew
The military's top general thought he might have to save the country from Trump. Nothing about that is good news
Prison please.

FBI Arrests Roman Gladiator Who Went To Capitol Riot
Nathan Wayne Entrekin of Arizona wore the Gladiator costume to the Capitol riot, recording his lawbreaking on video which the FBI found, of course.
He's not playing with a full deck.

Idaho Man Seen In Viral Photos Pleads Guilty In Capitol Riot
Josiah Colt, 34, was seen hanging in the Senate gallery and posing in the presiding officer's chair.
Another traitor bites the dust.

Psaki Stuffs Doocy Into A Locker Again
Peter Doocy trying to talk down to Jen Psaki? It's like a 13-year-old boy who still eats paste and scribbles with crayons talking down to Frida Kahlo.
Fox News is a brick wall when it comes to understanding that nitwit reporters aren't something that make for good headlines unless they are gluttons for punishment. Evidently, Doocy can't get a job aywhere else because STUPID.

'The pee tape is real': Critics claim Kremlin leak confirms 'every awful thing said about Trump ends up being absolutely true'
Which explains why Trump was and is a Russian asset. Or asshat, whichever.

Texas’s Voting Restrictions Are a Multi-Level Grift
It's not about “election integrity”—here’s how you can tell.

McCarthy To Meet With Trump Today At NJ Golf Club
Trump will try to find bigger balls to play with.

Schumer Proposes National Pot Legalization: It's About Money
There's just too much money on the table to let pot remain illegal at the federal level.
C'mon Man! Indeed! Some of us are getting old. We've been fighting the insanity for nearly 60 years!

Trump was planning a coup, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs feared
He was right.

Montana bar close to where Matthew Shephard was brutally beaten sold shirts supporting anti-gay violence
Interesting how some fools don't mind announcing how brainless they are.

Experts warn of 'national emergency' after bombshell report reveals top general feared Trump would stage military coup

Former Mike Pence aide slams Texas voter suppression bill as shameless ‘grift’

Leaked Kremlin documents reveal Putin holds blackmail leverage over Trump — and that's why Russia backed him

'Absolutely bizarre': Lindsey Graham torched for declaring he will 'go to war' for what 'Chick-fil-A stands for'
Graham is still searching for the bottom where he can feed.

Justice Alito's voting rights ruling is plunging the Supreme Court back to the segregation era
Scalito wants to be there. That's where he works best.

Peter Doocy Begs Jen Psaki To Smack Him In The Face
Peter Doocy trolls the White House Press Secretary for the lulz and fails miserably.
This goofball seems to love getting carved to pieces in public. Someone should have a talk with him.

CNN Exposes Extent Of Fox, Newsmax Insidious Anti-Vax Propaganda
Why does conservative media want their viewers to die?
Death wish.

'You did this!' Liz Cheney angrily chewed out Jim Jordan after MAGA 'maniacs' stormed the Capitol
"Jackit-Off" Jordan taken to the mat by "Crusher" Cheney in Loser-Leaves-Town grudge match!.

From the APL to MAGA in No Time at All

Tucker Carlson's first grade teacher busts him for lying about her: 'That's the most embellished thing I ever heard'
Carlson, as all Republicans ever do, plays the victim card but very badly.

I Talked to the Guy Who Makes Papel Picado That Says “F*ck Greg Abbott”
A San Antonio artist brings new meaning to the Mexican decoration.

Hate Groups Are Helping Cultists Take Over Library Boards To Axe Books On White Supremacy, LGBT Issues
Orwellian groups form "Ministry of Truth" squads. All backed by fascist organizations.

Conservative legal expert explains why Trump’s latest ‘frivolous lawsuits’ show his ‘appalling constitutional ignorance’
"I'm just so damned stupid!" said Trump.

Biden blasts GOP's attack on voting rights — Fox News doesn't air it
President blasts "21st-century Jim Crow" attack on voting rights — Fox News airs right-wing outrage, but not speech
As if there are no other outlets where people can see and hear him. These morons live in the stone age.

'A Big Deal,' Says Sanders as Dems Agree to Pursue a $3.5 Trillion Reconciliation Bill
Sanders, chair of the Senate Budget Committee, described the spending agreement as the "most significant piece of legislation... since the Great Depression."

Trump believed the pandemic would let him indefinitely delay the 2020 election until whenever he wanted: Michael Wolff
The idiot thought he was a king. He didn't know the Constitution prevents that. Dumbo.

MSNBC shows just how horribly Trump is gaslighting America, and it's a thing of pure horror
Trump is a terrorist.

Joe Biden Just Gave A Damn Good Voting Rights Speech

Interior Department To Investigate Racist Atrocity Many Americans Have Never Heard Of
"American Atrocity." The name for our U.S. History text?

Republicans Really Don’t Like It When Democrats Put Up A Fight

Democrats Agree to Return to Texas if Greg Abbott Leaves

Texas Democrats Have the Right Sense of Urgency for the Fight Against Jim Crow 2.0
They left Texas to deny Republicans the quorum needed to pass voting restriction legislation and flocked to Washington to plead for action.

Gorka’s New Gig: Hawking Patriot Bunker Food
What? He's doing Jim Bakker Slop Bucket grift? Doesn't he know what happened to Bakker? LMAO!

Fox News guest: American slavery 'was not a racist thing' even though only Blacks were enslaved
Hey, others were doing the same thing. Why blame us all the time? Why do you think we're worse than they were?
How they always find a lower level to which to descend. This hole has no bottom.

Judge throws out Roy Moore's $95 million suit against Sacha Baron Cohen
The former Alabama chief justice alleged the comedian defamed him in a trick interview.
Roy defamed himself long ago.

At Least 841 Manatees Have Died in Florida in Just the First Six Months of 2021
Florida wildlife officials attribute the mass deaths to pollution-induced algal blooms and collisions with watercraft.
Now, let's see. Who is the Governor of this state? OMG!

TikTok Censored the Words “Black Lives Matter” But Not “White Supremacy”
TikTok's algorithmic moderation has a long history of harming marginalized groups.
AI is racist? How surprising.

Tennessee has gone “anti-vaccine,” state vaccine chief says after being fired
Vaccine chief says she was fired for noting state's 34-year-old policy for vaccinating teens.
Total dereliction of duty and one step closer to a Third World country. This is clearly no longer the America I knew.

The surprising and cold rationality of white evangelicals' destructive ideology

Trump goes off on Justice Brett Kavanaugh in a new interview: 'Totally disgraced'
Poor Donnie. He's so inept at everything he does. He can't even get hiring a SCOTUS candidate right. LMAO!

'I was there': Reporters sharply rebuke Megyn Kelly for claiming the media exaggerated the insurrection
Jack Ruby killed Lee Harvey. Trump's mob attacked our Capitol. TV proved they did.

Love Fest? Don't Believe Your Lyin' Eyes
Fox News on Monday let Trump lie and claim there was a "love fest" with Capitol Police. This video shows just how much of a lie that is.
What drugs are these assholes on?

Greg Abbott Vows To Arrest Democrats Who Fled Texas To Block Voting Restrictions
“As soon as they come back in the state of Texas, they will be arrested, they will be cabined inside the Texas capitol until they get their job done,” Abbott said
"Come out with your hands up!" "Now, shoot them!"

Blaire Erskine: Statement From Communications Director For TX Gov. Abbott
Another parody winner from Blaire Erskine.
Well, maybe it's a parody. They all seem that stupid.

TX State Rep: Republicans Changed The Messiah From Jesus To Trump
Senfronia Thompson said she's not going to be a hostage while her constituents voting rights are stripped from them.

Our Cracked and Broken Base
"And wasn't it easy for Fox and the rest of them to conflate peaceful protesters with rioters to make it look as though lefties couldn't tell the difference. It wasn't a difference the right could see, anyway. They could, however, see the difference between people unpatriotically taking a knee as the Star Spangled Banner was being played, and the true "patriots" who were using the flagpoles to beat up cops in an attempt to overthrow our system of government."

This Time Trump Is Right: He’s Only Getting Worse
On a weekend publicity bender he praised the Jan. 6 violence as a “lovefest” and continued his quest to make slain rioter Ashli Babbitt a martyr.
Desperation makes a rat dangerous.

Donald Trump May Already Be Violating Campaign Laws
Even before Trump is an actual candidate, his games over running could run afoul of election laws, experts say.
Dumbo is going to shoot himself in the foot? Sounds like par for his course.

Kristi Noem’s National Guard Deployment Is America’s Future
The private sector has long been absorbing duties that belong to the government—and that pattern is intensifying.
This may not just be fascism. It could quickly become anarchy if it hasn't already.

There’s a Word for What Trumpism Is Becoming
The relentless messaging by Trump and his supporters has inflicted a measurable wound on American democracy.
Abbott and Patrick follow suit in Texas.

Biden to say US democracy in worst peril since Civil War
I submit this is the SAME war as it has never really ended.
The Land of the Happy Negro sedtionists have been champing at the bit ever since Appomattox.

QAnon-backing Capitol rioter granted release because he mistakenly thought he was storming the White House
Of course he didn't know what he was doing due to STUPID! Pretty much like the rest of them.

'It's devastating': Unvaccinated woman thought she could ‘escape’ COVID-19 – now she says she’ll ‘never be the same’
Tell it, Linda. Maybe they will listen to you.

Trump is dangerously close to breaking the law as he teases 2024 run: report

Texas Gov Vows To Have Dem Lawmakers Arrested
Another brainless megalomaniac.

Fight breaks out after far-right protesters disrupt Rep. Katie Porter's in-person town hall
Brown shirts had to show how fucking mindless, reckless and unwanted they are.

Furious Trump demanded leaker who revealed he fled to his bunker during protests be executed: report

'Ahead of his time': How astrophysicist Carl Sagan predicted 2021's problems — 25 years ago

'He Is Deranged': Author Concludes Trump Too Dumb To Plot Jan. 6th
Author Michael Wolff interviewed Donald Trump following the events of Jan. 6 and concluded that the former president was too "deranged" to understand that he was inciting violence at the time.
Wolff told the magazine that "not one single person" in Trump's orbit — including his family — believed that he won the 2020 election.
And they are correct.

WATCH: Ex-Trump lawyer Jenna Ellis quits GOP live on air — and slams McConnell on her way out

Trump is living 'in the land of absurdity' and Giuliani is always drunk: Michael Wolff
"Pass that bottle me." — Drinkin' Wine Spoli-Oli

'Drinking too much' Rudy Giuliani hatched Trump’s ‘big lie’ on Election Night: new book
"Take another shot of courage" —Tequila Sunrise

Meet Katie Porter's Fascist Opponent Nick Taurus
Nick Taurus is a special kind of fascist who trained for his current crusade in hard-right Hungary. A self-professed American nationalist and Roman Catholic, he used hard-right brownshirt tactics to interrupt a family event and town hall meeting.

There's A New Big Lie In Town
Trump media and their GOP acolytes are moving quickly to peddle the next Big Lie, claiming that the January 6 insurrection never happened.
Yes, we didn't see this. It wasn't visible to anyone. The Big Bamboozle!

Trump's defense secretary hoped election loss would be 'clean and clear' in fear of troops being called in: new book

The Doctor Carl Sagan Warned Us About
Dr. Christiane Northrup, a medical doctor, uses her intuition to tell her fans that medicine is wrong and magic is real.
How did we miss this one? Quack, quack!

Newsmax host dangerously declares vaccines go ‘against nature’: Diseases are ‘supposed to’ wipe out people
Newscasters are 'supposed to' report the news, too, not issue instructions on how to commit suicide. Thankfully, he's not an "ANTI-VAXXER!"
"Natural and acquired immunity"

Conservative Anti-Vax Movement Straight-Up Killing People
How many of them have killed themselves today?
Hmmm, looks like the Land of the Happy Negro is taking a beating here.

The stampede away from Trump’s voting-machine claims continues apace, as legal liability looms for allies

Facing Threats Over Critical Race Theory, Educators Across the US Are Quitting
Thus keeping America as dumb as the dimwits and morons have longed to see.
"... to avoid facing the sometimes dangerous rage and rhetoric of conservative activists, who often demonstrate a total misunderstanding of CRT." Really?
Yes. These "intellectual giants" frequently mistake fecal matter for applebutter.

If They Can Tear Down This Highway in Texas… Yes, Texas!
Texas planned to spend $25 billion widening highways to relieve congestion. But a movement to tear them down instead is growing in influence—even here in the Lone Star State.

Southern Baptists come home from annual gathering with COVID-19: 'Do we assume there are more? Yes'
God will protect the.. oh!

Noem Attacks Fellow GOP Govs Over COVID Mandates
It's a personal decision just like a woman's decision to have an abortion, can't you see, people? Thanks for settling that for everyone.

Texas AG Unblocks Twitter Critics After ACLU Lawsuit

No One Knows What's Killing These Wild Songbirds
Common diseases caused by germs like salmonella and avian influenza have been ruled out so far.
The Canaries in our collective coal mine?

Richard Branson Didn’t Go to Space Yesterday, He Just Cruised Through the Upper Atmosphere
The entire crew got their "astronaut wings," but didn't actually enter space.
Anyone with a lick of "space flight history" knew that was bullshit yesterday.

White evangelicals are in decline and now find themselves ‘outnumbered’ by mainline Protestants
"...they realize that it turns young Americans off to religion.
You can drop the word "young' and arrive at the truth.

'Jesus, guns and COVID denialism’: How CPAC’s Dallas gathering was an unhinged mix of ‘ and ‘voice-in-your-head stuff’
Yes, Ted Cruz doesn't even know what the Grand Old Prick Party is anymore.

‘Trump’s Jesus fascists’ worry experts following report on Christian GOP churches
The Church of Jesus Christ without Christ?

Ben Carson: Welfare 'Hurt Black Communities' More Than Slavery
Former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson suggested on Sunday that the modern U.S. government has undermined Black families more than legalized slavery ever did.
Poor Ben. He doesn't know systemic slavery still exits. And how about those lashings the happy slaves used to get? And, dare I say, those lynchings?
US Prison Population By Race

Wallace Nails Gov. Abbott For Suppressing 'Voting By People Of Color'
Fox News host Chris Wallace on Sunday grilled Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) about new voting restrictions that reportedly could suppress Black voters
Abbott can't answer questions. He's full of bullshit.

Advisor To Major Pro-Trump Group Runs Racist Newsletter
Turning Point USA advisor Rip McIntosh remains unapologetic about the anti-Black screeds he has published.
He's got it backward. Like all of the fascists do. Fact is, America is fucking tired of your ass.

An edition of the Bible aimed at right-wing evangelicals has quietly scrubbed references to slavery and 'the Jews'
Ahhh. 1984's Ministry of Truth in action. LMAO!

Trump embraces Capitol rioters and rewrites Jan. 6 history during Fox News appearance
Prison for life suits him fine.

'Screw you Murdoch': CPAC attendees lash out at Fox News because network turned its back on Trump
CPAC fascists upset about being called out.

Republican Party chief blocks Trump's former lawyer on Twitter after shocking book exposes internal spat
...Ellis said, "I guess she doesn't want to be confronted about the RNC lying."

'It’s coming soon and they won’t be able to stop it': Americans concerned after latest Trump CPAC speech
His large wave of bullshit? We've seen it from this mental defective before.

Capitol rioter who demanded Pelosi be turned over to be lynched cites Bible in court defense
10 commandments that God gave man dominion over the law of their choice. There it is, chisled in stone.
Proving once again all 'Bibles' must have a disclaimer printed as its frontispiece.
"This book may have serious side effects on your brain. Exercise caution when reading. Many have been fucked-up beyond all help by these folk tales."

Texas Republicans Advance New Voter Suppression Bill
Keeping the white power is their mission.

Chris Wallace nails Greg Abbott for racist election law: 'The point is to suppress voting by people of color'

Could genocide really happen here? Leading scholar says America is on 'high alert'
Don't say you never heard it here before.

Texas Is Being Invaded—by Republican Governors
Nativists have long warned that the border states are undergoing an invasion. They’re not lying.
"Securing the border is now, has always been, and will always be the responsibility of the federal government. It doesn’t take a village of idiots."

The Amazing Racists
"But it also shows why spirited civic debate is impossible when one side is devoted to manipulative bullshitting. You can’t argue with liars. You can only crush them."

Alaska GOP Breaks From Murkowski After Trump Vowed Vengeance
Murkowski has more guts than any ten Trump traitors put together.
They are all cowards like their hero.

Fauci: 'Horrifying' to hear CPAC crowd cheering anti-vaccination remarks
It is. But the virus will have its way with them because of their stupidity and selfishness.
Unfortunately, it will get others sick or killed who believe their bullshit.

Texans testifying on GOP voting bill faced a 17 hour-wait to be heard by lawmakers in the dead of night
Members of the public arrived at the Texas Capitol as early as 6 a.m. to sign up to speak before lawmakers considering the legislation. In the House, public testimony wouldn't begin until early the next morning.

A Texas man was arrested on charges that he voted in the 2020 Democratic primary while on parole. He could face as much as 20

These five undervaccinated clusters are putting entire US at risk
"It is everywhere now," one unnamed official told Politico. "The risk really is in the unvaccinated community. We're starting to see more and more people get sick and need medical attention."
The cull will have its way.

Trump's followers are trying to turn Ashli Babbitt into their movement's martyr
Pitiful that they keep trying to paint themselves some kind of American hero. History will tell us exactly what they were.

Four arrested in Denver over fears of 'Las Vegas style shooting' at MLB All Star game: report
Gun orgasms.

'A Great Day': Biden Fires Trump's Social Security Boss Who Refused to Resign
'Andrew Saul and David Black were appointed by former President Donald Trump to undermine Social Security.'

Lauren Boebert created her own sockpuppet to like her tweets, defend her nonsense and follow AOC
What is it? "John Barron"? LMAO!

Campos-Duffy Attacks Kids Wearing Masks: 'It's So Many More Germs!'
The Fox & Friends host apparently believes kids are going to get sick from breathing their own germs.
Another brilliant stupid fucking idiot. What about the kids on Mars?
With fuckwits like this humanity has its work cut out for it.

Jen Psaki had the perfect response to a GOP governor's attacks on Biden's vaccination campaign
Why do we have so much bullshit bullshitters in positions to spread the bullshit they do?
They are fucking idiots or are purposefully fucking with our lives. Either way they must be ELIMINATED!
Intellectually, like Trump, they are losers!

GOP Pols Forced to Admit the ‘Big Lie’ Is BS During Farcical Texas Showdown
Protesters filled the Texas State House on Saturday for a hastily organized special session to debate Gov. Greg Abbott’s restrictive “election integrity” measures.
Abbott has no integrity at any level.

Evangelical snowflakes censor the Bible
Good. It needs censoring like forever. If you want to protest have the balls to be like the Buddist monks in Vietnam. Self-immolation please.

Lauren Boebert faces furious backlash after calling for mass firing of teachers
Dumb-dumb opens her mouth and shows ... no one is home.

The Roberts Court Is Like Strom Thurmond in Judicial Robes
You mean the old peckerwood?

Con Law expert reveals obscure 1800s law that could take care of Trump for good
Exiled to Phantom Zone?
"The law's the law! The law's been broken!" —Coalhouse Walker, Ragtime

It’s Not Too Late to Prosecute Trump-Era Crimes
The Biden administration, like its predecessors, has been reluctant to grapple with questions of executive accountability.

'This is sedition': GOPer Mo Brooks accused of attempt to 'incite violence' during CPAC speech

Texas Senate bill seeks to strip required lessons on people of color and women from “critical race theory” law
The bill would also remove a requirement to teach that white supremacy is "morally wrong." One Democratic lawmaker said the bill’s attempts could lead to a “frightening dystopian future.”
The white supremacists that wrote the bill are without any morals. Time will run out on them sooner than they think.

Hundreds of Texans line up to testify over GOP's voting bill in the special legislative session
Beto O'Rourke was among those at the state Capitol on Saturday to testify against the bill which would enact sweeping voting restrictions across the state.

New Texas Abortion Law Enlists Activists to Harass Providers in Court
Their low state education rating proves that they care nothing for women's rights and even less for children's
"Critics say the Texas law amounts to a kind of hack of the legal system."
Hackers are not respected by anyone.

Biden Unveils Bid to Reform Economy Through Executive Power
The Great American President.

The Canadian Heat Wave Has Been Devastating for Billions of Marine Creatures
“Walking out on the shore, the first thing that I noticed was the smell.”
The end times will be most difficult for us all.

Obeidallah and Guest Say Trump Copying Mussolini, Hitler in Attempt to ‘Make Martyr’ of Ashli Babbitt
He's even a failure at that.

Did Trump damage American democracy?
Do a fat dog fart?

Arkansas COVID Cases Higher Than This Time Last Year
Wow! There are still people living in Arkansas? The Delta will take care of that.

MS Health Officials Call For Masks, GOP Gov Refuses
Land of the Happy Negro Governor convinced he knows more about science and fucking guarantees nothing is there.
"Are we really expected to care all that much about people who clearly don't give a shit about themselves?"
The cull will continue to do its job.

Cawthorn Idiocy: Door-to-door Vaccine Info? Hide Your Guns And Bibles!
"They could then go door-to-door to take your guns. They could then go door-to-door to take your Bibles," said Cawthorn of Biden's plan to inform low-vaccinated areas of the nation about the efficacy of COVID vaccines.
Using this vacuum headed logic they could also take your home and your first-born.
Attention moron: He's not proposing taking anything. He is proposing giving something. There is NO MANDATE FOR TAKING YOUR GUNS OR YOUR 'BIBLES'." Although I'm not sure which is deadlier.

No, Tucker Carlson isn’t being spied on by the NSA

Capitol rioter lawyer argues for a lighter sentence because it could 'heal the nation'
This suggests the nation is in need of healing. Someone seems to know something is wrong. Like the seditonists themselves.

DOJ did not prosecute 82% of hate crime suspects reported from 2005 to 2019: report
Which, in turn, perpetuates and advances the crime. Clearly someone hasn't thought this through.

Experts beware: America may be headed for a Scopes moment
The slack-jawed are still with us. This obviously is a blow to evolution theory. These asshats keep breeding after 10,000 years of human progress.

John Fetterman: All 2020 Pennsylvania voter fraud was committed by Trump supporters
Universal truth.

Bizarre feud between GOP senator and pop singer Taylor Swift intensifies
Dear girl, if the state becomes socialist, as you, for some fucked up reason think, it will make her music part of the only playlist you and the other fascists will hear!
Poor Marsha. "...You're not getting younger now, even though you'll try somehow..." —"Leave It To Me" by Men of Extinction.

'Warning lights are blinking red': Pollsters sound the alarm on shocking data on GOP voters
No debate any longer: The Nazis will get what they are looking for—deep trouble.

Texas attorney general arrests man who had been praised for staying in line for 7 hours to vote
Aren't we proud racist Nazis in Texas?

Democrats, heed the warnings: 18 months to a Republican Congress — unless you fight
A GOP win in 2022 isn't inevitable. But it's extremely likely — unless Democrats act boldly, and right now
Do you think the Nazi voter repression laws the fascist bastards are installing in some states will have anything to do with that? Duhhh!

Right-wing anti-vaccine hysteria hits fever pitch as Nazi comparisons grow
Projection runs rampant among the racist Nazi Republican "victims."
The neo "No-nothings."

Dan Crenshaw Wants Freedom Of Choice For Vax, Not Abortion
Given Crenshaw's opposition to having private lives intruded upon by government agents, you might imagine that he'd be furious about a recent Texas law that will allow ordinary citizens to police the private conduct of Texans. Nope.
Fascist wants to eat his fascist cake and have it too!

Friday News Dump: We Don't Need No Stinkin' Infrastructure, And Other News
Remember how Republicans said climate change had nothing to do with infrastructure? Good times!
They say a lot of stupid. Because VICTIMS!

Trump immediately bristles when Bill O'Reilly shatters his view of himself
In a sane world Trump would be considered "the village idiot."

Tucker Carlson's 'NSA Spying On Me' Claims Fall Flat
Stupid Tucker emailed Russian operatives for an interview with Putin, rather than going through regular channels? Something smells.
We know who does.

US-Backed Haitian Government Reportedly Requests American Intervention
One observer noted that Wednesday's assassination of President Jovenel Moïse "has left Haitians at home and in the diaspora conflicted and uneasy about what could come next."
They could have real elections where the people actually cast votes. This last "president" won with a small amount of the eligible voters. Elections in Haiti are a joke.

Unvaccinated Americans are catching COVID-19 and telling doctors they're 'shocked' the virus is real
My, how shocking.

Toyota To Stop Supporting ‘Certain’ GOP Election Deniers ‘At This Time’
Toyota left enough wiggle room to drive a car through in its statement that it would stop donating to election-denying members of Congress.

Whoops! Turns Out Candace Owens Is Pro-Choice
Candace Owens lets loose a very pro-choice tweet, as scores of replies pointed out.
And this is what we mean by "dumb." When push comes to shove they are two-faced.

Trump's Social Media 'Lawsuit' Is Ridiculous, Part Infinity
Some of Traitor Trump's "attorneys" have AOL email accounts. What?
The whiner will stop his whining someday. We can't wait.

Ingraham Hosts Anti-Vax 'Doc': Don't Vaccinate Anyone Under 30
The prime-time death cult on Fox News continues to promote anti-vaxers and COVID disinformation.
Stop putting people with no brains on TV. Again: DUMB.

Dershowitz Pilloried For Defending Bogus Trump Lawsuit
Dershowitz' embarrassing downfall continues as he pretends Traitor Trump "has a first amendment case" against the social media giants.

Here's how extremism not only goes unpunished in today’s GOP — it is encouraged
The former Republican Party has become the Fascist Party.

There's an important political lesson in the Surfside condo collapse disaster
Government neglect by a totally imcompetent moron.

With Amazon Rainforest at 'Tipping Point,' Big Banks Told to End Fossil Fuel Financing
"If banks have Arctic exclusions to protect biodiversity and fragile ecosystems... then why don't banks have exclusions for the Amazon?"

Trump Organization Indictment May Spell Trouble for Trump Spawn
The indictment against the Trump Organization named seven specific companies within the overall business. Guess who’s connected to those companies.

Weisselberg out in Scotland: First indication that indictment affects Trump Organization operations
"As I read it, the indictment hints at future charges against Trump's two oldest sons, Ivanka Trump and Weisselberg's son Barry, who runs the ice rink and carousel in Central Park for Trump."

Ohio School Forcefully Rejects Claims That It Teaches Critical Race Theory
The complicated reality behind a story going viral in conservative media
This will not matter to the morons who already believe in this bullshit lie.

'MAGA Bride' candidate warns of 'civil war' in bid to unseat GOP incumbent who voted to impeach Trump
News flash for this moron: You and your fascist cohorts already started the war. Don't act so coy.

The Billionaire Playbook: How Sports Owners Use Their Teams to Avoid Millions in Taxes

Delta variant surges in Colorado as the bands play on
Sorry, America. We are not done with the pandemic.

Delta variant said to be far more widespread than federal estimates
The reality on the ground is likely much higher because states and private labs are taking weeks to report testing results to the CDC.

Texas Is the Hardest State to Vote In. It Could Soon Get Much Harder.
Democrats are desperately trying to act before Republicans can revive a restrictive voting bill.
Texas is and has been a corrupt land ever since the slave owners came to plant their cotton.

Texas Republican Party Explodes In Ugly Infighting
We knew that when West showed his fascist face in Texas it was bad news for everyone.

White Evangelicals’ Religion-Based Science Denialism Is Slowing Vaccination Rates

Tucker Carlson was trying to get a Putin interview – and may have been talking to a Russian 'foreign agent': report

A 'sham': Pennsylvania AG torches state GOP's push for Arizona-style election audit
They keep up this charade they'll soon be auditing the 2024 election.

Fascist Rep. Andy Biggs Spews Bile Against Dems: 'Enemies Of The State'
The Arizona rep. is caught making outrageous accusations against his Democratic colleagues.
Nazis are always outrageous. "...said the man who voted to overturn a presidential election."

FBI Infiltrates VA Bible Study Group That Wanted To Make Bombs
The FBI infiltrated a group led by a Capitol riot suspect in northern Virginia and members of that group talked about surveilling the Capitol and testing homemade bombs.

Entitlement and delusion are the driving force behind the GOP's preposterous tantrums

Tucker Carlson, Other Asshole Want Cameras In School To Stop Critical Race Theory
How would they know what they were seeing? They have no brains.

More Than 700 Republicans Running in 2022 Have Pushed Trump’s Election Lies
This should tell everyone all they need to know about them and their relationship with one of the biggest fascist criminals alive.

Teachers’ Unions Are Pushing Back Against Attacks on Anti-Racist Education
"For months now, right-wing outlets and operatives have conflated critical race theory, an advanced field of study developed by Black legal scholars decades ago, with broader conversations around systemic racism, racial justice, anti-Blackness and United States history in K-12 education."

Houston-area COVID-19 outbreak — including delta variant cases — should be a wake-up call for Texans, health expert warns
It should be but it won't because "arrogance."
The latest, most transmissible coronavirus variant is spreading rampantly in countries with low vaccination rates, and health experts are bracing for impact in Texas.

QAnon Florida High School Football Coach Arrested In Capitol Riot After Tipster Sends Feds His Parler Posts

Psaki Bombs Marjorie Greene
Another Psaki bomb, this time against the stupid Klan mom from Georgia.

Tucker On Covid: Seniors Would Be Dead By Now Anyway
Tucker Carlson takes "life expectancy" numbers and claims that senior citizens who died of Covid simply put off their already past due expiry date.
But we will outlive him either way

A Texas Judge Scraps A Justice Of The Peace’s Attempt To Discriminate Against Same-Sex Couples
"It’s about time this junk lawsuit was trashed."

How a policy rooted in racism and respectability politics robbed a US track and field star of her lifetime achievement
You're confusing racists with someone who cares.

'It sickens me': Longtime GOP voter disgusted by the 'corrupt and ridiculous' Republican antics in Arizona
It sickens most people with a brain.

'Not Competent': Legal experts pan Trump's 'clown show' attorneys over alleged lawsuit against Twitter and Facebook
A total surprise.

Trump 'stunned' chief of staff John Kelly by praising Hitler: new book
And where did money to help reconstruct Europe come from, Herr Trump?
It didn't come from your hero, Hitler. Try again, dumbass.

Morning Digest: Trump brigades fan out in races for governor across the country
Evidently, the trash was not removed. Let's do a permanent job this time.

Mitch McConnell just admitted Democrats are to thank for the $4 billion in funds Kentucky is set to receive

Nothing Says FreeDumb Like Mandatory Patriotism
Wisconsin Republican lawmakers want to make it mandatory to play the national anthem at any tax funded ball park.

In Win For Activists, Oil Pipeline Through Memphis Cancelled
The oil pipeline was supposed to run through poor and brown neighborhoods in Memphis. Real community activism stopped

The failed legacy of the 50-year War on Drugs started with a lie
"...Erlichman added, "Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course, we did."

More than 700 Republicans running in 2022 have pushed Trump’s election lies
More than 200 federal candidates — and 500 more at state level — have spread election lies, offering no evidence

Maryland Says 100% of Residents Who Died of Covid in June Were Unvaccinated
According to Dr. Anthony Fauci, more than 99% of all U.S. coronavirus deaths last month were among unvaccinated people.

In Leaked Video, GOP Congressman Admits His Party Wants 'Chaos and Inability to Get Stuff Done'
"Chip Roy says what we all already know: there is no intent of working across the aisle. It's all posturing."
Fascist Party states Chaos is their intent. Of course it is. Fucking the U.S. is their stock in trade.

Republican Attacks on Voting Rights Are Racist and Hostile to Democracy
Resistance to these Republican assaults can and should take a number of forms.

GOP Just Can't Decide How Much Democracy To Steal When It Redraws Congressional Districts

Unvaccinated Americans Make Up 99% of Current COVID Deaths, Fauci Tells NBC

Exxon Lobbyists Tricked Into Naming Senators They Use to Block Climate Action

The GOP's main voter bloc is shrinking
The electorate is shifting — and not in the Republican Party's favor

Amarillo was vaccinating people at double the state’s pace. Then the effort hit a wall.
Local health officials are trying to boost vaccinations in this Panhandle city and its surrounding counties, which rank near the bottom of the state’s population centers in the percentage of residents fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
Fear and loathing in West Texas.

Trump's 'big lie' was enabled by years of Americans being 'force fed' ?lies from religion: columnist?
Religion: The opiate of the people.

'JFK Jr. is still alive': Trump fan says dead Kennedy will take over White House with Trump in 2021
And Roy Cohn will be their new legal rep.

"An Ohio Republican with a criminal rap sheet and little-to-no experience has a good chance of being elected to Congress in 2022..."
Republicans don't care about crime. They're all about being criminals and fixing elections. Trump brought new criminals to the party.
Rep. Anthony Gonzalez will beat him like a stepchild.

4th Of July Shootings Across The Country Killed More Than 180 People
Gun orgasms.

Analysis: COVID Cases On Rise In Nearly Half Of States

Our Family Got Vaccinated. Then We all Got COVID.
This is whan can happen with the Delta variant.
Imagine you are only feeling like you have a "bad cold." Then you go out to the store for something and you become a spreader. Do you still think this pandemic is over? Think again, as John points out.

Cultist Rep: Soldiers Will “Quit” Over Mandatory Vax
It is obvous that this asshat was never a soldier of the U.S.
Troop, you will take a shave and you will recite the first general order of a sentry. Then you will join the GI party in the latrine.

Graham: Hobby Lobby’s Critics Are “Enemies Of God”
God really needs Hobby Lobby to help him out.
"I wonder if it ever occurs to these folks that they sound exactly like Islamic fundamentalists, just with a Christian cover." — Sarah.
Nothing occurs to them that is not in their "holy" book.

Biden Quickly Nominates Diverse Slate Of Federal Judges
Thus far, Biden has tapped 32 judicial nominees, maintaining a rapid pace for both nominations and confirmations that is putting even what Sen. Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump did on behalf of the Federalist Society to shame.

Texas Governor Trashed Over Fake Border Wall Politics
A Texas newspaper said to stop the charade, Gov. Abbott.

Get the hell out of our great country': Marjorie Taylor Greene claims rage-filled rant speaks for all Americans
She can go ahead and get the hell out of our great country! We already have way too much trash.
Polly is a cracker? LOL!

Poor People's Campaign Announces 'Season of Nonviolent Direct Action' Targeting US Senate
"If our actions result in the system believing it has to arrest us, then so be it. Civil disobedience is a badge and banner we will proudly wear," said Rev. William Barber.
That's the great Rev. William Barber.

Mo Brooks throws Trump under the bus in response to lawsuit that accuses him of inciting MAGA mob
Must have been quite a lift for the traitor.

Pew's postelection poll of validated voters paints fuller picture of Biden's 2020 win
What Trump and his treasonous followers are so afraid of.

Texas Governor Trashed Over Fake Border Wall Politics
A Texas newspaper said to stop the charade, Gov. Abbott.
I'm sure that request will put a stop to him.

Florida newspaper editorial urges Senate to kill the filibuster 'for the sake of democracy and our future'
If we put it to a public referendum and it passed with ease, Mitch McConnell would fuck us all and keep it.
The epitome of arrogant white power.

Allen West announces he is running against Gov. Greg Abbott in Republican primary
The Texas GOP chairman made his campaign official Sunday.
We have now been warned. The interloper makes his move.

Real Patriotism on this July 4th

The Government Provided Child Care in World War II. We Need It Again.
Women worked then, women work now. It’s time for national child care—permanently.

WATCH: Jim Acosta Confronts Madison Cawthorn for Supporting Trump and His Stolen Election Lie
Severe thinking disorders on display.
Trump was most effective in your lifetime? At what? Being a liar? Being a dope? Feeding you bullshit and you eating it?

Did Trump Admit to Tax Fraud Charges During Saturday Rally? CNN’s Brianna Keilar Argues He Did
The insanity of Trump on display. He never knows anything.

McConaughey: America Is Just “Going Through Puberty”
Illustrated by his insightful blabber.
The US is not the youngest country that has evolved through their puberty period much faster.

POLL: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott +1 Over McConaughey
Or How Bullshit Politics Work in Texas.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Releases Whites-Only July 4th Video
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) on Sunday released a July 4th montage that predominately featured white people.
And all the while the background music playing is on an African instrument!

Fireworks Are Stupid
The Daily Show explains why fireworks are dangerous and stupid.
Espcially when they are against private use by city ordinance and fools fire them off anyway. Fire hazards, frightening to pets (not just dogs!) and they keep people from sleep.
They appear to be an addiction for some.

Humanity Needs to Declare Independence From Fossil Fuels
We have the technical know-how as well as the available economic resources to make the transition to a clean energy future. Now it must be done.

Mistaken for an election official in Kansas? You could be charged with a felony and imprisoned
What Amerikan Fascism has done to free elections as we knew them in the U.S. Democracy is dying a slow death unless the Nazis are stopped.

'The epitome of hypocrisy’: 17 Tennessee Republicans accepted PPP loans — but want to slash unemployment benefits

Here's why Tucker Carlson is 'the new Alex Jones' — and Fox News is sounding more and more like Infowars: CNN
New Nazi on the block.

'They're not thinking right': GOP governor rips anti-vaxx Republicans for trying to win 'death lottery'

Trump biographer explains Ivanka Trump 'is in peril' along with Allen Weisselberg

White Supremacists Chased Out Of City Of Brotherly Love
The racist Patriot Front, based out of Texas, thought they could march in Philly. The locals had other ideas.

Viral MAGA Moment Turned Into T-shirts For Muslim Charity
Donie O'Sullivan's witty reaction to a MAGA supporter in Ohio has been made into t-shirts in Ireland to benefit the charity Muslim Sisters of Eire.
Get one now!

How a Far-Right Militia Infiltrated an Island in Washington
From an anti-mask rally to a potential takeover of the local school board, residents in this once idyllic community are spooked.
“The racism and division of the right-wing militias really has no place in our community,” Mayor Scott Chaplin told the crowd.
In the meantime, residents described extremists quietly tearing the very fabric of their community apart.

GOPer says Dems are trying to 'muck up' America: 'I worry they're going to expand health care and education'
Yes. Health and education. Two of the most dangerous things on our planet. The GOP fear them so much.

20 States Meet Biden’s 70% Vax Goal, Nation At 67%
MIA: Texas.

ABC/WaPo Poll: 38% Of Republicans Still Refusing Vax
And the reason we are a failed state.
The virus neither cares about them nor will it have mercy upon them. The cull will do its work.

CDC: 15 Million Have Missed Their Second Vax Dose
"Some people also want to avoid the sometimes-unpleasant side effects that come with the second dose."
Such as death by suffocation when you contract the virus because you have no resistance to it.

Antivaxxers Want You To Believe Vaccines Don’t Work Against the Delta Variant. They’re Wrong.
There’s a lot of misinformation out there. Let’s set the record straight.
"In the United States, outbreaks caused by the Delta variant are likely to be clustered in areas with low vaccination rates."
"What's going to happen, basically, [is] anyone at this point who has not been vaccinated, and doesn't plan on getting vaccinated, or has not been infected and recovered, is going to get COVID from Delta variant."
"The pandemic isn't over anywhere until the pandemic is over everywhere."

They Were Not Tourists: The Radicals At The Heart Of The Capitol Riot
On the six-month anniversary of the insurrection, Republicans are trying to convince America it wasn’t that big a deal.

Texas state museum cancels event on the real history of the Alamo following right-wing whining
"Of course, it’s almost certainly not a coincidence that Gov. Abbott and the GOP-dominated Texas legislature recently created something called “The 1836 Project,” an obvious riff on Nikole Hannah-Jones’ The 1619 Project, which seeks to regard the history of our nation through the wide lens of slavery."

This is why a conservative Supreme Court is bad for America

Tensions Flare as White Supremacists March in Front of Philly City Hall
Patriot Front, which is based out of Texas, is described by the Anti-Defamation League as “a white supremacist group whose members maintain that their ancestors conquered America and bequeathed it solely to them"
What is this? A new KKK uniform? Another Texas disgrace.

'This Is Our Future' Without Climate Action, Advocates Warn After Pipeline Causes Fire in Gulf of Mexico
"Having to put out a fire in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico feels just too difficult to believe. And yet..."
It is also our 'now.'

Sheriff Finalist For Idaho’s Largest County Blames Jews For Communism
Doug Traubel, a finalist for Ada County Sheriff, embraces the "constitutionalist" beliefs in the supremacy of the county sheriff as the law of the land. He was not appointed to the position.
Eliminate the position of "County Sheriff" everywhere and the world will be a better place.

Judge's Racist Comments Results In 10 Years Off Black Man's Sentence
Retired Judge Frank LaBuda made racist comments to Black defendant. Defendant gets 10 years shaved off his sentence.
Why not put that "judge" in to take the 10?

This July 4, Fireworks Bans Are Widespread Due To Fire Risk
No, Kristi Noem, this isn't cancel culture.
It won't deter the locals who can't seem to get past a 4th without breaking ordinaces and keeping sleep in the hood to a minimum

MSNBC Host Tears Into Noem For Selling Natl Guard To Billionaire MAGAt
"This is a stunt that's more about securing a photo op than the border." — Tiffany Cross
Noem and photo ops go together like a panhandler and their mark.

'Literally 10s of people coming out to see the crazy lady': Marjorie Taylor Greene buried over tiny turnout parade videos
They came out to see the geek.
"Literally 10s of people coming out to see the crazy lady."

49 Trump insurrectionists accused of destroying evidence after documenting their Capitol attack: report
Real heroes. Send 'em up the river for good.

Fox News accused of throwing up a smokescreen to hide their plummeting post-Trump ratings
As Steve Schmidt says, "There is no lie they will not tell."

Southern pastors are scared to promote vaccines as white Evangelicals reject science: report
"White Evangelicals" = No connection to anything close to reality.
"When you believe in things you don't understand then you suffer. Superstition ain't the way." — Stevie Wonder

4 kids shot in Virginia shooting: report
Thank God for the 2nd Amendment!

Exxon Lobbyists Caught Saying Quiet Part Out Loud On Climate Obstruction
These revelations should indeed be shocking to all of us as they lay bare the true reality of Exxon’s dangerous views as a corporation and how they work the political system to allow them to continue their damaging ways.

Top Texas elected official accused of ‘punishing dissidents’ after bragging about ‘canceling’ history discussion
The man that serves as the "worst example of all time."
"Forget the Alamo: The Rise and Fall of an American Myth," points out the pirates that raped Mexico. "As uncomfortable as it may be to hear for some, celebrating the Alamo has long had an echo of celebrating whiteness."

Olympics Marred By Olympic Levels Of Racism And Stupidity
Protest all you want but don't let us catch you doing it during working hours.
Disingenuous as ever. They will never move into the time they occupy.

When Will Politicians Start Caring about People’s Actual Problems?
Maybe when they are certain they have enough funds in their coffers to not worry about getting re-elected every term. This, of course, never occurs for them. Therefore, stop asking silly questions.

Supreme Court Drives a Stake Through the Heart of the Voting Rights Act
They must have thought it a vampire that could come for them in the middle of a free election.

CNN doctor fires back at Tucker Carlson with damning questions about his segments on COVID-19
Fed up? How can anyone not be fed up with that asshole?

‘This isn't the Olympics’: GOP transgender laws head to court
Many of the states advancing restrictions say they were motivated to counter President Joe Biden’s executive order aimed at promoting transgender inclusion.
Change just comes at some folks too fast. For example these fearful people that won't accept transgenders until eons have passed. Dumber than a sack of rocks.

Armed “Sovereign Citizens” Block MA Interstate [Video]
Heavily-Armed Anti-Government Men Taken Into Custody
The men belong to a group called "Moorish American Arms," and claimed to be on their way to "training."
Best comments: "So they claim they are not US citizens... Time to remove them just like any other illegal immigrant.. Where's ICE when you need them!!"
"We don"t recognize your laws. But we will use your roads, bridges, water supplies and occasional rest areas on an as-needed basis."

Dozens Of DC Rioters Accused Of Deleting Evidence
Nazis will pay higher price for their sedition with this.

As Protesters Face Felonies, Minneapolis City Council Joins Opposition to Line 3
"The world needs to pay attention to what's happening here in Minnesota right now."

Voting Rights Roundup: Supreme Court guts the last critical protections of the Voting Rights Act
Fascism has found a friend in the Supreme Court.

Analysis Reveals the Profound Damage Wrought by GOP-Packed Supreme Court
"This Supreme Court is dominated by Trump-appointed justices, with predictably disastrous results for voting rights as well as workers, consumers, and immigrants this term."
Stop appointing these assholes. Put them on a ballot for America to decide.

Sha'Carri Richardson's Olympic Penalty Sparks Calls for Changing Cannabis Rules
"Sha'Carri's suspension serves as a cautionary tale and a reminder of how insidious the drug war is in our everyday lives, far beyond the carceral state."
"Changing Cannabis Rules"? WTF? We have been trying to change these dumbass rules since I was in my 20s. Morons at work prevent change.

The Trump Organization has a long history of ducking taxes and skimming money: report
Should read "The Trump Crime Syndicate."

Liberal Redneck: Benghazi People Vs The January 6 Committee
The Liberal Redneck takes on the Republican hypocrisy of Benghazi vs. January 6th Commission.
"Hypocrites R Us"

June Jobs Report Destroys GOP Talking Points
The US economy added 850,000 new jobs in June, beating Wall Street's predictions and crushing Republican talking points.
Doesn't matter. They will find ways to twist truth to lies. No one does that shit better or more shamelessy.

Those January 6 'Patriots' Are Fast Becoming Snitches
The FBI had its largest number of arrests related to January 6, this week. Those weekend warriors for Trump are flipping, fast.
The Great Traitor Flip.

The next insurrection: They don't have the votes, but they've got the guns
Republicans don't want an investigation of Jan. 6 — because they hope it will happen again. With more violence
The Civil War they have started will be bloody. And they don't have exclusive ownership of guns.

'Nature and Physics Will Not Fall for It': Greta Thunberg Rips Into Climate Theatrics of World Leaders
"Let's be clear—what you are doing is not about climate action or responding to an emergency. It never was."
Theater. It has always been theater. And yes, we know we have failed miserably. It may now be too late.
Unfortunately, she is correct. The posturing is now the chickens coming home to roost. You can't kid yourselves much longer.

Report finds extremist right-wing rhetoric in the US is going down a darker path
Light scares the crap right out of them.

'Utter betrayal': Angry activists who helped elect Kyrsten Sinema say 'she has no values'
Only her own ass.

Massive ransomware attack strikes as Americans leave town for Independence Day celebrations: report
IT Departments caught playing pocket pool. Hmmmm...this has never happened before. Utter failure of American tech.
No one thinks we are in a cyber war. Amazing obstruction by Fascists!

'They didn't know what they were doing': The Arizona election results fight reaches a dramatic turning point
The Institutional disorder of dysfunctionalism is what the enemy in our Civil War is looking to install in us.

Mainstream Democrats Try to Crush Left Front-Runners in Buffalo and Cleveland
This could very well turn into a major battle in our country's Civil War.

Louisiana governor signs abortion pill 'reversal' bill
"The new law states promotes the distribution of details on “reversing” a medication-induced abortion, a claim which has been disputed and which professional groups like the American Medical Association and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists say is not backed by scientific evidence."
Please tell me when miscreants like these good ole Loosianna boys ever gave a flying fuck about "scientific evidence"?

Alabama police: Nearly two dozen shots fired into Democratic state senator's home
More shots fired in America's Civil War.

Bigots Have Finally Accomplished Their Goal of Gutting the Voting Rights Act
The Supreme Court’s decision upholding voter restrictions in Arizona paves the way for widespread disenfranchisement of voters of color.
History will not absolve them.

How Worried Should We Be About Our Election System?
Malevolent intent is now a given. But will the pushback be strong enough?
As strong as it needs to be. By any means necessary.

Texas Republicans take credit for killing book event on the Alamo and slavery
Of course these filthy miscreants will cover up anything that shows the world what kind of assholes they really come from.
They have no history to brag about. That's all tall tales as you might expect.

'Idiot' Ted Cruz brutally mocked for his Biden-bashing Breitbart column: 'Shows how hopelessly out of touch he is'
"... and it took Jimmy Carter to give us Ronald Reagan."
And it took George W. Bush to give us Ted Cruz. Stop laughing your ass off!
Jimmy Carter is beloved. Ted Cruz is not and will never be.

Oath Keepers Seek Dismissal Of Conspiracy Charges Because Certifying Election Wasn’t “Official Proceeding”
The problem with shit-fer-brains and attempted thinking by allegedly using them.

Ammon Bundy Convicted In Idaho Capitol Incident
This is a real shocker. Should get him elected easily in Dumb-Dumbsville.

Ohio Police Chief Resigns After Being Caught On Video Placing “Ku Klux Klan” Sign On Black Cop’s Office Desk
Land of the Happy Negro Police Chief just wanted to make sure his cops knew what their correct uniform was.

The fastest woman in America can’t run in the Olympics due to rule everyone knows is BS
She gets betrayed like the rest of us do. It's what America has become--a country filled with betrayers in our so-called "justice" arena.
The Prohibited List is the SAME OLD BULLSHIT LIE list we've lived with for 10,000 years. It's a total maufactured lie to control a free people. Kick out the jams and tear down the fake walls these liars have constructed. What? Are they fucked up on beer or somethin'?

Sha’Carri Richardson Deserves So Much Better Than This Bullshit
The American sprinter received a 30-day suspension for smoking marijuana after learning that her biological mother had died, and will now miss the 100-meter dash. It’s an outrage.

Ari Melber Destroys Notion Of 'Teflon Don'
"This is one of the worst days that Donald Trump has had since January 6th, and legally up on par with some of the Mueller indictment days," the MSNBC host said.

Coward McCarthy Suggests Liz Cheney Is, Possibly, A Democrat
You can't make this up. It's the art of the dodge as Kevin McCarthy pretends no one "but the Democrats" are responsible.
How stupid can a stupid idiot be? McCarthy tests the question.

'They increasingly look like dupes': Historian draws a damning parallel for the future of Trumpism

Supreme Court Ruling Delivers 'Dark, Dark Day for Democracy'
"We are now on a clear path to enshrining a constitutional right to anonymous spending in our democracy, and securing an upper hand for dark-money influence in perpetuity."
America betrayed by more Trump traitors.

The right's attack on "critical race theory": Another battle in the Orwellian war against democracy
For the right, "critical race theory" is all-embracing but meaningless. Its sole purpose is to scare white people

Trump: ‘One law for hungry pizza thieves, another law for me’
Robbing us blind for years, eh?

'Cancel-free' social media site GETTR suspends notorious neo-Nazi Baked Alaska within hours of launch: report
Half baked Nazi.

Gov. Greg Abbott says more apprehensions, drug seizures justify a border wall. Advocates say he's misrepresenting the numbers.
Misrepresenting. Pretty much describes him.

Biden, Democrats have no choice: Fight the Supreme Court or consign American democracy to history
By any means necessary! 20 more justices!

Lauren Boebert proposes useless cure for delta variant; reality-based Americans respond
A Chin-a-dontist? William W.D. "Bud" Prize had a good one.

This Guy Is the Reason Bill Cosby Is Out of Prison
The same lawyer who bumbled through Trump’s impeachment defense

The Constitution, Says the Court, Favors Republicans
This Court Kills Democracy!

Justice Alito’s New ‘Guideposts’ Chart A Treacherous Course For Voting Rights

Kyrsten Sinema Is Using an Outdated Political Playbook
She doesn’t think she needs the Democratic Party. Her Democratic constituents beg to differ.
18th or 19th Century thinking?

Why an Indictment of the Trump Organization Really Is an Indictment of Trump
The indictments against the former president’s eponymous business do not name him. But Trump has never drawn a distinction between himself and the entity that made him famous.

The Rule of Law Means Prosecuting Trump’s Crimes The criminal-in-chief has his own right-wing version of critical race theory.
In America there is no "Rule of Law." SCOTUS just proved there is none.

Dark Money Is About to Get Much Darker
The Supreme Court’s conservative majority just gutted donor disclosure rules.
The Court is the Dark Side therefore they are rolling in Dark Money. 15 more justices. EXPAND!

NFL Fines DC Team $10M In Sexual Harassment Probe
This outfit just can't keep its nose clean.

Watch a police officer admit to playing Taylor Swift to keep a video off YouTube
‘You can record all you want. I just know it can’t be posted to YouTube.’
Will this idiot still be a sergeant tomorrow?

Delta Variant Surge Spurs Mask Advisory In St. Louis
Fuckwit bait.

After SCOTUS Upholds Arizona Limits, Congress Urged to Protect Voters and Expand Court
"Without swift action from Congress, GOP-controlled state legislatures will continue to pass racist anti-voter laws to pick and choose who votes and who doesn't."
You Nazis want to see how fucking fast your "court" can get stacked? 50 or 60 should be enough.

Still Standing, But For How Long? Justice Barrett Takes Aim At The Wall of Separation
Talk about someone spoiling for the final fight.

More than half of House Republicans stand with Confederate traitors in the US Capitol
All are Land of the Happy Negro Dear ol' Dixie miscreants.

GOP Congressman blows off COVID mask mandate on commercial airline
There's always the Delta variant. The cull isn't over. Roy's not out of the woods yet.

Legal experts warn of 'grave peril' after the Supreme Court's latest rulings affecting the heart of democracy
Alito and his Nazia. America did not appoint them. They can be removed.

A Supreme Court justice's awful ruling reveals he has internalized Trump's 'Big Lie'
The high court's decision pretty much guts Section 2 of the 1965 Voting Rights Act that forbids discrimination based on race.
The U.S. is officially a racist country. This proves it. A half dozen justices support racism.
If they can write their own set of rules I can do the same thing. And so can millions of others in the USA.
"If we want to fix the problem, we have to find ways to cut back on courts' ability to intervene in our democracy." We know who they are.

'Flip like a flapjack': Trump critics rejoice after CFO surrenders in wake of indictments
Only a pawn in Trump's filthy game.

Michigan Republican spooked by Trump fans openly threatening violence against Biden-voting neighbors
Republican Michigan State Sen. Ed McBroom tells The Atlantic's Tim Alberta that he's become very disturbed by hearing from Trump supporters who are mulling talk of violent retribution against their Biden-backing neighbors.
Nazi threats should be met with resistance of the first order.
McBroom, who led a probe of election fraud allegations in Michigan that concluded Trump allies were "purposefully defrauding people" with lies, now says that he's worried about the way Americans have sealed themselves into social media echo chambers where they only hear what they want to hear.

Carlson piles lie upon lie claiming white supremacist terror is no threat, but NSA is spying on him

'Bombshell' Secret Footage of ExxonMobil Lobbyists Sparks Calls for Action by Congress
"We demand Congress immediately investigate Exxon and fossil fuel companies' climate crimes, and make polluters pay for their destruction," said a campaigner.

Florida lawmakers 'dumbfounded' after Desantis vetoes bipartisan bill that would have expunged minors' records
This is what fascism brings to America — Straw Man arguments from Nazis like this douche.

SCOTUS Takes Dump On Human Rights: Indefinite Detention Of Migrants OK
"Today, six Supreme Court justices... sanctioned the United States' use of punitive, prolonged, and arbitrary detention as a means of immigration enforcement and deterrence."
We are the Fourth Reich.

Rep Rips GOP For 'Political' Thumbs Down On 1/6 Committee
Rep. Jackie Speier shreds her fascist GOP colleagues for voting against the Select Committee to investigate the insurrection, comparing them to the Jonestown cult members who shot her 40 years ago.
I think Jackie is pissed as all Americans should be. These Nazis can't hide.

WATCH: Off-duty 'Vigilante Cop' Punches And Beats Black Man
Cell phone video recently made public shows a White off-duty New Rochelle police officer brutally assaulting an unarmed Black man as on-duty officers restrain the man and then the officer.
Knock the shit out of them, get them down and try to cut off their air so they could suffocate. This is the book on them now. We all know it. Why don't they? They just want to show out how tough they are. It no longer works. This is what should be defunded.

Bill Cosby and the Second Trauma of Assault Survivors

Bill Cosby's Conviction Overturned By PA High Court
Can't wait to see his new show on OAN
Fascist corruption. Justice in the United States is a farce.

Bill Cosby Walks Free From Prison After Conviction Is Tossed
The law is totally misogynist. No question. Not excuse. Case closed.

CNN's Acosta celebrated for asking Trump if he'll apologize for Jan. 6: 'Looks like Trump got Acosta'd'
Did the old fat fuck have a stroke? Asking for friends.

Iraq veteran warns of 'flashing red light' about terrorists who have infiltrated the US military
All Trump traitors, I suppose.

South Dakota's governor raises the bar on Republican crazy
Apparently, there is no ceiling for these Nazis.
They must be considering the gas chambers.
Please make note of one Willis Johnson, a resident of Tennessee and founder of auto-salvage company Copart.

Loony Economics: Republicans Blame Democrats for the Rise in Chipotle Burrito Prices
It would have been possible for Chipotle to avoid raising its burrito prices by paying its executives less. But Chipotle decided otherwise.
A new kind of insanity has infected these already batshit idiots.

Herschel Walker, Texas Resident, Running For Senate In Georgia ... Because?
There's one voice clamoring for a Walker run, and it's the voice of Donald Trump.
And again I ask — which Herschel will be running? Or do we get them all?

Opinion | I've Been a Critical Race Theorist for 30 Years. Our Opponents Are Just Proving Our Point For Us.
Seemingly overnight, my obscure legal specialty became a national lightning rod. What would CRT say about that?

The Right’s New Reason to Panic About ‘Critical Race Theory’ Is Centuries Old
These people are right in the place they have always been — the distant past.

GOP Governor Allows Billionaire Donor To Use National Guard As Anti-Immigrant Militia
I'll bet those troopers are happy campers.

Elvis Costello Defends Popstar Olivia Rodrigo from Plagiarism Claims: ‘It’s How Rock and Roll Works’
Sounds like the old hippie code: "One good rip-off deserves another!"

Trump Says Herschel Walker Is Running for U.S. Senate
Which Herschel Walker?

Trump Ranked WORST Living Former President — But He Did Beat Three Dead Ones
"...he ranked dead last among living ex-presidents, far below top-ranked former President Barack Obama."

Florida's Shameful, Recent Past Echoes in Desantis War on Academic Freedom
Campus 'red scare’ takes Florida back to the '50s.

Fox To Pay $1 Million Fine For Violating Human Rights Law
Fox News has agreed to pay $1 million, the highest fine in the history of NYC's Commission on Human Rights, for repeated violations of its employees’ rights.

Reality Check: This Is End Times For Climate Change Denial
"Short-term thinking helped get us into this mess. Long-term thinking and action will help get us out," John Avlon said.
Thinking. What a quaint idea.

How right-wing Christians are using COVID-19 to amplify religion 'above just about every other right'

Watchdog says insurrectionist lawmakers should be barred from public office — including Trump
A voice of sanity in the wilderness. It's a disgrace on our leaders and the future of our country that we cannot follow our Constitution.

Latest Northwest US heatwave presents mounting challenge to GOP climate denial: report
Death cult remains mum on apocalyptic disasters.

120 GOP Reps Vote To Keep Confederate Statues
Land of the Happy Negro grifters continue being traitors.
Good ole sons of Dixiecrats remain in the dystopian state of denial.

More than half of House Republicans stand with Confederate traitors in the U.S. Capitol
Land of the Happy Negro traitors keep up their seditious way.

Fauci Warns Vax Divide Will Create “Two Americas”
I'ts too late to worry about it now, Dr. Fauci. But he's right about "entirely avoidable, entirely preventable." Darwin will sort it out now.

Famous Loser Predictably Leaps On NYC Mayoral Mess
When you finally stop laughing at "Needi Amin" let me know.
Clown of the 3rd millennium.

'Klan Mom' Greene Doxes Museum Official For 'Talking About Race'
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene incited her fans to crash the National Children's Museum website on Tuesday because it described efforts to teach children about racism.
The High Priestess of the Land of the Happy Negro. Not only does she not understand "context" but she has no ability to think beyond a racist context. If she thinks everyone is equal in real life she's as dumb as a sack of hammers.
Marge was carefully taught to be a racist. That's why she doesn't realize she is a racist. You have to be carefully taught to be a racist. And you have to be carefully taught to NOT be a racist. She wants no part of that concept.
"Let's keep that website crashed" sounds like Holden Caulfield trying to erase every "fuck you' written on every wall. She fears "fuck you" will be written on her tombstone as Holden did.

Morally Bankrupt McCarthy Turns Congress Into A Farce With New 'Policy' Panels
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is apparently going to try to answer the new House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection with a bunch of task forces, elevating some of the very members who could become targets of investigation.
They now have the fear flowing through them like the Nazis at Nuremberg.

Tucker Carlson sounds increasingly frantic as Fox News refuses to corroborate his claim about the NSA

Why Is Tucker Carlson Still On The Air?
Most advertisers have dumped Tucker Carlson — why he’s still on TV ?
Dirty money and fascism.

Does Tucker Carlson want race war?

Tucker Carlson prepares white nationalists for war: Don't ignore the power of his rhetoric
White nationlists should read: White Supremacists.

New reports reveal a much larger plot and conspiracy by Trump before the Jan. 6 coup attempt
"The flood of "revelations" about the Trump regime's attempts to overthrow American democracy continue."

'The singularity of stupid': Trump blasted for claiming NYC ballot mistake somehow proves 2020 election fraud

'We're gonna be in a civil war': Trump supporter warns of more violence if the ex-president isn't reinstated
We are in a civil war. It was started by the group of Trump's fascist traitors of which this asshole is a member.
For his information, the ex-president will remain an ex-president. We have a president who will remain the president until he decides not to run for re-election or he is voted out of office by an American election process. This is something this fascist neither understands nor believes.

'This Is the Climate Emergency': Dozens of Sudden Deaths Reported as Canada Heat Hits Record 121°F
"This is not the new normal. Normal is going to keep changing until we stop emitting greenhouse gas emissions."
And I suppose there are still people going on about why this is happening?

Riot Suspect Collared After Coworkers Spot Her On TV

Republican Paul Gosar Attended Holocaust Denier's Fundraiser
Fundraisers with literal white nationalists while serving in Congress.
The man whose family thinks he is mentally ill, acts like mentally ill man.
"Rep. Paul Gosar is trying to officially merge the Republican Party with white supremacist factions -- and it's not a hard climb."

Ohio GOP ends attempt to ban municipal broadband after protest from residents
Axed plan's 10Mbps standard could have banned public networks in 98% of Ohio.
Protest? Really? A perfect illustration of why the Fascists of the GOP are totally out of touch with America and the 21st Century. Someone said in a comment on this story, "some politicians are dumb." And gravity keeps us from falling off the earth. Newsflash: Capitalism is failing.

Fox News host suggests Florida building collapse is 'God's plan'
A shame that "press people" are so stupid they know nothing about that which they report. "Defund does not mean abolish policing. And, even some who say abolish, do not necessarily mean to do away with law enforcement altogether. It's all about rearrangment: remove the rot and plant a clean crop."

'There is a God': Trump brutally mocked after he's denied permit for July 4th weekend rally
And he wants nothing to do with this loser.

After His Rally, Some Trump Supporters Warn Of A Civil War
Many Trump believers have pinned their hopes to the Arizona audit. What happens next?
Warn us? A state of war already exists between the Trump Terrorists and the U.S. as they started it already. What are you gonna do, try it again? You folks really do have some loose screws.
The militia will be taking over? They will shit and fall back in it like they did January 6, 2021.
Will you so called "media people" please read the article "'It's a failure': Arizona audit appears to be backfiring on Republicans – and could haunt them at the ballot box" from

John McCain's Son-In-Law Disses Military: 'We Deserve To Lose'
Ben Mr. Meghan McCain Domenech subs for Laura Ingraham and what he says about the US military would make John McCain spin in his grave. Shame.
Just another traitor. He's already the loser.

Watchdog Says Insurrectionist Lawmakers, Including Trump, Should Be Barred From Public Office
"If you want to be elected president, you have to be 35 years old, you have to be a natural-born citizen, and you cannot take an oath of office and then turn around and incite an insurrection."
And when you do, as he has done, throw his treasonous ass in stir!

Enough Highway Robbery: Secularists Challenge Mississippi’s Religious License Plates
Land of Happy Negro thinks if you don't trust in God you'll have to pay the state a little more. Tell them that God has all the money he needs. He's God, for Christ's sake!

'It's a failure': Arizona audit appears to be backfiring on Republicans – and could haunt them at the ballot box
Like everything that Trump touches, it dies.

'Not Going to Happen': Progressives Slam McConnell Effort to Sabotage Reconciliation Bill
"The last person who should have a say on our agenda is Senate MINORITY Leader Mitch McConnell," said Rep. Pramila Jayapal.
The Snake.

'Spray and pray': GOP cries foul on nearly everything Biden does as they struggle to take down the popular president

Ted Cruz's attack on Jen Psaki for 'gaslighting' blows up in his face in spectacular fashion
Blowed up good. Blowed up real good!

Trump has now blamed both Barr and McConnell for Biden's victory — and a presidential historian just published a hilarious response
He just can't blame himself, now can he?

Hate Pastor: Sex Trafficking Tunnels Exist Under Capitol And WH, Biden, Oprah, Pope, Tom Hanks Are Pedophiles
I think our world has grown weary of these side show geeks. Who really gives a shit what flavor of snake oil the grifter is selling. Let's move on to better things because THIS baby ain't gonna be saved.

Trump's Ohio Speech: 'Scores Of People Left Early' — SAD!
Dozens of people walked out of a rally in Ohio over the weekend as former President Donald Trump was speaking.

Revealed: neo-Confederate group includes military officers and politicians
Land of the Happy Negro reveals rosters. Still fighting the Civil War.

WaPost gives Biden four 'Pinocchios' for saying Second Amendment bans cannon ownership
"To keep and bear arms" means I can have all the howitzers I want in my backyard and all the dirty atomic bombs I can store for whenever I need them." Now think about that, America.

Toyota Disappointed In Us For Being So Judgy Of GOPers Who Didn't Certify 2020 Election
You can thank Citizens United for these corporations thinking they are people.

Toyota Leans In Amid Furor Over Donations To GOPers Who Challenged Election Results
More on these miscreants.
Buh-Bye Toyota.
"What a coincidence @Toyota I do not believe it is appropriate to buy cars from companies that fund politicians who try to overthrow our Democracy."
"So much for ever buying anything from @Toyota ever again."
"I am so feeling this. Our WHOLE family of drivers have Toyotas (9 cars), largely on my and my husband’s input. We’re talking years of legacy ownership. Done."

Alarming survey finds American conservatives 'uniquely inclined' toward authoritarianism
Amerika leads world in Authoritarian nonsense. Land of the Happy Negro applauds their standing.

Trump Yelled at Gen. Mark Milley ‘You Can’t F*cking Talk to Me Like That’ During Heated Situation Room Fight; Report
General Bonespurs was told by his AG. What more would the clown want? The uniform of a dictator with medals all over the tunic? ROTFLMAO!

The Pandemic is Over, Says 57 Percent of Republicans — And 4 Percent of Democrats
They ae the ones filling the hospitals and morgues.

White supremacist ‘executed’ two Black victims after crashing truck into building
Doctorate? From where? "Dollars 4 Degrees U."?

Documents Show Ivanka Trump Didn’t Testify Accurately in Inauguration Scandal Case
She said she played no role in planning inaugural events. These records suggest otherwise.
What would we do if we didn't have the eternally grifting Trumps to read about?

'We should be ashamed': Yale public health scholar warns COVID wasn't the worst-case plague. Not by a long shot

How Bill Barr's 'clean-up exercise' to save his reputation reveals he's far more corrupt than anyone realized: columnist

'He's broken': Trump ridiculed for 'utterly deranged' attack on Bill Barr for betraying him
This is not news to us. "Utterly deranged" people are usually put somewhere when they can't harm us. So far, we can't seem to do that with this fuckstick. What does that say about us as a civilization?

Republican Congressman can't understand why Trump supporters went to 'worship a loser' at Ohio rally
A lot of serious thinking disorders in our society has caused this fiasco.

Prof. Dyson Teaches Master Class On Importance Of CRT
"Critical race theory was invented for cases like this, for the law." - Dr. Dyson, putting the Derek Chauvin sentencing in historical and moral perspective.
Here in "Whitemanistan."

Fox News Hosts Freak Out Over Sex Ed Classes
Fox News hosts Pete Hegseth and Rachel Campos-Duffy lashed out in anger over the weekend about a Planned Parenthood flyer that informs students of their options for using birth control.
Someone tell these lamebrains sex ed has been around since the 1960s. They act like it was just invented but what else can you expect from the uneducated?
History of Sex Education in the U.S.
"From the 1960s on, support for sex education in schools began to gain widespread support."
Laura Ingraham and Florida governor Ron DeSantis dismissed warnings from actual medical doctors who know what they're talking about that maybe we should still be careful about COVID variants, calling them "COVID-Doomers."
Deep thinkers.

Fox News' Chris Wallace asks GOP rep: Who's really defunding the police — and he brings the receipts

D.C. Prosecutors Set Their Targets on Don Jr.’s Posse
“These kids were doing events for themselves... by them, for them, with them... with other people’s money.”

Toyota leads the way in donations to GOP sedition caucus: report
"...Toyota led the donors by a substantial margin..."
"We do not believe it is appropriate to judge members of Congress solely based on their votes on the electoral certification," a Toyota spokesperson said in a statement emailed to Axios.
No U.S. Constitution for Toyota.

GOP Isn’t Holding Back on Voter Suppression. Democrats Must Go on Offensive.

Tomorrow’s Hellscape Today

Toyota Defends Funding The 1/6 Attack On American Democracy
They don't believe in the U.S. Constitution? Even Mike Pence does.
Get ready to lose a shitload of auto sales. Fuck Toyota.

'Our One Big Shot': After Biden Walk-Back, AOC Warns Against Being 'Limited' by GOP
The president shouldn't let Republicans obstruct the possibility of enacting sweeping measures, the New York Democrat said, "particularly when we have a House majority, we have 50 Democratic senators, and we have the White House."

American Democracy Will Remain a Mirage Without a Dramatic Overhaul of the Political and Economic System
The progressive forces fighting for a democratic future have a truly herculean task ahead of them.

Demanding 'Transformative' Climate Policy, Sunrise Movement Gears Up for White House Rally
"The people are on our side and they know what’s at stake."

Almost all COVID-19 deaths now are among the unvaccinated: analysis

Historians slam Texas governor for 'patriotic education' law that promotes propaganda over facts
What has happened to Abbott? He just keeps getting dumber and dumber.

Josh Hawley demands Canada be added to religious freedom watch list
Worry about your own dumb ass, nutball.

Watch Sen. Bill Cassidy's bizarre explanation for why 'roads and bridges are a woman's problem'
I know I avoid bridges and roads at all costs. I can see he's fed up with our infrastructure.
Like our buildings they may collapse any second.

'Barr belongs in prison': Critics of former AG furious over new behind the scenes Trump revelations
In the cell next to Trump's.

Bad News For People Who Like To Use Socialism As A Scare Word
"The pandemic put the failures of free market capitalism on display, while socialism came to the rescue and saved a lot of lives."

Trump Resumes His ‘Big Lie’ Rallies While Biden Focuses on Getting Things Done
Stupid is as stupid does. Trump is a total waste.

Terrorism expert: Trump remains a major ‘national security’ threat to the United States
And so do his Q supporters.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Calls AOC a ‘Little Communist’ and ‘Not an American’ at Trump Rally in Ohio
Still clinging to the "communist" scare tactic of the 1950s. Very old hat and nothing new about this. Fascists, like Greene, have never embraced American ways, genius.

BOOK: Bill Barr Called Trump’s Election Lies “Bullshit”
He was always Trump's lawyer, never America's.

Before Florida Building Collapse, $9 Million In Repairs Needed
An engineering firm in 2018 uncovered “abundant cracking and spalling” of concrete columns, beams and walls in the parking garage.
Someone suggested that this event was due to terrorism. I guess you could say that it was — Capitalism Greed Terrorism.

Wisconsin GOP leaders call Trump 'misinformed' after the he claims they're hiding election corruption
A nice way of calling him a liar.

Malcolm Nance: CIA Reject Tucker Carlson Not Fit To Shine Gen. Milley’s Shoes
Former Navy Senior Chief Malcolm Nance had some choice words for Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson after he called Gen. Mark Milley “stupid” and “a pig” for supporting efforts to study and combat “white rage” and racism.

SHOCK: Carlson Asks All The Wrong Questions About FBI
The FBI's intelligence failures leading up to the Jan. 6 insurrection were more likely the product of the agency's historical refusal to prioritize investigations of right-wing extremists—and not a conspiracy within the FBI to create the event, as Tucker Carlson claims.
No vaccine for stupid.

The GOP’s Sharia Law Liars Are Hyping Critical Race Theory Now
This is the only script Republicans know how to act out now, the same one that they’ve used to demonize Muslims. Here’s how it works, and how to counter it.

GOP Candidate Bankrolled Jan. 6 Riot Trip With Campaign Cash
Derrick Van Orden barely lost his race to be a Congressman. But then he used campaign funds to get to D.C. for the Jan. 6 riot. Now he’s running again.
Remove grifters.

'Biggest loser': Critics slam Trump's '90 minutes of rage' in Ohio
Fat Ass Loser goes on "Biggest Loser in History" tour!

Jim Acosta hilariously previews Trump's MAGA rally: 'A clown car full of lies'
Amazing that someone that fat can get in that tiny car.

Charlie Sykes Slams Tucker Carlson Over Gen. Milley Comments: ‘Pampered Man-Child Trust Fund Baby’

Lauren Boebert's tweet about 'disaster presidency' blows up in her face in spectacular fashion
Margaret Hamiton II.

'I don't know where the Republican Party is going anymore': Ohio GOP mayor trashes Trump's 'revenge tour'
Dave, I can tell you where they are going — back to the place in Hell they came from.
And they won't fuck with Anthony Gonzales, former Ohio State Buckeye football great receiver. He won't drop anything that Fatso can throw at him and he'll return it for a score!

Three Years Before Collapse, Engineer Warned of “Major Structural Damage” at Florida Condo
Evidently, we pay no attention to warnings of any kind. See climate change issues that are now causing us serious problems.

Chauvin Is Sentenced to 22.5 Years. But Who Killed Winston Smith?
In early June, law enforcement in Minneapolis killed a 32-year-old Black man named Winston Smith, three miles from where George Floyd was murdered.

Trump Wanted Military to Take Aggressive Action Against George Floyd Protesters
Trump — a real tough guy when he's got someone else to do his dirty work.

Bishops Back Down On Banning Communion For Biden
Because of course they do.

Carlson Calls Top Pentagon General A Racist [VIDEO]
Says the leader of American racism.
It's the old communist stratagy: discredit or assassinate the intellectuals. We know which one is the pig.

Graham: Biden Made GOP Look Like “Fucking Idiots”
Trump lap dog gets the "Fucking Idiots" part right.

Florida’s Oceanfront Cities Are Not Prepared for Sea Level Rise
South Florida is sinking and threatened by sea level rise. It's never been more clear its buildings are in danger.

Proposed ‘Abolition Amendment’ would close a major 13th Amendment loophole
Stop slavery of women for good.

AP: Nearly All US COVID Deaths Are From Unvaccinated
The vaccinated now account for less than 1% of deaths from COVID-19.
More unvaccinated will be getting sick and dying from the variants.
The cull is doing its work.

Newsmax Hypocrite Attacks Beaten DC Officer Michael Fanone
Calling Officer Fanone a "drama queen," clearly Greg Kelly has a projection problem, as does all of right-wing nut job media.

The Real Fraud: Republicans’ Voter-Fraud Scare
Setting the record straight is our duty to democracy itself.

The more frustrated Trumpworld becomes, the more dangerously ‘radicalized’ it becomes: Rachel Maddow
Sounds a lot like the Hitler Hailers to me.

More Americans ‘socially liberal’ than conservative for first time – huge swing over past 20 years
Then why are we putting up with the Grand Old Pissant fascist con?
And "moderate" means "please don't blame me for anything as I have no opinion." Total bullshit con.
Therein lies the American problem.

It’s Time to Talk About Michael Flynn and His Cronies
At this point, he should clearly be disciplined, and severely—so why isn't he?
A question we must answer if we are to continue to be the United States we believe in.

Buffalo's Next Mayor Is Putting Electeds on Notice
India Walton is poised to be Buffalo’s next mayor, the first woman, the first nurse, the first socialist in a big U.S. city in decades.

Canada Classifies Pro-Trump Militia As Terrorist Group
More and more of these seditious bastards will become identified as terrorists because that's exactly what they are!
And Fatso is their crime boss.

Fox News Host Roasts “Leaker” Tucker Carlson [AUDIO]
The fuckwits eat their own. ROTFFLMFAO!!!

'Disgusting' Tucker Carlson slammed after calling top US general ‘stupid’ and ‘a pig’ for urging military members to be well read
Something should be done about this miscreant because he's going to get into a real pile of shit soon.

How Dare You Prevent Us From Screwing You, GOP Cries
In a real world these idiots would be run out of town.

Susan Collins Sums Up Her Scorching Cynicism With a States’ Rights Defense of Voter Suppression
The alleged moderate defends assaults on voting rights by claiming states should “determine which election rules work best for their citizens.”
Even if it is fascism, right Sue? Recall when lynching was a states right?

Few Texans believe voting fraud is common, UT/TT poll shows, undercutting GOP rationale for tightening voting rules
With no evidence of widespread voting fraud to cite, Republicans are shifting their argument to insist that new voting restrictions are needed to forestall even isolated instances of ineligible voters casting ballots.
But allowing people to vote would ruin the fascists chances of controlling these "voters."

Texans oppose permitless carry, but support expanding Medicaid and restricting transgender student athletes, UT/TT Poll finds
The Legislature gaveled out at the end of month after passing bills on abortion, guns, police budgets and the Texas power grid. Here's how Texas voters feel about the results.
Well, that's just too bad, people, say the fascists. They are going to screw you over anyway as long as they control the vote count."

Normal Human Gen. Milley Shot Down Trump’s ‘Skull-Cracking’ Solution To Civil Unrest
He also cracked Laura Ingraham and Matt Gaetz's numb skulls.

Laura Ingraham Demands Congress Defund Military Over Race Theory
Is she illiterate? She's outraged by someone so vastly more intelligent? This Anti-American threat that is Fox News is the problem.
"In other words, she's a carnival barker. She has one job: to get the rubes into the tent, and keep them from leaving."
She's far lower than that. Critical thinking is not in her wheelhouse.

Trump wanted military to take aggressive action against George Floyd protesters: report
Hitler would have been so proud of this pissant.

Missouri is the Show-Me State, and it's showing everyone how to keep dying needlessly
Regressive thinking can get you killed.
The cull continues to take its toll.
"I would rather spend a week in Hell than 10 minutes in Branson...."

Low Vax Rates, the Delta Variant, and a Huge Music Festival Make for a ‘Perfect Storm’ in This Colorado County
The level of stupidity in the U.S. is staggering.

Congressmen Squirm as ‘World-Class Sleazeball’ Gaetz Continues to Roam
Members of Congress—Democrats and Republicans—are pretending nothing is wrong, that their colleague isn’t credibly accused of paying for sex with a minor.
He'd better be confined in a prison where the inmates can't get to him. Most of those fellers don't take kindly to child abusers.

Lindsey Graham melts down over GOP 'idiots' who worked out an infrastructure deal with Biden
Trump's lap dog. Arf! Arf!

Defund the military? GOP’s anti-woke crusade dips into dicey territory.
Your Nazi heroes. The Grand Old Pricks.

The “Tea Party” Is Long Dead — but a New Fake “Protest Movement” Is in the Making

Stonewall Manchin

'Horrible and Unconscionable Betrayal': Biden DOJ Backs Trump Line 3 Approval
"You are siding with a handful of corrupt corporate elites over honoring treaty rights, climate, water, and the future of life on Earth."
It's increasingly difficult to tell Biden's DOJ from Trump's.

America loves to-go cocktails. This state won't allow them anymore
Poor New York. It used to be a nice place to live.

Video shows Homeland Security threatened to arrest people passing out water to people in 100-degree heat
Not a drop for DipShitus.

Kevin McCarthy is too much of a 'weasel' to appear before Jan. 6 committee: Eric Swalwell
"Be a weasel, that's what he always does,..."

‘We Have a Deal’: Biden Endorses Senators' Bipartisan Infrastructure Plan
Everyone gets a new doormat! Hooray for 'Merica.

Condo Collapse Near Miami Leaves One Dead: Photos
But 100 people are unaccounted for. It sure looks like OK, City.
Can any building be that defective?

Michigan Republicans Confirm the Obvious: Trump Lost Fair and Square
A GOP-led investigation found “no evidence” to doubt Biden’s win.
I'm sure this settles it for all time.

‘Pay Them More!’ Biden Sends Message to Businesses Concerned About Worker Shortages
But, but...they've always worked for slave wages.

Will Biden deliver for rural America? The potential of the proposed Rural Partnership Program
They'll probably consider it communism and say they don't need any help.

Texas Cultists, Cops Sued Under Ku Klux Klan Act For October 2020 Attempt To Run Biden Bus Off The Road
Wendy Davis, others sue law enforcement and Trump supporters over “Trump Train” harassing Biden bus in Texas The plaintiffs argue the Trump supporters engaged in political intimidation when they surrounded the Biden campaign bus in October, in violation of the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, and that police "turned a blind eye to the attack."
Typical of the moron pirates in Texas. Can they even spell "intimidation"?

99% of Americans Dying of Covid-19 Were Not Fully Vaccinated
Of the 18,000 Americans who died of covid-19 in May, only 150 were fully vaccinated.
The cull continues to do its job.

We’re Planning Moon Missions But We’ve Only Mapped 20 Percent of the Ocean Floor
We should probably finish exploring our own world first.
We don't give a shit about the planet Earth.
If we gave a good goddamn about our own planet we wouldn't be in the fix we're in today.

Rep. Matt Gaetz, embarrassed by a general’s testimony, makes it worse on Twitter
"Assalottahooey," she said to me.

DeSantis stokes far-right conspiracy theories as he yet again tries to out-fascist Trump
DipShitus: "If anyone needs me I’ll be in my anti-communist bunker sobbing about Sesame Street's emphasis on 'sharing.’"

Brian Williams Breaks Down Greg Abbott's War On Dogs
“If Abbott wants to, say, run for President, he must be more further ensconced in a particular area of Trump’s anatomy than even Ron DeSantis of Florida. And that won’t be easy.”
It's pretty obvious Abbott isn't human.

Lara Trump Flips Out Over Fox Poll: Biden 56% Approval
How DARE Fox News show Joe Biden's high approval numbers!

At Last, Rudy Giuliani's Law License Suspended
Maybe we've reached the point of "Had Enough fo This Shit?"

Christian Nationalists See Illiberal Hungary As A Model For America
Of course they believe religion is the same as the state. The U.S. does not and never will.

Matt Gaetz Is PWNED By Chairman Of Joint Chiefs Of Staff
Matt Gaetz's stupid question about "teaching critical race theory at military academies" is completely outgunned by simple statements of fact from a US General, whose FACT-BASED remarks immediately went viral.
The pussy-hound gets told to go suck eggs.

Fox Tries For Tea Party 2.0, This Time With School Board Meetings
So Fox News gives publicity to a bunch of parents in Virginia going insane over "trans" issues in the schools. Who convinced them that they needed to go ballistic over this? Fox News.
The Nazi propaganda outlet.

Parkland Parents Trick Former NRA Pres. Into Fake Graduation Speech
NRA bigwig David Keene gave a graduation speech at a fake high school where the 3,044 empty seats represented students from the class of 2021 who were killed by gun violence.
NRA = No Reasonable Argument.

DC Mayor Schools Ron Johnson On Whether DC Residents 'Deserve Statehood'
Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser pushed back against Sen. Ron Johnson's suggestion that residents of her city don't deserve statehood because they have a greater interest in the federal government than other Americans.
Let's face it. Correcting Ron is sort of like swatting a fly. It's a constant battle. The putrid old fool.

QAnon fans thrilled after OAN host floats mass 'execution' for people who 'stole' election from Trump
The hate is strong in this one. They should be careful about projecting on mass executions.

Fox News triggered after highest-ranking military officer calls out fake new culture war: 'Go after their budget'
Oh, but these idiots loved the General walking with their fat fuck god to the Bible fiasco.
Ever like the communists they purport to hate, these traitors go after the intellectuals first. Low-life cowards.
These people should find honest work and stop their street walking.

‘This is incredible’: Viewers stunned as ‘showboating idiot’ Matt Gaetz gets ‘completely decimated’ by top US general
Gaetz gets what he deserves. The twit. Indictment is coming soon.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott vetoes slate of Democratic-led bills
One of the measures would have required a middle school course on how to identify domestic abuse

Morning Digest: How a socialist underdog just unseated the mayor of New York's second-biggest city
They'll have crosses everywhere so one will be handy to nail her to, I'm sure.

Republican leader nailed after freakout over a fake IRS poster actually made by an activist
If you stand for nothing, you fall for anything.

'We're Not Going Away!' Nonviolent Protest Over Voting Rights Ends With Arrests in DC
"We're saying across this country, it's time for people... to march on these Senate offices," declared Rev. William Barber.
The great American, Rev. William Barber. And we will not go away, Reverend.

Bakker Ordered To Pay $156K For Fake COVID Cure
Returning some of his grifting take.

GOP Senator Apparently Unaware People Actually Born And Raised In Washington DC
Stupidity Illustrated.

French Spyware Executives Are Indicted for Aiding Torture
The managers are accused of selling tech to Libya and Egypt that was used to to identify activists, read private messages, and kidnap, torture, or kill them.
Notice has been served.

The Decline of Butterflies May Bring Dire Consequences for Life on Earth

How Does America Solve Its “Fake News” Crisis?
And we say: Want to stop fake news? Reinstate the Fairness Doctrine

The Delta Variant Is a Grave Danger to the Unvaccinated
One half of America is protected. The other is approaching a perilous moment in the pandemic
They don't care. They'd rather die while they are living, we've heard.

Woman charged with a hate crime after she and her boyfriend cornered Black Amazon driver and blocked him from
More racist white trash who think they are specially entitled.

Make Election Day a national holiday
This no-brainer should have been done a century ago.
But — fuckwit stupid.

Students Sue Indiana University Over Vaccine Mandate
"Youth is wasted on the young." — man on porch in "It's a Wonderful Life."

DeSantis: Defund Universities That Promote ‘Indoctrination’
Defund state governments that do the same first.
Oh, the Slotted Serpent Eyes from the next article, certainly does fit Old Squinty doesn't it?

Christian Prophet: Biden Has “Slotted Serpent’s Eyes”
Oh brother, is this guy in for a long shit whip.
Lots will be mocking him because he deserves it, the fuckwit.
...being gay is “just a coverup for being evangelists.”
Nope. It's the other way around, Einstein.

Bail Denied For Cultist Who Threatened To Kill Warnock
Arrest and indict the co-conspriators in Congress, too.

Indiana Woman Is The First Capitol Defendant Sentenced
Anna Morgan-Lloyd told the court she “felt ashamed that something meant to show support for the President had turned violent.”
Merely a slap on the wrist. She won't be the last.

Ron DeSantis Goes Full McCarthyism
Polling faculty --AND students-- on their political views to "ensure diversity"? They all hate you, Ron.
Bozo the Clown, wannabe Jr. but too stupid to get there.
"Ron DeSantis is a stupid wanking fascist, but you knew that."
Yes. Yes, we all know that.

Ignoring Climate Goals, Biden Administration Greenlights Oil Drilling in Alaska
You cannot approve massive oil drilling projects if you want to swiftly reach net-zero emissions.
It appears Biden will learn the hard way...if he can learn at all.

Report on ICE Reveals 'Cruelty and Coercion' Against Hunger Strikers
The U.S. agency's systemic response of "coercion and violence," said an ACLU attorney, "speaks to the inherently abusive and inhumane nature of immigration detention."
All on has to do to see is open their eyes.

Majority of Americans believe GOP 'election audits' are a sham designed to undermine election processes
Yes, you scumbags. America sees right through your fascist "fuck you" to us.

New poll reveals deep, widespread fears over future of U.S. democracy
American can see you Nazis. You'll get yours.

Editorial in major paper declares 'the filibuster must go' after GOP senators’ shameful reaction to Manchin’s voting rights bill
Along with the rest of the GOP miscreant traitors.

Ohio GOP official hit with felony charges for illegal voting during 2020 presidential election
There you have it. GOP = crook.

Sanders Rips GOP for Remaining 'Loyal to the Big Lie,' Says Filibuster Must Be Abolished
"Not a single Republican in the United States Senate has the courage to even debate whether we should protect American democracy or not."
The very definition of a spineless coward traitor

Republican Senators Filibuster The For The People Act
Activists picketing Senator Kyrsten Sinema's refusal to kill the filibuster are being arrested for peacefully protesting.
We are watching democracy being stolen from us by fascists. This will not end well.

Psaki Bombs Dumb Republicans Trying To 'Gum Up' Legislation
Jen Psaki suggested maybe Bernie Sanders could explain how a bill is passed and becomes a law.
Republican and stupid are synonomous.

Arizona audit is finally falling apart

Video shows cops tasing Black teen boy as he arrived at his girlfriend's house — he was then held for 21 days
Black in the wrong place — Amerika.

Trump issues unhinged new statement about 'winning' Georgia — and gets quickly shot down by fact checker
When did this fat fuck ever care about facts?

If Catholic Church Wants To Use Communion To Influence Policy, Maybe Tax Exemption Is Not For Them
No maybe about it.

What is critical race theory? Explaining the discipline that Texas' governor wants to "abolish"
Those who study the discipline say attacks on it are targeting any teachings that challenge and complicate dominant narratives about the country’s history and identity.
It would be good if every American read this but for the fact that so few could wrap their heads around it.
We really are that stupid.

Believe It or Not, Some States Are Making It Easier to Vote
We know. Only the states run by the Nazis are making it next to impossible.

QAnon Rep: My Election Win Was Ordained By Jesus
When did it become fashionable to show the world your are a lamebrained stupidfuck moron?

Vatican Opposes Italian Bill On LGBT Hate Crimes
World's largest cult decides it is a state. A state eh? That means they get to pay taxes. Yes, tax them.
The comments say it all about these two-faced asshats.

Connecticut Legalizes Recreational Marijuana
It’s the 19th state in the union to allow recreational cannabis use for those who are of legal drinking age.
We will get to all of them some day soon. Even Texas.

Georgia's Senator Reverend Brings Fire Over Voting Rights
Reverend Raphael Warnock doesn't sugarcoat it.
Reverend, you're Black and they will never forgive you for it.
The Land of the Happy Negro has always been the same and will only change if they can ever grow up.

Biden And The Bishops: The President’s Job Is Not To Enforce Theology

Georgia GOP quickly moving to oust Democrats from local election posts
GOP Nazis doing what Nazis always do.

'Pivotal' new video evidence released in Capitol riot investigation
The Trump coup attempt was a grand failure. Now he and the rest of his toadies must pay the price.

Respectable white people continue to give Republicans the benefit of the doubt. Why?
Sorry, we have to assume that if they are giving Republicans the benefit of the doubt there is nothing respectable about them.

Josh Hawley invoked MLK to grandstand against 'critical race theory.' It did not go well
Mental defectives should learn to keep their mouths shut.

Watch: DC mayor smacks down 'incorrect' Ron Johnson after he says residents don't deserve statehood
And speaking of mental defectives...

'Coward': Dad of Parkland shooting victim slams Marco Rubio's remarks on 'fatherlessness'
Scapegoating the minorities has been a fascist strategy since forever.
"Closer to home, are you saying the impact of gun violence on Americans is because of a lack of dads. No Marco, it is because of cowards like you."

Mississippi wrongly paid out almost $118 million in unemployment claims: auditor
Well, so many in the state don't never work no how so how do you tell the difference?

To the Man Who Shouted at Me About Stolen Elections
A poll worker responds to an angry heckler.
There have always been disgruntled and disturbed people in our country. It's just that some big fat asswipe created more of them to fuck with us so his ego can be massaged. Have any of these fuckwits ever been a poll worker during an election? Let's have a show of hands.

The Republican Party has Turned Fascist and is Now the Most Dangerous Threat in the World
"...the transformation of the Republican Party in the US into a fascist movement."

Sinema Op-Ed Defending Senate Filibuster Slammed as 'Delusional'
Rep. Mondaire Jones said Sinema is effectively arguing that "we should let Republicans destroy democracy now because at some indeterminate time in the future they may try again."
Here's a real mental giant. ( A facetious comment. The terminally helpless, like Sinema, can get someone to look it up for them.)

Trump Wanted His Justice Department to Stop ‘SNL’ From Teasing Him
“SNL” amounted to “nothing less than unfair news coverage and Dem commercials,” Trump tweeted in 2018, pondering whether his thought “should be tested in courts, can’t be legal?”
A real legal whizbang. The dumbest ass in the universe. The perfect Nazi.

'Despicable': Chuck Schumer Rails Against GOP Fascism
Using Traitor Trump's lies, Republican state legislatures are using QAnon conspiracies to try and strip away the will of the voting public.
Throw the Nazis in the gutter.

SHAME: 'Violence Against Women Act' Leaves Out Indigenous Women
Lawmakers in the nation’s capital have an opportunity to fix a longstanding problem with the landmark legislation to prevent domestic violence: its failure to protect Indigenous women.
Typical American response. Doh! I forgot!

Ammon Bundy Declares He/His Pronouns As Confused Cardboard Reagan Looks On
Not making this up. He thinks it's funny.
Yes, America loves its felons and con men for office. LMAO!

Psaki Bombs Jim Jordan
Does Gym Jordan have amnesia or is he just a liar?
This is a rhetorical question, for sure.
Jackit Off Jordan would rather fight than be a rational human.

GAO Busts Trump's Lies About Building Border Wall
Building only 69 miles of a border wall was a failure of enormous magnitude.
It will be told in his Trump Library. By the way, where is that Trump Library? In an empty Mar-a-lago ballroom?

Remember Who Tucker Carlson Is
When a flagrantly unreliable narrator narrated his own story, people across the media spectrum responded as if he could be trusted. Why?

Trump rails against Mike Pence in new interview: 'You would have a different president right now'
In other words, "If Pence had only broken the law, as I did in so many cases, I would still be in power and breaking more laws."
The monkey speaks his mind.

Quack 'archbishop' claims Trump drank bleach to cure coronavirus
Too bad these idiots didn't swallow more of it.

Ted Cruz Pretty Sure Critical Race Theory Same Deal As KKK Burning Crosses

Dead Men Thieving

How Far Will the GOP Go To Steal the 2022 Election?
All the way to the Hamptons.

We Can’t Be Heroes

Living in fear and unemployable: Far-right extremists are finding themselves doxed and out of work
Fear has been all they've ever been lectured on by the bullshit artists they have put their faith in.
Victims have been all these people have ever seen themselves as. They were had by the con artists.
The terrorism they have perpetuated is their own fault.

Despite Court Order, Mark McCloskey Shows Off A New Gun
Missouri US Senate candidate Mark McCloskey tweets about getting a new gun despite a court order.
"The St. Louis Post-Dispatch also editorialized the the guilty pleas and ad hoc campaign stunt were more than enough grounds disbarment."
Walking sphincter that blurts out more bullshit.

Sanders Says Congress Must Combat GOP Attacks on Voting Rights in 'Any and Every Way'
"What Republican legislatures and governors are doing in the most disgraceful way imaginable is to try to deny people of color, young people, poor people the right to vote."

ACLU Alarm as Amazon Activates Sidewalk Surveillance System
This is a nightmare for civil rights and civil liberties.

Study Shows Government Support Harms Christianity
"Oh blinding light, oh light that blinds, I cannot see, look out for me." — Firesign Theatre

Critics denounce Greg Abbott and Dan Patrick's 'invasion' rhetoric on immigration

'Craven cynicism': St. Louis paper slams pro-Trump GOP for preaching law and order while honoring 'anti-democracy thugs'
Pefectly describes the Republican Fascist Party.

Trump's tour with Bill O'Reilly conflicts with August reinstatement theory — driving QAnons bonkers
What about August? WTF?

'Half-baked': Greg Abbott scorched by major Texas paper for 'ludicrous' plan to finish Trump's border wall
"The governor should focus on those problems, and the needs of all Texans, instead of propping up his political ambitions with a wasteful border wall."

The Unique Terror of Being a COVID Scientist After Jan. 6

The Race to Replace Liz Cheney Is a Trump Sideshow
Or "The Amazing Insanity of the Trump Wing-Nuts."

Cartoon: Attack of the critical race theory!
They always have their finger on the pulse! LMAO!

'Final straw': Priest warns Catholic bishops their parishioners are furious church is choosing Trump over faithful Biden
The world's largest cult grows smaller with each exposure of their hypocrisy.

Capitol attacker's mother sobs talking about how Trump doesn't care about her son — or his jailed followers
"... Trump doesn't care about any of those people that stormed the Capitol for him. He doesn't care one iota about them."
Of course now. Trump cares only for himself and the cons he can put over on the suckers that fall for his bullshit.

Why Tucker Carlson loves UFOs: Jason Colavito on the hidden links between conspiracy theories
There's immense overlap, Colavito says, between QAnon believers, UFO enthusiasts and Donald Trump's superfans

Maria Bartiromo erupts defending Jan. 6 lies: 'Keep trashing me — I'll keep telling the truth'
My, my. A woman proud of her lies. This is totally new on the Nazi propaganda network.

'Bipartisanship isn't working': Chris Wallace busts Lindsey Graham lying about Joe Manchin's voting bill
Of course not. The fascists want no part of "bipartisanship." That's for the suckers.

Trump's announcement of rallies with Bill O'Reilly sets off furious backlash among QAnon supporters: report
Oh, Joy. More Nazi rallies.

RNC's McDaniel tries to claim credit for Juneteenth holiday — and it doesn't go well
Always amazing to watch the children of the Dixiecrat Party try to get in on the action.

Wingnut World Crumbles Over Macy Gray Suggesting We Change The Flag

Ron DeSantis urged to investigate why so many Floridians took part in Trump's insurrection: report
Is he actually going to acknowledge it?
"Florida is reportedly tied with Texas for providing the most number of insurrectionists, with 47 Floridians facing charges."
Nice going, Texas. We knew you could do it!

Jim Acosta Awards Tucker Carlson ‘Bullsh*t Factory Employee of the Month’: ‘Congrats, Tucker…No One Bullsh*ts Like You When It Comes to the Insurrection’

We're laughing at you now, Tucks.

Georgia To Purge 100K Voters From Registration Rolls
Why stop there, Nazis? Purge everyone, start registration over, arrest every person that doesn't match your fascism and put 'em to labor on the New Chain Gang!

Facebook To Update Its Policies On Satirical Content
Did we say something about AI and satire? Damn right.
Now are you going to do it to your AI or your human AI?

Of Assault Rifles and Swiss Army Knives
Since 1931 there have been four mass killings in Switzerland resulting in the deaths of 35 people. In none of those massacres was the Swiss Army Knife used.

Buffalo Bills' Cole Beasley says he'd rather retire than get Covid-19 vaccine
We'd rather he did both.
The only people that are scared of you, Cole, are just maybe some of the people like you that have not been vaccinated. The rest of us just think you're another chump in a long string of fools.
"I'd rather die living" is one of more ironic statements that has come out of a mouth in a while. I'm pretty sure after you die you won't give a damn about it anymore, Cole.

'Surreal' and 'distressing': Climate experts' dire predictions come true with US heatwave
As previously stated — it's not like we weren't warned. We simply chose to ignore it and let it all burn.
Apparently, we will continue to do the same.

The efforts to make text-based AI less racist and terrible
One thing, if possible, it should be taught to recognize, which is does not now, is satire. "Literal" is all the intelligence it has.

Mike Pence's whining about 'cancel culture' leads to epic blowback on Twitter
The asshat doesn't realize that he and his toxic partners have created the situation he's so fucking upset about.
"Efforts to marginalize "Christians and Conservatives" have all been created by asshats like him and his dumbed-down Dumbos.

Georgia Republicans purging Black election officials as they eye 2022 midterms: report
Land of the Happy Negro fascists make certain their Negroes will remain happy and off election boards.

Texas governor defunds the legislature after Dems walked out to block voter suppression bill: report
"Texas has a governor, not a dictator," Turner said in a statement. Oh, but he thinks he's a dictator. He's really a spiteful little twit.

'Epic Failure of Humanity': Global Displaced Population Hits All-Time High
"The tragedy of so many children being born into exile should be reason enough to make far greater efforts to prevent and end conflict and violence."

Anti-Critical Race Theory and Neo-McCarthyism
"...the guano pile, that is contemporary cultural conservatism."
Dumb as dirt. And yet we tolerate brainless fools like Fowler Arthur spreading fascist bullshit.
The implication that "common good" is "communism." But striking it creates "common connivance" and basic grifting. Oh, these are some low scumbags.

Donald Trump and the New Lost Cause

Meet Putin's New Puppet: Tucker Carlson!
"The goal is to identify people with outsized audience inside the target (the United States) who can then amplify your message. No one does that currently better than Tucker Carlson does for Putin and his message."
Everyone that possesses a modicum of a brain knows Carlson is toxic to America.

This woman thinks she's the secret Queen of Canada — and she has a following among Trump-loving QAnon fans
Shit-fer-brains should get tossed in the fucking insane asylum. Fuck this shitwit!
Someone will get killed because of this shitwit.
SHUT DOWN THE FUCKWITS! This includes ANY of the pissant dipshit QAnonsense fuckwits! Mass insanity. Shut it the fuck down!

QAnons Are Harassing People at the Whim of a Woman They Say Is Canada’s Queen
Shitwitsville! Does this motherfucker think she's bullet proof? Why hasn't this brain-fucked asswipe been thrown in prison? And all of her potential killer folowers? Are we a civilization or not?

Democrats open new front investigating 'a broader criminal conspiracy' within the Trump administration: report

'They just decided they didn’t want Trump people': Ex-Trump admin lawyers struggle to find jobs
They want the best people not the worst.

Vladimir Putin and GOP apologists for the Capitol rioters are sharing the same bogus talking points

Holiday Celebrating End Of Slavery Very Divisive, Say Assholes

Bishops Move Towards Barring Biden From Communion
And continue fondling little boys. The world's biggest control cult.

Cultists Chant “Traitor” At Pence During Christian Event
"Christian," my ass. These are dupes of the fascist lies that Trump has provided them. But they deserve all the shit they can eat.

Republicans Declare War on Biden’s Nonexistent Plan to Grab Farmland
Right wingers are calling the 30X30 conservation plan a threat to property rights.
Another perfect example of Republicans and their obsession of the fear of being a victim.

What’s the ‘critical race theory’ uproar really about? The right-wing need to fabricate enemies
They need to fabricate proof of their illusion that they are victims.

Texas’ 1836 Project is a big bag of BS, and we all know everything’s bigger in Texas
Especially bullshit.

Politically Correct Racism
A major component of the latest manifestation of racism is that white people are its victims.
This has been the mantra of the right ever since I have been aware of the Republican Party -- "WE ARE VICTIMS!"
It has no ring of truth. None at all. It is hollow.

Racial Bias Makes White Americans More Likely to Support Wars in Nonwhite Foreign Countries
Social scientists have repeatedly demonstrated that white people who hold such views are also likely to hold negative views of other nonwhite U.S. populations, including Latinos, immigrants, Muslim Americans and Asian Americans.
Why? Because they see themselves as victims of the other.

Twitter Bashes Candace Owens For Juneteenth Tweet
Candace Owens suggests Juneteenth isn't "American" like July 4. Twitter is not impressed.
Self-loathing Black woman stumbles again.

New Book Reveals Trump Denigrating 'The Blacks' In White House
In a forthcoming book, a look at Donald Trump's irritation that "the Blacks" don't appreciate him enough. Really.
"I am pretty sure that Trump being angry at The Blacks is called critical racist theory." -- Mr. Newberger

New Body Cam Footage From Jan 6 Shows A Lack Of 'Tourists'
Newly released by the Justice Department, body cam footage puts the lie to right-wing whitewashing of the MAGA sedition riot.
You mean Americans don't traditionally visit D.C. for a tour on the day they certify our election?

It’s Not Just Voting – Election Officials Are Under Attack, Too
While Republican legislators are seizing power away from election officials, their lives are being put in jeopardy, too.
Two can play that game you suckers. Wipe the fascists out first.

Fox News' Leo Terrell Blames George Floyd For Brazen Shoplifters
It takes some seriously twisted logic to blame George Floyd for the rash of shoplifting crime in San Francisco.
It appears that Leo Terrell is the cause of cancer. Thankfully, the disease can be prevented by putting him away.

Rep. Greene files bill to eliminate ATF then attacks Biden over drug cartels – which ATF targets and investigates
No brains - no service.
How dumb does one have to be before they get taken out with the trash.

GOP Congressman: FBI 'participated' in insurrection to 'entrap' harmless protestors and 'frame the MAGA movement'
Poor Louie. He's grasping at straws that aren't there. The dumbest.

Why Trump must be prosecuted.
For the same reasons as Hitler, Mussolini, Hussein, Bin Laden and other world-class murderers.

Military expert: Russians will eventually 'leak' what they 'had to control Trump'

'You didn't watch all the videos!' MAGA rioter squirms when CNN reporter confronts him with damning evidence
"He then showed footage of Pruitt walking into the Capitol with other rioters just 70 seconds after other rioters broke windows to enter the building." Now what you got for us, Dumbo?

GOP's Matt Gaetz could be charged within weeks: report

Thanks, Tucker! Fox Insanity Forces MSM To Fact Check Jan 6
Just when the mainstream media was all set to erase "Republicans" from the January 6 insurrection, Tucker claimed it was the FBI. Fact check: It was Trump-supporting Republicans.
Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain. Oh, damn it.

Gov. Greg Abbott says power grid better than ever as Texans asked to cut back electricity use
It looks like Greg needs to take the cognitive test more than Biden does. Poor feeble guy.

To Pave the Way for Medicare for All, We Need to Overcome “Citizens United”
“Citizens United” must be obliterated by any means necessary.

Democrats Prepare $6 Trillion Infrastructure Bill That Sidesteps GOP
But kick them in the nuts as you pass!

Critics denounce Greg Abbott and Dan Patrick’s “invasion” rhetoric on immigration, saying it will incite violence
“If people die again, blood will be on your hands,” U.S. Rep. Veronica Escobar, D-El Paso, wrote in a tweet.
Which raises the question, just how many have to die to have blood on the hands? These two are doing the math right now.

The Media Is Being Duped by Republicans on the "Lab Leak" Theory
They'll show up for a free buffet anywhere.

The GOP’s Alternate Reality Industry
Plus, Eric Swalwell’s restroom run-in with Ted Cruz.

Juneteenth is a 'hollow' victory as Republicans like Josh Hawley push racist oppression: analysis
We must put an end the racist cult called Republican.

Few Cops We Found Using Force on George Floyd Protesters Are Known to Have Faced Discipline
ProPublica compiled 68 videos that seemed to show officers using disproportionate force on protesters. A year later, police have disclosed discipline for a total of 10 officers.
Fascist racists protect their own.

Charlie Kirk Pummeled for Calling Juneteenth An ‘Affront’ to Independence Day: ‘How Are You So Racist You Don’t Want an Extra Day Off?’
Holy Holidays, Batman! This could mean something horrible just like...just like...just like...Christmas and New Year's Day!

A year after George Floyd’s murder, corporate promises haven’t made Minneapolis more equal
Gee, it's just too hard to do this, right?

Cultist GOP Rep Demands Cognitive Test For Biden
Sorry, Ronny. Trump and his Toady henchmen (includes you) have already formed a line long enough for Hell to freeze over for Biden to ever get tested.

DeSantis To Send FL Police To Mexican Border [VIDEO]
Yep. Texas is pretty dirt poor when it comes to its cops.
They probably begged for help. Talk about "Bullshit Theater."

Riot Suspect Collared After Boasting Post: I’m On TV

Woman Who Never Lies Lies About Biden Speech
OMG! That poor little girl!

SCOTUS Foster Care Decision a Blow to Civil Rights, Endangers Children and Religious Freedom

Fox News Fraud: Republican Strategists Impersonating Concerned Parents
Fox’s anti-“critical race theory” parents are also GOP activists
Why does this outlet still have a license to broadcast as a news source?

Majority of Florida residents disagree with DeSantis as he continues to rail against the CDC: poll
Howdy Doody's second cousin doesn't seem to have any brains at all.

Brothers of white nationalist congressman apologize for his false claim insurrectionist was 'executed' by police
We used to not allow mentally challenged people to be elected to our government posts.

Ohio Republicans close to imposing near-total ban on municipal broadband
Bill's 10Mbps standard could make 98% of Ohio ineligible for municipal networks.
Cave people mentality.

The Corruption That Overwhelmed the GOP Has Reached a Crisis Point — and It’s Killing People

Here Are The 14 Garbage White Male Congressmen Too Racist To Vote For Juneteenth
" are the 14 absolute garbage piece of shit white men in the House who couldn't bring themselves to vote to recognize a celebration of the end of slavery."
Rep. Mo Brooks, R-Ala.
Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz.
Rep. Scott DesJarlais, R-Tenn.
Rep. Tom Tiffany, R-Wis.
Rep. Doug LaMalfa, R-Calif.
Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Ala.
Rep. Ralph Norman, R-S.C.
Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas
Rep. Paul Gosar, R-Ariz.
Rep. Tom McClintock, R-Calif.
Rep. Matt Rosendale, R-Mont.
Rep. Ronny Jackson, R-Texas
Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky.
Rep. Andrew Clyde, R-Ga.

GOP Cowards Just Twiddling Thumbs, Waiting For Trump’s Next Insurrection

Biden Hammers Home Danger To Democracy At Home And Abroad
President Biden: "Every generation has to reestablish the basis in this fight for democracy."

Teachers Push Back On GOP 'Critical Race Theory' Nonsense
As GOP tries to stop students from learning about the nation's history of racism, thousands of teachers across the U.S. have signed a pledge refusing "to lie to young people" about the past—or the present.
The rascist traitors will be denied.

Capitol Rioter Running For Governor In Nevada
Republican Joey Gilbert made the announcement over the weekend to wild cheers.
Nazi Amerika keeps rearing its 18th century head. Just another con man.

'Neoliberal proto-fascism': Noam Chomsky explains how Trumpism has made the GOP a 'white supremacist' cult
Nazi by any other name.

US bishops set collision course with Vatican over plan to press Biden not to take Communion
World's largest cult of proven child molesters. They can go back to the place in Hell they came from.

Progressive Warnings Grow as Big Oil-Backed Republicans Endorse Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework
"The Senate GOP members participating in these talks on infrastructure have accepted a career total of $15,896,919 in campaign contributions from oil and gas companies."
Grifters on the take.

Federal government files brief that could relate to military charges against Michael Flynn advocating a coup

QAnon Rep Gets Fact-Check On Her Lies About HIV
Yep, it's been covered but the memes and shames are the best here.

Texas governor's border wall fundraiser is a lot like the effort Steve Bannon was indicted for doing
The Texas whatever-he-is is a lot like Steve Bannon. Indictments could be waiting for him.

Republican lawmaker calls Juneteenth holiday bill a left-wing plot
How is this a threat to you, you poor baby?
Explain Critical Race Theory to me, sonny boy. We will wait, numbnut.

Weird Even For Tucker: 'FBI To Blame' For Jan 6 Insurrection
Carlturd is a Nazi propagandist. A lying coward.

Rep. Paul Gosar Demands To Know Who 'Executed' Ashli Babbitt
Gosar characterized the shooting this way: “The Capitol police officer that did that shooting appeared to be hiding, lying in wait and then gave no warning before killing her.”
Why isn't this man in a mental institution? He's no patriot and it could have been the other way around. "Disgusting and despicable" are words being far too kind to him. He's trash.

Leaked recordings reveal Joe Manchin's real thoughts on filibuster and Jan 6 commission
Two-faced game player. Get out now, Joe.

The media is being duped by Republicans' 'lab leak' theory
Right. Journalism ain't rocket science.

GOP pushed for probe into Biden's border wall halt. Government watchdog rules his move was legal
The fucking wall is a boondoggle failure, you fuckwits.
And just think, these people that laugh at your shitty wall actually vote for the fascism some of you assholes support! How fucking dumb can a shitwit get?

Jim Jordan ridiculed after demanding DOJ investigate whether Italian satellites hacked the vote count
Jack-it Off ridiculed? OMG, wonders will never cease.

Trump to pretend he's still president during Texas visit
Shows how warped and sick Texas is. Get that FAT FUCK out of the state!

Nicolle Wallace calls the right-wing's bluff on Antifa being behind the Jan. 6 attack
Tell it to the fascist traitor, Gosar!
If it was Antifa then why don't the Republicans want to investigate? You chickenshit motherfucking traitor bastards! Because you walking turds have nothing and you are the enemy! The internet has turned into an open sewer and you bastards have made it so!

Florida Leads Nation In Capitol Insurrection Arrests
The answer to my question "What's wrong with Florida?"
It's full of traitors.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Orders Moment Of Silence For First Amendment He Just Shivved
"What's important for schools to provide each student is a nutritious meal so their rumbling stomachs don't drown out their teachers. They can receive prayer time anywhere. You don't have to buy a moment of silence at the Piggly Wiggly. It's free. The state isn't providing a service or filling a public need. This is all performative, as people more religious than I am, like Nietzsche, would probably agree."
Some people stand for nothing and fall for anything.

Hot Take: People Don’t Deserve To Die For Enforcing Mask Mandates
Some Americans can't grow up.

QAnon Followers Are Likely Planning More Violence Against Lawmakers, Warns FBI
These psychopaths are capable of mass murder.

How Trump Made Being a Psychopath Fashionable
or "How Trump Made the Republican Party Psychopaths Like Him."

Lauren Boebert says liberals made it legal to knowingly spread HIV -- and gets torn apart by CNN fact checker
When will this snotty child learn to keep her fat mouth shut?

Mo Brooks obtains arrest warrant for man who served his wife with Eric Swalwell's Jan. 6 lawsuit
Whining seditionist, Mo Brooks doesn't like getting it dished out to him.

Whose Side Are They On? Fox & Friends Pushes Biden ‘Weakness’ Narrative on Day of Putin Summit
They aren't on America's side. This we know. Why the FCC doesn't revoke their license is beyond reason in a sane world.

SC Couple Charged In Capitol Riot: “This Is War”
Two more traitors charged. Still a lot more to go.

Anti-Vax Nutbags Protest Foo Fighters Concert [VIDEO]
The insane come out to show they are no longer part of civilization.

Marge Greene Rips AG Garland For Calling Domestic Terrorists White Supremacists
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) on Tuesday lashed out at Attorney General Merrick Garland after he announced a plan to combat domestic terrorism.
That's exactly what they are. Just as she is.

'A Deeply Dangerous Order': Trump-Appointed Judge Blocks Biden From Pausing New Oil Drilling Leases
"The judge's order turns a blind eye to runaway climate pollution that's devastating our planet."
Trump appointed him so it's very obvious he doesn't give a good goddamn about devastating our planet. He only cares about money and power as do all fascists.
Judge Terry Doughty of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana. He must be overridden.

Florida Public School Moment Of Silence Law Doesn’t Advance Religious Freedom
"Moment-of-silence laws exist in several states, and they are almost always about currying favor with religious voters, not protecting students’ rights.
False institution.

Biden White House highlights infrastructure nightmare in Mitch McConnell's Kentucky: 'We deserve roads and bridges'
Just because the McConnell's have indoor plumbing doesn't mean the rest of the state does.

'Moron' Tom Cotton slammed after bizarre remarks suggesting China might take DNA from US Olympic athletes
Tommy, Tommy, Tommy. Stop showing your ass in public.

House Democrats demand to know why the FBI wasn't better prepared for Jan. 6: 'This is a shocking failure'
Who's department was it? Trump's. Wray must resign.

As Grand Jury Investigation Heats Up, Will Allen Weisselberg Still Protect Trump?
Prosecutors will continue to press the Trump Organization executive to testify against his boss.
Trump crime syndicate is in deep heat.

Memo to "respectable" Republicans: Stop looking for GOP heroes to fight Trumpism from the inside
When traditional Republicans try to appeal to reason within the party, who do they think they are talking to?

After Far-Right Marchers Chant 'Death to Arabs,' New Israeli Government Bombs Gaza
"The problem is bigger than Netanyahu—it's apartheid."
"This is a genocidal chant. Let's call it what it is." — U.S. Rep. Jamaal Bowman

Here are the 21 GOP supervillains who voted against giving Capitol Hill police officers gold medals

'I've got lots of ammo': NC conservatives express 'real fear' elections are being stolen — and they want action
Federal troops have a lot more.

'Trump betrayed his oath': WaPo editorial sounds alarm about new DOJ bombshells
Treason of the highest order. Time to put Trump away for life.

US tops 600,000 COVID deaths, New York and California drop curbs
With the new Delta variant more unvaccinated fools will be making trips to the hospital.

Texas Governor Signs Law To Stop Teachers From Talking About Racism
“The idea is to whitewash American history of any legacy of racism,” said state Democratic Rep. James Talarico.
The land of the Happy Negro takes pride in their stupidity and racist arrogance.

Parler Warned the FBI of Potential Violence at the Capitol on Jan. 6 More Than 50 Times
The FBI acknowledged that it had received those emails, but declined to specify why no direct action was taken.
Anyone smell a big pile of shit at the Trump FBI?

Prosecutors aren't just going to indict Trump — they'll make sure the case is bullet-proof: ex-DOJ aide
Trump's crime syndicate is about to be popped.

Trump CFO Allen Weisselberg could face indictment as soon as this summer: NYT
Who will the next rat be?

Capitol rioter who made over 100 threatening calls to 911 dispatch will be sent for psych evaluation: report
Yes! We will finally send one for nutball testing!

Florida Congressional Candidate Claims Her Opponents Are Trying To Have Her Killed
Anna Paulina Luna obtained a stalking injunction against one of her potential Republican opponents in FL-13.
Another one that will do anything for publicity. How swell for us. What is it that is wrong with Florida?

Democrats Unveil Decriminalization Plan to End 'Mass Devastation' of Failed US Drug War
"50 years. That's how long our government has waged a war—not on drugs, but on people."
Yes. End the madness now.

Loser Trump Can't Get Book Deal, Can't Blog, Not Allowed To Tweet, Is Basically Worthless

Vaccine Refusal in Trump Country Makes It a Sitting Duck for COVID Delta Variant
Yes, but something has to take these people out because they won't learn.

'Do your job': Texans blast Greg Abbott for 'embarrassment' sovereignty resolution as they face more blackouts
Keep posturing for a Civil War, Greg. You'll get it sooner or later.

This is why the bizarre panic over 'critical race theory' is the perfect right-wing troll
These latahs can't tell you where this CRT is being taught let alone explain what it is.
"...the biggest sports stars are African-Americans." And if they take a knee they get persecuted for protesting your fascist racist party.

The Civil War They Seek
A MAGA neo-Confederate intellectual wants black Americans to just move on.
Seek and ye shall find, dumbasses.

Alabama Republican unable to explain ‘critical race theory’ he’s trying to ban
In the Land of the Happy Negro it pays to be ignorant.
Slack-jawed cave dwellers are tearing the country apart you ignorant moron.

DeSantis Signs Bill Requiring Minute Of Prayer In Public Schools: “You Can’t Push God Out Of Every Institution”
We'll see what the courts say, DipShitus. They already have this ability you twisted twerp!
“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.” — Barry Goldwater
Maybe some of you "conservatives" remember him?

Texas Governor To Launch Crowdfund For Border Wall
Fuck power problems. Shake down the Mexicans here to pay for more wall that can be climbed over or cut through (as is now occuring)! We can build the General Fund even if we don't build a wall.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene visits Holocaust Museum, learns absolutely nothing about the Holocaust
My God, but there are some mental bricks in this country.

Fox News Literally Tears Down Biden, Props Up Putin
Party before country on Hannity. Shame on these traitors.

Health care CEOs raked in $3.2 billion as pandemic raged
CEOs’ median pay rose to $9 million despite record layoffs of health workers.

I Don’t Like America

Marjorie Taylor Greene Apologizes for Her Holocaust Gaffe, But Not for Her Ignorance
She'll never be able to do that. Ignorance lasts a lifetime in people like her.

Conservative Evangelicals’ Embrace Of Conspiracy Theories Threatens Democracy

Get Ready for the Shitstorm That Will Follow the Arizona “Recount”
Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy’s plan for Arizona is the same as it was before January 6.

2 dead, 2 injured in Alabama factory shooting
Gunplay in the Land of the Happy Negro again. Two dead, one on the run.

McCarthy: Pelosi should remove Omar from Foreign Affairs Committee
Judas McCarthy should take a long walk off a short pier.

A fast food manager falsely accused of poisoning cops' milkshakes with bleach is suing the NYPD officers for defamation
More evidence America has gone mad.

Arizona GOP State Senator Idiot Gonna LOCK HER UP Merrick Garland For ... Some Reason!
America, can we please get rid of these fascist morons!

Louie Gohmert Sues Congress For Metal Detector Discrimination
Bozo the Clown shows us his wasted life.

Gov. Greg Abbott said Texas lawmakers would prioritize workers in 2021. But advocates say the working class was largely left behind.
After Texas workers were praised during the pandemic, many thought lawmakers would increase protections or benefits. But advocacy groups say they spent a lot of time playing defense on bills that could hurt workers.
Who elected this idiot?

McConnell Announces, Again, That He Is Evil. Will Sinema and Manchin Believe Him This Time?
They enjoy dealing with the Devil.

#AbbottFailedTexas trends as electric authority warns of possible power outages again – this time in heat wave
And just think. It's only June. Looking forward to August. Has everyone forgotten how fucking hot it can get in this Hell Hole?

DailyMail mocks 'exhausted' Trump as 'gaunt and pale' as he's spotted in New York
"President Donald Trump was recently spotted in New York City and some there couldn't help but notice how old and tired he looked."
Fnally, someone noticed this tired, pasty and decrepit old fart?

AOC Calls Out Dem Senators: Where Are YOUR 60 Votes?
It's the filibuster, stupid: "For folks saying, 'OK, where are you going to get these 50 votes, I think we really need to start asking some of these Democratic senators where they plan on getting 60 votes."
"...Democratic Senators who have become the clear obstructionists in enacting the bold agenda they promised U.S. voters in last year's election."
To all of those duplicitous assholes — look for meaningful work!

$2 billion swindled by Trump admin for border wall construction returned to Pentagon
Swindler doesn't get away with it this time.
By the way, that wall isn't working. It's as easy to get over and through as Trump's brain.

'It's a climate catastrophe': Most of the salmon in California's 2nd largest river dead or dying
Do we care? So far we haven't paid attention.

Rev. Barber Says West Virginians Are Ready for 'Non-Violent Sit-Ins' Against Manchin for Abetting GOP Voter Suppression
"This is a moral issue, a constitutional issue, and we're gonna stand and fight against it—even if we gotta go to jail."
Joe Manchin is a Koch sucker.

Florida man fired after angry outburst, yelling ‘I feel threatened’ when asked to wear mask in Costco (VIDEO)
Some folks can't cope with reality these days. A gun could have been pulled by this psycho.
"Yet another dead body to be laid at the feet of the fascist, sociopathic fuck who decided to make refusing to wear a face mask an overt and explicit sign of support for himself." — BeccaM
"He's America's #1 Mass Murderer." — Thorn Spike
Thnk what it will be like in Texas when anyone can carry without a permit.

Supermarket Cashier Dead In Georgia Mask Dispute, Off-Duty Sheriff’s Deputy Shot Twice, Suspect Shot
This woman wasn't so lucky. Why are these twerps so scared of masks? The pandemic is not over. There are at least two variants that are putting people in hospitals.

Neo-Nazis pout that they were run out of small Texas town
Some Texas towns are making it clear — no Nazis.

It's Going to Be Way Too Hot in the West This Week
Temperatures could smash all-time records, worsening the megadrought gripping the region.
Don't tell me someone is surprised by this. We've been being warned for decades.

CNN Guests Blather About Critical Race Theory, But Stelter Nails It
While a bunch of white parents freak out about the fact that their kids might learn about racism, advocates of CRT are simply in favor of including the truth in the curriculum.
"Isn't it precious when people try to normalize white supremacy?"
Still living in the Land of the Happy Negro are we?

'They're in it to completely crumble our republic': Death threats prompt exodus of election officials in key states
Fascism at work in America. The Republican Party owns it.

Ron Johnson Still Gaslighting Republicans Re January 6
Trump supporters invading the Capitol while Congress was in session isn't considered "violent" in crackpot Johnson's eyes.
And this is one of your fascists at work.

Biden nominated as many minority women to be judges in four months as Trump had confirmed in four years

What Ilhan Omar Actually Said
"Even Omar’s Republican critics should have the capacity to understand what Omar was saying..."
"So of course no one should believe that Omar thinks the United States is identical to the Taliban; she didn’t say that..."
There are plenty of "Americans" that rub up to the Taliban IMO. Some are a part of the Land of the Happy Negro. We've seen what they are capable of by their actions on 1/6/21.

Joe Manchin is 73
"Longing for a long-lost past
That never existed."

The Defeat of Benjamin Netanyahu
Israel’s longest-serving Prime Minister has dragged the country ever rightward, abandoning the peace process and imperilling its very democracy.

House Republicans seek to censure ‘The Squad’ with resolution that claims they support terrorists
The terrorists are the House Republicans. The world knows they are.

'Disgusting': Mitch McConnell ignites an enraged backlash after bragging about rigging the Supreme Court
Disgusting is nowhere near to what McConnell is. A two-legged detritivore amoeba is more like it.

Lara Trump 'belongs in prison': Twitter users call former Trump adviser out on inciting violence
"A guy killed 23 people at a Walmart in El Paso for almost the exact reasons Lara Trump states here. We know this because he left a manifesto that sounded like a Trump rally."
At least this should be watched closely. She could be liable for any shootings that occur.

It’s Time To Get Rid Of All The Bigotry In Tennessee’s Constitution
Land of the Happy Negro has bigotry in its Constitution? This seems familiar somehow. Oh, yes! Their school textbooks.

Susan Collins Wants To Tax Electric Cars For Not Paying The Gas Tax
Talk about selective tyranical taxation.

Texas, Ohio, Georgia Enjoy Well-Regulated Gun Violence Weekend
" Nope, just more thoughts and prayers. Maybe Abbott might do something if guns were responsible for as many deaths as critical race theory."
So it goes in the Land of the Happy Negro.

Combat vet: GOP's refusal to investigate Jan 6th insurrection threatens to tear the military apart
As if the Nazis care. It's their MO in their war on our country.

Federal Judge Throws COVID Anti-Vaxxers' Suit Out Of Court
Houston Methodist has been cleared by the Courts to fire over 100 employees for failing to get the COVID vaccine, as mandated by the hospital.
Of course. Fighting infection is one of the top jobs in hospitals of all places.
If you can't do that, look for another line of work.

'I Never Lied,' McEnany Swears, Because 'Faith' And 'God!'
Kayleigh McEnany insisted on Sunday that she never lied as White House press secretary because she believes in God.
It just keeps getting more hilarious every day.
"She did not address the litany of lies that were reported by the news media during her tenure as White House press secretary."
That poor little girl.

Here are 5 Kayleigh McEnany lies to refresh her memory after she claimed God made her tell the truth in White House

'I didn’t take an oath to defend Trump': This conservative South Carolina Republican is now branded a 'traitor'
But there are plenty of sniveling traitor cowards that appear to have done just that. Fascist scum.

Former Harvard psychiatrist Lance Dodes: Trump's psychosis is still an "enormous danger"
Retired Harvard professor warns that Trump is untreatable — and could create a police state if he returns to power
There is one way to treat him.

Woman killed after car plunges into Minneapolis protest over fatal police shooting of Black man
"Republican legislatures in multiple states have introduced measures that would grant immunity to drivers who strike and injure protesters with their vehicles."
It is these Nazi assbrains that should all be held responsible. They are some of the biggest criminals in our country.

Ted Cruz brings lawsuit demanding Trump be able to pay himself back millions he gave to his campaign

WATCH: White woman calls Black store manager 'monkey' in racist meltdown
Monkey Karen shows fat ass in video.

Viral videos show police in Ocean City, Maryland tasering a Black teen over a ‘vaping incident’
Black in the wrong place — America.
Folks, this is over vaping. Vaping?

NC Plantation's 'But How Did Emancipation Hurt White People?' Juneteenth Event Canceled
Hard times in the Land of the Happy Negro.

Chris Wallace grills Mike Pompeo: Trump 'had almost a year' to prove China lab leak theory
He still hasn't proven anything except he's a stupid jerk.

Conservatives Are Hellbent On Attacking Critical Race Theory. They’re Whitewashing Structural Racism.
Land of the Happy Negro peddles bullshit because their suckers buy it.

YouTube Suspends Ron Johnson For A Week
YouTube suspended Ron Johnson for posting medical misinformation after sharing a video of him spreading the usual anti-vax BS.
My goodness, a whole week? Such a naughty boy.

Lara Trump: 'Arm Up And Get Guns'
Trump's daughter-in-law suggested using vigilante violence against people crossing our southern border during an interview with Fox's Jeanine Pirro this Saturday.
Typical response from a loose machine gun Trump moron.

Nigel Farage Spouts Absurd Conspiracy Theory About Vaccine Cards
These people throw out conspiracy theories like they breathe.
Tucks must be at the bottom of the barrel if this fraud is what he puts out as credible.
Constant stupidity and misinformation from nut balls.

Texas man facing hate crime charge for assaulting an Asian family after their kids petted his dog
Another Texas moron embarrasses the sane people that remain in the state.

George Washington predicted Donald Trump: Why doesn't everyone know this?
Indeed. Why would anyone have to take it from Washington? We should all know this by now.

Progressives Rally to Defend Ilhan Omar After 'Bad Faith' Attack by House Democratic Leadership
"Instead of taking on Ilhan, lawmakers should focus on injustice, human rights abuses, and acts of violence being committed at home and abroad," asserted Rep. Pramila Jayapal.
The Democrats vision was never 20/20. They have a lesson to learn and the hard way is the path they have chosen.

Trump's Scottish golf clubs suffer $40 million loss after failing to incorporate basic financial practice
Losing. Again.

The Plot to Magnetize Americans

Paul Gosar's insurrection support is blowing up in his face among his colleagues: fellow lawmaker
Why hasn't this man been institutionlized?

WATCH: Video shows chaos in the streets of Austin as shooting leaves at least 13 injured
Come on down to Texas and visit the wild and wooly west! See real shootouts in the middle of towns! Watch gun orgasms before your very eyes. Bring the family. You can get your own shootin' irons here and get in on the fun without any restrictions! YAHOO!!

Putin Gushes Over “Extraordinarily Talented” Trump
Just think if we sent him Pee Wee Herman how he would gush!
What is that Trump is doing in the video in the comment area?
Oh, he's vomiting, of course.

Ice Shelf Protecting Critical Glacier Is Rapidly Breaking Up
The Pine Island Glacier’s ice shelf in Antarctica acts like a cork in a bottle preventing melting ice mass from flowing into the ocean.
More rising waters coming your way and faster.

The GOP's war on protests continues to intensify
Fascism doesn't permit protests. Anyone should know that.

'Unabated crime wave': Former prosecutor torches Trump's abuse of power while in office
Trump's crime wave goes on.

Marco Rubio wants to pause student debt – but only to terrorism survivors
Proving that nothing is entirely useless. Even the worst may serve as a bad example.

Potential 2024 candidate Tom Cotton leading GOP charge against "woke ideology" in military
Doees he explain why they are teaching law school courses to the military?
Cotton is the perfect fascist racist.

Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: Trump really did need to be impeached ... and should have been convicted
Both times.
And it's more than obvious that the world hates Trump.

Newsmax Panel Wants To Force Student Into Military For Referring To God As 'Allah' (Which Means 'God')
The perfect example of a cognitive disorder. These people all need to go back to school if they ever attended in the first place.
"Which is why many of us think it is ridiculous for everyone to say the "Under God" part, because not everyone believes in the Christian God or any God for that matter."
"...the Constitution has made it easy for people to say the things they want." Which is why there is no vaccine for stupid.

Democracy Is Already Dying in the States
Let's see how their people like living in a fascist state.
After they are expelled from the Union, that is.

Bill Barr pleads ignorance after bombshell report -- claims he and Trump were ‘not aware’ of DOJ spying on Democrats: report
He's Nixon all over again — guilty and a liar, or an imcompentent dumbass that failed to defend the Constitution. Which is it?

Outraged Democrats demand Trump officials testify on reported records seizure
A coward like Trump won't comply with anything. He thinks he's above the law.

Vaccinated House members will now be allowed to go maskless – over 100 Republicans have refused to reveal status
Traitors and cowards to boot, as we all know.

Barr and Sessions “Must Testify” on Trump Administration’s Secret Probe of Democrats
Democratic leaders say they’ll subpoena ex-Trump officials if they refuse.
They must be assuming criminals pay attention to subpoenas?

Missouri Gov To Sign Bill “Nullifying” Federal Gun Laws
Another tyrant seditionist that will fail as they always do.
"...racist, micropenised, gun humping old white men."

Franklin Graham: Christian Parents Must Rise Up And Run For School Boards To Stop Racism History Lessons
This grifter wouldn't know what Critical Race Theory was if it kicked him in his rascist ass.

Colbert: Joe And Jill Biden Seem More Popular With Our Troops
Go figure! And Biden's promise to go tell "Mister Putin" leads to cheers for the Commander in Chief.
Indeed. Stop trying to negotiate with the enemy on an infrastructure bill.

Texas GOP blames 'typo' as Democrats force their retreat on controversial voter suppression bill: report
Really? Or did they just realize that this would be resisted by a fight in the courts as it is another insane proposition? Failures. Replace them.

To Fight Online Misinformation, Criminalize Voter Suppression
Congress should salvage a provision buried in the rubble of HR1 that would hold platforms liable for election misinformation.
And give the penalty sharp teeth.

The Dangerous American Fascist: Why Fox News Claims 'They' Are Destroying 'White Culture'

‘Fascists are at the gates’: Expert delivers dire warning to Americans that ‘this Republic is in grave danger’
There was a time when they poured boiling water on them.

America must rethink its unique and contradictory advocacy of Israel’s Jewishness

Carlson: Vax Is Causing “Massive Increase In Deaths”
This stupid fuck is brought to you by the Stupid Channel.

Cotton: There Was No Racism In Military Before Biden
Shame is something the lying fascists will never have.

Whiney Fox News Guest Slams AOC For Not Wanting Children
"AOC is a good example of a person who’s suffering from prolonged adolescence," said the Hoover Institutes Victor Davis Hanson.
She's more grown-up than any of the snot-nose children on the Nazi channel.

For the First Time Ever, Climate Justice Is on the G7 Agenda
If rich countries want a livable planet for themselves, they'll have to pay what they promised. This weekend’s summit will show whether they will.

Texas Takes Another Selfie Of Its Butt: Greg Abbott To Deal With Border Crisis By Building Wall
Abbott is such an ass and doesn't mind showing it to the world.
Sorry, but that's not his job. That's a Federal border. The United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) are in charge of it.
He should go down that sink hole and check it out.

'This is insanity': Internet explodes with rage over revelation Trump's DOJ spied on opponents' families
Gee, I don't know anyone that's been calling this Trump treason insanity for years now. Nice going!

Trump's election lies fueling wave of threats against election officials and their families: report
Cold blooded Nazi killers are at large, America.

Joe Manchin and Donald Trump: The two men who threaten it all
Biden's Democratic agenda remains hobbled by Sen. Joe Manchin while Trump's overseen a hostile takeover of the GOP

Oregon House officially expels Mike Nearman over involvement in State Capitol breach
It's a start. If only the rest of our government can do the same.
Mike, the Jeopardy question will be "Who was the first Trump traitor to be expelled from his position in government." It's called "infamy," Mike.

Stephen Miller's Fascist Mouth Tries To Take On Joy Reid, Jane Fonda
Man who can't get hired anywhere gets paid to talk sh*t about liberal women. Sad!
Who wants to hire a Nazi but another Nazi.

'The truth can't be hidden': Ilhan Omar hits back after Democrats target her for criticizing US and Israel

‘Your boos mean nothing to me – I’ve seen what you cheer for’: Democrat slams GOP lawmakers who cut his mic
Pennsylvania Nazi misogynists go "Ouch!" when Sims hits a nerve.

‘Traitors Need To Be Executed’: ‘Stop The Steal’ Organizer Indicted In Jan. 6 Conspiracy Case
Alan Hostetter, a police chief turned yogi, was indicted along with Three Percenter extremists in a conspiracy to attack the Capitol.
More of these seditionists are indicted daily.

New polling shows President Biden has quickly restored America's stature in the eyes of the world

Keystone XL’s Death Is a Huge Climate Win — and a Sign of Oil’s Decline

'William Barr was truly out of control': Legal experts stunned by Trump's DOJ spying on Democrats
A big Trump crime. And this guy is still walking around free?

Adam Schiff: DOJ must ‘clean house’ after Trump caught spying on Democrats
Be sure to get each and every rat in the Trump swamp.

Bill Barr could lose his law license over Trump DOJ spy scandal: Legal expert says ‘expect a lot of legal fallout’
Crime, Inc.

Trump turned his DOJ into the very 'Deep State' he claimed to be taking on: CNN's Cuomo

Boebert Shut Down By Biden Official Who Won't Play Her Game
Acting White House Budget Director Shalanda Young on Wednesday refused to recognize a question from Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) because it assumed that the Biden administration had ceded control of the southern border to Mexican cartels.

Merrick Garland Faces Heat Over DOJ’s Defense Of Trump
AG Merrick Garland was questioned in the Senate on Wednesday about the DOJ's decision to defend former President Donald Trump in E. Jean Carroll's defamation case, who has alleged that she was raped.
It should be more than heat.

New report finds Trump's Ukraine liaison appears to have lied under oath during the impeachment trial
Another Trump crime.

Stop pretending it's impossible to tax wealth
Debunking the bad arguments in defense of oligarchs who pay almost nothing

Black pastors warn racism is reaching boiling point in Southern Baptist Convention that could lead to civil war
Wow! I thought we were already in Civil War. We've been attacked already by domestic terrorists.

'The US will become a battleground': A new QAnon-backing paramilitary group is prepping for civil war
We must eliminate the terrorist enemies that attacked our country. They already started the war. How dumb are they?

The World Loves America Again As US Favorability Soars Under Biden

More Than 20 Civil Rights Groups and 10,000 Supporters Protest to Shut Down Amazon’s Surveillance Empire

AOC ties Manchin to dark money: 'Corporate money has a very tight grip on both parties'
And we know this.

'We went crazy': How Fox News' audience finally pushed it to the journalistic abyss
More on the Nazi News Channel: "What's happening now is the Republican party is getting more strained, and there's more and more of a sense among Fox News viewership that anything that contradicts a worldview that is supportive of conservatives is wrong," Deggans said. "I think it's getting harder and harder for Fox News to ride that balance."
At this point, it's clear they no longer are even trying.

Ilhan Omar reveals disturbing threat received after attacks from Lauren Boebert and Fox News

McGahn admits Trump made attempts to oust Mueller: NYT

Lauren Boebert was ordered to garnish employee's wages — but county has no record of her paying: report

'Humiliated and embarrassed' voters in Lauren Boebert's district are fed up with her act after six months: report
"When I think of Lauren Boebert, I think of that expression 'all hat and no cattle,'" Sandoval explained.
More like "all shit and no toilet."

Don McGahn lied to Trump just to get off the phone: testimony
Trump keeps getting had.

Fool Me Twice
Are the College Football Playoff schedulers a part of dumbass America? It appears to be so. These fuckers are doing their best to ruin it for all of us — again.

Doctor Testifies To Ohio Lawmakers That Vaccine Magnetizes People
Sherri Tenpenny, a Cleveland-based doctor invited as an expert witness Tuesday to a hearing in the Ohio House, had a grave warning for legislators about coronavirus vaccines.
As I have said before, these folks used to be put into institutions that would either help their sickness or, at least, keep them from harming themselves or the rest of us. That there are fools like this around is no surprise. But what in the hell are these deeply disturbed creatures doing walking our streets? Which of us are the mad ones?
It appears as if none of them have ever seen an illusionist like Yuri Geller or the Great Randi. They have lived sheltered lives. It appears that the one idiot is demonstrating how gravity works. I guess she missed that in science class. This "phenomenon" has been known about for decades and is not attributed to magnetism, you morons.

Gutfeld: Police 'Harass' Black People Because They Live In High Crime Areas
Trying to make sense of Greg Gutfeld is a fool's errand.
And he lives in a nut house.

The anti-vaccine movement is trying to co-opt Juneteenth
Anti-vaxxers are trying to take a celebration meant to commemorate emancipation as their own
The racist swine.

Watch Louie Gohmert ask if BLM can move the Moon
Does this buffoon really want us to break out the Moon moving machine?

WATCH: Bolivian Politicians Throw Down in MASSIVE BRAWL on Parliament Floor
This is where humanity is heading. All signs point to it and it will grow much worse.

Experts sound alarm that minority rule is throwing democracy 'out of whack': 'Something has to give'
Blow the Nazis out and things will change.

70 Percent Of Americans Gay For Gay Marriage, Happy F*ckin' Pride!
Take that, DipShitus. Put the lights back up on the bridge, you dildo.

Senate Republicans use filibuster to kill bill that would ensure women are paid as much as men
These miscreant SOBs are the filthiest creatures on the planet. They hate women. They prove it, time after time. The sooner they go, the better.

'What the hell is he talking about?' CNN panel buries PA Republican looking to overturn election
We must stop giving Nazis air. They must be shut down and never allowed to enter a news broadcast again. This is the war they have started.
There's a lot of "distrust in elections" because the fascist enemy has used that meme as a weapon on America. They are lying bastards.

Progressive Caucus Says Biden Would Be 'Foolish' to Keep Pursuing GOP Votes on Infrastructure
"These are the same Republican senators who refused to vote for the American Rescue Plan, who refused to pass a bipartisan commission to investigate the January 6 insurrection, and who refused to vote for pay equity."
It's not only a sucker that's born every minute. Fools may have a higher rate.

Mitch McConnell's big bluff: Here's the real reason he wants to keep the filibuster so badly
He's the world's biggest prick?

McConnell Now Opposes 'Unnecessary' John Lewis Voting Rights Act
Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) on Tuesday argued that an effort to restore the Voting Rights Act is "unnecessary" because Black Americans are no longer disenfranchised like they were when it was passed in 1965.
Said the overseer of disenfranchisement in the Land of the Happy Negro.

Joy Reid: We Need To Remember U.S. Role In Making Central, South America So Corrupt
America has plenty to answer for. It must do so before claiming anything.

Tucker’s 'White Replacement' Theory Now A Fox Staple Thanks To Lachlan Murdoch
When Lachlan Murdoch claimed Tucker Carlson had not endorsed white supremacy’s “replacement theory” on the air, it was a signal he had the boss’ backing to keep it up – and that’s exactly what Tuckums did.

Houston Methodist Hospital Suspends Anti-Vaxxers
The hospital laid out a strict vaccine mandate and gave staff ample time to be in compliance before suspending the 178 workers for 2 weeks.
2 weeks? Get vaccinated or find another line of work. What has happened to our backbone in this country?

Ingraham With A Straight Face: 'There Was No Insurrection'
We're going to assume that anyone with Laura Ingraham on their television is either in a coma or lost to reality.
These creatures are a cancer on the country.

Right-Wing Militia Plotted 2020 Cop Attacks To Pin On Left
A violent right-wing extremist group called The Grizzly Scouts plotted to attack law enforcement officers last summer, intending to blame the left. Magistrates have freed most of them on bond, saying they're not a threat to the community.

CNN releases entire 40-minute phone call between Rudy Giuliani and Ukrainian presidential aide

Florida’s Ron DeSantis Wants to Cancel Education About Systemic Racism
An authoritarian governor—and 2024 GOP presidential prospect—seeks to bar teaching on how slavery, segregation, and white supremacy have shaped policy.

Neoliberalism in Their Hearts, Proto-Fascism in Their Heads: The Political Identity of Today's GOP
I recall the days around 2016 when pundits used to say don't call it fascism. It was always called by its name here.

New Analysis Shows Just How Little Richest .001 Percent Pay in Taxes

AOC Calls Out Kamala Harris for Telling Guatemalan Asylum Seekers, “Do Not Come”

Civil Rights Leaders and West Virginia Miners Turn Up the Heat on Joe Manchin

How an Obscure Company Took Down Big Chunks of the Internet
You may not have heard of Fastly, but you felt its impact when sites didn’t load around the world Tuesday morning.

Biden DOJ Shielding Trump From Rape-Defamation Suit, So That's A F*cking Bummer!
Does the DOJ any longer have a useful function?

Joe Manchin's Name Will Be In The History Books. He Might Not Like What They Say About Him.

'QAnon Shaman' Jacob Chansley moved to federal prison for 'forensic evaluation'
The "strong and virile" are proving to be the biggest cowards next to Donald Trump

3 factions seek to end American democracy – and QAnon gives them the opportunity
They could go the way of Limbaugh.

Judge: AR15's Are 'Like The Swiss Army Knife'
No, really! A federal judge overturned California's assault weapons ban and used the words "like the Swiss Army Knife." You can't make this up.
Roger Benitez. A name that will live in infamy. And a nuclear weapon is like an AR-15 by his twisted logic.

Lindsey Graham Works Overtime To Absolve Trump Of COVID Failure
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) on Monday accused "deep state" scientists of plotting against former President Donald Trump.
As someone said, "Lindsey Graham is the closest thing to Donald Trump ever owning a dog."

Kayleigh McEnany hit with brutal montage after whining about Jen Psaki
These people don't seem to realize they are on video record. Are they really that fucking stupid?
That poor little girl.

Joe Manchin Can Name 12 Logical Fallacies Preventing Him From Supporting Voting Rights
So a dictatorship is what we really want in the U.S.? That's what these assholes like Manchin are suggesting.

There's a Big Hole in Joe Manchin's New Argument Against a Key Democratic Voting Rights Bill
Surprise! It's not Trump who is ending democracy but Joe Manchin!

The Beginning of the End of Democracy as We Know it?

An Extremely Strained Metaphor for Our Times

'Why I'll vote to preserve Jim Crow': Manchin panned over op-ed against For the People Act
He represents the Land of the Happy Negro, of course.

Joe Manchin shows us why the tyranny of the Senate continues

'We have to act now': Historian lays out a 'nightmare' scenario for a stolen 2024 election
MAGAt Nazis must be resisted by any means necessary if we are to preserve the U.S.

Netanyahu Accuses Coalition Of 'Biggest Election Fraud' In History Of Israel
No, it has not worked for Trump.
Did anyone think Bebe wasn't a Nazi?

Republicans aren't just telling a Big Lie—they're a domestic terror threat to our democracy

Liz Cheney: GOP Members of Congress Told Her They Voted NOT to Impeach Trump Due to Personal Security Concerns
Confirming they are all card-carrying Chickenshits! Not fit for defending American government.

Joe Manchin’s Incoherent Case for Letting Republicans Destroy Democracy The most powerful senator ties himself in knots.
(Whoever designed the header on this page should look up the word "contrast.")

Republican civil war erupts in Idaho as right-wing extremists reach the highest levels of state government
The insane are running the asylum there. A few Federal troops could take them out. Donal Trump helped create this Civil War.

A White House That Honors History And The TRUE Anti-fascists
How nice it is to see this tribute on the 77th anniversary of D-Day. And White House account tweeting out something reverent and true about defending democracy, and defeating fascism? A relief.

Atheists are 'not to be tolerated': 7 states still have bans on non-believers holding office
Obviouly, these people are regressives and live deep in the past.
Where are they? Dear ole Dixie, Land of the Happy Negro. Rascist to the core and wouldn't know "God" if they met him at their local bar.

Sociologist Arlie Russell Hochschild on the Trump demographic: "Elite of the left behind"
UC Berkeley sociologist explores the loss and shame that led to Trump in her book "Strangers in Their Own Land"

Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: The GOP is and remains a toxic organization.
Amazing how they have assembed a party of irrelevance.

Rep. Mo Brooks finally got served in Swalwell lawsuit — but he's crying it was illegal
Whiney-assed old fart. Looks like his wife is as stupid as he is.

Mo Brooks posts his Gmail password while ranting about Eric Swalwell subpoena
"...which are taped under his screen on his laptop." Dude, if the "screen capture" had something that was taped to his monitor it was not a "screen capture." It was a photo taken with a cell phone camera. He's too stupid to press "Shift"/"Print Screen."
It's stunning how many MAGAts are dumber than dirt. I read that MTG demanded an answer to some of her Wuhan bullshit by "June 31." Does she mean a week from the 32nd?

Presidential historian calls 'baloney' on Joe Manchin claim filibuster stance is about 'protecting the Senate'
Of course. That's a nice way to put it. But we know what it is. We know what Manchin is, too.

Chris Wallace Confronts Lewandowski on 2020 Election: ‘Don’t Blame This on the Media, You Had Your Day in Court and You Lost’
Which is, of course, the fascist problem. Losing isn't something they can process.

‘Worse shape than I imagined’: Trump critics stunned by his ‘lethargic’ slurring North Carolina speech
Allegedly, not a drinker so it could be the damage from a stroke or strokes.

Addled-Brained Trump Is Still Addled-Brained
"...the defending culture and they defend the wrong things...."
This is a sick man.

Trump Claims West Point Ramp Was “Booby-Trapped”
More evidence of a doddering old fool.

'Aren't you being naive?': Fox News' Chris Wallace shreds Joe Manchin for enabling the GOP
He's not naive. He's a traitor.

Manchin Refuses to Back Dem 'Voting Rights' Bill
It's time for Manchin to get out of the Democratic Party. When you don't support a voting rights bill you are a fascist traitor and should be treated that way. He must stripped of all power.

"Might as Well Be Titled, 'Why I'll Vote to Preserve Jim Crow'": Manchin Panned Over Op-Ed Against For the People Act
"We didn't need an op-ed to know you're unwilling to protect our democracy," said Rep. Mark Pocan.
Manchin should be ignored. He needs to get out of politics because his "I just want to keep my job" attitude reveals his selfishness.

Slowest Learner in Senate Says McConnell Should Get Another Shot at Blocking a Jan. 6 Commission

San Francisco Racist Hounds Black Delivery Man
Racism is alive and well in San Francisco. This white snowflake threatened to call the police on a Black man doing his job delivering packages.
The Pacific Heights section of the Land of the Happy Negro overseer makes certain their Negroes are happy by getting some of his cops to come make sure.

Twitter Finally Suspends Anti-Vaxx Whackaloon Naomi Wolf
Better late than never. One less COVID conspiracy theorist polluting social media.
And the fascists think Dr. Fauci is a fraud?

Assault on Dr. Fauci turns even uglier as Don Jr. jokes about murder and Trump promises worse ahead
A useless jerk opens his stupid mouth. See what I mean?

Watch Republicans Throw Their Families Under The Bus For Trump
George P. Bush is just one of many Republicans humiliating himself in order to grovel at the feet of Donald Trump - and Brianna Keilar has the receipts.
Better get more garbage cans. We're going to need them for this fascist trash.

Joe Biden, Donald Trump and the Weimar Republic: History's dark lessons
America in the 2020s is disturbingly reminiscent of Germany 100 years ago. Spoiler: That didn't end well
WWII was a bummer for the Nazis. But they are trying it again here in the U.S. and Trump is their provocateur.

Twitter goes nuts over video: Trump appears to wear his pants backwards at NC event
Dickless! ROTHFLMAO!

Pro-Trump GOPer and coal mine advocate finally accepts climate change

Kayleigh McEnany buried for meltdown over magazine cover snub
"Fawning coverage"? That's just what her hero Trump lives for.
That poor little girl.

Allen West resigns as chair of Texas Republican Party, says he's mulling statewide run
West declined to say whether he was eyeing any particular statewide office, though he told a radio host earlier Friday morning that the host was "safe" to assume West was mulling a gubernatorial run.
Texas hsan't heard the last of this grifter. No one in their right mind would ask him to do anything but leave the state. Show him to the gutter where he belongs.

The GOP is failing to make a villain out of Biden and has run out of ideas - so now they're getting desperate and turning on their own.
When it's obvious to everyone that you're a crook it gets hard to find a place to hide.

70-year-old ‘Trump man’ admits to politically motivated serial pooping spree: police
There are no words that get close to describing the depraved insanity that is the Republican so-called "mind."

Steve Schmidt issues dire warning: US just one election away from permanent Trumpian autocratic rule
Pay attention, Joe Biden. This means our country. Go it alone and tell the Nazis to go back to the place in HELL they came from!

'This is deranged': Conservative columnist laments how thoroughly 'insane' the Trumpified GOP has become
They've been this way for a long time now. Nutty, batshit crazy. "Republican" goes right along with the definition of insanity

Trump Allies Beg Him Not to Bring Up August ‘Reinstatement’ This Weekend, or Ever
“I would love to see him back in the White House in 2024, but I believe there is no benefit to relitigating the last election,” said Robert Jeffress, a Dallas megachurch pastor.
Apparently, Trump has gone too far for even this grifter.

Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: The new normal is not the old normal

Karma Hits Boaters Who Harass Others For Flying Pride Flag
A viral video on TikTok of a family out sailing being harrassed for flying the Pride Flag.
Blowed up good! Blowed up real good!

Capitol Rioter Hawking Autographed Pics Of Himself In Nancy Pelosi's Office
Richard Barnett launched his website this week, and for a $100 'contribution' you get an autographed photo, "as a token of his appreciation."
Buy a pic of him invading a Federal building and help him raise money to pay his lawyers. You'll get it all back with his conviction.

Fox Host Lies: 'Everyone In America Has Health Care'
Fox News has forgotten how popular Medicare for All was at their own Town Hall.
The Nazi propaganda channel has no memory. Do they get these people off the streets?

Kayleigh McEnany is jealous that Jen Psaki gets so much better press coverage
Duhh, maybe because Jen has intellect and you never have? And what the fuck do you know about justice?
Poor little girl.

Trump is not 'delusional' — it is much worse than that
Go ahead. Say it. We know what he is.

'Negotiate With Us, Not the GOP': Sunrise Activists Rally at White House to Protest Biden's Climate Compromise
The president has "spent more of his time meeting with a Republican Party who to this day contests he is the democratically elected president," said Varshini Prakash of the Sunrise Movement.
OK with me. Biden is dead-ended on it.

Republicans blame party's election fraud lies for lack of voter turnout for New Mexico special election
Nazis reap what they sow.

A slap in the face': DeSantis torched for vetoing $150K in mental health funding for Pulse nightclub survivors
DipShitus gets a slap? How quaint.

Ransomware will now get priority treatment at the Justice Department
Directive comes as ransomware is exposing the fragility of critical supply chains.
Locking the barn (maybe?) after the horses have been stolen.

Racists Who Cut Veteran's Mic On Memorial Day Asked To Resign
Heaven forbid an audience should learn that the roots of Memorial Day lay in the hands and work of Black freedmen who wanted to honor Union soldiers.

Morning Digest: An indictment, the Alamo, and sad koozies portend a raucous GOP primary for Texas AG
I'll bet his family loved the way he got on his knees and pledged to worship the racist criminal Trump. Another failure.

Kyrsten Sinema is a deeply unserious person as her latest on the filibuster proves
A fake, a fraud, a wolf in sheep's clothing. Another female wannabe Trumpster.

Republican States Go to War Against Democratic Local Governments
The Nazi Party continues their attack on America that began January 6, 2021.

Donald Trump’s Parting Gift to Washington Was a Party of Shitposters

U.S. Surpasses 600,000 COVID Deaths

How Is The GOP Adjusting To A Less Religious America?
They probably aren't aware of it, like everything else.

Hiring Picked Up Last Month, A Relief For An Economy Desperate For Workers

What the F*ck Is Wrong With Joe Manchin?
Anyone who wants to find "the middle" is a delusional screwball. That goes for Biden, too.
Joe Manchin is not on the side of democracy.

Texas Republican leaders promised action on gun safety after the El Paso shooting. Instead, they passed permitless carry.
The Legislature passed a bill allowing Texans to carry handguns without a license or training — an expansion of gun rights so divisive Republican leaders in previous years refused to touch it.
More con men like the failure, Donald Trump.

Letters to the Editor: What critical race theory is (Hint: Republicans are wrong)
"So I am guessing the Tulsa Race Massacre will not be included in the Republicans' history books, or it will just be remembered differently. A similar thing occurred after the Civil War when the United Daughters of the Confederacy demanded textbooks for public schools provide pro-Confederate versions of history and tell the story of the war from a southern point of view."
In the Land of the Happy Negro, of course.

America’s gun obsession is rooted in slavery

CNN's Jim Acosta: Trump advisers fear his 'insane' theories and are 'trying to talk him off the ledge'
Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump!

What the Tulsa race massacre destroyed

Here's one thing we should be happy Trump destroyed: The "Goldwater rule" bites the dust
An obsolete professional code kept mental health experts and the media silent far too long. It can't happen again
"You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows..." — Bob Dylan

'$2 Trillion Was Already the Compromise': Progressive Revolt Brews Over Biden's Infrastructure Offer to GOP
"The president can't expect us to vote for an infrastructure deal dictated by the Republican Party," said Rep. Jamaal Bowman.
The Nazi Party will continue to con America if they aren't shown the door to Hell.

This Undercover Operative Says She Recruited the Proud Boys for the GOP
These Nazis seemed to lack brains because of course.

Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: The Big Lie goes local
Welcome to Germany 1939.

Texas Republican leaders promised action on gun safety after the El Paso shooting. Instead, they passed permitless carry.

Trump 'frustrated' that 'people just don't care' what he says anymore: Axios founder
The fool has arrived at his rightful place in history—Buffoonsville.

Ohio Being Terrible About Abortion Again
Plenty of yokels in Ohio. I left those slack-jaws behind long ago.

The Second Amendment Was Created to Arm White People to Control Black People
Or anybody else they thought were beneath them.

Police Are Backing Bills That Make It Easier to Crush Nonviolent Protests
No surprise to most of us.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott could be upsetting balance of powers with threat to veto Texas Legislature’s pay
A governor targeting the Legislature’s budget would be unprecedented in Texas history.
Textbook fascism. Abbott is bringing it.

The Miseducation of White Children
The attacks on critical race theory are just another attempt to prevent this country from reckoning with its racist past and present—by keeping white kids ignorant.

It’s Not Just Voter Suppression: Texas Republicans Want to Overturn Elections
Moving beyond voter suppression, Republicans are now writing laws to make it easier to cancel results that go against them.

'We're going to shoot you': More police come forward with horrifying tales of Jan. 6 attack

Black Fox Host Furious Biden, Not Trump, Gave Tulsa Massacre Speech
Trump praised some very fine Neo-Nazis, but ...
American education fails again.

Eric Swalwell Hires Private Investigator To Track Down Rep. Mo Brooks
Brooks has so far managed to elude being served a lawsuit for his role in the Capitol riot of January 6th.
Traitor cowards can run but they cannot hide.

Gaetz May Face More Charges For Obstructing Justice
The hits keep on coming, as Matt Gaetz now faces yet another investigation after he apparently intervened with a potential witness.
The long list of Trump criminals.

In 'Perilous New Moment for Our Democracy,' 100+ Groups Push Schumer, Dems to Nuke Filibuster
"In the face of Republicans' inability and unwillingness to defend our democracy, it is clearer than ever that the filibuster needs to be eliminated."
We must act boldly to elminate the repression in our government that used to be called the Republican Party.

Supreme Court reins in definition of crime under controversial hacking law
Justices reject US gov's broad interpretation of Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.
When is a crime not a crime in the U.S.
When the judges join the side of the criminals.
So, as long as a criminal has "authorized access" to a machine he cannot commit a crime.
We are, indeed, living in Wonderland, Alice.

White House Adviser’s Oath A Reminder: No One Has To Swear An Oath Of Office On A Bible

What is going on in Texas?
The recreation of Dear Ole Dixie.

Organizers cut veteran's microphone for speaking about black history at Memorial Day event
Land of the Happy Negro racists wanted to keep their Negroes away from any sort of talk that might make them think they aren't so happy after all. Cindy Suchan is their unrelevant bigot.

Postmaster General Louis DeJoy under FBI investigation: report
The Trump criminal list gets larger each day.
Fire his ass!

'He's a madman': Conservative confirms Trump believes the 'delusion' he will be reinstalled as president
Mad as March Hare, mad as a fucking hatter.

Watch: Reporter hikes a hill to track down a GOP lawmaker refusing to be interviewed on the Capitol riot
Another Republican fascist coward.

The FBI says Russian ransomware group is behind meat supplier cyberattack
The vast majority of JBS' facilities have resumed production.
It's high time we hit these Russian bastards back with a powerful lesson.

The days of Congress devaluing child care need to end
One of many things that need to end from them.

Texas AG spent another 22,000 hours hunting for 'election fraud' — and didn't find a damn thing
Trump Toadie fails again.

Democrat resoundingly wins New Mexico special election that GOP tried to make a referendum on crime

HS Valedictorian Goes Rogue With Pro-Choice Master Class
Texas high school senior Paxton Smith made the move to use her platform to speak out in favor of reproductive rights, and against the "war" on her body being waged in Republican-run states all over the country.
In other words, "Who do you motherfuckers think you are?"

Here's why Michael Flynn is desperately trying to cover up his call for a coup in the US
"Mike Flynn is a liar." And a traitor.

Tucker Carlson's lie Biden called white Republican men 'more dangerous than ISIS’ backfires
Tucks is more dangerous than cancer. He's a Nazi propaganda fountain.

Kyrsten Sinema inspires ridicule with bizarre defense of the filibuster
If we keep electing morons we will get the same insanity as usual.

Sinema Lambasted for Claiming Filibuster 'Protects' Democracy as It's Used to Block Voting Rights Bill
"It's completely insane that some Dems (ahem Manchin/Sinema) would rather keep the Jim Crow filibuster than stop an avalanche of Jim Crow 2.0 voter suppression laws."
With dangerous seditious maniacs like this, America is doomed.

MyPillow Guy Says He ‘Probably’ Inspired Trump’s Idea of an August Restoration
“If Trump is saying August, that is probably because he heard me say it,” Lindell told The Daily Beast.
The only thing this miscreant spouts is Bull D. Shit. America has let the inmates run the asylum.

Far-Right Vigilante’s ‘Alarming’ Gubernatorial Run Has Some Bracing for Chaos
Ammon Bundy is currently barred from entering the Idaho state capitol, where he would ostensibly need to conduct official business. But his campaign is anything but a joke.
Civil War? These miscreants started it. We're already there. History has recorded it.

QAnon leader tells followers she can time travel — and 'retribution is coming' for Democrats: report
You know, there are dumb clucks that will believe this grifting inmate.

QAnon candidates are sowing chaos in offices across the country: 'Dangerous to democracy'
There's a fine line between protesting and treason. It's time we stop pussy-footing with these insane motherfuckers.

‘Christian Nationalist’ Bible Promotes False Story Of The Origins Of U.S. Law

McConnell's Cover-up of Republican Complicity on Jan. 6 Forces Pelosi's Hand on Select Committee

Republicans Are Vocally Opposed to Democracy, From Texas to Myanmar
This Nazi Party is destroying our country.

Lawsuit to block Lubbock's abortion ban is dismissed in court as the ordinance takes effect
Planned Parenthood sued to block the "sanctuary city for the unborn" ordinance, passed by voters in May, but a federal judge said he didn't have jurisdiction to hear the case. The ordinance went into effect June 1.
Texas is a Third World country.

Gov. Greg Abbott signs slate of legislation to increase criminal penalties for protesters, punish cities that reduce police budgets
The bills are in response to widespread protests and calls to “defund the police” last year.
Fascism is running rampant in Texas, a former part of the United States.

Republicans Are Vocally Opposed to Democracy, From Texas to Myanmar
These people are no longer American.

Anti-Vaxxer Who Claimed COVID Would 'Wipe Out A Lot Of Stupid People' Now Has COVID
Notorious bigot/racist/homophobe/anti-semite, whatever else, Pastor Rick Wiles has been hospitalized with COVID-19.
“The only good thing that will come out of this is a lot of stupid people will be killed off, and I say stupid because they’re not using their brain – their God-given brain – to make a decision for their own good,” He should know stupid.

Fox News Whines: America Is Tired Of Being Confronted About Racism
Jason Chaffetz claims President Biden calling to be rid of racism makes Biden the racist.
Jason never had a brain that worked from the start.

'A new inauguration date is set': Inside the latest QAnon conspiracy theory to 'reinstate' Trump
Trump Queers announce new sedition attempt. Arrest them with American military and indict each and every traitor if they surrender alive.
Stop this horseshit for good.

Why so many Trump supporters crave apocalyptic bloodshed
They will get it given to them but it will be their own.
The fat bastard used tear gas for his fake Bible stunt.
CNN host slams Trump for lying about tear gas use at Lafayette Square protest after new admission

McConnell's blatant cover-up of Republican complicity on Jan. 6 forces Pelosi's hand on select committee
McConnell is a traitor as well.

'GOP Isn't Going to Meet Us Halfway': Top Progressive Presses Biden to Cut Off Infrastructure Talks With Republicans
"It's time to go alone—and get this done," said Rep. Pramila Jayapal.
The GOP is no longer American. They lost their citizenship on January 9th. These bastards crossed the Rubicon and are on their way to destroy our country. By any means necessary.
Let's get it done, Joe.

Louie Gohmert Says He Isn’t a QAnon Supporter, Just a Moron

Democracy on a knife's edge

Leaked messages implicate GOP's Paul Gosar in plot to disrupt Biden's Arizona win using Proud Boys
The definition of a crazed motherfucker. Even his brother thinks so. Why is this man still at large?

'A new inauguration date is set': Inside the latest QAnon conspiracy theory to 'reinstate' Trump
Amerikan lunatics run amok.

Trump should be 'a crazy old man roaming the halls of Mar-a-Lago' -- but the GOP won't cut him loose: CNN panel
Trump is a crazy old man. What is not to get about it? The GOP/MAGAt enemy is the reason this tin horn punk is still at it.

'Ultimate betrayal of oaths sworn': Michigan GOP congressman slams 'treacherous snakes' who 'salivate for civil war'
They are, indeed, trecherous snakes. "And then there are those who take this sacrifice for granted, waxing patriotic while salivating for civil war," he continued. "Claiming they need to destroy the Republic in order to save it in the ultimate betrayal of oaths sworn. Those treacherous snakes can go straight to hell."

After Texas Walkout, Sanders Says Senate Dems Must Show the 'Same Courage' by Passing Voting Rights Bill
"We must pass S. 1, the For The People Act. The future of American democracy is at stake."

Abbreviated pundit roundup: Democracy under attack
"No need to be gentle about it. The quest for bipartisanship is quixotic when the other party is “100% focused on stopping [the Biden] administration.”
This is like the old joke on how you tell the difference between an optimist and a pessimist. The Democrats are certain that the room filled with horseshit has a pony at the bottom. Stop looking for the pony, you jackasses!

MAGA hat store owner attacks BLM as brands distance themselves over antisemitic anti-vaxx stars
Still a moron and hasn't learned a damned thing.

Texas country club told Black manager there'd be a 'hanging' if he attended public meeting: lawsuit
Land of the Happy Negro country club employer makes certain that their Negros stay happy.
Ain't Texas grand?

Tucker Carlson 'casually accuses the troops of betraying their country' — on Memorial Day: report
Nazi sympathizer, Tucks, shows us his ugly butthole.

Liberty University in turmoil as students revolt against continuing relationship with Trump: report
Ride the MAGAts out of town on a rail.

Cleanup in Aisle Q: Sidney Powell denies Michael Flynn said what he said yesterday at 'Patriot Roundup'
All spineless when push comes to shove.

Inside the Attacks on Critical Race Theory
It makes you wonder if Texas Republicans CAN read/
Land of the Happy Negro illiterates. These people suck.

Michael Flynn Enlists QAnon to Pretend He Didn’t Call For a Military Coup
Michael Flynn Calls for Myanmar-Style Coup in the U.S.
Which traitor is real?

New indictments reveal Oath Keepers wanted Antifa to attack rally — and give Trump an excuse to declare martial law
Life imprisonment or the death penalty are both called for here.

GOP strategist shreds Texas Republicans for ramming through bill that would have helped Trump stay in power
Bottom feeders.

NAACP Pledges Immediate Lawsuit Over Texas Voter Suppression Bill
The Lone Star State is the latest to try to make it harder to cast a ballot.
Hopefully, Texas will have to hand over it's entire land mass if they lose. LOL!

Texas man arrested for allegedly planning a mass shooting at Walmart
Texas is special for many things. Here's one of them.

The Movement to Protect Your Mind From Brain-Computer Technologies
It's already too late for at least 20 to 30% of us. The damage has been done.

Cultists Form PAC To Unseat House GOP “Pretenders”
See what I mean about brain damage?

66% of Americans don't want Trump—the GOP frontrunner—to run in 2024
If you think the MAGAt fascist scum give a damn what those Americans say you'd better think again.

News Roundup: Texas and Alabama attack voting rights (again); anti-vax shop owner apologizes

Investigators reportedly approaching Trump Org. as if it were a mafia family
Prosecutors appear to be exploring the use of racketeering statues against Trump and his business empire
It's good to call a spade a spade. "Mob" describes Trump and his empire of grifters perfectly.

Americans demand court-martial for Flynn after call for military coup: 'Honor veterans — arrest this traitor'
This should be enough to have him tried, convicted and executed. At least tin the country we used to have as Americans. Our military are sworn to protect and defend our Consitution at one time. I know. I was once an American soldier.

No Republican is going to save the Republican party from itself
Same as the orignial Nazis.

Texas Democrats Walk Off House Floor to Block 'One of the Ugliest Voter Suppression Bills in the Country'
"This is the kind of fight we need from our legislators."
Texas isn't living in America. It probably never has.

Gaetz’s GOP Primed Young Women to Sell Sex to Men Like Him
Arrogant turd.

The 1921 burning of Black Wall Street is finally being called what it was: A massacre
The disgrace of America that still has not been accounted for.

Kyrsten Sinema slammed by Arizona columnist for getting 'played for a fool by Senate Republicans'
Fools will be fools. The real fools are the ones that put her in office.

'You're a joke': Nikki Haley faces furious backlash for smear of Kamala Harris
Not anywhere nearly as big as you, sweetie. Unfit is exactly what you are and everyone knows it. Get up off your knees and stop worshiping a a grifter.

Anti-Vax Creep Facing Swift Consequences For Selling Nazi-Inspired Yellow Stars
Gigi Gaskins, douche of the week, is getting what she asked for. That she is pissed off shows how clueless she is.

Dan Crenshaw Launches 'Woke Ideology' Whistleblower Site For Military Crybabies
"Did someone tell you that slavery happened and that people were not actually happy to be kept as slaves?"
Oh, they mean the Land of the Happy Negro!

Trump’s Cult of Personality Is like Nothing Else in Our Country’s History

The Unique Dangers of the Supreme Court’s Decision to Hear a Mississippi Abortion Case
The most pressing question now may be not whether Roe and Casey can survive but how reproductive rights can be sustained without them.
Sorry, the bastards don't want women to have reproductive rights. They don't want anyone to have any rights unless they are rights that they approve.
If this isn't tyranny, it does not exist.

The ugly truth: Republicans want more poverty and crime
A swell bunch of fascists.

Biden Calls Texas Voting-Restrictions Bill ‘Un-American’
Of course. Texas has been assaulting democracy since it has been a part of dear old Dixie. Texas can now join Georgia and Arizona and the other secessionist states as having seceded from America.
The new Civil War's shots have been fired from the traitors just as before.

2 killed, more than 20 wounded in mass shooting at rap concert, Miami-Dade police say
America and its addiction for gun orgasms.

Republicans Are Passing Laws to Keep Teachers From Talking About Race
It's past time to remove these racist miscreants from our country forever.

Vaccination Rates Are Going Back up Thanks to the Teens
Contrary to the Luddites. Thanks, kids.

Anti-Vax TX Hospital Staffers Sue Over Mandated Shots
More Texas Luddites.
"Why is there an anti-vaxxer working in the healthcare industry in any capacity. That's like a flat-earther working for the US Geologic Survey, or Louis DeJoy working for the USPS, or Betsy DeVos running the Department of Education."
"Next we will have a group of restaurant workers who rise up and say it is unlawful to require employees to wash their hands after using the bathroom."
America has spawned a generation of stupid fools. We will pay for it.

Texas Senate Pushes Through Voting Restrictions Bill
Comments from American patriots:
"Why not just create a bill where only the GQP name is on the ballot?"
"When fascists cannot win democratically, they don't give up fascism. They give up democracy."
"All their skullduggery and dirty deals are conducted behind closed doors being the consummate crooks that they are"
"So fucked, so very fucked, so very hard fucked we are."
Texas, this is what you are now — a disgrace due to your arrogant racist lunacy.

Wait, WHAT? One-THIRD of Americans Aren’t Convinced We Should Have Sent Troops — To Fight World War II
That would be the Nazi spawn. They are still here and are the same since the 1930s. Maybe they'd be happier speaking German now.

Tulsa Race Massacre Descendants Still Feel Its Wounds
100 years after the Tulsa Race Massacre, two descendants told MSNBC how the horror of that event still haunts their lives.

Elie Mystal Roasts Joe Manchin For Blocking Democrats' Agenda
Joe Manchin continues to be a DINO, and Elie Mystal is DONE with it.
Everyone should be.

Pat Robertson Is Trying To Get Dr. Fauci Killed
This is exactly the kind of dangerous, irresponsible rhetoric we've come to expect from the leaders of the Christian Conservative movement.
I think it looks clear that Pat lies like a rug. Stop paying attention to this misfit dildo and his false rhetoric.

It’s All Fun And Games Until Democracy Is Overthrown
The Red Hats remain a menace, whether in captivity or out in the wild. If the Insurrectionists are set loose before trial, what would stop them from continuing their war in his name?
We will certainly find out. Count on it.

'My Pillow' man strands Kristi Noem in Nashville after getting tossed from Governors Association meeting: report
Amazing this twerp can even get his dick out of his pants.

What happens if an ex-president goes to jail (hypothetically speaking)? It wouldn't be pretty
What will happen if a certain former president faces a criminal trial? History's answer is clear: Nothing good.
Trump deserves all the punishment that can be dished out to a traitor. He's responsible for dead Americans.
"One thing we can say is that a criminal conviction wouldn't necessarily end Trump's political career..."
Really? If that's the case America is a failed experiment and deserves the shit that the Trump Nazis have handed us. Stop acting as if we are a shining city on a hill if that is the case. We should not give a flying fuck about what other countries have done with their own swill.

Texas GOP Finalizes 'Ruthless' Voter Suppression Bill, Sparking Calls for Congressional Action
The state legislation has been slammed by voting rights advocates nationwide—including President Joe Biden, who said that "it's part of an assault on democracy that we've seen far too often this year."
Add Texas to the Nazi States of America, home to the Land of the Happy Negro.
This horseshit all started with the traitor Trump in 2016 when he proclaimed if he lost the election it would be due to rigging. With that, both he and his fascist brown shirts began the destruction of democracy in our country.

The Untold Story of Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard’s Secret Pact With Nazi Propagandist Leni Riefenstahl

WATCH: ‘Kraken’ lawyer says Trump ‘can simply be reinstated’ as president — despite the Constitution
Of course, if you're a Nazi you can fuck over all of us.
There wiil be a price these bastards will pay.

San Jose Gunman Had 22,000 Ammo Rounds, 12 Guns
You just never know when you'll run out these days.

Arizona making plans to execute prisoners with the same gas Nazis used at Auschwitz: report
All the while wearing their MAGAt hats.

Altercation: Why Journalism Isn’t Really Covering the Threat of Fascism
Objectivity has no bias in favor of the truth.
Too many clueless media whores.

Bipartisan Illusions Dashed Again
The American Traitor: Part Infinity.

Mitch McConnell Saw the Insurrection Clearly and Then Decided He Liked It
McConnell now considers protecting the insurrectionists a personal favor.
The American Traitor: Part Infinity.

‘Bipartisan’ Is How Republicans Say ‘Sucker!’
The GOP counterproposal to Biden’s infrastructure plan is not a “bipartisan” gesture. It’s a scam to gut programs that care for the elderly and save the planet.

The GOP Can’t Be Saved—and Neither Can Paul Ryan
Ryan has become the latest Republican to urge his party to relinquish Trumpism and return to its principled past. The problem is, that past doesn’t exist.

The Republican Party, Racial Hypocrisy, and the 1619 Project
As the G.O.P. seeks to deny Americans knowledge of their own history, Nikole Hannah-Jones is denied tenure.

A Couple Trillion and Change? That's a Real Steal

Watered-down expansion of Texas’ medical marijuana program poised to become law
House Bill 1535 expands eligibility for the Texas Compassionate Use Program to people with cancer and post-traumatic stress disorder. The Senate stripped out a provision that would’ve allowed any Texan with chronic pain to access medical marijuana.
Leave the 21st century behind when you cross into Texas.

Greene’s ahistorical claim that the Nazis were socialists
Our resident Nazi shows how dispicably dumbed down she is.

Critics pile on Mitch McConnell after NY paper dubs him 'Spineless McWorm' over his latest antics
The bastards own all of their viloent sedition.

Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: The anti-democracy, pro-coup Republicans, unmasked
It’s crystal clear that the only thing the GOP cares about is power, and absolutely nothing else.
Been that way for some time now Mr. Jouralist.

New York Prosecutors Zero In On Trump’s Real-Life Wayne Manor
Donald Trump’s advisers are telling him not to worry, but the former president is already frustrated by his mounting legal fees.

Anti-Semitic Georgia Rep Troll Lies, Says Dems Are 21st Century Nazi Party
Hateful bigot troll Marge Greene never misses a chance to project her own extremism onto others.
Eva Braun projects. The Nazi Party lives in the USA and she's its biggest booster. It's up to us to do the same thing we did to it in WWII.

January 6 Commission Filibustered To Death, Manchin 'Distressed'
Democracy dies in daylight.
The Nazis must be defeated.

The Supreme Court radically altered the meaning of the 1st Amendment — in an unsigned opinion
The fascists have been at work on it for some time.

“Dear Trolls”: A form letter media can use to tell right-wing mobs where to shove it
Please fuck all the way off, motherfuckers.
Journalists need to stop being defensive about "appearances" and push back against bad-faith attacks. Here's how

TN Store Owner Sells Yellow Stars That Say 'Not Vaccinated'
"This is what comes from acceptance of the weaponization of Jewish generational trauma for political gain. The GOP have that down to an art form." Nazi swine. Nutball, batshit for brains deluxe.
Of course it's from the Land of the Happy Negro. One of the worst we've seen. The lowest of the low.

Gaetz gives shocking speech on ‘armed rebellion’ and the ‘obligation’ to use the 2nd Amendment
Child molesters usually don't last long in the slammer. Grease up, Matt.

The Gaetz-Greene Traveling Freak Show Is the Future of the GOP
Proving the suckers love a good Geek Show.
Two Geeks in the same cage sooner or later will eat the other.

GQP Can't Quit TraitorTrump
TraitorTrump is giving Republicans heartburn over his resolve to run again in 2024. Or so they claim.
Nazis. They have nothing but death for humanity. Resist them by any means necessary. We know that's what they will do to our country. This includes mealy-mouthed John Cornyn.

Gun-Worshiping MAGA Moonies Prepare For ‘Deep State’ War At TX Compound
A religious sect devoted to AR-15s and Trump, headed by the son of Rev. Sun Myung Moon, has purchased a Texas compound in preparation for a war they believe the “deep state” will soon start.
This is what our naive attitude toward "religion" has wrought. Nazis in clerical collars. Dipshits having gun orgasms. The definition of insane. And where are they but Waco,Texas, the seat of Bible warped nuts worshiping a fat-fuck failed loser.

Religion, right-wing news consumption are strong predictors of QAnon beliefs
The measure of right-wing mental illness. These people should all have their heads examined. That is, if they still have one after all the toxic swill they've swallowed.

Apparent Trump supporter yells gay and racial slurs at Biden as president visits ice cream shop
A good example of the swill that Trump Trash regurgitates on our public and America. This POS is the perfect Trump Turd.

When Will Joe Manchin Wake Up?
Blocking the Jan 6 commission is not a one-off, Senator Manchin. This is how the GOP has behaved for decades.

Arizona's iconic saguaro cactus is flowering 'wrong' — and no one knows why
First, consider it's Arizona.

Sanders Warns Dems Could Lose Congress If They Get Mired in 'Never-Ending' Negotiations With GOP
"The Democrats in Congress must move forward boldly, protecting the working families of our country and restoring faith in government. Yes, the future of the country is at stake."
Need I say more?

MSNBC's Morning Joe tries to figure out why Mitch McConnell is so invested in blocking Jan. 6 commission
Duhhh--he's a co-conspirator? A seditionist? Just a guess, dude.

QAnon congresswoman ripped for 'Mexican accent' impersonation: 'Death knell of GOP Hispanic outreach'
One more turd dropped by Fascist Geek.

Christianity: What's Love Got to Do With It?
Again, they have not a leg to stand on. They believe in a false institution and have not a clue.

They’re Not Conservatives, They’re Extremists
They are Totalitarians.

The Labor Market Needs the ‘Soft’ Skills Older Workers Have
You’re getting older. But you’re also getting better.
But they don't need slave wages.

'Stop messing around': Joe Manchin ripped for sticking by filibuster even as GOP smothers Capitol riot probe
This ass can't see beyond his huge beak.

The America of Tomorrow Could Use a 20th-Century Welfare State

Ron DeSantis Forces Cruise Ships to Take Unvaccinated Passengers It’s not like they’re doing something harmful, like ordering a gay wedding cake.
Tiny Hitler keeps showing us his big ass.

As Israel increasingly relies on US evangelicals for support, younger ones are walking away: What polls show
People are fed up with "religion." It's one of the greatest cons in history.

U.S. Unemployment Claims Fall To 406,000, A New Pandemic Low
The number offers more evidence that the job market is strengthening as the virus wanes and economy further reopens.

Trump's legal time bombs primed to explode on Republicans just in time for 2022
They couldn't blow up a better bunch of assholes.

ESPN: Trump Tried To Bribe Senator Into Dropping Spygate Investigation
It's all about the art of the deal, right?
Hood, grifter, thief, crook, crime boss, con man. These are a few of the things Trump is.

RELEASE: New CAP Poll Shows How Americans Envision a More Perfect Union
A cry for sanity.

White Conservative Evangelicals Hold Increasingly Anti-Science Views. That’s A Threat To All Of Us.
These people are so superstitious.
‘When you believe in things that you don't understand, then you suffer. Superstition ain't the way.’ —Stevie Wonder

Trump CFO's ex-daughter-in-law faces 'threat' after speaking out about him 'hiding money in escrow'
This is what happens when you allow gangsters like Trump to have any power.

Jim Bakker Claims 'I Was Framed,' Says Conviction Was 'Cancel Culture"
It wasn't. It was criminal fraud.
Slop Bucket Baker Whines Again!

That 'Hunter Biden's Laptop' Smear Convicts Rudy On Child Porn
Hal Sparks brings some very important facts to the fake "Hunter Biden Laptop" smear coming from Rudy Giuliani and right-wing media. Rudy is LITERALLY copying child porn and making it available for sale.

Georgia GOP official who previously pushed back against Trump appears to have had a change of tune
How long have we accepted that the earth is not flat? These Trump fellators seem to believe that the earth, is indeed, flat. Why? Because a fat-fuck, brainless bully, insane sicko, says it is. And the fools continue to destroy a once free country.

Here's what it really means for the Republican Party to embrace fascism
These low-life characters need to have the Madwoman of Chaillot treatment. Her doorway to Hell awaits them. And you know the greedy bastards will walk right through.

Simone Biles should be praised, not punished for achieving a feat that was deemed impossible
Her talent has been criticized as unfair to other gymnasts — something that's celebrated for white, male athletes
Yes, this is the sort of world the racist fascists want. First, they have doctors that abuse them, then punish them because they are too good. This is the world that who wants? Not me and not any sane person I know.

Biden Warned Not to Abandon Key Climate Plans to Appease 'Science-Denying Republicans'
"If Democrats decide that climate priorities can be put off for later, don't be surprised if young people put off voting for them again."
This is our final chance. If we blow it now there will be no future for humanity. And that includes the inhumans.

Here’s The Fun New Way Republican Men Are Threatening Public Safety
"In other words, toxic masculinity is now a public health crisis. Literally."
Killing progress is their most important product.

Darnella Frazier Remembers George Floyd: “I Still Hold The Weight And Trauma Of What I Witnessed”

WATCH: Fox News’ Peter Doocy gets expertly smacked down by Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre
You would think this numbskull would get a clue.

At Least 8 Dead In San Jose Shooting, Explosives Found
Sick American Death by gun.

Legal expert explains why Americans have a right know if Bill Barr used his office to shield Trump

Why Is Merrick Garland’s DOJ Carrying Water for Bill Barr?
One answer is that Garland, like many Biden officials, is an institutionalist, more committed to preserving institutions than fighting hard political fights.

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick calls for June special session after three of his priority bills fail in Texas House
Gov. Greg Abbott responded, "Some are trying to end the game before the time clock has run out. There’s still time remaining for the House and Senate to work together to get important conservative legislation to my desk."
This pair is a couple of the meanest humans to walk the earth.

Deadly Texas Freeze Cools Interest in Deregulating Energy
Other states were considering copying Texas’s laissez-faire attitude on electricity—but it hasn’t really saved money and now has cost lives.
News from the Dumb Belt.

Who Has The Power?
Ain’t nobody gonna tell Marjorie Taylor Greene Nothin’
Yes. She is a fool above educating.

Historian wonders: Is Joe Biden "a speed bump on the fascists' march to power"?
Historian Benjamin Carter Hett on Jan. 6 as Trump's Beer Hall Putsch — and how to reclaim democracy from fascists

Get Out The Popcorn! Manhattan D.A. Convenes Trump Grand Jury
Cy Vance has convened a grand jury to decide whether to indict Trump, executives at his company of the Trump Org itself for criminal charges.
The ratting has only begun.

'They got the mother lode': Former prosecutor says new grand jury has everything on Trump

January 6th Was The Result Of Years Of Planning -- By Republicans
In the shadow of Jan. 6, every interview with a Republican official has become an exercise in futility.
Fascists have been plotting to overthrow our democracy a long time. They haven't stopped.

More Info Seized From Giuliani Than We Knew, Thanks To Lawyer's Lame Redactions
CNN was able to read behind the redactions in a recent court filing and discovered that feds seized way more material from Rudy Giuliani than had been previously known.
At Rudy's age, the Rat will emerge, and Trump will fold like a wet paper bag and blame everyone else.

'Christian' TV Host Defends Marge Greene's Vile Holocaust Remarks
Real America's Voice host David Brody defended himself this week after he allowed Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) to compare a mask mandate to the Holocaust.
The vile use of religion to control people has been going on since the beggining of time.

Trump-loving MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell kicked out of GOP governors event
Pillow Brains.

NY Grand Jury Convened In Trump Criminal Probe
Someone's fat ass is in trouble.

'He's in deep trouble: Legal experts explain why Trump's NY grand jury is much bigger than normal cases
Indictments are coming. Let's see who get it first. Trump is no longer untouchable.

A Texas Judge’s Prayers Are Inappropriate – And Unconstitutional

'Outrageous and reprehensible': Mitch McConnell slams Marjorie Taylor Greene's 'frequent outbursts'
Even Mitch? I pity the fool.

Marjorie Taylor Greene quickly deletes obscene Twitter attack on 'feckless' Kevin McCarthy
All idiots.

'Marjorie is wrong': House Minority Leader McCarthy finally pushes back against Rep. Greene's dangerous rhetoric
Even McCarthy? She's lost what's left of her mind for sure.

Trump's GOP using threats of violence to 'influence future elections' and 'that should frighten us': DC insider
It should serve to inspire that we arm ourselves with weapons of the highest capactity to counter the insane Trump Army of Sedition and give them what they're asking for.

The 2020 Election 'Audit' Is The New Benghazi
Even if one "investigation" turns up nothing, the crazies respond by demanding another one.
This model of insanity must have its own name by now.

These Republicans promoted Trump’s voter fraud lies — and hope to control future elections in their states
Trump Nazis support sedition. As such, they should all be behind bars for good or thrown out of the country.

Biden DOJ moves to block release of memo on why Trump was not prosecuted for obstruction of justice
Who's the cover-up artist in this scam?

A GOP senator's obtuse comment about opposing the Jan. 6 commission just gave away the game
Sorry, no brains - No service. No brains - no commenting.

Republicans Accused of Economic 'Sabotage' as Florida Becomes 23rd GOP-Led State to Slash Jobless Benefits
"No one should face financial ruin for living in states run by Republicans."
Your first mistake is thinking that the MAGAts give a fuck.

Arrested insurrectionist visited Ted Cruz's house -- and brought 11 molotov cocktails to Jan. 6 riot: report

'Big Lie' Believers Want To Take Over All Our Elections
Tell 'em to suck on it.

Alabama governor signs bill to prohibit vaccine passports
Never have so many done so little to help their fellow man.
The disgrace of a once great nation.
To get in school when I was a boy you had to prove a small pox, whooping cough and diptheria immunization. Nobody that was an American was upset about that.
WTF is the difference?

A Century After The Race Massacre, Tulsa Confronts Its Bloody Past
They still haven't answered for their atrocity against humanity.
A day of accounting and reckoning is coming for them.

Could America be Headed for Another Dust Bowl?
Rising temperatures and worsening droughts raise the possibility, scientists warn.
Why who would have ever suspected something like that?

Will births in the US rebound? Probably not.
Who wants their kids to be born in the worst time in human history anyway?

Rand Paul Is Now A Covid Death Toll Denier
Really. Not satisfied with denying the power of the vaccine, Rand Paul is now "questioning" the death toll from Covid.
Little Randy is trying for Jerk of the Year award.

'The end of Enlightenment': Historian explains why Republican discourse is 'the very antithesis of Reason'
Who would expect dimwits to understand reason.

Watch: Trump gleefully jokes about 'rough treatment of US reporters by North Korean guards
Trump's day is coming and sooner than you think. He won't like the treatment he'll be getting.

Greg Abbott Repeats Voter Fraud Lie To Support TX Voter Suppression
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) on Sunday claimed that a Republican bill to make absentee voting more difficult "has absolutely nothing to do" with former President Donald Trump's loss in the 2020 election.
Everything these dickheads do is fealty to Dumb Donnie.
I'd be looking at Republicans and your "cocaine issue." Don't bullshit me.

Wallace Grills Roy Blunt For Opposing Jan. 6 Commission
Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO) over the weekend declined to say if he is "putting country above party" by opposing a commission to study the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.
"It's too early to form a commission." Right, "Let's wait until it all blows over and the law forgets about the crimes we've committed."
Abbott and Blunt, sittin' in a tree, showing Dumb Donnie their fe-al-ty.
Too bad you "Smiling Miscreants" have no lives.

Collins Threatens No Vote On Jan. 6 Commission She 'Strongly' Supports
Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) on Sunday insisted that she "strongly" supports a bipartisan commission to study the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol even though she has threatened to vote against it.
Where do they get these certified idiots?
"Gentlemen, Sen. Collins here may talk like an idiot, and look like an idiot, but don't let that fool you: she really is an idiot.I implore you, send her back to her father and brothers, who are waiting for her with open arms in the penitentiary. I suggest that we give her ten years in Leavenworth, or eleven years in Twelveworth." — Rufus T. Firefly.
Rufus T. Firefly can tell you everything you need to know about the morons in the MAGAt party.

'State Treachery to the Extreme': Belarus Accused of Inventing Airplane Bomb Threat to Arrest Dissident Journalist
"While it sounds like an extraordinary Hollywood plot, it's not," said Amnesty International. "The reality of this apparent act of air piracy is chilling."
Fascist scum is everywhere just waiting to pounce on any ray of light.

Overstock Founder Will Sell You Election Fraud for $5 Per Month
“People say they want to help. Well OK, here’s a way to sign up for five dollars per month,” former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne told The Daily Beast.
Swine creatures everywhere.

‘So far beyond the realm of decency’: CNN anchor blasts Marjorie Taylor Greene – ‘don’t you dare speak for me’
This miscreant speaks only for the filth like her.

'Kremlin Cruz' slammed for his ignorance on Russia after the Texan's latest tantrum
Don't get too close to him you'll get rub-off slime.

All-villain team: The 62 who voted against the bipartisan hate crimes bill are the worst of the worst GOPers in the House

Sen. Rand Paul: I Won’t Be Getting The COVID Vaccine
Go to your room little Randy and you can come out when you're a big boy.

'Why do they tolerate Trump?' Conservative calls on Republicans to recover some 'dignity' and cut ex-president loose
They don't care about dignity nor humanity. Fascists never do.

'Loathsome' Trump aide ripped apart as judge orders him to repay legal fees after media lawsuit flops

Polling places for urban voters of color would be cut under Texas Senate's version of voting bill being negotiated with House
Voters in some urban, Democratic areas of Harris and Tarrant counties would see a drastic drop in polling places under the Senate version of Senate Bill 7, a Texas Tribune analysis shows.
Land of the Happy Negro will make sure urban voters of color will be in the same land as they have always been in since the Civil War.

CNN Finally Dumps Rick 'Frothy Mixture' Santorum From Their Roster
This should be the start of a purge of all the facsist TV kooks.

GOP Wants Volunteering at the Polls to Come With Risk of Jail Time or Huge Fines
America is being turned into a fascist state by the MAGAt traitors.

There Is No GOP Infrastructure Plan. There Won't Be a GOP Infrastructure Plan. It's Time to Move On.
Stopping progress is what the Nazis' mission is. It is their contract on America. This too shall pass.

6-Year-Old Boy Dies In Road Rage Shooting On California Freeway
The boy was shot to death by another driver in a road rage attack on State Route 55 in Orange, authorities said. "Road Rage Saturday Night," another tune from the CD "Pistol Grip Wallet" by Men of Extinction.

Manchin’s Voting Rights Plan Would Do Nothing About The Wave Now Of Voter Suppression Bills
The West Virginia Democrat’s preferred bill protects voting rights going forward, but the For the People Act would halt voter suppression bills passed now.
Nazis like Mitchell are part of the death of our democracy.

FBI Arrests Capitol Rioter After 'Epic' Video Of Him Fighting Police Is Seen On His Snapchat
Leonard Pearso Ridge IV's snapchat was filled with incriminating evidence and videos.
Another proud Nazi.

Voting Rights Roundup: New Hampshire GOP advances two-tier voting system to thwart federal reforms
We are witnessing the disintegration of democracy by NH fascists in our once great country.

600,000 Americans are dead, and Republicans are still telling people that the pandemic is a hoax
This is what Nazis do. They have no feelings. They have no empathy. In short, they are not human.

'Sickening': Marjorie Taylor Greene ripped for 'vile' comparison of masks and the Holocaust
Vile and dispicable.

Psaki hilariously dunks on Fox News reporter after his absurd 'art of the deal' question during briefing
Better get the kid an aqualung. He's in over his head.
Perfect expample of why nepotism isn't a good thing.

Right-wing agitator Ammon Bundy enters Idaho governor race
America has lowered standards so mucht that any wing-nut moron can run now.

Nothing is sacred to Republicans — except Donald Trump. It's all on the line now
Republicans have embraced an authoritarian, and are ready to undo voting rights and outlaw abortion. What's next?
Very simple. Put a stop to him and his Nazis.

Texas’ divisive bill restricting how students learn about current events, history, and racism passed by Senate
You WILL learn the fascist, rascist way in Texas, Land of the Happy Negro.

Post-Covid, Workers Are Not Tolerating Corporate 'BS'
Employees are feeling burned over broken work-from-home promises and corporate culture ‘BS’ as employers try to bring them back to the office.

Right Wing Idiot Charges Biden Didn't 'Actually' Drive Truck
The Right is so, so desperate for a Biden "scandal." But this is just stupid.
Brainless is as brainless does.

'An absolute nightmare': Video captures Tennessee cops taunting hogtied man before he died
America is an absolute fascist nightmare. Failed nation.

The GOP Welcomes the McCloskeys’ Sick, Sad American Dream
American fascism in action.

Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: The lies Republicans are telling themselves and us
These are the ravings of a 74-year-old sociopath, isolated and banned from social media, living in Mar-a-Lago, where he is crashing wedding parties and delivering rambling monologues.
Usually, people this mentally ill are put in nut houses.
Notice the 1812 tour to Washington by the British tourists?

'The warning signs are all there': Ex-Reagan aide fears Trump is leading the party to more political violence
Trouble for our country is all Trump is.

Lauren Boebert Unclear On Difference Between 3400 Dead People And Zero Dead People

It’s Time to Bust the Myth That Endless Economic Growth Is Good for Us

Gohmert: People Think I’m “Dumbest Guy In Congress”
Well, you do have a lot of competition. But we'll got ahead and give you the edge.

Ron Johnson Challenges Reality, Loses Again
Ron Johnson finally found a person to agree with him about the January 6 riot.
Brains from ants to men.

Thanks Cyber Ninjas! AZ Taxpayers Must Now Buy New Voting Machines
Once election officials lose custody and control over voting systems and components, those devices should not be used in future elections, Homeland Security officials told Secretary Katie Hobbs.
What happen when dimwits get hold of something they have no earthly idea about.

How an upcoming Supreme Court decision on ‘religious freedom’ could undermine religious freedom

Texas gov knew of natural gas shortages days before blackout, blamed wind anyway
Official's phone logs offer blow-by-blow account of the disaster as it unfolded.
Leaders? Hardly. Con-men? Asolutely.

These Religious Leaders Remind Us Of The Emptiness Of Government Calls For Prayer

Republicans sink to new, amoral lows this week on everything that matters
"The Search For the Bottom."

McCarthy Cuts Off His Own Presser When Asked About MAGA Riot
The GOP's top Republican in the House cut off a press conference he called after being asked some uncomfortable questions which he absolutely did not want to answer.
His excellency, King chickenshit.

Steve Schmidt: Kevin McCarthy Using 'Code Words' To Cover Up Jan. 6
Former Republican strategist Steve Schmidt called out House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) on Wednesday for using "poisonous nonsense" to cover up the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Ted Cruz Attacks U.S. Military As 'Woke' And 'Emasculated'
Cruz's disparaging remarks of the U.S. military, while retweeting Russian propaganda, did not go over well with Twitter
Remind us, what branch were you in? Thanks for supporting our troops, Mr. Big Stuff.

Employees feel burned over broken work-from-home promises and corporate culture ‘BS’ as employers try to return to offices

Popular QAnon account unleashes racist tirade against Jewish power and Biden being replaced by James Woods in a mask

'This one is important': New evidence reveals Oath Keepers' anxious planning of Jan. 6 MAGA riot

'It is pathetic': Democrat unloads on Kevin McCarthy as 'unfit to serve' after 1/6 commission betrayal
Of course he is. Many of the Republicans in Congress are unfit to serve. Those that support the seditionist Trump.

The FBI reveals probe of 'massive scheme' to funnel money to Susan Collins' 2020 campaign: report
And here's one more that's unfit.

Looming decisions on abortion and guns fuel calls from left to add seats to Supreme Court
It is time to do it.

This Week in Republican Insurrection Erasure
It will shock you how much it never happened.

The Justice Department Considers the Trump Campaign’s Favorite Fundraising Tactic a Scam
The days of politicians tricking donors with promises of matching contributions may be numbered.

We have a Supreme Court problem and a Senate problem, and 'deluded institutionalists' make it worse

Climate change is erasing humanity’s oldest art
Climate change is speeding up the process of erosion, according to a recent study.
America wants to know if it will affect any streaming services.

'Just overturned the will of the people': Mississippi Supreme Court strikes down medical marijuana law
This is what a totalitarian government looks like. Welcome to the Land of the Happy Negro.
The two crackers in the photo look stoned out of their minds.

Kevin McCarthy Comes Out Against 1/6 Commission. What's He Hiding?
The stick that Trump has up his ass?

POLL: QAnon Is The Present And Future Of The Republican Party
Among younger Republicans, QAnon is much more important: 41% of those aged 30 to 44, and 44% of under-30s, said it was very important or somewhat important for Republican officials and candidates to support QAnon's ideas.
Then, like QAnonsense, the Republican Party is dead.

Marjorie Taylor Greene's Whataboutism On January 6
She claims the rioters on January 6 "are being abused" and goes all "what about the Black Lives Matter riots?"
Do these people in Congress get drug tested? Asking for a friend.

Fox News' Peter Doocy Trolls Biden For Wearing A Mask
For Fox News trolls, wearing a mask is confusing and unwanted by the American people.
They only hire nitwits.

GOP election lawyer stomps all over Trump fans' ballot audit: 'They just don't understand what they're doing'
People that go mad never understand what they are doing.

Georgia's lieutenant governor reveals 'hundreds' of death threats from fellow Republicans over Trump lies
"... the lieutenant governor remains hopeful the Republican Party will turn away from its cult-like devoting to the former president."
Sir, the only way Nazis ever turned were toward Argentina or hired by the U.S..

'A Heinous Crime': Israeli Airstrikes Damage Gaza's Only Coronavirus Testing Lab
"It was bad enough when Palestinians in Gaza weren't able to get vaccinated, but now to reportedly lose their only coronavirus testing lab is... beyond words."

Trump tests the limits of GOP loyalty with Arizona "audit"
Pushback to Trump from within his own party slowly grows louder as his "unhinged" rantings lead to a bizarre scene
Losing it.

'Ineptitude': Republican-controlled county board slams Arizona audit firm as 'grifters and con-artists’
It took them long enough to realize this.

Bill Barr should lose law license over Devin Nunes scandal: impeachment lawyer

'Tehran Tom' Cotton Accuses The Associated Press Of Working With Hamas
Sen. Tom Cotton lit up the Senate by claiming with no proof that the Associated Press is in cahoots with Hamas against Israel.

New York Racing Officials Suspend Baffert From Belmont Stakes
The Hall of Fame trainer was already under suspension at Churchill Downs, where he won his seventh Kentucky Derby before his horse failed a drug test.

'They've turned into raging monsters': Noam Chomsky links GOP lies to Nazi propaganda
Any one with a modicum level of WWII history can recognize this.

So Long, It's Been Good to Know Ya: From Boomers to Wankers in No Time at All
A search on the phrase "usa declining birth rate" should confound all opposing commenters.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Is Gunning for AOC—and There’s Only 1 Reason
AOC dresses better than Marge?

No, the media can't 'move on' from Trump's Big Lie — not until Republicans end their war on voting
Forget holding their feet to the fire, shove their dicks to the fire.

Greenhouse Emissions Are Messing With the Stratosphere, a New Study Reveals
It raises the worrisome question of atmospheric effects yet to be discovered.
"According to the experts we are running out of air — people having trouble breathing everywhere..." — Jeff Gutcheon from his song "Universal Sadness"

Alleged Capitol Insurrectionist To Be Detained For Illegally Shooting Mountain Lion
Habitual criminals need to be locked up for good.

Schroder Sorry/Not Sorry For Abusing Costco Worker
Another Butt-hurt baby.

Texas Bill Would Ban All Entities From Requiring Vaccine
If they ever get a vaccine for Cancer there will be some moron like this trying to ban it.
Smallpox would still be killing millions on millions of humans with this sort of non-thinking.

Supreme Court takes up Mississippi abortion law, setting the stage to overturn Roe v. Wade
They will never stop women from getting abortions no matter what silliness and hate they attempt to put over on us. It is designed to turn women back into chattel. Reproductive freedom will always be even if they drive it back to the underground.

GOP Rep Barricaded Chamber Doors From Rioters He Called 'Normal Tourists'
Rep. Andrew Clyde likened the January 6th riot to nothing more than a "normal tourist visit."
The Trump Coup attempt and his BIG LIE is being rejected.

Arizona Election Official Calls Trump 'Unhinged'
Stephen Richer, the Republican Maricopa County Recorder, called Trump and his latest lie "unhinged." A State Senator said the audit was embarrassing and ridiculous.
Every day more and more people disown the failure that is Donald Trump.

'A blood bath': Reporter describes 'massive' division among Arizona Republicans over bogus election audit
They are probably realizing how this has diminished what's left of their real party.

Reagan Foundation demands 'Trump Train' bus remove image of GOP hero in MAGA hat
Why would they want to use a loser as their image?

The ridiculous new fight about masks shows the hollow moral core of many media pundit
"When will I stop wearing one? The only answer I have is this: When I feel it's safe to stop." Absolutely. People will now wear masks when they think it necessary.

GOP Gov. Asa Hutchinson Bashes Trump After Cheney Exile: ‘We Should Not’ Make Him ‘The Leader of Our Party’
Looks like Asa has been left at the station because the fascist train pulled out.

CDC's Walensky: 'This Is Not Permission For Widespread Removal Of Masks'
Good luck when you've got propaganda networks like Fox immediately telling the unvaccinated they don't need to wear masks.
It will be unfortunate for many American that this is being interpreted as "the pandemic is over."

OAN Guest Wants 'Subsidized' Gun Sales As Protection From Black Lives Matter
Conservative activist Rogan O'Handley argued over the weekend that the government should provide firearm subsidies so that people can protect themselves from "looting, violence and murder" that he blamed on Black Lives Matter.
Maybe he should educate himself a bit? Nah, just make up another MAGAt lie.
A timeline of 1,944 Black Americans killed by police
Black Americans are more likely to be killed by police. The police are rarely held accountable.
At least 25 Americans were killed during protests and political unrest in 2020
Shall we go into ratios?

Fox Pundits Exaggerate Fears Over Runaway Inflation
Most economists believe the inflation we're seeing now is a result of pent-up demand due to the pandemic, but that didn't stop Fox's Newt Gingrich from fear-mongering over a return to the stagflation of the 1970s.
You can trace the demise of the Republican Party directly to Gingrich. He opened the gangplank to the Titanic for them.

Why did Trump issue this bizarre military memo in the final days of his presidency?
Retaliation — because he knew he lost the election. More proof of his BIG LIE!

Kevin McCarthy's strange real estate saga: A luxury condo in D.C. and a tract house in California
McCarthy said he'd bet his house the GOP wins next year. But where does he live — and who's paying for it?
Another flim-flam man.

Sanders Says US Must 'Take a Hard Look' at Nearly $4 Billion in Annual Military Aid to Israel
"It is illegal for U.S. aid to support human rights violations," said the Vermont senator.
It's never stopped us before.

2021 Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame Inductees
The 'Overview' section and the 'Recap' section.

Jeanine Pirro gets confused by her own graphic — while she's live on-air: 'Whatever!
Really? This is a joke, right? Has to be, right? Penn State has students so dumb they don't know what the terms mean? Alternate terms, fine, but replacement? Replacing them with the definition of the term itself? If they think the morons can't process those words WTF do they think they can do with the replacements? What a grand bunch of geniuses. More evidence of the dumbing down of our country. This requires more explanation from someone.

Trump and Rudy Giuliani's ties to opioid crisis revealed by HBO 'The Crime of the Century' filmmaker
These criminals are still at large.

'Insane lies' from Trump called out by Arizona Republican: 'This is unhinged'
The MAGAt Insanity Party.

The new McCarthyism: Inside the China conspiracy theory that helped fuel Trump's Capitol riot

Trump officials used secret terrorism unit to question lawyers at the border: documents

Proud Boys leader accuses Trump of leaving group 'on the battle field bloody and alone'
What did he expect from a cowardly traitor?

Rep. Plaskett: Where Was Liz Cheney Before Jan. 6?
House Impeachment Manager Stacey Plaskett (D-VI) has no patience for Rep. Liz Cheney’s sudden acknowledgment that Donald Trump is a danger to our democracy.
"In other words, Republicans enabled Trump and Trumpism for years and now it’s just getting worse."

Cheney: 'Absolutely' McCarthy Should Testify Before Jan 6th Commission
Liz Cheney twists the knife on House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy after he and her fellow Republicans booted her from her leadership position.
At least, whatever her motive, she's calling out the traitors now.
And just why are they afraid of Trump? If he's a real threat to them have they not heard of restraining orders? Trump by himself couldn't lick his weight in girl scouts.

Arizona Rep. Leaps Into Action When White Nationalist Troll Whines
Arizona Congressman Paul Gosar has become white nationalists’ favorite Republican because he's quick to jump into action when they start throwing fits based on their paranoid fantasies.
The former law and order party is now the big fat whiner party. I'd like to see them in court and whining like the spoiled brats they are.

Israeli Bombs Destroy Gaza Media Center; AP, Al-Jazeera, Others Taken Out
Israel destroyed a high-rise building in Gaza City that housed offices of The Associated Press, Al-Jazeera and other media outlets on Saturday, the latest step by Israel to silence reporting.
These people are way out of line now and behaving like fascists.

How to lose America: The death of democracy looks nearer than ever
We must rise and end the facsist movement by any means necessary.

BUSTED: Marjorie Taylor Greene caught illegally claiming a ‘big tax break’ in Georgia
Another flim-flam artist at work. The MAGAt party is full of con artists.

Rep. Matt Gaetz Snorted Cocaine With Escort Who Had ‘No Show’ Gov’t Job

Rep. Elise Stefanik called out for her 'wildly inaccurate' claim in first speech after joining GOP leadership
Another one floating around in a deluded MAGAt world.
This is a sign of how far America has fallen and that this country is not out of danger.

Boebert, Cawthorn, Greene on list of 101 ‘pro-life’ and ‘pro-family’ GOPers but voted against pregnant workers
Two-faced, liars and flim-flam artists. Just like their fake leader Trump.
They dropped Reagan as their holy idol and installed a loser in his place.

GOP's Lauren Boebert gets trampled on Twitter after tweeting a sycophantic message about Trump
She is a pitiful mess. And her boy is about to be popped by justice.

TraitorTrump's 'Comeback' May Be Good News For Democrats
The majority of Americans hate him, and a not-unsignificant number of Republicans are embarrassed by him.
He's a flim-flam failure and a loser.

Bipartisan Commission To Investigate January 6th Insurrection
"They will have subpoena power and are authorized to investigate January 6 and the immediate events that led up to it," Garrett Haake reported.
They will find the ones responsible and throw their asses in stir.

Republicans' Nonstop Lying Has Left Them in a Jam

CDC director: Mask-wearing will ‘be hard to let go’ despite new guidance
Rochelle Walensky also said vaccinated parents and teachers “may want to continue wearing masks to model behavior” for unvaccinated children.
Of course. In light of the reduction of not only Covid, but colds, flu and pollution of the lungs, many will want to wear them for a while longer at the very least.

House Democrats unveil sweeping response to Jan. 6 attacks
The plan includes billions to fix security flaws and a bipartisan Sept. 11-style commission to investigate the root of the attack.

Trump’s “Prayer Warriors” Pivot To Exalting DeSantis As Florida Is Now Living “Under God’s Rule And Authority”
What else would you expect from people who surivive on a regular diet of bullshit, stem to stern, sun-up till sundown? Barry Goldwater certainly had these idiots pegged long ago.
One of the commentors is right wheh they suggest: "Then I guess gawd will provide immunity from COVID, no vaccines needed. Send their allotment to Canada and Mexico. No more federal tax dollars need to go to Florida,, no road funds, they can run all of their own ports, pull all military personnel out and close the bases, and no more disaster relief funds. Hurricane season is coming!"

Florida Man Fills His Hummer With 4 5-Gallon Gas Cans And...
...of course he lit up a smoke.
Blew up good! Blew up real good!

Looming Texas Law Would Allow Anti-Choice 'Vigilantes' to Sue Anyone Who 'Aids or Abets' an Abortion
"There's no low these legislators won't sink to in their efforts to gut Roe v. Wade and push abortion care as far out of reach as possible," said one rights advocate.
Lunatics, busybodies, and moralist morons push their bully bullshittery. Real human beings won't stand for their bullshit. There is no lunatic like a Texas lunatic except the rest of the lunatics.

The Republican War on Facts and Voting Rights
Across the country, voter suppression bills are being rushed through Republican-controlled state legislatures.

Republicans are planning another Insurrection
You mean what they are doing now isn't a continuum?

A Colorado Trump supporter accused of murdering his wife and voter fraud in her name: report
Fight Republican voter fraud and election rigging.

New editorial torches Republicans for becoming 'an increasingly radicalized, weaponized, and fascist entity'
Anyone with an 8th grade education knows they are fascists.

Mitch McConnell gets caught off guard when Fox News grills him over GOP support for Trump's election lies
"I'm not in the money-raising business..." So that staff of yours doesn't do it or hire it done for you? Do a fat dog fart?

Meghan McCain rages at Marjorie Greene for making Republicans look like 'we're psychotic barbarians'
Which is what happens when you elect psychotic barbarians .

'One inaccuracy after another': South Carolina GOP buried by historian for pushing myths about Black Confederate soldiers
Land of the Happy Negro making sure their Negro myths survive.

Arizona 'Democrat' Kyrsten Sinema burns her voters back home, while D.C. Republicans cheer
Turncoat. It's the new craze! Some people just can't be trusted.

David Hogg on His Surreal Run-In With Marjorie Taylor Greene

Pelosi calls for investigative probe into Marjorie Taylor Greene's history of harassment after AOC attack
Time to throw out the trash.

Psaki Guts Tom Cotton's Racist Criticism Of 'Elite' Colleges
Jen Psaki answers Sen. Cotton's racism with a lesson of her own. Teaching the 1619 Project and critical race theory isn't un-American. It's responsible.

Must-Listen Of The Day: Ayanna Pressley Calls GOP 'Corrupt Enablers'
Rep. Ayanna Pressley knows a White Nationalist cover-up when she sees one.

Pelosi: Marjorie Taylor Greene’s ‘Verbal Assault’ and ‘Abuse’ of AOC ‘Probably Is a Matter for the Ethics Committee’
And the police blotter. Throw out the trash.

Michigan Republicans Want To Criminalize Fact Checking
It’s the logical next step in GOP gaslighting: After engaging in the Big Lie about the 2020 election, a Trumper lawmaker wants to register fact checkers and make them subject to fines and lawsuits.
These Nazis want to kill facts. Of course they do! They are the worst thing since Cancer, Covid and Heart Disease rolled up in on big turd.
Let's screw with the truth. They are vampires attempting to stamp out the sunlight. There are proveable facts, you idiot! What bullshit.

‘MAGA Moron No. 1’: This Trump-loving lawmaker may be the ‘stupidest, nastiest Republican’
I'm sure he's proud to be. That is, if any cognitive power is left.

Ron DeSantis could save Trump from prosecutors — but it’ll stop 2024 bid: Mueller prosecutor
DipShitus could cause it to all go FUBAR. That's what he's always done, just as that's all Trump has done.
Throw them both in jail.

Gaetz Wingman Joel Greenberg Set to Plead Guilty in Sex Crimes Case
Get ready, Mattie. The worm turns.

Republicans fully embrace delusion at latest Capitol riot hearing as they defend Trump's failed coup
Traitors all. Shameful and no longer may be called American.

Psaki Guts Tom Cotton's Racist Criticism Of 'Elite' Colleges
Jen Psaki answers Sen. Cotton's racism with a lesson of her own. Teaching the 1619 Project and critical race theory isn't un-American. It's responsible.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Chases And Shouts At AOC
Marjorie Taylor Greene was seen chasing Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez down the House chamber, screaming "Why do you support terrorists and antifa?" She's asking to be ejected from the Congress.
And what is MTG doing? — supporting Nazi traitors.

"But Sandy doesn’t know how to work with Republicans."
Problem is, Marge, you aren't a Republican. You're a MAGAT bullshitter.

'Please clap': George P. Bush mocked after awkward typo while trying to attack Liz Cheney
Dude, she's the only one to stand up for conservative Republican ideology.
Apparently, he's no George W. Bush. The boy has sided with seditionists.

Palm Beach actively planning for possible Trump indictment: report
Let's eliminate the word "possible" here.

Marjorie Taylor Greene 'should be arrested': GOP 'bully' blasted for confrontation with AOC
A good punch in the nose used to take the fight out of bullies in high school. It should still work.

Liz Cheney: Trump 'has got to be investigated criminally' for inciting MAGA mob

America urgently needs a real investigation of the Trump regime — or it will all happen again
We recently learned that Trump's minions spied on reporters — and no one cares. These crimes must not be forgotten
It's high time these criminals are brought to justice.

McConnell Dodges When Pressed On Cheney’s Ouster By House GOP
Too much slime dripping from him.

Oklahoma governor's spokesperson says refusing to respond to Black-owned media site is 'our policy'
Land of the Happy Negro flunkie states their policy toward any Black source trying to communicate their viewpoint.
Solidly racist.

Kevin McCarthy's Forked Tongue Is Going To Poke An Eye Out
Now that Kevin McCarthy has ousted Liz Cheney, he's more than happy to glibly proclaim the 2020 election outcome settled.
Another pawn in the game.

Deranged Lin Wood: Trump Has Backchannel To Authorize Nuclear Strikes!
Election attorney Lin Wood claimed this week that former President Donald Trump maintains a secret backchannel to the U.S. military that allows him to order nuclear strikes.
This is your brains in a frying pan.

Manchin effectively joins the insurrectionists, rejecting voting rights, election reforms
Corrupt and regressive as they come.

'You're Ridiculous!': Dem Rep Chokes Off MAGAt's Capitol Riot Lies
Toadie Christopher Miller tried to testify that Traitor Trump is not the singular reason rioters attacked the Capitol. Rep. Stephen Lynch brought receipts.
Trump Toadies are all dumber than dirt.

All Nine GOP Senators On Panel Vote No On Water For Voters
"Republicans would rather have you starve than vote," said one critic.
Complete asshole Nazis. May they all disappear from the face of the earth. These people are not American.

Republicans Don’t Want You To Think They Ousted Liz Cheney Because Of The Big Lie
Really? They are just natural dipshits?

The country is careening off a cliff — and Democrats are asleep at the wheel
They have the power to stop this GOP war on democracy in its tracks.
And some of us are allowing them.

Liz Cheney exposes something profoundly rotten at the core of the Republican Party

Live In Congress, Former Trump A-Holes Making Excuses For January 6 Capitol Attack!
These jerkoffs have turned our country into a Hell hole.

71 percent of gas stations in Charlotte area out of fuel
Just as it was in Texas in February, we seem to be helpless against any kind of crisis hitting us these days. No one has a plan B as a backup. In fact, backups seem to be something no one knows about.

House Republicans vote a defiant Rep. Liz Cheney out of leadership
Trump and his MAGATs now have a very serious and potent enemy "as they continue down the path of absolute fealty to Donald Trump."

Over 100 Republicans line up to threaten they'll quit over Trump on eve of Liz Cheney ousting
Only 100?

Liz Cheney is an enemy of democracy — just as much as the Trumpers
After her House speech and her Post op-ed, Cheney has positioned herself as a hero of democracy. Don't buy into it
For sure. But she knows Trump is a derp.

Trump's new blog gets pathetically low engagement: analysis
No one gives a flying fart about this sick fuck except the wingnut wackos and QAnonsensers that fall for his dumb bullshit con.

'Skewed and out-of-whack': North Texas GOP faces deep division as conservatives and far-right extremists collide

Cheney Warns Of Trump’s Enduring Threat: ‘Ignoring The Lie, Emboldens The Liar’
She spells it out for you Trump morons.

Now That They Don't Need 'Access', Media Admits Trump Lied
In part, it's the utter complicity of for-profit news that is endangering democracy.
I have refrained from saying this truth for some time whores.

Caitlyn Jenner Played Golf Instead Of Voting In 2020
She's the walking embodiment of a Hollywood nitwit.
They come in all sizes and sexuality.

Asa Hutchinson Explains Why He Has To Force These Lazy People Back To Work
The Arkansas governor blames "human nature" for preferring unemployment to covid.
Another jerk hoping for more power to abuse people.

Manhattan DA is signaling 'a good likelihood of a charge' coming against Trump: Preet Bharara
Make him post $100,000,000,000 billion bond or be held in jail until trial.

Republican defends Cheney by blasting his party for 'embracing lunacy' over governing
Jeff, it's already nutballsville.

Senate Republicans killed amendment that would have made it illegal to ban giving water to voters waiting in line
These treasonous bastards are no longer human.

Local Oregon GOP Invited Proud Boy Security Team to Guard a Secret Meeting
As the party went further off the deep end, residents were spooked by what they described as paramilitary-style outsiders.
Hitler Youth on parade.

Arizona State Legislature Passes Anti-Voter, Anti-Democracy Bill Targeting Communities of Color
With this, Arizona has seceded from the Union. It's time to send in federal troops and occupy the state. Time for a provisional government. They have gone too far.

Trump 2020 Holdouts Stand in Line for 7 Hours to See World's Biggest Corn Cob, Err, Mike Lindell
Pretty corny, eh?

The GOP push to cut unemployment benefits is the welfare argument, all over again
These asshats are as predictible as an old grade-B cowboy movie.
Totally devoid of ideas or even a suspicion of one.

We Can’t Just Tell People to “Go Back to Work.” We Have to Improve Workplaces.

The Real Steal Is Coming
Who will prevent the next attempt to overturn the will of the voters?
Heckler and Koch? Browning?

These days, you don't have to be delusional to be in the Republican leadership — but it helps

Nicolle Wallace: Trump is such a 'petty petulant brat' if the GOP doesn't worship him 'he'll take his voters and go home'
"Petty petulant brat" is putting it mildly. Even petulant brats get a timeout or sent to their room once in a while.

Biden Is Winning, While The GOP And Fox News Are Huge Losers (For Now)

'The Stakes Could Not Be Higher': Senate Panel Debates Voting Overhaul
Will the United States remain a democracy or will it become a fascist authoritarian state with the legislature deciding who wins our elections?
Even some of the fools should be able to answer that.

‘You are entirely and completely incorrect’—Dr. Fauci educates Rand Paul on medical research
One of these men is a real doctor. The other is one who plays one in Congress.

Senate Hearing: Fauci Slams Rand Paul's Weak 'Wuhan' Sauce
In a repeat performance, Sen. Rand Paul uses QAnon conspiracy theories to question Dr. Fauci. #FAIL.
QAnon Hackenbull.

Biden Administration Rejects Another Harmful Anti-LGBTQ Policy From The Trump Years

Kevin McCarthy is totally flailing: He 'doesn't have the backbone to lead'

Human rights experts denounce Israeli attacks and confiscation of homes in East Jerusalem

Justice Stephen Breyer risks making a historic blunder

Kevin McCarthy mocked for saying he 'embraces free thought' as Liz Cheney is punished for speaking out
McCarthy is nothing more than a Trump puppet. He has nothing else. They have no such thing as free thought. It's Trump thought or get out.

Report: McCarthy Privately Faces Backlash Within House GOP For Helping To Oust Cheney

State Dept Spokesperson Under Fire for 'Spineless' Refusal to Condemn Israel's Killing of Children in Gaza
"This unsurprising response is devoid of empathy and concern for human suffering," said Rep. Ilhan Omar. "He can't even condemn the killing of children."

The U.S. Is Entering a New COVID-19 Vaccination Crisis
If as many people as they say are not showing up for their second shot we have failed as a nation. Apparently, we don't give a damn that being the case.

Biden actually has a plan to finally rebuild the American middle class
If only the fascists and racists would get out of the road.

Outrage erupts as South Carolina celebrates ‘Confederate Memorial Day’
Land of the Happy Negro celebrates their treasonous legacy and white supremacy.
But they aren't the only traitors. So is the rest of "Deah Ole Dixie."
Celebrating sedition should be a federal crime.

Man dies after being pinned to the floor for 90 seconds in Rhode Island arrest
“The Providence Police Department further condemns the kneeling on the neck or throat as proper use of force tactic.,” they added. “This tactic is not part of our training and we constantly review our policies and practices as it relates to the use of force to ensure that these tactics are never used by the Providence Police Department.”
Looks like their training is not well taken.

Another Guy With Gun We Won’t Regulate Kills Six In Colorado

GOP says it’s ousting Cheney over her focus on the past. Trump’s response: Focus on the past.
Anosognosia is real.

Refusal to accept reality is doing unquestionable damage to democracy
Try getting those that can't accept reality to grasp that. Anosognosia is real.
All caused from being bombarded with incessant fascist lies day in and day out.

New Oklahoma Bill Bans Teaching About Racism Because It Causes “Discomfort”
And these pansies accuse left-wingers of being pussies? These Land of the Happy Negro fakers are the biggest chickenshits about truth to power that ever walked the planet. They have the brains of a sack of hammers.

Donald Trump endorses Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick for reelection
Patrick, who twice chaired Trump's campaign in Texas, is up for a third term in 2022.
One douchbag squeezes another.

Jen Psaki elegantly shuts down Peter Doocy after he claims 'unemployment benefits are so good'
Then Peter should be happy living on it when he loses his job for being hopelessly misinformed.
"But there's also the need to pay a livable working wage," she added. Try paying attention, Peter. How did you like it when you were on unemployment and your salary was $32,000? Oh, never?
Besides, one can't turn down a job and still get unemployment. Peter, knows that.

‘Anyone telling you this was some kind of coup is telling you lies,’ said man arrested for role in coup
Sorry, Mr. Bent Logic. We don't like traitors that we saw at work on television. After all, this is what the right-wingers preach constantly so it works on you too.

Labor Law Is Stuck in 1947. It’s No Surprise Companies Keep Winning.
Congress has passed no major pro-union legislation since Republicans gutted labor protections after WWII.
It took only 20 years for things to start the long trip nowhere for American labor.

JUST IN: Biden Reaches Highest Approval Rating at 64 Percent

Is free college a good idea? Increasingly, evidence says yes

Republicans in Congress are out of step with the American public on climate
Well, you know the saying: they got no sense of rhythm.

Florida Governor Signs Ban On Local Gun Regulations
DipShitus farts again.
The best we can hope for is that all the gun orgasm addicts will finally shoot each other to their gun orgasm death and we'll be rid of them forever.

QAnon Has an Alarming New Plan to Steal Arizona for Trump
It involves replacing all the state’s elected officials.
We still can't imagine the depths of depravity these QAnonsense nitwits will descend to.

Second officer arrested after being triggered by Black Lives Matter flag outside stranger’s home
Look, we're pretty sure that most cops are really good guys. But it's time to face facts some of these "to protect and serve" fellers just are neither equipped nor fit for the job.

Top Aide To TX Ag Official Sid Miller Arrested In Scheme Over Hemp Licenses
Todd M. Smith was arrested last Thursday for allegedly taking money in exchange for hemp licenses.
"Who's surprised? Sid Miller is another swamp creature hired by Trump."

New Narrative: Pay Living Wage Or 'Flip Your Own Damn Burgers'
Progressives Blast Right-Wing Narrative on Jobs.
"We need to end starvation wages in America."
This isn't really all new. It's been going on for 10,000 years.

Fla. Town Council Member Undermines Secular Invocation
"Williamson’s invocation was really good..."
Apparently, not good enough for the holier-than-thou Judith Dolores Smith.

Meet the far-right Pennsylvania Republican who believes that God was behind Trump’s attempted coup
Why can't these lunatics keep their wackiness to themselves and their regressive cult.

DC insider calls out Newsmax host live on-air for spreading Trump election lies
Liars can't talk about their lies after they get nailed.

Exposé reveals Trump’s 2020 election conspiracy was part of a plan cooked up in a Texas airplane hangar in 2018
The phoney fake flim-flam fat boy and his stooge concocted a con on the idiots that would believe them.

Fox & Friends Claims 'Woke' Liberals Are Plotting To Turn Mother's Day Into 'Birthing People's Day'
The hosts of Fox & Friends expressed concern on Sunday that liberals are plotting to turn Mother's Day into "Birthing People's Day."
"Whining Asshole Day" will be next.

Arizona Official: Vaccine Will Turn You Into 'Potted Plant'
Arizona Corporation Commissioner Jim O'Connor claimed that the COVID 19 vaccine kills people or turns them into "potted plants."
Yep. I know several that turned into a Marijuana plant. After they budded out we cured them and smoked them.

'It makes us look like idiots': Arizona Republican admits he was wrong to support 'ridiculous' vote audit
Duhhhh. Ya, think so?

Liz Cheney is no defender of democracy: She and her party created a monster
Don't get suckered by the friendly fascist: Liz Cheney and the GOP have been building Trumpism for decades
Of course. But she seems to think that Trump himself is the liar and fake that we know him to be.

'Sends a Terrible, Terrible Message': Sanders Rejects Top Dems' Push for a Big Tax Break for the Rich
"You can't be on the side of the wealthy and the powerful if you're going to really fight for working families."

Can the Myth of the Lost Cause Ever Be Defeated?
For some Americans, history isn’t the story of what actually happened; it’s the story they want to believe.
Land of the Happy Negro wistfully remembers the glory that never was.

'Terrible economics': These states are declining federal unemployment funds. Experts say that's 'a huge mistake'
Noticing the spiteful failure of those in charge of American states.

Progressives to Corporations: If You Want to Keep Workers, Pay Living Wages

Experts explain how DeSantis violated the Constitution by blocking outlets from bill signing
Constitution? Constitution? He don't need no stinking Constitution!

Fauci predicts 'dramatic difference' in pandemic outlook if more are vaccinated
“I believe that we will be about as close to back to normal as we can," the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases said, with a caveat.

Kentucky Derby Winner Medina Spirit Fails Drug Test
The Hall of Fame trainer Bob Baffert, whose horses have failed five tests in a little more than a year, denied wrongdoing: “We didn’t do it.”
When does Baffert get banned?

U.S. Birthrate Drops To Lowest Level In Four Decades
Listen: NPR's Lulu Garcia-Navarro speaks to University of Maine sociology professor Amy Blackstone about the declining number of births in the U.S.
We don't support working women wiho need child care. This must be addressed.

GOP Gov Laments GOP “Circular Firing Squad”
This is what they've been doing for decades now, Larry. Why didn't you speak about it sooner?

Jim Crow Ballot ‘Purity’ Phrase Yanked From Texas Vote Suppression Bill At Last Minute
GOP lawmakers ultimately decided not to advertise the segregationist nature of the voting measure.
Even the racists in this area of the Land of the Happy Negro decided that went a bit too far exposing their true movtives.

4-Year-Old Girl Among 3 Hit By Stray Bullets In NYC’s Times Square
All three victims are believed to have been bystanders.
Seems to be an everyday thing, doesn't it, America? We are so damned numb as a society the only thing we're capable of doing is cleaning up the blood now.

By ousting Cheney, House Republicans are laying the groundwork for nullifying the 2024 election
The fascists are doing their dirty work while we sleep. They will keep doing their dirt without any accountablity. As such, they are a menace to our country.

Josh Hawley and Ron Johnson Are Both a National Disgrace
Great minds can differ on which of the two men is the dumbest man in the Senate.
Two reasons float up right away -- Wisconsin and Missouri. Two of the more intellectually devoid areas of the country.

Corporate America Has Been Shoving Fascism Down Our Throats for Decades
America does have a serious fascism problem, but it goes way beyond the kinds of authoritarianism displayed by people like Donald Trump, Rick Scott, Ted Cruz, or Tom Cotton.

'It's A Big Lie': Chris Wallace Catches Rep. Jim Banks Refusing To Say Election Wasn't 'Stolen'
Fox News host Chris Wallace challenged Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) over his effort to oust Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) from her leadership position in the Republican Party.
This Banks is full of bullshit. He states "COVID rules that loosened voter identification laws." Let's examine this in the 2020 election.
Here's how states have changed the rules around voting amid the coronavirus pandemic
Nine states plus D.C. will send mail-in ballots to active registered voters.
"Prior to the 2020 election cycle, some states — like Arizona, Colorado, Florida and Washington — already had robust or predominantly vote-by-mail elections, and voters were familiar with the system, so there hasn't necessarily been a need for them to change the rules."
HOLY SHIT! You mean nothing changed in Arizona? It was business as usual? Then why are the morons going shithouse about their results endlessly when the election has been certified?

Trump supporter reveals why she believes his election lies: 'I watched it on TV'
The latest Trump Dumbass report.

‘It Was Very Traumatic': Shooting at Aventura Mall Sends Shoppers Running for Cover
Not as if they have enough horror in the state already. America's gun orgasms still running amok.

Florida experiencing massive surge in COVID-variant cases tied to spring break invasion: report
Calling all asses down on the farm. How's that spring break stupidness working out for ya?
"Florida is home to the most variant COVID-19 cases in the country. State health officials reported more than 11,800 cases of COVID-19 variants on Wednesday..."
The DipShitus Surge.

Tucker Carlson Uses Unverified Vaccine Reporting System To Scare Viewers
Tucker Carlson once again proves he's one of the most irresponsible people polluting our airwaves.
It's always good to remind these assholes that their hero got the vaccine.

'This is wrong': Ron Johnson's anti-vaccination lies ripped apart by fact-checker
More scare tactics from the same old moron.

Hundreds of Palestinians Protesting Evictions in Jerusalem Injured in 'State-Sanctioned Campaign of Israeli Violence'
"Israel's violence has a clear purpose: ethnically cleanse Jerusalem of Palestinians to allow Israeli settlers to take over Palestinian homes."
Inhuman behavior. Jerusalem should be declared an International City.

A Twisted Church Attack Shows the High Bar for Hate Crimes in America
It's a trend in America with sedition as well it seems.

Horrific: D.C. Sniper Boasts of Post-Shooting Sex With Accomplice in New Doc

Marc Lamont Hill cut the mic on a Republican, then demolished efforts to ban critical race theory
Why are the rubes so scared of it? Because they have nothing. They have no ideas except wrong ideas.

Freedumb! Texas Set To Abolish Handgun Permits
Over the opposition of law enforcement and a solid majority of Texans, the state is about to allow almost anyone to walk around with a handgun, whether they know how to use it or not.
More Texas lunacy. You can get a gun without a permit but you have to get a building permit to build a deck in your backyard. What could go wrong with this? Insanity defined.

'Purity Of The Ballot Box,' An Echo Of Jim Crow, Stricken From Texas Voting Bill
Texas State Rep. Rafael Anchía calling out Texas State Rep. Briscoe Cain, Republican chair of the Texas State House Elections Committee, for using racist language from the past in Texas' new election bill.
Rascist Land of the Happy Negro calling out the old Jim Crow of the world they long to see again.
May they all continue to be failures as they are no longer on the side of history.

'Direct Attack on the First Amendment': Trump DOJ Secretly Obtained Washington Post Journalists' Phone Records
"When the government spies on journalists and their sources, it jeopardizes freedom of the press," said the ACLU.
Trump fascism run amok.

Republicans scramble to ban 'certain messages' and 'unsanctioned narratives' from schools
The digusting failure of the fascist Republicans to face reality.

Republicans purge their ranks of any lingering truth in preparation for their 2020 do-over in 2022
The stench that is Republican.

States scale back vaccine orders as interest in shots wanes
More evidence we live in the most ignorant and backward country in the world. We have the most deaths and cases from Covid while other countries are begging for the vaccine. What fools these Amerikans be.

QAnon Lawyer Lin Wood Is Way More Extreme Than You Thought
That's you and not me. It's pretty obvious what Lin is.

Minister faces child pornography charge. Forsyth man is a senior pastor at First Baptist in Stanleyville.
Ooops! There goes his kids.

'Macho Jesus'-Loving Trump Prophet Kicked Out Of Own Church For 'Unbiblical Behavior'

CDC Admits Coronavirus is Airborne, Can Be Transmitted More Than 6 Feet Away
This will fall on deaf ears, as usual.

'Direct attack on the First Amendment': Trump DOJ hammered for secretly obtaining journalists' phone records
When will these crooks be charged? Please answer this or stop acting as if you are enforcing law in this country.

Arizona nixes botched election audit plan after DOJ intervenes
"The ditch effort comes as federal officials expressed concern about how the canvassing could infringe upon residents' civil rights and the laws enacted to put a stop to voter intimidation."
Ya Think!

'I am a Florida man': Matt Gaetz denies accountability for mounting scandals then blames the 'deep state'
"America First isn't going away. We're going on tour."
Watch out or the brown acid, Matt.

Wyoming Threatens to Sue States That Won’t Buy its Coal
It “sounds crazy,” but for locals “there is no other industry.”
Change is something some people just can't handle.

The Real Reason Women Aren’t Applying to Restaurant Jobs
It’s not because they’re lazy.
Many Capitalists still live in the 18th century.
I'd like to see the accusers of workers being lazy live on unemployment.

Young Turks Hosts Tear Rush Limbaugh Apart — Even Joke He Murdered Prostitutes — After MO Republicans Approve Holiday
"... then cracked that Limbaugh had inspired “The downtrodden white racists of the world.”
The white racists of the world are nowhere near downtrodden to the extent they are extinct as they will be.
When will their KKK Day be forthcoming there? And their David Duke Day? And the host of other mean assholes that they can make a day for in their Land of the Happy Negro?
It's no wonder all the early pioneers left Missouri for California.

Whopping 80 Percent Who Refuse Covid Vaccine Say NOTHING Can Change Their Minds — But There’s Good News Too
79% say they have no mind to change. It is more than obvious they are brainless.

Charlottesville Lawsuit Delivers Finishing Blow To NeoNazi Think Tank
Not with a bang, but a whimper. That’s how suit-and-tie white nationalists like Richard Spencer finally disappear from public view.
This is how all the Nazi movements will end everywhere they are attempting to overthrow democracy and establish fascist states as in Florida, Texas and Arizona.

With One More Week At The Counting Site, AZ Audit Remains Mired In Disputes
Their agenda is not just overturning our election but to destroy the American system of free elections. They must be rejected and elminated from our country by any means necessary.

RNC brutally schooled over Twitter complaint about 'Freedom of speech'
"If a bakery can't be forced to bake a cake for a same sex wedding..."
The chickens come home to roost on the fascist whiners.

Trump allies desperately want to take down Liz Cheney — but they're already seeing a problem
They don't seem to realize they are making themselves tinier with each childish fit they throw.

The GOP's fact-free world threatens the survival of democracy
We are witnessing what mentally defective humans do when get their hands on power. It's a disaster.

Ohio GOP censures Rep. Anthony Gonzalez over Trump impeachment vote, calls for his resignation
Another example of the MAGAt Nazis attempting to abort an honest and legally elected official as a result of Trump's Big Lie.

Where's The Video Of Trump Admitting Defeat To Biden?
We need to get video evidence of Trump, under oath, admitting his defeat to Biden. Then we rub it in the faces of his supporters.
Did the chickenshit ever have the balls to do that? No. He's the biggest wimp in the world and so are the ones that worship at his feet.
Remember you fools, "Everything Trump touches, dies!"
All of these fools should be in New Delhi.

Liz Cheney's dilemma: Cast out by the Republicans — but hardly cut out to be a Democrat
Everywhere Cheney turns, there's someplace she doesn't want to be. She's the Republican story, in one person

Climate and Indigenous Protesters Across 4 Continents Pressure Banks to #DefundLine3
"Those who financially back Enbridge are directly implicated in its crimes," says a Red Lake Anishinaabe citizen and organizer. "To put it bluntly, blood is on their hands."
"It's time for the big banks to recognize that they can and will be held accountable for their complicity in those violations...."

Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: Vaccinations are slowly building, helping us turn a corner
The insane will be rejected. They have been and will always be fools and America will never surrender to fascism.

The Anti-Consumption Weirdos of Nomadland
I surprised myself by enjoying this sad movie about old people working seasonal jobs.
"They’re old, and their bodies are wearing down. But they were always unafraid, always larger than the situation, and they’re dying with their boots on."
And we die fighting fascism.

5 Explanations for April’s Bad Jobs Report

Not My Party: Your Q to Leave
Q-drops, frazzledrip, and the crazy conspiracy coming to South Carolina—and Republican politicians near you.

Cruz Tells Woman: I Did My Best Overturn The Election
Cruz admits he did his best to overturn American Democracy and continues to be a seditionist.

One out of three Americans fully vaccinated for COVID-19, CDC says
Keep it up America. We need more of you.

Capitol Police: Threats To Congress Up 107% This Year
Another Amerikan disgrace.

Retired Army Lt. Col. Allen West embarrasses himself in one-man push-up contest
Zero, zero, zero...
Better to be thought a wimp than to try to do military pushups and remove all doubt.

Fight GOP Voter Suppression: John Lewis Day Of Action
More than 100 national, state, and local advocacy groups will launch a mobilization Saturday to counteract the Republican Party's systematic dismantling of the United States' democracy, calling on supporters to help fight for legislation aimed at protecting the right to vote.

GOP-Led Texas House Passes 'Straight-Up Assault on Voting Rights' in Dead of Night
"Every day the Republican Party is working to strip Americans of their right to vote."
In the Land of the Happy Negro "it's old Jim Crow dressed up in what our colleagues are calling election integrity."

Ajit Pai promised cheaper Internet—real prices rose 19 percent instead
Home-Internet prices rose four times faster than inflation in Trump era.
Right-wing fascists love forcing anyone that can't afford access out of the debate.

Cruise Line May Leave Florida Over Vaccine Passport Ban
DeSantis has banned the use of "vaccine passports" so Norwegian Cruise Line may stop sailing out of Florida, costing the state jobs.

New report finds Ron DeSantis is a miserable boss
I think we can conclude DipShitus is simply a miserable creature.

DOJ Called to Go After Trump for Stormy Daniels' Hush Money After 'Outrageous' FEC Decision
The Justice Department, said Common Cause, must "make clear that no one is above the law."
Including the crooks on the Commision, as well.

The GOP's fact-free world threatens the survival of democracy

'Not who we are as a country': Elise Stefanik once lambasted Trump
Not always a Trump Oh my! How then did she become holy?

Conservative publication slams efforts to oust Liz Cheney from leadership role as a ‘sad commentary on the state of the House GOP’
They mean the Nazi publications.

Taylor Greene Lies: 'Wasn't Trump Supporters Rioting On Jan 6'
Such a craven liar.
And as big a traitor as they come.

New Nicknames For The Former Guy
New ways to refer to the former guy without using the name that shall never be spoken.
Stick with the last name on the list.

WATCH: Joe Manchin goes down in flames when confronted with McConnell's pledge to totally obstruct Biden
Looks good on him.

Marjorie Greene says her colleagues aren’t qualified — then suggests McCarthy is a gay lover of Frank Luntz
But what are you, Margie?

'Cry No Tears for These Death Profiteers': Pharma Stocks Plunge as Biden Backs Vaccine Patent Waiver
"It's almost as if the financial interests of the pharmaceutical industry are diametrically opposed to the health and well-being of the planet."

Why Mitch McConnell is about to destroy the GOP

McConnell Just Gave Biden The Go-Ahead To Pass Agenda Without GOP
"MCCONNELL: 100% of my focus is on standing up to this administration. What we have in the United States Senate is total unity from Susan Collins to Ted Cruz in opposition to what the new Biden administration is trying to do to this country."
Every time a Democrat gets elected to the White House, is the same thing from Republicans: they admit that they have no interest in getting anything done.
These people are trash and could not care less about Americans. In addition, Manchin claims McConnell is bullshitting on this.

Cult leader found mummified, wrapped in Christmas lights in Colorado home; 7 charged
"According to the affidavits, the sheriff’s office has received “many complaints” from families across the U.S. alleging “Love Has Won” is brainwashing people and stealing their money.According to the affidavits, the sheriff’s office has received “many complaints” from families across the U.S. alleging “Love Has Won” is brainwashing people and stealing their money."
Wait... that's what Trump does!

Group Auctioning Off Logo For Lauren Boebert's Gun-themed Restaurant
When Rep, Lauren Boebert failed to renew the rights to her logo for Shooters Grill at both the state and federal level a group with a parody website bought it.
Looks like "Gun Crazy" was firing blanks.

Trump Was Asked To Pay Up As Giuliani Faces Growing Legal Bills
Trump? Pay a bill? ROTFLMAO!

Arizona Auditors On Absurd Hunt For Bamboo Ballots
That's right. Bamboo and an ABSENCE of creases. That's what "observer" John Brakey says they're looking for in "fake" ballots conspiracy nuts think were flown in from Southeast Asia.
It just gets loonier.

Judge Orders Release Of Memo Bill Barr Used To Rationalize Non-Prosecution Of Trump
She said the "analysis" was just a rationalization of a decision already made.
Why aren't Trump and Barr being charged because they are criminals. Can we get away with anything now?

Facebook Oversight Board Keeps Trump Ban In Place — For Now
They recommended Facebook reexamine the decision in six months, and put consistent rules in place.
He can write "Mein Facebook Struggle" from prison.

Cheney Doubles Down On Warning GOP Against Falling Prey To Trump’s Bogus Claims
The Fascist Party of Amerika chooses to go down in flames, apparently.

The real reason right-wingers hate vaccines
They like to being martyrs?

Biden sparked outrage calling Jan. 6 'the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War' — he was right
Of course. This was Americans firing on our Republic just as the seditionists did on Fort Sumter.

Facebook's Trump ban stays: Social media giant's decision shows free speech concerns were overblown
Trump doesn't get to vomit lies on Facebook, but the existence of his blog shows his freedom of speech is intact
Facebook banned a traitor. He should be in prison.

American Duo Gets Life in Italian Prison for Killing Cop While on Summer Vacation
The two Californians killed an undercover cop during a botched attempt to buy cocaine while on vacation in Rome.
Life + Eternity. Maybe the Italian food will be good?

Two Asian American elders stabbed while waiting at bus stop in San Francisco
What special sort of POS would do this heinous crime? Let's find out.

Former federal prosecutor explains what can happen to Bill Barr now that he's been caught in court lies
OK, let's do what needs to be done here.

Republican Lauren Boebert threatens legal action against a parody website – and it quickly blows up in her face
What face? She lost face long ago.

WATCH: Chaos erupts in the Colorado legislature after Republican slurs his colleague as ‘Buckwheat’
"That's an endearing term, by the way," he said.
OK, Sambo. No one got a chance to break his nose. Sad.

Neo-Nazi Hero Tucker Carlson Says 'Cat Cafes' Are The Real Threat To America
Tucker Carlson opened his show by doubling down on his love of white nationalism and saying the real threat to America isn't from these violent racist bastards at all.
This lunatic is certifiably batshit crazy. He has all the appeal of a carnival geek. Geeks always draw a crowd.

Tennessee Republican defends counting slaves as 3/5ths of a person in floor speech
Land of the Happy Negro Rep. states that their Negroes were certainly not a whole person and may still not be.

Anti-masker starts screaming when a woman filming him calls his bluff to 'shove it'
Another idiot who doesn't get what's going on and doesn't know what an equivilance is.
Grasping for straws with the Constitution excuse.

Epic Rachel Maddow explainer shows how Bill Barr and Donald Trump just got caught
Grifers gone grift.

Vast majority of Americans say congressional Republicans, not Biden, are dooming bipartisanship
That is a no-brainer.

White Trumper Gets Slap On Wrist After Voting As His Dead Mother
As Black Crystal Mason faces a five-year sentence for voting by mistake, white Bruce Bartman got only probation after voting as his dead mother and registering as his dead mother-in-law.
Talk about American voter fraud. This is the only kind we have.

Oregon Lawmaker Who Opened State Capitol Doors To Insurrection Finally Charged
Rep. Mike Nearman was caught on surveillance video in the incident on Dec. 21 and charged on Friday with second-degree trespassing and first-degree official misconduct, according to court documents multiple news outlets obtained.
Not enough serious charges, America.

Conservative Wall Street Journal editorial board slams House Republicans for efforts to 'purge Liz Cheney'

The tide is turning against conservatism as the failures of the greed-based ideology are exposed
"Among other things, I'd suggest the culture is going in the direction of greater political inclusion, broader equality and more fully realized justice."

Do mRNA vaccines affect my DNA?
In this week's Pandemic Problems column, a reader asks how to explain mRNA vaccines to a worried family member
"...mass vaccination sites are starting to close across the country because the demand for the vaccine just isn't there. This is problematic because only 30 percent of the adult population is fully vaccinated as of May 4, 2021.
This is an American disgrace. We are unwilling to fight an enemy that can destroy us.

Billionaire Is Perplexed That Underpaid Oil Workers Are Striking
The American problem in a nutshell.

Disney rejects DeSantis mask order for Florida's theme parks
Always a good move to resist DipShitus.

Big Pharma Patents on Covid-19 Vaccines Must Be Waived to Save the World

This Is Biden’s Chance to Vaccinate the World
Then-candidate Biden told me he wouldn’t let patents block vaccine access. Tomorrow, he must keep his promise.

Over 350 Scholars And Historians Urge Filibuster Reform To Restore Representative Government
Then get rid of the bastards that support it. Vote them out of office America.

'We've been through slavery': Black school girl corrects anti-vaxxers who say masks are 'slavery'
Oh, they've been through slavery. It's just that they have always been the slave overlords. The Land of the Happy Negro knows this.

In 2015, Caitlyn Jenner Wanted Trans Athletes to Play As “Who They Really Are.” What Changed?
Cash flow.

A Second Trump Dossier — And More Sex Tape Allegations
Iintelligence gathered by Steele for his second dossier is understood to include further details of Manafort’s alleged Russian contacts.
"What goes on in the dark will soon come to light."

'Tuckums' Carlson Gets Creepy On Barack Obama
Tucker Carlson owes it to his audience to divulge whether HE has had the Covid-19 vaccine. We are pretty sure he has.
"Tucks" is only good for one thing.

House Republicans Plot To Remove Liz Cheney From Leadership
Republicans meet on May 12 when an expected push for Cheney's removal begins again.
The fascists want to punish her for telling the truth. They should all go straight to Hell.
Their Fat Fuck Big Liar Leader should be in Hell right now.

GOP leader Kevin McCarthy gets demolished on CNN after claiming the war against Liz Cheney isn't about Trump
The fascists worship at Trump's feet. They sold their souls to him cheaply long ago.

The Republican Party is running on empty, and that's what makes them so dangerous

Democrats Bankrolled by Big Pharma Are Refusing to Back Covid Vaccine Patent Waiver
The top Democratic recipients of Big Pharma cash in Congress are echoing industry talking points in opposition to a push to suspend key intellectual property protections.

Republicans hate America. Don’t be afraid to say so.

'Unquenchable thirst for Fox News appearances': Josh Hawley's hometown paper slams vote against anti-hate crime bill
One of our great haters. How did this idiot get elected?

Overhaul of ERCOT board could replace experts with political appointees
State lawmakers are now trying to change the way ERCOT is governed by requiring members to live in Texas and giving more board seats to political appointees — changes that experts say may do little to improve the power grid.
Get ready to be screwed again by these grifters.

Don't skip your second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, health experts warn
As of April 25, about 5% — or 570,399 — of Texans who had received the first dose were 43 days or more past due for their second dose.
"...skipping a second dose will not be as effective in preventing the spread and providing the complete protection needed against the virus that has killed more than 576,000 people in the U.S. and more than 49,000 people in Texas."
These people couldn't care less about preventing this virus from staying on the earth, mutating until it kills us all. That's the disaster for us.

Lubbock votes to become the state’s largest “sanctuary city for the unborn”
The outcome could prompt a lawsuit over what opponents say is an unconstitutional ban on abortion. The vote comes less than a year after Planned Parenthood opened a clinic in the West Texas city.
The mindless regressiveness that is Texas today.

With half of eligible Texans still unvaccinated and supply exceeding demand, Texas shifts COVID-19 vaccination strategies
Locals are also brainstorming incentives, sending out emergency cellphone alerts, running clinics in workplace break rooms and hanging sign-up sheets in churches.
If America fails to get enough Covid vaccinations to get us where we must be to defeat it, we will be damned with the virus for years to come fighting variants that will continue to make people sick and cause needless death to many.

May Day and the United States of Amnesia

An Arkansas Creationism Bill Has Failed To Evolve Into Law
Bentley's folly..."would leave Arkansas students woefully unprepared to understand modern biology. Bentley is doing the state’s youngsters no favors here. In a world where STEM skills (science, technology, engineering and math) are increasingly important gateways to good careers and success, her approach would leave the young people of Arkansas behind."

Right-wing 'Redcoat' terrorists openly proclaim their goal of an ideological war against democracy itself
Why Mitt puts up with their bratty attitude is beyond me. He should declare himself an Independent.

Fox News thrilled voters just elected 'anti-woke' candidates to 75% white wealthy Texas town's school board
The dimwit news report.

'I'm not a racist, damnit!' White mother goes viral after emotional rant at Missouri school meeting
Maybe one should understand the issue a little better before acting the fool.
Critical race theory

Pro-Trump lawyer Lin Wood slammed for 'insurgent whackadoodle campaign' to take over South Carolina GOP

Cartoon: The right-wing outrage cycle

At Kentucky Rally, Sanders Blasts McConnell for 'Working Overtime' to Reward the Rich and Block Progress
"If Senator McConnell and Republicans in the Senate continue their strategy of obstructionism, it means passing a progressive agenda through the Senate with 51 votes."
McConnell deserves it.

Stephen Miller Is Suing Joe Biden On Behalf Of White People
Former White House adviser Stephen Miller said on Sunday that he is suing the Biden administration to prevent Black people from having an unfair advantage over other races.
This guy's comdedy tour is hilarious! ROTFLMAO!

Tapper Finally Realizes The GOP Is Full Of Blatant Liars
Thanks for finally pointing out the obvious Jake.
CNN: Certainly Not News.

Jim Acosta Goes Off On The 'Bullshit Factory' That Is Fox News
CNN's reporter didn't hold back on criticizing recent excesses at Fox News.
And then there's the propaganda channel for dimwits.

Staffers beg Fox News to fire Tucker Carlson — but there’s a ‘dirty little secret’ that makes him ‘untouchable’
"Tucks" fans can follow him off a cliff. That would solve the problem.

'Are You Drunk, Sir?': Slurring Angry Cop Harasses Black Man In Diner
A Pennsylvania cop is under fire for allegedly “racially profiling” a Black man at a diner.
"... allegedly called to the restaurant after someone reported a person smoking marijuana outside." WTF? Someone actually called about some weed being smoked? What complete 15th century moron would do something like that? Anyway, whoever it might have been would be gone by the time the cop arrived. And don't cops have better things to do than harrass weed users? Sure, harrass service dog users.

CARTOON: The Great Replacement Of Cronkite By Carlson
Media culture is culture and ours has changed -- or has been changed.
"Tucks." We know what they are used for.

Republicans still try to claim Abe Lincoln's heritage — that's offensive and absurd
Rhetorically, Republicans still try to identify with Lincoln — but in reality, they've abandoned him entirely
"Tucks" points to his empty brain cavity.

'It still pays to be a bigot': CNN scorched by former contributor for hanging onto 'racist' Rick Santorum
Bigot? Of course. Dimwit? Absolutely. News Channel? ROTFLMAO!

Many Deaths During the Pandemic Were Simply Due to Lack of Access to Health Care
Not surprising in a third-world country.

Nevada GOP taken over by 'science deniers, voter fraud fabulists and borderline anti-vaxxers’: report
So much evidence of social breakdown in America. How can it be stopped?

Texas sheriff's deputy fired after he's filmed punching teen during gas station confrontation
Sheriffs in Texas are usually thugs. Probably everywhere esle as well.

Kansas GOP lawmaker arrested after allegedly attacking student
whacked out psycho-sexual religous nuts are getting way out of hand. And this is someone in government?
These kids could be damgaged goods thanks to him.

Newsmax Admits To Lying About Dominion Voting Systems And Apologizes
Newsmax was forced to admit the 2020 presidential election was free, fair, and valid after settling lawsuit.
Back to reality? I wonder.

Capitol Rioter And Ex-State Rep Seen Counting Ballots In AZ Audit
Former State Rep Anthony Kern was spotted counting ballots in Arizona. Kern was at the Capitol riot on January 6th.
Some of America seem to be lost forever.

'Joe Manchin is the worst': Critics pile on senator after he declares opposition to DC statehood bill
"If it's an important Democratic agenda priority chances are pretty good U.S. Senator Joe Manchin is opposed to it."

Decayed Corpse Found in Colorado ‘Cult’ HQ Identified as Group’s Leader
Seven members of the “Love Has Won” group were taken into custody on various charges, including child abuse, abuse of a corpse, and tampering with human remains.
"She drank ten shots of vodka a night. When she would drink at night she would lose her cognitive abilities. She would fall and walk into walls,” Profaci said. Sounds like "The Mother of God" was simply a drunk with a decomposed brain.

Biden Responds To Sen. Tim Scott: 'I Don't Think The American People Are Racist'
Ever the optimist.

America Isn't a Racist Nation, This We Know, Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina Told Us So

Tim Scott Continues Whining About All The Racism He’s Experiencing In A Country He Doesn’t Think Is Racist
Must be from the Land of the Happy Negro? Oh, he is.

U.S. Vaccinations May Be Reaching A Tipping Point To Stop The Virus, Experts Say
Get vaccinated.

Counties at Highest Risk for COVID Harm Often Have Lowest Vaccination Rates
The vaccine rollout was meant to prioritize vulnerable communities, but four months of data shows healthier — and often wealthier — counties have been faster to vaccinate.
And why we haven't hit the tipping point as yet. The regressive outback is in the road.

Why the GOP Is Ideologically Lost

Biden’s Plan to Transform the Economy by Taxing the Rich Is Already Winning Over Americans
Even some Republicans!

Warning of Threat to 'Humanity and the Natural World,' Hawaii State Legislature Becomes First in US to Declare Climate Emergency
"The climate crisis is a clear and present threat for both current and future generations," said Dyson Chee of the Hawaii Youth Climate Coalition.

Dozens of viruses seem to use a different DNA base
Odd form of DNA helps viruses resist their host's defenses.

These 'Stop the Steal' agitators promoted Trump's election lies — and now they're running for office
How far the United States has fallen. We now allow seditionists to run for office instead of throwing their traitorous asses in prison.

With U.S. hospitals overtaxed by COVID-19, huge numbers died from lack of healthcare access
A vast increase in the number of so-called excess deaths suggest the US healthcare system has fundamentally failed
Just so long as we can keep watching "Dancing with the Stars" we can overlook this flaw.

Legal expert lays out the most important 'takeaways' from the FBI’s Rudy Giuliani raid

Gaetzgate Part IX: Joel Greenberg Confesses! In Writing!
The letter, which somehow involves Roger Stone's request for a pardon on behalf of Greenberg, states that Matt Gaetz paid for sex with a minor.
Donald Trump all over again. Pretty low-down. Gaetz will swing.

Lunatic Mike Lindell Says God Booked Him On Jimmy Kimmel's Show
MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell said on Thursday that God is responsible for his appearance on Jimmy Kimmel's show.
Is America the only country where batshit crazy lunatics walk around unimpeded? Why?

Vampire Stephen Miller Says Biden's Speech Left Him Cold
The xenophobic, white nationalist speech writer for the treasonous ex-president has a sad.
Mengele Junior seen in daylight.

NYT: Giuliani Probe Focused On His Efforts To Get Ambassador To Ukraine Fired
More to illustrate how Fatso should have been impeached.

Did Ted Cruz just accidentally drop a major confession?
Republican lawmakers have appeared to have "decided that rather than persuade voters to choose them, they will choose the voters," according to the publication.

Georgia Republicans Clearing the Field for Herschel Walker
Former President Donald Trump has made it clear he wants football legend Herschel Walker to run for Senate in Georgia.
Land of the Happy Negro want has-been football player, that has no idea what government is all about, to move back to their state and run because a sedition inciter wants him to be a stooge and front for his dirty work?
I hear the laughter from light years away.

Josh Duggar arrested on federal charges in Arkansas: report
And they call Democrats peodophiles? ROTFLMAO!

A President Spoke Last Night

Last Night Was Joe Biden’s Moment. May There Be Many More.
Scranton Joe, once the neoliberal Senator from Delaware, translated left ideas into unthreatening but inspiring language Wednesday night. Which is a huge accomplishment.

Wisconsin plans to boot a startling number of people from its voter rolls
Wisconsin abandoned democracy a long time ago. It's time for occupation of states that don't comply with voting rights.

U.S. economy accelerated at a robust 6.4 percent rate last quarter
Growth in the current April-June period is expected to be faster still, potentially reaching a 10 percent annual pace or more.

Biden’s 100-day strategy: Under-promise and over-deliver

CBS News poll: Most viewers approve of Biden's speech
Eighty-five percent of Americans who watched Mr. Biden's first address to a joint session of Congress overwhelmingly approve of his speech. Fifteen percent disapprove.

Sen. Tim Scott's Rebuttal: 'America Is Not A Racist Nation.' Twitter Disagrees
Most people saw an inspirational speech. Republicans? Not so much.

So How’s He Doing? Biden Marks 100 Days In Office
A list of achievements. Comparably, the list of Trump's accomplishments is rather short. 1. Farted and then said "The greatest fart of all time and I alone, did it."
Turned out he only soiled the linen.

GOP leader brazenly lies about Biden after president's first address to Congress
Professional bald faced liar continues to do what he's best at. Being a dork.

Right-wingers erupts after Biden declares Jan. 6 'worst attack on democracy since Civil War'
Land of the Happy Negro does not take pride in their sedition.

Biden's Earth Day breakthrough: The best week for climate policy in recent history
Biden's climate summit pointed toward real hope, with coal miners, corporate interests and major nations signing on

They Went to D.C. on Jan. 6. Now They’re Running for Office.
A slew of participants in the rally that preceded the riot at the Capitol—and some who appear to have gone further than that—are now campaigning for votes.
Why are seditonists allowed to run for anything except the border?
Clearly, another American failure.

Infamous Charlottesville white nationalist booted from the National Guard
This is the way we should be handling seditionists.

Feds Execute Search Warrants On Trump’s Ukraine Dirt-Digging Legal Team
Trump can't be far behind!

A former Georgia deputy boasted of charging Black people with felonies to make sure they lost their vote
The felons doing the charging. What a joke on our so-called "law and order."

New 'weapons of mass destruction' charges filed against accused Whitmer kidnap plotters
These traitors might have a home in a cell for a long time.

Devin Nunes is caught up in Giuliani’s ‘Russian mob’ scandal: Trump impeachment prosecutor
And his cow, too?

Nicolle Wallace pans Tim Scott's rebuttal: 'Delivered from a planet where facts don't matter'
Tim sounded like he didn't know he was serving the Land of the Happy Negro. Or worse, maybe he did.

Racist Threatened Door Dash Driver, Now Arrested
Rhodes told the Black delivery driver he had an AK-47 in his trunk and that he’d “blow [her] f***ing head off.”
We were wondering when this dimwit was going to be popped. The fruit of Trump's racist fascism.

Poll shows people of the world think US significantly less awful now that Trump is gone
Yes. We have a real POTUS now and not some meathead dildo dick.

Time to Choose: Democracy or Authoritariansim
Senate Democrats have the power to end the filibuster and thereby allow the For the People Act to become law. It’s time for Democrats to unite on this, without hesitation.
Democrats? It's time for what used to be the Republican Party to stop being Nazis and be American again. Stop thinking of only their careers and think of the people for a change.

Religious Freedom Advocates Denounce Sen. Santorum’s Anti-Indigenous, Christian Nationalist Comments

Federal Agents Raid Rudy Giuliani’s Apartment in Criminal Probe
Trump should be next in line.

What We Know About the People Who Don’t Want to Get Vaccinated
And how to persuade them to get the shot.
"Refusers are less likely to be college educated or earn high incomes, and they’re more likely to watch Fox News."
Are we surprised?

We Assume NRA's Wayne LaPierre And Wife Killed These Elephants For Self-Defense, To Save Country From Tyranny

Lubbock voters will decide Saturday if the West Texas city will become the largest “sanctuary city for the unborn”
While proponents of the proposed ordinance view abortion as an “inconceivably wicked action,” detractors say it would be immediately challenged in court and that battles over abortion access are best fought at the state and federal levels.
Welcome to one of the most backward states in what's left of our nation.

Gov. Greg Abbott says he’ll sign bill allowing permitless carrying of handguns, believes Senate is “making progress”
The governor broke his silence Tuesday on the legislation that has been building momentum at the Texas Capitol.
This is progress? It's more proof of my previous point on the abortion issue.

Arizona governor signs bill blocking abortions based on genetic issues
More proof of our backwardness.

Tucker Carlson’s Racism: Paid for by You
Cable, antenna, Roku, other streaming services — sure you can cut the cable. But if you're a sports fan, especially college football, you'll have a rather dull life picking up the games from Like all things American now, you end up payting for it somewhere, somehow.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Attacks Biden’s Plan for Free Preschool: “I Refuse to Go”
The Bride of Frankenstein speaks.
"...said that she would rather “hold my breath until I turn blue” than attend such a school."
Hon, we know it is impossible for you to turn blue.

Republicans Are Risking a Major Realignment
If Democrats can convince even an eighth of swing voters to care more about the well-being of their families than Dr. Seuss, the result would be landslides that no Republican legislature or voter-suppression law could reverse.
There is no Republican Party as we once knew. They have been taken over by the seditious MAGAt Party.

The evidence of Trump's final act of 'sabotage'
This traitor must face justice.

The evidence of Trump's final act of 'sabotage'
This traitor must face justice.

Cop Who Was Beaten During Insurrection Says It’s ‘Very Difficult’ Watching GOPers Downplay Jan. 6

Boebert's Latest Grift: 'God Given' Right To Guns Guns Guns
She's not actually working on any legislation just fundraising on Twitter while blaspheming.
Gun orgasms.

Lin Wood Threatens SC GOP Chair With Baseless Lindsey Graham Rumor
Pro-Trump attorney Lin Wood was caught on camera this week threatening South Carolina Republican Party Chairman Drew McKissick to "get out of the race."
Lin Wood must be commited to a mental institution. He's a danger to anyone that doesn't kneel to him.

Laura Ingraham Goes Racist Again: Black Lawyer 'Sporting An Accent' UPDATED
Ingraham says Bakari Sellers is "sporting an accent." Here's an accent for ya, why does Fox keep Laura Ingraham on the air?
We know why and so does everyone else. Fox News only hires a certain sort of person. We know what that person is.

'An Execution': Andrew Brown Family Attorney Describes 'Redacted' Body Cam Footage
An attorney on Monday described body camera footage of the killing of Andrew Brown in Elizabeth City, North Carolina.
Systemic executions.

The Rise of “Anti-Woke” Punitive Populism
Grievance weaponized as policy, basically.
Still fascism by any definition.

WATCH: Louisiana Republican lawmaker says schools ought to teach the 'good' things slavery did
A new Land of the Happy Negro supporter. Isn't that cute?

Reporter warns far-right Republicans may be close to achieving a 'radical rewrite' of the Constitution
We are reaching a tipping point in the struggle to save America from fascism. We must act now with authority to put a stop to it. That is, if anyone wants a future. Not that we'll have one anyway with all the fools that resist climate change solutions.

'Heinous' mass shooting in Virginia — five females shot with one dead: report
It just keeps coming. The U.S. is the deadliest country in the world.

'Letting the terrorists win'? Manchin suggests pro-democracy reform would spark another insurrection
We know that this makes Manchin a coward and he can no longer represent a democracy. He is no longer to be trusted.

Tucker Carlson, the Chauvin verdict and the burden of "white civilization"
Tucker Carlson called Chauvin's conviction "an attack on civilization." He had a specific definition in mind
Another Wannabe failed dictator.

CARTOON: Oh, Say, Can You Knee?
Because selective outrage is just part of the Foxic Nation entertainment.

The case for expanding the Supreme Court just got a lot stronger

Scary News: 46% Of Republicans Think Chauvin Verdict Was Wrong
Self-identifying Republicans are hard to find, but the ones who answer polls seem to think it's okay to kneel on someone else's neck.
46% Of Republicans are fascists. 54% of them aren't so sure about the 46%.

Twitter Scorches Rick Santorum For Anti-Native American Racism
Never forget, wingnut welfare paid for this Santorum speech.
Feet, legs and ass to the fire, Rick.

Cheney: Addressing Capitol Attack ‘Matters Hugely To The Survival Of Our Country’

'Stop this bill': GOP-led Florida Senate sparks alarm with attack on v?oting rights
Land of the Happy Negro wears its name proudly with celebration of "Confederate Memorial Day," a token of their contemptible racist past and present.

Tucker Carlson demands viewers harass people wearing masks outside: 'It's repulsive!'
I demand Tucker shut his pie hole and stop being an asshole and a dildo.
He's talking to his lamebrain, dimwitted crowd that haven't a clue in the world.

Last-Ditch Plot to Sabotage Biden’s Election Goes Full QAnon
The clown crew includes Ron Watkins? We must surely know this it total bullshit by now. Only grifting involved here.

Trump supporter explicitly says he won't get vaccinated 'because it makes liberals mad'
Brainless person illustrates severe thinking disorder: "Cutting off your nose to spite your face."

Oscars Ratings Plummet, With Fewer Than 10 Million Tuning In
Sunday night’s pandemic-restricted telecast drew 58 percent fewer viewers than last year’s record low.
Maybe the pandemic also shot the industry. Or maybe they did that to themselves by producing crap.
"...most Americans had never even heard of it..." Sounds about right when all they give a hoot for is either dumbed down "reality" crap, tiny houses or so-called "singing or dancing star shows."
"One awards show that is growing are the Game Awards, which celebrate the best video games of the year and are streamed on platforms like YouTube, Twitch and Twitter." See what I mean?

Joe Biden’s First 100 Days Reshaped America

Oklahoma Governor Signs Sweeping Anti-Abortion Legislation
Gov. Kevin Stitt signed multiple bills making the medical procedure almost completely inaccessible in his state.
Another "Genius at work." This will teach women what they can do with their wombs, I'm certain.

'It's a hunting license': Heather Heyer's mom is horrified by new laws protecting drivers who hit protesters
They should beware. The hunters may turn into the hunted.

Humanity Is Almost Certainly Doomed, Scientists Say
"The problem is compounded by ignorance and short-term self-interest…"
Hmmm. This seems to be the end for so many endings in human history. The fatal flaw.

Memo To Sunday Shows: Stop Inviting Insurrection Enablers
The Sunday Shows are failing democracy by having on those who incited or enabled the January 6 insurrection and then not asking them about it.
Clueless, as expected.

The 3 Democrats Who Are Standing in the Way of the PRO Act Coming to the Senate Floor for a Vote
Facing pressure, Sens. Joe Manchin and Angus King have signed on to the landmark labor bill, leaving just three Democratic holdouts: Kyrsten Sinema, Mark Kelly and Mark Warner.
Manchin's on board. Kelly us holding out? What's wrong with you shits?

'Halt This Nightmare': Alarm as Florida Set to Begin Release of Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes
"The release of genetically engineered mosquitoes puts Floridians, the environment, and endangered species at risk in the midst of a pandemic."
Like the rest of the Land of the Happy Negro, Florida has become a third-world state.

Biden Administration Axes Trump-Era HUD Rule That Attacked Transgender Rights
Another victory for America.

'Incredible ignorance': Rick Santorum slammed for clueless remarks about Native Americans
It is truly stunning the depths to which this idiot descends to mine his stupidity and put it on public display.

How the Supreme Court just revealed the true face of American conservatism
"...conservatism has become a byword for barbarism." That's exactly what fascism is. Conservatism has become fascism.

The group recounting the 2020 ballots in Arizona is trying to keep a big secret
Sorry. We already know they are brainless.
But they want to commit their crimes in the darkness, thank you very much.

The COVID-19 Catastrophe in India Keeps Growing
"Prime Minister Modi took the entire pandemic lightly. He urged people to light candles and bang pots, to make noise to scare away the virus."
Did he encourage them to drink bleach? He can't be any more idiotic than that.

Gun crazy: For too many Americans, guns are tied to masculinity, patriotism and white power
New research suggests that for many white men, owning a gun is a mark of "good citizenship" — and racial conflict
Gun orgasm addiction.

Fully Vaccinated Americans Will Be Able To Travel To EU This Summer, Top Official Says

Millionaire Senator: The Poor Should Pay For Infrastructure
Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) is very upset that "able-bodied" people under the age of 55 are on Medicaid and food stamps, but his solution is simply to make things worse.
Same old song, verse 144 billion.

'Fascist' Ron DeSantis burned to the ground by Florida reporter for his latest Trump-like move
Hopfully, the Nazi burned up real good.

'Pathetic liar' Greg Abbott blasted for online misinformation: 'Take down this lie'
The insanity these right-wing idiots display is truly stunning. Get rid of these fools.
Look what these fuckheads have done to poison information. They are the worst people on the planet.

'Mask tyranny': Alaska Republican banned by airline for continued refusal to wear a mask
As she deserves.

Republicans' strategy now relies entirely on stoking the eternal 'victimhood' of their voters

Sanders, Warren Lead Call for Biden to Embrace 'Historic' Medicare Expansion
"Lowering the Medicare eligibility age is not only the right thing to do from a public policy perspective," stated a letter to Biden on Sunday, "it is also what the overwhelming majority of Americans support."

It's 2021. We shouldn't have a 19th-century Supreme Court
We have more 19th century institutions and thinking in the country than just the SCOTUS.

Gubernatorial Candidate Caitlyn Jenner Gets Schooled On How California Operates
She referred in a tweet to “Gov. Gavin Newsom’s district attorneys.” DAs are elected in California, not appointed by the governor.
This is yet another case of the flaw in our country's political process. Celebrity has replaced competence and know-how in our choosing of political candidates. It's more evident than ever before.

Lindsey Graham: Systemic Racism Doesn’t Exist Because Obama and Kamala Harris Were Elected
Dear Lindsey, better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.

Climate Change Is a Driving Force in Central American Migration
In 30 years they'll be trying to keep us all out of Canada.

Past Year of White Nationalism Has Shown Ongoing Need for Anti-Fascist Movements
White Nationlism is just another name for fascism.

Texas 'Patriot' Couple Cops To Fighting Cops At Capitol Riots
"After all, it's hardly as if they were a black child holding a toy gun."

Tracking Covid-19 cases in the US
Since January 2020, the disease has spread to each state and nearly every territory

Some Americans are skipping their second coronavirus vaccine shots
"Donnie, these men are cowards." — Walter Sobchak

CNN host confronts Democrat Manchin for being the 'main roadblock' to Biden's agenda
"Your old road is rapidly aging, Please get out of the new one if you can't lend your hand...— Bob Dylan"

Cincinnati Bar Owner Won't Show NBA Games Until LeBron Expelled From League
Linneman said basketball players “just need to play the game and that’s it” and “their opinion doesn’t really matter.” Shut up and dribble, in other words.
And I want Linnie’s Pub closed down. Which has the better chance of happening?

Rep. Grothman Blames Black Women For Society's Woes — AGAIN
US Rep Glenn Grothman once again blames Black women for the decline in American society, forgets he's a MAGAt.
They spit out their ugly bullshit thinking that no one can tell it's ugly bullshit. Amazing!

Wallace Makes McCarthy Squirm With 'Witness Tampering' Question
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) on Sunday disputed allegations that President Donald Trump reached out to him to coordinate an alibi after the Capitol was attacked by Trump-supporting insurrectionists on Jan. 6.
Witness tampering never happened? Total disgrace.

'Utterly Disgusting': Big Pharma Lobby Blitz Against Vaccine Patent Waivers Denounced
"Millions continue to die because pharma monopolies have created vaccine scarcity in the global south," said one public health campaigner.

Lauren Boebert Wildy Claims White People Are Being Denied Vaccines
Republicans in Congress have given up acting like normal people.
"There is no such thing as racism against white people, unless you are part of the new Trump Reich."
White Evangelical Resistance Is Obstacle in Vaccination Effort
Millions of white evangelical adults in the U.S. do not intend to get vaccinated against Covid-19. Tenets of faith and mistrust of science play a role; so does politics.
This is what she means.

Why So Many Evangelicals Are Susceptible to QAnon Craziness
The connection between white conservative evangelicals and conspiracy theories goes back at least a century.

ER Doc: Ron Johnson Is A 'Facebook Meme Incarnated Into A Human Form'
Dr Steve Sample, an ER doctor in Indiana reacts to Ron Johnson's dangerous call for fewer vaccinations.
He is mindless, that is certain.

Anti-vaxxers are wearing Yellow Stars of David to protest coronavirus vaccines: report
Pissing on the halocaust. Another Amerikan disgrace. Insanity like we've not seen before.
"What happens when you allow a nation to rot from the head down"

House Democrat stands defiant after drawing heat for blasting Tom Cotton's 'racist trash' speech
These morons are beyond reason. Lost forever in a fantasy world.

A Few Words for Alan Dershowitz, Douchebag

Laura Ingraham Kicks Up Fear Factor With Desperate New Attack On Joe Biden
The Fox News personality ranted about the president — and not “goofy QAnon people” — being “the real threat to our future.”
She's the goofy QAnonsense people. It's more than evident that morons like her are the threat to the country.

Maddow: Republicans Will Be Sore Losers About 2020 Forever
It's late April, 2021. And Arizona Republicans are doing an "audit" of their 2020 presidential ballots. Because facts will never, ever matter
What these creeps are doing is seditionist. They are attempting to kill democracy in the United States.

First Day Of AZ Audit Of 2020 Election Goes Off The Rails Immediately
What did you expect from brainless idiots? Welcome to Nazi Germany, 1939.

Greta Thunberg: World Climate Goals Are 'Bullsh*t'
Thunberg doesn't sugarcoat it.

Critics blast Oklahoma GOP for passing 'absolutely insane' law shielding drivers who run over protesters
OK says it's fine to commit murder by car. Again, welcome to Nazi Germany.

American Capitalism Has Passed Its Peak — and the Signs of Decline Are Piling Up

The American Addiction to Violence
While a jury found Derek Chauvin guilty of murder earlier this week, that verdict alone, though so desperately needed, was woefully insufficient.

Nicolle Wallace panel slams Ted Cruz for 'embracing white nationalism as a cute way to win'
Being true to fascism is all it is.

Next voting rights showdown comes to Texas, with GOP lawmakers threatening companies who speak out
The Austin fascists have to protect their oil money at all costs.

Ron Johnson Criticizes 'Big Push' To Get Everyone Vaccinated
"If you have a vaccine, quite honestly, what do you care if your neighbor has one or not?” The Republican ethos for almost everything
Ron is running on the Pro-Covid ticket.

Republicans panic over Chauvin conviction
Candace Owens, knee-jerk professional, states:"this was not a fair trial. No person can say this was a fair trial." Sorry, Candy, I say it was fair. Now what?

Fox News host goes rogue on the company's Covid restrictions: 'We are hypocrites'
Someone at Fox discovered that they had a soul?

Study reveals rapid melting of glaciers likely shifted Earth's axis
This does not bode well for any of our so-called futures.

Marjorie Taylor Greene: If AOC doesn't debate me, she's showing the world she's just 'a scared little girl that is pretty stupid'
Honey, we know who the fool is here. AOC doesn't have to punch your hip card for any reason.
I pity the fool.

Morning Digest: Republicans wait to see if Trump's choice leaves Texas for a Georgia Senate run
You mean "He who speaks in third-person?" ROTFLMAO!

The United States of Weed
Curious about the status of cannabis? Here’s where legalization stands, state by state
Get with it and get it legal across the country. Federal law should say yes to it.

American Police Are Inadequately Trained
This is finally being realized?

Documents Reveal Cops Chasing Absurd Antifa and BLM Tips

Republican Takes COVID Denying And Anti-Vax To A New Level
Robin Vos, the Wisconsin Republican Speaker of the Assembly, is spreading disinformation about the virus and the vaccine.
"Now that frame around Vos and his mistress-turned-third wife, which makes them resemble two turds in a toilet bowl, is a common one used by anti-vaxxers." ROTFLMAO!

Top Cop Trainer Programs Police To ‘Feel Good’ About Killing
A popular police trainer tells his pupils, “Killing is just not that big a deal” and promises “the best sex” afterward as one of the “perks.”
When we have madmen lecturing our cops we really are sliding into the tar pits.

How is Marjorie Taylor Greene's failed "America First" caucus any different from the GOP?
MTG and Paul Gosar spoke too boldly — but their blatant white supremacy is just standard Republican politics

Manchin Would Back GOP Sen. Murkowski’s Reelection ‘In A Heartbeat’
DINO Manchin shows he is not a Democrat in sooooo many ways.

'What Is Going On Here?' Alarm as Document Reveals USPS Is Monitoring Social Media Posts
"What possible justification could there be for USPS running this kind of social-media surveillance program?"

Far-Right Extremists Wailing And Gnashing Their Teeth Over Chauvin Verdict
Predictably, racists aren't happy that a white cop didn't get away with murdering an unarmed Black man this one time.
Do we really have to add the word "extremist" after "Far-Right"? It's already implied in the expression, Far-Right.

Ted Cruz Whines: 'You Didn't See Us Try To Pack The Court'
Said Cruz of the proposed Supreme Court expansion by Democrats, "You didn't see Republicans when we had control of the Senate try to rig the game. You didn't see us try to pack the court."
What? Ted's been on the sauce again? LOL!

Republicans Release Draft Version Of Plan To Vote Against Biden Infrastructure Package
Why do they hate our country so? Nothing but Red Meanies.

Republicans demonstrate again how incapable they are at governing with infrastructure offer

Sonia Sotomayor rips Brett Kavanaugh with a warning
She meant the "Sneering Snot."
But this is what happens when you allow fascists to have any power. History proves it.

The dark underbelly of conservatism has finally been exposed for those who refused to see it
Well, they still refuse. Fascists can't reason.

Tucker Carlson's bait-and-switch betrays his desperation
Tucks desperate? He is the very definition of despair.

"We live in Walmart nation": What it means to be trans in Arkansas
Arkansans weigh in on the state's recent passing of anti-trans legislation compared to its cultivated image

Facebook internal report fesses up to failures leading up to Jan. 6 insurrection at Capitol

‘He was a moron!’ Morning Joe panelists mock GOP’s John Kennedy for letting Stacey Abrams ‘mow him down’
He was and still is. His good ole boy posturing is so 19th century.

BUSTED: Women for Trump founder slapped with election fine two months ago — and still hasn't paid
What else from a Trump flim-flammer. It's what they do and will always do.

Man used 80 pounds of explosives for gender reveal party — blast rocked homes 20 miles away: report
We live in a Nut Ball country. This is no longer debatable.

Arizona lawmaker uses racist slur and calls for Black representative to ‘be sat down’ and not ‘be allowed to speak’
"I think he should be sat down and he shouldn't be allowed to speak,"
Land of the Happy Negro Rep. upset that this Negro is so unhappy and should simply sit down.

Former police chief: we must change the 'culture that created Chauvin' — and 'teach cops to do better'
Good luck.

City of Minneapolis Celebrates Derek Chauvin Verdict, Demands Real Change

The Last Scheme to Discredit the 2020 Election Is On, and It’s Even Crazier Than You Think

‘Stop The Steal’ Organizer Ali Alexander Has A New Grift
“Stop The Steal” organizer and felon Ali (Akbar) Alexander claimed in February he was plotting a civil war. Two months later, he’s focused on a crypto-platform where users can put money in but can’t cash out.
I'm old enough to remember when we used to put criminals in jail. How times have changed.

Sen. Kennedy Regrets Idiotic Voting Rights Question Now
You'd think a lawyer would know not to ask a question to which he didn't know the answer. Not Sen. Kennedy of Louisiana. Stacey Abrams blew him away.
This hillbilly cracker has an Oxford education? Then so do I.

GOP VA Guv Candidate Furious Over Chauvin Murder Trial Verdict: ‘Makes Me Sick’
Is the sickness terminal? It might mean one less white supremacist we have to contend with.
If they quit, as she suggests, there will be a lot of jobs open so we may rebuild the force with decent people.

New report reveals what Joe Manchin told corporate lobbyists behind closed doors
Joe needs to have his salary cut--to zero.

There's a dark lie Republicans want you to believe about Democrats
In the movie "Nebraska," Woody's son, David says to the Clearing House clerk, "Some people believe anything they're told." That describes a large part of the polulation of the United States.

The making of a right-wing martyr: Conservatives treat Derek Chauvin's conviction as an act of war
These morons need yet another reason for their twisted brains? If any of them can read, they might want to read the next article down.

The historic Chauvin verdict isn't "justice" — it's a broken system trying to save itself
Our expectations are so low that conviction for a blatant, obvious murder feels like redemption. That's not enough

The anatomy of a spin job: How Fox News tried to smear George Floyd protesters after a peaceful night
Fox fascist propaganda channel just doing its usual smear routine.

Here's The Derek Chauvin Verdict Talking Points Tucker Carlson Fed Your Racist Relatives

Here's how Texas elections would change, and become more restrictive, under the bill Texas Republicans are pushing
Senate Bill 7 would create new restrictions on early voting, how voters can receive applications to vote by mail and the distribution of polling places in diverse, urban counties. Here's our breakdown of the proposed changes.
A new fascist agenda.

We Need a Jan. 6 Truth Commission — But Nothing Can Redeem the GOP

The GOP Has Blood on Their Hands

These Attacks on Maxine Waters Reveal the Grifter Politics of Republican Dog-Whistlers
Kevin McCarthy and Marjorie Taylor Greene would punish Waters for supporting the right to assemble and petition for the redress of grievances.

Christian Nationalists Are Supporting Voter Suppression Bills. These Faith Leaders Are Fighting Back.

Tucker Carlson: Public support for George Floyd is an 'attack on civilization'
I've lived a long time. The time we are now living in is beyond any science fiction or science fantasy that could ever be imagined. The horror is upon us due to puppets such as Carlson. Madness defined.

Pro-Trump convention featured 'open bloodlust' as attendees cheered calls to execute political foes
MAGAt fascists go bananas with execution plan. Bring back the gas chambers! Lunatics by the score.

'A tactic to silence our voices': GOP pushes new bills cracking down on civil rights protesters
Fascist party continues move to eradicate the Constitution and reanimate the Third Reich.

'It Is About Saving Lives': Doctors Without Borders Calls on US, EU to Stop Blocking Vaccine Patent Waiver
"We urge all countries in opposition to this, including the U.S. and the E.U., to stand on the right side of history and join hands with those in support."

Conservatives lose it after the guilty verdict for the murder of George Floyd
The racist nuts were, predictably, running wild and loose as cops in other parts of the country continued their murder spree.

Columbus Police Release Body Camera Footage of Fatal Shooting of Black Teen
The footage shows an officer fire his weapon within seconds of arriving at the scene of a brawl where a girl appeared to lunge at someone with a knife.

‘Let The Lies Rest’: Marjorie Taylor Greene Blasted On Twitter For Claiming DC Is ‘Scared’ After Chauvin Verdict
Said the fascist leader of the largest group of terrorists since the KKK.

Unraveling of the American empire: A series of military debacles point toward a tragic end
The U.S. retreat from Afghanistan is only the latest in a long list of defeats. From here, the endgame gets ugly

Bowman, Sanders Lead Coalition Demanding 'Desperately Needed' Boost to SSI Lifeline
"People with disabilities and older adults receiving SSI represent some of the most marginalized members of our society. History will not forgive us if we fail to address their needs."

Right Wing Pastor Calls For Holy War
Greg Locke doesn't accept Joe Biden's presidency, and he's priming his congregation to wage war in the name of Jesus.
As my mother used to say "He shoud tend to his own knitting." Like so many, he uses the Bible to his own ends.

Ted Nugent tests positive for coronavirus he called fake: 'I thought I was dying'
""Nobody knows what's in it..." says Ted. Really? It might help if he paid attention. Let's face it, morons like Ted just want to bitch.
A Simple Breakdown of the Ingredients in the COVID Vaccines

WATCH: Brand new medical ventilators discarded in Florida landfill
Here's some of our latest bullshit.

Medical examiner rules Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick died of natural causes: report
Sort of like George Floyd did, eh? I think we can just eliminate the charge of murder being leveled at anyone based on this bullshit.

The Visceral Reality of America’s Daily Mass Shootings
Twenty-two years after Columbine, mass killings are an everyday occurrence—and the public is still waiting for lawmakers to act.
Gun orgasms continue.

The latest on the coronavirus pandemic and vaccines
On top of all the crap and crud and dumbed down stupidity, there's still this.

Rep. Val Demings Yells At Jim Jordan: ‘Did I Strike A Nerve?’
Fireworks erupted when former police chief Rep. Val Demings smacked down Big-Lie-supporter Rep. Jim Jordan’s accusations that Democrats don’t support police.
Jim "Jacket Off" Jordan gets an education that is wayyyyyyyyyyyyy over his arrogant dumbass head. He gets pinned again.

United States Supports Plan to Dump Radioactive Water Into Ocean
The global community is picking sides on Japan's controversial plan.
How will the ocean like it?

A semitruck drove through a crowd celebrating the conviction of Derek Chauvin in Minneapolis. It's unclear if anyone was hurt.
This can be laid at the feet of Governor DipShitus of Florida.

Schumer vows to undo federal marijuana laws; GOP continues to balk
It's a disgrace that we still have folks that never got out of the 19th century still in our government. They hold America back to the extent that we will never reach our potential as a nation.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Is a Problem Republicans Want
Well, they sure as Hell got the bitch, didn't they?
There's always the lower depths of Hell they can occupy.

The Real Tragedy Behind the Collapse of the American Empire
All I can say and, really, all one can ever say is this: It's money that matters in the USA.
Until that changes this insanity will repeat endlessly until all time is ended.

From Minnesota To Philly, Cops, Troops Flood the Zone, Violate Our Rights — and Make Us Less Safe

Columbus Police Fatally Shoot a Person as Chauvin Guilty Verdict Comes Down
Just as Derek Chauvin was found guilty of murder and manslaughter, Columbus police killed another person. Eyewitnesses said the victim was a Black teenager.
I guess they think that the black teen is the real problem. Simply kill enough of them and the problem is solved. These killers will never learn.

Cornyn Tries Same Voting Rights Gotcha With Stacey Abrams As He Did With Kristen Clarke
Are all of these assholes con men? I think so.

Fritz Mondale, Public Servant

European states slip in media freedom rankings amid rising violence
The Reporters Without Borders report cited legislation limiting information flow, politicization of state media and more violence targeting reporters

'It shouldn't have taken a video and national reckoning': Americans react to Derek Chauvin's guilty verdict

Derek Chauvin found guilty of killing George Floyd by Minnesota jury
Guilty on all counts. Much more to come on this.

NYT: OAN Knew Election Claims Were False When It Made Them
This seems bad, if you don't want to lose a lawsuit worth billions of dollars.
OAN is just another fascist propaganda channel. They are an accessory to the crime of sedition against the United States.

Maskless 'Christian Woman Of God' Cited After Barging Into Nordstrom Dressing Room
Kara Bell is a Lake Travis school board candidate.
At least they didn't knock her to the ground and dislocate her shoulder.

'Nonsense': Former deputy AG demolishes Chauvin attorney's last-ditch attempt to use Maxine Waters to throw out the trial
It's more than nonsense. It's the last desperate act of a killer and his henchmen.

'Maxine Waters didn't kill a man — Derek Chauvin did': Americans unleash on defense attorney complaints

WATCH: Judge smacks down Derek Chauvin's lawyer for arguing Maxine Waters caused a mistrial
The rubes will be rubes. Especially when they have no cover and no hiding place.

Supreme Court hands pro-gun supporters a major setback
Slapped down. Down goes gun sex!

MyPillow Targets Dominion With Otherworldly Legal Claim
Again: Why do we allow mentally ill people to walk the street?

Ron DeSantis signs 'outrageous and blatantly unconstitutional' bill into law
"Mr. Painful Wince" Ron DipShitus is at it again. What a fool.

The link between America's rising maternal mortality rates and abortion
It's not a coincidence that maternal mortality rates began rising as abortion became harder to get
This is Sooooo shocking. I just can't beleeeeive it! But I know the fascists will tell you it's God's will and testament.

Noam Chomsky tells Mehdi Hasan why he thinks the GOP is the ‘most dangerous organization in human history’
Noam is on the marks. Get with it, Joe.

'This wasn’t policing. This was murder': Prosecutor makes open and shut case of Chauvin's fate
Of course, but we've become used to it by now.
Nazis in Amerika Part 1000000033230000030030007000000000044954483827523...........

'This Wasn't Policing, This Was Murder,' Prosecutors Tell Jury in Closing Statement of Chauvin Trial
"Facing George Floyd that day that did not require one ounce of courage, and none was shown on that day. All that was required was a little compassion and none was shown on that day."
What other day WAS that shown?

Kyrsten Sinema’s ‘Fuck Off’ Ring Is the New ‘I Really Don’t Care, Do U?’
Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema, who voted against raising the minimum wage, wore an expletive-laden ring to brunch. It is not sexist to criticize it.
Why do we keep electing numbskulls and dimwits?

Republicans Don't Want Real Investigation Into Who's Responsible For Capitol Attack, HUH!
Guilty parties don't usually want to be investigated.

Call and Response: Now Ain't That a Bitch?
Any wonder why America is failing on so many fronts? Now, that's the real bitch.

The Pentagon Is Not Taking Covid Seriously Enough
Over a third of active-duty military personnel have refused to be vaccinated. The Pentagon’s response has mostly been silence.
Do they refuse other vaccinations? Resintate the draft and discharge troops that won't follow orders.

Austin Massacre Suspect Hung Out in Misogynistic Corners Online
Stephen Broderick, the Texas ex cop accused of killing his wife and daughter before triggering a manhunt, showed an interest in anti-feminist personalities and online spaces.

Oath Keeper Boasts: Active Duty Cops Are Training Us
Now we have a face to put on wanted posters. These people are the modern KKK.

Gun violence never lets up in the U.S. Let's be clear who doesn't want to change that
The fascists like Greene and McCarthy, listed in the next article, don't want to change it.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Moves To Expel Maxine Waters From Congress
The Q-Anon congresswoman suggests that Maxine Waters is inciting others to violence.
We know who the violent bitch is here. So, your stupid innuendos are a fucking joke.
That goes for Kevin, seditionist par excellence, too.

Another Trump-Era Sop To Religious Extremists Has Fallen

Trump and the GOP suffer another humiliating Supreme Court defeat
Losing, losing, loser. Everything Trump touches dies.

Progressives Fume as Democrats Eye Smaller Corporate Tax Hike to Appease Centrists
"Saying 'corporations must pay their fair share' should mean that pre-Trump rates are the starting point."
Stop being spineless.

Dr. Fauci: Masks Still Necessary To Prevent Asymptomatic Transmission
Dr. Anthony Fauci pushed back on the right-wing talking point from Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis that telling people to still wear masks is somehow muddling the message on vaccinations.
"Our media needs to stop helping Republicans do everything they can to make things worse, as they and Trump have done since this crisis began last year."

Most Vaccine Hesitancy Comes From Trump-Voting Counties
The hypocrisy, selfishness, and intellectual dishonesty of these Trump voters is enraging, and so par for the course.
I fear it must be the Land of the Happy Negro that are afraid of needles. They thnk they're for junkies only.

Activist and doctor Gregg Gonsalves on how to heal America after Trump's COVID disaster
We need real accountability, says Gonsalves — and we need national health care. But true recovery may take decades
Which may be too late.

The Fort Bragg Murders
At least 44 Fort Bragg soldiers died stateside in 2020 — several of them were homicides. Families want answers. But the Army isn’t giving any.
Why the cover up?

Josh Hawley's latest attempt to rebrand himself is a sad 'joke': columnist
He might try "asshole." That might take.

‘America First’ Comes To GOP Wrapped In The Flag, Carrying A Burning Cross

Therapists Are Seeing More Patients Struggle With Climate Anxiety
It will increase as the retreat from the doom advances.

Fear of Trump has Republicans dragging their feet on investigating the Capitol riot: report
Spineless jellyfish. No wonder Stephen Miller is in a panic. Who, in their right minds, would want cowardly people in charge our country that are so frightened they can't defend law and order?

Maria Bartiromo and Stephen Miller panic over voting rights putting Democrats in charge 'forever'
Allowing Americans to vote is a problem for cowards, traitors and idiots like the fascist Republicans.
But vote we will and it won't be for fascists that are racist traitors.

Save the Date
What the fascists fear. The Land of the Happy Negro will collapse.
"Not all white people are racist assholes. Just, to date, a majority of us."

Indianapolis Shooting Suspect Obtained Guns Legally, Police Say
Evidently, he needed quite a bit of help. He couldn't even commit "suicide by cop" the right way.

Pelosi Battles Trumpers Over Capitol Riot Investigation
The fact that we, as a country, are having a problem getting an independent investigation on an attack on our country fully illustrates how far we have fallen due to the fascist.

QAnon Mom Killed Kids To “Save” Them From Traffickers
Another reason to indict the Qs that got this bullshit started.

Kraken Lawyer Lin Wood: Clintons, Obamas, Bushes, And Bidens Are All “Involved In Child Sex Trafficking”
Why do we allow mentally ill crackpots to walk the street? No wonder we have morons storming our Capitol.

MI Gov Can’t Respond To Surge Due To GOP Lawsuits
The fascists have really shoved their dicks into the dirt with this.

Shooting At Wisconsin Tavern Leaves 3 Dead, 2 Injured: Officials
The mass shooting — one of several in the U.S. in recent days — happened at Somers House Tavern near Kenosha.
Is the U.S. the most violent country on the planet now?

These Groundbreaking Weed Delivery Services Bring Legal Cannabis Right to Your Door
Eaze and Emjay are bringing the cannabis delivery business to the mainstream.

The America First KKK Caucus May Have Cancelled Itself
Just 24 hours after a disastrous, Nazi/White Supremacist-style manifesto was released to the press, Marjorie Taylor Green appears to have cancelled her own committee.
She could do us all a great favor and cancel herself.

The US Did Not Bring Peace, Democracy, or Freedom to Afghanistan
Twenty years of war and U.S. interference have brought no long-term, positive gains in Afghanistan. War is not the answer—not in Afghanistan, Iraq, or Syria. Peace must be our demand.

Pro-Trump website 'TheDonald' confirms detailed plans to storm Capitol and kill members of Congress
"The riot was carefully planned, it was wholly prompted by the exhortations and incitement of Donald Trump, and its intent was to inflict violence on both elected officials and any law enforcement officers who dared defend them."
It's time for Trump to answer for this crime.

Is magic immoral? Here's the role it played in the development of early Christianity
The mention of Simon in the article reminds me to mention "Simon of the Desert," a film by Luis Buñuel. It's a winner.

GOP's Lauren Boebert accused a fellow lawmaker of trying to 'incite a riot' — and it blew up in her face

WATCH: Kentucky Republican brilliantly cornered on gun policy by CNN anchor Pamela Brown
A good example of Fascist intellect.

'This is insane': Employees at Trump favorite OAN furious network is still pushing election fraud stories
The inmates at the asylum are still nuts and dangerous as always.

Kinzinger Says GOPers Who Join Nativist Caucus Should Be Stripped Of Committees

Will Trump End Up In Prison?
Accountability for criminal Republican presidents can't happen soon enough.
He should be in prison for life right now for his crimes against America.

Two Dozen Senators Tell Biden It Is 'Past Time' to Finally Close Guantánamo
"With sufficient political will and swift action, your administration can finish the job."

Footage of cops tackling grandma with dementia is a reminder of what AOC really means by 'defund the police'
"Before you go to a snap judgegment you have to know all the facts," says the cop. He should take his own advice.
We are living in an insane asylum. The cops are the guards not our guardians.

Republicans Flail At Saying Anything But ‘No’ To Infrastructure
A bunch of totally backward fools and idiots. Fascism defined.

It's Called UN-Packing The Supreme Court
We're not packing the court. Mitch McConnell already did that.

Foxsplaining Georgia's Voter Suppression Law
Desi Lydic of The Daily Show foxsplains Georgia's voter suppression law.

New GOP Caucus Pushes Nativist Agenda With Calls For ‘Uniquely Anglo-Saxon Political Traditions’
The new Nazis. Same as the old Nazis.

Ron DeSantis faces backlash as pandemic rages in Florida
What did he expect after demonstrating his ineptness for so long?

America's minority rule problem is deadly
84% of Americans want background checks for gun buyers.
Republicans barely bother to offer more than perfunctory arguments against gun control anymore.

Biden rescinds Texas health care waiver — says Trump administration 'materially erred': report
"Texas, which has more uninsured than any other state, is one of only 12 that have not expanded the program."
Backward, like the rest of the Land of the Happy Negro.

NYT reporter sounds alarm after key Deutsche Bank source goes missing
Smells like Putin on behalf of Trump.

America does not have to wait for the next insurgency -- we're living in one
Indeed, we are. The fascists are trying to destroy us in our sleep.

Republicans twice as likely to be unvaccinated against Covid

The Supreme Court's Radical Redefinition Of Religious Freedom Threatens Our Rights

Biden DOJ Seizes Land For Border Wall As Administration Review Of Trump Policy Continues
Don't fuck around with us, Joe. Are you with us or against us?
Hold him accountable.

Q Is Exposed. Will He Face Consequences?
RW should face something and so should all the QAnonsensers.

Severe weather this summer could cause another Texas power crisis
The state's grid operator included extreme weather scenarios in its early summer assessment and found that a combination of a severe drought, heat wave and low winds could lead to more power outages. Experts warn this summer could be hot and dry, enhanced by climate change.
The solution to this, obviously, will be to allow everyone 21 or over to purchase and carry a gun without a permit.

James O'Keefe's Dildo Lube Boat Will Tweet No More

13-Year-Old Adam Toledo Had No Gun In His Hand, Got Killed By Chicago Police Anyway

Police have fatally shot 22 children under age 16 since 2015
Serving and protecting.

Eight Killed and Multiple People Injured in Mass Shooting Horror at Indianapolis FedEx Facility
America is broken. It's been this way for too long.

COLLUSION: Trump’s Campaign Passed Election Data To Russian Intelligence
The government has finally found concrete evidence that Manafort passed along 'sensitive' campaign data to Russian intelligence.
Read it and weep MAGATs. C-O-L-L-U-S-I-O-N!

Capitol Rioter Who Tried To Flee To Switzerland Jailed Until Trial
Judge Emmet Sullivan wrote that Jeffrey Sabol was too dangerous to release due to the flight risk
Another of Trump's traitors.

MAGA Blogger Broadcast To Russians During Jan. 6 Insurrection
What the heck was a Soviet-born “private investigator” up to when he broadcast “Stop the Steal” messaging from the Capitol on January 6th, in Russian, and later on Russian TV?
Another Trump traitor.

From Expired Munitions To Civilians Delivering Supplies, Capitol Police IG Details Failures
M240s would be the choice that would have done the best job on the traitors.

‘Shut Your Mouth’: Waters Scolds Jordan Amid Shouting Match With Fauci
Jim "Jacket Off" Jordan bitch-slapped, body slammed and pinned by Maxine.

Secret Facebook groups reveal America's top soldiers' racist beliefs, election lies and QAnon theories
RW must have latched onto the pedophilia thing and in doing so revealed he knew a lot about it.

'Completely Unreasonable': Dems Slam GOP Demand for No Corporate Tax Hikes in Infrastructure Plan
"Republicans' insistence that the most profitable companies in the world shouldn't contribute a single penny to investments in roads, schools, and our clean-energy future is simply not acceptable."

'Comically evil' Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert vote against National Marrow Donor Program
"They are not Members of Congress. They are assassins."
Clearly showing how broken these two are.

Ted Cruz Crosses The Streams: Woke Corporations Want Handouts
Cancun Cruz is supposed to go after Corporations but NOT their government contracts. It's the Republican Way!
The Fascist Party operates as a punitive organization now.

CEO Has Last Laugh At Fox News' Expense
"6 years ago today I raised my company's min wage to $70k. Fox News called me a socialist whose employees would be on bread lines. Since then our revenue tripled," said Dan Price in an internet video released yesterday.
Studies have shown that when people have a guaranteed income that production goes up not down.

Republicans settle on their strategy for dismantling democracy

To Combat Right-Wing 'Assault' on Democracy, New Bill Would Add Four Seats to Supreme Court
"This bill marks a new era where Democrats finally stop conceding the Supreme Court to Republicans."

Matt Gaetz’s Wingman Paid Dozens of Young Women—and a 17-Year-Old

'He's just an idiot to us': Matt Gaetz blacklisted by Fox News and shunned by Trump allies

Josh Hawley ripped to shreds for 'bizarre and shameless' pledge of support for Capitol cops
Ever the twerp.

Research undercuts idea that changes to absentee voting in 2020 benefited Democrats

America’s Wealth Gap Is Much More Obscene Than You Had Imagined
And it’s a problem for everyone.

Biden's Speech At Billy Evan's Memorial Gets Wide Praise, Even At Fox
In a fit of honesty, Fox News host Harris Faulkner gave effusive praise to President Biden's kind words to the family of officer Billy Evans.

White House Press Corps Shows Its Rear And Why It Should Just Go Home

The Bloody Catch-22 of Modern Policing In America
The system as it exists makes it almost impossible for Black and brown Americans to avoid harm.

Religious Extremism: A Growing Threat To American Values

Fauci slams Tucker Carlson's speculation that COVID vaccines don't work: 'Typical crazy conspiracy theory’
Tucker Carlson is a clear and present danger to the United States of America. Will someone please do something about that?

Tucker Carlson’s Expanding Definition of Who Shouldn’t Get to Vote
It’s not just immigrants.

Tucker Carlson's Insecurity and the "Great Replacement" Theory

Fox News outrageously claims Covid vaccines may not work at all
Ignorant ratings loudmouths don't work at all for any of us.

Michigan GOP leader sounds off on his own colleagues after contracting COVID at 'required' maskless event
Double dumbed down in Michigan.

Capitol Police Knew Trump’s Mob Would Attack Congress But Were Unprepared Anyway

Texas coronavirus cases haven't surged since Gov. Greg Abbott lifted the mask order. Experts warn it's too soon to celebrate.
Daily new cases and the positivity rate have leveled off over the past month, while deaths and hospitalization have gone down substantially.
"“If we don’t focus — and all we’re asking for is two more months … — we’re really gonna lose all that ground we gained,” Ostrosky said."

Manchin Bases Opposition to Infrastructure Plan on Republican Lie about Corporate Tax Cuts, Jobs

Here’s How the Texas GOP Wants to Restrict Voting
"There is only one major political party left in America that is committed to a representative democracy. The other is stealthily lobbying for a different kind of government altogether—and it’s an ugly one."

The Rural Pandemic Isn’t Ending
Public-health leaders in rural America are turning toward the next and more difficult stage of the nationwide vaccination campaign: persuasion.

The mRNA Vaccines Are Looking Better and Better
Concerns about blood clots with Johnson & Johnson underscore just how lucky Americans are to have the Pfizer and Moderna shots.

Biden rolls back Trump’s anti-abortion curbs on family planning funds
The proposed overhaul erases restrictions on abortion providers that Democrats derided as a "gag rule."
Ahhh, sanity.

'What are you doing here? Keep walking!': Army sergeant threatens young Black man for being in his neighborhood
Army sergeants were always assholes when I was in boot camp years ago. Looks like they haven't changed.

Anti-maskers protest local library for making 'health and safety' its 'highest priority'
They missed the "No to brains" sign.

Cop who fatally shot Daunte Wright will be charged with manslaughter: report

CNN: Women Who Partied With Gaetz Detail Drug Scene And Payments Provided For Sex

WATCH: John Cornyn gets decimated by Biden nominee after he's confused by satirical op-ed
Easy to confuse some people. Cornyn had to have satire explained to him. Sheesh!

Woman blames Trump for anti-vaxxer friend’s COVID-19 death: ‘He could have saved so many lives’
Trump's to blame for many deaths.

Fox News anchors accused of conspiring behind the scenes with Trump attorneys as they face massive lawsuit over election lies
It's not called the propaganda outlet for nothing.

Texas Sen. John Cornyn: Why Can't Joe Biden Be An Abusive Lazy Assh*le Like The Last Guy?

Lindell: I Won’t Allow Cursing, Lying, Using God’s Name In Vain On My Judeo-Christian “Free Speech” Platform
" know, you get to the Supreme Court, you have the 10 Commandments there."
Which 10?
The Bible actually contains two complete sets of the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:2-17 and Deut. 5:6-21). In addition, Leviticus 19 contains a partial set of the Ten Commandments (see verses 3-4, 11-13, 15-16, 30, 32), and Exodus 34:10-26 is sometimes considered a ritual decalogue.

DeSantis: Cruise Lines Cannot Require Vaccinations
Who died and left DipShitis King? Attempting to kill as many of us he can.
"Businesses should just start saying that it violates their sincerely held religious beliefs to serve unvaccinated customers." — EXACTLY!

Japan Announces Plan To Release Fukushima Radioactive Water Into Ocean
The decision ends years of debate over how to dispose of the water that’s enough to fill more than 500 Olympic-sized swimming pools.
Why, in Hell, is this legal? All we need is more marine life filled with radioactivity.

'Using state power' to punish MLB: Cruz, Lee and Hawley slammed for bill retaliating against GA voting law protest
Screwball pitchers.

Manchin bases opposition to infrastructure plan on Republican lie about corporate tax cuts, jobs

Democratic activist shreds Manchin's defense of the filibuster — and explains why it's bad for West Virginia
Do we think Joe will listen?

Top WHO epidemiologist warns coronavirus pandemic 'growing exponentially' around the world
People must get the vaccine and get it soon.

Native American History Not Taught In ND, Where They're Second-Largest Ethnicity
Because according to the GQP, why should half of the population learn about their own history?
First we'll take your land and then we'll level your karma by ignoring the fact that you ever existed.
We have many, many things to answer for in this country.

Racist Karen Gets Her Comeuppance
Asked to wear a mask in Walgreens, this Karen took out her wrath on a Muslim couple, even calling the cops on them. Big mistake.
The great moment is when she states to the police that she had friends that were Muslim. If she did, she don't no more!

Upper-class traitor Chuck Collins on how "wealth hoarding" will create more Trumps
Chuck Collins walked away from a family fortune — and he's here to tell us how the super-rich dominate society
"I'm rich! Son-of-a-bitch if I ain't rich!" — Geoff Mulduar from Sweet Potatoes.

Former Navy SEAL Admits He Marched on Capitol on Jan. 6
He used to serve his country. Then he stood side by side with the Proud Boys as they stormed the the U.S. Capitol grounds.

Oath Keepers stashed weapons at hotel near Capitol ahead of Jan. 6 riot: Prosecutors

11-year-old shot dead by 9-year-old in parking lot of Texas Walmart: report
Handgun left in the car along with the two kids. Get ready for Hunstville, mother. Texas, of course.

Fox News has a moment of honesty and confronts Gov. Abbott with inconvenient facts about his attack on Biden
"So we ask again, what happened to your “duty” as a public official over the last 4 yrs?"
Duty? Greg thought that was horse doody.

Will Smith pulls slavery drama "Emancipation" from filming in Georgia over voting restrictions
The actor couldn't support the state's new laws, which he compared to Reconstruction-era voting impedimentsWill Smith pulls slavery drama
That poor ol' self-abused Land of the Happy Negro ain't never changed a bit.

Marsha Blackburn attacks Biden as Tennessee grieves after school shooting in Knoxville
Does this poor woman have any cognative power left?

Gun-loving GOP congressman plans to sue over Capitol metal detectors
Another Land of the Happy Negro halfwit.

Trump ridiculed for accepting 'participation trophy' after Rick Scott shares photo of 'pathetic' award
Who deserves it more than he?

Top WHO Epidemiologist Warns Coronavirus Pandemic 'Growing Exponentially' Around the World
"It is the time right now where everyone has to take stock and have a reality check of what we need to be doing."
Some human beings are incapable of facing reality, unfortunately for all of us.

Amid Attacks, NCAA Leadership 'Unequivocally' Supports Transgender Athletes
"When determining where championships are held, NCAA policy directs that only locations where hosts can commit to providing an environment that is safe, healthy, and free of discrimination should be selected."

'Major Step Forward' as New Mexico Legalizes Recreational Marijuana
"By ensuring equity and social justice in our cannabis legalization, we are saying 'enough' to the devastating 'war on drugs' that over-incarcerated and over-penalized thousands of New Mexicans."
Texas? C'mon and be a good ol' big boy now.

More than 25 Faith Groups Oppose Legislation Establishing Religious Exemptions to Emergency Orders

Mississippi axed its Confederate flag — but quietly proclaimed 'Confederate Heritage Month':report
Do they still celebrate Confederate Memorial Day there in the Land of the Happy Negro?

Daunte Wright's shooter was 25-year police veteran on Brooklyn Center negotiation team: report

Tucker Carlson blasted for ‘straight up Nazism’ after his latest defense of white supremacy
Give the Nazi some credit. He has the balls to admit what the rest of them seem to want to hide. We always knew what he is.
But no, his trash doesn't belong on mainstream news in the United States.

GOP facing more boycotts by sporting events — and it isn’t about voter suppression this time: report

Mass shooting at Knoxville, Tennesee high school leaves multiple victims — including one officer

Joe Manchin wants us to let the Insurrectionists win.

This Will Get Young Republican Men To Get The Shot
Covid causes erectile dysfunction. It's true.
I thought that's what they were already pissed off about. And not due to Covid.

TraitorTrump Complains Baseball Is On 'Too Many Channels'
He's really losing it, folks.
He never had it.

Ocean Warming Is Making Equatorial Waters Uninhabitable
We are seeing “massive scale rearrangements of biodiversity.”

A potential fix to police violence is staring us in the face
"There is one thing anyone can know if they are willing to see. It's that the people we all trust to keep the peace in this country aren't doing a good job of it."

Legal reporter reveals how the Supreme Court 'radically altered' a key part of US law in the dark of night

The Supreme Court just ‘radically altered’ the law — and ignored normal procedure to do so: report
Folks are going to disagree about whether or not this new approach is a good one. My point is, this is not something the court is allowed to do in a shadow docket ruling like this. Its own precedents preclude it from making new law in this context because, by definition, a newly minted right cannot have been 'indisputably clear.'"

Faith Groups Oppose Dangerous COVID Exemption Bills

Will Smith’s New Film Production Joins Growing Georgia Boycotts Over Voting Law

Wrong About Many Things, But This I know to be True

Joe Manchin Learned All of the Wrong Lessons from the Capitol Riot: "Jan. 6 Changed Me"

“I’ve never done any of this”: A Texas parent reluctantly dives into a school district’s battle over masks
Olivia Weisinger found herself thrust into a new, unofficial public role after the Comal Independent School District decided to lift its mask requirement.
"The pandemic, along with the economic and humanitarian crises it has created, has led many people to unlikely places. As they have risen to the occasion — feeding hungry kids, signing neighbors up for vaccines, holding public officials accountable — ordinary citizens have stepped into unofficial public life like never before. Weisinger, too, has found herself in a new role: activist."

John Cornyn’s ugly, transparent attempt to paint Biden as a Manchurian Candidate
Ugly people do ugly things.
He's pissed off because Biden is a working president for a change.

Minnesota Cops Shoot 20-Year-Old Black Man At Traffic Stop. We’re So Tired Of This Sh*t.
Systemic Black murder by law must cease.

Cop Meant To Tase Motorist But Shot Him Instead In ‘Accidental Discharge,’ Chief Says

Fox News Pushes Hershel Walker To Run Against Raphael Warnock In Georgia
Former football star Hershel Walker suggested on Sunday that he wants to be the next Republican senator from Georgia despite being a resident of Texas.
This pretty much says it all about the fascists. They couldn't care less about the qualifications of a candidate. They only know that "celebrity" is the intellectual level of the rubes and morons that their constituants recognize.

Texas Republican goes down in flames against CNN host after trying to justify voter suppression
Let's just make up these fairy tales about voter fraud, right you fascist creeps?

Insurrectionist experiences 'shock' over being held with people accused of 'inner city crimes'
Shocked at being a jailbird? That's exactly what they are. Clearly, they had no moral consideration of the consequences of attacking our Capitol.

Republicans got the Supreme Court they wanted: That will change America forever
Author Ian Millhiser on how a party that can't win elections is using the courts to drive a hard-right agenda
This is facism at work in our country. This is the ugly Amerikan. This is the Land of the Happy Negro. They must be resisted.

As Rich Countries Shield Pharma Monopolies, Just 0.2% of Covid Vaccine Doses Have Gone to Poor Nations
"We need the cooperation of the whole world and the elimination of all the barriers to the production and distribution of vaccines."

'The Time Is Now to Go Forward': Sanders Says Dems Can't Waste Time Catering to Obstructionist GOP
"When the scientists tell us we have five or six years before there will be irreparable damage done because of climate change, I'm not going to slow down."

White Evangelicals’ Un-Christian Attacks on Raphael Warnock Attacks Say It All
The holier-than-thou crowd continue to show their bigotry.

Vaccine is piling up in red states, as Republican anti-science threatens national health
Toxic, as usual. A part of the problem as they always are.

GOP's John Cornyn buried in mockery for complaining about Biden's 'unimaginably conventional' tweets

'Way past time for the straitjacket': Trump ridiculed for RNC fundraiser speech meltdown
Don't forget the padded cell--but very thinly padded.

Trump's Big Lie and Hitler's: Is this how America's slide into totalitarianism begins?
Hitler undermined democracy by lying about World War I; Trumpists want to do it by lying about the 2020 election

Chauvin Jury Is 'Seeded With Ignorance' - Elie Mystal
Tiffany Cross' panel gave the police speaking out no brownie points, and people hoping for a conviction a reality check when talking about the murder trial of Derek Chauvin.
"... saw the video and couldn't decide if sometimes, maybe Black people do need to be choked to death for 8 minutes and 46 seconds. Maybe they had it coming,"
This is our country. Plenty of stupid people.

Fox Doing Its Best To Keep White Supremacy In Public Education
Fox host Pete Hegseth is hoping that a PAC inspired by Donald Trump’s racist 1776 commission will be “the cavalry” to rescue us from diversity trainings and curricula.
And the Land of the Happy Negro keeps up its mission.

Capitol Rioter Known As 'Bullhorn Lady' Gets Cute With Judge's Order
As part of her release, Judge Beryl A. Howell set a condition that Rachel Howell (aka 'Bullhorn Lady') must wear a mask while out in public.
"Thumbing your nose at a judge's order is something only stupid people do and the Capitol riot had an abundance of those."

White Americans feared they'd one day become victims of the monstrous capitalism they built
"The Shining City on a Hill, the new world with streets are paved with gold, the land of opportunity and merit and promise—these are all the mythologies of white intergenerational wealth that elide the truth of a bounty built atop blood and bones."

Ammon Bundy Gets Big Dumb Self Arrested Twice In Two Hours, No Kink-Shaming

Carbon Dioxide Levels Reach 3.6 Million-Year High

Texas Republicans say their proposed voting restrictions are color blind. But many see "Jim Crow in a tuxedo."
An outraged Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick castigated those implying that GOP efforts to restrict Texas voting are racist. But the state has a history of marginalizing voters of color, and many business leaders, voting rights advocates and Democrats see it taking another step down that path.
Land of the Happy Negro's Lone Star.

Vaccine Refusal Will Come at a Cost—For All of Us
People who refuse to get the COVID-19 vaccine will have higher health-care costs. The rest of us will foot the bill.

REVEALED: Leaked white supremacist chatroom messages show they are obsessed with promoting 'our guy' Tucker Carlson

'Defiant but stupid and guilty': Matt Gaetz greeted with ridicule after boasting he's 'not going anywhere'

Voting Rights Roundup: Wisconsin Supreme Court rejects GOP push to purge 72,000 voter registrations
More evidence of fascism attempting to erase democracy in our country.

The Capitol Attack Was The Most Documented Crime in History. Will That Ensure Justice?

As Amazon Election Spotlights Rigged System, Senate Dems Urged to Nuke Filibuster and Pass PRO Act
"In most states, it is easier to buy an AR-15 than it is to join a union."
And it's easier to buy a gun than to vote.

ADL Demands Fox Fire Tucker After Anti-Semitic Rant
Everybody wearing white hoods stood up and cheered Tucker's "White Replacement Theory" monologue.
Take Hannity with you when you go.

Why Doesn't Emperor Manchin Use His Newfound Power Against Republicans?
Senator Joe Manchin won't accept any changes to filibuster because he loves bipartisanship? Where are your ten Republican colleagues to vote for infrastructure, Senator?

AZ GOP’s Pick To Lead 2020 Audit Penned ‘Election Fraud’ Doc Used By Sidney Powell
More Fascist Party news on their assault on democracy.

Florida Senate Advances 'Dangerous' Bill Critics Warn Criminalizes Peaceful Protest
"H.B. 1 is a direct attack on the First Amendment. It is designed to stifle Floridians' right to peacefully assemble and seek change in their democracy."
Land of the Happy Negro decides protests against their bigotry must be rendered null.

Newly revealed Trump administration emails show depravity and conspiracy against the country
The question shouldn't be whether this was "political interference." It should be whether this was homicide.

Three months after the Capitol attack: Forgetting won't save you
The Capitol invasion was a national trauma — with no catharsis. Collective amnesia won't make fascism go away

Confederate Flag-wavin' Rioter Indicted On Five Counts
Kevin Seefried was indicted on five counts. His son, Hunter, outdid his old man, with eight counts.Confederate Flag-wavin' Rioter Indicted On Five Counts
I pity the fool.

Ted Cruz Allegedly Bought Book Ads With Campaign Funds
Ted "Cancun" Cruz is in trouble for using campaign funds to buy Facebook ads to promote his "book."
May we remind him of Jim Wright?

A $500K Confederate Monument Chair Became A Toilet, Folks
Holy Shit!
Land of the Happy Negro coterie hasn't come to grips with its own racist history.

Amazon reached out to USPS to get private mailbox installed ahead of union vote, emails show
Stacking the deck against the union in the Land of the Happy Negro.

Methane Has Never Risen This Fast in the Atmosphere
And with the permafrost very quickly melting there's a lot more coming our way.

'Unhinged': Texas Republican Dan Crenshaw mocked for calling companies opposing voter suppression 'fascism'
Intellectually void.

10 More Lawmakers Join Lawsuit Against Trump for Inciting Capitol Riot

65 Percent of Americans Want to Raise Corporate Taxes to Pay for Infrastructure

Might You Have Been a "Good German"? Have You Been a Good American?

Not My Party: Coke Too Woke
Now that companies are doing things they don't like, Republicans have turned on the free market.
Two Faces Have I. Both variations of fascism.

'Why the US Senate Is So Broken': Manchin Vow to Preserve Filibuster Imperils Voting Rights and Much More
"Manchin represents a state that is 1/22 the population of California and 92% white, yet he can singlehandedly block policies supported by 70-80% of Americans."

The Erosion of Collective Bargaining Has Cost Middle-Wage Workers Thousands of Dollars Each Year
New report shows that deunionization has fueled the growth of wage inequality
That's what deunionization is intended to do.

Crackpot Candace Owens Compares Insurrection To Reichstag Fire
Candace Owens seems to admire Hitler more than Lincoln.
Bozo the Clown would be more cogent.

Manchin Digs Heels In On Keeping Filibuster, No Exception For Voting Rights Bill
Manchin continues to prove he's not worth the flying fuck he should get.

'Why the US Senate is so broken': Manchin vow to preserve filibuster imperils voting rights — and much more
Games. Manchin loves games. And power. Democrat, my ass. He's just another threat to democracy. This will not end well for him.

"The Sum of Us" author on what racism costs white people and the lie of a zero-sum racial hierarchy
Salon talks to Heather McGhee about what the GOP has to fear from multiracial coalitions organizing to benefit all

Anne Frank’s Stepsister Eva Schloss on Holocaust Horrors and How Trump Reminds Her of Hitler

NRA bankruptcy trial reveals strange expenditure marked 'Russia'
"The trial has been a disaster for the NRA, which has exposed more corruption and lavish spending than previously known."

'Fire every board member then fire DeJoy': Lawmaker fury grows over Postal Service leadership

Feebs and Phobes: A Base for a New Republican Party

Greene Becomes Latest GOPer To Profit From Her Own Conspiracy-Laced Scandal
Grifting is what it is all about.

Texas Courts Open Eviction Floodgates: 'We Just Stepped Off A Cliff'
Ever the assholes.

New Gallup Poll: Democrats Now Outnumber Republicans By Nine Percentage Points
More independents are leaning Democratic.

It's leaders of every faith vs. Sinema and Manchin over the filibuster—but especially Sinema

Fox News takes a big step toward painting Capitol insurrectionists as heroes and patriots
They have been promoting sedition since day one.

Six Months to Prevent a Hostile Takeover of Food Systems, and 25 Years to Transform Them
A misguided technological revolution is about to sweep through food systems, but civil society and social movements can stop it in its tracks.

Coalition Urges DOJ to Instruct the National Archivist to Publish the Equal Rights Amendment in the Constitution
In a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland, organizations call for reversing Trump-era DOJ opinion which had blocked the recording of the ERA, the Constitutional amendment banning sex and gender discrimination

Ralph Reed’s Threats To Ga. Companies For Supporting The Right To Vote Ring Hollow
Reaping what you've sown, Ralphie?

Mississippi’s far-right secretary of state is terrified that Biden will encourage 'woke' college students to vote
Land of the Happy Negro scared shitless that their new Civil War will fail as badly as their old Civil War did.

Boehner slams Trump: He 'incited that bloody insurrection' with the 'BS he'd been shoveling/

73% of US Voters—Including 57% of Republicans—Back Biden's $2.25 Trillion Infrastructure Plan: Poll
A new survey shows that "every major aspect" of the Democratic president's plan to rebuild the country has majority support, regardless of party affiliation.

Welcome to Republicanistan: The GOP's Jim Crow pseudo-democracy
Republicans have a plan: Create an authoritarian state where voting is strictly controlled. It might work
Sure, just like their slavery and Civil War days.
"...not driven by concerns about "voter fraud" or "voter security" but rather by the desire for power and control.
Can you spell N-a-z-i?

Atlanta Mayor Works To Blunt Impact Of GA’s New Voting Restrictions Through Executive Order
Land of the Happy Negro fascists rebuked in Mayor's slapdown.

NYT: Gaetz Requested Last Minute Blanket Pardon From Trump
Just pull out of wallet in case of sex scandal. Or whatever.

Jim Bakker Guest Warns Covid Tests A Plan To Create Zombie Apocalypse
Steve Quayle, a talk radio host, explains it all.
"Step this way, right this way folks. See the Little Cannibal Girl. Alive! Alive! Very much alive!" Remember the Geek shows at carnivals? This is exactly what's going on here.
There is no vaccine for stupid. How're the slop bucket sales going, Jim?

How ‘Q’ Tried to Pin the Whole Thing on Steve Bannon
“He had known me for less than 48 hours. And he pulls me aside and he says, ‘You know, you should look into Steve Bannon."

‘A Whole Bunch of Crazy’: Inside the South Carolina GOP’s MAGA Coup
The sincere smile of the con man. Suckers stand in line for the bullshit.

Republican delusion — not disinformation — is the bigger danger to American democracy
Republicans voters aren't just delusional — even more frightening is how they've turned on democracy
Delusional and a threat to America.

The Latest Battle of the GOP’s Culture War Is Somehow Even Dumber Than the Last
Republicans are so laser-focused on preventing people from voting in Georgia that they’re attacking baseball, Coca-Cola, and other corporations and institutions
The same group that they once believed were the same as people.

'Built on a lie': Jen Psaki annihilates Peter Doocy's misleading question on Georgia voting
Doocy: "Well, OK then. I guess I will do some research on these things next time, whatever that means."

McConnell Declares War on 21st Century America
This Class A Asshat has no room to talk on this.

The Entire Trump Campaign Was a Scam — and It Is Not Over

The Fake Conservative Turn Against Corporations
Republicans have no plan or intention to curb corporate power; they simply want to use it for their own purposes.

Ron DeSantis Couldn’t Be More Dangerously Wrong About Vaccine Passports
He ain't the only one.

Gov. Greg Abbott bans state agencies and state-funded organizations from requiring proof of COVID-19 vaccination
This comes as vaccine credentials, often referred to as vaccine passports, are being developed around the world as a way to quickly prove someone’s vaccination status, particularly with private companies.
"Texans are returning to normal life as more people get the safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine." —Greg Abbott
B.1.1.7 may have something to say about that, Greg. Do we think the next big surge will be in his backyard?

Republicans are screaming about an MLB boycott, but their real threats are of a different kind
That Fascist Party of the Two-Faces see what other stupid moves they can make.

As State Rep, Matt Gaetz Opposed 'Revenge Porn' Law
Gaetz believed that recipients of those images had a right to share them, according to the sponsor of the legislation.

Jefferson Davis Chair Kidnapped, Threat To Make It A Toilet
'White Lies Matter' have demanded that a banner be put over the monument for 24 hrs which says '“The rulers of this country have always considered their property more important than our lives.”
I can't wait for the bigots to respond with "All lies matter!" ROTFLMAO!

Josh Hawley's past support for the Iraq War surfaces as he rails against Biden Cabinet on foreign wars
Little Josh, forever two-faced.

Idaho paper slams GOP state lawmakers for failing to take COVID seriously — and costing taxpayers a fortune

35 states are at risk for 'rigged' elections because of severe gerrymandering: report

Bernie Sanders Says Biden’s Infrastructure Plan Doesn’t Go Far Enough on Climate
While you're at it, please have your talk with Manchin and ask him just whose side is he on--the money or the people? He can't serve both masters.

Justice Clarence Thomas Takes Aims At Tech And Its Power 'To Cut Off Speech'
Isn't this one of the guys that said "Corporations are people, too"?
Impeach Clarence Thomas.

Two Dem senators balk at Biden's new spending plan
West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin has become Democrats’ squeakiest wheel in the early days of Biden’s presidency.
Dildo Joe Blows Again!

When You’ve Lost Brands, You’ve Lost America
"Wait, aren’t these the folks who applauded the rights of businesses not to put two dudes atop wedding cakes? Are you saying they’ve been hypocrites all along, advocating free speech only when it’s to their advantage?"
"But centrism doesn’t work if you’re in a position to exclude part of the market from voting in the first place. That’s how tyranny works — cooking the books, to keep our metaphors aligned."

GOPers Declare War On Coke And Baseball In Defense Of GA Anti-Voter Law
They are desperate for something/anything after the fall of their "QAnonsense" buffoonery.

Gaetz, Greenberg, And The Possibility Of A Florida Political Sex Ring

We Need a 9/11 Commission for COVID
Deborah Birx’s attempt to whitewash her actions shows why we need a full accounting of what the Trump administration did.

Fair and Balanced My Ass
This myth has been put to bed. Only the fools and money worshipers still think it has any credence.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott says he will boycott Major League Baseball events after the league pulled its All-Star Game from Georgia
Abbott also said Monday he was declining to throw out the ceremonial first pitch at the Texas Rangers' home opening game.
I'm sure we'll miss him so very much.

A QAnon revelation suggests the truth of Q’s identity was right there all along
The extremist movement’s leader had purported to be a top-secret government operative. But a possible slip-up in a new documentary about QAnon suggests that Q was actually Ron Watkins, the longtime administrator of the 8kun message board.
Slip-up or bald-faced lying punk, this guy is responsible for a lot of bad things he needs to be held accountable for. Nobody can believe it was only one or two guys because they don't want to admit they were that big of a sucker played by by the con.

GOP Not So Sure President Biden Has Mandate To Exist As A Democrat
What are thinking about their stupid "Q" agenda now that he has been exposed as a neurotic nerd with a hostile agenda? Still batshit crazy for power at any cost, I'm sure.

'He's lying you can tell': Internet responds to '60 Minutes' exposé on Ron DeSantis
He's had lots of practice at lying and deceiving. Still, he's not even good at that.

Legal scholar Jennifer Taub on Trump as a symptom of America's massive inequality
Author of "Big Dirty Money" on the alternate universe where we had a fairer system and Trump had gone to prison
You mean when we actually sent criminals to jail instead of making TV personalites out of them?

The Plague of Historical Amnesia in the Age of Fascist Politics
"White supremacy now rules the Republican Party and one of its tools of oppression is the militarization and weaponization of history."

'EPA Needs to Step In': Florida Workers Race to Prevent Massive Spill of Radioactive Waste
"Federal officials need to clean up this mess the fertilizer industry has dumped on Florida communities and immediately halt further phosphogypsum production."

Matt Gaetz Is the Model GOP Representative: A Creep No One’s Surprised About
If so many of his colleagues knew about his dirtiness, why are they only speaking up now and on background?
Time will tell.

Trump biographer nails 'fat Elvis' ex-president as 'begging for people to like him'
Like him? He wants everyone to like him? He'll be begging for a long, long time.
Sing it Randy Newman.

It’s Easter! Now, Stay Home Until Everyone's Vaccinated.

Michigan Republican put on notice by Dominion for raising over $1 million with election fraud lies: report

The States Following Georgia’s Lead on Voter Suppression

As Corporate America Comes Out for Voting Rights, Where’s Next?
Georgia could be the opening shot of a nationwide battle.

Share of Republicans saying ‘everything possible’ should be done to make voting easy declines sharply
Clearly illustrating how the GOP has now become the Fascist Party.

Fox's Pirro And McEnany Rail Against 'Vaccine Passports'
Fox "news" still seems determined to kill off as many of their viewers as possible and to make sure we never get this pandemic under control.
Two-faced "business" party shows how full of bullshit they are. That poor little girl!
"Gov. DeSantis is exactly right as he has been all throughout the pandemic. You know, we've seen this model for the last year, the freedom model of dealing with the pandemic, which is embodied by Florida and Ron DeSantis, and then the coercion control model embodied by the Gov. Newsom of California and Gov. Cuomo of New York, and look who turned out to be right all along..." —McEnany. Let's look at the numbers shall we?

Population as of 2021:
1. California (Population: 39,747,267) - 18 million more than Florida
2. Texas (Population: 29,087,070) - 7 million more than Florida
3. New York (Population: 19,491,339) - 2 million less than Florida
4. Florida (Population: 21,646,155)

Covid: cases - deaths - % of deaths/cases - % cases/population, April 2021:
1. California 3,573,028 58,271 1.63 .899
2. New York 1,875,107 50,162 2.68 .962
3. Texas 2,791,602 47,616 1.70 .958
4. Florida 2,071,138 33,608 1.62 .956

Florida's death rate percentage of cases from Covid is the same as California's even as California has a far larger population. So, who's controlling the disease better, kids? Shouldn't Florida's death rate percentage be much lower if DeSantis is so hot? Florida's percentage of cases vs. population is higher than California's, also too, kids. New York, with less population has about the same percentage of cases vs. population as Florida. New York is tops on the cases vs. death rate. California comes out on top on percentage of cases vs. population, as well. There's nothing for DeSantis to write home about here, kids. Try your own math. Maybe your rounding wil be different but close to same.

'Major league all-star of grifting': Trump slammed by former staffer for ripping off hospice patient
America's greatest con-man.

West Virginia helped America elect its first Catholic president. Now it's thwarting the second one

Biden admin takes victory lap as US vaccinates over 4 million Americans in a single day
Americans working together will get us to 75% of our population vaccinated by July.

An admission of Republican failure hovers beneath every racist coronavirus slur
Racist failures at every turn.

Roland Martin: Why Are Right-Wing Evangelicals Silent About Gaetz?
Roland Martin took us to church on the hypocrisy of conservative evangelicals who have gone radio silent on the shocking immorality of Matt Gaetz.
Textbook hypocrisy.

'Bandits!': Trump campaign scammed supporters using deceptive recurring payment option
We know who the flim-flammer is here, Fatso.

Gaetz boasted about having 'access' to women through Florida tax collector now facing federal charges: report
As the Gaetz swing.

Park Cannon Faces Up To 8 Years In Prison - For Knocking On A Door
"This is America. And we have to keep on knocking," said Georgia state Rep. Park Cannon to Joy Reid.
Land of the Happy Negro want to make certain their negroes don't "Keep A-Knockin'."

Schumer: Senate will act on marijuana legalization with or without Biden
The majority leader shared his plans for cannabis legislation with POLITICO in an exclusive interview.
Go for it, Chuck!

New Mexico, New York Join 14 Other States to Pass Legal Recreational Marijuana
The 21st century arrives in 2 more of our states.

The GOP Has No Interest in Actual Governing
And fascists have no longing to be governed.

Another Legal Challenge to Obamacare Shows How Dangerous the Trump Supreme Court Is
Something better be figured out damned fast about the fascist court.

As voting issue gets white-hot, we can't afford to duck the moral implications
Faced with an existential threat to democracy, political reporters slide back into "both sides" bad habits
Does journalism even have a conscience anymore?

GOP lawmaker threatens MLB with likely unconstitutional bill after Trump Jr. goes nuts
Land of the Happy Negro fascist has the unmitigated gall to accuse MLB of undermining election integrity laws. Talk about guilt projection.
Bring it, you lying seditious assholes!

John Boehner admits the truth about Fox News

The Atlantic Destroys COVID Vaccine Disinformer Alex Berenson
In a “crowded field of wrongness, one voice stands out,” is how The Atlantic describes pandemic propagandist and Fox Fave, Alex Berenson.
Disinformation = Faux News.

The Pandemic’s Wrongest Man
In a crowded field of wrongness, one person stands out: Alex Berenson.
The Atlantic article.

Salt Lake City's 'Officer Of The Year' Arrested By The FBI For His Role In Capitol Riot
Michael Lee Hardin, 50, was arrested by the FBI on evidence from his texts to Tipster #1. Tipster #2 gave precise photos shared by Hardin.
Law and Order in the "Law and Order" party is a myth. Grift, and white supremecy are their goals.

Joe Biden Makes America Jobs Again

Nearly 7 Million Uninsured Americans Are Now Eligible for Free Health Insurance

Florida prohibits vaccine passports — citing 'freedom'
ID's for auto insurance, health care insurance, Driver's license, IDs to vote but a big "wait just a minute here" to ask people to prove they've been vaccinated against a disease that has crippled our nation and killed over a half million of us. Florida proves over and over they need to examine their education system very closely. DeSantis is a moron par excellence.

M.L.B. Pulls All-Star Game From Georgia in Response to Voting Law
The league said it would remove its midsummer showcase and its annual entry draft as a response to the state’s new voting law.
No baseball for you, fascist creeps!

QAnon congresswoman blasted after saying it was ‘good’ her state lost All-Star Game for voter suppression
Fascist dumbo shows just how devoid of processing her feeble, overworked brain is.

This Audio Clip of John Boehner Telling Ted Cruz to “Go Fuck” Himself Is Really Delightful

Boehner torches 'reckless a--hole' Ted Cruz as excerpt of his new book comes to light

The Christian right only has itself to blame for increasingly empty pews

Hypocrisy Alert! Conservatives Who Celebrated Trump Won’t Acknowledge Biden’s Faith
And in relational Xtianist news.

One Police Officer Killed, Another Injured in Capitol Attack
A suspect has died after attacking Capitol police.

Capitol staff receive warning of 'external security threat' — told to 'seek cover'
Fascist commits "suicide by cop."

Top Matt Gaetz staffer resigns as more lurid details of his scandal emerge

The Stupid It Will Kill Us
"...her bratty crap." I'll say "snot-nose bratty crap."

At Long Last, A Network TV Anchor Admits: Both Sides Don't
Lester Holt accepts his lifetime achievement award by admitting that "fairness is overrated" because lies aren't worthy of news media attention.
"That the sun sets in the west is a fact. Any contrary view does not deserve our time or attention.”
You have now been served. And will continue to be called out when necessary.

Absurd Gaetz Alibi Draws In Global Circle Of True Believers And Grifters
Out like vampires at midnight.

VA Supreme Court Rules Charlottesville Can Remove Confederate Statues
The Land of the Happy Negro says that Robert E. Lee has to find another spot to ride his horse.

The GOP has a plan to fight Joe Biden's infrastructure push — there's just one big problem
Even half of his own party supports Biden's bill.
Talk about out of touch.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson smears AOC as a "low-IQ race-baiter" over her immigration stance
During an "Outnumbered" segment, Carlson talked at length about why "no one should care what she thinks"
Does anyone care what this "Tucks" wipe thinks?
Only aging Nazis and inflamed rectums.

From "Soul Train" to Don Shirley, new book celebrates the history of Black performance in America
Author Hanif Abdurraqib appeared on "Salon Talks" to discuss Black artistry, playing Spades & his COVID sneakers

Why hasn't Biden fired Sebastian Gorka from Trump-appointed education post?
Trump's hotheaded former aide has far-right views and dubious cred. Has the Biden White House noticed he's there?
C'mon, man!

Matt Gaetz showed nude pics of women he said he slept with to GOP members of Congress: report
Something he thought hard about, right?

Trump-loving GOP candidate says God thinks she's 'cute': 'I've got this high-powered brain that never stops and drives me crazy'
That's so comforting to know. I've got an assignement for you. Get lost!

GOP lawmakers send discriminatory anti-LGBTQ 'religious freedom' bill to Montana governor's desk
Fascists in Montana show the hatred in their Amerika as they piss on America's Constitution.

Texas GOP-led Senate advances highly restrictive voting legislation as part of a bigger agenda
Texas fascists advance agenda to wreck what's left of democracy in the state.
The future will not be kind to them.

New York Legalized Weed — Now What?
Governor Andrew Cuomo signed the Marijuana Legislation and Taxation Act into law on Wednesday
Now get the rest of the country in the 21st century. Texas?

'My God': Former White House lawyer says 'Donald Trump is in serious trouble' with new lawsuit
Let Trump defend himself because, as we know, he's the only one that can do it! ROTHFLMAO!

Georgia House passes bill to punish Delta Airlines after CEO attacks Republican voter suppression bill
Your alleged "pro business" party? Again, dumber than dirt.
The Land of the Happy Negro is confused once more.

These old court transcripts show why Trump is in real legal peril: CNN
Time will tell.

Capitol rioters are begging for forgiveness as they face stiff prison sentences: report
Too late for traitors.

The Fourth Surge Is Upon Us. This Time, It’s Different.
A deadlier and more transmissible variant has taken root, but now we have the tools to stop it if we want.

Matt Gaetz' Carlson Interview Leaves Resignation As His Only Option
Matt Gaetz went on Tucker Carlson just hours after news broke of a DOJ investigation into federal child trafficking charges and let's just say it did not go well.

Matt Gaetz Under Investigation For Federal Sex Trafficking Crimes (Updated)
According to reports, Gaetz is being investigated for a serious set of crimes that, if true, could land him in prison for years.

TraitorTrump Whines About Birx And Fauci
Compared to every known serial killer in US history, the death toll of men, women, and child under Trump's COVID response is unparalleled.

Morning Joe shreds Fox News for letting former Trump official smear Dr. Fauci: 'They need to be called out!'
There's enough ex-Trump officials to fill a mental institution.

Self-Proclaimed ‘Sandwich Nazi’ Busted by His Ex-Employees as Capitol Rioter
The FBI went looking for a man connected to attacks on Capitol cops, including Officer Brian Sicknick, who later died. A former ‘Sandwich U.’ worker knew just the guy.
No sandwich for you!

Here's the twisted logic Trump supporters are using to defend their open embrace of fascism
"Twisted" always goes along with "Fascism."

Georgia Republicans supported voting buses and drop boxes — until Trump and the GOP started losing
Two-faced, as usual.

Mentally ill: Many QAnon followers report having mental health diagnoses
Absolutely shocking news. And yet they will keep walking our streets and spouting their insanity as much as they have been.

Banning Pandemic Water Shutoffs Could Have Saved Thousands in US
A half-million infections might have been prevented, new study finds
Greed, avarice, selfishness, and ignorant fools that spend time posting statements like "It's been a year now. Are you tired of spending your time worrying about dying?" all helped the death toll we've suffered.

Vatican Cardinal: Biden Isn’t A Real Catholic
By that I take it he means he hasn't raped any young boys as of yet?

Dominion lawyer: We haven't ruled out suing Trump, other media outlets
He's very sueable these days.

Scarborough Advises Anti-Maskers To Stay Away From Blenders: 'You Can't Handle It'
"Trump supporters, people who are still in that personality cult, aren't just saying masks are no good. In fact, they spread disease!" the Morning Joe host marveled.

Republican accused of racism after telling Black surgeon that slavery is ‘a way of humanity’ during Facebook feud
Land of the Happy Negro Governor preaches a lesson on his human ignorance.

‘Biden’s Mark of the Beast’: Marjorie Taylor Greene and Jim Jordan revolt against vaccine passports
It's obvious who the beasts are here.
What happened to that Republican mantra "The business of our country is business"? Except when they can pontificate on a selfish point.
These regressive miscreants don't want our nation to get back to work in a safe manner.

Dominion Builds Legal Behemoth to Drain Trumpland of Billions
Dominion Voting Systems is adding a new team of lawyers as they prepare for their current lawsuits—and another potential round.
The MAGAts should feel this for the bullshit they've spread on us.

House Dems Introduce Bill To Block DeJoy's USPS Sabotage
Postmaster Louis DeJoy has made a very powerful enemy: the U.S. Congress.

Racist Right-Wing Pastor Goes Off On Rapper's 'Satan Shoes'
Greg Locke, the conservative pastor of Global Vision Bible Church, lashed out at Lil Nas X in a sermon on Sunday after the rapper promoted so-called "Satan shoes."
Like a moth to a flame. This sounds a lot like the shows you get in pro wrestling. Cage match? Loser leaves town? LMAO!

How mRNA Technology Could Change the World
mRNA’s story likely will not end with COVID-19: Its potential stretches far beyond this pandemic.

‘Something Was Wrong’: 911 Dispatcher Watching George Floyd’s Arrest Was So Disturbed She Called a Supervisor
Prosecutors revealed Monday that Derek Chauvin actually kneeled on Floyd for a total of 9 minutes and 29 seconds, arguing that he “betrayed” his badge during the fatal May arrest.

As Biden Prepares to Unveil Infrastructure Plan, Progressives Push $10 Trillion Investment
"The THRIVE Act is the agenda that establishes the pillars for economic renewal in our country," says Sen. Ed Markey.

America Radiates Violence: Challenging the Politics of Isolated Incidents

Conservative Christians are driving more Americans away from religion altogether
A new book finds that the more conservative politics and religion are inseparable, the more people identify as having no religion at all.

People Paid a Big Price for Prematurely Dropping Pandemic Measures a Century Ago

Ted Cruz Still Country's Biggest A-Hole, Border Photo-Op Edition

The Bigot Party
Is that a photo of an illegal alien crossing our border? He looks like one.

Will the Most Important Voting-Rights Bill Since 1965 Die in the Senate?
The larger question is" Does the Senate want history to say it became the assassin of Amercian Democracy?

How the U.S. Should Respond to the Trouble in Georgia
The struggling republic needs American support and encouragement.
They know what they need to do. Let's see them do it and then encourage that.

MLB All Star Game Thrown Into Uncertainty After New GA Voting Law
Land of the Happy Negro being peppered by boycotts. What's next for the suppresionist state?

New Lawsuit Claims GA Elections Bill Intentionally Discriminates Against Black Voters
Ya think?

Violence Targeting Asian Americans Shows The Cost Of GOP’s Grievance Politics
Republicans regularly employ grievance politics and divisive rhetoric as a mask for the lack of a policy platform and their deeply unpopular economic agenda.

MAGA rioter called for Black Capitol Police officer to be lynched: prosecutors
He's not the guy that was spotted driving with a "Hang Pence" sign on his truck along with a noose is he?

Biden to double pharmacy vaccination sites, promise doses for most Americans by mid-April
The expansion could mean that 90 percent of American adults will have access to coronavirus vaccines in a matter of three weeks.

Texas GOP Candidate — From New Jersey — Mocked For Cowboy Act in New Campaign Ad: ‘All Hat, No Cattle’
Spare us. We have more than enough Texas GOP assholes as it is.

Biden Warns About ‘Reckless Behavior’ in Vaccine Speech, Appeals to States to Reinstate Mask Mandates
Good luck. Some of our state leaders are just weak and shortsighted.

CDC Director Says She’s “Scared,” Begs Americans to Take COVID Seriously
As case numbers once again rise, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky decided to go off-script.
The fools want to ignore it. They want to pretend it's over. A sad time in America.

Biden's pandemic, economic approval ratings are soaring

'They hate the poor': Missouri paper slams state GOP for ignoring voters and throwing '$1 billion into the garbage'
No money, no power. No power, no use. Rig and remove. Whine like Hell when challenged. Republican mantra for eternity. "Performative assholism"

Right-wing donors terrified by conservative support for bill to prevent billionaires from buying elections: leaked recording
See. That's where they believe the power lies. And lies, and lies, and lies.

Here's the most significant line from Biden's press conference that the media totally missed
"I want to change the paradigm. I want to change the paradigm. We start to reward work, not just wealth. I want to change the paradigm."
Yes. The work is where the the reward should be.

Sweeping climate law zeroes out carbon pollution for Massachusetts
State will track progress across the entire economy for the next 30 years.

Philosopher Jason Stanley: Fascism's definitely not beaten — but there's reason for hope
Author of "How Fascism Works" on the question raised by Georgia's new voting laws: Do we live in a democracy?
Not as far as the Land of the Happy Negro is concerned.

Sen. Kennedy Compares Kamala Harris To A Famous Criminal Athlete
Zerlina Maxwell reacts to this absolutely vile clip, wherein the racist from Louisiana makes the outrageous comparison about Kamala Harris tackling border migration.
The Land of the Happy Negro's Minister of Big Daddy-ism tosses another sparkling turd. Where's Tennessee Williams now that we need him?

GOP Senators Defend Filibuster By Accusing Dems Of Pulling ‘Race Card’
Land of the Happy Negro "leaders" project their own image on Dems.

Fauci Calls Trump’s ‘LIBERATE’ Tweets ‘A Punch To The Chest’
Also known as "Turd Stirring." He's one of the best at that.

Meet the Fake Lawyer Who Goes to War for Anti-Mask Restaurants
Try not to laugh at him too hard.

Montana legislature shoots down GOP lawmaker's plan to add depiction of AR-15 to state flag
Gun thugs fail to make their "Demi-God" part of the state's flag.

Remembrance of Massacres Past
"We’ve met the Inhuman, and they is us."

Biden and the Blame Game at the Border
The issues involved are nearly impossible to settle as long as policymakers regard decency as a political weakness rather than as a moral strength.
The fascists want nothing settled. It would make it a tough row for their Nazi power plays if things were.

America's Gun Madness: How Guns Went from Tools to Ideology to Identity

Did God Incinerate Paradise?

Coca-Cola Doesn’t Care About Your Voting Rights, They Care About Money
You mean some things don't go better with Coke?

Chief Trump Immigration Nazi Starts ACLU, The MAGA Version
"It's like the ACLU, but to take away your civil liberties!"
"So think a klan rally, only with suits instead of sheets and legal briefs instead of burning crosses."

Lindsey Graham buried in mockery for boast about owning an AR-15 to battle 'gangs'
But, apparently, nowhere deep enough.

Graham blasts Biden for response to Georgia election law: He ‘played the race card’
How dare the President to have the nerve to "play the race card" on the great Land of the Happy Negro? That's their exclusive birthright says the white supremacist.
“Every time a Republican does anything, we’re a racist. If you’re a white conservative, you’re a racist. If you’re a Black Republican, you’re either a prop or Uncle Tom."
And they'd be telling the truth for a change. Finally, he admits it.

Montana Senator Longs For Good Old Days When Meth Was Homegrown
"Twenty years ago in Montana, meth was homemade. It was homegrown. And you had purity levels less than 30%. Today, the meth that is getting into Montana is Mexican cartel," said Montana Senator Steve Daines.
After speaking on the subject for several hours, Steve pines for the good old days of homemade Meth when the toothless guy down at the trailer park was delivering the goods. You never know what's in that Meskin crank nowadays!

Boebert Rants That Hammers Will Be Regulated Like Guns - Oh No!
Who knew your feet were as deadly as an AR-15?
Well, some stink could put you away unless you wear a protective mask. Maybe she has that problem with hers?

Not Shocking Study: Many QAnons Have Mental Diagnosis
Who could have predicted that those "All in for Q" types have something wrong in the head? Obamacare covers mental health.
If more of those in our government had their heads examined we'd all be better off.

Kemp Insists There’s Nothing ‘Jim Crow’ About New GA Voting Law
Caw! Caw! Caw!

Kemp used 'monument to Georgia’s history of white supremacy' as backdrop to sign voter suppression law: columnist
Land of the Happy Negro leader makes our point that we are correct about him and them.

Insurrectionist insists she won't go to jail because she has 'blonde hair, white skin'
This is the thinking process of white privilege in full glory shown for all to see.

Voting Rights IS Democracy

Ted Cruz and Friends Brutally Mocked By Critics Over Border Photo Ops: ‘This Expendables Reboot Looks Terrible’
And why not?

Stunning Poll: Republicans Think They’re Discriminated Against More Than Black People, Women, Jews, Muslims, Asians — By A LOT
Fascists should be shunned and removed from our society.

Carlson And Gaetz Play Pity Card For White Supremacists In Military
Fox's Tucker Carlson and Florida GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz are very upset that the military is finally attempting to do something about their white supremacist problem.
White trash is more like it.

COVID-19 Is Different Now
The coronavirus is changing. So is the disease it causes.

'What You're Doing Is Historical!' Bernie Sanders Rallies With Amazon Workers in Alabama
"If history teaches us anything, it is that big money interests do not just give you anything," the senator said in support of the union drive in Bessemer. "You've got to stand up and you've got to fight for it.
Union now. Union forever.

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Pal Caught On Video At MAGA Sedition Riot
Anthony Aguero, who calls Marjorie Taylor Greene “one of my closest friends,” is on video at the January 6 insurrection and he doesn’t look at all like the “independent journalist” he has claimed to be.

Noxious Trumpers Lining Up To Pack GOP Senate Primaries
Dawn is barely breaking on the 2022 election cycle and already Senate Republicans have a crew of miscreants getting set to destroy what’s left of the Republican Party as we once knew it, not to mention the Senate.
The fascists are out to fuck us all.

Texas AG Paxton Refuses To Release Texts, Emails From Sedition Rally
The Attorney General of Texas, still facing charges of securities fraud, is hiding evidence regarding his activities on January 6.
These Texas crooks never seem to get what's coming to them.

Beto O'Rourke slams Ted Cruz after senator posts video of visit to the border
Ted Cruz creates huge oil slick at the Rio Grande from the oil dripping from his bodily emissions.

Kristi Noem's political future in shambles after right-wingers turn on her: report
Faraway Eyes keeps looking farther away.

America's gun madness: How guns went from tools to ideology to identity
I was taught to handle and shoot guns as a boy. But the insane, murderous gun culture of today is something new
The U.S. seems to be producing more than its share of insane cultures these days.

How Are We Forcing Tucker Carlson To Be A Fascist This Week?
Frownie Tucks needs to be forced? ROTFLMAO!

US breaks record for most COVID-19 vaccines administered in a day

Republicans Know Their War on Voting Is Racist — so They're Barely Bothering to Defend It

Trump Is Gone, But American Democracy Is Still in Danger
Freedom House’s study on American democracy uncovers a disturbing trend far larger than the former president.
Fascists are everywhere. They've always been there and they are worse than ever. It must be America's goal to end them or die trying.

GOP governor signs pro-religious discrimination bill allowing doctors to refuse to treat LGBTQ patients
The depth of Republican meanness is unmeasurable.

Georgia’s New Voter Suppression Law Is Hit With Its First Lawsuit
Plaintiffs take aim at “unconstitutional burdens on the right to vote.”

Michigan GOP chair calls top Democratic women ‘witches’
“Any leader who does not resoundingly denounce this kind of behavior and attitude is complicit in their silence.”
"...referenced “assassination” when pressed for answers about how to remove two sitting GOP congressmen.
Referenced “assassination” when pressed for answers about how to remove two sitting GOP congressmen"
Goodness, he must think he's bulletproof. He doesn't have sense enough to realize that's the sort of talk that spurs violence and murder? These fools never learn.

Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: The press conference showcased a competent and confident president House panels open sweeping investigation of Trump administration response to Jan. 6 riot
Fatso and his filth.

How Spring Break Hit Miami Beach Like a Perfect Storm
“They’re allowing the Wild West to happen here,” says one bartender. “It’s now extremely difficult to stay open”

Fox News slapped with massive $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit by Dominion Voting Systems
Tucks looks pissed about something.

Even Fox News Can't Stand Ted Cruz' Stupid Mask Tricks
Fox News host Dana Perino pointed out during an interview with Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) on Thursday that he "could still be a carrier" of COVID-19 despite being vaccinated.
He is a huge carrier of grade A bullshit.

Angry CNN Host Pins GOPer: 'How Will You Protect Terrified People?'
Rep. Don Bacon met his match Wednesday morning when Poppy Harlow confronted his NRA talking points with a dose of reality.
Again, no vaccine to end stupidity of gun nuts. Bacon is only good when its fried.

'Jim Crow 2.0': Georgia Democrat breaks down GOP's 'despicable' new voting laws
"Jump, Jim Crow" in the Land of the Happy Negro.
"Banjos strummin' on the old melodies" — Take Me to the Land of the Happy Negro

Not 'even trying to hide their racism': Outraged voters blast Georgia cops following Park Cannon's arrest
They keep pushing the war they lust for. Keep it up. It's coming to you.

GA Rep. Arrested For Knocking On Guv’s Door As He Signed GOP’s Anti-Voting Bill Released From Jail
Land of the Happy Negro Plantation Troopers take care of a disgrunted negro.
They will get what's coming to them when the courts of the United States get done with them.
“We will not live in fear and we will not be controlled. We have a right to our future and a right to our freedom,” she tweeted. “We will come together and continue fighting white supremacy in all its forms.”

Michael Steele predicts GOP electoral catastrophe after Brian Kemp signs voter suppression bill
Like lambs to the slaughter.

North Carolina faces backlash for paying probation officer with deep white supremacist roots
Land of the Happy Negro keeps their racist roots alive.

They said they wouldn’t be giving to Republicans who voted to overturn the 2020 election. They’re already donating again.
You expected them to keep their word? LOL!

Nightmare For Christian Nationalists: New Poll Shows Wide Support For LGBTQ Rights

Ninth Circuit Rules There Is No Right To Carry Guns In Public
Seven judges in the en banc majority found “overwhelming evidence” that the law has never given people “an unfettered right to carry weapons in public spaces.”

U.S. jobless claims fall to 684,000, fewest since pandemic
Thursday’s report from the Labor Department showed that jobless claims fell from 781,000 the week before.

Another Reason for a $15 Minimum Wage—Social Security

Calling the Atlanta Shootings a Hate Crime Isn’t Nearly Enough
The term does more to narrow the definitions of racism, sexism, homophobia, and xenophobia than to expand our understanding of what hate crimes actually are.

Sidney Powell’s Legal Defense Exposes the Rot at the Core of Trumpism

McConnell's Increasingly Desperate Efforts to Keep the Filibuster Are Backfiring
Of course. He's a walking contradiction. Hardly truth and mostly fiction.

'Heresy!' Franklin Graham's followers revolt after the evangelical leader says Jesus would get the COVID vaccine
Of course. Jesus would make some wine out of water, order up some manna, seven loaves of bread and fish, and tell Covid to return to the Asian heathens who created it.
So much for Franklin's cred.

'You still could be a carrier': Fox News host confronts Ted Cruz over refusal to wear mask after vaccination
He's a carrier, alright. Of bags of bullshit.

'It's so stupid': GOP senator's call for 'idiot control' instead of gun control backfires hilariously
The idiot capacity is strong in this one and the control should start on him.

Texas AG Ken Paxton refuses to release messages about attendance at pro-Trump rally before Jan. 6 insurrection
Cancer appears in strange forms these days.

Maddow explains exactly why John Cornyn is fighting new DOJ nominee — and it has nothing to do with qualifications

Mitch McConnell keeps getting caught telling lies: Being minority leader is less fun
Whether it's about his filibuster, voting rights or phone calls with Biden, Mitch can't seem to tell the truth

Former FBI agent demolishes Fox News claim Boulder shooter’s gun wasn't 'a weapon of war'
"This rifle is basically an entry-level AR, with some adjustments." "The Ruger AR-556 is priced between $600 and $650! This makes it accessible to everyone..."
Just what Amerika needs.

Sen. Hyde-Smith: God Doesn’t Want People Voting On Sunday
Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS) has openly admitted she thinks voter suppression is a “great idea.” Now she is using God to justify it.
Amazing. She "thinks" but has no brain. This is common with the MAGAts. Situational "religion."

The militarization of society is trapping us in a paralyzed republic
The war they want will be the war they get. Be careful what you wish for.

Texas Republican attacks Southern Poverty Law Center using 'facts' from a satirical website
Leave it to Texas to take the lead on the "Boob" register.

Can Planet Earth Feed 10 Billion People?
Humanity has 30 years to find out.

Without Racial Justice, Religious Freedom is an Incomplete Promise
And the MAGAts want to keep it that way.

Ten Commandments Displays In Public Schools Are Still Unconstitutional
It doesnt matter to those who have assault weapons kept legal in their state Constitutions. They use them the same way.

Yes, Marjorie Taylor Greene, We Really Do Want To Take All Your Guns :)
No assault weapons ban in Colorado. Boulder had one it place but had to surrender it. Sorry, it's against their fucking "Constitution."

Texas: Where “voter fraud” means “voters who aren’t White, Christian, Conservative, and heterosexual”

DeJoy Set to Unveil Plan to Finish off the Postal Service. The Senate Needs to Act Now to Stop Him
What kind of system do we have that permits this fascist dick to keep fucking us every day?
Whatever it is isn't working. JOE BIDEN, FIX IT NOW! GODDAMN IT!

Fire Louis DeJoy!
Removing the postmaster general is necessary to save the postal service, and Biden has the authority to begin the process.
Now. This very minute. GET IT DONE!

McConnell Threatens ‘Nuclear Winter’ If Dems Eliminate Filibuster
It's going to kill the Senate, you say? Good. That means his ass gets frozen.
Republicans don't want government anyway. They will be all for it. So, what's his point?

GOP’s Kristi Noem followed advice to avoid lawsuit — now conservative voters might make her pay
You mean — the girl with the faraway eyes?

QAnon fans now say there is no 'Q' after conspiracy predictions repeatedly flop
Sorry, assholes. You still own the bag of shit you've created.

REVEALED: Oath Keepers and Proud Boys coordinated weapons and strategy to stop vote count
MAGAt Nazi-loving Amerika.

Two mass shootings within a week: America's gruesome "bingo card" total keeps growing
As usual, a wave of grief and horror will lead to nothing, because a minority of Americans likes it this way
The MAGAts are the "nothing people."

Republicans spew outrageous nonsense at Senate gun violence hearing
MAGAt Cruz vomits bullshit again fanning flame of the war they lust for.

Historians clamor to refute McConnell claim that filibuster has 'n?o racial history'
Land of the Happy Negro tyrant remembers when their negroes were a happier folk.

Video Shows Texas State Rep Kyle Biedermann At Capitol Riot
Biedermann has previously said he'd only attended the Trump rally beforehand. He lied. He was at the riot.
Another Texas seditionist.

Gunman ambushed National Guard caravan bringing COVID-19 vaccines to Texas
The cops from "Side Bet Idalou" to the rescue!

Protecting 30% of Our Lands by 2030: Are National Forests “Protected”?

More 'damaging revelations' about Trump administration to drop thanks to long-delayed IG reports
More? Really? Damaging? Really? The most damgaged creature on the planet has more stacks of dipshit on his stacks of dipshit? How quaint.

Right-wingers exploit Syrian background of Boulder shooter
So, Biden said, the first day he was in office, "Send me a Syrian I can count on. Let's put him in Boulder, as well. Then make certain he has access to an NRA membership."
Why can't these slack-jawed morons come up with something original for a change?

The NRA way of life is ruining our nation
Decades of gun propaganda has created a nation of sociopaths
For one. They aren't the only cancer in the house of horror. The fear mongerers are in other places as well.

Montana National Guard Chaplain Houses Anti-Gov Militia Session At Church
These people seek a wider war.
Another incel. You'll be behind bars in no time.

Republicans put themselves in a box — after driving the nation into a ditch?

There's one organization to blame for creating a nation of sociopaths
"...a minority of extremely insecure mostly white men who, drunk on decades of NRA-fueled propaganda..."
In most cases these "fast guns cowboys" are the first ones that mass muderers pop a round into because they are spotted sporting a weapon.

They Survived a Global Pandemic, But Not America’s Gun Epidemic.
There seems to be no vaccine for gun lust disease in America.

'End the Filibuster and Pass Gun Safety Laws. Now': Colorado Massacre Intensifies Demands for Action
"You're going to see another round of 'we can't do anything yet, there was a tragedy' hand-wringing, but we must end gun violence now."

Colorado’s Boebert slammed for fundraising off pro-gun rhetoric within hours of Boulder shooting

Don’t Prolong COVID by Pretending It Is Over
What's COVID? Whatever are you talking about? Oh, that flu-like thingy?

Biden's next Big Plan to save the Country Once Again Jeopardized by the Filibuster
Either eliminate the filibuster or eliminate the Nazis in the Senate. It must be one or the other.

Souls: Lost and Found
"Trump legitimized soulless people like himself..."

‘Very Anti-Social’: Suspect in Boulder Supermarket Massacre Was Paranoid, Brother Says
Police also identified the ten people who lost their lives when the 21-year-old gunman allegedly opened fire on Monday afternoon.

This Is What Trump-Biden Voters Think About the Republican Party
Spoiler: It’s not very nice.

Time to End the Presidential Pardon Power
Trump’s extreme corruption in selling pardons exposes an odd lapse in the Constitution. Its repeal could command bipartisan support.

Boulder Shooting Hangs Over Senate Hearing On Gun Violence
More American talky-talk.

Colorado NRA-linked group praised the striking down of a local gun ordinance one week before Boulder shooting
Non-Reasonable America takes another toll. In other words, the Republican Party, the party of death.

Illinois man accused of Nazi salute while screaming 'white power' at Black children
Ever the Nazi chickenshits, assaulting children is their MO.

Democrats push for gun reforms after second high-profile mass shooting in a week
Lawmakers and White House officials are urging the Senate to take up a pair of recently passed House bills.
American authoritarinism is addicted to guns. That's the problem. Until these asshats are eliminated the guns will stay rampant in our lives and our deaths.

Louis DeJoy Plans Extensive Postal Service Cutbacks: Report
Someone please show this motherfucker the gutter.

Evangelicals Must Confront Their Toxic Sexual Politics
Good luck with getting them to be responsible for anything.

Sidney Powell is ‘in a whole lot of trouble’ after her latest legal maneuver: attorney
Didn't we used to call bullshit on this sort of trash "frivilous"? What a disaster for law and order.

Congress Helped Their Businesses During the Pandemic. Then They Attacked the Capitol.
Some of the most high-profile insurrectionists—facing the most serious charges—are people who received government loans during the pandemic.
Freeloading turncoats.

The evil within us: How Christian fascist ideology led to the Atlanta killings
Millions of white Americans yearn to destroy the Satanic forces they blame for the collapse of their communities
All they have to do to see "Satan" is look in a mirror.

145 House Republicans refuse to say whether they've been vaccinated against COVID-19
They're scared to tell their constituants they've been vaccinated? What pussies!

World's Stupidest Congresswoman Gives Budget Advice
Of course, it's Lauren Boebert, who spent campaign money (allegedly!) on her tax lien. Budget, you say?
Note unsecured weapons on her set.

Mo Brooks compared Biden's election to the s?tart of the Civil War. Now he wants a Senate seat
What'd he do? Go to the brain outlet store and get a pre-owned model? It won't help.

Republicans have perfected the troll two-step: The art of being a jerk and then playing the victim
Step one: Say or do something wildly offensive. Step two: Whine that you’re being “canceled.” Bingo, it’s payday!

Multiple People, Including Police Officer, Killed In Colorado Grocery Store Shooting
Gun crazy America kills more innocent people.

The Vaccine Swing Voters
A subset of Americans haven’t yet made up their mind about getting a COVID-19 shot. Whether they turn out in the coming weeks will determine the future of the pandemic in the U.S.
Stop the pandemic. Get vaccinated if you love America as you so proudly state.

Our Taxes Subsidize as Much as 74 Cents of Every Dollar Donated by a Billionaire

Analysis: When elected problem-solvers become part of the problem
Fixing immigration and ending hate crimes was hard enough without elected policymakers in Austin and Washington D.C., stoking nativist and racial fears.

The rioter next door: How the Dallas suburbs spawned domestic extremists
North Texas remains a focus of the investigation into the Capitol insurrection after 19 local residents have been charged in connection with the Jan. 6 attack, according to federal authorities. That's one of the largest numbers in any place in the country.
The rioter next door: How the Dallas suburbs spawned domestic extremists

What Happened on January 6th was America, the Usual

Assault on This Nation’: Judge Tells Off Rioter Accused of Attacking Capitol Officer Brian Sicknick
If Georgie is 'not a bad kid' mother, I don't want to see your nasty kid.

Who Tells Their Story

The Roots of the Atlanta Shooting Go Back to the First Law Restricting Immigration
The Page Act of 1875, outlawing “lewd and immoral” Chinese women, codified the bigotry directed at Asian women from their earliest migration to the US to today.

Asian woman attacked in apparent hate crime while walking to protest against anti-Asian attacks
Chickenshit punches woman. He's not a stranger. He's in every city and town in America. Rascist fascism is our enemy.

Biden’s Opportunity to Reinvigorate America
He is ignoring the culture wars and focusing on things that matter—but huge obstacles remain in his way.

Biden scores major win as North Korea extradites suspect to stand trial in the US

White House to introduce $3 trillion infrastructure and jobs bill to get America back to work

How Many Women Have to Die to End ‘Temptation’?
The Atlanta murders follow a terrible pattern of misogynist violence.

GOP Senator Knocks “Humane Treatment” Of Migrants
Yes, for God's sake you fuckwads. Never treat anyone, except yourselves, with any "human treatment."

Madison Cawthorn Caught In Lie About Funding For Homeless Americans
Another asshole in the mob.

Traitor Trump Gets Mad At Fox News Host After She Calls Him 'Ex-President'
Fox News host Harris Faulkner had a 30-minute phone call with the seditious ex-president. All was well until she reminded him he's an "ex" and always will be.
"'Seditious-EX' is a traitor and a loser and shouldn't be on anyone's airwaves opining about anything."

Sore Loser Christian Nationalists Ramp Up Push For Voter Suppression

'A growing universe' of Trump associates under scrutiny as tax investigation enters 'next phase'

How Chuck Todd and the anti-moral press launder GOP propaganda to create the appearance of conflict

'You can't teach stupid': Americans respond to massive crowds on Miami Beach for spring break
And, apparently, you can't discourage it either. "Youth is wasted on the young."

'Gullible rube' Ron Johnson buried in mockery over explanation of how Greenland got its name
He's right about one thing, he has no idea.

Mexican MAGA Conspiracy Theorists Fan Flames at Border

For Asians Living in the Shadow of the Atlanta Killings, Anger and 'Just This Constant Fear'

Wealthy Texas suburb sent 19 rioters to US Capitol — and more residents could be charged
"These are the very people who would do things like have Trump parades every weekend and take a private jet to a riot."
Severe thinking disorders. This must be defined somewhere in the madness syndrome. On the other hand, it's Texas where insanity grows like wildflowers in the spring.

Why Obamacare Survived
Democrats did the work, Republicans didn’t—and that says a lot about the two parties.

American crisis: The horrific Atlanta killings — and democracy still under threat
Last week's dreadful headlines suggested a nation on the brink of collapse. But it's not too late to redeem America
But America needs to learn to stop breeding incels.

Evangelical theology, the poison of white male supremacy and the Georgia spa killings
No one who understands evangelical theology can be surprised if sexual "sins" are seen as punishable by death
Most of us know it takes a lot of killin' to make religion work.

Gov. Hutchinson Signs Law He Hopes Will Overturn Roe V. Wade
Speaking to Dana Bash, the Arkansas governor has no qualms about admitting his goal is to get his thoroughly unconstitutional law challenged in the Supreme Court, to have abortion declared illegal throughout the nation.
Another arrogant asshole to bound fuck with people's lives. Where do these fascist creeps get the idea they can spread their shit?

Blunt Decries ‘Alternative Versions’ Of Capitol Attack After Johnson’s False Claims
Thanks, Roy. The fascists have to pay for their crime against America.

Shadowy group behind Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation spending big to undermine Biden's Justice Department
America's continuing assault from fascism.

Republican Dan Crenshaw goes down in flames during debate with MSNBC's Mehdi Hasan
Another airhead that doesn't realize everything they say is recorded somewhere.

Tons of Old People Are Smoking Weed — And Doctors Are Worried
The pandemic might have increased that amount, and that has some doctors concerned.
The doctors that are worried should interview the elderly that have been using for over 60 years.
There are plenty out there.

Raphael Warnock Slams Georgia Republicans for Pushing Voting Restrictions After the Atlanta Massacre
“This shooter was able to kill all of these folks the same day he purchased a firearm, but right now what is our legislature doing?”

Chris Wallace nails Tom Cotton for voting record under Trump after he opposes Biden relief checks

The Lie That Smolders
"...shows that these Republicans are out of step with the country." Of course they are. They are fascists and believe in the Big Lie (or pretend they do).

Conservative George W. Bush Is Now Too Liberal for His Party

'Vaccine hesitancy on steroids': Fierce Covid shot resistance for Republicans
Keep the virus alive and killing is their mantra.

'The GOP is now a far-right party': Experts shocked at 'agenda of election nullification'
Fascism at its worst.

Don’t Buy The Spin: The House Process To Resolve The Iowa 2 Election Is Working Properly
Poor Murph. He's getting his ass handed to him and he can't accept it.

'Too broke to fix it': Trump ridiculed for letting his 'gold-plated' private 757 sit idle in disrepair
Thought for a minute they were talking about his brain. But it's way too late for that.

Biden Administration Hit Goal of 100 Million Vaccines Administered 42 Days Early

Texas’ decentralized, internet-reliant system for vaccine appointments leaves many eligible people unable to access a shot
Texans face challenges trying to book a vaccine appointment through a time-consuming process that inherently favors people who have easy access to internet and transportation. The situation is contributing to inequitable access for many people in the state.
How is Texas failing its citizens today. Let us count the ways.

The Showboat and the Scientist: A Morality Tale

Get Ready for the Herschel Walker Experience
Georgia Republicans get ready for the next phase of the Trump Wars.

Ted Cruz caught lying in leaked phone call about upcoming Senate bill: report
Ted? Caught lying?

How Biden Is Driving The Right And The Media Insane (And America Loves It)

Why The Mainstream Media Keeps Hiding The Depravity Of The Right

Georgia Church To Expel Shooter Because Murders Show He Isn’t A “Regenerate Believer In Jesus Christ”
They still can't accept that they are part of the problem.

MAGA Rioter Arrested, Served With Divorce Papers After Her Role In Capitol Riot
Jennifer Heinl lied to the FBI that she never entered the Capitol building, but her bright "Trump 2020" jacket was caught on video.
And I thought they were proud of their treason.

'Jim Crow in new clothes': In first Senate speech, Raphael Warnock slams GOP assault on voting rights
The same old clothes that they've always worn.

The Republican Party’s Irrational War on Voting Rights
State-level efforts to restrict the franchise may hurt democracy—and also, the GOP’s own voters.
Destruction is all that matters to these fascists and collateral damage means nothing to them.

COVID outbreak at Mar-a-Lago shuts down part of Trump's resort: report

DeSantis Wants Props For Covering Up COVID Deaths And Data
DeSantis is not just taking a victory lap over a course paved with 32,000 dead Floridians, he’s doing so at a time when his state is still logging 5,000 new cases of COVID-19 a day (second highest in the nation).

Removed: People Keep Punching Wax Dummy Of President Stupid
Louis Tussaud’s Waxworks on Alamo Plaza in San Antonio had to take down their dummy (yeah) of you-know-who because patrons kept punching it.
Why'd they do that? It was probably their biggest attraction and a lot of frustration was removed from Americans that had been screwed by the moron.

Go For It, Lindsey! Graham Says He'll Filibuster Voting Rights 'Until I Fall Over'
Challenge accepted! Senator Lindsey Graham says he'll filibuster until he falls over, in order to stop voting rights legislation. Go for it, Lindsey! says everybody.
What are the odds?

Evangelicals are teaching false doctrine. Who says so? Jesus Christ
I've spent my life around evangelical theology — and most of it is exactly the hypocrisy Christ warned us about
The whole thing is a false institution.

Florida Republican taken into custody on felony election fraud charges: report
Did I just read "Republican" and "election fraud" in the same sentence?
Why would that be news to anyone with a brain?

Biden White House Sandbags Staffers, Sidelines Dozens for Pot Use
Several staffers were informally told by transition officials that some past marijuana use would be overlooked, only to be told later that they were being asked to resign.
No, Joe. Don't be a total FUCKHEAD on this issue. You'll be firing everyone that tells you the truth and force everyone else to lie.
You aren't that fucking ignroant are you? Sit down, smoke a doob with someone and think about it for a change. C'mon, Joe. Are you going to pull a Bill Clinton on us? If so, it's time for you to come clean.
This trend of cancelling everyone that did something that is considered "Verboten" as a teenager is about as dumb as any fascist moron could have ever come up with.
You will lose on this, Joe.

George W. Bush: Capitol riots made me 'sick to my stomach'
George was upset over Trump's Nazi attack on our Capitol. And why wouldn't any American with an ounce of honor?

Fox News Failed To Cover Donald's Call To Get Vaccinated
If a Mango Mussolini says get your vaccine, but Fox News doesn't cover it, does it make a sound in the forest?
Yes. A big, loud, wet fart.

‘I didn’t know they were Jewish!’ Marjorie Taylor Greene claims ignorance for sharing anti-Semitic theory
"I didn't even know and didn't find out until recently that the Rothschilds were Jewish," Greene told the print-only Ami Magazine.
Well, at least she admitted she was dumb as dirt, as we all know. Sorry, that's an insult to dirt.

Tennessee GOP has a ‘cancel culture’ freakout over removal of KKK founder’s bust – proposes firing entire historical commission
Land of the Happy Negro MAGAt fascists get constipated over POS KKK founder's removal. FUCK NATHAN BEDFORD FORREST!

When police downplay anti-Asian hate in Atlanta killings, they’re helping hate crimes happen

Seth Meyers Just Invited Everyone To Tucker's House July 4
Hey, if we're going to flip out about Biden promising small gatherings on Independence Day, let's ALL go to Tucker Carlson's backyard.
Where he will be serving barbecued chickenshit.

Foiled Again! QAnon Conspiracy Dashed By Real Live Biden
Bidened! The conspiracy theories that Biden uses a green screen and being actually dead and also on a movie set not the real White House and besides it's a body double and in addition it's Trump in a mask -- are all debunked by Joe Biden alive on the White House lawn.
Top notch comedy by the QAnonsensers! ROTFFLMFAO!

Bill Barr Lied About China Election Interference
As it turns out, China didn't interfere at all, unlike Russia and Iran.
Oh, for God's sake don't mention Russia! It upsets them so!

Mitch McConnell's secret weakness is now exposed — and he can't stop what's coming
He's threatening to use the same thing he's been using to fuck America all along — his resistance to any progress for our country.
No limits next time? He's kidding. Limits are something he left behind long ago along with his soul.

Rep. Boebert makes a baffling and conspiratorial claim, saying the GOP may retake Congress 'before 2022'
Does this mean she resigning? I hope so for her sake.
That poor little girl.

'You're not hearing what I'm saying': Rand Paul embarrasses himself in an attempt to play gotcha with Fauci
Where do dumbasses like Paul come from? The sub-lower depths of Hell? The stupid snide fuckstick!

'Go ahead blow yourself up': James Carville calls Mitch McConnell's bluff after filibuster tantrum
He'll blow up good! He'll blow up real good! Make sure to record it when it happens!

GOP lawmaker involved in insurrection in talks with Trump to run for Senate in Alabama: report
Another Land of the Happy Negro seditionist walking around free and bidding for power again when he should be behind bars.

Latest stats on federal mooching blow up GOP lies about ‘Democrat-run states’

What It’s Like When Racism Comes for You
She’d never been attacked for being Asian American. The pandemic changed that.

Why This Wave of Anti-Asian Racism Feels Different
The author Cathy Park Hong sees the recent upsurge in violence as a turning point for Asian Americans.

Rev. Sen. Warnock Nails GOP Hypocrisy On Filibuster
The filibuster is a tool to protect the minority party in the Senate. It has always been used to protect white supremacy.
Made by and for the Land of the Happy Negro.

UPDATE: Man Detained By Secret Service At VP's Residence Had Weapons In Car
Little information has been released yet, but from just the video and tweets alone, this sounds like a possible disaster averted.
Another Nazi scum shows up. Trump brought them out of the sewers and we'll have to eliminate them one by one.

Police Captain Who Said GA Shooting Suspect Had ‘Bad Day’ Peddled Racist Anti-China Shirts Online
Land of the Happy Negro cop pushes shirts that help push assholes like our shooters to violence.
Captain Jay Baker of the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office in Georgia is "serving and protecting?"
So, he's saying I can have a hard day and take it out him now? What a twerp.

Ohio GOP AG Sues Biden Admin To Use Stimulus Cash To Fund State Tax Cuts
The state still wants federal dollars, as long as it can use them to finance tax cuts
People NO! Government, YOU BET! This guy's a Republican? "Sovereign authority" to rob Peter to pay Paul? Exactamundo!

Republicans are now working to sabotage Biden's stimulus
Republicans are now looking for ways to reject the federal funds allotted to state and local governments
The shows just how slimey Republican grifters have always put the screws to the people.

Massage Parlor Massacres Suspect Said He Loved Guns & God
"Police stressed that it was too early to announce a motive..."
An equal opportunity shooter in the Land of the Happy Negro.

Biden Backs ‘Talking Filibuster’ Reform: ‘That’s What It Was Supposed To Be’

Durbin Slams McConnell's Scorched-Earth Filibuster Threat
GOP dreams of a return to Jim Crow — and not just through racist voting laws Republicans come ever closer to embracing overt white supremacy. At least that would be honest
The dream of the Land of the Happy Negro.

Stop holding the Senate hostage, says the Illinois Democrat.
Nah, he'll treat every Democrat as if they are Obama now. Welcome to the Land of the Happy Negro.

About Cardi B's Backside
Georgia Republican lawmakers were criticized this week after they publicly mocked singer Cardi B's "backside" during a debate on the state House floor.
Did these old flaccid white men lose their free Viagra?

Twitter Laughs At McConnell's Scorched Earth Threats Over Filibuster
As many Twitter peeps pointed out, doesn't one need to be in power to push McConnell's policies through?

Trump Tower staff received vaccine through program designated for impoverished neighborhoods: report says
We knew Trump was impoverished but this badly?

Newly Released Intel Report Calls Out Russia For Interference In 2020 Election

There's a growing body of evidence showing the Republican Party has a paramilitary wing
And they all have swastikas on their arms. "...enemies foreign and domestic."

Marjorie Greene pens letter to Pentagon alleging Guam military unit 'ambushed' her congressional office (it didn't)
Penned? Do they teaach cursive hen she was in school? Did she attend school? I didn't know she could even type. I see, she shot holes in the paper she used.

Trump can't save vaccine hesitant Republicans: Fox News has turned the GOP into a death cult
It's not just that Fox News wants the virus to defeat Biden — they really are turning viewers into a death cult
Steve looks like he's already croaked.

LAPD detective accused of using racial slurs in viral video: 'Go back to your little cage you little monkey'
Let's see...did he get that from Howard Cosell?

FBI facing allegation that its 2018 background check of Brett Kavanaugh was ‘fake’
A Democratic senator has asked attorney general Merrick Garland to facilitate ‘proper oversight’ into concerns on the investigation

The Right to Vote Is Essential to a Functioning Democracy
America has become increasingly polarized politically. But democracy—and the right to vote—must be above partisanship.
" Republicans have introduced more than 250 legislative bills in 43 states that would make voting more difficult."
That should scare the shit out of anyone that believes in democracy. It's obvious the Republicans do not.

Private Religious Schools Teach Inaccurate, Controversial Things. You Shouldn’t Have To Pay For It.

Pelosi Urges Bipartisan Commission To Investigate Jan. 6, But GOP Resists Accountability
The guilty part always resists having their crime pinned on them.

Mitch McConnell tantrum vows 'scorched-earth' if Dems bypass filibuster to expand voting rights
Not if your earth gets scorched first.
The Senate's been broken a long time and you are the one that broke it, you asshole!
And you make threats of doing things you've already done routinely to America, you nasty nabob!

Ron Johnson Complains His Delusional Riot Claims Are Being ‘Silenced’

‘It’s Not Fair to Get Fired for Going to the Bathroom’ An Amazon worker in Alabama on the fight for a union.

The Biden Agenda Could Reverse the Democrats’ Losses With Working-Class Voters

Donald Trump Is Still a Public Health Threat
More than 40 percent of Republicans say they won’t get the coronavirus vaccine. That’s largely on Trump.
If it only affected them it would be fine. But the spread of the virus by ignorant carriers threatens people who are trying to stop it and put an end to it.

The Texas Freeze Set Off a Methane Bomb
We may never know the full extent of pollution in the Permian Basin.
Why would state leaders in Texas help? They are the ones responsible.

More States Widen Vaccine Eligibility: OH, MS, FL
Thankfully, we do have citizens that want to fight Covid instead of surrender to it.

HBO’s QAnon Docuseries ‘Q: Into the Storm’ Believes It Has Discovered Q’s Identity
This will be interesting. Will it turn out to be JFK Jr.?

Greg Abbott Admits There's No Voter Fraud, Insists On 'Election Reform' Anyway
Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) admitted on Monday that he knows of no voter fraud cases from the 2020 election despite announcing "emergency" election reform legislation.
Fascism continues its war on democracy. These seditionists, just like the fascists in Arizona, must be stopped.

Ron Johnson Says He Will Not Be 'Silenced' Over His Racist Comments
He may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but he knows exactly what he's doing.
Yes, as the rest of his fascist, racist cohorts, he continues to attack democracy and supports the assault on our Constitition.

'Ron Johnson is obviously an idiot': Conservative drops the hammer on GOPer over his Capitol riot comments
An idiot, most certainly. But all fascists like him will destroy our system if we allow them to.

Right-Wing Lawyer Locked And Loaded To Strip Voting Rights
Cleta Mitchell, architect of the right wing dark money infrastructure, is "very frightened" by the prospect of more people voting.
More evidence of the death rattle of a party. They have declared war on America because they have failed by using normal. Totalitarianism is now the road they are taking. They will be held accountable.

How many Americans will die because Republicans don't trust COVID vaccines?
One thing for sure, the fascists don't give a damn as long as it isn't them or their offspring.

Texas Lawmakers Introduce Bill to Penalize Businesses That ‘Boycott’ Fossil Fuels
With friends like these we don't need enemies.

Disinformation: The Real Reason Republicans Don't Want To Get Their Vaccine
No, it's not because of Trump. It's because Facebook has been pushing anti-vaxxer conspiracies for years — and Russian trolls amplify it.

278 GOP Lawmakers Voted for Trump Tax Scam, But 0 Voted for Covid Relief
The political lesson is that today's Democrats can gain political majorities by raising the wages of both middle class and poor voters, while fighting Republican efforts to suppress the votes of likely Democrats.

WaPo: 2 Arrested For Assault Of Capitol Police Officer Who Later Died After Jan. 6 Attack
2 more seditonists bite it.

Fox News obsesses over Dr. Seuss for third week: 'We're going down a very dark road'
Fox News has been going down a very dark road for years. Their intellect level isn't high enough to get to zero.

Kentucky: Where Insulting Cops May Soon Be A Crime
I guess if they're not allowed to do the no-knock warrants, they need another vehicle to kill innocent Black people.

Montana Man Who Bragged 'We're Going To Take This Damn Place' Now Arrested By FBI
Another sedtionist bites the dust.

Republican lawmakers are refusing to get vaccinated — which is holding up Congress
Ever see such a bigger bunch of sissies in your life? This is treason of the highest order. They are all enemies of America and should be treated as such.

Dr. Fauci Says There's A 'Disturbing' Trend Of Trump Voters Rejecting COVID-19 Vaccinations
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the federal government's top infectious disease expert, on Sunday lamented the "disturbing" trend of people refusing to get the COVID-19 vaccine if they voted for former President Donald Trump.
These people, who have stated he's not getting enough praise for his "fast tracking" the vaccine, now piss all over their hero by rejecting the vaccine. These mostly so-called "brave" men, will now reject the vaccine out of spite or plain fear or just pig-headedness. They are cowards of the first order. They are not men, they are devo.

A short history of the filibuster: Rarely a tool for good — and never a tool of democracy
The filibuster is not some sacred institution and isn't in the Constitution — it's a dumb, anti-democratic mistake

STUNNING POLL: After 1 Year and 500,000 Deaths, Same Number of Republicans STILL Think Threat of Covid ‘Exaggerated’
I submit this is not "thinking" as rational humans understand the word.

Better to be thought a fool than to be Tucker Carlson and remove all lingering doubt
Thoughts on Tucks Fucks.

Dr. Fauci Tells Stephen Colbert ‘Everything’ Changed Under Biden
“And every time we’ve seen a plateau at that level, there’s always been a risk of getting another surge. What we don’t want to do is get another surge. We want to keep it coming down.”
Yes, MOST of us want that. It's a good time to take stock of yourselves.

“Election Integrity” Means Restriction
You can’t have a reasonable debate about voting rights with people who wanted to cancel votes.

Federalize It, Joe Biden
The American Rescue Plan isn’t complete until welfare program administration is taken back from the states.
States still run their computer systems using COBOL.

'You can always move to Cancun': Ted Cruz battered for complaining Joe Biden's administration is 'boring'
This asshat complaining about being boring? Cruz is the greatest mind-numbing experience in government.

Lauren Boebert Scandals And Controversies: The Facts You Need To Know
Speaking of QAnon...

Arrested Woman Wouldn’t Wear “Face Diaper” In Bank
Karen strikes again. What she experienced is what happens when one resists arrest and you are unaware that being a "privileged white person" does not exempt you from the reality of businesses operated on private property having their own mask policy that may not be the same as the policy of the State. "Policy" is a word she should research and how it differs from law. This is QAnon in their delusional state that clearly illustrates their "research" is soooooo special. She admits she was in the bank for 15 minutes violating their policy before she was arrested and that she willingly ignored the bank's policy. The "old lady," as she refers to herself, resists arrest because she violates the banks policy. This is what America is up against—misinformed crap spewing idiots. She should have a large supply of face diapers with all that shit running out of it.

Interfaith Alliance Celebrates Enactment of American Rescue Plan, Urges Church-State Separation In Funding

Brianna Keilar Rips Fox Propagandist Tucker Carlson's Sexism — Military Edition
CNN's Brianna Keilar once again didn't pull any punches when it comes to just how dangerous the hateful bile is coming from Fox primetime anchor Tucker Carlson.
Brianna, he's not talking to women. He's talking to white men who think they will run everyone and everything for eternity even as they are a vanishing species on the planet.

Jayapal, Dingell to Unveil Medicare for All Act Exactly One Year After 1st Covid Cases Confirmed in Every State
"This past year makes it incredibly clear why we must pass Medicare for All."
Let's get it done.

Covid-19 death rates higher in states with GOP governors: Study
Of course. Everyone there is expected to take responsibility for getting sick and not blame their leaders for doing nothing to prevent it.

GOP senator: If insurrectionists had been Black instead of MAGA I would have been 'concerned'
White supremacist fascist leader has severe thinking disorder.

'Disgusting' Lara Trump faces furious backlash for funneling dog rescue donations to Mar-a-Lago
Well, yes but after all they are all dogs.

How Joe Biden—in Less Than Two Months—Turned Ronald Reagan’s Decades-Old Conventional Wisdom on Its Head

The Twisted Group Focused on Making Nazis Comfy in Prison
They must be getting Trump's cell ready.

Time to see Trump as a normal politician: grubby, grasping, corrupt and banal
Donald Trump isn't really a Republican. He’s a cheap crook — which, come to think of it, is the same thing
The only ones that can't see this have been blind for years.

Rep. Paul Gosar’s siblings say he's a white supremacist — but his GOP colleagues stay silent
Gosar’s siblings push for his ouster from Congress after inciting Capitol riot, speaking at white nationalist event
"Three siblings of Rep. Paul Gosar, R-Ariz., have renewed their push to remove their brother from Congress, accusing him of being a white supremacist following his speech last month at a conference hosted by a notorious white nationalist."

Financial experts pinpoint how Biden's relief plan could contribute to the reshaping of American families

No, Trump Doesn’t Deserve Credit For Planning Vaccine Distribution
On the other hand, flim-flamming and grifting are some of his greatest accomplishments.

Chris Wallace Smashes Kudlow's Sudden Deficit Worries
Chris Wallace punked Kudlow's sudden concerns over deficit spending since Kudlow spent wildly in the Trump administration.

GOP Gov: ‘If You Legalize Marijuana You’re Going to Kill Your Kids’
But what about our kids and their take-out orders for booze? Ah, shucks that's Ok because it's so well regulated kids can NEVER get any of that stuff.
He just wants more for himself.

PA GOP Sends Robocalls With 'Johnson & Johnson' Caller ID
This latest move, playing both off the anxieties and hopes of people looking for a return to some normalcy, is truly horrendous and infuriated many Republican voters.
Scumbaggery Inc. searching for the bottom.

Florida Woman Admits The Capitol Riot Was '99% MAGA'
“We broke a few windows, sure but we were a peaceful protest occupying the people’s property,” Corrine Lee Montoni wrote of the January 6th riot which left 5 dead and more than 140 police injured.
A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

Tammy Duckworth Slams Tucker Carlson Over His Comments About Women In The Military
“F*ck Tucker Carlson." wrote the Illinois Senator on Twitter.
Until his rectum hurts. He's a mockery of humanity. He comes from that stock so he's no surprise.
This is what comes from catering to an audience of disappearing white men.

Up Is Down, Red Is Blue And Tucker Carlson Lies To You
Of course, Tucker Carlson's White Power Hour blames the victim. George Floyd is Black, after all.
The fascists have found someone even more hateful than the late miscreant, cigar-sucking moron.

Military Leaders Rip Tucker Carlson For Denigrating Women Serving
Some top men in the military hit back at Tucker Carlson for mocking women serving our country, including a reminder that Carlson’s opinion “is based off of actually zero days of service in the armed forces.”

Rick Scott Begs States To Reject That Sweet Stimulus Cash, But Florida Wants More
Actually, Rick wants is all sent to him so he can distribute it in the right way.

How many GOP House members are mired in conflicts of interest? No one knows
Many House members (especially Republicans) make millions on the side — and vote their businesses big breaks
Grifters R Us.

After opposing wildly popular stimulus package, GOP hopes to gnaw away at public support
Republicans flee in all directions: They'll take credit for parts of the package, while claiming it's useless
The stunning intellect of the totally devoid.

'Total Hypocrisy!' Sanders Rips GOP for Pushing Estate Tax Repeal While Rejecting Covid Relief as Too Costly
"While Senate Republicans told us we cannot afford to provide $1,400 direct payments to the working class, they had no problem introducing a bill this week to repeal the estate tax."
Hypocrites? How about just goddamn crooks!

The Cost
12 months of indelible photographs from the pandemic in America and the stories behind them
Please don't forget those that have denied it, helped perpetuate it and spread it that have aided in our death toll. They have blood on their hands that will never wash off. Show their faces, too!

'Fire this guy': DeJoy gives himself an 'A,' asks for money to further slow mail
A for Asshole.

GOP pushes for top 0.1% tax break while opposing COVID relief package to help millions Americans
Senata Kendy seems to have a serious thinking disorder. Sad.

Wingnut Pastor Knows What Heaven Is Like, And It Suuuuuucks
Dang! No kosher delis in Heaven? Whatever will we do for a Reuben?

A (Culture) War of Desperation: Without Trump, Republicans Wage Their Last Stand

The Link Between the Capitol Riot and Anti-Abortion Extremism

Weekly jobless claims fall more than expected as Biden prepares to sign $1.9 trillion recovery package

6 Questions Officials Still Haven’t Answered After Weeks of Hearings on the Capitol Attack
More than 15 hours of testimony failed to answer fundamental questions about the Capitol attack. Among them: Why national security officials responded differently to BLM protesters than to Trump supporters.

Virus drove record U.S. death rate in 2020, CDC finds
Covid-19 killed nearly 400,000 people in the U.S. in 2020, making it the third-leading cause of death.
So what are they celebrating in Texas diners?

Reporter targeted by Iowa cops during Black Lives Matter protests is acquitted on all charges
Of course. This is still America regardless of what the fascists spread.

West Virginia County That Went For Trump Welcomes Covid Relief Act
"Any time you can help areas as depressed as Mingo County and West Virginia, and give people $1400, hopefully that will — it's going to help a little bit."

Christian Nationalists Are The Original Proponents Of ‘Cancel Culture’

Dem congresswoman demands investigation into 3 House Republicans for 'involvement in the deadly attack on the Capitol'
3 of the most pathologically afflicted in government.

'These recordings are going to be dynamite': John Dean explains just how much trouble Trump is in

Newly revealed audio caught Trump pressuring a Georgia official to help him overturn the 2020 election
Really? That guy would do something that low and filthy?

Trump blames 'terrible' Stacey Abrams and 'dishonesty' in Atlanta for Georgia loss: leaked call
The victim card. This idiot is making it tough on himself, as usual.

'Shame on them': Republican voters attack GOP members for refusing to support stimulus they need
Even the MAGAts are pissed at the fascists now that they got screwed by them.

Joy Reid Shreds Lauren Boebert For Ad Threatening Nancy Pelosi
The real terrorists are in the GOP.
My advice to Mike Lee is to go back to the place in Hell he came from.
And as for Lauren "Pass the ammo" Boebert, Nancy will take down the fence when you terrorists turn in your murder weapons.

Fox Celebrates No Masks In TX: 'Think For Yourself Like Rush Limbaugh Wanted Us To'
The Fox News morning show Fox & Friends visited a Texas diner that was filled to 100% capacity on Wednesday to celebrate Gov. Greg Abbott's (R-TX) decision to lift COVID-19 safety measures.
"All Hat, No Cattle" Will Cain celebrates Covid-19 spreading party with other slack-jawed white men. Please stay there for the duration.

Obama, Bush, Clinton And Carter Come Together To Encourage Americans To Get Vaccine
A great deal of Americans could use some courage.

Study shows how Republican governors adopted politicized COVID-19 policies that invited disaster

Georgia Senate passes bill rolling back absentee voting, and the devil is in the details
Fascists continue to attack American democracy.

Trump is finally learning that being president was a huge mistake — here's why
Trump will finally pay for his bullshit grift.

Trump’s voters are now refusing to become his customers: ‘I don’t give a fig about his business’

Everything Trump touches dies — 'and right now the Republican Party isn't looking good': conservative

WATCH: School board meeting goes off the rails after woman tells everyone to rip off their face masks
Another Karen displays the fantasy world view they all seem to hold.

GOPer Boebert facing furious backlash for new ad targeting Nancy Pelosi
So many weapons around her or in her hand. In her case, extreme "Penis Envy"?

The Capitol attack: White supremacist terrorism meets evangelical Christianity
Religion expert Robert P. Jones on the toxic union of QAnon, white supremacy and the fading evangelical movement

Gov. Abbott and other Republicans are letting power companies get away with highway robbery
Road Agents at work in Texas. That's OK if kickbacks are involved?
"The overcharges average $550 per Texan. Steal that much just once in the Lone Star state and you can get a fine of up $2,000 plus a six-month stay at the local sheriff's gray-bar hotel."
"Some will rob you with a six-gun, and some with a fountain pen." — Woody Guthrie

A GOP lawyer's admission unintentionally revealed why the Democrats need the nuclear option to save democracy
It's more than obvious. The fascists are doing everything they can to prevent voting in our country. They have no use for democracy and care only for fascist control. They must be stopped by any means necessary in this Civil War they have started.

Idaho Woman Who Livestreamed During The Capitol Riot Now Arrested
Yvonne St Cyr was arrested by members of the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force and the Boise Police Department.
Always spouting "communist" America. I guess they never heard of fascism which is exactly what they practice and what facsists always spout.
Another one bites the dust.

Why Are Black Communities Being Singled Out as Vaccine Hesitant?
Positioning vaccine distrust as a problem specific to African Americans is not only inaccurate and unjust — it’s also harmful

We Have to Grieve Our Last Good Days
Why people dwell on their final pre-pandemic memories
Of course, this does not apply to the morons who never believed we have a pandemic.
But, like the rest of us, many of them are dead now and have no memory.

'I Am Disheartened, Saddened, and Angry': Jimmy Carter Condemns Georgia GOP's Voter Suppression Push
The former president slammed the Republican-controlled Legislature of his home state for trying to "turn back the clock" on voting rights.
Of course. It's what they have always done in the Land of the Happy Negro. Those folks don't need to vote anyway. Only white males allowed. And then they have the nerve to call themselves "Americans."

Joe Biden just unleashed a quiet revolution in American politics
America is now on its way to being great again.

GOP lawmakers are bailing because 'they don't want to work in Donald Trump's Republican Party': Morning Joe
And why would an American want to work for fascism?

'Bad news': GOP campaign consultants are panicking — here's why

CDC Says Vaccinated People Can Stop Wearing Masks in Private Gatherings
Please note: That's VACCINATED PEOPLE,not fools that burn masks.
"Your old road is rapidly agin' Please get out of the new one if you can't lend your hand..." — Bob Dylan

A Massive Global Hunt for Variants Is Under Way
Tracking the coronavirus’s evolution, letter by letter, has given us a powerful tool—if we can figure out how to use it.
That and figuring out why foolish idiots burn protective masks to set us back in our struggle.

Inside Team Trump’s New Plot to Suppress the Vote Under Biden
Multiple state-level efforts to curb voting have made Democrats’ consideration of voting-rights legislation in Congress, like H.R. 1, feel even more urgent.
Fascism still at work in America.

McCarthy Shoots The Messenger As Honoré Preps To Brief House On Jan. 6 Failures
“Notorious partisan bias” said one of the most biased asses in Washington.
"Fortress" simply implies that your fascists could attack it at anytime, Kevin. The General is not going to have it. Step down if you can't defend America and you support sedition.

Connie Schultz Warns White People: 'This Fight Is Our Fight For Voting Rights' Too
The brilliant journalist read the GOP for filth over their lawyer's SCOTUS arguments against voting rights.

Fox News: Cancel All Teachers Concerned About COVID Safety
After spending 10 minutes bashing teachers, Fox News then segued into into the cancel culture of Looney Tunes, not realizing they just try to cancel hundreds of thousands of teachers.
Does your resume have to include "batshit crazy" to get a job on Fox?

Trump in NYC to ‘look under the hood’ of his businesses as prosecutors probing fraud turn up heat: source

Biden Takes the First Step Toward Undoing Betsy DeVos’ Title IX Rules

Fifth Republican Senator Won’t Seek Reelection in 2022
The rats are leaving the Fascist Party ship.

Iowa Reporter Goes On Trial In Case That Raises Press Freedom Concerns
"This is a standard misdemeanor trial" Standard you say? Let's see some others you will compare this with.
OK: "The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker reports that 127 journalists were arrested in 2020 – the vast majority at protests. That compares to just nine such arrests the previous year. It says Sahouri is among 13 journalists who currently face criminal charges."
Standard human rights violation trial must be what he means.
Further evidence of our third world status.

Trump Voting By Mail For The Third Time Amid Crusade To Delegitimize Election Process
It's only good for wealthy entitled white males it appears.

Which Political Party Passed The Civil Rights Act?
No surprise which segment was the strongest concentration of opposition to the bill in both the House and Senate
Take me to the Land of the Happy Negro, that's the place for me.

Marjorie Taylor Greene lies pending LGBTQ Equality bill has ‘completely canceled women’ and ‘destroyed women’s rights’
Something certainly destroyed her but not either of those.

Lisa Murkowski Put Good Stuff In COVID Relief Bill, Voted Against It Like Weird Person

Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan unveils slate of bills in response to winter storm power outages
The proposals include overhauling the governance of the state’s electric grid operator, mandating “weatherization” of power facilities and establishing a statewide disaster alert system.
Yes, but will the grifters allow it to change.

A Texas lender sued thousands of low-income Latinos during the pandemic. Now the feds are investigating.
Oportun Inc., a small-dollar loan company, disclosed to investors that it is the subject of a probe by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau following reporting by The Texas Tribune and ProPublica.

Roger Stone’s Oath Keeper Bodyguard Charged by Feds in Capitol Riots
A Montana man who owns a lawn care business and meticulously documented his participation in the riots on Instagram before fleeing to Kenya was also charged.
Roger Stone will eventually pay for his conniving.

Biden Takes His Support For Labor One Step Further With WH Endorsement Of PRO Act
“America was not built by Wall Street. It was built by the middle class, and unions built the middle class,” the OMB said in the statement. “Unions put power in the hands of workers.”

'House of Lords' Democrats who dumped the $15 wage will be held accountable: civil rights activist
As they should be.

'I was shocked': Colorado Walmart slammed for racist beauty products policy targeting Black customers
Systemic rascism, anyone?
Why don't American retailers just go ahead and put everything under lock and key and make their customers give them their shopping lists at the entry and have them wait until it's gathered for them and then pay as they leave. This will make it equitable for everyone. Sound good? This is the world we are heading for.

'Re-marketing hate': Former neo-Nazi says violent extremists are being 'radicalized' by Fox News
"The neo-Nazi stuff that I belonged to is manifested in the QAnon, in the Proud Boys…."

'Bloody Sunday': Left activists, labor leaders executed in Philippines after Duterte says 'finish off' the communists
Duterte is a murderer. He must be arrested, indicted and prosecuted for crimes against humanity just as with all dictators that turn to genocide. It's a good thing he's willing to go to jail because that's where he belongs while he awaits execution.

'Completely Nuts': Behind Closed Doors, Republicans Are Grappling with Their Own Far-right Extremists

Senator John Cornyn and Other Corinthians

A Mexican restaurant in Houston is keeping its mask rule. People threatened to call ICE on the staff.
Gov. Greg Abbott’s decision to lift the statewide mask mandate has not come easily for many businesses that are navigating enforcement mask rules while facing backlash. “It was just horrific,” said Monica Richards, co-owner of Picos.
Illustrating just how batshit mean some Texans are.

Idaho Rep. Claims Face Masks Do Injury 'To Even Our Souls'
This elected representative claims masks are a reminder of the death and destruction of Covid, so we should stop wearing them so Covid can kill us.
The level of brain void keeps descending. And it appears to eminate heavily from Idaho according to my research.

'That's Reparations!' Lindsey Graham Freaks Out Over Loan Forgiveness For Black Farmers
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) expressed outrage on Sunday over a program that forgives some loans for disadvantaged farms.
Land of the Happy Negro Gov. thinks this will depress their Black farmers, somehow.

Chris Wallace Nails Manchin For Enjoying His 'Position Of Power A Little Too Much'
Fox News host Chris Wallace on Sunday called out Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) for enjoying his "position of power a little too much."
Power addicts can't give up that drug. "Common sense middle"? That's the drug talking.

'Completely nuts': Behind closed doors, Republicans are grappling with their own far-right extremists

Teachers are terrified that experts don't really know how risky re-opening schools is
"You can’t say what is the risk" for unvaccinated teachers, Fauci tells the press

Senate Approves Biden’s $1.9 Trillion Pandemic Relief Plan

Durbin Burns Cruz For Bogus Claims That Undocumented Workers Get COVID Checks
Sen. Durbin was not going to listen to Cancun Cruz's lies about people without social security numbers getting COVID relief.
Can we please cancel Cruz the next time we get to vote against his loser ass.
See if he can find real work.

The favorite trick Trump could use in new case underscores how broken the US legal system is
We have a legal system? Are they going to use against Trump soon? Asking for a friend.

Tipped workers face added sexual harassment during the pandemic, this week in the war on workers
America, the money hoarders.

Marjorie Taylor Greene snaps at GOP colleagues frustrated with her House antics
I don't know why this "woman" has an axe to constantly grind. She "serves the people"? Not very well.

Expert explains how Dems just brilliantly forced Trump to respond under oath for the Capitol riot

Poll: Biden has 60% approval rating, 70% support his handling of COVID-19 pandemic
At a moment of deep political polarization in America, support for Biden’s pandemic response extends across party lines.

March 4 Was a Dud — but QAnon Will Persist Because It Is Fueled by White Entitlement

'Traitor' Tucker Carlson gets slammed after referring to QAnon followers as 'gentle people'
Indict Frowny Tucks.

Hospital system contradicts DeSantis on COVID vaccine delivery to luxury Keys enclave
Another Republican creep grifting and lying.

Rudy Giuliani, After Blowing Past Deadline to Respond to Dominion’s Billion-Dollar Lawsuit, Personally Asks for Extension
Is or was this asshat ever a lawyer that could legally practice?

Why Was Texas So Vulnerable To The Recent Freeze?
Greed & short-sightedness
Those thinking of moving to Texas might want to rethink the idea.

Texas will not fix ERCOT's $16 billion power billing mistake
The Public Utility Commission ignored its independent monitor’s recommendation to retroactively reduce the market price for power for at least part of the week of the winter storm.
And they won't spend a dime of it to fix the reason it happened. Greed will bite these grifters on the ass one day.

We Throw Out More Than 2 Trillion Pounds of Food Every Year, UN Says
Here’s why that’s a problem for the climate.

Staggering Report Lists 2,000 Pages of Election-Related Tweets From Republicans Who Voted to Overturn Election After Insurrection
The list of co-conspirators in the act of sedition upon our country.
Indict them all and remove them from office.

Patty Murray Slams Anti-Trans Tuberville Amendment to Covid Relief Bill: ‘For The Love of God’ Can We Have Compassion?
You have to remember Tuberville thinks he's still the head coach in the Land of the Happy Negro.
Let us never forget "Democrat" Joe Manchin (D-WV) voted in favor of the amendment. He's vying for the assistant to the head coach.

Tommy Tuberville Is Still Losing at Sports

Senator Kyrsten Sinema slammed after spokesperson says it’s sexist to discuss her ‘thumbs down’ vote
That curtsy wasn't necessary. It was a snotty "See what I can do? Nyah-nyah-nyah-nyah-nyah!" It doesn't matter which sex did it.

'Shameful': Millionaire senators face blowback for voting against raising the minimum wage
"In his statement, Pearl said that "the Senate failed the American people today."
As it should be.

'Shameful': Millionaire Senators Vote Against Popular Minimum Wage Raise That Would Lift Millions Out of Poverty
"It is despicable and unacceptable that there is not unanimous support among Democrats in Congress for a $15 minimum wage," said Rep. Jamaal Bowman.
You forget that they don't know the word "shame."

WATCH: QAnon-loving Capitol rioter thought JFK Jr would be 'sworn in' as Trump's vice president on Jan 6
Always a stunner to see just how many lunatics are loose and on our streets that should be instituionalized.
Earth to QAnonsenser: If JKF,Jr. was still alive he would not be any part your Fascist party!

'That really happened': Kevin McCarthy mocked after new Dr. Seuss publicity stunt
The intellectual level of the Republicans has reached the bottom of the bottomless pit.

'They don't get to hide': These 22 companies donated to sponsors of voter suppression bills
Time to take your business somewhere other than these companies listed.

The Texas Donors Who Don’t Want Anything to Change
University of Texas athletes have pushed their school to disavow its past. Wealthy alumni have other ideas.
More trouble in the Land of the Happy Negro. Go Bucks!

Maskless Woman Sues over Wildly Successful GoFundMe That Benefited Barista Who Told Her to Wear Mask
Bullshit comes in many forms and many warped selfish ways in America these days.

Can You Be Medically Exempt from Wearing a Face Mask? Health Experts Weigh In
If you are so helpless that you can't possibly wear a mask in public, for whatever bullshit reason, get it delivered to you or use the drive-through like someone with a brain does.

Cheney rips Gosar for giving a speech at a recent conference organized by white nationalist

Josh Hawley was right to worry, because the FBI really is reading his communications with insurgents
Perhaps they will get this seditionist at last.

TX Gov Backs Bill To Outlaw Bannings By Social Media
Supporting sedition by their constituants. That's no surprise.
A comment posted:"A Republican pushing for government control over how private media companies operate.
It's all laissez faire and Ayn Rand until their ideology meets their self interest. Then it's Ministry of Truth time.
So true. The victim card always gets played. Think of it — always.

Two Big Reasons Why Now Is a Terrible Time to Lift Mask Mandates
“It’s completely ridiculous to reduce responsibility to the individual.”

U.S. adds a strong 379,000 jobs in hopeful sign for economy
The February gain marked a sharp pickup from the 166,000 jobs that were added in January.

AP poll puts Biden job approval at 60 percent
Other public polling published this week has shown Biden with similar margins of support.

Republicans scrambling to rein in extremist lawmakers as Democrats paint them as the QAnon party: report
Which is damn near impossibile since most of them are extremists now.

Ron Johnson's desperate COVID relief bill stunt just blew up in his face
A stunning display of intellect.

FBI Arrests Trump Political Appointee for Assaulting Officers With a Riot Shield During Capitol Siege

Paul Gosar: MTG In Lifts
An insurrection-planning, white-nationalist-collaborating congressman remains uncensored and unchallenged. Why?
Because we can no longer put seditionists where they belong just like we can't do many things that we used to do in a country that is now half full of lunatics.

Seriously, Joe Biden, Next Time Just Call Them 'Dumb Motherf*ckers'
They've earned the title.

Greg Abbott Preemptively Blaming Not Greg Abbott For Inevitable Texas COVID Surge

Trump's fake inauguration on March 4 was QAnon's latest vision that flopped. A new date is now being peddled to perpetuate the mind games.

House impeachment manager sues Trump, allies over riot

'They Should Be Ashamed': With Jobless Benefits to Expire in 9 Days, Republicans Pull Out All Stops to Obstruct Relief Bill
"When Sen. Johnson voted to cut taxes for the wealthiest Americans, he didn't force staff to read the bill. But now that working people need help, he's forcing a delay."
Again, you're confusing the Republicans with someone who gives a damn.

Sen. Ron Johnson, worth $40 million, derided as "face of the opposition" to COVID relief
Wisconsin's science-denier and Trump superfan is now forcing pointless delay in final vote on COVID relief package
Send this Bozo out to pasture.

GOP senator's attack on Democrats' voting rights bill hilariously backfires: 'Truest thing you have said'
Clearly exposing how much the Fascists care about Americans in a deadly pandemic. "Let them eat Covid," they say.

Abbott's 'deadly pattern of failed leadership' slammed by Texas newspaper

Surprise! Proud Boys And Oath Keepers At Heart Of 1/6 Insurrection
Totally NOT shocking: the universe of domestic right-wing extremists who came together on Jan. 6 has grown massive, is constantly expanding, and now poses a greater threat to American society than overseas jihadists.

Maddow: Even A Second Grader Knows Elaine Chao Is Corrupt
Elaine Chao’s alleged misuse of her office as transportation secretary didn't make it to the DOJ criminal investigation stage under Trump? Hmm.

BUSTED: Trump official arrested in connection to Capitol riot

'Stop Nickel and Diming the American People': Anger Grows as Senate Democrats Move to Deny Relief Checks to 17 Million
"While you're quibbling over who you want to exclude, people are suffering. SEND THE CHECKS."

Women and the Pandemic
COVID-19 has made it impossible to deny the ways broken systems hurt women. TIME spoke with women who have found the strength to work toward a better future.

Three Republicans accused of ethics violation after they attempted to alter colleague’s votes Three Republicans accused of ethics violation after they attempted to alter colleague’s votes

Gohmert? Ethics? Does he even know the word and its meaning? Don't make me laugh.

The Democrats are no longer playing by the GOP's rules
Why not? They have played by their fascist rules long enough.
"an unelected parliamentarian." Get the fuck out of here!

Why some New Age influencers believe Trump is a "lightworker"
The New Age philosophy-Trump connection has concerning parallels to the role mysticism played in Nazi Germany
Well, Lorie, all I can say is you haven't connected with the real thing yet. You need to get in touch with the Land of the Happy Negro to get the real thing that will make your ting-a-ling ring! Because, as the Rock Man said: "You hear what you wanna hear, and you see what you wanna see."

Matt Gaetz makes friendly with white nationalists when they invade CPAC gathering in Florida
Matt Gaetz? Is he still a thing? Amazing. "Speckzo"? Dude, just go with "Spec." Nobody wants to deal with extra cosoets, di'nt u no?

I Was Antifa. I Am Antifa. I Will Die Antifa.

Josh Hawley: The Canceler as Cancelee

Grand Jury Set To Convene As GA Prosecutors Prepare Subpoenas In Trump Investigation

When Will Violence Shape Our National Politics? Some Say We’re Already There.
We've been there since we've become numb to shooters killing us with weapons that should be banned.

'I'm target number one: Republican Ron Johnson whines that he’s the real victim in Washington attack
Wow! He's playing the victim card. That's all these whining miscreants can ever do. Think of it — always! They are failures.

Lauren Boebert Says Equality Act Is “Supremacy of Gays”
I'll bet she won't complain when they propose the "Equality Act for Morons."

DeSantis is giving vaccines meant for Black communities to wealthy white Floridians
and his cult thinks he could be a candidate for president. ROTFFLMFAO!!!

After recklessly lifting restrictions, Texas governor falsely calls asylum-seekers COVID risk
The assholes are crawling out from under the stupid tree. Find the children that have not been reunited with their parents that were separated by your criminal cult actions.

'Neanderthal' GOP Whines Over Mean Names From President
Being called out for rescinding mask mandates sent snowflake Republican politicians into faux spasms.
Do we think that anyone besides their own moron cult members give a flying fart?

Psaki Concurs With Reporter Who Says Biden ‘Neanderthal’ Remark Didn’t Go Far Enough, Should Say ‘People Are Gonna Die Because of You’
Correct. But he doesn't give a rat's ass.

ERCOT overcharged power companies $16 billion for electricity during winter freeze, firm says
An independent market monitor for the Public Utility Commission of Texas wrote in a letter that the power grid operator kept market prices too high for nearly two days after widespread outages ended.
Obviously, no regulation is needed here.

Not every Republican is as bone-headed as Greg Abbott, as vaccinations exceed 2 million per day
"According to the CDC, there are currently more than 171,000 active cases of COVID-19 in Texas. In his no-masks, everything open to the fullest ruling this week, Abbott just gave every single one of those people, and the tens of thousands more who don’t even know they have COVID, permission to crowd into the nearest bar and restaurant and share their germs. Abbott didn’t just lift all mask requirements, he banned counties and localities from imposing local mask requirements. And he did it in a week when more than half the counties in Texas saw a sharp increase in the number of new COVID-19 cases. It’s the kind of action that has Republicans spending their Wednesdays defending the honor of Neanderthals."

These GOP Governors Are Trying to Distract Us From Their Deadly Failures by Killing More People
“It is now time to open Texas 100 percent.” He means it is time to open the minds in Texas government.

Gohmert Claims Pelosi, Schumer Are The Only QAnon Believers
This Texas Republican (of course) nutjob needs to be censured for stupidity.
Says the biggest QAnonsensical idiot in government.

Idaho Republican slammed for opposing federal education grant because it encourages mothers to 'come out of the home'
The Republican chatel mantra: "Keep 'em barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen."
More 18th century thinking.

U.S. Senator Unleashes Misleading Rant On School Prayer
Another example of retro thinking. Completely out of touch with reality and the Constitution.
We don't have a State religion in this country. Try to get that into your thick head.

White House's Jen Psaki fires back after the Texas governor's attack: 'We're about facts around here'
Set your sights a little lower on your fire. He's lower to the ground than most assholes.

Georgia Republicans push a draconian bill to criminalize giving food and water to people in voting lines

Mitch McConnell 'Concerned' People Won't Work If They Get $1,400
Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said on Wednesday that he opposes extending unemployment and providing $1,400 COVID relief checks for Americans because people may decide not to go back to work.
Says one of the biggest feeders at the public trough. None of them have a clue about how difficult it is for people to survive in this country under our current conditions while they all pontificate and draw a significant salary and perks. He and his fellow grifters weren't concerned when the National debt was run up the mountain by Trump. But now it's just too bad we can't help people that lose their homes, health care and family. They are completely and utterly without any idea of how bad it is for real working people. That's right, Mitch. I said WORKING! You are repulsive as a human can be.

DOJ got an official referral to open a 'criminal investigation' into ex-Sec. Elaine Chao: report
That goes for your wife, too, Mitch.

Fox News Giddy Over Texas' No Mask Mandate
Fox News, the no information network, continues to promote lies that endanger the health of American citizens.
Another bunch of assholes that are not helping their country in a crisis.

Army Covered Up Mike Flynn's Brother's Participation In National Guard Call
Michael Flynn's brother, Lt. Gen. Charles Flynn slow-walked sending in the National Guard on Jan 6 because of "optics," and the Army covered up his involvement.

If The Democracy Reform Bill Is Going To Die In The Senate, It Won’t Be A Quiet Death This Time
Don't you find it odd that we need to have a democracy bill in the United States of America?
Why is that? I think I know why.

Why the Supreme Court may stand in the way of Elizabeth Warren's wealth tax
That's like asking the gang of thieves that stole it to give some of the loot back to those they've stolen it from.

Welcome to the age of social murder: The elites will try to mollify us, but do nothing to stop it
Global elites understand the science behind this pandemic, and the coming climate catastrophe. They just don't care

CPAC 2021: A school for indoctrinating and radicalizing right-wing extremists
The CPAC gathering was more than a showcase for Donald Trump — it was an education camp for far-right radicals
The school for grifters, thieves and con men, in other words.

The Disinformation Vaccine: Is There a Cure for Conspiracy Theories?
Inside one massive company’s plan to test whether the laws of public health can fight fake news
One would think the truth would be all one would need. But some people don't have the sense they were born with.

As House Passes For the People Act Without One GOP Vote, Progressives Warn Bill Is 'Dead' If Filibuster Remains
Why do the Fascists hate America so?

Nurses Condemn Gov. Abbott’s Covid-19 Decision Lifting Safety Measures Now as "A Death Sentence"
Just as we had a chance to get ahead of Covid.

Republicans plot their poison pills to delay critical COVID-19 relief from reaching Americans

Experts: The United States’ Dropping Birth Rate is Becoming a “Crisis”
One expert is calling the baby bust a "barometer of despair."
And deeper into a failed nation.

Threats Against Congress Members Up 93% Over 2020
The U.S. descends deeper into a Third World country.

MSNBC Contributor Frank Figliuzzi Speculates Trump White House Prevented Defense of Capitol: ‘My Gut’s Telling Me There’s More to This Story’
Trump? Trump had something to do with it? Does this question really need to be asked?

The GOP is rigging the system right before our eyes
Smile as they defecate on you, America.

Ron Johnson threatens to hold up COVID stimulus vote with a muddled filibuster
He's so cares for the American people. How sweet of him. Treating the people of America like panhandlers.

Democrats’ Only Chance to Stop the GOP Assault on Voting Rights
If the party doesn’t pass new protections, it could lose the House, Senate, and White House within the next four years.
The Fascist Party must be stopped by any means necessary.

US Journalists Form Unions To Survive ‘Hedge Fund Vampires’ And COVID-19 Pandemic

Pence Uses Post-VP Platform To Boost ‘The Big Lie’ Trump Continues To Push
The scumbag we always knew is.

H.R. 1: The Path to Democracy in America
The House is passing a democracy reform package this week, which attacks the Supreme Court’s ruling in Citizens United.

On Voting Rights, GOP Lawyers Say the Quiet Part Out Loud
Arguing before the Supreme Court, they admit their case isn’t about principle or election integrity—it’s just about winning.
What else would you expect from the Fascist Party?

How to Keep the Country from Going to Hell


Daddy, What Did You Do During The War On Dr. Seuss And Mr. Potato Head's Dick?

So you still want to argue that Texas isn’t in reality a Third World country???
No sir. Not me.

Biden blasts ‘Neanderthal thinking’ of governors who lifted covid-19 mandates in Texas, Mississippi
I can tell you, Joe, the Neanderthals are very proud of their self righteousness. That's the first thing you get here. They always have been that way here in the Land of the Happy Negro.

Joe Manchin, Worth $7.6 Million, Wants to Cut Unemployment Checks by $100 a Week
What a nice guy.

San Antonio Spurs head coach slams Texas governor over 'ignorant' mask decision
Popovich tells it like it is—again.

FREEDUMB! Gov. Greg Abbott Dumps Texas Mask Mandate, Reopens State
Gov. Greg Abbott just ensured that more Texans die needlessly – even as the death totals are still being counted from the state’s deadly power outage last month - because freedumb!!!
Because it's money that matters in Texas. Human lives are expendable.
Keep wearing your mask and following the proper protocols. Don't let Abbott fuck this up again!

‘For Shame’: TX Governor Swiftly Panned For Lifting COVID-19 Restrictions
What happens when your destiny interferes with mine, Governor?
"Abbott is killing the people of Texas." "It’s right out of Putin’s Playbook."

Alex Jones: 'I Wish I Never Would've F**king Met Trump
Aww. Alex Jones has second thoughts about his testosterone-laced embrace of Donald Trump
He could have stopped at "I'm so fuckin' sick!"

Seditious Republican Running For Alvin, TX School Board Reelection
Julie Pickren is running for re-election to the Alvin school board, after trekking to Washington, DC on January 6th to engage in outright sedition.
School board? Looks like a happy gospel group. Yes. This is what Texas is in the Land of the Happy Negro sector.

Donald Trump's "real" legacy to America: The weaponization of an alternate reality
Ted Cruz, Ron Johnson and the entire GOP have learned a dark lesson from their former master: Simply deny the truth

GOP's Jim Jordan under investigation by FEC for campaign reports
"Jacket Off" being exposed for the grifter he is? Arizona's Rep. Paul Gosar: GOP's leading ambassador to white supremacy
"This crazy shit was fringe," ex-Rep. Joe Walsh says of ultra-racist right. "Now it’s like the base of the party"
Why would this man hold any office other than dog catcher?

Blaring Quiet Part Out Loud, GOP Lawyer Admits to Supreme Court That Easier Voting Puts Republicans at 'Competitive Disadvantage'
"The mask is off. Republicans want to steal your right to vote and pulverize democracy because they don't think they can win elections on ideas or humanity."
In other words, "If we can't rig it, we'll never be able to win."
Pretty stunning admission.

This County Tried to Ensure Racial Equity in COVID-19 Vaccinations. The State Said No
Texas again shows off no empathy.

White supremacist live-streamer arrested by FBI in Florida — his followers are scared they're next
Land of the Happy Negro upset for being exposed by mindless idiot.

Morning Joe rips 'insurrectionist' Josh Hawley: He doesn't 'want the FBI to aggressively investigate his crime scene'
Little Josh seems to have a problem.

Former Trump official and new congressman would drink, take Ambien and make sexual advances on the job: report
First time he walked out of that hospital lying about Trump's health condition you knew he was a griftint Trump toadie.

Caught by surprise, Texas education officials unsure how end of mask mandate will affect schools
Some superintendents say they will continue requiring students and staff to wear masks as they await further guidance from the Texas Education Agency.
Biden's trying to help by getting teachers vaccinated.

Keep wearing your mask, health officials say after Gov. Greg Abbott lifts mask mandate
Some variants of COVID-19 are more contagious and researchers believe they can reinfect people who already have gotten the virus. Doctors and the CDC still recommend wearing masks.
Here goes the case count back up just as we were doing better. Let's watch it rise thanks to the morons in charge in Tex-ass.

Georgia House Passes Very Real Voting Access Rollback Based on Republican Election Fiction
Making it more difficult to vote in this country is always a bad idea. Why is it that is always a Republican solution?

This SCOTUS doesn't care about your voting rights
The Supreme Court already broke the Voting Rights Act once. Congress can’t let it happen again.

Trump Got Vaccinated Against 'Hoax Virus' In January And Didn't Tell Anyone
While Trump continued to downplay the COVID pandemic, he managed to sneak himself and his wife the vaccine.

CDC Director: States Should Not Lift Restrictions, Could Lose 'Hard-Earned' Ground
Dr. Rochelle Walensky warns it's too soon to remove restrictions and mask mandates.
That's just what we need--backsliding. We could be stupid enough to do it.

Money Honey: An Abridged Review of Some Truly Rotten Bastards, From Then and Now

CPAC Was about More than Trump's Cult — It's Now Cemented the GOP's Authoritarianism

The Manchin Conundrum
He sure ought to favor a large infrastructure program for West Virginia.

'Bad Policy and Bad Politics': Manchin Is Trying to Cut Unemployment Benefits, Limit Survival Checks in Covid Relief Bill
"Cutting UI from $400 to $300 or reducing checks will cause a full blown revolt from progressives."

$15 an Hour Is the Compromise
Biden and the Democrats need to deliver on the wage hike they promised—by any means necessary. Anything less is a moral and political failure.

Supreme Court will hear the case that could shred the remains of the Voting Rights Act this week

Can QAnon survive another 'Great Disappointment' on March 4? History suggests it might
Of course. They'll just invent something else.

New details revealed in Proud Boys plot to storm the Capitol and keep Trump in power

CPAC veers into neo-Nazi fantasy: Was it deliberate? That hardly matters
Extremism experts on CPAC's "inadvertent" use of a Nazi-associated rune: A clear signal, with unclear motives

Trump Investigation Heats Up As Prosecutors Put Fresh Focus On Trump Org CFO

20-Year-Old MAGA Pol’s War on Antifa Backfires Horribly
A Turning Point USA alum and Trump diehard-turned-state rep has a new project. But even his fellow Republicans have doubts.

'A Huge, Huge Deal': Biden Issues Public Statement of Support for Alabama Amazon Workers Fighting for Union
"We haven't had this aggressive and positive of a statement from a president of the United States on behalf of workers in decades."

Real-World Proof COVID-19 Vaccines Work
New studies of people who have been vaccinated are supporting early data that COVID-19 vaccines are effective

Will America Finally Lead on Climate?
"It is doable. The question is whether or not we have the willpower to make the decisions that will make it happen."

CPAC Chair Perfectly Fine With Trump 'Settling Some Scores'
Matt Schlapp told Fox "news" that he saw no problem with Trump attacking his fellow Republicans during his speech this Sunday.
GOP no longer a party. It's a cult that worships a grifter.

Trump Calls Jan. 6 Rally That Incited Deadly Insurrection A ‘Love Fest’
Trump was never good at comedy.

Trump's CPAC warning shot leaves Republicans with little choice: Trumpist or RINO
Donald Trump returns to make sure the GOP goes down hugging him tight
Cult member or enemy of the cult?

'You're not a victim': Josh Hawley raked over the coals on CNN for self-pitying CPAC speech
"You're not a victim, Senator Hawley! You tried to overturn an election even after an attack on our Capitol!" Little Josh gets even smaller.

Stunning new allegations further connect Trump to Russian mobsters and oligarchs
"...we now know that he was certainly no stranger to a sprawling netherworld of Russian gangsters and oligarchs."

QAnon supporters think Biden is a robot who wears a face mask to cover up his malfunctioning mouth: CNN
We used to put people such as this in hospitals for therapy to help them recover from their illness.

Kansas Republicans spent a decade attacking social assistance. Now they are shocked at the results
"In Kansas we can see the results: Grift is at record levels in Republican businesses."

White women and the racist right: Marjorie Taylor Greene is not an aberration
Historian Elizabeth Gillespie McRae on MTG, "gender essentialism" and white women's central role in white supremacy

The U.S. Took down Its Dangerous White Supremacist Leader — but That's No Substitute for Revolutionary Change
"Regardless of who is making decisions—Kennedy, Trump, Garland, or Biden—police are free to keep killing Black people with impunity.

Biden Can Be the FDR of Democracy

It's Not Just Texas. The Entire Energy Grid Needs An Upgrade For Extreme Weather

Trump's CPAC speech cements how far the conference — and the GOP — have fallen
This Sunday, Trump will rally conservatives to himself, lacing every sentence with political arsenic.

Six ‘Proud Boys’ Indicted for Conspiring to Obstruct Congress during Jan. 6 Capitol Siege

253 bills in 43 states: How Republicans are using Trump's 'big lie' to enact a 'tidal wave of voter suppression'
The fascist tragedy that has befallen America.

GOPAC Chair Dodges Talk Of All The Blood Gov. Kristi Noem Has On Her Hands
Sorry David Avella, but getting vaccinations in people's arms now doesn't make up for the South Dakotans' lives she sacrificed with her irresponsible behavior, and Jessica Tarlov is right. Noem's got nothing to brag about.

'Do We Need To Pay For Bridges?' Rick Scott Whines About 'Wasting Money' On Infrastructure
Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) on Sunday said that he opposes including infrastructure like bridges in a bill designed to stimulate the economy during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Former Clinton official says there's only one way Democrats will ever get anything done
Kill the filibuster.

'Their blood has the death shot in it!': Anti-vaxxers freaking out over blood donations from the vaccinated
They are soooooooo precious.

A handful of pharmaceutical companies use patent laws to limit supply when the world most needs their drugs

Who made Joe Manchin 'The Decider'? Here's why West Virginia's centrist senator has too much clout
Joe's a little oversensitive. Manchin may as well be on the other side of the aisle.

Here are the 210 House Republicans — and 2 Democrats — who voted to deny struggling nation COVID relief

Josh Hawley's CPAC speech burned to the ground by hometown paper in brutal editorial
Well, of course. Little Josh, the sniveling groveler's ode to the Land of the Happy Negro.

Republican Voters Support Biden's American Rescue Act. Why Don't Their Politicians?
"73% of Americans support President Biden’s American Rescue Plan, including 53% of Republicans." Unless those Republicans are elected to Congress. Those guys hate it.

Josh Hawley's CPAC speech burned to the ground by hometown paper in brutal editorial
Anyone notice that Little Josh is creating himself in the image of Ted Cruz?

GOP Rep. Appears at White Nationalist Event Where Organizer Calls Capitol Riot ‘Awesome’
Want to see what a madman looks like? Here he is.

What Lawrence Ferlinghetti Means to Me

DeJoy Bragged About Staying In Power While Biden Was Planning His Ouster
U.S. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy brought his usual brash, bullying self to his Congressional hearing, at one point snarling at Rep. Jim Cooper that he would be in this job for "a long time. Get used to me." Joe Biden was ready for him.

Report confirms: Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi murdered on orders of Mohammed bin Salman

North Dakota Senate Passes Bill to Hide Future Presidential Vote Counts From Public View Until After Electoral College Meets
Hiding is what they will do with the truth. These people are evading the march to eliminate the shady Electoral College. They must protect their fascism at all costs.

Extremist social media influencers to gather offline for first time since Capitol attack
They are openly white supremacists now.

As USPS delays persist, bills, paychecks and medications are getting stuck in the mail
Consumers are inundating lawmakers with stories of late bills — and the late fees they’ve absorbed as a result
Trump's failures are still with us.

Griddy Is Being Sued for $1 Billion for Allegedly Price Gouging During Texas Winter Storm

And Behold, the MAGA-ites Sinned Bigly, and They Were Cast Out, and the Lord Your God Saith Unto Them, Jesus, Really?
CPAC 2021! Wingnut City on Steroids!

Fact check: CPAC speakers make false claims about the election, the Capitol attack and The Muppets

Atlantic currents seem to have started fading last century
Another predicted impact of climate change may be here.

CPAC signals a new disturbing era for the Republican Party
This party is openly seditious. They support the attack on the Capitol without any shame. The support the Big Lie. Extremists that are a threat to our country.

MAGA's CPAC crowd rewards Josh Hawley with a standing ovation for voting to overturn election
Total proof of the description stated on the previous article. Bad news for the United States and democracy.

Joe Biden Cancel Cultures A Bunch More Dumb Trump Garbage

Biden Administration Working Hard on COVID

How Trumpism Has Become a Cult of Losing

American Cynicism Has Reached a Breaking Point
The nation’s politics is in dire need of earnestness. Can its culture meet the moment?
"But reality is not Carlson’s project."

Altercation: When the Right Cancels It, It Ain’t Cancel Culture
How’s a bigoted loon to know what’s good and what’s not these days?

The Capitol Rioters’ Camouflage

The impeachment trial reveals the weakness of the Constitution
"Yet, many of the 43 senators who voted to acquit former President Trump said the proceedings were unconstitutional—in direct contradiction to the decision of their own body."
"The senators' votes also emphasize that multiple interpretations of the Constitution remain—at least until the Senate is willing to follow its own precedent."
Self-serving is all they are concerned with. Screw the country.

Idaho Republican: Register Those Who Don’t Own Guns
Fascism at work in Idaho.

Internet Points and Laughs at Viral Video of Golden Trump Statue Being Wheeled Around CPAC
And these are the same people that believe in God's holy word? Have we ever seen such hypocrites or do they simply not realize the joke they make of themselves?

Same Republicans peeling back rights of Black voters want them treated as gangs when they protest

Evangelicals Assail Christian Nationalism In New Statement
It's about time.

The GOP is now the Soviet Communist Party circa 1979 — and headed for a similar fate: conservative

QAnon believers are still getting duped — this time by Trump impersonators on Telegram
These morons get what they deserve.

Transgender physician calmly shuts down Rand Paul's smear campaign during confirmation hearing
"Claiming their bigotries are "biology", so they can justify inequalities and even genocide."
My biology book clearly states "Rand Paul has a serious thinking disorder."

Brave McConnell Backs Potential Trump 2024 Run, Says Past Condemnation ‘Not Something Relevant Now’
Treason is alright, America. It's alright. The filth and corruption is truly amazing.
“My point is what happened in the past is not something relevant now." Remember this Mictch the next time someone comes before the Senate for office approval. This will be thrown in your face. Of course, you haven't the character to give a damn. We all know your ethics are situational, at best. Spineless Wimp.

Dan Patrick: Texans With $16K Power Bills 'Took A Gamble'
Republican Lt. Governor Dan Patrick seems ready to hang his own citizens out to dry.
Dan Patrick once again show his empathy for humanity.

Is The Woman Accused Of Stealing Nancy Pelosi's Laptop A Nazi?
A young woman is seen in the video giving the Nazi salute, saying “Hammer was right all along. There is no political solution. All that is left is acceleration. Heil Hitler.”
So surprising.

Marjorie Taylor Greene's Good Buddy Is An Insurrectionist
With this latest arrest of a close friend of Greene, even more questions are being raised about what she knew and when she knew it.

Rep. Connolly Rips Jim Jordan: 'I Didn't Vote To Overturn An Election'
Rep. Gerry Connolly was in no mood to hear Jim Jordan poison the Postmaster General hearing with lies about election fraud.

Lindsey Graham Says Donald Trump Is More 'Dominant' in GOP Than Mitch McConnell
One of the leading fascist bootlickers shows his worship for his master.

'Unconscionable': Texas energy companies face stark criticism for price-gouging amid emergency
Greed personified.

Want Trump’s Endorsement? Get Ready to Push the Big Lie
An admission that President Joe Biden did, in fact, win fair and square might get a GOP candidate banned from Trump’s good graces.
Lies R Us.

The Conspiracies and Cruelty of the Trumpist GOP
A legacy of lunacy and lies.

4 States Propose Harsh New Penalties for Climate Protesters
ALEC is pushing a spate of bills aimed at silencing fossil-fuel critics.
If they think this is part of a solution they are dead wrong. This is denial at work. Another failure of Capitalism.

Republicans are rewriting the history of Jan. 6 to leave out the white supremacists and violence
Fascist Ministry of Truth at work.

D’Souza: There Was No Insurrection At The Capitol, It Was Just “Rowdy People Walking In A Hallway”
Another member of the Ministry of Truth. It won't help him any as he is a "person of color." He won't be welcome in their world.

Texas Energy Board Leaders Resign After Power Outage Catastrophe
The chairwoman and three other board leaders of Texas’ power grid operator have resigned – and get this: none of them live in Texas.
Texas Pride. ROTFLMAO!

White Evangelicals Still Embracing Conspiracy Theories About Jan. 6 Assault On The U.S. Capitol
The True Believers.

Can America escape the GOP's Ayn Rand death cult?

We Could End Homelessness Right Now, If Only Capitalism Didn’t Get in the Way

Sen. Ron Johnson ripped after falsely claiming 'fake Trump protesters’ were responsible for U.S. Capitol riots
Said RonAnon, the fake Senator.

Adam Kinzinger torches Tucker Carlson for insisting he cannot 'locate the famous QAnon'
If you don't have a Web site, you don't exist in what's left of Tucks' brain.

NY Prosecutors Are Looking at Don Jr. in Trump Biz Probe
The Daily Beast has learned that investigators have been asking questions in recent days about Trump’s eldest son as they expand their criminal probe into Trump’s business empire.
Like father, like son. A Royal Family of grifters!

GOP senator suggests DC cops are to blame for turning ‘festive’ Trump crowd into a violent mob
And proving that mental defectives can still hold down a job in the GQP.

Garland, Tanden and the application of double standards by GOP lawmakers

500,000 Dead Americans: One Year of Covid Exposes the Rot of GOP Ideology
Especially the rot of Trump.

Tucker Attacks Merrick Garland, Gaslights For White Nationalists
We don't call the Tucker Carlson show "The White Power Hour" for nothing.
Has Tucks simply become a self-loathing white man?

Eat Shit and Die. And We Did.

CNN Anchor Slams Tucker Carlson’s Capitol Riots Revisionism: This Is ‘Fantasy Island’
Carlson declared on Monday night that white supremacists were not involved in the deadly Capitol riot and that there was no evidence that it was an insurrection.
Furthermore, grits ain't groceries, eggs ain't poultries, and Mona Lisa was a man.

Wisconsin Republicans Refuse To Condemn Political Violence
Nothing that might be taken as criticism of Donald Trump can be allowed.

Pro-Trump 'Patriot Party' trying to distance itself from Proud Boys while also claiming 'we need to organize our militia'

GOPer scolds first Native American cabinet nominee for causing 'more divisiveness'
Daines sounds like the one being devisive if you ask me.

“Power Companies Get Exactly What They Want”: How Texas Repeatedly Failed to Protect Its Power Grid Against Extreme Weather
Texas regulators and lawmakers knew about the grid’s vulnerabilities for years, but time and again they furthered the interests of large electricity providers.

Louis DeJoy Lied Under Oath When He Told Congress He Didn't Cut USPS Overtime
The newly-disclosed memo shows that Republican Senate staff understood that DeJoy had in fact ordered the overtime reduction.
Why is this lying grifter still holding this job?

Woman Poses With Giraffe's Heart After Killing The Animal For Valentine's Day
Merelize Van Der Merwe boasted online that her husband arranged for her to shoot the animal for a Valentine's Day present.
Where do these morons get the right to murder wildlife? Barbaric and so are the people that allow this grift to go on.

Sunrise Movement Statement on Senator Manchin’s Indecision on Rep. Deb Haaland
"Senator Manchin had no problem voting for Jeff Sessions, Rex Tillerson, Brett Kavanaugh, and others, who have been outwardly racist, sexist, unqualified, and have invoked harmful policies."

'This Is Unacceptable': Progressives Reject Manchin Plan to Cut $15 Minimum Wage Proposal to $11
"The $15 minimum wage is overwhelmingly popular with the American people. One person should not be allowed to hold relief hostage."
Absolutely. Tell Manchin to live on it for a week.

Our Fundamental Right to Vote Is Under Attack
In state after state, Republicans want to suppress voting because they know they are a minority party.

Trump may soon be forced to testify under oath about rape allegations

What So Many Of The Misleading Narratives About Texas Miss
The state is facing more than an electricity crisis.

Texas AG Also Pulled A Ted Cruz-Like Texit Amid State’s Energy Crisis
Welcome to Texas.

Why Republicans Are Terrified Of 'The Green New Deal'
"Of course the Green New Deal finds itself under fierce attack. Because for the first time in a long time, Republicans face the very thing that they claim to revere but never actually wanted: competition—in the battle of ideas." —Naomi Klein
Remind me. What was the last good idea they had? Repressing the vote?

Here are the penalties Trump could be looking at now that his tax records are an open book
He's gonna have to cough up some money and we know he has an aversion to do that.

Orange Is the New Orange: Trump Just Might Go to Jail
“Trump’s lawyers will always come up with something, but there should be no reason why the grand jury won’t get these financial records tomorrow.”

There is much more than Trump’s tax returns that prosecutors will get: Top Mueller prosecutor

A disaster for journalism raises disturbing doubts for the republic
"How does a republic deal with parties that lie so intensely, so voluminously and so shamelessly?" The short answer is to remove the liars.

George Clooney to produce docuseries about abuse scandal that Jim Jordan was accused of covering up
Is this why "Jacket-off" isn't running? He knows he'll be exposed as the fraud he is?

'The end of the road': NBC's Pete Williams says grand jury will see Trump's taxes 'almost immediately'

Lindsey Graham kicks off Merrick Garland hearing by ranting about 'anarchists' in Portland
Can someone please explain what happened to his brain?

Fauci: US Has ‘Done Worse Than Most’ As Country Nears 500,000 COVID Deaths
Only Trump could have done it.

First 100: The Biden Vaccine Rollout Is Working
Just a couple hurdles remain for successful global inoculation from coronavirus.

Texas Pays the Price of the Culture War
Instead of focusing on governance, Republican politicians in the Lone Star State spent their time inflaming grievances.
Because they are always victims of something and never the blame.

Biden’s Revolution Is Doing What Obama and Clinton Did Not
One month in, the 46th president is respecting the left even when it wants to go further than he will, and he’s dismissing bad-faith conservative complaints about his agenda.

ISIS Is Down but Not Dead Yet
The alliance between the U.S. and Syrian Democratic Forces crippled ISIS in one of the rare success stories in the Middle East. Now that partnership is more crucial than ever.
So, Fatso didn't really kill Isis. Figures.

Louie Gohmert: Cast No Aspersions on His Asparagus

Biden news - live: Supreme Court says Trump must release tax records as president to mark 500,000 Covid deaths
Hand 'em over, Fatso.

Collins Opposes Tanden Nom. In Sudden Concern Over ‘Temperament’ And ‘Transparency’
She bitches about temperment after four years of a snotty child fucked over our country? Great God!
Politicians have short memories and selective memory when it works. And we thought Trump was an asshole.

Late cop alleges in shocking letter that the FBI and NYPD conspired to assassinate Malcolm X

'There's the door': Former RNC chief responds to conservative voters who claim they'd leave the GOP for a Trump party
You could have taken Trump down but now you reap the whirlwind. If the party is it will take years to rebuild. If you let the MAGAts run your party you will never win again unless they can get the largest share of independents. Are independents that stupid? Perhaps. Both sides are filled with traitors anyway. The dregs of the universe.

Texas Freeze Illustrates a Failed Economic System
The fecal matter hits the air handler with ridiculously sky high electric bills no one can pay.
Are they going to turn off everyone's electricity because of non-payment then go out of business and everyone goes to Hell together?

Baby It’s Scolds Outside

Utilities want to shut off Texas residents who can' pay astronomical energy bills
It's Hell to live in Texas these days.

U.S. Surpasses 500,000 COVID Deaths

Fox News' Bill Hemmer Predicts Cancel Culture Is Coming For The Bible Next
First they came for Lincoln and now they are coming for Jesus?
Former journalist becomes QAnonsensationalist. More profit in that, I suppose.

Rick Perry: Still Alive And Dumber Than Ever
Ole Rick is out there pimping his deregulation line like a gospel preacher, only no one is coming to his Jesus.
The bullshit has been thick with these failed wannabes.

H-E-B Grocery Store Is The Hero We Need In Texas
Shopper Tim Hennessy wrote about the store's incredible generosity towards its shoppers when the store's electricity went out.
It was a good thing their carts weren't filled with electric power.

Biden Open to Making $1.9 Tn Stimulus Bill 'Cheaper' as Republicans Call It 'Liberal Wish List'
Republicans want that money to stay in their greedy pockets.

When the GOP Left Texans to Freeze, Locals Stepped Up With Mutual Aid
Texas residents filled in for an absent government by helping each other survive a devastating winter storm.

Trump and allies can expect a flurry of subpoenas soon over Georgia election meddling: AJC reporter

DeSantis Orders FL Flags At Half-Staff For Racist Shock Jock Radio Host Limbaugh
Land of the Happy Negro sector honors racist, sexist, hater, fascist to make sure we know who they are.

Abbott Abandons Texas Cities in Winter Storm Crisis, While White House Steps Up

Don't Mourn, Monetize

Nearly 30 Police Officers Face Investigations for Actions During Capitol Attack

Texas is the latest example of how governments are unprepared for disaster
It's the new American way, I see.

A trio of conservative groups tries to torpedo two top Biden nominees
The ad campaign is biting. It has real money behind them. But is it too late?

Wingnut Groups Launch Bullsh*t Campaign Against Radical, Competent Biden Appointees

Extreme Cold Killed Texans in Their Bedrooms, Vehicles and Backyards
I guess the cost of lives is worth the money they didn't spend to update their systems to prevent freezing up.
Tell that to the families of the dead. They gave their lives so Texas could live on the cheap.

Manchin Tosses Neera Tanden On Sacrificial Altar Of 'Bipartisanship'
Manchin approved some of the most vile people ever to inhabit federal office -- Barr, DeVos, Grenell -- but can't bring himself to approve a brown female nominee as budget director.
I've always thought Manchin was a toxic DINO. Now we know.

Tennessee GOP Bill Gives Men Power To Veto Abortions By Claiming Paternity
Because banning abortions by fetal heartbeat isn't restrictive enough, these GOP legislators decided men who believe they're the dads can also forbid a woman to have an abortion.
To the Land of the Happy Negro: There will be a fight over this, you dick heads. Women's rights will not be taken without a bloody fight. Count on it.

Texas is a disaster capitalism paradise, with a system that guarantees disasters
The disaster gauaranteed record profits so why would they upgrade their systems to prevent it? Let the people be damned. Profits over people.

What caused the Texas disaster? Decades of Republican deregulation and 'laissez-faire run amok'
Republicans holding office past their shelf lives.

Limbaugh's 15 million listeners are now in the conservative wilderness -- where will they go now?
Reruns? "The Best of the Bullshit King"?

'Sit down': George Takei has had enough of Republican Lauren Boebert
It has now become more than evident this woman has a severe lack of self esteem. She should seek treatment.

Pennsylvania cop charged for capitol insurrection and suspended without pay: 'No regrets'
Corpulently crippled cop will get what he deserves as part of the mob that attacked our country's Capitol.
Where do these idiots come from?

'Simply laughable': How a lie about the Texas energy crisis dominated Fox's coverage
Right, Tucks. The turbines provide a small percentage of the power in Texas. And your party put them there to start with.

Who Is Trying To Take Your Reproductive Rights Away This Week? South Carolina, South Dakota And WHOO Iowa!
"All three of these states, actually, have relatively high maternal mortality rates — higher than the national average, in a country with a disturbingly high maternal mortality rate to begin with. Perhaps, if they truly care about 'life,' they could focus on that for a while instead of hoping that making life hell for abortion providers and patients will make them 'choose life.'"

New study 'demolishes' myth pushed by Joe Biden about student debt
C'mon Joe, you can do better.

Biden can repay Black Americans through canceling our student debt

Billionaire Dallas Cowboys Owner and Oil Man Cashes in on Texas Blackout Crisis

Analysis: A winter storm leaves Texas with a black eye
The Texas government's failures in the face of a winter storm have been very hard on Texans, and could do lasting damage to the state's reputation.

To Save Democracy, Principled Conservatives Must Ally with Democrats
The impulse to start a new anti-Trump conservative party or GOP splinter is admirable—but the present crisis demands a different response.

‘Stop The Steal’ Organizer Plans MAGA Rallies, Civil War And A New Society For Trumpers
Ali (Akbar) Alexander, the felon who leads the “Stop the Steal” campaign, is promising new MAGA rallies at the same time he seems itching for violence and a new, pro-Trump society – with its own language!
There's a 4th option, Ali. You could go to Hell.

How the Republicans Ceased to Be a Party and Became a Cult

Gun Humper Boebert Called Out For Loaded Guns In Her Zoom Background
Rep. Lauren Boebert should be reported to Child Protective Services over her gun storage practices, since she has 4 kids in the house.
The slack-jaw set it up for show and tell. Does she know what the word "regulated" means? I know I always used to keep my Winchester shotgun on top of my books on the shelf. But I kept my hand held rocket launcher and hand grenades next to my bed. The howitzer was in the backyard.

Georgia GOP launches 'devastating' attack on Black voter drives
Land of the Happy Negro fascists want to make sure these people stay happy and in their place.

New round of GOP gerrymandering in Southern states could be the most racist yet
They know no bounds.

Texas GOP Officials Keep Peddling Debunked Claim Green Energy Caused Crisis
Dan Patrick joins the crowd on blaming anyone but himself. Just keep singing the National Anthem, Dan. That should help.

AOC Raises $1 Million in Texas Relief, Heading to Houston As Ted Cruz Douses Cancun Flames

'Greg Abbott Has Blood On His Hands': Texans Livid At GOP
"Abbott has failed and passed off blame to somebody else. Texas is in dire straits. Texans are dying. Homes are being destroyed, people are cold and hungry, and we have no idea when things will begin to return to normal."

Ted Cruz Uses His Daughters As Human Shields
Father of the Year in so many ways.

Someone Leaks Heidi Cruz’s Damning Group Chat Texts About Cancún Trip. Schadenfreude Ensues.

Tell The Truth About Limbaugh, At Long Last
The AP described his decades of hate programming as a "merry brand of malice," and left out the part where he was the proud voice of racism, homophobia, sexism, and xenophobia.

QAnon was devastated to see Biden on Air Force One because they thought Trump was secretly using it: report
QAnonsense, at it again.

Beto O'Rourke lays into Ted Cruz: 'People are literally freezing to death in the state he was elected to serve'
Cruz is in Cancun. Let them freeze in Texas.

Feuds erupt among Trump-loving 'prophets' over whether God will put him back in the White House next month
God tied to vote by mail. His vote was rejected.

Trump Frets Foes Will Be ‘Suing Me for the Rest of My Life’
Though the riot was the culmination of Trump’s months of attempts to overturn the election, it’s hardly the only incident that may have left the ex-president legally exposed.
What did the idiot expect? Suing others is what he's been doing all his life.

Texas leaders failed to heed warnings that left the state's power grid vulnerable to winter extremes: experts

Cartoon: GOP votes against prosecution of Osama bin Laden

De Santis Threatens To Pull COVID Vaccines From Critics’ Communities
Under fire for siphoning COVID-19 vaccines to a wealthy community tied to big donors, Gov. Ron De Santis totally proved he shows no favoritism by threatening to cut off vaccines to the entire county.
Did he get a good upbringing? He seems so selfish like someone else we've seen.

Proud Boys And Oath Keepers Face KKK-Era Reckoning
Rep. Benny Thompson is suing Trump, Giuliani, Proud Boys, and Oath Keepers under the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, and the metaphors are too obvious to ignore.
Why not? They are one and the same.

Why Does Tucker Carlson Hate General Honoré?
Carlson led off his White Power Hour with an extended rant against General Honoré, whom Nancy Pelosi has appointed to lead the investigation into the MAGA white supremacist sedition riot.
What can one expect from one whose father was as big a dick as Tucks is?

Green energy companies encouraged to sue Tucker Carlson over lie that Texas power grid is 'totally reliant on windmills'
They can't say anything they want any longer and get away with it. Let's put a stop to the lying.

Limbaugh once ran 'AIDS Update' segment making fun of gay men's deaths, so I'll hold my tears

Texas Mayor Who Told Residents to “Sink or Swim” During Winter Crisis Resigns
Exactly what is your reposibility to your constituants?
"Tell them aging old widows to get out and shovel their own damn snow, thaw their own damn pipes and cut their own damn firewood."

The Texas Tribune has the lowdown on the power crisis in Texas.

When the Fascists Betray Democracy

Republicans Back Trump Because of the Insurrection, Not Despite It
The former president’s ruthlessness remains central to his appeal.
Trump idiots are all fascists. Ruthlessness is important to them.

Deregulation Made The Lights Go Out In Texas

Running Government ‘Like A Business’ Kills People

Rush Limbaugh, Bigoted King Of Talk Radio, Dies At 70
"...called coronavirus “the common cold” and telling listeners “we have to remember that people die every day in America.”
On the day Limbaugh died, the coronavirus had killed more than 488,000 Americans.

Pollster Finds – Surprise! – That Many Christians Who Voted For Biden Aren’t Fundamentalists

What really caused Texas’ massive power outage
Some examples of the bullshit that is being spread about Texas is truly amazing on this.
I can't believe that people are this selfish as to spout the blame they are casting.
The authorities in Texas, who do not believe in climate change, thought this could never happen here. So they've never done what they should have to prevent it.
The real reason, and I am reporting to you from a frozen location in Texas:
"...weatherproofing would have cut into their profits. One bad winter storm, and the entire thing came crashing down."

Beto O'Rourke: Why Texas Oil & Gas Can't Keep Texans Warm

Blackout continues in Texas, as Republicans blame everything but the real problem

From Covid To Mass Power Outages, the Texas Republican Party Has Created a Failed State
The Republican Party does not believe in government. They believe in coddling the very rich.

Rick Perry calls on Texans to endure frigid temps without heat to ‘keep the feds out of their business’
Typical Texas Republican arrogance.

Tucker Had A Weird One Last Night
"Won't somebody make the white supremacists and the QAnon people feel included?"
Systemic racism in action.

It's Not AOC's Fault Texas Has Failed To Solve Their Energy Problem
Your right-wing relatives think advocates of green energy caused the Texas blackouts. They are, as usual, wrong.
And Tucker is his father on steroids.

Calls for Texas governor to resign as he blames power outages on wind and solar: 'He's lying, people are dying'
"Greg Abbott doesn't care if you live or die tonight so take care of each other, my friends," Bonner added. "We're living in a failed state."

Why does Texas have its own power grid?

Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: The country moves ahead as the Republican Party falls behind
"At least human waste can be washed away."

'I'm speaking to you, Senator Manchin': West Virginians blast Democrat for opposing $15 minimum wage
$15 for a wage has been passed some time ago. It's barely good enough and most working people know this.
Congressional politicians stay on the clock longer but they rarely get anything done for the people. Their main concerns are getting re-elected and running for higher office.

Ghoulish LAPD Cops Reportedly Share ‘Valentine’ Mocking George Floyd’s Death
"People can't effectively oppress others without first dehumanizing them. It's how they suppress their guilt.

A Letter from Bill Martin, an Old Friend and Former Colleague
A good part pertinent to the Land of the Happy Negro.

The 43 Senators of the Republican Sedition Caucus Are Every Bit As Guilty as Donald Trump

PA GOP Lashes Out At Toomey Conviction Vote: He Was Not Elected To ‘Do The Right Thing’
Implying that he was elected to do the wrong thing. Grifters all! ROTFLMAO!!

Congress can still prevent Trump from taking office ever again: legal expert
Then get it done.

Democratic Congressman Sues Trump Over Role In Capitol Riot
The lawsuit was filed by the NAACP on behalf of House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.).

New Poll Shows Most Americans Don't Believe Religious Freedom Is Under Assault
"...most Americans don’t buy the white Christian nationalist line that faith is under attack in the United States. Furthermore, most Americans are skeptical of granting broad rights to discriminate based on religious views."

'Lordy, there are tapes': Palm Beach DA explains why Lindsey Graham lacks Trump’s legal exposure in Georgia
"Lordy, there are tapes. Those are the prosecutor's best friends. You don't even have to read a transcript; you've got it there on the recording."

From Pizzagate to QAnon — how one unhinged conspiracy theory paved the way for the other

How To Kill 'The Big Lie'
Impeachment is behind us, but not The Big Lie about a “rigged election” that Donald Of Orange deployed to incite that homicidal mob of insurrectionists. Voting rights advocates are going to have to work even harder so that all eligible voters who want to vote can do so easily and safely.

Texas Power Blackouts Were Preventable — But Freedumb, Dammit!
The state's electrical problems can be traced to a long history of wanting to avoid federal regulation.
You can't split this any other way, Texas is run by Republicans.

Texas blasted for Republicans' ‘typical yee-haw thinking’ after 2 million lose power in snowstorm
If Missouri is the "Show Me" state, Texas is the "I'll Show You!" state.

WATCH: Rick Perry unable to defend Texas Republicans for power outages during Fox News interview

Burr Blasts NC GOP’s Censure: ‘Truly A Sad Day’ That They’ve ‘Chosen Loyalty To One Man’
The MAGAts are cult members and NC looks to be full of them.

Trump supporter gave $2.5 million to investigate voter fraud — and wants his money back
Sing it, Fred!

'Donald Trump is a loser' -- and most Republicans don't understand that: MSNBC's Donny Deutsch
There's a reason for that. It's called "delusional."

The Strategic Silence of Mike Pence
Complicity, cowardice, or nihilism?

Texas’ power grid crumples under the cold
Competition for natural gas and frozen wind turbines are only some of the problems.
That which threatens to become its own country fails bigly.

Doctor Warns That Teens Are Already Clogging Their Arteries
He says that one in six teens already has significant heart damage.
The Cleveland Clinic conducted a separate survey that found few people could identify the risk factors for heart disease.

The Pandemic Has Shattered Young People’s Mental Health
"We are in the midst of a mental health pandemic, and I don't think it's treated with near enough respect."

Texas storm shows what it looks like to have a president of all the United States

In acquitting Trump, Republicans formalize their embrace of American fascism
The Fascist Party of America. Did we ever think we'd live to see that?

Mississippi Senate votes to ban transgender athletes from women's sports in high school and college
Hatred in the Land of the Happy Negro.
And that’s hugely unfair and discriminatory.

Where's The Press Coverage Of Biden's Record-Breaking Poll Numbers?
President Biden’s Policies Are Unifying The Nation.

Oath Keepers Who Guarded Roger Stone Stormed the Capitol
Members of a volunteer security detail for the Trump adviser were part of the attack, the Times reports.

Sen. Ron Johnson Downplays the Capitol Attack: ‘Didn’t Seem Like an Armed Insurrection to Me’
He got the " really have a bunch of idiots” right.

Pelosi says independent commission will examine Capitol riot

Poll Shows Nearly 60% in US Believe Senate Should Have Convicted Trump
Over three-quarters believe senators voted based on partisan politics, compared with 23% who think they voted based on the facts.

President Biden: Pardon Non-Violent Federal Marijuana Offenses
A coalition of businesses and groups join in calling for justice.
And remove it from Schedule 1 drugs and legalize across our country.

Sunrise Movement Statement on Trump Acquittal: Warns if Dems Don’t Abolish the Filibuster, Future Presidents Days will Celebrate a 2nd Term Trump

Interfaith Alliance Celebrates Appointment of Melissa Rogers to White House Faith Office, Reiterates Need for Church-State Separation

Biden Order Signals Important Shift On Faith-Based And Neighborhood Partnerships
Biden has appointed Melissa Rogers to head the Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships.

'Fundamentally wrong': Josh Hawley’s hometown paper slams region's GOP senators for voting to acquit Trump
More idiots that history will not be kind to.

Historians say Trump will be remembered for COVID-19 and the Capitol siege — 'nothing else will matter'
The Trump legacy.

The Senate made a historic mistake by accepting the profoundly dangerous 'Dershowitz precedent'

Texas Republicans mocked after begging Biden for help: 'Didn't they want to secede?'

‘Hated by absolutely everyone’: Kentucky columnist puts the nail in Mitch McConnell’s political coffin
Yes, but vampires like Mitch are hard to keep in their coffins.

Murder on the American Express
You really ought to read this one.

Chuck Schumer Really Pissed That Most Senate Republicans Are Traitors

F*ck You, Mitch McConnell

The Problem With Mandatory Patriotism in Sports
Amid renewed attention to inequity in American life, pro leagues shouldn’t strong-arm teams into playing “The Star-Spangled Banner.”
"But mandatory patriotism doesn’t give Americans reason for pride; it only highlights the country’s failures."
By showcasing fascism.

Eric Metaxas Believes America Is Creeping Toward Nazi Germany
The pro-Trump radio host explains how he thinks about the Capitol siege and President Joe Biden’s America.
He's not the only one.
Another one that spouts his opinions without citing any evidence. He also doesn't understand how the legal system works. He went to Yale but did he get an education? His attitude towards reality leaves a lot to be desired. He consistently makes statements as: "I’m not a newshound."; "I’ve seen enough to make me doubt that we had a fair election, that every person’s vote was counted the way it’s supposed to be counted." Does he cite an example that he has seen? "I’m not the sort of person who followed this the way you did." And yet he knows all the lies he believes are true. There is no impression that his opinions are true by facts he ignores. He's in touch with his own fantasy. This is Trumpspeak. In short, a perfect MAGAt.

UK backs Biden’s call for China to release data on coronavirus origin
Boris Johnson ‘thoroughly’ supports Biden administration’s call for transparency.

Trump will face massive 'financial damage' when he is buried in lawsuits and indictments: MSNBC legal analyst
Ruin and damnation as a result.

GOP Refusal to Convict Trump Is 'A Clarion Call for Eliminating the Filibuster,' Says Ro Khanna

Who Were the Republican Senators Afraid of When They Acquitted Their Own Attempted Murderer?
At some point you have to wonder whether the bigger danger was the Capitol insurrection or the pusillanimous GOP reaction to it.

Lindsey Graham Floats Idea of Republicans Impeaching Kamala Harris If They Retake House
Fully illustrating how unhinged and illogical he is. He wants to impeach an uppity Black woman for something she did before she was in office. More than ridiculous, it shows how mean and dangerous this bootlicking idiot is.

Democrats' Shameful Cave
Trials without witnesses are not genuine trials.
Nothing we've seen from these charades are 'genuine." It's strictly political theater.
"What Trump did not imply, and what no one could have foreseen, was that even the man he shot would continue to vote for him." This is insanity. And filth. We have a great deal of it now.

'Damaged' Trump will duck attacking McConnell over fears it will blow up in his face: NYT reporter

Florida sued for violating the 19th Amendment with voter suppression law
Finally they take action against the sexist white supremacists. Keep it up.

Internet incredulous after Democrats back off calling Trump trial witnesses
"All for the sake of the Biden agenda"? The fascists will still try to destroy it no matter what the Impeachment process did. That's who they are, for God's sake. They are no friends of America no matter what.

43 Republicans Condemned for 'Cowardice' as Senate Votes to Acquit Donald Trump
"The Republican senators who voted to acquit are cowards and fascists, and that is all their party stands for today," said Rep. Mondaire Jones (D-N.Y.).
How long have we been saying all this right here on LOTHN?

Impeachment Trial Is Not About Convincing GOP Senators—Many of Whom Were Trump's Co-Conspirators
The point of the impeachment trial is to determine how history will remember Trump's anti-democratic presidency as well as the party that supported him—and media's framing today will have a powerful influence on that eventual verdict.
The photo shows two of the biggest co-conspirators

New York Prosecutors Investigating Trump’s Manhattan Properties
Officials are investigating loans the former president took on four buildings, including his flagship Trump Tower

McConnell Scolds Trump But Defends His Vote Not To Convict
This two-faced ass had the audacity to say Trump was guilty but they couldn't convict him because he was out of office when the trial came. Who's fault is that? His. He prevented it. It is a fact on record. He is guilty of high crimes because of it and shares in Trump's decay and rot.

Americans have a duty to 'defeat the lies': Biden speaks out on impeachment acquittal
"...the substance of the charge is not in dispute. Even those opposed to the conviction, like Senate Minority Leader McConnell, believe Donald Trump was guilty of a 'disgraceful dereliction of duty' and 'practically and morally responsible for provoking' the violence unleashed on the Capitol."

Trump was acquitted, but will suffer 'eternal public repudiation': Bush speechwriter

Trump fears he'll be hit with criminal charges for inciting insurrection: report
He must be. It's a crime.

Ron Johnson got into a shouting match with Mitt Romney after witness vote goes against Trump: report
For my money, Romney could take Johnson. Let's see them go at with fists flying. It would make for a good show.

Did Trump think his mob had taken Mike Pence hostage?
It certainly seems so.

Republicans Are on the Verge of a Dangerous Choice Against Democracy

This Is Not Going to Fade Away
Trump’s attack on our democracy is not over.

Trump Is Guilty
There’s no doubt who must be held responsible for attacking the Capitol and trying to overturn the results of the election.
Of course. The problem appears to be that our founders didn't imagine Impeachment would become a political process instead of a legal trial resulting in justice.

Jaw-Dropping Poll Finds Trump Worst President Ever, But Best Among Republicans — TRIPLING Abraham Lincoln
Fully revealing the cult that the Republican Party has become.

New Evidence Shows Trump Used Riot to Pressure Congress to Steal Election
Cults don't give a damn about evidence.

McConnell Tells Colleagues He’ll Vote To Acquit Trump
Mitch the Bitch. Party over country. As commentors state: "Yep. Our system is irrevocably broken."; "... When 74 million Americans think that POS was worth four more years you realize how downhill this country has gone."
It will a long time before America ever has a system that works honestly.
We are witnessing the work of a cult that has taken America down.

Trump lawyer mocked for 'meltdown' on Senate floor: 'Multiple screws are loose there'
Has Michael van der Veen even been in court room before? He doesn't act much like he has.

Mitch McConnell Delayed Trump’s Impeachment Trial. Now He Says the Delay Makes it Unconstitutional.
The Senate GOP leader will not hold Trump accountable for incitement.
What a douchebag. You can't say enough against this trashy asshole.

Taxes on the Rich: One-Sixth of What They Used to Be
A new IPS briefing paper highlights the unique role of tax policy in wealth concentration.

In Shake Up Of Impeachment Trial Plans, Senate Opens The Door To Witnesses

Trump's Lawyers Lied About Receiving Evidence From House Managers
Who's shocked? Not we. What honest lawyers would represent Trump in this trial to begin with?

Raskin Calls Defense Team's Bluff On Trump’s Refusal To Testify
When Trump’s defense counsel tried to blame Democrats for their own inability to explain Trump’s behavior during the insurrection, Rep. Jamie Raskin shot back: Then why isn't your client testifying?
We all know why the chickenshit isn't.

House managers want to call this GOP witness. Here's why.
"He is not a blameless observer, he was rooting for them," a Republican member of Congress said. "On January 13, Kevin McCarthy said on the floor of the House that the President bears responsibility and he does."

Historians issue dire warning: Trump's acquittal could be damaging to America for years to come
The fascist Republicans only care about their future. This is why America is doomed.

How Trump's legacy will be marred by disturbing 'violent extremism'
This is your ideal America?

What history will say about Trump's acquittal
"I think a lot of this is about race, and entitlement ... and now, we’re at a stage where you basically have to use violence to overthrow the results of a democratic election to protect white minority power."
America, as was imagined in its ideals, will be ended.
A country such as this is not worth a damn and must be shunned and rejected by the rest of the civilized world.

The DOJ Has Released Its Clearest Evidence Yet Tying Jan. 6 Militants to Trump
Some people can't see the militants for the mob.
The defense point of "if the mob was already planned before the event, how could Trump have had anything to do with it?"
Here is the answer: “As the inauguration grew nearer, Watkins indicated that she was awaiting direction from President Trump,” wrote the prosecutors.

Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: Trump is guilty, the rest is process
Convict Donald Trump and banish the 45th president from American democracy
Lindsey Graham’s toadyism on Fox News shows where the GOP is heading

What Trump’s Defense Team Refused To Answer

Del. Stacey Plaskett Blasts Trump's Lawyers For Their Blatant Racism
During the question and answer section of the Trump impeachment trial the Democrat from the Virgin Islands called out the former president's lawyers for their disgusting, race-baiting videos.
Racists can't hide their rascism. We've seen it before with the Land of the Happy Negro.

Rittenhouse Hiding In Undisclosed Location
Judge in Rittenhouse case doesn't punish Rittenhouse for not telling court where he's living.
White supremacists can jump bail, I see.

Bernie Sanders Asks Trump Lawyers if the Ex-President Won the Election in Heated Exchange
"My judgment is irrelevant in this proceeding. It absolutely is," van der Veen said, which prompted audible groans from some members of the chamber.
Yes, groans of "why the Hell are we putting up with their false equivalant defense?"

Lindsay Graham again consults with Trump's attorneys — in the middle of the trial: 'They actually pulled him off the floor'
One big coward.

Lead 'Stop the Steal' organizer promises to punish enemies and build new society for Trump supporters
This nut ball sedtionist has some really moronic ideas. Better watch his ass closely. Like Trump, everything these people touch dies.

'History Is Watching and So Is The Nation': As Impeachment Trial Wraps Up, Senate Urged to Convict Trump
All will be branded in history on their decision.

CNN: Trump Defended Rioters To McCarthy During Capitol Attack
Just how large of a smoking gun do the Republicans want? This has enough smoke for anyone.
This is also an 18 minute gap where the beans have spilled into.

Trump’s Defense Team Embraces The ‘Big Lie’ That Drove The Jan. 6 Mob
They are all part of the 'Big Treason' as well.

Common Cause Calls on Senators to Convict Donald Trump

The Idiot Arguments Of The Second Trump Impeachment, Redux

America isn’t divided. It’s broken.
America has been broken by liars. Liars that have been around on media since the late 1970s that started on radio. It expanded to other media forms as time passed. America has been lied to for so long that the suckers bought it. We all know who the biggest names are.
"The decades of GOP lies, raised to an art form by Trump himself, has left Republican voters devastatingly ill-informed. In 2015, more than half of Republicans, including half of those who watch Fox News, still believed that US troops found weapons of mass destruction in Saddam Hussein’s Iraq — they did not. Fox viewers also think the Coronavirus threat was exaggerated. Seventy-five percent of Republicans still don’t think Joe Biden won the election legitimately."
America is damaged goods that may not be able to be exchanged for reality.

Tennessee GOP Bill Allows Fathers To Block Abortions
Insanity in America, Part Infinite.

Trump’s Lawyers Want to Compare His Words to Those of Dems. They Already Screwed That Up.
On Fox News, Trump’s lawyer admitted context matters.

If Impeachment Managers Want Witnesses to Trump’s High Crimes, Start With Lindsey Graham
The senator’s on-the-record statements after the January 6 attack on the Capitol confirm that he knows Trump is guilty of dereliction of duty.
Lindsey? Take the stand? ROTFLMAO!

Trump Defense Turns Reality Upside Down To Cast Former President As Champion Of Peace

Meadows Attempts To Rewrite History By Claiming Trump ‘Didn’t Delay’ National Guard During Riot
He's with the 'Ministry of Truth' now?

Trump lawyer immediately fact-checked after claiming ‘there was no insurrection’
Their defense is total false equivalence. It's humiliating them and sad for all of us.

Senators were 'openly laughing' at Trump lawyers' fight video: reporter
This is what the false equivalence creates—a Republican farce.

'How dare you!' Trump lawyer goes on bizarre self-pitying rant at Senate trial
The bottom of the barrel. He's talking about himself.

Trump’s Lawyer Falsely Blames Insurrection on Antifa, Directly Contradicting FBI
The president’s defense kicks off with a blatant lie.

Trump’s lawyer slammed for claiming ‘leader of antifa’ was involved in pro-Trump insurrection
This is total off the rails talk. Why in heaven's name would anyone that was "antifa" be involved with a fascist mob whose mission was to prevent the Congress from ending Trump's Presidency? Not happening except in Bizzaro world.

Trump attorneys ridiculed for mind-numbing supercut video of Democrats saying 'fight'
Clearly, Schoen is not the brightest bulb in the pack.

GOP Senators Huddled With Trump’s Lawyers On Eve Of Impeachment Defense
In a normal world this is known as jury tampering. But the Republicans live in Bizzaro world. The fix is in.

Trump Campaign Paid Millions to Organizers of Rally That Led to Capitol Rampage
Oh, but Trump can't be held responsible? It's "Blame the Campaign" now?
“The American public may never know the full extent of the Trump campaign’s payments to organizers involved in the protests,” Massoglia writes. “That’s because the campaign used an opaque payment scheme that concealed details of hundreds of millions of dollars in spending by routing payments through shell companies where the ultimate payee is hidden.”
In the former U.S. this was called a crime.

Reports reveal 15 Republicans refused to show up for Trump's full impeachment trial
This is what they are. In the former U.S. this was called Contempt of Court.
It's becoming very apparent that Impeachment trials have nothing to do with the law.

'Dangerous to the Republic': John Nichols says Trump’s Senate trial is most important in US history
If the fascists continue ignoring the facts and acquit Trump our Republic is dead. Everything Trump touches dies. Think of it--always.

'Too little, too late': Nikki Haley buried for sudden flip on Trump over second impeachment
Gaslighting deluxe.

‘Trump had a code for talking to these groups’: Jonestown survivor upends GOP denials about riot incitement
Someone popped a cap on Jim.

'Looks Like Trump Wasn't Playing Around': President Was Told Pence in Danger Just Minutes Before Twitter Attack on VP
Latest revelation could be put to use by Democratic impeachment managers. And as one observer put it, "When the jurors are also witnesses, strange things happen."

Analysis Reveals Trump Operation Paid $3.5 Million to Organizers of Rally That Led to Deadly Capitol Attack
"Thanks to an opaque payment scheme, we may never know the full extent of the campaign's payments to the event's organizers."

Supreme Court’s Dismissal Of Science In Pandemic Cases Threatens Public Health

Republicans are now the party of lawlessness and disorder
This has been clear to most Americans for some time now.

Louisiana Republicans censure Bill Cassidy for voting to proceed with Trump's impeachment trial
If you're a Republican, you cannot vote your conscience without retribution. Some Americans.

American Democracy Is Only 55 Years Old—And Hanging by a Thread
Black civil-rights activists—and especially Black women—delivered on the promise of the Founding. Their victories are in peril.

How Many Republican Senators Were Part of ‘Trump’s Mob’?
Senate Trial, Day Two: The dereliction was even worse than the incitement.

GOP Senators Support the ‘January Exception’
By voting to halt the impeachment trial, 44 Republicans showed they believe misdeeds in a president’s last weeks in office are unpunishable.

Donald Trump Isn’t on Trial. The Republican Party Is.
We know Trump is guilty. We don’t know (yet) whether the Republican party can be saved.

If Republicans Have a Conscience, They’ll Convict Trump. Most Don’t.
Democrats showed how Trump sicced his mob on Mike Pence and Republicans. Does the GOP care? It didn’t seem like it yesterday, but that could change.

Evolution Doesn’t Give a Damn About Us, or the USA
Unless we stop Covid-19 everywhere, we won’t stop it anywhere.

Here's the key flaw in Republicans' complaint about the impeachment case
"How will the Republicans justify voting to acquit Trump given all this evidence?"
They couldn't care less about justice. They care only for power. Full-blown fascism for all to see.

Even Trump’s Senate Wingmen Are Shocked by Capitol Riot Videos
They never realized they were so close to harm. But they still want to let Trump off the hook.
Why? Are they afraid he might do it again. Who do they think the con man is, omnipotence made flesh? Are we not men?

Trey Gowdy Unloads On Trump's 'Miserable' Defense Team
Fox News host Trey Gowdy, a former Republican lawmaker, on Wednesday said that President Donald Trump's attorneys had botched their opening remarks at his second impeachment trial.
"I think on the issue of the speech, it's probably going to be split because there are plenty of Democrats that have used hot rhetoric in the past," said Gowdy.
And then there was a riot that resulted in an attack on our Capitol that never before ocurred in our history? Don't be rediculous again, Trey.

Sen. Hawley Shows Contempt For Trump Impeachment Trial
Sen. Josh Hawley is thumbing his nose at democracy again, this time reportedly ignoring the devastating Trump impeachment evidence while sitting up in the Senate gallery with his feet up on the seat in front of him.
Why is this punk being tolerated?

40 Percent of U.S. COVID Deaths Could Have Been Averted If It Weren't for Trump: Report
And 100% of the deaths at the Capitol attack.

“Trump left everyone in the Capitol for dead” as mob hunted for victims like VP Pence
"The impeachment managers drew a straight line from Trump to the insurrection and harm’s way for Mike Pence."

Trump Incited Real Harm on January 6. His Impeachment Trial Must Reflect This.

Gov. Greg Abbott prioritized changing how bail is set. He isn’t addressing people stuck behind bars because they can’t afford to pay.
Why government in the U.S. is dysfucntional. Money and power is all they care about.

Conservative breaks down Fox News' repeated promotion of lies and disinformation

South Dakota Judge Harshes Legal Weed Amendment's Mellow
Oh no, another election steal!

Texas lawmakers threaten to target Dallas Mavericks’ subsidies over removal of national anthem
Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick on Wednesday called Mark Cuban’s decision “a slap in the face to every American” and “an embarrassment to Texas.”
Dan is wrong about "every American." Plus, Texas sometimes gets embarrassing itself. Just look at Ted Cruz, Dan.

Jamie Raskin’s Passionate Prosecution Is Convicting Trump in the Eyes of History
Senate Republicans may not permit accountability. But the lead impeachment manager’s argument leaves no doubt how history will judge Trump.

The Case for Blue-State Secession
It’s the only way to ensure democracy and equal justice, not just for blue-state residents but for citizens in all 50 states.
Texas would surely agree, right?

Trump’s Lawyers Mocked Democracy and Reasoned Debate
Rationality and demagoguery fought it out on Senate floor, but the better arguments won’t convince most Republicans.

The Defense Trump Deserved—Meandering, Self-Contradictory, and Off-Topic
The prosecution comes on strong. The defense gets lost in the weeds.
When Bruce Castor, an attorney for former President Donald Trump, read aloud from the Constitution yesterday at the Trump Impeachment trial, he read a selected text but left out an important part. He stopped after the phrase "Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from office." Castor then claimed that Trump had already been removed from office therefore he could not be subject to Impeachment. The problems with that are: 1. He was not removed from office by Impeachment and: 2. If Castor really thinks this applies to him then he must also agree to the following words as well, that Trump is also disqualified to hold and enjoy any Office of honour, Trust or Profit under the United States; but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.
To wit: Article I, Section 3, Clause 6 and 7 states:"... Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honour, Trust or Profit under the United States; but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law."
He's dead wrong and he knows it.

NYT: Georgia Opens Criminal Probe Of Trump Election Meddling

Trump Lawyer: MAGA Supporters Are 'Too Dedicated' To Trump
David Schoen argues Trump supporters are more Stepford-like and cultist than Democratic supporters -- therefore, they rioted.
Well, yes. We've known this for years now. "The problem is they (Democrats) don’t really have followers, dedicated followers and so when they give their speeches, but..."
The Democratic Party, that has been around since 1828, claims to have 45,715,952 members. The party had 81,284,778 votes cast for Biden/Harris in the 2020 election. Look like they had a decent base turn out for them. In fact, they have won the popular vote in the last four presidential elections.

Eager For Trump’s Second Coming, White Christian Nationalists Back Voter Suppression
This is what we are up against. Another Heaven's Gate crew.

Impeachment trial 2, day 1: Now the Republicans are the party of terrorism
Trump is officially gone, but his specter hangs over Washington — and Republicans are still shackled to him

Why Republicans are going to war with reality
"When everyone says the sky is green when the truth is in plain sight, everyone is not merely trying to deceive you. Everyone is maintaining a perversion in which speaking truthfully could inspire your murder."
That is the fork in the road that our country is at. Are we going to take the path of truth or the path of insanity?
If it's the latter, we leave democracy behind and our future, if we have one, will be bleak.

'The hole that Donald Trump is in is going to deepen': CNN legal analyst
"The United States Senate is on trial," he said. "How can they take the oath and promise to be, as Senator Cassidy said, impartial jurors?... There is no defense for Donald Trump there, there's no defense on the facts. Incitement of insurrection is a high crime, he did it."

'I bought into a lie': Infamous indicted MAGA rioter now says she regrets 'everything'
Dear, you are not alone. Far too many have done the same.
The U.S. had the freest election in 2020 we've ever had with more of us participating. Democracy reigned and we're being disenfranchised for it by a liar and his bullshit followers.

'Moral bankruptcy': MSNBC's John Heilemann rips GOP senators for ignoring impeachment evidence

Inciting A Mob To Invade The Capitol Is Not Free Speech
Trump's lawyers will say because he didn't say certain words he didn't incite anyone. They're dead wrong.

Impeachment trial day 2: GOP is now the party of terrorism

Report reveals how Trump's team conspired to protect his interests as COVID-19 ransacked the US

Over and over and over, arrested rioters say what spurred them: Trump

Cancel Perks for the Worst President in History

Hold Them All Accountable
The people who stormed the Capitol are facing the music. It’s up to us to make sure that the people who incited them do, too.

Those who vote to acquit Trump don't stand for democracy: Presidential historian

Watch the Dramatic Video of the Capitol Riot Shown During Trump’s Impeachment Trial
Proof of Trump's sedition and guilt.

GOP Senators Who Backed an Extremist Interior Secretary Are Rejecting Biden’s Pick
Sens. Steve Daines and John Barrasso claim Rep Deb Haaland is too “radical.”
We KNOW who the radicals are here, dude.

Tapper Blasts Argument Dems Trying to ‘Disenfranchise’ Trump Supporters: Trump ‘Literally Tried to Disenfranchise Biden Voters’
We know they cannot tell shit from applebutter.

Trump Lawyer Admits Biden Won Election Legitimately
This guy is flat-out idiot. To quote a commenter here:
"The Democrats and some Republicans didn't impeach Trump because they don't want to face him as a political rival. They impeached Trump because he committed sedition by inciting insurrection."

'The Senate Must Convict. America Is Watching': Watchdogs Demand Trump Be Held to Account
"The president of the United States incited a murderous insurrection, then used his bully pulpit to fan the flames of hatred."

'I have no idea what he's doing': Alan Dershowitz is baffled by a Trump lawyer's argument
Apparently, Trump's lawyer doesn't either.

An accused insurrectionist's posts show clear evidence of Trump's incitement

Conservative argues that Republicans who 'instigated' the insurrection must be 'held accountable'
Of course but will they?

It Takes a Village of Idiots
Just take a look at the GQP.

Liz Cheney Tells Kevin McCarthy To Grow A Pair
If only he could.
A Trump eunuch forever.

Republicans' own actions reveal they're lying about why they want to acquit Trump
Lying is their stock and trade.

The House’s Impeachment Trial Memorandum Is Damning
“Since the dawn of the Republic, no enemy—foreign or domestic—had ever obstructed Congress’s counting of the votes,” the brief says. “Until President Trump.”
And if you think that matters to the GQP, think again.

Newsmax Host Attacks Fox for Dumping Dobbs, Suggests Firing Chris Wallace Instead
Fox News has gone liberal, the host bizarrely claimed, and that’s “why Dobbs is now gone and the left-leaning Wallace is there to stay.”
Yes, by all means, retain the liar, fire the truth-teller. That's how the QAnonsense works. Dork.

Mass GOP exodus: Alabama US senator becomes fourth to announce retirement
The GQP is fast fading from sight. No wonder. It's the QAnonsense Party now and the laughing stock of the planet.

Trump defense urges dismissal of 'absurd' impeachment trial
Being a seditionist is absurd? His lawyers sound like the ones that are absurd. Why wouldn't they be? They are defending one of the biggest shysters in the world.

Republican senator blasted for blaming Capitol siege on Nancy Pelosi
When has Ron Johnson last been tested for senility?

Rep. Ron Wright Is 1st Member Of Congress To Die After Coronavirus Diagnosis

Trump's impeachment trial will also be an indictment of Republican lawmakers—and they know it
If they know it, they'll make it as guiltless on themselves as possible.

Top Conservative Lawyer: It's Constitutional To Impeach
Shorter Republican argument: You can't indict Trump while he's president or impeach him after he's president. That argument definitely pushes that he's above the law. He isn't.

QAnon-Loving Congresswoman Wrong About Oaths And Bibles
Bullshit spouting, as usual. "Nothing in the U.S. Constitution or the laws of this country requires a public official to swear a public oath on a Bible or any other religious text."
All that we must do is swear to defend the Constitution. America does not have an official federal religion anyway.

Meadows Blames Anyone But Trump For Lack Of National Guard At MAGA Insurrection
Trump's former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows blamed the Mayor of Washington D.C. and people "from the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue" for the lack of response by the National Guard at the MAGA sedition riot at the Capitol on January 6th.
"Meadows wasn't asked about any of that, of course, because Bartiromo is not a reporter. She's a shameless right-wing propagandist."
Try not to pull yourself out of that blame game. There will be a day of reckoning. You just might be there.

Arizona Republicans threaten to arrest fellow GOPers if they don't turn over ballots for another recount: report
Another perfect defintion of insanity.

Forget Impeachment—Donald Trump Should Be Under Arrest
The Senate needs to go about its obviously constitutional business. But I sure hope prosecutors in New York and Washington are going about theirs, too.

Michael Cohen urges Biden DOJ to investigate SDNY prosecutors for not indicting Trump and Don Jr
Hmmmmmm? What's up with not cuffing him, law enforcers?

The GOP is still trying to blame Democrats for the insurrection -- and for further right-wing violence
The GQP can't cope with reality. They will continue to pile trouble on all of us.

Kevin McCarthy demanded Liz Cheney apologize to GOP for impeachment but she refused: 'I cannot do that'
McCarthy should apologize for asking.

Liz Cheney promises 'many, many criminal investigations' into Trump's 'assault' on the US Capitol

Reporter roasted for trying to equate Jan 6 insurrection terrorists with 'antifa'
It's apparent that they've stopped teaching critical thinking along with logic.

'Unbelievable,' Says Sanders, That Some Dems Want to Further Limit Eligibility for Covid-19 Relief Checks
"In other words," noted the Senate Budget Committee chair, "working-class people who got checks from Trump would not get them from Biden."
These people are as mean as snakes. They are not our friends.

Liz Cheney Reacts To Wyoming GOP Censuring Her: ‘People Have Been Lied To’
The third-ranking House Republican said her state’s GOP falsely believes BLM and antifa were behind the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.
And who are some of these liars? The ones that censured her. Grifters don't like someone exposing them.

Majority of Americans say Trump should be convicted, barred from holding federal office in impeachment trial: POLL
And they kicked him out of office in November as well.

'You can't argue a case on its merits': CBS host busts Lindsey Graham on calls to dismiss impeachment
Full QAnon. Inciting a riot to attempt to assassinant some people is not a crime?
It's unconstituional to attempt to overthrow an election, you sychophant moron. Get out of your rabbit hole.

Impeachment Is Working—Just Not as the Framers Expected
The case against despair

Trump Impeachment Lawyer Promises To Defend Him With Videos Of Democrats
Trump lawyer Bruce Castor promised Laura Ingraham he’ll use the Fox-recommended defense strategy of playing video clips of Democrats during the impeachment trial in the Senate next week.
Typcal rat tactics when you have no plan—put the innocent party on trial. It makes a mockery of justice because there is no defense for what Trump has done.

Saturday Night Owls: The GOP has introduced 100+ voter suppression bills in 28 states in 2021
The GQP doesn't want you to vote if there's a snowball's chance in Hell of you voting against them. This is not American.

Republicans don't know much about history -- but that won't stop them
The Land of the Happy Negro finally got it's rag onto Capitol Hill and the fascists want to defend it. What losers.

How Fox News Primetime Jacked Up Trump’s ‘Big Lie’
The president may be on trial this week for his outsized role in fomenting the MAGA mob, but he had plenty of help from right-wing media in boosting his lies, spin, and innuendo.

Maddow and MSNBC win $258,000 in attorney fees after beating OAN in court: report
OAN:'literally is paid Russian propaganda.' Interesting.

Republicans Have Already Introduced Over 100 Voter Suppression Bills This Year
If they can't reverse elections they'll settle for voter suppression.

Here's What Marjorie Taylor Greene and Her Ilk Are Really Afraid Of

The Shiny Shallowness of Today’s Country Music
Music Row puts out songs that ignore or even make light of the serious human problems that were once country staples.
Country music has been stultified by industry controllers for decades. They've ignored the real artists that are moving it forward and rolling in the same old shit they think is cool when it's anything but.

Kagan Warns the Supreme Court’s New COVID Decision May Kill People
The court has said, "Let them die, God will know his own."

Marjorie Taylor Greene said she stopped posting conspiracies after her campaign — she lied

Why Opening Restaurants Is Exactly What the Coronavirus Wants Us to Do
Governors continue to open indoor dining and other activities before vaccinations become widespread. Experts warn this could create superspreading playgrounds for dangerous variants and squander our best shot at getting the pandemic under control.

Lauren Boebert: Controversies And Scandals
Why does this grifter have anything to do with our government?

QAnon Believers Are Obsessed With Hillary Clinton. She Has Thoughts.
The mass execution cult has roots in three decades of demonization.
QAnonsensers are all fuckstick idiots.

Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds ends social distancing guidelines, despite continued high cases of COVID-19
Recklessness, cluelessness, and damn stupidity is why we got into the big mess we're in. So, let's continue, right?

Trump supporters are still going after Arizona's election results — here's what we can learn from the fight
We can learn there are many fools that believe fairy tales that can damage American democracy.

BYE BYE! Fox News Cancels Lou Dobbs
And by "cancel," we mean that Dobbs show is canceled and he has made his final appearance -- just before Trump's impeachment trial begins.
Pulled one too many flim-flams... and now he's gone, gone, gone, real gone.

Gohmert And Clyde Fined $5K For Bypassing House Metal Detectors
Nancy Pelosi's new fines catch two Republicans being jackasses and will dock their paychecks accordingly.
The next violation will cost $10k and the third should cost the seditionists their jobs.
Why are seditionists even allowed to be in our government in the first place?

What’s Left Of The ‘Mainstream’ Republican Party Is Looking Around And Getting Nervous
The GQP is eating brains now.

Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: The GQP reckoning continues as the party chooses to go far right
The GQP goes full Nazi. Know what you are sowing all for a four-flusher like Trump.

Trump Is the First President to Leave Office With a Loss of Jobs Since Hoover
A failure, as expected.

Destroying Conservatism Will Be Marjorie Taylor Greene's Only Achievement

Republicans Work to Reverse Increases in Voter Turnout
The fascist GQP now will ramp up their voter suppression to kill democracy as soon as possible in the United States. The must be stopped by any means necessary. Voting is a right. It should be easier and not harder, knuckleheads.

Marjorie Taylor Greene blasts 'tyrannical' Dems as 'morons' after widely-panned speech and committee expulsion
I know you are but what am I, Oh, Queen QAnonsense, tyrannical traitor.

America’s trade gap soared under Trump, final figures show
As Trump tamped down on imports from China, U.S. companies turned to other foreign suppliers.
Just as he planned it.

Are Conservative Policies Killing Us?
Scientists seek to understand why Americans live relatively short lives.

In Fiery Floor Speech, Cori Bush Demands Accountability for Every Republican Who Incited 'Vile White Supremacist Attack' of January 6
"We can't build a better society if members are too scared to stand up and act to reject the white supremacist attack that happened right before our eyes."
Cori, they aren't thinking about a better society. They think only of their own society and it totally sucks.

Lauren Boebert finally holds her town hall — and the questions are absolutely brutal
"...was eventually asked which prison she would like to go to if she is tried and convicted of treason."
Her answer would have been "The one with a cell next to Trump's."

Senate approves COVID relief resolution with zero GOP support after 14+ hours of amendment votes
Why do they hate America?

Kevin McCarthy's defense of Marjorie Taylor Greene will be a gift to Democrats for years: MSNBC's Heilemann
190 chose her over America. They will never wipe that off their pathetic record.

It's The GQP Party Now...
As Nancy Pelosi tweets "If the Q fits," it's clear that the QAnon label is stuck hard on the formerly-known-as Republican Party.

Suddenly All Republicans Have Amnesia When It Comes To QAnon
No matter how much they lie about it, Republicans can't run away from QAnon, but they're sure trying.
Shame and disgrace is something these seditionists have never heard of.

Ohio Senator Cecil Thomas Walks Out of Hearing As Dozens Attend Without Masks
Clearly members of the GQP. Clueless nutballs.

Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: The treason and seditionist party back on its heels
Civil War news. The enemy suffered some damage but not nearly enough.

Sasse Rips State GOP Committee For Plans To Censure Him For Condemning Trump’s ‘Lies’
If Sasse is guilty of “persistently engaged in public acts of ridicule and calumny” against Trump, He's a true American patriot.

It’s Time To Move Beyond The National Prayer Breakfast

Fox Hosts Admit Polls Show Vast Support For Biden's COVID Package
This was not good news for the triumvirate of sophistry at Fox and Friends.

Jon Stewart takes aim at Donald Trump's ridiculous SAG resignation letter
"You have let me down as well, done nothing...I will no longer abide your gross abdication of...oh wait...I'm just shitty at acting...never mind," Stewart wrote on Twitter.

Third North Texas real estate professional is charged with storming U.S. Capitol building
Jason Hyland, 37, of Frisco arranged a flight to D.C. on a private plane with others to protest the election results and ended up inside the Capitol building with a mob of rioters, the feds say.

GOP Flirts With Notion That Fighting Extremism Is A Threat To Political Survival
Typical fascist bullshit. And BTW it's GQP now.

House Votes To Strip Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Of Her Committee Assignments
Good for starters but the least she could do is apologize for her threats.
But she is not fit to serve. She must be expelled.

Greene Admits 9/11 Happened — But Doesn’t Actually Disavow Her Conspiracy Theory About It
She's very weak.

Understanding the House Republican ClusterFrick
Most of them are either Full Kraken or scared of their own voters.
Or severely deluded.

Why comparing Marjorie Taylor Greene to AOC is ridiculous
No, Democrats and Republicans don’t have a similar “extremism” problem.

AOC Blasts GOP Lawmaker for Her “Deeply Cynical” About Face on Events of Jan. 6
It's the fascists that don't make good liars.
BTW: It's the GQP now.

Shape of Senate impeachment trial remains unclear as Trump rejects House Democratic request to testify
The fascists want it as short as possible because the longer it goes the guiltier they all will look.

Biden recommits U.S. to global alliances, ends support for Saudi-led war in Yemen in first major foreign policy speech

Texans in Congress vote along party lines as U.S. House punishes Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene for incendiary, racist statements
The U.S. House voted 230-199 to remove Greene from the House Budget and Labor and Education committees. Eleven House Republicans joined with Democrats in the vote, but no Texas GOP members crossed party lines.
Texas GQP support the terrorist.

Republican who helped Trump campaign challenge Joe Biden's win will lead election work in Texas House
State Rep. Briscoe Cain was named chair of the House Elections Committee months after traveling to Pennsylvania to help the Trump campaign challenge the results of the 2020 election.
Another seditionist walks around at will. And I don't believe he was elected honestly.

Tucker Still On His 'You're Either With The Terrorists Or You're Against Us!' Bender
Tucks is touchy. If he could just find meaningful work instead of being the same as QAnon. You know what I mean.

ANOTHER Voting Machine Company Would Like All Fox News's Libel $$$, Please And Thank You!
A great list of fact distorters and bloody misinformers get tagged.
Dr. B is an educator. That's good news because I know someone that desperately needs education.

Bidens Shoot The Sh*t With 'People' Mag, Because We're Allowed To Have Nice Things Again

The False Equivalence Between the Democratic Left and the Republican Right Is Absurd
"Theatre of the Absurd" is where we live these days.

Mitch McConnell Isn't Fooling Anyone — Marjorie Taylor Greene Is the True Face of the Modern GOP

What QAnon Has in Common With the Birchers
Sixty years ago, many GOP leaders resisted extremism. Now they’re not even trying.
Yes, many but not all of them resisted. I know. I was there.
It is now what the Republican Party is.

Joe Manchin Backed Filibuster Reform a Decade Ago. What Changed?
Now a self-proclaimed fan of the filibuster, the conservative Democrat voted in January 2011 in favor of several Senate rules changes designed to reduce its power.
He's a center-right politician. He is not a man for this time. The center will not hold our country any longer. His time has passed. He simply lives to feed at the public trough.

C-SPAN caller: 'Democrats are going to keep eating the babies and cutting faces off of them'
If this isn't a put-on caller, why in Hell isn't this stark raving mad fool in a padded cell?
Tell McArdle to have these kind of calls traced and turned over to police.

Neighbors furious after woman refuses to take down Christmas lights her dad put up before his COVID-19 death
Lunatics of all sizes and shapes dwell in this country. WTF is it to anyone if I want lights strung on my house the year round? People do it in many places. What a dumbass thing to get your ass tight about. You fuckers need to move on. Leave Sara alone.

After Hundreds of Meatpacking Workers Died From COVID-19, Congress Wants Answers
A key House subcommittee cited reports by ProPublica and other news outlets in launching an investigation into how the country’s meatpacking companies handled the pandemic, which has killed hundreds of workers to date.
I guess this is a pretty unsolvable mystery, eh?

Kevin McCarthy ‘Forgot’ What QAnon Is
But did he ever know what it was to start with?
His only interest is protecting his job of feeding at the public trough.

Ohio Covidiots Testify For Bill To Strike Down COVID Protocols: I Can’t Even Get My Favorite Cheesy Bread
As previously stated, if these idiots were our population in the 1940s we would be speaking German now.
What spineless little twits.

Special Report: Stolen election? Republican lawmakers paralyzed by Trump's false fraud claims
"Fully 133 of those lawmakers, or 90%, are now declining to either endorse or repudiate Trump’s continuing insistence that he was cheated by systemic voter fraud, according to a Reuters survey of all 147 lawmakers and a review of public statements they made to explain their votes against certifying the Electoral College results."
This is the broken and dysfunctional country that these miscreants have made it. Enjoy your Covid, assholes.

Tucker Carlson Launches Yet Another Ugly Attack On Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
The Fox News host belittled the New York Democrat’s chilling description of the deadly U.S. Capitol riot as “narcissism on parade.”
This asshole farts from his mouth once again. He's such a big help to dickwads everywhere.
Here's who has been federally charged in the US Capitol riots.
Many have been charged with "carrying a deadly or dangerous weapon." Tucks, were they doing that just to scare somebody? What if someone came breaking into your gilded palace carrying a deadly or dangerous weapon? What would you think about that? Where do you get the turds you throw out? Who makes this shit up for you?

Marjorie Taylor Greene is all 'I won't back down' in public. House GOP meeting was a different story
So, they are all just bad actors, eh?
Everything the Greene Idiot spits up are all false equivalencies.

GOP's McCarthy announces he supports Marjorie Greene — accuses Dems of 'choosing to raise the temperature'
Just another wacko. Why must we endure these idiots?

Forced Birther Demands Biden Bow Down To Anti-Choice Catholics
Jen Psaki had to answer yet another insipid question from someone who thinks "unity" means making every single faction of America happy. Even the ones who oppress women.
I'll let Aliza Worthington's statements in her article stand as the best response this dickhead deserved to get with his 20% cult questions.

Cartoon: Billy Dare enters a time machine to stop fascism!
Consarn it!

McCarthy Reveals That He’s Going To Do...Nothing To Punish Greene
What else did you expect from a cult-follower-fascist-seditionist appeaser? They are all covering their own asses. They will answer for it. Think of it — always.

GOP's Greene faces brutal backlash after bizarre 'bloodthirsty media' rant: 'Osama Bin Karen at it again'
She's an official cult leader—"The Devil's Daughter-in-Law."—a bullshitter par excellence—the Lunatic Party. Fading off into the sunset.
What a sick woman. She should get help before it's too late for everyone she's associated with.

Vile Josh Hawley is the only senator to oppose all six Biden Cabinet picks
"Hell's Senator." The tiny little chickenturd. Why does he hate America so?

Nicolle Wallace blasts Republican QAnon caucus: 'You're all going home in two years'
She means they are going back to the place in Hell they came from.

Prosecutors lose track of Kenosha gunman Kyle Rittenhouse after he gave the court a wrong address
On the run. But he has a very large target on his back. This won't end well for him.

GOP’s Lauren Boebert caught up in new ethics scandal after review of her mileage expenses
Another genius playing with less than a full deck.
Perhaps someone could explain the word "evidence" to her as well as the meaning of "ethics" to this mental giant?

‘Icing on the clown car cake!’: Internet eggs on Matt Gaetz after he offers to resign to defend Trump in senate trial
Does anyone need any more proof of the fractured cult mind of the Trump Zombie? Please, Matt. Go save your saviour.

New filing suggests Mark Meadows under investigation for campaign finance violations
Former Trump chief in jeopardy: Watchdog group filed complaint against Meadows in October, based on Salon's report
Mark, you can get Matt Gaetz in on your defense.

Could This Be the Smoking Gun of Trump's January 6 Treason?

Will a Hitlerian Impeachment Performance Ignite Trump's Paramilitary Death Squads?
The fascists will try anything.

Sorry, Republicans, but There's No Way to Acquit Trump Without Endorsing His Insurrection
That's assuming that they give a good goddamn, which they don't being the traitors they are.

I Don’t Just Want Trump Impeached. I Want Him Jailed.
A conviction in the Senate is the least we should demand. Trump should be indicted and stand trial before citizens empaneled to uphold the rule of law.

Biden Doesn’t Need and Shouldn’t Want the Votes of the Sedition Caucus or the Obstructionists
The presidents and the Democrats have a mandate to govern.
Particularly since they've started a Civil War.

Reclaiming Freedom from the Right Wing
Allowing freedom to become synonymous with the cultural right will make it harder to address a range of public challenges, and will degrade the concept of freedom itself.
“Never have so many people had so much access to so much knowledge and yet have been so resistant to learn anything.”

'Is he alert or not alert?' Maria Bartiromo and Larry Kudlow smear Joe Biden's mental fitness
Asks two people who should be looking in the mirror when they ask.

'Lay Low And Cool It': Fauci Warns Against Super Bowl Parties Becoming Superspreaders
This has worked how many times now? We live in a QAnon mindset when it comes to avoiding Superspreaders when it comes up to personal pleasures being denied somehow.
As stated here in the past, as our people are now, this country would never have survived the sacrifices we had to make during WWII.

QAnon/GOP Rep: I’ve Got Nothing To Apologize For
She could have stopped at "I've got nothing." These idiots don't realize how out of touch with reality they are.

House votes to slap members with big fines for refusing security screening
Law and order party, eh? Let's just all carry sidearms and have gunfights until this wild west is fit to live in.

Biden's defense secretary wipes slate clean, dismissing hundreds from Pentagon advisory boards
Goodbye, douchebags.

Guess Which Network Ignored Fallen Officer's Tribute
Fox News, of course. They don't get to pretend they care about "the blue" ever again.

GOP Will 'Die On The Hill' Of MTG's 'Unrepentant Stupidity'
Republican analysts Denver Riggleman and Scott Jennings beg Kevin McCarthy to boot Marjorie Taylor Greene or expect the GOP to be a permanent minority party.
They will go the way of the defunct political parties in the United States.

Mansplaining The Trauma of Women
"Unrepentant mansplaining."
"They aren’t just demonizing a survivor of abuse, they are in some ways defending themselves."
Arrogant assholery is as common as letting your cock do all your thinking for you.

The Brazil Variant Is Exposing the World’s Vulnerability
Somehow the coronavirus is rampaging through a city that was supposedly immune.
Greed and stupidity at work.

Republicans Know What to Do About Marjorie Taylor Greene
GOP leaders excommunicated Steve King from the party in 2019. A lot has changed in two years
But they have sold their souls to fascism.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Said Something Genuine, So Of Course Men Reacted Poorly
Like many survivors of sexual assault, AOC was called “manipulative” when she shared her experience
What else did you expect from systemic misogynists?

Hundreds of congressional aides call for Trump's conviction in rare public statement

Merrick Garland Blocked By Shameless GOP Again
Lindsey Graham is under fire for latest blockade of Merrick Garland's Senate confirmation.
Shameless does not come close to this little twerp. Hold his ass accountable for his bullshitting.
"The rules always change to whatever Senate Republicans want." Snotnosed brats.

Pushing Marjorie Greene Off the Cliff
The cancer that is Trumpism. Twerpism.

Abbreviated Pundit Roundup: Public supports Biden's efforts, GOP flails with their response
Who are these people loyal to? It is most certainly not America.

All polling points one direction: Biden's agenda is wildly popular and Democrats must pass it
Since America gets no help from the fascist Republicans, they must.
The party is falling apart and many have abandoned voting for them.

Missouri GOP state lawmaker indicted for fake stem cell scheme to treat COVID-19
Now convict her.

'Remand her to custody': Internet outraged after judge approves Capitol rioter's vacation to Mexico
This is your American fascism at work in our legal system.

MSNBC’s Morning Joe brutally mocks GOP’s Tommy Tuberville for claiming ignorance of ‘Qanon lady’
Tommy appears to be having yet another losing season.

'Exhausting, stingy, and cruel': Waitress details the misery of serving Trump officials
Stephen was a problem? So very surprising.

White House announces some COVID-19 vaccines will be sent directly to pharmacies
FYI: Suggested by the Land of the Happy Negro Web site this past January 16.

Missouri newspaper urges Hawley, Blunt to 'bring Trump to justice'
Is the same as asking an arsonist to put out a fire?

The Disturbing and Cruel Psychology of Marjorie Taylor Greene
"All you have to do is look up sociopathy and/or psychopathy online to understand people like her - she's not that complicated. As far as religion goes, it is the original mental illness."

QAnon congresswoman declares LGBTQ rainbow flag a 'hate' symbol — and wants it banned at embassies
She's a hate symbol. She should be forever banned. It will happen. Think of it — always.

Parkland Father Fred Guttenberg Demands Kevin McCarthy Expel Marjorie Taylor Greene From House Committees: ‘Grow a Spine’ and ‘Get Rid’ of Her
Is he capable of doing any of that?

Dolly Parton Twice Turned Down the Presidential Medal of Freedom from Trump Administration

Republicans, Who Control Senate Committees Despite Losing Majority, Reject Democrats’ Demand for Merrick Garland Confirmation Hearing
The bastards just can't get out of the new way and they can't lend a hand. Totally disgraceful rot.

Twitter Users Snap Back At Ted Cruz’s Clueless Thanos Analogy
The Republican senator made nonsensical comparisons to the “Avengers” and “Watchmen” series while going on a bizarre rant about environmentalists.
What is the reason that this ignorant, clueless, seditionist is around doing anything?

Republicans who keep a finger on reality are finding out their voters have gone off the deep end
How can they tell? They are all in the deep end together.

Trump's Lawyer: Videos Of Riot Too Divisive For Impeachment Trial
David Schoen is trying his best to remove EVIDENCE from the impeachment trial.
Oh, Hell yes! Get rid of the fucking evidence. Isn't that a crime in itself? What a farce.

Matt Gaetz Aide Cheered On Insurrectionists As They Overran Capitol Police
“From the top of the Capitol office buildings, WE HEAR YOU LOUD AND CLEAR!” Valdez posted.
Dork. He' a seditionist as we all know.

Polls Show Support for Biden’s Executive Orders, as Progressives Push for More
Look, he's in the office, being President, working and not talking about himself 24/7/365.

McConnell Calls Greene’s Embrace Of ‘Loony’ Conspiracy Theories A ‘Cancer’ For GOP
Miracles occur in the strangest of places.

How Trump’s Four-Year Crusade To Rig The Census Fell Apart

'Pathetic' Kevin McCarthy torn to shreds by Morning Joe co-hosts: 'He's afraid of a back-bench congresswoman'
"Afraid" is the key word to describe the Republican Party right now.

Expert: Sarah Palin's case against the NYT is a landmine for the First Amendment
If the Constitution isn't living it's past time to make a new one. But, if it isn't living why has it been amended so many times? If it isn't living just who are we as a nation? Apparently, we have some fascists who want to destroy it so they can pillage and loot the country at will. Power is all these miscreants care about.

WATCH: The Lincoln Project blisters Kevin McCarthy for inciting insurrection by Trump supporters
Showing the fascist sychophant for what he is.

Canadian mail carriers suspended after refusing to deliver pro-Trump conspiracy theory newspaper
Ha! They should be awarded patriot medals. C'mon, man!

‘Aiding and abetting’: Anti-LGBTQ Beverly Hills salon owner indicted on 7 counts for role in Trump Capitol coup
Sweet! Wait, isn't this is Steven Tyler? Asking for a friend.

A Harvard professor argues the Trump mob's siege fits the Framers' 'paradigmatic case of treason'
Fits mine as well.

We Did Not “Lose” Loved Ones and Normal Life to COVID. They Were Stolen.
The worst possible person at the worst possible moment. The Peter Principal in its perfect definition.

With Greene ultimatum, Democrats force Republicans to decide whether they want to be the QAnon party
You WILL show the color of your trousers. If they are the color of Chickenshit Qanonsense you motherfuckers are stating you are fascist traitors declaring war on America. We WILL NOT HAVE YOU!

OOPS, Fox News! Chicago 'Parent' Attacking Teachers Is A Talk Show Host
Fox News "failed" to disclose Amy Jacobson's side gig as a radio talk show host while letting her slam teachers.
Company thug. Don't fuck with the Union. This will be a big mistake.

WV Gov Jim Justice Breaks With Manchin: Please 'Throw Away Money' On Covid Relief
The REPUBLICAN Governor of West Virginia tells Joe Manchin that the Covid crisis is so dire, that it doesn't make sense to be "fiscally responsible at this point in time."
Jim Justice, whom I have seen in action on other issues, is what a Republican used to be.

Bernie Sanders: Get The People What They Need, Stat!
Bipartisanship is great but not when it affects the American people negatively during the pandemic.
Get off your asses and get something done.

WATCH: The Lincoln Project blisters Kevin McCarthy for inciting insurrection by Trump supporters

Multiple Rioters Arrested in Capitol Insurrection Didn’t Even Vote in Election They Claimed Was Stolen
If you don’t vote you can’t complain, the saying goes. But apparently you can still participate in a violent insurrection to overthrow the election results.
And here I was taught that we had elections to avoid exactly this. What a sucker I have been.

How Trump Unleashed a Domestic Terrorism Movement—And What Experts Say Must Be Done to Defeat It

Spurred By The Capitol Riot, Thousands Of Republicans Drop Out Of GOP
Thanks, Marjorie. You're doing great things for the country.

Marjorie Taylor Greene is a menace and a traitor — and there's only one way to deal with her
"Any private employer would have fired Greene already."

Kevin McCarthy Is a Disaster
Have you ever read a poem called "The Snake"?

It’s Time to Demilitarize Our Democracy
The national security state has come to dominate our ostensibly “civilian” government.

Questions and Instructions for Men and Women in Uniform Regarding the Enemy Within

The COVID-19 Pandemic Can’t Be Managed, It Has to Be Eradicated
It doesn't help to have anti-vaxxers screwing it up for those of us who want a future. They have to be eradicated as well.

Exclusive: Dozens of former Bush officials leave Republican Party, calling it 'Trump cult'
Credit to them.

Josh Hawley: Treason weasel, sociopath, and asshole...a dangerous combination

White House allies secretly wrote the Texas lawsuit asking the Supreme Court to overturn Biden's win
Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, Lin Wood--the usual suspects in the line-up.
"...included "the vast majority of Republican attorneys general, whose dead-on-arrival Supreme Court lawsuit seeking to discard 20 million votes was secretly drafted by lawyers close to the White House."

77 Days: Trump’s Campaign to Subvert the Election
Hours after the United States voted, the president declared the election a fraud — a lie that unleashed a movement that would shatter democratic norms and upend the peaceful transfer of power.

If Marjorie Taylor Greene Isn’t Beyond the Pale, Who Is?
There’s still time for Republican leaders to reject Q.

David Hogg Lights Into Kevin McCarthy For Protecting Marjorie Taylor Greene
Hogg asks Jonathan Capehart, in what other job are you permitted to threaten to assassinate your boss and bring the gun to work to do it?
Only in jobs where everyone is a pissed-off Nazi and are craving attention and power to fuck over anyone that gets in their way.

Hogan Gidley Pleads With 'Woke' Businesses To Hire Trump Loyalists For Their 'Depth Of Knowledge'
Former White House staffer Hogan Gidley recently urged "woke" businesses to consider hiring former Trump administration officials for their "depth of knowledge" about governing.
Comedian Hogan Gidly offers contradiction: 'Trump Loyalists' and 'Depth Of Knowledge.' Good joke Hogie. ICUR12.

GOPers Stop Short Of Urging Greene To Resign Day After Her ‘GREAT Call’ With Trump
These miscreants know no shame. They embrace their insurrection.

New 'Treason Caucus' campaign targets Cruz, Hawley for role in deadly Capitol insurrection
Don't stop with them.

Anti-Vaxxers Won’t Stop Harassing Nurse They’re Convinced Is Dead
Are ALL you assholes on Acid? Try microdosing. That should help.

Political legend Pete McCloskey compares 'psychopath' Trump to Hitler -- and traces the GOP's demise to Newt Gingrich

Republicans Are No Longer a Political Party. They’re a Mob.

FBI probe of Capitol siege uncovers evidence that suggests riot was coordinated with national players
We will not have this from anyone who attacks our country.

‘Be ready to fight’: FBI probe of U.S. Capitol riot finds evidence detailing coordination of an assault
We will not have this from anyone who attacks our country.

GOP Sen. Portman Says Republicans Should ‘Stand Up’ and ‘Send a Message’ to Marjorie Taylor Greene
“I assume that is something they’re looking at and I wouldn’t be surprised if that happens,” Portman said when asked if Greene should be stripped of committee assignments.
Another thing would be to let voters know is that the government of the United States of America is not a television "reality" show where they get to place their bad actors to play a role to fulfill their fantasies. Responsibility is required.

Newt Gingrich faces furious backlash for saying Maxine Waters is 'part of lynch mob trying to destroy' Marjorie Taylor Greene
Right Newter, attack someone that's Black. Those people should know about lynching, shouldn't they, white man? Makes perfect sense from a fascist racist.

'I reject that': Sparks fly on ABC after GOP gov. defends Marjorie Taylor Greene as 'a little bit different'
Gov. Asa Hutchinson, I guess the questions then are: 1. As a supporter of terrorism, was she fit to be a candidate for office? 2. Are the people that elected her fit to vote since they support terrorism? 3. Are you fit to serve since you apparently support terrorism? I reject you and all the cowardly fascist bullshit you try to sell. Why? I'm 'a little bit different.'

Extremists Prompt Dodger Stadium Vaccine Site To Temporarily Shut Down
More domestic terrorists strike people getting vaccinated. How much of this disgusting shit do we have to take until we take care of the problem?

Trump loses all 5 impeachment lawyers -- legal experts don't know what happens next
He can defend himself. The fascists have already decided he's snow white innocent. Sedition is in style.

If You Have To Interview Delusional Trumpers, Ask Them Where They Get Their 'News'
Beltway publications like Politico and others love to send their reporters out across the country to interview these delusional Trumpers who are living in an alternate universe, but they never ask them about the source of the problem, which is who is feeding them the lies and disinformation that got them that way in the first place.
You can't talk to or reason with cancer cells either. They must be removed from the body by surgery or chemically destroyed. Otherwise, they kill you.

The GOP Is Rapidly Making Its Way to Embrace of the Insurrection
This. The end of America as we have known it is nearly upon us.

Saturday Night Live destroys Marjorie Taylor Greene in brutal cold open
"What Still Works." Look at yourself, America.

Demands for Marjorie Taylor Greene's removal grow: 'There must be consequences for her actions'
Does anyone face consequences for anything anymore? Doesn't seem like it to me with all the pardons being tossed out like party favors. Oh, I forgot all those Blacks and Browns that get sentenced to prisons to keep the prison staffs employed. Can't forget the economy.

White people from elsewhere invaded an NYC vaccine site meant to serve local Latinx residents
Racist lunacy in the United States.

CNN's Anderson Cooper chats with QAnon follower who believed the anchor 'ate babies'
Well, he was eating bullshit.

Freshmen Dems Lead Resolution to Censure Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Call for Her Resignation
"Congresswoman Greene should resign immediately to allow someone to fill her seat who believes in upholding the Constitution and the mission of this legislative body to serve all people, not harm them."
This should be very easily done if not for people that are just as dangerous as she is.

Don Lemon Goes Off on Marjorie Taylor Greene: ‘This Is Not Normal, This Is Some Racist BS’
The insane racist fascist Republican Party is nothing but bullshit exploiters. Morons elect morons. We are headed to a sorry ending if these Republican fascists aren't stopped or snap out of their delusion.
Yes, ignorance and stupidity is all this Greene Zombie is. She's already messed this country up.

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Controversies Are Piling Up. Republicans Are Quiet.
In a video from 2018, Ms. Greene falsely suggested that 9/11 was a hoax, President Barack Obama was a Muslim and the Clintons were guilty of murder.
This critter is stark, raving mad. How did America sink so low as to put mental defectives in office? The scary thing is that her party is as batshit nuts as she is.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Is a Danger to Muslim Members of Congress, Should Be Expelled

Marjorie Taylor Greene busted for liking tweet tying Israel to the Kennedy assassination
I recall when we used to get people like her committed to mental institutions for evaluation. Whatever happened to that?

'Cowboys for Trump' Capitol rioter isolated in jail for refusing COVID-19 test: report
Let the miscreant rot.

Two Members Of The Proud Boys Indicted For Conspiracy In Capitol Riot
Gang of seditious morons lose a couple to American law.

The GOP Has Nothing to Offer
... except division and lies.

Media Tries to "Both Sides" An Insurrection: No, Anger over the Capitol Riot Isn't "Partisan Rancor"
You're damn right it's not.

A Love Letter to Marjorie Taylor Greene

Terrorized Yet? If You Speak Out, You Probably Have Been. Or Will Be.

Human Rights Campaign calls for Marjorie Taylor Greene's removal from committees
Remove her.

Charlotte Observer Calls Cawthorn An 'Embarrassment'
That sounds just about right.
"he lied about the 2020 presidential election for Trump and helped cause a riot at The Capitol..."

Pastor Blames Ivanka For Gay Agenda Forcing God To Remove Trump
Scott Lively thinks the gays were supported by Ivanka Trump and her big city ways, and that's why God had to remove Donald Trump from office. Not making that up.
"Big city ways"? ROTFLMAO! "...they never blamed the snake." Even funnier.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Has Long Used Racism, Anti-Semitism to Get Famous
Mobs are her best friend.

Women arrested in connection with Capitol riots after looking for Nancy Pelosi 'to shoot her friggin’ brain’
Nazi morons have made it easier to get rid of them by documenting their crimes for everyone to see. Their lunacy is proving to be an asset for our country.

Republicans are no longer a political party — they’re a mob

Ohio GOP lawmakers propose 'President Donald J. Trump day' state holiday: report
Why not make state holidays for Mao, Adolph, Benito, Fidel, Bin Laden, and Vlad as well? They are as respectable as Dufus Don.
Keep an eye on Jon Cross and Reggie Stoltzfus. Who knows what other bullshit they'll throw at you.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez goes in hard on Ted Cruz and GOP: ‘you almost had me murdered’
"Republican Chip Roy called for Rep. Ocasio-Cortez to apologize to poor Cruz for maybe hurting the feelings Cruz sold to the devil decades ago."
Right, Chip. You are really a smart guy. Look at your sorry seditious ass in the mirror and you apologize to America.

‘Truly Unfathomable’: Gun-Obsessed GOPer Draws Disgust After Mocking Parkland Survivor
And I understand we will have a permanent fence and armed guards at our Capitol. This, all due to terrorists like this and their low-life associates. You will get what you're asking for. You are not men, you are devo.

Marjorie Taylor Greene has torn the mask off the GOP and exposed its true purpose
".. people like her can be trusted completely to piss on the graves of murdered children."
"The point of being a Republican is not accomplishing things for the greater good of the country. The point is creating conditions in which accomplishing things for the greater good is impossible."

'Complete circus': Lindsey Graham fears 'QAnon Shaman' testimony at Trump's impeachment trial
He wouldn't be any worse than the rest of your coward American Fascist Congress people.

Texas pastors keep referring to Kamala Harris as a 'Jezebel' -- even in their church sermons
Need more proof of these bitches being phoney conmen?
"Jezebel Harris, isn't that her name?" No, Pastor Racist Dickwad. Find another mark.

Biden’s Grand Opening

'Opportunist' Josh Hawley faces calls to resign from broad coalition of Missouri faith leaders
It's in your best interest, Josh.

Former Republican candidate arrested for voting twice in 2020 election
Rigged election, eh?

OOPS: Florida Gov Seeks $1B To Battle Rising Seas
Oh, dear. Dufus McDuffin is worried about climate change now?
Think of the grifting possibilites here.

Big Oil's Lies Are Finally Getting the Public Scrutiny They Deserve on Social Media
Tell it to Greg Abbott. He needs some scrutiny.

QAnon is just another word for Nazi, and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is making that very, very clear

'A world of denial': Conservative writer blasts GOP voters for being 'delusional'
'Delusional' is being kind.

GOP Lawmaker in AZ Wants Legislature to Have Authority to Toss Election Results
Why bother having elections at all, you fuckers?
Welcome to Hitler's Germany. Fuck Godwin.

After High 2020 Turnout, Georgia Republican Wants to Make Voter ID Laws Stricter
You will only be able to vote if your ID card lists you as Republican.

Put the Republican Party on the Domestic Terrorist Watch List
Uhh, that should read the America's Terrorist watch list.

Arizona Republicans have a plan to make it easier to steal a presidential election

QAnon Rep: RBG Had Been Replaced By Body Double
Greene is an android.

Dem Rep Is Moving Her Office After Maskless QAnon Rep And Staffers “Berated” Her In US Capitol Hallway

Jimmy Gomez Needs 70 Republicans To Expel Marjorie Taylor Greene
Gomez is introducing a resolution to expel the QAnon believer from the House, and said he and many of his colleagues are experiencing PTSD from the Capitol riot.
70? They're as nutty as she is.

Chris Hayes Breaks It To Fired Fox Employee Chris Stirewalt That Fox Lies
Hate to break it to you, Chris Stirewalt, but your former employer gave voice to Trump's lies every damn day. This seems like news to the former political director of Fox.

REVEALED: QAnon congresswoman endorsed violence just days before the election
Ol' Marge is gonna live in infamy.

At least five GOP lawmakers tied to extremist groups that stormed the Capitol

MSNBC's John Heilemann explains exactly why the GOP is embracing 'monster' Marjorie Taylor Greene
The party is moving to full Nazi mode. Their terrorism will get much worse. America will have to watch its back constantly now.

'Trump just used us and our fear': Ex-QAnon supporter explains why she stopped believing
Looks like somebody just woke up.

Mike Pence & 'Mother' Now Homeless, Couch-surfing In Indiana
After moving out of the Vice-President's home, Mike Pence literally had no place to go, such was his committment to Trump.
What? A Republican that doesn't own property? Lack of preparing for this moment seems to indicate he has no future in politics. He couldn't have found a place to rent, or even a hotel room? I mean frugal doesn't mean destitute.

GOP Leaders Privately Discussed QAnon Rep’s Risks To Party
And they thought she's good with them as she's exactly who they are.

Gaetz: GOP Conference Is A ‘Total Joke’ If McCarthy Doesn’t Hold Vote On Removing Cheney
Going after the woman. She's not the only one that said she'd vote against Trump.
How about removing your terrorists, you putz? Gaetz is a dork.

Seth Meyers Bashes GOP's 'Business Model': ‘Manufacturing Dumb Grievances’
The late-night host also called for breaking up big tech.
"It’s a party that is radicalized against democracy in favor of authoritarianism..."
Ever since I've known about the Republican Party they have always played the victim role.

Pelosi On Members’ Security Fears: ‘The Enemy Is Within The House Of Representatives’
Gun thugs can be handled one way. Hire a faster gun like Sid Hatfield.

Georgia Dems press Biden on $2,000 survival checks -- say promise was key to winning the Senate: report
Get it in gear, Joe.

Young Republicans to 'Re-Occupy Wall Street' with Zuccotti Park protest
Now they're talkin'. See how many you can get out on a ledge.

QAnon congresswoman believed California wildfires were started by a giant space laser
You stupid fool, it was that fire breathing dragon from "Game of Thrones."

Trump suppressed terrorism warnings to protect white supremacists: report
The world's greatest dipshit.

Weed withdrawal: More than half of people using medical cannabis for pain experience withdrawal symptoms
Yes, weed is relatively harmless. Do I think it's OK for everyone to use? Fuck, no. Some people have reactions wiping their butt with the wrong kind of toilet paper. A hangover is alcohol withdrawal. Are we a little reactionary today, Conversation?

Op-Ed: I called Arizona for Biden on Fox News. Here’s what I learned

Here are the arguments the GOP is using to normalize the attack on the Capitol
They are just being the fascists they have been and refuse to pretend otherwise.
Their Army of the Afterbirthers attacked our Capitol in the way they wanted. And we pretend we are not in a Civil War with them?

Biden starts rolling back Trump anti-abortion rules
Executive orders aim to put new administration's reproductive rights stamp on the global stage.
Take that Poland.

George Floyd "Narrated His Death," Says Attorney at International Inquiry
Testimony elicited at the hearings exposes two systems of justice—one for whites and one for Blacks.

The FCC Seeks to Hinder Female and Minority Broadcast Ownership for Policies Favoring Concentrated Corporate Ownership
The Supreme Court, hearing a challenge on Tuesday, should reject insufficient regulatory oversight.

Why are General Motors and JUUL helping finance Marjorie Taylor Green (R-Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs)?
The insanity that is poisoning the Republican Party of Fascists.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Posts Kitty Cat Bible Jesus Sh*t Too, Why Won't Media Talk About THAT?
"They're going to dig up anything they can to make me sound like a monster and a horrible person..."
That will be simple since that's exactly what she looks like. She could just stop looking like a monster.

At Least 30,000 GOP Voters Have Left the Party Since the Capitol Breach
There will be many more.

The GOP is self-policing ... further to the right
The end of the GOP is in sight. The beginning of the Fascist Party is at hand.

You'll Never Guess Who Says She's Running For Office Now
Then there is the new Creeps Party. QAnonsensers will flock there.

Man Charged For Pipe Bombs Who Itched For ‘War’ Was Just A Big Trump Fan, Lawyer Says
How's he liking his war so far?
But Rogers’ lawyer says he’s simply an “enthusiastic follower of the President.”
“I guess that used to make him a patriot and now that makes him a terrorist,” defense attorney Jess Raphael told local station KGO.
Jess, it sure as hell does when his president supports seditionists like him and his pals who attacked our Capitol.

Georgia Republicans Are Already Trying to Restack the Deck by Restricting Absentee Voting
Voter suppression in America is led by the Fascist Party.

Conservative attorney tears apart bogus GOP arguments against Trump’s impeachment trial
The fascist supporters of sedition will not give a damn about any bogus arguments. They have made their beds.

The Electoral College Is Racist. Here’s How to Kill It Without a Constitutional Amendment.
The case for finally doing away with the electoral college.
As stated here on "The Land," we haven't been 13 colonies in some time. This relic must end NOW!
The Senate is the land where progress dies. Why is that?

David Hogg Blasts Kevin McCarthy Over Marjorie Taylor Greene: ‘Actually Call it Out and Hold Her Accountable’
“If you say, this is not your party, actually call it out and hold her accountable because Republicans always act as if they’re the party of decency and respect.” he continued. “But would the party of decency and respect question whether or not school shootings happened?”
You mean the dude that kisses the Don's ring? Don't be so sure.

The Head May Be Gone But The Snake is Still Alive

Dem Rep. To Introduce Resolution To Expel GOPer Who Endorsed Violence Against Pelosi, Obama
It's a good start but don't stop with her.

Texas Republican with sketchy past files secession bill to protest Trump election loss
You do that. The United States will then invade your "country" and occupy it for years while reconstructing it.

AOC rips Republicans for embracing violence and racism
"We really, really need to ask ourselves what they are evolving into, because this is no longer a party of limited government. This is about something much more nefarious."
This is who they are and they don't mind showing that's who they are.

Nicolle Wallace unleashes on Republicans for supporting domestic terrorism and refusing to protect America

Trump’s impeachment is unlikely to result in a conviction. But it may increase his chances of being criminally prosecuted
Somebody better get it done.

Trump to meet with McCarthy in Florida on Thursday
What's the seditionist meeting with the seditionist all about? Talk about some shady shit. Two crooks walking free, America. Kissing his ring. The mob boss is the head of the party!

Parkland Dad Calls Out QAnon Quack Congresswoman
Fred Guttenberg, whose daughter died in the Parkland shooting, calls out Marjorie Taylor Greene, who harrassed David Hogg on video in 2018.
She's the biggest chickenshit next to Trump.
Guess what she'd get if she were stalking someone that's not a kid, flapping her jaw like that? So tough, harrasing a kid like that.
She is the shame and disgrace of our country.
"My God what’s it going to take?" You know damn well what it's going to take.

Rand Paul Claims Dem's Healthcare Protests Incited Violence
Not making this up.
Rand doesn't know feces from applebutter.

As The Republican Party Dances Around Violence, Historians See Echoes Of The 19th Century
At least that distant from the 21st century. Supreme mental defectives. Especially that Greene Zombie.

Kevin McCarthy says he'll have a 'conversation' with Marjorie Taylor Greene over support for killing Dems
What's he gonna do, make certain it will to kill as many as possible?
The conversation should be "You're fired!"

Neighbors stunned after ‘old guy next door’ turns out to be Trump rioter who brought Molotov cocktails to DC
Another one bites the dust.

Trump impeachment after leaving office is nothing – in 9th-century Rome they put a pope's corpse on trial
Yeah, Trump does stink like a corpse.

Poland to implement near-total ban on abortion
Makes me think of all the dumb Polish jokes. I guess they all have some truth at the root.
Fascism at work in Poland.

Trump's horror show isn't nearly over: The coup wasn't defeated, only slowed down
Trump is both a symptom and a cause of America's terrible ailment. Whether or not he returns, the disease is real
Mental defectives in the U.S. are out to destroy us. It seems they cannot be stopped.

The GOP Just Can't Quit Trump — 45 Senators Vote Not To Hold Impeachment Trial
On Deadline White House, reporter Garrett Haake likened Republicans' devotion to Trump like that of a toxic break-up. Only, the break-up hasn't happened, has it?
Let me get this straight. The Republicans said, "Oh, dear, we don't have enough time to get the trial done before we have to disburse. We'll do it when we reconvene in a week." Then when reconvening they said "Oh, dear, we just can't try a former president, can we. Even though he's a seditious criminal that did his best to destroy our form of government and keep himself in perpetual power." Trump's coming out of this lookng like he did exactly that due to the complicity of these seditious motherfuckers that now support the Civil War against our country that was started by their criminal leader. This is, clearly, obstruction of justice. They are the worst of enemies of America. All should stand before a court and stripped of any inkling of power they have by any means necessary if we are to have a future. They have made a mockery of America and must pay for it. America, these people are cowards and conspirators in sedition.

'You stole a Supreme Court seat': Critics slam McConnell threat to sabotage Senate if Dems target filibuster
Fascism must be defeated or we can kiss the country goodbye. Get rid of them.

Tucker Carlson completely loses it over the idea that the FBI should target white nationalist terrorists
That's because he's one of them.

'Verbally violent' Trump supporters have been swarming Palm Beach ever since his loss — and locals are worried
This is what it's like at the brink.

'Crazy has started to metastasize at every single level in the GOP': Ex-Republican Congressman
No one saw this coming, right?

GOP can’t move on from Trump because his loss made him more popular than ever with ‘crackpot base’
Or this? Say, goodnight, America.

Cruz Thinks It’s ‘Time To Move On’ From Deadly Insurrection He Enabled
Of course he does. Most crooks want people to forget they are criminals and continue to obstruct justice.

DOJ: Anti-Vax Wisconsin Pharmacist To Plead Guilty For Wrecking Hundreds Of Doses, Faces Ten Years In Prison
Ten years and never darken a pharmacy door again.

Proud Boys Unanimously Designated White Supremacist Terrorist Group by Canadian Lawmakers
Exactly what they are.

Palm Beach Conducting ‘Legal Review’ Of Trump’s Use Of Mar-A-Lago As A Residence
On Wednesday, the former president will again violate the seven-consecutive-day limit he agreed to as a condition of turning the residence into a club.
The grifter keeps grifting.

Patriotic Millionaires Praise the Raise the Wage Act as "An Incredible Long-Term Economic Stimulus"
"With businesses closing left and right because they don't have enough customers, we can't afford not to raise wages right now."
Then plan on closing more of them. Because we've been told that even if we're vaccinated we must continue the same protocols. If we refuse to get vaccinated more mutations of the virus will occur. More mutations make the vaccines weaker and there will be no herd immunity attained. Where's our future with that? Pretty far away.

Yes, the Anti-Vaxxers Are Coming for the Coronavirus Vaccines
Just another brick in the wall.

'We Need to Continue to Fight': Federal Judge Blocks Biden's 100-Day Freeze on Deportations
"Judge Tipton's decision to block the nationwide deportation moratorium will be remembered as one of the last gasps of the Trump administration's racist, xenophobic legacy."

Progressive Christians Want To Tell Graham, ‘You’re Fired!’
Tell him, already.

GOP Operatives Send Clear Signals about the next Attack on Democracy
You mean the one they are staging in Congress right now?

It's Time to Treat Republican Officials like Children
It far past time.

The 'Republican Party is imploding before our very eyes': Analyst says McConnell is digging his own grave
We can only hope so.

'We are armed and nearby your house': Ex-sheriff's sergeant arrested after threatening congressman's family
Another one bites the dust.

Arizona state Republicans in Washington during Capitol invasion refuse to turn over phone records: report
America is surrounded by cheap punk assassins.

Most Republicans Vote That Impeachment Trial Is Unconstitutional, Signaling Likely Acquittal
The chickenshit answer from the fascist traitors. The DOJ must take this on and charge Trump and everyone of his henchpeople in the Senate. All are seditionists and traitors. Trump started this Civil War and they know it. They must all be stopped for good. Otherwise there is no longer a USA. You know it, I know it, the American people know it. Even the fucking morons know it.

Watch: Dr. Fauci takes down Fox News host who accuses him of 'aggressiveness' toward Trump
Another dimwit acting as a news person.

'Whacko' Nikki Haley blasted as 'terrorist sympathizer' for claiming 'no basis for impeachment’
There is no basis for her.

Republicans are too afraid of the mob they created to vote their conscience on impeachment: Senator

Marjorie Taylor Greene voiced support for executing Democrats before she went to Congress: report
These batshit crazy morons think they are the only ones that know how to utilize weapons.

Susan Collins and Tim Kaine are working to convince colleagues to censure Trump instead of ban from office: report
A little smack on the hand? Both of you people need to find meaningful employment.

After delaying Trump impeachment trial, all but 5 GOP senators vote in favor of saying now it's too late
The chickenshits. All are guilty of conspiracy to treason. The 5 are stand-up Americans. History will remember the traitors.

Biden promised "no malarkey" — he can start by ignoring McConnell and nuking the filibuster
There is nothing unifying about telling the majority who backed Biden that they'll get nothing for all their effort
We live in a state of denial. We are living in the last days of the United States as we once dreamed it might be.

Virginia "Trump in heels" candidate says Capitol attack was justified — because of COVID rules
Amanda Chase says Capitol rioters were tired of being told "what we can and cannot do in the form of mandates"
And I'm more than just a little fucking tired of Nazis like you!
Because, according to you and your fellow morons, anyone can take the law into their hands and remove Amanda Chase by any means necessary.

Dem Senator 'Not Open To Changing Her Mind' On Killing Filibuster
Senator Kyrsten Sinema endorses an anti-constitutional racist relic instead of realizing her own power.
A relic of the Land of the Happy Negro. DINOs.

Two new investigations open into Department of Justice complicity with Trump's election plots
Going after the World's Most Wanted.

Trump-loving priest ousted after performing exorcisms aimed at overturning election results
I didn't know the exorcist did election reversals.

GOP is 'dooming' itself to 'minority status' by clinging to Trump: Republican operative
The world will be a better place for it.

Across the country, state Republicans are scrambling to enact new restrictions on voting
Fascists continue their voter suppression.

As House Sends Impeachment Article, Schumer and McConnell Told to 'Remove Seditious Senators' From Trump Trial
"Senators who supported Trump's insurrection cannot also be his judges," argues MoveOn's Rahna Epting.
They should be on trial as well.

Trump's second impeachment trial launches with questions over witnesses
Democrats are split on whether to hear new testimony on a deadly riot they lived through.

This Video Should Convict Trump And End The GOP
Just Security put together a video compilation of events from January 6th and gathered reactions from prominent Justice Department officials. The verdict was clear.

SCOTUS Lets Trump Get Away With Emoluments
Now that he's not president anymore, Trump gets to keep the money he gained unconstitutionally from his hotel properties. Buying the court was worth it for Republicans.
The United States is the laughing stock of the planet.

The Capitol Mob Was Only The Finale Of Trump’s Conspiracy To Overturn The Election
Trump's incitement of the Jan. 6 riot, which is now the subject of an impeachment trial, was just one part of his scheme to subvert democracy.

First Trump impeachment lawyer flattens John Cornyn lie about presiding judge
The gutters await.

Capitol insurrectionist apologizes to AOC saying he was just ‘following the instructions of’ Trump
Oh, really? And there's no proof Trump ever had anything to do with this? ROTFFLMFALO!!!!!

White House press secretary shuts down Fox News' bogus attack on Biden
Shoving balls down Peter Doochey's throat.

Republicans have put themselves on trial for complicity in 'future sedition': Conservative columnist

Condemning Insurrectionists Is Easy, But If Corporate America Cared About Democracy It Would Support the 'For the People Act'
If they were actually committed to democracy, CEOs of big corporations would permanently cease corporate donations to all candidates.

Republican Chris Christie Has Had It With His Party's 'Election Fraud' BS
Rand Paul pushed the big lie over "election fraud" this weekend. Still. And Chris Christie called that shameful.

Kill The Filibuster And Save The World

All that stands between what Americans want and what congress delivers is an absurd rule
Because these fascist creatures are absurd monsters. Their bullshit has to stop or we are doomed as a nation.

Neo-Nazis recruiting ‘naive’ QAnon cultists pushed off mainstream social media sites
Humanity continues to break down.

'Never seen a legal filing like this': Trump supporters' latest election fraud suit stuns reporter
When we make a mockery of the law we are destroying ourselves, our culture, our future and our very existence. These mentally deficient miscreants are a cancer on humanity.

The Senate Trial Will Test Whether Republicans Care Even About Themselves
The whole American government is premised on the idea that politicians will act in their own interests. A Senate that won’t protect itself from attack can’t protect the country.

Are We Witnessing the Emergence of a New ‘Lost Cause’?
Just as after the Civil War, desperate attempts to preserve white supremacy are being camouflaged as a valorous fight for a noble end.
The Land of the Happy Negro certainly hopes it can maintain its bullshit machine.

The Justice System Is Going Too Easy on the White Insurrectionists
The Biden administration will be judged by how seriously it prosecutes the white supremacists who tried to overturn the election.
If they aren't brought to justice they will be back for more sedition. Take it to the bank.

‘Treasonous’ Patriots? Defunct Exceptionalism? Inverse MAGA? The Right Smash-mouths Its Own Perfidy

Texas universities promised action after summer’s racial reckoning. But they're still reluctant to shed Confederate relics.
Students of color said they feel most of their calls to eliminate racist symbols from campuses have been ignored or intentionally mired in lengthy, bureaucratic processes intended to delay answers to difficult questions.
Land of the Happy Negro admits they promised to take action on their racist past but never said when they would actually accomplish it.

Internet and phone services in rural Texas threatened as state slashes subsidies for providers
A state fund that subsidizes rural network service is bleeding money. Now the state is drastically cutting the amount of money that it typically pays out to these service providers.
And rural people are the ones who are pissed about getting fucked by their government? They must love this "help" from their heroes.

Nixon Impeachment Witness: Cruz and Hawley Should Have No Part in Trump Trial

Kevin McCarthy: Who Among Us DIDN'T Help Incite The Capitol Attack?
"This is bullshit abuser rhetoric. Eighty-one million Americans forced the MAGA mob to attack Congress because we rejected their mad king."
McCarthy is so full of shit it's running out of his ears. He is an enabler and is guilty as sin.

Josh Hawley Defended Mark Fuhrman After OJ Trial And Militia Members After Oklahoma City Bombing
Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) exhibited "warning signs" of an extremist sympathizer long before he sided with a mob of people who set out to attack the U.S. Capitol, according to a recent report.
If this man isn't removed from office the United States can no longer pretend they are exceptional at anything resembling truth, justice or honor.

Fox Gets Called Out On The Air For Promoting Trump's Big Lie About Election Fraud
During a discussion on Fox's Media Buzz about Katie Couric's saying Trump supporters need to be "deprogrammed," Euronews' Ray Suarez shared a rare dose of reality about the network's own culpability in promoting the Big Lie.
They still support the Big Lie. They are incapable of recognizing moral terpitude. You have to understand shame to confront any moral crisis. The fascists have none.

'Man, This Is Why Joe Biden Won': Amy Klobuchar Reacts To Rand Paul's Election Meltdown
Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) said that she listened in disbelief on Sunday as Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) became incensed after he was put in the position of defending President Donald Trump's election lies.
There are two sides: right and wrong. Sometimes there is only one side: the truth. That's something these Trump fascists never come anywhere near.

Morning Digest: Three pro-impeachment Republicans have landed primary challenges—and more could soon
Proof of the previous statement: These fascists never come anywhere near the truth. They avoid it like the plague and are as toxic as Covid-19. They may as well be defending cancer.

Susan Collins worries $1,400 survival checks not 'targeted' enough after supporting $1.5 trillion in tax cuts for the rich
Good God, don't let people who are living hand to mouth due to your fucking failures have any help, you two-faced motherfuckers.

‘Argument Of Convenience’: Experts Dismiss GOP’s New Claim That Trump’s Impeachment Is Unconstitutional
Constitutional scholars of all stripes are dismissing that argument.
The fascists continue to defend their own sedition.

Beware the Insurrection Whataboutists
Bogus claims that Trump’s Capitol mob attack was no different from past “liberal” violence.
Bullshitters wielding manure spreaders.

Texas GOP defends ‘We are the Storm’ slogan as critics decry QAnon link
Photo is of a farter. They mean "We are a fart in your general direction."

US police weigh officer discipline after rally, Capitol riot
AP review finds 31 police officers in 12 states are being investigated or have been charged in connection with the U.S. Capitol riot.

CNN Reporter Forces Freshman GOP Rep To Admit There Was No Election Fraud
Wingnut freshman GOP Rep. Madison Cawthorn, who voted to overturn the election results, was forced to finally admit that the election was not fraudulent during a lengthy interview on CNN this Saturday.
You mean he admitted he knew it was all along but wanted to be a contentious asshole.

'You're Saying We're All Liars': Rand Paul Has A Fit On ABC After He's Asked About Election 'Lies'
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) became annoyed with an ABC host on Sunday over the suggestion that former President Donald Trump's defenders are all "liars" about the results of the 2020 election.
Are you defeding Trump, Rand? Then wear the shoe.

Marco Rubio On Impeachment: 'The President Bears Responsibility' But 'The Trial Is Stupid'
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) on Sunday said that he will attempt to end former President Donald Trump's Senate impeachment trial because it is "stupid."
Because we wouldn't want to confirm his responsibility by taking any punitive action? Now, that's really stupid, Marco.

'Nonstarter': Joe Biden's $1.9 Trillion Stimulus Plan Opposed by Senate Republicans
Yep, they are just that mean and a disgrace to the country. God forbid they have to sacrifice for America. Greedy, mean bullshit artists just like their hero.

John Dean: Insurrectionist senators are co-conspirators and should not sit in judgment of Trump
They aren't fit to judge anything.

Betsy DeVos was terrible at her job and knew nothing about public schools. That was exactly what the far right wanted
Keep 'em dumb as they are so they'll be dumb enough to buy their bullshit.

Dallas man charged for death threat against AOC after his social media 'incriminates' him in Capitol attack
Dumb and pround of it, see.

GOP congressman deletes tweet saying he met with 'Stop the Steal' and told them to 'keep fighting'
Delete and it never happened, right Peter...can I call you Dick?

Cindy McCain belittles the Arizona GOP after receiving official censure
Arizona fascists prove that's what they are. Censured for criticizing Trump? Trash heap.

Trump 'tarred and feathered himself': Historians reflect on the reality-TV star's legacy in office
And this is the same legacy of the facsists in the Republican gang.

Nance: Trump’s White Supremacist Cult ‘To Become More Dangerous’
Donald Trump may be out of office but his cult of violent white supremacists lives on and will “quite possibly” become a “terrorist insurgency,” Malcolm Nance predicts. And white women will play a pivotal role.
They can be anyone, anywhere. Even someone coming to your home to give you physcial therapy.

Senate Republicans Try To Hold Lady Justice Hostage
Republicans are trying to hold Justice hostage, saying that Democrats have to choose between approval of Biden's cabinet picks or holding Trump accountable.
Johnson is still walking the streets? So much for American justice. It will remain a joke as long as he has any power beyond cleaning toilets.
How about you stop defending traitors you lickspittle!
Ghastly is bitching? Get on a ventilator.

FBN's Lou Dobbs Tries To Pin MAGA Sedition Riot On Schumer And Pelosi
Trump licksphincter and Fox Business host Lou Dobbs is desperate to pin the MAGA sedition riot that took place at the capitol on January 6th on anyone and everyone other than Dear Leader.
Fascist leader is so pissed they got caught in the act.

WaPo: DOJ And FBI Debating Whether Or Not To Charge Some Capitol Rioters
Weak-kneed America. I can imaging these folks in charge now being in place after Pearl Harbor.
These people have already forgotten what happened. The fascists appear to be in charge. Forget about a future here.

Trump focus group voters agree: Trump should never serve as an elected official again
Tell it to McCarthy, Johnson, Hawley, Cruz, Grassley, McConnell and the rest of the fascists.

Jim Carrey bids adieu to ‘worst first lady’ Melania Trump with brutal portrait Jim Carrey bids adieu to ‘worst first lady’ Melania Trump with brutal portrait
No, the witch isn't dead and neither are the Zombies. Just like in the movies they are very difficult to kill because they are the undead.

Calls for 'secret ballot' for Trump's impeachment trial -- to 'protect' GOP senators from violence
And these are the brave hearts who carry guns into the Congress. What a bunch of fucking chickenshits.

Dear Mr. President: You inspired us — but "unity" with Republicans and Trumpists is a trap
Joe Biden's inaugural address was soaring, Lincoln-esque oratory — but his vision of national unity is dangerous
Most people know that already. All you have to do is look at the fascist traitors in Congress.

QAnon Rep Files Bills To Overturn Biden Orders On Face Masks, World Health Organization, Paris Climate Accord
These mindless idiots just have to keep showing how fucked up they are. Use her bills for ass wipes. Why in Hell is this moron punk still being allowed to stir turds?

WATCH: Bill Maher Says Trump’s Patriot Party Sounds a Lot Like Hitler’s Brown Shirts
What else? Nazis do exist and they will follow a dickhead like Trump.

35 House Democrats Join Reps. Bush and Pressley in Calling on Biden to End Federal Executions for Good

White supremacists are building international networks to spread their violent ideology
So, Republicans, these people do exist it appears.

Republicans Have Decided Not to Rethink Anything
Another thing they are not good at — thinking.

Starting Monday, Republican Senators Will Have to Face the Fact That Trump Tried to Get Them Killed
These creeps are not good at facing facts either.

It Didn't Take Long for the Shitwagon Buzzards to Circle

Biden White House Outlines Anti-Domestic Extremism Strategy

Conservatives are accidentally telling on themselves with their new complaint about Biden
Let's get this straight. He was talking about Trump and his toxic lies, tribalism and white supremecy. And a lot of people out there who supported Trump and his policies do agree with much of those ideas. They are not invisible. They are on media every day with their whining about it. Stop bullshitting. As a man who grew up in a conservative family you cannot bullshit me about this. I witnessed it firsthand. I decided it wasn't a fit way to live and left it. Apparently, all of you are still in denial. Racists are always in denial. Think of it — always.

Bill Maher goes after Lauren Boebert and QAnon Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene on 'Real Time'
Douchebags is putting it mildly.

More evidence emerges that it wasn’t an “intelligence failure”

GOP Rep Tries To Bring A Gun To House Floor
Rep. Andy Harris (R-Md) tried to smuggle a handgun onto the floor of the House of Representatives.
So, he's not the only one that's armed? What does this say about our country? The fascist terrorists have us all spooked. Time to put a stop to all of them.

Trump and Justice Dept. Lawyer Said to Have Plotted to Oust Acting Attorney General
Trying to find another avenue to push his baseless election claims, Donald Trump considered installing a loyalist, and had the men make their cases to him.
Trump tried it more than once! Yet another coup attempt. This one should put his ass in stir forever.

A Majority Of House GOPers Want To Oust Cheney From Leadership After Impeachment Vote
Then they should all resign. Treasonous assholes.

TX Supreme Court rejects Alex Jones' request to throw out defamation lawsuit filed by Sandy Hook parents

Second Miami bank severs ties with Donald Trump — 4 banks are now shunning him: report
The snakes are coming home to the snake pit.

A President’s Language Should Be As Inclusive As Possible

'Keep your nose out of our business': Ted Cruz's attack on the Paris climate deal backfires spectacularly
Cruz needs to resign. He is a total shame and disgrace.

A National Review writer skewers Trump for leaving the GOP in ruins: 'Even his judges think he's a joke'

Report reveals Republicans are quietly lobbying GOP Senators to convict and banish Trump
Never again.

Inside the Sick, Twisted Mind of a Neo-Nazi Trumper

Many Americans Tend To Ditch Masks While Socializing, According To New Study
The exceptionalism of dimwits.

Hawley Shamelessly Accuses Dems Of Trying To ‘Silence Dissent’ After His Anti-Democratic Gambit
Why is this twerp allowed to open his mouth about a damn thing?

Pelosi to transmit Impeachment Article to Senate Monday – triggering trial of Trump to start next week

'Basically Trying to Overturn the Senate Election': McConnell Delaying Democratic Takeover in Effort to Preserve Filibuster
"McConnell is already abusing the filibuster to block the constitution of the new majority. Nuking the filibuster is the appropriate response."
A dick is always a dick.

Schumer Urged to Deny Committee Seats to Hawley, Cruz, and Other Republicans Who 'Incited Deadly Insurrection'
Republicans who attempted to overturn the 2020 election, said MoveOn, "have no place in the U.S. Senate and most certainly should not be rewarded for their deadly attacks on democracy."
Most certainly should be looking for work.

Like ‘clockwork,’ the GOP’s hypocritical ‘budget hawks’ are back with a vengeance: columnist
Two-faced fascists love running up the deficit when they are in power but it's a no-no when they get out.

Fauci: Trump's coronavirus lies 'very likely' cost lives

Capitol Police Investigating Report That GOP Rep. Tried To Bring Gun To House Floor
Book 'em, Dano.

'A big deal': Democrats reintroduce Constitutional amendment to overturn one of the Supreme Court's most damaging rulings
The Citizens United ruling is one of the worst in our history. It needs to be thrown into the trash.

Fox News, OANN, And Newsmax Incite Domestic Terrorism
Fox News, OANN and Newsmax need to be held to account for spreading The Big Lie about the 2020 election, and for the network's ongoing role in spreading outright lies as truth. For America to heal, there must be oversight of media that violate minimal standards of impartiality and accuracy.
"We can agree or disagree on topics, but there must be a shared set of FACTS."
Tucks, did you not get the results you expected from the assault on our Capitol?

'It’s over and nothing makes sense: QAnon believers struggle to cope with Biden inauguration
They made their bed, now that bed has collapsed as with all who believe in myths and conspiracy bullshit.

Lawyer for 'QAnon Shaman' says he feels 'duped' by Trump after not getting a pardon
Such a shame. There go the horns and tails.

Texas lawyer fired after Capitol riot files bizarre lawsuit asking for Congress to be dissolved
Why don't you try levitation? You stand a better chance. Texas...of course.

QAnon followers targeted with new bill barring them from getting security clearances: report

The long-overdue end of the 'serious' conservative

Wyoming GOP Chair Floats Secession Proposal
Frank Eathorne, the chair of the Wyoming Republican Party, floated the idea of secession before backtracking quickly.
Anyone who thinks of secession must have a very large military force they can rely on to defend the occupation their state will experience when the federal troops move in on them.

Trump's children and former staffers to get Secret Service protection at taxpayers' expense: report
The ex-president's order of Secret Service protection for his adult children and top loyalists will cost millions
Do we have to keep paying for it after they go to prison?

Seth Rogen Levels Ted Cruz On Twitter: ‘Get F*cked Fascist’
"Haha get f*cked fascist. Go encourage a white supremacist insurrection again you f*cking clown," Rogen shot back at Cruz.
Dear Dumbass: The Paris Accord has nothing to do with Paris. That's where it was signed, Dimwit. When you can't breathe anymore it won't matter to any city.
In case you don't know, a proud union member manages this Web site and is talking to you. And, yes fuck you, is correct.

The Fight for the Future of the Borderlands
Under a Biden administration, what will become of Trump’s partially constructed border wall — and the communities and ecosystems that live around it?

State Legislatures Make “Unprecedented” Push on Anti-Protest Bills
Since the day of the Capitol insurrection, nearly a fifth of states moved bills that would crack down on protests.
The Nazis are already trying to kill our Constitution.

Is There a Free Speech Defense to an Impeachment?
"But if the Senate finds that the president has committed a high crime and misdemeanor, the fact that his actions might be covered by the First Amendment is not a defense that should prevent his impeachment and removal. When “but my free speech” is the last line of defense against conviction in an impeachment trial, conviction should be assured."

The anticipated violence at Biden's inauguration never happened — thank Trump's Twitter ban
Trump's incitement was crucial whipping right-wing mobs to violence. Muting him helped settle them down
Praise be to peace everlasting.

NY AG is closing in on Trump — and his tax lawyers just quit: report
Get your request in for a comfortable cell now, Donnie.

Baseball Hall of Fame voters ask to rescind votes for Curt Schilling after he applauds Capitol insurrection
These "HOF" churches we worship so much are turning into false institutions.

QAnon congresswoman hasn't filed Biden impeachment articles because 'she thought it would be easier': report
What's going on here? There were early reports that she had filed them. Who is bullshitting who?
People need to stop getting their "news" from Twitter and Facebook and maybe even Raw Story.
Stop reporting BULLSHIT!

Women would live with both Trump and Epstein — at the same time: report
This is disturbing. Why would a woman with a brain want to do this?

COVID Death Toll Expected To Hit 500k Next Month, Biden Says
And with a "vaccine" that will do little to actually kill it, half of the U.S. may be sick or dead by the end of 2021.
How do we get an economy back with protocols of social distancing in place for the next year or beyond?

Tucker Carlson Wants To Know What A 'White Supremacist' Is
Why does the mention of "white supremacists" rankle conservatives so? Too close to home?
Got a mirror handy, Tucks?

Qanon Cultists Wonder Where It All Went Wrong
Rabid QAnon cultists were feeling quite disillusioned at the sight of the actual peaceful and successful completion of a Biden/Harris inauguration. They were hoping for blood in the streets.
What went wrong? They did.

The Nationwide Pro-Trump Inauguration Protests Were Pathetic
States braced for the worst after warnings came out regarding armed protests nationwide, but virtually no one showed up at all.
C'mon folks, let's try to get along after all the bullshit that's been fed to us.

Fearing consequences for deaths and sedition, Republicans are now mewing about 'unity'

The US Is Back in the Paris Agreement, But More Is Needed to Stave Off Disaster
We have no choice. Get with it or say goodbye to the future. It won't be what it used to be.

Here's the extortionist trick the GOP is already using to undermine Biden
A dick is always a dick.

Chomsky and Prashad: Why we need a tribunal on governments' crimes against humanity during COVID

Trump Failed. And So Did Trumpism.
He has left office with no positive achievements on his core policy agenda—immigration and trade—or much else besides.

Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley facing ‘expulsion or censure’ after Ethics complaint filed: report
It won't be more than censured. It's too much of a dream to get expulsion, isn't it?

Judge rules against Parler — says their claims are ‘inaccurate and unsupported’

Great Day in the Mornin'
"So suck up as much of the joy as you can. We're going to need it. We've got work to do, and we''d better not screw this up.
Not to mention the Army of the Afterbirthers lurking to fuck it all up.

Can the Biden Administration Lead a Revolution to Avert Catastrophic Climate Change?
There is no choice. He must. We must.

Biden and Workers: A Good Start

McCarthy Falsely Denies Voting To Overturn Election Results
Another big fat liar.

Why Are Conservatives So Angry Biden Denounced White Supremacy?
That's who they are. He's denouncing them. What else?
"None of these right-wingers self-identify as racist or white supremacist." None? That's a very small number. Sez who?
We call this swimming the river in Egypt. Where all you get is all wet.

Biden-won counties are home to 67 million more Americans than Trump-won counties
Not much surprise here -- the largest populated areas where the educated live and work.
Small metro areas and Non-metro areas are the outback of America.

Biden Comes Out Swinging With Flood Of Actions Reshaping Fed Role In COVID Response
A plan? He has a plan? How novel.

‘Worse Than We Imagined’: Team Trump Left Biden a COVID Nightmare

Lindsey Graham Uses Inauguration As Opportunity To Trash Hunter Biden
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) on Wednesday used an interview about Joe Biden's inauguration to launch an attack on the new president's son, Hunter Biden.
Some people will always be dickheads. Thanks for the mess you've handed us.

McConnell's obstruction of Biden's agenda has already begun
You expected the old dog to stop farting?

US Army falsely denied Flynn's brother was part of military response amid US Capitol riots: report
Something fishy around here? Pretty stinky.

Trump’s NSA pick Michael Ellis placed on administration leave as DOD inspector general probes appointment
Getting the rats out of our house.

Newly-elected GOP members deny giving 'reconnaissance' tours before Capitol attack. So who did?
Getting the rats out of our house, continued.

Trump supporters can’t decide whether they want to be insurrectionists or victims now that presidency’s over
Please. We know they will continue to be both.

OAN rushes to scrub conspiracy articles about Dominion voting machines from its website
Snake oil news peddler tries to cover tracks.

Fox Chris Wallace: 'Best Inaugural Address I Ever Heard'
Wallace has been listening to these inaugural address since 1961.

The US will rejoin the Paris climate change agreement
President Joe Biden started the process with his third executive order.
Good move, now let's get some action going on it.

Under Pressure From Workers, Biden Requests Resignation of 'Extreme, Anti-Union' Labor Board Lawyer
"Today is a good day," declared the SEIU, which had called on the president to immediately fire NLRB General Counsel Peter Robb.
Good move.

Fox News actually gets upset over Biden's denouncing white supremacy – because it might offend Trump voters
The bootlickers are still at it. White supremecy can go to Hell and so can Faux News.

Noon, January 20, 2021

Biden Just Deleted The Stupid Ahistorical Bullsh*ts Of T---p's '1776 Commission Report'
Sorry, Land of the Happy Negro. It just isn't going to redeem your sad ass.

President Biden To Relieved Nation: Democracy Has Prevailed

Biden Sworn In As 46th President Of United States

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